Experimental Studies of the Effect of Permeability on Seismoelectric Conversion Coefficients in Natural and Synthetic Sandstones

Wednesday, 17 December 2014: 9:30 AM
Zhenya Zhu and M Nafi Toksoz, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, United States
Theoretical calculation of seismoelectric conversion coefficients is difficult because it requires a large number of parameters that are hard to obtain. Much laboratory data are needed to validate the theoretical results. The most critical issue is determining independently the effect of porosity and permeability on seismoelectric coefficients. In general, when the rock porosity increases, the permeability increases too, and vice versa. In this study, we make measurements on both synthetic sandstone and two Berea (500 and 100) samples. We built a man-made “sandstone” sample with round cracks which are distributed in a horizontal plane. Thus the small cube (1.7 cm^3 ) only has one value of porosity and different permeabilities in the three directions. It is a sample with anisotropy in permeability. Laboratory experiments in a water tank show that the seismoelectric conversion coefficient is related to permeabilities in the three directions. The seismoelectric coefficient is highest in the direction of maximum permeability and lowest in the direction of minimum permeability. The measurements with the isotropic Berea samples show that seismoelectric coefficient increases with both porosity and permeability. Application of the result to borehole logging measurements requires analysis of the data from P, S, and Stoneley waves. P and Stoneley waves give large seismoelectric signals in the presence of fractures or high permeability zones. Shear waves, that do not induce fluid flow, provide very small seismoelectric signals. If the fracture strike in the formation is along the borehole axis, the P-wave induces stronger seismoelectric signal. Seismoelectric well logging might prove help for exploring the fractures or micro fractures in a borehole wall.