Satellite & In Situ Salinity (SISS) Working Group: Understanding Stratification and Sub-Footprint Processes
Satellite & In Situ Salinity (SISS) Working Group: Understanding Stratification and Sub-Footprint Processes
Session ID#: 36551
Session Description:
The major goal of this WG is to improve our understanding of the link between L-band satellite (SMOS, SMAP and Aquarius) remotely sensed salinity (for approximately the top 1 cm of the sea surface) and in situ measured salinity (routinely measured at a few meters depths by ships and ARGO floats but recently accessible to up to few cm depth by new profilers, and by surface drifters ...) and to develop practical methodologies for relating satellite salinity to other estimates of sea surface salinity. During this workshop, we will shortly review recent findings related to these topics, discuss SSS requirements for future satellite missions and future activities. Please contact J. Boutin ( and Nadya Vinogradova( if you'd like to participate and/or make a 5minute presentation.
Submitter: Jacqueline Boutin, LOCEAN, Paris Cedex 05, France
Onsite Contact: Jacqueline Boutin, CNRS, LOCEAN/UPMC, Paris, France
Abstracts Submitted to this Session:
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