Film Screenings: Fragile Legacy and Proteus

Session ID#: 41464

Session Description:
The Fragile Legacy – Dr Harvell and marine filmmaker David Brown set out on a quest to film living examples of the inspirations for the Cornell Blaschka collection of glass images of plankton.  As irreplaceable and fragile as the glass replicas, the species upon which they are based are the product of millennia of evolution, carrying genetic information that, if lost, can never be retrieved. 

Proteus – The film meditates on the troubled intersection of scientific and artistic vision. Biologist, artist and philosopher Ernst Haeckel found himself torn between seeming irreconcilables: science and art, materialism and religion, and rationality and passion.  The film is a parable of both the difficulty and possibility of unitary vision.

Submitter:  Heather Nalley, American Geophysical Union, Washington, DC, United States
Onsite Contact:  Kay D Bidle, Rutgers University, Marine and Coastal Sciences, New Brunswick, NJ, United States

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