Fault evolution in volcanic tuffs and quartz-rich eolian sandstone as mechanical analogs for faulting in Martian pyroclastic deposits

Wednesday, 17 December 2014
Chris H Okubo, U.S. Geological Survey, Flagstaff, AZ, United States
In order to establish a foundation for studies of faulting in Martian rocks and soils in volcanic terrain, the distribution of brittle strain around faults within the North Menan Butte Tuff in the eastern Snake River Plain, Idaho and the Joe Lott Tuff Member of the Mount Belknap Volcanics, Utah, has been recently described. These studies employed a combination of macroscopic and microscopic observations, including measurements of in situ permeability as a proxy for non-localized brittle deformation of the host rock. In areas where the tuff retained its primary granular nature at the time of deformation, initial plastic yielding in both tuffs occurred along deformation bands. Both compactional and dilational types of deformation bands were observed, and faulting occurred along clusters of deformation bands. Where secondary alteration processes imparted a massive texture to the tuff, brittle deformation was accommodated along fractures. Host-rock permeability exhibits little variation from non-deformed values in the North Menan Butte Tuff, whereas host rock permeability is reduced by roughly an order of magnitude through compaction alone (no alteration) in the Joe Lott Tuff.

To create a bridge between these observations in tuff and the more substantial body of work centered on deformation band formation and faulting in quartz-rich sandstones, the same techniques employed in the North Menan Butte Tuff and the Joe Lott Tuff have also been applied to a kilometer-scale fault in the Jurassic Navajo Sandstone in the Waterpocket Fold, Utah. These observations demonstrate that the manifestation of strain and evolution of faulting in the Mars-analog tuffs are comparable to that in quartz-rich sandstones. Therefore, current understanding of brittle deformation in quartz-rich sandstones can be used to inform investigations into fault growth within porous tuffs on Mars. A discussion of these observations, practical limitations, and directions for future work are presented here.