Let’s Get into Some Scijinks! Lessons from Modernizing a Classic NOAA/NASA Kids’ Weather Website

Friday, 19 December 2014
Nancy Leon1, Alex H Kasprak1, Kyle Jordan Mansfield1, Alexander Novati1, Lauren Gaches2 and Daniel Karlson2, (1)NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA, United States, (2)NOAA Washington DC, Washington, DC, United States
SciJinks.gov—short for Science Hijinks—is a joint NOAA and NASA website that has been in operation for a decade. Filled with information about weather, Earth science, and satellite meteorology, it has always been a helpful resource for students and educators in and outside of the classroom. Geared toward upper middle school and early high school students, we replace around 20% of our audience each year. That means it is imperative to keep the site properly geared toward the needs of a rapidly changing group of students. Our team has recently redesigned SciJinks.gov to be mobile-friendly, modern looking, and teen-friendly. Here, we discuss our strategies and rational for this redesign and highlight the many exciting benefits to this newly imagined weather-adventure website.