Significant Learning Experiences in Ecohydrology in the Critical Zone
Thursday, 18 December 2014: 4:30 PM
Kathleen A Lohse, Idaho State University, Biological Sciences, Pocatello, ID, United States
We are integrating several significant learning experiences into the Reynolds Creek Critical Zone Observatory to engage the public, K-12, undergraduate and graduate students in ecohydrology in the critical zone. This observatory is meant to be a living laboratory for Idaho K-12 and college educators and support curriculum development for soil carbon for science education and centers. A new summer 2 week course in Environmental Field Methods is being developed and implemented to provide active learning experiences in soil and watershed hydrology, plant-water relations and carbon exchange, and soil descriptions. A graduate seminar has been implement to train graduate students in communicating science to the public and developing informal education such as exhibits to enhance active learning. Other educational outreach activities include adventure learning in the watershed by 8th graders from local school districts as well as public exhibits at environmental fairs, science festivals and communiversity events. These education and outreach activities are collectively targeted at engaging the public and new critical mass of graduate students and undergraduates in Critical Zone Science.