Author Index:
Author Index:
37139Abstract Title: Cyclone-Driven Sediment Loads on the Lower Mekong River: Does the Monsoonal Flood Pulse Matter?
37201Abstract Title: Intraseasonal Variabity of the Asian Summer Monsoon
37202Abstract Title: Dynamics Of The Intertropical Convergence Zone Over The Western Pacific During The Little Ice Age
37355Abstract Title: Monsoon variability and the decline of Angkor: A modeling study of human responses to environmental change
37348Abstract Title: The impact of Mixed Rossby-Gravity waves on the interannual variation of tropical cyclones over western North Pacific
37135Abstract Title: Security Implications of Changes in the Asian Monsoon
37139Abstract Title: Cyclone-Driven Sediment Loads on the Lower Mekong River: Does the Monsoonal Flood Pulse Matter?
37304Abstract Title: Heavy Rainfall Predictability : the THORPEX West Africa case study
37141Abstract Title: Modelling the Impact of the Spread of Wet Rice Cultivation on Atmospheric Methane Levels from Archaeobotanical Data
37334Abstract Title: Controls of silicate weathering in Taiwan Island: transport-limited or weather limited?
37377Abstract Title: Dynamical Linkage between Cold Air Outbreaks and Intensity Variations of the Meridional Mass Circulation
37141Abstract Title: Modelling the Impact of the Spread of Wet Rice Cultivation on Atmospheric Methane Levels from Archaeobotanical Data
37334Abstract Title: Controls of silicate weathering in Taiwan Island: transport-limited or weather limited?
37309Abstract Title: Investigating the main driving factors in the Holocene evolution of Qing’ao Embayment, Nan’ao Island, southern China
37369Abstract Title: Extreme Rainfall Events in Asia: Projected Changes and Uncertainties
37924Abstract Title: Reconstruction of Erosion-Weathering-Vegetation Interactions during the Holocene in subtropical Taiwan
38102Abstract Title: Toward a mesoscale hydrological and marine meteorological observation network in the South China Sea
37263Abstract Title: Response of the Winter Moisture Circulation to the India-Burma Trough and Its Modulation by the South Asian Waveguide
37198Abstract Title: Observed and Simulated Linkage between Ural Blocking and East Asian Winter Climate
37289Abstract Title: The Influence of Decadal-scale Variations of East Asian Monsoon on Taiwan’s Extreme Dry Spells
37355Abstract Title: Monsoon variability and the decline of Angkor: A modeling study of human responses to environmental change
37251Abstract Title: Asian Monsoon Variability over the Past Millennium Reconstructed from Long Tree-Ring Records: the Monsoon Asia Drought Atlas, version 2 (MADAv2)
37140Abstract Title: The seasonal predictability of East Asian Summer monsoon
37117Abstract Title: Modelling the spread of Agriculture across East Asia: Insights on the Spread of Agriculture to the Tibetan Plateau
37309Abstract Title: Investigating the main driving factors in the Holocene evolution of Qing’ao Embayment, Nan’ao Island, southern China
37142Abstract Title: Precipitation and Extreme Heat Projection in Eastern China under CMIP5 Scenarios: the Statistical Downscaling Results
37382Abstract Title: Seasonal Variability of Sea Surface Temperature (SST) and Chlorophyll Distribution during Southeast (SE) Monsoon in Indonesian Waters
37139Abstract Title: Cyclone-Driven Sediment Loads on the Lower Mekong River: Does the Monsoonal Flood Pulse Matter?
37255Abstract Title: An Analysis if the 2012 Southwest Monsoon Surge in the Philippines
37271Abstract Title: Variation of the North Pacific Trough and Its Links with the Asian-Pacific-American Summer Climate Anomalies
37369Abstract Title: Extreme Rainfall Events in Asia: Projected Changes and Uncertainties
37192Abstract Title: Effect of the representation of mountains on the Asian monsoon in a global warming world
37369Abstract Title: Extreme Rainfall Events in Asia: Projected Changes and Uncertainties
37369Abstract Title: Extreme Rainfall Events in Asia: Projected Changes and Uncertainties
37141Abstract Title: Modelling the Impact of the Spread of Wet Rice Cultivation on Atmospheric Methane Levels from Archaeobotanical Data
37306Abstract Title: Weather Types across the Maritime Continent: from the Diurnal Cycle to Interannual Variations
37451Abstract Title: Gathering cross-cultural knowledge of Monsoon Asia’s ‘diverse economy’
37127Abstract Title: Late Quaternary Asian Monsoon Dynamics Recorded in Tibetan Lake Systems by Compound-Specific Isotopes of Terrestrial and Aquatic Biomarkers
37127Abstract Title: Late Quaternary Asian Monsoon Dynamics Recorded in Tibetan Lake Systems by Compound-Specific Isotopes of Terrestrial and Aquatic Biomarkers
37139Abstract Title: Cyclone-Driven Sediment Loads on the Lower Mekong River: Does the Monsoonal Flood Pulse Matter?
37349Abstract Title: Variations in South Asian Monsoon over the last 13 kyr inferred from biogeochemical properties of maar sediment in the central highland of Vietnam
37184Abstract Title: Impacts of the Tibetan and Iranian Plateau on the Onset, Evolution and Maintenance of Asian Summer monsoon
38102Abstract Title: Toward a mesoscale hydrological and marine meteorological observation network in the South China Sea
37451Abstract Title: Gathering cross-cultural knowledge of Monsoon Asia’s ‘diverse economy’
37369Abstract Title: Extreme Rainfall Events in Asia: Projected Changes and Uncertainties
37369Abstract Title: Extreme Rainfall Events in Asia: Projected Changes and Uncertainties
37376Abstract Title: The Indian Summer Monsoon Onset Related to the Seasonal Timing of Stratospheric Final Warming Events
37140Abstract Title: The seasonal predictability of East Asian Summer monsoon
37336Abstract Title: Terrigenous supplies variability over the past 22 000 yr in the southern South China Sea slope: relation to sea level and monsoon rainfall changes
37329Abstract Title: Mid-Holocene Climate Change vs. Anthropogenic Influence in the Evolution of Southeast China Forest Landscapes
37378Abstract Title: Holocene Vegetation Changes and Human Activities Revealed by a Peat Sediment Core in Gaoyao, Zhaoqin
37149Abstract Title: ITCZ and ENSO pacing on East Asian winter monsoon variation during the Holocene,Sedimentological evidence from the Okinawa Trough,
37336Abstract Title: Terrigenous supplies variability over the past 22 000 yr in the southern South China Sea slope: relation to sea level and monsoon rainfall changes
37209Abstract Title: Aerosol Impacts on Precipitation over China During the East Asian Summer Monsoon
37142Abstract Title: Precipitation and Extreme Heat Projection in Eastern China under CMIP5 Scenarios: the Statistical Downscaling Results
37309Abstract Title: Investigating the main driving factors in the Holocene evolution of Qing’ao Embayment, Nan’ao Island, southern China
37140Abstract Title: The seasonal predictability of East Asian Summer monsoon
37332Abstract Title: Late Holocene Monsoon Variability over Indian Peninsula as inferred from Palaeoflood Records
37314Abstract Title: Particulate Pollution and Daily Surface Rainfall: Observational Study over Indian Summer Monsoon Region
37924Abstract Title: Reconstruction of Erosion-Weathering-Vegetation Interactions during the Holocene in subtropical Taiwan
37149Abstract Title: ITCZ and ENSO pacing on East Asian winter monsoon variation during the Holocene,Sedimentological evidence from the Okinawa Trough
37355Abstract Title: Monsoon variability and the decline of Angkor: A modeling study of human responses to environmental change
37349Abstract Title: Variations in South Asian Monsoon over the last 13 kyr inferred from biogeochemical properties of maar sediment in the central highland of Vietnam
37192Abstract Title: Effect of the representation of mountains on the Asian monsoon in a global warming world
37314Abstract Title: Particulate Pollution and Daily Surface Rainfall: Observational Study over Indian Summer Monsoon Region
37286Abstract Title: Multi-Decadal Modulations Observed in the Variability of the East Asian Summer Monsoon
37343Abstract Title: Millennial-scale Shifts in Summer Monsoon Front Position in East Asia during the late Holocene deduced from Provenance Changes of the Yangtze River Suspended Particulate Matter
37139Abstract Title: Cyclone-Driven Sediment Loads on the Lower Mekong River: Does the Monsoonal Flood Pulse Matter?
37297Abstract Title: THE WEST AFRICAN MONSOON: From a better understanding of the intraseasonal and synoptic variability toward forecast,
37300Abstract Title: Analysis of the West African monsoon annual cycle using a two-dimensional model: Some key factors contributing to the rainband displacement,
37303Abstract Title: The present and future of the West African monsoon: a process-oriented assessment of CMIP5 simulations along the AMMA transect,
37304Abstract Title: Heavy Rainfall Predictability : the THORPEX West Africa case study
37255Abstract Title: An Analysis if the 2012 Southwest Monsoon Surge in the Philippines
7304Abstract Title: Synthesis Session 6. Summary of major recent findings
37399Abstract Title: Synoptic Characteristics of Heat Waves over the Indochina
37139Abstract Title: Cyclone-Driven Sediment Loads on the Lower Mekong River: Does the Monsoonal Flood Pulse Matter?
37451Abstract Title: Gathering cross-cultural knowledge of Monsoon Asia’s ‘diverse economy’
37289Abstract Title: The Influence of Decadal-scale Variations of East Asian Monsoon on Taiwan’s Extreme Dry Spells
38101Abstract Title: Climate change, subsistence shortage, and population checks in late imperial China
37374Abstract Title: Southeast China Rainfall Variability and its Relationship with the Large-Scale Circulation Over the Indo-Pacific Region and East Asia
37230Abstract Title: Variation of Circulation and East Asian Climate Associated with Anomalous Strength and Displacement of the East Asian Trough
37139Abstract Title: Cyclone-Driven Sediment Loads on the Lower Mekong River: Does the Monsoonal Flood Pulse Matter?
37149Abstract Title: ITCZ and ENSO pacing on East Asian winter monsoon variation during the Holocene,Sedimentological evidence from the Okinawa Trough,
37336Abstract Title: Terrigenous supplies variability over the past 22 000 yr in the southern South China Sea slope: relation to sea level and monsoon rainfall changes
37334Abstract Title: Controls of silicate weathering in Taiwan Island: transport-limited or weather limited?
37221Abstract Title: Observed Relationship of Boreal Winter South Pacific Tripole SSTA with Eastern China Rainfall during the Following Boreal Spring
37171Abstract Title: Climatic Characteristics of Abrupt Change on Tropical Cyclone Number in the Mid-1990s over the North Western Pacific
37221Abstract Title: Observed Relationship of Boreal Winter South Pacific Tripole SSTA with Eastern China Rainfall during the Following Boreal Spring
38102Abstract Title: Toward a mesoscale hydrological and marine meteorological observation network in the South China Sea
37336Abstract Title: Terrigenous supplies variability over the past 22 000 yr in the southern South China Sea slope: relation to sea level and monsoon rainfall changes
37263Abstract Title: Response of the Winter Moisture Circulation to the India-Burma Trough and Its Modulation by the South Asian Waveguide
37258Abstract Title: Feedback Attributions to the Interannual Variation of the Dominant Modes of the East Asian Winter Monsoon
37366Abstract Title: Influences of spring-to-summer SSTs over different Indian Ocean regions on the Asian summer monsoon: A numerical study
37334Abstract Title: Controls of silicate weathering in Taiwan Island: transport-limited or weather limited?
37414Abstract Title: Spacebased Observation of the Hydrological Balance Related to the Indian Monsoon
37310Abstract Title: Three Eurasian teleconnection patterns: spatial structures, temporal variability, and associated winter climate anomalies
37924Abstract Title: Reconstruction of Erosion-Weathering-Vegetation Interactions during the Holocene in subtropical Taiwan
37289Abstract Title: The Influence of Decadal-scale Variations of East Asian Monsoon on Taiwan’s Extreme Dry Spells
37399Abstract Title: Synoptic Characteristics of Heat Waves over the Indochina
37286Abstract Title: Multi-Decadal Modulations Observed in the Variability of the East Asian Summer Monsoon
37127Abstract Title: Late Quaternary Asian Monsoon Dynamics Recorded in Tibetan Lake Systems by Compound-Specific Isotopes of Terrestrial and Aquatic Biomarkers
37286Abstract Title: Multi-Decadal Modulations Observed in the Variability of the East Asian Summer Monsoon
7276Abstract Title: Session 1. Centennial and millennial scale variability in intensity of the Asian monsoon in the late Quaternary and Holocene,
37280Abstract Title: A Model-Data Assessment of Glacial to Holocene Changes in Walker and Hadley Circulations: Implications for Indian Ocean Hydroclimate and Wind System,
37319Abstract Title: Multi-decadal to centennial-scale variability in Australian-Indonesian monsoon intensity over the past two millennia
37388Abstract Title: Trends and Multi-decadal Variability in the Hydroclimate of Northern India and Tibet as Manifested in Paleoclimate, Precipitation and Reanalysis Data 1850-2010.
37306Abstract Title: Weather Types across the Maritime Continent: from the Diurnal Cycle to Interannual Variations
37255Abstract Title: An Analysis if the 2012 Southwest Monsoon Surge in the Philippines
37286Abstract Title: Multi-Decadal Modulations Observed in the Variability of the East Asian Summer Monsoon
37349Abstract Title: Variations in South Asian Monsoon over the last 13 kyr inferred from biogeochemical properties of maar sediment in the central highland of Vietnam
37307Abstract Title: Winter time Changes in the Strength of Tropical Circulation and its Impact on Tropospheric Ozone over Pacific under Global Warming Scenario
37308Abstract Title: Agricultural Drought and Food Security in India: Role of Indian Summer Monsoon
37369Abstract Title: Extreme Rainfall Events in Asia: Projected Changes and Uncertainties
37139Abstract Title: Cyclone-Driven Sediment Loads on the Lower Mekong River: Does the Monsoonal Flood Pulse Matter?
37286Abstract Title: Multi-Decadal Modulations Observed in the Variability of the East Asian Summer Monsoon
37451Abstract Title: Gathering cross-cultural knowledge of Monsoon Asia’s ‘diverse economy’
37192Abstract Title: Effect of the representation of mountains on the Asian monsoon in a global warming world
37286Abstract Title: Multi-Decadal Modulations Observed in the Variability of the East Asian Summer Monsoon
37382Abstract Title: Seasonal Variability of Sea Surface Temperature (SST) and Chlorophyll Distribution during Southeast (SE) Monsoon in Indonesian Waters
37451Abstract Title: Gathering cross-cultural knowledge of Monsoon Asia’s ‘diverse economy’
37314Abstract Title: Particulate Pollution and Daily Surface Rainfall: Observational Study over Indian Summer Monsoon Region
37302Abstract Title: A Multi-model Evaluation of Aerosols over South Asia: Common Problems and Possible Causes
37139Abstract Title: Cyclone-Driven Sediment Loads on the Lower Mekong River: Does the Monsoonal Flood Pulse Matter?
38102Abstract Title: Toward a mesoscale hydrological and marine meteorological observation network in the South China Sea
37300Abstract Title: Analysis of the West African monsoon annual cycle using a two-dimensional model: Some key factors contributing to the rainband displacement
37349Abstract Title: Variations in South Asian Monsoon over the last 13 kyr inferred from biogeochemical properties of maar sediment in the central highland of Vietnam
37309Abstract Title: Investigating the main driving factors in the Holocene evolution of Qing’ao Embayment, Nan’ao Island, southern China
37280Abstract Title: A Model-Data Assessment of Glacial to Holocene Changes in Walker and Hadley Circulations: Implications for Indian Ocean Hydroclimate and Wind System,
37319Abstract Title: Multi-decadal to centennial-scale variability in Australian-Indonesian monsoon intensity over the past two millennia
37306Abstract Title: Weather Types across the Maritime Continent: from the Diurnal Cycle to Interannual Variations
37241Abstract Title: Multi-scale Variability of Rainfall in China
37363Abstract Title: Influences of ENSO on the Vertical Coupling of Atmospheric Circulation during the Onset of South Asian Summer Monsoon,
37376Abstract Title: The Indian Summer Monsoon Onset Related to the Seasonal Timing of Stratospheric Final Warming Events,
37377Abstract Title: Dynamical Linkage between Cold Air Outbreaks and Intensity Variations of the Meridional Mass Circulation
37306Abstract Title: Weather Types across the Maritime Continent: from the Diurnal Cycle to Interannual Variations
37303Abstract Title: The present and future of the West African monsoon: a process-oriented assessment of CMIP5 simulations along the AMMA transect
37343Abstract Title: Millennial-scale Shifts in Summer Monsoon Front Position in East Asia during the late Holocene deduced from Provenance Changes of the Yangtze River Suspended Particulate Matter
37255Abstract Title: An Analysis if the 2012 Southwest Monsoon Surge in the Philippines
37314Abstract Title: Particulate Pollution and Daily Surface Rainfall: Observational Study over Indian Summer Monsoon Region
37127Abstract Title: Late Quaternary Asian Monsoon Dynamics Recorded in Tibetan Lake Systems by Compound-Specific Isotopes of Terrestrial and Aquatic Biomarkers
37924Abstract Title: Reconstruction of Erosion-Weathering-Vegetation Interactions during the Holocene in subtropical Taiwan
38102Abstract Title: Toward a mesoscale hydrological and marine meteorological observation network in the South China Sea
37141Abstract Title: Modelling the Impact of the Spread of Wet Rice Cultivation on Atmospheric Methane Levels from Archaeobotanical Data
37369Abstract Title: Extreme Rainfall Events in Asia: Projected Changes and Uncertainties
37285Abstract Title: Intraseasonal Variation of the Strength of the East Asian Trough and its Climatic Impacts in Boreal Winter
37202Abstract Title: Dynamics Of The Intertropical Convergence Zone Over The Western Pacific During The Little Ice Age
37141Abstract Title: Modelling the Impact of the Spread of Wet Rice Cultivation on Atmospheric Methane Levels from Archaeobotanical Data
37209Abstract Title: Aerosol Impacts on Precipitation over China During the East Asian Summer Monsoon
37382Abstract Title: Seasonal Variability of Sea Surface Temperature (SST) and Chlorophyll Distribution during Southeast (SE) Monsoon in Indonesian Waters
37309Abstract Title: Investigating the main driving factors in the Holocene evolution of Qing’ao Embayment, Nan’ao Island, southern China
7276Abstract Title: Session 1. Centennial and millennial scale variability in intensity of the Asian monsoon in the late Quaternary and Holocene,
37343Abstract Title: Millennial-scale Shifts in Summer Monsoon Front Position in East Asia during the late Holocene deduced from Provenance Changes of the Yangtze River Suspended Particulate Matter
37348Abstract Title: The impact of Mixed Rossby-Gravity waves on the interannual variation of tropical cyclones over western North Pacific,
37367Abstract Title: Projections of the Walker circulation and Asian monsoon rainfall variability related to two types of ENSO in the 21st century,
37374Abstract Title: Southeast China Rainfall Variability and its Relationship with the Large-Scale Circulation Over the Indo-Pacific Region and East Asia
37221Abstract Title: Observed Relationship of Boreal Winter South Pacific Tripole SSTA with Eastern China Rainfall during the Following Boreal Spring
37414Abstract Title: Spacebased Observation of the Hydrological Balance Related to the Indian Monsoon
37314Abstract Title: Particulate Pollution and Daily Surface Rainfall: Observational Study over Indian Summer Monsoon Region
37201Abstract Title: Intraseasonal Variabity of the Asian Summer Monsoon
7302Abstract Title: Session 2. Impacts of climate change on environment in Asia. How do rivers and landscape respond to changing rainfall?,
37130Abstract Title: Anthropogenic Impacts on Landscape in River Basins of SE and East Asia,
37149Abstract Title: ITCZ and ENSO pacing on East Asian winter monsoon variation during the Holocene,Sedimentological evidence from the Okinawa Trough,
37232Abstract Title: Enhanced silicate weathering fluxes from tropical shelf sediments exposed during glacial lowstands,
37336Abstract Title: Terrigenous supplies variability over the past 22 000 yr in the southern South China Sea slope: relation to sea level and monsoon rainfall changes
7304Abstract Title: Synthesis Session 6. Summary of major recent findings
37309Abstract Title: Investigating the main driving factors in the Holocene evolution of Qing’ao Embayment, Nan’ao Island, southern China
37343Abstract Title: Millennial-scale Shifts in Summer Monsoon Front Position in East Asia during the late Holocene deduced from Provenance Changes of the Yangtze River Suspended Particulate Matter
38102Abstract Title: Toward a mesoscale hydrological and marine meteorological observation network in the South China Sea
37221Abstract Title: Observed Relationship of Boreal Winter South Pacific Tripole SSTA with Eastern China Rainfall during the Following Boreal Spring,
38102Abstract Title: Toward a mesoscale hydrological and marine meteorological observation network in the South China Sea,
38103Abstract Title: Anomalous tropical cyclone activity in the northwestern Pacific in 2014
37209Abstract Title: Aerosol Impacts on Precipitation over China During the East Asian Summer Monsoon
37146Abstract Title: Catastrophic Flooding and Societal Vulnerability during the Neolithic on the East China Coast
37202Abstract Title: Dynamics Of The Intertropical Convergence Zone Over The Western Pacific During The Little Ice Age
37141Abstract Title: Modelling the Impact of the Spread of Wet Rice Cultivation on Atmospheric Methane Levels from Archaeobotanical Data
37369Abstract Title: Extreme Rainfall Events in Asia: Projected Changes and Uncertainties
37209Abstract Title: Aerosol Impacts on Precipitation over China During the East Asian Summer Monsoon
37237Abstract Title: Can the Tropical Storms Originated from the Bay of Bengal Impact the Precipitation and Soil Moisture over the Tibetan Plateau?
38102Abstract Title: Toward a mesoscale hydrological and marine meteorological observation network in the South China Sea
37414Abstract Title: Spacebased Observation of the Hydrological Balance Related to the Indian Monsoon
37127Abstract Title: Late Quaternary Asian Monsoon Dynamics Recorded in Tibetan Lake Systems by Compound-Specific Isotopes of Terrestrial and Aquatic Biomarkers
37367Abstract Title: Projections of the Walker circulation and Asian monsoon rainfall variability related to two types of ENSO in the 21st century
37202Abstract Title: Dynamics Of The Intertropical Convergence Zone Over The Western Pacific During The Little Ice Age
37334Abstract Title: Controls of silicate weathering in Taiwan Island: transport-limited or weather limited?
7300Abstract Title: Session 3b. Observation and modeling of monsoon variability and change,
7413Abstract Title: Session 3c. Observation and modeling of monsoon variability and change,
37011Abstract Title: Large-Scale Features Associated with the Long-Term Changes in the Asian Monsoon and ENSO ,
37258Abstract Title: Feedback Attributions to the Interannual Variation of the Dominant Modes of the East Asian Winter Monsoon,
37271Abstract Title: Variation of the North Pacific Trough and Its Links with the Asian-Pacific-American Summer Climate Anomalies,
37366Abstract Title: Influences of spring-to-summer SSTs over different Indian Ocean regions on the Asian summer monsoon: A numerical study
37127Abstract Title: Late Quaternary Asian Monsoon Dynamics Recorded in Tibetan Lake Systems by Compound-Specific Isotopes of Terrestrial and Aquatic Biomarkers
37359Abstract Title: Monsoon Asia as a Key Region for Future Earth
37392Abstract Title: Mid to Late Holocene climate and sea level changes and its relation to culture in Japan
37309Abstract Title: Investigating the main driving factors in the Holocene evolution of Qing’ao Embayment, Nan’ao Island, southern China
37377Abstract Title: Dynamical Linkage between Cold Air Outbreaks and Intensity Variations of the Meridional Mass Circulation
38102Abstract Title: Toward a mesoscale hydrological and marine meteorological observation network in the South China Sea
37336Abstract Title: Terrigenous supplies variability over the past 22 000 yr in the southern South China Sea slope: relation to sea level and monsoon rainfall changes
37334Abstract Title: Controls of silicate weathering in Taiwan Island: transport-limited or weather limited?
37343Abstract Title: Millennial-scale Shifts in Summer Monsoon Front Position in East Asia during the late Holocene deduced from Provenance Changes of the Yangtze River Suspended Particulate Matter
37149Abstract Title: ITCZ and ENSO pacing on East Asian winter monsoon variation during the Holocene,Sedimentological evidence from the Okinawa Trough
37329Abstract Title: Mid-Holocene Climate Change vs. Anthropogenic Influence in the Evolution of Southeast China Forest Landscapes
37391Abstract Title: Climatology and Interannual Variability of East Asian-Western Pacific Summer Monsoon Simulated by CMIP5 Models
37202Abstract Title: Dynamics Of The Intertropical Convergence Zone Over The Western Pacific During The Little Ice Age
37197Abstract Title: Multiscale control of summertime persistent heavy precipitation events over South China in association with synoptic, intraseasonal, and low-frequency background,
37198Abstract Title: Observed and Simulated Linkage between Ural Blocking and East Asian Winter Climate,
37230Abstract Title: Variation of Circulation and East Asian Climate Associated with Anomalous Strength and Displacement of the East Asian Trough,
37241Abstract Title: Multi-scale Variability of Rainfall in China,
37263Abstract Title: Response of the Winter Moisture Circulation to the India-Burma Trough and Its Modulation by the South Asian Waveguide,
37310Abstract Title: Three Eurasian teleconnection patterns: spatial structures, temporal variability, and associated winter climate anomalies
37367Abstract Title: Projections of the Walker circulation and Asian monsoon rainfall variability related to two types of ENSO in the 21st century
37329Abstract Title: Mid-Holocene Climate Change vs. Anthropogenic Influence in the Evolution of Southeast China Forest Landscapes