Author Index:



Adamson, E. T.
474975Abstract Title: Machine Learning for Solar Energetic Particle Forecasting, 475291Abstract Title: Using Machine Learning Techniques to Forecast Solar Energetic Particles
Adhikari, B.
474078Abstract Title: Impact of Solar Wind Energy on Ring Current, Joule Heating and Auroral Precipitation during Different Geomagnetic Conditions
Ahoua, M. S.
474342Abstract Title: Evaluation of an Ionospheric GNSS model performance in Southern mid-latitudes during geomagnetic storm
Akala, A.
474237Abstract Title: Variability of ionospheric irregularities over the longitudinal sectors of African equatorial/low latitude region during the geomagnetic storm of 17 March 2013
Allen, R. C.
475369Abstract Title: Abundance variations in corotating interaction regions over two solar cycles
Amaechi, P.
474237Abstract Title: Variability of ionospheric irregularities over the longitudinal sectors of African equatorial/low latitude region during the geomagnetic storm of 17 March 2013
Anderson, B. J.
474710Abstract Title: Effects of Frontal and Inclined Interplanetary Shocks on High-latitude Field-aligned Currents Response, 475428Abstract Title: Estimating High Latitude Electrodynamics: Opportunities for Synergy Netween L1-driven Models and Global Observations to Improve Prediction and Specification, 475431Abstract Title: Storm-time Dynamics of Birkeland Currents: Testing and Improving Physics-based Predictions
Anderson, J. L.
474605Abstract Title: Forecasting the lower atmospheric drivers of ionosphere variability
Anderson, T.
475005Abstract Title: Initial Steps for a System to Monitor Space Weather Effects on the Lower Ionosphere Using Global Lightning as a Probe Signal
Angelopoulos, V.
475213Abstract Title: Reconstruction of inner magnetospheric density, waves, and particle fluxes based on a neural network technique
Arge, C. N.
475497Abstract Title: A Time-dependent Model of the Ambient Solar Wind and Turbulence Driven by Empirical Boundary Conditions, 475797Abstract Title: Coronal Mass Ejections from Sun to Earth: New Modeling and Statistical Approaches
Aruliah, A. L.
474744Abstract Title: How Common Is Strong Upwelling Over The Cusp?
Astafyeva, E.
477816Abstract Title: The 6 September 2017 X-class solar flares and their impacts on the ionosphere, GNSS and HF radio wave propagation


Bain, H. M.
474975Abstract Title: Machine Learning for Solar Energetic Particle Forecasting, 475291Abstract Title: Using Machine Learning Techniques to Forecast Solar Energetic Particles
Baker, D. N.
474488Abstract Title: Forecasting Extreme Space Weather Events, 474564Abstract Title: Radiation Belt Response to Driving by Comples ICMEs, 474792Abstract Title: The University of Colorado Space Weather Technology, Research, and Education Center: Developing Hybrid Operations-Research Models and Missions to Improve Space Weather Forecasting
Balch, C. C.
475081Abstract Title: Forecasting Extreme Space Weather Events with the Operational Geospace Model
Balikhin, M. A.
475355Abstract Title: Model evaluation guidelines for geomagnetic index predictions
Bamba, Y.
474943Abstract Title: Toward the Physics-Based Prediction of Solar Flares Using the Triggered Feedback Instability Model
Barnes, R. J.
475428Abstract Title: Estimating High Latitude Electrodynamics: Opportunities for Synergy Netween L1-driven Models and Global Observations to Improve Prediction and Specification, 475431Abstract Title: Storm-time Dynamics of Birkeland Currents: Testing and Improving Physics-based Predictions
Belakhovsky, V. B.
475161Abstract Title: The study geomagnetic field variability describing the growth of the GIC in electric power lines
Belehaki, A.
475133Abstract Title: Forecasting the ionospheric response to solar wind forcing: Suggestive results obtained through the evaluation of the performance of the Solar Wind driven autoregressive model for Ionospheric short-term Forecast (SWIF)
Bell, J. M.
475049Abstract Title: The Challenge of Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere Coupling: Communicating and Implementing Progress in Predictive Modeling
Berger, T.
474792Abstract Title: The University of Colorado Space Weather Technology, Research, and Education Center: Developing Hybrid Operations-Research Models and Missions to Improve Space Weather Forecasting, 475485Abstract Title: Nowcasting and Forecasting the Ionosphere-Thermosphere System During Extreme Events
Bhanu, R.
474596Abstract Title: Do We Know Enough About Magnetospheric Plasma Waves to Model Where and Under What Conditions ~10 keV to ~5 MeV Magnetospheric Electrons Will Precipitate into The Ionosphere?
Bhaskar, A. T.
475227Abstract Title: Modeling an Extreme Coronal Mass Ejection and its Consequences for the Earth’s Magnetosphere
Bingham, S.
474980Abstract Title: Tracking Space Weather Application Progress Towards Usability: Application Usability Levels., 475266Abstract Title: Space Weather Research at the UK Met Office, 475355Abstract Title: Model evaluation guidelines for geomagnetic index predictions
Bogomaz, O. V.
474337Abstract Title: Anomalous Enhancement of Thermospheric Hydrogen Density Prior to the Severe Storm of September 7-8, 2017
Bortnik, J.
475213Abstract Title: Reconstruction of inner magnetospheric density, waves, and particle fluxes based on a neural network technique
Bouya, Z.
473771Abstract Title: The 06-09 September 2017
Brea, P.
474975Abstract Title: Machine Learning for Solar Energetic Particle Forecasting, 475291Abstract Title: Using Machine Learning Techniques to Forecast Solar Energetic Particles
Broutman, D.
475303Abstract Title: An NRL Demonstration System for the Prediction of Medium- and Small-Scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances Triggered by Tropospheric Weather
Bruinsma, S.
474949Abstract Title: Modeling and Prediction of Thermosphere Density and Aerodynamic Drag, 475355Abstract Title: Model evaluation guidelines for geomagnetic index predictions
Brum, C. G.
474180Abstract Title: Correlating Trapped Waves in Electron Density Profiles to a Geomagnetic Storm in the F Region of the Ionosphere
Brundell, J. B.
475005Abstract Title: Initial Steps for a System to Monitor Space Weather Effects on the Lower Ionosphere Using Global Lightning as a Probe Signal
Buffington, A.
475103Abstract Title: Bz Predictions and Forecasts for the Background Solar Wind and CMEs Using UCSD Analysis Techniques
Buresova, D.
475355Abstract Title: Model evaluation guidelines for geomagnetic index predictions
Burleigh, M.
474714Abstract Title: Predicting Auroral Conductance in Global MHD Models for Extreme Events
Burns, A. G.
475199Abstract Title: Solar Flare and Geomagnetic Storm Effects on the Thermosphere and Ionosphere During September 2017, 475403Abstract Title: The variations of high-latitude thermosphere and ionosphere mesoscale structures during the March 2013 St. Patrick’s Day major geomagnetic storm
Burrell, A. G.
475469Abstract Title: Do Lower Atmospheric Drivers Improve Ionospheric Forecasting?
Bust, G. S.
475532Abstract Title: High Latitude Sporadic-F


Camporeale, E.
474680Abstract Title: Machine Learning Approach to Determining a Solar Wind Index for Space Weather Prediction, 475362Abstract Title: A Deep Learning Approach to forecasting solar wind properties, 477331Abstract Title: On the generation of probabilistic forecasts from deterministic models
Carlson, H. C.
474744Abstract Title: How Common Is Strong Upwelling Over The Cusp?
Carter, B. A.
474980Abstract Title: Tracking Space Weather Application Progress Towards Usability: Application Usability Levels., 475106Abstract Title: Performance metrics for the prediction of ionospheric scintillations caused by Equatorial Plasma Bubbles
Cash, M. D.
475081Abstract Title: Forecasting Extreme Space Weather Events with the Operational Geospace Model
Chamberlin, P.
475013Abstract Title: Characterizing Far-side Magnetogram EUV Irradiance Forecasts with EUV Irradiance Measurements Made from Mars
Chamberlin, P. C.
475199Abstract Title: Solar Flare and Geomagnetic Storm Effects on the Thermosphere and Ionosphere During September 2017
Chandorkar, M.
475362Abstract Title: A Deep Learning Approach to forecasting solar wind properties
Chartier, A.
475532Abstract Title: High Latitude Sporadic-F
Chen, C. H.
475064Abstract Title: Study of storm-time ionospheric disturbances and irregularities using ionospheric data assimilation model
Chen, Y.
475058Abstract Title: Validating a Physics Based Space Weather Model
Cherkos, A. M. II
474575Abstract Title: Effect of viscosity on propagation of MHD waves in astrophysical plasma
Cherniak, I.
475023Abstract Title: Understanding of plasma irregularities induced by Space Weather, 475040Abstract Title: Large-Scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances: Origin and Propagation
Chu, X.
475213Abstract Title: Reconstruction of inner magnetospheric density, waves, and particle fluxes based on a neural network technique
Cid, C.
474845Abstract Title: Extreme space weather: some considerations preceding an accurate forecasting, 475355Abstract Title: Model evaluation guidelines for geomagnetic index predictions
Cilliers, P.
474342Abstract Title: Evaluation of an Ionospheric GNSS model performance in Southern mid-latitudes during geomagnetic storm
Claudepierre, S. G.
474564Abstract Title: Radiation Belt Response to Driving by Comples ICMEs
Clausen, L. B. N.
475115Abstract Title: Ionospheric plasma structuring and its impact on GNSS signals: unprecedented opportunities using NorSat-1, 475464Abstract Title: IPIR - Global study of ionospheric plasma irregularities with Swarm satellites
Codrescu, M.
474978Abstract Title: Modeling the Response of the Thermosphere and Ionosphere to Extreme Space Weather Events
Connor, H. K.
475049Abstract Title: The Challenge of Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere Coupling: Communicating and Implementing Progress in Predictive Modeling
Coster, A.
475199Abstract Title: Solar Flare and Geomagnetic Storm Effects on the Thermosphere and Ionosphere During September 2017
Cramer, W. D.
475019Abstract Title: Extreme Space Weather: Magnetosphere Response and Ionosphere Drivers
Cranmer, S. R.
474792Abstract Title: The University of Colorado Space Weather Technology, Research, and Education Center: Developing Hybrid Operations-Research Models and Missions to Improve Space Weather Forecasting
Crowley, G.
475317Abstract Title: Modeling and Analysis of Extreme Geomagnetically Induced Currents
Currie, J. L.
475106Abstract Title: Performance metrics for the prediction of ionospheric scintillations caused by Equatorial Plasma Bubbles


Dalmasse, K.
475797Abstract Title: Coronal Mass Ejections from Sun to Earth: New Modeling and Statistical Approaches
Dashora, N.
475321Abstract Title: Climatological Response of Indian Low-Latitude Ionosphere to Geomagnetic Storms
de Wet, W. C.
477110Abstract Title: Cosmic Ray Fluxes and Permissible Mission Duration Derived from CRaTER Observations
Den, M.
474816Abstract Title: Deep Neural Networks Applied to Solar Flare Prediction: Deep Flare Net (DeFN)
Deng, Y.
475418Abstract Title: Influence of Extreme Magnetic Storms on the Upper Atmosphere
Denton, R. E.
475213Abstract Title: Reconstruction of inner magnetospheric density, waves, and particle fluxes based on a neural network technique
Dominique, M.
475038Abstract Title: New Thermospheric Temperature Profiles from PROBA2 LYRA Solar Occultations
Doshi, U.
474906Abstract Title: The effect of Solar wind and plasma parameters on strength of the Geomagnetic Storm - An Event Wise Study.
Doumbia, V.
473654Abstract Title: Geomagnetically Induced Currents (GICs) Related to Impulsive Space Weather events at Low Latitudes.
Down, E.
475266Abstract Title: Space Weather Research at the UK Met Office
Doyle, J. D.
475303Abstract Title: An NRL Demonstration System for the Prediction of Medium- and Small-Scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances Triggered by Tropospheric Weather
Dubyagin, S.
474966Abstract Title: Extreme Spacecraft Surface Charging at Geosynchronous Orbit and its Relationship with Upstream Solar Wind Parameters and Geomagnetic Indices
Durgonics, T.
475419Abstract Title: A new index for polar cap solar EUV irradiance for forecasting strong and extreme solar events


Ebihara, Y.
475055Abstract Title: Reconstructing Extreme Space‒Weather Events in History
Eckermann, S. D.
475303Abstract Title: An NRL Demonstration System for the Prediction of Medium- and Small-Scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances Triggered by Tropospheric Weather
Edwards, T.
475428Abstract Title: Estimating High Latitude Electrodynamics: Opportunities for Synergy Netween L1-driven Models and Global Observations to Improve Prediction and Specification
ElDesoky, E. M. Jr
474113Abstract Title: Toward the predictability of response time of ionospheric perturbations during solar eclipses: Case study of solar eclipse of 1 August 2008
Elkington, S. R.
475343Abstract Title: Advective process modeling for radiation belt electrons
Engel, M.
475355Abstract Title: Model evaluation guidelines for geomagnetic index predictions
Epavier, F.
475013Abstract Title: Characterizing Far-side Magnetogram EUV Irradiance Forecasts with EUV Irradiance Measurements Made from Mars, E.
474740Abstract Title: Energetic Neutral Atom Imagers for Space Weather Monitoring


Fang, T. W.
474978Abstract Title: Modeling the Response of the Thermosphere and Ionosphere to Extreme Space Weather Events
Farrugia, C. J.
474738Abstract Title: Forecasting Strong Southward Magnetic Fields Associated with Coronal Mass Ejections: Ejecta, Sheaths, and Shocks Inside CME
Fedrizzi, M.
474978Abstract Title: Modeling the Response of the Thermosphere and Ionosphere to Extreme Space Weather Events
Ferdousi, B.
475019Abstract Title: Extreme Space Weather: Magnetosphere Response and Ionosphere Drivers
Fiori, R. A.
474630Abstract Title: Application of the Extreme Value Analysis in Evaluation of Space Weather Impacts on Critical Infrastructure at High Latitudes
Flyer, N.
475797Abstract Title: Coronal Mass Ejections from Sun to Earth: New Modeling and Statistical Approaches
Fraser, B. J.
474673Abstract Title: August 4, 1972: The Day the Sun, the Earth and an Ultra-fast Coronal Mass Ejection Aligned to Produce Historic Space Weather
Fujiwara, H.
475075Abstract Title: Recent update of a whole atmosphere-ionosphere coupled model GAIA and its validation
Fuller-Rowell, T. J.
474978Abstract Title: Modeling the Response of the Thermosphere and Ionosphere to Extreme Space Weather Events, 475019Abstract Title: Extreme Space Weather: Magnetosphere Response and Ionosphere Drivers


Galand, M. F.
473901Abstract Title: Impacts of interplanetary corotating interaction regions on cometary plasma: a study by the Rosetta Plasma Consortium
Galvin, A. B.
474738Abstract Title: Forecasting Strong Southward Magnetic Fields Associated with Coronal Mass Ejections: Ejecta, Sheaths, and Shocks Inside CME
Ganushkina, N. Y.
474966Abstract Title: Extreme Spacecraft Surface Charging at Geosynchronous Orbit and its Relationship with Upstream Solar Wind Parameters and Geomagnetic Indices, 475355Abstract Title: Model evaluation guidelines for geomagnetic index predictions
Garcia-Sage, K.
474980Abstract Title: Tracking Space Weather Application Progress Towards Usability: Application Usability Levels., 475049Abstract Title: The Challenge of Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere Coupling: Communicating and Implementing Progress in Predictive Modeling
Germaschewski, K.
475019Abstract Title: Extreme Space Weather: Magnetosphere Response and Ionosphere Drivers
Gibson, S. E.
475797Abstract Title: Coronal Mass Ejections from Sun to Earth: New Modeling and Statistical Approaches
Glauert, S. A.
474969Abstract Title: Realistic Worst Case for a Severe Space Weather Event Driven by a Fast Solar Wind Stream, 475177Abstract Title: Forecasting the radiation belts
Gombosi, T. I.
475058Abstract Title: Validating a Physics Based Space Weather Model
Goncharenko, L. P.
474677Abstract Title: Assessment of Current Space Weather Modeling Capabilities: Ionosphere-Thermosphere
Gonzi, S.
475266Abstract Title: Space Weather Research at the UK Met Office
Guerrero, A.
474845Abstract Title: Extreme space weather: some considerations preceding an accurate forecasting
Gulyaeva, T.
474437Abstract Title: Increasing Power of Central Coronal Hole as a Precursor of Geo-Storm


Habarulema, J. B.
474342Abstract Title: Evaluation of an Ionospheric GNSS model performance in Southern mid-latitudes during geomagnetic storm
Hajra, R.
473891Abstract Title: Extremely intense substorms/supersubstorms: interplanetary origin and characteristics, 473901Abstract Title: Impacts of interplanetary corotating interaction regions on cometary plasma: a study by the Rosetta Plasma Consortium
Hajra, R.
474596Abstract Title: Do We Know Enough About Magnetospheric Plasma Waves to Model Where and Under What Conditions ~10 keV to ~5 MeV Magnetospheric Electrons Will Precipitate into The Ionosphere?
Halford, A. J.
474980Abstract Title: Tracking Space Weather Application Progress Towards Usability: Application Usability Levels., 475049Abstract Title: The Challenge of Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere Coupling: Communicating and Implementing Progress in Predictive Modeling
Hands, A.
474969Abstract Title: Realistic Worst Case for a Severe Space Weather Event Driven by a Fast Solar Wind Stream
Hayakawa, H.
475055Abstract Title: Reconstructing Extreme Space‒Weather Events in History
He, F.
474813Abstract Title: Poynting Flux Measured on DMSP Satellites and Its Influence on the Thermosphere
Helmboldt, J.
475303Abstract Title: An NRL Demonstration System for the Prediction of Medium- and Small-Scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances Triggered by Tropospheric Weather
Henderson, M. G.
475380Abstract Title: Coupled Model Simulations of Space Weather Extremes: Challenges and Results, 475387Abstract Title: Uncertainties in space weather forecasting using coupled physics models, 475431Abstract Title: Storm-time Dynamics of Birkeland Currents: Testing and Improving Physics-based Predictions
Henley, E.
475266Abstract Title: Space Weather Research at the UK Met Office
Henney, C. J.
475485Abstract Title: Nowcasting and Forecasting the Ionosphere-Thermosphere System During Extreme Events
Henri, P.
473901Abstract Title: Impacts of interplanetary corotating interaction regions on cometary plasma: a study by the Rosetta Plasma Consortium
Heritier, K. L.
473901Abstract Title: Impacts of interplanetary corotating interaction regions on cometary plasma: a study by the Rosetta Plasma Consortium
Hess, P.
475283Abstract Title: Challenges in Characterizing the Dynamics of Coronal Mass Ejections
Hess Webber, S. A.
475283Abstract Title: Challenges in Characterizing the Dynamics of Coronal Mass Ejections
Hick, P. P.
475103Abstract Title: Bz Predictions and Forecasts for the Background Solar Wind and CMEs Using UCSD Analysis Techniques
Hietala, H.
474564Abstract Title: Radiation Belt Response to Driving by Comples ICMEs
Ho, G. C.
475369Abstract Title: Abundance variations in corotating interaction regions over two solar cycles
Hoeg, P.
475419Abstract Title: A new index for polar cap solar EUV irradiance for forecasting strong and extreme solar events
Holzworth, R. H. II
475005Abstract Title: Initial Steps for a System to Monitor Space Weather Effects on the Lower Ionosphere Using Global Lightning as a Probe Signal
Hoque, M. M.
474113Abstract Title: Toward the predictability of response time of ionospheric perturbations during solar eclipses: Case study of solar eclipse of 1 August 2008
Horne, R. B.
474969Abstract Title: Realistic Worst Case for a Severe Space Weather Event Driven by a Fast Solar Wind Stream, 475177Abstract Title: Forecasting the radiation belts
Hu, L.
475117Abstract Title: Response of the equatorial and low-latitude ionosphere over the West Pacific Ocean Sector to an X1.2 solar flare on 15 May 2013
Huang, C. Y.
474932Abstract Title: High Poynting fluxes at high latitudes during magnetic storms
Huang, Y.
474932Abstract Title: High Poynting fluxes at high latitudes during magnetic storms
Huang, Z.
475058Abstract Title: Validating a Physics Based Space Weather Model, 475081Abstract Title: Forecasting Extreme Space Weather Events with the Operational Geospace Model
Huba, J.
475064Abstract Title: Study of storm-time ionospheric disturbances and irregularities using ionospheric data assimilation model
Huba, J. D.
475532Abstract Title: High Latitude Sporadic-F
Hudson, M.
474593Abstract Title: Investigation of Solar Proton Access into the Inner Magnetosphere on 11 September 2017
Hudson, M. K.
475343Abstract Title: Advective process modeling for radiation belt electrons
Hunt, L. A.
474734Abstract Title: Space-Based Sentinels for Measurement of Infrared Cooling in the Thermosphere for Improved Space Weather Forecasting


Inoue, S.
474943Abstract Title: Toward the Physics-Based Prediction of Solar Flares Using the Triggered Feedback Instability Model
Ishii, M.
474816Abstract Title: Deep Neural Networks Applied to Solar Flare Prediction: Deep Flare Net (DeFN), 474938Abstract Title: Recent Improvement of WASAVIES: Warning System for Aviation Exposure to Solar Energetic Particle
Ivanova, V.
477816Abstract Title: The 6 September 2017 X-class solar flares and their impacts on the ionosphere, GNSS and HF radio wave propagation
Ivarsen, M. F.
475115Abstract Title: Ionospheric plasma structuring and its impact on GNSS signals: unprecedented opportunities using NorSat-1


Jackson, B. V.
475103Abstract Title: Bz Predictions and Forecasts for the Background Solar Wind and CMEs Using UCSD Analysis Techniques
Jackson, D.
475266Abstract Title: Space Weather Research at the UK Met Office
Jaynes, A. N.
474564Abstract Title: Radiation Belt Response to Driving by Comples ICMEs
Jiang, Q.
475303Abstract Title: An NRL Demonstration System for the Prediction of Medium- and Small-Scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances Triggered by Tropospheric Weather
Jin, H.
475075Abstract Title: Recent update of a whole atmosphere-ionosphere coupled model GAIA and its validation
Jin, H.
475206Abstract Title: ENSO effects on MLT diurnal tides: a 21-year reanalysis-driven GAIA model simulation
Jin, Y.
475115Abstract Title: Ionospheric plasma structuring and its impact on GNSS signals: unprecedented opportunities using NorSat-1, 475464Abstract Title: IPIR - Global study of ionospheric plasma irregularities with Swarm satellites
Jordanova, V. K.
475355Abstract Title: Model evaluation guidelines for geomagnetic index predictions


Kalliokoski, M.
474564Abstract Title: Radiation Belt Response to Driving by Comples ICMEs
Kalu, D. F.
474608Abstract Title: A Study of Heliospheric Modulation of Galactic Cosmic Rays
Kanekal, S. G.
475007Abstract Title: Dynamics of Earth’s Radiation Belts and space Weather
Kang, S. B.
475227Abstract Title: Modeling an Extreme Coronal Mass Ejection and its Consequences for the Earth’s Magnetosphere
Kassamba Abdel Aziz, D.
472524Abstract Title: Estimating the Daytime Vertical E×B Drift Velocities in the F-region of the Equatorial Ionosphere Using the IEEY and AMBER Magnetic Data in West Africa
Kataoka, R.
474938Abstract Title: Recent Improvement of WASAVIES: Warning System for Aviation Exposure to Solar Energetic Particle
Kay, C.
475283Abstract Title: Challenges in Characterizing the Dynamics of Coronal Mass Ejections
Keesee, A. M.
474740Abstract Title: Energetic Neutral Atom Imagers for Space Weather Monitoring
Kelbert, A.
475397Abstract Title: Accounting for the 3D Earth in a space weather forecasting workflow: Methods of real-time geoelectric field estimation
Kellerman, A. C.
474980Abstract Title: Tracking Space Weather Application Progress Towards Usability: Application Usability Levels., 475049Abstract Title: The Challenge of Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere Coupling: Communicating and Implementing Progress in Predictive Modeling
Kelly, A.
473771Abstract Title: The 06-09 September 2017
Kervalishvili, G.
475464Abstract Title: IPIR - Global study of ionospheric plasma irregularities with Swarm satellites
Kilpua, K. E. J.
474564Abstract Title: Radiation Belt Response to Driving by Comples ICMEs, 475045Abstract Title: Forecasting the Magnetic Structure of Earth-Bound CMEs
Kim, T. K.
475497Abstract Title: A Time-dependent Model of the Ambient Solar Wind and Turbulence Driven by Empirical Boundary Conditions
Kivelson, M.
474900Abstract Title: Temporal and Spatial Development of TEC Enhancements During Substorms
Knight, H. K. Jr
475303Abstract Title: An NRL Demonstration System for the Prediction of Medium- and Small-Scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances Triggered by Tropospheric Weather
Knipp, D.
474673Abstract Title: August 4, 1972: The Day the Sun, the Earth and an Ultra-fast Coronal Mass Ejection Aligned to Produce Historic Space Weather
Knipp, D. J.
66343Abstract Title: Oral Session I, 66345Abstract Title: Oral Session II, 66347Abstract Title: Oral Session III, 66353Abstract Title: Oral Session IV, 66371Abstract Title: Oral Session V, 66373Abstract Title: Oral Session VI, 66377Abstract Title: Oral Session VII, 66381Abstract Title: Oral Session VIII, 66396Abstract Title: Poster Session, 474710Abstract Title: Effects of Frontal and Inclined Interplanetary Shocks on High-latitude Field-aligned Currents Response, 474734Abstract Title: Space-Based Sentinels for Measurement of Infrared Cooling in the Thermosphere for Improved Space Weather Forecasting, 474792Abstract Title: The University of Colorado Space Weather Technology, Research, and Education Center: Developing Hybrid Operations-Research Models and Missions to Improve Space Weather Forecasting, 475160Abstract Title: The Scientific Challenge of Space Weather Forecasting, 475380Abstract Title: Coupled Model Simulations of Space Weather Extremes: Challenges and Results
Komar, C. M.
475227Abstract Title: Modeling an Extreme Coronal Mass Ejection and its Consequences for the Earth’s Magnetosphere
Kotov, D. V.
474337Abstract Title: Anomalous Enhancement of Thermospheric Hydrogen Density Prior to the Severe Storm of September 7-8, 2017
Kouassi, N. SR
473654Abstract Title: Geomagnetically Induced Currents (GICs) Related to Impulsive Space Weather events at Low Latitudes.
Kress, B. T.
474593Abstract Title: Investigation of Solar Proton Access into the Inner Magnetosphere on 11 September 2017
Kubo, Y.
474816Abstract Title: Deep Neural Networks Applied to Solar Flare Prediction: Deep Flare Net (DeFN), 474938Abstract Title: Recent Improvement of WASAVIES: Warning System for Aviation Exposure to Solar Energetic Particle
Kuhl, D.
474625Abstract Title: How does the quality of lower atmospheric drivers help predict thermospheric weather?
Kumar, S.
474173Abstract Title: F2-Region Response to the Intense Space Weather Events in March 2013 and 2015 and ttheir Comparision with Similar Strennght Storms of July 2012 and June 2015 and the IRI-2016 Model
Kumar, V.
473771Abstract Title: The 06-09 September 2017
Kusano, K.
474943Abstract Title: Toward the Physics-Based Prediction of Solar Flares Using the Triggered Feedback Instability Model
Kuznetsova, M.
474677Abstract Title: Assessment of Current Space Weather Modeling Capabilities: Ionosphere-Thermosphere, 475049Abstract Title: The Challenge of Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere Coupling: Communicating and Implementing Progress in Predictive Modeling
Kwon, R. Y.
475283Abstract Title: Challenges in Characterizing the Dynamics of Coronal Mass Ejections


Lakhina, G. S.
474596Abstract Title: Do We Know Enough About Magnetospheric Plasma Waves to Model Where and Under What Conditions ~10 keV to ~5 MeV Magnetospheric Electrons Will Precipitate into The Ionosphere?, 475112Abstract Title: Super Magnetic Storms and Their Occurrence Probabilities
Landry, R. G.
474932Abstract Title: High Poynting fluxes at high latitudes during magnetic storms
Lean, J.
475469Abstract Title: Do Lower Atmospheric Drivers Improve Ionospheric Forecasting?
Lee, C. O.
474738Abstract Title: Forecasting Strong Southward Magnetic Fields Associated with Coronal Mass Ejections: Ejecta, Sheaths, and Shocks Inside CME
Lewis, C. D.
477115Abstract Title: The DARPA Space Environment Exploitation (SEE) Program
Li, W.
474969Abstract Title: Realistic Worst Case for a Severe Space Weather Event Driven by a Fast Solar Wind Stream, 475213Abstract Title: Reconstruction of inner magnetospheric density, waves, and particle fluxes based on a neural network technique
Li, Z.
474593Abstract Title: Investigation of Solar Proton Access into the Inner Magnetosphere on 11 September 2017, 475343Abstract Title: Advective process modeling for radiation belt electrons
Liemohn, M. W.
474714Abstract Title: Predicting Auroral Conductance in Global MHD Models for Extreme Events, 475049Abstract Title: The Challenge of Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere Coupling: Communicating and Implementing Progress in Predictive Modeling, 475355Abstract Title: Model evaluation guidelines for geomagnetic index predictions, 475380Abstract Title: Coupled Model Simulations of Space Weather Extremes: Challenges and Results, 475431Abstract Title: Storm-time Dynamics of Birkeland Currents: Testing and Improving Physics-based Predictions
Lien, C. P.
475064Abstract Title: Study of storm-time ionospheric disturbances and irregularities using ionospheric data assimilation model
Liewer, P. C.
475283Abstract Title: Challenges in Characterizing the Dynamics of Coronal Mass Ejections
Lin, C. C. H.
475064Abstract Title: Study of storm-time ionospheric disturbances and irregularities using ionospheric data assimilation model
Liu, H.
474605Abstract Title: Forecasting the lower atmospheric drivers of ionosphere variability, 474625Abstract Title: How does the quality of lower atmospheric drivers help predict thermospheric weather?, 474782Abstract Title: Day-to-day Variability of Ionospheric Pre-reversal Enhancement Under Constant Solar and Geomagnetic Conditions
Liu, H.
66343Abstract Title: Oral Session I, 66345Abstract Title: Oral Session II, 66347Abstract Title: Oral Session III, 66353Abstract Title: Oral Session IV, 66371Abstract Title: Oral Session V, 66373Abstract Title: Oral Session VI, 66377Abstract Title: Oral Session VII, 66381Abstract Title: Oral Session VIII, 66396Abstract Title: Poster Session, 474602Abstract Title: Plasma blobs and bubbles concurrently observed by ROCSAT-1 and ionosonde in Equatorial Ionization Anomaly region in the Asian-Oceanian sector, 475160Abstract Title: The Scientific Challenge of Space Weather Forecasting, 475206Abstract Title: ENSO effects on MLT diurnal tides: a 21-year reanalysis-driven GAIA model simulation
Liu, J.
475403Abstract Title: The variations of high-latitude thermosphere and ionosphere mesoscale structures during the March 2013 St. Patrick’s Day major geomagnetic storm
Liu, Y. D.
475155Abstract Title: A Comparative Study of 2017 July and 2012 July Complex Solar Eruptions: Are Superstorms Homologous in Nature?
Lobzin, V. V.
473771Abstract Title: The 06-09 September 2017
Loper, R. D. Jr
475311Abstract Title: Reconnection Signatures in Solar Magnetograms
Love, J. J.
475032Abstract Title: Some experiments in extrapolating magnetic-storm intensities to extreme 100-year values
Lu, G.
474986Abstract Title: Causes of Large-scale Ionospheric Disturbances and Challenges in Predicting Them
Lucas, G. M.
475397Abstract Title: Accounting for the 3D Earth in a space weather forecasting workflow: Methods of real-time geoelectric field estimation
Lugaz, N.
474738Abstract Title: Forecasting Strong Southward Magnetic Fields Associated with Coronal Mass Ejections: Ejecta, Sheaths, and Shocks Inside CME
Lumme, E.
475045Abstract Title: Forecasting the Magnetic Structure of Earth-Bound CMEs


Ma, J.
475303Abstract Title: An NRL Demonstration System for the Prediction of Medium- and Small-Scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances Triggered by Tropospheric Weather
Ma, Q.
475213Abstract Title: Reconstruction of inner magnetospheric density, waves, and particle fluxes based on a neural network technique
Maher, P.
473771Abstract Title: The 06-09 September 2017
Mahrous, A. M. SR.
474113Abstract Title: Toward the predictability of response time of ionospheric perturbations during solar eclipses: Case study of solar eclipse of 1 August 2008
Malanushenko, A. V.
475797Abstract Title: Coronal Mass Ejections from Sun to Earth: New Modeling and Statistical Approaches
Malhotra, G.
475488Abstract Title: Understanding the Effects of Lower Boundary on the Ionosphere-Thermosphere System using GITM and WACCM-X
Manchester, W.
475058Abstract Title: Validating a Physics Based Space Weather Model
Mannucci, A. J.
66343Abstract Title: Oral Session I, 66345Abstract Title: Oral Session II, 66347Abstract Title: Oral Session III, 66353Abstract Title: Oral Session IV, 66371Abstract Title: Oral Session V, 66373Abstract Title: Oral Session VI, 66377Abstract Title: Oral Session VII, 66381Abstract Title: Oral Session VIII, 66396Abstract Title: Poster Session, 66404Abstract Title: Oral Session IX, 66408Abstract Title: Oral Session X, 66409Abstract Title: Oral Session XI, 66417Abstract Title: Oral Session XII, 66423Abstract Title: Oral Session XIII, 66427Abstract Title: Oral Session XIV, 474596Abstract Title: Do We Know Enough About Magnetospheric Plasma Waves to Model Where and Under What Conditions ~10 keV to ~5 MeV Magnetospheric Electrons Will Precipitate into The Ionosphere?, 474698Abstract Title: New capabilities for prediction of high‐latitude ionospheric scintillation: Novel exploration through machine learning, 474707Abstract Title: Evaluating TEC medium range forecast based on the True Skill Score approach, 474801Abstract Title: Solar and interplanetary causes of superstorms from 1957 to present, 475160Abstract Title: The Scientific Challenge of Space Weather Forecasting, 475297Abstract Title: Mid-Range Forecasting of Solar-Wind: A Case Study of Building Regression Model with Space Weather Forecast Testbed (SWFT), 475383Abstract Title: Evaluating the forecast performance of Total Electron Content from first-principles models, 475418Abstract Title: Influence of Extreme Magnetic Storms on the Upper Atmosphere
Mao, T.
475117Abstract Title: Response of the equatorial and low-latitude ionosphere over the West Pacific Ocean Sector to an X1.2 solar flare on 15 May 2013
Markidis, S.
475058Abstract Title: Validating a Physics Based Space Weather Model
Marsh, D. R.
474605Abstract Title: Forecasting the lower atmospheric drivers of ionosphere variability, 475488Abstract Title: Understanding the Effects of Lower Boundary on the Ionosphere-Thermosphere System using GITM and WACCM-X
Marsh, M. S.
475266Abstract Title: Space Weather Research at the UK Met Office
Marshall, R. A.
473771Abstract Title: The 06-09 September 2017
Maruyama, N.
474978Abstract Title: Modeling the Response of the Thermosphere and Ionosphere to Extreme Space Weather Events, 475019Abstract Title: Extreme Space Weather: Magnetosphere Response and Ionosphere Drivers
Mason, G. M.
475369Abstract Title: Abundance variations in corotating interaction regions over two solar cycles
Mateo Velez, J. C.
474966Abstract Title: Extreme Spacecraft Surface Charging at Geosynchronous Orbit and its Relationship with Upstream Solar Wind Parameters and Geomagnetic Indices
Matsuo, T.
474710Abstract Title: Effects of Frontal and Inclined Interplanetary Shocks on High-latitude Field-aligned Currents Response, 475064Abstract Title: Study of storm-time ionospheric disturbances and irregularities using ionospheric data assimilation model
Mattmann, C. A.
474698Abstract Title: New capabilities for prediction of high‐latitude ionospheric scintillation: Novel exploration through machine learning
Mays, M. L.
475259Abstract Title: Prediction of the Peak Intensity of Solar Energetic Particle Events in Solar Cycles 23 and 24 using CME Speed and Direction and Radio Observations ("SEPSTER"), 475283Abstract Title: Challenges in Characterizing the Dynamics of Coronal Mass Ejections
McCarthy, M.
475005Abstract Title: Initial Steps for a System to Monitor Space Weather Effects on the Lower Ionosphere Using Global Lightning as a Probe Signal
McCollough, J. P. II
475355Abstract Title: Model evaluation guidelines for geomagnetic index predictions
McCormack, J. P.
474625Abstract Title: How does the quality of lower atmospheric drivers help predict thermospheric weather?, 475469Abstract Title: Do Lower Atmospheric Drivers Improve Ionospheric Forecasting?
McDonald, S. E.
474625Abstract Title: How does the quality of lower atmospheric drivers help predict thermospheric weather?, 475469Abstract Title: Do Lower Atmospheric Drivers Improve Ionospheric Forecasting?
McGranaghan, R. M.
474698Abstract Title: New capabilities for prediction of high‐latitude ionospheric scintillation: Novel exploration through machine learning, 474707Abstract Title: Evaluating TEC medium range forecast based on the True Skill Score approach, 475160Abstract Title: The Scientific Challenge of Space Weather Forecasting, 475383Abstract Title: Evaluating the forecast performance of Total Electron Content from first-principles models
Meehan, J.
475364Abstract Title: Real-time Monitoring of the Ionosphere Using Cell Phone GNSS Technology
Meng, X.
474707Abstract Title: Evaluating TEC medium range forecast based on the True Skill Score approach, 474801Abstract Title: Solar and interplanetary causes of superstorms from 1957 to present, 475160Abstract Title: The Scientific Challenge of Space Weather Forecasting, 475297Abstract Title: Mid-Range Forecasting of Solar-Wind: A Case Study of Building Regression Model with Space Weather Forecast Testbed (SWFT), 475383Abstract Title: Evaluating the forecast performance of Total Electron Content from first-principles models
Meredith, N. P.
474969Abstract Title: Realistic Worst Case for a Severe Space Weather Event Driven by a Fast Solar Wind Stream
Merkin, V. G.
475797Abstract Title: Coronal Mass Ejections from Sun to Earth: New Modeling and Statistical Approaches
Merriman, D.
475364Abstract Title: Real-time Monitoring of the Ionosphere Using Cell Phone GNSS Technology
Messanga Etoundi, H.
474995Abstract Title: Evaluation of the contribution of thunderclouds to the electrification of the troposphere and the formation of low altitude electrojet
Mierla, M.
475283Abstract Title: Challenges in Characterizing the Dynamics of Coronal Mass Ejections
Miller, E. S.
475532Abstract Title: High Latitude Sporadic-F
Millward, G. H.
475081Abstract Title: Forecasting Extreme Space Weather Events with the Operational Geospace Model
Miloch, W. J.
475464Abstract Title: IPIR - Global study of ionospheric plasma irregularities with Swarm satellites
Mitchell, C. N.
475532Abstract Title: High Latitude Sporadic-F
Miyake, F.
474830Abstract Title: A search for past extreme solar events using 14C data in tree rings
Miyake, S.
474938Abstract Title: Recent Improvement of WASAVIES: Warning System for Aviation Exposure to Solar Energetic Particle
Miyoshi, Y.
475075Abstract Title: Recent update of a whole atmosphere-ionosphere coupled model GAIA and its validation, 475206Abstract Title: ENSO effects on MLT diurnal tides: a 21-year reanalysis-driven GAIA model simulation
Miyoshi, Y.
474938Abstract Title: Recent Improvement of WASAVIES: Warning System for Aviation Exposure to Solar Energetic Particle
Mlynczak, M. G.
474734Abstract Title: Space-Based Sentinels for Measurement of Infrared Cooling in the Thermosphere for Improved Space Weather Forecasting
Moen, J.
475115Abstract Title: Ionospheric plasma structuring and its impact on GNSS signals: unprecedented opportunities using NorSat-1
Moen, J. I.
474744Abstract Title: How Common Is Strong Upwelling Over The Cusp?
Morley, S.
475355Abstract Title: Model evaluation guidelines for geomagnetic index predictions, 475387Abstract Title: Uncertainties in space weather forecasting using coupled physics models
Morosan, D.
475045Abstract Title: Forecasting the Magnetic Structure of Earth-Bound CMEs
Muhamad, J.
474943Abstract Title: Toward the Physics-Based Prediction of Solar Flares Using the Triggered Feedback Instability Model
Mukhopadhyay, A.
474714Abstract Title: Predicting Auroral Conductance in Global MHD Models for Extreme Events, 475380Abstract Title: Coupled Model Simulations of Space Weather Extremes: Challenges and Results
Murray, S. A.
474689Abstract Title: Fostering scientific collaboration for improved space weather forecasting, 474980Abstract Title: Tracking Space Weather Application Progress Towards Usability: Application Usability Levels.
Myllys, M. E.
473901Abstract Title: Impacts of interplanetary corotating interaction regions on cometary plasma: a study by the Rosetta Plasma Consortium


Nava, O.
475364Abstract Title: Real-time Monitoring of the Ionosphere Using Cell Phone GNSS Technology
Neudegg, D.
473771Abstract Title: The 06-09 September 2017
Ngwira, C.
475355Abstract Title: Model evaluation guidelines for geomagnetic index predictions
Ngwira, C. M.
475317Abstract Title: Modeling and Analysis of Extreme Geomagnetically Induced Currents
Nickolaev, A. Dr
475209Abstract Title: Short-term Forecasting the Magnetic Storm Progression and Intensity by means the PC index
Nikitina, L.
474630Abstract Title: Application of the Extreme Value Analysis in Evaluation of Space Weather Impacts on Critical Infrastructure at High Latitudes
Nishizuka, N.
474816Abstract Title: Deep Neural Networks Applied to Solar Flare Prediction: Deep Flare Net (DeFN)
Nychka, D. W.
475797Abstract Title: Coronal Mass Ejections from Sun to Earth: New Modeling and Statistical Approaches


Obrou, O. K.
472524Abstract Title: Estimating the Daytime Vertical E×B Drift Velocities in the F-region of the Equatorial Ionosphere Using the IEEY and AMBER Magnetic Data in West Africa, 474342Abstract Title: Evaluation of an Ionospheric GNSS model performance in Southern mid-latitudes during geomagnetic storm
Okpala, K. C.
474608Abstract Title: A Study of Heliospheric Modulation of Galactic Cosmic Rays
Oleg, T.
475265Abstract Title: The PC index as Verifier of Geoefficiency of the Solar Wind Parameters fixed in the Point of Libration L1
Oliveira, D. M.
474710Abstract Title: Effects of Frontal and Inclined Interplanetary Shocks on High-latitude Field-aligned Currents Response, 474925Abstract Title: Satellite Orbital Drag During Extreme Geomagnetic Storms: How Accurate are our Predictions?, 475227Abstract Title: Modeling an Extreme Coronal Mass Ejection and its Consequences for the Earth’s Magnetosphere
Opgenoorth, H. J.
475355Abstract Title: Model evaluation guidelines for geomagnetic index predictions
Osmane, A.
474564Abstract Title: Radiation Belt Response to Driving by Comples ICMEs
Oyeyemi, E.
474237Abstract Title: Variability of ionospheric irregularities over the longitudinal sectors of African equatorial/low latitude region during the geomagnetic storm of 17 March 2013


Padokhin, A. M.
477816Abstract Title: The 6 September 2017 X-class solar flares and their impacts on the ionosphere, GNSS and HF radio wave propagation
Palmerio, E.
475045Abstract Title: Forecasting the Magnetic Structure of Earth-Bound CMEs
Palmroth, M.
474564Abstract Title: Radiation Belt Response to Driving by Comples ICMEs
Panasenco, A.
474842Abstract Title: Widely Distributed SEP Events and Coronal Pseudostreamers
Panasenco, O.
474842Abstract Title: Widely Distributed SEP Events and Coronal Pseudostreamers
Pankratz, C. K.
474792Abstract Title: The University of Colorado Space Weather Technology, Research, and Education Center: Developing Hybrid Operations-Research Models and Missions to Improve Space Weather Forecasting
Park, S. H.
474943Abstract Title: Toward the Physics-Based Prediction of Solar Flares Using the Triggered Feedback Instability Model
Parkinson, M. L.
473771Abstract Title: The 06-09 September 2017
Patel, M.
475343Abstract Title: Advective process modeling for radiation belt electrons
Patra, A. K.
473891Abstract Title: Extremely intense substorms/supersubstorms: interplanetary origin and characteristics
Paxton, L. J.
474768Abstract Title: Connecting Space Weather Products Using Artificial Neural Network Training, 474997Abstract Title: Forecasting the Ionosphere at High Latitudes, 475488Abstract Title: Understanding the Effects of Lower Boundary on the Ionosphere-Thermosphere System using GITM and WACCM-X
Pedatella, N. M.
474605Abstract Title: Forecasting the lower atmospheric drivers of ionosphere variability
Pembroke, A. D.
475049Abstract Title: The Challenge of Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere Coupling: Communicating and Implementing Progress in Predictive Modeling
Phillips, M. W.
474969Abstract Title: Realistic Worst Case for a Severe Space Weather Event Driven by a Fast Solar Wind Stream
Pi, X.
475391Abstract Title: Forecast of Ionospheric Irregularities and Scintillation: Challenges and Research
Pilinski, M.
474792Abstract Title: The University of Colorado Space Weather Technology, Research, and Education Center: Developing Hybrid Operations-Research Models and Missions to Improve Space Weather Forecasting
Pilipenko, V. A.
475161Abstract Title: The study geomagnetic field variability describing the growth of the GIC in electric power lines
Podlesnyi, A.
477816Abstract Title: The 6 September 2017 X-class solar flares and their impacts on the ionosphere, GNSS and HF radio wave propagation
Poduval, B.
474680Abstract Title: Machine Learning Approach to Determining a Solar Wind Index for Space Weather Prediction, 475362Abstract Title: A Deep Learning Approach to forecasting solar wind properties
Pogorelov, N. V.
475497Abstract Title: A Time-dependent Model of the Ambient Solar Wind and Turbulence Driven by Empirical Boundary Conditions
Pokhotelov, D.
475019Abstract Title: Extreme Space Weather: Magnetosphere Response and Ionosphere Drivers
Pomoell, J.
475045Abstract Title: Forecasting the Magnetic Structure of Earth-Bound CMEs
Price, D. J.
475045Abstract Title: Forecasting the Magnetic Structure of Earth-Bound CMEs
Provornikova, E.
475797Abstract Title: Coronal Mass Ejections from Sun to Earth: New Modeling and Statistical Approaches
Pulkkinen, A. A.
474980Abstract Title: Tracking Space Weather Application Progress Towards Usability: Application Usability Levels.
Pulkkinen, T. I.
474564Abstract Title: Radiation Belt Response to Driving by Comples ICMEs


Qian, L.
475199Abstract Title: Solar Flare and Geomagnetic Storm Effects on the Thermosphere and Ionosphere During September 2017, 475403Abstract Title: The variations of high-latitude thermosphere and ionosphere mesoscale structures during the March 2013 St. Patrick’s Day major geomagnetic storm
Qin, M.
474593Abstract Title: Investigation of Solar Proton Access into the Inner Magnetosphere on 11 September 2017


Raeder, J.
474978Abstract Title: Modeling the Response of the Thermosphere and Ionosphere to Extreme Space Weather Events, 475019Abstract Title: Extreme Space Weather: Magnetosphere Response and Ionosphere Drivers
Raeder, K.
474605Abstract Title: Forecasting the lower atmospheric drivers of ionosphere variability
Rahmanifard, F.
477110Abstract Title: Cosmic Ray Fluxes and Permissible Mission Duration Derived from CRaTER Observations
Raizada, S.
474180Abstract Title: Correlating Trapped Waves in Electron Density Profiles to a Geomagnetic Storm in the F Region of the Ionosphere
Rajesh, P. K.
475064Abstract Title: Study of storm-time ionospheric disturbances and irregularities using ionospheric data assimilation model
Rastaetter, L.
475049Abstract Title: The Challenge of Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere Coupling: Communicating and Implementing Progress in Predictive Modeling
Redmon, R. J.
475049Abstract Title: The Challenge of Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere Coupling: Communicating and Implementing Progress in Predictive Modeling
Richardson, I. G.
475249Abstract Title: Understanding the Interplanetary Origin of Space Weather and Why this is Essential for Successful Forecasting, 475259Abstract Title: Prediction of the Peak Intensity of Solar Energetic Particle Events in Solar Cycles 23 and 24 using CME Speed and Direction and Radio Observations ("SEPSTER")
Ridley, A. J.
474714Abstract Title: Predicting Auroral Conductance in Global MHD Models for Extreme Events, 475488Abstract Title: Understanding the Effects of Lower Boundary on the Ionosphere-Thermosphere System using GITM and WACCM-X
Robinson, R. M.
475049Abstract Title: The Challenge of Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere Coupling: Communicating and Implementing Progress in Predictive Modeling, 475359Abstract Title: Forecasting Auroral Electrodynamic Parameters Using Global Measurements of Field-Aligned Currents
Robinson, R. M.
474714Abstract Title: Predicting Auroral Conductance in Global MHD Models for Extreme Events
Rosen, G.
475297Abstract Title: Mid-Range Forecasting of Solar-Wind: A Case Study of Building Regression Model with Space Weather Forecast Testbed (SWFT)
Ryden, K. A.
474969Abstract Title: Realistic Worst Case for a Severe Space Weather Event Driven by a Fast Solar Wind Stream


Sachdeva, N.
475058Abstract Title: Validating a Physics Based Space Weather Model
Saiz, E.
474845Abstract Title: Extreme space weather: some considerations preceding an accurate forecasting
Sakharov, Y.
475161Abstract Title: The study geomagnetic field variability describing the growth of the GIC in electric power lines
Salman, T. M.
474738Abstract Title: Forecasting Strong Southward Magnetic Fields Associated with Coronal Mass Ejections: Ejecta, Sheaths, and Shocks Inside CME
Sassi, F.
474625Abstract Title: How does the quality of lower atmospheric drivers help predict thermospheric weather?, 475469Abstract Title: Do Lower Atmospheric Drivers Improve Ionospheric Forecasting?
Sato, T.
474938Abstract Title: Recent Improvement of WASAVIES: Warning System for Aviation Exposure to Solar Energetic Particle
Schaefer, R. K.
475532Abstract Title: High Latitude Sporadic-F
Schunk, R. W.
474499Abstract Title: Challenge in Specifying and Forecasting Space Weather
Schwadron, N.
477110Abstract Title: Cosmic Ray Fluxes and Permissible Mission Duration Derived from CRaTER Observations
Scott, C. J.
475055Abstract Title: Reconstructing Extreme Space‒Weather Events in History
Selesnick, R.
474593Abstract Title: Investigation of Solar Proton Access into the Inner Magnetosphere on 11 September 2017
Sharma, A. S.
475160Abstract Title: The Scientific Challenge of Space Weather Forecasting
Sharma, S.
66343Abstract Title: Oral Session I, 66345Abstract Title: Oral Session II, 66347Abstract Title: Oral Session III, 66353Abstract Title: Oral Session IV, 66371Abstract Title: Oral Session V, 66373Abstract Title: Oral Session VI, 66377Abstract Title: Oral Session VII, 66381Abstract Title: Oral Session VIII, 66396Abstract Title: Poster Session
Sharpe, M.
475266Abstract Title: Space Weather Research at the UK Met Office
She, C.
475117Abstract Title: Response of the equatorial and low-latitude ionosphere over the West Pacific Ocean Sector to an X1.2 solar flare on 15 May 2013
Shea, M. A.
474673Abstract Title: August 4, 1972: The Day the Sun, the Earth and an Ultra-fast Coronal Mass Ejection Aligned to Produce Historic Space Weather
Sheng, C.
475418Abstract Title: Influence of Extreme Magnetic Storms on the Upper Atmosphere
Shi, Y.
474710Abstract Title: Effects of Frontal and Inclined Interplanetary Shocks on High-latitude Field-aligned Currents Response
Shim, J. S.
474677Abstract Title: Assessment of Current Space Weather Modeling Capabilities: Ionosphere-Thermosphere, 474707Abstract Title: Evaluating TEC medium range forecast based on the True Skill Score approach, 475049Abstract Title: The Challenge of Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere Coupling: Communicating and Implementing Progress in Predictive Modeling, 475383Abstract Title: Evaluating the forecast performance of Total Electron Content from first-principles models
Shinagawa, H.
475075Abstract Title: Recent update of a whole atmosphere-ionosphere coupled model GAIA and its validation
Shiota, D.
474938Abstract Title: Recent Improvement of WASAVIES: Warning System for Aviation Exposure to Solar Energetic Particle, 475223Abstract Title: Development of a real-time prediction system of CME arrival and magnetic field with SUSANOO-CME MHD simulation
Shneider, C.
475362Abstract Title: A Deep Learning Approach to forecasting solar wind properties
Shprits, Y.
475355Abstract Title: Model evaluation guidelines for geomagnetic index predictions
Shulha, M. O.
474337Abstract Title: Anomalous Enhancement of Thermospheric Hydrogen Density Prior to the Severe Storm of September 7-8, 2017
Silverman, S.
475055Abstract Title: Reconstructing Extreme Space‒Weather Events in History
Singer, H. J.
475081Abstract Title: Forecasting Extreme Space Weather Events with the Operational Geospace Model, 475355Abstract Title: Model evaluation guidelines for geomagnetic index predictions
Smart, D. F.
474673Abstract Title: August 4, 1972: The Day the Sun, the Earth and an Ultra-fast Coronal Mass Ejection Aligned to Produce Historic Space Weather
Smith, B. P.
474180Abstract Title: Correlating Trapped Waves in Electron Density Profiles to a Geomagnetic Storm in the F Region of the Ionosphere
Solomon, S. C.
475199Abstract Title: Solar Flare and Geomagnetic Storm Effects on the Thermosphere and Ionosphere During September 2017
Sormakov, D.
475265Abstract Title: The PC index as Verifier of Geoefficiency of the Solar Wind Parameters fixed in the Point of Libration L1
Sotirelis, T.
474932Abstract Title: High Poynting fluxes at high latitudes during magnetic storms
Spence, H. E.
477110Abstract Title: Cosmic Ray Fluxes and Permissible Mission Duration Derived from CRaTER Observations
Spicher, A.
475115Abstract Title: Ionospheric plasma structuring and its impact on GNSS signals: unprecedented opportunities using NorSat-1, 475464Abstract Title: IPIR - Global study of ionospheric plasma irregularities with Swarm satellites
Steenburgh, R. A.
475407Abstract Title: Space Weather Forecasting as a Scientific Endeavor: A Practitioner's Perspective.
Steward, G.
473771Abstract Title: The 06-09 September 2017
Stolle, C.
475464Abstract Title: IPIR - Global study of ionospheric plasma irregularities with Swarm satellites
Sugiura, K.
474816Abstract Title: Deep Neural Networks Applied to Solar Flare Prediction: Deep Flare Net (DeFN)
Sun, L.
475117Abstract Title: Response of the equatorial and low-latitude ionosphere over the West Pacific Ocean Sector to an X1.2 solar flare on 15 May 2013
Suresh, S.
475321Abstract Title: Climatological Response of Indian Low-Latitude Ionosphere to Geomagnetic Storms
Sutton, E. K.
474792Abstract Title: The University of Colorado Space Weather Technology, Research, and Education Center: Developing Hybrid Operations-Research Models and Missions to Improve Space Weather Forecasting, 475485Abstract Title: Nowcasting and Forecasting the Ionosphere-Thermosphere System During Extreme Events
Swiger, B. M.
474966Abstract Title: Extreme Spacecraft Surface Charging at Geosynchronous Orbit and its Relationship with Upstream Solar Wind Parameters and Geomagnetic Indices
Syrovatskii, S.
477816Abstract Title: The 6 September 2017 X-class solar flares and their impacts on the ionosphere, GNSS and HF radio wave propagation


Tao, C.
475075Abstract Title: Recent update of a whole atmosphere-ionosphere coupled model GAIA and its validation
Tate, J.
474625Abstract Title: How does the quality of lower atmospheric drivers help predict thermospheric weather?, 475469Abstract Title: Do Lower Atmospheric Drivers Improve Ionospheric Forecasting?
Terkildsen, M.
473771Abstract Title: The 06-09 September 2017 , 475106Abstract Title: Performance metrics for the prediction of ionospheric scintillations caused by Equatorial Plasma Bubbles
Thayer, J. P.
474792Abstract Title: The University of Colorado Space Weather Technology, Research, and Education Center: Developing Hybrid Operations-Research Models and Missions to Improve Space Weather Forecasting, 475485Abstract Title: Nowcasting and Forecasting the Ionosphere-Thermosphere System During Extreme Events
Thiemann, E.
475013Abstract Title: Characterizing Far-side Magnetogram EUV Irradiance Forecasts with EUV Irradiance Measurements Made from Mars, 475038Abstract Title: New Thermospheric Temperature Profiles from PROBA2 LYRA Solar Occultations
Thompson, B. J.
474980Abstract Title: Tracking Space Weather Application Progress Towards Usability: Application Usability Levels., 475259Abstract Title: Prediction of the Peak Intensity of Solar Energetic Particle Events in Solar Cycles 23 and 24 using CME Speed and Direction and Radio Observations ("SEPSTER"), 475283Abstract Title: Challenges in Characterizing the Dynamics of Coronal Mass Ejections
Thorne, R. M.
475213Abstract Title: Reconstruction of inner magnetospheric density, waves, and particle fluxes based on a neural network technique
Tobiska, W. K.
474990Abstract Title: Progress made and path forward to forecasting the aviation radiation hazard, 475355Abstract Title: Model evaluation guidelines for geomagnetic index predictions
Toth, G.
475058Abstract Title: Validating a Physics Based Space Weather Model, 475081Abstract Title: Forecasting Extreme Space Weather Events with the Operational Geospace Model, 475380Abstract Title: Coupled Model Simulations of Space Weather Extremes: Challenges and Results
Townsend, L.
477110Abstract Title: Cosmic Ray Fluxes and Permissible Mission Duration Derived from CRaTER Observations
Trichtchenko, L.
474630Abstract Title: Application of the Extreme Value Analysis in Evaluation of Space Weather Impacts on Critical Infrastructure at High Latitudes
Troshichev, O. A.
475209Abstract Title: Short-term Forecasting the Magnetic Storm Progression and Intensity by means the PC index
Tsagouri, I.
474677Abstract Title: Assessment of Current Space Weather Modeling Capabilities: Ionosphere-Thermosphere, 475133Abstract Title: Forecasting the ionospheric response to solar wind forcing: Suggestive results obtained through the evaluation of the performance of the Solar Wind driven autoregressive model for Ionospheric short-term Forecast (SWIF)
Tseng, H. L. R.
475364Abstract Title: Real-time Monitoring of the Ionosphere Using Cell Phone GNSS Technology
Tsurutani, B.
66404Abstract Title: Oral Session IX, 66408Abstract Title: Oral Session X, 66409Abstract Title: Oral Session XI, 66417Abstract Title: Oral Session XII, 66423Abstract Title: Oral Session XIII, 66427Abstract Title: Oral Session XIV, 473891Abstract Title: Extremely intense substorms/supersubstorms: interplanetary origin and characteristics, 473901Abstract Title: Impacts of interplanetary corotating interaction regions on cometary plasma: a study by the Rosetta Plasma Consortium, 474596Abstract Title: Do We Know Enough About Magnetospheric Plasma Waves to Model Where and Under What Conditions ~10 keV to ~5 MeV Magnetospheric Electrons Will Precipitate into The Ionosphere?, 474707Abstract Title: Evaluating TEC medium range forecast based on the True Skill Score approach, 474801Abstract Title: Solar and interplanetary causes of superstorms from 1957 to present, 475160Abstract Title: The Scientific Challenge of Space Weather Forecasting, 475297Abstract Title: Mid-Range Forecasting of Solar-Wind: A Case Study of Building Regression Model with Space Weather Forecast Testbed (SWFT), 475383Abstract Title: Evaluating the forecast performance of Total Electron Content from first-principles models, 475418Abstract Title: Influence of Extreme Magnetic Storms on the Upper Atmosphere
Turner, D. L.
474564Abstract Title: Radiation Belt Response to Driving by Comples ICMEs


Vainio, R. O.
474564Abstract Title: Radiation Belt Response to Driving by Comples ICMEs
van der Holst, B.
475058Abstract Title: Validating a Physics Based Space Weather Model
Vaquero, J. M.
475055Abstract Title: Reconstructing Extreme Space‒Weather Events in History
Vasile, R.
475355Abstract Title: Model evaluation guidelines for geomagnetic index predictions
Velli, M.
474842Abstract Title: Widely Distributed SEP Events and Coronal Pseudostreamers
Verkhoglyadova, O. P.
66404Abstract Title: Oral Session IX, 66408Abstract Title: Oral Session X, 66409Abstract Title: Oral Session XI, 66417Abstract Title: Oral Session XII, 66423Abstract Title: Oral Session XIII, 66427Abstract Title: Oral Session XIV, 474707Abstract Title: Evaluating TEC medium range forecast based on the True Skill Score approach, 475160Abstract Title: The Scientific Challenge of Space Weather Forecasting, 475297Abstract Title: Mid-Range Forecasting of Solar-Wind: A Case Study of Building Regression Model with Space Weather Forecast Testbed (SWFT), 475383Abstract Title: Evaluating the forecast performance of Total Electron Content from first-principles models
Verma, V. K.
475119Abstract Title: On EIT Waves relationship with Solar Coronal Mass Ejections
Vines, S. K.
475428Abstract Title: Estimating High Latitude Electrodynamics: Opportunities for Synergy Netween L1-driven Models and Global Observations to Improve Prediction and Specification, 475431Abstract Title: Storm-time Dynamics of Birkeland Currents: Testing and Improving Physics-based Predictions
Vourlidas, A.
474678Abstract Title: The Solar Drivers of Space Weather: What Are the Key Issues for Improving Short to Medium Range Forecasting?, 475797Abstract Title: Coronal Mass Ejections from Sun to Earth: New Modeling and Statistical Approaches


Wang, C.
475297Abstract Title: Mid-Range Forecasting of Solar-Wind: A Case Study of Building Regression Model with Space Weather Forecast Testbed (SWFT)
Wang, W.
474813Abstract Title: Poynting Flux Measured on DMSP Satellites and Its Influence on the Thermosphere, 475199Abstract Title: Solar Flare and Geomagnetic Storm Effects on the Thermosphere and Ionosphere During September 2017, 475403Abstract Title: The variations of high-latitude thermosphere and ionosphere mesoscale structures during the March 2013 St. Patrick’s Day major geomagnetic storm
Wang, X.
475058Abstract Title: Validating a Physics Based Space Weather Model
Wang, Y.
475117Abstract Title: Response of the equatorial and low-latitude ionosphere over the West Pacific Ocean Sector to an X1.2 solar flare on 15 May 2013
Wang, Z.
474602Abstract Title: Plasma blobs and bubbles concurrently observed by ROCSAT-1 and ionosonde in Equatorial Ionization Anomaly region in the Asian-Oceanian sector
Weigel, R. S.
475355Abstract Title: Model evaluation guidelines for geomagnetic index predictions
Weimer, D. R.
475428Abstract Title: Estimating High Latitude Electrodynamics: Opportunities for Synergy Netween L1-driven Models and Global Observations to Improve Prediction and Specification
Welling, D. T.
474714Abstract Title: Predicting Auroral Conductance in Global MHD Models for Extreme Events, 474980Abstract Title: Tracking Space Weather Application Progress Towards Usability: Application Usability Levels., 475081Abstract Title: Forecasting Extreme Space Weather Events with the Operational Geospace Model, 475355Abstract Title: Model evaluation guidelines for geomagnetic index predictions, 475380Abstract Title: Coupled Model Simulations of Space Weather Extremes: Challenges and Results, 475387Abstract Title: Uncertainties in space weather forecasting using coupled physics models
West, M. J.
475038Abstract Title: New Thermospheric Temperature Profiles from PROBA2 LYRA Solar Occultations
Weygand, J. M.
474900Abstract Title: Temporal and Spatial Development of TEC Enhancements During Substorms
Willis, D. M.
475055Abstract Title: Reconstructing Extreme Space‒Weather Events in History
Wilson, B. D.
474698Abstract Title: New capabilities for prediction of high‐latitude ionospheric scintillation: Novel exploration through machine learning
Wiltberger, M. J.
475797Abstract Title: Coronal Mass Ejections from Sun to Earth: New Modeling and Statistical Approaches
Wing, S.
474900Abstract Title: Temporal and Spatial Development of TEC Enhancements During Substorms
Winslow, R. M.
474738Abstract Title: Forecasting Strong Southward Magnetic Fields Associated with Coronal Mass Ejections: Ejecta, Sheaths, and Shocks Inside CME
Wintoft, P.
475355Abstract Title: Model evaluation guidelines for geomagnetic index predictions
Woodroffe, J. R.
475380Abstract Title: Coupled Model Simulations of Space Weather Extremes: Challenges and Results, 475387Abstract Title: Uncertainties in space weather forecasting using coupled physics models
Wu, C.
475488Abstract Title: Understanding the Effects of Lower Boundary on the Ionosphere-Thermosphere System using GITM and WACCM-X


Xiong, B.
475117Abstract Title: Response of the equatorial and low-latitude ionosphere over the West Pacific Ocean Sector to an X1.2 solar flare on 15 May 2013
Xiong, C.
475464Abstract Title: IPIR - Global study of ionospheric plasma irregularities with Swarm satellites


Yashiro, S.
475223Abstract Title: Development of a real-time prediction system of CME arrival and magnetic field with SUSANOO-CME MHD simulation
Yasuda, H.
474938Abstract Title: Recent Improvement of WASAVIES: Warning System for Aviation Exposure to Solar Energetic Particle
Yasyukevich, Y.
477816Abstract Title: The 6 September 2017 X-class solar flares and their impacts on the ionosphere, GNSS and HF radio wave propagation
Yee, J. H.
474734Abstract Title: Space-Based Sentinels for Measurement of Infrared Cooling in the Thermosphere for Improved Space Weather Forecasting
Young, C.
474734Abstract Title: Space-Based Sentinels for Measurement of Infrared Cooling in the Thermosphere for Improved Space Weather Forecasting
Young, J.
473771Abstract Title: The 06-09 September 2017
Yu, C.
474813Abstract Title: Poynting Flux Measured on DMSP Satellites and Its Influence on the Thermosphere
Yu, H. S.
475103Abstract Title: Bz Predictions and Forecasts for the Background Solar Wind and CMEs Using UCSD Analysis Techniques
Yue, C.
475213Abstract Title: Reconstruction of inner magnetospheric density, waves, and particle fluxes based on a neural network technique


Zakharenkova, I.
475040Abstract Title: Large-Scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances: Origin and Propagation
Zakharenkova, I.
475023Abstract Title: Understanding of plasma irregularities induced by Space Weather
Zawdie, K.
475303Abstract Title: An NRL Demonstration System for the Prediction of Medium- and Small-Scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances Triggered by Tropospheric Weather
Zhang, S.
475199Abstract Title: Solar Flare and Geomagnetic Storm Effects on the Thermosphere and Ionosphere During September 2017
Zhang, X.
474813Abstract Title: Poynting Flux Measured on DMSP Satellites and Its Influence on the Thermosphere
Zhang, Y.
474768Abstract Title: Connecting Space Weather Products Using Artificial Neural Network Training
Zhelavskaya, I. S.
475355Abstract Title: Model evaluation guidelines for geomagnetic index predictions
Zhu, Q.
475418Abstract Title: Influence of Extreme Magnetic Storms on the Upper Atmosphere