Yes, They're Free: Open-Access Data for Ocean Sciences II
Yes, They're Free: Open-Access Data for Ocean Sciences II
Yes, They're Free: Open-Access Data for Ocean Sciences II
Session ID#: 36993
Session Description:
Open access data are increasingly becoming a requirement for publicly funded projects, and many archives now exist that offer free access to researchers. Conversely, data repositories allow the community to submit data for archival and redistribution. This session is an opportunity for ocean data hosts to introduce their data archives, and for session attendees to learn where they can find available data or submit their data to make them openly accessible. We encourage contributions from data repositories that describe their holdings (e.g. scope and size, variables, geographical locations), data stewardship practices and standards/certifications (e.g. metadata, QA/QC, citations), and data processing and distribution services (e.g. data preview, products and access, web services, metrics).
Primary Chair: Martin Scherwath, Ocean Networks Canada, Victoria, BC, Canada
Co-chairs: Benoit Pirenne, Ocean Networks Canada, Victoria, BC, Canada and Markus Stocker, MARUM - University of Bremen, PANGAEA, Bremen, Germany
Moderators: Benoit Pirenne1, Markus Stocker2 and Martin Scherwath1, (1)Ocean Networks Canada, Victoria, BC, Canada(2)MARUM - University of Bremen, PANGAEA, Bremen, Germany
Student Paper Review Liaisons: Markus Stocker, MARUM - University of Bremen, PANGAEA, Bremen, Germany and Martin Scherwath, Ocean Networks Canada, Victoria, BC, Canada
Index Terms:
1914 Data mining [INFORMATICS]
3050 Ocean observatories and experiments [MARINE GEOLOGY AND GEOPHYSICS]
4262 Ocean observing systems [OCEANOGRAPHY: GENERAL]
4277 Time series experiments [OCEANOGRAPHY: GENERAL]
Abstracts Submitted to this Session:
Integrated Marine Surface Data Collection and Datasets Production and Services at NOAA NCEI (302367)
PO.DAAC’s Data Stewardship and Life Cycle, Levels of Service and Distribution of Oceanographic Data (314545)
See more of: Ocean Data Management