Interdisciplinary Approaches to Reconstructing Climate Variability and Associated Feedbacks from the Last Deglaciation, Holocene, and Anthropocene I Posters

Tuesday, 16 December 2014: 8:00 AM-12:20 PM
Chairs:  Corinne I Wong, University of California Davis, Earth and Planetary Sciences, Davis, CA, United States and Isabel P Montanez, Univ of California, Davis, Earth and Planetary Sciences, Davis, CA, United States
Primary Conveners:  Corinne I Wong, University of California Davis, Earth and Planetary Sciences, Davis, CA, United States
Co-conveners:  Isabel P Montanez, Univ of California, Davis, Earth and Planetary Sciences, Davis, CA, United States, Bette L Otto-Bliesner, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO, United States and Lucas C.R. Silva, University of California Davis, Land, Air, and Water Resources, Davis, CA, United States
OSPA Liaisons:  Corinne I Wong, University of California Davis, Earth and Planetary Sciences, Davis, CA, United States

Abstracts Submitted to this Session:

Early Diagenetic Imprint on Temperature Proxies in Holocene Corals: A Case Study from French Polynesia
Rashid Juma Rashid1, Anton Eisenhauer1, Volker Liebetrau1, Jan Fietzke1, Florian Boehm1, Marlene Wall1, Stefan Krause1, Andres Rüggeberg2, Wolf-Christian Dullo1 and Elias Samankassou3, (1)GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Kiel, Germany, (2)University of Fribourg, Earth Sciences, Fribourg, Switzerland, (3)University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland
Trends in ENSO Amplitude Through the Holocene at the Line Islands, Central Tropical Pacific
Sarah M White, University of California Santa Cruz, Earth and Planetary Sciences, Santa Cruz, CA, United States, Ana Christina Ravelo, University of California Santa Cruz, Ocean Sciences, Santa Cruz, CA, United States and Pratigya J Polissar, Lamont -Doherty Earth Observatory, Biology and Paleoenvironment, Palisades, NY, United States
Dust Deposition and Migration of the ITCZ through the Last Glacial Cycle in the Central Equatorial Pacific (Line Islands).
Maria Alejandra Reimi Sipala1 and Franco Marcantonio1,2, (1)Texas A&M University, Geology, College Station, TX, United States, (2)Texas A&M University, Oceanography, College Station, TX, United States
Fluvial Tufa Evidence of Late Pleistocene Wet Intervals from Santa Barbara, Southern California
Yadira Ibarra1, Frank A Corsetti1, Sarah J Feakins1, Edward J Rhodes2 and Matthew E Kirby3, (1)University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, United States, (2)University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, United States, (3)California State University Fullerton, Fullerton, CA, United States
Temperature and Rainfall Variability in the Northern Andes Over the Past Two Millennia
Timothy M Shanahan1, Curtis W Bixler1,2 and Andres Mora3, (1)Univ of TX Austin-Geosciences, Austin, TX, United States, (2)BHP Billiton Petroleum Houston, Houston, TX, United States, (3)Ecopetrol ICP, Bogota, Colombia
A Millennial Length High-Resolution Pollen, Charcoal, Diatom and Stable Isotope Record from Laguna San Carlos, Panama
Jaime Escobar, Universidad del Norte, Barranquilla, Colombia, Maria Velez, University of Regina, Regina, SK, Canada, Alexander Correa-Metrio, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Departamento de Paleontología, Mexico City, Mexico, Jeannine-Marie St. Jacques, Prairie Adaptation Research Collaborative (PARC), Regina, SK, Canada and Jason H Curtis, University of Florida, Gainesville, United States
Water-Level Reconstruction and its Implications for Late Pleistocene Paleontological Site Formation in Hoyo Negro, a Submerged Subterranean Pit in Quintana Roo, Mexico
Dominique Rissolo1, Eduard Gordon Reinhardt2, Shawn Collins2, Shawn Edward Kovacs2, Patricia A Beddows3, James C Chatters4, Alberto Nava Blank5 and Pilar Luna Erreguerena6, (1)Waitt Institute, LA Jolla, CA, United States, (2)McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada, (3)Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, United States, (4)Applied Paleoscience, Bothell, WA, United States, (5)Global Underwater Explorers, Seaside, CA, United States, (6)Instituto Nacional de Antropologia e Historia, Mexico City, Mexico
Mid- to Late Holocene Climate Shift in the Southern Gulf of California and Tropical Pacific Ocean
Ligia L Perez-Cruz1, Jaime Urrutia Fucugauchi1, Victor Velasco1, Alejandro Rodriguez1 and Konstantin Choumiline2, (1)UNAM National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico, (2)University of California Riverside, Riverside, CA, United States
Reconstructing hypoxia of the southeastern Gulf of California over the last 18,000 years: sediments of Pescadero Basin
Konstantin Choumiline1, Timothy Lyons1, Ligia L Perez-Cruz2, Marisol Escorza-Reyes2 and Steven Bates1, (1)University of California Riverside, Riverside, CA, United States, (2)Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico
Reconstruction of Redox Conditions and Productivity in Coastal Waters of the Bothnian Sea during the Holocene
Nikki Dijkstra1, Nadine B Quintana Krupinski2 and Caroline P Slomp1, (1)Utrecht University, Utrecht, 3584, Netherlands, (2)University of California Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA, United States
Contemporary limnological and sedimentary analyses to investigate anthropogenic changes in nutrient fluxes at Lake Baikal, Siberia
Sarah Roberts1, Suzanne McGowan2, George E A Swann1, Anson W Mackay3, Virginia Panizzo2 and Elena Vologina4, (1)University of Nottingham, Nottingham, NG7, United Kingdom, (2)University of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom, (3)University College London, London, United Kingdom, (4)Institute of the Earth Crust SB RAS, Irkutsk, Russia
Can silicon isotopes be used to assess anthropogenic impacts and nutrient utilisation in Lake Baikal, Siberia?
George E A Swann1, Virginia N Panizzo1, Anson W Mackay2, Sarah Roberts1, Elena Vologina3 and Matthew SA Horstwood4, (1)University of Nottingham, Nottingham, NG7, United Kingdom, (2)University College London, London, United Kingdom, (3)Institute of the Earth Crust SB RAS, Irkutsk, Russia, (4)British Geological Survey Keyworth, Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom
David Alexander McLennan, Jennifer C Latimer, Tina M Williams, Sabrina R Brown, Jeffery Stone and Alan McCune, Indiana State University, Terre Haute, IN, United States
Late Pleistocene and Holocene nitrogen cycling in relation to climate, bedrock geology and lake evolution, Central Idaho.
Charles R Krueger1, Jenave Hawkes1, Mark Shapley2 and Bruce Finney3, (1)Idaho State University, Idaho Falls, ID, United States, (2)Idaho St Univ-Geosciences, Pocatello, ID, United States, (3)Idaho State University, Pocatello, ID, United States
High-resolution Record of Holocene Climate, Vegetation, and Fire from a Raised Peat Bog, Prince Edward Island, Canadian Maritimes
Matthew C. Peros1, Kathleen Chan1, Leila Ponsford1, James Carroll1 and Gabriel Magnan2, (1)Bishop's University, Sherbrooke, QC, Canada, (2)GEOTOP-UQAM, Montreal, QC, Canada
Allogenic and Autogenic Controls on Carbon Uptake and Release since Mid-Holocene Peat Initiation in the Hudson Bay Lowlands, Canada
Maara Packalen, University of Toronto, Department of Geography, Toronto, ON, Canada, Sarah A Finkelstein, University of Toronto, Department of Earth Sciences, Toronto, ON, Canada and James McLaughlin, Ontario Forest Research Inst, Sault Ste Marie, ON, Canada
What Happens when Sea Ice Retreats, Peatlands Form, and a Landbridge Drowns? A Molecular View of the Last Deglacial from the Pacific-Arctic Gateway
James Joseph Kocis, Steven Petsch, Isla S. Castañeda and Julie Brigham-Grette, University of Massachusetts Amherst, Amherst, MA, United States
Late Pleistocene and early Holocene change in the Weddell Sea: a new climate record from the Patriot Hills, Ellsworth Mountains, West Antarctica
Chris SM Turney1, Christopher Joseph Fogwill1, Mauro Rubino2, David Etheridge2, Tas D van Ommen3, Andrew David Moy4 and Mark A Curran5, (1)University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW, Australia, (2)CSIRO, Aspendale, Australia, (3)Australian Antarctic Division, Kingston, Australia, (4)Australian Antarctic Division, Kingston, TAS, Australia, (5)Australian Antarctic Division, Hobart, Australia
Late Holocene High Discharge and Erosion Events Inferred from Sediment Proxies and Catchment Geomorphology, Lake Vuoksjávrátje, NW Sweden
Annika Berntsson1,2, Krister N Jansson1, Malin E Kylander1,2, François De Vleeschouwer3 and Sebastien Bertrand4, (1)Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden, (2)The Bolin Centre for Climate Research, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden, (3)EcoLab, Auzeville Tolosane, France, (4)Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium
Assessment of quantitative Holocene temperature reconstructions based on multiple proxies from the sediment record of Lake Loitsana, Sokli, NE Finland
Shyhrete Shala1, Karin F Helmens1, Tomi P Luoto2, J Sakari Salonen2, Minna Väliranta2 and Jan Weckström2, (1)Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden, (2)University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
Northern Hemisphere Ice sheet forcing on the Holocene climate of Eurasia
Jonathan L Baker1, Matthew S Lachniet2, Olga Chervyatsova3, Yemane Asmerom4 and Victor J Polyak4, (1)University of Nevada Las Vegas, Las Vegas, NV, United States, (2)UNLV-Geosciences, Las Vegas, NV, United States, (3)Shulgan-Tash State Nature Reserve, Gadelgareevo, Russia, (4)University of New Mexico Main Campus, Albuquerque, NM, United States
2500-year Late Holocene vegetation and hydrologic changes from a cave guano-clay sequence in the Danube Gorge, SW Romania
Bogdan P Onac1,2, Simon M Hutchinson3, Anca Geanta2, Ferenc L Forray2, Jonathan G Wynn1, Alexandra M. Giurgiu2 and Ioan Coroiu4, (1)University of South Florida Tampa, School of Geosciences, Tampa, FL, United States, (2)Babeș-Bolyai University, Geology, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, (3)University of Salford, School of Environment & Life Sciences, Salford, United Kingdom, (4)Babeș-Bolyai University, Biology, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
The Holocene landscape development of the Gareja region in eastern Georgia (Caucasus region) – an interdisciplinary approach
Mikheil Elashvili1, Lasha Sukhishvili1, Levan Navrozashvili1, Bagrat Kikvadze1, Zurab Janelidze1 and Hans von Suchodoletz2, (1)Ilia State University, Tbilisi, Georgia, (2)Leipzig University, Institute of Geography, Leipzig, Germany