Author Index:



Aalto, R. E.
37139Abstract Title: Cyclone-Driven Sediment Loads on the Lower Mekong River: Does the Monsoonal Flood Pulse Matter?
Adames, A. F.
37201Abstract Title: Intraseasonal Variabity of the Asian Summer Monsoon
An, Z.
37202Abstract Title: Dynamics Of The Intertropical Convergence Zone Over The Western Pacific During The Little Ice Age
Anchukaitis, K. J.
37355Abstract Title: Monsoon variability and the decline of Angkor: A modeling study of human responses to environmental change
Au-Yeung, A. Y. M.
37348Abstract Title: The impact of Mixed Rossby-Gravity waves on the interannual variation of tropical cyclones over western North Pacific


Barnett, J. R.
37135Abstract Title: Security Implications of Changes in the Asian Monsoon
Best, J.
37139Abstract Title: Cyclone-Driven Sediment Loads on the Lower Mekong River: Does the Monsoonal Flood Pulse Matter?
Beucher, F.
37304Abstract Title: Heavy Rainfall Predictability : the THORPEX West Africa case study
Bevan, A.
37141Abstract Title: Modelling the Impact of the Spread of Wet Rice Cultivation on Atmospheric Methane Levels from Archaeobotanical Data
Bi, L.
37334Abstract Title: Controls of silicate weathering in Taiwan Island: transport-limited or weather limited?


Cai, M.
37377Abstract Title: Dynamical Linkage between Cold Air Outbreaks and Intensity Variations of the Meridional Mass Circulation
Castillo, C.
37141Abstract Title: Modelling the Impact of the Spread of Wet Rice Cultivation on Atmospheric Methane Levels from Archaeobotanical Data
Chang, Y. P.
37334Abstract Title: Controls of silicate weathering in Taiwan Island: transport-limited or weather limited?
Chen, B.
37309Abstract Title: Investigating the main driving factors in the Holocene evolution of Qing’ao Embayment, Nan’ao Island, southern China
Chen, C. A.
37369Abstract Title: Extreme Rainfall Events in Asia: Projected Changes and Uncertainties
Chen, C. T. A.
37924Abstract Title: Reconstruction of Erosion-Weathering-Vegetation Interactions during the Holocene in subtropical Taiwan
Chen, J.
38102Abstract Title: Toward a mesoscale hydrological and marine meteorological observation network in the South China Sea
Chen, W.
37310Abstract Title: Three Eurasian teleconnection patterns: spatial structures, temporal variability, and associated winter climate anomalies, 37340Abstract Title: Contrasting influences of ENSO on the East Asian monsoon during different PDO phases
Chen, Y. D.
37263Abstract Title: Response of the Winter Moisture Circulation to the India-Burma Trough and Its Modulation by the South Asian Waveguide
Cheung, C. S. C.
37374Abstract Title: Southeast China Rainfall Variability and its Relationship with the Large-Scale Circulation Over the Indo-Pacific Region and East Asia, 37399Abstract Title: Synoptic Characteristics of Heat Waves over the Indochina
Cheung, H. N.
37198Abstract Title: Observed and Simulated Linkage between Ural Blocking and East Asian Winter Climate
Cho, Y. M.
37289Abstract Title: The Influence of Decadal-scale Variations of East Asian Monsoon on Taiwan’s Extreme Dry Spells
Clift, P. D.
7304Abstract Title: Synthesis Session 6. Summary of major recent findings, 37130Abstract Title: Anthropogenic Impacts on Landscape in River Basins of SE and East Asia, 37232Abstract Title: Enhanced silicate weathering fluxes from tropical shelf sediments exposed during glacial lowstands
Cook, B.
37355Abstract Title: Monsoon variability and the decline of Angkor: A modeling study of human responses to environmental change
Cook, E. R.
37251Abstract Title: Asian Monsoon Variability over the Past Millennium Reconstructed from Long Tree-Ring Records: the Monsoon Asia Drought Atlas, version 2 (MADAv2)
Cubasch, U.
37140Abstract Title: The seasonal predictability of East Asian Summer monsoon


d'Alpoim Guedes, J.
37117Abstract Title: Modelling the spread of Agriculture across East Asia: Insights on the Spread of Agriculture to the Tibetan Plateau
Dai, M.
37309Abstract Title: Investigating the main driving factors in the Holocene evolution of Qing’ao Embayment, Nan’ao Island, southern China
Dai, Y.
37142Abstract Title: Precipitation and Extreme Heat Projection in Eastern China under CMIP5 Scenarios: the Statistical Downscaling Results
Daming, W. S. Jr.
37382Abstract Title: Seasonal Variability of Sea Surface Temperature (SST) and Chlorophyll Distribution during Southeast (SE) Monsoon in Indonesian Waters
Darby, S. E.
37139Abstract Title: Cyclone-Driven Sediment Loads on the Lower Mekong River: Does the Monsoonal Flood Pulse Matter?
Dasallas, L. L.
37255Abstract Title: An Analysis if the 2012 Southwest Monsoon Surge in the Philippines
Deng, K.
37271Abstract Title: Variation of the North Pacific Trough and Its Links with the Asian-Pacific-American Summer Climate Anomalies
Duan, A.
37184Abstract Title: Impacts of the Tibetan and Iranian Plateau on the Onset, Evolution and Maintenance of Asian Summer monsoon, 37237Abstract Title: Can the Tropical Storms Originated from the Bay of Bengal Impact the Precipitation and Soil Moisture over the Tibetan Plateau?
Duchez, A.
37369Abstract Title: Extreme Rainfall Events in Asia: Projected Changes and Uncertainties


Endo, H.
37192Abstract Title: Effect of the representation of mountains on the Asian monsoon in a global warming world


Feng, J.
37326Abstract Title: How does the East Asian Summer Monsoon Behave in the Decaying Phase of El Niño during Different PDO Phases? , 37340Abstract Title: Contrasting influences of ENSO on the East Asian monsoon during different PDO phases
Forryan, A.
37369Abstract Title: Extreme Rainfall Events in Asia: Projected Changes and Uncertainties
Freychet, N.
37369Abstract Title: Extreme Rainfall Events in Asia: Projected Changes and Uncertainties
Fuller, D. Q.
37141Abstract Title: Modelling the Impact of the Spread of Wet Rice Cultivation on Atmospheric Methane Levels from Archaeobotanical Data


Ghil, M.
37306Abstract Title: Weather Types across the Maritime Continent: from the Diurnal Cycle to Interannual Variations
Gibson, K.
37451Abstract Title: Gathering cross-cultural knowledge of Monsoon Asia’s ‘diverse economy’
Gleixner, G.
37127Abstract Title: Late Quaternary Asian Monsoon Dynamics Recorded in Tibetan Lake Systems by Compound-Specific Isotopes of Terrestrial and Aquatic Biomarkers
Günther, F.
37127Abstract Title: Late Quaternary Asian Monsoon Dynamics Recorded in Tibetan Lake Systems by Compound-Specific Isotopes of Terrestrial and Aquatic Biomarkers


Hackney, C. R.
37139Abstract Title: Cyclone-Driven Sediment Loads on the Lower Mekong River: Does the Monsoonal Flood Pulse Matter?
Hayashida, A.
37349Abstract Title: Variations in South Asian Monsoon over the last 13 kyr inferred from biogeochemical properties of maar sediment in the central highland of Vietnam
He, B.
37184Abstract Title: Impacts of the Tibetan and Iranian Plateau on the Onset, Evolution and Maintenance of Asian Summer monsoon
He, Y.
38102Abstract Title: Toward a mesoscale hydrological and marine meteorological observation network in the South China Sea
Hill, A.
37451Abstract Title: Gathering cross-cultural knowledge of Monsoon Asia’s ‘diverse economy’
Hirschi, J.
37369Abstract Title: Extreme Rainfall Events in Asia: Projected Changes and Uncertainties
Hsu, H. H.
37369Abstract Title: Extreme Rainfall Events in Asia: Projected Changes and Uncertainties
Hu, J. Sr.
37376Abstract Title: The Indian Summer Monsoon Onset Related to the Seasonal Timing of Stratospheric Final Warming Events
Huang, B.
37140Abstract Title: The seasonal predictability of East Asian Summer monsoon
Huang, J.
37336Abstract Title: Terrigenous supplies variability over the past 22 000 yr in the southern South China Sea slope: relation to sea level and monsoon rainfall changes
Huang, K.
37329Abstract Title: Mid-Holocene Climate Change vs. Anthropogenic Influence in the Evolution of Southeast China Forest Landscapes
Huanhuan, P.
37378Abstract Title: Holocene Vegetation Changes and Human Activities Revealed by a Peat Sediment Core in Gaoyao, Zhaoqin


Jiang, F.
37149Abstract Title: ITCZ and ENSO pacing on East Asian winter monsoon variation during the Holocene,Sedimentological evidence from the Okinawa Trough, 37336Abstract Title: Terrigenous supplies variability over the past 22 000 yr in the southern South China Sea slope: relation to sea level and monsoon rainfall changes
Jiang, J. H.
37209Abstract Title: Aerosol Impacts on Precipitation over China During the East Asian Summer Monsoon
Jin, J.
37142Abstract Title: Precipitation and Extreme Heat Projection in Eastern China under CMIP5 Scenarios: the Statistical Downscaling Results
Jol, H. M.
37309Abstract Title: Investigating the main driving factors in the Holocene evolution of Qing’ao Embayment, Nan’ao Island, southern China


Kadow, C.
37140Abstract Title: The seasonal predictability of East Asian Summer monsoon
Kale, V.
37332Abstract Title: Late Holocene Monsoon Variability over Indian Peninsula as inferred from Palaeoflood Records
Kanawade, V. P.
37314Abstract Title: Particulate Pollution and Daily Surface Rainfall: Observational Study over Indian Summer Monsoon Region
Kandasamy, S.
37924Abstract Title: Reconstruction of Erosion-Weathering-Vegetation Interactions during the Holocene in subtropical Taiwan
Kao, S. J.
37149Abstract Title: ITCZ and ENSO pacing on East Asian winter monsoon variation during the Holocene,Sedimentological evidence from the Okinawa Trough
Kaplan, J. O.
37355Abstract Title: Monsoon variability and the decline of Angkor: A modeling study of human responses to environmental change
Kitagawa, H.
37349Abstract Title: Variations in South Asian Monsoon over the last 13 kyr inferred from biogeochemical properties of maar sediment in the central highland of Vietnam
Kitoh, A.
37192Abstract Title: Effect of the representation of mountains on the Asian monsoon in a global warming world
Koren, I.
37314Abstract Title: Particulate Pollution and Daily Surface Rainfall: Observational Study over Indian Summer Monsoon Region
Kosaka, Y.
37286Abstract Title: Multi-Decadal Modulations Observed in the Variability of the East Asian Summer Monsoon
Kubota, Y.
37343Abstract Title: Millennial-scale Shifts in Summer Monsoon Front Position in East Asia during the late Holocene deduced from Provenance Changes of the Yangtze River Suspended Particulate Matter
Kummu, M.
37139Abstract Title: Cyclone-Driven Sediment Loads on the Lower Mekong River: Does the Monsoonal Flood Pulse Matter?


Lafore, J. P.
37297Abstract Title: THE WEST AFRICAN MONSOON: From a better understanding of the intraseasonal and synoptic variability toward forecast, 37300Abstract Title: Analysis of the West African monsoon annual cycle using a two-dimensional model: Some key factors contributing to the rainband displacement, 37303Abstract Title: The present and future of the West African monsoon: a process-oriented assessment of CMIP5 simulations along the AMMA transect, 37304Abstract Title: Heavy Rainfall Predictability : the THORPEX West Africa case study
Lagmay, A. M. A.
37255Abstract Title: An Analysis if the 2012 Southwest Monsoon Surge in the Philippines
Lau, G.
7304Abstract Title: Synthesis Session 6. Summary of major recent findings
Lau, N. C.
37399Abstract Title: Synoptic Characteristics of Heat Waves over the Indochina
Lau, W. K. M.
7298Abstract Title: Session 3a. Observation and modeling of monsoon variability and change, 7413Abstract Title: Session 3c. Observation and modeling of monsoon variability and change, 37244Abstract Title: The Aerosol-Monsoon Climate System of Asia
Lauri, H.
37139Abstract Title: Cyclone-Driven Sediment Loads on the Lower Mekong River: Does the Monsoonal Flood Pulse Matter?
Law, L.
37451Abstract Title: Gathering cross-cultural knowledge of Monsoon Asia’s ‘diverse economy’
Lee, C. T.
37289Abstract Title: The Influence of Decadal-scale Variations of East Asian Monsoon on Taiwan’s Extreme Dry Spells
Lee, H. F.
38101Abstract Title: Climate change, subsistence shortage, and population checks in late imperial China
Lee, S. M.
37374Abstract Title: Southeast China Rainfall Variability and its Relationship with the Large-Scale Circulation Over the Indo-Pacific Region and East Asia
Leung, Y. T.
37230Abstract Title: Variation of Circulation and East Asian Climate Associated with Anomalous Strength and Displacement of the East Asian Trough
Leyland, J.
37139Abstract Title: Cyclone-Driven Sediment Loads on the Lower Mekong River: Does the Monsoonal Flood Pulse Matter?
Li, A.
37149Abstract Title: ITCZ and ENSO pacing on East Asian winter monsoon variation during the Holocene,Sedimentological evidence from the Okinawa Trough, 37336Abstract Title: Terrigenous supplies variability over the past 22 000 yr in the southern South China Sea slope: relation to sea level and monsoon rainfall changes
Li, C.
37334Abstract Title: Controls of silicate weathering in Taiwan Island: transport-limited or weather limited?
Li, C.
37221Abstract Title: Observed Relationship of Boreal Winter South Pacific Tripole SSTA with Eastern China Rainfall during the Following Boreal Spring
Li, D.
37171Abstract Title: Climatic Characteristics of Abrupt Change on Tropical Cyclone Number in the Mid-1990s over the North Western Pacific
Li, G.
37221Abstract Title: Observed Relationship of Boreal Winter South Pacific Tripole SSTA with Eastern China Rainfall during the Following Boreal Spring
Li, J.
38102Abstract Title: Toward a mesoscale hydrological and marine meteorological observation network in the South China Sea
Li, T.
37336Abstract Title: Terrigenous supplies variability over the past 22 000 yr in the southern South China Sea slope: relation to sea level and monsoon rainfall changes
LI, X.
37263Abstract Title: Response of the Winter Moisture Circulation to the India-Burma Trough and Its Modulation by the South Asian Waveguide
Li, Y.
37258Abstract Title: Feedback Attributions to the Interannual Variation of the Dominant Modes of the East Asian Winter Monsoon
Li, Z.
37366Abstract Title: Influences of spring-to-summer SSTs over different Indian Ocean regions on the Asian summer monsoon: A numerical study
Liu, B.
37184Abstract Title: Impacts of the Tibetan and Iranian Plateau on the Onset, Evolution and Maintenance of Asian Summer monsoon, 37363Abstract Title: Influences of ENSO on the Vertical Coupling of Atmospheric Circulation during the Onset of South Asian Summer Monsoon
Liu, J. T.
37334Abstract Title: Controls of silicate weathering in Taiwan Island: transport-limited or weather limited?
Liu, L.
7296Abstract Title: Session 5. Settlement of Asia and historical interactions between humans and monsoon, 37356Abstract Title: Plant-Use Patterns in the Central Plain and the Northern Zone of China during the Early and Middle Holocene
Liu, W. T.
37414Abstract Title: Spacebased Observation of the Hydrological Balance Related to the Indian Monsoon
Liu, Y.
37142Abstract Title: Precipitation and Extreme Heat Projection in Eastern China under CMIP5 Scenarios: the Statistical Downscaling Results, 37184Abstract Title: Impacts of the Tibetan and Iranian Plateau on the Onset, Evolution and Maintenance of Asian Summer monsoon
Liu, Y.
37310Abstract Title: Three Eurasian teleconnection patterns: spatial structures, temporal variability, and associated winter climate anomalies
Long, T.
Lou, J. Y.
37924Abstract Title: Reconstruction of Erosion-Weathering-Vegetation Interactions during the Holocene in subtropical Taiwan
Lu, M. M.
37289Abstract Title: The Influence of Decadal-scale Variations of East Asian Monsoon on Taiwan’s Extreme Dry Spells
Luo, M.
37399Abstract Title: Synoptic Characteristics of Heat Waves over the Indochina


Machimura, T.
37286Abstract Title: Multi-Decadal Modulations Observed in the Variability of the East Asian Summer Monsoon
Mäusbacher, R.
37127Abstract Title: Late Quaternary Asian Monsoon Dynamics Recorded in Tibetan Lake Systems by Compound-Specific Isotopes of Terrestrial and Aquatic Biomarkers
Miyasaka, T.
37286Abstract Title: Multi-Decadal Modulations Observed in the Variability of the East Asian Summer Monsoon
Mohtadi, M.
7276Abstract Title: Session 1. Centennial and millennial scale variability in intensity of the Asian monsoon in the late Quaternary and Holocene, 37280Abstract Title: A Model-Data Assessment of Glacial to Holocene Changes in Walker and Hadley Circulations: Implications for Indian Ocean Hydroclimate and Wind System, 37319Abstract Title: Multi-decadal to centennial-scale variability in Australian-Indonesian monsoon intensity over the past two millennia
Moore, K.
37388Abstract Title: Trends and Multi-decadal Variability in the Hydroclimate of Northern India and Tibet as Manifested in Paleoclimate, Precipitation and Reanalysis Data 1850-2010.
Moron, V.
37306Abstract Title: Weather Types across the Maritime Continent: from the Diurnal Cycle to Interannual Variations
Moya, T. B.
37255Abstract Title: An Analysis if the 2012 Southwest Monsoon Surge in the Philippines


Nakamura, H.
37286Abstract Title: Multi-Decadal Modulations Observed in the Variability of the East Asian Summer Monsoon
Nakamura, T.
37349Abstract Title: Variations in South Asian Monsoon over the last 13 kyr inferred from biogeochemical properties of maar sediment in the central highland of Vietnam
Nath, D.
37307Abstract Title: Winter time Changes in the Strength of Tropical Circulation and its Impact on Tropospheric Ozone over Pacific under Global Warming Scenario
Nath, R.
37308Abstract Title: Agricultural Drought and Food Security in India: Role of Indian Summer Monsoon
New, A.
37369Abstract Title: Extreme Rainfall Events in Asia: Projected Changes and Uncertainties
Nicholas, A. P.
37139Abstract Title: Cyclone-Driven Sediment Loads on the Lower Mekong River: Does the Monsoonal Flood Pulse Matter?
Nishii, K.
37286Abstract Title: Multi-Decadal Modulations Observed in the Variability of the East Asian Summer Monsoon


Occena-Gutierrez, D.
37451Abstract Title: Gathering cross-cultural knowledge of Monsoon Asia’s ‘diverse economy’
Ogata, T.
37192Abstract Title: Effect of the representation of mountains on the Asian monsoon in a global warming world
Ogawa, S.
37286Abstract Title: Multi-Decadal Modulations Observed in the Variability of the East Asian Summer Monsoon
Oh, J. H.
37382Abstract Title: Seasonal Variability of Sea Surface Temperature (SST) and Chlorophyll Distribution during Southeast (SE) Monsoon in Indonesian Waters
Oo, N. W.
37451Abstract Title: Gathering cross-cultural knowledge of Monsoon Asia’s ‘diverse economy’


Pai, S.
37314Abstract Title: Particulate Pollution and Daily Surface Rainfall: Observational Study over Indian Summer Monsoon Region
Pan, X.
37302Abstract Title: A Multi-model Evaluation of Aerosols over South Asia: Common Problems and Possible Causes
Parsons, D. R.
37139Abstract Title: Cyclone-Driven Sediment Loads on the Lower Mekong River: Does the Monsoonal Flood Pulse Matter?
Peng, S.
38102Abstract Title: Toward a mesoscale hydrological and marine meteorological observation network in the South China Sea
Peyrille, P.
37300Abstract Title: Analysis of the West African monsoon annual cycle using a two-dimensional model: Some key factors contributing to the rainband displacement
Phong, D. X.
37349Abstract Title: Variations in South Asian Monsoon over the last 13 kyr inferred from biogeochemical properties of maar sediment in the central highland of Vietnam
Pile, J.
37309Abstract Title: Investigating the main driving factors in the Holocene evolution of Qing’ao Embayment, Nan’ao Island, southern China
Prange, M.
37280Abstract Title: A Model-Data Assessment of Glacial to Holocene Changes in Walker and Hadley Circulations: Implications for Indian Ocean Hydroclimate and Wind System, 37319Abstract Title: Multi-decadal to centennial-scale variability in Australian-Indonesian monsoon intensity over the past two millennia


Qian, J. H.
37306Abstract Title: Weather Types across the Maritime Continent: from the Diurnal Cycle to Interannual Variations
Qiu, S.
37241Abstract Title: Multi-scale Variability of Rainfall in China


Ren, R.
37363Abstract Title: Influences of ENSO on the Vertical Coupling of Atmospheric Circulation during the Onset of South Asian Summer Monsoon, 37376Abstract Title: The Indian Summer Monsoon Onset Related to the Seasonal Timing of Stratospheric Final Warming Events, 37377Abstract Title: Dynamical Linkage between Cold Air Outbreaks and Intensity Variations of the Meridional Mass Circulation
Robertson, A. W.
37306Abstract Title: Weather Types across the Maritime Continent: from the Diurnal Cycle to Interannual Variations
Roehrig, R.
37303Abstract Title: The present and future of the West African monsoon: a process-oriented assessment of CMIP5 simulations along the AMMA transect
Rolett, B.
7296Abstract Title: Session 5. Settlement of Asia and historical interactions between humans and monsoon, 37329Abstract Title: Mid-Holocene Climate Change vs. Anthropogenic Influence in the Evolution of Southeast China Forest Landscapes


Saito, K.
37343Abstract Title: Millennial-scale Shifts in Summer Monsoon Front Position in East Asia during the late Holocene deduced from Provenance Changes of the Yangtze River Suspended Particulate Matter
Santiago, J. T.
37255Abstract Title: An Analysis if the 2012 Southwest Monsoon Surge in the Philippines
Sarangi, C.
37314Abstract Title: Particulate Pollution and Daily Surface Rainfall: Observational Study over Indian Summer Monsoon Region
Schouten, S.
37127Abstract Title: Late Quaternary Asian Monsoon Dynamics Recorded in Tibetan Lake Systems by Compound-Specific Isotopes of Terrestrial and Aquatic Biomarkers
Shau, Y. H.
37924Abstract Title: Reconstruction of Erosion-Weathering-Vegetation Interactions during the Holocene in subtropical Taiwan
Shi, R.
38102Abstract Title: Toward a mesoscale hydrological and marine meteorological observation network in the South China Sea
Silva, F.
37141Abstract Title: Modelling the Impact of the Spread of Wet Rice Cultivation on Atmospheric Methane Levels from Archaeobotanical Data
Sinha, B.
37369Abstract Title: Extreme Rainfall Events in Asia: Projected Changes and Uncertainties
Song, L.
37285Abstract Title: Intraseasonal Variation of the Strength of the East Asian Trough and its Climatic Impacts in Boreal Winter
Soon, W.
37202Abstract Title: Dynamics Of The Intertropical Convergence Zone Over The Western Pacific During The Little Ice Age
Steinke, S.
7302Abstract Title: Session 2. Impacts of climate change on environment in Asia. How do rivers and landscape respond to changing rainfall?, 37319Abstract Title: Multi-decadal to centennial-scale variability in Australian-Indonesian monsoon intensity over the past two millennia
Stevens, C.
37141Abstract Title: Modelling the Impact of the Spread of Wet Rice Cultivation on Atmospheric Methane Levels from Archaeobotanical Data
Su, H.
37209Abstract Title: Aerosol Impacts on Precipitation over China During the East Asian Summer Monsoon
Suriamihardja, D. A. Sr.
37382Abstract Title: Seasonal Variability of Sea Surface Temperature (SST) and Chlorophyll Distribution during Southeast (SE) Monsoon in Indonesian Waters
Switzer, A.
37309Abstract Title: Investigating the main driving factors in the Holocene evolution of Qing’ao Embayment, Nan’ao Island, southern China


Tada, R.
7276Abstract Title: Session 1. Centennial and millennial scale variability in intensity of the Asian monsoon in the late Quaternary and Holocene, 37343Abstract Title: Millennial-scale Shifts in Summer Monsoon Front Position in East Asia during the late Holocene deduced from Provenance Changes of the Yangtze River Suspended Particulate Matter
Tam, C. Y. F.
37348Abstract Title: The impact of Mixed Rossby-Gravity waves on the interannual variation of tropical cyclones over western North Pacific, 37367Abstract Title: Projections of the Walker circulation and Asian monsoon rainfall variability related to two types of ENSO in the 21st century, 37374Abstract Title: Southeast China Rainfall Variability and its Relationship with the Large-Scale Circulation Over the Indo-Pacific Region and East Asia
Tan, Y.
37221Abstract Title: Observed Relationship of Boreal Winter South Pacific Tripole SSTA with Eastern China Rainfall during the Following Boreal Spring
Tang, W.
37414Abstract Title: Spacebased Observation of the Hydrological Balance Related to the Indian Monsoon
Taylor, D.
Tripathi, S. N.
37314Abstract Title: Particulate Pollution and Daily Surface Rainfall: Observational Study over Indian Summer Monsoon Region


Wallace, J. M. M.
37201Abstract Title: Intraseasonal Variabity of the Asian Summer Monsoon
Wan, S.
7302Abstract Title: Session 2. Impacts of climate change on environment in Asia. How do rivers and landscape respond to changing rainfall?, 37130Abstract Title: Anthropogenic Impacts on Landscape in River Basins of SE and East Asia, 37149Abstract Title: ITCZ and ENSO pacing on East Asian winter monsoon variation during the Holocene,Sedimentological evidence from the Okinawa Trough, 37232Abstract Title: Enhanced silicate weathering fluxes from tropical shelf sediments exposed during glacial lowstands, 37336Abstract Title: Terrigenous supplies variability over the past 22 000 yr in the southern South China Sea slope: relation to sea level and monsoon rainfall changes
Wang, B.
7298Abstract Title: Session 3a. Observation and modeling of monsoon variability and change, 7300Abstract Title: Session 3b. Observation and modeling of monsoon variability and change, 37350Abstract Title: Rethinking Indian monsoon rainfall prediction in the context of the recent global warming
Wang, B.
7304Abstract Title: Synthesis Session 6. Summary of major recent findings
Wang, D.
37309Abstract Title: Investigating the main driving factors in the Holocene evolution of Qing’ao Embayment, Nan’ao Island, southern China
Wang, D.
38102Abstract Title: Toward a mesoscale hydrological and marine meteorological observation network in the South China Sea, 38103Abstract Title: Anomalous tropical cyclone activity in the northwestern Pacific in 2014
Wang, K.
37343Abstract Title: Millennial-scale Shifts in Summer Monsoon Front Position in East Asia during the late Holocene deduced from Provenance Changes of the Yangtze River Suspended Particulate Matter
Wang, L.
37310Abstract Title: Three Eurasian teleconnection patterns: spatial structures, temporal variability, and associated winter climate anomalies, 37340Abstract Title: Contrasting influences of ENSO on the East Asian monsoon during different PDO phases
Wang, S.
38102Abstract Title: Toward a mesoscale hydrological and marine meteorological observation network in the South China Sea
Wang, X.
37221Abstract Title: Observed Relationship of Boreal Winter South Pacific Tripole SSTA with Eastern China Rainfall during the Following Boreal Spring, 38102Abstract Title: Toward a mesoscale hydrological and marine meteorological observation network in the South China Sea, 38103Abstract Title: Anomalous tropical cyclone activity in the northwestern Pacific in 2014
Wang, Y.
37209Abstract Title: Aerosol Impacts on Precipitation over China During the East Asian Summer Monsoon
Wang, Z.
37146Abstract Title: Catastrophic Flooding and Societal Vulnerability during the Neolithic on the East China Coast
Wei, W.
37202Abstract Title: Dynamics Of The Intertropical Convergence Zone Over The Western Pacific During The Little Ice Age
Weisskopf, A.
37141Abstract Title: Modelling the Impact of the Spread of Wet Rice Cultivation on Atmospheric Methane Levels from Archaeobotanical Data
Wu, C. H.
37369Abstract Title: Extreme Rainfall Events in Asia: Projected Changes and Uncertainties
Wu, G. X.
37184Abstract Title: Impacts of the Tibetan and Iranian Plateau on the Onset, Evolution and Maintenance of Asian Summer monsoon, 37363Abstract Title: Influences of ENSO on the Vertical Coupling of Atmospheric Circulation during the Onset of South Asian Summer Monsoon
Wu, L.
37209Abstract Title: Aerosol Impacts on Precipitation over China During the East Asian Summer Monsoon


Xiao, Z.
37237Abstract Title: Can the Tropical Storms Originated from the Bay of Bengal Impact the Precipitation and Soil Moisture over the Tibetan Plateau?
Xie, Q.
38102Abstract Title: Toward a mesoscale hydrological and marine meteorological observation network in the South China Sea
Xie, X.
37414Abstract Title: Spacebased Observation of the Hydrological Balance Related to the Indian Monsoon
Xu, B.
37127Abstract Title: Late Quaternary Asian Monsoon Dynamics Recorded in Tibetan Lake Systems by Compound-Specific Isotopes of Terrestrial and Aquatic Biomarkers
Xu, K.
37367Abstract Title: Projections of the Walker circulation and Asian monsoon rainfall variability related to two types of ENSO in the 21st century


Yan, H.
37202Abstract Title: Dynamics Of The Intertropical Convergence Zone Over The Western Pacific During The Little Ice Age
Yang, L.
38102Abstract Title: Toward a mesoscale hydrological and marine meteorological observation network in the South China Sea, 38103Abstract Title: Anomalous tropical cyclone activity in the northwestern Pacific in 2014
Yang, S.
37334Abstract Title: Controls of silicate weathering in Taiwan Island: transport-limited or weather limited?
Yang, S.
7300Abstract Title: Session 3b. Observation and modeling of monsoon variability and change, 7413Abstract Title: Session 3c. Observation and modeling of monsoon variability and change, 37011Abstract Title: Large-Scale Features Associated with the Long-Term Changes in the Asian Monsoon and ENSO , 37258Abstract Title: Feedback Attributions to the Interannual Variation of the Dominant Modes of the East Asian Winter Monsoon, 37271Abstract Title: Variation of the North Pacific Trough and Its Links with the Asian-Pacific-American Summer Climate Anomalies, 37366Abstract Title: Influences of spring-to-summer SSTs over different Indian Ocean regions on the Asian summer monsoon: A numerical study
Yao, T.
37127Abstract Title: Late Quaternary Asian Monsoon Dynamics Recorded in Tibetan Lake Systems by Compound-Specific Isotopes of Terrestrial and Aquatic Biomarkers
Yasunari, T.
37359Abstract Title: Monsoon Asia as a Key Region for Future Earth
Yokoyama, Y.
37392Abstract Title: Mid to Late Holocene climate and sea level changes and its relation to culture in Japan
Yu, F.
37309Abstract Title: Investigating the main driving factors in the Holocene evolution of Qing’ao Embayment, Nan’ao Island, southern China
Yu, Y.
37377Abstract Title: Dynamical Linkage between Cold Air Outbreaks and Intensity Variations of the Meridional Mass Circulation
Yue, Y.
37291Abstract Title: Vegetation Response to the Subtropical Climate Changes before and during the Last Glacial Period in South China, 37329Abstract Title: Mid-Holocene Climate Change vs. Anthropogenic Influence in the Evolution of Southeast China Forest Landscapes


Zeng, L.
38102Abstract Title: Toward a mesoscale hydrological and marine meteorological observation network in the South China Sea
Zhang, J.
37336Abstract Title: Terrigenous supplies variability over the past 22 000 yr in the southern South China Sea slope: relation to sea level and monsoon rainfall changes
Zhao, Y.
37334Abstract Title: Controls of silicate weathering in Taiwan Island: transport-limited or weather limited?
Zhao-Zheng, M.
37291Abstract Title: Vegetation Response to the Subtropical Climate Changes before and during the Last Glacial Period in South China, 37309Abstract Title: Investigating the main driving factors in the Holocene evolution of Qing’ao Embayment, Nan’ao Island, southern China
Zheng, H.
37343Abstract Title: Millennial-scale Shifts in Summer Monsoon Front Position in East Asia during the late Holocene deduced from Provenance Changes of the Yangtze River Suspended Particulate Matter
Zheng, X.
37149Abstract Title: ITCZ and ENSO pacing on East Asian winter monsoon variation during the Holocene,Sedimentological evidence from the Okinawa Trough
Zheng, Z.
37329Abstract Title: Mid-Holocene Climate Change vs. Anthropogenic Influence in the Evolution of Southeast China Forest Landscapes
Zhou, T.
37391Abstract Title: Climatology and Interannual Variability of East Asian-Western Pacific Summer Monsoon Simulated by CMIP5 Models
Zhou, W.
37202Abstract Title: Dynamics Of The Intertropical Convergence Zone Over The Western Pacific During The Little Ice Age
Zhou, W.
37197Abstract Title: Multiscale control of summertime persistent heavy precipitation events over South China in association with synoptic, intraseasonal, and low-frequency background, 37198Abstract Title: Observed and Simulated Linkage between Ural Blocking and East Asian Winter Climate, 37230Abstract Title: Variation of Circulation and East Asian Climate Associated with Anomalous Strength and Displacement of the East Asian Trough, 37241Abstract Title: Multi-scale Variability of Rainfall in China, 37263Abstract Title: Response of the Winter Moisture Circulation to the India-Burma Trough and Its Modulation by the South Asian Waveguide, 37310Abstract Title: Three Eurasian teleconnection patterns: spatial structures, temporal variability, and associated winter climate anomalies
Zhu, C.
37367Abstract Title: Projections of the Walker circulation and Asian monsoon rainfall variability related to two types of ENSO in the 21st century
Zhu, G.
37329Abstract Title: Mid-Holocene Climate Change vs. Anthropogenic Influence in the Evolution of Southeast China Forest Landscapes