Engaging Students Globally in Marine Science Research and Conservation II Posters
Engaging Students Globally in Marine Science Research and Conservation II Posters
Session ID#: 85858
Session Description:
Most marine scientists, grant-making agencies, environmental science organizations, and ocean research foundations incorporate education and outreach as a formal component of their work. There seems to be no shortage of stand-alone video content, student competitions, teacher experiential activities, live-link opportunities between students and scientists, and available curricula.
This session invites researchers, marine science education and outreach professionals, teachers, and young professionals to share innovative ideas and technologies used to engage students worldwide and to create inspiring professional development opportunities for teachers. Enlightening stories on challenges and failed efforts are equally important as we look to building lasting educational programming around cutting-edge marine science and ocean conservation.
- CP - Coastal and Estuarine Processes
- SI - Social-Ocean Science Interactions and SDGs
Index Terms:
0810 Post-secondary education [EDUCATION]
0815 Informal education [EDUCATION]
0820 Curriculum and laboratory design [EDUCATION]
1934 International collaboration [INFORMATICS]