Climate Literacy: Building Bridges between Scientists and Educators Posters
Climate Literacy: Building Bridges between Scientists and Educators Posters
Climate Literacy: Building Bridges between Scientists and Educators Posters
Session ID#: 8536
Session Description:
How can scientists and educators work to speak a common language to foster more cooperation? How can scientists better engage with the climate education community? What are the relative roles of in-person classroom education, teacher professional development and online and multimedia climate education? How can educators and scientists use these forms of education to best effect? This session will foster a conversation between scientists and educators, both formal and informal, on best practices in climate literacy and communication. We will hear from education experts about the results of programs that work “across the aisle” to bridge the gap between scientists and their research and learners in and out of the classroom. We will also hear from scientists who are passionate about climate communication to discuss their journey to incorporate climate education and outreach into their work.
Primary Convener: Rebecca K Anderson, Alliance for Climate Education, Oakland, CA, United States
Conveners: Minda Berbeco, National Center for Science Education, Oakland, CA, United States and Laura F Tenenbaum, NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Burbank, CA, United States
Chairs: Minda Berbeco, National Center for Science Education, Oakland, CA, United States and Laura F Tenenbaum, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA, United States
OSPA Liaison: Rebecca K Anderson, Alliance for Climate Education, Oakland, CA, United States
Index Terms:
0805 Elementary and secondary education [EDUCATION]
0815 Informal education [EDUCATION]
0825 Teaching methods [EDUCATION]
0840 Evaluation and assessment [EDUCATION]
Abstracts Submitted to this Session:
See more of: Education