Triangulation of the Source of Electromagnetic Pulses From Magnetometers in Peru, Leading to Estimation of the Areas of Possible Future Rupture Zones

Wednesday, 17 December 2014
Jorge Arturo Heraud, Victor Centa, Neils Vilchez and Daniel Menendez, Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru, LIMA, Peru
In a past presentation, a description was made of the process that led to the determination of the azimuth for the arrival of electromagnetic pulses sensed by magnetometers of the Peru-Magneto network. Through triangulation using information from nearby stations in the network, the source of pressure, identified by the motion of positive charges produced locally and leading to currents has been identified. Such mechanical pressure points have been processed in a pseudo mechanical analogue of the centroid, called the EM-centroid as the source of pre-earthquake stress that leads to rupture and possibly to earthquakes, when the ruptures can be sensed in a seismic or cause-effect way.. Thus, for certain areas of Peru, like the central coast or the south, we have been able to detect 8 EQs and many more are tectonic-wise related to possibly connected EM-pulse sources, in less than a year time period.

With the above described scheme, the point has been reached where, for some areas in Central and Southern Peru under certain conditions, "when" and "where" an earthquake will occur can be known most of the time. The possibility of determining the magnitude is not so straight forward, since not all EM pulses end up in a rupture and besides, the magnitude of the seismic event depends on the extension of the rupture area and this on the strain, the rock structure, the depth and not only on the stress. Estimates of the areas and connected rupture possibilities are analyzed from magnetometers donated through the collaboration of Quakefinder and the results will be shown on videos as animated presentations of occurrence events in time, for several earthquakes in 2013 and 2014.