Undergraduate Student Research: A Multidisciplinary Session II eLightning
Session ID#: 93338
Session Description:
Undergraduates who have conducted research are invited to present their results in this general session that will highlight the wide variety of student research and provide an opportunity for interested faculty to discuss your project with you. Students who have participated in Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) programs are particularly invited so that we may showcase the wide range of research experiences available through this program. Students are not limited to this session, and we encourage any undergraduate student who wishes to submit an abstract to a specialized science session in the subject of their research to consider that option as well. Submissions may be for posters or oral presentations.
Primary Chair: Elizabeth Lynch Rom, National Science Foundation, GEO/OCE, Arlington, United States
Co-Chair: David Fields, Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences, East Boothbay, United States
Primary Liaison: Elizabeth Lynch Rom, National Science Foundation, GEO/OCE, Arlington, United States
Abstracts Submitted to this Session:
Influence of Dissolved Humic Compounds on K. brevis Cell Viability, Intracellular Brevetoxin Concentrations and Brevetoxin Aerosolization (648984)
Mark Leone1, Cynthia Heil2 and Amanda Muni-Morgan2, (1)Florida Gulf Coast University, Fort Myers, FL, United States, (2)Mote Marine Laboratory, Red Tide Institute, Sarasota, FL, United States
Seasonal Phytoplankton Production at the New England Shelf Break Front: Observations Using the Coastal Pioneer Array’s Submarine Gliders (652039)
Kyle Ehmann1, Samantha Ferguson1, Cassandra Este Alexander2 and Robert D Vaillancourt3, (1)Millersville University of Pennsylvania, Millersville, United States, (2)Millersville University of Pennsylvania, Millersville, PA, United States, (3)Millersville University, Millersville, PA, United States
Cellular Response of Emiliania huxleyi to Growth on Phosphonates (656139)
Catherine Mahoney, Maine Maritime Academy, Corning School of Ocean Studies, Castine, ME, United States, Emily J McDermith, University of Rhode Island, Cell and Molecular Biology, Kingston, RI, United States, LeAnn Pritchard Whitney, Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences, East Boothbay, ME, United States and Michael W Lomas, Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences, East Boothbay, United States
Spatial Analysis of the Invasive Striped Eel Catfish in the Saipan Lagoon (645910)
D'amy Steward1, Steve McKagan2, Robbie Greene2 and Michael Trianni2, (1)NOAA, Hollings, Saipan, United States, (2)NOAA, NMFS, Saipan, United States
Microplastics: More than Just a Saltwater Problem (652731)
Nicole Burdick1, Maeve H Ahern2, Daniel Welsh3 and Elizabeth S Gordon2, (1)Fitchburg State University, Biology, Fitchburg, United States, (2)Fitchburg State University, Earth and Geographic Sciences, Fitchburg, MA, United States, (3)Fitchburg State University, Biology/Chemistry, Fitchburg, MA, United States
Impact of STEMSEAS Program on Underrepresented Undergraduate Student Experiences in Pursuing Marine Science Research (641956)
Tiffany Willis, San Diego Mesa College, San Diego, CA, United States, Lisa D White, University of California Berkeley, Museum of Paleontology, Berkeley, CA, United States and Sharon K Cooper, Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory, U.S. Science Support Program, Palisades, United States