Close-Range Remote Sensing of Nearshore Processes and Coastal Morphology III Posters

Session ID#: 84557

Session Description:
During the past decade, LiDAR, radar, multispectral and thermal sensors, as well as modern photogrammetry have become inexpensive and highly accessible. Close-range low-altitude (manned and autonomous aircraft) and ground-based platforms provide datasets with increasingly high resolution, both in time (seconds to days) and space (sub-meter), allowing for detailed observations of changes in coastal landscapes and the related nearshore and beach processes that drive those changes. These advances provide a new understanding of the patterns, rates, and causes of coastal circulation and morphodynamics on scales of kilometers and less. High-resolution, close-range remote sensing also allows for the documentation of ongoing and future effects of storms, sea-level rise, coastal restoration, and human impacts on coastal environments. Additionally, these technologies and methods facilitate interdisciplinary studies of the coastal zone. This session will highlight scientific results that have emerged from these technologies and methods and explore challenges and plans for future remote sensing efforts.
  • IS - Ocean Observatories, Instrumentation and Sensing Technologies
  • PS - Physical Oceanography: Mesoscale and Smaller
Index Terms:

4217 Coastal processes [OCEANOGRAPHY: GENERAL]
4235 Estuarine processes [OCEANOGRAPHY: GENERAL]
4275 Remote sensing and electromagnetic processes [OCEANOGRAPHY: GENERAL]
4546 Nearshore processes [OCEANOGRAPHY: PHYSICAL]
Primary Chair:  Brittany Lynn Bruder, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory, Field Research Facility, Duck, United States
Co-chairs:  Jonathan A Warrick, U.S. Geological Survey, Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center, Santa Cruz, United States, Shawn R Harrison, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, Ocean Sciences Division, Stennis Space Center, United States and Rafael Almar, Laboratoire d'Etudes en Géophysique et Océanographie Spatiales (LEGOS), IRD, Toulouse, France
Primary Liaison:  Brittany Lynn Bruder, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory, Field Research Facility, Duck, United States
Moderators:  Shawn R Harrison, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, Ocean Sciences Division, Stennis Space Center, United States and Rafael Almar, Laboratoire d'Etudes en Géophysique et Océanographie Spatiales (LEGOS), IRD, Toulouse, France
Student Paper Review Liaison:  Rafael Almar, Laboratoire d'Etudes en Géophysique et Océanographie Spatiales (LEGOS), IRD, Toulouse, France

Abstracts Submitted to this Session:

HF radar surface current estimates using beamforming and direction finding (Beamscan and MUSIC) with a linear array (643241)
Douglas Cahl, University of South Carolina Columbia, Department of Earth and Ocean Sciences, Columbia, SC, United States, George Voulgaris, University of South Carolina Columbia, Columbia, United States and Lynn Leonard, University of North Carolina at Wilmington, Earth and Ocean Sciences, Wilmington, NC, United States
Natural wave tank experiment for validating depth inversion algorithm in the intertidal beach (638968)
Taerim Kim, Kunsan University, Ocean Engineering Dept., Kunsan, Korea, Republic of (South)
Detecting wave-attenuation over coral reef during 2019 Atlantic Hurricane season at Tres Palmas, Puerto Rico (639842)
Shawn R Harrison1, Patricia Chardon-Maldonado2, Miguel Canals3, Colin Evans2, Olivia M Cheriton4, Joshua B Logan4, Kurt J Rosenberger4, Daniel J. Nowacki4, Cordell D Johnson4 and Curt Daron Storlazzi5, (1)U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, Ocean Sciences Division, Stennis Space Center, United States, (2)University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez, Caribbean Coastal Ocean Observing System, Mayaguez, PR, United States, (3)University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez, Caribbean Coastal Ocean Observing System, Mayaguez, United States, (4)USGS Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center, Santa Cruz, CA, United States, (5)USGS Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center, Santa Cruz, United States
Quantifying the Importance of Ice-Rafted Debris to Salt Marsh Sedimentation (641523)
Sarah Stopak, Oberlin College, Geology, Oberlin, OH, United States, Neil K Ganju, U.S. Geological Survey, Woods Hole, United States and Zafer Defne, PhD, US Geological Survey, Menlo Park, United States
Application of Video and Unmanned Aircraft Systems to Study Morphology of a Reflective Beach at Dzita, Ghana (644161)
Donatus Angnuureng, University of Cape Coast, ACECoR, Centre for Coastal Management,, Cape Coast, Ghana, Philip-Neri Jayson-Quashigah V, University of Ghana, Marine and Fisheries Sciences, Accra, Ghana, Thomas Stieglitz, IRD, CEREGE, Marseille, France, Rafael Almar, Laboratoire d'Etudes en Géophysique et Océanographie Spatiales (LEGOS), IRD, Toulouse, France and Kwasi Appeaning Addo, University of Ghana, IESS, Accra, Ghana
Semantic Segmentation of High-resolution Side-scan Sonar Imagery to Assess Changes in Restored Oyster Reef Habitats (647801)
Olivia Caretti, North Carolina State University Raleigh, Marine, Earth, & Atmospheric Sciences, Raleigh, NC, United States, Delwayne R Bohnenstiehl, North Carolina State University, Marine, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Raleigh, United States and David Eggleston, North Carolina State University Raleigh, MEAS, Raleigh, NC, United States
Testing of Pattern Recognition Processes in Visual and Thermal PIV (643746)
Mason Fridge, United States Naval Academy, Naval Architecture & Ocean Engineering, Annapolis, MD, United States, Margaret L Palmsten, U.S. Geological Survey, St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center, St Petersburg, FL, United States, Kara M. Koetje, University of New Hampshire Main Campus, Durham, NH, United States and Anna Wargula, US Naval Academy, Naval Architecture & Ocean Engineering, Annapolis, United States
Mapping Beaches with Lasers: Operational Considerations for Accurately Quantifying Small-Scale Morphological Changes Over Large Spatial Domains Using Mobile Terrestrial Lidar (654950)
Nicholas Spore1, Ian Conery2,3, Nicholas Cohn4 and Katherine L Brodie4, (1)U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory, Field Research Facility, Duck, NC, United States, (2)Zurich, Switzerland, (3)U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory, Duck, United States, (4)U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory, Field Research Facility, Duck, United States
Seagrass Mapping and Density Estimation Using a Drone System – A Case Study in Futtsu Tidal Flat of Tokyo Bay, Japan (652575)
Jundong Chen, The Univ. of Tokyo, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, Kashiwa, Japan
Close-Range, Remote Sensing of Littoral Zones using a Multi-Platform Topographic / Bathymetric Lidar System (652599)
Jeffrey P Thayer, University of Colorado at Boulder, Smead Aerospace Engineering Sciences, Boulder, United States; University of Colorado Boulder, Ann and H.J. Smead Department of Aerospace Engineering Sciences, Boulder, United States, Andrew Gisler, ASTRALiTe Inc., Boulder, CO, United States, Cotton Nderson, ASTRALiTe, Inc., Boulder, CO, United States and Gerald Thompson, ASTRA, LLC, Louisville, United States
Integrating acoustic and optical remote sensing for SAV mapping in a turbid estuary (656007)
Johannes Renke Krause, Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA, United States, Alejandro Hinojosa-Corona, Centro de Investigación Científica y de Educación Superior de Ensenada, San Diego, CA, United States and Elizabeth Watson, Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA, United States
Opportunistic Structure-from-Motion Production and Analysis of Digital Surface Models for NOAA Coastal Airborne Imagery from Alaska’s Beaufort Sea Coast (655960)
Stephen Michael Escarzaga1, Nicole Kinsman2 and Craig E. Tweedie1, (1)University of Texas at El Paso, El Paso, TX, United States, (2)NOAA National Ocean Service, National Geodetic Survey, Silver Spring, MD, United States
Calculation of wetlands erosion rates using Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) and comparison with hindcast results from the hydrodynamic model (656062)
Jin Young Kim1, Kuang-An Chang1, James Michael Kaihatu2, Rusty A Feagin3 and Thomas Huff4, (1)Texas A&M University, Zachry Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, College Station, United States, (2)Texas A&M University College Station, Zachry Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, College Station, TX, United States, (3)Texas A&M University, Ecology and Conservation Biology, College Station, TX, United States, (4)Texas A&M University College Station, Ecosystem Science and Management, College Station, United States
Comparing Remote Topographic Measurements of a Coastal Beach/Dune/Marsh Complex (642089)
Jaquan High, United States and Christopher R Sherwood, Organization Not Listed, Washington, United States
Design and deployment of an infrared video monitoring system on an estuarine river (641600)
Kara M. Koetje, US Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC, United States, Margaret L Palmsten, US Naval Research Laboratory, Stennis Space Center, MS, United States and Shawn R Harrison, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, Ocean Sciences Division, Stennis Space Center, United States
Novel Observation of Bathymetry in the Surf Zone using a UAV-mounted Green LiDAR (642613)
Masayuki Banno1, Takaharu Tomii2, Toko Tanaya1 and Tomohiro Kuwae1, (1)Port and Airport Research Institute, Yokosuka, Japan, (2)amuse oneself Inc., Osaka, Japan
Measuring Alongshore Variations in Swash Flows Using Stereophotogrammetry and Multi-Beam Lidar (645694)
Brittany Lynn Bruder1, Katherine L Brodie1 and Nicholas Spore2, (1)U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory, Field Research Facility, Duck, United States, (2)U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory, Field Research Facility, Duck, NC, United States
Video Observations of Shoreline and Sandbar Migration at a Wave Dominated Beach: Northern Monterey Bay, California (648441)
Miya Pavlock, Moss Landing Marine Laboratories, Physical Oceanography, Moss Landing, CA, United States, Shawn R Harrison, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, Ocean Sciences Division, Stennis Space Center, United States and Thomas Connolly, Moss Landing Marine Laboratories, Moss Landing, CA, United States
Shoreline Feature Mapping Using UAS-SfM Terrain Models (652267)
Evan Micaela Mazur, University of South Alabama, Mobile, AL, United States
Stationary LiDAR observations and modeling of runup, inner-surf zone waves, and beach morphology during energetic storm events (653296)
Lauren Kim1, Katherine L Brodie2, Julia W Fiedler3, Sarah N Giddings4, Robert T Guza3 and Mark A Merrifield5, (1)Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UC San Diego, La Jolla, CA, United States, (2)U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory, Duck, NC, United States, (3)University of California San Diego, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, United States, (4)Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, CA, United States, (5)Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, United States
Short-Term Seasonal Changes Of Dzita Beach (Ghana) Using GIS And Photogrammetry (654887)
Emmanuel Brempong, University of Cape Coast, ACECoR, Centre for Coastal Management, Accra, Ghana, Kwasi Appeaning Addo, Institute for Environment and Sanitation Studies, University of Ghana, Accra, Ghana, Donatus Angnuureng, University of Cape Coast, ACECoR, Centre for Coastal Management,, Cape Coast, Ghana and Philip-Neri Jayson-Quashigah V, University of Ghana, Marine and Fisheries Sciences, Accra, Ghana
Surf zone bathymetry inversion during storms (655526)
Greg Wilson, Oregon State University, CEOAS, Corvallis, United States and Akhil Salim, Oregon State University, College of Earth Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences, Corvallis, OR, United States
Shallow water bathymetric and habitat mapping of coastal DoD sites using airborne hyperspectral and lidar imagery (656531)
Leslie Bolick1, Jennifer Ayers1, Jessica Carilli2, Donald Marx1, Stephen H Smith1, Adam Young3, Luc Lenain4, Nick Statom3, Wallace Kendall Melville3, Jeffrey H Bowles5 and David Miller5, (1)Naval Information Warfare Center (NIWC) Pacific, Energy and Environmental Sciences, San Diego, CA, United States, (2)Naval Information Warfare Center (NIWC) Pacific, Energy and Environmental Sciences, San Diego, United States, (3)Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, CA, United States, (4)University of California San Diego, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, United States, (5)US Naval Research Laboratory, Washington DC, United States
Improving the Understanding of HF Radar Antenna Patterns and Their Influence on Nearshore Surface Current Measurements (656683)
Grant Mickelsen, University of California Santa Barbara, Physics, Santa Barbara, CA, United States, Brian Emery, University of California, Marine Science Institute and Department of Mechanical Engineering, Santa Barbara, United States and Libe Washburn, Marine Science Institute, Santa Barbara, United States
Using an ultraportable Terrestrial Laser Scanner (TLS) to monitor coastal erosion in the Boston Harbor Islands (657020)
Francesco Peri1, Crystal Schaaf1 and Ian L Paynter2, (1)University of Massachusetts Boston, School for the Environment, Boston, MA, United States, (2)University of Massachusetts Boston, Boston, United States