Updates, Advancements, and Projections on the State of the Ocean Carbon Cycle (SOCC): How the Ocean is "SOCC"ing it to us! III Posters
Updates, Advancements, and Projections on the State of the Ocean Carbon Cycle (SOCC): How the Ocean is "SOCC"ing it to us! III Posters
Updates, Advancements, and Projections on the State of the Ocean Carbon Cycle (SOCC): How the Ocean is "SOCC"ing it to us! III Posters
Session ID#: 9525
Session Description:
The global ocean is a major sink of anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO2), significantly slowing the accumulation of this important greenhouse gas in the atmosphere. The physical, biological, and chemical processes and exchanges that occur in and across ocean and atmosphere represent a major control on ocean CO2 uptake. This session will feature new observations, process studies, and modeling advancements that further our understanding of the carbon cycle in the ocean and its connection to ecosystems and climate. Spanning regions of the ocean dominated by coastal and equatorial upwelling, deep convection, mesoscale eddies, etc., this globally expansive session will include presentations that highlight the strong connection between the ocean carbon cycle and the climate, focusing on physical dynamics, chemistry changes (e.g., ocean acidification), and biological responses and feedbacks.
Primary Chair: Erica Hudson Ombres, NOAA, OAR Ocean Acidification Program, Silver Spring, MD, United States
Chairs: Kristan Uhlenbrock, U.S. CLIVAR Project Office, Washington, DC, United States, Heather M Benway, Woods Hole Oceanographic Inst., Woods Hole, MA, United States and Kathy Tedesco, NOAA, Climate Program Office, Silver Spring, MD, United States
Moderators: Kristan Uhlenbrock, US Climate Variability and Predictability Research Program Washington DC, Washington, DC, United States, Kathy Tedesco, NOAA, Climate Program Office , Ocean Observing and Monitoring Division, Silver Spring, MD, United States, Heather M Benway, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Ocean Carbon and Biogeochemistry Program, Woods Hole, MA, United States and Erica Hudson Ombres, NOAA, Silver Spring, MD, United States
Student Paper Review Liaison: Heather M Benway, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Ocean Carbon and Biogeochemistry Program, Woods Hole, MA, United States
Index Terms:
1615 Biogeochemical cycles, processes, and modeling [GLOBAL CHANGE]
1635 Oceans [GLOBAL CHANGE]
4273 Physical and biogeochemical interactions [OCEANOGRAPHY: GENERAL]
- A - Air-sea Interactions and Upper Ocean Processes
- OD - Ocean Observing and Data Management
- PO - Physical Oceanography/Ocean Circulation
Abstracts Submitted to this Session:
Decadal changes in the ocean CO2 sink driven by ocean circulation variability (Invited) (92075)
Contemporary Southern Ocean CO2 Sink as a Constrain for Reducing Uncertainty of Future Ocean Carbon Sink (91046)
Recent evidence for a strengthening CO2 sink in the Southern Ocean from carbonate system measurements in the Drake Passage (2002-2015) (93013)
Projections of Ocean Acidification Under the U.N. Framework Convention of Climate Change Using a Reduced-Form Climate Carbon-Cycle Model (92379)
Storm Driven Upwelling Responsible for pCO2-rich Water Intrusion in the South Atlantic Bight (88818)
Using Maximum Likelihood Statistical Methods and Pigment Flux Data to Constrain Particle Exchange and Organic Matter Remineralization Rate Constants in the Mediterranean Sea (90213)
Source or Sink? A Modeling Study of Inorganic Carbon Cycling on the Scotian Shelf (88170)
Changes from a Sink of Atmospheric CO2 to a Source with Governing Factors in CO2 Uptake of the East China Sea Shelf in Summer (89433)
A Comparison Between Field and Laboratory pH Measurements for Seawater on the East China Sea Shelf (87591)
See more of: Ocean Change: Acidification and Hypoxia