Effect of Atmospheric Forcing Resolution on Delivery of Ocean Heat to the Antarctic Floating Ice Shelves

Wednesday, 17 December 2014: 5:15 PM
John Michael Klinck II1, Michael S Dinniman1, David H Bromwich2 and David M Holland3, (1)Old Dominion Univ, Norfolk, VA, United States, (2)Ohio State University Main Campus, Department of Geography, Columbus, OH, United States, (3)New York University, New York, NY, United States
Oceanic melting of the base of the floating Antarctic ice shelves is now thought to be a more significant cause of mass loss for the Antarctic ice sheet than iceberg calving. In this study, we use a 10 km horizontal resolution circum-Antarctic ocean/sea ice/ice shelf model (based on ROMS) to study the delivery of ocean heat to the base of the ice shelves. The atmospheric forcing comes from the ERA-Interim reanalysis (~80 km resolution) and from simulations using the Polar-optimized WRF model (30 km resolution) where the upper atmosphere was relaxed to the ERA-Interim reanalysis. Total basal ice shelf melt increases by 14% with the higher resolution winds but only 3% with both the higher resolution winds and atmospheric surface temperatures. The higher resolution winds lead to more heat being delivered to the ice shelf cavities from the adjacent ocean and an increase in the efficiency of heat transfer between the water and the ice. The higher resolution winds also lead to changes in the heat delivered from the open ocean to the continental shelves as well as changes in the heat lost to the atmosphere over the shelves and the sign of these changes varies regionally. Addition of the higher resolution temperatures to the winds results in lowering, primarily during summer, the wind driven increase in heat advected into the ice shelf cavities due to colder summer air temperatures near the coast.