Laboratory investigation of dust impacts induced signals on antennas in space
Wednesday, 17 December 2014
Javier R Rocha1, Andrew Collette1, David Malaspina2, Eberhard Gruen3 and Zoltan Sternovsky4, (1)University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO, United States, (2)Univ Colorado, Boulder, CO, United States, (3)Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics, Boulder, CO, United States, (4)Colorado Univ, Boulder, CO, United States
Recent observations of sharp voltage spikes by the WAVES electric field experiments onboard the twin STEREO spacecraft have been attributed to plasma clouds generated by the impact ionization of high velocity dust particles. The reported dust fluxes are much higher than those measured by dedicated dust detectors at 1 AU, which leads to the interpretation that the STEREO observations are due to nanometer-sized dust particles originating from the inner solar system and accelerated to high velocities by the solar wind magnetic field. However, this interpretation is based on a simplified model of coupling between the expanding plasma cloud from the dust impact and the WAVES electric field instrument. A series of laboratory measurements are performed to validate this model and to calibrate/investigate the effect of various impact parameters on the signals measured by the electric field instrument. The dust accelerator facility operating at the University of Colorado is used for the measurement with micron and submicron sized particles accelerated to 50 km/s. The first set of measurements was aimed at the understanding of the charge yield of impact-generated plasmas from common materials used on spacecraft, i.e. BeCu, germanium coated black Kapton, MLI, and solar cells. The measurements show that at 10 km/s these materials yield similar charge signals. At higher speeds (~50 km/s) the variation is with material increases. The impact charge is also found to depend on angle of incidence; the data suggest a maximum at 45 degrees. The second set of measurements investigates the variation of the induced dust signal with bias potential applied on the simulated spacecraft.