Author Index:



Abbott, B. W.
202879Abstract Title: Hydrologic Connectivity and Threshold Behavior Influences Nutrient Export from Arctic Hillslopes
Adams, B. J.
202969Abstract Title: An Extreme Flood Event Marks a State Change in an Antarctic Aquatic Ecosystem
Addy, K.
202490Abstract Title: Nutrient and Carbon Loading from Forested, Urban, and Agricultural Watersheds during Extreme Climatic Events, 202842Abstract Title: Simulating Hydrology and Water Quality to Predict Stream Discharge, Nitrate Loads Under Climate Change Scenarios in Maidford River Basin, Rhode Island Using SWAT Model
Agredano, R. Jr
202091Abstract Title: Extreme Rainfall and Flooding in the Hyperarid Atacama Desert, Chile
Aguilar, C.
202630Abstract Title: The Great Midwest Flood of 2008 Reflected in Great Lake Michigan Biogeochemistry and Phytoplankton Sequences: Resurgence of Diatoms Provided Beneficial Consequences for a Ravaged Great Lake Food Web, 202633Abstract Title: The Massive Upwelling of 2015 Reflected in Great Lake Michigan Biogeochemistry and Phytoplankton Sequences: Resurgence of Diatoms Provided Beneficial Consequences for a Ravaged Great Lake Food Web
Allen, E.
202699Abstract Title: Continuous water quality to capture all events: how good are the new sensors?
Almendinger, J.
202721Abstract Title: Implications of future changes in climate extreme events for aquatic biogeochemical cycles and associated ecosystem services of the St. Croix National Scenic Riverway
Anderson, R. S.
202826Abstract Title: High-Intensity Rain Storm Connects Hillslopes to Channels in a Steep Semi-Arid Catchment
Anderson, S. P.
202826Abstract Title: High-Intensity Rain Storm Connects Hillslopes to Channels in a Steep Semi-Arid Catchment
Andres, S.
202804Abstract Title: Meteorological Forcing of the Biogeochemistry of the Murderkill River and Estuary (Delaware, USA) Determined by High Frequency Continuous Monitoring
Asrar, G.
202721Abstract Title: Implications of future changes in climate extreme events for aquatic biogeochemical cycles and associated ecosystem services of the St. Croix National Scenic Riverway
Aufdenkampe, A. K.
202315Abstract Title: Water and Material Sources and Pathways During Extreme and Non-Extreme Events in White Clay Creek, Pennsylvania, USA, 202780Abstract Title: Storm Events Restructured Microbial Community and Their Biogeochemical Potentials
Aulenbach, B. T.
202681Abstract Title: Biogeochemical response to extreme events at the five USGS WEBB watersheds
Azizian, M.
202871Abstract Title: Direct and Indirect Effects of Extreme Climate Events on Nitrate Processing by Streams


Badiou, P.
202566Abstract Title: Landform and Agricultural Management Characteristics Influencing C, N, P Export With Extreme Rainfall Driven Flows in the Assiniboine River Watershed
Balaguru, K.
202609Abstract Title: Impact of Hurricanes on Coastal Biogeochemistry in the Gulf of Mexico
Balling, C.
202434Abstract Title: Changes in Near-Stream Soil Phosphorus Resulting from Extreme-Event Driven Erosion
Bao, S.
201060Abstract Title: Water and Nutrients Exports during an Extreme Flooding Event in South Carolina
Bargu, S.
202291Abstract Title: Estuarine ecosystem dynamics during a climate-influenced, early-season Mississippi River flood diversion
Barrett, J. E.
202969Abstract Title: An Extreme Flood Event Marks a State Change in an Antarctic Aquatic Ecosystem
Bart, R.
203030Abstract Title: Why subsurface features matter for managing forests, water and fire in the face of increasing drought frequency and severity
Bellin, A.
202647Abstract Title: Droughts and Nitrous Oxide Emissions in Agricultural and Forested Watersheds.
Belt, K.
202740Abstract Title: The impact of extreme storms on water quality in human-dominated watersheds
Bennett, K. E.
202818Abstract Title: Characterizing shifts in historical streamflow extremes in the Colorado River Basin, USA
Bernal, S.
201084Abstract Title: Being used to it: impacts of seasonal extreme climate events on C and N cycling in Mediterranean catchments
Bernhardt, E. S.
203605Abstract Title: Fast and slow responses of coastal freshwater ecosystems to salt water intrusion events
Bhatt, G.
202547Abstract Title: Stream Restoration Performance and its Contribution to the Chesapeake Bay TMDL: Challenges Posed by Climate Change in Urban Areas
Bianucci, L.
202609Abstract Title: Impact of Hurricanes on Coastal Biogeochemistry in the Gulf of Mexico
Birgand, F.
202699Abstract Title: Continuous water quality to capture all events: how good are the new sensors?
Blomquist, J.
202337Abstract Title: Quantifying nutrient fluxes and composition during extreme climate events in the Susquehanna River: Application for continuous water quality monitoring
Bothfeld, F.
202858Abstract Title: Impacts of a Hurricane-Induced Storm Surge on Trace-Metal Cycling in a Spatially Heterogeneous Estuary
Boychuk, L.
202566Abstract Title: Landform and Agricultural Management Characteristics Influencing C, N, P Export With Extreme Rainfall Driven Flows in the Assiniboine River Watershed
Buckman, L.
202712Abstract Title: Coastal Eco-morphological Real-time Forecasting (CERF) System
Burgin, A.
202846Abstract Title: Using high-frequency in-situ stream nitrate concentration sensors to understand importance of extreme precipitation events in nitrogen loading
Burgin, A. J.
202513Abstract Title: Weather Whiplash in Agricultural Regions Drives Deterioration of Water Quality
Burns, D. A.
202774Abstract Title: Expectations for Increases in the Magnitude and Frequency of Peakflows with Future Climate Change: the Need to Validate Study Approaches


Canuel, E. A.
202752Abstract Title: The Effects of Winter Storm Cato on the Composition and Flux of Carbon at the Marsh-Estuarine Interface
Carlson, S.
202641Abstract Title: Effects of Extreme Drought on the Organic Carbon Dynamics and Hydroecology of Intermittent, Salmon-bearing Streams
Casson, N. J.
202566Abstract Title: Landform and Agricultural Management Characteristics Influencing C, N, P Export With Extreme Rainfall Driven Flows in the Assiniboine River Watershed
Castro, L. M.
202091Abstract Title: Extreme Rainfall and Flooding in the Hyperarid Atacama Desert, Chile
Chen, Q. J.
202725Abstract Title: Development and application of a Biophysical-Surge-Wave Model
Chetelat, J.
202613Abstract Title: The impact of climate-driven increases in wildfire intensity on metal deposition to lakes and peatlands in the North Slave Region, NWT, Canada.
Choi, J. J.
202831Abstract Title: Importance of Fine Sediment Dynamics in Ecological Alterations of Urban Headwater Streams
Chow, A. T.
201060Abstract Title: Water and Nutrients Exports during an Extreme Flooding Event in South Carolina
Cienfuegos, R.
202091Abstract Title: Extreme Rainfall and Flooding in the Hyperarid Atacama Desert, Chile
Clark, K. E.
202426Abstract Title: Can the mineralogical signature of suspended sediments inform on the dynamics and resilience of river systems impacted by extreme climate events at Luquillo, Puerto Rico?, 202561Abstract Title: Impacts of extreme climate events - droughts and hurricanes - on carbon and nitrogen in streams draining the Luquillo Mountains in Puerto Rico
Clow, D. W.
202681Abstract Title: Biogeochemical response to extreme events at the five USGS WEBB watersheds
Coble, A. A.
202429Abstract Title: Major Wildfires Affect Stream Carbon and Nutrient Concentrations in Permafrost Dominated Basins in The Central Siberian Plateau, 202484Abstract Title: Evaluating the role of large-scale fires on nutrient uptake in Arctic streams underlain with permafrost 
Cohen, M. J.
201066Abstract Title: Episodic Flow Reversals as a Driver of Ecosystem Change in Florida’s Springs
Cook, R. L.
202291Abstract Title: Estuarine ecosystem dynamics during a climate-influenced, early-season Mississippi River flood diversion
Cooney, E. M.
202854Abstract Title: Impact of Extreme Rain Events on Lake Superior’s Biogeochemistry
Cooper, J.
202131Abstract Title: The Impact of Hurricane Bertha on Seepage Water in Cueva Larga, Puerto Rico
Croghan, D.
203102Abstract Title: Characterising Organic Matter composition during extreme events in-stream and within terrestrial sources in a small, urban, headwater catchment in Birmingham, UK.
Crosswell, J. R.
201109Abstract Title: Impacts of tropical cyclones on North Carolina estuarine and coastal carbon and nitrogen dynamics: Implications for biogeochemical cycling and water quality in a stormier and warmer world
Cuhel, R. L.
202630Abstract Title: The Great Midwest Flood of 2008 Reflected in Great Lake Michigan Biogeochemistry and Phytoplankton Sequences: Resurgence of Diatoms Provided Beneficial Consequences for a Ravaged Great Lake Food Web, 202633Abstract Title: The Massive Upwelling of 2015 Reflected in Great Lake Michigan Biogeochemistry and Phytoplankton Sequences: Resurgence of Diatoms Provided Beneficial Consequences for a Ravaged Great Lake Food Web
Czuba, J. A.
202782Abstract Title: The Potential of Wetlands to Contain Agricultural Nitrate Under Extreme Streamflow Events


D'Amario, S. C.
202285Abstract Title: Disentangling the Effects of Agriculture Land Use on the Export of Nutrients and Carbon During Flooding Events
Dahm, C.
202387Abstract Title: Extreme Water Quality Degradation Following Catastrophic Forest Fires
Davis, C. A.
202513Abstract Title: Weather Whiplash in Agricultural Regions Drives Deterioration of Water Quality
Dee, M.
202647Abstract Title: Droughts and Nitrous Oxide Emissions in Agricultural and Forested Watersheds.
Diemer, L.
202484Abstract Title: Evaluating the role of large-scale fires on nutrient uptake in Arctic streams underlain with permafrost 
Doran, P. T.
202969Abstract Title: An Extreme Flood Event Marks a State Change in an Antarctic Aquatic Ecosystem
Driscoll, C. T.
202539Abstract Title: Response of soil and streamwater of watersheds in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park to fire disturbance.
Dunn, M.
202490Abstract Title: Nutrient and Carbon Loading from Forested, Urban, and Agricultural Watersheds during Extreme Climatic Events


Escauriaza, C. R.
202091Abstract Title: Extreme Rainfall and Flooding in the Hyperarid Atacama Desert, Chile


Fakhraei, H.
202539Abstract Title: Response of soil and streamwater of watersheds in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park to fire disturbance.
Fanelli, R. M.
18604Abstract Title: Watershed Management Practices and Aquatic Restoration Strategies to Mitigate Impacts of Extreme Climate Events, 18713Abstract Title: Watershed Management Practices and Aquatic Restoration Strategies to Mitigate Impacts of Extreme Climate Events Posters
Fanelli, R. M.
202337Abstract Title: Quantifying nutrient fluxes and composition during extreme climate events in the Susquehanna River: Application for continuous water quality monitoring
Fellman, J.
202855Abstract Title: Climate-driven changes in organic carbon export from coastal temperate rainforest watersheds
Filoso, S.
202547Abstract Title: Stream Restoration Performance and its Contribution to the Chesapeake Bay TMDL: Challenges Posed by Climate Change in Urban Areas
Finlay, J. C.
202782Abstract Title: The Potential of Wetlands to Contain Agricultural Nitrate Under Extreme Streamflow Events
Foufoula-Georgiou, E.
202782Abstract Title: The Potential of Wetlands to Contain Agricultural Nitrate Under Extreme Streamflow Events
Fountain, A. G.
202969Abstract Title: An Extreme Flood Event Marks a State Change in an Antarctic Aquatic Ecosystem
Fournier, S.
202252Abstract Title: Perturbation and Recovery of Sea Surface pCO2 During Extreme Events.
Frazar, S.
202490Abstract Title: Nutrient and Carbon Loading from Forested, Urban, and Agricultural Watersheds during Extreme Climatic Events
Freehafer, D.
202774Abstract Title: Expectations for Increases in the Magnitude and Frequency of Peakflows with Future Climate Change: the Need to Validate Study Approaches
Fukushima, K.
202471Abstract Title: Effects of extreme events on nitrogen export from forested headwater catchments


Galy, V.
202242Abstract Title: Characterizing storm event riverine dissolved organic carbon through ramped temperature oxidation
Garfield, M.
202490Abstract Title: Nutrient and Carbon Loading from Forested, Urban, and Agricultural Watersheds during Extreme Climatic Events
Gironas, J. A.
202091Abstract Title: Extreme Rainfall and Flooding in the Hyperarid Atacama Desert, Chile
Glenn, A. J.
202566Abstract Title: Landform and Agricultural Management Characteristics Influencing C, N, P Export With Extreme Rainfall Driven Flows in the Assiniboine River Watershed
Godsey, S.
202879Abstract Title: Hydrologic Connectivity and Threshold Behavior Influences Nutrient Export from Arctic Hillslopes
Gold, A.
18600Abstract Title: Differences in ECE Impacts Across Forested, Agricultural and Urban Landscapes, 18604Abstract Title: Watershed Management Practices and Aquatic Restoration Strategies to Mitigate Impacts of Extreme Climate Events, 18605Abstract Title: Differences in ECE Impacts Across Forested, Agricultural and Urban Landscapes Posters, 18713Abstract Title: Watershed Management Practices and Aquatic Restoration Strategies to Mitigate Impacts of Extreme Climate Events Posters, 202490Abstract Title: Nutrient and Carbon Loading from Forested, Urban, and Agricultural Watersheds during Extreme Climatic Events, 202842Abstract Title: Simulating Hydrology and Water Quality to Predict Stream Discharge, Nitrate Loads Under Climate Change Scenarios in Maidford River Basin, Rhode Island Using SWAT Model
Gonzalez, G.
202561Abstract Title: Impacts of extreme climate events - droughts and hurricanes - on carbon and nitrogen in streams draining the Luquillo Mountains in Puerto Rico, 202817Abstract Title: Windward/leeward rainfall gradients in the Luquillo Mountains, Puerto Rico, and implications for water resources and biogeochemical fluxes
Gooseff, M. N.
202879Abstract Title: Hydrologic Connectivity and Threshold Behavior Influences Nutrient Export from Arctic Hillslopes
Grant, S. B.
202871Abstract Title: Direct and Indirect Effects of Extreme Climate Events on Nitrate Processing by Streams
Grimm, N. B.
202946Abstract Title: Designing Social-Ecological-Technological Systems (SETS) to Build Resilience to Extreme Weather-Related Events in Urban Environments
Groffman, P.
202548Abstract Title: Shooting at a moving target: Evaluating ecosystem response to extreme events in a changing world


Hammack, G.
202826Abstract Title: High-Intensity Rain Storm Connects Hillslopes to Channels in a Steep Semi-Arid Catchment
Hanan, E. J.
203030Abstract Title: Why subsurface features matter for managing forests, water and fire in the face of increasing drought frequency and severity
Hanes, D. M.
202536Abstract Title: The “historic” Meramec River Basin Flood of 2015
Hanrahan, B.
202868Abstract Title: Watershed-Scale Conservation, Through Changing Land Cover, Reduces Nutrient Export From Agroecosystems Even Under Changing Hydrology. 
Hanson, A.
Haq, S.
202740Abstract Title: The impact of extreme storms on water quality in human-dominated watersheds, 202863Abstract Title: Controls on River Salinization and its Relationship to Nitrogen
Harms, T.
202879Abstract Title: Hydrologic Connectivity and Threshold Behavior Influences Nutrient Export from Arctic Hillslopes
Harvey, J. W.
202831Abstract Title: Importance of Fine Sediment Dynamics in Ecological Alterations of Urban Headwater Streams
Haywood, B.
202291Abstract Title: Estuarine ecosystem dynamics during a climate-influenced, early-season Mississippi River flood diversion
He, S.
202725Abstract Title: Development and application of a Biophysical-Surge-Wave Model
Heartsill Scalley, T.
202639Abstract Title: Potential landscape and nutrient constraints on tropical forest biogeochemical resilience
Hensley, R. T.
201066Abstract Title: Episodic Flow Reversals as a Driver of Ecosystem Change in Florida’s Springs
Hester, E. T.
202815Abstract Title: The Role of Floodplains through River Corridors: How will increasing reconnection alter downstream export?
Hida, Y.
202619Abstract Title: The influence of extreme storms on nitrogen export from mountain forest watershed
Hidy, A.
202639Abstract Title: Potential landscape and nutrient constraints on tropical forest biogeochemical resilience
Higgins, S.
202566Abstract Title: Landform and Agricultural Management Characteristics Influencing C, N, P Export With Extreme Rainfall Driven Flows in the Assiniboine River Watershed
Hirsch, R. M.
202810Abstract Title: Exploring the hypothesis of a “flood-reset” of the sediment and nutrient delivery in some Eastern U.S. watersheds
Hood, E. W.
202855Abstract Title: Climate-driven changes in organic carbon export from coastal temperate rainforest watersheds
Hosen, J. D.
202754Abstract Title: Extent of Dissolved Organic Matter Lability and Prevalence of Priming Effect in Connecticut River: Implication of Precipitation Event, Seasonality, and Land Cover
Hosen, J. D.
202792Abstract Title: Testing the Pulse-Shunt Hypothesis: In Situ Data Reveal Hydrological Extremes and Scaling Controls on Carbon Uptake in a River Network.
Hoyle, J. B.
202792Abstract Title: Testing the Pulse-Shunt Hypothesis: In Situ Data Reveal Hydrological Extremes and Scaling Controls on Carbon Uptake in a River Network.
Hu, K.
202725Abstract Title: Development and application of a Biophysical-Surge-Wave Model
Hu, Y.
202940Abstract Title: Storm Event Exports of Dissolved Nutrients in a Large Agricultural River Basin in Arid Northwestern China
Huang, M.
202721Abstract Title: Implications of future changes in climate extreme events for aquatic biogeochemical cycles and associated ecosystem services of the St. Croix National Scenic Riverway
Huerta, E.
Hunt, R.
202681Abstract Title: Biogeochemical response to extreme events at the five USGS WEBB watersheds


Imbuzeiro, H. A.
202176Abstract Title: Simulating drought impacts on energy balance in an Amazonian rainforest
Inamdar, S. P.
18580Abstract Title: Defining Extreme Climate Events (ECE) and Measuring, Recording, and Sampling Their Impacts , 18582Abstract Title: Export, Transport, and Transformation of C, N, and P Through the Fluvial/Aquatic Network From the Source to the Sea, 18587Abstract Title: Defining Extreme Climate Events (ECE) and Measuring, Recording, and Sampling Their Impacts Posters, 18616Abstract Title: Closing Remarks, Comments and General Discussion, 18617Abstract Title: Breakout Group Presentations, 18619Abstract Title: Breakout Group Presentations II, 18705Abstract Title: Export, Transport, and Transformation of C, N, and P Through the Fluvial/Aquatic Network From the Source to the Sea Posters, 18722Abstract Title: Welcome and Overview , 202164Abstract Title: After the Storm: Assessing the Content, Transformation, and Fate of Nitrogen in Floodplain Sediments in Aquatic Ecosystems, 202175Abstract Title: POM Pulses: Characterizing the physical and chemical properties of particulate organic matter (POM) mobilized by large storm events and its influence on receiving fluvial systems, 202229Abstract Title: Large storms and particulate organic matter (POM) export: Changes in particle size, composition and source, 202485Abstract Title: How will large storms alter particulate organic matter exports and composition and impact water quality of receiving aquatic ecosystems?, 202706Abstract Title: Influence of experimental extreme water pulses on greenhouse gas emissions from soils
Isles, P. D.
201893Abstract Title: Combined Temperature and Precipitation Variability May Increase the Frequency of Harmful Algal Blooms in Lake Champlain, 1992-2100


Jaffe, P. R.
202801Abstract Title: Increased climate variability and extremes amplify risks of coastal hypoxia worldwide: Implications of enhanced basin memory effects on river dissolved nitrogen in the GFDL Earth system modeling framework
Jeanneau, L.
202229Abstract Title: Large storms and particulate organic matter (POM) export: Changes in particle size, composition and source
Ji, C. S.
202126Abstract Title: Changjiang floods enhance the CO2 uptake of the East China Sea
Johnson, E. R.
202164Abstract Title: After the Storm: Assessing the Content, Transformation, and Fate of Nitrogen in Floodplain Sediments in Aquatic Ecosystems, 202175Abstract Title: POM Pulses: Characterizing the physical and chemical properties of particulate organic matter (POM) mobilized by large storm events and its influence on receiving fluvial systems, 202485Abstract Title: How will large storms alter particulate organic matter exports and composition and impact water quality of receiving aquatic ecosystems?
Jones, C. N.
202815Abstract Title: The Role of Floodplains through River Corridors: How will increasing reconnection alter downstream export?
Jones, J. B.
202879Abstract Title: Hydrologic Connectivity and Threshold Behavior Influences Nutrient Export from Arctic Hillslopes
Jonsson, B.
202252Abstract Title: Perturbation and Recovery of Sea Surface pCO2 During Extreme Events.


Kan, J.
202164Abstract Title: After the Storm: Assessing the Content, Transformation, and Fate of Nitrogen in Floodplain Sediments in Aquatic Ecosystems, 202175Abstract Title: POM Pulses: Characterizing the physical and chemical properties of particulate organic matter (POM) mobilized by large storm events and its influence on receiving fluvial systems, 202706Abstract Title: Influence of experimental extreme water pulses on greenhouse gas emissions from soils, 202780Abstract Title: Storm Events Restructured Microbial Community and Their Biogeochemical Potentials
Kang, J. C.
201209Abstract Title: Spatial and temporal distribution of Northwest Pacific tropical cyclone and its relationship with sea surface temperature
Karanfil, T.
201060Abstract Title: Water and Nutrients Exports during an Extreme Flooding Event in South Carolina
Karwan, D. L.
202315Abstract Title: Water and Material Sources and Pathways During Extreme and Non-Extreme Events in White Clay Creek, Pennsylvania, USA, 202780Abstract Title: Storm Events Restructured Microbial Community and Their Biogeochemical Potentials
Katsuyama, M.
202471Abstract Title: Effects of extreme events on nitrogen export from forested headwater catchments
Kaushal, S.
18600Abstract Title: Differences in ECE Impacts Across Forested, Agricultural and Urban Landscapes, 18605Abstract Title: Differences in ECE Impacts Across Forested, Agricultural and Urban Landscapes Posters, 18608Abstract Title: Differences in ECE Impacts Across Forested, Agricultural and Urban Landscapes Breakout Session, 202740Abstract Title: The impact of extreme storms on water quality in human-dominated watersheds, 202851Abstract Title: Dams and ECEs: Sink or Source of Nutrients?, 202863Abstract Title: Controls on River Salinization and its Relationship to Nitrogen
Kayler, Z. E.
202639Abstract Title: Potential landscape and nutrient constraints on tropical forest biogeochemical resilience
Keim, R.
202815Abstract Title: The Role of Floodplains through River Corridors: How will increasing reconnection alter downstream export?
Khadka, A. K.
202712Abstract Title: Coastal Eco-morphological Real-time Forecasting (CERF) System
Klein, T. I.
202826Abstract Title: High-Intensity Rain Storm Connects Hillslopes to Channels in a Steep Semi-Arid Catchment
Knapp, A.
202553Abstract Title: Precipitation Extremes Vary in Space and Time: Implications for Designing Experiments
Knobloch, A.
202752Abstract Title: The Effects of Winter Storm Cato on the Composition and Flux of Carbon at the Marsh-Estuarine Interface
Koenig, L.
202891Abstract Title: Response of metabolism and fluvial carbon flux to anomalous low flows in New Hampshire streams
Kolosov, R.
202429Abstract Title: Major Wildfires Affect Stream Carbon and Nutrient Concentrations in Permafrost Dominated Basins in The Central Siberian Plateau, 202484Abstract Title: Evaluating the role of large-scale fires on nutrient uptake in Arctic streams underlain with permafrost 
Krieg, C.
202164Abstract Title: After the Storm: Assessing the Content, Transformation, and Fate of Nitrogen in Floodplain Sediments in Aquatic Ecosystems, 202485Abstract Title: How will large storms alter particulate organic matter exports and composition and impact water quality of receiving aquatic ecosystems?
Kulp, M. A.
202539Abstract Title: Response of soil and streamwater of watersheds in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park to fire disturbance.
Kunimatsu, T.
202619Abstract Title: The influence of extreme storms on nitrogen export from mountain forest watershed
Kyzivat, E.
202242Abstract Title: Characterizing storm event riverine dissolved organic carbon through ramped temperature oxidation, 202792Abstract Title: Testing the Pulse-Shunt Hypothesis: In Situ Data Reveal Hydrological Extremes and Scaling Controls on Carbon Uptake in a River Network.


Larsen, L.
202641Abstract Title: Effects of Extreme Drought on the Organic Carbon Dynamics and Hydroecology of Intermittent, Salmon-bearing Streams, 202831Abstract Title: Importance of Fine Sediment Dynamics in Ecological Alterations of Urban Headwater Streams
Laudon, H.
18582Abstract Title: Export, Transport, and Transformation of C, N, and P Through the Fluvial/Aquatic Network From the Source to the Sea, 18705Abstract Title: Export, Transport, and Transformation of C, N, and P Through the Fluvial/Aquatic Network From the Source to the Sea Posters
Lee, M.
202801Abstract Title: Increased climate variability and extremes amplify risks of coastal hypoxia worldwide: Implications of enhanced basin memory effects on river dissolved nitrogen in the GFDL Earth system modeling framework
Leng, G.
202721Abstract Title: Implications of future changes in climate extreme events for aquatic biogeochemical cycles and associated ecosystem services of the St. Croix National Scenic Riverway
Leung, L. R.
202609Abstract Title: Impact of Hurricanes on Coastal Biogeochemistry in the Gulf of Mexico
Lin, C. W.
202699Abstract Title: Continuous water quality to capture all events: how good are the new sensors?
Lininger, K.
200126Abstract Title: Building Carbon Storage and Resilience to Extreme Climate Events into River Management
Loecke, T.
202513Abstract Title: Weather Whiplash in Agricultural Regions Drives Deterioration of Water Quality, 202846Abstract Title: Using high-frequency in-situ stream nitrate concentration sensors to understand importance of extreme precipitation events in nitrogen loading
Loffredo, J.
202490Abstract Title: Nutrient and Carbon Loading from Forested, Urban, and Agricultural Watersheds during Extreme Climatic Events
Lu, Y.
202889Abstract Title: Hydrological effects on dissolved organic matter export from a temperate forested watershed across timescales from minute to season, 202940Abstract Title: Storm Event Exports of Dissolved Nutrients in a Large Agricultural River Basin in Arid Northwestern China
Ludwig, S.
202879Abstract Title: Hydrologic Connectivity and Threshold Behavior Influences Nutrient Export from Arctic Hillslopes
Lupon, A.
201084Abstract Title: Being used to it: impacts of seasonal extreme climate events on C and N cycling in Mediterranean catchments
Lyons, W. B.
202969Abstract Title: An Extreme Flood Event Marks a State Change in an Antarctic Aquatic Ecosystem


Main, C.
202804Abstract Title: Meteorological Forcing of the Biogeochemistry of the Murderkill River and Estuary (Delaware, USA) Determined by High Frequency Continuous Monitoring
Malyshev, S.
202801Abstract Title: Increased climate variability and extremes amplify risks of coastal hypoxia worldwide: Implications of enhanced basin memory effects on river dissolved nitrogen in the GFDL Earth system modeling framework
Mao, L.
202091Abstract Title: Extreme Rainfall and Flooding in the Hyperarid Atacama Desert, Chile
Martí Roca, E.
201084Abstract Title: Being used to it: impacts of seasonal extreme climate events on C and N cycling in Mediterranean catchments
Marzadri, A.
202647Abstract Title: Droughts and Nitrous Oxide Emissions in Agricultural and Forested Watersheds.
Matt, S.
202792Abstract Title: Testing the Pulse-Shunt Hypothesis: In Situ Data Reveal Hydrological Extremes and Scaling Controls on Carbon Uptake in a River Network.
Mayer, P. M.
202740Abstract Title: The impact of extreme storms on water quality in human-dominated watersheds
Mayes, M. A.
202703Abstract Title: Effects of Drought on the Chemistry and Isotopic Composition of Soil Waters in Tropical Forests of Puerto Rico
McDowell, W. H.
18592Abstract Title: Long Term Impacts and Recovery of Ecosystems; Lessons From Past Extreme Events , 18593Abstract Title: Changes in Aquatic Ecosystem Structure, Functions, and Services, 18598Abstract Title: Long Term Impacts and Recovery of Ecosystems; Lessons From past Extreme Events Posters, 18599Abstract Title: Long Term Impacts and Recovery of Ecosystems; Lessons From Past Extreme Events Breakout Sessions, 18616Abstract Title: Closing Remarks, Comments and General Discussion, 18711Abstract Title: Changes in Aquatic Ecosystem Structure, Functions, and Services Posters, 202426Abstract Title: Can the mineralogical signature of suspended sediments inform on the dynamics and resilience of river systems impacted by extreme climate events at Luquillo, Puerto Rico?, 202429Abstract Title: Major Wildfires Affect Stream Carbon and Nutrient Concentrations in Permafrost Dominated Basins in The Central Siberian Plateau, 202484Abstract Title: Evaluating the role of large-scale fires on nutrient uptake in Arctic streams underlain with permafrost , 202561Abstract Title: Impacts of extreme climate events - droughts and hurricanes - on carbon and nitrogen in streams draining the Luquillo Mountains in Puerto Rico, 202891Abstract Title: Response of metabolism and fluvial carbon flux to anomalous low flows in New Hampshire streams, 202919Abstract Title: Impacts of Catastrophic Hurricanes on Stream Chemistry in Tropical Montane Forests are Long-Lasting, Context Dependent, and Vary by Critical Zone Architecture
McKinney, P. J.
202854Abstract Title: Impact of Extreme Rain Events on Lake Superior’s Biogeochemistry
McKnight, D. M.
202969Abstract Title: An Extreme Flood Event Marks a State Change in an Antarctic Aquatic Ecosystem
McMillan, S.
202636Abstract Title: Changes in riparian and stream hydrology and biogeochemistry following storms in an agricultural watershed, 203758Abstract Title: Stormwater biogeochemistry in urban stream networks
Melendez, M.
202252Abstract Title: Perturbation and Recovery of Sea Surface pCO2 During Extreme Events.
Meselhe, E. A.
202712Abstract Title: Coastal Eco-morphological Real-time Forecasting (CERF) System, 202725Abstract Title: Development and application of a Biophysical-Surge-Wave Model
Messina, F.
202712Abstract Title: Coastal Eco-morphological Real-time Forecasting (CERF) System
Middleton, R. S.
202818Abstract Title: Characterizing shifts in historical streamflow extremes in the Colorado River Basin, USA
Mignot, E.
202091Abstract Title: Extreme Rainfall and Flooding in the Hyperarid Atacama Desert, Chile
Mills, A. L.
202543Abstract Title: Riverine Discharges to Chesapeake Bay: Analysis of Long-Term (1927-2014) Records and Implications for Future Flows in the Chesapeake Bay Basin
Milly, P. C. D.
202801Abstract Title: Increased climate variability and extremes amplify risks of coastal hypoxia worldwide: Implications of enhanced basin memory effects on river dissolved nitrogen in the GFDL Earth system modeling framework
Minor, E. C.
18593Abstract Title: Changes in Aquatic Ecosystem Structure, Functions, and Services, 18711Abstract Title: Changes in Aquatic Ecosystem Structure, Functions, and Services Posters, 18728Abstract Title: Changes in Aquatic Ecosystem Structure, Functions, and Services Breakout Session, 202854Abstract Title: Impact of Extreme Rain Events on Lake Superior’s Biogeochemistry
Moon, Y. I.
202654Abstract Title: Climate change and urban flood damage in Korea
Moritz, M.
203030Abstract Title: Why subsurface features matter for managing forests, water and fire in the face of increasing drought frequency and severity
Morrison, J.
202885Abstract Title: Use of a Continuous Water-Quality Monitor to Examine Sediment and Nutrient Transport in the Lower Connecticut River during Tropical Storm Irene 2011.
Moyer, D. L.
202543Abstract Title: Riverine Discharges to Chesapeake Bay: Analysis of Long-Term (1927-2014) Records and Implications for Future Flows in the Chesapeake Bay Basin
Mulukutla, G.
202690Abstract Title: Controls on Storm Event Transport of Nitrate and DOC Derived Using Sensor based Monitoring Approach., 202694Abstract Title: Changes in biogeochemical supply and demand during storm events alter the role of river networks in controlling downstream exports
Murphy, S. F.
202561Abstract Title: Impacts of extreme climate events - droughts and hurricanes - on carbon and nitrogen in streams draining the Luquillo Mountains in Puerto Rico, 202681Abstract Title: Biogeochemical response to extreme events at the five USGS WEBB watersheds, 202817Abstract Title: Windward/leeward rainfall gradients in the Luquillo Mountains, Puerto Rico, and implications for water resources and biogeochemical fluxes, 202826Abstract Title: High-Intensity Rain Storm Connects Hillslopes to Channels in a Steep Semi-Arid Catchment


Nagorski, S. A.
202855Abstract Title: Climate-driven changes in organic carbon export from coastal temperate rainforest watersheds
Nalley, H.
18572Abstract Title: Ice Breaker Reception, 18574Abstract Title: Registration, 18576Abstract Title: Continental Breakfast, 18578Abstract Title: Lunch, 18610Abstract Title: Free Time and Dinner
Nassry, M. Q.
202855Abstract Title: Climate-driven changes in organic carbon export from coastal temperate rainforest watersheds
Neale, P.
202752Abstract Title: The Effects of Winter Storm Cato on the Composition and Flux of Carbon at the Marsh-Estuarine Interface
Neuhausler, R.
202641Abstract Title: Effects of Extreme Drought on the Organic Carbon Dynamics and Hydroecology of Intermittent, Salmon-bearing Streams
Newcomer Johnson, T. A.
202851Abstract Title: Dams and ECEs: Sink or Source of Nutrients?
Newcomer Johnson, T.
202740Abstract Title: The impact of extreme storms on water quality in human-dominated watersheds
Newman, B. D.
202703Abstract Title: Effects of Drought on the Chemistry and Isotopic Composition of Soil Waters in Tropical Forests of Puerto Rico
Northrup, K.
202858Abstract Title: Impacts of a Hurricane-Induced Storm Surge on Trace-Metal Cycling in a Spatially Heterogeneous Estuary


Oczkowski, A. J.
Oda, T.
202471Abstract Title: Effects of extreme events on nitrogen export from forested headwater catchments
Ohte, N.
202471Abstract Title: Effects of extreme events on nitrogen export from forested headwater catchments, 202619Abstract Title: The influence of extreme storms on nitrogen export from mountain forest watershed
Osaka, K.
202471Abstract Title: Effects of extreme events on nitrogen export from forested headwater catchments, 202619Abstract Title: The influence of extreme storms on nitrogen export from mountain forest watershed
Otarola, S. F.
202091Abstract Title: Extreme Rainfall and Flooding in the Hyperarid Atacama Desert, Chile


Paerl, H. W.
201109Abstract Title: Impacts of tropical cyclones on North Carolina estuarine and coastal carbon and nitrogen dynamics: Implications for biogeochemical cycling and water quality in a stormier and warmer world
Palmer, M.
18604Abstract Title: Watershed Management Practices and Aquatic Restoration Strategies to Mitigate Impacts of Extreme Climate Events, 18713Abstract Title: Watershed Management Practices and Aquatic Restoration Strategies to Mitigate Impacts of Extreme Climate Events Posters, 18729Abstract Title: Watershed Management Practices and Aquatic Restoration Strategies to Mitigate Impacts of Extreme Climate Events Breakout Session
Palmer, M.
202613Abstract Title: The impact of climate-driven increases in wildfire intensity on metal deposition to lakes and peatlands in the North Slave Region, NWT, Canada.
Park, J. H.
18582Abstract Title: Export, Transport, and Transformation of C, N, and P Through the Fluvial/Aquatic Network From the Source to the Sea, 18705Abstract Title: Export, Transport, and Transformation of C, N, and P Through the Fluvial/Aquatic Network From the Source to the Sea Posters, 18723Abstract Title: Export, Transport, and Transformation of C, N, and P Through the Fluvial/Aquatic Network From the Source to the Sea Breakout Session
Peierls, B. L.
201109Abstract Title: Impacts of tropical cyclones on North Carolina estuarine and coastal carbon and nitrogen dynamics: Implications for biogeochemical cycling and water quality in a stormier and warmer world
Pellerin, B. A.
202717Abstract Title: High-frequency dissolved organic matter quality variations during “Super Storm” Sandy
Pelletier, N.
202613Abstract Title: The impact of climate-driven increases in wildfire intensity on metal deposition to lakes and peatlands in the North Slave Region, NWT, Canada.
Perdrial, J. N.
202561Abstract Title: Impacts of extreme climate events - droughts and hurricanes - on carbon and nitrogen in streams draining the Luquillo Mountains in Puerto Rico
Perdrial, N.
202426Abstract Title: Can the mineralogical signature of suspended sediments inform on the dynamics and resilience of river systems impacted by extreme climate events at Luquillo, Puerto Rico?, 202561Abstract Title: Impacts of extreme climate events - droughts and hurricanes - on carbon and nitrogen in streams draining the Luquillo Mountains in Puerto Rico
Petrakis, S.
202706Abstract Title: Influence of experimental extreme water pulses on greenhouse gas emissions from soils
Pettay, D. T.
202804Abstract Title: Meteorological Forcing of the Biogeochemistry of the Murderkill River and Estuary (Delaware, USA) Determined by High Frequency Continuous Monitoring
Pizzuto, J. E.
202315Abstract Title: Water and Material Sources and Pathways During Extreme and Non-Extreme Events in White Clay Creek, Pennsylvania, USA
Plante, A. F.
202426Abstract Title: Can the mineralogical signature of suspended sediments inform on the dynamics and resilience of river systems impacted by extreme climate events at Luquillo, Puerto Rico?, 202561Abstract Title: Impacts of extreme climate events - droughts and hurricanes - on carbon and nitrogen in streams draining the Luquillo Mountains in Puerto Rico
Pokharel, H. K.
202842Abstract Title: Simulating Hydrology and Water Quality to Predict Stream Discharge, Nitrate Loads Under Climate Change Scenarios in Maidford River Basin, Rhode Island Using SWAT Model
Pomeroy, C.
202613Abstract Title: The impact of climate-driven increases in wildfire intensity on metal deposition to lakes and peatlands in the North Slave Region, NWT, Canada.
Pradhanang, S. M.
202490Abstract Title: Nutrient and Carbon Loading from Forested, Urban, and Agricultural Watersheds during Extreme Climatic Events, 202842Abstract Title: Simulating Hydrology and Water Quality to Predict Stream Discharge, Nitrate Loads Under Climate Change Scenarios in Maidford River Basin, Rhode Island Using SWAT Model
Priscu, J. C.
202969Abstract Title: An Extreme Flood Event Marks a State Change in an Antarctic Aquatic Ecosystem
Prokishkin, A. S.
202429Abstract Title: Major Wildfires Affect Stream Carbon and Nutrient Concentrations in Permafrost Dominated Basins in The Central Siberian Plateau, 202484Abstract Title: Evaluating the role of large-scale fires on nutrient uptake in Arctic streams underlain with permafrost 


Raymond, P. A.
202242Abstract Title: Characterizing storm event riverine dissolved organic carbon through ramped temperature oxidation, 202754Abstract Title: Extent of Dissolved Organic Matter Lability and Prevalence of Priming Effect in Connecticut River: Implication of Precipitation Event, Seasonality, and Land Cover, 202792Abstract Title: Testing the Pulse-Shunt Hypothesis: In Situ Data Reveal Hydrological Extremes and Scaling Controls on Carbon Uptake in a River Network., 202990Abstract Title: Hydrologic events and watershed biogeochemistry: The Pulse Shunt Hypothesis
Reale, J. K.
202387Abstract Title: Extreme Water Quality Degradation Following Catastrophic Forest Fires
Reay, W.
202752Abstract Title: The Effects of Winter Storm Cato on the Composition and Flux of Carbon at the Marsh-Estuarine Interface
Renfro, J. R.
202539Abstract Title: Response of soil and streamwater of watersheds in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park to fire disturbance.
Rice, K. C.
202543Abstract Title: Riverine Discharges to Chesapeake Bay: Analysis of Long-Term (1927-2014) Records and Implications for Future Flows in the Chesapeake Bay Basin
Rippy, M.
202871Abstract Title: Direct and Indirect Effects of Extreme Climate Events on Nitrate Processing by Streams
Riveros, D.
202513Abstract Title: Weather Whiplash in Agricultural Regions Drives Deterioration of Water Quality, 202846Abstract Title: Using high-frequency in-situ stream nitrate concentration sensors to understand importance of extreme precipitation events in nitrogen loading
Robertson, C.
202613Abstract Title: The impact of climate-driven increases in wildfire intensity on metal deposition to lakes and peatlands in the North Slave Region, NWT, Canada.
Rodriguez-Cardona, B.
202429Abstract Title: Major Wildfires Affect Stream Carbon and Nutrient Concentrations in Permafrost Dominated Basins in The Central Siberian Plateau
Rodriguez-Cardona, B.
202484Abstract Title: Evaluating the role of large-scale fires on nutrient uptake in Arctic streams underlain with permafrost 
Rose, L.
202315Abstract Title: Water and Material Sources and Pathways During Extreme and Non-Extreme Events in White Clay Creek, Pennsylvania, USA
Ross, D. S.
202434Abstract Title: Changes in Near-Stream Soil Phosphorus Resulting from Extreme-Event Driven Erosion
Rossi, M.
202826Abstract Title: High-Intensity Rain Storm Connects Hillslopes to Channels in a Steep Semi-Arid Catchment
Rowland, R. D.
202229Abstract Title: Large storms and particulate organic matter (POM) export: Changes in particle size, composition and source, 202485Abstract Title: How will large storms alter particulate organic matter exports and composition and impact water quality of receiving aquatic ecosystems?
Roy, E.
202291Abstract Title: Estuarine ecosystem dynamics during a climate-influenced, early-season Mississippi River flood diversion
Ruecker, A.
201060Abstract Title: Water and Nutrients Exports during an Extreme Flooding Event in South Carolina
Rushlow, C. R.
202879Abstract Title: Hydrologic Connectivity and Threshold Behavior Influences Nutrient Export from Arctic Hillslopes


Sabater, F.
201084Abstract Title: Being used to it: impacts of seasonal extreme climate events on C and N cycling in Mediterranean catchments
Salisbury, J.
202252Abstract Title: Perturbation and Recovery of Sea Surface pCO2 During Extreme Events.
Samal, N. R.
202694Abstract Title: Changes in biogeochemical supply and demand during storm events alter the role of river networks in controlling downstream exports
Samson, A.
202131Abstract Title: The Impact of Hurricane Bertha on Seepage Water in Cueva Larga, Puerto Rico
Santos, E.
Saraceno, J.
202681Abstract Title: Biogeochemical response to extreme events at the five USGS WEBB watersheds, 202717Abstract Title: High-frequency dissolved organic matter quality variations during “Super Storm” Sandy
Scholl, M. A.
202561Abstract Title: Impacts of extreme climate events - droughts and hurricanes - on carbon and nitrogen in streams draining the Luquillo Mountains in Puerto Rico, 202681Abstract Title: Biogeochemical response to extreme events at the five USGS WEBB watersheds, 202817Abstract Title: Windward/leeward rainfall gradients in the Luquillo Mountains, Puerto Rico, and implications for water resources and biogeochemical fluxes
Scholz, D.
202131Abstract Title: The Impact of Hurricane Bertha on Seepage Water in Cueva Larga, Puerto Rico
Schroth, A. W.
201893Abstract Title: Combined Temperature and Precipitation Variability May Increase the Frequency of Harmful Algal Blooms in Lake Champlain, 1992-2100, 202417Abstract Title: Iron speciation and provenance during high flow events from catchments to receiving
Schrӧder-Ritzrau, A.
202131Abstract Title: The Impact of Hurricane Bertha on Seepage Water in Cueva Larga, Puerto Rico
Scott, D.
200126Abstract Title: Building Carbon Storage and Resilience to Extreme Climate Events into River Management , 201069Abstract Title: Comparing the Resiliency of Organic Carbon Storage in Two Mountain River Basins to Extreme Disturbance
Scott, D.
202815Abstract Title: The Role of Floodplains through River Corridors: How will increasing reconnection alter downstream export?, 202855Abstract Title: Climate-driven changes in organic carbon export from coastal temperate rainforest watersheds
Seyfferth, A.
202706Abstract Title: Influence of experimental extreme water pulses on greenhouse gas emissions from soils, 202858Abstract Title: Impacts of a Hurricane-Induced Storm Surge on Trace-Metal Cycling in a Spatially Heterogeneous Estuary
Shang, P.
202889Abstract Title: Hydrological effects on dissolved organic matter export from a temperate forested watershed across timescales from minute to season
Shanley, J. B.
18580Abstract Title: Defining Extreme Climate Events (ECE) and Measuring, Recording, and Sampling Their Impacts , 18587Abstract Title: Defining Extreme Climate Events (ECE) and Measuring, Recording, and Sampling Their Impacts Posters, 18591Abstract Title: Defining Extreme Climate Events (ECE) and Measuring, Recording, and Sampling Their Impacts Breakout Session, 18592Abstract Title: Long Term Impacts and Recovery of Ecosystems; Lessons From Past Extreme Events , 18598Abstract Title: Long Term Impacts and Recovery of Ecosystems; Lessons From past Extreme Events Posters, 18616Abstract Title: Closing Remarks, Comments and General Discussion, 202426Abstract Title: Can the mineralogical signature of suspended sediments inform on the dynamics and resilience of river systems impacted by extreme climate events at Luquillo, Puerto Rico?, 202561Abstract Title: Impacts of extreme climate events - droughts and hurricanes - on carbon and nitrogen in streams draining the Luquillo Mountains in Puerto Rico, 202681Abstract Title: Biogeochemical response to extreme events at the five USGS WEBB watersheds, 202717Abstract Title: High-frequency dissolved organic matter quality variations during “Super Storm” Sandy
Sharpley, A. N.
18600Abstract Title: Differences in ECE Impacts Across Forested, Agricultural and Urban Landscapes, 18605Abstract Title: Differences in ECE Impacts Across Forested, Agricultural and Urban Landscapes Posters, 202997Abstract Title: Conservation strategies and nutrient and sediment reduction in agricultural watersheds in light of Extreme Climate Events
Shen, P. Y.
202126Abstract Title: Changjiang floods enhance the CO2 uptake of the East China Sea
Shevliakova, E.
202801Abstract Title: Increased climate variability and extremes amplify risks of coastal hypoxia worldwide: Implications of enhanced basin memory effects on river dissolved nitrogen in the GFDL Earth system modeling framework
Skalak, K.
202831Abstract Title: Importance of Fine Sediment Dynamics in Ecological Alterations of Urban Headwater Streams
Small, G. E.
202854Abstract Title: Impact of Extreme Rain Events on Lake Superior’s Biogeochemistry
Smith, M.
202774Abstract Title: Expectations for Increases in the Magnitude and Frequency of Peakflows with Future Climate Change: the Need to Validate Study Approaches
Smith, M. D.
202553Abstract Title: Precipitation Extremes Vary in Space and Time: Implications for Designing Experiments, 202882Abstract Title: An ecological perspective on extreme climatic events (ECEs)
Smith, R. W.
202609Abstract Title: Impact of Hurricanes on Coastal Biogeochemistry in the Gulf of Mexico
Snyder, L. E.
202891Abstract Title: Response of metabolism and fluvial carbon flux to anomalous low flows in New Hampshire streams
Sokol, E.
202969Abstract Title: An Extreme Flood Event Marks a State Change in an Antarctic Aquatic Ecosystem
Solander, K.
202818Abstract Title: Characterizing shifts in historical streamflow extremes in the Colorado River Basin, USA
Spencer, R. G.
202429Abstract Title: Major Wildfires Affect Stream Carbon and Nutrient Concentrations in Permafrost Dominated Basins in The Central Siberian Plateau, 202855Abstract Title: Climate-driven changes in organic carbon export from coastal temperate rainforest watersheds
Spӧtl, C.
202131Abstract Title: The Impact of Hurricane Bertha on Seepage Water in Cueva Larga, Puerto Rico
St. Clair, M. A.
202513Abstract Title: Weather Whiplash in Agricultural Regions Drives Deterioration of Water Quality
Stallard, R. F.
202561Abstract Title: Impacts of extreme climate events - droughts and hurricanes - on carbon and nitrogen in streams draining the Luquillo Mountains in Puerto Rico, 202817Abstract Title: Windward/leeward rainfall gradients in the Luquillo Mountains, Puerto Rico, and implications for water resources and biogeochemical fluxes
Sterner, R.
202854Abstract Title: Impact of Extreme Rain Events on Lake Superior’s Biogeochemistry
Stevens-Murphy, N.
202490Abstract Title: Nutrient and Carbon Loading from Forested, Urban, and Agricultural Watersheds during Extreme Climatic Events
Stewart, R. J.
202694Abstract Title: Changes in biogeochemical supply and demand during storm events alter the role of river networks in controlling downstream exports
Stock, C. A.
202801Abstract Title: Increased climate variability and extremes amplify risks of coastal hypoxia worldwide: Implications of enhanced basin memory effects on river dissolved nitrogen in the GFDL Earth system modeling framework


T Hansen, A.
202782Abstract Title: The Potential of Wetlands to Contain Agricultural Nitrate Under Extreme Streamflow Events
Tague, C.
203030Abstract Title: Why subsurface features matter for managing forests, water and fire in the face of increasing drought frequency and severity
Takacs-Vesbach, C. D.
202969Abstract Title: An Extreme Flood Event Marks a State Change in an Antarctic Aquatic Ecosystem
Tank, J. L.
202647Abstract Title: Droughts and Nitrous Oxide Emissions in Agricultural and Forested Watersheds., 202868Abstract Title: Watershed-Scale Conservation, Through Changing Land Cover, Reduces Nutrient Export From Agroecosystems Even Under Changing Hydrology. 
Thomas, S. A.
202513Abstract Title: Weather Whiplash in Agricultural Regions Drives Deterioration of Water Quality, 202846Abstract Title: Using high-frequency in-situ stream nitrate concentration sensors to understand importance of extreme precipitation events in nitrogen loading
Tonina, D.
202647Abstract Title: Droughts and Nitrous Oxide Emissions in Agricultural and Forested Watersheds.
Torres-Sanchez, A.
202817Abstract Title: Windward/leeward rainfall gradients in the Luquillo Mountains, Puerto Rico, and implications for water resources and biogeochemical fluxes
Tseng, C. M.
202126Abstract Title: Changjiang floods enhance the CO2 uptake of the East China Sea
Tsui, M. T. K.
201060Abstract Title: Water and Nutrients Exports during an Extreme Flooding Event in South Carolina
Twight, D.
202712Abstract Title: Coastal Eco-morphological Real-time Forecasting (CERF) System
Tzortziou, M.
202752Abstract Title: The Effects of Winter Storm Cato on the Composition and Flux of Carbon at the Marsh-Estuarine Interface


Ullman, W. J.
202804Abstract Title: Meteorological Forcing of the Biogeochemistry of the Murderkill River and Estuary (Delaware, USA) Determined by High Frequency Continuous Monitoring
Uzun, H.
201060Abstract Title: Water and Nutrients Exports during an Extreme Flooding Event in South Carolina


Van Dam, B.
201109Abstract Title: Impacts of tropical cyclones on North Carolina estuarine and coastal carbon and nitrogen dynamics: Implications for biogeochemical cycling and water quality in a stormier and warmer world
Van Hartesveldt, N.
202883Abstract Title: Potential new avenues for expediting recovery of long-dead Acropora palmata skeletons.
Van Horn, D. J.
202387Abstract Title: Extreme Water Quality Degradation Following Catastrophic Forest Fires
Van Loon, A.
203102Abstract Title: Characterising Organic Matter composition during extreme events in-stream and within terrestrial sources in a small, urban, headwater catchment in Birmingham, UK.
Vandegehuchte, M. L.
202969Abstract Title: An Extreme Flood Event Marks a State Change in an Antarctic Aquatic Ecosystem
Vargas, R.
202164Abstract Title: After the Storm: Assessing the Content, Transformation, and Fate of Nitrogen in Floodplain Sediments in Aquatic Ecosystems, 202175Abstract Title: POM Pulses: Characterizing the physical and chemical properties of particulate organic matter (POM) mobilized by large storm events and its influence on receiving fluvial systems, 202706Abstract Title: Influence of experimental extreme water pulses on greenhouse gas emissions from soils, 202748Abstract Title: Ecological implications of hurricane disturbances: immediate responses, resiliency, and recovery
Vermaire, J. C.
202613Abstract Title: The impact of climate-driven increases in wildfire intensity on metal deposition to lakes and peatlands in the North Slave Region, NWT, Canada.
Vidon, P.
201093Abstract Title: Climate Variability and Gas Fluxes in Agricultural Riparian Zones, 202636Abstract Title: Changes in riparian and stream hydrology and biogeochemistry following storms in an agricultural watershed
Vieten, R.
202131Abstract Title: The Impact of Hurricane Bertha on Seepage Water in Cueva Larga, Puerto Rico
Virginia, R. A.
202969Abstract Title: An Extreme Flood Event Marks a State Change in an Antarctic Aquatic Ecosystem
Voynova, Y. G.
202804Abstract Title: Meteorological Forcing of the Biogeochemistry of the Murderkill River and Estuary (Delaware, USA) Determined by High Frequency Continuous Monitoring


Wall, D. H.
202969Abstract Title: An Extreme Flood Event Marks a State Change in an Antarctic Aquatic Ecosystem
Ward, A. S.
202513Abstract Title: Weather Whiplash in Agricultural Regions Drives Deterioration of Water Quality, 202846Abstract Title: Using high-frequency in-situ stream nitrate concentration sensors to understand importance of extreme precipitation events in nitrogen loading
Warken, S. F.
202131Abstract Title: The Impact of Hurricane Bertha on Seepage Water in Cueva Larga, Puerto Rico
Weber, L.
202792Abstract Title: Testing the Pulse-Shunt Hypothesis: In Situ Data Reveal Hydrological Extremes and Scaling Controls on Carbon Uptake in a River Network.
Welsh, M.
202636Abstract Title: Changes in riparian and stream hydrology and biogeochemistry following storms in an agricultural watershed
Wemple, B. C.
202434Abstract Title: Changes in Near-Stream Soil Phosphorus Resulting from Extreme-Event Driven Erosion
White, J. R.
202291Abstract Title: Estuarine ecosystem dynamics during a climate-influenced, early-season Mississippi River flood diversion
Wickland, K.
202681Abstract Title: Biogeochemical response to extreme events at the five USGS WEBB watersheds
Wigand, C.
Wilcox, A. C.
202091Abstract Title: Extreme Rainfall and Flooding in the Hyperarid Atacama Desert, Chile
Williams, M. R.
202547Abstract Title: Stream Restoration Performance and its Contribution to the Chesapeake Bay TMDL: Challenges Posed by Climate Change in Urban Areas
Wilson, H. F.
202566Abstract Title: Landform and Agricultural Management Characteristics Influencing C, N, P Export With Extreme Rainfall Driven Flows in the Assiniboine River Watershed
Winter, A.
202131Abstract Title: The Impact of Hurricane Bertha on Seepage Water in Cueva Larga, Puerto Rico
Winters, C. G.
202485Abstract Title: How will large storms alter particulate organic matter exports and composition and impact water quality of receiving aquatic ecosystems?
Woelfle-Erskine, C. A.
202641Abstract Title: Effects of Extreme Drought on the Organic Carbon Dynamics and Hydroecology of Intermittent, Salmon-bearing Streams
Wohl, E.
200126Abstract Title: Building Carbon Storage and Resilience to Extreme Climate Events into River Management , 201069Abstract Title: Comparing the Resiliency of Organic Carbon Storage in Two Mountain River Basins to Extreme Disturbance
Wollheim, W. M.
202690Abstract Title: Controls on Storm Event Transport of Nitrate and DOC Derived Using Sensor based Monitoring Approach., 202694Abstract Title: Changes in biogeochemical supply and demand during storm events alter the role of river networks in controlling downstream exports
Wood, K.
202740Abstract Title: The impact of extreme storms on water quality in human-dominated watersheds
Wymore, A.
202429Abstract Title: Major Wildfires Affect Stream Carbon and Nutrient Concentrations in Permafrost Dominated Basins in The Central Siberian Plateau, 202484Abstract Title: Evaluating the role of large-scale fires on nutrient uptake in Arctic streams underlain with permafrost 


Xenopoulos, M. A.
202285Abstract Title: Disentangling the Effects of Agriculture Land Use on the Export of Nutrients and Carbon During Flooding Events
Xing, F.
202725Abstract Title: Development and application of a Biophysical-Surge-Wave Model
Xu, Y.
201893Abstract Title: Combined Temperature and Precipitation Variability May Increase the Frequency of Harmful Algal Blooms in Lake Champlain, 1992-2100


Yactayo, G.
202547Abstract Title: Stream Restoration Performance and its Contribution to the Chesapeake Bay TMDL: Challenges Posed by Climate Change in Urban Areas
Yang, Q.
202721Abstract Title: Implications of future changes in climate extreme events for aquatic biogeochemical cycles and associated ecosystem services of the St. Croix National Scenic Riverway
Yepsen, M.
202740Abstract Title: The impact of extreme storms on water quality in human-dominated watersheds
Yoon, B.
202792Abstract Title: Testing the Pulse-Shunt Hypothesis: In Situ Data Reveal Hydrological Extremes and Scaling Controls on Carbon Uptake in a River Network.
Yoon, B.
202754Abstract Title: Extent of Dissolved Organic Matter Lability and Prevalence of Priming Effect in Connecticut River: Implication of Precipitation Event, Seasonality, and Land Cover


Zhang, H.
201060Abstract Title: Water and Nutrients Exports during an Extreme Flooding Event in South Carolina
Zhang, X.
202721Abstract Title: Implications of future changes in climate extreme events for aquatic biogeochemical cycles and associated ecosystem services of the St. Croix National Scenic Riverway
Zia, A.
201893Abstract Title: Combined Temperature and Precipitation Variability May Increase the Frequency of Harmful Algal Blooms in Lake Champlain, 1992-2100
Zuazo, V.
202091Abstract Title: Extreme Rainfall and Flooding in the Hyperarid Atacama Desert, Chile
Zuidema, S.
202694Abstract Title: Changes in biogeochemical supply and demand during storm events alter the role of river networks in controlling downstream exports