An updated active structure database of Taiwan for seismic hazard assessments
Wednesday, 17 December 2014
J Bruce H Shyu1, Yi-Rung Chuang1,2, Ya-Lin Chen1, Yirui Lee2 and Thomas Chin-Tung Cheng2, (1)National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, (2)Sinotech Engineering Consultants, Inc., Disaster Prevention Technology Research Center, Taipei, Taiwan
In order to build a complete seismogenic source model to assess future seismic hazards in Taiwan, we have constructed an updated active structure database for the island. We reviewed existing active structure databases, and obtained new information for structures that have not been thoroughly analyzed before. For example, the Central Geological Survey of Taiwan has published a comprehensive database of active faults in Taiwan, including all of the historically ruptured faults. Many other active structures, such as blind faults or folds that can be identified from geomorphic or structural analysis, have also been mapped and reported in several previous investigations. We have combined information from these existing databases to build an updated and digitized three-dimensional active structure map for Taiwan. Furthermore, for detailed information of individual structure such as long-term slip rates and potential recurrence intervals, we have collected the data from existing publications, as well as calculated from results of our own field surveys and investigations. We hope this updated database would become a significant constraint for the calculations of seismic hazard assessments in Taiwan, and would provide important information for engineers and hazard mitigation agencies.