Author Index:



Abbas, M.
2130Abstract Title: Integration of Geophysical Data to improve Process Understanding of Hillslope Hydrology
Abbaspour, K.
1878Abstract Title: How detail is enough? Large scale modeling limitations
Ackerer, P.
1849Abstract Title: Modelling of vegetation-hydrology interaction in mountainous forest basin over the two past decades
Agren, A.
1838Abstract Title: Towards a unified model of stream water quality generation: Elucidating the role of hotspots, landscape heterogeneity and scale in a nested stream network, 1850Abstract Title: Looking at catchments in a new way: The role of connectivity, scale, and location to understand the export of diverse biogeochemical elements
Åkesson, A. M.
1916Abstract Title: Geomorphological controls on streamflow response
Allroggen, N.
2094Abstract Title: Time-lapse imaging of subsurface flow patterns by ground penetrating radar, 2113Abstract Title: Interflow in Periglacial Slope Deposits: Importance, Spatial Extent and Conceptual Representation
Altdorff, D.
2515Abstract Title: Potential of soil water content mapping using electromagnetic induction in a low conductive coniferous forest ecosystem catchment
Angermann, L.
2113Abstract Title: Interflow in Periglacial Slope Deposits: Importance, Spatial Extent and Conceptual Representation
Appels, W. M.
1929Abstract Title: Hierarchical and time-varying controls on snowmelt runoff generation: a coupled analysis of temporal trends and spatial patterns
Asano, Y.
1833Abstract Title: Roles of hillslope and channel on spatial distribution of peak lag times during heavy storms at 4.5km2 mountain watershed, 1835Abstract Title: The role of bedrock geology, historical rainfall pattern and topography on rainfall-runoff function in mountainous catchment , 1968Abstract Title: The role of bedrock geology, historical rainfall pattern and topography on rainfall-runoff function in mountainous catchment
Ayral, P. A. Sr.
1926Abstract Title: Spatial variability of the hydrodynamic properties of soil at hillslope scale in Cevennes area


Baddoreck, A.
1927Abstract Title: Spatiotemporal evolution of the constructed Hühnerwasser catchment (“Chicken Creek”)
Bailey, S. W.
1939Abstract Title: A hydropedological approach to describing catchment spatial organization: linkages between soil development, groundwater regimes, and solute patterns in a headwater catchment
Barrière, J.
1787Abstract Title: A multi-method analysis of bedload transport with seismometers and with hydrophones
Bauer, H. S.
2042Abstract Title: Consistent hydro-meteorological large eddy simulation of water budgets in mesoscale catchments: Overkill or necessity?
Beaulieu, E.
1849Abstract Title: Modelling of vegetation-hydrology interaction in mountainous forest basin over the two past decades
Bernhardt, M.
1852Abstract Title: Identification of catchment functional units by time series of thermal remote sensing images
Beven, K.
1886Abstract Title: From observation to modelling: An experimental framework for testing the MIPs model on a headwater catchment in Luxembourg., 1907Abstract Title: Velocities and celerities without additional assumptions - a particle tracking approach.
Bishop, K. H.
1838Abstract Title: Towards a unified model of stream water quality generation: Elucidating the role of hotspots, landscape heterogeneity and scale in a nested stream network, 1848Abstract Title: Spatiotemporal variability and landscape controls of specific discharge in a Boreal landscape
Blume, T.
2017Abstract Title: Inferring dominant controls on transpiration across a hillslope transect from ecohydrological measurements and thermodynamic limits, 2081Abstract Title: Water transit times in the unsaturated zone: Spatio-temporal variation and its application in for the characterization of functional units, 2104Abstract Title: Who is in Control? Competing Influences of Geology, Land use and Topography on Soil Water Storage and Soil Temperature Dynamics, 2109Abstract Title: Landscape Controls on Hydrological Processes under Rainfall- and Radiation-driven Conditions, 2113Abstract Title: Interflow in Periglacial Slope Deposits: Importance, Spatial Extent and Conceptual Representation
Bogena, H. R.
1813Abstract Title: Seasonal Soil Moisture Patterns Control Transit Time Distributions in a Forested Headwater Catchment, 1853Abstract Title: Spatial and Temporal Occurence of Preferential Flow at the Catchment Scale, 2515Abstract Title: Potential of soil water content mapping using electromagnetic induction in a low conductive coniferous forest ecosystem catchment
Borchard, N.
2515Abstract Title: Potential of soil water content mapping using electromagnetic induction in a low conductive coniferous forest ecosystem catchment
Borga, M. Sr.
1910Abstract Title: What controls groundwater dynamics and hillslope-stream connectivity in an Alpine headwater catchment?
Bourgault, R.
1939Abstract Title: A hydropedological approach to describing catchment spatial organization: linkages between soil development, groundwater regimes, and solute patterns in a headwater catchment
Bouvier, C. Sr.
1926Abstract Title: Spatial variability of the hydrodynamic properties of soil at hillslope scale in Cevennes area
Branch, O.
2042Abstract Title: Consistent hydro-meteorological large eddy simulation of water budgets in mesoscale catchments: Overkill or necessity?
Brannen, R.
1781Abstract Title: Climate and landscape controls on the behaviour of catchment storage and streamflow
Brauer, C.
1882Abstract Title: Parameter identifiability, parameter estimation and parameter regionalisation for the Wageningen Lowland Runoff Simulator (WALRUS), 1934Abstract Title: Concepts in catchment hydrology - an overview and lessons for model development
Brunet, P.
1926Abstract Title: Spatial variability of the hydrodynamic properties of soil at hillslope scale in Cevennes area
Buffam, I. D.
1838Abstract Title: Towards a unified model of stream water quality generation: Elucidating the role of hotspots, landscape heterogeneity and scale in a nested stream network
Bullen, T. D.
1939Abstract Title: A hydropedological approach to describing catchment spatial organization: linkages between soil development, groundwater regimes, and solute patterns in a headwater catchment


Casper, M. C.
1855Abstract Title: Testing the SUPERFLEX Modelling Framework for basin classification purposes: an analysis of performance measures.
Chabaux, F.
1849Abstract Title: Modelling of vegetation-hydrology interaction in mountainous forest basin over the two past decades
Chen, Y.
1817Abstract Title: Parameter optimization of physically based distributed hydrological model
Chiverton, A.
1890Abstract Title: A novel variogram-based approach for determining the influence of catchment characteristics on river flow dynamics
Cluitmans, C.
1882Abstract Title: Parameter identifiability, parameter estimation and parameter regionalisation for the Wageningen Lowland Runoff Simulator (WALRUS)
Coles, A.
1929Abstract Title: Hierarchical and time-varying controls on snowmelt runoff generation: a coupled analysis of temporal trends and spatial patterns
Corstanje, R.
1890Abstract Title: A novel variogram-based approach for determining the influence of catchment characteristics on river flow dynamics


DeLong, S.
2105Abstract Title: Lessons learned from simulations of hillslope hydrologic response with a physics-based model (Invited)
Denk, A.
2130Abstract Title: Integration of Geophysical Data to improve Process Understanding of Hillslope Hydrology
Descroix, L.
1885Abstract Title: Modelling the hydrology of small granitic catchments in the Sahel with parsimony
Didon-Lescaut, J. F. Sr.
1926Abstract Title: Spatial variability of the hydrodynamic properties of soil at hillslope scale in Cevennes area
Diekkrüger, B.
1813Abstract Title: Seasonal Soil Moisture Patterns Control Transit Time Distributions in a Forested Headwater Catchment
Dietrich, P.
1734Abstract Title: Combination of electrical resistivity tomography and vertical electrical soundings for characterization of a representative hillslope as a functional unit in a catchment, 1865Abstract Title: Revealing principles of hydrological response – The Schaefertal approach, 1897Abstract Title: Field-scale prediction of soil moisture patterns by means of a fuzzy c-means clustering algorithm, ancillary data, and sparse TDR measurements, 2130Abstract Title: Integration of Geophysical Data to improve Process Understanding of Hillslope Hydrology
Domergue, J. M.
1926Abstract Title: Spatial variability of the hydrodynamic properties of soil at hillslope scale in Cevennes area
Dumont, M.
1849Abstract Title: Modelling of vegetation-hydrology interaction in mountainous forest basin over the two past decades


Eccard, J.
2132Abstract Title: Synthesis of Earthworm Influence on Soil Hydrology across Scales
Ehret, U.
2042Abstract Title: Consistent hydro-meteorological large eddy simulation of water budgets in mesoscale catchments: Overkill or necessity?, 2082Abstract Title: Linking landscape structure and rainfall runoff behaviour in a thermodynamic optimality context, 2093Abstract Title: Dynamical grouping and representative computation: a new approach to reduce computational efforts in distributed, physically based modeling on the lower mesoscale , 2103Abstract Title: Parameter transferability: Do structurally similar hydrological units also behave similar?, 2123Abstract Title: How to define hydrological functioning and how to connect it with structural catchment properties?
Emanuel, R. E.
2098Abstract Title: Keynote Lecture: Moving from field observations of watershed structure, storage, and hydrologic connectivity to new modeling conceptualizations
Euser, T.
1791Abstract Title: Process Consistency in Models: the Importance of System Signatures, Expert Knowledge and Process Complexity, 1844Abstract Title: Drainage for agricultural purposes; how to distinguish and incorporate it in model structures?


Fenicia, F.
1886Abstract Title: From observation to modelling: An experimental framework for testing the MIPs model on a headwater catchment in Luxembourg., 1899Abstract Title: Progressive evaluation of incorporating information into a model building process: from scratch to FELX-TOPO, 1908Abstract Title: Progressive evaluation of incorporating information into a model building process: from scratch to FLEX-TOPO, 1921Abstract Title: Investigating the correspondence between catchment properties, function, and model structure representation
Ferrone, A.
1879Abstract Title: Projected changes in future reference evapotranspiration for Luxembourg derived from a very high resolution regional climate model
Feskova, T.
1734Abstract Title: Combination of electrical resistivity tomography and vertical electrical soundings for characterization of a representative hillslope as a functional unit in a catchment
Fischer, T.
1927Abstract Title: Spatiotemporal evolution of the constructed Hühnerwasser catchment (“Chicken Creek”)
Fleckenstein, J. H.
1865Abstract Title: Revealing principles of hydrological response – The Schaefertal approach, 1928Abstract Title: Deciphering DOC export dynamics in small to meso-scale catchments using high frequency monitoring and numerical modeling, 1932Abstract Title: A physically-based numerical model of catchment water flow to evaluate dominant controls of residence time distribution
Floriancic, M.
1917Abstract Title: Can we relate flood and low flow behavior to spatial distribution of thick quaternary deposits? Case study of the 14 km2 alpine Poschiavino catchment, Switzerland
Formetta, G.
1864Abstract Title: The effect of spatial discretization in Semi-distributed Hydrological modelling, the case of JGrass-NewAGE Model
Fovet, O.
1791Abstract Title: Process Consistency in Models: the Importance of System Signatures, Expert Knowledge and Process Complexity
Freer, J. E.
1791Abstract Title: Process Consistency in Models: the Importance of System Signatures, Expert Knowledge and Process Complexity
Frei, S.
1928Abstract Title: Deciphering DOC export dynamics in small to meso-scale catchments using high frequency monitoring and numerical modeling
Frentress, J. J.
1753Abstract Title: Deconstructing the flow duration curve with stream geochemistry in a forested headwater catchment (Luxembourg)
Futter, M. N.
1838Abstract Title: Towards a unified model of stream water quality generation: Elucidating the role of hotspots, landscape heterogeneity and scale in a nested stream network


Gannon, J. P.
1939Abstract Title: A hydropedological approach to describing catchment spatial organization: linkages between soil development, groundwater regimes, and solute patterns in a headwater catchment
Gao, H.
1737Abstract Title: How people and ecosystems organize their storage requirements, 1899Abstract Title: Progressive evaluation of incorporating information into a model building process: from scratch to FELX-TOPO, 1908Abstract Title: Progressive evaluation of incorporating information into a model building process: from scratch to FLEX-TOPO
Gascuel-Odoux, C.
1791Abstract Title: Process Consistency in Models: the Importance of System Signatures, Expert Knowledge and Process Complexity
Gerwin, W.
1927Abstract Title: Spatiotemporal evolution of the constructed Hühnerwasser catchment (“Chicken Creek”)
Gharari, S.
1791Abstract Title: Process Consistency in Models: the Importance of System Signatures, Expert Knowledge and Process Complexity, 1899Abstract Title: Progressive evaluation of incorporating information into a model building process: from scratch to FELX-TOPO, 1908Abstract Title: Progressive evaluation of incorporating information into a model building process: from scratch to FLEX-TOPO
Gillin, C. P.
1939Abstract Title: A hydropedological approach to describing catchment spatial organization: linkages between soil development, groundwater regimes, and solute patterns in a headwater catchment
Giraldez, J. V.
Giulia, Z. Jr.
1910Abstract Title: What controls groundwater dynamics and hillslope-stream connectivity in an Alpine headwater catchment?
Gourdol, L.
1886Abstract Title: From observation to modelling: An experimental framework for testing the MIPs model on a headwater catchment in Luxembourg.
Grabs, T.
1848Abstract Title: Spatiotemporal variability and landscape controls of specific discharge in a Boreal landscape
Grau, T.
1865Abstract Title: Revealing principles of hydrological response – The Schaefertal approach
Guderle, M.
2017Abstract Title: Inferring dominant controls on transpiration across a hillslope transect from ecohydrological measurements and thermodynamic limits
Gupta, H. V.
1899Abstract Title: Progressive evaluation of incorporating information into a model building process: from scratch to FELX-TOPO, 1908Abstract Title: Progressive evaluation of incorporating information into a model building process: from scratch to FLEX-TOPO


Hannaford, J.
1890Abstract Title: A novel variogram-based approach for determining the influence of catchment characteristics on river flow dynamics
Hassler, S. K.
2017Abstract Title: Inferring dominant controls on transpiration across a hillslope transect from ecohydrological measurements and thermodynamic limits, 2104Abstract Title: Who is in Control? Competing Influences of Geology, Land use and Topography on Soil Water Storage and Soil Temperature Dynamics, 2109Abstract Title: Landscape Controls on Hydrological Processes under Rainfall- and Radiation-driven Conditions
Heidbuechel, I.
1819Abstract Title: How do catchment structure and event parameters influence the shape of transit time distributions?
Hellebrand, H. G. W.
1855Abstract Title: Testing the SUPERFLEX Modelling Framework for basin classification purposes: an analysis of performance measures.
Hess, T.
1890Abstract Title: A novel variogram-based approach for determining the influence of catchment characteristics on river flow dynamics
Hildebrandt, A.
2017Abstract Title: Inferring dominant controls on transpiration across a hillslope transect from ecohydrological measurements and thermodynamic limits
Hinz, C.
1927Abstract Title: Spatiotemporal evolution of the constructed Hühnerwasser catchment (“Chicken Creek”)
Hissler, C.
1886Abstract Title: From observation to modelling: An experimental framework for testing the MIPs model on a headwater catchment in Luxembourg., 2108Abstract Title: Isotope fractionation in different types of soil water
Hohenbrink, T. L.
1845Abstract Title: A measure for transformation of the input signal in the soil-groundwater-stream continuum and implications for modelling
Holman, I.
1890Abstract Title: A novel variogram-based approach for determining the influence of catchment characteristics on river flow dynamics
Hopp, L.
2105Abstract Title: Lessons learned from simulations of hillslope hydrologic response with a physics-based model (Invited)
Hostache, R.
1787Abstract Title: A multi-method analysis of bedload transport with seismometers and with hydrophones
Hrachowitz, M.
1737Abstract Title: How people and ecosystems organize their storage requirements, 1791Abstract Title: Process Consistency in Models: the Importance of System Signatures, Expert Knowledge and Process Complexity, 1844Abstract Title: Drainage for agricultural purposes; how to distinguish and incorporate it in model structures?, 1899Abstract Title: Progressive evaluation of incorporating information into a model building process: from scratch to FELX-TOPO, 1908Abstract Title: Progressive evaluation of incorporating information into a model building process: from scratch to FLEX-TOPO
Huettl, R.
1927Abstract Title: Spatiotemporal evolution of the constructed Hühnerwasser catchment (“Chicken Creek”)
Huisman, J. A.
1853Abstract Title: Spatial and Temporal Occurence of Preferential Flow at the Catchment Scale, 2515Abstract Title: Potential of soil water content mapping using electromagnetic induction in a low conductive coniferous forest ecosystem catchment
Huseby Karlsen, R.
1848Abstract Title: Spatiotemporal variability and landscape controls of specific discharge in a Boreal landscape
Huxman, T. E.
2105Abstract Title: Lessons learned from simulations of hillslope hydrologic response with a physics-based model (Invited)


Iffly, J. F.
1886Abstract Title: From observation to modelling: An experimental framework for testing the MIPs model on a headwater catchment in Luxembourg.


Jackisch, C.
2102Abstract Title: A novel physical eco-hydrological model for preferential flow challenging observational and modeling concepts, 2103Abstract Title: Parameter transferability: Do structurally similar hydrological units also behave similar?, 2113Abstract Title: Interflow in Periglacial Slope Deposits: Importance, Spatial Extent and Conceptual Representation, 2123Abstract Title: How to define hydrological functioning and how to connect it with structural catchment properties?
James, A. L.
2105Abstract Title: Lessons learned from simulations of hillslope hydrologic response with a physics-based model (Invited)
Jencso, K. G.
2098Abstract Title: Keynote Lecture: Moving from field observations of watershed structure, storage, and hydrologic connectivity to new modeling conceptualizations
Juilleret, J.
2118Abstract Title: How does dialogue between pedologists and hydrologist improve the knowledge on functional landscape entities? A case study in the Attert River basin, Luxembourg.
Junk, J.
1879Abstract Title: Projected changes in future reference evapotranspiration for Luxembourg derived from a very high resolution regional climate model


Kavetski, D.
1921Abstract Title: Investigating the correspondence between catchment properties, function, and model structure representation
Kirchner, J. W.
1821Abstract Title: How does landscape organization determine complex flood runoff behavior? Lessons from geomorphology based mapping and modeling of dominant runoff processes in meso-scale alpine catchmens
Klaminder, J.
1838Abstract Title: Towards a unified model of stream water quality generation: Elucidating the role of hotspots, landscape heterogeneity and scale in a nested stream network
Klaus, J.
1948Abstract Title: How does catchment geology control thresholds and non-linearities in rainfall-runoff transformation?
Kleidon, A.
2017Abstract Title: Inferring dominant controls on transpiration across a hillslope transect from ecohydrological measurements and thermodynamic limits, 2042Abstract Title: Consistent hydro-meteorological large eddy simulation of water budgets in mesoscale catchments: Overkill or necessity?, 2082Abstract Title: Linking landscape structure and rainfall runoff behaviour in a thermodynamic optimality context, 2112Abstract Title: Thermodynamics, Limits, and Optimality of Land Surface-Atmosphere Exchange and Evapotranspiration
Knorr, K. H.
1928Abstract Title: Deciphering DOC export dynamics in small to meso-scale catchments using high frequency monitoring and numerical modeling
Kohler, S. J.
1838Abstract Title: Towards a unified model of stream water quality generation: Elucidating the role of hotspots, landscape heterogeneity and scale in a nested stream network
Krein, A.
1787Abstract Title: A multi-method analysis of bedload transport with seismometers and with hydrophones


Laudon, H.
1838Abstract Title: Towards a unified model of stream water quality generation: Elucidating the role of hotspots, landscape heterogeneity and scale in a nested stream network, 1850Abstract Title: Looking at catchments in a new way: The role of connectivity, scale, and location to understand the export of diverse biogeochemical elements
Lausch, A.
1865Abstract Title: Revealing principles of hydrological response – The Schaefertal approach
Le Bourgeois, O.
1926Abstract Title: Spatial variability of the hydrodynamic properties of soil at hillslope scale in Cevennes area
Legout, A.
2108Abstract Title: Isotope fractionation in different types of soil water
Lehr, C.
1845Abstract Title: A measure for transformation of the input signal in the soil-groundwater-stream continuum and implications for modelling
Ley, R.
1855Abstract Title: Testing the SUPERFLEX Modelling Framework for basin classification purposes: an analysis of performance measures.
Lidman, F.
1838Abstract Title: Towards a unified model of stream water quality generation: Elucidating the role of hotspots, landscape heterogeneity and scale in a nested stream network, 1850Abstract Title: Looking at catchments in a new way: The role of connectivity, scale, and location to understand the export of diverse biogeochemical elements
Lidman, W.
1850Abstract Title: Looking at catchments in a new way: The role of connectivity, scale, and location to understand the export of diverse biogeochemical elements
Liggett, J. E.
1928Abstract Title: Deciphering DOC export dynamics in small to meso-scale catchments using high frequency monitoring and numerical modeling
Lischeid, G.
1845Abstract Title: A measure for transformation of the input signal in the soil-groundwater-stream continuum and implications for modelling
Lucas, Y.
1849Abstract Title: Modelling of vegetation-hydrology interaction in mountainous forest basin over the two past decades
Lücke, A.
1813Abstract Title: Seasonal Soil Moisture Patterns Control Transit Time Distributions in a Forested Headwater Catchment


Malam Abdou, M.
1885Abstract Title: Modelling the hydrology of small granitic catchments in the Sahel with parsimony
Margreth, M.
1917Abstract Title: Can we relate flood and low flow behavior to spatial distribution of thick quaternary deposits? Case study of the 14 km2 alpine Poschiavino catchment, Switzerland
Marshall, L. A.
2098Abstract Title: Keynote Lecture: Moving from field observations of watershed structure, storage, and hydrologic connectivity to new modeling conceptualizations
Martini, E.
1865Abstract Title: Revealing principles of hydrological response – The Schaefertal approach
Matgen, P.
1921Abstract Title: Investigating the correspondence between catchment properties, function, and model structure representation
McConkey, B.
1929Abstract Title: Hierarchical and time-varying controls on snowmelt runoff generation: a coupled analysis of temporal trends and spatial patterns
McDonnell, J.
1753Abstract Title: Deconstructing the flow duration curve with stream geochemistry in a forested headwater catchment (Luxembourg), 1929Abstract Title: Hierarchical and time-varying controls on snowmelt runoff generation: a coupled analysis of temporal trends and spatial patterns
McGlynn, B. L.
2098Abstract Title: Keynote Lecture: Moving from field observations of watershed structure, storage, and hydrologic connectivity to new modeling conceptualizations
McGuire, K. J.
1939Abstract Title: A hydropedological approach to describing catchment spatial organization: linkages between soil development, groundwater regimes, and solute patterns in a headwater catchment
Melsen, L. A.
1934Abstract Title: Concepts in catchment hydrology - an overview and lessons for model development, 1935Abstract Title: Towards an effective calibration theory for a broadly applied land surface model (VIC)
Moreno de las Heras, M.
1938Abstract Title: Coevolving patterns of flowpaths, soils, landforms and vegetation in semiarid regions: links between spatial organization, hydrologic connectivity and function (Invited)
Morth, M.
1838Abstract Title: Towards a unified model of stream water quality generation: Elucidating the role of hotspots, landscape heterogeneity and scale in a nested stream network
Moussa, R.
1880Abstract Title: The aim is to use observations and simulations by a spatially distributed model for analysing the role of spatial organization of terraces, ditches and arrangement of various tillage practices on the complex behaviour of a small Mediterranean basin.
Mueller, B.
1852Abstract Title: Identification of catchment functional units by time series of thermal remote sensing images
Musolff, A.
1865Abstract Title: Revealing principles of hydrological response – The Schaefertal approach, 1928Abstract Title: Deciphering DOC export dynamics in small to meso-scale catchments using high frequency monitoring and numerical modeling, 1932Abstract Title: A physically-based numerical model of catchment water flow to evaluate dominant controls of residence time distribution


Naef, F.
1821Abstract Title: How does landscape organization determine complex flood runoff behavior? Lessons from geomorphology based mapping and modeling of dominant runoff processes in meso-scale alpine catchmens, 1917Abstract Title: Can we relate flood and low flow behavior to spatial distribution of thick quaternary deposits? Case study of the 14 km2 alpine Poschiavino catchment, Switzerland
Neubauer, M.
1865Abstract Title: Revealing principles of hydrological response – The Schaefertal approach, 1932Abstract Title: A physically-based numerical model of catchment water flow to evaluate dominant controls of residence time distribution
Neuper, M.
2042Abstract Title: Consistent hydro-meteorological large eddy simulation of water budgets in mesoscale catchments: Overkill or necessity?
Nippgen, F.
2098Abstract Title: Keynote Lecture: Moving from field observations of watershed structure, storage, and hydrologic connectivity to new modeling conceptualizations
Nurtaev, B.
1779Abstract Title: Responses to climate variability in different catchments
Nurtaev, B.
1883Abstract Title: Landslides triggered by distant earthquakes in Central Asia


Oosterwoud, M.
1928Abstract Title: Deciphering DOC export dynamics in small to meso-scale catchments using high frequency monitoring and numerical modeling
Oth, A.
1787Abstract Title: A multi-method analysis of bedload transport with seismometers and with hydrophones


Paasche, H.
1865Abstract Title: Revealing principles of hydrological response – The Schaefertal approach, 1897Abstract Title: Field-scale prediction of soil moisture patterns by means of a fuzzy c-means clustering algorithm, ancillary data, and sparse TDR measurements
Pangle, L. A.
2105Abstract Title: Lessons learned from simulations of hillslope hydrologic response with a physics-based model (Invited)
Partington, D.
1928Abstract Title: Deciphering DOC export dynamics in small to meso-scale catchments using high frequency monitoring and numerical modeling
Penna, D. Sr.
1910Abstract Title: What controls groundwater dynamics and hillslope-stream connectivity in an Alpine headwater catchment?
Pfister, L.
1753Abstract Title: Deconstructing the flow duration curve with stream geochemistry in a forested headwater catchment (Luxembourg), 1879Abstract Title: Projected changes in future reference evapotranspiration for Luxembourg derived from a very high resolution regional climate model, 1948Abstract Title: How does catchment geology control thresholds and non-linearities in rainfall-runoff transformation?
Pianezzola, L. Jr.
1910Abstract Title: What controls groundwater dynamics and hillslope-stream connectivity in an Alpine headwater catchment?
Pierret, M. C.
1849Abstract Title: Modelling of vegetation-hydrology interaction in mountainous forest basin over the two past decades
Prudhomme, C.
1890Abstract Title: A novel variogram-based approach for determining the influence of catchment characteristics on river flow dynamics


Radny, D.
1856Abstract Title: Parsimonious modeling of mountainous catchment hydrology at various spatial scales – initial results and evaluation
Rao, P. S.
1856Abstract Title: Parsimonious modeling of mountainous catchment hydrology at various spatial scales – initial results and evaluation
Reinstorf, F.
1865Abstract Title: Revealing principles of hydrological response – The Schaefertal approach
Renner, M.
2017Abstract Title: Inferring dominant controls on transpiration across a hillslope transect from ecohydrological measurements and thermodynamic limits, 2112Abstract Title: Thermodynamics, Limits, and Optimality of Land Surface-Atmosphere Exchange and Evapotranspiration
Rigon, R.
1864Abstract Title: The effect of spatial discretization in Semi-distributed Hydrological modelling, the case of JGrass-NewAGE Model
Rinderer, M.
1876Abstract Title: Controls on groundwater response timing of a subalpine catchment
Ritter, M.
2130Abstract Title: Integration of Geophysical Data to improve Process Understanding of Hillslope Hydrology
Ross, D. S.
1939Abstract Title: A hydropedological approach to describing catchment spatial organization: linkages between soil development, groundwater regimes, and solute patterns in a headwater catchment
Rouholahnejad, E.
1878Abstract Title: How detail is enough? Large scale modeling limitations
Ruiz, L.
1791Abstract Title: Process Consistency in Models: the Importance of System Signatures, Expert Knowledge and Process Complexity


Saco, P. M.
1938Abstract Title: Coevolving patterns of flowpaths, soils, landforms and vegetation in semiarid regions: links between spatial organization, hydrologic connectivity and function (Invited)
Samaniego, L. E.
2042Abstract Title: Consistent hydro-meteorological large eddy simulation of water budgets in mesoscale catchments: Overkill or necessity?
Sanchez, A. R.
Savenije, H.
1737Abstract Title: How people and ecosystems organize their storage requirements, 1791Abstract Title: Process Consistency in Models: the Importance of System Signatures, Expert Knowledge and Process Complexity, 1844Abstract Title: Drainage for agricultural purposes; how to distinguish and incorporate it in model structures?, 1899Abstract Title: Progressive evaluation of incorporating information into a model building process: from scratch to FELX-TOPO, 1908Abstract Title: Progressive evaluation of incorporating information into a model building process: from scratch to FLEX-TOPO
Scaini, A.
1886Abstract Title: From observation to modelling: An experimental framework for testing the MIPs model on a headwater catchment in Luxembourg.
Schaaf, W.
1927Abstract Title: Spatiotemporal evolution of the constructed Hühnerwasser catchment (“Chicken Creek”)
Scherer, U.
2093Abstract Title: Dynamical grouping and representative computation: a new approach to reduce computational efforts in distributed, physically based modeling on the lower mesoscale
Schirmer, M.
1856Abstract Title: Parsimonious modeling of mountainous catchment hydrology at various spatial scales – initial results and evaluation, 1878Abstract Title: How detail is enough? Large scale modeling limitations
Schmidt, A.
1865Abstract Title: Revealing principles of hydrological response – The Schaefertal approach
Schneider, A.
1927Abstract Title: Spatiotemporal evolution of the constructed Hühnerwasser catchment (“Chicken Creek”)
Schneider, A. K.
2132Abstract Title: Synthesis of Earthworm Influence on Soil Hydrology across Scales
Schröder, B.
2132Abstract Title: Synthesis of Earthworm Influence on Soil Hydrology across Scales
Schroeter, I.
1865Abstract Title: Revealing principles of hydrological response – The Schaefertal approach, 1897Abstract Title: Field-scale prediction of soil moisture patterns by means of a fuzzy c-means clustering algorithm, ancillary data, and sparse TDR measurements
Schrön, M.
1865Abstract Title: Revealing principles of hydrological response – The Schaefertal approach
Schulz, K.
1852Abstract Title: Identification of catchment functional units by time series of thermal remote sensing images, 2042Abstract Title: Consistent hydro-meteorological large eddy simulation of water budgets in mesoscale catchments: Overkill or necessity?
Schwitalla, T.
2042Abstract Title: Consistent hydro-meteorological large eddy simulation of water budgets in mesoscale catchments: Overkill or necessity?
Schymanski, S.
2017Abstract Title: Inferring dominant controls on transpiration across a hillslope transect from ecohydrological measurements and thermodynamic limits
Seeger, S.
1923Abstract Title: How far do buckets get us? A flux tracking, topography driven conceptual lumped convolution model to rival the CAOS model
Seibert, J.
1848Abstract Title: Spatiotemporal variability and landscape controls of specific discharge in a Boreal landscape, 1876Abstract Title: Controls on groundwater response timing of a subalpine catchment
Seibert, S. P.
2123Abstract Title: How to define hydrological functioning and how to connect it with structural catchment properties?
Smith, T. J.
2098Abstract Title: Keynote Lecture: Moving from field observations of watershed structure, storage, and hydrologic connectivity to new modeling conceptualizations
Smoorenburg, M.
1821Abstract Title: How does landscape organization determine complex flood runoff behavior? Lessons from geomorphology based mapping and modeling of dominant runoff processes in meso-scale alpine catchmens, 1917Abstract Title: Can we relate flood and low flow behavior to spatial distribution of thick quaternary deposits? Case study of the 14 km2 alpine Poschiavino catchment, Switzerland
Spence, C.
1781Abstract Title: Climate and landscape controls on the behaviour of catchment storage and streamflow
Sponseller, R.
1838Abstract Title: Towards a unified model of stream water quality generation: Elucidating the role of hotspots, landscape heterogeneity and scale in a nested stream network
Sprenger, M.
1923Abstract Title: How far do buckets get us? A flux tracking, topography driven conceptual lumped convolution model to rival the CAOS model, 2081Abstract Title: Water transit times in the unsaturated zone: Spatio-temporal variation and its application in for the characterization of functional units, 2113Abstract Title: Interflow in Periglacial Slope Deposits: Importance, Spatial Extent and Conceptual Representation
Stähli, M.
1876Abstract Title: Controls on groundwater response timing of a subalpine catchment
Stockinger, M. P.
1813Abstract Title: Seasonal Soil Moisture Patterns Control Transit Time Distributions in a Forested Headwater Catchment
Stoll, M.
2108Abstract Title: Isotope fractionation in different types of soil water


Teuling, R.
1882Abstract Title: Parameter identifiability, parameter estimation and parameter regionalisation for the Wageningen Lowland Runoff Simulator (WALRUS), 1934Abstract Title: Concepts in catchment hydrology - an overview and lessons for model development, 1935Abstract Title: Towards an effective calibration theory for a broadly applied land surface model (VIC)
Tian, F.
2014Abstract Title: Exploring Rainfall-Runoff Relationship at Hillslope Scale through Virtual Experiments
Tiwari, T.
1850Abstract Title: Looking at catchments in a new way: The role of connectivity, scale, and location to understand the export of diverse biogeochemical elements
Torfs, P.
1882Abstract Title: Parameter identifiability, parameter estimation and parameter regionalisation for the Wageningen Lowland Runoff Simulator (WALRUS), 1935Abstract Title: Towards an effective calibration theory for a broadly applied land surface model (VIC)
Trifonova, T.
1722Abstract Title: Mountainous catchment area as a self-organizing geosystem
Troch, P. A. A.
1819Abstract Title: How do catchment structure and event parameters influence the shape of transit time distributions?, 2105Abstract Title: Lessons learned from simulations of hillslope hydrologic response with a physics-based model (Invited)
Tronicke, J.
2094Abstract Title: Time-lapse imaging of subsurface flow patterns by ground penetrating radar


Uchida, T.
1833Abstract Title: Roles of hillslope and channel on spatial distribution of peak lag times during heavy storms at 4.5km2 mountain watershed, 1835Abstract Title: The role of bedrock geology, historical rainfall pattern and topography on rainfall-runoff function in mountainous catchment , 1968Abstract Title: The role of bedrock geology, historical rainfall pattern and topography on rainfall-runoff function in mountainous catchment
Uijlenhoet, R.
1882Abstract Title: Parameter identifiability, parameter estimation and parameter regionalisation for the Wageningen Lowland Runoff Simulator (WALRUS), 1934Abstract Title: Concepts in catchment hydrology - an overview and lessons for model development


Van Der Kruk, J.
2515Abstract Title: Potential of soil water content mapping using electromagnetic induction in a low conductive coniferous forest ecosystem catchment
van Meerveld, I. H. J.
1876Abstract Title: Controls on groundwater response timing of a subalpine catchment, 1910Abstract Title: What controls groundwater dynamics and hillslope-stream connectivity in an Alpine headwater catchment?, 1925Abstract Title: Controls on hillslope-stream connectivity and threshold catchment response (Invited)
van Schaik, L.
2132Abstract Title: Synthesis of Earthworm Influence on Soil Hydrology across Scales
Vandervaere, J. P.
1885Abstract Title: Modelling the hydrology of small granitic catchments in the Sahel with parsimony
Vanwalleghem, T.
Vereecken, H.
1813Abstract Title: Seasonal Soil Moisture Patterns Control Transit Time Distributions in a Forested Headwater Catchment, 1853Abstract Title: Spatial and Temporal Occurence of Preferential Flow at the Catchment Scale, 2515Abstract Title: Potential of soil water content mapping using electromagnetic induction in a low conductive coniferous forest ecosystem catchment
Viville, D.
1849Abstract Title: Modelling of vegetation-hydrology interaction in mountainous forest basin over the two past decades
Vogel, H. J.
1865Abstract Title: Revealing principles of hydrological response – The Schaefertal approach
Volze, N.
1821Abstract Title: How does landscape organization determine complex flood runoff behavior? Lessons from geomorphology based mapping and modeling of dominant runoff processes in meso-scale alpine catchmens
von Freyberg, J.
1856Abstract Title: Parsimonious modeling of mountainous catchment hydrology at various spatial scales – initial results and evaluation
von Hebel, C.
2515Abstract Title: Potential of soil water content mapping using electromagnetic induction in a low conductive coniferous forest ecosystem catchment


Warrach-Sagi, K.
2042Abstract Title: Consistent hydro-meteorological large eddy simulation of water budgets in mesoscale catchments: Overkill or necessity?
Waterval, J.
1882Abstract Title: Parameter identifiability, parameter estimation and parameter regionalisation for the Wageningen Lowland Runoff Simulator (WALRUS)
Weiler, M.
1813Abstract Title: Seasonal Soil Moisture Patterns Control Transit Time Distributions in a Forested Headwater Catchment, 1923Abstract Title: How far do buckets get us? A flux tracking, topography driven conceptual lumped convolution model to rival the CAOS model, 2017Abstract Title: Inferring dominant controls on transpiration across a hillslope transect from ecohydrological measurements and thermodynamic limits, 2081Abstract Title: Water transit times in the unsaturated zone: Spatio-temporal variation and its application in for the characterization of functional units, 2104Abstract Title: Who is in Control? Competing Influences of Geology, Land use and Topography on Soil Water Storage and Soil Temperature Dynamics, 2109Abstract Title: Landscape Controls on Hydrological Processes under Rainfall- and Radiation-driven Conditions, 2113Abstract Title: Interflow in Periglacial Slope Deposits: Importance, Spatial Extent and Conceptual Representation, 2130Abstract Title: Integration of Geophysical Data to improve Process Understanding of Hillslope Hydrology
Werban, U.
1865Abstract Title: Revealing principles of hydrological response – The Schaefertal approach
Westhoff, M.
2082Abstract Title: Linking landscape structure and rainfall runoff behaviour in a thermodynamic optimality context, 2093Abstract Title: Dynamical grouping and representative computation: a new approach to reduce computational efforts in distributed, physically based modeling on the lower mesoscale , 2103Abstract Title: Parameter transferability: Do structurally similar hydrological units also behave similar?
Wiberg, K.
1838Abstract Title: Towards a unified model of stream water quality generation: Elucidating the role of hotspots, landscape heterogeneity and scale in a nested stream network
Wiekenkamp, I.
1853Abstract Title: Spatial and Temporal Occurence of Preferential Flow at the Catchment Scale
Wienhöfer, J.
2082Abstract Title: Linking landscape structure and rainfall runoff behaviour in a thermodynamic optimality context
Winsemius, H.
1844Abstract Title: Drainage for agricultural purposes; how to distinguish and incorporate it in model structures?
Wollschlaeger, U.
1865Abstract Title: Revealing principles of hydrological response – The Schaefertal approach, 1897Abstract Title: Field-scale prediction of soil moisture patterns by means of a fuzzy c-means clustering algorithm, ancillary data, and sparse TDR measurements
Worku, W. A.
1864Abstract Title: The effect of spatial discretization in Semi-distributed Hydrological modelling, the case of JGrass-NewAGE Model
Worman, A. L. E.
1916Abstract Title: Geomorphological controls on streamflow response
Wulfmeyer, V. G.
2042Abstract Title: Consistent hydro-meteorological large eddy simulation of water budgets in mesoscale catchments: Overkill or necessity?


Zacharias, S.
1865Abstract Title: Revealing principles of hydrological response – The Schaefertal approach
Zangerlé, A.
2132Abstract Title: Synthesis of Earthworm Influence on Soil Hydrology across Scales
Zaplata, M.
1927Abstract Title: Spatiotemporal evolution of the constructed Hühnerwasser catchment (“Chicken Creek”)
Zappa, M.
1935Abstract Title: Towards an effective calibration theory for a broadly applied land surface model (VIC)
Zehe, E.
2082Abstract Title: Linking landscape structure and rainfall runoff behaviour in a thermodynamic optimality context, 2093Abstract Title: Dynamical grouping and representative computation: a new approach to reduce computational efforts in distributed, physically based modeling on the lower mesoscale , 2102Abstract Title: A novel physical eco-hydrological model for preferential flow challenging observational and modeling concepts, 2103Abstract Title: Parameter transferability: Do structurally similar hydrological units also behave similar?, 2123Abstract Title: How to define hydrological functioning and how to connect it with structural catchment properties?
Zlotos, J.
2130Abstract Title: Integration of Geophysical Data to improve Process Understanding of Hillslope Hydrology