Is There a Bigger Place for 129I in the Oceanographer’s Transient Tracer Toolkit?
The initial source function of anthropogenic 129I was likely very similar to that of atmospheric weapons produced tritium, leading to a similar distribution of 3H and 129I (Guilderson, 2014). Although potentially complicated in some regions due to point source input, we posit that the present-day distribution of total inorganic 129I in the Pacific Ocean, as a function of density, should reflect that of a conventional transient tracer. Results from the CLIVAR/GO-SHIP P02 cruise (along 30°N, 2013) near 150°W support this hypothesis. Although hydrogen (tritium) and iodine have distinctly different chemistry and exchange between the ocean and atmosphere, the 3H and 129I profiles are nearly identical. 3H and 129I are well mixed to a potential density of ~26.6, with a transient tracer front of decreasing 3H and 129I below this horizon. This front is independently constrained by CFC TTD ages to a surface outcrop time between 1941 and 1968 for a potential density of ~26.8, indicating that waters below and above the front likely originated at the surface before and after peak testing (1962-1963), respectively. We conclude that the dissipation of 3H and 129I as a function of depth (density) and time since atmospheric weapons testing, is similar. 129I with a significantly longer half-life and less complicated sample handling could be a complement to 3H.
Guilderson et al., 2014. Biogeosciences: Fukushima Special Issue; Karcher et al., 2012 J. Geophys Res.,; Smith et al., 2016, J. Geophys Res.; Smith et al., 2011, J. Geophys Res.