A Web Module to Teach Hydrology Using Problem Based Learning in the Context of Designing a Flood Detention Basin
Friday, 19 December 2014
Madeline F Merck1, David G Tarboton1, Emad H Habib2, Upmanu Lall3, Yuxin Ma2 and Ahmed Aly2, (1)Utah State University, Logan, UT, United States, (2)University of Louisiana at Lafayette, Lafayette, LA, United States, (3)Columbia Univ, New York, NY, United States
HydroViz is a web-based, student-centered, highly visual educational system designed to support active learning in the field of Hydrology. It is primarily designed to be used in junior/senior/graduate level courses on subjects related to hydrology and water resources engineering. HydroViz presents case-based, data- and simulation-driven learning experiences in the form of modules that use data, models and analysis to introduce hydrologic concepts in the context of solving real world problems. One of several modules currently under development is based on a case study of Dry Canyon in Logan, Utah, where a flood detention basin has recently been constructed to protect an area of urban development at the mouth of the canyon. The module leads students through the design process, introducing key concepts along the way. It begins by introducing students to the concept of a watershed and methods for determining watershed properties and precipitation inputs from NOAA and NCDC sources. Then soil properties and the concepts involved in infiltration and runoff generation are introduced in support of methods for evaluating the design flood hydrograph. It concludes by introducing the use of computer models to examine alternative designs for the detention basin. Each section of the module uses active learning through hands-on activities that build the hydrologic knowledge needed to address the problem of flood protection. We will introduce the Hydroviz system and present the design cycle used to create the Dry Canyon module, including classroom implementation, student assessments of the system, and changes to the module resulting from the assessments.