Digital Engagement Initiative Supporting the 2014 National Climate Assessment

Tuesday, 17 June 2014
146B-C (Washington Convention Center)
Amanda Laura Rycerz1, Robert Milton Taylor2 and Jamie Herring1, (1)HabitatSeven, Ottawa, ON, Canada, (2)Cooperative Institute for Climate and Satellite North Carolina State, Asheville, NC, United States
The 2014 National Climate Assessment (NCA), a quadrennial report produced in fulfillment of the Global Change Research Act of 1990, is the most comprehensive analysis to date of how climate change affects our nation. The NCA helps inform Americans' choices and decisions about investments, where to build and where to live, how to create safer communities and secure our own and our children's future.

Considering the scope and breadth of the NCA, opportunities exist to harness current partners from the NCA's network of scientists, advisors and stakeholders (the NCAnet) and to create new partnerships to help share and disseminate the NCA content through social media, partner websites, online news outlets, web portals, and other electronic avenues. The NCA website nca2014.globalchange.govhas been created to allow for the sharing of almost every piece of information in the report including text, report findings, key messages, interactive graphics and other digital assets.

The NCA Digital Distribution Committee was created in order to organize all current NCAnet partners and educate them about available content, asset formats, suggested use cases for their websites and social media pages. This presentation will itself widen the circle of partners and describes the results of the Committee's major partnership development initiative to reach out to major news outlets, bloggers, social media leaders, politicians, and other stakeholders to offer them authoritative climate change evidence, impacts, and projections to post on websites or social media pages.