Author Index: S
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S, S. A.
A43K-04Abstract Title: Evaluation of CFSV2 Forecast Skill for Indian Summer Monsoon Sub-Seasonal Characteristics
S. K., S.
A43C-0289Abstract Title: Sea salt production over Bay of Bengal : Effect of salinity
S. Sinninghe Damsté, J.
PP13A-2263Abstract Title: Branched GDGTs in Lacustrine Environments: Tracing Allochthonous and Autochthonous Sources Using Compound-Specific Stable Carbon Isotope Analysis, T21B-2818Abstract Title: Soil n-alkane δD and Branched GDGTs Distributions Track Elevation-induced Precipitation and Temperature Changes along the South Central Andes (Argentina)
S.S, B.
A43C-0289Abstract Title: Sea salt production over Bay of Bengal : Effect of salinity
Saad, E. M.
B33D-0713Abstract Title: Microbial exudate promoted dissolution and transformation of chromium containing minerals
Saad, G.
H13E-1593Abstract Title: Smart Fluids in Hydrology: Use of Non-Newtonian Fluids for Pore Structure Characterization
Saad, N.
A41A-0027Abstract Title: Dynamic Measurements of Greenhouse Gas Respirations Caused by Changing Oxygen Levels, A41A-0050Abstract Title: Development of a New N2O/CO Cavity Ring-Down Spectrometer for sub-ppb Ambient Gas Monitoring
Saade, M.
S41B-2746Abstract Title: Monitoring of Seismic Anisotropy at the Time of the 2008 Iwate-Miyagi Earthquake.
Saadeh, C. M.
PP53A-2316Abstract Title: Mid-Pliocene onset of eccentricity cycles in the Zhada Basin, southwestern Tibetan Plateau.
Saal, A. E.
T11B-2889Abstract Title: Linking composition, deformation, and P-T conditions using peridotite xenoliths from the subcratonic mantle lithosphere, Wyoming craton, Montana, USA, T31F-2907Abstract Title: Thick, Cold and Dry Roots: the Key to Longevity of Continental Arc Lithosphere?, V13A-3091Abstract Title: Parameterized Lattice Strain Models for REE Partitioning between Amphibole and Silicate Melt, V23E-03Abstract Title: The Oxidation State of Fe in Glasses from the Galapagos Archipelago: Variable Oxygen Fugacity as a Function of Mantle Source
Saal, A. E.
P44A-02Abstract Title: Magmatic Degassing and the Volatile Depletion of the Moon
Saaltink, M.
H41D-1338Abstract Title: Laboratory experiments and numerical modelling of CO2-rich brine injection through sandstone samples: Role of flow rate, brine composition, mixing and spreading effects, H42C-04Abstract Title: An Experimental Study of Liquid and Vapor Water Flux in Layered Slopes
Saar, M. O.
GC53C-1222Abstract Title: The Efficacy and Potential of Renewable Energy from Carbon Dioxide that is Sequestered in Sedimentary Basin Geothermal Resources, H23A-1550Abstract Title: Auxiliary Heating of Geothermally Preheated Water or CO2 – A Potential Solution for Low- to Moderate-Temperature Geothermal Resources, H23I-04Abstract Title: Scaling behavior of microbubbles rising in water-saturated porous media, H41C-1319Abstract Title: Efficient Computational Methods for Modeling Fluid-Rock Interactions in Geologic CO2 Storage, H43K-07Abstract Title: Permeability Evolution During Reactive Flow Experiments on Cores Under CO2 Sequestration Conditions and Development of Fully Coupled Reactive Flow Simulations at the Reservoir Scale
Saari, R.
A11M-0228Abstract Title: Air quality co-benefits and costs under state, regional, or national cooperation to regulate CO2 from existing power plants
Saatchi, S. S.
B13F-0669Abstract Title: Wall-to-wall assessment of carbon stock and flux consequences of forest disturbances in the Pacific Northwest United States using remote sensing and forest inventory data, B43C-0552Abstract Title: Estimating forest biomass from LiDAR data: A comparison of the raster-based and point-cloud data approach, B51D-0455Abstract Title: Sunlight Mediated Seasonality in Canopy Structure and Photosynthetic Activity of Amazonian Rainforests, B52A-03Abstract Title: Tropical forest structure characterization using airborne lidar data: an individual tree level approach, B53A-0537Abstract Title: Airborne Microwave Observatory of Subcanopy and Subsurface (AirMOSS) Earth Venture Suborbital Mission Overview, B53C-0564Abstract Title: Global Uncertainty Accounting for Forest Carbon, GC11B-1027Abstract Title: Understanding user needs for carbon monitoring information, GC13I-04Abstract Title: Magnitude and Uncertainty of Carbon Pools and Fluxes in the US Forests, GC41DAbstract Title: Extreme Climatic Events and Natural Disasters in Amazonia: How to Adapt and Mitigate? Posters, GC41D-1116Abstract Title: Drought Legacy and the Impacts on the Amazon Forest Carbon Exchange, GC41D-1120Abstract Title: Is the seasonal forest more vulnerable to drought effects in tropical Amazonia, GC41D-1121Abstract Title: Proof of the Post-drought Effect of Amazonian Forests from Space
Saavedra, P.
H21H-1494Abstract Title: SMAP/SMOS Soil moisture brightness temperature virtual observations to study data assimilation scheme
Saba, J. L.
C41C-0712Abstract Title: Geolocating Individual Photons: Laying the Foundation for ICESat-2 Science Data Products, C53C-0799Abstract Title: Validation of Modelled Ice Dynamics of the Greenland Ice Sheet using Historical Forcing
Sabaj-Perez, M.
T22A-05Abstract Title: Betwixt and Between: Structure and Evolution of Central Mongolia
Sabajo, C.
B31A-0536Abstract Title: Biophysical Impacts of Tropical Land Transformation from Forest to Oil Palm and Rubber Plantations in Indonesia
Sabaka, T. J.
GP31B-02Abstract Title: The electrical conductivity of the upper mantle and lithosphere from satellite magnetic signal due to ocean tidal flow, P34A-06Abstract Title: High-resolution gravity field modeling using GRAIL mission data
Sabater, F.
B51C-0435Abstract Title: Contribution of Soil Nitrogen Mineralization and Nitrification Pulses to Soil Nitrogen Availability and Nitrate Exports in a Mediterranean Catchment, H42B-08Abstract Title: Green light: gross primary production influences seasonal stream N export by controlling fine-scale temporal N dynamics
Saber, M.
H51E-1424Abstract Title: Flash Floods Simulation Using a Physical based hydrological Model at the Eastern Nile Basin: Case studies; Wadi Assiut, Egypt and Wadi Gumara, Lake Tana, Ethiopia.
Saber, O.
MR33A-2639Abstract Title: Investigation of transient friction in rock at low to high slip-rates using a new biaxial machine
Saberi, A.
OS31A-1988Abstract Title: Modeling the effect of Causeways on Circulation in the Banana River
Saberi, N.
C41D-0752Abstract Title: Development and Evaluation of the GCOM-W1 AMSR2 Snow Depth and Snow Water Equivalent Algorithm, C41D-0763Abstract Title: Coupling DMRT-ML to a Multi-Scale Passive Microwave Data
Saberi, P.
H34C-04Abstract Title: Impacts on water quality by hydraulic fracturing in Pennsylvania
Sabetian, R.
DI44B-05Abstract Title: Three-Dimensional Gravity and Magnetic Modelling Along the Peruvian Margin
Sabido, D. J.
GC53G-1298Abstract Title: Enabling Philippine Farmers to Adapt to Climate Variability Using Seasonal Climate and Weather Forecast with a Crop Simulation Model in an SMS-based Farmer Decision Support System
Sabine, C. L.
ED23B-0860Abstract Title: Place-based Learning Collaboration: Promoting climate, ocean and data literacy by hosting a CO2 buoy from NOAA’s Pacific Marine Environmental Lab at the Exploratorium
Sabio, G.
H51B-1369Abstract Title: Calibration of Watershed Lag Time Equation for Philippine Hydrology using RADARSAT Digital Elevation Models
Sabo, J. L.
H12D-06Abstract Title: Systemic and intensifying drought induces collapse and replacement of native fishes: a time-series approach, H12G-04Abstract Title: The role of hydroclimate and water use on freshwater sustainability over the conterminous US.
Sabo, R.
H32D-05Abstract Title: Declining nitrate-N yields in the Upper Potomac River basin: what is really driving progress under the Chesapeake Bay restoration?
Sacchi, M. D.
S42BAbstract Title: Global Applications of Array-Based Techniques I, S43CAbstract Title: Global Applications of Array-Based Techniques II Posters, S43C-2816Abstract Title: Mapping Upper Mantle Seismic Discontinuities Using Singular Spectrum Analysis
Sacco, G. F.
IN11C-1789Abstract Title: The InSAR Scientific Computing Environment (ISCE): A Python Framework for Earth Science
Sacco, G. F.
U33A-03Abstract Title: The Advanced Rapid Imaging and Analysis (ARIA) Project’s Response to the April 25, 2015 M7.8 Nepal Earthquake: Rapid Measurements and Models for Science and Situational Awareness 
Sacco, P.
NH54A-05Abstract Title: Rapid Damage Mapping for the 2015 M7.8 Gorkha Earthquake using Synthetic Aperture Radar Data from COSMO-SkyMed and ALOS-2 Satellites
Saccone, P.
GC13K-06Abstract Title: Response of plant tundra communities to changes in abiotic and biotic environments: Importance of the temporal dimension
Šácha, P.
SA13A-2336Abstract Title: Model Study of IGW Hotspot Implications for the Middle Atmospheric Dynamics and Transport
Sachdeva, K.
A33H-0275Abstract Title: A Ground Observation Based Climatology and Forecasting of Winter Fog: Study over Ghaziabad, National Capital Region, India
Sachl, L.
GP34A-06Abstract Title: Modelling of Ocean Induced Magnetic Signals in Swarm Satellite Data
Sachpazi, M.
T13B-2996Abstract Title: Structural analysis of the southwestern segment of the Hellenic subduction zone by joint analysis of seismic reflection and refraction
Sachs, J. P.
ED34B-07Abstract Title: A Model for Local Experiential Learning: Workshop on Mangroves, Oceans & Climate in Kosrae, PP11C-02Abstract Title: Isotopic Controls of Rainwater and Water Vapor on Mangrove Leaf Water and Lipid Biomarkers, PP13A-2260Abstract Title: Modern Spatial Rainfall Rate is well Correlated with Coretop δ2Hdinosterol in the South Pacific Convergence Zone: A Tool for Quantitative Reconstructions of Rainfall Rate, PP13A-2261Abstract Title: Determining the Effect of Growth Rate on Hydrogen Isotope Fractionation of Algal Lipids in Two North Pacific Sites
Sachs, M. K.
NH43B-1888Abstract Title: Virtual Quake and Tsunami Squares: Scenario Earthquake and Tsunami Simulations for a Pacific Rim GNSS Tsunami Early Warning System
Sachs, T.
A24D-03Abstract Title: Multi-annual Turbulent Energy Fluxes in the Lena River Delta: Eddy Covariance and Remote Sensing in Siberian Arctic Tundra
Sachse, D.
T21B-2818Abstract Title: Soil n-alkane δD and Branched GDGTs Distributions Track Elevation-induced Precipitation and Temperature Changes along the South Central Andes (Argentina)
Sachse, D.
PP11B-2234Abstract Title: Seasonal and spatial variability of modeled leaf water δD values in the Himalaya, PP13B-2284Abstract Title: New insights into the Glacial to Holocene climatic evolution of Southern Patagonia from lacustrine lipid biomarker isotope records, T21B-2819Abstract Title: Tectonics, climate, and landscape evolution of the southern-central Andes revealed by leaf wax stable isotopes
Sachse, G. W.
A11T-06Abstract Title: Investigating Differences in Isoprene Oxidation Chemistry Between Gas-Phase Mechanisms Using a Constrained Chemical Box Model
Sachson, W.
ED41A-0843Abstract Title: Oxygen no longer plays a major role in Body Size Evolution
Sack, L.
B51D-0459Abstract Title: Revisiting mechanisms underlying tree mortality induced by drought in the Amazon: from observation to modeling
Sacks, S. I.
G11B-0974Abstract Title: Borehole Volumetric Strainmeters Detect Very Long-period Ocean Level Changes in Tokai Area, NG13A-1861Abstract Title: Modeling Statistical and Dynamic Features of Earthquakes
Sacks, W.
C22B-07Abstract Title: First synchronous realistic simulations of Antarctic and Greenland SMB in a fully coupled climate model
Saco, P. M.
EP51A-0888Abstract Title: Local Three-dimensional Flow and Sediment Patterns as an Evidence of Pool-riffle Self-maintenance, GC53A-1187Abstract Title: Incorporating Infrastructure and Vegetation Effects on Sea Level Rise Predictions in Low-Gradient Coastal Landscapes, H13B-1515Abstract Title: The Ecohydrologic Role of Coexistence and Competition in Semiarid Hillslopes, H14C-05Abstract Title: Investigating Ecohydrology and Connectivity Thresholds along a Precipitation Gradient in Australia
Sada, D. W.
H11E-1401Abstract Title: Physical Thresholds as Ecological Proxies in Aquatic Ecosystems
Sadaqathullah, S.
P44A-07Abstract Title: Extending the Lunar Mapping and Modeling Portal – New Capabilities and New Worlds
Sadat-Noori, M.
H33C-1591Abstract Title: Groundwater Discharge into Intermittently Closed and Open Lakes and/or Lagoons (ICOLLs) via Radon-222
Sadegh, M.
H51D-1394Abstract Title: Scaling of Flow Duration Curves Across the Contiguous United States, H51K-1546Abstract Title: How much data is really required for rainfall-runoff model calibration? A summary metric view.
Sadeghi, H.
NH13D-1960Abstract Title: Environmentally Friendly Solution to Ground Hazards in Design of Bridges in Earthquake Prone Areas Using Timber Piles
Sadeghi, M.
H13K-1736Abstract Title: Novel Measurement and Monitoring Approaches for Surface and Near-Surface Soil Moisture, H23B-1589Abstract Title: Rock Content Influence on Soil Hydraulic Properties, H53G-1741Abstract Title: Toward a Calibration-Free Model for Optical Remote Sensing of Soil Moisture
Sadeke, M.
A43G-0387Abstract Title: Impacts of Ozone-vegetation Interactions and Biogeochemical Feedbacks on Atmospheric Composition and Air Quality Under Climate Change
Sadler, B.
SA23B-2340Abstract Title: A Cusp Density Enhancement Study using e-POP Satellite Data
Sadler, J. P.
H21P-07Abstract Title: The Role of Riparian Vegetation Density, Channel Orientation and Water Velocity in Determining River Water Temperature Dynamics
Sadori, L.
PP11D-07Abstract Title: Integrated perspectives on geological and biological dynamics in ancient Lake Ohrid
Sadowsky, M.
H43G-1611Abstract Title: Ammonium sorption and ammonia inhibition of nitrite-oxidizing bacteria explain contrasting soil N2O production
Sadri, S.
ED33C-0949Abstract Title: The Need for More Scientific Approaches to Science Communication
Sadro, S.
Sadro, S.
B11G-0507Abstract Title: Effects of soil dissolved organic matter inputs on high-elevation lake metabolism, B51F-0501Abstract Title: Pathways of Snowmelt Water into an Ice-Covered Lake
Saeki, T.
A33C-0171Abstract Title: Regional emission and loss budgets of atmospheric methane (2002–2012), A33F-0248Abstract Title: Influence of Fossil Fuel Emissions on CO2 Flux Estimation by Atmospheric Inversions, B21M-08Abstract Title: Changes in terrestrial CO2 budget in Siberia in the past three decades, B23G-0679Abstract Title: Top-Down Assessment of the Asian Carbon Budget Since the Mid 1990s
Saenger, C.
PP23D-02Abstract Title: Reconciling Empirical Carbonate Clumped Isotope Calibrations: A Comparison of Calcite Precipitation and Acid Digestion Methods, PP52B-05Abstract Title: A Clumped Isotope and SIMS Perspective on Bamboo Coral “Lines” Paleothermometry
Saenger, E.
V12B-02Abstract Title: Earthquake-triggered fluid release at Campi Flegrei Caldera, Italy.
Saenko, O.
PP42B-08Abstract Title: AMOCMIP: Probabilistic projections of future AMOC evolution driven by global warming and Greenland Ice Sheet melt.
Saenz, N.
Safa, B.
B33A-0635Abstract Title: Latent Heat and Sensible Heat Fluxes Simulation in Maize Using Artificial Neural Networks
Safaie, A.
H51G-1452Abstract Title: Application of Manifold Methods for Data Assimilation in Integrated Earth System Models
Safari, A.
G23A-1057Abstract Title: A new method for extracting near-surface mass-density anomalies from land-based gravity data, based on a special case of Poisson’s PDE at the Earth’s surface: A case study of salt diapirs in the south of Iran
Safdarnejad, S. M.
H41G-1410Abstract Title: Urban River Restoration in Tehran: Challenges and Opportunities
Safeeq, M.
H12D-03Abstract Title: Patterns of Hydrologic Sensitivity to Climate in the Western US: Implications for Future Predictions, H33M-06Abstract Title: Drought effects on evapotransiration and subsurface water storage in the southern Sierra Nevada, H51N-1584Abstract Title: Characterizing Runoff and Water Yield from Headwater Catchments in the Southern Sierra Nevada
Saffer, D. M.
MR33A-2643Abstract Title: Effect of lateral stress on the consolidation state of sediment from the Nankai Trough, MR33A-2650Abstract Title: P-and S-wave velocities of exhumed metasediments from the Aleutian subduction megathrust: Implications for the interpretation of low velocity zones and fault reflectivity, MR33B-2674Abstract Title: The Effects of Fault Composition and Microstructures on Fault Weakness: A Study of Synthetic and Natural Clay-Rich Fault Gouges , S31A-2709Abstract Title: Laboratory Observations of the Full Spectrum of Fault Slip Modes: Implications for the Mechanics of Slow Earthquakes, S34A-02Abstract Title: The Mechanics of Transient Fault Slip and Slow Earthquakes, T43G-04Abstract Title: Boron Isotopic Fractionation During the First ~50 km of Sediment Subduction in the Nankai Trough, Japan, V43A-3095Abstract Title: Boron desorption in subduction forearcs: Systematics and implications for the origin and transport of deeply-sourced fluids
Safi, A.
H31G-1516Abstract Title: Modeling Saltwater Intrusion in Highly Heterogeneous Coastal Aquifers
Safieddine, S.
A13E-0389Abstract Title: The Global Reactive Carbon Budget of the Troposphere
Safont, E.
PP13B-2287Abstract Title: Modern Limnology and Varve Formation Processes in Lake Montcortès (Southern Pyrenees, Spain)
Safor, E.
SA23A-2322Abstract Title: The role of the afternoon thermospheric winds on the pre-reversal enhancement as measured by the SOFDI instrument at Huancayo, Peru
Safta, C.
H52B-07Abstract Title: Sparse Polynomial Chaos Surrogate for ACME Land Model via Iterative Bayesian Compressive Sensing
Sagawa, T.
OS53A-1997Abstract Title: Western Pacific thermocline variability in orbital- and millennial-timescale
Sagdeev, R.
P51D-07Abstract Title: How LEND sees the water on the Moon: the recent findings, P53B-2123Abstract Title: Regional and Latitude Variability in Diurnally Modulated Neutron Flux Measured by LRO/LEND, SM13C-2512Abstract Title: Ion Dynamics and Field Structure of Quasi-perpendicular Collisionless Shocks near the Critical Mach Number, SM13C-2514Abstract Title: CLUSTER CLOSE SEPARATION AT THE BOW SHOCK CAMPAIGN: INITIAL RESULTS.
Sageman, B. B.
PP31B-2237Abstract Title: Cr Isotope Response to Ocean Anoxic Event 2, PP33B-2305Abstract Title: The Early Cretaceous Sulfur Isotope Record: New Data, Revised Ages, and Updated Modeling, PP33C-2320Abstract Title: Combining local lithofacies and global geochemical signals to test the acidification hypothesis for the onset of Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 in the U.S. Western Interior Basin, PP34B-03Abstract Title: Multi-proxy study of Ocean Anoxic Event 2 (Cenomanian-Turonian) yields new perspective on the drivers for Mesozoic anoxic events
Sager, K.
S23C-2720Abstract Title: Towards a Full Waveform Ambient Noise Inversion, S34B-01Abstract Title: Source-structure trade-offs in ambient noise correlations: Theory and numerical examples, S41B-2758Abstract Title: Inverting for the Sources of the Earth's Hum
Sager, W. W.
GP23B-1310Abstract Title: Nature of the Jurassic Magnetic Quiet Zone revealed by the sea-surface, mid-water, and near-source magnetic sensor data in the western Pacific., OS33A-1997Abstract Title: Subsea Gas Emissions from the Barbados Accretionary Complex, V12A-08Abstract Title: Seafloor Tectonic Fault Fabric and the Evolution of the Walvis Ridge-Rio Grande Rise Hot Spot Twins in the South Atlantic
Saggini, F.
H54C-04Abstract Title: To Be or not to Be ... Markovian?
Saghi, Z.
GP33A-02Abstract Title: Multi scale imaging of the Cloudy Zone in the Tazewell IIICD Meteorite
Sagintayev, Z.
H51A-1348Abstract Title: Transboundary Irtysh River Basin: UNESCO-IHP to enhance research and data sharing
Sagiya, T.
G21A-1004Abstract Title: Interseismic Crustal Deformation in and around the Atotsugawa Fault System, Central Japan, Detected by InSAR and GNSS , T43B-2992Abstract Title: Modeling the evolution of the lower crust with laboratory derived rheological laws under an intraplate strike slip fault, T43C-3025Abstract Title: Crustal deformation around the Kamishiro fault, northern Itoigawa-Shizuoka Tectonic Line and its relation to the 2014 Northern Nagano earthquake (Mw6.3), T43C-3027Abstract Title: Persistent Aseismic Deformation in Central Japan Revealed by GPS Observation Before and After the 2011 Tohoku-Oki Earthquake
Sagnotti, L.
GP41A-07Abstract Title: Environmental magnetism of Lake Ohrid (Balkans) – Rock magnetic proxies for lacustrine and terrestrial environmental changes over the past 640 ka, GP42A-03Abstract Title: Biomonitoring of Air Pollution by Magnetic Measurements of Native and Transplanted Lichens; Two Case Studies Around Cement Plants
Sagoo, N.
A23C-0315Abstract Title: Investigating the Indirect Effects of Dust via Ice-Containing Clouds in the Last Glacial Maximum and Pliocene Paleoclimates
Sagy, A.
T23C-2963Abstract Title: Three Dimensional Analysis of Fault Interaction along a Simple Pull-Apart Basin
Sah, J. P.
H13O-07Abstract Title: Linking Pattern Formation and Alternative Stable States: Ecohydrologic Thresholds and Critical Transitions in the Everglades Peatlands
Saha, B.
A43F-0363Abstract Title: Determining Methane Leak Locations and Rates with a Wireless Network Composed of Low-Cost, Printed Sensors
Saha, K.
GC31D-1221Abstract Title: Climate applications for NOAA 1/4° Daily Optimum Interpolation Sea Surface Temperature
Saha, M.
GC42B-07Abstract Title: Evidence of Fire-Induced Rainfall Modification in sub-Saharan Africa, GC42B-08Abstract Title: The Impact of Fire on Energy Balance in Southern African Savanna Ecosystems: Implications of Climate Change, H24B-03Abstract Title: Response of tree cover to interannual rainfall variability: the balance of direct and indirect effects
Saha, P.
A41M-06Abstract Title: Black and Brown Carbon in Biogenic Settings with Different Levels of Anthropogenic Influence, and The Effect of Semivolatile Compounds on Aerosol Optical Properties
Sahagian, D. L.
EP51A-0889Abstract Title: The Origin of River Meanders, T22A-05Abstract Title: Betwixt and Between: Structure and Evolution of Central Mongolia
Sahajpal, R.
GC11B-1041Abstract Title: High-Resolution Modeling Disturbance-Induced Forest Carbon Dynamics with Lidar and Landsat Observations, GC13A-1135Abstract Title: Spatially-explicit estimates of greenhouse-gas payback times for perennial cellulosic biomass production on open lands in the Lake States
Sahakian, V. J.
NH43BAbstract Title: Natural Hazards Research and Mitigation: Global Navigation Satellite System, Data Diversity, and Emerging Technology I Posters, NH51GAbstract Title: Natural Hazards Research and Mitigation: Global Navigation Satellite System, Data Diversity, and Emerging Technology II, NH53AAbstract Title: Natural Hazards Research and Mitigation: Global Navigation Satellite System, Data Diversity, and Emerging Technology III, T23C-2971Abstract Title: Segmentation Along the Newport-Inglewood Rose Canyon Fault Zone: Implications for Rupture Propagation, T41A-2869Abstract Title: Understanding strain transfer and basin evolution complexities in the Salton pull-apart basin near the Southern San Andreas Fault, T51H-06Abstract Title: Strike-slip faulting in the Inner California Borderlands, offshore Southern California.
Sahany, S.
A53I-01Abstract Title: Tropical convective onset statistics and establishing causality in the water vapor-precipitation relation, GC41G-01Abstract Title: Implications of dynamics underlying temperature and precipitation distributions for changes in extremes
Saharia, M.
H53J-08Abstract Title: Mapping Flash Flood Severity in the United States
Sahba, O.
A33H-0283Abstract Title: Mercury and Other Chemical Constituents in Pacific Marine Fog Water: Results from Two Summers of Sampling in FogNet
Sahimi, M.
H51F-1439Abstract Title: Upscaling of Large-Scale Transport in Spatially Heterogeneous Porous Media Using Wavelet Transformation
Sahin, M.
T31A-2852Abstract Title: The North Anatolian Fault in the Region of Iznik (Turkey) : Geomorphological Evolution and Archeoseismicity
Sahin, O.
H51O-1626Abstract Title: Harnessing Potential Evaporation as a Renewable Energy Resource With Water-Saving Benefits
Sahin, S.
H11N-03Abstract Title: Food security, irrigation, climate change, and water scarcity in India
Sahle, C.
MR13C-2712Abstract Title: X-ray Raman Scattering at Extreme Conditions: Insights to Local Structure, Oxidation and Spin state
Sahlstedt, E. K.
V53E-3158Abstract Title: Isotopic Evidence for Microbial Activity in Crystalline Bedrock Fractures – a Case Study from Olkiluoto, SW Finland
Sahoo, S.
A23C-0325Abstract Title: Identification of Dust Source Regions at High-Resolution and Dynamics of Dust Source Mask over Southwest United States Using Remote Sensing Data
Sahputra, R.
G13A-0998Abstract Title: Re-investigation of slip rate along the southern part of the Sumatran Fault Zone using SuMo GPS network
Sahr, J. D.
P51C-2083Abstract Title: On Using Solar Radio Emission to Probe Interiors of Asteroids and Comets
Sahraoui, F.
SH33A-2456Abstract Title: Scaling of compressible magnetohydrodynamic turbulence in the fast solar wind, SM12A-09Abstract Title: Low-Frequency Wave Activity Detected by MMS during Dusk Magnetopause Crossings and its Relation to Heating and Acceleration of Particles
Sahu, D. K.
A51I-0182Abstract Title: Toward improved solar radiation forecasts: Intercomparison of Planetary Boundary Layer parameterizations for marine boundary layer clouds in Southern Californian coast, GC51H-05Abstract Title: Integrating Solar Power onto the Electric Grid – Bridging the Gap between Atmospheric Science, Engineering and Economics
Sahu, S.
A14F-04Abstract Title: Fluxes of Greenhouse Gases from the Baltimore-Washington Area: Results from WINTER 2015 Aircraft Observations
Sahy, D.
OS23B-1998Abstract Title: Cold seep carbonates along the Norwegian margin, insights into U-Th geochronology and S geochemistry, OS31B-07Abstract Title: Tempo and longevity of methane efflux along the US Atlantic Margin
Saia, S. M.
B51EAbstract Title: Human Alteration of the Phosphorus Cycle: Past, Present, and Future I Posters, B51E-0478Abstract Title: Factors Influencing Phosphorous Cycling in Biogeochemical ‘Hot Spots’, B53KAbstract Title: Human Alteration of the Phosphorus Cycle: Past, Present, and Future II
Said, M.
V21A-3006Abstract Title: Oxygen Fugacity of Abyssal Peridotites Along the Gakkel Ridge
Saide, P. E.
A21JAbstract Title: Data Assimilation and Inverse Modeling for Atmospheric Composition Applications I, A31BAbstract Title: Data Assimilation and Inverse Modeling for Atmospheric Composition Applications II Posters, A31D-0090Abstract Title: Rim Fire and its Radiative impact Simulated in CESM/CARMA, A43D-0324Abstract Title: Exploring links between biomass burning smoke and tornado likelihood: From regional to large-eddy scale simulations, A53D-04Abstract Title: The “APEC Blue” Phenomenon: Impacts of Regional emission control,Meteorology Condition and Regional Transport from a Modeling Perspective
Saidian, M.
H14A-02Abstract Title: Salinity effect on the spectral induced polarization porosimetry: theory and experiment
Saiet, E. II
C53B-0784Abstract Title: High-Resolution Sea Ice Topography Mapping using UAS-based Sensors and Structure-from-Motion Techniques, NH43C-1899Abstract Title: Producing Mosaiced Infrared Data on Natural Hazards for Real-time Emergency Management using UAS and Thermal Infrared Cameras
Saif, T.
MR51A-06Abstract Title: Pore-Scale X-ray Micro-CT Imaging and Analysis of Oil Shales
Saigusa, N.
B21M-08Abstract Title: Changes in terrestrial CO2 budget in Siberia in the past three decades, B43E-0600Abstract Title: Estimation of Global 1km-grid Terrestrial Carbon Exchange Part I: Developing Inputs and Modelling, B43H-0641Abstract Title: Ecophysiological parameters for a coupled photosynthesis and stomatal conductance model derived from eddy covariance measurements in Asia, B53B-0552Abstract Title: Regional forest biomass estimation using ICESat/GLAS spaceborne LiDAR
Saikawa, E.
A11I-0183Abstract Title: Measurement and Modeling of Site-specific Nitrogen and Oxygen Isotopic Composition of Atmospheric Nitrous Oxide at Mace Head, Ireland, A21A-0036Abstract Title: Comparative Analysis of Passenger Traffic Fleets in Asian Cities: Technology, Driving Activities, and Emission, A51B-0019Abstract Title: WRF-Chem Simulation of Air Quality Over China in 2013, B11BAbstract Title: Closing the Global Nitrous Oxide Budget: Magnitude, Spatiotemporal Patterns, and Responses I Posters, B11B-0427Abstract Title: Using the DeNitrification-DeComposition Framework to Simulate Global Soil Nitrous Oxide Emissions in the Community Land Model with Coupled Carbon and Nitrogen, B14AAbstract Title: Closing the Global Nitrous Oxide Budget: Magnitude, Spatiotemporal Patterns, and Responses II, B21M-03Abstract Title: The full budget of greenhouse gases in the terrestrial biosphere: From global C project to global GHG project
Saiki, A.
T33C-2952Abstract Title: Distribution of physical properties and timing of relative uplift in upper plate off Costa Rica: IODP Expedition 344
Saikia, S. D.
GC11A-1021Abstract Title: Changing climate and the value of the tea landscape in Assam, H41G-1427Abstract Title: Climate-Smart Landscapes for Managing Water Resources in the Tea Growing Regions of Northeast India
Saikin, A.
SM13G-07Abstract Title: The geomagnetic condition dependence of the spatial distributions of EMIC waves observed by the Van Allen Probes, SM41F-2551Abstract Title: Generation and effects of EMIC waves observed by the Van Allen Probes on 18 March 2013
Sailer, R.
C21F-05Abstract Title: Mapping the Snow Line Altitude for Large Glacier Samples from Multitemporal Landsat Imagery
Sailor, R. V.
G34A-06Abstract Title: Detailed Analysis of Marine Gravity Survey Data from Panama Canal Transits: Improving Error Models and Signal Processing for BGM-3 Marine Gravimeter Survey Systems
Saini, S.
SA41A-2323Abstract Title: Near-Conjugate Characteristics of Long Period ULF waves at very high Latitudes (L≈14 RE)
Sainju, U. M.
GC13F-1218Abstract Title: Soil Organic Carbon Response to Cover Crop and Nitrogen Fertilization under Bioenergy Sorghum
Saint-Carlier, D.
EP33B-1075Abstract Title: Sediment from the Last Two Glacial Periods Amalgamated and Re-Entrained in the Alluvial Piedmont of the North Tian Shan
Saint-Jacques, D.
C43B-0804Abstract Title: Design and deployment of a stationary ice-penetrating radar system
Saintenoy, A. C.
P51C-2082Abstract Title: Experimental and Numerical Demonstration of Anomalous Enhanced Backscatter by Subsurface Spherical Dielectric Anomalies
Sainz Dalda, A.
SH23A-2429Abstract Title: SDO/HMI Vector Magnetic Field Observations of the Solar Polar Region, SH31B-2419Abstract Title: A self-consistent combined radiative transfer hydrodynamic and particle acceleration model for the X1.0 class flare on March 29, 2014
sainz Gracia, A. S.
NH51D-1928Abstract Title: Experimental and Numerical Modelling of CO2 Atmospheric Dispersion in Hazardous Gas Emission Sites.
Saito, A.
SA11A-08Abstract Title: 3-years Occurrence Variability of Concentric Gravity Waves in the Mesopause Observed by IMAP/VISI
Saito, H.
IN21D-1713Abstract Title: A Multi-Purpose Data Dissemination Infrastructure for the Marine-Earth Observations
Saito, H.
H14A-05Abstract Title: Monitoring water infiltration in aggregated volcanic ash soil using multi-offset GPR, H21A-1349Abstract Title: Modeling temperature dependence of trace element concentrations in groundwater using temperature dependent distribution coefficient, H54B-05Abstract Title: Numerical Modeling of Coupled Water, Vapor and Energy in Soils and at the Soil-Atmosphere Interface
Saito, H.
NH41B-1818Abstract Title: Landslide occurrences and recurrence intervals of heavy rainfalls in Japan
Saito, K.
C21C-0747Abstract Title: What an Arctic terrestrial MIP tells about changes and differences in Arctic subsurface hydrology, C43C-0814Abstract Title: Spatio-temporally continuous monitoring of surface and ground temperature in Interior Alaska forest by optical Fiber DTS
Saito, L.
H23E-1619Abstract Title: Examination of different water balance models for use with tree-ring proxy records to extend hydroclimatic records, H41G-1416Abstract Title: Evaluation of Head-of-Reservoir Conditions for Downstream Migration of Juvenile Chinook Salmon and Steelhead at Shasta Lake, California
Saito, M. A.
B13K-06Abstract Title: Needles in the blue Sea: Sub-species specificity by targeted metaproteomics of the vast oceanic microbial metaproteome
Saito, M.
A41I-0171Abstract Title: Analyzing six-year-long GOSAT Observational Data, GC31B-1169Abstract Title: Developing a high-resolution CO2 flux inversion model for global and regional scale studies
Saito, M.
A42C-07Abstract Title: Multilayer cloud detection and retrieval of cloud physical and optical properties from thermal infrared measurements, A43A-0250Abstract Title: Cloud discrimination and spectral radiance estimation from a digital sky images
Saito, M.
SM51E-2601Abstract Title: High current density observations in the near-Earth plasma sheet
Saito, R.
PP13A-2272Abstract Title: Organic geochemical characterization of the Lower-Middle Triassic sedimentary rocks from south China
Saito, R.
NH13D-1962Abstract Title: Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Assessment along Nankai Trough (1) An assessment based on the information of the forthcoming earthquake that Earthquake Research Committee(2013) evaluated
Saito, S.
NS31A-1941Abstract Title: Identification and characterization of the active hydrothermal deposits in Okinawa Trough, SW Japan: Estimates from logging-while-drilling, NS31A-1942Abstract Title: Temperature and volume estimation of under-seafloor fluid from the logging-while-drilling data beneath an active hydrothermal field, T11H-06Abstract Title: Earthquake rupture in shallow portion of subduction zone: An ancient record from the Ishido thrust (out-of-sequence thrust) in Boso Peninsula, central Japa, T21E-2889Abstract Title: The Impact of Mass Movement and Fluid Flow during Ridge Subduction inferred from Physical Properties and Zeolite Assemblage in the Upper Plate Slope of the Costa Rica Subduction Zone , T23D-2987Abstract Title: Preliminary results of thermal conductivity and elastic wave velocity measurements of various rock samples collected from outcrops in hanging wall of the Alpine Fault
Saito, S.
SH11D-2407Abstract Title: Local generation of the strahl in the solar wind electrons via whistler instability , SH11E-2415Abstract Title: Decaying Whistler Turbulence at Ion Scales: Particle-In-Cell simulation, SM14C-02Abstract Title: Wide energy electron precipitations and their impact on the middle atmosphere associated with the pulsating aurora
Saito, S.
NS23A-1930Abstract Title: Advances in Vertical Cable Seismic (VCS) for Seafloor Massive Sulfide exploration
Saito, S.
SA13B-2358Abstract Title: East-west asymmetric of scintillation occurrence in Indonesia using GPS and GLONASS observations
Saito, T.
B23B-0605Abstract Title: Calculation of Individual Tree Water Use in a Bornean Tropical Rain Forest Using Individual-Based Dynamic Vegetation Model SEIB-DGVM
Saito, T.
H21A-1349Abstract Title: Modeling temperature dependence of trace element concentrations in groundwater using temperature dependent distribution coefficient
Saito, T.
S34B-07Abstract Title: Depth-dependence of time-lapse seismic velocity change detected by a joint interferometric analysis of vertical array data
Saito, Y.
P11B-2074Abstract Title: Current Status of Japanese Participation to Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer "JUICE", SM24A-08Abstract Title: Kaguya observations of the lunar wake in the terrestrial foreshock, SM41I-06Abstract Title: The kinetic scale structure of the Plasma Sheet Boundary Layer: Implications of collisionless magnetic reconnection and first MMS observations, SM42A-03Abstract Title: Features of the Active Evening Plasma Sheet from MMS, SM42A-06Abstract Title: MMS observations of kinetic-scale structure in a magnetic depression, SM42A-08Abstract Title: 3D Ion and Electron Distribution Function Measurements from the Fast Plasma Investigation on the Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission, SM43A-08Abstract Title: MMS Observations of Velocity-dispersed Ion Populations in Earth’s Magnetotail., SM44A-05Abstract Title: Kink-mode oscillations of the magnetotail current sheet driven by quasi-continuous reconnection during a steady magnetospheric convection: Geotail and THEMIS conjunction
Saito, Y.
EP23B-0966Abstract Title: Effects of Human Activities on Submarine Topography in Lingding Bay of the Pearl River Estuary During the Last Decade, GC41F-1148Abstract Title: Tide and river influences on distributary channels of the Mekong River delta, GC41F-1153Abstract Title: Constant sediment budget of Mekong delta shorelines: implications from long-term shoreline changes
Saito, Z.
GP13A-1280Abstract Title: Three-Dimensional Resistivity Modeling Around the Focal Zones of Iwate-Miyagi Nairiku Earthquake, Japan
Saito-Kokubu, Y.
T41B-2894Abstract Title: Identification of Faulting Events based on Radiocarbon Ages of Continuous Black Soil along Active Fault in Trench Wall
Saitoh, N.
A41I-0165Abstract Title: GOSAT TIR radiometric validation toward simultaneous GHG column and profile observation, A41I-0169Abstract Title: Characteristics of Four-years of GOSAT/TANSO-FTS TIR V1.0 CO2 and CH4 Products, A41I-0183Abstract Title: Impact of differences in line parameter databases on methane retrieval through radiative transfer calculation, A43B-0280Abstract Title: Improved slicing method for GOSAT cloud detection using TIR spectra
Saitoh, T. M.
B21G-0556Abstract Title: Seasonal and Inter-annual Changes in Photosynthetic and Soil Respiratory Processes in a Cool-temperate Deciduous Forest on a Mountainous Landscape in Japan., B43H-0640Abstract Title: Estimation of gross primary production and light use efficiency by the tower-based sun-induced fluorescence measurement in the Japanese evergreen coniferous forest, B43H-0641Abstract Title: Ecophysiological parameters for a coupled photosynthesis and stomatal conductance model derived from eddy covariance measurements in Asia, B53F-0624Abstract Title: Accurate detection of spatio-temporal variability of plant phenology by using satellite-observed daily green-red vegetation index (GRVI) in Japan
Saitta, A. M.
MR21D-04Abstract Title: Exploring New Phenomena in Salty Water Under Planetary Conditions
Saiz, G.
B43H-0648Abstract Title: Weak leaf photosynthesis and nutrient content relationships from tropical vegetation
Saiz-Lopez, A.
A13E-0394Abstract Title: Formaldehyde in the Tropical Western Pacific: Evaluation of model chemistry and emissions with in situ observations, A33K-0332Abstract Title: Representation of the Bi-modal Distribution of Free Tropospheric Ozone Over the Tropical Western Pacific in CAM-CHEM, A41K-0228Abstract Title: The impact of ClNO2 production on tropospheric nitrogen oxides and oxidants in a global model, C13C-0832Abstract Title: Viable Particles from Iodine Compounds in the Antarctic Sea Ice Zone, P11B-2097Abstract Title: The Mars Environmental Dynamics Analyzer (MEDA): A Suite of Environmental Sensors for the Mars 2020 Rover
Sak, P. B.
A33L-0383Abstract Title: Impacts of Dust on Tropical Volcanic Soil Formation: Insights from Strontium and Uranium-Series Isotopes in Soils from Basse-Terre Island, French Guadeloupe, H51J-1520Abstract Title: Measuring U-series Disequilibrium in Weathering Rinds to Study the Influence of Environmental Factors to Weathering Rates in Tropical Basse-Terre Island (French Guadeloupe)
Sakaguchi, K.
A51J-0201Abstract Title: Upscale Effects of Variable-Resolution Meshes on the Large-Scale Circulation, A51J-0204Abstract Title: Impacts of resolution-dependent physics in aquaplanet simulations
Sakai, A.
GC21F-03Abstract Title: Why did the Nepal Gorkha Earthquake Have so few Effects on Glacial Lakes?
Sakai, H.
OS23B-1992Abstract Title: Early Diagenesis of Subseafloor Sandy Sediments Closely Related to Gas Hydrate Occurrences and Their Provenances in the Eastern Margin of Japan Sea
Sakai, M.
B31A-0531Abstract Title: Carbon Dynamics of Surface Soil after Land Use Change in a Seasonal Tropical Forest in North-eastern Thailand: Application of a Sable Carbon Isotope Mixing Model
Sakai, S.
S11A-2773Abstract Title: Aftershock distribution and heterogeneous structure in and around the source area of the 2014 northern Nagano Prefecture earthquake (Mw 6.2) , central Japan, revealed by dense seismic array observation, S14B-05Abstract Title: Determination of Hypocenters and Focal Mechanism Solutions for Semi-Historical Earthquakes by Using Template Matching Technique, S24B-07Abstract Title: Present and Future of Metropolitan Seismic Observation network (MeSO-net) in Japan, S41A-2695Abstract Title: Extraction of Broadband Basin-Scale Green's Functions from the Ambient Seismic Field, S41A-2696Abstract Title: Simulation of instrumental intensities in the Tokyo Metropolitan area using a 3D attenuation structure model., S41A-2698Abstract Title: A high resolution 3D velocity model beneath the Tokyo Metropolitan area by MeSO-net
Sakai, S.
P21A-2045Abstract Title: Electron Energetics in the Martian Ionosphere: Model Comparisons with MAVEN Data
Sakai, S.
P21A-2051Abstract Title: Solar Ionizing Radiation at Mars: Predictions vs. MAVEN Observations, SM42B-05Abstract Title: Pickup Ions in the Plasma Environments of Mars, Comets, and Enceladus
Sakai, T.
S51A-2663Abstract Title: Distortion of the seismic radiation pattern in a long period band: Absence of clear node observations
Sakai, T.
A22C-07Abstract Title: Development of ground-based lidars for measuring H2O and O3 profiles in the troposphere
Sakai, Y.
NH41C-1841Abstract Title: The influence of fine sediment on the fluidity of debris flows based on the equilibrium concentration and friction coefficient
Sakairi, T.
MR22A-08Abstract Title: Core Formation Process and Light Elements in the Planetary Core
Sakakibara, D.
C21B-0740Abstract Title: Twelve-year cyclic surging episode at Donjek Glacier in Yukon, Canada
Sakamaki, K.
V11C-3074Abstract Title: Fluid control of deeply subducted carbonate rocks and diamond formations by Intraslab UHP metasomatism - Modeling by the Kokchetav Massif, V11C-3075Abstract Title: Metamorphic Diamond Formation under H2O-Fluid Conditions in Diamond-bearing Garnet-Clinopyroxene Rock from the Kokchetav Massif
Sakamaki, T.
MR22A-03Abstract Title: In-situ Density and Thermal Expansion Measurements of Fe and Fe-S Alloying Liquids Under Planetary Core Conditions, MR22A-08Abstract Title: Core Formation Process and Light Elements in the Planetary Core
Sakamoto, C.
OS13B-2037Abstract Title: Upper ocean carbon cycling inferred from direct pH observations made by profiling floats and estimated alkalinity, OS13B-2038Abstract Title: Quality Controlled Argo Profiling Float Oxygen Data: Open Source Sharing and Version Control Using IPython Notebooks on GitHub, OS13B-2039Abstract Title: Spring Blooms Observed with Biochemical Profiling Floats from a Chemical and Biological Perspective
Sakamoto, T.
AE33A-0464Abstract Title: Continuation of Search for Correlations Between Sprites and Tgfs By Goddard Robotic Telescope Wide Field (GRT-WF)
Sakamoto, Y.
P11B-2094Abstract Title: Development of the Circumpolar Stratospheric Telescope FUJIN for Observations of Planets
Sakanoi, T.
P23A-2107Abstract Title: The result of Venus Orbit Insertion of Akatsuki on December 7th, 2015, SA11A-08Abstract Title: 3-years Occurrence Variability of Concentric Gravity Waves in the Mesopause Observed by IMAP/VISI, SM31B-2489Abstract Title: Io's volcanic influence on the Io plasma torus: HISAKI observation in 2015, SM31C-2511Abstract Title: Solar wind influence on the Jovian inner magnetosphere observed by Hisaki/EXCEED
Sakata, K.
OS51B-1990Abstract Title: Detection of Remarkably Low Isotopic Ratio of Iron in Anthropogenic Aerosols and Evaluation of its Contribution to the Surface Ocean
Sakazaki, T.
SA13A-2317Abstract Title: Zonally uniform tidal oscillations in the tropical middle atmosphere
Sakdinawat, A.
SH23B-2447Abstract Title: Free-Standing Zone Plate Optimized for He II 30.4 nm Solar Irradiance Measurements Having High Accuracy and Stability in Space, SH23B-2449Abstract Title: Miniature Extreme Ultraviolet Solar Radiometers
Sakic, P.
G13A-1009Abstract Title: Horizontal and vertical deformation field in New Caledonia, South West Pacific, derived from more than 20 years of GNSS measurements, T11E-2943Abstract Title: Off Shore Geodetic Measurements Simulations in the Context of Seismic and Tsunami Hazard Evaluation in the Lesser Antilles
Sakowska, K.
B41H-02Abstract Title: Predicting Ecosystem-scale CO2 Fluxes and Vegetation Biophysical Parameters of a Subalpine Grassland with Continuous Canopy Hyperspectral Reflectance Measurements., B43D-0593Abstract Title: Modelling the Spatial Distribution of CO2 Fluxes in a Subalpine Grassland Plateau of the Italian Alps Using Multiple Airborne AISA Eagle Hyperspectral Sensor Observations and Sentinel-2 Simulated Data.
Saksa, P. C.
H11C-1361Abstract Title: Forest Fuel Reduction and Wildfire Effects on Runoff and Evapotranspiration in Sierra Nevada Mixed-Conifer Forest
Sakulchaicharoen, N.
H43F-1558Abstract Title: Comparison of dechlorination rates for field DNAPL vs synthetic samples: effect of sample matrix
Sakuma, K.
B11K-04Abstract Title: Modelling evolution of air dose rates in river basins in Fukushima Prefecture affected by sediment-sorbed radiocesium redistribution, B13A-0591Abstract Title: Integrated watershed modeling for simulation of radio-cesium migration after flood events in the catchment near the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant, B13A-0593Abstract Title: Mathematical Modeling of Radiocesium Migration and Air Dose Rate Changes in Eastern Fukushima Prefecture
Sakumura, C.
G41B-03Abstract Title: Progress towards daily "swath" solutions from GRACE, H53L-01Abstract Title: Establishing the Framework for Land Data Assimilation of GRACE Terrestrial Water Storage Information
Sakuraba, A.
S51D-2732Abstract Title: Surface Waves and Flow-Induced Oscillations along an Underground Elliptic Cylinder Filled with a Viscous Fluid
Sakurai, H.
H13A-1481Abstract Title: Model Calibration of a Groundwater Flow Analysis for an Underground Structure Using Data Assimilation Technique
Sakuramoto, Y.
GP51A-1303Abstract Title: Distribution of magnetofossils in deep-sea surface sediments with Fe-redox boundary
Sala, A.
B51D-0459Abstract Title: Revisiting mechanisms underlying tree mortality induced by drought in the Amazon: from observation to modeling
Sala, O. E.
B53G-0637Abstract Title: Approaches and Recommendations for Simulating Extreme Precipitation Years in Multi-site Experiments, H51Q-04Abstract Title: Forecasting Regional Agroecosystems Responses to Drought and Wet Periods using Long Term Data from LTAR and LTER sites
Salameh, P.
A21G-0234Abstract Title: Initial Results from the Los Angeles Megacity Carbon Project: Exploring Spatial and Temporal Variability of the In Situ CO2 Observations, A21G-0236Abstract Title: Estimating methane and nitrous oxide emissions in California using multi-tower observations and hierarchical Bayesian inversion
Salamon, P.
H51G-1468Abstract Title: Data Assimilation of Satellite-Derived Surface Water Extent into a Global Rainfall-Runoff Model, NH11C-05Abstract Title: What can’(t) we do with global flood risk models?, NH51E-1935Abstract Title: On the reliable use of satellite-derived surface water products for global flood monitoring
Salaree, A.
ED53E-0883Abstract Title: Should Fermi Have Secured his Water Heater Against Earthquakes?, NH13E-03Abstract Title: Ocean-bottom Pressure Signals as Potential Identifiers of Tsunami Earthquakes in the Near Field
Salas Fernandez, M.
H51O-1622Abstract Title: Comparing the water-use-efficiency of maize and biomass sorghum grown in the rain-fed, Midwestern US.
Salas, F. R.
H51I-1499Abstract Title: Street Level Hydrology: An Urban Application of the WRF-Hydro Framework in Denver, Colorado, IN31B-1762Abstract Title: The National Flood Interoperability Experiment: Bridging Resesarch and Operations, IN31C-1770Abstract Title: Advancing the cyberinfrastructure for sustaining high resolution, real-time streamflow and flood forecasts at a national scale
Salas Romero, S.
NS41B-1927Abstract Title: Delineating Potential Quick-clay Areas Using High-resolution Seismic Methods: Towards a 3D Model of an Area Prone to Slide in SW Sweden
Salas, W.
GC13I-04Abstract Title: Magnitude and Uncertainty of Carbon Pools and Fluxes in the US Forests
Salathe, E. P.
A33I-0289Abstract Title: West Coast atmospheric river climatology in CMIP5 climate models
Salawitch, R. J.
A11C-0082Abstract Title: Link between Enhanced Arctic tropospheric BrO observed by Aura OMI and meteorological conditions, A11G-0160Abstract Title: Particulate Matter Pollution and its Regional Transport in the Mid-Atlantic States, A11T-06Abstract Title: Investigating Differences in Isoprene Oxidation Chemistry Between Gas-Phase Mechanisms Using a Constrained Chemical Box Model, A13E-0394Abstract Title: Formaldehyde in the Tropical Western Pacific: Evaluation of model chemistry and emissions with in situ observations, A14F-04Abstract Title: Fluxes of Greenhouse Gases from the Baltimore-Washington Area: Results from WINTER 2015 Aircraft Observations, A21A-0005Abstract Title: The Use of Regulatory Air Quality Models to Develop Successful Ozone Attainment Strategies, A21A-0048Abstract Title: Investigating the Impact of Marine Ship Emissions on Regional Air Quality using OMI Satellite NO2 Observations and the CMAQ Model, A21A-0060Abstract Title: The observed response of ozone production to the policy-driven decrease of NOx and CO emissions in the Baltimore/Washington area, A21B-0118Abstract Title: Quantifying the Causes of Differences in Tropospheric OH within Global Models, A21B-0126Abstract Title: A Reevaluation of the Contribution of Very Short Lived Bromocarbons to Stratospheric Bromine Loading, GC33A-1274Abstract Title: The Obama – Xi Accord: A Need for Further Action, OS41A-1988Abstract Title: The Human Influence on Global Warming: Sensitivity to AMOC and OHE
Salazar, A.
H31A-1399Abstract Title: Land cover change drives climate extremes and aridity in non-Amazonian South America
Salazar, J. F.
H41H-06Abstract Title: Regional-scale ecohydrological consequences of widespread forest cover in northern South-America: Amazon forest effects on atmospheric and surface water balances
Salazar, P.
S43B-2810Abstract Title: Deterministic Seismic Hazard Assessment for the Southern Peru and Northern Chile Segment of the Andean Subduction Zone
Salazar Rodriguez, J. M.
Salcedo - Hurtado, E.
Salcedo Borda, J. S.
H32E-05Abstract Title: Effects of Reservoirs on Nutrient Concentrations and Ratios along the Longitudinal Gradient of Danube River Basin
Sale, J.
IN33D-1821Abstract Title: Creation a Geo Big Data Outreach and Training Collaboratory for Wildfire Community
Saleeby, S. M.
A51E-0100Abstract Title: Understanding the Role of Riming in Deep Convection Through Variability in Collection Efficiencies and Aerosol Effects, A51O-0298Abstract Title: Evolution of Latent Heating Profiles in Two MC3E MCSs
Saleh, J.
G23A-1052Abstract Title: Surface Gravity Data Contribution to the Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands Geoid Model
Saleh, R.
Salehi, B.
H53G-1752Abstract Title: Object-Based Classification of Wetlands Using Optical and SAR Data with a Compound Kernel in Support Vector Machine (SVM)
Salehin, M.
GC43G-03Abstract Title: An integrated framework to assess plausible future livelihood and poverty changes in deltas: an application to coastal Bangladesh
Salehin, Z.
NS23A-1952Abstract Title: 3D Reservoir Modeling of Semutang Gas Field: A lonely Gas field in Chittagong-Tripura Fold Belt, with Integrated Well Log, 2D Seismic Reflectivity and Attributes.
Salehnia, N.
NH33C-1934Abstract Title: Monitoring and Predicting Wildfire Using Fire Indices and CIMP5 Data (Case study: Golestan National Park)
Salem, C. S.
SH11DAbstract Title: The Role of Electron Thermodynamics for the Multiscale Evolution of the Solar Wind Posters, SH11D-2400Abstract Title: Quiet-time Solar Wind Superhalo Electrons, SH11D-2401Abstract Title: Investigating WIND quasi-thermal noise spectra between the ion and the electron plasma frequency, SH11D-2402Abstract Title: Solar Wind ~0.1-1.5 keV Electrons at Quiet Times, SH11D-2404Abstract Title: Solar Wind Core Halo and Strahl Electrons at 1 AU: New insights into their Properties, Regulation & Constraints, SH11EAbstract Title: Turbulence and Dissipation in the Solar Wind Plasma: Moving the Current Challenge Forward Posters, SH11FAbstract Title: Fundamental Physics of the Solar Corona and Inner Heliosphere I, SH13EAbstract Title: Fundamental Physics of the Solar Corona and Inner Heliosphere II, SH21AAbstract Title: Fundamental Physics of the Solar Corona and Inner Heliosphere III Posters, SH31A-2388Abstract Title: The Spectrum of Solar Wind Superhalo Electrons, SH33A-2447Abstract Title: Low-Amplitude Solar Wind Turbulence: Spectral Features
Salem, L. C.
V43C-3163Abstract Title: Magma surge from the mantle: the Father’s Day Eruption, Kīlauea Volcano, Hawai‘i
Saleme Vila, S.
A31C-0067Abstract Title: Photovoltaic Prospection in South Tamaulipas
Salerno, F.
C33A-0800Abstract Title: Water and Soil Chemistry Interactions in the Khumbu Valley, Nepal
Salerno, G. J.
B32B-03Abstract Title: Insights into Hydrocarbon-rich Environments from Studies of Protein Dynamics, Thermodynamics, and Spectroscopy
Salerno, G.
V23B-3098Abstract Title: On the use of hyperpectral infrared imagers for studying volcano plumes: IMAGETNA campaign Hyperpectral infrared imaging of volcanic plume at Mt Etna: IMAGETNA campaign
Salerno, V. M.
T51E-2944Abstract Title: The Role of the Strain History on the Modes of Continental Extension
Sales de Andrade, E.
S33C-2787Abstract Title: ObsPy: A Python toolbox for seismology - Current state, applications, and ecosystem around it
Saleska, S. R.
B11H-0536Abstract Title: Production of Excess CO2 relative to methane in peatlands: a new H2 sink, B11L-07Abstract Title: Large-Scale Forest Die-off in Temperate versus Tropical Regions: Comparison of Local and Global Climate Effects, B21C-0454Abstract Title: Linking Sediment Microbial Communities to Carbon Cycling in High-Latitude Lakes, B21K-04Abstract Title: Interpreting chlorophyll fluorescence signals: the effects of leaf age, B21K-08Abstract Title: What Controls the Net Forest-Atmosphere Exchange of Carbonyl Sulfide? Results from 2 Years of Eddy Flux Measurements and SiB Model Simulations, B22E-04Abstract Title: The impact of Carbonic Anhydrase on the partitioning of leaf and soil CO18O and COS gas exchange across scales, B33G-04Abstract Title: Using remote sensing and field based measurements to understand short term changes in a permafrost landscape, B41C-0443Abstract Title: Long-term data on δ13C-CH4 emissions elucidate drivers of CH4 metabolism in temperate and northern wetlands, B51DAbstract Title: Climatic Controls on Vegetation Dynamics in Tropical Forests I Posters, B51D-0452Abstract Title: Leaf ontogeny and demography explain photosynthetic seasonality in Amazon evergreen forests, B51D-0455Abstract Title: Sunlight Mediated Seasonality in Canopy Structure and Photosynthetic Activity of Amazonian Rainforests, B51D-0468Abstract Title: Central Amazon Forest Enhanced Vegetation Index Seasonality Driven by Strongly Seasonal Leaf Flush, B51G-0515Abstract Title: Using high-dynamic-range digital repeat photography to measure plant phenology in a subarctic mire., B53JAbstract Title: Climatic Controls on Vegetation Dynamics in Tropical Forests II, B53J-03Abstract Title: Up-regulation of Amazon forest photosynthesis precedes elevated mortality under drought, B53J-06Abstract Title: Satellite observations of the role and impacts of dry season climate limitations on tropical forest fates, H31A-1405Abstract Title: Stomatal and Aerodynamic Controls of Transpiration and Evaporation over Amazonian Landscapes
Salesky, S.
A52B-05Abstract Title: The Preferential Deposition of Snow in Complex Terrain: An LES Investigation, A52B-08Abstract Title: Closure of the heat flux budget with the ejection-sweep cycle in the convective atmospheric boundary layer
Saletti, M.
EP53B-1005Abstract Title: A reduced-complexity model for sediment transport and step-pool morphology
Salgado, E.
B23A-0585Abstract Title: NOAA's efforts to map extent, health and condition of deep sea corals and sponges and their habitat on the banks and island slopes of Southern California
Salgado, F. II
Salgado, R.
A21A-0068Abstract Title: Nocturnal surface ozone enhancement over Portugal: Influence of different atmospheric conditions
Salgueiro da Silva, M. A.
MR13A-2685Abstract Title: Backward Modeling of Reflectance Spectra of Single Mineral Assemblages, MR21C-2631Abstract Title: Simulation of Electrical Transport in Rocks under Mechanical Action
Salguero, J. M.
ED31B-0899Abstract Title: Learning geosciences from science fictions movies: A quantitative analysis of Pando-magnetism in Avatar.
Salha, A. A.
H13C-1561Abstract Title: Effectiveness of SWAT in characterizing the watershed hydrology in the snowy-mountainous Lower Bear Malad River (LBMR) watershed in Box Elder County, Utah
Saliba, G.
Salima, J.
ED33D-0973Abstract Title: Imaging of the Rupture Zone of the Magnitude 6.2 Karonga Earthquake of 2009 using Electrical Resistivity Surveys, ED33D-0974Abstract Title: Gravity Transects across the Karonga Fault in the Northern Malawi Rift, T43H-02Abstract Title: Active-source seismic imaging below Lake Malawi (Nyasa) from the SEGMeNT project, T51G-3002Abstract Title: Strain Accommodation and its Relationship to Pre-existing Structures along the Karonga Fault, Malawi
Salimzadeh, S.
NG12A-04Abstract Title: Fully Coupled 3D Finite Element Model of Hydraulic Fracturing in a Permeable Rock Formation
Salinas, A.
H43G-1604Abstract Title: Root development during soil genesis: effects of root-root interactions, mycorrhizae, and substrate
Salinas, E.
NH51A-1856Abstract Title: Assessing the Cytotoxicity of Black Carbon As A Model for Ultrafine Anthropogenic Aerosol Across Human and Murine Cells: A Chronic Exposure Model of Nanosized Particulate Matter
Salinas, J. L.
NH51B-1884Abstract Title: Comparing methods for modeling and detecting flood nonstationarity: an Austrian case study
Salinas, N.
PP13A-2258Abstract Title: Leaf Wax δ13C Varies with Elevation in the Peruvian Andes and Western Amazonia
Salinas, P.
NG23A-1758Abstract Title: Improved Simulation of Subsurface Flow in Heterogeneous Reservoirs Using a Fully Discontinuous Control-Volume-Finite-Element Method, Implicit Timestepping and Dynamic Unstructured Mesh Optimization
Salinas, V.
AE12A-02Abstract Title: Observations of the spatial and temporal distribution of lightning flash sizes, AE31C-0447Abstract Title: Geometrical Dependence of Electrical Energy dissipated for Intra-Cloud Flashes using LMA Data
Salinger, A.
C53C-0799Abstract Title: Validation of Modelled Ice Dynamics of the Greenland Ice Sheet using Historical Forcing
Salinger, A.
C53E-03Abstract Title: Towards quantifying uncertainty in Greenland's contribution to 21st century sea-level rise
Salings, E. E.
V41DAbstract Title: Where Arc Magmas Reside: Comparing the Volcanic and Plutonic Records I, V51GAbstract Title: Where Arc Magmas Reside: Comparing the Volcanic and Plutonic Records II Posters, V51G-3116Abstract Title:  Examining ash fall sequences in calk-alkaline subduction related volcanism, southern New Mexico
Salings, E. E.
V51G-3115Abstract Title: Preliminary Geochemical and Petrologic Assessment of the Fanney Rhyolite and the Bloodgood Canyon and Apache Springs tuffs, Mogollon-Datil Volcanic Field, New Mexico
Salio, P. V.
A34DAbstract Title: Intense Continental Convection I, A41FAbstract Title: Intense Continental Convection II Posters
Salis, M.
NH31A-1876Abstract Title: Modeling Fire Emissions across Central and Southern Italy: Implications for Land and Fire Management, NH31A-1885Abstract Title: The Ofidia Project: a Retrospective Fire Danger Forecast Analysis in Mediterranean Environment
Salisbury, D.
A41O-08Abstract Title: Observations of the Arctic boundary layer clouds during ACSE 2014
Salisbury, D. J.
C13C-0827Abstract Title: In Situ Measurement of the Drag Coefficient Over Arctic Sea Ice
Salisbury, J. B.
T42A-03Abstract Title: Insights into Surface Manifestation of Aseismic vs. Coseismic Strike-Slip Faulting from UAV Imagery of Creep-Induced Surface Fracturing Along the Central San Andreas Fault
Salisbury, J. B.
T41A-2858Abstract Title: Re-measuring the Slip Rate of the San Andreas Fault at Wallace Creek in the Carrizo Plain, CA
Salisbury, J.
B13J-08Abstract Title: Removal of terrestrial dissolved organic carbon in aquatic ecosystems of a temperate river network., OS11B-08Abstract Title: Monitoring the Biophysical Properties along Lagrangian Advection Pathways in the Amazon River Plume
Salk, K.
B13E-0659Abstract Title: Nitrogen removal by anammox and denitrification in a subtropical seagrass ecosystem
Sallares, V.
NS51A-1967Abstract Title: Joint Travel-time Inversion of Streamer and OBS Seismic Data for Improved Velocity Models and Interplate Boundary Geometry in Subduction Zone, T21E-2874Abstract Title: Variations of upper plate mechanics, seismicity, and arc volcanism along the Middle America Trench
Sallee, J. B.
OS12A-04Abstract Title: Direct measurement of the cross-density overturning circulation in the Southern Ocean
Salls, W. B.
H13C-1559Abstract Title: Mapping Erosion Risk in California’s Rangelands Using the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE)
Salman, R.
G13A-0998Abstract Title: Re-investigation of slip rate along the southern part of the Sumatran Fault Zone using SuMo GPS network
Salmi, M.
OS23B-1990Abstract Title: Analysis of Bubble Plume Distributions to Evaluate Methane Hydrate Decomposition on the Cascadia Margin, T21D-2870Abstract Title: High Resolution Thermal Model and Heat Flow along the Washington Margin of the Cascadia Subduction Zone
Salmon, O. E.
A14F-04Abstract Title: Fluxes of Greenhouse Gases from the Baltimore-Washington Area: Results from WINTER 2015 Aircraft Observations, A41K-0234Abstract Title: Airborne Observations of Urban-Derived Water Vapor and Potential Impacts on Chemistry and Clouds
Salmon, R. A.
ED43C-0884Abstract Title: What does “success” in public engagement activities mean? A comparison of goals, motivations and embedded assumptions in four polar outreach activities.
Salmon, V. G.
B41J-06Abstract Title: Carbon and Nitrogen cycling in a permafrost soil profile, B43M-05Abstract Title: Seasonal variation of ecosystem respiration delta 13C in response to experimental permafrost thaw and vegetation removal in moist acidic tundra
Salnaia, N.
GP23A-1295Abstract Title: New archeointensity data from Novgorod (North-Western Russia) from between c. 1100 and 1550 AD
Salo, C.
SM41I-06Abstract Title: The kinetic scale structure of the Plasma Sheet Boundary Layer: Implications of collisionless magnetic reconnection and first MMS observations, SM42A-06Abstract Title: MMS observations of kinetic-scale structure in a magnetic depression, SM42A-08Abstract Title: 3D Ion and Electron Distribution Function Measurements from the Fast Plasma Investigation on the Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission, SM43A-08Abstract Title: MMS Observations of Velocity-dispersed Ion Populations in Earth’s Magnetotail., SM51A-2519Abstract Title: Concepts and Results of New Method for Accurate Ground and In-Flight Calibration of the Particle Spectrometers of the Fast Plasma Investigation on NASA’s Magnetospheric MultiScale Mission
Salocchi, A.
OS43A-2017Abstract Title: Hydrothermal activity along the slow-spreading Lucky Strike ridge segment (Mid-Atlantic Ridge): Distribution, heatflux, and geological controls
Salomatin, A.
C43A-0778Abstract Title: Studying bubble-induced methane emissions from the East Siberian Arctic Shelf: the next step towards a quantitative assessment.
Salomonson, V. V.
A33E-0223Abstract Title: Status of MODIS Instruments and Future Calibration Improvements
Saloor, N.
ED53E-0883Abstract Title: Should Fermi Have Secured his Water Heater Against Earthquakes?, PP33B-2311Abstract Title: How to draw down CO2 from severe Hadean to habitable Archean?, T21D-2851Abstract Title: Energy-to-Moment ratios for Deep Earthquakes: No evidence for scofflaws
Salstein, D.
G11A-0968Abstract Title: Further Analysis of Atmospheric and Oceanic Angular Momentum Datasets for Predictions of Earth Orientation.
Salter, G.
GC41F-1155Abstract Title: Discharge Asymmetry in Delta Bifurcations
Salter, M. E.
A42D-03Abstract Title: What Can We Learn From Laboratory Studies of Inorganic Sea Spray Aerosol?
Saltiel, S.
H51M-1570Abstract Title: Low-frequency shear measurements on fractured samples to determine detectability of fractures at various stress conditions, MR41B-2633Abstract Title: Hydraulic and Physical properties of modern sinter deposits: El Tatio, Atacama
Saltikov, C.
B21C-0436Abstract Title: Applying Reactive Barrier Technology to Enhance Microbially-mediated Denitrification during Managed Aquifer Recharge
Saltus, R. W.
PA33B-2192Abstract Title: Visual Display of Scientific Studies, Methods, and Results , T42B-06Abstract Title: Crustal Thickness Across Alaska via Ps Receiver Functions and Gravity Data and Comparison to Lithospheric Structure, T43FAbstract Title: Geologic and Geodynamic Evolution of the Arctic Region I, T43F-07Abstract Title: Wrench faulting in the Canada Basin, Arctic Ocean, T51BAbstract Title: Geologic and Geodynamic Evolution of the Arctic Region II Posters, T51B-2877Abstract Title: Magnetic subdomains of the High Arctic Magnetic High – Speculations and implications for understanding of the High Arctic Large Igneous Province and related tectonics.
Saltykov, V.
V43B-3142Abstract Title: Magma migration at the onset of the 2012-13 Tolbachik eruption revealed by Seismic Amplitude Ratio Analyses
Saltzman, E. S.
C13A-0792Abstract Title: Arctic ice core records of vanillic acid from Siberia, Greenland, and Svalbard, OS53B-2026Abstract Title: The Early-1990s Climate Shift in the Pacific: Evidence in ENSO Diversity and Its Linkage to the Atlantic Multi-decadal Oscillation, TH22FAbstract Title: NSF Division of Polar Programs Town Hall
Saltzman, J.
ED41AAbstract Title: Bright STaRS: Bright Students Training as Research Scientists Posters
Saltzman, M.
PP22B-06Abstract Title: Understanding Oscillations of the Geological Carbon Cycle, PP33E-02Abstract Title: A Phanerozoic I/Ca compilation: potential links to ocean oxygenation, carbon cycle and bio-diversification
Saltzman, S. H.
PP13B-2283Abstract Title: Disentangling High Frequency Climate Oscillations In A Volcanic Setting Laguna Lejia, Chile, V31D-3056Abstract Title: Mafic Volcanism and the Deep Crust in the Central Andes: In Situ Geochemistry and Isotopic Composition of Young, Small-Volume Mafic Eruptions.
Saludes, R. B.
H41E-1383Abstract Title: Preliminary Water Quality Assessment of Calumpang River in Batangas City, Philippines, Using Surface Water Analysis and UAV-Based Remote Sensing
Salvado, J. A.
C43A-0798Abstract Title: Contrasting composition of terrigenous organic matter in the DOC, POC and sedimentary organic carbon (SOC) pools on the outer East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS)
Salvado, J. A.
C43A-0797Abstract Title: Geochemical compositional differences of the supramicron plankton-dominated fraction in two regimes of the Marginal Ice Zone (MIZ) of the outer East Siberian Arctic Shelf
Salvador, A. K.
B23E-0639Abstract Title: Impacts of Seasonal Flooding on Arsenic Release in Tropical River Deltas, B53G-0644Abstract Title: Greenhouse Gas Emissions within Seasonally Flooded Tropical River Deltas
Salvador, C. M. G.
A13F-06Abstract Title: Inhibition of New Particle Formation (NPF) in an Experimental Fores: Effect of NOx in a Biogenic Environment
Salvador, J.
Salvador-Blanes, S.
EP21C-0915Abstract Title: Identifying sediment sources in a drained lowland agricultural catchment: the application of a novel thorium-based particle size correction in sediment fingerprinting
Salvatore, M. R.
PA33C-2197Abstract Title: Linking Samples to Orbital Imagery: Cataloging the Spectral Signatures of the Transantarctic Mountains for Future Compositional Studies and Remote Ground Truthing
Salvi, K. A.
A33J-0317Abstract Title: On the Use of Statistical Downscaling to Improve the Skill in Decadal Predictions of Temperature over the Continental United States
Salvia, M.
H21H-1490Abstract Title: New Combined L-band Active/Passive Soil Moisture Retrieval Algorithm Optimized for Argentine Plains, H31A-1395Abstract Title: Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Model and Satellite Based Soil Moisture Estimations for Assessing Coupling Hot Spots in the Southern La Plata Basin, H53G-1727Abstract Title: A Schematic Equivalent Topography Model of the Lower Paraná Basin based on Satellite Estimations and a Simulation Model
Salvucci, G.
H33L-07Abstract Title: Surface vapor conductance derived from the ETRHEQ: Dependence on environmental variables and similarity to Oren’s stomatal stress model for vapor pressure deficit, H34D-05Abstract Title: Stomatal response to decreasing humidity implicated in recent decline in U.S. evaporation, H43H-1628Abstract Title: Global Evaporation Estimates from SMAP Passive Microwave Soil Moisture Retrievals Using Conditional Sampling.  
Salyuk, A.
C33F-02Abstract Title: The Origin(s) of the Methane Excess in the Shallow East Siberian Arctic Shelf Unraveled with Triple Isotope Analysis, C43A-0780Abstract Title: Assessment of Sea-Air Fluxes of Methane from the East Siberian Arctic Shelf Based on Multi-Year High-Precision Observations in the Atmospheric Boundary Layer and Seawater, C43A-0784Abstract Title: The East Siberian Arctic Shelf is a significant source of atmospheric methane as referred from multi-year ship-based observations (2000-2015), C43A-0792Abstract Title: Tracing of submarine groundwater discharge in the Siberian Arctic coastal zone: the case study in the Buor-Khaya Bay, Laptev Sea.
Salzer, J. T.
G41A-1011Abstract Title: Volcano dome dynamics at Mount St. Helens: Deformation and intermittent subsidence monitored by seismicity and camera imagery pixel offsets
Salzer, M. W.
GC11C-1051Abstract Title: Cluster analyses of 20th century growth patterns in high elevation Great Basin bristlecone pine in the Snake Mountain Range, Nevada, USA, GC11C-1052Abstract Title: Modeling Potential Climatic Treeline of Great Basin Bristlecone Pine in the Snake Mountain Range, Nevada, USA
Salzmann, U.
PP43B-2267Abstract Title: Toward a Better Approach to Data-Model Comparison
Samadi Alinia, H.
G11B-0981Abstract Title: Removing atmosphere loading effect from GPS time series
Samadi, S.
H53A-1646Abstract Title: Non-stationary and Trend Assessment of Flash Flood in the Carolinas, H53D-1694Abstract Title: Quantifying Uncertainty in Distributed Flash Flood Forecasting for a Semiarid Region
Samajpati, E.
DI13A-2626Abstract Title: Temporal Geochemical Variations in Glass and Minerals from Early Oligocene to Miocene Volcanic Sediments, DSDP Site 296, Kyushu Palau Ridge: Is There a Geochemical Signal for Arc Rifting?
Samal, N. R.
GC34B-08Abstract Title: Coupled terrestrial and aquatic regional responses to land use change and climate variability in a temperate New England watershed, GC51E-1137Abstract Title: Sensitivity of New England Stream Temperatures to Air Temperature and Precipitation Under Projected Climate
Samani, S.
H13A-1493Abstract Title: Exploring Model Complexity for Column Experiments Using Model Selection Criteria
Samaniego, L. E.
GC22A-08Abstract Title: Hard-coded parameters have the largest impact on fluxes of the land surface model Noah-MP, H11D-1370Abstract Title: Conceptual and computational challenges in continental-domain hydrologic model parameter estimation: VIC applications over the contiguous USA, H12F-05Abstract Title: Propagation of model and forcing uncertainty into hydrological drought characteristics in a multi-model century-long experiment in continental river basins, H23E-1622Abstract Title: The HyperHydro (H^2) experiment for comparing different large-scale models at various resolutions, H23F-1637Abstract Title: Regionalized Hydrologic Parameters Estimates for a Seamless Prediction of Continental scale Water Fluxes and States, H51I-1500Abstract Title: Assimilation of Spatio-Temporal Cosmic-Ray Neutron Data to Improve Hydrological Model Performance, H53L-03Abstract Title: Impact of state updating and multi-parametric ensemble for streamflow hindcasting in European river basins, H54D-06Abstract Title: Scrutiny of Appropriate Model Error Specification in Multivariate Assimilation Framework using mHM, IN11B-1777Abstract Title: Multi-Objective vs. Single Objective Calibration of a Hydrologic Model using Either Different Hydrologic Signatures or Complementary Data Sources, IN13B-1834Abstract Title: mRM - multiscale Routing Model for Land Surface and Hydrologic Models , TH22IAbstract Title: The Hydrologic Model Synthesis Project
Samaniego, P.
V23B-3128Abstract Title: Osmium and lead isotope investigation of magmas within the long-lived Pichincha Volcanic complex from the Northern Andean Volcanic zone (Ecuador)
Samara, M.
P31E-2094Abstract Title: RPC-IES observations of the development and variability of plasma interaction regions near 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, SA51B-2399Abstract Title: Correlated Pc4-5 ULF waves, whistler-mode chorus and pulsating aurora observed by the Van Allen Probes and ground-based systems, SH31A-2393Abstract Title: Characterizing Observations of Cometary Electrons with Kappa Distributions, SM12B-01Abstract Title: Heliophysics/Geospace System Observatory: System level science by large-scale space-ground coordination, SM23C-2568Abstract Title: Using the Occurrence and Statistics of NEIALs Observed with PFISR as a Means to Remote Sense Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling Processes, SM51DAbstract Title: Synergistic Studies of Global and Kinetic Magnetospheric Processes using Multipoint Space and Ground Assets I Posters, SM51D-2586Abstract Title: Quantifying the auroral response from measured source populations of electrons and electromagnetic wave activity, SM51D-2590Abstract Title: A Comparison of Auroral In-Situ Rocket Electron Measurements and Ground-Based Multi-spectral EMCCD Imaging, SM52BAbstract Title: Synergistic Studies of Global and Kinetic Magnetospheric Processes using Multipoint Space and Ground Assets II
Samara-Ratna, P.
A53A-0361Abstract Title: GreenHouse gas Observations of the Stratosphere and Troposphere (GHOST): Deployment of a Novel Shortwave Infrared Spectrometer On Board the NASA Global Hawk Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
Samaras, C.
GC14A-01Abstract Title: Robust Engineering Designs for Infrastructure Adaptation to a Changing Climate
Samarasinghe, S.
A52A-07Abstract Title: Applying Causal Discovery to the Output of Climate Models - What Can We Learn from the Causal Signatures?
Samarkin, V.
C33F-03Abstract Title: Methane distribution in porewaters of the Eastern Siberian Shelf Sea – chemical, acoustic, and video observations
Sambou, D.
GC43B-1191Abstract Title: Assessment of water availability and demand in Lake Guiers , Senegal.
Sambridge, M.
S54A-06Abstract Title: Towards rapid uncertainty estimation in linear finite fault inversion with positivity constraints
Sambrook Smith, G.
EP31C-1022Abstract Title: Sedimentology of a Tidally-Influenced Fluvial Zone (TIFZ): Columbia River, USA, EP34B-03Abstract Title: The mid-Holocene to present large-scale morphodynamic and coupled fluvial-tidal sedimentologic evolution of the Lower Columbia River, WA/OR, USA, EP51A-0903Abstract Title: The Morphology and Sedimentology of Fluvial Megascours, H41K-07Abstract Title: Biofilm-flow interactions in aquatic environments
Sambrotto, R.
ED23B-0862Abstract Title: Immersion in a Hudson Valley Tidal Marsh and Climate Research Community - Lamont-Doherty’s Secondary School Field Research Program, ED33E-07Abstract Title: Lamont-Doherty’s Secondary School Field Research Program: Institutionalizing outreach to secondary school students at a soft-money research institute, GC31A-1162Abstract Title: Parameterizing ice-edge biological productivity in a changing Arctic: Growth factors associated with specific ice provenances
Samecka–Cymerman, A.
B31C-0560Abstract Title: Identifying nitrogen limitations to organic sediments accumulation in various vegetation types of arctic tundra (Hornsund, Svalbard)
Samela, C.
H51B-1359Abstract Title: A New Classifier for Flood Hazard Mapping over Large Regions
Samimi, S.
C41E-01Abstract Title: Meltwater Runoff and Storage Based on Dielectric Properties of the Supraglacial Snowpack on Haig Glacier, Canadian Rocky Mountains.
Samluk, J. P.
C53B-0774Abstract Title: Impact of Spatial Aliasing on Sea-ice Thickness Measurements
Sammartino, S.
H21A-1336Abstract Title: How to unravel relationships between soil structure and preferential flow in structured soils with fast tomography at the continuum scale?
Sammis, C. G.
S31A-2703Abstract Title: Relating Transient Seismicity to Episodes of Deep Creep at Parkfield CA, S53B-2816Abstract Title: Shear Wave Generation by Explosions in Anisotropic Crystalline Rock, T42A-05Abstract Title: Coseismic Slip Variation and the Intimate Link with Fault Structure
Sammonds, P. R.
C41E-05Abstract Title: Mathematical Modelling of Melt Lake Formation On An Ice Shelf, MR21BAbstract Title: Ice Microstructures and Deformation Behavior: On Earth and Beyond I Posters, MR21B-2621Abstract Title: Sea Ice Friction: The Effect of Ice Rubble, MR21B-2622Abstract Title: Micromechanics of ice friction, MR31AAbstract Title: Ice Microstructures and Deformation Behavior: On Earth and Beyond II, NG12A-06Abstract Title: Are Earthquakes Predictable? A Study on Magnitude Correlations in Earthquake Catalog and Experimental Data, T31A-2837Abstract Title: Coulomb stress changes over a 660-year period in central Italy: Implications for understanding fault interactions and earthquake occurrence, V41B-3073Abstract Title: Silicic Magma Degassing: A High Temperature Experimental Insight into Permeability Evolution
Samo, T. J.
B24C-04Abstract Title: Dual Label Stable Isotope Incubations Followed By Single Cell Nanosims Analyses To Investigate Microscale Phototroph-Heterotroph Interactions
Samolczyk, M. A.
ED31A-0883Abstract Title: EarthScope Transportable Array Siting Outreach Activities in Alaska and Western Canada
Sampaio, M.
SH13D-2462Abstract Title: Design review of the Brazilian Experimental Solar Telescope
Sampath, P. V.
H33I-1731Abstract Title: Groundwater Sustainability in the Michigan Lowlands – Understanding the Complex Interplay of Natural Brine Upwelling, Human Activity, and Climate Change
Samperton, K. M.
T31F-2910Abstract Title: U-Pb Geochronology: Taking or Creating the Pulse of Magmatic Systems?, V31GAbstract Title: Resolving Process through Geochronology: New Techniques, Applications, and Interpretations I, V32BAbstract Title: Resolving Process through Geochronology: New Techniques, Applications, and Interpretations II, V33DAbstract Title: Resolving Process through Geochronology: New Techniques, Applications, and Interpretations III Posters, V33D-3150Abstract Title: How to build a mid-crustal intrusive suite: geologic mapping, U-Pb geo-/thermochronology, and thermal modeling of the Bergell Intrusion, Central Alps
Sample, J. G.
AE33A-0479Abstract Title: Flash-Bang Detector to Model the Attenuation of High-Energy Photons, SM13A-2486Abstract Title: Observations of global-scale coherence of radiation-belt electron loss caused by ULF wave modulation of the magnetosphere, SM21B-2516Abstract Title: Characterizing radiation belt electron precipitation losses using BARREL (Balloon Array for RBSP Relativistic Electron Losses) data., SM21B-2518Abstract Title: The Cause of the Hardest Electron Precipitation Events Seen by SAMPEX: a Statistical Survey of Circumstantial Evidence
Sample McMeeking, L. B.
ED11C-0862Abstract Title: Exploring deliberate mentoring approaches aimed at improving the recruitment and persistence of undergraduate women in the geosciences, ED13G-07Abstract Title: Long-term Academic and Career Impacts of Undergraduate Research: Diverse Pathways to Geoscience Careers Following a Summer Atmospheric Science Research Internship
Sampson, D. A.
B14B-07Abstract Title: Predicting future productivity of Southeastern U.S. pine ecosystems in a changing climate using data assimilation with diverse data sources, H41G-1454Abstract Title: Mega drought in the Colorado River Basin, water supply, and adaptive scenario planning for the Phoenix Metropolitan Area; simulations using WaterSim 5.
Sampson, K. M.
GC13L-07Abstract Title: Climate change influences on the annual onset of Lyme disease in the United States, H51N-1612Abstract Title: Continental river routing model for water resources applications, H52A-02Abstract Title: Operational, hyper-resolution hydrologic modeling over the contiguous U.S. using themulti-scale, multi-physics WRF-Hydro Modeling and Data Assimilation System., H53A-1649Abstract Title: Hydrologic Modeling at the National Water Center: Operational Implementation of the WRF-Hydro Model to support National Weather Service Hydrology
Samra, J.
SH51C-2454Abstract Title: Airborne Infrared Spectrograph for Eclipse Observations
Samrock, F.
H23A-1551Abstract Title: Crosswell electromagnetic and magnetotelluric imaging of geothermal reservoirs – evaluation and case studies from Switzerland
Sams, S.
GC44C-05Abstract Title: Anthropogenic changes to the tidal channel network, sediment rerouting, and social implications in southwest Bangladesh, PP11A-2213Abstract Title: Applications of Cosmogenic He-3 and Ne-21 Dating to Glacial Moraines in Antarctica and California, PP11A-2214Abstract Title: A Method for Constraining Glacial Boulder Exposure Ages with Bedrock Erosion Rates Utilizing Cosmogenic Ne-21 from the Central Transantarctic Mountains
Sams, W. N.
H51C-1374Abstract Title: Improved Modeling of Naturally Fractured Reservoirs by Quantitatively Handling Flow Convergence into the Wellbore
Samsel, F.
PA21AAbstract Title: Merging Left and Right Brains: At the Intersection of Creativity and Geoscience Posters, PA21A-2157Abstract Title: Using the Arts as a Bridge to Public Understanding of Data-Intensive Earth Science Research through Climate Prisms: The Arctic
Samset, B. H.
A33D-0208Abstract Title: Longitudinal variability of black carbon vertical profiles
Samson, C.
ED31C-0909Abstract Title: GeoGirls: A Geology and Geophysics Field Camp for Middle School Girls at Mount St. Helens
Samson, C.
S24A-01Abstract Title: Seismic monitoring results from the first 6 months of CO2 injection at the Aquistore geological storage site, Saskatchewan, Canada
Samson, G.
A21E-0197Abstract Title: Modeling efforts to improve the Asian Summer Monsoon representation in a coupled ocean-atmosphere tropical-channel model, A43J-02Abstract Title: Control of Shortwave Radiation Parameterization on Tropical Climate Simulation, A53G-05Abstract Title: Air-sea Energy Transfer at Mesoscale in a Coupled High-resolution Model: Impact of Resolution and Current Feedback
Samsonov, S.
G33A-1132Abstract Title: First results of geodetic deformation monitoring after commencement of CO2 injection at the Aquistore underground CO2 storage site
Samsonov, S. V.
G11B-0981Abstract Title: Removing atmosphere loading effect from GPS time series, G31C-05Abstract Title: Advanced DInSAR analysis at Campi Flegrei and Vesuvius, Italy, G31C-06Abstract Title: Stress controlled magma-earthquake interaction during unrest at Chiles-Cerro Negro Volcanoes (Ecuador-Colombian border), G32A-05Abstract Title: Lava Lake Level Drop and Related Ground Subsidence in the Nyiragongo Main Crater (D.R.Congo) Measured by Close-Range Photogrammetry and InSAR Time-Series, G41A-1016Abstract Title: Deep source model for Nevado del Ruiz Volcano, Colombia, constrained by interferometric synthetic aperture radar observations, S43D-2824Abstract Title: Geodetic Imaging of the Coseismic and Postseismic deformation from the 2015 Mw 7.8 Gorkha Earthquake and Mw 7.3 Aftershock in Nepal with SAR and GPS, S43D-2836Abstract Title: Fault morphology controls rupture size: Evidence from the 2015 Gorkha earthquake sequence in Nepal
Samuel, H.
DI33A-2619Abstract Title: A STEADY THERMAL STATE FOR THE EARTH'S INTERIOR, P11AAbstract Title: Accretion, Differentiation, and Early Planetary Evolution I Posters, P11A-2062Abstract Title: On the cooling of a deep terrestrial magma ocean, P13CAbstract Title: Accretion, Differentiation, and Early Planetary Evolution II
Samuel, L.
GC53G-1300Abstract Title: Small-scale farming optimization using frugal plant-based irrigation scheduling in Kenya
Samuelsen, S.
GC34D-03Abstract Title: Developing Water Resource Security in a Greenhouse Gas Constrained Context – A Case Study in California
Samuelson, C. D.
NH13A-1915Abstract Title: Perceptions and Expected Immediate Reactions to Tornado Warning Polygons
Samuelsson, P.
GC21B-1090Abstract Title: The Importance of Representing Certain Key Vegetation Canopy Processes Explicitly in a Land Surface Model
San Pedro, L.
T13B-3005Abstract Title: New multi-beam bathymetric map of the Ionian Sea (Central Mediterranean): Evidence for active sedimentary and morpho-tectonic processes along the Africa-Eurasia plate boundary
Sanada, Y.
H23A-1565Abstract Title: Borehole temperature estimation based on various data acquired at IODP 337., NS31A-1941Abstract Title: Identification and characterization of the active hydrothermal deposits in Okinawa Trough, SW Japan: Estimates from logging-while-drilling, NS31A-1942Abstract Title: Temperature and volume estimation of under-seafloor fluid from the logging-while-drilling data beneath an active hydrothermal field
Sanborn, C. J.
S53B-2821Abstract Title: Radiative Transport Modeling of High Frequency Regional Seismograms for Event Discrimination
Sanborn, P.
B51B-0428Abstract Title: Investigating Ecosystem Pattern and Process Across a Land-Sea Gradient: A New Coastal Margin Observatory in the Pacific Coastal Temperate Rainforest
Sanches, L. F.
B44B-05Abstract Title: Methane emission from lakes: biophysical drivers impacts beyond measurement uncertainties
Sanchez, A. Sr
OS31A-1977Abstract Title: Metagenomic and ecophysiological analysis of biofilms colonizing coral substrates: "Life after death of coral"
Sanchez, D.
A11T-01Abstract Title: Higher than expected OH and OH reactivity in the forested regions – Can those be reconciled?, A32D-04Abstract Title: OH Reactivity Observations during the MAPS-Seoul Campaign: Contrasts between Urban and Suburban Environments
Sanchez, D. A.
Sanchez, E. R.
SM13E-2565Abstract Title: Investigation of the relativistic beam propagation in the magnetospheric plasma environment., SM14C-03Abstract Title: Conjugate In-situ and Incoherent Scatter Radar Observations of Radiation Belt Loss Mechanisms.
Sanchez, J.
T11E-2950Abstract Title: Late Cretaceous-recent tectonic assembly of diverse crustal blocks in Central America, the Nicaraguan Rise, the Colombian Basin and northern South America as seen on a 1600-km-long, geologic and structural transect
Sanchez, J.
A11K-0217Abstract Title: Photochemical Aging of α-pinene and β-pinene Secondary Organic Aerosol formed from Nitrate Radical Oxidation: New Insights into the Formation and Fates of Highly Oxygenated Gas- and Particle-phase Organic Nitrates
Sánchez, J. M.
Sánchez, J. M.
Sanchez, K.
A11D-0088Abstract Title: Comparing Organic Aerosol Composition from Marine Biogenic Sources to Seawater and to Physical Sea Spray Models
Sanchez, K. J.
A41B-0061Abstract Title: Meteorological and Aerosol effects on Marine Cloud Microphysical Properties, A53A-0364Abstract Title: Towards Bottom-up and Top-down Closures of Aerosol-cloud Interactions: multi-dimensional Cloud-aERosol Exploratory Study using RPAS, A53A-0365Abstract Title: Aerosol-cloud closure study using RPAS measurements
Sanchez, M. J.
B12BAbstract Title: Hydrate-Bearing Sediments: Characterization, Modeling, and Implications on Geohazard and Gas Production I, B13BAbstract Title: Hydrate-Bearing Sediments: Characterization, Modeling, and Implications on Geohazard and Gas Production II Posters, B13B-0623Abstract Title: Geomechanical Modeling of Gas Hydrate Bearing Sediments
Sanchez Montes, M. L.
PP21B-2233Abstract Title: Climate-Ice Sheet Interactions through the Plio-Pleistocene: Preliminary Results from IODP 341 Expedition (Gulf of Alaska).
Sánchez Moreno, E. M. M.
GP23A-1283Abstract Title: New paleomagnetic and paleointensity results from plio-pleistocene volcanic sequences from southern Georgia
Sanchez, N. II
A43F-0341Abstract Title: How Much Leakage Renders the Greenhouse Gas Footprint of Natural Gas Equivalent to Coal?
Sanchez Roa, C.
MR23C-07Abstract Title: Contrasting frictional behaviour of fault gouges containing Mg-rich phyllosilicates
Sanchez, R. M.
A21G-0245Abstract Title: Space-borne detection of small scale CO2 emission structures with OCO-2
Sanchez, S. C.
PP43F-04Abstract Title: Insight into the Pacific Sea Surface Temperature- North American Hydroclimate Connection from an Eastern Tropical North Pacific Coral Record, PP51A-2267Abstract Title: Eastern tropical north Pacific coral radiocarbon reveals North Pacific Gyre Oscillation variability
Sánchez Zavala, J. L.
PP31A-2227Abstract Title: Orbital scale paleohydrological changes in the subtropical Mexico since MIS 5 and possible forcings
Sanchez-Arcilla, A.
PA41A-2160Abstract Title: Management of the Mediterranean Coast in Climate Change Scenarios
Sanchez-Azofeifa, G. A.
B21LAbstract Title: Seasonally Dry Tropical Forests: Current Progress and Future Promise in the Study of a Unique, Overlooked, and Major Biome I, B21L-06Abstract Title: Effects of Drought on Carbon Sequestration of Tropical Dry Forest, B23FAbstract Title: Seasonally Dry Tropical Forests: Current Progress and Future Promise in the Study of a Unique, Overlooked, and Major Biome II Posters, B23F-0656Abstract Title: Evaluation drought response of tropical dry forests using advanced wireless sensor networks
Sanchez-Canete, E. P.
B33C-0693Abstract Title: Improving soil CO2 efflux estimates from in-situ soil CO2 sensors with gas transport measurements, H53E-1701Abstract Title: Determining the Role of Hydraulic Redistribution Regimes in the Critical Zone
Sanchez-Cano, B.
P21C-04Abstract Title: Fortuitous Plasma Observations During the Mars Atmospheric "Plume" Event of March-April 2012, SM14B-08Abstract Title: Variation of Mars’ Induced Magnetospheric Boundaries over the Last Solar Cycle
Sanchez-Diaz, E.
SH31C-2434Abstract Title: The very slow solar wind in the Inner Heliosphere
Sanchez-Lavega, A.
P11B-2097Abstract Title: The Mars Environmental Dynamics Analyzer (MEDA): A Suite of Environmental Sensors for the Mars 2020 Rover, P23A-2104Abstract Title: Atmospheric dynamics at the southern pole of Venus: Three-dimensional winds, temperature and vorticity, P31G-04Abstract Title: Polar Disturbance Surrounding a Long Living Cyclone in Saturn’s Atmosphere, P41B-2057Abstract Title: Peeking into Saturn's Atmosphere: the HST Low-Phase Angle View, P41B-2059Abstract Title: An Enduring Rapidly Moving Storm as a Guide to Saturn’s Equatorial Jet Complex Structure, P41B-2062Abstract Title: Numerical Simulations of 1990 Saturn’s Giant Storm, P41B-2068Abstract Title: A Long-lived and Color Changing Oval on Jupiter’s NTrZ (at 19ºN)
Sanchez-Leon, E. E.
H11M-07Abstract Title: The Art of Tomographic Tracer Tests
Sanchez-Lorenzo, A.
A23KAbstract Title: Improved Understanding of the Surface Energy Balance and the Spatiotemporal Variation of Its Components I, A24DAbstract Title: Improved Understanding of the Surface Energy Balance and the Spatiotemporal Variation of Its Components II, A31CAbstract Title: Improved Understanding of the Surface Energy Balance and the Spatiotemporal Variation of Its Components III Posters, A31C-0057Abstract Title: Evaluation and Applications of the satellite-based CM SAF Solar Surface Radiation Climate Data Set, A31C-0058Abstract Title: Decadal changes in all and clear-sky shortwave radiation from high spatial resolution satellite-derived and ground-based observations over Europe
Sanchez-Romero, A.
A31C-0058Abstract Title: Decadal changes in all and clear-sky shortwave radiation from high spatial resolution satellite-derived and ground-based observations over Europe
Sanchez-Sesma, F. J.
S33F-04Abstract Title: Computing the Dynamic Response of a Stratified Elastic Half Space Using Diffuse Field Theory
Sanchez-Valle, C.
Sanchez-Vila, X.
H14D-07Abstract Title: Modelling sulfamethoxazole degradation under different redox conditions
Sanclements, M.
A11J-0196Abstract Title: NEON’s Mobile Deployment Platform: A Resource for Community Research, B11L-01Abstract Title: Optimizing Network Science for Ecological Understanding.
Sand, M.
A11C-0060Abstract Title: A Multi-Model Comparison of Black Carbon Budgets in the Arctic Region., A24C-04Abstract Title: Response of Arctic Temperature to Changes in Emissions of Short-Lived Climate Forcers
Sandbach, S.
EP31C-1022Abstract Title: Sedimentology of a Tidally-Influenced Fluvial Zone (TIFZ): Columbia River, USA, EP34B-03Abstract Title: The mid-Holocene to present large-scale morphodynamic and coupled fluvial-tidal sedimentologic evolution of the Lower Columbia River, WA/OR, USA
Sandberg, S.
A32D-08Abstract Title: Lidar-derived Correlations Between Lower-tropospheric Column and Surface Ozone: Implications for Satellite Observations
Sandberg Sorensen, L.
C32B-03Abstract Title: Digital Elevation Models of Greenland based on combined radar and laser altimetry as well as high-resolution stereoscopic imagery, C41A-0684Abstract Title: CryoSat-2 Processing and Model Interpretation of Greenland Ice Sheet Volume Changes, C43D-05Abstract Title: Two Decades of Elevation Changes of the Greenland Ice Sheet from Radar and Laser Altimetry.
Sandelin, W.
H31E-1464Abstract Title: Characteristics and management of flowback/produced water from hydraulically fractured wells in California - findings from the California SB 4 assessment
Sandells, M. J.
C31BAbstract Title: Remote Sensing of the Cryosphere I, C31B-06Abstract Title: Are existing snow microwave emission models so different ?
Sander, G. C.
EP53B-1011Abstract Title: Scaling Characteristics of Rill Networks
Sander, S. P.
A41I-0180Abstract Title: Constraining Aerosol Properties Using H2O Retrievals from the California Laboratory for Atmospheric Remote Sensing (CLARS)
Sander, S. P.
A21G-0233Abstract Title: Trends in Monthly Methane Emissions in Los Angeles Inferred by Mountaintop Remote Sensing Measurements , SA43A-2360Abstract Title: A Sensitivity Study of Mesospheric and Stratospheric HOx Chemistry , SH32A-07Abstract Title: First Evidence of Middle Atmospheric HO2 Response to UV variability during 27-day Solar Cycles From Satellite Observations
Sanderman, J.
B41F-0500Abstract Title: Is demineralization with dilute hydrofluoric acid a viable method for isolating mineral stabilized soil organic matter?
Sanders, B. F.
GC53A-1179Abstract Title: Making Coastal Flood Hazard Maps to Support Decision-Making - What End Users Want, GC53A-1180Abstract Title: Coproduction of flood hazard assessment with public participation geographic information system, GC53A-1181Abstract Title: Sea-level Rise Increases the Frequency of Nuisance Flooding in Coastal Regions, NH11C-04Abstract Title: Communicating Flood Risk with Street-Level Data, NH51B-1885Abstract Title: Flood Risk Analysis Using Non-Stationary Models: Application to 1500 Records and Assessment of Predictive Ability
Sanders, C. J.
B51B-0419Abstract Title: Organic Carbon, Nitrogen and Phosphorus Accumulation Rates in the Soils of the Everglades Mangrove Ecotone
Sanders, J. E.
H13P-05Abstract Title: Characterizing the Transport of a Novel, Engineered Nanoparticle for Use in Remediation of Hydrophobic Contaminants
Sandersen, P.
PA43A-2183Abstract Title: Detailed Geological Modelling in Urban Areas focused on Structures relevant to the Near Surface Groundwater Flow in the context of Climatic Changes
Sanderson, B. M.
A13A-0277Abstract Title: Does extreme precipitation intensity depend on the emissions scenario?
Sanderson, D. J.
T23C-2951Abstract Title: Fault Growth and Interactions in a Multiphase Rift Fault Network: Horda Platform, Norwegian North Sea, T23C-2954Abstract Title: Defining an Effective Damage Zone from the Topological Connectivity of Deformation Bands
Sanderson, E. W.
NH51B-1880Abstract Title: Visionmaker NYC: A bottom-up approach to finding shared socioeconomic pathways in New York City, PA43A-2184Abstract Title: History as a guide to the future for cities: coastal storms and Jamaica Bay in New York City as an example., PA43D-06Abstract Title: Demonstrating the impact of flood adaptation using an online dynamic flood mapper
Sanderson, M.
H51Q-04Abstract Title: Forecasting Regional Agroecosystems Responses to Drought and Wet Periods using Long Term Data from LTAR and LTER sites, H53B-1660Abstract Title: Long-term Agroecosystem Research in the Northern Great Plains.
Sandgathe, S. A.
A43K-08Abstract Title: Developing a U.S. Research Agenda to Advance Subseasonal to Seasonal Forecasting
Sandholt, P. E.
SM23B-2551Abstract Title: Integrated Observations of ICME - Driven Substorm - Storm Evolution on 7 August 1998: Traditional and Non-Traditional Aspects.
Sandi Rojas, S.
GC53A-1187Abstract Title: Incorporating Infrastructure and Vegetation Effects on Sea Level Rise Predictions in Low-Gradient Coastal Landscapes
Sandiford, M.
T13G-08Abstract Title: Along-strike Variations in Active Strain Accumulation in the Northwest Himalaya
Sandnes, B.
H54F-02Abstract Title: Gas Driven Fracturing of Deformable Porous Media
Sandø, A. B.
GC11G-1092Abstract Title: Is the “Atlantification” of the Arctic Ocean extending?
Sandoval, K.
ED41A-0837Abstract Title: Foraminifera Species Richness, Abundance, and Diversity Research in Bolinas, California
Sandoval Solis, S.
H14BAbstract Title: Drought, Groundwater Management, and Long-Term Groundwater Sustainability in the Western United States: Assessment, Monitoring, Modeling, Planning, Management, and Policy I, H21BAbstract Title: Drought, Groundwater Management, and Long-Term Groundwater Sustainability in the Western United States: Assessment, Monitoring, Modeling, Planning, Management, and Policy II Posters, H41G-1461Abstract Title: Hydrological WEAP Modeling of the Upper Basin of the Apurimac River Basin, in Peru. An Assessment of Available Water Resources and Supply, H51B-1360Abstract Title: Revealing the diversity of hydro-geomorphic settings in a Dry Summer Subtropical region with DEM-based modeling
Sandoval Ulloa, J. C.
EP43B-0985Abstract Title: Hydrodynamic Characterization of a Surface Storage Zone in a Natural Stream
Sandquist, D. R.
PP13A-2257Abstract Title: Are δ13C values of n-alkanes affected by atmospheric CO2 concentrations? Results from a free-air CO2 enrichment (FACE) experiment.
Sandroos, A.
SM12A-05Abstract Title: Influence of the Magnetosheath Waves on the Dayside Reconnection, SM13A-2467Abstract Title: Magnetopause-Foreshock Interactions Induced by Dayside Reconnection
Sandstrom, R. M.
PP43C-2291Abstract Title: Fossil Shorelines Record Multiple Sea Level Highstands and Surface Deformation on Million Year Timescales at Cape Range National Park, Northwestern Australia, U24A-05Abstract Title: Sea Level During Past Warm Periods – Unraveling Interactions Between Climate, Ice, Crust, and Mantle
Sandu, I.
A41O-01Abstract Title: The Interaction of Trade-Wind Clouds with the Large-Scale Flow in Observations and Models
Sandven, S.
C52A-07Abstract Title: SONARC: A Sea Ice Monitoring and Forecasting System to Support Safe Operations and Navigation in Arctic Seas
Sandvol, E. A.
S43A-2770Abstract Title: Sn Attenuation in the Middle-East, S43A-2771Abstract Title: Seismic Attenuation of Sn phase beneath the Ordos Plateau, S43A-2772Abstract Title: High-Resolution Lg Q Model for Eastern Eurasia, S43B-2802Abstract Title: Large Scale Site Response variation in the Central and Eastern U.S., T13B-2989Abstract Title: Crustal Structure at the vicinity of Nigde Massif and Central Anatolian Fault Zone from Magnetotelluric Data, T13B-2990Abstract Title: Crust and Upper Mantle Structure beneath Isparta Angle in SW Turkey from P and S Receiver Functions , T13B-2991Abstract Title: Regional Phase Attenuation across the Turkish-Iranian Plateau, T22B-04Abstract Title: Investigation of lithospheric deformation and mantle anisotropy beneath Central Anatolia from Shear Wave Splitting Analysis , T34B-03Abstract Title: Late Cenozoic deformation of the Eurasian and Burma Plates due to subduction of the Indian Plate beneath SE Tibetan Plateau and Myanmar
Sandwell, D. T.
G13B-04Abstract Title: Line of Sight Displacement from ALOS-2 ScanSAR Interferometry: Burst Alignment and the Mw 7.8 Gorkha, Nepal Earthquake, G21B-1035Abstract Title: Spectral Expansion Inversion for the 2015 Mw 7.8 Gorkha Earthquake: Investigation on the Boundaries of Rupture, G23C-02Abstract Title: Interseismic deformation and creep along the Sumatran fault, Indonesia from InSAR time-series analysis, T21D-2860Abstract Title: Residual topography and gravity anomalies reveal structural controls on co-seismic slip in the 2011 Mw 9.0 Tohoku-oki earthquake, T31D-08Abstract Title: Trench Outer Rise Flexure Models with Laterally Variable Plate Rigidity Derived from Oceanic Lithosphere Strength Profiles, T44B-05Abstract Title: Sub-meter Range Precision of Seafloor Deformation Obtainable from Correlation of Repeated Raw Sidescan Sonar Surveys, U22A-05Abstract Title: New Radar Altimeter Missions are Providing a Dramatically Sharper Image of Global Marine Tectonics
Saneiyan, S.
NS41A-1917Abstract Title: Geophysical Monitoring of Soil Stabilization Processes
Sanfilippo, A.
T41F-07Abstract Title: Oceanization starts from below during continental rupturing in the northern Red Sea
Sanford, G. R.
H51O-1616Abstract Title: Comparison of soil microbial respiration and carbon turnover under perennial and annual biofuel crops in two agricultural soils
Sanford, R. A.
B21C-0469Abstract Title: The physical limits of metal reduction by long-range extracellular electron transfer, and the role of cytochrome-bound flavins, H24A-05Abstract Title: Bacterial Response to Antibiotic Gradients in a Porous Microfluidic Device, H43G-1598Abstract Title: Reduction Kinetics of Manganese Dioxide by Geobacter Sulfurreducens and Associated Biofilm Morphology in a Flow-Through Reactor
Sanford, T. J.
ED32A-07Abstract Title: Climate Matters: Increasing Climate Literacy Through Broadcast Meteorologists, NH31A-1872Abstract Title: Trends in Alaskan Wildfires and Climate, 1950-2014
Sanford, W. E.
H31J-03Abstract Title: Annual regression-based estimates of evapotranspiration for the contiguous United States based on climate, remote sensing, and stream gage data, H51A-1343Abstract Title: UNESCO’s HOPE Initiative—Providing Free and Open-Source Hydrologic Software for Effective and Sustainable Management of Africa’s Water Resources Temporary Title
Sangalli, L.
SM12B-04Abstract Title: Altitude Variations of the Peak Auroral Emissions within Auroral Structures
Sangera, S.
IN32A-06Abstract Title: Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROVs) Provide a “Big Data Progression”
Sangermano, F.
B51L-07Abstract Title: Using CLASlite to Map Deforestation in Makira Natural Protected Area, Madagascar
Sangha, S. S.
S43D-2824Abstract Title: Geodetic Imaging of the Coseismic and Postseismic deformation from the 2015 Mw 7.8 Gorkha Earthquake and Mw 7.3 Aftershock in Nepal with SAR and GPS
Sangiorgi, F.
PP21B-2242Abstract Title: Global Sea Surface Temperature and Ecosystem Change Across the Mid-Miocene Climatic Optimum, PP24A-05Abstract Title: Antarctic Ice Sheet Sensitivity to Atmospheric CO2 Variations During the Early to Mid-Miocene, PP24A-07Abstract Title: Evidence from Ice-Rafted Debris and Sediment Provenance for a Dynamic East Antarctic Ice Sheet During the Mid-Miocene Climate Transition
Sangireddy, H.
EP54B-08Abstract Title: Multi-scale Analysis of High Resolution Topography: Feature Extraction and Identification of Landscape Characteristic Scales
Sangwan, N.
H11E-1381Abstract Title: Floodplain Mapping and Wetland Connectivity to Lotic Aquatic Systems of Indiana and North Dakota, USA, H51E-1420Abstract Title: Creating a national scale floodplain map for the United States using soil information
Sanin, A. B.
P43B-2113Abstract Title: Observation of Very High Passive Mode Thermal Neutron Counts by the MSL DAN Instrument at Marias Pass in Gale Crater, P51D-07Abstract Title: How LEND sees the water on the Moon: the recent findings, P51D-08Abstract Title: Monitoring of anomalous water distribution by DAN/MSL during first U-turn observational campaign at Marias Pass area in Gale Crater, P53B-2123Abstract Title: Regional and Latitude Variability in Diurnally Modulated Neutron Flux Measured by LRO/LEND, SH22B-07Abstract Title: Simultaneous Measurements of Neutron Environment at Mars from Orbit (Mars Odyssey HEND) and from the Surface (MSL DAN)
Sankaran, M.
PP13A-2252Abstract Title: Inverse relation between summer and winter monsoon strength during late Holocene: continental molecular isotopic record from the Indian subcontinent
Sankaran, S.
PA51D-08Abstract Title: A Pragmatic Approach to Sustainable Interoperability for the Web 2.0 World
Sankey, J. B.
EP51BAbstract Title: Morphodynamics of Fluvial, Aeolian, Hillslope, and Coastal Environments Characterized Using High-Resolution Topography and Bathymetry I Posters, EP54BAbstract Title: Morphodynamics of Fluvial, Aeolian, Hillslope, and Coastal Environments Characterized Using High-Resolution Topography and Bathymetry II, H12C-04Abstract Title: Predicting future, post-fire erosion and sedimentation with watershed models in the western USA
Sankey, T.
B53I-03Abstract Title: Three-dimensional estimates of tree canopies: Scaling from high-resolution UAV data to satellite observations
Sankovich-Bahls, V.
NH31D-02Abstract Title: Incorporating Climate Change Projections into a Hydrologic Hazard Analysis for Friant Dam
Sanloup, C.
DI31B-2590Abstract Title: Structure of carbonate melts at high pressure, DI51C-06Abstract Title: Neodymium in Silicate Melts and Glasses at High Pressure: How Bonding Environment Changes with Pressure, DI51C-07Abstract Title: Densification of magmas at depth: geophysical and geochemical consequences
Sannel, B.
B43M-01Abstract Title: Thermokarst terrain: pan-Arctic distribution and soil carbon vulnerability
Sano, A.
DI31B-2589Abstract Title: Neutron and X-ray diffraction study on the hydrous SiO2 glass under pressure
Sano, I.
A31D-0082Abstract Title: Analysis of the Interaction and Transport of Aerosols with Cloud or Fog in East Asia from AERONET and Satellite Remote Sensing: 2012 DRAGON Campaigns and Climatological Data
Sano, K.
H31H-1527Abstract Title: Hydrological responses in water loss due to thinning of forested watersheds in Japan using the short-term water balance method
Sanò, P.
AE33A-0478Abstract Title: Detection of multiple TGFs produced by the same thunderstorm system, H13H-1649Abstract Title: Passive Microwave Rainfall Error Analysis using High-Resolution X-band Dual-Polarization Radar Observations in Complex Terrain
Sano, Y.
PP33B-2296Abstract Title: Implications of 3.2 Ga deep seawater from sulfur isotopic analysis of barite crystals in Pilbara, Western Australia., V13C-3136Abstract Title: Volatile element isotopes of submarine hydrothermal ore deposits in the Western Pacific, V43C-3165Abstract Title: Global Fluorine Flux Associated with Submarine Hydrothermal Fluids
Sanoo, Y.
GP34A-04Abstract Title: Time scale of FAC variations estimated by SWARM and a comparison with ground based geomagnetic and micro-barometric observations
Sanow, J.
C13C-0828Abstract Title: Validation of the Autonomously Operating Terrestrial Laser Scanner
Sanquini, A.
EP52A-01Abstract Title: Denudation and topographic responses of coastal drainages near the Mendocino Triple Junction region (MTJ), northern California, NH13D-1961Abstract Title: Accelerating risk reduction in Kathmandu Valley, Nepal: Theory-based mass-media intervention proven to increase knowledge of, belief in, and intent to support earthquake-resistant construction., NH33B-1916Abstract Title: Scientific Communication for Positive Action: Do’s and Don’ts
Sanromá, E.
P32B-05Abstract Title: Global Surface Photosynthetic Biosignatures Prior to the Rise of Oxygen
Sansosti, E.
PA41B-2169Abstract Title: Linking space observations to volcano observatories in Latin America: Results from the CEOS DRM Volcano Pilot
Santamaria Gomez, A.
G23B-1066Abstract Title: Validating crustal velocities derived from the IDS contribution to ITRF201
Santamaría-Gómez, A.
G42A-07Abstract Title: Loading effects in GPS vertical displacement time series
Santana, J. S.
A43G-0395Abstract Title: Possible Climate Change Evidence in Ten Mexican Watersheds, H33D-1652Abstract Title: Categorical forecasts for dam inflows based on flexible generalised linear models, Huites Mexico
Santanello, J. A. Jr
A11F-0104Abstract Title: Impact of Dynamical Downscaling on Model Representation of Land-Atmosphere Coupling Strength, H31AAbstract Title: Advances in Understanding Land-Atmosphere Interactions I Posters, H33B-1574Abstract Title: A Satellite-Based Estimation of Evapotranspiration Using Vegetation Index-Temperature Trapezoid Concept: A Case Study in Southern Florida, U.S.A., H33JAbstract Title: Advances in Understanding Land-Atmosphere Interactions II, H34AAbstract Title: Advances in Understanding Land-Atmosphere Interactions III, H54D-07Abstract Title: Impact of Soil Moisture Assimilation on Land Surface Model Spinup and Coupled Land-Atmosphere Prediction
Santanna, F. B.
B33C-0670Abstract Title: Large net CO2 loss from a grass-dominated tropical savanna in south-central Brazil in response to seasonal and interannual drought
Santato, A.
V51A-3027Abstract Title: New Developments in 40Ar/39Ar Geochronology: the Contribution of the Helix MC
Santee, M. L.
SH32A-07Abstract Title: First Evidence of Middle Atmospheric HO2 Response to UV variability during 27-day Solar Cycles From Satellite Observations
Santer, B. D.
GC41H-03Abstract Title: Can large scale sea ice cover changes affect precipitation patterns over California?
Santerre, R.
G13A-1014Abstract Title: Present-day CGPS-derived Crustal Strain Rate Field of the Saint Lawrence River Valley
Santhana Vannan, S. K.
IN13A-1829Abstract Title: Agile based "Semi-"Automated Data ingest process : ORNL DAAC example, IN23A-1723Abstract Title: Data Management Challenges for Airborne NASA Earth Venture Sub-Orbital Investigations
Santi, E.
G23B-1061Abstract Title: Combining GNSS and SLR Measurements Using the Space Tie: Effects on Terrestrial Reference Frame Origin and Scale, G43B-1035Abstract Title: Sea Level Variability in the Mediterranean
Santi, E. S.
H13J-1722Abstract Title: Aquifer recharge from infiltration basins in a highly urbanized area: the river Po Plain (Italy)
Santi, P. M.
H34B-02Abstract Title: Slope Stability Analysis of Mountain Pine Beetle Impacted Areas
Santiago, J. T.
NH33B-1917Abstract Title: Development of Storm Surge Hazard Maps and Advisory System for the Philippines, PA21B-2164Abstract Title: Typhoon Haiyan-Induced Storm Surge Simulation in Metro Manila Using High-Resolution LiDAR Topographic Data
Santiago, L.
OS31A-1978Abstract Title: Human Impacts to Coastal Ecosystems in Puerto Rico (HICE-PR): Actual Condition of Coral Reefs Associated with the Guanica and Manati Watersheds in Puerto Rico
Santiago Ramos, D. P.
EP13B-0951Abstract Title: Understanding Potassium Isotope Fractionation During Authigenic Clay Formation in Pore-fluid Systems: Implications for the δ41K of Seawater, P31A-2024Abstract Title: Preservation Potential of Life in Little Hot Creek, California: Implications for the use of Hot Spring Systems as Astrobiological Targets
Santiago-Materese, D.
P22A-06Abstract Title: Salts as Water Ice Cloud Nuclei on Mars
Santibanez, I.
NS43B-1975Abstract Title: Geophysical Survey in Iquique and Alto Hospicio, northern Chile Cities: Tectonic and Geologic Implications.
Santillán, D.
H54F-03Abstract Title: Modeling the Impact of Fracture Growth on Fluid Displacements in Deformable Porous Media
Santillan, E. F. U.
B11D-0471Abstract Title: Impacts of Activated Carbon Amendment on Hg Methylation, Demethylation and Microbial Activity in Marsh Soils, B14C-03Abstract Title: Investigating the Connection between hgcA and Mercury Methylation Rates in the Environment, B14C-04Abstract Title: The Distribution and Abundance of Mercury Methylating Microorganisms in Mid-Atlantic Wetlands, B14C-05Abstract Title: A Study of Mercury Methylation Genetics: Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of hgcAB in Pure Culture
Santillan, V. M.
G44A-02Abstract Title: Progress on the CWU READI Analysis Center, IN31D-03Abstract Title: The Brave New World of Real-time GPS for Hazards Mitigation, S33B-2764Abstract Title: The G-FAST Geodetic Earthquake Early Warning System: Operational Performance and Synthetic Testing
Santillana, S.
GP51B-1331Abstract Title: Magnetostratigraphic Dating of Paleogene Sediments in the Seymour Island (Antarctic Peninsula): A Preliminary Chronostratigraphy
Santini, T.
B21CAbstract Title: Bridging Microbial Ecology to Geochemistry: Insight from Environmental and Experimental Studies I Posters, B21C-0447Abstract Title: Microbial community succession in alkaline, saline bauxite residue: a cross-refinery study, B23IAbstract Title: Bridging Microbial Ecology to Geochemistry: Insight from Environmental and Experimental Studies II, B24CAbstract Title: Bridging Microbial Ecology to Geochemistry: Insight from Environmental and Experimental Studies III, EP31A-0982Abstract Title: Critical Zone science in Australia: expanding the range of environmental gradients represented in the international CZO network
Santolik, O.
AE31A-0408Abstract Title: Sub-ionospheric Propagation of Preliminary Breakdown Pulses Preceding Negative Cloud-to Ground Lightning Discharges, IN33E-03Abstract Title: VESPA: Developing the Planetary Science Virtual Observatory in H2020, SM14C-02Abstract Title: Wide energy electron precipitations and their impact on the middle atmosphere associated with the pulsating aurora, SM21A-2476Abstract Title: Poynting flux analysis of whistler-mode chorus using THEMIS data, SM21A-2477Abstract Title: ELF/VLF waves related to magnetospheric compression: conjugated observations from satellite- and subauroral ground-based instruments., SM21A-2481Abstract Title: Van Allen Probes Observations of Quasi-Periodic Whistler Mode Waves, SM31C-2533Abstract Title: Source Region and Growth Analysis of Narrowband Z-mode Emission at Saturn, SM31C-2534Abstract Title: Fine Spectral Properties of Langmuir Waves Observed Upstream of the Saturn's Bowshock by the Cassini Wideband Receiver, SM41D-2506Abstract Title: Highly resolved effects of whistler-mode hiss waves in March 2013, SM41H-2577Abstract Title: Statistical analysis of plasmaspheric magnetosonic mode waves from Van Allen Probes observations, SM41H-2581Abstract Title: Statistics of Plasmaspheric Hiss Poynting Flux, SM44B-06Abstract Title: Wave Distribution Functions of Plasmaspheric Hiss and their Effects on Radiation Belt Dynamics, SM51F-03Abstract Title: Equatorial Noise Emissions and Their Quasi-Periodic Modulation, SM51F-06Abstract Title: Survey of the high resolution frequency structure of the fast magnetosonic mode and proton energy diffusion associated with these waves, SM51F-08Abstract Title: Analysis and statistics of whistler mode waves observed from the Van Allen Probes
Santoni, G.
A31B-0043Abstract Title: Inverse Estimation of California Methane Emissions and Their Uncertainties using FLEXPART-WRF
Santore, R.
GC53I-01Abstract Title: Bioavailability and Environmental Regulation - Integrating a Fate & Effects Model with a Biotic Ligand Model for Copper in Seawater
Santoro, A. E.
PP11C-08Abstract Title: Environmental and Physiological Influences on the TEX86 Proxy: Results from Continuous Culture Studies and Stable Carbon Isotope Analyses
Santoro, M.
PA51DAbstract Title: An Interoperability Challenge for the Geosciences I, PA53A-2229Abstract Title: Insights into Broker – User interactions from the BCube Project
Santoro, M.
B11C-0438Abstract Title: Large-Scale Variation in Forest Carbon Turnover Rate and its Relation to Climate – Remote Sensing vs. Global Vegetation Models
Santos, A. B.
GC13E-1202Abstract Title: Increasing yield gap of Brazilian pasturelands and implications for intensification
Santos, A.
GC13E-1195Abstract Title: Orbital monitoring of the Brazilian pasturelands: patterns, trends and potential ecosystem services
Santos Da Silva, J.
GC41B-1088Abstract Title: Using remote sensing to monitor surface freshwater storage in the Congo basin
Santos da Silva, J.
H53F-1713Abstract Title: Hydraulic visibility and effective cross sections based on hydrodynamical modeling of flow lines gained by satellite altimetry
Santos, E.
B51A-0404Abstract Title: Use of micrometeorological techniques to study the isotopic exchange in ecosystems
Santos, E.
ED21C-0841Abstract Title: Ozone layer depletion simulation in an Environmental Chemistry course.
Santos, F.
B11G-0506Abstract Title: Evaluating the influence of fire history on dissolved pyrogenic C exported from coniferous and deciduous forest soils in northern Great Lakes Region
Santos, G. L. P.
GC41D-1117Abstract Title: Trying to Learn Lessons for Response to Extreme Events: Paradigm Shifts Affecting Civil Defense in the Trinational Region of Southwestern Amazonia
Santos, G.
A11G-0151Abstract Title: Carbon and nitrogen isotopic composition of PM2.5 at a periurban Mt. Taehwa near Seoul and over the Yellow Sea , A21A-0096Abstract Title: Spatial and Temporal Variations of EC and OC Aerosol Combustion Sources in a Polluted Metropolitan Area, B13F-0697Abstract Title: Phytolith-Occluded Carbon Pools and Fluxes: New Estimates, B13J-03Abstract Title: Assessing the Age of Particulate Organic Matter Exported from a Temperate Rainforest Catchment of the North American Pacific Coast, PP31A-2215Abstract Title: Central Tropical Pacific Corals Reveal Reduced ENSO Variability 3-5kyBP
Santos, I. R.
H33C-1591Abstract Title: Groundwater Discharge into Intermittently Closed and Open Lakes and/or Lagoons (ICOLLs) via Radon-222
Santos, J.
SH13D-2462Abstract Title: Design review of the Brazilian Experimental Solar Telescope
Santos, M. C.
G43C-07Abstract Title: Trends In Modelling Neutral-Atmospheric Electromagnetic Delays in a ‘Big Data’ World
Santos, M. S.
NH51BAbstract Title: Flood Risk Management in a Changing World I Posters, NH52BAbstract Title: Flood Risk Management in a Changing World II
Santos, N. I.
C33B-0812Abstract Title: An Application of Advanced Ensemble Streamflow Prediction Methods to Assess Potential Impacts of the 2015 – 2016 ENSO Event over the Colorado River Basin, H51N-1574Abstract Title: Characterizing Future El Niño Impacts to the Lower Colorado River Basin, OS53B-2025Abstract Title: From Parched to Pouring: Can the 2015 – 2016 El Niño Event Bring Drought Relief to California and the Western U.S.
Santos, P. T.
SA13B-2366Abstract Title: The new Arecibo Observatory Remote Optical Facility (AO-ROF) in Culebra Island, Puerto Rico: Current Status and Future Projects
Santos-Costa, D.
P41B-2075Abstract Title: Forecasting Juno Microwave Radiometer Observations of Jupiter's Synchrotron Emission from Data Reconstruction Methods and Theoretical Model
Santos-Figueroa, G.
A23C-0333Abstract Title: Fungal Spore Concentrations and Ergosterol Content in Aerosol Samples in the Caribbean During African Dust Events, A33L-0377Abstract Title: African Dust Concentrations in the Caribbean Island of Puerto Rico
Santos-Garcia, A.
OS51B-1987Abstract Title: Rain Impact Model V2.0 for Sea Surface Salinity: A Flag for Salinity Stratification
Santosa, H.
SA51A-2390Abstract Title: Prediction of the Nighttime VLF Subionospheric Signal Amplitude by Using Nonlinear Autoregressive with Exogenous Input Neural Network Model
Santschi, P. H.
B13A-0599Abstract Title: Organic matter controls on iodine and plutonium in atmospheric depositions, streams, and soils in the Fukushima Prefecture
Sanudo-Wilhelmy, S. A.
GC51FAbstract Title: Trace Metal Cycling in the Environment: Forty Years of Advancements I Posters, GC53IAbstract Title: Trace Metal Cycling in the Environment: Forty Years of Advancements II, GC54BAbstract Title: Trace Metal Cycling in the Environment: Forty Years of Advancements III, PP43A-2245Abstract Title: Biogeochemical Insights into B-Vitamins in the Coastal Marine Sediments of San Pedro Basin, CA
Sanyal, P.
PP13A-2252Abstract Title: Inverse relation between summer and winter monsoon strength during late Holocene: continental molecular isotopic record from the Indian subcontinent, PP53B-2347Abstract Title: How Reliable is the Bulk δ13C value of Soil Organic Matter in Paleovegetational Reconstruction?, PP53C-2362Abstract Title: Inter-species and Seasonal Variability in Mg / Ca in Larger Benthic Foraminifera: Implications for Paleo-proxy
Sanz López, M.
GP31B-05Abstract Title: Origin of the Eastern Galicia Magnetic Anomaly (NW Spain). Implications for the Origin of Magnetic Anomalies in the Central Iberian Arc
Sanz-Cobena, A.
B11A-0406Abstract Title: Greenhouse gas emissions in natural and agricultural lands in sub-Saharan Africa: synthesizing of available data and suggestions for further studies
Sanz-Requena, J. F.
P41B-2057Abstract Title: Peeking into Saturn's Atmosphere: the HST Low-Phase Angle View, P41B-2059Abstract Title: An Enduring Rapidly Moving Storm as a Guide to Saturn’s Equatorial Jet Complex Structure
Sanzana, P.
H51B-1364Abstract Title: Geo-PUMMA: Urban and Peri-urban Landscape Representation Toolbox for Hydrological Distributed Modeling
Saowapon, M. T.
A31F-06Abstract Title: Quantification of Alkyl Nitrates in Ambient Air by Thermal Dissociation Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy with Preconcentration
Sapart, C. J.
C33F-02Abstract Title: The Origin(s) of the Methane Excess in the Shallow East Siberian Arctic Shelf Unraveled with Triple Isotope Analysis, C43A-0782Abstract Title: Observations of Methane Concentration and d13C-CH4 in the East Siberian Sea Waters, C43A-0783Abstract Title: Triple-Isotope-Based Source Apportionment of Methane in Waters of the Outer Laptev Sea, C43A-0785Abstract Title: Ambient Methane Isotopologues in the Laptev and East Siberian Seas during SWERUS-C3
Sapiano, M.
GC31D-1215Abstract Title: Status and Future of The Global Precipitation Climatology Project (GPCP) CDR
Sapiie, B.
G23B-1071Abstract Title: The Development of Deformation Model for Semi-Dynamic Datum of Indonesia, V23B-3101Abstract Title: Volcanostratigraphy and Evolution Characterization Using Morphological and Geochemical Analysis, and Field Observation for Quaternary Balerang and Rajabasa Volcanoes, Lampung-Indonesia
Sapkota, S. N.
S42C-06Abstract Title: Did Structural Segmentation of the Main Himalayan Thrust Control the 2015 Mw 7.8 Gorkha Earthquake Rupture in Nepal?, T21C-2828Abstract Title: Lateral variations of terrestrial and satellite gravimetry along the Himalayan arc, T44A-07Abstract Title: High Resolution Topography and Multiple Seismic Uplift on the Main Frontal Thrust near the Ratu River, Eastern Nepal
Saponaro, G.
A41B-0059Abstract Title: The Impact of Different Regimes in Estimating the Effects of Aerosols on Clouds. A Case Study over the Baltic Sea Countries.
Sapriza, G.
C33D-0849Abstract Title: Towards large scale modelling of wetland water dynamics in northern basins., H41F-1397Abstract Title: Enhanced Identification of hydrologic models using streamflow and satellite water storage data: a multi-objective calibration approach
Sapriza, G.
H41A-1271Abstract Title: Assessing the Impacts of Reservoir Regulations and Climate Variability on the Peace River Runoff and Peace-Athabasca-Delta Using a Distributed Hydrological Model
Sarabandi, K.
C33C-0820Abstract Title: Snow Pack and Lake Ice Pack Remote Sensing using Wideband Autocorrelation Radiometry
Saraceno, J.
B11FAbstract Title: New Insights on Nutrient Sources and Biogeochemical Processes in Surface Waters as Revealed by Advanced Techniques and In Situ Optical Sensors I Posters, B11F-0498Abstract Title: Contrasting dissolved organic carbon dynamics at two forested catchments interpreted from high-frequency optical sensor measurements, B11F-0499Abstract Title: Comparing Stream DOC Fluxes from Sensor- and Sample-Based Approaches, B14DAbstract Title: New Insights on Nutrient Sources and Biogeochemical Processes in Surface Waters as Revealed by Advanced Techniques and In Situ Optical Sensors II
Sarafian, A.
DI51C-02Abstract Title: Experimental Determination of the H2O-undersaturated Peridotite Solidus, PP31B-2233Abstract Title: Development of analytical techniques of vanadium isotope in seawater, V23D-04Abstract Title: Jupiter’s Migration and the Hydration of the Early Inner Solar System
Sarafian, E. K.
DI24A-06Abstract Title: The Electrical Structure of the 70Ma Pacific LAB Constrained by the NoMelt Experiment, DI51C-02Abstract Title: Experimental Determination of the H2O-undersaturated Peridotite Solidus, V23D-04Abstract Title: Jupiter’s Migration and the Hydration of the Early Inner Solar System, V53G-02Abstract Title: Using Electrical Conductivity to Map Melt and Fluids at Subduction Zones
Saraiva, I.
A24B-03Abstract Title: On the role of thermodynamics and cloud-aerosol-precipitation interactions over thunderstorm activity during GoAmazon and ACRIDICON-CHUVA field experiments
Saraiva, J.
A24B-03Abstract Title: On the role of thermodynamics and cloud-aerosol-precipitation interactions over thunderstorm activity during GoAmazon and ACRIDICON-CHUVA field experiments
Saraji, S.
H21N-06Abstract Title: Development of a Nanofluidic Chip Representative of a Shale Sample
Sarangi, C.
A41B-0060Abstract Title: Aerosol-CAPE-Cloud Interactions over Gangetic Basin
Sarantos, M.
P53C-2130Abstract Title: Quantifying Sources, Sinks and Gas-surface Interactions on the Moon from LADEE Measurements of Exospheric Na and K
Sarantos, M.
P43F-06Abstract Title: Hydrogen Bearing Material in the Lunar Exosphere
Saraswati, P. K.
PP53C-2362Abstract Title: Inter-species and Seasonal Variability in Mg / Ca in Larger Benthic Foraminifera: Implications for Paleo-proxy
Saravanan, R.
GC24C-05Abstract Title: Reduced Effectiveness of Atlantic Hurricane Suppression During Central Pacific El Niño
Sarda Esteve, R.
A12C-02Abstract Title: Size-resolved measurements of ice nucleating particles at North American and European sites, A21A-0075Abstract Title: Limitation of using Angstrom exponent for source apportionment of black carbon in complex environments - A case study from the North West Indo- Gangetic plain, A31F-01Abstract Title: Development and first applications of an OH reactivity instrument based on the Comparative Reactivity Method
Sardar, S.
Sarde Marteleto, N.
T33F-2992Abstract Title: Structures, petrology and geochemistry of Florianópolis Dike Swarm, Paraná-Etendeka Magmatic Province, in the northern part of Santa Catarina Island
Sardeshmukh, P. D.
GC41G-03Abstract Title: Changes in Extreme Warm and Cold Temperatures Associated with 20th Century Global Warming, NG23B-1799Abstract Title: On the Distinctively Skewed and Heavy Tailed Character of Atmospheric and Oceanic Probability Distributions, PA51A-2200Abstract Title: Transitioning Empirical Dynamical Models from Research to Operational Subseasonal Forecasting
Sardina, V.
NH23C-1909Abstract Title: Compilation and Analysis of a Database of Local Tsunami Bulletins issued by the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center (PTWC) to the Hawaii Emergency Management Agency (HI-EMA) between September 2003 and July, 2015
Sare, R.
T31A-2838Abstract Title: Mapping of normal fault scarps in airborne laser swath mapping data using wavelet analysis, T42A-08Abstract Title: Oceanic Transform Fault-Zone Geomorphology in the Gulf of California from High-Resolution Bathymetric Data , T43E-01Abstract Title: Paleogeodesy of the Southern Santa Cruz Mountains Frontal Thrusts, Silicon Valley, CA
Sarff, J.
SM42A-07Abstract Title: Study of Multiple Scale Physics of Magnetic Reconnection on the FLARE (Facility for Laboratory Reconnection Experiments)
Sargent, M. R.
A21H-0250Abstract Title: Assessment of planetary boundary layer and residual layer heights in the Northeastern U.S. using Lidar, a network of surface observations, and the WRF-STILT model, GC11B-1031Abstract Title: Initial Results from an Atmospheric Validation of Urban Greenhouse Gas Budget Estimates for the US Northeast Corridor
Sargent, S.
B11B-0426Abstract Title: Comparison of N2O fluxes measured using flux-gradient, eddy-covariance, and chamber methods from an agricultural site, B33C-0668Abstract Title: A Novel Low-Power, High-Performance, Zero-Maintenance Closed-Path Trace Gas Eddy Covariance System with No Water Vapor Dilution or Spectroscopic Corrections, B33C-0669Abstract Title: Field Performance Verification of Carbon Dioxide, Water, and Nitrous Oxide Closed-Path Eddy Covariance Systems with Vortex Intakes, B51A-0398Abstract Title: Performance Evaluation of a New, Tunable-Diode Laser Trace-Gas Analyzer for Isotope Ratios of Carbon Dioxide
Sargsyan, K.
H52B-07Abstract Title: Sparse Polynomial Chaos Surrogate for ACME Land Model via Iterative Bayesian Compressive Sensing
Saria, E.
T13A-2960Abstract Title: Plate Tectonics 2.0: Using GPS to Refine Global Crustal Kinematics and Rewrite Textbooks, T44C-08Abstract Title: Kinematics and Dynamics of Observed Along-Rift Surface Motions in the East African Rift System
Sarigu, A.
H13I-1685Abstract Title: Historical Climate Change of the Sardinian hydrology: The dramatic runoff decrease in the last three decades.
Sarin, M.
A41B-0058Abstract Title: Physicochemical Properties of Aerosols Over the Indo-Gangetic Plain, Northern India: Implications to Air-quality
Sarkar, A.
T23B-2949Abstract Title: Quantification of Net Erosion and Uplift Experienced by the Barmer Basin, Rajasthan Using Sonic Log
Sarkar, A.
GC11A-1025Abstract Title: Migration Related to Climate Change: Impact, Challenges and Proposed Policy Initiatives
Sarkar, B. C.
NH43A-1854Abstract Title: A Flood Detection and Mapping Algorithm Using MODIS Data: Assessment of Extreme Flooding Events in Eastern Ganga Plains (2000-2015)
Sarkar, C.
A21A-0037Abstract Title: The Impact of Post Harvest Agricultural Crop Residue Fires on Volatile Organic Compounds and Formation of Secondary Air Pollutants in the N.W. Indo-Gangetic Plain, B43F-0611Abstract Title: Overview of VOC emissions and chemistry from PTR-TOF-MS measurements during the SusKat-ABC campaign: high acetaldehyde, ketene, isoprene and isocyanic acid in wintertime air of the Kathmandu Valley
Sarkar, C.
A13E-0393Abstract Title: Elevated Levels of Carbonyl Compounds in the Atmosphere of Eastern Himalaya in India
Sarkar, K.
MR13B-2695Abstract Title: The VLab repository of thermodynamics and thermoelastic properties of minerals, MR13C-2720Abstract Title: Projector Augmented Wave (PAW) Datasets for Multi-Mbar Simulations: An Evolutionary Algorithm Based Recipe
Sarkar, S.
H21J-1535Abstract Title: Simulated Benefits of Green Infrastructure for Urban Stormwater Management under Climate Change in Different Hydroclimatic and Archetypal Urban Settings
Sarkar, S.
A11B-0047Abstract Title: Contribution of Fossil Fuels and Wood Combustion to Carcinogenic PAHs in the Ambient Atmosphere of a Tropical Megacity, A11C-0059Abstract Title: Measurement of Atmospheric Black Carbon Concentrations, [BC]atm, in the Arctic Region from ~1700 to 2013
Sarkar, S.
B32D-02Abstract Title: Urban Area Monitoring using MODIS Time Series Data
Sarker, S.
A21A-0070Abstract Title: Assessment of 2012 on-road mobile source episode specific emissions on air quality in Houston
Sarlis, N. V.
SH31A-2403Abstract Title: Temporal Correlations In Natural Time Analysis and Tsallis Non Extensive Statistical Mechanics
Sarmiento, D. P.
A11M-0239Abstract Title: Fusion Geographic Information System Data with State-of-the-art Atmospheric Systems: Application to Methane Source Mapping over the Marcellus Shale formation, A14F-06Abstract Title: High-accuracy, high-precision, high-resolution, continuous monitoring of urban greenhouse gas emissions? Results to date from INFLUX, A33B-0152Abstract Title: A comprehensive assessment of land surface - atmosphere interactions in a WRF/Urban modeling system for Indianapolis, IN
Sarna, J.
PP21A-2204Abstract Title: Determining Clumped Isotope (Δ47) Signatures of CO2 During Ion-Molecule Isotopic Exchange Reactions
Sarnat, S. E.
A21A-0097Abstract Title: Deconvoluting Mixtures of Emissions Sources to Investigate PM2.5’s Ability to Generate Reactive Oxygen Species and its Associations with Cardiorespiratory Effects
Sarno-Smith, L. K.
SM54B-06Abstract Title: Observational Results of Diurnal Variation in Quiet Time Inner Plasmasphere Equatorial Noise Leading to Post-Midnight Ion Loss
Sarnthein, M.
PP43B-2269Abstract Title: Radiocarbon Anomalies of Surface Waters in the Glacial-to-Deglacial Low-to-Mid-Latitude Atlantic
Saroli, M.
MR33A-2634Abstract Title: Correlation between pore fluid pressures and DInSAR post-seismic deformation of the May 20, 2012 Emilia-Romagna (Italy) earthquake, NH41A-1800Abstract Title: DETECTION AND ANALYSIS OF DEEP SEATED GRAVITATIONAL SLOPE DEFORMATION AND RELATIONS WITH THE ACTIVE TECTONICS
Saronjic, N.
B21F-0535Abstract Title: Response of Soil Respiration to Repeated Extreme Events in a Temperate Beech Forest in Austria
Saros, J. E.
B13G-0719Abstract Title: Spatial Variation of Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition and Estimated Critical Loads for Aquatic Ecosystems in the Greater Yellowstone Area , GC13GAbstract Title: Sedimentary Records of Threshold Change in Ecosystems Posters
Sarradin, P. M.
OS42A-07Abstract Title: Deep-Sea Observatory EMSO-Azores (Lucky Strike, 37º17’N MAR): Impact of Fluid Circulation Pathway on Chemical Hydrothermal Fluxes, OS43A-2017Abstract Title: Hydrothermal activity along the slow-spreading Lucky Strike ridge segment (Mid-Atlantic Ridge): Distribution, heatflux, and geological controls
Sarrazin, F.
H11H-1448Abstract Title: Does the relative impact of climate and land use changes on groundwater recharge vary depending on the degree of subsurface heterogeneity?
Sarria, D.
AE33A-0468Abstract Title: Modelling The TARANIS XGRE Insturment For Terrestrial Gamma Ray Flashes and Associated Electron Beams
Sarris, T. E.
SM21A-2460Abstract Title: Local Time and Geomagnetic Activity Dependence of the Distribution of ULF Wave Power on Azimuthal Mode Numbers: Observations and Test Particle Simulations
Sarris, T.
IN33E-07Abstract Title: High-Level Location Based Search Services That Improve Discoverability of Geophysical Data in the Virtual ITM Observatory
Sartori, M. P.
C33G-07Abstract Title: Multispectral Airborne Mapping LiDAR Observations of the McMurdo Dry Valleys
Sarvis, S.
ED13D-0905Abstract Title: Best Practices in Mentoring in NOAA Scholarship Programs
Sarychikhina, O.
G41A-0993Abstract Title: Inverse modeling of InSAR and ground leveling data for 3D volumetric strain distribution
Sas, M.
V31A-3003Abstract Title: Using mineral geochemistry to decipher slab, mantle, and crustal inputs to the generation of high-Mg andesites from Mount Baker and Glacier Peak, northern Cascade arc
Sasagawa, G. S.
OS43A-1998Abstract Title: Observations of Seafloor Vertical Deformation on Axial Seamount with the Self-Calibrating Pressure Recorder, OS43A-2015Abstract Title: Deformation associated with the 2015 Eruption of Axial Seamount
Sasago, H.
A33C-0166Abstract Title: Continuous in-situ methane measurements at paddy fields in a rural area of India with poor electric infrastructure, using a low-cost instrument based on open-path near-IR laser absorption spectroscopy
Sasai, T.
B21M-08Abstract Title: Changes in terrestrial CO2 budget in Siberia in the past three decades, B43E-0600Abstract Title: Estimation of Global 1km-grid Terrestrial Carbon Exchange Part I: Developing Inputs and Modelling
Sasajima, R.
V21A-3022Abstract Title: Evolution of stress in the oceanic lithosphere and oceanic intraplate earthquakes; implication for aseismic stress release
Sasakawa, M.
A23J-04Abstract Title: Long-term Variations of Atmospheric CH4 Concentration over Siberia Derived from Aircraft Observation., A33C-0169Abstract Title: Estimation of methane fluxes in the high northern latitudes from a Bayesian atmospheric inversion
Sasaki, A.
C23A-0769Abstract Title: Augmentation of freeze-thaw cycles in the alpine soil triggered by the fire on the alpine slopes, Mount Shirouma-dake, northern Japanese Alps
Sasaki, K.
H23B-1584Abstract Title: Groundwater Infiltration Path of Road Deicing Agent and its Quantification
Sasaki, O.
C21B-0730Abstract Title: Global-scale analysis of satellite-derived debris distribution on glacier
Sasaki, S.
P11BAbstract Title: Science from Current and Future Planetary Instruments and Missions Posters, P11B-2074Abstract Title: Current Status of Japanese Participation to Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer "JUICE"
Sasaki, T.
NH33A-1896Abstract Title: Source of Organic Matter in 2011 Tohoku-oki Tsunami Deposits Determined by C/N Ratios and δ13C
Sasaki, Y.
NS43B-1970Abstract Title: Analysis of EM dataset with several sensor configurations obtained by the loop-loop EM survey on magnetic anomalies
Sasatani, T.
S43D-2837Abstract Title: Aftershock Records in the Kathmandu Valley of the 2015 Gorkha, Nepal, Earthquake
Sasgen, I.
G33AAbstract Title: Geodetic Measurements of the Earth's Elastic Response to Surface Mass Variability I Posters, G33B-1150Abstract Title: Assessment of Glacial Isostatic Adjustment in Greenland using GPS , G54AAbstract Title: Geodetic Measurements of the Earth's Elastic Response to Surface Mass Variability II
Sass, L.
C33E-0863Abstract Title: Hypsometric control on glacier mass balance sensitivity in Alaska, C43B-0808Abstract Title: Large Response to Precipitation and Tidal Forcing at Columbia Glacier Imaged with Terrestrial Radar Interferometry
Sassani, D.
H11BAbstract Title: Deep Boreholes and Wellbores: Monitoring, Modeling, and Mitigation I Posters, H11B-1325Abstract Title: Site Guidelines for a Deep Borehole Field Test, H13MAbstract Title: Deep Boreholes and Wellbores: Monitoring, Modeling, and Mitigation II, H13M-01Abstract Title: Site Characterization for a Deep Borehole Field Test
Sasselov, D. D.
DI52B-02Abstract Title: Uncovering the Chemistry of Earth-like Planets, MR33D-08Abstract Title: Metal-silicate partitioning during core formation on super-Earths, P32B-01Abstract Title: Characterizing Pale Blue Dots Around FGKM Stars
Sassi, F.
SA41B-2326Abstract Title: Characterizing Middle Atmospheric Dynamical Variability and its Impact on the Thermosphere/Ionosphere System During Recent Stratospheric Sudden Warmings
Sassi, M.
A11C-0080Abstract Title: Regional Modelling of Air Quality in the Canadian Arctic: Impact of marine shipping and North American wild fire emissions
Sassier, C.
V34B-03Abstract Title: The Structure and Evolution of Volcanic Plumbing Systems in Fold-and-Thrust Belts: a Case Study of a Miocene Intrusive Complex in the Neuquén Andes, Argentina
Sasunov, Y.
SH14B-07Abstract Title: Flux tubes embedded into reconnection outflows in the solar wind
Satake, K.
NH13E-02Abstract Title: Re-examination of the 1896 Sanriku Earthquake Source , NH23A-1855Abstract Title: The Papua New Guinea tsunamis from the 29 March and 5 May 2015 Mw 7.5 earthquake doublet, NH23A-1856Abstract Title: First application of tsunami back-projection and source inversion for the 2012 Haida Gwaii earthquake using tsunami data recorded on a dense array of seafloor pressure gauges, NH23A-1858Abstract Title: Multi-time-window inversion for sea surface displacement of the 2011 Tohoku tsunami, NH23A-1862Abstract Title: Synthetic Tsunami Waveform and Character of Tsunami Sources in Japan Sea, a Normal Mode Approach , S14B-05Abstract Title: Determination of Hypocenters and Focal Mechanism Solutions for Semi-Historical Earthquakes by Using Template Matching Technique
Satgé, F.
H54E-05Abstract Title: Landsat and TRMM imagery potentiality for assessing water superficial variation and bottom depth of shallow lake: case study of Lake Poopó.
Sathaye, K.
H23K-07Abstract Title: Carbon and Noble Gas Isotope Banks in Two-Phase Flow: Changes in Gas Composition During Migration 
Sathyachandran, S. K.
A21I-04Abstract Title: Active fire detection using Landsat 8 reflective bands
Sathyanadh, A.
A33B-0133Abstract Title: Towards Understanding Planetary Boundary Layer Regimes in Relation to Indian Summer Monsoon
Satinsky, B.
OS13B-2043Abstract Title: Merging Marine Ecosystem Models and Genomics
Satish, L. N. V.
H13C-1550Abstract Title: Water Resources Management Plan for Ganga River using SWAT Modelling and Time series Analysis
Satish-Kumar, M.
V41A-3064Abstract Title: A kinetic model based on experimental study of structural evolution of natural carbonaceous material to graphite
Satkoski, A.
V43D-06Abstract Title: 87Sr/86Sr Ratios in Carbonate From the Red Lake and Steep Rock Groups in Canada Suggest Rb-enriched Continental Crust was Influencing Seawater Chemistry Prior to 3.0 Ga
Sato, F.
NS42A-07Abstract Title: Development of Towed Marine Seismic Vibrator as an Alternative Seismic Source
Sato, H.
DI11B-2594Abstract Title: CONSTRAINTS ON THE NATURE OF THE G-BOUNDARY IN SUBDUCTING OCEANIC LITHOSPHERE, BASED ON HIGH FREQUENCY (14 HZ) SEISMIC REFLECTION DATA, S11A-2773Abstract Title: Aftershock distribution and heterogeneous structure in and around the source area of the 2014 northern Nagano Prefecture earthquake (Mw 6.2) , central Japan, revealed by dense seismic array observation, S11B-05Abstract Title: WIDE ANGLE SEISMIC IMAGING OF (SERPENTINITE ?) FAULT ZONES THAT PASS THROUGH THE MOHO IN A COLLISIONAL- FORELAND BASIN SETTING, T21D-2855Abstract Title: Three-Dimensional Vp Imaging Across the Interseismically Locked Southern Hikurangi Margin, Wellington, New Zealand, T24C-02Abstract Title: Temperature- and stress-dependent rheologic structure beneath Japan inferred from postseismic displacements following the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake, T31BAbstract Title: Cumulative Deformation in the Overlying Plate due to Subduction and Related Feedbacks I Posters, T31B-2875Abstract Title: Concentration of strain in a marginal rift zone of the Japan backarc during post-rift compression, T31B-2876Abstract Title: Relation between the crustal structure type and the distribution of the crustal deformation in the Japan Sea back-arc basins and its margins, T31B-2877Abstract Title: Crustal structure of the western Yamato Basin, Japan Sea, revealed from seismic survey, T31B-2878Abstract Title: Fundamental structure model of island arcs and subducted plates in and around Japan, T31B-2879Abstract Title: The Problem With the Plate Boundary in the Sea of Japan, T31B-2881Abstract Title: Crustal composition in the Hidaka Metamorphic Belt estimated from seismic velocity by laboratory measurements, T33BAbstract Title: Cumulative Deformation in the Overlying Plate due to Subduction and Related Feedbacks II, T34BAbstract Title: Cumulative Deformation in the Overlying Plate due to Subduction and Related Feedbacks III, T34B-01Abstract Title: Active Deformation in the Overriding Plate Associated with Temporal Changes of the Philippine Sea Plate Motion, T51A-2853Abstract Title: Thickness and Lower Limit Seismogenic Layer within the Crust beneath Japanese Islands on the Japan Sea Side, T54A-03Abstract Title: Lithospheric structure of the Sea of Japan from surface wave tomography
Sato, H.
B21M-08Abstract Title: Changes in terrestrial CO2 budget in Siberia in the past three decades, B23B-0605Abstract Title: Calculation of Individual Tree Water Use in a Bornean Tropical Rain Forest Using Individual-Based Dynamic Vegetation Model SEIB-DGVM, GC11F-1081Abstract Title: Endurance of larch forest ecosystems in eastern Siberia under warming trends
Sato, H.
PP21C-2266Abstract Title: An asteroid impact in the Late Triassic triggered mid-Norian radiolarian faunal turnover in the Panthalassa Ocean
Sato, K.
A11A-0033Abstract Title: Space-borne active sensor cloud retrievals and evaluation by ground-based MFMSPL measurements, A24A-02Abstract Title: Global analysis of generation mechanism of ice microphysics inferred from space-borne active sensors and infrared sounder.
Sato, K.
SA13A-2332Abstract Title: Simultaneous Antarctic Gravity Wave Observations in PMCs from the AIM Satellite and PMSE Observations from PANSY Radar
Sato, K.
T21E-2884Abstract Title: A Method to Estimate Friction Coefficient from Orientation Distribution of Meso-scale Faults: Applications to Faults in Forearc Sediment and Underplated Tectonic Mélange, T33C-2942Abstract Title: Spatial heterogeneity of stress and driving fluid pressure ratio inferred from mineral vein orientation along seismogenic megasplay fault (Nobeoka Thrust, Japan)
Sato, K.
A51B-0043Abstract Title: Characteristics of atmospheric depositions of ionic and carbonaceous components at remote sites in Japan
Sato, M.
GP43A-1235Abstract Title: Rock-magnetic properties of single zircon crystals sampled from the Tanzawa tonalitic pluton, central Japan
Sato, M.
MR41B-2630Abstract Title: Assessment of rock mechanical behavior considering stress dependent stiffness of the cracked domain within crack tensor-based approach
Sato, M.
AE24A-01Abstract Title: An Overview of Three-year JEM-GLIMS Nadir Observations of Lightning and TLEs, AE33C-0507Abstract Title: Summary of Global lightning and sprite measurements (GLIMS) mission, AE33C-0512Abstract Title: MicroCameras and Photometers (MCP) instrument on board TARANIS satellite: scientific objectives, design, characterization results and products
Sato, M. M.
EP53A-0960Abstract Title: The Influence of Hillslope Steepness on Sediment Supply Size Distribution along Rivers Draining the Colorado Front Range
Sato, M.
H11A-1319Abstract Title: Robust quantitative parameter estimation by advanced CMP measurements for vadose zone hydrological studies
Sato, N.
P23A-2107Abstract Title: The result of Venus Orbit Insertion of Akatsuki on December 7th, 2015
Sato, T.
H11G-1427Abstract Title: Spatial pattern of the throughfall volume on a steep slope dominated by deciduous broad-leaved trees
Sato, T.
P23A-2107Abstract Title: The result of Venus Orbit Insertion of Akatsuki on December 7th, 2015
Sato, T.
EP41A-0901Abstract Title: Last 900 ka river longprofile changes controlled by Yoro fault activity and glacial sea-level changes, Nobi plain, central Japan
Sato, T.
T31B-2875Abstract Title: Concentration of strain in a marginal rift zone of the Japan backarc during post-rift compression
Sato, T.
T21D-2863Abstract Title: Interferometric imaging of crustal structure from wide-angle multicomponent OBS-airgun data, T31B-2876Abstract Title: Relation between the crustal structure type and the distribution of the crustal deformation in the Japan Sea back-arc basins and its margins, T31B-2877Abstract Title: Crustal structure of the western Yamato Basin, Japan Sea, revealed from seismic survey, T43G-01Abstract Title: Seismicity and Structure of the Incoming Pacific Plate Subducting into the Japan Trench off Miyagi
Sato, T.
H33C-1604Abstract Title: Dynamics and Stability of the Hyporheic Environment in Steep Headwater Streams in Western Japan
Sato, T.
GP31A-1383Abstract Title: An extended magnetic viscous relaxation dating for calibrating an older age: an example of tsunamigenic coral boulders in Ishigaki Island, Japan, GP51A-1319Abstract Title: Rock magnetic characterization and potential use as a high-resolution paleomagnetic recorder of fossil Porites corals in Ishigaki Island, Japan
Sato, T.
PP21B-2229Abstract Title: Reconstruction of western Pacific and Atlantic Ocean Surface Stability during the Miocene to Quaternary based on nannofossil assemblages
Sato, T.
V43A-3102Abstract Title: Andesite Magmas are Produced along Oceanic Arcs where the Crust is Thin: Evidence from Nishinoshima Volcano, Ogasawara Arc, Japan
Sato, T.
B32D-06Abstract Title: Role of snow cover on urban heat island intensity investigated by urban canopy model with snow effects
Sato, T.
OS21A-1954Abstract Title: High-resolution seismic reflection survey results in the eastern coastal area of Boso Peninsula, Central Japan
Sato, T.
B12B-06Abstract Title: Numerical simulation of sealing effect of gas hydrate for CO2 leakage in marine sediment, B13B-0609Abstract Title: Numerical simulation of mud erosion rate in sand-mud alternate layer and comparison with experiment
Sato, T.
T12C-02Abstract Title: Vp structure in the largest slip area of the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake by airgun-ocean bottom seismometer surveys, T51D-2933Abstract Title: Detection of Interplate Earthquakes in the Source Area of the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake Using Extensive Seafloor Aftershock Observation Data
Sato, T.
S33D-2805Abstract Title: A New Standard Installation Method of the Offline Seismic Observation Station in Heavy Snowfall Area of Tohoku Region
Sato, T.
T41A-2858Abstract Title: Re-measuring the Slip Rate of the San Andreas Fault at Wallace Creek in the Carrizo Plain, CA
Sato, T.
H21F-1447Abstract Title: 36Cl ages of deep saline groundwater in coastal sedimentary areas in Japan
Sato, Y.
A51M-0253Abstract Title: Impacts of the autoconversion scheme on the clouds as simulated by a global cloud system-resolving model: regional variability of the impacts
Sato, Y.
A11F-0110Abstract Title: New Computationally Cost-Effective Implementation of Online Nesting for a Regional Model, A31D-0096Abstract Title: Simulation and validation of global aerosol distributions using a nonhydrostatic icosahedral atmospheric model with 14 km grid spacing
Sato, Y.
SM12B-05Abstract Title: Simultaneous ground-based and satellite observations of MF/HF auroral radio emissions
Sato, Y.
V11B-3067Abstract Title: Presumed Multiple Metasomatism underneath the Colorado Plateau; Decoding from Chemistry and Inclusion/Lamella Mineralogy of Diverse Garnets from the Garnet Ridge, Northern Arizona
Satoh, N.
OS31A-1980Abstract Title: Blade-order-dependent radiocarbon variability in brown seaweed (Undaria pinnatifida) reflected a cold Oyashio water intrusion event in an embayment of the Sanriku coast, northeastern Japan
Satoh, T.
P23A-2107Abstract Title: The result of Venus Orbit Insertion of Akatsuki on December 7th, 2015
Satori, P. J.
H41F-1406Abstract Title: A High-Resolution Global Lake Inventory with Classified Freshwater and Saline Types
Satriano, C.
S51B-2675Abstract Title: Exploring the Origin of High-frequency Coherent Radiation Imaged from Back Projection, Using Stochastic Finite-fault Earthquake Rupture Models, T31C-2900Abstract Title: Time-frequency scale decomposition of tectonic tremor signals for space-time reconstruction of tectonic tremor sources, T51D-2920Abstract Title: Analysis of the Seismic Activity During the Preparatory Phase of the Mw 8.2 Iquique Earthquake, Chile 2014
Satti, S.
H33D-1647Abstract Title: Value versus Accuracy: application of seasonal forecasts to a hydro-economic optimization model for the Sudanese Blue Nile
Sattin, S.
B24A-02Abstract Title: Revisiting "You are what you eat, +1‰": Bacterial Trophic Structure and the Sedimentary Record
Saturno, J.
A31A-0003Abstract Title: Spectral Light Absorption and Scattering by Aerosol Particles in Central Amazonia, A31A-0004Abstract Title: The impact of anthropogenic emissions on the otherwise pristine Amazonian rainforest: Insights on aerosol dynamics as observed during GoAmazon2014/5, A31A-0019Abstract Title: Long-term Chemical Characterization of Submicron Aerosol Particles in the Amazon Forest – ATTO Station
Sauber, J. M.
G31A-1106Abstract Title: Postseismic gravity changes caused by persistent viscoelastic relaxation after a series of great earthquakes since 2004, G41B-05Abstract Title: Measuring and Modeling Solid Earth – Cryosphere Gravimetric Signals in GRACE and Future Satellite Missions
Saucedo, R.
Sauchyn, D.
H33I-1741Abstract Title: Long-term reliability of the Athabasca River (Alberta, Canada) as the water source for oil sands mining, PP43F-02Abstract Title: Pollen reconstructions, tree-rings and early climate data from Minnesota, USA: a cautionary tale of bias and signal attentuation
Sauer, D. N.
A24B-01Abstract Title: Aerosol Enhancements in the Upper Troposphere Over The Amazon Forest: Do Amazonian Clouds Produce Aerosols?, A51W-05Abstract Title: Airborne Coarse Mode Aerosol Measurements with the CAS-DPOL Instrument: Effects of Particle Shape and Refractive Index and Implications for Radiative Transfer Estimate
Sauer, J.
A33Q-07Abstract Title: Winds, Mountains, and Wildland Fire: Improved Understanding of Coupled Atmosphere-Topography-Fire Interactions Through Large-Eddy Simulation, A43F-0359Abstract Title: Training a Neural Network Via Large-Eddy Simulation for Autonomous Location and Quantification of CH4 Leaks at Natural Gas Facilities
Sauer, J.
GC23C-1145Abstract Title: A Centroid Model of Species Distribution to Analyize Multi-directional Climate Change Finger Print in Avian Distribution in North America
Sauer, K. M.
T11G-03Abstract Title: Extreme Hydrothermal Conditions Near an Active Geological Fault, DFDP-2B Borehole, Alpine Fault, New Zealand, T41C-2911Abstract Title: The Evolution of Deformation-Induced Grain-Boundary Porosity and Dynamic Permeability in Crustal Fault Zones: Insights From the Alpine Fault, New Zealand
Sauer, U.
B33A-0623Abstract Title: Challenges in atmospheric monitoring of areal emission sources – an Open-path Fourier transform infrared (OP-FTIR) spectroscopic experience report
Saul, J.
S53A-2780Abstract Title: Revision of earthquake hypocenter locations in GEOFON bulletin data using global source-specific station terms technique
Sauli, C.
T51F-2965Abstract Title: Neogene Development of the Terror Rift, western Ross Sea, Antarctica
Saulo, C.
H31A-1395Abstract Title: Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Model and Satellite Based Soil Moisture Estimations for Assessing Coupling Hot Spots in the Southern La Plata Basin
Sault, R. J.
P31G-05Abstract Title: Longitude-resolved VLA Radio Maps of Jupiter, P41B-2075Abstract Title: Forecasting Juno Microwave Radiometer Observations of Jupiter's Synchrotron Emission from Data Reconstruction Methods and Theoretical Model
Saunders, C. P.
AE31B-0442Abstract Title: Ionization, Charging and Electric Field Effects on Cloud Particles in the CLOUD Experiment
Saunders, D.
ED22A-05Abstract Title: Partnering with a Community College and Research University to attract Underrepresented Students to the Geosciences: The Student Experience
Saunders, J.
V52BAbstract Title: Mineralization, Metasomatism, and Mass Transfer Associated with Crustal Magmas I, V53CAbstract Title: Mineralization, Metasomatism, and Mass Transfer Associated with Crustal Magmas II Posters
Saunders, J. K.
G44A-05Abstract Title: The Capabilities of Seismogeodesy with Low-Cost MEMS Accelerometers and Very-High-Rate GNSS Data and Implications for Earthquake and Near-Shore Tsunami Early Warning, NH23C-1908Abstract Title: The Role of Real-Time GNSS in Tsunami Early Warning and Hazard Mitigation, S33B-2765Abstract Title: Prototype Earthquake Early Warning System for Areas of Highest Seismic Risk in the Western U.S.
Saunders, M. J.
B11AAbstract Title: Africa GHG: Developing a Network of Greenhouse Gas Measurements for Africa Posters, B11A-0414Abstract Title: The Contribution of Highly Productive but Leaky Wetlands to the Carbon and Greenhouse Gas Dynamics of sub-Saharan Africa.
Saunders, R.
IN31A-1743Abstract Title: WDAC Task Team on Observations for Model Evaluation: Facilitating the use of observations for CMIP
Saunois, M.
B21M-03Abstract Title: The full budget of greenhouse gases in the terrestrial biosphere: From global C project to global GHG project
Saunois, M.
A31B-0038Abstract Title: Decadal Trends in Global CO Emissions as Inferred from Atmospheric Inversion
Saur, J.
NG41A-1784Abstract Title: Dissipation Model for Solar Wind Turbulence by Kinetic Alfvén Waves at Electron Scales, P13E-02Abstract Title: The Ultraviolet Spectrograph on the Europa Mission (Europa-UVS), P13E-09Abstract Title: The Plasma Instrument for Magnetic Sounding (PIMS): Enabling Required Plasma Measurements for the Exploration of Europa, P31B-2068Abstract Title: Modeling Callisto's Ionosphere: Insight Into Callisto's Atmosphere, SM24A-05Abstract Title: Modelling Europa's interaction with Jupiter's magnetosphere: Influence of plumes in Europa's atmosphere on the plasma environment, SM31C-2526Abstract Title: Longitudinal and Local Time Asymmetries of Magnetospheric Turbulence in Saturn's Plasma Sheet
Saurel, J. M.
S53A-2767Abstract Title: RESIF Seismology Datacentre : Recently Released Data and New Services. Computing with Dense Seisimic Networks Data.
Saurel, J. M. M.
T33C-2946Abstract Title: Long-term deformation of the Lesser Antilles arc recorded by Late Pleistocene carbonate platforms: questioning our present knowledge of the megathrust seismic behavior. 
Saurer, M.
B51A-0400Abstract Title: A new derivatization method for δ18O analysis of individual carbohydrates with GC-Pyrolysis-IRMS
Sausen, R.
A13D-0356Abstract Title: Model studies on the global impact of aviation emissions on aerosol and climate
Saustrup, S.
ED31D-0925Abstract Title: Hands-on Marine Geology and Geophysics Field Instruction at the University of Texas
Sauter, D.
V12A-04Abstract Title: Time and Space Evolution of Detachment Faulting and Magmatism at the Ultraslow-Spreading Southwest Indian Ridge, 63.5° to 66°E., V21A-3027Abstract Title: Seismic structure of an amagmatic section of the ultra-slow spreading South West Indian Ridge: the 2014 Sismosmooth cruise
Sauthoff, W.
B22B-02Abstract Title: Ba/Ca Ratios in North Pacific Bamboo Corals Record Changes in Intermediate Water Biogeochemistry, OS23C-2033Abstract Title: Evidence For Decadal and Century Scale Climate and Oceanic Variability in the Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California, Over the Last Millenium, PP13A-2270Abstract Title: Deconstructing the Bulk Signal: Compound-Specific Nitrogen Isotopes in Marine Sediment
Sautter, B.
T51F-2969Abstract Title: A Late Cretaceous Orogen Triggering the Tertiary Rifting of the West Sunda Plate; Andaman Sea Region
Sautter, L.
OS21A-1959Abstract Title: Geomorphology of the Southwest Coast of County Cork, Ireland: A Look into the Rocks, Folds, and Glacial Scours
Sautter, V.
P43B-2124Abstract Title: Major-Element Compositional Diversity Observed by ChemCam Along the MSL Traverse: The First Three Years, P51E-06Abstract Title: Feldspars Detected by ChemCam in Gale Crater with Implications for Future Martian Exploration
Sauvage, J.
PP41C-01Abstract Title: OXIC AND ANOXIC REGIONS OF SUBSEAFLOOR SEDIMENT, PP43A-2249Abstract Title: Sedimentary Catalysis of Radiolytic H2 Production, and Implications for Subseafloor Life, PP43A-2250Abstract Title: Iron Cycling in Sediment of the North Atlantic: Preliminary Results from R/V Knorr Expedition 223, PP43A-2251Abstract Title: Elucidating Geochemical Controls on the Concentration and Composition of Organic Carbon in Deep Pelagic Sediments, PP43A-2252Abstract Title: Correlating organic carbon concentration and composition with mineralogy in deep-sea pelagic sediments, PP43A-2254Abstract Title: Preformed Nitrate in the Glacial North Atlantic, PP43A-2258Abstract Title: Dust, Volcanic Ash, and the Evolution of the South Pacific Gyre through the Cenozoic
Sauvage, S.
A13E-0399Abstract Title: Role of Criegee Intermediates in Formation of Sulfuric Acid at BVOCs-rich Cape Corsica Site
Sauvaud, J. A.
P21A-2042Abstract Title: Altitude Dependence of Nightside Martian Suprathermal Electron Depletions as Revealed by MAVEN Observations, SM42A-08Abstract Title: 3D Ion and Electron Distribution Function Measurements from the Fast Plasma Investigation on the Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission
Sauvaud, J. A.
SA51C-2410Abstract Title: Front-end and high-voltage electronics developments for compact, dual ion-electron thermal measurements
Saux, J.
ED41A-0861Abstract Title: Mass Extinctions’ Selectivity on the Diversity of Marine Modes of Life
Sauze, J.
B22E-04Abstract Title: The impact of Carbonic Anhydrase on the partitioning of leaf and soil CO18O and COS gas exchange across scales, B54A-02Abstract Title: A new mechanistic framework to predict OCS fluxes from soils
Sava, E.
NH52A-03Abstract Title: Supervised classification of aerial imagery and multi-source data fusion for flood assessment
Savage, H. M.
MR21B-2623Abstract Title: Basal sliding in ice streams as seen through the lens of rock mechanics: an experimental study of ice-on-rock friction, MR24A-07Abstract Title: Rapid ductile afterslip from coseismic heating, T12A-06Abstract Title: Maps of Secondary Slip Structures within Fault Steps & Mechanical Models of their Development and Influence on Multifault Earthquake Ruptures, T43D-3039Abstract Title: Repeating Earthquakes Following an Mw 4.4 Earthquake Near Luther, Oklahoma, T43G-05Abstract Title: Frictional behavior of carbonate-rich sediments in subduction zones, T54B-04Abstract Title: Some like it hot: The spectrum of temperature rise during earthquakes
Savage, K. E.
B14A-02Abstract Title: The Soil Sink for Nitrous Oxide: Trivial Amount but Challenging Question, B31E-04Abstract Title: Partitioning autotrophic and heterotrophic respiration to improve simulations of terrestrial carbon fluxes and stocks, B33C-0686Abstract Title:

Spatial Heterogeneity of Greenhouse Gases at Howland Forest, Maine, B33C-0701Abstract Title: Greenhouse Gas Fluxes from Forested Wetland and Upland Soils

Savage, M. K.
DI11B-2594Abstract Title: CONSTRAINTS ON THE NATURE OF THE G-BOUNDARY IN SUBDUCTING OCEANIC LITHOSPHERE, BASED ON HIGH FREQUENCY (14 HZ) SEISMIC REFLECTION DATA, DI11B-2595Abstract Title: Seismic Probing of the Base of a Tectonic Plate from Subduction Zone to Trench Outer Rise: Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand, S31A-2716Abstract Title: Application of Phase-Weighted Stacking to Low-Frequency Earthquakes near the Alpine Fault, Central Southern Alps, New Zealand, S41B-2748Abstract Title: Using Ambient Seismic Noise to Monitor Post-Seismic Relaxation After the 2010 M7.1 Darfield Earthquake, New Zealand, S51D-2738Abstract Title: Microseismicity in the Ngatamariki Geothermal Field, Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand: Determination and Application of a Matched-Filter Threshold, T11G-03Abstract Title: Extreme Hydrothermal Conditions Near an Active Geological Fault, DFDP-2B Borehole, Alpine Fault, New Zealand, T21D-2855Abstract Title: Three-Dimensional Vp Imaging Across the Interseismically Locked Southern Hikurangi Margin, Wellington, New Zealand, T23D-2980Abstract Title: Anisotropic Velocity Structure near the Alpine Fault, New Zealand, from Shear Wave Splitting of Local Earthquakes
Savage, P.
V52AAbstract Title: Highly Siderophile and Strongly Chalcophile Elements in High-Temperature Geochemistry and Cosmochemistry I, V53BAbstract Title: Highly Siderophile and Strongly Chalcophile Elements in High-Temperature Geochemistry and Cosmochemistry II Posters
Savage, P. S.
V23DAbstract Title: Chemical and Dynamical Constraints on the Formation and Evolution of the Terrestrial Planets I, V33AAbstract Title: Chemical and Dynamical Constraints on the Formation and Evolution of the Terrestrial Planets II Posters, V53B-3137Abstract Title: The behaviour of copper isotopes during igneous processes
Savage, S. L.
SH13CAbstract Title: Status and Challenges in Coronal Heating: Theory, Observations, and Simulation of Physical Processes in Open Field Regions Posters, SH43B-2458Abstract Title: The Marshall Grazing Incidence X-ray Spectrometer (MaGIXS)
Savalle, R.
IN41A-1691Abstract Title: Sharing Low Frequency Radio Emissions in the Virtual Observatory: Application for JUNO-Ground-Radio Observations Support.
Savani, N.
SH11B-2388Abstract Title: Modeling Magnetic Flux-Ropes Structures, SH42AAbstract Title: Evolution of Solar Wind Transients through the Heliosphere and Associated Space Weather Effects I, SH53AAbstract Title: Evolution of Solar Wind Transients through the Heliosphere and Associated Space Weather Effects II Posters, SH53A-2470Abstract Title: Determining the significance of CME evolutionary effects during interplanetary propagation for Bz forecasting, SM13F-02Abstract Title: Simplified solutions to predicting the magnetic vectors within CMEs.
Savard, G.
S33E-05Abstract Title: Aseismic moment release associated with rapid tremor reversals in Cascadia, T22C-06Abstract Title: Magnitudes and Moment-Duration Scaling of Low-Frequency Earthquakes Beneath Southern Vancouver Island
Savarino, J. P.
B13G-0720Abstract Title: Characterization of Atmospheric Nitrate Dynamics in a Sub-Alpine Watershed Using Δ17O and δ15N
Savary, S.
H23E-1624Abstract Title: Comparison of Two Conceptually Different Physically-based Hydrological Models – Looking Beyond Streamflows
Savaud, J. A.
P31E-2101Abstract Title: The Evolution of Comet 67P as Seen by a Mass-Resolving Ion Spectrometer
Savcheva, A. S.
SH13A-2434Abstract Title: Laboratory Identification of MHD Eruption Criteria in the Solar Corona, SH43A-2422Abstract Title: 3D Model of Slip-Running Reconnection on Solar Sigmoidal Regions, SH51B-2444Abstract Title: Towards a Data-Optimized Coronal Magnetic Field Model (DOC-FM): Simulating Flux Ropes with the Flux Rope Insertion Method
Save, H.
G41B-03Abstract Title: Progress towards daily "swath" solutions from GRACE, H21B-1355Abstract Title: Assessing Drought Impacts on Water Storage using GRACE Satellites and Regional Groundwater Modeling in the Central Valley of California, H41FAbstract Title: Remote Sensing and Modeling of Water Resources I Posters, H42D-03Abstract Title: The Potential for Forecasting Water Cycle Extremes with GRACE, H44FAbstract Title: Remote Sensing and Modeling of Water Resources II, H53L-01Abstract Title: Establishing the Framework for Land Data Assimilation of GRACE Terrestrial Water Storage Information, U32A-02Abstract Title: Role of Soils in Hydrologic Response to Climate Extremes and Land Use Change
Savelyev, I. B.
A43C-0288Abstract Title: Mapping global sea spray aerosol production with satellite microwave radiometers
Savenije, H.
H14C-01Abstract Title: Influence of soil and climate on root zone storage capacity, H24D-06Abstract Title: Transit Time Distributions, Legacy Contamination and Variability in Biogeochemical 1/f^α Scaling: How are Hydrological Response Dynamics Linked to Water Quality at the Catchment Scale?, H31D-1441Abstract Title: Evolution of Root Zone Storage after Land Use Change, H33E-1660Abstract Title: How uncertain are the process parameterizations in our models?
Savi, S.
EP31B-1013Abstract Title: Linking hydrologic and bedload transport models to simulate fluvial response to changing precipitation, EP41A-0910Abstract Title: Ages and potential drivers of fluvial fill terrace formation in the southern-central Andes, NW Argentina, T12B-03Abstract Title: Landscape response to late Pleistocene climate change along the Puna Plateau margin: Sediment flux and cosmogenic landslide signatures modulated by basin geometry
Savian, J. F.
T33D-2964Abstract Title: Paleomagnetic and Environmental Magnetic Insights into the Middle to Late Pleistocene Stratigraphy of the 8o North Bengal Fan Transect, IODP Expedition 354
Savin, D. W.
SH21A-2366Abstract Title: Modeling Plasmas with a Kappa Electron Energy Distribution
Savoini, P.
SM21C-07Abstract Title: Origin of the Ion Foreshock in a Quasi-perpendicular Curved Collisionless Shock: Particles Trajectory Analysis in 2D PIC Simulations, SM21C-09Abstract Title: Observations and Simulations of the Interaction of Magnetic Clouds with the Bow Shock and Implications for their Couplings to the Magnetosphere
Savonis, M.
GC21E-06Abstract Title: States at Risk: America’s Preparedness Report Card
Savov, I. P.
DI13A-2625Abstract Title: Geochemistry of Volcanic Rocks from International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) Site 1438, Amami Sankaku Basin: Implications for Izu-Bonin-Mariana (IBM) Arc Initiation
Savoy, H.
H13A-1478Abstract Title: A Task-Oriented Perspective on the Role of Hydrogeological Heterogeneity in Transport Modeling, H13E-1589Abstract Title: Using Methods of Dimension Reduction to Expand Data Integration and Reduce Uncertainty in Hydrological and Geophysical Parameters
Savoy, P.
B21G-0553Abstract Title: The Use of Leaf Functional Traits for Modeling the Timing and Rate of Canopy Development
Savre, J.
A24C-03Abstract Title: The Influence of Free Tropospheric Aerosol on the Boundary Layer Aerosol Budget in the Arctic
Savtchenko, A.
A41I-0182Abstract Title: Evaluation of Cloud and Aerosol Screening of Early Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 (OCO-2) Observations with Collocated MODIS Cloud Mask
Sawa, Y.
A41I-0169Abstract Title: Characteristics of Four-years of GOSAT/TANSO-FTS TIR V1.0 CO2 and CH4 Products
Sawada, Y.
H13B-1506Abstract Title: Ecosystem Resilience to the Millennium Drought in southeast Australia (2001-2009): Possible Mechanisms and Implications for Water Resources Management
Sawada, Y.
B53B-0552Abstract Title: Regional forest biomass estimation using ICESat/GLAS spaceborne LiDAR
Sawada, Y.
ED31C-0907Abstract Title: Outreach program by measurements of frost depth in Japan
Sawade, L.
S42B-06Abstract Title: Global lithospheric imaging using teleseismic receiver functions
Sawaengphokhai, P.
A31C-0051Abstract Title: Earth’s Radiation Budget Variability During 2015 El Nino From CERES FLASHFlux and EBAF Data.
Sawai, M.
MR33A-2649Abstract Title: Frictional properties of Blueschist under in-situ conditions and implications for fault motion
Sawakuchi, A. O.
A43F-0344Abstract Title: Biogenic Gas Generation from Organic Rich Shales of Southeastern Brazil: A Potential Contributor to Greenhouse Gas Emissions?
Sawakuchi, H. O.
A43F-0344Abstract Title: Biogenic Gas Generation from Organic Rich Shales of Southeastern Brazil: A Potential Contributor to Greenhouse Gas Emissions?
Sawamura, P.
A21I-05Abstract Title: Airborne High Spectral Resolution Lidar Measurements of Aerosol Distributions and Properties during the NASA DISCOVER-AQ Missions, A42A-02Abstract Title: Information Content and Sensitivity of the 3β+2α Lidar Measurement System for Microphysical Retrievals, A42A-03Abstract Title: Optimal Estimation Retrievals of Aerosol Microphysical Properties from High Spectral Resolution Lidar (HSRL) and Polarimeter Data
Sawano, H.
H13I-1694Abstract Title: Drought Assessment Using Tritium River Water Measurements for Existing Dam Infrastructure in the Ishikari River basin, Japan
Sawant, A. D.
T13A-2967Abstract Title: Re-using terrane boundaries in supercontinent cycles –evaluating an Indo-Antarctica contact in Rodinia and Gondwanaland
Sawazaki, K.
S34B-07Abstract Title: Depth-dependence of time-lapse seismic velocity change detected by a joint interferometric analysis of vertical array data
Sawicka, J. E.
C33F-03Abstract Title: Methane distribution in porewaters of the Eastern Siberian Shelf Sea – chemical, acoustic, and video observations
Sawicz, K. A.
H31M-02Abstract Title: On the Usefulness of Hydrologic Landscapes for Hydrologic Model Calibration and Selection, H53A-1634Abstract Title: An Analysis of Historic and Projected Climate Scenarios in the Western United States Using Hydrologic Landscape Classification
Sawlan, M. G.
V41C-3089Abstract Title: Pulsed Eruptions of the Sentinel Bluffs Member, Grande Ronde Basalt, Determined from Geochemical and Paleomagnetic Characterizations of Lava Flows
Sawyer, A.
EP41E-07Abstract Title: Flood duration and chute cutoff formation in a wandering gravel-bed river
Sawyer, A. H.
H21F-1450Abstract Title: A Numerical Model of Deuterium and Oxygen-18 Diffusion in the Confined Lower Wilcox Aquifer of the Lower Mississippi Valley (USA), H31K-02Abstract Title: Impact of Spatial Permeability Distribution Characteristics on Hyporheic Flow Using a Physical System and Simulations, H41I-04Abstract Title: Nitrogen removal and production within transient storage zones in a freshwater tidal environment, Delaware, U.S.A., H42B-06Abstract Title: A tale of two interfaces: Dynamic nitrate removal in the hyporheic zone of a tidal fresh river
Sawyer, D. S.
T33D-2970Abstract Title: Seafloor surface processes and subsurface paleo-channel unconformities mapped using multi-channel seismic and multi-beam sonar data from the Galicia 3D seismic experiment.
Sawyer, D.
EP14BAbstract Title: Submarine Landslides and Their Consequences: A Multidisciplinary and Integrative Approach I, EP23DAbstract Title: Submarine Landslides and Their Consequences: A Multidisciplinary and Integrative Approach II Posters, EP23D-0997Abstract Title: Links and Feedbacks between Salt Diapirs, Hydrates, and Submarine Landslides: Example from Cape Fear, offshore North Carolina, U.S.A., OS21A-1968Abstract Title: Non-destructive X-ray Computed Tomography (XCT) Analysis of Sediment Variance in Marine Cores, OS23D-05Abstract Title: Gas migration in the Terrebonne Basin gas hydrate system, Gulf of Mexico
Sawyer, T. L.
T31A-2829Abstract Title: Quaternary Expression of Northern Great Valley Faults and Folds: Accommodating North-South Contraction between the Sierran Microplate and Oregon Block
Sawyer, V. R.
A33B-0155Abstract Title: Interaction between aerosol and the planetary boundary layer depth at sites in the US and China
Sax, D. F.
B41E-0483Abstract Title: Remote Sensing of Climate-Driven Range Shifts of Vegetation across North American Mountain Ranges, GC11E-1066Abstract Title: Climate change and early human land-use in a biodiversity hotspot, the Afromontane region
Saxe, S.
H21D-1398Abstract Title: Linear Modeling and Evaluation of Controls on Flow Response in Western Post-Fire Watersheds, NH31A-1884Abstract Title: Determinants of Post-fire Water Quality in the Western United States
Saxena, P.
A33H-0274Abstract Title: Scavenging of urban air emissions by Fog at Delhi, India
Saxton, H.
GC53I-05Abstract Title: Bioadvection of mercury from the Great Salt Lake to surrounding terrestrial ecosystems
Saya, A.
B13A-0585Abstract Title: Simplified data assimilation for simulating wet deposition distribution of radioactive materials in FDNPP accident
Sayama, T.
H43I-1673Abstract Title: Classification of River Basins by Recurrent Temporal Patterns of Storage and Runoff, NH13D-1969Abstract Title: Values of Flood Hazard Mapping for Disaster Risk Assessment and Communication
Sayanagi, K. M.
P11BAbstract Title: Science from Current and Future Planetary Instruments and Missions Posters, P31GAbstract Title: Jove You Inside Out: Giant Planet Interiors, Atmospheres, Aurorae, and Ionospheres I, P41BAbstract Title: Jove You Inside Out: Giant Planet Interiors, Atmospheres, Aurorae, and Ionospheres II Posters, P41B-2055Abstract Title: HST and ground-based observations of bright storms on Uranus during 2014-2015.
Sayani, H. R.
PP13D-02Abstract Title: Central Tropical Pacific SST and Salinity Variability over the Little Ice Age, PP53B-2329Abstract Title: Favia Corals: a New Paleoclimate Archive
Sayde, C.
H13KAbstract Title: Understanding Hydrogeophysical States and Fluxes: Connecting Point Scale Information with Remote Sensing Posters, H23B-1582Abstract Title: Actively Heated Fiber Optics for Distributed Soil Moisture Measurements: Addressing Field Calibration and Spatial Variability, H43C-1508Abstract Title: Characterizing dynamic processes in the Critical Zone: Crazy new tools provide crazy new insights
Sayde, C.
H13K-1729Abstract Title: Recent Developments in Active and Passive Distributed Temperature Sensing for Soil Moisture Monitoring
Sayemuzzaman, M.
GC51E-1129Abstract Title: Multivariate Statistical Analysis of Water Quality data in Indian River Lagoon, Florida
Sayer, A. M.
A21C-0131Abstract Title: New Global Deep Blue Aerosol Product over Land and Ocean from VIIRS, and Its comparisons with MODIS, A23L-01Abstract Title: NASA's New 'Deep Blue' Aerosol Products From The NPP-VIIRS Sensor, A31D-0074Abstract Title: Spatial and Temporal Characteristics of Aerosols from Collection 6 Aqua and Terra MODIS e-Deep Blue Products, A31D-0082Abstract Title: Analysis of the Interaction and Transport of Aerosols with Cloud or Fog in East Asia from AERONET and Satellite Remote Sensing: 2012 DRAGON Campaigns and Climatological Data, A33L-0371Abstract Title: Validation of the New VIIRS Deep Blue Algorithm with AERONET in Dust Source and Sink Regions
Sayers, J.
ED11C-0862Abstract Title: Exploring deliberate mentoring approaches aimed at improving the recruitment and persistence of undergraduate women in the geosciences
Saygin, E.
S23C-2721Abstract Title: Seismic Structure of Southeast Asia from Full Waveform Seismic Ambient Noise Tomography, S33A-2745Abstract Title: Seismic Characterization of the Jakarta Basin
Sayit, K.
V23B-3152Abstract Title: Early Late Triassic Subduction in the Northern Branch of Neotethys?: Petrological and Paleontological Constraints from the middle Carnian basalts in the Lycian Nappes
Sayler, K. L.
GC12C-01Abstract Title: Moving from pixels to parcels: Modeling agricultural scenarios in the northern Great Plains using a hybrid raster- and vector-based approach
Saylor, J. E.
T33G-03Abstract Title: Geodynamic Drivers of Vertical Crustal Motion: Integrating Paleoaltimetry with Basin Development in the Central Andean Plateau of Southern Peru, V52C-02Abstract Title: Quantifying comparison of large detrital geochronology data sets, V53D-3151Abstract Title: Coarse Grain Progradation in a Foreland basin: Application of Detrital Zircon Double Dating to Cenozoic Stratigraphy, Eastern Cordillera, Colombia., V53D-3152Abstract Title: Discriminating Sediment Supply Versus Accommodation Controls on Late Cretaceous Foreland Basin Stratigraphic Architecture in the Book Cliffs, Central Utah Using Double Dating
Saylor, P. L.
PP33A-2269Abstract Title: Investigating the ‘Iron Hypothesis’ in the North Pacific: Trans-Pacific Dust and Methanesulfonate (MSA) in the Denali Ice Core, Alaska
Sayre, T. M.
T23C-2958Abstract Title: Local Thrust Faulting Along the Southern Hayward Fault in Fremont, California
Sayres, D. S.
B41H-08Abstract Title: Observing the Arctic Carbon Feedback: Regional scale methane flux measurements over the Alaskan North Slope using airplane flux observations and in situ measurements of δ13CH4., B43E-0608Abstract Title: Methane Flux Measurements from a Low Flying Aircraft: What they tell us about Regional Heterogeneity in Carbon Flux over the North Slope of Alaska
Sazib, N. S.
H54A-08Abstract Title: Enhancements to TauDEM to support Rapid Watershed Delineation Services
Sazykin, S. Y.
SA23E-01Abstract Title: OpenGGCM-RCM modeling of SAPS events, SA23E-03Abstract Title: Dynamics of Subauroral Polarization Stream (SAPS) Structures, SA23E-05Abstract Title: Stormtime impact on the ionosphere/plasmasphere system: Campaign events, SA41C-03Abstract Title: Predictive Model of CME Impact on the Ionosphere/Plasmasphere System, SA44A-07Abstract Title: Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling During the June 22-24, 2015 Magnetic Storm, SM41C-2498Abstract Title: Investigating storm-time magnetospheric electrodynamics: Multi-spacecraft observations of the June 22, 2015 magnetic storm, SM41E-2530Abstract Title: RCM-E Simulation of the Storm-Time Inner Magnetosphere and Comparison with Van Allen Probes Observations, SM41J-04Abstract Title: Plasma Transport in Saturn’s Inner Magnetosphere: Transition from Small-scale to Large-scale Interchange Convection Cells, SM53A-04Abstract Title: Effect of Precipitating Electrons on Stormtime Inner Magnetospheric Electric Fields during the 17 March 2013 Storm
Scagliola, M.
C41A-0682Abstract Title: CryoSat Mission over Polar Region: Data quality status and product evolutions
Scaife, A. A.
A33M-0399Abstract Title: A Multi-System View of Wintertime NAO Seasonal Predictions.
Scaini, A.
H42F-06Abstract Title: Searching for the Dominant Subsurface Flowpath at the Hillslope Scale
Scala, A.
S51B-2673Abstract Title: Rupture Dynamics Simulations Along Subduction Zones: Bimaterial Interfaces and Free Surface Interaction, S51B-2680Abstract Title: Towards inclusion of dynamic slip features in stochastic models for probabilistic (tsunami) hazard analysis.
Scales, M. M.
S13B-2808Abstract Title: Characterization of the 2015 Dallas-Irving Earthquake Sequence, S13B-2809Abstract Title: Characterization of the 2015 M4.0 Venus, Texas, Earthquake Sequence Using Locally Recorded Seismic Data, S21C-06Abstract Title: Comparison Study between North Texas Earthquake Sequences from 2008-2015
Scales, W.
SM23B-2563Abstract Title: Extreme Driving of Reverse Convection During Strongly Northward Interplanetary Magnetic Field
Scalice, D.
ED11E-0874Abstract Title: FameLab: A Communication Skills-Building Program Disguised as an International Competition, ED53D-0871Abstract Title: Evaluate the Impact of your Education and Outreach Program Using the Quantitative Collaborative Impact Analysis Method
Scalone, L.
A51S-04Abstract Title: Investigation of Atmospheric Chemistry in the Tropical UTLS with NASA’s Global Hawk UAS during ATTREX
Scalzitti, J.
A41D-0086Abstract Title: Simulation of Historical and Future Precipitation over the Wasatch
Scamardo, J. E.
EP33A-1061Abstract Title: The Origin and Age of Scallop Floodplain Benches from Difficult Run, Fairfax County, Virginia.
Scambelluri, M.
T21E-2893Abstract Title: Serpentinite-driven Exhumation of the UHP Lago di Cignana Unit in the Fossil Alpine Plate Interface, V14C-06Abstract Title: Carbonation of Subduction Interface Ultramafic Rocks and Implications for Deep Carbon Cycling: Evidence from Hybrid Serpentinite-Marble in the Voltri Massif, Italy
Scambos, T.
C21A-0707Abstract Title: Measuring Changes in the Vicinity of the Seal Nunataks Ice Shelf Remnant from Imagery and Altimetry, C21A-0709Abstract Title: Is the Wilkins Ice Shelf a Firn Aquifer? Spaceborne Observation of Subsurface Winter Season Liquid Meltwater Storage on the Antarctic Peninsula using Multi-Frequency Active and Passive Microwave Remote Sensing, C32B-06Abstract Title: Progress on a Landsat 8 Image Mosaic of Antarctica and Early Applications, C41D-0740Abstract Title: Shape-from-shading using Landsat 8 and airborne laser altimetry over ice sheets: toward new regional DEMs of Greenland and Antarctica, C43E-08Abstract Title: Seasonal ice flow patterns as indicators of subglacial hydrology on the Greenland Ice Sheet, C53C-0794Abstract Title: What Can We Learn About Glaciers and Ice Sheets From 30 Years of Landsat Imagery?, GC51A-1077Abstract Title: Greenland Ice Sheet glacier motion and ice loss: New understanding of ice sheet behavior through remote sensing
Scambos, T. A.
C22A-06Abstract Title: Complex Wind-Induced Variations of Surface Snow Accumulation Rates over East Antarctica, C22B-01Abstract Title: Surface Roughness and Snow Accumulation in East Antarctica, C23C-0799Abstract Title: The Surface Mass Balance of the Antarctic Peninsula at 5.5 km horizontal resolution, as simulated by a regional atmospheric climate model, C24A-01Abstract Title: Comprehensive Mapping of Ice Flow From Landsat 8: Two Years of Surging and Seasonal Change for Alaska’s Glaciers, and Counting…, C41D-0749Abstract Title: Improved Antarctic Sub-ice Bed Topography from Ice Surface Morphology and Velocity, C53C-0795Abstract Title: New Landsat-based Ice Velocity Mosaics of Antarctica, G31A-1102Abstract Title: Surface Mass Balance Contributions to Acceleration of Antarctic Ice Mass Loss during 2003- 2013, IN11A-1771Abstract Title: The Greenland Ice Mapping Project, PA13A-2179Abstract Title: Supporting decisions through the Study of Environmental Arctic Change (SEARCH) Program: A History and Way Forward
Scandella, B.
B51F-0485Abstract Title: Spatiotemporal signature of methane venting from lake sediments: from lab to field scale
Scanlan, A. R.
OS11A-2007Abstract Title: Mixing and Across-Boundary Layer Transport in Colliding Internal Solitary Waves
Scanlon, B. R.
GC33C-1292Abstract Title: Present-day groundwater recharge estimation in parts of the Indian Sub-Continent, H11HAbstract Title: Progress in Large-Scale Modeling and Remote Sensing of the Water Cycle in a Changing World I Posters, H11LAbstract Title: Assessing Water Footprint and the Impact of Water Quality on Water Availability I, H12G-02Abstract Title: Can We Mitigate Climate Extremes using Managed Aquifer Recharge: Case Studies California Central Valley and South-Central Arizona, USA , H13RAbstract Title: Progress in Large-Scale Modeling and Remote Sensing of the Water Cycle in a Changing World II, H14BAbstract Title: Drought, Groundwater Management, and Long-Term Groundwater Sustainability in the Western United States: Assessment, Monitoring, Modeling, Planning, Management, and Policy I, H21BAbstract Title: Drought, Groundwater Management, and Long-Term Groundwater Sustainability in the Western United States: Assessment, Monitoring, Modeling, Planning, Management, and Policy II Posters, H21B-1355Abstract Title: Assessing Drought Impacts on Water Storage using GRACE Satellites and Regional Groundwater Modeling in the Central Valley of California, H31EAbstract Title: Environmental Impacts of Hydraulic Fracturing: Processes, Monitoring, Stewardship, and Solutions I Posters, H31E-1459Abstract Title: Comparison of Water Demand for Hydraulic Fracturing relative to Energy Production in Major U.S. Shale Oil Plays, H34CAbstract Title: Environmental Impacts of Hydraulic Fracturing: Processes, Monitoring, Stewardship, and Solutions II, H41FAbstract Title: Remote Sensing and Modeling of Water Resources I Posters, H43B-1485Abstract Title: Drought Impacts on Reservoir Storage and Hydro-electricity Production in Southeastern Brazil, H44FAbstract Title: Remote Sensing and Modeling of Water Resources II, H44F-06Abstract Title: Global analysis of approaches for deriving total water storage changes from GRACE satellites and implications for groundwater storage change estimation, U32A-02Abstract Title: Role of Soils in Hydrologic Response to Climate Extremes and Land Use Change
Scanlon, B. R.
U32A-02Abstract Title: Role of Soils in Hydrologic Response to Climate Extremes and Land Use Change
Scanlon, T. M.
GC42B-07Abstract Title: Evidence of Fire-Induced Rainfall Modification in sub-Saharan Africa, GC42B-08Abstract Title: The Impact of Fire on Energy Balance in Southern African Savanna Ecosystems: Implications of Climate Change, H32D-08Abstract Title: Sulfur Mass Balances of Forested Catchments: Improving Predictions of Stream Sulfate Concentrations Through Better Representation of Soil Storage and Release, H54B-03Abstract Title: A dynamic, non-steady state approach for paritioning of soil evaporation and plant water use at landscape scales
Scanza, R.
A21L-08Abstract Title: Dust Composition in Climate Models: Current Status and Prospects
Scarascia, L.
PA41A-2160Abstract Title: Management of the Mediterranean Coast in Climate Change Scenarios
Scardia, G.
GP43D-01Abstract Title: The Jaramillo Bottleneck for Migration of Hominins with Megaherbivores Into Europe via the Danube-Po Gateway, GP51B-1335Abstract Title: Magnetostratigraphy Of The Pleistocene Arda River Section (Northern Italy), PP23E-05Abstract Title: Indus-wide C4 expansion between 7-6 Ma: an IODP Expedition 355 discovery
Scarino, A. J.
A21I-05Abstract Title: Airborne High Spectral Resolution Lidar Measurements of Aerosol Distributions and Properties during the NASA DISCOVER-AQ Missions, A32D-05Abstract Title: Spatial Distribution of Aerosols in Four U.S. Regions: Impacts on Satellite Measurements
Scarino, B. R.
GC53F-1265Abstract Title: Sensitivity of Satellite-Based Skin Temperature to Different Surface Emissivity and NWP Reanalysis Sources Demonstrated Using a Single-Channel, Viewing-Angle-Corrected Retrieval Algorithm
Scarlato, P.
S53D-07Abstract Title: Coupled High Speed Imaging and Seismo-Acoustic Recordings of Strombolian Explosions at Etna, July 2014: Implications for Source Processes and Signal Inversions., V43E-01Abstract Title: Slugs and Plugs: the Role of Conduit Boundary Conditions in Shaping Strombolian Explosive Activity, V43E-02Abstract Title: Precursors and transitions in explosive activity at Stromboli (Aeolian Islands) and implications for shallow vent processes, V43E-03Abstract Title: A Mouthful of Dirt: Feedbacks Between the Presence and Nature of In-Vent Debris and the Dynamics of Strombolian Explosions, V43E-06Abstract Title: Vesiculation Processes During Transient and Sustained Explosive Activity at Halema‘uma‘u Crater, Kīlauea in 2008-2013., V51D-3058Abstract Title: Dynamics of strombolian eruptions at Batu Tara volcano (Indonesia), V51E-3077Abstract Title: Effect of particle volume fraction on the settling velocity of volcanic ash particles: implications for ash dispersion models, V51F-3087Abstract Title: Game of thrown bombs in 3D: using high speed cameras and photogrammetry techniques to reconstruct bomb trajectories at Stromboli (Italy)
Scarratt, M. G.
OS13A-2020Abstract Title: Dust in an acidified ocean: iron bioavailability, phytoplankton growth and DMS
Scarth, P.
B21D-0479Abstract Title: Characterising Vegetation Structural and Functional Differences Across Australian Ecosystems From a Network of Terrestrial Laser Scanning Survey Sites and Airborne and Satellite Image Archives
Scarth, P.
B21D-0483Abstract Title: Continental Scale Vegetation Structure Mapping Using Field Calibrated Landsat, ALOS Palsar And GLAS ICESat
Scatena, F. N.
EP33D-07Abstract Title: How Saharan Dust Slows River Knickpoints: Coupling Vegetation Canopy, Soils and the Foundation of the Critical Zone
Scavia, D.
IN33C-1812Abstract Title: Adaptive, real-time hypoxia measurements using an autonomous boat
Schaack, T.
A21J-05Abstract Title: Development of an Aura Chemical Reanalysis in support Air Quality Applications
Schaaf, C.
B21G-0546Abstract Title: Phenological monitoring of Acadia National Park using Landsat, MODIS and VIIRS observations and fused data, B43D-0592Abstract Title: Flux tower in a mixed forest: spatial representativeness of seasonal footprints and the influence of land cover variability on the flux measurement, B51I-05Abstract Title: Quantifying Ecosystem Structural Components with Highly Portable Lidar, B53B-0555Abstract Title: Developing a global mixed-canopy, height-variable vegetation structure dataset for estimating global vegetation albedo and biomass in the NASA Ent Terrestrial Biosphere Model and GISS GCM, B54D-02Abstract Title: the Role of Species, Structure, and Biochemical Traits in the Spatial Distribution of a Woodland Community, PP33A-2273Abstract Title: Developing a Validated Long-Term Satellite-Based Albedo Record in the Central Alaska Range to Improve Regional Hydroclimate Reconstructions
Schaaf, C. L.
GC11B-1031Abstract Title: Initial Results from an Atmospheric Validation of Urban Greenhouse Gas Budget Estimates for the US Northeast Corridor
Schaaf, P. E. G.
V43B-3119Abstract Title: Magmatic activity at Islas Marias Archipelago, Gulf of California: Oceanic lithosphere with gabbroic sills versus Jurassic-Cretaceous arc components.
Schaal, M.
AE21A-03Abstract Title: Positron density enhancements recorded within a thunderstorm by ADELE, AE21A-04Abstract Title: An Intense Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flash Observed at Ground Level
Schaap, D.
IN21D-1721Abstract Title: Ocean Data Interoperability Platform (ODIP): developing a common framework for marine data management on a global scale
Schaap, M. G.
EP31B-1009Abstract Title: Probabilistic modeling of soil development variability with time, H13A-1487Abstract Title: Data Assimilation for Vadose Zone Flow Modeling Using the Ensemble Kalman Filter, H41D-1345Abstract Title: Pore-scale Simulations of Capillary Trapping of Supercritical CO2 after Multiple Drainage and Imbibition Cycles
Schaap, M.
B41I-04Abstract Title: Interaction between isoprene and ozone fluxes at ecosystem level in a poplar plantation and its impact at European level
Schade, G. W.
A21A-0065Abstract Title: Air Quality at a Ranch Site in the Western Part of the Eagle Ford shale
Schade, J. D.
B11G-0519Abstract Title: Photooxidation and Microbial Processing of Ancient and Modern Dissolved Organic Carbon in the Kolyma River, Siberia., B21H-0582Abstract Title: Restoration of Tidal Flow to Impounded Salt Marsh Exerts Mixed Effect on Leaf Litter Decomposition, B31D-0592Abstract Title: Analysis of Terrestrial Carbon Stocks in a Small Catchment of Northeastern Siberia, B54C-04Abstract Title: Nitrate loading and CH4 and N2O Flux from headwater streams
Schaebitz, F.
PP13B-2288Abstract Title: Climate variability and volcanic history of the Eastern Romanian Carpathians since early MIS 3 recorded in sediments from Mohoş crater, PP13B-2293Abstract Title: Holocene evolution of the River Nile drainage system as revealed from the Lake Dendi sediment record, central Ethiopian highlands, PP13B-2294Abstract Title: Chew Bahir: A Key Site within the Hominin Sites and Paleolakes Drilling Project, towards a Half Million-Year Climate Record from Southern Ethiopia
Schaedel, C.
B31DAbstract Title: Vulnerability of Permafrost Carbon to Climate Change I Posters, B31D-0603Abstract Title: Strategizing a Comprehensive Laboratory Protocol to Determine the Decomposability of Soil Organic Matter in Permafrost, B41JAbstract Title: Vulnerability of Permafrost Carbon to Climate Change II, B41J-06Abstract Title: Carbon and Nitrogen cycling in a permafrost soil profile, B42CAbstract Title: Vulnerability of Permafrost Carbon to Climate Change III, B42C-08Abstract Title: A simplified, data-constrained approach to estimate the permafrost carbon-climate feedback: The PCN Incubation-Panarctic Thermal (PInc-PanTher) Scaling Approach, B43MAbstract Title: Vulnerability of Permafrost Carbon to Climate Change IV, B44DAbstract Title: Vulnerability of Permafrost Carbon to Climate Change V
Schaef, T.
MR41A-2621Abstract Title: CO2 Driven Mineral Transformations in Fractured Reservoir, OS22B-05Abstract Title: Preferential accumulation of gas hydrate in the Andaman accretionary wedge and relationship to anomalous porosity preservation
Schaefer, B. F.
DI41A-2600Abstract Title: Os isotope evidence for a differentiated plume head reservoir for the Ontong Java Nui source, V43A-3105Abstract Title: Southward Ejection of Subcontinental Lithosphere and large-scale Asthenospheric Enrichment beneath central Chile resulting from Flat Subduction
Schaefer, D.
H12F-05Abstract Title: Propagation of model and forcing uncertainty into hydrological drought characteristics in a multi-model century-long experiment in continental river basins, H23F-1637Abstract Title: Regionalized Hydrologic Parameters Estimates for a Seamless Prediction of Continental scale Water Fluxes and States, IN11B-1777Abstract Title: Multi-Objective vs. Single Objective Calibration of a Hydrologic Model using Either Different Hydrologic Signatures or Complementary Data Sources
Schaefer, H.
A23J-01Abstract Title: Ice core measurements of 14CH4 constrain the sources of atmospheric methane increase during abrupt warming events of the last deglaciation
Schaefer, J. R.
V32A-04Abstract Title: Diverse Water-Magma Interactions In The Conduit And Column During The 2008 Okmok Eruption, Alaska
Schaefer, J.
B14C-01Abstract Title: Mercury Methylation in Alaskan Peatlands Spanning a Large Range of Trophic Structure, GC51F-1162Abstract Title: Trophic Status Controls Mercury Methylation Pathways in Northern Peats
Schaefer, J. M.
C14A-08Abstract Title: Quantifying Sub-Glacial Abrasion at Jakobshavn Isbræ: A Novel Approach Using In Situ 10Be Measurements, GC14C-05Abstract Title: ICE-FREE GREENLAND DURING THE MID-PLEISTOCENE?, NH23D-04Abstract Title: Hazard Potential of Volcanic Flank Collapses Raised by New Megatsunami Evidence, PP33A-2290Abstract Title: Ice Sheet Evolution and Deglaciation Chronology of Southwestern Spitsbergen Illuminated by Three-Nuclide Surface-Exposure Dating (26Al, 10Be, and 14C).
Schaefer, K. M.
A52C-07Abstract Title: Continent-Wide Decrease of Stomatal Conductance in Vegetation During Large Droughts of the Recent Decade, B11N-08Abstract Title:  Global Patterns of Drought Recovery, B14B-08Abstract Title: Millennial-scale drivers of carbon storage and flux in terrestrial ecosystem models, B21M-07Abstract Title: Nitrogen Dynamics are a Key Factor in Explaining Global Land Carbon Sink, B31D-0579Abstract Title: Building a Permafrost Forecasting System, B42C-06Abstract Title: Temperature Increase due to the Permafrost Carbon Feedback, B42C-08Abstract Title: A simplified, data-constrained approach to estimate the permafrost carbon-climate feedback: The PCN Incubation-Panarctic Thermal (PInc-PanTher) Scaling Approach, GC23J-1220Abstract Title: Realizing the full potential of Remotely Sensed Active Layer Thickness (ReSALT) Products, H33L-08Abstract Title: Disentangling climatic and anthropogenic controls on global terrestrial evapotranspiration trends
Schaefer, L. K.
MR33D-08Abstract Title: Metal-silicate partitioning during core formation on super-Earths
Schaefer, L. N.
G41A-1014Abstract Title: InSAR observations of ground surface deformation and lava flow emplacement at Pacaya volcano, Guatemala
Schaefer, M.
C13B-0806Abstract Title: Glaciological massbalance measurements on the Mocho Glacier in the Chilean lake district
Schaefer, M.
B23E-0639Abstract Title: Impacts of Seasonal Flooding on Arsenic Release in Tropical River Deltas, B53G-0644Abstract Title: Greenhouse Gas Emissions within Seasonally Flooded Tropical River Deltas
Schaefer, M.
B21D-0479Abstract Title: Characterising Vegetation Structural and Functional Differences Across Australian Ecosystems From a Network of Terrestrial Laser Scanning Survey Sites and Airborne and Satellite Image Archives
Schaefer, R. K.
IN33E-07Abstract Title: High-Level Location Based Search Services That Improve Discoverability of Geophysical Data in the Virtual ITM Observatory, SA24A-03Abstract Title: GUVI and SSUSI Observations of the St. Patrick's Day Storms, SA33A-02Abstract Title: UV Observations of Hemispheric Asymmetry, SH51B-2450Abstract Title: LEO Plasma Modeling Augmented with in-situ measurements
Schaefer, T.
H21G-1478Abstract Title: Effect of Clay Nanoparticle Transport, Desorption Kinetics and Redox Equilibrium on Radionuclide Mobility in Fractured Rock investigated at the Grimsel Test Site (Switzerland), H24A-08Abstract Title: Modelling of Tc migration in an un-oxidized fractured drill core from Äspö, Sweden
Schaeffer, A. J.
DI13C-01Abstract Title: Implications of a comprehensive, spreading-aligned plate motion reference frame in light of seismic anisotropy and global trench migration, T11D-2914Abstract Title: Seismic Tomography of the Continental United States from a Joint Inversion of Surface Waves and Body Waves, T24A-03Abstract Title: Resolving the tectonic transition between ancestral North America and the northern Cordillera, T34CAbstract Title: Multidisciplinary Constraints on the Rheology and Dynamics of the Lithosphere and Asthenosphere I, T43F-01Abstract Title: Seismic and Thermal Structure of the Arctic Lithosphere, From Waveform Tomography and Thermodynamic Modelling, T51B-2886Abstract Title: Towards High-Resolution Waveform Tomography of the North Atlantic Region, T51C-2887Abstract Title: Rayleigh-wave Tomography Study of Northwestern Canada
Schaeffer, N.
P33D-05Abstract Title: Effects of Global Rotation on the Mean-Field Magnetohydrodynamics of the Derviche Tourneur Sodium (DTS) Experiment
Schaeffer, N.
A23K-06Abstract Title: A Decade of Surface Solar Radiation Deposition Across the Pacific Northwest, GC51H-03Abstract Title: The Character and Variability of Solar Irradiance across the U.S. Pacific Northwest
Schaeffer, S. M.
B33G-07Abstract Title: Soil carbon content and CO2 flux along a hydrologic gradient in a High-Arctic tundra lake basin, Northwest Greenland, GC13H-1260Abstract Title: Soil Physical Characteristics and Biological Indicators of Soil Quality Under Different Biodegradable Mulches
Schaefli, B.
TH22IAbstract Title: The Hydrologic Model Synthesis Project
Schaen, A.
OS42A-05Abstract Title: Temporal evolution of magmatic-hydrothermal systems in the Manus Basin, Papua New Guinea: Insights from vent fluid chemistry and bathymetric observations
Schaen, A. J.
V51G-3118Abstract Title: 4-Dimensional Insights into Silicic Magma Reservoir Assembly from Late Miocene Southern Andean Plutons
Schaepman, M. E.
B23K-01Abstract Title: Linking Land Surface Phenology and Growth Limiting Factor Shifts over the Past 30 Years, B51H-0529Abstract Title: Mapping genetic and phylogenetic diversity of a temperate forest using remote sensing based upscaling methods, B53B-0543Abstract Title: Linking Remotely Sensed Functional Diversity of Structural Traits to the Radiative Regime of a Temperate Mixed Forest, B53F-0626Abstract Title: Shifting Environmental Ranges and Biome Potential According to the Whittaker Relationship, GC12C-02Abstract Title: Spatial Differentiation of Arable Land and Permanent Grasslands to Improve a Regional Land Management Model for Nutrient Balancing
Schaepman-Strub, G.
A24D-04Abstract Title: Cloud Effects on Atmospheric Solar Absorption in Light of Most Recent Surface, Satellite, and GCM Datasets, GC11F-1084Abstract Title: Soil Warming and Fertilization Effects on Growth Ring Widths of Arctic Shrubs - Application of a Novel Dendroecological Approach.
Schaer, S.
G51A-1061Abstract Title: Handling and Estimation of GNSS Code Biases - Latest Developments at CODE
Schafer, J.
A23L-05Abstract Title: Near Real-Time Automatic Data Quality Controls for the AERONET Version 3 Database: An Introduction to the New Level 1.5V Aerosol Optical Depth Data Product, A31A-0003Abstract Title: Spectral Light Absorption and Scattering by Aerosol Particles in Central Amazonia, A31D-0082Abstract Title: Analysis of the Interaction and Transport of Aerosols with Cloud or Fog in East Asia from AERONET and Satellite Remote Sensing: 2012 DRAGON Campaigns and Climatological Data, A52E-04Abstract Title: Fog Induced Aerosol Modification Observed by AERONET, Including Occurrences During Major Air Pollution Events
Schafer, K. V.
B21H-0570Abstract Title: Soil Respiration Hotspots in Temperate Tidal Restored and Natural Wetlands, B41C-0438Abstract Title: Methane emission through ebullition from a non-vegetated estuarine mudflat: The mechanics of tide-driven water level changes, B43J-08Abstract Title: Greenhouse Gas Balance in a Restored and Natural Wetland, H13B-1499Abstract Title: Application of a tree-level hydrodynamic model to simulate plot-level transpiration in the upland oak/pine forest in New Jersey
Schäfer, M.
P42A-04Abstract Title: Ceres in Color: Surface variegation suggests a compositionally diverse landscape, P53E-2170Abstract Title: Preliminary Geological Map of the Ac-H-3 Dantu Quadrangle of Ceres: An Integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data, P53E-2171Abstract Title: Preliminary Geological Map of the Ac-H-4 Ezinu Quadrangle of Ceres: An Integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data, P53E-2172Abstract Title: Preliminary Geological Map of the Ac-H-5 Fejokoo Quadrangle of Ceres: An Integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data, P53E-2174Abstract Title: Preliminary Geological Map of the Ac-H-7 Kerwan Quadrangle of Ceres: An Integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data, P53E-2176Abstract Title: Preliminary Geological Map of the Ac-H-9 Occator Quadrangle of Ceres: An Integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data, P53E-2177Abstract Title: Preliminary Geological Maps of the Ac-H-10 Rongo and Ac-H-15 Zadeni Quadrangles: An integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data, P53E-2179Abstract Title: Preliminary Geological Map of the Ac-H-12 Toharu Quadrangle of Ceres: An Integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data, P53E-2181Abstract Title: Preliminary Geological Map of the Ac-H-14 Yalode Quadrangle of Ceres: An Integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data, P53E-2183Abstract Title: Albedo and Spectral Variability on Ceres from Four Decades of Observations
Schafer, T.
B21H-0571Abstract Title: Formulation of an organic carbon trajectory over a 10-year period on a restored spoil island in south-central Florida
Schaff, D. P.
S53B-2834Abstract Title: The Case of the 12 May 2010 Event in North Korea: the Role of Temporary Seismic Deployments as National Technical Means for CTBT Verification
Schaffartzik, A.
GC12A-03Abstract Title: Tracing trade-related telecouplings in the global land-system using the embodied human appropriation of net primary production framework
Schaffer, L. A.
V51IAbstract Title: Volatile Distribution and Cycling in the Mantle I, V53FAbstract Title: Volatile Distribution and Cycling in the Mantle II Posters, V53F-3166Abstract Title: Mantle water contents beneath the Rio Grande Rift (NM, USA): FTIR analysis of Rio Puerco and Kilbourne Hole peridotite xenoliths
Schaffer, S.
OS11A-2008Abstract Title: Online Detection of Mixed Layer Depth for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles
Schaffer-Smith, D.
H51N-1589Abstract Title: Flood Dynamics in the Sacramento Valley over the Last 30 Years: When and Where Were the Rest Stops for Shorebirds during Spring Migration?
Schaffner, D. A.
SH54A-05Abstract Title: Exploring reconnection, current sheets, and dissipation in a laboratory MHD turbulence experiment
Schaffrath, K. R.
EP41AAbstract Title: Distinguishing Climate, Tectonic, and Autogenic Drivers in Fluvial Records I Posters, EP43CAbstract Title: Distinguishing Climate, Tectonic, and Autogenic Drivers in Fluvial Records II, H11C-1347Abstract Title: Fire and Fish: Using Radiocarbon And Stratigraphy To Discern The Impact Of Wildfire On Fish Metapopulations
Schaible, M. J.
SM31B-2496Abstract Title: Modeling ion density in the exospheres of moons and other small bodies
Schaldach, R.
H13J-1721Abstract Title: Water and Land Limitations to Future Agricultural Production in the Middle East
Schaller, E. L.
ED13B-0893Abstract Title: Connecting NASA Airborne Scientists, Engineers, and Pilots to K-12 Classrooms
Schaller, M.
EP43C-03Abstract Title: Small Variation in Fluvial Denudation Rates Between Glacial-Interglacial Cycles: Insights from Paleoclimate Modeling and Cosmogenic Nuclides from European River Terraces
Schaller, M. F.
PP22B-07Abstract Title: Late Triassic tropical climate of Pangea: Carbon isotopic and other insights into the rise of dinosaurs, PP33C-2324Abstract Title: Response of shallow-water carbonates and reef systems to the Toarcian Ocean Anoxic Event (183 Ma) on the Dinaric Carbonate Platform (Slovenia)
Schaller, M. F.
PP43B-2281Abstract Title: Tight coupling between atmospheric ρCO2 and temperature change during the Late Triassic: observational evidence for enhanced climate sensitivity in a hothouse state, PP53A-2321Abstract Title: Atmospheric CO2 Amplification of Orbitally Forced Changes in the Hydrological Cycle in the Early Mesozoic
Schaller, N.
H43E-1539Abstract Title: Regional modeling sensitivity experiments for interpreting the UK Winter 2013-2014 extreme rain
Schamper, C.
B23I-08Abstract Title: Investigating the hydrological origins of Blood Falls – geomicrobiological insights into a briny subglacial Antarctic aquifer, C11C-0786Abstract Title: Identification of subsurface brines in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica, via an airborne EM resistivity survey
Schanche, N.
SH51B-2445Abstract Title: Predicting Solar Filament Eruptions with HEK Filament Metadata
Schandler, S.
PA21A-2149Abstract Title: Usability and Visual Communication for Southern California Tsunami Evacuation Information: The importance of information design in disaster risk management
Schaphoff, S.
NH13B-1927Abstract Title: Quantifying the weather-signal in national crop-yield variability
Schar, C.
A32G-02Abstract Title: Analysis of precipitation extremes using generalized extreme value theory in convection-resolving climate simulations, A33G-0262Abstract Title: Real Case Simulations of Ship Tracks in the Bay of Biscay: from the Kilometer Scale towards the GCM Scale, A34C-01Abstract Title: Towards convection-resolving climate modeling
Schardong, L.
S43C-2815Abstract Title: Local Velocity Structure from the Amplification of Surface Waves
Scharer, K. M.
S21DAbstract Title: Paleoseismic and Numerical Estimates of Earthquake Recurrence Patterns: Exploring the Coefficient of Variability of Ground-Rupturing Earthquakes I, S23AAbstract Title: Paleoseismic and Numerical Estimates of Earthquake Recurrence Patterns: Exploring the Coefficient of Variability of Ground-Rupturing Earthquakes II Posters, S23A-2696Abstract Title: Coefficient of Variation Estimates for the Plate Boundary Fault System of California, T31A-2820Abstract Title: Preliminary Paleoseismic Results from Excavations across the Surface Rupture Associated with the 2014 South Napa Earthquake, T41A-2857Abstract Title: Late Quaternary Offset of Alluvial Fan Surfaces along the Central Sierra Madre Fault, Southern California, T51H-07Abstract Title: Slip Transfer and the Growth of the Indio and Edom Hills, Southern San Andreas Fault
Scharff, L.
V23A-3077Abstract Title: Statistical Analysis of the Recent Unrest at Volcán de Colima, Mexico, Monitored With a Doppler Radar
Scharffe, D.
A41M-07Abstract Title: Long-term Airborne Black Carbon Measurements on a Lufthansa Passenger Aircraft
Scharlemann, C.
SM43A-02Abstract Title: Effect of electron ambient plasmas in reconnection jets and dipolarization fronts : MMS initial results
Schartup, A. T.
GC51F-1158Abstract Title: Biogeochemical processes driving mercury cycling in estuarine ecosystems, GC53I-08Abstract Title: Recent Advances in Understanding the Sources of Methylmercury to Coastal Waters
Schattenburg, M.
SH43B-2458Abstract Title: The Marshall Grazing Incidence X-ray Spectrometer (MaGIXS)
Schatz, J.
PA43A-2179Abstract Title: The Benefits of Using Dense Temperature Sensor Networks to Monitor Urban Warming
Schauberger, B.
NH13B-1927Abstract Title: Quantifying the weather-signal in national crop-yield variability
Schauble, E. A.
A11I-0171Abstract Title: Constructing an Atmospheric Methane Budget Using 13CH3D and CH2D2 in Sources and Sinks, PP34B-07Abstract Title: Predicting equilibrium uranium isotope fractionation in crystals and solution, V23D-05Abstract Title: Stable Isotope Evidence for Planetary Differentiation
Schauer, A. J.
PP21A-2213Abstract Title: Clumped Isotope Thermometry Reveals Variations in Soil Carbonate Seasonal Biases Over >4 km of Relief in the Semi-Arid Andes of Central Chile, PP23D-02Abstract Title: Reconciling Empirical Carbonate Clumped Isotope Calibrations: A Comparison of Calcite Precipitation and Acid Digestion Methods
Schauer, J. J.
A11B-0042Abstract Title: Contributions of Open Burning to PM2.5 in Suburban Tokyo and the Impact of Biomass Smoke on Cellular Redox Activity, A33D-0196Abstract Title: Quantification of Brown Carbon Mass Absorption Cross Section from Sources through the Application of Physical and Mathematical Segregation of Black Carbon, C32B-01Abstract Title: Neither Dust Nor Black Carbon Causing Apparent Albedo Decline in Greenland’s Dry Snow Zone; Uncorrected Sensor Degradation Impacting MODIS C5 Results
Schauffler, S.
A32F-05Abstract Title: Effects of Local and Non-Local Processes on the Aging of the Tropopause Layer and the Lower Stratosphere, A33K-0330Abstract Title: Isotopic (Re)ordering Signatures of Stratospheric and Tropospheric O2
Schaumann, G. E.
H13P-03Abstract Title: Transport of Silver Nanoparticles in Unsaturated Sand
Scheck-Wenderoth, M.
DI44B-02Abstract Title: Isostasy, Stress and Gravitational Potential Energy in the Southern Atlantic – Insights from Satellite Gravity Observations
Schecter, D.
A44D-05Abstract Title: Development and Nondevelopment of Binary Mesoscale Vortices into Tropical Cyclones in Idealized Numerical Experiments
Scheelbeek, P. F. D.
H13D-1580Abstract Title: Monitoring and Modelling of Salinity Behaviour in Drinking Water Ponds in Southern Bangladesh
Scheele, C.
IN43B-1726Abstract Title: Rasdaman for Big Spatial Raster Data
Scheeres, D. J.
P41C-2084Abstract Title: Understanding Kaula’s Rule for Small Bodies, P52A-05Abstract Title: Surface Packages for Geophysical Exploration of Small Bodies
Scheff, J.
H34D-07Abstract Title: Models and Techniques That Project an Arid Greenhouse Future Also Project a Wet Last Glacial Maximum, Contrary to Pollen and Dust Evidence
Scheffzuek, C.
MR41D-2691Abstract Title: An Approach to Model Neutron Diffraction Pattern of Uniaxial Deformed Sandstone Using Elastic Properties of Quartz
Schefuß, E.
PP11C-03Abstract Title: Alkanes, Alcohols, and Fatty Acids Record Complementary Signals in Fluvial Sediments: Insights From a Three Year Congo River Time Series, PP13A-2249Abstract Title: Stable Hydrogen Isotopic Composition of Sedimentary Plant Waxes as Quantitative Proxy for Rainfall in the West African Sahel, PP13B-2284Abstract Title: New insights into the Glacial to Holocene climatic evolution of Southern Patagonia from lacustrine lipid biomarker isotope records
Scheibe, M.
A54E-08Abstract Title: Injection of Lightning-Produced NOx, Water Vapor, Wildfire Emissions, and Stratospheric Air to the UT/LS as Observed from DC3 Measurements
Scheibe, T. D.
B23EAbstract Title: Pore-Scale Science to Unlock the Mechanisms Underlying Ecosystem Processes in Soils and Sediments Posters, B41A-0406Abstract Title: A Hybrid Multiscale Framework for Subsurface Flow and Transport Simulations , B43B-0545Abstract Title: Benchmark Study of 3D Pore-scale Flow and Solute Transport Simulation Methods , H23FAbstract Title: Multiscale Dependency and Uncertainty in Modeling of Surface and Subsurface Environments Posters, H23F-1646Abstract Title: Hybrid Multiscale Simulation of Hydrologic and Biogeochemical Processes in the River-Groundwater Interaction Zone, TH22AAbstract Title: A critical gap in data management: integration workflows for models and data
Scheiderich, K. D.
PP31F-02Abstract Title: A Cr Isotope Proxy For Ocean Deoxygenation
Scheidt, C.
EP33B-1071Abstract Title: Can Geostatistical Models Represent Nature’s Variability? An Analysis Using Flume Experiments, EP33B-1072Abstract Title: Geostatistical Modeling of Evolving Landscapes by Means of Image Quilting
Scheidt, S. P.
P24A-08Abstract Title: The Kilauea 1974 Flow: Quantitative Morphometry of Lava Flows using Low Altitude Aerial Image Data using a Kite-based Platform in the Field, P31A-2049Abstract Title: RIS4E at Kilauea’s December 1974 (D1974) Flow: Establishing the D1974 Flow as an Ideal Mars Analog, P31A-2050Abstract Title: RIS4E at Kilauea’s December 1974 Flow: Lava Flow Texture LiDAR Signatures, P31A-2052Abstract Title: RIS4E at Kilauea’s December 1974 (D1974) Flow: In Situ Geochemical Analysis and Laboratory Spectral Characterization of Fumarolic Alteration., P44A-06Abstract Title: Exploring the Integration of Field Portable Instrumentation into Real-Time Surface Science Operations with the RIS4E SSERVI Team
Scheingross, J. S.
EP13C-01Abstract Title: Autocyclic Formation, Retreat, and Destruction of Waterfalls in an Experimental Bedrock Channel, EP51DAbstract Title: Erosion and Sediment Transport in Steep Landscapes I, EP52AAbstract Title: Erosion and Sediment Transport in Steep Landscapes II, EP53BAbstract Title: Erosion and Sediment Transport in Steep Landscapes III Posters
Scheirer, D. S.
T41A-2866Abstract Title: Seismic Reflectivity of the Crust in the Northern Salton Trough
Scheiter, S.
B11A-0411Abstract Title: Assessing ecosystem response to multiple disturbances and climate change in South Africa using ground- and satellite-based measurements and model
Schekochihin, A. A.
SH44A-04Abstract Title: Intermittency and Alignment in Strong RMHD Turbulence
Schellart, P.
AE21A-02Abstract Title: Cosmic rays as probes of atmospheric electric fields
Schellekens, J.
H23E-1621Abstract Title: Global Evaluation of Streamflow from Ten State-of-the-Art Hydrologic Models, H53L-04Abstract Title: Improved Large-Scale Hydrological Modelling Through The Assimilation Of Streamflow And Downscaled Satellite Soil Moisture Observations
Schemann, V.
A14DAbstract Title: Large-Eddy and High-Resolution Simulations for Improved Understanding and Parameterization of Clouds and Boundary Layer Processes I, A21DAbstract Title: Large-Eddy and High-Resolution Simulations for Improved Understanding and Parameterization of Clouds and Boundary Layer Processes II Posters, A21D-0158Abstract Title: Confronting multi-year idealized LES with measurements at a mid-latitude meteorological site, A21D-0159Abstract Title: Towards Realistic Cumulus Cloud Resolving Simulations at Supersites
Schemm, J. K. E.
A51P-0303Abstract Title: Intraseasonal Tropical Storm Activity Prediction with the NCEP CFSv2 45-day Forecasts
Schemm, S.
A43I-03Abstract Title: Influence of ENSO on Gulf Stream cyclogenesis and the North Atlantic storm track
Schenini, L.
T13B-2996Abstract Title: Structural analysis of the southwestern segment of the Hellenic subduction zone by joint analysis of seismic reflection and refraction
Schenk, A. F.
C21A-0716Abstract Title: Spatial Elevation Changes Observed at Helheim Glacier, Southeast Greenland, and Comparison with Kangerlussuaq Glacier and Jakobshavn Isbræ, C41A-0692Abstract Title: A Newly Updated Database of Elevation-changes of the Greenand Ice Sheet to Study Surface Processes and Ice Dynamics, C51E-07Abstract Title: Investigation of Controls on Ice Dynamics in Northeast Greenland from Ice-Thickness Change Record Using Ice Sheet System Model (ISSM)
Schenk, F.
PP41A-2220Abstract Title: How Synchronous was the Transition into the Younger Dryas across the Euro-Atlantic Region?
Schenk, P.
P21B-02Abstract Title: “Blood Stains” on Tethys: Evidence for Recent Activity?, P21B-03Abstract Title: High-Resolution Topography and its Implications for the Formation of Europa’s Ridged Plains, P21B-06Abstract Title: Topographic evidence of True Polar Wander on Enceladus, P31B-2071Abstract Title: Mapping sub-micon ice grains on Rhea, P31H-06Abstract Title: Exploring Formation Models for Ceres Tholi and Montes, P31H-08Abstract Title: Enceladus’s Long-Term and Diverse Geologic History, P41E-04Abstract Title: Processes Modifying Cratered Terrains on Pluto, P41E-05Abstract Title: Geomorphic Evolution of Sputnik Planum and Surrounding Terrain, P41E-07Abstract Title: Craters on Pluto and Charon: The Influence of Low Gravities, Low Impact Speeds, and Unique Ices, P42A-02Abstract Title: Vesta and Ceres as Seen by Dawn, P42A-05Abstract Title: The Geology of Ceres: an Overview, P44B-05Abstract Title: The topography of Ceres and implications for the formation of linear surface structures, P44B-08Abstract Title: The Chasmata and Montes of Charon, P51A-2040Abstract Title: N2 glacial flow on and onto Sputnik Planum, P51A-2041Abstract Title: Convection in Solid Nitrogen and Other Supervolatile Ices on Pluto, P53E-2168Abstract Title: Preliminary Geological Map of the Ac-H-2 Coniraya Quadrangle of Ceres: An Integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data, P53E-2171Abstract Title: Preliminary Geological Map of the Ac-H-4 Ezinu Quadrangle of Ceres: An Integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data, P53E-2172Abstract Title: Preliminary Geological Map of the Ac-H-5 Fejokoo Quadrangle of Ceres: An Integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data, P53E-2174Abstract Title: Preliminary Geological Map of the Ac-H-7 Kerwan Quadrangle of Ceres: An Integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data, P53E-2176Abstract Title: Preliminary Geological Map of the Ac-H-9 Occator Quadrangle of Ceres: An Integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data, P53E-2179Abstract Title: Preliminary Geological Map of the Ac-H-12 Toharu Quadrangle of Ceres: An Integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data, P53E-2180Abstract Title: Preliminary Geological Map of the Ac-H-13 Urvara Quadrangle of Ceres: An Integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data, P53E-2181Abstract Title: Preliminary Geological Map of the Ac-H-14 Yalode Quadrangle of Ceres: An Integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data, P53E-2182Abstract Title: Comparative tectonic features on Ceres and other planetary bodies, P53E-2183Abstract Title: Albedo and Spectral Variability on Ceres from Four Decades of Observations, P53E-2185Abstract Title: The collisional history of dwarf planet Ceres revealed by Dawn, P53E-2186Abstract Title: An Ice-rich Mantle on Ceres from Dawn Mapping of Central Pit and Peak Crater Morphologies, P53E-2187Abstract Title: Geomorphological Evidence for Pervasive Ground Ice on Ceres from Dawn Observations of Craters and Flows.
Schenkel, B. A.
A51P-0320Abstract Title: A Climatology of Multiple Tropical Cyclone Events
Schenkel, D.
B23K-01Abstract Title: Linking Land Surface Phenology and Growth Limiting Factor Shifts over the Past 30 Years
Schenone, D. J.
B21C-0471Abstract Title: A Model For Selecting An Environmentally Responsive Trait: Evaluating Micro-scale Fitness Through UV-C Resistance and Exposure in Escherichia coli.
Schepanski, K.
A51U-02Abstract Title: The Challenge of Modeling the Meteorology of Dust Emission: Lessons Learned from the Desert Storms Project
Scheppmann, B.
T41D-2932Abstract Title: Exploring new refinements to estimation of Te and mass loading
Scher, H. D.
PP21CAbstract Title: Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology General Contributions Posters, PP41A-2226Abstract Title: Bulk Sediment Hf-Nd Isotopic Composition Across the EOT, Northern Hemisphere Glaciation?, PP43C-2293Abstract Title: A chilling perspective on Greenland’s early Cenozoic climate from coupled Hf-Nd isotopes
Scherbakova, V.
GP21A-04Abstract Title: Geomagnetic field behaviour preceding a Superchron: new evidence for a weak Devonian geomagnetic field
Scherer, E. E.
V34A-01Abstract Title: Garnet: a key to unraveling Earth's dynamic lithosphere
Scherer, G. W.
MR52A-05Abstract Title: Investigating permeability and carbonation behavior of sustainable cements
Scherer, K.
SH31A-2391Abstract Title: Charge-exchange Induced Modulation of the Heliosheath Ion Distribution Downstream of the Termination Shock
Scherer, L.
GC31E-1239Abstract Title: The Water – Energy Nexus Of Hydropower. Are The Trade-Offs Between Electricity Generation And Water Supply Negligible?, H31O-01Abstract Title: Drivers And Uncertainties Of Increasing Global Water Scarcity
Scherer, R. P.
C11CAbstract Title: Deep and Dark: Geophysical Exploration of the Cryosphere I Posters, C11C-0769Abstract Title: Geological and paleontological results from the WISSARD (Whillans Ice Stream Subglacial Access Research Drilling) Project, C11C-0771Abstract Title: Whillans Ice Stream from UpB to WGZ: Siliceous Microfossils, Palynomorphs, and Biomarker Evidence of Sub-glacial Processes and Ice Stream History, C11C-0773Abstract Title: Till Provenance for Whillans Ice Stream, West Antarctica: from Upstream B, Subglacial Lake Whillans, and the Grounding Zone, C11C-0774Abstract Title: Environment at the Grounding Zone of the Whillans Ice Stream-Ross Ice Shelf, West Antarctica, C13DAbstract Title: Deep and Dark: Geophysical Exploration of the Cryosphere II, PP11E-05Abstract Title: WAIS-ting Away Again in East Antarctica: Sirius-ly Searching for that Lost Shaker of Diatoms
Scherf, M.
IN33E-03Abstract Title: VESPA: Developing the Planetary Science Virtual Observatory in H2020
Scherler, D.
T13G-05Abstract Title: Late Cenozoic Himalayan Erosion Rates Revealed by Cosmogenic Isotopes in Foreland Sediments, Northern India
Scherler, D.
T12B-03Abstract Title: Landscape response to late Pleistocene climate change along the Puna Plateau margin: Sediment flux and cosmogenic landslide signatures modulated by basin geometry
Scherliess, L.
A53A-0350Abstract Title: The Optical Profiling of the Atmospheric Limb (OPAL) CubeSat Experiment, IN41B-1695Abstract Title: Accessing near real-time data for use in global data assimilation models, SA13B-2367Abstract Title: Monthly Climatology of Thermospheric Zonal and Meridional Winds Obtained from a Kalman Filter Model, SA31E-2376Abstract Title: Quantitative Evaluation of Ionosphere Models for Reproducing Regional TEC During Geomagnetic Storms, SM13F-08Abstract Title: Modeling the Ionosphere-Thermosphere-Electrodynamics System for Space Weather Specifications, Forecasts and Applications, SM23A-2541Abstract Title: Terminator field-aligned current system: Its dependencies on solar, seasonal, and geomagnetic conditions 
Scherllin-Pirscher, B.
A43H-08Abstract Title: Towards Solving the Global Climate Monitoring Problem for the Fundamental State of the Atmosphere with GNSS Radio Occultation
Schermer, E. R.
T51B-2879Abstract Title: Laurentian and Baltican components of Terranes in NW Washington: Implications for Displacement of Paleozoic Terranes
Scherneck, H. G.
G34A-04Abstract Title: Characterization of an Atom Interferometer Gravimeter with Classical Sensors for the Use in Geodesy and Geophysics
Scherrer, J.
A43H-04Abstract Title: The NASA Cyclone Global Navigation Satellite System (CYGNSS): Mission Status
Scherrer, P. H.
SH34A-01Abstract Title: The Sun From the Perspective of an Observer
Schertl, D.
P23D-08Abstract Title: High angular resolution at LBT
Schertl, H. P.
V11C-3075Abstract Title: Metamorphic Diamond Formation under H2O-Fluid Conditions in Diamond-bearing Garnet-Clinopyroxene Rock from the Kokchetav Massif, V43A-3099Abstract Title: Saline Fluids in Subduction Channels and Mantle Wedge
Schertzer, D. J. M.
NG32AAbstract Title: Nonlinear Phenomena: Scaling, Waves, and Turbulence I, NG32A-07Abstract Title: ATMOSPHERIC BOUNDARY-LAYER TURBULENCE INTERMITTENCY REVISITED , NG33CAbstract Title: Nonlinear Phenomena: Scaling, Waves, and Turbulence II (Half Session), NG41AAbstract Title: Nonlinear Phenomena: Scaling, Waves, and Turbulence III Posters, NG41A-1768Abstract Title: EMPIRICAL OBSERVATIONS OF SCALING AND SYMMETRY IN THE ATMOSPHERIC BOUNDARY LAYER, NG41A-1770Abstract Title: Scaling Comparison of X-Band and C-Band Radar Data for Urban Hydrology, NG41A-1771Abstract Title: How QPE algorithms can modify the symmetries of radar data
Scherwath, M.
OS23B-2014Abstract Title: Ocean observatory networks monitor gas hydrates systems - Updates from Cascadia, OS31B-02Abstract Title: Tidal influence on gas bubble emissions from permanent seafloor observations at Ocean Networks Canada's cabled array NEPTUNE
Scheu, B.
S51D-2733Abstract Title: Experimental Observations of Multiscale Dynamics of Viscous Fluid Behavior: Implications in Volcanic Systems, V13C-3134Abstract Title: Phreatic activity on Dominica (Lesser Antilles) – constraints from field investigations and experimental volcanology, V31B-3021Abstract Title: An Experimental Study of Cyclic Foam Oscillation: Unveiling the Time-Scale of Foam Collapse, V51F-3098Abstract Title: The Evolution of Grain Size Distribution in Explosive Rock Fragmentation – Sequential Fragmentation Theory Revisited, V51F-3100Abstract Title: Magmatic and fragmentation controls on ash surface chemistry
Scheuchl, B.
C41D-0760Abstract Title: Potential of Sentinel-1a for Grounding Line Measurements, C51E-06Abstract Title: Changes in ice dynamics of Totten Glacier, East Antarctica in the past two decades, C53C-0793Abstract Title: Antarctic mass budget from 1975-2015 using InSAR, Landsat and RACMO-2, G11C-05Abstract Title: Ice Sheet Monitoring Using Latest Generation SAR Satellites
Scheuer, E. M.
A34F-07Abstract Title: Water Soluble Ions in Bulk Aerosol During the WINTER 2015 Campaign., C33C-0821Abstract Title: Quantifying Snowpack Properties and Snow Impurity Dynamics Over Three Consecutive Winters in New Hampshire
Scheuerer, M.
PA13A-2192Abstract Title: Using GEFS ensemble forecasts for decision making in reservoir management in California
Scheuermann, A.
H23I-04Abstract Title: Scaling behavior of microbubbles rising in water-saturated porous media
Scheuermann, C. M.
B14B-06Abstract Title: Forest carbon uptake in North America’s aging temperate deciduous forests: A data-theory-model mismatch?, B53B-0548Abstract Title: Ground-Based Lidar Measurements of Forest Canopy Structure as Predictors of Net Primary Production Across Successional Time
Scheuermann, P.
OS43A-2013Abstract Title: Anhydrite Solubility and Ca Isotope Fractionation in the Vapor-Liquid Field of the NaCl-H2O System: Implications for Hydrothermal Vent Fluids at Mid-ocean Ridges
Schewe, J.
A21F-0208Abstract Title: Food Prices and Climate Extremes: A Model of Global Grain Price Variability with Storage, NH13B-1927Abstract Title: Quantifying the weather-signal in national crop-yield variability
Scheytt, T.
H23D-1606Abstract Title: Impact of Porous Media and NAPL Spatial Variability at the Pore Scale on Interphase Mass Transfer
Schiano, P.
V23A-3063Abstract Title: Geochemical Characteristics of the Lavas from the “Adventive Cones” of Piton de La Fournaise Volcano (La Reunion Island)
Schiano, P.
V23B-3090Abstract Title: A Melt Inclusion Study in Primitive Olivines from the Adventive Cones of the Piton de la Fournaise Volcano, La Réunion Island : Implications for the Nature of the Réunion Mantle Plume, V23B-3091Abstract Title: P-V-T-X Evolution of Olivine-hosted Melt Inclusions and Implications for Interpretation of Homogenization Experiments, V23B-3128Abstract Title: Osmium and lead isotope investigation of magmas within the long-lived Pichincha Volcanic complex from the Northern Andean Volcanic zone (Ecuador)
Schiano, P.
V31A-3000Abstract Title: Re-Os Isotopes Distinguish Crust vs. Slab Inputs to Northern Cascade Arc Basalts
Schiavi, F.
V23B-3091Abstract Title: P-V-T-X Evolution of Olivine-hosted Melt Inclusions and Implications for Interpretation of Homogenization Experiments
Schiavone, K.
GC51D-1118Abstract Title: Soil Incubation Study to Assess the Impacts of Manure Application and Climate Change on Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Agricultural Soil
Schichtel, B. A.
A12A-04Abstract Title: Ozone and Volatile Organic Compound Distributions in Rocky Mountain National Park During FRAPPÉ: Impacts of Oil and Natural Gas Operations and Urban Emissions on Park Air Quality, A21A-0051Abstract Title: Source Apportionment of Volatile Organic Compounds and PM2.5 Using Positive Matrix Factorization in Two National Parks Impacted by Oil and Natural Gas Drilling Operations
Schick, R.
H11I-1452Abstract Title: Utilizing NASA Earth Observations to Assess Estuary Health and Enhance Management of Water Resources in Coastal Texas through Land Cover and Precipitation Mapping, PA33B-2189Abstract Title: Applying Various Methods of Communicating Science for Community Decision-Making and Public Awareness: A NASA DEVELOP National Program Case Study
Schicks, J. M.
B13B-0601Abstract Title: Silicone Tubes – Simple and Effective Tools for Gas Extraction and Monitoring in the Course of Hydrate Dissociation, B13B-0625Abstract Title: Fluid Flow Patterns During Production from Gas Hydrates in the Laboratory compared to Field Settings: LARS vs. Mallik, B13B-0626Abstract Title: Determination of the Physical Properties of Sediments Depending on Hydrate Saturation Using a “Quick Look” Method
Schide, K.
PP13B-2280Abstract Title:  An Investigation of Transgressive Deposits in Late Pleistocene Lake Bonneville using GPR and UAV-produced DEMs.
Schieber, J.
EP21C-0932Abstract Title: Bedload Transport of Flocculated Mud and Resulting Microfabric of Deposits – Insights from Flume Studies, P43B-2115Abstract Title: Revisiting the Sheepbed Mudstone of Gale Crater, Mars – A comprehensive reappraisal of its depositional, diagenetic, and burial history, P43B-2116Abstract Title: Sedimentary Facies as Indicators of Changing Lake Levels in Gale Crater, Mars
Schierhorn, F.
GC33F-02Abstract Title: Carbon implications of Virgin Lands Campaign cropland expansion and post-Soviet agricultural land abandonment in Russia and Kazakhstan
Schierjott, J.
T41F-03Abstract Title: A Numerical and Analogue Study of Dike Ascent in Asymmetric Continental Rift Zones
Schiferl, L. D.
A13F-02Abstract Title: Interannual Variability of Ammonia Concentrations over the United States: Sources and Implications for Inorganic Particulate Matter
Schiff, C.
SM41I-09Abstract Title: Comparison of Magnetospheric Multiscale Magnetopause Crossing Signatures With Predicted Reconnection Line Locations
Schiffman, P.
P23C-05Abstract Title: Solfataric Alteration at Hawaii as a Potential Analog for Martian Surface Processes, V33B-3099Abstract Title: Alteration of Crystalline and Glassy Basaltic Protolith by Seawater as Recorded by Drill Core and Drill Cutting Samples
Schiffries, C. M.
PA43B-2189Abstract Title: Translational Geoscience: Converting Geoscience Innovation into Societal Impacts
Schifman, L. A.
H11FAbstract Title: Nonpoint Source Flux Impact on Groundwater, Vadose Zone, and Surface Waters: Assessments, Mechanisms, and Control Strategies I Posters, H11F-1402Abstract Title: Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Heavy Metals in Stormwater Detention Basin Sediments, H14EAbstract Title: Nonpoint Source Flux Impact on Groundwater, Vadose Zone, and Surface Waters: Assessments, Mechanisms, and Control Strategies II
Schild, K. M.
C21A-0725Abstract Title: Glacier Hydrology at Two Svalbard Tidewater Glaciers: An Integrated Remote-Sensing and Field Study
Schildgen, T. F.
EP31B-1013Abstract Title: Linking hydrologic and bedload transport models to simulate fluvial response to changing precipitation, EP41A-0910Abstract Title: Ages and potential drivers of fluvial fill terrace formation in the southern-central Andes, NW Argentina, T12B-03Abstract Title: Landscape response to late Pleistocene climate change along the Puna Plateau margin: Sediment flux and cosmogenic landslide signatures modulated by basin geometry, T23F-01Abstract Title: Linking Slab Break-Off, Hellenic Trench Retreat, and Uplift of the Central and Eastern Anatolian Plateaus
Schildhauer, M.
IN43D-07Abstract Title: Lowering the Barrier to Reproducible Research by Publishing Provenance from Common Analytical Tools, IN53B-1833Abstract Title: Realizing the Living Paper using the ProvONE Model for Reproducible Research, IN53B-1842Abstract Title: Sharing meanings: developing interoperable semantic technologies to enhance reproducibility in earth and environmental science research
Schile, L. M.
B21H-0569Abstract Title: Annual net ecosystem exchanges of carbon dioxide and methane from a temperate brackish marsh: should the focus of marsh restoration be on brackish environments? , GC11B-1047Abstract Title: A Carbon Monitoring System Approach to US Coastal Wetland Carbon Fluxes: Progress Towards a Tier II Accounting Method with Uncertainty Quantification 
Schill, G. P.
A33D-0193Abstract Title: Quantifying the sources of atmospheric ice nuclei from carbonaceous combustion aerosol, A44C-04Abstract Title: Aerosol and Cloud-Nucleating Particle Observations during an Atmospheric River Event
Schill, S.
A41A-0013Abstract Title: Direct Measurement of Atmospheric Ammonia from an Airborne Miniature Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometer (miniCIMS), A43C-0295Abstract Title: Development and Application of a Hygroscopicity Basis Set for the Analysis of the Mixing State of Nascent Sea Spray Aerosols, A51N-0282Abstract Title: Vertical Transport of Aerosol Particles across Mountain Topography near the Los Angeles Basin
Schiller, C. L.
A12C-02Abstract Title: Size-resolved measurements of ice nucleating particles at North American and European sites, A43C-0282Abstract Title: Nocturnal Ozone Depletion Events at the Amphitrite Point Observatory on West Vancouver Island
Schiller, Q.
ED14A-04Abstract Title: The Colorado Student Space Weather Experiment: A successful student-run scientific spacecraft mission, SM21A-2506Abstract Title: Event specific simultaneous estimates of loss, diffusion, and acceleration for MeV electrons
Schilling, E.
B23F-0647Abstract Title: Understanding spatial heterogeneity in soil carbon and nitrogen cycling in regenerating tropical dry forests
Schilling, F. R.
MR13B-2694Abstract Title: An Approach to Calculate Minerals´ Bulk Moduli KS from Chemical Composition and Density ρ, MR41D-2691Abstract Title: An Approach to Model Neutron Diffraction Pattern of Uniaxial Deformed Sandstone Using Elastic Properties of Quartz
Schilling, J. S.
B23F-0650Abstract Title: Decomposition of New Woody Inputs as a Dry Tropical Forest Regenerates
Schilling, K.
A11B-0039Abstract Title: Competing effects of viscosity and surface-tension depression on the hygroscopicity and CCN activity of laboratory surrogates for oligomers in atmospheric aerosol, A13E-0383Abstract Title: Gas-Phase OH Oxidation of Cresol to Yield Highly Oxygenated Products
Schilling, K. E.
H21K-05Abstract Title: Quantifying Groundwater Nutrient Discharge to a Large Glacial Lake using a Watershed Loading Model , H32E-07Abstract Title: Estimation of Tile Drainage Contribution to Streamflow and Nutrient Export Loads, H44C-05Abstract Title: Numerical Investigation of the Spatiotemporal Contribution of Tile Drainage to Stream Flow
Schilling, M.
G34A-04Abstract Title: Characterization of an Atom Interferometer Gravimeter with Classical Sensors for the Use in Geodesy and Geophysics
Schilling, S. P.
G41A-1012Abstract Title: Mass Intrusion at Mount St. Helens (WA) From Temporal Gravity Variations, V31B-3018Abstract Title: Cessation of the 2004–2008 Dome-Building Eruption at Mount St. Helens, Washington
Schillinger, W. E.
GP31A-1379Abstract Title: A 0.5 Tesla Transverse-Field Alternating Magnetic Field Demagnetizer
Schilt, A.
A23J-01Abstract Title: Ice core measurements of 14CH4 constrain the sources of atmospheric methane increase during abrupt warming events of the last deglaciation, PP43E-02Abstract Title: Glacial-Interglacial and Holocene N2O Stable Isotope Changes Constrain Terrestrial N Cycling
Schiltz, J.
AE33A-0464Abstract Title: Continuation of Search for Correlations Between Sprites and Tgfs By Goddard Robotic Telescope Wide Field (GRT-WF)
Schimel, A.
OS21A-1957Abstract Title: Multibeam Sonar Backscatter Data Acquisition and Processing: Guidelines and Recommendations from the GEOHAB Backscatter Working Group
Schimel, D.
B21I-03Abstract Title: Climate-Relation Control of Tropical Carbon Balance, B42A-08Abstract Title: The NASA Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) Mission Level 4 Carbon Product calibration and validation using eddy covariance observations across North America, Australia and Finland, B53J-08Abstract Title: Carbon-Climate Feedbacks Through The Global Mathane Cycle, GC11B-1040Abstract Title: Impacts of Sample Design on Estimation of Aboveground Biomass: Implications for the Assimilation of Lidar and Forest Inventory Data
Schimel, D.
B52B-02Abstract Title: Validation and attribution of solar induced fluorescence (SIF) from OCO-2: first results, B54D-04Abstract Title: The Chlorophyll Fluorescence Imaging Spectrometer (CFIS): A New Airborne Instrument for Quantifying Solar-Induced Fluorescence, GC42B-01Abstract Title: High-resolution remote sensing and coupled fire-weather simulation modeling offer unprecedented insight to megafire behavior: The 2014 California King Megafire case study, TH12HAbstract Title: The NASA Ocean Biology and Biogeochemistry Program's Advanced Plan & the pre-Decadal Survey Community Feedback
Schimel, J.
B11L-06Abstract Title: Water Balance Defines a Threshold in Soil Chemistry at a Global Scale, B13F-0686Abstract Title: Effects of climate and fire timing on nitrogen cycling and retention in chaparral watersheds, B23E-0641Abstract Title: Pore scale processes in dry soils, B33D-0739Abstract Title: Mechanisms Controlling CO2 Pulses upon Rewetting Dry Soils: Effects of Vegetation on Soil C Dynamics
Schimmel, K.
ED11B-0854Abstract Title: Undergraduate Research Experiences in Geosciences for Physical Science and Engineering Students
Schimmel, M.
S31C-06Abstract Title: Discrimination of Secondary Microseism Origins Using Ocean Tide Modulation, S33F-07Abstract Title: How many correlograms and how much stacking are necessary to ensure that noise crossterms cancel out in seismic interferometry?
Schinder, P. J.
P12B-07Abstract Title: Titan's Polar Atmosphere
Schindhelm, E.
P33E-07Abstract Title: Ultraviolet emission from CG's coma: fluorescence versus electron-impact excitation, P51A-2046Abstract Title: Searching for Charon's Atmosphere, P54A-09Abstract Title: Pluto’s Far Ultraviolet Spectrum and Airglow Emissions
Schindhelm, E.
P54A-06Abstract Title: Radio Occultation Measurements of Pluto’s Atmosphere with New Horizons
Schindlbeck, J. C.
PP51E-06Abstract Title: Tephrochronology of Lacustrine Ash Layers in Lake Petén Itzá Sediments drilled in the Frame of the International Continental Scientific Drilling Program (ICDP): Implications for Regional Volcanology and Central American Palaeoclimate, V51C-3050Abstract Title: Magma Differentiation Processes That Develop an “Enriched” Signature in the Izu Bonin Rear Arc: Evidence from Drilling at IODP Site U1437, V51F-3106Abstract Title: On-and offshore tephrostratigraphy and –chronology of the southern Central American Volcanic Arc (CAVA), V53A-3129Abstract Title: Exploring Links Between Global Climate and Explosive Arc Volcanism in Tephra-Rich Quaternary Sediments: A Pilot Study from IODP Expedition 350 Site 1437B, Izu Bonin Rear-Arc Region
Schindler, D.
B51F-0482Abstract Title: Watershed geomorphology modifies the temperature sensitivity of aquatic ecosystem metabolism
Schindler, M.
B13B-0602Abstract Title: Micro X-ray Computed Tomography Imaging and Ultrasonic Velocity Measurements of Hydrate-Bearing Porous Media
Schipper, C. I.
V13B-3119Abstract Title: Mafic-Felsic Interactions in the 25.4 ka Oruanui Supereruption (Taupo Volcano): Insights From Quenched Juvenile Mafic Clasts and Their Groundmass Textures, V23B-3092Abstract Title: Glass Composition-Dependent Silicate Absorption Peaks in FTIR Spectroscopy: Implications for Measuring Sample Thickness and Molecular H2O
Schipper, I.
V31B-3034Abstract Title: Processes Influencing the Timing and Volume of Eruptions From the Youngest Supervolcano on Earth
Schipper, L. A.
B33D-0720Abstract Title: Measuring temperature dependence of soil respiration: importance of incubation time, soil type, moisture content and model fits, H31F-1481Abstract Title: Low Spatial and Inter-Annual Variability in Evaporation from an Intensively Grazed Temperate Pasture System in New Zealand
Schippers, P.
SM24A-03Abstract Title: Dione’s Magnetospheric Interaction
Schirle, C.
A51E-0102Abstract Title: Assessing the Southeast Pacific Stratocumulus Cloud Fraction Transition in MERRA Using CloudSat/CALIPSO 
Schirmer, M.
GC23B-1133Abstract Title: Shift from Snowfall to Rainfall in the Canadian Rockies: Consequences for Snowpacks, Glacier Mass Balance and Streamflow in an Emerging Drought
Schiro, K. A.
A41J-0213Abstract Title: On the Relationship between Column Water Vapor and Deep Convection during GOAmazon 2014-2015: A Comparison to the Tropical Western Pacific, A53I-01Abstract Title: Tropical convective onset statistics and establishing causality in the water vapor-precipitation relation
Schirrmeister, L.
C43A-0769Abstract Title: Near-shore submarine permafrost of the central Laptev Sea, East Siberia, GC23J-1223Abstract Title: Ice-Rich Yedoma Permafrost: A Synthesis of Circum-Arctic Distribution and Thickness
Schkolnik, V.
G34A-04Abstract Title: Characterization of an Atom Interferometer Gravimeter with Classical Sensors for the Use in Geodesy and Geophysics
Schladow, G.
GC53F-1281Abstract Title: On The Suitability of Air Temperature as a Predictive Tool for Lake Surface Temperature in a Changing Climate: A Case Study for Lake Tahoe, USA, H51N-1580Abstract Title: Combining Heat and Mass Flux Methods for Estimating Real-Time Evaporation from a Water Surface
Schlaepfer, D.
H11C-1352Abstract Title: Validation of the SOILWAT Hydrological Model for Ecosystems in the Central and Western United States
Schlafmann, D.
GC51B-1091Abstract Title: Landscape Conservation Cooperatives: Creating a Collaborative Conservation Vision in the Face of Climate Change Uncertainty
Schlag, N. H.
GC51C-1100Abstract Title: Integrating Land Conservation and Renewable Energy Goals in California: Assessing Land Use and Economic Cost Impacts Using the Optimal Renewable Energy Build-Out (ORB) Model.
Schlag, P.
A33G-0255Abstract Title: Synthesis of the ACTRIS Network Cloud Condensation Nuclei Measurements, A41A-0036Abstract Title: Experimental determination of the partitioning coefficient and volatility of important BVOC oxidation products using the Aerosol Collection Module (ACM) coupled to a PTR-ToF-MS
Schlager, H.
A11SAbstract Title: Quantifying Aviation Impacts on Air Quality and Climate I, A13DAbstract Title: Quantifying Aviation Impacts on Air Quality and Climate II Posters, A21B-0121Abstract Title: A Comprehensive Data Composite of NO and NOy in the Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere from CARIBIC Airborne Measurements, A54A-01Abstract Title: Distribution and Sources of Trace Gases and Aerosols in the Asian Summer Monsoon Anticyclone – Aircraft Observations and Model Simulations, A54E-08Abstract Title: Injection of Lightning-Produced NOx, Water Vapor, Wildfire Emissions, and Stratospheric Air to the UT/LS as Observed from DC3 Measurements
Schlecht, E.
A53A-0369Abstract Title: Development of the Tropospheric Water Vapor and Cloud ICE (TWICE) Millimeter- and Sub-millimeter Wave Radiometer Instrument for 6U-Class Nanosatellites
Schleeweis, K.
B13F-0669Abstract Title: Wall-to-wall assessment of carbon stock and flux consequences of forest disturbances in the Pacific Northwest United States using remote sensing and forest inventory data
Schlegel, N.
C51E-07Abstract Title: Investigation of Controls on Ice Dynamics in Northeast Greenland from Ice-Thickness Change Record Using Ice Sheet System Model (ISSM), C53E-08Abstract Title: On Deriving Requirements for the Surface Mass Balance forcing of a Greenland Ice Sheet Model using Uncertainty Analyses, PP41D-05Abstract Title: Paleo-reconstruction of the Jakobshavn Glacier during the late Holocene using ISSM and Paleo-data of Margin Migration
Schleicher, A.
T11G-03Abstract Title: Extreme Hydrothermal Conditions Near an Active Geological Fault, DFDP-2B Borehole, Alpine Fault, New Zealand, T23D-2997Abstract Title: Clay Formation and Fabric Development in the DFDP-1 Borehole, Central Alpine Fault, New Zealand
Schleicher, J.
V34B-06Abstract Title: Multiphase Simulations Constraining the Characteristic Volumes and Efficiency of Mixing within Magmatic Mushes
Schleiffarth, W. K.
T22B-08Abstract Title: Ages, Distribution, and Evolution of Miocene Basalts, East-Central Anatolia
Schlemmer, L.
A41J-0204Abstract Title: Modifications of the atmospheric moisture field as a result of cold-pool dynamics
Schlerf, M.
H31A-1405Abstract Title: Stomatal and Aerodynamic Controls of Transpiration and Evaporation over Amazonian Landscapes
Schlesinger, M.
B13D-0652Abstract Title: Methanotrophic N2-Fixation in Boreal Peatlands: Master Regulation of Newly Fixed N and Moderation of CH4 Fluxes to the Atmosphere
Schlieder, T.
V33C-3115Abstract Title: Ubiquitous radiogenic Os in Miocene to recent basalts from diverse mantle domains beneath the Colorado Plateau, USA
Schliemann, S. A.
B13F-0680Abstract Title: Controls on Soil Respiration in a High Elevation Alpine System and the Implications For Soil Carbon Storage in a Changing Climate
Schloegel, C.
H41H-05Abstract Title: Temporal Variability and Annual Fluxes of Water, Sediment and Particulate Phosphorus from a Headwater River in the Tropical Andes: Results from a High-frequency Monitoring Program
Schloemer, A.
S23D-2764Abstract Title: Is there any mantle plume beneath Tristan da Cunha?
Schloss, A. L.
ED21A-0815Abstract Title: Digital Earth Watch: Investigating the World with Digital Cameras
Schlosser, P.
B54A-07Abstract Title: Triritum/He-3 dating of groundwater in the United States: general features and specific applications, ED23B-0862Abstract Title: Immersion in a Hudson Valley Tidal Marsh and Climate Research Community - Lamont-Doherty’s Secondary School Field Research Program, GC11GAbstract Title: Global Eyes on the New Arctic: Exploring the Trajectory Toward a New State and Responding to Rapid Change II Posters, GC11G-1087Abstract Title: White Arctic vs. Blue Arctic: Making Choices, GC14CAbstract Title: Global Eyes on the New Arctic: Exploring the Trajectory Toward a New State and Responding to Rapid Change I, OS12AAbstract Title: Ocean Change in the Anthropocene: Implications for Climate, Ecosystems, and Societies I, OS13AAbstract Title: Ocean Change in the Anthropocene: Implications for Climate, Ecosystems, and Societies II Posters, OS14AAbstract Title: Ocean Change in the Anthropocene: Implications for Climate, Ecosystems, and Societies III, TH25AAbstract Title: 8th Town Hall - International Study of Arctic Change (ISAC)
Schlundt, C.
A43B-0277Abstract Title: The ESA Cloud_cci Project: Generation of Multi-Decadal, Consistent, Global Data Sets of Cloud Properties with Uncertainty Information
Schlunegger, S.
A41R-03Abstract Title: Impact of land use and land cover change on climate and air quality in the CESM
Schlüter, S.
H41D-1341Abstract Title: Curvature Measurement and Tracking of Nonwetting Phase Trapping and Pressure State in Porous Media, H41D-1343Abstract Title: Three-Phase Capillary Pressure, Hysteresis and Trapping in a Porous Glass-Bead Column
Schmadel, N.
H31K-05Abstract Title: Hyporheic transport in headwater mountain streams is time-invariant in locations where geologic controls dominate hydrologic forcin, H33C-1601Abstract Title: Multi-Scale Observation of Time-Variable Interactions of a Stream and its Valley Bottom During a Storm Event
Schmadel, N. M.
H23H-1671Abstract Title: Water Temperature Controls in Arctic Basins, H31K-04Abstract Title: Solute tracer transport does not vary systematically with stream discharge or geomorphology, H33CAbstract Title: Groundwater-Surface Water Interactions: Identifying and Integrating Physical, Biological, and Chemical Processes III Posters, H33C-1618Abstract Title: Channel and Catchment Morphology, Spatial Intermittency, and Carbon Chemistry of a Headwater Stream
Schmale, J.
A33G-0255Abstract Title: Synthesis of the ACTRIS Network Cloud Condensation Nuclei Measurements, C21D-02Abstract Title: Dust, Elemental Carbon and Other Impurities on Central Asian Glaciers: Origin and Radiative Forcing
Schmaltz, J. E.
IN41B-1697Abstract Title: “Newer, bigger, older” with NASA GIBS, IN41B-1698Abstract Title: NASA’s Land, Atmosphere Near real-time Capability for EOS (LANCE): Changing patterns in the use of NRT satellite imagery, IN53A-1824Abstract Title: GIBS Server-side Software for Visualizing Diverse Geospatial Data Products
Schmandt, B.
EP33A-1057Abstract Title: Can riverside seismic monitoring constrain temporal and spatial variations in bedload transport during a controlled flood of the Trinity River?, EP54A-06Abstract Title: Bedload Hysteresis and Bedform Deformation Rates Investigated with Physical Samples, Multibeam Sonar, and Seismic Monitoring, S13A-2796Abstract Title: Is the Isabella anomaly a fossil slab or the foundered lithospheric root of the Sierra Nevada batholith?, S24B-03Abstract Title: Investigating microseismicity and crustal structure beneath Mount St. Helens with a 900-geophone array, S41A-2702Abstract Title: Signal Detection and Earthquake Catalogue Development Using a Short-term, Over 800-station, Mixed-mode Seismic Array Deployed Above the Socorro Magma Body, NM, S41A-2705Abstract Title: Rayleigh wave tomography of Mount St. Helens, Washington from ambient seismic noise, T14A-02Abstract Title: Constructing a 3D Crustal Model Across the Entire Contiguous US Using Broadband Rayleigh Wave Phase Velocity and Ellipticity Measurements, T14A-05Abstract Title: Seismically imaging the structural legacy of rifting and collision events in the central and eastern U.S. crust, T23E-01Abstract Title: Resolving High-Resolution Continental Scale 3D Crustal Structure Using Rayleigh Wave Phase Velocity and Ellipticity, V24C-08Abstract Title: The Yellowstone magmatic system from the mantle plume to the upper crust, V33E-07Abstract Title: Magma reservoirs from the upper crust to the Moho inferred from high-resolution Vp and Vs models beneath Mount St. Helens, V43B-3135Abstract Title: Tomographic Imaging of the Magmatic System at Mount St. Helens with the iMUSH Broadband Array
Schmandt, B.
S44B-02Abstract Title: Subsurface Imaging at Mount St. Helens with a Large-N Geophone Array, T11C-2908Abstract Title: Local Re-Cratonization of the Wyoming Province and the Uplift of the Black Hills
Schmedemann, N.
P42A-05Abstract Title: The Geology of Ceres: an Overview, P42A-07Abstract Title: Comparison of the Cratering Records of Ceres and Rhea, P53E-2167Abstract Title: Preliminary Geological Map of the Ac-H-1 Asari Quadrangle of Ceres: An Integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data., P53E-2170Abstract Title: Preliminary Geological Map of the Ac-H-3 Dantu Quadrangle of Ceres: An Integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data, P53E-2177Abstract Title: Preliminary Geological Maps of the Ac-H-10 Rongo and Ac-H-15 Zadeni Quadrangles: An integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data, P53E-2185Abstract Title: The collisional history of dwarf planet Ceres revealed by Dawn
Schmeeckle, M. W.
EP13C-08Abstract Title: The Influence of Splat Events on the Spatiotemporal Pattern of Bedload Transport over Bedforms: Laboratory Experiments Downstream of a Backward-Facing Step, EP21A-0889Abstract Title: Experimental Exploration of Scale Effects and Factors Controlling Bed Load Sediment Entrainment, EP24A-02Abstract Title: Good Grains Gone Bad: How Grain to Grain Interactions Complicate the Onset of Motion, EP32A-02Abstract Title: Linkages between controlled floods, eddy sandbar dynamics, and riparian vegetation along the Colorado River in Marble Canyon, Arizona, EP51A-0902Abstract Title: A Model of Turbulence, Sediment Transport and Morphodynamics of Lateral Separation Zones in Canyon Rivers using Detached Eddy Simulation Technique
Schmeisser, L.
A24C-07Abstract Title: Climatology and Characteristics of In-situ Aerosol Optical Properties in the Arctic, A31D-0091Abstract Title: AeroCom INSITU Project: Comparison of Aerosol Optical Properties from In-situ Surface Measurements and Model Simulations
Schmeltz, R.
GC13I-08Abstract Title: A gridded version of the US EPA inventory of methane emissions for use as a priori and reference in methane source inversions
Schmelz, J. T.
SH13C-2452Abstract Title: Modeling of magnetically confined plasma in hot coronal loops
Schmer, M.
GC13A-1122Abstract Title: Observations From The Field: Further Developing Linkages Between Soil C models with Long-Term Bioenergy Studies, H53B-1660Abstract Title: Long-term Agroecosystem Research in the Northern Great Plains.
Schmerr, B.
DI11C-2615Abstract Title: Upper Mantle Discontinuity Structure Beneath the Western Atlantic Ocean and Eastern North America from SS Precursors
Schmerr, N. C.
C43E-01Abstract Title: Investigating the Greenland firn aquifer near Helheim Glacier based on geophysical noninvasive methods and in situ measurements, C51B-0695Abstract Title: Initial In-situ Hydrologic Measurements of the Greenland Perennial Firn Aquifer, C51B-0696Abstract Title: Using In-Situ Seismic Measurements to Model the Velocity Structure of Subsurface Aquifers in Southeast Greenland , DI11BAbstract Title: Multidisciplinary Views of the Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary and Lithospheric Discontinuities I Posters, DI11B-2591Abstract Title: Migration, Storage and Seismic Signatures of Melting at the Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary, DI11C-2615Abstract Title: Upper Mantle Discontinuity Structure Beneath the Western Atlantic Ocean and Eastern North America from SS Precursors, DI24AAbstract Title: Multidisciplinary Views of the Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary and Lithospheric Discontinuities II, DI51A-2605Abstract Title: Imaging Mantle Discontinuities Beneath North America Using ScS Reverberations, DI53A-03Abstract Title: Compositional mantle layering revealed by slab stagnation at ~1,000 km depth, T34B-03Abstract Title: Late Cenozoic deformation of the Eurasian and Burma Plates due to subduction of the Indian Plate beneath SE Tibetan Plateau and Myanmar
Schmid, B.
A21A-0077Abstract Title: Seasonal Differences in Aerosol Chemical Properties at a Site Along the Eastern Seaboard: Observations from the Two-Column Aerosol Project (TCAP), A23F-0394Abstract Title: Highlights from 4STAR Sky-Scanning Retrievals of Aerosol Intensive Optical Properties from Multiple Field Campaigns with Detailed Comparisons of SSA Reported During SEAC4RS, A24B-05Abstract Title: Cloud and Precipitation During GoAmazon: The Influence of Aerosol and Thermodynamics., A24B-06Abstract Title: Aircraft measurements of aerosol properties during GoAmazon – G1 and HALO inter-comparison, A43B-0264Abstract Title: Long-term Validation of Cloud-droplet Number Concentration Value Added Product (NDROP VAP) Retrieved from Surface Measurements, A43C-0301Abstract Title: Summer and winter time heterogeneity in aerosol single scattering albedo over the northwestern Atlantic Ocean during the TCAP field campaign: Relationship to chemical composition and mixing state , B41D-0462Abstract Title: Development and Deployment of Unmanned Aircraft Instrumentation for Measuring Quantities Related to Land Surface-Atmosphere Interactions
Schmid, B.
B53B-0543Abstract Title: Linking Remotely Sensed Functional Diversity of Structural Traits to the Radiative Regime of a Temperate Mixed Forest
Schmid, D.
SM22A-03Abstract Title: Two states of magnetotail dipolarization fronts: A statistical study, SM43A-02Abstract Title: Effect of electron ambient plasmas in reconnection jets and dipolarization fronts : MMS initial results, SM51A-2516Abstract Title: An MMS multicase study of magnetotail dipolarization fronts, SM51A-2523Abstract Title: Multi-point, multi-scale observation of the near-Earth current sheet reconfiguration during storm-time multi-onset substorms
Schmid, E.
NH13B-1927Abstract Title: Quantifying the weather-signal in national crop-yield variability
Schmid, H. M.
P34B-02Abstract Title: Spectro-polarimetry of Ice-dust Mixtures measured in the Laboratory with Application to the Solar System and Beyond
Schmid, H. P. E.
A33Q-09Abstract Title: Large-eddy transport in the surface layer over heterogeneous terrain, B32A-02Abstract Title: Is Ecosystem-Atmosphere Observation in Long-Term Networks actually Science?, B32A-03Abstract Title: A Simple Two-dimensional Parameterisation for Flux Footprint Predictions, B33C-0703Abstract Title: Small-scale spatial heterogeneity as a source for uncertainty of methane fluxes in an extensive near-natural bog-ecosystem, H53M-03Abstract Title: The TERENO-preAlpine Observatory: A Research Infrastructure for Hydrometeorological Observation and -Modeling across Compartments and Scales
Schmid, M.
ED53E-0883Abstract Title: Should Fermi Have Secured his Water Heater Against Earthquakes?
Schmid, S. M.
T23F-06Abstract Title: Orogen-Parallel and -Normal Extension at the Dinarides-Hellenides Junction during Clockwise Rotation and Radial Expansion of the Retreating Hellenic Arc-Trench System
Schmidli, J.
A32G-01Abstract Title: A Review on Regional Convection-Permitting Climate Modeling: Demonstrations, Prospects, and Challenges
Schmidli, J.
A32G-02Abstract Title: Analysis of precipitation extremes using generalized extreme value theory in convection-resolving climate simulations
Schmidt, A.
T13CAbstract Title: Orogenic Evolution from the Middle Crust to Earth's Surface I Posters, T24BAbstract Title: Orogenic Evolution from the Middle Crust to Earth's Surface II
Schmidt, A.
S41B-2716Abstract Title: Locating mofettes using seismic noise records from small dense arrays and Matched Field Processing Analysis in the NW Bohemia/Vogtland Region, Czech Republic
Schmidt, A.
A33F-0235Abstract Title: Bayesian optimization of modeled CO2 fluxes in Oregon using a dense tower network, aircraft campaigns, and the community land model 4.5, B41D-0463Abstract Title: Quantifying the Representation Error of Land Biosphere Models using High Resolution Footprint Analyses and UAS Observations
Schmidt, A.
U34A-04Abstract Title: Long-range transport, air quality and climate impacts of volcanic sulfur from the 2014-2015 eruption at Holuhraun (Bárðarbunga, Iceland), V41C-3078Abstract Title: Environmental effects of magmatic sulfur emitted by large-scale flood basalt eruptions
Schmidt, A.
A41O-07Abstract Title: The impacts of the 2014 eruption of Holuhraun in Iceland: the tropospheric equivalent of Mount Pinatubo, U34AAbstract Title: Are We Ready to Observe the Next Large Volcanic Eruption?
Schmidt, B. E.
C11B-0762Abstract Title: Tracking the Propagation and Effects of Crevasses in the Helheim Glacier in Greenland, C21A-0700Abstract Title: Into the Deep Black Sea: The Icefin Modular AUV for Ice-Covered Ocean Exploration, DI11C-2615Abstract Title: Upper Mantle Discontinuity Structure Beneath the Western Atlantic Ocean and Eastern North America from SS Precursors, P23D-04Abstract Title: Fathoms Below: Propagation of Deep Water-driven Fractures and Implications for Surface Expression and Temporally-varying Activity at Europa, P31B-2063Abstract Title: Astronomical Ice: The Effects of Treating Ice as a Porous Media on the Dynamics and Evolution of Extraterrestrial Ice-Ocean Environments, P31H-06Abstract Title: Exploring Formation Models for Ceres Tholi and Montes, P42A-04Abstract Title: Ceres in Color: Surface variegation suggests a compositionally diverse landscape, P53E-2187Abstract Title: Geomorphological Evidence for Pervasive Ground Ice on Ceres from Dawn Observations of Craters and Flows., P53E-2188Abstract Title: Behavior and Stability of Ground Ice on Ceres: Initial Clues from Dawn
Schmidt, C. M.
B13E-0662Abstract Title: Novel Technique for Assessing Ammonium Utilization by Phytoplankton in the San Francisco Bay-Delta Estuary, B53G-0642Abstract Title: Nitrate-transformations during simulated drought on a restored floodplain
Schmidt, C.
SM31B-2491Abstract Title: High Resolution Integral Field Spectroscopy of Europa's Sodium Clouds: Evidence for a Component with Origins in Iogenic Plasma., SM31D-2542Abstract Title: Dynamics of High-Velocity Evanescent Clumps (HVECs) Emitted from Comet C/2011 L4 (Pan-STARRS) as Observed by STEREO
Schmidt, C. A.
B21BAbstract Title: Biochar Research: Advances in Production and Application Posters
Schmidt, C.
H31K-01Abstract Title: Hyporheic exchange in heterogeneous streambeds under losing and gaining flow conditions, H31K-04Abstract Title: Solute tracer transport does not vary systematically with stream discharge or geomorphology, H32C-03Abstract Title: Estimating streambed travel times and respiration rates based on temperature and oxygen consumption, H33C-1610Abstract Title: Stream discharge events increase the reaction efficiency of the hyporheic zone of an in-stream gravel bar
Schmidt, C.
MR13C-2712Abstract Title: X-ray Raman Scattering at Extreme Conditions: Insights to Local Structure, Oxidation and Spin state
Schmidt, C.
GC33C-1293Abstract Title: Remote Sensing of Water Quality in the Niger River Basin, H13C-1564Abstract Title: Developing a Resource for Implementing ArcSWAT Using Global Datasets , PA31A-2154Abstract Title: Best Practices for Improving Capacity Building Outcomes through Professional Training: Insights from NASA’s Applied Remote Sensing Training (ARSET) Program
Schmidt, D. N.
PP11C-07Abstract Title: Biomarker Approaches to Greenhouse Gas Estimations Through the Cenozoic – Recent Developments and Future Directions, PP41B-2237Abstract Title: Cretaceous-Palaeogene experiments in Biogeochemical Resilience
Schmidt, D. A.
G23C-02Abstract Title: Interseismic deformation and creep along the Sumatran fault, Indonesia from InSAR time-series analysis, NH41B-1806Abstract Title: A Survey of Landslide Activity in the Columbia River Gorge from InSAR, S31A-2720Abstract Title: Spatial and Temporal Comparisons of Tremor and Slow Slip in Cascadia, S31A-2721Abstract Title: Assessing the Updip Spatial Offset of Tremor and Slip during ETS Events in Cascadia, S33B-2764Abstract Title: The G-FAST Geodetic Earthquake Early Warning System: Operational Performance and Synthetic Testing, S51D-2722Abstract Title: Deep long-period earthquakes (DLPs) beneath Mount St. Helens, T51D-2898Abstract Title: A real-time cabled observatory on the Cascadia subduction zone
Schmidt, G. K.
P44AAbstract Title: The Science of Exploration as Enabled by the Moon, Near Earth Asteroids, and the Moons of Mars I, P53CAbstract Title: The Science of Exploration as Enabled by the Moon, Near Earth Asteroids, and the Moons of Mars II Posters
Schmidt, H.
SA11A-02Abstract Title: The Multi-Scale Dynamics of Gravity Waves in Parameterizations: Central Issues and Solution Strategies
Schmidt, I. K.
B21F-0536Abstract Title: Contrasting Responses of Ecosystem Carbon Gain (Input) and Soil Carbon Efflux (Output) to Warming and Drought Across a European Aridity Gradient
Schmidt, J.
V44A-05Abstract Title: Sediment Subduction and the Generation of Extreme Geochemical Enrichment in Lavas Erupted at Oceanic Hotspots
Schmidt, J. L.
T13G-02Abstract Title: Lateral variations in lithospheric and landscape evolution at both ends of the Himalaya-Tibet orogen
Schmidt, J.
A23D-0338Abstract Title: Sensitivity of the MJO Simulations to the Mixing Length Formulations
Schmidt, J. M.
SH33C-06Abstract Title: Importance of Kappa Background Electron Distributions to Solar Radio Bursts
Schmidt, J. C.
EP32A-01Abstract Title: Managing Fine Sediment in Regulated Rivers, EP33A-1051Abstract Title: Sediment Supply Versus Local Hydraulic Controls on Sediment Transport and Storage in the Rio Grande in the Big Bend Region, EP41D-01Abstract Title: Interpreting Hydraulic Conditions from Morphology, Sedimentology, and Grain Size of Sand Bars in the Colorado River in Grand Canyon
Schmidt, J.
P11C-2113Abstract Title: Modeling Europa's Dust Plumes
Schmidt, K. M.
H33A-1567Abstract Title: Forecasting wetting and drying of post-wildfire soils in response to precipitation: A time series optimization approach, IN23C-1741Abstract Title: Optimizing the decomposition of soil moisture time-series data using genetic algorithms
Schmidt, M. E.
P43B-2121Abstract Title: Chemical Composition of Diagenetic Features at Lower Aeolis Mons, Mars as Measured by Curiosity’s APXS
Schmidt, M.
A33B-0146Abstract Title: Coherent Structure Patterns Affect Energy Balance Closure: Evidence from Virtual Measurements for a Field Campaign
Schmidt, M. W.
PP13D-04Abstract Title: Multi-Species Temperature and Proxy Reconstructions of the Tropical Pacific Mean State across Marine Isotope Stage 3, PP42B-05Abstract Title: Millennial-Scale Subsurface Temperature Change in the Niger Delta Linked to Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation Variability During the Last Deglacial
Schmidt, M. W.
V21C-3054Abstract Title: Volatiles in Kimberlitic Magmas: Forced Multiple Saturation with a Mantle Source, V21C-3056Abstract Title: Multi-phase saturation experiments on the Oldoinyo Lengai natrocarbonatite lavas: derived from a sodic-potassic calciocarbonatite through fractionation, V33C-3112Abstract Title: Dihedral angle of carbonatite melts in mantle residue near the upper mantle and transition zone
Schmidt, S.
A23F-0394Abstract Title: Highlights from 4STAR Sky-Scanning Retrievals of Aerosol Intensive Optical Properties from Multiple Field Campaigns with Detailed Comparisons of SSA Reported During SEAC4RS, A41I-0178Abstract Title: Interpreting Spectral OCO-2 Radiance Perturbations in the Vicinity of Clouds, A41I-0179Abstract Title: 3D Cloud Effects and CO2 Retrievals, A42A-08Abstract Title: Implications of using transmitted vs. reflected light for determining cloud properties, cloud radiative effects and aerosol-cloud-interactions, A51I-0195Abstract Title: Observation of the spectral-invariant properties of clouds in transition zones during MAGIC, A case study, A51N-0265Abstract Title: Extending ICON-ART - Comparison of Simulations with Aircraft Data in the Tropical and Extra-Tropical UTLS, A54B-04Abstract Title: Detection of Aerosol Radiative Forcing Associated with Aerosol-Cloud Interactions
Schmidt, V. E.
C43C-0817Abstract Title: An attempt at multibeam imaging of laboratory sea ice
Schmidt, W.
P31E-2112Abstract Title: Mapping of the cometary plasma density around comet CG/67P at perihelion., P31E-2115Abstract Title: Measuring the Permittivity of the Nucleus of a Comet: the PP-SESAME Experiment on Board the Philae/ROSETTA Lander
Schmidt, W. L.
T21E-2886Abstract Title: Structural Cross Section of the South Fork Mountain Schist, Franciscan Subduction Complex, Northern California Coast Ranges
Schmidt-Rohr, K.
B13J-05Abstract Title: Seasonal variability in the composition of dissolved organic matter in the Yukon River, Alaska
Schmidtlein, M.
NH23E-07Abstract Title: Pedestrian flow-path modeling to support tsunami-evacuation planning
Schmidtlein, S.
B53C-0574Abstract Title: Mapping Invasive Plant Species with a Combination of Field and Remote Sensing Data
Schmiedl, G. H.
PP13B-2293Abstract Title: Holocene evolution of the River Nile drainage system as revealed from the Lake Dendi sediment record, central Ethiopian highlands
Schmit, T.
ED54A-03Abstract Title: STEM connections to the GOES-R Satellite Series
Schmit, T. J.
IN43C-1750Abstract Title: JPSS application in a near real time regional numerical forecast system at CIMSS
Schmit, T. J.
A33P-08Abstract Title: Value-added Impact from Future Geostationary Hyperspectral Infrared Sounder Observations on Hurricane Forecasts
Schmitt, A. K.
V33E-03Abstract Title: Late Pleistocene pluton formation during the waning stages of the Altiplano-Puna ignimbrite flare-up
Schmitt, A. K.
DI13A-2627Abstract Title: Geochronology and Geochemistry of Zircons from the IODP Site U1437 in the Rear of the Izu-Bonin Volcanic Arc, V13B-3122Abstract Title: Longevity of Crystal Cargo vs. Transience of Melts in Magmatic Plumbing Systems, V43B-3156Abstract Title: Numerical Simulation of Magma Reservoirs to Interpret Chrono-Chemical Signal
Schmitt, B.
EP53A-1001Abstract Title: Formation of Authigenic Sulfates in Cold Dry Glaciers: Terrestrial and Planetary Implications of Sublimites, IN33E-03Abstract Title: VESPA: Developing the Planetary Science Virtual Observatory in H2020
Schmitt, C. G.
A42B-01Abstract Title: Black Carbon Emissions and Impacts on the South American Glacial Region
Schmitt, D. R.
MR41B-2637Abstract Title: Physical Properties of Fractured Porous Media, MR41D-2672Abstract Title: Modeling of Viscoelastic Properties of Porous Rocks Saturated with Viscous Fluid at Seismic Frequencies at the Core Scale, S21A-2669Abstract Title: A BOREHOLE SEISMIC SYSTEM FOR ACTIVE AND PASSIVE SEIMSIC STUDIES TO 3 KM AT PTRC’S AQUISTORE PROJECT, S23D-2773Abstract Title: An Algorithm to Calculate the Seismic Reflectivity and Transmissivity from General Anisotropic Structures, S24A-01Abstract Title: Seismic monitoring results from the first 6 months of CO2 injection at the Aquistore geological storage site, Saskatchewan, Canada, T11A-2870Abstract Title: Stress Map 2.0: Updating the Stress Map of the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin, T11G-03Abstract Title: Extreme Hydrothermal Conditions Near an Active Geological Fault, DFDP-2B Borehole, Alpine Fault, New Zealand, T23D-2990Abstract Title: The Alpine Fault Hanging Wall Viewed from Within: Structural and Lithological Analysis of Acoustic Televiewer Logs in the DFDP-2B Borehole, New Zealand
Schmitt, F. G.
NG33C-03Abstract Title: Scaling Analysis of Ocean Surface Turbulent Heterogeneities from Satellite Remote Sensing: Use of 2D Structure Functions, methodology and applications, NG41AAbstract Title: Nonlinear Phenomena: Scaling, Waves, and Turbulence III Posters
Schmitt, H. H.
P43F-08Abstract Title: Lunar Field Geological Interpretations Assisted by LROC, Mini-RF and M3: Taurus-Littrow
Schmitt, J.
PP43E-02Abstract Title: Glacial-Interglacial and Holocene N2O Stable Isotope Changes Constrain Terrestrial N Cycling
Schmitt, R. J. P.
EP31D-07Abstract Title: Linking sediment connectivity to remotely sensed, reach-scale morphology identifies correlations between network-scale sediment regimes and local river forms and processes
Schmitt, R. W.
GC41G-04Abstract Title: Implications of North Atlantic Sea Surface Salinity for Summer Precipitation over the US Midwest: Mechanisms and Predictive Value
Schmitt, R. G.
NH34A-07Abstract Title: Forensic Analysis of the May 2014 West Salt Creek Rock Avalanche in Western Colorado, NH44B-04Abstract Title: Assessing Landslide Mobility Using GIS: Application to Kosrae, Micronesia
Schmitt, S.
H34B-03Abstract Title: Disturbance Hydrology in the Tropics: The Galápagos Islands as a Case Study, H43B-1499Abstract Title: Elucidating Native and Non-Native Plant-Fog Interactions Across Microclimatic Zones in San Cristobal Island, Galapagos
Schmitt, S.
A13E-0381Abstract Title: Total OH reactivity study from VOC photochemical oxidation in the SAPHIR chamber, A41A-0036Abstract Title: Experimental determination of the partitioning coefficient and volatility of important BVOC oxidation products using the Aerosol Collection Module (ACM) coupled to a PTR-ToF-MS
Schmittbuhl, J.
H21L-01Abstract Title: Time-dependent permeability anisotropy at the Soultz-sous-Forêts geothermal site, France
Schmittner, A.
IN53A-1832Abstract Title: 3D Visualization of Global Ocean Circulation, PP42B-08Abstract Title: AMOCMIP: Probabilistic projections of future AMOC evolution driven by global warming and Greenland Ice Sheet melt., PP43B-2263Abstract Title: Incorporating feedback uncertainties in a model-based assessment of equilibrium climate sensitivity using Last Glacial Maximum temperature reconstructions, PP43B-2273Abstract Title: Wind Stress Increases Glacial Atlantic Overturning, PP53B-2325Abstract Title: An Ocean Sediment Core-Top Calibration of Foraminiferal (Cibicides) Stable Carbon Isotope Ratios
Schmitz, D.
H34B-08Abstract Title: An Examination of the Changing Hydrological Environment in Choctaw County Mississippi since 1995, With a Focus on an Area Surrounding an Industrial Complex established in 1998.
Schmitz, M. D.
V33D-3133Abstract Title: MKED1: A new titanite standard for in situ microanalysis of trace elements, Sm-Nd isotopes, and U-Pb geochronology
Schmitz, M.
T13F-07Abstract Title: The Two Subduction Zones of the Southern Caribbean: Lithosphere Tearing and Continental Margin Recycling in the East, Flat Slab Subduction and Laramide-Style Uplifts in the West
Schmitz Quinteiro, R. V.
DI13B-2672Abstract Title: How Subduction Settings can Affect Planetary Nitrogen Cycle: An Experimental Insight, DI31B-2587Abstract Title: Experimental Studies of the Phase Diagram Leucite – Nepheline – Diopside under 4.0GPa and High Temperatures
Schmitz, R. A.
OS23A-1986Abstract Title: Nitrogen fixation in sediments along a depth transect through the Eastern Boundary Upwelling Systems off Peru and Mauritania
Schmook, B.
B21L-04Abstract Title: Catastrophic ecosystem shifts in dry tropical forest: evidence, mechanisms and implications for climate change
Schmuelling, F.
P41B-2073Abstract Title: Long-term Observations of Jovian Mid-Infrared Aurora, Hydrocarbon Abundances, and Temperature: Ground-based and Space-based Comparison and Preparation for Juno
Schmullius, C.
B11A-0411Abstract Title: Assessing ecosystem response to multiple disturbances and climate change in South Africa using ground- and satellite-based measurements and model, B11C-0438Abstract Title: Large-Scale Variation in Forest Carbon Turnover Rate and its Relation to Climate – Remote Sensing vs. Global Vegetation Models
Schmutz, W. K.
SH32A-06Abstract Title: Solar Spectral Irradiance Observations from the PICARD/PREMOS Radiometer
Schnabel, M.
S53A-2747Abstract Title: Calibration of Seismic Sources during a Test Cruise with the new RV SONNE, T51B-2872Abstract Title: Sediment stratigraphy of the Nansen Basin, Arctic Ocean and characterization of the ultraslow-spreading oceanic crust, T51B-2873Abstract Title: Kane Basin, Nares-Strait: Strike-slip induced sediment deformation along the coastline of Ellesmere Island
Schnackenberg, A.
S33C-2801Abstract Title: U.S. Tsunami Information technology (TIM) Modernization:Developing a Maintainable and Extensible Open Source Earthquake and Tsunami Warning System
Schnaiter, M.
A12C-05Abstract Title: Ice nucleation by plant structural materials and its potential contribution to glaciation in clouds, A24B-01Abstract Title: Aerosol Enhancements in the Upper Troposphere Over The Amazon Forest: Do Amazonian Clouds Produce Aerosols?
Schnase, J. L.
A51Q-0343Abstract Title: Mapping Piñon-Juniper Woodlands at a Sub-10 Meter Spatial Resolution in the Intermountain West, IN43B-1735Abstract Title: A Columnar Storage Strategy with Spatiotemporal Index for Big Climate Data
Schnecker, J.
B21F-0544Abstract Title: Effects of Recurring Droughts on Extracellular Enzyme Activity in Mountain Grassland, B22D-05Abstract Title: Changes in Microbial Nitrogen Dynamics with Soil Depth, and along a Latitudinal Transect in Western Siberia, B33D-0722Abstract Title: Soil Organic Matter Content: A Non-linear Control on Microbial Respiration in Soils
Schneider, A. M.
C13C-0819Abstract Title: Monte Carlo Photon Modeling to Explore the Dependence of Snow Bidirectional Reflectance on Grain Shape and Size
Schneider, A. C.
NS23A-1943Abstract Title: Development of an Adaptive Multi-Method Algorithm for Automatic Picking of First Arrival Times: Application to Near Surface Seismic Data
Schneider, A.
OS23B-2011Abstract Title: Bivalve Shell Horizons in Seafloor Pockmarks of the Last Glacial-interglacial Transition Suggest a Thousand Years of Methane Emissions in the Arctic Ocean
Schneider, A.
SA11A-05Abstract Title: High-resolution turbulence observations in the stratosphere with LITOS
Schneider, B.
A23M-06Abstract Title: Holocene constraints on simulated tropical Pacific climate 
Schneider, C.
C13A-0793Abstract Title: Impact of Ashfalls from Eyjafjallajökull and Grímsvötn Volcanoes on Glacier Ablation on Iceland – a Field Experiment
Schneider, D. J.
PA41DAbstract Title: Volcanic Hazards: Translating Research and Monitoring into Improved Communication, Preparedness, and Response I, PA41D-06Abstract Title: Development of Scientific Tools at the USGS to Prepare for Ash-Producing Eruptions, PA43CAbstract Title: Volcanic Hazards: Translating Research and Monitoring into Improved Communication, Preparedness, and Response II Posters, PA43C-2192Abstract Title: Evaluation of quantitative satellite-based retrievals of volcanic ash clouds
Schneider, D. J.
H43G-1613Abstract Title: Toward a Low-Cost System for High-Throughput Image-Based Phenotyping of Root System Architecture
Schneider, D. P.
C54A-08Abstract Title: Tropical pacing of Antarctic sea ice increase
Schneider, D.
C21D-05Abstract Title: Hydrologic impacts of land cover disturbances in the Upper Colorado River Basin., C33C-0844Abstract Title: Estimating snow depth from observations of remotely-sensed snow covered area and the terrain’s snow holding capacity, C41F-02Abstract Title: Rapid Snowmelt Leads to Greater Streamflow Across the Western United States
Schneider, F. D.
B51H-0529Abstract Title: Mapping genetic and phylogenetic diversity of a temperate forest using remote sensing based upscaling methods, B53B-0543Abstract Title: Linking Remotely Sensed Functional Diversity of Structural Traits to the Radiative Regime of a Temperate Mixed Forest
Schneider, F.
H51E-1414Abstract Title: Rainfall Generated Debris flows on Mount Shasta: July 21, 2015
Schneider, J.
A11C-0052Abstract Title: An aircraft-based case study of new particle formation and growth in the summertime Arctic, A11C-0071Abstract Title: Transport Regimes of Air Masses Affecting the Tropospheric Composition of the Canadian and European Arctic During RACEPAC 2014 and NETCARE 2014/2015, A24B-01Abstract Title: Aerosol Enhancements in the Upper Troposphere Over The Amazon Forest: Do Amazonian Clouds Produce Aerosols?
Schneider, J. M.
EP51D-06Abstract Title: Bedload sediment transport embedded in seismic signals generated from a mountain stream, EP52A-08Abstract Title: Flow, Sediment Transport, and Erosion in Steep Mountain Channels: an Alpine Symphony, EP53B-1004Abstract Title: Streambed Roughness, Flow Velocity, and Sediment Transport Rates in a Steep Mountain Channel
Schneider, K.
A51D-0073Abstract Title: Detecting Coherent Structures in Large-Eddy Simulation of Shallow Convection
Schneider, K.
B41A-0413Abstract Title: Scaling Properties of the Spatial Heterogeneity of Leaf Area Index on Arable Land Derived fro Remote Sensing and Simulation, H21C-1392Abstract Title: Geostatistical and Fractal Analysis of Soil Moisture Patterns in a Mesoscale Catchment Using Plot to Catchment Scale Datasets, H23B-1577Abstract Title: Derivation of Soil Moisture Patterns from a simple Soil Moisture Index, H23B-1580Abstract Title: Spatial Variability of Soil Properties and its Impact on Simulated Surface Soil Moisture Patterns
Schneider, L. M.
B33D-0726Abstract Title: Impact of Temperature and Hydrological Residence Time on the Fate and Transport of Iron and Organic Carbon in Subalpine Wetlands
Schneider, N. M.
P12A-05Abstract Title: The Hot Oxygen Corona of Mars: Observations by MAVEN IUVS, P13D-04Abstract Title: H Escape in 3D: MAVEN IUVS observations of the Mars corona, P21A-2053Abstract Title: MAVEN/IUVS Observations of the Gaseous Perturbation from Comet C/2013 A1 (Siding Spring) on Mars and its Constant Metallic Ion Layer, P21A-2054Abstract Title: A First Comparison between 3D Model Predictions of Mars’ Oxygen Corona and Early MAVEN IUVS Observations, P21A-2055Abstract Title: Study of the Martian cold oxygen corona from the O I 130.4 nm by IUVS/MAVEN, P21A-2056Abstract Title: Early Results from the MAVEN IUVS Echelle Channel, P21A-2058Abstract Title: Mars’ ultraviolet dayglow observations by IUVS/MAVEN: Structure and variability of Martian upper atmosphere, P21A-2060Abstract Title: MAVEN/IUVS Apoapse Observations of the Martian FUV Dayglow, P21A-2061Abstract Title: Retrieval of Mars' Upper Atmospheric Composition using Dayglow Observations by IUVS on MAVEN, P21A-2065Abstract Title: Mars Ozone Mapping with MAVEN IUVS, P21A-2066Abstract Title: Probing the Martian Atmosphere with MAVEN/IUVS Stellar Occultations, P21A-2068Abstract Title: Tides in the Martian Atmosphere as Observed by MAVEN IUVS, P21A-2069Abstract Title: Two Types of Aurora on Mars as Observed by MAVEN's Imaging UltraViolet Spectrograph
Schneider, N.
OS52AAbstract Title: Asia-Pacific Climate: Past, Present, and Future I, OS53AAbstract Title: Asia-Pacific Climate: Past, Present, and Future II Posters, OS53A-2011Abstract Title: On the impact of spiciness on El Nino, OS53A-2015Abstract Title: The Atmospheric Response to Surface Stress Induced by the Kuroshio Current in the East China Sea, PP14A-02Abstract Title: Precipitation and Seawater Isotopic Variability from Hawaii to the equator: the 2014-2015 ENSO cycle
Schneider, R.
B51E-0479Abstract Title: Assessing the effectiveness of manure application timing options to minimize P loss from fields
Schneider, S.
T13C-3018Abstract Title: Building the Pamir-Tibet Plateau: Eo-Oligocene Crustal Stacking and Orogen Parallel Evasion of Upper and Middle Crustal Material in the Pamir
Schneider, T.
A13A-0279Abstract Title: The Response of Idealized Stationary-Eddy Circulations to Climate Change, A13A-0285Abstract Title: The equatorial energy balance, ITCZ position, and double ITCZ bifurcations, A21D-0166Abstract Title: Fidelity of High-Order LES of Boundary Layer Clouds with Closed Entropy and Water Budgets, A21D-0167Abstract Title: Subgrid-scale Condensation Modeling for Entropy-based Large Eddy Simulations of Clouds, A51E-0106Abstract Title: Energetically consistent large-eddy simulations of subtropical cloud-topped boundary layers under idealized climate change, P41B-2064Abstract Title: Belt-Zone Contrasts in Vertical Motion and Cloud Structure in Jupiter's Troposphere
Schneider, U.
A13C-0345Abstract Title: Assessment of Precipitation Trends over Europe by Comparing ERA-20C with a New Homogenized Observational GPCC Dataset
Schneiderman, E. M.
H13C-1526Abstract Title: Realistically Predicting Saturation-Excess Runoff With El-SWAT
Schnell, J.
A42F-01Abstract Title: On the Co-occurrence of Air Quality Extremes and Heat Waves
Schnell, R. C.
A11M-0258Abstract Title: Quantifying Ozone Production throughout the Boundary Layer from High Frequency Tethered Profile Measurements during a High Ozone Episode in the Uinta Basin, Utah, A13B-0319Abstract Title: Highly Active Ice Nuclei from Tree Leaf Litters Retain Activity for Decades, A21A-0016Abstract Title: Tethered Ozonesonde Measurements During FRAPPE July-August 2014, A22D-07Abstract Title: Dust Transport into the Arctic: Time for Routine In Situ Measurements
Schnepf, N. R.
GP31B-02Abstract Title: The electrical conductivity of the upper mantle and lithosphere from satellite magnetic signal due to ocean tidal flow
Schnetger, B.
B32B-08Abstract Title: A novel bacteriohopanepolyol biomarker reveals anaerobic ammonium oxidation has been an important process in Gulf of Alaska nitrogen cycling over the last ~60 ka., GC51F-1166Abstract Title: Trace Element Inputs to the Upper West Pacific from Nd Isotopes and Rare Earth Elements
Schnoebelen, D. J.
EP23E-04Abstract Title: Sediment Fingerprinting in Intensively Managed Landscapes: Application of an Enhanced Bayesian Un-mixing Framework that accounts for Spatiotemporal Heterogeneity to Study Intra-Seasonal Trends in Source Contributions
Schnorbus, M.
GC53B-1206Abstract Title: How Robust are our Hydrologic Models in Simulating Streamflow Alterations in a Changing Climate?
Schnur, S.
DI41A-2595Abstract Title: Defining the Tristan-Gough Hotspot: High-Resolution 40Ar/39Ar Dating of Volcanism at Tristan da Cunha
Schnurr, J. M.
IN51A-1791Abstract Title: A Framework for Real-Time Collection, Analysis, and Classification of Ubiquitous Infrasound Data, S21B-2681Abstract Title: Investigating Sources of Uncertainty in Surface Wave Ellipticity Measurements across the USArray
Schobesberger, S.
A33N-01Abstract Title: Applications of online high resolution time of flight chemical ionization mass spectrometry (HRToF-CIMS): opportunities and challenges for aircraft measurements, atmosphere-ecosystem exchange, and organic aerosol composition
Schodlok, M.
C12A-08Abstract Title: Oceans Melting Greenland (OMG): Early Results from NASA’s Latest Airborne Mission, C21A-0701Abstract Title: Towards better simulations of ice/ocean coupling in the Amundsen Sea Sector, West Antarctica, using a coupled ice-sheet ocean model
Schoeberl, M. R.
A21C-0137Abstract Title: Cloud Height Detection Using OMPS Limb Profiler Measurements
Schoell, M.
H23K-02Abstract Title: Formation and migration of Natural Gases: gas composition and isotopes as monitors between source, reservoir and seep
Schoellhamer, D. H.
EP21C-0926Abstract Title: Erosion Characteristics and Horizontal Variability for Small Erosion Depths in the Sacramento – San Joaquin River Delta, California, USA
Schoemaecker, C.
A31F-01Abstract Title: Development and first applications of an OH reactivity instrument based on the Comparative Reactivity Method
Schoemann, M.
B23A-0594Abstract Title: Laser Ablation Trace Element Analysis of Modern and Fossil Desmophyllum dianthus from Norfolk and Baltimore Canyons in Mid-Atlantic Ocean
Schoen, B.
EP53C-1038Abstract Title: The Electron Losses and Fields Investigation
Schoenball, M.
S13B-2811Abstract Title: Differentiating Induced and Natural Seismicity Using Space-Time-Magnitude Statistics Applied to the Coso Geothermal Field
Schoenbohm, L. M.
T13B-3003Abstract Title: Geomorphic Constraints on the Structural Evolution of an Obliquely Extending Region: The Fault-Bounded Ranges of the Plio-Quaternary Premygdonia-Mygdonia Basin Complex, Northern Greece., T21B-2817Abstract Title: Regional Deformation of the Southern Puna Plateau, Central Andes, Recorded by Basin Evolution and Bedrock Exhumation History
Schoene, B.
IN23E-04Abstract Title: Community-based Approaches to Improving Accuracy, Precision, and Reproducibility in U-Pb and U-Th Geochronology, PP31E-07Abstract Title: Early Neoproterozoic Global Change Through the Lens of the Tambien Group, Northern Ethiopia, PP33B-2300Abstract Title: Newly Discovered Exposures of Neoproterozoic Diamictite within the Samre Fold-Thrust Belt of Northern Ethiopia, T13A-2958Abstract Title: Constraining Rates of Neoarchean Plate Motion through Magnetostratigraphy and Integrated High-Precision Geochronology of the Fortescue Group, Pilbara, Western Australia, T14A-01Abstract Title: Geology, Geochronology, and EarthScope: The EarthScope AGeS Program and a new idea for a 4D Earth Initiative, T22A-07Abstract Title: Thermal and Temporal Constraints on the Development of Dome and Keel Structures in the Eastern Pilbara Craton Using U-Pb Thermochronology, T31F-2910Abstract Title: U-Pb Geochronology: Taking or Creating the Pulse of Magmatic Systems?, V31G-01Abstract Title: It's About Time: How Accurate Can Geochronology Become?, V33D-3150Abstract Title: How to build a mid-crustal intrusive suite: geologic mapping, U-Pb geo-/thermochronology, and thermal modeling of the Bergell Intrusion, Central Alps, V41D-05Abstract Title: Evaluating the construction and evolution of upper crustal reservoirs with coupled U/Pb zircon geochronology and thermal modeling: A case study from the Mt. Capanne pluton (Elba, Italy), V51G-3118Abstract Title: 4-Dimensional Insights into Silicic Magma Reservoir Assembly from Late Miocene Southern Andean Plutons
Schoenemann, S. W.
PP13E-06Abstract Title: Seasonal and spatial variation of 17Oexcess and dexcess in Antarctic precipitation: insights from an intermediate complexity isotope model, PP53D-07Abstract Title: Atmospheric teleconnections between the tropics and the Southern Hemisphere westerly winds during abrupt climate change
Schoener, W.
C13BAbstract Title: Glacier Monitoring from In Situ and Remotely Sensed Observations I Posters, C21FAbstract Title: Glacier Monitoring from In Situ and Remotely Sensed Observations II, GC23B-1141Abstract Title: Spatiotemporal Analysis of Snow Trends in the Austria Alps and their Relationship to Weather Patterns
Schoener, W.
C13BAbstract Title: Glacier Monitoring from In Situ and Remotely Sensed Observations I Posters, C21FAbstract Title: Glacier Monitoring from In Situ and Remotely Sensed Observations II
Schoenhardt, A.
C13C-0832Abstract Title: Viable Particles from Iodine Compounds in the Antarctic Sea Ice Zone
Schoenherr, M.
B43B-0545Abstract Title: Benchmark Study of 3D Pore-scale Flow and Solute Transport Simulation Methods
Schofield, D. I.
T21G-07Abstract Title: Supercontinent Breakup and Reassembly in the Appalachian-Caledonide System: Implications for the Wilson Cycle
Schofield, I.
ED31C-0914Abstract Title: French language space science educational outreach, NH11B-1906Abstract Title: AUTUMNX: a real-time dense magnetometer array for northern Quebec
Schofield, I.
SM21A-2477Abstract Title: ELF/VLF waves related to magnetospheric compression: conjugated observations from satellite- and subauroral ground-based instruments., SM41H-2576Abstract Title: Statistical study of propagation characteristics of Pc1 pearl structures using conjugate ground-satellite observations
Schofield, J. T.
P11B-2097Abstract Title: The Mars Environmental Dynamics Analyzer (MEDA): A Suite of Environmental Sensors for the Mars 2020 Rover, P22A-02Abstract Title: Time-variability of Polar Winter Snow Clouds on Mars, P22A-03Abstract Title: A widespread low-latitude diurnal CO2 frost cycle on Mars revealed by Mars Climate Sounder observations, P23B-2137Abstract Title: No Widespread Dust in the Middle Atmosphere of Mars from Mars Climate Sounder Observations
Schofield, N.
T51E-2946Abstract Title: Lateral magma flow in sill-complexes: towards a paradigm shift in volcanology
Schofield, O.
OS13A-2016Abstract Title: Phytoplankton Bloom Phenology near Palmer Station Antarctica
Schofield, O.
ED13C-0895Abstract Title: Bringing Society to a Changing Polar Ocean: Polar Interdisciplinary Coordinated Education (ICE), TH32KAbstract Title: Utilizing online streaming data from the National Science Foundation’s Ocean Observatories Initiative
Schohn, A.
V14A-02Abstract Title: Structure and Dynamics of the Southeast Indian Ridge and Off-axis Volcanism, 129°E to 140°E: Preliminary Results of the STORM Cruise
Scholes, R. J.
B11A-0411Abstract Title: Assessing ecosystem response to multiple disturbances and climate change in South Africa using ground- and satellite-based measurements and model
Scholin, C. A.
OS51C-02Abstract Title: Harmful Algal Bloom Hotspots Really Are Hot: A Case Study from Monterey Bay, California
Scholl, D. W.
OS22B-02Abstract Title: New Constraints on Gas and Gas Hydrate Estimates in the Bering Sea using an Automated Sediment Physics Modeling Approach
Scholl, M. A.
A33H-0276Abstract Title: A Local Index of Cloud Immersion in Tropical Forests Using Time-Lapse Photography, A33H-0278Abstract Title: Quantifying Amount and Variability of Cloud Water Inputs Using Active-Strand Collector, Ceilometer, Dewpoint, and Photographic Measurements, H42F-01Abstract Title: Droplets to Deluges: Combining Stable-Isotope and Meteorological Data to Resolve Climate Controls on Recharge and Runoff in Tropical Watersheds
Schöll, M.
SH32A-06Abstract Title: Solar Spectral Irradiance Observations from the PICARD/PREMOS Radiometer
Scholl, V.
B43C-0556Abstract Title: Assessing and Adapting LiDAR-Derived Pit-Free Canopy Height Model Algorithm for Sites with Varying Vegetation Structure
Scholten, F.
P53E-2166Abstract Title: High-resolution Ceres HAMO Atlas derived from Dawn FC Images
Scholten, O.
AE21A-02Abstract Title: Cosmic rays as probes of atmospheric electric fields
Scholtes, L.
T21A-2797Abstract Title: 3D Discrete Element Simulation of Large-scale Faulting and Crustal Thickening in the India-Asia Collision Zone
Scholtz, A.
Scholz, C. A.
T41F-02Abstract Title: Early-stage rifting in the southwest East African Rift: Insights from new reflection seismic data from Lakes Tanganyika and Malawi (Nyasa), T43H-02Abstract Title: Active-source seismic imaging below Lake Malawi (Nyasa) from the SEGMeNT project, T51E-2937Abstract Title: The Central Lake Malawi (Nyasa) Rift: single or multiple rift segments?
Scholz, F.
PP34B-04Abstract Title: Glacial-interglacial Variations of Molybdenum Isotopes in the Peruvian Oxygen Minimum Zone
Schomacker, A.
C14A-07Abstract Title: Physical characteristics of drumlins, with implications for their formation, at an active drumlin field, Múlajökull, Iceland, C54B-01Abstract Title: A Model of Drumlin Growth at Múlajökull, Iceland, PP33A-2287Abstract Title: Can we use crevasse fill ridges for identifying undocumented surge behavior in Svalbard?
Schomburg, A.
A51K-0211Abstract Title: Improved Understanding of an Extreme Rainfall Event at the Himalayan Foothills
Schönfeld, J.
PP33C-2327Abstract Title: A 22,000 year record of changing redox conditions from the Peruvian Oxygen Minimum Zone (OMZ): benthic foraminifera approach
Schongart, J.
B52B-08Abstract Title: Ecosystem Function in Amazon Floodplain Wetlands: Climate Variability, Landscape Dynamics and Carbon Biogeochemistry.
Schonwalder, D. A.
V43B-3125Abstract Title: Insights on the Plumbing System of a Stratovolcano and its Interaction with the Local Tectonics, based on the Petrology, Geochemistry and Textural Analysis of Satellite Scoria Cones. Llaima Volcano, Chile.
Schoof, C.
C11A-0735Abstract Title: Icequakes and ambient noise sources detected by a geophone array at the Kaskawulsh glacier, C11C-0790Abstract Title: Dense borehole network observations of a small surge-type glacier, C51CAbstract Title: Modeling of the Cryosphere: Glaciers and Ice Sheets I Posters, C51C-0728Abstract Title: Ice stream onset at a cold/temperate bed transition, C53EAbstract Title: Modeling of the Cryosphere: Glaciers and Ice Sheets II, C54BAbstract Title: Modeling of the Cryosphere: Glaciers and Ice Sheets III, C54B-02Abstract Title: The influence of subtemperate sliding on the formation of temperate ice in ice stream margins
Schoof, J. T.
GC34B-07Abstract Title: An Analysis of the Climate Change Mitigation Potential through Soil Organic Carbon Sequestration in a Corn Belt Watershed, GC41A-1060Abstract Title: A New Perspective on Heat Waves in the United States, PP51A-2250Abstract Title: δ18O and δ13C Analysis in Tree Rings of Pterocarpus angolensis Growing in Zimbabwe
Schook, D. M.
EP33A-1047Abstract Title: Drainage Basin Sensitivity to Climate Change in the Eastern Italian Alps, PP51A-2254Abstract Title: A Riparian Approach to Dendrochronological Flow Reconstruction, Yellowstone River, Montana
Schooley, A. K.
SH11A-2375Abstract Title: ADAPT/HMI Global Solar Magnetic Maps, SM31E-01Abstract Title: Space Weather Forecasts Driven by the ADAPT Model
Schoonen, M. A.
A41A-0044Abstract Title: Multi-Modal Spatial Analysis of Metals within Individual Aerosol Particles Sampled from the Asian Continental Outflow, P53C-2127Abstract Title: Reactive Oxygen Species Generation by Lunar Simulants in Simulated Lung Fluid
Schorghofer, N.
P53E-2184Abstract Title: Regional and Local Temperature Maps of Dwarf Planet Ceres from Dawn/VIR, P53E-2187Abstract Title: Geomorphological Evidence for Pervasive Ground Ice on Ceres from Dawn Observations of Craters and Flows., P53E-2188Abstract Title: Behavior and Stability of Ground Ice on Ceres: Initial Clues from Dawn
Schorlemmer, D.
S53A-2773Abstract Title: Recent Achievements of the Collaboratory for the Study of Earthquake Predictability, T13D-3035Abstract Title: Global Dynamic Exposure and the OpenBuildingMap
Schorzman, K.
H21F-1439Abstract Title: Variability of Residence Time tracer Concentrations at the Southern Sierra Critical Zone Observatory during the California Drought
Schott, J.
H52C-06Abstract Title: Using WITCH to determine the factors that govern shale weathering and solute fluxes in the Critical Zone
Schouten, D.
NS21B-1927Abstract Title: Recent Advances and Field Trial Results Integrating Cosmic Ray Muon Tomography with Other Data Sources for Mineral Exploration
Schouten, H.
T41F-08Abstract Title: The Thinning of the lithosphere before Magmatic Spreading is Established at the Western End of the Cocos-Nazca Rift
Schouten, S.
OS31A-1962Abstract Title: One year sediment trap fluxes from a mooring in the western tropical North Atlantic, PP21B-2242Abstract Title: Global Sea Surface Temperature and Ecosystem Change Across the Mid-Miocene Climatic Optimum
Schrade, S.
A31F-02Abstract Title: Investigation of Potential Interferences in the Detection of OH Radicals by Laser-Induced Fluorescence under Dark Conditions
Schrader, C. M.
V11B-3070Abstract Title: Investigating Mantle Sources of Basaltic Melts Using Olivine LA-ICPMS Analysis, Mount Taylor Volcanic Field, New Mexico
Schrag, D. P.
H31A-1403Abstract Title: Exploring the Effects of Solar Radiation Management on Water Cycling in a Coupled Land-Atmosphere Model
Schrama, E. J. O.
C53C-0788Abstract Title: Degree 1 and 2 Temporal Gravity, Ice Sheet Mass Loss and Glacier Mass Change., G52A-03Abstract Title: Total Land Water Storage Change over 2003-2013 Estimated from a Global Mass Budget Approach, OS11A-1983Abstract Title: CryoSat Mission over the Ocean: A Review of Product Validations, Evolutions and Scientific Exploitation
Schramm, K. A.
NS31A-1952Abstract Title: Electromagnetic Measurements in an Active Oilfield Environment, NS31A-1953Abstract Title: Measuring Changes in Electrical Conductivity of Fractures from DC Resistivity Data in an Active Oilfield Environment: A Model Study for Surface-Based Data., S53B-2806Abstract Title: Infrasound Generation from the Source Physics Experiments
Schrecengost, K.
V41D-07Abstract Title: The crystal’s view of upper-crustal magma reservoirs
Schreck, C. J. III
ED51E-08Abstract Title: Cyclone Center: Insights on Historical Tropical Cyclones from Citizen Volunteers
Schreck, M. B.
C41D-0761Abstract Title: NWS Alaska Sea Ice Program: Operations and Decision Support Services
Schreck, M.
C33F-04Abstract Title: Submarine Landslides along the Siberian part of Lomonosov Ridge: Triggering Mechanisms, Timing and Significance
Schreckenberger, B.
T51F-2982Abstract Title: The Crustal Structure of Beira High, Central Mozambique – Combined Investigation of Wide-angle Seismic and Potential Field Data, T51F-2984Abstract Title: The Davie Ridge, Northern Mozambique: The Crustal Structure from Wide-angle Seismic Data
Schreiber, K. L.
GC31E-1238Abstract Title: Characterizing Synergistic Water and Energy Efficiency at the Residential Scale Using a Cost Abatement Curve Approach
Schreiber, U.
S31C-08Abstract Title: Seasonal variation in Rayleigh-to-Love wave ratio in the secondary microseism
Schreier, L.
NH53A-05Abstract Title: Smartphone MEMS accelerometers and earthquake early warning, T13D-3032Abstract Title: MyShake – A smartphone app to detect earthquake
Schreier, M. M.
A33E-0225Abstract Title: A comparison of measured radiances from AIRS and HIRS across different cloud types, A44C-07Abstract Title: Atmospheric River Observations with the HAMSR Aircraft Microwave Sounder
Schreiner, A. R.
NG41A-1784Abstract Title: Dissipation Model for Solar Wind Turbulence by Kinetic Alfvén Waves at Electron Scales
Schreiner, H. F. III
NS21B-1921Abstract Title: Measurement Over Large Solid Angle of Low Energy Cosmic Ray Muon Flux
Schreiner, W. S.
A43H-05Abstract Title: Global Navigation Satellite System Radio Occultation: Processing Algorithms, Science Applications, and COSMIC-2 Mission Status, SA31D-2368Abstract Title: Large Scale Ionospheric Response During March 17, 2013 Geomagnetic Storm: Reanalysis Based on Multiple Satellites Observations and TIEGCM Simulations
Schreiner-McGraw, A.
H11C-1354Abstract Title: Partitioning Evapotranspiration to Illustrate the Effects of Shrub Competition and Soil Water on Ecosystem State Transitions, H23M-06Abstract Title: Evaluating Water and Energy Fluxes across Three Land Cover Types in a Desert Urban Environment through a Mobile Eddy Covariance Platform
Schreurs, G.
T51E-2940Abstract Title: A 4D Analogue Modeling Study Assessing the Effects of Transtension and Inherited Structures on Rift Interaction
Schrijver, K.
SH12A-01Abstract Title: A ROADMAP TO ADVANCE UNDERSTANDING OF THE SCIENCE OF SPACE WEATHER, SH14AAbstract Title: Space Weather Forecasting: Science and Operations II, SH23A-2425Abstract Title: The Role of Large-scale Magnetic Coupling for Solar Corona Sympathy
Schriver, D.
P53A-2088Abstract Title: MESSENGER Observations of Suprathermal Electrons in Mercury’s Magnetosphere, P53A-2089Abstract Title: Energization and Precipitation of Electrons in Mercury’s Magnetosphere, SM13D-2548Abstract Title: Electron Acceleration in the Magnetotail during Substorms in Semi-Global PIC Simulations
Schroder, J. C.
A34F-03Abstract Title: Sources, Chemistry, and Transport of Pollutants over the Eastern United States During the WINTER 2015 Aircraft Campaign, A34F-04Abstract Title: An overview of reactive chlorine measurements during the WINTER C-130 aircraft campaign, A34F-07Abstract Title: Water Soluble Ions in Bulk Aerosol During the WINTER 2015 Campaign., A41K-0215Abstract Title: Insights into Submicron Aerosol Composition and Sources from the WINTER Aircraft Campaign Over the Eastern US., A41K-0216Abstract Title: Particle pH Inferred from Aircraft Data: Validation and Geographical, Vertical and Seasonal Characteristics with Case Studies from the WINTER Campaign, A41K-0217Abstract Title: Sources and Distributions of Secondary Aerosols over the Northeastern United States during the WINTER Aircraft Campaign., A41K-0227Abstract Title: Examining the Role of N2O5 Hydrolysis and ClNO2 Production Over the Northeast United States: Results from WINTER 2015 Aircraft Campaign, A41K-0231Abstract Title: Utilizing SO2/CO2 Mixing Ratios to Determine SO2 Uptake by a Regional Cloud Layer, A41K-0232Abstract Title: Validation of Point Source Emissions of SO2 Using Aircraft Data
Schröder, N.
H41K-01Abstract Title: A Coupled Modeling Approach for Root-Soil Interaction Processes Using DuMuX
Schröder, S.
H43I-1659Abstract Title: Monitoring Water Storage Variations with a Superconducting Gravimeter in a Field Enclosure
Schroeder, D. M.
C13D-03Abstract Title: Surface and Basal Roughness in Radar Sounding Data: Obstacle and Opportunity, C14A-02Abstract Title: Characterizing Englacial and Subglacial Temperature Structure Using Airborne Radar Sounding, C51B-0711Abstract Title: Extensive subglacial hydrological network and basal temperate layer in Southwest Greenland: an integrated approach of radar analysis and ice sheet modeling, P11C-2110Abstract Title: Surface Reflectometry and Ionosphere Sounding from the Radar for Europa Assessment and Sounding: Ocean to Near-surface (REASON), P51CAbstract Title: Radar Investigations of Planetary Surfaces and Subsurfaces I Posters, P51C-2081Abstract Title: Significance of Near-Surface Ice Fracture for Radio Sounding of Europa’s Ice, P53GAbstract Title: Radar Investigations of Planetary Surfaces and Subsurfaces II, P53G-02Abstract Title: UNDERSTANDING EUROPA’S ICE SHELL AND SUBSURFACE WATER THROUGH TERESTRIAL ANALOGS FOR FLYBY RADAR SOUNDING, P53G-03Abstract Title: Europa Tide Inversion from REASON Altimetry
Schroeder, J.
A12A-02Abstract Title: The Impact of Oil and Natural Gas Activity on Ozone Formation in the Colorado Front Range, A13F-07Abstract Title: Analysis of Hydroxyl Radical Reactivity in the Sierra Nevada Mountains, A21A-0017Abstract Title: Atmospheric Organic Gases from Fossil Fuel Extraction Activities: Analysis and Modeling, A21A-0025Abstract Title: Analysis of Variability in Formaldehyde and Ozone Column Densities, A21A-0069Abstract Title: Using Positive Matrix Factorization to Investigate Sources of VOCs in Bakersfield, A41Q-05Abstract Title: Hydrogen stable isotopic constraints on methane emissions from oil and gas extraction in the Colorado Front Range, USA
Schroeder, J.
A21A-0035Abstract Title: Quantifying Molecular Hydrogen Emissions and an Industrial Leakage Rate for the South Coast Air Basin of California, A23N-07Abstract Title: Impacts of Oil and Gas Exploration Activities on SOA formation in the Colorado Front Range
Schroeder, J.
P53F-06Abstract Title: Chemistry of the Materials Above and Below an Unconformity Between the Murray and Stimson Formations in Gale Crater, Mars
Schroeder, J.
GC43F-06Abstract Title: An Assessment of Wind Plant Complex Flows Using Advanced Doppler Radar Measurements
Schroeder, M.
IN13B-1839Abstract Title: An Earthquake Information Service with Free and Open Source Tools, IN34A-04Abstract Title: FOSS Tools for Research Infrastructures – A Success Story?
Schroeder, R.
H51G-1463Abstract Title: Bridging the Past with Today’s Microwave Remote Sensing: A Case Study of Long Term Inundation Patterns in the Mekong River Delta, H51N-1599Abstract Title: Characterizing Open Water Bodies and Wetland Ecosystems Using Optical and Microwave Remote Sensing
Schroeder, S.
P42A-05Abstract Title: The Geology of Ceres: an Overview, P53E-2173Abstract Title: Preliminary Geological Map of the Ac-H-6 Haulani Quadrangle of Ceres: An Integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data, P53E-2178Abstract Title: Preliminary Geological Map of the Ac-H-11 Sintana Quadrangle of Ceres: An Integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data, P53E-2182Abstract Title: Comparative tectonic features on Ceres and other planetary bodies, P53E-2183Abstract Title: Albedo and Spectral Variability on Ceres from Four Decades of Observations, P53E-2184Abstract Title: Regional and Local Temperature Maps of Dwarf Planet Ceres from Dawn/VIR
Schroeder, W.
A14A-04Abstract Title: Investigating the Impacts of Wildfires on Air Quality in the Western US, GC42B-01Abstract Title: High-resolution remote sensing and coupled fire-weather simulation modeling offer unprecedented insight to megafire behavior: The 2014 California King Megafire case study
Schroeter, J.
A51N-0265Abstract Title: Extending ICON-ART - Comparison of Simulations with Aircraft Data in the Tropical and Extra-Tropical UTLS
Schroeter, K.
NH13B-1931Abstract Title: What do we gain with Probabilistic Flood Loss Models?, NH52B-05Abstract Title: How do changes along the risk chain affect flood risk?
Schroeven-Deceuninck, H.
P24A-04Abstract Title: Starting a European Space Agency Sample Analogue Collection for Robotic Exploration Missions
Schrön, M.
H23F-1637Abstract Title: Regionalized Hydrologic Parameters Estimates for a Seamless Prediction of Continental scale Water Fluxes and States, H51I-1500Abstract Title: Assimilation of Spatio-Temporal Cosmic-Ray Neutron Data to Improve Hydrological Model Performance, H53C-1675Abstract Title: Comparison of surface NMR with non-invasive and in-situ measurements of soil water content at a floodplain field site
Schröter, B.
C13B-0813Abstract Title: Time Lapse Camera Images for Observation and Visualization of Snow Lines on two Benchmark Glaciers in High Asia – Zhadang and Halji
Schroth, A. W.
B11F-0497Abstract Title: Regional in-situ optical water quality sensor network quantifies influence of land use and seasonality on storm event nitrate and dissolved organic carbon loading, B14D-04Abstract Title: “Hot moments” of carbon and nitrogen in streams: Key insights from in-situ, high-frequency optical sensors from the North East Water Resources Network (NEWRnet), B53G-0646Abstract Title: Metal and Phosphorous behavior in the water and sediment underneath ice cover: a comparative study between hyper- and eutrophic lake systems, B53G-0659Abstract Title: Iron, manganese and phosphorus partitioning during high flow events: impacts of land cover and seasonality
Schroth, M. H.
B13D-0640Abstract Title: Spatial and Temporal Variability in Atmospheric-Methane-Oxidizing Bacterial Community Structure and Activity in an Alpine Glacier Forefield, B13D-0641Abstract Title: Field-Scale Inhibition and Recovery of Atmospheric-Methane Oxidation in Soil, H43G-1619Abstract Title: Response of Atmospheric-Methane Oxidation to Methane-Flux Manipulation in a Laboratory Soil-Column Experiment
Schubert, B.
PP22BAbstract Title: Interpretations of Stable Carbon Isotope Excursions in the Geologic Record I, PP22B-04Abstract Title: Atmospheric pCO2 Reconstructed across the Early Eocene Hyperthermals, PP23BAbstract Title: Interpretations of Stable Carbon Isotope Excursions in the Geologic Record II Posters, PP33A-2295Abstract Title: Wet Winters in the Eastern Siberian Arctic during the Miocene
Schubert, C. J.
B51E-0474Abstract Title: Effect of phosphorous concentrations on sedimentary distributions and isotopic composition of algal lipid biomarkers in lakes from central Switzerland, PP13A-2263Abstract Title: Branched GDGTs in Lacustrine Environments: Tracing Allochthonous and Autochthonous Sources Using Compound-Specific Stable Carbon Isotope Analysis
Schubert, J.
GC53A-1179Abstract Title: Making Coastal Flood Hazard Maps to Support Decision-Making - What End Users Want, GC53A-1180Abstract Title: Coproduction of flood hazard assessment with public participation geographic information system, NH11C-04Abstract Title: Communicating Flood Risk with Street-Level Data
Schubert, M.
H21G-1457Abstract Title: Analyzing the Deposition of Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles at Model Rough Mineral Surfaces Using a Quartz Crystal Microbalance with Dissipation Monitoring
Schubert, R.
GP31A-1362Abstract Title: Lithology, Geochemistry and Paleomagnetism of the Table Mountain Formation at the Little Walker Caldera
Schubert, S. D.
A13C-0352Abstract Title: Summer Climate Responses to Atmospheric Teleconnections and Greenland Ice Mass Variations in the Last Four Decades from the MERRA-2 Reanalysis, A31E-0104Abstract Title: Effects of Atmospheric Conditions on the Development of the Weak 2014 El Niño, GC24B-02Abstract Title: The Impact of Soil Moisture Anomalies on the General Circulation: A Comprehensive Analysis over North America, H11P-01Abstract Title: Causes of the 2011-15 California drought, H12F-03Abstract Title: Warm Season Drought Development over North America and Northern Eurasia: The Role of Stationary Rossby Waves
Schubert, W. H.
A53I-08Abstract Title: A Simplified Model of Tropical Cyclone Intensification
Schubert-Frisius, M.
PA11B-2152Abstract Title: Recent Regional Climate State and Change – Derived through Downscaling Homogeneous Large-scale Components of Re-analyses
Schuberth, B. S. A.
DI51A-2618Abstract Title: Estimating the Buoyancy Field for Earth's Mantle Using Seismic and Mineralogical Models
Schuberth, M.
GP12A-01Abstract Title: Version 3 of the GEOMAGIA50 Paleomagnetic Database
Schubnel, A.
MR24A-08Abstract Title: High-Velocity Frictional Properties of Westerly Granite and the Role of Thermal Cracking on Gouge Production, MR33A-2647Abstract Title: Dynamic acoustic emission triggering by small periodic pore pressure variations during brittle creep experiments, S43E-06Abstract Title: Rupture processes inferred from laboratory earthquakes, T13H-02Abstract Title: The mechanics of intermediate and deep focus earthquakes: experimental evidences, T21E-2896Abstract Title: GRAAL – Griggs-type Apparatus equipped with Acoustics in the Laboratory: a new instrument to explore the rheology of rocks at high pressure, T21E-2898Abstract Title: Deformation experiments under conditions of the blueschist- to eclogite-facies transition: implications for the upper Wadati-Benioff plane of seismicity, T21E-2899Abstract Title: High-pressure dehydration experiments of antigorite-olivine samples to explain seismicity in the lower Benioff plane
Schubotz, F.
OS42A-03Abstract Title: Subseafloor fluid mixing and fossilized microbial life in a Cretaceous 'Lost City'-type hydrothermal system at the Iberian Margin
Schuchardt, A.
EP51B-0917Abstract Title: Short term development of a recently deglaciated proglacial slope (Gepatschferner/Tyrol) using SfM and LiDAR surveys, H11E-1400Abstract Title: Logs Wanted – Dead or Alive
Schuck, P. W.
SH31B-2422Abstract Title: Determining the Energy Transport Through the Photosphere into Corona with HMI
Schuenemann, K. C.
ED12A-01Abstract Title: Using “Making Sense of Climate Science Denial” MOOC videos in a college course
Schuepbach, S.
PP21C-2257Abstract Title: Greenland ice core reconstruction of millennial changes in North American wildfire and soil activity over the last glacial cycle
Schuermann, G. J.
B21I-02Abstract Title: Enhanced understanding of the terrestrial carbon cycle through multiple constraints in model-data-integration approaches
Schuessler, J. A.
V21C-3050Abstract Title: Experimental Constraints on Fe Isotope Fractionation in Carbonatite Melt Systems
Schueth, C.
H51K-1540Abstract Title: Pressures on Dupi-tila Aquifer of Dhaka City and Possible Response Action
Schuettemeyer, D.
A22B-02Abstract Title: An OSSE to Study the Impact of Sentinel S4, S5P and S5 Spaceborne Observations on Air Quality Data Assimilation Systems
Schuetze, C.
B33A-0623Abstract Title: Challenges in atmospheric monitoring of areal emission sources – an Open-path Fourier transform infrared (OP-FTIR) spectroscopic experience report
Schuh, A. E.
A22C-01Abstract Title: Assessing the impact of cloud slicing techniques on estimates of surface CO2 exchange using atmospheric inversions, A33FAbstract Title: Constraining Biosphere-Atmosphere Exchange Processes using Remote-Sensing and In Situ Networks I Posters, A52CAbstract Title: Constraining Biosphere-Atmosphere Exchange Processes using Remote-Sensing and In Situ Networks II
Schuh, H.
G11A-0963Abstract Title: Preliminary results of the newly developed model for short period ocean tidal variation of Earth rotation (SPOT), G24A-01Abstract Title: Systematic Effects in Earth Orientation Parameters Determined by VLBI
Schuler, J.
V13C-3154Abstract Title: Seismic Study of the Velocity Structure and Earthquake FocalMechanisms beneath the Krafla Central Volcano, NE Iceland
Schuler, T.
B51G-0507Abstract Title: Mapping the thermal state of permafrost through modeling and remote sensing, GC22A-04Abstract Title: Land-Atmosphere Interactions in Cold Environments (LATICE): The role of Atmosphere - Biosphere – Cryosphere – Hydrosphere interactions in a changing climate, GC53F-1274Abstract Title: In-situ validation of remotely sensed land surface temperatures in high-arctic land regions – implications for gap filling and trend analyses
Schull, M. A.
Schulla, J.
C21C-0749Abstract Title: Ice wedge degradation: Why Arctic lowlands are becoming wetter and drier
Schulte in den Baeumen, H.
SH12A-07Abstract Title: Mapping Magnetic Field Lines between the Sun and Earth
Schulte-Kortnack, D.
MR41D-2684Abstract Title: Investigating Forearc Strength by Triaxial Testing of Marine Sediments from the Costa Rica Seismogenesis Project (IODP Expeditions 334 and 344)
Schulte-Pelkum, V.
T11DAbstract Title: Crustal Structure and Evolution across the Continental United States from 10 Years of Earthscope Investigations: What Have We Learned and What Are the Open Questions? I Posters, T14AAbstract Title: Crustal Structure and Evolution across the Continental United States from 10 Years of Earthscope Investigations: What Have We Learned and What Are the Open Questions? II, T14A-08Abstract Title: 4-D crustal structure of the conterminous U.S.: Continental assembly, crustal growth, and deformation history from receiver functions, xenoliths, and structural mapping, T21C-2839Abstract Title: Seismic Crustal and Mantle Deformation Indicators Along the Himalayan Arc, T41C-2908Abstract Title: The role of hornblende in deep crustal seismic anisotropy: an investigation of the importance of deformation mechanisms
Schulthies, S. A.
T54B-01Abstract Title: Structural and Geochemical Characterization of Fault-related Deformation in the Northeastern Block of the Southern San Andreas Fault, Mecca Hills, Southern California
Schultz, A.
GP24A-01Abstract Title: Full waveform time domain solutions for source and induced magnetotelluric and controlled-source electromagnetic fields using quasi-equivalent time domain decomposition and GPU parallelization, T11D-2922Abstract Title: Midcontinent Rift and Remnants of Initiating Mantle Plume Imaged With Magnetotellurics, T12C-08Abstract Title: An Amphibious Magnetotelluric Investigation of the Cascadian Seismogenic and ETS zones., T44B-01Abstract Title: Along-Strike Electrical Conductivity Variations in the Incoming Plate and Shallow Forearc of the Cascadia Subduction Zone
Schultz, A.
V23A-3077Abstract Title: Statistical Analysis of the Recent Unrest at Volcán de Colima, Mexico, Monitored With a Doppler Radar
Schultz, C. J.
AE12AAbstract Title: The Meteorology and Climatology of Lightning I, AE12A-03Abstract Title: Total Lightning as it Relates to Rotation in Supercell Thunderstorms, AE13AAbstract Title: The Meteorology and Climatology of Lightning and General Contributions I, AE31BAbstract Title: The Meteorology and Climatology of Lightning and General Contributions II Posters, AE31CAbstract Title: The Meteorology and Climatology of Lightning II Posters, AE31C-0452Abstract Title: Characteristics of Lightning within Electrified Snowfall Events using Total Lightning Measurements
Schultz, D.
H43C-1520Abstract Title: Quantifying the Temporal Inequality of Nutrient Loads with a Novel Metric
Schultz, K.
NG12AAbstract Title: Fracking/Hydraulic Fracturing: Scaling, Applications, Processes, Models, and Natural Examples---Statistical Geodynamics I, NG13AAbstract Title: Fracking/Hydraulic Fracturing: Scaling, Applications, Processes, Models, and Natural Examples---Statistical Geodynamics II Poster, NG13A-1860Abstract Title: The Virtual Quake Earthquake Simulator: Earthquake Probability Statistics for the El Mayor-Cucapah Region and Evidence of Predictability in Simulated Earthquake Sequences, NH43B-1888Abstract Title: Virtual Quake and Tsunami Squares: Scenario Earthquake and Tsunami Simulations for a Pacific Rim GNSS Tsunami Early Warning System, S21D-07Abstract Title: Patterns of Seismicity Characterizing the Earthquake Cycle
Schultz, L. A.
GC23E-1182Abstract Title: Characterization of Nighttime Light Variability over the Southeastern United States, IN32A-04Abstract Title: Applications of Earth Remote Sensing for Identifying Tornado and Severe Weather Damage, IN43C-1751Abstract Title: JPSS Proving Ground Activities with NASA’s Short-term Prediction Research and Transition (SPoRT) Center
Schultz, M. G.
A42E-08Abstract Title: The TOAR Database of Global Surface Ozone Observations
Schultz, M.
T33A-2932Abstract Title: Exploring the Variability of Late Cenozoic Exhumation Rates across the Himalayan Rain Shadow
Schultz, N. M.
B33E-0760Abstract Title: Mitigating the Urban Heat Island under Climate Change through Urban Management, B41I-08Abstract Title: Land-atmosphere interactions at the subgrid scale in a climate model, B43F-0619Abstract Title: Improvements towards using subgrid CLM output to study land-atmosphere interactions
Schultz, P. B.
H11J-01Abstract Title: Development, Application, and Validation of Thermodynamically Constrained Averaging Theory Models of Porous Medium Systems
Schultz, P. H.
NH14B-02Abstract Title: Threat from Rubble-Pile Asteroids
Schultz, R.
S11C-07Abstract Title: The Relationship Between Seismicity and the Oil and Gas Industry in Western Alberta and Eastern B.C., S13B-2813Abstract Title: Source Parameters from Full Moment Tensor Inversions of Potentially Induced Earthquakes in Western Canada
Schultz, T.
GC33A-1273Abstract Title: Using Updated Climate Accounting to Slow Global Warming Before 2035
Schultz-Fellenz, E. S.
B41D-0464Abstract Title: UAS-Borne Photogrammetry for Surface Topographic Characterization: A Ground-Truth Baseline for Future Change Detection and Refinement of Scaled Remotely-Sensed Datasets
Schulz, C.
A11C-0071Abstract Title: Transport Regimes of Air Masses Affecting the Tropospheric Composition of the Canadian and European Arctic During RACEPAC 2014 and NETCARE 2014/2015, A24B-01Abstract Title: Aerosol Enhancements in the Upper Troposphere Over The Amazon Forest: Do Amazonian Clouds Produce Aerosols?
Schulz, J.
A31H-05Abstract Title: The Gap Analysis for Integrated Atmospheric ECV Climate Monitoring Project, IN31A-1743Abstract Title: WDAC Task Team on Observations for Model Evaluation: Facilitating the use of observations for CMIP
Schulz, K.
C43F-04Abstract Title: On the significance of future trends in flood frequencies
Schulz, M. S.
B41G-0506Abstract Title: Driving Factors of Carbon Distribution in Soils as Determined by z*, H41K-05Abstract Title: Upland Reticulate Mottling Reveals Soil Biophysical Processes across Scales: Development of Structured Heterogeneity in a Marine Terrace Chronosequence
Schulz, M.
A24E-05Abstract Title: Will a perfect global model agree with perfect observations?
Schulz, R.
P31E-2089Abstract Title: COSIMA at Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko After Perihelion
Schulz, S.
T23B-2949Abstract Title: Quantification of Net Erosion and Uplift Experienced by the Barmer Basin, Rajasthan Using Sonic Log
Schulzeck, F.
P42A-05Abstract Title: The Geology of Ceres: an Overview, P53E-2173Abstract Title: Preliminary Geological Map of the Ac-H-6 Haulani Quadrangle of Ceres: An Integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data, P53E-2178Abstract Title: Preliminary Geological Map of the Ac-H-11 Sintana Quadrangle of Ceres: An Integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data, P53E-2182Abstract Title: Comparative tectonic features on Ceres and other planetary bodies
Schumacher, A.
A51P-0308Abstract Title: Evaluation and Applications of the Prediction of Intensity Model Error (PRIME) Model
Schumacher, C.
A24B-03Abstract Title: On the role of thermodynamics and cloud-aerosol-precipitation interactions over thunderstorm activity during GoAmazon and ACRIDICON-CHUVA field experiments, A24B-05Abstract Title: Cloud and Precipitation During GoAmazon: The Influence of Aerosol and Thermodynamics., A31A-0002Abstract Title: Development of Large-Scale Forcing Data for GoAmazon2014/5 Cloud Modeling Studies, A31A-0015Abstract Title: Impact of Shallow Clouds on Cloud-Permitting WRF Simulations of the Diurnal Cycle of Convection over the Amazon, A53I-02Abstract Title: Convective and Stratiform Components of the Precipitation-Water Vapor Relationship, A54F-04Abstract Title: Vertical Motions in Convective Clouds Over Darwin, Australia
Schumacher, F.
S33C-2788Abstract Title: The Modularized Software Package ASKI - Full Waveform Inversion Based on Waveform Sensitivity Kernels Utilizing External Seismic Wave Propagation Codes, S33C-2794Abstract Title: NEXD: A Software Package for High Order Simulation of Seismic Waves using the Nodal Discontinuous Galerkin Method
Schumacher, L.
DI14A-06Abstract Title: Compositional layering within the large low shear-wave velocity provinces (LLSVPs) in the lower mantle
Schumacher, R. S.
A21A-0012Abstract Title: Modeling the convective transport of pollutants from eastern Colorado, USA into Rocky Mountain National Park, A34D-04Abstract Title: Thermodynamic sensitivities in observed and simulated extreme-rain-producing mesoscale convective systems, GC43D-01Abstract Title: Multi-scale characteristics of extreme precipitation episodes in the southern United States, TH22BAbstract Title: Big Weather Web: Big Data Solutions in Support of Weather Prediction for University Research and Education
Schumacher, T. E.
B21B-0424Abstract Title: Mineralization of soil organic matter in biochar amended agricultural landscape
Schumaker, R.
IN13A-1826Abstract Title: A Conceptual Model and Database to Integrate Data and Project Management
Schumann, G.
C41C-0705Abstract Title: Assessing the value of the ATL13 inland water level product for the Global Flood Partnership, H13R-07Abstract Title: Anticipating the Role of SWOT in Hydrologic and Hydrodynamic Modeling, H52D-07Abstract Title: Estimation of surface water storage in the Congo Basin, NH41DAbstract Title: Monitoring, Prediction, and Hazard Mitigation of Hydroclimatic Extreme Events I, NH42AAbstract Title: Monitoring, Prediction, and Hazard Mitigation of Hydroclimatic Extreme Events II, NH51EAbstract Title: Monitoring, Prediction, and Hazard Mitigation of Hydroclimatic Extreme Events III Posters, NH51E-1949Abstract Title: User-Driven Workflow for Modeling, Monitoring, Product Development, and Flood Map Delivery Using Satellites for Daily Coverage Over Texas May-June 2015
Schumann, U.
A11SAbstract Title: Quantifying Aviation Impacts on Air Quality and Climate I, A11S-04Abstract Title: MEDIUM-RANGE PREDICTABILITY OF CONTRAIL-CIRRUS DEMONSTRATED DURING EXPERIMENTS ML-CIRRUS AND ACCESS-II, A13B-0313Abstract Title: Comparisons of cirrus cloud properties between polluted and pristine air based on in-situ observations from the NSF HIPPO, EU INCA and NASA ATTREX campaigns, A13DAbstract Title: Quantifying Aviation Impacts on Air Quality and Climate II Posters
Schumer, R.
B11D-0469Abstract Title: Implications of Dynamic Loading and Changing Climate on Mercury Bioaccumulation in a Planktivorous Fish (Orthodon microlepidotus), H13E-1583Abstract Title: Groundwater flow speed measurement using an electrolyte antenna, H31BAbstract Title: Anomalous Transport across the Land Surface and in Rivers, Soil, or Aquifers Posters, H33C-1598Abstract Title: Fractal patterns in riverbed morphology produce fractal scaling of water storage times.
Schunk, R. W.
IN41B-1695Abstract Title: Accessing near real-time data for use in global data assimilation models, SA23B-2353Abstract Title: The Polar Cap Tongue of Ionization: A survey of GPS TEC mappings from 2000 to 2014, SA31E-2376Abstract Title: Quantitative Evaluation of Ionosphere Models for Reproducing Regional TEC During Geomagnetic Storms, SH32A-02Abstract Title: The Missing Solar Irradiance Spectrum: 1 to 7 nm, SM13F-08Abstract Title: Modeling the Ionosphere-Thermosphere-Electrodynamics System for Space Weather Specifications, Forecasts and Applications, SM23A-2541Abstract Title: Terminator field-aligned current system: Its dependencies on solar, seasonal, and geomagnetic conditions  , SM51C-2578Abstract Title: Comparing the O+ and H+ Escape Fluxes from Fluid and Particle-in-Cell Solutions of the Polar Wind, SM51C-2579Abstract Title: Comparison Between the Integrated Ion Outflow Fluxes from the North and South Hemispheres Under Sustained Geomagnetically Active Conditions, SM53B-04Abstract Title: Stormtime Ionospheric Outflow Effects in Global Multi-Fluid MHD, SM53B-06Abstract Title: Estimation of cold plasma outflow during geomagnetic storms, SM54B-01Abstract Title: Problems with Modeling Plasmasphere Refilling After Geomagnetic Storms
Schurman, M. I.
A21A-0051Abstract Title: Source Apportionment of Volatile Organic Compounds and PM2.5 Using Positive Matrix Factorization in Two National Parks Impacted by Oil and Natural Gas Drilling Operations
Schurr, B.
T51D-2920Abstract Title: Analysis of the Seismic Activity During the Preparatory Phase of the Mw 8.2 Iquique Earthquake, Chile 2014, T51J-03Abstract Title: The 2014 Iquique Chile earthquake: Preparatory breaking processes of a locked asperity and natural constraints for fluid migration along the plate interface
Schuster, B.
SH31C-2427Abstract Title: Distinguishing 3He and 4He with the Electron Proton Telescope (EPT) on Solar Orbiter
Schuster, D.
A11R-01Abstract Title: Providing Access to a Diverse Set of Global Reanalysis Dataset Collections, ED23A-0853Abstract Title: The National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) Research Data Archive: a Data Education Center, IN21C-1704Abstract Title: Leveraging Globus to Support Access and Delivery of Scientific Data
Schuster, M.
PP13B-2273Abstract Title: Wind-driven Water Bodies : a new paradigm for lake geology, PP13B-2289Abstract Title: Evolution of Lake Turkana level at the end of the African Humid Period: modalities and forcings, T51E-2935Abstract Title: Very early rift sedimentation in the Turkana depression (EARS, Kenya): example of the Topernawi Formation
Schuster, R.
GC51A-1078Abstract Title: Using Rapid-Response Scenario-Building Methodology for Climate Change Adaptation Planning
Schuster, Z.
H23H-1668Abstract Title: Using a Temperature Model and GIS Analysis of Landscape Features to Assess Headwater Resilience to Climate Change in the Driftless Area of Wisconsin, PA13A-2177Abstract Title: Uncertainty in Driftless Area Cold-Water Fishery Decision Making and a Framework for Stakeholder-Based Science
Schutgens, N.
A24E-03Abstract Title: An effort for developing a seamless transport modeling and remote sensing system for air pollutants, A24E-05Abstract Title: Will a perfect global model agree with perfect observations?
Schutt, D.
T11D-2917Abstract Title: Thermophysical Structure of the Crust Beneath the US Intermountain West from Multi-Observable Probabilistic Inversion, T21F-05Abstract Title: Linking petrology and seismology of the southwest Greenland lithosphere, T24A-08Abstract Title: Water Tectonics: Evidence That Hydration Plays a Role in Tectonism
Schutza, A. M.
SM13D-2542Abstract Title: Thin filament simulations of oscillatory flow braking in a dipole-tilted magnetotail with ionospheric dissipation, SM22A-10Abstract Title: Propagation of Buoyancy Waves Through the Magnetosphere
Schutzer, M.
SA13C-02Abstract Title: First operations of the RISR-C incoherent scatter radar
Schuur, E.
B31DAbstract Title: Vulnerability of Permafrost Carbon to Climate Change I Posters, B31D-0590Abstract Title: Synthesizing the Use of Carbon Isotope (14C and 13C) Approaches to Understand Rates and Pathways for Permafrost C Mobilization and Mineralization, B31D-0593Abstract Title: The VULCAN Project: Toward a better understanding of the vulnerability of soil organic matter to climate change in permafrost ecosystems, B31D-0598Abstract Title: Priming-induced Changes in Permafrost Soil Organic Matter Decomposition, B31D-0603Abstract Title: Strategizing a Comprehensive Laboratory Protocol to Determine the Decomposability of Soil Organic Matter in Permafrost, B31D-0607Abstract Title: Biomarkers as Indicators of Respiration During Laboratory Incubations of Alaskan Arctic Tundra Permafrost Soils, B41JAbstract Title: Vulnerability of Permafrost Carbon to Climate Change II, B41J-06Abstract Title: Carbon and Nitrogen cycling in a permafrost soil profile, B42CAbstract Title: Vulnerability of Permafrost Carbon to Climate Change III, B42C-08Abstract Title: A simplified, data-constrained approach to estimate the permafrost carbon-climate feedback: The PCN Incubation-Panarctic Thermal (PInc-PanTher) Scaling Approach, B43MAbstract Title: Vulnerability of Permafrost Carbon to Climate Change IV, B43M-01Abstract Title: Thermokarst terrain: pan-Arctic distribution and soil carbon vulnerability , B43M-05Abstract Title: Seasonal variation of ecosystem respiration delta 13C in response to experimental permafrost thaw and vegetation removal in moist acidic tundra, B44DAbstract Title: Vulnerability of Permafrost Carbon to Climate Change V, GC12B-09Abstract Title: What Have We Learned About Arctic Carbon Since The First State of the Carbon Cycle Report?, GC13K-08Abstract Title: Permafrost Thaw, Soil Moisture and Plant Community Change Alter Organic Matter Decomposition in Alaskan Tundra, PA31D-07Abstract Title: Arctic Council Nations Could Encourage Development of Climate Indicator: Flux to the Atmosphere from Arctic Permafrost Carbon
Schwab, B. E.
V43B-3112Abstract Title: Determining Magma Mixing Duration Prior to the 1915 Eruption of Lassen Peak, California by Comparing Experimental Growth of Reaction Rims and Natural Olivine Crystals in Black Dacite
Schwab, D.
S13B-2822Abstract Title: Characterizing the potential for fault reactivation related to CO2 injection through subsurface structural mapping and stress field analysis, Wellington Field, Sumner County, KS
Schwab, F. A.
S53A-2794Abstract Title: SH-SV Polarization Anisotropy:Interpretation of Experimentally Measured Love and Rayleigh Wave Phase Velocities
Schwab, M.
A21F-0211Abstract Title: Exploring regional stakeholder needs and requirements in terms of Extreme Weather Event Attribution
Schwab, M.
IN23A-1724Abstract Title: SIPSMetGen: It’s Not Just For Aircraft Data and ECS Anymore.
Schwadron, N.
P43F-05Abstract Title: Possible Albedo Proton Signature of Hydrated Lunar Surface Layer, SA51D-04Abstract Title: Radiation Protection Challenges for a Human Mission to Mars, SH11AAbstract Title: Geospace Coupling: Solar Interior, Coronal Mass Ejections, Energetic Particles, Solar Wind, Magnetosphere, and Ionosphere---Modeling and Data Assimilation Posters, SH11A-2376Abstract Title: Coupling MHD Simulations of CMEs to SEP Models, SH24AAbstract Title: Preparing for Solar Probe Plus and Solar Orbiter: A Coordinated Science from the Corona to the Inner Heliosphere I, SH24A-03Abstract Title: Modeling SEPs and Their Variability in the Inner Heliosphere, SH31CAbstract Title: Preparing for Solar Probe Plus and Solar Orbiter: A Coordinated Science from the Corona to the Inner Heliosphere II Posters, SH32B-05Abstract Title: SEP modeling based on the ENLIL global heliospheric model, SH33B-2463Abstract Title: Analysis of the Longitudinal Variation of Energetic Particle Radiation during the 23 July 2012 Solar Event Using STEREO and LRO/CRaTER with the BRYNTRN Model, SH41A-2370Abstract Title: Latitude, Energy, and Time Variations of Energetic Neutral Atom Spectral indices Measured by IBEX, SH41B-2376Abstract Title: Fine Structure ENA Sources Beyond the Termination Shock: Observational Constraints and Detection Limits, SH41B-2381Abstract Title: Spectral Modulation of the IBEX Ribbon Flux by the Dynamic Draping of the Interstellar Medium over the Heliosphere, SH41B-2382Abstract Title: IBEX Discoveries of the Global Heliosphere from Energetic Neutral Atoms and Preparations for IMAP, SH41EAbstract Title: Observations of the Local Interstellar Medium and Motivations for IMAP Posters, SH41E-2403Abstract Title: Observing the Interstellar Neutral He Gas Flow with a Variable IBEX Pointing Strategy, SH41E-2408Abstract Title: Exploring the Galactic Environment of the Sun with IMAP, SH52BAbstract Title: Measurements at the Boundary of the Heliosphere and Beyond and IMAP Preparations I (Half Session), SH52B-04Abstract Title: Interstellar neutral flow characteristics, composition, and interaction with the heliosphere – neutral gas and pickup ion analysis from ongoing observations and perspectives for IMAP, SH53A-2469Abstract Title: Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections from MESSENGER Orbital Observations at Mercury , SH53C-09Abstract Title: The local interstellar medium based on ISN He observations with Ulysses and IBEX and future IMAP measurements
Schwadron, N.
P53B-2114Abstract Title: Implications of dielectric breakdown weathering for the lunar regolith, SH41D-2402Abstract Title: Charting the Interstellar Magnetic Field behind the Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX) Ribbon, SH53C-03Abstract Title: Probing the Boundaries of the Heliosphere by Analyzing the Temporal Variation of the Polar ENA Flux
Schwaerz, M.
A43H-08Abstract Title: Towards Solving the Global Climate Monitoring Problem for the Fundamental State of the Atmosphere with GNSS Radio Occultation
Schwaiger, H. F.
V51E-3074Abstract Title: Modelling the resuspension of volcanic ash from the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes
Schwalb, A.
PP51E-06Abstract Title: Tephrochronology of Lacustrine Ash Layers in Lake Petén Itzá Sediments drilled in the Frame of the International Continental Scientific Drilling Program (ICDP): Implications for Regional Volcanology and Central American Palaeoclimate
Schwalbach, C. E.
PP13C-2299Abstract Title: Carbonate facies changes in the Upper Ordovician (Late Katian) of the Cincinnati Arch region: Implications for paleoclimate
Schwalm, C.
B11N-08Abstract Title:  Global Patterns of Drought Recovery, B21M-03Abstract Title: The full budget of greenhouse gases in the terrestrial biosphere: From global C project to global GHG project, B21M-07Abstract Title: Nitrogen Dynamics are a Key Factor in Explaining Global Land Carbon Sink, B51J-02Abstract Title: FLUXNET to MODIS: Connecting the dots to capture heterogenious biosphere metabolism, GC41C-1102Abstract Title: Pervasive Drought Legacy Effects in Forest Ecosystems and their Carbon Cycle Implications
Schwalm, C. R.
B32A-06Abstract Title: FLUXCOM - Overview and First Synthesis, H33L-08Abstract Title: Disentangling climatic and anthropogenic controls on global terrestrial evapotranspiration trends
Schwan, J.
SM24A-02Abstract Title: Electrostatic dust transport on the surfaces of airless bodies
Schwan, M. R.
B31C-0565Abstract Title: Soil Microbial Activity Provides Insight to Carbon Cycling in Shrub Ecotones of Sub-Arctic Sweden, B31C-0575Abstract Title: High-Resolution Remote Sensing and Stable Isotope Patterns Across Heath-Shrub-Forest Ecotone at Abisko and Vassijaure, Northern Sweden
Schwandner, F. M.
A21G-0245Abstract Title: Space-borne detection of small scale CO2 emission structures with OCO-2, A41I-0159Abstract Title: GOSAT-OCO-2 synergetic CO2 observations over calibration & validation sites and large emission sources, A41I-0161Abstract Title: Towards TCCON Tropics: Assessment and Measurements of Carbon and its Climate Impacts in Southeast Asia (T3AM C2lImA), A41I-0162Abstract Title: GOSAT CO2 and CH4 validation activity with a portable FTS at Pasadena, Chino, and Railroad Valley, NH43C-1903Abstract Title: Volcanic sulfur dioxide and carbon dioxide measurements using small unmanned aerial systems
Schwanenberg, D.
H53D-1690Abstract Title: Short-Term Stochastic Optimization of Hydropower Production and Marketing under Meteorological Uncertainty, H53L-06Abstract Title: Simultaneous Assimilation of Multiple Data into a Conceptual Rainfall-Runoff Model using Variational Methods for Hydrological Forecasting Applications
Schwans, E.
EP53A-1002Abstract Title: On the Origin of the Crestone Crater: Low-Latitude Periglacial Features in San Luis Valley, Colorado
Schwantes, A.
GC41C-1107Abstract Title: Regional Estimates of Drought-Induced Tree Canopy Loss across Texas
Schwantes, R.
A11T-02Abstract Title: Hydroxyl, hydroperoxyl, and OH reactivity during the FIXCIT study in the CalTech environmental chamber in January 2014, A13E-0383Abstract Title: Gas-Phase OH Oxidation of Cresol to Yield Highly Oxygenated Products
Schwarting, T.
A31H-03Abstract Title: An Overview of JPSS-1 VIIRS Pre-Launch Testing and Performanc
Schwartz, A.
PA13A-2167Abstract Title: Producing Scientific and Strategic Guidance for California’s Department of Water Resources: The Climate Change Technical Advisory Group
Schwartz, C.
P53D-2157Abstract Title: Constraining Paleolake Activity on Mars from Outlet Valley Morphometry
Schwartz, D. M.
V21A-3010Abstract Title: Volatile, Major and Trace Element Chemistry of Olivine-Hosted Melt Inclusions and Host Glasses in Cleft and Coaxial Segments of the Juan de Fuca Ridge
Schwartz, D. E.
A43F-0363Abstract Title: Determining Methane Leak Locations and Rates with a Wireless Network Composed of Low-Cost, Printed Sensors
Schwartz, D. P.
T31A-2820Abstract Title: Preliminary Paleoseismic Results from Excavations across the Surface Rupture Associated with the 2014 South Napa Earthquake, T31A-2823Abstract Title: Evidence of a Large-Magnitude Recent Prehistoric Earthquake on the Bear River Fault, Wyoming and Utah: Implications for Recurrence, T44A-03Abstract Title: Late Holocene Paleoseismic History and Segmentation of the Central Wasatch Fault Zone, Utah, USA
Schwartz, E.
B33D-0731Abstract Title: Amounts of substrate carbon and nitrogen control the decomposition of soil organic matter
Schwartz, F. W.
H41E-1378Abstract Title: On the Development of an Integrated Hydrologic, Hydraulic, and Inverse Modeling Approach for Estimating Discharges and Water Depths for Ungauged Rivers from Space
Schwartz, G.
B11D-0470Abstract Title: Stimulation of Mercury Methylation by Coal Ash in Anaerobic Sediment Microcosms, B14C-04Abstract Title: The Distribution and Abundance of Mercury Methylating Microorganisms in Mid-Atlantic Wetlands
Schwartz, J. J.
T43B-2999Abstract Title: Dating High Temperature Mineral Fabrics in Lower Crustal Granulite Facies Rocks
Schwartz, M. D.
B21G-0545Abstract Title: Spring onset variations and long-term trends from new hemispheric-scale products and remote sensing
Schwartz, M. A.
A23E-0362Abstract Title: Inevitable end-of-21st-century trends toward earlier surface runoff timing in California’s Sierra Nevada Mountains, A31K-01Abstract Title: Inevitable changes in snowpack and water resources over California’s Sierra Nevada, A34C-06Abstract Title: High-Resolution Climate Change Projections Capture the Elevation Dependence of Warming and Snow Cover Loss in California’s Sierra Nevada
Schwartz, M. C.
A51I-0196Abstract Title: Retrievals of Vertical Air Motion from the HIAPER Cloud Radar during CSET
Schwartz, M. J.
A51O-0295Abstract Title: Observations of Lower Stratospheric Water Vapor Injected by Overshooting Convection During SEAC4RS, A54E-08Abstract Title: Injection of Lightning-Produced NOx, Water Vapor, Wildfire Emissions, and Stratospheric Air to the UT/LS as Observed from DC3 Measurements, A54F-06Abstract Title: High North American Monsoon Lowermost Stratospheric Water Vapor: Signatures of Convective Injection from MLS and Other Satellite Measurements
Schwartz, N.
GC41D-1113Abstract Title: Impacts of Landscape Context on Patterns of Wind Downfall Damage in a Fragmented Amazonian Landscape
Schwartz, N.
H43G-1603Abstract Title: The impact of mucilage exudate on root water uptake – Numerical study
Schwartz, S.
T13C-3014Abstract Title: Low temperature thermochronological constrains on the late exhumation of the Alpine foreland (Digne nappe, France).
Schwartz, S. E.
A51D-0085Abstract Title: Short-Range Structure of Clouds Studied by High Resolution Photography From the Surface
Schwartz, S. J.
P31E-2095Abstract Title: Evidence of Inhomogeneous Coma Composition at 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, P31E-2108Abstract Title: The Electron to Neutral Number Density Ratio as a Proxy for Processes at Play in the Coma of 67P, P31E-2112Abstract Title: Mapping of the cometary plasma density around comet CG/67P at perihelion.
Schwartz, S. Y.
C11A-0734Abstract Title: Micro-seismicity of the Whillans Ice Plain stick-slip cycle nucleation areas, S31A-2714Abstract Title: Tectonic tremor and microseismicity associated with shallow slow slip along the northern Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand, S33E-06Abstract Title: Seafloor Geodetic and Ocean Bottom Seismometer Investigation of Shallow Slow Slip Events at the Hikurangi Subduction Margin, New Zealand, S33E-08Abstract Title: Time-Dependent characteristics of Slow Slip Events beneath the Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica, S41B-2717Abstract Title: Imaging High Pore Fluid Pressure in Subduction Zones Using Ambient Seismic Noise, S44A-01Abstract Title: Source Parameters for Repeating Earthquakes along the Middle America Trench, TH12BAbstract Title: Exploring a Subduction Zone Observatory, T51D-2914Abstract Title: Fifteen Years of Slow Slip and Tremor Observations at the Northern Costa Rica Subduction Zone
Schwartz, T.
T34A-06Abstract Title: Detrital provenance constraints from the Austral (Magallanes) Basin on dynamic changes in orogenic paleogeography during Cenozoic growth and denudation of the Patagonian Andes
Schwartz, V.
OS22C-05Abstract Title: Evolution of Surface Water Conditions in the Gulf of California During the Past 2000 years: Implications for the North American Monsoon, PP53C-2380Abstract Title: Comparing Siliceous Productivity Proxies Along the California Margin During Pliocene Warmth: Smear Slides vs. Biogenic Silica
Schwarz, A.
H33I-1718Abstract Title: Evaluating Options for Improving California’s Drought Resilience
Schwarz, A.
ED31D-0923Abstract Title: Geoscience Information for Teachers (GIFT) Workshops at the European Geoscience Union General Assembly
Schwarz, B.
NH51F-1960Abstract Title: Machine Learning for Flood Prediction in Google Earth Engine
Schwarz, J.
A43H-08Abstract Title: Towards Solving the Global Climate Monitoring Problem for the Fundamental State of the Atmosphere with GNSS Radio Occultation
Schwarz, J. P.
A31D-0090Abstract Title: Rim Fire and its Radiative impact Simulated in CESM/CARMA, A33DAbstract Title: Black- and Brown-Carbon Light-Absorbing Aerosols: Attribution, Quantification, and Impact I Posters, A33D-0180Abstract Title: A Microphysics-Based Black Carbon Aging Scheme in a Global Chemical Transport Model: Constraints from HIPPO Observations, A33D-0183Abstract Title: Hygroscopicity of Materials Internally Mixed with Black Carbon Measured in Tokyo, A33D-0208Abstract Title: Longitudinal variability of black carbon vertical profiles, A41MAbstract Title: Black- and Brown-Carbon Light-Absorbing Aerosols: Attribution, Quantification, and Impact II, A42BAbstract Title: Black- and Brown-Carbon Light-Absorbing Aerosols: Attribution, Quantification, and Impact III, A42B-05Abstract Title: Hygroscopicity of Black-Carbon-Containing Aerosol in Wildfire Plumes
Schwarz, M.
H41K-03Abstract Title: Random River Fluctuations Shape the Root Profile of Riparian Plants
Schwarzenbach, E. M.
OS42A-03Abstract Title: Subseafloor fluid mixing and fossilized microbial life in a Cretaceous 'Lost City'-type hydrothermal system at the Iberian Margin, V53B-3136Abstract Title: Platinum group and chalcophile element systematics of serpentinized peridotites from the St. Elena ophiolite in Costa Rica
Schwarzkopf, M. D.
A53B-0377Abstract Title: The GFDL Longwave Radiation Algorithm: Improvements and Prospects
Schwede, D. B.
A11K-0216Abstract Title: Predicting SOA from organic nitrates in the southeastern United States, A41K-0233Abstract Title: Evaluation of the Community Multiscale Air Quality Model for Simulating Winter Ozone Formation in the Uinta Basin with Intensive Oil and Gas Production
Schween, J. H.
A11E-0096Abstract Title: Understanding the Spatiotemporal Structures in Atmosphere-Land Surface Exchange at the Jülich Observatory for Cloud Evolution
Schwehr, K. A.
B13A-0599Abstract Title: Organic matter controls on iodine and plutonium in atmospheric depositions, streams, and soils in the Fukushima Prefecture
Schweig, E. S.
T13F-03Abstract Title: The last interglacial period at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba and an estimate of late Quaternary tectonic uplift rate in a strike-slip regime
Schweiger, A. K.
IN11E-1801Abstract Title: The spectral database Specchio: Data management, data sharing and initial processing of field spectrometer data within the Dimensions of Biodiversity project
Schweiger, A. J. B.
A13C-0340Abstract Title: The role of atmospheric synoptic conditions in the Beaufort and Chukchi seasonal ice zone, A53C-0388Abstract Title: Accuracy of short term Sea Ice Drift Forecasts using a coupled Ice-Ocean Model, GC31A-1163Abstract Title: Changes in Arctic Sea Ice Floe Size Distribution in the Marginal Ice Zone in a Thickness and Floe Size Distribution Model, GC43D-05Abstract Title: A Mechanism Linking Tropical-Arctic Teleconnection to Northern Hemisphere Mid-Latitude Weather Events
Schweikert, A.
GC11G-1101Abstract Title: Quantification of physical and economic impacts of climate change on public infrastructure in Alaska and benefits of global greenhouse gas mitigation
Schweingruber, F. H.
GC11F-1084Abstract Title: Soil Warming and Fertilization Effects on Growth Ring Widths of Arctic Shrubs - Application of a Novel Dendroecological Approach.
Schweinsberg, A.
C42A-07Abstract Title: Toward a Master Chronology for Western Greenland’s Fjord Stade Moraines: New 10Be Ages from the Søndre Isortoq Region, PP33A-2281Abstract Title: Records of Local Glacier Variability in Western Greenland During the Holocene From Lake Sediments, Ice-cap-killed Vegetation, and 10Be Dating, PP33A-2285Abstract Title: Decadal-resolution early Holocene temperature and precipitation reconstruction near Disko Bugt, western Greenland
Schweitzer, J.
C43B-0802Abstract Title: Towards Quantification of Glacier Dynamic Ice Loss through Passive Seismic Monitoring, DI21A-2599Abstract Title: On the Improvement of SKS Splitting Measurements by the Simultaneous Inversion of Multiple Waveforms (SIMW)
Schweitzer, P.
GC31B-1183Abstract Title: Rapid Arctic Changes due to Infrastructure and Climate (RATIC) in the Russian North
Schweizer, D.
B32D-07Abstract Title: Analytical simulation and inversion of dynamic urban land surface effects
Schwellenbach, D.
NS21B-1924Abstract Title: Imaging a vertical shaft from a tunnel using muons
Schwendel, A.
EP33B-1068Abstract Title: Flood variability recorded by crevasse-splay sedimentation of large river floodplains
Schwendeman, M.
OS54A-02Abstract Title: Wave breaking turbulence in the ocean surface layer
Schwenk, J.
EP53D-05Abstract Title: Nonlocal effects of local cutoff disturbances along the meandering Ucayali River in Peru
Schwenk, T.
EP32B-06Abstract Title: Embracing Non-Stationarity – Hysteresis and Coherence in the Ganges-Brahmaputra Source-to-Sink System and Its Imprint on the Stratigraphic Record., EP41A-0902Abstract Title: New insights on the subsidence of the Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta Plain by using 2D multichannel seismic data, gravity and flexural modeling, BanglaPIRE Project, EP41A-0907Abstract Title: Effects of Neotectonic Deformation on Channel Planform and Avulsion History of the Brahmaputra-Jamuna River, Bangladesh, T32E-03Abstract Title: PLEISTOCENE THROUGH OLIGOCENE RECORD OF HIMALAYAN OROGENY AND CLIMATE. THE IODP EXPEDITION 354 DRILLING TRANSECT ACROSS THE MIDDLE BENGAL FAN AT 8°N, T33D-2964Abstract Title: Paleomagnetic and Environmental Magnetic Insights into the Middle to Late Pleistocene Stratigraphy of the 8o North Bengal Fan Transect, IODP Expedition 354
Schwenke, D.
P23A-2115Abstract Title: Highly Accurate Semi-Empirical IR Line Lists of Asymmetric SO2 Isotopologues: SO18O and SO17O
Schwenninger, J. L.
T42C-02Abstract Title: Rapid long-wavelength uplift of the Angolan continental margin
Schwenzer, S. P.
DI43A-2608Abstract Title: Formation Conditions of Basalts at Gale Crater, Mars from ChemCam Analyses, P53F-08Abstract Title: In Situ measurement of Kr and Xe in the atmosphere of Mars
Schwertheim, A.
A13C-0331Abstract Title: Google [x] Project Loon Measurements of Stratospheric Temperature, Pressure and Wind as a Data Source for Reanalyses over Southern High Latitudes
Schwichtenberg, H.
IN31C-1776Abstract Title: VERCE: a productive e-Infrastructure and e-Science environment for data-intensive seismology research
Schwieterman, E. W.
P31A-2025Abstract Title: Variation of Geochemical Signatures and Correlation of Biomarkers in Icelandic Mars Analogue Environments
Schwieters, J. B.
PP21A-2202Abstract Title: New developments in high-resolution gas source isotope ratio mass spectrometers
Schwietzke, S.
A11J-0199Abstract Title: Constraining Methane Emissions from Natural Gas Production in Northeastern Pennsylvania Using Aircraft Observations and Mesoscale Modeling
Schwikowski, M.
C13A-0792Abstract Title: Arctic ice core records of vanillic acid from Siberia, Greenland, and Svalbard, C21D-02Abstract Title: Dust, Elemental Carbon and Other Impurities on Central Asian Glaciers: Origin and Radiative Forcing
Schwingenschuh, K.
P31E-2093Abstract Title: The Magnetic Response to Sudden Mass-loading of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko’s Induced Magnetosphere
Schwitters, R. F.
NS21B-1921Abstract Title: Measurement Over Large Solid Angle of Low Energy Cosmic Ray Muon Flux
Schwochert, M.
B54D-04Abstract Title: The Chlorophyll Fluorescence Imaging Spectrometer (CFIS): A New Airborne Instrument for Quantifying Solar-Induced Fluorescence
Schwörer, C.
GC24A-07Abstract Title: Past and Future Climate Change Impacts on Mountain Forests on the Olympic Peninsula (Washington, USA)
Schymanski, S. J.
H11CAbstract Title: Ecohydrology in a Changing Environment I Posters, H14CAbstract Title: Ecohydrology in a Changing Environment II, H31FAbstract Title: Evapotranspiration, Evaporative Demand, and Droughts: From Empirical Shortcuts to Process-Based Understanding I Posters, H31F-1488Abstract Title: Wind increases "evaporative demand" but reduces plant water requirements, H33LAbstract Title: Evapotranspiration, Evaporative Demand, and Droughts: From Empirical Shortcuts to Process-Based Understanding II, H34DAbstract Title: Evapotranspiration, Evaporative Demand, and Droughts: From Empirical Shortcuts to Process-Based Understanding III, TH22IAbstract Title: The Hydrologic Model Synthesis Project
Schyns, J.
H41G-1426Abstract Title: Towards Sustainable Water Management in a Country that Faces Extreme Water Scarcity and Dependency: Jordan
Schyns, M.
H41G-1426Abstract Title: Towards Sustainable Water Management in a Country that Faces Extreme Water Scarcity and Dependency: Jordan
Sciare, J.
A53A-0364Abstract Title: Towards Bottom-up and Top-down Closures of Aerosol-cloud Interactions: multi-dimensional Cloud-aERosol Exploratory Study using RPAS, A53A-0365Abstract Title: Aerosol-cloud closure study using RPAS measurements
Sciarra, A.
V13C-3160Abstract Title: Gas release from the LUSI eruption site: large scale estimates.
Scibek, J.
MR33C-2698Abstract Title: Multi-surface Earthquake Rupture Recorded in Pseudotachylyte Vein Geometries, Norumbega Shear Zone, southern Maine, MR41E-06Abstract Title: Comparing Biases of Fault Zone Permeability Magnitudes and Inferred Conceptual Models - Global Multidisciplinary Compilation and Mapping
Science Party, E.
T32E-02Abstract Title: Cenozoic Climate-Tectonic Interactions in the Western Himalaya Recorded in the Indus Submarine Fan from IODP Expedition 355
Science Teams, F. A. D. A.
A12A-01Abstract Title: The Front Range Air Pollution and Photochemistry Experiment (FRAPPE) - an overview
Scientists, I. E.
PP21B-2227Abstract Title: Pleistocene to Miocene Calcareous Nannofossil Biostratigraphy from IODP Expedition 334 Hole U1381A and Expedition 352 Hole U1439A
Sciffer, M. D.
SA41A-2314Abstract Title: Causes of HF Backscatter Loss During Large Geomagnetic Storms: Comparisons between Northern and Southern Hemisphere SuperDARN Radars, SM31F-06Abstract Title: Evolution of Field-Aligned Currents by Alfvén Wave Propagation
Scipioni, F.
P23D-05Abstract Title: Distribution and nature of CO2 on Enceladus, P31B-2071Abstract Title: Mapping sub-micon ice grains on Rhea
Scipioni, R.
DI51C-08Abstract Title: The electrical conductivity of silicate liquids at extreme conditions
Scire, A. C.
T41G-02Abstract Title: Subduction Zone Science – Examples of Seismic Images of the Central Andes and Subducting Nazca Slab, T51A-2850Abstract Title: Geometry of the Deep Andean Subduction Zone Beneath Chile and Argentina from New Finite-Frequency Teleseismic P-wave Tomography
Sclater, J. G.
OS23C-2030Abstract Title:

Advective and Conductive Heat Flow Budget Across the Wagner Basin, Northern Gulf of California

Scoates, J. S.
V41D-02Abstract Title: The Record of Magma Accumulation Processes and Magma-Crust Interactions in Arcs from Ultramafic Intrusions with Ni-Cu-PGE Mineralization
Scoccimarro, E.
A53E-01Abstract Title: Projected Changes in Intense Precipitation over Europe at the Daily and Sub-Daily Time Scales, GC24C-07Abstract Title: Tropical Cyclones-Ocean Interactions in a High Resolution GCM: the Role of the Coupling Frequency
Scoccimarro, E.
A33M-0399Abstract Title: A Multi-System View of Wintertime NAO Seasonal Predictions.
Scognamiglio, L.
MR24A-06Abstract Title: Using P-Wave Coda to Understand the Evolution of Fault Zone Elastic Properties During the Seismic Cycle
Scola, S. E.
A21A-0069Abstract Title: Using Positive Matrix Factorization to Investigate Sources of VOCs in Bakersfield
Scollo, S.
V51E-3077Abstract Title: Effect of particle volume fraction on the settling velocity of volcanic ash particles: implications for ash dispersion models
Scoppettone, G. G.
H11E-1401Abstract Title: Physical Thresholds as Ecological Proxies in Aquatic Ecosystems
Scordo, F.
B21D-0499Abstract Title: Salting our Freshwater: A Macrosystems Study of Global Chloride Patterns and Trends in Lakes, H33O-06Abstract Title: A Screening-Level Approach for Comparing Risks Affecting Aquatic Ecosystem Services over Socio-Environmental Gradients
Scott, A.
B33E-0768Abstract Title: Sensitivities Affecting Heat and Urban Heat Island Effect on Local Scale Projected to Neighborhood Scale in Baltimore, Maryland, PA31C-2170Abstract Title: Hot in Baltimore: linking urban form to fine-scale temperature differences, PA53B-05Abstract Title: Visualizing and Understanding Socio-Environmental Dynamics in Baltimore
Scott, C.
OS43A-1997Abstract Title: Ultra-high Resolution Mapping of the Inner Crater of the Active Kick'em Jenny Volcano
Scott, C. A.
NH31B-1890Abstract Title: Impact Decision Support Services in the Arctic – A Case Study
Scott, C. P.
G11C-08Abstract Title: Seasonal Changes in Soil Moisture Content in Northern Chile and Southern California Inferred from SAR data, T41E-2947Abstract Title: Styles of Deformation on Either Side of a Ridge-Transform Intersection, Troodos Ophiolite, Cyprus
Scott, D.
B53A-0539Abstract Title: Improving the predictions of ecosystem carbon fluxes using the Ecosystem Demography model
Scott, D. K.
A43A-0238Abstract Title: Hosting a Fourier Transform Spectrometer (FTS) on CubeSat Spacecraft Platforms for Global Measurements of Three-Dimensional Winds
Scott, D. J.
IN21A-1677Abstract Title: Using GDAL to Convert NetCDF 4 CF 1.6 to GeoTIFF: Interoperability Problems and Solutions for Data Providers and Distributors
Scott, D.
B33C-0698Abstract Title: Spatial and Temporal Trends in Greenhouse Gas Fluxes from a Temperate Floodplain Along a Stream-Riparian-Upland Gradient
Scott, G. R.
T33A-2933Abstract Title: Climate and Orogenic Evolution of the Sierra Nevada and Westernmost Basin and Range as Recorded in the Pliocene-Pleistocene Waucobi Lake Beds
Scott, H. P.
MR13A-2688Abstract Title: Applications of sample nanofabrication in diamond-anvil cell experiments
Scott, J. L.
V33B-3093Abstract Title: The "pressures" of being a ridge
Scott, J. J.
B13CAbstract Title: Microbial Growth on Iron: You Cannot Spell Life without Fe Posters
Scott, J. P.
A33E-0227Abstract Title: Recent Improvements in AMSR2 Ground-Based RFI Filtering, GC31D-1219Abstract Title: Satellite-based Ocean Vector Wind Climate Data Record, H21H-1489Abstract Title: Ocean Products from the SMAP Radiometer: Surface Salinity and Wind Speeds
Scott, K. C.
H34E-02Abstract Title: The Influence of Geologic Heterogeneity on Groundwater Salinity and Aquifer-Ocean Exchange on the Scale of the Continental Shelf
Scott, K. D.
Scott, M.
EP53E-01Abstract Title: Identifying vegetation’s influence on multi-scale fluvial processes based on plant trait adaptations
Scott, M.
B21H-0570Abstract Title: Soil Respiration Hotspots in Temperate Tidal Restored and Natural Wetlands
Scott, N. A.
B33G-05Abstract Title: Variation in Factors Regulating Net Greenhouse Gas Exchange Across Different Vegetation Types at Cape Bounty, Melville Island, Nunavut
Scott, O.
ED22A-04Abstract Title: The Woods Hole Partnership Education Program (PEP): Broadening Participation in the Geosciences, ED22A-07Abstract Title: MS PHD’S: A Successful Model Promoting Inclusion, Preparation and Engagement of Underrepresented Minorities within the Geosciences Workforce
Scott, R.
A33K-0343Abstract Title: A New Framework for the Investigation of Stratosphere-Troposphere Coupling
Scott, R. L.
B13F-0670Abstract Title: Ecosystem carbon balance in a drier future: land-atmosphere exchanges of CO2, water and energy across semiarid southwestern North America, B24B-04Abstract Title: The Carbon Balance Pivot Point of Southwestern U.S. Semiarid Ecosystems: Insights From the 21st Century Drought, B33C-0693Abstract Title: Improving soil CO2 efflux estimates from in-situ soil CO2 sensors with gas transport measurements, B42A-08Abstract Title: The NASA Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) Mission Level 4 Carbon Product calibration and validation using eddy covariance observations across North America, Australia and Finland, H13B-1512Abstract Title: Detecting soil moisture pulses and associated vegetation response in a southern Arizona watershed using SMAP and MODIS, H53B-1667Abstract Title: The Walnut Gulch – Santa Rita Wildland Watershed-Scale LTAR Sites, H53E-1701Abstract Title: Determining the Role of Hydraulic Redistribution Regimes in the Critical Zone
Scott, S. W.
V13C-3133Abstract Title: Heat and mass transfer in volcano-hydrothermal systems
Scott, S. R.
DI31A-2559Abstract Title: Does a Superswell Exist Between Antarctica and Australia?, V21D-04Abstract Title: Radiogenic Isotope Constraints on Fluid Sources in the Yellowstone Hydrothermal System, V33C-3116Abstract Title: Isotopic Constraints on Magmatic Sources at Nyiragongo and Nyamulagira Volcanoes, Virunga Volcanic Province, DR Congo, V33D-3152Abstract Title: Methodological Adaptations for Reliable Measurement of Radium and Radon Isotopes in Hydrothermal Fluids of Extreme Chemical Diversity in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, USA
Scott, S.
IN21E-05Abstract Title: Evaluating the Data and Service Ecosystem: Implications for Successfully Building EarthCube and Beyond, IN23E-08Abstract Title: Scientific Datasets: Discovery and Aggregation for Semantic Interpretation.
Scott, T. B.
OS43A-2006Abstract Title: The distribution of trace elements in a range of deep-sea sulphide ore deposits and their impact on seafloor mining 
Scott-Gagan, H.
PP31A-2203Abstract Title: The Flores speleothem carbon isotope record: vegetation, volcanism and the demise of Homo floresiensis, PP34A-05Abstract Title: Toward a 530,000-year Hydroclimate History for the Southern Half of the Australasian Monsoon
Scouarnec, L.
OS23A-1987Abstract Title: Oxygen Minimum Zone (OMZ) Dynamics Off Peru: Preliminary Insights From a Mooring and an Integrated Modelling Platform - The AMOP Project
Scourfield, S.
MR21B-2621Abstract Title: Sea Ice Friction: The Effect of Ice Rubble, MR21B-2622Abstract Title: Micromechanics of ice friction
Scourse, E.
PA43C-2201Abstract Title: Volcanic hazards at distant critical infrastructure: A method for bespoke, multi-disciplinary assessment 
Scourse, J. D.
PP11A-2200Abstract Title: TRACEing Last Glacial Period (25-80 ka b2k) tephra horizons within North Atlantic marine cores and exploring links to the Greenland ice-cores, PP51E-03Abstract Title: BRITICE-CHRONO: The project and highlights so far
Scoville, J.
NH21A-1807Abstract Title: Pre-earthquake Magnetic Pulses
Scranton, M. I.
OS31B-06Abstract Title: Quantifying the flux and fate of methane into the Hudson Canyon at the edge of methane clathrate hydrate stability
Screaton, E.
T21E-2879Abstract Title: Quaternary Sediment Accumulation in the Aleutian Trench: Implications for Dehydration Reaction Progress and Pore Pressure Development Offshore Alaska, T21E-2889Abstract Title: The Impact of Mass Movement and Fluid Flow during Ridge Subduction inferred from Physical Properties and Zeolite Assemblage in the Upper Plate Slope of the Costa Rica Subduction Zone
Screen, J.
A21F-0200Abstract Title: Atmospheric response to Arctic sea ice loss moderated by (multi-) decadal ocean variability, A33O-04Abstract Title: Projected changes in regional weather patterns and associated temperature extremes arising from Arctic sea ice loss
Scrivner, C.
G44A-02Abstract Title: Progress on the CWU READI Analysis Center
Scrivner, C. W.
IN31D-03Abstract Title: The Brave New World of Real-time GPS for Hazards Mitigation
Scroxton, N. G.
PP34A-05Abstract Title: Toward a 530,000-year Hydroclimate History for the Southern Half of the Australasian Monsoon
Scroxton, N.
PP31A-2203Abstract Title: The Flores speleothem carbon isotope record: vegetation, volcanism and the demise of Homo floresiensis
Scruggs, M. A.
V43B-3126Abstract Title: Vapor Saturation as The Cause of Volcanic Eruptions at the Lassen Volcanic Center, California, as Inferred from Crystallization Pressures and Temperatures
Scudder, J. D.
SM43A-04Abstract Title: A Rosetta Stone for in situ Observations of Magnetic Reconnection
Scuderi, L. A.
EP23B-0976Abstract Title: Correlations Between Fluvial Morphologic Changes and Vegetation, and Fluvio-deltaic Behavior on Deltas Using Remote Sensing
Scuderi, M.
MR33C-2684Abstract Title: The Role of Fluid Pressure in Earthquake Triggering: Insights from an Experimental Study of Frictional Stability of Carbonates, S31A-2709Abstract Title: Laboratory Observations of the Full Spectrum of Fault Slip Modes: Implications for the Mechanics of Slow Earthquakes, S34A-02Abstract Title: The Mechanics of Transient Fault Slip and Slow Earthquakes
Scuderi, M. M.
MR24A-06Abstract Title: Using P-Wave Coda to Understand the Evolution of Fault Zone Elastic Properties During the Seismic Cycle, S31A-2711Abstract Title: Acoustic properties of the full spectrum of stick-slip events from stable sliding to dynamic rupture: insights on the mechanics of slow earthquakes and transient fault slip.
Scudiero, E.
NH43A-1871Abstract Title: Remote Sensing Soil Salinity Map for the San Joaquin Vally, California
Scullion, E.
SH53B-2484Abstract Title: Vortex Identification in the Lower Solar Atmosphere
Scully, J. E. C.
NH41A-1795Abstract Title: Emplacement Mechanisms and Evolution of the Long-runout Quaternary Eureka Valley Landslide in Eastern California, P42A-05Abstract Title: The Geology of Ceres: an Overview, P44B-05Abstract Title: The topography of Ceres and implications for the formation of linear surface structures, P53E-2167Abstract Title: Preliminary Geological Map of the Ac-H-1 Asari Quadrangle of Ceres: An Integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data., P53E-2168Abstract Title: Preliminary Geological Map of the Ac-H-2 Coniraya Quadrangle of Ceres: An Integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data, P53E-2170Abstract Title: Preliminary Geological Map of the Ac-H-3 Dantu Quadrangle of Ceres: An Integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data, P53E-2171Abstract Title: Preliminary Geological Map of the Ac-H-4 Ezinu Quadrangle of Ceres: An Integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data, P53E-2172Abstract Title: Preliminary Geological Map of the Ac-H-5 Fejokoo Quadrangle of Ceres: An Integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data, P53E-2173Abstract Title: Preliminary Geological Map of the Ac-H-6 Haulani Quadrangle of Ceres: An Integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data, P53E-2174Abstract Title: Preliminary Geological Map of the Ac-H-7 Kerwan Quadrangle of Ceres: An Integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data, P53E-2175Abstract Title: Preliminary Geological Map of the Ac-H-8 Nawish Quadrangle of Ceres: An Integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data, P53E-2176Abstract Title: Preliminary Geological Map of the Ac-H-9 Occator Quadrangle of Ceres: An Integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data, P53E-2178Abstract Title: Preliminary Geological Map of the Ac-H-11 Sintana Quadrangle of Ceres: An Integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data, P53E-2179Abstract Title: Preliminary Geological Map of the Ac-H-12 Toharu Quadrangle of Ceres: An Integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data, P53E-2180Abstract Title: Preliminary Geological Map of the Ac-H-13 Urvara Quadrangle of Ceres: An Integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data, P53E-2181Abstract Title: Preliminary Geological Map of the Ac-H-14 Yalode Quadrangle of Ceres: An Integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data, P53E-2187Abstract Title: Geomorphological Evidence for Pervasive Ground Ice on Ceres from Dawn Observations of Craters and Flows.
Scully, K.
H43F-1567Abstract Title: Sand tank experiment of a large volume biodiesel spill
Seablom, M. S.
EP52BAbstract Title: Taking Smallsats to the Next Level, Enabling New Science I, EP52B-06Abstract Title: NASA SMD/STMD Joint Study on Science Measurements and Technology Capability Potential of SmallSats, EP53CAbstract Title: Taking Smallsats to the Next Level, Enabling New Science II Posters, IN44A-02Abstract Title: REALTIME DATA TO ENABLE EARTH-OBSERVING SENSOR WEB CAPABILITIES
Seabrook, J.
A11C-0081Abstract Title: Influence of Mountains on Arctic Tropospheric Ozone
Seager, R.
A12B-02Abstract Title: On the role of circulation changes in future Northern Hemisphere hydroclimate change, GC41A-1065Abstract Title: Factors Contributing to Extremely Wet Winters in California, GC41G-06Abstract Title: Understanding future changes in Northern Hemisphere winter meridional wind and regional hydroclimate, GC54A-03Abstract Title: Life Cycles of Agriculturally-Relevant ENSO Teleconnections in North and South America, H11P-01Abstract Title: Causes of the 2011-15 California drought, H11P-03Abstract Title: Contribution of anthropogenic warming to California drought during 2012-2015, H31H-1533Abstract Title: Explaining streamflow variability of the Gila and Rio Grande rivers : Pacific teleconnections and catchment-scale interaction of the hydrological cycle with vegetation and soil moisture, H34D-07Abstract Title: Models and Techniques That Project an Arid Greenhouse Future Also Project a Wet Last Glacial Maximum, Contrary to Pollen and Dust Evidence, PP44B-08Abstract Title: The Dynamic State of the Ocean and Atmosphere during Megadroughts in the American West
Seakins, P. W.
A21B-0115Abstract Title: Investigation of Organic Peroxy Radical Photolysis as a Source of OH, A41A-0002Abstract Title: Implementation of a chemical background method (OH-CHEM) for measurements of OH using the Leeds FAGE instrument: Characterisation and observations from a coastal location
Sealing, C. R.
V23B-3097Abstract Title: The First Historic Eruption of Nabro, Eritrea: Insights from Thermal and UV Satellite Data
Sealy, A. M.
A23C-0334Abstract Title: Dust and Air Quality Forecasting in the Eastern Caribbean
Seaman, S. T.
A21I-05Abstract Title: Airborne High Spectral Resolution Lidar Measurements of Aerosol Distributions and Properties during the NASA DISCOVER-AQ Missions, A32D-05Abstract Title: Spatial Distribution of Aerosols in Four U.S. Regions: Impacts on Satellite Measurements
Seaman, S. J.
V13B-3105Abstract Title: The Growth of Melt Inclusion- and Water-Rich Zones in Clinopyroxene Phenocrysts of the Powai Ankaramite Flow, Deccan Traps, India: Rapid Closed System Oscillatory Mineral Growth
Seamon, E.
IN31A-1757Abstract Title: Climatic response variability and machine learning: development of a modular technology framework for predicting bio-climatic change in pacific northwest ecosystems”
Sean, M.
Sear, D. A.
EP41EAbstract Title: Working with Natural Processes to Restore Rivers and Floodplains I, EP42BAbstract Title: Working with Natural Processes to Restore Rivers and Floodplains II, EP43BAbstract Title: Working with Natural Processes to Restore Rivers and Floodplains III Posters, EP51B-0919Abstract Title: Inter-Granular Relationships and Characterization of Bed Structures for Fluvial Sediment in Gravel-Bed Rivers Using Computed Tomography, PP13A-2260Abstract Title: Modern Spatial Rainfall Rate is well Correlated with Coretop δ2Hdinosterol in the South Pacific Convergence Zone: A Tool for Quantitative Reconstructions of Rainfall Rate, PP31A-2204Abstract Title: A New Holocene Lake Sediment Archive from Samoa (Tropical South Pacific) Reveals Millennial Scale Changes in Hydroclimate.
Searby, N. D.
H53G-1732Abstract Title: Characterizing hydrological hazards and trends with the NASA South Asia Land Data Assimilation System, PA31AAbstract Title: Best Practices for Improving Workforce Skills to Use Earth Observations in Environmental Management and Policy Posters, PA31A-2155Abstract Title: Building Capacity to Use Earth Observations: Best Practices for Monitoring Programmatic Progress
Searchinger, T.
GC13H-1252Abstract Title: Reconciling Agricultural Needs with Biodiversity and Carbon Conservation in a Savanna Transformation Frontier
Searle, M. P.
S43D-2821Abstract Title: Geodetically constrained slip on the Main Himalayan Thrust fault from the 2015 Gorkha earthquake, S43D-2822Abstract Title: The 2015 Mw 7.8 Gorkha Earthquake: Constraining the Geometry of the Main Himalayan Thrust from Space Geodesy, V41A-3057Abstract Title: Muscovite-Dehydration Melting: A Textural Study of a Key Reaction in Transforming Continental Margin Strata Into a Migmatitic Orogenic Core 
Sears, D. W. G.
NH11A-1887Abstract Title: Meteorite fractures and the behavior of meteoroids in the atmosphere, NH11A-1890Abstract Title: Planetary Defense and the High Temperture Physical Properties of Meteorites., P53C-2132Abstract Title: Devitrification Dating: A Pilot Study with Basalts from the Eastern Snake River Plain, Idaho., V51D-3065Abstract Title: Overlapping Ballistic Ejecta Fields: Separating Distinct Blasts at Kings Bowl, Idaho
Sears, H.
V51D-3065Abstract Title: Overlapping Ballistic Ejecta Fields: Separating Distinct Blasts at Kings Bowl, Idaho
Sears, J.
V44B-05Abstract Title: Scaled Tests and Simulation of Triboelectric Charging and Arc Discharge in an Expanding Dust Plume
Seaton, D. B.
SH21B-2415Abstract Title: PROBA2: a Micro-Satellite Observing the Sun
Seaton, N. C.
V41A-3053Abstract Title: Lawsonite Composition and Zoning as an Archive of Metamorphic and Deformation Processes in Subduction Zones
Seats, K.
NS43B-1966Abstract Title: High Spatial Density Ambient Noise Tomography at the El Jefe Geyser, Chile
Sebastian, A.
NH51C-1894Abstract Title: Assessing Flood Risk from Hurricane-induced Precipitation and Storm Surge: A Bayesian Network Approach
Sebastian, D. E.
H41A-1272Abstract Title: Improving the Consistency in Water Availability between Different Reanalysis Data over South Asia
Sebastian, E.
P23B-2142Abstract Title: Analysis of likely Frost Events and day-to-night Variability in near-surface Water Vapor at Gale
Sebastian, N.
S53B-2828Abstract Title: Rigorous Approach in Investigation of Seismic Structure and Source Characteristicsin Northeast Asia: Hierarchical and Trans-dimensional Bayesian Inversion
Sébastien, T.
S23C-2760Abstract Title: New high-order, semi-implicit Hybridized Discontinuous Galerkin - Spectral Element Method (HDG-SEM) for simulation of complex wave propagation involving coupling between seismic, hydro-acoustic and infrasonic waves: numerical analysis and case studies.
Sebek, O.
SM31B-2486Abstract Title: Plasma Interaction at Io: Multi-species Hybrid Simulations
Sebera, J.
G42A-01Abstract Title: First monthly gravity field solutions derived from GPS orbits of Swarm
Sebestyen, S. D.
B44B-01Abstract Title: The Stability of Peatland Carbon Stores to Global Change: Evidence for Enhanced Methane and Carbon Dioxide Production  , H11E-1386Abstract Title: HSPF Modeling of a Forested Headwater in North-Central Minnesota, H32DAbstract Title: Suggesting New Hypotheses and Informing Models: What Are We Learning from Long-Term Catchment Monitoring Data and Catchment Experiments? I, H33FAbstract Title: Suggesting New Hypotheses and Informing Models: What Are We Learning from Long-Term Catchment Monitoring Data and Catchment Experiments? II Posters, H33F-1681Abstract Title: Hydrologic Processes Of Reference Watersheds In US Forest Service Experimental Forests, H33F-1682Abstract Title: Validated Metrics of Quick Flow Improve Assessments of Streamflow Generation Processes at the Long-Term Sleepers River Research Site
Sebestyen, S.
B11H-0536Abstract Title: Production of Excess CO2 relative to methane in peatlands: a new H2 sink
Sebesvari, Z.
GC44C-02Abstract Title: Development of Vulnerability Indicators for Deltaic Social-Ecological Systems Facing Multiple Environmental and Anthropogenic Hazards
Secchi, S.
GC34B-07Abstract Title: An Analysis of the Climate Change Mitigation Potential through Soil Organic Carbon Sequestration in a Corn Belt Watershed, NH13C-1945Abstract Title: Strategic Floodplain Reconnection Along the Lower Tisza and Lower Illinois Rivers: Identifying Opportunities, Tradeoffs, and Limitations
Secco, R.
MR12A-08Abstract Title: Limitations on Silicon in the Outer Core: Ultrasonic Measurements at High Temperatures and High dK/dP’s of Fe-Ni-Si Liquids at High Pressures
Sechrist, B.
GC53C-1228Abstract Title: The Effects of Resource Intermittency on Electricity System Emissions
Seclaman, A. C.
DI31B-2601Abstract Title: The Influence of Silicate Melt Structure on the Partitioning of W During Core Formation
Seco, R.
A11T-01Abstract Title: Higher than expected OH and OH reactivity in the forested regions – Can those be reconciled?, A23H-08Abstract Title: Volatile Organic Compounds and Oxidation Capacity of the Atmosphere in the Brazilian Amazon during the GoAmazon2014/5 Campaign, A31A-0010Abstract Title: OH observations in a tropical rain forest environment using a chemical ionization mass spectrometry technique during GOAmazon intensive campaigns, B43F-0612Abstract Title: Improved tropical forest biogenic VOC emission factors based on GoAmazon2014/5 airborne observations, B43F-0616Abstract Title: Observations of Vertical Gradients in Composition, Oxidation States, and Diurnal Dynamics for a Comprehensive Suite of VOCs from 10 to 525 m in the San Joaquin Valley, California
Seco, R.
A23H-05Abstract Title: Measurements of in-situ SOA Formation Using an Oxidation Flow Reactor at GoAmazon2014/5, A31A-0020Abstract Title: Emission and Chemistry of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) as Observed at T3: Contrast of the Dry and Wet Seasons
Seddon, A. W. R.
GC13G-1232Abstract Title: Extrinsic and Intrinsic Responses to Environmental Change: Insights from Terrestrial Paleoecological Archives
Sedlacek, A. J. III
A11C-0065Abstract Title: Vertical and Spatial Profiling of Arctic Black Carbon on the North Slope of Alaska 2015: Comparison of Model and Observation, A11J-0192Abstract Title: Airborne observations of greenhouse gases in the North Slope of Alaska during summer 2015, A21A-0077Abstract Title: Seasonal Differences in Aerosol Chemical Properties at a Site Along the Eastern Seaboard: Observations from the Two-Column Aerosol Project (TCAP), A42B-04Abstract Title: Source Attribution of Observed Absorption Profiles During the Two Column Aerosol Project (TCAP) Using a Regional Model, A43C-0301Abstract Title: Summer and winter time heterogeneity in aerosol single scattering albedo over the northwestern Atlantic Ocean during the TCAP field campaign: Relationship to chemical composition and mixing state
Sedlar, J.
A24C-03Abstract Title: The Influence of Free Tropospheric Aerosol on the Boundary Layer Aerosol Budget in the Arctic , A41O-08Abstract Title: Observations of the Arctic boundary layer clouds during ACSE 2014, A43J-06Abstract Title: Summer Arctic Clouds in the ECMWF Forecast Model: an Evaluation of Cloud Parameterization Schemes, C13C-0827Abstract Title: In Situ Measurement of the Drag Coefficient Over Arctic Sea Ice, C53A-0766Abstract Title: A Warming Surface but a Cooling Top of Atmosphere Associated with Warm, Moist Air Mass Advection over the Ice and Snow Covered Arctic
Seeber, L.
EP12A-06Abstract Title: Sediment Pathways Across Trench Slopes: Results From Numerical Modeling, EP41A-0902Abstract Title: New insights on the subsidence of the Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta Plain by using 2D multichannel seismic data, gravity and flexural modeling, BanglaPIRE Project, EP41A-0903Abstract Title: Holocene construction and evolution of the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna delta: the influence of climate, eustasy, and tectonics on stratigraphic architecture and fluvial dynamics, NH21E-08Abstract Title: Evidence for the 1762 Tsunamigenic Earthquake in an Extremely Sedimented Segment of the Sunda Subduction/Collision Boundary, SE Bangladesh, NH23B-1878Abstract Title: Submergence and Uplift Associated to Paleoearthquakes in the Northern Sunda Subduction System: Implications for Future Earthquakes., T23C-2957Abstract Title: Moderately-dipping California Strike-slip Faults With Bends in map View and Cross-section , T31B-2870Abstract Title: A Case for Plane-Strain during the Development of the Indo-Burma Fold-Thrust Belt in Tripura and Mizoram, Northeast India (23-24°N; 91-93°E), T41B-2887Abstract Title: The Northern Rupture of the 1762 Arakan Meghathrust Earthquake and other Potential Earthquake Sources in Bangladesh., T54A-06Abstract Title: Determining Crustal Structure of Bangladesh Using Seismological Techniques
Seede, R.
P41B-2067Abstract Title: Properties of Discrete and Axisymmetric Features in Jupiter’s Atmosphere from Observations of Thermal Emission: Recent Updates on the Eve of the Juno Mission Arrival at Jupiter
Seefeldt, M. W.
C51A-0683Abstract Title: Inter-comparison of isotropic and anisotropic sea ice rheology in a fully coupled model, GC31A-1165Abstract Title: Regional Arctic System Model (RASM): A Tool to Address the U.S. Priorities and Advance Capabilities for Arctic Climate Modeling and Prediction, GC34A-02Abstract Title: Simulation of Arctic climate with the Regional Arctic System Model (RASM): Sensitivity to atmospheric processes
Seeger, C. H.
P51A-2048Abstract Title: Ground-based Light Curves Two Pluto Days Before the New Horizons Passage
Seekell, D. A.
GC32B-01Abstract Title: Globalization of water and food through international trade: impacts on food security, resilience and justice
Seelen, E.
GC53I-08Abstract Title: Recent Advances in Understanding the Sources of Methylmercury to Coastal Waters
Seeley, J.
A41J-0214Abstract Title: Clausius-Clapeyron Scaling of Convective Available Potential Energy (CAPE) in Cloud-Resolving Simulations
Seelos, F. P. IV
P13E-04Abstract Title: The Mapping Imaging Spectrometer for Europa (MISE) Investigation, P43D-2139Abstract Title: New Mineralogic Diversity in the Noachian Crust of Tyrrhena Terra, Mars, P51E-03Abstract Title: Mars Surface Mineralogic Diversity and Mineral Mixtures Mapping Using CRISM Data and the Tetracorder Spectral Mapping System
Seelos, K. D.
P43D-2139Abstract Title: New Mineralogic Diversity in the Noachian Crust of Tyrrhena Terra, Mars, P51E-03Abstract Title: Mars Surface Mineralogic Diversity and Mineral Mixtures Mapping Using CRISM Data and the Tetracorder Spectral Mapping System
Seelus, C.
IN23D-1751Abstract Title: Open Data and Open Science for better Research in the Geo and Space Domain
Seely, J. F.
SH23B-2447Abstract Title: Free-Standing Zone Plate Optimized for He II 30.4 nm Solar Irradiance Measurements Having High Accuracy and Stability in Space, SH23B-2449Abstract Title: Miniature Extreme Ultraviolet Solar Radiometers
Seery, B.
IN31C-1781Abstract Title: Develop an Architecture to Enable Effective Information Process in Mitigating Asteroid’s Threat
Seewald, J.
OS42A-05Abstract Title: Temporal evolution of magmatic-hydrothermal systems in the Manus Basin, Papua New Guinea: Insights from vent fluid chemistry and bathymetric observations, OS43A-2014Abstract Title: Stable Isotope Evidence for Abiotic Ammonium Production in the Hydrothermal Vent Fluids from the Mid-Cayman Rise
Sefelnasr, A.
H51E-1424Abstract Title: Flash Floods Simulation Using a Physical based hydrological Model at the Eastern Nile Basin: Case studies; Wadi Assiut, Egypt and Wadi Gumara, Lake Tana, Ethiopia.
Sefton, J.
PP53A-2317Abstract Title: An Assessment of the Influence of Orbital Forcing on Late Pliocene Global Sea-Level Using a Shallow-Marine Sedimentary Record from the Wanganui Basin, New Zealand.
Sefton-Nash, E.
P53B-2110Abstract Title: Global Surface Temperatures of the Moon
Seftor, C. J.
IN41B-1705Abstract Title: The Use of OMPS Near Real Time Products in Volcanic Cloud Risk Mitigation and Smoke/Dust Air Quality Assessments
Segal-Rosenhaimer, M.
A23F-0394Abstract Title: Highlights from 4STAR Sky-Scanning Retrievals of Aerosol Intensive Optical Properties from Multiple Field Campaigns with Detailed Comparisons of SSA Reported During SEAC4RS, A42A-08Abstract Title: Implications of using transmitted vs. reflected light for determining cloud properties, cloud radiative effects and aerosol-cloud-interactions, A43A-0239Abstract Title: Neural Networks algorithm development for polarimetric observations of above cloud aerosols (ACA)
Segalin, B.
A21A-0105Abstract Title: Indoor Particulate Matter in Houses of Elderly in the Metropolitan Area of Sao Paulo, Brazil
Segall, M.
A51E-0104Abstract Title: Large Precipitation Events in Northern Vermont Compared to Global Temperature Anomalies and Carbon Dioxide Concentrations
Segall, P.
G11B-0978Abstract Title: New estimates of time-dependent noise and velocity uncertainties in GPS position time series, MR41E-01Abstract Title: Poroelastic and Earthquake Nucleation Effects in Injection Induced Seismicity, S21C-08Abstract Title: Modeling Time Dependent Earthquake Magnitude Distributions Associated with Injection-Induced Seismicity, S22A-08Abstract Title: Injection induced seismicity on basement faults including poroelastic stressing, S33E-03Abstract Title: Mechanical and Geodetic Constraints on the Gap between the Locked Zone and the ETS Region in Northern Cascadia, S34A-06Abstract Title: Repeating Earthquakes Confirm and Constrain Long-Term Acceleration of Aseismic Slip Preceding the M9 Tohoku-Oki Earthquake
Šegan, S.
SH31C-2433Abstract Title: Quasi-thermal noise observed by CASSINI during the first flyby of Venus
Sege, J.
H53E-1707Abstract Title: Modelling water table drawdown and recovery during tunnel excavation in fractured rock: estimating environmental impacts and characterizing uncertainties in a heterogeneous domain
Sege, J. E.
NS22A-06Abstract Title: Geostatistical methods for rock mass quality prediction using borehole and geophysical survey data
Segers, A.
A22B-02Abstract Title: An OSSE to Study the Impact of Sentinel S4, S5P and S5 Spaceborne Observations on Air Quality Data Assimilation Systems
Segev, A.
T23C-2978Abstract Title: Correlation between calculated stress distribution and recorded seismicity in Northern Israel and its surrounding
Seghedi, I.
V33B-3106Abstract Title: Cyclic Explosivity in High Elevation Phreatomagmatic Eruptions at Ocean Island Volcanoes: Implications for Aquifer Pressurization and Volcano Flank Destabilization.
Segkou, M.
U33A-08Abstract Title: Earthquake Forecasts for Gorkha Immediately Following the 25th April, M=7.8 Mainshock
Segovia, M.
S31A-2736Abstract Title: ­Intense Microseismicity Associated with a SSE at La Plata Island in the Central Subduction Zone of Ecuador
Segre, E.
H44E-06Abstract Title: Controls on the stability of immiscible fluid displacement: Interplay between wettability, dynamics and heterogeneity
Séguis, L.
H43I-1663Abstract Title: Streamflow generation in humid West Africa: the role of Bas-fonds investigated with a physically based model of the Critical Zone, H53C-1679Abstract Title: HYBRID GRAVIMETRY FOR THE MONITORING OF WATER STORAGE CHANGES IN THE CRITICAL ZONE OF WEST AFRICA
Segura, A.
P32B-01Abstract Title: Characterizing Pale Blue Dots Around FGKM Stars
Segura, C.
EP31D-08Abstract Title: Sediment transport dynamics and its relation to primary production in mountain headwater streams, EP43B-0972Abstract Title: Modeling the Effect of Geomorphic Change Triggered by Large Wood Addition on Salmon Habitat in a Forested Coastal Watershed, GC51E-1126Abstract Title: Modeling the impacts of climate change on stream water temperature across scales, H41M-06Abstract Title: Scaling properties of rainfall-runoff generation processes and nutrient flushing mechanisms in the Oregon Cascade Mountain, H43I-1647Abstract Title: Temporal and Spatial Variation of Surface Water Stable Isotopes in the Marys River Basin, Oregon
Segura, K.
SH31C-2434Abstract Title: The very slow solar wind in the Inner Heliosphere
Seguy, S.
MR31B-05Abstract Title: Porosity and permeability evolution of clay faults: in situ experiments
Sehlinger, A.
A33J-0315Abstract Title: Sensitivity of soil moisture initialization for decadal predictions under different regional climatic conditions in Europe
Sehlke, A.
V31C-3046Abstract Title: Rheology and thermal budget of lunar basalts: an experimental study and its implications for rille formation of non-Newtonian lavas on the Moon
Sehlke, A.
V31C-3043Abstract Title: Rheology of Crystallizing Basalts from Mt. Nyiragongo and Mt. Nyamuragira D.R.C., V41B-3065Abstract Title: Recalescence in Silicate Melts: More Than Just a Flash in the Pan?
Seibert, J.
H43E-1552Abstract Title: Temporal Change in Discharge Response in Unregulated Swedish Catchments - Quantifying Potential Effects of Anthropogenic Modifications in Stream Network Properties on Flow Time Distributions
Seibt, U.
B43H-0644Abstract Title: PhotoSpec - Ground-based Remote Sensing of Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence
Seibt, U. H.
A52E-07Abstract Title: Understanding fog-plant interactions at the ecosystem scale using atmospheric carbonyl sulfide, B31E-08Abstract Title: Canopy-scale GPP from Measurements of Carbonyl Sulfide in a Freshwater Marsh, B43H-0645Abstract Title: Understanding COS Fluxes in a Boreal Forest: Towards COS-Based GPP Estimates., B51A-0409Abstract Title: Soil fluxes of carbonyl sulfide (COS) across four distinct ecosystems
Seichter, N. D.
IN51A-1792Abstract Title: Mobile Virtual Reality : A Solution for Big Data Visualization
Seidel, D. J.
A51H-0175Abstract Title: The Sudden Stratospheric Warming Atlas
Seidel, F. C.
A41LAbstract Title: Advances in Atmospheric Aerosol and Cloud Characterization I, A42AAbstract Title: Advances in Atmospheric Aerosol and Cloud Characterization II, A43AAbstract Title: Advances in Atmospheric Aerosol and Cloud Characterization III Posters, A43A-0259Abstract Title: Sensitivity of the remote sensing reflectance of ocean and coastal waters to uncertainties in aerosol characteristics, A43A-0260Abstract Title: Progress in Photoelastic Modulator-Based Spectropolarimetric Imaging of Aerosols and Clouds, A43A-0261Abstract Title: On-board Polarimetric Calibration of Airborne Multiangle SpectroPolarimetric Imager (AirMSPI) Measurements, GC23K-1235Abstract Title: Hyperspectral and Polarimetric Signatures of Vegetation from AirMSPI and AVIRIS Measurements, P34B-04Abstract Title: Assessment of capabilities of multiangle imaging photo-polarimetry for atmospheric correction in presence of absorbing aerosols
Seidel, S.
A13C-0342Abstract Title: Southern Ocean Blocking: A comparison of reanalyses
Seidemann, M.
MR21B-2615Abstract Title: Anisotropic Fabrics and Elastic Properties of Polycrystalline Ice; In-situ Ultrasonic Velocity Measurements and Resonant Ultrasound, MR21B-2618Abstract Title: Stress Localization and Kinking as a Potential Source of Rheological Weakening in the High-Stress Deformation of Polycrystalline Ice, MR31A-02Abstract Title: Localisation of shear in ice by recrystallisation on kinks and grain boundary networks: new EBSD data in old experiments
Seidenkrantz, M. S.
PP42B-01Abstract Title: Early Holocene Meltwater Routing in the Labrador Sea
Seidensticker, K. J.
P31E-2092Abstract Title: Measurements at Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko with the Dust Impact Monitor (SESAME-DIM), P31E-2115Abstract Title: Measuring the Permittivity of the Nucleus of a Comet: the PP-SESAME Experiment on Board the Philae/ROSETTA Lander
Seidou, O.
GC42A-07Abstract Title: NIDWat: A Water Balance Model for the Niger Inland Delta (NID) Floodplain in Mali
Seif, A.
Seifert, A.
B51A-0411Abstract Title: Demonstration of a Groundwater Age Determination Using 39Ar in Support of a Multi-Tracer Groundwater Analysis of Wells in Fresno, CA, B51A-0412Abstract Title: Purification and Detection of 39Ar in Groundwater Samples via Low-Level Counting, B51A-0413Abstract Title: Improved sample preparation and counting techniques for enhanced tritium measurement sensitivity
Seifert, A.
A51I-0185Abstract Title: A Negative Lifetime Effect in Large-Eddy Simulations of Trade-Wind Cumulus Clouds
Seifert, F.
P31B-2064Abstract Title: Strike-Slip Faulting Processes on Ganymede: Global Morphological Mapping and Structural Interpretation of Grooved and Transitional Terrains, P31B-2067Abstract Title: What causes an icy fault to slip? Investigating strike-slip failure conditions on Ganymede at Dardanus and Tiamat Sulcus.
Seifert, P.
A11Q-01Abstract Title: Seasonal and spatial variability of heterogeneous ice formation in stratiform clouds and its possible impact on precipitation formation, A13B-0316Abstract Title: Simultaneous Remote Sensing of Ice Nuclei, Ice Crystals, Liquid Water and Atmospheric Dynamics in and Around Mixed-Phase Layered Clouds, A34E-05Abstract Title: Exploiting Cloud Radar Doppler Spectra of Mixed-Phase Clouds during ACCEPT Field Experiment to Identify Microphysical Processes
Seike, K.
GP51A-1303Abstract Title: Distribution of magnetofossils in deep-sea surface sediments with Fe-redox boundary
Seiler, C.
T44C-05Abstract Title: Miocene Onset of Extension in the Turkana Depression, Kenya: Implications for the Geodynamic Evolution of the East African Rift System
Seiler, C.
A43I-06Abstract Title: How Will Climate Change Affect Explosive Cyclones in the Extratropics of the Northern Hemisphere?
Seimetz, L.
SH31C-2427Abstract Title: Distinguishing 3He and 4He with the Electron Proton Telescope (EPT) on Solar Orbiter
Seimon, A.
AE31B-0434Abstract Title: A Comparison of Cloud-to-Ground Lightning Characteristics and Observations from Multiple Networks and Videos during the 31 May 2013 El Reno, OK Tornadic Supercell Storm
Sein, D.
A31K-07Abstract Title: Influence of ocean and atmosphere coupling in a regional climate simulation: case study on typhoons over the CORDEX Southeast Asia domain
Sein, D.
A51P-0311Abstract Title: Past, present and future of Tropical Cyclone climatology over CORDEX South-Asia domain: A coupled regional climate model study
Seinfeld, J.
A11B-0039Abstract Title: Competing effects of viscosity and surface-tension depression on the hygroscopicity and CCN activity of laboratory surrogates for oligomers in atmospheric aerosol, A11T-02Abstract Title: Hydroxyl, hydroperoxyl, and OH reactivity during the FIXCIT study in the CalTech environmental chamber in January 2014, A12E-02Abstract Title: Uncertainties in SOA Formation from the Photooxidation of α-pinene, A13E-0383Abstract Title: Gas-Phase OH Oxidation of Cresol to Yield Highly Oxygenated Products, A43C-0285Abstract Title: AMS Observations over Coastal California from the Biological and Oceanic Atmospheric Study (BOAS), A52E-01Abstract Title: Recent Findings Based on Airborne Measurements at the Interface of Coastal California Clouds and Clear Air
Seirer, J.
H33B-1584Abstract Title: Toward a Regional MOD16: Addition of a High-resolution Precipitation Input and a Simple Soil Moisture Component to the MOD16 Algorithm
Seitz, H. M.
V11D-3085Abstract Title: Distribution of lithium in the Cordilleran Mantle wedge
Seitz, K.
B11J-0566Abstract Title: Genomic reconstruction of novel sediment phyla enlightens roles in sedimentary biogeochemical cycling
Seitz, M.
G33C-05Abstract Title: Contribution of DGFI to ITRF2014
Seixas, G.
T51A-2846Abstract Title: How realistic are flat-ramp-flat fault kinematic models? Comparing mechanical and kinematic models
Seixas, T. M.
MR13A-2685Abstract Title: Backward Modeling of Reflectance Spectra of Single Mineral Assemblages, MR21C-2631Abstract Title: Simulation of Electrical Transport in Rocks under Mechanical Action
Seizilles, G.
EP14A-02Abstract Title: Laboratory Alluvial Rivers
Sejrup, H. P.
PP51C-2299Abstract Title: Ocean - ice sheet interaction along the NW European margin during the last glacial phases
Sekar, A.
S31B-05Abstract Title: Resolution analysis of marine seismic full waveform data by Bayesian inversion
Seker, D. Z.
NH43A-1858Abstract Title: Determination of Destructed and Infracted Forest Areas with Multi-temporal High Resolution Satellite Images
Sekhar, P.
V11A-3057Abstract Title: Numerical Modeling of Brine Formation and Serpentinization at the Rainbow Hydrothermal System
Sekhon, N.
PP51A-2260Abstract Title: Investigating Rainfall Variability in the South Pacific Convergence Zone using the Geochemistry of Stalagmites from the Solomon Islands
Seki, K.
P13D-08Abstract Title: The Loss Rate of Ions from the Martian Atmosphere, P21A-2071Abstract Title: Comparison of Martian magnetic pileup boundary with ion composition boundary observed by MAVEN, P21A-2079Abstract Title: MAVEN observations of high-altitude magnetic flux ropes around Mars, P21A-2081Abstract Title: Structure of plasma boundaries with a large density gradient observed by MAVEN and its effects on the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability, P21A-2091Abstract Title: Sunward O+ ion jets reflected below the Martian bow shock: MAVEN observations, SM41E-2534Abstract Title: Characteristics of ring current protons and oxygen ions during the 7 January 2015 and 17 March 2015 storms: Van Allen Probes/RBSPICE observations, SM41E-2535Abstract Title: Deeper and earlier penetrations of oxygen ions than protons into the inner magnetosphere Observed by Van Allen probes., SM51C-2574Abstract Title: Effect of escaping photoelectrons on the polar wind outflows
Seki, O.
C13C-0836Abstract Title: Ice core records of monoterpene- and isoprene-SOA tracers from Aurora Peak in Alaska since 1660s: Implication for climate variability in the North Pacific Rim
Sekiguchi, M.
A42C-07Abstract Title: Multilayer cloud detection and retrieval of cloud physical and optical properties from thermal infrared measurements, A53B-0383Abstract Title: Improvements of the Radiation Code “MstrnX” in AORI/NIES/JAMSTEC Models
Sekine, Y.
P11B-2074Abstract Title: Current Status of Japanese Participation to Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer "JUICE", P51A-2037Abstract Title: Can the Charon-forming giant impact generate elongated dark areas on Pluto?
Sekioka, S.
IN23D-1749Abstract Title: Collaboration using open standards and open source software (examples of DIAS/CEOS Water Portal)
Sekiyama, T. T.
A23A-0260Abstract Title: Ozone Enhancement in the Lower Troposphere over Central and Eastern China as Observed from the space, A31B-0027Abstract Title: Four Dimensional CO2 Data Assimilation of GOSAT Observation Data Using a Local Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter (LETKF)
Sekou, K.
A21A-0031Abstract Title: African anthropogenic combustion emission inventory: specificities and uncertainties
Sekowski, M.
G23A-1051Abstract Title: Evaluation of the new gravity control in Poland
Sela, S.
H11F-1419Abstract Title: Calibration and Validation of the Precision Nitrogen Management Tool for Artificially Drained Fields Under Maize
Seland, O.
A41P-01Abstract Title: Arctic climate response to regional aerosol emission changes between 1980 and 2005
Selander, J.
T41A-2867Abstract Title: Fault connectivity, distributed shortening, and impacts on geologic- geodetic slip rate discrepancies in the central Mojave Desert, California
Selbmann, A. K.
B31D-0596Abstract Title: A Pan-arctic Survey about the Meaning of Winter Respiration in Northern High Latitudes
Selby, D. S.
EP21E-02Abstract Title: Enhanced oxidative weathering in glaciated mountain catchments: A stabilising feedback on atmospheric carbon dioxide?, PP31B-2255Abstract Title: Evidence for Global Biogeochemical Changes During the Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event, PP33C-2320Abstract Title: Combining local lithofacies and global geochemical signals to test the acidification hypothesis for the onset of Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 in the U.S. Western Interior Basin, PP34B-03Abstract Title: Multi-proxy study of Ocean Anoxic Event 2 (Cenomanian-Turonian) yields new perspective on the drivers for Mesozoic anoxic events
Selby, P. D.
H41G-1441Abstract Title: Multi-agent modelling framework for water, energy and other resource networks
Seles, D.
PP43C-2302Abstract Title: Influence of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet and its collapse on the wind and precipitation regimes of the Ross Embayment
Selesnick, R.
SM21B-2518Abstract Title: The Cause of the Hardest Electron Precipitation Events Seen by SAMPEX: a Statistical Survey of Circumstantial Evidence, SM41D-2509Abstract Title: Variability of the Inner Proton Radiation Belt Observed by Van Allen Probes
Self, S.
NG14A-08Abstract Title: Evenly-spaced columns in the Bishop Tuff as relicts of hydrothermal convection, V41CAbstract Title: The Tempo of Continental Flood Basalt Eruptions Posters, V41C-3078Abstract Title: Environmental effects of magmatic sulfur emitted by large-scale flood basalt eruptions, V41C-3082Abstract Title: Transitions in Lava Emplacement Recorded in the Deccan Traps Sequence (India), V41C-3084Abstract Title: High-Precision 40Ar/39Ar dating of the Deccan Traps, V41C-3086Abstract Title: Triggering of the Largest Deccan Eruptions by the Chicxulub Impact
Self-Trail, J. M.
PP23B-2299Abstract Title: Taking the pulse of the carbon release during the onset of the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum , PP23B-2301Abstract Title: An Ocean Acidification Pulse in the Pre-onset Carbon Isotope Excursion Preceding the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum, PP33C-2319Abstract Title: Nannoplankton Deformation from the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum: Evidence for Deep Photic Zone Undersaturation
Seligman, A. N.
PP11B-2221Abstract Title: Analysis of Hydrogen Isotopic Exchange: Lava Creek Tuff Ash and Isotopically Labeled Water, V51F-3103Abstract Title: Water in Volcanic Glass: From Volcanic Degassing to Secondary Hydration
Selin, N. E.
A11C-0087Abstract Title: Perfluorocarboxylic acid (PFCA) atmospheric formation and transport to the Arctic., A11M-0228Abstract Title: Air quality co-benefits and costs under state, regional, or national cooperation to regulate CO2 from existing power plants, A13D-0376Abstract Title: The Air Quality and Economic Impact of Atmospheric Lead from General Aviation Aircraft in the United States, A42F-05Abstract Title: An Assessment of Uncertainty in Projections of Climate-Induced Changes to U.S. O3 Pollution, B11D-0454Abstract Title: Preliminary Assessment of Mercury Atmosphere-Surface Exchange Parameterizations for Incorporation into Chemical Transport Models, B11D-0457Abstract Title: Airborne Observations of Mercury Emissions from the Chicago/Gary Urban/Industrial Area during the 2013 NOMADSS Campaign, GC51F-1156Abstract Title: Assessing Global Mercury Cycling and Trends in the Context of the Minamata Convention
Selker, A.
H51R-04Abstract Title: A new chapter in environmental sensing: The Open-Source Published Environmental Sensing (OPENS) laboratory
Selker, J. S.
C13C-0823Abstract Title: A Trace Gas Method of Evaluating Wind-enhancement of Interstitial Air Movement in Snow, ED33B-0939Abstract Title: SLICEIT and TAHMO Partnerships: Students Local and International Collaboration for Climate and Environmental Monitoring, Technology Development, Education, Adaptation and Mitigation, GC41B-1093Abstract Title: Efforts to Unravel the Cause of Shrinkage of Lake Chad: Development of Hydrologic Real-time Observatory Network in the Lake Chad Basin, H13A-1466Abstract Title: The Use of Shear-Thinning Fluids as “Smart” Tracers to Infer Fracture Network Properties, H13E-1593Abstract Title: Smart Fluids in Hydrology: Use of Non-Newtonian Fluids for Pore Structure Characterization, H13K-1729Abstract Title: Recent Developments in Active and Passive Distributed Temperature Sensing for Soil Moisture Monitoring, H23GAbstract Title: Novel Environmental Sensor Strategies: Wireless and Beyond Posters, H41M-08Abstract Title: No Snow No Flow: How Montane Stream Networks Respond to Drought, H51F-1442Abstract Title: Impact of Aquifer Heterogeneities on Autotrophic Denitrification.
Selker, J. S.
H42C-02Abstract Title: Modeling Hydraulic Properties and Hydrologic Processes in Shrink-swell Clay Soils, H43C-1508Abstract Title: Characterizing dynamic processes in the Critical Zone: Crazy new tools provide crazy new insights, H51R-04Abstract Title: A new chapter in environmental sensing: The Open-Source Published Environmental Sensing (OPENS) laboratory
Selkin, P. A.
ED14B-01Abstract Title: Changes in Student Knowledge and Views of Geohazards, Societal Risks, and Monitoring at Active Plate Boundaries Using a Data-Rich Curriculum, GP21A-02Abstract Title: Geomagnetic Intensity Record from the 1.43 Ga Laramie Anorthosite Complex, T33D-2964Abstract Title: Paleomagnetic and Environmental Magnetic Insights into the Middle to Late Pleistocene Stratigraphy of the 8o North Bengal Fan Transect, IODP Expedition 354
Selkirk, H. B.
A32C-05Abstract Title: Recent Divergences Between Stratospheric Water Vapor Measurements by Aura MLS and Frost Point Hygrometers, A41E-0100Abstract Title: An Assessment of Upper Tropospheric Water Vapor in the MERRA-2 Reanalysis: Comparisons with MLS and In Situ Water Vapor Measurements
Selkowitz, D.
C41D-0759Abstract Title: The USGS Landsat Snow Covered Area Science Data Products
Sellars, S. L.
GC31D-1216Abstract Title: Introduction to CHRS CONNECT - a global extreme precipitation event database using object-oriented approach
Selleck, P. W.
GC33E-1345Abstract Title: Emission Factors of Greenhouse Gases and Particulates from Australian Savanna Fires
Sellegri, K.
A13E-0399Abstract Title: Role of Criegee Intermediates in Formation of Sulfuric Acid at BVOCs-rich Cape Corsica Site, A33G-0255Abstract Title: Synthesis of the ACTRIS Network Cloud Condensation Nuclei Measurements
Sellers, P. J.
B51J-01Abstract Title: FIFE and BOREAS, B51J-07Abstract Title: The Modern Era of Research in Biosphere Atmosphere Interactions
Sellers, T.
GP43D-06Abstract Title: Rock Magnetic Cyclostratigraphy of the Mid-Cretaceous Greenhorn Limestone, South-Central Colorado---Influence of Orbitally Induced Climate Variability for Chornostratigraphy
Sellers, V.
ED14B-07Abstract Title: Enabling Field Experiences in Introductory Geoscience Classes through the Use of Immersive Virtual Reality
Selmer, P. A.
A42A-01Abstract Title: The Cloud-Aerosol Transport System (CATS): Demonstrating New Techniques for Cloud and Aerosol Measurements
Selmes, N.
C13E-03Abstract Title: Reverse glacier motion during iceberg calving and the cause of glacial earthquakes
Selroos, J. O.
H53I-02Abstract Title: The Stochastic-Deterministic Transition in Discrete Fracture Network Models and its Implementation in a Safety Assessment Application by Means of Conditional Simulation
Selvadurai, P. A.
S31A-2708Abstract Title: Effective heterogeneity controlling premonitory slip on laboratory faults, S31A-2710Abstract Title: ‘Burst-Like’ Slow Slip Propagation on Frictional Faults in the Laboratory
Selverstone, J.
V53F-3166Abstract Title: Mantle water contents beneath the Rio Grande Rift (NM, USA): FTIR analysis of Rio Puerco and Kilbourne Hole peridotite xenoliths
Selvin, B.
ED34B-02Abstract Title: Engaging Students and Teachers in Immersive Learning Experiences Alongside NASA Scientists and With Support from Institutional Partnerships, ED42A-03Abstract Title: Student Journalists in the Field: Bridging the Gap Between Science and Communication
Selzer, L.
AE22A-01Abstract Title: Analysis of the Metal Oxide Space Clouds (MOSC) HF Propagation Environment
Semazzi, F. H. M.
A23E-0379Abstract Title: Evaluation of the performance of the WRF 1-Dimensional Lake model over the East Africa Great Lakes, GC41B-1095Abstract Title: An Investigation of the Hydroclimate Variability of Eastern Africa
Šembara, J.
T13E-05Abstract Title: Coupled THMC modelling of single fractures in novaculite and granite for DECOVALEX-2015
Sembhi, H.
A54D-07Abstract Title: Remote sensing of atmospheric greenhouse gases: bridging spatial scales
Semedo, M.
B13G-0705Abstract Title: Antibiotics and Manure Effects on Microbial Communities Responsible for Nitrous Oxide Emissions from Grasslands
Semeniuk, D.
GC51F-1154Abstract Title: Chromium uptake and adsorption in cultured marine phytoplankton - implications for the marine Cr cycle, OS13A-2020Abstract Title: Dust in an acidified ocean: iron bioavailability, phytoplankton growth and DMS
Semeniuk, K.
A31B-0037Abstract Title: Adapting a weather forecast model for greenhouse gas simulation
Semenov, V.
A11J-0194Abstract Title: TDL based spectrometer for simultaneously monitoring local and column greenhouse gases
Semeter, J. L.
SA23B-2350Abstract Title: RISR Observations of High Ion Temperatures: A Case Study, SA51B-2402Abstract Title: An Analysis of Conjugate Ground-based and Space-based Measurements of Energetic Electrons during Substorms, SM32B-06Abstract Title: Physical interpretation of phase- and group-motion in auroras
Semiletov, I. P.
C33FAbstract Title: Climate-Carbon-Cryosphere Interactions in the East Siberian Arctic Ocean: Past, Present, and Future I, C33F-02Abstract Title: The Origin(s) of the Methane Excess in the Shallow East Siberian Arctic Shelf Unraveled with Triple Isotope Analysis, C33F-06Abstract Title: Fate of permafrost-released organic matter in the Laptev Sea: What is its lateral transport time along the transect from the Lena delta area to the deep sea of the Arctic interior?, C34AAbstract Title: Climate-Carbon-Cryosphere Interactions in the East Siberian Arctic Ocean: Past, Present, and Future II, C34A-04Abstract Title: Abrupt release of terrigenous organic carbon to the Laptev Sea at termination of the Younger Dryas, C43AAbstract Title: Climate-Carbon-Cryosphere Interactions in the East Siberian Arctic Ocean: Past, Present, and Future III Posters, C43A-0767Abstract Title: First application of time-domain electromagnetic technology (TEM) for permafrost mapping on the Arctic shelf., C43A-0770Abstract Title: Specific features of sedimentology in the outer part of the East Siberian Arctic Shelf, C43A-0775Abstract Title: On the existence of an East Siberian-Chukchi ice sheet: New insights from the SWERUS-C3 Expedition 2014, C43A-0778Abstract Title: Studying bubble-induced methane emissions from the East Siberian Arctic Shelf: the next step towards a quantitative assessment., C43A-0779Abstract Title: A Multi-frequency Look at Gas Seeps on the Eastern Siberian Margin, C43A-0780Abstract Title: Assessment of Sea-Air Fluxes of Methane from the East Siberian Arctic Shelf Based on Multi-Year High-Precision Observations in the Atmospheric Boundary Layer and Seawater, C43A-0782Abstract Title: Observations of Methane Concentration and d13C-CH4 in the East Siberian Sea Waters, C43A-0783Abstract Title: Triple-Isotope-Based Source Apportionment of Methane in Waters of the Outer Laptev Sea, C43A-0784Abstract Title: The East Siberian Arctic Shelf is a significant source of atmospheric methane as referred from multi-year ship-based observations (2000-2015), C43A-0790Abstract Title: Extreme natural acidification in the East Siberian Arctic Shelf: Effects of permafrost thawing and seawater freshening, C43A-0791Abstract Title: Multi-year study of the carbonate system in the Chukchi Sea with emphasizes on its western part, C43A-0792Abstract Title: Tracing of submarine groundwater discharge in the Siberian Arctic coastal zone: the case study in the Buor-Khaya Bay, Laptev Sea., C43A-0794Abstract Title: Optical properties of Colored Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) on the East Siberian shelf, C43A-0797Abstract Title: Geochemical compositional differences of the supramicron plankton-dominated fraction in two regimes of the Marginal Ice Zone (MIZ) of the outer East Siberian Arctic Shelf
Semken, S. C.
ED31AAbstract Title: Education and Outreach through Large Facilities: Innovative Approaches to Sharing Geophysical Research and Evaluating the Broader Impacts I Posters, ED31A-0884Abstract Title: EarthScope National Office (ESNO) Education and Outreach Program and its Broader Impacts: 2015 Update and Handoff to the Next ESNO, ED34AAbstract Title: Education and Outreach through Large Facilities: Innovative Approaches to Sharing Geophysical Research and Evaluating the Broader Impacts II, ED53AAbstract Title: Assessment and Research in Online and Virtual Science Learning Environments Posters, ED53A-0844Abstract Title: Data-Driven Design: Learning from Student Experiences and Behaviors
Semmling, M.
A51A-0008Abstract Title: GNSS-Reflectometry aboard ISS with GEROS: Investigation of atmospheric propagation effects
Semnani, S. J.
MR41D-2692Abstract Title: A Thermo-mechanical Framework for Shale Based on Anisotropic Critical State Plasticity
Sémon, T.
P31E-2091Abstract Title: Rosetta/ROSINA observations of the volatiles in the coma of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko during the nominal mission, P31E-2106Abstract Title: Halogens at Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko seen with ROSINA-DFMS, P31E-2110Abstract Title: Atomic Oxygen Green and Red Emissions in the Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, P33E-01Abstract Title: Evolution of H2O related species in the neutral coma of 67P
Semple, A.
G21C-02Abstract Title: Towards a high resolution inventory of anthropogenic deformation in North America using InSAR
Semple Domagall, A. M.
V51D-3066Abstract Title: Analysis of Ballistic Blocks and Eruption History of Montaña Colorada, Lanzarote, Canary Islands
Semprini, L.
H41J-06Abstract Title: Chemostat Studies of TCE-Dehalogenating Anaerobic Consortia under Excess and Limited Electron Donor Addition, H42E-08Abstract Title: Microcosm Studies to Evaluate Aerobic Cometabolism of Low Concentrations of 1,4-Dioxane by Isobutane-utilizing Microorganisms in the Presence of Chlorinated Solvent Co-contaminants, H43F-1563Abstract Title: Reductive Dechlorination of Carbon Tetrachloride by Tetrachloroethene and Trichloroethene Respiring Anaerobic Mixed Cultures
Sen, A.
Sen, B.
P11B-2100Abstract Title: Lifting Entry & Atmospheric Flight (LEAF) Applications at Solar System Bodies.
Sen, I. S.
PP31B-2233Abstract Title: Development of analytical techniques of vanadium isotope in seawater
Sen, M. K.
NG13A-1867Abstract Title: Joint Use of PP and PS AVOA Data to Estimate Fluid Indicator in Vertically Fractured Medium, S23C-2749Abstract Title: Double plane wave reverse time migration with plane wave Green's function, S23D-2776Abstract Title: Lithospheric structure of the eastern flank of the Rio Grande Rift via receiver function velocity analysis
Sen, S.
PA11B-2154Abstract Title: Can rainfed agriculture adapt to uncertainty in availability of water in Indus Basin?
Sena, E.
A22A-08Abstract Title: Observed Co-variability of Aerosol-Cloud Processes and Meteorological Regimes in Continental Clouds
Sena, E. T.
B41I-01Abstract Title: Long term observations of land-atmosphere interactions in Amazonia: The role of land use change on the functioning of the Amazonian ecosystem
Senan, D. C.
ED33E-06Abstract Title: Experential Learning Approach For Training Pre-Service Teachers In Environmental Science Using Mobile Apps
Senapathi, V.
H31G-1501Abstract Title: Artificial Injection of Fresh Water into a Confined Saline Aquifer: A Case Study at the Nakdong River Delta Area, Korea
Senatore, A.
H53M-03Abstract Title: The TERENO-preAlpine Observatory: A Research Infrastructure for Hydrometeorological Observation and -Modeling across Compartments and Scales
Senay, G. B.
H31JAbstract Title: Evapotranspiration: Advances in In Situ Measurements and Remote Sensing Based Modeling Approaches I, H31J-03Abstract Title: Annual regression-based estimates of evapotranspiration for the contiguous United States based on climate, remote sensing, and stream gage data, H32BAbstract Title: Evapotranspiration: Advances in In Situ Measurements and Remote Sensing Based Modeling Approaches II, H33BAbstract Title: Evapotranspiration: Advances in In Situ Measurements and Remote Sensing Based Modeling Approaches III Posters, H33B-1572Abstract Title: Spatial Disaggregation of the 0.25-degree GLDAS Air Temperature Dataset to 30-arcsec Resolution, H33B-1573Abstract Title: Comparison of Four Different Energy Balance Models for Estimating Evapotranspiration in the Midwest United States, H33B-1578Abstract Title: Evaluating Landsat 8 Evapotranspiration for Water Use Mapping in the Colorado River Basin, H33B-1582Abstract Title: Quantifying Uncertainties of Seasonal and Regional Evapotranspiration Estimates from Operational Simplified Surface Energy Balance Model in the Contiguous USA, H51HAbstract Title: Hydrology and Earth Sciences in Data Scarce Regions: Research and Education Methods from Remote Sensing to In Situ and Crowd-Sourcing Approaches I Posters, H51H-1476Abstract Title: Africa-Wide Monitoring of Small Surface Water Bodies Using Multisource Satellite Data: A Monitoring System for FEWS NET, H54EAbstract Title: Hydrology and Earth Sciences in Data Scarce Regions: Research and Education Methods from Remote Sensing to In Situ and Crowd-Sourcing Approaches II
Senda, Y.
T41B-2891Abstract Title: Detection of Surface Rupture and Deformation Associated with the 2014 Kamishiro Fault Earthquake in Central Japan by Differential LiDAR and Tectonic Geomorphological Survey
Sendek, C.
V41D-04Abstract Title: Zircon Geochemical and Isotopic Constraints on the Evolution of the Mount Givens Pluton, Central Sierra Nevada Batholith
Sendel, J.
ED41A-0825Abstract Title: Dusting the Ocean with Olivine: An Effective Method for Climate Engineering?
Sendrowski, A.
GC41F-1137Abstract Title: Characterizing Delta-Scale Connectivity Using Entropic Measures
Seneviratne, S. I.
A21F-0217Abstract Title: Detection and Attribution of Simulated Climatic Extreme Events and Impacts: High Sensitivity to Bias Correction
Seneviratne, S. I.
B31E-03Abstract Title: Short-Term Weather Variability is an Important Control of Interannual Variability in Carbon and Water Fluxes in Temperate Forests, B33F-01Abstract Title: From quantifying historical LULCC impacts to optimizing land management for climate mitigation: Insights from climate modelling, GC24B-04Abstract Title: Comprehensive Assessment of Land Surface, Snow, and Soil Moisture-Climate Feedbacks by Multi-model Experiments of Land Surface Models under LS3MIP, GC24B-07Abstract Title: Soil Moisture and Sea Surface Temperatures equally important for Land Climate in the Warm Season, H32B-06Abstract Title: A Site-Level Comparison of Lysimeter and Eddy-Covariance Flux Measurements of Evapotranspiration, H42D-07Abstract Title: Human influence on meteorological drought risk in Europe, NG31A-1830Abstract Title: A probabilistic sensitivity analysis of water availability in the Budyko-space
Senff, C. J.
A32D-08Abstract Title: Lidar-derived Correlations Between Lower-tropospheric Column and Surface Ozone: Implications for Satellite Observations
Senft-Grupp, S.
B51F-0484Abstract Title: Using a Novel Optical Sensor to Characterize Methane Ebullition Processes
Sengor, A. M. C.
P51D-02Abstract Title: Understanding the Interior Evolution of Mercury from Its Tectonic History, T13B-2993Abstract Title: Modeling the evolution of lithospheric delamination under the Eastern Anatolia by testing various rheological and compositional properties, T13B-2997Abstract Title: DYNAMIC STRENGTH EXPERIMENTS THROUGH A BLOCK MODELING APPROACH FOR THE EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN REGION
Sengor, T.
NH21A-1817Abstract Title: The Optimizer Topology Characteristics in Seismic Hazards
Sengtaheuanghoung, O.
EP21C-0917Abstract Title: Combining multiple fallout radionuclides (137Cs, 7Be, 210Pbxs) improves our understanding of sediment source dynamics in tropical rivers
Sengupta, A.
B41A-0416Abstract Title: Dissecting the Hydrobiogeochemical Box
Sengupta, A.
H11C-1362Abstract Title: From Gaged to Ungaged- Predicting Long-term Environmental Flows, and Ecosystems Responses.
Sengupta, M.
GC53D-1239Abstract Title: A fast all-sky radiative transfer model and its implications for solar energy research
Sengupta, P.
ED53F-01Abstract Title: Emotional engagement with participatory simulations as a tool for learning and decision-support for coupled human-natural systems: Flood hazards and urban development
Senko, J.
ED11C-0861Abstract Title: Incorporation of basic research and service components in a field environmental geochemistry course
Sennechael, N.
A11C-0056Abstract Title: Arctic aerosol and cloud measurements in the frame of the Ice-Atmosphere-Ocean Observing System (IAOOS) project, C22A-03Abstract Title: The IAOOS arctic network project, status and prospect
Seno, S.
T23C-2968Abstract Title: Interaction between compressional and transcurrent structures: insights from the Sicilian Channel and SW Sicily, T54B-07Abstract Title: Dating shallow thrusts by quantifying shear heating
Sens-Schoenfelder, C.
S42C-03Abstract Title: Landscape response to the Mw7.9 Gorkha earthquake
Senske, D.
P11CAbstract Title: Scientific Investigations and Synergies in the Exploration of Europa I Posters, P11C-2107Abstract Title: The Regional Geology of Conamara Chaos: Stratigraphic Relations and Implications for Future Exploration. D. A. Senske, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91109., P13EAbstract Title: Scientific Investigations and Synergies in the Exploration of Europa II, P13E-01Abstract Title: Scientific Synergies from the Europa Multiple-Flyby Mission
Sensoy Sorman, A.
H53L-06Abstract Title: Simultaneous Assimilation of Multiple Data into a Conceptual Rainfall-Runoff Model using Variational Methods for Hydrological Forecasting Applications
Senturk, S.
G21A-1006Abstract Title: Surface Creep Along the East Anatolian Fault (Turkey) Revealed by InSAR Time Series: Implications for Seismic Hazard and Mechanism of Creep
Senyukov, S.
S44B-01Abstract Title: Volcanic activity observed from continuous seismic records in the region of the Klyuchevskoy group of volcanoes
Seo, B. C.
H21I-1516Abstract Title: Identifying Precipitation Types Using Dual-Polarization-Based Radar and Numerical Weather Prediction Model Data, NH51E-1937Abstract Title: Evaluation of Satellite Rainfall Products for Flood Prediction Using a Spatio-Dynamical Analysis Framework
Seo, B.
NG33A-1848Abstract Title: Classifying Multi-year Land Use and Land Cover using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
Seo, D. J.
H23L-02Abstract Title: Use of radar rainfall data for high-resolution flash flood forecasting in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex area , H23L-05Abstract Title: Errors in Climatological Variation of Mean Areal Precipitation based on Satellite Observations and Implications for Downscaling of Climate Model Outputs, H24E-04Abstract Title: Merging Radar Quantitative Precipitation Estimates (QPEs) from the High-resolution NEXRAD Reanalysis over CONUS with Rain-gauge Observations, H51P-08Abstract Title: On improving ensemble forecasting of extreme precipitation using the NWS Meteorological Ensemble Forecast Processor (MEFP)
Seo, H.
A31K-05Abstract Title: Dynamics and impacts of eddy-driven air-sea interaction in a regional air-sea coupled model for the US West Coast, OS52A-01Abstract Title: SST variability in the East Asian marginal sea: mechanisms for local and remote atmospheric impacts
Seo, J. H.
C13A-0803Abstract Title: Separating Continental Mineral Dust from Cosmic Dust using Platinum Group Element Concentrations and Osmium Isotopes in Ancient Polar Ice
Seo, J. H.
V53F-3169Abstract Title: Halogen and trace element geochemistry in Mid-Ocean Ridge basalts from the Australian-Antarctic Ridge (AAR)
Seo, K. W.
C41A-0680Abstract Title: An Observation of Antarctic Marginal Subglacial Lake using Cryosat-2 SARin mode, G11A-0967Abstract Title: Long-term (1979-2010) ice mass balance in Antarctica and Greenland estimated from the Earth’s rotational pole variations., G31A-1089Abstract Title: Correction of Correlation Errors in Greenland Ice Mass Variations from GRACE using Empirical Orthogonal Function, G31A-1102Abstract Title: Surface Mass Balance Contributions to Acceleration of Antarctic Ice Mass Loss during 2003- 2013, G33A-1131Abstract Title: Ocean bottom pressure contribution to vertical crustal displacement in the Korean Peninsula
Seo, K. H.
A23D-0340Abstract Title: A Mechanism for PNA-like teleconnection pattern in response to the Madden-Julian oscillation , A23D-0342Abstract Title: Effective control parameters in deep convection scheme for the improved simulation of the Madden–Julian Oscillation, A23D-0343Abstract Title: Factors for the improved performance in Madden-Julian Oscillation simulations  , OS53A-2005Abstract Title: Northern East Asian Monsoon Precipitation Revealed by Air Mass Variability and Its Prediction , OS53A-2006Abstract Title: Development of a Dynamics-Based Statistical Prediction Model for the Changma Onset
Seo, S. B.
H12G-04Abstract Title: The role of hydroclimate and water use on freshwater sustainability over the conterminous US., H23B-1590Abstract Title: Understanding the Effects of Groundwater Pumping on Streamflow: Human-Feedback Analysis on Downstream Impacts and Relevance to Reservoir Management
Seo, Y.
SA51C-2413Abstract Title: Development of Space Science Instruments for Next Generation Small Satellite -1
Seok, B.
B11B-0427Abstract Title: Using the DeNitrification-DeComposition Framework to Simulate Global Soil Nitrous Oxide Emissions in the Community Land Model with Coupled Carbon and Nitrogen
Seok, S. W.
A51K-0216Abstract Title: Characteristics of Heavy Snowfall and Snow Crystal Habits in the ESSAY (Experiment on Snow Storms At Yeongdong) Campaign in Korea
Seol, K. H.
A21E-0192Abstract Title: Evaluation of medium-range weather forecasts about Korea Institute of Atmospheric Prediction Systems (KIAPS) Integrated Model System (KIM) , A51P-0339Abstract Title: Verification of tropical cyclone using the KIAPS Integration Model (KIM), NG13B-06Abstract Title: An overview of the KIAPS global model development
Seol, S. J.
NS31A-1947Abstract Title: Controlled Source Magnetics: A Method for Imaging High-resolution Near-surface Magnetic Heterogeneity, NS51A-1964Abstract Title: Effective CO2 sequestration monitoring using joint inversion result of seismic and electromagnetic data, NS53A-05Abstract Title: 3D joint inversion using seismic data and marine controlled-source electromagnetic data for evaluating gas hydrate concentrations, S23B-2700Abstract Title: Converted-waves Imaging Condition for Elastic Reverse-Time Migration with Decomposed Wavefields
Seol, Y.
B12BAbstract Title: Hydrate-Bearing Sediments: Characterization, Modeling, and Implications on Geohazard and Gas Production I, B13BAbstract Title: Hydrate-Bearing Sediments: Characterization, Modeling, and Implications on Geohazard and Gas Production II Posters, B13B-0606Abstract Title: Modeling dissociation of hydrate bearing sediments under shear, B13B-0628Abstract Title: GEOMECHANICAL BEHAVIORS OF LABORATORY-FORMED NON-CEMENTING HYDRATE-BEARING SEDIMENTS, B13B-0629Abstract Title: The Water Retention Curves in THF Hydrate-Bearing Sediments - Experimental Measurement and Pore Scale Simulation
Seol, Y.
B12BAbstract Title: Hydrate-Bearing Sediments: Characterization, Modeling, and Implications on Geohazard and Gas Production I
Seon, J.
SA51C-2413Abstract Title: Development of Space Science Instruments for Next Generation Small Satellite -1 , SM21A-2485Abstract Title: Numerical study of resonant electron dynamics during the development of whistler instability
Seong, M.
A11G-0144Abstract Title: Chemical Composition Characteristics of Particulate Matter in Seoul Metropolitan Area during the Pre-campaign Period of KORUS-AQ
Seong, Y. B.
EP53B-1018Abstract Title: Role of debris flow and glacier on sediment evacuation in steep watersheds: a case study from the Seti River, central Nepal
Seong, Y. J.
S33B-2772Abstract Title: Initial application of the maximum likelihood earthquake location method to early warning system in South Korea, S33B-2775Abstract Title: The discrimination filters to increase the reliability of EEW association on the location using geometric distribution of triggered stations with upgrading a travel time model.
Seongryul, C.
B51B-0418Abstract Title: The Effect of an Estuarine Barrage on Biogenic Silica flux in Nakdong River estuary
Seough, J.
SH11D-2407Abstract Title: Local generation of the strahl in the solar wind electrons via whistler instability , SH13E-06Abstract Title: Temperature Anisotropy Distribution and Evolution in Inhomogeneous Solar Wind, SH21A-2377Abstract Title: Effects of density fluctuations on nonlinear evolution of low-frequency Alfven waves in solar wind plasmas
Sephton, M. A.
GP43A-1231Abstract Title: Mapping Petroluem Migration Pathways Using Magnetics and Seismic Interpretations, P13E-06Abstract Title: MASPEX EUROPA
Sepulveda Carlo, E.
GC11B-1026Abstract Title: Enabling global collaborations through policy engagement and CMS applications
Sepulveda, F.
H23A-1564Abstract Title: Hydraulic Parameters from Microseismicity in the Karapiti Geothermal Reinjection Field, New Zealand
Sepulveda, J.
PP33C-2320Abstract Title: Combining local lithofacies and global geochemical signals to test the acidification hypothesis for the onset of Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 in the U.S. Western Interior Basin
Sepúlveda, R.
PP33B-2312Abstract Title: Evolution of Electron Transport Chains During the Anaerobic to Aerobic Transition on Early Earth
Sepulveda, S. A.
NH44B-01Abstract Title: Short Term Patterns of Landslides Causing Death in Latin America and the Caribbean
Serafin, F.
H11K-03Abstract Title: Implementing a Travel Time Model for the Entire River Adige: the Case on JGrass-NewAGE
Seran, H. C.
SA51C-2410Abstract Title: Front-end and high-voltage electronics developments for compact, dual ion-electron thermal measurements
Serbin, S.
B14B-01Abstract Title: Reducing the uncertainty in the projection of the terrestrial carbon cycle by fusing models with remote sensing data, B21F-0529Abstract Title: Zero Power Warming – A New Technology for Investigating Plant Responses to Rising Temperature, B22A-05Abstract Title: Improving the representation of photosynthesis in Earth system models, B41DAbstract Title: New Paradigms in Terrestrial Sensing Using Small Unmanned Aerial Systems Posters, B41D-0468Abstract Title: Development of an Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) for Scaling Terrestrial Ecosystem Traits, B42A-04Abstract Title: Detection of Extreme Climate Event Impacts to Terrestrial Productivity From Airborne Hyperspectral Imagery, B43K-03Abstract Title: Future of Plant Functional Types in Terrestrial Biosphere Models, B51HAbstract Title: Scaling from Points to Pixels: Remote Sensing Estimates of Ecosystem Characteristics across Space and Time I Posters, B51H-0524Abstract Title: Building relationships between plant traits and leaf spectra to reduce uncertainty in terrestrial ecosystem models, B51K-07Abstract Title: Improving the representation of Arctic photosynthesis in Earth system models, B53B-0544Abstract Title: Linking vegetation structure, function and physiology through spectroscopic remote sensing, B53D-0594Abstract Title: Applications of spectral inversion to understanding vegetation functional trait relationships, B53FAbstract Title: Remote Sensing to Support Investigations in Plant-Climate Interactions Posters, B54DAbstract Title: Scaling from Points to Pixels: Remote Sensing Estimates of Ecosystem Characteristics across Space and Time II, B54D-01Abstract Title: Mapping Variation in Vegetation Functioning with Imaging Spectroscopy, GC22D-06Abstract Title: HyspIRI Measurements of Agricultural Systems in California: 2013-2015
Serchan, S. P.
B41B-0426Abstract Title: Greenhouse Gas Dynamics in Streams and Riparian Floodplains located within Forested Landscapes of the US Northeast: Impact of Key Floodplain Geomorphic Features on Greenhouse Gas Production in a Forested Watershed in Northern New York State, USA., H33C-1618Abstract Title: Channel and Catchment Morphology, Spatial Intermittency, and Carbon Chemistry of a Headwater Stream
Sergeant, A.
C21A-0723Abstract Title: Numerical modeling of glacial earthquakes induced by iceberg capsize
Sergeev, D. O.
GC23J-1216Abstract Title: Estimation of the Past and Future Infrastructure Damage Due the Permafrost Evolution Processes
Sergeev, S. A.
T51B-2884Abstract Title: U-Pb (SIMS) Zircon Ages of Granitoids from the Basement of Pechora Basin
Sergeev, V. A.
SM51A-2523Abstract Title: Multi-point, multi-scale observation of the near-Earth current sheet reconfiguration during storm-time multi-onset substorms, SM51D-2591Abstract Title: An Updated Model of the Substorm Current Wedge., SM51E-2595Abstract Title: All-sky imager observations near footprints of plasma sheet waves with kinetic ballooning-interchange signatures
Sergent, L.
V21A-3027Abstract Title: Seismic structure of an amagmatic section of the ultra-slow spreading South West Indian Ridge: the 2014 Sismosmooth cruise
Sergienko, V.
C33F-02Abstract Title: The Origin(s) of the Methane Excess in the Shallow East Siberian Arctic Shelf Unraveled with Triple Isotope Analysis, C43A-0790Abstract Title: Extreme natural acidification in the East Siberian Arctic Shelf: Effects of permafrost thawing and seawater freshening
Sergis, N.
SM31C-2522Abstract Title: Saturn's Magnetospheric Cusp: Cassini Observations
Seriacopi, D.
SH41D-2402Abstract Title: Charting the Interstellar Magnetic Field behind the Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX) Ribbon
Seripienlert, A.
SH32B-08Abstract Title: Dropouts, spreading, and squeezing of solar particle distributions and space weather variability
Serman, E. A.
NH51A-1864Abstract Title: Understanding environmental and climatic influences on regional differences and spatio-temporalscale issues of dengue fever transmission in Puerto Rico
Sermet, M. Y.
IN21B-1695Abstract Title: Voice-enabled Knowledge Engine using Flood Ontology and Natural Language Processing
Serna, J. L.
NS52A-08Abstract Title: Determination of Soil Evaporation Fluxes Using Distributed Temperature Sensing Methods
Seroussi, H.
C21A-0701Abstract Title: Towards better simulations of ice/ocean coupling in the Amundsen Sea Sector, West Antarctica, using a coupled ice-sheet ocean model
Seroussi, H. L.
C12A-06Abstract Title: Modeling ice front Dynamics of Greenland outlet glaciers using ISSM, C13D-02Abstract Title: Basal Conditions in Marie Byrd Land in the Presence of a Deep Mantle Plume, C14A-02Abstract Title: Characterizing Englacial and Subglacial Temperature Structure Using Airborne Radar Sounding, C42A-05Abstract Title: A synthesis of the thermal state of the bed of the Greenland Ice Sheet, C51B-0711Abstract Title: Extensive subglacial hydrological network and basal temperate layer in Southwest Greenland: an integrated approach of radar analysis and ice sheet modeling, C51E-02Abstract Title: Bed topography under Antarctic outlet glaciers revealed by mass conservation and radar data, C54B-07Abstract Title: Implications of marginal weakening for grounding line migration and marine ice sheet (in)stability
Serov, P.
C43A-0789Abstract Title: Methane Release and Pingo-Like Feature Across the South kara Sea Shels, an Area of Thawing Offshore Permafrost
Serovetnikov, S.
G41A-1006Abstract Title: Ultra-long periodicity in eruption activity at Klyuchevskoi volcano (Kamchatka)
Serpa, L. F.
Serra, M.
S51D-2714Abstract Title: RICEN : Repeated InduCed Earthquakes and Noise at Solfatara, Campi Flegrei, Italy.
Serranía Alarcón, F.
A23A-0267Abstract Title: Can Nitrous Oxide be Measured Using Space Borne Ultraviolet Spectrometers?
Serrano Juan, A.
Serrano, K.
GC53A-1180Abstract Title: Coproduction of flood hazard assessment with public participation geographic information system, NH11C-04Abstract Title: Communicating Flood Risk with Street-Level Data
Serrano-Ortiz, P.
A41G-0139Abstract Title: Alignment of Surface-Atmosphere Exchange Sensors at Sloped Sites: An Integrated Strategy
Serrat-Capdevila, A.
H23L-03Abstract Title: Value of bias-corrected satellite rainfall products in SWAT simulations and comparison with other models in the Mara basin, H23L-07Abstract Title: A Satellite Driven Real-time Forecasting Platform in the Upper Zambezi Basin: A Multi-model Comparison, H31L-07Abstract Title: Seasonal Streamflow Forecasts for African Basins , H51H-1471Abstract Title: Streamflow Forecasting using Satellite Products: A Benchmark Approach. Can We Reduce Uncertainty by using Multiple Products and Multiple Models?, PA31A-2146Abstract Title: Characterizing Decision-Making for Earth Observation Applications in Water Management , PA31A-2147Abstract Title: Water from Space: Real World Opportunities and Far Away Promises
Serrato Marks, G.
B22B-02Abstract Title: Ba/Ca Ratios in North Pacific Bamboo Corals Record Changes in Intermediate Water Biogeochemistry
Serre, M. L.
A22B-07Abstract Title: A Novel Approach of Understanding and Incorporating Error of Chemical Transport Models into a Geostatistical Framework
Serrell, N.
ED43D-0890Abstract Title: Science outreach on tap: insights and practices from three years ofDartmouth Science Pubs.
Serreze, M.
A33O-08Abstract Title: Influence of the Arctic Frontal Zone on Summer Cyclone Activity and Precipitation in the Central Arctic Ocean, C21C-0746Abstract Title: Will the Arctic Land Surface become Wetter or Drier in Response to a Warming Climate
Serreze, M. C.
GC11G-1090Abstract Title: Variability and Change in Seasonal Water Storage in the Major Arctic Draining Eurasian River Systems
Sertel, E.
GC13E-1204Abstract Title: Determination of the Impact of Urbanization on Agricultural Lands using Multi-temporal Satellite Sensor Images
Servali, A.
T11B-2887Abstract Title: Sharp at any Age: Moho boundary thickness estimates along a trans-sect through 2 Ga of tectonic history., T11B-2888Abstract Title: Familiar Phases: Receiver Function Study of the Lithospheric Structure Across the Eastern Margin of the Superior Craton
Servidio, S.
SH33AAbstract Title: Evolution, Dynamics, and Macroscopic Effects of Turbulence in the Heliosphere I Posters, SH44AAbstract Title: Evolution, Dynamics, and Macroscopic Effects of Turbulence in the Heliosphere II
Servidio, S.
SH33B-2472Abstract Title: Random Interchange of Magnetic Connectivity
Servilla, M. S.
IN13A-1821Abstract Title: Linking data repositories - an illustration of agile data curation principles through robust documentation and multiple application programming interfaces
Seshimo, K.
T51A-2864Abstract Title: The property of fault zone and fault activity of Shionohira Fault, Fukushima, Japan
Sessions, A. L.
PP11C-01Abstract Title: The Clumped Isotope Composition of Biogenic Methane., PP13A-2249Abstract Title: Stable Hydrogen Isotopic Composition of Sedimentary Plant Waxes as Quantitative Proxy for Rainfall in the West African Sahel, PP23D-07Abstract Title: Insights into Methane Formation Temperatures, Biogenic Methanogenesis, and Natural Methane Emissions from Clumped Isotopes, PP33E-06Abstract Title: Exploring Archean seawater sulfate via triple S isotopes in carbonate associated sulfate.
Sester, M.
H21I-1506Abstract Title: Areal Rainfall Estimation Using Moving Cars – Computer Experiments Including Hydrological Modeling
Sesterhenn, J.
S53D-07Abstract Title: Coupled High Speed Imaging and Seismo-Acoustic Recordings of Strombolian Explosions at Etna, July 2014: Implications for Source Processes and Signal Inversions.
Sesti, E.
H43K-03Abstract Title: Dissolution-precipitation reactions and permeability evolution from reactions of CO2-rich aqueous solutions with fractured basalt
Setegn, S. G.
H13C-1554Abstract Title: Development of Semi-distributed ecohydrological model in the Rio Grande De Manati River Basin, Puerto Rico, H13C-1557Abstract Title: GIS as an Integration Tool for Hydrologic Modeling: Spatial Data Management, Analysis and Visualization, H13C-1558Abstract Title: Integrated Modeling System for Analysis of Watershed Water Balance: A Case Study in the Tims Branch Watershed, South Carolina, OS31A-1978Abstract Title: Human Impacts to Coastal Ecosystems in Puerto Rico (HICE-PR): Actual Condition of Coral Reefs Associated with the Guanica and Manati Watersheds in Puerto Rico
Seth, A.
A13A-0274Abstract Title: Changing Circulation and Seasonality of Precipitation in Northeastern North America
Seth, B.
PP43E-02Abstract Title: Glacial-Interglacial and Holocene N2O Stable Isotope Changes Constrain Terrestrial N Cycling
Sethi, R.
H21G-1460Abstract Title: A novel total flux normalized correlation equation for predicting single-collector efficiency
Sethna, S. F.
V41C-3081Abstract Title: 40Ar/39Ar ages and Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic compositions of alkaline and tholeiitic rocks from the northern Deccan Traps
Sethuraman, V.
A21G-0239Abstract Title: Variabilities in CO2 and CO over an urban site in India: Inter-correlations and emissions characteristics.
Seto, K.
PP51A-2278Abstract Title: The relationship between the high-density lamina and precipitation in the subarctic Lake Mokoto, North Japan
Seto, S.
H12E-03Abstract Title: Relations between precipitation rate and mass weighted mean diameter for the GPM/DPR algorithm, H13H-1632Abstract Title: Validation of NUBF correction method for DPR, H21I-1517Abstract Title: Evaluation of the Precision of Return Period calculated by GSMaP data
Seto, S.
NH41B-1812Abstract Title: Study of the Use of an Airborne Electromagnetic Method to Extract Data on Areas Likely to Cause Landslides, NH41B-1821Abstract Title: Case Studies of Airborne Electromagnetic Survey of Volcanoes
Seto, Y.
DI33A-2622Abstract Title: Lattice preferred orientation of hcp-iron induced by shear deformation, MR32A-05Abstract Title: Crystallographic-preferred-orientation of (Mg,Fe)SiO3-bridgmanite : implications for the mantle dynamics in the lower mantle , T33H-01Abstract Title: In situ observation of crystallographic preferred orientation of deforming olivine at high pressure and high temperature
Seton, M.
DI23A-06Abstract Title: Interactions among mid-ocean ridges, plumes and Large Igneous Provinces, PP33B-2306Abstract Title: Land Bridges and Oceanic Gateways: the Importance of Large Igneous Provinces in Reconstructing Paleobathymetry, T13A-2977Abstract Title: Origin of Small Tectonic Plates
Setti, M.
T54B-07Abstract Title: Dating shallow thrusts by quantifying shear heating
Settimi, A.
G51A-1054Abstract Title: The IONORING Project: Exploiting The Italian Geodetic GPS Network For Ionospheric Purposes
Setvak, M.
IN34B-05Abstract Title: Making Waves—The VIIRS Day/Night Band Reveals Upper Atmospheric Gravity Wave via Sensitivity to Nightglow Emissions
Seu, R.
P12B-02Abstract Title: Liquid-Filled Channels On Titan, P13B-2141Abstract Title: An Overview of the Bathymetry and Composition of Titan’s Hydrocarbon Seas from the Cassini RADAR Altimeter
Seufert, V.
GC12C-03Abstract Title: Virtual Nitrogen Losses from Organic Food Production
Seul, M.
H42A-03Abstract Title: Realizing the potential of the CUAHSI Water Data Center to advance Earth Science, H43A-1476Abstract Title: Enabling Web-Based Analysis of CUAHSI HIS Hydrologic Data Using R and Web Processing Services
Seung Hyun, H.
B11C-0445Abstract Title: Estimating dead organic matter carbon dynamics of an intact mixed dipterocarp forest in Brunei with a forest carbon model , B13G-0713Abstract Title: Thinning intensity influences on soil microbial and inorganic nitrogen in Pinus densiflora forests, central Korea, B23C-0616Abstract Title: Responses of soil microbial community to experimental warming and precipitation manipulation, H43G-1620Abstract Title: Effects of warming treatment and precipitation manipulation on fine root length of Pinus densiflora seedlings.
Sevanto, S.
B53D-0586Abstract Title: Linking Tropical Forest Function to Hydraulic Traits in a Size-Structured and Trait-Based Model, GC33B-1279Abstract Title: Foliar carbon dynamics of piñon and juniper in response to experimental drought and heat
Severinghaus, J. P.
A21L-04Abstract Title: Two-dimensional dust concentration from an outcrop of Last Glacial Maximum ice at Taylor Glacier, Antarctica, A23J-01Abstract Title: Ice core measurements of 14CH4 constrain the sources of atmospheric methane increase during abrupt warming events of the last deglaciation, A51V-06Abstract Title: Insights on Antarctic climate variability from paleo-temperature proxies, PP33D-01Abstract Title: Links between abrupt change in tropical hydroclimate, high-latitude climate change, and atmospheric greenhouse gases during the last ice age, PP41B-2241Abstract Title: Neon Isotope Fractionation in Ice Cores at Close-Off Depth, PP43E-01Abstract Title: Abrupt Atmospheric Methane Increases Associated With Hudson Strait Heinrich Events
Severmann, S.
PP13B-2292Abstract Title: Changes in Biological Production and Lake Chemistry in Lake Tanganyika over the Past 400 Years, PP34B-06Abstract Title: Uranium Stable Isotopes: A Proxy For Productivity Or Ocean Oxygenation?
Severskiy, I.
C21F-06Abstract Title: Tuyuksu glacier as an indicator of change in the Zailiyskiy-Kungei Alatau glacial system during the last 60 years, U42A-06Abstract Title: Mountains of Central Asia in the warmer world
Seveso, A.
H13G-1619Abstract Title: Calorie increase and water savings of redistributing global crop production
Sevilgen, S.
T13D-3033Abstract Title: Temblor, an app focused on your seismic risk and how to reduce it
Sevilgen, V.
T13D-3033Abstract Title: Temblor, an app focused on your seismic risk and how to reduce it
Seviour, W.
C51A-0670Abstract Title: A Two-Timescale Response to Ozone Depletion: Importance of the Background State
Sewell, S. M.
H23A-1549Abstract Title: Resistivity Imaging and Interpretation Strategies to Reduce Uncertainty in Geothermal Resource Capacity Estimation
Sexstone, G. A.
C33D-0850Abstract Title: Comparison of methods for quantifying surface sublimation over seasonal snow covered terrain
Sexton, J. O.
B21G-0564Abstract Title: Ecosystem Responses To Plant Phenology Across Scales And Trophic Levels, B53C-0566Abstract Title: Development and use of long-term, global data records of forest, water, and urban change for terrestrial ecology and carbon cycle science
Sexton, P. F.
PP11C-07Abstract Title: Biomarker Approaches to Greenhouse Gas Estimations Through the Cenozoic – Recent Developments and Future Directions
Seyberth, K.
B13B-0626Abstract Title: Determination of the Physical Properties of Sediments Depending on Hydrate Saturation Using a “Quick Look” Method
Seybold, E. C.
H41I-02Abstract Title: The Influence of SW-GW Exchange on Whole Stream Metabolism Estimates
Seydoux, L.
S34B-04Abstract Title: A Spatial Coherence Analysis of Seismic Wavefields Based on Array Covariance Matrix : Application to One Year of the USArray Data
Seyednasrollah, B.
B21G-0552Abstract Title: Attributing the effects of climate on phenology change suggests high sensitivity in coastal zones
Seyfferth, A.
B33C-0691Abstract Title: The Influence of Extreme Water Pulses on Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Soils
Seyfried, M. S.
B13F-0691Abstract Title: Contrasting the patterns of aspen forest and sagebrush shrubland gross ecosystem exchange in montane Idaho, USA, C33D-0845Abstract Title: A hydrometeorological dataset across the rain-to-snow transition at Reynolds Creek Critical Zone Observatory, Idaho., C42B-02Abstract Title: Inferring Process Changes from 30 Years of Distributed Mountain Snowfall and Measured Streamflow at Reynolds Creek Experimental Watershed, Idaho, USA., H11C-1355Abstract Title: Does woodland encroachment impact water?: An ecohydrology study of western juniper (Juniperus occidentalis) and other semi-arid conifers in the western U.S., H13K-1728Abstract Title: Validation of the Soil Moisture Active Passive mission using USDA-ARS experimental watersheds, H21C-1380Abstract Title: Soil Inorganic Carbon Thresholds and Formation: What are the Controls in a Transitional, Semi-Arid Watershed?, H21C-1381Abstract Title: Determining Total Soil Carbon Storage in the Critical Zone Using Topography and Lithology, H21C-1385Abstract Title: Water And Carbon Fluxes Along An Elevation/Precipitation Gradient In A Sagebrush Steppe Environment, H42B-02Abstract Title: Parameter Measurement and Estimation at Variable Scales: Example of Soil Temperature in Complex Terrain, H43H-1626Abstract Title: SMAP L2/L3 Soil Moisture Product Validation using In Situ Based Core Validation Sites , H51QAbstract Title: Development of the Long-Term Agro-Eecosystem Research Network I, H53BAbstract Title: Development of the Long-Term Agro-Ecosystem Research Network II Posters, H53B-1658Abstract Title: National Research Networks Facilitate Mutually Beneficial Research at ARS Locations
Seyfried, W. E. Jr
OS43A-2012Abstract Title: Fe and Cu isotope fractionation between chalcopyrite and dissolved metal species during hydrothermal recrystallization: An experimental study at 350°C and 500 bars, OS43A-2013Abstract Title: Anhydrite Solubility and Ca Isotope Fractionation in the Vapor-Liquid Field of the NaCl-H2O System: Implications for Hydrothermal Vent Fluids at Mid-ocean Ridges, OS43A-2016Abstract Title: Experimental serpentinization of dunite cores at 150-200ºC and 150 bar: Importance of open system dynamics for hydrogen generation and stabilization of ferric-rich serpentine, PP23D-07Abstract Title: Insights into Methane Formation Temperatures, Biogenic Methanogenesis, and Natural Methane Emissions from Clumped Isotopes, V11A-3054Abstract Title: Silica metasomatism of peridotite: Insights from the "other half" of forsterite serpentinization
Seyhan, E.
S33A-2753Abstract Title: Building a risk-targeted regional seismic hazard model for South-East Asia
Seyler, C.
T41C-2907Abstract Title: Relating Amphibole Abundance to the Rheology of the Lower Crust
Seyler, M.
T41F-07Abstract Title: Oceanization starts from below during continental rupturing in the northern Red Sea, V11B-3063Abstract Title: Sodium Inverse Relationships During Melting in Ultraslow Spreading Regions: Insights from SWIR-Smoothseafloor Peridotites
Seymour, N. M.
V32B-09Abstract Title: Accessory Mineral Depth-Profiling Applied to the Corsican Lower Crust: A Continuous Thermal History of Mesozoic Continental Rifting
Sezen, A.
ED31F-03Abstract Title: Affordances and Challenges of Using Argument as a Connective Discourse for Scientific Practices to Teach Climate Science
Sforna, M. C.
GP51A-1302Abstract Title: Magnetic Properties through the Archean/Paleoproterozoic Transition from the Pilbara Craton, Western Australia: Bio-environmental Implications, V11B-3063Abstract Title: Sodium Inverse Relationships During Melting in Ultraslow Spreading Regions: Insights from SWIR-Smoothseafloor Peridotites
Sha, P.
V33D-3133Abstract Title: MKED1: A new titanite standard for in situ microanalysis of trace elements, Sm-Nd isotopes, and U-Pb geochronology
Shaanan, U.
T13A-2968Abstract Title: Origin of oroclines in Paleozoic Australia: the role of inherited plate boundary irregularities and trench retreat
Shaar, R.
GP12A-02Abstract Title: Northern hemisphere mid-latitude geomagnetic anomaly revealed from Levantine Archaeomagnetic Compilation (LAC)., GP23A-1285Abstract Title: Room-temperature instability of TRM and the problem of estimating absolute paleointensity from non single domain materials.
Shabouei, M.
H21E-1417Abstract Title: A locally conservative non-negative finite element formulation for anisotropic advective-diffusive-reactive systems
Shackelford, R. L. III
ED51D-0834Abstract Title: NASA Opportunities in Visualization, Art, and Science (NOVAS)
Shade, J.
GC12C-03Abstract Title: Virtual Nitrogen Losses from Organic Food Production
Shadman, S.
A53A-0356Abstract Title: Open Path Trace Gas Laser Sensors for UAV Deployment
Shaevitz, D.
A53E-04Abstract Title: Parameterization of large-scale dynamics for convection studies: Recent developments and new extensions.
Shafer, M.
A43K-08Abstract Title: Developing a U.S. Research Agenda to Advance Subseasonal to Seasonal Forecasting, PA11C-02Abstract Title: Embedding Climate Services
Shafer, M. M.
A11B-0042Abstract Title: Contributions of Open Burning to PM2.5 in Suburban Tokyo and the Impact of Biomass Smoke on Cellular Redox Activity, C32B-01Abstract Title: Neither Dust Nor Black Carbon Causing Apparent Albedo Decline in Greenland’s Dry Snow Zone; Uncorrected Sensor Degradation Impacting MODIS C5 Results
Shafer, S. L.
PP43B-2271Abstract Title: Evaluating North America Paleoclimate Simulations for 6 ka and 21 ka Using a Combination of Observed Paleovegetation Data and Process-Based Vegetation Model Simulations
Shaff, J. E.
H43G-1613Abstract Title: Toward a Low-Cost System for High-Throughput Image-Based Phenotyping of Root System Architecture
Shaffer, G.
G43A-1031Abstract Title: (Pre-) calibration of a Reduced Complexity Model of the Antarctic Contribution to Sea-level Changes 
Shaffer, M.
ED53C-0865Abstract Title: Teaching Freshmen About Water, Energy, Food, the Environment, and Public Policy in an Interactive Classroom
Shaffer, S. R.
A51J-0208Abstract Title: A method of aggregating heterogeneous subgrid land cover input data for multi-scale urban parameterization within atmospheric models
Shaffrey, L.
A43I-04Abstract Title: Evaluating Precipitation, Latent Heat Release and Potential Vorticity in Extratropical Cyclones in a High Resolution Climate Model using Reanalysis and Remote Sensing Data
Shafian, S.
Shafie, A.
P33E-08Abstract Title: Constraining the bulk Dust to Ice Ratio and Compressive Strength for Comet Churyumov Gerasimenko Using CONSERT Radar Observations
Shafiee-Jood, M.
H11N-02Abstract Title: Implications of Postharvest Food Loss/Waste Prevention to Energy and Resources Conservation, H31L-06Abstract Title: From Potential to Practice: How Weather and Climate Forecasts Can Be Effectively Used in Water Resources Management Decision Making
Shafii, M.
IN11B-1777Abstract Title: Multi-Objective vs. Single Objective Calibration of a Hydrologic Model using Either Different Hydrologic Signatures or Complementary Data Sources
Shafran, P.
A21A-0040Abstract Title: Wild Fire Emissions for the NOAA Operational HYSPLIT Smoke Model, A22B-06Abstract Title: Use of Air Quality Observations by the National Air Quality Forecast Capability
Shafroth, P. B.
EP43B-0971Abstract Title: Challenges to natural process restoration: common dam removal management concerns
Shah, A. K.
S22A-03Abstract Title: Clustering of induced earthquakes in Oklahoma and the relation to subsurface geologic features
Shah, H. L.
H51H-1492Abstract Title: Development of a real time streamflow monitoring system for the Indian sub-continental basins
Shah, R.
A43H-03Abstract Title: Detecting changes in reflected Global Navigation Satellite System signals over land using a spaceborne receiver: Results from the TechDemoSat Mission, A51A-0009Abstract Title: Assessment of GPS Reflectometry from TechDemoSat-1 for Scatterometry and Altimetry Applications, B41C-0456Abstract Title: OBSERVATION OF WETLAND DYNAMICS WITH GLOBAL NAVIGATION SATELLITE SIGNALS REFLECTOMETRY
Shah, R.
H13I-1700Abstract Title: Seasonal Drought Prediction in India
Shah, S. K.
PP51A-2252Abstract Title: Past Climatic Variations in Nepal Himalaya as Reconstructed using Ring-width Chronologies
Shah, V.
A34F-03Abstract Title: Sources, Chemistry, and Transport of Pollutants over the Eastern United States During the WINTER 2015 Aircraft Campaign, A34F-04Abstract Title: An overview of reactive chlorine measurements during the WINTER C-130 aircraft campaign, A41K-0217Abstract Title: Sources and Distributions of Secondary Aerosols over the Northeastern United States during the WINTER Aircraft Campaign., A41K-0227Abstract Title: Examining the Role of N2O5 Hydrolysis and ClNO2 Production Over the Northeast United States: Results from WINTER 2015 Aircraft Campaign, A41K-0231Abstract Title: Utilizing SO2/CO2 Mixing Ratios to Determine SO2 Uptake by a Regional Cloud Layer, A41K-0232Abstract Title: Validation of Point Source Emissions of SO2 Using Aircraft Data
Shah Walter, S. R.
OS42A-04Abstract Title: Microbe-mediated transformations of marine dissolved organic matter during 2,100 years of natural incubation in the cold, oxic crust of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge., PP11C-08Abstract Title: Environmental and Physiological Influences on the TEX86 Proxy: Results from Continuous Culture Studies and Stable Carbon Isotope Analyses
Shahar, A.
DI43A-2610Abstract Title: Origin and Constraints on Ilmenite-rich Partial Melt in the Lunar Lower Mantle, EP12B-06Abstract Title: Tracing the secular evolution of the UCC using the iron isotope composition of ancient glacial diamictites, V13A-3095Abstract Title: An improved geospeedometry using chemical-isotopic profiles in olivines, V23D-05Abstract Title: Stable Isotope Evidence for Planetary Differentiation, V33A-3076Abstract Title: Iron isotope composition of depleted MORB, V33A-3079Abstract Title: Contrasting Effects of Carbon and Sulfur on Fe-Isotope Fractionation between Metal and Silicate Melt during Planetary Core Formation
Shahbaz, P.
H43G-1606Abstract Title: Compensatory Root Water Uptake of Overlapping Root Systems
Shaheen, R.
P23B-2146Abstract Title: O-triple Isotopes of Primary and Secondary Minerals Provide Clues to the Past and Present Hydrosphere of Mars: New Experimental Evidence
Shahgedanova, M.
A33L-0367Abstract Title: Characterization of dust sources in Central Asia using Remote Sensing, A51U-04Abstract Title: Characterisation of mineral dust emission in the Middle EAST using the Spinning Enhanced Visible and Infrared Imager (SEVIRI), C21F-06Abstract Title: Tuyuksu glacier as an indicator of change in the Zailiyskiy-Kungei Alatau glacial system during the last 60 years, GC21AAbstract Title: High Elevation Climate Change: Detection, Projection, and Impacts I Posters, GC24AAbstract Title: High Elevation Climate Change: Detection, Projection, and Impacts II, U42A-06Abstract Title: Mountains of Central Asia in the warmer world
Shahid, S.
ED11A-0841Abstract Title: An Undergraduate Student Instrumentation Project (USIP) to Develop New Instrument Technology to Study the Auroral Ionosphere and Stratospheric Ozone Layer Using Ultralight Balloon Payloads
Shahriari Nia, M.
B53I-07Abstract Title: Understanding species composition from NEON high resolution hyperspectral-LIDAR data across a heterogeneous landscape: Effects of land use, fire regime and topography
Shaikh, D.
SA41CAbstract Title: Advances in Ionospheric Measurements and Modeling I, SA51AAbstract Title: Advances in Ionospheric Measurements and Modeling II Posters
Shakas, A.
H11M-02Abstract Title: Inference of Fractured Rock Transport Properties by Joint Inversion of Push-Pull and Single-Hole Ground Penetrating Radar Data, H31B-1412Abstract Title: Field signatures of non-Fickian transport processes: transit time distributions, spatial correlations, reversibility and hydrogeophysical imaging
Shakhova, N. E.
C33F-01Abstract Title: Methane release from the East Siberian Arctic Shelf: The role of subsea permafrost and other controlling factors as inferred from decadal observational and modeling efforts, C33F-02Abstract Title: The Origin(s) of the Methane Excess in the Shallow East Siberian Arctic Shelf Unraveled with Triple Isotope Analysis, C43A-0767Abstract Title: First application of time-domain electromagnetic technology (TEM) for permafrost mapping on the Arctic shelf., C43A-0770Abstract Title: Specific features of sedimentology in the outer part of the East Siberian Arctic Shelf, C43A-0778Abstract Title: Studying bubble-induced methane emissions from the East Siberian Arctic Shelf: the next step towards a quantitative assessment., C43A-0780Abstract Title: Assessment of Sea-Air Fluxes of Methane from the East Siberian Arctic Shelf Based on Multi-Year High-Precision Observations in the Atmospheric Boundary Layer and Seawater, C43A-0782Abstract Title: Observations of Methane Concentration and d13C-CH4 in the East Siberian Sea Waters, C43A-0783Abstract Title: Triple-Isotope-Based Source Apportionment of Methane in Waters of the Outer Laptev Sea, C43A-0784Abstract Title: The East Siberian Arctic Shelf is a significant source of atmospheric methane as referred from multi-year ship-based observations (2000-2015), C43A-0790Abstract Title: Extreme natural acidification in the East Siberian Arctic Shelf: Effects of permafrost thawing and seawater freshening, C43A-0792Abstract Title: Tracing of submarine groundwater discharge in the Siberian Arctic coastal zone: the case study in the Buor-Khaya Bay, Laptev Sea., GC14C-06Abstract Title: Methane emissions in the East Siberian Arctic Shelf: issues addressed and questions raised
Shakiba, M.
H52F-03Abstract Title: Application of Pressure Pulse Test Analysis in CO2 Leakage Detection and Monitoring
Shakibaeinia, A.
NG13BAbstract Title: Advances in Numerical Methods for Geophysical Modeling I, NG23AAbstract Title: Advances in Numerical Methods for Geophysical Modeling II Posters, NG23A-1763Abstract Title: Mesh-free particle continuum-based modeling of complex geophysical flows
Shakibay Senobari, N.
S23C-2728Abstract Title: Reconciling Earthquake Source Parameters from InSAR and Long-period Seismic Waveform Data
Shakun, J. D.
PP11E-03Abstract Title: Eight Million Years of Land-Based Antarctic Ice Sheet Stability Recorded By In Situ 10Be from the ANDRILL-1B Core, PP33A-2276Abstract Title: Pleistocene Permafrost Thawing History of Alaska, the Yukon, and the Northwest Territories from U-Th Dating of Cave Speleothems, PP52A-02Abstract Title: An 800-kyr Record of Global Surface Ocean δ18O and Implications for Ice Volume-Temperature Coupling
Shallcross, D. E.
A51S-03Abstract Title: Use of UAVs for greenhouse gas monitoring at hotspot emissions zones
Shaman, J. L.
A13A-0292Abstract Title: The Superposition of Eastward and Westward Rossby Waves in Response to Localized Forcing, NH31C-01Abstract Title: Forecasting Infectious Disease Outbreaks, PA11A-2148Abstract Title: Real-time forecasts of dengue epidemics
Shams, B. S.
NS41B-1928Abstract Title: A Study of Near-Surface Seismic Methods on Terrain Susceptible to Landslides in the City of Campos do Jordão, State of São Paulo, Brazil.
Shamsalsadati, S.
S51A-2645Abstract Title: Ground truth events with source geometry in Eurasia and the Middle East
Shan, B.
T11B-2894Abstract Title: The 3D Thermochemical Structure of the Lithosphere and Upper Mantle beneath South China
Shan, G.
V23B-3115Abstract Title: Spatial geochemistry variations of 130-135Ma A-type granites from the northern Zhejiang Province, South China: implication for crust-mantle interaction
Shan, H. Y.
H23D-1618Abstract Title: Effects of Liquid Layers and Distribution Patterns on Three-Phase Saturation and Relative Permeability Relationships: A Micromodel Study
Shan, L.
SM31A-2475Abstract Title: The Quasi-Monochromatic ULF Wave Boundary in the Venusian Foreshock: VEX Observations
Shan, N.
H51B-1362Abstract Title: Research on the design of a buffer strip for nonpoint source pollution control in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area, China
Shan, Y.
A43B-0271Abstract Title: Improvement to microphysical schemes in WRF Model based on observed data, part I: size distribution function, A51E-0110Abstract Title: Impact of Anthropogenic Aerosol on the Properties of Shallow Maritime Cumulus Clouds
Shanahan, P. W.
H11M-04Abstract Title: Getting to the Root of the Problem - Assessing Crop Water Uptake Using Geophysics
Shane, A. D.
P23B-2123Abstract Title: Mars Nightside Electrons Over Strong Crustal Fields
Shane, P. A. R.
V11F-04Abstract Title: Change in Magma Dynamics at Okataina Rhyolite Caldera revealed by Plagioclase Textures and Geochemistry
Shaner, A. J.
ED11EAbstract Title: Professional Development for Graduate Students in the Geosciences Posters, ED11E-0875Abstract Title: Preparing Graduate Students for Solar System Science and Exploration Careers: Internships and Field Training Courses led by the Lunar and Planetary Institute, ED42A-07Abstract Title: The Year of the Solar System Undergraduate Research Conference: Bringing Student Researchers and Scientists Together in a Professional Conference Setting, ED42A-08Abstract Title: Lessons Learned at LPI for Scientists in Education and Public Outreach, ED43D-0896Abstract Title: Partnering to Enhance Planetary Science Education and Public Outreach Programs
Shang, F.
T12B-05Abstract Title: Crustal development of the eastern Tibetan Plateau preceding and post India-Asia continent-continent collision: Insights from terrestrial ‘redbed’ basins in the Yidun Arc Terrane
Shang, J.
B44A-05Abstract Title: Near-Real-Time Monitoring and Reporting of Crop Growth Condition and Harvest Status Using an Integrated Optical and Radar Approach at the National-Scale in Canada
Shang, K.
G53A-01Abstract Title: Asia High Mountain Glacier Mass Balance
Shang, P.
B11G-0514Abstract Title: Variation in Quantity, Source and Bioreactivity of Dissolved Organic Matter in Streams Draining Watersheds along a Gradient of Agricultural Land Use
Shang, R.
B43C-0573Abstract Title: GLOBMAP LAI: A long-term global Leaf Area Index (1982-2014) With Seperation of forest overstory and understory, B53E-0621Abstract Title: Extracting the vegetation phenology of tropical monsoon forest
Shang, Z.
B11B-0423Abstract Title: Re-quantifying China’s N2O emissions from croplands
Shanks, L. V.
PP53A-2319Abstract Title: On the Recurrence of Enigmatic Nannoplankton Blooms in the Subtropical South Atlantic during the Early Oligocene
Shanks, R. P.
T31A-2836Abstract Title: Millennial strain partitioning and fault interaction revealed by 36Cl cosmogenic nuclide datasets from Abruzzo, Central Italy
Shanley, J. B.
B11DAbstract Title: Mercury Biogeochemistry, Genomics, and Environmental Change I Posters, B11FAbstract Title: New Insights on Nutrient Sources and Biogeochemical Processes in Surface Waters as Revealed by Advanced Techniques and In Situ Optical Sensors I Posters, B11F-0497Abstract Title: Regional in-situ optical water quality sensor network quantifies influence of land use and seasonality on storm event nitrate and dissolved organic carbon loading, B11F-0498Abstract Title: Contrasting dissolved organic carbon dynamics at two forested catchments interpreted from high-frequency optical sensor measurements, B11F-0499Abstract Title: Comparing Stream DOC Fluxes from Sensor- and Sample-Based Approaches, B13IAbstract Title: Mercury Biogeochemistry, Genomics, and Environmental Change II, B14CAbstract Title: Mercury Biogeochemistry, Genomics, and Environmental Change III, B14DAbstract Title: New Insights on Nutrient Sources and Biogeochemical Processes in Surface Waters as Revealed by Advanced Techniques and In Situ Optical Sensors II, H33F-1682Abstract Title: Validated Metrics of Quick Flow Improve Assessments of Streamflow Generation Processes at the Long-Term Sleepers River Research Site, H33F-1685Abstract Title: A simple method for detection of changes in relations between solute concentration and stream discharge
Shannon, P.
T42C-04Abstract Title: Deep structure of Porcupine Basin and nature of the Porcupine Median Ridge from seismic refraction tomography, T51F-2994Abstract Title: Nature of the uppermost mantle below the Porcupine Basin, offshore Ireland: new insights from seismic refraction and gravity data modeling
Shao, C.
B53D-0605Abstract Title: Land use history, ecosystem type and species composition drive water use efficiency in annual maize and perennial grasslands in a humid temperate climate, GC11IAbstract Title: Climate-Vegetation Interaction and Land Cover/Land Use Change in Semi-Arid Grassland Ecosystems I, GC13BAbstract Title: Climate-Vegetation Interaction and Land Cover/Land Use Change in Semi-Arid Grassland Ecosystems II Posters, GC13B-1136Abstract Title: Remote Sensing-based estimates of herbaceous aboveground biomass on the Mongolian Plateau, GC13B-1137Abstract Title: Grazing Effects on Water Use Efficiency on a Mongolian Desert Steppe, GC31B-1174Abstract Title: Regulations of evapotranspiration and ecosystem productivity from biophysical and human drivers in drylands Northern Eurasia
Shao, D.
S43B-2792Abstract Title: Short-impending Anomaly of GPS Observation and its Implications in Yunnan Earthquake Predication
Shao, H.
T13E-04Abstract Title: Modeling coupled thermal-mechanical processes of frozen soil induced by borehole heat exchanger
Shao, H.
V13C-3148Abstract Title: Rare Earth Element Compositions of Chlorite-rich Hydrothermal Sediments in the middle Okinawa Trough, East China Sea
Shao, J.
H51K-1542Abstract Title: Study of Groundwater Resources Components in the North China Plain based on Numerical Modeling
Shao, J.
A53D-02Abstract Title: Sources and Processes Affecting Particulate Matter Pollution over North China
Shao, J.
GC33B-1280Abstract Title: Can biomass responses to warming at plant to ecosystem levels be predicted by leaf-level responses?
Shao, X.
AE33B-0494Abstract Title: Vlasov Simulations of Ionospheric Turbulence near the Upper Hybrid Resonance and Fourth Gyroharmonic, GC22B-01Abstract Title: Mitigating JPSS J1 VIIRS DNB Performance Shortfalls with Expanded Cal/Val, GC22B-02Abstract Title: Radiometric Quantification of Aurora Activities during Severe Geomagnetic Storms from SNPP VIIRS Day-Night Band Observations, SA31D-2360Abstract Title: Aurora Activities Observed by SNPP VIIRS Day-Night Band during St. Patrick’s Day, 2015 G4 Level Geomagnetic Storm
Shao, X. M.
AE31A-0406Abstract Title: Uman Equations, Jefimenko Equations, and Lightning Electromagnetics, NH32C-04Abstract Title: Ionospheric waves associated with mid-latitude thunderstorms
Shao, Y.
B33E-0787Abstract Title: Coupling SLEUTH model and population projection to simulate urban growth of the Baltimore-Washington metropolitan area, H53G-1753Abstract Title: Predicting Sediment and Nutrient Loads for Selected Agricultural Watersheds in the Midwestern United States
Shao, Y.
A33L-0369Abstract Title: A numerical study on dust devil dust transport: Implications to regional and global dust budget estimates
Shao, Y. C.
NG23A-1762Abstract Title: An Euler-Lagrange Model for Suspension of Fine Particles and Its Application to Investigate Convective Sedimentation
Shao, Z.
T21A-2802Abstract Title: Increasing Seismicity in Yunnan, China after Wenchuan Earthquake Resulted from Stronger Push of Tibetan Plateau from Evidences of Seismic Velocity, GPS and Gravity
Shaoyan, F.
B11B-0420Abstract Title: Emission of Nitrous Oxide in Temperate Forests with Different Stages of Nitrogen Saturation in Central Japan
Shapiro, A.
SH32A-06Abstract Title: Solar Spectral Irradiance Observations from the PICARD/PREMOS Radiometer
Shapiro, B.
B33B-0662Abstract Title: A Thermodynamically-consistent FBA-based Approach to Biogeochemical Reaction Modeling
Shapiro, C. D.
PA53B-08Abstract Title: Enhancing Public Participation to Improve Natural Resources Science and its Use in Decision Making
Shapiro, K.
B51J-08Abstract Title: Impact and Recovery of Ecologically and Hydrologically Diverse Wetlands after the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico, GC41F-1139Abstract Title: Dynamic changes in an estuary over the past eleven years
Shapiro, N.
S24B-02Abstract Title: Towards 4-D Noise-based Seismic Probing of Volcanoes: Perspectives from a Large-N Nodal Experiment on Piton de la Fournaise Volcano, S31C-03Abstract Title: Global detection and localization of seismic sources by using beamforming of multiple body wave phases with USArray, S33E-01Abstract Title: Uncovering the geodetic signature of silent slip through repeating earthquakes, S34B-04Abstract Title: A Spatial Coherence Analysis of Seismic Wavefields Based on Array Covariance Matrix : Application to One Year of the USArray Data, S44B-01Abstract Title: Volcanic activity observed from continuous seismic records in the region of the Klyuchevskoy group of volcanoes, S51D-2735Abstract Title: Seismic activity related to the degassing of the Gorely volcano (Kamchatka), T22C-01Abstract Title: Tectonic Tremor and the Collective Behavior of Low-Frequency Earthquakes, T43D-3046Abstract Title: Insights into induced earthquakes and aftershock activity with in-situ measurements of seismic velocity variations in an active underground mine
Shapiro, R. S.
PP12A-06Abstract Title: Paleoenvironmental reconstruction of ~40ka stromatolites from the ancient Lake Lahontan, Nevada, USA, PP33B-2302Abstract Title: Preservation of REE and Fe isotopes in altered stromatolites and the paleo-environmental record
Shapiro, S. A.
T43DAbstract Title: Mechanics of Anthropogenically Induced Fracture and Slip Processes from Aseismic Creep to Earthquakes I Posters, T52BAbstract Title: Mechanics of Anthropogenically Induced Fracture and Slip Processes from Aseismic Creep to Earthquakes II, T52B-01Abstract Title: Observations on Rupture Behaviour of Fluid Induced Events at the Basel EGS Based on Empirical Green's Function Analysis
Sharan, M.
A51R-04Abstract Title: Dual Nature of Heat Flux in Stable Atmospheric Surface Layer
Sharan, M.
A53B-0375Abstract Title: Radiative Impact of Aerosols on the Regional Boundary Layer Features in Strong and Weak Wind Conditions using WRF Modeling System
Share, P. E.
T51A-2865Abstract Title: Characterization of the San Jacinto Fault Zone Northwest of the Trifurcation Area from Earthquake Data Recorded by a Dense Linear Array
Sharer, G.
IN21A-1679Abstract Title: Seismic Data Archive Quality Assurance -- Analytics Adding Value at Scale, IN31B-1760Abstract Title: MUSTANG : Data Quality Assurance Infrastructure Encouraging Cooperation Across Seismological Communities
Sharghi vand, N.
NH23A-1852Abstract Title: Benchmarking on Tsunami Currents with ComMIT
Sharifi, A.
PP23C-2315Abstract Title: Late Pleistocene Rapid Climate Change Events Measured in Stalagmites From a Semi-Arid Cave in Iran Show Pan-Eurasian Climate Signal Matching NGRIP
Sharifi, H.
GC13D-1190Abstract Title: Optimal Estimation of Phenological Crop Model Parameters for Rice (Oryza sativa)
Sharifi Mood, M.
Sharkey, T. D.
B53D-0589Abstract Title: Testing Earth System Model Assumptions of Photosynthetic Parameters with in situ Leaf Measurements from a Temperate Zone Forest.
Sharkov, E. V.
T13B-3006Abstract Title: Processes accompanying of mantle plume emplacement into continental lithosphere: Evidence from NW Arabian plate, Western Syria
Sharma, A. S.
A33M-0391Abstract Title: Prediction of Indian Summer Monsoon Rainfall by Phase-Space Reconstruction Model, ED53C-0860Abstract Title: An educational framework connecting planetary and mind frequencies (invited0, GC22B-02Abstract Title: Radiometric Quantification of Aurora Activities during Severe Geomagnetic Storms from SNPP VIIRS Day-Night Band Observations, NG32A-06Abstract Title: Crossover behavior of multiscale fluctuations in Big Data: Langevin model and substorm time-scales in Earth’s magnetosphere
Sharma, A. R.
H41A-1282Abstract Title: Climate change impacts on water resources in the Nechako River Basin, BC.
Sharma, A. N.
GC51D-1120Abstract Title: Differential Impacts of Climate Change on Crops and Agricultural Regions in India
Sharma, A.
H13C-1544Abstract Title: A Bayesian Alternative for Multi-objective Ecohydrological Model Specification, H31C-1425Abstract Title: SMART: Soil Moisture and Runoff Toolkit for Semi-distributed Hydrologic Modeling, H33D-1649Abstract Title: Just How Accurate are Your Probabilistic Forecasts? Improving Forecast Quality Assessment in the Presence of Sampling Uncertainty, H33E-1658Abstract Title: Where does the uncertainty come from? Attributing Uncertainty in Conceptual Hydrologic Modelling, H41B-1297Abstract Title: Improving Uncertainty Quantification Through Better Bayesian Inference, H41L-06Abstract Title: Using Passive Microwaves for Open Water Monitoring and Flood Forecasting, H43H-1625Abstract Title: Comparing and Combining Surface Soil Moisture Products from AMSR2, H43H-1637Abstract Title: The Evaluation of an Integrated Land Surface – Groundwater Model Through Remote Sensing, H51B-1361Abstract Title: Sensitivity of Soil Moisture and Runoff Dynamics to Hydrologic Response Unit Delineations in SMART, H51G-1457Abstract Title: Dynamically Evolving Models for Dynamic Catchments: Application of the Locally Linear Dual EnKF to a Catchment with Land Use Change, NH51E-1952Abstract Title: Combined Approach to the Analysis of Rainfall Super-Extremes in Locations with Limited Observational Records.
Sharma, A.
A21A-0068Abstract Title: Nocturnal surface ozone enhancement over Portugal: Influence of different atmospheric conditions, A32G-06Abstract Title: Sensitivity of WRF model to landuse, with applications to Chicago metropolitan Urban Heat Island and lake breeze
Sharma, A. K.
A21C-0155Abstract Title: NOAA/NESDIS Outgoing Longwave Radiation (OLR) from the Cross-track Infrared Sounder (CrIS) and the Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer (IASI)
Sharma, B.
H51B-1368Abstract Title: A detailed study on Catchment delineation for Urban areas
Sharma, D. A.
A33H-0275Abstract Title: A Ground Observation Based Climatology and Forecasting of Winter Fog: Study over Ghaziabad, National Capital Region, India
Sharma, H.
H21C-1389Abstract Title: Diurnal and Seasonal Variation in Sap Flow Among Different Sagebrush Species and Subspecies Along an Elevation Gradient in a Semi-Arid Ecosystem
Sharma, H. S.
H51M-1563Abstract Title: Estimation of the in-situ stress fields from P-wave seismic data- a real data example
Sharma, M.
Sharma, M.
GC24A-06Abstract Title: Climate change and livestock system in mountain: Understanding from Gandaki River basin of Nepal Himalaya.
Sharma, M.
A21A-0030Abstract Title: Comprehensive Black Carbon Emission Inventory of India: Uncertainty Analyses
Sharma, M.
C13A-0803Abstract Title: Separating Continental Mineral Dust from Cosmic Dust using Platinum Group Element Concentrations and Osmium Isotopes in Ancient Polar Ice
Sharma, N.
Sharma, N. C. P.
A41G-0131Abstract Title: Mauna Loa Observatory, Hawaii Boundary Layer Observations
Sharma, P.
SM13D-2543Abstract Title: Propagation and Damping of Kinetic Alfven Waves Generated During Magnetic Reconnection
Sharma, R. P.
SH33A-2446Abstract Title: Small scale solar wind turbulence due to nonlinear Alfvén waves
Sharma, R.
IN53A-1832Abstract Title: 3D Visualization of Global Ocean Circulation
Sharma, S.
A24C-07Abstract Title: Climatology and Characteristics of In-situ Aerosol Optical Properties in the Arctic
Sharma, S. P.
NS31A-1960Abstract Title: Appraisal of current density in Very Low Frequency electromagnetic measurements using preconditioned conjugate gradient approach
Sharma, S. K.
P51E-05Abstract Title: The SuperCam Remote-Sensing Instrument Suite for the Mars 2020 Rover Mission
Sharma, S.
H51O-1620Abstract Title: Carbon Dynamics of Bioenergy Cropping Systems Compared to Conventional Cotton Cropping Systems in the Southern Cotton Belt Region of the U.S.
Sharma, S.
H41K-08Abstract Title: Evaluating the use of Spectral Induced Conductivity to Detect Biofilm Development within Porous Media
Sharma, S.
AE33B-0494Abstract Title: Vlasov Simulations of Ionospheric Turbulence near the Upper Hybrid Resonance and Fourth Gyroharmonic, SA31D-2360Abstract Title: Aurora Activities Observed by SNPP VIIRS Day-Night Band during St. Patrick’s Day, 2015 G4 Level Geomagnetic Storm, SH11A-2374Abstract Title: Achieving Forecasts in the Thermosphere and Ionosphere with Lead Times of a Few Days
Sharma, T.
GC41H-04Abstract Title: Understanding the Propagation of GCM and Downscaling Uncertainty for Projecting Crop Yield: A Nationwide Analysis over India, H11I-1458Abstract Title: Understanding The Individual Impacts Of Human Interventions And Climate Change On Hydrologic Variables In India
Sharma, Y.
GC12A-04Abstract Title: Dynamics of land change in India: a fine-scale spatial analysis
Sharman, G.
EP41B-0927Abstract Title: Facies Variations Along an Ancient Deep-Water Axial Channel Belt: Insights from the Upper Cretaceous Cerro Toro Formation, Magallanes–Austral Basin, Patagonia
Sharon, I.
B23I-02Abstract Title: High CO2 subsurface environment enriches for novel microbial lineages capable of autotrophic carbon fixation
Sharp, J.
H13L-1747Abstract Title: Effects of Extensive Beetle-Induced Forest Mortality on Aromatic Organic Carbon Loading and Disinfection Byproduct Formation Potential
Sharp, J.
B33C-0672Abstract Title: Long term carbon fluxes in south eastern U.S. pine ecosystems.
Sharp, J.
GC43F-04Abstract Title: WFIP2 – The Second Wind Forecast Improvement Project: Observing Systems And Case Studies
Sharp, K. V.
C33E-0859Abstract Title: Climate Change Impacts on the Cryosphere of Mountain Regions: Validation of a Novel Model Using the Alaska Range
Sharp, M. J.
C41D-0766Abstract Title: The use of airborne radar reflectometry to characterize near-surface snow/firn stratigraphy on Devon Ice Cap, Canadian Arctic: A path to identifying refrozen melt layers
Sharp, T. G.
MR11A-06Abstract Title: Precession electron diffraction in scanning transmission electron microscopy: phase, orientation and strain mapping at the nanometer scale
Sharp, W. D.
PP11A-2195Abstract Title: U-Th Burial Dates on Ostrich Eggshell, PP13A-2269Abstract Title: C and N Isotopes in Ostrich Eggshell as Proxies of Paleovegetation and Paleoprecipitation: Extraction, Preservation, and Application to Pleistocene Archaeological Samples, PP53C-2372Abstract Title: Carbon, Oxygen and Uranium Isotopes in Pedothem Carbonates Reveal Anomalous North American Atmospheric Circulation 70,000 to 55,000 Years Ago, T41A-2854Abstract Title: Holocene geologic slip rate for Mission Creek strand of the southern San Andreas Fault, T51H-07Abstract Title: Slip Transfer and the Growth of the Indio and Edom Hills, Southern San Andreas Fault, T54B-08Abstract Title: U-series Dating of Syntectonic Calcite Veins Constrains the Time Scales of the Elements of the Seismic Cycle in an Intraplate Normal Fault
Sharp, Z. D.
DI43B-01Abstract Title: The Fate of Hydrogen in the Early Earth
Sharpe, M.
SH21B-2412Abstract Title: Verification of Space Weather Forecasts using Terrestrial Weather Approaches
Sharping, J. E.
C33E-0864Abstract Title: A Mass Balance Model of Lyell and Maclure Glaciers in Yosemite National Park
Sharratt, B. S.
B21B-0423Abstract Title: Aerosol emissions from biochar-amended agricultural soils
Sharshenova, D.
B31A-0517Abstract Title: Assessment of Local Biodiversity Loss in Uranium Mining-Tales And Its Projections On Global Scale
Shastry, A.
GC44B-06Abstract Title: Modeling annual flooding in the Logone floodplain in Cameroon
Shastry, A. R.
H51N-1608Abstract Title: Predicting the impacts of fishing canals on Floodplain Dynamics in Northern Cameroon using a small-scale sub-grid hydraulic model
Shatilla, N. J.
H33K-04Abstract Title: The Influence of Surface Coal Mining on Runoff Processes and Stream Chemistry in the Elk Valley, British Colubmbia, Canada
Shatsillo, A.
GP21A-03Abstract Title: Constraining the reversing and non-reversing modes of the geodynamo. New insights from magnetostratigraphy., GP21A-04Abstract Title: Geomagnetic field behaviour preceding a Superchron: new evidence for a weak Devonian geomagnetic field, T11B-2879Abstract Title: Interaction of the Siberian craton and Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB) recorded by detrital zircons from Transbaikalia
Shatsillo, A.
GP23B-1307Abstract Title: Further Evidence for Unusual Geomagnetic Field Behavior Around the Precambrian-Cambrian Boundary from new Siberian paleomagnetic and magnetostratigraphic data
Shatskiy, A.
V21C-3044Abstract Title: Carbonate–Iron Interaction: Kinetic Approach for Carbonate Subduction Down to the Mantle Transition Zone
Shau, R.
G21A-1021Abstract Title: Single-Network Wide-Area Persistent Scatterer Interferometry: Algorithms with Application to Sentinel-1 InSAR Data
Shaulis, B.
T33F-2997Abstract Title: The Temporal Relationship Between Alkaline and Tholeiitic Magmatism in the Paraná-Etendeka Igneous Province: ID-TIMS U-Pb Ages of the José Fernandes Gabbro and Dykes of the Ponta Grossa Arch, Brazil
Shaver, G. R.
B31C-0556Abstract Title: Carbon and nutrient responses to fire and climate warming in Alaskan arctic tundra, B31C-0573Abstract Title: Long-term Nutrient Fertilization Increases CO2 Loss in Arctic Tundra, GC13K-07Abstract Title: Changes in tundra vascular plant biomass over thirty years at Imnavait Creek, Alaska, and current ecosystem C and N dynamics.
Shaw, B.
G23A-1052Abstract Title: Surface Gravity Data Contribution to the Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands Geoid Model
Shaw, C. A.
T23A-2933Abstract Title: Structural analysis of the Cordillera Blanca detachment: Geometry, kinematics and fault rocks, T33G-08Abstract Title: Mantle to Surface Fluid Transfer Above a Flat Slab Subduction Zone: Isotopic Evidence from Hot Springs in the Cordillera Blanca, Peru
Shaw, D.
NS23A-1948Abstract Title: Development of a low cost method to estimate the seismic signature of a geothermal field from ambient seismic noise analysis, Authors: Tibuleac, I. M., J. Iovenitti, S. Pullammanapallil, D. von Seggern, F.H. Ibser, D. Shaw and H. McLahlan
Shaw, F. J.
IN43C-1741Abstract Title: An Overview of the JPSS Ground Project Algorithm Integration Process
Shaw, G. H.
P43A-2098Abstract Title: Speed of Sound in Aqueous Solutions at sub-GPa Pressures: a New Experiment to Unveil the Properties of Extra-Terrestrial Oceans
Shaw, J.
EP13CAbstract Title: Experimental Studies in Surface Processes I, EP14AAbstract Title: Experimental Studies in Surface Processes II, EP21BAbstract Title: Experimental Studies in Surface Processes III Posters, EP32B-08Abstract Title: Surface Process Control on Stratigraphic Completeness in Simple Experimental Deltas, EP33B-1067Abstract Title: Reconstructing Past Fluvial Flow Conditions from the Geometry of Bedform Cross Sets in the Stratigraphic Record, EP33B-1070Abstract Title: A mass-conservation-based approach to predicting river mouth channel bifurcations, GC41F-1145Abstract Title: Measuring Delta Progradation Using Delta Front Flow Patterns: A New Method of Remote Imagery Analysis on the Wax Lake Delta, Louisiana, U.S.A.
Shaw, J.
B11N-08Abstract Title:  Global Patterns of Drought Recovery, GC41C-1102Abstract Title: Pervasive Drought Legacy Effects in Forest Ecosystems and their Carbon Cycle Implications
Shaw, J. B.
EP14AAbstract Title: Experimental Studies in Surface Processes II, EP21BAbstract Title: Experimental Studies in Surface Processes III Posters
Shaw, J. H.
S33C-2800Abstract Title: UCVM: An Open Source Software Package for Querying and Visualizing 3D Velocity Models, T31A-2857Abstract Title: Coseismic Faulting and Folding in an Active Thrust Sheet over Multiple Rupture Cycles Resolved by Integrating Surface and Subsurface Records of Earthquake Deformation, T41A-2856Abstract Title: Structural Architecture of the Western Transverse Ranges and Potential for Large Earthquakes
Shaw, M.
A14A-02Abstract Title: Spatially Resolved Emissions of NOx and VOCs and Comparison to Inventories., B33A-0637Abstract Title: Methodology for Airborne Quantification of NOx fluxes over Central London and Comparison to Emission Inventories
Shaw, N.
H43G-1613Abstract Title: Toward a Low-Cost System for High-Throughput Image-Based Phenotyping of Root System Architecture
Shaw, R. A.
A11Q-08Abstract Title: Nucleation at the Contact Line Observed on Nanotextured Surfaces, A41H-0158Abstract Title: Long-Lifetime Ice Particles in Mixed-Phase Stratiform Clouds: Quasi-Steady and Recycled Growth
Shaw, R.
S53B-2825Abstract Title: Using KLSH to Rapidly Search Large Seismic Signal Archives on a Desktop Computer
Shaw, S. B.
H33B-1577Abstract Title: Automation of Endmember Pixel Selection in SEBAL/METRIC Model, H33F-1677Abstract Title: Explaining Variations in Streamflow Recession Rate Using Observations of Subcatchment-Scale Heterogeneity in Flow Contribution
Shaw, T.
A11P-03Abstract Title: Stationary waves and the regional circulation response to global warming, A12B-02Abstract Title: On the role of circulation changes in future Northern Hemisphere hydroclimate change, A13A-0278Abstract Title: Links between moisture and circulation: from the seasonal cycle to climate change, A43I-01Abstract Title: Clouds, water vapor and the response of the extratropical jets to global warming, A53C-0395Abstract Title: Troposphere-Stratosphere Dynamical Coupling in the Southern High Latitudes and its Linkage to the Amundsen Sea, GC41G-06Abstract Title: Understanding future changes in Northern Hemisphere winter meridional wind and regional hydroclimate
Shaw, T.
PP51C-2297Abstract Title: Holocene Relative Sea-Level Changes from Near-, Intermediate-, and Far-Field Locations
Shaw, W. J.
A51L-0231Abstract Title: A New U.S. West Coast Network of Atmospheric River Observatories, GC43F-04Abstract Title: WFIP2 – The Second Wind Forecast Improvement Project: Observing Systems And Case Studies , GC53E-1252Abstract Title: Comparison of Measured and WRF-LES Turbulence Statistics in a Real Convective Boundary Layer over Complex Terrain
Shaw-Kahle, B.
P53D-2162Abstract Title: Discovery of a probable meteorite impact crater off the W coast of South Africa, T42C-02Abstract Title: Rapid long-wavelength uplift of the Angolan continental margin
Shawali, J.
V13B-3108Abstract Title: Petrologic and Volcanologic Constraints on Depths of Evolved Magma Generation and Storage at Northern Harrat Rahat and Harrat Khaybar, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Shay, M. A.
SH11E-2418Abstract Title: Coherent structures, dissipation and intermittency in plasma turbulence, SH11E-2421Abstract Title: Modeling Heliospheric Plasma Turbulence: A Critique of the Effects of Completeness, Realism and Size, SH33A-2458Abstract Title: Plasma Heating During Magnetic Reconnection: Implications for Turbulent Dissipation, SH43AAbstract Title: Magnetic Reconnection: A Fundamental Process Operating throughout the Universe I Posters, SH43A-2426Abstract Title: Effects of Temperature on Collisionless Magnetic Reconnection Properties, SH54AAbstract Title: Magnetic Reconnection: A Fundamental Process Operating throughout the Universe II, SH54A-07Abstract Title: The Coupling of Ion and Electron Heating During Magnetic Reconnection and the Role of Parallel Electric Fields, SM42A-04Abstract Title: MMS High-Resolution Observations of the Magnetopause Reconnection Layer, SM51A-2561Abstract Title: Reduction of Ion Heating in Magnetic Reconnection by Large Scale Effective Potentials
Shayegh, S.
GC11AAbstract Title: Adapting to Rates of Climate Change: Natural and Human Dimensions II Posters, GC11A-1023Abstract Title: Ultrarapid Poster Presentations, GC14AAbstract Title: Adapting to Rates of Climate Change: Natural and Human Dimensions I, GC14A-04Abstract Title: Engaging a moving target: Adapting to rates of climate change
Shchepashchenko, D.
GC33F-03Abstract Title: Carbon account of forest ecosystems as a fuzzy system: a case study for Northern Eurasia
Shcherba, O.
U14A-01Abstract Title: Building a Regional Collaborative for Climate Literacy
Shcherbakov, R.
NG12A-01Abstract Title: Statistical Analysis of Seismicity Associated with Hydraulic Fracturing in Western Canada, NG13A-1859Abstract Title: Dynamics of the nonlinear viscoelastic slider-block model, S11C-07Abstract Title: The Relationship Between Seismicity and the Oil and Gas Industry in Western Alberta and Eastern B.C., S12A-08Abstract Title: Triggered Swarms and Induced Aftershock Sequences in Geothermal Systems
Shcherbakov, V.
V13B-3102Abstract Title: Linking Plagioclase Zoning Patterns to Active Magma Processes
Shcherbakova, K.
C43A-0782Abstract Title: Observations of Methane Concentration and d13C-CH4 in the East Siberian Sea Waters, C43A-0783Abstract Title: Triple-Isotope-Based Source Apportionment of Methane in Waters of the Outer Laptev Sea
She, C. Y.
SA13B-2342Abstract Title: The Statitical and Case studies of the Thermospheric Enhanced Sodium Layers (TeSLs)
Shea, E. K.
V53H-01Abstract Title: Calibration of a Carboniferous U-Pb and Ar-Ar Standard
Shea, J. M.
C43F-08Abstract Title: After the Earthquake: Impacts of Seismic Snow and Ice Redistribution in Langtang Valley, Nepal, on Glacier Mass Balances and Hydrological Regimes, C53A-0754Abstract Title: Measurements and modelling of turbulent fluxes at two glaciers in British Columbia, Canada
Shea, T.
V13B-3103Abstract Title: Is Eruption Style Linked to Magma Residence Time at Kilauea Volcano? Results from Chemical Zoning in Olivine, V13B-3121Abstract Title: The skeleton in the closet: New views of major and minor element zoning in olivine and implications for magma crystallization and storage., V31B-3012Abstract Title: Diffusion Modelling as a Useful Petrological Tool for Near-Real-Time Volcanic Eruption Monitoring
Shean, D. E.
C11D-04Abstract Title: Pine Island Glacier melt rates, grounding zone evolution, and dynamic response from 2008-2015, C21A-0718Abstract Title: Terminus behavior of Helheim and Kangerdlugssuaq Glaciers, southeast Greenland, from 2008-2015, C51E-05Abstract Title: Seasonal and interannual evolution of Jakobshavn Isbrae, Greenland from a 2008-2015 high-res DEM and velocity time series
Shearer, P.
SH22B-06Abstract Title: Variations in Solar Wind Fractionation as Seen by ACE/SWICS Over a Full Solar Cycle and the Implications for Genesis Mission Results
Shearer, P. M.
DI53A-04Abstract Title: The heterogeneity spectrum of Earth’s upper mantle constrained by global observations of scattered P-waves, S11A-2748Abstract Title: Identification and Characterization of Earthquake Swarms in Southern California, S12A-03Abstract Title: Long-term Evolution of Seismicity Rates in California Geothermal Fields, S43E-01Abstract Title: Estimating Earthquake Source Parameters from P-wave Spectra: Lessons from Theory and Observations, S43E-04Abstract Title: Seismic Source Spectral Properties of Crack-like and Pulse-like Modes of Dynamic Rupture, S43F-04Abstract Title: Source Mechanism of Tiny Long-Period Events at Mount St. Helens in July 2005, S44A-08Abstract Title: High-speed rupture during the initiation of the 2015 Bonin Islands deep earthquake, S52A-05Abstract Title:

T-Phase Observations in Global Seismogram Stacks, S54A-04Abstract Title: How Much Can We Hope to Resolve in Earthquake Rupture Processes with Back-projection, S54B-02Abstract Title: Detecting and Cataloging Global Explosive Volcanism Using the IMS Infrasound Network

Shebby, S.
ED43A-0865Abstract Title: Best Practices in the Evaluation of Large-scale STEM-focused Events: A Review of Recent Literature, ED53D-0869Abstract Title: From Implementation to Outcomes to Impacts: Designing a Comprehensive Program Evaluation
Shechtman, L. A.
H24A-05Abstract Title: Bacterial Response to Antibiotic Gradients in a Porous Microfluidic Device
Shedd, R.
H31L-05Abstract Title: Development and Use of the Hydrologic Ensemble Forecast System by the National Weather Service to Support the New York City Water Supply
Shedd, W. W.
OS23B-2013Abstract Title: The Role of Bottom Simulating Reflectors in Gas Hydrate Assessment, OS23D-06Abstract Title: High-resolution seismic imaging of the gas and gas hydrate system at Green Canyon 955 in the Gulf of Mexico
Sheeham, R.
SA13B-2343Abstract Title: Asymmetry of the TEC Anomaly from the Meridional Neutral Wind and Equatorial Electrojet Perspectives
Sheehan, A. F.
NH23A-1856Abstract Title: First application of tsunami back-projection and source inversion for the 2012 Haida Gwaii earthquake using tsunami data recorded on a dense array of seafloor pressure gauges, S33E-06Abstract Title: Seafloor Geodetic and Ocean Bottom Seismometer Investigation of Shallow Slow Slip Events at the Hikurangi Subduction Margin, New Zealand, T11D-2920Abstract Title: Crustal Velocity Structure of the Rio Grande Rift and Rocky Mountains from Local Earthquakes and Blasts Recorded by USArray and CREST
Sheehan, C.
EP53B-1024Abstract Title: Modeling the cliff retreat response to base-level change in layered rocks, Colorado Plateau, USA, EP53B-1025Abstract Title: Exploring the cliff retreat response to base level change using SFM photogrammetry and cosmogenic 36Cl, Coal Cliffs, Utah, USA
Sheehan, J. P.
EP53C-1041Abstract Title: MarsCAT: Mars Array of ionospheric Research Satellites using the CubeSat Ambipolar Thruster
Sheehan, K.
B21D-0503Abstract Title: Biome Context and Lotic Ecosystem Rates, B51F-0488Abstract Title: Temperature sensitivity of stream gross primary production and respiration from the tropics to the arctic
Sheehan, R. E.
GP43C-1259Abstract Title: SWARM Observations of the Motion of Low-latitude Plasma Depletions Coordinated with Ground-based TEC Measurements, SA23C-2354Abstract Title: Observations of Conjugate MSTIDs using Networks of GPS Receivers in the American Sector
Sheehan, T.
A51Q-0345Abstract Title: Fire in a Changing Climate: Stochastic versus Threshold-constrained Ignitions in a Dynamic Global Vegetation Model, GC13F-1213Abstract Title: From carbon numbers to ecosystem services: usable results comparing natural versus managed lands, PA13A-2183Abstract Title: Taming Data to Make Decisions: Using a Spatial Fuzzy Logic Decision Support Framework to Inform Conservation and Land Use Planning
Sheen, D. H.
S11A-2778Abstract Title: A study on the seismic source parameters for earthquakes occurring in the southern Korean Peninsula , S33B-2772Abstract Title: Initial application of the maximum likelihood earthquake location method to early warning system in South Korea
Sheerin, J. P.
AE33B-0496Abstract Title: Ionospheric Turbulence and the Evolution of Artificial Irregularities Excited by RF Interactions at HAARP
Sheese, P.
A23A-0271Abstract Title: Global Pattern of Hydrocarbons in the Upper Troposphere and Stratosphere from ACE-FTS measurements Compared to GEOS-Chem Simulations, A43E-0336Abstract Title: Current Validation and New Developments for the Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment Fourier Transform Spectrometer (ACE-FTS) Data Set, A43E-0337Abstract Title: Atmospheric pseudo-retrievals for averaging kernel and total uncertainty characterization for ACE-FTS level 2 (PRAKTICAL) data
Sheesley, R. J.
A11C-0053Abstract Title: Comparison of Bulk Carbon Concentrations and Optical Properties of Carbonaceous Aerosols in the North Slope Alaska from Summer 2012 and Summer 2015, A11C-0068Abstract Title: Size-Resolved Chemical Analysis of Individual Atmospheric Aerosols near Barrow, Alaska, A11O-05Abstract Title: Radiocarbon Analysis Source Apportionment of Fossil and Modern Atmospheric Carbon from DISCOVER-AQ Houston, A21A-0010Abstract Title: Source apportionment of organic aerosol across Houston, TX during DISCOVER-AQ, A21A-0022Abstract Title: Spatial and Temporal Distributions of Mosquito Adulticide in Houston during Spraying Season, A24C-05Abstract Title: Year-round Source Contributions of Fossil Fuel and Biomass Combustion to Elemental Carbon on the North Slope Alaska Utilizing Radiocarbon Analysis
Sheets, J. M.
H41C-1308Abstract Title: From the Nano- to the Formation Scale: Accessible Reactive Surface Area in a CO2 Saline Reservoir
Sheets, J.
H41C-1313Abstract Title: Modification of Fracture Apertures by Reactive Multiphase Flow, H43K-08Abstract Title: Evaluation of Advanced Reactive Surface Area Estimates for Improved Prediction of Mineral Reaction Rates in Porous Media
Sheffer, A.
EP52B-04Abstract Title: Achieving Science Goals with CubeSats: a Study by the National Academies
Sheffield, J.
GC12A-07Abstract Title: Modeling Local vs. Global Dimensions of Food Security in Sub-Saharan Africa, GC43E-05Abstract Title: Translating the potential of hydrological forecasts into improved decision making in African regions, GC51J-07Abstract Title: New Approaches to Capture High Frequency Agricultural Dynamics in Africa through Mobile Phones, GC51J-08Abstract Title: Impacts of intra-seasonal agricultural decision-making and forecast information on maize production in Zambia, GC53H-04Abstract Title: Historical patterns and drivers of global crop water demand., H13I-1688Abstract Title: Spatio-temporal analysis of drought clusters: statistical characterization and physical mechanisms of propagation, H31F-1493Abstract Title: Multi-scale Drivers of Variations in Atmospheric Evaporative Demand Based on Observations and Physically-based Modeling, H31L-01Abstract Title: Developing a Climate Service: Using Hydroclimate Monitoring and Forecasting to Aid Decision Making in Africa and Latin America, H34D-01Abstract Title: Drivers of Changes in Atmospheric Evaporative Demand over Land
Sheffield, J.
GC51D-1119Abstract Title: Hydrological extremes and their agricultural impacts under a changing climate in Texas
Shehab, O.
IN31A-1758Abstract Title:

An overview of the quantum wavelet transform, focused on earth science applications

Shehata, M. M.
EP51A-0905Abstract Title: Mixing zone hydrodynamics in a large confluence: a case study of the Snake and Clearwater Rivers confluence
Sheibani, F.
NG13A-1875Abstract Title: Optimizing Shear Stresses at the Tip of a Hydraulic Fracture - What Is the Ideal Orientation of Natural Fractures with respect to Hydraulic Fracture?
Sheikholeslami, R.
H31M-04Abstract Title: On the Impact of Uncertainty in Initial Conditions of Hydrologic Models on Prediction
Sheinker, A.
SA51C-2423Abstract Title: Adaptive Interference Cancelation using a Pair of Magnetometers for Small Satellite Applications: No Need for a Boom
Shejwalkar, A. S.
V21A-3003Abstract Title: Evidence for pervasive melt-rock reaction within the uppermost mantle at Hess Deep
Shekhar, P.
H41B-1301Abstract Title: Using Multi-level Methods for Geospatial Data Representation to Enable Efficient Analytics of Large Scale Simulation Outputs
Shekhar, S.
EP41A-0905Abstract Title: Fluvial fan evolution during Late Quaternary climate changes: field and chronological constraints from the Indo–Gangetic basin
Shelby, M. R.
NH23C-1890Abstract Title: Preliminary tsunami hazard assessment in British Columbia, Canada
Sheldon, A.
AE33A-0469Abstract Title: Gamma Ray and Very Low Frequency Radio Observations from a Balloon-Borne Platform
Sheldon, N. D.
PP21A-2221Abstract Title: Constraining the Thermal History of the Midcontinent Rift System with Clumped Isotopes and Organic Thermal Maturity Indices, PP31B-2243Abstract Title: Contrasting Redox Stories from Trace Metal and Iron Proxy Records of the Late Cretaceous Western Interior Seaway, T21B-2814Abstract Title: Bringing organic carbon isotopes and phytoliths to the table as additional constraints on paleoelevation
Sheldrake, L.
GC23C-1152Abstract Title: Attributing Climate Conditions for Stable Malaria Transmission to Human Activity in sub-Saharan Africa
Sheldrake, T.
PA43C-2201Abstract Title: Volcanic hazards at distant critical infrastructure: A method for bespoke, multi-disciplinary assessment 
Shellito, P. J.
H43H-1639Abstract Title: Calibration of Noah soil hydraulic property parameters using surface soil moisture from SMOS and basin-wide in situ observations
Shellnutt, G.
V51C-3043Abstract Title: Late Permian to Early Oligocene granitic magmatism of the Phan Si Pan uplift area, NW Vietnam: their relationship to Phanerozoic crustal evolution of Southwest China, V51C-3052Abstract Title: Late Cretaceous intraplate silicic volcanism in the Lake Chad region: incipient continental rift volcanism vs. Cameroon Line volcanism
Shelly, D. R.
MR41E-03Abstract Title: Fluid-Faulting Interactions Examined Though Massive Waveform-Based Analyses of Earthquake Swarms in Volcanic and Tectonic Settings: Mammoth Mountain, Long Valley, Lassen, and Fillmore, California Swarms, 2014-2015, MR42A-01Abstract Title: Constraining friction, dilatancy and effective stress with earthquake rates in the deep crust, T22CAbstract Title: The Mechanism of Tectonic Tremor I, T31CAbstract Title: The Mechanism of Tectonic Tremor II Posters
Shelton, B.
ED11C-0860Abstract Title: Bringing Grand Canyon to the College Campus: Assessment of Student Learning in the Geosciences Through Virtual Field Trip Games for Mobile Smart-Devices
Shelton, T.
A21A-0071Abstract Title: Analysis of Ozone And CO2 Profiles Measured At A Diary Facility
Shem, W.
H33L-08Abstract Title: Disentangling climatic and anthropogenic controls on global terrestrial evapotranspiration trends
Shen, B. W.
A33J-0321Abstract Title: Short-term Climate imulations of African Easterly Waves with a Global Mesoscale Model, A51P-0335Abstract Title: Exploring Multiscale Processes of Tropical Cyclone Genesis Associated with African Easterly Waves Using the PEEMD
Shen, C.
SM12A-06Abstract Title: Observational evidence for plasma diffusion driven by Kelvin-Helmholtz vortices at the duskside of the low latitude boundary layer, SM13C-2532Abstract Title: Quasi-continuous reconnection accompanied by FTEs observed by Double Star TC-1 during IMF Bz≈0 nT at dawn flank magnetopause, SM51A-2526Abstract Title: First Investigation on the Magnetic Curvature Distribution in the Magnetic Diffusion Region, SM54B-04Abstract Title: Chang’e-3 Extreme Ultraviolet Camera Observations of the Dynamics of the Earth’s Plasmasphere
Shen, C.
NS41B-1924Abstract Title: Improving Horizontal Resolution of High-frequency Surface-wave Methods Using Travel-time Tomography
Shen, C.
B31F-01Abstract Title: Improving predictions of large scale soil carbon dynamics: Integration of fine-scale hydrological and biogeochemical processes, scaling, and benchmarking, B41AAbstract Title: Advances in Understanding the Scaling of Fine-Scale Spatial Hydrological and Biogeochemical Heterogeneity, Their Interactions, and Implications for Earth-System Dynamics Posters, B41A-0407Abstract Title: An Efficient Scaling Technique For Predicting Fine Resolution Terrestrial Hydrologic And Carbon Dynamics, B41A-0410Abstract Title: Temporal and spatial relationships between hydrologic and carbon budgets in an Amazonian watershed: Application of a coupled Subsurface - Land Surface Process Model, EP43B-0986Abstract Title: A novel land surface-hydrologic-sediment dynamics model for stream corridor conservation assessment and its first application, H23EAbstract Title: Intercomparison Studies of Hydrological Models: Beyond Comparing Streamflows, Snow Water Equivalent, and Evapotranspiration Posters, H41F-1387Abstract Title: GRACE-assisted Budyko Hypothesis for Improved Estimates of Long-term Water Partitioning
Shen, C.
SH11F-05Abstract Title: Observations and Simulations of a Termination Shock in an Eruptive Solar Flare as a Possible Particle Accelerator
Shen, C.
H31G-1510Abstract Title: Dynamics of pore-water and salt in estuarine marshes subjected to tide and evaporation, H31G-1519Abstract Title: The effect of beach slope on tidal influenced saltwater intrusion
Shen, C.
SH11B-2389Abstract Title: The Energetic Particles in Shock-ICME Interaction Structures, SH51A-2431Abstract Title: The Geoeffectiveness of ICMEs from 1996 to 2013
Shen, C. H.
NS43A-1959Abstract Title: Kriging-approximation simulated annealing algorithm for groundwater modeling
Shen, C. H.
H41C-1312Abstract Title: Evaluation of Seal Ability of a Multilayered Caprock System
Shen, C. C.
OS23B-2016Abstract Title: Age and depositional environment of authigenic carbonate in the gas hydrate field offshore southwestern Taiwan, PP31AAbstract Title: Advanced Understanding of Tropical Hydroclimate Changes during the Last Pleistocene and Holocene III Posters, PP31A-2221Abstract Title: Combined obliquity and precession pacing of western Pacific Intertropical Convergence Zone over the past 282,000 years, PP33DAbstract Title: Advanced Understanding of Tropical Hydroclimate Changes during the Last Pleistocene and Holocene I, PP34AAbstract Title: Advanced Understanding of Tropical Hydroclimate Changes during the Last Pleistocene and Holocene II, PP34A-05Abstract Title: Toward a 530,000-year Hydroclimate History for the Southern Half of the Australasian Monsoon, PP34A-06Abstract Title: The Glacial-Interglacial Monsoon Recorded by Speleothems from Sulawesi, Indonesia, PP53C-2353Abstract Title: Using mutiproxy approach to reconstruct 1991 coral mortality episode in the South China Sea, T31D-01Abstract Title: Seismic Cycle Variability in Space and Time: The Sumatran Sunda Megathrust as a Behavior Catalog, T31D-02Abstract Title: Dispatches from the Trench: Insights into the Complex Relationship Between the Short-Term Elastic Earthquake Cycle and Longer-Term Permanent Tectonic Deformation from the Coral Record at Ranongga, Western Solomons, T43A-2960Abstract Title: Coastal Tectonics and Paleo-sea Level of Northwest Luzon, Philippines Constrained from Raised Coral Terraces, T53A-01Abstract Title: Emerged Coral Terraces in West Luzon, Philippines and Their Implications for Sea Level Changes and Coastal Uplift
Shen, C.
T51F-2971Abstract Title: The Structure Difference in the Southern Margin of the Dangerous Grounds: Implications for the Final Evolution of the South China Sea
Shen, G.
DI31B-2592Abstract Title: Behavior of basalt-carbonate melts at high pressures, DI31B-2593Abstract Title: Viscosity of liquids sulfur and selenium at high pressures and high temperatures and their correlations with liquid structure, MR11A-07Abstract Title: Apparatus and Techniques for Time-resolved Synchrotron X-ray Diffraction using Diamond Anvil Cells
Shen, H.
H53G-1730Abstract Title: Rapid Loss of Lakes on the Mongolian Plateau
Shen, H.
H51G-1465Abstract Title: Comparison of State and Parameter Estimation Methods for Soil Moisture Data Assimilation
Shen, H. Y.
H32A-01Abstract Title: Data-Driven Techniques for Regional Groundwater Level Forecasts, H32A-02Abstract Title: Developing an Intelligent Reservoir Flood Control Decision Support System through Integrating Artificial Neural Networks
Shen, L.
A52B-02Abstract Title: Simulation-Based Study of Wave Effects on Marine Atmospheric Boundary Layer
Shen, S. S. P.
A32EAbstract Title: Intraseasonal to Decadal Climate Variability, Prediction, and Predictability Associated with Land-Atmosphere Interactions II
Shen, S. S.
A32E-01Abstract Title: Detect signals of interdecadal climate variations from an enhanced suite of reconstructed precipitation products since 1850 using the historical station data from Global Historical Climatology Network and the dynamical patterns derived from Global Precipitation Climatology Project, GC21F-04Abstract Title: Reconstructed 2.5-Degree Monthly Precipitation Data for the Tibetan Plateau Region Since 1901
Shen, S.
A11M-0234Abstract Title: Using CO to NOX Ratios to Understand the Impact of Photoactive Roadways on Urban Atmospheric Chemistry and their Efficiency in Mitigating Air Pollution
Shen, S.
B41I-05Abstract Title: Net Ecosystem Fluxes of Hydrocarbons from a Ponderosa Pine Forest in Colorado
Shen, S.
A31D-0095Abstract Title: Long-Term Global Aerosol Products from NASA Reanalysis MERRA-2 Available at GES DISC, IN13A-1815Abstract Title: UUI: Unified User Interface to Support Effective and Intuitive Data Discovery, Dissemination, and Analysis at NASA GES DISC, IN51A-1788Abstract Title: “Bundle Data” Approach at GES DISC Targeting Natural Hazards
Shen, T. P. J.
A33P-06Abstract Title: Upper Tropospheric Water Vapor and Cloud Variations with Sea Surface Temperature in Observations and Models, IN51B-1811Abstract Title: The Hurricane Problem – The Three Faces of the Big Data Challenges
Shen, W.
A21A-0088Abstract Title: Source Contributions of Urban PM2.5 in the Beijing–Tianjin–Hebei Region: Changes between 2006 and 2013 and Relative Impacts of Emissions and Meteorology
Shen, W.
MR41C-2665Abstract Title: Experimental and Numerical Simulation of Water Vapor Adsorption and Diffusion in Shale Grains
Shen, W.
S11B-06Abstract Title: Crust Uppermost Mantle Structure beneath Eastern Asia: Progress towards a Uniform, Tightly Constrained, High Resolution 3-D Model, S23C-2725Abstract Title: Understanding the Physical Causes of Surface Wave Amplitude Variations across Eastern Asia through Seismic Waveform Simulation, T11C-2904Abstract Title: Rayleigh Wave Tomography of Mid-Continent Rift (MCR) using Earthquake and Ambient Noise Data, T11F-03Abstract Title: Three-Dimensional Vp and Vs Models of Continental China From Joint Inversion of Body Wave, Surface Wave, and Gravity Data, T23E-03Abstract Title: A Crustal and Uppermost Mantle Model for the Conterminous United States
Shen, W.
G33BAbstract Title: Interdisciplinary Geodesy for Climate Change, Data-Driven GIA, Sea Level Change, and Tibetan Plateau Hydrology I Posters, G33B-1140Abstract Title: Determination of gravitational potential and the orthometric height of Mt. Everest using clocks onboard satellite and on ground: preliminary simulation results, G33B-1145Abstract Title: Terrestrial water storage variations and surface vertical deformation derived from GPS and GRACE observations in Nepal and Himalayas, G53AAbstract Title: Interdisciplinary Geodesy for Climate Change, Data-Driven GIA, Sea Level Change, and Tibetan Plateau Hydrology II , G53A-02Abstract Title: Contemporary Surface Seasonal Oscillation and Vertical Deformation in Tibetan Plateau and Nepal Derived from the GPS, Leveling and GRACE Data
Shen, X.
B53E-0613Abstract Title: Non-destructive testing for combined stresses using high-resolution thermal infrared remote sensing and ‘‘three-temperature model’’: A case study on mangrove plant Kandelia obovata, H11E-1389Abstract Title: Distribution, fraction, and ecological risk assesment of heavy metals in sediment-plant system in mangrove forest, South China Sea
Shen, X.
A21A-0070Abstract Title: Assessment of 2012 on-road mobile source episode specific emissions on air quality in Houston
Shen, X.
H51B-1367Abstract Title: A Global-Scale Distributed Geomorphologic Product
Shen, X.
DI21B-02Abstract Title: Toward a comprehensive understanding of transition zone seismic discontinuities: A new constraint near the stagnant slab region beneath China
Shen, Y.
A51K-0214Abstract Title: First Evaluation of Day-1 IMERG products using the best-available hourly rain gauge network over the Tibetan Plateau
Shen, Y.
S11A-2746Abstract Title: Accurate source location from P waves scattered by surface topography, S23C-2724Abstract Title: Assessing waveform predictions of recent three-dimensional velocity models of Tibet, S23C-2730Abstract Title: Regional teleseismic body-wave tomography with component-differential finite-frequency sensitivity kernels, T11F-02Abstract Title: Crustal and upper mantle structure beneath the NE Tibetan Plateau and its tectonic implication
Shen, Y.
SM51C-2576Abstract Title: Cusp Ion Fountain Observations from the e-POP Suprathermal Electron Imager (SEI) with DMSP and RISR-N conjunctions
Shen, Y.
S23B-2698Abstract Title: Using Rock Physics to Improve Qp Quantification in Seismic Data
Shen, Z.
A11C-0067Abstract Title: Factors controlling seasonal variations in Arctic black carbon
Shen, Z.
G23C-06Abstract Title: Differentiation of Secular and Postseismic Deformation in the Mojave Shear Zone in Southern California and Inference of Lithospheric Rheology, T52A-08Abstract Title: Toward Building a New Seismic Hazard Model for Mainland China
Shen, Z.
S53A-2755Abstract Title: A study of body-to-surface wave conversion associated with deep earthquakes
Shen, Z.
PP43C-2301Abstract Title: New chronology for Pleistocene shoreline deposits on the central US Atlantic Coast: implication for relative sea level during MIS 5 and 7
Shen, Z.
EP13A-0918Abstract Title: Structure and Development Processes of the Sediment Ridges on the Continental Rise off the Prydz Bay Margin, East Antarctica
Shen, Z.
G33B-1140Abstract Title: Determination of gravitational potential and the orthometric height of Mt. Everest using clocks onboard satellite and on ground: preliminary simulation results
Sheneman, L.
IN13A-1826Abstract Title: A Conceptual Model and Database to Integrate Data and Project Management
Sheng, C.
SA31C-2355Abstract Title: Poynting flux distribution in the dayside polar cap boundary regions, SA41A-2317Abstract Title: Inter-hemispheric asymmetry of Pedersen conductance, SA41B-2349Abstract Title: A study of the non-linear response of the upper atmosphere to episodic and stochastic acoustic-gravity wave forcing, SA44A-03Abstract Title: Energy inputs in the polar cap during geomagnetic storms and the impacts on the ionosphere/thermosphere, SA44A-06Abstract Title: Variation of Equatorial F-region Vertical Neutral Wind and Neutral Temperature during Geomagnetic Storms: Brazil FPI Observations
Sheng, D. J.
OS13B-2048Abstract Title: Subsea Target Measurement Technique of High Resolution Multi-Beam Sonar System -A Case Study of Ocean Oil & Gas Production Platform and Pipeline Detection, OS21A-1956Abstract Title: Fine processing and analysis of seabed topographic features in the outer shelf of the north of the East China Sea
Sheng, W.
H13K-1736Abstract Title: Novel Measurement and Monitoring Approaches for Surface and Near-Surface Soil Moisture
Sheng, Y.
GC11F-1078Abstract Title: Mapping Heterogeneity in the Boreal Forest of North America, GC22E-04Abstract Title: Contrasting evolution patterns between glacier-fed and non-glacier-fed lakes in the central Tibetan Plateau and driving force analysis, GC23L-1248Abstract Title: The state and their implication of Himalayan glacial lake changes from satellite observations, H41F-1406Abstract Title: A High-Resolution Global Lake Inventory with Classified Freshwater and Saline Types, H53F-1723Abstract Title: Automated Quality Assurance and Quality Control (QA/QC) in Developing Decadal Global Lake Dynamics Products using Landsat-7 and 8
Sheng, Y.
Shengqi, C.
P41C-2081Abstract Title: The Use of Laser Altimetry in the Orbit Determination of Chang’E-1
Shenkin, A.
PP13A-2258Abstract Title: Leaf Wax δ13C Varies with Elevation in the Peruvian Andes and Western Amazonia
Shenton, B.
PP31E-04Abstract Title: The evolution of Phanerozoic seawater – Isotope paleothermometry finds consensus on Early Paleozoic warmth and constant seawater δ18O
Shepard, C.
B23C-0627Abstract Title: Effects of redox fluctuations on microbial community ecology post-wildfire in a high elevation mixed-conifer catchment in northern New Mexico., EP31B-1009Abstract Title: Probabilistic modeling of soil development variability with time
Shephard, M.
A23A-0264Abstract Title: A large underestimate of the pyrogenic source of formic acid inferred from space-borne measurements.
Shepherd, A.
GC51F-1155Abstract Title: BCO-DMO: Supporting the Management and Sharing of Marine Trace Metal Data, IN12A-03Abstract Title: Linked Data: Forming Partnerships at the Data Layer
Shepherd, A.
C24A-06Abstract Title: Mass balance of Icelandic ice caps from CryoSat swath mode altimetry, C32B-05Abstract Title: The Ice Sheet Mass Balance Inter-comparison Exercise, C41AAbstract Title: Advances in Altimetry of the Polar Regions I Posters, C41A-0679Abstract Title: Near Real Time Sea Ice Thickness from the CryoSat-2 Satellite, and the application of a time-varying snow load, C41A-0685Abstract Title: CryoSat-2 swath interferometric altimetry for mapping polar land ice terrain and elevation change, C43DAbstract Title: Advances in Altimetry of the Polar Regions II, C51B-0719Abstract Title: Insights into supraglacial lake evolution on the Larsen-B ice shelf
Shepherd, M.
PA43A-2178Abstract Title: The NSF-RCN Urban Heat Island Network
Shepherd, S. G.
SA13B-2361Abstract Title: Convection Electric Field Climatology
Shepherd, S. J.
SH23A-2423Abstract Title: Two dynamo waves derived with Principal Component Analysis of solar magnetic field and prediction of solar activity on millenium scales
Sheppard, A.
H41D-1344Abstract Title: Pore-scale Evaluation of Immiscible Fluid Characteristics and Displacements: Comparison Between Ambient- and Supercritical-Condition Experimental Studies, H41D-1354Abstract Title: Pore-scale discretisation limits of multiphase lattice-Boltzmann methods
Sheppard, B. S.
H21D-1399Abstract Title: Modeling Climate Change Impacts on Landscape Evolution, Fire, and Hydrology
Sheppard, K.
DI31A-2554Abstract Title: Magma Heterogeneity as Evidenced by 87Sr/86Sr Disequilibrium in Plagioclase from Samoan Lavas, V44A-05Abstract Title: Sediment Subduction and the Generation of Extreme Geochemical Enrichment in Lavas Erupted at Oceanic Hotspots
Sheppard, R. E.
T54B-04Abstract Title: Some like it hot: The spectrum of temperature rise during earthquakes
Shepson, P. B.
A11C-0084Abstract Title: Characterizing Variability in the Spatial Distribution of Bromine Explosion Events in the Vicinity of Barrow, Alaska, A11K-0215Abstract Title: Multiphase processing of organic hydroxynitrates in secondary organic aerosol from the radical-initiated oxidation of multi-olefinic monoterpenes, A11K-0216Abstract Title: Predicting SOA from organic nitrates in the southeastern United States, A13E-0390Abstract Title: Kinetics Studies of the Photochemistry of Isoprene-derived 4,1-nitrooxyaldehyde, A14F-04Abstract Title: Fluxes of Greenhouse Gases from the Baltimore-Washington Area: Results from WINTER 2015 Aircraft Observations, A14F-06Abstract Title: High-accuracy, high-precision, high-resolution, continuous monitoring of urban greenhouse gas emissions? Results to date from INFLUX, A21H-0255Abstract Title: Improving and Assessing Aircraft-based Greenhouse Gas Emission Rate Measurements at Indianapolis as part of the INFLUX project., A23I-07Abstract Title: Insights into Chemical Transport and Oxidative Processing in the Arctic Springtime, A34F-01Abstract Title: Arctic Ozone and Bromine Chemistry: Relationships with Snow Composition and Open Lead Presence, A41K-0234Abstract Title: Airborne Observations of Urban-Derived Water Vapor and Potential Impacts on Chemistry and Clouds, A41Q-01Abstract Title: Estimates of Methane and Ethane Emissions from the Barnett Shale Using Atmospheric Measurements, A43F-0349Abstract Title: The Nature of Temporally Variable Methane Emissions at Oil and Natural Gas Operations in the Eagle Ford Basin, B53A-0537Abstract Title: Airborne Microwave Observatory of Subcanopy and Subsurface (AirMOSS) Earth Venture Suborbital Mission Overview, C13C-0830Abstract Title: Production mechanisms of molecular Cl2, Br2, and I2 from the multiphase oxidation of halide-ice surfaces, GC12B-13Abstract Title: Urbanization and the Carbon Cycle: Synthesis of Ongoing Research
Sherba, J.
GC23F-1192Abstract Title: Applying IPCC Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP) land-use projections in a regional assessment of land-use change in the conterminous United States.
Sheremet, A.
EP24A-03Abstract Title: Boulder Dislodgement by Tsunamis and Storms: Version 2.0
Sheridan, G. J.
H21C-1393Abstract Title: Using high resolution aridity and drainage position data to better predict rainfall-runoff relationships in complex upland topography, H41M-02Abstract Title: Runoff Scale-dependency in Burned Dry Eucalyptus
Sheridan, R.
B41D-0472Abstract Title: Lightweight Vertical Take-Off & Landing Unmanned Aerial Systems For Local-Scale Forestry and Agriculture Remote Sensing Data Collection
Sherman, A.
EP53E-04Abstract Title: DeepPIV: Measuring in situ Biological-Fluid Interactions from the Surface to Benthos
Sherman, C.
H23A-1548Abstract Title: Modeling Hydraulic Fracture Induced Microseismicity in Rock
Sherman, D. J.
EP24A-04Abstract Title: A Threshold Continuum for Aeolian Sand Transport
Sherman, J. P.
A41K-0221Abstract Title: Summer-winter differences in the relationships among background southeastern U.S. aerosol optical, micro-physical, and chemical properties, A41K-0222Abstract Title: Background Southeast United States Aerosol Optical Properties and Their Dependence Upon Meteorology
Sherman, J.
GP23C-02Abstract Title: Surface Towed CSEM Systems for Shallow Water Mapping
Sherman, T. M.
V23B-3112Abstract Title: Amphibole Thermometry and a Comparison of Results from Plutonic and Volcanic Systems
Sherrell, R. M.
C21A-0726Abstract Title: Ice Sheet Meltwater Impacts on Biological Productivity in High-Latitude Coastal Zones - Observations and Model Results for West Antarctica and Southwest Greenland
Sherriff, R.
GC31G-07Abstract Title: Factors affecting spruce establishment and recruitment near western treeline, Alaska, GC31G-08Abstract Title: Recent Tree-growth Responses to Warming Vary by Geographic Region and Ecosystem Type within the Boreal Forest-tundra Transition Zone in Alaska
Sherrod, B. L.
GP13B-1296Abstract Title: The Spokane fault, Washington, Imaged with High-Resolution Airborne Magnetic Data—Implications for the 2001 Spokane Earthquake Sequence, T31A-2826Abstract Title: LIDAR HELPS IDENTIFY SOURCE OF 1872 EARTHQUAKE NEAR CHELAN, WASHINGTON, T31B-2892Abstract Title: Holocene to Neogene tectonics in central Washington: assessing seismic hazards from the geomorphic, geologic, and paleoseismic record of the Yakima Folds
Sherrod, D. R.
V23A-3062Abstract Title: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Unraveling the Spatio-Temporal Relationships of Basalt Flows within Northermost Harrat Rahat, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, V33D-3130Abstract Title: Improved Constraints on the Eruptive History of Northern Harrat Rahat Volcanic Field, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Sherry, A.
B33B-0650Abstract Title: Factors Governing the Germination of Sulfate-Reducing Desulfotomaculum Endospores Involved in Oil Reservoir Souring.
Sherson, L. R.
H33C-1609Abstract Title: The dynamics of stream-aquifer connectivity: an observational study in northern New Mexico
Shertz, S.
A12A-05Abstract Title: Impacts of the Denver Cyclone on Regional Air Quality and Aerosol Formation in the Colorado Front Range during the Front Range Air Pollution and Photochemistry Éxperiment (FRAPPÉ) 2014, A21A-0011Abstract Title: Aerosol Optical Extinction during the Front Range Air Pollution and Photochemistry Experiment (FRAPPE) 2014 Summertime Field Campaign, Colorado U.S.A. , A23N-07Abstract Title: Impacts of Oil and Gas Exploration Activities on SOA formation in the Colorado Front Range
Shervais, J. W.
V11DAbstract Title: The Ophiolite-Subduction Connection: Using Peridotites as Analogs for Subduction Zone Mantle Posters, V11D-3083Abstract Title: Source Evolution After Subduction Initiation as Recorded in the Izu-Bonin-Mariana Fore-arc Crust, V11D-3084Abstract Title: SSZ Ophiolite Peridotites as Analogues for Supra-Subduction Zone Mantle
Shervais, K.
ED31A-0887Abstract Title: Terrestrial Laser Scanning and Structure from Motion teaching resources for undergraduate field education courses, T51A-2844Abstract Title: Wear and Re-roughening Processes in a Single Fault Zone Characterized by Structure from Motion
Sherwood, B.
P13A-2116Abstract Title: Strategic Map for Achieving Enceladus Ocean Exploration in Our Time
Sherwood Lollar, B.
B33B-0646Abstract Title: Abiogenic and Microbial Controls on Volatile Fatty Acids in Precambrian Crustal Fracture Waters, H14D-04Abstract Title: Degradation and Volatilization of Chlorofluorocarbons in Contaminated Groundwater Explored by Stable Carbon Isotope Analysis, H31N-01Abstract Title: Compound Specific Isotope Analysis of the aqueous photodegradation of substituted chlorobenzenes, PP33B-2298Abstract Title: The Role of Noble Gases in Defining the Mean Residence Times of Fluids within Precambrian Crustal Systems, P31F-04Abstract Title: Biogenic Carbon on Mars: A Subsurface Chauvinistic Viewpoint
Sherwood, O.
A11I-0176Abstract Title: WHY METHANE INCREASING IN THE ATMOSPHERE IS PUSHING US TOWARDS NEW ANALYTICAL APPROACHES FOR STABLE ISOTOPE RATIOS, A11M-0243Abstract Title: Characterization of the Spatial Variability of Methane, Ozone, and Carbon Dioxide in Two Oil and Gas Production Basins Via a Spatial Grid of Continuous Measurements, A23J-02Abstract Title: INSIGHTS INTO THE RECENT RISE IN ATMOSPHERIC METHANE INFERRED FROM OBSERVED MOLE FRACTIONS AND STABLE CARBON ISOTOPES, H11B-1334Abstract Title: Modeling Methane Leakage from Faulty Wellbores in the Denver-Julesburg Basin, Colorado
Sherwood, S. C.
A21D-0169Abstract Title: Simulating Roll Clouds associated with Low-Level Convergence., A33R-03Abstract Title: Do convective schemes substantially alter simulated global climate and cloud feedback?, A34A-06Abstract Title: Impact of Convective Invigoration due to Aerosol on Shallow Couds during Shallow Meridional Circulation., A42E-05Abstract Title: Trends in atmospheric temperature and winds since 1959
Sheth, H. C.
V41C-3082Abstract Title: Transitions in Lava Emplacement Recorded in the Deccan Traps Sequence (India)
Shevchenko, V. I.
NG41A-1785Abstract Title: Role of ion shell instabilities and wave-wave interactions in formation of parallel and perpendicular spectra of the solar wind turbulence
Shevenell, A.
PA33C-2199Abstract Title: Time Matters: Increasing the Efficiency of Antarctic Marine Geology and Paleoceanography Expeditions by Providing Improved Sediment Chronology, PP43C-2292Abstract Title: Seismic Stratigraphy Of The Sabrina Coast Shelf, East Antarctica: History Of Late Paleogene To Early Neogene Glacial Evolution, PP51B-2284Abstract Title: A complex deglacial retreat history of the Anvers Island Trough paleo-ice stream, PP51B-2286Abstract Title: Foraminifer- and diatom-based paleoceanographic study of Holocene sediments from the Sabrina Coast, East Antarctica
Shevliakova, E.
A33L-0355Abstract Title: Influence of land surface processes on seasonal to decadal variability of dust and climate in the NOAA/GFDL CM3 model, B12D-03Abstract Title: Predicting drought-induced tree mortality in the western United States, B34C-05Abstract Title: Impacts and feedbacks of urbanization on regional hydroclimate: a case study with a high-resolution GFDL AGCM, GC41C-1102Abstract Title: Pervasive Drought Legacy Effects in Forest Ecosystems and their Carbon Cycle Implications
Shevtsov, B.
SM41H-2576Abstract Title: Statistical study of propagation characteristics of Pc1 pearl structures using conjugate ground-satellite observations
Sheyko, A. A.
P41A-2041Abstract Title: Parameterization of the Lorentz to Coriolis Force Ratio in Planetary Dynamos
Shi, B.
B21A-0417Abstract Title: Importance of Tetrahedral Iron during Microbial Reduction of Clay Mineral NAu-2, B21A-0418Abstract Title: Iron Isotope Fractionation Reveals Structural Change upon Microbial and Chemical Reduction of Nontronite NAu-1
Shi, C.
SM13A-2474Abstract Title: A Statistical Study of the Sudden Impulses of Geomagnetic Field at Mid and Low Latitudes
Shi, C.
GC23K-1241Abstract Title: A Linear Spatial Spectral Mixture Model for the Improved Estimation of Subpixel Saltcedar Cover along the Forgotten River
Shi, C.
H21I-1511Abstract Title: Impact of GMI rain rate on East Asian Multi-Satellite Integrated Precipitation Estimates
Shi, F.
A21A-0099Abstract Title: Spatial variability and source apportionment of PM2.5 across multiple sampling locations in southwest China
Shi, F.
AE14A-01Abstract Title: Dynamics of a Relative Long Positive Streamer from an Isolated Hydrometeor
Shi, F.
T43B-2991Abstract Title: Rheology of K-feldspar aggregates and its implications for dynamics of continental lower crust, T43B-2994Abstract Title: Deformation of granulite at high pressure and temperature: an investigation into the hypothesized eclogitization-induced deep crustal earthquakes
Shi, F.
PP51A-2283Abstract Title: A Multi-proxy Reconstruction of Spatial and Temporal Variations in Asian Summer Temperatures Over the Last Millennium
Shi, G. Y.
OS13A-2020Abstract Title: Dust in an acidified ocean: iron bioavailability, phytoplankton growth and DMS
Shi, H.
GC32B-06Abstract Title: A new model for long-term global water demand projection, H13I-1675Abstract Title: Evaluation of Drought Occurrence and Climate Change in the Pearl River Basin in South China
Shi, H.
GC13B-1144Abstract Title: The spatial patterns of soil respiration regulated by biological and environmental variables along a precipitation gradient
Shi, J. J.
A34A-01Abstract Title: Impacts of absorbing aerosols on interannual and intraseasonal variability of the South Asian monsoon, A44D-08Abstract Title: Results from Recent Observations and Modeling of Saharan Dust interaction with Hurricane Nadine (2012)
Shi, J.
NH23A-1871Abstract Title: Large-Amplitude, Scattered Tsunami Wave Mapping Enabled by Ocean Bottom Seismometer Array Recordings, S41C-08Abstract Title: From stiffness to strength in site response predictions: Formulation and validation of a hybrid hyperbolic nonlinear soil model
Shi, J.
NS33A-05Abstract Title: Multiple Suppression and Imaging of Marine Seismic Data from The Shallow Water Area in Southern East China Sea Shelf Basin
Shi, J.
PP21C-2259Abstract Title: Downslope strengthening millennial-scale climatic change signals deduced from high-resolution clay mineralogy during the last glaciation in the northern South China Sea, PP31A-2223Abstract Title: Asynchronous Patterns of East Asian Monsoon Climate Proxies during the Past 28 000 Years
Shi, L.
B21D-0491Abstract Title: Dynamic Linkages between Denitrification Functional Genes/Enzymes and Biogeochemical Reaction Rates of Nitrate and Its Reduction Products, H33C-1615Abstract Title: Dynamic Kinetics of Nitrogen Cycle in Groundwater-Surface Water Interaction Zone at Hanford Site
Shi, L.
H13A-1471Abstract Title: Impacts of Different Types of Measurements on Estimating Unsaturatedflow Parameters, H41B-1293Abstract Title: Global Sensitivity Analysis for Multiple Scenarios and Models of Nitrogen Processes, H44B-04Abstract Title: Global Sensitivity Analysis for Process Identification under Model Uncertainty, H51G-1469Abstract Title: Data Assimilation of Unsaturated Flow: Considering the Vertical Measurement Scale of Soil Moisture
Shi, M.
B21E-0526Abstract Title: Mycorrhizal Controls on Nitrogen Uptake Drive Carbon Cycling at the Global Scale
Shi, P.
H31F-1479Abstract Title: Evapotranspiration and Surface Water balance in China
Shi, Q.
OS51B-1995Abstract Title: Investigating the Effect of Ocean Currents on the Surface Stress and Heat Fluxes over the Gulf of Mexico Using a Two-way Coupled Modeling System
Shi, Q.
SA31C-2355Abstract Title: Poynting flux distribution in the dayside polar cap boundary regions, SM13A-2465Abstract Title: Solar electrons observed in the magnetosphere, SM13D-2544Abstract Title: On the generation of magnetic dips ahead of advancing dipolarization fronts, SM14B-05Abstract Title: MESSENGER Observations of Substorm Activity at Mercury
Shi, R.
DI13A-2641Abstract Title: Late Triassic island-arc--back-arc basin development along the Bangong-Nujiang suture zone (central Tibet): Geological, geochemical and chronological evidence from volcanic rocks
Shi, R.
SM21B-2522Abstract Title: Butterfly distribution of outer zone relativistic electrons and their potential connection to the solar wind dynamic pressure
Shi, T.
SH51B-2447Abstract Title: Toward an Accurate Prediction of the Arrival Time of Geomagnetic-Effective Coronal Mass Ejections
Shi, W.
GC33A-1271Abstract Title: Feasibility and Costs of Natural Gas as a Bridge to Deep Decarbonization in the United States
Shi, X.
A52D-07Abstract Title: Aerosol Indirect Effects on Cirrus Clouds in Global Aerosol-Climate Models
Shi, X.
GC43A-1158Abstract Title: Global-warming-induced Increases in Extreme Precipitation are Smallest over Mountains
GC22E-03Abstract Title: Analysis of the suspended sediment dynamics in the midstream of the Brahmaputra River in Tibet using a sediment rating curve approach, GC23L-1254Abstract Title: Temporal changes and spatial distributions in suspended sediment runoff in the Yarlung Zangbo River, China
Shi, X.
H21G-1462Abstract Title: Effects of Heterogeneity on Transport of Graphene Oxide in Saturated and Unsaturated Porous Media
Shi, X.
A21E-0174Abstract Title: Evaluating CMIP5 Models' Representation of Oceanic Drivers of North African Climate, A32E-04Abstract Title: Observed Oceanic and Terrestrial Drivers of North African Climate, B21M-07Abstract Title: Nitrogen Dynamics are a Key Factor in Explaining Global Land Carbon Sink, B23G-0663Abstract Title: The Influence of Historical Land Use and Land Cover Change Assumptions, CO2 Fertilization, and Nitrogen Deposition on Global Carbon Balance in an Earth System Model, B41C-0431Abstract Title: Representing Northern Peatland Hydrology and Biogeochemistry within the Community Land Model, H33L-08Abstract Title: Disentangling climatic and anthropogenic controls on global terrestrial evapotranspiration trends, PP41B-2242Abstract Title: Change in Terrestrial Ecosystem Water-use Efficiency Over the Last Three Decades
Shi, X.
T13A-2956Abstract Title: Iron-rich condition maintained throughout the mid-Proterozoic ocean: new evidence from the North China Craton
Shi, X.
IN51A-1798Abstract Title: Geocomputation over Hybrid Computer Architecture and Systems: Prior Works and On-going Initiatives at UARK
Shi, X.
V23B-3147Abstract Title: Geochemistry of basement rocks of incoming plate (Cocos Ridge) from Sites U1381 and 1414, IODP Expeditions 334 and 344
Shi, X.
SM13D-2555Abstract Title: Plasmasphere pulsations observed simultaneously by midlatitude SuperDARN radars, ground magnetometers and THEMIS spacecraft during an auroral substorm
Shi, X.
T54A-05Abstract Title: Slip rates across the sinistral slip fault system of the Shan Plateau, northern SE Asia
Shi, Y.
A43B-0264Abstract Title: Long-term Validation of Cloud-droplet Number Concentration Value Added Product (NDROP VAP) Retrieved from Surface Measurements
Shi, Y.
EP53A-0959Abstract Title: Equivalent-bodyforce Approach on Modeling Elastic Dislocation Problem Using Finite Element Method, NH51D-1920Abstract Title: The Co-seismic Effects of 2010 Mw 8.8 Maule Earthquake
Shi, Y.
A24E-02Abstract Title: Experiences using the latest generation of satellite aerosol products in a global aerosol data assimilation system, A31D-0076Abstract Title: An investigation of a potential low bias in the MODIS aerosol products over Asia
Shi, Y.
EP33D-06Abstract Title: Water-regolith-energy Interaction in Landscape Evolution and Its Influence on Forming Asymmetric Landscape: An Example from the Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory of Central Pennsylvania, H51I-1504Abstract Title: Using a spatially-distributed hydrologic biogeochemistry model to study the spatial variation of carbon processes in a Critical Zone Observatory, H52C-06Abstract Title: Using WITCH to determine the factors that govern shale weathering and solute fluxes in the Critical Zone, H53E-1700Abstract Title: Understanding the Concentration-Discharge Relationship of Chloride and Magnesium in Shale Hills Using RT-Flux-PIHM, H53E-1703Abstract Title: Assimilating the Cosmic-Ray Soil Moisture Observing System Measurements for Land Surface Hydrologic Model Parameter Estimation Using the Ensemble Kalman Filter
Shi, Z.
S11A-2743Abstract Title: Mechanism of earthquake-induced groundwater level response
Shi, Z.
B21E-0520Abstract Title: OCO-2 Column Carbon Dioxide and Biometric Data Jointly Constrain Parameterization and Projection of a Global Land Model
Shi, Z.
PP31A-2221Abstract Title: Combined obliquity and precession pacing of western Pacific Intertropical Convergence Zone over the past 282,000 years
Shi, Z.
PA21C-2169Abstract Title: Sustainable development level evaluation based on ecosystem services welfare index
Shi, Z.
S43E-08Abstract Title: Earthquake Source Parameters Relationships from 3D Rough Fault Dynamic Rupture
Shi, Z.
S43A-2765Abstract Title: Intra-event and Inter-event Ground Motion Variability from 3-D Broadband (0-8 Hz) Ensemble Simulations of Mw 6.7 Thrust Events Including Rough Fault Descriptions, Small-Scale Heterogeneities and Q(f)
Shi, Z.
A23C-0310Abstract Title: Atmospheric delivery of anthropogenic bioavailable iron from mineral dust to the ocean
Shia, R. L.
A41I-0180Abstract Title: Constraining Aerosol Properties Using H2O Retrievals from the California Laboratory for Atmospheric Remote Sensing (CLARS) , P23A-2112Abstract Title: Fast and Accurate Radiative Transfer Calculations Using Principal Component Analysis for (Exo-)Planetary Retrieval Models, SA43A-2360Abstract Title: A Sensitivity Study of Mesospheric and Stratospheric HOx Chemistry
Shibahara, A.
PP53C-2367Abstract Title: Millennial-scale Changes of Surface and Bottom Water Conditions in the Northwest Pacific during the Last Deglacial Period
Shibasaki, K.
SH13B-2436Abstract Title: Ballooning Instability: A Possible Mechanism for Impulsive Heating of Plasma Trapped in a Loop
Shibata, K.
MR21A-2607Abstract Title: CHIME monazite dating using FE-EPMA equipped with R=100 mm spectrometers
Shibata, T.
A11C-0055Abstract Title: Lidar Observations of Arctic Aerosols and Clouds in the Free Troposphere for More than Fifteen Months over Svalbard, A33K-0340Abstract Title: Vertical distribution of non-volatile species of upper tropospheric and lower stratospheric aerosol observed by balloon-borne optical particle counter above Ny-Aalesund, Norway in the winter of 2015
Shibata, T.
V51G-3120Abstract Title: Magma plumbing system of the Aso-3 large pyroclastic eruption cycle at Aso volcano, Southwest Japan: petrological constraint on the formation of a compositionally stratified magma chamber
Shibata, Y.
A23B-0302Abstract Title: Characteristics of direct detection 1.6μm CO2 DIAL with OPG transmitter
Shibazaki, B.
S31A-2713Abstract Title: Modeling long- and short-term slow slip events and their interaction with large earthquakes along the Hikurangi subduction zone, S31A-2718Abstract Title: Numerical Modeling of ETS in the Cascadia Region - An Application of Nankai Model -
Shibazaki, Y.
DI52A-07Abstract Title: The effects of pressure and alloying Ni and C on sound velocity of liquid Fe-alloys
Shibuya, H.
GP11A-05Abstract Title: Tsunakawa-Shaw method - an absolute paleointensity technique using alternating field demagnetization, GP23A-1289Abstract Title: Paleointensity determination of welded tuffs extruded with tephra layers: A new approach to calibration of relative paleointensity stacks, GP23A-1296Abstract Title: Secular variation between 5 and 10c CE in Japan: remeasurements of 2000 samples collected between 1960-70's from Sueki earthenware kilns in Osaka., SM24A-08Abstract Title: Kaguya observations of the lunar wake in the terrestrial foreshock
Shiddiqi, H. A.
S11A-2747Abstract Title: Seismological Segmentation of Halmahera Thrust, Molucca Sea Region, based on Large Earthquake Sequences
Shie, C. L.
IN23C-1736Abstract Title: An Analysis of Earth Science Data Analytics Use Cases, IN51A-1788Abstract Title: “Bundle Data” Approach at GES DISC Targeting Natural Hazards
Shieh, S. R.
MR12AAbstract Title: Elasticity of Earth Materials: From Mantle to Core I, MR13BAbstract Title: Elasticity of Earth Materials: From Mantle to Core II Posters, MR13B-2698Abstract Title: Synthesis and equation of state of high pressure phase of chromium-bearing spinel
Shiel, A. E.
H31I-1553Abstract Title: Investigating Uranium Mobility Using Stable Isotope Partitioning of 238U/235U and a Reactive Transport Model
Shields, C. A.
A13A-0281Abstract Title: Atmospheric Rivers in the Mid-latitudes: A Modeling Study for Current and Future Climates
Shiferaw, A. S.
Shiflett, S. A.
H21J-1541Abstract Title: Biological and Geographical Sources of Variation in Leaf Economic and Hydraulic Traits Throughout the Los Angeles Megacity
Shige, S.
A44B-03Abstract Title: Improvement of Passive Microwave Rainfall Retrieval Algorithm over Mountainous Terrain
Shigefuji, M.
S43D-2837Abstract Title: Aftershock Records in the Kathmandu Valley of the 2015 Gorkha, Nepal, Earthquake
Shigematsu, N.
T11G-03Abstract Title: Extreme Hydrothermal Conditions Near an Active Geological Fault, DFDP-2B Borehole, Alpine Fault, New Zealand, T11G-05Abstract Title: Tectonic stress and fault rock fabrics in the vicinity of the Alpine Fault inferred from DFDP-2 borehole televiewer imagery , T23D-2987Abstract Title: Preliminary results of thermal conductivity and elastic wave velocity measurements of various rock samples collected from outcrops in hanging wall of the Alpine Fault, T23D-3002Abstract Title: Thermoluminesence Properties and Ages along the Stony Creek, Hanging Wall of Alpine Fault, New Zealand
Shigeno, M.
V43A-3099Abstract Title: Saline Fluids in Subduction Channels and Mantle Wedge
Shigorina, E.
H43L-05Abstract Title: Simulations of flow mode distributions on rough fracture surfaces using a parallelized Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) model, H54F-08Abstract Title: Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics simulation and laboratory-scale experiments of complex flow dynamics in unsaturated fractures
Shih, A. L.
NH21A-1810Abstract Title: A statistical investigation of z test and ROC curve on seismo-ionospheric anomalies in TEC associated earthquakes in Taiwan during 1999-2014
Shih, A.
SH31D-03Abstract Title: NuSTAR X-ray observations of small flares and non-flaring active regions
Shih, I. C.
P51A-2050Abstract Title: An exploration of the trans-Neptunian region through stellar occultations and MIOSOTYS.
Shih, K.
B53K-06Abstract Title: Closing the Phosphorus Loop by Recovering Phosphorus From Waste Streams With Layered Double Hydroxide Nanocomposites and Converting the Product into an Efficient Fertilizer
Shih, S.
A53A-0369Abstract Title: Development of the Tropospheric Water Vapor and Cloud ICE (TWICE) Millimeter- and Sub-millimeter Wave Radiometer Instrument for 6U-Class Nanosatellites
Shih, W.
EP21AAbstract Title: Advances in Incipient Motion of Sediment I Posters, EP21A-0882Abstract Title: Use of a Modified Quadrant Analysis for the Prediction of Grain Entrainment
Shih, W.
EP21AAbstract Title: Advances in Incipient Motion of Sediment I Posters, EP24AAbstract Title: Advances in Incipient Motion of Sediment II
Shiimi, E. T.
T21F-07Abstract Title: Distinct Thermal and Metasomatic Characteristics of Mantle Lithosphere Beneath Two Proterozoic Terranes Bordering the Kaapvaal Craton of Southern Africa
Shiklomanov, A. I.
GC31B-1178Abstract Title: Contemporary changes of water resources, water and land use in Central Asia based on observations and modeling., GC31B-1181Abstract Title: Seasonal Variations of Stable Isotope Composition of River Flow in Permafrost Regions of Yenisei and Kolyma Rivers (Russia)
Shiklomanov, A. N.
B14B-01Abstract Title: Reducing the uncertainty in the projection of the terrestrial carbon cycle by fusing models with remote sensing data, B53B-0544Abstract Title: Linking vegetation structure, function and physiology through spectroscopic remote sensing, B53D-0594Abstract Title: Applications of spectral inversion to understanding vegetation functional trait relationships
Shiklomanov, N. I.
B31D-0587Abstract Title: Spatio-temporal modeling of Active Layer Thickness, B42C-05Abstract Title: CALM at 21: Results of long-term monitoring of the active layer/upper permafrost system., GC31B-1179Abstract Title: The Permafrost Condition from 1960 to 2300 Based on Simulations of the GIPL2 Permafrost Dynamics Model across Eurasia: Implications for Soil Carbon Vulnerability, Infrastructure and Socio-economic Impacts, GC31B-1181Abstract Title: Seasonal Variations of Stable Isotope Composition of River Flow in Permafrost Regions of Yenisei and Kolyma Rivers (Russia), GC31B-1183Abstract Title: Rapid Arctic Changes due to Infrastructure and Climate (RATIC) in the Russian North, GC33F-04Abstract Title: Detecting Anthropogenic and Climate Change Induced Land Cover and Land Use Change in the Vicinity of an Oil/gas Facility in Northwestern Siberia, Russia
Shiller, A. M.
B33B-0658Abstract Title: High resolution and comprehensive techniques to analyze aerobic methane oxidation in mesocosm experiments, OS33A-2013Abstract Title: Investigating the chemical and isotopic kinetics of aerobic methane oxidation in the Northern US Atlantic Margin, Hudson Canyon
Shilling, J.
A21A-0077Abstract Title: Seasonal Differences in Aerosol Chemical Properties at a Site Along the Eastern Seaboard: Observations from the Two-Column Aerosol Project (TCAP), A21A-0091Abstract Title: Online Measurements and Modeling of Isoprene Photo-oxidation Products: Insights from the Laboratory and SOAS Field Campaign, A42B-04Abstract Title: Source Attribution of Observed Absorption Profiles During the Two Column Aerosol Project (TCAP) Using a Regional Model
Shilling, J. E.
A23H-07Abstract Title: Influence of anthropogenic emissions on the production of organic particulate matter during GoAmazon2014/5, A31A-0020Abstract Title: Emission and Chemistry of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) as Observed at T3: Contrast of the Dry and Wet Seasons, B43F-0612Abstract Title: Improved tropical forest biogenic VOC emission factors based on GoAmazon2014/5 airborne observations
Shillington, D. J.
MR33A-2650Abstract Title: P-and S-wave velocities of exhumed metasediments from the Aleutian subduction megathrust: Implications for the interpretation of low velocity zones and fault reflectivity, T14A-07Abstract Title: Extension and magmatism across the Suwanee Suture and South Georgia Basin from the SUGAR seismic refraction experiment, T33D-2970Abstract Title: Seafloor surface processes and subsurface paleo-channel unconformities mapped using multi-channel seismic and multi-beam sonar data from the Galicia 3D seismic experiment., T43H-02Abstract Title: Active-source seismic imaging below Lake Malawi (Nyasa) from the SEGMeNT project, T43H-04Abstract Title: Crustal Strain Patterns in Magmatic and Amagmatic Early Stage Rifts: Border Faults, Magma Intrusion, and Volatiles, T51E-2937Abstract Title: The Central Lake Malawi (Nyasa) Rift: single or multiple rift segments?, T51G-3000Abstract Title: Rayleigh-wave imaging of upper-mantle shear velocities beneath the Malawi Rift; Preliminary results from the SEGMeNT experiment, T51G-3003Abstract Title: Crustal Structure in Northern Malawi and Southern Tanzania surrounding Lake Malawi and the Rungwe Volcanic Province, V12A-05Abstract Title: Seismic structure of the ~50 Myr fast and intermediate North Pacific oceanic crust off Alaska
Shilova, I. N.
B21C-0443Abstract Title: Using the urtA Gene to Profile Nitrogen Stress Adaptation and Spatio-Temporal Abundance of Synechococcus Clades in the California Current System
Shilpakar, P.
T42A-07Abstract Title: Terrestrial Laser Scanner analysis of diffusion degradation models in morphological dating of fault scarp surfaces
Shim, C.
A22B-04Abstract Title: Sensitivity Analysis of PM2.5 in Seoul to Emissions and Reaction Rates Using the GEOS-Chem and its Adjoint Model, NH33C-1937Abstract Title: Projection of Future Heatwave and Its Potential Exposure in Korea
Shim, J. S.
ED21A-0821Abstract Title: Discover Space Weather and Sun’s Superpowers: Using CCMC’s innovative tools and applications, SA31E-2376Abstract Title: Quantitative Evaluation of Ionosphere Models for Reproducing Regional TEC During Geomagnetic Storms
Shim, J. K.
G51A-1066Abstract Title: Retrieval and Validation of Precipitable Water Vapor using GPS Datasets of Mobile Observation Vehicle in the Eastern Coast of Korea
Shim, S. H.
MR13C-2711Abstract Title: Effects of Compositional Variation of Basalt on Subducting Slabs over Time, MR23B-2659Abstract Title: Crystal Structure of Pure and Aluminous Calcium Silicate Perovskites at Mantle Related Pressure and Temperature, MR23B-2660Abstract Title: Stability of Pure Hydrous Silica at Geotherm Temperatures up to 70 GPa
Shim, S. H. D.
DI11C-2601Abstract Title: Iron Partitioning and Oxidation State in Earth’s Lower Mantle, DI14A-04Abstract Title: Low Fe3+ in Bridgmanite and Possible Existence of an Oxidizing Layer in the Mid Mantle, DI52B-01Abstract Title: Un-Earth-like interiors of the Earth-like planets
Shim, T.
GC41A-1069Abstract Title: Long-term change in surface air temperature over Eurasian continent and possible contribution from land-surface conditions.
Shima, H.
NH41C-1841Abstract Title: The influence of fine sediment on the fluidity of debris flows based on the equilibrium concentration and friction coefficient
Shimabukuro, D.
H51O-1631Abstract Title: Using Oil and Gas Well Log Records to Understand Possible Connections Between Wastewater Injection Zones and Usable Groundwater Aquifers in California
Shimabukuro, Y.
B13F-0688Abstract Title: Effects of Fire on Net Radiation and Evapotranspiration in a Mature Forest Plot in Para State, Eastern Brazilian Amazon
Shimada, A.
NH11A-1886Abstract Title: The shapes of fragments in hypervelocity impact experiments ranging from cratering to catastrophic disruption
Shimada, K.
T51A-2837Abstract Title: Constraints on timing of faulting events associated with plastic deformations of biotites based on fission-track thermochronometry
Shimada, M.
B41H-03Abstract Title: Global Forest/Non-Forest coverage and the change between 2007 and 2015 using the PALSAR and PALSAR-2, G13B-04Abstract Title: Line of Sight Displacement from ALOS-2 ScanSAR Interferometry: Burst Alignment and the Mw 7.8 Gorkha, Nepal Earthquake
Shimada, S.
GC53E-1247Abstract Title: Annual variations in sea surface wind speed around Japan observed by ASCAT
Shimada, T.
NH41B-1820Abstract Title: Characteristics of the occurrence of shallow landslides depend on the process of whole-mountain denudation in granitic areas of western Japan.
Shimamoto, T.
T53A-03Abstract Title: Ultrafine Spherical Quartz Formation during Seismic Fault Slip: Natural and Experimental Evidence and Its Implications
Shimbo, T.
T51D-2933Abstract Title: Detection of Interplate Earthquakes in the Source Area of the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake Using Extensive Seafloor Aftershock Observation Data
Shimeld, J.
T43F-07Abstract Title: Wrench faulting in the Canada Basin, Arctic Ocean
Shimizu, A.
H51N-1581Abstract Title: Water cycle observations in forest watersheds of Cambodia
Shimizu, H.
SM24A-08Abstract Title: Kaguya observations of the lunar wake in the terrestrial foreshock
Shimizu, I.
T33H-08Abstract Title: Stress states in subduction zones: Extrapolation of flow laws and piezometric relations of quartz to high-P/low-T metamorphic conditions
Shimizu, K.
V13A-3091Abstract Title: Parameterized Lattice Strain Models for REE Partitioning between Amphibole and Silicate Melt
Shimizu, K.
V11D-3083Abstract Title: Source Evolution After Subduction Initiation as Recorded in the Izu-Bonin-Mariana Fore-arc Crust
Shimizu, K.
B51H-0529Abstract Title: Mapping genetic and phylogenetic diversity of a temperate forest using remote sensing based upscaling methods
Shimizu, M.
MR21A-2607Abstract Title: CHIME monazite dating using FE-EPMA equipped with R=100 mm spectrometers, T21D-2868Abstract Title: Hydrogeological and Seismic Responses to Incoming Materials at the Non-Accreting Margin, Offshore the Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica
Shimizu, M.
B53D-0591Abstract Title: Molecular phylogeography of the Andean alpine plant, Gunnera magellanica
Shimizu, N.
V33A-3085Abstract Title: Solubility and Partitioning of Carbon and Sulfur in Fe-rich Alloy and Silicate Melt Systems at High Pressures and Temperatures: Implications for Earth’s Heterogeneous Accretion
Shimizu, N.
V13B-3116Abstract Title: Deciphering the thermal and mixing history of the Pleistocene rhyolite magma chamber at Augustine Volcano
Shimizu, T.
H51N-1581Abstract Title: Water cycle observations in forest watersheds of Cambodia
Shimkus, C.
PA43D-04Abstract Title: Flood Losses Associated with Winter Storms in the U.S. Northeast
Shimoda, G.
DI31A-2573Abstract Title: Difference in dehydration condition and variation in amount of dehydration water: a possible origin of HIMU-FOZO-PREMA reservoirs
Shimojo, M.
SH43B-2447Abstract Title: A Comparative Study of Confined and Eruptive Solar Flares using Microwave Observations
Shimoyama, Y.
DI31B-2595Abstract Title: Thermal elastic properties of liquid Fe-C at high pressure, DI52A-07Abstract Title: The effects of pressure and alloying Ni and C on sound velocity of liquid Fe-alloys
Shin, B.
A11G-0142Abstract Title: OC and EC Observed at Gosan Climate Observatory (GCO) and Their Seasonal Characteristics During Haze Events, A11G-0151Abstract Title: Carbon and nitrogen isotopic composition of PM2.5 at a periurban Mt. Taehwa near Seoul and over the Yellow Sea
Shin, B. S.
EP23B-0951Abstract Title: Shoreline Change Monitoring Using High Resolution Digital Photogrammetric Technique
Shin, C. W.
OS53B-2024Abstract Title: Results of monitoring of Equatorial Front at the northern Peruvian coastal site since December 2014
Shin, C.
NG23A-1764Abstract Title: Multiphase flow modeling of landslide induced impulse wave by VOF method
Shin, C.
B31D-0588Abstract Title: Velocity models and images using full waveform inversion and reverse time migration for the offshore permafrost in the Canadian shelf of Beaufort Sea, Arctic
Shin, C. S.
OS53A-2009Abstract Title: Asian Summer Monsoon Rainfall associated with ENSO and its Predictability
Shin, D. K.
SM21A-2467Abstract Title: Statistical Features of EMIC Waves Observed on Van Allen Probes in the Inner Magnetosphere, SM21A-2468Abstract Title: Van Allen Probes observations of EMIC events triggered by solar wind dynamic pressure enhancements , SM41A-2477Abstract Title: Transfer of Real-time Dynamic Radiation Environment Assimilation Model; Research to Operation
Shin, D. W.
A23E-0386Abstract Title: Evaluation of crop yield simulations in the SE USA using the NARCCAP regional climate models
Shin, D. B.
H11O-06Abstract Title: Precipitation Retrievals for GMI with Consideration of Multi-viewing Directions Based on 3-D and 1-D Radiative Transfer Models, H13H-1654Abstract Title: Assessment of WRF microphysics schemes to simulate extreme precipitation events from the perspective of GMI radiative signatures
Shin, G. H.
SA51C-2413Abstract Title: Development of Space Science Instruments for Next Generation Small Satellite -1
Shin, H. J.
A11G-0147Abstract Title: Measurements of physical and chemical properties of urban aerosols and their CCN activities in Seoul during the KORUS-AQ pre-campaign, A11G-0152Abstract Title: Daily variation of organic aerosol concentration and composition in Seoul, Korea during KORUS pre-campaign
Shin, J. S.
S13B-2848Abstract Title: Microevent Detection Based on Waveform Cross-correlation in the Dogye Mining Area, Korea, S41A-2709Abstract Title: Retrieving both phase and amplitude information of Green’s functions by ambient seismic wave field cross-correlation: A case study with a limestone mine induced seismic event, S53A-2775Abstract Title: Double-difference Relocation of Earthquakes in Western Korea, 2009-2015
Shin, J.
PP41B-2233Abstract Title: Changes in CO2 concentration and carbon cycle during the last glacial termination
Shin, J. Y.
H21I-1509Abstract Title: Impacts of Characteristics of Errors in Radar Rainfall Estimates for Rainfall-Runoff Simulation
Shin, K. C.
H42F-02Abstract Title: Identification and comparison of bedrock groundwater contribution in headwater streams using Strontium isotope
Shin, S.
G31A-1091Abstract Title: Correlation between land use changes and shoreline changes around THE Nakdong River in Korea using landsat images., S23B-2707Abstract Title: Recovering Long-wavelength Velocity Models using Spectrogram Inversion with Single- and Multi-frequency Components
Shin, T. C.
G13A-1000Abstract Title: The analysis of interseismic GPS observation and its implication to seismic activity in Taiwan area
Shin, Y.
A33R-03Abstract Title: Do convective schemes substantially alter simulated global climate and cloud feedback?
Shin, Y.
B11G-0515Abstract Title: Impacts of Forest and Agricultural Land Use on Stream Dissolved Organic Carbon During Storms, B11G-0530Abstract Title: Ages and Loads of Riverine Carbon of the Five Largest Rivers in South Korea
Shin, Y.
GC51D-1114Abstract Title: Development of Crop Yield Estimation Method by Applying Seasonal Climate Prediction in Asia-Pacific Region
Shinbori, A.
SA23D-2365Abstract Title: Long-term variation in the ionosphere and lower thermosphere as seen in the geomagnetic solar quiet daily variation, SM11A-05Abstract Title: Dawn-dusk asymmetry of SI-induced transient ionospheric convection, SM12B-05Abstract Title: Simultaneous ground-based and satellite observations of MF/HF auroral radio emissions
Shindell, D. T.
A41P-03Abstract Title: Climate impacts of regional SO2 emissions, A43G-0376Abstract Title: Benchmarking Climate Model Top-of-atmosphere Radiance in the 9.6 Micron Ozone Band Using TES and IASI Observations
Shingler, T.
A23L-06Abstract Title: Aerosol Types using Passive Remote Sensing: Global Distribution, Consistency Check, Total-Column Investigation and Translation into Composition Derived from Climate and Chemical Transport Model
Shinmei, T.
DI11C-2600Abstract Title: Stability region of the liebermannite-lingunite solid solution
Shinmoto, Y.
H11B-1330Abstract Title: Bouncing Core Barrels: Measuring Elastic Rebound In Recovering Inner Core Barrels From 7000+ mBRT.
Shinn, Y. J.
H53H-1762Abstract Title: Geomechanical Risk Assessment on Shear Activation of Faults in the CO2 Storage Test Site, Offshore Pohang, South Korea
Shinneman, D. J.
B43C-0574Abstract Title: Improved Radiometric Capabilities of Landsat 8, Coupled With Lidar, Estimate Semi-arid Rangeland Biomass and Cover
Shinoda, T.
A21M-03Abstract Title: Prediction of Ocean Circulation Associated with the MJO during CINDY/DYNAMO by a Global Coupled Model
Shinohara, H.
NH41E-04Abstract Title: Use of Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) in Response to the 2014 Eruption of Ontake Volcano, Japan
Shinohara, I.
SM44A-05Abstract Title: Kink-mode oscillations of the magnetotail current sheet driven by quasi-continuous reconnection during a steady magnetospheric convection: Geotail and THEMIS conjunction, SM51A-2543Abstract Title: Two types of flow reversal events observed in magnetotail
Shinohara, M.
DI13B-2653Abstract Title: Repeating long-term ocean bottom seismic observations in the southern part of Japan Sea, NS31A-1945Abstract Title: Development of an Underwater Gravity Measurement System Using Autonomous Underwater Vehicle, S31A-2733Abstract Title: Further evidence for the occurrence of tectonic tremor in the Japan Trench subduction zone, T12C-02Abstract Title: Vp structure in the largest slip area of the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake by airgun-ocean bottom seismometer surveys, T31B-2878Abstract Title: Fundamental structure model of island arcs and subducted plates in and around Japan, T51D-2933Abstract Title: Detection of Interplate Earthquakes in the Source Area of the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake Using Extensive Seafloor Aftershock Observation Data
Shinohara, R.
OS21A-1977Abstract Title: Aspects of the bottom sediment of Lake Nakaumi and Honjo area ~ featuring with organic matter and the Sulfides ~
Shinohara, Y.
H11G-1428Abstract Title: Application of Three Canopy Interception Models in a Japanese Cedar (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don) Forest Before and After Intensive Thinning
Shinozaki, T.
NH24A-04Abstract Title: Inorganic and organic geochemical signatures of tsunami deposits, NH33A-1909Abstract Title: The geological record of prehistorical tsunami at a coastal area of Beppu Bay in eastern Kyushu, Japan
Shinozuka, Y.
A23F-0394Abstract Title: Highlights from 4STAR Sky-Scanning Retrievals of Aerosol Intensive Optical Properties from Multiple Field Campaigns with Detailed Comparisons of SSA Reported During SEAC4RS, A31D-0087Abstract Title: The relationship between cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) concentration and light extinction of dried particles: indications of underlying aerosol processes and implications for satellite-based CCN estimate, A42A-08Abstract Title: Implications of using transmitted vs. reflected light for determining cloud properties, cloud radiative effects and aerosol-cloud-interactions, A42B-04Abstract Title: Source Attribution of Observed Absorption Profiles During the Two Column Aerosol Project (TCAP) Using a Regional Model
Shintani, C. M.
EP43B-0976Abstract Title: Comparing Remote Sensing Techniques in Detecting Salmonid Habitat, Salmon River, Oregon
Shiobara, H.
DI13B-2653Abstract Title: Repeating long-term ocean bottom seismic observations in the southern part of Japan Sea, S23D-2771Abstract Title: Upper mantle structures beneath the South Pacific superswell region using broadband data from ocean floor and islands, T43G-06Abstract Title: Long-term Observation of Seafloor Disturbances by Array of Pressure Gauges, T51D-2933Abstract Title: Detection of Interplate Earthquakes in the Source Area of the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake Using Extensive Seafloor Aftershock Observation Data
Shiobara, M.
A11C-0055Abstract Title: Lidar Observations of Arctic Aerosols and Clouds in the Free Troposphere for More than Fifteen Months over Svalbard, A33D-0210Abstract Title: Seasonal features of black carbon measured at Syowa Station, Antarctica, A41H-0146Abstract Title: Physical Characteristics of Arctic Clouds from Ground-based Remote-sensing with a Polarized Micro-Pulse Lidar and a 95-GHz Cloud Radar in Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard, A41H-0154Abstract Title: 10-Year Observations of Cloud and Surface Longwave Radiation at Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard, A43A-0246Abstract Title: Development of new shipborne aureolemeter to measure the intensities of both direct and circumsolar radiation., A43B-0266Abstract Title: Cloud fractions estimated from shipboard whole-sky camera and ceilometer observations
Shiogama, H.
GC41A-1066Abstract Title: The C20C+ Detection and Attribution Project, GC44A-07Abstract Title: Global and Regional Variations in Mean Temperature and Warm Extremes in Large-Member Historical AGCM Simulation
Shiokawa, K.
SA13B-2358Abstract Title: East-west asymmetric of scintillation occurrence in Indonesia using GPS and GLONASS observations, SA23B-2352Abstract Title: Ionospheric Plasma Circulation Associated with Polar Cap Arcs Detached from the Auroral Oval, SA31D-2370Abstract Title: Ionospheric convection associated with low-latitude aurora observed at Rikubetsu, Hokkaido, Japan during the 2015 St. Patrick’s Day storm, SM12B-03Abstract Title: Substorm Bulge/Surge Controlled by Polar Cap Flow Channels, SM13D-2538Abstract Title: Statistical Analysis of Severe Magnetic Fluctuations in the near-Earth Magnetotail Observed by THEMIS-E , SM21A-2477Abstract Title: ELF/VLF waves related to magnetospheric compression: conjugated observations from satellite- and subauroral ground-based instruments., SM23C-2569Abstract Title: On the formation and origin of substorm growth phase/onset auroral arcs inferred from conjugate space-ground observations, SM23C-2570Abstract Title: Polar Cap Precursor of Nightside Auroral Oval Intensifications Using Polar Cap Arcs, SM41H-2576Abstract Title: Statistical study of propagation characteristics of Pc1 pearl structures using conjugate ground-satellite observations
Shiomi, K.
S34B-07Abstract Title: Depth-dependence of time-lapse seismic velocity change detected by a joint interferometric analysis of vertical array data, S41B-2746Abstract Title: Monitoring of Seismic Anisotropy at the Time of the 2008 Iwate-Miyagi Earthquake., S42B-08Abstract Title: Reflection imaging from crust to core, S53A-2782Abstract Title: First Version of Japan Unified High-resolution Relocated Catalog for Earthquakes by JUICE Project, T21D-2852Abstract Title: High-resolution image of the subducting Philippine Sea plate beneath western Shikoku, southwest Japan
Shiomi, K.
A41I-0159Abstract Title: GOSAT-OCO-2 synergetic CO2 observations over calibration & validation sites and large emission sources, A41I-0162Abstract Title: GOSAT CO2 and CH4 validation activity with a portable FTS at Pasadena, Chino, and Railroad Valley, A41I-0165Abstract Title: GOSAT TIR radiometric validation toward simultaneous GHG column and profile observation, A41I-0169Abstract Title: Characteristics of Four-years of GOSAT/TANSO-FTS TIR V1.0 CO2 and CH4 Products, A41I-0183Abstract Title: Impact of differences in line parameter databases on methane retrieval through radiative transfer calculation, A43B-0280Abstract Title: Improved slicing method for GOSAT cloud detection using TIR spectra
Shipley, T. F.
ED21D-0843Abstract Title: Teaching Spatial Thinking in Undergraduate Geology Courses Using Tools and Strategies from Cognitive Science Research, EP43A-0965Abstract Title: Robotic Measurement of Aeolian Processes
Shipman, J. S.
PA21A-2156Abstract Title: Developing Short Films of Geoscience Research
Shipp, R. C.
OS22B-03Abstract Title: Stable Gas Hydrates Beneath a BSR: Implications for Resource Inventories and Shallow Hydrocarbon Fluid Flow
Shipp, S. S.
ED42A-08Abstract Title: Lessons Learned at LPI for Scientists in Education and Public Outreach, ED43D-0896Abstract Title: Partnering to Enhance Planetary Science Education and Public Outreach Programs, ED53DAbstract Title: Sharing Best Practices and Effective Models for Program Evaluation and Demonstrating the Impact of Your Education and Public Outreach Programs Posters
Shippert, T.
A24D-08Abstract Title: Measuring the Impact of Rising CO2 and CH4 on the Surface Energy Balance
Shipton, G.
NH51C-1895Abstract Title: Quantifying Gas Within the Elkhorn Slough Sediments, Central California
Shipway, B. J.
A34E-02Abstract Title: Arctic Aerosol-­Cloud Interactions during ASCOS
Shirai, T.
T12C-03Abstract Title: Wide-angle seismic survey in the trench-outer rise region of the central Japan Trench, V21A-3026Abstract Title: Crustal thickness of the Ontong Java Plateau and deep reflections near the base of its crust
Shirai, T.
A33F-0247Abstract Title: Carbon Flux Estimation in Southeast Asia using a Eulerian-Lagrangian Coupled Inversion System and Observational Data from Multiple Platforms, B23G-0679Abstract Title: Top-Down Assessment of the Asian Carbon Budget Since the Mid 1990s
Shiraishi, K.
T21D-2863Abstract Title: Interferometric imaging of crustal structure from wide-angle multicomponent OBS-airgun data, T31B-2875Abstract Title: Concentration of strain in a marginal rift zone of the Japan backarc during post-rift compression
Shiraishi, K.
A11C-0055Abstract Title: Lidar Observations of Arctic Aerosols and Clouds in the Free Troposphere for More than Fifteen Months over Svalbard, A33K-0340Abstract Title: Vertical distribution of non-volatile species of upper tropospheric and lower stratospheric aerosol observed by balloon-borne optical particle counter above Ny-Aalesund, Norway in the winter of 2015
Shiraiwa, M.
A11B-0039Abstract Title: Competing effects of viscosity and surface-tension depression on the hygroscopicity and CCN activity of laboratory surrogates for oligomers in atmospheric aerosol, A13E-0384Abstract Title: Competition between functionalization and fragmentation pathways in the OH-initiated oxidation of aqueous tartaric acid droplets: Reaction products and model simulations, A43A-0254Abstract Title: Molecular Corridor Based Approach for Description of Evolution of Secondary Organic Aerosols
Shiraiwa, T.
C13C-0836Abstract Title: Ice core records of monoterpene- and isoprene-SOA tracers from Aurora Peak in Alaska since 1660s: Implication for climate variability in the North Pacific Rim
Shirey, S. B.
DI53A-07Abstract Title: Os-isotopic Compositions of Peridotite Xenoliths from the Oceanic Mantle: Implications for the Age of Isotopic Domains in the Oceanic Mantle., V11C-3079Abstract Title: Neoproterozic Re-Os age of a sulfide inclusion in a superdeep diamond: Implications for mantle convection beneath Juina, Brazil, V44A-01Abstract Title: How Recycling of Sediments and Oceanic Crust Have Changed the Nd-Hf Isotopic Composition of the Mantle through Time
Shirley, J. H.
P22A-03Abstract Title: A widespread low-latitude diurnal CO2 frost cycle on Mars revealed by Mars Climate Sounder observations, P23B-2129Abstract Title: A Stormy Forecast for the Upcoming Dust Storm Season on Mars, P23B-2130Abstract Title: Orbit-Spin Coupling Accelerations and Global Dust Storm Intermittency on Mars
Shirzaei, M.
G11C-07Abstract Title: Deep and shallow sources for the Lusi mud eruption revealed by surface deformation, G13A-0997Abstract Title: Updated Long Term Fault Slip Rates and Seismic Hazard in the Central Alborz, Iran: New Constraints From InSAR and GPS, G13BAbstract Title: Recent Advances in the Application of InSAR and High-Resolution Geodetic Data for Crustal Deformation Research I, G21AAbstract Title: Recent Advances in the Application of InSAR and High-Resolution Geodetic Data for Crustal Deformation Research II Posters, G41A-1004Abstract Title: 4D map of the Kilauea summit shallow magmatic system constrained by InSAR time series and geometry-free inversions, NS43A-1950Abstract Title: Spatiotemporal distribution of strain field and hydraulic conductivity at the Phoenix valley basins, constrained using InSAR time series and time-dependent models , P23A-2114Abstract Title: Constraining planetary atmospheric density: application of heuristic search algorithms to aerodynamic modeling of impact ejecta trajectories, S13B-2835Abstract Title: Earthquake Weather: Linking Seismicity to Changes in Barometric Pressure, Earth Tides, and Rainfall, S21C-05Abstract Title: Surface uplift and time-dependent seismic hazard due to fluid-injection in eastern Texas, T43C-3015Abstract Title: Creep avalanches on the Central San Andreas Fault: Clues and Causes
Shishikura, M.
NH33A-1904Abstract Title: New Geological Evidence of Past Earthquakes and Tsunami Along the Nankai Trough, Japan
Shiu, J.
ED41A-0835Abstract Title: δ18O and Mg/Ca Analysis on Mid-Pleistocene Foraminifera from the Bay of Bengal
Shivers, S.
GC23K-1236Abstract Title: Using Imaging Spectrometry to Identify Crops in California’s Central Valley
Shkolyar, S.
P43D-2153Abstract Title: Impact of Diagenesis on Biosignature Preservation Potential in Playa Lake Evaporites in Verde Formation, Arizona: Implications for Mars Exploration  
Shkuratov, Y.
P11C-2108Abstract Title: Explanation of Europa’s Unusual Polarization Properties: The Regolith is Sub-micron, Fine-Grained, High Porosity Material
Shmelev, D.
GC23J-1223Abstract Title: Ice-Rich Yedoma Permafrost: A Synthesis of Circum-Arctic Distribution and Thickness
Shneider, M.
AE33C-0505Abstract Title: Similarity Analysis of the Streamer Zone of Blue Jets and Gigantic Blue Jets
Shneider, M.
AE31A-0413Abstract Title: Model of the Streamer Zone of a Leader
Shobe, C. M.
EP53A-0960Abstract Title: The Influence of Hillslope Steepness on Sediment Supply Size Distribution along Rivers Draining the Colorado Front Range, EP53B-1022Abstract Title: Big Blocks and River Incision: A Numerical Modeling Perspective
Shock, E.
P13E-06Abstract Title: MASPEX EUROPA, V21D-04Abstract Title: Radiogenic Isotope Constraints on Fluid Sources in the Yellowstone Hydrothermal System, V21D-07Abstract Title: Mineral-catalyzed dehydrogenation of C6 cyclic hydrocarbons: results from experimental studies under hydrothermal conditions
Shohei, N.
T13D-3036Abstract Title: Development of the cloud sharing system for residential earthquake responses using smartphones
Shojaee, M.
H41G-1410Abstract Title: Urban River Restoration in Tehran: Challenges and Opportunities
Shoji, K.
ED33D-0962Abstract Title: Carbon Nanotubes-Mediated Reduction of Hematite by Shewanella oneidensis MR-1
Shoji, M.
SM21A-2469Abstract Title: Effects of electromagnetic ion cyclotron rising tone emissions on the magnetospheric plasmas, SM41H-2577Abstract Title: Statistical analysis of plasmaspheric magnetosonic mode waves from Van Allen Probes observations
Shoji, Y.
P11B-2094Abstract Title: Development of the Circumpolar Stratospheric Telescope FUJIN for Observations of Planets
Shokouhi, P.
MR41D-2685Abstract Title: Slow Dynamics in Berea Sandstone: a Non-logarithmic Relaxation at Early Times Revealed by Dynamic Acousto-Elasticity.
Shonk, J.
A23O-04Abstract Title: Investigating Model Initial Drift in the Tropics in Seasonal Hindcasts
Shook, K.
H11E-1378Abstract Title: Modelling the effects of Prairie wetlands on streamflow
Shook, M.
A13D-0372Abstract Title: In-Flight Chemical Composition Observations of Aircraft Emissions using a High-Resolution Time-of-Flight Aerosol Mass Spectrometer, A13D-0375Abstract Title: Influence of Jet Fuel Composition on Aircraft Engine Emissions: A Synthesis of Aerosol Emissions Data from the NASA APEX, AAFEX, and ACCESS Missions, A21A-0027Abstract Title: The Influence of Aerosol Composition on Photolysis Rates Based on Airborne Observations, A32D-05Abstract Title: Spatial Distribution of Aerosols in Four U.S. Regions: Impacts on Satellite Measurements
Shope, C. L.
H21F-1445Abstract Title: Watershed Influences on Residence Time and Oxygen Reduction Rates in an Agricultural Landscape
Shor, L. M.
B23E-0644Abstract Title: Role of Soil Microstructure in Microbially-mediated Drying Resistance
Shore, P.
C11C-0775Abstract Title: Seismic Excitation of the Ross Ice Shelf by Whillans Ice Stream Stick-Slip Events, T41D-2921Abstract Title: Teleseismic Body Wave Analysis of the Madagascan Asthenosphere, and the Relationship to Intraplate Volcanism
Shorey, B. U.
ED21A-0811Abstract Title: The Puzzle of Science; Making Sense of Incomplete Information
Short, K.
A33D-0196Abstract Title: Quantification of Brown Carbon Mass Absorption Cross Section from Sources through the Application of Physical and Mathematical Segregation of Black Carbon
Shorter, J. H.
A32A-02Abstract Title: Advances in Methane Isotope Measurements via Direct Absorption Spectroscopy with Applications to Oil and Gas Source Characterization, B41C-0443Abstract Title: Long-term data on δ13C-CH4 emissions elucidate drivers of CH4 metabolism in temperate and northern wetlands
Shortridge, J.
H32A-06Abstract Title: Non-linear Regression and Machine Learning for Streamflow Prediction and Climate Change Impact Analysis, H32F-05Abstract Title: Identifying and Addressing Infrastructure Vulnerabilities Under Climate Change in Data-Scarce Regions: the Role of Conservation
Shorttle, O.
DI31B-2583Abstract Title: The Temperature of the Icelandic Mantle Plume from Aluminium-in-Olivine Thermometry, DI51C-03Abstract Title: Geochemical constraints on magma formation and transport processes, T44C-02Abstract Title: Lithology and temperature: How key mantle variables control rift volcanism
Shory, R.
B31G-02Abstract Title: What You See Depends on Your Point of View: Comparison of Greenness Indices Across Spatial and Temporal Scales and What That Means for Mule Deer Migration and Fitness
Shou, Y.
P31E-2114Abstract Title: A study of the variation of physical conditions in the cometary coma based on a 3D multi-fluid model, P31E-2116Abstract Title: Four-fluid MHD Simulations of the Plasma and Neutral Gas Environment of Comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko Near Perihelio
Shovkoplyas, A.
SA51B-2405Abstract Title: e-POP Radio Science Using Amateur Radio Transmissions
Showalter, G. M.
P11B-2082Abstract Title: A Holographic Microscope for Detection of Microorganisms on Icy Worlds
Showalter, L. M.
IN33D-1822Abstract Title: The Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative Information and Data Cooperative: Multidisciplinary data management from the ground up
Showalter, M.
P51A-2031Abstract Title: Shapes and Rotations of the Small Satellites of Pluto, P51B-2063Abstract Title: Studies of Saturn’s Main Rings at Multiple Wavelengths
Showen, R. L.
S52B-04Abstract Title: Using Gunshot Detection Systems to Fight Explosive Fishing Practices
Showers, W. J.
Showman, A. P.
P11E-07Abstract Title: Effects of Bulk Composition on the Atmospheric Dynamics on Close-in Exoplanets, P23A-2099Abstract Title: Atmospheric Circulation of Brown Dwarfs and Directly Imaged Extrasolar Giant Planets, P23A-2100Abstract Title: Dayside-Nightside Temperature Differences in Hot Jupiter Atmospheres
Shpadi, M.
AE31B-0430Abstract Title: Scientific Lightning Detection Network for Kazakhstan
Shpadi, Y.
AE31B-0430Abstract Title: Scientific Lightning Detection Network for Kazakhstan
Shprits, Y.
GP33A-05Abstract Title: Can Impact-generated Plasmas be Responsible for Magnetization on the Moon?, SH51B-2449Abstract Title: Kalman Filtering and Smoothing of the Van Allen Probes Observations to Estimate the Radial, Energy and Pitch Angle Diffusion Rates, SM13GAbstract Title: Recent Advances in Understanding the Magnetospheric Waves and Their Effects on Energetic Particles I, SM21AAbstract Title: Recent Advances in Understanding the Magnetospheric Waves and Their Effects on Energetic Particles II Posters, SM21A-2504Abstract Title: Improved Empirical Models of Plasmaspheric Hiss Intensity and Spectral Distribution, SM21A-2505Abstract Title: Numerical Techniques for Coupled Ring Current - Radiation Belt Modelling, SM23DAbstract Title: Recent Advances in Understanding the Magnetospheric Waves and Their Effects on Energetic Particles III, SM23D-05Abstract Title: New Loss Model of Energetic and Relativistic Electrons Based on Van Allen Probes Measurements, SM24BAbstract Title: Recent Advances in Understanding the Magnetospheric Waves and Their Effects on Energetic Particles IV, SM41A-2468Abstract Title: Data assimialation for real-time prediction and reanalysis, SM41D-2514Abstract Title: A third radiation zone at relativistic energies observed by SAMPEX HILT during the Bastille Day event, SM41G-2564Abstract Title: Automated Determination of Electron Density from Electric Field Measurements on the Van Allen Probes Spacecraft, SM52A-05Abstract Title: Three-dimensional data assimilation and reanalysis of radiation belt electrons: Observations over two solar cycles, and operational forecasting., SM52B-01Abstract Title: THE CLUSTER INNER MAGNETOSPHERE CAMPAIGN - RESULTS OF EMW WAVES STUDY., SM53A-01Abstract Title: Simulations of the Dynamics of the Coupled Energetic and Relativistic Electrons Using VERB Code
Shragge, J. C.
S21A-2668Abstract Title: Are seismic velocity time-lapse changes due to fluid substitution or matrix dissolution? A CO2 sequestration study at Pohokura Field, New Zealand, S23C-2753Abstract Title: Wave-equation migration velocity inversion using passive seismic sources, S33F-02Abstract Title: The Utility of the Extended Images in Ambient Seismic Wavefield Migration
Shrestha, A.
C33B-0815Abstract Title: Glacio-hydrological Modeling in the Glacierized Tamor River Basin, Eastern Nepal using Temperature Index Melt Approach.
Shrestha, A. K.
GC31D-1211Abstract Title: ERBE Wide-Field-of-View Nonscanner Data Reprocessing and revisiting its Radiation dataset from 1985 to 199
Shrestha, B. R.
H53G-1732Abstract Title: Characterizing hydrological hazards and trends with the NASA South Asia Land Data Assimilation System
Shrestha, G.
H23A-1552Abstract Title: Performance evaluation of ground-source heat pump system and development of suitability map for its installation
Shrestha, G.
GC12BAbstract Title: Second State of the Carbon Cycle Report (2016):€“ A Special Scientific Assessment of Current Status and Opportunities I, GC12B-02Abstract Title: Assessing and Synthesizing the Last Decade of Research on the Major Pools and Fluxes of the Carbon Cycle in the US and North America: An Interagency Governmental Perspective, GC12B-05Abstract Title: Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks: an overview of planned improvements to the methodologies and activity data used to develop the carbon estimates in the Land Use, Land-use Change, and Forestry (LULUCF) sector, GC12B-07Abstract Title: The Contribution of Soils to North America’s Current and Future Climate, GC13FAbstract Title: Second State of the Carbon Cycle Report (2016):€“ A Special Scientific Assessment of Current Status and Opportunities II Posters, TH22DAbstract Title: Decadal USGCRP Science Assessment of the Carbon Cycle in the US and North America:  The 2nd State of the Carbon Cycle Report (SOCCR-2)
Shrestha, K. B.
GC21A-1080Abstract Title: Monsoon Season Moisture Deficit Limits Growth in Co-Occurring Alpine Shrub (Cassiope fastigata) and Tree (Abies spectabilis) Species in the Central Himalayas, Nepal
Shrestha, M.
C33A-0797Abstract Title: Hydrological system dynamics of glaciated Karnali River Basin Nepal Himalaya using J2000 Hydrological model, GC24A-06Abstract Title: Climate change and livestock system in mountain: Understanding from Gandaki River basin of Nepal Himalaya.
Shrestha, N. S.
GC21A-1084Abstract Title: Analysis of climatic variability and its response to streamflow of Langtang River basin of Nepal., GC24A-06Abstract Title: Climate change and livestock system in mountain: Understanding from Gandaki River basin of Nepal Himalaya.
Shrestha, P.
A51K-0211Abstract Title: Improved Understanding of an Extreme Rainfall Event at the Himalayan Foothills
Shrestha, P. L.
S41D-02Abstract Title: Slip pulse characteristics, Kathmandu basin resonance and high-frequency waves radiation during unzipping of locked MHT by the 2015, Mw 7.8 Gorkha earthquake, Nepal., S41D-03Abstract Title: Slip kinematics and ground motions of the 2015 Mw7.8 Gorkha, Nepal earthquake imaged with 5Hz GPS data and ALOS-2 InSAR constraints
Shrestha, R. R.
GC53B-1206Abstract Title: How Robust are our Hydrologic Models in Simulating Streamflow Alterations in a Changing Climate?
Shrestha, R. L.
C33G-07Abstract Title: Multispectral Airborne Mapping LiDAR Observations of the McMurdo Dry Valleys, NH43A-1857Abstract Title: Mapping Slumgullion Landslide in Colorado, USA Using Airborne Repeat-Pass InSAR
Shrestha, R. K.
H51D-1402Abstract Title: Space-time downscaling of precipitation for high resolution LDAS experiment
Shrestha, S. R.
PA11A-2146Abstract Title: Enhancing the Scientific Data Delivery, Workflow and Consumption
Shrestha, S.
S42C-01Abstract Title: Ground Motions during the 2015 Gorkha, Nepal, Earthquake: An Expected Event that Defied Expectations
Shrivastava, M. N.
NH23C-1893Abstract Title: Analysis of geodetic interseismic coupling models to estimate tsunami inundation and runup: a study case of Maule seismic gap, Chile, S43B-2810Abstract Title: Deterministic Seismic Hazard Assessment for the Southern Peru and Northern Chile Segment of the Andean Subduction Zone
Shrivastava, M. B.
A24C-08Abstract Title: Current and future contributions of local emissions from shipping and hydrocarbon extraction flaring to short lived pollutants in the Arctic, A43C-0287Abstract Title: The Simulated Impact of Dimethyl Sulfide Emissions on the Earth System, B43F-0612Abstract Title: Improved tropical forest biogenic VOC emission factors based on GoAmazon2014/5 airborne observations
Shroyer, E.
C11C-0781Abstract Title: Recurring, year-round, icequakes at a Greenland tidewater glacier, C13E-07Abstract Title: Observed Spatial and Temporal Variability of Subglacial Discharge-Driven Plumes in Greenland’s Outlet Glacial Fjords, C13E-08Abstract Title: Modeling Subglacial Meltwater Plumes across Greenland's Outlet Glaciers: Implications for Ice-Ocean Coupling in a Warming Climate, C43B-0805Abstract Title: High-resolution, terrestrial radar velocity observations and model results reveal a strong bed at stable, tidewater Rink Isbræ, West Greenland, C43E-07Abstract Title: Patterns of Rapid Deceleration Observed at Two Tidewater Outlet Glaciers in West Greenland
Shtukert, O.
T51E-2946Abstract Title: Lateral magma flow in sill-complexes: towards a paradigm shift in volcanology
Shu, L.
H21J-1540Abstract Title: Catchment hydrological change from soil degradation: A model study for assessing urbanization on the terrestrial water cycle
Shu, L.
H51C-1382Abstract Title: Numerical Simulation Study on the Hydraulic Behavior in Closed Fractures
Shu, S.
B23J-04Abstract Title: Interactions Between Soil Organic Carbon Concentration and Soil Thermal and Hydraulic Dynamics and Its Impact on Soil Carbon Storage in Northern High-latitudes, B41H-07Abstract Title: Impact of land use change on the land atmosphere carbon flux of South and South East Asia: A Synthesis of Dynamic Vegetation Model Results, GC13E-1206Abstract Title: The Lifestyle Carbon Dividend: Assessment of the Carbon Sequestration Potential of Grasslands and Pasturelands Reverted to Native Forests
Shuai, P.
H33C-1629Abstract Title: Modeling Arsenic Mobilization in a Riverbank Aquifer under the Influence of Tidally Fluctuating River and Irrigation Pumping
Shuangcheng, L.
B33F-03Abstract Title: The role of spatial scale and background climate in the latitudinal temperature response to deforestation, B53F-0633Abstract Title: Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Global NDVI Trends: Correlations with Climate and Human Factors
Shugar, D. H.
GC21F-03Abstract Title: Why did the Nepal Gorkha Earthquake Have so few Effects on Glacial Lakes?, NH43D-01Abstract Title: Geological, Geophysical, and Stochastic Factors in Nepal’s Gorkha Earthquake-Triggered Landslide Distribution, NH43D-03Abstract Title: Gorkha earthquake-induced landslides and dammed lakes: Evolution and outburst modeling
Shugart, H. H. Jr
B21L-02Abstract Title: Modeling forest disturbance and recovery in secondary subtropical dry forests of Puerto Rico, GC33F-05Abstract Title: Doubling of the Russian Fire Return Interval: Implications for Forest Biomass and Composition, GC33F-06Abstract Title: Synthesis of Decades of Change in Northern Eurasian Ecosystems: Current Assessment and Future Projections
Shuhab, K.
T41B-2879Abstract Title: Surface Deformation in Quetta Valley, Balochistan, Pakistan
Shukla, A.
Shukla, G.
MR13B-2695Abstract Title: The VLab repository of thermodynamics and thermoelastic properties of minerals, MR13B-2704Abstract Title: Hybrid thermoelastic properties of NaCl, MR23B-2656Abstract Title: Spin crossover in (Mg,Fe3+)(Si,Fe3+)O3 brigdmanite: effects of disorder, iron concentration, and temperature , MR23B-2657Abstract Title: Influence of the spin crossover in ferropericlase on the lower mantle geotherm
Shukla, M. K.
H23B-1568Abstract Title: Movement and degradation of indaziflam in a Pecan Orchrad
Shukla, M.
H21A-1352Abstract Title: Non-Invasive Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Nanoparticle Migration and Water Velocity Inside Sandstone
Shukla, S.
H13D-1581Abstract Title: PHOSPHORUS RETENTION BY STORMWATER DETENTION AREAS: ESTIMATION, ENHANCEMENT, AND ECONOMICS , H13J-1726Abstract Title: Groundwater Trends and Availability Under Current and Future Groundwater Withdrawals and Climate Scenarios in Semi-arid India , H23C-1596Abstract Title: Groundwater Recharge in Sandy Shallow Water Aquifers
Shukla, S.
A13C-0341Abstract Title: Evaluation and inter-comparison of modern day reanalysis datasets over Africa and the Middle East, GC31H-08Abstract Title: Contrasting rainfall declines in northern and southern Tanzania: Potential differential impacts of west Pacific warming and east Pacific cooling, GC51DAbstract Title: Observed and Projected Climate Change Impacts on Water Resources and Agriculture I Posters, GC53HAbstract Title: Observed and Projected Climate Change Impacts on Water Resources and Agriculture II, GC54AAbstract Title: Observed and Projected Climate Change Impacts on Water Resources and Agriculture III, H11IAbstract Title: Understanding the Extent and Impacts of Land Use/Land Cover Change on Hydrology I Posters, H13SAbstract Title: Understanding the Extent and Impacts of Land Use/Land Cover Change on Hydrology II, H21O-01Abstract Title: Recent potentially predictable droughts associated with the west Pacific warming mode and ENSO, H52A-05Abstract Title: Seasonal Scale Water Deficit Forecasting in East Africa and the Middle East Region Using the NMME Models Forecasts, NH41D-05Abstract Title: The Climate Hazards Group InfraRed Precipitation with Stations (CHIRPS) v2.0 Dataset: 35 year Quasi-Global Precipitation Estimates for Drought Monitoring, PA51A-2198Abstract Title: Incorporating Medium-Range Weather Forecasts in Seasonal Crop Scenarios over the Greater Horn of Africa to Support National/Regional/Local Decision Makers
Shukla, U. K.
PP31B-2249Abstract Title: Trace Metals, Rare Earths, Carbon and Pb Isotopes as Proxies of Environmental Catastrophe at the Permian – Triassic Boundary in Spiti Himalayas, India
Shulaker, D. Z.
V33D-3142Abstract Title: Middle Miocene Displacement Along the Rand Detachment Fault, Rand Mountains
Shulakova, V.
S23C-2755Abstract Title: Source rock potential analysis using rock physics approach and 2D seismic data inversion: case study of Great Australian Bight, S24A-07Abstract Title: Monitoring CO2 injection with a buried geophone array: Stage 2C of CO2CRC Otway Project
Shuler, C. K.
H13L-1740Abstract Title: A Spatial and Temporal Assessment of Non-Point Groundwater Pollution Sources, Tutuila Island, American Samoa
Shuler, S.
S43B-2808Abstract Title: Near Surface Shear Wave Velocity Model of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta
Shulgin, A.
T21F-04Abstract Title: Crustal structure in Central-Eastern Greenland: Implications for topography
Shulmeister, J.
GC11C-1057Abstract Title: The climate of the Last Glacial Maximum in south-eastern Australia
Shulski, M.
H43J-08Abstract Title: Development of a Long-Term (1884-2006) Serially Complete Dataset of U.S. Temperatures and Precipitation for Climate Services
Shults, K.
NH21C-1842Abstract Title: GNSS-monitoring of Natural Hazards: Ionospheric Detection of Earthquakes and Volcano Eruptions
Shultz, A.
GC51AAbstract Title: Climate Science is a Cross-Disciplinary Challenge: Disciplinary Advances in an Accessible Framework Posters, PA31DAbstract Title: Exploring the Role of Arctic Science in Developing International Arctic Policy I, PA33AAbstract Title: Exploring the Role of Arctic Science in Developing International Arctic Policy II Posters
Shum, C. K.
C21B-0745Abstract Title: Elevation change estimates of the Barnes Ice Cap from combined CryoSat-2 altimetry measurements and high resolution stereo-photogrammetric DEM, G33B-1139Abstract Title: Study of the Northern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau Permafrost Active Layer Depth Rate Using Satellite Geodetic Observations, G43A-1025Abstract Title: Relative sea-level rise hazards: The case of Bangladesh Delta, G43A-1026Abstract Title: Monitoring Coastal Embankment Subsidence and Relative Sea Level Rise in Coastal Bangladesh Using Satellite Geodetic Data, G53A-01Abstract Title: Asia High Mountain Glacier Mass Balance, G53A-03Abstract Title: Uplift mechanism of orogens inferred from GRACE temporal gravity changes - example of Qinghai-Tibet, H41E-1363Abstract Title: A Consistent Radar Altimetry Dataset for Major World Rivers: Extraction Methods and Preliminary Data Products, H41E-1378Abstract Title: On the Development of an Integrated Hydrologic, Hydraulic, and Inverse Modeling Approach for Estimating Discharges and Water Depths for Ungauged Rivers from Space
Shum, D.
IN13A-1825Abstract Title: Simplified Metadata Curation via the Metadata Management Tool, IN33B-1804Abstract Title: New Solutions for Enabling Discovery of User-Centric Virtual Data Products in NASA's Common Metadata Repository, IN42A-02Abstract Title: Data Visualization Challenges and Opportunities in User-Oriented Application Development
Shumake, J.
PA12A-07Abstract Title: Toward an Ethical Framework for Climate Services
Shumaker, L.
ED41A-0832Abstract Title: Comparison of submarine gully morphologies in passive and active margin settings, EP13A-0930Abstract Title: Constraining the Formation of Submarine Gullies on Continental Slopes, T42A-08Abstract Title: Oceanic Transform Fault-Zone Geomorphology in the Gulf of California from High-Resolution Bathymetric Data , V23B-3169Abstract Title: Detrital Zircon Provenance of Neogene Forearc Sub-basin Sandstones: East Coast Basin of New Zealand
Shuman, B. N.
PP13A-2257Abstract Title: Are δ13C values of n-alkanes affected by atmospheric CO2 concentrations? Results from a free-air CO2 enrichment (FACE) experiment., PP13D-06Abstract Title: Multi-scale hydroclimate reconstruction using co-located lake and bog records from Maine and comparison with other records from the Northeast US, PP22A-06Abstract Title: Multi-Record Validation of Centennial-to-Millennial Hydroclimate Trends and Variability During the Holocene in the Northeast United States
Shuman, C. A.
A12D-02Abstract Title: Towards improving the representation of polar regions in global reanalyses at the NASA GMAO, C21A-0707Abstract Title: Measuring Changes in the Vicinity of the Seal Nunataks Ice Shelf Remnant from Imagery and Altimetry
Shuman, J. K.
GC21A-1082Abstract Title: The Response of Subalpine Vegetation to Climate Change and Bark Beetle Infestations: A Multi-Scale Interaction., GC33F-05Abstract Title: Doubling of the Russian Fire Return Interval: Implications for Forest Biomass and Composition, GC33F-06Abstract Title: Synthesis of Decades of Change in Northern Eurasian Ecosystems: Current Assessment and Future Projections
Shume, E. B.
A51A-0003Abstract Title: Remote Sensing of Tropospheric Turbulence Using GPS Radio Occultation, A51A-0006Abstract Title: Sensitivity of Low-Elevation Coherent GNSS Reflections to the Planetary Boundary Layer Refractivity, NH21CAbstract Title: Seismology without Seismometers: Ionospheric Monitoring of Natural Hazards of Earth, Ocean, and Atmosphere I Posters
Shumer, M.
B11H-0546Abstract Title: Understanding Spatial and Temporal Shifts in Blue Carbon, Piermont Marsh, Lower Hudson Estuary, NY
Shuo, Y.
V23B-3131Abstract Title: Nb-Ta fractionation in hydrothermal magnetite: implications for the “missing Nb” paradox
Shupe, M.
A21E-0195Abstract Title: Evaluating the Impact of the Summit Station, Greenland Radiosonde Program on Science and Forecast Services, A24D-02Abstract Title: Surface radiation budget and cloud radiative forcing from pan-Arctic Baseline Surface Radiation Network (BSRN) stations, C13C-0827Abstract Title: In Situ Measurement of the Drag Coefficient Over Arctic Sea Ice, ED33D-0951Abstract Title: Evaluating the Impact of the Summit Station, Greenland Radiosonde Program on Data Modelers and Forecast Services, GC34A-03Abstract Title: The Challenge of Clouds and Surface Energy Fluxes in the Coupled Arctic System
Shupla, C. B.
ED42A-08Abstract Title: Lessons Learned at LPI for Scientists in Education and Public Outreach, ED43D-0896Abstract Title: Partnering to Enhance Planetary Science Education and Public Outreach Programs
Shur, Y.
GC23J-1215Abstract Title: Effects of 45 Years of Heavy Road Traffic and Infrastructure on Permafrost and Tundra at Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, GC31B-1183Abstract Title: Rapid Arctic Changes due to Infrastructure and Climate (RATIC) in the Russian North
Shurkin, K.
SH11A-2375Abstract Title: ADAPT/HMI Global Solar Magnetic Maps, SM31E-01Abstract Title: Space Weather Forecasts Driven by the ADAPT Model
Shushtarian, A.
OS23B-1999Abstract Title: Pore Size Distribution and Methane Equilibrium Conditions at Walker Ridge Block 313, Northern Gulf of Mexico
Shuster, D. L.
EP41C-0946Abstract Title: If Rocks Could Talk: Origin Stories of Stream Sediment Told by Apatite Helium Ages and Cosmogenic Nuclides, EP53A-0993Abstract Title: Age of Carving the Westernmost Grand Canyon: Conflicts and Potential Resolutions that Reconcile Geologic and Thermochronologic Data, T11D-2933Abstract Title: An Unexplained Pulse of Late Cretaceous Exhumation in Northern New England, T24B-01Abstract Title: Rate of fluvial incision in the Central Alps constrained through joint inversion of detrital 10Be and thermochronometric data, T41A-2868Abstract Title: Late Cenozoic Vertical Motions of the Coachella Valley Using Apatite U-Th/He and 4/3He Thermochronometry, V31G-01Abstract Title: It's About Time: How Accurate Can Geochronology Become?, V33D-3123Abstract Title: Interrogating the Effects of Radiation Damage Annealing on Helium Diffusion Kinetics in Apatite, V53E-3165Abstract Title: Formation ages and thermal histories of fracture-filling hematite and Mn-oxide in Precambrian basement from (U-Th)/He dating and 4He/3He diffusion experiments
Shuster, J. R.
SM41I-02Abstract Title: First MMS Observations of High Time Resolution 3D Electric and Magnetic fields at the Dayside Magnetopause., SM51A-2518Abstract Title: Calibrating MMS Electron Drift Instrument (EDI) Ambient Electron Flux Measurements and Characterizing 3D Electric Field Signatures of Magnetic Reconnection
Shutters, S. T.
PA23B-2199Abstract Title: Urban Futures – Innovation Engines or Slums? A Stellar Evolution Model of Urban Growth, PA31CAbstract Title: Urban Metabolism, Morphology, and Microclimate under Global Change Posters
Shvidenko, A.
GC33F-03Abstract Title: Carbon account of forest ecosystems as a fuzzy system: a case study for Northern Eurasia, NH31A-1882Abstract Title: Fire regimes in Russia and their impacts on major biogeochemical cycles
Shyu, J. B. H.
T41BAbstract Title: Active Tectonics, Earthquake Geology, and Surface Processes in South and East Asia I Posters, T41B-2881Abstract Title: Active tectonic characteristics of river terraces along the Tianquan River, Sichuan, China, T43AAbstract Title: Active Tectonics, Earthquake Geology, and Surface Processes in South and East Asia II Posters, T43A-2962Abstract Title: Detrital zircon analysis of Miocene Series of the Hengchun Peninsula, southern Taiwan, T43A-2963Abstract Title: Dynamic landscape evolution of the western Taiwan orogen, T52AAbstract Title: Active Tectonics, Earthquake Geology, and Surface Processes in South and East Asia III, T53AAbstract Title: Active Tectonics, Earthquake Geology, and Surface Processes in South and East Asia IV, T54AAbstract Title: Active Tectonics, Earthquake Geology, and Surface Processes in South and East Asia V
Si, J.
MR31B-07Abstract Title: Structure, Frictional Melting and Fault Weakening during the 2008 Mw 7.9 Wenchuan Earthquake Slip: Observation from the WFSD Drilling Core Samples
Si, M.
A12C-02Abstract Title: Size-resolved measurements of ice nucleating particles at North American and European sites
Si, S.
T21C-2837Abstract Title: Weakly Coupled Lithospheric Extension in Southern Tibet
Sia, E.
GP41A-03Abstract Title: Characterization of a Single Magnetotactic Bacterial Species from Devil's Bathtub, Mendon Ponds Park, Honeoye Falls, NY
Sia, M. E.
H21J-1537Abstract Title: Impact of climate and vegetation type on evapotranspiration from green roofs
Siade, A. J.
H33E-1661Abstract Title: Reducing the predictive uncertainty associated with groundwater management decision-making in the Perth regional aquifer system of Western Australia, H51F-1444Abstract Title: Long-term Fate of Arsenic under the Oxidation of Ferrous Iron by Nitrate.
Sial, A. N.
PP33B-2301Abstract Title: Carbon and Oxygen Isotope Stratigraphy of the Ediacaran Jaíba Formation, Upper Bambuí Group, Brazil: Insights into Paleogeography and Sedimentary Environments after a Neoproterozoic Glaciation.
Siam, M. S.
A23E-0380Abstract Title: Assessment of new large-scale cloud cover and rainfall parameterizations for Regional Climate Modeling over the Upper Blue Nile basin
Siame, L. L.
T33A-2917Abstract Title: Extreme events from hundreds years to glacial cycle: insights from Quaternary terraces across the Taiwan mountain belt
Sianipar, D. S.
S53B-2832Abstract Title: Discrimination and Relocation of The 2013 North Korea Underground Nuclear Test: A New Contribution
Siarto, J.
IN53A-1817Abstract Title: Introducing Earthdata 3.0: An All-New Way of Creating and Publishing Content
Sibeck, D. G.
87477Abstract Title: Introductory Remarks, 87478Abstract Title: Introductory Remarks, EP53C-1041Abstract Title: MarsCAT: Mars Array of ionospheric Research Satellites using the CubeSat Ambipolar Thruster, SH11D-2408Abstract Title: PIC Simulation of the Electron Whistler Heat Flux Instability in the Solar Wind, SH34AAbstract Title: The 2015 Parker Lecture, SM11AAbstract Title: Magnetospheric Response to Transient Solar Wind Phenomena I, SM13AAbstract Title: Magnetospheric Response to Transient Solar Wind Phenomena II Posters, SM13A-2463Abstract Title: A comparison of Flux transfer events' motion determined by deHoffmann-Teller technique with the Cooling model, SM13A-2464Abstract Title: Temporal Cusp Ion Signatures and Magnetopause Reconnection during Northward IMF, SM13A-2466Abstract Title: Relations Between Traveling Convection Vortex (TCV) Signatures in Near-Cusp Ground Data, at Geosynchronous Orbit, and in Low Latitude Ground Data, SM13A-2476Abstract Title: Global Effects of the Interplanetary Shock Propagation through the Earth's Inner Magnetosphere: 3D Hybrid Kinetic ModelingA.S. Lipatov {1}, D.G. Sibeck {2}{1} GPHI UMBC/NASA GSFC, Greenbelt, MD 20771, USA {2} NASA GSFC, Greenbelt, MD 20771, USA, SM13C-2504Abstract Title: Plasma Flow Structure at Lunar Distances, SM13C-2525Abstract Title: Magnetopause Boundary Standoff Position Changes and Its Time-Dependent Response to Solar Wind Conditions: Models and Observations, SM13C-2533Abstract Title: Orientation and Motion of Flux Transfer Events under Different Upstream Conditions., SM14A-03Abstract Title: The Role of Kelvin-Helmholtz Waves in Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling, SM21A-2459Abstract Title: Temporal and Spatial Characterization of ULF power and its relation to relativistic electrons in the radiation belts during geomagnetic storms, SM21A-2482Abstract Title: The Distribution of Chorus and Plasmaspheric Hiss Waves in the Inner Magnetospahere as Functions of Geomagnetic Activity and Solar Wind Parameters as Observed by The Van Allen Probes., SM21B-2529Abstract Title: Effects of Interplanetary Structures on the Earth’s Outer Radiation Belt Dynamics Observed During September 12-26, 2014: I) Coronal Mass Ejection, SM21C-02Abstract Title: The Magnetotail at Lunar Distance, SM23B-2543Abstract Title: Secondary Electrons MI Coupling in the Presence of ECH and Whistler Waves , SM23B-2545Abstract Title: Superthermal Electron Directional Fluxes and Their Pitch-Angle Distributions in the Region of the Diffuse Aurora, SM32AAbstract Title: Origins of Extreme Events in the Geospace I, SM34AAbstract Title: Van Allen Lecture, SM41CAbstract Title: Origins of Extreme Events in the Geospace II Posters, SM41C-2500Abstract Title: Global Magnetosphere Evolution During 22 June 2015 Geomagnetic Storm as Seen From Multipoint Observations and Comparison With MHD–Ring Rurrent Model, SM41D-2510Abstract Title: Penetration of Large Scale Electric Field to Inner Magnetosphere, SM41E-2519Abstract Title: Effects of Complex Interplanetary Structures on the Dynamics of the Earth’s Outer Radiation Belt During the 16-30 September 2014 Period: II) Corotating Solar Wind Stream, SM41E-2523Abstract Title: A Neural Network Approach for Identifying Relativistic Electron Pitch Angle Distributions in Van Allen Probes Data, SM41E-2546Abstract Title: Multipoint Observations of Magnetospheric Processes Relevant to the Substorm Events, SM41H-2572Abstract Title: Multisatellite Observations of Long-lasting Poloidal Pc 4 Pulsations in the Dayside Magnetosphere., SM41H-2578Abstract Title: Cluster Observations of Non Time Continuous Magnetosonic Waves, SM43A-05Abstract Title: MMS Observations of Dipolarization Fronts, SM44A-06Abstract Title: Quantitative analysis of the dynamics and morphology of substorm aurora, SM52A-02Abstract Title: Repeatable and Predictable Dynamics of the Outer Radiation Belt, SM52A-04Abstract Title: New Insights on Ring Current-Radiation Belt Dynamics from Observation and Simulation Studies, TH22GAbstract Title: Space Physics and Aeronomy Section Agency Night
Sibert, E. C.
PP31E-08Abstract Title: 85 million years of pelagic ecosystem evolution: Pacific Ocean deep-sea ichthyolith records reveal fish community dynamics and a long-term decline in sharks, PP33B-2313Abstract Title: Fish Productivity in Open-Ocean Gyre Systems in the Late Oligocene and Miocene, PP33B-2314Abstract Title: Decreased Temperate but not Polar Fish Productivity Across the Eocene-Oligocene Transition: Insights from Ichthyoliths
Sibert, R.
B11I-0560Abstract Title: Short-chain alkane cycling in deep Gulf of Mexico cold-seep sediments
Sibold, J.
B53F-0631Abstract Title: Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Drought Effects in a Heterogeneous Semi-Arid Forest Ecosystem
Sibrant, A.
NG23B-1784Abstract Title: Crack patterns in layers: effect of the thickness and mechanical properties, T13A-2955Abstract Title: On the importance of continental lithospheric roots in plume-continent interaction: implication for India motions over the last 130 Ma
Sibuet, J. C.
T52A-05Abstract Title: 3D seismic structure of the Zhenbei-Huangyan seamount chain in the East sub-basin of the South China Sea and its mechanism of formation
Sicart, J. E.
A41G-0137Abstract Title: Mesoscale Icefield Breezes over Athbasca Glacier.
Sichel, S. E.
V14A-04Abstract Title: Mantle uplift and exhumation caused by long-lived transpression at a major transform fault
Sichoix, L.
H51J-1524Abstract Title: Study of Groundwater Circulation Using Stable Isotopes : the Example of the Punaruu Watershed (Tropical Oceanic Island of Tahiti, French Polynesia), P31E-2109Abstract Title: The Gravity field of Comet 67 P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko Expressed in Bispherical Harmonics
Siciliano, D.
PP53C-2357Abstract Title: Sea Surface Temperature Records Using Sr/Ca Ratios in a Siderastrea siderea Coral from SE Cuba
Sickafoose, A. A.
P51A-2048Abstract Title: Ground-based Light Curves Two Pluto Days Before the New Horizons Passage
Sickbert, T.
T43D-3038Abstract Title: A Study Of Fluid Pressure Migration Within The North-Central Oklahoma Seismic Gap
Sickler, R. R.
T31A-2820Abstract Title: Preliminary Paleoseismic Results from Excavations across the Surface Rupture Associated with the 2014 South Napa Earthquake
Sickman, J. O.
B11G-0507Abstract Title: Effects of soil dissolved organic matter inputs on high-elevation lake metabolism
Siclari, A.
NH51B-1868Abstract Title: Flood Bypass Capacity Optimization
Siddans, R.
A53H-06Abstract Title: Methane Retrievals in the Thermal and Short-Wave Infrared from IASI, PA43C-2192Abstract Title: Evaluation of quantitative satellite-based retrievals of volcanic ash clouds
Siddhartha, M.
A21D-0166Abstract Title: Fidelity of High-Order LES of Boundary Layer Clouds with Closed Entropy and Water Budgets
Siddiquee, S. A.
GC53G-1285Abstract Title: Exposure and Figure Out of Climate Induced Alterations in the Wetlands of Banglades
Sidelinger, W.
B44B-03Abstract Title: Relationship between Trophic Status and Methanogenic Pathways in Alaskan Peatlands, GC51F-1162Abstract Title: Trophic Status Controls Mercury Methylation Pathways in Northern Peats
Sidle, R. C.
H12C-03Abstract Title: Challenges of Simulating Small-Scale Erosion Processes in Catchment Models
Sidorovskaia, N.
OS13A-2024Abstract Title: Targeted Acoustic Data Processing for Ocean Ecological Studies
Siebach, J. A.
V23B-3150Abstract Title: Mantle Melt Contribution and Crustal Contamination of Volcanic Rocks in the Black Rock Desert and Markagunt Plateau, Utah
Sieber, R.
IN52A-06Abstract Title: Multi-Scale Change Detection Research of Remotely Sensed Big Data in CyberGIS
Siebers, M.
B43H-0657Abstract Title: Warming does not stimulate mitochondrial respiration and it responds to leaf carbohydrates availability in soybean plants grown under elevated CO2 concentrations
Siebert, C.
PP34B-04Abstract Title: Glacial-interglacial Variations of Molybdenum Isotopes in the Peruvian Oxygen Minimum Zone
Siebert, J.
MR13C-2714Abstract Title: Partitioning of Sulfur and Platinum at Core Formation Conditions., MR22A-01Abstract Title: Magnesium solubility in metallic iron during core formation, V33A-3081Abstract Title: Metal-Silicate Partitioning of Various Siderophile Elements at High Pressure and High Temperatures: a Diamond Anvil Cell Study
Siebert, L.
V31B-3013Abstract Title: Spatial Compilation of Holocene Volcanic Vents in the Western Conterminous United States
Siebert, S.
GC12C-04Abstract Title: Extreme temperature trends in major cropping systems and their relation to agricultural land use change
Siebesma, P.
A14D-02Abstract Title: A Year-Long Large-Eddy Simulation of the Weather over the Cabauw Site, A43J-08Abstract Title: Synthesis of Entrainment and Detrainment formulations for Convection Parameterizations
Siedlecki, S. A.
GC13F-1219Abstract Title: Closing the North American Carbon Budget: Continental Margin Fluxes Matter!, GC13F-1223Abstract Title: Coastal Carbon Synthesis for the Continental Shelf of the North American Pacific Coast (NAPC)
Siefring, C. L.
AE22A-03Abstract Title: High-frequency Propagation through the Ionosphere from the Sura Heating Facility to the Orbiting CASSIOPE/e-POP Payload, AE22A-06Abstract Title: The Charged Aerosol Release Experiment (Care II) to Study Artificial Dusty Plasmas in the Upper Atmosphere , AE33B-0501Abstract Title: Initial Results from CASSIOPE/ePOP Satellite Overpasses above HAARP in 2014, SA51B-2403Abstract Title: The CARINA Satellite Mission to Study the Lower Thermosphere
Sieg, D.
GP34A-01Abstract Title: Swarm, 2 years of operations: update on constellation, instrument status and data quality.
Siegel, D. I.
H51O-1627Abstract Title: Natural methane occurrence in domestic wells is common in sodium-rich shallow groundwater in valley settings overlying the Marcellus Shale, H53C-1682Abstract Title: Geoelectrical Analyses of Sulfurous Wetland Sediments and Weathered Glacial Till in the Prairie Pothole Region, PA33B-2188Abstract Title: How Environmental “Merchants of Doubt” Use Peer-Reviewed Publication as a Means to Commandeer Scientific Debate: A Case Study of a Publishing Problem.
Siegel, H.
NG23A-1759Abstract Title: Parameter Calibration of Mini-LEO Hill Slope Model
Siegel, J.
NH23C-1898Abstract Title: New Tsunami Response, Mitigation, and Recovery Planning “Playbooks” for California (USA) Maritime Communities
Siegel, R.
B43C-0585Abstract Title: Black-backed woodpecker habitat suitability mapping using conifer snag basal area estimated from airborne laser scanning
Siegert, C. M.
EP23E-06Abstract Title: Short-term Fallout Radionuclide Ratios and Mass Balance Identify New Suspended Sediments of Channel Origin, H11GAbstract Title: Precipitation-Vegetation Interactions: Advances in Interception Loss, Thoughfall, and Stemflow Research I Posters, H11G-1432Abstract Title: Using Sensitivity Analysis and Fine-Scale Field Measurements to Understand How Canopy Interception Models Function, H13QAbstract Title: Precipitation-Vegetation Interactions: Advances in Interception Loss, Thoughfall, and Stemflow Research II
Siegert, M. J.
C11A-0740Abstract Title: A novel approach to improving the reconstruction of bed elevation with special consideration of bathymetry at the ice/ocean interface of the Greenland ice sheet, C11C-0767Abstract Title: Radar-Inference of the Basal Properties and Englacial Temperature of the Greenland Ice Sheet, C11D-07Abstract Title: Increased Ocean Access to Totten Glacier, East Antarctica
Siegert, M. J.
C11C-0763Abstract Title: Clean hot water drilling for exploration of the Antarctic deep subglacial environment
Siegfried, M. R.
C11AAbstract Title: Advances in Our Understanding of Processes at the Beds of Glaciers and Ice Sheets I Posters, C11C-0765Abstract Title: Rapid subglacial water system evolution triggered by subglacial floods in West Antarctica, C11C-0766Abstract Title: Antarctic Subglacial Lake Drainage Via Canals Incised into Sediment: What our Models and Obsevations Imply for Linking Lake observations Pridicting Ice Flow, C14AAbstract Title: Advances in Our Understanding of Processes at the Beds of Glaciers and Ice Sheets II
Siegfried, T.
H54E-08Abstract Title: Using a Smart-phone for Collecting Discharge Data in Irrigation Furrows in Tanzania.
Siegler, M. A.
GP33A-03Abstract Title: Mercury’s Crustal Magnetic Field from Low-Altitude Measurements by MESSENGER., P43A-2106Abstract Title: Hidden in the Neutrons: Physical Evidence for Lunar True Polar Wander, P43F-02Abstract Title: Regolith Formation Rates and Evolution from the Diviner Lunar Radiometer, P51D-06Abstract Title: Detecting Volatiles Deep in the Lunar Regolith
Siegmund, J.
H43D-1536Abstract Title: Multiple Tracer Tests in Porous Media During Clogging
Siegmund, O.
SA52A-05Abstract Title: Global-scale Observations of the Limb and Disk (GOLD): From Simulations to Observations, SH31C-2431Abstract Title: Performance Measurements of the Flight Detector for SPICE on SolarOrbiter
Siegwolf, R. T.
B51A-0400Abstract Title: A new derivatization method for δ18O analysis of individual carbohydrates with GC-Pyrolysis-IRMS, H23J-08Abstract Title: Fine-Scale Spatial Variability of Precipitation, Soil, and Plant Water Isotopes
Sieh, K.
G13A-0998Abstract Title: Re-investigation of slip rate along the southern part of the Sumatran Fault Zone using SuMo GPS network, G13A-1002Abstract Title: Kinematics of Slip Partitioning in Sumatra, G13A-1003Abstract Title: A 15-year slow slip event on the Sunda megathrust offshore Sumatra, S31A-2738Abstract Title: Hunt for Slow Slip Events Along the Sumatran Subduction Zone in a Decade of Continuous GPS Data, S33A-2751Abstract Title: Seismic hazard assessment for Myanmar: Earthquake model database, ground-motion scenarios, and probabilistic assessments, S33A-2752Abstract Title: The Need for More Earthquake Science in Southeast Asia, TH12BAbstract Title: Exploring a Subduction Zone Observatory, T31D-01Abstract Title: Seismic Cycle Variability in Space and Time: The Sumatran Sunda Megathrust as a Behavior Catalog, T54A-04Abstract Title: Impact Crater of the Australasian Tektites, Southern Laos, T54A-05Abstract Title: Slip rates across the sinistral slip fault system of the Shan Plateau, northern SE Asia, T54A-07Abstract Title: Evidence of Frontal Rupturing in the Mentawai Gap, SW Sumatra, Newly Acquired High-Resolution Seismic Reflection and Bathymetry Data, V23B-3108Abstract Title: DISTRIBUTION AND EVOLUTION OF VOLCANISM OF THE BOLAVEN PLATEAU, SOUTHERN LAOS
Siemann, A.
A24D-06Abstract Title: Closing the Global Water Cycle: Recent Results from Analyzing Long-term Climate Data Records, A24D-07Abstract Title: Analysis of Global Terrestrial Energy Budget Closure Using Satellite-Derived Estimates
Siemens, E.
C42B-01Abstract Title: Diagnosis of Hydrological Resiliency and Functional Change in a Canadian Rockies Mountain Basin
Siemes, C.
GP34A-01Abstract Title: Swarm, 2 years of operations: update on constellation, instrument status and data quality., SA24A-04Abstract Title: Ionospheric and Thermospheric Response to the 2015 St. Patrick's Day Storm: a Global Multi-Instrumental Overview, SA31D-2371Abstract Title: Processing of Swarm Accelerometer Data into Thermospheric Neutral Densities
Siemes, H.
GP43A-1234Abstract Title: Deformation-induced anisotropy of remanent and induced magnetization – implications for interpretation of rock-magnetic data
Siemion, J.
EP33A-1048Abstract Title: Are stream stabilization projects reducing suspended sediment concentrations and turbidity in the New York City Water Supply Watershed?, H13L-1750Abstract Title: Acidic Deposition along the Appalachian Trail Corridor and its Effects on Acid-Sensitive Terrestrial and Aquatic Resources
Sienkiewicz, J. M.
IN32A-08Abstract Title: Impact of Scatterometer Ocean Wind Vector Data on NOAA Operations
Sierks, H.
P33E-02Abstract Title: The Activity of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko as Seen by Rosetta/OSIRIS
Sierra, J. P.
PA41A-2160Abstract Title: Management of the Mediterranean Coast in Climate Change Scenarios
Sierra-Rojas, M. I.
T51E-2958Abstract Title: Sedimentary Record of the Back-Arc Basins of South-Central Mexico: an Evolution from Extensional Basin to Carbonate Platform.
Sierro, F. J.
EP11A-07Abstract Title: Evolution of the Gulf of Cadiz and west Portugal contourite depositional system: tectonic, sedimentary and paleoceanographic implications from IODP Expedition 339, OS23E-08Abstract Title: Environmental Changes in the pre-Messinian Mediterranean Region
Sievänen, R.
B31A-0522Abstract Title: The Climate Mitigation Potential of Managed Boreal Forests Exceeds Their Carbon Store Effect
Sievering, H.
PA31B-2159Abstract Title: Climate Solutions Presentations on Science On a Sphere (SOS) and SOS Explorer achieve acceptance of Climate Science among Policymakers as well as the Public: US National Academy of Sciences Symposium/Open House Example
Sievers, N. E.
DI13A-2640Abstract Title: Trace Element Variations as Indicators of Fluid Sources and Infiltration History During UHP Metamorphism of Continental Crust
Siewert, M. B.
B42C-01Abstract Title: High Resolution Partitioning of Soil Properties and Soil Organic Carbon Storage in the Lena River Delta
Sifeddine, A.
EP43A-0959Abstract Title: Aeolian deposition change in the Peruvian central continental shelf during the last millennium and its relationship with atmospheric conditions
Sifuentes, D. F.
H31G-1502Abstract Title: Evaluation of the effects of sea-level change and coastal canal management on saltwater intrusion in the Biscayne aquifer of south Florida, USA
Sigernes, F.
SH52A-02Abstract Title: THE TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE ON SVALBARD 2015, SM12B-02Abstract Title: Winds and Ion Drifts Measured in the Thermospheric Footprint of Earth's Northern Magnetic Cusp During the C-REX Sounding Rocket Mission, SM13A-2468Abstract Title: A Study of the Different classes of Poleward-Moving Auroral Forms
Sigfússon, B.
H21E-1431Abstract Title: Flow-through column experiments to determine the geochemical behavior of common hydrological tracers, H41C-1315Abstract Title: CarbFix I: Rapid CO2 mineralization in basalt for permanent carbon storage
Sigit, G.
GC53G-1290Abstract Title: Utilization of remotely sensed data for agricultural insurance as adaptation to climate change
Sigl, M.
PP44A-08Abstract Title: Reconstructing Volcanic Forcing of Climate: Past, Present and Future, PP44B-01Abstract Title: Climatic Impacts of a Volcanic Double Event: 536/540 CE
Sigler, P. S. R.
A13E-0382Abstract Title: OH radical reactivity in an Indiana Forest: Measurements and model comparisons, A13G-02Abstract Title: HOx Radical Chemistry in an Indiana Forest Environment: Measurement and Model Comparison, A21B-0116Abstract Title: Measurements of Nitrous Acid (HONO) in an Indiana Forest by Laser Photofragmentation/Laser-induced Flourescence (LP/LIF), A31F-04Abstract Title: Development and field deployment of an instrument to measure ozone production rates in the troposphere
Sigloch, K.
S13C-03Abstract Title: Broadband Waveform Sensitivity Kernels for Large-Scale Seismic Tomography
Sigman, D. M.
PP41B-2240Abstract Title: The nitrogen isotopes of fossil Tahiti corals from the last deglaciation
Sigmundsson, F.
G31CAbstract Title: Measuring Changes at Volcanoes Using Geodesy: An Update of Methods and Results I, G32AAbstract Title: Measuring Changes at Volcanoes Using Geodesy: An Update of Methods and Results II, G41AAbstract Title: Measuring Changes at Volcanoes Using Geodesy: An Update of Methods and Results III Posters, T43H-05Abstract Title: Comparison of the Bardarbunga 2014-2015 rifting event, slow caldera collapse and major effusive eruption with the 1975-1984 Krafla and 2005-2010 Dabbahu, Afar, rifting episodes, T51G-2997Abstract Title: Style of Plate Spreading Derived from the 2008-2014 Velocity Field Across the Northern Volcanic Zone of Iceland, T51G-2998Abstract Title: Deformation derived from GPS geodesy associated with Bárðabunga 2014 rifting event in Iceland, V43B-3150Abstract Title: A Model to Forecast the Path of a Laterally Propagating Dike
Sign, H.
GC42B-01Abstract Title: High-resolution remote sensing and coupled fire-weather simulation modeling offer unprecedented insight to megafire behavior: The 2014 California King Megafire case study
Signarbieux, C.
B53D-0599Abstract Title: Interactive effects of altitude and management on resistance and resilience of permanent grasslands to drought: combining agronomic, functional and ecophysiological approaches Buttler, A., Deleglise, C., Signarbieux, C., Meisser, M., Mosimann, E., Mills, R.
Sigró, J.
PP13B-2287Abstract Title: Modern Limnology and Varve Formation Processes in Lake Montcortès (Southern Pyrenees, Spain)
Sigsbee, K. M.
SM43A-02Abstract Title: Effect of electron ambient plasmas in reconnection jets and dipolarization fronts : MMS initial results
Sigurdardottir, T. D.
ED21A-0820Abstract Title: A miniature research vessel: A small-scale ocean-exploration demonstration of geophysical methods, GP13A-1283Abstract Title: Audiomagnetotelluric exploration across the Waiʻanae Range, Oʻahu, Hawaiʻi
Sihi, D.
B14A-02Abstract Title: The Soil Sink for Nitrous Oxide: Trivial Amount but Challenging Question, B21J-08Abstract Title: Warming rate drives microbial limitation and enzyme expression during peat decomposition, B23C-0629Abstract Title: Warming Effects Enzyme Turnover During Decomposition of Subtropical Peat
Sihler, H.
A11C-0084Abstract Title: Characterizing Variability in the Spatial Distribution of Bromine Explosion Events in the Vicinity of Barrow, Alaska
Siirila-Woodburn, E. R.
B12AAbstract Title: Biogeoscience Processes Governing Radioisotope Transfers after Fukushima and Other Nuclear Accidents II, B12A-03Abstract Title: An Integrated Hydrologic Modeling Approach to Cesium-137 Transport in Forested Fukushima Watersheds, B13AAbstract Title: Biogeoscience Processes Governing Radioisotope Transfers after Fukushima and Other Nuclear Accidents III Posters, H51U-04Abstract Title: Determining the Area of Review (AoR) in Carbon Capture and Storage: A tiered, probabilistic methodology to generate risk map
Siivola, E.
Sikazwe, O.
Sikder, M. S.
H53F-1711Abstract Title: Understanding Satellite-based Monthly-to-Seasonal Reservoir Outflow Estimation as a function of Hydrologic Controls
Sikes, E. L.
PP53D-01Abstract Title: Benthic Records of Seawater Carbonate Ion and Temperature for the Past 30,000 Years in the Southwest Pacific Ocean, PP53D-02Abstract Title: Radiocarbon and Stable Isotope Evidence for Increased Ventilation of the Southwest Pacific Ocean during the Last Deglaciation
Sikes, E. R.
V51G-3115Abstract Title: Preliminary Geochemical and Petrologic Assessment of the Fanney Rhyolite and the Bloodgood Canyon and Apache Springs tuffs, Mogollon-Datil Volcanic Field, New Mexico, V51G-3116Abstract Title:  Examining ash fall sequences in calk-alkaline subduction related volcanism, southern New Mexico
Silasari, R.
H43I-1670Abstract Title: Assessment of Saturation Patterns on Agricultural Land Using Time-lapse Photography
Silber, E. A.
NH11A-1881Abstract Title: V-type NEAs: Impacts and close encounters with terrestrial planets
Silber, I.
AE33B-0490Abstract Title: Short-Term Perturbations Within the D-Region Detected Above the Mediterranean
Silberg, J. J.
B13H-03Abstract Title: New Synthetic Biology Tools to Track Microbial Dynamics in the Earth System, B21D-0492Abstract Title: Dynamic monitoring of horizontal gene transfer in soil
Silen, J. V.
P31E-2089Abstract Title: COSIMA at Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko After Perihelion
Silengo, M.
GC44B-07Abstract Title: Ensuring Disaster Risk Reduction via Sustainable Wetland Development
Siler, N.
GC53B-1195Abstract Title: Energetic constraints on the magnitude and pattern of changes in the hydrologic cycle under global warming.
Silins, U.
H31D-1429Abstract Title: Forest Harvesting of a Rocky Mountain Headwater Catchment: Assessing the Impacts on Runoff and Sediment Transport Into and Through Riparian Buffers, H31D-1439Abstract Title: Longer-term Stream Nitrogen Dynamics after Wildfire and Salvage Harvesting: Implications for Management Concepts based on Trajectories of Post-disturbance Watershed Recovery., H31K-08Abstract Title: Understanding Groundwater-Surface Water Interactions Using a Paired Tracer Approach in Alberta’s Rocky Mountains, H34B-06Abstract Title: Rainfall-Runoff Dynamics Following Wildfire in Mountainous Headwater Catchments, Alberta, Canada.
Siljeström, S.
P31E-2089Abstract Title: COSIMA at Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko After Perihelion
Sillanpaa, I.
SM13F-05Abstract Title: Forecasting keV-electrons in the inner Earth's magnetosphere responsible for surface charging
Silliker, J.
G33A-1132Abstract Title: First results of geodetic deformation monitoring after commencement of CO2 injection at the Aquistore underground CO2 storage site
Silliman, K.
ED13D-0903Abstract Title: New Program for New Faculty Mentoring at California State University, Chico
Silva, A. R. D.
B53A-0538Abstract Title: Upscaling sparse, irregularly spaced in situ soil moisture measurements for calibration and validation of SMAP soil moisture products, IN31D-06Abstract Title: Advanced Soil Moisture Network Technologies; Developments in Collecting in situ Measurements for Remote Sensing Missions
Silva, A.
B21L-01Abstract Title: Biodiversity and functional regeneration during secondary succession in a tropical dry forest: from microorganisms to mammals
Silva, A. M.
A21A-0068Abstract Title: Nocturnal surface ozone enhancement over Portugal: Influence of different atmospheric conditions
Silva, C. K.
B43C-0553Abstract Title: Aboveground Biomass Modeling from Field and LiDAR Data in Brazilian Amazon Tropical Rain Forest
Silva, C. A.
B43C-0553Abstract Title: Aboveground Biomass Modeling from Field and LiDAR Data in Brazilian Amazon Tropical Rain Forest, B52A-07Abstract Title: Increasing the Efficiency of LiDAR Based Forest Inventories: A Novel Approach for Integrating Variable Radius Inventory Plots with LiDAR Data.
Silva, C. E.
B21K-07Abstract Title: Solar-induced Fluorescence as a Proxy for Canopy Photosynthesis in a Temperate Deciduous Forest: Comparisons between Observations and Model Results, B43H-0658Abstract Title: Simultaneous Measurement of Leaf and Whole-Canopy Solar-Induced Fluorescence using Very-High-Resolution Imaging Spectroscopy
Silva, C.
V11G-07Abstract Title: The bulk isotopic composition of hydrocarbons in subaerial volcanic-hydrothermal emissions from different tectonic settings
Silva, C.
MR13A-2685Abstract Title: Backward Modeling of Reflectance Spectra of Single Mineral Assemblages
Silva, F.
S43B-2783Abstract Title: The SCEC Broadband Platform: Open-Source Software for Strong Ground Motion Simulation and Validation
Silva, F. A. D.
NH41B-1823Abstract Title: Landslide susceptibility mapping using a bivariate statistical model in a tropical hilly area of southeastern Brazil
Silva, J. R.
GC13E-1195Abstract Title: Orbital monitoring of the Brazilian pasturelands: patterns, trends and potential ecosystem services
Silva, J.
A43G-0373Abstract Title: Study of simulations using ECHAM-HAM and CAM5-MAM3 using ground-based and satellite data for Brazil
Silva, L. C. R.
B13F-0694Abstract Title: Quantifying the effect of fire disturbance on free-living nitrogen fixation in tropical ecosystems, PP53B-2351Abstract Title: Comparison of laser-ablation and solution-mode ICP-MS techniques for measuring speleothem 87Sr/86Sr values
Silva, L. F.
B21L-01Abstract Title: Biodiversity and functional regeneration during secondary succession in a tropical dry forest: from microorganisms to mammals
Silva, L.
DI41B-05Abstract Title: The Effect of Inner Core Translation on Outer Core Flow and the Geomagnetic Field
Silva, L. G. A. E.
V33D-3153Abstract Title: Low-Temperature Thermochronology Applied to Constrain the Multi-Episodic Thermotectonic Evolution of the Southeastern Continental Margin of Brazil
Silva, M. E.
MR13C-2709Abstract Title: A Raman Spectroscopic Study of Kernite to 25 GPa
Silva, M. E. S.
A21A-0049Abstract Title: Changes in the Spatial Distribution of Ozone, NO, NO2 and CO Brought About by Different Vehicular Emission Scenarios in Sao Paulo, Brazil, During an Atmospheric High-Pressure Event., H11I-1459Abstract Title: Climate Impact on South America due to Land Use Degradation of Amazon Rainforest during Winter and Summer Periods by RegCM3 Model
Silva, R.
A21A-0104Abstract Title: Multimodel estimates of premature human mortality due to intercontinental transport of air pollution
Silva, R. U.
Silva, R. D.
B51D-0448Abstract Title: Isotopes and soil physic analysis as a tool to meet answers related to soil-plant-atmosphere behavior of Amazon forest during droughts
Silva, R. D.
B51D-0452Abstract Title: Leaf ontogeny and demography explain photosynthetic seasonality in Amazon evergreen forests
Silva, S. J.
A41R-07Abstract Title: Simulating the impacts of large scale insect- and disease-driven tree mortality on atmospheric chemistry, A43G-0392Abstract Title: Oil Palm expansion over Southeast Asia: land use change and air quality
Silva Souza, R. M.
B23F-0654Abstract Title: Vegetation response to rainfall seasonality and interannual variability in tropical dry forests
Silva, S. R.
B13E-0662Abstract Title: Novel Technique for Assessing Ammonium Utilization by Phytoplankton in the San Francisco Bay-Delta Estuary
Silva, T. S. F.
B31G-04Abstract Title: Large-scale Altitudinal and Latitudinal Variability of Vegetation Phenology in a Tropical Montane Landscape: A Remote Sensing Perspective, B52B-08Abstract Title: Ecosystem Function in Amazon Floodplain Wetlands: Climate Variability, Landscape Dynamics and Carbon Biogeochemistry.
Silva, V.
H41A-1278Abstract Title: Analysis of RCP8.5 Projections of Precipitation and Temperatures in Chilean Basins
Silva, W. C.
GC13E-1195Abstract Title: Orbital monitoring of the Brazilian pasturelands: patterns, trends and potential ecosystem services
Silva, Y.
A51H-0172Abstract Title: Cold episodes in the Peruvian Central Andes: Composites, Types, and their Impacts over South America (1958-2014)
Silva-Araújo, M.
B51B-0431Abstract Title: Up-scaling Stream Ecosystem Processes to Predict the Effects of Land Cover Change at a Watershed Scale in the Atlantic Tropical Rainforest.
Silva-Filho, E. V.
GC51F-1167Abstract Title: Rare earth elements in pore waters from Cabo Frio´s western boundary upwelling system
Silva-Júnior, E. F.
B51B-0431Abstract Title: Up-scaling Stream Ecosystem Processes to Predict the Effects of Land Cover Change at a Watershed Scale in the Atlantic Tropical Rainforest.
Silva-Tamayo, J. C.
PP31FAbstract Title: Toward a Better Understanding of the Impact of Acidification, Warming, and Anoxia on Marine Carbonate Systems I, PP33CAbstract Title: Toward a Better Understanding of the Impact of Acidification, Warming, and Anoxia on Marine Carbonate Systems II Posters, PP33C-2333Abstract Title: Sedimentologic Expression of the Cretaceous OAEs in a Tropical Epicontinental Sea
Silvano, A.
C11D-08Abstract Title: Direct evidence of warm water access to the Totten Glacier sub-ice shelf cavity
Silveira, E.
PP13B-2278Abstract Title: Southern California climate, hydrology and vegetation over the past ~96 ka from Baldwin Lake, San Bernardino Mountains, California, PP51A-2282Abstract Title: Using Thecamoebians to Reconstruct 1300 Years of Limnological Change at Crystal Lake, Southern California
Silveira, M. D.
SM13C-2533Abstract Title: Orientation and Motion of Flux Transfer Events under Different Upstream Conditions., SM21B-2529Abstract Title: Effects of Interplanetary Structures on the Earth’s Outer Radiation Belt Dynamics Observed During September 12-26, 2014: I) Coronal Mass Ejection, SM41E-2523Abstract Title: A Neural Network Approach for Identifying Relativistic Electron Pitch Angle Distributions in Van Allen Probes Data
Silveira, M.
H53B-1668Abstract Title: The Subtropical Grasslands LTAR: balancing agricultural production and conservation goals
Silver, E. A.
T31D-07Abstract Title: Record of Subducting Topography revealed in 3D Seismic Imaging of Pleistocene unconformities, offshore Southern Costa Rica
Silver, J.
A41A-0032Abstract Title: Development of an Open-Path N2O Flux Measurement System for Understanding Agricultural and Soil Emissions
Silver, W. L.
A32E-05Abstract Title: Observed Global Historical Changes in Soil Decomposition Rates (1900–2011) and Plant Production (1981–2011), A41A-0027Abstract Title: Dynamic Measurements of Greenhouse Gas Respirations Caused by Changing Oxygen Levels, B13F-0693Abstract Title: How deep does disturbance go? The long-term effects of canopy disturbance on tropical forest soil biogeochemistry, B21H-0573Abstract Title: Beyond the Methanogenic Black-Box: Greenhouse Gas Fluxes (CO2, CH4, N2O) as Evidence for Wetlands as Dynamic Redox Systems, B31B-0549Abstract Title: Global Warming Potential from early phase decomposition of soil organic matter amendments, B41A-0404Abstract Title: The sensitivity of soil O2 and redox biogeochemistry to landscape position and climate, EP23C-0987Abstract Title: Influence of Soil Erosion and Landslide Occurrence on Soil Organic Carbon Storage and Loss in the Luquillo Critical Zone Observatory, Puerto Rico, U32A-03Abstract Title: Soils as a Solution: The Potential of Rangelands to Contribute to Climate Change Mitigation
Silver, Z.
A41G-0142Abstract Title: Synoptic Flow Interactions with an Isolated Mountain in Complex
Silverii, F.
G33A-1128Abstract Title: Multi-annual hydrologically-related horizontal ground deformation transient measured by GPS: insights from the Apennines
Silverman, M. L.
A11G-0131Abstract Title: Deriving Surface NO2 Mixing Ratios from DISCOVER-AQ ACAM Observations: A Method to Assess Surface NO2 Spatial Variability
Silvers, L. G.
A51F-0136Abstract Title: Parameterized Radiative Convective Equilibrium Across a Range of Domains: A Unifying Tool for General Circulation Models and High Resolution Models
Silverstein, S.
B33A-0629Abstract Title: Automatic Web-Based, Radio-Network System To Monitor And Control Equipment For Investigating Gas Flux At Water – Air Interfaces
Silvestri, M.
GC53F-1262Abstract Title: Comparison of ASTER Global Emissivity Database (ASTER-GED) With In-Situ Measurement In Italian Vulcanic Areas
Silvestri, S.
B43C-0578Abstract Title: The Relationship between Vegetation and Topographic Patterns in Coastal Dunes from LiDAR and Optical Remote Sensing
Silwal, I.
A21A-0019Abstract Title: Formic and Acetic Acid Observations over Colorado by Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometry and Organic Acids’ Role in Air Quality
Silwal, V.
T42B-05Abstract Title: Earthquake source studies and seismic imaging in Alaska
Silyakova, A.
OS31B-01Abstract Title: Simultaneous quantification of methane and carbon dioxide fluxes reveals that a shallow arctic methane seep is a net sink for greenhouse gases
Sim, C. Y.
S21A-2668Abstract Title: Are seismic velocity time-lapse changes due to fluid substitution or matrix dissolution? A CO2 sequestration study at Pohokura Field, New Zealand
Sim, S.
A11A-0023Abstract Title: Icing detection from geostationary satellite data using machine learning approaches
Sim, S.
P31D-2084Abstract Title: The effects of continental growth on global sea level
Simakov, N.
U51A-01Abstract Title: Sustaining an Online, Shared Community Resource for Models, Robust Open source Software Tools and Data for Volcanology – the Vhub Experience
Siman-Tov, S.
MR33C-2675Abstract Title: Shear heating and solid state diffusion: Constraints from clumped isotope thermometry in carbonate faults, NH34A-05Abstract Title: Seismic Ground Motion and Boulder Formation Along the Margins of the Dead Sea Fault System, Southern Israel
Simard, M.
B51I-07Abstract Title: Global trends and vulnerabilities of mangrove forests, GC11B-1045Abstract Title: What is the value of biomass remote sensing data for blue carbon inventories?, GC11B-1046Abstract Title: Mangrove Blue Carbon stocks and change estimation from PolInSAR, Lidar and High Resolution Stereo Imagery combined with Forest Cover change mapping, GC11B-1047Abstract Title: A Carbon Monitoring System Approach to US Coastal Wetland Carbon Fluxes: Progress Towards a Tier II Accounting Method with Uncertainty Quantification 
Simard, S.
H21C-1391Abstract Title: Seasonal dynamics of tree species specific soil moisture patterns, H23J-07Abstract Title: Root Water Uptake and Soil Moisture Pattern Dynamics – Capturing Connections, Controls and Causalities
Simelton, E.
GC13D-1178Abstract Title: Biases in simulation of the rice phenology models when applied in warmer climates
Simeonov, J.
EP21A-0885Abstract Title: Lagrangian Measurements, Simulation, and Theory for Incipient Motion in Oscillatory Flows, H43M-06Abstract Title: River Discharge and Bathymetry Estimation from Hydraulic Inversion of Surface Currents and Water Surface Elevation Observations
Simes, J.
H41G-1438Abstract Title: Linking Assessment to Decision Making in Water Resources Planning - Decision Making Frameworks and Case Study Evaluations
Simeski, F.
GC53C-1216Abstract Title: Oscillating Hydrofoils for Tidal Energy Extraction: Experiments, Simulations and Salt Water Field Tests
Simkanin, J.
GP43B-1252Abstract Title: Inertial Effects on Thermochemically Driven Convection and Hydromagnetic Dynamos in Spherical Shells
Simkins, L.
C11A-0738Abstract Title: Ross Sea Till Properties: Implications for Ice Sheet Bed Interaction, C41E-04Abstract Title: Geologic evidence of a leaky Antarctic Ice Sheet: Tracking meltwater influence on ice-sheet retreat in the Ross Sea, Antarctica since the Last Glacial Maximum
Simmer, C.
A11EAbstract Title: Detecting, Modeling, and Understanding Catchment-Scale Circulations Posters, A11E-0098Abstract Title: Analysis of Surface Heterogeneity Effects with Mesoscale Terrestrial Modeling Platforms, A51K-0211Abstract Title: Improved Understanding of an Extreme Rainfall Event at the Himalayan Foothills, H42D-02Abstract Title: Requirements to Observational Systems for a Better Quantification and Understanding of Hydroclimate Extremes
Simmonds, M.
B33C-0690Abstract Title: Simulating CH4 and N2O emissions from direct-seeded rice systems using the DeNitrification DeComposition (DNDC) model
Simmons, A.
A11R-02Abstract Title: Recent Reanalysis Activities at ECMWF: Results from ERA-20C and Plans for ERA5
Simmons, A.
GC53C-1220Abstract Title: Phase 1 Validation Testing and Simulation for the WEC-Sim Open Source Code
Simmons, C. T.
H34E-07Abstract Title: Transient forcing effects on mixing in stable variable-density systems
Simmons, J. M. D.
NH42A-01Abstract Title: Near real-time landslide hazard assessment using remotely sensed data
Simmons, K. R.
T13F-03Abstract Title: The last interglacial period at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba and an estimate of late Quaternary tectonic uplift rate in a strike-slip regime
Simmons, N. A.
DI21B-08Abstract Title: An ancient slab visible from the transition zone to the deep mantle beneath the southern Indian Ocean, DI41A-2589Abstract Title: Geodynamic constraints on deep-mantle buoyancy: Implications for thermochemical structure of LLSVP and large-scale upwellings under the Pacific Ocean., DI51A-2618Abstract Title: Estimating the Buoyancy Field for Earth's Mantle Using Seismic and Mineralogical Models
Simms, A.
EP23B-0968Abstract Title: Dating Historical Sediments in Estuaries: A Multi-Proxy Approach
Simoes, M.
T34A-02Abstract Title: Revisiting mountain-building in the Andes of Central Chile: constraints from structural geology and thermochronology.
Simon, A. C.
V43B-3110Abstract Title: The physico-chemical nature of the exchange between mafic enclaves and their felsic hosts, V52B-02Abstract Title: A Holistic Model That Physicochemically Links Iron Oxide - Apatite and Iron Oxide – Copper – Gold Deposits to Magmas, V54A-07Abstract Title: Formation of redox gradients during magma-magma mixing
Simon, A. A.
P31G-04Abstract Title: Polar Disturbance Surrounding a Long Living Cyclone in Saturn’s Atmosphere, P41B-2057Abstract Title: Peeking into Saturn's Atmosphere: the HST Low-Phase Angle View, P41B-2059Abstract Title: An Enduring Rapidly Moving Storm as a Guide to Saturn’s Equatorial Jet Complex Structure
Simon, A.
EP21CAbstract Title: Sources, Transport Processes, and Deposition/Storage of Fine-Grained and Cohesive Sediment: From Hillslopes to Oceans I Posters, EP23EAbstract Title: Sources, Transport Processes, and Deposition/Storage of Fine-Grained and Cohesive Sediment: From Hillslopes to Oceans II, EP24BAbstract Title: Sources, Transport Processes, and Deposition/Storage of Fine-Grained and Cohesive Sediment: From Hillslopes to Oceans III, EP24B-02Abstract Title: Magnitudes and Sources of Catchment Sediment: When A + B Doesn’t Equal C
Simon, D.
PP21B-2224Abstract Title: Understanding the Miocene-Pliocene – The Mediterranean Point of View
Simon, H.
H11B-1327Abstract Title: The derivation of an anisotropic velocity model from a combined surface and borehole seismic survey at the COSC-1 borehole, central Sweden
Simon, I.
PA13A-2187Abstract Title: Mind the Gap: Integrating Science and Policy Cultures and Practices
Simon, J.
P41B-2067Abstract Title: Properties of Discrete and Axisymmetric Features in Jupiter’s Atmosphere from Observations of Thermal Emission: Recent Updates on the Eve of the Juno Mission Arrival at Jupiter
Simon, J. S.
A33B-0153Abstract Title: Locating the Turbulent Gray Zone in High-Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction, NG13B-05Abstract Title: Challenges for high-resolution simulations of atmospheric flow over complex terrain
Simon, J. D.
S33D-2810Abstract Title: Toward the Autonomous Recording and Transmission of Seismic Data from the Oceans: Testing the Son-O-Mermaid Float in the Sargasso Sea
Simon, J. I.
V53H-03Abstract Title: Considering the Complexities of U-Pb Geochronology at the Millennial Scale
Simon, K.
G33B-1148Abstract Title: Data-driven prediction of present-day glacial isostatic adjustment in North America, G33B-1149Abstract Title: GPS and Relative Sea-level Constraints on Glacial Isostatic Adjustment in North America
Simon, K.
GP43B-1245Abstract Title: Obtaining Magnetic Properties of Meteorites Using Magnetic Scanner
Simon, M.
ED51B-0812Abstract Title: New Horizons Pluto Flyby Guest Operations
Simon, Q.
GP11A-07Abstract Title: New Insights on Long Term Geomagnetic Moment Variation from Cosmogenic Nuclide and Paleointensity Signatures along Ocean Sediment Cores., GP23A-1286Abstract Title: Authigenic 10Be/9Be Ratio Signatures of the Cosmogenic Nuclide Production Linked to Geomagnetic Dipole Moment Variation During and Since the Brunhes/Matuyama Boundary
Simon, S.
SM24AAbstract Title: Moon-Plasma Interactions throughout the Solar System I, SM31BAbstract Title: Moon-Plasma Interactions throughout the Solar System II Posters, SM31B-2484Abstract Title: Titan's Interaction With the Supersonic Solar Wind During T96: A Hybrid Simulation Study , SM31B-2493Abstract Title: Modeling Callisto's Interaction with the Jovian Magnetospheric Environment
Simon Wedlund, C.
P31E-2101Abstract Title: The Evolution of Comet 67P as Seen by a Mass-Resolving Ion Spectrometer
Simon-Labric, T.
T23A-2914Abstract Title: Slab flattening, dynamic topography and normal faulting in the Cordillera Blanca region (northern Peru)
Simons, F. J.
GP13B-1302Abstract Title: Localized crustal magnetic field inversion using inner- and outer-source altitude vector Slepian functions, G31A-1105Abstract Title: Long term mass changes and interannual variability in the Canadian Archipelago and Gulf of Alaska from GRACE, P53D-2165Abstract Title: Beyond Roughness: Maximum-Likelihood Estimation of Topographic "Structure" on Venus and Elsewhere in the Solar System, S13C-07Abstract Title: Mermaid Seismometry in the Oceans: What Can We Resolve and How Far Will We Go?, S23C-2726Abstract Title: Double-difference Adjoint Tomography, T31E-01Abstract Title: Gravity, Topography, Magnetics: Geoscience Data Analysis in Spherical and Planar Geometry
Simons, M.
C53C-0791Abstract Title: 4D Surface Velocity Fields of Rutford Ice Stream, West Antarctica, Inferred From Continuous Synthetic Aperture Radar Observations, G21B-1033Abstract Title: Studies of Grounding Line Migration Over Rutofrd Ice Stream Using 3D Short Repeat-Time Series From Multi-Track InSAR Acquisitions. , G54A-07Abstract Title: Towards inferring elastic structural variations from Earth’s response to surface mass loading, NH54A-05Abstract Title: Rapid Damage Mapping for the 2015 M7.8 Gorkha Earthquake using Synthetic Aperture Radar Data from COSMO-SkyMed and ALOS-2 Satellites, S11A-2766Abstract Title: Analysis of the Pre-, Co- and Post- seismic deformation associated to the April 1st, 2014 Pisagua (Mw 8.2) earthquake constrained by GPS observations., S31B-01Abstract Title: Bringing a Bayesian Perspective to Large Dimensional Problems in Geophysics, S41DAbstract Title: The M7.8 25 April 2015 Nepal Earthquake I, S42CAbstract Title: The M7.8 25 April 2015 Nepal Earthquake II, S43DAbstract Title: The M7.8 25 April 2015 Nepal Earthquake III Posters, S51B-2668Abstract Title: Revisiting the 2004 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake in a Bayesian framework, S53C-02Abstract Title: Probabilistic modeling of earthquakes, T43C-3024Abstract Title: Imaging the Seismic Cycle in the Central Andean Subduction Zone from Geodetic Observations, U33A-03Abstract Title: The Advanced Rapid Imaging and Analysis (ARIA) Project’s Response to the April 25, 2015 M7.8 Nepal Earthquake: Rapid Measurements and Models for Science and Situational Awareness 
Simonsen, S. B.
C32B-03Abstract Title: Digital Elevation Models of Greenland based on combined radar and laser altimetry as well as high-resolution stereoscopic imagery, C43D-05Abstract Title: Two Decades of Elevation Changes of the Greenland Ice Sheet from Radar and Laser Altimetry.
Simpkins, G. R.
A51VAbstract Title: Polar Climate and Predictability I, A53CAbstract Title: Polar Climate and Predictability II Posters
Simpkins, W. W.
H33I-1738Abstract Title: Integrated Modeling of the Human-Natural System to Improve Local Water Management and Planning
Simpson, A.
NH11C-05Abstract Title: What can’(t) we do with global flood risk models?
Simpson, A.
B32C-08Abstract Title: Long-term variation in above and belowground plant inputs alters soil organic matter biogeochemistry at the molecular-level
Simpson, A.
B22D-06Abstract Title: Microbial community and nitrogen cycling shift with snowmelt in high-elevation barren soils of Mount Rainier National Park
Simpson, C.
H13I-1702Abstract Title: RISA progress in the development of drought indicators to support decision making
Simpson, C.
EP31C-1022Abstract Title: Sedimentology of a Tidally-Influenced Fluvial Zone (TIFZ): Columbia River, USA, EP34B-03Abstract Title: The mid-Holocene to present large-scale morphodynamic and coupled fluvial-tidal sedimentologic evolution of the Lower Columbia River, WA/OR, USA
Simpson, D. G.
SA51C-2422Abstract Title: Distributed Acquisition for Geomagnetic Research (DAGR) for SmallSats
Simpson, D. W.
PA41C-08Abstract Title: Thirty Years of Innovation in Seismology with the IRIS Consortium
Simpson, G. L.
GC13G-1236Abstract Title: Rapid Ecological Change in Two Contrasting Lake Ecosystems: Evidence of Threshold Responses, Altered Species Dynamics, and Perturbed Patterns of Variability
Simpson, I.
A11PAbstract Title: Atmospheric Circulations and Their Role in the Hydrological Cycle: Monsoons, Storm Tracks, and the ITCZ I, A12BAbstract Title: Atmospheric Circulations and Their Role in the Hydrological Cycle: Monsoons, Storm Tracks, and the ITCZ II, A12B-02Abstract Title: On the role of circulation changes in future Northern Hemisphere hydroclimate change, A13AAbstract Title: Atmospheric Circulations and Their Role in the Hydrological Cycle: Monsoons, Storm Tracks, and the ITCZ III Posters, A13A-0280Abstract Title: The impact of climatological model biases in the North Atlantic jet on predicted future circulation change, GC41G-06Abstract Title: Understanding future changes in Northern Hemisphere winter meridional wind and regional hydroclimate
Simpson, I. J.
A11C-0074Abstract Title: Limitations of Global models in Representing Arctic Tropospheric Ozone and its Precursors, A11O-08Abstract Title: Impact of Hong Kong’s Voluntary Catalytic Converter Replacement Programme on Roadside Air Quality, A21A-0017Abstract Title: Atmospheric Organic Gases from Fossil Fuel Extraction Activities: Analysis and Modeling, A41Q-05Abstract Title: Hydrogen stable isotopic constraints on methane emissions from oil and gas extraction in the Colorado Front Range, USA
Simpson, L.
B33D-0734Abstract Title: Soil Carbon Stocks in a Shifting Ecosystem; Climate Induced Migration of Mangroves into Salt Marsh
Simpson, M. J.
B32C-08Abstract Title: Long-term variation in above and belowground plant inputs alters soil organic matter biogeochemistry at the molecular-level
Simpson, W. R.
A11C-0083Abstract Title: Environmental Factors Influencing Arctic Halogen Chemistry During Late Spring, A11C-0084Abstract Title: Characterizing Variability in the Spatial Distribution of Bromine Explosion Events in the Vicinity of Barrow, Alaska, A21B-0126Abstract Title: A Reevaluation of the Contribution of Very Short Lived Bromocarbons to Stratospheric Bromine Loading, A34FAbstract Title: Wintertime Atmospheric Chemistry: Emissions, Dispersion, Aerosols, Halogens, and Unusual Oxidants I, A34F-01Abstract Title: Arctic Ozone and Bromine Chemistry: Relationships with Snow Composition and Open Lead Presence, A41KAbstract Title: Wintertime Atmospheric Chemistry: Emissions, Dispersion, Aerosols, Halogens, and Unusual Oxidants II Posters, A41K-0218Abstract Title: Compositional Analysis of Fine Particulate Matter in Fairbanks, Alaska, A41K-0230Abstract Title: Vertical Structure and Vertical Evolution of Halogen Activation Events Observed by Autonomous Buoys
Sims, K. W. W.
DI31A-2559Abstract Title: Does a Superswell Exist Between Antarctica and Australia?, V21D-04Abstract Title: Radiogenic Isotope Constraints on Fluid Sources in the Yellowstone Hydrothermal System, V33C-3116Abstract Title: Isotopic Constraints on Magmatic Sources at Nyiragongo and Nyamulagira Volcanoes, Virunga Volcanic Province, DR Congo, V33D-3152Abstract Title: Methodological Adaptations for Reliable Measurement of Radium and Radon Isotopes in Hydrothermal Fluids of Extreme Chemical Diversity in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, USA
Sims, N. E.
DI21A-2588Abstract Title: Shear Wave Splitting Observations Beneath Uturuncu Volcano, Bolivia
Sims, N.
B43A-0531Abstract Title: The GEOGLAM Rangelands and Pasture Productivity Activity: Recent Progress and Future Directions
Simunac, K.
SH53A-2474Abstract Title: STEREO Observations of Small Transients in the Solar Wind at 1 AU (2007-2014) and Comparison with Near – Earth Results from Wind (1995 - 2014)
Simunek, J.
H54B-05Abstract Title: Numerical Modeling of Coupled Water, Vapor and Energy in Soils and at the Soil-Atmosphere Interface
Šimůnek, J.
GC51F-1139Abstract Title: Copper Accumulation, Availability and Adsorption Capacity in Sandy Soils of Vineyards with Different Cultivation Duration
Sin Chan, C.
A41H-0147Abstract Title: On the Performance of the Eta Model Microphysics Parameterization
Sin, J.
A21A-0072Abstract Title: Modeling Study on Air Quality Improvement due to Mobile Source Emission control Plan in Seoul Metropolitan Area
Sinayuc, C.
OS23B-2001Abstract Title: Acoustic Investigations of Gas and Gas Hydrate Formations, Offshore Southwestern Black Sea*
Sinca, F.
B22E-01Abstract Title: Global Patterns in Leaf Respiration and its Temperature Response
Sincavage, R.
EP32B-06Abstract Title: Embracing Non-Stationarity – Hysteresis and Coherence in the Ganges-Brahmaputra Source-to-Sink System and Its Imprint on the Stratigraphic Record., EP33E-04Abstract Title: Linking process, morphology, and stratigraphy in the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna delta, EP33E-05Abstract Title: Mass balance, bedload extraction, surface morphology, and Holocene stratigraphic architecture along distinct sediment transport pathways of the Brahmaputra River in Bengal Basin, EP41A-0903Abstract Title: Holocene construction and evolution of the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna delta: the influence of climate, eustasy, and tectonics on stratigraphic architecture and fluvial dynamics, EP41A-0907Abstract Title: Effects of Neotectonic Deformation on Channel Planform and Avulsion History of the Brahmaputra-Jamuna River, Bangladesh
Sinclair, G.
PP51CAbstract Title: Feedbacks on Ice-Sheet Growth and Decay during the Last Glacial Cycle I Posters, PP51C-2295Abstract Title: Preliminary Cosmogenic Surface Exposure Ages on Laurentide Ice-sheet Retreat and Opening of the Eastern Lake Agassiz Outlets, PP51C-2304Abstract Title: Late-Holocene Fluctuations of the Greenland Ice Sheet: Insights from a south Greenland threshold lake, PP54AAbstract Title: Feedbacks on Ice-Sheet Growth and Decay during the Last Glacial Cycle II
Sinclair, J.
P41B-2067Abstract Title: Properties of Discrete and Axisymmetric Features in Jupiter’s Atmosphere from Observations of Thermal Emission: Recent Updates on the Eve of the Juno Mission Arrival at Jupiter
Sinclair, K.
A42A-07Abstract Title: Remote Sensing of Cloud Layer Heights using the Research Scanning Polarimeter
Sinclair, L.
A32A-06Abstract Title: Long-path Atmospheric Measurements Using Dual Frequency Comb Spectroscopy
Sinclair, L.
NH43D-07Abstract Title: Assessing Landslide Characteristics and Developing a Landslide Potential Hazard Map in Rwanda and Uganda Using NASA Earth Observations
Sinclair, P.
GC32A-01Abstract Title: The Dark Snow Project: a hybrid research communication program, GC32A-02Abstract Title: Climate Science in Social Media: What's Worked, and What Hasn't, U13AAbstract Title: Reticent Researchers! Are We Failing Humanity?
Sinclair, S. N.
B41C-0447Abstract Title: Examining the Role of Aquatic Vegetation in Methane Production: Examples From a Shallow High Latitude Lake in Abisko, Sweden., B41C-0448Abstract Title: Variability of Methane in Stordalen Mire Stream Sediments, Abisko, Sweden
Sindang, M.
V43B-3124Abstract Title: Magma Storage, Recharge and the Caldera Cycle at Rabaul, Papua New Guinea
Sindelarova, K.
A14A-01Abstract Title: Quantification of surface emissions: An historical perspective from GEIA, A21A-0028Abstract Title: Changes in Emissions in Megacities during the Past Decades: Impact on the Distribution of Atmospheric Compounds
Sindhwani, R.
A23E-0377Abstract Title: Performance Evaluation of Various Parameterization Schemes in Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model : A Case Study Subtropical Urban Agglomeration National Capital Region (NCR), India
Sindoni, G.
P13B-2131Abstract Title: A RT-based Technique for the Analysis and the Removal of Titan's Atmosphere by Cassini/VIMS-IR data
Singer, A.
H31E-1454Abstract Title: Potential Impacts of Spilled Hydraulic Fracturing Fluid Chemicals on Water Resources: Types, Volumes, and Physical-chemical Properties of Chemicals
Singer, B. S.
G31C-04Abstract Title: Linking Modern, Rapid, Surface Uplift at the Laguna del Maule Volcanic Field, Chilean Andes, to Rhyolitic Magma-Driven Uplift Spanning the Holocene, S51D-2713Abstract Title: Preliminary Ambient Noise and Seismic Interferometry Analysis of the Laguna del Maule Volcanic Field, Chile, T51A-2840Abstract Title: Evidence of Failure on Low-Angle Normal Faults from Thermochronology and Paleomagnetism: A Case Study from South Mountains Metamorphic Core Complex, Arizona, T54A-04Abstract Title: Impact Crater of the Australasian Tektites, Southern Laos, V23B-3108Abstract Title: DISTRIBUTION AND EVOLUTION OF VOLCANISM OF THE BOLAVEN PLATEAU, SOUTHERN LAOS, V31G-01Abstract Title: It's About Time: How Accurate Can Geochronology Become?, V43B-3141Abstract Title: Focal Mechanisms for Local Earthquakes within a Rapidly Deforming Rhyolitic Magma System, Laguna del Maule, Chile, V51G-3118Abstract Title: 4-Dimensional Insights into Silicic Magma Reservoir Assembly from Late Miocene Southern Andean Plutons, V53H-06Abstract Title: Single-crystal 40Ar/39Ar incremental heating reveals bimodal sanidine ages in the Bishop Tuff
Singer, H. J.
IN31D-02Abstract Title: Real-Time and Near Real-Time Data for Space Weather Applications and Services, SM13A-2466Abstract Title: Relations Between Traveling Convection Vortex (TCV) Signatures in Near-Cusp Ground Data, at Geosynchronous Orbit, and in Low Latitude Ground Data, SM13FAbstract Title: Fifty Years of Space Weather Forecasting: Highlighting the Science, Behind the Societal Relevance I, SM41BAbstract Title: Fifty Years of Space Weather Forecasting: Highlighting the Science, Behind the Societal Relevance II Posters, SM41C-2499Abstract Title: Recent Geoeffective Space Weather Events and Technological System Impacts, SM41E-2533Abstract Title: Source and seed populations for relativistic electrons: their roles in radiation belt changes, SM41H-2575Abstract Title: Comparing Local-Time and Storm-Phase Distributions of EMIC Waves Observed by Van Allen Probes A, GOES-13, and Halley, Antarctica, SM51A-2523Abstract Title: Multi-point, multi-scale observation of the near-Earth current sheet reconfiguration during storm-time multi-onset substorms
Singer, J.
ED11CAbstract Title: Engaging Undergraduates in Learning about the Earth, Oceans, and Atmospheric Sciences through NSF Educational Funding Programs I Posters, ED11C-0864Abstract Title: The NSF IUSE-EHR Program: What's New (and Old) About It, and Resources for Geoscience Proposers, ED13D-0910Abstract Title: The Transformative Impact of Undergraduate Research Mentoring on Students and the Role of the Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR) in Supporting Faculty Mentors, ED14BAbstract Title: Engaging Undergraduates in Learning about the Earth, Oceans, and Atmospheric Sciences through NSF Educational Funding Programs I
Singer, J.
S33A-2750Abstract Title: How a Country-Wide Seismological Network Can Improve Understanding of Seismicity and Seismic Hazard -- The Example of Bhutan, T13G-10Abstract Title: Evidence for Along-Strike Variations in the Crustal Deformation beneath the Bhutan Himalaya from Receiver Function Imaging and Seismicity, T21C-2833Abstract Title: Along-Strike Differences of the Main Himalayan Thrust and Deformation within the Indian Crust: Insights from Seismicity and Seismic Velocities in Bhutan and its Foreland
Singer, K. N.
P41E-04Abstract Title: Processes Modifying Cratered Terrains on Pluto, P41E-05Abstract Title: Geomorphic Evolution of Sputnik Planum and Surrounding Terrain, P41E-07Abstract Title: Craters on Pluto and Charon: The Influence of Low Gravities, Low Impact Speeds, and Unique Ices, P54A-01Abstract Title: Color and Composition of Pluto and Its Moons from the New Horizons Mission, P54A-06Abstract Title: Radio Occultation Measurements of Pluto’s Atmosphere with New Horizons, P54A-09Abstract Title: Pluto’s Far Ultraviolet Spectrum and Airglow Emissions
Singer, M. B.
EP54A-07Abstract Title: Exploring the role of flood transience in coarse bed load sediment transport
Singer, W.
SA41B-2334Abstract Title: Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere Zonal wind Variations over Tropics: Relation to local stratospheric zonal winds and Global Circulation anomalies
Singh, A. K.
A21A-0080Abstract Title: High Black Carbon (BC) Concentrations along Indian National Highways
Singh, A.
B42A-04Abstract Title: Detection of Extreme Climate Event Impacts to Terrestrial Productivity From Airborne Hyperspectral Imagery, B53B-0544Abstract Title: Linking vegetation structure, function and physiology through spectroscopic remote sensing, B54D-01Abstract Title: Mapping Variation in Vegetation Functioning with Imaging Spectroscopy, GC22D-06Abstract Title: HyspIRI Measurements of Agricultural Systems in California: 2013-2015
Singh, A.
A21A-0083Abstract Title: 60 years of visibility data in the UK – how does visibility vary with meteorological and pollutant parameters?
Singh, A.
EP41A-0905Abstract Title: Fluvial fan evolution during Late Quaternary climate changes: field and chronological constraints from the Indo–Gangetic basin
Singh, A.
NS31A-1960Abstract Title: Appraisal of current density in Very Low Frequency electromagnetic measurements using preconditioned conjugate gradient approach
Singh, A. K.
SA41A-2323Abstract Title: Near-Conjugate Characteristics of Long Period ULF waves at very high Latitudes (L≈14 RE)
Singh, A.
A33M-0398Abstract Title: Prognostic Aspects of Sub-seasonal Rainfall Characteristics using the Outputs of General Circulation Model: An Application of Statistical Downscaling and Temporal Disaggregation
Singh, A.
H31D-1444Abstract Title: Effect of changing spatio-temporal precipitation patterns on river network dynamics, NG23B-1786Abstract Title: Experimental evidence of reorganizing landscape under changing climatic forcing
Singh, A.
PP53C-2362Abstract Title: Inter-species and Seasonal Variability in Mg / Ca in Larger Benthic Foraminifera: Implications for Paleo-proxy
Singh, B.
A33L-0359Abstract Title: Interannual modulation of subtropical Atlantic boreal summer dust variability by ENSO, A43C-0298Abstract Title: How much does sea spray aerosol organic matter impact clouds and radiation? Sensitivity studies in the Community Atmosphere Model, A51W-04Abstract Title: Resuspension of Aerosol Particles from Evaporated Rain Drops to the Coarse Mode, A53G-03Abstract Title: Explicit representation of low clouds in a global atmospheric model: initial results from Ultra-Parameterized CAM5
Singh, B.
GC13H-1255Abstract Title: A scalable satellite-based crop yield mapper: Integrating satellites and crop models for field-scale estimation in India
Singh, B. P.
GC13F-1218Abstract Title: Soil Organic Carbon Response to Cover Crop and Nitrogen Fertilization under Bioenergy Sorghum
Singh, B.
A23D-0357Abstract Title: Seasonality of the Tropical Intraseasonal Oscillation
Singh, D.
C13A-0802Abstract Title: Impact of Dust on Mars Surface Albedo and Energy Flux with LMD General Circulation Model
Singh, D.
A43D-0311Abstract Title: Imprint of Historical Anthropogenic Emissions on the Subseasonal Variability of the Indian Summer Monsoon, A51HAbstract Title: Identifying Links between the Large-Scale Atmospheric Circulation and Climate Extremes I Posters, A51H-0153Abstract Title: Probability of Atmospheric Circulation Pattern Occurrence in Pre-Industrial, Historical, and Future Climates, A54CAbstract Title: Identifying Links between the Large-Scale Atmospheric Circulation and Climate Extremes II, GC41G-07Abstract Title: Trends in persistent seasonal-scale atmospheric circulation patterns responsible for precipitation and temperature extremes in California, PP22A-02Abstract Title: Using Atmospheric Circulation Patterns to Detect and Attribute Changes in the Risk of Extreme Climate Events
Singh, G.
H31I-1556Abstract Title: Efficacy of Biostimulation for Uranium Sequestration: Coupled Effects Sediment/Groundwater Geochemistry and Microbiology
Singh, G.
H23G-1659Abstract Title: Sensor Network Middleware for Cyber-Physical Systems: Opportunities and Challenges
Singh, G.
H43H-1638Abstract Title: Prediction of Root Zone Soil Moisture using Remote Sensing Products and In-Situ Observation under Climate Change Scenario
Singh, G.
B51F-0493Abstract Title: Eutrophic lakes as CO2 sinks – A survey of 19 lakes in India
Singh, H. A.
A11PAbstract Title: Atmospheric Circulations and Their Role in the Hydrological Cycle: Monsoons, Storm Tracks, and the ITCZ I, A13AAbstract Title: Atmospheric Circulations and Their Role in the Hydrological Cycle: Monsoons, Storm Tracks, and the ITCZ III Posters, A31J-08Abstract Title: Aerial Moisture Transport in the Earth Climate System: A Study of the Mean State and Perturbations Due to CO2-Doubling using Numerical Water Tracers and a Novel Linear Algebra Analysis Framework, A51VAbstract Title: Polar Climate and Predictability I, A53CAbstract Title: Polar Climate and Predictability II Posters
Singh, H. B.
A14A-04Abstract Title: Investigating the Impacts of Wildfires on Air Quality in the Western US, A21A-0045Abstract Title: OVOC Sources and Sinks over North America: New Constraints from Recent Aircraft Campaigns
Singh, H. P.
GC13F-1218Abstract Title: Soil Organic Carbon Response to Cover Crop and Nitrogen Fertilization under Bioenergy Sorghum
Singh, J.
A33C-0166Abstract Title: Continuous in-situ methane measurements at paddy fields in a rural area of India with poor electric infrastructure, using a low-cost instrument based on open-path near-IR laser absorption spectroscopy
Singh, J.
EP43B-0987Abstract Title: The Morphology of Streams Restored for Market and Nonmarket Purposes: Insights From a Mixed Natural-Social Science Approach
Singh, K.
H41G-1455Abstract Title: Tying California’s Water System Together
Singh, M.
B33C-0692Abstract Title: Soil Management Effects on Gas Fluxes from an Organic Soil Agricultural System
Singh, M.
A54E-02Abstract Title: Radiative Interactions of Clouds Embedded in wildfire Smoke using Multiangular Airborne observations
Singh, M. K.
A23A-0283Abstract Title: An Empirical Function for Bidirectional Reflectance Characterization for Smoke Aerosols Using Multi-angular Airborne Measurements
Singh, M. S.
A11P-07Abstract Title: Disentangling the Effects of Eddy Fluxes of Heat and Momentum on the Hadley Circulation
Singh, N.
GC13A-1127Abstract Title: UNCERTAINTY IN ESTIMATION OF BIOENERGY INDUCED LULC CHANGE: DEVELOPMENT OF A NEW CHANGE DETECTION TECHNIQUE., H13J-1725Abstract Title: Food Security Hotspots in India under Changing Climate and Growing Populatio, H53A-1640Abstract Title: An Integrated Modeling Framework for Probable Maximum Precipitation and Flood, IN43A-1719Abstract Title: Scalable Algorithms for Global Scale Remote Sensing Applications
Singh, N.
H43I-1661Abstract Title: Unraveling soil moisture responses to storms and relationships to runoff in a headwater catchment
Singh, P.
PP13A-2252Abstract Title: Inverse relation between summer and winter monsoon strength during late Holocene: continental molecular isotopic record from the Indian subcontinent
Singh, R.
GC23C-1155Abstract Title: Assessment of Climate Change Impact on River Discharge using Reduced Uncertainty Ensemble Modeling Framewor
Singh, R.
AE33B-0489Abstract Title: Response of Ionosphere to the Tropospheric disturbances
Singh, R.
S24A-07Abstract Title: Monitoring CO2 injection with a buried geophone array: Stage 2C of CO2CRC Otway Project
Singh, R.
GC43C-1218Abstract Title: Quantifying and Constraining Structural Uncertainty in Future Climate Projections over India
Singh, R.
SA31B-2346Abstract Title: Low latitude Ionospheric response to the recent super storm of 17 March 2015: Modeling perspectives and recent findings
Singh, R. K.
H33B-1573Abstract Title: Comparison of Four Different Energy Balance Models for Estimating Evapotranspiration in the Midwest United States, H33B-1578Abstract Title: Evaluating Landsat 8 Evapotranspiration for Water Use Mapping in the Colorado River Basin
Singh, R. P.
S43D-2840Abstract Title: Predicted Attenuation Relation and Observed Ground Motion of Gorkha Nepal Earthquake of 25 April 2015
Singh, R. P.
A21A-0080Abstract Title: High Black Carbon (BC) Concentrations along Indian National Highways, A21LAbstract Title: Long-Range Transport of Dust and Pollution in the Past, Present, and Future I, A22DAbstract Title: Long-Range Transport of Dust and Pollution in the Past, Present, and Future II, A23CAbstract Title: Long-Range Transport of Dust and Pollution in the Past, Present, and Future III Posters, A51B-0033Abstract Title: Air quality of Beijing (China) and Delhi (India) and impact on Human Health and Climate in Asia, A52E-04Abstract Title: Fog Induced Aerosol Modification Observed by AERONET, Including Occurrences During Major Air Pollution Events, NH11CAbstract Title: Science for Disaster Risk Reduction: From Integrated Research and Assessment of Risks to Communication and Engagements I, NH12AAbstract Title: Science for Disaster Risk Reduction: From Integrated Research and Assessment of Risks to Communication and Engagements II, NH13DAbstract Title: Science for Disaster Risk Reduction: From Integrated Research and Assessment of Risks to Communication and Engagements III Posters, NH21FAbstract Title: White Lecture. Natural Hazard Science: Building the Community through Integrated Research and Practice, NH31BAbstract Title: Natural Hazards General Contributions Posters, NH43BAbstract Title: Natural Hazards Research and Mitigation: Global Navigation Satellite System, Data Diversity, and Emerging Technology I Posters, NH51GAbstract Title: Natural Hazards Research and Mitigation: Global Navigation Satellite System, Data Diversity, and Emerging Technology II, U33AAbstract Title: The 25 April 2015 M7.8 Gorkha, Nepal, Earthquake Sequence: Lessons Learned
Singh, R. P.
Singh, R.
H21K-02Abstract Title: Incorporating channel network information in hydrologic response modelling: model development and validation using ecologically relevant indicators, H33I-1723Abstract Title: What controls vulnerability of watersheds to climate and land use change across the United States?, H51H-1477Abstract Title: Estimating the spatio-temporal distribution of surface water availability across India
Singh, R. K.
MR21A-2604Abstract Title: Sandbox experiments on Uraninite Ore: ERT and SP measurments.
Singh, S. V.
SH31A-2398Abstract Title: Ion Acoustic Solitons and Double Layers in the Solar Wind Having Kappa Distributed Electrons
Singh, S. K.
S22B-03Abstract Title: Fast Identification of Near-Trench Earthquakes Along the Mexican Subduction Zone Based on Characteristics of Ground Motion in Mexico City
Singh, S.
P13B-2122Abstract Title: Identification of Acetylene on Titan's Surface
Singh, S. C.
T21D-2857Abstract Title: The Nature of Co-seismic Rupture Zone of the 2010 Mentawai Tsunami Earthquake from Full Waveform Inversion of Long Offset Seismic Reflection Data, T33C-2953Abstract Title: Nature and Role of Subducting Sediments on the Megathrust and Forearc Evolution in the 2004 Great Sumatra Earthquake Rupture Zone: Results from Full Waveform Inversion of Long Offset Seismic Data, T41D-2926Abstract Title: Seismic Reflection Imaging of the Lithosphere-asthenosphere Boundary Across the Atlantic Ocean, T51A-2861Abstract Title: Direct Seafloor Imaging of the 2012 Wharton Basin Great Strike-slip Earthquakes rupture zones, T51F-2968Abstract Title: From Rifting of a volcanic province to Oceanic Spreading in the Andaman Sea, South-East Asia., T54A-07Abstract Title: Evidence of Frontal Rupturing in the Mentawai Gap, SW Sumatra, Newly Acquired High-Resolution Seismic Reflection and Bathymetry Data, V21A-3027Abstract Title: Seismic structure of an amagmatic section of the ultra-slow spreading South West Indian Ridge: the 2014 Sismosmooth cruise, V21A-3030Abstract Title: Insights on the Nature of the Geophysical Crust at a Melt-starved Slow-spreading Mid-oceanic Ridge
Singh, S.
Singh, S.
B13G-0726Abstract Title: Distribution of atmospheric reactive nitrogen at two sites of different socio- economic characteristics in IndoGangetic Plain(IGP) region, India.
Singh, S. K.
S11A-2757Abstract Title: Earthquake Relocation in the Middle Atlas: Apparently-Deep Events Resolved to be Shallow, T21C-2831Abstract Title: Source Parameters of the 25th April 2015 Nepal Earthquake and its Aftershocks
Singh, S.
B11G-0516Abstract Title: Optical Characterization and Spatial Distribution of Dissolved Organic Matter (DOM) in Seven Water Bodies of Mississippi, USA
Singh, S.
V43A-3094Abstract Title: The role of bend faults on slab serpentinization at the Nicaraguan convergent margin
Singh, S.
H13H-1655Abstract Title: Short term prediction of dynamic hydra precipitation activity using a microwave radiometer over Eastern Himalaya, India
Singh, T. N.
NH41A-1799Abstract Title: Interesting insights into instability of slopes and rock fall in the morphodynamic Himalayan terrane
Singh, U. N.
A22C-03Abstract Title: Testing of a Two-Micron Double-Pulse IPDA Lidar Instrument for Airborne Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Measurement, A23B-0299Abstract Title: Sensitivity Analysis and Error Budget For Carbon Dioxide and Water Vapor Simultaneous and Independent Measurement Using 2-Micron Triple-Pulsed IPDA Lidar
Singh, V. P.
H13I-1692Abstract Title: Categorical Drought Monitoring and Prediction in the United States Based on NLDAS-2, H53A-1651Abstract Title: Long-Term Drought Forecasting based on Climate Signals using Multi-Channel
Singh, V. P.
PP53C-2369Abstract Title: Episodes of reduction in the Western Pacific Warm Pool during Quaternary and Its implications on the Indian Ocean: Planktic foraminiferal evidences
Singh, V.
SA31B-2342Abstract Title: A Study of 732.0 nm Dayglow Emission in Equatorial Region under Geomagnetic Storm Conditions
Singha, K.
EP31A-0990Abstract Title: Trends in Soil Moisture Reflect More Than Slope Position: Soils on San Cristóbal Island, Galápagos as a Case Study, EP33D-02Abstract Title: Three-dimensional topographic stress controls on bedrock fractures and landscape evolution, H31K-05Abstract Title: Hyporheic transport in headwater mountain streams is time-invariant in locations where geologic controls dominate hydrologic forcin, H34B-03Abstract Title: Disturbance Hydrology in the Tropics: The Galápagos Islands as a Case Study, H51R-06Abstract Title: Aspect Controls on Bedrock Fracturing and Seismic Velocity within the Boulder Creek Critical Zone Observatory, NS21A-1914Abstract Title: Identifying Hydrologic Flowpaths on Arctic Hillslopes Using Electrical Resistivity and Self Potential
Singhal, M.
ED41A-0821Abstract Title: The Use of Phytochemicals to Effectively Produce Biofuel from Rhizophora mangle
Singhania, A.
C33G-07Abstract Title: Multispectral Airborne Mapping LiDAR Observations of the McMurdo Dry Valleys
Singleton, A.
EP21C-0923Abstract Title: Effects of Chinese Deforestation and Reforestation Policies on Sediment Sourcing in Yunnan, China
Singleton, M. J.
B41C-0460Abstract Title: Sources of Below-Ground Respired Carbon in a Northern Minnesota Ombrotrophic Spruce Bog and the Influence of Heating Manipulations., H11F-1422Abstract Title: Regional oxygen reduction and denitrification rates, San Joaquin Valley, USA, H21B-1364Abstract Title: Geospatially Analyzed Groundwater Residence Time as a Tool for Sustainable Groundwater Management
Singleton, M.
NH11B-1908Abstract Title: Intensity and Variability of Geomagnetic Time Derivatives
Singsomboun, K.
T54A-04Abstract Title: Impact Crater of the Australasian Tektites, Southern Laos, V23B-3108Abstract Title: DISTRIBUTION AND EVOLUTION OF VOLCANISM OF THE BOLAVEN PLATEAU, SOUTHERN LAOS
Sinha, A.
IN11BAbstract Title: Integrated Modeling and Optimization for Multicriteria Decision Making Posters
Sinha, A. K.
SA41A-2323Abstract Title: Near-Conjugate Characteristics of Long Period ULF waves at very high Latitudes (L≈14 RE)
Sinha, B.
OS51B-1986Abstract Title: Contrasting responses of the extended Gulf Stream to severe winter forcing
Sinha, B.
A21A-0075Abstract Title: Limitation of using Angstrom exponent for source apportionment of black carbon in complex environments - A case study from the North West Indo- Gangetic plain
Sinha, E.
H13C-1548Abstract Title: Role of Precipitation Variability in Interannual Variation of Nitrogen Loading in Streams in the Continental U.S.
Sinha, R.
EP41A-0905Abstract Title: Fluvial fan evolution during Late Quaternary climate changes: field and chronological constraints from the Indo–Gangetic basin
Sinha, S.
H41KAbstract Title: Modeling and Observations of Coupled Biophysical Processes in Terrestrial and Aquatic Environments across Scales I, H41K-07Abstract Title: Biofilm-flow interactions in aquatic environments, H43GAbstract Title: Modeling and Observations of Coupled Biophysical Processes in Terrestrial and Aquatic Environments across Scales II Posters
Sinha, T.
H12GAbstract Title: Sustainable Use and Protection of Water Resources in Times of Population Growth and Climate Change I, H12G-04Abstract Title: The role of hydroclimate and water use on freshwater sustainability over the conterminous US., H13JAbstract Title: Sustainable Use and Protection of Water Resources in Times of Population Growth and Climate Change II Posters, H13J-1723Abstract Title: Freshwater Sustainability under Climate Change in the Nueces River Basin, TX
Sinha, V.
A11TAbstract Title: VOC Chemistry and OH Reactivity: Known Unknowns and Unknown Unknowns I, A12EAbstract Title: VOC Chemistry and OH Reactivity: Known Unknowns and Unknown Unknowns II, A13EAbstract Title: VOC Chemistry and OH Reactivity: Known Unknowns and Unknown Unknowns III Posters
Sinha, V.
A21A-0037Abstract Title: The Impact of Post Harvest Agricultural Crop Residue Fires on Volatile Organic Compounds and Formation of Secondary Air Pollutants in the N.W. Indo-Gangetic Plain, A21A-0075Abstract Title: Limitation of using Angstrom exponent for source apportionment of black carbon in complex environments - A case study from the North West Indo- Gangetic plain, A31F-01Abstract Title: Development and first applications of an OH reactivity instrument based on the Comparative Reactivity Method, B43F-0611Abstract Title: Overview of VOC emissions and chemistry from PTR-TOF-MS measurements during the SusKat-ABC campaign: high acetaldehyde, ketene, isoprene and isocyanic acid in wintertime air of the Kathmandu Valley
Sinkler, C. J.
A33H-0273Abstract Title: Foliar Shielding: How Non-Meteoric Water Deposition Helps Leaves Survive Drought by Reducing Incoming Energy
Sinmyo, R.
DI44A-04Abstract Title: The deep oxygen cycle in the early Earth, DI52A-01Abstract Title: Fate of Silicate Melts at Core-Mantle Boundary Conditions, MR23BAbstract Title: Physics and Chemistry of Earth's Deep Mantle and Core I Posters, MR23B-2648Abstract Title: Discovery of New Iron Oxide Fe7O9 and its Solid Solution, (Mg,Fe2+)3Fe3+4O9, MR23B-2652Abstract Title: Phase relations in the system Fe-Si determined in an internally-resistive heated DAC, MR33DAbstract Title: Physics and Chemistry of Earth's Deep Mantle and Core II
Sinogeikin, S. V.
MR11AAbstract Title: Advanced Experimental and Analytical Techniques for Mineralogy and Mineral Physics I, MR11A-07Abstract Title: Apparatus and Techniques for Time-resolved Synchrotron X-ray Diffraction using Diamond Anvil Cells, MR13AAbstract Title: Advanced Experimental and Analytical Techniques for Mineralogy and Mineral Physics II Posters
Sinreich, R.
A12A-08Abstract Title: Mobile Column Measurements of HCHO, NO2, NH3, and C2H6 in Colorado during FRAPPE, A41A-0049Abstract Title: Evaluation of a Remote Sensing Instrument Suite to Measure Gas Columns from a Mobile Laboratory
Sinsabaugh, R. L.
B53G-0653Abstract Title: The Effects of Rainfall Pulses on Soil Nitrogen Availability in a Chihuahuan Desert Grassland During the Summer Monsoon
Sinsky, E.
GC24A-01Abstract Title: The Understanding of Elevation Dependent Warming from Climate Models
Sintim, H.
GC13H-1260Abstract Title: Soil Physical Characteristics and Biological Indicators of Soil Quality Under Different Biodegradable Mulches
Sinton, J. M.
GP13A-1283Abstract Title: Audiomagnetotelluric exploration across the Waiʻanae Range, Oʻahu, Hawaiʻi, V31D-3057Abstract Title: Basalt Magma, Whisky and Tequila: finely-crafted mixes of small liquid batches that defy the parent liquid concept but whose complexities teach us much
Sinton, S.
SA51C-2417Abstract Title: Carbon/graphene foils: a critical subsystem for plasma instruments in space
Sintubin, M.
T41C-2913Abstract Title: Mechanical Twinning and Microstructures in Experimentally Stressed Quartzite
Sinyuk, A.
A23F-0394Abstract Title: Highlights from 4STAR Sky-Scanning Retrievals of Aerosol Intensive Optical Properties from Multiple Field Campaigns with Detailed Comparisons of SSA Reported During SEAC4RS, A23L-05Abstract Title: Near Real-Time Automatic Data Quality Controls for the AERONET Version 3 Database: An Introduction to the New Level 1.5V Aerosol Optical Depth Data Product, A31D-0082Abstract Title: Analysis of the Interaction and Transport of Aerosols with Cloud or Fog in East Asia from AERONET and Satellite Remote Sensing: 2012 DRAGON Campaigns and Climatological Data, A52E-04Abstract Title: Fog Induced Aerosol Modification Observed by AERONET, Including Occurrences During Major Air Pollution Events
Sio, C. K. I.
V13A-3095Abstract Title: An improved geospeedometry using chemical-isotopic profiles in olivines, V33A-3076Abstract Title: Iron isotope composition of depleted MORB
Sion, B. D.
EP41A-0913Abstract Title: Configuration and Correlation of Fluvial Terrace Deposits In the Lower Rio Salado Valley: A Record of Magmatic Uplift and Active Normal Faulting in the Rio Grande Rift
Siongco, A. C.
A13A-0300Abstract Title: Coupling of Convection and Circulation over the Tropical Atlantic
Siperstein, S.
ED11F-06Abstract Title: Developing Climate Change Literacy With the Humanities: A Narrative Approach
Sipes, T.
SH54B-05Abstract Title: Continuing the Search for Natural Solar Wind States
Sippel, J.
DI44B-02Abstract Title: Isostasy, Stress and Gravitational Potential Energy in the Southern Atlantic – Insights from Satellite Gravity Observations
Sippel, S.
A21F-0217Abstract Title: Detection and Attribution of Simulated Climatic Extreme Events and Impacts: High Sensitivity to Bias Correction, B23H-06Abstract Title: On the suitability of ecological in-situ networks for detecting impacts of extreme events
Siqueira, P.
IN11AAbstract Title: Twenty Years and Counting: Leveraging the Growing Archive of SAR Data for Analyzing Geodynamic Signals on Local to Global Scales Posters
Siqueira, P. R.
B21L-01Abstract Title: Biodiversity and functional regeneration during secondary succession in a tropical dry forest: from microorganisms to mammals
Siratovich, P. A.
H51C-1388Abstract Title: Terrestrial Laser Scanning of Lava Flows to Constrain Fracture Models in Geothermal Reservoirs; a Case Study from the Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand
Siravo, G.
V53A-3128Abstract Title: Feedback between deglaciation and volcanism in arc settings: the example of the Mount Mazama volcanic system, Crater Lake, Oregon
Sirbu, F.
GC23J-1212Abstract Title: Slow geomorphologic evolution of rock glaciers in marginal periglacial environment of Southern Carpathians (Romania)
Sirca, C.
B33A-0636Abstract Title: Influence of Different Environmental Variables on Energy and Carbon Fluxes in a Mediterranean Maquis Site, B33E-0755Abstract Title: Monitoring Energy and Carbon Fluxes in a Mediterranean City, NH31A-1885Abstract Title: The Ofidia Project: a Retrospective Fire Danger Forecast Analysis in Mediterranean Environment
Sirianni, M.
B21H-0577Abstract Title: The Effect of Increased Salinity and Temperature in Peat Soils from the Everglades: Implications for Biogenic Gas Production and Release Under a Sea Level Rise Scenario
Siringan, F. P.
B21C-0437Abstract Title: AMS Carbon-14 Dating of Microbial Carbonates of Shallow-Water Holocene Coral Reefs in the Philippines, PP53C-2355Abstract Title: Can Diploastrea heliopora be an Alternate Coral Climate Archive in the Indo-Pacific?
Sirocko, F.
PP13B-2286Abstract Title: A Flood Layer Reconstruction from the Laminated Sediments of Eifel Maar Structures (Germany) during the Last 60 000 Years
Sirol, O.
GP43C-1255Abstract Title: The Absolute Vector Magnetometers on Board Swarm, Lessons Learned From Two Years in Space.
Sironi, L.
SH54A-02Abstract Title: Magnetic Reconnection in Relativistic Astrophysical Jets
Sishodia, R. P.
H13J-1726Abstract Title: Groundwater Trends and Availability Under Current and Future Groundwater Withdrawals and Climate Scenarios in Semi-arid India
Siskind, D. E.
SA41B-2338Abstract Title: Observations of Secondary Waves Generated from Interaction Between the 2-Day Wave and the Migrating Diurnal Tide.
Sisman, F. N. N.
S43A-2766Abstract Title: Regional Kappa Models on North Anatolian Fault Zone (Turkey) and Their Use in Ground Motion Simulations
Siso, C.
A31B-0042Abstract Title: Carbon Tetrachloride Emissions from the US during 2008 – 2012 Derived from Atmospheric Data Using Bayesian and Geostatistical Inversions, A51N-0267Abstract Title: Using box models to quantify zonal distributions and emissions of halocarbons in the background atmosphere.
Sison-Mangus, M.
B11J-0575Abstract Title: Investigating the presence of predatory bacteria on algal bloom samples using a T6SS gene marker.
Sisson, T. W.
V22A-01Abstract Title: Origins of Calc-Alkaline (s.l.) Andesitic Magmas – Where We Stand Today, V23CAbstract Title: 4D Variations in Cascade Arc Magmatic Systems: Linking Tectonics, Geochemistry, and Geodynamics I, V31AAbstract Title: 4D Variations in Cascade Arc Magmatic Systems: Linking Tectonics, Geochemistry, and Geodynamics II Posters, V31A-3005Abstract Title: Experimental constraints on the genesis of hydrous arc dacites, V41B-3077Abstract Title: Network cation coordination in aluminoborosilicate and Mg- aluminosilicate glasses: pressure effects in recovered structural changes and densification, V43B-3114Abstract Title: New Constraints on the Geochemistry of the Millennium Eruption of Mount Paektu (Changbaishan), Democratic People’s Republic of Korea/China
Sisterson, D.
A43B-0265Abstract Title: Strategy for Improving Measurement Uncertainty and Data Quality Information for Observations at Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Research Facilities
Sit, S. M.
T21D-2864Abstract Title: New Perspective on the Transition from Flat to Steeper Subduction in Oaxaca, Mexico Based on Seismicity, Nonvolcanic Tremor, and Slow Slip
Sitar, M.
B41H-04Abstract Title: Systematic variations in multi-spectral lidar representations of canopy height profiles and gap probability
Sitar, N.
PA42B-08Abstract Title: Dealing with Natural Disasters: Preparedness versus Post-Event Response
Sitarski, B.
ED43A-0872Abstract Title: Exploring Your Universe at UCLA: Steps to Developing and Sustaining a Large STEM Event
Sitch, S.
A51M-0245Abstract Title: Multi-criteria Evaluation of Discharge Simulation in Dynamic Global Vegetation Models, B21M-03Abstract Title: The full budget of greenhouse gases in the terrestrial biosphere: From global C project to global GHG project, B22A-05Abstract Title: Improving the representation of photosynthesis in Earth system models, B42B-08Abstract Title: Impacts of thermal acclimation of photosynthesis on future land carbon storage, H41A-1276Abstract Title: Has the Northern Hemisphere Mid-Latitude Hydrological Cycle Responded to Twentieth Century Aerosol Forcing?
Sitch, S.
Siti, L. H.
B51L-05Abstract Title: Reconstructing Land Use History from Landsat Time-Series. Case study of Swidden Agriculture Intensification in Brazil
Sitnov, M. I.
SM22A-01Abstract Title: Spontaneous formation of magnetotail bursty bulk flows, dipolarization fronts, and corresponding changes of magnetic topology, SM41E-2531Abstract Title: Proton Acceleration at Injection Fronts in the Inner Magnetosphere, SM41E-2536Abstract Title: New-generation empirical magnetic field models: Increasing resolution of equatorial and Birkeland currents and transition from modeling to nowcasting, SM44A-04Abstract Title: 3D kinetic picture of magnetotail explosions and characteristic auroral features prior to and after substorm onset, SM44B-05Abstract Title: Theoretical Analysis of Radial Transport in the Inner Belt and the Slot Region, SM52A-07Abstract Title: GLOBAL STORM-TIME EVOLUTION OF THE RING CURRENT AND THE MAGNETIC FIELD FROM IMAGE AND TS07D
Sitterley, K.
ED13B-0888Abstract Title: The AirWaterGas Teacher Professional Development Program: Lessons Learned by Pairing Scientists and Teachers to Develop Curriculum on Global Climate Change and Regional Unconventional Oil and Gas Development
Sittler, E. C. Jr
EP53C-1042Abstract Title: Advanced 360o FOV, wide energy range, non-HV, gated time of flight mass spectrometers for Small Satellites and Cubesats, P43E-08Abstract Title: Dust Plasma Environment between Saturn’s Rings and Mimas’ L Shell, SA32A-06Abstract Title: ExoCube INMS with Neutral Hydrogen Mode
Siu, L. W.
A33K-0339Abstract Title: Convective Transport of Trace Species Observed During the Stratosphere-Troposphere Analyses of Regional Transport 2008 Experiment (START08)
Sivadas, N.
SA51B-2402Abstract Title: An Analysis of Conjugate Ground-based and Space-based Measurements of Energetic Electrons during Substorms
Sivakumar, B.
H33E-1670Abstract Title: Predicting Streamflow from Fractal Geometric Encodings of Yearly and Decadal Records, NG22A-06Abstract Title: Encoding and simulation of daily rainfall records via adaptations of the fractal multifractal method
Sivakumaran, K.
H41G-1424Abstract Title: Assessment of Ecosystem Services in a Semi-arid Agriculture-dominant Area: Framework and Case Study
Sivanpillai, R.
B43C-0571Abstract Title: Distinguishing Bark Beetle-infested Vegetation by Tree Species Types and Stress Levels using Landsat Data, ED53E-0880Abstract Title: Integrating Scientific Inquiry into an Undergraduate Applied Remote Sensing Course
Sivapalan, M.
H23F-1635Abstract Title: Multiscale Modeling of Human-Water Interactions: The Role of Time-Scales, TH42DAbstract Title: Fast changing coupled human-water system in China
Sivaraman, C.
A11H-0169Abstract Title: A Standardized Based Approach to Managing Atmosphere Studies For Wind Energy Research, A43B-0264Abstract Title: Long-term Validation of Cloud-droplet Number Concentration Value Added Product (NDROP VAP) Retrieved from Surface Measurements
Sive, B. C.
A12A-04Abstract Title: Ozone and Volatile Organic Compound Distributions in Rocky Mountain National Park During FRAPPÉ: Impacts of Oil and Natural Gas Operations and Urban Emissions on Park Air Quality, A21A-0051Abstract Title: Source Apportionment of Volatile Organic Compounds and PM2.5 Using Positive Matrix Factorization in Two National Parks Impacted by Oil and Natural Gas Drilling Operations, A23I-07Abstract Title: Insights into Chemical Transport and Oxidative Processing in the Arctic Springtime
Siverd, C. G.
GC53A-1186Abstract Title: Comparing and Contrasting the Benefits of Land Mass vs. Land Cover on Storm Surge Attenuation
Sivkov, V.
EP13A-0921Abstract Title: The Baltic Sea Bottom Currents and Contourite Drifts: an Analogue of the Deep-Sea Along-Slope Contouritic Processes, EP13A-0936Abstract Title: Grain Size of the North-Atlantic Drifts Sediments: is the Gloria Drift a Contourite Drift?
Six, B.
A31D-0081Abstract Title: Aerus-GEO: newly available satellite-derived aerosol optical depth product over Europe and Africa
Six, J.
B33C-0690Abstract Title: Simulating CH4 and N2O emissions from direct-seeded rice systems using the DeNitrification DeComposition (DNDC) model, GC44B-01Abstract Title: The Organic Matter Biogeochemistry of the Congo River
SIX, J. W. U. A.
B53D-0607Abstract Title: The Impact of Switchgrass Cultivar Diversity on Nitrogen Use Efficiency
Six, K. D.
C34A-07Abstract Title: Shifts in the hydrodynamic regime determine patterns of regional changes of the Arctic Ocean carbon cycle in future climate change projections
Sizemore, H. G.
P53E-2177Abstract Title: Preliminary Geological Maps of the Ac-H-10 Rongo and Ac-H-15 Zadeni Quadrangles: An integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data, P53E-2180Abstract Title: Preliminary Geological Map of the Ac-H-13 Urvara Quadrangle of Ceres: An Integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data, P53E-2187Abstract Title: Geomorphological Evidence for Pervasive Ground Ice on Ceres from Dawn Observations of Craters and Flows., P53E-2192Abstract Title: Internal Convection on Ceres: A Possible Explanation for Dome Formation
Sizova, E.
T22A-01Abstract Title: Plume tectonics and cratons formation in the early Earth
Sjoberg, B.
IN34B-07Abstract Title: APPLICATION OF SNPP/VIIRS DATA IN NEAR REAL-TIME SUPRA-SNOW/ICE FLOOD DETECTION, IN41B-1702Abstract Title: NOAA’s Joint Polar Satellite System’s Proving Ground and Risk Reduction Program – Bringing New Capabilities to Operations!
Sjoberg, J. P.
A51H-0175Abstract Title: The Sudden Stratospheric Warming Atlas
Sjöberg, Y.
GC22CAbstract Title: Permafrost Degradation and Its Interrelations with Physical, Ecological, and Socioeconomic Processes I, GC23JAbstract Title: Permafrost Degradation and Its Interrelations with Physical, Ecological, and Socioeconomic Processes II Posters
Sjöberg, Y.
GC23J-1225Abstract Title: Field Observations and Numerical Modeling of the Thermal Effects of Groundwater Flow Through a Subarctic Fen
Sjolte, J.
PP13E-03Abstract Title: Signatures of climate variability in water stable isotopes across the globe modeled for the past millennium, PP51B-2291Abstract Title: The Last Termination in the Central South Atlantic
Sjostedt, S. J.
A11M-0250Abstract Title: Emissions and Chemistry of Volatile Organic Compounds in Early Spring of Western U.S.: Interactions between Oil/Gas Emissions and Biogenic Emissions, A12A-07Abstract Title: Quantifying atmospheric nitrogen outflow from the Front Range of Colorado, A24F-04Abstract Title: Partitioning of NOy and Implications for Ozone Formation in Western US Shale Plays, A31A-0010Abstract Title: OH observations in a tropical rain forest environment using a chemical ionization mass spectrometry technique during GOAmazon intensive campaigns, A41A-0011Abstract Title: Airborne Measurements of NOx, NOy, and O3 Using Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy
Sjostrom, D. J.
T22A-05Abstract Title: Betwixt and Between: Structure and Evolution of Central Mongolia
Skaff, N.
B21D-0499Abstract Title: Salting our Freshwater: A Macrosystems Study of Global Chloride Patterns and Trends in Lakes
Skaggs, R.
GC31E-1236Abstract Title: Vulnerability of the US Western Electric Grid to Hydro-Climatological Conditions: how bad can it get? 
Skaggs, T. H.
NH43A-1871Abstract Title: Remote Sensing Soil Salinity Map for the San Joaquin Vally, California
Skagseth, O.
C43D-03Abstract Title: On the Flow of Atlantic Water Towards the Arctic Ocean; a Synergy Between Altimetry and Hydrography. 
Skalak, K.
EP21C-0919Abstract Title: A Stochastic Model For Extracting Sediment Delivery Timescales From Sediment Budgets, EP21C-0921Abstract Title: Accounting for Long Term Sediment Storage in a Watershed Scale Numerical Model for Suspended Sediment Routing, EP23E-06Abstract Title: Short-term Fallout Radionuclide Ratios and Mass Balance Identify New Suspended Sediments of Channel Origin, EP23E-07Abstract Title: Age Dating Fluvial Sediment Storage Reservoirs to Construct Sediment Waiting Time Distributions, EP33A-1061Abstract Title: The Origin and Age of Scallop Floodplain Benches from Difficult Run, Fairfax County, Virginia., EP44AAbstract Title: Sharp Lecture, H31I-1539Abstract Title: Quantifying uranium transport rates and storage of fluvially eroded mine tailings from a historic mine site in the Grand Canyon Region
Skalak, P.
GC31C-1185Abstract Title: Validation of two (parametric vs non-parametric) daily weather generators
Skalka, C.
H51T-05Abstract Title: Combining Passive Microwave and Optical Data to Estimate Snow Water Equivalent in Afghanistan’s Hindu Kush
Skamarock, W. C.
A21D-0165Abstract Title: Modifications to WRF’s dynamical core to improve the treatment of moisture for large-­eddy simulations, A44D-03Abstract Title: Variable-Resolution Tropical Cyclone Prediction Using the Model for Prediction Across Scales (MPAS), A51F-0130Abstract Title: Analyzing the Grell-Freitas Convection Scheme from Hydrostatic to Non-Hydrostatic Scales Within a Global Modeling Framework, A51J-0200Abstract Title: Spectral characteristics of mid-latitude continental convection from a global variable-resolution Voronoi-mesh atmospheric model, A51J-0204Abstract Title: Impacts of resolution-dependent physics in aquaplanet simulations, A53G-08Abstract Title: Seamless atmospheric modeling across the hydrostatic-nonhydrostatic scales - preliminary results using an unstructured-Voronoi mesh for weather prediction.
Skarbek, R. M.
C11A-0733Abstract Title: Tidally Influenced Stick-Slip in 1D Models of Ice Stream Flow with Rate-and-State Friction, EP14B-08Abstract Title: Submarine Landslides and Gas Hydrates: Using a Rate and State Friction Model to Describe Incipient Motion Triggered by the Dissociation of High Saturation Hydrate Anomalies
Skarke, A. D.
OS31BAbstract Title: Multidisciplinary Studies of Hydrocarbon Seeps on Global Margins I, OS33AAbstract Title: Multidisciplinary Studies of Hydrocarbon Seeps on Global Margins II Posters, OS33A-1996Abstract Title: New Insights into the Temporal Variability of Seafloor Methane Discharge on the Northern US Atlantic Margin, OS33A-2008Abstract Title: SeepC: Preliminary Characterization of Atlantic Margin Seep Ecosystems from Norfolk Canyon to New England Seep Sites.
Skeffington, R.
V41C-3078Abstract Title: Environmental effects of magmatic sulfur emitted by large-scale flood basalt eruptions
Skelton, A.
NH21A-1806Abstract Title: Coupling Between Mineral Reactions and Chemical Changes in Groundwater Before and After Earthquakes in Iceland, NH22A-05Abstract Title: Reconstruction of the coastal impact of the Indian Ocean tsunami on December 26, 2004, NH33A-1895Abstract Title: Geochemical and Mineralogical Proxies for characterizing Tsunami and Paleotsunami Deposits, V12B-02Abstract Title: Earthquake-triggered fluid release at Campi Flegrei Caldera, Italy., V21C-3043Abstract Title: From Carbonatite to Ikaite: How high-T carbonates are transformed into low-T carbonate minerals in SW Greenland, V41A-3063Abstract Title: Vein Controlled Index Mineral Crystal Size Distribution in Barrow’s Metamorphic Zones, Glen Esk, Scotland
Skelton, S.
GC31E-1223Abstract Title: Assessment of Land and Water Resource Implications of the UK 2050 Carbon Plan, GC51C-1095Abstract Title: Land use impacts of low-carbon energy system transition – the case of UK bioenergy deployment under the Carbon Plan
Skemer, A.
P23D-08Abstract Title: High angular resolution at LBT
Skemer, P. A.
DI13C-04Abstract Title: The effect of deformation history on the interpretation of seismic anisotropy in the upper mantle: experiments and numerical modeling, H43K-03Abstract Title: Dissolution-precipitation reactions and permeability evolution from reactions of CO2-rich aqueous solutions with fractured basalt, MR21C-2625Abstract Title: Preliminary Results from the Large Volume Torsion (LVT) Deformation Apparatus, MR23C-01Abstract Title: Low Temperature Plasticity of Olivine Determined by Nano-indentation, T51I-02Abstract Title: The Long Path to Steady State: Transient Microstructures in the Upper Mantle
Skific, N.
A14E-03Abstract Title: Recent Changes in Blocking Characteristics Assessed Using Self-Organizing Maps, A33O-04Abstract Title: Projected changes in regional weather patterns and associated temperature extremes arising from Arctic sea ice loss
Skiles, M.
A41D-0092Abstract Title: Using High Resolution Simulations with WRF/SSiB Regional Climate Model Constrained by In Situ Observations to Assess the Impacts of Dust in Snow in the Upper Colorado River Basin, C13AAbstract Title: Dust, Black Carbon, and Other Aerosols in the Cryosphere I Posters, C21DAbstract Title: Dust, Black Carbon, and Other Aerosols in the Cryosphere II, C41F-04Abstract Title: Operational Snow Modeling: A Look at the Current State and Future Challenges, C42B-07Abstract Title: Integrating snow albedo from the Airborne Snow Observatory into the distributed energy balance snowmelt model iSnobal, EP42A-07Abstract Title: Dust on Snow Processes and Impacts in the Upper Colorado River Basin, IN13B-1842Abstract Title: NASA Airborne Snow Observatory: Measuring Spatial Distribution of Snow Water Equivalent and Snow Albedo
Skiles, S. M.
C44B-07Abstract Title: Coupling iSnobal and ASO: Towards an Integrated Water Supply Toolbox for Water Resource Managers
Skindlov, J. A.
PA13A-2159Abstract Title: Assessing Climate Vulnerability and Resilience of a Major Water Resource System – Inverting the Paradigm for Specific Risk Quantification at Decision Making Points of Impact
Skinner, C. B.
GC23I-1208Abstract Title: The Role of CO2 Physiological Forcing in Driving Future Precipitation Variability and Precipitation Extremes
Skinner, C. J.
H51EAbstract Title: Flash Floods: Advances in Monitoring, Modeling, and Integrated Management I Posters, H53JAbstract Title: Flash Floods: Advances in Monitoring, Modeling, and Integrated Management II
Skinner, C. J.
ED53F-03Abstract Title: Humber-in-a-Box : Gamification to Communicate Coastal Flood Risk in the Face of Rising Seas, EP31B-1012Abstract Title: The Role of Spatio-Temporal Resolution of Rainfall Inputs on a Landscape Evolution Model
Skinner, J. A.
P31A-2036Abstract Title: Vent 7504 of the San Francisco Volcanic Field (SFVF), Arizona: Sample Geochemistry and Implications for Cone Formation
Skinner, L. B.
DI31B-2593Abstract Title: Viscosity of liquids sulfur and selenium at high pressures and high temperatures and their correlations with liquid structure, MR11A-02Abstract Title: High-energy X-ray diffraction of melts and amorphous solids at extreme conditions
Skinner, L. C.
PP41A-2217Abstract Title: Similar Millennial Climate Variability on the Iberian Margin Before and After the Middle Pleistocene Transition, PP41B-2227Abstract Title: Subsurface pCO2, nutrient levels and ventilation in the Norwegian Sea during the past 135 kyr, PP43E-06Abstract Title: Synergetic impact of Southern Ocean ventilation and -export production on atmospheric CO2 during the last deglacial and glacial periods, PP53D-05Abstract Title: Evolution of South Atlantic Density and Chemical Stratification across the Last Deglaciation
Skjæveland, Å.
SM11A-09Abstract Title: FTE driven dynamics of the F-region cusp ionosphere
Sklar, L. S.
EP14A-01Abstract Title: Bar Morphology in a sinuous bedrock flume, EP41C-0945Abstract Title: Predicting hillslope sediment size distribution using remote sensing data, Inyo Creek, California, EP41C-0946Abstract Title: If Rocks Could Talk: Origin Stories of Stream Sediment Told by Apatite Helium Ages and Cosmogenic Nuclides, EP51C-0929Abstract Title: Interactions between fluvial forces and vegetation size, density and morphology influence plant mortality during experimental floods, EP53AAbstract Title: Earth and Planetary Surface Processes: General Contributions Posters, EP53B-1031Abstract Title: Can Wet Rocky Granular Flows Become Debris Flows Due to Fine Sediment Production by Abrasion?
Sklaveniti, S.
A13E-0382Abstract Title: OH radical reactivity in an Indiana Forest: Measurements and model comparisons, A13G-02Abstract Title: HOx Radical Chemistry in an Indiana Forest Environment: Measurement and Model Comparison, A31F-04Abstract Title: Development and field deployment of an instrument to measure ozone production rates in the troposphere
Sklute, E.
B33B-0655Abstract Title: New Approaches to Characterizing Fe(III) Bioreduction by Hyperthermophiles: Combining Physiological Potential with Mineral Spectroscopies
Skoczylas, F.
H23D-1610Abstract Title: A two scale analysis of tight sandstones
Skofronick Jackson, G.
H11OAbstract Title: Global Precipitation Measurement, Validation, and Applications I, H12EAbstract Title: Global Precipitation Measurement, Validation, and Applications II, H12E-01Abstract Title: Evaluating Cloud and Precipitation Processes in Numerical Models using Current and Potential Future Satellite Missions, H13HAbstract Title: Global Precipitation Measurement, Validation, and Applications III Posters, H13H-1627Abstract Title: Use of TRMM and GPM Multi-Satellite Precipitation Data for Hydrological Modeling, H13H-1629Abstract Title: High Resolution Model Simulations for MC3E, IFloodS and GCPEx: Comparison with Observations, H21MAbstract Title: Global Precipitation Measurement, Validation, and Applications IV, H41L-01Abstract Title: The Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) Mission contributions to terrestrial hydrology and societal applications
Skog, K.
A13E-0388Abstract Title: Sources and Fate of Reactive Carbon in an Isoprene-Dominated Forest, A31D-0086Abstract Title: Formation of Epoxide Derived SOA and Gas-Phase Acids through Aqueous Aerosol Processing in the Southeastern United States during SOAS
Skok, J. R.
P31A-2032Abstract Title: Seeking Signs of Life in Nili Patera with Icelandic Sinter Field Exploration.
Skora, S. E.
DI31A-2551Abstract Title: Role of the subduction filter in mantle recycling
Skoug, R. M.
SA32A-01Abstract Title: The impact of exospheric neutral dynamics on ring current decay, SA51C-2428Abstract Title: Background Rates of Gain Amplifying Detectors in Space, SM21A-2468Abstract Title: Van Allen Probes observations of EMIC events triggered by solar wind dynamic pressure enhancements , SM41E-2525Abstract Title: The Evolution of Ring Current Energy Density and Energy Content during Geomagnetic Storms Based on Van Allen Probes Measurements, SM44B-01Abstract Title: The Relative Deep Penetrations of Energetic Electrons and Ions into the Slot Region and Inner Belt, SM44B-03Abstract Title: Energy dependent dynamics of keV to MeV electrons in the inner zone, outer zone, and slot regions, SM53A-05Abstract Title: Inner magnetosphere plasma, statistics from the Van Allen Probes HOPE instrument and data release 3., SM53A-06Abstract Title: Ion spectral structures observed by the Van Allen Probes
Skoumal, R.
S13B-2846Abstract Title: Improving Correlation Algorithms to Detect and Characterize Smaller Magnitude Induced Seismicity Swarms 
Skoumal, R.
S11C-03Abstract Title: Observations of a hydrofracture induced earthquake sequence in Harrison County Ohio in 2014, T43D-3047Abstract Title: Multistation template matching to characterize frequency-magnitude distributions of induced seismicity in the Central and Eastern US
Skov, H.
A11C-0085Abstract Title: Chemical characterization and physico-chemical properties of aerosols at Villum Research Station, Greenland during spring 2015
Skov, T. M.
SH21B-2404Abstract Title: Accurate and Timely Forecasting of CME-Driven Geomagnetic Storms, SM21A-2458Abstract Title: Outer Belt Radial Transport Signatures in Drift Phase Structure – Case Studies
Skowronek, S.
B53C-0574Abstract Title: Mapping Invasive Plant Species with a Combination of Field and Remote Sensing Data
Skrabal, S. A.
B23D-0633Abstract Title: Photochemical dissolution of organic matter from resuspended sediments: Impact of source and diagenetic state on photorelease
Skrivanek, A.
PP43C-2297Abstract Title: Evidence of Last Interglacial sea-level oscillations and recent tectonism in the Late Pleistocene Falmouth Formation of Jamaica
Skrunes, S.
NH12A-03Abstract Title: Oil Slick Characterization Using Synthetic Aperture Radar
Skrutskie, M.
P23D-08Abstract Title: High angular resolution at LBT
Skryzalin, P. A.
T11B-2885Abstract Title: A Sharp Edge of the Cratonic Lithosphere of North America, T11B-2886Abstract Title: The Seismically Slow Feature in the Asthenosphere Beneath Southern New England is Small and Intense
Skrzypek, G.
B31C-0560Abstract Title: Identifying nitrogen limitations to organic sediments accumulation in various vegetation types of arctic tundra (Hornsund, Svalbard)
Sky, J.
IN41A-1691Abstract Title: Sharing Low Frequency Radio Emissions in the Virtual Observatory: Application for JUNO-Ground-Radio Observations Support.
Slaba, T. C.
SA51D-06Abstract Title: Albedo protons and electrons at ISS – an important contribution to astronaut dose?
Slack, W. W.
NG13A-1872Abstract Title: Electrical and Magnetic Imaging of Proppants in Shallow Hydraulic Fractures 
Slade, J. H.
A11K-0215Abstract Title: Multiphase processing of organic hydroxynitrates in secondary organic aerosol from the radical-initiated oxidation of multi-olefinic monoterpenes, C13C-0830Abstract Title: Production mechanisms of molecular Cl2, Br2, and I2 from the multiphase oxidation of halide-ice surfaces
Slade, W. H.
EP33A-1059Abstract Title: LISST-ABS: A Low-Cost Submersible Acoustic Sediment Sensor
Sladen, A.
S51B-2668Abstract Title: Revisiting the 2004 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake in a Bayesian framework
Slagle, E. M.
ED11A-0846Abstract Title: Impact Assessment on Teachers of Student-led, Inquiry-based Planetary Science Instruction in Grades 3-8
Slagstad, T.
T31F-2904Abstract Title: Slowly ascending magmas in long-lived accretionary orogens: unraveling temporal variations in the Cordilleran-style Sveconorwegian Orogeny
Slangen, A.
C22B-02Abstract Title: GlacierMIP – A Model Intercomparison of Global-scale Glacier Mass-balance Models and Projections
Slanger, T. G.
SA31A-2336Abstract Title: OH "Rotational" Temperatures, SM13B-2488Abstract Title: CESAR at Poker Flat
Slate, T. A.
A41A-0033Abstract Title: Development and Preliminary Tests of an Open-Path Airborne Diode Laser Absorption Instrument for Carbon Dioxide
Slater, A. G.
A11C-0049Abstract Title: Blowing Snow - A Major Source of Aerosol in the Polar Regions?, A11C-0078Abstract Title: Ozone, Iodine, and MSA - Case studies in Antarctic aerosol composition from the 2ODIAC Campaign, A13C-0355Abstract Title: Surface Solar Radiation in North America: Observations, Reanalyses, Satellite and Derived Products, C42B-03Abstract Title: Modeling the Soil Moisture Response to Permafrost Thaw and Implications for the Permafrost-Carbon Feedback, GC24B-03Abstract Title: Snow: A New Model Diagnostic and Seasonal Forecast Influences
Slater, D. E.
NH53A-07Abstract Title: A-21st-century-approach to firefighting in the Western US: How microwave-based seismic networks can change fire suppression from reactive to proactive
Slater, D. A.
C13E-02Abstract Title: Co-evolution of tidewater glacier calving front morphology and submarine melt rates in a high resolution ocean model
Slater, G.
B33B-0646Abstract Title: Abiogenic and Microbial Controls on Volatile Fatty Acids in Precambrian Crustal Fracture Waters, P31F-04Abstract Title: Biogenic Carbon on Mars: A Subsurface Chauvinistic Viewpoint
Slater, L. D.
B33B-0659Abstract Title: Field Evidence for Magnetite Formation by a Methanogenic Microbial Community, B41C-0438Abstract Title: Methane emission through ebullition from a non-vegetated estuarine mudflat: The mechanics of tide-driven water level changes, B51C-0440Abstract Title: Use of the Complex Conductivity Method to Monitor Hydrocarbon Degradation in Brackish Environments, H14A-07Abstract Title: Evaluating petrophysical relationships in fractured rock using geophysical measurements, H41J-07Abstract Title: Indications of Coupled Carbon and Iron Cycling at a Hydrocarbon-Contaminated Site from Time-Lapse Magnetic Susceptibility (MS) Profiles, NS41B-1949Abstract Title: Spatial Variability in Biogenic Gas Dynamics in Relation to Vegetation Cover in a Northern Peatland from Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR)
Slater, L. J.
H53A-1652Abstract Title: Diagnosis of North American Multi-Model Ensemble (NMME) skill for predicting floods and droughts over the continental USA
Slattery, R.
B33C-0680Abstract Title: A Multi-Year Comparison of No-Till Versus Conventional-Till Effects on the Carbon Balance in a Corn/Soybean Agro-Ecosystem Using Eddy Covariance
Slattery, W.
Slaughter, P.
IN43D-07Abstract Title: Lowering the Barrier to Reproducible Research by Publishing Provenance from Common Analytical Tools, IN53B-1833Abstract Title: Realizing the Living Paper using the ProvONE Model for Reproducible Research
Slavik, L.
GP43D-08Abstract Title: Unravelling Orbital Climatic Cycles from Devonian Magnetic Susceptibility Signal – The Quest for a Better Age Model for the Lochkovian and Pragian Stages (Czech Republic)
Slavin, B. V.
NS21A-1918Abstract Title: Spatial and Temporal Variability of Winter Accumulation on Taku Glacier, Southeast Alaska, between 2012 and 2015, NS21A-1919Abstract Title: Estimating Temporal Redistribution of Surface Melt Water into Upper Stratigraphy of the Juneau Icefield, Alaska
Slavin, J. A.
P13E-09Abstract Title: The Plasma Instrument for Magnetic Sounding (PIMS): Enabling Required Plasma Measurements for the Exploration of Europa, P41F-03Abstract Title: Mapping Mercury’s magnetic topology with solar energetic electrons, P53A-2089Abstract Title: Energization and Precipitation of Electrons in Mercury’s Magnetosphere, SM11A-06Abstract Title: Swarm Observations of Field Aligned Currents during Geomagnetic Storms, SM12A-08Abstract Title: Fine Scale Structure of the Afternoon Equatorial Magnetopause as Seen on the Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission, SM12A-09Abstract Title: Low-Frequency Wave Activity Detected by MMS during Dusk Magnetopause Crossings and its Relation to Heating and Acceleration of Particles, SM13C-2519Abstract Title: Steepening of Waves at the Dusk Side Magnetopause, SM14B-02Abstract Title: MESSENGER Observations of the Dayside Low-Latitude Boundary Layer in Mercury's Magnetosphere, SM14B-03Abstract Title: Plasma precipitation on Mercury’s nightside and its implications for magnetospheric convection and exosphere generation., SM14B-04Abstract Title: MESSENGER Observation on Reconnection and Structure of Mercury’s Magnetotail Lobes and Plasma Sheet, SM14B-05Abstract Title: MESSENGER Observations of Substorm Activity at Mercury, SM41H-2571Abstract Title: Magnetospheric Multiscale Observations of Ultra Low Frequency Waves in the Inner Magnetosphere, SM43A-02Abstract Title: Effect of electron ambient plasmas in reconnection jets and dipolarization fronts : MMS initial results, SM51A-2516Abstract Title: An MMS multicase study of magnetotail dipolarization fronts, SM51A-2523Abstract Title: Multi-point, multi-scale observation of the near-Earth current sheet reconfiguration during storm-time multi-onset substorms, SM51A-2536Abstract Title: MMS observations of small magnetic flux ropes in the near‐tail (X > ‐11 Re), SM51A-2555Abstract Title: In-Flight Calibration Processes for the MMS Fluxgate Magnetometers
Slavin, J. D.
SH41DAbstract Title: Measurements of Charged Interstellar Particles Inside and Outside of the Heliosphere Posters, SH41D-2400Abstract Title: Modeling and Observations of the Ionization of the Local InterstellarCloud, SH41D-2402Abstract Title: Charting the Interstellar Magnetic Field behind the Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX) Ribbon, SH41E-2408Abstract Title: Exploring the Galactic Environment of the Sun with IMAP
Slayback, D. A.
IN31D-05Abstract Title: On the value of satellite-based river discharge and river flood data, NH13D-1968Abstract Title: Flood Risk and Climate Change: The Contributions of Remote Sensing, NH51E-1944Abstract Title: Characterizing 13 Years of Surface Water Variability from MODIS-based Near Real-Time Flood Mapping Products in the Indus River, Tonle Sap Lake, and Lake Chad., NH51E-1949Abstract Title: User-Driven Workflow for Modeling, Monitoring, Product Development, and Flood Map Delivery Using Satellites for Daily Coverage Over Texas May-June 2015
Slaybaugh, R.
P11B-2084Abstract Title: Instrumentation development for planetary in situ 40Ar/39Ar geochronology
Sleep, B.
H42E-01Abstract Title: Combined remediation technologies: results from field trials at chlorinated solvent impacted sites
Sleep, B. E.
H13P-06Abstract Title: Modeling Polymer Stabilized Nano-scale Zero Valent Iron Transport Experiments in Porous Media to Understand the Transport Behavior, H42E-02Abstract Title: Co-boiling of NAPLs and water during thermal remediation: experimental and modeling study, MR41C-2650Abstract Title: Diffusive Transport of Sulphide through an Engineering Barrier System in a Deep Geological Repository
Sleep, N. H.
P34C-03Abstract Title: Core of Theia as source of much of the Earth’s late veneer and implications of a relatively benign Late Heavy Bombardment
Sleeper, J. D.
ED21A-0820Abstract Title: A miniature research vessel: A small-scale ocean-exploration demonstration of geophysical methods
Sleeper, R.
B11F-0497Abstract Title: Regional in-situ optical water quality sensor network quantifies influence of land use and seasonality on storm event nitrate and dissolved organic carbon loading
Sleeter, B. M.
GC13F-1213Abstract Title: From carbon numbers to ecosystem services: usable results comparing natural versus managed lands, GC23F-1188Abstract Title: Integrated Assessment of Climate Change, Land-Use Changes, and Regional Carbon Dynamics in United States, H12G-08Abstract Title: Modeling future water demand in California from developed and agricultural land uses
Sleinkofer, A. M.
AE33A-0467Abstract Title: Reassessing the BATSE Catalogue of Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes
Slemr, F.
GC51F-1160Abstract Title: A State-of-the-Science Hg Redox Mechanism for Atmospheric Models: Constraints from Observations and Global Implications
Slessarev, E.
B11L-06Abstract Title: Water Balance Defines a Threshold in Soil Chemistry at a Global Scale
Slette, I.
B53G-0648Abstract Title: A Comparison of the Sensitivities of Dominant Plant Species to Experimental Drought
Sletten, R. S.
C51B-0707Abstract Title: Longitudinal Inter-Comparison of Modeled and Measured West Greenland Ice Sheet Meltwater Runoff Losses (2004-2014), P43B-2112Abstract Title: Potential Persistence of Ground Ice at Gale Crater, Mars Constrained Using Curiosity Rover REMS Data
Slimani, S.
PP51A-2243Abstract Title: Dendroagricultural Signal in Algeria, PP51A-2265Abstract Title: Diagnostic Value of the Errors in Dendrohydrologic Reconstruction
Slingerland, R. L.
EP33D-06Abstract Title: Water-regolith-energy Interaction in Landscape Evolution and Its Influence on Forming Asymmetric Landscape: An Example from the Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory of Central Pennsylvania
Slinkard, M.
S51F-08Abstract Title: Detecting and Locating Seismic Events Without Phase Picks or Velocity Models, S53B-2825Abstract Title: Using KLSH to Rapidly Search Large Seismic Signal Archives on a Desktop Computer, S53B-2833Abstract Title: Improved Bulletin Generation Using an Iterative Processing Framework
Slinski, K.
H41F-1384Abstract Title: Incorporation of GRACE Data into a Bayesian Model for Groundwater Drought Monitoring
Sliwinski, J.
V51G-3114Abstract Title: Zircon U-Pb Age Distributions in Cogenetic Crystal-Rich Dacitic and Crystal-Poor Rhyolitic Members of Zoned Ignimbrites in the Southern Rocky Mountains by Chemical Abrasion Inductively-Coupled-Plasma Mass Spectrometry (CA-LA-ICP-MS).
Sliwinski, M.
PP23A-2278Abstract Title: Holocene primary productivity and the atmosphere/ocean linkage in the Gulf of Alaska, PP52B-03Abstract Title: Enhancing the Accuracy of Carbonate δ18O and δ13C Measurements by SIMS
Sloan, A.
PP21D-07Abstract Title: Decadal-scale Climate Variability on the Central Iranian Plateau Spanning the So-called 4.2 ka BP Drought Event, T42C-02Abstract Title: Rapid long-wavelength uplift of the Angolan continental margin
Sloan, C.
B21C-0471Abstract Title: A Model For Selecting An Environmentally Responsive Trait: Evaluating Micro-scale Fitness Through UV-C Resistance and Exposure in Escherichia coli.
Sloan, J. J.
A11C-0057Abstract Title: Aerosol Size and Chemical Composition in the Canadian High Arctic
Sloan, V.
ED11BAbstract Title: Emerging Challenges and Solutions in Running Inclusive Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REUs) in the Geosciences I Posters, ED11B-0856Abstract Title: Online Resources and Community Support for REU Leaders, ED13DAbstract Title: Current Thinking on the Value and Best Practices of Mentoring Posters, ED13GAbstract Title: Emerging Challenges and Solutions in Running Inclusive Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REUs) in the Geosciences II, ED13H-02Abstract Title: Professional development for graduate students in the atmospheric sciences
Sloan, V. L.
B51K-03Abstract Title: Linking Belowground Plant Traits With Ecosystem Processes: A Multi-Biome Perspective , B51K-07Abstract Title: Improving the representation of Arctic photosynthesis in Earth system models
Sloane, H. J.
PP13B-2285Abstract Title: The Lake Ohrid Drilling Project: initial interpretations of stable isotope data over the last 640 ka
Slob, E. C.
NS41B-1942Abstract Title: Mono-static GPR without transmitting anything for pavement damage inspection: interferometry by auto-correlation applied to mobile phone signals, S14A-01Abstract Title: Beyond seismic interferometry: imaging the earth's interior with virtual sources and receivers inside the earth
Slobbe, C.
G51B-04Abstract Title: Estimating decadal variability in sea level from tide gauge records: an application to the North Sea.
Slocum, R. K.
NH43C-1915Abstract Title: sUAS for Rapid Pre-Storm Coastal Characterization and Vulnerability Assessment
Sloman, L.
NG23B-1792Abstract Title: The ScaLIng Macroweather Model (SLIMM) and monthly and inter annual regional forecasting.
Slominska, E.
GP34A-07Abstract Title: Representation of the Weddell Sea Anomaly obtained by the Swarm constellation
Sloop, C.
A14F-02Abstract Title: Comparing observations of fossil fuel-derived CO2 in California with predictions from bottom-up inventories, A21G-0234Abstract Title: Initial Results from the Los Angeles Megacity Carbon Project: Exploring Spatial and Temporal Variability of the In Situ CO2 Observations, A21G-0236Abstract Title: Estimating methane and nitrous oxide emissions in California using multi-tower observations and hierarchical Bayesian inversion, GC11B-1031Abstract Title: Initial Results from an Atmospheric Validation of Urban Greenhouse Gas Budget Estimates for the US Northeast Corridor
Sloss, C.
EP23B-0974Abstract Title: Coastal evolution between two giant rivers: The Chan May embayment in central Vietnam
Slota, S.
PA51D-05Abstract Title: The Path to Convergence: Design, Coordination and Social Issues in the Implementation of a Middleware Data Broker.
Slotton, D. G.
B13I-06Abstract Title: Mercury Concentrations in Fish and Sediment within Streams are Influenced by Watershed and Landscape Variables including Historical Gold Mining in the Sierra Nevada, California
Slotznick, S. P.
PP31B-2252Abstract Title: Studying Iron Mineralogy to Understand Redox Conditions in the Mesoproterozoic Belt Basin, USA Using Complementary Microscopic, Spectroscopic, and Magnetic Techniques
Slovic, S.
ED12A-06Abstract Title: Acknowledging Global Climate Change in Humanities Courses Not Focused on Climate: The Value of Indirectness in Teaching.
Slovin, N. B.
EP32A-03Abstract Title: Power of Streams and Power of Management: How Community and Fluvial Science Work Together for Massachusetts Rivers
Slowey, N. C.
PP51A-2274Abstract Title: Temperature Calibration of a Northern Gulf of Mexico Siderastrea siderea Coral, PP53C-2373Abstract Title: Evolution of Temperature and Carbon Storage Within the Deep Southeast Atlantic Ocean Across the Last Glacial/Interglacial Cycle Inferred from a Highly-Resolved Sedimentary Depth Transect
Slowinski, S.
H33C-1614Abstract Title: Dynamic Nutrient Limitation in a Major Tributary to Eastern Lake Erie: The Role of Groundwater Silicon
Sluijs, A.
PP13D-08Abstract Title: Changing climate in a pre-impact world: a multi-proxy paleotemperature reconstruction across the last million years of the Cretaceous, PP21B-2242Abstract Title: Global Sea Surface Temperature and Ecosystem Change Across the Mid-Miocene Climatic Optimum, PP43B-2278Abstract Title: Restricted Inter-ocean Exchange and Attenuated Biological Export Caused Enhanced Carbonate Preservation in the PETM Ocean
Slutsker, I.
A23L-05Abstract Title: Near Real-Time Automatic Data Quality Controls for the AERONET Version 3 Database: An Introduction to the New Level 1.5V Aerosol Optical Depth Data Product, A42A-04Abstract Title: Determination of Cloud Thermodynamic Phase with Ground Based, Polarimetrically Sensitive, Passive Sky Radiometers
Smale, D.
A21A-0041Abstract Title: Separating Transported and Local Atmospheric Carbon Monoxide in Australasia with Satellite and Ground-based Remote Sensing
Small, C.
GC44C-05Abstract Title: Anthropogenic changes to the tidal channel network, sediment rerouting, and social implications in southwest Bangladesh
Small, C.
NH43A-1861Abstract Title: People and Volcanoes: How many and how close?, OS43A-2020Abstract Title: A non-invasive method for estimating heat flux out of a hydrothermal crack derived from fluid dynamics analog modeling
Small, D.
PP11AAbstract Title: Development and Application of Quaternary Geochronological Methods I Posters, PP51C-2300Abstract Title: Marine Ice Sheet Instability in the Former British-Irish Ice Sheet Linked to Rising Boreal Summer Insolation From 23 ka., PP51EAbstract Title: Development and Application of Quaternary Geochronological Methods II
Small, E. E.
A43H-01Abstract Title: Using Reflected GPS Signals for Environmental Research, H41F-1403Abstract Title: Resolution and Accuracy of GPS-Based Terrestrial Water Storage Anomalies During Hydrologic Extremes: Linking Hydrologic Process, Solid-Earth Response, and Monitoring Networks, H43H-1639Abstract Title: Calibration of Noah soil hydraulic property parameters using surface soil moisture from SMOS and basin-wide in situ observations
Small, J. L.
GC13B-1139Abstract Title: Time Profile of Three Semi-Arid Ecosystems in Africa
Small, J.
A51G-0144Abstract Title: The Surface Storm Tracks in the Three CMIP5 Global Climate Models, PP43D-2306Abstract Title: Influence of the freshwater forcing pathway on the AMOC during 8.2k event
Small, P.
S33C-2800Abstract Title: UCVM: An Open Source Software Package for Querying and Visualizing 3D Velocity Models
Small, S.
H21I-1508Abstract Title: Regional statistical assessment of WRF-Hydro and IFC Model stream Flow uncertainties over the State of Iowa, H51G-1448Abstract Title: Combining Observations with a Distributed Hydrological Model for Imporved Streamflow Forecasting, NH51E-1937Abstract Title: Evaluation of Satellite Rainfall Products for Flood Prediction Using a Spatio-Dynamical Analysis Framework
Smalley, D.
NS21B-1924Abstract Title: Imaging a vertical shaft from a tunnel using muons
Smalley, R. Jr
G33B-1147Abstract Title: Investigating the possibility of East Antarctic ice mass loss as an explanation for GPS-derived observations of horizontal motion, NH21C-1833Abstract Title: Virtual array beamforming of GPS TEC observations of co-seismic ionospheric disturbances near the Geomagnetic South Pole triggered by teleseismic megathrusts
Smallman, L.
B21I-07Abstract Title: Relative role of parameter vs. climate uncertainty for predictions of future Southeastern U.S. pine carbon cycling
Smalls, P. T.
OS33A-2007Abstract Title: Benthic Gouge Marks in the Canadian Beaufort Sea: Associations Between Whales and Methane Seeps?
Smalls-Mantey, L.
H24F-07Abstract Title: Assessing the Performance of Large Scale Green Roofs and Their Impact on the Urban Microclimate
Smarr, L.
NH43B-1887Abstract Title: geoKepler Workflow Module for Computationally Scalable and Reproducible Geoprocessing and Modeling
Smart, C. C.
H21J-1537Abstract Title: Impact of climate and vegetation type on evapotranspiration from green roofs
Smart, C.
OS33A-2001Abstract Title: Observations of Brine Pool Surface Characteristics and Internal Structure Through Remote Acoustic and Structured Light Imaging, OS43A-1997Abstract Title: Ultra-high Resolution Mapping of the Inner Crater of the Active Kick'em Jenny Volcano
Smart, D. R.
B41G-0512Abstract Title: Deep Carbon Stocks in a California Delta Floodplain: Evidence for Long Term Sequestration Potential of Seasonally Inundated Soils.
Smart, T. J.
MR13C-2731Abstract Title: Behavior of BaBr2, BaI2, and BaCl2 at high pressure as analogs to SiO2.
Smeaton, C. M.
B21A-0417Abstract Title: Importance of Tetrahedral Iron during Microbial Reduction of Clay Mineral NAu-2, B21A-0418Abstract Title: Iron Isotope Fractionation Reveals Structural Change upon Microbial and Chemical Reduction of Nontronite NAu-1, B52C-02Abstract Title: Impact of Freezing and Thawing on Soil Oxygen Dynamics and Nutrient Fluxes
Smedsrud, L. H.
C51A-0671Abstract Title: Consequences of Future Increased Arctic Runoff on Arctic Ocean Stratification, Circulation, and Sea Ice Cover, GC11G-1092Abstract Title: Is the “Atlantification” of the Arctic Ocean extending?
Smeets, P.
C41B-0697Abstract Title: An Iterative, Geometric, Tilt Correction Method for Radiation and Albedo Observed by Automatic Weather Stations on Snow-Covered Surfaces: Application to Greenland
Smekens, J. F.
V31B-3023Abstract Title: Eruption cycles in a basaltic andesite system: insights from numerical modeling, V51D-3056Abstract Title: Observation of Passive and Explosive Emissions at Stromboli with a Ground-based Hyperspectral TIR Camera
Smerdon, J. E.
A21E-0178Abstract Title: Estimating Continental Energy Storage from CMIP5 Simulations, GC23I-1210Abstract Title: Thermal Coupling Between Air and Ground Temperatures in the CMIP5 Historical and Future Simulations, H11P-03Abstract Title: Contribution of anthropogenic warming to California drought during 2012-2015, H13I-1714Abstract Title: Unprecedented 21st century drought risk in the American Southwest and Central Plains, PP43FAbstract Title: Climate of the Common Era I, PP44BAbstract Title: Climate of the Common Era II, PP44B-08Abstract Title: The Dynamic State of the Ocean and Atmosphere during Megadroughts in the American West, PP51AAbstract Title: Climate of the Common Era III Posters, PP51A-2272Abstract Title: Coupling Between Air and Ground Temperatures in PMIP3/CMIP5 Last Millennium Simulations and the Implications for Climate Reconstructions from Borehole Temperature Profiles
Smet, K.
GC31F-02Abstract Title: Flexibility in Flood Management Design: Proactive Planning Under Climate Change Uncertainty
Smethurst, M. A.
T41D-2923Abstract Title: Rapid Plate Motion Variations and Continental Uplift as Surface Expressions of Asthenospheric Flow
Smets, B.
G32A-05Abstract Title: Lava Lake Level Drop and Related Ground Subsidence in the Nyiragongo Main Crater (D.R.Congo) Measured by Close-Range Photogrammetry and InSAR Time-Series
Smets, P. S. M.
S54B-03Abstract Title: On the Use of Infrasonic Ambient Noise in Imaging the Atmosphere
Smiatek, G.
GC43B-1180Abstract Title: The WASCAL regional climate simulations for West Africa – how to add value to existing climate projections
Smidt, J.
B33C-0681Abstract Title: Eddy Covariance Measurements Over a Maize Field: The Contribution of Minor Flux Terms to the Energy Balance Gap
Smidt, S. J.
H21B-1359Abstract Title: Simulating Groundwater Recharge Across the Southern High Plains, H21B-1375Abstract Title: Effects of the Conservation Reserve Program on Hydrologic Processes in the Southern High Plains, H44F-02Abstract Title: Evaluating Water Sustainability across the High Plains Aquifer using Remote Sensing and Process-Based Hydrology Models
Smilovic, M.
GC33C-1294Abstract Title: Field kites: Crop-water production functions and the timing of water application for supplementary irrigation
Smirnov, A. V.
ED31C-0910Abstract Title: Bringing Earth Magnetism Research into the High School Physics Classroom, GP11A-04Abstract Title: Effect of low-temperature demagnetization on Thellier paleointensity determinations, GP21AAbstract Title: The Geomagnetic Field on Long Timescales: Characterization and Linkages with Evolution of the Core and Mantle I, GP23A-1284Abstract Title: Absolute Geomagnetic Paleointensity from the ~1.1 Ga Baraga-Marquette Dike Swarm (Michigan, USA)., GP23BAbstract Title: The Geomagnetic Field on Long Timescales: Characterization and Linkages with Evolution of the Core and Mantle II Posters, GP23B-1301Abstract Title: Absolute geomagnetic paleointensity in the Precambrian: Where do we stand?
Smirnov, A.
A23L-05Abstract Title: Near Real-Time Automatic Data Quality Controls for the AERONET Version 3 Database: An Introduction to the New Level 1.5V Aerosol Optical Depth Data Product, A31D-0082Abstract Title: Analysis of the Interaction and Transport of Aerosols with Cloud or Fog in East Asia from AERONET and Satellite Remote Sensing: 2012 DRAGON Campaigns and Climatological Data, A52E-04Abstract Title: Fog Induced Aerosol Modification Observed by AERONET, Including Occurrences During Major Air Pollution Events
Smirnov, A.
GC11G-1092Abstract Title: Is the “Atlantification” of the Arctic Ocean extending?
Smirnov, K.
C52A-07Abstract Title: SONARC: A Sea Ice Monitoring and Forecasting System to Support Safe Operations and Navigation in Arctic Seas
Smirnova, V.
P23B-2146Abstract Title: O-triple Isotopes of Primary and Secondary Minerals Provide Clues to the Past and Present Hydrosphere of Mars: New Experimental Evidence
Smistad, L.
Smit, J.
V41C-3086Abstract Title: Triggering of the Largest Deccan Eruptions by the Chicxulub Impact
Smit, K.
V11C-3079Abstract Title: Neoproterozic Re-Os age of a sulfide inclusion in a superdeep diamond: Implications for mantle convection beneath Juina, Brazil
Smit, M. A.
V34A-01Abstract Title: Garnet: a key to unraveling Earth's dynamic lithosphere, V41A-3061Abstract Title: The P-T-t History of the Alpine Schist, New Zealand: Constraining Tectonic Processes During the Late Stages of Gondwana Breakup
Smit, P.
IN43C-1753Abstract Title: Methods and Tools for Product Quality Maintenance in JPSS CGS
Smith, A. P.
B21D-0493Abstract Title: Effects of Soil Texture and Heterogeneity on Optimal Water Content for Carbon Decomposition, B23E-0636Abstract Title: The Destabilization of Protected Soil Organic Carbon Following Experimental Drought at the Pore and Core scale , B44C-04Abstract Title: Unlocking the Physiochemical Controls on Organic Carbon Dynamics from the Soil Pore- to Core-Scale
Smith, A. A.
H11E-1379Abstract Title: Now You See Them, Now You Don’t: Temporal Change in the Mode and Extent of Connected and Disconnected Boreal Wetlands and Implications for Streamflow Estimation, H21K-01Abstract Title: Utilizing coupled isotope-flow modelling to estimate temporal evapotranspiration partitioning in remote northern Canadian watersheds
Smith, A. J.
IN21E-06Abstract Title: The Neotoma Paleoecology Database, IN23B-1731Abstract Title: Community-Supported Data Repositories in Paleobiology: A ‘Middle Tail’ Between the Geoscientific and Informatics Communities
Smith, A. M.
GC11B-1039Abstract Title: Mapping 2002-2012 Aboveground Biomass Carbon from LiDAR and Landsat Time Series across Northern Idaho, USA
Smith, A.
H21C-1380Abstract Title: Soil Inorganic Carbon Thresholds and Formation: What are the Controls in a Transitional, Semi-Arid Watershed?
Smith, A.
C11C-0763Abstract Title: Clean hot water drilling for exploration of the Antarctic deep subglacial environment, C13D-04Abstract Title: Sounds of the deep: Passive microseismic monitoring of the base of ice streams.
Smith, A.
A23J-01Abstract Title: Ice core measurements of 14CH4 constrain the sources of atmospheric methane increase during abrupt warming events of the last deglaciation
Smith, A. R.
B21F-0536Abstract Title: Contrasting Responses of Ecosystem Carbon Gain (Input) and Soil Carbon Efflux (Output) to Warming and Drought Across a European Aridity Gradient
Smith, A. E.
OS23B-1996Abstract Title: Seismic Studies of Paleo-Pockmarks on the Chatham Rise, New Zealand
Smith, A. K.
A21A-0028Abstract Title: Changes in Emissions in Megacities during the Past Decades: Impact on the Distribution of Atmospheric Compounds, SA52A-03Abstract Title: The Latitudinal and Longitudinal Variations of the Thermospheric Density Caused by Aurora Heating
Smith, B.
C11D-04Abstract Title: Pine Island Glacier melt rates, grounding zone evolution, and dynamic response from 2008-2015, C44A-04Abstract Title: Measuring Ice Sheet Height with ICESat-2, C51B-0704Abstract Title: Investigating a newly discovered firn aquifer on Disko Ice Cap, west Greenland: Insights from ground observations, remote sensing, and modeling, C51E-05Abstract Title: Seasonal and interannual evolution of Jakobshavn Isbrae, Greenland from a 2008-2015 high-res DEM and velocity time series, C53E-07Abstract Title: Committed near-future retreat of Smith, Pope, and Kohler Glaciers inferred by transient model calibration, IN11A-1771Abstract Title: The Greenland Ice Mapping Project
Smith, B. E.
C11B-0761Abstract Title: Triggers for the Collapse of Ice Shelves in Antarctica: Investigating Compressive Arch Failure with Numerical Models, C21A-0718Abstract Title: Terminus behavior of Helheim and Kangerdlugssuaq Glaciers, southeast Greenland, from 2008-2015, C32B-03Abstract Title: Digital Elevation Models of Greenland based on combined radar and laser altimetry as well as high-resolution stereoscopic imagery, C41C-0710Abstract Title: ICESat2 subsurface-scattering biases estimated based on the 2015 SIMPL/AVRIS campaign, C51C-0730Abstract Title: Quantifying Uncertainty in Inferred Viscosity and Basal Shear Stress Over Ice Streams, C51EAbstract Title: Observing and Understanding Changes in Polar Ice Sheets and Glaciers Using Airborne and Satellite Remote Sensing I, C53CAbstract Title: Observing and Understanding Changes in Polar Ice Sheets and Glaciers Using Airborne and Satellite Remote Sensing II Posters
Smith, B.
NS21A-1918Abstract Title: Spatial and Temporal Variability of Winter Accumulation on Taku Glacier, Southeast Alaska, between 2012 and 2015, NS21A-1919Abstract Title: Estimating Temporal Redistribution of Surface Melt Water into Upper Stratigraphy of the Juneau Icefield, Alaska
Smith, B. J.
AE31A-0422Abstract Title: Multi-mode Observations of Cloud-to-Ground Lightning Strokes
Smith, B.
IN51A-1789Abstract Title: Model Diagnostics for the Department of Energy’s Accelerated Climate Modeling for Energy (ACME) Project
Smith, B. A.
EP21C-0927Abstract Title: Downeast Drainage – Examining and Communicating the Dynamics of Bacteria Pollution Events in the Gulf of Maine
Smith, B.
H53G-1754Abstract Title: Utilizing NASA Earth Observations to detect factors contributing to hypoxic events in the southern Gulf of Mexico
Smith, B. D.
NS41BAbstract Title: Near Surface Geophysics General Contributions I Posters, NS43BAbstract Title: Near Surface Geophysics General Contributions II Posters
Smith, C. L.
P11B-2077Abstract Title: An Internationally Coordinated Science Management Plan for Samples Returned from Mars, P24A-04Abstract Title: Starting a European Space Agency Sample Analogue Collection for Robotic Exploration Missions, P33C-2135Abstract Title: NWA 7034 Martian breccia: Ar/Ar ages of ca. 1.2 to 1.4 Ga, V33D-3135Abstract Title: Significance of the cosmogenic argon correction in deciphering the 40Ar/39Ar ages of the Nakhlite (Martian) meteorites
Smith, C. M.
S51D-2706Abstract Title: Characterizing Explosive Eruptions at Sakurajima Volcano, Japan, Using Seismic, Infrasound, Lightning and Video Data, V44B-02Abstract Title: When do Volcanic Eruptions make Lightning? Observations from Sakurajima, Japan
Smith, C. W.
SH33D-03Abstract Title: Why is the Sun No Longer Accelerating Particles to High Energy in Solar Cycle 24?, SH53A-2469Abstract Title: Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections from MESSENGER Orbital Observations at Mercury , SM13G-07Abstract Title: The geomagnetic condition dependence of the spatial distributions of EMIC waves observed by the Van Allen Probes, SM24B-06Abstract Title: Energy ranges and pitch angles of outer radiation belt electrons depleted by an intense dayside hydrogen band EMIC wave event on February 23, 2014, SM31D-2537Abstract Title: Solar Wind at 33 AU: Setting Bounds on the Pluto Interaction, SM41E-2522Abstract Title: Storm-time occurrence and Spatial distribution of Pc4 poloidal ULF waves in the inner magnetosphere: A Van Allen Probes Statistical study, SM41F-2547Abstract Title: Location of EMIC Wave Events Relative to the Plasmapause: Van Allen Probes Observations, SM41F-2551Abstract Title: Generation and effects of EMIC waves observed by the Van Allen Probes on 18 March 2013, SM41H-2570Abstract Title: Multifrequency Compressional Magnetic Field Oscillations and Their Relation to Multiharmonic Toroidal Standing Alfvén Waves, SM41H-2575Abstract Title: Comparing Local-Time and Storm-Phase Distributions of EMIC Waves Observed by Van Allen Probes A, GOES-13, and Halley, Antarctica, SM53A-08Abstract Title: Van Allen Probes observations of dipolarization and its associated O+ flux variations in the inner magnetosphere
Smith, C. B.
V11C-3079Abstract Title: Neoproterozic Re-Os age of a sulfide inclusion in a superdeep diamond: Implications for mantle convection beneath Juina, Brazil
Smith, C. M.
B23F-0648Abstract Title: Maintenance of Leaf Water Potential by Tropical Dry Forest Tree and Liana Species During a Severe Drought
Smith, C. G.
EP23B-0972Abstract Title: Influence of Oceanic and Estuarine Drivers on Wetland Shoreline Change: Moving Towards a Framework for Assessment of Coastal Erosion Hazards Along Sheltered Coasts
Smith, C. J.
A43F-0363Abstract Title: Determining Methane Leak Locations and Rates with a Wireless Network Composed of Low-Cost, Printed Sensors
Smith, C.
T51A-2848Abstract Title: Geomorphology of intraplate postglacial faults in Sweden
Smith, C.
A41G-0128Abstract Title: Relative skill of forecasts of downslope windstorms in the Owens Valley, CA
Smith, C. K.
A33E-0216Abstract Title: The NOAA Microwave Integrated Retrieval System (MiRS): Recent Science Improvements and Validation Results
Smith, D. M.
T51A-2840Abstract Title: Evidence of Failure on Low-Angle Normal Faults from Thermochronology and Paleomagnetism: A Case Study from South Mountains Metamorphic Core Complex, Arizona
Smith, D. L.
SM51A-2519Abstract Title: Concepts and Results of New Method for Accurate Ground and In-Flight Calibration of the Particle Spectrometers of the Fast Plasma Investigation on NASA’s Magnetospheric MultiScale Mission
Smith, D. E.
G41B-01Abstract Title: A high-resolution spherical harmonic degree 1500 lunar gravity field from the GRAIL mission, P34A-06Abstract Title: High-resolution gravity field modeling using GRAIL mission data, P34A-07Abstract Title: Mars Gravity Field and Upper Atmosphere from MGS, Mars Odyssey, and MRO, P34A-09Abstract Title: Laser Ranging in Solar System: Technology Developments and New Science Measurement Capabilities, P41C-2077Abstract Title: High-resolution gravity models for Mercury from MESSENGER tracking data, P41C-2080Abstract Title: Planetary dynamics from laser altimetry: Spin and tidal deformation of the Moon and Mercury , P53A-2103Abstract Title: The gravity field and orientation of Mercury after the MESSENGER mission, P53B-2113Abstract Title: Probing the Lunar Polar Crust with GRAIL Gravity, P53E-2183Abstract Title: Albedo and Spectral Variability on Ceres from Four Decades of Observations, P53E-2190Abstract Title: Constraints on Ceres internal strcuture from the Dawn gravity and shape data
Smith, D. M.
AE21A-03Abstract Title: Positron density enhancements recorded within a thunderstorm by ADELE, AE33A-0479Abstract Title: Flash-Bang Detector to Model the Attenuation of High-Energy Photons, SH13B-2441Abstract Title: The NuSTAR Sensitivity to Quiet-Sun Transient Events, SH31D-03Abstract Title: NuSTAR X-ray observations of small flares and non-flaring active regions, SM21B-2516Abstract Title: Characterizing radiation belt electron precipitation losses using BARREL (Balloon Array for RBSP Relativistic Electron Losses) data., SM21B-2518Abstract Title: The Cause of the Hardest Electron Precipitation Events Seen by SAMPEX: a Statistical Survey of Circumstantial Evidence
Smith, D.
S33B-2757Abstract Title: Recent Improvements to the Finite-Fault Rupture Detector Algorithm: FinDer II, T23C-2972Abstract Title: Evidence of sub Kilometer-scale Variability in Stress Directions near Active Faults: An Example from the Newport-Inglewood Fault, Southern California
Smith, D. E.
NG13A-1861Abstract Title: Modeling Statistical and Dynamic Features of Earthquakes, S33B-2758Abstract Title: Implementing a C++ Version of the Joint Seismic-Geodetic Algorithm for Finite-Fault Detection and Slip Inversion for Earthquake Early Warning
Smith, D. K.
T41F-08Abstract Title: The Thinning of the lithosphere before Magmatic Spreading is Established at the Western End of the Cocos-Nazca Rift, V12A-07Abstract Title: Seismicity of the Equatorial Mid-Atlantic Ridge and its Large Offset Transforms recorded during a multi-year hydrophone array deployment
Smith, D. K.
A31H-04Abstract Title: Inter-calibrating, Multi-instrument Microwave Ocean Data Records over Three Decades
Smith, D. A.
PP23D-07Abstract Title: Insights into Methane Formation Temperatures, Biogenic Methanogenesis, and Natural Methane Emissions from Clumped Isotopes
Smith, D.
T34C-06Abstract Title: Constraints from Xenoliths on Cenozoic Deformation and Rheology of the Western North American Mantle Lithosphere
Smith, D.
GC33E-1338Abstract Title: Relative Influence of Top-Down ond Bottom-Up Controls on Mixed Severity Burn Patterns in Yosemite National Park, California, USA
Smith, D. R.
H11F-1405Abstract Title: Estimating phosphorus removal by steel slag in a flume experiment: effects of P concentrations and subsurface hydrological conditions, H11F-1407Abstract Title: Steel Slag and Shredded Tires as Media for Blind Inlets to Improve Water Quality
Smith, D. A.
G23AAbstract Title: Gravity, Geoids, and Geopotential Reference Frames: Data Inputs, Implementations, and Evolution with Time I Posters, G34AAbstract Title: Gravity, Geoids, and Geopotential Reference Frames: Data Inputs, Implementations, and Evolution with Time II
Smith, E. J.
SH54B-08Abstract Title: Determining Shock 3D-Structure Using ARTEMIS High-Resolution Solar Wind Observations , SM31C-2528Abstract Title: Examination of North-South symmetry in Saturn’s sub-corotating Magnetosphere: Cassini
Smith, E.
PP13D-01Abstract Title: Multi-centennial reconstruction of Aleutian climate from coralline algae
Smith, E.
ED14B-07Abstract Title: Enabling Field Experiences in Introductory Geoscience Classes through the Use of Immersive Virtual Reality
Smith, E. A.
ED13CAbstract Title: Climate Literacy: Climate Education and Outreach Utilizing Ocean Observations Posters
Smith, E. C.
C13D-04Abstract Title: Sounds of the deep: Passive microseismic monitoring of the base of ice streams.
Smith, E.
B51E-0472Abstract Title: The Potential Impact of Increased Phosphorus Loads in Lakes Acting as Heavy Metal Reservoirs: A case study from west-central Indiana
Smith, E. G. C.
G23A-1050Abstract Title: Airborne Gravity Across New Zealand - for an Improved Vertical Datum
Smith, E.
S13B-2851Abstract Title: Statistical discrimination of induced and tectonic earthquake sequences in Central and Eastern US based on waveform detected catalogs
Smith, G.
H43F-1596Abstract Title: Getters for Tc and I Removal from Liquid Waste 
Smith, G.
ED22A-05Abstract Title: Partnering with a Community College and Research University to attract Underrepresented Students to the Geosciences: The Student Experience
Smith, G. L.
H43F-1595Abstract Title: Timing of Getter Material Addition in Cementitious Wasteforms
Smith, G.
P53D-2162Abstract Title: Discovery of a probable meteorite impact crater off the W coast of South Africa
Smith, G. P.
Smith Hackler, A.
ED42A-08Abstract Title: Lessons Learned at LPI for Scientists in Education and Public Outreach
Smith, H.
MR33C-2698Abstract Title: Multi-surface Earthquake Rupture Recorded in Pseudotachylyte Vein Geometries, Norumbega Shear Zone, southern Maine
Smith, H. T.
P13E-09Abstract Title: The Plasma Instrument for Magnetic Sounding (PIMS): Enabling Required Plasma Measurements for the Exploration of Europa, SM24A-04Abstract Title: A Survey of Cassini CAPS Ion Observations During Titan Flybys TA-T83, SM31C-2531Abstract Title: Numerical investigation of the impact of seasonal variability on Saturn's magnetosphere, SM41J-09Abstract Title: Exploring the intriguing differences between Saturnian and Jovian magnetospheric neutral tori
Smith, H.
EP23E-01Abstract Title: Watershed sediment source fingerprinting: a view under the hood
Smith, I. R.
EP23A-0945Abstract Title: Coastal Mapping for Baseline Geoscience Knowledge to Support Community Hazard Assessment and Sustainable Development, Eastern Baffin Island, Nunavut
Smith, I. E.
V33B-3090Abstract Title: Subaerial records of large-scale explosive volcanism and tsunami along an oceanic arc, Tonga, SW Pacific
Smith, I.
C31A-02Abstract Title: Platelet ice distribution in Antarctic sea ice and its implications for ocean - ice shelf interaction, C51A-0668Abstract Title: The Effect of Ice Shelf Meltwater on Antarctic Sea Ice and the Southern Ocean in an Earth System Model
Smith, I. B.
P53G-05Abstract Title: 3-D Radar Imaging Reveals Deep Structures and Buried Craters Within the Martian Polar Caps
Smith, J.
C11A-0751Abstract Title: The grounding-zone wedge inventory on the Amundsen Sea Embayment shelf, West Antarctica: formation processes and significance for establishing reliable post-LGM retreat chronologies, C21A-0704Abstract Title: First High-Resolution Record of Late Quaternary Environmental Changes in the Amundsen Sea, West Antarctica, Revealed by Multi-proxy Analysis of Drift Sediments
Smith, J. A.
S12B-04Abstract Title: Towards Exascale Seismic Imaging and Inversion, S13C-06Abstract Title: Plumes, Hotspot & Slabs Imaged by Global Adjoint Tomography, S23C-2713Abstract Title: Advances in Global Adjoint Tomography -- Massive Data Assimilation, S33C-2785Abstract Title: Spectral-Element Seismic Wave Propagation Codes for both Forward Modeling in Complex Media and Adjoint Tomography, S51A-2661Abstract Title: CMT Source Inversions for Massive Data Assimilation in Global Adjoint Tomography, S53A-2769Abstract Title: ASDF: An Adaptable Seismic Data Format with Full Provenance
Smith, J. A.
A51P-0322Abstract Title: A Physically-based Tropical Cyclone Rainfall Model, A51P-0338Abstract Title: Climatology of extratropical transition for North Atlantic tropical cyclones in the high-resolution GFDL climate model, H23M-03Abstract Title: The hydrometeorological implications of zoning laws: Can land use regulations of urban density and sprawl improve a city’s resilience?, H24E-05Abstract Title: Urban Modification of Rainfall: St. Louis Revisited, NH51E-1943Abstract Title: Observational analyses of heavy spring rainfall during the IFloodS campaign, NH52B-03Abstract Title: Strange Floods: The Upper Tail of Flood Peaks in the Conterminous US, S53A-2768Abstract Title: SEIS-PROV: Practical Provenance for Seismological Data
Smith, J. K.
P12B-05Abstract Title: New Titan Saltation Threshold Experiments: Investigating Current and Past Climates
Smith, J. N.
A21A-0001Abstract Title: Photochemistry of an Urban Region using Observations and Numerical Modeling, A31A-0010Abstract Title: OH observations in a tropical rain forest environment using a chemical ionization mass spectrometry technique during GOAmazon intensive campaigns, B41I-05Abstract Title: Net Ecosystem Fluxes of Hydrocarbons from a Ponderosa Pine Forest in Colorado
Smith, J. D.
GC53C-1223Abstract Title: Assessment of the Appalachian Basin Geothermal Field: Combining Risk Factors to Inform Development of Low Temperature Projects, GC53C-1224Abstract Title: Evaluation of Sensitivity and Robustness of Geothermal Resource Parameters Using Detailed and Approximate Stratigraphy
Smith, J. R.
V43C-3171Abstract Title: Fault Networks in the Northwestern Albuquerque Basin and Their Potential Role in Controlling Mantle CO2 Degassing and Fluid Migration from the Valles Caldera
Smith, J.
OS51C-02Abstract Title: Harmful Algal Bloom Hotspots Really Are Hot: A Case Study from Monterey Bay, California
Smith, J. M.
B11J-0576Abstract Title: Relating the Diversity, Abundance, and Activity of Ammonia-Oxidizing Archaeal Communities to Nitrification Rates in the Coastal Ocean
Smith, J.
OS51C-02Abstract Title: Harmful Algal Bloom Hotspots Really Are Hot: A Case Study from Monterey Bay, California
Smith, J.
V23E-08Abstract Title: Alternative hypothese for the origin of the ultra-low velocity zones
Smith, J.
MR11A-07Abstract Title: Apparatus and Techniques for Time-resolved Synchrotron X-ray Diffraction using Diamond Anvil Cells
Smith, J. B.
A32F-05Abstract Title: Effects of Local and Non-Local Processes on the Aging of the Tropopause Layer and the Lower Stratosphere, A41A-0001Abstract Title: The Development of a High-Power, Pulsed Mid-Infrared Laser for a Two-Photon LIF Detection of Tropospheric OH, A51O-0285Abstract Title: Modeling Extremely Deep Convection over North America as a Source of Stratospheric Water Vapor, A51O-0288Abstract Title: Quantifying the Direct Convective Transport of Tropospheric Air to the Overworld Stratosphere
Smith, J.
P53C-2149Abstract Title: Sample Acqusition Drilling System for the the Resource Prospector Mission
Smith, J. B.
GC31C-1203Abstract Title: Can dynamically downscaled climate model outputs improve projections of extreme precipitation events?
Smith, J. B.
NH33D-02Abstract Title: Listening to debris flows: What can ground vibrations tell us about debris-flow entrainment and flow density?, NH41C-1842Abstract Title: Integrating Near-Real Time Hydrologic-Response Monitoring and Modeling for Improved Assessments of Slope Stability Along the Coastal Bluffs of the Puget Sound Rail Corridor, Washington State
Smith, J. A.
SA23D-2361Abstract Title: Na Lidar measurement of neutral wind and temperature in the lower thermosphere, SA51C-2408Abstract Title: OASIS 1.0: Very Large-Aperture High-Power Lidar for Exploring Geospace
Smith, J. P.
EP21C-0934Abstract Title: Aggregation and Disaggregation of Flocculated Particles with Different Mineralogy
Smith, J. E.
S21A-2673Abstract Title: Removable Tensor Strainmeter and Vector Tiltmeter System for Use With Forward and Inverse Methods for Characterizing Deformation During CO2 Injection
Smith, K. A.
GC41B-1095Abstract Title: An Investigation of the Hydroclimate Variability of Eastern Africa
Smith, K. L.
A33O-02Abstract Title: Response of Northern Hemisphere Midlatitude Circulation to Arctic Amplification in a Simple Atmospheric General Circulation Model, A51V-07Abstract Title: Spatial patterns of Antarctic surface temperature trends in the context of natural variability: Lessons from the CMIP5 Models
Smith, K. M.
IN11C-1790Abstract Title: Get More from Your Data with PyFerret
Smith, K.
H11I-1461Abstract Title: Large-scale Agroecosytem’s Resiliency to Extreme Hydrometeorological and Climate Extreme Events in the Missouri River Basin
Smith, K.
OS51B-1993Abstract Title: Effects of Submesoscale Ocean Turbulence on Buoyant and Passive Tracers
Smith, K. E. L.
EP23B-0955Abstract Title: Understanding the Dynamic Interactions of Barrier Island Morphology and Hydrodynamic Drivers, EP23B-0972Abstract Title: Influence of Oceanic and Estuarine Drivers on Wetland Shoreline Change: Moving Towards a Framework for Assessment of Coastal Erosion Hazards Along Sheltered Coasts
Smith, K. D.
SH53A-2480Abstract Title: Forbush Effects on the Martian Surface and Earth’s Poles
Smith, K. D.
NH53A-07Abstract Title: A-21st-century-approach to firefighting in the Western US: How microwave-based seismic networks can change fire suppression from reactive to proactive, S51A-2647Abstract Title: Inside an Earthquake Swarm: Objective Identification and Analysis of Spatiotemporal Subclusters of the Mogul 2008 Earthquake Swarm in Reno, NV
Smith, K. R.
A11M-0231Abstract Title: The Health Impacts of Energy Policy Pathways in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia: A Total Exposure Assessment, A21A-0108Abstract Title: Outdoor Air Pollution (PM2.5) and Ill-Health Attributable to Residential Wood Combustion in the San Francisco Bay Area
Smith, L. C.
C22B-04Abstract Title: Efficient removal of meltwater runoff through supraglacial streams and rivers on the southwestern Greenland Ice Sheet, C41EAbstract Title: Hydrology of Glaciers, Ice Caps, and Ice Sheets in Past, Present, and Future Climates I, C41E-06Abstract Title: What terrestrial glacial meltwater streams reveal about Greenland ice sheet hydrology, C51B-0699Abstract Title: Internally Drained Supraglacial River Catchments on the Southwest Greenland Ice Sheet, C51B-0703Abstract Title: Hyperspectral and photogrammetric helicopter-based measurements over western Greenland, C51B-0707Abstract Title: Longitudinal Inter-Comparison of Modeled and Measured West Greenland Ice Sheet Meltwater Runoff Losses (2004-2014), C51B-0710Abstract Title: Moulin distribution and formation on the southwest Greenland ice sheet , GC23E-1181Abstract Title: Nighttime Lights, Socioeconomic Development, and Revitalization Policies in Northeast Asia, H41E-1366Abstract Title: Multiscale controls on water surface roughness and implications for remote sensing of rivers, H53F-1723Abstract Title: Automated Quality Assurance and Quality Control (QA/QC) in Developing Decadal Global Lake Dynamics Products using Landsat-7 and 8
Smith, L. A.
A51M-0261Abstract Title: Examining the Fidelity of Climate model via Shadowing Time, NG33A-1855Abstract Title: Multi-model Cross Pollination in Time via Data Assimilation
Smith, L. J.
B13H-08Abstract Title: The Global Turnover Time Distribution of Soil Carbon Derived from a Meta-analysis of Radiocarbon Profiles, B21D-0496Abstract Title: Fate and Transport of Methane Formed in the Active Layer of Alaskan Permafrost, B21F-0542Abstract Title: Could 4 degrees warming change Arctic tundra from carbon sink to carbon source?
Smith, M.
IN53B-1846Abstract Title: Software Attribution for Geoscience Applications in the Computational Infrastructure for Geodynamics
Smith, M. L.
A11J-0199Abstract Title: Constraining Methane Emissions from Natural Gas Production in Northeastern Pennsylvania Using Aircraft Observations and Mesoscale Modeling, A11M-0260Abstract Title: Quantitative airborne assessment of gas flaring combustion efficiency in the Bakken Shale, A24F-06Abstract Title: Quantification of Methane and Ethane Emissions from the San Juan Basin, A41Q-01Abstract Title: Estimates of Methane and Ethane Emissions from the Barnett Shale Using Atmospheric Measurements, A52C-01Abstract Title: TOPDOWN 2015: A Multi-aircraft Assessment of Methane Emissions in the Four Corners Region
Smith, M.
ED13G-05Abstract Title: Broadening Participation: Mentoring Community College Students in a Geoscience REU
Smith, M. W.
C41D-0723Abstract Title: Characterising glacier-wide ice-surface roughness using a combined Structure-from-Motion and Terrestrial Laser Scanning approach
Smith, M. W.
AE31A-0422Abstract Title: Multi-mode Observations of Cloud-to-Ground Lightning Strokes, AE31A-0423Abstract Title: Improvements to a High Spectral Resolution, Radiation-Hydrodynamics Model of a Lightning Return Stroke and Comparisons with Measured Spectra and Inferred Plasma Properties
Smith, M. K.
P11B-2089Abstract Title: Subsurface Feature Mapping of Mars using a High Resolution Ground Penetrating Radar System
Smith, M. J.
B21E-0522Abstract Title: Different representations of biological nitrogen fixation cause major variation in projected terrestrial biosphere responses to elevated levels of atmospheric CO2, GC41H-08Abstract Title: Exposing variation to aid climate change risk assessment, PA51C-2217Abstract Title: Enabling joined-up decision making with geotemporal information
Smith, M. R.
IN43C-1751Abstract Title: JPSS Proving Ground Activities with NASA’s Short-term Prediction Research and Transition (SPoRT) Center
Smith, M. M.
H41CAbstract Title: New Perspectives on CO2 Flow, Transport, and Long-Term Storage in Subsurface Reservoirs I Posters, H41C-1306Abstract Title: Reactive Transport Modeling of CO2-induced Porosity and Permeability Changes in Heterogeneous Carbonate Rocks, H41C-1307Abstract Title: An Integrated Approach to Predicting Carbon Dioxide Storage Capacity in Carbonate Reservoirs, H43KAbstract Title: New Perspectives on CO2 Flow, Transport, and Long-Term Storage in Subsurface Reservoirs II, H44DAbstract Title: New Perspectives on CO2 Flow, Transport, and Long-Term Storage in Subsurface Reservoirs III, H44D-04Abstract Title: Calibrating NMR measured porosity/permeability relationships using µXRCT measurements
Smith, M.
B52CAbstract Title: Response of Terrestrial Ecosystems Biogeochemistry to Dynamic Hydrological and Climatic Drivers I, B52C-06Abstract Title: Ecosystem response to multiple drought events: the role of legacy effects, B53GAbstract Title: Ecosystems Biogeochemistry to Dynamic Hydrological and Climatic Drivers II Posters, B53G-0637Abstract Title: Approaches and Recommendations for Simulating Extreme Precipitation Years in Multi-site Experiments, B53G-0648Abstract Title: A Comparison of the Sensitivities of Dominant Plant Species to Experimental Drought
Smith, M. C.
A13E-0398Abstract Title: Transient Absorption Spectroscopy of C1 and C2 Criegee Intermediates: UV Spectrum and Reaction Kinetics
Smith, M.
P23B-2138Abstract Title: Limb Retrievals of the martian atmosphere: Mapping with optical observations from MGS/TES and MRO/MCS., P23B-2139Abstract Title: Local Time Variation of Water Ice Clouds on Mars as Observed by THEMIS
Smith, M.
H53A-1649Abstract Title: Hydrologic Modeling at the National Water Center: Operational Implementation of the WRF-Hydro Model to support National Weather Service Hydrology
Smith, M. D.
P11B-2097Abstract Title: The Mars Environmental Dynamics Analyzer (MEDA): A Suite of Environmental Sensors for the Mars 2020 Rover
Smith, M. E.
EP23E-03Abstract Title: Use of Composite Fingerprinting Technique to Determine Contribution of Paria River Sediments to Dam-Release Flood Deposits in Marble Canyon, Grand Canyon, Az, V33D-3137Abstract Title: A Major Eocene Lake System in the Hinterland of the North American Cordillera Comes into Geochronologic Focus, V52C-05Abstract Title: The Paleogene Evolution of the Cordilleran Hinterland
Smith, M.
A22D-04Abstract Title: Dependence of simulations of long range transport on meteorology, model and dust size
Smith, N.
GC11H-1120Abstract Title: Integrating Satellite Measurements from Polar-orbiting instruments into Smoke Disperson Forecasts, IN32A-07Abstract Title: Satellite-based Hyperspectral Sounder Retrievals in Real-time Weather Applications
Smith, N.
AE22A-02Abstract Title: Microfluctuations of the Lower Ionosphere on the Time Scale of Transient Luminous Events Inferred from High Resolution Array Analysis
Smith, N. D.
PP22B-07Abstract Title: Late Triassic tropical climate of Pangea: Carbon isotopic and other insights into the rise of dinosaurs
Smith, N. J.
A11A-0028Abstract Title: Optically-Thin Cirrus Cloud Radiance Bias in Satellite Radiometric Sea Surface Temperature Retrieval
Smith, N. G.
B24D-05Abstract Title: Understanding and quantifying foliar temperature acclimation for Earth System Models
Smith, N.
A43F-0353Abstract Title: Impact of routine episodic emissions on the expected frequency distribution of emissions from oil and gas production sources.
Smith, P.
S44B-08Abstract Title: Insights on volcanic behaviour from the 2015 July 23-24 T-phase signals generated by eruptions at Kick-’em-Jenny Submarine Volcano, Grenada, Lesser Antilles
Smith, P. C.
P31A-2023Abstract Title:  Using Terrestrial Sulfate Efflorescences as an Analogue of Hydrated Sulfate Formation in Valles Marineris on Mars
Smith, P.
ED31D-0923Abstract Title: Geoscience Information for Teachers (GIFT) Workshops at the European Geoscience Union General Assembly
Smith, P. II
PA53A-2231Abstract Title: Academic Research Library as Broker in Addressing Interoperability Challenges for the Geosciences
Smith, R.
DI43A-2603Abstract Title: Effect of Silicon Alloying on the Structure of Exoplanetary Cores, MR13C-2724Abstract Title: Shock Melting of Forsterite by In-Situ X-Ray Diffraction
Smith, R.
H41G-1446Abstract Title: Improving the Performance of Highly Constrained Water Resource Systems using Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithms and RiverWare, PA12A-05Abstract Title: Co-Production with Water Managers to Improve Applicability and Adoption of an Emerging Decision Support Tool
Smith, R.
DI11C-2614Abstract Title: P- and S-wave boundaries of the north-western African Large Low Shear Velocity Province.
Smith, R. A.
V41B-3076Abstract Title: Effect of the Na:K Ratio on Melt Viscosity within the SiO2-NaAlSiO4-KAlSiO4 System
Smith, R. C.
EP14B-07Abstract Title: Numerical Modelling of Tsunami Generated by Deformable Submarine Slides: Parameterisation of Slide Dynamics for Coupling to Tsunami Propagation Model
Smith, R. A.
GC13F-1219Abstract Title: Closing the North American Carbon Budget: Continental Margin Fluxes Matter!
Smith, R. L.
B13G-0703Abstract Title: Methane and Nitrous Oxide Temporal and Spatial Variability in Midwestern Streams Containing High Nitrate Concentrations , H33N-03Abstract Title: Oxidation of naturally reduced uranium in aquifer sediments by dissolved oxygen and its potential significance to uranium plume persistence
Smith, R. A.
IN53A-1830Abstract Title: Web-based CERES Clouds QC Property Viewing Tool
Smith, R. B.
V24C-08Abstract Title: The Yellowstone magmatic system from the mantle plume to the upper crust, V33E-08Abstract Title: Mantle-Crust Volcanics and Geodynamics of the Yellowstone Hotspot from Seismic and GPS Imaging and Earthquake Swarm Magmatic Interaction
Smith, R. B.
A44B-01Abstract Title: Global Aspects Of Orographic Precipitation, B33E-0760Abstract Title: Mitigating the Urban Heat Island under Climate Change through Urban Management, SA11AAbstract Title: Atmospheric Gravity Wave Dynamics and Vertical Coupling from Their Sources to Their Altitudes of Dissipation I, SA11A-01Abstract Title: Gravity Wave Predictability and Dynamics in Deepwave, SA11A-03Abstract Title: Stratospheric Gravity Wave Scales And Fluxes During Deepwave, SA13A-2321Abstract Title: Statistics and Physics of Stratospheric Gravity Wave Attenuation over New Zealand
Smith, R.
V41B-3073Abstract Title: Silicic Magma Degassing: A High Temperature Experimental Insight into Permeability Evolution
Smith, R. M.
B41B-0419Abstract Title: Influence of Land Cover and Climate on CO2 and CH4 fluxes from Urban Soils
Smith, R.
Smith, R. G.
H53G-1757Abstract Title: Estimating Aquifer Properties in the San Joaquin Basin, California, through the Analysis of InSAR Data
Smith, S.
ED51C-0830Abstract Title: AEROKATS and ROVER
Smith, S. E.
B51H-0523Abstract Title: Spatial Resolution Effects of Remote Sensing Informed Soil Nutrient Models Based on Landsat 8, RapidEye, WorldView-2 and GeoEye-1 Images
Smith, S. M.
EP21C-0927Abstract Title: Downeast Drainage – Examining and Communicating the Dynamics of Bacteria Pollution Events in the Gulf of Maine, EP52A-03Abstract Title: Fault damage as a primary control on patterns and rates of erosion in alpine rivers: examples from the Southern Alps, New Zealand, H23F-1634Abstract Title: Parameter Lumping Implications to Hydrologic Simulations of a Post-Glacial Landscape
Smith, S. Y.
T21B-2814Abstract Title: Bringing organic carbon isotopes and phytoliths to the table as additional constraints on paleoelevation
Smith, S. F.
B34A-02Abstract Title: Alternate Wetting and Drying as an Effective Management Practice to Reduce Methane in Arkansas Rice Production
Smith, S. S.
P43F-05Abstract Title: Possible Albedo Proton Signature of Hydrated Lunar Surface Layer, SM14C-07Abstract Title: Quantifying Energy-Time Dispersion of Relativistic Electron Microbursts to Constrain Their Generation Mechanism: Coordinated Studies Using FIREBIRD, Van Allen Probes, and BARREL, SM41E-2516Abstract Title: NASA’s RBSP-ECT Science Investigation of the Van Allen Probes Mission: Highlights of the Prime Mission Phase, Data Access Overview, and Opportunities to Collaborate in the Extended Mission Phase
Smith, S. L.
B31C-0575Abstract Title: High-Resolution Remote Sensing and Stable Isotope Patterns Across Heath-Shrub-Forest Ecotone at Abisko and Vassijaure, Northern Sweden
Smith, S. G.
T22A-05Abstract Title: Betwixt and Between: Structure and Evolution of Central Mongolia
Smith, S. A. F.
MR31B-01Abstract Title: "Frictional processes" in carbonate-bearing rocks at seismic deformation conditions, MR31B-08Abstract Title: The Damage Structure of the Gole Larghe Fault Zone Inferred From Laboratory Measurements and Modeling of Physical and Hydraulic Properties, MR33C-2677Abstract Title: Deformation and chemical reaction in an ultramafic terrane boundary: the Livingstone Fault, New Zealand, MR33C-2679Abstract Title: Frictional controls on high-angle reverse faulting during compressional basin inversion
Smith, S. D.
B14C-06Abstract Title: Metabolic Interfaces of Mercury Methylation Proteins in Desulfovibrio sp. ND132
Smith, S. M.
IN34B-05Abstract Title: Making Waves—The VIIRS Day/Night Band Reveals Upper Atmospheric Gravity Wave via Sensitivity to Nightglow Emissions, SA11A-04Abstract Title: Observations of a Breakdown of a Mountain Wave Near 84 km Altitude Over Cerro Pachon Chile from the Andes Lidar Observatory
Smith, S. W.
S31A-2703Abstract Title: Relating Transient Seismicity to Episodes of Deep Creep at Parkfield CA
Smith, T.
C41D-0730Abstract Title: Tracking Snowmelt Events in Remote High Asia Using Passive Microwave Data
Smith, T. L.
PA41A-2166Abstract Title: A New Method of Providing Communities With High-Resolution Maps of Present and Future Inundation Pathways: Two Examples From Massachusetts
Smith, T.
PA33B-2191Abstract Title: Thinkers and Doers: Strategies for Communicating Science
Smith, T.
Smith, T. J.
H23E-1627Abstract Title: Catchment Classification via Hydrologic Modeling: Evaluating the Relative Importance of Model Selection, Parameterization and Classification Techniques, H33E-1654Abstract Title: Time Domain Transformations to Improve Hydrologic Model Consistency: Parameterization in Flow-Corrected Time, H41B-1297Abstract Title: Improving Uncertainty Quantification Through Better Bayesian Inference, H51N-1605Abstract Title: Can Signatures Predict Hydrologic Model Performance in Validation Mode?
Smith, T. M.
V53D-3147Abstract Title: Ancestral Rocky Mountian Tectonics: A Sedimentary Record of Ancestral Front Range and Uncompahgre Exhumation
Smith, V.
B21L-03Abstract Title: Emerging deforestation trends in tropical dry forests ecoregions of Mexico and Central America
Smith, V.
V11F-06Abstract Title: Apatite: A New Tool For Understanding The Temporal Variability Of Magmatic Volatile Contents, V24A-06Abstract Title: The magmatic and eruptive response of arc volcanoes to deglaciation: insights from southern Chile
Smith, V. B.
EP53D-01Abstract Title: Spatial Change in the Geometry and Kinematics of the Trinity River, TX, USA, Defining the Morphodynamics of the Fluvial Coastal Zone
Smith, W. H. F.
C41AAbstract Title: Advances in Altimetry of the Polar Regions I Posters, C41A-0690Abstract Title: Separation of Coherent and Incoherent Scattering Components from Delay/Doppler Altimeter Waveforms over Sea-Ice, C43DAbstract Title: Advances in Altimetry of the Polar Regions II
Smith, W. K.
A32E-05Abstract Title: Observed Global Historical Changes in Soil Decomposition Rates (1900–2011) and Plant Production (1981–2011)
Smith, W. L. Jr
C41D-0724Abstract Title: The Arctic Radiation-IceBridge Sea and Ice Experiment (ARISE) During the Critical Seasonal Ice Transition, C41D-0753Abstract Title: Validating CERES Radiative Fluxes in the Arctic with Airborne Radiative Flux Measurements from the ARISE Campaign, GC34C-02Abstract Title: Towards a Seamless Global Long-Term Earth Radiation Budget Climate Data Record
Smith, W. L.
A33E-0226Abstract Title: Satellite EDR Evaluation with First Suomi NPP Cal/Val Campaign, IN32A-07Abstract Title: Satellite-based Hyperspectral Sounder Retrievals in Real-time Weather Applications
Smith, Y.
C51B-0691Abstract Title: Exploring Northern Hemisphere Ice Sheet Variability in the Pliocene using Ice Rafted Debris Records and Iceberg Trajectory Modelling
Smith-Boughner, L.
NG13A-1869Abstract Title: Characteristic ruptures of micro-seismic hydraulic fractures, S44A-04Abstract Title: Dynamic Statistical Characterization of Variation in Source Processes of Microseismic Events
Smith-Johnsen, C.
SA31B-2345Abstract Title: Nitric Oxide Produced by Energetic Electron Precipitation During a Geomagnetic Storm in April 2010
Smith-Konter, B. R.
G13A-1013Abstract Title: Comparing GPS and Geologic Vertical Velocities in Southern California, P31B-2064Abstract Title: Strike-Slip Faulting Processes on Ganymede: Global Morphological Mapping and Structural Interpretation of Grooved and Transitional Terrains, P31B-2067Abstract Title: What causes an icy fault to slip? Investigating strike-slip failure conditions on Ganymede at Dardanus and Tiamat Sulcus.
Smithells, R. A.
T51E-2949Abstract Title: Coupled Source-to-Sink and Geodynamic Modeling of Extensional Basins: A Case Study of the Gulf of Corinth, Greece.
Smithgall, K.
EP43B-0986Abstract Title: A novel land surface-hydrologic-sediment dynamics model for stream corridor conservation assessment and its first application, EP51B-0917Abstract Title: Short term development of a recently deglaciated proglacial slope (Gepatschferner/Tyrol) using SfM and LiDAR surveys
Smithwick, E. A. H.
H12B-04Abstract Title: Predicting root zone soil moisture with satellite near-surface moisture data in semiarid environments
Smithyman, B. R.
S23B-2710Abstract Title: Removal of Trigger Delays from Cross-borehole Seismic Data by Exploiting Tube Wave Coherency – A Pre-processing Tool for Waveform Inversion, S33C-2790Abstract Title: Zephyr: Open-source Parallel Seismic Waveform Inversion in an Integrated Python-based Framework
Smits, K. M.
A11EAbstract Title: Detecting, Modeling, and Understanding Catchment-Scale Circulations Posters, H23G-1649Abstract Title: Development of a Control Optimization System for Real Time Monitoring of Managed Aquifer Recharge and Recovery Systems Using Intelligent Sensors, H31C-1426Abstract Title: Numerical and Experimental Investigation of Soil Heterogeneity around Landmines in Natural Soil, H54B-01Abstract Title: Heat and Water Transfer at the Land-Atmosphere Interface – Interweaving Experimental and Modeling Approaches
Smittenberg, R.
C34A-04Abstract Title: Abrupt release of terrigenous organic carbon to the Laptev Sea at termination of the Younger Dryas, C43A-0776Abstract Title: High resolution Holocene sea ice records from Herald Canyon, East Siberian Sea, PP42B-06Abstract Title: Regional hydroclimate response to freshwater fluxes from the Fennoscandian Ice Sheet during the Last Termination
Smoak, J. M.
B51B-0419Abstract Title: Organic Carbon, Nitrogen and Phosphorus Accumulation Rates in the Soils of the Everglades Mangrove Ecotone, PP51C-2298Abstract Title: Reconstructing Late Holocene Relative Sea-level Changes on the Gulf Coast of Florida
Smoczyk, G. M.
S42C-04Abstract Title: International Aftershock Forecasting: Lessons from the Gorkha Earthquake
Smol, J. P.
PP43F-02Abstract Title: Pollen reconstructions, tree-rings and early climate data from Minnesota, USA: a cautionary tale of bias and signal attentuation
Smolander, S. H.
B41C-0433Abstract Title: Explicit Microbial Processes to Simulate Methane Production and Oxidation in Wetlands in the GFDL Land Model
Smolarkiewicz, P. K.
A51J-0207Abstract Title: Anelastic and Compressible Simulation of Moist Dynamics at Planetary Scales
Smolka, A. J.
NH13D-1954Abstract Title: The Global Earthquake Model and Disaster Risk Reduction
Smolyakov, A. I.
SA42A-06Abstract Title: Multiscale equatorial electrojet turbulence for GNSS disruption physics
Smorodinsky, S.
Smrekar, S. E.
P23B-2145Abstract Title: The InSight Mission's Martian Atmospheric Science Goals, Capabilities and Instrumentation, P43A-2100Abstract Title: Plume-induced subduction: from laboratory experiments to Venus large coronae, P51D-01Abstract Title: Does the face of Venus reveal whether she is Earth’s fraternal twin or identical twin separated at birth?
Smull, E. M.
H32C-07Abstract Title: NITRATE REMOVAL ALONG A COLORADO MONTANE HEADWATER STREAM: THE ROLE OF BIDIRECTIONAL HYDROLOGIC EXCHANGE AT REACH TO CATCHMENT SCALES, H33C-1597Abstract Title: Assessing Stream-Groundwater Exchange in a Headwater Montane Catchment in Colorado
Smye, A.
V32B-02Abstract Title: Tracing the thermal evolution of continental lithosphere through depth-dependent extension, V32B-09Abstract Title: Accessory Mineral Depth-Profiling Applied to the Corsican Lower Crust: A Continuous Thermal History of Mesozoic Continental Rifting, V43A-3097Abstract Title: Tracing slab dehydration using neon and argon isotope systematics in high pressure minerals, V53F-3170Abstract Title: Experimental Constraints on He, Ne, and Ar Solubility in Serpentinite
Smyth, C.
GC13F-1214Abstract Title: Improving the assessment of the State of the Carbon Cycle in North America by integrating inventory- and process- based approaches: A case study for Canada
Smyth, K. L.
PA23AAbstract Title: More Bang for Your Buck: How Does Coordination Add Value to Sustainability Science? Posters
Smyth, R. C.
H31E-1456Abstract Title: Dissolved methane occurrences in aquifers in the footprint of Texas shale plays and their controls
Smythe, W. D.
P11C-2108Abstract Title: Explanation of Europa’s Unusual Polarization Properties: The Regolith is Sub-micron, Fine-Grained, High Porosity Material
Snæbjörnsdóttir, S.
H41C-1315Abstract Title: CarbFix I: Rapid CO2 mineralization in basalt for permanent carbon storage
Snaith, H. M.
OS11A-1983Abstract Title: CryoSat Mission over the Ocean: A Review of Product Validations, Evolutions and Scientific Exploitation
Snauffer, A. M.
C33B-0813Abstract Title: Snow Water Equivalent Estimation Via Machine Learning in the Mountainous Region of British Columbia, Canada
Snedden, J.
OS21A-1964Abstract Title: Origin and Distribution of the Post KPG Carbonate Debris Flow and Consequent Slope Readjustment in DeSoto Canyon, Gulf of Mexico
Snee, P. T.
H21G-1459Abstract Title: Stability and Mobility of CdSe/ZnS Quantum Dots in Soils: Effects of Organic Ligands, pH and Ionic Strength
Sneed, M.
H14B-03Abstract Title: Drought, Land-Use Change, and Water Availability in California’s Central Valley
Sneider, C.
ED33A-0932Abstract Title: The Global Systems Science High School Curriculu
Snekvik, K.
SA33A-04Abstract Title:

On which timescales are By induced in the closed magnetosphere?, SA41A-2320Abstract Title: On the importance of magnetotail untwisting, SA41A-2322Abstract Title: Birkeland Current Effects on High-Latitude Ground Magnetic Field Perturbations

Snekvik, K.
SA41A-2319Abstract Title: Solar Wind - Ionosphere Coupling Times from the Dayside to the Nightside as Observed by AMPERE
Snell, K. E.
PP23B-2298Abstract Title: New Iinsights Iinto Great Plains C4 Grassland Evolution and Paleoenvironmental Change From Paleosol Sedimentary Organic Matter d13C Records Over the Past 5 Myr, PP23D-06Abstract Title: Miocene-Pleistocene Paleoclimate and Paleoenvironment in the Meade Basin, Kansas
Snelson, C. M.
S51FAbstract Title: Geophysical Methods for Global Security I, S52BAbstract Title: Geophysical Methods for Global Security II, S53BAbstract Title: Geophysical Methods for Global Security III Posters, S53B-2827Abstract Title: Large-N Seismic Deployment at the Source Physics Experiment (SPE) Site
Snider, G.
A54A-02Abstract Title: East Asia: A Region of Superlatives in Changing Global Atmospheric Composition
Snider, J.
A51K-0223Abstract Title: The Chilean Coastal Orographic Precipitation Experiment Pilot Project (CCOPE-2015): Overview and Preliminary Results, H13H-1637Abstract Title: Ground Snow Measurements: Comparisons of the Hotplate, Weighing and Manual Methods
Snider, R.
OS23C-2029Abstract Title: Microbial Breakdown of Organic Carbon in the Diverse Sediments of Guaymas Basin
Snieder, R.
S14A-01Abstract Title: Beyond seismic interferometry: imaging the earth's interior with virtual sources and receivers inside the earth
Snios, B. T.
P43C-2134Abstract Title: Spectral Analysis of X-ray Emissions from Solar System Objects
Snively, J. B.
NH32C-02Abstract Title: Ionospheric Responses to Nonlinear Acoustic Waves Generated by Natural Hazard Events, SA12A-04Abstract Title: Interaction and generation of small-scale waves by medium-scale waves in the MLT region., SA13A-2325Abstract Title: Modeling the Observable Signatures and Effects of Short Period Gravity Waves at Large Amplitudes
Snooke, N.
C51B-0727Abstract Title: Albedo and its relationship with seasonal surface roughness using repeat UAV survey across the Kangerlussuaq sector of the Greenland Ice Sheet
Snow, A.
H43J-06Abstract Title: Hyper-Resolution Large Scale Flood Inundation Modeling: Development of AutoRAPID Model
Snow, D. D.
H23B-1572Abstract Title: Three Dimensional Modeling of Agricultural Contamination of Groundwater: a Case Study in the Nebraska Management Systems Evaluation Area (MSEA) Site
Snow, J. T.
GC14C-03Abstract Title: Responding to Climate Change at the Poles: Findings from the National Research Council's Reports on Climate Intervention
Snow, J. E.
OS33A-1997Abstract Title: Subsea Gas Emissions from the Barbados Accretionary Complex, V11B-3068Abstract Title: Magma Supply at the Arctic Gakkel Ridge: Constraints from Peridotites and Basalts
Snow, M. A.
ED11B-0858Abstract Title: Measuring REU Success Through Longitudinal Tracking, GC31D-1212Abstract Title: Development, Production and Validation of the NOAA Solar Irradiance Climate Data Record, SA43A-2357Abstract Title: Exospheric hydrogen density estimates from absorption dips in GOES solar irradiance measurements, SH23BAbstract Title: Solar Spectral Irradiance: Measurements, Models, and Proxies I Posters, SH23B-2438Abstract Title: Lyman Alpha Line Profile Observations from SORCE SOLSTICE, SH23B-2444Abstract Title: Accessing Solar Irradiance Data via LISIRD, the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics Interactive Solar Irradiance Datacenter, SH32AAbstract Title: Solar Spectral Irradiance: Measurements, Models, and Proxies II, SH32A-03Abstract Title: A New Climate Data Record of Solar Spectral Irradiance from 1610 to Present
Snowball, I.
NS41B-1927Abstract Title: Delineating Potential Quick-clay Areas Using High-resolution Seismic Methods: Towards a 3D Model of an Area Prone to Slide in SW Sweden
Snyder, C.
A14D-01Abstract Title: Data assimilation for prediction, understanding and parameterization of "small scale" atmospheric motions, A51P-0328Abstract Title: Radiance Data Assimilation for Binary Typhoon Cases, NG24A-03Abstract Title: Particle filters and high-dimensional systems
Snyder, C.
H23H-1664Abstract Title: Landscape Predictors of Groundwater Influence on Stream Temperature in Forested Headwater Catchments
Snyder, D. B.
IN13A-1816Abstract Title: Canada in 3D – Toward a Sustainable 3D Model for Canadian Geology from Diverse Data Sources, NG13A-1870Abstract Title: Correlation of Hydraulic Fracturing Induced Seismicity with Operation Parameters of Shale Gas Extraction: Two Case Studies in Western Canada, T21F-02Abstract Title: Construction and destruction of some North American cratons
Snyder, G. T.
OS31BAbstract Title: Multidisciplinary Studies of Hydrocarbon Seeps on Global Margins I, OS33AAbstract Title: Multidisciplinary Studies of Hydrocarbon Seeps on Global Margins II Posters, OS33A-1995Abstract Title: Tracking Dissolved Methane Concentrations near Active Seeps and Gas Hydrates: Sea of Japan.
Snyder, J.
A34D-05Abstract Title: On the Environment of Supercells That Produce Anticyclonic-Cyclonic Tornado Pairs
Snyder, L. E.
B51F-0490Abstract Title: The contribution of aquatic metabolism to CO2 emissions from New Hampshire streams
Snyder, M. A.
H41A-1280Abstract Title: Climate Change Impact on Snowfall, Evapotransportation and Streamflow in a Temperate, Wet Watershed
Snyder, N. P.
EP52A-01Abstract Title: Denudation and topographic responses of coastal drainages near the Mendocino Triple Junction region (MTJ), northern California
Snyder, P. K.
B31A-0514Abstract Title: Guiding U.S. Afforestation Policy through Terrestrial Carbon Cycle Modeling, PA43A-2178Abstract Title: The NSF-RCN Urban Heat Island Network, PA43A-2179Abstract Title: The Benefits of Using Dense Temperature Sensor Networks to Monitor Urban Warming
Snyder, T.
H33N-01Abstract Title: Utilizing hydrologic, statistical, and geochemical tools to assess uranium mobility in surface and near-surface environments
Snyder-Deaton, L. E.
C11A-0741Abstract Title: Using NASA Warm Ice Sounding Explorer (WISE) Data to Reexamine the Bed Morphology of Malaspina Glacier, Alaska
So, B. D.
DI51B-2629Abstract Title: New Application of Finite Element Method to Seamount Magnetism
So, M.
V23B-3110Abstract Title: Applications of Terrestrial Remote Sensing to Volcanic Rock Masses
So, Y.
H41G-1463Abstract Title: Disused Metal Mine in Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) Fe, As Leaching, Precipitation and Adsorption
Soares, M. C. R.
SH13D-2462Abstract Title: Design review of the Brazilian Experimental Solar Telescope
Soave, K.
ED41A-0839Abstract Title: Sustainable Seas Student Monitoring Project at the Branson School in Ross, CA
Sobel, A. H.
A21M-01Abstract Title: MJO theory in relation to comprehensive models and observations, A23D-0348Abstract Title: Modeling the MJO rain rates using parameterized large scale dynamics: vertical structure, radiation, and horizontal advection of dry air, A51P-0329Abstract Title: Role of the Convective Scheme in Modeling Initiation and Intensification of Tropical Depressions over the North Atlantic, A53E-04Abstract Title: Parameterization of large-scale dynamics for convection studies: Recent developments and new extensions., A53E-08Abstract Title: Role of radiative-convective feedbacks in tropical cyclogenesis in rotating radiative-convective equilibrium simulations
Sobel, E. R.
T21B-2817Abstract Title: Regional Deformation of the Southern Puna Plateau, Central Andes, Recorded by Basin Evolution and Bedrock Exhumation History, T21B-2824Abstract Title: Uplift and growth of the northwest Pamir
Sobel, E. I.
SH23A-2427Abstract Title: A Geomagnetic Precursor Technique for Predicting the Solar Activity Cycle
Sobey, C.
SH21B-2399Abstract Title: Observations of Heliospheric Faraday Rotation (FR) and Interplanetary Scintillation (IPS) with the LOw Frequency ARray (LOFAR): Steps Towards Improving Space-Weather Forecasting Capabilities
Sobhani, N.
C13A-0791Abstract Title: Modeling of light absorbing particles in atmosphere, snow and ice in the Arctic
Sobiesiak, M.
T51D-2920Abstract Title: Analysis of the Seismic Activity During the Preparatory Phase of the Mw 8.2 Iquique Earthquake, Chile 2014
Søbjærg, S. S.
C53B-0778Abstract Title: Impact of surface roughness on L-band emissivity of the sea ice
Sobolev, A. V.
DI51C-04Abstract Title: How Hot and Wet are Mantle Derived Magmas and Their Sources?
Sobolev, N. V.
Sobolev, S. V.
T11F-07Abstract Title: 3D thermo-mechanical model of the orogeny in Pamir constrained by geological and geophysical observations, T21E-2871Abstract Title: Cross-Scale Model of the Subduction Seismic Cycle: Parameter Sensitivity Study, T22A-01Abstract Title: Plume tectonics and cratons formation in the early Earth, T24CAbstract Title: Subduction across Scales VII, T24C-01Abstract Title: Cross-Scale Modelling of Subduction from Minute to Million of Years Time Scale, U41AAbstract Title: When and How Did Plate Tectonics Begin, What Came Before, and Why Is This Controversy Important for Understanding the Earth?, U41A-06Abstract Title: DISCUSSION: When and How did Plate Tectonics Begin, What Came Before, and Why is this Controversy important for Understanding the Earth and Exoplanets?, V43A-3098Abstract Title: Numerical modeling of fluid migration in subduction zones
Soboleva, A. A.
T51B-2884Abstract Title: U-Pb (SIMS) Zircon Ages of Granitoids from the Basement of Pechora Basin
Sobolik, S. R.
H13M-08Abstract Title: Geomechanical Modeling of CO2 Injection Site to Predict Wellbore Stresses and Strains for the Design of Wellbore Seal Repair Materials
Sobota, D. J.
H13L-1753Abstract Title: Stressor-Response Models Relating Nutrient Enrichment to Algal Communities in Pacific Northwest Streams and Rivers
Sobotkova, A.
IN13B-1831Abstract Title: A Mobile App for Geochemical Field Data Acquisition
Sobouti, F.
T21A-2806Abstract Title: Crustal structure of the Northwestern Iranian Plateau revealed by ambient noise tomography
Sobral Mourao, Z.
GC31E-1223Abstract Title: Assessment of Land and Water Resource Implications of the UK 2050 Carbon Plan, GC51C-1095Abstract Title: Land use impacts of low-carbon energy system transition – the case of UK bioenergy deployment under the Carbon Plan, GC51C-1096Abstract Title: Spatio-temporal Assessment Of The Land Use Implications Of Solar PV And Bioenergy Deployment In The UK TM Energy Model
Sobreiro, J. F. F.
B31G-04Abstract Title: Large-scale Altitudinal and Latitudinal Variability of Vegetation Phenology in a Tropical Montane Landscape: A Remote Sensing Perspective
Sobron, P.
P23CAbstract Title: Earth Analogues as Case Studies for Martian Geological Materials and Processes I, P24AAbstract Title: Earth Analogues as Case Studies for Martian Geological Materials and Processes II, P31AAbstract Title: Earth Analogues as Case Studies for Martian Geological Materials and Processes III Posters
Sobue, S.
B44A-04Abstract Title: Title: Rice Crop Monitoring by Fusing Microwave and Optical Satellite Data 
Socker, D. G.
SH14A-02Abstract Title: Requirements for an Operational Coronagraph, SH41F-03Abstract Title: Capabilities of a Global 3D MHD Model for Monitoring Extremely Fast CMEs, SH51A-2433Abstract Title: The first super geomagnetic storm of solar cycle 24: “The St. Patrick day (17 March 2015)” event
Socquet, A.
S11A-2766Abstract Title: Analysis of the Pre-, Co- and Post- seismic deformation associated to the April 1st, 2014 Pisagua (Mw 8.2) earthquake constrained by GPS observations., T43C-3023Abstract Title: Geodetic Matched Filter Search of Slow Slip Families on the Mexican Subduction Zone, T43C-3024Abstract Title: Imaging the Seismic Cycle in the Central Andean Subduction Zone from Geodetic Observations
Soden, B.
A44A-02Abstract Title: The impact of aerosols on forcing and feedbacks in CMIP5, GC52B-02Abstract Title: Physical Mechanisms of the Precipitation Change in the Subtropics and Extratropics
Söder, J.
SA11A-05Abstract Title: High-resolution turbulence observations in the stratosphere with LITOS
Soderblom, J. M.
P12B-04Abstract Title: Tidal Currents between Titan’s Seas Detected by Solar Glints, P13B-2133Abstract Title: Geomorphology of Titan's polar terrains: Using the landscape’s topographic form to constrain surface processes, P13E-01Abstract Title: Scientific Synergies from the Europa Multiple-Flyby Mission, P13E-03Abstract Title: The Europa Imaging System (EIS): High-Resolution, 3-D Insight into Europa’s Geology, Ice Shell, and Potential for Current Activity, P13E-04Abstract Title: The Mapping Imaging Spectrometer for Europa (MISE) Investigation, P53B-2116Abstract Title: The Effect of Pre-Impact Porosity and Vertical Density Gradients on the Gravity Signature of Lunar Craters as Seen by GRAIL
Sodergren, C.
A51Q-0348Abstract Title: Quantifying the Effects of Wildfire Severity on Snow Water Equivalent in the Sierra Nevada Authors: Sean Cunningham, Nolan Cate,
Soderlund, K. M.
C51B-0724Abstract Title: Heterogeneous Heat Flow and Groundwater Effects on East Antarctic Ice Sheet Dynamics, P11C-2110Abstract Title: Surface Reflectometry and Ionosphere Sounding from the Radar for Europa Assessment and Sounding: Ocean to Near-surface (REASON), P21B-06Abstract Title: Topographic evidence of True Polar Wander on Enceladus, P41A-2041Abstract Title: Parameterization of the Lorentz to Coriolis Force Ratio in Planetary Dynamos, P53G-02Abstract Title: UNDERSTANDING EUROPA’S ICE SHELL AND SUBSURFACE WATER THROUGH TERESTRIAL ANALOGS FOR FLYBY RADAR SOUNDING
Soderquist, B.
B53G-0647Abstract Title: Projecting the Dependence of Sage-steppe Vegetation on Redistributed Snow in a Warming Climate.
Sodoudi, S.
IN51A-1780Abstract Title: Using Machine learning method to estimate Air Temperature from MODIS over Berlin
Sofko, G. J.
SM31F-01Abstract Title: The Four-Part Field-Aligned Current System in the Ionosphere at Substorm Onset, SM51C-2583Abstract Title: Is Substorm Onset Seeded by Cross-Tail Current Enhancement Resulting from Parallel Energization of Oxygen Ion Polar Cap Outflow?
Sofowote, U.
A21A-0082Abstract Title: Continuous Near-Road Monitoring of Ultrafine Particles from 2010-2015 in Toronto, Canada
Soh, I.
G11B-0972Abstract Title: What Do Borehole Strainmeter Signals Tell Us about Earthquake-Related Stress Change?
Sohbati, R.
EP53B-1015Abstract Title: Millennial-scale hard rock erosion rates deduced from luminescence-depth profiles, NH34A-06Abstract Title: Verifying the new luminescence surface-exposure dating technique--rock falls in Canyonlands National Park, Utah
Sohl, F.
P34A-08Abstract Title: Measuring Ganymede's Tidal Deformation by Laser Altimetry: A performance Analysis for the GALA Experiment
Sohl, T.
GC12C-01Abstract Title: Moving from pixels to parcels: Modeling agricultural scenarios in the northern Great Plains using a hybrid raster- and vector-based approach
Sohlberg, R. A.
A21C-0141Abstract Title: Vegetation Continuous Fields--Transitioning from MODIS to VIIRS, NH53A-02Abstract Title: Next Generation UAV Based Spectral Systems for Environmental Monitoring: project developments, preliminary outcome and findings
Sohn, B. J.
C41D-0747Abstract Title: Retrieving the Emissivities of Polar Sea Ice from AMSR-E Measurements Using the Combined Fresnel Equation
Sohn, J.
SA51C-2413Abstract Title: Development of Space Science Instruments for Next Generation Small Satellite -1
Sohn, R. A.
OS41B-02Abstract Title: Seismic Reflection Imaging of the Heat Source of an Ultramafic-Hosted Hydrothermal System (Rainbow, Mid-Atlantic Ridge 36° 10-17’N), OS43A-2000Abstract Title: Analysis of microearthquakes at the non-transform offset of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge hosting the Rainbow hydrothermal system (36°14’N)
Sohn, S. J.
OS53A-2002Abstract Title: New Index for Winter Temperature of the Korean Peninsula and the East Asia based on the atmospheric teleconnection patterns
Sohoulande Djebou, D. C.
H51D-1391Abstract Title: An entropy-based index for spatio-temporal analysis of hydrologic and land-cover alterations
Sohrabi, M.
C33B-0807Abstract Title: Importance of temporal resolution of meteorological forcings for physics-based snow modeling
Soito, L.
IN53B-1846Abstract Title: Software Attribution for Geoscience Applications in the Computational Infrastructure for Geodynamics
Soja, A. J.
GC31B-1172Abstract Title: Projected Impacts of 21st Century Climate Change on Potential Habitat for Vegetation and Forest Types in Russia, GC33E-1348Abstract Title: Modeling Greenland's Climate Response to the Presence of Biomass Burning Aerosols in the Atmosphere and Snow, GC33F-06Abstract Title: Synthesis of Decades of Change in Northern Eurasian Ecosystems: Current Assessment and Future Projections
Sojka, J. J.
SA23B-2353Abstract Title: The Polar Cap Tongue of Ionization: A survey of GPS TEC mappings from 2000 to 2014, SA31E-2376Abstract Title: Quantitative Evaluation of Ionosphere Models for Reproducing Regional TEC During Geomagnetic Storms, SH32A-02Abstract Title: The Missing Solar Irradiance Spectrum: 1 to 7 nm, SM13F-08Abstract Title: Modeling the Ionosphere-Thermosphere-Electrodynamics System for Space Weather Specifications, Forecasts and Applications, SM23A-2541Abstract Title: Terminator field-aligned current system: Its dependencies on solar, seasonal, and geomagnetic conditions 
Sokol, E.
GC11G-1107Abstract Title: The Past as a Window to the Future - What Does Long Term Research in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica Tell Us About the Trajectory of Polar Ecosystems?
Sokol, J. M.
SH41EAbstract Title: Observations of the Local Interstellar Medium and Motivations for IMAP Posters, SH41E-2407Abstract Title: Hypothetical signals beyond the primary ISN He flow as perspective targets for IMAP, SH41E-2412Abstract Title: Modeling of the solar cycle modulated interstellar He, Ne, and O pick-up ion flux along the Earth orbit, SH52B-04Abstract Title: Interstellar neutral flow characteristics, composition, and interaction with the heliosphere – neutral gas and pickup ion analysis from ongoing observations and perspectives for IMAP, SH53C-03Abstract Title: Probing the Boundaries of the Heliosphere by Analyzing the Temporal Variation of the Polar ENA Flux, SH53C-09Abstract Title: The local interstellar medium based on ISN He observations with Ulysses and IBEX and future IMAP measurements
Sokolik, I. N.
A33L-0364Abstract Title: Assessments of the contribution of land use change to the dust emission in Central Asia
Sokolov, A. P.
GC31B-1171Abstract Title: Importance of Nitrogen Availability on Land Carbon Sequestration in Northern Eurasia during the 21st Century, GC41H-05Abstract Title: Towards Quantifying Robust Uncertainty Information for Climate Change Decision-making, GC43C-1212Abstract Title: Climate Stabilization at 2oC and “Net Zero” Emissions
Sokolov, I.
SH11A-2382Abstract Title: Field-aligned Transport and Acceleration of Solar Energetic Particles, SH11B-2391Abstract Title: Examining the Release Mechanism of Intermittent Streamer Blobs, SH13C-2448Abstract Title: Global Multi-fluid Solar Corona Model with Temperature Anisotropy, SH14A-08Abstract Title: How Reliable Is the Solar Wind Prediction from the Models Installed at the CCMC?, SH21B-2403Abstract Title: New Publicly Available EEGGL Tool for Simulating Coronal Mass Ejections., SH23D-02Abstract Title: The Effects of Partial Ionization on Prominence Mass Formation, SH43C-02Abstract Title: Modeling AWSoM CMEs with EEGGL: A New Approach for Space Weather Forecasting
Sokoutis, D.
T21E-2903Abstract Title: Subduction-collision Processes Controlled by Decoupling at the Plate Interface and the Rheology of the Colliding Plates, T23F-04Abstract Title: The interaction between Aegean back-arc extension and Anatolia escape since Late Miocene
Solada, K.
T21D-2864Abstract Title: New Perspective on the Transition from Flat to Steeper Subduction in Oaxaca, Mexico Based on Seismicity, Nonvolcanic Tremor, and Slow Slip
Solander, K.
H11H-1443Abstract Title: Estimating HUC 2-digit sustainable water use over the continental United States using GRACE
Solano Rojas, D. E.
PA21B-2165Abstract Title: Differential Subsidence in Mexico City and its Consequences to the Collective Transport System (Metro)
Solares, M. M.
T11E-2945Abstract Title: New GPS Constrains on Crustal Deformation within the Puerto Rico-Virgin Islands Microplate
Solari, L.
EP21D-04Abstract Title: On the Lateral Retreat of Salt Marshes: Field Monitoring in the Venice Lagoon (Italy)
Solaro, C.
V13B-3104Abstract Title: Dominica Pumiceous Eruptions: Reconstruction of Dynamics and Timescales of Magma Chamber Processes from Crystal Record and Diffusion Modelling.
Solaro, G.
MR33A-2634Abstract Title: Correlation between pore fluid pressures and DInSAR post-seismic deformation of the May 20, 2012 Emilia-Romagna (Italy) earthquake
Solbrig, J. E.
A23A-0273Abstract Title: An Infrared Technique for Detection of Intense Pyroconvection in Western, A51O-0284Abstract Title: Detection and Monitoring of Intense Pyroconvection in Western North America using Remote Sensing and Meteorological Data
Soldati, A.
V41B-3072Abstract Title: Rheology and Morphology of a Trachybasaltic Lava Flow: a Case Study from the Cima Volcanic Field (CA)
Solder, J. E.
H21B-1365Abstract Title: Mean Transit Time as a Predictor of Groundwater Discharge Response in the Upper Colorado River Basin, H24D-04Abstract Title: Transit Times In A Shallow Aquifer From Tracer Measurements In The Aquifer And A Gaining Stream
Sole, A. J.
C13E-02Abstract Title: Co-evolution of tidewater glacier calving front morphology and submarine melt rates in a high resolution ocean model, C21A-0727Abstract Title: Modelling the impact of variations in ice sheet runoff on fjord and coastal biological productivity over annual to decadal timescales, C51B-0706Abstract Title: Seasonal Greenland Ice Sheet ice flow variations in regions of differing bed and surface topography
Solecki, W.
GC51B-1083Abstract Title: Hurricane Sandy: Caught in the eye of the storm and a city's adaptation response
soler Sagarra, J.
H41D-1338Abstract Title: Laboratory experiments and numerical modelling of CO2-rich brine injection through sandstone samples: Role of flow rate, brine composition, mixing and spreading effects
Soler-Arechalde, A. M.
GP23A-1299Abstract Title: New Data for the Mesoamerican Directional Secular Variation Curve
Solheid, P.
GP43A-1238Abstract Title: The mysterious malleability of titanomagnetite Curie temperatures: An update
Solheim, B.
SA13B-2346Abstract Title: Observation of summer daytime aurora in the noctilucent cloud layer and its link to high-energy particle precipitation during high-speed solar wind streams
Solidum, R. Jr.
T53A-02Abstract Title: Seismotectonics and Crustal Thickness of Northwest Mindoro, Philippines
Solikhin, A.
NH43A-1860Abstract Title: Tracing the spatio-temporal evolution of the Merapi 2010 erupted deposits based on object-oriented classification and object-based image analysis of multi-temporal VHR optical and ALOS radar imagery
Soliman, A. S.
IN52A-03Abstract Title: A Cloud Computing Workflow for Scalable Integration of Remote Sensing and Social Media Data in Urban Studies
Solmon, F.
A23F-0398Abstract Title: Transport and radiative impacts of atmospheric pollen using online, observation-based emissions 
Solomatine, D.
H51G-1453Abstract Title: Assimilating Citizen-Based Observations from Low-Cost Sensors in Hydrological Models to Improve Flood Prediction
Solomatov, V. S.
T13A-2972Abstract Title: Interpretation of subduction initiation in terms of Rayleigh-Taylor instability: implications for the timing of onset of plate tectonics on terrestrial planets
Solomatova, N. V.
DI31B-2588Abstract Title: The electronic structure of iron in rhyolitic glass at high pressure
Solomina, O.
PP51A-2283Abstract Title: A Multi-proxy Reconstruction of Spatial and Temporal Variations in Asian Summer Temperatures Over the Last Millennium
Solomon, A. L.
A13A-0306Abstract Title: The Importance of Zonal Asymmetry in the Southern Hemisphere Circulation, A43IAbstract Title: Dynamics and Predictability of Midlatitude Storms in a Changing Climate I, A51GAbstract Title: Dynamics and Predictability of Midlatitude Storms in a Changing Climate II Posters
Solomon, A.
A21E-0195Abstract Title: Evaluating the Impact of the Summit Station, Greenland Radiosonde Program on Science and Forecast Services, C51AAbstract Title: Advances in Understanding Sea Ice Variability and Change in the Coupled Earth System I Posters, C51A-0663Abstract Title: Short-term sea ice forecasts with the RASM-ESRL coupled model: A testbed for improving simulations of ocean-ice-atmosphere interactions in the marginal ice zone, C53DAbstract Title: Advances in Understanding Sea Ice Variability and Change in the Coupled Earth System II, C54AAbstract Title: Advances in Understanding Sea Ice Variability and Change in the Coupled Earth System III, ED33D-0951Abstract Title: Evaluating the Impact of the Summit Station, Greenland Radiosonde Program on Data Modelers and Forecast Services
Solomon, D. K.
C43E-01Abstract Title: Investigating the Greenland firn aquifer near Helheim Glacier based on geophysical noninvasive methods and in situ measurements, C51B-0695Abstract Title: Initial In-situ Hydrologic Measurements of the Greenland Perennial Firn Aquifer, C51B-0696Abstract Title: Using In-Situ Seismic Measurements to Model the Velocity Structure of Subsurface Aquifers in Southeast Greenland , H24D-04Abstract Title: Transit Times In A Shallow Aquifer From Tracer Measurements In The Aquifer And A Gaining Stream
Solomon, E. A.
OS22B-05Abstract Title: Preferential accumulation of gas hydrate in the Andaman accretionary wedge and relationship to anomalous porosity preservation , OS23B-1990Abstract Title: Analysis of Bubble Plume Distributions to Evaluate Methane Hydrate Decomposition on the Cascadia Margin, OS23B-2014Abstract Title: Ocean observatory networks monitor gas hydrates systems - Updates from Cascadia, OS23B-2015Abstract Title: Evaluating Active Methane Hydrate Dissociation Along the Washington Margin in Response to Bottom Water Warming, OS33A-1993Abstract Title: Towards Biogeochemical Modeling of Anaerobic Oxidation of Methane: Characterization of Microbial Communities in Methane-bearing North American Continental Margin Sediments, T21D-2870Abstract Title: High Resolution Thermal Model and Heat Flow along the Washington Margin of the Cascadia Subduction Zone
Solomon, S. C.
GP33A-03Abstract Title: Mercury’s Crustal Magnetic Field from Low-Altitude Measurements by MESSENGER., P13E-01Abstract Title: Scientific Synergies from the Europa Multiple-Flyby Mission, P41C-2077Abstract Title: High-resolution gravity models for Mercury from MESSENGER tracking data, P41FAbstract Title: Mercury after MESSENGER I, P41F-03Abstract Title: Mapping Mercury’s magnetic topology with solar energetic electrons, P41F-04Abstract Title: Subsurface carbon-bearing material on Mercury revealed by the MESSENGER Gamma-Ray and Neutron Spectrometer, P41F-06Abstract Title: Amount, Timing, and Rate of Global Contraction on Mercury, P41F-08Abstract Title: Thermochemical Evolution of Mercury’s Lower Mantle Linked to Early Volcanism, P51D-02Abstract Title: Understanding the Interior Evolution of Mercury from Its Tectonic History, P53AAbstract Title: Mercury after MESSENGER II Posters, P53A-2086Abstract Title: A Model of Mercury's Magnetospheric Magnetic Field with Dependence on Magnetic Activity, P53A-2088Abstract Title: MESSENGER Observations of Suprathermal Electrons in Mercury’s Magnetosphere, P53A-2089Abstract Title: Energization and Precipitation of Electrons in Mercury’s Magnetosphere, P53A-2093Abstract Title: Analysis of Ultraviolet Reflectance Spectra of Mercury’s Southern Hemisphere, P53A-2094Abstract Title: Global Distribution and Spectral Properties of Low-Reflectance Material on Mercury, P53A-2095Abstract Title: The Composition of Geological-Scale Features Resolved by MESSENGER’s X-Ray Spectrometer, P53A-2100Abstract Title: Widespread Plains Volcanism on Mercury Ended by 3.6 Ga, P53A-2103Abstract Title: The gravity field and orientation of Mercury after the MESSENGER mission, SM14B-03Abstract Title: Plasma precipitation on Mercury’s nightside and its implications for magnetospheric convection and exosphere generation.
Solomon, S. C.
SA31C-2357Abstract Title: Reconstruction of three-dimensional auroral ionospheric conductivities via an assimilative technique, SA32A-02Abstract Title: Response of Thermospheric Hydrogen to Solar Variability and Greenhouse Gases, SA51C-2419Abstract Title: Observing System Simulations for the GOLD and ICON Missions, SA52A-05Abstract Title: Global-scale Observations of the Limb and Disk (GOLD): From Simulations to Observations, SA52A-06Abstract Title: Latitudinal and Solar Cycle Variability of Thermosphere Composition at the Solstices
Solomon, S.
PP43E-05Abstract Title: Carbon cycle and climate commitments from early human interference, U34A-03Abstract Title: What Do We Need To Do To Improve Our Understanding of How Volcanoes Affect Stratospheric Ozone?
Solomonidou, A.
P13B-2124Abstract Title: Changes on Titan’s surface, P13B-2125Abstract Title: Nature, Distribution, and Origin of Titan’s Undifferentiated Plains (“Blandlands”) , P13B-2128Abstract Title: Simultaneous Cartography of Aerosol Opacity and Surface Albedo of Titan by the Massive Inversion of the Cassini/VIMS Dataset, P51D-05Abstract Title: The case for water ice in Titan’s near subsurface
Solomos, S.
A22D-02Abstract Title: Tropospheric Volcanism and Air-Traffic
Solórzano, D.
A21A-0081Abstract Title: Determination of the Impact to air quality by the sugar cane burning during harvesting in Costa Rica: regional and temporal analysis.
Soloviev, A.
OS51BAbstract Title: Measurement and Modeling of the Ocean Surface Boundary Layer I Posters, OS51B-1991Abstract Title: 3D Dynamics of the Near-Surface Layer of the Ocean in the Presence of Freshwater Influx, OS54AAbstract Title: Measurement and Modeling of the Ocean Surface Boundary Layer II, OS54A-05Abstract Title: Magnetic Signatures of Fine-scale Processes in the Ocean Surface Layer
Solovitz, S.
EP21B-0903Abstract Title: Controls on the Breach Geometry and Flood Hydrograph During Overtopping of Non-cohesive Earthen Dams, V51E-3073Abstract Title: Entrainment of Air into Vertical Jets in a Crosswind
Soltani, S. S.
H24D-05Abstract Title: Dynamics of catchment-scale chloride transport: A study of time-variant travel time distribution at the Kringlan catchment (Sweden)
Soltanian, M. R.
H53E-1696Abstract Title: Interactive client side data visualization with d3.js, IN13A-1818Abstract Title: A Cloud Based Framework For Monitoring And Predicting Subsurface System Behaviour
Soltanjalili, M. J.
H13B-1515Abstract Title: The Ecohydrologic Role of Coexistence and Competition in Semiarid Hillslopes
Somchat, K.
T33D-2957Abstract Title: The Evolution of the Surveyor Fan and Channel System, Gulf of Alaska based on Core-Log-Seismic Integration at IODP Site U1417, T33D-2958Abstract Title: Margin Architecture and Sediment Flux as Controls on Submarine Fan Development: Tectonic-Climate Interactions in the Gulf of Alaska
Some, T. E.
GC43B-1193Abstract Title: Greenhouse Gas Emission Mitigation And Agriculture, Trade-off Or Win-win Situation: Bioeconomic Farm Modelling In The Sudanian Area of Burkina Faso
Somenahally, A. C.
B11D-0472Abstract Title: Microbial Community Response to Carbon Substrate Amendment in Mercury Impacted Sediments: Implications on Microbial Methylation of Mercury.
Somers, B.
B53C-0574Abstract Title: Mapping Invasive Plant Species with a Combination of Field and Remote Sensing Data
Somers, J. M.
B33C-0668Abstract Title: A Novel Low-Power, High-Performance, Zero-Maintenance Closed-Path Trace Gas Eddy Covariance System with No Water Vapor Dilution or Spectroscopic Corrections
Somers, L. D.
H13E-1601Abstract Title: Constraining Subsurface Structure and Composition Using Seismic Refraction Surveys of Proglacial Valleys in the Cordillera Blanca, Peru, H23H-1670Abstract Title: Infrared Imaging and Modeling of Proglacial Stream Temperature in the Cordillera Blanca, Peru, H31K-07Abstract Title: Quantifying groundwater-surface water interactions using a stream energy balance model and dye tracing in a proglacial valley of the Cordillera Blanca, Peru, U42A-01Abstract Title: Glacier loss and emerging hydrologic vulnerabilities in the Peruvian Andes
Somerville, R. C. J.
ED11F-01Abstract Title: A Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on Climate Change
Someya, Y.
A43B-0280Abstract Title: Improved slicing method for GOSAT cloud detection using TIR spectra
Somkuti, P.
A54D-07Abstract Title: Remote sensing of atmospheric greenhouse gases: bridging spatial scales
Sommariva, R.
A13G-07Abstract Title: Spatial and temporal variability of inorganic chlorine in Northwestern Europe
Sommer, H.
V21C-3061Abstract Title: The Formation of Micro Diamonds in Dislocation Creep Controlled by the C:O:H Ratio of NAMS
Sommer, J. H.
B41E-0485Abstract Title: Implications from climate and landuse change on the global dictribution of plant species richness, GC42AAbstract Title: Global Change Impacts in West Africa: From Observations and Models to Adaptation Measures I, GC43BAbstract Title: Global Change Impacts in West Africa: From Observations and Models to Adaptation Measures II Posters
Sommer, M.
OS23B-2019Abstract Title: Tectonic Controls on Gas Hydrate Distribution off SW Taiwan
Sommer, S.
OS23A-1986Abstract Title: Nitrogen fixation in sediments along a depth transect through the Eastern Boundary Upwelling Systems off Peru and Mauritania
Sommerlot, A.
GC23A-1128Abstract Title: Expanding the performance curve of different weather data sources for hydrologic modeling in central Texas: a comparison of ground observations and the Climate Forecast System Reanalysis as watershed model inputs, H54A-04Abstract Title: Improving the spatial representation of soil properties and hydrology using topographically derived watershed model initialization processes
Sommers, A. N.
C51C-0732Abstract Title: Thermal State of the Greenland Ice Sheet Interior: Thermo-mechanical Modeling and Sensitivity Analyses
Somogyvari, M.
H13A-1491Abstract Title: A New Concept for Thermal Tracer Tomography to Identify Heterogeneous Aquifer Structures, H51C-1375Abstract Title: From Stochastic toward Deterministic Characterization of Discrete Fracture Network via Thermal Tracer Tests
Somos-Valenzuela, M. A.
IN31C-1770Abstract Title: Advancing the cyberinfrastructure for sustaining high resolution, real-time streamflow and flood forecasts at a national scale
Son, A.
H21G-1481Abstract Title: Pyrosequencing Based Microbial Community Analysis of Stabilized Mine Soils, H33H-1701Abstract Title: Removal of micro pollutants using activated biochars and powdered activated carbon in water
Son, B. S.
B23G-0684Abstract Title: Effect of Additives and pH on the Formation of Carbonate Mineral by CO2 Sequestration of Cement Paste
Son, J.
NS41B-1943Abstract Title: Full-scale Experiments for Roadbed Cavity Detection with GPR, NS43B-1969Abstract Title: Development of 2D SIP Data Processing Software for a Metallic Mineral Deposit Exploration, NS43B-1970Abstract Title: Analysis of EM dataset with several sensor configurations obtained by the loop-loop EM survey on magnetic anomalies, NS43B-1974Abstract Title: Site Characterization of Deep Bedrock with Integrated Geophysical Survey
Son, J.
A43A-0245Abstract Title: Chemical Characteristics of Particulate Matter from Vehicle emission using High Resolution Time of Flight Aerosol Mass Spectrometer (HR-ToF-AMS)
Son, J.
IN53A-1827Abstract Title: Development of a mobile borehole investigation software using augmented reality, NH43B-1881Abstract Title: Smartphone-based Data Acquisition for Landslide Susceptibility Assessment
Son, J. H.
OS53A-2005Abstract Title: Northern East Asian Monsoon Precipitation Revealed by Air Mass Variability and Its Prediction , OS53A-2006Abstract Title: Development of a Dynamics-Based Statistical Prediction Model for the Changma Onset
Son, J.
OS43A-2005Abstract Title: Plume signatures on- and off-axis of segment 3-1 between 10°S and 11°S, Central Indian Ridge
Son, L. M.
T41B-2889Abstract Title: Tectonic Implications of Paleoproterozoic Deo Khe Granitoids in Northwestern Vietnam
Son, M.
S13B-2848Abstract Title: Microevent Detection Based on Waveform Cross-correlation in the Dogye Mining Area, Korea, S53A-2775Abstract Title: Double-difference Relocation of Earthquakes in Western Korea, 2009-2015
Son, M.
MR21C-2634Abstract Title: Shocked cobbles in Lower Cretaceous Duwon Formation, South Korea: A first report in Asia and their possible mechanisms, S11A-2763Abstract Title: Historic and Instrumental Records of Repeating Seismicity in the Gyeongju Area, Southeastern Korea, V23B-3170Abstract Title: A preliminary study of the calcite beef found in the Cretaceous Jinju Formation, Gyeongsang Basin, South Korea
Son, S.
NH14A-06Abstract Title: Coupling Efforts to the Accurate and Efficient Tsunami Modelling System
Son, S. W.
A41C-0080Abstract Title: The impact of poleward moisture and sensible heat flux on Arctic winter sea-ice variability., A41H-0154Abstract Title: 10-Year Observations of Cloud and Surface Longwave Radiation at Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard, A41H-0155Abstract Title: Arctic Cloud Fraction and Microphysical Characteristics from 8-year Space-based Lidar and Radar Measurements
Son, S. K.
OS43A-2005Abstract Title: Plume signatures on- and off-axis of segment 3-1 between 10°S and 11°S, Central Indian Ridge
Son, Y.
B11C-0445Abstract Title: Estimating dead organic matter carbon dynamics of an intact mixed dipterocarp forest in Brunei with a forest carbon model , B13G-0713Abstract Title: Thinning intensity influences on soil microbial and inorganic nitrogen in Pinus densiflora forests, central Korea, B23C-0616Abstract Title: Responses of soil microbial community to experimental warming and precipitation manipulation, H43G-1620Abstract Title: Effects of warming treatment and precipitation manipulation on fine root length of Pinus densiflora seedlings.
Sonder, I.
V33B-3104Abstract Title: Distribution of Ejecta in Analog Tephra Rings from Discrete Single and Multiple Subsurface Explosions, V33B-3105Abstract Title: What Dominates a Craters Size, the Largest Single Explosion of the Formation Process or the Cumulative Energy of Many? Results of Multiblast Crater Evolution Experiments
Sone, H.
H23A-1557Abstract Title: Effects of Long-Term Fluid Injection on Maximum Magnitude and Induced Seismicity Parameters at Northwestern The Geysers Geothermal Field, MR24A-02Abstract Title: The Effect of Viscoelastic Fault Zone Rheology on the Interseismic Growth of Fault Shear Stress Patches, MR51A-01Abstract Title: Creep Behavior of Organic-Rich Shales - Evidences of Microscale Strain Partitioning
Song, A.
C23B-0794Abstract Title: Effects of small-scale heterogeneities on the bulk mechanical properties of sea ice
Song, B.
B13G-0705Abstract Title: Antibiotics and Manure Effects on Microbial Communities Responsible for Nitrous Oxide Emissions from Grasslands
Song, C. X.
IN51C-03Abstract Title: Geospatial-enabled Data Exploration and Computation through Data Infrastructure Building Blocks
Song, C. K.
A21K-02Abstract Title: A New Era of Air Quality Monitoring from Space in East Asia: Korea’s Geostationary Environmental Monitoring Spectrometer (GEMS) and an Integrated Korea-US Air Quality (KORUS–AQ) Study, A32D-02Abstract Title: A Multiplatform Observations of Air Quality in Korea as the Pre-campaign of Korea and US Air Quality (KORUS-AQ) Study.
Song, C.
B41C-0429Abstract Title: Four decades of modeling methane cycling in terrestrial ecosystems: Where we are heading?
Song, C.
B21D-0503Abstract Title: Biome Context and Lotic Ecosystem Rates, B51F-0488Abstract Title: Temperature sensitivity of stream gross primary production and respiration from the tropics to the arctic
Song, C.
T33C-2950Abstract Title: Effects of Clay Mineral Provenance and Clay Diagenesis on the Hanging Wall of a Megasplay Fault: Results from Riser Drilling, Nankai Trough Seismogenic Zone Experiment
Song, C.
GC51D-1115Abstract Title: Assessment of Cropland Water and Nitrogen Balance from Climate Change in Korea Peninsular , NH31A-1880Abstract Title: Estimation of Wild Fire Risk Area based on Climate and Maximum Entropy in Korean Peninsular, NH43A-1869Abstract Title: Remote Sensing Based Vulnerability Assessment of Desertification in Mongolia and Myanmar, PA21C-2174Abstract Title: Spatial Assessment of Forest Ecosystem Functions and Services using Human Relating Factors for SDG
Song, C. H.
A11G-0159Abstract Title: Multi-model Ensemble of Air Quality Forecasts for the Megacity Air Pollution Studies-Seoul (MAPS-Seoul): Model Inter-comparison and Evaluation, A22B-05Abstract Title: Development of a Numerical System to Improve Particulate Matter Forecasts in South Korea Using Geostationary Satellite-retrieved Aerosol Optical Data over Northeast Asia , A23A-0272Abstract Title: Expected trace gas and aerosol retrieval accuracy of the Geostationary Environment Monitoring Spectrometer, A31B-0036Abstract Title: Observationally-constrained estimates of aerosol optical depths (AODs) over East Asia via data assimilation techniques
Song, C.
PP21B-2243Abstract Title: Late Cenozoic genus Fupingopollenites development and its implications for the Asian summer monsoon (ASM) evolution
Song, C.
A51B-0015Abstract Title: Spatio-temporal Variations of Nitrogen Dioxide over Western China from Satellite Observations during 2005-2013, GC22E-04Abstract Title: Contrasting evolution patterns between glacier-fed and non-glacier-fed lakes in the central Tibetan Plateau and driving force analysis, GC23L-1248Abstract Title: The state and their implication of Himalayan glacial lake changes from satellite observations, H41F-1406Abstract Title: A High-Resolution Global Lake Inventory with Classified Freshwater and Saline Types, H53F-1723Abstract Title: Automated Quality Assurance and Quality Control (QA/QC) in Developing Decadal Global Lake Dynamics Products using Landsat-7 and 8
Song, G. Z. M.
NH51C-1900Abstract Title: Conservation values and management strategies of coastal windbreaks
Song, G. Z.
A43C-0283Abstract Title: Air-sea Exchange of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs), Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs), Organochlorine Pesticides (OCPs) and Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDEs) in the Mediterranean Sea
Song, H.
SH11B-2390Abstract Title: Evidence of the Solar EUV Hot Channel as a Magnetic Flux Rope from Remote-sensing and in situ Observations
Song, H. J.
A31I-05Abstract Title: Understanding Land-Atmosphere Coupling and its Predictability at the ARM Southern Great Plains Site
Song, I. H.
A11G-0152Abstract Title: Daily variation of organic aerosol concentration and composition in Seoul, Korea during KORUS pre-campaign
Song, I. S.
SA12A-06Abstract Title: Gravity Waves in Polar Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere Revealed in a Whole-atmospheric Global Atmospheric Model
Song, I.
H53H-1762Abstract Title: Geomechanical Risk Assessment on Shear Activation of Faults in the CO2 Storage Test Site, Offshore Pohang, South Korea
Song, J.
B33E-0772Abstract Title: Quantifying the Boundary-Layer Dynamics of Carbon Dioxide from A Built Environment Using A Coupled Urban Land-Atmospheric Model
Song, K.
C33E-0882Abstract Title: Simulation of Permafrost and Seasonally Frozen Ground Conditions and their Response to Recent Climate Warming in the Tibetan Plateau
Song, K. H.
V43B-3114Abstract Title: New Constraints on the Geochemistry of the Millennium Eruption of Mount Paektu (Changbaishan), Democratic People’s Republic of Korea/China
Song, K.
B23G-0685Abstract Title: Preparation of pure calcium carbonate by mineral carbonation using industrial byproduct FGD gypsum
Song, L.
GC53F-1260Abstract Title: Reconstruction of MODIS daily land surface temperature under clouds, GC53F-1266Abstract Title: A Realistic Three-dimensional Scene Model (RTDS) for simulating the Surface Temperature over Sparsely Vegetated Surface from a Remote Sensor and First Results, H32B-08Abstract Title: Advances in the Two Source Energy Balance (TSEB) model using very high resolution remote sensing data in vineyards
Song, L.
IN41C-1712Abstract Title: Publishing Data on Physical Samples Using the GeoLink Ontology and Linked Data Platforms
Song, M.
T41C-2905Abstract Title: Effect of water on the rheology of enstatite
Song, P.
SH41A-2374Abstract Title: Model of An Expanding Heliosphere
Song, S.
A21A-0072Abstract Title: Modeling Study on Air Quality Improvement due to Mobile Source Emission control Plan in Seoul Metropolitan Area
Song, S. G.
S41A-2709Abstract Title: Retrieving both phase and amplitude information of Green’s functions by ambient seismic wave field cross-correlation: A case study with a limestone mine induced seismic event
Song, S.
GC51F-1156Abstract Title: Assessing Global Mercury Cycling and Trends in the Context of the Minamata Convention, GC51F-1161Abstract Title: Modeling Dynamics of Mercury on the Antarctic Plateau: Roles of Photochemistry and the Underlying Snowpack
Song, S. R.
H23A-1560Abstract Title: Study of Relationship between In-Situ Stress and Fluid Conduits in Hongchailin of Ilan Plain, NE Taiwan, H23A-1562Abstract Title: Sensitivity Studies of 3D Geothermal Reservoir Simulation: A Case Study in I-Lan Plain, Taiwan, MR33B-2666Abstract Title: Probing Magnetically the Paleotemperature in a Gouge: The Example from the Chinshui Shales from the Chelungpu Fault, PP21A-2217Abstract Title: Magmatic Fluid Source of the Chingshui Geothermal Field: Evidence of Carbonate Isotope data, T53A-03Abstract Title: Ultrafine Spherical Quartz Formation during Seismic Fault Slip: Natural and Experimental Evidence and Its Implications
Song, S.
A42A-08Abstract Title: Implications of using transmitted vs. reflected light for determining cloud properties, cloud radiative effects and aerosol-cloud-interactions
Song, S.
T43B-2985Abstract Title: Plastic Deformation and Seismic Properties in Fore-arc Mantles: A Petrofabric Analysis of the Yushigou Harzburgites, North Qilian Suture Zone, NW China
Song, T. R. A.
DI21B-02Abstract Title: Toward a comprehensive understanding of transition zone seismic discontinuities: A new constraint near the stagnant slab region beneath China
Song, T.
A21H-0247Abstract Title: Spatiotemporal comparison of highly-resolved emissions and concentrations of carbon dioxide and criteria pollutants in Salt Lake City, Utah for health and policy applications
Song, W.
B41C-0445Abstract Title: Methane Emissions from an Alpine Wetland on the Tibetan Plateau: Magnitude, Pattern and Their Responses to Water Table Lowering
Song, W.
PA43C-2193Abstract Title: Volcanic ash vs. sand and dust – “to stick or not to stick” in jet engines
Song, X.
B24B-05Abstract Title: Impacts of Precipitation Diurnal Timing on Ecosystem Carbon Exchanges in Grasslands: A Synthesis of AmeriFlux Data, B41C-0429Abstract Title: Four decades of modeling methane cycling in terrestrial ecosystems: Where we are heading?
Song, X.
H43G-1609Abstract Title: Seasonal variations in water uptake of summer maize under different fertilization treatments: A case study using stable isotopes in Beijing, China
Song, X. P.
B43A-0538Abstract Title: Soybean Area and Yield Estimation Using MODIS and Landsat Data in the Conterminous United States
Song, X.
DI52A-05Abstract Title: Equatorial anisotropy of the Earth’s inner-inner core, S41B-2735Abstract Title: Extraction of triplicated PKP phases from noise correlations, T11F-01Abstract Title: The Himalaya-Tibet System: A Natural laboratory for continental collision and seismogenesis
Song, X.
DI13C-06Abstract Title: Application of Effective Medium Theory to the Three-Dimensional Heterogeneity of Mantle Anisotropy
Song, X.
S51A-2661Abstract Title: CMT Source Inversions for Massive Data Assimilation in Global Adjoint Tomography, T51D-2907Abstract Title: Multiscale Finite-frequency Seismic Imaging of the Southern Alaska Subduction Zone
Song, X.
H13A-1488Abstract Title: Integrating Ensemble Data Assimilation and Indicator Geostatistics to Delineate Hydrofacies Spatial Distribution
Song, Y. T.
NH43BAbstract Title: Natural Hazards Research and Mitigation: Global Navigation Satellite System, Data Diversity, and Emerging Technology I Posters, NH43B-1874Abstract Title: GPS-Aided Tsunami Early Detection System, NH51GAbstract Title: Natural Hazards Research and Mitigation: Global Navigation Satellite System, Data Diversity, and Emerging Technology II, NH53AAbstract Title: Natural Hazards Research and Mitigation: Global Navigation Satellite System, Data Diversity, and Emerging Technology III
Song, Y.
SM23B-2555Abstract Title: Dynamical Generation of Quasi-Stationary Alfvenic Double Layers and Charge Holes and Unified Theory of Quasi-Static and Alfvenic Auroral Arc Formation, SM31F-06Abstract Title: Evolution of Field-Aligned Currents by Alfvén Wave Propagation
Song, Y.
OS53A-2004Abstract Title: Correlation between Solar Activity and Winter/Spring Snow over the Tibetan Plateau on Multi-timescale and Atmospheric Circulation in East Asia
Song, Y.
ED31C-0916Abstract Title: There is a strong need for a single unified textbook even though education in disaster mitigation covers many fields
Song, Y.
GC13A-1126Abstract Title: The Implications of Growing Bioenergy Crops on Water Resources, Carbon and Nitrogen Dynamics, GC13D-1183Abstract Title: The Impact Of Climate Change On Production Of Multiple Food Crops In The 21st Century- An Analysis Based On Two Land Surface Models
Song, Y.
A23P-01Abstract Title: Using the Hestia bottom-up FFCO2 emissions estimation to identify drivers and hotspots in urban areas, A53H-01Abstract Title: Quantifying Fossil Fuel Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Space: Fossil Fuel Data Assimilation System and Global Urban Emissions, GC12B-13Abstract Title: Urbanization and the Carbon Cycle: Synthesis of Ongoing Research
Song, Y.
H23D-1610Abstract Title: A two scale analysis of tight sandstones
Song, Y.
H33D-1637Abstract Title: A study of Alert Standard Rainfall for Urban Medium and Small Rivers
Song, Y. F.
T53A-03Abstract Title: Ultrafine Spherical Quartz Formation during Seismic Fault Slip: Natural and Experimental Evidence and Its Implications
Song, Y.
A44E-05Abstract Title: Development of a region-specific fire scheme in the CESM framework
Song, Y.
GP13A-1271Abstract Title: A study on 4D inversion of time-lapse magnetotelluric data sets for monitoring geothermal reservoir
Song, Y.
H33D-1637Abstract Title: A study of Alert Standard Rainfall for Urban Medium and Small Rivers
Song, Y. T.
NH51G-08Abstract Title: An All-Source Green’s Function (ASGF) Database for Fast Predictions of Tsunamis Sourced anywhere in the India and Pacific Oceans, U22A-02Abstract Title: Development of a GNSS-Enhanced Tsunami Early Warning System
Song, Y.
H51L-1559Abstract Title: Determination of the Low Permeability of the Rocks from Fracture Zones in Beishan by Incorporating ERT into Infiltration Test, MR41D-2674Abstract Title: Extracting Pore and Fracture Parameters of Porous Rocks Using a Method Based on Digital Image Analysis
Song, Z.
Song, Z.
H51L-1559Abstract Title: Determination of the Low Permeability of the Rocks from Fracture Zones in Beishan by Incorporating ERT into Infiltration Test, MR41D-2674Abstract Title: Extracting Pore and Fracture Parameters of Porous Rocks Using a Method Based on Digital Image Analysis
Sonnenborg, T. O.
H21I-1503Abstract Title: Obtaining high resolution polarimetric radar based precipitation estimates in Skjern catchment, Denmark for hydrological modeling
Sonnenfeld, R. G.
AE31A-0412Abstract Title: Lightning spectra at 100,000 fps , AE31A-0420Abstract Title: Acoustic vs Interferometric Measurements of Lightning, AE31B-0427Abstract Title: Combining Interferometer, LMA, and ΔE measurements on positive cloud-to-ground flashes over Langmuir Laboratory
Sonnentag, O.
B31A-0521Abstract Title: Land cover change in the zone of sporadic permafrost causes shift in landscape-scale turbulent energy fluxes, B33A-0625Abstract Title: Sensible heat bias in open-path eddy covariance carbon dioxide flux measurements, B53B-0545Abstract Title: On the accurate estimation of gap fraction during daytime with digital cover photography
Sonntag, A.
A33G-0255Abstract Title: Synthesis of the ACTRIS Network Cloud Condensation Nuclei Measurements
Sonntag, J. G.
C31B-07Abstract Title: New advances in remote sensing of Arctic sea ice thickness from Operation IceBridge and beyond, C41A-0681Abstract Title: Minimizing Intra-Campaign Biases in Airborne Laser Altimetry By Thorough Calibration of Lidar System Parameters
Sonoda, A.
S11A-2776Abstract Title: Development of Download System for Waveform Data Observed at Long-Term Borehole Monitoring System installed in the Nankai Trough
Sonwalkar, V. S.
SA31BAbstract Title: Dynamical Response of the Thermosphere and Ionosphere to Geomagnetic Disturbances I Posters, SA44AAbstract Title: Dynamical Response of the Thermosphere and Ionosphere to Geomagnetic Disturbances II, SA44A-05Abstract Title: Variation of Plasmaspheric (90-4000 km) Field-aligned Electron Density and Ion Composition as a Function of Geomagnetic Storm Activity, SM41H-2579Abstract Title: IMAGE Observations of Sounder Stimulated and Naturally Occurring Fast Z mode Cavity Noise
Sonzogni, C.
PP23E-07Abstract Title: New insights into the relationship between mid latitude North Atlantic hydrography and productivity during the intensification of northern hemisphere glaciation
Soo, C. J.
A11G-0144Abstract Title: Chemical Composition Characteristics of Particulate Matter in Seoul Metropolitan Area during the Pre-campaign Period of KORUS-AQ, A11G-0153Abstract Title: The characteristics of PM1.0 for aircraft measurement case study using ToF-AMS for pre-campaign KORUS-AQ
Soo, D.
A11G-0127Abstract Title: Trace Gas Retrievals from the GeoTASO Aircraft Instrument
Soobiah, Y. I. J.
P12A-02Abstract Title: Martian-Solar Wind Interaction Boundaries as Observed by MAVEN, P21A-2072Abstract Title: MAVEN MAG Observations of Magnetic Field Enhancements and Decreases in the Induced Magnetosphere of Mars, P21A-2095Abstract Title: MAVEN Observations of Ionosphere Magnetization at Mars: Implications for Atmospheric Escape
Soon, W.
PP33D-03Abstract Title: Contraction of the Western Pacific Intertropical Convergence Zone During the Little Ice Age, PP51A-2251Abstract Title: A composite sea surface temperature record of the northern South China Sea for the past 2,500 years: A unique look into seasonality and seasonal climate changes during warm and cold periods
Soong, S. T.
A21A-0024Abstract Title: A Study of PM2.5 Formation in Central California during 2013 Discover-AQ Field Experiment
Soora, N. K.
GC41H-04Abstract Title: Understanding the Propagation of GCM and Downscaling Uncertainty for Projecting Crop Yield: A Nationwide Analysis over India
Soper, F.
B13G-0706Abstract Title: The influence of woody encroachment on the nitrogen cycle: fixation, storage and gas loss
Sordini, R.
P33E-05Abstract Title: Coma dust environment observed by GIADA during the Perihelion of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko.
Soreghan, G. S.
EP41A-0914Abstract Title: A Precise 6 Ma Start Date for Fluvial Incision of the Northeastern Colorado Plateau Canyonlands
Soren, A.
B11D-0471Abstract Title: Impacts of Activated Carbon Amendment on Hg Methylation, Demethylation and Microbial Activity in Marsh Soils
Sorensen, J.
A23P-08Abstract Title: Interaction between Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and other important health conditions and measurable air pollution
Sorensen, J. H.
NH23E-05Abstract Title: Modeling Emergency Warning Systems for Disaster Reduction
Sorensen, K.
Sørensen, L. L.
B33G-02Abstract Title: Spatial variation in energy exchange across coastal environments in Greenland
Sorensson, A. A.
H31A-1395Abstract Title: Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Model and Satellite Based Soil Moisture Estimations for Assessing Coupling Hot Spots in the Southern La Plata Basin
Soria, L.
EP23B-0974Abstract Title: Coastal evolution between two giant rivers: The Chan May embayment in central Vietnam
Soria-Dengg, S.
ED21A-0810Abstract Title: All About Oxygen in the Ocean: Cheap, Quick and Easy Experiments for Pupils Grades 5 to 10
Sorichetta, A.
H13J-1722Abstract Title: Aquifer recharge from infiltration basins in a highly urbanized area: the river Po Plain (Italy)
Sorlien, C. C.
T23C-2957Abstract Title: Moderately-dipping California Strike-slip Faults With Bends in map View and Cross-section , T51F-2965Abstract Title: Neogene Development of the Terror Rift, western Ross Sea, Antarctica
Sorokin, M. G.
A23L-05Abstract Title: Near Real-Time Automatic Data Quality Controls for the AERONET Version 3 Database: An Introduction to the New Level 1.5V Aerosol Optical Depth Data Product
Sorooshian, A.
A11K-0213Abstract Title: Dimethylamine as a Major Alkyl Amine Species in Particles and Cloud Water: Observations in Semi-Arid and Coastal Regions, A21L-05Abstract Title: Case Study Examination of Dust and Smoke Using Observational Data and Models in the Western United States and Middle East, A23L-06Abstract Title: Aerosol Types using Passive Remote Sensing: Global Distribution, Consistency Check, Total-Column Investigation and Translation into Composition Derived from Climate and Chemical Transport Model, A43C-0285Abstract Title: AMS Observations over Coastal California from the Biological and Oceanic Atmospheric Study (BOAS), A51EAbstract Title: Clouds, Precipitation, and Climate Change I Posters, A52E-01Abstract Title: Recent Findings Based on Airborne Measurements at the Interface of Coastal California Clouds and Clear Air, A54BAbstract Title: Clouds, Precipitation, and Climate Change II
Sorooshian, S.
A33I-0299Abstract Title: Introducing a 16-years (2000-2015) Atmospheric River Database using SSM/I and GOES Satellite Information, GC31D-1216Abstract Title: Introduction to CHRS CONNECT - a global extreme precipitation event database using object-oriented approach, GC33H-01Abstract Title: PERSIANN-CDR Daily Precipitation Dataset for Hydrologic Applications and Climate Studies., H11O-04Abstract Title: The First Year of Day-1 IMERG Data and Future Directions, H13H-1659Abstract Title: Precipitation Estimation from Remotely Sensed Data Using Deep Neural Network, H13H-1667Abstract Title: Merging PERSIANN-CCS Satellite-based Rainfall Data and Pointwise Gauge Measurements over Chile, H21M-08Abstract Title: Improving warm rain estimation in the PERSIANN-CCS satellite-based retrieval algorithm, H32A-08Abstract Title: Simulating California Reservoir Operation Using the Classification and Regression Tree Algorithm Combined with a Shuffled Cross-Validation Scheme, H51A-1352Abstract Title: UC Irvine CHRS Real-time Global Satellite Precipitation Monitoring System (G-WADI PERSIANN-CCS GeoServer) for Hydrometeorological Applications
Sorrel, P.
T12B-08Abstract Title: The Jianchuan Basin, Yunnan: Implications on the Evolution of SE Tibet During the Eocene
Sorribas, M.
EP51A-0892Abstract Title: Hydrological Signature From River-Floodplain Interactions, GC41D-1119Abstract Title: Projections of climate change effects on discharge and inundation in the Amazon River basin
Sorribas, M. V.
H11H-1451Abstract Title: Hydrological Particle-Tracking of Amazon Rivers and Floodplains
Sortor, R. N.
PP11A-2207Abstract Title: Pliocene Cosmogenic Nuclide Burial Ages of the Nenana Gravel: Progress in Dating and Implications for Alaska Range Evolution
Sosa, N. N.
H43F-1594Abstract Title: Arsenic concentrations in soils and sediments of the southern Pampean Plain, within Claromecó River Basin (Argentina)
Sosa-Ceballos, G.
V43B-3115Abstract Title: The Tala Tuff, La Primavera caldera Mexico. Pre-eruptive conditions and magma processes before eruption
Sosa-Gonzalez, V.
EP21C-0923Abstract Title: Effects of Chinese Deforestation and Reforestation Policies on Sediment Sourcing in Yunnan, China
Sosa-Perez, G.
H31D-1438Abstract Title: Impacts of a Wildfire on Road Surface Erosion and Road-stream Connectivity
Sosdian, S. M.
PP23E-01Abstract Title: Did the Mid-Pliocene warmth bring the Northern Hemisphere Chill?
Sothea, K.
H13H-1648Abstract Title: Evaluation and application of newest GPM product with a distributed hydrological model at Mekong River basin
Sotin, C.
P12B-04Abstract Title: Tidal Currents between Titan’s Seas Detected by Solar Glints, P13B-2124Abstract Title: Changes on Titan’s surface, P13B-2128Abstract Title: Simultaneous Cartography of Aerosol Opacity and Surface Albedo of Titan by the Massive Inversion of the Cassini/VIMS Dataset, P13B-2132Abstract Title: Computing Global Mosaics of Titan With the VIMS Imaging Spectrometer, P31C-2078Abstract Title: Two-phase convection in the high-pressure ice layer of the large icy moons: geodynamical implications
Sotirelis, T.
SM41E-2515Abstract Title: Van Allen Probes Science Gateway: A Centralized Data Access Point, SM41E-2542Abstract Title: Automated Survey of Particle Injections Into the Inner Magnetosphere
Sotiropoulos, F.
GC52C-06Abstract Title: Sediment Transport, Complex Topography, and Hydrokinetic Turbines: Bedform Dynamics, Local Scour, and the Effect on Turbine Performance.
Sotiropoulou, G.
A41O-08Abstract Title: Observations of the Arctic boundary layer clouds during ACSE 2014, A43J-06Abstract Title: Summer Arctic Clouds in the ECMWF Forecast Model: an Evaluation of Cloud Parameterization Schemes, C13C-0827Abstract Title: In Situ Measurement of the Drag Coefficient Over Arctic Sea Ice
Sotirov, T. A.
DI11B-2593Abstract Title: Evolution of the LAB in Old Oceanic Lithosphere Using Shear Wave Velocities Inverted from Rayleigh Wave Data Recorded By the Marine Seismic PLATE Project for 150 Ma Seafloor
Sotnikov, V. I.
AE33B-0495Abstract Title: Radiation Efficiency of Parametric Antenna in the Ionospheric Plasma
Soto, K. A.
GC53C-1217Abstract Title: Interactions of Marine Hydrokinetic Devices in Complex Bathymetries: Numerical Simulations in the Chacao Channel in Southern Chile.
Soto, M.
EP13A-0925Abstract Title: A contourite depositional system along the Uruguayan continental margin
Soto-Berelov, M.
B21D-0479Abstract Title: Characterising Vegetation Structural and Functional Differences Across Australian Ecosystems From a Network of Terrestrial Laser Scanning Survey Sites and Airborne and Satellite Image Archives
Soto-chavez, A. R.
SM41E-2529Abstract Title: RBSPICE Measurements of heavy Ion loss during the 2015 March storm
Soto-Cordero, L.
T11D-2930Abstract Title: Characterization of Intraplate Seismicity in the Mid-Atlantic US
Sottili, G.
V32A-03Abstract Title: Tephra ring interpretation in light of evolving maar-diatreme concepts: Stracciacappa maar (central Italy)
Sottolichio, A.
H53F-1719Abstract Title: Assesment of water elevation measurement quality from multi nadir altimetry missions over a 'small' river: the Garonne River case
Soubiran, F.
MR13C-2727Abstract Title: First-Principles Equation of State Calculations of First- and Second-Row Plasmas, MR21D-07Abstract Title: Importance of Heavy Elements in Giant Planet Interiors.
Soucek, J.
SM31C-2534Abstract Title: Fine Spectral Properties of Langmuir Waves Observed Upstream of the Saturn's Bowshock by the Cassini Wideband Receiver, SM51D-2585Abstract Title: Distinct sources of particles near the cusp and the dusk flank of the magnetosphere
Soucy La Roche, R.
T13C-3019Abstract Title: Karnali and Jajarkot Klippen in Western Nepal Himalaya Inconsistent with Tectonic Wedging Model Predictions, T24B-06Abstract Title: Discussion starter: the case for channel flow during the development and emplacements of Himalaya middle crust
Soudarin, L.
G23B-1066Abstract Title: Validating crustal velocities derived from the IDS contribution to ITRF201
Soulaine, C.
H21N-03Abstract Title: Micro Particle Image Velocimetry (micro-PIV) to Quantify Multiphase Flow In Micromodels
Soulard, C. E.
B13F-0687Abstract Title: Harmonization of Multiple Forest Disturbance Data to Create a 1986-2011 Database for the Conterminous United States
Soule, D. C.
ED31B-0902Abstract Title: Project EDDIE: Improving Big Data skills in the classroom
Soule, S. A.
OS22C-01Abstract Title: The Sills of Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California: Their Distribution and Seismic Estimates of Their Thickness and Alteration of Intruded Sediments, V32A-05Abstract Title: Stratigraphic relationships and timing of the 2012 Havre submarine silicic volcanic eruption revealed by high resolution bathymetric mapping and observations by underwater vehicles., V32A-06Abstract Title: Transport and Deposition During The 2012 Submarine Explosive Eruption of Havre Volcano, V43C-3159Abstract Title: Degassing and Vesiculation during the 2011 Eruption of Axial Seamount, Juan de Fuca Ridge, V43C-3168Abstract Title: Degassing of Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalts: Quantifying Bubble Nucleation and Growth in the 2005-06 East Pacific Rise Lava
Soulemane, O.
GC43B-1184Abstract Title: A Comprehensive Approach for Modelling Elephant Habitat within the Network of Protected Areas Oti-Keran-Mandouri in Togo (West Africa)
Souleymane, S.
GC41B-1080Abstract Title: What is the role of historical anthropogenically-induced land-cover change on the surface climate of West Africa? Results from the LUCID intercomparison project
Souloumiac, P.
T31B-2859Abstract Title: Predicting the Evolution of Faulting in Accretionary Prisms with Work Optimization: Insights from Numerical Simulations of Analog Experiments, T31D-06Abstract Title: Landward thrusting in accretionary wedges: evidence for seafloor rupture?
Soulsby, C.
B14D-05Abstract Title: Linking High Frequency Variations in Stream Water DOC to Ages of Water Sources in Peat-Dominated Montane Watersheds, EP42B-06Abstract Title: Identifying Impacts of Hydropower Regulation on Salmonid Habitats to Guide River Restoration for Existing Schemes and Mitigate Adverse Effects of Future Developments, EP51C-0920Abstract Title: MODELLING THE INFLUENCE OF LONG-TERM HYDRAULIC CONDITIONS ON JUVENILE SALMON HABITATS IN AN UPLAND SCOTISH RIVER, H11C-1344Abstract Title: Relationships between vegetation dynamics and hydroclimatic drivers in the northern high-latitude uplands, H13O-02Abstract Title: Hydroecological Interfaces between Landscapes and Riverscapes, H21F-1441Abstract Title: Tracer-aided modelling using long-term and high resolution data to assess non-stationarity in stream water age, H31M-07Abstract Title: Using High Resolution Tracer Data to Constrain Storage and Flux Estimates in a Spatially Distributed Rainfall-runoff Model, H33K-03Abstract Title: New Approaches to Assessing and Predicting the Hydrologic Impacts of Urban Disturbance Using Isotopes and Transit Time Analysis, H33M-08Abstract Title: VeWa: Assessing Vegetation Effects on Water Flows and Mixing in Northern Mountain Environments using Stable Isotopes and Conceptual Runoff Models, H41M-05Abstract Title: Storage Dynamics and Non-Linear Connectivity between Landscape Units Control Runoff Generation and Stream Water Age Distributions, H43I-1655Abstract Title: Spatial Organisation of Groundwater Dynamics and Runoff Responses in Montane Catchments: Integrating Field Data in a Modelling Framework, H51R-05Abstract Title: Integrating hydrogeophysics and hydrological tracers to characterise the spatial structure of groundwater storage in the critical zone of montane environments
Soumaguel, N.
NH31C-08Abstract Title: Environmental changes and microbiological health risks. Satellite-derived turbidity: an indicator of “health hazard” for surface water in West Africa (Bagre lake, Burkina Faso).
Soumaya, A.
T13B-3008Abstract Title: Spatial variation of present-day stress field and tectonic regime in Tunisia and surroundings from formal inversion of focal mechanisms: Geodynamic implications for central Mediterranean
Sounny-Slitine, M. A.
EP51A-0898Abstract Title: Morphometry and Geomorphic Characteristics of Large Alluvial fans and Megafans in South America
Sourdeval, O.
A33G-0260Abstract Title: Evidence for Convective Invigoration from A-Train Observations
Sousa, M. C.
H13A-1483Abstract Title: Sketch-based geologic modeling
Sousa, R.
T23B-2947Abstract Title: Reactive Transport in a Pipe in Soluble Rock: a Theoretical and Experimental Study
Sousa, R. N. D.
B52B-08Abstract Title: Ecosystem Function in Amazon Floodplain Wetlands: Climate Variability, Landscape Dynamics and Carbon Biogeochemistry.
Soustelle, V.
DI21A-2580Abstract Title: Seismic properties of the Earth’s upper mantle in various geodynamic settings derived from experiments on olivine-orthopyroxene aggregates deformed up to 8 GPa and 1500 °C, T31F-2907Abstract Title: Thick, Cold and Dry Roots: the Key to Longevity of Continental Arc Lithosphere?
Southard, R. J.
P23C-05Abstract Title: Solfataric Alteration at Hawaii as a Potential Analog for Martian Surface Processes
Southern, P.
GP43A-1231Abstract Title: Mapping Petroluem Migration Pathways Using Magnetics and Seismic Interpretations
Southon, J. R.
B11H-0548Abstract Title: The joint impact of ocean circulation and plate tectonics on the glacial South Pacific carbon pool, PP31A-2215Abstract Title: Central Tropical Pacific Corals Reveal Reduced ENSO Variability 3-5kyBP, PP43F-07Abstract Title: Little Ice Age Wetting of Interior Asian Deserts and the Rise of the Mongol Empire, PP51A-2267Abstract Title: Eastern tropical north Pacific coral radiocarbon reveals North Pacific Gyre Oscillation variability
Southwell, M.
B23D-0633Abstract Title: Photochemical dissolution of organic matter from resuspended sediments: Impact of source and diagenetic state on photorelease
Southworth, B.
P11C-2113Abstract Title: Modeling Europa's Dust Plumes
Souza, D.
Souza, E. S. D.
H43B-1489Abstract Title: Modeling Soil Water in the Caatinga Tropical Dry Forest of Northeastern Brazil
Souza Freire, L.
A33B-0135Abstract Title: Plant canopy representation in Large-Eddy Simulation using a one-dimensional stochastic wall model
Souza Freire, L.
EP43A-0952Abstract Title: A Study of Atmospheric Turbulence Effects on Dust Emission Using Field Data and One-Dimensional Stochastic Turbulence Model
Souza, J. G.
Souza, R. A. F. D.
A12E-03Abstract Title: New Parameterizations for Understanding Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation from Isoprene under Anthropogenic Influence, A23H-03Abstract Title: The Influence of Urban Emissions on Background Aerosols and Trace Gases in Amazonia as Seen in the GoAmazon2014/2015 Experiment., A23H-05Abstract Title: Measurements of in-situ SOA Formation Using an Oxidation Flow Reactor at GoAmazon2014/5, A23H-07Abstract Title: Influence of anthropogenic emissions on the production of organic particulate matter during GoAmazon2014/5, A31A-0004Abstract Title: The impact of anthropogenic emissions on the otherwise pristine Amazonian rainforest: Insights on aerosol dynamics as observed during GoAmazon2014/5, A31A-0010Abstract Title: OH observations in a tropical rain forest environment using a chemical ionization mass spectrometry technique during GOAmazon intensive campaigns, A31A-0011Abstract Title: Characterizing the Chemical Complexity of Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds from Biomass Burning in Amazonia, A31A-0012Abstract Title: Surface Ozone Enrichment Downwind of Manaus City, in Central Amazonia, A31A-0020Abstract Title: Emission and Chemistry of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) as Observed at T3: Contrast of the Dry and Wet Seasons, B43F-0612Abstract Title: Improved tropical forest biogenic VOC emission factors based on GoAmazon2014/5 airborne observations
Souza, V. D. A.
B43D-0595Abstract Title: Validation the Product of Evapotranspiration (MOD16) With Flux Tower Data to Rice Paddy in Southern Brazil
Souza, V. M. C. E. S.
SH13D-2462Abstract Title: Design review of the Brazilian Experimental Solar Telescope, SM21B-2529Abstract Title: Effects of Interplanetary Structures on the Earth’s Outer Radiation Belt Dynamics Observed During September 12-26, 2014: I) Coronal Mass Ejection, SM41E-2519Abstract Title: Effects of Complex Interplanetary Structures on the Dynamics of the Earth’s Outer Radiation Belt During the 16-30 September 2014 Period: II) Corotating Solar Wind Stream, SM41E-2523Abstract Title: A Neural Network Approach for Identifying Relativistic Electron Pitch Angle Distributions in Van Allen Probes Data
Sowerby, A.
B21F-0536Abstract Title: Contrasting Responses of Ecosystem Carbon Gain (Input) and Soil Carbon Efflux (Output) to Warming and Drought Across a European Aridity Gradient
Sowers, T. A.
PP53D-07Abstract Title: Atmospheric teleconnections between the tropics and the Southern Hemisphere westerly winds during abrupt climate change
Sox, L.
SA31A-2339Abstract Title: Comparison of Coincident Rayleigh-Scatter and Sodium Resonance Lidar Temperature Measurements from the Mesosphere-Lower-Thermosphere Region
Soylu, M. E.
H13F-1606Abstract Title: Impacts of Shallow Groundwater and Soil Texture on Agricultural Drought Resistance
Spaans, K.
G11C-04Abstract Title: Monitoring our Hazardous Planet with Sentinel-1 InSAR: Results and Prospects
Spackman, J. R.
A44CAbstract Title: Precipitation, Weather, and Climate: Atmospheric Rivers and Aerosol-Cloud Interaction Studies I, A44C-01Abstract Title: CalWater 2015 — Atmospheric Rivers and Aerosol Impacts on Precipitation, A44C-02Abstract Title: Modeling Aerosol Effects on Clouds and Precipitation: Insights from CalWater 2015, A44C-04Abstract Title: Aerosol and Cloud-Nucleating Particle Observations during an Atmospheric River Event, A51LAbstract Title: Precipitation, Weather, and Climate: Atmospheric Rivers and Aerosol-Cloud Interaction Studies II Posters, A51L-0233Abstract Title: Atmospheric River impacts in British Columbia and the Pacific Northwest on 22-24 January 2015 during the CalWater 2015 field campaign
Spada, G.
G54A-02Abstract Title: CGPS as a Tool to Measure Short-Term Mass Balance Variations of Icelandic Ice Caps
Spaete, L.
B43C-0574Abstract Title: Improved Radiometric Capabilities of Landsat 8, Coupled With Lidar, Estimate Semi-arid Rangeland Biomass and Cover, B53C-0571Abstract Title: Spatial patterns of vegetation biomass and soil organic carbon acquired from airborne lidar and hyperspectral imagery at Reynolds Creek Critical Zone Observatory, B53C-0578Abstract Title: Comparison of Linear and Non-Linear Regression Models to Estimate Leaf Area Index of Dryland Shrubs.
Spagnotto, S. L.
T34A-01Abstract Title: Upper-crustal Stress Field Variations During the Building of the Central Andes: Constrains on the Activation/deactivation of Megadetachments
Spagnuolo, E.
MR24A-08Abstract Title: High-Velocity Frictional Properties of Westerly Granite and the Role of Thermal Cracking on Gouge Production, MR31B-01Abstract Title: "Frictional processes" in carbonate-bearing rocks at seismic deformation conditions, MR33C-2676Abstract Title: Amorphization and Frictional Processes in Smectite-Quartz Gouge Mixtures Sheared from Sub-seismic to Seismic Slip Rates, T43C-3020Abstract Title: An Empirically-based Steady-state Friction Law and its Implications for Fault Stability
Spahni, R.
A23J-07Abstract Title: Estimation of Global Methane Emissions for 2000-2012 using the CarbonTracker Europe-CH4 Data Assimilation System, PP43E-02Abstract Title: Glacial-Interglacial and Holocene N2O Stable Isotope Changes Constrain Terrestrial N Cycling
Spak, S.
GC13A-1123Abstract Title: Alternative Land-Use Scenarios for Bioenergy Production in the U.S. and Brazil
Spakman, W.
S22C-04Abstract Title: The Role of Synthetic Reconstruction Tests in Seismic Tomography, T41E-2952Abstract Title: Dynamics of intra-oceanic subduction initiation, part 2: supra-subduction zone ophiolite formation and metamorphic sole exhumation in context of absolute plate motions
Spall, M. A.
GC31A-1160Abstract Title: Wind-Driven Freshwater Buildup in the Beaufort Gyre is Enevitably Constraned by Mesoscale Eddies.
Spalla, M. I.
T13H-08Abstract Title: NEW INSIGHTS INTO THE DYNAMICS OF WEDGE AREAS FROM A 2D NUMERICAL STUDY OF THE EFFECTS OF SHEAR HEATING AND MANTLE HYDRATION ON AN OCEAN-CONTINENT SUBDUCTION SYSTEM , T21E-2900Abstract Title: Structural and metamorphic evolution of serpentinites and rodingites recycled in the Alpine subduction wedge, T51E-2952Abstract Title: Numerical model of the transition from continental rifting to oceanization: the case study of the Ligure-Piemontese ocean., T51E-2953Abstract Title: Structural, igneous and metamorphic footprints of Pangea break-up preserved in the subducted Austroalpine continental lithosphere of the European Alps.
Spalt, N.
H33C-1605Abstract Title: Groundwater and Associated Solute Contribution to a Pristine Semi-Arid Estuary Using Resistivity Imaging, Naturally Occurring Radioactive Tracers, and Geochemical Methods., H33C-1606Abstract Title: Identifying Groundwater Discharge Sources and Associated Geochemical Influences Using Resistivity Imaging and Geochemical Tracers in a Semi-Arid Estuary in South Texas, H33C-1607Abstract Title: Processes Driving Submarine Groundwater Discharge and Nutrient Fluxes in a Semi-arid Coastal Area: Coastal South Texas
Spampinato, L.
V51D-3060Abstract Title: A Rare Window Into Magmatic Conduit Processes: Time Series Observations From Active Lava Lakes 
Spandler, C.
ED21A-0813Abstract Title: Mineral Supertrumps: A new card game to assist learning of mineralogy, V33D-3133Abstract Title: MKED1: A new titanite standard for in situ microanalysis of trace elements, Sm-Nd isotopes, and U-Pb geochronology
Spangenberg, D.
A51L-0240Abstract Title: Investigation of the linkages between insoluble precipitation residues and cloud properties at Yosemite National Park during U.S. West Coast storms, IN51A-1796Abstract Title: Employing Cloud Services to Augment the Processing and Dissemination of Global GEO Satellite Cloud Products from a Distributed and Heterogeneous Environment, IN53A-1823Abstract Title: Providing Access and Visualization to Global Cloud Properties from GEO Satellites
Spangenberg, E.
B13B-0625Abstract Title: Fluid Flow Patterns During Production from Gas Hydrates in the Laboratory compared to Field Settings: LARS vs. Mallik, B13B-0626Abstract Title: Determination of the Physical Properties of Sediments Depending on Hydrate Saturation Using a “Quick Look” Method
Spann, J. F.
IN31DAbstract Title: Near Real Time Data for Earth Science and Space Weather Applications I, IN32AAbstract Title: Near Real Time Data for Earth Science and Space Weather Applications II, IN41BAbstract Title: Near Real Time Data for Earth Science and Space Weather Applications III Posters, SA43C-04Abstract Title: The Scintillation Prediction Observations Research Task (SPORT) Mission
Spano, D.
B33A-0636Abstract Title: Influence of Different Environmental Variables on Energy and Carbon Fluxes in a Mediterranean Maquis Site, B33E-0755Abstract Title: Monitoring Energy and Carbon Fluxes in a Mediterranean City, GC13D-1189Abstract Title: Using Different Spatial Scales of Climate Data for Regional Climate Impact Assessment: Effect on Crop Modeling Analysis, NH31A-1876Abstract Title: Modeling Fire Emissions across Central and Southern Italy: Implications for Land and Fire Management, NH31A-1885Abstract Title: The Ofidia Project: a Retrospective Fire Danger Forecast Analysis in Mediterranean Environment
Spanswick, E.
ED53B-0852Abstract Title: The Auroral Zone: A citizen science project to classify auroral imaging data, SA13C-02Abstract Title: First operations of the RISR-C incoherent scatter radar, SA51B-2399Abstract Title: Correlated Pc4-5 ULF waves, whistler-mode chorus and pulsating aurora observed by the Van Allen Probes and ground-based systems, SM14A-03Abstract Title: The Role of Kelvin-Helmholtz Waves in Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling, SM23A-2533Abstract Title: Swarm Observations of Field-aligned Currents Associated with Pulsating Auroral Patches, SM23C-2572Abstract Title: Red-Line (630nm) Pulsating Auroras And Their Possible Magnetospheric Driver, SM23C-2579Abstract Title: Dynamics of the Open Closed Field Line Boundary, SM44A-06Abstract Title: Quantitative analysis of the dynamics and morphology of substorm aurora, SM51D-2588Abstract Title: Multipoint Satellite and Ground Observations of the Injection Region
Spanu, A.
A24B-01Abstract Title: Aerosol Enhancements in the Upper Troposphere Over The Amazon Forest: Do Amazonian Clouds Produce Aerosols?
Sparacino, M.
EP33A-1047Abstract Title: Drainage Basin Sensitivity to Climate Change in the Eastern Italian Alps
Sparks, D. W.
ED31B-0895Abstract Title: Redesigning Curricula in Geology and Geophysics, T43D-3042Abstract Title: Modeling the Mechanics of Dynamic Triggering of Earthquakes in Granular Fault Gouge
Sparks, D. L.
B44C-03Abstract Title: Organo-mineral Interactions in Ultisols and Andosols with Contrasting Mineralogy
Sparks, J. P.
B13G-0706Abstract Title: The influence of woody encroachment on the nitrogen cycle: fixation, storage and gas loss, B53G-0643Abstract Title: Influence of water table fluctuations on subsurface methane dynamics and surface fluxes in seasonally flooded subtropical pastures., H53B-1668Abstract Title: The Subtropical Grasslands LTAR: balancing agricultural production and conservation goals
Sparks, R. S. J.
T33G-07Abstract Title: Uplift and Deformation of the Western Andean Slope, Northernmost Chile: Insights from Deformed Early Miocene Ignimbrites
Sparks, T.
A21A-0013Abstract Title: The Relative Roles of RONO2 and HNO3 as Sinks of NOX in the Denver Metropolitan Region and Colorado’s Front Range, A34F-03Abstract Title: Sources, Chemistry, and Transport of Pollutants over the Eastern United States During the WINTER 2015 Aircraft Campaign, A34F-04Abstract Title: An overview of reactive chlorine measurements during the WINTER C-130 aircraft campaign, A41K-0226Abstract Title: Nighttime NOx Chemistry in Coal-Fired Power Plant Plumes, A41K-0231Abstract Title: Utilizing SO2/CO2 Mixing Ratios to Determine SO2 Uptake by a Regional Cloud Layer, A41K-0232Abstract Title: Validation of Point Source Emissions of SO2 Using Aircraft Data
Sparks, W. B.
P34B-07Abstract Title: SPECTROPOLARIMETRY OF PHOTOSYNTHETIC PIGMENTS AS GLOBAL SURFACE BIOSIGNATURES, P41DAbstract Title: Polarimetry as a Tool to Study the Earth, Solar System, and Beyond II Posters
Sparrer, T.
B13G-0705Abstract Title: Antibiotics and Manure Effects on Microbial Communities Responsible for Nitrous Oxide Emissions from Grasslands
Sparrow, B.
Sparrow, E. B.
ED21F-07Abstract Title: CROWDSOURCING SCIENCE TO PROMOTE HUMAN HEALTH: NEW TOOLS TO PROMOTE SAMPLING OF MOSQUITO POPULATIONS BY CITIZEN SCIENTISTS, ED22BAbstract Title: Using Our Own Scientific Research in Teaching Students in Higher Education: Innovations, Opportunities, and Challenges I, ED22B-07Abstract Title: Using Place-Based Independent Class Projects as a Means to Hone Research Skills and Prepare a Future Geospatial Workforce, ED23A-0857Abstract Title: Cultivating a Global Pool of Future Geoscientists and Mentors, ED23C-0871Abstract Title: Integrating World Views, Knowledge and Venues in Climate Science Education, ED23EAbstract Title: Using Our Own Scientific Research in Teaching Students in Higher Education: Innovations, Opportunities, and Challenges II Posters, ED51C-0819Abstract Title: The use of Global Positioning System units and ArcGIS Online to engage K-12 Students in Research Being Done in their Local Communities
Sparrow, S.
PA11B-2150Abstract Title: The Science of Climate Responsibility
Spasojevic, M.
SM21A-2504Abstract Title: Improved Empirical Models of Plasmaspheric Hiss Intensity and Spectral Distribution, SM23D-05Abstract Title: New Loss Model of Energetic and Relativistic Electrons Based on Van Allen Probes Measurements, SM41G-2564Abstract Title: Automated Determination of Electron Density from Electric Field Measurements on the Van Allen Probes Spacecraft
Spaulding, M. L.
PA43D-09Abstract Title: Application of STORMTOOLS’s simplified flood inundation model with sea level rise to assess impacts to RI coastal areas
Spawn, S.
B11G-0519Abstract Title: Photooxidation and Microbial Processing of Ancient and Modern Dissolved Organic Carbon in the Kolyma River, Siberia., B42C-03Abstract Title: Long-term Impacts of Fire on Permafrost Vulnerability and C loss in Siberian Larch Forests, B44B-07Abstract Title: Significant Methane Emissions from Siberian Arctic Rivers: The Importance of Ebullition, a Regional Estimate and the Challenges of Broader Arctic Scaling
Spear, J. R.
B11I-0557Abstract Title: Heterotrophic potential of Atribacteria from deep marine Antarctic sediment, B21C-0445Abstract Title: Vertical Microbial Community Variability of Carbonate-based Cones may Provide Insight into Formation in the Rock Record, B21C-0450Abstract Title: Manganese Influences Carbonate Precipitation in a Laminated Microbial Mat, PP12A-06Abstract Title: Paleoenvironmental reconstruction of ~40ka stromatolites from the ancient Lake Lahontan, Nevada, USA, P11C-2105Abstract Title: Community Characterization of Microbial Populations Found at a Cold Water Sulfidic Spring in the Canadian High Arctic, P31A-2024Abstract Title: Preservation Potential of Life in Little Hot Creek, California: Implications for the use of Hot Spring Systems as Astrobiological Targets
Spears, A.
C21A-0700Abstract Title: Into the Deep Black Sea: The Icefin Modular AUV for Ice-Covered Ocean Exploration
Speciale, P. A.
T41C-2901Abstract Title: Longevity of strain localization associated with dynamic recrystallization of olivine in mantle rocks
Speckman, H. N.
B21D-0487Abstract Title: Three Different Methods of Estimating LAI in a Small Watershed, B43C-0571Abstract Title: Distinguishing Bark Beetle-infested Vegetation by Tree Species Types and Stress Levels using Landsat Data, H21D-1403Abstract Title: Snow distribution throughout small subalpine catchment post-insect infestation of spruce and pine beetle., H21D-1405Abstract Title: Primary drivers of dust deposition within a small subalpine watershed
Speece, M. A.
T13C-3012Abstract Title: Geophysical Evidence for the Tectonic Evolution of the Inverted Belt-Purcell Basin, Northwestern Montana
Speer, K. G.
OS11A-1996Abstract Title: Circumpolar Estimates of Isopycnal Mixing in the ACC from Argo Floats
Speeze, T.
A51K-0217Abstract Title: Values of Deploying a Compact Polarimetric Radar to Monitor Extreme Precipitation in a Mountainous Area: Mineral County, Colorado
Speijer, R. P.
PP13D-08Abstract Title: Changing climate in a pre-impact world: a multi-proxy paleotemperature reconstruction across the last million years of the Cretaceous, PP53C-2379Abstract Title: Planktic Foraminiferal Response to the “Latest Danian Event” (62.15 Ma) on an almost Global Scale – results from Shatsky Rise, Walvis Ridge and Newfoundland
Spektor, V.
B31D-0592Abstract Title: Analysis of Terrestrial Carbon Stocks in a Small Catchment of Northeastern Siberia
Spelz, R. M.
OS22C-07Abstract Title: AUV mapping and targeted ROV sampling on the Alarcon Rise
Spelz, R. M.
OS22C-03Abstract Title: Seafloor Hydrothermal Activity in the Southern Gulf of California, OS23C-2026Abstract Title: Mapping mantle-melting anomalies in Baja California: a combined helium-seismology approach, OS23C-2028Abstract Title: Noble Gas geochemistry of the newly discovered hydrothermal fields in the Gulf of California: preliminary He-isotope ratios from the Alarcon Rise and Pescadero basin vent sites
Spence, C. M.
NH51B-1883Abstract Title: Designing Flood Management Systems for Joint Economic and Ecological Robustness
Spence, C.
B51F-0499Abstract Title: The Dynamics of Laurentian Great Lakes Surface Energy Budgets, C33D-0849Abstract Title: Towards large scale modelling of wetland water dynamics in northern basins., H11C-1344Abstract Title: Relationships between vegetation dynamics and hydroclimatic drivers in the northern high-latitude uplands, H13F-1603Abstract Title: Impacts of Hydrological and Biogeochemical Process Synchrony Transcend Scale, H33M-08Abstract Title: VeWa: Assessing Vegetation Effects on Water Flows and Mixing in Northern Mountain Environments using Stable Isotopes and Conceptual Runoff Models, H41M-03Abstract Title: Exploring the Recurrence of Contributing Area Dynamics
Spence, G.
B12B-08Abstract Title: P-Wave and S-Wave Velocity Structure of Submarine Landslide Associated With Gas Hydrate Layer on Frontal Ridge of Northern Cascadia Margin, OS23B-2014Abstract Title: Ocean observatory networks monitor gas hydrates systems - Updates from Cascadia, OS31B-02Abstract Title: Tidal influence on gas bubble emissions from permanent seafloor observations at Ocean Networks Canada's cabled array NEPTUNE
Spence, H. E.
P11B-2083Abstract Title: Mars-Moons Exploration, Reconnaissance and Landed Investigation (MERLIN), P43F-05Abstract Title: Possible Albedo Proton Signature of Hydrated Lunar Surface Layer, P53B-2114Abstract Title: Implications of dielectric breakdown weathering for the lunar regolith, SA51B-2399Abstract Title: Correlated Pc4-5 ULF waves, whistler-mode chorus and pulsating aurora observed by the Van Allen Probes and ground-based systems, SA51D-04Abstract Title: Radiation Protection Challenges for a Human Mission to Mars, SH33B-2463Abstract Title: Analysis of the Longitudinal Variation of Energetic Particle Radiation during the 23 July 2012 Solar Event Using STEREO and LRO/CRaTER with the BRYNTRN Model, SM13A-2485Abstract Title: Electron Dropout Events Caused by Low-Density Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) and Shocks Within CMEs, SM13G-07Abstract Title: The geomagnetic condition dependence of the spatial distributions of EMIC waves observed by the Van Allen Probes, SM14C-07Abstract Title: Quantifying Energy-Time Dispersion of Relativistic Electron Microbursts to Constrain Their Generation Mechanism: Coordinated Studies Using FIREBIRD, Van Allen Probes, and BARREL, SM21A-2474Abstract Title: Penetration of magnetosonic waves into the plasmasphere observed by the Van Allen Probes, SM21A-2475Abstract Title: Excitation and Propagation of Electromagnetic Waves: RBSP Observation and Modeling, SM21A-2509Abstract Title: The statistics of relativistic electron pitch angle distribution in the Earth’s radiation belt based on the Van Allen Probes measurements, SM21A-2512Abstract Title: Evolution of relativistic electron phase space density related to in-situ acceleration observed by Van Allen Probes, SM21B-2522Abstract Title: Butterfly distribution of outer zone relativistic electrons and their potential connection to the solar wind dynamic pressure, SM23D-06Abstract Title: Low and High Energy Electron Velocity Distributions During Wave-Particle Interaction Events , SM23D-08Abstract Title: A Neural Network Reconstruction of the Coupled Inner Magnetospheric Environment, SM24B-06Abstract Title: Energy ranges and pitch angles of outer radiation belt electrons depleted by an intense dayside hydrogen band EMIC wave event on February 23, 2014, SM24B-08Abstract Title: Formation of Inner Magnetospheric Energetic Electron Butterfly Distributions by Equatorial Magnetosonic Waves, SM32A-08Abstract Title: Global, Energy-Dependent Ring Current Response During Two Large Storms, SM41D-2505Abstract Title: Butterfly Pitch Angle Distributions Generated at Low L Values During March 2015 Storm: Van Allen Probe ECT Observations, SM41D-2510Abstract Title: Penetration of Large Scale Electric Field to Inner Magnetosphere, SM41E-2516Abstract Title: NASA’s RBSP-ECT Science Investigation of the Van Allen Probes Mission: Highlights of the Prime Mission Phase, Data Access Overview, and Opportunities to Collaborate in the Extended Mission Phase, SM41E-2525Abstract Title: The Evolution of Ring Current Energy Density and Energy Content during Geomagnetic Storms Based on Van Allen Probes Measurements, SM41E-2533Abstract Title: Source and seed populations for relativistic electrons: their roles in radiation belt changes, SM41E-2538Abstract Title: Ring Current Response to Different Storm Drivers. Van Allen Probes and Cluster Observations., SM41E-2545Abstract Title: The plasmasheet H+ and O+ contribution on the storm time ring current, SM41F-2551Abstract Title: Generation and effects of EMIC waves observed by the Van Allen Probes on 18 March 2013, SM41F-2558Abstract Title: Dipolarizing flux bundles in the cis-geosynchronous magnetosphere: relationship between electric fields and energetic particle injections, SM44B-01Abstract Title: The Relative Deep Penetrations of Energetic Electrons and Ions into the Slot Region and Inner Belt, SM44B-03Abstract Title: Energy dependent dynamics of keV to MeV electrons in the inner zone, outer zone, and slot regions, SM44B-09Abstract Title: Near Instantaneous Energization of Electrons to Ultra-relativistic Energies in the Earth’s Radiation Belts during the Strong Shock event of 17 March 2015, SM51F-01Abstract Title: MagEIS and REPT Observations Related to Low Frequency Waves, SM53A-03Abstract Title: Prompt Recovery and Enhancement of the Earth's Outer Radiation Belt due to Relativistic Electron Injections , SM53A-06Abstract Title: Ion spectral structures observed by the Van Allen Probes, SM53A-08Abstract Title: Van Allen Probes observations of dipolarization and its associated O+ flux variations in the inner magnetosphere
Spencer, B. D.
S21B-2682Abstract Title: Comparing the Performance of Japan’s Earthquake Hazard Maps to Uniform and Randomized Maps, S31B-06Abstract Title: Metrics, Bayes, and BOGSAT: Recognizing and Assessing Uncertainties in Earthquake Hazard Maps
Spencer, C. J.
T13A-2959Abstract Title: Visualizing the sedimentary response through the orogenic cycle using multi-dimensional scaling, V31GAbstract Title: Resolving Process through Geochronology: New Techniques, Applications, and Interpretations I, V32BAbstract Title: Resolving Process through Geochronology: New Techniques, Applications, and Interpretations II, V33DAbstract Title: Resolving Process through Geochronology: New Techniques, Applications, and Interpretations III Posters
Spencer, E. A.
SA51C-2424Abstract Title: Measurements And Particle In Cell vs. Fluid Simulations Of A New Time Domain Impedance Probe For Ionospheric Plasma Characterization
Spencer, J. Q. G.
T12B-03Abstract Title: Landscape response to late Pleistocene climate change along the Puna Plateau margin: Sediment flux and cosmogenic landslide signatures modulated by basin geometry
Spencer, J. R.
P13E-01Abstract Title: Scientific Synergies from the Europa Multiple-Flyby Mission, P13E-02Abstract Title: The Ultraviolet Spectrograph on the Europa Mission (Europa-UVS), P23D-08Abstract Title: High angular resolution at LBT, P31B-2072Abstract Title: Investigating Saturn’s Icy Moons using HST/STIS, P41E-01Abstract Title: A First Look at the Geology of Charon, P41E-04Abstract Title: Processes Modifying Cratered Terrains on Pluto, P41E-05Abstract Title: Geomorphic Evolution of Sputnik Planum and Surrounding Terrain, P41E-07Abstract Title: Craters on Pluto and Charon: The Influence of Low Gravities, Low Impact Speeds, and Unique Ices, P41E-09Abstract Title: New Insights into the Structure, Origin, and Evolution of Pluto and Charon, P43A-2094Abstract Title: Discovering New Compounds on Icy Moon Surfaces with Mid-Infrared Spectroscopy, P44B-08Abstract Title: The Chasmata and Montes of Charon, P51A-2031Abstract Title: Shapes and Rotations of the Small Satellites of Pluto, P51A-2041Abstract Title: Convection in Solid Nitrogen and Other Supervolatile Ices on Pluto, P51A-2042Abstract Title: Understanding Pluto's Surface: Correlations between Geology and Composition, P54A-01Abstract Title: Color and Composition of Pluto and Its Moons from the New Horizons Mission, U53A-01Abstract Title: Overview of Key Results from the Exploration of the Pluto System by New Horizons
Spencer, M.
H43H-1626Abstract Title: SMAP L2/L3 Soil Moisture Product Validation using In Situ Based Core Validation Sites
Spencer, R. G.
B11GAbstract Title: Organic Matter as an Integrated Signal of Climate and Land Use Change from Source to Sea I Posters, B11G-0513Abstract Title: Degradation State, Sources, and Reactivity of Dissolved Organic Matter from an Amino Acid Time Series in an Agricultural Watershed, B11G-0528Abstract Title: Temporal and Water Column Variability in Particulate Organic Carbon Composition on the Amazon River Main-stem, B13JAbstract Title: Organic Matter as an Integrated Signal of Climate and Land Use Change from Source to Sea II, B13J-05Abstract Title: Seasonal variability in the composition of dissolved organic matter in the Yukon River, Alaska, B13J-06Abstract Title: Tracking Particulate Organic Matter Characteristics in Major Arctic Rivers: Indicators of Watershed-Scale Climate Impacts, GC44B-01Abstract Title: The Organic Matter Biogeochemistry of the Congo River
Spencer, S. A.
H31K-08Abstract Title: Understanding Groundwater-Surface Water Interactions Using a Paired Tracer Approach in Alberta’s Rocky Mountains
Spennemann, P.
H31A-1395Abstract Title: Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Model and Satellite Based Soil Moisture Estimations for Assessing Coupling Hot Spots in the Southern La Plata Basin
Spera, F. J.
V44A-05Abstract Title: Sediment Subduction and the Generation of Extreme Geochemical Enrichment in Lavas Erupted at Oceanic Hotspots
Spera, S. A.
H13S-01Abstract Title: The Expansion of Agriculture and Its Effects of Evapotranspiration in Brazil’s Newest Agricultural Frontier
Speranza, F.
T23A-2917Abstract Title: Understanding kinematics of intra-arc transcurrent deformation: Paleomagnetic evidence from the Liquiñe-Ofqui fault zone (Chile, 38–41°S)
Sperber, K. R.
PA51A-2199Abstract Title: Filling a capability and decision support gap between weather and seasonal forecasts: The role of USCLIVAR and initiating efforts of its MJO Working Group
Spergel, J.
GC13G-1235Abstract Title: Live/Dead Comparisons of Ostracodes in Temperate Lakes Reveal Evidence of Human Impact and Provides a Tool to Measure the Progress of Remediation Efforts
Sperlich, P.
A11IAbstract Title: Measurements and Modeling of Stable Isotopes to Advance Understanding of Non-CO2 Greenhouse Gas Cycling and Budgets Posters
Sperling, E. A.
OS23A-1980Abstract Title: Macrofaunal Biodiversity Response to Natural Gradients of Multiple Stressors on Continental Margins
Sperling, V.
A24B-03Abstract Title: On the role of thermodynamics and cloud-aerosol-precipitation interactions over thunderstorm activity during GoAmazon and ACRIDICON-CHUVA field experiments
Spero, H. J.
ED22B-06Abstract Title: 3D movies for teaching seafloor bathymetry, plate tectonics, and ocean circulation in large undergraduate classes, PP21C-2256Abstract Title: Down Core Oxygen Isotopic Measurements Of Diatom δ18O From The Guaymas Basin, Gulf Of California, PP51D-02Abstract Title: Experimental determination of the partition coefficient for Ba in Neogloboquadrina dutertrei suggests calcification occurs in a Ba-enriched microenvironment, PP51D-05Abstract Title: Tuning the Mg/Ca Paleothermometer for High-Latitude Species and Insights into Intraspecific and Intrashell Variability, PP53B-2323Abstract Title: Comparative Study of δ18O Compositions Determined for Fossil Holocene Planktic Foraminifera by In Situ SIMS Measurements and Standard Gas-Source IRMS Bulk Shell Analyses, PP53B-2334Abstract Title: Atom-scale insights into carbonate organic-mineral interfaces
Spescha, M.
SH32A-06Abstract Title: Solar Spectral Irradiance Observations from the PICARD/PREMOS Radiometer
Speyerer, E. J.
P43F-01Abstract Title: Continuous Bombardment: Effect of Small Primary and Secondary Impacts on the Lunar Regolith
Speziale, S.
DI13B-2671Abstract Title: Equation of state and elasticity of the 3.65 Å phase- constraining mantle hydration from the seismic X-discontinuity, MR12AAbstract Title: Elasticity of Earth Materials: From Mantle to Core I, MR13BAbstract Title: Elasticity of Earth Materials: From Mantle to Core II Posters, MR13C-2707Abstract Title: High-pressure phase transitions of strontianite
Spica, Z. J.
S41B-2740Abstract Title: Enhanced Rayleigh waves tomography of Mexico using ambient noise cross-correlations (C1) and correlations of coda of correlations (C3)
Spicak, A.
V43B-3137Abstract Title: Rate of lateral magma transport in the Earth’s crust beneath submarine volcanic arcs derived from earthquake swarm analysis
Spicer, H. E.
EP11A-03Abstract Title: Sediment movement and dispersal patterns on the Grand Banks continental shelf and slope were tied to the dynamics of the Laurentide ice-sheet margin
Spicer, K. R.
V13C-3152Abstract Title: Baseline Hydrothermal Monitoring Data from Cascade Range Volcanoes
Spicher, A.
SA42A-08Abstract Title: Small-scale plasma turbulence and intermittency in the high latitude F region based on the ICI-2 sounding rocket experiment
Spichtinger, P.
SA11A-02Abstract Title: The Multi-Scale Dynamics of Gravity Waves in Parameterizations: Central Issues and Solution Strategies
Spicuzza, M. J.
V21A-3011Abstract Title: High- & Low-δ18O magma: Comparative study of crustal and mantle plagiogranites from the Oman ophiolite, V41A-3063Abstract Title: Vein Controlled Index Mineral Crystal Size Distribution in Barrow’s Metamorphic Zones, Glen Esk, Scotland
Spiegel, M. P.
GC13H-1252Abstract Title: Reconciling Agricultural Needs with Biodiversity and Carbon Conservation in a Savanna Transformation Frontier
Spiegelman, M. W.
DI22A-03Abstract Title: Focusing Fluids towards the Arc: the Role of Rehydration Reactions and Rheology, V23E-04Abstract Title: On hydrous reservoirs in the deep mantle in global-scale mantle convection simulations with water migration
Spiegl, T. C.
PP43B-2260Abstract Title: Effect of the chosen solar irradiance dataset on simulations of a Future Grand Minimum: Results from a state-of-the-art Chemistry-Climate Model
Spieker, K.
S42B-06Abstract Title: Global lithospheric imaging using teleseismic receiver functions
Spiekermann, G.
MR13C-2712Abstract Title: X-ray Raman Scattering at Extreme Conditions: Insights to Local Structure, Oxidation and Spin state
Spielman, P.
T13E-02Abstract Title: Time-Dependent Deformation at Brady Hot Springs Geothermal Field (Nevada) Measured With Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar and Modeled with Multiple Working Hypotheses of Coupled Behavior
Spielmann, F.
B43H-0642Abstract Title: Disentangling Sources and Sinks of Carbonyl Sulfide in a Temperate Mountain Grassland, B51A-0403Abstract Title: Carbon monoxide exchange and partitioning of a managed mountain meadow
Spiers, C. J.
MR31B-06Abstract Title: Strength, stability, and microstructure of simulated calcite faults sheared under laboratory conditions spanning the brittle-ductile transition, MR33A-2646Abstract Title: A Microphysical Interpretation of Rate-and-State Friction Behaviour: Insights from Discrete Element Modelling, MR33A-2649Abstract Title: Frictional properties of Blueschist under in-situ conditions and implications for fault motion
Spiers, G. D.
A23B-0298Abstract Title: Small Scale Carbon Dioxide Variability Observed during ASCENDS Flight Campaigns in the vicinity of Potential Surface Anthropogenic Sources
Spiess, V.
ED41A-0834Abstract Title: Reconstructing Oceanographic Conditions From the Holocene to the Last Glacial Maximum in the Bay of Bengal, ED41A-0835Abstract Title: δ18O and Mg/Ca Analysis on Mid-Pleistocene Foraminifera from the Bay of Bengal, EP21E-05Abstract Title: IODP Expedition 354: A Bengal fan record of Himalayan erosion, weathering and organic carbon burial during the Neogene., EP32B-06Abstract Title: Embracing Non-Stationarity – Hysteresis and Coherence in the Ganges-Brahmaputra Source-to-Sink System and Its Imprint on the Stratigraphic Record., EP41A-0902Abstract Title: New insights on the subsidence of the Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta Plain by using 2D multichannel seismic data, gravity and flexural modeling, BanglaPIRE Project, EP41A-0907Abstract Title: Effects of Neotectonic Deformation on Channel Planform and Avulsion History of the Brahmaputra-Jamuna River, Bangladesh, PP53C-2368Abstract Title: Sedimentary Controls on Foraminifera Distribution in the Bay of Bengal, T32E-03Abstract Title: PLEISTOCENE THROUGH OLIGOCENE RECORD OF HIMALAYAN OROGENY AND CLIMATE. THE IODP EXPEDITION 354 DRILLING TRANSECT ACROSS THE MIDDLE BENGAL FAN AT 8°N, T33D-2964Abstract Title: Paleomagnetic and Environmental Magnetic Insights into the Middle to Late Pleistocene Stratigraphy of the 8o North Bengal Fan Transect, IODP Expedition 354
Spilde, M.
Spilker, L. J.
P11D-09Abstract Title: Enceladus Life Finder: Search for Life in a Habitable Moon., P43EAbstract Title: Planetary Rings and Dust I, P51BAbstract Title: Planetary Rings and Dust II Posters, P51B-2063Abstract Title: Studies of Saturn’s Main Rings at Multiple Wavelengths, P51B-2067Abstract Title: Towards an Understanding of Thermal Throughput across Saturn's Rings with Cassini CIRS
Spilker, T. R.
P11B-2073Abstract Title: Saturn Probe: Revealing Solar System Origins, P11B-2086Abstract Title: Hera - an ESA M-class Saturn Entry Probe Mission Proposal
Spillane, S.
A43F-0357Abstract Title: Mobile Measurement of Methane and Ethane for the Detection and Attribution of Natural Gas Pipeline Leaks Using Off-Axis Integrated Output Spectroscopy
Spina, L.
S51D-2733Abstract Title: Experimental Observations of Multiscale Dynamics of Viscous Fluid Behavior: Implications in Volcanic Systems, S53D-07Abstract Title: Coupled High Speed Imaging and Seismo-Acoustic Recordings of Strombolian Explosions at Etna, July 2014: Implications for Source Processes and Signal Inversions., V31B-3021Abstract Title: An Experimental Study of Cyclic Foam Oscillation: Unveiling the Time-Scale of Foam Collapse
Spina, P. G.
B33D-0748Abstract Title: Do Forest Age and Soil Depth Affect Carbon and Nitrogen Adsorption in Mineral Horizons?
Spinei, E.
A21B-0126Abstract Title: A Reevaluation of the Contribution of Very Short Lived Bromocarbons to Stratospheric Bromine Loading
Spinelli, G.
B21H-0569Abstract Title: Annual net ecosystem exchanges of carbon dioxide and methane from a temperate brackish marsh: should the focus of marsh restoration be on brackish environments?
Spinelli, G. A.
V21A-3035Abstract Title: The effects of plate-bending-related aquifer thickening on temperatures in the Japan Trench subduction zone
Spinrad, R.
TH15HAbstract Title: NOAA's Research And Development Enterprise
Spinuso, A.
IN31C-1776Abstract Title: VERCE: a productive e-Infrastructure and e-Science environment for data-intensive seismology research, IN34A-01Abstract Title: dispel4py : An Open Source Python Framework for Encoding, Mapping and Reusing Seismic Continuous Data Streams: Intensive Analysis and Data Mining.
Spitzer, W.
ED21FAbstract Title: Climate Literacy: Improving Climate Literacy through Informal Learning and Citizen Science I, ED23CAbstract Title: Climate Literacy: Improving Climate Literacy through Informal Learning and Citizen Science II Posters, ED32A-03Abstract Title: Building National Capacity for Climate Change Interpretation: The Role of Leaders, Partnerships, and Networks, U14A-03Abstract Title: Community, Collective or Movement? Evaluating Theoretical Perspectives on Network Building
Spivack, A. J.
PP41C-01Abstract Title: OXIC AND ANOXIC REGIONS OF SUBSEAFLOOR SEDIMENT, PP41C-04Abstract Title: Preliminary Insights Into the Interplay Among Oxygen, Organic Carbon, and Microbial Metabolism in North Atlantic Subseafloor Sediment Communities, PP43A-2249Abstract Title: Sedimentary Catalysis of Radiolytic H2 Production, and Implications for Subseafloor Life, PP43A-2250Abstract Title: Iron Cycling in Sediment of the North Atlantic: Preliminary Results from R/V Knorr Expedition 223, PP43A-2251Abstract Title: Elucidating Geochemical Controls on the Concentration and Composition of Organic Carbon in Deep Pelagic Sediments, PP43A-2252Abstract Title: Correlating organic carbon concentration and composition with mineralogy in deep-sea pelagic sediments, PP43A-2254Abstract Title: Preformed Nitrate in the Glacial North Atlantic, PP43A-2258Abstract Title: Dust, Volcanic Ash, and the Evolution of the South Pacific Gyre through the Cenozoic, V33B-3100Abstract Title: Radiolytic Hydrogen Production in the South Pacific Subseafloor Basaltic Aquifer
Spivey, W.
PP23B-2301Abstract Title: An Ocean Acidification Pulse in the Pre-onset Carbon Isotope Excursion Preceding the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
Splitt, M. E.
AE33C-0509Abstract Title: An Analysis of Two Thunderstorms Producing Five Negative Sprites on 12 September 2014
Spogli, L.
G51A-1054Abstract Title: The IONORING Project: Exploiting The Italian Geodetic GPS Network For Ionospheric Purposes, NH32B-01Abstract Title: The SAFE ESA-funded Project: how to approach for an integrated system of earthquake physics study, SA31D-2372Abstract Title: The ionospheric response to the Saint Patrick storm over South East Asia
Spokas, K.
H43K-05Abstract Title: Coupling stress and reactive transport in fractures: Effects on contacting asperities, permeability and stiffness
Spolaor, M.
A51S-04Abstract Title: Investigation of Atmospheric Chemistry in the Tropical UTLS with NASA’s Global Hawk UAS during ATTREX
Spooner, N. J.
NS21B-1925Abstract Title: Muon Tomography for Geological Repositories.
Spore, N.
NH43C-1915Abstract Title: sUAS for Rapid Pre-Storm Coastal Characterization and Vulnerability Assessment
Spormann, A. M.
H41J-06Abstract Title: Chemostat Studies of TCE-Dehalogenating Anaerobic Consortia under Excess and Limited Electron Donor Addition
Spotila, J. A.
TH15FAbstract Title: Future of tectonics and structural geology: NSF-sponsored white-paper workshop, TH15IAbstract Title: NSF workshop on future directions in tectonics: white-paper meeting, T13C-3027Abstract Title: A Model for Interpreting 10Be Basin-Wide Erosion Rates in Post-Glacial Environments, Northwest Scotland, T41A-2868Abstract Title: Late Cenozoic Vertical Motions of the Coachella Valley Using Apatite U-Th/He and 4/3He Thermochronometry
Spott, O.
B14A-08Abstract Title: Nitrous oxide (N2O) fluxes from soils under different land use in Brazil – Overview, measurements, and modeling
Spracklen, D. V.
A41RAbstract Title: Tropospheric Chemistry-Climate-Biosphere Interactions I, A42FAbstract Title: Tropospheric Chemistry-Climate-Biosphere Interactions II, A43GAbstract Title: Tropospheric Chemistry-Climate-Biosphere Interactions III Posters, GC41D-1118Abstract Title: Unravelling the Drivers of the Recent Drought over Sao Paulo (Brazil) using HadCM3, GC42B-05Abstract Title: Air quality and human health improvements from reduced deforestation in Brazil
Spraggs, M. E.
SA13B-2349Abstract Title: Latitudinal Responses of F2 Peak Parameters to High-intensity Long-duration Continuous AE Activity (HILDCAA) Events
Sprain, C. J.
GP31A-1364Abstract Title: When Did Midcontinent Rift Volcanism End and Where Was Laurentia at that Time?, V33D-3136Abstract Title: Dating Intrusions in the Salinian Block Using Single Zircon U-PB CA-TIMS Analysis, V41C-3084Abstract Title: High-Precision 40Ar/39Ar dating of the Deccan Traps, V41C-3086Abstract Title: Triggering of the Largest Deccan Eruptions by the Chicxulub Impact
Sprenger, M.
H11F-1417Abstract Title: Historical Tracking of Nitrate in Contrasting Vineyard Using Water Isotopes and Nitrate Depth Profiles
Sprenger, M.
C21D-02Abstract Title: Dust, Elemental Carbon and Other Impurities on Central Asian Glaciers: Origin and Radiative Forcing
Sprenke, K. F.
S11A-2761Abstract Title: The 2015 Sandpoint, Idaho, Earthquake Sequence: A Constraint on Basin-and-Range Style Extension on the Western Portion of the Lewis and Clark Fault Zone, Northern Rockies, U.S.A.
Sprigg, W. A.
A21LAbstract Title: Long-Range Transport of Dust and Pollution in the Past, Present, and Future I, A22D-01Abstract Title: Modeling and Remote Sensing for a Dust/Health Early Warning System, A23CAbstract Title: Long-Range Transport of Dust and Pollution in the Past, Present, and Future III Posters, A23C-0325Abstract Title: Identification of Dust Source Regions at High-Resolution and Dynamics of Dust Source Mask over Southwest United States Using Remote Sensing Data, NH43A-1854Abstract Title: A Flood Detection and Mapping Algorithm Using MODIS Data: Assessment of Extreme Flooding Events in Eastern Ganga Plains (2000-2015)
Spriggs, N.
S41A-2703Abstract Title: Sweetwater, Texas Large N Experiment, S43B-2799Abstract Title: Discrimination of Earthquake and Blast Seismicity in Western Alberta, S43B-2812Abstract Title: Development of an Empirical Local Magnitude Formula for Northern Oklahoma, S43B-2814Abstract Title: A Hybrid Ground-Motion Prediction Equation for Earthquakes in Western Alberta
Springer, A.
H41F-1389Abstract Title: Linking GRACE-Derived Water Storage Accelerations to Changes in Hydro-Mteorological Fluxes over West Africa
Springer, A.
G31A-1093Abstract Title: Investigating GRACE Range-Rate Observations over West Africa with respect to Small-Scale Hydrological Signals
Springer, S. R.
C54A-06Abstract Title: Satellite Studies of Interactions Between Antarctic Circumpolar Current Eddies and Sea Ice
Springston, S. R.
A11C-0065Abstract Title: Vertical and Spatial Profiling of Arctic Black Carbon on the North Slope of Alaska 2015: Comparison of Model and Observation, A11J-0192Abstract Title: Airborne observations of greenhouse gases in the North Slope of Alaska during summer 2015, A21A-0077Abstract Title: Seasonal Differences in Aerosol Chemical Properties at a Site Along the Eastern Seaboard: Observations from the Two-Column Aerosol Project (TCAP), A31A-0020Abstract Title: Emission and Chemistry of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) as Observed at T3: Contrast of the Dry and Wet Seasons
Sprinkle, D. P. II
Sprintsin, M.
B43C-0572Abstract Title: Characterization, Validation and Intercomparison of Clumping Index Maps from POLDER, MODIS, and MISR Satellite Data Over Reference Sites, B53E-0617Abstract Title: Augmenting Forest Stand Parameters using Landsat TM Spectral Images
Sprlak, M.
G31B-1118Abstract Title: Regional Recovery of the Disturbing Gravitational Potential from Satellite Observations of First-, Second- and Third-order Radial Derivatives of the Disturbing Gravitational Potential
Sprlak, M.
G31B-1120Abstract Title: Solution of the Boundary Value Problems with Boundary Conditions in the Form of Gravitational Curvatures
Sproles, E. A.
C43F-02Abstract Title: Different sensitivity of snowpack to climate warming in Mediterranean mountain areas
Sprovieri, F.
GC54B-04Abstract Title: Temporal and Spatial Trends of Mercury Speciation in the Mediterranean Sea - 20 years of measurements
Sprung, P.
DI31A-2548Abstract Title: Multi-Isotopic evidence from West Eifel Xenoliths
Spuler, S.
H51I-1495Abstract Title: LOTOS: A Proposed Lower Tropospheric Observing System from the Land Surface through the Atmospheric Boundary Layer
Spurlock, A.
GC53D-1231Abstract Title: Using high frequency consumption data to identify demand response potential for solar energy integration
Spurr, L. P.
B21C-0439Abstract Title: Biodegradation of thiocyanate in mining-contaminated groundwater
Spurr, R. J. D.
A21I-07Abstract Title: POMINO: An improved satellite NO2 product and impacts on emission inversio, A33D-0202Abstract Title: Interpreting the Ultraviolet Aerosol Index Observed with the OMI Satellite Instrument to Understand Absorption by Organic Carbon Aerosols and Implications for Atmospheric Oxidation , P23A-2112Abstract Title: Fast and Accurate Radiative Transfer Calculations Using Principal Component Analysis for (Exo-)Planetary Retrieval Models
Spychala, Y.
EP11A-02Abstract Title: How are giant clasts incorporated into submarine landslides and how do they change flow dynamics?
Spycher, N.
B54B-03Abstract Title: Modeling the Impact of Biogeochemical Hotspots and Hot Moments on Subsurface Carbon Fluxes from a Flood Plain Site
Spyridon, B.
T13B-2996Abstract Title: Structural analysis of the southwestern segment of the Hellenic subduction zone by joint analysis of seismic reflection and refraction
Squibb, M. B.
S33B-2765Abstract Title: Prototype Earthquake Early Warning System for Areas of Highest Seismic Risk in the Western U.S.
Squibb, M. E.
OS31A-1979Abstract Title: Quantifying Temporal and Spatial Variability of Nearshore Processes Around a Nearshore Kelp Forest Rocky Reef with the Kelp Forest Array Cabled Observatory
Squyres, S. W.
Srama, R.
P11D-09Abstract Title: Enceladus Life Finder: Search for Life in a Habitable Moon., P53C-2139Abstract Title: Space Weathering of airless bodies in the Solar System – Combining hypervelocity dust impacts with energetic irradiation experiments, SH41D-2397Abstract Title: Advanced In-Situ Detection and Chemical Analysis of Interstellar Dust Particles
Sreejith, K. M.
T33D-2967Abstract Title: Sediment and Crustal Structure along 85oE and Ninetyeast Ridges in the Bay of Bengal: Geodynamic Implications
Sreeraj, T.
Sridhar, J.
P41D-2088Abstract Title: Development Of Polarimetric Decomposition Techniques For Indian Forest Resource Assessment Using Radar Imaging Satellite (Risat-1) Images
Sridhar, V. R.
A23E-0367Abstract Title: NARRCAP and Reanalysis Verification on Precipitation Intensity and Frequency Assessment
Sridhara, P.
B13B-0621Abstract Title: Numerical simulations of CO2 –assisted gas production from hydrate reservoirs
Sridharan, M.
A33A-0124Abstract Title: Classification and Feature Selection Algorithms for Modeling Ice Storm Climatology
Sriharan, S.
B33E-0779Abstract Title: Geospatial Technologies and i-Tree Echo Inventory for Predicting Climate Change on Urban Environment, ED13A-0887Abstract Title: Climate Change Science Teaching through Integration of Technology in Instruction and Research, ED14B-03Abstract Title: Chesapeake Bay Climate Study Partnership: Undergraduate Student Experiential Learning on Microclimates at the University of Hawai‘i, Hilo
Sriharan, S.
ED33D-0969Abstract Title: Studies on Anthropogenic Impact on Water Quality in Hilo (Hawaii) Bay and Mapping the Study Stations Using Geospatial Technologies
Srinivas, V.
A13A-0298Abstract Title: La Nina and Indian Ocean Dipole Influence on Distribution of Daily Rain Intensities in India, H31D-1445Abstract Title: Estimating Evapotranspiration Demands of Different Land Cover Using Diurnal Signals in Dry Season Stream Discharge
Srinivas, V. V.
NG41A-1763Abstract Title: A Recursive Multi-Scaling Approach to Regional Flood Frequency Analysis
Srinivasan, M. M.
ED11A-0847Abstract Title: Observations of El Niño impacts using in situ GLOBE protocols and satellite data, H53G-1724Abstract Title: Pre-Launch Assessment of User Needs for SWOT Mission Data Products, TH25GAbstract Title: NASA Mission Applications and the Early Adopter Program
Srinivasan, R.
H11K-01Abstract Title: The Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) Ecohydrological Model Circa 2015: Global Application Trends, Insights and Issues
Srinivasan, S.
H52F-07Abstract Title: History matching and parameter estimation of surface deformation data for a CO2 sequestration field project using ensemble-based algorithm, H53H-1769Abstract Title: Model Selection Coupled with a Particle Tracking Proxy Using Surface Deformation Data for Monitoring CO2 Plume Migration
Srinivasan, V.
H51HAbstract Title: Hydrology and Earth Sciences in Data Scarce Regions: Research and Education Methods from Remote Sensing to In Situ and Crowd-Sourcing Approaches I Posters, H51H-1484Abstract Title: DECODING THE STRUCTURE OF HARD ROCK AQUIFERS IN PENINSULA INDIA USING PARTICIPATORY GROUNDWATER MAPPING, H54EAbstract Title: Hydrology and Earth Sciences in Data Scarce Regions: Research and Education Methods from Remote Sensing to In Situ and Crowd-Sourcing Approaches II
Sripathi, S.
SA31B-2346Abstract Title: Low latitude Ionospheric response to the recent super storm of 17 March 2015: Modeling perspectives and recent findings
Srivastav, R. K.
H51K-1545Abstract Title: Impact of Rainfall, Land-Cover and Population Growth on Groundwater - A Case Study From Karnataka State, India
Srivastava, A. K.
NG14A-04Abstract Title: Low Frequency Variability in a Stochastic Atmosphere - Ocean Mixed Layer Model
Srivastava, A.
GC13H-1255Abstract Title: A scalable satellite-based crop yield mapper: Integrating satellites and crop models for field-scale estimation in India
Srivastava, A.
A13E-0393Abstract Title: Elevated Levels of Carbonyl Compounds in the Atmosphere of Eastern Himalaya in India
Srivastava, P.
A51R-04Abstract Title: Dual Nature of Heat Flux in Stable Atmospheric Surface Layer
Srivastava, P.
S42C-05Abstract Title: Field Reconnaissance Subsequent to the M7.8 April 25, 2015 Gorkha Earthquake and Implications to Past and Current Paleoseismic Investigations along the Himalayan Frontal Thrust
Srivastava, P. K.
H53A-1648Abstract Title: Appraisal of Weather Research and Forecasting Model Downscaling of Hydro-meteorological Variables and their Applicability for Discharge Prediction: Prognostic Approach for Ungauged Basin
Srivastava, S. K. Sr
A33H-0275Abstract Title: A Ground Observation Based Climatology and Forecasting of Winter Fog: Study over Ghaziabad, National Capital Region, India
Srivastava, S.
GC41A-1057Abstract Title: Identification of Outliers in Grace Data for Indo-Gangetic Plain Using Various Methods (Z-Score, Modified Z-score and Adjusted Boxplot) and Its Removal
Sriver, R. L.
A31E-0117Abstract Title: Analyzing the effects of unforced natural variability and anthropogenic forcing on ENSO variability using the Community Earth System Model (CESM), GC21CAbstract Title: Tropical Cyclones and Climate on All Timescales I Posters, GC21C-1104Abstract Title: Tropical Cyclone-Ocean Interactions in a Fully-Coupled High Resolution Earth System Model, GC24CAbstract Title: Tropical Cyclones and Climate on All Timescales II, GC24C-08Abstract Title: Analyzing the Effect of Tropical Cyclones on the Upper Ocean Using an Ocean General Circulation Model with Varying Horizontal Grid Resolution, GC41H-05Abstract Title: Towards Quantifying Robust Uncertainty Information for Climate Change Decision-making, G51B-08Abstract Title: Evaluating Depth-Integrated Steric Contributions to Sea-Level Trends and Variability in Earth System Model Ensembles
Ssegane, H.
H51O-1618Abstract Title: Spatial allocation of future landscape patterns for biomass and alleviation of hydrologic impacts of climate change
St Clair, J. M.
A11M-0250Abstract Title: Emissions and Chemistry of Volatile Organic Compounds in Early Spring of Western U.S.: Interactions between Oil/Gas Emissions and Biogenic Emissions, A11T-02Abstract Title: Hydroxyl, hydroperoxyl, and OH reactivity during the FIXCIT study in the CalTech environmental chamber in January 2014
St Cyr, O. C.
SH21B-2401Abstract Title: Low-Frequency Type II Radio Detections and Coronagraph Data to Describe and Forecast the Propagation of 71 CMEs/Shocks, SH21B-2405Abstract Title: MEASURING PHYSICAL PARAMETERS OF CMES , SH31C-2425Abstract Title: Estimating Coronagraph Visibility Functions – Progress Report, SH33B-2468Abstract Title: Energy Dependence of SEP Electron and Proton Onset Times
St John, K. K.
ED53A-0845Abstract Title: Design and Assessment of a General Science STEM Course with a Blended Learning Approach
St Julien, R.
T44A-01Abstract Title: Oblique Subduction and Strain Partitioning: Tectonic Role of Margin-Parallel and Margin-Transverse Structures at the Southern Volcanic Zone of the Andes
St Onge, M. R.
V41A-3057Abstract Title: Muscovite-Dehydration Melting: A Textural Study of a Key Reaction in Transforming Continental Margin Strata Into a Migmatitic Orogenic Core 
St Pierre, L.
St-Hilaire, A.
H21PAbstract Title: Stream Temperature: Potential Climate Change Adaptation in an Integrated Landscape Context I, H23HAbstract Title: Stream Temperature: Potential Climate Change Adaptation in an Integrated Landscape Context II Posters, H53A-1645Abstract Title: Non-Stationary Hydrologic Frequency Analysis using B-Splines Quantile Regression
St-Jacques, J. M.
H33I-1741Abstract Title: Long-term reliability of the Athabasca River (Alberta, Canada) as the water source for oil sands mining, PP43F-02Abstract Title: Pollen reconstructions, tree-rings and early climate data from Minnesota, USA: a cautionary tale of bias and signal attentuation
St-Laurent, P.
C21A-0726Abstract Title: Ice Sheet Meltwater Impacts on Biological Productivity in High-Latitude Coastal Zones - Observations and Model Results for West Antarctica and Southwest Greenland
St-Maurice, J. P.
SA13B-2350Abstract Title: Farley-Buneman Waves at Large Aspect Angles, SA13C-02Abstract Title: First operations of the RISR-C incoherent scatter radar, SA24A-09Abstract Title: Slow Narrow Spectral Width E Region Echoes Observed During the March 17-2015 Storm and What They Reveal About the Disturbed Ionosphere., SA42A-09Abstract Title: The effect of plasma density structure on HF radio wave propagation at auroral and polar latitudes measured by e-POP, SA51C-2425Abstract Title: A New 50-MHz VHF Digital Bistatic Radar for E-region Space Physics Research, SA51C-2426Abstract Title: A Digital Bistatic Radar Instrument for High-Latitude Ionospheric E-region Research, SM12B-06Abstract Title: The Dynamics of Plasma Convection in the Polar Cap Ionosphere under Northward IMF Conditions
St-Onge, G.
GP11A-06Abstract Title: A paleomagnetic and relative paleointensity record from the Argentine Basin (western South Atlantic Ocean) for the last ~125 kyrs, OS23E-03Abstract Title: Sedimentary Records of Hyperpycnal Flows and the Influence of River Damming on Sediment Dynamics of Estuaries: Examples from the Nelson, Churchill, Moisie and Sainte-Marguerite Rivers (Canada) , PP11DAbstract Title: Limnogeology and Paleolimnology I, PP13BAbstract Title: Limnogeology and Paleolimnology II Posters, PP13B-2295Abstract Title: Verlorenvlei - The first continuous Holocene high-resolution lake sediment record from the Winter Rainfall Zone of South Africa
St-Onge, M. R.
IN13A-1816Abstract Title: Canada in 3D – Toward a Sustainable 3D Model for Canadian Geology from Diverse Data Sources
St. Clair, J. T.
EP33D-02Abstract Title: Three-dimensional topographic stress controls on bedrock fractures and landscape evolution
St. Clair, J.
A11T-06Abstract Title: Investigating Differences in Isoprene Oxidation Chemistry Between Gas-Phase Mechanisms Using a Constrained Chemical Box Model, A13E-0388Abstract Title: Sources and Fate of Reactive Carbon in an Isoprene-Dominated Forest, A31D-0086Abstract Title: Formation of Epoxide Derived SOA and Gas-Phase Acids through Aqueous Aerosol Processing in the Southeastern United States during SOAS
St.Louis, V. L.
B22D-04Abstract Title: An underestimated methane sink in Arctic mineral soils
Stacey, M. T.
EP21C-0929Abstract Title: Aggregate Settling Velocities in San Francisco Estuary Margins, EP31C-1016Abstract Title: Tidal Propagation in a Branching System: Effects on Sediment Transport
Stachel, T.
V23E-01Abstract Title: Origins of Majoritic Inclusions in Diamond
Stachler, E.
H31E-1452Abstract Title: A Biofilm Treatment Approach for Produced Water from Hydraulic Fracturing Using Engineered Microbial Mats
Stachniewicz, J. S.
GC31D-1220Abstract Title: NOAA’s Portfolio of Operational Climate Data Records, GC31D-1222Abstract Title: NOAA Climate Data Records Access for Applications
Stachnik, J.
S53B-2831Abstract Title: Constraining shallow seismic event depth via synthetic modeling for Expert Technical Analysis at the IDC
Stachnik, J. C.
T11D-2930Abstract Title: Characterization of Intraplate Seismicity in the Mid-Atlantic US, T21C-2840Abstract Title: Characterizing the Lower Crust in Southern Tibet by a New Layer-stripping Method , T22A-05Abstract Title: Betwixt and Between: Structure and Evolution of Central Mongolia
Stachnik, J. P.
A21M-02Abstract Title: Evaluating MJO Event Initiation and Decay in the Skeleton Model using an RMM-like Index
Stachnik, R. A.
A51O-0295Abstract Title: Observations of Lower Stratospheric Water Vapor Injected by Overshooting Convection During SEAC4RS, A53A-0355Abstract Title: Airborne Deployment and Calibration of Microwave Atmospheric Sounder on 6U CubeSat
Stachura, M.
NH41E-01Abstract Title: New Tools for New Missions - Unmanned Aircraft Systems Offer Exciting Capabilities
Stack, A. G.
H21N-07Abstract Title: Using Neutrons to Study Fluid-Rock Interactions in Shales
Stack, K.
P43B-2116Abstract Title: Sedimentary Facies as Indicators of Changing Lake Levels in Gale Crater, Mars, P53F-02Abstract Title: Sedimentary structures and stratal geometries at the foothills of Mount Sharp: their role in paleoenvironmental interpretation, P53F-03Abstract Title: Chemo-stratigraphy in the Murray Formation Using ChemCam
Stackhouse, B. T.
B22D-04Abstract Title: An underestimated methane sink in Arctic mineral soils, B41J-02Abstract Title: Long Term Thawing Experiments on Intact Cores of Arctic Mineral Cryosol: Implications for Greenhouse Gas Feedbacks from Global Warming
Stackhouse, J.
GC13E-1200Abstract Title: BeefTracker: Spatial Tracking and Geodatabase for Beef Herd Sustainability and Lifecycle Analysis
Stackhouse, P. W.
A23KAbstract Title: Improved Understanding of the Surface Energy Balance and the Spatiotemporal Variation of Its Components I, A24DAbstract Title: Improved Understanding of the Surface Energy Balance and the Spatiotemporal Variation of Its Components II, A31CAbstract Title: Improved Understanding of the Surface Energy Balance and the Spatiotemporal Variation of Its Components III Posters, A31C-0050Abstract Title: The NASA/GEWEX Surface Radiation Budget: Integrated Data Product With Reprocessed Radiance, Cloud, and Meteorology Inputs, A31C-0051Abstract Title: Earth’s Radiation Budget Variability During 2015 El Nino From CERES FLASHFlux and EBAF Data., GC31D-1211Abstract Title: ERBE Wide-Field-of-View Nonscanner Data Reprocessing and revisiting its Radiation dataset from 1985 to 199, GC53D-1233Abstract Title: A 24.5-Year Global Dataset of Direct Normal Irradiance: Result from the Application of a Global-to-Beam Model to the NASA GEWEX SRB Global Horizontal Irradiance, IN42A-08Abstract Title: A Beta Version of the GIS-Enabled NASA Surface meteorology and Solar Energy (SSE) Web Site With Expanded Data Accessibility and Analysis Functionality for Renewable Energy and Other Applications
Stackhouse, S.
DI53A-08Abstract Title: High-pressure, temperature elasticity of Fe- and Al-bearing MgSiO3: implications for the Earth’s lower mantle, MR13CAbstract Title: Matter in Planetary Interiors: Insights from High-Pressure Experiments, Computational Advances, and Extreme Petrology I Posters, MR23B-2663Abstract Title: First-principles study of the elastic properties of aluminous phases and silica at high temperature and pressure, MR33D-05Abstract Title: First-principles calculation of the lattice thermal conductivity of the lower mantle
Stackhouse-Lawson, K.
GC13E-1200Abstract Title: BeefTracker: Spatial Tracking and Geodatabase for Beef Herd Sustainability and Lifecycle Analysis
Stackpoole, S. M.
B13J-07Abstract Title: Biodegradability of dissolved and particulate organic matter in tributaries of contrasting land-use in the Upper Mississippi River, GC12B-08Abstract Title: The Alaska Land Carbon Assessment: Baseline and Projected Future Carbon Storage and Greenhouse-gas Fluxes in Ecosystems of Alaska, GC12B-10Abstract Title: Aquatic carbon fluxes from the conterminous US and Alaska, GC13F-1221Abstract Title: Dissolved Organic Carbon Fluxes in Rivers of the Conterminous United States: Influence of Terrestrial – Aquatic Linkages
Stacy, E.
H21F-1439Abstract Title: Variability of Residence Time tracer Concentrations at the Southern Sierra Critical Zone Observatory during the California Drought
Stadelman, M.
H51C-1374Abstract Title: Improved Modeling of Naturally Fractured Reservoirs by Quantitatively Handling Flow Convergence into the Wellbore
Stadler, G.
G21A-1012Abstract Title: Numerical Modeling of Initial Slip and Poroelastic Effects of the 2012 Costa Rica Earthquake Using GPS Data
Stadler, G.
T31E-04Abstract Title: A Fast and Scalable Method for A-Optimal Design of Experiments for Infinite-dimensional Bayesian Nonlinear Inverse Problems with Application to Porous Medium Flow
Stadnyk, T. A.
H11E-1379Abstract Title: Now You See Them, Now You Don’t: Temporal Change in the Mode and Extent of Connected and Disconnected Boreal Wetlands and Implications for Streamflow Estimation
Staebler, R. M.
A11M-0244Abstract Title: Quantifying Sources of Methane in the Alberta Oil Sands, A21A-0046Abstract Title: Long-path measurements of pollutants and micrometeorology over Highway 401 in Toronto, A21A-0059Abstract Title: Understanding ozone formation and the radical budget during oil sands plume transport in the Athabasca region of Alberta, A23I-07Abstract Title: Insights into Chemical Transport and Oxidative Processing in the Arctic Springtime
Stafford Smith, M.
PA21C-2166Abstract Title: Handling interactions among SDGs: a critical role for research
Stagge, J. H.
H13I-1690Abstract Title: Trends and Drivers of European-Scale Drought
Stagnitta, T. J.
H13I-1709Abstract Title: Use of spot measurements to improve the estimation of low streamflow statistics.
Stagno, V.
DI31B-2591Abstract Title: In Situ Determination of Viscosity and Structure of Carbonatitic to Carbonate-Silicate Melts as Function of Pressure and Temperature, DI31B-2592Abstract Title: Behavior of basalt-carbonate melts at high pressures, V11CAbstract Title: The History of a Diamond: Insights from Melts, Fluids, and Mineral Inclusions Posters, V14CAbstract Title: The Earth's Geodynamic Carbon Cycle: Subduction, Storage, Migration, and Outgassing I, V21CAbstract Title: The Earth's Geodynamic Carbon Cycle: Subduction, Storage, Migration, and Outgassing II Posters, V21C-3053Abstract Title: The behavior of carbonaceous matter in Tagish Lake Meteorite at high P-T: implications for the survivability of organics during petrological processes and origin of life
Stahle, D. W.
PP43F-01Abstract Title: Multi-century Evaluation of Sierra Nevada Snowpack
Stähler, S. C.
S13C-03Abstract Title: Broadband Waveform Sensitivity Kernels for Large-Scale Seismic Tomography, S33C-2786Abstract Title: AxiSEM and instaseis: Fast simulation of global wavefields across the frequency band
Stahlman, G.
IN13C-1857Abstract Title: Identifying the Functional Requirements for an Arizona Astronomy Data Hub (AADH)
Staisch, L.
T31B-2892Abstract Title: Holocene to Neogene tectonics in central Washington: assessing seismic hazards from the geomorphic, geologic, and paleoseismic record of the Yakima Folds
Stajner, I.
A21A-0040Abstract Title: Wild Fire Emissions for the NOAA Operational HYSPLIT Smoke Model, A22B-06Abstract Title: Use of Air Quality Observations by the National Air Quality Forecast Capability
Stakhiv, M.
SH21A-2381Abstract Title: A Unified Scenario for the Solar Wind Phenomenon
Staley, D. M.
EP51D-04Abstract Title: High-resolution modeling of overland flow and sediment transport following wildfire: Insights into initiation mechanisms and sediment sources for runoff-generated debris flows
Stalin, S.
A53A-0353Abstract Title: Measurements of Atmospheric Aerosol Vertical Distributions above Svalbard, Norway using Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS)
Stalker, J. C.
H31G-1520Abstract Title: Isotopic Analysis of Source Waters Contributing to a Submarine Spring in San Salvador, Bahamas
Stall, S.
IN14A-06Abstract Title: Good Data Can Be Better Data - How Data Management Maturity Can Help Repositories Improve Operations, Data Quality, And Usability, Helping Researchers
Stallard, R. F.
EP31B-1003Abstract Title: River Suspended Sediment and Particulate Organic Carbon Transport in Two Montane Catchments in the Luquillo Critical Zone Observatory of Puerto Rico over 25 years: 1989 to 2014
Stallard, T.
P41B-2054Abstract Title: An abrupt change in the long-term cooling of the ionosphere of Uranus, SA21A-09Abstract Title: Ionosphere-Thermosphere Coupling in Jupiter's Low Latitudes
Stamatakos, N. G.
G11A-0968Abstract Title: Further Analysis of Atmospheric and Oceanic Angular Momentum Datasets for Predictions of Earth Orientation.
Stamm, J. F.
H42C-06Abstract Title: Climate, karst, and critters—A multidisciplinary evaluation of karst species vulnerability to climate change
Stamm, N.
V21C-3054Abstract Title: Volatiles in Kimberlitic Magmas: Forced Multiple Saturation with a Mantle Source
Stammer, D.
PA51A-2201Abstract Title: The future of CLIVAR- Climate and Ocean - Science, TH32AAbstract Title: CLIVAR- Climate and Ocean - the next 10 years of CLIVAR science as part of the World Climate Research Programme
Stammerjohn, S. E.
C21A-0726Abstract Title: Ice Sheet Meltwater Impacts on Biological Productivity in High-Latitude Coastal Zones - Observations and Model Results for West Antarctica and Southwest Greenland, C32A-02Abstract Title: Seasonal Evolution of Snow Cover on Antarctic Sea Ice
Stamnes, S.
A41L-04Abstract Title: Microphysical Properties of Aerosols Encountered During the 2012 TCAP Campaign Using the Research Scanning Polarimeter, A42A-02Abstract Title: Information Content and Sensitivity of the 3β+2α Lidar Measurement System for Microphysical Retrievals, A42A-03Abstract Title: Optimal Estimation Retrievals of Aerosol Microphysical Properties from High Spectral Resolution Lidar (HSRL) and Polarimeter Data
Stamos, B.
P31A-2026Abstract Title: Preservation of Lipid Biomarkers Under Prolonged and Extreme Hyperaridity in Atacama Desert Soils
Stampoulis, D.
GC43E-02Abstract Title: Assessing Hydro-Ecological Vulnerability from Space
Stamps, B. W.
B21C-0445Abstract Title: Vertical Microbial Community Variability of Carbonate-based Cones may Provide Insight into Formation in the Rock Record, B21C-0450Abstract Title: Manganese Influences Carbonate Precipitation in a Laminated Microbial Mat, P31A-2024Abstract Title: Preservation Potential of Life in Little Hot Creek, California: Implications for the use of Hot Spring Systems as Astrobiological Targets
Stamps, D. S.
T44CAbstract Title: Tectonic, Magmatic, and Geodynamic Studies of Extensional Processes: Applications in Iceland and the Nubia-Somalia-Arabia Plate System II
Stamps, L. G.
PP23A-2273Abstract Title: Sedimentology, geochronology, oxygen isotope and grain size stratigraphy of a core from Pretty Lake, Indiana: Exploring Midwestern hydroclimate during the last 2000 years
Stamps, S.
G23C-08Abstract Title: Continental Deformation in Madagascar from GNSS Observations, T13A-2960Abstract Title: Plate Tectonics 2.0: Using GPS to Refine Global Crustal Kinematics and Rewrite Textbooks, T43HAbstract Title: Tectonic, Magmatic, and Geodynamic Studies of Extensional Processes: Applications in Iceland and the Nubia-Somalia-Arabia Plate System I, T44CAbstract Title: Tectonic, Magmatic, and Geodynamic Studies of Extensional Processes: Applications in Iceland and the Nubia-Somalia-Arabia Plate System II, T44C-08Abstract Title: Kinematics and Dynamics of Observed Along-Rift Surface Motions in the East African Rift System, T51GAbstract Title: Tectonic, Magmatic, and Geodynamic Studies of Extensional Processes: Applications in Iceland and the Nubia-Somalia-Arabia Plate System III Posters, T51G-3010Abstract Title: Deep Magma Accumulation at Nyamulagira Volcano in 2011 Detected by GNSS Observations
Stan, C.
A53E-02Abstract Title: Present-Day Evaluation and Climate Change Response of Daily Rainfall Distributions in Three Versions of the Conventional vs. Super-Parameterized Community Atmosphere Model
Stanbery, C.
H21C-1380Abstract Title: Soil Inorganic Carbon Thresholds and Formation: What are the Controls in a Transitional, Semi-Arid Watershed?
Stanbridge, D. R.
P34A-02Abstract Title: Navigating the MESSENGER Spacecraft through End of Mission
Stanbro, M.
AE33A-0474Abstract Title: The Fermi Gamma-ray Burst Monitor (GBM) Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flash (TGF) Catalog
Stanciu, A. C.
S41B-2744Abstract Title: Anisotropic 3-D Crustal Velocity Structure of Idaho/ Oregon from a Joint Inversion of Group and Phase Velocities of Love and Rayleigh Waves from Ambient Seismic Noise: Results from the IDOR Project, T11C-2911Abstract Title: Upper-Mantle Seismic Structure Beneath the Western Cordillera in Oregon and Idaho: Preliminary Results from EarthScope IDOR Teleseismic Travel Time Tomography
Stanek, J.
H34C-01Abstract Title: A National Assessment of the Potential Impacts of Hydraulic Fracturing Activities on Drinking Water Resources
Stanfield, E.
NH41A-1794Abstract Title: Natural vibration dynamics of Rainbow Bridge, Utah
Stanfield, R.
A12D-04Abstract Title: Quantifying the Uncertainties of Reanalyzed Arctic Cloud-radiation Properties Using Satellite-surface Observations
Stanford, M.
A51D-0089Abstract Title: Observed and Simulated Relationships Between Tropical Deep Convective Updraft Dynamics and Ice Microphysics
Stangarone, C.
P53A-2107Abstract Title: Unravelling thermal emissivity spectra of the main minerals on Mercury’s surface by comparison with ab initio calculated IR-HT vibrational frequencies
Stange, C. F.
B14A-08Abstract Title: Nitrous oxide (N2O) fluxes from soils under different land use in Brazil – Overview, measurements, and modeling
Stangl, A. J.
A43A-0242Abstract Title: Systematic Relationships Between Lidar Observables And Sizes And Mineral Composition Of Dust Aerosols
Stangl, C. M.
A11K-0206Abstract Title: Carbonaceous Matter in Growing Nanoparticles
Stangl, Z.
B22E-01Abstract Title: Global Patterns in Leaf Respiration and its Temperature Response
Stanier, A.
SM54A-06Abstract Title: The importance of kinetic ion physics in the interaction of magnetic islands
Stanilovskaya, J. V.
ED31C-0907Abstract Title: Outreach program by measurements of frost depth in Japan
Staniszewski, Z. K.
GC23K-1247Abstract Title: A Hyperspectral Thermal Emission Spectrometer (HyTES) for High Altitude Applications
Stanitski, D.
A24D-02Abstract Title: Surface radiation budget and cloud radiative forcing from pan-Arctic Baseline Surface Radiation Network (BSRN) stations, C41B-0703Abstract Title: Near-Record Early Snowmelt and Signs of Environmental Change in Barrow, Alaska, ED13CAbstract Title: Climate Literacy: Climate Education and Outreach Utilizing Ocean Observations Posters
Stanko, Z.
H53D-1687Abstract Title: A Combined Approach to Model Reduction for Nonlinear Groundwater Flow and Solute Transport Simulations Using POD and DEIM.
Stanko, Z. P.
H31G-1507Abstract Title: Large-Scale Multi-Objective Optimization for the Management of Seawater Intrusion, Santa Barbara, CA
Stanley, E. H.
B44B-08Abstract Title: Continuous Ship-borne Methane Measurements on the Upper Mississippi River and Selected Tributaries, B51F-0489Abstract Title: Synchrony and Divergence in Stream Metabolism across the Continental United States
Stanley, J. N.
OS21A-1962Abstract Title: Sea Level History in 3D: Early results of an ultra-high resolution MCS survey across IODP Expedition 313 drillsites
Stanley, J.
P53C-2138Abstract Title: Extracting lunar dust parameters from image charge signals produced by the Lunar Dust Experiment
Stanley, J. R.
V31G-05Abstract Title: Dating Kimberlite Eruption and Erosion Phases Using Perovskite, Zircon, and Apatite (U-Th)/He Geochronology to Link Cratonic Lithosphere Evolution and Surface Processes
Stanley, J.
OS21A-1961Abstract Title: Sea level history in 3D: Data acquisition and processing for an ultra-high resolution MCS survey across IODP Expedition 313 drillsite
Stanley, M. A.
AE13A-04Abstract Title: Preliminary Results from the 2015 NMT Interferometer Campaign in Colorado, AE31A-0420Abstract Title: Acoustic vs Interferometric Measurements of Lightning
Stanley, S.
P53A-2105Abstract Title: Mercury’s global evolution: New views from MESSENGER
Stanley, T.
NH42A-01Abstract Title: Near real-time landslide hazard assessment using remotely sensed data
Stannard, D. I.
C33D-0850Abstract Title: Comparison of methods for quantifying surface sublimation over seasonal snow covered terrain
Stano, G. T.
AE31C-0453Abstract Title: North Alabama Total Lightning Climatology in Support of Lightning Safety Operations, IN43C-1751Abstract Title: JPSS Proving Ground Activities with NASA’s Short-term Prediction Research and Transition (SPoRT) Center
Stansell, N.
PP23A-2283Abstract Title: Model based paleoclimate interpretations of Holocene oxygen isotope records from the Pacific Northwest
Stansifer, E.
NG23B-1781Abstract Title: Rewinding the History of Growth of Stream Networks Fed by Groundwater
Stanton, A. C.
A41A-0032Abstract Title: Development of an Open-Path N2O Flux Measurement System for Understanding Agricultural and Soil Emissions
Stanton, L. G.
A43F-0351Abstract Title: Correlating Well-Pad Characteristics and Methane Emissions in the Marcellus Shale
Stanton, T. P.
C11D-05Abstract Title: External forcing modulates Pine Island Glacier flow
Stanton-Yonge, A.
T23C-2966Abstract Title: Finite Element Stress Model of a Strike-Slip Duplex: A Case Study from Southern Chile, T44A-01Abstract Title: Oblique Subduction and Strain Partitioning: Tectonic Role of Margin-Parallel and Margin-Transverse Structures at the Southern Volcanic Zone of the Andes
Stap, L. B.
PP42A-03Abstract Title: The MMCO-EOT conundrum: same benthic δ18O, diff erent CO2
Stapelberg, S.
A43B-0277Abstract Title: The ESA Cloud_cci Project: Generation of Multi-Decadal, Consistent, Global Data Sets of Cloud Properties with Uncertainty Information
Stapelfeldt, K. R.
P32B-04Abstract Title: Characterizing Exoplanets with 2-meter Class Space-based Coronagraphs
Starek, M. J.
EP51B-0918Abstract Title: Geodetic Imaging of Marsh Surface Elevation with Terrestrial Laser Scanning
Stark, A.
P34A-08Abstract Title: Measuring Ganymede's Tidal Deformation by Laser Altimetry: A performance Analysis for the GALA Experiment
Stark, B.
NH41C-1842Abstract Title: Integrating Near-Real Time Hydrologic-Response Monitoring and Modeling for Improved Assessments of Slope Stability Along the Coastal Bluffs of the Puget Sound Rail Corridor, Washington State
Stark, C.
T13A-2964Abstract Title: In Situ SHRIMP U-Pb Geochronology and Petrography of Mafic Dykes in the Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia, and Vestfold Hills and Bunger Hills, East Antarctica
Stark, C. P.
C23C-0807Abstract Title: Mass Balance and Evolution of Supraglacial Hydrology over South-West Greenland, EP21B-0899Abstract Title: Erosion by sliding wear in granular flows: Experiments with realistic contact forces, EP51D-08Abstract Title: Landslide dynamics from seismology: new results, EP54B-08Abstract Title: Multi-scale Analysis of High Resolution Topography: Feature Extraction and Identification of Landscape Characteristic Scales
Stark, H.
A13E-0386Abstract Title: Laboratory and Ambient Measurements of Oxidized Organic Compounds in the Gas Phase Using Nitrate Ion Chemical Ionization Coupled with High Resolution Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry, A13E-0395Abstract Title: Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation and Aging in a Flow Reactor in the Forested Southeast US during SOAS, A13G-06Abstract Title: Comprehensive Modeling Study of Chemistry in Oxidation Flow Reactors, A32A-07Abstract Title: Development of a High-Resolution H3O+ Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometer for Gas-phase Hydrocarbons and its Application During the 2015 SONGNEX Aircraft Campaign, A32A-08Abstract Title: High-Resolution Analysis of Atmospheric Mass Spectra: Identification, Resolution, Assignment of complex mass spectra
Stark, J.
B23C-0622Abstract Title: Regulation of Soil Microbial Carbon-use Efficiency by Soil Moisture, Substrate Addition, and Incubation Time
Stark, L. A.
ED14A-05Abstract Title: iUTAH Summer Research Institutes: Supporting the STEM Pipeline Through Engagement of High School, Undergraduate and Graduate Students, Secondary Teachers, and University Faculty in Authentic, Joint Research Experiences
Stark, M.
GC31A-1163Abstract Title: Changes in Arctic Sea Ice Floe Size Distribution in the Marginal Ice Zone in a Thickness and Floe Size Distribution Model
Stark, R. E.
GC33E-1358Abstract Title: Wood source and pyrolysis temperature interact to control PyOM degradation rates, GC33E-1359Abstract Title: The stability of Pyrogenic Organic Matter is dependent upon its wood source and charring temperature
Stark, S. C.
B11L-07Abstract Title: Large-Scale Forest Die-off in Temperate versus Tropical Regions: Comparison of Local and Global Climate Effects, B51D-0452Abstract Title: Leaf ontogeny and demography explain photosynthetic seasonality in Amazon evergreen forests, B54D-08Abstract Title: Towards remotely sensed forest dynamics to track and understand forest change and its consequences for the atmosphere
Starke, S. E.
C21A-0699Abstract Title: High Resolution Ice Surface of the Ross Ice Shelf: Accuracy and Links to Basal Processes
Starkey, N.
DI43B-03Abstract Title: The Triple Oxygen Isotopic Composition of High 3He/4He Mantle
Starks, M. J.
SM14C-05Abstract Title: The Impenetrable Barrier Revisited – Anthroprogenic Effects on Earth’s Radiation Belts, SM41A-2472Abstract Title: The Demonstration and Science Experiments (DSX) Mission
Starks, P. J.
H13K-1728Abstract Title: Validation of the Soil Moisture Active Passive mission using USDA-ARS experimental watersheds, H51Q-04Abstract Title: Forecasting Regional Agroecosystems Responses to Drought and Wet Periods using Long Term Data from LTAR and LTER sites
Starkweather, S.
A21E-0195Abstract Title: Evaluating the Impact of the Summit Station, Greenland Radiosonde Program on Science and Forecast Services, A24D-02Abstract Title: Surface radiation budget and cloud radiative forcing from pan-Arctic Baseline Surface Radiation Network (BSRN) stations, ED33D-0951Abstract Title: Evaluating the Impact of the Summit Station, Greenland Radiosonde Program on Data Modelers and Forecast Services, GC11G-1104Abstract Title: Look Who’s Talking – The Role of the IARPC Collaborations Website in Supporting Mutli-Institution Dialog on Arctic Research Imperatives, PA23A-2182Abstract Title: Networking 2.0: Expanding your collaboration circles through the Interagency Arctic Research Policy Committee (IARPC), TH25FAbstract Title: Interagency Arctic Research Policy Committee (IARPC): Accelerating the Pace of Arctic Research
Starn, J. J.
H11F-1422Abstract Title: Regional oxygen reduction and denitrification rates, San Joaquin Valley, USA
Starr, J.
H53B-1657Abstract Title: Modeling Sustained Delivery of Agroecosystem Services at a Watershed Scale under Climate Change
Starr, R. D.
P51D-07Abstract Title: How LEND sees the water on the Moon: the recent findings, P53A-2088Abstract Title: MESSENGER Observations of Suprathermal Electrons in Mercury’s Magnetosphere, P53A-2089Abstract Title: Energization and Precipitation of Electrons in Mercury’s Magnetosphere, P53A-2095Abstract Title: The Composition of Geological-Scale Features Resolved by MESSENGER’s X-Ray Spectrometer, P53B-2123Abstract Title: Regional and Latitude Variability in Diurnally Modulated Neutron Flux Measured by LRO/LEND
Starratt, S.
PP22A-08Abstract Title: A 13,500 Year Record of Holocene Climate, Fire and Vegetation from Swan Lake, Idaho, USA, PP23A-2271Abstract Title: The Role of Middle and Late Holocene North Pacific Sea Surface Temperatures on Precipitation Patterns in the Western United States, PP31CAbstract Title: Temporal and Spatial Variability of Late Quaternary Climate Events I Posters, PP31C-2265Abstract Title: Regional Variations in Middle Holocene Precipitation Across the Western United States
Stassen, P.
PP23B-2301Abstract Title: An Ocean Acidification Pulse in the Pre-onset Carbon Isotope Excursion Preceding the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
Stastna, M.
OS11A-2007Abstract Title: Mixing and Across-Boundary Layer Transport in Colliding Internal Solitary Waves
Stastna, M. S.
OS11A-2007Abstract Title: Mixing and Across-Boundary Layer Transport in Colliding Internal Solitary Waves
Staten, P.
A33E-0225Abstract Title: A comparison of measured radiances from AIRS and HIRS across different cloud types
Stathis, A.
A34F-02Abstract Title: Photolysis of aromatic pollutants in clean and dirty ice
Staub, C. G.
A51K-0212Abstract Title: Spatial Analysis and GIS Applications for Estimating Monthly Rainfall Totals on Mauritius
Stauch, G.
PP11D-04Abstract Title: Late Quaternary Lake‐System Dynamics on the northern Tibetan Plateau
Staudhammer, C. L.
B33A-0633Abstract Title: Gap-filling methods to impute eddy covariance flux data by preserving variance.
Staudigel, P. T.
PP21A-2205Abstract Title: Towards Understanding Artifacts in the Clumped Isotope System , PP21A-2219Abstract Title: Cryogenic brines as a diagenetic fluid: using clumped isotopes to reconstruct the cementation history of sediments in the ANDRILL 2A core
Staudt, A. C.
U52AAbstract Title: The Concept and Conduct of Decadal Surveys and Strategies for Developing Research Priorities
Stauffer, B. H.
SM31B-2487Abstract Title: Hybrid simulation of wave propagation in the Io plasma torus
Stauffer, R. M.
A43E-0327Abstract Title: Constructing Ozone Profile Climatologies with Self-Organizing Maps: Illustrations with CONUS Ozonesonde Data
Stauning, P.
SM23A-2539Abstract Title: Mapping Field-Aligned Currents as a Function of the Interplanetary Electric Field
Stavert, A.
A31B-0048Abstract Title: A Transdimensional, Hierarchical Bayesian Inversion Framework for Estimating Regional Trace Gas Emissions
Stavrakou, T.
A23A-0258Abstract Title: MAX-DOAS observations and their application to the validation of satellite and model data in Wuxi, China, A53D-03Abstract Title: Substantial Underestimation of Post-harvest Burning Emissions in East China as Seen by Multi-species Space Observations
Stavrakou, T.
A21A-0050Abstract Title: Five Years of Ground-Based MAX-DOAS Observations of CHOCHO and HCHO in the Beijing Area , A31B-0025Abstract Title: Global Isoprene Fluxes inferred from OMI Formaldehyde Columns over 2005-2013, A51BAbstract Title: Air Pollution, Greenhouse Gases, and Emissions in East Asia and Its Interactions with the World I Posters, A51N-0262Abstract Title: Revising the Global Budget of Glyoxal (OCHCHO) Based on OMI Vertical Columns, B43F-0612Abstract Title: Improved tropical forest biogenic VOC emission factors based on GoAmazon2014/5 airborne observations
Stavrianaki, K.
NG12A-06Abstract Title: Are Earthquakes Predictable? A Study on Magnitude Correlations in Earthquake Catalog and Experimental Data
Stavros, E. N.
B42A-08Abstract Title: The NASA Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) Mission Level 4 Carbon Product calibration and validation using eddy covariance observations across North America, Australia and Finland, GC42B-01Abstract Title: High-resolution remote sensing and coupled fire-weather simulation modeling offer unprecedented insight to megafire behavior: The 2014 California King Megafire case study
Stavros, N.
A52C-08Abstract Title: The NASA SMAP Mission Level 4 Carbon Product: A New Tool for Global Monitoring of Terrestrial Carbon Exchange
Stavrou, E.
DI42A-08Abstract Title: Synthesis of Xenon and Iron/Nickel Intermetallic Compounds Under the Thermodynamic Conditions of the Earth's Core.
Stawarz, J. E.
NG41A-1786Abstract Title: Small-Scale Behavior of Decaying Hall Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence, SM41I-03Abstract Title: MMS Observations of Parallel Electric Fields, SM41I-08Abstract Title: Observations of 3-D Electric Fields and Waves Associated With Reconnection at the Dayside Magnetopause, SM44A-08Abstract Title: MMS Observations of Kinetic Features in the Earth’s Bursty Bulk Flow Braking Region, SM51A-2514Abstract Title: An Investigation of Perpendicular Gradients of Parallel Electric Field in Separatrix Regions in Using the Magnetosphere Multiscale Mission, SM51A-2524Abstract Title: Bursty Bulk Flow Turbulence as Observed by the Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission
Steacy, S.
NH12A-06Abstract Title: Decision making biases in the communication of earthquake risk, NH13D-1958Abstract Title: Scenarios for Evolving Seismic Crises: Possible Communication Strategies
Stead, D.
NH43A-1867Abstract Title: REMOTE SENSING ANALYSIS OF A RAPIDLY ERODING SEA CLIFF AT POINT GREY, BRITISH COLUMBIA, V23B-3110Abstract Title: Applications of Terrestrial Remote Sensing to Volcanic Rock Masses
Steadley, R. S.
IN43C-1741Abstract Title: An Overview of the JPSS Ground Project Algorithm Integration Process
Stealey, M.
H42A-04Abstract Title: Advancing Collaboration through Hydrologic Data and Model Sharing, IN51C-04Abstract Title: Clearing your Desk! Software and Data Services for Collaborative Web Based GIS Analysis
Stearns, L. A.
C11C-0781Abstract Title: Recurring, year-round, icequakes at a Greenland tidewater glacier, C13E-07Abstract Title: Observed Spatial and Temporal Variability of Subglacial Discharge-Driven Plumes in Greenland’s Outlet Glacial Fjords, C13E-08Abstract Title: Modeling Subglacial Meltwater Plumes across Greenland's Outlet Glaciers: Implications for Ice-Ocean Coupling in a Warming Climate, C21B-0744Abstract Title: Observations of Dynamic Changes at an Advancing Tidewater Glacier: Hubbard Glacier, Southeast Alaska, C33B-0814Abstract Title: Estimating stream discharge from a Himalayan Glacier using coupled satellite sensor data, C41E-04Abstract Title: Geologic evidence of a leaky Antarctic Ice Sheet: Tracking meltwater influence on ice-sheet retreat in the Ross Sea, Antarctica since the Last Glacial Maximum, C43BAbstract Title: Innovative Methods for Quantifying Glacier Processes Posters, C43B-0805Abstract Title: High-resolution, terrestrial radar velocity observations and model results reveal a strong bed at stable, tidewater Rink Isbræ, West Greenland, C43B-0807Abstract Title: Long-term Autonomous Tidewater Glacier Monitoring Using a Long-Range Terrestrial LiDAR Scanner; Helheim Glacier, Southeast Greenland, C43E-07Abstract Title: Patterns of Rapid Deceleration Observed at Two Tidewater Outlet Glaciers in West Greenland, C51C-0745Abstract Title: Response of Different Antarctic Outlet Glacier Types to Perturbations at Their Boundaries, ED34A-05Abstract Title: Incorporating Geodetic Data in Introductory Geoscience Classrooms through UNAVCO's GETSI "Ice Mass and Sea Level Changes" Module
Stearns, M. A.
V34A-01Abstract Title: Garnet: a key to unraveling Earth's dynamic lithosphere
Stebbins, J. F.
MR13A-2673Abstract Title: Investigations on the Crystal-Chemical Behavior of Transition-Metal-Bearing Aluminosilicate Garnet Solid Solutions Using 27Al and 29Si NMR Spectroscopy, MR13A-2674Abstract Title: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Observations of Octahedral Aluminum in Forsterite, Clinoenstatite and Periclase., V33F-06Abstract Title: Insights into Silicate and Oxide Melt Structure from Amorphous, Non-Glass-Forming Materials, V41B-3077Abstract Title: Network cation coordination in aluminoborosilicate and Mg- aluminosilicate glasses: pressure effects in recovered structural changes and densification
Stebler, E.
H43I-1675Abstract Title: Woody Plant Invasion Changes Soil Water Storage Dynamics And Shifts Runoff Generation Mechanisms
Steblov, G. M.
T44B-08Abstract Title: Rheology of Asthenosphere in the Kuril-Kamchatka Subduction Zone from Postseismic GPS Observations after Great 2006-2007 Earthquakes
Stecher, H. A.
B51B-0425Abstract Title: Building a Probabilistic Denitrification Model for an Oregon Salt Marsh
Stechern, A.
V33F-05Abstract Title: Heat Capacity of Hydrous Silicate Melts
Stechman, D. M.
B11D-0457Abstract Title: Airborne Observations of Mercury Emissions from the Chicago/Gary Urban/Industrial Area during the 2013 NOMADSS Campaign
Stechmann, S. N.
A21M-02Abstract Title: Evaluating MJO Event Initiation and Decay in the Skeleton Model using an RMM-like Index , GC41G-01Abstract Title: Implications of dynamics underlying temperature and precipitation distributions for changes in extremes, OS53C-03Abstract Title: Assessing the Equatorial Long-Wave Approximation: Asymptotics and Observational Data Analysis
Steckiewicz, M.
P12A-04Abstract Title: STRUCTURE OF THE MARTIAN IONOSPHERE: OBSERVATIONS OF SUPRATHERMAL ELECTRONS BY MAVEN SWEA, P21A-2042Abstract Title: Altitude Dependence of Nightside Martian Suprathermal Electron Depletions as Revealed by MAVEN Observations
Steckler, M. S.
EP32B-06Abstract Title: Embracing Non-Stationarity – Hysteresis and Coherence in the Ganges-Brahmaputra Source-to-Sink System and Its Imprint on the Stratigraphic Record., EP33E-04Abstract Title: Linking process, morphology, and stratigraphy in the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna delta, EP41A-0902Abstract Title: New insights on the subsidence of the Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta Plain by using 2D multichannel seismic data, gravity and flexural modeling, BanglaPIRE Project, GC41F-1152Abstract Title: Measurements of the Balance of Subsidence and Sedimentation in the Coastal Zone of Bangladesh, NH21E-08Abstract Title: Evidence for the 1762 Tsunamigenic Earthquake in an Extremely Sedimented Segment of the Sunda Subduction/Collision Boundary, SE Bangladesh, NH23B-1878Abstract Title: Submergence and Uplift Associated to Paleoearthquakes in the Northern Sunda Subduction System: Implications for Future Earthquakes., T31B-2870Abstract Title: A Case for Plane-Strain during the Development of the Indo-Burma Fold-Thrust Belt in Tripura and Mizoram, Northeast India (23-24°N; 91-93°E), T41B-2886Abstract Title: Resistivity imaging of strata and faults in Bangladesh, T41B-2887Abstract Title: The Northern Rupture of the 1762 Arakan Meghathrust Earthquake and other Potential Earthquake Sources in Bangladesh., T54A-06Abstract Title: Determining Crustal Structure of Bangladesh Using Seismological Techniques
Steckloff, J. K.
P51D-04Abstract Title: Pluto's Polygonal Terrain Places Lower Limit on Planetary Heat Flow
Stedinger, J. R.
GC53C-1223Abstract Title: Assessment of the Appalachian Basin Geothermal Field: Combining Risk Factors to Inform Development of Low Temperature Projects, GC53C-1224Abstract Title: Evaluation of Sensitivity and Robustness of Geothermal Resource Parameters Using Detailed and Approximate Stratigraphy, NH51B-1882Abstract Title: Estimating Non-stationary Flood Risk in a Changing Climate
Steeb, H.
MR41A-2625Abstract Title: Effective Hydro-Mechanical Properties of Fluid-Saturated Fracture Networks
Steed, C.
IN43A-1720Abstract Title: In-situ Data Analysis Framework for ACME Land Simulations
Steed, R.
ED51E-03Abstract Title: LastQuake: a comprehensive strategy for rapid engagement of earthquake eyewitnesses, massive crowdsourcing and risk reduction, T13D-3040Abstract Title: LastQuake app: a tool for risk reduction that focuses on earthquakes that really matter to the public!
Steedman, D. W.
S53B-2799Abstract Title: Coupling hydrodynamic and wave propagation modeling for waveform modeling of SPE.
Steefel, C. I.
B12A-03Abstract Title: An Integrated Hydrologic Modeling Approach to Cesium-137 Transport in Forested Fukushima Watersheds, B23I-03Abstract Title: Genome-Enabled Modeling of Biogeochemical Processes Predicts Metabolic Dependencies that Connect the Relative Fitness of Microbial Functional Guilds, B43BAbstract Title: Benchmarking Next-Generation Reactive Transport Models for Predicting Watershed Biogeochemical Cycling Posters, B43B-0544Abstract Title: A Benchmarking Initiative for Reactive Transport Modeling Applied to Subsurface Environmental Applications, B51BAbstract Title: Biogeochemical Hotspots across Terrestrial-Aquatic Ecotones I Posters, B53H-03Abstract Title: The Role of Hyporheic Zones in Cycling of Carbon and Nitrogen, B54BAbstract Title: Biogeochemical Hotspots across Terrestrial-Aquatic Ecotones II, B54B-03Abstract Title: Modeling the Impact of Biogeochemical Hotspots and Hot Moments on Subsurface Carbon Fluxes from a Flood Plain Site, H43K-08Abstract Title: Evaluation of Advanced Reactive Surface Area Estimates for Improved Prediction of Mineral Reaction Rates in Porous Media, H44D-01Abstract Title: Simulating the evolution of fracture surface alteration exposed to CO2-acidified brine, H44D-05Abstract Title: Can the Carbonated Layer Protect Wellbore Cement During Geologic CO2 Sequestration?
Steel, R. J.
V52C-07Abstract Title: (U-Th)/He and U-Pb double dating constraints on the interplay between thrust deformation and basin development, Sevier foreland basin, Utah
Steele, A.
P31F-02Abstract Title: The provenance and formation of reduced carbon phases on Mars from the study of Martian meteorites. , P31F-08Abstract Title: Evidence of refractory organic matter preserved in the mudstones of Yellowknife Bay and the Murray Formations, V11C-3079Abstract Title: Neoproterozic Re-Os age of a sulfide inclusion in a superdeep diamond: Implications for mantle convection beneath Juina, Brazil
Steele, C. M.
C13A-0797Abstract Title: Dust-on-snow and the Timing of Peak Streamflow in the Upper Rio Grande, ED33A-0935Abstract Title: Climate Change and the Water Cycle: A New Southwest Regional Climate Hub Curriculum Unit for 6th-12th Grade Students, GC13D-1186Abstract Title: Impacts of projected mid-century temperatures on thermal regimes for select specialty and fieldcrops common to the southwestern U.S., GC51BAbstract Title: Connecting Stakeholders with Climate Science: The Role of Climate Programs Posters, PA13A-2174Abstract Title: Connecting Stakeholders and Climate Science: A Summary of Farmer, Rancher, and Forester Climate Data Needs and Climate Change Attitudes
Steele, J.
A21A-0071Abstract Title: Analysis of Ozone And CO2 Profiles Measured At A Diary Facility
Steele, M.
A34F-01Abstract Title: Arctic Ozone and Bromine Chemistry: Relationships with Snow Composition and Open Lead Presence, C32A-03Abstract Title: Loitering of the Retreating Sea Ice Edge in the Arctic Seas, C51AAbstract Title: Advances in Understanding Sea Ice Variability and Change in the Coupled Earth System I Posters, C53DAbstract Title: Advances in Understanding Sea Ice Variability and Change in the Coupled Earth System II, C54AAbstract Title: Advances in Understanding Sea Ice Variability and Change in the Coupled Earth System III, GC14C-04Abstract Title: T, S, and U: Arctic Ocean Change in Response to Sea Ice Loss and Other Forcings, GC31A-1163Abstract Title: Changes in Arctic Sea Ice Floe Size Distribution in the Marginal Ice Zone in a Thickness and Floe Size Distribution Model
Steele, P.
A31B-0040Abstract Title: Evaluating Observational Constraints on N2O Emissions via Information Content Analysis Using GEOS-Chem and its Adjoint, A33K-0330Abstract Title: Isotopic (Re)ordering Signatures of Stratospheric and Tropospheric O2
Steele-Dunne, S. C.
B53F-0625Abstract Title: Crop modeling: Studying the effect of water stress on the driving forces governing plant water potential, H13K-1729Abstract Title: Recent Developments in Active and Passive Distributed Temperature Sensing for Soil Moisture Monitoring, H23G-1653Abstract Title: Detecting tree mass changes using accelerometers, H41F-1392Abstract Title: Estimating sub-monthly TWS using MODIS and GRACE satellite observations, a case study over Tonlé Sap floodplain, H51GAbstract Title: Hydrologic Data Assimilation I Posters, H53LAbstract Title: Hydrologic Data Assimilation II, H54DAbstract Title: Hydrologic Data Assimilation III, H54D-04Abstract Title: Soil moisture and properties estimation by assimilating soil temperatures using particle batch smoother: A new perspective for DTS
Steelman, C. M.
H53C-1681Abstract Title: Geoelectrical Response of a Hyporheic Zone within a Fractured Sedimentary Bedrock Riverbed
Steen, A. D.
B32B-01Abstract Title: Beyond Vmax and Km: How details of enzyme function influence geochemical cycles
Steen, D. P.
GP23A-1282Abstract Title: Late Quaternary paleomagnetic secular variation, relative paleointensity, and environmental magnetism from Cascade Lake, Brooks Range, Arctic Alaska
Steen-Larsen, H. C.
PP11B-2227Abstract Title: Measurements of Isotopic Composition of Vapour on the Antarctic Plateau, PP11B-2231Abstract Title: Marine Boundary Layer Processes Constrained by Multi-Year Concomitant In-Situ Water Vapor and Precipitation Isotope Measurements from Land-Based and Ship-Based Monitoring Sites in the North Atlantic, PP13E-08Abstract Title: Using in-situ observations of atmospheric water vapor isotopes to benchmark and isotope-enabled General Circulation Models and improve ice core paleo-climate reconstruction
Steenberg, L.
V23A-3065Abstract Title: Physical Volcanology and Geochemistry of the Brown’s Creek Rhyolite Lava in the Western Snake River Plain, Idaho.
Steenburgh, W. J.
H13H-1637Abstract Title: Ground Snow Measurements: Comparisons of the Hotplate, Weighing and Manual Methods
Steenhuis, T. S.
H13C-1526Abstract Title: Realistically Predicting Saturation-Excess Runoff With El-SWAT, H31NAbstract Title: Water Quality and Water Contamination in Rivers I, H31N-03Abstract Title: Variable Source Watershed Model for Reducing Dissolved Phosphorus Concentrations in Surface Waters, H32EAbstract Title: Water Quality and Water Contamination in Rivers II, H33HAbstract Title: Water Quality and Water Contamination in Rivers III Posters
Steenhuis, T. S.
GC13A-1131Abstract Title: Soil carbon changes in a wetness-prone perennial grass bioenergy field of Northeastern United States.
Steenrod, S. D.
A32F-06Abstract Title: Source attribution of interannual variability of tropospheric ozone over the southern hemisphere
Stefanescu, R. E. R.
H41B-1301Abstract Title: Using Multi-level Methods for Geospatial Data Representation to Enable Efficient Analytics of Large Scale Simulation Outputs
Stefani, F.
GC13E-1195Abstract Title: Orbital monitoring of the Brazilian pasturelands: patterns, trends and potential ecosystem services
Stefani, F.
P41A-2047Abstract Title: The precession dynamo experiment at HZDR
Stefanik, K. C.
B41C-0453Abstract Title: Combining eddy-covariance and chamber measurements to determine the methane budget from a small, heterogeneous urban wetland park
Stefankiv, O.
EP43B-0975Abstract Title: Using remote sensing data to assess salmon habitat status in rivers and floodplains of Puget Sound, USA
Stéfanon, M.
H34A-03Abstract Title: Water cycle dynamic increases resilience of vegetation under higher atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration
Stefanou, I.
MR43A-04Abstract Title: Instabilities in geomaterials induced by dissolution
Stefanski, R.
GC43E-03Abstract Title: Integrating Multi-Sensor Remote Sensing and In-situ Measurements for Africa Drought Monitoring and Food Security Assessment
Stefansky, J.
H31E-1458Abstract Title: Relationship of Shallow Groundwater Quality to Hydraulic Fracturing Activities in Antrim and Kalkaska Counties, MI
Stefansson, A.
H21E-1431Abstract Title: Flow-through column experiments to determine the geochemical behavior of common hydrological tracers, H23A-1556Abstract Title: Hydrogen Sulfide Sequestration and Storage in Geothermal System: New Mitigation Strategy to Reduce H2S from the Atmosphere and Detect its Mineralization with Multiple Sulfur Isotopic Systematics, V11G-06Abstract Title: Volatile element isotope systematics of volcanic geothermal fluids, Krafla Iceland
Steffen, A.
A23I-08Abstract Title: Using Existing Arctic Atmospheric Mercury Measurements to Refine Global and Regional Scale Atmospheric Transport Models
Steffen, H.
G33BAbstract Title: Interdisciplinary Geodesy for Climate Change, Data-Driven GIA, Sea Level Change, and Tibetan Plateau Hydrology I Posters, G33B-1153Abstract Title: Optimal locations of sea-level indicators in glacial isostatic adjustment investigations
Steffen, H.
G53AAbstract Title: Interdisciplinary Geodesy for Climate Change, Data-Driven GIA, Sea Level Change, and Tibetan Plateau Hydrology II
Steffen, K.
A24D-02Abstract Title: Surface radiation budget and cloud radiative forcing from pan-Arctic Baseline Surface Radiation Network (BSRN) stations, C41B-0695Abstract Title: Greenland ice sheet albedo variability and feedback: 2000-2015, C43D-06Abstract Title: Taking the Firn into Account: Elevation Change of the Greenland Ice Sheet due to Surface Mass Balance and Firn Processes, 1960-2014
Steffen, R.
T51B-2868Abstract Title: Development of a GIA (Glacial Isostatic Adjustment) - Fault Model of Greenland
Steffl, A.
P13E-02Abstract Title: The Ultraviolet Spectrograph on the Europa Mission (Europa-UVS), P33E-07Abstract Title: Ultraviolet emission from CG's coma: fluorescence versus electron-impact excitation, P51A-2046Abstract Title: Searching for Charon's Atmosphere, P54A-06Abstract Title: Radio Occultation Measurements of Pluto’s Atmosphere with New Horizons, P54A-09Abstract Title: Pluto’s Far Ultraviolet Spectrum and Airglow Emissions
Stegen, J.
B14B-05Abstract Title: Using Tree Rings, CO2 Fluxes, and Long-Term Measurements to Understand Carbon Dynamics in an Alaskan Boreal Forest, B22D-03Abstract Title: Coupling soil Carbon Fluxes, Soil Microbes, and High-Resolution Carbon Profiling in Permafrost Transitions, B23I-07Abstract Title: Groundwater-Surface Water Mixing Shifts Ecological Assembly Processes and Stimulates Organic Carbon Turnover, B51B-0426Abstract Title: Coupled Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Microbial Community Ecology, Biogeochemistry, and Hydrologic Mixing, B53H-07Abstract Title: Microbial facies distribution and its geological and geochemical controls at the Hanford 300 area
Stegman, D. R.
DI31B-2605Abstract Title: Can basal magma oceans generate magnetic fields?, DI53A-04Abstract Title: The heterogeneity spectrum of Earth’s upper mantle constrained by global observations of scattered P-waves, P31D-2084Abstract Title: The effects of continental growth on global sea level
Stegmann, S.
EP23D-0996Abstract Title: Mechanical Stability of Stratified Sediments along the upper continental Slope off Vesterålen, northern Norway - Insights from in situ CPTU Tests
Stehman, S. V.
B13F-0687Abstract Title: Harmonization of Multiple Forest Disturbance Data to Create a 1986-2011 Database for the Conterminous United States, B43A-0538Abstract Title: Soybean Area and Yield Estimation Using MODIS and Landsat Data in the Conterminous United States, B51I-08Abstract Title: A new pan-tropical estimate of carbon loss in natural and managed forests in 2000-2012
Steig, E. J.
C51D-02Abstract Title: The influence of Antarctic ice sheet topography change on Antarctic climate -- a positive feedback., C51D-04Abstract Title: Complex Relationship between Accumulation and Temperature in West Antarctica for the Past 31,000 Years, C53A-0760Abstract Title: Several firn core records suggest relatively stable accumulation rates during the past two centuries over the Amundsen Sea sector of West Antarctica, PP13E-06Abstract Title: Seasonal and spatial variation of 17Oexcess and dexcess in Antarctic precipitation: insights from an intermediate complexity isotope model, PP13E-07Abstract Title: New approaches to paleothermometry from isotopes in precipitation, PP53D-07Abstract Title: Atmospheric teleconnections between the tropics and the Southern Hemisphere westerly winds during abrupt climate change, PP53D-08Abstract Title: A Millennial Simulation of Isotope-Enable GCM with a Special Focus on Antarctic Climate Variability in the Past 1,000 Years
Steigenberger, P.
G42A-08Abstract Title: Models for Variations in the Global Geophysical Fluids and Their Impact on Space-Geodetic Solutions
Steiger, N. J.
PP41D-04Abstract Title: It might take three: proxy system models as the missing link between proxies and climate models, and their potential for paleoclimate data assimilation
Steiger, W.
P31E-2089Abstract Title: COSIMA at Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko After Perihelion
Steigies, C. T.
IN11G-05Abstract Title: The NMDB collaboration, SH53A-2480Abstract Title: Forbush Effects on the Martian Surface and Earth’s Poles
Steiker, A. E.
C41C-0709Abstract Title: ICESat-2 Data Management Services and Processes, C41D-0750Abstract Title: MODIS Collection 6 Data at the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC)
Steimer, S.
A41K-0235Abstract Title: Radical production from photosensitization of imidazoles
Stein, A.
GP41A-03Abstract Title: Characterization of a Single Magnetotactic Bacterial Species from Devil's Bathtub, Mendon Ponds Park, Honeoye Falls, NY
Stein, A. F.
A21A-0040Abstract Title: Wild Fire Emissions for the NOAA Operational HYSPLIT Smoke Model, A22B-06Abstract Title: Use of Air Quality Observations by the National Air Quality Forecast Capability, B12E-07Abstract Title: Nitrogen Cycling In Latin America and : Drivers, Impacts And Vulnerabilities
Stein, C. A.
Stein, C.
DI11A-2572Abstract Title: Deep Structures and Initiation of Plate Tectonics in Thermochemical Mantle Convection Models
Stein, E. R.
H11B-1329Abstract Title: Numerical Modeling of Deep Borehole Disposal Performance: Influence of Regional Hydrology
Stein, E. D.
H11C-1362Abstract Title: From Gaged to Ungaged- Predicting Long-term Environmental Flows, and Ecosystems Responses.
Stein, J. R.
S52B-03Abstract Title: Dense Seismic Recordings of Two Surface-Detonated Chemical Explosions
Stein, M.
A51E-0114Abstract Title: Simulating Future Changes in Spatio-temporal Precipitation by Identifying and Characterizing Individual Rainstorm Events, GC41G-02Abstract Title: Changes in U.S. Temperature Extremes under Increased CO2 in Millennial-scale Climate Simulations, H31A-1394Abstract Title: Using ARM observations to test soil moisture dynamics in climate models
Stein, R. S.
T13DAbstract Title: The Best Geophysical Apps and Mobile Websites Posters, T13D-3033Abstract Title: Temblor, an app focused on your seismic risk and how to reduce it, T32AAbstract Title: Birch Lecture
Stein, R. L.
SM21A-2480Abstract Title: Observations and Simulations of Whistler Waves in Earth's Radiation Belts, SM21A-2491Abstract Title: Observations and Simulations of Whistler-mode Waves Detected by the Van Allen Probes, SM21A-2496Abstract Title: Whistler-Mode Waves inside Density Ducts Observed by the Van Allen Probes
Stein, R.
PP33A-2293Abstract Title: Sea ice cover variability and river run-off in the western Laptev Sea (Arctic Ocean) since the last 18 ka
Stein, R. H.
C33F-04Abstract Title: Submarine Landslides along the Siberian part of Lomonosov Ridge: Triggering Mechanisms, Timing and Significance
Stein, S. A.
ED53E-0883Abstract Title: Should Fermi Have Secured his Water Heater Against Earthquakes?, S21B-2682Abstract Title: Comparing the Performance of Japan’s Earthquake Hazard Maps to Uniform and Randomized Maps, S31B-06Abstract Title: Metrics, Bayes, and BOGSAT: Recognizing and Assessing Uncertainties in Earthquake Hazard Maps, T11C-2904Abstract Title: Rayleigh Wave Tomography of Mid-Continent Rift (MCR) using Earthquake and Ambient Noise Data, T11C-2906Abstract Title: Crustal Structure in the area of the North American Mid-Continent Rift System from P-wave Receiver Functions, T24A-06Abstract Title: NORTH AMERICA’S MIDCONTINENT RIFT: WHEN RIFT MET LIP, T51E-2959Abstract Title: AGE OF THE JACOBSVILLE SANDSTONE AND IMPLICATIONS FOR THE EVOLUTION OF THE MIDCONTINENT RIFT
Stein, T. H. M.
A43I-04Abstract Title: Evaluating Precipitation, Latent Heat Release and Potential Vorticity in Extratropical Cyclones in a High Resolution Climate Model using Reanalysis and Remote Sensing Data
Steinbach, J.
C33F-03Abstract Title: Methane distribution in porewaters of the Eastern Siberian Shelf Sea – chemical, acoustic, and video observations, C43A-0782Abstract Title: Observations of Methane Concentration and d13C-CH4 in the East Siberian Sea Waters, C43A-0783Abstract Title: Triple-Isotope-Based Source Apportionment of Methane in Waters of the Outer Laptev Sea
Steinbeck, J. R.
OS31A-1984Abstract Title: Linking Planktonic Larval Abundance to Internal Bores at the Head of the Monterey Submarine Canyon.
Steinberg, J. T.
SM14C-08Abstract Title: Electron Radiation Belt Dropouts in the Absence of Geomagnetic Storms, SM41A-2463Abstract Title: Generation of a Solar Wind Ensemble for Space Weather Forecasting
Steinberg, N.
PA12A-04Abstract Title: Translating climate data for business decisions
Steinberger, B. M.
DI34A-08Abstract Title: The Relative Motion of Pacific Mantle Plumes: Implications for the Viscosity Structure of the Earth’s Mantle., DI41A-2597Abstract Title: Models and Observations of Plume-Ridge Interaction in the South Atlantic and their Implications for Crustal Thickness Variations
Steinbrecht, W.
A42E-01Abstract Title: Long-Term Ozone Trends from Satellite and Ground-Based Data: General Approach, Results and Uncertainties., A43E-0339Abstract Title: Temperature Trends over Germany from Homogenized Radiosonde Data.
Steinbrügge, G.
P34A-08Abstract Title: Measuring Ganymede's Tidal Deformation by Laser Altimetry: A performance Analysis for the GALA Experiment, P53G-03Abstract Title: Europa Tide Inversion from REASON Altimetry
Steiner, A. L.
A11T-07Abstract Title: FORCAsTing the Influence of a Forest Canopy on the Bi-Directional Exchange of Gases and Aerosols, A23F-0398Abstract Title: Transport and radiative impacts of atmospheric pollen using online, observation-based emissions , B41I-06Abstract Title: Fluxes at the canopy interface: Synthesizing across the canopy, boundary layer and regional scales
Steiner, A. K.
A43H-08Abstract Title: Towards Solving the Global Climate Monitoring Problem for the Fundamental State of the Atmosphere with GNSS Radio Occultation
Steiner, J. F.
C41D-0725Abstract Title: Employing terrestrial photogrammetry to determine surface roughness on a debris covered glacier, C43F-08Abstract Title: After the Earthquake: Impacts of Seismic Snow and Ice Redistribution in Langtang Valley, Nepal, on Glacier Mass Balances and Hydrological Regimes
Steiner, J. L.
H51Q-04Abstract Title: Forecasting Regional Agroecosystems Responses to Drought and Wet Periods using Long Term Data from LTAR and LTER sites
Steiner, N.
GC34A-07Abstract Title: Arctic Marine Biogeochemistry in a Global Ice-Ocean Ecosystem Model: A Look at Seasonal Features and Spatial Patterns
Steiner, N.
A33F-0246Abstract Title: Constraining the 2012-2014 growing season Alaskan methane budget using CARVE aircraft measurements, C41D-0757Abstract Title: Snowmelt and Surface Freeze/Thaw Timings over Alaska derived from Passive Microwave Observations using a Wavelet Classifier
Steiner, R. V.
ED21F-06Abstract Title: Approaches to Climate Literacy at the American Museum of Natural History
Steiner, S. M.
ED13B-0891Abstract Title: From the field to the classroom: Connecting climate research to classroom lessons, ED51C-0825Abstract Title: Exploring Patterns of Soil Organic Matter Decomposition with Students through the Global Decomposition Project (GDP) and the Interactive Model of Leaf Decomposition (IMOLD)
Steinhage, D.
C32B-04Abstract Title: Ultra-Wideband Radars for Measurements over Land and Sea Ice
Steinhagen, J.
SH31C-2427Abstract Title: Distinguishing 3He and 4He with the Electron Proton Telescope (EPT) on Solar Orbiter
Steinhardt, W.
NG12A-05Abstract Title: Measurement of Three Dimensional Strains Surrounding Hydraulic Fracture in Brittle Hydrogel
Steinhoefel, G.
EP12B-03Abstract Title: Boron isotopes at the Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory
Steinhoff, D.
GC11H-1112Abstract Title: Aedes aegypti Global Suitability Maps Using a Water Container Energy Balance Model for Dengue Risk Applications
Steinkamp, J.
B11C-0432Abstract Title: Global terrestrial carbon and nitrogen cycling insensitive to estimates of biological N fixation, B14B-08Abstract Title: Millennial-scale drivers of carbon storage and flux in terrestrial ecosystem models, B43K-07Abstract Title: From Dynamic Global Vegetation Modelling to Real-World regional and local Application
Steinkamp, K.
A31B-0039Abstract Title: Oxygen gradients across the Pacific Ocean: Resolving an apparent discrepancy between atmospheric and ocean observations and models
Steinke, R. C.
H21A-1345Abstract Title: Effects of Macropores on Infiltration and Runoff Generation in Tropical Saprolitic Soils at the Small Catchment Scale, H21K-04Abstract Title: A Mass Conservative Method for Integrating 1-D Vadose Zone Simulations Discretized in the Moisture Content Domain with 2-D Groundwater Interflow Simulations, H31C-1424Abstract Title: You Don't Need Richards'... A New General 1-D Vadose Zone Solution Method that is Reliable, H54A-05Abstract Title: A Vectorial Model to Compute Terrain Parameters, Local and Remote Sheltering, Scattering and Albedo using TIN Domains for Hydrologic Modeling.
Steinle, L.
Steinle-Neumann, G.
MR33D-04Abstract Title: High P-T diffusive transport properties of liquid iron alloys and peridotite melt
Steinman, B. A.
ED31D-0924Abstract Title: Reinforcing key concepts in the discipline of geobiology through active learning in the field – an example integrating middle school through graduate school students, GC21F-05Abstract Title: A 3000 year lake sediment record of local and synoptic Indian summer monsoon variability from the southeastern Tibetan Plateau, GC41H-02Abstract Title: Robust Comparison of Climate Models with Observations Using Blended Land Air and Ocean Sea Surface Temperatures, NG41A-1764Abstract Title: Internal Interdecadal Variability in CMIP5 Control Simulations, PP23A-2273Abstract Title: Sedimentology, geochronology, oxygen isotope and grain size stratigraphy of a core from Pretty Lake, Indiana: Exploring Midwestern hydroclimate during the last 2000 years, PP23A-2283Abstract Title: Model based paleoclimate interpretations of Holocene oxygen isotope records from the Pacific Northwest
Steinschneider, S.
A51H-0160Abstract Title: Daily precipitation and tropical moisture exports across the eastern United States: an application of archetypal analysis to identify spatiotemporal structure
Steinwand, D.
Stekel, T. R. C.
SH13D-2462Abstract Title: Design review of the Brazilian Experimental Solar Telescope
Stell, M. H.
A12A-02Abstract Title: The Impact of Oil and Natural Gas Activity on Ozone Formation in the Colorado Front Range, A12A-05Abstract Title: Impacts of the Denver Cyclone on Regional Air Quality and Aerosol Formation in the Colorado Front Range during the Front Range Air Pollution and Photochemistry Éxperiment (FRAPPÉ) 2014, A21A-0011Abstract Title: Aerosol Optical Extinction during the Front Range Air Pollution and Photochemistry Experiment (FRAPPE) 2014 Summertime Field Campaign, Colorado U.S.A. , A23N-07Abstract Title: Impacts of Oil and Gas Exploration Activities on SOA formation in the Colorado Front Range, B11D-0457Abstract Title: Airborne Observations of Mercury Emissions from the Chicago/Gary Urban/Industrial Area during the 2013 NOMADSS Campaign
Stella, J. C.
EP51C-0929Abstract Title: Interactions between fluvial forces and vegetation size, density and morphology influence plant mortality during experimental floods
Steller, M.
SM41I-02Abstract Title: First MMS Observations of High Time Resolution 3D Electric and Magnetic fields at the Dayside Magnetopause., SM43A-02Abstract Title: Effect of electron ambient plasmas in reconnection jets and dipolarization fronts : MMS initial results, SM51A-2523Abstract Title: Multi-point, multi-scale observation of the near-Earth current sheet reconfiguration during storm-time multi-onset substorms
Stellern, C.
NH51C-1897Abstract Title: Characterization of Seasonally Dependent Emergent Vegetation Variables for Coastal Impact Models, PA41A-2162Abstract Title: Effects of Emergent Vegetation on Sediment Dynamics within a Retreating Coastal Marshland
Stelling, P. L.
V13C-3161Abstract Title: Sub-glacial Origin of the Hot Springs Bay Valley hydrothermal System, Akutan, Alaska
Stellmach, S.
P41A-2034Abstract Title: Anelastic Versus Fully Compressible Turbulent Rayleigh-B\'enard Convection
Stelten, M. E.
V13B-3106Abstract Title: Magma Differentiation and Storage Inferred from Crystal Textures at Harrat Rahat Volcanic Field, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, V13B-3108Abstract Title: Petrologic and Volcanologic Constraints on Depths of Evolved Magma Generation and Storage at Northern Harrat Rahat and Harrat Khaybar, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, V23A-3062Abstract Title: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Unraveling the Spatio-Temporal Relationships of Basalt Flows within Northermost Harrat Rahat, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, V33D-3130Abstract Title: Improved Constraints on the Eruptive History of Northern Harrat Rahat Volcanic Field, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, V41D-07Abstract Title: The crystal’s view of upper-crustal magma reservoirs
Stelten, S. A.
A41F-0123Abstract Title: Classification and Analysis of Four Types of Elevated Nocturnal Convective Initiation During Summer 2015
Steltzer, H.
B21GAbstract Title: Understanding Phenology across Scales and Improving Linkages to Ecosystem Functions I Posters, B21G-0558Abstract Title: Multiple climate drivers accelerate Arctic plant community senescence, B23KAbstract Title: Understanding Phenology across Scales and Improving Linkages to Ecosystem Functions II, B24EAbstract Title: Understanding Phenology across Scales and Improving Linkages to Ecosystem Functions III, B31GAbstract Title: Understanding Phenology across Scales and Improving Linkages to Ecosystem Functions IV, B31G-02Abstract Title: What You See Depends on Your Point of View: Comparison of Greenness Indices Across Spatial and Temporal Scales and What That Means for Mule Deer Migration and Fitness
Stemann, T.
PP43C-2297Abstract Title: Evidence of Last Interglacial sea-level oscillations and recent tectonism in the Late Pleistocene Falmouth Formation of Jamaica
Stenbaek-Nielsen, H.
AE31A-0412Abstract Title: Lightning spectra at 100,000 fps
Stenberg, P.
B31A-0515Abstract Title: Global Greening Is Firm, Drivers Are Mixed, GC23K-1235Abstract Title: Hyperspectral and Polarimetric Signatures of Vegetation from AirMSPI and AVIRIS Measurements
Stenberg Wieser, G.
P31E-2093Abstract Title: The Magnetic Response to Sudden Mass-loading of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko’s Induced Magnetosphere, P31E-2097Abstract Title: Solar Wind Interaction with Comet 67P/C-G: Impact of Corotating Interaction Regions, P31E-2101Abstract Title: The Evolution of Comet 67P as Seen by a Mass-Resolving Ion Spectrometer, SM53B-07Abstract Title: Ion Outflow from Venus and Mars and the Processes Involved
Stenberg Wieser, G.
P31E-2094Abstract Title: RPC-IES observations of the development and variability of plasma interaction regions near 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, P31E-2112Abstract Title: Mapping of the cometary plasma density around comet CG/67P at perihelion.
Stenborg, G.
SH21B-2409Abstract Title: A STEREO/SECCHI COR2 Catalog of CME Properties Built via a ‘Hybrid’ (manual-automatic) Event Detection and Measurement Technique, SM31D-2542Abstract Title: Dynamics of High-Velocity Evanescent Clumps (HVECs) Emitted from Comet C/2011 L4 (Pan-STARRS) as Observed by STEREO
Stenchikov, G. L.
A33D-0201Abstract Title: Inferring brown carbon content from UV aerosol absorption measurements during biomass burning season, A33L-0354Abstract Title: Mechanisms and Effects of Summertime Transport of African Dust Through the Tokar Mountain Gap to the Red Sea and Arabian Peninsula, A33L-0368Abstract Title: Deposition Rates and Characterization of Arabian Mineral Dust, A51N-0268Abstract Title: COMPOSITION AND ORIGIN OF THE ASIAN TROPOPAUSE AEROSOL LAYER (ATAL)
Stendel, M.
C34A-06Abstract Title: Subsea Permafrost Climate Modeling – Challenges and First Results
Stender, V.
IN13B-1839Abstract Title: An Earthquake Information Service with Free and Open Source Tools, IN34A-04Abstract Title: FOSS Tools for Research Infrastructures – A Success Story?
Steneck, R.
PP13D-01Abstract Title: Multi-centennial reconstruction of Aleutian climate from coralline algae
Stengel, M.
A43B-0277Abstract Title: The ESA Cloud_cci Project: Generation of Multi-Decadal, Consistent, Global Data Sets of Cloud Properties with Uncertainty Information
Stenke, A.
A23J-03Abstract Title: Constraining the Sources and Sinks of Atmospheric Methane Using Stable Isotope Observations and Chemistry Climate Modeling, A33C-0176Abstract Title: What has driven the interannual variability of atmospheric methane concentrations over the last three decades?
Stenni, B.
A51V-06Abstract Title: Insights on Antarctic climate variability from paleo-temperature proxies
Stenseng, L.
C41A-0686Abstract Title: Sea surface retracking and classification of CryoSat-2 altimetry observations in the Arctic Ocean, H53F-1717Abstract Title: Lake levels based on CryoSat-2 SAR radar altimetry
Stenzel, O.
P31E-2089Abstract Title: COSIMA at Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko After Perihelion
Stepanauskas, R.
B11I-0558Abstract Title: Ecogenomic characterization of a marine microorganism belonging to a Firmicutes lineage that is widespread in both terrestrial and oceanic subsurface environments, B14E-07Abstract Title: Genomic variation of subseafloor archaeal and bacterial populations from venting fluids at the Mid-Cayman Rise, B23I-01Abstract Title: Recent advances in microbial single cell genomics technology and applications
Stepanenko, V.
GC31B-1180Abstract Title: The Tturbulent Structure of the Atmospheric Boundary Layer over Small Northern Lakes
Stepanova, A.
PP24A-02Abstract Title: Paradoxical High Productivity in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific Ocean During the Miocene “El Padre”, ODP Site 849, and IODP Sites U1337 and U1338
Stepanova, M. V.
SH31A-2396Abstract Title: Role of turbulent transport in the evolution of the κappa distribution functions in the plasma sheet, SM41G-2563Abstract Title: Monitoring of the mass density profile along the 0° geomagnetic longitude during magnetic storms with the use of ground magnetometers.
Stephan, A. W.
SA51C-2418Abstract Title: Advanced Ionospheric Sensing using GROUP-C and LITES aboard the ISS
Stephan, C. C.
A54F-08Abstract Title: The Role of Gravity Waves from Severe US Convection in Driving the Brewer-Dobson Circulation Using a Model with Realistic Thermodynamic Sources, SA13A-2328Abstract Title: A regional study of atmospheric gravity waves using the USArray Transportable Array
Stephan, E.
A11H-0169Abstract Title: A Standardized Based Approach to Managing Atmosphere Studies For Wind Energy Research
Stephan, K.
P13B-2126Abstract Title: Dark Areas on Equatorial Regions of Titan: Implication in Particles Size of Water-Ice and Combination with Tholins., P42A-05Abstract Title: The Geology of Ceres: an Overview, P53E-2173Abstract Title: Preliminary Geological Map of the Ac-H-6 Haulani Quadrangle of Ceres: An Integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data, P53E-2178Abstract Title: Preliminary Geological Map of the Ac-H-11 Sintana Quadrangle of Ceres: An Integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data, P53E-2182Abstract Title: Comparative tectonic features on Ceres and other planetary bodies, P53E-2184Abstract Title: Regional and Local Temperature Maps of Dwarf Planet Ceres from Dawn/VIR
Stephan, T.
P31E-2089Abstract Title: COSIMA at Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko After Perihelion
Stephen, R. A.
C11C-0775Abstract Title: Seismic Excitation of the Ross Ice Shelf by Whillans Ice Stream Stick-Slip Events, C11C-0776Abstract Title: Ice shelf structure from dispersion curve analysis of passive-source seismic data, Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica, S23C-2747Abstract Title: Three-dimensional numerical modeling of bottom-diffracted surface-reflected arrivals in the North Pacific, S52A-06Abstract Title: Teleseismic Earthquake Signals Observed on an Ice Shelf
Stephens, B. M.
ED33D-0963Abstract Title: Fatty acids as biomarkers for food web structure in the eastern North Pacific Ocean
Stephens, B.
SA42A-04Abstract Title: Optical imaging of airglow structure in equatorial plasma bubbles at radio scintillation scales
Stephens, B. B.
A31B-0039Abstract Title: Oxygen gradients across the Pacific Ocean: Resolving an apparent discrepancy between atmospheric and ocean observations and models, B12D-06Abstract Title: Toward Reducing Uncertainties in Biospheric Carbon Uptake in the American West: An Atmospheric Perspective, B54A-04Abstract Title: Carbon Dioxide and its Stable Isotopes at Niwot Ridge, Colorado
Stephens, G. L.
A24D-04Abstract Title: Cloud Effects on Atmospheric Solar Absorption in Light of Most Recent Surface, Satellite, and GCM Datasets, A33R-01Abstract Title: The Radiative controls of the Earth’s Hydrological Sensitivity, A34CAbstract Title: High-Resolution Climate Modeling I, A41DAbstract Title: High-Resolution Climate Modeling II Posters, A41O-07Abstract Title: The impacts of the 2014 eruption of Holuhraun in Iceland: the tropospheric equivalent of Mount Pinatubo, A51M-0251Abstract Title: Land-Ocean Difference of the Warm Rain Formation Process in Satellite Observations, Ground-Based Observations, and Model Simulations, A51OAbstract Title: Tropical and Midlatitude Convective Storm Systems and Their Roles in Weather and Climate I Posters, A52D-01Abstract Title: Quantifying Atmospheric Moist Processes from Earth Observations. Really?, A53IAbstract Title: Tropical and Midlatitude Convective Storm Systems and Their Roles in Weather and Climate II, A54FAbstract Title: Tropical and Midlatitude Convective Storm Systems and Their Roles in Weather and Climate III
Stephens, G. K.
SM41E-2515Abstract Title: Van Allen Probes Science Gateway: A Centralized Data Access Point, SM41E-2536Abstract Title: New-generation empirical magnetic field models: Increasing resolution of equatorial and Birkeland currents and transition from modeling to nowcasting, SM52A-07Abstract Title: GLOBAL STORM-TIME EVOLUTION OF THE RING CURRENT AND THE MAGNETIC FIELD FROM IMAGE AND TS07D
Stephens, M.
PP11B-2237Abstract Title: A Two-year Record of Daily Rainfall Isotopes from Fiji: Implications for Reconstructing Precipitation from Speleothem δ18O
Stephens, S.
GC11C-1054Abstract Title: Fire Management for Climate Change Refugia, GC33E-1337Abstract Title: Resilience Through Disturbance: Effects of Wildfire on Vegetation and Water Balance in the Sierra Nevadas
Stephens, S. H.
GC53A-1184Abstract Title: Practical Tips and Techniques on the Process of Transdisciplinary Sea Level Rise Research
Stephenson, B. E.
ED43A-0871Abstract Title: Bringing the Great American Eclipse of 2017 to Audiences across the Nation, ED51B-0814Abstract Title: Small Worlds Week: Raising Curiosity and Contributing to STEM
Stephenson, D.
A33K-0346Abstract Title: A New Way to Measure Stratosphere-Troposphere Coupling in Observations and IPCC Models, SH21B-2412Abstract Title: Verification of Space Weather Forecasts using Terrestrial Weather Approaches
Stephenson, G.
GC52C-05Abstract Title: Lower Velocity Sites Improve the Tidal-Stream Energy Resource
Stephenson, J.
DI33A-2610Abstract Title: The PKP travel time anomaly of the South Sandwich Island earthquakes in the context of inner core anisotropy, DI42A-01Abstract Title: Complex Inner Core of the Earth
Stephenson, M.
B11D-0477Abstract Title: Using Permanent Wetlands as Polishing Ponds to Remove Monomethylmercury: Results of a Large Scale Replicated Field Experiment
Stephenson, N.
GC31G-01Abstract Title: A Classification of Recent Widespread Tree Mortality in the Western US
Stephenson, N. M.
EP53A-0973Abstract Title: Using Geomorphic and Geologic Parameters to Identify Optimal Endemic Wēkiu Bug Habitat on the Summit of Maunakea, Hawai‘i
Stephenson, R.
GP13B-1289Abstract Title: Geological Features and Crustal Structure of the Cretaceous Middle Benue Trough, Nigeria: Insights from Detailed Analysis and Modelling of Magnetic and Gravity Data, T11A-2854Abstract Title: Perennial plate tectonics with lasting mantle lithosphere scars, T33A-2921Abstract Title: Glacial erosion during orogenesis: A study of the intraplate Eurekan Orogeny of Ellesmere Island., T43F-03Abstract Title: Circum-Arctic lithospheric transects from onshore to offshore
Stephenson, S. R.
C52A-07Abstract Title: SONARC: A Sea Ice Monitoring and Forecasting System to Support Safe Operations and Navigation in Arctic Seas, GC31F-03Abstract Title: A Vulnerability-Benefit Analysis of Fossil Fuel CO2 Emissions
Stephenson, S.
T21B-2826Abstract Title: A Cenozoic Record of Uplift, Erosion and Dynamic Support: Examples from Madagascar
Stephenson, S. N.
GC11G-1104Abstract Title: Look Who’s Talking – The Role of the IARPC Collaborations Website in Supporting Mutli-Institution Dialog on Arctic Research Imperatives, PA23A-2182Abstract Title: Networking 2.0: Expanding your collaboration circles through the Interagency Arctic Research Policy Committee (IARPC), TH25FAbstract Title: Interagency Arctic Research Policy Committee (IARPC): Accelerating the Pace of Arctic Research
Stephenson, W. J.
GP13B-1296Abstract Title: The Spokane fault, Washington, Imaged with High-Resolution Airborne Magnetic Data—Implications for the 2001 Spokane Earthquake Sequence, S41B-2719Abstract Title: Multi-channel Linear Array Seismic Interferometry: Insights on Passive Seismic Imaging of the Upper 1 km in an Urban Area, S41C-05Abstract Title: Predicting Strong Ground-Motion Seismograms for Magnitude 9 Cascadia Earthquakes Using 3D Simulations with High Stress Drop Sub-Events
Steppe, K.
B14B-04Abstract Title: The Power of the Rhythm of Tree Stems
Sterb, M.
T12B-08Abstract Title: The Jianchuan Basin, Yunnan: Implications on the Evolution of SE Tibet During the Eocene
Sterckx, A.
H51I-1515Abstract Title: The impact of glaciations and glacial processes on groundwater flow dynamics: a numerical investigation
Sterken, V. J.
SH53C-07Abstract Title: New insights in the interstellar dust properties and its interaction with the heliosphere from data, simulations and experiments
Sterling, A. C.
SH23D-04Abstract Title: Revised View of Solar X-Ray Jets, SH31B-2415Abstract Title: Visibility of Hinode/XRT X-Ray Jets at AIA/EUV Wavelengths, a Temperature Indicator, SH53B-2485Abstract Title: Exploring the properties of Solar Prominence Tornados, SH54B-07Abstract Title: A Series of Streamer-Puff CMEs Driven by Solar Homologous Jets
Sterling, C. W.
A11M-0258Abstract Title: Quantifying Ozone Production throughout the Boundary Layer from High Frequency Tethered Profile Measurements during a High Ozone Episode in the Uinta Basin, Utah, A21A-0016Abstract Title: Tethered Ozonesonde Measurements During FRAPPE July-August 2014, A43E-0325Abstract Title: Data Homogenization of the NOAA Long-Term Ozonesonde Records, A43E-0326Abstract Title: Reprocessing the Southern Hemisphere ADditional OZonesondes (SHADOZ) Database for Long-Term Trend Analyses
Sterman, J.
ED23F-02Abstract Title: The World Climate Exercise: Is (Simulated) Experience Our Best Teacher?, ED33C-0942Abstract Title: The World Climate Project: Bringing the UN Climate Negotiations to Classrooms, Boardrooms, and Living Rooms Near You
Stern, A.
P33E-07Abstract Title: Ultraviolet emission from CG's coma: fluorescence versus electron-impact excitation, P41EAbstract Title: Exploring the Kuiper Belt: New Horizons Reaches the Pluto System I, P41E-01Abstract Title: A First Look at the Geology of Charon, P41E-02Abstract Title: Charon as Seen by New Horizons in the Infrared, P41E-03Abstract Title: Comparisons Between New Horizons Results and Long-Term Monitoring of Pluto, P41E-04Abstract Title: Processes Modifying Cratered Terrains on Pluto, P41E-05Abstract Title: Geomorphic Evolution of Sputnik Planum and Surrounding Terrain, P41E-08Abstract Title: Radii and Shape of Pluto and Charon: Preliminary Results from New Horizons, P41E-09Abstract Title: New Insights into the Structure, Origin, and Evolution of Pluto and Charon, P44B-08Abstract Title: The Chasmata and Montes of Charon, P51AAbstract Title: Exploring the Kuiper Belt: New Horizons Reaches the Pluto System II Posters, P51A-2040Abstract Title: N2 glacial flow on and onto Sputnik Planum, P51A-2041Abstract Title: Convection in Solid Nitrogen and Other Supervolatile Ices on Pluto, P51A-2042Abstract Title: Understanding Pluto's Surface: Correlations between Geology and Composition, P51A-2046Abstract Title: Searching for Charon's Atmosphere, P54AAbstract Title: Exploring the Kuiper Belt: New Horizons Reaches the Pluto System III, P54A-02Abstract Title: Pluto’s Global Color Variability as Seen by the New Horizons Multispectral Visible Imaging Camera, P54A-04Abstract Title: Photometric Properties of Pluto and Charon: Comparison to Other Bodies, P54A-05Abstract Title: The New Horizons Radio Science Experiment: Performance and Measurements of Pluto's Atmospheric Structure, Surface Pressure, and Surface Temperature , P54A-06Abstract Title: Radio Occultation Measurements of Pluto’s Atmosphere with New Horizons, P54A-09Abstract Title: Pluto’s Far Ultraviolet Spectrum and Airglow Emissions, SM42B-03Abstract Title: Escape of Pluto's Atmosphere: In Situ Measurements from New Horizons and Remote Observations from Chandra, U53A-03Abstract Title: Geology of Pluto and Charon Overview
Stern, B.
GC24C-01Abstract Title: Toward a unified system for understanding, predicting and projecting regional hurricane activity, GC41A-1077Abstract Title: The Roles of Radiative Forcing, Sea Surface Temperatures, and Atmospheric and Land Initial Conditions in U.S. Summer Warming Episodes
Stern, D. P.
A51PAbstract Title: Tropical Cyclones: Observations, Modeling, and Predictability II Posters, A51P-0307Abstract Title: Extreme Updrafts and Wind Speeds Measured by Dropsondes in Tropical Cyclones, A51P-0316Abstract Title: Determining High-Wind Enthalpy Fluxes from Dropsonde Profiles in Tropical Cyclones
Stern, H. L. III
GC31A-1163Abstract Title: Changes in Arctic Sea Ice Floe Size Distribution in the Marginal Ice Zone in a Thickness and Floe Size Distribution Model
Stern, J. C.
B31C-0571Abstract Title: Real-time measurements of CH4 and CO2 flux and del13C from a proglacial wetland in southwestern Greenland., P23C-02Abstract Title: Australian Acid Playa Lake as a Mars Analog: Results from Sediment Lipid Analysis, P31F-07Abstract Title: Iron-rich Carbonates as the Potential Source of Evolved CO2 Detected by the Sample Analysis at Mars (SAM) instrument in Gale Crater. , P43B-2127Abstract Title: Indigenous Fixed Nitrogen on Mars: Implications for Habitability
Stern, L. A.
B12B-01Abstract Title: New Methods for Gas Hydrate Energy and Climate Studies
Stern, R.
A31A-0018Abstract Title: Aerosol Chemical and Physical Characterization in Central Amazonia during the 2013 Dry Season
Stern, R. J.
ED14B-05Abstract Title: A NEW ANIMATION OF SUBDUCTION PROCESSES FOR UNDERGRADUATES, T22A-01Abstract Title: Plume tectonics and cratons formation in the early Earth, T32CAbstract Title: Oceanic and Arc Lithospheres: Clues from Modern Examples and Ophiolites I, T41EAbstract Title: Oceanic and Arc Lithospheres: Clues from Modern Examples and Ophiolites II Posters, U41AAbstract Title: When and How Did Plate Tectonics Begin, What Came Before, and Why Is This Controversy Important for Understanding the Earth?, U41A-06Abstract Title: DISCUSSION: When and How did Plate Tectonics Begin, What Came Before, and Why is this Controversy important for Understanding the Earth and Exoplanets?
Stern, S. A.
P13E-02Abstract Title: The Ultraviolet Spectrograph on the Europa Mission (Europa-UVS), P41EAbstract Title: Exploring the Kuiper Belt: New Horizons Reaches the Pluto System I, P41E-06Abstract Title: Geomorphological Mapping of Sputnik Planum and Surrounding Terrain on Pluto, P41E-07Abstract Title: Craters on Pluto and Charon: The Influence of Low Gravities, Low Impact Speeds, and Unique Ices, P51AAbstract Title: Exploring the Kuiper Belt: New Horizons Reaches the Pluto System II Posters, P51A-2031Abstract Title: Shapes and Rotations of the Small Satellites of Pluto, P51A-2039Abstract Title: New Horizons approach photometry of Pluto and Charon: light curves and Solar phase curves, P54AAbstract Title: Exploring the Kuiper Belt: New Horizons Reaches the Pluto System III, P54A-01Abstract Title: Color and Composition of Pluto and Its Moons from the New Horizons Mission, U53A-01Abstract Title: Overview of Key Results from the Exploration of the Pluto System by New Horizons, U53A-07Abstract Title: The interacting surface and atmosphere of Pluto
Stern, T. A.
DI11B-2594Abstract Title: CONSTRAINTS ON THE NATURE OF THE G-BOUNDARY IN SUBDUCTING OCEANIC LITHOSPHERE, BASED ON HIGH FREQUENCY (14 HZ) SEISMIC REFLECTION DATA, DI11B-2595Abstract Title: Seismic Probing of the Base of a Tectonic Plate from Subduction Zone to Trench Outer Rise: Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand, S11B-05Abstract Title: WIDE ANGLE SEISMIC IMAGING OF (SERPENTINITE ?) FAULT ZONES THAT PASS THROUGH THE MOHO IN A COLLISIONAL- FORELAND BASIN SETTING, T21D-2855Abstract Title: Three-Dimensional Vp Imaging Across the Interseismically Locked Southern Hikurangi Margin, Wellington, New Zealand, T43C-3032Abstract Title: What Controls Slip Directions of Diffuse Microseismicity in a Zone of Continental Transpression, South Island, New Zealand?
Sterne, A. M. E.
B11H-0552Abstract Title: Degradation State and Sequestration Potential of Carbon in Coastal Wetlands of Texas: Mangrove Vs. Saltmarsh Ecosystems
Sternemann, C.
MR13C-2712Abstract Title: X-ray Raman Scattering at Extreme Conditions: Insights to Local Structure, Oxidation and Spin state
Sternovsky, Z.
P11B-2087Abstract Title: The Main-belt Asteroid and NEO Tour with Imaging and Spectroscopy (MANTIS), P51A-2051Abstract Title: Dust Ablation in Pluto's Atmosphere, P51B-2056Abstract Title: In-Situ Dust Detection by Spacecraft Antennas: Laboratory Characterization of Particle Energies and Geometrical Effects, SH41D-2397Abstract Title: Advanced In-Situ Detection and Chemical Analysis of Interstellar Dust Particles
Stets, E.
B13J-07Abstract Title: Biodegradability of dissolved and particulate organic matter in tributaries of contrasting land-use in the Upper Mississippi River, B51F-0489Abstract Title: Synchrony and Divergence in Stream Metabolism across the Continental United States, GC12B-10Abstract Title: Aquatic carbon fluxes from the conterminous US and Alaska, GC13F-1221Abstract Title: Dissolved Organic Carbon Fluxes in Rivers of the Conterminous United States: Influence of Terrestrial – Aquatic Linkages
Stettler, M. E. J.
A11S-05Abstract Title: Global Civil Aviation Black Carbon Particle Mass and Number Emissions
Steuber, T.
PP33C-2325Abstract Title: The Triassic–Jurassic Boundary Event at the Paleo-Equator: Evidence for Global Change from Carbonate Sedimentology and Chemostratigraphy, Ras Al Khaimah, UAE.
Steup, G.
Steven, C. C.
H13P-04Abstract Title: Transport and Retention of Concentrated Oil-in-Water Emulsions in Sandy Porous Media
Steven, L. I.
GC41C-1105Abstract Title: Ecohydrological Implications of Drought for U.S. Forests, H11I-1460Abstract Title: The Impact of Land Cover and Land Use Changes on the Hydrological Cycle of the Tarim Basin, NW China, H13C-1532Abstract Title: Simulating Water and Nutrient Transport in an Urbanizing Agricultural Watershed with Lake-Level Regulation Using a Coupled Modeling Approach, H13F-1606Abstract Title: Impacts of Shallow Groundwater and Soil Texture on Agricultural Drought Resistance, H13F-1611Abstract Title: Relationships Between Shallow Groundwater and Tree Growth in a Northern Wisconsin Forest, H14C-07Abstract Title: The groundwater subsidy to vegetation: groundwater exchanges between landcover patches, H24F-03Abstract Title: Changing spatial patterns of evapotranspiration and deep drainage in response to the interactions among impervious surface arrangement, soil characteristics, and weather on a residential parcel., H33I-1726Abstract Title: From provocative narrative scenarios to quantitative biophysical model results: Simulating plausible futures to 2070 in an urbanizing agricultural watershed in Wisconsin, USA
Stevenazzi, S.
H13J-1722Abstract Title: Aquifer recharge from infiltration basins in a highly urbanized area: the river Po Plain (Italy)
Stevens, A. H.
P31A-2025Abstract Title: Variation of Geochemical Signatures and Correlation of Biomarkers in Icelandic Mars Analogue Environments, P31A-2031Abstract Title: BASALT: BIOLOGIC ANALOG SCIENCE ASSOCIATED WITH LAVA TERRAINS
Stevens, A.
T23A-2911Abstract Title: Inherited weaknesses control deformation in the flat slab region of Central Argentina
Stevens, A. W.
EP22A-08Abstract Title: Delta Morphodynamics from River Sediment Input: Dam Removal, Elwha River, Washington, USA.
Stevens, B. B.
A41P-02Abstract Title: Easy Aerosol - a model intercomparison project to study aerosol-radiative interactions and their impact on regional climate, A51F-0136Abstract Title: Parameterized Radiative Convective Equilibrium Across a Range of Domains: A Unifying Tool for General Circulation Models and High Resolution Models, A51I-0185Abstract Title: A Negative Lifetime Effect in Large-Eddy Simulations of Trade-Wind Cumulus Clouds, A53E-05Abstract Title: Missing iris effect as a possible cause of muted hydrological change and high climate sensitivity in models 
Stevens, B.
ED43A-0873Abstract Title: The Flagstaff Festival of Science: Over 25 years of connecting research professionals with the people of Northern Arizona
Stevens, C.
C13C-0825Abstract Title: Comparing measured and modeled firn compaction rates in Greenland, C22A-04Abstract Title: The FirnCover Project – Real-time Monitoring of Greenland’s Firn Compaction in a Changing Climate
Stevens, C. L.
C31A-02Abstract Title: Platelet ice distribution in Antarctic sea ice and its implications for ocean - ice shelf interaction
Stevens, D. K.
H13C-1561Abstract Title: Effectiveness of SWAT in characterizing the watershed hydrology in the snowy-mountainous Lower Bear Malad River (LBMR) watershed in Box Elder County, Utah
Stevens, D. P.
C13E-06Abstract Title: Local surface winds modulate the ocean forcing of Pine Island Glacier
Stevens, E.
GC22B-05Abstract Title: The Production and Operational Use of Day-Night Band Imagery in Alaska, NH51E-1954Abstract Title: River Ice and Flood Detection Products Derived from Suomi NPP VIIRS Satellite Data to Support Hydrologic Forecast Operations in Alaska
Stevens, G.
H41C-1332Abstract Title: Subsurface Barrier Formation as a CO2 Leakage Mitigation Technology
Stevens, J. L.
S52B-06Abstract Title: The Effect of Steep Topography on Explosion-Generated Seismic Signals
Stevens, L. A.
C42AAbstract Title: Hydrology of Glaciers, Ice Caps, and Ice Sheets in Past, Present, and Future Climates II, C43E-06Abstract Title: The role of meltwater variability in modulating diurnal to inter-annual ice-sheet flow: New insights from a ~decade of high-temporal resolution GPS observations on the western Greenland margin, C51BAbstract Title: Hydrology of Glaciers, Ice Caps, and Ice Sheets in Past, Present, and Future Climates IV Posters
Stevens, L. R.
PP13B-2278Abstract Title: Southern California climate, hydrology and vegetation over the past ~96 ka from Baldwin Lake, San Bernardino Mountains, California
Stevens, M.
DI11B-2589Abstract Title: Phase Change Related Mechanical Instabilities During Two-Phase Flow in the Mantle., DI11B-2591Abstract Title: Migration, Storage and Seismic Signatures of Melting at the Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary
Stevens, M. H.
P12B-08Abstract Title: Investigating Titan Airglow’s Sources, Using the Imaging Capability of the Cassini-UVIS Instrument, P21A-2058Abstract Title: Mars’ ultraviolet dayglow observations by IUVS/MAVEN: Structure and variability of Martian upper atmosphere, P21A-2060Abstract Title: MAVEN/IUVS Apoapse Observations of the Martian FUV Dayglow, P21A-2061Abstract Title: Retrieval of Mars' Upper Atmospheric Composition using Dayglow Observations by IUVS on MAVEN, P21A-2068Abstract Title: Tides in the Martian Atmosphere as Observed by MAVEN IUVS, P21A-2069Abstract Title: Two Types of Aurora on Mars as Observed by MAVEN's Imaging UltraViolet Spectrograph, SA43C-07Abstract Title: The Michelson Interferometer for Global High-resolution Thermospheric Imaging (MIGHTI): Final Instrument Design and Update on Integration and Test of the Thermsopheric Wind and Temperature Instrument on the Ionospheric Connection Explorer (ICON)
Stevens, M. L.
EP53C-1041Abstract Title: MarsCAT: Mars Array of ionospheric Research Satellites using the CubeSat Ambipolar Thruster, P13E-09Abstract Title: The Plasma Instrument for Magnetic Sounding (PIMS): Enabling Required Plasma Measurements for the Exploration of Europa, SH11F-06Abstract Title: Multi-spacecraft Measurements of Heavy Ions at Interplanetary Shocks in front of Coronal Mass Ejections, SH12A-06Abstract Title: Presenting DSCOVR: The First NOAA Mission to Leave Earth Orbit, SH13E-04Abstract Title: Solar wind ion distribution broadening by waves and transients, SH22B-05Abstract Title: Interplanetary Shocks Observed by the DSCOVR Spacecraft, SH43A-2419Abstract Title: DSCOVR Observations of Magnetic Reconnection, SH53A-2475Abstract Title: Multi-spacecraft Characterization of Current Sheet Crossings in the Dynamic Solar Wind, SH53B-2511Abstract Title: Ion-Driven Instabilities in the Solar Wind: Wind Observations of 19 March 2005
Stevens, N. T.
C42A-01Abstract Title: Greenland Flow Dynamics: (De)coding Process Understanding, V53A-3130Abstract Title: ICE-SHEET ENHANCEMENT OF VOLCANISM AND GEOTHERMAL HEAT FLUX: A STRESS MODELING APPROACH
Stevens, N.
B11A-0411Abstract Title: Assessing ecosystem response to multiple disturbances and climate change in South Africa using ground- and satellite-based measurements and model
Stevens, P. S.
A13E-0382Abstract Title: OH radical reactivity in an Indiana Forest: Measurements and model comparisons, A13GAbstract Title: Atmospheric Oxidation Capacity Constraints: Laboratory Investigations, Field and Remote Sensing Observations, and Modeling Studies I, A13G-02Abstract Title: HOx Radical Chemistry in an Indiana Forest Environment: Measurement and Model Comparison, A14BAbstract Title: Atmospheric Oxidation Capacity Constraints: Laboratory Investigations, Field and Remote Sensing Observations, and Modeling Studies II, A21BAbstract Title: Atmospheric Oxidation Capacity Constraints: Laboratory Investigations, Field and Remote Sensing Observations, and Modeling Studies III Posters, A21B-0116Abstract Title: Measurements of Nitrous Acid (HONO) in an Indiana Forest by Laser Photofragmentation/Laser-induced Flourescence (LP/LIF), A31F-01Abstract Title: Development and first applications of an OH reactivity instrument based on the Comparative Reactivity Method, A31F-04Abstract Title: Development and field deployment of an instrument to measure ozone production rates in the troposphere
Stevens, R.
A34E-02Abstract Title: Arctic Aerosol-­Cloud Interactions during ASCOS
Stevens, S. E.
ED51E-08Abstract Title: Cyclone Center: Insights on Historical Tropical Cyclones from Citizen Volunteers, H24E-04Abstract Title: Merging Radar Quantitative Precipitation Estimates (QPEs) from the High-resolution NEXRAD Reanalysis over CONUS with Rain-gauge Observations
Stevens, T.
EP43A-0956Abstract Title: Characterization of detrital zircon U-Pb age patterns of the sandy and Gobi desert and implication for Chinese loess source
Stevens, V.
S41D-02Abstract Title: Slip pulse characteristics, Kathmandu basin resonance and high-frequency waves radiation during unzipping of locked MHT by the 2015, Mw 7.8 Gorkha earthquake, Nepal., S43D-2821Abstract Title: Geodetically constrained slip on the Main Himalayan Thrust fault from the 2015 Gorkha earthquake, S43D-2822Abstract Title: The 2015 Mw 7.8 Gorkha Earthquake: Constraining the Geometry of the Main Himalayan Thrust from Space Geodesy, S43D-2838Abstract Title: Magnitude and Return Period of the Maximum Plausible Earthquake in the Himalaya, T31D-04Abstract Title: Upperplate deformation, large interplate earthquakes and relation to friction properties of continental and subduction megathrust
Stevenson, B. S.
B21C-0445Abstract Title: Vertical Microbial Community Variability of Carbonate-based Cones may Provide Insight into Formation in the Rock Record, B21C-0450Abstract Title: Manganese Influences Carbonate Precipitation in a Laminated Microbial Mat, P31A-2024Abstract Title: Preservation Potential of Life in Little Hot Creek, California: Implications for the use of Hot Spring Systems as Astrobiological Targets
Stevenson, C.
T51E-2946Abstract Title: Lateral magma flow in sill-complexes: towards a paradigm shift in volcanology
Stevenson, D. J.
P13C-07Abstract Title: Statistical Constraints from Siderophile Elements on Earth's Accretion, Differentiation, and Initial Core Stratification, P31G-02Abstract Title: Probing the Interior Dynamics of Jupiter and Saturn with Gravity and Magnetic Fields, P31G-03Abstract Title: Modeling Ice Giant Interiors Using Constraints on the H2-H2O Critical Curve, P41B-2072Abstract Title: Limits on the Core Mass of Jupiter
Stevenson, E. I.
C51B-0720Abstract Title: Identifying Glacial Meltwater Sources in Greenland using Noble Gases as Tracers
Stevenson, E. I.
C11A-0747Abstract Title: Tracing Shifts in Subglacial Hydrochemistry Due to Changes in Drainage Configuration: Athabasca Glacier, Alberta, Canada
Stevenson, E.
A21G-0235Abstract Title: Evaluating Ambient Concentrations and Local Emissions of Greenhouse Gases (GHGs) in the San Francisco Bay Area of California Using a Comprehensive Fixed-site and Mobile Monitoring Network
Stevenson, J.
ED33D-0968Abstract Title: A Corresponding Study of Water Quality Evaluation of the Pasquotank Watershed in Northeastern North Carolina
Stevenson, J. A.
U34A-04Abstract Title: Long-range transport, air quality and climate impacts of volcanic sulfur from the 2014-2015 eruption at Holuhraun (Bárðarbunga, Iceland)
Stevenson, L. A.
PA23A-2184Abstract Title: 20 Years of Developing Capacity for Action-Oriented Collaborative Regional Research in the Asia-Pacific Region
Stevenson, S.
A44E-04Abstract Title: Increasing ENSO-Driven Drought and Wildfire Risks in a Warming Climate, PP14A-02Abstract Title: Precipitation and Seawater Isotopic Variability from Hawaii to the equator: the 2014-2015 ENSO cycle, PP41D-06Abstract Title: Identifying Oxygen Isotopic Signatures of ENSO Dynamics Through Isotope-Enabled Regional Ocean Modeling, PP51A-2253Abstract Title: Megadrought Risk and ENSO Over the Last Millennium
Steward, G. A.
SH12A-07Abstract Title: Mapping Magnetic Field Lines between the Sun and Earth
Steward, G.
B14E-05Abstract Title: Archaeal Viruses Contribute to the Novel Viral Assemblage Inhabiting Oceanic, Basalt-Hosted Deep Subsurface Crustal Fluids
Stewart, A.
OS13A-2011Abstract Title: Influence of the Southern Ocean on the Global deep ocean stratification
Stewart, C.
NH23B-1874Abstract Title: Sustained Water Quality Impacts in Marine Environments Due to Mechanical Milling of Volcanic Deposits, PA43C-2190Abstract Title: Modernization of the International Volcanic Ash Website – a global resource for ashfall preparedness and impact guidance., PA43C-2191Abstract Title: International Database of Volcanic Ash Impacts
Stewart, C.
H21D-1406Abstract Title: Investigating Remotely Sensed Evapotranspiration in the Las Conchas and Old Fires
Stewart, E. D.
T41E-2954Abstract Title: Formation of the Red Hills Ultramafic Massif during Subduction Initiation along an Oceanic Transform Fault
Stewart, F. M.
DI43B-03Abstract Title: The Triple Oxygen Isotopic Composition of High 3He/4He Mantle
Stewart, H. A.
B23A-0583Abstract Title: Using Cold-water Coral Mini-mounds as Analogue for Giant Mound Growth: Assessment of Environmental Drivers and Anthropogenic Impact
Stewart, I. F.
P12A-05Abstract Title: The Hot Oxygen Corona of Mars: Observations by MAVEN IUVS, P13D-04Abstract Title: H Escape in 3D: MAVEN IUVS observations of the Mars corona, P21A-2055Abstract Title: Study of the Martian cold oxygen corona from the O I 130.4 nm by IUVS/MAVEN, P21A-2056Abstract Title: Early Results from the MAVEN IUVS Echelle Channel, P21A-2058Abstract Title: Mars’ ultraviolet dayglow observations by IUVS/MAVEN: Structure and variability of Martian upper atmosphere, P21A-2060Abstract Title: MAVEN/IUVS Apoapse Observations of the Martian FUV Dayglow, P21A-2061Abstract Title: Retrieval of Mars' Upper Atmospheric Composition using Dayglow Observations by IUVS on MAVEN, P21A-2065Abstract Title: Mars Ozone Mapping with MAVEN IUVS, P21A-2066Abstract Title: Probing the Martian Atmosphere with MAVEN/IUVS Stellar Occultations, P21A-2068Abstract Title: Tides in the Martian Atmosphere as Observed by MAVEN IUVS, P21A-2069Abstract Title: Two Types of Aurora on Mars as Observed by MAVEN's Imaging UltraViolet Spectrograph
Stewart, I. T.
GC51EAbstract Title: Stream Hydrology, Stream Temperature, Water Quality, and Aquatic Habitats under Climatic Variability and Change Posters, GC54A-08Abstract Title: Smallholder Food and Water Security in the Face of Climatic Stress and the Coffee Leaf Rust: Lessons from Nicaragua 
Stewart, J.
IN31C-1777Abstract Title: Breaking it down, using modular services to improve the NOAA Earth Information System (NEIS)
Stewart, J.
PP53B-2336Abstract Title: Field Calibration of the δ11B-pH Proxy in Corals and Calcified Algae at a Shallow Hydrothermal Vent and Adjacent Coral Reef, PP53B-2345Abstract Title: New Carbonate Standard Reference Materials for Boron Isotope Geochemistry
Stewart, M. K.
T33D-2968Abstract Title: Uplift Rate of Marine Terraces and Anticlinal Growth along the North Canterbury Fold and Thrust Belt, New Zealand
Stewart, M. F.
AE31C-0461Abstract Title: New Mission to Measure Global Lightning from the International Space Station (ISS)
Stewart, M. K.
H13I-1694Abstract Title: Drought Assessment Using Tritium River Water Measurements for Existing Dam Infrastructure in the Ishikari River basin, Japan
Stewart, R.
GC34D-02Abstract Title: Fine-resolution Modeling of Urban-Energy Systems’ Water Footprint in River Networks
Stewart, R. B.
V23B-3092Abstract Title: Glass Composition-Dependent Silicate Absorption Peaks in FTIR Spectroscopy: Implications for Measuring Sample Thickness and Molecular H2O
Stewart, R. J.
B13J-08Abstract Title: Removal of terrestrial dissolved organic carbon in aquatic ecosystems of a temperate river network., GC34B-08Abstract Title: Coupled terrestrial and aquatic regional responses to land use change and climate variability in a temperate New England watershed, H32E-04Abstract Title: Fecal Coliform Removal by River Networks
Stewart, R. L. III
EP51C-0930Abstract Title: Examination of High Resolution Channel Topography to Determine Suitable Metrics to Characterize Morphological Complexity, EP54A-06Abstract Title: Bedload Hysteresis and Bedform Deformation Rates Investigated with Physical Samples, Multibeam Sonar, and Seismic Monitoring
Stewart, R. R.
NS41B-1947Abstract Title: Imaging Sand Bars using 3D GPR in an Outcrop Reservoir Analog: Cretaceous Ferron Sandstone, South-East Utah
Stewart, R.
S44B-08Abstract Title: Insights on volcanic behaviour from the 2015 July 23-24 T-phase signals generated by eruptions at Kick-’em-Jenny Submarine Volcano, Grenada, Lesser Antilles
Stewart, R. E.
H13I-1705Abstract Title: Past and future hydro-climatic change and the 2015 drought in the interior of western Canada
Stewart, R. D.
H13E-1593Abstract Title: Smart Fluids in Hydrology: Use of Non-Newtonian Fluids for Pore Structure Characterization, H13KAbstract Title: Understanding Hydrogeophysical States and Fluxes: Connecting Point Scale Information with Remote Sensing Posters, H23G-1652Abstract Title: Use of an imaging infiltrometer to understand soil crack sealing and preferential flow, H42C-02Abstract Title: Modeling Hydraulic Properties and Hydrologic Processes in Shrink-swell Clay Soils
Stewart, S. T.
MR21D-02Abstract Title: The Thermal States of Accreting Planets: From Mars-like Embryos to a MAD Earth, P14AAbstract Title: Shoemaker Lecture, P14BAbstract Title: Whipple Lecture, P32AAbstract Title: Sagan Lecture, P51A-2038Abstract Title: Large Collisions on Icy and Rocky Bodies with Strength, V23D-07Abstract Title: Condensing the Moon from a MAD Earth
Stewart, S.
C23B-0780Abstract Title: Are sea-ice driven increases of absorbed solar radiation in the Arctic offset by increasing sea ice extent in the Antarctic?: A bipolar comparison of satellite-derived estimates of absorbed solar radiation and sea ice area
Stewart, S. A.
A23A-0284Abstract Title: Vertical Distribution and Columnar Optical Properties of Springtime Biomass-Burning Aerosols over Northern Indochina during the 7-SEAS/BASELInE field campaign
Stewart, Z.
OS23C-2033Abstract Title: Evidence For Decadal and Century Scale Climate and Oceanic Variability in the Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California, Over the Last Millenium
Steyn, D. G.
H51H-1473Abstract Title: Hydrologic monitoring using open-source Arduino logging platforms in a socio-hydrological system of the drought-prone tropics, Guanacaste, Costa Rica
Stibbon, E.
PA21A-2150Abstract Title: Touching the Earth: the Role of Art in Scientific Thinking
Stich, D.
S51B-2683Abstract Title: Extended fault inversion through Popperian falsification: rupture directivity resolution and spatial comparison tests
Stickle, A. M.
P51C-2069Abstract Title: Comparing Radar and Optical Data Sets of Lunar Impact Crater Ejecta, P53G-06Abstract Title: Mini-RF and Arecibo Observatory Bistatic Observations of the Moon
Stickney, M.
S11A-2761Abstract Title: The 2015 Sandpoint, Idaho, Earthquake Sequence: A Constraint on Basin-and-Range Style Extension on the Western Portion of the Lewis and Clark Fault Zone, Northern Rockies, U.S.A.
Stiegler, C.
B33G-02Abstract Title: Spatial variation in energy exchange across coastal environments in Greenland
Stiepen, A.
P12A-05Abstract Title: The Hot Oxygen Corona of Mars: Observations by MAVEN IUVS, P13D-04Abstract Title: H Escape in 3D: MAVEN IUVS observations of the Mars corona, P21A-2055Abstract Title: Study of the Martian cold oxygen corona from the O I 130.4 nm by IUVS/MAVEN, P21A-2058Abstract Title: Mars’ ultraviolet dayglow observations by IUVS/MAVEN: Structure and variability of Martian upper atmosphere, P21A-2059Abstract Title: Mars Nitric Oxide Nightglow as observed by MAVEN/IUVS, P21A-2060Abstract Title: MAVEN/IUVS Apoapse Observations of the Martian FUV Dayglow, P21A-2061Abstract Title: Retrieval of Mars' Upper Atmospheric Composition using Dayglow Observations by IUVS on MAVEN, P21A-2065Abstract Title: Mars Ozone Mapping with MAVEN IUVS, P21A-2066Abstract Title: Probing the Martian Atmosphere with MAVEN/IUVS Stellar Occultations, P21A-2068Abstract Title: Tides in the Martian Atmosphere as Observed by MAVEN IUVS, P21A-2069Abstract Title: Two Types of Aurora on Mars as Observed by MAVEN's Imaging UltraViolet Spectrograph
Stier, P.
A24E-05Abstract Title: Will a perfect global model agree with perfect observations?, A41B-0065Abstract Title: Can models represent aerosol-convection interactions if the microphysics is uncertain?, A51D-0091Abstract Title: Quantifying Global Aerosol Effects on Convection Using the Convective Cloud Field Model (CCFM).
Stierhoff, K.
B23A-0585Abstract Title: NOAA's efforts to map extent, health and condition of deep sea corals and sponges and their habitat on the banks and island slopes of Southern California
Stiles, B. W.
OS51B-1985Abstract Title: Addressing the Polarization Signature of the Ocean Scattering at Ku band in Presence of Both Non-homogenous Winds and Rain, P13B-2125Abstract Title: Nature, Distribution, and Origin of Titan’s Undifferentiated Plains (“Blandlands”) , P13B-2136Abstract Title: Kinematic model of Titan’s rotation from Cassini radar data
Still, C. J.
A52E-08Abstract Title: Cloud and fog interactions with coastal forests in the California Channel Islands, B13F-0676Abstract Title: Modeling Pacific Northwest carbon and water cycling using CARAIB Dynamic Vegetation Model, B22E-05Abstract Title: Continuous In-situ Measurements of Carbonyl Sulfide (OCS) and Carbon Dioxide Isotopes to Constrain Ecosystem Carbon and Water Exchanges, B41EAbstract Title: Novel Approaches for Moving Beyond Plant Functional Types and Considering Future Vegetation Distributions I Posters, B51A-0402Abstract Title: A New and Improved Carbon Dioxide Isotope Analyzer for Understanding Soil-Plant-Atmosphere Interactions, B51D-0463Abstract Title: Near-continuous thermal monitoring of a diverse tropical forest canopy, B53B-0554Abstract Title: THERMAL IMAGING OF FOREST CANOPY TEMPERATURES: RELATIONSHIPS WITH BIOLOGICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL DRIVERS AND ECOSYSTEM FLUXES, B53D-0590Abstract Title: Comparing Soil and Bison δ13C to Field Estimates of C4 Plant Abundances in North America, GC31C-1200Abstract Title: Inter-comparison of multiple downscaled climate datasets for the Pacific Northwest
Stillinger, T.
C41D-0738Abstract Title: Discrimination Between Clouds and Snow in Landsat 8 Imagery: an Assessment of Current Methods and a New Approach
Stillman, D. E.
MR21B-2612Abstract Title: Dielectric Signatures of Annealing in Glacier Ice, P51C-2079Abstract Title: Broadband Ground Penetrating Radar with conformal antennas for subsurface imaging from a rover
Stillwell, A. S.
GC31EAbstract Title: The Water-Energy Nexus: Data, Impacts, and Opportunities I Posters, GC31E-1238Abstract Title: Characterizing Synergistic Water and Energy Efficiency at the Residential Scale Using a Cost Abatement Curve Approach, GC34DAbstract Title: The Water-Energy Nexus: Data, Impacts, and Opportunities II, H21J-1518Abstract Title: Reliability Analysis of a Green Roof Under Different Storm Scenarios
Stillwell, R. A.
A11A-0027Abstract Title: Multiple Linear Polarization Lidar with Improved Polarization Retrievals for Enhanced Atmospheric Observation in the Arctic, C33G-08Abstract Title: Novel Polarization Techniques and Instrumentation for Glacial Melt Pond Laser Bathymetry
Stilwell, A.
B54D-05Abstract Title: The scale dependence of optical diversity in a prairie ecosystem
Stimach, A. E.
ED11F-08Abstract Title: Exploring the Multifaceted Topic of Climate Change in Our Changing Climate and Living With Our Changing Climate, ED33B-0938Abstract Title: DataStreme Earth’s Climate System: Building a Climate Literate Society through Effective Partnerships
Stimpson, L. M.
A41A-0002Abstract Title: Implementation of a chemical background method (OH-CHEM) for measurements of OH using the Leeds FAGE instrument: Characterisation and observations from a coastal location
Stinchcomb, G. E.
B41G-0510Abstract Title: The importance of hydrologic and lithologic controls on pCO2 and pO2 dynamics in the soil atmosphere in a temperate forest at meters depth , H21C-1383Abstract Title: The Activity of Deep Roots in Bedrock Fractures at the Susquehanna Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory, USA
Stine, A.
GC23A-1131Abstract Title: Why Does the Leeward Side of Mt. Tamalpais Experience a Climatological Precipitation Maximum?, GC53B-1196Abstract Title: Detecting Global Hydrological Cycle Intensification, PP51A-2264Abstract Title: Testing for the Influence of Light Availability on Tree-Ring Reconstructed Temperature at Sonora Pass, CA, PP51A-2269Abstract Title: Looking beyond the mean in tree-ring chronologies
Stinecipher, J.
A52E-07Abstract Title: Understanding fog-plant interactions at the ecosystem scale using atmospheric carbonyl sulfide
Stinson, G.
GC13F-1214Abstract Title: Improving the assessment of the State of the Carbon Cycle in North America by integrating inventory- and process- based approaches: A case study for Canada
Stipcevic, J.
S23C-2732Abstract Title: Direct-seismogram inversion for receiver-side structure with unknown source-time functions
Stipp, M.
MR41D-2684Abstract Title: Investigating Forearc Strength by Triaxial Testing of Marine Sediments from the Costa Rica Seismogenesis Project (IODP Expeditions 334 and 344), T51I-06Abstract Title: Deformation Processes of Subduction and Exhumation in Alpine Eclogites with Focus on the Tauern Window, V43A-3093Abstract Title: Water Input and Water Release from the Subducting Nazca Plate along Southern Central Chile (33°S-46°S)
Stirling, C. H.
PP31B-2240Abstract Title: Towards A Modern Calibration Of The 238U/235U Paleoredox Proxy: Apparent Uranium Isotope Fractionation Factor During U(VI)-U(IV) Reduction In The Black Sea
Stirling, D.
H21P-01Abstract Title: The Influence of Logger Bias on Reported Temperature Trends: Implications for Temperature Monitoring Networks
Stirling, R.
NH41C-1832Abstract Title: Development of a Landslide Monitoring System using Electrical Resistivity Tomography
Stirm, B. H.
A21H-0255Abstract Title: Improving and Assessing Aircraft-based Greenhouse Gas Emission Rate Measurements at Indianapolis as part of the INFLUX project., A41K-0234Abstract Title: Airborne Observations of Urban-Derived Water Vapor and Potential Impacts on Chemistry and Clouds, A43F-0349Abstract Title: The Nature of Temporally Variable Methane Emissions at Oil and Natural Gas Operations in the Eagle Ford Basin
Stisen, S.
H41G-1417Abstract Title: Real-time hydrological early warning system at national scale for surface water and groundwater with stakeholder involvement
Stiso, C.
GC53B-1210Abstract Title: Probability as Possibility Spaces: Communicating Uncertainty to Policymakers
Stith, J. L.
A13B-0317Abstract Title: Studying Ice Formation from Aircraft: Experimental Constraints on Techniques for Sampling Ice and Ice Forming Particles
Stixrude, L. P.
DI11C-2604Abstract Title: Iron Partitioning in Ferropericlase, DI21B-02Abstract Title: Toward a comprehensive understanding of transition zone seismic discontinuities: A new constraint near the stagnant slab region beneath China, DI51C-08Abstract Title: The electrical conductivity of silicate liquids at extreme conditions, MR33D-05Abstract Title: First-principles calculation of the lattice thermal conductivity of the lower mantle
Stöbener, N.
PP43A-2243Abstract Title: On-site isotopic analysis of dissolved inorganic carbon using an isotope ratio infrared spectrometer
Stober, G.
SA13A-2330Abstract Title: Inferring the mesosphere/lower thermosphere wind field variability from a multi-station multi-frequency meteor radar network, SA34A-02Abstract Title: Semi diurnal lunar tides in the MLT at mid and high northern and southern latitudes during major sudden stratospheric warming events, SA41B-2330Abstract Title: Seasonal and Interannual Variability of Mesospheric Semidiurnal Tides at mid- and High-Latitudes: Influence of Quasi Biennial Oscillation?
Stochaj, S.
SH43C-05Abstract Title: Magnetospheric Effects on High Energy Solar Particles: PAMELA Measurements
Stock, C. A.
B23J-06Abstract Title: Sources of uncertainties in 21st century projections of marine ecosystem drivers
Stock, G. M.
C33E-0864Abstract Title: A Mass Balance Model of Lyell and Maclure Glaciers in Yosemite National Park, EP41CAbstract Title: Mechanistic Underpinnings of Damage, Disruption, and Downslope Transport of Rock and Regolith Posters, NH34AAbstract Title: Advances in Analysis and Prediction of Rock Falls, Rock Slides, and Rock Avalanches I, NH41AAbstract Title: Advances in Analysis and Prediction of Rock Falls, Rock Slides, and Rock Avalanches II Posters, NH41A-1798Abstract Title: Geomorphic Analysis of Boulder Volumes and Surface Roughness Along Talus Slopes in Yosemite Valley, California
Stock, J. M.
T23C-2972Abstract Title: Evidence of sub Kilometer-scale Variability in Stress Directions near Active Faults: An Example from the Newport-Inglewood Fault, Southern California, T41A-2859Abstract Title: Constraints on Shallow Crustal Structure across the San Andreas Fault Zone, Coachella Valley, Southern California: Results from the Salton Seismic Imaging Project (SSIP), T41A-2866Abstract Title: Seismic Reflectivity of the Crust in the Northern Salton Trough, T41A-2869Abstract Title: Understanding strain transfer and basin evolution complexities in the Salton pull-apart basin near the Southern San Andreas Fault, T41F-06Abstract Title: The effects of thick sediment upon continental breakup: seismic imaging and thermal modeling of the Salton Trough, southern California, V13C-3154Abstract Title: Seismic Study of the Velocity Structure and Earthquake FocalMechanisms beneath the Krafla Central Volcano, NE Iceland
Stock, J. D.
A51K-0221Abstract Title: Incorporating Orographic Effects on Precipitation into Downscaled GCM Output, EP53A-0963Abstract Title: Impacts of Wildfire on Hawaii Island’s Pre-Contact Landscape
Stock, M.
AE13A-07Abstract Title: Observations of High Peak Current 'lull' Lightning Flashes, AE31B-0425Abstract Title: Near-field Interferometric Imaging of Lightning, AE31B-0427Abstract Title: Combining Interferometer, LMA, and ΔE measurements on positive cloud-to-ground flashes over Langmuir Laboratory, AE31B-0432Abstract Title: Upgrade to the Broadband Observation network for Lightning and Thunderstorms
Stock, M. J.
V11F-06Abstract Title: Apatite: A New Tool For Understanding The Temporal Variability Of Magmatic Volatile Contents
Stock, M.
AE31A-0420Abstract Title: Acoustic vs Interferometric Measurements of Lightning
Stock, P.
A21B-0121Abstract Title: A Comprehensive Data Composite of NO and NOy in the Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere from CARIBIC Airborne Measurements
Stockdale, T.
A23O-04Abstract Title: Investigating Model Initial Drift in the Tropics in Seasonal Hindcasts
Stockdon, H. F.
EP23B-0972Abstract Title: Influence of Oceanic and Estuarine Drivers on Wetland Shoreline Change: Moving Towards a Framework for Assessment of Coastal Erosion Hazards Along Sheltered Coasts
Stocker, B.
B32A-07Abstract Title: Process-based upscaling of surface-atmosphere exchange
Stocker, B. D.
B42B-02Abstract Title: Optimal Plant Carbon Allocation Implies a Biological Control on Nitrogen Availability, H41A-1276Abstract Title: Has the Northern Hemisphere Mid-Latitude Hydrological Cycle Responded to Twentieth Century Aerosol Forcing?, PP43E-02Abstract Title: Glacial-Interglacial and Holocene N2O Stable Isotope Changes Constrain Terrestrial N Cycling
Stocker, R.
B14A-03Abstract Title: Incomplete Denitrification Causes Rapid Nitrous Oxide Cycling in the Oceanic Oxygen Minimum Zones
Stocker, T. F.
PP21C-2257Abstract Title: Greenland ice core reconstruction of millennial changes in North American wildfire and soil activity over the last glacial cycle
Stockhause, M.
IN13C-1852Abstract Title: Data Citation Concept for CMIP6
Stockhecke, M.
PP31A-2212Abstract Title: A ~600 kyr duration Early Pleistocene record from the West Turkana (Kenya) HSPDP drill site: elemental XRF variability to reconstruct climate change in Turkana Boy’s backyard , PP44A-06Abstract Title: Transient earth system model simulations as age-scale generators for paleo proxy data?
Stockings, T. M.
PA32A-02Abstract Title: Integrated Science and Logistical Planning to Support Big Questions in Antarctic Science
Stockle, C.
B33C-0706Abstract Title: Comparing Nitrous Oxide Emissions from Paired No-Tillage and Conventional Tillage Agricultural Fields in the Northwest US: Insights from a Year of Intensive Monitoring, GC11J-05Abstract Title: Climate Change and Dryland Wheat Systems in the US Pacific Northwest , GC13D-1181Abstract Title: When should irrigators invest in more water-efficient technologies as an adaptation to climate change?, H13I-1704Abstract Title: Is Snowpack Drought an Increasing Threat in the Pacific Northwest?
Stockli, D. F.
T21B-2817Abstract Title: Regional Deformation of the Southern Puna Plateau, Central Andes, Recorded by Basin Evolution and Bedrock Exhumation History, T23A-2918Abstract Title: U-Pb geochronology of modern river sands from the flat-slab segment of the southern central Andes, Argentina, 29-31°S: Implications for Neogene foreland and hinterland basin evolution, T23A-2926Abstract Title: Assessment of Paleozoic terrane accretion along the southern central Andes using detrital zircon geochronology, T33C-2951Abstract Title: Rheological Heterogeneity Along the Deep Subduction Interface: Insights from Exhumed HP Metamorphic Rocks Exposed on Syros Island, Greece, T51B-2878Abstract Title: First (U–Th)/He Ages of Detrital Zircons From Paleozoic Strata of the Severnaya Zemlya Archipelago (Russian High Arctic), U24A-03Abstract Title: The role of continental arc magmatism in driving long-term climate change, V32B-02Abstract Title: Tracing the thermal evolution of continental lithosphere through depth-dependent extension, V32B-09Abstract Title: Accessory Mineral Depth-Profiling Applied to the Corsican Lower Crust: A Continuous Thermal History of Mesozoic Continental Rifting, V51H-06Abstract Title: Constraining Age and Locations of Active and Paleofluid Flow Systems in Dixie Valley, Nevada, with Apatite (U-Th)/He Thermochronometry, V52C-01Abstract Title: Detrital zircon LASS-ICP-MS petrochronologic depth profiling for determining source-to-sink relationships in the Central Alps., V52C-05Abstract Title: The Paleogene Evolution of the Cordilleran Hinterland, V52C-07Abstract Title: (U-Th)/He and U-Pb double dating constraints on the interplay between thrust deformation and basin development, Sevier foreland basin, Utah, V53D-3145Abstract Title: Provenance record of Paleogene exhumation and Laramide basin evolution along the southern Rocky Mountain front, V53D-3153Abstract Title: High-Resolution Detrital Zircon Geo- and Thermochronometry of the Eocene Ainsa Basin, South Central Pyrenees, Spain
Stockli, L.
V52C-01Abstract Title: Detrital zircon LASS-ICP-MS petrochronologic depth profiling for determining source-to-sink relationships in the Central Alps.
Stockman, M. B.
T51G-3018Abstract Title: Assessment of Late Quaternary strain partitioning in the Afar Triple Junction: Dobe and Hanle grabens, Ethiopia and Djibouti
Stockmann, G. J.
C33F-03Abstract Title: Methane distribution in porewaters of the Eastern Siberian Shelf Sea – chemical, acoustic, and video observations, NH21A-1806Abstract Title: Coupling Between Mineral Reactions and Chemical Changes in Groundwater Before and After Earthquakes in Iceland, V21C-3043Abstract Title: From Carbonatite to Ikaite: How high-T carbonates are transformed into low-T carbonate minerals in SW Greenland
Stockmeyer, J. M.
T31A-2857Abstract Title: Coseismic Faulting and Folding in an Active Thrust Sheet over Multiple Rupture Cycles Resolved by Integrating Surface and Subsurface Records of Earthquake Deformation
Stocks, B. J.
GC33F-06Abstract Title: Synthesis of Decades of Change in Northern Eurasian Ecosystems: Current Assessment and Future Projections
Stocks, E.
Stocks, K. I.
IN21D-1716Abstract Title: NavManager: Open Source Software for Processing Shipboard Navigation Data, IN24AAbstract Title: Toward a Career in Data Science: Pathways and Perspectives I, IN33DAbstract Title: Toward a Career in Data Science: Pathways and Perspectives II Posters, IN33D-1827Abstract Title: Data Science Careers: A Sampling of Successful Strategies, Pitfalls, and Persistent Challenges
Stockton, A.
P31A-2025Abstract Title: Variation of Geochemical Signatures and Correlation of Biomarkers in Icelandic Mars Analogue Environments
Stockton, A. M.
P11C-2106Abstract Title: An Ice Shell Impact Penetrator (IceShIP) for Organic Analysis on Europa, P11D-04Abstract Title: Lab-on-a-Chip Instrumentation and Method for Detecting Trace Organic and Bioorganic Molecules in Planetary Exploration: The Enceladus Organic Analyzer (EOA)
Stockwell, B.
A23G-03Abstract Title: TSTAR: Stratospheric temperature and pressure profiles retrievals using on-orbit star pairs observation.
Stockwell, C.
A13B-0324Abstract Title: Ice nucleating particles from biomass combustion: emission rates and the role of refractory black carbon
Stockwell, J.
B53G-0646Abstract Title: Metal and Phosphorous behavior in the water and sediment underneath ice cover: a comparative study between hyper- and eutrophic lake systems
Stocky, M.
PP11A-2214Abstract Title: A Method for Constraining Glacial Boulder Exposure Ages with Bedrock Erosion Rates Utilizing Cosmogenic Ne-21 from the Central Transantarctic Mountains
Stoddard, P. R.
P53D-2164Abstract Title: Principal Component Analysis of Terrestrial and Venusian Topography
Stoepler, T. M.
GC51A-1078Abstract Title: Using Rapid-Response Scenario-Building Methodology for Climate Change Adaptation Planning
Stofan, E. R.
EP52B-01Abstract Title: Smallsats, Cubesats and Scientific Exploration, P12B-01Abstract Title: Alluvial Fans on Titan Reveal Atmosphere and Surface Interactions and Material Transport, P13B-2133Abstract Title: Geomorphology of Titan's polar terrains: Using the landscape’s topographic form to constrain surface processes
Stoffa, P. L.
S23C-2749Abstract Title: Double plane wave reverse time migration with plane wave Green's function
Stohl, A.
A33C-0169Abstract Title: Estimation of methane fluxes in the high northern latitudes from a Bayesian atmospheric inversion
Stokes, E.
GC22B-04Abstract Title: Lunar BRDF Correction of Suomi-NPP VIIRS Day/Night Band Time Series Product
Stokes, M.
H51T-03Abstract Title: Remote Sensing-based Methodologies for Snow Model Adjustments in Operational Streamflow Prediction
Stokke, H. H.
OS23B-2002Abstract Title: 3D High-Resolution Seismic Imaging of Fluid Flow Anomalies on the Norwegian Continental Shelf
Stolarski, R. S.
A42E-02Abstract Title: Estimating Uncertainties in the Multi-Instrument SBUV Profile Ozone Merged Data Set
Stolbova, V.
A41C-0069Abstract Title: Network Analysis of Atmospheric Rossby Wave Patterns in the Northern Midlatitudes
Støle, L.
V53D-3148Abstract Title: A Multi-technique Approach for Provenance Studies of Mesozoic Clastic Rocks in the Barents Sea
Stoll, B.
P33E-03Abstract Title: First Detection of a Diamagnetic Cavity at 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
Stoll, B.
EP53A-0971Abstract Title: Relationship between Rock Varnish and Adjacent Mineral Dust Compositions Using Microanalytical Techniques, PP21C-2258Abstract Title: Highly Resolved Microanalyses in Varnish from Well-dated Meteorites Collected in the Libyan Desert for Paleoclimate Reconstruction
Stoll, H. M.
PP21BAbstract Title: Demystifying the Miocene-Pliocene: Exploring the Couplings and Evolution of Climatic, Biologic, Biogeochemical, and Oceanic Systems I Posters, PP21B-2231Abstract Title: Marine phytoplankton CO2 records since the Miocene - magnitudes of change inplied by cellular process models, PP23EAbstract Title: Demystifying the Miocene-Pliocene: Exploring the Couplings and Evolution of Climatic, Biologic, Biogeochemical, and Oceanic Systems II, PP24AAbstract Title: Demystifying the Miocene-Pliocene: Exploring the Couplings and Evolution of Climatic, Biologic, Biogeochemical, and Oceanic Systems III
Stoll, J.
A51M-0254Abstract Title: Cloud microphysics modification with an online coupled COSMO-MUSCAT regional model
Stoll, R. II
B33E-0765Abstract Title: Validation of a Fast-Response Urban Micrometeorological Model to Assess the Performance of Urban Heat Island Mitigation Strategies
Stollberg, R.
Stolle, C.
SA23C-2355Abstract Title: Magnetic field fluctuations observed by the Swarm constellation in the nighttime mid-latitude topside ionosphere, SM13E-2559Abstract Title: Correlation Based Modelling of Ionospheric Magnetic Field, SM23A-2540Abstract Title: Poynting Flux in the Region 1/2 Current Systems and Magnetic Cusp
Stoller, A. R.
T51E-2960Abstract Title: Configuration of Miocene Basins Along the Santa Cruz-Catalina Ridge, California Continental Borderland
Stolnikova, E.
B23C-0624Abstract Title: Investigating the Effect of Livestock Grazing and Associated Plant Community Shifts on Carbon and Nutrient Cycling in Alberta, Canada
Stolpe, M.
GC41H-02Abstract Title: Robust Comparison of Climate Models with Observations Using Blended Land Air and Ocean Sea Surface Temperatures, GC43C-1216Abstract Title: Estimating transient climate response using consistent temperature reconstruction methods in models and observations
Stolper, D. A.
B24A-06Abstract Title: An Experimental Study on What Controls the Ratios of 18O/16O and 17O/16O of O2 During Microbial Respiration, PP23D-07Abstract Title: Insights into Methane Formation Temperatures, Biogenic Methanogenesis, and Natural Methane Emissions from Clumped Isotopes
Stolper, E. M.
DI44A-08Abstract Title: Changes in magmatic oxidation state induced by degassing
Stoltmann, T.
PP43A-2243Abstract Title: On-site isotopic analysis of dissolved inorganic carbon using an isotope ratio infrared spectrometer
Stolzenbach, A.
P23A-2108Abstract Title: Three-Dimensional Modelling of Venus Photochemistry
Stolzenburg, M.
AE13AAbstract Title: The Meteorology and Climatology of Lightning and General Contributions I, AE13A-05Abstract Title: Initial Electric Field Changes of Lightning Flashes in Two Thunderstorms, AE21A-01Abstract Title: Electrical Structure of Real Thunderstorms in Relation to Energetic Radiation Production, AE31A-0409Abstract Title: Peak Currents and Propagation Velocities of Initial Breakdown Pulses in Cloud-to-Ground Lightning Flashes, AE31A-0410Abstract Title: Electrostatic Changes Observed with Narrow Bipolar Pulses, AE31A-0414Abstract Title: An M-component with a Concurrent Dart Leader Traveling along Different Paths during a Lightning Flash, AE31BAbstract Title: The Meteorology and Climatology of Lightning and General Contributions II Posters, AE31C-0450Abstract Title: Initiation Locations of Lightning Flashes in Two Florida Thunderstorms
Stomberg, J.
ED31B-0902Abstract Title: Project EDDIE: Improving Big Data skills in the classroom
Stone, B.
IN23A-1726Abstract Title: HS3 Information System
Stone, B. Jr.
PA43A-2178Abstract Title: The NSF-RCN Urban Heat Island Network
Stone, C.
PP13D-02Abstract Title: Central Tropical Pacific SST and Salinity Variability over the Little Ice Age
Stone, D. A.
A14E-01Abstract Title: The relevance of detection and attribution for loss and damage policy, A33A-0122Abstract Title: Enabling Efficient Climate Science Workflows in High Performance Computing Environments, GC21DAbstract Title: Detecting and Attributing Impacts of Climate Change I, GC23CAbstract Title: Detecting and Attributing Impacts of Climate Change II Posters, GC23C-1163Abstract Title: Detection and Attribution of Extra-Tropical Cyclone activity in CMIP-5, GC41A-1066Abstract Title: The C20C+ Detection and Attribution Project, GC41G-05Abstract Title: Diagnosing Possible Anthropogenic Contributions to Colorado Floods in September 2013., GC43C-1227Abstract Title: Resolution dependence of simulated extreme wave climate in the North Atlantic in a changing climate.
Stone, D. J.
A12E-05Abstract Title: Measurements and Modelling of Glyoxal in the Tropical Marine Boundary Layer
Stone, D.
P33D-08Abstract Title: Magnetic Field Gain in a Laboratory Model of the Earth’s Outer Core, P41A-2044Abstract Title: Zonal Flow Velocimetry using Acoustic Modes in Experimental Models of a Planetary Core, P41A-2046Abstract Title: Assessment of and Improvements to Acoustic Velocimetry in Flows in Core-like Geometries
Stone, E. C.
SH14B-01Abstract Title: Particle Acceleration At Small-Scale Flux Ropes In The Heliosphere, SH33B-2462Abstract Title: Energetic Particle Pitch Angle Distributions Observed At Widely-Spaced Longitudes in the 23 July 2012 and Other Large Solar Particle Events, SH51D-01Abstract Title: Precursors to Interstellar Shocks of Solar Origin , SH52B-01Abstract Title: The Voyager Journey to Interstellar Space
Stone, H.
H44D-06Abstract Title: Flow regime analysis for fluid injection into a confined aquifer: implications for CO2 sequestration
Stone, J.
B51E-0472Abstract Title: The Potential Impact of Increased Phosphorus Loads in Lakes Acting as Heavy Metal Reservoirs: A case study from west-central Indiana
Stone, L.
C33D-0849Abstract Title: Towards large scale modelling of wetland water dynamics in northern basins.
Stone, M. C.
EP41E-08Abstract Title: A numerical investigation of the impacts of river and floodplain restoration on the process of floodwave attenuation, H11E-1401Abstract Title: Physical Thresholds as Ecological Proxies in Aquatic Ecosystems
Stone, M.
H31D-1439Abstract Title: Longer-term Stream Nitrogen Dynamics after Wildfire and Salvage Harvesting: Implications for Management Concepts based on Trajectories of Post-disturbance Watershed Recovery.
Stone, N.
IN21E-03Abstract Title: The Open Data Repository’s Data Publisher, IN41D-03Abstract Title: The Astrobiology Habitable Environments Database (AHED)
Stone, R.
C41B-0703Abstract Title: Near-Record Early Snowmelt and Signs of Environmental Change in Barrow, Alaska
Stone, R. S.
A24D-02Abstract Title: Surface radiation budget and cloud radiative forcing from pan-Arctic Baseline Surface Radiation Network (BSRN) stations
Stone, S.
IN33D-1820Abstract Title: University of Washington’s eScience Institute Promotes New Training and Career Pathways in Data Science
Stone, S. W.
P21A-2057Abstract Title: He Bulge Detection by MAVEN Neutral Gas and Ion Mass Spectrometer (NGIMS) in the Upper Atmosphere of Mars, P21A-2063Abstract Title: Retrieval and Distribution of Neutral and Ionic Species in the Martian Upper Atmosphere as Measured by MAVEN NGIMS
Stone, T. C.
GC32C-03Abstract Title: Prospects for the Moon as an SI-Traceable Absolute Spectroradiometric Standard for Satellite Remote Sensing
Stone, W. A.
G23B-1068Abstract Title: Future National Reference Frames for the United States
Stoneback, R.
SA13B-2373Abstract Title: Performance of the IRI-2012 Model in the Low- and Mid-Latitudes: Variations with Longitude and Solar Activity, SA23A-2335Abstract Title: Impact of Midnight Thermosphere Dynamics on the Equatorial Ionosphere, SA31D-2366Abstract Title: Cooling in the Post-Sunrise Equatorial Topside Ionosphere During the 22-23 June 2015 Superstorm, SM41A-2474Abstract Title: Characterizing the Spatio-Temporal Response of High Latitude Convection
Stoneburner, B.
B21C-0436Abstract Title: Applying Reactive Barrier Technology to Enhance Microbially-mediated Denitrification during Managed Aquifer Recharge
Stonedahl, F.
H31K-02Abstract Title: Impact of Spatial Permeability Distribution Characteristics on Hyporheic Flow Using a Physical System and Simulations
Stonedahl, S. H.
H31K-02Abstract Title: Impact of Spatial Permeability Distribution Characteristics on Hyporheic Flow Using a Physical System and Simulations
Stoner, A. M. K.
PA13A-2182Abstract Title: Joint Knowledge Generation Between Climate Science and Infrastructure Engineering, PA42A-01Abstract Title: Integrating Infrastructure-Relevant Climate Projections into City Planning: Learning from Boulder CO, Austin TX and Washington DC
Stoner, D.
B21G-0564Abstract Title: Ecosystem Responses To Plant Phenology Across Scales And Trophic Levels
Stoner, J. S.
GP11A-06Abstract Title: A paleomagnetic and relative paleointensity record from the Argentine Basin (western South Atlantic Ocean) for the last ~125 kyrs, GP23A-1282Abstract Title: Late Quaternary paleomagnetic secular variation, relative paleointensity, and environmental magnetism from Cascade Lake, Brooks Range, Arctic Alaska, GP42A-05Abstract Title: The Holocene History of the North American Flux lobe: New Constraints From Fish Lake, Harney County, Oregon, GP51A-1312Abstract Title: Millennial Scale Geomagnetic and Environmental Change in the West Iberian Margin during Late Quaternary, GP51C-07Abstract Title: Discrimination of Terrestrial Source Materials to the Northern North Atlantic Using Particle Size Specific Magnetic Measurements and Electron Microscopy., PP11D-08Abstract Title: User Friendly Processing of Sediment CT Data: Software and Application in High Resolution Non-Destructive Sediment Core Data Sets, PP12A-07Abstract Title: Fish Lake, Utah – shallow seismic investigation of a lake-filled high-altitude graben, PP12A-08Abstract Title: Fish Lake, Utah – a promising long core site straddling the Great Basin to Colorado Plateau transition zone, PP43C-2286Abstract Title: Late Pliocene deglaciation of Southern Greenland, PP51C-2305Abstract Title: Retreat of the Coalescent Greenland and Innuitian Ice Sheets from Nares Strait, T33D-2964Abstract Title: Paleomagnetic and Environmental Magnetic Insights into the Middle to Late Pleistocene Stratigraphy of the 8o North Bengal Fan Transect, IODP Expedition 354
Stonestrom, D. A.
H21B-1360Abstract Title: Ephemeral-streamflow Induced Focused Recharge in the Desert Southwest (US), H23B-1570Abstract Title: Unsaturated zone carbon dioxide flux, mixing, and isotopic composition at the USGS Amargosa Desert Research Site, H23B-1573Abstract Title: Rapid Reconnaissance Mapping of Volatile Organic Compounds by Photoionization Detection at the USGS Amargosa Desert Research Site, H41K-05Abstract Title: Upland Reticulate Mottling Reveals Soil Biophysical Processes across Scales: Development of Structured Heterogeneity in a Marine Terrace Chronosequence
Stordal, F.
GC22A-04Abstract Title: Land-Atmosphere Interactions in Cold Environments (LATICE): The role of Atmosphere - Biosphere – Cryosphere – Hydrosphere interactions in a changing climate, PP44B-01Abstract Title: Climatic Impacts of a Volcanic Double Event: 536/540 CE
Storelvmo, T.
A12C-01Abstract Title: On the Representation of Ice Nucleation in Global Climate Models, and its Importance for Simulations of Climate Forcings and Feedbacks, A23C-0315Abstract Title: Investigating the Indirect Effects of Dust via Ice-Containing Clouds in the Last Glacial Maximum and Pliocene Paleoclimates, A34EAbstract Title: Observations, Modeling, and Effects of Mixed Phase Clouds I, A34E-07Abstract Title: Mixed-phase cloud physics and Southern Ocean cloud feedback in climate models, A34E-08Abstract Title: Observational Constraints on Mixed-Phase Clouds Imply Higher Climate Sensitivity, A41HAbstract Title: Observations, Modeling, and Effects of Mixed Phase Clouds II Posters, A44A-03Abstract Title: Disentangling Greenhouse Warming and Aerosol Cooling to Reveal Earth’s Transient Climate Sensitivity
Storer, R. L.
A51M-0260Abstract Title: Investigating Links Between Convective Precipitation, Detrainment, and the Large Scale Water Budget
Storesund, R.
EP33A-1037Abstract Title: Effects of Wildfire on Fluvial Sediment Regime through Perturbations in Dry-Ravel
Storey, M.
V51A-3030Abstract Title: A 74 or 75 ka Age for the Toba Super-eruption? Resolving the Debate.
Stork, A.
S24A-01Abstract Title: Seismic monitoring results from the first 6 months of CO2 injection at the Aquistore geological storage site, Saskatchewan, Canada
Storlazzi, C. D.
EP23B-0962Abstract Title: Linking North Atlantic Teleconnections to Latitudinal Variability of Wave Climate Along the North American Atlantic Coast, H13L-1754Abstract Title: Effects of Land-Use Change and Managed Aquifer Recharge on Geochemical Reactions with Implications for Groundwater Quantity and Quality in Atoll Island Aquifers, Roi-Namur, Republic of the Marshall Islands
Stormont, J.
H13M-08Abstract Title: Geomechanical Modeling of CO2 Injection Site to Predict Wellbore Stresses and Strains for the Design of Wellbore Seal Repair Materials, MR21B-2619Abstract Title: Microscopic evidence of grain boundary moisture during granular salt reconsolidation
Storvold, R.
A53A-0353Abstract Title: Measurements of Atmospheric Aerosol Vertical Distributions above Svalbard, Norway using Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS)
Stott, D.
IN21D-1720Abstract Title: The Bering Sea Project Archive: a Prototype for Improved Discovery and Access, IN23B-1735Abstract Title: Enlisting User Community Perspectives to Inform Development of a Semantic Web Application for Discovery of Cross-Institutional Research Information and Data, IN23D-1753Abstract Title: Progress connecting multi-disciplinary geoscience communities through the VIVO semantic web application, IN33F-01Abstract Title: Ontology Reuse in Geoscience Semantic Applications
Stott, L. D.
H11P-04Abstract Title: The role of internal variability in prolonging the California drought
Stotz, I.
T41D-2923Abstract Title: Rapid Plate Motion Variations and Continental Uplift as Surface Expressions of Asthenospheric Flow
Stouffer, R. J.
OS43B-04Abstract Title: Total Human-Caused Global Ocean Heat Uptake Nearly Doubles During Recent Surface Warming Hiatus
Stough, S. M.
AE12A-03Abstract Title: Total Lightning as it Relates to Rotation in Supercell Thunderstorms
Stough, T.
IN31D-04Abstract Title: NASA Response to Nepal Quake, NH51E-1949Abstract Title: User-Driven Workflow for Modeling, Monitoring, Product Development, and Flood Map Delivery Using Satellites for Daily Coverage Over Texas May-June 2015, T23C-2975Abstract Title: Feature Detection in SAR Interferograms With Missing Data Displays Fault Slip Near El Mayor-Cucapah and South Napa Earthquakes
Stough, T.
PA41B-2173Abstract Title: Advancing Partnerships Towards an Integrated Approach to Oil Spill Response, PA42B-04Abstract Title: Can I Get a Second Opinion? – Translating Hazard Understanding to Disaster Response
Stout, C.
Stout, C.
PP23A-2272Abstract Title: Mid-to-Late Holocene Hydrologic Variability in the Southeastern Mojave Desert Using Sediments from Ford Lake
Stovall, A. E.
B52A-04Abstract Title: Mapping Forest Carbon by Fusing Terrestrial and Airborne LiDAR Datasets
Stovall, W. K.
PA43C-2190Abstract Title: Modernization of the International Volcanic Ash Website – a global resource for ashfall preparedness and impact guidance.
Stover, D. B.
GC12BAbstract Title: Second State of the Carbon Cycle Report (2016):€“ A Special Scientific Assessment of Current Status and Opportunities I, GC12B-02Abstract Title: Assessing and Synthesizing the Last Decade of Research on the Major Pools and Fluxes of the Carbon Cycle in the US and North America: An Interagency Governmental Perspective, GC13FAbstract Title: Second State of the Carbon Cycle Report (2016):€“ A Special Scientific Assessment of Current Status and Opportunities II Posters, TH22DAbstract Title: Decadal USGCRP Science Assessment of the Carbon Cycle in the US and North America:  The 2nd State of the Carbon Cycle Report (SOCCR-2), TH22EAbstract Title: DOE’s Trait-Based Modeling Approach for Next Generation Ecosystem Experiments (NGEE), TH42IAbstract Title: The AmeriFlux Network: Celebrating Its 20th Anniversary
Stow, D. A. V.
EP11A-07Abstract Title: Evolution of the Gulf of Cadiz and west Portugal contourite depositional system: tectonic, sedimentary and paleoceanographic implications from IODP Expedition 339
Stowe, M.
C41C-0709Abstract Title: ICESat-2 Data Management Services and Processes
Stowell, H. H.
T43B-2999Abstract Title: Dating High Temperature Mineral Fabrics in Lower Crustal Granulite Facies Rocks
Stowell, J.
GC31C-1191Abstract Title: Differentiating Climate Change and Emissions Influence on Future Ozone and Health
Stoy, P. C.
A31A-0014Abstract Title: The Interaction between Surface-Atmosphere Exchange and Convective Precipitation in the Amazon: Results of the GoAmazon Boundary Layer Experiment, B23HAbstract Title: Biosphere-Atmosphere Greenhouse Gas Fluxes in Terrestrial Ecosystems I, B24BAbstract Title: Biosphere-Atmosphere Greenhouse Gas Fluxes in Terrestrial Ecosystems II, B31EAbstract Title: Biosphere-Atmosphere Greenhouse Gas Fluxes in Terrestrial Ecosystems III, B33CAbstract Title: Biosphere-Atmosphere Greenhouse Gas Fluxes in Terrestrial Ecosystems IV Posters
Stoyanoff, N.
NH43B-1886Abstract Title: Using Confidence Intervals and Recurrence Intervals to Determine Precipitation Delivery Mechanisms Responsible for Mass Wasting Events.
Strabala, K.
IN43C-1756Abstract Title: Polar2Grid 2.0: Reprojecting Satellite Data Made Easy
Strachan, J.
A53A-0361Abstract Title: GreenHouse gas Observations of the Stratosphere and Troposphere (GHOST): Deployment of a Novel Shortwave Infrared Spectrometer On Board the NASA Global Hawk Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
Strachan, L.
SH11F-03Abstract Title: Slow Solar Wind: Observable Characteristics for Constraining Modelling
Strachan, L. J.
EP13A-0942Abstract Title: Marine Geomorphology and Gravity Flow Modelling in Transient Pull-Apart Basins of the Offshore Alpine Fault, New Zealand
Strachan, S.
GC11C-1056Abstract Title: Testing the PRISM Temperature Model in Complex Terrain: Implications for Mountain Ecohydrology
Strager, M.
H33H-1707Abstract Title: The Development of a Real Time Surface Water Flow Model to Protect Public Water Intakes in West Virginia
Strahler, A. H.
B12CAbstract Title: Macrosystems Ecology: Thresholds in Ecological Processes and Response across Temporal and Spatial Scales II
Strahm, B. D.
B33C-0698Abstract Title: Spatial and Temporal Trends in Greenhouse Gas Fluxes from a Temperate Floodplain Along a Stream-Riparian-Upland Gradient
Straka, W. C.
IN34B-05Abstract Title: Making Waves—The VIIRS Day/Night Band Reveals Upper Atmospheric Gravity Wave via Sensitivity to Nightglow Emissions, SA13A-2309Abstract Title: Concentric Gravity Waves over Northern China Observed by a No-Gap OH Airglow Imager Network and Satellites, SA13A-2310Abstract Title: Stratospheric and mesospheric concentric gravity waves over tropical cyclone Mahasen: Joint AIRS and VIIRS satellite observations
Stramondo, S.
G41A-0997Abstract Title: How Dramatic is the Unrest at Colli Albani, the Volcanic District 20 km from Rome (Italy)? Insights from SAR Interferometry and Gravimetry, MR33A-2634Abstract Title: Correlation between pore fluid pressures and DInSAR post-seismic deformation of the May 20, 2012 Emilia-Romagna (Italy) earthquake, NH41A-1800Abstract Title: DETECTION AND ANALYSIS OF DEEP SEATED GRAVITATIONAL SLOPE DEFORMATION AND RELATIONS WITH THE ACTIVE TECTONICS
Strand, E. K.
H21D-1401Abstract Title: Cross-Scale Structural and Functional Connectivity as a Driver of Hillslope Erosion on Disturbed Landscapes
Strand, G.
IN11C-1791Abstract Title: The CESM Workflow Re-Engineering Project
Strand, S. M.
C23A-0770Abstract Title: Impacts of Short-Term Meteorological Fluctuations on Near-Surface Ground Temperatures in Spitsbergen, Svalbard
Straneo, F.
C12A-04Abstract Title: Heat, salt, and freshwater budgets for a glacial fjord in Greenland
Strangeway, R. J.
SM11A-06Abstract Title: Swarm Observations of Field Aligned Currents during Geomagnetic Storms, SM12A-09Abstract Title: Low-Frequency Wave Activity Detected by MMS during Dusk Magnetopause Crossings and its Relation to Heating and Acceleration of Particles, SM13C-2519Abstract Title: Steepening of Waves at the Dusk Side Magnetopause, SM13D-2541Abstract Title: Magnetotail flux accumulation leading to auroral expansion and a substorm current wedge: case study, SM31C-2510Abstract Title: Investigating the energy crisis in Io's plasma torus: plasma energetics in rotating magnetospheres, SM41H-2571Abstract Title: Magnetospheric Multiscale Observations of Ultra Low Frequency Waves in the Inner Magnetosphere, SM41I-02Abstract Title: First MMS Observations of High Time Resolution 3D Electric and Magnetic fields at the Dayside Magnetopause., SM41I-03Abstract Title: MMS Observations of Parallel Electric Fields, SM41I-08Abstract Title: Observations of 3-D Electric Fields and Waves Associated With Reconnection at the Dayside Magnetopause, SM42A-04Abstract Title: MMS High-Resolution Observations of the Magnetopause Reconnection Layer, SM42A-06Abstract Title: MMS observations of kinetic-scale structure in a magnetic depression
Strangeway, R. J.
SA33A-04Abstract Title:

On which timescales are By induced in the closed magnetosphere?, SM12A-08Abstract Title: Fine Scale Structure of the Afternoon Equatorial Magnetopause as Seen on the Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission, SM13C-2511Abstract Title: Venus Express Observations of Electromagnetic Waves at the Bow Shock and Magnetosheath, SM41I-09Abstract Title: Comparison of Magnetospheric Multiscale Magnetopause Crossing Signatures With Predicted Reconnection Line Locations, SM43A-02Abstract Title: Effect of electron ambient plasmas in reconnection jets and dipolarization fronts : MMS initial results, SM43A-08Abstract Title: MMS Observations of Velocity-dispersed Ion Populations in Earth’s Magnetotail., SM44A-08Abstract Title: MMS Observations of Kinetic Features in the Earth’s Bursty Bulk Flow Braking Region, SM51A-2514Abstract Title: An Investigation of Perpendicular Gradients of Parallel Electric Field in Separatrix Regions in Using the Magnetosphere Multiscale Mission, SM51A-2516Abstract Title: An MMS multicase study of magnetotail dipolarization fronts, SM51A-2523Abstract Title: Multi-point, multi-scale observation of the near-Earth current sheet reconfiguration during storm-time multi-onset substorms, SM51A-2524Abstract Title: Bursty Bulk Flow Turbulence as Observed by the Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission, SM51A-2536Abstract Title: MMS observations of small magnetic flux ropes in the near‐tail (X > ‐11 Re), SM51A-2548Abstract Title: Parallel Electric Fields and Wave Phenomena Associated with Magnetic Reconnection: The Merged Magnetic Field Product from MMS, SM51A-2555Abstract Title: In-Flight Calibration Processes for the MMS Fluxgate Magnetometers

Stranne, C.
C34A-02Abstract Title: The dynamics of the Amerasian Basin ice shelf: ocean circulation in an immense ice cavity., C34A-05Abstract Title: Late Holocene Bottom Water Temperature Variations from the Herald Canyon, western Chukchi Sea, C43A-0775Abstract Title: On the existence of an East Siberian-Chukchi ice sheet: New insights from the SWERUS-C3 Expedition 2014, C43A-0788Abstract Title: Dynamic simulations of potential methane release from East Siberian continental slope sediments
Strapp, J. W.
A51D-0089Abstract Title: Observed and Simulated Relationships Between Tropical Deep Convective Updraft Dynamics and Ice Microphysics
Strasser, M.
NH21E-03Abstract Title: The marine-geological fingerprint of the 2011 Magnitude 9 Tohoku-oki earthquake
Strasser, U.
C33D-0856Abstract Title: Evaluation of Algorithms for Calculating Forest Micrometeorological Variables Using an Extensive Dataset of Paired Station Recordings
Stratford, W. R.
DI11B-2595Abstract Title: Seismic Probing of the Base of a Tectonic Plate from Subduction Zone to Trench Outer Rise: Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand
Stratmann, F.
A33G-0255Abstract Title: Synthesis of the ACTRIS Network Cloud Condensation Nuclei Measurements
Stratmann, G.
A21B-0121Abstract Title: A Comprehensive Data Composite of NO and NOy in the Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere from CARIBIC Airborne Measurements
Stratton, B. T.
NH34A-07Abstract Title: Forensic Analysis of the May 2014 West Salt Creek Rock Avalanche in Western Colorado
Stratton, L. E.
B51F-0497Abstract Title: Stratigraphy of Carbon Preservation in Reservoir Sediments, Elwha River, Washington, H53A-1634Abstract Title: An Analysis of Historic and Projected Climate Scenarios in the Western United States Using Hydrologic Landscape Classification
Straub, K. H.
A23D-0353Abstract Title: Should There Be a Universally Applicable MJO Index?
Straub, K. M.
EP13CAbstract Title: Experimental Studies in Surface Processes I, EP14AAbstract Title: Experimental Studies in Surface Processes II, EP14A-08Abstract Title: Statistics of Stacked Strata on Experimental Shelf Margins, EP21BAbstract Title: Experimental Studies in Surface Processes III Posters, EP32B-01Abstract Title: Where did the signal go? Why sediment flux is not always the best place to look for a record of the rock uplift history., EP32B-05Abstract Title: Storage Thresholds for Relative Sea Level Signals in the Stratigraphic Record, EP32B-07Abstract Title: High Fidelity? Temporal and spatial scales of stratigraphic incompleteness and how they compare to environmental forcings, EP33B-1064Abstract Title: Quantifying Surface Processes and Stratigraphic Characteristics Resulting from Large Magnitude High Frequency and Small Magnitude Low Frequency Relative Sea Level Cycles: An Experimental Study, EP43C-07Abstract Title: Signal transformation in erosional landscapes: insights for reconstructing tectonic history from sediment flux records, EP51A-0887Abstract Title: Backwater Hydrodynamics in Complex Channel Networks
Straub, S. M.
DI13A-2628Abstract Title: Geochemical Variation of Subducting Pacific Crust Along the Izu-Bonin Arc System and its Implications on the Generation of Arc Magmas, V43A-3101Abstract Title: Investigating Compositional Links Between Arc Magmas And The Subducted Altered Oceanic Crust, V53A-3129Abstract Title: Exploring Links Between Global Climate and Explosive Arc Volcanism in Tephra-Rich Quaternary Sediments: A Pilot Study from IODP Expedition 350 Site 1437B, Izu Bonin Rear-Arc Region
Strauch, B.
B13B-0601Abstract Title: Silicone Tubes – Simple and Effective Tools for Gas Extraction and Monitoring in the Course of Hydrate Dissociation, B13B-0625Abstract Title: Fluid Flow Patterns During Production from Gas Hydrates in the Laboratory compared to Field Settings: LARS vs. Mallik, B13B-0626Abstract Title: Determination of the Physical Properties of Sediments Depending on Hydrate Saturation Using a “Quick Look” Method
Strauch, R. L.
NH44B-06Abstract Title: Landslide Hazard from Coupled Inherent and Dynamic Probabilities
Straus, P. R.
SA21A-05Abstract Title: Unique Views of Scintillation and Density Structures from the CORISS GPS Sensor
Strauss, B. E.
GP33A-03Abstract Title: Mercury’s Crustal Magnetic Field from Low-Altitude Measurements by MESSENGER., GP43A-1233Abstract Title: Rock magnetic effects induced in terrestrial basalt and diabase by >20 GPa experimental spherical shock waves
Strauss, B.
GC21E-06Abstract Title: States at Risk: America’s Preparedness Report Card, NH41D-07Abstract Title: The Effect of DEM Quality on Sea Level Rise Exposure Analysis, PA43D-02Abstract Title: Surging Seas Risk Finder: A Tool for Local-Scale Flood Risk Assessments in Coastal Cities
Strauss, J. A.
S22B-01Abstract Title: Prioritizing earthquake and tsunami alerting efforts, S33B-2762Abstract Title: MyEEW: A Smartphone App for the ShakeAlert System
Strauss, J.
B42C-08Abstract Title: A simplified, data-constrained approach to estimate the permafrost carbon-climate feedback: The PCN Incubation-Panarctic Thermal (PInc-PanTher) Scaling Approach, GC22CAbstract Title: Permafrost Degradation and Its Interrelations with Physical, Ecological, and Socioeconomic Processes I, GC23JAbstract Title: Permafrost Degradation and Its Interrelations with Physical, Ecological, and Socioeconomic Processes II Posters, GC23J-1223Abstract Title: Ice-Rich Yedoma Permafrost: A Synthesis of Circum-Arctic Distribution and Thickness
Strauss, J. V.
T51B-2880Abstract Title: “Taconic” arc magmatism in the central Brooks Range, Alaska: New U-Pb zircon geochronology and Hf isotopic data from the lower Paleozoic Apoon assemblage of the Doonerak fenster
Strawbridge, K. B.
A23A-0257Abstract Title: Autonomous Ozone and Aerosol LIDAR Profiling of the Troposphere: A Synergistic Approach
Strawn, D. G.
B41F-0496Abstract Title: Impact of phenazine-1-carboxylic acid upon iron speciation and microbial biomass in the rhizosphere of wheat
Strayer, L. M.
S53A-2791Abstract Title: Ground-Truth On The CSUEB Campus: Results From Integrating Geophysical, Geological And Geospatial Methods And Fault Trench Studies., T33C-2954Abstract Title: Critical taper wedge strength varies with structural style: results from distinct-element models
Strazzo, S.
NH51F-1957Abstract Title: The atmospheric influence on climatological tropical cyclone frequency and intensity
Streatfield, P. K.
GC43G-03Abstract Title: An integrated framework to assess plausible future livelihood and poverty changes in deltas: an application to coastal Bangladesh
Streck, M. J.
V24C-03Abstract Title: New Data on mid-Miocene Rhyolite Volcanism in Eastern Oregon Extend Early, co-CRBG Rhyolite Flare up and Constrain Storage Sites of Grande Ronde Flood Basalts, V31E-3064Abstract Title: Silicic Volcanism at the Northern and Western Extent of the Columbia River Basalt Rhyolite Flare-up: Rhyolites of Dooley Mountain and Buchanan, Oregon, V31E-3065Abstract Title: Stratigraphy and Geochemistry of a Large, Hotspot-related Rhyolite of the Pacific Northwest: The Littlefield Rhyolite, Eastern Oregon
Streck, T.
B33C-0681Abstract Title: Eddy Covariance Measurements Over a Maize Field: The Contribution of Minor Flux Terms to the Energy Balance Gap, H34A-06Abstract Title: A Novel Concept for Observing Land-Surface-Atmosphere Feedback Based on a Synergy of Scanning Lidar Systems
Strecker, M. R.
EP31B-1013Abstract Title: Linking hydrologic and bedload transport models to simulate fluvial response to changing precipitation, EP41A-0910Abstract Title: Ages and potential drivers of fluvial fill terrace formation in the southern-central Andes, NW Argentina, T12B-03Abstract Title: Landscape response to late Pleistocene climate change along the Puna Plateau margin: Sediment flux and cosmogenic landslide signatures modulated by basin geometry, T13G-04Abstract Title: Tectonic deformation zones across the Himalaya of northwest India, T21B-2816Abstract Title: Hydrogen stable isotopes from hydrated volcanic glass record orogenic growth and climate change at the eastern Puna Plateau margin, NW Argentina, T21B-2818Abstract Title: Soil n-alkane δD and Branched GDGTs Distributions Track Elevation-induced Precipitation and Temperature Changes along the South Central Andes (Argentina), T21B-2819Abstract Title: Tectonics, climate, and landscape evolution of the southern-central Andes revealed by leaf wax stable isotopes, T21B-2824Abstract Title: Uplift and growth of the northwest Pamir, T23F-01Abstract Title: Linking Slab Break-Off, Hellenic Trench Retreat, and Uplift of the Central and Eastern Anatolian Plateaus, T34A-04Abstract Title: Miocene to present-day shortening and intermontane basin formation in the Andean Puna Plateau, NW Argentina (24°30’S), T34A-05Abstract Title: Marked spatial gradient in the topographic evolution of the Andes spanning the Chilean flat-slab transition: evidence from stable isotope paleoaltimetry and zircon double dating
Streets, D. G.
A11G-0114Abstract Title: Aura OMI observations of changes in SO2 and NO2 emissions at local, regional and global scales, A11O-02Abstract Title: Megacity trends in OMI NO2 columns: weekday, seasonal, recession and long-term patterns, A23N-04Abstract Title: A Space-Based, High-Resolution View of Notable Changes in Urban and Regional NOx Pollution around the World (2005-2014), GC51F-1160Abstract Title: A State-of-the-Science Hg Redox Mechanism for Atmospheric Models: Constraints from Observations and Global Implications
Streett, D.
PA41B-2173Abstract Title: Advancing Partnerships Towards an Integrated Approach to Oil Spill Response
Streher, A. S.
B31G-04Abstract Title: Large-scale Altitudinal and Latitudinal Variability of Vegetation Phenology in a Tropical Montane Landscape: A Remote Sensing Perspective, B52B-08Abstract Title: Ecosystem Function in Amazon Floodplain Wetlands: Climate Variability, Landscape Dynamics and Carbon Biogeochemistry.
Streletskaya, I. D.
GC31B-1181Abstract Title: Seasonal Variations of Stable Isotope Composition of River Flow in Permafrost Regions of Yenisei and Kolyma Rivers (Russia)
Streletskiy, D. A.
B31D-0587Abstract Title: Spatio-temporal modeling of Active Layer Thickness, B42C-05Abstract Title: CALM at 21: Results of long-term monitoring of the active layer/upper permafrost system., GC23J-1217Abstract Title: Thermal State Of Permafrost In Urban Environment Under Changing Climatic Conditions, GC31B-1179Abstract Title: The Permafrost Condition from 1960 to 2300 Based on Simulations of the GIPL2 Permafrost Dynamics Model across Eurasia: Implications for Soil Carbon Vulnerability, Infrastructure and Socio-economic Impacts, GC31B-1181Abstract Title: Seasonal Variations of Stable Isotope Composition of River Flow in Permafrost Regions of Yenisei and Kolyma Rivers (Russia), GC31B-1183Abstract Title: Rapid Arctic Changes due to Infrastructure and Climate (RATIC) in the Russian North, GC33F-04Abstract Title: Detecting Anthropogenic and Climate Change Induced Land Cover and Land Use Change in the Vicinity of an Oil/gas Facility in Northwestern Siberia, Russia
Streletz, G. J.
ED22B-06Abstract Title: 3D movies for teaching seafloor bathymetry, plate tectonics, and ocean circulation in large undergraduate classes
Strellis, B. M.
GC33E-1348Abstract Title: Modeling Greenland's Climate Response to the Presence of Biomass Burning Aerosols in the Atmosphere and Snow
Strelnikov, B.
SA13A-2333Abstract Title: Variation and Fine Structure of Mesospheric Turbulence Layers as Observed During the MTeX Rocket Experiment, SA41B-2352Abstract Title: MTeX: The Mesosphere-Lower Thermosphere Turbulence Experiment
Streltsov, A. V.
SM21A-2480Abstract Title: Observations and Simulations of Whistler Waves in Earth's Radiation Belts, SM21A-2491Abstract Title: Observations and Simulations of Whistler-mode Waves Detected by the Van Allen Probes, SM21A-2496Abstract Title: Whistler-Mode Waves inside Density Ducts Observed by the Van Allen Probes, SM41D-2507Abstract Title: Magnetospheric Resonances at Low and Middle Latitudes
Stremme, W.
A11G-0115Abstract Title: Satellite-Based Tropospheric NO2 Column Trends in the Last 10 Years Over Mexican Urban Areas Measured by the Ozone Monitoring Instrument, A32D-07Abstract Title: NO2 and HCHO variability in Mexico City from MAX-DOAS measurements
Strenecky, B.
ED32A-08Abstract Title: Partnering International Universities to Enhance Climate Literacy through Interdisciplinary, Cross-Cultural Learning, GC11G-1097Abstract Title: Building Partnerships and Research Collaborations to Address the Impacts of Arctic Change: The North Atlantic Climate Change Collaboration (NAC3)
Streule, M. J.
ED31B-0890Abstract Title: Does Question Structure Affect Exam Performance in the Geosciences?
Strey, S. T.
A51H-0158Abstract Title: Recurring Cold Winters over the Gulf Stream and Implications for Northern Hemisphere Ocean Circulation
Stricker, C. A.
B11L-04Abstract Title: Impact of Climate Variability on the Hydrogeochemistry of Ecologically Important Prairie Wetlands and Lakes
Strickert, G. E.
Strickland, D. J.
SA52A-05Abstract Title: Global-scale Observations of the Limb and Disk (GOLD): From Simulations to Observations
Strickland, J. T.
ED22A-07Abstract Title: MS PHD’S: A Successful Model Promoting Inclusion, Preparation and Engagement of Underrepresented Minorities within the Geosciences Workforce
Strickland, M. J.
A21A-0097Abstract Title: Deconvoluting Mixtures of Emissions Sources to Investigate PM2.5’s Ability to Generate Reactive Oxygen Species and its Associations with Cardiorespiratory Effects
Strickman, R. J.
B14C-07Abstract Title: Accumulation of methylmercury in rice and flooded soil in experiments with an enriched isotopic Hg(II) tracer
Strid, A.
B11G-0501Abstract Title: Does Litter Impart A Detectable Chemical Signal on Soil DOC? DOC Fluorescence Signatures in Soils Undergoing Long-Term Litter Manipulations
Striegl, R. G.
B13J-06Abstract Title: Tracking Particulate Organic Matter Characteristics in Major Arctic Rivers: Indicators of Watershed-Scale Climate Impacts, B13J-07Abstract Title: Biodegradability of dissolved and particulate organic matter in tributaries of contrasting land-use in the Upper Mississippi River, B34B-08Abstract Title: Mobilization of Aquatic Carbon from Permafrost: Tracking the Ancient Carbon Signal., B44B-08Abstract Title: Continuous Ship-borne Methane Measurements on the Upper Mississippi River and Selected Tributaries, GC12B-10Abstract Title: Aquatic carbon fluxes from the conterminous US and Alaska, GC13F-1221Abstract Title: Dissolved Organic Carbon Fluxes in Rivers of the Conterminous United States: Influence of Terrestrial – Aquatic Linkages
Stright, L.
EP33B-1065Abstract Title: Comparing the Dimensions of Modern and Ancient Barrier Island Systems to Understand Controls on Preservation
Strimbu, B. M.
B43C-0561Abstract Title: Robustness of Tree Extraction Algorithms from LIDAR
Stringfellow, W. T.
H31E-1462Abstract Title: IMPACTS OF HYDRAULIC FRACTURING IN CALIFORNIA – AN OVERVIEW OF A COMPREHENSIVE SCIENCE ASSESSMENT, H31E-1463Abstract Title: Treatment Process Requirements for Waters Containing Hydraulic Fracturing Chemicals, H31E-1464Abstract Title: Characteristics and management of flowback/produced water from hydraulically fractured wells in California - findings from the California SB 4 assessment, H34C-02Abstract Title: Groundwater monitoring of hydraulic fracturing in California: Recommendations for permit-required monitoring
Stringham, B.
B11D-0464Abstract Title: Total- and Methyl-mercury Response to Causeway Closure in the Great Salt Lake, Utah
Strobel, B. W.
B34B-01Abstract Title: Controls of Methane Dynamics and Emissions in an Arctic Warming Experiment
Strobel, D. F.
P11E-03Abstract Title: Comparative Studies of the Density and Thermal Structure and Associated Escape Rates of Pluto and Triton's Atmospheres, P31B-2068Abstract Title: Modeling Callisto's Ionosphere: Insight Into Callisto's Atmosphere, P51A-2046Abstract Title: Searching for Charon's Atmosphere, P54A-06Abstract Title: Radio Occultation Measurements of Pluto’s Atmosphere with New Horizons, P54A-09Abstract Title: Pluto’s Far Ultraviolet Spectrum and Airglow Emissions, SM31D-2535Abstract Title: Pluto's atmosphere-plasma interaction: Hybrid simulations, SM31D-2537Abstract Title: Solar Wind at 33 AU: Setting Bounds on the Pluto Interaction, SM42B-03Abstract Title: Escape of Pluto's Atmosphere: In Situ Measurements from New Horizons and Remote Observations from Chandra
Strobel, M.
IN41B-1704Abstract Title: Development of a Coordinated National Soil Moisture Network: A Pilot Study
Strode, S.
A21B-0120Abstract Title: Interannual Variability and Trends of CH4, CO and OH using the Computationally-Efficient CH4-CO-OH (ECCOH) Module
Stroeve, J. C.
A13C-0353Abstract Title: Arctic Precipitation Analysis from the Arctic System Reanalysis (ASR): 2000-2012, C23BAbstract Title: Processes and Properties of Arctic and Antarctic Sea Ice and Its Snow Cover I Posters, C31AAbstract Title: Processes and Properties of Arctic and Antarctic Sea Ice and Its Snow Cover II, C32AAbstract Title: Processes and Properties of Arctic and Antarctic Sea Ice and Its Snow Cover III (Half Session), C41BAbstract Title: Arctic Albedo: Variations and Trends Posters, C51D-06Abstract Title: Investigating The Relationship Between Atmospheric Moisture Flux And The Surface Mass Balance On The Greenland Ice Sheet, C53A-0756Abstract Title: Atmospheric Drivers of Greenland Surface Melt Revealed by Self Organizing Maps, C53A-0763Abstract Title: Linkages between Icelandic Low position and SE Greenland winter precipitation, C54A-03Abstract Title: Variability in the Antarctic Marginal Ice Zone and Pack Ice in Observations and NCAR CESM
Stroker, K. J.
IN21B-1690Abstract Title: Challenges to Standardization: A Case Study Using Coastal and Deep-Ocean Water Level Data
Ström, J.
A11C-0061Abstract Title: Long term trends of CCN concentration in Arctic region at Zeppelin station, Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard, A33G-0261Abstract Title: Cloud and Aerosol Characterization During CAEsAR 2014
Strom, K.
EP21CAbstract Title: Sources, Transport Processes, and Deposition/Storage of Fine-Grained and Cohesive Sediment: From Hillslopes to Oceans I Posters, EP21C-0931Abstract Title: Localized Density Instabilities Driven By Interface Shear and Their Influence on Removal of Sediment from Buoyant Plumes, EP21C-0933Abstract Title: Inclusion of floc-driven settling velocity in a simple river mouth plume model and the effect on plume concentration and rate of deposition, EP23EAbstract Title: Sources, Transport Processes, and Deposition/Storage of Fine-Grained and Cohesive Sediment: From Hillslopes to Oceans II
Strömberg, C. A. E.
T21B-2814Abstract Title: Bringing organic carbon isotopes and phytoliths to the table as additional constraints on paleoelevation
Stromberg, M.
Stromer, Z.
NH44A-01Abstract Title: Improving Coastal Flood Risk Assessments for the Northeastern United States: New York City to Boston
Stromme, A.
SA13BAbstract Title: General Aeronomy Posters, SH22BAbstract Title: Solar and Heliospheric Physics General Contributions I Particles and Solar Wind, SH43BAbstract Title: Solar and Heliospheric Physics General Contributions I Posters, SH52AAbstract Title: Solar and Heliospheric Physics General Contributions II Sun and Corona, SH53BAbstract Title: Solar and Heliospheric Physics General Contributions II Posters, SH54BAbstract Title: Solar and Heliospheric Physics General Contributions III Corona and Solar Wind, SM13EAbstract Title: General Magnetospheric Physics Posters
Strong, C.
A41D-0086Abstract Title: Simulation of Historical and Future Precipitation over the Wasatch, B33H-07Abstract Title: The University of Utah Urban Undertaking (U4)
Strong, J. D.
A23C-0319Abstract Title: The Effect of Saharan Dust on North Atlantic Hydroclimate and Tropical Cyclones in a High-Resolution GCM
Strong, K.
A11C-0076Abstract Title: Investigation of Seasonal Cycles of CO, CH4, N2O, and O3 in the High Arctic at Eureka, Canada and Barrow, Alaska using Infrared Emission Spectroscopy, A43G-0401Abstract Title: Radiative Efficiency and Global Warming Potential of the VOC-exempt Hydrofluorocarbon HFC-43-10mee
Stroujkova, A. F.
S53B-2816Abstract Title: Shear Wave Generation by Explosions in Anisotropic Crystalline Rock, S53B-2822Abstract Title: Cavity Radius Scaling for Chemical Explosions in Granite
Strow, L. L.
A14C-08Abstract Title: An Infrared Radiance Climate Record Combining AIRS and CrIS, A21I-08Abstract Title: Global Ammonia Distributions and Recent Trends from AIRS 13-years Measurements, IN34B-08Abstract Title: Improved Ozone and Carbon Monoxide Profile Retrievals Using Multispectral Measurements from NASA “A Train”, NPP, and TROPOMI Satellites
Strub, P.
SH53C-07Abstract Title: New insights in the interstellar dust properties and its interaction with the heliosphere from data, simulations and experiments
Strub, R. F.
IN51C-07Abstract Title: Between a Map and a Data Rod, PA53A-2235Abstract Title: Automated Atmospheric Composition Dataset Level Metadata Discovery. Difficulties and Surprises
Struble, W. T.
T43E-07Abstract Title: Tectonics From Topography: Strong Correlation Between Mountain Front Steepness and Holocene Slip Rates Along the Wasatch Normal Fault, USA.
Strunk, A.
C51B-0694Abstract Title: Deciphering the Glacial-Interglacial Landscape History in Greenland Based on Markov Chain Monte Carlo Inversion of Existing 10Be-26Al Data
Strupler, M. M.
EP23D-0992Abstract Title: Sublacustrine Landslides in Several Alaskan Lakes Reveal a Long History of Strong Earthquake Shaking
Struthers, H.
A41P-01Abstract Title: Arctic climate response to regional aerosol emission changes between 1980 and 2005
Strutton, P. G.
OS11B-01Abstract Title: Bio-Argo Floats Reveal Subsurface Structure of Indian Ocean Eddies
Struzhkin, V.
MR13A-2679Abstract Title: High-pressure thermal properties of liquid, solid and amorphous H2O
Strybos, J.
ED12A-05Abstract Title: Teaching Climate Science in Non-traditional Classrooms 
Stryker, T.
TH25JAbstract Title: U.S. Group on Earth Observations (USGEO) Town Hall
Strykowski, G.
G33A-1133Abstract Title: Absolute gravimetry for monitoring geodynamics in Greenland.
Strzelecki, M. C.
EP23A-0944Abstract Title: High Arctic Coasts At Risk - The Impact of Coastal Hazards on Scientific and Community Infrastructure in Svalbard
Strzepek, K.
GC11G-1101Abstract Title: Quantification of physical and economic impacts of climate change on public infrastructure in Alaska and benefits of global greenhouse gas mitigation
Stuart, F. M.
H53H-1766Abstract Title: Fingerprinting Captured CO2 Using Natural Tracers for CCS Monitoring and Verification
Stuart, F. M.
T54B-07Abstract Title: Dating shallow thrusts by quantifying shear heating
Stuart, G. W.
T51G-3020Abstract Title: Variations in Shear Wave Splitting Beneath Southern Arabia and the Gulf of Aden
Stuart, R.
B21C-0453Abstract Title: Effects of Light Stress on Extracellular Cycling in a Cyanobacterial Biofilm Community
Stubbins, A.
B13J-05Abstract Title: Seasonal variability in the composition of dissolved organic matter in the Yukon River, Alaska
Stubblefield, R. K.
EP43A-0955Abstract Title: Variability in prevailing wind patterns during the Quaternary based on yardang morphology in the Qaidam Basin, China, and implications for climate change
Stubbs, J.
MR11A-02Abstract Title: High-energy X-ray diffraction of melts and amorphous solids at extreme conditions, MR13A-2675Abstract Title: High pressure research at the Partnership for eXtreme Xtallography (PX^2) Project
Stubbs, T. J.
P53B-2114Abstract Title: Implications of dielectric breakdown weathering for the lunar regolith, P53B-2125Abstract Title: Searching for Lunar Horizon Glow with the LRO Star Tracker Cameras, SM13C-2505Abstract Title: Plasma Characteristics and Transport in the Near-Lunar Magnetotail: Observations from THEMIS/ARTEMIS
Stübner, K.
T13C-3018Abstract Title: Building the Pamir-Tibet Plateau: Eo-Oligocene Crustal Stacking and Orogen Parallel Evasion of Upper and Middle Crustal Material in the Pamir, T13G-04Abstract Title: Tectonic deformation zones across the Himalaya of northwest India, T21B-2824Abstract Title: Uplift and growth of the northwest Pamir, T23A-2919Abstract Title: Shortening Record in the Central Andean Plateau of Southern Peru: Basement Inversion, Thin-skinned Thrusting, and Geomorphic Response
Student, J. J.
T43B-2998Abstract Title: Onset of Grain Boundary Migration and Drastic Weakening of Quartzite during increasing grade of Metamorphism in the Contact Aureole surrounding the Eureka Valley-Joshua Flat-Beer Creek pluton, California, USA, T43B-3002Abstract Title: Ti Mobility in Quartzite from the Eureka Valley-Joshua Flat-Beer Creek Pluton (EJB) Aureole in California, USA.
Studer-Ellis, G. L.
P53D-2153Abstract Title: Surface Albedo Variations Across Opportunity’s Traverse in Meridiani Planum
Studinger, M.
C31B-07Abstract Title: New advances in remote sensing of Arctic sea ice thickness from Operation IceBridge and beyond, C51EAbstract Title: Observing and Understanding Changes in Polar Ice Sheets and Glaciers Using Airborne and Satellite Remote Sensing I, C53B-0779Abstract Title: The Operation IceBridge Sea Ice Freeboard, Snow Septh and Thickness Product: An In-Depth Look at Past, Current and Future Versions, C53CAbstract Title: Observing and Understanding Changes in Polar Ice Sheets and Glaciers Using Airborne and Satellite Remote Sensing II Posters, C53C-0787Abstract Title: Development of a multi-sensor elevation time series pole-ward of 86°S in support of altimetry validation and ice sheet mass balance studies
Studwell, S.
IN13C-1850Abstract Title: Data Publication: The Evolving Lifecyle
Stuefer, M.
GC23K-1233Abstract Title: Field-Based and Airborne Hyperspectral Imaging for Applied Research in the State of Alaska
Stüeken, E.
PP33E-03Abstract Title: Assessing the Utility of Selenium Isotopes as a Deep-Time Redox Proxy
Stuff, M.
V21C-3050Abstract Title: Experimental Constraints on Fe Isotope Fractionation in Carbonatite Melt Systems
Stukel, M. R.
OS13B-2043Abstract Title: Merging Marine Ecosystem Models and Genomics
Stults, M.
IN31B-1759Abstract Title: Global Federation of Data Services in Seismology: Extending the Concept to Interdisciplinary Science
Stults, M.
IN11F-1809Abstract Title: GeoCSV: tabular text formatting for geoscience data, IN13A-1810Abstract Title: Building web service interfaces to geoscience data sets: EarthCube GeoWS project activities at the IRIS DMC, S53A-2771Abstract Title: The impact of web services at the IRIS DMC
Stumbaugh, M. R.
H11D-1367Abstract Title: Spatially-distributed Calibration of Two Macroscale Hydrologic Models Across the Columbia River Basin
Stump, B. W.
S21C-06Abstract Title: Comparison Study between North Texas Earthquake Sequences from 2008-2015, S51C-2697Abstract Title: Detection of Regional Infrasound Signals Using Array Data - Testing, Tuning, and Physical Interpretation
Stump, B. W.
S51C-2691Abstract Title: On the development and testing of a database-centric pipeline for the analysis of a regional infrasound network
Stumpf, A.
EP53B-1028Abstract Title: 11- years of temporal evolution of the ‘Mare à Poule d’Eau’ landslide on La Reunion island using optical SPOT5 images correlation.
Stumpf, A.
EP21C-0912Abstract Title: Tracing suspended sediment sources in the Upper Sangamon River Basin using conservative and non-conservative tracers, H53E-1702Abstract Title: Integrating distributed temperature sensing and geological characterization to quantify spatiotemporal variability in subsurface heat transport within the Critical Zone
Stumpp, C.
H51F-1440Abstract Title: Which key properties controls the preferential transport in the vadose zone under transient hydrological conditions
Stunder, B.
A21A-0040Abstract Title: Wild Fire Emissions for the NOAA Operational HYSPLIT Smoke Model
Stunitz, H.
MR21CAbstract Title: Physical Properties of Earth Materials (PPEM): Deformation Mechanisms from Crystals to Plates I Posters, MR23CAbstract Title: Physical Properties of Earth Materials (PPEM): Deformation Mechanisms from Crystals to Plates II, T21E-2896Abstract Title: GRAAL – Griggs-type Apparatus equipped with Acoustics in the Laboratory: a new instrument to explore the rheology of rocks at high pressure, T33H-03Abstract Title: Low-temperature creep and solution transfer: a key combination for mantle strain localization, T33H-05Abstract Title: Water weakening in experimentally deformed milky quartz single crystals, T33H-07Abstract Title: Stresses and pressures at the quartz-coesite transition in shear experiments
Sturchio, N. C.
Sturges, W. T.
A43E-0338Abstract Title: Evaluation of new stratospheric age tracers and SF6, A54A-07Abstract Title: Evidence for North-South Long Range Transport of Pollutants Across the South China Sea During the Winter Monsoon
Sturhahn, W.
MR33D-03Abstract Title: Temperature of Earth's Deep Interior Constrained from Melting of Fe and Fe0.9Ni0.1 at High Pressures
Sturkell, E.
NH21A-1806Abstract Title: Coupling Between Mineral Reactions and Chemical Changes in Groundwater Before and After Earthquakes in Iceland, T51G-2997Abstract Title: Style of Plate Spreading Derived from the 2008-2014 Velocity Field Across the Northern Volcanic Zone of Iceland, T51G-2998Abstract Title: Deformation derived from GPS geodesy associated with Bárðabunga 2014 rifting event in Iceland, V21C-3043Abstract Title: From Carbonatite to Ikaite: How high-T carbonates are transformed into low-T carbonate minerals in SW Greenland
Sturkell, E. C.
NH11A-1880Abstract Title: The Lockne - Målingen doublet impacts, the result of a binary asteroid from the 470 Ma Main Asteroid Belt event
Sturm, C.
PP13E-03Abstract Title: Signatures of climate variability in water stable isotopes across the globe modeled for the past millennium
Sturm, M.
C22A-05Abstract Title: Snow Bedforms Create the Surface Roughness of Polar Snow
Sturmlechner, M.
H14E-02Abstract Title: Blind Inlet as a Possible Technology for the Remediation of Phosphorus from Surface Runoff
Sturner, A. P.
SM41I-03Abstract Title: MMS Observations of Parallel Electric Fields, SM41I-08Abstract Title: Observations of 3-D Electric Fields and Waves Associated With Reconnection at the Dayside Magnetopause, SM44A-08Abstract Title: MMS Observations of Kinetic Features in the Earth’s Bursty Bulk Flow Braking Region, SM51A-2514Abstract Title: An Investigation of Perpendicular Gradients of Parallel Electric Field in Separatrix Regions in Using the Magnetosphere Multiscale Mission, SM51A-2524Abstract Title: Bursty Bulk Flow Turbulence as Observed by the Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission
Sturtevant, C. S.
B21H-0573Abstract Title: Beyond the Methanogenic Black-Box: Greenhouse Gas Fluxes (CO2, CH4, N2O) as Evidence for Wetlands as Dynamic Redox Systems, B21I-06Abstract Title: Using eddy covariance of CO2, 13CO2 and CH4, continuous soil respiration measurements, and PhenoCams to constrain a process-based biogeochemical model for carbon market-funded wetland restoration, B33C-0702Abstract Title: Greenhouse gas emissions and carbon sequestration potential in restored freshwater marshes in the Sacramento San-Joaquin Delta, California, B34A-01Abstract Title: Multifaceted Roles of Management on Land-Atmosphere Interactions
Stute, M.
B54A-07Abstract Title: Triritum/He-3 dating of groundwater in the United States: general features and specific applications, H34C-04Abstract Title: Impacts on water quality by hydraulic fracturing in Pennsylvania, H41C-1315Abstract Title: CarbFix I: Rapid CO2 mineralization in basalt for permanent carbon storage
Stutz, J.
A34F-06Abstract Title: Nitrous acid (HONO) observations during the Uintah Basin Wintertime Ozone Studies (UBWOS) and the Wintertime Investigation of Transport, Emission, and Reactivity (WINTER) study: sources, measurements interferences, and implications beyond., A51S-04Abstract Title: Investigation of Atmospheric Chemistry in the Tropical UTLS with NASA’s Global Hawk UAS during ATTREX, B43H-0644Abstract Title: PhotoSpec - Ground-based Remote Sensing of Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence
Stutzmann, E.
C21A-0723Abstract Title: Numerical modeling of glacial earthquakes induced by iceberg capsize, DI11B-2585Abstract Title: Imaging Lithospheric Structure beneath the Indian continent, S13C-08Abstract Title: Understanding and modeling seismic noise generation and propagation, S31C-05Abstract Title: On the shaping factors of the secondary microseismic wavefield
Stuurman, C. M.
P51C-2078Abstract Title: Radar-Assisted Mapping of Massive Ice in Western Utopia Planitia, Mars: Degradational Mechanisms and Implications for Surface Evolution
Stuut, J. B. W.
A33L-0356Abstract Title: Lateral and Seasonal Trends of Saharan Dust Deposition along a Transect over the Atlantic Ocean, A51U-08Abstract Title: DUSTTRAFFIC: Transatlantic Transport and Deposition of Saharan Dust and its Effects on the Marine Environment , OS31A-1962Abstract Title: One year sediment trap fluxes from a mooring in the western tropical North Atlantic
Styers, M.
ED53D-0868Abstract Title: Big Bang! An Evaluation of NASA’s Space School Musical Program for Elementary and Middle School Learners
Styron, R. H.
T33G-03Abstract Title: Geodynamic Drivers of Vertical Crustal Motion: Integrating Paleoaltimetry with Basin Development in the Central Andean Plateau of Southern Peru
Su, C. C.
NH23B-1885Abstract Title: Impact of Submarine Geohazards on Organic Carbon Burial Offshore Southwestern Taiwan, OS23B-2010Abstract Title: 3D Chirp Sonar Images on Fluid Migration Pathways and Their Implications on Seafloor Stability East of the Fangliao Submarine Canyon Offshore SW Taiwan, T33A-2914Abstract Title: Linking Anomalously Low Topographic Relief in the Taiwan Arc-Continent Collision to a Submarine Plateau South of the Collision.
Su, C. H.
H43H-1623Abstract Title: Intercomparison of AMSR2 and AMSR-E Soil Moisture Retrievals with MERRA-L data set over Australia
Su, D.
AE31C-0456Abstract Title: Lightning characteristics related to radar morphology in linear convective systems over North China plain
Su, F.
GC23L-1251Abstract Title: Retrieval of high mountain precipitation and temperature for a quantitative assessment of the hydrologic flow regime in the Upper Yarkand River basin in the Karakoram
Su, H. N.
B11E-0479Abstract Title: Structural and Molecular Basis for the Novel Catalytic Mechanism and Evolution of DddP, an Abundant Peptidase-Like Bacterial Dimethylsulfoniopropionate Lyase: A New Enzyme from an Old Fold
Su, H. T.
AE33B-0491Abstract Title: Atomic Oxygen as the controlling factor in collocation of Elves and OH* Meinel band nightglow, AE33C-0506Abstract Title: The early ELF signals of the gigantic jets captured by the Taiwan ground observation network, AE33C-0510Abstract Title: The Associated Sferics of the ISUAL Blue Luminous Events, AE33C-0511Abstract Title: Triangulation of the Gigantic Jets in 20 August 2014
Su, H.
A33G-0255Abstract Title: Synthesis of the ACTRIS Network Cloud Condensation Nuclei Measurements, A41M-07Abstract Title: Long-term Airborne Black Carbon Measurements on a Lufthansa Passenger Aircraft, A54A-08Abstract Title: Online measurements of ambient fluorescent aerosol particles by WIBS at a polluted regional site in the North China Plain: potential impact of burning activities
Su, H.
H31JAbstract Title: Evapotranspiration: Advances in In Situ Measurements and Remote Sensing Based Modeling Approaches I, H31J-08Abstract Title: Estimating land surface heat flux using radiometric surface temperature without the need for an extra resistance, H32BAbstract Title: Evapotranspiration: Advances in In Situ Measurements and Remote Sensing Based Modeling Approaches II, H33BAbstract Title: Evapotranspiration: Advances in In Situ Measurements and Remote Sensing Based Modeling Approaches III Posters
Su, H.
A31C-0054Abstract Title: Unforced surface air temperature anomalies and their opposite relationship with the TOA energy imbalance at local and global scales, A33P-06Abstract Title: Upper Tropospheric Water Vapor and Cloud Variations with Sea Surface Temperature in Observations and Models, A41E-0099Abstract Title: Evaluation of CO Distribution and Variation in the UTLS from GMI and GEOS-Chem Simulations by Using Aura MLS Observations, A41E-0101Abstract Title: Evaluation of Aerosol Properties in GCMs using Satellite Measurements, A41E-0104Abstract Title: Interannual Variabilities in High Cloud Cover from AIRS Data and Comparison to Climate Models, A41E-0107Abstract Title: Post-CMIP5 Model Improvements in Clouds and Water Vapor, A51L-0241Abstract Title: Regional climate effects of aerosols on precipitation and snowpack in California
SU, J. J.
P53B-2123Abstract Title: Regional and Latitude Variability in Diurnally Modulated Neutron Flux Measured by LRO/LEND
Su, J.
A23G-06Abstract Title: Observation of cloud formation caused by low-level jets
Su, J.
MR33A-2626Abstract Title: Insights on fault-valve behavior gained from the Ms5.1 isolated shallow earthquake in Moxi gas reservoir, Sichuan Basin, China
Su, J.
H11C-1356Abstract Title: Environment Flow Assessment with Flow Regime Transition
Su, L.
A12E-07Abstract Title: Understanding the Lifecycle of Organic Carbon Through Multiple Generations of Aging
Su, Q.
PP12A-03Abstract Title: Lake-level Fluctuation and Climate Cyclicity Observed in Lake Strata in the Northwestern Qaidam Basin, China
SU, S.
V23B-3156Abstract Title: Magmatic conduit melt-fluid metallogenic system- A new Genetic Model for Xishimen Iron Deposit, Wuan area, Hebei province, China
Su, S. H.
A21F-0213Abstract Title: The Climatology of Taiwan extreme rainfall events and the attributions
Su, S. Y.
SA21A-08Abstract Title: Reexamining the Longitudinal Distributions of Post-sunset Quiettime Equatorial Ionospheric Irregularity Occurrences During Solstices with Respect to the Vertical Drift and Density Variations
Su, W.
A21C-0156Abstract Title: Consistency of CERES radiances and fluxes from Aqua and Suomi-NPP, A41E-0106Abstract Title: Evaluation of a GCM with the CERES Flux-by-Cloud Type Simulator, GC34C-02Abstract Title: Towards a Seamless Global Long-Term Earth Radiation Budget Climate Data Record
Su, X.
G33B-1139Abstract Title: Study of the Northern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau Permafrost Active Layer Depth Rate Using Satellite Geodetic Observations, G53A-01Abstract Title: Asia High Mountain Glacier Mass Balance
Su, X.
OS23B-2008Abstract Title: Microbial Diversity in Hydrate-bearing and -free Seafloor Surface Sediments in the Shenhu Area, South China Sea
Su, Y. J.
B53D-0605Abstract Title: Land use history, ecosystem type and species composition drive water use efficiency in annual maize and perennial grasslands in a humid temperate climate
Su, Y.
P51C-2073Abstract Title: The properties of the lunar regolith at Chang’e-3 landing site: A study based on LPR data
Su, Y.
B43C-0557Abstract Title: Fine Resolution Tree Height Estimation from Lidar Data and Its Application in SRTM DEM Correction across Forests of Sierra Nevada, California, USA
Su, Y. J.
SA13C-04Abstract Title: The Statistics of Neutral Density Maxima, SA23B-2343Abstract Title: Vertical Profile of the Thermospheric Response to Magnetic Storms at Polar Latitudes, SA31C-2355Abstract Title: Poynting flux distribution in the dayside polar cap boundary regions, SA31D-2367Abstract Title: Observations of Poynting fluxes, ion temperatures and neutral densities during the March 2015 magnetic storm, SM23B-2565Abstract Title: Superposed epoch analysis of storm time response of the ionosphere-thermosphere (IT) system
Su, Y.
SH53B-2491Abstract Title: Twisting/Rolling Motions and Chirality in Filament Eruptions
Su, Y.
GC53C-1216Abstract Title: Oscillating Hydrofoils for Tidal Energy Extraction: Experiments, Simulations and Salt Water Field Tests
Su, Y.
A21A-0082Abstract Title: Continuous Near-Road Monitoring of Ultrafine Particles from 2010-2015 in Toronto, Canada
Su, Z.
SM13G-06Abstract Title: Disappearance of plasmaspheric hiss following interplanetary shock, SM21A-2497Abstract Title: Intense Low-frequency Chorus Waves Observed by Van Allen Probes: Fine Structures and Potential Effect on Radiation Belt Electrons
Su, Z.
H14F-02Abstract Title: Validating SMAP L2/3 Products
Su, Z.
H43H-1626Abstract Title: SMAP L2/L3 Soil Moisture Product Validation using In Situ Based Core Validation Sites
Su'ut, N. S.
B11C-0446Abstract Title: The role of tree-fall dynamics in long-term carbon storage of tropical peatlands
Suard, M.
A43F-0360Abstract Title: Application and Validation of a Novel Airborne Sampling Methodology That Uses Green's Theorem and Micrometeorological Principles to Estimate Surface Emission Rates
Suarez, F. I.
H11E-1401Abstract Title: Physical Thresholds as Ecological Proxies in Aquatic Ecosystems, H21J-1531Abstract Title: Advantages of a Vertical High-Resolution Distributed-Temperature-Sensing System Used to Evaluate the Thermal Behavior of Green Roofs, H33D-1651Abstract Title: Bias correction of daily precipitation in south-central Chile using NCEP CFSv2, H51D-1400Abstract Title: The Effects of Salinity and Sodium Adsorption Ratio on the Water Retention and Hydraulic Conductivity Curves of Soils From The Pampa del Tamarugal, Chile, NS52A-08Abstract Title: Determination of Soil Evaporation Fluxes Using Distributed Temperature Sensing Methods
Suarez, G.
S53A-2763Abstract Title: Crustal Deformation in the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Mexico Observed from Microseismic Data recorded by the VEOX Experiment
Suarez Hincapie, J. N.
Suarez, J. K. B.
NH33B-1917Abstract Title: Development of Storm Surge Hazard Maps and Advisory System for the Philippines, NH51B-1878Abstract Title: Scenario-based Storm Surge Vulnerability Assessment of Catanduanes
Suarez, L.
B21D-0479Abstract Title: Characterising Vegetation Structural and Functional Differences Across Australian Ecosystems From a Network of Terrestrial Laser Scanning Survey Sites and Airborne and Satellite Image Archives
Suarez, M. B.
PP33C-2325Abstract Title: The Triassic–Jurassic Boundary Event at the Paleo-Equator: Evidence for Global Change from Carbonate Sedimentology and Chemostratigraphy, Ras Al Khaimah, UAE., PP33C-2326Abstract Title: INSTALLATION OF A RUDIST BIOSTROME AFTER THE LATE APTIAN – EARLY ALBIAN OAE1B (MURAL FORMATION, SOUTHEASTERN ARIZONA)
Suarez, M.
A11F-0102Abstract Title: Global Downscaling of the 50-km MERRA2 Reanalysis to 12.5-km with GEOS-5: Methodology, A12D-02Abstract Title: Towards improving the representation of polar regions in global reanalyses at the NASA GMAO
Suarez-Gonzalez, B. V.
V23A-3075Abstract Title: Comparison of Eruptive Processes of the years 1903 and 2015 of the Colima Volcano, Mexico.
Suarez-Plascencia, C.
V23A-3075Abstract Title: Comparison of Eruptive Processes of the years 1903 and 2015 of the Colima Volcano, Mexico.
Suárez-Rodríguez, Á.
T11E-2947Abstract Title: The tectono-sedimentary evolution of the Imbert Formation, northern Dominican Republic: a record of syn-collisional basin development and ophiolite emplacement during Caribbean island arc-North America continent collision
Suarez-Ruiz, I.
MR44A-08Abstract Title: Thermal evolution, fluid flow, and fracture development related to the structuration of the South Pyrenean Foreland Basin
Suarez-Suarez, A.
B33B-0650Abstract Title: Factors Governing the Germination of Sulfate-Reducing Desulfotomaculum Endospores Involved in Oil Reservoir Souring.
Suavet, C. R.
GP33A-01Abstract Title: Timing of Solar Nebula Dispersal Constrained by Early Solar System Paleomagnetism
Subedi, N.
A51W-06Abstract Title: Coarse-Mode Particle Characterization With Digital Holograph
Subedi, P.
SH33A-2454Abstract Title: Diffusion of Charged Particles in the Presence of Coherent Structures
Subedi, S.
GC51D-1106Abstract Title: Assessment of Impacts of Climate Variability on Crop Yield over the Terai Region of Nepal, H41A-1269Abstract Title: Quantification of Modeled Streamflow under Climate Change over the Flint River Watershed in Northern Alabama
Subin, Z. M.
B21D-0501Abstract Title: Application of Reduced-Order Modeling to Uncertainty in the Vulnerability of Permafrost Carbon to Climate Change, B41AAbstract Title: Advances in Understanding the Scaling of Fine-Scale Spatial Hydrological and Biogeochemical Heterogeneity, Their Interactions, and Implications for Earth-System Dynamics Posters, B43F-0618Abstract Title: An Energy Partitioning Perspective on Lake Evaporation Variations to Climate Change
Subira, J.
T51G-3010Abstract Title: Deep Magma Accumulation at Nyamulagira Volcano in 2011 Detected by GNSS Observations
Subramanian, A.
EP53C-1038Abstract Title: The Electron Losses and Fields Investigation
Subramanian, R.
A11M-0251Abstract Title: Volatile Organic Compound Emissions from Natural Gas Facilities in the Denver-Julesburg Basin, the Uintah Basin and the Marcellus Shale, A21A-0098Abstract Title: Volatility Properties of Internally- and Externally-Mixed Ambient Aerosols at an Anthropogenically-influenced Forest Site in Southeastern USA, A41Q-06Abstract Title: Development of a national estimate of methane emissions from United States natural gas gathering facilities and processing plants , A43F-0352Abstract Title: Comparison of facility-level methane emission rates from natural gas production well pads in the Marcellus, Denver-Julesburg, and Uintah Basins
Subramanian, R. B.
NH51D-1917Abstract Title: Phytomining of heavy metals from soil by Croton bonplandianum using phytoremediation technology, OS13B-2047Abstract Title: Designing Improved Enzymes of industrial application from marine microorganisms using Protein Engineering
Subt, C.
PA33C-2199Abstract Title: Time Matters: Increasing the Efficiency of Antarctic Marine Geology and Paleoceanography Expeditions by Providing Improved Sediment Chronology
Succi, S.
C23B-0796Abstract Title: Theoretical Studies of Turbulent Transport Processes at Rough Boundaries with Application to the Interface Between Sea Ice and the Ocean
Suckale, J.
C51B-0715Abstract Title: Subglacial hydrology as a control on ice stream shear margin locations, C54B-03Abstract Title: Sequential Stagnation of Kamb Ice Stream Induced by Changes in Subglacial Hydrology, NH23C-1904Abstract Title: Quantifying the role of mitigation hills in reducing tsunami runup, S21C-07Abstract Title: Evolving magnitude-frequency distributions during the Guy-Greenbrier (2010-11) induced earthquake sequence: Insights into the physical mechanisms of b-value shifts and large-magnitude curvature, V51D-3059Abstract Title: Three-phase flow dynamics in the lava lakes at Mount Erebus, Antarctica, V51F-3091Abstract Title: Can the Kilauea Iki glomerocrysts offer insights into the magmatic processes leading up to the 1959 eruption?
Suckall, N.
GC41F-1144Abstract Title: Comparing and contrasting observed adaptations in three deltas: the Ganges-Meghna-Brahmaputra, Mahanadi and Volta
Sucre, E.
B33A-0638Abstract Title: Evapotranspiration of a pine-switchgrass intercropping bioenergy system measured by combined surface renewal and energy balance method
Suda, S. R.
A31D-0086Abstract Title: Formation of Epoxide Derived SOA and Gas-Phase Acids through Aqueous Aerosol Processing in the Southeastern United States during SOAS
Sudhakar, D.
A51M-0254Abstract Title: Cloud microphysics modification with an online coupled COSMO-MUSCAT regional model
Sudheer, K. P.
GC33G-05Abstract Title: Streamflow estimation using WRF-Hydro with dynamically downscaled climate variables over southern tropical Indian region, H51O-1615Abstract Title: Impact of Uncertainty in SWAT Model Simulations on Consequent Decisions on Optimal Crop Management Practices
Sudhir, A. P.
OS13B-2047Abstract Title: Designing Improved Enzymes of industrial application from marine microorganisms using Protein Engineering
Sudicky, E. A.
H21B-1370Abstract Title: Integrated Hydrosystem Modeling of the California Basin
Sudman, Z. W.
GC23J-1226Abstract Title: Impacts of Permafrost Degradation on Stream Geomorphology and Sediment Transport in Taylor Valley, Antarctica
Sudo, K.
A11I-0179Abstract Title: Development of an atmospheric N2O isotopocule model and optimization procedure, and application to source estimation, A21J-02Abstract Title: A tropospheric chemistry reanalysis for the years 2005-2014 based on an assimilation of OMI, MLS, TES and MOPITT satellite data, A43D-0315Abstract Title: Integrated Assessment on Effects of Short-Lived Climate Pollutants (SLCPs) in Asia based on Numerical Models, B11B-0424Abstract Title: Sensitivity of terrestrial N2O emission to atmospheric nitrogen deposition
Sudo, M.
T23D-2998Abstract Title: Constraining timing of Alpine Fault gouge formation at Gaunt Creek and Waikukupa River, South Island, New Zealand.
Sue Wing, I.
A23P-02Abstract Title: Emissions of CO2 and criteria air pollutants from mobile sources: Insights from integrating real-time traffic data into local air quality models, GC13I-05Abstract Title: Improving estimates of surface carbon fluxes to support emissions monitoring, reporting and verification at local and regional scales: quantifying uncertainty and the effects of spatial scaling.
Sueki, K.
S11A-2776Abstract Title: Development of Download System for Waveform Data Observed at Long-Term Borehole Monitoring System installed in the Nankai Trough
Suematsu, Y.
SH21C-03Abstract Title: The SOLAR-C Mission
Suenaga, Y.
H13C-1530Abstract Title: Simulation of nitrate-concentration variation and estimation of nitrogen-form transformation in groundwater by modified rain-runoff model
Sueoka, S.
MR21A-2607Abstract Title: CHIME monazite dating using FE-EPMA equipped with R=100 mm spectrometers, T31B-2880Abstract Title: Low-temperature thermochronometric data from the Japanese Islands and preliminary report on (U–Th)/He ages across NE Japan Arc, T51A-2837Abstract Title: Constraints on timing of faulting events associated with plastic deformations of biotites based on fission-track thermochronometry
Sueper, D.
A24F-03Abstract Title: Emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from oil and natural gas activities: compositional comparison of 13 major shale basins via NOAA airborne measurements, A41A-0021Abstract Title: An Improved, Automated Whole-Air Sampler and VOC Analysis System: Results from SONGNEX 2015
Suer, T. A.
MR13C-2714Abstract Title: Partitioning of Sulfur and Platinum at Core Formation Conditions.
Suess, M.
B21A-0412Abstract Title: Electron-bifurcating transhydrogenase is central to hydrogen isotope fractionation during lipid biosynthesis in sulfate reducing bacteria
Suetsugu, D.
S23D-2771Abstract Title: Upper mantle structures beneath the South Pacific superswell region using broadband data from ocean floor and islands
Sufri, O.
S41A-2704Abstract Title: Optimization of Ambient Noise Cross-Correlation Imaging Across Large Dense Array
Sugai, T.
EP41A-0901Abstract Title: Last 900 ka river longprofile changes controlled by Yoro fault activity and glacial sea-level changes, Nobi plain, central Japan , T33C-2941Abstract Title: Continuous coastal subsidence during the Holocene along a source region of the 2011 great Tohoku-oki, Japan, earthquake revealed from new paleo-geodetic data
Sugano, N.
MR21A-2606Abstract Title: Effect of framework and extra-framework cations substitutions on the zeolite structure: Single-crystal X-ray diffraction analysis of analcime and wairakite solid solutions
Suganuma, Y.
NH23B-1877Abstract Title: Microstructure analysis of marine seismogenic turbidites in Kumano forearc basin
Sugawara, D.
EP33C-1081Abstract Title: Evaluating inverse models for reconstructing flow speed from sandy tsunami deposits, NH13E-01Abstract Title: Role of sediment transport model to improve the tsunami numerical simulation, NH23A-1864Abstract Title: High-Resolution Tsunami Inundation Simulations Based on Accurate Estimations of Coastal Waveforms, NH23DAbstract Title: Geological Records and Modeling of Tsunamis and Storms for Natural Hazard Assessment I, NH23D-02Abstract Title: Using Inundation and Sediment Transport Modeling To Characterize Earthquake Source Parameters from Tsunami Deposits, NH24AAbstract Title: Geological Records and Modeling of Tsunamis and Storms for Natural Hazard Assessment II, NH24A-08Abstract Title: Paleotsunamis in Taiwan, NH33AAbstract Title: Geological Records and Modeling of Tsunamis and Storms for Natural Hazard Assessment III Posters
Sugawara, S.
A11I-0179Abstract Title: Development of an atmospheric N2O isotopocule model and optimization procedure, and application to source estimation
Sugimoto, M.
ED31C-0916Abstract Title: There is a strong need for a single unified textbook even though education in disaster mitigation covers many fields, NH13B-1935Abstract Title: Lessons unlearned in Japan before 2011: Effects of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami on a nuclear plant in India
Sugimoto, N.
A23C-0322Abstract Title: Transport of Dust from the Atmospheric Boundary Layer to the Free Troposphere by a Cold Front: Dust Event in the Gobi Desert on 22-23 May 2013, A24A-07Abstract Title: Vertical profiles of atmospheric fluorescent aerosols observed by a mutil-channel lidar spectrometer system, A43D-0314Abstract Title: Changes in ground-level PM mass concentration and column aerosol optical depth over East Asia during 2004-2014
Sugimura, R.
A41I-0169Abstract Title: Characteristics of Four-years of GOSAT/TANSO-FTS TIR V1.0 CO2 and CH4 Products
Sugioka, H.
S23D-2771Abstract Title: Upper mantle structures beneath the South Pacific superswell region using broadband data from ocean floor and islands, T43G-06Abstract Title: Long-term Observation of Seafloor Disturbances by Array of Pressure Gauges
Sugita, H.
H13D-1579Abstract Title: Arsenic Adsorption Equilibrium Concentration and Adsorption Rate of Activated Carbon Coated with Ferric-Aluminum Hydroxides
Sugitani, S.
GP34A-04Abstract Title: Time scale of FAC variations estimated by SWARM and a comparison with ground based geomagnetic and micro-barometric observations
Sugiura, K.
C33D-0847Abstract Title: Seasonal change of snow and vegetation covers for validation of satellite-derived indices using time-lapse digital cameras
Sugiyama, K. I.
P23A-2101Abstract Title: Three-dimensional Numerical Simulation of Venus' Cloud-level Convection, P23A-2107Abstract Title: The result of Venus Orbit Insertion of Akatsuki on December 7th, 2015
Sugiyama, S.
C13B-0815Abstract Title: Surface elevation change of outlet glaciers in northwestern Greenland for 1985–2010
Sugiyama, Y.
B13A-0599Abstract Title: Organic matter controls on iodine and plutonium in atmospheric depositions, streams, and soils in the Fukushima Prefecture
Suh, A. S.
GC31D-1205Abstract Title: Method for Water Management Considering Long-term Probabilistic Forecasts , H51E-1425Abstract Title: Development of the one-stop water resources operational system using data of a numerical weather prediction model
Suh, M. S.
A11A-0015Abstract Title: Improvements of COMS Land Surface Temperature Retrieval Algorithm by considering diurnal variations of boundary layer temperature, A23E-0371Abstract Title: Projection of high-resolution climate change in the late 21st century over Northern East Asian region using multi-regional climate models and ensembles under 4 RCP scenarios
Suh, S.
GC34D-04Abstract Title: Overview of the National Energy-Water System (NEWS) Assessment Framework Study
Suhas, E.
A23O-07Abstract Title: Understanding the Interaction between Convection and Large-scale Circulation Using Cloud Resolving Model Simulations
Suhili, R.
NH41B-1810Abstract Title: Mapping Shallow Landslide Slope Inestability at Large Scales Using Remote Sensing and GIS
Suhr, I.
C51C-0749Abstract Title: Taku Glacier Dynamics in Response to Regional Climate Variability and Predicted Change, C51C-0750Abstract Title: Bed Properties of the Taku Glacier from Flowline Modeling Inversion
Sui, C. H.
A23D-0354Abstract Title: Moistening Processes for Madden-Julian Oscillation over Indian Ocean and Maritime Continent
Sui, Q.
H43F-1559Abstract Title: Tetrachloroethene degradation by reducing-agent enhanced Fe(II)/Fe(III) catalyzed percarbonate
Suito, H.
T43C-3025Abstract Title: Crustal deformation around the Kamishiro fault, northern Itoigawa-Shizuoka Tectonic Line and its relation to the 2014 Northern Nagano earthquake (Mw6.3)
Suk, M. K.
H21I-1512Abstract Title: Past-time Radar Rainfall Estimates using Radar AWS Rainrate system with Local Gauge Correction method, H21I-1514Abstract Title: Bias Correction of Polarimetric Variables and Uncertainty Quantification of Dual-Polarization Radar Rainfall Estimation, H21I-1515Abstract Title: Case study of heavy rainfall using Yong-In Testbed (YIT) dual-pol. radar in Korea
Sukchan, S.
B31A-0531Abstract Title: Carbon Dynamics of Surface Soil after Land Use Change in a Seasonal Tropical Forest in North-eastern Thailand: Application of a Sable Carbon Isotope Mixing Model
Sukhatme, G.
OS51C-02Abstract Title: Harmful Algal Bloom Hotspots Really Are Hot: A Case Study from Monterey Bay, California
Sukhovich, A.
S13C-07Abstract Title: Mermaid Seismometry in the Oceans: What Can We Resolve and How Far Will We Go?
Sukjun, L.
A11H-0167Abstract Title: Production of 3D wind field near the surface using WRF and MUKLIMO
Sukop, M. C.
H13A-1476Abstract Title: Simple Aquifer-free Models for Underdamped Slug Tests in High Permeability Aquifers
Sulaiman, M. F.
B31B-0547Abstract Title: Comparing the Net Ecosystem Exchange of Two Cropping Systems for Dairy Feed Production
Sulak, D. J.
C43B-0806Abstract Title: Calculating Freshwater Input from Iceberg Melt in Greenlandic Fjords by Combining In Situ Observations of Iceberg Movement with High Resolution Satellite Imagery
Sulca, J. C.
A51H-0172Abstract Title: Cold episodes in the Peruvian Central Andes: Composites, Types, and their Impacts over South America (1958-2014)
Suleiman, A. A.
T41F-05Abstract Title: Magma Emplacement and the 3D Geometry of Igneous Bodies in Rift Basins: Insights from the Bornu Basin, Onshore NE Nigeria
Suleiman, R. M.
A11C-0082Abstract Title: Link between Enhanced Arctic tropospheric BrO observed by Aura OMI and meteorological conditions, A21B-0126Abstract Title: A Reevaluation of the Contribution of Very Short Lived Bromocarbons to Stratospheric Bromine Loading, A21K-05Abstract Title: Status of Tropospheric Emissions: Monitoring of Pollution (TEMPO), A41K-0229Abstract Title: OMI observations of bromine monoxide emissions from salt lakes
Suleiman, Y. Y.
S53A-2771Abstract Title: The impact of web services at the IRIS DMC
Sulem, J.
MR33A-2652Abstract Title: Effects of fluid-rock interactions on faulting within active fault zones - evidence from fault rock samples retrieved from international drilling projects, MR43A-04Abstract Title: Instabilities in geomaterials induced by dissolution
Sulla-menashe, D. J.
B21G-0548Abstract Title:

Using three decades of Landsat data to characterize changes and vulnerability of temperate and boreal forest phenology to climate change, B51G-0514Abstract Title: Divergent Responses of Canadian Boreal Forests to Recent Climate Warming

Sullivan, A.
A12A-04Abstract Title: Ozone and Volatile Organic Compound Distributions in Rocky Mountain National Park During FRAPPÉ: Impacts of Oil and Natural Gas Operations and Urban Emissions on Park Air Quality, A21A-0051Abstract Title: Source Apportionment of Volatile Organic Compounds and PM2.5 Using Positive Matrix Factorization in Two National Parks Impacted by Oil and Natural Gas Drilling Operations, A34F-03Abstract Title: Sources, Chemistry, and Transport of Pollutants over the Eastern United States During the WINTER 2015 Aircraft Campaign, A34F-04Abstract Title: An overview of reactive chlorine measurements during the WINTER C-130 aircraft campaign, A34F-07Abstract Title: Water Soluble Ions in Bulk Aerosol During the WINTER 2015 Campaign., A41K-0216Abstract Title: Particle pH Inferred from Aircraft Data: Validation and Geographical, Vertical and Seasonal Characteristics with Case Studies from the WINTER Campaign, A41K-0217Abstract Title: Sources and Distributions of Secondary Aerosols over the Northeastern United States during the WINTER Aircraft Campaign., A41K-0227Abstract Title: Examining the Role of N2O5 Hydrolysis and ClNO2 Production Over the Northeast United States: Results from WINTER 2015 Aircraft Campaign, A41K-0231Abstract Title: Utilizing SO2/CO2 Mixing Ratios to Determine SO2 Uptake by a Regional Cloud Layer, A41K-0232Abstract Title: Validation of Point Source Emissions of SO2 Using Aircraft Data
Sullivan, B. W.
B13F-0692Abstract Title: Trends in nitrogen and phosphorus cycling are consistent and constrained during tropical secondary forest succession: is secondary forest young primary forest from a nutrient perspective?
Sullivan, F.
B53I-01Abstract Title: Characterizing Tropical Forest Structure using Field-based Measurements and a Terrestrial Lidar
Sullivan, J. T.
A21A-0039Abstract Title: Analysis of the Impact of Wildfire on Surface Ozone Record in the Colorado Front Range
Sullivan, M.
A11M-0251Abstract Title: Volatile Organic Compound Emissions from Natural Gas Facilities in the Denver-Julesburg Basin, the Uintah Basin and the Marcellus Shale, A43F-0352Abstract Title: Comparison of facility-level methane emission rates from natural gas production well pads in the Marcellus, Denver-Julesburg, and Uintah Basins
Sullivan, P. L.
EP12B-03Abstract Title: Boron isotopes at the Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory, H12DAbstract Title: Ecological and Hydrological Resistance and Resilience: Emerging Understanding from Interactions at Multiple Scales I, H13FAbstract Title: Ecological and Hydrological Resistance and Resilience: Emerging Understanding from Interactions at Multiple Scales II Posters, H52CAbstract Title: Modeling the Critical Zone: Integrating Processes and Data across Disciplines and Scales I, H52C-06Abstract Title: Using WITCH to determine the factors that govern shale weathering and solute fluxes in the Critical Zone, H53EAbstract Title: Modeling the Critical Zone: Integrating Processes and Data across Disciplines and Scales II Posters, H53E-1700Abstract Title: Understanding the Concentration-Discharge Relationship of Chloride and Magnesium in Shale Hills Using RT-Flux-PIHM, H53K-08Abstract Title: Understanding How Nested Reaction Fronts under Watersheds Impact Flow, Transport, and Geomorphological Evolution: the Shale Hills Example
Sullivan, P. F.
B51K-03Abstract Title: Linking Belowground Plant Traits With Ecosystem Processes: A Multi-Biome Perspective
Sullivan, R. J. Jr
P43D-2142Abstract Title: Opportunity Microscopic Imager Results from the Western Rim of Endeavour Crater, Mars
Sullivan, R.
A23E-0388Abstract Title: How Skillfully can we Simulate Drivers of Aerosol Direct Climate Forcing at the Regional Scale?
Sullivan, R. C.
A11QAbstract Title: Atmospheric Ice Formation Processes and Impacts I, A11Q-06Abstract Title: Alteration of Heterogeneous Ice Nucleation Properties Induced by Particle Aging, A12CAbstract Title: Atmospheric Ice Formation Processes and Impacts II, A13BAbstract Title: Atmospheric Ice Formation Processes and Impacts III Posters, A13B-0310Abstract Title: Ice Nucleation Properties of Amospherically Aged Biomass Burning Aerosol, A13B-0324Abstract Title: Ice nucleating particles from biomass combustion: emission rates and the role of refractory black carbon
Sullivan, S.
A23D-0353Abstract Title: Should There Be a Universally Applicable MJO Index?
Sullivan, S. B.
TH12FAbstract Title: Next Steps for the Next Generation Science Standards in Earth and Space Science: A Town Hall Discussion
Sullivan, S. M.
ED31F-01Abstract Title: Education for a Green and Resilient Economy: An Educator Framework for Teaching Climate and Energy Literacy for K-12 Teachers Across the Curriculum, ED34C-02Abstract Title: Supporting Implementation of the Next Generation Science Standards: A Needs Assessment Outline, ED34C-03Abstract Title: Building Scientific Community Support for the Next Generation Science Standards
Sullivan, S.
Sullivan, T. J.
H13L-1750Abstract Title: Acidic Deposition along the Appalachian Trail Corridor and its Effects on Acid-Sensitive Terrestrial and Aquatic Resources
Sullivan, Z.
GC21B-1089Abstract Title: Soil Parameters for Representing a Karst Geologic Terrain in the Noah Land-Surface Model over Tennessee and Kentucky
Sulman, B. N.
B43L-01Abstract Title: Comparing global soil models to soil carbon profile databases, B43L-02Abstract Title: Vertical Soil Carbon Distributions in the Contiguous United States: Effects of Land Cover and History of Cultivation, H12B-07Abstract Title: Vapor pressure deficit is as important as soil moisture in determining limitations to evapotranspiration during drought
Sulpizio, R.
PP11A-2201Abstract Title: First tephrostratigraphic results of the DEEP site record of Lake Ohrid, Macedonia, PP11D-07Abstract Title: Integrated perspectives on geological and biological dynamics in ancient Lake Ohrid
Sulskis, J. A.
A12C-08Abstract Title: Observations Suggestive of Ice Production through Secondary Processes in Convective Clouds in Southwest England
Sultan, B.
GC13D-1185Abstract Title: Assessing climate adaptation options and uncertainties for cereal systems in West Africa
Sultan, M.
A11E-0095Abstract Title: TOWARDS A BETTER UNDERSTANDING OF THE HYDROLOGIC SETTING OF THE NUBIAN SANDSTONE AQUIFER SYSTEM: INFERENCES FROM GROUNDWATER FLOW MODELS, CL-36 AGES, AND GRACE DATA, G21B-1029Abstract Title: An Integrated Approach for the Assessment of the Natural and Anthropogenic Controls on Land Subsidence in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, G21B-1031Abstract Title: Use of Persistent Scatterer Interferometry to Assess Land Deformation in the Nile Delta and its Controlling Factors, G21B-1032Abstract Title: Integrated Approach for the Assessment of Land Deformation in the Jazan City and Surroundings, Saudi Arabia, H32A-07Abstract Title: Forecasting Precipitation over the MENA Region: A Data Mining and Remote Sensing Based Approach, H41F-1396Abstract Title: Monitoring temporal variations in water resources across the Arabian Peninsula and identification of their controlling factors, NH51D-1929Abstract Title: Applications of Radar Interferometric Techniques to Assess Natural Hazards and their Controlling Factors, PP21C-2255Abstract Title: Origin, age, and paleoclimatic setting of the Late Quaternary deposits in Wadi Feiran, Sinai Peninsula: Geomorphologic, geochronologic, and isotopic constraints, PP43B-2277Abstract Title: Timing and Nature of Wet Climatic Periods in North Africa and in the Arabian Peninsula: Inferences from Isotopic, Chronologic, and Remote sensing data
Sultana, C. M.
A43C-0292Abstract Title: Emissions and Characteristics of Ice Nucleating Particles Associated with Laboratory Generated Nascent Sea Spray Aerosol, A43C-0295Abstract Title: Development and Application of a Hygroscopicity Basis Set for the Analysis of the Mixing State of Nascent Sea Spray Aerosols, A43C-0297Abstract Title: Resolving Changing Chemical and Physical Properties of SSA Particle Types during Laboratory Phytoplankton Blooms using Online Single Particle Analysis
Sultana, R.
H33F-1673Abstract Title: Historical Climate and Streamflow Trends in Santa Ana River Basin
Sulzer, M. P.
SA51A-2384Abstract Title: A Comprehensive Assessment of Radio Occultation Ionospheric Measurements at Mid-Latitudes
Sum, N.
ED41A-0853Abstract Title: Farmers Extension Program Effects on Yield Gap in North China Plain
Sumaila, S.
B33D-0714Abstract Title: Asynchronous Reductive Release of Iron and Organic Carbon from Hematite-Humic Acid Complexes
Suman, S.
A31D-0081Abstract Title: Aerus-GEO: newly available satellite-derived aerosol optical depth product over Europe and Africa
Suman, S.
C23B-0785Abstract Title: Influence of ice thickness and surface properties on light transmission through Arctic sea ice
Sumargo, E.
A41N-07Abstract Title: Coherent Cloudiness Variability from Sierra Nevada to the Sea in California, H51H-1488Abstract Title: Solar Irradiance from GOES Albedo performance in a Hydrologic Model Simulation of Snowmelt Runoff
Sumi, T.
NS23A-1931Abstract Title: Research and Development for Multi-stage and Integrated Approach for Seafloor Massive Sulfides (SMSs) Exploration.
Summerlin, E. J.
EP53C-1047Abstract Title: CeREs, A Compact Radiation Belt Explorer to study charged particle dynamics in geospace
Summers, D.
SM24B-05Abstract Title: Formation Process of Relativistic Electron Flux Through Interaction with Chorus Emissions in the Earth's Inner Magnetosphere, SM51F-09Abstract Title: Nonlinear Wave Growth Theory of Coherent Hiss Emissions in the Plasmasphere
Summers, J.
B21D-0499Abstract Title: Salting our Freshwater: A Macrosystems Study of Global Chloride Patterns and Trends in Lakes
Summers, M. E.
P51A-2046Abstract Title: Searching for Charon's Atmosphere, P51A-2047Abstract Title: Photochemistry and Eddy Mixing in Pluto’s atmosphere, P54A-06Abstract Title: Radio Occultation Measurements of Pluto’s Atmosphere with New Horizons, P54A-08Abstract Title: Haze Production in Pluto’s Atmosphere, P54A-09Abstract Title: Pluto’s Far Ultraviolet Spectrum and Airglow Emissions, U53A-01Abstract Title: Overview of Key Results from the Exploration of the Pluto System by New Horizons
Summesberger, H.
ED31D-0923Abstract Title: Geoscience Information for Teachers (GIFT) Workshops at the European Geoscience Union General Assembly
Summons, R. E.
B21C-0452Abstract Title: Molecular evidence for a microbial role in ooid formation and preservation of molecular biosignatures in ancient oolite, P31A-2026Abstract Title: Preservation of Lipid Biomarkers Under Prolonged and Extreme Hyperaridity in Atacama Desert Soils, P31A-2042Abstract Title: Rapid and direct screening of H:C ratio in Archean kerogen via microRaman Spectroscopy, P31F-08Abstract Title: Evidence of refractory organic matter preserved in the mudstones of Yellowknife Bay and the Murray Formations
Sumner, D. A.
H33O-05Abstract Title: Scientific Insights for Managing Droughts in California
Sumner, D. Y.
C41D-0726Abstract Title: Characterizing Microbial Mat Morphology with Structure from Motion Techniques in Ice-Covered Lake Joyce, McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica, P43B-2116Abstract Title: Sedimentary Facies as Indicators of Changing Lake Levels in Gale Crater, Mars, P43B-2119Abstract Title: ChemCam First Discovery of High Silica Sediments in Gale Crater, P43B-2122Abstract Title: Garden City Vein Complex, Gale Crater, Mars: Implications for Late Diagenetic Fluid Flow, P43B-2123Abstract Title: Overview of the diagenetic features analyzed by ChemCam onboard Curiosity, P53F-01Abstract Title: The Geology and Geochemistry of Strata at the Base of Aeolis Mons as Characterized by the Curiosity Rover, Gale Crater, Mars, P53F-02Abstract Title: Sedimentary structures and stratal geometries at the foothills of Mount Sharp: their role in paleoenvironmental interpretation, P53F-03Abstract Title: Chemo-stratigraphy in the Murray Formation Using ChemCam
Sumner, E.
EP12A-03Abstract Title: Direct Monitoring of Turbidity Currents: New Insights, Challenging Preconceptions and Future Directions, EP12A-05Abstract Title: Swept Away by a Turbidity Current in Mendocino Submarine Canyon, California, EP41B-0929Abstract Title: Sediment Dating With Short-Lived Radioisotopes In Monterey Canyon, California Imply Episodes Of Rapid Deposition And Erosion
Sumner, K. K.
PP21A-2216Abstract Title: Assessing Past Fracture Connectivity in Geothermal Reservoirs Using Clumped Isotopes: Proof of Concept in the Blue Mountain Geothermal Field, Nevada USA
Sumy, D. F.
ED34A-06Abstract Title: Promoting seismology education and research via the IRIS Education and Public Outreach Program, ED53B-0853Abstract Title: Crowd-Sourcing Seismic Data: Lessons Learned from the Quake-Catcher Network, PA41C-08Abstract Title: Thirty Years of Innovation in Seismology with the IRIS Consortium, S13B-2836Abstract Title: Leveraging EarthScope USArray with the Central and Eastern United States Seismic Network, S41A-2703Abstract Title: Sweetwater, Texas Large N Experiment, S42C-01Abstract Title: Ground Motions during the 2015 Gorkha, Nepal, Earthquake: An Expected Event that Defied Expectations, T52B-07Abstract Title: Low stress drops observed for M1.5-5.6 Earthquakes During the 2011 Prague, Oklahoma sequence
Sun, A. Y.
H12A-04Abstract Title: Hydrogeology from 10,000 ft below: lessons learned in applying pulse testing for leakage detection in a carbon sequestration formation, H41C-1321Abstract Title: Interpreting detailed brine chemistry changes during early periods of in-zone CO2 storage at Cranfield site, Mississippi, USA
Sun, B.
A34B-01Abstract Title: An atmospheric origin of the multi-decadal bipolar seesaw
Sun, B.
H51H-1478Abstract Title: NOAA Unique CrIS/ATMS Processing System (NUCAPS) Environmental Data Record and Validation
Sun, C. Sr
T21C-2837Abstract Title: Weakly Coupled Lithospheric Extension in Southern Tibet
H53G-1751Abstract Title: Salt marsh mapping based on a short-time interval NDVI time-series from HJ-1 CCD imagery
Sun, C.
PP23A-2288Abstract Title: The Global Warming Hiatus Tied to the North Atlantic Oscillation and Its Prediction
Sun, C.
GC23E-1178Abstract Title: Suomi-NPP VIIRS Day-Night Band On-Orbit Calibration and Performance
Sun, C.
B33B-0657Abstract Title: Quick Detection of Sulfur Bacteria in Environmental Water Sample with SEM(scanning electron microscopy) coupled with Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectrometry
Sun, C.
V11BAbstract Title: Peridotite Records of Mantle Dynamics Posters, V11B-3061Abstract Title: Timing of melt migration and pyroxenite formation in the mantle, V11B-3068Abstract Title: Magma Supply at the Arctic Gakkel Ridge: Constraints from Peridotites and Basalts, V13AAbstract Title: Advances in Geothermobarometry and Geospeedometry Posters, V13A-3091Abstract Title: Parameterized Lattice Strain Models for REE Partitioning between Amphibole and Silicate Melt, V13A-3093Abstract Title: Some Remarks on the Interpretation of the REE-in-two-Mineral Thermobarometers
Sun, D.
DI13B-2659Abstract Title: A dipping, thick Farallon slab below central United States, DI51A-2604Abstract Title: Low Velocity Zones Near the Core Mantle Boundary From PKIKP Precursors
Sun, D.
V51F-3109Abstract Title: The large volcanic eruptions at different latitude bands and patterns of winter temperature changes over China
Sun, D.
Sun, D.
H21A-1330Abstract Title: Concentration variations of nonaqueous phase liquids (NAPLs) in the subsurface source zone
Sun, F.
A23E-0362Abstract Title: Inevitable end-of-21st-century trends toward earlier surface runoff timing in California’s Sierra Nevada Mountains, A31K-01Abstract Title: Inevitable changes in snowpack and water resources over California’s Sierra Nevada, A34C-06Abstract Title: High-Resolution Climate Change Projections Capture the Elevation Dependence of Warming and Snow Cover Loss in California’s Sierra Nevada
Sun, G.
A51Q-0340Abstract Title: Empirical analysis and hydrological modeling of wildfire impacts on flow regimes in forest watersheds: Eastern vs. western United States, B22A-04Abstract Title: Incorporating Ecosystem Experiments and Observations into Process Models of Forest Carbon and Water Cycles: Challenges and Solutions, GC41C-1105Abstract Title: Ecohydrological Implications of Drought for U.S. Forests, GC51E-1126Abstract Title: Modeling the impacts of climate change on stream water temperature across scales
Sun, G.
GC33B-1287Abstract Title: Change of Tree-ring δ13C, δ18O and Water Use Efficiency of Loblolly Pine in Southeastern US in Response to Drought
GC23L-1253Abstract Title: An Upscaling Analysis on Aerodynamic Roughness Length in North Tibetan Plateau based on Eddy Covariance, Large Aperture Scitillometer Data and Remote Sensing Product
Sun, G.
B43C-0575Abstract Title: Siberian boreal forest structure estimates from concurrent multi-angle WorldView acquisitions, B43C-0586Abstract Title: INTEGRATION OF CANOPY HEIGHT INFORMATION DERIVED FROM STEREO IMAGERY WITH SAR BACKSCATTER DATA TO IMPROVE BIOMASS MAPPING, B51H-0530Abstract Title: Fusion of Hyperspectral Hyperion and Multispectral Landsat Time Series Imagery to Improve Results and Capabilities, B51J-06Abstract Title: HIGH-RESOLUTION REGIONAL BIOMASS MAP OF SIBERIA FROM GLAS, PALSAR L-BAND RADAR AND LANDSAT VCF DATA, B53I-05Abstract Title: Towards capturing detailed patterns of taiga-tundra ecotone forests from space
Sun, H.
PP34A-06Abstract Title: The Glacial-Interglacial Monsoon Recorded by Speleothems from Sulawesi, Indonesia, T31D-02Abstract Title: Dispatches from the Trench: Insights into the Complex Relationship Between the Short-Term Elastic Earthquake Cycle and Longer-Term Permanent Tectonic Deformation from the Coral Record at Ranongga, Western Solomons
Sun, H.
H13C-1562Abstract Title: Influence of stream-groundwater exchange on the spatial variations in streamflow in a steep headwater catchment, H33C-1604Abstract Title: Dynamics and Stability of the Hyporheic Environment in Steep Headwater Streams in Western Japan
Sun, H.
EP21B-0896Abstract Title: Influence of bed armoring and clusters on bed-load transport – Experiments and Stochastic model analysis
Sun, H.
GP13A-1265Abstract Title: Numerical results for near surface time domain electromagnetic exploration: a full waveform approach
Sun, J.
A11N-0270Abstract Title: Effects of cloud superparameterization at the land-atmosphere interface, H31A-1406Abstract Title: Effects of Explicit Convection on Global Land-atmosphere Coupling in the Superparameterized CAM
Sun, J.
GC34B-06Abstract Title: Climate-driven PM2.5 and ozone change and their associated health exposure over continental US in 2050s
Sun, J.
T41A-2845Abstract Title: Heterogeneous Earth Structure, Deformation, and Slip During the 2010 Mw 7.2 El Mayor-Cucapah Earthquake from Geodetic Data
Sun, J.
SM21A-2473Abstract Title: A Parameter Study of Excitation of Magnetosonic Waves in the Inner Magnetosphere
Sun, J.
T33C-2956Abstract Title: Dynamic effects of plate-buoyancy subduction at Manila Trench, South China Sea
Sun, J.
A41G-0139Abstract Title: Alignment of Surface-Atmosphere Exchange Sensors at Sloped Sites: An Integrated Strategy
Sun, J.
H51F-1444Abstract Title: Long-term Fate of Arsenic under the Oxidation of Ferrous Iron by Nitrate.
Sun, J.
B33D-0713Abstract Title: Microbial exudate promoted dissolution and transformation of chromium containing minerals
Sun, J.
T51F-2976Abstract Title: The Crustal Structure of Northern Continental Margin of South China Sea: Revealed by Joint Onshore-Offshore Wide-Angle Seismic Survey, V41B-3075Abstract Title: The nature of the high-velocity layer, northeastern margin of South China Sea
Sun, J.
B33D-0731Abstract Title: Amounts of substrate carbon and nitrogen control the decomposition of soil organic matter
Sun, K.
A11J-0195Abstract Title: Constraining Methane Emissions from Beijing and the North China Plain Using Open-path, Mobile Measurements and FLEXPART-WRF
Sun, K.
NH21C-1835Abstract Title: Ionospheric Signatures of the Earthquake in South Korea on 31 March 2014
Sun, L.
A33O-04Abstract Title: Projected changes in regional weather patterns and associated temperature extremes arising from Arctic sea ice loss
Sun, L.
A21F-0212Abstract Title: Is “Warm Arctic, Cold Continent” A Fingerprint Pattern of Climate Change?
Sun, L.
S13B-2847Abstract Title: Injection-induced Seismicity in a Natural Gas Reservoir in Hutubi,Southern Junggar Basin, Northwest China
Sun, L.
GC53F-1260Abstract Title: Reconstruction of MODIS daily land surface temperature under clouds
Sun, L.
GC22E-05Abstract Title: Development of a Cryosphere Land Surface Model with Coupled Snow and Frozen Soil Processes
Sun, M.
NS41B-1932Abstract Title: Edge-preserving Traveltime Tomography with a Model Sparsity Constraint
Sun, M.
IN31C-1781Abstract Title: Develop an Architecture to Enable Effective Information Process in Mitigating Asteroid’s Threat, IN41D-06Abstract Title: GDAL Enhancements for Interoperability with EOS Data, PA53AAbstract Title: An Interoperability Challenge for the Geosciences II Posters, PA53A-2237Abstract Title: Improving the Accessibility of EOS Data Products for Consumption by GIS Applications
Sun, M.
A51B-0038Abstract Title: Analysis of distribution of CO2 concentration in Korea summer using Carbon tracker.
Sun, M.
A41E-0106Abstract Title: Evaluation of a GCM with the CERES Flux-by-Cloud Type Simulator, A43B-0270Abstract Title: Cloud Properties by Cloud Types over Regions Based on the CERES CldTypHist data product
Sun, M.
T21D-2856Abstract Title: Seismic Anisotropy Beneath Northeast China Revealed by Shear-wave Splitting Analyses
Sun, N.
H23H-1665Abstract Title: Evaluation of Stream Temperature Response in the Connecticut River to Climate Change, Riparian Logging and Reservoir-induced Hydrologic Alteration, H24B-02Abstract Title: Simulating the Stream Temperature Response to Hydrologic and Land Use Alterations
Sun, N.
H43G-1609Abstract Title: Seasonal variations in water uptake of summer maize under different fertilization treatments: A case study using stable isotopes in Beijing, China
Sun, P.
SH33A-2459Abstract Title: Charge pariticle transport in the non-isotropic turbulences
Sun, Q.
H13I-1681Abstract Title: Joint analysis of changes in temperature and precipitation on the Loess Plateau during the period 1961-2011
Sun, Q.
EP53A-0953Abstract Title: Granular Solid-liquid Transition: Experiment and Simulation
Sun, Q.
B21G-0546Abstract Title: Phenological monitoring of Acadia National Park using Landsat, MODIS and VIIRS observations and fused data, B53B-0555Abstract Title: Developing a global mixed-canopy, height-variable vegetation structure dataset for estimating global vegetation albedo and biomass in the NASA Ent Terrestrial Biosphere Model and GISS GCM, PP33A-2273Abstract Title: Developing a Validated Long-Term Satellite-Based Albedo Record in the Central Alaska Range to Improve Regional Hydroclimate Reconstructions
Sun, Q.
T21A-2802Abstract Title: Increasing Seismicity in Yunnan, China after Wenchuan Earthquake Resulted from Stronger Push of Tibetan Plateau from Evidences of Seismic Velocity, GPS and Gravity
Sun, R.
B51H-0528Abstract Title: Spatial Representativeness and Uncertainty of Eddy Covariance Carbon Flux Measurement for Upscaling Net Ecosystem Productivity to Field Scale
Sun, R.
A21E-0188Abstract Title: Diagnosing Cloud Biases in Climate Models by Comparing Forecast-Mode Simulations With Satellite Observations
Sun, S.
A33M-0403Abstract Title: Application of the 30km FIM-iHYCOM Coupled Model to Subseasonal Forecasting
Sun, S.
A52A-09Abstract Title: Examining the Linear Regimes of the Community Earth System Model (CESM), GC41G-02Abstract Title: Changes in U.S. Temperature Extremes under Increased CO2 in Millennial-scale Climate Simulations, H31A-1394Abstract Title: Using ARM observations to test soil moisture dynamics in climate models
Sun, S.
OS13A-2011Abstract Title: Influence of the Southern Ocean on the Global deep ocean stratification
Sun, S.
DI44B-08Abstract Title: Apparent Susceptibility Contrast Distribution of Continental Lithosphere in China and Its Surroundings: Implications to Regional Tectonics , DI51B-2632Abstract Title: Forward Modeling Method of Gravity and Magnetic Fields and Their Gradient Tensors Based on 3-D Delaunay Discretization in Cartesian and Spherical Coordinate Systems, NS41B-1924Abstract Title: Improving Horizontal Resolution of High-frequency Surface-wave Methods Using Travel-time Tomography
H44E-07Abstract Title: Automated lab-scale visualization of the influence of water table transients on LNAPL source zone dynamics
Sun, T.
EP34B-08Abstract Title: Computer Simulations of Deltas with Varying Fluvial Input and Tidal Forcing
Sun, T.
T11H-03Abstract Title: Slip to Trench: Coseismic, Postseismic, or Interseismic? , T21D-2848Abstract Title: Fragility of Forearc Stresses as a Consequence of Extreme Weakness of Megathrust Faults, T21D-2854Abstract Title: On the Possibility of Slip-to-trench Rupture in Cascadia Megathrust Earthquakes
Sun, T.
NH11B-1903Abstract Title: GIC due to Storm Sudden Commencement in Low Latitude High-Voltage Power Network in China: Observation and Simulation, SM12A-02Abstract Title: The Solar Wind – Magnetosphere Energy Coupling Function and Open Magnetic Flux Estimation: Two Science Aspects of the SMILE Mission
Sun, T.
A21A-0034Abstract Title: Use of Historical Measurements to Constrain a Black Carbon Emission Inventory of the United States from 1960s to 2000s
Sun, T.
OS53A-2014Abstract Title: Identifying the Role of Extratropical Air-Sea Interactions in North Pacific Climate Variability with a Hierarchy of CESM Simulations
Sun, T.
A52B-03Abstract Title: The Impact of Surface Heterogeneity on Urban-Atmosphere Interactions
Sun, W.
SH41F-02Abstract Title: Simulations and Characteristics of Large Solar Events Propagating Throughout the Heliosphere and Beyond (Invited)
Sun, W. F.
S51D-2736Abstract Title: Detecting Volcano-Tectonic Earthquakes at the Tatun Volcano Group in Taiwan with Dense Arrays, T31C-2894Abstract Title: Study of the Triggering Level of Dynamic Stress Induces Non-Volcanic Tremor in Longitudinal Valley in Eastern Taiwan
Sun, W. J.
SM14B-04Abstract Title: MESSENGER Observation on Reconnection and Structure of Mercury’s Magnetotail Lobes and Plasma Sheet, SM14B-05Abstract Title: MESSENGER Observations of Substorm Activity at Mercury
Sun, W.
DI31A-2566Abstract Title: Calcium isotopic compositions of mid-ocean ridge basalts, DI31A-2567Abstract Title: Magnesium and calcium isotopic characteristics of Tengchong volcanics: Recycling of marine carbonates into the SE Tibetan mantle
Sun, W.
SM13D-2546Abstract Title: Electromagnetic energy conversion at dipolarization fronts: Multi-spacecraft results
Sun, W.
A11AAbstract Title: Advances in Atmospheric Remote Sensing Techniques and Theories I Posters, A23GAbstract Title: Advances in Atmospheric Remote Sensing Techniques and Theories II, A24AAbstract Title: Advances in Atmospheric Remote Sensing Techniques and Theories III, A24A-08Abstract Title: Modeling Polarized Solar Radiation from Various Scene Types for Satellite Remote-Sensing Applications
Sun, W.
A43G-0382Abstract Title: How might Climate Change Influence Surface Ozone in the United States?
Sun, W.
B43H-0645Abstract Title: Understanding COS Fluxes in a Boreal Forest: Towards COS-Based GPP Estimates., B51A-0409Abstract Title: Soil fluxes of carbonyl sulfide (COS) across four distinct ecosystems
Sun, X.
H32B-05Abstract Title: Evapotranspiration Partitioning with Sub-Daily Isotopic Measurement in a Sub-Humid Grassland Ecosystem
Sun, X.
A23B-0297Abstract Title: Development of the HgCdTe Avalanche Photodiode Detectors and the Improvement in the CO2 Lidar Performance for the ASCENDS Mission, P34A-09Abstract Title: Laser Ranging in Solar System: Technology Developments and New Science Measurement Capabilities
Sun, X.
MR23A-2638Abstract Title: Continuous description of a grain boundary in olivine from atomic scale simulations: the role of disclinations
Sun, X.
DI51A-2604Abstract Title: Low Velocity Zones Near the Core Mantle Boundary From PKIKP Precursors, T51A-2867Abstract Title: Seismicity and Fault Zone Structure Near the Xinfengjiang Water Reservoir, Guangdong, China
Sun, X.
SH13B-2435Abstract Title: Coronal seismology of flare-excited longitudinal slow magnetoacoustic waves in hot coronal loops, SH13D-2460Abstract Title: How Can a Erupting Sigmoid Trigger Solar Flare with Parallel and Large–Scale Quasi–Circular Ribbons?, SH23AAbstract Title: Solar Activity in Cycle 24 and Beyond: A Synergistic View from the Convection Zone to the Heliosphere I Posters, SH23A-2429Abstract Title: SDO/HMI Vector Magnetic Field Observations of the Solar Polar Region, SH33DAbstract Title: Solar Activity in Cycle 24 and Beyond: A Synergistic View from the Convection Zone to the Heliosphere II
Sun, Y.
PP41B-2242Abstract Title: Change in Terrestrial Ecosystem Water-use Efficiency Over the Last Three Decades
Sun, Y. Y.
NH21C-1834Abstract Title: Ionospheric F2 region perturbed by the 25 April 2015 Nepal earthquake
Sun, Y.
S43B-2793Abstract Title: A combined method to calculate co-seismic displacements through strong motion acceleration baseline correction
Sun, Y.
A11K-0207Abstract Title: Characterization of Organic Nitrogen in the Atmosphere Using High Resolution Aerosol Mass Spectrometry, A11K-0221Abstract Title: Ambient Observations of Organic Nitrogen Compounds in Submicrometer Aerosols in New York Using High Resolution Aerosol Mass Spectrometry, A41A-0045Abstract Title: Fullerene Soot in Eastern China Air: Results from Soot Particle-Aerosol Mass Spectrometer
Sun, Y.
B21KAbstract Title: Photosynthesis and Respiration at Leaf, Ecosystem, Regional, or Global Scales: Constraints, Measurements, and Modeling I, B22EAbstract Title: Photosynthesis and Respiration at Leaf, Ecosystem, Regional, or Global Scales: Constraints, Measurements, and Modeling II, B43HAbstract Title: Photosynthesis and Respiration at Leaf, Ecosystem, Regional, or Global Scales: Constraints, Measurements, and Modeling III Posters, B43H-0647Abstract Title: Satellite Solar-induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence Reveals Drought Onset Mechanisms: Insights from Two Contrasting Extreme Events
Sun, Y.
A33L-0381Abstract Title: Spatial Distribution of Oxygen Isotope of Quartz from Major Asian Dust Sources and Its Application in Source Tracing of Aeolian Dust
Sun, Y.
GC43C-1208Abstract Title: Parameter Sensitivity and Transferability Study Across Major US Watersheds
Sun, Y.
G31A-1100Abstract Title: Improved estimation of geocenter motion and changes in the Earth's dynamic oblateness from GRACE data and an ocean bottom pressure model
Sun, Y.
H21G-1462Abstract Title: Effects of Heterogeneity on Transport of Graphene Oxide in Saturated and Unsaturated Porous Media
Sun, Y.
MR41B-2636Abstract Title: Micromechanical Tests and Geochemical Modeling to Evaluate Evolution of Rock Alteration by CO2-Water Mixtures
Sun, Z.
NG33A-1862Abstract Title: Combination of UV Irradiance from TOMS-OMI and UVMRP Ground Observations: A New Ensemble Method to Estimate Covariance and Correlation Region in Data Fusion
Sun, Z.
GP31A-1371Abstract Title: New Late Carboniferous paleomagnetic results from Qaidam Block and its implications for the paleogeography of central Asia, MR31B-07Abstract Title: Structure, Frictional Melting and Fault Weakening during the 2008 Mw 7.9 Wenchuan Earthquake Slip: Observation from the WFSD Drilling Core Samples, MR33B-2658Abstract Title: Fault-rock Magnetism from Wenchuan earthquake Fault Scientific Drilling project (WFSD) Implies the Different Slip Dynamics, MR33B-2662Abstract Title: Magnetic properties of cores from the Wenchuan Earthquake Fault Scientific Drilling Hole-2 (WFSD-2), China
Sun, Z.
C21B-0742Abstract Title: Ice flow velocity, elevation change and discharge variation in Novaya Zemlya using SAR and Landsat offset-tracking and radar altimetry
Sun, Z.
GC23E-1179Abstract Title: S-NPP VIIRS DNB Dark Offset and Detector Dark Current Trending Study
Sun-Mack, S.
GC34C-04Abstract Title: A CERES-like Cloud Property Climatology Using AVHRR Data, IN53A-1818Abstract Title: CERESVis: A QC Tool for CERES that Leverages Browser Technology for Data Validation
Sunbul, F.
T31A-2832Abstract Title: The Viscoelastic Effect of Triggered Earthquakes in Various Tectonic Regions On a Global Scale
Sund, N. L.
H31B-1414Abstract Title: The Impact of Early Time Behavior of Solute Transport at High Peclet Number on Upscaled Markovian Transport Models
Sundararajan, D.
ED41A-0863Abstract Title: The Influence of pH on Prokaryotic Cell Size and Temperature
Sundberg, T.
SM14B-02Abstract Title: MESSENGER Observations of the Dayside Low-Latitude Boundary Layer in Mercury's Magnetosphere, SM14B-05Abstract Title: MESSENGER Observations of Substorm Activity at Mercury
Sundefeld Junior, G.
B31E-05Abstract Title: Greenhouse Gas (CH4, CO2 and N2O) Emission Levels by Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) Ponds in Brazil
Sundell, K. E. II
T33G-03Abstract Title: Geodynamic Drivers of Vertical Crustal Motion: Integrating Paleoaltimetry with Basin Development in the Central Andean Plateau of Southern Peru, V52CAbstract Title: Novel High-Resolution Approaches to Deciphering Source-to-Sink Linkages between Tectonic Hinterland and Basin Evolution I, V52C-02Abstract Title: Quantifying comparison of large detrital geochronology data sets, V53DAbstract Title: Novel High-Resolution Approaches to Deciphering Source-to-Sink Linkages between Tectonic Hinterland and Basin Evolution II Posters
Sunderland, E. M.
GC51F-1160Abstract Title: A State-of-the-Science Hg Redox Mechanism for Atmospheric Models: Constraints from Observations and Global Implications, GC53I-08Abstract Title: Recent Advances in Understanding the Sources of Methylmercury to Coastal Waters
Sunderlin, D.
ED21B-0834Abstract Title: Integration Of Digital Methodologies (Field, Processing, and Presentation) In A Combined Sedimentology/Stratigraphy and Structure Course
Sundkvist, D. J.
SM13C-2518Abstract Title: Thermal and Supra-thermal Electron Properties at Quasi-perpendicular Shocks
Sundquist, E. T.
B23G-0681Abstract Title: Outcome-based Carbon Sequestration Resource Assessment, B31A-0527Abstract Title: Characterizing Land-cover Changes Since 1650 in the Southeastern United States for Application to Regional Climate Modeling, B31A-0528Abstract Title: Modeling Regional Climate Responses to 17th-20th Century Land Use Change over the Southeastern United States
Sundqvist, E.
B24B-07Abstract Title: Continuous multi-plot measurements of CO2, CH4, N2O and H2O in a managed boreal forest – The importance of accounting for all greenhouse gases
Sundstrom, W.
GC54A-08Abstract Title: Smallholder Food and Water Security in the Face of Climatic Stress and the Coffee Leaf Rust: Lessons from Nicaragua 
Sundwall, J.
IN43B-1727Abstract Title: Driving Scientific Innovation with Open GIS Data
Sung, S.
B33E-0750Abstract Title: Analysis of Future High Temperature Region in Urban Area under Climate Change Scenarios, GC11B-1044Abstract Title: Calculating net primary productivity of forest ecosystem with G4M model: case study on South Korea, NH41B-1817Abstract Title: Assessing Landslide Risk Areas Using Statistical Models and Land Cover, PA43A-2177Abstract Title: Integrated analysis considered mitigation cost, damage cost and adaptation cost in Northeast Asia
Sunwoo, Y.
A21A-0072Abstract Title: Modeling Study on Air Quality Improvement due to Mobile Source Emission control Plan in Seoul Metropolitan Area
Suparman, Y.
V31B-3014Abstract Title: Forecasting eruptions using pre-eruptive seismic patterns at Sinabung Volcano, Indonesia
Super, J. R.
PP33C-2316Abstract Title: Proxy Constraints on a Warm, Fresh Late Cretaceous Arctic Ocean
Suppan, P.
A21A-0106Abstract Title: The Impact of Future Emissions Changes on Air Pollution Concentrations and Related Human Health Effects
Suppasri, A.
NH23D-05Abstract Title: Re-evaluation of Tsunami Hazard in Mamara Sea Generated from the Combined Earthquake and Landslide Sources Focusing on Istanbul, Turkey
Suppe, J.
T24C-08Abstract Title: 3D Geometry and Kinematics of the Taiwan Arc-continent Collision, T33C-2954Abstract Title: Critical taper wedge strength varies with structural style: results from distinct-element models, T53A-03Abstract Title: Ultrafine Spherical Quartz Formation during Seismic Fault Slip: Natural and Experimental Evidence and Its Implications
Suprinhanto, I.
PP13D-03Abstract Title: Mixing it up in the Makassar Strait: Seasonal Reconstructions from Corals of Sea Surface Temperature and Salinity Allow for Records of Source Water Mixing in the Makassar Strait
Suradhaniwar, S.
H11A-1317Abstract Title: Application of time-lapse ERT to Characterize Soil-Water-Disease Interactions of Citrus Orchard – Case Study
Surducan, E.
DI23A-01Abstract Title: Mantle Convection in a Microwave Oven: New Perspectives for the Internally Heated Convection
Surducan, V.
DI23A-01Abstract Title: Mantle Convection in a Microwave Oven: New Perspectives for the Internally Heated Convection
Surendran Nair, S.
GC34D-02Abstract Title: Fine-resolution Modeling of Urban-Energy Systems’ Water Footprint in River Networks, NH23E-01Abstract Title: Socio-ecological Typologies for Understanding Adaptive Capacity of a Region to Natural Disasters
Suresh, I.
OS51A-1972Abstract Title: On the importance of Sri Lanka for sea-level variability along the west coast of India
Surgenor, A.
A13D-0377Abstract Title: Effects of Alternative Fuels and Aromatics on Gas-Turbine Particle Emissions
Suriano, J.
T23A-2931Abstract Title: Uplift Sequence of the Main Morphoestructural Units of the South Central Andes at 30°S: Insights from a Multidisciplinary Approach, T34A-01Abstract Title: Upper-crustal Stress Field Variations During the Building of the Central Andes: Constrains on the Activation/deactivation of Megadetachments
Surono, S.
V43B-3132Abstract Title: Storage of fluids and melts at subduction zones detectable by seismic tomography
Surratt, J. D.
A21A-0091Abstract Title: Online Measurements and Modeling of Isoprene Photo-oxidation Products: Insights from the Laboratory and SOAS Field Campaign
Surunis, A.
H53G-1726Abstract Title: A Drought Monitoring Tool for Customized Calculation of a Standardized Precipitation Index Value in the Navajo Nation
Sus, O.
A43B-0277Abstract Title: The ESA Cloud_cci Project: Generation of Multi-Decadal, Consistent, Global Data Sets of Cloud Properties with Uncertainty Information
Susanto, S.
H51O-1623Abstract Title: The Impact of an Open Loop Geothermal System with Multiple Wells on Groundwater Temperature
Susdorf, C.
A21H-0255Abstract Title: Improving and Assessing Aircraft-based Greenhouse Gas Emission Rate Measurements at Indianapolis as part of the INFLUX project.
Suselj, K.
A51M-0255Abstract Title: Physical-based validation of unified parameterization based on satellite observation of cloud and precipitation properties, A51M-0256Abstract Title: A satellite observation test bed for cloud parameterization development
Sushama, L.
A23E-0385Abstract Title: Biosphere-atmosphere interactions in high-latitude regions, GC21B-1092Abstract Title: Snow-atmosphere coupling and extremes over North America in the Canadian Regional Climate Model (CRCM5), GC21B-1094Abstract Title: Validation of snow characteristics and snow albedo feedback in the Canadian Regional Climate Model simulations over North America, GC21B-1097Abstract Title: The Intra-Seasonal Variability of Land-Atmosphere Coupling over North America in CRCM5
Susilo, S.
G23B-1071Abstract Title: The Development of Deformation Model for Semi-Dynamic Datum of Indonesia
Suski, K. J.
A11Q-05Abstract Title: Characterizing Ice Nucleating Particles Emitted from Agricultural Activities and Natural Landscapes, A12CAbstract Title: Atmospheric Ice Formation Processes and Impacts II, A12C-02Abstract Title: Size-resolved measurements of ice nucleating particles at North American and European sites, A44C-04Abstract Title: Aerosol and Cloud-Nucleating Particle Observations during an Atmospheric River Event
Susong, D.
H33C-1588Abstract Title: Regional Scale Estimates of Baseflow and Factors Influencing Baseflow in the Upper Colorado River Basin, H42B-05Abstract Title: Interpreting high-frequency sensor data to quantify spatial and temporal variability in the source and transport of water and solutes at the catchment scale
Susskind, J.
A21C-0151Abstract Title: Results from CrIS/ATMS Obtained Using an "AIRS Version-6 Like Retrieval Algorithm, A41E-0112Abstract Title: Retrieved Products from Simulated Hyperspectral Observations of a Hurricane, GC53F-1259Abstract Title: Spatial and Temporal Variations of Surface Temperature Over Greenland As Observed In AIRS, MODIS and In-Situ Measurements
Sussman, A.
ED31F-02Abstract Title: Three Connected Climate Education Interactives: Carbon Cycle, Earth System Energy Flows, and Climate Change Impacts/Adaptations
Sussman, A. J.
B41D-0464Abstract Title: UAS-Borne Photogrammetry for Surface Topographic Characterization: A Ground-Truth Baseline for Future Change Detection and Refinement of Scaled Remotely-Sensed Datasets, S52B-07Abstract Title: Geophysics, Remote Sensing, and the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) Integrated Field Exercise 2014, S53B-2819Abstract Title: Integrated Geophysical Analysis at a Legacy Test Site
Suszcynsky, D. M.
SA31F-2386Abstract Title: Ionospheric Coherence Bandwidth Measurements in the Lower VHF Frequency Range
Sutanudjaja, E.
GC41F-1138Abstract Title: Modeling falling groundwater tables in major cities of the world, G52A-08Abstract Title: A century-long simulation of terrestrial water storage change and its contribution to global sea-level, H13A-1479Abstract Title: A Hybrid, Parallel Krylov Solver for MODFLOW using Schwarz Domain Decomposition, H13R-06Abstract Title: eWaterCycle: Recent progress in a global operational hydrological forecasting model, H13R-08Abstract Title: Limits to Global Groundwater Consumption , H23E-1622Abstract Title: The HyperHydro (H^2) experiment for comparing different large-scale models at various resolutions, H31M-07Abstract Title: Using High Resolution Tracer Data to Constrain Storage and Flux Estimates in a Spatially Distributed Rainfall-runoff Model, H41F-1392Abstract Title: Estimating sub-monthly TWS using MODIS and GRACE satellite observations, a case study over Tonlé Sap floodplain, H43E-1545Abstract Title: Simulating the impact of past and future land cover and climate change on the global hydrological system using PCR-GLOBWB, H53L-04Abstract Title: Improved Large-Scale Hydrological Modelling Through The Assimilation Of Streamflow And Downscaled Satellite Soil Moisture Observations
Sutcliffe, C. N.
B33B-0646Abstract Title: Abiogenic and Microbial Controls on Volatile Fatty Acids in Precambrian Crustal Fracture Waters, PP33B-2298Abstract Title: The Role of Noble Gases in Defining the Mean Residence Times of Fluids within Precambrian Crustal Systems
Sutfin, N. A.
EP33B-1069Abstract Title: Differences in mean floodplain sediment turnover time associated with distinct hydroclimatic disturbance regimes in the Colorado Front Range
Sutherland, D.
C11C-0781Abstract Title: Recurring, year-round, icequakes at a Greenland tidewater glacier, C12AAbstract Title: Glacier-Ocean Interactions: Observations, Mechanisms, and Synthesis II, C13E-07Abstract Title: Observed Spatial and Temporal Variability of Subglacial Discharge-Driven Plumes in Greenland’s Outlet Glacial Fjords, C13E-08Abstract Title: Modeling Subglacial Meltwater Plumes across Greenland's Outlet Glaciers: Implications for Ice-Ocean Coupling in a Warming Climate, C43B-0805Abstract Title: High-resolution, terrestrial radar velocity observations and model results reveal a strong bed at stable, tidewater Rink Isbræ, West Greenland, C43E-07Abstract Title: Patterns of Rapid Deceleration Observed at Two Tidewater Outlet Glaciers in West Greenland
Sutherland, G.
H33K-07Abstract Title: Impacts of road construction and removal on the hydrologic and geochemical function of a fen peatland
Sutherland, K. M.
B21A-0416Abstract Title: Oxygen Isotope Signatures of Biogenic Manganese(III/IV) Oxides
Sutherland, N.
OS13A-2020Abstract Title: Dust in an acidified ocean: iron bioavailability, phytoplankton growth and DMS
Sutherland, R.
DI11B-2594Abstract Title: CONSTRAINTS ON THE NATURE OF THE G-BOUNDARY IN SUBDUCTING OCEANIC LITHOSPHERE, BASED ON HIGH FREQUENCY (14 HZ) SEISMIC REFLECTION DATA, T11GAbstract Title: Results of the Deep Fault Drilling Project (DFDP), Alpine Fault, New Zealand I, T11G-02Abstract Title: Quaternary geology of the DFDP-2 drill holes, Alpine Fault, New Zealand, T11G-03Abstract Title: Extreme Hydrothermal Conditions Near an Active Geological Fault, DFDP-2B Borehole, Alpine Fault, New Zealand, T11G-04Abstract Title: Very high geothermal gradient in near surface of the Whataroa Valley adjacent to the Alpine Fault: topographic driving forces and permeable mountains, T11G-05Abstract Title: Tectonic stress and fault rock fabrics in the vicinity of the Alpine Fault inferred from DFDP-2 borehole televiewer imagery , T11G-07Abstract Title: Low Frictional Strength of Alpine Fault Rocks of DFDP-1 at Elevated Temperature and Low Slip Rate, T11G-08Abstract Title: Geochemical Characterisation of the Alpine Fault Zone from the DFDP Boreholes, T21D-2855Abstract Title: Three-Dimensional Vp Imaging Across the Interseismically Locked Southern Hikurangi Margin, Wellington, New Zealand, T23DAbstract Title: Results of the Deep Fault Drilling Project (DFDP), Alpine Fault, New Zealand II Posters, T23D-2979Abstract Title: Characterising the Alpine Fault Damage Zone using Fault Zone Guided Waves, South Westland, New Zealand, T23D-2984Abstract Title: Petrophysical, Structural, and Hydrogeological Characteristics of the Alpine Fault Hanging Wall Based on DFDP-2 Wireline Logging, Temperature, and Hydraulic Measurements, T23D-2986Abstract Title: Temperature Anomalies in DFDP-2B Borehole, Alpine Fault, New Zealand: Implications for Hydrology and Stress in the Uppermost Crust, T23D-2990Abstract Title: The Alpine Fault Hanging Wall Viewed from Within: Structural and Lithological Analysis of Acoustic Televiewer Logs in the DFDP-2B Borehole, New Zealand, T23D-2992Abstract Title: Electrical Properties of the Hanging Wall of the Alpine Fault, New Zealand, from DFDP-2 Wireline Data, T23D-2997Abstract Title: Clay Formation and Fabric Development in the DFDP-1 Borehole, Central Alpine Fault, New Zealand, T23D-2999Abstract Title: Bedrock Geology of the DFDP-2 Drill-Site
Sutherland-Montoya, D.
EP51B-0913Abstract Title: Sediment Mobilization and Storage Dynamics of a Debris Flow Impacted Stream Channel using Multi-Temporal Structure from Motion Photogrammetry
Sutherland-Stacey, L.
NG41A-1767Abstract Title: Weather and Climate Scaling: Impacts on City Infrastructure
Suto, H.
A41I-0159Abstract Title: GOSAT-OCO-2 synergetic CO2 observations over calibration & validation sites and large emission sources, A41I-0162Abstract Title: GOSAT CO2 and CH4 validation activity with a portable FTS at Pasadena, Chino, and Railroad Valley, A41I-0165Abstract Title: GOSAT TIR radiometric validation toward simultaneous GHG column and profile observation, A41I-0175Abstract Title: Quick, light and tunable data processing for GOSAT target observations using RemoTeC retrieval algorithm
Sutter, B.
P31A-2034Abstract Title: MSL SAM-like Analyses of Hawaiian Altered Basaltic Materials: Implications for Analyses by the Mars Science Laboratory, P31F-07Abstract Title: Iron-rich Carbonates as the Potential Source of Evolved CO2 Detected by the Sample Analysis at Mars (SAM) instrument in Gale Crater. , P31F-08Abstract Title: Evidence of refractory organic matter preserved in the mudstones of Yellowknife Bay and the Murray Formations, P33A-2123Abstract Title: Nanophase Carbonates on Mars: Does Evolved Gas Analysis of Nanophase Carbonates Reveal a Large Organic Carbon Budget in Near-surface Martian Materials?, P43B-2127Abstract Title: Indigenous Fixed Nitrogen on Mars: Implications for Habitability, P43B-2130Abstract Title: Stable Isotope Systematics of Martian Perchlorate
Sutter, L. F.
H23J-01Abstract Title: Complex terrain in the Critical Zone: How topography drives ecohydrological patterns of soil and plant carbon exchange in a semiarid mountainous system
Sutterley, T. C.
C23C-0803Abstract Title: Reducing Uncertainties in Greenland Surface Mass Balance Using IceBridge and ICESat Altimetry, GRACE Data and Regional Atmospheric Climate Model Outputs, C53C-0797Abstract Title: Recent Greenland Thinning from Operation IceBridge ATM and LVIS Data, G31A-1103Abstract Title: Improved estimates of global sea level change from Ice Sheets, glaciers and land water storage using GRACE, SA41B-2345Abstract Title: Sudden stratospheric warmings observed in the last decade by satellite measurements and reanalysis
Sutton, A. J.
NH43C-1901Abstract Title: Volcano Gas Measurements from UAS – Customization of Sensors and Platforms, V31B-3025Abstract Title: Is Kīlauea’s East Rift Zone eruption running out of gas?
Sutton, A.
ED23B-0860Abstract Title: Place-based Learning Collaboration: Promoting climate, ocean and data literacy by hosting a CO2 buoy from NOAA’s Pacific Marine Environmental Lab at the Exploratorium
Sutton, E. K.
SA13C-04Abstract Title: The Statistics of Neutral Density Maxima, SA23B-2342Abstract Title: Field-Line Tracing from Locations of Polar Cap Neutral Density Anomalies to the Magnetosphere , SA31D-2367Abstract Title: Observations of Poynting fluxes, ion temperatures and neutral densities during the March 2015 magnetic storm, SA52A-08Abstract Title: The Dynamics of Helium and its Impact on the Upper Thermosphere, SM23B-2565Abstract Title: Superposed epoch analysis of storm time response of the ionosphere-thermosphere (IT) system
Sutton, J.
NH23A-1871Abstract Title: Large-Amplitude, Scattered Tsunami Wave Mapping Enabled by Ocean Bottom Seismometer Array Recordings
Sutton, J. R. P.
B51G-0506Abstract Title: Developing a Greater Understanding of Rocky Intertidal Ecosystems using NASA Earth Observations, GC31D-1206Abstract Title: Mapping ENSO: Precipitation for the U.S. Affiliated Pacific Islands
Sutton, P.
H32B-02Abstract Title: Evapotranspiration estimation in heterogeneous urban vegetation
Sutton-Grier, A.
GC11B-1047Abstract Title: A Carbon Monitoring System Approach to US Coastal Wetland Carbon Fluxes: Progress Towards a Tier II Accounting Method with Uncertainty Quantification 
Suvarikli, M.
NH13D-1956Abstract Title: Long term seismic observation using ocean bottom seismographs in Marmara Sea, Turkey
Suvocarev, K.
B33A-0634Abstract Title: Using the Surface Renewal Technique to Estimate CO2 Exchange from a Rice Field to the Atmosphere
Suwargadi, B. W.
PP13D-03Abstract Title: Mixing it up in the Makassar Strait: Seasonal Reconstructions from Corals of Sea Surface Temperature and Salinity Allow for Records of Source Water Mixing in the Makassar Strait, PP31A-2203Abstract Title: The Flores speleothem carbon isotope record: vegetation, volcanism and the demise of Homo floresiensis, PP34A-05Abstract Title: Toward a 530,000-year Hydroclimate History for the Southern Half of the Australasian Monsoon, PP54A-08Abstract Title: A Multi-Peaked Mid-Holocene Relative Sea-Level Highstand on the Sunda Shelf, Indonesia, T31D-01Abstract Title: Seismic Cycle Variability in Space and Time: The Sumatran Sunda Megathrust as a Behavior Catalog
Suweis, S. S.
GC32B-01Abstract Title: Globalization of water and food through international trade: impacts on food security, resilience and justice
Suyehiro, K.
NG13A-1861Abstract Title: Modeling Statistical and Dynamic Features of Earthquakes
Suyker, A.
H51I-1501Abstract Title: Integration of cosmic-ray neutron probes into production agriculture: Lessons from the Platte River cosmic-ray neutron probe monitoring network, H53B-1659Abstract Title: The Platte River – High Plains Aquifer (PR-HPA) Long Term Agroecosystem Research (LTAR) Network – Data and Technological Resources to Address Current and Emerging Issues in Agroecosystems.
Suzuki, A.
T33H-01Abstract Title: In situ observation of crystallographic preferred orientation of deforming olivine at high pressure and high temperature
Suzuki, A.
GP13A-1280Abstract Title: Three-Dimensional Resistivity Modeling Around the Focal Zones of Iwate-Miyagi Nairiku Earthquake, Japan
Suzuki, C.
H51K-1548Abstract Title: Long-term river discharge simulation using dataset derived by WRF model
Suzuki, D.
P51A-2048Abstract Title: Ground-based Light Curves Two Pluto Days Before the New Horizons Passage
Suzuki, H.
SA31D-2370Abstract Title: Ionospheric convection associated with low-latitude aurora observed at Rikubetsu, Hokkaido, Japan during the 2015 St. Patrick’s Day storm
Suzuki, H.
IN21D-1713Abstract Title: A Multi-Purpose Data Dissemination Infrastructure for the Marine-Earth Observations
Suzuki, J.
T51G-3022Abstract Title: New Measurements of Shear-wave Splitting at Volcanic Fields, Western Saudi Arabia
Suzuki, J.
A33K-0353Abstract Title: Influence of topography on the temperature variation around the tropical tropopause layer
Suzuki, K.
NS31A-1941Abstract Title: Identification and characterization of the active hydrothermal deposits in Okinawa Trough, SW Japan: Estimates from logging-while-drilling, NS31A-1942Abstract Title: Temperature and volume estimation of under-seafloor fluid from the logging-while-drilling data beneath an active hydrothermal field
Suzuki, K.
NG23B-1797Abstract Title: An introduction of a new stochastic tropical cyclone model for Japan area
Suzuki, K.
MR21A-2607Abstract Title: CHIME monazite dating using FE-EPMA equipped with R=100 mm spectrometers
Suzuki, K.
C23A-0769Abstract Title: Augmentation of freeze-thaw cycles in the alpine soil triggered by the fire on the alpine slopes, Mount Shirouma-dake, northern Japanese Alps, C33A-0796Abstract Title: Variation trend of snowmelt runoff in the Japanese Alps catchment
Suzuki, K.
S31A-2728Abstract Title: Estimation of fault geometry of a slow slip event off the Kii Peninsula, southwest of Japan, detected by DONET, T51D-2922Abstract Title: Thickness of the Descending Philippine Sea Plate Estimated from Tomographic Images beneath the Kumano Basin, along the Nankai Trough, Southwestern Japan
Suzuki, K.
A23G-08Abstract Title: Study on the vertical distribution of precipitation amount within the water clouds, A31D-0096Abstract Title: Simulation and validation of global aerosol distributions using a nonhydrostatic icosahedral atmospheric model with 14 km grid spacing, A43JAbstract Title: Process-Oriented Evaluation of Climate Model Physics Using Observations and High-Resolution Models I, A51MAbstract Title: Process-Oriented Evaluation of Climate Model Physics Using Observations and High-Resolution Models II Posters, A51M-0248Abstract Title: Characterizing Uncertainties in Estimates of the Direct and Indirect Aerosol Radiative Forcings, A51M-0251Abstract Title: Land-Ocean Difference of the Warm Rain Formation Process in Satellite Observations, Ground-Based Observations, and Model Simulations, A51M-0253Abstract Title: Impacts of the autoconversion scheme on the clouds as simulated by a global cloud system-resolving model: regional variability of the impacts, A52D-08Abstract Title: Aerosol and cloud radiative forcings derived by CALIPSO and CloudSat satellite observations
Suzuki, K.
B13B-0618Abstract Title: Permeable weak layer in the gas hydrate reservoir presumed by logging-while-drilling log data
Suzuki, K.
OS31A-1963Abstract Title: Distributional shifts in size structure of phytoplankton community
Suzuki, M.
AE24A-01Abstract Title: An Overview of Three-year JEM-GLIMS Nadir Observations of Lightning and TLEs, AE33C-0507Abstract Title: Summary of Global lightning and sprite measurements (GLIMS) mission, P23A-2107Abstract Title: The result of Venus Orbit Insertion of Akatsuki on December 7th, 2015
Suzuki, M.
H11G-1427Abstract Title: Spatial pattern of the throughfall volume on a steep slope dominated by deciduous broad-leaved trees, H11G-1434Abstract Title: Factors Governing Stemflow Production from Plantation Grown Teak Trees in Thailand
Suzuki, R.
B53E-0620Abstract Title: Recent Shift of Deforestation to High Elevation Areas from 2001 to 2013 in Borneo Detected by MODIS Data, B53F-0624Abstract Title: Accurate detection of spatio-temporal variability of plant phenology by using satellite-observed daily green-red vegetation index (GRVI) in Japan , C33D-0847Abstract Title: Seasonal change of snow and vegetation covers for validation of satellite-derived indices using time-lapse digital cameras
Suzuki, S.
NH23C-1905Abstract Title: Simulation of Tsunami Resistance of a Pinus Thunbergii tree in Coastal Forest in Japan
Suzuki, S.
V11A-3046Abstract Title: Exploring the Metabolic Potential of Microbial Communities in Ultra-basic Reducing Spring at The Cedars, CA: Evidence of Microbial Methanogenesis and Heterotrophic Acetogenesis
Suzuki, S.
T41B-2896Abstract Title: Progressive failure during the 1596 Keicho earthquakes on the Median Tectonic Line active fault zone, southwest Japan
Suzuki, S.
DI13A-2632Abstract Title: A Mantle Wedge Flow Model as Revealed by Three-dimensional Electrical Resistivity Image beneath Northeastern Japan, S31A-2733Abstract Title: Further evidence for the occurrence of tectonic tremor in the Japan Trench subduction zone, S31A-2734Abstract Title: Long-term continuous observation of vertical gradient of water temperature on the deep seafloor, T21D-2861Abstract Title: Fault model of the intraplate doublet on Dec. 7 2012 derived from near- and far-field tsunami records and its implication for the post-2011 stress state
Suzuki, T.
NH13B-1928Abstract Title: Assessment of Seismic Risk in Istanbul Based on the Integration of Historical Seismology and Structural Engineering
Suzuki, T.
EP33B-1062Abstract Title: Geology of East Egypt greenstone field in Neoproterozoic isoand arc: Reconstruction of Iron formation sedimentary environment.
Suzuki, T.
S51A-2655Abstract Title: Effects of Fluid Flow on Slip Evolution in a Thermoporoelastic Medium: Implications for Seismic Moment Evolution
Suzuki, T.
NH41C-1841Abstract Title: The influence of fine sediment on the fluidity of debris flows based on the equilibrium concentration and friction coefficient
Suzuki, T.
DI31B-2585Abstract Title: Experimental Melting Study of Basalt-Peridotite Hybrid Source: Constrains on Chemistry of Recycled Component , V43C-3160Abstract Title: Water content in arc basaltic magma in the Northeast Japan and Izu arcs: an estimate from Ca/Na partitioning between plagioclase and melt
Suzuki, W.
NH13E-04Abstract Title: Development of Real-time Tsunami Inundation Forecast Using Ocean Bottom Tsunami Networks along the Japan Trench, NH13E-05Abstract Title: Multiple indices method for real-time tsunami inundation forecast using a dense offshore observation network, S43B-2796Abstract Title: Attenuation characteristics of strong ground motion from deep-focus earthquakes around the Ogasawara Islands, Japan, T13D-3031Abstract Title: Application and API for Real-time Visualization of Ground-motions and Tsunami, T13D-3042Abstract Title: An Advanced Real-Time Earthquake Information System in Japan
Suzuki, Y.
T41B-2891Abstract Title: Detection of Surface Rupture and Deformation Associated with the 2014 Kamishiro Fault Earthquake in Central Japan by Differential LiDAR and Tectonic Geomorphological Survey
Suzuki, Y.
B11J-0578Abstract Title: ANME-2D Archaea Catalyze Methane Oxidation in Deep Subsurface Sediments Independent of Nitrate Reduction, B23I-02Abstract Title: High CO2 subsurface environment enriches for novel microbial lineages capable of autotrophic carbon fixation, GP51A-1303Abstract Title: Distribution of magnetofossils in deep-sea surface sediments with Fe-redox boundary
Suzuki-Parker, A.
GC43A-1163Abstract Title: Projected changes in precipitation extremes linked to temperature over Japan
Svalgaard, L.
SA51B-2398Abstract Title: Reconstruction of Solar EUV Flux 1740-2015, SH23CAbstract Title: The New Sunspot Number Series
Svanbäck, A.
B53K-05Abstract Title: Legacy phosphorus in the Baltic Sea and implications for reversing eutrophication
Svarc, J. L.
T43C-3012Abstract Title: Imaging spatially variable afterslip using stress-drive models governed by rate and state friction and constrained by geodetic observations following the South Napa earthquake
Svartman Dias, A. E.
T51F-2990Abstract Title: Stretching and thinning factors viewed through numerical models of continental extension and rifting
Svedhem, H.
P23A-2106Abstract Title: Venus Upper Atmosphere – Results from the Venus Express Aerobraking Campaign, P34A-05Abstract Title: First Analysis of Densities Inferred from Accelerometer Data on ESA’s Venus Express
Svendsen, J. I.
PP33A-2291Abstract Title: Improved Timing of Deglaciation of the Southwestern Scandinavian Ice Sheet Using 10Be Dating
Svendsen, P. L.
G43B-1046Abstract Title: Arctic Sea Level Change over the altimetry era and reconstructed over 50 years.
Svendsen, S. B.
A11C-0085Abstract Title: Chemical characterization and physico-chemical properties of aerosols at Villum Research Station, Greenland during spring 2015
Svensen, H.
OS22BAbstract Title: Fluid Migration and Gas Hydrate Systems in Continental Margins I, OS23BAbstract Title: Fluid Migration and Gas Hydrate Systems in Continental Margins III Posters, OS23DAbstract Title: Fluid Migration and Gas Hydrate Systems in Continental Margins II, PP44B-01Abstract Title: Climatic Impacts of a Volcanic Double Event: 536/540 CE
Svenson, L.
Svensson, N. O.
PP51C-2296Abstract Title: Relative sea level changes in southeastern Sweden the last 6ka mapped by paleo-shorelines.
Sverjensky, D. A.
V14C-08Abstract Title: Immiscible Hydrocarbon and Aqueous Fluids Under Subduction Zone Conditions and Implications for the Deep Carbon Cycle, V44A-02Abstract Title: Chromium Redox Equilibria in Fluids and Minerals under Hydrothermal and Subduction-zone Conditions
Svetlik, M.
SH31C-2433Abstract Title: Quasi-thermal noise observed by CASSINI during the first flyby of Venus
Svigkas, N.
G21B-1027Abstract Title: Land Deformation at the Thessaloniki - Giannitsa Plain (Greece) Deduced from 20- years Radar Observations using Persistent Scatterers Techniques, NH21BAbstract Title: Operational Applications for Earthquake Hazard Mitigation: Toward a Global Standardized Chain of Activities and Strategies Posters
Svoboda, C.
H41G-1416Abstract Title: Evaluation of Head-of-Reservoir Conditions for Downstream Migration of Juvenile Chinook Salmon and Steelhead at Shasta Lake, California
Svoboda, M.
GC13H-1247Abstract Title: Climate- and remote sensing-based tools for drought management application in North and South Korea , H21O-03Abstract Title: A Hybrid Framework for Improving NMME Precipitation Forecasts, H43J-08Abstract Title: Development of a Long-Term (1884-2006) Serially Complete Dataset of U.S. Temperatures and Precipitation for Climate Services
Svoma, B. M.
C33C-0830Abstract Title: Canopy Effects on Macroscale Snow Sublimation
Swaczyna, P.
SH41E-2407Abstract Title: Hypothetical signals beyond the primary ISN He flow as perspective targets for IMAP, SH52B-04Abstract Title: Interstellar neutral flow characteristics, composition, and interaction with the heliosphere – neutral gas and pickup ion analysis from ongoing observations and perspectives for IMAP, SH53C-05Abstract Title: Helium Energetic Neutral Atoms - a New Perspective for Heliospheric and Extraheliospheric Observations with IMAP, SH53C-09Abstract Title: The local interstellar medium based on ISN He observations with Ulysses and IBEX and future IMAP measurements
Swails, E.
B33D-0744Abstract Title: Substrate quality and nutrient availability influence CO2 production from tropical peat decomposition, GC51JAbstract Title: Toward Better Understanding of the Impacts of Climate Variability: From Ecosystem Processes to Agricultural Adaptation and Decision Making I, GC52DAbstract Title: Toward Better Understanding of the Impacts of Climate Variability: From Ecosystem Processes to Agricultural Adaptation and Decision Making II, GC53GAbstract Title: Toward Better Understanding of the Impacts of Climate Variability: From Ecosystem Processes to Agricultural Adaptation and Decision Making III Posters
Swain, D. L.
A51H-0153Abstract Title: Probability of Atmospheric Circulation Pattern Occurrence in Pre-Industrial, Historical, and Future Climates, GC41G-07Abstract Title: Trends in persistent seasonal-scale atmospheric circulation patterns responsible for precipitation and temperature extremes in California, H42D-06Abstract Title: Anthropogenic Warming Has Increased Drought Risk In California, PP22A-02Abstract Title: Using Atmospheric Circulation Patterns to Detect and Attribute Changes in the Risk of Extreme Climate Events
Swain, H.
H53B-1668Abstract Title: The Subtropical Grasslands LTAR: balancing agricultural production and conservation goals
Swain, M.
GC51C-1098Abstract Title: Land-Use Intensity of Electricity Production: Comparison Across Multiple Sources
Swain, N. R.
H43A-1472Abstract Title: Tethys: A Platform for Water Resources Modeling and Decision Support Apps, H43A-1473Abstract Title: Web-Based Data Visualization and Analysis using HydroShare and the Open Source Tethys Platform
Swallow, E. J.
V31B-3035Abstract Title: Prolonged, episodic evacuation of discrete magma bodies at the onset of the Huckleberry Ridge Tuff supereruption, V31B-3037Abstract Title: Timescales of Human Interest in the Geological Records of Rhyolite Eruptions
Swaminathan, R.
A33A-0124Abstract Title: Classification and Feature Selection Algorithms for Modeling Ice Storm Climatology
Swaney, D. P.
B53K-05Abstract Title: Legacy phosphorus in the Baltic Sea and implications for reversing eutrophication
Swanger, K.
ED54B-06Abstract Title: First Thoughts About Being Outside In The Very Cold Land: Did We Get Rocks That Will Let Us Study How Warm And Wet It Was In The Past?
Swann, A. L. S.
A33J-0307Abstract Title: The Statistical Relationship Between Remotely Sensed Vegetation and Climate for the Last 15 years is not Reflective of the last 30 years, B11L-07Abstract Title: Large-Scale Forest Die-off in Temperate versus Tropical Regions: Comparison of Local and Global Climate Effects, B23G-0662Abstract Title: Nonlinear Interactions between Climate and Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Drivers of Terrestrial and Marine Carbon Cycle Changes from 1850 to 2300, B23J-01Abstract Title: Diagnosing Drought in a Changing Climate, B41EAbstract Title: Novel Approaches for Moving Beyond Plant Functional Types and Considering Future Vegetation Distributions I Posters, B43KAbstract Title: Novel Approaches for Moving Beyond Plant Functional Types and Considering Future Vegetation Distributions II, B53J-04Abstract Title: Continental Asymmetry in Climate-Induced Tropical Drought: Driving Mechanisms and Ecosystem Response, GC23I-1205Abstract Title: Progressive Mid-latitude Afforestation: Impacts on Clouds, Circulation, and the Global Energy Budget, H41H-08Abstract Title: Land Use and climate change interactions in tropical South America
Swann, C.
EP24A-04Abstract Title: A Threshold Continuum for Aeolian Sand Transport
Swann, W.
A32A-06Abstract Title: Long-path Atmospheric Measurements Using Dual Frequency Comb Spectroscopy
Swanson, A. C.
B31A-0532Abstract Title: Effects of Vegetation Removal and Soil Disturbance on Soil Organic and Inorganic Carbon Dynamics in California Desert Ecosystems
Swanson, A. C.
B43C-0584Abstract Title: Flying Under the LiDAR: Relating Forest Structure to Bat Community Diversity
Swanson, C.
H21J-1546Abstract Title: Spatiotemporal Variability in Potential Evapotranspiration across an Urban Monitoring Network
Swanson, D. K.
B11G-0522Abstract Title: Dissolved Organic Matter Composition of Arctic Rivers: Linking Permafrost, Parent Material, and Groundwater to Riverine Carbon, B31D-0591Abstract Title: Forecast of Permafrost Distribution, Temperature and Active Layer Thickness for Arctic National Parks of Alaska through 2100
Swanson, D. A.
PA43C-2202Abstract Title: Don't Forget Kīlauea: Explosive Hazards at an Ocean Island Basaltic Volcano, V43B-3127Abstract Title: Under Construction: Rebuilding Kīlauea's Shallow Magma Storage System After Caldera Collapse, V43E-05Abstract Title: Shallow outgassing changes disrupt steady lava lake activity, Kilauea Volcano
Swanson, M.
MR33C-2698Abstract Title: Multi-surface Earthquake Rupture Recorded in Pseudotachylyte Vein Geometries, Norumbega Shear Zone, southern Maine
Swanson, S.
H51D-1399Abstract Title: Assessing groundwater recharge mechanisms in the Pampa del Tamarugal Basin of northern Chile's Atacama Desert
Swanson, T.
NH13C-1945Abstract Title: Strategic Floodplain Reconnection Along the Lower Tisza and Lower Illinois Rivers: Identifying Opportunities, Tradeoffs, and Limitations
Swanson, T.
EP21D-07Abstract Title: Rates and Mechanisms of Erosion Generating a Wave-Cut Platform at Sargent Beach, Texas, USA
Swanson-Hysell, N.
GP23B-1308Abstract Title: Do Jack Hills Detrital Zircons Contain Records of the Early Geodynamo?, GP31A-1364Abstract Title: When Did Midcontinent Rift Volcanism End and Where Was Laurentia at that Time?, GP43A-1233Abstract Title: Rock magnetic effects induced in terrestrial basalt and diabase by >20 GPa experimental spherical shock waves, PP31E-07Abstract Title: Early Neoproterozoic Global Change Through the Lens of the Tambien Group, Northern Ethiopia, PP33B-2300Abstract Title: Newly Discovered Exposures of Neoproterozoic Diamictite within the Samre Fold-Thrust Belt of Northern Ethiopia
Swanston, C.
B21D-0507Abstract Title: Constraining soil C cycling with strategic, adaptive action for data and model reporting, B31FAbstract Title: Soil Carbon Stocks, Fluxes, and Vulnerability at Large Spatial Scales I, B31F-05Abstract Title: Estimation of soil organic carbon in forests of the United States, B32C-01Abstract Title: Ironing out the details of soil organic matter cycling: The unique role of Fe-bearing minerals in regulating organic matter transformation in soils , B43IAbstract Title: Soil Carbon Stocks, Fluxes, and Vulnerability at Large Spatial Scales II Posters, GC51B-1087Abstract Title: Climate Adaptation is About More Than Climate: Value-Driven Science Delivery
Swap, R. J.
ED34B-03Abstract Title: Going To The Field: Immersing Student Researchers in Coupled Human-Natural Systems, ED34B-04Abstract Title: STEM-related, Student-led Service Learning / Community Engagement Projects: Examples and Benefits
Swarnalingam, N.
SA13A-2315Abstract Title: Does Weak Turbulence Impact PMSEs’ Strengths Closer To The Northern Pole?
Swarr, G.
GC51F-1163Abstract Title: Mercury Speciation in Saltmarsh Porewater, Groundwater, and Surface Water: Cape Cod, MA
Swart, P. K.
B21C-0449Abstract Title: Geochemical and Textural Comparison of Modern and Ancient Freshwater Microbial Mud: A Direct Calibration in the Florida Everglades, H31G-1520Abstract Title: Isotopic Analysis of Source Waters Contributing to a Submarine Spring in San Salvador, Bahamas, PP21AAbstract Title: Clumped Isotope Geochemistry: From Theory to Applications I Posters, PP21A-2205Abstract Title: Towards Understanding Artifacts in the Clumped Isotope System , PP21A-2219Abstract Title: Cryogenic brines as a diagenetic fluid: using clumped isotopes to reconstruct the cementation history of sediments in the ANDRILL 2A core, PP21A-2220Abstract Title: Disequilibrium in Clumped Isotopes Caused by Diagenesis in Tertiary Carbonates, PP23C-2315Abstract Title: Late Pleistocene Rapid Climate Change Events Measured in Stalagmites From a Semi-Arid Cave in Iran Show Pan-Eurasian Climate Signal Matching NGRIP, PP23DAbstract Title: Clumped Isotope Geochemistry: From Theory to Applications II, PP31B-2253Abstract Title: Evaluating the integrity of the Ce anomaly as a paleoredox tracer using modern marine carbonates, PP31B-2254Abstract Title: Assessing potential diagenetic alteration of primary iodine-to-calcium ratios in carbonate rocks
Swart, R.
T33F-2996Abstract Title: The Bero Volganic Group: New Lithological, Stratigraphic, and Geochemical Data of this Extension of the Parana-Etendeka Igneous Province into SW Angola with Implications
Swartz, J. M.
PP51C-2306Abstract Title: Holocene Formation of Heald Sand Bank on the East Texas Inner Continental Shelf, T33D-2958Abstract Title: Margin Architecture and Sediment Flux as Controls on Submarine Fan Development: Tectonic-Climate Interactions in the Gulf of Alaska, T33D-2962Abstract Title: Sedimentary Records of Shelf Edge Glaciation: A Young Trough-Mouth Fan on the Gulf of Alaska Yakutat Margin
Swartz, W. E.
NH32C-08Abstract Title: Using the Ionosphere as a Detector of Earthquakes Before They Happen
Swartz, W.
A51C-0067Abstract Title: Indicators of Climate Change in the Middle Atmosphere using a New Climate Feedback-Response Analysis Method
Swartz, W.
A11G-0114Abstract Title: Aura OMI observations of changes in SO2 and NO2 emissions at local, regional and global scales
Swarzenski, P. W.
EP41B-0929Abstract Title: Sediment Dating With Short-Lived Radioisotopes In Monterey Canyon, California Imply Episodes Of Rapid Deposition And Erosion, GC54B-02Abstract Title: Hydrogeology and geochemistry of the freshwater lens on Roi Namur atoll, the Republic of the Marshall Islands, H13L-1754Abstract Title: Effects of Land-Use Change and Managed Aquifer Recharge on Geochemical Reactions with Implications for Groundwater Quantity and Quality in Atoll Island Aquifers, Roi-Namur, Republic of the Marshall Islands, NH51C-1907Abstract Title: Assessing Coastal Aquifer Response to Projected Sea Level Rise in California, OS23C-2031Abstract Title: Tracking recent climate and anthropogenic change in Central America in sediments form the lower fan of the Rio Yaqui, Gulf of California, Mexico
Swatantran, A.
B43C-0583Abstract Title: Forest Vertical Structure of Sierra Nevada Observed by the First Spaceborne Tandem SAR Mission, B53I-06Abstract Title: Large Scale Mapping of Vegetation Structure and Terrain Surface using Single Photon Lidar (SPL), GC11B-1034Abstract Title: Local Discrepancies in Continental Scale Biomass Maps: A Case Study over Forested and Non-Forested Landscapes in Maryland, USA, GC11B-1041Abstract Title: High-Resolution Modeling Disturbance-Induced Forest Carbon Dynamics with Lidar and Landsat Observations
Swayze, G. A.
GC22D-07Abstract Title: Advances in Mineral Dust Source Composition Measurement with Imaging Spectroscopy at the Salton Sea, CA, IN11E-1799Abstract Title: Evaluating Field Spectrometer Performance with Transmission Standards: Examples from the USGS Spectral Library and Research Databases, P51E-03Abstract Title: Mars Surface Mineralogic Diversity and Mineral Mixtures Mapping Using CRISM Data and the Tetracorder Spectral Mapping System
Sweeney, A. D.
IN21B-1690Abstract Title: Challenges to Standardization: A Case Study Using Coastal and Deep-Ocean Water Level Data, IN21D-1716Abstract Title: NavManager: Open Source Software for Processing Shipboard Navigation Data
Sweeney, C.
A11J-0188Abstract Title: Recent improvements in mobile greenhouse gas analyzers and what they have done for top-down emissions verification, A11J-0192Abstract Title: Airborne observations of greenhouse gases in the North Slope of Alaska during summer 2015, A11J-0199Abstract Title: Constraining Methane Emissions from Natural Gas Production in Northeastern Pennsylvania Using Aircraft Observations and Mesoscale Modeling, A11MAbstract Title: The Impacts of Energy Production and Use on Air Quality and Climate I Posters, A11M-0260Abstract Title: Quantitative airborne assessment of gas flaring combustion efficiency in the Bakken Shale, A14F-06Abstract Title: High-accuracy, high-precision, high-resolution, continuous monitoring of urban greenhouse gas emissions? Results to date from INFLUX, A14F-07Abstract Title: Using a multi-scale approach to identify and quantify oil and gas emissions: a case study for GHG emissions verification, A23B-0291Abstract Title: Airborne Measurements in Support of the NASA Atmospheric Carbon and Transport - America (ACT-America) Mission, A23NAbstract Title: The Impacts of Energy Production and Use on Air Quality and Climate II, A24FAbstract Title: The Impacts of Energy Production and Use on Air Quality and Climate III, A24F-06Abstract Title: Quantification of Methane and Ethane Emissions from the San Juan Basin, A31B-0042Abstract Title: Carbon Tetrachloride Emissions from the US during 2008 – 2012 Derived from Atmospheric Data Using Bayesian and Geostatistical Inversions, A31B-0045Abstract Title: Mapping pan-Arctic CH4 emissions using an adjoint method by integrating process-based wetland and lake biogeochemical models and atmospheric CH4 concentrations, A33C-0172Abstract Title: Multi-year Estimates of Methane Fluxes in Alaska from an Atmospheric Inverse Model, A33F-0235Abstract Title: Bayesian optimization of modeled CO2 fluxes in Oregon using a dense tower network, aircraft campaigns, and the community land model 4.5, A33F-0244Abstract Title: A Lagrangian Assimilation System for North American Carbon Flux Estimates, A33F-0245Abstract Title: Integrating diverse observations of North American CH4 into flux inversions in CarbonTrackerLagrange-CH4, A33F-0246Abstract Title: Constraining the 2012-2014 growing season Alaskan methane budget using CARVE aircraft measurements, A41I-0201Abstract Title: A Mesoscale Modeling Framework for Assessing Inversion Uncertainty Due to Atmospheric Transport in XCO2 Atmospheric Inversions, A41Q-01Abstract Title: Estimates of Methane and Ethane Emissions from the Barnett Shale Using Atmospheric Measurements, A52C-01Abstract Title: TOPDOWN 2015: A Multi-aircraft Assessment of Methane Emissions in the Four Corners Region, A52C-03Abstract Title: Evaluation of Diagnostic CO2 Flux and Transport Modeling in NU-WRF and GEOS-5, A52C-04Abstract Title: Empirically constrained estimates of Alaskan regional Net Ecosystem Exchange of CO2, 2012-2014, A52C-05Abstract Title: The influence of synoptic-scale climate variability on boreal forest fire emissions and trace gas variability in Alaska, B31D-0613Abstract Title: Detecting Patterns of Changing Carbon Uptake in Alaska Using Sustained In Situ and Remote Sensing CO2 Observations, B43J-02Abstract Title: The Ability of Atmospheric Data to Reduce Disagreements in Wetland Methane Flux Estimates over North America, B43M-07Abstract Title: Seasonal and interannual variations in boreal Alaskan methane and carbon dioxide fluxes using atmospheric measurements from the CARVE tower, C41B-0703Abstract Title: Near-Record Early Snowmelt and Signs of Environmental Change in Barrow, Alaska, GC12B-13Abstract Title: Urbanization and the Carbon Cycle: Synthesis of Ongoing Research
Sweeney, J. J.
S52B-07Abstract Title: Geophysics, Remote Sensing, and the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) Integrated Field Exercise 2014, S53B-2819Abstract Title: Integrated Geophysical Analysis at a Legacy Test Site, S53B-2826Abstract Title: Using Passive Seismic Methods to Detect Underground Cavities
Sweeney, J.
GP51A-1330Abstract Title: A New Instrument for Magnetic Imaging of Rock Slabs at the Hand-Sample Scale
Sweeney, K. E.
EP51D-05Abstract Title: Testing the Validity of Local Flux Laws in an Experimental Eroding Landscape
Sweeney, M. E.
EP31B-0998Abstract Title: Structural and Geomorphic Controls on Dryland Salinity and Regolith Distribution in the Critical Zone, North-east Tasmania, Australia.
Sweet, J. R.
PA41C-08Abstract Title: Thirty Years of Innovation in Seismology with the IRIS Consortium, S33DAbstract Title: Seismology Contributions: Advances in Instrumentation and Installation Posters, S33D-2802Abstract Title: Posthole Broadband Sensor Emplacement vs. Surface Vaults: Observations of Comparative Noise Performance and Trade-offs
Sweet, W.
GC53A-1181Abstract Title: Sea-level Rise Increases the Frequency of Nuisance Flooding in Coastal Regions
Sweijen, T.
H21A-1320Abstract Title: Pore-scale Modelling of Capillarity in Swelling Granular Materials
Swenson, C.
A53A-0350Abstract Title: The Optical Profiling of the Atmospheric Limb (OPAL) CubeSat Experiment, EP53C-1040Abstract Title: Electro-Optical Payloads and CubeSat Missions for Earth and Space Science, SA31C-2359Abstract Title: Auroral Spatial Structures Probe Sub-Orbital Mission Preliminary Results, SA31F-2384Abstract Title: The Auroral Spatial Structures Probe: magnetic and electric field measurements during an active aurora at fine spatial and temporal scales, SA43C-03Abstract Title: Electronic Microchannel Plate Particle Detector Design for a CubeSat Time-of-Flight Reflectron Mass Spectrometer, SA43C-04Abstract Title: The Scintillation Prediction Observations Research Task (SPORT) Mission
Swenson, C.
C41A-0681Abstract Title: Minimizing Intra-Campaign Biases in Airborne Laser Altimetry By Thorough Calibration of Lidar System Parameters
Swenson, G. R.
SA13A-2318Abstract Title: Measurement of Gravity Wave Forcing over the Andes Lidar Observatory (30.3ºS), SA13B-2372Abstract Title: Multi-Beam, High-Power Rayleigh Lidar for the Capture of 2D Dynamic Atmospheric Features, SA23D-2361Abstract Title: Na Lidar measurement of neutral wind and temperature in the lower thermosphere, SA41B-2350Abstract Title: LIDAR AND AIRGLOW OBSERVATIONS OF GRAVITY WAVE COUPLING WITH TIDES IN THE MESOPAUSE REGION
Swenson, J. J.
B41H-06Abstract Title: Carbon mapping of Argentine savannas: Using fractional tree cover to scale from field to region, GC41C-1107Abstract Title: Regional Estimates of Drought-Induced Tree Canopy Loss across Texas, H51N-1589Abstract Title: Flood Dynamics in the Sacramento Valley over the Last 30 Years: When and Where Were the Rest Stops for Shorebirds during Spring Migration?
Swenson, S. C.
C13B-0804Abstract Title: Mass Loss of Glaciers and Ice Caps From GRACE During 2002-2015, C42B-03Abstract Title: Modeling the Soil Moisture Response to Permafrost Thaw and Implications for the Permafrost-Carbon Feedback, GC23G-1197Abstract Title: Assessment of large-scale water storage dynamics in the Community Land Model, GC23G-1202Abstract Title: Improving subsurface hydrology in Earth System Models, H13R-03Abstract Title: Advances in Simulating Large-scale Water Cycle Processes in the Community Land Model Version 5.0, H44F-04Abstract Title: Using the Community Land Model to Assess Uncertainty in Basin Scale GRACE-Based Groundwater Estimates
Swetnam, T. L.
H21CAbstract Title: Ecohydrology in the Critical Zone I Posters, H21C-1382Abstract Title: Topographic Control of Aboveground Carbon Pools Across an Environmental Gradient, Eastern Slope of the Rocky Mountains, Colorado., H23JAbstract Title: Ecohydrology in the Critical Zone II, H23J-05Abstract Title: Scale-dependent interactions between vegetation, landscape, and climate: How critical zone structure influences ecohydrological reslience in a rapidly changing world, IN43B-1730Abstract Title: Scaling Critical Zone analysis tasks from desktop to the cloud utilizing contemporary distributed computing and data management approaches: A case study for project based learning of Cyberinfrastructure concepts
Świerczyńska, M. G.
NH51B-1873Abstract Title: Calibrating the FloodMap Model to Improve the Integrated HydroProg-FloodMap Real-Time Multimodel Ensemble System for Forecasting Inundation, PA33B-2182Abstract Title: Prognocean Plus: the Science-Oriented Sea Level Prediction System as a Tool for Public Stakeholders
Swietlicki, E.
A33G-0255Abstract Title: Synthesis of the ACTRIS Network Cloud Condensation Nuclei Measurements
Swift, A.
H41C-1308Abstract Title: From the Nano- to the Formation Scale: Accessible Reactive Surface Area in a CO2 Saline Reservoir, H43K-08Abstract Title: Evaluation of Advanced Reactive Surface Area Estimates for Improved Prediction of Mineral Reaction Rates in Porous Media
Swift, S. A.
V21A-3016Abstract Title: Extent and impact of Cretaceous magmatism on the formation and evolution of Jurassic oceanic crust in the western Pacific
Swiler, L.
GC43C-1206Abstract Title: Bayesian calibration of the Community Land Model using a multi-chain Markov chain Monte Carlo method, GC43C-1208Abstract Title: Parameter Sensitivity and Transferability Study Across Major US Watersheds, NS34A-07Abstract Title: A Scalable Multi-chain Markov Chain Monte Carlo Method for Inverting Subsurface Hydraulic and Geological Properties
Swingedouw, D.
PP42B-08Abstract Title: AMOCMIP: Probabilistic projections of future AMOC evolution driven by global warming and Greenland Ice Sheet melt.
Swingle, K. W.
EP51C-0931Abstract Title: Transport and Export of Coarse Particulate Organic Matter (CPOM) in Steep Streams
Swirski, A.
EP23A-0940Abstract Title: New, Flexible Applications with the Multi-Spectral Titan Airborne Lidar
Swisdak, M.
SH21A-2379Abstract Title: A Mechanism for Helium-3 Abundance Enhancements in Solar Flares, SH41A-2371Abstract Title: Magnetized Jets Driven by the Sun, the Structure of the Heliosphere Revisited: Consequences for Draping of BISM ahead of the HP and Time Variability of ENAs, SH41C-2391Abstract Title: Magnetic flux annihilation and the development of magnetic field depletions in the sectored heliosheath, SH43AAbstract Title: Magnetic Reconnection: A Fundamental Process Operating throughout the Universe I Posters, SH43A-2428Abstract Title: Particle Acceleration in 3D Magnetic Reconnection, SH43A-2431Abstract Title: Drift Wave Turbulence and Magnetic Reconnection, SH43A-2436Abstract Title: Electron Energization in Reconnection Outflows with Kinetic Riemann Simulations, SH53C-02Abstract Title: A Model of the Heliosphere with Jets, SH54AAbstract Title: Magnetic Reconnection: A Fundamental Process Operating throughout the Universe II, SM51A-2534Abstract Title: Gyrotropy During Magnetic Reconnection
Swisher, C. C. III
V51A-3028Abstract Title: Toward Improvements in Inter-laboratory Calibration of Argon Isotope Measurements
Switzer, A.
EP22A-02Abstract Title: Memory in coastal systems: Post-tsunami beach recovery within a decade on the Thai coast., EP23B-0974Abstract Title: Coastal evolution between two giant rivers: The Chan May embayment in central Vietnam, NH23A-1865Abstract Title: Uniform slip model underestimates tsunami hazard for probabilistic assessment: results from a case study in the South China Sea, PP53C-2354Abstract Title: 206/207Pb and Radiocarbon: An Unlikely Pair for Identifying the Source and Delivery Time of Ocean Advection in the South China Sea, PP54A-08Abstract Title: A Multi-Peaked Mid-Holocene Relative Sea-Level Highstand on the Sunda Shelf, Indonesia
Swyer, M.
PP21A-2216Abstract Title: Assessing Past Fracture Connectivity in Geothermal Reservoirs Using Clumped Isotopes: Proof of Concept in the Blue Mountain Geothermal Field, Nevada USA
Syafii, A.
G23B-1071Abstract Title: The Development of Deformation Model for Semi-Dynamic Datum of Indonesia
Syauswa, M.
T51G-3010Abstract Title: Deep Magma Accumulation at Nyamulagira Volcano in 2011 Detected by GNSS Observations
Sydnor, S.
GC23F-1190Abstract Title: Using Scenario Development to Encourage Tourism Business Resilience in the Great Lakes
Sydora, R. D.
SH11E-2422Abstract Title: Laboratory Study of Non-linear Decay of a Kinetic Shear Alfvén Wave
Sydorenko, D.
SM21A-2465Abstract Title: Fast damping of poloidal Alfven waves by bounce-resonant ions: observations and modeling, SM23B-2548Abstract Title: Satellite and Ground Signatures of Kinetic and Inertial Scale ULF Alfven Waves Propagating in Warm Plasma in Earth’s Magnetosphere
Sykes, C.
V33D-3151Abstract Title: In-Situ Apatite Laser Ablation U-Th-Sm/He Dating, Methods and Challenges
Sykes, M. V.
NH11A-1896Abstract Title: Characterization of the Interior Density Structure of Near Earth Objects with Muons, P31H-06Abstract Title: Exploring Formation Models for Ceres Tholi and Montes, P53E-2183Abstract Title: Albedo and Spectral Variability on Ceres from Four Decades of Observations, P53E-2187Abstract Title: Geomorphological Evidence for Pervasive Ground Ice on Ceres from Dawn Observations of Craters and Flows., P53E-2192Abstract Title: Internal Convection on Ceres: A Possible Explanation for Dome Formation
Sylak-Glassman, E. J.
PA31A-2152Abstract Title: An Evolving Model for Capacity Building with Earth Observation Imagery
Sylla, M. B.
GC42AAbstract Title: Global Change Impacts in West Africa: From Observations and Models to Adaptation Measures I, GC43BAbstract Title: Global Change Impacts in West Africa: From Observations and Models to Adaptation Measures II Posters, GC43B-1180Abstract Title: The WASCAL regional climate simulations for West Africa – how to add value to existing climate projections
Sylla, M. B.
GC43B-1195Abstract Title: Characterization And State-Of-The-Art Modeling Of Extreme Precipitation Events Over Africa During The Historical Period, GC43B-1197Abstract Title: Interaction Of Mesoscale Convective Systems With The Land – Sea Breezes Along The Guinea Coast Of West Africa
Sylvander, M.
S31C-06Abstract Title: Discrimination of Secondary Microseism Origins Using Ocean Tide Modulation
Sylvester, L.
PA31CAbstract Title: Urban Metabolism, Morphology, and Microclimate under Global Change Posters, PA31C-2166Abstract Title: Indicators for Assessing Climate Change Resilience Resulting from Emplacement of Green Infrastructure Projects Across an Urban Landscape, PA42A-03Abstract Title: Integrated Framework for an Urban Climate Adaptation Tool , PA43A-2180Abstract Title: Multi-Model Framework for Investigating Potential Climate Change Impacts on Interdependent Critical Infrastructure
Sylvester, Z.
EP12A-01Abstract Title: Supercritical Submarine Channel Morphodynamics from Integrated Investigation of the Western North American Continental Margin, EP12A-02Abstract Title: Vertical and Lateral Changes in Facies, Bed Thickness, and Grain Size in Submarine Channels from an Ultra-High Resolution Dataset, Western Niger Delta Slope: Implications for Turbidity Current Stratification
Sylvia, R. T.
V53G-07Abstract Title: Complex interactions between diapirs and 4-D subduction driven mantle wedge circulation.
Symes, W. W.
S13C-02Abstract Title: Globalizing convergence of full waveform inversion via extended modeling
Symons, W. O.
EP41B-0928Abstract Title: How Well Do Submarine Canyon Deposits Represent the Sediment-transport Events That Created Them?, EP41B-0929Abstract Title: Sediment Dating With Short-Lived Radioisotopes In Monterey Canyon, California Imply Episodes Of Rapid Deposition And Erosion
Symstad, A.
H42C-06Abstract Title: Climate, karst, and critters—A multidisciplinary evaluation of karst species vulnerability to climate change
Syracuse, E. M.
S23C-2737Abstract Title: Velocity Structure of the Iran Region Using Seismic and Gravity Observations
Syrjäsuo, M.
Syrstad, E. A.
SA43C-03Abstract Title: Electronic Microchannel Plate Particle Detector Design for a CubeSat Time-of-Flight Reflectron Mass Spectrometer
Syverson, D. D.
OS43A-2008Abstract Title: Coupled Porosity and Chemical Evolution of Hydrothermal Circulation: Implications for the Morphology of Vents and Recharge Zones at Mid-Ocean Ridges, OS43A-2012Abstract Title: Fe and Cu isotope fractionation between chalcopyrite and dissolved metal species during hydrothermal recrystallization: An experimental study at 350°C and 500 bars, OS43A-2013Abstract Title: Anhydrite Solubility and Ca Isotope Fractionation in the Vapor-Liquid Field of the NaCl-H2O System: Implications for Hydrothermal Vent Fluids at Mid-ocean Ridges
Syvitski, J.
NH13D-1968Abstract Title: Flood Risk and Climate Change: The Contributions of Remote Sensing
Syvitski, J. P.
EP33A-1046Abstract Title: Global suspended sediment and water discharge dynamics between 1960 and 2010: Continental trends and intra-basin sensitivity, GC41F-1154Abstract Title: Linking River Basin Modifications and Rural Soil and Water Management Practices in Tropical Deltas to Sea Level Rise Vulnerability, GC44C-01Abstract Title: The Geophysical, Anthropogenic, and Social Dimensions of Delta Risk: Estimating Contemporary and Future Risks at the Global Scale, GC44C-06Abstract Title: Impacts of the Indian Rivers Inter-link Project on Sediment Transport to River Deltas, IN13B-1841Abstract Title: WMT: The CSDMS Web Modeling Tool, U12AAbstract Title: What's the Big Deal about the Anthropocene?
Szabo, A.
A21I-01Abstract Title: DSCOVR/EPIC Images and Science: A New Way to View the Entire Sunlit Earth From A Sun-Earth Lagrange-1 Orbit, SH11B-2388Abstract Title: Modeling Magnetic Flux-Ropes Structures, SH12A-06Abstract Title: Presenting DSCOVR: The First NOAA Mission to Leave Earth Orbit, SH13E-04Abstract Title: Solar wind ion distribution broadening by waves and transients, SH22B-05Abstract Title: Interplanetary Shocks Observed by the DSCOVR Spacecraft, SH41E-2410Abstract Title: Particle Acceleration: The Other Half of IMAP, SH43A-2419Abstract Title: DSCOVR Observations of Magnetic Reconnection, SH53A-2475Abstract Title: Multi-spacecraft Characterization of Current Sheet Crossings in the Dynamic Solar Wind
Szabo, S.
GC41FAbstract Title: Sustainable Deltas: Multidisciplinary Analyses of Complex Systems I Posters, GC43GAbstract Title: Sustainable Deltas: Multidisciplinary Analyses of Complex Systems II, GC44CAbstract Title: Sustainable Deltas: Multidisciplinary Analyses of Complex Systems III
Szalay, J.
P53C-2136Abstract Title: Characterizing the Meteoroid Environment Using an Airless Body, SM31B-2497Abstract Title: Measurement of Energetic Neutral Atom Flux in the Lunar Exosphere using the LDEX Instrument
Szalay, J.
SM42B-03Abstract Title: Escape of Pluto's Atmosphere: In Situ Measurements from New Horizons and Remote Observations from Chandra
Szczap, F.
A43B-0268Abstract Title: Impact of spatial resolution on cirrus infrared satellite retrievals in the presence of cloud heterogeneity
Szczepanek, R.
IN43D-02Abstract Title: Analysis and Benchmark of Hydrological Network Representation Models for Improved Access and Query in Web-based System
Szczucinski, W.
NH23DAbstract Title: Geological Records and Modeling of Tsunamis and Storms for Natural Hazard Assessment I, NH24AAbstract Title: Geological Records and Modeling of Tsunamis and Storms for Natural Hazard Assessment II, NH33AAbstract Title: Geological Records and Modeling of Tsunamis and Storms for Natural Hazard Assessment III Posters, NH33A-1892Abstract Title: Application of paleoDNA for identification of paleotsunami deposits
Sze, C.
B33E-0768Abstract Title: Sensitivities Affecting Heat and Urban Heat Island Effect on Local Scale Projected to Neighborhood Scale in Baltimore, Maryland
Szego, K.
P31E-2093Abstract Title: The Magnetic Response to Sudden Mass-loading of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko’s Induced Magnetosphere, P31E-2094Abstract Title: RPC-IES observations of the development and variability of plasma interaction regions near 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, P31E-2095Abstract Title: Evidence of Inhomogeneous Coma Composition at 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, P31E-2101Abstract Title: The Evolution of Comet 67P as Seen by a Mass-Resolving Ion Spectrometer, P31E-2112Abstract Title: Mapping of the cometary plasma density around comet CG/67P at perihelion., P33E-03Abstract Title: First Detection of a Diamagnetic Cavity at 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
Szejner, P.
GC31G-05Abstract Title: Latitudinal Gradients in the Stable Carbon and Oxygen Isotopes of Tree-Ring Cellulose Reveal Differential Climate Influences of the North American Monsoon
Szeliga, W. M.
G43B-1039Abstract Title: Vertical land motion of Pacific Northwest, G44A-02Abstract Title: Progress on the CWU READI Analysis Center, IN31D-03Abstract Title: The Brave New World of Real-time GPS for Hazards Mitigation
Szente, J.
SH13C-2448Abstract Title: Global Multi-fluid Solar Corona Model with Temperature Anisotropy, SH23D-05Abstract Title: Dynamics of Polar Jets from the Chromosphere to the Corona: Mass, Momentum and Energy Transfer
Szeptycki, L.
H14B-06Abstract Title: Understanding Groundwater Data Collection, Use, and Sharing Practices for Sustainable Groundwater Management in California
Szeto, K.
H13I-1705Abstract Title: Past and future hydro-climatic change and the 2015 drought in the interior of western Canada
Szidat, S.
C33F-02Abstract Title: The Origin(s) of the Methane Excess in the Shallow East Siberian Arctic Shelf Unraveled with Triple Isotope Analysis
Szilagyi, J.
H31F-1476Abstract Title: The complementary relationship (CR) approach aids evapotranspiration estimation in the data scarce region of Tibetan Plateau: symmetric and asymmetric perspectives
Szilas, K.
DI31A-2545Abstract Title: Origins of Large Peridotite Bodies within Mesoarchean Orthogneisses in SW Greenland, V33D-3149Abstract Title: Comparison of Ca and Ar Diffusion in Phlogopite: Implications for K-Ca and K-Ar Geochronology
Szoenyi, M.
NH51B-1872Abstract Title: The 2014 Karnali River Floods in Western Nepal: Making Community Based Early Warning Systems Work When Data Is Lacking
Szogs, S.
A41R-08Abstract Title: Future land-use change emissions: CO2, BVOC and wildfire
Szoke, E.
IN34B-03Abstract Title: Using JPSS Retrievals to Implement a Multisensor, Synoptic, Layered Water Vapor Product for Forecasters
Szopa, C.
P33A-2125Abstract Title: Mars Organic Matter Revealed by the Detection of Organo-chlorinated Molecules from Pyro-GCMS Analyses of Yellowknife Bay Mudstone, P43A-2104Abstract Title: Sublimation of Ices Containing Organics and/or Minerals and Implications for Icy Bodies Surface Structure and Spectral Properties
Szponarski, P.
SH21B-2390Abstract Title: Climatology of high-latitude ionospheric scintillation based on 38.2 MHz IRIS riometer measurements in Northern Finland
Sztein, E.
PA31D-03Abstract Title: Arctic Science Diplomacy: Opportunities for International Collaboration and Policy-Engaged Scholarship
Szubin, R.
PP41C-03Abstract Title: Exploring Microbial Life in Oxic Sediments Underlying Oligotrophic Ocean Gyres
Szulczewski, M. L.
MR53A-05Abstract Title: Fracturing in granular media: the role of capillarity, wetting, and disorder
Szutu, D. J.
H21C-1388Abstract Title: Differential use of shallow and deep soil moisture in a semiarid shrubland: Linking sap flow and stable isotope techniques to quantify temporal variability
Szykman, J.
A11G-0131Abstract Title: Deriving Surface NO2 Mixing Ratios from DISCOVER-AQ ACAM Observations: A Method to Assess Surface NO2 Spatial Variability, A21A-0009Abstract Title: Verification of CMAQ modeling with Discover-AQ campaigns against measurements and efficacy of emission inversion modeling, A22B-01Abstract Title: Multiscale modeling of multi-decadal trends in air pollutant concentrations and their radiative properties: the role of models in an integrated observing system
Szymanski, L. M.
H51O-1616Abstract Title: Comparison of soil microbial respiration and carbon turnover under perennial and annual biofuel crops in two agricultural soils
Szymanski, M. E.
V23B-3106Abstract Title: Groundmass Crystallinities of Proximal and Distal Lavas from Cinder Cone, Lassen Volcanic Field
Szynkiewicz, A.
EP13B-0954Abstract Title: Tracing Anthropogenic Salinity Inputs to the Semi-arid Rio Grande River: A Multi-isotope Tracer (U, S, B and Sr) Approach, P31A-2023Abstract Title:  Using Terrestrial Sulfate Efflorescences as an Analogue of Hydrated Sulfate Formation in Valles Marineris on Mars
Szyrmer, W.
A41O-04Abstract Title: Drizzle and Turbulence Variability in Stratocumulus-topped Boundary Layers