USACE FRF Duck Multi-Model NowCast Test Bed
USACE FRF Duck Multi-Model NowCast Test Bed
Session ID#: 39094
Session Description:
The USACE Field Research Facility (FRF) Duck Multi-Model NowCast Test Bed is an automated evaluation of coastal numerical models in near real-time utilizing FRF data. The purpose of this meeting is kick-off annual face-to-face meetings to allow new and existing collaborators to discuss establishing common data sets, formats, routines, and a portal; testing model enhancements, data assimilation, and incorporation of remotely sensed observations; centralized computing; and other ongoing challenges and future plans.
Submitter: Nicole Elko, American Shore and Beach Preservation Association, Wadmalaw Island, SC, United States
Onsite Contact: Spicer Bak, US Army Corps of Engineers, Jacksonville, FL, United States
Abstracts Submitted to this Session:
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