Mechanisms of Magma Ascent, Emplacement, and Extrusion I Posters

Friday, 19 December 2014: 8:00 AM-12:20 PM
Chairs:  Nicolas Le Corvec, Lunar & Planetary Institute, Houston, TX, United States and Benoit Taisne, Earth Observatory of Singapore, Singapore, Singapore
Primary Conveners:  Nicolas Le Corvec, Lunar & Planetary Institute, Houston, TX, United States
Co-conveners:  Benoit Taisne, Earth Observatory of Singapore, Singapore, Singapore and Guillaume Carazzo, Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, Paris, France
OSPA Liaisons:  Benoit Taisne, Earth Observatory of Singapore, Singapore, Singapore

Abstracts Submitted to this Session:

Engineering a robotic approach to mapping exposed volcanic fissures
Carolyn E Parcheta1, Aaron Parness2 and Karl L Mitchell2, (1)Oak Ridge Associated Universities Inc., Oak Ridge, TN, United States, (2)NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA, United States
Earth’s Rotation Variability Triggers Explosive Eruptions in Subduction Zones
Marco Cuffaro1, Gianluca Sottili1, Danilo M. Palladino2 and Carlo Doglioni2, (1)IGAG-CNR, Rome, Italy, (2)Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy
Spatial Patterns in Distribution of Kimberlites: Relationship to Tectonic Processes and Lithosphere Structure
Zurab Chemia, Irina M Artemieva and Hans Thybo, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark
Determining the dynamics of magma flow within intrusions: Insights from field and petrographic studies of dikes and sills of the Inner Hebrides, Scotland.
Simon Martin1, Janine L Kavanagh1 and Andrew John Biggin2, (1)University of Liverpool, Liverpool, L69, United Kingdom, (2)University of Liverpool, Liverpool, United Kingdom
Towards a General Model for Volcanic Caldera Dynamics
Giovanni Macedonio, Flora Giudicepietro, Luca D'auria and Marcello Martini, INGV, Napoli, Italy
Caldera ring-fault intrusion through repeated sheet capture
John Browning and Agust Gudmundsson, Royal Holloway University of London, Egham, United Kingdom
What Caused the 2001-2002 Unrest at Cotopaxi Volcano, Ecuador? Insights from a Finite Element Based Geodetic Inversion
James Hickey, University of Bristol, Bristol, BS8, United Kingdom, Joachim Gottsmann, University of Bristol, School of Earth Sciences, Bristol, United Kingdom and Patricia A Mothes, Instituto Geofisico, Quito, Ecuador
Dyke Propagation Through a Partially Submerged Volcanic Edifice
Stephen Tait1, Benoit Taisne2, Angela Limare1, Michael Manga3 and Emeline Pasquet1, (1)Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, Paris, France, (2)Earth Observatory of Singapore, Singapore, Singapore, (3)Univ of California Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, United States
Influence of an ocean on the propagation of magmas within an oceanic basaltic shield volcano
Nicolas Le Corvec, Lunar & Planetary Institute, Houston, TX, United States and Patrick Joseph McGovern Jr, USRA, Houston, TX, United States
Damage, Weakening and Non-Linear Processes in a Pressurized Volcanic Edifice.
Aurore Carrier1, Aline Peltier2, GOT Jean Luc1, Valerie Ferrazzini2, Thomas Staudacher2, Philippe Kowalski2 and Patrice Boissier2, (1)ISTerre Institute of Earth Sciences, Saint Martin d'Hères, France, (2)Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, Paris, France
Magma reservoir volume from ground deformation, eruption rate, and other observations
Kyle R Anderson, Hawaiian Volcano Observatory, Hawaii National Park, HI, United States and Paul Segall, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States
Numerical modelling by the Stokes--DEM coupled simulation for a roof at hot magma chamber
Mikito Furuichi, IFREE/JAMSTEC, Yokohama, Japan and Daisuke Nishiura, JAMSTEC Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, Department of Mathematical Science and Advanced Technology, Kanagawa, Japan
Characterizing magma storage at Aira caldera and Sakurajima volcano (Japan) from geodetic inversions
Joachim Gottsmann, University of Bristol, Bristol, United Kingdom, James Hickey, University of Bristol, Bristol, BS8, United Kingdom, Masato Iguchi, Sakurajima Volcanic Observatory, Kagoshima, Japan and Haruhisa Nakamichi, Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University, Kagoshima, Japan
Bubbles Accumulation And Their Role On The Eruptability Of Melt-Rich Silicic Lenses In Upper Crustal Magma Reservoirs
Andrea Parmigiani1, Salah Aldin Faroughi2, Christian Huber2 and Olivier Bachmann1, (1)ETH Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, (2)Georgia Institute of Technology Main Campus, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Atlanta, GA, United States
New insights into volcanic system using physical model for vulcanian and gas burst explosions at Semeru Volcano, Indonesia.
Fabio Manta and Benoit Taisne, Earth Observatory of Singapore, Singapore, Singapore
Spatial distribution of the value under the Popocatepetl volcano and its relation with the structure of the magma chamber
Ricardo Garza-Girón, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico and Francisco Ramón Zúñiga, UNAM National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico
Effect of a Temperature-Dependent Viscosity on the Spreading of Laccoliths.
Clement Thorey and Chloe Michaut, Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, Paris, France
Seismic Swarms at Paricutin Volcano Area. Magmatic Intrusion or Tectonic Seismicity?
Juan Ignacio Pinzon, SisVOc, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, Francisco J Nunez-Cornu, University of Guadalajara, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, Christian R Escudero, Universidad de Guadalajara, Centro de Sismologia y Volcanología de Occidente, Puerto, Mexico and Charlotte A Rowe, Los Alamos National Laboratory - LANL, Earth and Environmental Science, Los Alamos, NM, United States
Seismic Interpretation of Igneous Intrusions and Their Implications for an Unconventional Petroleum System in Southeastern Parnaiba Basin, Northeastern Brazil.
Amanda Lira Porto, National Observatory of Brazil, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil and Egberto Pereira, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, DEPA, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
An Energetic Study of a One-Dimensional Model of a Liquid-Filled Crack.
Kim Pham1, Rogers Cordova1, Corinne Rouby1 and Benoit Taisne2, (1)Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Techniques Avancées, UME, Palaiseau, France, (2)Earth Observatory of Singapore, Singapore, Singapore
Unscrambling the Omlette: a New Bubble and Crystal Clustering Mechanism in Chaotically Mixed Magma Flows
Jess Robertson1, Guy Metcalfe2, Steven Wang2 and Stephen J Barnes1, (1)CSIRO, Minerals Resources National Research Flagship, Perth, Australia, (2)CSIRO, Manufacturing National Research Flagship, Melbourne, Australia
A self-consistent rheological model for bubble and crystal-bearing magmas
Salah Aldin Faroughi1,2, Wim Degruyter2 and Christian Huber2, (1)Georgia Institute of Technology Main Campus, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Atlanta, GA, United States, (2)Georgia Institute of Technology Main Campus, School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Atlanta, GA, United States
The Effects of Preeruptive Magma Viscosity on Eruption Styles and Magma Eruption Rates
Akihiko Tomiya, Geological Survey of Japan, AIST, Tsukuba, Japan, Takehiro Koyaguchi, University of Tokyo, Bunkyo-ku, Japan, Tomofumi Kozono, Tohoku University, Sendai-shi, Japan and Shingo Takeuchi, CRIEPI, Abiko, Chiba, Japan
Emplacement of the Puy de Dôme Investigated Using Structural, Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility, Paleomagnetic and Rock Magnetic Data
Daniel Garza1, Michael S Petronis1 and Ben Van Wyk De Vries2, (1)New Mexico Highlands Univ, Las Vegas, NM, United States, (2)Laboratoire Magmas et Volcans, Clermont-Ferrand Cedex, France
Transition from Effusive to Explosive Activity during Lava Dome Eruption: The Example of the 2010 of Merapi Volcano (Java, Indonesia)
Melissa Jocelyne Drignon1, Laurent Arbaret1, Alain Burgisser2, Jean-Christophe Komorowski3, Caroline Martel1 and Raditya Putra4, (1)University of Orleans, Orleans, France, (2)ISTerre, Le Bourget du Lac, France, (3)Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, Systèmes volcaniques, Paris, France, (4)Penyelidikan dan Pengembangan Teknologi Kegunungapian (BPPTK), Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Comparative Analysis of Fluid-Rock Dynamic Interaction Models
Alejandra Arciniega-Ceballos, UNAM National Autonomous University of Mexico, Institute of Geophysics, Mexico City, Mexico, Gerardo Mendo-Perez, BUAP Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, Faculty of Engineering, Puebla, Mexico, Antonio Carrillo-Ledesma, UNAM National Autonomous University of Mexico, Faculty of Science, Mexico City, Mexico, Rodrigo De Negri-Leiva, UNAM National Autonomous University of Mexico, Posgraduate Program in Earth Sciences, Mexico City, Mexico and Francisco J Sanchez-Sesma, UNAM National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico; Instituto de Ingenieria, Coyoacan, Mexico
Magmatic Conduit Metallogenic System in Jinchuan Cu-Ni (PGE) Sulfide Deposit
Shangguo Su1, Zongli Tang2, Meifu Zhou3 and Chen Song1, (1)China University of Geosciences (Beijing), Beijing, China, (2)Chang' an University, Geology, Xi'an, China, (3)University of Hong Kong, Geology, Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Roots of Magmatic Systems of Large Continental Igneous Provinces
Evgenii Vitalievich Sharkov, Institute of Geology of Ore De, Moscow, Russia