Author Index:



A, G.
36923Abstract Title: Monitoring California Drought And Its Impact On Ecosystems Using GRACE And MODIS Data.
Abatzoglou, J. T.
37055Abstract Title: Google Drought Monitoring Through Cloud Computing and Visualization of Remote Sensing and Meteorological Datasets: Examples for California
AghaKouchak, A.
6992Abstract Title: Panel: Drought Impacts Water Supply, 7001Abstract Title: Day One Redux: Challenges/Needs/Gaps, 7004Abstract Title: Panel: Drought Monitoring, 7015Abstract Title: Challenges and Opportunities to Enhance California's Resilience to Drought, 7132Abstract Title: Welcome and Conference Scope and Goals, 37001Abstract Title: A Probabilistic Analog-Year Approach for Drought Prediction in California
AghaKouchak, A.
37002Abstract Title: Multivariate Hot-Drought Risk Assessment: The 2014 California Drought, 37018Abstract Title: Early drought detection in California using satellite-relative humidity data, 37025Abstract Title: Quantifying Socio-Economic Droughts: Applications to California, and Southeastern Australia, 37054Abstract Title: Multivariate Assessment on the Role of Climate Change in California Drought
Alexandrov, V.
37124Abstract Title: Climate change in Bulgaria: assessing trends of droughts aggravation, maize cropping risk and irrigation requirements
Alfieri, J. G.
36891Abstract Title: Monitoring Daily Evapotranspiration at Field-to-Regional Scales: An Application over California Vineyards using Landsat 8
Allen, R. G.
37053Abstract Title: Implementation of Automated METRIC Algorithms on the NASA Earth Exchange for Rapid Consumptive Water Use and Drought Impact Mapping in California’s Central Valley
Anderson, B. T.
36913Abstract Title: Twenty-first century climate model precipitation projections and uncertainty patterns for the California region, 37042Abstract Title: The Recent Californian Drought, Weather Variability, and Climate Variability
Anderson, M. C.
36884Abstract Title: The Use of the Evaporative Stress Index for Monitoring Drought over California, 36891Abstract Title: Monitoring Daily Evapotranspiration at Field-to-Regional Scales: An Application over California Vineyards using Landsat 8
Anderson, M.
7008Abstract Title: Panel: Operational Decision Making, 7014Abstract Title: Opportunities: Drought Early Warning, 7015Abstract Title: Challenges and Opportunities to Enhance California's Resilience to Drought
Argus, D. F.
36566Abstract Title: Change in Water Resources in California During the 2011–2014 Drought Estimated Using GPS, GRACE, and InSAR, 36878Abstract Title: GPS As an Independent Measurement to Estimate Terrestrial Water Storage Variations in California, Oregon and Washington
Ashfaq, M.
36917Abstract Title: Projecting Drought Under Climate Change Scenarios for Southern California Water Resources
Azarderakhsh, M.
36888Abstract Title: Assessment of Agricultural Crop Condition Using NASA UAVSAR Datasets, 37057Abstract Title: ASCAT METOP-A Satellite Observations of Recent Drought Patterns over the USA: An Assessment of Spatial Extent and Relationship with Precipitation and Crop Yield


Bair, N.
36880Abstract Title: Reconstructing the space-time variability of California Snow Water Equivalent
Bales, R. C.
7014Abstract Title: Opportunities: Drought Early Warning
Barrie, D.
36912Abstract Title: The NOAA Drought Task Force's California Drought Assessment: Climate Narratives and Process
Behrangi, A.
36914Abstract Title: Atmospheric temperature and humidity observations for advancing monitoring and prediction of drought in California and the Southwestern US
Bell, J. E.
36881Abstract Title: Evaluation of the 2014 California Drought with Soil Observations from NOAA's U.S. Climate Reference Network
Berg, N.
36913Abstract Title: Twenty-first century climate model precipitation projections and uncertainty patterns for the California region
Brown, A.
36903Abstract Title: What has driven the long-term drying of the Southwest: precipitation or evaporation? A paleohydrologic study at multiple lake basins in California


Cassel-Sharma, F.
37062Abstract Title: Landsat-based Tool for Evaluation of Crop Water Use Fractions in California
Cayan, D. R.
6998Abstract Title: Drought Causes/Monitoring Plenary, 37067Abstract Title: Keynote Speaker
Chang, E. K. M.
36882Abstract Title: Significant modulation of California precipitation by variability and projected changes in extratropical cyclone activity
Chang, S.
36915Abstract Title: A Improved Method for Drought Monitoring by Remote Sensing-Case of Mongolia, 37020Abstract Title: New Drought Indices and Assessment in Drought Monitoring
Chen, M.
36883Abstract Title: Precipitation Variability under different Sea Surface Temperature Scenarios and Implications for Decision Making
Cheng, L.
37002Abstract Title: Multivariate Hot-Drought Risk Assessment: The 2014 California Drought, 37054Abstract Title: Multivariate Assessment on the Role of Climate Change in California Drought
Chew, C. C.
36885Abstract Title: Drought Monitoring Using Near Real Time PBO H2O Water Cycle Products
Chou, L.
36903Abstract Title: What has driven the long-term drying of the Southwest: precipitation or evaporation? A paleohydrologic study at multiple lake basins in California
Cimorelli, S. A.
36299Abstract Title: Save Califonia's Water
Clark, M. P.
36921Abstract Title: An intercomparison of approaches for seasonal streamflow prediction in California case study watersheds
Conklin, M. H.
7003Abstract Title: Panel: Drought Impacts Ecosystems
Cooley, H.
7013Abstract Title: Panel: Drought Management/Policy
Cosgrove, B.
37059Abstract Title: California Drought and the North American Land Data Assimilation System (NLDAS)
Costa-Cabral, M. C.
36887Abstract Title: Forecasting Meteorological Drought Over California Using the North Pacific High January Anomaly and a Statistical/Dynamical Method


Daudert, B.
37055Abstract Title: Google Drought Monitoring Through Cloud Computing and Visualization of Remote Sensing and Meteorological Datasets: Examples for California
Davis, S. J.
36877Abstract Title: Assessing the impacts of the recent California drought on crop production
Davitt, A. W. D.
36888Abstract Title: Assessment of Agricultural Crop Condition Using NASA UAVSAR Datasets
DeHeza, V.
7013Abstract Title: Panel: Drought Management/Policy
Demisse, G. B.
33467Abstract Title: Improving Temporal Resolutions of Drought Predictions Using Knowledge Discovery from Database Approach
Deser, C.
37064Abstract Title: Causes and predictability of persistent SST anomalies associated with the 2011-2014 California drought
Di Nezio, P. N.
37064Abstract Title: Causes and predictability of persistent SST anomalies associated with the 2011-2014 California drought
Diaz, H. F.
7000Abstract Title: Panel: Drought Causes
Doneva, K.
37124Abstract Title: Climate change in Bulgaria: assessing trends of droughts aggravation, maize cropping risk and irrigation requirements
Dong, J.
37059Abstract Title: California Drought and the North American Land Data Assimilation System (NLDAS)
Dozier, J.
7005Abstract Title: Panel: Drought Impacts on Agriculture, Energy and Economy, 36880Abstract Title: Reconstructing the space-time variability of California Snow Water Equivalent
Dulaney, W.
36891Abstract Title: Monitoring Daily Evapotranspiration at Field-to-Regional Scales: An Application over California Vineyards using Landsat 8
Duong, K. A.
36907Abstract Title: Attitudes Toward Wastewater Recycling: Results from a National Survey of U.S. Households


Ebisuzaki, W.
37059Abstract Title: California Drought and the North American Land Data Assimilation System (NLDAS)
Ek, M. B.
37059Abstract Title: California Drought and the North American Land Data Assimilation System (NLDAS)
Erickson, T.
37055Abstract Title: Google Drought Monitoring Through Cloud Computing and Visualization of Remote Sensing and Meteorological Datasets: Examples for California
Escobar, V. M.
36888Abstract Title: Assessment of Agricultural Crop Condition Using NASA UAVSAR Datasets


Famiglietti, J. S.
6992Abstract Title: Panel: Drought Impacts Water Supply, 36566Abstract Title: Change in Water Resources in California During the 2011–2014 Drought Estimated Using GPS, GRACE, and InSAR
Fang, L.
36884Abstract Title: The Use of the Evaporative Stress Index for Monitoring Drought over California
Farahmand, A.
37002Abstract Title: Multivariate Hot-Drought Risk Assessment: The 2014 California Drought, 37018Abstract Title: Early drought detection in California using satellite-relative humidity data
Farr, T.
36566Abstract Title: Change in Water Resources in California During the 2011–2014 Drought Estimated Using GPS, GRACE, and InSAR
Faunt, C.
6992Abstract Title: Panel: Drought Impacts Water Supply
Feldman, D.
7008Abstract Title: Panel: Operational Decision Making, 7009Abstract Title: Day Two Redux: Challenges/Needs/Gaps, 7013Abstract Title: Panel: Drought Management/Policy, 7015Abstract Title: Challenges and Opportunities to Enhance California's Resilience to Drought
Fetzer, E. J.
36914Abstract Title: Atmospheric temperature and humidity observations for advancing monitoring and prediction of drought in California and the Southwestern US
Fu, Y.
36566Abstract Title: Change in Water Resources in California During the 2011–2014 Drought Estimated Using GPS, GRACE, and InSAR, 36878Abstract Title: GPS As an Independent Measurement to Estimate Terrestrial Water Storage Variations in California, Oregon and Washington
Funk, C. C.
7000Abstract Title: Panel: Drought Causes


Gao, F.
36891Abstract Title: Monitoring Daily Evapotranspiration at Field-to-Regional Scales: An Application over California Vineyards using Landsat 8
Ghimire, B.
36896Abstract Title: The Water-Carbon-Climate Nexus Affecting Ecosystems Across the Western US
Gianotti, D.
37042Abstract Title: The Recent Californian Drought, Weather Variability, and Climate Variability
Goorahoo, D.
37062Abstract Title: Landsat-based Tool for Evaluation of Crop Water Use Fractions in California
Granger, S. L.
36914Abstract Title: Atmospheric temperature and humidity observations for advancing monitoring and prediction of drought in California and the Southwestern US
Grant, S.
36907Abstract Title: Attitudes Toward Wastewater Recycling: Results from a National Survey of U.S. Households
Griffin, D.
7000Abstract Title: Panel: Drought Causes
Guan, B.
37063Abstract Title: Spatial Analysis of Snow-Related Drought in the Sierra Nevada Using MODIS-Based SWE Reconstructions and In Situ Measurements
Guan, K.
36877Abstract Title: Assessing the impacts of the recent California drought on crop production
Guzman, A.
37053Abstract Title: Implementation of Automated METRIC Algorithms on the NASA Earth Exchange for Rapid Consumptive Water Use and Drought Impact Mapping in California’s Central Valley, 37061Abstract Title: Mapping Drought Impacts on Agricultural Production in California's Central Valley


Hain, C.
36884Abstract Title: The Use of the Evaporative Stress Index for Monitoring Drought over California, 36891Abstract Title: Monitoring Daily Evapotranspiration at Field-to-Regional Scales: An Application over California Vineyards using Landsat 8
Hall, A. D.
36913Abstract Title: Twenty-first century climate model precipitation projections and uncertainty patterns for the California region
Hasencamp, B.
7008Abstract Title: Panel: Operational Decision Making
Hegewisch, K.
37055Abstract Title: Google Drought Monitoring Through Cloud Computing and Visualization of Remote Sensing and Meteorological Datasets: Examples for California
Hobbins, M.
36908Abstract Title: Analysis of the Relationship Between California Surface Water Deficits and the Evaporative Demand Drought Index, 37049Abstract Title: Monitoring the California Drought with a novel drought index: the Evaporative Demand Drought Index (EDDI).
Hoerling, M. P.
7000Abstract Title: Panel: Drought Causes, 7001Abstract Title: Day One Redux: Challenges/Needs/Gaps, 7004Abstract Title: Panel: Drought Monitoring, 7132Abstract Title: Welcome and Conference Scope and Goals, 37054Abstract Title: Multivariate Assessment on the Role of Climate Change in California Drought
Huntington, J. L.
36908Abstract Title: Analysis of the Relationship Between California Surface Water Deficits and the Evaporative Demand Drought Index, 37049Abstract Title: Monitoring the California Drought with a novel drought index: the Evaporative Demand Drought Index (EDDI)., 37053Abstract Title: Implementation of Automated METRIC Algorithms on the NASA Earth Exchange for Rapid Consumptive Water Use and Drought Impact Mapping in California’s Central Valley, 37055Abstract Title: Google Drought Monitoring Through Cloud Computing and Visualization of Remote Sensing and Meteorological Datasets: Examples for California
Huxman, T. E.
6999Abstract Title: Drought Impact/Ecosystems Plenary I, 7015Abstract Title: Challenges and Opportunities to Enhance California's Resilience to Drought, 37547Abstract Title: Keynote Speaker


Ibarra, D. E.
36903Abstract Title: What has driven the long-term drying of the Southwest: precipitation or evaporation? A paleohydrologic study at multiple lake basins in California
Ivanova, M.
37124Abstract Title: Climate change in Bulgaria: assessing trends of droughts aggravation, maize cropping risk and irrigation requirements


Jasperse, J.
6992Abstract Title: Panel: Drought Impacts Water Supply
Johnson, L.
37061Abstract Title: Mapping Drought Impacts on Agricultural Production in California's Central Valley, 37062Abstract Title: Landsat-based Tool for Evaluation of Crop Water Use Fractions in California
Jones, J.
7007Abstract Title: Operational Decision Making Plenary, 7014Abstract Title: Opportunities: Drought Early Warning, 37061Abstract Title: Mapping Drought Impacts on Agricultural Production in California's Central Valley, 37519Abstract Title: Keynote Speaker
Jonsson, A.
36903Abstract Title: What has driven the long-term drying of the Southwest: precipitation or evaporation? A paleohydrologic study at multiple lake basins in California
Joros, A.
37055Abstract Title: Google Drought Monitoring Through Cloud Computing and Visualization of Remote Sensing and Meteorological Datasets: Examples for California


Kawamura, A.
7010Abstract Title: Drought Management/Policy Plenary, 37082Abstract Title: Keynote Speaker
Kendall, D. R.
36917Abstract Title: Projecting Drought Under Climate Change Scenarios for Southern California Water Resources
Kercheva, M.
37124Abstract Title: Climate change in Bulgaria: assessing trends of droughts aggravation, maize cropping risk and irrigation requirements
Kimball, J. S.
36923Abstract Title: Monitoring California Drought And Its Impact On Ecosystems Using GRACE And MODIS Data.
Kiparsky, M.
7013Abstract Title: Panel: Drought Management/Policy
Kirby, M. E.
36909Abstract Title: Lake Sediments Reveal the Long History of California’s Past Droughts
Kowler, A.
36903Abstract Title: What has driven the long-term drying of the Southwest: precipitation or evaporation? A paleohydrologic study at multiple lake basins in California
Kumar, A.
36847Abstract Title: Influence of ENSO on Droughts in the U.S. Southwest and California, 36883Abstract Title: Precipitation Variability under different Sea Surface Temperature Scenarios and Implications for Decision Making
Kustas, W. P.
36891Abstract Title: Monitoring Daily Evapotranspiration at Field-to-Regional Scales: An Application over California Vineyards using Landsat 8


Lambrigtsen, B.
36914Abstract Title: Atmospheric temperature and humidity observations for advancing monitoring and prediction of drought in California and the Southwestern US
Landerer, F. W.
36566Abstract Title: Change in Water Resources in California During the 2011–2014 Drought Estimated Using GPS, GRACE, and InSAR, 36878Abstract Title: GPS As an Independent Measurement to Estimate Terrestrial Water Storage Variations in California, Oregon and Washington
Langenbrunner, B.
36913Abstract Title: Twenty-first century climate model precipitation projections and uncertainty patterns for the California region
Lanigan, P.
36882Abstract Title: Significant modulation of California precipitation by variability and projected changes in extratropical cyclone activity
Larson, K. M.
36885Abstract Title: Drought Monitoring Using Near Real Time PBO H2O Water Cycle Products
Leahigh, J.
7008Abstract Title: Panel: Operational Decision Making
Lestak, L.
37063Abstract Title: Spatial Analysis of Snow-Related Drought in the Sierra Nevada Using MODIS-Based SWE Reconstructions and In Situ Measurements
Lettenmaier, D. P.
7004Abstract Title: Panel: Drought Monitoring, 36880Abstract Title: Reconstructing the space-time variability of California Snow Water Equivalent, 37059Abstract Title: California Drought and the North American Land Data Assimilation System (NLDAS), 37497Abstract Title: Was California’s winter 2013-14 really the warmest on record?
Lintner, B. R.
36913Abstract Title: Twenty-first century climate model precipitation projections and uncertainty patterns for the California region
Liu, Z.
36566Abstract Title: Change in Water Resources in California During the 2011–2014 Drought Estimated Using GPS, GRACE, and InSAR
Livneh, B.
37054Abstract Title: Multivariate Assessment on the Role of Climate Change in California Drought
Lora, J. M.
36903Abstract Title: What has driven the long-term drying of the Southwest: precipitation or evaporation? A paleohydrologic study at multiple lake basins in California
Luebehusen, E.
37059Abstract Title: California Drought and the North American Land Data Assimilation System (NLDAS)
Lund, J. R.
7001Abstract Title: Day One Redux: Challenges/Needs/Gaps, 7005Abstract Title: Panel: Drought Impacts on Agriculture, Energy and Economy, 7013Abstract Title: Panel: Drought Management/Policy, 7015Abstract Title: Challenges and Opportunities to Enhance California's Resilience to Drought
Luo, L.
37059Abstract Title: California Drought and the North American Land Data Assimilation System (NLDAS)


Madadgar, S.
37001Abstract Title: A Probabilistic Analog-Year Approach for Drought Prediction in California
Magnusdottir, G.
7000Abstract Title: Panel: Drought Causes
Mantua, N. J.
7003Abstract Title: Panel: Drought Impacts Ecosystems
Mao, Y.
36880Abstract Title: Reconstructing the space-time variability of California Snow Water Equivalent, 37497Abstract Title: Was California’s winter 2013-14 really the warmest on record?
Mariotti, A.
36912Abstract Title: The NOAA Drought Task Force's California Drought Assessment: Climate Narratives and Process
Martins, D.
37124Abstract Title: Climate change in Bulgaria: assessing trends of droughts aggravation, maize cropping risk and irrigation requirements
Mazdiyasni, O.
37002Abstract Title: Multivariate Hot-Drought Risk Assessment: The 2014 California Drought, 37025Abstract Title: Quantifying Socio-Economic Droughts: Applications to California, and Southeastern Australia
McDonald, K. C.
36888Abstract Title: Assessment of Agricultural Crop Condition Using NASA UAVSAR Datasets, 37057Abstract Title: ASCAT METOP-A Satellite Observations of Recent Drought Patterns over the USA: An Assessment of Spatial Extent and Relationship with Precipitation and Crop Yield
Mcevoy, D.
36908Abstract Title: Analysis of the Relationship Between California Surface Water Deficits and the Evaporative Demand Drought Index, 37055Abstract Title: Google Drought Monitoring Through Cloud Computing and Visualization of Remote Sensing and Meteorological Datasets: Examples for California
McEvoy, D.
37049Abstract Title: Monitoring the California Drought with a novel drought index: the Evaporative Demand Drought Index (EDDI).
McKee, L.
36891Abstract Title: Monitoring Daily Evapotranspiration at Field-to-Regional Scales: An Application over California Vineyards using Landsat 8
Medellin-Azuara, J.
6992Abstract Title: Panel: Drought Impacts Water Supply
Mehran, A.
37025Abstract Title: Quantifying Socio-Economic Droughts: Applications to California, and Southeastern Australia
Melton, F. S.
7005Abstract Title: Panel: Drought Impacts on Agriculture, Energy and Economy, 37053Abstract Title: Implementation of Automated METRIC Algorithms on the NASA Earth Exchange for Rapid Consumptive Water Use and Drought Impact Mapping in California’s Central Valley, 37061Abstract Title: Mapping Drought Impacts on Agricultural Production in California's Central Valley, 37062Abstract Title: Landsat-based Tool for Evaluation of Crop Water Use Fractions in California
Mendoza, P. A.
36921Abstract Title: An intercomparison of approaches for seasonal streamflow prediction in California case study watersheds
Meng, J.
37059Abstract Title: California Drought and the North American Land Data Assimilation System (NLDAS)
Mering, J. A.
36903Abstract Title: What has driven the long-term drying of the Southwest: precipitation or evaporation? A paleohydrologic study at multiple lake basins in California
Milesi, C.
36887Abstract Title: Forecasting Meteorological Drought Over California Using the North Pacific High January Anomaly and a Statistical/Dynamical Method
Miller, D. M.
36903Abstract Title: What has driven the long-term drying of the Southwest: precipitation or evaporation? A paleohydrologic study at multiple lake basins in California
Mills, W. B.
36887Abstract Title: Forecasting Meteorological Drought Over California Using the North Pacific High January Anomaly and a Statistical/Dynamical Method
Mitchell, J.
36903Abstract Title: What has driven the long-term drying of the Southwest: precipitation or evaporation? A paleohydrologic study at multiple lake basins in California
Mitchell, K.
37059Abstract Title: California Drought and the North American Land Data Assimilation System (NLDAS)
Mo, K. C.
7014Abstract Title: Opportunities: Drought Early Warning, 33815Abstract Title: Possible causes for the recent droughts over California, 37059Abstract Title: California Drought and the North American Land Data Assimilation System (NLDAS)
Mocko, D. M.
37059Abstract Title: California Drought and the North American Land Data Assimilation System (NLDAS)
Molotch, N. P.
37063Abstract Title: Spatial Analysis of Snow-Related Drought in the Sierra Nevada Using MODIS-Based SWE Reconstructions and In Situ Measurements
Morton, C.
37053Abstract Title: Implementation of Automated METRIC Algorithms on the NASA Earth Exchange for Rapid Consumptive Water Use and Drought Impact Mapping in California’s Central Valley, 37055Abstract Title: Google Drought Monitoring Through Cloud Computing and Visualization of Remote Sensing and Meteorological Datasets: Examples for California
Mueller, R.
37061Abstract Title: Mapping Drought Impacts on Agricultural Production in California's Central Valley


Neelin, J. D.
36882Abstract Title: Significant modulation of California precipitation by variability and projected changes in extratropical cyclone activity, 36913Abstract Title: Twenty-first century climate model precipitation projections and uncertainty patterns for the California region


Okumura, Y.
37064Abstract Title: Causes and predictability of persistent SST anomalies associated with the 2011-2014 California drought
Otkin, J.
36884Abstract Title: The Use of the Evaporative Stress Index for Monitoring Drought over California


Pagan, B. R.
36917Abstract Title: Projecting Drought Under Climate Change Scenarios for Southern California Water Resources
Pal, J. S.
36917Abstract Title: Projecting Drought Under Climate Change Scenarios for Southern California Water Resources
Peters-Lidard, C. D.
37059Abstract Title: California Drought and the North American Land Data Assimilation System (NLDAS)
Peterson, A.
37055Abstract Title: Google Drought Monitoring Through Cloud Computing and Visualization of Remote Sensing and Meteorological Datasets: Examples for California
Petryshyn, V. A.
36903Abstract Title: What has driven the long-term drying of the Southwest: precipitation or evaporation? A paleohydrologic study at multiple lake basins in California
Popova, Z. D.
37124Abstract Title: Climate change in Bulgaria: assessing trends of droughts aggravation, maize cropping risk and irrigation requirements
Prueger, J. H.
36891Abstract Title: Monitoring Daily Evapotranspiration at Field-to-Regional Scales: An Application over California Vineyards using Landsat 8
Pulwarty, R. S.
7014Abstract Title: Opportunities: Drought Early Warning


Quan, X.
37054Abstract Title: Multivariate Assessment on the Role of Climate Change in California Drought


Rajagopalan, B.
37054Abstract Title: Multivariate Assessment on the Role of Climate Change in California Drought
Rath, J.
36887Abstract Title: Forecasting Meteorological Drought Over California Using the North Pacific High January Anomaly and a Statistical/Dynamical Method
Risi, C. M.
36903Abstract Title: What has driven the long-term drying of the Southwest: precipitation or evaporation? A paleohydrologic study at multiple lake basins in California
Rittger, K.
36880Abstract Title: Reconstructing the space-time variability of California Snow Water Equivalent
Rosencrans, M.
37059Abstract Title: California Drought and the North American Land Data Assimilation System (NLDAS)
Rosevelt, C.
37061Abstract Title: Mapping Drought Impacts on Agricultural Production in California's Central Valley
Roy, S. B.
36887Abstract Title: Forecasting Meteorological Drought Over California Using the North Pacific High January Anomaly and a Statistical/Dynamical Method


Salvucci, G.
37042Abstract Title: The Recent Californian Drought, Weather Variability, and Climate Variability
Saphores, J. D.
36907Abstract Title: Attitudes Toward Wastewater Recycling: Results from a National Survey of U.S. Households
Schroeder, R.
37057Abstract Title: ASCAT METOP-A Satellite Observations of Recent Drought Patterns over the USA: An Assessment of Spatial Extent and Relationship with Precipitation and Crop Yield
Schwabe, K.
7005Abstract Title: Panel: Drought Impacts on Agriculture, Energy and Economy
Schwalm, C. R.
36896Abstract Title: The Water-Carbon-Climate Nexus Affecting Ecosystems Across the Western US
Semmens, K. A.
36891Abstract Title: Monitoring Daily Evapotranspiration at Field-to-Regional Scales: An Application over California Vineyards using Landsat 8
Sengupta, A.
7003Abstract Title: Panel: Drought Impacts Ecosystems, 7009Abstract Title: Day Two Redux: Challenges/Needs/Gaps
Sheffield, J.
37059Abstract Title: California Drought and the North American Land Data Assimilation System (NLDAS)
Shukla, S.
7004Abstract Title: Panel: Drought Monitoring, 36877Abstract Title: Assessing the impacts of the recent California drought on crop production
Small, E. E.
7004Abstract Title: Panel: Drought Monitoring, 36885Abstract Title: Drought Monitoring Using Near Real Time PBO H2O Water Cycle Products
Sorooshian, S.
6997Abstract Title: Drought Impact/Water Supply Plenary, 37070Abstract Title: Keynote Speaker
Swain, D. L.
7000Abstract Title: Panel: Drought Causes


Teaby, A.
37061Abstract Title: Mapping Drought Impacts on Agricultural Production in California's Central Valley
Teixeira, J.
37018Abstract Title: Early drought detection in California using satellite-relative humidity data
Thenkabail, P. S.
37061Abstract Title: Mapping Drought Impacts on Agricultural Production in California's Central Valley
Thomas, B.
36566Abstract Title: Change in Water Resources in California During the 2011–2014 Drought Estimated Using GPS, GRACE, and InSAR
Tripati, A. K.
36903Abstract Title: What has driven the long-term drying of the Southwest: precipitation or evaporation? A paleohydrologic study at multiple lake basins in California


Vanderhoof, M. K.
36896Abstract Title: The Water-Carbon-Climate Nexus Affecting Ecosystems Across the Western US
Velicogna, I.
36923Abstract Title: Monitoring California Drought And Its Impact On Ecosystems Using GRACE And MODIS Data.
Verdin, J. P.
37049Abstract Title: Monitoring the California Drought with a novel drought index: the Evaporative Demand Drought Index (EDDI)., 37061Abstract Title: Mapping Drought Impacts on Agricultural Production in California's Central Valley


Wallace, C.
37061Abstract Title: Mapping Drought Impacts on Agricultural Production in California's Central Valley
Wang, H.
36847Abstract Title: Influence of ENSO on Droughts in the U.S. Southwest and California
Wang, K.
37497Abstract Title: Was California’s winter 2013-14 really the warmest on record?
Watkins, M. M.
36566Abstract Title: Change in Water Resources in California During the 2011–2014 Drought Estimated Using GPS, GRACE, and InSAR, 36878Abstract Title: GPS As an Independent Measurement to Estimate Terrestrial Water Storage Variations in California, Oregon and Washington
Wei, H.
37059Abstract Title: California Drought and the North American Land Data Assimilation System (NLDAS)
Werner, K.
36258Abstract Title: California Drought: What Can NOAA Science Do For You?
Wiese, D. N.
36566Abstract Title: Change in Water Resources in California During the 2011–2014 Drought Estimated Using GPS, GRACE, and InSAR, 36878Abstract Title: GPS As an Independent Measurement to Estimate Terrestrial Water Storage Variations in California, Oregon and Washington
Williams, C. A.
7003Abstract Title: Panel: Drought Impacts Ecosystems, 36896Abstract Title: The Water-Carbon-Climate Nexus Affecting Ecosystems Across the Western US
Wilson, J.
36903Abstract Title: What has driven the long-term drying of the Southwest: precipitation or evaporation? A paleohydrologic study at multiple lake basins in California
Winter, J.
36888Abstract Title: Assessment of Agricultural Crop Condition Using NASA UAVSAR Datasets
Wolter, K.
37065Abstract Title: Lessons Learned from Seven Years of Water Year Outlooks in California
Wood, A. W.
7008Abstract Title: Panel: Operational Decision Making, 36921Abstract Title: An intercomparison of approaches for seasonal streamflow prediction in California case study watersheds, 37049Abstract Title: Monitoring the California Drought with a novel drought index: the Evaporative Demand Drought Index (EDDI).
Wood, E. F.
37059Abstract Title: California Drought and the North American Land Data Assimilation System (NLDAS)
Wu, B.
37020Abstract Title: New Drought Indices and Assessment in Drought Monitoring


Xia, Y.
37059Abstract Title: California Drought and the North American Land Data Assimilation System (NLDAS)
Xiao, M.
36880Abstract Title: Reconstructing the space-time variability of California Snow Water Equivalent


Yan, N.
37020Abstract Title: New Drought Indices and Assessment in Drought Monitoring
Yang, Y.
36891Abstract Title: Monitoring Daily Evapotranspiration at Field-to-Regional Scales: An Application over California Vineyards using Landsat 8
Yau, A. M. W.
36882Abstract Title: Significant modulation of California precipitation by variability and projected changes in extratropical cyclone activity


Zakzeski, A.
37061Abstract Title: Mapping Drought Impacts on Agricultural Production in California's Central Valley
Zhan, X.
36884Abstract Title: The Use of the Evaporative Stress Index for Monitoring Drought over California
Zhao, M.
36923Abstract Title: Monitoring California Drought And Its Impact On Ecosystems Using GRACE And MODIS Data.
Zheng, C.
36882Abstract Title: Significant modulation of California precipitation by variability and projected changes in extratropical cyclone activity