SCOPE: A Volunteer STEM Outreach Program Connecting Communities to Research at Scripps Institution of Oceanography
SCOPE: A Volunteer STEM Outreach Program Connecting Communities to Research at Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Scripps Community Outreach for Public Education (SCOPE) is an example of a thriving, student-led, volunteer-driven, outreach program at a primarily research-focused institution. SCOPE started as a grassroots movement dedicated to engendering change through public education. Our unique educational approach of connecting graduate students and researchers directly with the public renews enthusiasm and respect for the environment and the scientific process. Additionally, this model provides an avenue for scientists to share their work, engage broader audiences, and improve their informal science communication skills. SCOPE has earned praise from participants and successfully expanded outreach and educational services to local and global communities through Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO) in the 17 years of program operation. Moving forward, SCOPE aims to further develop STEM outreach opportunities, especially for underserved students, and to incorporate content in creative ways which allow communities to experience research at SIO. SCOPE thus serves as a tractable model for a successful outreach organization that may be replicated at other STEM research institutions to the benefit of both the researchers and their broader communities.