An Overview of the 7 January 2014 X-Class Flare-CME and Space Weather Predictions

Friday, 19 December 2014: 8:00 AM
David F Webb, Boston College, Chestnut Hill, MA, United States
I provide an overview of the solar circumstances and activity associated with the 7 January 2014 X1.2 flare/CME, the subject of this special session. The event arose from NOAA region 1944, which contained a large sunspot group that was near disk center on this date. The event was associated with coronal dimming and a wave, strong radio emission and a type II burst, and a strong solar proton event. From LASCO the CME was an asymmetric halo, offset to the southwest, with a speed ~2100 km/s. However, despite some model predictions, only a weak shock arrived at L1/Earth on 9 January followed by weak ICME signatures with mostly northward field and no significant geomagnetic response. I will review the model predictions and discuss the space weather consequences of this event.