Science Communication Workshop offered by Polar Interdsciplinary Coordinated Education (Polar ICE)

Session ID#: 36415

Session Description:
What does the pubic need to know about the Polar Regions to be science literate?  What skills can we build as scientists to help communicate the importance of Polar ecosystems?  Polar scientists are invited to attend this one day workshop discussing effective techniques for science communication with science communication experts Ari Daniel, a digital producer at PBS NOVA and independent science reporter, and Dr. Joan Middendorf, of the Center for Innovative Teaching & Learning at Indiana University.  The workshop goal is to identify and explore the big ideas we want the public to know and understand about the Polar Regions and use them to construct more effective Broader Impact projects that engage the public in learning about Polar Regions. Registration for the workshop is required.
Submitter:  Janice D McDonnell, Rutgers University New Brunswick, Department of Youth Development, New Brunswick, NJ, United States
Onsite Contact:  Liesl A Hotaling, Eidos Education/Marine Technology Society, Highlands, NJ, United States

Abstracts Submitted to this Session:

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