Solar System Dusty Plasma Posters

Wednesday, 17 December 2014: 8:00 AM-12:20 PM
Chairs:  Sean Hsu, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, United States and Xu Wang, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, United States
Primary Conveners:  Sean Hsu, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, United States
Co-conveners:  Xu Wang1, Michiko W. Morooka1 and Tamas I Gombosi2, (1)University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, United States(2)Univ of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, United States
OSPA Liaisons:  Sean Hsu, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, United States

Abstracts Submitted to this Session:

Magnetic Signatures of Charged Dust Grains in the Enceladus Plume
Sven Simon, Georgia Institute of Technology Main Campus, Atlanta, GA, United States; Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, United States
Layered Polar Mesospheric Summer Echoes Observed with the Tri-Static Eiscat VHF
Ingrid Mann1,2, Charles Anyairo3, Ingemar Häggström1 and Anders Tjulin1, (1)EISCAT Scientific Association, Kiruna, Sweden, (2)Umeå University, Physics Department, Umeå, Sweden, (3)Lulea University of Technology, Space Science and Technology, Kiruna, Sweden
First Detection of Nanoparticles in the Asteroid Belt from Spectral Analysis of Cassini/Rpws Radio Data
Patricia Schippers1, Nicole Meyer-Vernet1, Soraya Belheouane1, Michel Moncuquet1, Alain Lecacheux1, William S Kurth2, Donald G Mitchell3 and Ingrid Mann4, (1)CNRS, Observatoire de Paris, LESIA, Meudon, France, (2)Univ. of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, United States, (3)Applied Physics Laboratory Johns Hopkins, Laurel, MD, United States, (4)EISCAT Scientific Association, Kiruna, Sweden
Dust Detection Using Radio and Plasma Wave Instruments in the Solar System
Shengyi Ye1, Donald A Gurnett1, William S Kurth1, Terrance F Averkamp1, Sascha Kempf2, Sean Hsu2, Ralf Srama3,4, Eberhard Grün2, Michiko W. Morooka2, Shotaro Sakai5 and Jan-Erik Wahlund6, (1)University of Iowa, Physics and Astronomy, Iowa City, IA, United States, (2)LASP/University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, United States, (3)University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany, (4)Baylor University, Waco, TX, United States, (5)University of Kansas, Physics & Astronomy, Lawrence, KS, United States, (6)IRF Swedish Institute of Space Physics Uppsala, Uppsala, Sweden
Observational evidence for dust-plasma interactions in the Enceladus’ plume, Saturn E-ring, in Titan’s ionosphere, and near comets
Jan-Erik Wahlund1, Mika K. G. Holmberg1, Ilka A. D. Engelhardt1, Anders I Eriksson1, Oleg Shebanits1, Michiko W. Morooka2, William M Farrell3, Donald A Gurnett4, William S Kurth4 and Shengyi Ye4, (1)IRF Swedish Institute of Space Physics Uppsala, Uppsala, Sweden, (2)LASP/University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, United States, (3)NASA Goddard SFC, Greenbelt, MD, United States, (4)University of Iowa, Physics and Astronomy, Iowa City, IA, United States
In-situ dust detection as a tool to study dust-plasma interactions in the Solar System
Ralf Srama1,2, Hsiang-Wen Hsu3, Georg Moragas-Klostermeyer1, Frank Postberg1 and Sascha Kempf3, (1)University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany, (2)Baylor University, Waco, TX, United States, (3)Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics, Boulder, CO, United States
Experimental Study of Photoemission from Glass Dust
Jiri Pavlu, Libor Nouzak, Zdenek Nemecek and Jana Safrankova, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
The Plasma and Field Perturbation Around a Charged Dust Cloud in the Solar Wind
Ying-Dong Jia1, Christopher T Russell2, Hairong Lai1 and Hanying Wei1, (1)University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, United States, (2)Univ California, Los Angeles, CA, United States
Characterization of Dust Particles Near Saturn By Dust-Spacecraft Impact Signals
Shengyi Ye, Donald A Gurnett and William S Kurth, University of Iowa, Physics and Astronomy, Iowa City, IA, United States
Dust Effects on Surface Charging in Plasmas: Laboratory and Numerical Investigations
Joseph Wang, Kevin Chou, William Yu and Daoru Han, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, United States

On the Effect of Local Plasma Parameters on Interplanetary Nanodust Observations.

Gaetan LE CHAT1, Karine Issautier1, Arnaud Zaslavsky1, Filippo G E Pantellini1, Nicole Meyer-Vernet2, Soraya Belheouane3 and Milan Maksimovic4, (1)CNRS, Observatoire de Paris, LESIA, Meudon, France, (2)CNRS, Observatoire de Paris, Paris Cedex 16, France, (3)Observatoire de Paris, CNRS, Meudon, France, (4)CNRS, Paris Cedex 16, France
Hyperdust : An advanced in-situ detection and chemical analysis of microparticles in space
Zoltan Sternovsky1, Eberhard Gruen2, Mihaly Horanyi3, Sascha Kempf4, Kurt Maute1 and Ralf Srama5, (1)Colorado Univ, Boulder, CO, United States, (2)Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics, Boulder, CO, United States, (3)University of Colorado at Boulder, Physics, Boulder, CO, United States, (4)LASP/University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, United States, (5)University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany
Estimates for uncharged nanograins in Enceladus' plume
Patrick Meier1, Hendrik Kriegel2, Uwe M Motschmann1, Juergen Schmidt3, Frank Spahn4, Thomas W Hill5, Yaxue Dong5 and Geraint H Jones6, (1)Technical University of Braunschweig, Braunschweig, Germany, (2)TU Braunschweig, Braunschweig, Germany, (3)University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland, (4)University of Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany, (5)Rice University, Houston, TX, United States, (6)University College London, London, United Kingdom
Laboratory investigation of dust impacts induced signals on antennas in space
Javier R Rocha1, Andrew Collette1, David Malaspina2, Eberhard Gruen3 and Zoltan Sternovsky4, (1)University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO, United States, (2)Univ Colorado, Boulder, CO, United States, (3)Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics, Boulder, CO, United States, (4)Colorado Univ, Boulder, CO, United States
Photolysis and radiolysis of ice in Saturn's E ring
Sean Hsu1, Wei-Ling Tseng2, Antal Juhasz3, Sascha Kempf4 and Mihaly Horanyi4, (1)University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, United States, (2)NTNU National Taiwan Normal University, Department of Earth Sciences, Taipei, Taiwan, (3)Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary, (4)University of Colorado at Boulder, Physics, Boulder, CO, United States
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