Author Index: E
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E, P.
SM31A-2478Abstract Title: Study of energetic particle dynamics in Harbin Dipole eXperiment (HDX) on Space Plasma Environment Research Facility (SPERF), SM51A-2554Abstract Title: Laboratory Study of Magnetic Reconnection in 3D Geometry Relevant to Magnetopause and Magnetotail
E-hyung, P.
GC41A-1067Abstract Title: Pilot system on extreme climate monitoring and early warning for long range forecast in Korea
Eack, K.
AE31A-0412Abstract Title: Lightning spectra at 100,000 fps
Eads, O. L.
PP11B-2226Abstract Title: A Survey of Spatial and Seasonal Water Isotope Variability on the Juneau Icefield, Alaksa
Eagle, R.
PP21A-2206Abstract Title: Investigating the origin of discrepancies in clumped isotope calibrations, PP24A-05Abstract Title: Antarctic Ice Sheet Sensitivity to Atmospheric CO2 Variations During the Early to Mid-Miocene, PP52B-04Abstract Title: The Li isotope composition of modern biogenic carbonates
Eagles, G.
T21G-08Abstract Title: New Views of East Antarctica- from Columbia to Gondwana
Eakin, C. M.
T51G-3020Abstract Title: Variations in Shear Wave Splitting Beneath Southern Arabia and the Gulf of Aden, V14A-08Abstract Title: A Global Comparison of Mid-Ocean Ridge Processes from Seismic Anisotropy
Eakin, H.
GC12A-02Abstract Title: Governance Challenges in Telecoupled Food Systems
Earl, J.
ED23D-0872Abstract Title: Retaining Underrepresented Minority Undergraduates in STEM through Hands-on Internship Experiences
Earle, A. M.
P54A-01Abstract Title: Color and Composition of Pluto and Its Moons from the New Horizons Mission, P54A-02Abstract Title: Pluto’s Global Color Variability as Seen by the New Horizons Multispectral Visible Imaging Camera, U53A-07Abstract Title: The interacting surface and atmosphere of Pluto
Earle, G. D.
AE33B-0493Abstract Title: Experiment Design to Assess Ionospheric Perturbations During the 2017 Total Solar Eclipse, SM23B-2560Abstract Title: Two-dimensional Turbulence and its Role in Solar Wind-Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling, SM51D-2592Abstract Title: Ionospheric Cubeswarm Concept Study: using low-resource instrumentation for truly multipoint in situ ionospheric observations
Earle, P. S.
S43D-2819Abstract Title: Source Modeling of the 2015 Mw 7.8 Nepal (Gorkha) Earthquake Sequence and Geodynamic Implications
Earll, M. M.
GC51F-1149Abstract Title: Source and Cycling of Trace Metals and Nutrients in a Microbial Coalbed Methane System
Early, A. B.
A54E-07Abstract Title: Evaluation of Modeled SO2 in the UTLS Region with Both Satellite and Aircraft Data, IN11F-1802Abstract Title: A Summary of Proposed Changes to the Current ICARTT Format Standards and their Implications to Future Airborne Studies, IN11F-1805Abstract Title: Toolsets for Airborne Data (TAD): Improving Machine Readability for ICARTT Data Files, IN23A-1722Abstract Title: An Overview of the Challenges with and Proposed Solutions for the Ingest and Distribution Processes For Airborne Data Management
Early, R.
GC11E-1066Abstract Title: Climate change and early human land-use in a biodiversity hotspot, the Afromontane region
Eason, D. E.
V12A-03Abstract Title: Plate boundary processes as alternatives to mantle plume effects on the Reykjanes Ridge
East, A. E.
EP31DAbstract Title: Advances in Research on Fluvial Sediment Regimes: Processes and Management I, EP32AAbstract Title: Advances in Research on Fluvial Sediment Regimes: Processes and Management II, EP32A-05Abstract Title: Geomorphic response to large-dam removal: Impacts of a massive sediment release to the Elwha River, Washington, EP33AAbstract Title: Advances in Research on Fluvial Sediment Regimes: Processes and Management III Posters, EP33A-1027Abstract Title: Synthesizing Fluvial Sedimentary and Geomorphic Response to Dam Removal—A Two-Decade Perspective, EP41D-01Abstract Title: Interpreting Hydraulic Conditions from Morphology, Sedimentology, and Grain Size of Sand Bars in the Colorado River in Grand Canyon, NH23B-1882Abstract Title: High-Resolution Geophysical Constraints on Late Pleistocene–Present Deformation History, Seabed Morphology, and Slip-Rate along the Queen Charlotte-Fairweather Fault, Offshore Southeastern Alaska
East, J. A. II
IN33A-1790Abstract Title: Development and Dissemination of a Nationwide Helium Database for a National Assessment of Helium Resources.
Easter, M.
GC13A-1134Abstract Title: High-Resolution Biogeochemical Simulation Identifies Practical Opportunities for Bioenergy Landscape Intensification Across Diverse US Agricultural Regions
Easter, R. C.
A24C-08Abstract Title: Current and future contributions of local emissions from shipping and hydrocarbon extraction flaring to short lived pollutants in the Arctic, A31D-0092Abstract Title: Implementation and evaluation of the Modal Aerosol Model (MAM7) in GEOS-5, A33D-0190Abstract Title: Improved simulation of black carbon optical properties using a new aerosol mixing-state resolved model, MOSAIC-mix, A43C-0298Abstract Title: How much does sea spray aerosol organic matter impact clouds and radiation? Sensitivity studies in the Community Atmosphere Model, A51W-04Abstract Title: Resuspension of Aerosol Particles from Evaporated Rain Drops to the Coarse Mode
Easter, S. B.
GC53D-1232Abstract Title: Environmental Co-Benefit Opportunities of Solar Energy
Easterday, K.
B41E-0488Abstract Title: Assessing land ownership as a driver of change in the distribution, structure, and composition of California’s forests.
Easterling, D. R.
GC21E-02Abstract Title: The Development of Climate Scenarios for the National Climate Assessment
Easterling, W. E.
GC53H-01Abstract Title: Global Food Security in a Changing Climate: Considerations and Projections, GC54A-01Abstract Title: Climate Change and Global Food Security: Food Access, Utilization, and the US Food System
Eastes, R.
SA52A-05Abstract Title: Global-scale Observations of the Limb and Disk (GOLD): From Simulations to Observations
Eastham, S. D.
A33K-0330Abstract Title: Isotopic (Re)ordering Signatures of Stratospheric and Tropospheric O2
Eastman, R. M.
A51E-0098Abstract Title: Dependence of subtropical low cloud diagnosed from AIRS, MODIS, and ECMWF-interim reanalysis and inferred changes in low cloud fraction in a warming climate
Easton, Z. M.
B33C-0697Abstract Title: Greenhouse Gas Analysis by GC/MS, B51E-0479Abstract Title: Assessing the effectiveness of manure application timing options to minimize P loss from fields, GC23A-1128Abstract Title: Expanding the performance curve of different weather data sources for hydrologic modeling in central Texas: a comparison of ground observations and the Climate Forecast System Reanalysis as watershed model inputs, H54A-04Abstract Title: Improving the spatial representation of soil properties and hydrology using topographically derived watershed model initialization processes
Eastwood, J. P.
SH21B-2408Abstract Title: Prediction of Geomagnetic Storm Strength from Inner Heliospheric In Situ Observations, SH21B-2410Abstract Title: HELCATS – Heliospheric Cataloguing, Analysis and Techniques Service, SH43A-2414Abstract Title: Transition to Petschek-type Reconnection in Solar Wind Reconnection Exhausts, SM21C-04Abstract Title: Magnetotail Reconnection Jets at Lunar Distances, SM43A-09Abstract Title: Experimental Evidence for Cerenkov Emission of Whistler Waves by Electron Holes Associated with Magnetic Reconnection, SM51A-2552Abstract Title: Local properties of the reconnecting magnetotail current sheet: a statistical study using Geotail and Cluster, SM51A-2553Abstract Title: Energy Dependence of Electron Anisotropy and Agyrotropy from PIC Simulations of Tail Reconnection
Eastwood, M. L.
A24F-05Abstract Title: Directly attributing methane emissions to point source locations using the next generation Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS-NG)
Eaton, D. W. S.
NG12A-01Abstract Title: Statistical Analysis of Seismicity Associated with Hydraulic Fracturing in Western Canada, NG12A-02Abstract Title: Facies Analysis and b-Value for Operationally Induced Microseismicity, S11C-04Abstract Title: On the Importance of the Earthquake-Earthquake Triggering in Microseismicity Induced by Hydraulic Fracturing, S11C-07Abstract Title: The Relationship Between Seismicity and the Oil and Gas Industry in Western Alberta and Eastern B.C., S21B-2694Abstract Title: Quantifying Similarity in Seismic Polarizations
Eaton, J.
B21L-04Abstract Title: Catastrophic ecosystem shifts in dry tropical forest: evidence, mechanisms and implications for climate change
Eaton, M. J.
PA13A-2184Abstract Title: Quantifying the Value of Downscaled Climate Model Information for Adaptation Decisions: When is Downscaling a Smart Decision?
Ebardaloza, J. B. R.
GC53G-1298Abstract Title: Enabling Philippine Farmers to Adapt to Climate Variability Using Seasonal Climate and Weather Forecast with a Crop Simulation Model in an SMS-based Farmer Decision Support System
Ebata, K.
H13C-1543Abstract Title: Developing and improving a simple runoff model of dissolved organic carbon considering soil infiltration and river runoff processes in a forested watershed
Ebben, C. J.
A21A-0008Abstract Title: Assessing Ozone Chemistry Using Observations of Alkyl Nitrates during Summer in Colorado, A21A-0011Abstract Title: Aerosol Optical Extinction during the Front Range Air Pollution and Photochemistry Experiment (FRAPPE) 2014 Summertime Field Campaign, Colorado U.S.A. , A34F-03Abstract Title: Sources, Chemistry, and Transport of Pollutants over the Eastern United States During the WINTER 2015 Aircraft Campaign, A34F-04Abstract Title: An overview of reactive chlorine measurements during the WINTER C-130 aircraft campaign, A41K-0226Abstract Title: Nighttime NOx Chemistry in Coal-Fired Power Plant Plumes, A41K-0231Abstract Title: Utilizing SO2/CO2 Mixing Ratios to Determine SO2 Uptake by a Regional Cloud Layer, A41K-0232Abstract Title: Validation of Point Source Emissions of SO2 Using Aircraft Data
Ebbing, J.
T21G-08Abstract Title: New Views of East Antarctica- from Columbia to Gondwana
Ebel, B. A.
H21DAbstract Title: Ecohydrology of Disturbed Environments I Posters, H24BAbstract Title: Ecohydrology of Disturbed Environments II, H31D-1434Abstract Title: An Infiltration Perspective on the Hydrologic Legacies of Landscape Disturbance by Wildfire
Ebel, J.
NH13A-1912Abstract Title: Operational Earthquake Forecasting of Aftershocks for New England
Ebeling, A.
PP53C-2372Abstract Title: Carbon, Oxygen and Uranium Isotopes in Pedothem Carbonates Reveal Anomalous North American Atmospheric Circulation 70,000 to 55,000 Years Ago
Eberhart-Phillips, D. M.
S42A-02Abstract Title: Northern California Seismic Attenuation: 3-D Qp and Qs models, T21D-2855Abstract Title: Three-Dimensional Vp Imaging Across the Interseismically Locked Southern Hikurangi Margin, Wellington, New Zealand
Ebersole, J. L.
GC13J-05Abstract Title: Effective Climate Refugia for Cold-water Fishes
Ebert, E.
ED34C-04Abstract Title: Creating Next Generation Teacher Preparation Programs to Support Implementation of the Next Generation Science Standards and Common Core State Standards in K-12 Schools: An Opportunity for the Earth and Space Sciences
Ebert, R. W.
IN41A-1691Abstract Title: Sharing Low Frequency Radio Emissions in the Virtual Observatory: Application for JUNO-Ground-Radio Observations Support., SA51C-2417Abstract Title: Carbon/graphene foils: a critical subsystem for plasma instruments in space, SA51C-2420Abstract Title: A double-cusp type electrostatic analyzer for high-cadence ring current ion measurements, SH33B-2469Abstract Title: Multi-Spacecraft Analysis of Energetic Heavy Ions and Interplanetary Shock Properties in Energetic Storm Particle Events at 1 AU
Ebert, U.
AE33A-0475Abstract Title: Modelling microscopic features of streamer encounters, electric fields, electron beams and X-ray bursts
Ebert, U.
AE21A-02Abstract Title: Cosmic rays as probes of atmospheric electric fields
Ebert-Uphoff, I.
A33AAbstract Title: A New Look at Climate Diagnosis and Modeling in the Era of Climate Informatics I Posters, A52AAbstract Title: A New Look at Climate Diagnosis and Modeling in the Era of Climate Informatics II, A52A-07Abstract Title: Applying Causal Discovery to the Output of Climate Models - What Can We Learn from the Causal Signatures?
Eberwein, J. R.
B11O-06Abstract Title: Wetting-induced pulses produced unexpectedly high emissions of N2O and NOx in a desert ecosystem
Ebi, K. L.
NH31C-02Abstract Title: Limits to health adaptation in a changing climate
Ebigbo, A.
H51C-1385Abstract Title: Inclusion-Based Effective Medium Models for the Permeability of a 3D Fractured Rock Mass
Ebihara, M.
B11K-02Abstract Title: Comprehensive Retrieval of Spatio-temporal Variations in Atmospheric Radionuclides just after the Fukushima Accident by Analyzing Filter-tapes of Operational Air Pollution Monitoring Stations in Eastern Japan
Ebihara, Y.
SA31D-2370Abstract Title: Ionospheric convection associated with low-latitude aurora observed at Rikubetsu, Hokkaido, Japan during the 2015 St. Patrick’s Day storm, SM11A-02Abstract Title: Simulation study on impact of interplanetary shock on trapped particles in the inner magnetosphere, SM13B-2490Abstract Title: High Latitude Gravity Wave Forcing by the Disturbed Polar Vortex, SM14C-02Abstract Title: Wide energy electron precipitations and their impact on the middle atmosphere associated with the pulsating aurora, SM24B-05Abstract Title: Formation Process of Relativistic Electron Flux Through Interaction with Chorus Emissions in the Earth's Inner Magnetosphere, SM41E-2537Abstract Title: Generation mechanism of L-value dependence of oxygen flux enhancements during substorms, SM51E-2593Abstract Title: Substorm Simulation: Insight Into the Mechanisms of Initial Brightening and Westward Traveling Surge
Ebinger, C. J.
MR42A-08Abstract Title: The Importance of Magmatic Fluids in Continental Rifting in East Africa, T11A-2866Abstract Title: Identifying Active Faults in Northeast North America Using Hypocenters and Multiscale Edge Wavelet Analyses of Potential Fields, T43H-02Abstract Title: Active-source seismic imaging below Lake Malawi (Nyasa) from the SEGMeNT project, T43H-04Abstract Title: Crustal Strain Patterns in Magmatic and Amagmatic Early Stage Rifts: Border Faults, Magma Intrusion, and Volatiles, T43H-06Abstract Title: The Afar triple junction accommodation zone from InSAR derived strain and seismicity, T51G-3000Abstract Title: Rayleigh-wave imaging of upper-mantle shear velocities beneath the Malawi Rift; Preliminary results from the SEGMeNT experiment, T51G-3003Abstract Title: Crustal Structure in Northern Malawi and Southern Tanzania surrounding Lake Malawi and the Rungwe Volcanic Province, T51G-3004Abstract Title: Seismicity of southern Lake Tanganyika, T51G-3011Abstract Title: Surface Wave Analysis of Regional Earthquakes in the Eastern Rift System (Africa), T51G-3013Abstract Title: Images of the East Africa Rift System from the Joint Inversion of Body Waves, Surface Waves, and Gravity: Investigating the Role of Magma in Early-Stage Continental Rifting, V43B-3140Abstract Title: Characteristics of Earthquakes Induced by Shallow and Deep Crustal Dike Intrusions
Ebmeier, S. K.
G11C-04Abstract Title: Monitoring our Hazardous Planet with Sentinel-1 InSAR: Results and Prospects , G31C-06Abstract Title: Stress controlled magma-earthquake interaction during unrest at Chiles-Cerro Negro Volcanoes (Ecuador-Colombian border), G32A-07Abstract Title: Satellite Measurements of Lava Extrusion Rate at Volcán Reventador, Ecuador, PA41B-2169Abstract Title: Linking space observations to volcano observatories in Latin America: Results from the CEOS DRM Volcano Pilot, V14B-05Abstract Title: The potential for synthesizing multi-sensor remote sensing data for global volcano monitoring
Ebrahimi, A.
H43G-1614Abstract Title: Microbial life in variably saturated soil aggregates – upscaling gaseous fluxes across distributed aggregate sizes in a soil profile
Ebrahimi, F.
H51F-1439Abstract Title: Upscaling of Large-Scale Transport in Spatially Heterogeneous Porous Media Using Wavelet Transformation
Ebrahimi Warkiani, M.
H21A-1351Abstract Title: Using Microfluidics for Visualisation of Displacement Mechanisms on Pore Network Models, H23I-01Abstract Title: A Combined Micro-CT Imaging/Microfluidic Approach for Understating Methane Recovery in Coal Seam Gas Reservoirs
Ebtehaj, A.
H11O-07Abstract Title: Rainfall Microwave Spectral Atoms: A New Class of Bayesian Algorithms for Passive Retrieval, H13H-1658Abstract Title: Microwave Signatures of Inundation Area, NH42A-02Abstract Title: Resolving Extreme Rainfall from Space: A New Class of Algorithms for Precipitation Retrieval and Data Fusion/Assimilation with Emphasis on Extremes over Complex Terrain and Coastal Areas
Eby, R.
NH51C-1895Abstract Title: Quantifying Gas Within the Elkhorn Slough Sediments, Central California
Eccles, J. V.
SM51CAbstract Title: Ionospheric Outflow from Earth and Other Terrestrial Planets and Its Importance as a Source of Plasma for Magnetospheres I Posters, SM51C-2578Abstract Title: Comparing the O+ and H+ Escape Fluxes from Fluid and Particle-in-Cell Solutions of the Polar Wind, SM51C-2579Abstract Title: Comparison Between the Integrated Ion Outflow Fluxes from the North and South Hemispheres Under Sustained Geomagnetically Active Conditions, SM53BAbstract Title: Ionospheric Outflow from Earth and Other Terrestrial Planets and Its Importance as a Source of Plasma for Magnetospheres II
Eccles, J. D.
T11G-03Abstract Title: Extreme Hydrothermal Conditions Near an Active Geological Fault, DFDP-2B Borehole, Alpine Fault, New Zealand, T23D-2979Abstract Title: Characterising the Alpine Fault Damage Zone using Fault Zone Guided Waves, South Westland, New Zealand, T51A-2855Abstract Title: 1-D and 2-D Probabilistic Inversions of Fault Zone Guided Waves
Eccles, V.
IN41B-1695Abstract Title: Accessing near real-time data for use in global data assimilation models, SA31A-2337Abstract Title: Exploring the dynamic and chemical mechanisms of the formation of high altitude sporadic Na event by model, SM13F-08Abstract Title: Modeling the Ionosphere-Thermosphere-Electrodynamics System for Space Weather Specifications, Forecasts and Applications, SM23A-2541Abstract Title: Terminator field-aligned current system: Its dependencies on solar, seasonal, and geomagnetic conditions  , SM53B-04Abstract Title: Stormtime Ionospheric Outflow Effects in Global Multi-Fluid MHD
Eccles, V.
SM51CAbstract Title: Ionospheric Outflow from Earth and Other Terrestrial Planets and Its Importance as a Source of Plasma for Magnetospheres I Posters, SM53B-06Abstract Title: Estimation of cold plasma outflow during geomagnetic storms
Echagaray, J.
G11B-0970Abstract Title: Performance Assessment of Bridges Using GPS: The Juarez Bridge in Culiacan, Mexico
Echer, E.
P31B-2058Abstract Title: Connecting Io's volcanic activity to the Io plasma torus: comparison of Galileo/NIMS volcanic and ground-based torus observations, SM13E-2560Abstract Title: Determination of Main Periodicities in Solar Wind and Magnetosphere Data During HILDCAAs Events Using Wavelet Analysis
Echer, E.
A51C-0071Abstract Title: A Study of Physical-Chemical Effects on the Atmosphere of the Southern Hemisphere During Forbush Decrease Periods  , SH53A-2476Abstract Title: Investigating the Solar Energetic Particle (SEP) Events Occurred During Solar Cycle 24, SM21A-2513Abstract Title: Intense Auroral Activity (HILDCAAs) Observation as a Predictor of Radiation Belt Relativistic Electrons
Echer, M. P. D. S.
A43A-0240Abstract Title: COMPARISON OF GROUND TECHNIQUES USED TO ESTIMATE CLOUD COVER, A51C-0071Abstract Title: A Study of Physical-Chemical Effects on the Atmosphere of the Southern Hemisphere During Forbush Decrease Periods  , P31B-2058Abstract Title: Connecting Io's volcanic activity to the Io plasma torus: comparison of Galileo/NIMS volcanic and ground-based torus observations
Echevin, V.
A53G-05Abstract Title: Air-sea Energy Transfer at Mesoscale in a Coupled High-resolution Model: Impact of Resolution and Current Feedback
Eck, T. F.
A11G-0148Abstract Title: Analysis of Aerosol Distribution over North East Asia Using a Geostationary Satellite Measurement during Filed Campaigns of DRAGON-Asia 2012 and MAPS-Seoul 2015, A21K-07Abstract Title: Analysis of aerosol optical properties over Korea during the 2015 MAPS-Seoul campaign using AERONET and GOCI, A23L-05Abstract Title: Near Real-Time Automatic Data Quality Controls for the AERONET Version 3 Database: An Introduction to the New Level 1.5V Aerosol Optical Depth Data Product, A31D-0082Abstract Title: Analysis of the Interaction and Transport of Aerosols with Cloud or Fog in East Asia from AERONET and Satellite Remote Sensing: 2012 DRAGON Campaigns and Climatological Data, A33D-0201Abstract Title: Inferring brown carbon content from UV aerosol absorption measurements during biomass burning season, A52E-04Abstract Title: Fog Induced Aerosol Modification Observed by AERONET, Including Occurrences During Major Air Pollution Events
Eckardt, F. D.
EP54B-04Abstract Title: TLS in Aeolian Environments: Elucidating Process-Form Feedbacks in Dusty Deserts
Eckermann, S. D.
SA11A-01Abstract Title: Gravity Wave Predictability and Dynamics in Deepwave, SA13A-2323Abstract Title: Mesospheric Mountain Wave Breaking and Oceanic Wave Signatures During DEEPWAVE, SA41B-2326Abstract Title: Characterizing Middle Atmospheric Dynamical Variability and its Impact on the Thermosphere/Ionosphere System During Recent Stratospheric Sudden Warmings
Eckley, C.
B11D-0456Abstract Title: Comparison of Mercury Mass Loading in Streams to Wet and Dry Atmospheric Deposition in Watersheds of the Western US: Evidence for Non-Atmospheric Mercury Sources
Eckman, R.
A41A-0018Abstract Title: The Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment III/International Space Station Mission: Science Objectives and Mission Status
Eckmann, C. A.
OS31A-1990Abstract Title: Effects of Salinity on Oil Spill Dispersant Toxicity in Estuarine Organisms
Eco, R. C.
V23B-3103Abstract Title: Slope movement and instability in Kanlaon Volcano, Philippines
Economos, R. C.
V13B-3122Abstract Title: Longevity of Crystal Cargo vs. Transience of Melts in Magmatic Plumbing Systems
Edberg, N. J. T.
P13B-2127Abstract Title: Variations in Titan’s Ionospheric Densities over a 10 Year Time Period of the Cassini Mission, P21A-2037Abstract Title: The Electron Density Structure of Mars Magnetosphere by MAVEN/LPW, P21C-04Abstract Title: Fortuitous Plasma Observations During the Mars Atmospheric "Plume" Event of March-April 2012, P31E-2093Abstract Title: The Magnetic Response to Sudden Mass-loading of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko’s Induced Magnetosphere, P31E-2097Abstract Title: Solar Wind Interaction with Comet 67P/C-G: Impact of Corotating Interaction Regions, P31E-2100Abstract Title: Evolution of the Plasma Environment of Comet 67P, P31E-2101Abstract Title: The Evolution of Comet 67P as Seen by a Mass-Resolving Ion Spectrometer, P31E-2108Abstract Title: The Electron to Neutral Number Density Ratio as a Proxy for Processes at Play in the Coma of 67P, P31E-2112Abstract Title: Mapping of the cometary plasma density around comet CG/67P at perihelion.
Eddowes, D.
ED53B-0858Abstract Title: Advancing the Potential of Citizen Science for Urban Water Quality Monitoring: Exploring Research Design and Methodology in New York City
Eddy, C. L.
DI21A-2591Abstract Title: Anisotropy in the Pacific upper mantle from inversion of a surface-wave dispersion dataset
Eddy, I. M. S.
B21G-0550Abstract Title: Limitations of Vegetation Indices For Detecting Pasture Degradation: A Case Study of Montane Pastoral Systems in Central Asia
Eddy, M. P.
V23C-03Abstract Title: Basalt of Summit Creek: Eocene Magmatism Associated with Farallon Slab Break Off, V32B-06Abstract Title: Constraining the Timescales of Magmatic Differentiation with U-Pb Zircon Geochronology, V34B-04Abstract Title: Extremely High Magma Emplacement Rates Recorded in the Golden Horn Batholith, WA
Eddy, M.
B24B-03Abstract Title: Do We Need Larger Eddy Covariance Site Networks? Sites Spatial Distribution and Network Size Effect on Carbon and Water Fluxes Upscaling Using Empirical Models
Edel, S.
T13E-03Abstract Title: Pore pressure evolution and induced seismicity within the Permian Basin, Southeast New Mexico USA
Eden, M.
GC41B-1087Abstract Title: Slopes, Fans, Terraces and their Soils - A three Systems Approach for Estimating Future Climate and Land-Use Change
Edens, H. E.
AE13A-07Abstract Title: Observations of High Peak Current 'lull' Lightning Flashes, AE13A-08Abstract Title: Observations of electrical discharges during eruptions of Sakurajima volcano, AE31A-0412Abstract Title: Lightning spectra at 100,000 fps , AE31A-0420Abstract Title: Acoustic vs Interferometric Measurements of Lightning, AE31B-0427Abstract Title: Combining Interferometer, LMA, and ΔE measurements on positive cloud-to-ground flashes over Langmuir Laboratory, S51D-2706Abstract Title: Characterizing Explosive Eruptions at Sakurajima Volcano, Japan, Using Seismic, Infrasound, Lightning and Video Data, V44B-02Abstract Title: When do Volcanic Eruptions make Lightning? Observations from Sakurajima, Japan
Eder, F.
A33B-0146Abstract Title: Coherent Structure Patterns Affect Energy Balance Closure: Evidence from Virtual Measurements for a Field Campaign, A33Q-09Abstract Title: Large-eddy transport in the surface layer over heterogeneous terrain
Edgar, B.
ED11A-0842Abstract Title: An Attempt to Sample Upper Atmospheric Bacteria., ED11A-0843Abstract Title: Calculating Total Electron Content under the presence of the Aurora Borealis in Fairbanks, Alaska, and Kiruna, Sweden.
Edgar, C. B.
GC31G-02Abstract Title: The relative contribution of climatic, edaphic, and biotic drivers to risk of tree mortality from drought
Edgar, C.
B31D-0578Abstract Title: Characterizing Thawing Permafrost Carbon Emissions: An Integrated Pilot Study in Support of Satellite Evaluation/Design and Earth System Modeling Capabilities, B43H-0641Abstract Title: Ecophysiological parameters for a coupled photosynthesis and stomatal conductance model derived from eddy covariance measurements in Asia, GC13K-07Abstract Title: Changes in tundra vascular plant biomass over thirty years at Imnavait Creek, Alaska, and current ecosystem C and N dynamics.
Edgar, K. M.
PP33C-2329Abstract Title: Dynamic, Large-Magnitude CCD Changes in the Atlantic During the Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum
Edgar, L. A.
P43B-2116Abstract Title: Sedimentary Facies as Indicators of Changing Lake Levels in Gale Crater, Mars, P53D-2156Abstract Title: Early Results of Large-Scale Geologic Mapping in East Candor Chasma
Edge, T.
H33C-1626Abstract Title: Environmental factors contributing to the accumulation of E. coli in the foreshore sand and porewater at freshwater beaches
Edgerton, E. S.
A11K-0216Abstract Title: Predicting SOA from organic nitrates in the southeastern United States, A13E-0388Abstract Title: Sources and Fate of Reactive Carbon in an Isoprene-Dominated Forest, A31D-0086Abstract Title: Formation of Epoxide Derived SOA and Gas-Phase Acids through Aqueous Aerosol Processing in the Southeastern United States during SOAS
Edgett, K. S.
P43B-2115Abstract Title: Revisiting the Sheepbed Mudstone of Gale Crater, Mars – A comprehensive reappraisal of its depositional, diagenetic, and burial history, P51E-07Abstract Title: UV-Excited Fluorescence of Rocks in Gale Crater, Mars, P53F-02Abstract Title: Sedimentary structures and stratal geometries at the foothills of Mount Sharp: their role in paleoenvironmental interpretation, P53F-06Abstract Title: Chemistry of the Materials Above and Below an Unconformity Between the Murray and Stimson Formations in Gale Crater, Mars
Edgington, S. G.
P31GAbstract Title: Jove You Inside Out: Giant Planet Interiors, Atmospheres, Aurorae, and Ionospheres I, P41BAbstract Title: Jove You Inside Out: Giant Planet Interiors, Atmospheres, Aurorae, and Ionospheres II Posters, P41B-2056Abstract Title: Photochemistry in Saturn’s Ring-Shadowed Atmosphere: Modulation of Hydrocarbons and Observations of Dust Content
Edie, R.
A24F-07Abstract Title: Quantification of Methane and VOC Emissions from Natural Gas Production in Two Basins with High Ozone Events
Edlund, M. B.
B11H-0551Abstract Title: Peat initiation, soil carbon accumulation, fire, and vegetation changes in north-central Canadian arctic lowland forest peatlands during the Holocene
Edman, J. P.
PP34A-01Abstract Title: Role of Seasonal Transitions and Westerly Jets in East Asian Paleoclimate
Edmiston, J. K.
H51M-1567Abstract Title: Cryogenic Fracturing: Laboratory Visualization Experiments and Numerical Simulations Using Peridynamics
Edmonds, D. A.
EP53D-04Abstract Title: The role of relative floodplain width in forming anabranching rivers, GC41F-1145Abstract Title: Measuring Delta Progradation Using Delta Front Flow Patterns: A New Method of Remote Imagery Analysis on the Wax Lake Delta, Louisiana, U.S.A., GC41F-1146Abstract Title: Developing a Truly Global Delta Database to Assess Delta Morphology and Morphodynamics, GC44C-03Abstract Title: Moving beyond the Galloway diagrams for delta classification: Connecting morphodynamic and sediment-mechanistic properties with metrics of delta channel network topology and dynamics
Edmonds, J.
GC31E-1234Abstract Title: An Integrated Assessment of Water Scarcity Effects on Energy and Land Use Decisions and Mitigation Policies, U44A-02Abstract Title: Implications of Abundant Gas and Oil for Climate Forcing
Edmonds, J.
ED11A-0848Abstract Title: Student Planetary Investigators: A Program to Engage Students in Authentic Research Using NASA Mission Data
Edmonds, M.
V23F-06Abstract Title: Joint Inversions of Gas Emissions and Ground Deformation During and Following Volcanic Eruptions, V43C-3163Abstract Title: Magma surge from the mantle: the Father’s Day Eruption, Kīlauea Volcano, Hawai‘i, V43EAbstract Title: Understanding Basaltic Explosive Eruptions: Evidence from the Field, the Lab, and Modeling I, V43E-07Abstract Title: Modelling the Composition of Outgassing Bubbles at Basaltic Open Vent Volcanoes, V51DAbstract Title: Understanding Basaltic Explosive Eruptions: Evidence from the Field, the Lab, and Modeling II Posters
Edsall, R.
IN13A-1826Abstract Title: A Conceptual Model and Database to Integrate Data and Project Management
Edwards, B. R.
C21B-0729Abstract Title: Peruvian Tropical Glacier May Survive Longer Than Previously Thought: Landsat Image Analysis of Nevado Coropuna Ice Cap, Peru
Edwards, B. L.
H13F-1607Abstract Title: Using Canopy Temperature to Infer Hydrologic Processes in Floodplain Forests, H13F-1610Abstract Title: Varying effects of geomorphic change on floodplain inundation and forest communities
Edwards, B. D.
OS23C-2022Abstract Title: Late Holocene record of sedimentologic and paleooceanographic events in western Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California
Edwards, C. D.
P11B-2095Abstract Title: Crosslink Radio Occultation for the Remote Sensing of Planetary Atmospheres
Edwards, C. S.
P31F-06Abstract Title: Carbon Sequestration on Mars: Constraints from the Nili Fossae Carbonate Plains, P53C-2146Abstract Title: RIS4E at Kilauea’s December 1974 Flow: Assessing the Integration of Portable Infrared Multispectral Imaging into Planetary Surface Exploration
Edwards, D. P.
A21A-0041Abstract Title: Separating Transported and Local Atmospheric Carbon Monoxide in Australasia with Satellite and Ground-based Remote Sensing, A21K-06Abstract Title: Carbon Observations from Geostationary Earth Orbit as Part of an Integrated Observing System for Atmospheric Composition, A31B-0029Abstract Title: Carbon Monoxide Data Assimilation for Atmospheric Composition and Climate Science: Evaluating Performance with Current and Future Observations, A31B-0035Abstract Title: Chemical Response of CESM/CAM-Chem to MOPITT CO Ensemble-based Chemical Data Assimilation
Edwards, E.
H42E-01Abstract Title: Combined remediation technologies: results from field trials at chlorinated solvent impacted sites
Edwards, E.
H13L-1743Abstract Title: Numerical Model Assessment of the Effects of Drywell Facilitated Stormwater Infiltration on Groundwater Quality
Edwards, G. C.
B13D-0648Abstract Title: Spatial and Temporal Variability of Methane Mole Fractions and Exchanges in and Between Soil, Snow, and the Atmosphere in a Tundra System in Northern Alaska
Edwards, J.
H51I-1505Abstract Title: Red-Edge Spectral Reflectance as an Indicator of Surface Moisture Content in an Alaskan Peatland Ecosystem
Edwards, J. D.
AE31A-0423Abstract Title: Improvements to a High Spectral Resolution, Radiation-Hydrodynamics Model of a Lightning Return Stroke and Comparisons with Measured Spectra and Inferred Plasma Properties
Edwards, J.
GC41H-01Abstract Title: A new Ensemble Consistency Test for the Community Earth System Model
Edwards, J. H.
OS31B-08Abstract Title: High-resolution seismic attribute analysis for the detection of methane hydrate and substrate fluid migration pathways along the central U.S. Atlantic Margin , T31D-07Abstract Title: Record of Subducting Topography revealed in 3D Seismic Imaging of Pleistocene unconformities, offshore Southern Costa Rica
Edwards, J. S.
A33C-0165Abstract Title: Determining the imprint of Heinrich Stadial 4 on the latitudinal distribution of methane sources using the inter-polar methane difference from the WAIS Divide and GISP2 ice-cores, PP33D-01Abstract Title: Links between abrupt change in tropical hydroclimate, high-latitude climate change, and atmospheric greenhouse gases during the last ice age
Edwards, K. A.
B21D-0490Abstract Title: Long- and short-term temperature responses of microbially-mediated boreal soil organic matter transformations, B33D-0725Abstract Title: Warmer Boreal Forest Organic Soil Horizons are Associated with Larger Fluxes of Dissolved Organic Carbon than their Cooler Climate Counterparts.
Edwards, K. L.
PP11A-2214Abstract Title: A Method for Constraining Glacial Boulder Exposure Ages with Bedrock Erosion Rates Utilizing Cosmogenic Ne-21 from the Central Transantarctic Mountains
Edwards, L.
C53A-0767Abstract Title: The North Water Polynya and Velocity, Calving Front and Mass Change in Surrounding Glaciers in Greenland and Canada Over the Last 30 Years
Edwards, L. J.
P43B-2131Abstract Title: A Sparse Hierarchical Map Representation for Mars Science Laboratory Science Operations
Edwards, M.
S33A-2742Abstract Title: Earthquake Performance of Structures in the Philippines: A Post-event Assessment of the M7.2 October 2013 Bohol Earthquake
Edwards, M. E.
B53C-0577Abstract Title: A hierarchic approach to examining panArctic vegetation with a focus on the linkages between remote sensing and plot-based studies., GC22C-06Abstract Title: Evolution of a Thermokarst Landscape: A History of Late-Quaternary Permafrost Degradation and Stabilization in Interior Alaska Illustrates the Importance of Multiple Environmental Controls
Edwards, P.
NG13A-1871Abstract Title: Veins in Paleo-reservoir as a Natural Indication of Coupled Changes in Pore Pressure and Stress, Salt Wash Graben of SE Utah, USA, T23C-2954Abstract Title: Defining an Effective Damage Zone from the Topological Connectivity of Deformation Bands
Edwards, P.
A13G-08Abstract Title: Enhanced Removal of Biogenic Hydrocarbons in Power Plant Plumes Constrains the Dependence of Atmospheric Hydroxyl Concentrations on Nitrogen Oxides, A43G-0379Abstract Title: A New Spin On Tropospheric Ozone Production
Edwards, P.
A34F-06Abstract Title: Nitrous acid (HONO) observations during the Uintah Basin Wintertime Ozone Studies (UBWOS) and the Wintertime Investigation of Transport, Emission, and Reactivity (WINTER) study: sources, measurements interferences, and implications beyond., DI43A-2608Abstract Title: Formation Conditions of Basalts at Gale Crater, Mars from ChemCam Analyses, P43B-2119Abstract Title: ChemCam First Discovery of High Silica Sediments in Gale Crater
Edwards, R. L.
GP12A-07Abstract Title: Dating the Laschamp Excursion: Why Speleothems are Valuable Tools for Constraining the Timing and Duration of Short-Lived Geomagnetic Events, PP13D-02Abstract Title: Central Tropical Pacific SST and Salinity Variability over the Little Ice Age, PP23C-2314Abstract Title: Three Millennia of Drought in the Southwest: New Results from Trace Element Analysis of Speleothems, PP31A-2203Abstract Title: The Flores speleothem carbon isotope record: vegetation, volcanism and the demise of Homo floresiensis, PP31A-2215Abstract Title: Central Tropical Pacific Corals Reveal Reduced ENSO Variability 3-5kyBP, PP34A-05Abstract Title: Toward a 530,000-year Hydroclimate History for the Southern Half of the Australasian Monsoon, PP34A-06Abstract Title: The Glacial-Interglacial Monsoon Recorded by Speleothems from Sulawesi, Indonesia, PP51A-2249Abstract Title: Late Holocene (ca. AD 370-1210) ecosystem changes inferred from a stalagmite from northwestern Madagascar: the role of the ITCZ and human activity, PP51A-2260Abstract Title: Investigating Rainfall Variability in the South Pacific Convergence Zone using the Geochemistry of Stalagmites from the Solomon Islands, PP51E-08Abstract Title: Thorium-230 dating of carbonates: current technical capabilities and major applications, PP53B-2329Abstract Title: Favia Corals: a New Paleoclimate Archive
Edwards, R.
A11M-0231Abstract Title: The Health Impacts of Energy Policy Pathways in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia: A Total Exposure Assessment
Edwards, R.
H51L-1552Abstract Title: Investigating the Fate of Hydraulic Fracturing Fluid in Shale Gas Formations Through Two-Phase Numerical Modelling of Fluid Injection
Edwards, S.
C13E-03Abstract Title: Reverse glacier motion during iceberg calving and the cause of glacial earthquakes
Edwards, T.
C42A-06Abstract Title: Quantifying Uncertainty in the Greenland Surface Mass Balance Elevation Feedback, C53E-05Abstract Title: Throwing the Uncertainty Toolbox at Antarctica: Multi-model Ensemble Simulation, Emulation and Bayesian Calibration of Marine Ice Sheet Instability
Edwards, T.
SM23A-2539Abstract Title: Mapping Field-Aligned Currents as a Function of the Interplanetary Electric Field
Edwards, T. Jr.
B21G-0564Abstract Title: Ecosystem Responses To Plant Phenology Across Scales And Trophic Levels
Edwards-Jonasova, M.
B53C-0573Abstract Title: Hyperspectral data for assessment of temporal changes in Norway spruce forest conditions in the mountainous region of the Czech Republic affected by long-term acidic deposition
Efendi, J.
G23B-1071Abstract Title: The Development of Deformation Model for Semi-Dynamic Datum of Indonesia
Effenberger, F.
SH32B-07Abstract Title: Solar Energetic Particle anisotropy in the field-line meandering model of interplanetary transport, SH43B-2449Abstract Title: Magnetic confinement effects on the particle escape from the loop top in stochastic acceleration models for solar flares.
Effendi, R.
PP21B-2229Abstract Title: Reconstruction of western Pacific and Atlantic Ocean Surface Stability during the Miocene to Quaternary based on nannofossil assemblages
Eftekhari, T.
SH21B-2399Abstract Title: Observations of Heliospheric Faraday Rotation (FR) and Interplanetary Scintillation (IPS) with the LOw Frequency ARray (LOFAR): Steps Towards Improving Space-Weather Forecasting Capabilities
Egan, J. E.
B42C-03Abstract Title: Long-term Impacts of Fire on Permafrost Vulnerability and C loss in Siberian Larch Forests
Egashira, S.
NH13D-1965Abstract Title: Mud Flow Characteristics Occurred in Izuoshima Island, 2013
Egbert, G. D.
GP13AAbstract Title: Everything Electromagnetic I Posters, GP13A-1267Abstract Title: Multi-dimensional Magnetotelluric Modeling of General Anisotropy and Its Implication for Structural Interpretation, GP13A-1278Abstract Title: Combining EarthScope Long Period Magnetotelluri and Geomagnetic Observatory Data: Hypothetical Events at Continental Scale, GP23CAbstract Title: Everything Electromagnetic II, GP23C-06Abstract Title: Magnetotelluric imaging of the subducting slab in Cascadia with constraints from seismology, GP24AAbstract Title: Everything Electromagnetic III, T12C-08Abstract Title: An Amphibious Magnetotelluric Investigation of the Cascadian Seismogenic and ETS zones., T44B-01Abstract Title: Along-Strike Electrical Conductivity Variations in the Incoming Plate and Shallow Forearc of the Cascadia Subduction Zone, V31E-3070Abstract Title: Testing Magnetotelluric Constraints on the Physical State of the Yellowstone Plume
Egedal, J.
SM42A-07Abstract Title: Study of Multiple Scale Physics of Magnetic Reconnection on the FLARE (Facility for Laboratory Reconnection Experiments)
Eger, A.
EP31A-0988Abstract Title: New insights into the geochemistry of the Critical Zone in rapidly uplifting mountains (Southern Alps, New Zealand)
Egerton, J. J. G.
B22E-01Abstract Title: Global Patterns in Leaf Respiration and its Temperature Response
Eggeman, A.
GP33A-02Abstract Title: Multi scale imaging of the Cloudy Zone in the Tazewell IIICD Meteorite
Eggenhuisen, J. T.
EP12A-07Abstract Title: Turbidity currents and turbidites: towards quantitative interpretation and prediction of process and product., EP13A-0940Abstract Title: Can we use only Grain Size Data for Paleo-Flow Reconstructions?
Egger, A. E.
ED23F-01Abstract Title: Reasons and resources for being explicit about the practices of science, ED34C-04Abstract Title: Creating Next Generation Teacher Preparation Programs to Support Implementation of the Next Generation Science Standards and Common Core State Standards in K-12 Schools: An Opportunity for the Earth and Space Sciences, GP13B-1292Abstract Title: Hidden Intra-Basin Extension: Evidence for Dike-Fault Interaction from Magnetic, Gravity, and Seismic Reflection Data in Surprise Valley, NE California, T31A-2822Abstract Title: Correlations between earthquake recurrence and paleolake changes in Surprise Valley, CA
Egger, M.
C33F-02Abstract Title: The Origin(s) of the Methane Excess in the Shallow East Siberian Arctic Shelf Unraveled with Triple Isotope Analysis
Eggers, G. L.
P43D-2137Abstract Title: Areal Distribution of Potential Felsic Material in Nili Patera at Syrtis Major, Mars, P53D-2165Abstract Title: Beyond Roughness: Maximum-Likelihood Estimation of Topographic "Structure" on Venus and Elsewhere in the Solar System
Eggert, J.
MR13C-2723Abstract Title: Searching for the Hydrogen Plasma Phase Transition on the National Ignition Facility
Eggins, S.
B23A-0594Abstract Title: Laser Ablation Trace Element Analysis of Modern and Fossil Desmophyllum dianthus from Norfolk and Baltimore Canyons in Mid-Atlantic Ocean, PP31A-2218Abstract Title: 16,000 Years of Tropical Eastern Ocean Climate Variability Recorded in a Speleothem From Sumatra, Indonesia, PP31F-03Abstract Title: Calibration of the B/Ca proxy in symbiont-bearing planktonic foraminifera for application to the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
Eggl, S.
NH11A-1900Abstract Title: Mission Designs for Demonstrating Gravity Tractor Asteroid Deflection
Egholm, D. L.
C51B-0694Abstract Title: Deciphering the Glacial-Interglacial Landscape History in Greenland Based on Markov Chain Monte Carlo Inversion of Existing 10Be-26Al Data, EP53B-1015Abstract Title: Millennial-scale hard rock erosion rates deduced from luminescence-depth profiles
Egido, A.
C41A-0690Abstract Title: Separation of Coherent and Incoherent Scattering Components from Delay/Doppler Altimeter Waveforms over Sea-Ice
Egli, R.
GP11A-08Abstract Title: The Effect of Bioturbation on Relative Paleointenstiy Records, GP41A-06Abstract Title: From Magnetotactic Bacteria to Sediment Magnetizations: new insights, GP43A-1233Abstract Title: Rock magnetic effects induced in terrestrial basalt and diabase by >20 GPa experimental spherical shock waves, GP51AAbstract Title: Advances in Environmental Magnetism, Bio-Geomagnetism, and High-Resolution Paleomagnetism Studies III Posters
Eglington, B. M.
T21G-03Abstract Title: How Earth works 100 years after Wegener's continental drift theory and IGCP 648, T21G-05Abstract Title: Supercontinent Cyclicity: Relevant Data, Constraints, Limitations and Aspects Requiring Particular Attention
Eglinton, T. I.
PP13A-2259Abstract Title: Linking the Modern and Recent Record of Cabo Frio Upwelling with Local Climate and Biogeochemical Processes in Hypersaline Coastal Lagoons, Região dos Lagos, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Egnatuk, C. M.
H21F-1439Abstract Title: Variability of Residence Time tracer Concentrations at the Southern Sierra Critical Zone Observatory during the California Drought
Eguchi, J.
V14C-07Abstract Title: Experimental determination of dissolved CO2 content in nominally anhydrous andesitic melts at graphite/diamond saturation – Remobilization of deeply subducted reduced carbon via partial melts of MORB-like eclogite, V21B-3036Abstract Title: Controls on Calcite Solubility in Metamorphic and Magmatic Fluids
Eguchi, N.
A33K-0341Abstract Title: Rapid Transport of Carbon Monoxide and Water Vapor from Troposphere to Stratosphere via Tropical Convection During Stratospheric Sudden Warming
Eguchi, R. T.
NH43B-1893Abstract Title: Disaster Response Tools for Decision Support and Data Discovery – E-DECIDER and GeoGateway
Eguchi, T.
T21D-2853Abstract Title: Streak Tectonics associated with the Irregular Slab Topography at Subduction Zones
Ehard, B.
SA12A-01Abstract Title: Characteristics of gravity waves observed by Rayleigh lidar in the middle atmosphere above New Zealand
Ehleringer, J. R.
A11J-0197Abstract Title: Mobile Platforms for Continuous Spatial Measurements of Urban Trace Gases and Criteria Pollutants, A21A-0096Abstract Title: Spatial and Temporal Variations of EC and OC Aerosol Combustion Sources in a Polluted Metropolitan Area, A21H-0247Abstract Title: Spatiotemporal comparison of highly-resolved emissions and concentrations of carbon dioxide and criteria pollutants in Salt Lake City, Utah for health and policy applications, A23P-01Abstract Title: Using the Hestia bottom-up FFCO2 emissions estimation to identify drivers and hotspots in urban areas, A23P-06Abstract Title: Spatiotemporal Patterns of Urban Trace Gases and Pollutants Observed with a Light Rail Vehicle Platform in Salt Lake City, UT, B13F-0672Abstract Title: Assessing Ecosystem Drought Response in CLM 4.5 Using Site-Level Flux and Carbon-Isotope Measurements: Results From a Pacific Northwest Coniferous Forest, B33H-07Abstract Title: The University of Utah Urban Undertaking (U4), GC12B-13Abstract Title: Urbanization and the Carbon Cycle: Synthesis of Ongoing Research, GC31G-05Abstract Title: Latitudinal Gradients in the Stable Carbon and Oxygen Isotopes of Tree-Ring Cellulose Reveal Differential Climate Influences of the North American Monsoon, H31A-1405Abstract Title: Stomatal and Aerodynamic Controls of Transpiration and Evaporation over Amazonian Landscapes, PP11B-2233Abstract Title: Do Interspecific Differences in the Stable Hydrogen Isotopic Composition of n-Alkanes Reflect Variation in Plant Water Sources or in Biosynthetic Fractionation?
Ehlers, T. A.
EP43C-03Abstract Title: Small Variation in Fluvial Denudation Rates Between Glacial-Interglacial Cycles: Insights from Paleoclimate Modeling and Cosmogenic Nuclides from European River Terraces, EP52A-02Abstract Title: Climate dominated topography in a tectonically active mountain range, NH41A-1793Abstract Title: Towards a more Complete Survey of Rockfall Activity: Seismic and LiDAR Detection, Location and Volume Estimate, T21B-2824Abstract Title: Uplift and growth of the northwest Pamir, T23A-2919Abstract Title: Shortening Record in the Central Andean Plateau of Southern Peru: Basement Inversion, Thin-skinned Thrusting, and Geomorphic Response, T33A-2932Abstract Title: Exploring the Variability of Late Cenozoic Exhumation Rates across the Himalayan Rain Shadow
Ehlmann, B. L.
P11B-2083Abstract Title: Mars-Moons Exploration, Reconnaissance and Landed Investigation (MERLIN), P24A-05Abstract Title: Alteration in Hawaiian Drill Core: An analog for Martian basalts, P31A-2033Abstract Title: Outcrop-Scale Hyperspectral Studies of a Lacustrine-Volcanic Mars Analog: Examination with a Mars 2020-like Instrument Suite, P31A-2035Abstract Title: Quantifying Carbonate and Serpentine Abundances through VSWIR Microspectroscopy, P31F-06Abstract Title: Carbon Sequestration on Mars: Constraints from the Nili Fossae Carbonate Plains, P33A-2120Abstract Title: Carbon Reservoir History of Mars Constrained by Atmospheric Isotopic Measurements and Carbonate Remote Sensing, P43B-2119Abstract Title: ChemCam First Discovery of High Silica Sediments in Gale Crater, P43B-2124Abstract Title: Major-Element Compositional Diversity Observed by ChemCam Along the MSL Traverse: The First Three Years, U31A-02Abstract Title: Macelwane Medal talk: Mars Exploration - A look forward, V51H-08Abstract Title: Hydrothermal and Diagenetic Mineralization on Mars
Ehrenbrink, B. P. E.
EP53A-0974Abstract Title: The End of Monterey Submarine Canyon Incision and Potential River Source Areas-Os, Nd, and Pb Isotope Constraints from Hydrogenetic Fe-Mn Crusts
Ehresmann, B.
SA43B-2366Abstract Title: Charged Particle Environment on Mars – One Mars Year of MSL/RAD Measurements, SH53A-2480Abstract Title: Forbush Effects on the Martian Surface and Earth’s Poles
Ehret, G.
A22CAbstract Title: Greenhouse Gas Measurements Using Active Optical Remote Sensing I, A23BAbstract Title: Greenhouse Gas Measurements Using Active Optical Remote Sensing II Posters, A23B-0300Abstract Title: New Results from Frequency and Energy Reference Measurements during the first Test Flight with the Airborne Integrated Path Differential Absorption Lidar System CHARM-F
Ehret, G.
A22C-04Abstract Title: First Airborne IPDA Lidar Measurements of Methane and Carbon Dioxide Applying the DLR Greenhouse Gas Sounder CHARM-F, A23BAbstract Title: Greenhouse Gas Measurements Using Active Optical Remote Sensing II Posters, A23B-0301Abstract Title: Airborne IPDA Lidar Measurements of Atmospheric Methane in Support of MERLIN
Ehrhardt, A.
T51B-2873Abstract Title: Kane Basin, Nares-Strait: Strike-slip induced sediment deformation along the coastline of Ellesmere Island
Ehrhart, S.
AE31B-0442Abstract Title: Ionization, Charging and Electric Field Effects on Cloud Particles in the CLOUD Experiment
Ehrich, D.
B53C-0577Abstract Title: A hierarchic approach to examining panArctic vegetation with a focus on the linkages between remote sensing and plot-based studies.
Ehrlich, A.
A11C-0071Abstract Title: Transport Regimes of Air Masses Affecting the Tropospheric Composition of the Canadian and European Arctic During RACEPAC 2014 and NETCARE 2014/2015, A24B-04Abstract Title: Investigating The Life Cycle and Radiation of Deep Convective Clouds using Airborne and Satellite Remote Sensing
Ehrmann, W. U.
C21A-0704Abstract Title: First High-Resolution Record of Late Quaternary Environmental Changes in the Amundsen Sea, West Antarctica, Revealed by Multi-proxy Analysis of Drift Sediments
Ehsan, S. A.
S13A-2794Abstract Title: Mapping sub-crustal reflectors in southwestern Spain
Ehsani, A. H.
IN53B-1845Abstract Title: Geomorphometirc Segmentation of Shield Deserts by Self-Organizing Maps
Ehsani, N.
H13C-1531Abstract Title: Impact of Reservoirs on Contemporary and Future Hydrology of the Northeastern United States
Ehteshami, A.
ED11A-0841Abstract Title: An Undergraduate Student Instrumentation Project (USIP) to Develop New Instrument Technology to Study the Auroral Ionosphere and Stratospheric Ozone Layer Using Ultralight Balloon Payloads
Ehteshami, A.
ED11A-0842Abstract Title: An Attempt to Sample Upper Atmospheric Bacteria., ED11A-0843Abstract Title: Calculating Total Electron Content under the presence of the Aurora Borealis in Fairbanks, Alaska, and Kiruna, Sweden.
Eibedingil, I. G.
A21A-0089Abstract Title: Visibility Modeling and Forecasting for Abu Dhabi using Time Series Analysis Method
Eiben, J.
EP53A-0973Abstract Title: Using Geomorphic and Geologic Parameters to Identify Optimal Endemic Wēkiu Bug Habitat on the Summit of Maunakea, Hawai‘i
Eibert, D.
H43I-1658Abstract Title: Recharge of an Unconfined Pumice Aquifer: Winter Rainfall Versus Snow Pack, South-central Oregon
Eibl, E. P. S.
V33B-3096Abstract Title: Breaking the Seal: Tracking Eruptive and Flood Tremor in Iceland with Seismic Arrays
Eichelberger, J. C.
NH12A-04Abstract Title: Natural Disaster Risk and Engagement in the Arctic, PA31D-01Abstract Title: Climate change and natural hazards in the Arctic, V13B-3102Abstract Title: Linking Plagioclase Zoning Patterns to Active Magma Processes
Eichelberger, L. P.
PA31D-01Abstract Title: Climate change and natural hazards in the Arctic
Eichelmann, E.
H51O-1614Abstract Title: Comparison of the Carbon Budget, Evapotranspiration, and Albedo Effect between the Biofuel Crops Switchgrass and Corn
Eichholz, C.
A24B-03Abstract Title: On the role of thermodynamics and cloud-aerosol-precipitation interactions over thunderstorm activity during GoAmazon and ACRIDICON-CHUVA field experiments, A24B-05Abstract Title: Cloud and Precipitation During GoAmazon: The Influence of Aerosol and Thermodynamics.
Eichhorn, A.
A11N-0267Abstract Title: Impact of Enhanced Low-level Stratus on Simulated SSTs, Precipitation and the Circulation in the Tropical Atlantic Sector, PP23A-2289Abstract Title: Impact of North Atlantic Sea Surface Temperatures on European Summer Climate on Multi-decadal Timescales in Reanalysis and Model Simulations
Eichhubl, P.
MR41B-2629Abstract Title: Numerical Investigation of Fracture Propagation in Geomaterials, MR41B-2635Abstract Title: Effects of chemical alteration on fracture mechanical properties in hydrothermal systems, MR41B-2640Abstract Title: An integrated structural and geochemical study of fracture aperture growth in the Campito Formation of eastern California, MR41B-2641Abstract Title: Potentially Conductive Channels in Fracture Cements of Low Permeability Rocks, MR41C-2667Abstract Title: Direct numerical simulation of supercritical gas flow in complex nanoporous media: Elucidating the relationship between permeability and pore space geometry, MR41D-2693Abstract Title: Quantifying the Texture, Composition, and Coupled Chemical-Mechanical Diagenesis of Deformation Bands within Sandstone Reservoir Outcrop Analogs of Assorted Detrital Compositions, Southwestern USA, MR41D-2694Abstract Title: Microstructural Analysis of Coupled Mechanical and Chemical Diagenetic Processes in Deformation Bands in Sandstone, MR43A-06Abstract Title: Rock fracture processes in chemically reactive environments , MR44A-02Abstract Title: Double torsion fracture mechanics testing of shales under chemically reactive conditions, MR44A-04Abstract Title: Subcritical crack growth in a chemically reactive environment-implications for caprock integrity for CO2 storage, MR44A-05Abstract Title: Effect of chemical environment and rock composition on fracture mechanics properties of reservoir lithologies in context of CO2 sequestration
Eichler, P.
A33N-04Abstract Title: A Novel Inlet System for On-line Chemical Analysis of Semi-Volatile Submicron Particulate Matter
Eichner, J.
SM41C-2494Abstract Title: Characteristics of Extreme Geoelectric Fields and Their Possible Causes: Localized Peak Enhancements
Eicken, H.
A14E-01Abstract Title: The relevance of detection and attribution for loss and damage policy, GC23D-1173Abstract Title: Sparse ice: Geophysical, biological and Indigenous knowledge perspectives on a habitat for ice-associated fauna, PA13A-2179Abstract Title: Supporting decisions through the Study of Environmental Arctic Change (SEARCH) Program: A History and Way Forward, PA31D-02Abstract Title: The role of sustained observations and data co-management in Arctic Ocean governance, PA33A-2173Abstract Title: Scenarios use to engage scientists and decision-makers in a changing Arctic, TH32IAbstract Title: Study of Environmental Arctic Change (SEARCH) Town Hall
Eicker, A.
G31AAbstract Title: Mass Transport and Mass Distribution in the Earth System: Models, Observations, and Error Sources I Posters, G31A-1093Abstract Title: Investigating GRACE Range-Rate Observations over West Africa with respect to Small-Scale Hydrological Signals, G42AAbstract Title: Mass Transport and Mass Distribution in the Earth System: Models, Observations, and Error Sources II, H41F-1389Abstract Title: Linking GRACE-Derived Water Storage Accelerations to Changes in Hydro-Mteorological Fluxes over West Africa
Eidhammer, T.
A43D-0324Abstract Title: Exploring links between biomass burning smoke and tornado likelihood: From regional to large-eddy scale simulations, A51D-0094Abstract Title: Impacts of Graupel Parameterization on Idealized and Real Case Simulations of Squall Lines
Eigenbrode, J. L.
P23B-2141Abstract Title: Update on the Atmospheric Composition Measurements by Curiosity: Three (Earth) Years on Mars, P31A-2026Abstract Title: Preservation of Lipid Biomarkers Under Prolonged and Extreme Hyperaridity in Atacama Desert Soils, P31F-08Abstract Title: Evidence of refractory organic matter preserved in the mudstones of Yellowknife Bay and the Murray Formations, P33A-2123Abstract Title: Nanophase Carbonates on Mars: Does Evolved Gas Analysis of Nanophase Carbonates Reveal a Large Organic Carbon Budget in Near-surface Martian Materials?, P43B-2128Abstract Title: First use of SAM onboard calibration gas cell, P43B-2130Abstract Title: Stable Isotope Systematics of Martian Perchlorate
Eigenbrode, J. L.
P31A-2034Abstract Title: MSL SAM-like Analyses of Hawaiian Altered Basaltic Materials: Implications for Analyses by the Mars Science Laboratory, P31A-2052Abstract Title: RIS4E at Kilauea’s December 1974 (D1974) Flow: In Situ Geochemical Analysis and Laboratory Spectral Characterization of Fumarolic Alteration., P31F-07Abstract Title: Iron-rich Carbonates as the Potential Source of Evolved CO2 Detected by the Sample Analysis at Mars (SAM) instrument in Gale Crater. , P43B-2127Abstract Title: Indigenous Fixed Nitrogen on Mars: Implications for Habitability
Eigenbrode, S.
ED11D-0871Abstract Title: Building Interdisciplinary Research and Communication Skills in the Agricultural and Climate Sciences
Eilander, D.
H51A-1356Abstract Title: System robustness analysis for drought risk management in South Florida, NH13C-1949Abstract Title: Social media for disaster response during floods
Eiler, J. M.
DI44A-08Abstract Title: Changes in magmatic oxidation state induced by degassing, PP23D-07Abstract Title: Insights into Methane Formation Temperatures, Biogenic Methanogenesis, and Natural Methane Emissions from Clumped Isotopes, T31F-2907Abstract Title: Thick, Cold and Dry Roots: the Key to Longevity of Continental Arc Lithosphere?
Eilerman, S. J.
A11M-0248Abstract Title: Source Attribution of Methane Emissions in Northeastern Colorado Using Ammonia to Methane Emission Ratios, A11M-0250Abstract Title: Emissions and Chemistry of Volatile Organic Compounds in Early Spring of Western U.S.: Interactions between Oil/Gas Emissions and Biogenic Emissions, A12A-07Abstract Title: Quantifying atmospheric nitrogen outflow from the Front Range of Colorado, A24F-02Abstract Title: A Quantification of Methane Emissions from Oil and Natural Gas Extraction Regions in the Central/Western U.S. and a Comparison to Previous Studies, A41A-0048Abstract Title: NOAA’s Van-Based Mobile Atmospheric Emissions Measurement Laboratory
Eilon, Z.
T51D-2903Abstract Title: Seismic Attenuation of Teleseismic Body Waves in Cascadia, Measured on the Amphibious Array
Eimer, M. O.
V53G-01Abstract Title: Seismic Constraints on Water and Melt Pathways and Fluxes Through Island Arc System
Einarsson, P.
T51G-2997Abstract Title: Style of Plate Spreading Derived from the 2008-2014 Velocity Field Across the Northern Volcanic Zone of Iceland
Eineder, M.
NH54A-06Abstract Title: Temporal monitoring of Bardarbunga volcanic activity with TanDEM-X
Einsle, J. F.
GP23B-1308Abstract Title: Do Jack Hills Detrital Zircons Contain Records of the Early Geodynamo?, GP33A-02Abstract Title: Multi scale imaging of the Cloudy Zone in the Tazewell IIICD Meteorite, GP51C-02Abstract Title: Nanotomography and Micromagnetic Modelling of Remanence Carriers in the Semarkona LL3.0 Chondrite: A New View of the Vortex State
Einspigel, D.
GP34A-06Abstract Title: Modelling of Ocean Induced Magnetic Signals in Swarm Satellite Data
Einstein, H. H.
H13M-04Abstract Title: Boring and Sealing Rock with Directed Energy Millimeter-Waves, T23B-2947Abstract Title: Reactive Transport in a Pipe in Soluble Rock: a Theoretical and Experimental Study
Eiriksson, J.
PP33A-2286Abstract Title: Late Quaternary Sea-Ice Variability at the North Icelandic Shelf (Sub-Arctic): Reconstruction from Biomarkers
Eischeid, J. K.
H11P-05Abstract Title: How Has Human-induced Climate Change Affected California Drought Risk?, NH52B-04Abstract Title: Assessing Causes of Hydrologic Climate Extremes in the Upper Missouri Basin
Eisele, S.
PP51E-06Abstract Title: Tephrochronology of Lacustrine Ash Layers in Lake Petén Itzá Sediments drilled in the Frame of the International Continental Scientific Drilling Program (ICDP): Implications for Regional Volcanology and Central American Palaeoclimate
Eisen, R. J.
GC13L-07Abstract Title: Climate change influences on the annual onset of Lyme disease in the United States
Eisenhauer, A.
PP33C-2333Abstract Title: Sedimentologic Expression of the Cretaceous OAEs in a Tropical Epicontinental Sea
Eisenman, I.
A53C-0386Abstract Title: Early Warning Signals for Abrupt Change Raise False Alarm During Sea Ice Loss, OS13A-2011Abstract Title: Influence of the Southern Ocean on the Global deep ocean stratification
Eisner, R. K.
NH21D-04Abstract Title: A Strategy of Dialogue for Communicating Hazard and Risk Information Between the Science and Emergency Management Sectors
Eisner, S.
H12F-05Abstract Title: Propagation of model and forcing uncertainty into hydrological drought characteristics in a multi-model century-long experiment in continental river basins, H23E-1622Abstract Title: The HyperHydro (H^2) experiment for comparing different large-scale models at various resolutions
Eisner, W. R.
C11C-0784Abstract Title: Final Results From the Circumarctic Lakes Observation Network (CALON) Project, ED43D-0886Abstract Title: Twelve Years of Interviews with the Inupiat people of Arctic Alaska: Report from a Community Workshop
Eissenstat, D. M.
B21G-0557Abstract Title: Root and Shoot Phenology May Respond Differently to Warming, H21C-1383Abstract Title: The Activity of Deep Roots in Bedrock Fractures at the Susquehanna Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory, USA, H23J-02Abstract Title: Influence of Topography on Root Processes in the Shale Hills-Susquehanna Critical Zone Observatory , H51I-1504Abstract Title: Using a spatially-distributed hydrologic biogeochemistry model to study the spatial variation of carbon processes in a Critical Zone Observatory
Eitel, J.
B21D-0488Abstract Title: Hyper-temporal LiDAR for tracking fine-scale changes in vegetation structure, phenology, and physiology, C13C-0828Abstract Title: Validation of the Autonomously Operating Terrestrial Laser Scanner
Eitelberg, D.
GC13C-1170Abstract Title: Modeling Global Change in Local Places: Capturing Global Change and Local Impacts in a Global Land System Change Model 
Eitland, E.
PA12A-07Abstract Title: Toward an Ethical Framework for Climate Services
Eitzen, Z.
A41E-0106Abstract Title: Evaluation of a GCM with the CERES Flux-by-Cloud Type Simulator
Ejarque, A.
EP23B-0968Abstract Title: Dating Historical Sediments in Estuaries: A Multi-Proxy Approach
Ek, M. B.
A31I-02Abstract Title: Assessing Local Land-Atmosphere Coupling from a Global Land Data Assimilation Reanalysis, A31I-08Abstract Title: Understanding the land-atmospheric interaction in drought forecast from CFSv2 for the 2011 Texas and 2012 Upper Midwest US droughts, A33B-0142Abstract Title: Reduction of NCEP Global Forecast System 2-m Temperature Forecast Errors , GC31D-1209Abstract Title: A Gauge – OLR Blended Analysis of Global Daily Precipitation: A 37-Year Data Record for Hydroclimate Applications, H41L-02Abstract Title: Multivariate assimilation of satellite-derived land remote sensing datasets: Advances, gaps and challenges, H51D-1402Abstract Title: Space-time downscaling of precipitation for high resolution LDAS experiment, H51I-1508Abstract Title: Automated Quality Control of in Situ Soil Moisture from the North American Soil Moisture Database Using NLDAS-2 Products, TH32HAbstract Title: NWS Model Development Forum
Ekdahl, E.
H14B-05Abstract Title: California Groundwater Management During Drought: Existing and Future Regulatory Approaches
Eke, E. C.
EP51A-0906Abstract Title: Don't Fence Me In: Free Meanders in a Confined River Valley
Ekici, A.
B41I-07Abstract Title: Soil Subgrid Heterogeneity Important for Representing High-latitude Processes in a Land Surface Model
Eklund, C.
H21L-07Abstract Title: Production data from five major geothermal fields in Nevada analysed using a physiostatistical algorithm developed for oil and gas: temperature decline forecasts and type curves
Ekman, A.
A24C-03Abstract Title: The Influence of Free Tropospheric Aerosol on the Boundary Layer Aerosol Budget in the Arctic , A41P-01Abstract Title: Arctic climate response to regional aerosol emission changes between 1980 and 2005
Ekstrand, A. L.
IN11D-1795Abstract Title: WebDMS: A Web-Based Data Management System for Environmental Data
Ekstrom, G.
DI14A-08Abstract Title: Signatures of chemical heterogeneity in the lowermost mantle from full-spectrum seismic tomography, DI21A-2591Abstract Title: Anisotropy in the Pacific upper mantle from inversion of a surface-wave dispersion dataset, S53A-2783Abstract Title: Improved Locations for Teleseismic Earthquakes Using Surface Waves, T44B-08Abstract Title: Rheology of Asthenosphere in the Kuril-Kamchatka Subduction Zone from Postseismic GPS Observations after Great 2006-2007 Earthquakes
Ekstrom, J.
PA13A-2168Abstract Title: Climate Change Challenges of Managing Quality of Drinking Water: Survey Results from Utilities in California
Ekwurzel, B.
GC23C-1157Abstract Title: Application of probabilistic event attribution in the summer heat extremes in the western US to emissions traced to major industrial carbon producers, PA31D-07Abstract Title: Arctic Council Nations Could Encourage Development of Climate Indicator: Flux to the Atmosphere from Arctic Permafrost Carbon, PA33DAbstract Title: Breaking through the Noise: Effective Climate Communication with People, Policymakers, and Pundits II
El Amraoui, L.
A22B-02Abstract Title: An OSSE to Study the Impact of Sentinel S4, S5P and S5 Spaceborne Observations on Air Quality Data Assimilation Systems
El Atrassi, F.
GP43A-1232Abstract Title: Deep crust vs shallow mantle: sources of long wavelength magnetic anomalies
El Hussain, I. W.
S43B-2807Abstract Title: Liquefaction Potential for Soil Deposits in Muscat, Oman
El Husseiny, A.
MR33C-2682Abstract Title: The Effect of Micrite and Micro-porous Skeletal Grains on the NMR Response of Carbonate Rocks
El Khrepy, S.
DI44B-04Abstract Title: Density Structure of the Upper Mantle in the Middle East and Surroundings: Interaction of Diverse Tectonic Processes
El Maarry, M. R.
P11B-2078Abstract Title: The Colour and Stereo Surface Imaging System (CaSSIS) on ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO): Building on orbital imaging from MRO and Mars Express
El Mountassir, G.
H51F-1436Abstract Title: Microbially Induced Carbonate Precipitation For Engineered Sealing Of Fractured Rock
El Omari, K.
V43B-3153Abstract Title: The Role of Chaotic Dynamics in the Cooling of Magmatic Systems in Subduction Related Environment
El-Alaoui, M.
SM13D-2548Abstract Title: Electron Acceleration in the Magnetotail during Substorms in Semi-Global PIC Simulations, SM41I-04Abstract Title: Three Dimensional Structure of the Electron and Ion Scales of Reconnection, SM51A-2537Abstract Title: Examining Turbulence in the Plasma Sheet and its Role in Transport
El-Askary, H. M.
A21LAbstract Title: Long-Range Transport of Dust and Pollution in the Past, Present, and Future I, A22DAbstract Title: Long-Range Transport of Dust and Pollution in the Past, Present, and Future II, A23CAbstract Title: Long-Range Transport of Dust and Pollution in the Past, Present, and Future III Posters, C13A-0795Abstract Title: Impacts of Aerosols on the Retreat of the Sierra Nevada Glaciers in California, C21B-0737Abstract Title: Dynamics of snow cover and melt-water lakes over Himalaya and Tibetan Plateau using long term MODIS observations (2000-2015) , H21I-1499Abstract Title: Long Term Ground Based Precipitation Data Analysis in California’s 7 Climate Divisions: Spatial and Temporal Variability, NH43A-1870Abstract Title: Utilizing Remote Sensing Landsat 7 Data to Measure Changes in Soil Salinity in Central Valley, CA, OS53B-2029Abstract Title: The Effects of El Niño on Precipitation in Southern California Climate Divisions: Year 2016 Precipitation Forecast.
El-Dweik, M.
H23CAbstract Title: Estimation of Total Effective Recharge of Groundwater: Significant of Recent Applicable Approaches between Different Climate Regions Posters
El-Fadel, M.
H13E-1593Abstract Title: Smart Fluids in Hydrology: Use of Non-Newtonian Fluids for Pore Structure Characterization, H31G-1516Abstract Title: Modeling Saltwater Intrusion in Highly Heterogeneous Coastal Aquifers
El-Hadidy, S. Y.
T51G-3022Abstract Title: New Measurements of Shear-wave Splitting at Volcanic Fields, Western Saudi Arabia, T51G-3023Abstract Title: CCP Receiver-Function Imaging of the Moho beneath Volcanic Fields in Western Saudi Arabia
El-Kadi, A. I.
H13L-1740Abstract Title: A Spatial and Temporal Assessment of Non-Point Groundwater Pollution Sources, Tutuila Island, American Samoa, H31G-1506Abstract Title: Quantifying effects of humans and climate on groundwater resources through modeling of volcanic-rock aquifers of Hawaii
El-Madany, T. S.
B31B-0545Abstract Title: Can eddy covariance flux magnitudes and uncertainties be explained by surface heterogeneity? - A combined multi-tower – hyperspectral remote sensing approach in a Mediterranean Savanna ecosystem
El-Mashad, H.
H23CAbstract Title: Estimation of Total Effective Recharge of Groundwater: Significant of Recent Applicable Approaches between Different Climate Regions Posters
El-Sabaawi, R.
B33B-0644Abstract Title: Analyses of ammonium in geologic samples: comparison of indophenol-blue and fluorometric methods 
Elag, M.
IN31C-1775Abstract Title: A Smart Modeling Framework for Integrating BMI-enabled Models as Web Services, IN41C-1711Abstract Title: SAS- Semantic Annotation Service for Geoscience resources on the web, IN51C-02Abstract Title: Envisioning a Future of Computational Geoscience in a Data Rich Semantic World
Elam, J.
EP33C-1080Abstract Title: Magnitude and Duration of the Baltic Ice Lake Drainage Based on Modeling and Sediment Characteristics
Elam, W. T.
ELarab, M.
H31J-06Abstract Title: Use of UAS Remote Sensing Data (AggieAir) to Estimate Crop ET at High Spatial Resolution, H32B-08Abstract Title: Advances in the Two Source Energy Balance (TSEB) model using very high resolution remote sensing data in vineyards
Elardo, S. M.
V33A-3079Abstract Title: Contrasting Effects of Carbon and Sulfur on Fe-Isotope Fractionation between Metal and Silicate Melt during Planetary Core Formation, V53B-3133Abstract Title: The Role of Oxygen Fugacity in Fractionating Parent-Daughter Pairs between Basaltic and Sulfidic Liquids
Elayeb, I. S.
NH51D-1931Abstract Title: An experimental study of geyser-like flows induced by a pressurized air pocket
Elbanna, A. E.
S11A-2752Abstract Title: A New Paradigm For Modeling Fault Zone Inelasticity: A Multiscale Continuum Framework Incorporating Spontaneous Localization and Grain Fragmentation.
Elbayoumi, T.
H32A-07Abstract Title: Forecasting Precipitation over the MENA Region: A Data Mining and Remote Sensing Based Approach
Elbelrhiti, H.
EP53A-0981Abstract Title: Dunes Around Khnifiss Lagoon (Tarfaya, SW of Morocco): Composition, Itinerary In Dune Fields, Effects on Dunes’ Colours and Morphodynamic
Elberling, B.
B22D-04Abstract Title: An underestimated methane sink in Arctic mineral soils, B34B-01Abstract Title: Controls of Methane Dynamics and Emissions in an Arctic Warming Experiment, B41J-04Abstract Title: Legacy Effects of Warming on Permafrost Carbon Release, EP23A-0941Abstract Title: Shoreline changes and its impact on activities in the coastal zone in Greenland, NS41A-1919Abstract Title: Sea-level markers in West and South Greenland detected in fossil beach deposits using ground-penetrating radar
Elder, C. M.
P43F-02Abstract Title: Regolith Formation Rates and Evolution from the Diviner Lunar Radiometer, P53B-2120Abstract Title: New Constraints on the Rock Size Distribution on the Moon from Diviner Infrared Measurements
Elder, C.
B31D-0584Abstract Title: Holocene Age Methane and Carbon Dioxide Dominate Northern Alaska Thaw Lake Emissions
Elder, K.
H33F-1681Abstract Title: Hydrologic Processes Of Reference Watersheds In US Forest Service Experimental Forests
Elder, L. E.
PP31B-2232Abstract Title: Evaluating Foraminifera as an Archive for Seawater Chromium Isotopic Composition
Elderfield, H.
PP53D-05Abstract Title: Evolution of South Atlantic Density and Chemical Stratification across the Last Deglaciation
Elderfield, H.
B24A-03Abstract Title: Testing fundamentals: The chemical state of geochemical tracers in biominerals., PP31A-2221Abstract Title: Combined obliquity and precession pacing of western Pacific Intertropical Convergence Zone over the past 282,000 years
Eldering, A.
A21G-0230Abstract Title: Spatially Distributed Fossil Fuel CO2 Emissions in Two U.S. Cities Using Activity Data: Applicability for Global Cities and High-resolution Atmospheric Inversion Modeling, A21G-0245Abstract Title: Space-borne detection of small scale CO2 emission structures with OCO-2, A23P-01Abstract Title: Using the Hestia bottom-up FFCO2 emissions estimation to identify drivers and hotspots in urban areas, A41IAbstract Title: Remote Sensing of CO2 and CH4 from Space: Exploiting New Measurements I Posters, A41I-0182Abstract Title: Evaluation of Cloud and Aerosol Screening of Early Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 (OCO-2) Observations with Collocated MODIS Cloud Mask, A41I-0186Abstract Title: OCO-2 Target-mode measurements and their comparisons to TCCON, A41I-0189Abstract Title: Temporal Characteristics of OCO-2 XCO2 and its Diagnostics, A41I-0190Abstract Title: DOGO Warn Levels: An Upgrade to Quality Flags for the OCO-2 Data Products, A41I-0191Abstract Title: The OCO-3 Mission : Overview of Science Objectives and Status, A53HAbstract Title: Remote Sensing of CO2 and CH4 from Space: Exploiting New Measurements II, A53H-05Abstract Title: OCO-2 observations of Africa fire CO2 emissions, A54DAbstract Title: Remote Sensing of CO2 and CH4 from Space: Exploiting New Measurements III, A54D-04Abstract Title: Dynamics of Carbon Dioxide Exchange and Transport: The First Year of OCO-2 Observations, A54D-05Abstract Title: The First Year of OCO-2 XCO2 Observations: Bias Correction and Comparison to Models., B52B-02Abstract Title: Validation and attribution of solar induced fluorescence (SIF) from OCO-2: first results, GC12B-13Abstract Title: Urbanization and the Carbon Cycle: Synthesis of Ongoing Research
Eldred, M.
C53E-03Abstract Title: Towards quantifying uncertainty in Greenland's contribution to 21st century sea-level rise
Eldridge, D. L.
B21A-0410Abstract Title: Theoretical estimation of equilibrium sulfur isotope fractionations among aqueous sulfite species: Implications for isotope models of microbial sulfate reduction
Eleftheratos, K.
A22D-02Abstract Title: Tropospheric Volcanism and Air-Traffic
Element, A.
A11J-0201Abstract Title: Methane Emissions from Abandoned Boreholes in South Eastern Australia
Elenius, M. T.
H41C-1328Abstract Title: Carbon Dioxide Mineralization in the Presence of Convective Mixing and the Capillary Transition Zone
Elftmann, R.
SH31C-2427Abstract Title: Distinguishing 3He and 4He with the Electron Proton Telescope (EPT) on Solar Orbiter
Elgner, S.
P42A-05Abstract Title: The Geology of Ceres: an Overview, P53E-2182Abstract Title: Comparative tectonic features on Ceres and other planetary bodies
Elgowainy, A.
GC34D-07Abstract Title: Well-to-Wheels Water Consumption: Tracking the Virtual Flow of Water into Transportation
Elhawary, R.
SA34A-06Abstract Title: Magnetic Variability Imposed by the Quasi-16-Day Wave (Q16DW)
Elhelou, O.
B11D-0476Abstract Title: Magnetic susceptibility mapping of fly ash in soil samples near a coal-burning power plant in Pointe Coupee Parish, Louisiana.
Elia, L.
S33B-2783Abstract Title: A Feasibility Study for Earthquake Early Warning in a School in Southern Italy
Elias, D. A.
B11DAbstract Title: Mercury Biogeochemistry, Genomics, and Environmental Change I Posters, B11D-0472Abstract Title: Microbial Community Response to Carbon Substrate Amendment in Mercury Impacted Sediments: Implications on Microbial Methylation of Mercury., B13IAbstract Title: Mercury Biogeochemistry, Genomics, and Environmental Change II, B14CAbstract Title: Mercury Biogeochemistry, Genomics, and Environmental Change III, B14C-02Abstract Title: Strategies to Quantify and Decrease Mercury Bioavailability and Methylation Potential in the Aquatic Environment, B14C-03Abstract Title: Investigating the Connection between hgcA and Mercury Methylation Rates in the Environment, B14C-04Abstract Title: The Distribution and Abundance of Mercury Methylating Microorganisms in Mid-Atlantic Wetlands, B14C-05Abstract Title: A Study of Mercury Methylation Genetics: Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of hgcAB in Pure Culture, B14C-06Abstract Title: Metabolic Interfaces of Mercury Methylation Proteins in Desulfovibrio sp. ND132
Elias, E.
C13A-0797Abstract Title: Dust-on-snow and the Timing of Peak Streamflow in the Upper Rio Grande, ED33A-0935Abstract Title: Climate Change and the Water Cycle: A New Southwest Regional Climate Hub Curriculum Unit for 6th-12th Grade Students, GC13D-1186Abstract Title: Impacts of projected mid-century temperatures on thermal regimes for select specialty and fieldcrops common to the southwestern U.S., GC51BAbstract Title: Connecting Stakeholders with Climate Science: The Role of Climate Programs Posters, PA13A-2174Abstract Title: Connecting Stakeholders and Climate Science: A Summary of Farmer, Rancher, and Forester Climate Data Needs and Climate Change Attitudes
Elias, G.
A21A-0053Abstract Title: VOC Monitoring to Understand Changes in Secondary Pollution in Mexico City
Elias, T.
NH43C-1901Abstract Title: Volcano Gas Measurements from UAS – Customization of Sensors and Platforms
Eliasson, B. E.
AE33B-0494Abstract Title: Vlasov Simulations of Ionospheric Turbulence near the Upper Hybrid Resonance and Fourth Gyroharmonic
Elison Timm, O.
PP34A-02Abstract Title: Separating the Effects of Northern Hemisphere Ice-Sheets, CO2 Concentrations and Orbital Parameters on Global Precipitation During the Late Pleistocene Glacial Cycles, PP43B-2262Abstract Title: Global climate sensitivity derived from ~784,000 years of SST data
Eliza, K.
H33H-1699Abstract Title: Modelling the Loktak Lake Basin to Assess Human Impact on Water Resources
Elizondo, P.
A12C-02Abstract Title: Size-resolved measurements of ice nucleating particles at North American and European sites
Elkadiri, R.
G21B-1032Abstract Title: Integrated Approach for the Assessment of Land Deformation in the Jazan City and Surroundings, Saudi Arabia, H32A-07Abstract Title: Forecasting Precipitation over the MENA Region: A Data Mining and Remote Sensing Based Approach, NH31DAbstract Title: Natural Hazards and Climate Change: Relation, Vulnerability, Risk, and Adaptability I, NH33CAbstract Title: Natural Hazards and Climate Change: Relation, Vulnerability, Risk, and Adaptability II Posters, NH51DAbstract Title: Modeling of Natural Hazards: Advances and Applications Posters, NH51D-1929Abstract Title: Applications of Radar Interferometric Techniques to Assess Natural Hazards and their Controlling Factors
Elkekli, A. R.
GC51G-1170Abstract Title: Geospatial Mapping of Pb, Cr, Cu, Zn, Cd, and Sb in Urban Soil, Cd. Juarez, Chihuahua, Mexico
Elkina, D.
GP51A-1311Abstract Title: Rock Magnetic Studies of Rock Bottom Material from the Mendeleev Rise, Arctic Ocean: First Results
Elkington, S. R.
SM21A-2466Abstract Title: Kinetic Alfvén Waves in the Inner Magnetosphere Triggered by an Interplanetary Shock, SM21A-2470Abstract Title: Dynamic Modeling of EMIC Wave Activity in a Realistic Magnetosphere, SM23D-07Abstract Title: Investigations of the origin and evolution of inner magnetospheric temperature anisotropies, and implications for radiation belt dynamics, SM24B-03Abstract Title: Effects of Drift-Shell Splitting by Chorus Waves on Radiation Belt Electrons, SM41E-2533Abstract Title: Source and seed populations for relativistic electrons: their roles in radiation belt changes, SM44B-09Abstract Title: Near Instantaneous Energization of Electrons to Ultra-relativistic Energies in the Earth’s Radiation Belts during the Strong Shock event of 17 March 2015
Elkins, J. W.
A31B-0040Abstract Title: Evaluating Observational Constraints on N2O Emissions via Information Content Analysis Using GEOS-Chem and its Adjoint, A31B-0042Abstract Title: Carbon Tetrachloride Emissions from the US during 2008 – 2012 Derived from Atmospheric Data Using Bayesian and Geostatistical Inversions, A32F-05Abstract Title: Effects of Local and Non-Local Processes on the Aging of the Tropopause Layer and the Lower Stratosphere, A51N-0267Abstract Title: Using box models to quantify zonal distributions and emissions of halocarbons in the background atmosphere., A51S-04Abstract Title: Investigation of Atmospheric Chemistry in the Tropical UTLS with NASA’s Global Hawk UAS during ATTREX, B14A-05Abstract Title: Global observation of nitrous oxide: changes in growth rate and spatial patterns
Elkins, L. J.
DI11C-2615Abstract Title: Upper Mantle Discontinuity Structure Beneath the Western Atlantic Ocean and Eastern North America from SS Precursors, V21BAbstract Title: High-Temperature Carbonates: Fluid-Rock Interactions from Hydrothermal Veins to Carbonatite Magmas Posters
Elkins-Tanton, L. T.
DI11C-2615Abstract Title: Upper Mantle Discontinuity Structure Beneath the Western Atlantic Ocean and Eastern North America from SS Precursors, DI31BAbstract Title: Melt and Liquids in Earth and Planetary Interiors I Posters, DI51CAbstract Title: Melt and Liquids in Earth and Planetary Interiors II, DI52AAbstract Title: Melt and Liquids in Earth and Planetary Interiors III, DI52B-04Abstract Title: Questionable inheritance: What Processes on Planetesimals Mean for the Bulk Composition of the Earth, P14AAbstract Title: Shoemaker Lecture, P14BAbstract Title: Whipple Lecture, P32AAbstract Title: Sagan Lecture, T44C-04Abstract Title: Geochemical evidence for pre- and syn-rifting lithospheric foundering in the East African Rift System, U41A-05Abstract Title: Plate Tectonics and Planetary Evolution: Implications for Understanding Exoplanets
Ellam, R. M.
PP21A-2202Abstract Title: New developments in high-resolution gas source isotope ratio mass spectrometers
Ellenburg, W. L. II
H13S-08Abstract Title: The Biogeophysical Impacts of Land Use/Land Cover Change in the Southeastern U.S.
Ellett, K. M.
H23C-1598Abstract Title: Integrating groundwater observations with models of soil-water dynamics to examine recharge patterns through glacial sediments in a humid continental climate
Elling, F. J.
PP11C-08Abstract Title: Environmental and Physiological Influences on the TEX86 Proxy: Results from Continuous Culture Studies and Stable Carbon Isotope Analyses
Ellingsen, P. G.
Ellington, S.
SM41H-2574Abstract Title: Remote Sensing of Equatorial Mass Density via Virtual Ground-Based Magnetometers in the SWMF Global Magnetospheric Model
Ellins, K. K.
Elliot, M.
A23M-06Abstract Title: Holocene constraints on simulated tropical Pacific climate 
Elliott, A. J.
Elliott, D. A.
A31H-02Abstract Title: AIRS, IASI, and CrIS Comparisons at Dome Concordia in Antarctica
Elliott, E. J.
NS41A-1918Abstract Title: Time-Lapse Monitoring of SAGD Reservoirs, with Superconducting Gravimetry
Elliott, E. M.
H13LAbstract Title: Water Quality of Hydrologic Systems Posters
Elliott, H. M.
P51C-2076Abstract Title: Measurements of Dielectric Discontinuities in Planetary Subsurfaces with a Passive Instrument
Elliott, H. A.
SM31D-2537Abstract Title: Solar Wind at 33 AU: Setting Bounds on the Pluto Interaction, SM41J-08Abstract Title: Observations of the Jovian Mid-Magnetosphere by the New Horizons Solar Wind Around Pluto (SWAP) Ion Spectrometer, SM42B-02Abstract Title: The Solar Wind Interaction with Pluto: Part 2, SM42B-03Abstract Title: Escape of Pluto's Atmosphere: In Situ Measurements from New Horizons and Remote Observations from Chandra
Elliott, J. A.
H13C-1560Abstract Title: Nutrient Models Developments Using Runoff-Nutrient Relationships in an Agricultural Prairie Basin, Manitoba.
Elliott, J.
IN13C-1850Abstract Title: Data Publication: The Evolving Lifecyle
Elliott, J. R.
G11C-04Abstract Title: Monitoring our Hazardous Planet with Sentinel-1 InSAR: Results and Prospects , G31C-06Abstract Title: Stress controlled magma-earthquake interaction during unrest at Chiles-Cerro Negro Volcanoes (Ecuador-Colombian border), S41D-02Abstract Title: Slip pulse characteristics, Kathmandu basin resonance and high-frequency waves radiation during unzipping of locked MHT by the 2015, Mw 7.8 Gorkha earthquake, Nepal., S42C-08Abstract Title: Postseismic Deformation Following the April 2015 M7.8 Nepal Earthquake Measured Using Sentinel-1A Interferometry, S43D-2821Abstract Title: Geodetically constrained slip on the Main Himalayan Thrust fault from the 2015 Gorkha earthquake, S43D-2822Abstract Title: The 2015 Mw 7.8 Gorkha Earthquake: Constraining the Geometry of the Main Himalayan Thrust from Space Geodesy
Elliott, J. W.
GC11J-01Abstract Title: The AgMIP Coordinated Global and Regional Assessments (CGRA) of Climate Change Impacts on Agriculture and Food Security, GC53H-03Abstract Title: U.S. agriculture in a modern Dust Bowl drought, NH13B-1927Abstract Title: Quantifying the weather-signal in national crop-yield variability
Elliott, J.
C21B-0744Abstract Title: Observations of Dynamic Changes at an Advancing Tidewater Glacier: Hubbard Glacier, Southeast Alaska, T42B-03Abstract Title: An Integrated View of Tectonics in the North Pacific Derived from GPS, V34B-02Abstract Title: Multi-sensor geophysical constraints on crustal melt in the central Andes: the PLUTONS project
Elliott, S. J.
MR41D-2693Abstract Title: Quantifying the Texture, Composition, and Coupled Chemical-Mechanical Diagenesis of Deformation Bands within Sandstone Reservoir Outcrop Analogs of Assorted Detrital Compositions, Southwestern USA
Elliott, S.
A11D-0088Abstract Title: Comparing Organic Aerosol Composition from Marine Biogenic Sources to Seawater and to Physical Sea Spray Models, A43C-0286Abstract Title: Changing El Niño Patterns and the Possible Impact on DMS and Climate, A43C-0287Abstract Title: The Simulated Impact of Dimethyl Sulfide Emissions on the Earth System, A43C-0298Abstract Title: How much does sea spray aerosol organic matter impact clouds and radiation? Sensitivity studies in the Community Atmosphere Model, A43C-0300Abstract Title: Marine biogenic aerosol sources simulated from below the global ocean-atmosphere interface, A43C-0302Abstract Title: Impacts of Marine Ecodynamics on the Dimethyl Sulfide (DMS) Production, C41B-0700Abstract Title: Light Absorption in Arctic Sea Ice – Black Carbon vs Chlorophyll, GC34A-07Abstract Title: Arctic Marine Biogeochemistry in a Global Ice-Ocean Ecosystem Model: A Look at Seasonal Features and Spatial Patterns
Elliott, S.
C23B-0785Abstract Title: Influence of ice thickness and surface properties on light transmission through Arctic sea ice
Elliott, T.
DI31A-2553Abstract Title: Dynamic coupling of bulk chemistry, trace elements and mantle flow, V23D-06Abstract Title: Magnesium isotope compositions of Solar System materials determined by double spiking
Elliott, W. C.
Ellis, A.
A42B-06Abstract Title: New Forms of Black Carbon Aerosols Detected in Antarctic Ice
Ellis, A. W.
PA13A-2159Abstract Title: Assessing Climate Vulnerability and Resilience of a Major Water Resource System – Inverting the Paradigm for Specific Risk Quantification at Decision Making Points of Impact
Ellis, B. S.
V13A-3090Abstract Title: A Clinopyroxene-Plagioclase Geobarometer for A-type Silicic Volcanic Rocks
Ellis, B. R.
H21E-1425Abstract Title: Assessing Compositional Variability and Migration of Natural Gas in the Antrim Shale in the Michigan Basin Using Noble Gas Geochemistry, H34C-08Abstract Title: Assessing Radium Activity in Shale Gas Produced Brine, H43K-03Abstract Title: Dissolution-precipitation reactions and permeability evolution from reactions of CO2-rich aqueous solutions with fractured basalt
Ellis, C.
EP51D-05Abstract Title: Testing the Validity of Local Flux Laws in an Experimental Eroding Landscape
Ellis, E. C.
GC11EAbstract Title: Dating the Anthropocene: Early Land Use and Earth System Change I Posters, GC12A-01Abstract Title: The Emergence of Land Use as a Global Force in the Earth System, GC14BAbstract Title: Dating the Anthropocene: Early Land Use and Earth System Change II, GC14B-07Abstract Title: The impact of land use on carbon and climate in the preindustrial Holocene: What have we learned and what are the priorities for future research?
Ellis, M. A.
PA23BAbstract Title: Nature and Humans, Economics and Law, Micromotivators and Macrobehaviors, the Anthropocene and the Technosphere: How Are We Doing at Putting It All Together? Posters
Ellis, R.
B21H-0571Abstract Title: Formulation of an organic carbon trajectory over a 10-year period on a restored spoil island in south-central Florida
Ellis, S. M.
S31A-2712Abstract Title: Investigation of complex slow slip behavior along the Hikurangi subduction zone with earthquake simulator RSQSim, T21D-2846Abstract Title: Bulk rheology and simulated episodic tremor and slip within a numerically-modeled block-dominated subduction melange, T31BAbstract Title: Cumulative Deformation in the Overlying Plate due to Subduction and Related Feedbacks I Posters, T33BAbstract Title: Cumulative Deformation in the Overlying Plate due to Subduction and Related Feedbacks II, T33B-03Abstract Title: Causes for the Onset and Stability of Flat Slabs and Associated Overriding Plate Deformation Inferred from Numerical Thermo-Mechanical Models, T34BAbstract Title: Cumulative Deformation in the Overlying Plate due to Subduction and Related Feedbacks III, T43C-3022Abstract Title: The Active Mai’iu Low Angle Normal Fault, Woodlark Rift: Spatial and Temporal Slip Distributions, and Rider Block Abandonment Chronology., T51E-2947Abstract Title: Preliminary Results on the Mechanics of the Active Mai’iu Low Angle Normal Fault (Dayman Dome), Woodlark Rift, SE Papua New Guinea
Ellis, T. D.
ED21A-0817Abstract Title: Clouds in a Bottle: Qualitative and Quantiative Demonstrations for Cloud Formation in a Learning Environment, ED51CAbstract Title: Best Practices in Meaningful and Authentic Science Outreach to Formal and Informal Audiences I Posters, ED53GAbstract Title: Best Practices in Meaningful and Authentic Science Outreach to Formal and Informal Audiences II
Ellison, L.
A21I-02Abstract Title: Satellite Characterization of Fire Emissions of Aerosols and Gases Relevant to Air-Quality Modeling, GC23E-1186Abstract Title: Improving Nocturnal Fire Detection with the VIIRS Day-Night Band, GC41B-1084Abstract Title: Impacts of Biomass Burning on the Land Use / Land Cover Dynamics in Northern Sub-Saharan Africa and Associated Alteration of Local Emission Rates, GC41B-1090Abstract Title: Effect of biomass burning on surface ozone: A case study in 2010 over Northern Sub-Saharan Africa (NSSA), GC41B-1098Abstract Title: Mesoscale Modeling of Smoke Particles Distribution and Their Radiative Feedback over Northern Sub-Saharan African Region
Ellsworth, W. L.
MR41E-03Abstract Title: Fluid-Faulting Interactions Examined Though Massive Waveform-Based Analyses of Earthquake Swarms in Volcanic and Tectonic Settings: Mammoth Mountain, Long Valley, Lassen, and Fillmore, California Swarms, 2014-2015, MR41E-04Abstract Title: The Magnitude Frequency Distribution of Induced Earthquakes and Its Implications for Crustal Heterogeneity and Hazard, S11C-02Abstract Title: Stress Drops for Potentially Induced Earthquake Sequences, S21C-03Abstract Title: Earthquake Rate Models for Evolving Induced Seismicity Hazard in the Central and Eastern US, S21C-05Abstract Title: Surface uplift and time-dependent seismic hazard due to fluid-injection in eastern Texas, S22A-01Abstract Title: Wastewater Disposal, Hydraulic Fracturing, and Seismicity in Southern Kansas, S51B-2679Abstract Title: Nucleation process of the MJ 6.7 northern Nagano prefecture, Japan, earthquake of November 22, 2014
Ellwood, A.
T11C-2901Abstract Title: Craton Development and Stabilization: Insights from SE Canada using P and S Wave Tomography
Ellwood, M. J.
PP11A-2198Abstract Title: Constrains on the Uranium Isotopic Composition of Seawater and Implications for Coral U/Th Geochronology
Elman, H.
DI11B-2591Abstract Title: Migration, Storage and Seismic Signatures of Melting at the Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary
Elmes, A.
B43C-0564Abstract Title: Mapping Urban Tree Canopy Coverage and Structure using Data Fusion of High Resolution Satellite Imagery and Aerial Lidar
Elmore, A.
PP53D-01Abstract Title: Benthic Records of Seawater Carbonate Ion and Temperature for the Past 30,000 Years in the Southwest Pacific Ocean, PP53D-02Abstract Title: Radiocarbon and Stable Isotope Evidence for Increased Ventilation of the Southwest Pacific Ocean during the Last Deglaciation
Eloranta, E. W.
A41O-03Abstract Title: Stratocumulus Drizzle Measurements Using High Spectral Resolution Lidar and Radar Data During the MAGIC Campaign, A51I-0193Abstract Title: High-Spectral Resolution Lidar Observations of Aerosols Between Northern California and Hawaii: Their Optical Properties and Possible Origins Using Back Trajectory Analysis., A51I-0195Abstract Title: Observation of the spectral-invariant properties of clouds in transition zones during MAGIC, A case study
Elosegui, P.
S31A-2738Abstract Title: Hunt for Slow Slip Events Along the Sumatran Subduction Zone in a Decade of Continuous GPS Data
Elouai, D.
S11A-2757Abstract Title: Earthquake Relocation in the Middle Atlas: Apparently-Deep Events Resolved to be Shallow
Elphic, R. C.
P43F-06Abstract Title: Hydrogen Bearing Material in the Lunar Exosphere, P44A-09Abstract Title: Using Neutron Spectroscopy to Constrain the Composition and Provenance of Phobos and Deimos, V51D-3065Abstract Title: Overlapping Ballistic Ejecta Fields: Separating Distinct Blasts at Kings Bowl, Idaho
Elrod, M. K.
P13D-03Abstract Title: Photochemical escape of oxygen from the Martian atmosphere: new insights from MAVEN, P21A-2040Abstract Title: MAVEN Observations of Ionopause-like Density Gradients in the Martian Ionosphere, P21A-2057Abstract Title: He Bulge Detection by MAVEN Neutral Gas and Ion Mass Spectrometer (NGIMS) in the Upper Atmosphere of Mars, P21A-2063Abstract Title: Retrieval and Distribution of Neutral and Ionic Species in the Martian Upper Atmosphere as Measured by MAVEN NGIMS, P21A-2064Abstract Title: Variability of Mars Thermospheric Neutral Structure from MAVEN Deep Dip Observations: NGIMS Comparisons with Global Models, P21A-2067Abstract Title: MAVEN observations of atmospheric waves in the Martian upper atmosphere
Elrod, V.
OS13B-2037Abstract Title: Upper ocean carbon cycling inferred from direct pH observations made by profiling floats and estimated alkalinity, OS13B-2039Abstract Title: Spring Blooms Observed with Biochemical Profiling Floats from a Chemical and Biological Perspective
ElSaadani, M.
H21I-1508Abstract Title: Regional statistical assessment of WRF-Hydro and IFC Model stream Flow uncertainties over the State of Iowa, H53A-1650Abstract Title: Optimization of precipitation and streamflow forecasts in the southwest Contiguous US for warm season convection, NH51E-1937Abstract Title: Evaluation of Satellite Rainfall Products for Flood Prediction Using a Spatio-Dynamical Analysis Framework
Elsaesser, G.
A33P-05Abstract Title: Incorporation of New Convective Ice Microphysics into the NASA GISS GCM and Impacts on Cloud Ice Water Path (IWP) Simulation, A51M-0258Abstract Title: Using Satellite Observations to Infer the Relationship between Cold Pools and Subsequent Convection Development
Elsaka, B.
G23A-1053Abstract Title: First Release of Gravimetric Geoid Model over Saudi Arabia Based on Terrestrial Gravity and GOCE Satellite Data: KSAG01
Elsasser, M.
A12C-02Abstract Title: Size-resolved measurements of ice nucleating particles at North American and European sites
Else, B. G. T.
GC11G-1096Abstract Title: Implications of a Changing Arctic on Summertime Surface Seawater pCO2 Variations in the Eastern Canadian Arctic
Elsenbeck, J.
DI24A-06Abstract Title: The Electrical Structure of the 70Ma Pacific LAB Constrained by the NoMelt Experiment, V13C-3162Abstract Title: Chemical and isotopic characteristics of hot springs along the along the Neogene Malawi rift.
Elser, J. J.
B51E-0481Abstract Title: Down-regulation of tissue N:P ratios in terrestrial plants by elevated CO2
Elshall, A. S.
B22A-06Abstract Title: Bayesian multimodel inference of soil microbial respiration models: Theory, application and future prospective, H13A-1493Abstract Title: Exploring Model Complexity for Column Experiments Using Model Selection Criteria
Elshorbany, Y. F.
A13GAbstract Title: Atmospheric Oxidation Capacity Constraints: Laboratory Investigations, Field and Remote Sensing Observations, and Modeling Studies I, A14BAbstract Title: Atmospheric Oxidation Capacity Constraints: Laboratory Investigations, Field and Remote Sensing Observations, and Modeling Studies II, A21BAbstract Title: Atmospheric Oxidation Capacity Constraints: Laboratory Investigations, Field and Remote Sensing Observations, and Modeling Studies III Posters, A21B-0120Abstract Title: Interannual Variability and Trends of CH4, CO and OH using the Computationally-Efficient CH4-CO-OH (ECCOH) Module, B31D-0578Abstract Title: Characterizing Thawing Permafrost Carbon Emissions: An Integrated Pilot Study in Support of Satellite Evaluation/Design and Earth System Modeling Capabilities
Elsner, J.
GC21C-1108Abstract Title: Trade-off between Intensity and Frequency of Global Tropical Cyclones, NH51F-1957Abstract Title: The atmospheric influence on climatological tropical cyclone frequency and intensity
Elsner, R.
SM31C-2504Abstract Title: Jovian Auroral X-ray Emission Coinciding with an Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejection
Elston, J.
B41D-0462Abstract Title: Development and Deployment of Unmanned Aircraft Instrumentation for Measuring Quantities Related to Land Surface-Atmosphere Interactions
Elsworth, C. W.
C54B-03Abstract Title: Sequential Stagnation of Kamb Ice Stream Induced by Changes in Subglacial Hydrology
Elsworth, D.
MR41D-2685Abstract Title: Slow Dynamics in Berea Sandstone: a Non-logarithmic Relaxation at Early Times Revealed by Dynamic Acousto-Elasticity., T23B-2943Abstract Title: Fracture permeability evolution during shearing: The role of shear-induced dilation, T51J-08Abstract Title: Field measurements of fault slow slip and associated seismicity
Eltahir, E. A. B.
A23E-0380Abstract Title: Assessment of new large-scale cloud cover and rainfall parameterizations for Regional Climate Modeling over the Upper Blue Nile basin, A31K-08Abstract Title: Estimation of the Heat and Water Budgets of the Persian (Arabian) Gulf using a two-way, coupled Gulf–atmosphere regional model (GARM), A32E-08Abstract Title: Impacts of Irrigation Development on Regional Rainfall in Africa, A32G-04Abstract Title: The Role of the Persian Gulf in Shaping Southwest Asian Surface Climate, GC34B-02Abstract Title: Regional Climate Change Over Southwest Asia, NH31C-05Abstract Title: Towards a Predictive Theory of Malaria: Connections to Spatio-temporal Variability of Climate and Hydrology, NH31C-07Abstract Title: Simulating malaria transmission in the current and future climate of West Africa
Elverson, C.
H31D-1430Abstract Title: Timber Harvest Effects on Sediment and Water Yields and Analysis of Sediment Load Calculation Methods in the Interior Pacific Northwest
Elvert, M.
PP43A-2243Abstract Title: On-site isotopic analysis of dissolved inorganic carbon using an isotope ratio infrared spectrometer
Elvira, E.
OS23E-06Abstract Title: Submarine canyon-head morphologies and inferred sediment transport processes in the Almanzora-Alías-Garrucha canyon system (SW Mediterranean)
Elvis, M.
P11B-2080Abstract Title: Non-planetary Science from Planetary Missions
Elwan, M.
ED23A-0857Abstract Title: Cultivating a Global Pool of Future Geoscientists and Mentors
Elwaseif, M.
NS31A-1959Abstract Title: Joint inversion of Multi-frequency Electromagnetic Induction and Seismic Refraction Data For Improved Near Surface Characterization
Elwood, K. K.
B13F-0685Abstract Title: After the Burn: Forest Carbon Stocks and Fluxes across fire disturbed landscapes in Colorado, U.S.A.
Elwood Madden, M.
P43D-2143Abstract Title: Development of a Rapid, Nondestructive Method to Measure Aqueous Carbonate in High Salinity Brines Using Raman Spectroscopy
Ely, K.
B21F-0529Abstract Title: Zero Power Warming – A New Technology for Investigating Plant Responses to Rising Temperature, B51H-0524Abstract Title: Building relationships between plant traits and leaf spectra to reduce uncertainty in terrestrial ecosystem models, B51K-07Abstract Title: Improving the representation of Arctic photosynthesis in Earth system models
Ely, L. L.
NH33A-1901Abstract Title: Comparison of Tsunami Deposits Surveyed in 2010 and 2015 From the 2010 Maule Earthquake and Tsunami in South-Central Chile.
Emanuel, K.
A13H-01Abstract Title: Convective Aggregation, Climate Sensitivity, and the Importance of Radiation Physics in Weather and Climate, A51P-0322Abstract Title: A Physically-based Tropical Cyclone Rainfall Model, GC21C-1110Abstract Title: Characterizing Hurricane Tracks Using Multiple Statistical Metrics, GC24C-02Abstract Title: On the Cause of the Great North Atlantic Hurricane Drought of the Late 20th Century, NH31D-03Abstract Title: Past, Present, and Future Threat of Tropical Cyclones and Coastal Flooding in New York City
Emanuel, R. E.
H31O-05Abstract Title: Salinization of Freshwater-Dependent Coastal Ecosystems: Understanding Landscapes in Transition Along the Leading Edge of Climate Change
Emanuel, R. E.
H11C-1353Abstract Title: Slow death for a swamp forest: Implications of salinity, infrastructure and their interactions for ecosystems in transition along North Carolina’s estuarine coast, H14C-08Abstract Title: Watershed Ecohydrology: How Do Vegetation Patterns and Climate Affect Watershed Storage and Connectivity?
Emberson, R.
EP21E-01Abstract Title: Weathering Processes Across Extreme Erosional Gradients: Do Landslides Matter?, S42C-03Abstract Title: Landscape response to the Mw7.9 Gorkha earthquake
Embley, R. W.
OS43A-1995Abstract Title: The NOAA/PMEL Vents Program - 1983 to 2013: A History of Deep-Sea Volcanic and Hydrothermal Exploration and Research, T32C-08Abstract Title: Extensive young dacite lava flows between boninite and BABB in a backarc setting: NE Lau Basin
Emeana, C. J.
GC53C-1221Abstract Title: The Thermal Regime Around Buried Submarine High-Voltage Cables
Emeis, S.
H53M-03Abstract Title: The TERENO-preAlpine Observatory: A Research Infrastructure for Hydrometeorological Observation and -Modeling across Compartments and Scales
Emelko, M. B.
H31D-1439Abstract Title: Longer-term Stream Nitrogen Dynamics after Wildfire and Salvage Harvesting: Implications for Management Concepts based on Trajectories of Post-disturbance Watershed Recovery.
Emerson, D.
B13C-0633Abstract Title: Using Intact Iron Microbial Mats to Gain Insights Into Mat Ecology and Geochemical Niche at the Microbial Scale, OS43A-2033Abstract Title: Iron-Oxidizing Bacteria Found at Slow-Spreading Ridge: a Case Study of Capelinhos Hydrothermal Vent (Lucky Strike, MAR 37°N)
Emerson, J. B.
B21C-0454Abstract Title: Linking Sediment Microbial Communities to Carbon Cycling in High-Latitude Lakes, B23I-02Abstract Title: High CO2 subsurface environment enriches for novel microbial lineages capable of autotrophic carbon fixation
Emerson, S. R.
OS54A-03Abstract Title: Estimating diffusivity from the mixed layer heat and salt balances in the North Pacific
Emery, B.
SA31E-2376Abstract Title: Quantitative Evaluation of Ionosphere Models for Reproducing Regional TEC During Geomagnetic Storms
Emery, C. M.
H52D-05Abstract Title: Variance-based Sensitivity Analysis of Large-scale Hydrological Model to Prepare an Ensemble-based SWOT-like Data Assimilation Experiments
Emery, D. E.
T43B-3005Abstract Title: Elastic and Transport Properties of Steam-Cured Pozzolanic-Lime Rock Composites Upon CO2 Injection
Emery, H.
IN43D-03Abstract Title: Developing Best Practices for Sharing Long-term Marine Sediment Flux Data
Emery, J. P.
P12B-05Abstract Title: New Titan Saltation Threshold Experiments: Investigating Current and Past Climates
Emery, P.
OS23B-2020Abstract Title: Interactions Between Methane Gas and Hydrate Beneath Methane Plumes Offshore Svalbard
Emil, M.
G21B-1029Abstract Title: An Integrated Approach for the Assessment of the Natural and Anthropogenic Controls on Land Subsidence in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, G21B-1031Abstract Title: Use of Persistent Scatterer Interferometry to Assess Land Deformation in the Nile Delta and its Controlling Factors, G21B-1032Abstract Title: Integrated Approach for the Assessment of Land Deformation in the Jazan City and Surroundings, Saudi Arabia, NH51D-1929Abstract Title: Applications of Radar Interferometric Techniques to Assess Natural Hazards and their Controlling Factors
Emil, M. K.
PP43B-2277Abstract Title: Timing and Nature of Wet Climatic Periods in North Africa and in the Arabian Peninsula: Inferences from Isotopic, Chronologic, and Remote sensing data
Emile-Geay, J.
A23M-06Abstract Title: Holocene constraints on simulated tropical Pacific climate , A41E-0109Abstract Title: Data Assimilation-Based SST Reconstruction from Coral δ18Ο Records, NG33C-02Abstract Title: The climate continuum revisited , PA23AAbstract Title: More Bang for Your Buck: How Does Coordination Add Value to Sustainability Science? Posters, PP13E-04Abstract Title: An efficient climate model with water isotope physics: NEEMY, PP34A-07Abstract Title: Western tropical Pacific hydrology as inferred from northern Borneo speleothems: interannual to orbital-scale variability, PP41D-04Abstract Title: It might take three: proxy system models as the missing link between proxies and climate models, and their potential for paleoclimate data assimilation, PP44B-02Abstract Title: The PAGES 2k Global Multiproxy Database for Temperature Reconstructions of the Common Era, PP44B-05Abstract Title: Insights into Low-frequency Climate Dynamics from a Surface Temperature Reconstruction Spanning the Last 2,000 Years
Emmanuel, L.
NH23B-1875Abstract Title: Deformation microstructures and timing of a large submarine landslide drilled offshore Martinique (IODP Exp. 340)
Emmart, C. B.
IN41D-07Abstract Title: NASA GIBS Use in Live Planetarium Shows, IN42A-03Abstract Title: OpenSpace: An Open-Source Framework for Data Visualization and Contextualization
Emmenegger, L.
A11I-0174Abstract Title: Real-time analysis of δ13C- and δD-CH4 in ambient air with laser spectroscopy: Method development and intercomparison, B11O-07Abstract Title: Isotopic Monitoring of N2O Emissions from Wastewater Treatment: Evidence for N2O Production Associated with Anammox Metabolism?
Emmerson, S. R.
Emmert, J. T.
SA34A-01Abstract Title: Stratospheric Sudden Warming Effects on the Upper Thermosphere, SM13B-2491Abstract Title: Influence of Geomagnetic and IMF conditions on High Latitude Upper Atmospheric winds and Temperatures
Emmerton, C. A.
B22D-04Abstract Title: An underestimated methane sink in Arctic mineral soils
Emmett, B.
B21F-0536Abstract Title: Contrasting Responses of Ecosystem Carbon Gain (Input) and Soil Carbon Efflux (Output) to Warming and Drought Across a European Aridity Gradient, B31B-0554Abstract Title: Coupled C, N and P Controls on Photosynthesis, Primary Production and Decomposition across a Land Use Intensification Gradient and Implications for Land Atmosphere C Exchange, B51B-0420Abstract Title: The Multi-Scale Response of Water Quality, Biodiversity and Carbon Sequestration to Coupled Macronutrient Cycling from Source to Sea: TURF2SURF
Emmett, K.
B43K-01Abstract Title: Addressing spatial scales and new mechanisms in climate impact ecosystem modeling
Emmons, L. K.
A11C-0074Abstract Title: Limitations of Global models in Representing Arctic Tropospheric Ozone and its Precursors, A12A-02Abstract Title: The Impact of Oil and Natural Gas Activity on Ozone Formation in the Colorado Front Range, A21A-0017Abstract Title: Atmospheric Organic Gases from Fossil Fuel Extraction Activities: Analysis and Modeling, A21A-0041Abstract Title: Separating Transported and Local Atmospheric Carbon Monoxide in Australasia with Satellite and Ground-based Remote Sensing, A21B-0118Abstract Title: Quantifying the Causes of Differences in Tropospheric OH within Global Models, A21J-04Abstract Title: Inferring the unobserved chemical state of the atmosphere: idealized data assimilation experiments, A23I-04Abstract Title: Multi-decadal NDACC Measurements of Trace Species in the Arctic Free Troposphere, A31B-0035Abstract Title: Chemical Response of CESM/CAM-Chem to MOPITT CO Ensemble-based Chemical Data Assimilation, A51B-0034Abstract Title: Effects of trans-Eurasian transport of anthropogenic pollutants on surface ozone concentrations over China
Emmott, S.
GC41H-08Abstract Title: Exposing variation to aid climate change risk assessment, PA51C-2217Abstract Title: Enabling joined-up decision making with geotemporal information
Emolo, A.
S33B-2774Abstract Title: Rapid Estimation of Macroseismic Intensity for On-site Earthquake Early Warning in Italy from Early Radiated Energ, S33B-2783Abstract Title: A Feasibility Study for Earthquake Early Warning in a School in Southern Italy, S53A-2754Abstract Title: The Rule of Dynamic Strain to Near Source Aftershock Distribution of the 2014, Mw 6.0, Napa (California) Earthquake
Emori, S.
B23G-0673Abstract Title: Can we bet on negative emissions to achieve the 2°C target even under strong carbon cycle feedbacks?
Emoto, K.
T13D-3041Abstract Title: Seismic Wave Propagation on the Tablet Computer
Empl, A.
NH11A-1896Abstract Title: Characterization of the Interior Density Structure of Near Earth Objects with Muons
Emry, E.
T44C-03Abstract Title: Upper mantle structure of the Congo Craton and the East African Rift from full wave ambient noise tomography
Emsenhuber, A.
P11A-2059Abstract Title: Coupling giant impacts and long-term evolution models
Emslie, G.
SH33C-07Abstract Title: The Formation of Kappa-Distribution Accelerated Electron Populations in Solar Flares
Emunah, M.
ED41A-0839Abstract Title: Sustainable Seas Student Monitoring Project at the Branson School in Ross, CA
En, C. K.
T43A-2972Abstract Title: Research of Earthquake Potential from Active Fault Observation in Taiwan
Enami, S.
A21A-0110Abstract Title: OH-radical specific addition to the antioxidant glutathione S-atom at the air-water interface – Relevance to the redox balance of the lung epithelial lining fluid and the causality of adverse health effects induced by air pollution
Encarnacao, A. V.
S21B-2693Abstract Title: Path-Dependent Travel Time Prediction Variance and Covariance for a Global Tomographic P- and S-Velocity Model, S53B-2830Abstract Title: SALSA3D: A Global 3D Velocity Model for Improved Seismic Event Location in Nuclear Explosion Monitoring, S53B-2833Abstract Title: Improved Bulletin Generation Using an Iterative Processing Framework
Encarnacao, J.
G31B-1114Abstract Title: Impact of Orbit Position Errors on Future Satellite Gravity Models, G42A-01Abstract Title: First monthly gravity field solutions derived from GPS orbits of Swarm, SA24A-04Abstract Title: Ionospheric and Thermospheric Response to the 2015 St. Patrick's Day Storm: a Global Multi-Instrumental Overview, SA31D-2371Abstract Title: Processing of Swarm Accelerometer Data into Thermospheric Neutral Densities
Encrenaz, P.
P12B-03Abstract Title: Composition, seasonal change and bathymetry of Ligeia Mare, Titan, derived from its 2.2-cm thermal emission, P51D-05Abstract Title: The case for water ice in Titan’s near subsurface
Endalamaw, A. M.
H23B-1581Abstract Title: Sensitivity of Residual Soil Moisture Content in VIC Model Soil Property Parameterizations for Sub-arctic Discontinuous Permafrost Watersheds
Enderlin, E. M.
C11DAbstract Title: Glacier-Ocean Interactions: Observations, Mechanisms, and Synthesis I, C12AAbstract Title: Glacier-Ocean Interactions: Observations, Mechanisms, and Synthesis II, C13EAbstract Title: Glacier-Ocean Interactions: Observations, Mechanisms, and Synthesis III, C21AAbstract Title: Glacier-Ocean Interactions: Observations, Mechanisms, and Synthesis IV Posters, C21A-0719Abstract Title: Freshwater fluxes into the subpolar North Atlantic from secular trends in Arctic land ice mass balance, C22BAbstract Title: Recent Discoveries and Challenges in Constraining Surface Mass Balance over Ice Sheets and Glaciers I, C23CAbstract Title: Recent Discoveries and Challenges in Constraining Surface Mass Balance over Ice Sheets and Glaciers II Posters, C53C-0798Abstract Title: High-Resolution Force Balance Analyses of Tidewater Glacier Dynamics
Enders, M.
S33D-2819Abstract Title: Technology and Engineering Advances Supporting EarthScope’s Alaska Transportable Array, T51C-2893Abstract Title: EarthScope’s Transportable Array in Alaska and Western Canada
Enders, S. K.
PP41B-2239Abstract Title: Reconstructing 40ky of N cycling from stable isotopes of plant compounds in a Siberian permafrost soil
Endo, H.
A33H-0282Abstract Title: Large-scale Changes in Marine Fog in a Warmer Climate, GC43A-1161Abstract Title: Future Changes in Rainfall Extremes Associated with El Nino Projected by a Global 20-km Mesh Atmospheric Model
Endo, I.
B13A-0586Abstract Title: Investigation of radioactive cesium transportation from forest canopy to floor by litterfall, stemflow and throughfall in northern Fukushima
Endo, N.
NH31C-05Abstract Title: Towards a Predictive Theory of Malaria: Connections to Spatio-temporal Variability of Climate and Hydrology
Endo, S.
A21D-0161Abstract Title: Modeling Workflow for the DOE Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program’s LES ARM Symbiotic Simulation and Observation (LASSO) Workflow, A21D-0162Abstract Title: The DOE Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program’s LES ARM Symbiotic Simulation and Observation (LASSO) Workflow: Initialization, Forcing and Multiscale Data Assimilation, A21D-0163Abstract Title: Model-Observation “Data Cubes” for the DOE Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program’s LES ARM Symbiotic Simulation and Observation (LASSO) Workflow, A21D-0164Abstract Title: RACORO Continental Boundary Layer Cloud Investigations: Large-Eddy Simulations of Cumulus Clouds and Evaluation with In-Situ and Ground-Based Observations, A21D-0165Abstract Title: Modifications to WRF’s dynamical core to improve the treatment of moisture for large-­eddy simulations, A22A-04Abstract Title: Relationships of Entrainment Rate with Dynamical and Thermodynamic Properties in Shallow Convection
Endris, C.
OS21A-1969Abstract Title: Potential Marine Benthic Habitat Map of Elkhorn Slough, California
Enescu, B.
S41B-2746Abstract Title: Monitoring of Seismic Anisotropy at the Time of the 2008 Iwate-Miyagi Earthquake.
Enfield, D. B.
A23M-08Abstract Title: Springtime ENSO Flavors and Their Impacts on US Regional Tornado Outbreaks
Eng, B. T.
GC23K-1247Abstract Title: A Hyperspectral Thermal Emission Spectrometer (HyTES) for High Altitude Applications
Eng, D.
P11B-2083Abstract Title: Mars-Moons Exploration, Reconnaissance and Landed Investigation (MERLIN)
Eng, K.
H11E-1394Abstract Title: Sensitivity of intermittent streams to climate variations in the United States
Eng, P. J.
MR11A-02Abstract Title: High-energy X-ray diffraction of melts and amorphous solids at extreme conditions, MR13A-2675Abstract Title: High pressure research at the Partnership for eXtreme Xtallography (PX^2) Project
Engbersen, N.
H23J-08Abstract Title: Fine-Scale Spatial Variability of Precipitation, Soil, and Plant Water Isotopes
Engdahl, N. B.
H24B-06Abstract Title: Hydrologic Response to Widespread Land Cover Change Simulated from the Hillslope through the Regional Scale, H24D-07Abstract Title: Lagrangian simulation of age and environmental tracer concentrations through integrated hydrologic systems, H51F-1430Abstract Title: Effects of interface orientation on deformation, mixing, and reaction rates in steady-state and transient shear flows
Engebretson, M. J.
SM13A-2466Abstract Title: Relations Between Traveling Convection Vortex (TCV) Signatures in Near-Cusp Ground Data, at Geosynchronous Orbit, and in Low Latitude Ground Data, SM13B-2487Abstract Title: Analysis of a Prototypical Substorm with Conjugate Ground Magnetic Data, SM14C-09Abstract Title: Experimental observations of electron precipitation driven by EMIC waves, SM24B-06Abstract Title: Energy ranges and pitch angles of outer radiation belt electrons depleted by an intense dayside hydrogen band EMIC wave event on February 23, 2014, SM41F-2547Abstract Title: Location of EMIC Wave Events Relative to the Plasmapause: Van Allen Probes Observations, SM41F-2549Abstract Title: Toward a System-Based Approach to Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Waves in Earth's Magnetosphere, SM41H-2572Abstract Title: Multisatellite Observations of Long-lasting Poloidal Pc 4 Pulsations in the Dayside Magnetosphere., SM41H-2575Abstract Title: Comparing Local-Time and Storm-Phase Distributions of EMIC Waves Observed by Van Allen Probes A, GOES-13, and Halley, Antarctica, SM52A-04Abstract Title: New Insights on Ring Current-Radiation Belt Dynamics from Observation and Simulation Studies
Engel, A.
A43E-0338Abstract Title: Evaluation of new stratospheric age tracers and SF6
Engel, B.
H13L-1759Abstract Title: Future integrated aquifer vulnerability assessment considering land use / land cover and climate change using DRASTIC and SWAT
Engel, D.
ED53C-0865Abstract Title: Teaching Freshmen About Water, Energy, Food, the Environment, and Public Policy in an Interactive Classroom
Engel, E.
ED31C-0910Abstract Title: Bringing Earth Magnetism Research into the High School Physics Classroom
Engel, M.
SM41D-2502Abstract Title: Comparison of Van Allen Probes Inner Zone Proton Data with Test-Particle Simulation for the 17 March 2015 Storm Using TS05 and Computed Inductive Electric Field
Engelbrecht, F.
A23E-0387Abstract Title: First Evaluation of the CCAM Aerosol Simulation over Africa: Implications for Regional Climate Modeling
Engelbrecht, J. P.
A33L-0368Abstract Title: Deposition Rates and Characterization of Arabian Mineral Dust, A51U-06Abstract Title: Relating Optical Properties of Dusts to their Mineralogical and Physical Interrelationships
Engelhardt, G.
G42A-08Abstract Title: Models for Variations in the Global Geophysical Fluids and Their Impact on Space-Geodetic Solutions
Engelhardt, I. A. D.
P31E-2100Abstract Title: Evolution of the Plasma Environment of Comet 67P, SM31B-2481Abstract Title: Plasma and charged dust around Enceladus
Engelhart, S. E.
G11B-0980Abstract Title: Subsidence along the Atlantic Coast of the United States: Insights from GPS and late Holocene relative sea level data, PP11E-08Abstract Title: Recent advances in the compilation of holocene relative Sea-level database in North America, PP51C-2298Abstract Title: Reconstructing Late Holocene Relative Sea-level Changes on the Gulf Coast of Florida, T11H-08Abstract Title: Megathrust Slip Varied During Past Cascadia Subduction Zone Earthquakes at Siletz Bay, Central Oregon, T31A-2854Abstract Title: Improving Estimates of Coseismic Subsidence from southern Cascadia Subduction Zone Earthquakes at northern Humboldt Bay, California
Engelmann, C. A.
Engels, F.
S53A-2767Abstract Title: RESIF Seismology Datacentre : Recently Released Data and New Services. Computing with Dense Seisimic Networks Data.
Engels, M.
S53A-2747Abstract Title: Calibration of Seismic Sources during a Test Cruise with the new RV SONNE
Engfer, D.
V12A-08Abstract Title: Seafloor Tectonic Fault Fabric and the Evolution of the Walvis Ridge-Rio Grande Rise Hot Spot Twins in the South Atlantic
England, A. W.
C33C-0820Abstract Title: Snow Pack and Lake Ice Pack Remote Sensing using Wideband Autocorrelation Radiometry
England, J. F.
H51P-03Abstract Title: Needs to Update Probable Maximum Precipitation for Critical Infrastructure, NH31D-02Abstract Title: Incorporating Climate Change Projections into a Hydrologic Hazard Analysis for Friant Dam
England, M. R.
A53C-0395Abstract Title: Troposphere-Stratosphere Dynamical Coupling in the Southern High Latitudes and its Linkage to the Amundsen Sea
England, M. H.
NG41A-1764Abstract Title: Internal Interdecadal Variability in CMIP5 Control Simulations, PP41B-2234Abstract Title: Impact of oceanic circulation changes on atmospheric δ13CO2, PP43B-2274Abstract Title: OBLIQUITY CONTROL ON SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE CLIMATE DURING THE LAST GLACIAL
England, S.
P21A-2067Abstract Title: MAVEN observations of atmospheric waves in the Martian upper atmosphere, P21A-2068Abstract Title: Tides in the Martian Atmosphere as Observed by MAVEN IUVS, SA22AAbstract Title: Neutral Winds, Currents, and Electric Fields at Low- and Midlatitudes below 200 km: A Critical Review of Our Knowledge and Understanding I, SA23DAbstract Title: Neutral Winds, Currents, and Electric Fields at Low- and Midlatitudes below 200 km: A Critical Review of Our Knowledge and Understanding II Posters, SA41B-2331Abstract Title: Tidal Variability during the Current Peak in the El-Nino Southern Oscillation, SA41B-2346Abstract Title: Global Responses of Gravity Waves to Planetary Wave Variations during Stratospheric Sudden Warming Observed by SABER, SA52A-05Abstract Title: Global-scale Observations of the Limb and Disk (GOLD): From Simulations to Observations
Englander, J. G.
A11M-0241Abstract Title: Monitoring Oilfield Operations and GHG Emissions Sources Using Object-based Image Analysis of High Resolution Spatial Imagery
Englert, A.
H43D-1536Abstract Title: Multiple Tracer Tests in Porous Media During Clogging, H51FAbstract Title: Flow, Mixing, and Reaction: Interactions and Coupling in Hydrological Systems I Posters, H53KAbstract Title: Flow, Mixing, and Reaction: Interactions and Coupling in Hydrological Systems II, H54CAbstract Title: Flow, Mixing, and Reaction: Interactions and Coupling in Hydrological Systems III, NS52A-03Abstract Title: High resolution imaging of aquifer properties using full-waveform GPR tomography
Englert, C. R.
SA43C-07Abstract Title: The Michelson Interferometer for Global High-resolution Thermospheric Imaging (MIGHTI): Final Instrument Design and Update on Integration and Test of the Thermsopheric Wind and Temperature Instrument on the Ionospheric Connection Explorer (ICON), SA51C-2414Abstract Title: A Low Noise, High QE, Large Format CCD Camera System for the NASA MIGHTI Instrument
Englert, P. A. J.
P24A-03Abstract Title: Wright Valley Sediments as Potential Analogs for Martian Surface Processes
Engling, G.
A23F-0402Abstract Title: Seasonal Variation of Fungal Spores in Size-fractionated Ambient Particulate Matter in Beijing, China, Based on Molecular Tracer Measurements
English, J. M.
A41E-0111Abstract Title: Improving US Winter Storm Forecasts using Simulated Dropsondes in the GFS Model, A53A-0357Abstract Title: The use of targeting techniques with the Global Hawk to improve storm forecasts over Alaska, U34A-02Abstract Title: What do we need to know to model the microphysical evolution of volcanic clouds and how can we make these measurements?
Engrand, C.
P31E-2089Abstract Title: COSIMA at Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko After Perihelion
Engström, A.
A24E-08Abstract Title: From Regional Cloud-Albedo to a Global Albedo Footprint - Studying Aerosol Effects on the Radiation Budget Using the Relation Between Albedo and Cloud Fraction
Engstrom, J.
H33D-1648Abstract Title: Variations of, and Changes in the Hydroclimatology of the Southeast United States
Engstrom, R.
GC33F-04Abstract Title: Detecting Anthropogenic and Climate Change Induced Land Cover and Land Use Change in the Vicinity of an Oil/gas Facility in Northwestern Siberia, Russia
Enkelmann, E.
T32E-01Abstract Title: NEOGENE TECTONIC AND CLIMATIC RECORDS IN THE MARINE SEDIMENTARY STRATA OF THE ST. ELIAS MOUNTAINS AND THE GULF OF ALASKA, T33D-2960Abstract Title: Linking Quaternary Climate Changes to Mountain Building in Southeastern Alaska, T33D-2961Abstract Title: Provenance of Marine Sediment in the Gulf of Alaska, IODP Expedition 341: Links Between Sediment Derivation, Glacial Systems, and Exhumation of the Coastal Mountain Belts
Ennico Smith, K.
P41E-01Abstract Title: A First Look at the Geology of Charon, P41E-02Abstract Title: Charon as Seen by New Horizons in the Infrared, P41E-03Abstract Title: Comparisons Between New Horizons Results and Long-Term Monitoring of Pluto, P41E-04Abstract Title: Processes Modifying Cratered Terrains on Pluto, P41E-05Abstract Title: Geomorphic Evolution of Sputnik Planum and Surrounding Terrain, P41E-06Abstract Title: Geomorphological Mapping of Sputnik Planum and Surrounding Terrain on Pluto, P41E-07Abstract Title: Craters on Pluto and Charon: The Influence of Low Gravities, Low Impact Speeds, and Unique Ices, P41E-08Abstract Title: Radii and Shape of Pluto and Charon: Preliminary Results from New Horizons, P41E-09Abstract Title: New Insights into the Structure, Origin, and Evolution of Pluto and Charon, P44B-08Abstract Title: The Chasmata and Montes of Charon, P51A-2031Abstract Title: Shapes and Rotations of the Small Satellites of Pluto, P51A-2039Abstract Title: New Horizons approach photometry of Pluto and Charon: light curves and Solar phase curves, P51A-2040Abstract Title: N2 glacial flow on and onto Sputnik Planum, P51A-2041Abstract Title: Convection in Solid Nitrogen and Other Supervolatile Ices on Pluto, P51A-2042Abstract Title: Understanding Pluto's Surface: Correlations between Geology and Composition, P51A-2046Abstract Title: Searching for Charon's Atmosphere, P54A-01Abstract Title: Color and Composition of Pluto and Its Moons from the New Horizons Mission, P54A-04Abstract Title: Photometric Properties of Pluto and Charon: Comparison to Other Bodies, P54A-05Abstract Title: The New Horizons Radio Science Experiment: Performance and Measurements of Pluto's Atmospheric Structure, Surface Pressure, and Surface Temperature , P54A-06Abstract Title: Radio Occultation Measurements of Pluto’s Atmosphere with New Horizons, P54A-09Abstract Title: Pluto’s Far Ultraviolet Spectrum and Airglow Emissions, SM42B-03Abstract Title: Escape of Pluto's Atmosphere: In Situ Measurements from New Horizons and Remote Observations from Chandra, U53A-01Abstract Title: Overview of Key Results from the Exploration of the Pluto System by New Horizons, U53A-03Abstract Title: Geology of Pluto and Charon Overview, U53A-07Abstract Title: The interacting surface and atmosphere of Pluto
Enochs, I.
OS13A-2030Abstract Title: Galápagos coral reef persistence after ENSO warming across an acidification gradient
Enoto, T.
SM31C-2502Abstract Title: Can neutron stars have auroras ? : electromagnetic coupling process between neutron star and magnetized accretion disk
Enquist, B. J.
B11L-08Abstract Title: Scaling up from traits to communities to ecosystems across broad climate gradients: Testing Metabolic Scaling Theories predictions for forests
Enquist, C.
GC51BAbstract Title: Connecting Stakeholders with Climate Science: The Role of Climate Programs Posters
Enright, W.
OS51C-01Abstract Title: Anomalous Ocean Warming off the U.S. West Coast in 2014 and its Impacts on Marine Ecosystem and Seabird
Enriquez-Alonso, A.
A31C-0058Abstract Title: Decadal changes in all and clear-sky shortwave radiation from high spatial resolution satellite-derived and ground-based observations over Europe
Ens, J.
B33C-0705Abstract Title: Snowcover Influences Upon Episodic Release of Nitrous Oxide from Agricultural Soils During Spring Thaw
Enslin, C. L.
C33D-0845Abstract Title: A hydrometeorological dataset across the rain-to-snow transition at Reynolds Creek Critical Zone Observatory, Idaho.
Ensminger, I.
B43D-0599Abstract Title: Monitoring Spring Recovery of Photosynthesis and Spectral Reflectance in Temperate Evergreen and Mixed Deciduous Forests
Ensor, B. L.
B33C-0698Abstract Title: Spatial and Temporal Trends in Greenhouse Gas Fluxes from a Temperate Floodplain Along a Stream-Riparian-Upland Gradient
Entekhabi, D.
A21F-0221Abstract Title: Tropospheric response to varying approaches of prescribing Siberian snow anomalies, A33B-0149Abstract Title: Law-of-the-wall buffer layer explained by a simplified cospectral budget model, B53A-0536Abstract Title: Retrieving Vegetation Parameters and Soil Reflection Coefficients with P-band SAR Polarimetry, B53A-0537Abstract Title: Airborne Microwave Observatory of Subcanopy and Subsurface (AirMOSS) Earth Venture Suborbital Mission Overview, H14FAbstract Title: The NASA Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) Mission Status and Early Results I, H14F-01Abstract Title: The NASA Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) Mission Status and Early Results, H14F-02Abstract Title: Validating SMAP L2/3 Products, H21HAbstract Title: The NASA Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) Mission Status and Early Results II Posters, H21H-1484Abstract Title: Investigating Baseline, Alternative and Copula-based Algorithm for combining Airborne Active and Passive Microwave Observations in the SMAP Context, H43H-1626Abstract Title: SMAP L2/L3 Soil Moisture Product Validation using In Situ Based Core Validation Sites , H43H-1628Abstract Title: Global Evaporation Estimates from SMAP Passive Microwave Soil Moisture Retrievals Using Conditional Sampling.  , H43H-1644Abstract Title: Validation of Large-Scale Geophysical Estimates Using In Situ Measurements with Representativeness Error, H53M-08Abstract Title: SMAP Validation Experiment 2015 (SMAPVEX15)
Entin, J. K.
H14F-01Abstract Title: The NASA Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) Mission Status and Early Results
Enzmann, F.
H24A-08Abstract Title: Modelling of Tc migration in an un-oxidized fractured drill core from Äspö, Sweden
Eom, J. S.
B11G-0515Abstract Title: Impacts of Forest and Agricultural Land Use on Stream Dissolved Organic Carbon During Storms
Eom, J.
G31A-1089Abstract Title: Correction of Correlation Errors in Greenland Ice Mass Variations from GRACE using Empirical Orthogonal Function, G31A-1102Abstract Title: Surface Mass Balance Contributions to Acceleration of Antarctic Ice Mass Loss during 2003- 2013
Eparvier, F. G.
P12A-05Abstract Title: The Hot Oxygen Corona of Mars: Observations by MAVEN IUVS, P12A-06Abstract Title: Oxygen Pickup Ions Measured by MAVEN Outside the Martian Bow Shock, P13D-04Abstract Title: H Escape in 3D: MAVEN IUVS observations of the Mars corona, P13D-08Abstract Title: The Loss Rate of Ions from the Martian Atmosphere, P21A-2045Abstract Title: Electron Energetics in the Martian Ionosphere: Model Comparisons with MAVEN Data, P21A-2050Abstract Title: New Sub-nanometer Spectral Estimates of the 0-5 nm Solar Soft X-Ray Irradiance at Mars Using the Extreme UltraViolet Monitor (EUVM) Onboard MAVEN, P21A-2055Abstract Title: Study of the Martian cold oxygen corona from the O I 130.4 nm by IUVS/MAVEN, SA52A-05Abstract Title: Global-scale Observations of the Limb and Disk (GOLD): From Simulations to Observations, SH23B-2445Abstract Title: Using the MAVEN EUV Monitor to Validate Far-Side and Over-The-Limb Solar Activity Predictions, SH32A-02Abstract Title: The Missing Solar Irradiance Spectrum: 1 to 7 nm
Epavier, F.
P12A-07Abstract Title: Solar Energetic Particle Events Observed by MAVEN, P21A-2051Abstract Title: Solar Ionizing Radiation at Mars: Predictions vs. MAVEN Observations, P21A-2058Abstract Title: Mars’ ultraviolet dayglow observations by IUVS/MAVEN: Structure and variability of Martian upper atmosphere, P21A-2061Abstract Title: Retrieval of Mars' Upper Atmospheric Composition using Dayglow Observations by IUVS on MAVEN
Epifanio, C. C.
A33K-0339Abstract Title: Convective Transport of Trace Species Observed During the Stratosphere-Troposphere Analyses of Regional Transport 2008 Experiment (START08)
Epperly, M. E.
SH53A-2480Abstract Title: Forbush Effects on the Martian Surface and Earth’s Poles
Eppes, M. C.
EP41C-0942Abstract Title: Real-time Observations of Rock Cracking and Weather Provide Insights into Thermal Stress-Related Processes of Mechanical Weathering.
Eppler, D. B.
P11B-2098Abstract Title: Science Objectives and Site Selection Criteria for a Human Mission to Mars, P31A-2036Abstract Title: Vent 7504 of the San Francisco Volcanic Field (SFVF), Arizona: Sample Geochemistry and Implications for Cone Formation, P31A-2037Abstract Title: GEOLOGIC INVESTIGATIONS SPURRED BY ANALOG TESTING AT THE 7504 CONE-SP MOUNTAIN AREA OF THE SAN FRANCISCO VOLCANIC FIELD
Epps, J. C.
EP53A-0983Abstract Title: Radar signatures of sediment availability-limited dune-fields and playas on Earth as a Titan analog., P13B-2137Abstract Title: Mulitple Origins of Sand Dune-Topography Interactions on Titan
Epron, D.
B13D-0644Abstract Title: Responses of methane effluxes and soil methane concentrations to compaction., B54A-03Abstract Title: Variability of the CO2 vertical soil profile production and its isotopic composition in a beech forest
Epstein, H. E.
B53C-0570Abstract Title: Correlating Species and Spectral Diversity using Remote Sensing in Successional Fields in Virginia, B53C-0572Abstract Title: Characterization of Understory Shrub Expansion in a West Virginia Watershed from 1986 – 2011 Using Landsat Derived Vegetation Indices, B53C-0577Abstract Title: A hierarchic approach to examining panArctic vegetation with a focus on the linkages between remote sensing and plot-based studies., GC11F-1083Abstract Title: Climate Variations and Alaska Tundra Vegetation Productivity Declines in Spring, GC13K-04Abstract Title: Circumpolar Dynamics of Arctic Tundra Vegetation in Relation to Temperature Trends, GC33F-04Abstract Title: Detecting Anthropogenic and Climate Change Induced Land Cover and Land Use Change in the Vicinity of an Oil/gas Facility in Northwestern Siberia, Russia
Epting, J.
H42C-07Abstract Title: Dynamic Vulnerability of Karst Systems: a Concept to understand qualitative and quantitative Aspects of Karst springs due to Changes in Groundwater Recharge
Epting, S.
H11E-1387Abstract Title: Tracking Changes in Dissolved Organic Matter Patterns in Perennial Headwater Streams Throughout a Hydrologic Year Using In-situ Sensors and Optical Properties
Equeter, E.
P31E-2106Abstract Title: Halogens at Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko seen with ROSINA-DFMS
Erard, S.
IN33E-03Abstract Title: VESPA: Developing the Planetary Science Virtual Observatory in H2020, IN41A-1691Abstract Title: Sharing Low Frequency Radio Emissions in the Virtual Observatory: Application for JUNO-Ground-Radio Observations Support., P31E-2105Abstract Title: Modeling of the Inner Coma of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko Constrained by VIRTIS and ROSINA Observations
Erazo, C.
NH23E-06Abstract Title: Fast Risk Assessment Software For Natural Hazard Phenomena Using Georeference Population And Infrastructure Data Bases
Erb, K. H.
GC12A-03Abstract Title: Tracing trade-related telecouplings in the global land-system using the embodied human appropriation of net primary production framework
Erb, M. P.
PP41D-07Abstract Title: Regional Sensitivity to CO2 forcing: Detection and Attribution Approach to Analyzing CO2 Component of Late Quaternary Climate Variability, PP53A-2311Abstract Title: Simulating the Response to Astronomical Forcing with a Coupled Atmosphere-Ocean Model, PP53A-2313Abstract Title: Obliquity and Precession in the Quaternary: Analyzing Climate Responses Using Single-Forcing GCM Simulations and Bayesian Model-Proxy Comparison
Erberik, M. A.
NH13B-1920Abstract Title: Multicomponent seismic loss estimation on the North Anatolian Fault Zone (Turkey)
Ercan, A.
NG32A-05Abstract Title: Self-Similarity in Two-Dimensional Hydrodynamics, NG41A-1766Abstract Title: Scale Invariance and Self-Similarity of 1-Dimensional Non-equilibrium Bedload Sediment Transport
Ercan, M. B.
H13H-1627Abstract Title: Use of TRMM and GPM Multi-Satellite Precipitation Data for Hydrological Modeling
Erdem, Z.
PP33C-2327Abstract Title: A 22,000 year record of changing redox conditions from the Peruvian Oxygen Minimum Zone (OMZ): benthic foraminifera approach
Erdik, M. O.
S33B-2780Abstract Title: Performance of Network Based EEW Systems in Marmara Region; VS, ElarmS-2 and PRESTo
Erdmann, M.
V21A-3011Abstract Title: High- & Low-δ18O magma: Comparative study of crustal and mantle plagiogranites from the Oman ophiolite
Erdogan, S. T.
MR21A-2602Abstract Title: Intumescence and pore structure of alkali-activated volcanic glasses upon exposure to high temperatures
Eren, A. M.
B14E-07Abstract Title: Genomic variation of subseafloor archaeal and bacterial populations from venting fluids at the Mid-Cayman Rise
Erez, J.
PP23E-01Abstract Title: Did the Mid-Pliocene warmth bring the Northern Hemisphere Chill?
Erfanian, A.
A32E-06Abstract Title: Incorporating vegetation feedbacks in regional climate modeling over West Africa
Ergas, S. J.
H32E-06Abstract Title: Particulate Pyrite Autotrophic Denitrification (PPAD) for Remediation of Nitrate-contaminated Groundwater
Ergintav, S.
G21A-1006Abstract Title: Surface Creep Along the East Anatolian Fault (Turkey) Revealed by InSAR Time Series: Implications for Seismic Hazard and Mechanism of Creep, G21A-1007Abstract Title: Surface Creep Along the 1999 Izmit Earthquake’s Rupture (Turkey) from InSAR, GPS and Terrestrial LIDAR
Ergun, R.
P12A-03Abstract Title: Evidence of Ion Heating at Low Altitudes in the Dayside Ionosphere at Mars, P21A-2035Abstract Title: Dayside Electron Density Depletions Observed by the MAVEN Langmuir Probe and Waves Instrument, SM21A-2466Abstract Title: Kinetic Alfvén Waves in the Inner Magnetosphere Triggered by an Interplanetary Shock, SM41I-01Abstract Title: Exploring Magnetopause Reconnection with MMS, SM41I-03Abstract Title: MMS Observations of Parallel Electric Fields, SM41I-08Abstract Title: Observations of 3-D Electric Fields and Waves Associated With Reconnection at the Dayside Magnetopause, SM42A-04Abstract Title: MMS High-Resolution Observations of the Magnetopause Reconnection Layer, SM44A-08Abstract Title: MMS Observations of Kinetic Features in the Earth’s Bursty Bulk Flow Braking Region, SM51A-2524Abstract Title: Bursty Bulk Flow Turbulence as Observed by the Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission
Ergun, R.
P21A-2094Abstract Title: Initial Determinations of Ionospheric Electric Fields and Joule Heating from MAVEN Observations
Ergun, R. E.
P21A-2037Abstract Title: The Electron Density Structure of Mars Magnetosphere by MAVEN/LPW, P21A-2048Abstract Title: Investigating the Martian Ionospheric Conductivity Using MAVEN Key Parameter Data, P21A-2080Abstract Title: Pressure balance across large magnetic flux ropes on the dayside of Mars, P21A-2093Abstract Title: Enhanced Loss of O2+ and O+ at Mars from Electron and Ion Heating, SM12A-09Abstract Title: Low-Frequency Wave Activity Detected by MMS during Dusk Magnetopause Crossings and its Relation to Heating and Acceleration of Particles, SM22A-06Abstract Title: Conversion of electromagnetic energy at plasma jet fronts, SM41I-02Abstract Title: First MMS Observations of High Time Resolution 3D Electric and Magnetic fields at the Dayside Magnetopause., SM41I-09Abstract Title: Comparison of Magnetospheric Multiscale Magnetopause Crossing Signatures With Predicted Reconnection Line Locations, SM42A-03Abstract Title: Features of the Active Evening Plasma Sheet from MMS, SM42A-08Abstract Title: 3D Ion and Electron Distribution Function Measurements from the Fast Plasma Investigation on the Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission, SM43A-02Abstract Title: Effect of electron ambient plasmas in reconnection jets and dipolarization fronts : MMS initial results, SM43A-05Abstract Title: MMS Observations of Dipolarization Fronts, SM51A-2513Abstract Title: DC and AC Electric Field Measurements by Spin-Plane Double Probes Onboard MMS, SM51A-2514Abstract Title: An Investigation of Perpendicular Gradients of Parallel Electric Field in Separatrix Regions in Using the Magnetosphere Multiscale Mission, SM51A-2518Abstract Title: Calibrating MMS Electron Drift Instrument (EDI) Ambient Electron Flux Measurements and Characterizing 3D Electric Field Signatures of Magnetic Reconnection, SM51A-2523Abstract Title: Multi-point, multi-scale observation of the near-Earth current sheet reconfiguration during storm-time multi-onset substorms, SM51A-2529Abstract Title: Plasma Distributions and Composition at the Magnetopause: MMS HPCA observations, SM51A-2548Abstract Title: Parallel Electric Fields and Wave Phenomena Associated with Magnetic Reconnection: The Merged Magnetic Field Product from MMS, SM51A-2556Abstract Title: MMS observations of waves and instabilities in the separatrices and diffusion region of magnetopause reconnection
Erhardt, M.
H11F-1417Abstract Title: Historical Tracking of Nitrate in Contrasting Vineyard Using Water Isotopes and Nitrate Depth Profiles
Erhardt, T.
PP21C-2257Abstract Title: Greenland ice core reconstruction of millennial changes in North American wildfire and soil activity over the last glacial cycle
Eric, C. D. O.
NS34A-03Abstract Title: Identification of kimberlite bodies in Brazil from a 3D audio-magnetotelluric survey
Eric, W.
A43B-0271Abstract Title: Improvement to microphysical schemes in WRF Model based on observed data, part I: size distribution function
Ericksen, T.
G11B-0982Abstract Title: An Autonomous, Low Cost Platform for Seafloor Geodetic Observations, NH23C-1910Abstract Title: A novel new tsunami detection network using GNSS on commercial ships
Erickson, B.
EP53A-0969Abstract Title: Using Varnish Microlaminations to Provide Minimum Ages on Alluvium Associated with Ground Water Discharge Deposits on an Alluvial Fan at Fenner Gap, Cadiz, CA.
Erickson, B. A.
S11A-2777Abstract Title: The Effects of Plasticity and the Evolution of Damage Zones in Earthquake Cycle Simulations
Erickson, G.
H53B-1659Abstract Title: The Platte River – High Plains Aquifer (PR-HPA) Long Term Agroecosystem Research (LTAR) Network – Data and Technological Resources to Address Current and Emerging Issues in Agroecosystems.
Erickson, J.
ED33A-0932Abstract Title: The Global Systems Science High School Curriculu
Erickson, J. S.
IN41C-1714Abstract Title: Semantic Specification of Data Type Information in the Deep Carbon Observatory Data Portal
Erickson, K. J.
ED51BAbstract Title: Amazing Technologies and Capabilities That Contribute to STEM I Posters, ED51B-0808Abstract Title: Storyboards and Science: Introducing the Planetary Data Storyboard, ED54AAbstract Title: Amazing Technologies and Capabilities That Contribute to STEM II
Erickson, P. J.
A33K-0352Abstract Title: Variation of the Meridional Wind at 95 km with Season and Local Solar Time from Observations of the 11.072 GHz Ozone line and 557.7 nm Oxygen line, IN44A-06Abstract Title: The Rise of Computer-Aided Discovery in Geoscience, SA23EAbstract Title: Geospace Storms: Synergy between Observations, Modeling, Theory, and Data Assimilation I, SA23E-03Abstract Title: Dynamics of Subauroral Polarization Stream (SAPS) Structures, SA24A-01Abstract Title: The Geospace Plume: Multi-scale Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Dynamics During the 17 March 2015 Great Storm, SA31D-2365Abstract Title: Subauroral Ion-neutral Coupling During the March 2015 Superstorm, SA31EAbstract Title: Geospace Storms: Synergy between Observations, Modeling, Theory, and Data Assimilation II Posters, SA31E-2380Abstract Title: Mass Transport and Dynamics at Subauroral Latitudes During The March 17, 2013 Storm, SM14C-05Abstract Title: The Impenetrable Barrier Revisited – Anthroprogenic Effects on Earth’s Radiation Belts
Ericson, R.
IN23A-1724Abstract Title: SIPSMetGen: It’s Not Just For Aircraft Data and ECS Anymore.
Eriksen, F. N.
OS23B-2002Abstract Title: 3D High-Resolution Seismic Imaging of Fluid Flow Anomalies on the Norwegian Continental Shelf
Eriksen, O. K.
OS23B-2002Abstract Title: 3D High-Resolution Seismic Imaging of Fluid Flow Anomalies on the Norwegian Continental Shelf
Erikson, L. H.
EP23A-0938Abstract Title: Seasonal to Decadal Change of Arctic Coastal Bluffs, Barter Island, Alaska
Eriksson, A. I.
P12A-03Abstract Title: Evidence of Ion Heating at Low Altitudes in the Dayside Ionosphere at Mars, P21A-2035Abstract Title: Dayside Electron Density Depletions Observed by the MAVEN Langmuir Probe and Waves Instrument, P21A-2037Abstract Title: The Electron Density Structure of Mars Magnetosphere by MAVEN/LPW, P21A-2093Abstract Title: Enhanced Loss of O2+ and O+ at Mars from Electron and Ion Heating, P31E-2093Abstract Title: The Magnetic Response to Sudden Mass-loading of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko’s Induced Magnetosphere, P31E-2094Abstract Title: RPC-IES observations of the development and variability of plasma interaction regions near 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, P31E-2095Abstract Title: Evidence of Inhomogeneous Coma Composition at 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, P31E-2097Abstract Title: Solar Wind Interaction with Comet 67P/C-G: Impact of Corotating Interaction Regions, P31E-2100Abstract Title: Evolution of the Plasma Environment of Comet 67P, P31E-2101Abstract Title: The Evolution of Comet 67P as Seen by a Mass-Resolving Ion Spectrometer, P31E-2108Abstract Title: The Electron to Neutral Number Density Ratio as a Proxy for Processes at Play in the Coma of 67P, P31E-2112Abstract Title: Mapping of the cometary plasma density around comet CG/67P at perihelion., P33E-03Abstract Title: First Detection of a Diamagnetic Cavity at 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, SH31A-2393Abstract Title: Characterizing Observations of Cometary Electrons with Kappa Distributions, SM31B-2481Abstract Title: Plasma and charged dust around Enceladus, SM41I-02Abstract Title: First MMS Observations of High Time Resolution 3D Electric and Magnetic fields at the Dayside Magnetopause., SM51C-2575Abstract Title: Solar Illumination of the Polar Ionosphere and Its Effects on Cold Ion Outflow., SM53B-06Abstract Title: Estimation of cold plasma outflow during geomagnetic storms
Eriksson, L. Y.
NH22A-05Abstract Title: Reconstruction of the coastal impact of the Indian Ocean tsunami on December 26, 2004
Eriksson, S.
SM41I-08Abstract Title: Observations of 3-D Electric Fields and Waves Associated With Reconnection at the Dayside Magnetopause, SM41J-05Abstract Title: A Magnetohydrodynamic Simulation Study of the Dynamic Variations in the Configuration, Convection and Auroral Emissions in Saturn’s Magnetosphere Driven by the Observed Solar Wind, SM43A-07Abstract Title: Sub-solar Magnetopause Observation and Simulation of a Tripolar Guide-Magnetic Field Perturbation
Eriksson, S. C.
ED21B-0831Abstract Title: Evolution of Evaluation and Assessment in Diverse Audiences in the Digital Age, PA21AAbstract Title: Merging Left and Right Brains: At the Intersection of Creativity and Geoscience Posters
Erisman, J. W.
B12E-06Abstract Title: Succesfull options to combat nitrogen pollution in Europe
Erives, H.
AE31A-0420Abstract Title: Acoustic vs Interferometric Measurements of Lightning
Erkens, G.
GC41F-1138Abstract Title: Modeling falling groundwater tables in major cities of the world
Erkin, A.
C21B-0742Abstract Title: Ice flow velocity, elevation change and discharge variation in Novaya Zemlya using SAR and Landsat offset-tracking and radar altimetry
Erksine, R. H.
H51D-1395Abstract Title: Simulation of semi-arid hydrological processes at different spatial resolutions using the AgroEcoSystem-Watershed (AgES-W) model
Erkyihun, S. T.
H41G-1452Abstract Title: Application of Decadal Scale Projections Based on Large Scale Climate Indices to Decision Making in the Colorado River Basin
Erlandson, R. E.
SM41HAbstract Title: Waves and Particles at the Magnetic Equator I Posters, SM51FAbstract Title: Waves and Particles at the Magnetic Equator II
Erlenkeuser, H.
PP31C-2256Abstract Title: New Insights into the 8.2 ka Cold Event and Subsequent Climate Recovery in Central Europe Provided by a Precisely Dated Ostracod δ18O Record from Mondsee (Austria)
Erler, A. R.
A23E-0363Abstract Title: Projected Changes in Precipitation Extremes over Western Canada
Erler, D.
B13E-0659Abstract Title: Nitrogen removal by anammox and denitrification in a subtropical seagrass ecosystem
Erlingis, J. M.
H12E-05Abstract Title: Performance of Precipitation Algorithms During IPHEx and Observations of Microphysical Characteristics in Complex Terrain
Ermakov, A.
P23D-02Abstract Title: The Global Scale Relaxation State of Ceres, P53E-2185Abstract Title: The collisional history of dwarf planet Ceres revealed by Dawn, P53E-2190Abstract Title: Constraints on Ceres internal strcuture from the Dawn gravity and shape data
Ermert, L. A.
S23C-2720Abstract Title: Towards a Full Waveform Ambient Noise Inversion, S34B-01Abstract Title: Source-structure trade-offs in ambient noise correlations: Theory and numerical examples, S41B-2758Abstract Title: Inverting for the Sources of the Earth's Hum
Ermini, M.
PP23E-07Abstract Title: New insights into the relationship between mid latitude North Atlantic hydrography and productivity during the intensification of northern hemisphere glaciation
Ermold, W. S.
C32A-03Abstract Title: Loitering of the Retreating Sea Ice Edge in the Arctic Seas
Ernakovich, J. G.
B31D-0603Abstract Title: Strategizing a Comprehensive Laboratory Protocol to Determine the Decomposability of Soil Organic Matter in Permafrost
Ernest, A. N. S.
NH51B-1875Abstract Title: A Methodology for Forecasting Damage & Economic Consequences to Floods: Building on the National Flood Interoperability Experiment (NFIE)
Ernst, A. E.
SH41C-2393Abstract Title: Kinetic Simulation and Visualization of Ion Ring Instability in Interstellar Plasma, SH53C-04Abstract Title: Properties of ENA Source Regions Outside the Heliopause
Ernst, C. M.
P11B-2083Abstract Title: Mars-Moons Exploration, Reconnaissance and Landed Investigation (MERLIN), P11B-2087Abstract Title: The Main-belt Asteroid and NEO Tour with Imaging and Spectroscopy (MANTIS), P41F-04Abstract Title: Subsurface carbon-bearing material on Mercury revealed by the MESSENGER Gamma-Ray and Neutron Spectrometer, P53A-2094Abstract Title: Global Distribution and Spectral Properties of Low-Reflectance Material on Mercury, P53A-2106Abstract Title: THE FIRST GLOBAL GEOLOGICAL MAP OF MERCURY
Ernst, K.
PA42A-03Abstract Title: Integrated Framework for an Urban Climate Adaptation Tool
Ernst, S. M.
EP52BAbstract Title: Taking Smallsats to the Next Level, Enabling New Science I, EP53CAbstract Title: Taking Smallsats to the Next Level, Enabling New Science II Posters, EP53C-1036Abstract Title: The Mothership Mission Architecture
Ernst, W. G.
V41D-03Abstract Title: Zoning in hornblende as a key to petrologic evolution of sub-volcanic granitic plutons
Erpicum, S.
H11J-02Abstract Title: Can the Maximum Power Principle predict Effective Conductivities of a Confined Aquifer? A Lab Experiment
Erratt, N.
H23G-1657Abstract Title: Wireless Sensor Networks for Environmental Monitoring
Errico, M.
G23B-1061Abstract Title: Combining GNSS and SLR Measurements Using the Space Tie: Effects on Terrestrial Reference Frame Origin and Scale, G43B-1035Abstract Title: Sea Level Variability in the Mediterranean
Ersek, V.
PP21D-07Abstract Title: Decadal-scale Climate Variability on the Central Iranian Plateau Spanning the So-called 4.2 ka BP Drought Event
Ershova, V.
T51B-2878Abstract Title: First (U–Th)/He Ages of Detrital Zircons From Paleozoic Strata of the Severnaya Zemlya Archipelago (Russian High Arctic)
Erskine, J.
MR41E-07Abstract Title: Hydrogeologic Architecture of the San Andreas Fault near the Logan Quarry
Ersoy, Ö.
V11F-05Abstract Title: Deciphering magma histories through phosphorus zoning in olivine
Erten, E.
B43C-0582Abstract Title: Exploring the Potential of TanDEM-X Data in Rice Monitoring
Ertz, D. J.
IN11F-1809Abstract Title: GeoCSV: tabular text formatting for geoscience data
Erwin, S.
EP32A-04Abstract Title: Effects of Coarse Legacy Sediment on Rivers of the Ozark Plateaus and Implications for Native Mussel Fauna
Erxleben, W. H.
A11A-0002Abstract Title: Expanding Scales and Applications for 2D Spatial Mapping of CO2 using GreenLITE
Erzinger, J.
MR33A-2653Abstract Title: Sources, Fluxes, and Effects of Fluids in the Alpine Fault Zone, South Island, New Zealand, T23D-2988Abstract Title: Real Time Mud Gas Logging During Drilling of DFDP-2B
Esahani, S. G.
H13P-04Abstract Title: Transport and Retention of Concentrated Oil-in-Water Emulsions in Sandy Porous Media
Escalona, F.
S43A-2768Abstract Title: Coda wave attenuation at Jalisco Block, Western Mexico, T51D-2915Abstract Title: Crustal Structure across Rivera Plate and Jalisco Block (MEXICO): TsuJal Project
Escapa, A.
G11A-0961Abstract Title: Non-rigid Contributions to the Precession Rate of a Two-layers Earth Model
Escartin, J.
OS41B-03Abstract Title: Variations in seismicity within Lucky Strike volcano (37°17’N MAR) from 2007-2015, from a seafloor seismometer network, OS42A-07Abstract Title: Deep-Sea Observatory EMSO-Azores (Lucky Strike, 37º17’N MAR): Impact of Fluid Circulation Pathway on Chemical Hydrothermal Fluxes, OS43A-2017Abstract Title: Hydrothermal activity along the slow-spreading Lucky Strike ridge segment (Mid-Atlantic Ridge): Distribution, heatflux, and geological controls, OS43A-2024Abstract Title: Thermo-chemical fluxes, reactions and mixing in hydrothermal plumes at Oceanic Core complexes (Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 13°30’N and 13°20’N), T41E-2946Abstract Title: Petrology and Rock Magnetism of the peridotites of Pindos Ophiolite (Greece), insights into the serpentinization process, T43B-3000Abstract Title: Dissecting Oceanic Detachment Faults: Fault Zone Geometry, Deformation Mechanisms, and Nature of Fluid-Rock Interactions, T51J-07Abstract Title: Seismogenic behavior of symmetric vs. detachment-dominated sections of the Northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge, V12A-01Abstract Title: Seafloor bathymetry is not a paleoclimate proxy, V12A-02Abstract Title: Variations in magmatic and tectonic extension at the Chile Ridge
Escarzaga, S. M.
IN31B-1765Abstract Title: BAID: The Barrow Area Information Database – An Interactive Web Mapping Portal and Cyberinfrastructure Showcasing Scientific Activities in the Vicinity of Barrow, Arctic Alaska.
Escauriaza, C. R.
A33Q-10Abstract Title: A Study of the 24-26 March 2015 Rainfall Event over the Atacama Desert (Chile) using WRF Simulations, EP21A-0886Abstract Title: Statistical Characterization of the Intermittency of Bedload Transport in Conditions Near the Threshold of Motion, EP43B-0985Abstract Title: Hydrodynamic Characterization of a Surface Storage Zone in a Natural Stream, GC53C-1217Abstract Title: Interactions of Marine Hydrokinetic Devices in Complex Bathymetries: Numerical Simulations in the Chacao Channel in Southern Chile., H31B-1413Abstract Title: Fitting Emptying Rates of Conservative Contaminants in a Two-Storage Model of a Lateral Cavity in a Stream, H51E-1415Abstract Title: Hydrodynamic Modeling of Flash Floods in an Andean Stream: Challenges for Assessing Flood Hazards in Mountain Rivers, H53J-03Abstract Title: Hydrogeomorphic Investigation of the 2015 Atacama Floods, Northern Chile
Esch, S.
H23B-1577Abstract Title: Derivation of Soil Moisture Patterns from a simple Soil Moisture Index
Escobar, D.
G21B-1023Abstract Title: Copernicus POD Service: Ready for Sentinel-3
Escobar, E.
V33E-02Abstract Title: Determining the Total Volume of the 2.05 Ga Bushveld Magmatic Event: Correlation of the Molopo Farms Complex, Botswana
Escobar, J.
H33O-06Abstract Title: A Screening-Level Approach for Comparing Risks Affecting Aquatic Ecosystem Services over Socio-Environmental Gradients, PP31A-2224Abstract Title: Assessing the deep drilling potential of Lago de Tota, Colombia, with a seismic survey
Escobar, V. M.
H21H-1493Abstract Title: SMAP Mission Applications; Post Launch Research and the Early Adopter Program Socioeconomic Impact Analyses, TH25GAbstract Title: NASA Mission Applications and the Early Adopter Program
Escobar, V. M.
C41C-0715Abstract Title: Advancing a framework for fostering innovative use of ICESat-2 data to inform actionable decisions of value to society, GC11BAbstract Title: Carbon Monitoring Systems Research and Applications I Posters, GC11B-1026Abstract Title: Enabling global collaborations through policy engagement and CMS applications, GC13IAbstract Title: Carbon Monitoring Systems Research and Applications II, TH12DAbstract Title: NASA's Ice, Cloud and Land Elevation Satellite-2 (ICESat-2) Mission Town Hall
Escobar-Burciaga, R. D.
V31A-3004Abstract Title: Mineral complexities as evidence for open-system processes in intermediate magmas of the Mount Baker volcanic field, northern Cascade arc, V51C-3050Abstract Title: Magma Differentiation Processes That Develop an “Enriched” Signature in the Izu Bonin Rear Arc: Evidence from Drilling at IODP Site U1437
Escobar-Wolf, R. P.
G41A-1015Abstract Title: Elastic modeling of the Pacaya volcanic complex: a 2009-2015 campaign-GPS deformation history, NH54A-04Abstract Title: A multi-sensor approach to monitor slope displacement, PA41D-04Abstract Title: International Collaboration on Building Local Technical Capacities for Monitoring Volcanic Activity at Pacaya Volcano, Guatemala.
Escorihuela, M. J.
C41A-0685Abstract Title: CryoSat-2 swath interferometric altimetry for mapping polar land ice terrain and elevation change
Escoubet, C. P.
IN41A-1686Abstract Title: The Cluster Science Archive: from Time Period to Physics Based Search, SM12A-03Abstract Title: A Statistical Study of the Magnetic Structure of Magnetic Clouds Downstream of the Earth's Bow Shock, SM22A-07Abstract Title: Characteristics of DC electric fields in transient plasma sheet events, SM51A-2523Abstract Title: Multi-point, multi-scale observation of the near-Earth current sheet reconfiguration during storm-time multi-onset substorms, SM51DAbstract Title: Synergistic Studies of Global and Kinetic Magnetospheric Processes using Multipoint Space and Ground Assets I Posters, SM51D-2585Abstract Title: Distinct sources of particles near the cusp and the dusk flank of the magnetosphere, SM52BAbstract Title: Synergistic Studies of Global and Kinetic Magnetospheric Processes using Multipoint Space and Ground Assets II
Escriba, C. G.
B51H-0529Abstract Title: Mapping genetic and phylogenetic diversity of a temperate forest using remote sensing based upscaling methods
Escribano, R.
Escriva-Bou, A.
GC31E-1235Abstract Title: Modeling Water Resource Systems Accounting for Water-Related Energy Use, GHG Emissions and Water-Dependent Energy Generation in California
Escuder-Viruete, J.
T11E-2947Abstract Title: The tectono-sedimentary evolution of the Imbert Formation, northern Dominican Republic: a record of syn-collisional basin development and ophiolite emplacement during Caribbean island arc-North America continent collision
Escudero, C. R.
S43A-2768Abstract Title: Coda wave attenuation at Jalisco Block, Western Mexico, S53A-2787Abstract Title: Simultaneous Local and Teleseismic P-Wave Velocity Tomography in Western Mexico
Escurra, J.
H11N-03Abstract Title: Food security, irrigation, climate change, and water scarcity in India
Eshleman, K. N.
H32D-05Abstract Title: Declining nitrate-N yields in the Upper Potomac River basin: what is really driving progress under the Chesapeake Bay restoration?
Eskaf, S.
H41G-1442Abstract Title: The Value of Risk Pooling for Mitigating Water Utility Financial Risks Arising From Water Scarcity
Esker, A.
NS43A-1954Abstract Title: Seasonal Variations in Subsurface Electrical Resistivity in a Floodplain Aquifer
Eskes, H.
A11GAbstract Title: Emergence of a Global Observing System for Air Quality: Integrated Approaches Using Observations and Models of Tropospheric Composition and Pollution to Inform Air Quality Analyses and Applications I Posters, A21J-02Abstract Title: A tropospheric chemistry reanalysis for the years 2005-2014 based on an assimilation of OMI, MLS, TES and MOPITT satellite data, A21KAbstract Title: Emergence of a Global Observing System for Air Quality: Integrated Approaches Using Observations and Models of Tropospheric Composition and Pollution to Inform Air Quality Analyses and Applications II, A22BAbstract Title: Emergence of a Global Observing System for Air Quality: Integrated Approaches Using Observations and Models of Tropospheric Composition and Pollution to Inform Air Quality Analyses and Applications III, A22B-02Abstract Title: An OSSE to Study the Impact of Sentinel S4, S5P and S5 Spaceborne Observations on Air Quality Data Assimilation Systems, A22D-02Abstract Title: Tropospheric Volcanism and Air-Traffic , A32DAbstract Title: Emergence of a Global Observing System for Air Quality: Integrated Approaches Using Observations and Models of Tropospheric Composition and Pollution to Inform Air Quality Analyses and Applications IV
Eskijian, M.
NH23C-1898Abstract Title: New Tsunami Response, Mitigation, and Recovery Planning “Playbooks” for California (USA) Maritime Communities
Eslamimanesh, A.
B21C-0451Abstract Title: Bacterial Cell Surface Adsorption of Rare Earth Elements
Eslava, D. F.
H41E-1383Abstract Title: Preliminary Water Quality Assessment of Calumpang River in Batangas City, Philippines, Using Surface Water Analysis and UAV-Based Remote Sensing
Esmaili, R.
A13A-0288Abstract Title: Statistical Properties of Cloud Movement and Life-cycle Evolution from Satellite Observations
Esnault, L.
GC32B-05Abstract Title: Reducing water scarcity possible by 2050: Linking global assessments to policy dimensions
Espaldon, M. V. O.
H41E-1383Abstract Title: Preliminary Water Quality Assessment of Calumpang River in Batangas City, Philippines, Using Surface Water Analysis and UAV-Based Remote Sensing
Esparza, F.
GP13A-1269Abstract Title: A new 2D Forward Modeling Algorithm of Marine CSEM Data in Anisotropic Media
Espe, C.
B23I-08Abstract Title: Investigating the hydrological origins of Blood Falls – geomicrobiological insights into a briny subglacial Antarctic aquifer
Espenak, F.
A23L-05Abstract Title: Near Real-Time Automatic Data Quality Controls for the AERONET Version 3 Database: An Introduction to the New Level 1.5V Aerosol Optical Depth Data Product
Esper, O.
C21A-0704Abstract Title: First High-Resolution Record of Late Quaternary Environmental Changes in the Amundsen Sea, West Antarctica, Revealed by Multi-proxy Analysis of Drift Sediments
Esperger, S.
V14B-07Abstract Title: Eruptions with short run-up times: review of controlling factors inspired by the unexpected eruption of Calbuco volcano, April 2015, (Southern Andes)
Espindola, J. M.
S11A-2764Abstract Title: The 18 May 2012 (Ms 4.5) Chapala Lake, Jalisco, Mexico Earthquake
Espindola, J. M.
G41A-1021Abstract Title: Ceboruco Volcano Gravimetric Analysis, Mexico
Espinosa, M.
ED33D-0977Abstract Title: Changes in Solar Wind Composition Resulting from CMEs, ED33D-0978Abstract Title: Use of Sudden Ionospheric Disturbance Monitors to Detect Coronal Mass Ejections
Espinosa, R.
A43A-0248Abstract Title: Observed Differences Between Imaging Nephelometer Scattering Measurements and AERONET Retrievals During the Discover-AQ Field Missions
Espinosa, T.
Espinoza, D. N.
H44D-08Abstract Title: The Wettability of Shale by CO2 and Its Impact on Geologic CO2 Sequestration
Espinoza, D.
ED33D-0958Abstract Title: Investigating the Impact of a Metals Foundry on Neighborhood Air Quality through PM2.5 PMF Analysis and Mobile Environmental Odor Diaries App
Espinoza Encinas, I. R.
PP13B-2281Abstract Title: Paleolimnological Evaluation of Lake Chapala (Western Mexico) During the Past 10,000 Years (CONACYT CB2011, Grant 168685, In Progress). PHASE II: Laboratory Work: First Results.
Espinoza, G. E.
H43E-1544Abstract Title: Modeling Probability Distributions of Hydrologic Variables from NLDAS to Identify Water Cycle Extremes
Espinoza, M. E.
T23A-2906Abstract Title: U-Pb Geochronology, Geochemistry and Kinematic Analyses of Subduction-Related Late Triassic Basins in Northern Chile (24.5º-26ºS).
Espinoza, N.
MR41B-2636Abstract Title: Micromechanical Tests and Geochemical Modeling to Evaluate Evolution of Rock Alteration by CO2-Water Mixtures
Espinoza, V.
GC31E-1245Abstract Title: Modeling the vulnerability of hydroelectricity generation under drought scenarios
Espley, J. R.
P12A-02Abstract Title: Martian-Solar Wind Interaction Boundaries as Observed by MAVEN, P12A-03Abstract Title: Evidence of Ion Heating at Low Altitudes in the Dayside Ionosphere at Mars, P12A-07Abstract Title: Solar Energetic Particle Events Observed by MAVEN, P13D-06Abstract Title: MHD Model Results of Solar Wind Interaction with Mars and Comparison with MAVEN Plasma Observations, P21A-2040Abstract Title: MAVEN Observations of Ionopause-like Density Gradients in the Martian Ionosphere, P21A-2042Abstract Title: Altitude Dependence of Nightside Martian Suprathermal Electron Depletions as Revealed by MAVEN Observations, P21A-2049Abstract Title: Precipitating Solar Wind Hydrogen at Mars, P21A-2070Abstract Title: First Results of the MAVEN Magnetic Field Investigation, P21A-2072Abstract Title: MAVEN MAG Observations of Magnetic Field Enhancements and Decreases in the Induced Magnetosphere of Mars, P21A-2073Abstract Title: Implications of MAVEN Mars Near-Wake Measurements and Models, P21A-2074Abstract Title: MAVEN observations of magnetic reconnection in the Martian magnetotail, P21A-2075Abstract Title: A Model of the Induced Martian Magnetospheric Magnetic Field Based on MAVEN Observations: Methodology and First Results, P21A-2076Abstract Title: Characterization of low frequency plasma waves and their energy deposition in the Martian magnetosphere with MAVEN, P21A-2078Abstract Title: Ion cyclotron waves near Mars: Solar wind control of pickup ion instability, P21A-2079Abstract Title: MAVEN observations of high-altitude magnetic flux ropes around Mars, P21A-2081Abstract Title: Structure of plasma boundaries with a large density gradient observed by MAVEN and its effects on the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability, P21A-2083Abstract Title: Multi-fluid MHD Study of the Solar Wind Interaction with Mars' Upper Atmosphere during the 2015 March 8th ICME Event, P21A-2089Abstract Title: Consequences of simulated ion precipitation and sputtering during extreme conditions at Mars: comparison to MAVEN observations, P21A-2090Abstract Title: Charaterizing the O+ ion plume from Hybrid simulations: comparison to MAVEN observations, P21A-2095Abstract Title: MAVEN Observations of Ionosphere Magnetization at Mars: Implications for Atmospheric Escape
Esposito, C.
PA13B-07Abstract Title: Testing Video and Social Media for Engaging Users of the U.S. Climate Resilience Toolkit
Esposito, C. R.
EP32B-07Abstract Title: High Fidelity? Temporal and spatial scales of stratigraphic incompleteness and how they compare to environmental forcings, EP33B-1064Abstract Title: Quantifying Surface Processes and Stratigraphic Characteristics Resulting from Large Magnitude High Frequency and Small Magnitude Low Frequency Relative Sea Level Cycles: An Experimental Study, EP51A-0887Abstract Title: Backwater Hydrodynamics in Complex Channel Networks
Esposito, F.
P33E-05Abstract Title: Coma dust environment observed by GIADA during the Perihelion of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko.
Esposito, L. W.
P12B-08Abstract Title: Investigating Titan Airglow’s Sources, Using the Imaging Capability of the Cassini-UVIS Instrument, P43EAbstract Title: Planetary Rings and Dust I, P43E-04Abstract Title: Particle Sizes and Self Gravity Wakes in Saturn’s A Ring, P51BAbstract Title: Planetary Rings and Dust II Posters, P51B-2066Abstract Title: Non-Linear Dynamics of Saturn’s Rings
Esposito, R.
V51D-3068Abstract Title: Assessing the Origin of Olivines Based on Relative Age of Melt Inclusions
Espy, P. J.
SA41B-2347Abstract Title: Vertical Coupling: Quantifying the Influence of Lower Atmospheric Wind Variability on Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere Gravity Wave Forcing
Essaid, H.
H13C-1525Abstract Title: Modeling Change in Watershed Streamflow, Groundwater Recharge and Surface Water – Groundwater Interactions Due to Irrigation and Associated Diversions and Pumping
Essawy, B.
IN53B-1839Abstract Title: Data Processing Workflows to Support Reproducible Data-driven Research in Hydrology
Esser, B.
H21F-1439Abstract Title: Variability of Residence Time tracer Concentrations at the Southern Sierra Critical Zone Observatory during the California Drought, H21F-1444Abstract Title: REGIONAL EVALUATION OF GROUNDWATER AGE DISTRIBUTIONS USING LUMPED PARAMETER MODELS WITH LARGE, SPARSE DATASETS: EXAMPLE FROM THE CENTRAL VALLEY, CALIFORNIA, USA, H21F-1446Abstract Title: Evaluating the information content of multiple groundwater age tracers in projecting nitrate vulnerability
Esser, B. K.
C33A-0798Abstract Title: Identifying Components of Groundwater Flow, Flux, and Storage in Tuolumne Meadows, Yosemite, California , H11F-1422Abstract Title: Regional oxygen reduction and denitrification rates, San Joaquin Valley, USA, H21B-1364Abstract Title: Geospatially Analyzed Groundwater Residence Time as a Tool for Sustainable Groundwater Management, H34C-02Abstract Title: Groundwater monitoring of hydraulic fracturing in California: Recommendations for permit-required monitoring
Essery, R.
C44B-08Abstract Title: The Electrical Self-Potential Method as a Non-Intrusive Snow-Hydrological Sensor
Estaris, J.
PP21A-2204Abstract Title: Determining Clumped Isotope (Δ47) Signatures of CO2 During Ion-Molecule Isotopic Exchange Reactions
Esteban-Hernandez, R.
P21A-2090Abstract Title: Charaterizing the O+ ion plume from Hybrid simulations: comparison to MAVEN observations
Estep, J. D.
GC41F-1145Abstract Title: Measuring Delta Progradation Using Delta Front Flow Patterns: A New Method of Remote Imagery Analysis on the Wax Lake Delta, Louisiana, U.S.A.
Estes, E. R.
PP41CAbstract Title: Geochemistry and Microbiology of Oxic and Suboxic Deep-Sea Pelagic Sediments I, PP43AAbstract Title: Geochemistry and Microbiology of Oxic and Suboxic Deep-Sea Pelagic Sediments II Posters, PP43A-2250Abstract Title: Iron Cycling in Sediment of the North Atlantic: Preliminary Results from R/V Knorr Expedition 223, PP43A-2251Abstract Title: Elucidating Geochemical Controls on the Concentration and Composition of Organic Carbon in Deep Pelagic Sediments, PP43A-2252Abstract Title: Correlating organic carbon concentration and composition with mineralogy in deep-sea pelagic sediments, PP43A-2254Abstract Title: Preformed Nitrate in the Glacial North Atlantic
Estes, L. D.
GC12A-07Abstract Title: Modeling Local vs. Global Dimensions of Food Security in Sub-Saharan Africa, GC13H-1252Abstract Title: Reconciling Agricultural Needs with Biodiversity and Carbon Conservation in a Savanna Transformation Frontier, GC13H-1253Abstract Title: Interactively Improving Agricultural Field Mapping in Sub-Saharan Africa with Crowd-Sourcing and Active Learning, GC43E-05Abstract Title: Translating the potential of hydrological forecasts into improved decision making in African regions, GC51JAbstract Title: Toward Better Understanding of the Impacts of Climate Variability: From Ecosystem Processes to Agricultural Adaptation and Decision Making I, GC51J-07Abstract Title: New Approaches to Capture High Frequency Agricultural Dynamics in Africa through Mobile Phones, GC51J-08Abstract Title: Impacts of intra-seasonal agricultural decision-making and forecast information on maize production in Zambia, GC52DAbstract Title: Toward Better Understanding of the Impacts of Climate Variability: From Ecosystem Processes to Agricultural Adaptation and Decision Making II, GC53GAbstract Title: Toward Better Understanding of the Impacts of Climate Variability: From Ecosystem Processes to Agricultural Adaptation and Decision Making III Posters
Estes, M. J.
GC13L-03Abstract Title: Improved Satellite-based Photosysnthetically Active Radiation (PAR) for Air Quality Studies
Estes, S. M.
GC11HAbstract Title: The NASA Public Health and Air Quality Application Program: Integrating Remote Sensing, Spatial Analysis, and Modeling for the Analysis of Environmentally Driven Human Health Risks I Posters, GC13LAbstract Title: The NASA Public Health and Air Quality Application Program: Integrating Remote Sensing, Spatial Analysis, and Modeling for the Analysis of Environmentally Driven Human Health Risks II, GC13L-01Abstract Title: SATELLITE MODELS FOR GLOBAL ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE IN THE NASA HEALTH AND AIR QUALITY PROGRAMS
Esteva, M.
MR43A-02Abstract Title: Digital Rocks Portal: a sustainable platform for imaged dataset sharing, translation and automated analysis
Esteves, F. D. A.
B44B-05Abstract Title: Methane emission from lakes: biophysical drivers impacts beyond measurement uncertainties
Estiarte, M.
B21F-0536Abstract Title: Contrasting Responses of Ecosystem Carbon Gain (Input) and Soil Carbon Efflux (Output) to Warming and Drought Across a European Aridity Gradient
Estilow, T.
IN21A-1677Abstract Title: Using GDAL to Convert NetCDF 4 CF 1.6 to GeoTIFF: Interoperability Problems and Solutions for Data Providers and Distributors
Estlin, T.
OS11A-2008Abstract Title: Online Detection of Mixed Layer Depth for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles
Estop-Aragones, C.
B31DAbstract Title: Vulnerability of Permafrost Carbon to Climate Change I Posters, B31D-0590Abstract Title: Synthesizing the Use of Carbon Isotope (14C and 13C) Approaches to Understand Rates and Pathways for Permafrost C Mobilization and Mineralization, B41JAbstract Title: Vulnerability of Permafrost Carbon to Climate Change II, B41J-05Abstract Title: Aerobic Conditions are Required for Rapid Carbon Losses following Permafrost Thaw, B42CAbstract Title: Vulnerability of Permafrost Carbon to Climate Change III, B43MAbstract Title: Vulnerability of Permafrost Carbon to Climate Change IV, B44DAbstract Title: Vulnerability of Permafrost Carbon to Climate Change V
Estrada, E.
IN53A-1829Abstract Title: Semantic Data And Visualization Techniques Applied To Geologic Field Mapping
Estrada, M.
ED32A-02Abstract Title: The Practical Integration of Action Research into Building Climate Literacy and Partnership with Key Influentials
Estrada-Belli, F.
GC11E-1070Abstract Title: A High-Resolution Reconstruction of Late Holocene Environmental Change from Laguna Ek’Naab, Northern Holmul Region, Peten, Guatemala
Estrada-Ruiz, C.
A33H-0278Abstract Title: Quantifying Amount and Variability of Cloud Water Inputs Using Active-Strand Collector, Ceilometer, Dewpoint, and Photographic Measurements
Estrella, C. M.
NH23E-06Abstract Title: Fast Risk Assessment Software For Natural Hazard Phenomena Using Georeference Population And Infrastructure Data Bases
Etheridge, D. M.
PP43C-2298Abstract Title: The Stability of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet During the Last Interglacial (127-110 ka): A New Record From the Patriot Hills, PP54A-04Abstract Title: Evidence for a substantial West Antarctic ice sheet contribution to meltwater pulses and abrupt global sea level rise
Etheridge, J. R.
B13E-0656Abstract Title: Seasonal Variation in the Quality of Dissolved and Particulate Organic Matter Exchanged Between a Salt Marsh and Its Adjacent Estuary
Etherington, B.
ED42A-02Abstract Title: Podcasting as a Medium to Share STEAM Fields
Etienne, E.
H21O-07Abstract Title: Development of a Demand Sensitive Drought Index and its Application for Agriculture over the Conterminous United States.
Etiope, G.
V11A-3050Abstract Title: Fast Abiotic Production of Methane at Temperatures Below 100°C
Etnoyer, P. J.
B22BAbstract Title: Deep-Sea Ecosystems: Natural Dynamics and Adaptation to Climate and Anthropogenic Change I, B22B-03Abstract Title: Developing bioproxies of past ocean ecosystem change through compound-specific stable isotope analysis of proteinaceous deep-sea corals., B23AAbstract Title: Deep-Sea Ecosystems: Natural Dynamics and Adaptation to Climate and Anthropogenic Change II Posters, B23A-0585Abstract Title: NOAA's efforts to map extent, health and condition of deep sea corals and sponges and their habitat on the banks and island slopes of Southern California
Ettema, J.
V13C-3141Abstract Title: Geothermal Heat Flux Assessment Using Remote Sensing Land Surface Temperature and Simulated Data. Case Studies at the Kenyan Rift and Yellowstone Geothermal Areas
Etten-Bohm, M.
GC21C-1119Abstract Title: Tornadogensis within Hurricanes Based on the Orientation of the Rainband to the Coast after Landfall
Etzelmuller, B.
B51G-0507Abstract Title: Mapping the thermal state of permafrost through modeling and remote sensing, GC22A-04Abstract Title: Land-Atmosphere Interactions in Cold Environments (LATICE): The role of Atmosphere - Biosphere – Cryosphere – Hydrosphere interactions in a changing climate, GC53F-1274Abstract Title: In-situ validation of remotely sensed land surface temperatures in high-arctic land regions – implications for gap filling and trend analyses
Eubanks, T. M.
G11A-0968Abstract Title: Further Analysis of Atmospheric and Oceanic Angular Momentum Datasets for Predictions of Earth Orientation.
Eugenie, P.
T43E-06Abstract Title: Spatiotemporal behavior of active faults in diffuse continental deformation zones
Eugster, W.
B11B-0419Abstract Title: No Memory Effects of Restoration on N2O Exchange above an intensively managed Grassland in Switzerland, B23H-03Abstract Title: Contributions of Understory and Overstory to Ecosystem CO2 Fluxes in a Temperate Mixed Forest in Switzerland
Euker, B.
PP23A-2284Abstract Title: Model-data comparison of middle to late Holocene droughts in the Sierra Nevada
Euler, G. G.
S31C-02Abstract Title: Ocean-Based Seismic Noise Sources Recorded by a Moderate Aperture Array in Antarctica, S51C-2691Abstract Title: On the development and testing of a database-centric pipeline for the analysis of a regional infrasound network
Eum, H. I.
GC33G-07Abstract Title: Identification of robust statistical downscaling methods based on a comprehensive suite of performance metrics for South Korea
Eun, H.
A11G-0150Abstract Title: Airborne Atmospheric Aerosol Measurement System
Eun, S. B.
NS43B-1967Abstract Title: Automatic Searching Radioactive Sources by Airborne Radioactive Survey Using Multicopter, NS43B-1974Abstract Title: Site Characterization of Deep Bedrock with Integrated Geophysical Survey
Eun, S. H.
A11G-0157Abstract Title: Classification and its scale analysis of Severe Haze recently observed in Korea, A33B-0136Abstract Title: Wintertime slope winds and its turbulent characteristics in the Yeongdong region of Korea, A41B-0053Abstract Title: Probable weather modification of aerosol effect on clouds and precipitation over Korea during the January 2013 severe haze episode, A51K-0216Abstract Title: Characteristics of Heavy Snowfall and Snow Crystal Habits in the ESSAY (Experiment on Snow Storms At Yeongdong) Campaign in Korea
Eungard, D. W.
V31A-3006Abstract Title: Extension and Explosivity during an Eccentric Era of the Early Oregon High Cascades
Euphrasie-Clotilde, L.
A23C-0326Abstract Title: Correlation between AERONET AOT and VIIRS EDR AOT: A new EDR cell
Euser, T.
H14C-01Abstract Title: Influence of soil and climate on root zone storage capacity
Euskirchen, E. S.
A52C-04Abstract Title: Empirically constrained estimates of Alaskan regional Net Ecosystem Exchange of CO2, 2012-2014, B31D-0578Abstract Title: Characterizing Thawing Permafrost Carbon Emissions: An Integrated Pilot Study in Support of Satellite Evaluation/Design and Earth System Modeling Capabilities, B31D-0585Abstract Title: The Role of Snow Cover in Affecting Pan-Arctic Soil Freeze/Thaw and Carbon Dynamics, B42A-08Abstract Title: The NASA Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) Mission Level 4 Carbon Product calibration and validation using eddy covariance observations across North America, Australia and Finland, B43H-0641Abstract Title: Ecophysiological parameters for a coupled photosynthesis and stomatal conductance model derived from eddy covariance measurements in Asia, B43K-03Abstract Title: Future of Plant Functional Types in Terrestrial Biosphere Models, B43K-08Abstract Title: Inclusion of Additional Plant Species and Trait Information in Dynamic Vegetation Modeling of Arctic Tundra and Boreal Forest Ecosystem, B51G-0510Abstract Title: Thermokarst Rates Intensify Due to Climate Change and Forest Fragmentation in an Alaskan Boreal Forest Lowland, ED22B-04Abstract Title: NSF-supported education/outreach program takes young researchers to the Arctic, GC13K-07Abstract Title: Changes in tundra vascular plant biomass over thirty years at Imnavait Creek, Alaska, and current ecosystem C and N dynamics.
Eusterhues, K.
B44C-02Abstract Title: Stability of Ferrihydrite and Organic Matter in Ferrihydrite-Organic Matter Associations
Evain, M.
T31B-2867Abstract Title: Is the Anegada Passage a sealed structure related to a past tectonic phase? A tectono-structure study of the Northern Lesser Antilles margin based on the Antithesis-1 cruise geophysical data, T31B-2868Abstract Title: Crustal structure of the lesser Antilles Island arc south of Guadeloupe : new insights from the ANTITHESIS cruise, T31B-2869Abstract Title: Imaging the structure of the Northern Lesser Antilles (Guadeloupe – Virgin Island) to assess the tectonic and thermo-mechanical behavior of an arcuate subduction zone that undergoes increasing convergence obliquity
Evaldt, E.
IN13A-1826Abstract Title: A Conceptual Model and Database to Integrate Data and Project Management
Evan, A. T.
A23C-0318Abstract Title: On the Decadal Scale Correlation Between African Dust and Sahel Rainfall: the Role of Saharan Heat Low-Forced Winds
Evangeliou, N.
A11C-0070Abstract Title: Arctic Deposition of Black Carbon from Fires in Northern Eurasia from 2002 to 2013
Evanoski-Cole, A.
A12A-04Abstract Title: Ozone and Volatile Organic Compound Distributions in Rocky Mountain National Park During FRAPPÉ: Impacts of Oil and Natural Gas Operations and Urban Emissions on Park Air Quality, A21A-0051Abstract Title: Source Apportionment of Volatile Organic Compounds and PM2.5 Using Positive Matrix Factorization in Two National Parks Impacted by Oil and Natural Gas Drilling Operations
Evans, A.
AE22A-02Abstract Title: Microfluctuations of the Lower Ionosphere on the Time Scale of Transient Luminous Events Inferred from High Resolution Array Analysis
Evans, A. J.
P41F-08Abstract Title: Thermochemical Evolution of Mercury’s Lower Mantle Linked to Early Volcanism, P43AAbstract Title: Judging a Book by Its Cover: From Surface Observations to Interiors of Small Bodies, Ice Satellites, and Planets I Posters, P51DAbstract Title: Judging a Book by Its Cover: From Surface Observations to Interiors of Small Bodies, Ice Satellites, and Planets II, P53A-2100Abstract Title: Widespread Plains Volcanism on Mercury Ended by 3.6 Ga
Evans, A.
C23A-0761Abstract Title: IMPACT OF CRITICAL ANION SOIL SOLUTION CONCENTRATION ON ALUMINUM ACTIVITY IN ALPINE TUNDRA SOIL Andrew Evans, Jr.1 , Michael B. Jacobs2, and Jason R. Janke1, (1) Metropolitan State University of Denver, Dept. of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, (2) Dept. of Chemistry, Denver, CO, United States.
Evans, A.
B23B-0599Abstract Title: Altitudinal vs Latitudinal Climactic Drivers: A Comparison of a Relict Picea and Abies Forest in the Southern Appalachians versus the Hemi-Boreal Transition Zone off Southern Canada
Evans, B. J. K.
IN11GAbstract Title: Collaborations and Partnerships in Informatics 1: Trusted International and National Communities Advancing Open Earth and Space Science Informatics Infrastructures I, IN12A-05Abstract Title: It Takes A ‘Village of Partnerships’ To Raise A ‘Big Data Facility’ In A ‘Big Data World’., IN13C-1851Abstract Title: Standardised online data access and publishing for Earth Systems and Climate data in Australia, IN13C-1853Abstract Title: Enabling dynamic access to dynamic petascale Earth Systems and Environmental data collections is easy: citing and reproducing the actual data extracts used in research publications is NOT, IN21BAbstract Title: Collaborations and Partnerships in Informatics 1: Trusted International and National Communities Advancing Open Earth and Space Science Informatics Infrastructures II Posters, IN51BAbstract Title: Big Data in Earth Science: From Hype to Reality I Posters, IN54AAbstract Title: Big Data in Earth Science: From Hype to Reality II, IN54A-02Abstract Title: Building the Petascale National Environmental Research Interoperability Data Platform (NERDIP): Minimizing the ‘Trough of Disillusionment’ and Accelerating Pathways to the ‘Plateau of Productivity’, PA53A-2238Abstract Title: THE Interoperability Challenge for the Geosciences: Stepping up from Interoperability between Disciplinary Siloes to Creating Transdisciplinary Data Platforms.
Evans, B. J.
B32A-07Abstract Title: Process-based upscaling of surface-atmosphere exchange, B43G-0629Abstract Title: Plant functional types are more efficient than climate in predicting spectrums of trait variation in evergreen angiosperm trees of tropical Australia and China, B52B-02Abstract Title: Validation and attribution of solar induced fluorescence (SIF) from OCO-2: first results
Evans, C. A.
P31A-2036Abstract Title: Vent 7504 of the San Francisco Volcanic Field (SFVF), Arizona: Sample Geochemistry and Implications for Cone Formation, P31A-2052Abstract Title: RIS4E at Kilauea’s December 1974 (D1974) Flow: In Situ Geochemical Analysis and Laboratory Spectral Characterization of Fumarolic Alteration., U23A-04Abstract Title: Preserving the Science Legacy from the Apollo Missions to the Moon
Evans, D.
PP21A-2209Abstract Title: Extreme (sub)Tropical Eocene oceanic warmth: Clumped isotope temperatures of shallow-dwelling large Benthic Foraminifera
Evans, D. A.
PP23E-01Abstract Title: Did the Mid-Pliocene warmth bring the Northern Hemisphere Chill?, T21G-03Abstract Title: How Earth works 100 years after Wegener's continental drift theory and IGCP 648, T21G-05Abstract Title: Supercontinent Cyclicity: Relevant Data, Constraints, Limitations and Aspects Requiring Particular Attention
Evans, E. L.
T32B-04Abstract Title: Linking Interseismic Crustal Deformation to Long-Term Rock Denudation and Surface Processing in Taiwan, T41A-2864Abstract Title: Fault slip and distributed deformation in the eastern California shear zone
Evans, H. F.
PP21B-2237Abstract Title: Towards an Accurate Orbital Calibration of Late Miocene Climate Events: Insights From a High-Resolution Chemo- and Magnetostratigraphy (8-6 Ma) from Equatorial Pacific IODP Sites U1337 and U1338
Evans, J. B.
MR41A-2616Abstract Title: Fluid Compressibility Effects during Hydraulic Fracture: an Opportunity for Gas Fracture Revival, T34C-05Abstract Title: Towards a more robust description of transient creep
Evans, J. E.
EP32A-08Abstract Title: Contaminated Sediment Management in Dam Removals and River Restoration Efforts: Critical Need for Research and Policy Development
Evans, J. P.
T41A-2862Abstract Title: Structural, Geochemical, and Thermal Evolution of the Southen San Andreas and Parallel Subsidiary Faults in the Mecca Hills, Southern California, T51A-2842Abstract Title: Integrating hematite (U-Th)/He dating, microtextural analysis, and thermomechanical modeling to date seismic slip, T54B-01Abstract Title: Structural and Geochemical Characterization of Fault-related Deformation in the Northeastern Block of the Southern San Andreas Fault, Mecca Hills, Southern California, T54B-03Abstract Title: Hot, Fast Faults: Evidence for High-Temperature Slip on Exhumed Faults, and Insights into Seismic Slip Processes, V51H-05Abstract Title: Structural analysis characterization of permeability pathways across reservoir-seal interface – South-Eastern Utah; Results from integrated sedimentological, structural, and geochemical studies.
Evans, J. P.
A31K-03Abstract Title: Climate Projections from the NARCliM Project: Bayesian Model Averaging of Maximum Temperature Projections, H43H-1637Abstract Title: The Evaluation of an Integrated Land Surface – Groundwater Model Through Remote Sensing
Evans, J. L.
ED33D-0954Abstract Title: Contrasting a non-developing African mesoscale convective system with the precursor to Hurricane Helene (2006)
Evans, J. D.
IN11F-1806Abstract Title: Lessons in weather data interoperability: the National Mesonet Program
Evans, J. R.
S23D-2765Abstract Title: Tomography & Geochemistry: Precision, Repeatability, Accuracy and Joint Interpretations
Evans, J. S.
P21A-2039Abstract Title: MAVEN IUVS-NGIMS-model ionospheric comparisons and insights, P21A-2051Abstract Title: Solar Ionizing Radiation at Mars: Predictions vs. MAVEN Observations, P21A-2058Abstract Title: Mars’ ultraviolet dayglow observations by IUVS/MAVEN: Structure and variability of Martian upper atmosphere, P21A-2060Abstract Title: MAVEN/IUVS Apoapse Observations of the Martian FUV Dayglow, P21A-2061Abstract Title: Retrieval of Mars' Upper Atmospheric Composition using Dayglow Observations by IUVS on MAVEN, P21A-2068Abstract Title: Tides in the Martian Atmosphere as Observed by MAVEN IUVS, P21A-2069Abstract Title: Two Types of Aurora on Mars as Observed by MAVEN's Imaging UltraViolet Spectrograph
Evans, K. J.
NG23A-1776Abstract Title: Implicit Time Stepping and Preconditioning for Atmospheric Dynamics in the Community Atmosphere Model
Evans, K. D.
IN11FAbstract Title: Using and Improving ASCII Data Formats for Scientific Research Posters, IN11F-1807Abstract Title: Can ASCII data files be standardized for Earth Science?
Evans, K.
GC11B-1036Abstract Title: Quantification of uncertainty in aboveground biomass estimates derived from small-footprint LiDAR data
Evans, L. G.
P51D-07Abstract Title: How LEND sees the water on the Moon: the recent findings, P53B-2123Abstract Title: Regional and Latitude Variability in Diurnally Modulated Neutron Flux Measured by LRO/LEND
Evans, L. J.
OS23C-2028Abstract Title: Noble Gas geochemistry of the newly discovered hydrothermal fields in the Gulf of California: preliminary He-isotope ratios from the Alarcon Rise and Pescadero basin vent sites
Evans, M. J.
A43G-0379Abstract Title: A New Spin On Tropospheric Ozone Production
Evans, M.
B43I-0674Abstract Title: Soil organic carbon dynamics as affected by topography in southern California hillslopes systems
Evans, M. J.
C13C-0839Abstract Title: Post-depositional migration and preservation of methanesulfonic acid (MSA) in polar ice cores, C51B-0704Abstract Title: Investigating a newly discovered firn aquifer on Disko Ice Cap, west Greenland: Insights from ground observations, remote sensing, and modeling
Evans, M. E.
GP23BAbstract Title: The Geomagnetic Field on Long Timescales: Characterization and Linkages with Evolution of the Core and Mantle II Posters
Evans, M. E.
P33A-2126Abstract Title: Carbon and Oxygen Isotope Measurements of Ordinary Chondrite (OC) Meteorites from Antarctica Indicate Distinct Terrestrial Carbonate Species using a Stepped Acid Extraction Procedure Impacting Mars Carbonate Research
Evans, M. E.
GP21AAbstract Title: The Geomagnetic Field on Long Timescales: Characterization and Linkages with Evolution of the Core and Mantle I, GP23BAbstract Title: The Geomagnetic Field on Long Timescales: Characterization and Linkages with Evolution of the Core and Mantle II Posters, GP51A-1324Abstract Title: 150 000 Years of Loess Deposition in Interior Alaska as Told by Magnetic Susceptibility
Evans, M. N.
A41E-0109Abstract Title: Data Assimilation-Based SST Reconstruction from Coral δ18Ο Records
Evans, N.
V33D-3138Abstract Title: Laser Ablation in situ (U-Th-Sm)/He and U-Pb Double-Dating of Apatite and Zircon: Techniques and Applications
Evans, R. D.
B13G-0723Abstract Title: Analyzing drivers of variability in the Δ17O of nitrate in the northwestern United States, B13G-0724Abstract Title: The El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) induced modulations in precipitation and nitrogen wet deposition rates in the continental United States
Evans, R. D.
A43E-0330Abstract Title: Comparison of Eight Years Total Column Ozone Retrievals form Brewer and Dobson Spectrophotometers in South Pole
Evans, R. L.
DI24A-06Abstract Title: The Electrical Structure of the 70Ma Pacific LAB Constrained by the NoMelt Experiment, T11H-07Abstract Title: Constraining porosity of the shallow forearc and plate interface offshore Nicaragua with marine electromagnetic data, T51G-3007Abstract Title: CRUSTAL STRUCTURE BENEATH THE LUANGWA RIFT, ZAMBIA: CONSTRAINTS FROM POTENTIAL FIELD DATA, V53G-02Abstract Title: Using Electrical Conductivity to Map Melt and Fluids at Subduction Zones
Evans, R. W.
SA51D-01Abstract Title: Jovian Proton and Heavy Ion Models for Spacecraft Design
Evans, S.
C44B-01Abstract Title: Lateral Flow in Snow as a Runoff Generation Mechanism
Evans, S.
GC13A-1134Abstract Title: High-Resolution Biogeochemical Simulation Identifies Practical Opportunities for Bioenergy Landscape Intensification Across Diverse US Agricultural Regions
Evans, S. G.
C33E-0875Abstract Title: Effects of warming on groundwater flow in mountainous snowmelt-dominated catchments
Evans, S. M.
A33L-0355Abstract Title: Influence of land surface processes on seasonal to decadal variability of dust and climate in the NOAA/GFDL CM3 model
Evans, T. P.
GC12A-07Abstract Title: Modeling Local vs. Global Dimensions of Food Security in Sub-Saharan Africa, GC43E-05Abstract Title: Translating the potential of hydrological forecasts into improved decision making in African regions, GC51J-07Abstract Title: New Approaches to Capture High Frequency Agricultural Dynamics in Africa through Mobile Phones, GC51J-08Abstract Title: Impacts of intra-seasonal agricultural decision-making and forecast information on maize production in Zambia
Evans, W.
NH43A-1863Abstract Title: Comparison of airborne and spaceborne TIR data for studying volcanic geothermal areas, V11G-05Abstract Title: Lessons from geothermal gases at Yellowstone, V13C-3152Abstract Title: Baseline Hydrothermal Monitoring Data from Cascade Range Volcanoes
Evaristo, J. A.
H53M-05Abstract Title: Hydrological Compartmentalization: A Grand Challenge in the Critical Zone
Eveillard, D.
B13H-04Abstract Title: Revealing and analyzing networks of environmental systems
Evenson, G.
H13O-08Abstract Title: Testing wetland axioms at a watershed scale: Case studies of the aggregate hydrologic effects of non-adjacent wetlands
Evenson, N.
V53E-3165Abstract Title: Formation ages and thermal histories of fracture-filling hematite and Mn-oxide in Precambrian basement from (U-Th)/He dating and 4He/3He diffusion experiments
Evenstar, L.
T33G-07Abstract Title: Uplift and Deformation of the Western Andean Slope, Northernmost Chile: Insights from Deformed Early Miocene Ignimbrites
Everett, A.
C43E-04Abstract Title: Water Levels in Crevasses Reveal Subglacial Water Pressure Variations at Helheim Glacier, South East Greenland
Everett, L. M.
GC11GAbstract Title: Global Eyes on the New Arctic: Exploring the Trajectory Toward a New State and Responding to Rapid Change II Posters, GC14CAbstract Title: Global Eyes on the New Arctic: Exploring the Trajectory Toward a New State and Responding to Rapid Change I
Everett, M. E.
EP23B-0953Abstract Title: Is barrier island geologic framework fractal? Evidence from Padre Island National Seashore, Texas, USA, EP23B-0954Abstract Title: Using Wavelet Decomposition to Assess the Development of Padre Island National Seashore, Texas, USA, H51I-1493Abstract Title: The Texas Water Observatory: Utilizing Advanced Observing System Design for Understanding Water Resources Sustainability Across Climatic and Geologic Gradients of Texas
Everitt, L.
PP14A-02Abstract Title: Precipitation and Seawater Isotopic Variability from Hawaii to the equator: the 2014-2015 ENSO cycle
Evers, B.
PA41C-08Abstract Title: Thirty Years of Innovation in Seismology with the IRIS Consortium, S33D-2811Abstract Title: OBSIP: An Evolving Facility for the Future of Geoscience, T51D-2904Abstract Title: Ocean Bottom Seismograph Performance during the Cascadia Initiative
Evers, L. G.
S54B-03Abstract Title: On the Use of Infrasonic Ambient Noise in Imaging the Atmosphere
Everson, C. S.
B11A-0410Abstract Title: Plans for an Enhanced Terrestrial and Freshwater Environmental Observation Network in South Africa
Everson, E. D.
T21E-2876Abstract Title: Accretionary wedge structure, porosity loss, and relative timing of fault activity in the landward vergent region, Cascadia subduction zone
Evonosky, W. R.
SA23A-2327Abstract Title: Interactive Ion-Neutral Dynamics in the Low Latitude Evening Ionosphere
Evrard, O.
B12A-08Abstract Title: Using radiosilver and plutonium isotopes to trace the dispersion of contaminated sediment in Fukushima coastal catchments, B13A-0595Abstract Title: Examining Sediment-bound Radiocesium Dynamics in Two Fukushima Coastal Catchments with Sediment Fingerprinting Techniques, EP21CAbstract Title: Sources, Transport Processes, and Deposition/Storage of Fine-Grained and Cohesive Sediment: From Hillslopes to Oceans I Posters, EP21C-0915Abstract Title: Identifying sediment sources in a drained lowland agricultural catchment: the application of a novel thorium-based particle size correction in sediment fingerprinting, EP21C-0917Abstract Title: Combining multiple fallout radionuclides (137Cs, 7Be, 210Pbxs) improves our understanding of sediment source dynamics in tropical rivers, EP23EAbstract Title: Sources, Transport Processes, and Deposition/Storage of Fine-Grained and Cohesive Sediment: From Hillslopes to Oceans II, EP24BAbstract Title: Sources, Transport Processes, and Deposition/Storage of Fine-Grained and Cohesive Sediment: From Hillslopes to Oceans III
Ewald, M.
B53C-0574Abstract Title: Mapping Invasive Plant Species with a Combination of Field and Remote Sensing Data
Ewald, S.
P13A-2120Abstract Title: Three Questions about the Enceladus Plumes: Are Large Vapor Chambers Necessary? Do the Plumes Vary in Strength from Year to Year? Do Fractal Aggregates Fit the Brightness Data as Well as Solid Ice?
Ewango, C.
B51D-0465Abstract Title: Two decades of historical phenology observations of African tropical tree species: exploring the past to predict the futur
Ewers, B. E.
B11N-04Abstract Title: Bark Beetle-Induced Mortality Impacts on Forest Biogeochemical Cycles are Less than Expected, B21D-0487Abstract Title: Three Different Methods of Estimating LAI in a Small Watershed, B21D-0500Abstract Title: Time dependence of energy storage across multiple ecosystems, B21D-0508Abstract Title: Developing a Data Discovery Tool for Interdisciplinary Science: Leveraging a Web-based Mapping Application and Geosemantic Searching, B33A-0626Abstract Title: A Bayesian model to estimate the true 3-D shadowing correction in sonic anemometers, B43C-0571Abstract Title: Distinguishing Bark Beetle-infested Vegetation by Tree Species Types and Stress Levels using Landsat Data, B43H-0655Abstract Title: Influence of Drought on Mesophyll Resistance to CO2 Diffusion and its Impact on Water-Use Efficiency in Trees, B53G-0636Abstract Title: Investigating genotype specific response in photosynthetic behavior under drought stress and nitrogen limitation in Brassica rapa., H21D-1403Abstract Title: Snow distribution throughout small subalpine catchment post-insect infestation of spruce and pine beetle., H21D-1405Abstract Title: Primary drivers of dust deposition within a small subalpine watershed, H24B-07Abstract Title: Modeling compensatory responses of ecosystem-scale water fluxes in forests affected by pine and spruce beetle mortality, H43B-1494Abstract Title: Sap flow based transpiration estimates in species-rich secondary forests of different ages in central Panama during a wet-season drought
Ewers, S. L.
B21D-0508Abstract Title: Developing a Data Discovery Tool for Interdisciplinary Science: Leveraging a Web-based Mapping Application and Geosemantic Searching
Ewert, J. W.
PA41D-01Abstract Title: Translating Volcano Hazards Research in the Cascades Into Community Preparedness, PA43C-2206Abstract Title: Volcano-hazards Education for Emergency Officials Through Study Trip Learning—The 2013 Colombia-USA Bi-national Exchange
Ewing, H. A.
H13L-1750Abstract Title: Acidic Deposition along the Appalachian Trail Corridor and its Effects on Acid-Sensitive Terrestrial and Aquatic Resources
Ewing, N.
ED21A-0826Abstract Title: An ‘Orca-stra’ of Science and Sound: The Reverberations of Northeast Pacific Whales and How We’re Helping People Understand Them Though Games, Demos and Listening
Ewing, R. C.
B13A-0597Abstract Title: Structural evolution of a uranyl peroxide nano-cage fullerene: U60, at elevated pressures, V33D-3121Abstract Title: Simulation of radiation damage in minerals by sequential ion irradiations
Ewing, R. C.
ED31B-0895Abstract Title: Redesigning Curricula in Geology and Geophysics, EP24A-04Abstract Title: A Threshold Continuum for Aeolian Sand Transport, EP33B-1066Abstract Title: Trickle-down boundary conditions in aeolian dune-field pattern formation, EP33CAbstract Title: Hydraulic Reconstructions of Sedimentary Deposits and Landforms: Modern and Ancient I Posters, EP33C-1084Abstract Title: Paleo-hydraulic Reconstructions of Topographically Inverted River Deposits on Earth and Mars, EP41DAbstract Title: Hydraulic Reconstructions of Sedimentary Deposits and Landforms: Modern and Ancient II, EP42AAbstract Title: Aeolian Research at the Interface of Biophysical, Sedimentary, and Atmospheric Processes I, EP43AAbstract Title: Aeolian Research at the Interface of Biophysical, Sedimentary, and Atmospheric Processes II Posters, EP53A-0983Abstract Title: Radar signatures of sediment availability-limited dune-fields and playas on Earth as a Titan analog., P13B-2137Abstract Title: Mulitple Origins of Sand Dune-Topography Interactions on Titan
Ewing, T. A.
DI13A-2633Abstract Title: Evolution of the mantle source in an evolving arc–backarc system (Torres del Paine, Patagonia): Evidence from Hf isotopes in zircon, V34A-08Abstract Title: Constraints on the thermal evolution of the Adriatic margin during Jurassic continental break‑up from U–Pb dating of rutile (Ivrea–Verbano Zone, Italy)
Eychenne, J.
V23B-3107Abstract Title: Exploring the effects of temperature and grain size on plumes associated with PDCs through analogue experimentation
Eyer, S.
A11I-0174Abstract Title: Real-time analysis of δ13C- and δD-CH4 in ambient air with laser spectroscopy: Method development and intercomparison
Eyles, C. J.
SH14A-02Abstract Title: Requirements for an Operational Coronagraph
Eymard, I.
T12B-08Abstract Title: The Jianchuan Basin, Yunnan: Implications on the Evolution of SE Tibet During the Eocene
Eyre, B.
B13E-0659Abstract Title: Nitrogen removal by anammox and denitrification in a subtropical seagrass ecosystem
Eyring, V.
IN31A-1743Abstract Title: WDAC Task Team on Observations for Model Evaluation: Facilitating the use of observations for CMIP
Ezat, M.
PP41B-2227Abstract Title: Subsurface pCO2, nutrient levels and ventilation in the Norwegian Sea during the past 135 kyr
Ezau, I.
A53C-0393Abstract Title: Multi-decadal Variability of Heat Transport in the Arctic
Ezzedine, S. M.
H21LAbstract Title: Conventional and Enhanced Geothermal Systems: Characterization, Integration, Stimulation, Simulation, and Induced Seismicity I, H23AAbstract Title: Conventional and Enhanced Geothermal Systems: Characterization, Integration, Stimulation, Simulation, and Induced Seismicity II Posters, H41BAbstract Title: Concepts and Practice of Model Verification, Validation, and Uncertainty Quantification in Computational Geosciences I Posters, H44BAbstract Title: Concepts and Practice of Model Verification, Validation, and Uncertainty Quantification in Computational Geosciences II, MR51A-02Abstract Title: Coupling of Multiphase Flow and Geomechanics in Fractured Porous Media: Application to CO2 Leakages from Natural and Stimulated Fractures, NH11AAbstract Title: Characterization of Asteroids, Risk Assessment, and Planetary Defense I Posters, NH11A-1885Abstract Title: Numerical Investigation of the Consequences of Land Impacts, Water Impacts, or Air Bursts of Asteroids, NH14BAbstract Title: Characterization of Asteroids, Risk Assessment, and Planetary Defense II, S51F-06Abstract Title: Numerical investigation of the seismo-acoustic responses of the Source Physics Experiment underground explosions, S53B-2813Abstract Title: ANALYSIS OF THE SOURCE PHYSICS EXPERIMENT SPE4 PRIME USING STATE-OF-THE-ART PARALLEL NUMERICAL TOOLS.