Plankton Measurements Now
Plankton Measurements Now
Session ID#: 83943
Session Description:
Sensors and sensing techniques to measure plankton-relevant parameters have achieved technology readiness levels that should make them part of every international sea-going oceanic program, yet that is not the case as of yet. The purpose of this tutorial is to: 1. summarize the state-of-the art in sensing of plankton 2. provide suggestions for programmatic and community actions needed to add significant value to the data currently collected by supplementing ongoing operational programs with biologically relevant data. 3. present existing sensors, sensing systems and measurement that can be added w/o the necessity of adding time at sea and 4. describe current investments in infrastructure to disseminate and curate the associated data.
This presentation ementates from efforts by SCOR working group 154, among other international groups, to assist in making routine intercompatible global measurements of ocean biology.
- IS - Ocean Observatories, Instrumentation and Sensing Technologies
- ME - Marine Ecology and Biodiversity
- OB - Ocean Biology and Biogeochemistry
Index Terms:
4262 Ocean observing systems [OCEANOGRAPHY: GENERAL]
4815 Ecosystems, structure, dynamics, and modeling [OCEANOGRAPHY: BIOLOGICAL]
4858 Population dynamics and ecology [OCEANOGRAPHY: BIOLOGICAL]
4894 Instruments, sensors, and techniques [OCEANOGRAPHY: BIOLOGICAL]