Protocol for the Assessment and Correction of Moored Surface Water and Air pCO2 Measurements from the Ocean Observatories Initiative Endurance Array
In the OOI Endurance Array, surface water and air pCO2 measurements are made at four locations over the Oregon and Washington shelf and slope. These locations lie within the northern California Current Marine Ecosystem. We will report on the surface water and air pCO2 data returned for the first four years of Endurance Array operations and describe a protocol based on cross-comparisons to independent, shipboard (both CTD samples and underway flow-thru systems) pCO2 measurements and an observation-based global monthly gridded sea surface pCO2 estimate with an associated monthly climatology (Landshützer et al. 2017) for assessing and correcting instrument offsets and drift and improving the quality and scientific applicability of the OOI Endurance Array pCO2 measurements. This protocol is applicable to the same suite of measurements made by this sensor deployed in the OOI Pioneer and Global Arrays.