Aerosol Comparisons between Observations and Models I

Tuesday, 16 December 2014: 10:20 AM-12:20 PM
Chairs:  Steven John Ghan, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA, United States, Mian Chin, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD, United States and Stefan Kinne, MPI Meteorology, Hamburg, Germany; Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, Atmosphere, Hamburg, Germany
Primary Conveners:  Mian Chin, NASA Goddard SFC, Greenbelt, MD, United States
Co-conveners:  Michael Schulz, Norwegian Meteorological Institute, Climate and Air Pollution Section, Oslo, Norway, Stefan A Kinne, MPI Meteorology, Hamburg, Germany and Steven John Ghan, Battelle Northwest, Richland, WA, United States; Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA, United States
OSPA Liaisons:  Stefan A Kinne, MPI Meteorology, Hamburg, Germany

Abstracts Submitted to this Session:

10:20 AM
How much complexity is needed in global model organic aerosol simulations?
Kostas Tsigaridis1, Nikos Daskalakis2 and Maria Kanakidou2, (1)Columbia University, NASA/GISS, New York, NY, United States, (2)Environmental Chemical Processes Laboratory, Department of Chemistry, University of Crete, Heraklion, Greece
10:35 AM
Modeling Elemental Composition of Organic Aerosol: Exploiting Laboratory and Ambient Measurement and the Implications of the Gap Between Them
Qi Chen1, Colette L Heald1, Jose L Jimenez2, Manjula R Canagaratna3, Qi Zhang4, Ling-Yan He5, Xiao-Feng Huang5 and Pedro Campuzano Jost6, (1)Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Cambridge, MA, United States, (2)University of Colorado at Boulder, Dept. of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Boulder, CO, United States, (3)Aerodyne Research Inc., Billerica, MA, United States, (4)University of California Davis, Davis, CA, United States, (5)Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School, Key Laboratory for Urban Habitat Environmental Science and Technology, Shenzhen, China, (6)University of Colorado Boulder, Boulder, CO, United States
10:50 AM
Using Aerocom Results to Constrain Black Carbon, Sulphate and Total Direct Aerosol Radiative Forcing and Their Uncertainties
Bjorn Hallvard Samset and Gunnar Myhre, Center for International Climate and Environmental Research Oslo, Oslo, Norway
11:05 AM
The vertical distribution of black carbon in CMIP5 models: Comparison to observations and the importance of convective transport
William Landuyt, ExxonMobil Research and Engineering, Annandale, NJ, United States and Robert Allen, University of California Riverside, Riverside, CA, United States
11:20 AM
Dust Model Intercomparison and Extensive Comparison to Observations in the Western Mediterranean for the Summer 2012 Pre-ChArMEx/TRAQA Campaign
Sara Basart, Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Barcelona, Spain, François Dulac, LSCE Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement, Gif-Sur-Yvette Cedex, France and Jose M Baldasano, Barcelona SupercomputingCenter, Barcelona, Spain
11:35 AM
Comparisons of Airborne HSRL and Modeled Aerosol Profiles
Richard Anthony Ferrare1, Sharon P Burton1, Chris A Hostetler1, Johnathan W Hair1, Syed Ismail1, Raymond R Rogers1, Anthony Notari1, Timothy Berkoff1, Carolyn F Butler2, James E Collins Jr3, Marta A Fenn3, Amy Jo Scarino4, Marian Clayton3, Detlef Mueller3, Eduard Chemyakin4, Jerome D Fast5, Larry K Berg6, Cynthia A Randles7, Peter Richard Colarco8 and Arlindo daSilva9, (1)NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA, United States, (2)Science Systems and Applications, Inc., Lanham, MD, United States, (3)SSAI, Hampton, VA, United States, (4)Science Systems and Applications, Inc. Hampton, Hampton, VA, United States, (5)Pacific Northwest Natl Lab, Richland, WA, United States, (6)Pacific Northwest National Lab, Richland, WA, United States, (7)GESTAR/Morgan State University/NASA GSFC Code 614, Greenbelt, MD, United States, (8)NASA GSFC, Greenbelt, MD, United States, (9)NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD, United States
12:05 PM
Stratospheric Aerosol Simulated by EMAC Using MIPAS SO2 for Estimate of Volcanic Injections and SAGE and OSIRIS Satellite Data for Evaluation in the Period 2002-2011
Christoph Bruehl1, Johannes Lelieveld1 and Michael Hoepfner2, (1)Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Mainz, Germany, (2)Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany
See more of: Atmospheric Sciences