Testing the Proterozoic GAD Hypothesis with Reconstructed Tomography Dynamo Models

Friday, 19 December 2014
Joseph E Panzik, Yale University, New Haven, CT, United States, Peter E Driscoll, University of Washington Seattle Campus, Seattle, WA, United States and Maxwell L Rudolph, Portland State University, Geology, Portland, OR, United States
Pre-Mesozoic continental reconstructions and paleoclimatic inferences from paleomagnetism rely critically upon the assumption of a time-averaged geocentric axial dipole (GAD) magnetic field. Though the geomagnetic field of the past 5 myr has been extensively studied and small geometric variations are being refined (e.g., Johnson et al., 2008, GGG 9), the pre-Mesozoic geomagnetic field geometry remains unresolved and is suggested to have large, non-dipolar contributions (e.g. Kent and Smethurst, 1998, EPSL 160, 391-402). We address the paleo-morphology by looking at inclination versus paleolatitude histograms derived from numerical geodynamo simulations with spatially variable CMB heat flux, similar to the method used by Bloxham (2000, Nature 405, 63-65). We will be using homogeneous heat flux simulations as a standard and compare the results to those of a present day tomography and a reconstracted 200 Ma tomography CMB heat flux. By comparing the relative contribution of non-dipolar components to the dipole field, we find that strong CMB heat flux heterogeneity is necessary to create the large non-dipolar contributions inferred for the paleomagnetic field.