Space Weather Research at the UK Met Office

Wednesday, 13 February 2019: 10:30
Fountain I/II (Westin Pasadena)
Suzy Bingham, David Jackson, Michael S Marsh, Edmund Henley, Siegfried Gonzi, Emily Down and Michael Sharpe, Met Office, Exeter, United Kingdom
The Met Office Space Weather Operations Centre (MOSWOC) has provided 24/7 space weather forecasts, alerts and warnings since 2014. Forecasts are produced out to 4-days ahead, for geomagnetic storms, X-ray flares, high energy electron events and high energy proton events. A scientific research group and IT developers support the forecasters by providing robust scientific observations, models and data. The scientific research group collaborate with a number of national and international universities and institutions to promote research, to further develop space weather forecasting. The group’s principal role is to implement research models operationally and to work towards providing a Sun-to-Earth model, thus advancing operational space weather forecasting.
This presentation will give an overview of current space weather research at the Met Office, and will identify aspects of terrestrial weather forecasting which have been adapted for space weather forecasting, such as the application of ensemble CME arrival time predictions, and verification of space weather forecasts. Challenges in developing space weather forecasting from the operational perspective will be described.