Coastal Submesoscale Processes: Physics, Biogeochemistry, and Their Interactions Posters
Coastal Submesoscale Processes: Physics, Biogeochemistry, and Their Interactions Posters
Coastal Submesoscale Processes: Physics, Biogeochemistry, and Their Interactions Posters
Session ID#: 9285
Session Description:
Sub-mesoscale features in the ocean, frequently manifested as filaments, fronts, and eddies, are characterized by both O(1) Rossby number and a horizontal scale smaller than the internal Rossby radius of deformation. Sub-mesoscale processes are important as they contribute to the vertical transport of oceanic tracers, mass, and buoyancy and rectify the mixed layer structure and upper-ocean stratification. The coastal ocean, where most anthropogenic activities take place, is especially sensitive to these processes. This session invites observational, theoretical, and numerical modeling efforts associated with submesoscale processes in coastal environments and shelf seas within the scope of the ocean physics, biogeochemistry, and their interactions.
Primary Chair: Sung Yong Kim, Korea Advanced Institute of Sciecne and Technology, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Daejeon, Korea, Republic of (South)
Chair: Hezi Gildor, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel
Moderators: Sung Yong Kim, Korea Advanced Institute of Sciecne and Technology, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Daejeon, Korea, Republic of (South) and Hezi Gildor, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel
Student Paper Review Liaison: Sung Yong Kim, Korea Advanced Institute of Sciecne and Technology, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Daejeon, Korea, Republic of (South)
Index Terms:
4217 Coastal processes [OCEANOGRAPHY: GENERAL]
4273 Physical and biogeochemical interactions [OCEANOGRAPHY: GENERAL]
4504 Air/sea interactions [OCEANOGRAPHY: PHYSICAL]
4528 Fronts and jets [OCEANOGRAPHY: PHYSICAL]
- B - Biogeochemistry and Nutrients
- PO - Physical Oceanography/Ocean Circulation
- TP - Turbulent Processes
Abstracts Submitted to this Session:
Effect of Submesoscale Eddies on Oceanic Dispersion of Materials in a Coastal Area off Fukushima Analyzed with a Downscaling System (87397)
Biogeochemical responses to meso- and submesoscale oceanic variability in the Kuroshio region (88450)
Observations of phytoplankton response to submesoscale forcing in Southern California Bight (90071)
Fresh water input as driver of submesoscale variability in coastal waters: The case of the Gulf of Mexico (91731)
Coastal Submesoscale Baroclinic Eddies in Cyclostrophic Balance in the Saguenay Fjord (91875)
Current temporal asymmetry and the role of tides: Nan-Wan Bay vs. the Gulf of Elat (92870)
See more of: Estuarine and Coastal