Groundwater Quality Issues and Groundwater Quality Management in Ethiopia.

Tuesday, 17 June 2014
146B-C (Washington Convention Center)
GebreMichael Gebreegziabher Merhawi GebreEgziabher, Seifu Kebede and Tenalem Ayenew, Addis Ababa University, SCHOOL OF EARTH SCIENCES, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
The natural geological and geochemical environment, in addition to provide beneficial mineral content and bio-essential elements to groundwater, may also give rise to undesirable or toxic properties through a deficiency or an excess of various elements. Water quality is therefore, one of the major constraints in determining groundwater potential in addition to the groundwater quantity. Water quality management is meant to enhance the sustainability of water sources and its uses. The consideration of water quality management includes technical, policy, institution and finance aspect in addition to dealing with the composition of natural waters. The geochemical characterizations of Ethiopian waters are highly depends on rock water interaction, the source of moisture, and the geomorphological set up of the country. The major water quality problems in Ethiopia are irrigation water and domestic water supply quality. There exists high fluoride and high saline concentration in Ethiopian rift valley, which resulted skeletal, dental fluorosis and less fertile soil respectively. In addition to the water high fluoride in groundwater water, the presence of trace elements, low iodine content and low selenium has resulted major health problem in Ethiopia. Regardless of the water quality standard for drinking and irrigation purposes, there is no national water quality standards for industry, recreation, bathing, swimming and livestock watering. Therefore, sustainable water quality management should have technical, policy, institutional and financial components.