Pigc - a Low Cost Solution for Air Quality Monitoring and Methane Detection

Monday, 15 December 2014
Larry L Gordley1, David C Fritts2, Benjamin T Marshall1 and Richard Lachance3, (1)GATS, Inc., Newport News, VA, United States, (2)GATS Inc., Boulder, CO, United States, (3)ABB, Quebec, Canada
We have demonstrated the ability to accurately measure key greenhouse and pollutant gasses with low cost solar observations using Pupil Imaging Gas Correlation (PIGC) spectrometry. A methane abundance sensitivity of 0.5% or better of ambient column with uncooled microbolometers has been demonstrated with 1 second direct solar observations. These under $3k sensors can be deployed in precisely balanced autonomous grids to quasi-continuously monitor the flow of chosen gasses, and infer their source locations. Measureable gases include CH4, 13CO2, N2O, NO, NH3, CO, H2S, HCN, HCl, HF, HDO and others. This paper reviews the measurement technique, performance demonstration and grid deployment strategy.