Author Index:



Arkema, K.
1408Abstract Title: Incorporating Natural Capital into Climate Adaptation Planning: Considering the role and value of coastal habitat in increasing coastal resilience.
Atkinson, L. P.
1391Abstract Title: Getting used to slow climate and sea level changes: The danger of not recognizing and planning for thresholds
Ayenew, T.
1267Abstract Title: Groundwater Quality Issues and Groundwater Quality Management in Ethiopia.


Bandilla, K.
1461Abstract Title: A multi-tiered approach for carbon sequestration Area of Review delineation
Barker, J.
1453Abstract Title: Surface mining – Call for site Remediation, Reclamation, Rehabilitation or Restoration?
Barrett, P. M.
1357Abstract Title: Climate change policy and the U.S. Congress: A twenty-year review
Bartlett, A. M.
1531Abstract Title: An Assessment of U.S. Stream Mitigation Policy: Necessary Changes to Protect Ecosystem Functions and Services
Beall King, A.
1578Abstract Title: Collaborative Modeling in the Spokane River Basin: Engaging Stakeholders to Explore Basin-wide Water Management Strategies in the Context of Climate Change
Bela, J.
1558Abstract Title: Errors in Seismic Hazard Assessment are Creating Huge Human Losses
Bennett, S. J.
1531Abstract Title: An Assessment of U.S. Stream Mitigation Policy: Necessary Changes to Protect Ecosystem Functions and Services
Benoit, J.
1481Abstract Title: The 22 March 2014 Oso, Washington Landslide
Birkholzer, J. T.
1461Abstract Title: A multi-tiered approach for carbon sequestration Area of Review delineation
Bou-Zeid, E.
1456Abstract Title: High Resolution Simulation of Heat Waves in New York City using Weather Research and Forecast Model to Identify Challenges to Potential Mitigation Strategies
Bouaamlat, I.
1416Abstract Title: Governance and Management of Water Resources in the Tafilalet Oasis System (South East of Morocco), 1417Abstract Title: Flood risk evaluation using stochastic, conceptual and empirical models
Bronner, C. E.
1531Abstract Title: An Assessment of U.S. Stream Mitigation Policy: Necessary Changes to Protect Ecosystem Functions and Services


Cai, R.
1457Abstract Title: The Influence of Climate Change on Human Migration: A South African Case Study
Caldwell, M.
1408Abstract Title: Incorporating Natural Capital into Climate Adaptation Planning: Considering the role and value of coastal habitat in increasing coastal resilience.
Celia, M. A.
1461Abstract Title: A multi-tiered approach for carbon sequestration Area of Review delineation
Chaubey, I.
1358Abstract Title: Environmentally sustainable second generation biofuel production through optimal land use planning
Chavas, D. R.
1433Abstract Title: Extremes in economic damage from U.S.-landfalling hurricanes: considering hurricane climatology, exposure, and vulnerability effects
Cihan, A.
1461Abstract Title: A multi-tiered approach for carbon sequestration Area of Review delineation
Cook, J.
1480Abstract Title: It Ain't Just the Heat, It's the Humanity: Evidence and Implications of a Knowledge-Based Consensus on Climate Change
Cooke, R.
1468Abstract Title: What is the Correct Level of National Investment in Climate Science?
Cooley, S.
1430Abstract Title: Modeling the social and ecological effects of climate change on the US Atlantic sea scallop fishery
Cooper, L. W.
1455Abstract Title: Exploring pathways of science communication within the Distributed Biological Observatory (DBO) of the Pacific-Arctic Region
Covi, M.
1391Abstract Title: Getting used to slow climate and sea level changes: The danger of not recognizing and planning for thresholds, 1392Abstract Title: Enabling Informed Participation In Governance for Mitigation and Adaptation Through Integration of Science into Society


de Mutsert, K.
1483Abstract Title: Back to the Future: How Paleoclimatic Data Can Increase Stakeholder Preparedness in a Warming World
Deb, M.
1463Abstract Title: Reducing Hurricane Flood Risk: Quantifying wetlands storm surge attenuation rate in the Chesapeake Bay region
delaChapelle, J.
1481Abstract Title: The 22 March 2014 Oso, Washington Landslide
Devore, J. G.
1425Abstract Title: A New Method for Accurate Remote Measurement of Tropical Cyclone Intensities
Dogan, A. U.
1402Abstract Title: “Positive” Identification Guidelines for Erionite Series Minerals: The Most Carcinogenic Minerals Known
Dogan, M.
1402Abstract Title: “Positive” Identification Guidelines for Erionite Series Minerals: The Most Carcinogenic Minerals Known
Dolsak, N.
1357Abstract Title: Climate change policy and the U.S. Congress: A twenty-year review
Doney, S. C.
1430Abstract Title: Modeling the social and ecological effects of climate change on the US Atlantic sea scallop fishery


Estes, L. D.
1457Abstract Title: The Influence of Climate Change on Human Migration: A South African Case Study


Faiyetole, A. A.
1252Abstract Title: Space-based technologies for climate change management in Africa
Faouzi, M.
1416Abstract Title: Governance and Management of Water Resources in the Tafilalet Oasis System (South East of Morocco)
Ferreira, C.
1463Abstract Title: Reducing Hurricane Flood Risk: Quantifying wetlands storm surge attenuation rate in the Chesapeake Bay region
Fox, D.
1473Abstract Title: Engaging Scientists in Policy Making around the Geosciences: The Case of the Union of Concerned Scientists’ Science Network
Frey, K. E.
1454Abstract Title: Exploring the intersections of science, ocean-space & law within the context of the emerging legal status of sea ice in the Arctic Ocean, 1455Abstract Title: Exploring pathways of science communication within the Distributed Biological Observatory (DBO) of the Pacific-Arctic Region
Froelicher, T. L.
1476Abstract Title: Implications of Carbon Cycle Feedbacks for Social Cost of Carbon


Gambino, C. D.
1474Abstract Title: Discerning the Role of Scientific Knowledge on Stakeholder Presence in Natural Resources Policy Formation Using a Policy Network Analysis Approach., 1559Abstract Title: Scientific Knowledge in a Value-laden Public Policy-Making Process: The COMMUNITY Framework for Consensus-Based Management of Wicked Problems
Gambs, M. F.
1357Abstract Title: Climate change policy and the U.S. Congress: A twenty-year review
Gilbert, R.
1481Abstract Title: The 22 March 2014 Oso, Washington Landslide
Goldman, G. T.
1473Abstract Title: Engaging Scientists in Policy Making around the Geosciences: The Case of the Union of Concerned Scientists’ Science Network
Grebmeier, J. M.
1455Abstract Title: Exploring pathways of science communication within the Distributed Biological Observatory (DBO) of the Pacific-Arctic Region
Grecu, N. C.
1559Abstract Title: Scientific Knowledge in a Value-laden Public Policy-Making Process: The COMMUNITY Framework for Consensus-Based Management of Wicked Problems
Guerry, A.
1408Abstract Title: Incorporating Natural Capital into Climate Adaptation Planning: Considering the role and value of coastal habitat in increasing coastal resilience.


Hare, J. A.
1430Abstract Title: Modeling the social and ecological effects of climate change on the US Atlantic sea scallop fishery
Hart, D.
1430Abstract Title: Modeling the social and ecological effects of climate change on the US Atlantic sea scallop fishery
Hartge, E. H.
1408Abstract Title: Incorporating Natural Capital into Climate Adaptation Planning: Considering the role and value of coastal habitat in increasing coastal resilience.
Her, Y.
1358Abstract Title: Environmentally sustainable second generation biofuel production through optimal land use planning
Herring, J.
1486Abstract Title: Digital Engagement Initiative Supporting the 2014 National Climate Assessment


Jacobs, P.
1471Abstract Title: The Use of "Global Warming" Vs. "Climate Change" in the Scientific Literature and Prestige Press, 1480Abstract Title: It Ain't Just the Heat, It's the Humanity: Evidence and Implications of a Knowledge-Based Consensus on Climate Change, 1483Abstract Title: Back to the Future: How Paleoclimatic Data Can Increase Stakeholder Preparedness in a Warming World
Jokimäki, A.
1471Abstract Title: The Use of "Global Warming" Vs. "Climate Change" in the Scientific Literature and Prestige Press
Joss, P. C.
1425Abstract Title: A New Method for Accurate Remote Measurement of Tropical Cyclone Intensities


K H V, D. R.
Kankarla, V.
1239Abstract Title: Combining Coal Fly Ash and Poultry Litter Amendments for environmental clean up and enhancing Biofuel Feedstock Production in Indian grass
Keaton, J. R.
1481Abstract Title: The 22 March 2014 Oso, Washington Landslide
Kebede, S.
1267Abstract Title: Groundwater Quality Issues and Groundwater Quality Management in Ethiopia.
Knappenberger, P. C.
1580Abstract Title: Climate Change, Heat Waves, and Adaptation
Konovalov, Y.
1450Abstract Title: Ice-shelf deflections modelled with a full 3D elastic model
Kopp, R. E. III
1476Abstract Title: Implications of Carbon Cycle Feedbacks for Social Cost of Carbon


Lambert, D. C.
1531Abstract Title: An Assessment of U.S. Stream Mitigation Policy: Necessary Changes to Protect Ecosystem Functions and Services
Langridge, S. M.
1408Abstract Title: Incorporating Natural Capital into Climate Adaptation Planning: Considering the role and value of coastal habitat in increasing coastal resilience.
Larabi, A.
1416Abstract Title: Governance and Management of Water Resources in the Tafilalet Oasis System (South East of Morocco)
Lawler, S.
1463Abstract Title: Reducing Hurricane Flood Risk: Quantifying wetlands storm surge attenuation rate in the Chesapeake Bay region
Layan, B.
1417Abstract Title: Flood risk evaluation using stochastic, conceptual and empirical models, 1420Abstract Title: Design Floods in Taza city by using hydrologic and hydraulic modeling (Taza, Morocco)
Licker, R.
1457Abstract Title: The Influence of Climate Change on Human Migration: A South African Case Study
Lima, A. T.
1453Abstract Title: Surface mining – Call for site Remediation, Reclamation, Rehabilitation or Restoration?
Lin, N.
1433Abstract Title: Extremes in economic damage from U.S.-landfalling hurricanes: considering hurricane climatology, exposure, and vulnerability effects


Majkut, J.
1476Abstract Title: Implications of Carbon Cycle Feedbacks for Social Cost of Carbon
Martin, D. G.
1454Abstract Title: Exploring the intersections of science, ocean-space & law within the context of the emerging legal status of sea ice in the Arctic Ocean
Mastrorillo, M.
1457Abstract Title: The Influence of Climate Change on Human Migration: A South African Case Study
McCurdy, K. M.
1398Abstract Title: Science, Congress and Institutional Arrangements: The Election Classes of 1974 and 1994 Influencing Resource Policy
Melius, M.
1408Abstract Title: Incorporating Natural Capital into Climate Adaptation Planning: Considering the role and value of coastal habitat in increasing coastal resilience.
Merhawi GebreEgziabher, G. G.
1267Abstract Title: Groundwater Quality Issues and Groundwater Quality Management in Ethiopia.
Merrill, J.
1423Abstract Title: MADE CLEAR: Systemic, sustainable climate change science education
Michaels, P. J.
1580Abstract Title: Climate Change, Heat Waves, and Adaptation
Miller, H.
1443Abstract Title: The Value of Earth Observations: Methods and Findings on the Value of Landsat Imagery
Mitchell, K.
1453Abstract Title: Surface mining – Call for site Remediation, Reclamation, Rehabilitation or Restoration?
Mlynczak, M. G.
1468Abstract Title: What is the Correct Level of National Investment in Climate Science?
Montgomery, D. R.
1481Abstract Title: The 22 March 2014 Oso, Washington Landslide
Moore, S. E.
1455Abstract Title: Exploring pathways of science communication within the Distributed Biological Observatory (DBO) of the Pacific-Arctic Region


Nair, S.
Natesan, U.
Newman, T. R.
1443Abstract Title: The Value of Earth Observations: Methods and Findings on the Value of Landsat Imagery
Nuccitelli, D.
1480Abstract Title: It Ain't Just the Heat, It's the Humanity: Evidence and Implications of a Knowledge-Based Consensus on Climate Change
Null, S. E.
1491Abstract Title: Considering Climate Change in Hydropower Relicensing: Suggested Remedies and Reforms to the Integrated Licensing Process


O'Connell, D.
1453Abstract Title: Surface mining – Call for site Remediation, Reclamation, Rehabilitation or Restoration?
Okonkwo, C.
1415Abstract Title: Climate variability and water resources management in Lake Chad Basin: Integrating science and policy
Oppenheimer, M.
1433Abstract Title: Extremes in economic damage from U.S.-landfalling hurricanes: considering hurricane climatology, exposure, and vulnerability effects, 1457Abstract Title: The Influence of Climate Change on Human Migration: A South African Case Study, 1476Abstract Title: Implications of Carbon Cycle Feedbacks for Social Cost of Carbon


P V, F.
1358Abstract Title: Environmentally sustainable second generation biofuel production through optimal land use planning
Padilla, J. J.
1392Abstract Title: Enabling Informed Participation In Governance for Mitigation and Adaptation Through Integration of Science into Society
Petrone, C.
1423Abstract Title: MADE CLEAR: Systemic, sustainable climate change science education
Pickart, R. S.
1455Abstract Title: Exploring pathways of science communication within the Distributed Biological Observatory (DBO) of the Pacific-Arctic Region
Plag, H. P.
1391Abstract Title: Getting used to slow climate and sea level changes: The danger of not recognizing and planning for thresholds, 1392Abstract Title: Enabling Informed Participation In Governance for Mitigation and Adaptation Through Integration of Science into Society
Plank, C.
1451Abstract Title: Climatic and Geomorphic Influences on the Spatial Scaling of Floods
Prahler, E. E.
1408Abstract Title: Incorporating Natural Capital into Climate Adaptation Planning: Considering the role and value of coastal habitat in increasing coastal resilience.


Rabideau, A. J.
1531Abstract Title: An Assessment of U.S. Stream Mitigation Policy: Necessary Changes to Protect Ecosystem Functions and Services
Raj, C.
1358Abstract Title: Environmentally sustainable second generation biofuel production through optimal land use planning
Ramamurthy, P.
1456Abstract Title: High Resolution Simulation of Heat Waves in New York City using Weather Research and Forecast Model to Identify Challenges to Potential Mitigation Strategies
Reddy, T.
1475Abstract Title: Climate Change on the Back of an Envelope
Reiter, S. M.
1408Abstract Title: Incorporating Natural Capital into Climate Adaptation Planning: Considering the role and value of coastal habitat in increasing coastal resilience.
Rheinheimer, D. E.
1491Abstract Title: Considering Climate Change in Hydropower Relicensing: Suggested Remedies and Reforms to the Integrated Licensing Process
Rheuban, J. E.
1430Abstract Title: Modeling the social and ecological effects of climate change on the US Atlantic sea scallop fishery
Rice, K.
1471Abstract Title: The Use of "Global Warming" Vs. "Climate Change" in the Scientific Literature and Prestige Press
Rogers, M.
1423Abstract Title: MADE CLEAR: Systemic, sustainable climate change science education
Ruckelshaus, M.
1408Abstract Title: Incorporating Natural Capital into Climate Adaptation Planning: Considering the role and value of coastal habitat in increasing coastal resilience.
Rycerz, A. L.
1486Abstract Title: Digital Engagement Initiative Supporting the 2014 National Climate Assessment
Ryker, S. J.
1443Abstract Title: The Value of Earth Observations: Methods and Findings on the Value of Landsat Imagery


Sampson, J. T.
1474Abstract Title: Discerning the Role of Scientific Knowledge on Stakeholder Presence in Natural Resources Policy Formation Using a Policy Network Analysis Approach.
Sarmiento, J. L.
1476Abstract Title: Implications of Carbon Cycle Feedbacks for Social Cost of Carbon
Savard, M. M.
1383Abstract Title: Shorter fries or the clean-Earth potato concept for Nitrogen and water management under a changing climate
Scott, A.
1481Abstract Title: The 22 March 2014 Oso, Washington Landslide
Shake, K. L.
1454Abstract Title: Exploring the intersections of science, ocean-space & law within the context of the emerging legal status of sea ice in the Arctic Ocean, 1455Abstract Title: Exploring pathways of science communication within the Distributed Biological Observatory (DBO) of the Pacific-Arctic Region
Shea, N.
1423Abstract Title: MADE CLEAR: Systemic, sustainable climate change science education
Somers, G.
1383Abstract Title: Shorter fries or the clean-Earth potato concept for Nitrogen and water management under a changing climate
St John, C.
1459Abstract Title: Improving environmental decision making: what social science can tell us
Stair, A. T.
1425Abstract Title: A New Method for Accurate Remote Measurement of Tropical Cyclone Intensities
Stehr, S. S. E.
1559Abstract Title: Scientific Knowledge in a Value-laden Public Policy-Making Process: The COMMUNITY Framework for Consensus-Based Management of Wicked Problems
Sudheer, K. P.
1358Abstract Title: Environmentally sustainable second generation biofuel production through optimal land use planning


Taylor, R. M.
1486Abstract Title: Digital Engagement Initiative Supporting the 2014 National Climate Assessment
Thornton, M.
1559Abstract Title: Scientific Knowledge in a Value-laden Public Policy-Making Process: The COMMUNITY Framework for Consensus-Based Management of Wicked Problems, 1578Abstract Title: Collaborative Modeling in the Spokane River Basin: Engaging Stakeholders to Explore Basin-wide Water Management Strategies in the Context of Climate Change
Trebitz, K.
1474Abstract Title: Discerning the Role of Scientific Knowledge on Stakeholder Presence in Natural Resources Policy Formation Using a Policy Network Analysis Approach.


Van Cappellen, P.
1453Abstract Title: Surface mining – Call for site Remediation, Reclamation, Rehabilitation or Restoration?
Varga, M.
1473Abstract Title: Engaging Scientists in Policy Making around the Geosciences: The Case of the Union of Concerned Scientists’ Science Network
Verhoeven, J.
1453Abstract Title: Surface mining – Call for site Remediation, Reclamation, Rehabilitation or Restoration?
Veron, D. E.
1423Abstract Title: MADE CLEAR: Systemic, sustainable climate change science education
Verutes, G.
1408Abstract Title: Incorporating Natural Capital into Climate Adaptation Planning: Considering the role and value of coastal habitat in increasing coastal resilience.
Viers, J. H.
1491Abstract Title: Considering Climate Change in Hydropower Relicensing: Suggested Remedies and Reforms to the Integrated Licensing Process


Wartman, J.
1481Abstract Title: The 22 March 2014 Oso, Washington Landslide
Wedding, L. M.
1408Abstract Title: Incorporating Natural Capital into Climate Adaptation Planning: Considering the role and value of coastal habitat in increasing coastal resilience.
Whiteway, S. L.
1531Abstract Title: An Assessment of U.S. Stream Mitigation Policy: Necessary Changes to Protect Ecosystem Functions and Services
Wielicki, B. A.
1468Abstract Title: What is the Correct Level of National Investment in Climate Science?


Yarnell, S. M.
1491Abstract Title: Considering Climate Change in Hydropower Relicensing: Suggested Remedies and Reforms to the Integrated Licensing Process
Yonekura, E.
1433Abstract Title: Extremes in economic damage from U.S.-landfalling hurricanes: considering hurricane climatology, exposure, and vulnerability effects
Young, D. F.
1468Abstract Title: What is the Correct Level of National Investment in Climate Science?
Yusuf, W.
1392Abstract Title: Enabling Informed Participation In Governance for Mitigation and Adaptation Through Integration of Science into Society


Zemzami, M.
1417Abstract Title: Flood risk evaluation using stochastic, conceptual and empirical models
Zemzami, M.
1416Abstract Title: Governance and Management of Water Resources in the Tafilalet Oasis System (South East of Morocco), 1420Abstract Title: Design Floods in Taza city by using hydrologic and hydraulic modeling (Taza, Morocco)