Simulating extreme storm floods in the German Bight – past variability & future changes
Building on long-term climate simulations from a regionally coupled climate system model focusing on the North Sea, we here argue that the above methods cannot reflect the full internal EHSL variability as they do not account for their long-term variations. The simulation of extreme sea level variations during the past millennium (Lang & Mikolajewicz, 2019) has shown that while the statistics compare well with the observational record, EHSL and especially the ‘high-impact-low-probability’ events vary substantially on interannual to centennial timescales.
This high EHSL variability has implications for the assessment of future changes in EHSL statistics. Given their large variations, such changes cannot be inferred from single simulations or small ensembles. Existing estimates of future EHSL changes from small samples are thus likely to be dominated by internal variability rather than climate change signals. Thus, large ensemble simulations are required to assess future flood risks.
Here we use 32 members of the ‘1pctCO2’ simulations of the MPI Grand Ensemble (Maher et al., 2019) as global forcing for an ensemble downscaling with the regionally coupled climate system model. Such a large ensemble allows the detection of changes even in high return values with low statistical uncertainty and may thus help to better assess future changes in storm flood statistics.