Author Index: L
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L'Ecuyer, T. S.
A11L-0225Abstract Title: Use of Multiple-Angle Snow Camera (MASC) Observations as a Constraint on Radar-Based Retrievals of Snowfall Rate, A24D-01Abstract Title: Towards improved understanding of cloud influence on polar surface energy budgets using CloudSat and CALIPSO observations, A33GAbstract Title: Coupling of Clouds, Convection, Radiation, and Aerosols in the Climate System I Posters, A43J-04Abstract Title: Responses of Cloud Distributions to the Large-Scale Dynamical Circulation: Water Budget-Related Dynamical Phase Space and Dynamical Regimes , A52DAbstract Title: Coupling of Clouds, Convection, Radiation, and Aerosols in the Climate System II, A54B-08Abstract Title: Scale-dependence of precipitation impacts on radiative effects in low cloud regimes, C51D-05Abstract Title: On the Contribution of Clouds to Greenland Ice Sheet Mass Loss, GC24A-03Abstract Title: Evaluation of precipitation in observations, reanalysis and climate models over the Himalayas from an agricultural point of view., H12E-01Abstract Title: Evaluating Cloud and Precipitation Processes in Numerical Models using Current and Potential Future Satellite Missions
L'Ecuyer, T.
A51S-08Abstract Title: Temporal Experiment for Storms and Tropical Systems Technology Demonstration (TEMPEST-D): Risk Reduction for 6U-Class Nanosatellite Constellations
L'Heureux, J. S.
EP14BAbstract Title: Submarine Landslides and Their Consequences: A Multidisciplinary and Integrative Approach I, EP23DAbstract Title: Submarine Landslides and Their Consequences: A Multidisciplinary and Integrative Approach II Posters, EP23D-0996Abstract Title: Mechanical Stability of Stratified Sediments along the upper continental Slope off Vesterålen, northern Norway - Insights from in situ CPTU Tests
L'heureux, M. L.
A23MAbstract Title: The El Nino-Southern Oscillation Continuum I, A31EAbstract Title: The El Nino-Southern Oscillation Continuum II Posters, OS51C-03Abstract Title: How well did we predict the 2014 and 2015 Evolution of El Niño?
L'Héveder, B.
PP41A-2215Abstract Title: Simulated Impacts of a change in the AMOC on the global Climate; an Energy Budget Perspective.
La Camera, A.
P23D-08Abstract Title: High angular resolution at LBT
La Femina, P. C.
T33B-05Abstract Title: The Effects of Aseismic Ridge Collision on Upper Plate Deformation: Cocos Ridge Collision and Deformation of the Western Caribbean
La Forgia, F.
P43C-2135Abstract Title: Size-Frequency Distribution of Boulders ≥ 10 m on Comet 103P/Hartley 2
La Hoz, C.
AE22A-06Abstract Title: The Charged Aerosol Release Experiment (Care II) to Study Artificial Dusty Plasmas in the Upper Atmosphere , SA13B-2359Abstract Title: First Measurements of Polar Mesospheric Summer Echoes by a Tri-static Radar System
La Selle, S.
EP33C-1081Abstract Title: Evaluating inverse models for reconstructing flow speed from sandy tsunami deposits, EP33C-1082Abstract Title: Reconstructing Tsunami Deposits in the Eastern Aleutians Using Forward and Inverse Sediment Transport Models, NH23D-01Abstract Title: Modelling tsunami sedimentation associated with the AD 1755 event in Algarve (Portugal), NH23D-02Abstract Title: Using Inundation and Sediment Transport Modeling To Characterize Earthquake Source Parameters from Tsunami Deposits, NH23D-08Abstract Title: Hurricane Sandy deposits on Fire Island, NY: Using washover deposit stratigraphy to understand sediment transport during large storms.
La Spina, A.
V23B-3098Abstract Title: On the use of hyperpectral infrared imagers for studying volcano plumes: IMAGETNA campaign Hyperpectral infrared imaging of volcanic plume at Mt Etna: IMAGETNA campaign
La Spina, G.
V51F-3092Abstract Title: Advancement in Understanding Volcanic Processes by 4D Synchrotron X-ray Computed Microtomography Imaging of Rock Textures
La, S.
A12E-02Abstract Title: Uncertainties in SOA Formation from the Photooxidation of α-pinene
La Terra, E. F.
GP13A-1279Abstract Title: Three-dimensional Magnetotelluric Inversion and Model Validation with Potential Field Data and Seismics for the Central Portion of Parana Sedimentary Basin in Brazil
La The, V.
SA31D-2372Abstract Title: The ionospheric response to the Saint Patrick storm over South East Asia
La, Z.
GC23L-1256Abstract Title: Quantifying Evaporation and Its Decadal Change for Lake Nam Co, Central Tibetan Plateau
Laabs, B. J. C.
EP53A-0997Abstract Title: Late Pleistocene glacial chronology and paleoclimate of Big Cottonwood Canyon, Wasatch Range, Utah., PP31C-2264Abstract Title: Identifying signals of Late Pleistocene climate change from cosmogenic 10Be chronologies of moraines in the western U.S.
Laaha, G.
H13I-1699Abstract Title: Drought and Snow: Analysis of Drivers, Processes and Impacts of Streamflow Droughts in Snow-Dominated Regions
Laakso, H. E.
IN41A-1686Abstract Title: The Cluster Science Archive: from Time Period to Physics Based Search, SM22A-07Abstract Title: Characteristics of DC electric fields in transient plasma sheet events, SM51D-2585Abstract Title: Distinct sources of particles near the cusp and the dusk flank of the magnetosphere
Laaksonen, A.
A11Q-07Abstract Title: The adsorption theory of heterogeneous nucleation and its application to ice nucleation
Laaksoviita, T.
A51N-0279Abstract Title: Uncertaintines in modelling contribution of water to aerosol direct effect
Labak, P.
S52B-07Abstract Title: Geophysics, Remote Sensing, and the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) Integrated Field Exercise 2014
Labanti, C.
AE33A-0482Abstract Title: Enhanced detection of Terrestrial Gamma-Ray Flashes by AGILE
Labara, B.
H51N-1608Abstract Title: Predicting the impacts of fishing canals on Floodplain Dynamics in Northern Cameroon using a small-scale sub-grid hydraulic model
Labarre, S.
P53D-2159Abstract Title: Surface Roughness Retrieval By Inversion Of Hapke Model: A Multi-scale Approach
Labasque, T.
H24D-02Abstract Title: Characterization and predictive abilities of GroundWater age data
Labat, D.
H53J-07Abstract Title: On Subsurface Flow Modeling in a Physical-based Model Dedicated to Flash Flood Forecasting
Labaume, P.
MR44A-08Abstract Title: Thermal evolution, fluid flow, and fracture development related to the structuration of the South Pyrenean Foreland Basin
Labay, B. J.
Labbouz, L.
A51D-0091Abstract Title: Quantifying Global Aerosol Effects on Convection Using the Convective Cloud Field Model (CCFM).
Labedz, C. R.
S41B-2738Abstract Title: Toward continent-scale interferometric recovery of crustal body waves through ambient seismic noise from USArray
LaBella, A.
OS33A-2008Abstract Title: SeepC: Preliminary Characterization of Atlantic Margin Seep Ecosystems from Norfolk Canyon to New England Seep Sites.
Labelle, J. W.
NG41A-1776Abstract Title: Density fluctuation effects on Langmuir wave propagation, SA42A-02Abstract Title: Using Ground-level Transmitters of Opportunity to Detect Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances, SM12B-07Abstract Title: Comparison of Fine Structures of Electron Cyclotron Harmonic Emissions in Aurora, SM23B-2566Abstract Title: FAST Observations of Enhanced Alfvénic Activity and Ion Upflow During Large Geomagnetic Storms
Labelle-Hamer, A. L.
IN11AAbstract Title: Twenty Years and Counting: Leveraging the Growing Archive of SAR Data for Analyzing Geodynamic Signals on Local to Global Scales Posters
Laberg, J. S.
EP23D-0993Abstract Title: ­­­­Submarine Mass Wasting on Hovgaard Ridge, Fram Strait, European Arctic
Labidi, J.
DI31A-2563Abstract Title: Sulfur Isotopic Composition of Ocean Island Basalts: New insights into the composition of the primitive mantle and mantle recycling., V33A-3076Abstract Title: Iron isotope composition of depleted MORB
Labiosa, R.
H13L-1753Abstract Title: Stressor-Response Models Relating Nutrient Enrichment to Algal Communities in Pacific Northwest Streams and Rivers
Labonté, J.
B11IAbstract Title: Uncultured Microorganisms and Their Geochemical Roles in Deep-Sea Environments I Posters, B11I-0556Abstract Title: Microbial community transitions across the deep sediment-basement interface, B14EAbstract Title: Uncultured Microorganisms and Their Geochemical Roles in Deep-Sea Environments II
Laboor, S.
GC23J-1223Abstract Title: Ice-Rich Yedoma Permafrost: A Synthesis of Circum-Arctic Distribution and Thickness
Laborde, S.
GC44B-06Abstract Title: Modeling annual flooding in the Logone floodplain in Cameroon, H51N-1608Abstract Title: Predicting the impacts of fishing canals on Floodplain Dynamics in Northern Cameroon using a small-scale sub-grid hydraulic model
Labow, G. J.
A13C-0333Abstract Title: Evaluation of ozone fields in NASA’s MERRA-2 reanalysis, A21C-0145Abstract Title: A Comparison of OMPS Total Column Ozone Data with Data from Ground Stations, A33D-0201Abstract Title: Inferring brown carbon content from UV aerosol absorption measurements during biomass burning season, A51C-0051Abstract Title: Thirty-Five Year Record of Shortwave TOA radiative cloud forcing from SBUV Measurements
Labrador, A. W.
SH33B-2462Abstract Title: Energetic Particle Pitch Angle Distributions Observed At Widely-Spaced Longitudes in the 23 July 2012 and Other Large Solar Particle Events
LaBrecque, D. J.
NG13A-1872Abstract Title: Electrical and Magnetic Imaging of Proppants in Shallow Hydraulic Fractures 
LaBrecque, J. L.
NH51G-05Abstract Title: GNSS Tsunami Warning System Augmentation for the Indo-Pacific Region
LaBrie, H. M.
H13D-1576Abstract Title: Influence of the Nogales International Wastewater Treatment Plant on surface water in the Santa Cruz River and local aquifers
Labrosse, S.
DI31B-2602Abstract Title: Structure of a mushy layer at the inner core boundary, DI31B-2603Abstract Title: Multiphase Dynamics of the Very Young Earth's Mantle, DI41B-06Abstract Title: Snow Model for the F-Layer, P41A-2035Abstract Title: Compressible convection with different levels of approximation
Labrousse, C.
PP34A-01Abstract Title: Role of Seasonal Transitions and Westerly Jets in East Asian Paleoclimate
Labrousse, L.
T13H-02Abstract Title: The mechanics of intermediate and deep focus earthquakes: experimental evidences, T21E-2896Abstract Title: GRAAL – Griggs-type Apparatus equipped with Acoustics in the Laboratory: a new instrument to explore the rheology of rocks at high pressure, T21E-2898Abstract Title: Deformation experiments under conditions of the blueschist- to eclogite-facies transition: implications for the upper Wadati-Benioff plane of seismicity, T21E-2899Abstract Title: High-pressure dehydration experiments of antigorite-olivine samples to explain seismicity in the lower Benioff plane
Labuz, J. F.
MR41D-2688Abstract Title: Failure Criterion of Rock with Multiple Friction Angles
Lac, C.
A14D-05Abstract Title: Evaluation and Improvement of the Turbulence Parameterization in Deep Convective Clouds.
Lacan, A.
A31H-07Abstract Title: The GOME-2 Level 1 Instrument Degradation Model Version 1 and its Application for Atmospheric Composition Retrievals
Lacan, P.
V31B-3029Abstract Title: Quaternary volcanism in the Acambay graben, Mexican Volcanic Belt: Re-evaluation for potential volcanic danger in central Mexico
Lacassin, R.
T34A-02Abstract Title: Revisiting mountain-building in the Andes of Central Chile: constraints from structural geology and thermochronology.
Laceby, J. P.
B11KAbstract Title: Biogeoscience Processes Governing Radioisotope Transfers after Fukushima and Other Nuclear Accidents I, B12AAbstract Title: Biogeoscience Processes Governing Radioisotope Transfers after Fukushima and Other Nuclear Accidents II, B12A-08Abstract Title: Using radiosilver and plutonium isotopes to trace the dispersion of contaminated sediment in Fukushima coastal catchments, B13AAbstract Title: Biogeoscience Processes Governing Radioisotope Transfers after Fukushima and Other Nuclear Accidents III Posters, B13A-0595Abstract Title: Examining Sediment-bound Radiocesium Dynamics in Two Fukushima Coastal Catchments with Sediment Fingerprinting Techniques, EP21C-0915Abstract Title: Identifying sediment sources in a drained lowland agricultural catchment: the application of a novel thorium-based particle size correction in sediment fingerprinting, EP21C-0917Abstract Title: Combining multiple fallout radionuclides (137Cs, 7Be, 210Pbxs) improves our understanding of sediment source dynamics in tropical rivers, EP23E-02Abstract Title: Sources of suspended sediment in the Lower Roanoke River, NC
Lacelle, D.
H43I-1648Abstract Title: A Portable, Field-Deployable Analyzer for Isotopic Water Measurements
Lacerda, E. G.
G43B-1045Abstract Title: Global Climate Change Consequences Changing the Middle Sea Level in the Brazilian Coast: Impacts on Ceará State
Lacerda, P.
P31E-2089Abstract Title: COSIMA at Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko After Perihelion
Lacey, F.
A23N-03Abstract Title: Climate and health impacts of the shift from traditional solid cookstove fuels to modern energy sources
Lacey, J. H.
PP13B-2285Abstract Title: The Lake Ohrid Drilling Project: initial interpretations of stable isotope data over the last 640 ka
Lachance, R. L.
A23G-03Abstract Title: TSTAR: Stratospheric temperature and pressure profiles retrievals using on-orbit star pairs observation., A43F-0358Abstract Title: PIGC™ – A low cost fugitive emissions and methane detection system using advanced gas filter correlation techniques for local and wide area monitoring
Lachhab, A.
NS43B-1979Abstract Title: Electrical resistivity and Seismic Refraction Tomography to Detect Heavy Metals Pathways in the Tailings of the Abandoned Mine of Zeïda, Morocco, NS43B-1980Abstract Title: Electrical Resistivity, Seismic Refraction Tomography and Drilling Logs to Identify the Heterogeneity and the Preferential Flow in a Shallow Aquifer
Lachniet, M. S.
PP44B-07Abstract Title: Atlantic and Pacific Ocean synergistic forcing of the Mesomerican monsoon over the last two millennia
Lachowycz, S.
V24A-06Abstract Title: The magmatic and eruptive response of arc volcanoes to deglaciation: insights from southern Chile
Lacis, A. A.
A51T-03Abstract Title: Treatment of Solar and Thermal Radiation in Global Climate Models
Lack, D. A.
A31D-0090Abstract Title: Rim Fire and its Radiative impact Simulated in CESM/CARMA, A41L-05Abstract Title: Optical Extinction and Aerosol Hygroscopicity in the Southeastern United States
Lackey, G.
ED13B-0888Abstract Title: The AirWaterGas Teacher Professional Development Program: Lessons Learned by Pairing Scientists and Teachers to Develop Curriculum on Global Climate Change and Regional Unconventional Oil and Gas Development, H11B-1334Abstract Title: Modeling Methane Leakage from Faulty Wellbores in the Denver-Julesburg Basin, Colorado, MR41A-2627Abstract Title: Capillary Imbibition of Hydraulic Fracturing Fluids into Partially Saturated Shale, MR53A-06Abstract Title: Modeling Studies to Constrain Fluid and Gas Migration Associated with Hydraulic Fracturing Operations
Lackey, J. S.
V41D-04Abstract Title: Zircon Geochemical and Isotopic Constraints on the Evolution of the Mount Givens Pluton, Central Sierra Nevada Batholith
Lacombe, C.
SH11D-2406Abstract Title: Suparthermal electron strahl widths in the presence of whistler waves in the solar wind 
Lacombe, G.
P21A-2066Abstract Title: Probing the Martian Atmosphere with MAVEN/IUVS Stellar Occultations
LaConte, K.
ED43D-0896Abstract Title: Partnering to Enhance Planetary Science Education and Public Outreach Programs
Lacour, J. L.
PP13E-01Abstract Title: Hydrological processes as seen with high resolution distributions of δD derived from IASI/MetOp
Lacovara, K. J.
EP23B-0952Abstract Title: Changes in Fetch Limited Barrier Islands along the Delaware Bay coast of New Jersey
Lacrampe-Couloume, G.
H14D-04Abstract Title: Degradation and Volatilization of Chlorofluorocarbons in Contaminated Groundwater Explored by Stable Carbon Isotope Analysis
Lacroix, B.
MR44A-08Abstract Title: Thermal evolution, fluid flow, and fracture development related to the structuration of the South Pyrenean Foreland Basin, PP21A-2222Abstract Title: Mass-47 clumped isotope thermal history reordering: Example from the Greater Green River basin, V23B-3160Abstract Title: New Peak Temperature Constraints Using RSCM Geothermometry on Lucia Subterrane in Franciscan Complex (California, USA): Detection of Thermal Anomalies in Gold-Bearing Quartz Veins Surrounding.
Lacy, S.
H11E-1388Abstract Title: The influence of hydrologic connectivity on ecosystem metabolism and nitrate uptake in an active beaver meadow
Ladd, N.
B51E-0474Abstract Title: Effect of phosphorous concentrations on sedimentary distributions and isotopic composition of algal lipid biomarkers in lakes from central Switzerland, PP11C-02Abstract Title: Isotopic Controls of Rainwater and Water Vapor on Mangrove Leaf Water and Lipid Biomarkers
Lader, R.
GC23B-1138Abstract Title: Diagnosing the drivers of rain on snow events in Alaska using dynamical downscaling
Ladner, D.
H23D-1616Abstract Title: Wetting and Interfacial Tension Dynamics of Oil-Nanofluids-Surface Minerals System
Ladstaedter, F.
A43H-08Abstract Title: Towards Solving the Global Climate Monitoring Problem for the Fundamental State of the Atmosphere with GNSS Radio Occultation
LaDue, D. S.
ED11BAbstract Title: Emerging Challenges and Solutions in Running Inclusive Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REUs) in the Geosciences I Posters, ED13GAbstract Title: Emerging Challenges and Solutions in Running Inclusive Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REUs) in the Geosciences II
LaDue, N.
ED21D-0846Abstract Title: PIXELS: Using field-based learning to investigate students’ concepts of pixels and sense of scale, ED23D-0873Abstract Title: Geo-Needs: Investigating Models for Improved Access to Geosciences at Two-Year and Minority-Serving Colleges, ED53D-0873Abstract Title: The ENGAGE Workshop: Encouraging Networks between Geoscientists and Geoscience Education Researchers
Laeng, A.
A43E-0334Abstract Title: Geophysical validation of uncertainties of ozone vertical profiles in Ozone_cci project
Lafaysse, M.
C13C-0816Abstract Title: Observation and modeling of the seasonal evolution of the snow specific surface area at Dome C in Antarctica, C13C-0820Abstract Title: On the benefit of using spectral albedo and light penetration depth in detailed snowpack simulations, H51G-1461Abstract Title: Towards the assimilation of MODIS reflectance into the detailed snowpack model SURFEX/ISBA-Crocus.
Lafemina, P.
T51G-2998Abstract Title: Deformation derived from GPS geodesy associated with Bárðabunga 2014 rifting event in Iceland
LaFevor, M. C.
OS21A-1970Abstract Title: Watershed-Marine Linkages: Monitoring how Terrigenous Runoff and Wave-Induced Resuspension Affect Marine Sediment Dynamics in Bays with Coral Reefs, St. John, USVI
Laffon, C.
C22A-08Abstract Title: Enhanced Heterogeneous Nitrates Photolysis on Ice and Potential Impacts on NOx Emissions
LaFlamme, C.
T11B-2882Abstract Title: Using Multiple Sulfur Isotope Signatures to Delineate Terrane Boundaries and Investigate Crustal Formation Mechanisms during the Paleoproterozoic
Lafleur, P.
GC13K-05Abstract Title: Will greater shrub abundance greatly impact tundra surface-atmosphere exchanges of energy and carbon?
Lafon, C. W.
B23B-0599Abstract Title: Altitudinal vs Latitudinal Climactic Drivers: A Comparison of a Relict Picea and Abies Forest in the Southern Appalachians versus the Hemi-Boreal Transition Zone off Southern Canada
Lafontaine, J.
H43C-1513Abstract Title: Improving Streamflow Simulation in Gaged and Ungaged Areas Using a Multi-Model Synthesis Combined with Remotely-Sensed Data and Estimates of Uncertainty
Lafore, J. P.
A13A-0271Abstract Title: The annual cycle of the West African Monsoon in a two-dimensional model:Mechanisms of the rainband migration
Lafosse, M.
EP13A-0929Abstract Title: Processes driving submarine landslide geohazards in Alboran Sea: A complex interaction between fluid pressure, contouritic sedimentation and seismicity
LaFranchi, B. W.
A14F-02Abstract Title: Comparing observations of fossil fuel-derived CO2 in California with predictions from bottom-up inventories, A21G-0236Abstract Title: Estimating methane and nitrous oxide emissions in California using multi-tower observations and hierarchical Bayesian inversion
Lafreniere, M. J.
GC22C-01Abstract Title: Impacts of permafrost change on landscape stability and water quality
Lafuente, B.
IN41D-03Abstract Title: The Astrobiology Habitable Environments Database (AHED)
Lafuerza, S.
EP14B-02Abstract Title: Composition, Geometry and Emplacement Dynamics of a Large Volcanic Island Landslide Offshore Martinique, Lesser Antilles: New Insights from IODP Expedition 340
Lagmay, A. M. A.
H51B-1369Abstract Title: Calibration of Watershed Lag Time Equation for Philippine Hydrology using RADARSAT Digital Elevation Models
Lagmay, A. M. F. A.
NH33B-1917Abstract Title: Development of Storm Surge Hazard Maps and Advisory System for the Philippines
Lago, A.
SH21A-2376Abstract Title: Modeling electron density, temperature distribution in the solar corona based on solar surface magnetic field observations
Lagoeiro, L. E. Sr.
T41C-2917Abstract Title: Crystallographic Fabrics, Grain Boundary Microstructure and Shape Preferred Orientation of Deformed Banded Iron Formations and their Significance for Deformation Interpretation
Lagomasino, D.
B43C-0568Abstract Title: Estimating Digital Terrain Model in forest areas from TanDEM-X and Stereo-photogrammetric technique by means of Random Volume over Ground model, GC11B-1046Abstract Title: Mangrove Blue Carbon stocks and change estimation from PolInSAR, Lidar and High Resolution Stereo Imagery combined with Forest Cover change mapping
Lagos, M. S.
H51D-1400Abstract Title: The Effects of Salinity and Sodium Adsorption Ratio on the Water Retention and Hydraulic Conductivity Curves of Soils From The Pampa del Tamarugal, Chile
Lagos, P.
U42A-01Abstract Title: Glacier loss and emerging hydrologic vulnerabilities in the Peruvian Andes
Lagos Zuniga, M. A.
H41A-1278Abstract Title: Analysis of RCP8.5 Projections of Precipitation and Temperatures in Chilean Basins
Lagrée, P. Y.
H51E-1417Abstract Title: Study of the adaptive refinement on an open source 2D shallow-water flow solver using quadtree grid for flash flood simulations.
Lagroix, F.
GP41A-08Abstract Title: Roadmap for Loess/Paleosol Magnetism After 30 Years of Experience
Lagron, C. S.
H11B-1341Abstract Title: Refining Field Measurements of Methane Flux Rates from Abandoned Oil and Gas Wells
Lagudu, S.
H31G-1499Abstract Title: Geophysical and Seawater intrusion models to distinguish Modern and Palaeo salinity in the Central Godvari Delta, Andhra Pradesh, India
Lague, M.
GC23I-1205Abstract Title: Progressive Mid-latitude Afforestation: Impacts on Clouds, Circulation, and the Global Energy Budget
Lahaye, N.
A51P-0327Abstract Title: Instabilities of Tropical Cyclones and their Nonlinear Saturation in Moist-Convective Rotating Shallow Water Model
Lahfid, A.
MR44A-08Abstract Title: Thermal evolution, fluid flow, and fracture development related to the structuration of the South Pyrenean Foreland Basin, V23B-3160Abstract Title: New Peak Temperature Constraints Using RSCM Geothermometry on Lucia Subterrane in Franciscan Complex (California, USA): Detection of Thermal Anomalies in Gold-Bearing Quartz Veins Surrounding., V53C-3142Abstract Title: Contribution of the RSCM geothermometry to understanding the thermal history of the Hajjar deposit (Guemassa massif, Morocco).
Lahijani, H. A. K.
PP23C-2315Abstract Title: Late Pleistocene Rapid Climate Change Events Measured in Stalagmites From a Semi-Arid Cave in Iran Show Pan-Eurasian Climate Signal Matching NGRIP
Lahmers, T.
H21I-1508Abstract Title: Regional statistical assessment of WRF-Hydro and IFC Model stream Flow uncertainties over the State of Iowa, H33F-1679Abstract Title: Catchment Coevolution: A Useful Framework for Improving Predictions of Hydrological Change?, H53A-1650Abstract Title: Optimization of precipitation and streamflow forecasts in the southwest Contiguous US for warm season convection
Lahoz, W. A.
A22B-02Abstract Title: An OSSE to Study the Impact of Sentinel S4, S5P and S5 Spaceborne Observations on Air Quality Data Assimilation Systems
Lahusen, R. G.
G41A-0994Abstract Title: Integration Of Low-Cost Single-Frequency GPS Stations Using 'Spider' Technology Within Existing Dual-Frequency GPS Network at Soufrière Hills Volcano, Montserrat (West Indies): Processing And Results
Lai, A.
PA43A-2182Abstract Title: Assessment of thermal comfort level at pedestrian level in high-density urban area of Hong Kong
Lai, A.
C32B-01Abstract Title: Neither Dust Nor Black Carbon Causing Apparent Albedo Decline in Greenland’s Dry Snow Zone; Uncorrected Sensor Degradation Impacting MODIS C5 Results
Lai, B.
B41F-0496Abstract Title: Impact of phenazine-1-carboxylic acid upon iron speciation and microbial biomass in the rhizosphere of wheat
Lai, C. T.
B22E-05Abstract Title: Continuous In-situ Measurements of Carbonyl Sulfide (OCS) and Carbon Dioxide Isotopes to Constrain Ecosystem Carbon and Water Exchanges, PP11B-2243Abstract Title: Understanding the variability of water isotopologues in near-surface atmospheric moisture observed over a rice paddy in Tsukuba, Japan
Lai, D. Y. F.
B21H-0578Abstract Title: Spatial Variability of Soil Carbon Stocks in a Subtropical Mangrove in Hong Kong
Lai, H.
P51B-2053Abstract Title: Modeling the Acceleration Process of Dust in the Solar Wind, SM31C-2523Abstract Title: Plasma-depleted Flux Tubes in the Saturnian Magnetosphere
Lai, J. S.
NH43D-08Abstract Title: Improving Landslide Susceptibility Modeling Using an Empirical Threshold Scheme for Excluding Landslide Deposition
Lai, J.
B53D-0585Abstract Title: Effects of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Additions on Carbon Cycling of Tropical Mountain Rainforests in Hainan, China
Lai, K.
ED14A-02Abstract Title: CATE: A Case Study of an Interdisciplinary Student-Led Microgravity Experiment, P51B-2059Abstract Title: NanoRocks: A Long-Term Microgravity Experiment to Stydy Planet Formation and Planetary Ring Particles
Lai, K. H.
H21F-1451Abstract Title: Analytical solutions for in the subsurface environment solute transport in a convergent flow tracer test.
Lai, M.
P41B-2067Abstract Title: Properties of Discrete and Axisymmetric Features in Jupiter’s Atmosphere from Observations of Thermal Emission: Recent Updates on the Eve of the Juno Mission Arrival at Jupiter
Lai, P. E. P.
H41D-1337Abstract Title: Pore-Scale Heterogeneity in the Mineral Distribution and Reactive Surface Area of Porous Rocks
Lai, S. Y. J.
EP14A-06Abstract Title: Braided submarine channels produced with experiments suggest scale independent controls on planform morphology similar to rivers
Lai, T. H.
NH21A-1813Abstract Title: Radon and gamma rays anomalies observed in northern Taiwan: a possible connection with the seismicity near the subduction zone
Lai, V. H.
S11B-08Abstract Title: Evidence for fast seismic lid structure beneath the Californian margin and its implication on regional plate deformation
Lai, W.
H31C-1424Abstract Title: You Don't Need Richards'... A New General 1-D Vadose Zone Solution Method that is Reliable
Lai, Y. J.
A51E-0107Abstract Title: Preliminarily Assessment of Long-term Cloud Top Heights in Central Taiwan
Lai, Y. J.
V23D-06Abstract Title: Magnesium isotope compositions of Solar System materials determined by double spiking
Lai, Y. J.
S41B-2756Abstract Title: Weather-related Ground Motions Recorded by Taiwan Broadband Seismic Network Stations
Laidlaw, R.
IN13B-1837Abstract Title: The Snow Data System at NASA JPL, IN13B-1842Abstract Title: NASA Airborne Snow Observatory: Measuring Spatial Distribution of Snow Water Equivalent and Snow Albedo
Laidre, K. L.
GC23D-1169Abstract Title: Use of Glacial Fronts by Narwhals (Monodon monoceros) in West Greenland
Laigle, M.
T11H-04Abstract Title: Variations in fluid transport and seismogenic properties in the Lesser Antilles subduction zone: constraints from joint active-source and local earthquake tomography, T13B-2996Abstract Title: Structural analysis of the southwestern segment of the Hellenic subduction zone by joint analysis of seismic reflection and refraction, T31B-2869Abstract Title: Imaging the structure of the Northern Lesser Antilles (Guadeloupe – Virgin Island) to assess the tectonic and thermo-mechanical behavior of an arcuate subduction zone that undergoes increasing convergence obliquity
Laignel, B.
H43D-1528Abstract Title: Large-scale climate control on the occurrence of turbid events on interannual scales in a karstified, heavily exploited karst system in northwestern France
Laing, J.
ED13F-0915Abstract Title: Enhancing introductory hydrology curriculum by integrating perspectives from multi-disciplinary graduate fields of study, H21D-1404Abstract Title: RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN REDOX POTENTIAL AND SEDIMENT ORGANIC MATTER CHARACTERISTICS AND CONSEQUENCES FOR RESTORATION OF AQUATIC VEGETATION
Laio, F.
GC32B-08Abstract Title: Vulnerability of countries to food-production crises propagating in the virtual water trade network, H11L-08Abstract Title: A global sensitivity analysis of crop virtual water content, H13R-04Abstract Title: Human-Impacted Waters: Temporal Evolution of Human Proximity to Rivers from Global High Resolution Nighttime Lights, H41K-03Abstract Title: Random River Fluctuations Shape the Root Profile of Riparian Plants
Laird, D.
GC31F-06Abstract Title: Carbon Farming as a Carbon Negative Technology
Laird, J.
EP43B-0983Abstract Title: Not all breaks are equal: Variable hydrologic and geomorphic responses to multiple intentional levee breaches along the lower Cosumnes River, California
Laitinen, T.
SM12A-05Abstract Title: Influence of the Magnetosheath Waves on the Dayside Reconnection
Laitinen, T. L.
SH32B-07Abstract Title: Solar Energetic Particle anisotropy in the field-line meandering model of interplanetary transport
Lajeunesse, E.
EP14A-02Abstract Title: Laboratory Alluvial Rivers, EP21B-0891Abstract Title: Dynamics of an experimental unconfined aquifer
Lajeunesse, P.
OS23E-03Abstract Title: Sedimentary Records of Hyperpycnal Flows and the Influence of River Damming on Sediment Dynamics of Estuaries: Examples from the Nelson, Churchill, Moisie and Sainte-Marguerite Rivers (Canada)
Lajtha, K.
B11G-0501Abstract Title: Does Litter Impart A Detectable Chemical Signal on Soil DOC? DOC Fluorescence Signatures in Soils Undergoing Long-Term Litter Manipulations, B11G-0502Abstract Title: Hydrologic Controls on In-Stream Optical Dissolved Organic Matter Characteristics in an Old-Growth Forest of the Oregon Cascades, B11G-0503Abstract Title: DOC Dynamics in Small Headwater Streams: the Role of Hydrology, Climate, and Land Management, B21DAbstract Title: Macrosystems Ecology: Thresholds in Ecological Processes and Response across Temporal and Spatial Scales IV Posters, B32CAbstract Title: Soil Organic Matter: Mechanisms of Stabilization and Change I, B32C-08Abstract Title: Long-term variation in above and belowground plant inputs alters soil organic matter biogeochemistry at the molecular-level, B33DAbstract Title: Soil Organic Matter: Mechanisms of Stabilization and Change II Posters, GC12B-07Abstract Title: The Contribution of Soils to North America’s Current and Future Climate
Lake, L. W.
H41C-1320Abstract Title: Field-Scale Modeling of Local Capillary Trapping During CO2 Injection into a Saline Aquifer
Lakhankar, T.
GC24A-06Abstract Title: Climate change and livestock system in mountain: Understanding from Gandaki River basin of Nepal Himalaya., H21H-1491Abstract Title: Satellite Based Soil Moisture Product Validation Using NOAA-CREST Ground and L-Band Observations
Lakhina, G. S.
NG33C-01Abstract Title: Nonlinear Coherent Structures, Microbursts and Turbulence, NG41A-1789Abstract Title: ALFVEN WAVE KINETIC DISSIPATION , SH31A-2398Abstract Title: Ion Acoustic Solitons and Double Layers in the Solar Wind Having Kappa Distributed Electrons, SH31A-2399Abstract Title: OBLIQUE PROPAGATION OF ION ACOUSTIC SOLITONS IN MAGNETIZED SUPERTHERMAL PLASMAS, SH41F-08Abstract Title: Extreme Magnetic Storms: Their Characteristics and Possible Consequences for Humanity
Lakshmanan, S.
Lakshmi, V.
B51G-0506Abstract Title: Developing a Greater Understanding of Rocky Intertidal Ecosystems using NASA Earth Observations, C33B-0812Abstract Title: An Application of Advanced Ensemble Streamflow Prediction Methods to Assess Potential Impacts of the 2015 – 2016 ENSO Event over the Colorado River Basin, H13H-1627Abstract Title: Use of TRMM and GPM Multi-Satellite Precipitation Data for Hydrological Modeling, H41F-1400Abstract Title: Studies of the Hydrological Cycle for the Sao Francisco Basin using a combination of modeling and satellite remote sensing, H41LAbstract Title: Remote Sensing and Modeling of the Terrestrial Water Cycle I, H41L-05Abstract Title: Passive/Active Microwave Soil Moisture Disaggregation Using SMAPVEX12 Data, H41L-06Abstract Title: Using Passive Microwaves for Open Water Monitoring and Flood Forecasting, H43HAbstract Title: Remote Sensing and Modeling of the Terrestrial Water Cycle II Posters, H43H-1632Abstract Title: Spatiotemporal analysis of soil moisture in using active and passive remotely sensed data and ground observations, H43H-1634Abstract Title: Use of a Rainfall Runoff Model and Satellite Data Sets for Hydrological Studies of the Upper Contas Watershed, Brazil, H51H-1470Abstract Title: Using Satellite Sensing to Study the Impact of Climate and Human Changes in the Mesopotamian Marshlands, Iraq, H51TAbstract Title: Remote Sensing Applications for Water Resources Management I, H52EAbstract Title: Remote Sensing Applications for Water Resources Management II, H53GAbstract Title: Remote Sensing Applications for Water Resources Management III Posters, H53G-1728Abstract Title: Estimation of Variability in Water Resources in the Major River Basins of the World Using Satellite Data , H53G-1756Abstract Title: Synergistic Utilization of Microwave Satellite Data and GRACE-Total Water Storage Anomaly for Improving Available Water Capacity Prediction in Lower Mekong Basin, NH42A-04Abstract Title: Advances in downscaling soil moisture for use in drought and flood assessments: Implications for data from the Soil Moisture Active and Passive (SMAP) Mission, NH51E-1952Abstract Title: Combined Approach to the Analysis of Rainfall Super-Extremes in Locations with Limited Observational Records., OS53B-2025Abstract Title: From Parched to Pouring: Can the 2015 – 2016 El Niño Event Bring Drought Relief to California and the Western U.S.
Lal, M.
Lal, N.
SM51A-2528Abstract Title: SPDF Ancillary Services and Technologies Supporting Open Access, Use and Archiving of MMS Data
Lal, S.
A21G-0239Abstract Title: Variabilities in CO2 and CO over an urban site in India: Inter-correlations and emissions characteristics.
Lalanne, X.
GP43C-1255Abstract Title: The Absolute Vector Magnetometers on Board Swarm, Lessons Learned From Two Years in Space.
Laletsang, K.
T43H-08Abstract Title: Crustal Structure Across the Okavango Rift Zone, Botswana: Initial Results From the PRIDE-SEISORZ Active-Source Seismic Profile
Lalich, D.
P51C-2080Abstract Title: Constraining Dust Content in Individual Martian NPLD Layers Using SHARAD Data
Lall, U.
A51H-0160Abstract Title: Daily precipitation and tropical moisture exports across the eastern United States: an application of archetypal analysis to identify spatiotemporal structure, ED13F-0914Abstract Title: HydroViz: A Web-based Climate Teleconnection Module for Undergraduate and Graduate Water Engineering Students, GC44A-01Abstract Title: HYDROCLIMATIC EXTREMES: INFERENCES AND PREDICTION FROM A DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS PERSPECTIVE, GC53G-1301Abstract Title: A future Demand Side Management (DSM) opportunity for utility as variable renewable penetrate scale up using agriculture. , H11N-01Abstract Title: A PERSPECTIVE ON SUSTAINABILITY AND RESILIENCE IN INTERDEPENDENT WATER-ENERGY-FOOD SYSTEMS, H21O-07Abstract Title: Development of a Demand Sensitive Drought Index and its Application for Agriculture over the Conterminous United States., H33I-1739Abstract Title: A National Water Network for Future Impacts Analysis, NG22A-01Abstract Title: Scaling of Extreme Rainfall Areas at a Planetary Scale, NH11CAbstract Title: Science for Disaster Risk Reduction: From Integrated Research and Assessment of Risks to Communication and Engagements I, NH12AAbstract Title: Science for Disaster Risk Reduction: From Integrated Research and Assessment of Risks to Communication and Engagements II, NH13DAbstract Title: Science for Disaster Risk Reduction: From Integrated Research and Assessment of Risks to Communication and Engagements III Posters, NH13D-1973Abstract Title: Climate Risk Management Strategy in the Tropical Low to Medium Income Countries, NH21FAbstract Title: White Lecture. Natural Hazard Science: Building the Community through Integrated Research and Practice, NH51E-1939Abstract Title: Moisture Transport and Extreme Precipitation in Mid-latitudes, PP51A-2245Abstract Title: Treating pre-instrumental data as “missing” data: using a tree-ring-based paleoclimate record and imputations to reconstruct streamflow in the Missouri River Basin
Lall, U.
GC51D-1117Abstract Title: Using Bayesian methods to predict climate impacts on groundwater availability and agricultural production in Punjab, India, NH51BAbstract Title: Flood Risk Management in a Changing World I Posters, NH52BAbstract Title: Flood Risk Management in a Changing World II
Lallemand, S.
T31B-2869Abstract Title: Imaging the structure of the Northern Lesser Antilles (Guadeloupe – Virgin Island) to assess the tectonic and thermo-mechanical behavior of an arcuate subduction zone that undergoes increasing convergence obliquity
Lalonde, S.
PP33B-2302Abstract Title: Preservation of REE and Fe isotopes in altered stromatolites and the paleo-environmental record
Lalone, N.
GC33A-1250Abstract Title: Crowd-sourcing, Communicating, and Improving Auroral Science at the Speed of Social Media through
Laloui, L.
T43D-3035Abstract Title: A Tool to Assist Pressure Management by Detecting and Localizing Low Permeability Faults
Lam, D. D.
PP53C-2353Abstract Title: Using mutiproxy approach to reconstruct 1991 coral mortality episode in the South China Sea
Lam, H. M.
ED41A-0823Abstract Title: Energy Tracking in Classrooms – A Real Time Experiment with Grade 5 Students
Lam, M.
ED41A-0826Abstract Title: Installation of a Roof Mounted Photovoltaic System 
Lam, N. L.
A11M-0229Abstract Title: Emissions from Residential Combustion considering End-Uses and Spatial Constraints
Lam, N.
H13I-1696Abstract Title: Validity of Drought Indices as Drought Predictors in the South-Central United States
Lam, N.
H43M-04Abstract Title: Coupling airborne laser scanning and acoustic Doppler current profiler data to model stream rating curves
Lamair, L.
NH33A-1904Abstract Title: New Geological Evidence of Past Earthquakes and Tsunami Along the Nankai Trough, Japan
Lamancusa, C.
A23C-0330Abstract Title: Region-Resolved Global Dust Transport
LaManna, J.
H51L-1558Abstract Title: Multiphase Flow Characterization Using Simultaneous High Resolution Neutron and X-Ray Imaging
Lamarche, G.
OS21A-1957Abstract Title: Multibeam Sonar Backscatter Data Acquisition and Processing: Guidelines and Recommendations from the GEOHAB Backscatter Working Group
Lamarche-Gagnon, G.
C13D-06Abstract Title: Novel in situ chemical sensing technologies for deep sub-ice exploration
Lamarque, J. F.
A11O-01Abstract Title: High Resolution Projection of Future Air Quality in South Asia, A13E-0394Abstract Title: Formaldehyde in the Tropical Western Pacific: Evaluation of model chemistry and emissions with in situ observations, A21A-0028Abstract Title: Changes in Emissions in Megacities during the Past Decades: Impact on the Distribution of Atmospheric Compounds, A21B-0118Abstract Title: Quantifying the Causes of Differences in Tropospheric OH within Global Models, A33K-0332Abstract Title: Representation of the Bi-modal Distribution of Free Tropospheric Ozone Over the Tropical Western Pacific in CAM-CHEM, A41K-0228Abstract Title: The impact of ClNO2 production on tropospheric nitrogen oxides and oxidants in a global model, A41P-03Abstract Title: Climate impacts of regional SO2 emissions, A43G-0376Abstract Title: Benchmarking Climate Model Top-of-atmosphere Radiance in the 9.6 Micron Ozone Band Using TES and IASI Observations
Lamarque, L.
GC22C-04Abstract Title: Thermal erosion of ice-wedge polygon terrains changes fluxes of energy and matter of permafrost geosystems
Lamb, A. P.
T31BAbstract Title: Cumulative Deformation in the Overlying Plate due to Subduction and Related Feedbacks I Posters, T31B-2891Abstract Title: Crustal Strike-Slip Faulting along Small Circle Paths in the Northwestern United States
Lamb, B. K.
A23P-05Abstract Title: Mobile Methane Measurements of Natural Gas Distribution and End-use Emissions in Indianapolis, B33C-0706Abstract Title: Comparing Nitrous Oxide Emissions from Paired No-Tillage and Conventional Tillage Agricultural Fields in the Northwest US: Insights from a Year of Intensive Monitoring
Lamb, D. A.
SH33D-06Abstract Title: Contextualizing Solar Cycle 24: Report on the Development of a Homogenous Database of Bipolar Active Regions Spanning Four Cycles
Lamb, K. W.
C33B-0812Abstract Title: An Application of Advanced Ensemble Streamflow Prediction Methods to Assess Potential Impacts of the 2015 – 2016 ENSO Event over the Colorado River Basin, OS53B-2025Abstract Title: From Parched to Pouring: Can the 2015 – 2016 El Niño Event Bring Drought Relief to California and the Western U.S.
Lamb, M. P.
EP13C-01Abstract Title: Autocyclic Formation, Retreat, and Destruction of Waterfalls in an Experimental Bedrock Channel, EP13C-05Abstract Title: What Controls Ooid Grain Size?, EP14A-03Abstract Title: The Role of Backwater Hydraulics in Mediating Avulsion Location, Channel Migration Rate, and Delta Shoreline Rugosity, EP33CAbstract Title: Hydraulic Reconstructions of Sedimentary Deposits and Landforms: Modern and Ancient I Posters, EP33C-1084Abstract Title: Paleo-hydraulic Reconstructions of Topographically Inverted River Deposits on Earth and Mars, EP41DAbstract Title: Hydraulic Reconstructions of Sedimentary Deposits and Landforms: Modern and Ancient II, EP41D-06Abstract Title: Hydraulic Implications of Different Megaflood Canyon Incision Models, EP43C-06Abstract Title: Numerical Model Predictions for Autogenic Fluvial Terrace Formation and Comparison to Natural River Valleys, EP51D-02Abstract Title: Enhanced stability of steep channel beds to mass failure and debris flow initiation, EP53AAbstract Title: Earth and Planetary Surface Processes: General Contributions Posters
Lamb, S. H.
DI11B-2594Abstract Title: CONSTRAINTS ON THE NATURE OF THE G-BOUNDARY IN SUBDUCTING OCEANIC LITHOSPHERE, BASED ON HIGH FREQUENCY (14 HZ) SEISMIC REFLECTION DATA, DI11B-2595Abstract Title: Seismic Probing of the Base of a Tectonic Plate from Subduction Zone to Trench Outer Rise: Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand, T34A-07Abstract Title: Cenozoic uplift of the Central Andes in northern Chile and Bolivia – reconciling paleoaltimetry with the geological evolution., T43C-3032Abstract Title: What Controls Slip Directions of Diffuse Microseismicity in a Zone of Continental Transpression, South Island, New Zealand?
Lamb, W. M.
T41E-2954Abstract Title: Formation of the Red Hills Ultramafic Massif during Subduction Initiation along an Oceanic Transform Fault
Lambart, S.
DI31B-2582Abstract Title: The importance of the melting process for quantifying mantle heterogeneity, V31DAbstract Title: The Origin of Basaltic Magmatism Posters
Lambe, A. T.
A12E-07Abstract Title: Understanding the Lifecycle of Organic Carbon Through Multiple Generations of Aging, A13E-0386Abstract Title: Laboratory and Ambient Measurements of Oxidized Organic Compounds in the Gas Phase Using Nitrate Ion Chemical Ionization Coupled with High Resolution Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry, A21A-0094Abstract Title: SECONDARY ORGANIC AEROSOL FORMATION FROM ULTRA-LOW, SUPER ULTRA-LOW AND PARTIAL ZERO EMISSION VEHICLE EXHAUST, A41A-0041Abstract Title: Measurements of Nascent Soot Using a Cavity Attenauted Phase Shift (CAPS)-based Single Scattering Albedo Monitor
Lambert, C.
T43D-3038Abstract Title: A Study Of Fluid Pressure Migration Within The North-Central Oklahoma Seismic Gap
Lambert, C.
T43H-04Abstract Title: Crustal Strain Patterns in Magmatic and Amagmatic Early Stage Rifts: Border Faults, Magma Intrusion, and Volatiles
Lambert, F.
A42B-03Abstract Title: High Resolution Simulations of Pollution Vertical Stratification over Santiago and its Transport to the Chilean Andes
Lambert, F. H.
A51C-0065Abstract Title: Physical Mechanisms of Tropical Climate Feedbacks Revealed by Temperature and Moisture Trends, H41A-1276Abstract Title: Has the Northern Hemisphere Mid-Latitude Hydrological Cycle Responded to Twentieth Century Aerosol Forcing?
Lambert, J. C.
A31H-05Abstract Title: The Gap Analysis for Integrated Atmospheric ECV Climate Monitoring Project
Lambert, R.
V21A-3005Abstract Title: A Study of Plagioclase-bearing Pyroxenites from the Ultraslow-spreading Gakkel Ridge, Arctic Ocean
Lambert, R.
PP11A-2206Abstract Title: Investigating K-feldspar Luminescence Thermochronometry for Application in the Mont Blanc Massif
Lambert, W. J.
PP11B-2217Abstract Title: Utilizing Present-Day Stable Water Isotopes to Improve Paleoclimate Records from the Southeast (USA)
Lambiel, C.
EP53B-1014Abstract Title: The Sediment Yield of High Mountain Environment Watersheds: Strong Evidence of Transport Capacity Limitation
Lambin, E.
H43N-08Abstract Title: Developing an Integrated Understanding of the Relationship Between Urban Wastewater Flows and Downstream Reuse in Irrigated Agriculture: A Global Perspective
Lamborg, C. H.
GC51F-1163Abstract Title: Mercury Speciation in Saltmarsh Porewater, Groundwater, and Surface Water: Cape Cod, MA
Lambotte, S.
DI11C-2608Abstract Title: New constraints on the velocity structure at the base of the mantle from the coupling of normal modes
Lambrecht, L.
S33C-2794Abstract Title: NEXD: A Software Package for High Order Simulation of Seismic Waves using the Nodal Discontinuous Galerkin Method
Lambrigtsen, B.
A44C-07Abstract Title: Atmospheric River Observations with the HAMSR Aircraft Microwave Sounder, GC43A-1168Abstract Title: More frequent showers and thunderstorms under a warming climate: evidence observed in Northern Eurasia, IN41B-1693Abstract Title: Applications Using AIRS Data, IN51B-1811Abstract Title: The Hurricane Problem – The Three Faces of the Big Data Challenges
Lamei Ramandi, H.
H23I-01Abstract Title: A Combined Micro-CT Imaging/Microfluidic Approach for Understating Methane Recovery in Coal Seam Gas Reservoirs
Lamela, G.
H43H-1631Abstract Title: Enhancement of Passive Microwave Soil Moisture Retrievals using Visible/Infrared Imager
Laming, J. M.
SH31D-08Abstract Title: THE NANOFLARE ORIGINS OF THE FIRST IONIZATION POTENTIAL EFFECT, SH54A-03Abstract Title: Prospects for Fermi Particle Acceleration at Coronal Magnetic Reconnection Sites
Lamjiri, M. A.
A41B-0056Abstract Title: Impacts of ENSO events on cloud radiative effects in preindustrial conditions: Changes in cloud fraction and aerosol emissions, wet scavenging and transport
Lammel, G. P.
A43C-0283Abstract Title: Air-sea Exchange of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs), Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs), Organochlorine Pesticides (OCPs) and Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDEs) in the Mediterranean Sea
Lammer, H.
P23A-2117Abstract Title: Hot Oxygen and Carbon Escape from the Early Atmosphere of Mars
Lammers, L. N.
MR52A-03Abstract Title: Kinetics of interlayer ion migration in non-swelling clays: An atomic-scale study, PP23B-2296Abstract Title: Estimating rates of authigenic carbonate precipitation in modern marine sediments
Lammers, R. B.
GC32B-02Abstract Title: Trade in water and commodities as adaptations to global change, H11H-1438Abstract Title: The use and re-use of unsustainably mined groundwater: A global budget, PA23B-2201Abstract Title: Results and Lessons Learned from a Coupled Social and Physical Hydrology Model: Testing Alternative Water Management Policies and Institutional Structures Using Agent-Based Modeling and Regional Hydrology
Lamontagne, J. R.
H34F-04Abstract Title: Robustness Analysis of Regional Water Supply Portfolios using Synthetic Inflow Scenarios with Variable Drought Frequency
Lamontagne, M.
T11A-2868Abstract Title: Seismicity of the St. Lawrence paleorift faults overprinted by a meteorite impact crater: Implications for crustal strength based on new earthquake relocations in the Charlevoix Seismic Zone, Eastern Canada
Lamothe, K. G.
MR33C-2700Abstract Title: Earthquake lubrication and healing explained by amorphous nanosilica
Lamoureux, A.
PA13B-03Abstract Title: Climate-related Indicators and Data Provenance: Evaluating Coupled Boundary Objects for Science, Innovation, and Decision-Making
Lamoureux, S. F.
GC22C-01Abstract Title: Impacts of permafrost change on landscape stability and water quality, PP31D-05Abstract Title: Connecting process to high resolution paleorecords: long term investigations of linked Arctic climate-hydrology-lacustrine sedimentary processes
Lamoureux, S. F.
GC31B-1183Abstract Title: Rapid Arctic Changes due to Infrastructure and Climate (RATIC) in the Russian North
Lampert, D. J.
GC34D-07Abstract Title: Well-to-Wheels Water Consumption: Tracking the Virtual Flow of Water into Transportation
Lampkin, D. J.
C42A-01Abstract Title: Greenland Flow Dynamics: (De)coding Process Understanding, C51B-0703Abstract Title: Hyperspectral and photogrammetric helicopter-based measurements over western Greenland
Lamptey, B. L.
GC43B-1186Abstract Title: The Sustainability of Irrigation Schemes Under Climate Change
Lamsal, L. N.
A11G-0114Abstract Title: Aura OMI observations of changes in SO2 and NO2 emissions at local, regional and global scales, A11G-0130Abstract Title: High resolution nitrogen dioxide observations: retrieval, evaluation, and interpretation, A11G-0131Abstract Title: Deriving Surface NO2 Mixing Ratios from DISCOVER-AQ ACAM Observations: A Method to Assess Surface NO2 Spatial Variability, A14B-03Abstract Title: Attributing Methane and Ozone Radiative Forcing to Changes in Precursor Emissions: Constraints on Atmospheric Oxidation from Multiple Satellite Instruments and Adjoint Sensitivity Analysis, A21A-0048Abstract Title: Investigating the Impact of Marine Ship Emissions on Regional Air Quality using OMI Satellite NO2 Observations and the CMAQ Model, A23N-04Abstract Title: A Space-Based, High-Resolution View of Notable Changes in Urban and Regional NOx Pollution around the World (2005-2014)
Lamy, F.
A23C-0306Abstract Title: Reconstruction of Sothern Ocean dust fluxes and dust provenance areas at highest spatial resolution: implications from 230Thxs, isotopic and REE data, B11H-0548Abstract Title: The joint impact of ocean circulation and plate tectonics on the glacial South Pacific carbon pool
Lamy, H.
P34BAbstract Title: Polarimetry as a Tool to Study the Earth, Solar System, and Beyond I, P41DAbstract Title: Polarimetry as a Tool to Study the Earth, Solar System, and Beyond II Posters, P41D-2087Abstract Title: A New Spectropolarimeter to Study the Polarization of Earth’s Auroral Emission Lines
Lamy, L.
IN41A-1691Abstract Title: Sharing Low Frequency Radio Emissions in the Virtual Observatory: Application for JUNO-Ground-Radio Observations Support., SM31C-2504Abstract Title: Jovian Auroral X-ray Emission Coinciding with an Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejection
Lamy, P. L.
P31E-2113Abstract Title: Morphology of the nucleus of Comet 67P/Churyumov--Gerasimenko from stereo and high spatial resolution OSIRIS-NAC images, P33E-02Abstract Title: The Activity of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko as Seen by Rosetta/OSIRIS, P33E-05Abstract Title: Coma dust environment observed by GIADA during the Perihelion of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko.
Lan, H.
IN43B-1728Abstract Title: Massive Cellular Automata in Geosimulation: Antarctica Ice Melting as Example
Lan, H.
T21C-2837Abstract Title: Weakly Coupled Lithospheric Extension in Southern Tibet
Lan, R.
AE31A-0408Abstract Title: Sub-ionospheric Propagation of Preliminary Breakdown Pulses Preceding Negative Cloud-to Ground Lightning Discharges
Lan, T. F.
V13C-3136Abstract Title: Volatile element isotopes of submarine hydrothermal ore deposits in the Western Pacific
Lanari, P.
T41B-2880Abstract Title: Total Vertical Offset for the Beichuan Fault (Longmen Shan, Sichuan, China) Deduced from Metamorphic Minerals
Lanari, R.
G21B-1036Abstract Title: The combined use of InSAR and GPS Time-Series to Infer the Deformation Signals at the Yellowstone Caldera, S13D-03Abstract Title: Coseismic and Early Post-Seismic Slip Distributions of the 2012 Emilia (Northern Italy) Seismic Sequence: New Insights in the Faults Activation and Resulting Stress Changes on Adjacent Faults
Lancaster, A.
B23C-0619Abstract Title: Microbial Interactions with Natural Organic Matter Extracted from the Oak Ridge FRC
Lancaster, J.
EP42B-07Abstract Title: A subsurface model of the beaver meadow complex
Lancaster, M.
T34B-05Abstract Title: Rotation of the Pacific Northwest and Deformation Across the Yakima Fold and Thrust Belt Estimated with GPS
Lancaster, N.
EP43A-0965Abstract Title: Robotic Measurement of Aeolian Processes, EP43A-0967Abstract Title: A gradient-based approach for automated crest-line detection and analysis of sand dune patterns on planetary surfaces
Lancelle, C.
H11M-06Abstract Title: Value of Information: Comparing Surface-Wave Dispersion Curves Estimated from Conventional Seismometers Versus Distributed Acoustic Sensing, NS41B-1933Abstract Title: Active Travel-Time Tomography using a Distributed Acoustic Sensing Array, NS41B-1937Abstract Title: Garner Valley Vibroseis Data Processing Using Time-Frequency Filtering Techniques to Remove Unwanted Harmonics and External Noise, S41B-2720Abstract Title: Properties of Noise Cross Correlation Functions Obtained from a Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) Array at Garner Valley, California
Lancelot, C.
OS12AAbstract Title: Ocean Change in the Anthropocene: Implications for Climate, Ecosystems, and Societies I, OS13AAbstract Title: Ocean Change in the Anthropocene: Implications for Climate, Ecosystems, and Societies II Posters, OS13A-2015Abstract Title: Mechanisms driving the seasonality of air-sea CO2 flux in the ice-free zone of the Southern Ocean and how these might evolve: A 1D vertical biogeochemical model approach., OS14AAbstract Title: Ocean Change in the Anthropocene: Implications for Climate, Ecosystems, and Societies III
Lancia, M.
Landais, A.
A51V-06Abstract Title: Insights on Antarctic climate variability from paleo-temperature proxies, PP11B-2227Abstract Title: Measurements of Isotopic Composition of Vapour on the Antarctic Plateau
Landau, E. A.
ED54BAbstract Title: Make It More Simple: The Up-Goer Five Giving-It-a-Try (aka Challenge), PA21DAbstract Title: The Many Sides of Sharing Science: A How-To I Posters, PA24AAbstract Title: The Many Sides of Sharing Science: A How-To II, PA33BAbstract Title: General Contributions Public Affairs Posters
Landau, K.
H14B-05Abstract Title: California Groundwater Management During Drought: Existing and Future Regulatory Approaches
Lande, L. L.
V31D-3059Abstract Title: Along-Strike Geochemical Variations in the Late Triassic Nikolai Magmatic System, Wrangellia, Central Alaska
Lande, T. S.
GC22A-04Abstract Title: Land-Atmosphere Interactions in Cold Environments (LATICE): The role of Atmosphere - Biosphere – Cryosphere – Hydrosphere interactions in a changing climate
Landeau, M.
P13C-03Abstract Title: Laboratory Experiments on Core Merging and Stratification After Giant Impacts
Lander, H.
IN23E-01Abstract Title: The DataBridge: A System For Optimizing The Use Of Dark Data From The Long Tail Of Science
Landerer, F. W.
G31A-1101Abstract Title: GRACE satellite gravimetry to monitor AMOC variability and coherence in the Atlantic Ocean, G42A-03Abstract Title: North Atlantic meridional overturning circulation variations from GRACE ocean bottom pressure anomalie, G43BAbstract Title: Regional and Global Sea Level Variability and Projections I Posters, G51BAbstract Title: Regional and Global Sea Level Variability and Projections II, G52A-02Abstract Title: A New Advanced GRACE Analyis Product - JPLRL05M: Improving Terrestrial Water Storage Estimates, G54A-01Abstract Title: Sustained Water Changes in California during Drought and Heavy Precipitation Inferred from GPS, InSAR, and GRACE, OS41A-1984Abstract Title: Pacific Sea Level Rise Pattern and Global Warming Hiatus, OS41A-1990Abstract Title: Using Observations and Climate Models to Investigate Recent Variability in Upper Ocean Warming
Landes, M.
S34B-04Abstract Title: A Spatial Coherence Analysis of Seismic Wavefields Based on Array Covariance Matrix : Application to One Year of the USArray Data
Landgraf, D.
A11A-0012Abstract Title: Exploring the evolution of the aerosol phase function away from spherical particles using scattering patterns from single atmospheric aerosol particles
Landgraf, J.
IN34B-08Abstract Title: Improved Ozone and Carbon Monoxide Profile Retrievals Using Multispectral Measurements from NASA “A Train”, NPP, and TROPOMI Satellites
Landi, E.
SH21A-2369Abstract Title: Energy Balance in Magnetic Loops of the Quiet Sun, SH21A-2381Abstract Title: A Unified Scenario for the Solar Wind Phenomenon, SH21A-2387Abstract Title:  Anomalous Ion Charge State Behavior In Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections, SH23D-05Abstract Title: Dynamics of Polar Jets from the Chromosphere to the Corona: Mass, Momentum and Energy Transfer, SH43B-2460Abstract Title: The Coronal Solar Magnetism Observatory, SH51CAbstract Title: Unique Science Opportunities during the 21 August 2017 Total Solar Eclipse, SH51C-2456Abstract Title: Coronal plasma diagnostics from eclipse observations
Landi, S.
SH11C-2395Abstract Title: On the Role of Coulomb Collisions in the Electron Evolution Throughout the Heliosphere., SH43A-2429Abstract Title: Resistive Magnetohydrodynamic Simulations of Fast Reconnection in Thin Current Sheets: Analysis of the Linear and Nonlinear Stages of the "Ideal" Tearing Mode, SH44A-02Abstract Title: Investigating the ion-scale spectral properties of solar wind turbulence with high-resolution hybrid simulations
Landis, D.
IN11E-1798Abstract Title: Utilizing a Tower Based System for Optical Sensing of Ecosystem Carbon Fluxes
Landis, M. E.
P53E-2188Abstract Title: Behavior and Stability of Ground Ice on Ceres: Initial Clues from Dawn
Landman, W.
A23E-0387Abstract Title: First Evaluation of the CCAM Aerosol Simulation over Africa: Implications for Regional Climate Modeling
Landolt, K.
GC13F-1220Abstract Title: Towards the Development of Historical Indicators of Spatial Carbon Dynamics in Drylands: A Blue Oak Woodlands of California Case Study
Landrot, G.
H43K-08Abstract Title: Evaluation of Advanced Reactive Surface Area Estimates for Improved Prediction of Mineral Reaction Rates in Porous Media
Landrum, L.
C54A-03Abstract Title: Variability in the Antarctic Marginal Ice Zone and Pack Ice in Observations and NCAR CESM, C54A-05Abstract Title: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: Modeled Versus Observed Regional Trends in Late 20th Century Antarctic Sea Ice
Landry, C. J.
MR41B-2641Abstract Title: Potentially Conductive Channels in Fracture Cements of Low Permeability Rocks, MR41C-2667Abstract Title: Direct numerical simulation of supercritical gas flow in complex nanoporous media: Elucidating the relationship between permeability and pore space geometry, MR41D-2693Abstract Title: Quantifying the Texture, Composition, and Coupled Chemical-Mechanical Diagenesis of Deformation Bands within Sandstone Reservoir Outcrop Analogs of Assorted Detrital Compositions, Southwestern USA
Landry, R. G.
SM23B-2567Abstract Title: Empirical Model of Subauroral Polarization Streams (SAPS) During Geomagnetic Storms
Landry, W.
G23C-07Abstract Title: Geodesy-based estimates of loading rates on faults beneath the Los Angeles basin with a new, computationally efficient method to model dislocations in 3D heterogeneous media
Landsfeld, M. F.
NH41D-05Abstract Title: The Climate Hazards Group InfraRed Precipitation with Stations (CHIRPS) v2.0 Dataset: 35 year Quasi-Global Precipitation Estimates for Drought Monitoring
Landsfeld, M. F.
B43A-0530Abstract Title: An Agro-Climatological Early Warning Tool Based on the Google Earth Engine to Support Regional Food Security Analysis
Landuyt, W.
A43G-0364Abstract Title: An Increase in Aerosol Burden and Radiative Effects in a Warmer World, GC13A-1126Abstract Title: The Implications of Growing Bioenergy Crops on Water Resources, Carbon and Nitrogen Dynamics
Landvik, J. Y.
PP31D-07Abstract Title: Episodic Neoglacial Cryosphere Expansion Reconstructed from 14C Ages of Ice-Entombed Plants on Svalbard
Lane, B.
H51B-1360Abstract Title: Revealing the diversity of hydro-geomorphic settings in a Dry Summer Subtropical region with DEM-based modeling
Lane, C.
H11E-1381Abstract Title: Floodplain Mapping and Wetland Connectivity to Lotic Aquatic Systems of Indiana and North Dakota, USA, H12DAbstract Title: Ecological and Hydrological Resistance and Resilience: Emerging Understanding from Interactions at Multiple Scales I, H13FAbstract Title: Ecological and Hydrological Resistance and Resilience: Emerging Understanding from Interactions at Multiple Scales II Posters, H13F-1604Abstract Title: Multiple Landscape Factors Affect the Resilience of a Mixed Land Cover Watershed
Lane, H.
A41Q-07Abstract Title: Examining the Prevalence of Natural Gas “Super-emitters” in the Marcellus Shale Region, A43F-0350Abstract Title: Assessment and mitigation of errors associated with a large-scale field investigation of methane emissions from the Marcellus Shale, A43F-0351Abstract Title: Correlating Well-Pad Characteristics and Methane Emissions in the Marcellus Shale
Lane, J. W. Jr
H31K-06Abstract Title: A comparison of thermal infrared to fiber-optic distributed temperature sensing for evaluation of groundwater discharge to surface water, H32C-05Abstract Title: A field method to quantify exchange with less-mobile porosity in streambeds using electrical hysteresis, NS43AAbstract Title: Geophysical Methods for Groundwater Evaluation and Management I Posters, NS51BAbstract Title: Geophysical Methods for Groundwater Evaluation and Management II, NS52AAbstract Title: Geophysical Methods for Groundwater Evaluation and Management III
Lane, M. D.
P23C-05Abstract Title: Solfataric Alteration at Hawaii as a Potential Analog for Martian Surface Processes
Lane, P. N. J.
H21C-1393Abstract Title: Using high resolution aridity and drainage position data to better predict rainfall-runoff relationships in complex upland topography, H41M-02Abstract Title: Runoff Scale-dependency in Burned Dry Eucalyptus
Lane, R. J. L.
GP13B-1290Abstract Title: Potential Field Modeling at Global to Prospect Scales - Adding Value to the Geological, Seismic, Gravity, Magnetic and Rock Property Datasets of Australia
Lane, S. S.
ED14A-02Abstract Title: CATE: A Case Study of an Interdisciplinary Student-Led Microgravity Experiment
Lane, S. J.
V43E-01Abstract Title: Slugs and Plugs: the Role of Conduit Boundary Conditions in Shaping Strombolian Explosive Activity
Lane, S. N.
EP51C-0927Abstract Title: Quantifying the Spatial and Temporal Variability of Drag within an Aquatic Vegetation Canopy, EP53B-1014Abstract Title: The Sediment Yield of High Mountain Environment Watersheds: Strong Evidence of Transport Capacity Limitation, TH32CAbstract Title: Good practice in authoring and reviewing manuscripts in geomorphology, TH32DAbstract Title: How to author a scientific manuscript in geomorphology and related sciences
Lane, T.
ED41A-0854Abstract Title: A Relationship Between Microbial Activity in Soils and Phosphate Levels in Tributaries to Lake Champlain
Lane, T.
B21C-0468Abstract Title: A trait based dynamic energy budget approach to explore emergent microalgal community structure
Lane, T. P.
A21F-0206Abstract Title: Distinguishing natural and anthropogenic influences on extreme fire danger in Australia
Lane-Smith, D. R.
V33D-3152Abstract Title: Methodological Adaptations for Reliable Measurement of Radium and Radon Isotopes in Hydrothermal Fluids of Extreme Chemical Diversity in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, USA
Laneuville, M.
P43A-2106Abstract Title: Hidden in the Neutrons: Physical Evidence for Lunar True Polar Wander
Lang, A.
B33D-0748Abstract Title: Do Forest Age and Soil Depth Affect Carbon and Nitrogen Adsorption in Mineral Horizons?
Lang, K. A.
PP21A-2211Abstract Title: Clumped isotope paleothermometry of the Mio-Pliocene freshwater Lake Mohave. Lower ancestral Colorado River, USA
Lang, M.
B53B-0545Abstract Title: On the accurate estimation of gap fraction during daytime with digital cover photography
Lang, P. M.
A33C-0162Abstract Title: The Dominant Role of Tropical Wetlands in Dedacal-Scale Changes in the Global Methane Budget
Lang, P. S.
H51C-1385Abstract Title: Inclusion-Based Effective Medium Models for the Permeability of a 3D Fractured Rock Mass, T13E-05Abstract Title: Coupled THMC modelling of single fractures in novaculite and granite for DECOVALEX-2015, T13E-07Abstract Title: The Effect of Pressure Dissolution and Precipitation on Fracture Permeability and Normal Stiffness, T23B-2939Abstract Title: Critically Stressed Fractures as Conduits: Mechanically-Chemically-Mediated Anisotropy of the Effective Permeability of Fractured Rock
Lang, R.
A31H-07Abstract Title: The GOME-2 Level 1 Instrument Degradation Model Version 1 and its Application for Atmospheric Composition Retrievals
Lang, S. T.
NG23B-1790Abstract Title: Diagnosis of Stochastic Physics with Ensemble Data Assimilation
Lang, S. E.
H13H-1629Abstract Title: High Resolution Model Simulations for MC3E, IFloodS and GCPEx: Comparison with Observations
Lang, S. Q.
V11A-3046Abstract Title: Exploring the Metabolic Potential of Microbial Communities in Ultra-basic Reducing Spring at The Cedars, CA: Evidence of Microbial Methanogenesis and Heterotrophic Acetogenesis
Lang, T. A.
B21B-0420Abstract Title: Biochar and Mill Ash Use as Soil Amendments to Grow Sugarcane in Sandy Soils of South Florida , B33C-0692Abstract Title: Soil Management Effects on Gas Fluxes from an Organic Soil Agricultural System, GC51D-1108Abstract Title: Influence of particulates on phosphorus loading exported from farm drainage during a storm event in the Everglades Agricultural Area
Lang, T. J.
AE12AAbstract Title: The Meteorology and Climatology of Lightning I, AE13AAbstract Title: The Meteorology and Climatology of Lightning and General Contributions I, AE14AAbstract Title: Atmospheric and Space Electricity General Contributions I, AE31AAbstract Title: Atmospheric and Space Electricity General Contributions II Posters, AE31BAbstract Title: The Meteorology and Climatology of Lightning and General Contributions II Posters, AE31CAbstract Title: The Meteorology and Climatology of Lightning II Posters, AE31C-0451Abstract Title: Investigating the relationship between turbulence and lightning, AE31C-0452Abstract Title: Characteristics of Lightning within Electrified Snowfall Events using Total Lightning Measurements, AE33DAbstract Title: Franklin Lecture
Langbein, J. O.
G11B-0973Abstract Title: Coseismic offsets recorded by borehole strainmeters from the 2014, Mw 6.0 South Napa, California earthquake: Reconciling tidal calibrations with earthquake source models., S33B-2758Abstract Title: Implementing a C++ Version of the Joint Seismic-Geodetic Algorithm for Finite-Fault Detection and Slip Inversion for Earthquake Early Warning
Langdon, P. G.
PP13A-2260Abstract Title: Modern Spatial Rainfall Rate is well Correlated with Coretop δ2Hdinosterol in the South Pacific Convergence Zone: A Tool for Quantitative Reconstructions of Rainfall Rate, PP31A-2204Abstract Title: A New Holocene Lake Sediment Archive from Samoa (Tropical South Pacific) Reveals Millennial Scale Changes in Hydroclimate., PP31D-06Abstract Title: Holocene temperature shifts around Greenland: Paleolimnological approaches to quantifying past warmth and documenting its consequences
Lange, R. A.
V43A-3104Abstract Title: A new olivine-melt thermometer/hygrometer based on Ni partitioning
Lange, S.
C21C-0753Abstract Title: How to Assess Trajectories of Arctic Ponds and Lakes: a Circum-Arctic Perspective
Langematz, U.
C51D-07Abstract Title: Southern Hemisphere Sea Ice Trends: The Roles of Ozone and Greenhouse Gas Changes, PP43B-2260Abstract Title: Effect of the chosen solar irradiance dataset on simulations of a Future Grand Minimum: Results from a state-of-the-art Chemistry-Climate Model
Langemeijer, J.
GP23A-1281Abstract Title: Full-Vector Geomagnetic Field Records for the Late Quaternary from El Hierro and the Eifel
Langen, J.
A21K-03Abstract Title: The Atmospheric Sentinel Missions for Air Quality Applications
Langen, P. L.
C21A-0715Abstract Title: Basin-Wide Mass Balance of Jakobshavn Isbræ (West Greenland) during 1880-2100, GC43C-1217Abstract Title: Robustness of Regional Patterns of Change in Multi-model Studies; Beyond Model Spread
Langen, P. P.
A53C-0390Abstract Title: Toward Unanimous Projections for Sea Ice Using CMIP5 Multi-model Simulations, C41B-0695Abstract Title: Greenland ice sheet albedo variability and feedback: 2000-2015
Langenbruch, C.
T43D-3048Abstract Title: A Statistical Model for Seismic Hazard Assessment of Hydraulic-Fracturing-Induced Seismicity, V43B-3143Abstract Title: Segmented Dyke Growth and Associated Seismicity at Bárðarbunga Volcanic System (Iceland) is Driven by Non-Linear Magma Pressure Diffusion
Langenbrunner, B.
A53I-01Abstract Title: Tropical convective onset statistics and establishing causality in the water vapor-precipitation relation, GC41G-01Abstract Title: Implications of dynamics underlying temperature and precipitation distributions for changes in extremes
Langendoen, E. J.
EP43B-0986Abstract Title: A novel land surface-hydrologic-sediment dynamics model for stream corridor conservation assessment and its first application
Langenfelds, R. L.
A31B-0040Abstract Title: Evaluating Observational Constraints on N2O Emissions via Information Content Analysis Using GEOS-Chem and its Adjoint, A33K-0330Abstract Title: Isotopic (Re)ordering Signatures of Stratospheric and Tropospheric O2
Langenheim, V. E.
GP13B-1294Abstract Title: Implications for seismic hazard from new gravity data in Napa and vicinity, California, T12A-02Abstract Title: Geometry of the southern San Andreas fault and its implications for seismic hazard, T41A-2866Abstract Title: Seismic Reflectivity of the Crust in the Northern Salton Trough
Langer, K.
EP11A-03Abstract Title: Sediment movement and dispersal patterns on the Grand Banks continental shelf and slope were tied to the dynamics of the Laurentide ice-sheet margin
Langer, M.
A24D-03Abstract Title: Multi-annual Turbulent Energy Fluxes in the Lena River Delta: Eddy Covariance and Remote Sensing in Siberian Arctic Tundra, B51G-0507Abstract Title: Mapping the thermal state of permafrost through modeling and remote sensing, C21C-0753Abstract Title: How to Assess Trajectories of Arctic Ponds and Lakes: a Circum-Arctic Perspective, GC53F-1274Abstract Title: In-situ validation of remotely sensed land surface temperatures in high-arctic land regions – implications for gap filling and trend analyses
Langer, S.
T12A-08Abstract Title: Applying Dynamic Rupture Simulations in Seismic Hazard Analysis
Langereis, C. G.
GP31A-1377Abstract Title: PALEOMAGNETISM.ORG – AN ONLINE MULTI-PLATFORM AND OPEN SOURCE ENVIRONMENT FOR PALEOMAGNETIC ANALYSIS, T13B-2987Abstract Title: Subduction Zone Configuration of Central and Eastern Anatolia since the Late Cretaceous: Insights from Sedimentary Basins in the Neotethyan Suture Zone
Langevin, Y.
P13E-04Abstract Title: The Mapping Imaging Spectrometer for Europa (MISE) Investigation, P31E-2089Abstract Title: COSIMA at Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko After Perihelion
Langford, A. O.
A32D-08Abstract Title: Lidar-derived Correlations Between Lower-tropospheric Column and Surface Ozone: Implications for Satellite Observations
Langford, Z.
B51C-0437Abstract Title: Characterizing biotic and abiotic properties of landscape and their implications for ecohydrological processes across scales
Langford, Z. L.
IN43A-1723Abstract Title: Landscape Characterization of Arctic Ecosystems Using Data Mining Algorithms and Large Geospatial Datasets
Langhans, W.
A32G-01Abstract Title: A Review on Regional Convection-Permitting Climate Modeling: Demonstrations, Prospects, and Challenges, A51D-0082Abstract Title: The origin of water-vapor rings in tropical oceanic cold pools
Langhorne, P.
C23B-0784Abstract Title: Electromagnetic Mapping of the Thickness of the Sub-Ice Platelet Layer Under Landfast Sea Sce in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica, C31A-02Abstract Title: Platelet ice distribution in Antarctic sea ice and its implications for ocean - ice shelf interaction, C51A-0668Abstract Title: The Effect of Ice Shelf Meltwater on Antarctic Sea Ice and the Southern Ocean in an Earth System Model
Langlais, B.
P33D-03Abstract Title: Consequences of Giant Impacts on the Martian dynamo
Langley, J. A.
B24D-07Abstract Title: Drivers of interannual variability in CO2 effects on productivity across long-term experiments, B24D-08Abstract Title: Quantifying Direct and Indirect Effects of Elevated CO2 on Ecosystem Response
Langley, R. B.
G51A-1051Abstract Title: Recent Progress in Understanding Natural-Hazards-Generated TEC Perturbations: Measurements and Modeling Results, G51A-1060Abstract Title: Analysis of Co-located IGS Network GPS Receiver DCBs Derived by CODE and a Single Station Estimation Method, NH53A-08Abstract Title: RECENT ADVANCES IN REMOTE SENSING OF NATURAL HAZARDS-INDUCED ATMOSPHERIC AND IONOSPHERIC PERTURBATIONS
Langlois, A.
C31B-02Abstract Title: Rain-on-snow and ice layer formation detection using passive microwave radiometry: An arctic perspective, C32B-07Abstract Title: Comparison of Three Models for Snow Microwave Brightness Temperature Simulation
Langlois, S.
V23B-3098Abstract Title: On the use of hyperpectral infrared imagers for studying volcano plumes: IMAGETNA campaign Hyperpectral infrared imaging of volcanic plume at Mt Etna: IMAGETNA campaign
Langmuir, C. H.
DI31A-2559Abstract Title: Does a Superswell Exist Between Antarctica and Australia?, DI31A-2572Abstract Title: D/H and Water Concentrations of Submarine MORB Glass Around the World: Analytical Aspects, Standardization, and (re)defining Mantle D/H Ranges , DI44A-02Abstract Title: Helium isotopes reveal a ubiquitous recycled component in the MORB mantle, V24AAbstract Title: Glacial Cycles and Volcanism on Land and Undersea I, V24A-01Abstract Title: SeaVOICE: Sea-going Experiments to Test Potential Linkages among Sea Level Change, Ocean Ridge Volcanism, and Hydrothermal Activity., V24A-02Abstract Title: Variations in mid-ocean ridge magmatism and carbon emissions driven by glacial cycles, V31D-3050Abstract Title: Geochemical “Moats” around Near-ridge Hot Spots, V53AAbstract Title: Glacial Cycles and Volcanism on Land and Undersea II Posters, V53A-3123Abstract Title: Hydrothermal venting on the Juan de Fuca Ridge over the last 600,000 years, V53A-3126Abstract Title: Mid-Ocean Ridge Magma Supply and Glacial Cycles: Long Time Series Studies of Crustal Thickness and Seafloor Topography, V53A-3127Abstract Title: Sea level Variability and Juan de Fuca Bathymetry, V53A-3131Abstract Title: A long-term record of magma compositions at the Juan de Fuca ridge from analysis of sediment hosted volcanic glass: tests of the effects of sea level on melt production 
Langner, J.
A11C-0060Abstract Title: A Multi-Model Comparison of Black Carbon Budgets in the Arctic Region., A24C-04Abstract Title: Response of Arctic Temperature to Changes in Emissions of Short-Lived Climate Forcers
Langrand, C.
MR23A-2636Abstract Title: Applications of multigrain crystallography for the study of post-perovskite microstructures
Langridge, J.
A41R-06Abstract Title: Decadal changes in aerosol absorption across Brazil resulting from changes in biomass burning practices
Langridge, R.
T11G-02Abstract Title: Quaternary geology of the DFDP-2 drill holes, Alpine Fault, New Zealand, T11G-03Abstract Title: Extreme Hydrothermal Conditions Near an Active Geological Fault, DFDP-2B Borehole, Alpine Fault, New Zealand, T31A-2830Abstract Title: Lidar and Luminescence Dating Analysis of Latest Pleistocene-Holocene Slip Rates on the Awatere fault at Saxton River, South Island, New Zealand, T31A-2831Abstract Title: Incremental Holocene slip rates from the Hope fault at Hossack Station, Marlborough fault zone, South Island, New Zealand
Langridge, R.
H14B-07Abstract Title: California’s Adjudicated Groundwater Basins: History, Current Conditions, Potential Reforms, PA13A-2167Abstract Title: Producing Scientific and Strategic Guidance for California’s Department of Water Resources: The Climate Change Technical Advisory Group
Langston, C. A.
NH21C-1833Abstract Title: Virtual array beamforming of GPS TEC observations of co-seismic ionospheric disturbances near the Geomagnetic South Pole triggered by teleseismic megathrusts, S24B-05Abstract Title: Spatial Gradients, Wave Gradiometry, and Large N Arrays, T11C-2902Abstract Title: Velocity models and Hypocenter Relocations for the Charlevoix Seismic Zone
Langston, M. A.
GC51B-1084Abstract Title: A Novel Approach to River Basin Management that Utilizes a Multi-Day Forum to Educate Stakeholders
Lani, A.
SH31B-2410Abstract Title: Multifluid Modeling of the Partially Ionized Chromosphere with Effects of Impact Ionization, Radiative Recombination and Charge Exchange
Lanoisellé, M.
A11J-0202Abstract Title: Mobile measurement of methane: plumes, isotopes and inventory verification, A33C-0163Abstract Title: Isotope and methane dynamics above and below the Trade Wind Inversion at Ascension Island using UAVs
Lantagne, D.
H51S-01Abstract Title: Interdisciplinary Research to Elucidate Mechanisms Governing Silver Nanoparticle Fate and Transport in Porous Media
Lantuit, H.
GC22C-03Abstract Title: Coastal Hazard Vulnerability Assessment: A Case Study of Erosion and Flooding on Herschel Island, Yukon Territory, Canada
Lantz, K. O.
GC43F-04Abstract Title: WFIP2 – The Second Wind Forecast Improvement Project: Observing Systems And Case Studies , GC51H-01Abstract Title: Improvements in NOAA SURFRAD and ISIS sites for near real-time solar irradiance for verification of NWP solar forecasts for the DOE NOAA Solar Forecast Improvement Project (SFIP)
Lantzsch, H.
EP13A-0922Abstract Title: Evolution of a high-latitude sediment drift inside a glacially-carved trough based on high-resolution seismic stratigraphy (Kveithola, NW Barents Sea)
Lanyon, G. W.
H43F-1581Abstract Title: Modeling a tracer test at the Grimsel Test Site (GTS) using a lattice Boltzmann method and transmissivity field
Lanza, F.
S51D-2716Abstract Title: Plumbing System of Pacaya Volcano, Guatemala Revealed by 3D P-wave Tomography, S51D-2721Abstract Title: Monte Carlo Volcano Seismic Moment Tensors, V53A-3128Abstract Title: Feedback between deglaciation and volcanism in arc settings: the example of the Mount Mazama volcanic system, Crater Lake, Oregon
Lanza, N.
P43B-2123Abstract Title: Overview of the diagenetic features analyzed by ChemCam onboard Curiosity, P43B-2124Abstract Title: Major-Element Compositional Diversity Observed by ChemCam Along the MSL Traverse: The First Three Years, P43DAbstract Title: Using Current Chemistry and Mineralogy Data to Guide Future Discoveries from Mars 2020 I Posters, P51EAbstract Title: Using Current Chemistry and Mineralogy Data to Guide Future Discoveries from Mars 2020 II, P53F-03Abstract Title: Chemo-stratigraphy in the Murray Formation Using ChemCam
Lanzerotti, L. J.
SM12B-08Abstract Title: Quantifying Solar Wind-Polar Cap Interactions, SM13A-2484Abstract Title: ACE EPAM and Van Allen Probes RBSPICE measurements of interplanetary oxygen injection to the inner magnetosphere, SM23C-2569Abstract Title: On the formation and origin of substorm growth phase/onset auroral arcs inferred from conjugate space-ground observations, SM41C-2495Abstract Title: Storm- Time Dynamics of Ring Current Protons: Implications for the Long-Term Energy Budget in the Inner Magnetosphere., SM41E-2525Abstract Title: The Evolution of Ring Current Energy Density and Energy Content during Geomagnetic Storms Based on Van Allen Probes Measurements, SM41E-2529Abstract Title: RBSPICE Measurements of heavy Ion loss during the 2015 March storm, SM41E-2534Abstract Title: Characteristics of ring current protons and oxygen ions during the 7 January 2015 and 17 March 2015 storms: Van Allen Probes/RBSPICE observations, SM41E-2535Abstract Title: Deeper and earlier penetrations of oxygen ions than protons into the inner magnetosphere Observed by Van Allen probes., SM41E-2539Abstract Title: Relationship Between Dipolarizations and Energetic Particle Injections in Earth’s Inner Magnetosphere, SM41E-2541Abstract Title: Van Allen Probes RBSPICE Observations of the March 2015 Solar Storm, SM41E-2542Abstract Title: Automated Survey of Particle Injections Into the Inner Magnetosphere
Lanzoni, S.
EP51AAbstract Title: Fluvial Morphodynamics: Channels Patterns, Process-Based Unsteadiness, Tropical Rivers, and Beyond I Posters, EP53DAbstract Title: FFluvial Morphodynamics: Channels Patterns, Process-Based Unsteadiness, Tropical Rivers, and Beyond II, EP54AAbstract Title: Fluvial Morphodynamics: Channels Patterns, Process-Based Unsteadiness, Tropical Rivers, and Beyond III, NG23B-1783Abstract Title: Migration Rate Of Tidal Meanders: Inferences From The Venice Lagoon
Laó-Dávila, D. A.
DI11B-2583Abstract Title: Mid-lithospheric Discontinuity Beneath the Malawi Rift, Deduced from Gravity Studies and its Relation to the Rifting Process., ED33D-0973Abstract Title: Imaging of the Rupture Zone of the Magnitude 6.2 Karonga Earthquake of 2009 using Electrical Resistivity Surveys, ED33D-0974Abstract Title: Gravity Transects across the Karonga Fault in the Northern Malawi Rift, T11EAbstract Title: New Insights into the Active Deformation, Tectonic Evolution, and Hazard Mitigation of the Caribbean Plate and South America I Posters, T13FAbstract Title: New Insights into the Active Deformation, Tectonic Evolution, and Hazard Mitigation of the Caribbean Plate and South America II, T51G-3002Abstract Title: Strain Accommodation and its Relationship to Pre-existing Structures along the Karonga Fault, Malawi
Lapanje, A.
B11D-0473Abstract Title: HCN Producing Bacteria Enable Sensing Of Non-Bioavailable Hg Species by the Whole Cell Biosensor
Lapen, T. J.
T33G-03Abstract Title: Geodynamic Drivers of Vertical Crustal Motion: Integrating Paleoaltimetry with Basin Development in the Central Andean Plateau of Southern Peru, V53D-3148Abstract Title: A Multi-technique Approach for Provenance Studies of Mesozoic Clastic Rocks in the Barents Sea, V53D-3151Abstract Title: Coarse Grain Progradation in a Foreland basin: Application of Detrital Zircon Double Dating to Cenozoic Stratigraphy, Eastern Cordillera, Colombia., V53D-3152Abstract Title: Discriminating Sediment Supply Versus Accommodation Controls on Late Cretaceous Foreland Basin Stratigraphic Architecture in the Book Cliffs, Central Utah Using Double Dating
Lapenta, G.
SH11F-03Abstract Title: Slow Solar Wind: Observable Characteristics for Constraining Modelling, SH12A-01Abstract Title: A ROADMAP TO ADVANCE UNDERSTANDING OF THE SCIENCE OF SPACE WEATHER, SH43A-2420Abstract Title: Null Points in Three-Dimensional Kinetic Simulations of Magnetic Reconnection, SH43A-2437Abstract Title: Evidence of magnetic field switch-off in Particle In Cell simulations of collisionless magnetic reconnection with guide field, SH44A-08Abstract Title: Investigation of Lower Hybrid Drift Instability turbulence in the terrestrial magnetotail with fully kinetic, realistic mass ratio Multi-Level Multi-Domain simulations and comparison with observations, SH54A-06Abstract Title: Where should MMS look for the electron and ion diffusion regions?, SM13C-2506Abstract Title: Kinetic Structures of Quasi-Perpendicular Shocks in Global Particle-in-Cell Simulations, SM13C-2520Abstract Title: Multiscale Simulations of the Dayside Magnetopause, SM13C-2526Abstract Title: Magnetic Reconnection Dynamics in the Presence of Low-energy Ion Component: PIC Simulations of Hidden Particle Population, SM13C-2529Abstract Title: On the Electrons Dynamics during Rapid Island Coalescence in Asymmetric Magnetic Reconnection: Case With and With No Guide Field, SM13D-2548Abstract Title: Electron Acceleration in the Magnetotail during Substorms in Semi-Global PIC Simulations, SM24A-07Abstract Title: 3-D Full-kinetic Simulations of the Solar Wind Interaction with Lunar Magnetic Anomalies: Particle Behaviour, SM31A-2476Abstract Title: Fully Kinetic 3D Simulations of the Interaction of the Solar Wind with Mercury, SM41I-04Abstract Title: Three Dimensional Structure of the Electron and Ion Scales of Reconnection, SM42A-05Abstract Title: Measures Of Diffusion Regions Applied To PIC Reconnection Simulations, SM43A-09Abstract Title: Experimental Evidence for Cerenkov Emission of Whistler Waves by Electron Holes Associated with Magnetic Reconnection, SM51A-2514Abstract Title: An Investigation of Perpendicular Gradients of Parallel Electric Field in Separatrix Regions in Using the Magnetosphere Multiscale Mission, SM51A-2517Abstract Title: How to Find Magnetic Nulls and Reconstruct Field Topology with MMS Data?, SM51A-2537Abstract Title: Examining Turbulence in the Plasma Sheet and its Role in Transport, SM51A-2539Abstract Title: Three-dimensional Transient Magnetic Reconnection and Dipolarization Fronts in the Terrestrial Magnetotail , SM51A-2540Abstract Title: Impact of Heavy Ions on Reconnection Rate and Dipolarization Fronts during Magnetotail Reconnection, SM51A-2553Abstract Title: Energy Dependence of Electron Anisotropy and Agyrotropy from PIC Simulations of Tail Reconnection, SM54A-07Abstract Title: Magnetospheric Simulations With the Three-Dimensional Magnetohydrodynamics With Embedded Particle-in-Cell Model
Lapham, L.
B41C-0439Abstract Title: Methane Concentrations Increase in Bottom Waters During Summertime Anoxia in the Highly Eutrophic Estuary, Chesapeake Bay, USA, B51B-0433Abstract Title: High-resolution chemical and hydrologic records identify environmental factors that control coastal anchialine cave ecosystem function, ED33D-0970Abstract Title: Measuring Temporal Variability of Methylmercury and Methane in the Pore Waters of a Chesapeake Bay Tidal Marsh, OS31B-03Abstract Title: Addressing Factors that Control Near-Surface Gas Hydrate Stability with Time-Series Measurements
Lapierre, J. L.
AE31A-0412Abstract Title: Lightning spectra at 100,000 fps , AE31A-0420Abstract Title: Acoustic vs Interferometric Measurements of Lightning, AE31B-0427Abstract Title: Combining Interferometer, LMA, and ΔE measurements on positive cloud-to-ground flashes over Langmuir Laboratory
LaPlante, V.
EP43A-0963Abstract Title: - Portal to the National Wind Erosion Research Network
Lapo, K. E.
A31C-0063Abstract Title: Evaluating patterns of solar irradiance errors over an area of complex topography, C33A-0794Abstract Title: Cascading Impacts of Longwave Radiation Uncertainty on Modeled Snowmelt and Summer Evapotranspiration at Mountain Research Sites, ED23A-0850Abstract Title: A Decade of Graduate Climate Conferences for Training the Next Generation of Earth Scientists
Lapointe, F.
PP11D-08Abstract Title: User Friendly Processing of Sediment CT Data: Software and Application in High Resolution Non-Destructive Sediment Core Data Sets
Lapola, D. M.
B21F-0530Abstract Title: AmazonFACE: Assessing the Effects of Increasing Atmospheric CO2 on the Resilience of the Amazon Forest through Integrative Model-Experiment Research
Lappe, S. C.
GP43A-1238Abstract Title: The mysterious malleability of titanomagnetite Curie temperatures: An update
Lappe, S. C. L. L.
GP43A-1237Abstract Title: XMCD and XAS examination of cation ordering in synthetic Mg- and Al-substituted titanomagnetites
Laprise, R.
A34C-07Abstract Title: Considerations on domain location according to the jump of resolution between the driving data and the nested regional climate model within the Big-Brother experiment., A41D-0091Abstract Title: Freezing Rain Diagnostic Study Over Eastern Canada Using the 5th Generation Canadian Regional Climate Model
Laptander, R.
GC23D-1176Abstract Title: Sea Ice, Hydrocarbon Extraction, Rain-on-Snow and Tundra Reindeer Nomadism in Arctic Russia
Lapus, M. R.
NH42A-03Abstract Title: Devastation of aquifers from tsunami-like storm surge by Supertyphoon Haiyan
Lapusta, N.
S11A-2758Abstract Title: Modeling large stress drops and irregular interaction of LA and SF repeaters at Parkfield, S14B-02Abstract Title: Reproducing Magnitude-Invariant Stress Drops in Fault Models with Thermal Pressurization, T43C-3019Abstract Title: Exploring Potential Foreshocks on Highly Compressed Patches in a Rate-and-State Fault Model, T51J-04Abstract Title: Connecting depths of seismicity, fault locking, and coseismic slip using long-term fault models
Lapyonok, T.
A41L-03Abstract Title: Detailed Characterization of aerosol properties from satellite Observations using GRASP algorithm, A51W-02Abstract Title: Characterization of Desert Dust from Ground-Based and Satellite Remote Sensing Observations
Lara, A.
AE33A-0484Abstract Title: The High Altitude Water Cherenlov (HAWC) Gamma ray Detector Response to Atmospheric Electric Field Variations, SH53A-2464Abstract Title: Radio emission before, during and after the interaction between two coronal mass ejections in the interplanetary medium
Lara, L.
GP12A-04Abstract Title: The South Atlantic Geomagnetic Anomaly: a recent anomalous feature of the secular variation during the Holocene. Paleomagnetic evidence from Holocene Chilean volcanic rocks., G41A-1018Abstract Title: The dynamics of a tectonically-controlled active silicic intrusion at Cordón Caulle volcano (Southern Andes) imaged by InSAR: building to the next eruption?, PA41B-2169Abstract Title: Linking space observations to volcano observatories in Latin America: Results from the CEOS DRM Volcano Pilot, V14B-07Abstract Title: Eruptions with short run-up times: review of controlling factors inspired by the unexpected eruption of Calbuco volcano, April 2015, (Southern Andes), V43A-3105Abstract Title: Southward Ejection of Subcontinental Lithosphere and large-scale Asthenospheric Enrichment beneath central Chile resulting from Flat Subduction
Lara, M. J.
B51G-0510Abstract Title: Thermokarst Rates Intensify Due to Climate Change and Forest Fragmentation in an Alaskan Boreal Forest Lowland, GC23J-1219Abstract Title: Initial Conceptualization and Application of the Alaska Thermokarst Model
Laraque, A.
GC44B-03Abstract Title: Hydrological trends in Congo basin (Central Africa)
Larar, A. M.
A33E-0226Abstract Title: Satellite EDR Evaluation with First Suomi NPP Cal/Val Campaign
Larcher, M.
EP53A-0955Abstract Title: Experimental Investigation on Dry Granular Flows Driven by Gravity
Larcom, S.
NH54A-03Abstract Title: Assessing the Potential Impact of the 2015-2016 El Niño on the California Rim Fire Burn Scar Through Debris Flow Hazard Mapping
Lardeux, P.
C13B-0807Abstract Title: Area and Elevation Changes of a Debris-Covered Glacier and a Clean-Ice Glacier Between 1952-2013 Using Aerial Images and Structure-from-Motion
Lardie Gaylord, M.
PP33C-2332Abstract Title: Reconnaissance 14C Dating and the Evaluation of Mg/Li as a Temperature Proxy in Bamboo Corals from the California Margin
Lardy, M.
S53D-02Abstract Title: A Precursory Phase to a Sudden Enhanced Activity at Yasur volcano (Vanuatu) : Insights from Simultaneous Infrasonic and Seismic Records
Lareau, N.
A14A-04Abstract Title: Investigating the Impacts of Wildfires on Air Quality in the Western US, A21I-03Abstract Title: Observations of Pyrocumulus and Pyrocumulonimbus in Northern California
Large, A.
V31E-3064Abstract Title: Silicic Volcanism at the Northern and Western Extent of the Columbia River Basalt Rhyolite Flare-up: Rhyolites of Dooley Mountain and Buchanan, Oregon
Large, A. R.
H51EAbstract Title: Flash Floods: Advances in Monitoring, Modeling, and Integrated Management I Posters
Large, S.
V32B-01Abstract Title: High-precision ID-TIMS zircon U-Pb geochronology using new 1013 Ohm resistors
Largeron, C.
B41C-0432Abstract Title: Present And Future Methane Emissions of Northern Peatland in the Global Land Surface Model ORCHIDEE
Largeron, Y.
A33L-0360Abstract Title: Differences in surface wind speed between observations, reanalyses and climate models: why do they matter for dust emission simulations in the Sahel?
Lario, D.
SH32BAbstract Title: The Longitudinal Extent of Solar Energetic Particle Events: Observations and Modeling I, SH33BAbstract Title: The Longitudinal Extent of Solar Energetic Particle Events: Observations and Modeling II Posters, SH33B-2464Abstract Title: Longitudinal Properties of a Widespread Solar Energetic Particle Event on 2014 February 25: Evolution of the Parent CME and Associated Shock, SH42A-04Abstract Title: Time-dependent global modeling of the inner heliosphere
Larionov, A. N.
T13A-2971Abstract Title: 886-857 Ma granites from Yenisey Ridge formed long before their collision with the western margin of the Siberian Craton 
Larjamo, K.
V31G-07Abstract Title: Evaluation of Zircon Entrainment in Megacrystic Granites by Micro Drill Sampling and High-Precision in situ U-Pb Geochronology
Larkin, N. K.
A21A-0040Abstract Title: Wild Fire Emissions for the NOAA Operational HYSPLIT Smoke Model
Larmat, C. S.
DI24A-07Abstract Title: Layered Structure Of The North American Upper Mantle Inferred By The Combination Of Long And Short Period Seismic Constraints, S13CAbstract Title: Seismic Modeling and Inversion: Theory and Methodological Developments I, S14AAbstract Title: Seismic Modeling and Inversion: Theory and Methodological Developments II, S23CAbstract Title: Seismic Modeling and Inversion: Theory and Methodological Developments III Posters, S23C-2733Abstract Title: East Asia Regionalization Based on Receiver Functions, S53B-2799Abstract Title: Coupling hydrodynamic and wave propagation modeling for waveform modeling of SPE.
Larmola, T.
B11H-0537Abstract Title: Nutrient Addition Leads to a Weaker CO2 Sink and Higher CH4 Emissions through Vegetation-Microclimate Feedbacks at Mer Bleue Bog, Canada
Larnier, K.
H53J-07Abstract Title: On Subsurface Flow Modeling in a Physical-based Model Dedicated to Flash Flood Forecasting
Larocca, L. J.
C53C-0796Abstract Title: Evaluation of Repeat Image Feature Tracking (RIFT) Software in Estimating Surface Ice Velocity Over Southwest Greenland
Larochelle, S.
T52B-08Abstract Title: Modeling Aseismic and Seismic Slip Induced by Fluid Injection on Pre-existing Faults Governed by Rate-and-state Friction
LaRocque, D. P.
EP23A-0940Abstract Title: New, Flexible Applications with the Multi-Spectral Titan Airborne Lidar
Larose, R.
ED41A-0854Abstract Title: A Relationship Between Microbial Activity in Soils and Phosphate Levels in Tributaries to Lake Champlain
Larour, E. Y.
C13D-02Abstract Title: Basal Conditions in Marie Byrd Land in the Presence of a Deep Mantle Plume, C21A-0701Abstract Title: Towards better simulations of ice/ocean coupling in the Amundsen Sea Sector, West Antarctica, using a coupled ice-sheet ocean model, C51E-07Abstract Title: Investigation of Controls on Ice Dynamics in Northeast Greenland from Ice-Thickness Change Record Using Ice Sheet System Model (ISSM), C53E-08Abstract Title: On Deriving Requirements for the Surface Mass Balance forcing of a Greenland Ice Sheet Model using Uncertainty Analyses, C54B-07Abstract Title: Implications of marginal weakening for grounding line migration and marine ice sheet (in)stability, C54B-08Abstract Title: On the Role of Basal Friction and Ice Rheoloy in Constraining the Evolution of Upernavik: Insights from DataAssimilation of Velocity Time Series into the Ice Sheet System Model., ED31E-0929Abstract Title: VISL: A Virtual Ice Sheet Laboratory For Outreach and K-12 Education, ED51B-0816Abstract Title: Leveraging Cloud Technology to Provide a Responsive, Reliable and Scalable Backend for the Virtual Ice Sheet Laboratory Using the Ice Sheet System Model and Amazon's Elastic Compute Cloud, PP41D-05Abstract Title: Paleo-reconstruction of the Jakobshavn Glacier during the late Holocene using ISSM and Paleo-data of Margin Migration, TH15GAbstract Title: Ice Sheet System Model Town Hall Meeting, T13DAbstract Title: The Best Geophysical Apps and Mobile Websites Posters
Larrovere, M.
T23A-2911Abstract Title: Inherited weaknesses control deformation in the flat slab region of Central Argentina
Larsen, B.
SA51C-2428Abstract Title: Background Rates of Gain Amplifying Detectors in Space, SH43C-06Abstract Title: Ring Current Pressure Estimation withRAM-SCB using Data Assimilation and VanAllen Probe Flux Data, SM14C-07Abstract Title: Quantifying Energy-Time Dispersion of Relativistic Electron Microbursts to Constrain Their Generation Mechanism: Coordinated Studies Using FIREBIRD, Van Allen Probes, and BARREL, SM21A-2468Abstract Title: Van Allen Probes observations of EMIC events triggered by solar wind dynamic pressure enhancements , SM41A-2465Abstract Title: Statistical Observations and Predictions of Time Changes in Electron Flux at Geosynchronous Orbit, SM41E-2516Abstract Title: NASA’s RBSP-ECT Science Investigation of the Van Allen Probes Mission: Highlights of the Prime Mission Phase, Data Access Overview, and Opportunities to Collaborate in the Extended Mission Phase, SM41E-2525Abstract Title: The Evolution of Ring Current Energy Density and Energy Content during Geomagnetic Storms Based on Van Allen Probes Measurements, SM41F-2551Abstract Title: Generation and effects of EMIC waves observed by the Van Allen Probes on 18 March 2013, SM44B-01Abstract Title: The Relative Deep Penetrations of Energetic Electrons and Ions into the Slot Region and Inner Belt, SM44B-03Abstract Title: Energy dependent dynamics of keV to MeV electrons in the inner zone, outer zone, and slot regions, SM53A-05Abstract Title: Inner magnetosphere plasma, statistics from the Van Allen Probes HOPE instrument and data release 3., SM53A-06Abstract Title: Ion spectral structures observed by the Van Allen Probes
Larsen, C.
C24A-01Abstract Title: Comprehensive Mapping of Ice Flow From Landsat 8: Two Years of Surging and Seasonal Change for Alaska’s Glaciers, and Counting…, C24A-04Abstract Title: Operation IceBridge Alaska, C33E-0863Abstract Title: Hypsometric control on glacier mass balance sensitivity in Alaska, T42B-03Abstract Title: An Integrated View of Tectonics in the North Pacific Derived from GPS
Larsen, C. F.
GC23J-1221Abstract Title: Post-fire Thermokarst Development Along a Planned Road Corridor in Arctic Alaska
Larsen, D. J.
PP12A-01Abstract Title: Holocene Climate and Catchment-Specific Responses to Climate Change, Recorded in a Transect of Icelandic Lakes, PP12A-07Abstract Title: Fish Lake, Utah – shallow seismic investigation of a lake-filled high-altitude graben, PP12A-08Abstract Title: Fish Lake, Utah – a promising long core site straddling the Great Basin to Colorado Plateau transition zone, PP13B-2282Abstract Title: Controls on the Composition and Distribution of Holocene Sediment in Lake Junín, Peru
Larsen, I. J.
EP21EAbstract Title: Mountain Building, Denudation, and the Global Evolution of Biogeochemical Cycles I, EP23CAbstract Title: Mountain Building, Denudation, and the Global Evolution of Biogeochemical Cycles II Posters, EP31A-0988Abstract Title: New insights into the geochemistry of the Critical Zone in rapidly uplifting mountains (Southern Alps, New Zealand), EP41D-06Abstract Title: Hydraulic Implications of Different Megaflood Canyon Incision Models
Larsen, J. J.
NS43A-1956Abstract Title: Processing of Surface-NMR Data From Sites With High Noise Levels
Larsen, J. J.
NS31A-1958Abstract Title: Doubling the Spectrum of Time-Domain Induced Polarization: Removal of Harmonic Noise and Self-Potential Drift
Larsen, J. F.
PA41D-02Abstract Title: Putting Research to Work for Monitoring Volcanic Hazards and Enhancing Public Safety, V11FAbstract Title: The Secret Life of Minerals: Reconstructing Pre-eruptive Magma Storage and Ascent Dynamics I, V13BAbstract Title: The Secret Life of Minerals: Reconstructing Pre-eruptive Magma Storage and Ascent Dynamics II Posters, V32A-04Abstract Title: Diverse Water-Magma Interactions In The Conduit And Column During The 2008 Okmok Eruption, Alaska, V33F-07Abstract Title: The Affect of Pre and Syn-Ascent Crystallization on Vesiculation Kinetics and Permeability Development in Low Viscosity Magmas
Larsen, J.
EP31A-0982Abstract Title: Critical Zone science in Australia: expanding the range of environmental gradients represented in the international CZO network, H11C-1364Abstract Title: Do changes in global biomass have a detectable impact on the water balance?, H31A-1399Abstract Title: Land cover change drives climate extremes and aridity in non-Amazonian South America, H42CAbstract Title: Hydrological, Geochemical, and Biological Dynamics in Structural Variable Pathways (SVPs): From Soil Macropores to Fissure/Karst Systems I, H43DAbstract Title: Hydrological, Geochemical, and Biological Dynamics in Structural Variable Pathways (SVPs): From Soil Macropores to Fissure/Karst Systems II Posters, H43D-1535Abstract Title: Challenges in Estimating Groundwater Recharge in Semi-arid and Semi-confined Alluvial Systems
Larsen, K.
GC11B-1027Abstract Title: Understanding user needs for carbon monitoring information
Larsen, K. S.
B21F-0536Abstract Title: Contrasting Responses of Ecosystem Carbon Gain (Input) and Soil Carbon Efflux (Output) to Warming and Drought Across a European Aridity Gradient
Larsen, K. W.
P12B-08Abstract Title: Investigating Titan Airglow’s Sources, Using the Imaging Capability of the Cassini-UVIS Instrument, SM51A-2558Abstract Title: The MMS Science Data Center: Operations, Capabilities, and Resource.
Larsen, L.
EP21D-06Abstract Title: The role of vegetation patch spatial configuration in landscape-scale flow-vegetation-sediment feedbacks, EP32B-03Abstract Title: Self-organization in irregular landscapes: Detecting autogenic interactions from field data using descriptive statistics and dynamical systems theory
Larsen, L. M.
DI43B-03Abstract Title: The Triple Oxygen Isotopic Composition of High 3He/4He Mantle
Larsen, M. C.
NH33B-1914Abstract Title: Human uses of forested watersheds and riparian corridors: hazard mitigation as an ecosystem service, with examples from Panama, Puerto Rico, and Venezuela
Larsen, M.
H13H-1651Abstract Title: Novel Insights from Studying Raindrop Arrivals on Sub-Second Timescales, H21I-1501Abstract Title: A Study of Realistic Sampling-Variability Effects on Precipitation Measurements
Larsen, M. F.
SA22AAbstract Title: Neutral Winds, Currents, and Electric Fields at Low- and Midlatitudes below 200 km: A Critical Review of Our Knowledge and Understanding I, SA22A-02Abstract Title: Simultaneous Observations of Electric Fields, Current Density, Plasma Density, and Neutral Winds During Two Sounding Rocket Experiments Launched from Wallops Island into Strong Daytime Dynamo Currents, SA22A-03Abstract Title: Midlatitude daytime wind measurements in the dynamo region with a sounding rocket chemical release technique, SA22A-08Abstract Title: Neutral Wind Observations below 200 km altitudes, SA23DAbstract Title: Neutral Winds, Currents, and Electric Fields at Low- and Midlatitudes below 200 km: A Critical Review of Our Knowledge and Understanding II Posters, SM12B-02Abstract Title: Winds and Ion Drifts Measured in the Thermospheric Footprint of Earth's Northern Magnetic Cusp During the C-REX Sounding Rocket Mission
Larsen, N. K.
C51B-0690Abstract Title: New constraints on the deglaciation chronology of the southeastern margin of the Greenland Ice Sheet, C51B-0694Abstract Title: Deciphering the Glacial-Interglacial Landscape History in Greenland Based on Markov Chain Monte Carlo Inversion of Existing 10Be-26Al Data
Larsen, P.
GC11G-1101Abstract Title: Quantification of physical and economic impacts of climate change on public infrastructure in Alaska and benefits of global greenhouse gas mitigation
Larsen, S. H.
B33G-02Abstract Title: Spatial variation in energy exchange across coastal environments in Greenland
Larsen, Y.
G11C-04Abstract Title: Monitoring our Hazardous Planet with Sentinel-1 InSAR: Results and Prospects
Larson, B. I.
OS43A-1994Abstract Title: Integrated Data from the NEPTUNE Observatory Highlight the Role of Sub-seafloor Processes in Rapid Temperature, Salinity, and Heat spiking after Seismic Activity.
Larson, D. M.
H21J-1533Abstract Title: Complex Controls on Groundwater Quality in Growing Mid-sized Cities: A Case Study Focused on Nitrate and Emerging Contaminants, H43N-05Abstract Title: Integration of social perceptions, behaviors, and economic valuations of groundwater quality as an ecosystem service following exurban development
Larson, D. E.
P12A-06Abstract Title: Oxygen Pickup Ions Measured by MAVEN Outside the Martian Bow Shock, P12A-07Abstract Title: Solar Energetic Particle Events Observed by MAVEN, P21A-2051Abstract Title: Solar Ionizing Radiation at Mars: Predictions vs. MAVEN Observations, P21A-2069Abstract Title: Two Types of Aurora on Mars as Observed by MAVEN's Imaging UltraViolet Spectrograph, P21A-2074Abstract Title: MAVEN observations of magnetic reconnection in the Martian magnetotail, P21A-2076Abstract Title: Characterization of low frequency plasma waves and their energy deposition in the Martian magnetosphere with MAVEN, SH32B-05Abstract Title: SEP modeling based on the ENLIL global heliospheric model, SH53B-2510Abstract Title: Non-linear analysis of PESA-Lo electrostatic analyzer data and solar wind temperature anisotropies, SM42B-05Abstract Title: Pickup Ions in the Plasma Environments of Mars, Comets, and Enceladus
Larson, E. J. L.
A51C-0070Abstract Title: A kernel method for calculating effective radiative forcing in transient climate simulations, OS41A-1991Abstract Title: The Earth's Energy Budget Across CMIP5 Models
Larson, K. M.
A43H-01Abstract Title: Using Reflected GPS Signals for Environmental Research, G21C-01Abstract Title: Adventures in Geodesy, Seismology, and Hydrology, G41A-0991Abstract Title: Using the GPS SNR Technique to Detect Volcanic Plumes
Larson, K.
T24B-06Abstract Title: Discussion starter: the case for channel flow during the development and emplacements of Himalaya middle crust, V33D-3140Abstract Title: Influence of deformation on Ar retention in white mica: Devonian reactivation of the Silurian Dover fault, Newfoundland Appalachians
Larson, L.
ED53B-0858Abstract Title: Advancing the Potential of Citizen Science for Urban Water Quality Monitoring: Exploring Research Design and Methodology in New York City
Larson, P. B.
V12B-01Abstract Title: Imaging Near-Surface Controls on Hot Spring Expression Using Shallow Seismic Refraction in Yellowstone National Park, V13C-3143Abstract Title: Characterizing Hot Spring Connectivity Using Aqueous Geochemistry in the River Group Springs, Yellowstone NP, Wyoming, V13C-3145Abstract Title: Calculating Hot Spring/Atmospheric Coupling Using the Coefficient of Convective Heat Transfer, V21B-3038Abstract Title: Stable Isotope Variability of Altered Sanidine Feldspars within the Bear Lodge Alkaline Intrusive Complex, Wyoming: Implications for Mineral Exploration Near a Late-Stage Carbonatite Ore Body, V23B-3134Abstract Title: Mica Mountain Muscovite: A New Silicate Hydrogen Isotope Standard Reference Material
Larson, S.
A23M-03Abstract Title: Revisiting ENSO Coupled Instability Theory and SST Error Growth in a Fully Coupled Model
Larson, T.
SA31C-2356Abstract Title: Extreme Poynting Flux Depostion in the Polar Cap and Polar Cap Boundary Regions During Northward IMF
Larson, T. E.
T54A-06Abstract Title: Determining Crustal Structure of Bangladesh Using Seismological Techniques
Larson, T. H.
T11D-2925Abstract Title: Lithospheric Discontinuities in Illinois Basin and Their Tectonic Implications: Results from the EarthScope OIINK Experiment, T11D-2926Abstract Title: Surface Manifestation of the Ste. Genevieve Fault Zone, Missouri: Polyphase Kinematics, and Landscape Rejuvenation, along the Ozark Plateau / Illinois Basin Boundary
Larson, T.
H21E-1423Abstract Title: Tracing natural gas transport into shallow groundwater using dissolved nitrogen and alkane chemistry in Parker County, Texas, H23K-07Abstract Title: Carbon and Noble Gas Isotope Banks in Two-Phase Flow: Changes in Gas Composition During Migration , H31E-1456Abstract Title: Dissolved methane occurrences in aquifers in the footprint of Texas shale plays and their controls
Larson, V. E.
A22A-01Abstract Title: On the assumed PDF method for climate simulations
Larsson, A.
B11G-0525Abstract Title: Ten-year interannual and seasonal variability of stream carbon export from a boreal peatland in northern Sweden
Larter, R. D.
EP13A-0920Abstract Title: Multichannel Seismic Investigations of Sediment Drifts off West Antarctica and the Antarctic Peninsula: Preliminary Results from Research Cruise JR298
Lary, D. J.
B33H-03Abstract Title: High Spatial Resolution Size Resolved Aerosol Observations on both the Neighborhood Scale and from a UAV in the Lowermost Boundary Layer, NH53A-01Abstract Title: Cyber Physical Intelligence for Oil Spills (CPI) 
Lasbleis, M.
DI33A-2613Abstract Title: Super-rotation, Translation and Growth of the Inner Core: A Step Towards a Coherent Model of Seismic Structures, DI41B-06Abstract Title: Snow Model for the F-Layer
Lascu, I.
GP12A-07Abstract Title: Dating the Laschamp Excursion: Why Speleothems are Valuable Tools for Constraining the Timing and Duration of Short-Lived Geomagnetic Events, GP41AAbstract Title: Advances in Environmental Magnetism, Bio-Geomagnetism, and High-Resolution Paleomagnetism Studies I, GP42AAbstract Title: Advances in Environmental Magnetism, Bio-Geomagnetism, and High-Resolution Paleomagnetism Studies II, GP51AAbstract Title: Advances in Environmental Magnetism, Bio-Geomagnetism, and High-Resolution Paleomagnetism Studies III Posters, GP51C-03Abstract Title: Unmixing Multi-Component Magnetic Mixtures in Geologic Materials Using First Order Reversal Curve Diagrams
Laser, M.
H11N-08Abstract Title: Integrated Food-Energy Systems: Challenges and Opportunities
Lashchinskiy, N.
B22D-05Abstract Title: Changes in Microbial Nitrogen Dynamics with Soil Depth, and along a Latitudinal Transect in Western Siberia
Lasher, G. E.
PP31D-06Abstract Title: Holocene temperature shifts around Greenland: Paleolimnological approaches to quantifying past warmth and documenting its consequences, PP33A-2280Abstract Title: Holocene Climate in Northwest Greenland Inferred from Oxygen Isotopes of Preserved Aquatic Organic Material, PP33A-2283Abstract Title: Lacustrine records of continental climate in northwest Greenland through the Holocene and Last Interglacial
Lasher, G. E.
C51B-0693Abstract Title: Late glacial and Holocene history of the Greenland Ice Sheet margin, Nunatarssuaq, Northwestern Greenland, PP33A-2284Abstract Title: Holocene Fluctuations of North Ice Cap, a Proxy for Climate Conditions along the Northwestern Margin of the Greenland Ice Sheet
Lasher-Trapp, S.
A41H-0157Abstract Title: Cloud microphysical properties of convective clouds sampled during the Convective Precipitation Experiment (COPE) experiment.
Lasher-Trapp, S.
A12C-08Abstract Title: Observations Suggestive of Ice Production through Secondary Processes in Convective Clouds in Southwest England
Laskar, F. I.
SA13B-2355Abstract Title: Wave Dynamical Coupling of Atmospheres During Sudden Stratospheric Warming Events, SA41B-2330Abstract Title: Seasonal and Interannual Variability of Mesospheric Semidiurnal Tides at mid- and High-Latitudes: Influence of Quasi Biennial Oscillation?
Laske, G.
IN33C-1810Abstract Title: A Robotic Communications Gateway for Ocean Observations, S33C-2795Abstract Title: Determining OBS Instrument Orientations: A Comparison of Algorithms, T11AAbstract Title: An Appraisal of Global Continental Crust: Structure and Evolution I Posters, T23EAbstract Title: An Appraisal of Global Continental Crust: Structure and Evolution II
Laskin, A.
A11C-0058Abstract Title: Single-Particle Chemical Composition in the Arctic during the Winter-Spring Transition
Laskin, A.
A31A-0009Abstract Title: Anthropogenic Effects on the Mixing State of Aerosols over Manaus during the Green Ocean Amazon (GoAmazon) Campaign, A41A-0044Abstract Title: Multi-Modal Spatial Analysis of Metals within Individual Aerosol Particles Sampled from the Asian Continental Outflow
Laskina, O.
A43C-0303Abstract Title: Organic Composition and Morphology of Sea Spray Aerosols as a Function of Biological Life during IMPACTS
Laskina, O.
A43C-0292Abstract Title: Emissions and Characteristics of Ice Nucleating Particles Associated with Laboratory Generated Nascent Sea Spray Aerosol
Lasko, K.
NH31A-1878Abstract Title: Cloud Cover and Wildfire Variations in Vietnam and Southeast Asia
Laskowski, A. K.
V41A-3056Abstract Title: The Lopu Kangri High-Pressure Metamorphic Complex: A Tso Morari Analog in Southern Tibet
Lassaletta, L.
B11O-08Abstract Title: Tracking historical increases in nitrogen-driven crop production possibilities
Lassar, W.
A12C-02Abstract Title: Size-resolved measurements of ice nucleating particles at North American and European sites
Lasserre, C.
MR33C-2678Abstract Title: The implication of gouge mineralogy evolution on fault creep: an example from The North Anatolian Fault, Turkey, T43C-3023Abstract Title: Geodetic Matched Filter Search of Slow Slip Families on the Mexican Subduction Zone, T44A-06Abstract Title: Explaining the current geodetic field with geological models: A case study of the Haiyuan fault system
Lasseux, D.
H41D-1348Abstract Title: Upscaling momentum and mass transport under Knudsen and binary diffusion gas slip conditions
Lasslop, G.
A14A-01Abstract Title: Quantification of surface emissions: An historical perspective from GEIA, B24B-03Abstract Title: Do We Need Larger Eddy Covariance Site Networks? Sites Spatial Distribution and Network Size Effect on Carbon and Water Fluxes Upscaling Using Empirical Models, GC43H-03Abstract Title: Fire in Earth System Models, GC43H-04Abstract Title: Wildfires in a Warmer Climate: Emission Fluxes, Emission Heights and Black Carbon Concentrations in 2090-2099
Lassman, W.
GC11H-1113Abstract Title: How wild is your model fire? Constraining WRF-Chem wildfire smoke simulations with satellite observations, GC51A-1076Abstract Title: Seeing through the Smoke: A collaborative, multidisciplinary effort to address the interplay between wildfire, climate, air quality, and health
Lasue, J.
P31E-2102Abstract Title: Study of the coma of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko based on the ROSINA/RTOF instrument onboard Rosetta, P43B-2123Abstract Title: Overview of the diagenetic features analyzed by ChemCam onboard Curiosity, P43B-2124Abstract Title: Major-Element Compositional Diversity Observed by ChemCam Along the MSL Traverse: The First Three Years, P53F-03Abstract Title: Chemo-stratigraphy in the Murray Formation Using ChemCam
Lasue, J.
P33E-08Abstract Title: Constraining the bulk Dust to Ice Ratio and Compressive Strength for Comet Churyumov Gerasimenko Using CONSERT Radar Observations, P34B-01Abstract Title: Polarization of the Interplanetary Dust Medium
Laszlo, I.
A31C-0059Abstract Title: Monitoring Satellite-derived Surface Solar Radiation with Near Real Time Reference Data
Latcharote, P.
NH23D-05Abstract Title: Re-evaluation of Tsunami Hazard in Mamara Sea Generated from the Combined Earthquake and Landslide Sources Focusing on Istanbul, Turkey
Latchman, J. L.
S44B-08Abstract Title: Insights on volcanic behaviour from the 2015 July 23-24 T-phase signals generated by eruptions at Kick-’em-Jenny Submarine Volcano, Grenada, Lesser Antilles
Lathrop, D. P.
AE31B-0441Abstract Title: Electrification of Shaken Granular Flows as a Model of Natural Storm Charging, P33D-08Abstract Title: Magnetic Field Gain in a Laboratory Model of the Earth’s Outer Core, P41A-2044Abstract Title: Zonal Flow Velocimetry using Acoustic Modes in Experimental Models of a Planetary Core, P41A-2046Abstract Title: Assessment of and Improvements to Acoustic Velocimetry in Flows in Core-like Geometries
Lathuilliere, M. J.
B13F-0698Abstract Title: Ecosystem-scale CH4 and CO2 fluxes in a seasonally flooded scrub forest of the Brazilian Pantanal
Latimer, J. C.
B51E-0472Abstract Title: The Potential Impact of Increased Phosphorus Loads in Lakes Acting as Heavy Metal Reservoirs: A case study from west-central Indiana
Latocha, A.
NH51B-1873Abstract Title: Calibrating the FloodMap Model to Improve the Integrated HydroProg-FloodMap Real-Time Multimodel Ensemble System for Forecasting Inundation
Latorre Hidalgo, C.
A52E-06Abstract Title: The potential of Tillandsia dune ecosystems for revealing past and present variations in advective fog along the coastal Atacama Desert, northern Chile, PP21A-2213Abstract Title: Clumped Isotope Thermometry Reveals Variations in Soil Carbonate Seasonal Biases Over >4 km of Relief in the Semi-Arid Andes of Central Chile
Latour, S.
MR33A-2647Abstract Title: Dynamic acoustic emission triggering by small periodic pore pressure variations during brittle creep experiments
Latrubesse, E. M.
EP51AAbstract Title: Fluvial Morphodynamics: Channels Patterns, Process-Based Unsteadiness, Tropical Rivers, and Beyond I Posters, EP51A-0894Abstract Title: Channel-floodplain sediment interactions along large rivers: hydrological connectivity and sediment budgets, EP51A-0898Abstract Title: Morphometry and Geomorphic Characteristics of Large Alluvial fans and Megafans in South America, EP53DAbstract Title: FFluvial Morphodynamics: Channels Patterns, Process-Based Unsteadiness, Tropical Rivers, and Beyond II, EP53D-08Abstract Title: Continental Sources, Sinks and the Human Factor in Large Tropical Rivers: the Case of South America, EP54AAbstract Title: Fluvial Morphodynamics: Channels Patterns, Process-Based Unsteadiness, Tropical Rivers, and Beyond III
Latteck, R.
AE22A-06Abstract Title: The Charged Aerosol Release Experiment (Care II) to Study Artificial Dusty Plasmas in the Upper Atmosphere , SA12A-03Abstract Title: The thermal and dynamical state of the Antarctic mesopause region during winter/summer transition and the role of stratosphere/mesosphere coupling, SA13A-2330Abstract Title: Inferring the mesosphere/lower thermosphere wind field variability from a multi-station multi-frequency meteor radar network
Latvakoski, H.
GC33D-1329Abstract Title: Downwelling Far-Infrared Radiance Spectra Measured by FIRST at Cerro Toco, Chile, GC33D-1331Abstract Title: Analysis of the Downward Directed Far-infrared Radiances Measured by the FIRST Instrument at Table Mountain
Latyshev, A.
T13A-2976Abstract Title: The New Data on Dynamics of Permian - Triassic Magmatic Activity on Siberian Platform: Paleomagnetic Results from Tunguska Syncline and Angara – Taseeva Depression
Lau, A.
ED41A-0840Abstract Title: CoralWatch Data Analysis at Hoi Ha Wan Marine Park, Hong Kong
Lau, B.
B33D-0738Abstract Title: Effects of Sorption Temperature on Soil Organic Matter and Iron Oxide Interactions
Lau, C. Y. M.
B41J-02Abstract Title: Long Term Thawing Experiments on Intact Cores of Arctic Mineral Cryosol: Implications for Greenhouse Gas Feedbacks from Global Warming, P31F-04Abstract Title: Biogenic Carbon on Mars: A Subsurface Chauvinistic Viewpoint
Lau, G. E.
PA21D-2180Abstract Title: The Oratorical Scientist: A Guide for Speechcraft and Presentation for Scientists, P11C-2105Abstract Title: Community Characterization of Microbial Populations Found at a Cold Water Sulfidic Spring in the Canadian High Arctic
Lau, K. V.
B43A-0527Abstract Title: Statistical rice yield modeling using blended MODIS-Landsat based crop phenology metrics in Taiwan, B43C-0581Abstract Title: Mapping seagrass beds and coral reefs in the coastal region of Vietnam using VNREDSAT-1 data
Lau, K. V.
PP31F-07Abstract Title: Delayed recovery from the end-Triassic extinction due to an increase in the extent of ocean anoxia, PP34B-08Abstract Title: Uranium Isotope Evidence for Temporary Ocean Oxygenation Following the Sturtian Glaciation
Lau, M.
B22D-04Abstract Title: An underestimated methane sink in Arctic mineral soils
Lau, T. K. A.
S44B-07Abstract Title: A Comparative Study of the 2011 and 2015 Eruptions of Axial Volcano, Juan de Fuca Ridge, From Seafloor Hydrophones
Lau, W. K. M.
A13HAbstract Title: Bjerknes Lecture, A13IAbstract Title: Charney Lecture, A31GAbstract Title: Atmospheric Sciences New Fellows Lectures I, A31IAbstract Title: Intraseasonal to Decadal Climate Variability, Prediction, and Predictability Associated with Land-Atmosphere Interactions I, A32BAbstract Title: Atmospheric Sciences New Fellows Lectures II, A32EAbstract Title: Intraseasonal to Decadal Climate Variability, Prediction, and Predictability Associated with Land-Atmosphere Interactions II, A32E-03Abstract Title: Role of sea surface temperature and Saharan dust radiative forcing on the multi-decadal variation of rainfall over West Africa and northern Atlantic Ocean, A33JAbstract Title: Intraseasonal to Decadal Climate Variability, Prediction, and Predictability Associated with Land-Atmosphere Interactions III Posters, A34A-01Abstract Title: Impacts of absorbing aerosols on interannual and intraseasonal variability of the South Asian monsoon, A54B-07Abstract Title: Increasing contrasts between wet and dry precipitation extremes during the “global warming hiatus” (1998-2013)
Lau, Y. K.
ED41A-0820Abstract Title: Process Improvements: Aerobic Food Waste Composting at ISF Academy
Laubach, J.
B11B-0428Abstract Title: Evaluating Soil Oxygen as a Control on N2O Emissions from Ruminant Urine Patches under Different Irrigation Frequencies
Laube, G.
H31K-01Abstract Title: Hyporheic exchange in heterogeneous streambeds under losing and gaining flow conditions
Laube, J. C.
A11I-0185Abstract Title: The 17O Excess of Stratospheric Nitrous Oxide in Mid-latitude Air, A43E-0338Abstract Title: Evaluation of new stratospheric age tracers and SF6
Lauda, S.
A53A-0365Abstract Title: Aerosol-cloud closure study using RPAS measurements
Lauder, A. M.
PP14A-08Abstract Title: Effect of Advection on Evaporative Fluxes and Vapor Isotopic Ratios: The Lake Size Effect
Laudon, H.
B11G-0525Abstract Title: Ten-year interannual and seasonal variability of stream carbon export from a boreal peatland in northern Sweden, B51B-0427Abstract Title: Sources and Age of Aquatic DOC, CO2 And CH4 Exported From a Swedish Peatland, GC51E-1133Abstract Title: Catchment Sensitivity to Changing Climate Conditions: Does the Landscape Control Hydrological Responses?, H11C-1344Abstract Title: Relationships between vegetation dynamics and hydroclimatic drivers in the northern high-latitude uplands, H33M-08Abstract Title: VeWa: Assessing Vegetation Effects on Water Flows and Mixing in Northern Mountain Environments using Stable Isotopes and Conceptual Runoff Models
Lauenroth, W. K.
H11C-1352Abstract Title: Validation of the SOILWAT Hydrological Model for Ecosystems in the Central and Western United States
Lauer, A.
A41D-0096Abstract Title: Dynamical Downscaling of Climate Change over the Hawaiian Islands, B33E-0776Abstract Title: Modeling Urban Air Quality in the Berlin-Brandenburg Region: Evaluation of a WRF-Chem Setup, B33E-0777Abstract Title: Effect of heat waves on VOC emissions from vegetation and urban air quality
Lauer, J. W.
EP32B-02Abstract Title: Quaternary Morphodynamics of Fluvial Dispersal Systems Revealed: The Fly River, PNG, and the Sunda Shelf, SE Asia, simulated with the Massively Parallel GPU-based Model 'GULLEM', EP33A-1028Abstract Title: Influence of Dams on Size-Specific Sediment Transport and Storage on the Elwha River, Washington
Lauer, R. M.
OS43A-2019Abstract Title: Three-dimensional Models of Hydrothermal Circulation through a Seamount Network in Fast-spreading Crust
Lauer, T.
P41E-08Abstract Title: Radii and Shape of Pluto and Charon: Preliminary Results from New Horizons
Lauermann, A.
B23A-0585Abstract Title: NOAA's efforts to map extent, health and condition of deep sea corals and sponges and their habitat on the banks and island slopes of Southern California
Läufer, A.
T21G-08Abstract Title: New Views of East Antarctica- from Columbia to Gondwana
Laughman, B.
NH21C-1830Abstract Title: High-Altitude Responses to Tsunami Forcing: 1. Modeling the Thermospheric Response in the Presence of Tidal Winds, SA13A-2326Abstract Title: Direct Numerical Simulations of Small-Scale Gravity Wave Instability Dynamics in Variable Stratification and Shear
Laughner, J.
A11G-0118Abstract Title: The impact of day-to-day variability in input assumptions on regional satellite retrievals of NO2, A11G-0119Abstract Title: Kinetics of NOx in the upper troposphere: new constraints on satellite remote sensing of lightning NOx
Laumonier, M.
V43B-3113Abstract Title: Experimental Magma Mixing and Mingling in Volcanic Environments
Laundal, K.
SA33AAbstract Title: Interhemispheric Differences in High-Latitude Geospace I, SA33A-01Abstract Title: North-south asymmetries in magnetospheric and ionospheric plasma circulation, SA33A-04Abstract Title:

On which timescales are By induced in the closed magnetosphere?, SA41AAbstract Title: Interhemispheric Differences in High-Latitude Geospace II Posters, SA41A-2319Abstract Title: Solar Wind - Ionosphere Coupling Times from the Dayside to the Nightside as Observed by AMPERE, SA41A-2322Abstract Title: Birkeland Current Effects on High-Latitude Ground Magnetic Field Perturbations

Laundal, K. M.
SA41A-2320Abstract Title: On the importance of magnetotail untwisting
Launois, T.
B22E-04Abstract Title: The impact of Carbonic Anhydrase on the partitioning of leaf and soil CO18O and COS gas exchange across scales
Laure, E.
SM13C-2506Abstract Title: Kinetic Structures of Quasi-Perpendicular Shocks in Global Particle-in-Cell Simulations
Laure, E.
SM51B-2566Abstract Title: Particle-in-Cell Simulations of the Magnetosphere Dynamics with iPIC3D
Laureano-Rosario, A. E.
GC11H-1109Abstract Title: Improving prediction of conditions that modulate dengue fever risks in Yucatán, México.
Laurence, C.
A43A-0255Abstract Title: A far-infrared radiometer to study optically thin ice clouds in the Arctic
Laurencin, M.
T31B-2867Abstract Title: Is the Anegada Passage a sealed structure related to a past tectonic phase? A tectono-structure study of the Northern Lesser Antilles margin based on the Antithesis-1 cruise geophysical data, T31B-2868Abstract Title: Crustal structure of the lesser Antilles Island arc south of Guadeloupe : new insights from the ANTITHESIS cruise, T31B-2869Abstract Title: Imaging the structure of the Northern Lesser Antilles (Guadeloupe – Virgin Island) to assess the tectonic and thermo-mechanical behavior of an arcuate subduction zone that undergoes increasing convergence obliquity
Laurent, P.
AE33A-0468Abstract Title: Modelling The TARANIS XGRE Insturment For Terrestrial Gamma Ray Flashes and Associated Electron Beams
Laurenz, V.
V52A-01Abstract Title: The Origin of Non-chondritic HSE Ratios in the Earth’s Mantle
Lauri, H.
GC41F-1140Abstract Title: Is a Decline in Tropical Storms Leading to the Demise of the Mekong Delta?
Laurila, T. J. A.
A11C-0086Abstract Title: What atmospheric measurements tell us about methane emissions in the East Siberian Arctic Shelf
Lauriol, B.
PP33A-2276Abstract Title: Pleistocene Permafrost Thawing History of Alaska, the Yukon, and the Northwest Territories from U-Th Dating of Cave Speleothems
Lauritzen, P. H.
NG13BAbstract Title: Advances in Numerical Methods for Geophysical Modeling I, NG23AAbstract Title: Advances in Numerical Methods for Geophysical Modeling II Posters, NG23A-1775Abstract Title: CAM-SE-CSLAM: Consistent finite-volume transport with spectral-element dynamics
Lautenbacher, C. C. Jr
U52A-03Abstract Title: Strategic Planning and NRC Decadal Survey Experience
Lautenschlager, M.
IN13C-1852Abstract Title: Data Citation Concept for CMIP6
Lauterbach, S.
PP31C-2256Abstract Title: New Insights into the 8.2 ka Cold Event and Subsequent Climate Recovery in Central Europe Provided by a Precisely Dated Ostracod δ18O Record from Mondsee (Austria)
Lauture, E.
GC13G-1241Abstract Title: The Impact of Anthropogenic Activities on Ecosystems of Long Island Sound, N.Y.
Lautz, L.
H13E-1601Abstract Title: Constraining Subsurface Structure and Composition Using Seismic Refraction Surveys of Proglacial Valleys in the Cordillera Blanca, Peru, H14E-04Abstract Title: Modeling Fate and Transport of Chloride from Deicers in Urban Floodplains: Implications for Urban Planning, H23H-1670Abstract Title: Infrared Imaging and Modeling of Proglacial Stream Temperature in the Cordillera Blanca, Peru, H31K-07Abstract Title: Quantifying groundwater-surface water interactions using a stream energy balance model and dye tracing in a proglacial valley of the Cordillera Blanca, Peru, H51O-1627Abstract Title: Natural methane occurrence in domestic wells is common in sodium-rich shallow groundwater in valley settings overlying the Marcellus Shale, NS21A-1916Abstract Title: Time-lapse and UAV Thermal Imaging of Glacial and Periglacial Environments in the Peruvian Andes (Cordillera Blanca, Peru), U42A-01Abstract Title: Glacier loss and emerging hydrologic vulnerabilities in the Peruvian Andes
Lautze, N. C.
H23A-1561Abstract Title: Integrating Geologic, Geochemical and Geophysical Data in a Statistical Analysis of Geothermal Resource Probability across the State of Hawaii, P24A-05Abstract Title: Alteration in Hawaiian Drill Core: An analog for Martian basalts
Lauvaux, T.
A11J-0199Abstract Title: Constraining Methane Emissions from Natural Gas Production in Northeastern Pennsylvania Using Aircraft Observations and Mesoscale Modeling, A11M-0239Abstract Title: Fusion Geographic Information System Data with State-of-the-art Atmospheric Systems: Application to Methane Source Mapping over the Marcellus Shale formation, A14F-06Abstract Title: High-accuracy, high-precision, high-resolution, continuous monitoring of urban greenhouse gas emissions? Results to date from INFLUX, A14F-07Abstract Title: Using a multi-scale approach to identify and quantify oil and gas emissions: a case study for GHG emissions verification, A14F-08Abstract Title: Anthropogenic Methane Emissions in California’s San Joaquin Valley: Characterizing Large Point Source Emitters, A21G-0225Abstract Title: Detection and Quantification of Urban CO2 Emissions over Several Megacities using In-situ and Remote-sensing Measurements: Inversion Framework and Methodology, A21G-0228Abstract Title: Sensitivity of Flux Accuracy to Setup of Fossil Fuel and Biogenic CO2 Inverse System in an Urban Environment, A21G-0230Abstract Title: Spatially Distributed Fossil Fuel CO2 Emissions in Two U.S. Cities Using Activity Data: Applicability for Global Cities and High-resolution Atmospheric Inversion Modeling, A23B-0291Abstract Title: Airborne Measurements in Support of the NASA Atmospheric Carbon and Transport - America (ACT-America) Mission, A33B-0152Abstract Title: A comprehensive assessment of land surface - atmosphere interactions in a WRF/Urban modeling system for Indianapolis, IN, A33C-0177Abstract Title: Estimating methane emissions from dairies in the Los Angeles Basin, A33F-0239Abstract Title: Quantification of Transport Errors in Regional CO2 Inversions with a Calibrated WRF-Chem Physics-based Ensemble, A41I-0201Abstract Title: A Mesoscale Modeling Framework for Assessing Inversion Uncertainty Due to Atmospheric Transport in XCO2 Atmospheric Inversions, A41Q-01Abstract Title: Estimates of Methane and Ethane Emissions from the Barnett Shale Using Atmospheric Measurements, GC12B-04Abstract Title: If the North American carbon cycle was changing, would we notice?, GC12B-13Abstract Title: Urbanization and the Carbon Cycle: Synthesis of Ongoing Research
Laux, P.
H21H-1484Abstract Title: Investigating Baseline, Alternative and Copula-based Algorithm for combining Airborne Active and Passive Microwave Observations in the SMAP Context
Lavaleye, M.
B23A-0584Abstract Title: How cold-water coral mounds modify their physical environment and therefore influence reef development
Lavalle, M.
IN11C-1789Abstract Title: The InSAR Scientific Computing Environment (ISCE): A Python Framework for Earth Science
Lavallée, Y.
PA43C-2193Abstract Title: Volcanic ash vs. sand and dust – “to stick or not to stick” in jet engines, V22B-04Abstract Title: Forecasting the failure of heterogeneous magmas
Lavarra, M.
SH53A-2467Abstract Title: Modelling the force balance of magnetic flux ropes between the Sun and 1AU: application to space weather predictions
Lavaysse, C.
A23C-0318Abstract Title: On the Decadal Scale Correlation Between African Dust and Sahel Rainfall: the Role of Saharan Heat Low-Forced Winds
Lavayssiere, A.
T43H-04Abstract Title: Crustal Strain Patterns in Magmatic and Amagmatic Early Stage Rifts: Border Faults, Magma Intrusion, and Volatiles, T51G-3004Abstract Title: Seismicity of southern Lake Tanganyika
Lave, J.
EP23C-0980Abstract Title: Provenance Analysis using Raman Spectroscopy of Carbonaceaous Material: a case study in the Southern Alps of New Zealand, PP11A-2204Abstract Title: The CREp program, a fully parameterizable program to compute exposure ages (3He, 10Be), PP31C-2262Abstract Title: Lateglacial temperature reconstruction in the Eastern Tropical Andes (Bolivia) inferred from paleoglaciers and paleolakes
Lave, R.
EP43B-0987Abstract Title: The Morphology of Streams Restored for Market and Nonmarket Purposes: Insights From a Mixed Natural-Social Science Approach
Lavers, D. A.
A33IAbstract Title: Global Perspectives on Atmospheric Rivers, Tropical Moisture Exports, and Other Pathways of Water Vapor Transport I Posters, A53FAbstract Title: Global Perspectives on Atmospheric Rivers, Tropical Moisture Exports, and Other Pathways of Water Vapor Transport II, A53F-03Abstract Title: Climate Change Intensification of Horizontal Water Vapor Transport in CMIP5, GC41A-1078Abstract Title: The Role of Secondary Frontal Waves in Causing Missed or False Alarm Flood Forecasts During Landfalling Atmospheric Rivers, H33G-1689Abstract Title: Projections of Horizontal Water Vapor Transport across Europe, H33G-1695Abstract Title: Groundwater Variability in a Sandstone Catchment and Linkages with Large-scale Climatic Circulatio, NH42A-08Abstract Title: Detecting Recent Atmospheric River Induced Flood Events over the Russian River Basin, NH51F-1959Abstract Title: Deep Learning for Climate Pattern Detection
Lavier, L.
T51F-2990Abstract Title: Stretching and thinning factors viewed through numerical models of continental extension and rifting
Lavier, L. L.
S31A-2707Abstract Title: Experimental demonstration of a semi-brittle origin for crustal strain transients, T31DAbstract Title: From the Seismic Cycle to Geological Timescales, How Do Subduction Processes that Can Possibly Modify the Megathrust Geometry and Mechanical Properties Control the Tectonic Evolution and Deformation of Active Margins and the Subduction Seismic Behavior? I, T31D-02Abstract Title: Dispatches from the Trench: Insights into the Complex Relationship Between the Short-Term Elastic Earthquake Cycle and Longer-Term Permanent Tectonic Deformation from the Coral Record at Ranongga, Western Solomons, T33CAbstract Title: From the Seismic Cycle to Geological Timescales, How Do Subduction Processes that Can Possibly Modify the Megathrust Geometry and Mechanical Properties Control the Tectonic Evolution and Deformation of Active Margins and the Subduction Seismic Behavior? II Posters, T33C-2947Abstract Title: Vertical forearc tectonic displacements offer insights into underlying interplate thrust zone processes: 104-105 yr uplift/subsidence cycles in Southwest Pacific arcs may represent recoverable plastic deformation that is often falsely attributed to other causes, T33C-2948Abstract Title: Coseismic Topography Deformation at Sumatra, T43B-3004Abstract Title: Extension of the Mid- to Lower Crust with Orogenic Inheritance: Examples from the Death Valley Region (Western US), and the Mauleon Basin (Southwestern France)., T51E-2942Abstract Title: Impact of Mafic Underplating and Mantle Depletion on Subsequent Extension: a Numerical Modeling Approach, T51F-2970Abstract Title: Extension of a double-wedged orogen potentially leads to the current South China Sea, T54C-06Abstract Title: The effect of bimineralic composition on extensional processes at lithospheric scale, V32B-02Abstract Title: Tracing the thermal evolution of continental lithosphere through depth-dependent extension
LaVigne, M.
B22B-02Abstract Title: Ba/Ca Ratios in North Pacific Bamboo Corals Record Changes in Intermediate Water Biogeochemistry, PP33C-2332Abstract Title: Reconnaissance 14C Dating and the Evaluation of Mg/Li as a Temperature Proxy in Bamboo Corals from the California Margin
Lavik, G.
OS23A-1981Abstract Title: The effect of nutrient supply ratios on organic matter dynamics, phytoplankton community composition and diazotrophy in the eastern tropical South Pacific
Lavin, L. C.
T31A-2857Abstract Title: Coseismic Faulting and Folding in an Active Thrust Sheet over Multiple Rupture Cycles Resolved by Integrating Surface and Subsurface Records of Earthquake Deformation
Laviner, M. A.
B43I-0661Abstract Title: Implications of Using USDA-NCSS Bulk Density to Estimate Carbon Stocks in Forest Soils Across the Southeastern United States, B43I-0665Abstract Title: Region-Wide Soil Carbon Assessment Across "the Land of Pines"
Lavoie, M.
A11J-0203Abstract Title: Timeseries Signal Processing for Enhancing Mobile Surveys: Learning from Field Studies, A11J-0204Abstract Title: Mobile Detection of Fugitive Emissions using Computationally Optimized Geochemical Methods, A11M-0245Abstract Title: Fugitive Emissions from Conventional and Hydraulically Fractured Natural Gas Developments in Western Canada, A11M-0246Abstract Title: Mapping Fugitive Gas Emission Sources and Severity Across Southeastern Saskatchewan
Lavoie, T. N.
A43F-0349Abstract Title: The Nature of Temporally Variable Methane Emissions at Oil and Natural Gas Operations in the Eagle Ford Basin
Lavraud, B.
IN33E-05Abstract Title: CDPP activities: Promoting research and education in space physics, SA51C-2410Abstract Title: Front-end and high-voltage electronics developments for compact, dual ion-electron thermal measurements, SH14A-04Abstract Title: INSTANT: a Small Mission Concept to the Sun-Earth Lagrangian L5 Point for Innovative Solar, Heliospheric and Space Weather Sciences, SH31C-2434Abstract Title: The very slow solar wind in the Inner Heliosphere, SM12A-09Abstract Title: Low-Frequency Wave Activity Detected by MMS during Dusk Magnetopause Crossings and its Relation to Heating and Acceleration of Particles, SM13A-2472Abstract Title: The Alfven Mach Number Control of the Solar Wind-Magnetosphere Coupling Efficiency and the Saturation of the Geomagnetic Indices, SM42A-03Abstract Title: Features of the Active Evening Plasma Sheet from MMS, SM42A-08Abstract Title: 3D Ion and Electron Distribution Function Measurements from the Fast Plasma Investigation on the Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission, SM42A-09Abstract Title: THEMIS statistical study of double population ion and electron boundary layers: implications for MMS, SM51A-2515Abstract Title: Asymmetric kinetic equilibria: demonstration of the independence of magnetic reconnection signatures to the initial current sheet structure., SM51D-2585Abstract Title: Distinct sources of particles near the cusp and the dusk flank of the magnetosphere, SM52B-02Abstract Title: Cold ion heating at the low-latitude magnetopause during magnetic reconnection
Lavrov, A.
T23B-2940Abstract Title: Stress Path Evolution Associated With CO2 Storage Reservoirs
Lavvas, P.
P12B-08Abstract Title: Investigating Titan Airglow’s Sources, Using the Imaging Capability of the Cassini-UVIS Instrument
Law, A.
S43B-2799Abstract Title: Discrimination of Earthquake and Blast Seismicity in Western Alberta, S43B-2814Abstract Title: A Hybrid Ground-Motion Prediction Equation for Earthquakes in Western Alberta
Law, B. E.
B11N-03Abstract Title: Drought, Fire and Insects in Western US Forests: Observations to Improve Regional Land System Modeling, B34A-08Abstract Title: Forest Management Shifts in the Western US and Potential Impacts on the Carbon Balance, B42A-08Abstract Title: The NASA Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) Mission Level 4 Carbon Product calibration and validation using eddy covariance observations across North America, Australia and Finland, B53D-0595Abstract Title: The TERRA-PNW Dataset: A New Source for Standardized Plant Trait, Forest Carbon Cycling, and Soil Properties Measurements from the Pacific Northwest US, 2000-2014., GC13F-1216Abstract Title: Simulated Net Ecosystem Carbon Balance of Western US Forests Under Contemporary Climate and Management
Law, D.
B11L-07Abstract Title: Large-Scale Forest Die-off in Temperate versus Tropical Regions: Comparison of Local and Global Climate Effects
Law, E.
ED51BAbstract Title: Amazing Technologies and Capabilities That Contribute to STEM I Posters, ED54AAbstract Title: Amazing Technologies and Capabilities That Contribute to STEM II, IN11F-1807Abstract Title: Can ASCII data files be standardized for Earth Science?, IN23AAbstract Title: Awareness, Access, and Management of Airborne Science Data Posters, IN23C-1738Abstract Title: Shifting from Stewardship to Analytics of Massive Science Data, IN31CAbstract Title: Scalable and Adaptable Architecture for Earth Science Cyberinfrastructure Posters, IN51AAbstract Title: Big Data Analytics for Science Data I Posters, IN53CAbstract Title: Big Data Analytics for Science Data II, NH43BAbstract Title: Natural Hazards Research and Mitigation: Global Navigation Satellite System, Data Diversity, and Emerging Technology I Posters, NH51GAbstract Title: Natural Hazards Research and Mitigation: Global Navigation Satellite System, Data Diversity, and Emerging Technology II, NH53AAbstract Title: Natural Hazards Research and Mitigation: Global Navigation Satellite System, Data Diversity, and Emerging Technology III, P44A-07Abstract Title: Extending the Lunar Mapping and Modeling Portal – New Capabilities and New Worlds
Law, K.
A11C-0069Abstract Title: Evaluation of modelled aerosol distributions in the Artic using CALIOP, A24C-08Abstract Title: Current and future contributions of local emissions from shipping and hydrocarbon extraction flaring to short lived pollutants in the Arctic
Law, R. M.
B23G-0679Abstract Title: Top-Down Assessment of the Asian Carbon Budget Since the Mid 1990s
Lawal, H. A.
SA13C-08Abstract Title: Solar and Magnetospheric Influence on High-Frequency Radar Signal Propagation
Lawal, S. A.
B13F-0700Abstract Title: The Carbon Balance of Semi-Arid Ecosystems: Why Southern Africa Carbon-Climate Dynamics are uniquely different
Lawani, Y.
ED23A-0857Abstract Title: Cultivating a Global Pool of Future Geoscientists and Mentors
Lawford, R. G.
H42DAbstract Title: Integrated Observations/Modeling of Water Cycle Extremes and Attribution of Changes in the Components of the Hydrological Cycle to Human Influences I, H43EAbstract Title: Integrated Observations/Modeling of Water Cycle Extremes and Attribution of Changes in the Components of the Hydrological Cycle to Human Influences II Posters, H43E-1555Abstract Title: Water Cycle Extremes: from Observations to Decisions, PA21C-2171Abstract Title: Monitoring Water Targets in the Post-2015 Development Goals, TH25EAbstract Title: Earth Observations and Global Water Security
Lawing, A. M.
GC31G-02Abstract Title: The relative contribution of climatic, edaphic, and biotic drivers to risk of tree mortality from drought
Lawler, D.
H33GAbstract Title: Teleconnections in Hydrological Systems at Decadal Timescales: Challenges for Hydrological Modeling and Projection Uncertainties Posters, H33G-1696Abstract Title: Interannual to Interdecadal variability of winter and summer Southern African rainfall, and their teleconnections
Lawler, J. E.
GC43C-1210Abstract Title: The spectroscopic foundation of CO2 climate forcing
Lawler, S.
NH51C-1903Abstract Title: High resolution field monitoring in coastal wetlands of the U.S. Mid-Atlantic to support quantification of storm surge attenuation at the regional scale
Lawlis, E.
A11Q-06Abstract Title: Alteration of Heterogeneous Ice Nucleation Properties Induced by Particle Aging, A13B-0310Abstract Title: Ice Nucleation Properties of Amospherically Aged Biomass Burning Aerosol
Lawman, A. E.
PP23A-2274Abstract Title: East China Sea δ18O Record Detects Millennial-Scale Changes in the East Asian Summer Monsoon
Lawrence, A.
T42A-03Abstract Title: Insights into Surface Manifestation of Aseismic vs. Coseismic Strike-Slip Faulting from UAV Imagery of Creep-Induced Surface Fracturing Along the Central San Andreas Fault
Lawrence, A.
H13C-1557Abstract Title: GIS as an Integration Tool for Hydrologic Modeling: Spatial Data Management, Analysis and Visualization, H13C-1558Abstract Title: Integrated Modeling System for Analysis of Watershed Water Balance: A Case Study in the Tims Branch Watershed, South Carolina
Lawrence, B.
IN13C-1852Abstract Title: Data Citation Concept for CMIP6
Lawrence, C.
PP13D-07Abstract Title: Probabilistic Stack of 180 Plio-Pleistocene Benthic δ18O Records Constructed Using Profile Hidden Markov Models, PP53C-2365Abstract Title: On the Timing of Glacial Terminations in the Equatorial Pacific
Lawrence, C. R.
B13F-0673Abstract Title: Increasing Carbon Loss from Snow-Scoured Alpine Tundra in the Colorado Rocky Mountains: An Indicator of Climate Change?, B13F-0675Abstract Title: Does unsaturated flow drive soil carbon residence times?, B23I-06Abstract Title: A Reactive Transport Model for the Distribution and Age of Carbon in Soils and Sediments Through Direct Simulation of the Stable and Radiogenic Isotopologues, B32C-01Abstract Title: Ironing out the details of soil organic matter cycling: The unique role of Fe-bearing minerals in regulating organic matter transformation in soils , B41G-0506Abstract Title: Driving Factors of Carbon Distribution in Soils as Determined by z*, B41G-0514Abstract Title: A First Look at the Turnover Dynamics of Low Molecular Weight Organic Carbon in Shallow and Deep Soils of Coastal Prairie Grassland Ecosystem, H41K-05Abstract Title: Upland Reticulate Mottling Reveals Soil Biophysical Processes across Scales: Development of Structured Heterogeneity in a Marine Terrace Chronosequence, PP53B-2350Abstract Title: Determining the climatic drivers of speleothem proxy variability: coupling modern cave monitoring with a multicomponent reactive transport model
Lawrence, D.
B41D-0462Abstract Title: Development and Deployment of Unmanned Aircraft Instrumentation for Measuring Quantities Related to Land Surface-Atmosphere Interactions
Lawrence, D. J.
NH11A-1896Abstract Title: Characterization of the Interior Density Structure of Near Earth Objects with Muons, P41F-04Abstract Title: Subsurface carbon-bearing material on Mercury revealed by the MESSENGER Gamma-Ray and Neutron Spectrometer, P43A-2106Abstract Title: Hidden in the Neutrons: Physical Evidence for Lunar True Polar Wander, P43F-05Abstract Title: Possible Albedo Proton Signature of Hydrated Lunar Surface Layer
Lawrence, D. M.
A41R-03Abstract Title: Impact of land use and land cover change on climate and air quality in the CESM, B21E-0513Abstract Title: Design and Application of a Community Land Benchmarking System for Earth System Models, B31D-0613Abstract Title: Detecting Patterns of Changing Carbon Uptake in Alaska Using Sustained In Situ and Remote Sensing CO2 Observations, B42C-07Abstract Title: The Temporal Evolution of Changes in Carbon Storage in the Northern Permafrost Region Simulated by Carbon Cycle Models between 2010 and 2300: Implications for Atmospheric Carbon Dynamics, B42C-08Abstract Title: A simplified, data-constrained approach to estimate the permafrost carbon-climate feedback: The PCN Incubation-Panarctic Thermal (PInc-PanTher) Scaling Approach, B43F-0619Abstract Title: Improvements towards using subgrid CLM output to study land-atmosphere interactions, B43L-01Abstract Title: Comparing global soil models to soil carbon profile databases, C21CAbstract Title: Where, When, and Why Will Arctic Landscapes Get Wetter or Drier? Posters, C42B-03Abstract Title: Modeling the Soil Moisture Response to Permafrost Thaw and Implications for the Permafrost-Carbon Feedback, GC21BAbstract Title: Land Surface, Snow, and Soil moisture in Land-Climate Feedback and Model Diagnosis I Posters, GC23GAbstract Title: Hydrologic Processes in Earth System Models Posters, GC23G-1197Abstract Title: Assessment of large-scale water storage dynamics in the Community Land Model, GC23G-1199Abstract Title: Assessing Climate Change under Future Warming Scenarios with Improved Canopy Snow Representation in CESM, GC23G-1202Abstract Title: Improving subsurface hydrology in Earth System Models, GC24BAbstract Title: Land Surface, Snow, and Soil moisture in Land-Climate Feedback and Model Diagnosis II, GC24B-03Abstract Title: Snow: A New Model Diagnostic and Seasonal Forecast Influences, H13R-03Abstract Title: Advances in Simulating Large-scale Water Cycle Processes in the Community Land Model Version 5.0, H33J-06Abstract Title: Observed Local Soil Moisture-Atmosphere Feedbacks within the Context of Remote SST Anomalies: Lessons From Recent Droughts, H44F-04Abstract Title: Using the Community Land Model to Assess Uncertainty in Basin Scale GRACE-Based Groundwater Estimates, TH15BAbstract Title: DOE scientific successes as part of the International Land Model Benchmarking (ILAMB) Project
Lawrence, D.
B21L-04Abstract Title: Catastrophic ecosystem shifts in dry tropical forest: evidence, mechanisms and implications for climate change
Lawrence, E. C.
SM31E-04Abstract Title: Overview of the SHIELDS Project at LANL
Lawrence, G.
Lawrence, G. B.
H13L-1750Abstract Title: Acidic Deposition along the Appalachian Trail Corridor and its Effects on Acid-Sensitive Terrestrial and Aquatic Resources
Lawrence, J. K.
SH13B-2445Abstract Title: Scaling and Long Term Correlation Properties of EUV Intensity Fluctuations and Implications for Impulsive Heating Mechanisms of the Solar Corona
Lawrence, J.
H34F-01Abstract Title: Lessons and challenges from adaptation pathways planning applications
Lawrence, J.
C41D-0726Abstract Title: Characterizing Microbial Mat Morphology with Structure from Motion Techniques in Ice-Covered Lake Joyce, McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica
Lawrence, K. J.
P12B-04Abstract Title: Tidal Currents between Titan’s Seas Detected by Solar Glints, P13B-2124Abstract Title: Changes on Titan’s surface, P13B-2125Abstract Title: Nature, Distribution, and Origin of Titan’s Undifferentiated Plains (“Blandlands”)
Lawrence, K. T.
PP21BAbstract Title: Demystifying the Miocene-Pliocene: Exploring the Couplings and Evolution of Climatic, Biologic, Biogeochemical, and Oceanic Systems I Posters, PP21B-2238Abstract Title: Assessment of Plio-Pleistocene Sea Surface Temperature Evolution Across Ocean Basins, Hemispheres, and Latitudes, PP21B-2241Abstract Title: Detailed view into the dynamics of the Late Miocene glaciation episode that accompanied terrestrial evolution, PP23EAbstract Title: Demystifying the Miocene-Pliocene: Exploring the Couplings and Evolution of Climatic, Biologic, Biogeochemical, and Oceanic Systems II, PP23E-02Abstract Title: Tightly linked oceanic meridional and zonal temperature gradients - a fundamental climate constraint for the Miocene, Pliocene and other epochs, PP23E-03Abstract Title: Late Miocene Global Ocean Cooling Linked to Terrestrial Aridification and Evolutionary Events, PP23E-08Abstract Title: Fire in the Pliocene: a Record from the Southwest Pacific Ocean, PP24AAbstract Title: Demystifying the Miocene-Pliocene: Exploring the Couplings and Evolution of Climatic, Biologic, Biogeochemical, and Oceanic Systems III
Lawrence, M. G.
B43F-0611Abstract Title: Overview of VOC emissions and chemistry from PTR-TOF-MS measurements during the SusKat-ABC campaign: high acetaldehyde, ketene, isoprene and isocyanic acid in wintertime air of the Kathmandu Valley, TH25BAbstract Title: Celebrating the International Atmospheric Chemistry Project (IGAC) as part of the IGBP Landmark Synthesis Event
Lawrence, P.
A41R-03Abstract Title: Impact of land use and land cover change on climate and air quality in the CESM, A43G-0389Abstract Title: Understanding the role of land management for carbon and climate mitigation under RCP 4.5 and RCP 8.5 using the Community Earth System Model, B41I-08Abstract Title: Land-atmosphere interactions at the subgrid scale in a climate model, B43F-0619Abstract Title: Improvements towards using subgrid CLM output to study land-atmosphere interactions, GC11J-02Abstract Title: Using the CLM Crop Model to assess the impacts of changes in Climate, Atmospheric CO2, Irrigation, Fertilizer and Geographic Distribution on Historical and Future Crop Yields, GC13D-1182Abstract Title: Stratospheric sulfate geoengineering impacts on global agriculture, GC13D-1183Abstract Title: The Impact Of Climate Change On Production Of Multiple Food Crops In The 21st Century- An Analysis Based On Two Land Surface Models
Lawrence, S.
G33A-1121Abstract Title: EarthScope Plate Boundary Observatory, Southwest Region – Communications, Challenges, and Cooperation, G51A-1073Abstract Title: Plate Boundary Observatory GPS Network Status in California
Lawrimore, J. H.
GC51I-02Abstract Title: The International Surface Temperature Initiative
Lawry, B.
IN51A-1782Abstract Title: Adaptive Self-Tuning of Seismic Sensors
Lawson, D. E.
C11A-0742Abstract Title: Initial AUV Investigation of the Dynamic Morainal Bank Environment of the Advancing Hubbard Glacier, Alaska
Lawson, M.
H21E-1426Abstract Title: Noble gas partitioning behavior in the Sleipner Vest hydrocarbon field
Lawson, M. J.
EP53B-1013Abstract Title: The Role of Source Material in Basin Sedimentation, as Illustrated within Eureka Valley, Death Valley National Park, CA., NH41A-1795Abstract Title: Emplacement Mechanisms and Evolution of the Long-runout Quaternary Eureka Valley Landslide in Eastern California
Lawson, P.
A42A-08Abstract Title: Implications of using transmitted vs. reflected light for determining cloud properties, cloud radiative effects and aerosol-cloud-interactions
Lawson, P.
OS53B-2018Abstract Title: Deepening Thermocline Displaces Salmon Catch On The Oregon Coast
Lawson, S. J.
GC33E-1345Abstract Title: Emission Factors of Greenhouse Gases and Particulates from Australian Savanna Fires
Lawston, P.
H33J-04Abstract Title: Evaluation of Irrigation Physics in a Land Surface Modeling Framework and Impacts on Coupled Prediction, H54D-07Abstract Title: Impact of Soil Moisture Assimilation on Land Surface Model Spinup and Coupled Land-Atmosphere Prediction
Lawter, A.
H43F-1595Abstract Title: Timing of Getter Material Addition in Cementitious Wasteforms, H43F-1596Abstract Title: Getters for Tc and I Removal from Liquid Waste 
Lawton, D.
H34C-07Abstract Title: Identifying sources, formation pathways and geological controls of methane in shallow groundwater above unconventional natural gas plays in Alberta, Canada
Lawton, T. F.
T51E-2958Abstract Title: Sedimentary Record of the Back-Arc Basins of South-Central Mexico: an Evolution from Extensional Basin to Carbonate Platform.
Lawver, L. A.
T51F-2985Abstract Title: Leveraging Somali Basin Magnetic Anomalies to Constrain Gondwana Breakup and Early Indian Ocean Formation
Laxague, N.
OS54A-07Abstract Title: Wavenumber Dependence of Short Wave Roughness during Variable Winds
Lay, E. H.
NH32C-04Abstract Title: Ionospheric waves associated with mid-latitude thunderstorms, SA31F-2382Abstract Title: Determining Ionospheric Irregularity Spectral Density Function from Japan GEONET
Lay, T.
S11A-2739Abstract Title: The isolated 678-km deep 30 May 2015 MW 7.9 Ogasawara (Bonin) Islands earthquake, S13D-01Abstract Title: Rupture Characteristics of Major and Great (MW ≥ 7.0) Megathrust Earthquakes from 1990-2015: Source Scaling and depth-dependence Relationships, S44A-08Abstract Title: High-speed rupture during the initiation of the 2015 Bonin Islands deep earthquake
Lay, V.
T23D-2983Abstract Title: Advanced Seismic Imaging Techniques Characterize the Alpine Fault at Whataroa (New Zealand)
Laybolt, W. D.
A11J-0203Abstract Title: Timeseries Signal Processing for Enhancing Mobile Surveys: Learning from Field Studies, A11J-0204Abstract Title: Mobile Detection of Fugitive Emissions using Computationally Optimized Geochemical Methods
Laycock, D.
P33D-02Abstract Title: A generalized quasi-geostrophic model of thermal convection
Layzell, D. B.
H53H-1760Abstract Title: Soil Surface Leak Detection From Carbon Storage Sites Using ∆(CO2:O2)  Measurements
Lazaar, M.
A51B-0048Abstract Title: Size Distributions and Formation Pathways of Organic and Inorganic Constituents in Spring Aerosols from Okinawa Island in the Western North Pacific Rim: An Outflow Region of Asian Dusts
Lázár, A. N.
GC43G-03Abstract Title: An integrated framework to assess plausible future livelihood and poverty changes in deltas: an application to coastal Bangladesh
Lazar, C.
B11J-0566Abstract Title: Genomic reconstruction of novel sediment phyla enlightens roles in sedimentary biogeochemical cycling
Lazar, M.
SH11D-2409Abstract Title: Mixing of Proton and Electron Scales - Effects of Proton Temperature Anisotropy on the Electron Firehose Instability
Lazarcik, J.
C33C-0821Abstract Title: Quantifying Snowpack Properties and Snow Impurity Dynamics Over Three Consecutive Winters in New Hampshire, C41B-0704Abstract Title: Impacts of Synoptic Weather Patterns on Snow Albedo at Sites in New England
Lázaro-Mancilla, O.
T41F-06Abstract Title: The effects of thick sediment upon continental breakup: seismic imaging and thermal modeling of the Salton Trough, southern California
Lazarus, E.
EP22A-04Abstract Title: Self-organization and forcing templates in coastal barrier response to storms, PA23B-2194Abstract Title: Commons problems, common ground: Earth-surface dynamics and the social-physical interdisciplinary frontier
Lazarus, S. M.
AE33C-0509Abstract Title: An Analysis of Two Thunderstorms Producing Five Negative Sprites on 12 September 2014
Lazarz, J. D.
MR13B-2697Abstract Title: Systematic investigation of compression mechanisms of clinoenstatite
Lazio, J.
P34A-01Abstract Title: Enabling Planetary Geodesy With the Deep Space Network
Lazzara, M. A.
A33B-0131Abstract Title: A Self-Organizing Map Based Evaluation of the Antarctic Mesoscale Prediction System Using Observations from a 30-m Instrumented Tower on the Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica
Lazzari, L.
PP53C-2363Abstract Title: Historical Records of Combustion Practices Using Molecular and Isotopic Markers in Sediment Profiles Around Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Lazzarin, M.
P43C-2135Abstract Title: Size-Frequency Distribution of Boulders ≥ 10 m on Comet 103P/Hartley 2
Lazzaro, A.
A23C-0305Abstract Title: Airborne bacteria transported with Sahara dust particles from Northern Africa to the European Alps
Le, A.
H11H-1440Abstract Title: A Novel Application of Agent-based Modeling: Projecting Water Access and Availability Using a Coupled Hydrologic Agent-based Model in the Nzoia Basin, Kenya
Le, A.
SM51B-2564Abstract Title: Hybrid (Kinetic Ion/Fluid Electron) Simulations of Reconnection Including Electron Pressure Anisotropy
Le, B. M.
S41B-2760Abstract Title: The footprints of typhoons on seismic records and their implications on small-scale coupling mechanisms in South China Sea , T51F-2974Abstract Title: The Anisotropic Structure of South China Sea: Using OBS Data to Constrain Mantle Flow
Le Bahers, T.
P13B-2139Abstract Title: Dissolution on Titan and on Earth: Towards the Age of Titan's Karstic-like Landscapes
Le Bars, M.
DI33A-2619Abstract Title: A STEADY THERMAL STATE FOR THE EARTH'S INTERIOR, P33DAbstract Title: Fluid Dynamics and Magnetohydrodynamics of Planetary Cores I, P41AAbstract Title: Fluid Dynamics and Magnetohydrodynamics of Planetary Cores II Posters, P41A-2036Abstract Title: Internal Wave Generation by Turbulent Convection, P41A-2048Abstract Title: The universal response of fluid interiors to end‐member models of mechanical forcing, P41A-2051Abstract Title: Fragmentation and Thermochemical Exchanges during Planetary Core Formation - an Experimental Approach
LE Bivic, R.
EP53B-1028Abstract Title: 11- years of temporal evolution of the ‘Mare à Poule d’Eau’ landslide on La Reunion island using optical SPOT5 images correlation.
Le Borgne, T.
H11M-02Abstract Title: Inference of Fractured Rock Transport Properties by Joint Inversion of Push-Pull and Single-Hole Ground Penetrating Radar Data, H13A-1466Abstract Title: The Use of Shear-Thinning Fluids as “Smart” Tracers to Infer Fracture Network Properties, H24A-02Abstract Title: Reactive mixing in heterogeneous porous media flows: concentration gradient distribution, spatial intermittency and temporal scaling of effective reaction kinetics, H31B-1410Abstract Title: Continuous Time Random Walks and the Causes of Non-Fickian Transport in Heterogeneous Media, H31B-1412Abstract Title: Field signatures of non-Fickian transport processes: transit time distributions, spatial correlations, reversibility and hydrogeophysical imaging, H43F-1579Abstract Title: Upscaling Mixed-Limited Reactions for Equilibrium and Fast Complete Kinetic Reactions in Radial and 1-D Flow., H44E-04Abstract Title: Impact of Saline Tracer Mixing on Upscaled Electrical Resistivity Under Partially Saturated Conditions: Insights From a Pore-scale Fluorimetry Study, H51C-1378Abstract Title: Periodic Hydraulic Testing for Discerning Fracture Network Connections, H51FAbstract Title: Flow, Mixing, and Reaction: Interactions and Coupling in Hydrological Systems I Posters, H51F-1432Abstract Title: Numerical experiments with the Lamellae Upscaling Concept with Approximate Handling of Coalescence of the Reaction Front , H53KAbstract Title: Flow, Mixing, and Reaction: Interactions and Coupling in Hydrological Systems II, H53K-04Abstract Title: 3D FLUID DEFORMATION AND MIXING VIA A CONTINUOUS TIME RANDOM WALK, H54CAbstract Title: Flow, Mixing, and Reaction: Interactions and Coupling in Hydrological Systems III
Le Boursicaud, R.
H53J-05Abstract Title: A High Space-Time Resolution Dataset Linking Meteorological Forcing and Hydro-Sedimentary Response in a Mesoscale Mediterranean Catchment (Auzon) of the Ardèche Region, France
Le Bouteiller, C.
H13C-1521Abstract Title: Modeling sediment delivery from a highly erodible mountain catchment
Le Bouteiller, P.
S51D-2739Abstract Title: Statistical Analysis of Seismic Events Occurring on Piton de la Fournaise Volcano, La Réunion : Bringing Out Eruptive Precursors
Le Breton, E.
T13B-2983Abstract Title: Balancing shortening and extension around the Adriatic Plate to constrain its independent motion and driving forces since Late Cretaceous time., T23F-06Abstract Title: Orogen-Parallel and -Normal Extension at the Dinarides-Hellenides Junction during Clockwise Rotation and Radial Expansion of the Retreating Hellenic Arc-Trench System
Le Breton, M. R.
A13E-0394Abstract Title: Formaldehyde in the Tropical Western Pacific: Evaluation of model chemistry and emissions with in situ observations, A21G-0241Abstract Title: A snapshot of the UK net greenhouse gas flux using a mass balance approach with aircraft measurements, A41A-0030Abstract Title: The development and evaluation of airborne in situ N2O and CH4 sampling using a Quantum Cascade Laser Absorption Spectrometer (QCLAS)
Le Breton, N.
T33H-03Abstract Title: Low-temperature creep and solution transfer: a key combination for mantle strain localization
Le Bris, K.
A43G-0401Abstract Title: Radiative Efficiency and Global Warming Potential of the VOC-exempt Hydrofluorocarbon HFC-43-10mee
Le, B.
ED41A-0827Abstract Title: Awaruite and Tetrataenite Driven NH3 Synthesis
Le Chenadec, A.
S41A-2708Abstract Title: Ambient Seismic Noise Tomography of a Deep Geothermal Area in the Upper Rhine Graben from the EstOF Dense Regional Array
Le, C.
H52E-03Abstract Title: Relating watershed nutrient loads to satellite derived estuarine water quality
Le Contel, O.
SM11A-06Abstract Title: Swarm Observations of Field Aligned Currents during Geomagnetic Storms, SM13C-2519Abstract Title: Steepening of Waves at the Dusk Side Magnetopause, SM22A-06Abstract Title: Conversion of electromagnetic energy at plasma jet fronts, SM41H-2571Abstract Title: Magnetospheric Multiscale Observations of Ultra Low Frequency Waves in the Inner Magnetosphere, SM41I-02Abstract Title: First MMS Observations of High Time Resolution 3D Electric and Magnetic fields at the Dayside Magnetopause., SM41I-08Abstract Title: Observations of 3-D Electric Fields and Waves Associated With Reconnection at the Dayside Magnetopause, SM43A-02Abstract Title: Effect of electron ambient plasmas in reconnection jets and dipolarization fronts : MMS initial results, SM44A-08Abstract Title: MMS Observations of Kinetic Features in the Earth’s Bursty Bulk Flow Braking Region, SM51A-2516Abstract Title: An MMS multicase study of magnetotail dipolarization fronts, SM51A-2518Abstract Title: Calibrating MMS Electron Drift Instrument (EDI) Ambient Electron Flux Measurements and Characterizing 3D Electric Field Signatures of Magnetic Reconnection, SM51A-2523Abstract Title: Multi-point, multi-scale observation of the near-Earth current sheet reconfiguration during storm-time multi-onset substorms, SM51A-2524Abstract Title: Bursty Bulk Flow Turbulence as Observed by the Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission, SM51A-2536Abstract Title: MMS observations of small magnetic flux ropes in the near‐tail (X > ‐11 Re), SM51A-2548Abstract Title: Parallel Electric Fields and Wave Phenomena Associated with Magnetic Reconnection: The Merged Magnetic Field Product from MMS, SM51A-2556Abstract Title: MMS observations of waves and instabilities in the separatrices and diffusion region of magnetopause reconnection
Le Contel, O.
SM12A-09Abstract Title: Low-Frequency Wave Activity Detected by MMS during Dusk Magnetopause Crossings and its Relation to Heating and Acceleration of Particles
Le Corre, L.
P42A-04Abstract Title: Ceres in Color: Surface variegation suggests a compositionally diverse landscape, P53E-2183Abstract Title: Albedo and Spectral Variability on Ceres from Four Decades of Observations, P53E-2187Abstract Title: Geomorphological Evidence for Pervasive Ground Ice on Ceres from Dawn Observations of Craters and Flows.
Le Corvec, N.
P31H-02Abstract Title: Effects of an extensional tectonic stress on magmatic reservoir failure and magma propagation within the Venusian lithosphere
Le Coz, J.
H53J-05Abstract Title: A High Space-Time Resolution Dataset Linking Meteorological Forcing and Hydro-Sedimentary Response in a Mesoscale Mediterranean Catchment (Auzon) of the Ardèche Region, France
Le Cras, S.
C51C-0749Abstract Title: Taku Glacier Dynamics in Response to Regional Climate Variability and Predicted Change, C51C-0750Abstract Title: Bed Properties of the Taku Glacier from Flowline Modeling Inversion
Le Deit, L.
P43B-2123Abstract Title: Overview of the diagenetic features analyzed by ChemCam onboard Curiosity, P43B-2124Abstract Title: Major-Element Compositional Diversity Observed by ChemCam Along the MSL Traverse: The First Three Years, P53F-03Abstract Title: Chemo-stratigraphy in the Murray Formation Using ChemCam
Le, E. B.
T31E-03Abstract Title: Fast Geostatistical Inversion using Randomized Matrix Decompositions and Sketchings for Heterogeneous Aquifer Characterization
Le Faou, Y.
T13B-3005Abstract Title: New multi-beam bathymetric map of the Ionian Sea (Central Mediterranean): Evidence for active sedimentary and morpho-tectonic processes along the Africa-Eurasia plate boundary
Le Feuvre, M.
S41B-2724Abstract Title: Non-linear Inversion of Noise Cross-correlations Using Probability Density Functions of Surface Waves Dispersion
Le Friant, A.
EP14B-02Abstract Title: Composition, Geometry and Emplacement Dynamics of a Large Volcanic Island Landslide Offshore Martinique, Lesser Antilles: New Insights from IODP Expedition 340, NH23B-1875Abstract Title: Deformation microstructures and timing of a large submarine landslide drilled offshore Martinique (IODP Exp. 340), T33C-2946Abstract Title: Long-term deformation of the Lesser Antilles arc recorded by Late Pleistocene carbonate platforms: questioning our present knowledge of the megathrust seismic behavior. 
Le Gall, A. A.
P12B-01Abstract Title: Alluvial Fans on Titan Reveal Atmosphere and Surface Interactions and Material Transport, P12B-03Abstract Title: Composition, seasonal change and bathymetry of Ligeia Mare, Titan, derived from its 2.2-cm thermal emission, P13B-2125Abstract Title: Nature, Distribution, and Origin of Titan’s Undifferentiated Plains (“Blandlands”) , P13B-2130Abstract Title: Backscatter modelling and inversion from Cassini/SAR data: Implications for Titan’s sand seas properties and climatic conditions, P13B-2141Abstract Title: An Overview of the Bathymetry and Composition of Titan’s Hydrocarbon Seas from the Cassini RADAR Altimeter , P31E-2115Abstract Title: Measuring the Permittivity of the Nucleus of a Comet: the PP-SESAME Experiment on Board the Philae/ROSETTA Lander, P51D-05Abstract Title: The case for water ice in Titan’s near subsurface
Le Gall, B.
V13C-3158Abstract Title: Fluid inclusion and stable isotopes studies of epithermal gold-bearing veins in the SE Afar Rift (Djibouti)
Le Gall, M.
EP21C-0915Abstract Title: Identifying sediment sources in a drained lowland agricultural catchment: the application of a novel thorium-based particle size correction in sediment fingerprinting
Le Galliard, J. F.
GC13C-1176Abstract Title: Effect of elevated CO2 and temperature on abiotic and biologically-driven basalt weathering and C sequestration
Le Goc, R.
H53I-03Abstract Title: Power-averaging method to characterize and upscale permeability in DFNs
Le Godec, Y.
MR11A-04Abstract Title: Shear modulus and attenuation Qs of olivine from forced-oscillation measurements under mantle conditions and seismic frequencies
Le, G.
SA43C-04Abstract Title: The Scintillation Prediction Observations Research Task (SPORT) Mission, SM11A-06Abstract Title: Swarm Observations of Field Aligned Currents during Geomagnetic Storms, SM12A-08Abstract Title: Fine Scale Structure of the Afternoon Equatorial Magnetopause as Seen on the Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission, SM12A-09Abstract Title: Low-Frequency Wave Activity Detected by MMS during Dusk Magnetopause Crossings and its Relation to Heating and Acceleration of Particles, SM13C-2519Abstract Title: Steepening of Waves at the Dusk Side Magnetopause, SM41H-2571Abstract Title: Magnetospheric Multiscale Observations of Ultra Low Frequency Waves in the Inner Magnetosphere, SM41I-02Abstract Title: First MMS Observations of High Time Resolution 3D Electric and Magnetic fields at the Dayside Magnetopause., SM43A-02Abstract Title: Effect of electron ambient plasmas in reconnection jets and dipolarization fronts : MMS initial results, SM51A-2516Abstract Title: An MMS multicase study of magnetotail dipolarization fronts, SM51A-2523Abstract Title: Multi-point, multi-scale observation of the near-Earth current sheet reconfiguration during storm-time multi-onset substorms, SM51A-2536Abstract Title: MMS observations of small magnetic flux ropes in the near‐tail (X > ‐11 Re), SM51A-2555Abstract Title: In-Flight Calibration Processes for the MMS Fluxgate Magnetometers
Le Guer, Y.
V43B-3153Abstract Title: The Role of Chaotic Dynamics in the Cooling of Magmatic Systems in Subduction Related Environment
Le Guillou, C.
B41F-0493Abstract Title: Spatially resolved nanoscale observations of soil carbon multidecadal persistence
Le Henaff, M.
A33P-04Abstract Title: Evaluation and Application of a Rigorously Validated Ocean OSSE System to Improve Ocean Model Initialization for Coupled Hurricane Prediction
Le Hir, G.
PP43B-2279Abstract Title: Did high Neo-Tethys subduction rates contribute to early Cenozoic warming?
Le Huen, A. L.
GP51A-1302Abstract Title: Magnetic Properties through the Archean/Paleoproterozoic Transition from the Pilbara Craton, Western Australia: Bio-environmental Implications
Le, H.
SM12A-07Abstract Title: Statistics on the plasma properties in the magnetosheath and the efficiency of magnetopause reconnection, SM13C-2523Abstract Title: Controls of Earth's dipole tilt angle and background magnetosheath flow to the locations of reconnection sites on the magnetopasue
Le Jean, F.
NG41A-1781Abstract Title: Multi-scale dynamical behavior of spatially distributed systems: a deterministic point of view
Le, L. T. X. III
NH33C-1922Abstract Title: Climate Change Impact On Mekong Delta of Vietnam in recent years
Le, L. T. X.
NH33C-1922Abstract Title: Climate Change Impact On Mekong Delta of Vietnam in recent years
LE Lay, M.
Le Losq, C.
V33F-02Abstract Title: Viscosity and mixing between K and alkaline-earth silicate melts
LE Maire, G.
B41E-0475Abstract Title: A specific PFT and sub-canopy structure for simulating oil palm in the Community Land Model
Le, M. B.
DI13B-2654Abstract Title: Seismic constraints on subduction of the fossil ridge beneath Luzon Island, Philippines
Le Mer - Dachard, F.
AE33C-0512Abstract Title: MicroCameras and Photometers (MCP) instrument on board TARANIS satellite: scientific objectives, design, characterization results and products
Le Mével, H.
G31C-04Abstract Title: Linking Modern, Rapid, Surface Uplift at the Laguna del Maule Volcanic Field, Chilean Andes, to Rhyolitic Magma-Driven Uplift Spanning the Holocene, G41A-1019Abstract Title: Magma Injection Models to Quantify Reservoir Dynamics at Laguna del Maule Volcanic Field, Chile, between 2007 and 2015., G41A-1020Abstract Title: Modelling Temporal and Spatial Variations in Gravimetric Data at Laguna del Maule, Chile
LE Mezo, L.
B43A-0517Abstract Title: Full-polarization radar remote sensing and data mining for tropical crops mapping: a successful SVM-based classification model
Le, M.
H12E-08Abstract Title: Level One Validation Concept for GPM over Dallas - Fort Worth Urban Network
Le Moigne, N.
G34A-05Abstract Title: Quantitative analysis of a transportable matter-wave gravimeter, T21C-2828Abstract Title: Lateral variations of terrestrial and satellite gravimetry along the Himalayan arc
Le Moigne, P.
A14D-08Abstract Title: GABLS4, an Intercomparison of Models in Extremely Stable Conditions over Antarctica: LES preliminary results F Couvreux, E Bazile, P LeMoigne, and the participants to the LES intercomparison, A52B-07Abstract Title: The GABLS4 Inter-comparison: Preliminary Results, GC21B-1095Abstract Title: Implementation and Evaluation of the Impact of a Lake Model in the French CNRM-CM Global Climate Model.
Le Moine, J.
B32C-04Abstract Title: Soil Organic Carbon Sources of Respired CO2 in a Mid-successional North Temperate Forest
Le Moine, N.
A51K-0222Abstract Title: Hydrologically-Aided Interpolation (HAI) of Precipitation in Complex Alpine Terrain, C33A-0801Abstract Title: Creation of an Empirical Energy-Balance Based Snow Module Simulating Both Snowmelt and Snow Accumulation for Mountain Hydrology, H11D-1369Abstract Title: A ‘Large Catchment Sample’ Investigation of the Performance, Reliability and Robustness of Two Conceptual Rainfall-Runoff Models.
Le Mouel, J. L.
DI41B-07Abstract Title: Gravimetric and magnetic anomalies produced by dissolution-crystallization at the core mantle boundary
Le Mouelic, S.
P13B-2122Abstract Title: Identification of Acetylene on Titan's Surface, P13B-2124Abstract Title: Changes on Titan’s surface, P13B-2126Abstract Title: Dark Areas on Equatorial Regions of Titan: Implication in Particles Size of Water-Ice and Combination with Tholins., P13B-2128Abstract Title: Simultaneous Cartography of Aerosol Opacity and Surface Albedo of Titan by the Massive Inversion of the Cassini/VIMS Dataset, P13B-2132Abstract Title: Computing Global Mosaics of Titan With the VIMS Imaging Spectrometer, P13B-2139Abstract Title: Dissolution on Titan and on Earth: Towards the Age of Titan's Karstic-like Landscapes, P43B-2123Abstract Title: Overview of the diagenetic features analyzed by ChemCam onboard Curiosity
Le Mouelic, S.
P12B-04Abstract Title: Tidal Currents between Titan’s Seas Detected by Solar Glints
le Page, Y.
GC11J-03Abstract Title: Agricultural Intensification as a Mechanism of Adaptation to Climate Change Impacts
Le Pape, F.
T21A-2788Abstract Title: New Insights into the Structure of the Northern Margin of the India-Asia Collision from Magnetotelluric Data across the Central Altyn Tagh Fault
Le Pape, S.
MR13C-2723Abstract Title: Searching for the Hydrogen Plasma Phase Transition on the National Ignition Facility
Le Pennec, J. L.
V23B-3128Abstract Title: Osmium and lead isotope investigation of magmas within the long-lived Pichincha Volcanic complex from the Northern Andean Volcanic zone (Ecuador)
Le, P. V.
H41A-1273Abstract Title: Microtopographic hydrologic variability change resulting from vegetation acclimation response to elevated atmospheric CO2, H52C-05Abstract Title: Extreme Resolution Modeling of Integrated Critical Zone Processes, H53E-1705Abstract Title: High Resolution Modeling of Tile-Drained Controls on Ecohydrologic Dynamics in Intensively Managed Landscapes.
LE Pichon, A.
S51D-2702Abstract Title: On the use of remote infrasound and seismic stations to constrain the eruptive sequence and intensity for the 2014 Kelud eruption, S53D-02Abstract Title: A Precursory Phase to a Sudden Enhanced Activity at Yasur volcano (Vanuatu) : Insights from Simultaneous Infrasonic and Seismic Records, S54B-01Abstract Title: Using large meteoroids as global infrasound reference events , S54B-02Abstract Title: Detecting and Cataloging Global Explosive Volcanism Using the IMS Infrasound Network
LE Pourhiet, L.
T13HAbstract Title: Subduction across Scales III, T14B-08Abstract Title: Numerical Modelling of Subduction Plate Interface, Technical Advances for Outstanding Questions, T54C-01Abstract Title: The effects of extensional inheritance on transtensional deformation patterns, T54C-07Abstract Title: Impact of Water Circulation and Protolith on the Symmetry of Detachment Faults
Le Roux, J.
T23A-2907Abstract Title: Tectonic Evolution of the Central Andes during Mesozoic-Cenozoic times: Insights from the Salar de Atacama Basin
le Roux, J. A.
SH11BAbstract Title: The Physics of Small-Scale Magnetic Flux Ropes throughout the Heliosphere I Posters, SH11B-2387Abstract Title: Suprathermal Charged Particle Acceleration by Small-scale Flux Ropes., SH14BAbstract Title: The Physics of Small-Scale Magnetic Flux Ropes throughout the Heliosphere II, SH14B-01Abstract Title: Particle Acceleration At Small-Scale Flux Ropes In The Heliosphere, SH41C-2385Abstract Title: Pickup Ion Acceleration at the Solar Wind Termination Shock Based on a Focused Transport Approach Including a q-Gaussian Turbulence Model of Variations in the Spiral Magnetic Field Angle
le Roux, J.
NH43D-07Abstract Title: Assessing Landslide Characteristics and Developing a Landslide Potential Hazard Map in Rwanda and Uganda Using NASA Earth Observations
Le Roux, V.
DI31BAbstract Title: Melt and Liquids in Earth and Planetary Interiors I Posters, DI51CAbstract Title: Melt and Liquids in Earth and Planetary Interiors II, DI52AAbstract Title: Melt and Liquids in Earth and Planetary Interiors III, MR23C-02Abstract Title: Lithologic melt partitioning and transport properties of partially molten harzburgite, V11B-3061Abstract Title: Timing of melt migration and pyroxenite formation in the mantle, V11DAbstract Title: The Ophiolite-Subduction Connection: Using Peridotites as Analogs for Subduction Zone Mantle Posters, V13B-3124Abstract Title: Reconstructing magma storage depths from olivine-hosted melt inclusions: Do vapor bubbles matter?
Le Roux-Mallouf, R.
T21C-2834Abstract Title: Segmentation And Earthquake Magnitudes Along The Himalayan Arc: Effect Of The Yadong Cross Structure
Le Roy, L.
P31E-2089Abstract Title: COSIMA at Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko After Perihelion, P31E-2091Abstract Title: Rosetta/ROSINA observations of the volatiles in the coma of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko during the nominal mission, P31E-2102Abstract Title: Study of the coma of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko based on the ROSINA/RTOF instrument onboard Rosetta, P31E-2103Abstract Title: Isotopes and Minor Volatiles in the Coma of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko Observed by the Rosetta/ROSINA Instrument: Planetary Implications, P31E-2105Abstract Title: Modeling of the Inner Coma of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko Constrained by VIRTIS and ROSINA Observations, P31E-2106Abstract Title: Halogens at Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko seen with ROSINA-DFMS, P31E-2110Abstract Title: Atomic Oxygen Green and Red Emissions in the Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, P33E-01Abstract Title: Evolution of H2O related species in the neutral coma of 67P
Le Saout, M.
V21A-3019Abstract Title: Interplay between tectonic and volcanic processes along the East Pacific Rise, 16°N
Le Sidaner, P.
IN33E-03Abstract Title: VESPA: Developing the Planetary Science Virtual Observatory in H2020, IN41A-1691Abstract Title: Sharing Low Frequency Radio Emissions in the Virtual Observatory: Application for JUNO-Ground-Radio Observations Support.
LE Toan, T.
B44A-04Abstract Title: Title: Rice Crop Monitoring by Fusing Microwave and Optical Satellite Data , B51I-03Abstract Title: The Biomass mission: a step forward in quantifying forest biomass and  structure
Le Voyer, M.
V51IAbstract Title: Volatile Distribution and Cycling in the Mantle I, V53FAbstract Title: Volatile Distribution and Cycling in the Mantle II Posters
Lea, D. W.
PP41D-07Abstract Title: Regional Sensitivity to CO2 forcing: Detection and Attribution Approach to Analyzing CO2 Component of Late Quaternary Climate Variability, PP51D-03Abstract Title: The Effects of Temperature and Salinity on Mg Incorporation in Planktonic Foraminifera Globigerinoides ruber (white): Results from a Global Sediment Trap Mg/Ca Database, PP52A-02Abstract Title: An 800-kyr Record of Global Surface Ocean δ18O and Implications for Ice Volume-Temperature Coupling, PP53A-2313Abstract Title: Obliquity and Precession in the Quaternary: Analyzing Climate Responses Using Single-Forcing GCM Simulations and Bayesian Model-Proxy Comparison
Lea, D. M.
EP51BAbstract Title: Morphodynamics of Fluvial, Aeolian, Hillslope, and Coastal Environments Characterized Using High-Resolution Topography and Bathymetry I Posters, EP54BAbstract Title: Morphodynamics of Fluvial, Aeolian, Hillslope, and Coastal Environments Characterized Using High-Resolution Topography and Bathymetry II, H41E-1368Abstract Title: Refining measurements of lateral channel movement from image time series by quantifying spatial variations in registration error
Leach, A. M.
B12E-05Abstract Title: The Nitrogen Footprint Tool for Institutions: What it is and how it compares to the Campus Carbon Calculator, B13G-0701Abstract Title: The Nitrogen Footprint Tool for Institutions: Comparing Results for a Diverse Group of Institutions, GC12C-03Abstract Title: Virtual Nitrogen Losses from Organic Food Production
Leach, J.
B11G-0525Abstract Title: Ten-year interannual and seasonal variability of stream carbon export from a boreal peatland in northern Sweden, H21P-04Abstract Title: Modelling the influence of elevation and snow regime on winter stream temperature in the rain-on-snow zone
Leadbetter, A.
IN33F-05Abstract Title: Practical solutions to implementing "Born Semantic" data systems
Leadbetter, S. J.
U34A-04Abstract Title: Long-range transport, air quality and climate impacts of volcanic sulfur from the 2014-2015 eruption at Holuhraun (Bárðarbunga, Iceland)
Leaf, A.
IN11B-1784Abstract Title: Potatoes and Trout: Maintaining Robust Agriculture and a Healthy Trout Fishery in the Central Sands of Wisconsin
Leager, K.
V51E-3070Abstract Title: 3D Tomography of Accretionary Lapilli From The Island of Stromboli (Aeolian Archipelago, Italy): Spatial Arrangement, Internal Structure, Grain Size Distribution and Chemical Characterization
Leahy, P. P.
H11L-01Abstract Title: Evaluating water quality -- is it important, how can it be determined and how can it be used?, PA23CAbstract Title: What It Means to be a Geoscientist: Defining a Common Identity for the Public and Profession
Leaitch, W. R.
A11C-0052Abstract Title: An aircraft-based case study of new particle formation and growth in the summertime Arctic, A11C-0057Abstract Title: Aerosol Size and Chemical Composition in the Canadian High Arctic, A11C-0064Abstract Title: Processes Controlling the Seasonal Cycle of Arctic Aerosol Number and Size Distributions, A11C-0071Abstract Title: Transport Regimes of Air Masses Affecting the Tropospheric Composition of the Canadian and European Arctic During RACEPAC 2014 and NETCARE 2014/2015, A12C-02Abstract Title: Size-resolved measurements of ice nucleating particles at North American and European sites
Leake, J. E.
SH11F-02Abstract Title: Thermodynamic MHD Simulations of Jets in the Solar Corona and Inner Heliosphere, SH22A-05Abstract Title: Sunquake Generation by Coronal Magnetic Restructuring
Leake, S. A.
H21E-1414Abstract Title: The Next Generation in Subsidence and Aquifer-System Compaction Modeling within the MODFLOW Software Family: A New Package for MODFLOW-2005 and MODFLOW-OWHM
Leakey, A. D.
B22A-05Abstract Title: Improving the representation of photosynthesis in Earth system models
Leal, A. M. M.
H41C-1319Abstract Title: Efficient Computational Methods for Modeling Fluid-Rock Interactions in Geologic CO2 Storage
Leal de Moraes, O. L.
H31A-1405Abstract Title: Stomatal and Aerodynamic Controls of Transpiration and Evaporation over Amazonian Landscapes
Lean, J.
GC31D-1212Abstract Title: Development, Production and Validation of the NOAA Solar Irradiance Climate Data Record, SH23C-2451Abstract Title: The Impact of the Revised Sunspot Record on Solar Irradiance Reconstructions, SH32A-03Abstract Title: A New Climate Data Record of Solar Spectral Irradiance from 1610 to Present
Leanza, H. A.
V34B-03Abstract Title: The Structure and Evolution of Volcanic Plumbing Systems in Fold-and-Thrust Belts: a Case Study of a Miocene Intrusive Complex in the Neuquén Andes, Argentina
Lear, C. H.
C34A-05Abstract Title: Late Holocene Bottom Water Temperature Variations from the Herald Canyon, western Chukchi Sea, PP23E-01Abstract Title: Did the Mid-Pliocene warmth bring the Northern Hemisphere Chill?
Leary, K. P.
EP13C-08Abstract Title: The Influence of Splat Events on the Spatiotemporal Pattern of Bedload Transport over Bedforms: Laboratory Experiments Downstream of a Backward-Facing Step
Lease, R. O.
T33A-2925Abstract Title: Accelerated erosion of high-latitude glaciated terrain in Alaska since 3-4 Ma, T43FAbstract Title: Geologic and Geodynamic Evolution of the Arctic Region I, T51BAbstract Title: Geologic and Geodynamic Evolution of the Arctic Region II Posters
Leask, E.
P31A-2035Abstract Title: Quantifying Carbonate and Serpentine Abundances through VSWIR Microspectroscopy
Leat, P. T.
V51I-02Abstract Title: Compositionally Controlled Volatile Content of Nominally Volatile-Free Minerals in the Continental Upper Mantle of Southern Gondwana (Patagonia & W. Antarctica)
Leauthaud, C.
GC43A-1159Abstract Title: Phenomenology and Thermodynamical Characteristics of West African Heat Waves
Leavitt, A.
B13C-0633Abstract Title: Using Intact Iron Microbial Mats to Gain Insights Into Mat Ecology and Geochemical Niche at the Microbial Scale
Leavitt, P.
GC13G-1230Abstract Title: Can we Detect Ecosystem Critical Transitions and Early Warning Signals of Catastrophic Shifts from Palaeo-Ecological Records?
Leavitt, S. W.
GC31G-05Abstract Title: Latitudinal Gradients in the Stable Carbon and Oxygen Isotopes of Tree-Ring Cellulose Reveal Differential Climate Influences of the North American Monsoon
Leavitt, W.
B21AAbstract Title: (Bio-Isotopic) Message in a (Rock Record) Bottle: Who Wrote It, How Did It Get Here, and What Does It Tell Us? I Posters, B21A-0412Abstract Title: Electron-bifurcating transhydrogenase is central to hydrogen isotope fractionation during lipid biosynthesis in sulfate reducing bacteria, B24AAbstract Title: (Bio-Isotopic) Message in a (Rock Record) Bottle: Who Wrote It, How Did It Get Here, and What Does It Tell Us? II
Lebas, E.
EP14B-02Abstract Title: Composition, Geometry and Emplacement Dynamics of a Large Volcanic Island Landslide Offshore Martinique, Lesser Antilles: New Insights from IODP Expedition 340, OS23B-2019Abstract Title: Tectonic Controls on Gas Hydrate Distribution off SW Taiwan
Lebat, V.
G23B-1059Abstract Title: Interest of the MICROSTAR Accelerometer to improve the GRASP Mission., G31B-1107Abstract Title: Tests Results of the Electrostatic Accelerometer Flight Models for Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment Follow-On Mission (GRACE FO)
LeBauer, D.
B23B-0597Abstract Title: Carbon dynamics of regrowth and mature tropical forests derived from a pantropical database, IN43D-08Abstract Title: Reusable Software and Open Data Incorporate Ecological Understanding To Optimize Agriculture and Improveme Crops.
LeBeau, J. E.
ED13G-06Abstract Title: Opening the Conversation on REU Assessment and Evaluation
Lebedev, M.
H41C-1327Abstract Title: Residual Supercritical CO2 Saturation in an Oil-wet Sandstone: a Pore-scale Analysis, MR33A-2644Abstract Title: Effect of Stress and Saturation on Shear Wave Anisotropy: Laboratory Observations Using Laser Doppler Interferometry
Lebedev, S.
DI13C-01Abstract Title: Implications of a comprehensive, spreading-aligned plate motion reference frame in light of seismic anisotropy and global trench migration, S21B-2691Abstract Title: A Bayesian Approach to Infer Radial and Azimuthal Anisotropy of the Crust and Upper Mantle from Surface-Wave Dispersion Curves, T11D-2914Abstract Title: Seismic Tomography of the Continental United States from a Joint Inversion of Surface Waves and Body Waves, T24A-03Abstract Title: Resolving the tectonic transition between ancestral North America and the northern Cordillera, T43F-01Abstract Title: Seismic and Thermal Structure of the Arctic Lithosphere, From Waveform Tomography and Thermodynamic Modelling, T51B-2886Abstract Title: Towards High-Resolution Waveform Tomography of the North Atlantic Region
Lebedeva-Ivanova, N. N.
T51B-2885Abstract Title: A new model of the Arctic crustal thickness from 3D gravity inversion
Lebednik, P.
PP13D-01Abstract Title: Multi-centennial reconstruction of Aleutian climate from coralline algae
Lebel, T.
GC42A-01Abstract Title: AMMA-CATCH a Hydrological, Meteorological and Ecological Long Term Observatory on West Africa : Some Recent Results, GC42A-02Abstract Title: Recent Trends in the Regime of Extreme Rainfall in the West African Sahel, GC43E-01Abstract Title: The West African monsoon: Contribution of the AMMA multidisciplinary programme to the study of a regional climate system.
Leben, R. R.
C53A-0770Abstract Title: Understanding the Mechanism of Arctic Amplification and Sea Ice Loss
Lebensohn, R.
DI13C-05Abstract Title: Deformation and Crystallographic Preferred Orientation of Two-phase Lower Mantle Mineral Analogs: Implications for Seismic Anisotropy in the Lower Mantle
LeBlanc, D.
EP43A-0967Abstract Title: A gradient-based approach for automated crest-line detection and analysis of sand dune patterns on planetary surfaces
LeBlanc, D. R.
H14D-02Abstract Title: Role of the bottom sediments immediately beneath the lake water-groundwater interface in the transport and removal of cyanobacteria, cyanophage, and dissolved organic carbon during natural lake-bank filtration at a kettle pond subject to harmful algal blooms
Leblanc, F.
P11B-2071Abstract Title: Towards a Carbon Nanotube Ionization Source for Planetary Atmosphere Exploration, P21A-2088Abstract Title: Mars heavy ion precipitating flux as measured by MAVEN, P21A-2089Abstract Title: Consequences of simulated ion precipitation and sputtering during extreme conditions at Mars: comparison to MAVEN observations, P21A-2090Abstract Title: Charaterizing the O+ ion plume from Hybrid simulations: comparison to MAVEN observations, P53A-2085Abstract Title: THE HERMEAN BOW SHOCK AND ION FORESHOCK AS SEEN BY THREE-DIMENSIONAL GLOBAL HYBRID SIMULATIONS, SM31B-2491Abstract Title: High Resolution Integral Field Spectroscopy of Europa's Sodium Clouds: Evidence for a Component with Origins in Iogenic Plasma., SM31B-2492Abstract Title: Hybrid multi-grids simulations of Ganymede's magnetosphere : comparison with Galileo observations.
LeBlanc, J.
B41F-0498Abstract Title: Formation of stable nanocomposite clays from small peptides reacted with montmorillonite and illite-smectite mixed layer clays
LeBlanc, S. E.
A23F-0394Abstract Title: Highlights from 4STAR Sky-Scanning Retrievals of Aerosol Intensive Optical Properties from Multiple Field Campaigns with Detailed Comparisons of SSA Reported During SEAC4RS, A42A-08Abstract Title: Implications of using transmitted vs. reflected light for determining cloud properties, cloud radiative effects and aerosol-cloud-interactions
Leblanc, T.
A11G-0136Abstract Title: Surface and Tropospheric Ozone Profile Variability (1999-2014) at the TOLNet Site of Table Mountain, California, A42EAbstract Title: Methodologies and Resulting Uncertainties in Long-Term Records of Ozone and Other Atmospheric Essential Climate Variables Constructed from Multiple Data Sources I, A43EAbstract Title: Methodologies and Resulting Uncertainties in Long-Term Records of Ozone and Other Atmospheric Essential Climate Variables Constructed from Multiple Data Sources II Posters, IN11F-1808Abstract Title: TOLNet Data Format for Lidar Ozone Profile & Surface Observations
Leblond, N.
OS23A-1987Abstract Title: Oxygen Minimum Zone (OMZ) Dynamics Off Peru: Preliminary Insights From a Mooring and an Integrated Modelling Platform - The AMOP Project
Lebourg, T.
V12B-07Abstract Title: Electrical Resistivity Monitoring of an Active Hydrothermal Degassing Area at Solfatara, Phlegrean Fields., V13C-3157Abstract Title: The Anatomy of a Fumarole inferred from a 3-D High-Resolution Electrical Resistivity Image of Solfatara Hydrothermal System (Phlegrean Fields, Italy)
Lebowitz, J.
IN11A-1769Abstract Title: Deformation Survey of Volcanoes in Central America Using Japanese L-Band SAR Satellite ALOS-1
Lebreton, B.
B11D-0459Abstract Title: A new approach to understand methylmercury (CH3Hg) sources and transformation pathways: Compound-specific carbon stable isotope analysis by GC-C-IRMS
Lebreton, J. P.
P31E-2093Abstract Title: The Magnetic Response to Sudden Mass-loading of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko’s Induced Magnetosphere, P31E-2094Abstract Title: RPC-IES observations of the development and variability of plasma interaction regions near 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, P31E-2097Abstract Title: Solar Wind Interaction with Comet 67P/C-G: Impact of Corotating Interaction Regions, P31E-2100Abstract Title: Evolution of the Plasma Environment of Comet 67P, P31E-2101Abstract Title: The Evolution of Comet 67P as Seen by a Mass-Resolving Ion Spectrometer, P31E-2112Abstract Title: Mapping of the cometary plasma density around comet CG/67P at perihelion., P33E-03Abstract Title: First Detection of a Diamagnetic Cavity at 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
Lebrun, F.
AE33A-0468Abstract Title: Modelling The TARANIS XGRE Insturment For Terrestrial Gamma Ray Flashes and Associated Electron Beams
Lebsock, M. D.
A43B-0273Abstract Title: Evaluation of interregional variability in MODIS cloud regimes, A43JAbstract Title: Process-Oriented Evaluation of Climate Model Physics Using Observations and High-Resolution Models I, A51I-0181Abstract Title: Quantifying Boundary Layer Water Vapor with Near-Infrared and Microwave Imagery, A51MAbstract Title: Process-Oriented Evaluation of Climate Model Physics Using Observations and High-Resolution Models II Posters, A51M-0255Abstract Title: Physical-based validation of unified parameterization based on satellite observation of cloud and precipitation properties, A51M-0256Abstract Title: A satellite observation test bed for cloud parameterization development
Lecacheux, A.
SM24A-03Abstract Title: Dione’s Magnetospheric Interaction, SM31C-2506Abstract Title: Beaming Structures of Jupiter's Decametric Radiation from LWA1, NDA, and URAN2 Simultaneous Observations
LeCain, D. R.
B21F-0537Abstract Title: Effects of warming and elevated CO2 in a semiarid grassland are temporally dynamic due to interactions among water, nitrogen, and plant community composition
Lechler, A. R.
PP23D-02Abstract Title: Reconciling Empirical Carbonate Clumped Isotope Calibrations: A Comparison of Calcite Precipitation and Acid Digestion Methods
Lechman, J. B.
NG13A-1873Abstract Title: Laboratory Scale Hydraulic Fracture and Proppant Injection
Lechner, H. N.
G41A-1015Abstract Title: Elastic modeling of the Pacaya volcanic complex: a 2009-2015 campaign-GPS deformation history, PA41DAbstract Title: Volcanic Hazards: Translating Research and Monitoring into Improved Communication, Preparedness, and Response I, PA43CAbstract Title: Volcanic Hazards: Translating Research and Monitoring into Improved Communication, Preparedness, and Response II Posters
Leck, C.
A24C-03Abstract Title: The Influence of Free Tropospheric Aerosol on the Boundary Layer Aerosol Budget in the Arctic
Leckebusch, G. C.
A13C-0329Abstract Title: Different Long-term Trends of Extra-tropical Cyclones and Windstorms in ERA-20C and NOAA-20CR Reanalyses, A21F-0202Abstract Title: What caused the Extreme Storm Season over the North Atlantic and the UK in Winter 2013-14?, A34B-07Abstract Title: The Northern Hemispheric Circumpolar Vortex under Climate Change, A43I-05Abstract Title: Extremes of Extra-tropical Storms and Drivers of Variability on Different Time Scales, A51H-0171Abstract Title: Causing Factors for Extreme Precipitation in the Western Saudi-Arabian Peninsula
Leckie, R. M.
PP33C-2320Abstract Title: Combining local lithofacies and global geochemical signals to test the acidification hypothesis for the onset of Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 in the U.S. Western Interior Basin, PP53C-2375Abstract Title: Multi-proxy evidence for oceanographic changes in the Southern Ocean during the lead-up to the Oligocene/Miocene Boundary (Mi-1 Event)
Leckner, H. A.
SM51A-2528Abstract Title: SPDF Ancillary Services and Technologies Supporting Open Access, Use and Archiving of MMS Data
Leclair-Marzolf, L.
A23P-06Abstract Title: Spatiotemporal Patterns of Urban Trace Gases and Pollutants Observed with a Light Rail Vehicle Platform in Salt Lake City, UT
Leclerc, F.
T31DAbstract Title: From the Seismic Cycle to Geological Timescales, How Do Subduction Processes that Can Possibly Modify the Megathrust Geometry and Mechanical Properties Control the Tectonic Evolution and Deformation of Active Margins and the Subduction Seismic Behavior? I, T33CAbstract Title: From the Seismic Cycle to Geological Timescales, How Do Subduction Processes that Can Possibly Modify the Megathrust Geometry and Mechanical Properties Control the Tectonic Evolution and Deformation of Active Margins and the Subduction Seismic Behavior? II Posters, T33C-2946Abstract Title: Long-term deformation of the Lesser Antilles arc recorded by Late Pleistocene carbonate platforms: questioning our present knowledge of the megathrust seismic behavior. , T33C-2949Abstract Title: Insights on the Quaternary Tectonic Evolution of the SE Indonesia Arc-Continent Collision from the Study of Uplifted Coral Terraces on Sumba Island., T54A-07Abstract Title: Evidence of Frontal Rupturing in the Mentawai Gap, SW Sumatra, Newly Acquired High-Resolution Seismic Reflection and Bathymetry Data
Leclercq, L.
P21A-2090Abstract Title: Charaterizing the O+ ion plume from Hybrid simulations: comparison to MAVEN observations, SM31B-2492Abstract Title: Hybrid multi-grids simulations of Ganymede's magnetosphere : comparison with Galileo observations.
Leclercq, P.
C24A-08Abstract Title: Improving model estimates of glacier change through improved boundary conditions from remote sensing
Leclercq, P. W.
C51C-0742Abstract Title: Modeling of Svartisen Ice Cap, Northern Norway, Using In-situ Observations and Remote Sensing of Ice Velocity and Volume Changes
Leclere, H.
MR42A-06Abstract Title: Control of Transient Slip Weakening During Gypsum Dehydration, V41A-3051Abstract Title: Nucleation and Grain Growth During Dehydration of Polycrystalline Gypsum Observed in Time-series Synchrotron X-ray Micro-tomography Experiments
Leclere, S.
EP41C-0945Abstract Title: Predicting hillslope sediment size distribution using remote sensing data, Inyo Creek, California
Lecoanet, D.
P41A-2036Abstract Title: Internal Wave Generation by Turbulent Convection
Lecocq, T.
NS41B-1936Abstract Title: Continuous H/V Spectral Ratio Analysis of Ambient Noise Recorded by Stationary Seismic Stations to Improve Microzonation Results Obtained by Mobile Stations, S34B-08Abstract Title: MSNoise: Not Only dv/v! A Framework for Continuous Seismic Data Analysis
Lecointre, A.
S41A-2710Abstract Title: Near-Field Imaging Based on High Resolution Focal Spot Properties, S41B-2747Abstract Title: Noise-based seismic velocity changes by using 9-component cross-correlation tensors with an application to Mt. Fuji, Japan, S53A-2767Abstract Title: RESIF Seismology Datacentre : Recently Released Data and New Services. Computing with Dense Seisimic Networks Data.
Lecomte, O.
C31A-08Abstract Title: Snow in Large-Scale Sea Ice Models: State-of-the-Art and Way Forward, C51A-0674Abstract Title: Investigating the Biases in the Antarctic Sea Ice - Ocean System of Climate Models using Process-oriented Diagnostics
Leconte, J.
P31D-2086Abstract Title: 3D Model Uncertainty in Estimating the Inner Edge of the Habitable Zone
Lecumberri-Sanchez, P.
V52B-08Abstract Title: Tin-tungsten mineralizing processes in tungsten vein deposits: Panasqueira, Portugal
Lederer, M.
PP13B-2295Abstract Title: Verlorenvlei - The first continuous Holocene high-resolution lake sediment record from the Winter Rainfall Zone of South Africa
Lederhouse, J. S.
B31D-0618Abstract Title: Bioavailable Carbon and the Relative Degradation State of Organic Matter in Active Layer and Permafrost Soils
Lederman, J. I.
SA13A-2314Abstract Title: Short period airglow temperature and emission rate oscillations in the high Arctic MLT region during stratospheric warming events
Ledesma, A.
Ledesma, J.
GC43G-02Abstract Title: Climate Variability over India and Bangladesh from the Perturbed UK Met Office Hadley Model: Impacts on Flow and Nutrient Fluxes in the Ganges Delta System
Ledesma, S.
EP11A-07Abstract Title: Evolution of the Gulf of Cadiz and west Portugal contourite depositional system: tectonic, sedimentary and paleoceanographic implications from IODP Expedition 339
Ledezma Araya, C. Sr.
S51E-06Abstract Title: Revision of the Applicability of the NGA's in South America, Chile - Argentina.
Ledford, S. H.
H14E-04Abstract Title: Modeling Fate and Transport of Chloride from Deicers in Urban Floodplains: Implications for Urban Planning
Ledingham, G.
V13C-3152Abstract Title: Baseline Hydrothermal Monitoring Data from Cascade Range Volcanoes
Ledley, T. S.
ED31BAbstract Title: Education General Contributions I Posters, ED31CAbstract Title: Education General Contributions II Posters, ED31F-01Abstract Title: Education for a Green and Resilient Economy: An Educator Framework for Teaching Climate and Energy Literacy for K-12 Teachers Across the Curriculum, ED32AAbstract Title: Climate Literacy: Scaling Impacts of Climate Literacy Efforts through Effective Partnerships and Networks I, ED32A-04Abstract Title: The Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN) – Enabling Collective Impact on Climate and Energy Literacy, ED33BAbstract Title: Climate Literacy: Scaling Impacts of Climate Literacy Efforts through Effective Partnerships and Networks II Posters, U14AAbstract Title: Climate Literacy: Enabling Effective Climate Literacy through Collective Impact
Ledo, J.
S21A-2677Abstract Title: A layer stripping approach for monitoring CO2 storage sites using surface magnetotelluric responses
Leduc, M.
B53G-0646Abstract Title: Metal and Phosphorous behavior in the water and sediment underneath ice cover: a comparative study between hyper- and eutrophic lake systems
LeDuc, S. D.
H31E-1460Abstract Title: A County Level Assessment of Water Withdrawals for Hydraulic Fracturing: Where are Impacts Most Likely? , H34C-01Abstract Title: A National Assessment of the Potential Impacts of Hydraulic Fracturing Activities on Drinking Water Resources
Ledvina, S. A.
P23B-2124Abstract Title: Hybrid Particle Code Simulations of Mars: The Energy Budget., SM31B-2485Abstract Title: Titan's Variable Plasma Interaction
Lee, A.
A12E-04Abstract Title: Aqueous photooxidation of isoprene hydroxyhydroperoxides (ISOPOOH), A33D-0185Abstract Title: Black carbon aerosol optical properties are influenced by initial mixing state, A33D-0186Abstract Title: Optical Properties and Mixing State of Aerosols from Residential Wood Burning and Vehicle Emissions in Central and Southern California
Lee, A. J.
V14A-01Abstract Title: Exploring for Volcanic and Hydrothermal Activity Above Off-axis Melt Lenses near the East Pacific Rise
Lee, B. Y.
A11C-0061Abstract Title: Long term trends of CCN concentration in Arctic region at Zeppelin station, Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard, B31D-0580Abstract Title: Continuous monitoring of soil gas efflux with Forced Diffusion (FD) chamber technique in a tundra ecosystem, Alaska
Lee, B. S.
B11G-0501Abstract Title: Does Litter Impart A Detectable Chemical Signal on Soil DOC? DOC Fluorescence Signatures in Soils Undergoing Long-Term Litter Manipulations
Lee, B. S.
B11G-0502Abstract Title: Hydrologic Controls on In-Stream Optical Dissolved Organic Matter Characteristics in an Old-Growth Forest of the Oregon Cascades, B11G-0503Abstract Title: DOC Dynamics in Small Headwater Streams: the Role of Hydrology, Climate, and Land Management
Lee, B. H.
A11T-06Abstract Title: Investigating Differences in Isoprene Oxidation Chemistry Between Gas-Phase Mechanisms Using a Constrained Chemical Box Model
Lee, B. H.
A11T-05Abstract Title: The Chemical Link between Isoprene and Formaldehyde, A21A-0091Abstract Title: Online Measurements and Modeling of Isoprene Photo-oxidation Products: Insights from the Laboratory and SOAS Field Campaign, A33N-01Abstract Title: Applications of online high resolution time of flight chemical ionization mass spectrometry (HRToF-CIMS): opportunities and challenges for aircraft measurements, atmosphere-ecosystem exchange, and organic aerosol composition, A34F-03Abstract Title: Sources, Chemistry, and Transport of Pollutants over the Eastern United States During the WINTER 2015 Aircraft Campaign, A34F-04Abstract Title: An overview of reactive chlorine measurements during the WINTER C-130 aircraft campaign, A34F-06Abstract Title: Nitrous acid (HONO) observations during the Uintah Basin Wintertime Ozone Studies (UBWOS) and the Wintertime Investigation of Transport, Emission, and Reactivity (WINTER) study: sources, measurements interferences, and implications beyond., A41K-0217Abstract Title: Sources and Distributions of Secondary Aerosols over the Northeastern United States during the WINTER Aircraft Campaign., A41K-0226Abstract Title: Nighttime NOx Chemistry in Coal-Fired Power Plant Plumes, A41K-0227Abstract Title: Examining the Role of N2O5 Hydrolysis and ClNO2 Production Over the Northeast United States: Results from WINTER 2015 Aircraft Campaign, A41K-0231Abstract Title: Utilizing SO2/CO2 Mixing Ratios to Determine SO2 Uptake by a Regional Cloud Layer, A41K-0232Abstract Title: Validation of Point Source Emissions of SO2 Using Aircraft Data
Lee, B. S.
NH13B-1934Abstract Title: Quantifying Multi-Objective Tradeoffs under Deep Uncertainty in the Design of Sea-Level Rise Adaptation Strategies
Lee, B.
NS43B-1961Abstract Title: Modified Electrical Resistivity Survey for Leakage Assessment of a Waterside Concrete Barrage
Lee, B.
SH43C-03Abstract Title: Determination of the North-South Heliospheric Magnetic-Field Component from Inner-Corona Closed-Loop Propagation
Lee, B.
H43F-1584Abstract Title: Silica-Based Carbon Source Delivery for In-situ Bioremediation Enhancement
Lee, B. T.
H21G-1481Abstract Title: Pyrosequencing Based Microbial Community Analysis of Stabilized Mine Soils
Lee, C.
DI22A-06Abstract Title: Effects of “Hot Fingers” on the Thermal Structure and Mantle Wedge Flow Pattern in Subduction Zones: Implications for Seismic Anisotropy and Volcanic Spacing in Northeast Japan
Lee, C. S.
H23A-1555Abstract Title: New Energy Villages in Taiwan and China, S53A-2784Abstract Title: Relocation of earthquakes at southwestern Indian Ocean Ridge and its tectonic significance, T54A-08Abstract Title: Impact of The N – S Fracture Zone Along The Indo-Australia Plate Analyzed from Local Seismic Data In The Western Offshore of Sumatra, Indonesia
Lee, C.
GC51D-1121Abstract Title: Projecting the impact of climate change on the effectiveness of Controlled Drainage in the U.S. Corn Belt
Lee, C. H.
H31C-1423Abstract Title: Modeling multi-scale turbulent dispersion in two-phase dilute flows
Lee, C. Y.
GC53E-1251Abstract Title: Representativeness of Lidar Wind Measurements over Moderately Complex Terrain
Lee, C. A.
T33A-2916Abstract Title: Extrusional Tectonics at Plate Corner: an Example in Northern Taiwan, T43A-2967Abstract Title: East vergent structure of Backbone Range: Insights from A-Lan-Yi area and sandbox modeling
Lee, C. K.
C41A-0680Abstract Title: An Observation of Antarctic Marginal Subglacial Lake using Cryosat-2 SARin mode
Lee, C.
A43C-0292Abstract Title: Emissions and Characteristics of Ice Nucleating Particles Associated with Laboratory Generated Nascent Sea Spray Aerosol
Lee, C.
P12A-07Abstract Title: Solar Energetic Particle Events Observed by MAVEN, P21A-2069Abstract Title: Two Types of Aurora on Mars as Observed by MAVEN's Imaging UltraViolet Spectrograph, SH32B-05Abstract Title: SEP modeling based on the ENLIL global heliospheric model, SH42A-05Abstract Title: Terrestrial Planet Space Weather Information: An Update
Lee, C.
TH25GAbstract Title: NASA Mission Applications and the Early Adopter Program
Lee, C. M.
B11J-0582Abstract Title: Mechanisms of Propidium Monoazide Inhibition of Polymerase Chain Reaction and implications for Propidium Monoazide Applications, H51TAbstract Title: Remote Sensing Applications for Water Resources Management I, H52EAbstract Title: Remote Sensing Applications for Water Resources Management II, H53GAbstract Title: Remote Sensing Applications for Water Resources Management III Posters, TH25EAbstract Title: Earth Observations and Global Water Security
Lee, C.
A43C-0295Abstract Title: Development and Application of a Hygroscopicity Basis Set for the Analysis of the Mixing State of Nascent Sea Spray Aerosols
Lee, C. J.
NH23A-1866Abstract Title: The Algorithm Development of the Tsunami Impact Intensity Analysis and the Application to the 1867 Keelung Tsunami Event, NH23C-1901Abstract Title: Analyzing the 1604 Quanzhou Tsunami Event by using Impact Intensity Analysis and Discovering the Potential Tsunami Threat along the West Coast of Taiwan
Lee, C. T.
S43B-2811Abstract Title: Single-station and Small Source Regions GMPE for Site-specific PSHA
Lee, C. T.
NH44B-05Abstract Title: Relationship among Probability of Failure, Landslide Susceptibility Index, and Rainfall Parameters
Lee, C. T.
T23E-05Abstract Title: The structure of continental crust during and after formation, U24AAbstract Title: FRONTIERS IN GEOSYSTEMS: Deep Earth-Surface Interactions, U24A-03Abstract Title: The role of continental arc magmatism in driving long-term climate change, V23BAbstract Title: Volcanology, Geochemistry, and Petrology General Contributions Posters, V42AAbstract Title: Daly Lecture, V43D-01Abstract Title: The role of continents in modulating the whole Earth carbon and oxygen cycles, V51G-3110Abstract Title: Compositional control on volcanic arc elevation and implications for magmatic differentiation
Lee, C. G.
P53G-07Abstract Title: High-Resolution Bistatic Radar Imaging of Near-Earth Asteroids in 2015 using New Capabilities of Goldstone and Green Bank Telescopes
Lee, C. J.
A23N-03Abstract Title: Climate and health impacts of the shift from traditional solid cookstove fuels to modern energy sources
Lee, D. H.
GC23D-1167Abstract Title: Phytoplankton Bloom Dynamics in Greenland Sea Using Ocean Color Remote Sensing
Lee, D. Y.
SM21A-2467Abstract Title: Statistical Features of EMIC Waves Observed on Van Allen Probes in the Inner Magnetosphere, SM21A-2468Abstract Title: Van Allen Probes observations of EMIC events triggered by solar wind dynamic pressure enhancements
Lee, D. H.
H43F-1570Abstract Title: Effect of OSE(II)-Enhanced Soil Washing(OESW) for TPH –Contaminated Soil Remediation
Lee, D. S.
PA41D-08Abstract Title: Advances in Monitoring, Modelling and Forecasting Volcanic Ash Plumes over the Past 5 Years and the Impact on Preparedness from the London VAAC Perspective
Lee, D. K.
B13F-0689Abstract Title: Assessment of Forest Conservation Value Using a Species Distribution Model and Object-based Image Analysis, B33E-0763Abstract Title: The Urban Heat Island Impact in Consideration of Spatial Pattern of Urban Landscape and Structure, B33E-0781Abstract Title: Urban Development from the Perspective of Geodivesity in South Korea, GC11B-1044Abstract Title: Calculating net primary productivity of forest ecosystem with G4M model: case study on South Korea, GC33B-1286Abstract Title: Suggestions for Forest Conservation Policy under Climate Change, GC51C-1105Abstract Title: Estimation of Energy Consumption and Greenhouse Gas Emissions considering Aging and Climate Change in Residential Sector, H33I-1724Abstract Title: Estimation of Water Availability Considering Climate Change in the Korean Peninsula, NH41B-1817Abstract Title: Assessing Landslide Risk Areas Using Statistical Models and Land Cover, PA31C-2165Abstract Title: Spatial Characteristics of Small Green Spaces' Mitigating Effects on Microscopic Urban Heat Islands, PA43A-2177Abstract Title: Integrated analysis considered mitigation cost, damage cost and adaptation cost in Northeast Asia, PA51C-2222Abstract Title: Assessing Ecological Impacts According to Land Use Change
Lee, D. H.
SM13C-2510Abstract Title: Nonlinear Development of ULF waves in the Upstream of Earth’s Bow Shock, SM13C-2513Abstract Title: Kinetic properties of ions at the low-beta, quasi-perpendicular bow shock observed by the Cluster spacecraft, SM21A-2462Abstract Title: Time evolution of ULF waves driven by impulsive particle injection, SM21A-2485Abstract Title: Numerical study of resonant electron dynamics during the development of whistler instability, SM51F-02Abstract Title: Effects of Asymmetry between the Northern and Southern Latitudes on ULF Waves near the Equatorial Region
Lee, D.
B34C-06Abstract Title: Trees growing through impervious surfaces use shallower water sources: a stable isotope study
Lee, D.
NH51B-1870Abstract Title: A Preliminary Evaluation of Season-ahead Flood Risks Globally
Lee, D.
A52D-03Abstract Title: Insights from a Regime Decomposition Approach on CERES and CloudSat-inferred Cloud Radiative Effects
Lee, D.
H21I-1509Abstract Title: Impacts of Characteristics of Errors in Radar Rainfall Estimates for Rainfall-Runoff Simulation
Lee, D. B.
EP43A-0949Abstract Title: Controls on Dune Deformation Patterns in White Sands, New Mexico
Lee, E. J.
S33C-2800Abstract Title: UCVM: An Open Source Software Package for Querying and Visualizing 3D Velocity Models
Lee, E.
SM13C-2508Abstract Title: Transport of Solar Wind Across Earth’s Bow Shock, SM13C-2510Abstract Title: Nonlinear Development of ULF waves in the Upstream of Earth’s Bow Shock, SM13C-2513Abstract Title: Kinetic properties of ions at the low-beta, quasi-perpendicular bow shock observed by the Cluster spacecraft, SM21A-2485Abstract Title: Numerical study of resonant electron dynamics during the development of whistler instability
Lee, E.
H52C-05Abstract Title: Extreme Resolution Modeling of Integrated Critical Zone Processes, H53E-1701Abstract Title: Determining the Role of Hydraulic Redistribution Regimes in the Critical Zone
Lee, E. J.
NH43A-1869Abstract Title: Remote Sensing Based Vulnerability Assessment of Desertification in Mongolia and Myanmar
Lee, E. J.
B11G-0515Abstract Title: Impacts of Forest and Agricultural Land Use on Stream Dissolved Organic Carbon During Storms, B11G-0530Abstract Title: Ages and Loads of Riverine Carbon of the Five Largest Rivers in South Korea
Lee, E. S.
H42E-06Abstract Title:  Slow-release Permanganate Gel (SRP-G) for Groundwater Remediation: Spreading, Gelation, and Release in Porous and Low-Permeability Media
Lee, E.
H34E-06Abstract Title: Integration of In Situ Radon Modeling with High Resolution Aerial Remote Sensing for Mapping and Quantifying Local to Regional Flow and Transport of Submarine Groundwater Discharge from Coastal Aquifers
Lee, E.
H41H-08Abstract Title: Land Use and climate change interactions in tropical South America, H43B-1488Abstract Title: Is deforestation driving Southeastern Amazonia's hydrological transition?
Lee, E.
GC51D-1114Abstract Title: Development of Crop Yield Estimation Method by Applying Seasonal Climate Prediction in Asia-Pacific Region
Lee, G.
A11GAbstract Title: Emergence of a Global Observing System for Air Quality: Integrated Approaches Using Observations and Models of Tropospheric Composition and Pollution to Inform Air Quality Analyses and Applications I Posters, A11G-0141Abstract Title: Peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN) at the urban core site of Seoul during 2015 MAPS / KORUS - AQ, A21KAbstract Title: Emergence of a Global Observing System for Air Quality: Integrated Approaches Using Observations and Models of Tropospheric Composition and Pollution to Inform Air Quality Analyses and Applications II, A21K-02Abstract Title: A New Era of Air Quality Monitoring from Space in East Asia: Korea’s Geostationary Environmental Monitoring Spectrometer (GEMS) and an Integrated Korea-US Air Quality (KORUS–AQ) Study, A22BAbstract Title: Emergence of a Global Observing System for Air Quality: Integrated Approaches Using Observations and Models of Tropospheric Composition and Pollution to Inform Air Quality Analyses and Applications III, A32DAbstract Title: Emergence of a Global Observing System for Air Quality: Integrated Approaches Using Observations and Models of Tropospheric Composition and Pollution to Inform Air Quality Analyses and Applications IV, A32D-02Abstract Title: A Multiplatform Observations of Air Quality in Korea as the Pre-campaign of Korea and US Air Quality (KORUS-AQ) Study.
Lee, G.
Lee, G.
P23A-2109Abstract Title: Venus Atmospheric Maneuverable Platform (VAMP) - A Low Cost Venus Exploration Concept
Lee, G. M.
A11G-0157Abstract Title: Classification and its scale analysis of Severe Haze recently observed in Korea, A51K-0216Abstract Title: Characteristics of Heavy Snowfall and Snow Crystal Habits in the ESSAY (Experiment on Snow Storms At Yeongdong) Campaign in Korea
Lee, H. T.
GC31D-1209Abstract Title: A Gauge – OLR Blended Analysis of Global Daily Precipitation: A 37-Year Data Record for Hydroclimate Applications
Lee, H.
A11G-0116Abstract Title: Characteristics of total column ozone and nitrogen dioxide amount over Korea during the 2015 MAPS campaign: Pandora spectrometer, satellite and in-situ measurement
Lee, H.
A41I-0176Abstract Title: GOSAT CO2 retrieval results using TANSO-CAI aerosol information over East Asia, A41I-0177Abstract Title: Improvement of CO2 retrieval algorithm with modified aerosol parameters using GOSAT measurements over East-Asia
Lee, H.
B24D-01Abstract Title: Incorporating Excess Ground Ice in the Community Land Model on Projections of Permafrost in a Warming Climate, B41C-0435Abstract Title: Effects of Gridcell Inundated Fraction Parameterization on CH4 Dynamics in the Community Land Model
Lee, H.
A41E-0102Abstract Title: Implementation of new empirical parameterization for cloud droplet number concentrations to HadGEM2-AO
Lee, H.
A11G-0158Abstract Title: Development of a simple statistical method for wintertime PM prediction in Korea
Lee, H. I.
S51D-2707Abstract Title: Infrasound Monitoring of the Volcanic Activities of Japanese Volcanoes in Korea
Lee, H. M.
H21I-1515Abstract Title: Case study of heavy rainfall using Yong-In Testbed (YIT) dual-pol. radar in Korea
Lee, H.
A11G-0141Abstract Title: Peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN) at the urban core site of Seoul during 2015 MAPS / KORUS - AQ
Lee, H. J.
NH21E-05Abstract Title: A Synthesis of Characteristics of Submarine Landslides Generated by the 1964 Great Alaska Earthquake in Six Fjords
Lee, H. J.
NH13B-1921Abstract Title: Development of IoT-based Urban Sinkhole and Road Collapse Monitoring System
Lee, H.
A11G-0150Abstract Title: Airborne Atmospheric Aerosol Measurement System
Lee, H.
C53B-0776Abstract Title: Dynamics of landfast sea ice near Jangbogo Antarctic Research Station observed by SAR interferometry
Lee, H.
H43F-1591Abstract Title: Stable condition of dimethylmonothioarsinic acid (DMMTAV) and dimethyldithioarsinic acid ( DMDTAV) in landfill leachate
Lee, H.
A11F-0105Abstract Title: Are high-resolution NASA Unified WRF simulations credible tools for predicting extreme precipitation over the Great Plains?
Lee, H. G.
PP41B-2233Abstract Title: Changes in CO2 concentration and carbon cycle during the last glacial termination
Lee, H. I.
PP21A-2212Abstract Title: Using Clumped Isotopes to Investigate the Causes of Pluvial Conditions in the Southeastern Basin and Range during the Last Deglaciation
Lee, H.
IN21B-1691Abstract Title: Designing Interoperable Data Products with Community Conventions, IN41D-06Abstract Title: GDAL Enhancements for Interoperability with EOS Data
Lee, H.
B23G-0684Abstract Title: Effect of Additives and pH on the Formation of Carbonate Mineral by CO2 Sequestration of Cement Paste
Lee, H.
C21B-0742Abstract Title: Ice flow velocity, elevation change and discharge variation in Novaya Zemlya using SAR and Landsat offset-tracking and radar altimetry, EP23B-0951Abstract Title: Shoreline Change Monitoring Using High Resolution Digital Photogrammetric Technique, GC44B-05Abstract Title: Diffusion Modeling of Water Flow in the Congo Floodplains Using Geodetic and Remote Sensing Measurements, G21B-1038Abstract Title: A Time Domain Along-Track SAR Interferometry Method, H52D-04Abstract Title: Characterizing regulated reservoirs dynamics in regional to global scale hydrologic models, H53F-1711Abstract Title: Understanding Satellite-based Monthly-to-Seasonal Reservoir Outflow Estimation as a function of Hydrologic Controls, H53F-1714Abstract Title: Toward Automated Generation of Reservoir Water Elevation Changes From Satellite Radar Altimetry., NH43A-1857Abstract Title: Mapping Slumgullion Landslide in Colorado, USA Using Airborne Repeat-Pass InSAR
Lee, H. A.
H13A-1495Abstract Title: Determination of fluorine concentrations using wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence (WDXRF) spectrometry to analyze fluoride precipitates., NH51D-1932Abstract Title: Characteristics of fluoride in pore-water at accidental hydrofluoric acid spillage site, Gumi, Korea
Lee, H. J.
A23D-0340Abstract Title: A Mechanism for PNA-like teleconnection pattern in response to the Madden-Julian oscillation
Lee, H. M.
A22B-04Abstract Title: Sensitivity Analysis of PM2.5 in Seoul to Emissions and Reaction Rates Using the GEOS-Chem and its Adjoint Model
Lee, H.
GC31C-1190Abstract Title: Analysis for Spatiotemporal Characteristics of Downscaled Hourly Precipitation for Climate Scenarios and Hydrological Responses
Lee, H.
MR42A-08Abstract Title: The Importance of Magmatic Fluids in Continental Rifting in East Africa, T43H-04Abstract Title: Crustal Strain Patterns in Magmatic and Amagmatic Early Stage Rifts: Border Faults, Magma Intrusion, and Volatiles, V43C-3171Abstract Title: Fault Networks in the Northwestern Albuquerque Basin and Their Potential Role in Controlling Mantle CO2 Degassing and Fluid Migration from the Valles Caldera
Lee, I. H.
NH13B-1921Abstract Title: Development of IoT-based Urban Sinkhole and Road Collapse Monitoring System
Lee, I. K.
OS43A-2007Abstract Title: Mineralogical and Fluid Inclusion Studies on Seafloor Hydrothermal Vents at TA25 Caldera, Tonga Arc
Lee, I.
V21A-3015Abstract Title: Geochemistry, Petrology, and Provenance of Magnetite-Rich Ortaklar Cu Deposit Hosting Basalts from Koçali Complex, Gaziantep, Turkey, V53C-3143Abstract Title: Study on the genesis of Yishui banded iron formation (BIF) in the North China Craton: geochemical characteristics and tectonic environment
Lee, J.
A13C-0352Abstract Title: Summer Climate Responses to Atmospheric Teleconnections and Greenland Ice Mass Variations in the Last Four Decades from the MERRA-2 Reanalysis
Lee, J. I.
C11C-0770Abstract Title: Antarctic marine ice sheet retreat in the Ross Sea during the early Holocene
Lee, J. M.
GC11B-1048Abstract Title: Preliminary Study: Application of Off-Axis ICOS to Determine Stable Carbon Isotope in Dissolved Inorganic Carbon, H13I-1693Abstract Title: Developing an Analysis Program to Estimate and Prediction Groundwater Droughts in Korea from Groundwater Time-Series Data.
Lee, J. N.
GC53F-1259Abstract Title: Spatial and Temporal Variations of Surface Temperature Over Greenland As Observed In AIRS, MODIS and In-Situ Measurements
Lee, J. B.
A51B-0040Abstract Title: Analysis of Long-Range Transport of Carbon Dioxide Using Satellite and Modeling Data over East Asia
Lee, J.
A33L-0371Abstract Title: Validation of the New VIIRS Deep Blue Algorithm with AERONET in Dust Source and Sink Regions
Lee, J.
A21C-0131Abstract Title: New Global Deep Blue Aerosol Product over Land and Ocean from VIIRS, and Its comparisons with MODIS, A21K-07Abstract Title: Analysis of aerosol optical properties over Korea during the 2015 MAPS-Seoul campaign using AERONET and GOCI, A23L-01Abstract Title: NASA's New 'Deep Blue' Aerosol Products From The NPP-VIIRS Sensor, A31D-0074Abstract Title: Spatial and Temporal Characteristics of Aerosols from Collection 6 Aqua and Terra MODIS e-Deep Blue Products
Lee, J.
OS31A-1967Abstract Title: Temporal and spatial variations in photosynthetic parameters in the South Sea and East/Japan Sea, Korea
Lee, J.
SA43B-2361Abstract Title: Short Term Variation of Cosmic Radiation on Aircraft at Constant Flight Condition
Lee, J.
H42E-04Abstract Title: A data mining approach to predict in situ chlorinated ethene detoxification potential
Lee, J.
T43B-2985Abstract Title: Plastic Deformation and Seismic Properties in Fore-arc Mantles: A Petrofabric Analysis of the Yushigou Harzburgites, North Qilian Suture Zone, NW China
Lee, J. D.
A11M-0257Abstract Title: NOx Emissions from Oil and Gas Production in the North Sea, A11T-04Abstract Title: Direct Measurements of the Local Ozone Production Rate in the Pollution Outflow from a Megacity, A14A-02Abstract Title: Spatially Resolved Emissions of NOx and VOCs and Comparison to Inventories., A21G-0241Abstract Title: A snapshot of the UK net greenhouse gas flux using a mass balance approach with aircraft measurements, B33A-0637Abstract Title: Methodology for Airborne Quantification of NOx fluxes over Central London and Comparison to Emission Inventories
Lee, J. E.
PP51B-2285Abstract Title: The Roosevelt Island Climate Evolution (RICE) ice core: climate and ice dynamics of the Ross Sea, West Antarctica
Lee, J.
B21D-0486Abstract Title: Spatial Variability of Canopy Structure and Function in Tussock Tundra of Alaska
Lee, J.
V34A-01Abstract Title: Garnet: a key to unraveling Earth's dynamic lithosphere
Lee, J.
GC41B-1093Abstract Title: Efforts to Unravel the Cause of Shrinkage of Lake Chad: Development of Hydrologic Real-time Observatory Network in the Lake Chad Basin, NH41B-1815Abstract Title: Effects of Earthquake and Human Migration on Land Cover Change and Mass Wasting from the 2010 Haiti Earthquake
Lee, J.
A13A-0305Abstract Title: Impact of Climate Seasonality on Hydrological Partitioning by Using Stochastic Soil Moisture Model, H13L-1742Abstract Title: Uncertainty Analysis of non-point source pollution control facilities design techniques in Korea, H53A-1637Abstract Title: Future PMP Estimation in Korea under AR5 RCP 8.5 climate change scenarios and its Changes Cause Analysis
Lee, J.
SH21C-05Abstract Title: Coronal Magnetic Structures for Homologous Eruptions
Lee, J. W.
H21A-1318Abstract Title: Effect of Body Force on Consolidation in Unsaturated Soils
Lee, J. S.
A11G-0141Abstract Title: Peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN) at the urban core site of Seoul during 2015 MAPS / KORUS - AQ
Lee, J. C.
T32BAbstract Title: Climate-Tectonic Coupling in Orogens: Taiwan and Beyond I, T33AAbstract Title: Climate-Tectonic Coupling in Orogens: Taiwan and Beyond II Posters, T33A-2916Abstract Title: Extrusional Tectonics at Plate Corner: an Example in Northern Taiwan, T33A-2917Abstract Title: Extreme events from hundreds years to glacial cycle: insights from Quaternary terraces across the Taiwan mountain belt
Lee, J.
GC13H-1258Abstract Title: Comparison of Alternative Crop Phenology Detection Algorithms using MODIS NDVI Time Series Data in US Corn Belt Region
Lee, J. H.
B23G-0684Abstract Title: Effect of Additives and pH on the Formation of Carbonate Mineral by CO2 Sequestration of Cement Paste
Lee, J. Y.
SH31B-2417Abstract Title: Study on the temperature and density of erupting prominences associated with coronal mass ejections
Lee, J. Y.
EP31A-0989Abstract Title: Critical zone study in Korea: integration of hydrogeology, mineralogy, sedimentology and molecular biogeochemistry, H21C-1386Abstract Title: Seasonal variation of water level, water and soil temperature, chemistry, and stable isotopes in hyporheic zone of Korea, H31I-1535Abstract Title: Evaluation of occurrence and distribution of natural radionuclides in groundwater of Korea
Lee, J.
GC43C-1215Abstract Title: Do CMIP5 Climate Models Reproduce Observed Historical Trends in Temperature and Precipitation over the Continental United States?
Lee, J.
A31I-07Abstract Title: Spring Land Temperature Anomalies in Northwestern U.S. and Southern Plains Summer Extreme: Texas Droughts and Floods, A33J-0302Abstract Title: Spin-up simulation behaviors in a climate model to build a basement of long-time simulation
Lee, J.
A11G-0152Abstract Title: Daily variation of organic aerosol concentration and composition in Seoul, Korea during KORUS pre-campaign
Lee, J.
OS13A-2029Abstract Title: Nitrogen (N) assimilation and regeneration in hypoxic water column of Jinhae Bay, South Korea
Lee, J.
NH21C-1835Abstract Title: Ionospheric Signatures of the Earthquake in South Korea on 31 March 2014
Lee, J.
ED51C-0821Abstract Title: Better retention through game-play – EcoChains: Arctic Crisis card game
Lee, J. S.
OS31A-1964Abstract Title: Jellyfish Patch Detecting Using Low Latitude Remote Sensing System
Lee, J.
OS53B-2017Abstract Title: Annual and seasonal variation of sea surface salinity retrieved from NASA Aquarius satellite in the northwestern Pacific Ocean
Lee, J. H.
H13E-1587Abstract Title: Efficient high-dimensional characterization of conductivity in a sand box using massive MRI-imaged concentration data, H23G-1649Abstract Title: Development of a Control Optimization System for Real Time Monitoring of Managed Aquifer Recharge and Recovery Systems Using Intelligent Sensors, NS22A-02Abstract Title: Three-dimensional ERT imaging by the geostatistical approach
Lee, J.
NH33C-1925Abstract Title: Flood Damage Estimation of Coastal Area Considering Climate Change
Lee, J.
A43A-0245Abstract Title: Chemical Characteristics of Particulate Matter from Vehicle emission using High Resolution Time of Flight Aerosol Mass Spectrometer (HR-ToF-AMS)
Lee, J.
H43G-1620Abstract Title: Effects of warming treatment and precipitation manipulation on fine root length of Pinus densiflora seedlings.
Lee, J.
B11C-0445Abstract Title: Estimating dead organic matter carbon dynamics of an intact mixed dipterocarp forest in Brunei with a forest carbon model , B13G-0713Abstract Title: Thinning intensity influences on soil microbial and inorganic nitrogen in Pinus densiflora forests, central Korea, B23C-0616Abstract Title: Responses of soil microbial community to experimental warming and precipitation manipulation
Lee, J.
A43F-0363Abstract Title: Determining Methane Leak Locations and Rates with a Wireless Network Composed of Low-Cost, Printed Sensors
Lee, J. K.
A14F-03Abstract Title: A multi-scale approach to monitor urban carbon-dioxide emissions in the atmosphere over Vancouver, Canada
Lee, J.
B33C-0690Abstract Title: Simulating CH4 and N2O emissions from direct-seeded rice systems using the DeNitrification DeComposition (DNDC) model
Lee, J. H.
B41E-0480Abstract Title: A study on the vegetation succession of pioneer trees in landslide control areas
Lee, J. H.
PA31C-2172Abstract Title: Estimating the relationship between urban 3D morphology and land surface temperature using airborne LiDAR and Landsat-8 Thermal Infrared Sensor data
Lee, J. H.
H43I-1668Abstract Title: Surface Rainfall-Runoff Analysis Using NRCS Curve Number and Semi-Distributed Model in Urban Watershed of Jeju Island, Korea
Lee, J. Y.
H51N-1597Abstract Title: Disproportionately Magnified Sediment Export in Response to Increased Event Runoff: Analysis of Long-term Data from Mountainous Rivers in Taiwan
Lee, J.
SA51A-2395Abstract Title: Estimation of topside electron density profile using on-orbit measured GPS and electron density data., SA51C-2413Abstract Title: Development of Space Science Instruments for Next Generation Small Satellite -1
Lee, J. Y.
OS52A-06Abstract Title: Dynamic and Thermodynamic Characteristics of the Two Dominant Boreal Summer Intraseasonal Oscillation Modes
Lee, J. M.
NH51C-1900Abstract Title: Conservation values and management strategies of coastal windbreaks
Lee, J. E.
B21K-07Abstract Title: Solar-induced Fluorescence as a Proxy for Canopy Photosynthesis in a Temperate Deciduous Forest: Comparisons between Observations and Model Results, B43H-0633Abstract Title: The Global Drivers of Photosynthesis and Light Use Efficiency Seasonality: A Granger Frequency Causality Analysis
Lee, J. S.
EP31A-0989Abstract Title: Critical zone study in Korea: integration of hydrogeology, mineralogy, sedimentology and molecular biogeochemistry
Lee, J.
B13C-0637Abstract Title: Structural and chemical modification of Fe-rich smectite associated with microbial Fe-respiration by psychrophilic bacteria in King George Island, West Antarctica
Lee, J.
A11A-0023Abstract Title: Icing detection from geostationary satellite data using machine learning approaches
Lee, J.
H33D-1637Abstract Title: A study of Alert Standard Rainfall for Urban Medium and Small Rivers
Lee, J.
SM21A-2483Abstract Title: Variations of energetic electrons associated with solar wind dynamic pressure enhancement in the outer radiation belt
Lee, J.
T31A-2833Abstract Title: Dependence of Post Seismicity on Prior StressEnvironment, and It's Correlation with Earth Processes
Lee, J.
H13A-1495Abstract Title: Determination of fluorine concentrations using wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence (WDXRF) spectrometry to analyze fluoride precipitates., H43F-1591Abstract Title: Stable condition of dimethylmonothioarsinic acid (DMMTAV) and dimethyldithioarsinic acid ( DMDTAV) in landfill leachate, NH51D-1932Abstract Title: Characteristics of fluoride in pore-water at accidental hydrofluoric acid spillage site, Gumi, Korea
Lee, J. H.
SM31E-02Abstract Title: Study of Space Weather and Environment Effects on the Next-Generation Solar Cell Technology Flying on the AeroCube-6 Twin CubeSat Mission
Lee, J.
A21E-0192Abstract Title: Evaluation of medium-range weather forecasts about Korea Institute of Atmospheric Prediction Systems (KIAPS) Integrated Model System (KIM)
Lee, K. K. M.
DI43AAbstract Title: What Lies Beneath: Multidisciplinary Approaches to Probing the Structure and Evolution of Planetary Interiors I Posters, DI43A-2602Abstract Title: Inside a Diamond Planet: Experimental Investigation of High P-T SiC, DI44A-05Abstract Title: The Mantle-Atmosphere Connection: Oxidation of the Atmosphere through Mantle Convection, DI52BAbstract Title: What Lies Beneath: Multidisciplinary Approaches to Probing the Structure and Evolution of Planetary Interiors II, ED51C-0827Abstract Title: Adventures of Geo: Using comics as a learning tool, MR23B-2654Abstract Title: Melting of (Mg, Fe)O Ferropericlase at High Pressure (> 40 GPa)
Lee, K. K.
H21A-1340Abstract Title: Growing eddies reduce tailing in rough-walled rock fractures, H23A-1563Abstract Title: An Integrated Approach on Groundwater Flow and Heat/Solute Transport for Sustainable Groundwater Source Heat Pump (GWHP) System Operation, H51K-1538Abstract Title: Long-term prediction of groundwater recharge by climate changes in the Gosan agricultural area, Jeju Island of South Korea, H53H-1767Abstract Title: Hydrogeological characterization of shallow-depth zone for CO2 injection and leak test at a CO2 environmental monitoring site in Korea , H53H-1770Abstract Title: CO2 phase mutation by fluctuating water table in the vadose zone over a CCS site, H53H-1771Abstract Title: Application of tracer tests using SF6 and chloride for hydrogeological characterization of a CCS site, Eumseong, Korea , H53H-1773Abstract Title: Application of δ18O, δD, 3H-3He and CFCs to characterize the nitrate contamination of groundwater in Eumsung, Korea
Lee, K. H.
NS31A-1947Abstract Title: Controlled Source Magnetics: A Method for Imaging High-resolution Near-surface Magnetic Heterogeneity
Lee, K.
H53H-1771Abstract Title: Application of tracer tests using SF6 and chloride for hydrogeological characterization of a CCS site, Eumseong, Korea , OS13A-2028Abstract Title: Influence of ambient water intrusion on the coral reef acidification in the coral-rich western Pacific Ocean
Lee, K. M.
T53A-02Abstract Title: Seismotectonics and Crustal Thickness of Northwest Mindoro, Philippines
Lee, K. H.
SM13E-2562Abstract Title: Formation of discontinuities and expansion waves in the outflow region of magnetic reconnection in an asymmetric current sheet
Lee, K. Y.
OS43A-2007Abstract Title: Mineralogical and Fluid Inclusion Studies on Seafloor Hydrothermal Vents at TA25 Caldera, Tonga Arc
Lee, K. S.
H13I-1672Abstract Title: Investigation of Spatiotemporal Pattern of Drought in North Korea Using Remote Sensing and GIS, NH43A-1852Abstract Title: Delineating Floodplain in North Korea using Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System, NH52A-08Abstract Title: Investigating the Spatial Characteristics of Forest Fire in North Korea using Remote Sensing and GIS
Lee, K. M.
A41B-0053Abstract Title: Probable weather modification of aerosol effect on clouds and precipitation over Korea during the January 2013 severe haze episode
Lee, K. D.
NG41A-1776Abstract Title: Density fluctuation effects on Langmuir wave propagation
Lee, K. H.
A23A-0272Abstract Title: Expected trace gas and aerosol retrieval accuracy of the Geostationary Environment Monitoring Spectrometer
Lee, K.
A31B-0036Abstract Title: Observationally-constrained estimates of aerosol optical depths (AODs) over East Asia via data assimilation techniques
Lee, K.
GC51D-1119Abstract Title: Hydrological extremes and their agricultural impacts under a changing climate in Texas
Lee, L.
A13E-0385Abstract Title: The Reactive-Diffusive Length of OH Radical in Squalane
Lee, L. J.
AE33C-0513Abstract Title: Long-delayed bright dancing sprite with large horizontal displacement from its parent flash
Lee, L. S.
A11K-0215Abstract Title: Multiphase processing of organic hydroxynitrates in secondary organic aerosol from the radical-initiated oxidation of multi-olefinic monoterpenes
Lee, L.
A34A-08Abstract Title: Quantifying Uncertainty in the Response of Convective Precipitation to Aerosol, A41P-08Abstract Title: The Spatial and Temporal Heterogeneity of Precipitation and Aerosol-Cloud Radiative Forcing Uncertainty in Climatically Important Regions, A43G-0378Abstract Title: Quantifying Uncertainty in Model Budgets of Tropospheric Ozone and OH, A51M-0247Abstract Title: The Importance of Process-oriented Evaluation to Reduce Aerosol-cloud Radiative Forcing Uncertainty
Lee, L. C.
AE33B-0485Abstract Title: Ionospheric plasma dynamics and instability causedby upward currents above thunderstorms, AE33C-0510Abstract Title: The Associated Sferics of the ISUAL Blue Luminous Events, NH21A-1813Abstract Title: Radon and gamma rays anomalies observed in northern Taiwan: a possible connection with the seismicity near the subduction zone, SM13E-2562Abstract Title: Formation of discontinuities and expansion waves in the outflow region of magnetic reconnection in an asymmetric current sheet
Lee, M.
ED21E-03Abstract Title: Growing and Supporting the Student and Early Career Pipeline in Earth and Space Sciences – A Spotlight on New AGU Initiatives
Lee, M. A.
SH41D-2398Abstract Title: Interstellar Flow Longitude from Pickup Ion Cut-off Observations at 1 AU, SH41E-2403Abstract Title: Observing the Interstellar Neutral He Gas Flow with a Variable IBEX Pointing Strategy, SH52B-04Abstract Title: Interstellar neutral flow characteristics, composition, and interaction with the heliosphere – neutral gas and pickup ion analysis from ongoing observations and perspectives for IMAP
Lee, M. R.
P33C-2135Abstract Title: NWA 7034 Martian breccia: Ar/Ar ages of ca. 1.2 to 1.4 Ga, V33D-3135Abstract Title: Significance of the cosmogenic argon correction in deciphering the 40Ar/39Ar ages of the Nakhlite (Martian) meteorites
Lee, M.
A11G-0141Abstract Title: Peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN) at the urban core site of Seoul during 2015 MAPS / KORUS - AQ, A11G-0142Abstract Title: OC and EC Observed at Gosan Climate Observatory (GCO) and Their Seasonal Characteristics During Haze Events, A11G-0151Abstract Title: Carbon and nitrogen isotopic composition of PM2.5 at a periurban Mt. Taehwa near Seoul and over the Yellow Sea , A33D-0209Abstract Title: Observation of Light-Absorbing Aerosol Properties in Asian Continental Outflow, A51B-0024Abstract Title: Stable carbon isotopic compositions of low-molecular-weight dicarboxylic acids, oxocarboxylic acids, α-dicarbonyls, and fatty acids: implications for atmospheric processing of organic aerosols, B43F-0617Abstract Title: Characteristic Distributions of O3 at Taewha Research Forest near Seoul Metropolitan Area
Lee, M.
A22B-03Abstract Title: Impact of local and non-local sources of pollution on background US Ozone: synergy of a low-earth orbiting and geostationary sounder constellation, A32F-08Abstract Title: Understanding the Tropospheric Ozone Response to Changes in the Stratospheric Circulation, A33F-0238Abstract Title: Impact of drought on the CO2 atmospheric growth rate 2010-2012 from the NASA Carbon Monitoring System Flux (CMS-Flux) Project, A53H-05Abstract Title: OCO-2 observations of Africa fire CO2 emissions
Lee, M. H.
H43F-1584Abstract Title: Silica-Based Carbon Source Delivery for In-situ Bioremediation Enhancement, H43F-1592Abstract Title: Technical Evaluation of Biogeochemical Transformation of Iodine at 200-UP-1, Hanford, WA
Lee, M.
GC51C-1105Abstract Title: Estimation of Energy Consumption and Greenhouse Gas Emissions considering Aging and Climate Change in Residential Sector
Lee, M. H.
A11R-08Abstract Title: The statistical inhomogeneity of surface air temperature in global atmospheric reanalyses
Lee, M. H.
H21I-1512Abstract Title: Past-time Radar Rainfall Estimates using Radar AWS Rainrate system with Local Gauge Correction method
Lee, M.
A11G-0143Abstract Title: Observation of fine particle concentration and its chemical characteristics in central region of Korea during KORUS-AQ pre-campaign
Lee, M.
H11B-1338Abstract Title: Geomechanical Engineering Concepts Applied to Deep Borehole Disposal Wells
Lee, M. I.
A43L-03Abstract Title: Objective Detection of Tropical Cyclone Formation from Remotely-sensed Ocean Surface Wind Using Machine Learning Approaches
Lee, M.
OS21A-1958Abstract Title: Seafloor image survey of Juk-byeon port in Uljin, South Korea, using side scan sonar with a fixed long frame
Lee, N.
EP53C-1039Abstract Title: Meteoroid Impact Ejecta Detection by Nanosatellites for Asteroid Surface Characterization
Lee, O. A.
GC23D-1173Abstract Title: Sparse ice: Geophysical, biological and Indigenous knowledge perspectives on a habitat for ice-associated fauna, PA31D-02Abstract Title: The role of sustained observations and data co-management in Arctic Ocean governance, PA33A-2173Abstract Title: Scenarios use to engage scientists and decision-makers in a changing Arctic
Lee, P.
P44A-09Abstract Title: Using Neutron Spectroscopy to Constrain the Composition and Provenance of Phobos and Deimos
Lee, P.
A21A-0009Abstract Title: Verification of CMAQ modeling with Discover-AQ campaigns against measurements and efficacy of emission inversion modeling, A21A-0018Abstract Title: Multiple Sensitivity Testing for Regional Air Quality Model in summer 2014, A22B-06Abstract Title: Use of Air Quality Observations by the National Air Quality Forecast Capability, A22B-08Abstract Title: Satellite-observed NO2, SO2, and HCHO Vertical Column Densities in East Asia: Recent Changes and Comparisons with Regional Model
Lee, R. G.
V41D-08Abstract Title: Temporal Evolution of Volcanic and Plutonic Magmas Related to Porphyry Copper Ores Based on Zircon Geochemistry
Lee, R. L.
V23A-3067Abstract Title: Pāhoa Near Miss: Serendipity? Or Science?
Lee, S.
GC23D-1165Abstract Title: Primary production and biochemical compositions in Arctic melt ponds.
Lee, S. H.
EP13A-0941Abstract Title: Sequence stratigraphic model and Evolution of the Channelized depositional systems during Miocene in Ulleung Basin southeastern margin, East Sea
Lee, S. H.
C13E-06Abstract Title: Local surface winds modulate the ocean forcing of Pine Island Glacier
Lee, S. I.
H13L-1755Abstract Title: Integration of Aquifer Storage Transfer and Recovery and HACCP for Ensuring Drinking Water Quality
Lee, S. K.
MR33B-2655Abstract Title: Effects of coupling between sample and electrode on the electrical resistivity measurements of conductive samples
Lee, S. D.
A51B-0040Abstract Title: Analysis of Long-Range Transport of Carbon Dioxide Using Satellite and Modeling Data over East Asia
Lee, S. J.
S23D-2775Abstract Title: Ambient seismic noise tomography of Jeju Island, South Korea
Lee, S. K.
A23M-08Abstract Title: Springtime ENSO Flavors and Their Impacts on US Regional Tornado Outbreaks, OS43B-06Abstract Title: Inter-Ocean Exchanges and Regional Sinks of Heat during the Warming Hiatus
Lee, S. M.
C41D-0747Abstract Title: Retrieving the Emissivities of Polar Sea Ice from AMSR-E Measurements Using the Combined Fresnel Equation
Lee, S. M.
V21A-3024Abstract Title: Porosity estimates of the upper crust in the Endeavour segment of the Juan de Fuca Ridge
Lee, S. T.
B13G-0713Abstract Title: Thinning intensity influences on soil microbial and inorganic nitrogen in Pinus densiflora forests, central Korea
Lee, S. Y.
SM21A-2485Abstract Title: Numerical study of resonant electron dynamics during the development of whistler instability
Lee, S.
A11G-0122Abstract Title: Validation of Retrieved Aerosol Optical Properties over Northeast Asia for Five Years from GOSAT TANSO-Cloud and Aerosol Imager
Lee, S.
A11G-0149Abstract Title: Deriving High Resolution UV Aerosol Optical Depth over East Asia using CAI-OMI Joint Retrieval
Lee, S.
IN53A-1827Abstract Title: Development of a mobile borehole investigation software using augmented reality, NH43B-1881Abstract Title: Smartphone-based Data Acquisition for Landslide Susceptibility Assessment
Lee, S.
NH51D-1932Abstract Title: Characteristics of fluoride in pore-water at accidental hydrofluoric acid spillage site, Gumi, Korea
Lee, S.
NS23A-1930Abstract Title: Advances in Vertical Cable Seismic (VCS) for Seafloor Massive Sulfide exploration, NS23A-1931Abstract Title: Research and Development for Multi-stage and Integrated Approach for Seafloor Massive Sulfides (SMSs) Exploration., NS23A-1932Abstract Title: Discovery of Seafloor Massive Sulfides in an Andesite-Dacite Knoll Caldera off Present-Day Volcanic Front, Izu-Ogasawara Island Arc, Japan
Lee, S. Y.
A21E-0173Abstract Title: Stringent Evaluation of CMIP5 Precipitations and Development of Optimal Weighting Methods
Lee, S. T.
S51C-2698Abstract Title: Typical Infrasonic Daily Changes Associated with Weather Conditions in Southern Korean Peninsula
Lee, S. S.
H53H-1767Abstract Title: Hydrogeological characterization of shallow-depth zone for CO2 injection and leak test at a CO2 environmental monitoring site in Korea , H53H-1770Abstract Title: CO2 phase mutation by fluctuating water table in the vadose zone over a CCS site, H53H-1771Abstract Title: Application of tracer tests using SF6 and chloride for hydrogeological characterization of a CCS site, Eumseong, Korea , H53H-1773Abstract Title: Application of δ18O, δD, 3H-3He and CFCs to characterize the nitrate contamination of groundwater in Eumsung, Korea
Lee, S.
NH43A-1853Abstract Title: Application of merged satellite and radar data for flood risk reduction in urban area
Lee, S. S.
A34AAbstract Title: Effects of Aerosol on the Variability of Cloud Properties and Precipitation I, A41BAbstract Title: Effects of Aerosol on the Variability of Cloud Properties and Precipitation II Posters, A41B-0054Abstract Title: Effect of Gradients in Biomass Burning Aerosol on Shallow Cumulus Convective Circulations
Lee, S.
A21K-07Abstract Title: Analysis of aerosol optical properties over Korea during the 2015 MAPS-Seoul campaign using AERONET and GOCI
Lee, S. H.
H21A-1340Abstract Title: Growing eddies reduce tailing in rough-walled rock fractures
Lee, S. R.
GP43B-1246Abstract Title: Reliability of Ancient Planetary Magnetic Field Intensity Determination Using the Ratio of Thermoremanence to Saturation Isothermal Remanence , V33D-3132Abstract Title: When did the Gardar magmatism begin in southern Greenland?
Lee, S. K.
B43C-0568Abstract Title: Estimating Digital Terrain Model in forest areas from TanDEM-X and Stereo-photogrammetric technique by means of Random Volume over Ground model, GC11B-1046Abstract Title: Mangrove Blue Carbon stocks and change estimation from PolInSAR, Lidar and High Resolution Stereo Imagery combined with Forest Cover change mapping
Lee, S.
Lee, S.
A11G-0159Abstract Title: Multi-model Ensemble of Air Quality Forecasts for the Megacity Air Pollution Studies-Seoul (MAPS-Seoul): Model Inter-comparison and Evaluation
Lee, S.
IN31A-1754Abstract Title: Climate Model Diagnostic Analyzer Web Service System
Lee, S.
A11KAbstract Title: Nitrogen-Containing Organic Compounds on Aerosol Formation and Growth Posters, A11K-0212Abstract Title: Emissions, sinks and gas to particle conversion of amines and ammonia
Lee, S. S.
S13B-2810Abstract Title: The relationship between seismicity and wastewater injection in Johnson County, TX
Lee, S. J.
S51B-2671Abstract Title: Source inversion and strong ground motion simulation for 1951 Longitudinal Valley earthquake sequence in eastern Taiwan, S51B-2672Abstract Title: Reconstructing the source rupture process and ground motion time history of the 1935 Hsinchu-Taichung Earthquake (ML7.1) in Taiwan, T43A-2974Abstract Title: Numerical earthquake model of the 20 April 2015 southern Ryukyu subduction zone M6.4 event and its impact on seismic hazard assessment
Lee, S. Y.
PP31A-2221Abstract Title: Combined obliquity and precession pacing of western Pacific Intertropical Convergence Zone over the past 282,000 years, PP34AAbstract Title: Advanced Understanding of Tropical Hydroclimate Changes during the Last Pleistocene and Holocene II
Lee, S.
GC22B-01Abstract Title: Mitigating JPSS J1 VIIRS DNB Performance Shortfalls with Expanded Cal/Val, GC23E-1180Abstract Title: NPP VIIRS Day-Night Band Stray Light Characterization and Correction Using Calibration View Data
Lee, S.
T33A-2927Abstract Title: Temporal and Spatial Evolution of Precipitation in Response to the Growth of Taiwan Topography
Lee, S. Y.
H51U-02Abstract Title: A Multi-scale Approach for CO2 Accounting and Risk Analysis in CO2 Enhanced Oil Recovery Sites, H53H-1775Abstract Title: Quantitative Risk Assessment of CO2 Sequestration in a commerical-scale EOR Site
Lee, S. G.
GC13D-1187Abstract Title: Assessments of Maize Yield Potential in the Korean Peninsula Using Multiple Crop Models
Lee, S.
B11C-0445Abstract Title: Estimating dead organic matter carbon dynamics of an intact mixed dipterocarp forest in Brunei with a forest carbon model
Lee, S.
A22B-05Abstract Title: Development of a Numerical System to Improve Particulate Matter Forecasts in South Korea Using Geostationary Satellite-retrieved Aerosol Optical Data over Northeast Asia , A31B-0036Abstract Title: Observationally-constrained estimates of aerosol optical depths (AODs) over East Asia via data assimilation techniques
Lee, S.
ED41A-0854Abstract Title: A Relationship Between Microbial Activity in Soils and Phosphate Levels in Tributaries to Lake Champlain
Lee, S. W.
P11D-09Abstract Title: Enceladus Life Finder: Search for Life in a Habitable Moon.
Lee, S.
A33O-05Abstract Title: Exploring the Tropically Excited Arctic Warming Mechanism with Station Data: Links between Tropical Convection and Arctic Downward Infrared Radiation, A41C-0080Abstract Title: The impact of poleward moisture and sensible heat flux on Arctic winter sea-ice variability., A54C-06Abstract Title: Stationary Wave Interference and its Relation to Tropical Convection and Climate Extremes, GC34A-08Abstract Title: Attribution of the Recent Winter Arctic warming and Sea-Ice Decline with Observation-based Data and Coupled Climate Model Simulations
Lee, S. H.
SM14A-02Abstract Title: A Statistical Study of Plasmaspheric Plumes and Ionospheric Outflows Observed at the Dayside Magnetopause
Lee, S. H.
SM14A-03Abstract Title: The Role of Kelvin-Helmholtz Waves in Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling
Lee, S. C.
B33C-0675Abstract Title: Eddy covariance measurements of greenhouse gases from a restored and rewetted raised bog ecosystem.
Lee, S. K.
V33F-04Abstract Title: Glasses and Melts under Compression and Surface Confinement , V41B-3067Abstract Title: Probing the atomic structure of basaltic melts generated by partial melting of upper mantle peridotite (KLB-1): Insights from high-resolution solid-state NMR study, V41B-3069Abstract Title: Effect of pressure on the carbon speciation in silicate glasses and melts: Insights from multi-nuclear solid-state NMR
Lee, S. R.
OS33A-2000Abstract Title: Application of KISOS for the Monitoring Environmental Risks Assessment in Deep-water Gas Hydrate Test Production in the Ulleung Basin, East Sea of Korea
Lee, S. H.
SM41F-2552Abstract Title: Effects of disturbances in the magnetosheath on the EMIC wave and its characteristics
Lee, S.
H33H-1704Abstract Title: Toxicity Identification and Evaluation for the Effluent from Wastewater Treatment Plant in Industrial Complex using D.magna
Lee, S.
NH13B-1923Abstract Title: Assessment of Social Vulnerability Identification at Local Level around Merapi Volcano – A Self Organizing Map Approach, NH13B-1925Abstract Title: Agricultural Fragility Estimates Subjected to Volcanic Ash Fall Hazards
Lee, S.
H53G-1732Abstract Title: Characterizing hydrological hazards and trends with the NASA South Asia Land Data Assimilation System
Lee, S. S.
ED31D-0921Abstract Title: Inspiring the Next Generation of Scientists: Building on 52 Years of Tradition in Diatom Research with Open-Source, Web-Based Collaboration Tools and Online Resources in a Field Course for High School Students
Lee, T. J.
MR33B-2655Abstract Title: Effects of coupling between sample and electrode on the electrical resistivity measurements of conductive samples
Lee, T.
H23A-1558Abstract Title: Numerical simulation of fluid implementing heat transfer in naturally fractured geothermal reservoir with DFN method
Lee, T.
A43A-0245Abstract Title: Chemical Characteristics of Particulate Matter from Vehicle emission using High Resolution Time of Flight Aerosol Mass Spectrometer (HR-ToF-AMS)
Lee, T. S.
GC31C-1190Abstract Title: Analysis for Spatiotemporal Characteristics of Downscaled Hourly Precipitation for Climate Scenarios and Hydrological Responses, H21I-1509Abstract Title: Impacts of Characteristics of Errors in Radar Rainfall Estimates for Rainfall-Runoff Simulation
Lee, T. Q.
MR33B-2658Abstract Title: Fault-rock Magnetism from Wenchuan earthquake Fault Scientific Drilling project (WFSD) Implies the Different Slip Dynamics, MR33B-2661Abstract Title: Study of Magnetic Fabrics across the Central Part of the Chimei Fault, the Coastal Range of Eastern Taiwan, MR33B-2664Abstract Title: Study of Magnetic Fabrics and Paleomagnetism Across Northern Transect of Taiwan Mountain Belt and Thier Implications, MR33B-2666Abstract Title: Probing Magnetically the Paleotemperature in a Gouge: The Example from the Chinshui Shales from the Chelungpu Fault, MR33B-2667Abstract Title: Study of Magnetic Fabrics and Deformation across Meta-granite along Heping River, NE Taiwan
Lee, T. J.
P23A-2115Abstract Title: Highly Accurate Semi-Empirical IR Line Lists of Asymmetric SO2 Isotopologues: SO18O and SO17O
Lee, T. T. Y.
T51G-3015Abstract Title: Seismic Migration Imaging of the Lithosphere beneath the Afar Rift System, East Africa
Lee, T.
IN23B-1728Abstract Title: EarthCubed: Community Convergence and Communication
Lee, T.
OS11B-08Abstract Title: Monitoring the Biophysical Properties along Lagrangian Advection Pathways in the Amazon River Plume, OS53B-2026Abstract Title: The Early-1990s Climate Shift in the Pacific: Evidence in ENSO Diversity and Its Linkage to the Atlantic Multi-decadal Oscillation
Lee, T. J.
A11F-0099Abstract Title: NASA’s past, current and potential future support in bringing climate projection information to the decision support level, GC21E-04Abstract Title: NASA Earth Exchange (NEX) Supporting Analyses for National Climate Assessments, IN31AAbstract Title: Advanced Information Systems to Support Climate Projection Data Analysis Posters, IN31A-1743Abstract Title: WDAC Task Team on Observations for Model Evaluation: Facilitating the use of observations for CMIP, IN43B-1735Abstract Title: A Columnar Storage Strategy with Spatiotemporal Index for Big Climate Data, IN54A-01Abstract Title: Forget the hype or reality. Big data presents new opportunities in Earth Science.
Lee, T. Y.
H51N-1597Abstract Title: Disproportionately Magnified Sediment Export in Response to Increased Event Runoff: Analysis of Long-term Data from Mountainous Rivers in Taiwan
Lee, T. Y.
V51C-3052Abstract Title: Late Cretaceous intraplate silicic volcanism in the Lake Chad region: incipient continental rift volcanism vs. Cameroon Line volcanism
Lee, V. E.
PA43B-2187Abstract Title: The UK Ecosystem for Fostering Innovation in the Earth & Space Sciences
Lee, W. J.
SM51D-2589Abstract Title: Pitch-Angle Distribution for Electrons at Dipolarization Sites: Field Aligned Anisotropy and Isotropization
Lee, W. L.
A43G-0370Abstract Title: Impact of anthropogenic aerosols on regional climate change in Beijing, China, A51T-06Abstract Title: Impact of 3-D Radiation-Topography Interaction on Indian Summer Monsoon and Hydrology in Himalayas, A52D-04Abstract Title: The Impacts of Precipitating Hydrometeors Radiative Effects on Land Surface Temperature in Contemporary GCMs using Satellite Observations
Lee, W. C.
H51I-1495Abstract Title: LOTOS: A Proposed Lower Tropospheric Observing System from the Land Surface through the Atmospheric Boundary Layer
Lee, W.
V23B-3138Abstract Title: Multiple sulfur isotope studies of the oldest rocks in South Korea: Possibility of recycling of ancient sulfur in Daeijak Island.
Lee, W. D.
S53A-2794Abstract Title: SH-SV Polarization Anisotropy:Interpretation of Experimentally Measured Love and Rayleigh Wave Phase Velocities
Lee, W. K.
SA23B-2336Abstract Title: Distributions of irregularities, patches, and scintillation in the high-latitude F region seen by Swarm satellites, SA42A-03Abstract Title: The onset condition of equatorial plasma bubbles – the role of seeding mechanism and growth condition
Lee, W. K.
GC13D-1187Abstract Title: Assessments of Maize Yield Potential in the Korean Peninsula Using Multiple Crop Models, GC51D-1115Abstract Title: Assessment of Cropland Water and Nitrogen Balance from Climate Change in Korea Peninsular , NH31A-1880Abstract Title: Estimation of Wild Fire Risk Area based on Climate and Maximum Entropy in Korean Peninsular, NH43A-1869Abstract Title: Remote Sensing Based Vulnerability Assessment of Desertification in Mongolia and Myanmar, PA21C-2174Abstract Title: Spatial Assessment of Forest Ecosystem Functions and Services using Human Relating Factors for SDG
Lee, X.
A21H-0254Abstract Title: Carbon Dioxide and Methane Measurement on Urban Roads in Nanjing, China, B33E-0760Abstract Title: Mitigating the Urban Heat Island under Climate Change through Urban Management, B41I-08Abstract Title: Land-atmosphere interactions at the subgrid scale in a climate model, B43F-0618Abstract Title: An Energy Partitioning Perspective on Lake Evaporation Variations to Climate Change, B43F-0619Abstract Title: Improvements towards using subgrid CLM output to study land-atmosphere interactions
Lee, Y. J.
P23A-2105Abstract Title: Context Images for Venus Express Radio Occultations: a Search for a Dynamical-Convective Origin of Cloud-top UV Contrasts, P23A-2107Abstract Title: The result of Venus Orbit Insertion of Akatsuki on December 7th, 2015
Lee, Y.
EP22A-02Abstract Title: Memory in coastal systems: Post-tsunami beach recovery within a decade on the Thai coast., EP23B-0974Abstract Title: Coastal evolution between two giant rivers: The Chan May embayment in central Vietnam
Lee, Y.
GC33A-1266Abstract Title: Mechanistic approach to understand increased N2O emission followed by biochar application to the organic poor field soil
Lee, Y. K.
B13C-0637Abstract Title: Structural and chemical modification of Fe-rich smectite associated with microbial Fe-respiration by psychrophilic bacteria in King George Island, West Antarctica , B21D-0486Abstract Title: Spatial Variability of Canopy Structure and Function in Tussock Tundra of Alaska
Lee, Y. K.
EP23B-0973Abstract Title: Sedimentary Facies Mapping Based on Tidal Channel Network and Topographic Features
Lee, Y.
OS13A-2017Abstract Title: Taxonomy variability of phytoplankton and relationship with production of CDOM in the polynya of the Amundsen Sea, Antarctica
Lee, Y. H.
A33B-0136Abstract Title: Wintertime slope winds and its turbulent characteristics in the Yeongdong region of Korea
Lee, Y. K.
G33A-1131Abstract Title: Ocean bottom pressure contribution to vertical crustal displacement in the Korean Peninsula
Lee, Y.
SA13B-2346Abstract Title: Observation of summer daytime aurora in the noctilucent cloud layer and its link to high-energy particle precipitation during high-speed solar wind streams
Lee, Y. H.
T32B-02Abstract Title: Extreme landscape disequilibrium and slow erosion during rapid mountain building, T32B-05Abstract Title: Feedbacks Between Erosion, Climate and Uplift in the Gongga Granite on the Eastern Margin of the Tibetan Plateau, T33A-2913Abstract Title: Pleistocene onset of Simultaneous and Rapid Exhumation in the Eastern Central Range of the Taiwan Orogenic Belt, T43A-2970Abstract Title: Is a Large Earthquake Coming Soon due to High Strain Rate in SW Taiwan?, T53A-06Abstract Title: A Major Out of Sequence Fault in Central Range and Its Implication to Mountain Building Process of Taiwan Orogenic Belt
Lee, Y. G.
A31C-0069Abstract Title: Temporal variation of optimal UV exposure time over Korea: risks and benefits of surface UV radiation
Lee, Y.
P13D-03Abstract Title: Photochemical escape of oxygen from the Martian atmosphere: new insights from MAVEN, P21A-2054Abstract Title: A First Comparison between 3D Model Predictions of Mars’ Oxygen Corona and Early MAVEN IUVS Observations
Lee Zhi Yi, A.
B13A-0598Abstract Title: Simulating 131I pathways from Fukushima to Kanto: a case study for March 2011
Lee, Z. S.
EP43A-0950Abstract Title: Variable and Conflicting Shear Stress Estimates Inside an Aeolian Boundary Layer with Active Sand Transport
Lee-Taylor, J. M.
A13G-06Abstract Title: Comprehensive Modeling Study of Chemistry in Oxidation Flow Reactors
Leech, M. L.
T21C-2842Abstract Title: P-T-t-d History of the Lahul Valley, NW Indian Himalaya
Leeman, J.
ED42A-02Abstract Title: Podcasting as a Medium to Share STEAM Fields, S31A-2709Abstract Title: Laboratory Observations of the Full Spectrum of Fault Slip Modes: Implications for the Mechanics of Slow Earthquakes, S34A-02Abstract Title: The Mechanics of Transient Fault Slip and Slow Earthquakes
Leen, J. B.
A11I-0186Abstract Title: Development of Novel Instrumentation to Measure All Nitrous Oxide Mono-Substituted Rare Isotopic Species, A34F-03Abstract Title: Sources, Chemistry, and Transport of Pollutants over the Eastern United States During the WINTER 2015 Aircraft Campaign, A41A-0022Abstract Title: Detection of new VOC compounds with iCRDS, A41K-0223Abstract Title: Ammonia Partitioning into the Condensed Phase in Winter Time Conditions, A41K-0231Abstract Title: Utilizing SO2/CO2 Mixing Ratios to Determine SO2 Uptake by a Regional Cloud Layer, A41K-0232Abstract Title: Validation of Point Source Emissions of SO2 Using Aircraft Data, A43F-0357Abstract Title: Mobile Measurement of Methane and Ethane for the Detection and Attribution of Natural Gas Pipeline Leaks Using Off-Axis Integrated Output Spectroscopy, B22E-05Abstract Title: Continuous In-situ Measurements of Carbonyl Sulfide (OCS) and Carbon Dioxide Isotopes to Constrain Ecosystem Carbon and Water Exchanges
Lees, D. S.
P31A-2031Abstract Title: BASALT: BIOLOGIC ANALOG SCIENCE ASSOCIATED WITH LAVA TERRAINS, P43B-2131Abstract Title: A Sparse Hierarchical Map Representation for Mars Science Laboratory Science Operations
Lees, J. M.
S33C-2789Abstract Title: RSEIS and RFOC: Seismic Analysis in R, S41B-2732Abstract Title: Deep structure of Llaima Volcano from seismic ambient noise tomography: Preliminary results , S54B-06Abstract Title: High Altitude Infrasound Measurements using Balloon-Borne Arrays
Leese, M.
P33E-05Abstract Title: Coma dust environment observed by GIADA during the Perihelion of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko.
Leeson, A.
C41EAbstract Title: Hydrology of Glaciers, Ice Caps, and Ice Sheets in Past, Present, and Future Climates I, C42AAbstract Title: Hydrology of Glaciers, Ice Caps, and Ice Sheets in Past, Present, and Future Climates II, C43EAbstract Title: Hydrology of Glaciers, Ice Caps, and Ice Sheets in Past, Present, and Future Climates III, C51BAbstract Title: Hydrology of Glaciers, Ice Caps, and Ice Sheets in Past, Present, and Future Climates IV Posters, C51B-0719Abstract Title: Insights into supraglacial lake evolution on the Larsen-B ice shelf
Leeuw, T.
EP33A-1059Abstract Title: LISST-ABS: A Low-Cost Submersible Acoustic Sediment Sensor
Lefebvre, C.
T13B-2986Abstract Title: Structural Geology and Exhumation of the Paleogene Southern Sivas Fold and Thrust Belt, Central Anatolia, Turkey, T13B-2988Abstract Title: Uplift and Exhumation in Central Anatolia: New Results from Low-Temperature Chronometry in a Deeply Incised Granite in the Central Tauride Mountains, Turkey
Lefebvre, M. P.
S12B-04Abstract Title: Towards Exascale Seismic Imaging and Inversion, S13C-06Abstract Title: Plumes, Hotspot & Slabs Imaged by Global Adjoint Tomography, S23C-2713Abstract Title: Advances in Global Adjoint Tomography -- Massive Data Assimilation, S33C-2785Abstract Title: Spectral-Element Seismic Wave Propagation Codes for both Forward Modeling in Complex Media and Adjoint Tomography, S51A-2661Abstract Title: CMT Source Inversions for Massive Data Assimilation in Global Adjoint Tomography, S53A-2769Abstract Title: ASDF: An Adaptable Seismic Data Format with Full Provenance
Lefebvre, P.
H41H-02Abstract Title: The fate of nitrogen fertilizer added to soy-maize agriculture in the Amazon basin: Quantifying N2O flux and losses to groundwater
Lefebvre, P.
H31I-1544Abstract Title: Combining U speciation and U isotope fractionation to evaluate the importance of naturally reduced sediments in controlling the mobility of uranium in the upper Colorado River Basin
Lefer, B. L.
A11GAbstract Title: Emergence of a Global Observing System for Air Quality: Integrated Approaches Using Observations and Models of Tropospheric Composition and Pollution to Inform Air Quality Analyses and Applications I Posters, A21K-02Abstract Title: A New Era of Air Quality Monitoring from Space in East Asia: Korea’s Geostationary Environmental Monitoring Spectrometer (GEMS) and an Integrated Korea-US Air Quality (KORUS–AQ) Study, A34F-06Abstract Title: Nitrous acid (HONO) observations during the Uintah Basin Wintertime Ozone Studies (UBWOS) and the Wintertime Investigation of Transport, Emission, and Reactivity (WINTER) study: sources, measurements interferences, and implications beyond., A41A-0007Abstract Title: In-situ Measurements of Ozone Production Rates and Comparisons to Model-derived Production Rates During the Houston, TX and Denver, CO DISCOVER-AQ Campaigns, A41A-0013Abstract Title: Direct Measurement of Atmospheric Ammonia from an Airborne Miniature Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometer (miniCIMS), A51N-0282Abstract Title: Vertical Transport of Aerosol Particles across Mountain Topography near the Los Angeles Basin, ED11A-0841Abstract Title: An Undergraduate Student Instrumentation Project (USIP) to Develop New Instrument Technology to Study the Auroral Ionosphere and Stratospheric Ozone Layer Using Ultralight Balloon Payloads, ED11A-0842Abstract Title: An Attempt to Sample Upper Atmospheric Bacteria.
Lefèvre, F.
P21A-2058Abstract Title: Mars’ ultraviolet dayglow observations by IUVS/MAVEN: Structure and variability of Martian upper atmosphere, P21A-2060Abstract Title: MAVEN/IUVS Apoapse Observations of the Martian FUV Dayglow, P21A-2061Abstract Title: Retrieval of Mars' Upper Atmospheric Composition using Dayglow Observations by IUVS on MAVEN, P21A-2065Abstract Title: Mars Ozone Mapping with MAVEN IUVS, P21A-2066Abstract Title: Probing the Martian Atmosphere with MAVEN/IUVS Stellar Occultations, P21A-2068Abstract Title: Tides in the Martian Atmosphere as Observed by MAVEN IUVS, P21A-2069Abstract Title: Two Types of Aurora on Mars as Observed by MAVEN's Imaging UltraViolet Spectrograph
Lefèvre, I.
B12A-08Abstract Title: Using radiosilver and plutonium isotopes to trace the dispersion of contaminated sediment in Fukushima coastal catchments, B13A-0595Abstract Title: Examining Sediment-bound Radiocesium Dynamics in Two Fukushima Coastal Catchments with Sediment Fingerprinting Techniques, EP21C-0915Abstract Title: Identifying sediment sources in a drained lowland agricultural catchment: the application of a novel thorium-based particle size correction in sediment fingerprinting, EP21C-0917Abstract Title: Combining multiple fallout radionuclides (137Cs, 7Be, 210Pbxs) improves our understanding of sediment source dynamics in tropical rivers
LeFevre, K.
H21H-1492Abstract Title: Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) Data and Services at the NASA NSIDC DAAC
Lefevre, L.
SH23CAbstract Title: The New Sunspot Number Series
Lefevre, M.
MR31B-05Abstract Title: Porosity and permeability evolution of clay faults: in situ experiments
Leffler, A. J.
B34B-02Abstract Title: Sub-arctic Wetland Greenhouse Gases (CO2, CH4 & N2O) Emissions are Driven by Interactions of Environmental Controls and Herbivore Grazers, B34B-03Abstract Title: Earlier growing seasons and changes in migration timing influence carbon uptake and plant production in Arctic coastal wetlands
Lefsky, M. A.
B53I-04Abstract Title: Combining Lidar and Stereo Imagery for Mapping Forest Structure Prior to Wildfire, GC23B-1139Abstract Title: Peak flow transitions from snowmelt to rainfall dominance along the Colorado Front Range: Spatial patterns and temporal trends
Lefticariu, L.
PP51A-2250Abstract Title: δ18O and δ13C Analysis in Tree Rings of Pterocarpus angolensis Growing in Zimbabwe
Legarreta, J.
P41B-2068Abstract Title: A Long-lived and Color Changing Oval on Jupiter’s NTrZ (at 19ºN)
Legates, D. R.
B43H-0634Abstract Title: Phenoseasonal variability of subcanopy PAR and the effects of photointensity and photoperiod on the physiological ecology of Lindera benzoin
Legchenko, A.
C51B-0695Abstract Title: Initial In-situ Hydrologic Measurements of the Greenland Perennial Firn Aquifer, C51B-0696Abstract Title: Using In-Situ Seismic Measurements to Model the Velocity Structure of Subsurface Aquifers in Southeast Greenland 
Legchenko, A.
C43E-01Abstract Title: Investigating the Greenland firn aquifer near Helheim Glacier based on geophysical noninvasive methods and in situ measurements
Legendre, L.
T11E-2946Abstract Title: Birth of an island arc : Stuctural and Kinematics records of upper plate deformation. Example of St Barthelemy, Lesser Antilles (French West Indies).
Legendre, P.
GC13G-1230Abstract Title: Can we Detect Ecosystem Critical Transitions and Early Warning Signals of Catastrophic Shifts from Palaeo-Ecological Records?
Legendre, T.
NH23E-03Abstract Title: Flood Risk Vulnerability Assessment: What are the Main Factors? Hierarchization of The Main Factors at a Regional Scale
Leger, E.
H11M-01Abstract Title: Soil hydrodynamic parameter determination using Ground-Penetrating Radar monitoring, P51C-2082Abstract Title: Experimental and Numerical Demonstration of Anomalous Enhanced Backscatter by Subsurface Spherical Dielectric Anomalies
Leger, J. M.
GP43C-1255Abstract Title: The Absolute Vector Magnetometers on Board Swarm, Lessons Learned From Two Years in Space., GP43C-1262Abstract Title: Analysis of Plasma Irregularities and Electromagnetic Signals Based on Swarm Absolute Scalar Magnetometer Burst Mode Sessions
Legett, C. IV
P44A-03Abstract Title: Quantifying the VNIR Effects of Nanophase Iron Generated through the Space Weathering of Silicates: Reconciling Modeled Data with Laboratory Observations
Legg, M.
NH21B-1824Abstract Title: Earthquake Hazard Mitigation Using a Systems Analysis Approach to Risk Assessment, NH21E-02Abstract Title: Tsunamogenic landslides and marine paleoseismology: applications of the submerged marine terrace record, Santa Catalina Island, Southern California Borderland, T23C-2957Abstract Title: Moderately-dipping California Strike-slip Faults With Bends in map View and Cross-section , T23C-2959Abstract Title: Potential for Large Transpressional Earthquakes along the Santa Cruz-Catalina Ridge, California Continental Borderland
Leggett, G. A.
A31F-08Abstract Title: Cavity Ring-Down Spectrometer (CRDS) Development for Ambient Measurements of Ammonia, A41A-0050Abstract Title: Development of a New N2O/CO Cavity Ring-Down Spectrometer for sub-ppb Ambient Gas Monitoring
Legleiter, C. J.
EP33A-1042Abstract Title: Linking River Management-Induced Perturbations of Hydrologic and Sediment Regimes to Geomorphic Processes Along a Highly-Dynamic Gravel-Bed River: Snake River, WY., EP43B-0977Abstract Title: Saving Salmon Through Advances in Fluvial Remote Sensing: Applying the Optimal Band Ratio Analysis (OBRA) for Bathymetric Mapping of Over 250 km of River Channel and Habitat Classification, H41E-1366Abstract Title: Multiscale controls on water surface roughness and implications for remote sensing of rivers, H41E-1368Abstract Title: Refining measurements of lateral channel movement from image time series by quantifying spatial variations in registration error , H41E-1373Abstract Title: Calibrating river bathymetry via image to depth quantile transformation
Legorreta Paulin, G.
EP53A-0958Abstract Title: An overview of a GIS method for mapping landslides and assessing landslide susceptibility in the Río La Carbonera watershed, on the SE flank of Pico de Orizaba Volcano, Mexico.
Legout, C.
H53J-05Abstract Title: A High Space-Time Resolution Dataset Linking Meteorological Forcing and Hydro-Sedimentary Response in a Mesoscale Mediterranean Catchment (Auzon) of the Ardèche Region, France
Legrand, D.
S41B-2740Abstract Title: Enhanced Rayleigh waves tomography of Mexico using ambient noise cross-correlations (C1) and correlations of coda of correlations (C3)
LeGrande, A. N.
PP13E-05Abstract Title: On the evolution of moisture sources through the deglaciation
Legresy, B.
C11D-07Abstract Title: Increased Ocean Access to Totten Glacier, East Antarctica
Leguy, G.
C51C-0734Abstract Title: Simulating Marine Ice Sheets with the Community Ice Sheet Model
Lehmacher, G. A.
NG32A-02Abstract Title: Connecting small-scale turbulence to large-scale dynamics in the mesosphere using the Mesosphere-Lower Thermosphere Turbulence Experiment (MTeX), SA13A-2333Abstract Title: Variation and Fine Structure of Mesospheric Turbulence Layers as Observed During the MTeX Rocket Experiment, SA13B-2344Abstract Title: Radar Imaging of Equatorial Mesospheric Turbulence: A Case Study Using New Data from the Jicamarca Radar Observatory, SA41B-2352Abstract Title: MTeX: The Mesosphere-Lower Thermosphere Turbulence Experiment
Lehman, S.
A14F-02Abstract Title: Comparing observations of fossil fuel-derived CO2 in California with predictions from bottom-up inventories, A31B-0042Abstract Title: Carbon Tetrachloride Emissions from the US during 2008 – 2012 Derived from Atmospheric Data Using Bayesian and Geostatistical Inversions, PP31D-07Abstract Title: Episodic Neoglacial Cryosphere Expansion Reconstructed from 14C Ages of Ice-Entombed Plants on Svalbard
Lehmann, M. M.
B51A-0400Abstract Title: A new derivatization method for δ18O analysis of individual carbohydrates with GC-Pyrolysis-IRMS
Lehmann, M. F.
PP13A-2263Abstract Title: Branched GDGTs in Lacustrine Environments: Tracing Allochthonous and Autochthonous Sources Using Compound-Specific Stable Carbon Isotope Analysis
Lehmann, P. G.
H43L-07Abstract Title: Natural Length Scales Shape Liquid Phase Continuity in Unsaturated Flows
Lehmann, R.
T33E-2986Abstract Title: Coupling Stokes and Darcy Flow in Melt Migration Modelling
Lehmann, S. B.
PP21A-2208Abstract Title: Triple oxygen isotopes and clumped isotopes in modern vertebrate and dinosaur biominerals: Records of paleoecology, paleoaridity, and paleo-carbon-cycling
Lehmann, V.
A13B-0316Abstract Title: Simultaneous Remote Sensing of Ice Nuclei, Ice Crystals, Liquid Water and Atmospheric Dynamics in and Around Mixed-Phase Layered Clouds
Lehmeier, C.
B23C-0614Abstract Title: Effects of temperature on microbial transformation of organic matter – comparing stories told by purified enzyme assays, chemostat experiments and soils
Lehmkuhl, F.
PP11D-04Abstract Title: Late Quaternary Lake‐System Dynamics on the northern Tibetan Plateau
Lehner, B.
H12D-04Abstract Title: Exploring Resilience of Canadian Rivers to Climate Change, H43M-07Abstract Title: Derivation of Global River Network Attributes Including Downscaled Runoff and Discharge Estimates at High Spatial Resolution, H52D-02Abstract Title: How Much Water is Stored in Lakes? Estimation of Global Lake Volume with a Geo-Statistical Approach
Lehner, F.
A13A-0277Abstract Title: Does extreme precipitation intensity depend on the emissions scenario?, GC23C-1149Abstract Title: Detection and Attribution of Extreme Temperature and Drought using an Analogue-Based Dynamical Adjustment Technique
Lehner, I.
H32B-06Abstract Title: A Site-Level Comparison of Lysimeter and Eddy-Covariance Flux Measurements of Evapotranspiration
Lehner, I.
B24B-07Abstract Title: Continuous multi-plot measurements of CO2, CH4, N2O and H2O in a managed boreal forest – The importance of accounting for all greenhouse gases
Lehner, M.
A33Q-01Abstract Title: Katabatically Driven Downslope Windstorm-Type Flows on the Inner Sidewall of Arizona's Barringer Meteorite Crater
Lehnert, K. A.
ED31A-0886Abstract Title: The IEDA-CCNY Data Internship Program: Undergraduate Workforce Training Through Immersion in Geoinformatics, IN11G-06Abstract Title: Building persistent identifier systems for geoscience research – Technical solutions and community governance, IN21B-1688Abstract Title: The Internet of Samples in the Earth Sciences (iSamples), IN23EAbstract Title: Data Ought Not Be in the Darkness: They Should Be Open, Accessible, Transparent, and Reproducible I, IN24A-07Abstract Title: Credentialing Data Scientists: A Domain Repository Perspective, IN33AAbstract Title: Data Ought Not Be in the Darkness: They Should Be Open, Accessible, Transparent, and Reproducible II Posters, IN33A-1787Abstract Title: Building Consensus on Community Standards for Reproducible Science, IN41C-1712Abstract Title: Publishing Data on Physical Samples Using the GeoLink Ontology and Linked Data Platforms, U23AAbstract Title: Going, Going, Gone: Future Proofing the Twentieth Century Record of Our Science, U23A-04Abstract Title: Preserving the Science Legacy from the Apollo Missions to the Moon
Lehnigk, K. E.
EP53A-0949Abstract Title: The Formation of Fluvial Channels on Alba Mons, Mars
Lehning, M.
C23B-0774Abstract Title: Wind-driven Snow Distribution Patterns Over an Antarctic Ice Floe, C23B-0777Abstract Title: Study of Snow-Atmosphere Interactions over an Antarctic Surface Using Large Eddy Simulations Coupled with a Lagrangian Stochastic Model, C44B-05Abstract Title: Spatio-temporal Snowmelt Dynamics and Hydrological Response in an Alpine Catchment
Lehrter, J. C.
H52E-03Abstract Title: Relating watershed nutrient loads to satellite derived estuarine water quality, OS13B-2044Abstract Title: Use of Satellite Remote Sensing Measurements to Improve Hypoxia Prediction on the Louisiana Continental Shelf
Lehtinen, N. G.
AE33A-0483Abstract Title: Modeling of the laboratory streamer discharge
Lehto, H.
P31E-2089Abstract Title: COSIMA at Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko After Perihelion
Lehto, K.
P31E-2089Abstract Title: COSIMA at Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko After Perihelion
EP43A-0956Abstract Title: Characterization of detrital zircon U-Pb age patterns of the sandy and Gobi desert and implication for Chinese loess source
Lei, F.
H53M-07Abstract Title: Accurately constraining surface soil moisture/evapotranspiration coupling using ground observations and satellite remote sensing
Lei, H.
DI51B-2623Abstract Title: Crustal density distribution in the eastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau revealed by gravity gradients
Lei, H.
H33L-08Abstract Title: Disentangling climatic and anthropogenic controls on global terrestrial evapotranspiration trends
Lei, H.
B21M-07Abstract Title: Nitrogen Dynamics are a Key Factor in Explaining Global Land Carbon Sink
Lei, J. Sr
T52A-04Abstract Title: Large Earthquakes and Structural Heterogeneity in Eastern Tibetan Plateau
Lei, J.
SA31D-2368Abstract Title: Large Scale Ionospheric Response During March 17, 2013 Geomagnetic Storm: Reanalysis Based on Multiple Satellites Observations and TIEGCM Simulations, SA31D-2369Abstract Title: Long Duration Enhancement And Depletion Observed In The Topside Ionospheric Electron Content During The March 2015 Strong Storm, SM14A-07Abstract Title: Impacts of ionospheric outflow on storm-time F-region thermospheric mass density modeling
Lei, L. D.
PP31B-2238Abstract Title: A Euxinic-Wedge Model for Mo Cycling in the Early Cambrian Oceans
Lei, L.
A33B-0139Abstract Title: Planetary Boundary Layer (PBL) Structures and Evolution analysis by Combination of Fractal Dimension of 3 Wavelength Lidar Signal and Range Correct Signal of 1064nm
Lei, L.
DI31B-2593Abstract Title: Viscosity of liquids sulfur and selenium at high pressures and high temperatures and their correlations with liquid structure
Lei, N.
G51A-1070Abstract Title: The absolute calibration of altimeter satellites using GNSS buoy and tide gauge near the sea of Qingdao, China
Lei, N.
GC23E-1177Abstract Title: VIIRS S-NPP Nighttime DNB Spectral Response Function (SRF): The At-launch Characteristics and How the SRF Changes with Time Due to Tungsten Oxides Chromaticity
Lei, Q.
T41B-2877Abstract Title: Kinematics of Late Quaternary Slip along the Yabrai Range-front Fault: Implications for Cenozoic Tectonics across the Gobi Alashan Block, China
Lei, T. C.
H21A-1332Abstract Title: How To Measure Fractal Colloid Deposits in Porous Media
Lei, W.
DI21A-2589Abstract Title: Seismic anisotropy from shear wave splitting analysis of EarthScope data
Lei, W.
S12B-04Abstract Title: Towards Exascale Seismic Imaging and Inversion, S13C-06Abstract Title: Plumes, Hotspot & Slabs Imaged by Global Adjoint Tomography, S23C-2713Abstract Title: Advances in Global Adjoint Tomography -- Massive Data Assimilation, S51A-2661Abstract Title: CMT Source Inversions for Massive Data Assimilation in Global Adjoint Tomography
Lei, X.
H33D-1633Abstract Title: Optimal Hedging Rule for Reservoir Refill Operation
Lei, X.
MR33A-2626Abstract Title: Insights on fault-valve behavior gained from the Ms5.1 isolated shallow earthquake in Moxi gas reservoir, Sichuan Basin, China
Lei, Y.
GC21F-05Abstract Title: A 3000 year lake sediment record of local and synoptic Indian summer monsoon variability from the southeastern Tibetan Plateau
Leibensperger, E. M.
A43D-0321Abstract Title: The Effect of Recent Aerosol Trends on Solar Radiation in the Central and Southeastern United States: Implications for Regional Hydrology.
Leiblein-Wild, M.
B43K-07Abstract Title: From Dynamic Global Vegetation Modelling to Real-World regional and local Application
Leibman, M. O.
GC31B-1183Abstract Title: Rapid Arctic Changes due to Infrastructure and Climate (RATIC) in the Russian North
Leibowitz, S. G.
H31M-02Abstract Title: On the Usefulness of Hydrologic Landscapes for Hydrologic Model Calibration and Selection, H53A-1634Abstract Title: An Analysis of Historic and Projected Climate Scenarios in the Western United States Using Hydrologic Landscape Classification
Leicher, N.
PP11A-2201Abstract Title: First tephrostratigraphic results of the DEEP site record of Lake Ohrid, Macedonia, PP11D-07Abstract Title: Integrated perspectives on geological and biological dynamics in ancient Lake Ohrid
Leidich, J.
EP33A-1031Abstract Title: Hydrologic and Geomorphic Changes Resulting from the Onset of Episodic Glacial Lake Outburst Floods: Colonia River, Chile
Leidig, M.
S52B-03Abstract Title: Dense Seismic Recordings of Two Surface-Detonated Chemical Explosions
Leidman, S. Z.
C41D-0726Abstract Title: Characterizing Microbial Mat Morphology with Structure from Motion Techniques in Ice-Covered Lake Joyce, McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica, EP33A-1058Abstract Title: Tracking Sediment Movement with Pittag Surveys during Storm Events in the North Fork of Caspar Creek, California
Leidner, A. K.
GC21E-01Abstract Title: Scenarios and US National Climate Assessments: Where have they been and where could they go?
Leifer, I.
A11J-0191Abstract Title: Airborne Trace Gas Mapping During the GOSAT-COMEX Experiment, A11J-0198Abstract Title: The Relationship Between Fossil and Dairy Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Complex Urban Land-Use Patterns by In Situ and Remote Sensing Data from Surface Mobile, Airborne, and Satellite Instruments, A41I-0162Abstract Title: GOSAT CO2 and CH4 validation activity with a portable FTS at Pasadena, Chino, and Railroad Valley, C43A-0778Abstract Title: Studying bubble-induced methane emissions from the East Siberian Arctic Shelf: the next step towards a quantitative assessment., IN31D-07Abstract Title: Leveraging Realtime Data in Airborne Campaigns: From COMEX to Disaster Response, PA41B-2173Abstract Title: Advancing Partnerships Towards an Integrated Approach to Oil Spill Response
Leifer, J. M.
S33C-2801Abstract Title: U.S. Tsunami Information technology (TIM) Modernization:Developing a Maintainable and Extensible Open Source Earthquake and Tsunami Warning System
Leigh, H. W.
B43C-0567Abstract Title: Characterization of Topography and Vegetation Structure using Dual-wavelength LIDAR and High-Resolution Stereo Imagery
Leijnse, H.
A11L-0224Abstract Title: Contribution of long-term accounting for raindrop size distribution variations on quantitative precipitation estimation by weather radar: Disdrometers vs parameter optimization
Leila, K.
B53I-07Abstract Title: Understanding species composition from NEON high resolution hyperspectral-LIDAR data across a heterogeneous landscape: Effects of land use, fire regime and topography
Leinen, M.
IN13D-08Abstract Title: Sharing Data: Building on the Traditions of Collaborative Ocean Expeditions, U23A-03Abstract Title: The Challenge of Assimilating Older Data and Samples into Digital Datasets and Sample Collections, U31AAbstract Title: New Generation of Scientists
Leinenkugel, P.
GC43G-08Abstract Title: The Potential of Time Series Based Earth Observation for the Monitoring of Large River Deltas
Leinenweber, K. D.
DI24A-05Abstract Title: Experimental Investigation of the Electrical Anisotropy of the Lithosphere–Asthenosphere System, DI52B-01Abstract Title: Un-Earth-like interiors of the Earth-like planets, MR23B-2659Abstract Title: Crystal Structure of Pure and Aluminous Calcium Silicate Perovskites at Mantle Related Pressure and Temperature, MR23B-2660Abstract Title: Stability of Pure Hydrous Silica at Geotherm Temperatures up to 70 GPa, MR32A-10Abstract Title: Experimental Investigation of the Effect of Shear on the Electrical Properties of Polycrystalline Olivine and the Role of Grain Boundaries
Leinhardt, Z. M.
V23D-07Abstract Title: Condensing the Moon from a MAD Earth
Leinonen, J. S.
A43B-0273Abstract Title: Evaluation of interregional variability in MODIS cloud regimes
Leinweber, H. K.
SA22A-02Abstract Title: Simultaneous Observations of Electric Fields, Current Density, Plasma Density, and Neutral Winds During Two Sounding Rocket Experiments Launched from Wallops Island into Strong Daytime Dynamo Currents, SM11A-06Abstract Title: Swarm Observations of Field Aligned Currents during Geomagnetic Storms, SM12A-08Abstract Title: Fine Scale Structure of the Afternoon Equatorial Magnetopause as Seen on the Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission, SM12A-09Abstract Title: Low-Frequency Wave Activity Detected by MMS during Dusk Magnetopause Crossings and its Relation to Heating and Acceleration of Particles, SM13C-2519Abstract Title: Steepening of Waves at the Dusk Side Magnetopause, SM41H-2571Abstract Title: Magnetospheric Multiscale Observations of Ultra Low Frequency Waves in the Inner Magnetosphere, SM41I-02Abstract Title: First MMS Observations of High Time Resolution 3D Electric and Magnetic fields at the Dayside Magnetopause., SM41J-01Abstract Title: Modeling Saturn’s Magnetospheric Field, SM43A-02Abstract Title: Effect of electron ambient plasmas in reconnection jets and dipolarization fronts : MMS initial results, SM51A-2516Abstract Title: An MMS multicase study of magnetotail dipolarization fronts, SM51A-2523Abstract Title: Multi-point, multi-scale observation of the near-Earth current sheet reconfiguration during storm-time multi-onset substorms, SM51A-2536Abstract Title: MMS observations of small magnetic flux ropes in the near‐tail (X > ‐11 Re), SM51A-2555Abstract Title: In-Flight Calibration Processes for the MMS Fluxgate Magnetometers
Leinweber, R.
A13B-0316Abstract Title: Simultaneous Remote Sensing of Ice Nuclei, Ice Crystals, Liquid Water and Atmospheric Dynamics in and Around Mixed-Phase Layered Clouds
Leis, A.
V13C-3128Abstract Title: Hydrogeochemistry and stable isotope geochemistry of geothermal fluids discharged from volcanoes in São Miguel (Azores, Portugal)
Leisenring, J.
P23D-08Abstract Title: High angular resolution at LBT
Leisso, N.
GC32CAbstract Title: Instrument Characterization and Calibration for Climate and Environmental Measurements I, GC33DAbstract Title: Instrument Characterization and Calibration for Climate and Environmental Measurements II Posters, GC33D-1321Abstract Title: Calibration and Validation of the National Ecological Observatory Network’s Airborne Imaging Spectrometers
Leitch, J. W.
A11G-0123Abstract Title: An algorithm for hyperspectral remote sensing of aerosols: theoretical framework, information content analysis and application to GEO-TASO, A11G-0124Abstract Title: Characterizing bidirectional reflectance and spectral albedo of various land cover types in Midwest using GeoTASO Summer-2014 campaign, A11G-0127Abstract Title: Trace Gas Retrievals from the GeoTASO Aircraft Instrument
Leite, L. O.
B21L-01Abstract Title: Biodiversity and functional regeneration during secondary succession in a tropical dry forest: from microorganisms to mammals
Leite, M.
H43B-1496Abstract Title: Groundwater recharge in different physiognomies of the Brazilian Cerrado
Leite, P. A.
H43B-1490Abstract Title: Influence of Deforestation on Infiltration and Erosion in the Brazilian Caatinga
Leith, K.
T24B-01Abstract Title: Rate of fluvial incision in the Central Alps constrained through joint inversion of detrital 10Be and thermochronometric data
Leithead, A.
A21A-0059Abstract Title: Understanding ozone formation and the radical budget during oil sands plume transport in the Athabasca region of Alberta
Leitner, S.
B21F-0535Abstract Title: Response of Soil Respiration to Repeated Extreme Events in a Temperate Beech Forest in Austria
Leitold, V.
B51D-0464Abstract Title: Changes in Amazon Forest Structure and Canopy Illumination from Multi-temporal Lidar Data, B53C-0559Abstract Title: Indicators for Tropical Forests Degradation Assessment: A Multitemporal Perspective Using Lidar Data
Leiva, E.
H21J-1531Abstract Title: Advantages of a Vertical High-Resolution Distributed-Temperature-Sensing System Used to Evaluate the Thermal Behavior of Green Roofs
Leiva, J.
DI21A-2600Abstract Title: Imaging Anisotropic Layering with Bayesian Inversion of Multiple Data Types
Lejau, S.
PP34A-07Abstract Title: Western tropical Pacific hydrology as inferred from northern Borneo speleothems: interannual to orbital-scale variability
Lejeune, Q.
B33F-01Abstract Title: From quantifying historical LULCC impacts to optimizing land management for climate mitigation: Insights from climate modelling
Lejosne, S.
SM21A-2501Abstract Title: Field-Aligned Electron Events Observed in the Radiation Belts by the HOPE Instruments aboard the Van Allen Probes, SM23D-02Abstract Title: Time Domain Structures: Generation Mechanisms and Their Role for Electron Acceleration in the Earth's Outer Radiation Belt
Lejzerowicz, F.
NH33A-1892Abstract Title: Application of paleoDNA for identification of paleotsunami deposits
Leka, K. D.
SH51B-2446Abstract Title: Searching for Missing Pieces for Solar Flare Forecasting
Lekic, V.
DI11B-2591Abstract Title: Migration, Storage and Seismic Signatures of Melting at the Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary, DI11C-2606Abstract Title: New Inferences of Earth’s Mantle Viscosity Structure and Implications for Long-wavelength Structure in the Lower Mantle, DI11C-2615Abstract Title: Upper Mantle Discontinuity Structure Beneath the Western Atlantic Ocean and Eastern North America from SS Precursors, DI14A-06Abstract Title: Compositional layering within the large low shear-wave velocity provinces (LLSVPs) in the lower mantle, DI43B-08Abstract Title: Morphology of Large- and Meso-scale structures in the Mid and Lower Mantle, DI51A-2605Abstract Title: Imaging Mantle Discontinuities Beneath North America Using ScS Reverberations, P41A-2044Abstract Title: Zonal Flow Velocimetry using Acoustic Modes in Experimental Models of a Planetary Core, P41A-2046Abstract Title: Assessment of and Improvements to Acoustic Velocimetry in Flows in Core-like Geometries, S14A-05Abstract Title: Constraining anisotropy in the US continental lithosphere using a joint inversion of receiver function and ambient noise data, S21B-2681Abstract Title: Investigating Sources of Uncertainty in Surface Wave Ellipticity Measurements across the USArray, S21B-2692Abstract Title: Characterizing waveform uncertainty due to ambient noise for the Global Seismic Network, S31B-04Abstract Title: Quantifying Uncertainty Across an Array of Seismic Applications, T11AAbstract Title: An Appraisal of Global Continental Crust: Structure and Evolution I Posters, T11A-2860Abstract Title: Evaluating models of the US Continental Crust using Ambient Noise Datasets: A Transdimensional Approach, T23EAbstract Title: An Appraisal of Global Continental Crust: Structure and Evolution II, T24A-04Abstract Title: Investigating the Farallon Slab with Probabilistic Traveltime Tomography
Leland, C.
PP43F-08Abstract Title: 2000 Years of Drought Variability in Inner Asia from Tree Rings, PP51A-2277Abstract Title: A long-term context (931-2005 C.E.) for rapid warming over central Asia
Lele, S. K.
A13D-0365Abstract Title: Reduced Order ODE Model for Linear Contrails
Leleu, A. S.
H53F-1719Abstract Title: Assesment of water elevation measurement quality from multi nadir altimetry missions over a 'small' river: the Garonne River case
Leleu, T.
OS42A-07Abstract Title: Deep-Sea Observatory EMSO-Azores (Lucky Strike, 37º17’N MAR): Impact of Fluid Circulation Pathway on Chemical Hydrothermal Fluxes, OS43A-2024Abstract Title: Thermo-chemical fluxes, reactions and mixing in hydrothermal plumes at Oceanic Core complexes (Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 13°30’N and 13°20’N), OS43A-2025Abstract Title: Fluid Geochemistry of the Capelinhos Vent Site. A Key to Understand the Lucky Strike Hydrothermal Vent Field (37°N, MAR)., OS43A-2033Abstract Title: Iron-Oxidizing Bacteria Found at Slow-Spreading Ridge: a Case Study of Capelinhos Hydrothermal Vent (Lucky Strike, MAR 37°N)
Lelieveld, J.
A14B-01Abstract Title: Buffering Mechanism of the Atmospheric Oxidation Capacity, A23C-0324Abstract Title: Integrated Study of Dust-air Pollution Interaction over the Eastern Mediterranean, A23C-0328Abstract Title: Sensitivity Study of Cross-Atlantic Dust Transport to Dust Emissions, Chemical Aging and Removal Processes and Comparison with Ground and Satellite Data
Lelievre, P. G.
NS51AAbstract Title: Joint Inversion Methods and Other Interpretation Strategies to Integrate Multidisciplinary Geophysical Data I Posters, NS53AAbstract Title: Joint Inversion Methods and Other Interpretation Strategies to Integrate Multidisciplinary Geophysical Data II, NS53A-04Abstract Title: Joint Geophysical Inversion With Multi-Objective Global Optimization Methods, NS53A-06Abstract Title: Joint and constrained inversions in a complex geological setting, example from the Skellefte District
Lellei-Kovács, E.
B21F-0536Abstract Title: Contrasting Responses of Ecosystem Carbon Gain (Input) and Soil Carbon Efflux (Output) to Warming and Drought Across a European Aridity Gradient
Leloup, J.
A23M-06Abstract Title: Holocene constraints on simulated tropical Pacific climate 
Leloup, P. H.
T12B-08Abstract Title: The Jianchuan Basin, Yunnan: Implications on the Evolution of SE Tibet During the Eocene, T31A-2843Abstract Title: Large-scale Geometry of Intra-continental Strike-slip Faults: Example of the Karakorum Fault, Western Tibet
Lemarchand, D.
V11D-3089Abstract Title: Mantle Wedge formation during Subduction Initiation: evidence from the refertilized base of the Oman ophiolitic mantle
Lemasters, R. D.
H13H-1651Abstract Title: Novel Insights from Studying Raindrop Arrivals on Sub-Second Timescales
LeMasurier, W. E.
C53C-0785Abstract Title: A Prediction of Increase in Subglacial Volcanism Beneath the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) as Future Deglaciation Caused by Ocean Circulation Proceeds
Lemay, M.
GC31B-1183Abstract Title: Rapid Arctic Changes due to Infrastructure and Climate (RATIC) in the Russian North
Lembege, B.
SM13C-2507Abstract Title: Two-stream Instabilities within the Front of Supercritical Quasi-perpendicular Shocks: a Synthetic Analysis, SM21C-07Abstract Title: Origin of the Ion Foreshock in a Quasi-perpendicular Curved Collisionless Shock: Particles Trajectory Analysis in 2D PIC Simulations, SM24A-07Abstract Title: 3-D Full-kinetic Simulations of the Solar Wind Interaction with Lunar Magnetic Anomalies: Particle Behaviour, SM31A-2476Abstract Title: Fully Kinetic 3D Simulations of the Interaction of the Solar Wind with Mercury, SM54A-08Abstract Title: 3D PIC simulation of the cusp dynamics : The Alfven transition layer
Lembke-Jene, L.
PP41B-2230Abstract Title: Influence of North Pacific Intermediate Water on biological productivity in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific under glacial conditions
Lemelin, M.
P11A-2061Abstract Title: The Composition of the Lunar Crust as Revealed by the Study of Impact Basin Rings using the Kaguya Multiband Imager
Lemieux, J. M.
H51I-1515Abstract Title: The impact of glaciations and glacial processes on groundwater flow dynamics: a numerical investigation, H52F-08Abstract Title: Numerical simulation of the basin scale hydrogeological impacts of carbon sequestration in deep saline aquifers of the St. Lawrence Lowlands
Lemke, D.
H41A-1269Abstract Title: Quantification of Modeled Streamflow under Climate Change over the Flint River Watershed in Northern Alabama
Lemke, K.
ED41A-0827Abstract Title: Awaruite and Tetrataenite Driven NH3 Synthesis, ED41A-0828Abstract Title: Global Optimization of FeNi Clusters by Basin Hopping: Insight into Awaruite Cluster Structures with High Hydrogenation Capacity
Lemke, L. D.
H53E-1709Abstract Title: Identification and influence of spatial outliers in air quality measurements
Lemke, P.
Lemke, R.
B33C-0705Abstract Title: Snowcover Influences Upon Episodic Release of Nitrous Oxide from Agricultural Soils During Spring Thaw
Lemmetyinen, J.
C33C-0819Abstract Title: Spatial and Temporal Variation of Bulk Snow Properties in North Boreal and Tundra Environments Based on Extensive Field Measurements
Lemmin, U.
B51F-0498Abstract Title: Seasonal Spatial Patterns of Surface Water Temperature, Surface Heat Fluxes and Meteorological Forcing Over Lake Geneva, GC53F-1282Abstract Title: A Multiscale Surface Water Temperature Data Acquisition Platform: Tests on Lake Geneva, Switzerland
Lemmon, M. T.
P11B-2097Abstract Title: The Mars Environmental Dynamics Analyzer (MEDA): A Suite of Environmental Sensors for the Mars 2020 Rover, P23B-2136Abstract Title: Constraining Atmospheric Particle Size in Gale Crater Using REMS UV Measurements and Mastcam Observations at 440 and 880 nm, P23B-2140Abstract Title: UV Opacity at Gale Crater from MSL/REMS Measurements, P43B-2125Abstract Title: Recent Mastcam and MAHLI Visible/Near-Infrared Spectrophotometric Observations: Pahrump Hills to Marias Pass
Lemmons, K.
ED31B-0903Abstract Title: Transforming Undergraduate Education Through the use of Analytical Reasoning (TUETAR)
Lemnifi, A. A.
T13B-3007Abstract Title: Seismological Investigations of Crustal and Mantle Structure and Dynamics beneath North-central Africa
LeMoigne, J.
IN31A-1758Abstract Title:

An overview of the quantum wavelet transform, focused on earth science applications, NH43B-1885Abstract Title: Intelligent Observation Strategies for Geosynchronous Remote Sensing for Natural Hazards

Lemoine, F. G.
G23BAbstract Title: Reference Frames: Determination, Usage, and Application I Posters, G23B-1066Abstract Title: Validating crustal velocities derived from the IDS contribution to ITRF201, G33CAbstract Title: Reference Frames: Determination, Usage, and Application II, P34A-06Abstract Title: High-resolution gravity field modeling using GRAIL mission data, P34A-07Abstract Title: Mars Gravity Field and Upper Atmosphere from MGS, Mars Odyssey, and MRO, P41C-2077Abstract Title: High-resolution gravity models for Mercury from MESSENGER tracking data, P53A-2103Abstract Title: The gravity field and orientation of Mercury after the MESSENGER mission, P53B-2113Abstract Title: Probing the Lunar Polar Crust with GRAIL Gravity
Lemoine, G.
B43A-0537Abstract Title: Development of a Global Agricultural Hotspot Detection and Early Warning System, B44A-06Abstract Title: Global Crop Area Monitoring at High Resolution Exploiting Complementary Use of Free and Open SAR and VSNIR/SWIR Sensor Data Sets
Lemoine, J. M.
G41B-08Abstract Title: European Gravity Service for Improved Emergency Management - Project Overview and First Results
Lemon, C. L.
SA31E-2377Abstract Title: Auroral effects of precipitating electrons on the thermosphere for the March 17, 2013 storm observed by the GOCE satellite and simulated by the TIEGCM with fluxes predicted by the RCM-E, SM31E-04Abstract Title: Overview of the SHIELDS Project at LANL, SM41FAbstract Title: Inner Magnetosphere Cross-Population Interactions I Posters, SM51E-2598Abstract Title: Simulating the Thinning Magnetotail Current Sheet During a Substorm Growth Phase with the Rice Convection Model-Equilibrium, SM53AAbstract Title: Inner Magnetosphere Cross-Population Interactions II, SM53A-04Abstract Title: Effect of Precipitating Electrons on Stormtime Inner Magnetospheric Electric Fields during the 17 March 2013 Storm
Lemon, M. G.
H13F-1607Abstract Title: Using Canopy Temperature to Infer Hydrologic Processes in Floodplain Forests
Lemonnier, F.
P13B-2130Abstract Title: Backscatter modelling and inversion from Cassini/SAR data: Implications for Titan’s sand seas properties and climatic conditions
Lemordant, L. A.
H34A-03Abstract Title: Water cycle dynamic increases resilience of vegetation under higher atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration
Lempert, R. J.
GC21E-03Abstract Title: New Methods for Crafting Locally Decision-Relevant Scenarios, GC52B-08Abstract Title: Comparing the decision-relevance and utility of alternative ensembles of climate projections in water management and other applications, PA11BAbstract Title: New Methods for Managing Climate Risks in Data-Scarce Conditions Posters
Lemus-García, M.
H13A-1480Abstract Title: Advancing MODFLOW Applying the Derived Vector Space Method
Lenaerts, J.
C22A-06Abstract Title: Complex Wind-Induced Variations of Surface Snow Accumulation Rates over East Antarctica, C51D-05Abstract Title: On the Contribution of Clouds to Greenland Ice Sheet Mass Loss, C53A-0760Abstract Title: Several firn core records suggest relatively stable accumulation rates during the past two centuries over the Amundsen Sea sector of West Antarctica, C53C-0799Abstract Title: Validation of Modelled Ice Dynamics of the Greenland Ice Sheet using Historical Forcing, PP42B-08Abstract Title: AMOCMIP: Probabilistic projections of future AMOC evolution driven by global warming and Greenland Ice Sheet melt.
Lenaerts, J.
C22B-01Abstract Title: Surface Roughness and Snow Accumulation in East Antarctica, C22B-07Abstract Title: First synchronous realistic simulations of Antarctic and Greenland SMB in a fully coupled climate model, C51DAbstract Title: Atmospheric Drivers of Recent and Future Changes in the Cryosphere I, C53AAbstract Title: Atmospheric Drivers of Recent and Future Changes in the Cryosphere II Posters
Lenardic, A.
DI31A-2574Abstract Title: HOW DO EARLY IMPACTS MODULATE THE TECTONIC, MAGNETIC AND CLIMATIC EVOLUTIONS OF TERRESTRIAL PLANETS?, DI52B-05Abstract Title: On the Evolution of Terrestrial Planets: Implications of Evolutionary Paths and Evolving Lid-States
Lenartz, B.
GC43B-1201Abstract Title: Impact of climate change on Vea Catchment and irrigation scheme in Upper East Region of Ghana
Lenderink, G.
H31A-1398Abstract Title: Precipitation Response to Land Cover Changes in the Netherlands
Lenfers, U.
B11A-0411Abstract Title: Assessing ecosystem response to multiple disturbances and climate change in South Africa using ground- and satellite-based measurements and model
Leng, C.
MR33D-01Abstract Title: Experimental constraints on the sulfur content in the Earth's core
Leng, G.
B43F-0612Abstract Title: Improved tropical forest biogenic VOC emission factors based on GoAmazon2014/5 airborne observations, GC33C-1305Abstract Title: Understanding the relative influence of climatic variations and agricultural management practices on crop yields at the US county level
Leng, K.
S33C-2786Abstract Title: AxiSEM and instaseis: Fast simulation of global wavefields across the frequency band
Leng, M. J.
PP13B-2285Abstract Title: The Lake Ohrid Drilling Project: initial interpretations of stable isotope data over the last 640 ka
Leng, W.
DI23A-02Abstract Title: Iron-spin transition controls structure and stability of LLSVPs in the lower mantle
Lengaigne, M.
OS51A-1972Abstract Title: On the importance of Sri Lanka for sea-level variability along the west coast of India
Lengert, W.
Lengyel, S. N.
GP12A-01Abstract Title: Version 3 of the GEOMAGIA50 Paleomagnetic Database
Lenhardt, W. C.
IN13AAbstract Title: Agile Curation, Data Access and Infrastructure, and Data Layers: Maximizing the Value of Research Data I Posters, IN22AAbstract Title: Agile Curation, Data Access and Infrastructure, and Data Layers: Maximizing the Value of Research Data III, IN22A-02Abstract Title: Reference Data Layers for Earth and Environmental Science: History, Frameworks, Science Needs, Approaches, and New Technologies
Lenn, Y. D.
C53D-04Abstract Title: The Eurasian and Makarov Basins target changes in the Arctic Ocean
Lennard, A. T.
H21O-04Abstract Title: Drought Characterisation and the Application of Indices in UK Water Resource Management
Lennartson, E.
A21A-0058Abstract Title: Analysis of 2010-2014 Ground-Level Ozone at Trinidad Head, CA
Lennartz-Sassinek, S.
G43B-1049Abstract Title: How Reliable are Climate Models in Term of Regional Sea Level ?, NG13A-1862Abstract Title: Record breaking bursts in a discrete element model of compressive failure
Lenoir, J.
B53C-0574Abstract Title: Mapping Invasive Plant Species with a Combination of Field and Remote Sensing Data
Lenon, A.
SH31B-2424Abstract Title: Exploration and Parameter Study of Active Region Luminosity
Lente, J. L.
V31B-3032Abstract Title: Magma Storage Conditions, Eruption Initiation and Magma Evolution Over Time: Investigating the Eruptions of Organ Caldera, Southern NM
Lenters, J. D.
B51F-0499Abstract Title: The Dynamics of Laurentian Great Lakes Surface Energy Budgets, C11C-0784Abstract Title: Final Results From the Circumarctic Lakes Observation Network (CALON) Project, GC51I-01Abstract Title: Inland Water Temperature and the recent Global Warming Hiatus, GC53F-1281Abstract Title: On The Suitability of Air Temperature as a Predictive Tool for Lake Surface Temperature in a Changing Climate: A Case Study for Lake Tahoe, USA
Lenzen, A.
A21J-05Abstract Title: Development of an Aura Chemical Reanalysis in support Air Quality Applications
Leo, L. S.
A33Q-10Abstract Title: A Study of the 24-26 March 2015 Rainfall Event over the Atacama Desert (Chile) using WRF Simulations, A41G-0134Abstract Title: On the Dividing Streamline Concept for Stratified Flow Past Three-Dimensional Axisymmetric Topography: Theoretical Advancements and Unsolved Questions, A41G-0142Abstract Title: Synoptic Flow Interactions with an Isolated Mountain in Complex
B44A-06Abstract Title: Global Crop Area Monitoring at High Resolution Exploiting Complementary Use of Free and Open SAR and VSNIR/SWIR Sensor Data Sets
Leon, A.
H21H-1492Abstract Title: Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) Data and Services at the NASA NSIDC DAAC, IN33B-1800Abstract Title: Curating Virtual Data Collections
Leon, A.
H41G-1415Abstract Title: Flexible Decision Variables in Short-term Operation of Reservoirs Using Dimension Reduction Approach, NH51D-1927Abstract Title: A one-dimensional numerical model for predicting pressure and velocity oscillations of a compressed air-pocket in a vertical shaft
Leon, A. S.
GC34D-05Abstract Title: Minimizing water consumption when producing hydropower, H51E-1408Abstract Title: A Remotely Controlled Siphon System for Dynamic Water Storage Management
Leon, C.
GC31E-1234Abstract Title: An Integrated Assessment of Water Scarcity Effects on Energy and Land Use Decisions and Mitigation Policies
Leon, D.
A12C-08Abstract Title: Observations Suggestive of Ice Production through Secondary Processes in Convective Clouds in Southwest England, A41H-0157Abstract Title: Cloud microphysical properties of convective clouds sampled during the Convective Precipitation Experiment (COPE) experiment.
Leon, M.
EP31B-1003Abstract Title: River Suspended Sediment and Particulate Organic Carbon Transport in Two Montane Catchments in the Luquillo Critical Zone Observatory of Puerto Rico over 25 years: 1989 to 2014
Leon Soon, S.
ED11E-0876Abstract Title: On-the-job, real-time professional development for graduate students and early career scientists at the University of Hawaii
Leon Zayas, R. I.
B11I-0555Abstract Title: Microbial Community Analysis of the Costa Rica Margin from a Metagenomic Perspective
Leonard, C.
EP33A-1042Abstract Title: Linking River Management-Induced Perturbations of Hydrologic and Sediment Regimes to Geomorphic Processes Along a Highly-Dynamic Gravel-Bed River: Snake River, WY.
Leonard, E. J.
P21B-03Abstract Title: High-Resolution Topography and its Implications for the Formation of Europa’s Ridged Plains
Leonard, G.
PA43C-2190Abstract Title: Modernization of the International Volcanic Ash Website – a global resource for ashfall preparedness and impact guidance., PA43C-2191Abstract Title: International Database of Volcanic Ash Impacts
Leonard, G. H.
C31A-02Abstract Title: Platelet ice distribution in Antarctic sea ice and its implications for ocean - ice shelf interaction
Leonard, G. J.
GC21F-03Abstract Title: Why did the Nepal Gorkha Earthquake Have so few Effects on Glacial Lakes?, NH43D-01Abstract Title: Geological, Geophysical, and Stochastic Factors in Nepal’s Gorkha Earthquake-Triggered Landslide Distribution, NH43D-03Abstract Title: Gorkha earthquake-induced landslides and dammed lakes: Evolution and outburst modeling
Leonard, J.
H31F-1486Abstract Title: Monitoring vegetation water uptake in a semiarid riparian corridor
Leonard, J.
C22A-01Abstract Title: Mapping the Microstructural Location of Salts and Metals in Sea Ice with X-Ray Micro-Fluorescence Spectroscopy
Leonard, J. S.
T34A-06Abstract Title: Detrital provenance constraints from the Austral (Magallanes) Basin on dynamic changes in orogenic paleogeography during Cenozoic growth and denudation of the Patagonian Andes
Leonard, J.
NH23C-1897Abstract Title: Developing Tsunami Evacuation Plans, Maps, And Procedures: Pilot Project in Central America
Leonard, K. C.
C23B-0774Abstract Title: Wind-driven Snow Distribution Patterns Over an Antarctic Ice Floe, C23B-0777Abstract Title: Study of Snow-Atmosphere Interactions over an Antarctic Surface Using Large Eddy Simulations Coupled with a Lagrangian Stochastic Model, C32A-02Abstract Title: Seasonal Evolution of Snow Cover on Antarctic Sea Ice
Leonard, L. N.
U51A-02Abstract Title: HydroTerre: Towards an expert system for scaling models from hillslopes to major river basins
Leonard, L. J.
NH33A-1907Abstract Title: Empirical Tsunami Hazard Assessment of Near-Field Plate-Boundary and Crustal Fault Sources Demonstrated for the Pacific Coast of Canada
Leonard, M.
A21A-0058Abstract Title: Analysis of 2010-2014 Ground-Level Ozone at Trinidad Head, CA, A43E-0331Abstract Title: First look at the NOAA Aircraft-based Tropospheric Ozone Climatology
Leonard, P.
IN21A-1684Abstract Title: Re-processing TOMS UV Measurements to Retrieve SO2 Emissions From Volcanic Eruptions
Leonard, T.
V23C-04Abstract Title: Post-Eocene Subduction Dynamics and Mantle Flow beneath Western U.S.
Leonard, T.
SH41EAbstract Title: Observations of the Local Interstellar Medium and Motivations for IMAP Posters, SH41E-2403Abstract Title: Observing the Interstellar Neutral He Gas Flow with a Variable IBEX Pointing Strategy, SH52B-04Abstract Title: Interstellar neutral flow characteristics, composition, and interaction with the heliosphere – neutral gas and pickup ion analysis from ongoing observations and perspectives for IMAP, SH53C-09Abstract Title: The local interstellar medium based on ISN He observations with Ulysses and IBEX and future IMAP measurements
Leonard-Pingel, J.
GC13G-1235Abstract Title: Live/Dead Comparisons of Ostracodes in Temperate Lakes Reveal Evidence of Human Impact and Provides a Tool to Measure the Progress of Remediation Efforts
Leonardis, T.
A11T-03Abstract Title: Implementation of an original approach on the Mines-Douai Comparative Reactivity Method (MD-CRM) instrument to identify part of the missing OH reactivity at an urban site, A13E-0382Abstract Title: OH radical reactivity in an Indiana Forest: Measurements and model comparisons, A13G-02Abstract Title: HOx Radical Chemistry in an Indiana Forest Environment: Measurement and Model Comparison, A31F-01Abstract Title: Development and first applications of an OH reactivity instrument based on the Comparative Reactivity Method, A31F-04Abstract Title: Development and field deployment of an instrument to measure ozone production rates in the troposphere
Leonardo, E. M.
OS13B-2045Abstract Title: Predicting the Distribution of Yellowfin Tuna in Philippine Waters
Leonardo Suárez, M.
Leonardson, R.
H13B-1496Abstract Title: Coastal Fog Sustains Summer Baseflow in Northern Californian Watershed
Leong, K.
A53A-0369Abstract Title: Development of the Tropospheric Water Vapor and Cloud ICE (TWICE) Millimeter- and Sub-millimeter Wave Radiometer Instrument for 6U-Class Nanosatellites
Leong, L.
A13E-0401Abstract Title: Aldol Condensation Products and Polyacetals in Organic Films Formed from Reactions of Propanal in Sulfuric Acid at Upper Troposphere/Lower Stratosphere (UT/LS) Aerosol Acidities
Leong, S. H.
IN31C-1776Abstract Title: VERCE: a productive e-Infrastructure and e-Science environment for data-intensive seismology research
Leonhardi, T. C.
V41B-3071Abstract Title: Effect of Superheating on Olivine Nucleation and Growth in a Silica-Undersaturated Melt: An Experimental Study
Leonhardt, R.
GP23A-1300Abstract Title: A global geomagnetic model based on historical and paleomagnetic data
Leonte, M.
OS31B-06Abstract Title: Quantifying the flux and fate of methane into the Hudson Canyon at the edge of methane clathrate hydrate stability, OS33A-2014Abstract Title: Carbonate Chemistry Dynamics in an Area of Active Gas Seepage: the Hudson Canyon, US Atlantic Margin
Leopold, M.
EP31A-0982Abstract Title: Critical Zone science in Australia: expanding the range of environmental gradients represented in the international CZO network, EP34A-01Abstract Title: Seeking GUTH, the Grand Unified Theory of Hillslopes: Linking Weathering, Erosion and Landscapes
Lepage, H.
B12A-08Abstract Title: Using radiosilver and plutonium isotopes to trace the dispersion of contaminated sediment in Fukushima coastal catchments, B13A-0595Abstract Title: Examining Sediment-bound Radiocesium Dynamics in Two Fukushima Coastal Catchments with Sediment Fingerprinting Techniques
Leparmentier, F.
DI41A-2590Abstract Title:

The consequences of hotspots on continental lithosphere : a thermal case study on the Arabian Plate.

Lepine, L. C.
B31B-0551Abstract Title: Influences of Land Use on Greenhouse Gas Fluxes within Mixed Landscapes, B34A-04Abstract Title: Using Eddy Covariance Tower Clusters To Evaluate Biogeophysical Impacts Of Land Cover In The Community Land Model (CLM)
Lepland, A.
OS22B-01Abstract Title: Reconstructing Methane Emission Events in the Arctic Ocean: Observations from the Past to Present, OS23B-1998Abstract Title: Cold seep carbonates along the Norwegian margin, insights into U-Th geochronology and S geochemistry
Lepper, K. E.
PP53A-2308Abstract Title: Orbital Forcing of High Elevation Meltwater Events along the Periphery of East Antarctica
Lepping, R. P.
SH51A-2432Abstract Title: RELATIONSHIPs among Geomagnetic storms, interplanetary shocks, magnetic clouds, and SUNSPOT NUMBER during 1995-2012
Lepreti, F.
SM21A-2456Abstract Title: ULF waves: the main periodicities and their relationships with solar wind structures and magnetospheric electron flux, SM41C-2493Abstract Title: Identification of the different magnetic field contributions during a geomagnetic storm in magnetosphere and at ground.
Lepri, S. T.
P52A-07Abstract Title: Comet 73P Measurements of Solar Wind Interactions, Cometary Ion Pickup, and Spatial Distribution, SH11F-06Abstract Title: Multi-spacecraft Measurements of Heavy Ions at Interplanetary Shocks in front of Coronal Mass Ejections, SH21A-2381Abstract Title: A Unified Scenario for the Solar Wind Phenomenon, SH21A-2387Abstract Title:  Anomalous Ion Charge State Behavior In Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections, SH22B-06Abstract Title: Variations in Solar Wind Fractionation as Seen by ACE/SWICS Over a Full Solar Cycle and the Implications for Genesis Mission Results, SH31C-2440Abstract Title: Bulk Velocity and Thermal Properties of the Solar Wind in the Inner Heliosphere
Leprince, S.
T42A-05Abstract Title: Coseismic Slip Variation and the Intimate Link with Fault Structure
Leray, S.
H24D-02Abstract Title: Characterization and predictive abilities of GroundWater age data
Lerch, R. N.
H33C-1625Abstract Title: The Importance of Groundwater in Regulating Stream Water Quantity and Quality in a Claypan Watershed in Missouri
Lerche, M.
H21A-1353Abstract Title: Brine migration in salt in a thermal gradient
Lermet, R.
NH23E-03Abstract Title: Flood Risk Vulnerability Assessment: What are the Main Factors? Hierarchization of The Main Factors at a Regional Scale
Lermusiaux, P. F. J.
A43K-08Abstract Title: Developing a U.S. Research Agenda to Advance Subseasonal to Seasonal Forecasting, IN44A-03Abstract Title: Bayesian Inference of High-Dimensional Dynamical Ocean Models
Lerner, A. H.
V13B-3120Abstract Title: Insights into the Geochemical Evolution of the Youngest Toba Tuff Magma Chamber using Zircon-hosted Melt Inclusion
Lerner, B. M.
A11M-0250Abstract Title: Emissions and Chemistry of Volatile Organic Compounds in Early Spring of Western U.S.: Interactions between Oil/Gas Emissions and Biogenic Emissions, A11T-05Abstract Title: The Chemical Link between Isoprene and Formaldehyde, A11T-06Abstract Title: Investigating Differences in Isoprene Oxidation Chemistry Between Gas-Phase Mechanisms Using a Constrained Chemical Box Model, A13F-04Abstract Title: Enhanced Oxidation of Isoprene and Monoterpenes in High and Low NOx Conditions, A13G-08Abstract Title: Enhanced Removal of Biogenic Hydrocarbons in Power Plant Plumes Constrains the Dependence of Atmospheric Hydroxyl Concentrations on Nitrogen Oxides, A14B-06Abstract Title: Observational Constraints on Glyoxal Production from Isoprene Oxidation and Its Contribution to Organic Aerosol Over the Southeast United States, A21A-0002Abstract Title: Toward a Quantitative Assessment of the Influence of Regional Emission Sources on Ozone Production in the Colorado Front Range, A24F-02Abstract Title: A Quantification of Methane Emissions from Oil and Natural Gas Extraction Regions in the Central/Western U.S. and a Comparison to Previous Studies, A24F-03Abstract Title: Emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from oil and natural gas activities: compositional comparison of 13 major shale basins via NOAA airborne measurements, A24F-04Abstract Title: Partitioning of NOy and Implications for Ozone Formation in Western US Shale Plays, A41A-0021Abstract Title: An Improved, Automated Whole-Air Sampler and VOC Analysis System: Results from SONGNEX 2015
Lerot, C.
A21A-0050Abstract Title: Five Years of Ground-Based MAX-DOAS Observations of CHOCHO and HCHO in the Beijing Area , A51N-0262Abstract Title: Revising the Global Budget of Glyoxal (OCHCHO) Based on OMI Vertical Columns, A53D-03Abstract Title: Substantial Underestimation of Post-harvest Burning Emissions in East China as Seen by Multi-species Space Observations
Leroux, D.
H51G-1446Abstract Title: Assimilation of SMOS soil moisture products into a hydrological model to improve streamflow simulations in the Oueme catchement, West Africa.
Leroux, L.
B43A-0518Abstract Title: Biomass Productivity Dynamics Monitoring and its Drivers in Sahelian Croplands and Rangelands to Support Food Security Policies
Leroux, N.
C42B-06Abstract Title: Field Evaluation of a Novel 2D Preferential Flow Snowpack Hydrology Model
Leroux, S.
OS11A-1989Abstract Title: A large ensemble of 1/4° ocean/sea-ice hindcasts to characterize the stochastic character of the ocean variability at interannual-to-decadal timescales.
LeRoy, A.
IN34B-03Abstract Title: Using JPSS Retrievals to Implement a Multisensor, Synoptic, Layered Water Vapor Product for Forecasters, IN43C-1751Abstract Title: JPSS Proving Ground Activities with NASA’s Short-term Prediction Research and Transition (SPoRT) Center
Leroy, C.
DI51C-06Abstract Title: Neodymium in Silicate Melts and Glasses at High Pressure: How Bonding Environment Changes with Pressure
Leroy, P.
SM12A-09Abstract Title: Low-Frequency Wave Activity Detected by MMS during Dusk Magnetopause Crossings and its Relation to Heating and Acceleration of Particles
Leroy, P.
H11A-1312Abstract Title: Influence of surface conductivity and Reynolds number on the zeta potential of calcite, H14A-01Abstract Title: Modelling the Complex Conductivity of Charged Porous Media using The Grain Polarization Model
Leroy, S. S.
A51O-0285Abstract Title: Modeling Extremely Deep Convection over North America as a Source of Stratospheric Water Vapor, A51O-0287Abstract Title: Modeling Convective Injection of Water Vapor into the Lower Stratosphere in the Mid-Latitudes over North America
Leroy, S. D.
T41D-2936Abstract Title: Impact of far-field stress distributions and thermo-rheological structure of continental lithosphere on mantle-lithosphere interactions., T41F-04Abstract Title: Transition from a localized to wide deformation along Eastern branch of Central East African Rift: Insights from 3D numerical models, T51G-3020Abstract Title: Variations in Shear Wave Splitting Beneath Southern Arabia and the Gulf of Aden, V21A-3027Abstract Title: Seismic structure of an amagmatic section of the ultra-slow spreading South West Indian Ridge: the 2014 Sismosmooth cruise, V21A-3030Abstract Title: Insights on the Nature of the Geophysical Crust at a Melt-starved Slow-spreading Mid-oceanic Ridge
Lertzman, K. P.
B51B-0428Abstract Title: Investigating Ecosystem Pattern and Process Across a Land-Sea Gradient: A New Coastal Margin Observatory in the Pacific Coastal Temperate Rainforest
Lescanne, M.
DI41A-2590Abstract Title:

The consequences of hotspots on continental lithosphere : a thermal case study on the Arabian Plate.

Lesher, C. M.
V31CAbstract Title: Magma Channelization across the Solar System Posters, V31C-3042Abstract Title: Secular Changes in Lava/Magma Channelization and the Volcanic/Subvolcanic/Plutonic Settings of Magmatic Ni-Cu-PGE and Chromite Mineralization on Earth, V31C-3045Abstract Title: Modeling mechanical and thermo-mechanical erosion by flowing lava at Raglan, Cape Smith Belt, New Québec, Canada
Lesher, C. M.
V31CAbstract Title: Magma Channelization across the Solar System Posters
Lesher, C. E.
H21A-1353Abstract Title: Brine migration in salt in a thermal gradient , MR12A-03Abstract Title: Elastic properties of silicate melts at high pressure and implications for low velocity anomalies in the crust and mantle, T21F-05Abstract Title: Linking petrology and seismology of the southwest Greenland lithosphere, V33C-3114Abstract Title: Origin and Role of Recycled Crust in Flood Basalt Magmatism: Case Study of the Central East Greenland Rifted Margin
Lesins, G. B.
A11A-0024Abstract Title: Applications of a Passive Satellite-borne Microwave Retrieval of Water Vapour Column during the Arctic Winter.
Leske, R. A.
SH33B-2462Abstract Title: Energetic Particle Pitch Angle Distributions Observed At Widely-Spaced Longitudes in the 23 July 2012 and Other Large Solar Particle Events
Leslie, S. R.
H21H-1492Abstract Title: Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) Data and Services at the NASA NSIDC DAAC
Leslie, S.
EP23D-1001Abstract Title: Size Constraints on Late Miocene to Pliocene Submarine Slope Failures along the Colombian Caribbean Subduction Margin as a Basis for Assessing Circum-Caribbean Impact of Future Tsunami Events
Lesmes, D. P.
TH22AAbstract Title: A critical gap in data management: integration workflows for models and data
Lesnek, A.
C42A-07Abstract Title: Toward a Master Chronology for Western Greenland’s Fjord Stade Moraines: New 10Be Ages from the Søndre Isortoq Region
Lesongeur, F.
OS43A-2031Abstract Title: Microbial Response to High Temperature Hydrothermal Forcing: AISICS Vent (Lucky Strike, 37°N, MAR) and Prokaryote Community as Example., OS43A-2033Abstract Title: Iron-Oxidizing Bacteria Found at Slow-Spreading Ridge: a Case Study of Capelinhos Hydrothermal Vent (Lucky Strike, MAR 37°N)
Lesperance, T.
IN51A-1787Abstract Title: Wavelet-enabled progressive data Access and Storage Protocol (WASP)
Lessard, M.
SA51B-2399Abstract Title: Correlated Pc4-5 ULF waves, whistler-mode chorus and pulsating aurora observed by the Van Allen Probes and ground-based systems, SM14C-09Abstract Title: Experimental observations of electron precipitation driven by EMIC waves, SM23B-2562Abstract Title: Ion Upflow Dependence on Ionospheric Density and Solar Photoionization, SM41H-2575Abstract Title: Comparing Local-Time and Storm-Phase Distributions of EMIC Waves Observed by Van Allen Probes A, GOES-13, and Halley, Antarctica
Lessels, J. S.
B14D-05Abstract Title: Linking High Frequency Variations in Stream Water DOC to Ages of Water Sources in Peat-Dominated Montane Watersheds
Lester, D. R.
Lester, M.
P21C-04Abstract Title: Fortuitous Plasma Observations During the Mars Atmospheric "Plume" Event of March-April 2012, SA13C-08Abstract Title: Solar and Magnetospheric Influence on High-Frequency Radar Signal Propagation, SM11A-07Abstract Title: Contribution of dayside transients to the reconnection voltage , SM14B-08Abstract Title: Variation of Mars’ Induced Magnetospheric Boundaries over the Last Solar Cycle, SM51D-2591Abstract Title: An Updated Model of the Substorm Current Wedge.
Lesur, V.
GP13B-1310Abstract Title: World Digital Magnetic Anomaly Map version 2 (WDMAM v.2) - released for research and education, GP23A-1279Abstract Title: Correlation Based Geomagnetic Field Modeling, GP43B-1251Abstract Title: On the accuracy of paleopoles estimations based on magnetic field measurements, GP43C-1266Abstract Title: Oceanic tidal signals in magnetic satellite data, SM13E-2559Abstract Title: Correlation Based Modelling of Ionospheric Magnetic Field
Letcher, B. H.
NH51B-1890Abstract Title: New methods in hydrologic modeling and decision support for culvert flood risk under climate change
Letcher, T.
A34C-04Abstract Title: An Evaluation of High-Resolution Regional Climate Model Simulated Snow Cover Using Satellite Data (With Implications for the Simulated Snow-Albedo Feedback), A34C-05Abstract Title: Using High Resolution Regional Climate Models to Quantify the Snow Albedo Feedback in a Region of Complex Terrain
Lethuillier, A.
P31E-2115Abstract Title: Measuring the Permittivity of the Nucleus of a Comet: the PP-SESAME Experiment on Board the Philae/ROSETTA Lander
Lethy, A.
SM13E-2556Abstract Title: The Occurrence and Characteristics of Low Latitude Ultra-Low Frequency Waves in Egypt
Léticée, J. L.
T31B-2861Abstract Title: Long term (since the late palaeogene) tectono-sedimentary evolution of the Lesser Antilles fore-arc at Marie-Galante Basin: a clue for geodynamical behavior at the subduction interfac, T33C-2945Abstract Title: Record Of Both Tectonic Related Vertical Motions and Global Sea Level Rise by Marine Terraces along an Active Arc Volcano. Example of Basse-Terre, Lesser Antilles (French West-Indies).
LeTissier, M.
GC43G-08Abstract Title: The Potential of Time Series Based Earth Observation for the Monitoring of Large River Deltas
Letort, J.
S43D-2820Abstract Title: Regional and Teleseismic Source Inversion of the M7.8 Nepal Earthquake Sequence
LeTourneau, M.
B41F-0496Abstract Title: Impact of phenazine-1-carboxylic acid upon iron speciation and microbial biomass in the rhizosphere of wheat
Letsinger, S. L.
H23C-1598Abstract Title: Integrating groundwater observations with models of soil-water dynamics to examine recharge patterns through glacial sediments in a humid continental climate
Lett, C.
B51A-0409Abstract Title: Soil fluxes of carbonyl sulfide (COS) across four distinct ecosystems
Lettenmaier, D. P.
C33B-0816Abstract Title: How much of the streamflow in the U.S. originates as snow?, H31L-02Abstract Title: Seasonal Hydrologic Predictability: Sources and Limitations, H42D-05Abstract Title: Improving the understanding and diagnosis of Earth system changes in cold regions, H43E-1553Abstract Title: Global Impacts of Water Management Activities on Soil Moisture and Runoff Trends, H51K-1544Abstract Title: Evaluation of the changes in long-term Snow Water Equivalent trends in the Western US, NH41D-03Abstract Title: Flash Droughts over the United States, NH42A-08Abstract Title: Detecting Recent Atmospheric River Induced Flood Events over the Russian River Basin, NH51E-1951Abstract Title: The utility of satellite precipitation products for hydrologic prediction in topographically complex regions: The Chehalis River Basin, WA as a case study
Letts, M. G.
GC33B-1289Abstract Title: Physiological and morphological responses of pine and willow saplings to post-fire salvage logging
Letu, H.
A11A-0018Abstract Title: Development of EarthCARE/MSI ice and water cloud properties products
Leuliette, E. W.
G43AAbstract Title: Impact of Ice Sheets, Glaciers, and Land Hydrology on Sea Level from Geodetic Observations and Global Observing Systems I Posters, G51B-01Abstract Title: Balancing regional sea level budgets, G52AAbstract Title: Impact of Ice Sheets, Glaciers, and Land Hydrology on Sea Level from Geodetic Observations and Global Observing Systems II, OS11A-1983Abstract Title: CryoSat Mission over the Ocean: A Review of Product Validations, Evolutions and Scientific Exploitation
Leung, C. W. S.
P22A-05Abstract Title: Mesoscale Modeling of Water Vapor and Dust in Valles Marineris: Atmospheric Influences on Recurring Slope Lineae.
Leung, F. C.
ED41A-0818Abstract Title: Identification of Cellulose Breaking Bacteria in Landfill Samples for Organic Waste Management, ED41A-0819Abstract Title: An Investigation of Cellulose Digesting Bacteria in the Camel Feces Microbiome
Leung, H.
ED41A-0845Abstract Title: Evaluation of the Solar Water Disinfection Method Using an Ultraviolet Measurement Device
Leung, I. S.
DI31A-2552Abstract Title: Inclusions of Hydrocarbon Fluids in Diamonds From Wafangdian, Liaoning, China
Leung, L. R.
A11FAbstract Title: Dynamical Downscaling: Methodology and Assessment Posters, A12B-07Abstract Title: Local Finite-Amplitude Wave Activity as an Objective Diagnostic of Midlatitude Extreme Weather, A23EAbstract Title: Regional Climate Modeling I Posters, A23E-0360Abstract Title: Model For Prediction Across Scales (MPAS) applied to regional climate of the Northwestern U.S. , A31KAbstract Title: Regional Climate Modeling II, A32GAbstract Title: Regional Climate Modeling III, A32G-01Abstract Title: A Review on Regional Convection-Permitting Climate Modeling: Demonstrations, Prospects, and Challenges, A33I-0291Abstract Title: Dynamical and thermodynamical modulations of future atmospheric river changes in the west coast of North America, A33L-0379Abstract Title: Characterizing the distributions and sources of dust during atmospheric river landfall in the western U.S., A34C-03Abstract Title: Atmospheric Rivers and Heavy Precipitation From a Hierarchy of Climate Simulations, A43G-0370Abstract Title: Impact of anthropogenic aerosols on regional climate change in Beijing, China, A44C-02Abstract Title: Modeling Aerosol Effects on Clouds and Precipitation: Insights from CalWater 2015, A44C-04Abstract Title: Aerosol and Cloud-Nucleating Particle Observations during an Atmospheric River Event, A51JAbstract Title: Multiscale Modeling of the Atmosphere I Posters, A51J-0204Abstract Title: Impacts of resolution-dependent physics in aquaplanet simulations, A51T-06Abstract Title: Impact of 3-D Radiation-Topography Interaction on Indian Summer Monsoon and Hydrology in Himalayas, A53GAbstract Title: Multiscale Modeling of the Atmosphere II, B21E-0524Abstract Title: Representing sediment transport in earth system model, GC22AAbstract Title: Advances in Atmosphere and Land Modeling for Improved Understanding of the Hydrologic Cycle at the Watershed Scale I, GC22A-05Abstract Title: Representing Effects of Complex Terrain on Mountain Meteorology and Hydrology, GC23AAbstract Title: Advances in Atmosphere and Land Modeling for Improved Understanding of the Hydrologic Cycle at the Watershed Scale II Posters, GC23A-1129Abstract Title: Deriving New Topography-based Global Datasets for Land Surface Modeling, GC33C-1305Abstract Title: Understanding the relative influence of climatic variations and agricultural management practices on crop yields at the US county level , GC43A-1157Abstract Title: Increasing rainfall in central U.S. driven by changes in mesoscale convective systems, GC43C-1208Abstract Title: Parameter Sensitivity and Transferability Study Across Major US Watersheds, H13G-1618Abstract Title: Trends and Implications of Stream Temperature for Energy and Fish Production, H53A-1639Abstract Title: Investigation of Atmospheric Modelling Framework for Better Reconstruction on Historical Extreme Precipitation Event in PMP Estimation
Leung, M. Y.
EP43A-0964Abstract Title: Environmental Sequencing of Biotic Components of Dust in the Chihuahuan Desert
Leung, Y.
IN51A-1790Abstract Title: The Bayesian Data Fusion Approach to Spatial and Temporal Fusion of Remotely Sensed Images
Leuschen, C.
C32B-04Abstract Title: Ultra-Wideband Radars for Measurements over Land and Sea Ice, C52A-02Abstract Title: Remote Sensing of Snow-covered Sea Ice with Ultra-wideband Airborne Radars
Leuthold, J.
DI13A-2633Abstract Title: Evolution of the mantle source in an evolving arc–backarc system (Torres del Paine, Patagonia): Evidence from Hf isotopes in zircon
Leuthold, M.
GC21B-1093Abstract Title: An Evaluation of Snow Initializations for NCEP Global and Regional Forecasting Models
Leuven, J.
EP31C-1021Abstract Title: Turning the tide: estuarine bars and mutually evasive ebb- and flood-dominated channels, EP34B-04Abstract Title: Turning the Tide: Estuaries Shaped by Channel-Shoal Interactions, Eco-engineers and Inherited Landscapes
Leuzinger, S.
B24D-07Abstract Title: Drivers of interannual variability in CO2 effects on productivity across long-term experiments, B24D-08Abstract Title: Quantifying Direct and Indirect Effects of Elevated CO2 on Ecosystem Response
Lev, E.
V13DAbstract Title: Styles of Volcanism: Forecasting, Pattern Recognition, and Monitoring Developing Eruptions I, V13D-07Abstract Title: Benchmarking Computational Fluid Dynamics Models for Application to Lava Flow Simulations and Hazard Assessment, V13D-08Abstract Title: Investigating lava-substrate interactions through flow experiments with syrup, wax, and molten basalt, V14BAbstract Title: Styles of Volcanism: Forecasting, Pattern Recognition, and Monitoring Developing Eruptions II, V22BAbstract Title: Styles of Volcanism: Forecasting, Pattern Recognition, and Monitoring Developing Eruptions III (Half Session), V23AAbstract Title: Styles of Volcanism: Forecasting, Pattern Recognition, and Monitoring Developing Eruptions IV Posters, V43E-05Abstract Title: Shallow outgassing changes disrupt steady lava lake activity, Kilauea Volcano, V51D-3060Abstract Title: A Rare Window Into Magmatic Conduit Processes: Time Series Observations From Active Lava Lakes 
Lev, S. M.
PA13A-2187Abstract Title: Mind the Gap: Integrating Science and Policy Cultures and Practices
Leva Lopez, J.
V52CAbstract Title: Novel High-Resolution Approaches to Deciphering Source-to-Sink Linkages between Tectonic Hinterland and Basin Evolution I, V53DAbstract Title: Novel High-Resolution Approaches to Deciphering Source-to-Sink Linkages between Tectonic Hinterland and Basin Evolution II Posters
Levac, E.
PP43D-2308Abstract Title: Marine Palynological Records From the Eastern Canadian Margin Suggest Multiple Meltwater Sources at the Time of the Younger Dryas
Levander, A.
S24B-03Abstract Title: Investigating microseismicity and crustal structure beneath Mount St. Helens with a 900-geophone array, S44B-02Abstract Title: Subsurface Imaging at Mount St. Helens with a Large-N Geophone Array, T13F-07Abstract Title: The Two Subduction Zones of the Southern Caribbean: Lithosphere Tearing and Continental Margin Recycling in the East, Flat Slab Subduction and Laramide-Style Uplifts in the West, T23E-08Abstract Title: The Glacial BuzzSaw, Isostasy, and Global Crustal Models, V33E-07Abstract Title: Magma reservoirs from the upper crust to the Moho inferred from high-resolution Vp and Vs models beneath Mount St. Helens, V43B-3135Abstract Title: Tomographic Imaging of the Magmatic System at Mount St. Helens with the iMUSH Broadband Array
Levandowski, W.
T14A-06Abstract Title: Mapping the Influence of Prior Tectonism on Seismicity in the Central and Eastern US
Levandowski, W.
S23C-2712Abstract Title: S-wave tomographic model of the Sierra Nevada, California: Constraining thermal and compositional effects through Vp/Vs, anisotropy, and attenuation
Levasseur, M.
A11C-0062Abstract Title: Sources of Size Segregated Sulfate Aerosols in the Arctic Summer, A23I-02Abstract Title: Ammonia in the summer Arctic marine boundary layer: Sources, Sinks and Implications, A23I-03Abstract Title: Sources of Dimethyl Sulfide in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago and Baffin Bay, OS12AAbstract Title: Ocean Change in the Anthropocene: Implications for Climate, Ecosystems, and Societies I, OS13AAbstract Title: Ocean Change in the Anthropocene: Implications for Climate, Ecosystems, and Societies II Posters, OS13A-2020Abstract Title: Dust in an acidified ocean: iron bioavailability, phytoplankton growth and DMS, OS14AAbstract Title: Ocean Change in the Anthropocene: Implications for Climate, Ecosystems, and Societies III
Levasseur-Regourd, A. C.
P33E-08Abstract Title: Constraining the bulk Dust to Ice Ratio and Compressive Strength for Comet Churyumov Gerasimenko Using CONSERT Radar Observations, P34BAbstract Title: Polarimetry as a Tool to Study the Earth, Solar System, and Beyond I, P41DAbstract Title: Polarimetry as a Tool to Study the Earth, Solar System, and Beyond II Posters, P43A-2096Abstract Title: Laboratory permittivity measurements of icy planetary analogs in the millimeter and submillimeter domains, in relation with JUICE mission.
Levasseur-Regourd, A. C.
P34B-01Abstract Title: Polarization of the Interplanetary Dust Medium
Levedeb, V. A.
GP23A-1283Abstract Title: New paleomagnetic and paleointensity results from plio-pleistocene volcanic sequences from southern Georgia
Leveille, R. J.
P43B-2124Abstract Title: Major-Element Compositional Diversity Observed by ChemCam Along the MSL Traverse: The First Three Years
Levell, B. K.
H41C-1326Abstract Title: Gas injection into and migration through layered sedimentary sequences
Levelt, P.
A11G-0114Abstract Title: Aura OMI observations of changes in SO2 and NO2 emissions at local, regional and global scales, A21K-04Abstract Title: Air Quality Applications Based on Space Observations: The Role of the 11 Years OMI Data Record and the Potentials for TROPOMI
Leven, C.
H11M-07Abstract Title: The Art of Tomographic Tracer Tests
Leventer, A.
PP43C-2292Abstract Title: Seismic Stratigraphy Of The Sabrina Coast Shelf, East Antarctica: History Of Late Paleogene To Early Neogene Glacial Evolution, PP51B-2284Abstract Title: A complex deglacial retreat history of the Anvers Island Trough paleo-ice stream, PP51B-2286Abstract Title: Foraminifer- and diatom-based paleoceanographic study of Holocene sediments from the Sabrina Coast, East Antarctica
LeVeque, R. J.
EP33C-1083Abstract Title: Reconciling Geomorphic Observations with Simulations of a Modern Landslide-dam Outburst Flood Using GeoClaw Software, Eastern Himalaya, H31C-1419Abstract Title: Comparison of 2D and 3D Numerical Models with Experiments of Tsunami Flow through a Built Environment, NH23A-1860Abstract Title: Detiding Tsunami Currents to Validate Velocities in Numerical Simulation Codes using Observations Near Hawaii from the 2011 Tohoku Tsunami
Lever, J.
C11B-0753Abstract Title: Crevasses, Fractures and Folds within Firn and Marine Ice of the McMurdo Shear Zone, Antarctica interpreted from GPR Profiles acquired with an Unmanned Rover, C11B-0754Abstract Title: Crevasse Extent and Lateral Shearing of the McMurdo Shear Zone, Antarctica, Using GPR and GPS Observations, and Numerical Modeling, C11B-0755Abstract Title: Near-Surface Crevasse Detection in Ice Sheets using Feature-Based Machine Learning
Lever, J. H.
C11B-0756Abstract Title: Autonomous Rover for Polar GPR Surveys
Lever, R.
B12D-02Abstract Title: Alterations to Soil and Eroded Sediment Carbon after the Rim Fire, Yosemite National Park
Levermann, A.
A21F-0199Abstract Title: Globalization to amplify economic climate losses, G43A-1033Abstract Title: Combustion of available fossil-fuel resources sufficient to eliminate the Antarctic Ice Sheet, NH13B-1927Abstract Title: Quantifying the weather-signal in national crop-yield variability, NH23E-04Abstract Title: An Assessment of Direct and Indirect Economic Losses of Climatic Extreme Events
Lévesque, E.
GC22C-04Abstract Title: Thermal erosion of ice-wedge polygon terrains changes fluxes of energy and matter of permafrost geosystems
Levesque, M.
GC31G-09Abstract Title: High sensitivity of northeastern broadleaf forest trees to water availability
Levey, M. D.
NH51C-1895Abstract Title: Quantifying Gas Within the Elkhorn Slough Sediments, Central California
Levi, L.
H31N-05Abstract Title: Explanatory characteristics for nutrient concentrations and loads in the Sava River Catchment and cross-regionally
Levia, D. F. Jr
B11F-0497Abstract Title: Regional in-situ optical water quality sensor network quantifies influence of land use and seasonality on storm event nitrate and dissolved organic carbon loading, B14D-04Abstract Title: “Hot moments” of carbon and nitrogen in streams: Key insights from in-situ, high-frequency optical sensors from the North East Water Resources Network (NEWRnet), B43H-0634Abstract Title: Phenoseasonal variability of subcanopy PAR and the effects of photointensity and photoperiod on the physiological ecology of Lindera benzoin, EP23E-06Abstract Title: Short-term Fallout Radionuclide Ratios and Mass Balance Identify New Suspended Sediments of Channel Origin, H11GAbstract Title: Precipitation-Vegetation Interactions: Advances in Interception Loss, Thoughfall, and Stemflow Research I Posters, H11G-1423Abstract Title: Leaf Leachate Chemistry: Regional Variation Across Three Watersheds in the Northeastern United States, H11G-1424Abstract Title: A Review of Stemflow in Forests and Shrublands, H11G-1428Abstract Title: Application of Three Canopy Interception Models in a Japanese Cedar (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don) Forest Before and After Intensive Thinning, H11G-1432Abstract Title: Using Sensitivity Analysis and Fine-Scale Field Measurements to Understand How Canopy Interception Models Function, H11G-1433Abstract Title: Examining the Role of Meteorological Conditions and Throughfall Drop Sizes, H11G-1434Abstract Title: Factors Governing Stemflow Production from Plantation Grown Teak Trees in Thailand, H13QAbstract Title: Precipitation-Vegetation Interactions: Advances in Interception Loss, Thoughfall, and Stemflow Research II
Levin, E.
GP51A-1320Abstract Title: The Record of Geomagnetic Excursions from a ~150 m Sediment Core: Clear Lake, Northern California
Levin, E. J.
A11Q-05Abstract Title: Characterizing Ice Nucleating Particles Emitted from Agricultural Activities and Natural Landscapes, A13B-0324Abstract Title: Ice nucleating particles from biomass combustion: emission rates and the role of refractory black carbon, A33D-0193Abstract Title: Quantifying the sources of atmospheric ice nuclei from carbonaceous combustion aerosol, A44C-04Abstract Title: Aerosol and Cloud-Nucleating Particle Observations during an Atmospheric River Event
Levin, L. A.
OS23A-1980Abstract Title: Macrofaunal Biodiversity Response to Natural Gradients of Multiple Stressors on Continental Margins
Levin, N. E.
PP21A-2208Abstract Title: Triple oxygen isotopes and clumped isotopes in modern vertebrate and dinosaur biominerals: Records of paleoecology, paleoaridity, and paleo-carbon-cycling
Levin, S.
P41B-2075Abstract Title: Forecasting Juno Microwave Radiometer Observations of Jupiter's Synchrotron Emission from Data Reconstruction Methods and Theoretical Model
Levin, T.
GC31E-1244Abstract Title: Impact of Water Availability on Regional Power System Operations – A Case Study of ERCOT
Levin, V. L.
T11BAbstract Title: Characterizing Cratons and Craton Margins I Posters, T11B-2885Abstract Title: A Sharp Edge of the Cratonic Lithosphere of North America, T11B-2886Abstract Title: The Seismically Slow Feature in the Asthenosphere Beneath Southern New England is Small and Intense, T11B-2887Abstract Title: Sharp at any Age: Moho boundary thickness estimates along a trans-sect through 2 Ga of tectonic history., T11B-2888Abstract Title: Familiar Phases: Receiver Function Study of the Lithospheric Structure Across the Eastern Margin of the Superior Craton, T11C-2901Abstract Title: Craton Development and Stabilization: Insights from SE Canada using P and S Wave Tomography, T21C-2839Abstract Title: Seismic Crustal and Mantle Deformation Indicators Along the Himalayan Arc, T21FAbstract Title: Characterizing Cratons and Craton Margins II, T22AAbstract Title: Characterizing Cratons and Craton Margins III
Levin, Z.
A23C-0324Abstract Title: Integrated Study of Dust-air Pollution Interaction over the Eastern Mediterranean
Levine, A. F. Z.
OS53B-2027Abstract Title: The Interaction of Westerly Wind Bursts and the Spring Predictability Barrier in Determining the Size of the 1997/98, 2014/15, and Current El Niño Events
Levine, J.
P11B-2103Abstract Title: A Proof of Concept for In-Situ Lunar Dating
Levine, S. E.
P51A-2048Abstract Title: Ground-based Light Curves Two Pluto Days Before the New Horizons Passage
Levine, X. J.
A11P-02Abstract Title: Zonally Asymmetric Circulations and Subtropical Hydrologic Change in a Warming Climate
Levinsen, J. F.
C32B-03Abstract Title: Digital Elevation Models of Greenland based on combined radar and laser altimetry as well as high-resolution stereoscopic imagery
Levinson, R.
B33E-0762Abstract Title: Investigating the Effects of "Cool" Solar Reflective Pavements on California Climate
Levintal, E.
H31A-1407Abstract Title: Free and Forced Convection in High Permeability Porous Media: Impact on Gas Flux at the Earth-atmosphere Interface
Levis, S.
A51M-0245Abstract Title: Multi-criteria Evaluation of Discharge Simulation in Dynamic Global Vegetation Models
Levison, H. F.
V23D-03Abstract Title: Timing and Timescales in the Grand Tack Model of Planet Formation
Levizzani, V.
H13H-1649Abstract Title: Passive Microwave Rainfall Error Analysis using High-Resolution X-band Dual-Polarization Radar Observations in Complex Terrain
Levkov, Z.
PP11D-07Abstract Title: Integrated perspectives on geological and biological dynamics in ancient Lake Ohrid
Levresse, G.
T11A-2873Abstract Title: Origin and Development of El Bajío Basin in the Central Sector of Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt
Levula, J.
B43H-0645Abstract Title: Understanding COS Fluxes in a Boreal Forest: Towards COS-Based GPP Estimates.
Levy, A.
NH43C-1902Abstract Title: Integration and Testing of Miniaturized Volcanic Gas-Sensing Instruments on UAS Platforms
Levy, G.
A11NAbstract Title: US CLIVAR Session on Improved Representation of Physical Processes in Global Models Posters
Levy, J. S.
C42B-08Abstract Title: Shallow Groundwater and Brine Processes in Antarctica: Linking Seasonal and Interannual Changes in Active Layer Hydrology to Ecosystem Change and Thermokarst Formation, P11B-2098Abstract Title: Science Objectives and Site Selection Criteria for a Human Mission to Mars, P51C-2078Abstract Title: Radar-Assisted Mapping of Massive Ice in Western Utopia Planitia, Mars: Degradational Mechanisms and Implications for Surface Evolution
Levy, J.
V23A-3080Abstract Title: Lava Flow Hazard Assessment at Fogo Volcano, Cape Verde on the Base of Combined Terrestrial Laser Scanner and Photogrammetric Data
Levy, L.
C51B-0690Abstract Title: New constraints on the deglaciation chronology of the southeastern margin of the Greenland Ice Sheet
Levy, L.
PP31D-06Abstract Title: Holocene temperature shifts around Greenland: Paleolimnological approaches to quantifying past warmth and documenting its consequences
Levy, M. A.
PA21C-2168Abstract Title: Facilitating Progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals through Open Scientific Data and Indicators, PA53B-02Abstract Title: Designing the Monitoring of Water-Related Sustainable Development Goals Based on Value of Information
Levy, M. E.
A41K-0219Abstract Title: Wintertime Haze Formation in Beijing
Levy, M. C.
H41H-07Abstract Title: The Quantification and Identification of Land Use Change Impacts to Hydrology in Brazil from Headwater to Large Basin Scales
Levy, P. E.
A51M-0245Abstract Title: Multi-criteria Evaluation of Discharge Simulation in Dynamic Global Vegetation Models
Levy, R. H.
C11C-0770Abstract Title: Antarctic marine ice sheet retreat in the Ross Sea during the early Holocene, C13D-01Abstract Title: Constraining the Antarctic contribution to interglacial sea-level rise, PP11C-06Abstract Title: Late Oligocene to Late Miocene Antarctic Climate Reconstructions Using Molecular and Isotopic Biomarker Proxies, PP21B-2249Abstract Title: Friis Hills Drilling Project - Coring an Early to mid-Miocene terrestrial sequence in the Transantarctic Mountains to examine climate gradients and ice sheet variability along an inland-to-offshore transect, PP24A-05Abstract Title: Antarctic Ice Sheet Sensitivity to Atmospheric CO2 Variations During the Early to Mid-Miocene, PP43C-2290Abstract Title: Late Oligocene glacimarine sedimentation of the central Ross Sea and implications for the evolution of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet, PP43F-06Abstract Title: Hydroclimate variability and regional atmospheric circulation over the past 1,350 years reconstructed from Lake Ohau, New Zealand
Levy, R. C.
A14C-04Abstract Title: Developing a joint MODIS and VIIRS aerosol data record using the dark-target retrieval algorithm, A21C-0132Abstract Title: Evaluation of aerosol optical depth and aerosol models from MODIS and VIIRS retrieval algorithms over North China Plain, A31D-0075Abstract Title: Accounting for High-biases in the MODIS Aerosol Optical Depth Retrieval, A31D-0080Abstract Title: The Retrieval of Aerosol Optical Thickness Using the MERIS Instrument, A32D-06Abstract Title: A modified MODIS dark-target aerosol retrieval over urban areas: Evaluation and applications, A43A-0244Abstract Title: Aerosol absorption retrievals from the PACE broad spectrum Ocean Color Instrument (OCI), A43A-0257Abstract Title: Retrieval of Aerosol Within Cloud Fields Using the MODIS Airborne Simulator (MAS)
Levy, Y.
T41A-2856Abstract Title: Structural Architecture of the Western Transverse Ranges and Potential for Large Earthquakes
Levy, Z. F.
H53C-1682Abstract Title: Geoelectrical Analyses of Sulfurous Wetland Sediments and Weathered Glacial Till in the Prairie Pothole Region
Levy-Booth, D.
B51B-0428Abstract Title: Investigating Ecosystem Pattern and Process Across a Land-Sea Gradient: A New Coastal Margin Observatory in the Pacific Coastal Temperate Rainforest
Lew, M.
A13E-0382Abstract Title: OH radical reactivity in an Indiana Forest: Measurements and model comparisons, A13G-02Abstract Title: HOx Radical Chemistry in an Indiana Forest Environment: Measurement and Model Comparison, A21B-0116Abstract Title: Measurements of Nitrous Acid (HONO) in an Indiana Forest by Laser Photofragmentation/Laser-induced Flourescence (LP/LIF), A31F-04Abstract Title: Development and field deployment of an instrument to measure ozone production rates in the troposphere
Lewallen, G.
EP42B-08Abstract Title: Can Viral Videos Help Beaver Restore Streams?
Lewandowski, J.
H32C-01Abstract Title: Groundwater - The Disregarded Component in Lake Water and Nutrient Budgets, H43C-1502Abstract Title: Quantifying the Efficiency of Fibre-Optic Distributed Temperature Sensing and Thermal Infrared Imaging for Detecting Lacustrine Groundwater Exfiltration: a Mesocosm Experiment, H43C-1504Abstract Title: Conceptual Framework for Aquatic Interfaces, H43C-1505Abstract Title: Bioirrigation impacts on sediment respiration and microbial metabolic activity
Lewandowsky, S.
ED23F-04Abstract Title: Motivated Rejection of (Climate) Science: Causes, Tools, and Effects, GC32A-07Abstract Title: Uncertainty as Impetus for Climate Mitigation, U13A-03Abstract Title: Reticence, Accuracy and Efficacy
Lewerentz, A.
V41A-3063Abstract Title: Vein Controlled Index Mineral Crystal Size Distribution in Barrow’s Metamorphic Zones, Glen Esk, Scotland
Lewi, E.
V24B-02Abstract Title: The lifecycle of caldera-forming volcanoes in the Main Ethiopian Rift: insights from Aluto volcano
Lewicka-Szczebak, D.
A11I-0184Abstract Title: Oxygen isotopic signature of N2O for distinguishing between bacterial and fungal denitrification
Lewicki, J. L.
V11G-04Abstract Title: Drought Impact on Fumarole Gas Composition at Lassen Volcanic National Park, CA., V13C-3138Abstract Title: High Spatio-Temporal Resolution Observations of Crater-Lake Surface Temperatures at Kawah Ijen Volcano, East Java, Indonesia
Lewin, K. F.
B21F-0529Abstract Title: Zero Power Warming – A New Technology for Investigating Plant Responses to Rising Temperature
Lewinschal, A.
A41P-02Abstract Title: Easy Aerosol - a model intercomparison project to study aerosol-radiative interactions and their impact on regional climate
LeWinter, A.
C31B-08Abstract Title: Ground-based LiDAR integration with avalanche control operations: target planning and assessment of control effectiveness, C43BAbstract Title: Innovative Methods for Quantifying Glacier Processes Posters, C43B-0807Abstract Title: Long-term Autonomous Tidewater Glacier Monitoring Using a Long-Range Terrestrial LiDAR Scanner; Helheim Glacier, Southeast Greenland
LeWinter, A. L.
C43BAbstract Title: Innovative Methods for Quantifying Glacier Processes Posters
Lewis, A. R.
PP21B-2249Abstract Title: Friis Hills Drilling Project - Coring an Early to mid-Miocene terrestrial sequence in the Transantarctic Mountains to examine climate gradients and ice sheet variability along an inland-to-offshore transect, PP53A-2308Abstract Title: Orbital Forcing of High Elevation Meltwater Events along the Periphery of East Antarctica
Lewis, A. C.
A14A-02Abstract Title: Spatially Resolved Emissions of NOx and VOCs and Comparison to Inventories., B33A-0637Abstract Title: Methodology for Airborne Quantification of NOx fluxes over Central London and Comparison to Emission Inventories
Lewis, A. C.
H34B-05Abstract Title: Monitoring Effects of Wildfire Mitigation Treatments on Water Budget Components: A Paired-Basin Study in the Santa Fe River Watershed, New Mexico
Lewis, B. D.
H21L-06Abstract Title: Structure, stress, and fluid flow characterization of the Rotokawa Geothermal Field, NZ
Lewis, E. M.
ED51B-0814Abstract Title: Small Worlds Week: Raising Curiosity and Contributing to STEM
Lewis, E.
H53A-1643Abstract Title: The Impact of Rainfall Uncertainty on Flood Simulations
Lewis, E. S.
H11G-1426Abstract Title: Use of Multiple Correspondence Analysis (MCA) to Identify Interactive Meteorological Conditions Affecting Throughfall
Lewis, E. R.
A41OAbstract Title: Marine Boundary Layer Clouds and Aerosols: Observations and Process Modeling II, A51IAbstract Title: Marine Boundary Layer Clouds and Aerosols: Observations and Process Modeling I Posters, A51I-0180Abstract Title: Aerosol Properties over the Eastern North Pacific based on Measurements from the MAGIC Field Campaign, A51I-0189Abstract Title: Controls on Marine Boundary Layer Mesoscale Structure Observed During the MAGIC Campaign, A51I-0195Abstract Title: Observation of the spectral-invariant properties of clouds in transition zones during MAGIC, A case study
Lewis, G.
C11BAbstract Title: Crevasses, Fractures, and Faults in Glaciers, Ice Sheets, and Ice Shelves Posters, C51E-04Abstract Title: IceBridge Radar as a Tool for Understanding Accumulation Variability throughout the Western Greenland Ice Sheet
Lewis, G. T.
V31A-3009Abstract Title: Compositional Variations of Primary Basalts in the Poison Lake Chain, Lassen Region of Northern California
Lewis, H.
H21C-1380Abstract Title: Soil Inorganic Carbon Thresholds and Formation: What are the Controls in a Transitional, Semi-Arid Watershed?
Lewis, J.
A13C-0331Abstract Title: Google [x] Project Loon Measurements of Stratospheric Temperature, Pressure and Wind as a Data Source for Reanalyses over Southern High Latitudes
Lewis, J. R.
A33B-0141Abstract Title: Spatiotemporal Variability in Observations of Urban Mixed-Layer Heights from Surface-based Lidar Systems during DISCOVER-AQ 2011
Lewis, J. F.
V11D-3088Abstract Title: Variably Depleted Peridotites from Loma Caribe (Dominican Republic): A Possible Record of Subduction Initiation beneath the Greater Antilles Paleo-Arc
Lewis, J. C.
T33A-2914Abstract Title: Linking Anomalously Low Topographic Relief in the Taiwan Arc-Continent Collision to a Submarine Plateau South of the Collision., T43A-2968Abstract Title: A role for pre-collision processes in the origin of the aseismic zone of the southern Taiwan Central Range, T53A-04Abstract Title: Implications of topographic relief on the brittle-to-plastic boundary beneath the southern Central Range, Taiwan
Lewis, K. W.
P43B-2116Abstract Title: Sedimentary Facies as Indicators of Changing Lake Levels in Gale Crater, Mars, P43B-2117Abstract Title: Investigation of a Major Stratigraphic Unconformity with the Curiosity Rover, P53D-2165Abstract Title: Beyond Roughness: Maximum-Likelihood Estimation of Topographic "Structure" on Venus and Elsewhere in the Solar System, P53F-02Abstract Title: Sedimentary structures and stratal geometries at the foothills of Mount Sharp: their role in paleoenvironmental interpretation, T31E-01Abstract Title: Gravity, Topography, Magnetics: Geoscience Data Analysis in Spherical and Planar Geometry
Lewis, M.
T13H-05Abstract Title: Regional Sampling of Mantle Peridotites in Serpentinite Blocks Collected from Serpentinite Bodies in the San Francisco Bay Area, California: Petrological Trends
Lewis, M.
SH32A-02Abstract Title: The Missing Solar Irradiance Spectrum: 1 to 7 nm
Lewis, M. J.
GC52C-05Abstract Title: Lower Velocity Sites Improve the Tidal-Stream Energy Resource
Lewis, M. C. F.
PP42B-01Abstract Title: Early Holocene Meltwater Routing in the Labrador Sea
Lewis, N. K.
P33B-2132Abstract Title: Constraining Methane Abundance and Cloud Properties from the Reflected Light Spectra of Directly Imaged Exoplanets
Lewis, P. M. Jr
IN32A-06Abstract Title: Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROVs) Provide a “Big Data Progression”
Lewis, S. A. Sr.
H21N-07Abstract Title: Using Neutrons to Study Fluid-Rock Interactions in Shales
Lewis, S.
EP53E-08Abstract Title: Hydrologic regime controls pattern and architecture of woody debris in mountain streams, H41M-08Abstract Title: No Snow No Flow: How Montane Stream Networks Respond to Drought
Lewis, S. L.
GC14B-01Abstract Title: Anthropocene: Shifting Paradigms in Geoscience, Philosophy, History and Geopolitics
Lewis, S. C.
GC23C-1156Abstract Title: Attribution of the record warm 2014 in Central England and the time of emergence of a warming signal
Lewis, T.
GC13G-1240Abstract Title: Evidence for a Drought-driven (pre-industrial) Regime Shift in an Australian Shallow Lake
Lewis, W. S.
P13E-06Abstract Title: MASPEX EUROPA, SM41I-09Abstract Title: Comparison of Magnetospheric Multiscale Magnetopause Crossing Signatures With Predicted Reconnection Line Locations, SM43A-01Abstract Title: Ion Species-Dependent Effects in Magnetic Reconnection: MMS Hot Plasma Composition Analyzer (HPCA) Initial Results, SM51A-2529Abstract Title: Plasma Distributions and Composition at the Magnetopause: MMS HPCA observations
Leyao, Z.
V23B-3115Abstract Title: Spatial geochemistry variations of 130-135Ma A-type granites from the northern Zhejiang Province, South China: implication for crust-mantle interaction
Leydet, D.
PP51C-2295Abstract Title: Preliminary Cosmogenic Surface Exposure Ages on Laurentide Ice-sheet Retreat and Opening of the Eastern Lake Agassiz Outlets
Leyland, J.
EP33B-1068Abstract Title: Flood variability recorded by crevasse-splay sedimentation of large river floodplains, EP51B-0919Abstract Title: Inter-Granular Relationships and Characterization of Bed Structures for Fluvial Sediment in Gravel-Bed Rivers Using Computed Tomography, EP51C-0926Abstract Title: An experimental approach to characterising vegetation roughness in forested floodplains using dilution tracing and terrestrial laser scanning, EP54A-01Abstract Title: Morphological Evolution and Sediment Partitioning Through a Large Confluence-Diffluence Unit, EP54B-02Abstract Title: Sounding out erosion on the Mekong river banks: insights from combined terrestrial laser scanning, multibeam echo sounding and acoustic Doppler profiling, GC41F-1140Abstract Title: Is a Decline in Tropical Storms Leading to the Demise of the Mekong Delta?
Leyrat, C.
P31E-2105Abstract Title: Modeling of the Inner Coma of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko Constrained by VIRTIS and ROSINA Observations
Leyton, F.
G13A-0991Abstract Title: Analysis of large GNSS network solutions: from daily to real-time, S33B-2779Abstract Title: Towards real-time integration of accelerometers and GPS, T51D-2919Abstract Title: Characterization of seismic clusters in the 2014 Iquique seismic sequence
Lezama-Pacheco, J.
H31I-1544Abstract Title: Combining U speciation and U isotope fractionation to evaluate the importance of naturally reduced sediments in controlling the mobility of uranium in the upper Colorado River Basin
Lhermitte, S.
C51D-05Abstract Title: On the Contribution of Clouds to Greenland Ice Sheet Mass Loss
Lhomme, T.
T51J-02Abstract Title: Earthquake triggering by slow earthquake propagation: the case of the large 2014 slow slip event in Guerrero, Mexico.
Lhotáková, Z.
B51H-0527Abstract Title: Detection of spatio-temporal changes of Norway spruce forest stands in Ore Mountains using airborne hyperspectral imagery
Lhotakova, Z.
B53C-0573Abstract Title: Hyperspectral data for assessment of temporal changes in Norway spruce forest conditions in the mountainous region of the Czech Republic affected by long-term acidic deposition
Li, A.
NG13A-1866Abstract Title: Quantification of the Impact of Seismic Anisotropy in Microseismic Location, S23D-2769Abstract Title: Radial Anisotropy in the Lithosphere and Asthenosphere Beneath the Northeastern Tibetan Plateau from Surface Wave Tomography, T41D-2928Abstract Title: Seismic Discontinuities beneath the Southwestern United States from S Receiver Functions
Li, A.
B53C-0571Abstract Title: Spatial patterns of vegetation biomass and soil organic carbon acquired from airborne lidar and hyperspectral imagery at Reynolds Creek Critical Zone Observatory
Li, A.
B43C-0574Abstract Title: Improved Radiometric Capabilities of Landsat 8, Coupled With Lidar, Estimate Semi-arid Rangeland Biomass and Cover
Li, A.
A53A-0372Abstract Title: Mean Density Estimation derived from Satellite Constellations
Li, A.
A23A-0258Abstract Title: MAX-DOAS observations and their application to the validation of satellite and model data in Wuxi, China
Li, A.
H31K-03Abstract Title: Turbulent Hyporheic Exchange in Permeable Sediments, H32C-06Abstract Title: Coupled Effects of Hyporheic Flow Structure and Metabolic Pattern on Reach-scale Nutrient Uptake
Li, B.
GC31H-01Abstract Title: Satellite Observations of Groundwater Storage Variations and Their Application for Water Security Monitoring, H42D-03Abstract Title: The Potential for Forecasting Water Cycle Extremes with GRACE, H44F-03Abstract Title: Monitoring groundwater drought with GRACE data assimilation
Li, B.
GP51A-1312Abstract Title: Millennial Scale Geomagnetic and Environmental Change in the West Iberian Margin during Late Quaternary
Li, B.
DI31B-2594Abstract Title: An Ultrasonic Study on the Polyamorphic Transition in La/Ce-based Bulk Metallic Glass to 12 GPa, MR12A-04Abstract Title: Mantle Composition and Temperature of Western North America Revealed from Direct P and S Wave Velocities of KLB-1 Peridotite to the Condition of Transition Zone, MR13B-2699Abstract Title: Elasticity and Pressure-induced Phase Transition in Coesite from Experiments and First Principle Calculations
LI, B.
S43D-2831Abstract Title: Imaging of high frequency seismic radiation during the 2015 Mw 7.8 Gorkha (Nepal) earthquake using multiple global seismic arrays, S43D-2832Abstract Title: Detecting Hidden Aftershocks of the 2015 Mw 7.8 Gorkha Earthquake Using Multiple Global Seismic Arrays
Li, B.
P43D-2149Abstract Title: Pathway Study of Cl-cycle on Mars, Step-I & II: Oxychlorine Salts and Electrostatic Discharge Phenomenon in a Mars Chamber, SH11F-03Abstract Title: Slow Solar Wind: Observable Characteristics for Constraining Modelling, SH31D-09Abstract Title: Cool transition region loops observed by the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph
Li, B.
SH12A-07Abstract Title: Mapping Magnetic Field Lines between the Sun and Earth, SH33C-06Abstract Title: Importance of Kappa Background Electron Distributions to Solar Radio Bursts
Li, B.
GC11B-1036Abstract Title: Quantification of uncertainty in aboveground biomass estimates derived from small-footprint LiDAR data, GC31C-1202Abstract Title: The Post-Glacial Species Velocity of Picea glauca following the Last Glacial Maximum in Alaska.
Li, C.
A43I-03Abstract Title: Influence of ENSO on Gulf Stream cyclogenesis and the North Atlantic storm track, C51A-0671Abstract Title: Consequences of Future Increased Arctic Runoff on Arctic Ocean Stratification, Circulation, and Sea Ice Cover
Li, C.
A11G-0114Abstract Title: Aura OMI observations of changes in SO2 and NO2 emissions at local, regional and global scales, A21C-0146Abstract Title: Consistent High-Quality Global SO2 and HCHO Datasets from EOS Aura/OMI and Suomi NPP/OMPS, A51B-0025Abstract Title: The Effects of Weather Patterns on the Spatio-Temporal Distribution of SO2 over East Asia as Seen from Satellite Measurements, IN21A-1684Abstract Title: Re-processing TOMS UV Measurements to Retrieve SO2 Emissions From Volcanic Eruptions
Li, C.
B31B-0551Abstract Title: Influences of Land Use on Greenhouse Gas Fluxes within Mixed Landscapes, B33C-0690Abstract Title: Simulating CH4 and N2O emissions from direct-seeded rice systems using the DeNitrification DeComposition (DNDC) model, B33C-0708Abstract Title: Assessing the Impacts of Tillage and Fertilization Management on Nitrous Oxide Emissions in a Cornfield Using the DNDC Model, B33G-04Abstract Title: Using remote sensing and field based measurements to understand short term changes in a permafrost landscape, GC13H-1246Abstract Title: Modeling impacts of water and fertilizer management on the ecosystem service of rice rotated cropping system in China
Li, C.
V51B-3035Abstract Title: Detrital Zircon U-Pb Ages of River Sands from Taiwan: Implications for Sedimentary Provenance and Its Source Link with the East Chinese Mainland
Li, C.
PP31B-2231Abstract Title: A Delayed Noeproterozoic Oceanic Oxygenation: Evidence from the Mo Isotope of the Cryogenian Datangpo Formation, PP31B-2238Abstract Title: A Euxinic-Wedge Model for Mo Cycling in the Early Cambrian Oceans
Li, C.
C13A-0798Abstract Title: Impacts of black carbon and mineral dust on glacier melting in the Qilian Mts., northeastern Tibetan Plateau
Li, C.
V51B-3038Abstract Title: Geochemical indications and Detrital Zircon U-Pb ages of net-like laterite from Youjiang terrace, Bose Basin, southwestern China: new evidence of proximal provenance for laterite sediments
Li, C.
P11E-04Abstract Title: Moist convection in hydrogen atmospheres and the frequency of Saturn’s giant storms
Li, C.
MR31B-07Abstract Title: Structure, Frictional Melting and Fault Weakening during the 2008 Mw 7.9 Wenchuan Earthquake Slip: Observation from the WFSD Drilling Core Samples
Li, C.
GC21B-1096Abstract Title: Assessment of the water and energy budget simulation of three land surface models: CLM4.5, CoLM2014, and CoLM2005
Li, C.
A11A-0031Abstract Title: Climatology of dust aerosol Observed from 6-year CALIPSO lidar measurements
Li, C.
S13B-2830Abstract Title: Remote Triggering of Microearthquakes in the Piton de la Fournaise and Changbaishan Volcanoes, S41D-08Abstract Title: Systematic Detections of Early Aftershocks and Remotely Triggered Seismicity in China Following the 2015 Mw7.8 Gorkha, Nepal earthquake
Li, C.
H51K-1543Abstract Title: Quantitative contribution of climate change and human activities on flood-season streamflow in the middle of Loess Plateau, China
Li, C. Y.
B11E-0479Abstract Title: Structural and Molecular Basis for the Novel Catalytic Mechanism and Evolution of DddP, an Abundant Peptidase-Like Bacterial Dimethylsulfoniopropionate Lyase: A New Enzyme from an Old Fold
Li, C.
P11B-2076Abstract Title: Ground Verification Test of Lunar Mineralogical Spectrometer on the Chang’e 5 Lunar Sample Return Lander, P51C-2073Abstract Title: The properties of the lunar regolith at Chang’e-3 landing site: A study based on LPR data, P51C-2077Abstract Title: Applications of Surface Penetrating Radar for Mars Exploration, P53C-2147Abstract Title: An approach of crater automatic recognition based on contour digital elevation model from Chang’E Missions
Li, C.
P53C-2134Abstract Title: A preliminary investigating the geomorphological characteristics of surrounding Chang’E-3 landing site
Li, C.
H21G-1459Abstract Title: Stability and Mobility of CdSe/ZnS Quantum Dots in Soils: Effects of Organic Ligands, pH and Ionic Strength, H23D-1616Abstract Title: Wetting and Interfacial Tension Dynamics of Oil-Nanofluids-Surface Minerals System
Li, D.
V33D-3134Abstract Title: Cosmogenic Nuclides 10Be–21Ne Burial Dating of Middle Miocene Sedimentary Formation of the Hongliu Valley in Southern Ningxia Basin: A Case of Isotopic Geochronology Study for the Cenozoic Sedimentary Strata
Li, D.
A33B-0140Abstract Title: On the '-1' scaling of air temperature spectra in atmospheric surface layer flows, A52B-03Abstract Title: The Impact of Surface Heterogeneity on Urban-Atmosphere Interactions, B34C-05Abstract Title: Impacts and feedbacks of urbanization on regional hydroclimate: a case study with a high-resolution GFDL AGCM, H31F-1493Abstract Title: Multi-scale Drivers of Variations in Atmospheric Evaporative Demand Based on Observations and Physically-based Modeling
Li, D.
C51A-0682Abstract Title: A Comparison of Low-Frequency Variability of Summer Arctic Sea Ice Extent in Three Coupled Climate Models
Li, D.
PA11B-2152Abstract Title: Recent Regional Climate State and Change – Derived through Downscaling Homogeneous Large-scale Components of Re-analyses
Li, D.
B21E-0521Abstract Title: Impacts of Changes in Solar Radiation on Terrestrial Gross Primary Productivity of China
Li, D.
T21A-2810Abstract Title: Late Paleozoic tectonic evolution of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt: Constraints from multiple arc-basin systems in Altai–Junggar area, NW China
Li, D.
A41A-0051Abstract Title: A New Method for Common Calibration of Sun-Sky-Lunar Photometer, A51B-0013Abstract Title: Aerosol Properties under Air Quality Control Measures of APEC 2014 in Beijing
Li, D.
A51B-0044Abstract Title: Observation of a Dust Storm during 2015 Spring over Beijing, China, A51B-0047Abstract Title: Retrieval of aerosol composition using ground-based remote sensing measurements
Li, D.
C33B-0816Abstract Title: How much of the streamflow in the U.S. originates as snow?
Li, D.
DI51A-2612Abstract Title: The Mantle Seismic Heterogeneities Inferred by USArray Data
Li, D.
S31A-2717Abstract Title: Episodic slow slip process in a non-planar fault model constrained by non-volcanic tremor locations along Cascadia subduction zone
Li, E. S. W.
A13E-0401Abstract Title: Aldol Condensation Products and Polyacetals in Organic Films Formed from Reactions of Propanal in Sulfuric Acid at Upper Troposphere/Lower Stratosphere (UT/LS) Aerosol Acidities
Li, F.
A51Q-0341Abstract Title: Investigation of Biomass Combustion Rate of Fire Radiative Energy Using Multiple-Satellite-observed Active Fires and Landsat TM Burn Severities across the Continental United States
Li, F.
B31D-0586Abstract Title: Different determinants of soil carbon decomposition between active and permafrost layers: evidence from alpine permafrost on the Tibetan Plateau
Li, F.
A43G-0399Abstract Title: Ozone Depletion by Hydrofluorocarbons
Li, G.
SH11D-2400Abstract Title: Quiet-time Solar Wind Superhalo Electrons, SH11D-2402Abstract Title: Solar Wind ~0.1-1.5 keV Electrons at Quiet Times, SH14B-01Abstract Title: Particle Acceleration At Small-Scale Flux Ropes In The Heliosphere, SH33B-2469Abstract Title: Multi-Spacecraft Analysis of Energetic Heavy Ions and Interplanetary Shock Properties in Energetic Storm Particle Events at 1 AU, SH33D-03Abstract Title: Why is the Sun No Longer Accelerating Particles to High Energy in Solar Cycle 24?, SH43A-2427Abstract Title: Energy Conversion and Particle Acceleration during Magnetic Reconnection in Solar Flare Plasma
Li, G.
S11A-2753Abstract Title: Earthquake relocation near the Leech River Fault, southern Vancouver Island
Li, G.
EP23C-0983Abstract Title: Earthquake-Driven Erosion and Mountain Building, EP23C-0985Abstract Title: Earthquake-triggered increase in biospheric carbon export from a mountain belt: Insight from the 2008 Mw 7.9 Wenchuan earthquake, EP23C-0988Abstract Title: Climatic control on river chemistry in Yangtze River Basin: Cooling forced Cenozoic oceanic Sr/Ca and Mg/Ca evolution?, EP41B-0921Abstract Title: Characterizing Landslide and River Bed Sediments Grain Size after a Large Earthquake with Insight into Post-earthquake Sediment Dynamics, NH43D-04Abstract Title: Local slope, hillslope length and upslope unstable area as 1st order controls on co-seismic landslide hazard.
Li, G.
OS52A-08Abstract Title: Climate model biases in the Indian Ocean meant state, variability and change
Li, G.
B11C-0434Abstract Title: Allocation changes buffer CO2 effect on tree growth since the last ice age, B42B-01Abstract Title: Carbon allocation changes: an adaptive response to variations in atmospheric CO2, PP42A-08Abstract Title: Diagnosing Mismatches between Simulations and Observations in Data-Model Comparisons using the CMIP5/PMIP3 Simulations
Li, G.
T22A-06Abstract Title: Thermotectonic Evolution of the Archean Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia: Insights into Gondwana Amalgmation and Breakup
Li, G.
SM51A-2518Abstract Title: Calibrating MMS Electron Drift Instrument (EDI) Ambient Electron Flux Measurements and Characterizing 3D Electric Field Signatures of Magnetic Reconnection
Li, G.
B13G-0713Abstract Title: Thinning intensity influences on soil microbial and inorganic nitrogen in Pinus densiflora forests, central Korea, B23C-0616Abstract Title: Responses of soil microbial community to experimental warming and precipitation manipulation, H43G-1620Abstract Title: Effects of warming treatment and precipitation manipulation on fine root length of Pinus densiflora seedlings.
Li, G.
T11F-08Abstract Title: Focal Depths and Mechanisms of Earthquakes in the Himalayan-Tibetan Region
Li, G.
H51D-1403Abstract Title: Influence of Scale Effect and Model Performance in Downscaling ASTER Land Surface Temperatures to a Very High Spatial Resolution in an Agricultural Area
Li, G.
SA13B-2342Abstract Title: The Statitical and Case studies of the Thermospheric Enhanced Sodium Layers (TeSLs)
Li, H.
GP31A-1371Abstract Title: New Late Carboniferous paleomagnetic results from Qaidam Block and its implications for the paleogeography of central Asia, MR31B-07Abstract Title: Structure, Frictional Melting and Fault Weakening during the 2008 Mw 7.9 Wenchuan Earthquake Slip: Observation from the WFSD Drilling Core Samples, MR33B-2658Abstract Title: Fault-rock Magnetism from Wenchuan earthquake Fault Scientific Drilling project (WFSD) Implies the Different Slip Dynamics, MR33B-2662Abstract Title: Magnetic properties of cores from the Wenchuan Earthquake Fault Scientific Drilling Hole-2 (WFSD-2), China, T31A-2843Abstract Title: Large-scale Geometry of Intra-continental Strike-slip Faults: Example of the Karakorum Fault, Western Tibet
Li, H.
H34E-04Abstract Title: MARUN numerical model and its applications in various coastal aquifer systems
Li, H.
SM13D-2546Abstract Title: Electromagnetic energy conversion at dipolarization fronts: Multi-spacecraft results, SM52A-08Abstract Title: Geomagnetic Storms and EMIC waves: Van Allen Probe observations
Li, H.
T13A-2956Abstract Title: Iron-rich condition maintained throughout the mid-Proterozoic ocean: new evidence from the North China Craton
Li, H.
P51C-2073Abstract Title: The properties of the lunar regolith at Chang’e-3 landing site: A study based on LPR data, P51C-2077Abstract Title: Applications of Surface Penetrating Radar for Mars Exploration, P53C-2134Abstract Title: A preliminary investigating the geomorphological characteristics of surrounding Chang’E-3 landing site, P53C-2147Abstract Title: An approach of crater automatic recognition based on contour digital elevation model from Chang’E Missions
Li, H.
P11B-2076Abstract Title: Ground Verification Test of Lunar Mineralogical Spectrometer on the Chang’e 5 Lunar Sample Return Lander, P51C-2077Abstract Title: Applications of Surface Penetrating Radar for Mars Exploration, P53C-2134Abstract Title: A preliminary investigating the geomorphological characteristics of surrounding Chang’E-3 landing site
Li, H.
A33B-0150Abstract Title: Observation study on the structure of wind and temperature in the boundary layer and its impact on air quality over the Pearl River Delta,China
Li, H.
A51C-0053Abstract Title: A High-Latitude Winter Continental Low Cloud Feedback Suppresses Arctic Air Formation in Warmer Climates, A51C-0054Abstract Title: Suppression of Arctic Air Formation by Cloud Radiative Effects in a Two-Dimensional Cloud Resolving Model
Li, H. C.
B21C-0437Abstract Title: AMS Carbon-14 Dating of Microbial Carbonates of Shallow-Water Holocene Coral Reefs in the Philippines, PP23C-2321Abstract Title: Tracing source, mixing and uptaking processes of carbon in an epikarst spring-pond system in southeastern Guizhou of China by carbon isotopes (13C-14C), PP31A-2201Abstract Title: Understanding of δ13C behavior and its significance in the Furong Cave system through a 10-year cave monitoring study, PP51A-2240Abstract Title: High Resolution δ18O and δ13C Records of AMS 14C Dated Stalagmites From Jinlun and Yilingyan Caves in Guangxi, China: Climate Variability and Controlling Factors in the Monsoonal Region During the Past 2300 Years
Li, H. Y.
B21E-0524Abstract Title: Representing sediment transport in earth system model, H13G-1618Abstract Title: Trends and Implications of Stream Temperature for Energy and Fish Production, H13R-03Abstract Title: Advances in Simulating Large-scale Water Cycle Processes in the Community Land Model Version 5.0
Li, H.
C34A-07Abstract Title: Shifts in the hydrodynamic regime determine patterns of regional changes of the Arctic Ocean carbon cycle in future climate change projections
Li, H.
T21A-2801Abstract Title: Northeastward growth of the Tibetan Plateau along the Tibet-Ordos transition zone-revealed from Liupanshan deep seismic reflection profile
Li, H.
T11F-02Abstract Title: Crustal and upper mantle structure beneath the NE Tibetan Plateau and its tectonic implication
Li, H.
C33A-0806Abstract Title: Distributed calibrating snow models using remotely sensed snow cover information, C43F-01Abstract Title: Monitoring and modeling of cold region hydrological processes in a high mountain river basin in the upstream area of the Heihe River Basin of China
Li, H.
B31D-0604Abstract Title: Latitudinal Study of the Geochemical and Lipid Biomarkers in Alaskan Arctic Soils, B31D-0606Abstract Title: Alaskan Arctic Soils: Relationship between Microbial Carbon Usage and Soil Composition
Li, H.
H13C-1536Abstract Title: Sediment Transport Processes under Extreme Rainfall Events Using Dynamic Downscaling Climate Change Projections
Li, H.
GC53F-1269Abstract Title: Improving HJ-1B IRS land surface temperature product using ASTER global emissivity database
Li, H.
A13E-0387Abstract Title: Distribution of Gaseous and Particulate Organic Peroxides Formed in the Ozonolysis of α-Pinene
Li, H.
GC21C-1104Abstract Title: Tropical Cyclone-Ocean Interactions in a Fully-Coupled High Resolution Earth System Model, GC24C-08Abstract Title: Analyzing the Effect of Tropical Cyclones on the Upper Ocean Using an Ocean General Circulation Model with Varying Horizontal Grid Resolution
Li, H.
SH43A-2427Abstract Title: Energy Conversion and Particle Acceleration during Magnetic Reconnection in Solar Flare Plasma
Li, H.
H14D-05Abstract Title: Uptake and Accumulation of Pharmaceuticals in Lettuce Under Surface and Overhead Irrigations , H21G-1473Abstract Title: Sorption, Uptake, and Translocation of Pharmaceuticals across Multiple Interfaces in Soil Environment
Li, H.
PP33C-2316Abstract Title: Proxy Constraints on a Warm, Fresh Late Cretaceous Arctic Ocean
Li, H.
SM13D-2546Abstract Title: Electromagnetic energy conversion at dipolarization fronts: Multi-spacecraft results
Li, H.
H43H-1632Abstract Title: Spatiotemporal analysis of soil moisture in using active and passive remotely sensed data and ground observations
Li, J. Y.
IN41B-1705Abstract Title: The Use of OMPS Near Real Time Products in Volcanic Cloud Risk Mitigation and Smoke/Dust Air Quality Assessments
Li, J.
P31C-2079Abstract Title: Modeling Tidal Stresses on Satellites Using an Enhanced SatStressGUI
Li, J.
H51K-1529Abstract Title: WRF QPF evaluation and its coupling with distributed hydrological model for flood forecasting: a case study in Liujiang River
Li, J. Z.
SM13C-2502Abstract Title: Ion acceleration and reflection on magnetotail antidipolarization fronts
Li, J.
T21A-2791Abstract Title: The effect of paleo-uplift on deformation mechanism in the Wupoer fold-and-thrust belt, NE Pamir: constraints from analogue modeling
Li, J.
B13D-0647Abstract Title: Comparison of Landfill Methane Oxidation Measured Using Stable Isotope Analysis and CO2/CH4 Fluxes Measured by the Eddy Covariance Method
Li, J.
T33C-2956Abstract Title: Dynamic effects of plate-buoyancy subduction at Manila Trench, South China Sea
Li, J. W. Sr.
V53C-3141Abstract Title: Hydrothermal Zircon U-Pb Dating for Early Cretaceous Iron Skarn Mineralization in the Handan-Xingtai District, North China Craton
Li, J. Y.
P53E-2183Abstract Title: Albedo and Spectral Variability on Ceres from Four Decades of Observations, P53E-2184Abstract Title: Regional and Local Temperature Maps of Dwarf Planet Ceres from Dawn/VIR
Li, J.
G24A-04Abstract Title: Using Constraints from Satellite Gravimetry to Study Meteorological Excitations of the Chandler Wobble for an Earth Model with Frequency-dependent Responses
Li, J.
A31E-0099Abstract Title: A Comparative Study on the Dominant Factors Responsible for the Weaker-than-expected El Niño Event in 2014
Li, J.
A31I-01Abstract Title: Quantification and attribution of errors in the simulated annual gross primary production and latent heat fluxes by two global land surface models
Li, J.
A41A-0010Abstract Title: Measurement of pernitric acid (HO2NO2) using chemical ionization mass spectrometry (CIMS) with I-·H2O as the reagent ions: instrumentation and observations
Li, J.
A51T-05Abstract Title: Improved Radiation Simulation in the Community Atmosphere Model with Implementation of Four-Stream Spherical Harmonic Expansion Approximation for Solar Radiation
Li, J.
A41K-0220Abstract Title: Field Observation of Heterogeneous Formation of Dicarboxylic acids, Keto-carboxylic acids, α-Dicarbonyls and Nitrate in Xi’an, China during Asian dust storm periods, A51B-0031Abstract Title: Chemical Composition, Seasonal Variation and Size distribution of Atmospheric Aerosols at an Alpine Site in Guanzhong Plain, China
Li, J.
A43G-0366Abstract Title: The Impact of Monthly Variation of the Pacific-North America (PNA) Teleconnection Pattern on Wintertime Surface-layer Aerosol Concentrations in the United States, PP23A-2288Abstract Title: The Global Warming Hiatus Tied to the North Atlantic Oscillation and Its Prediction, PP41A-2224Abstract Title: A Decadal-Scale Teleconnection between the North Atlantic Oscillation and Subtropical Eastern Australian Rainfall, PP51A-2283Abstract Title: A Multi-proxy Reconstruction of Spatial and Temporal Variations in Asian Summer Temperatures Over the Last Millennium
Li, J.
EP11A-06Abstract Title: Sedimentary dynamic processes of a contourite drift formation in the South China Sea: from long-term in situ observations to geological records
Li, J.
A31E-0099Abstract Title: A Comparative Study on the Dominant Factors Responsible for the Weaker-than-expected El Niño Event in 2014
Li, J.
MR23B-2647Abstract Title: Magnetic phase diagrams and thermal equations of state of Fe7C3 and Fe3C up to the pressure-temperature conditions of Earth’s core, V23E-08Abstract Title: Alternative hypothese for the origin of the ultra-low velocity zones
Li, J.
A23G-07Abstract Title: Global Distribution of Different Cloud Phases and Their Radiative Contributions from A-Train Satellite Retrievals
Li, J.
GC21A-1077Abstract Title: Moisture increase in response to elevated high-altitude warming evidenced by tree-rings on the southeastern Tibetan Plateau
Li, J.
A31D-0073Abstract Title: Using Retrieved Aerosol Spectral Properties to Characterize Aerosol Composition and Mixing
Li, J.
SH43B-2442Abstract Title: Sunspot Tilt Angles Measured with MDI/SOHO and HMI/SDO
Li, J.
T11A-2869Abstract Title: Moho Depth and Poisson's Ratio beneath Eastern-Central China and Its Tectonic Implications
Li, J.
C13A-0795Abstract Title: Impacts of Aerosols on the Retreat of the Sierra Nevada Glaciers in California, H21I-1498Abstract Title: Object-based Evaluation of Satellite Precipitation Retrievals: A Case Study of the Summer Season over CONUS
Li, J.
A14B-06Abstract Title: Observational Constraints on Glyoxal Production from Isoprene Oxidation and Its Contribution to Organic Aerosol Over the Southeast United States
LI, J.
GP51A-1305Abstract Title: The biomineralization and fossilization of magnetotactic bacteria: Insights from experimental and field studies
Li, J.
IN43C-1750Abstract Title: JPSS application in a near real time regional numerical forecast system at CIMSS
Li, J.
SA51C-2416Abstract Title: Mesospheric turbulence detection and characterization with AMISR-class radars under consistent meteorological conditions
Li, J.
SM24B-08Abstract Title: Formation of Inner Magnetospheric Energetic Electron Butterfly Distributions by Equatorial Magnetosonic Waves
Li, J.
GP31A-1369Abstract Title: Paleomagnetic Results From Triassic Rock Formations of Junggar Basin, NW China
Li, J.
MR33A-2650Abstract Title: P-and S-wave velocities of exhumed metasediments from the Aleutian subduction megathrust: Implications for the interpretation of low velocity zones and fault reflectivity
Li, J.
DI14A-02Abstract Title: Seismic Structure of the Mantle Discontinuities beneath Northeast Asia
Li, J. Y.
H13E-1590Abstract Title: Smoothing-based Compressed State Kalman Filter (sCSKF) for Real-time State-parameter Estimation: CO2 Reservoir Monitoring and Characterization
Li, J. L. F.
A33GAbstract Title: Coupling of Clouds, Convection, Radiation, and Aerosols in the Climate System I Posters, A52DAbstract Title: Coupling of Clouds, Convection, Radiation, and Aerosols in the Climate System II, A52D-04Abstract Title: The Impacts of Precipitating Hydrometeors Radiative Effects on Land Surface Temperature in Contemporary GCMs using Satellite Observations
Li, J.
A21EAbstract Title: Toward Reducing Systematic Errors in Weather and Climate Models: Evaluation, Understanding, and Improvement I Posters, A23OAbstract Title: Toward Reducing Systematic Errors in Weather and Climate Models: Evaluation, Understanding, and Improvement II
Li, J.
C41A-0693Abstract Title: Time Series of Greenland Ice-Sheet Elevations and Mass Changes from ICESat 2003-2009
Li, J.
A33P-08Abstract Title: Value-added Impact from Future Geostationary Hyperspectral Infrared Sounder Observations on Hurricane Forecasts, IN43C-1750Abstract Title: JPSS application in a near real time regional numerical forecast system at CIMSS
Li, J. J.
B21B-0423Abstract Title: Aerosol emissions from biochar-amended agricultural soils, EP43A-0962Abstract Title: Shifting from grassland to shrubland: New insights from recent experimental studies in the Chihuahuan Desert
Li, J.
S23B-2704Abstract Title: Multiparameter seismic full waveform inversion in fractured media: anisotropic parameter estimation and cross-talk suppression
Li, J.
PP31A-2201Abstract Title: Understanding of δ13C behavior and its significance in the Furong Cave system through a 10-year cave monitoring study
Li, K.
A43C-0299Abstract Title: Comparison of New Prticle Formation in Marine and Coastal Atmosphere under Outflow of City Clusters in North China
Li, K.
A41A-0051Abstract Title: A New Method for Common Calibration of Sun-Sky-Lunar Photometer, A51B-0013Abstract Title: Aerosol Properties under Air Quality Control Measures of APEC 2014 in Beijing, A51B-0044Abstract Title: Observation of a Dust Storm during 2015 Spring over Beijing, China, A51B-0047Abstract Title: Retrieval of aerosol composition using ground-based remote sensing measurements
Li, K.
T21A-2791Abstract Title: The effect of paleo-uplift on deformation mechanism in the Wupoer fold-and-thrust belt, NE Pamir: constraints from analogue modeling
Li, K.
T52A-01Abstract Title: Long-term faulting behavior of eastern Altyn Tagh fault, north Tibetan Plateau
Li, K. F.
A41E-0104Abstract Title: Interannual Variabilities in High Cloud Cover from AIRS Data and Comparison to Climate Models, P23A-2102Abstract Title: A cyclostrophic transformed Eulerian zonal mean model for the middle atmosphere of slowly rotating planets, SA43A-2360Abstract Title: A Sensitivity Study of Mesospheric and Stratospheric HOx Chemistry , SH32A-07Abstract Title: First Evidence of Middle Atmospheric HO2 Response to UV variability during 27-day Solar Cycles From Satellite Observations
Li, K. T.
PP13C-2300Abstract Title: Oxygen Isotope Records in Modern Oyster Shells from Chi Ku, Tainan and Their Implication of Seasonality
Li, K.
SM51C-2575Abstract Title: Solar Illumination of the Polar Ionosphere and Its Effects on Cold Ion Outflow., SM53B-06Abstract Title: Estimation of cold plasma outflow during geomagnetic storms
Li, K.
OS13A-2024Abstract Title: Targeted Acoustic Data Processing for Ocean Ecological Studies
Li, L.
GC41G-04Abstract Title: Implications of North Atlantic Sea Surface Salinity for Summer Precipitation over the US Midwest: Mechanisms and Predictive Value
Li, L.
H51K-1543Abstract Title: Quantitative contribution of climate change and human activities on flood-season streamflow in the middle of Loess Plateau, China
Li, L. Z. X.
A41P-06Abstract Title: Anthropogenic Aerosol Forcing as Indicated by the Reversion of Warming-elevation Relationship
Li, L.
GC53H-05Abstract Title: Linking Drought Information to Crop Yield
Li, L.
C52A-05Abstract Title: Assimilation of blended Cryosat-2/SMOS sea ice thickness observations into the U.S. Navy ACNFS., H43H-1631Abstract Title: Enhancement of Passive Microwave Soil Moisture Retrievals using Visible/Infrared Imager
Li, L.
H52CAbstract Title: Modeling the Critical Zone: Integrating Processes and Data across Disciplines and Scales I, H53EAbstract Title: Modeling the Critical Zone: Integrating Processes and Data across Disciplines and Scales II Posters, H53E-1700Abstract Title: Understanding the Concentration-Discharge Relationship of Chloride and Magnesium in Shale Hills Using RT-Flux-PIHM, H53E-1703Abstract Title: Assimilating the Cosmic-Ray Soil Moisture Observing System Measurements for Land Surface Hydrologic Model Parameter Estimation Using the Ensemble Kalman Filter
Li, L.
PP31A-2223Abstract Title: Asynchronous Patterns of East Asian Monsoon Climate Proxies during the Past 28 000 Years, PP53C-2377Abstract Title: Comparison and Significance of Two Different Organic Paleotemperature Reconstructions
Li, L.
A41A-0051Abstract Title: A New Method for Common Calibration of Sun-Sky-Lunar Photometer
Li, L.
H13I-1679Abstract Title: Monitoring and Evaluation of Cultivated Land Irrigation Guarantee Capability with Remote Sensing, H13I-1701Abstract Title: Backscattering characteristics Analyses of winter wheat covered area and Drought Monitoring Based on active microwave
Li, L.
B11E-0481Abstract Title: Effects of Temperature and Nutrients on Sterol Concentration in Marine Diatoms and Implications for Productivity Reconstructions
Li, L.
MR11A-09Abstract Title: Study of pressure induced polyamorphic transition in Ce-based ternary BMG using in situ x-ray scattering and electrical conductivity measurement
Li, L.
A13E-0396Abstract Title: Incremental Reactivity Effects of Anthropogenic and Biogenic Volatile Organic Compounds on Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation, A13F-01Abstract Title: Emission and Photochemical Evolution of Low Vapor Pressure-Volatile Organic Compounds (LVP-VOCs): from Consumer Products to Secondary Organic Aerosol
Li, L.
A33E-0217Abstract Title: Comparison of the Variability of Precipitation and Column Water Vapor Between Satellite Data and Model Simulations, EP53C-1041Abstract Title: MarsCAT: Mars Array of ionospheric Research Satellites using the CubeSat Ambipolar Thruster
Li, L.
P41B-2059Abstract Title: An Enduring Rapidly Moving Storm as a Guide to Saturn’s Equatorial Jet Complex Structure
Li, L.
T21B-2822Abstract Title: Spatial distribution and controlling factors of stable isotopes in river waters on the Tibetan Plateau
Li, L.
S41B-2760Abstract Title: The footprints of typhoons on seismic records and their implications on small-scale coupling mechanisms in South China Sea , T51F-2974Abstract Title: The Anisotropic Structure of South China Sea: Using OBS Data to Constrain Mantle Flow
Li, L.
A33N-03Abstract Title: The Development of Electrostatic Precipitation-Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry (EP-ESI-MS) for Atmospheric Aerosol Analysis
Li, L.
H23I-04Abstract Title: Scaling behavior of microbubbles rising in water-saturated porous media, H31GAbstract Title: Groundwater Flow and Transport in Coastal Aquifers I Posters, H31G-1508Abstract Title: Tide-induced Long-term Oscillations in a Subterranean Estuary, H31G-1510Abstract Title: Dynamics of pore-water and salt in estuarine marshes subjected to tide and evaporation, H34EAbstract Title: Groundwater Flow and Transport in Coastal Aquifers II
Li, L.
GC13B-1137Abstract Title: Grazing Effects on Water Use Efficiency on a Mongolian Desert Steppe, GC13B-1144Abstract Title: The spatial patterns of soil respiration regulated by biological and environmental variables along a precipitation gradient
Li, L.
NH23A-1865Abstract Title: Uniform slip model underestimates tsunami hazard for probabilistic assessment: results from a case study in the South China Sea
Li, L.
NS23A-1929Abstract Title: Acquisition and Processing of Multi-source Technique Offshore with Different Types of Source
Li, L.
H43F-1577Abstract Title: A Parsimonious Analytical Model for Simulating Multispecies Plume Migration
Li, L.
T42C-06Abstract Title: A comparison of the South China Sea and Canada Basin: two small marginal ocean basins with hyper-extended margins and central zones of sea-floor spreading.
LI, L.
S41D-08Abstract Title: Systematic Detections of Early Aftershocks and Remotely Triggered Seismicity in China Following the 2015 Mw7.8 Gorkha, Nepal earthquake
Li, L.
S23D-2769Abstract Title: Radial Anisotropy in the Lithosphere and Asthenosphere Beneath the Northeastern Tibetan Plateau from Surface Wave Tomography
Li, M.
A21A-0088Abstract Title: Source Contributions of Urban PM2.5 in the Beijing–Tianjin–Hebei Region: Changes between 2006 and 2013 and Relative Impacts of Emissions and Meteorology
Li, M.
B14E-04Abstract Title: Life strategies of a ubiquitous and abundant subsurface archaeal group Bathyarchaeota
Li, M.
T21A-2804Abstract Title: Crustal and Upper-mantle Structure of Southeastern Tibetan Plateau Inverted by Joining Surface Wave Dispersion and Receiver Function
Li, M.
EP23B-0950Abstract Title: Combining High Resolution Measurements and Simulations of Near-Bed Sediment Transport Processes Under Large-Scale Breaking Waves
Li, M. H.
H21A-1342Abstract Title: Analytical model for radionuclide transport in the buffer zone of the deep geological disposal, H33I-1735Abstract Title: Assessing Impact of Climate Change on the Runoffs of Gilgel Abbay Watershed, the upper Blue Nile Basin, Ethiopia
Li, M.
A34B-08Abstract Title: Variations of Winter Climate in Association with the Interannual Variability of Atmospheric Mass over Water Oceans, Continents, and Sea Ice-Covered Arctic Region, A51H-0156Abstract Title: Anti-Phase Variations of Atmospheric Mass between Eurasian Continent and North Pacific and the Related Boreal Winter Climate Anomalies over Eurasia, GC43A-1167Abstract Title: Two types of regional daily precipitation extremes over fujian-jiangxi of China and their related anomalous circulation patterns during boreal summer
Li, M.
DI11CAbstract Title: Properties, Structure, and Dynamics of the Earth's Deep Mantle: From the Transition Zone to the Base of the Mantle I Posters, DI14AAbstract Title: Properties, Structure, and Dynamics of the Earth's Deep Mantle: From the Transition Zone to the Base of the Mantle II, DI44A-05Abstract Title: The Mantle-Atmosphere Connection: Oxidation of the Atmosphere through Mantle Convection, V21C-3057Abstract Title: Quantifying global melt flux and degassing rate from global mantle convection models with plate motion history, V23E-07Abstract Title: Evolving morphology of thermochemical piles caused by accumulation of subducted oceanic crust
LI, M.
GC11E-1074Abstract Title: Tree-Ring Dating of the Reshui-1 Tomb in Dulan County, Qinghai Province, North-west China
Li, M.
PP53B-2349Abstract Title: Testing multiple paleoclimatic proxies in a Triassic marine record from China
Li, M.
GC53F-1266Abstract Title: A Realistic Three-dimensional Scene Model (RTDS) for simulating the Surface Temperature over Sparsely Vegetated Surface from a Remote Sensor and First Results
Li, M.
B21D-0491Abstract Title: Dynamic Linkages between Denitrification Functional Genes/Enzymes and Biogeochemical Reaction Rates of Nitrate and Its Reduction Products, B23E-0635Abstract Title: Pore-scale insights to the rate of organic carbon degradation and biofilm formation under variable hydro-biogeochemical conditions in soils and sediments
Li, M.
B33E-0789Abstract Title: Study on the Characteristics and Impacts of the Spatial-temporal Urban Sprawl in Chinese Coastal Cities using Ocelet
LI, M.
MR13C-2729Abstract Title: What Can We Learn from Hugoniot Temperature as a Function of Shock Velocity?
Li, M.
H43F-1556Abstract Title: The Natural Activation Ability of Subsurface Media During In-Situ Chemical Oxidation of 1,4-Dioxane, H43F-1561Abstract Title: Measuring NAPL-Water Interfacial Areas to Evaluate the Effectiveness of In-Situ Chemical Oxidation for DNAPL-Contaminated Source Zones: A Two-Dimensional Flow Cell Study
Li, P.
B13G-0728Abstract Title: Effects of nitrogen deposition on carbon and nitrogen dynamics: a model-data comparison at an alpine meadow on the Qinghai Tibetan Plateau
Li, P.
C53D-01Abstract Title: Examining Differences in Arctic and Antarctic Sea Ice Change, IN51B-1811Abstract Title: The Hurricane Problem – The Three Faces of the Big Data Challenges, IN51C-05Abstract Title: A Look Under the Hood: How the JPL Tropical Cyclone Information System Uses Database Technologies to Present Big Data to Users
Li, P. Y.
NH23A-1866Abstract Title: The Algorithm Development of the Tsunami Impact Intensity Analysis and the Application to the 1867 Keelung Tsunami Event, NH23C-1901Abstract Title: Analyzing the 1604 Quanzhou Tsunami Event by using Impact Intensity Analysis and Discovering the Potential Tsunami Threat along the West Coast of Taiwan
Li, P.
B53D-0588Abstract Title: Nutrient Allocation Strategies of Woody Plants: An Approach From the Scaling of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Between Twigs and Leaves
Li, P.
GC31D-1216Abstract Title: Introduction to CHRS CONNECT - a global extreme precipitation event database using object-oriented approach
Li, P. Y.
H33C-1594Abstract Title: The Use of Sodium Bromide as the Tracer to Identify the Regional Groundwater Flow Path in the Tatun Volcano Group(TVG), Taiwan , H33C-1595Abstract Title: The use of the stable isotopes to determine the pattern and spatial extent of groundwater flow in the Tatun Volcano Group(TVG), Taiwan
Li, Q.
GP13B-1307Abstract Title: Study on the Geomagnetic Short Period Variations of the Northwestern Yunnan
Li, Q.
EP32B-01Abstract Title: Where did the signal go? Why sediment flux is not always the best place to look for a record of the rock uplift history., EP32B-05Abstract Title: Storage Thresholds for Relative Sea Level Signals in the Stratigraphic Record, EP32B-07Abstract Title: High Fidelity? Temporal and spatial scales of stratigraphic incompleteness and how they compare to environmental forcings, EP33B-1064Abstract Title: Quantifying Surface Processes and Stratigraphic Characteristics Resulting from Large Magnitude High Frequency and Small Magnitude Low Frequency Relative Sea Level Cycles: An Experimental Study, EP43C-07Abstract Title: Signal transformation in erosional landscapes: insights for reconstructing tectonic history from sediment flux records
Li, Q.
A43F-0350Abstract Title: Assessment and mitigation of errors associated with a large-scale field investigation of methane emissions from the Marcellus Shale
LI, Q.
A33J-0325Abstract Title: The Impacts of Land Degradation on the Summer Climate over East Asia and mechanisms
Li, Q.
PP21B-2246Abstract Title: Clay mineralogy indicates the living environment of the terminal Miocene hominoid of the Zhaotong Basin, Yunnan, China
Li, Q.
A33D-0180Abstract Title: A Microphysics-Based Black Carbon Aging Scheme in a Global Chemical Transport Model: Constraints from HIPPO Observations, A43G-0370Abstract Title: Impact of anthropogenic aerosols on regional climate change in Beijing, China, C21D-03Abstract Title: Factors Controlling Black Carbon Deposition in Snow in the Arctic
Li, Q.
V13C-3150Abstract Title: Authigenic Mineral Cycling in Roman Seawater Concrete with Campi Flegrei Pumiceous Ash Pozzolan
Li, Q.
C41D-0729Abstract Title: Using MODIS forest transmissivity estimates to correct passive microwave observations of snow-covered landscapes, C41D-0752Abstract Title: Development and Evaluation of the GCOM-W1 AMSR2 Snow Depth and Snow Water Equivalent Algorithm
Li, Q.
T43F-07Abstract Title: Wrench faulting in the Canada Basin, Arctic Ocean
Li, Q.
A51P-0302Abstract Title: Impacts of Evaporation of Rainwater on Tropical Cyclone Structure and Intensity
Li, Q.
H41C-1313Abstract Title: Modification of Fracture Apertures by Reactive Multiphase Flow, H44D-05Abstract Title: Can the Carbonated Layer Protect Wellbore Cement During Geologic CO2 Sequestration?
LI, Q.
A34F-05Abstract Title: Observations of Nitryl Chloride and Modeling its Source and Effect on Ozone in the Planetary Boundary Layer of Southern China, A41K-0225Abstract Title: Evaluating the Impacts of N2O5 Heterogeneous Reaction and ClNO2 Production on Reactive Nitrogen and Tropospheric Ozone in Southern China
Li, Q.
SA13A-2309Abstract Title: Concentric Gravity Waves over Northern China Observed by a No-Gap OH Airglow Imager Network and Satellites
Li, Q.
GC41A-1056Abstract Title: Impact of Extreme Climate Events on Terrestrial Water Storage from GRACE over China
Li, Q. L.
V13C-3146Abstract Title: Integrated in situ U-Pb Age and Hf-O Analyses of Zircon from the Northern Yangtze Block: New Insights into the Neoproterozoic Low-δ18O Magmas in the South China Block
Li, Q. H.
GC33A-1258Abstract Title: Quantifying the impact of legal culture and institution on carbon emissions
Li, Q.
T21A-2801Abstract Title: Northeastward growth of the Tibetan Plateau along the Tibet-Ordos transition zone-revealed from Liupanshan deep seismic reflection profile
Li, R.
C41A-0687Abstract Title: Elevation Changes of LAS, East Antarctica, Derived From ICESat and CryoSat-2 Altimetric Data
Li, R.
A13G-06Abstract Title: Comprehensive Modeling Study of Chemistry in Oxidation Flow Reactors
Li, R.
A52F-06Abstract Title: Reduce the uncertainty in dust aerosol IN effect on cloud top temperature
LI, R.
B53E-0613Abstract Title: Non-destructive testing for combined stresses using high-resolution thermal infrared remote sensing and ‘‘three-temperature model’’: A case study on mangrove plant Kandelia obovata, H11E-1389Abstract Title: Distribution, fraction, and ecological risk assesment of heavy metals in sediment-plant system in mangrove forest, South China Sea
Li, S.
A41C-0073Abstract Title: The significant increasing of atmospheric bi-weekly disturbances over Northeast Asia during the global-warming hiatus
Li, S.
IN34B-07Abstract Title: APPLICATION OF SNPP/VIIRS DATA IN NEAR REAL-TIME SUPRA-SNOW/ICE FLOOD DETECTION, NH51E-1954Abstract Title: River Ice and Flood Detection Products Derived from Suomi NPP VIIRS Satellite Data to Support Hydrologic Forecast Operations in Alaska
Li, S.
SM13C-2502Abstract Title: Ion acceleration and reflection on magnetotail antidipolarization fronts
Li, S.
S31A-2739Abstract Title: Slow Slip Events and rotation of the Peninsula block in Lower Cook Inlet of the Alaska-Aleutian Subduction Zone
Li, S.
T12B-06Abstract Title: ~55Ma Aged High Topography of the Lhasa Block From Stable and Clumped Isotope Paleoaltimetry: Implications for ~50±25% Crustal Mass Deficit in the India-Asia Collisional System
Li, S. M.
A11M-0244Abstract Title: Quantifying Sources of Methane in the Alberta Oil Sands, A21A-0059Abstract Title: Understanding ozone formation and the radical budget during oil sands plume transport in the Athabasca region of Alberta
Li, S.
T21E-2875Abstract Title: Sudden subduction channel and mantle wedge weakening leads to the vertical deformation pattern changes before and after great subduction zone earthquakes, T51J-03Abstract Title: The 2014 Iquique Chile earthquake: Preparatory breaking processes of a locked asperity and natural constraints for fluid migration along the plate interface
Li, S.
T43B-3001Abstract Title: Tectonics and geochronology of the northern margin of the Zhongba terrane, Southern Tibet: implications for the closing processes of the western Neo-Tethys
Li, S.
EP23C-0988Abstract Title: Climatic control on river chemistry in Yangtze River Basin: Cooling forced Cenozoic oceanic Sr/Ca and Mg/Ca evolution?, GC51G-1175Abstract Title: Research on the acid rain under the short-term environment control measures of the Youth Olympic Games
Li, S. G.
H33I-1731Abstract Title: Groundwater Sustainability in the Michigan Lowlands – Understanding the Complex Interplay of Natural Brine Upwelling, Human Activity, and Climate Change
Li, S.
P43A-2105Abstract Title: Heterogeneous water content in the lunar interior: insights from orbital detection of water in lunar pyroclastic deposits and silicic rich domes
Li, S.
H11A-1312Abstract Title: Influence of surface conductivity and Reynolds number on the zeta potential of calcite
Li, S.
B43C-0576Abstract Title: Improving the frequency of high spatial resolution leaf area index maps using Landsat OLI and Sentinel-2 MSI
Li, S.
V23B-3127Abstract Title: Iron Isotope Compositions of the Late Mesozoic Bimodal Volcanic Rocks from NE China
Li, S.
GC23I-1207Abstract Title: The orography of anthropogenic climate change in the western USA, GC41A-1063Abstract Title: Extreme Daily Temperature and Precipitation in a Weather@home Superensemble for the Western United States: Model Performance and Projections
Li, S.
A41B-0062Abstract Title: Ground-based observations of aerosol-cloud interactions in the North East of the United States
Li, S.
A31I-07Abstract Title: Spring Land Temperature Anomalies in Northwestern U.S. and Southern Plains Summer Extreme: Texas Droughts and Floods, A33J-0304Abstract Title: The Change of Climate and Terrestrial Carbon Cycle over Tibetan Plateau in CMIP5 Models
Li, T.
PP11A-2211Abstract Title: OSL and Cosmogenic 10Be Dating of Fluvial Terraces on the Northeast Pamir Margin, Northwest China
Li, T.
SA13B-2353Abstract Title: Mesospheric responses to Madden–Julian Oscillation
Li, T.
GC13D-1178Abstract Title: Biases in simulation of the rice phenology models when applied in warmer climates
Li, T.
H41D-1341Abstract Title: Curvature Measurement and Tracking of Nonwetting Phase Trapping and Pressure State in Porous Media, H41D-1343Abstract Title: Three-Phase Capillary Pressure, Hysteresis and Trapping in a Porous Glass-Bead Column
Li, T.
S43B-2778Abstract Title: Numerical simulation analysis on Wenchuan seismic strong motion in Hanyuan region
Li, T.
IN51B-1807Abstract Title: The Feasibility of Predicting Nino 3.4 Index Using a Sparse Approximation Algorithm
Li, T.
PP31A-2201Abstract Title: Understanding of δ13C behavior and its significance in the Furong Cave system through a 10-year cave monitoring study
Li, T.
GP13A-1266Abstract Title: Three-dimensional forward modelling and inversion of complex resistivity based on the improved quasi-linear approximation
LI, W.
ED31D-0922Abstract Title: Field Learning as a powerful tool of Education for geoscience, environment and disaster prevention.
Li, W.
Li, W.
A11A-0019Abstract Title: Accuracy Remote-Sensing of Aerosol Spatial Distribution in the Lower Troposphere by Twin Scanning Lidars
Li, W.
T23B-2947Abstract Title: Reactive Transport in a Pipe in Soluble Rock: a Theoretical and Experimental Study
Li, W.
A31I-07Abstract Title: Spring Land Temperature Anomalies in Northwestern U.S. and Southern Plains Summer Extreme: Texas Droughts and Floods
Li, W.
NG33A-1843Abstract Title: A Numerical Study on the Characteristics of High-frequency Oscillations in the Eyewall of Tropical Cyclones
Li, W.
B21A-0417Abstract Title: Importance of Tetrahedral Iron during Microbial Reduction of Clay Mineral NAu-2, B21A-0418Abstract Title: Iron Isotope Fractionation Reveals Structural Change upon Microbial and Chemical Reduction of Nontronite NAu-1, EP13B-0958Abstract Title: Investigation of Mg isotope fractionation during low temperature precipitation of dolomite analogue minerals BaMg(CO3)2 and PbMg(CO3)2 PbMg(CO3)2, EP23C-0988Abstract Title: Climatic control on river chemistry in Yangtze River Basin: Cooling forced Cenozoic oceanic Sr/Ca and Mg/Ca evolution?, V44A-06Abstract Title: Identification of biologically recycled continental materials in banded iron formations
LI, W.
A51P-0304Abstract Title: Assessing Tropical Cyclone Forecast Skill in the GEFS Reforecast Version 2
Li, W.
V33D-3121Abstract Title: Simulation of radiation damage in minerals by sequential ion irradiations
Li, W.
H53D-1692Abstract Title: Incorporating approximation error in surrogate based Bayesian inversion
Li, W.
H53D-1689Abstract Title: Adaptive probabilistic collocation based Kalman filter for unsaturated flow problem
Li, W.
NH41B-1816Abstract Title: Landslide risk mapping and modeling in China
Li, W.
SM13GAbstract Title: Recent Advances in Understanding the Magnetospheric Waves and Their Effects on Energetic Particles I, SM14C-01Abstract Title: Quantifying the Role of Different Magnetospheric Plasma Waves in Diffuse Auroral Precipitation, SM14C-08Abstract Title: Electron Radiation Belt Dropouts in the Absence of Geomagnetic Storms, SM14C-10Abstract Title: Direct Evidence of EMIC-Driven Electron Loss in Space: Evaluation of an Electron Dropout Event, SM21AAbstract Title: Recent Advances in Understanding the Magnetospheric Waves and Their Effects on Energetic Particles II Posters, SM21A-2507Abstract Title: Simulation of the energy dependent electron diffusion processes in the Earth’s outer radiation belt, SM21A-2508Abstract Title: The Effect of Different Solar Wind Parameters upon Significant Relativistic Electron Flux Dropouts in the Magnetosphere, SM21B-2526Abstract Title: Hiss induced radiation belt electron loss timescales in the plasmasphere based on ray tracings of wave propagation angle, SM23DAbstract Title: Recent Advances in Understanding the Magnetospheric Waves and Their Effects on Energetic Particles III, SM23D-08Abstract Title: A Neural Network Reconstruction of the Coupled Inner Magnetospheric Environment, SM24BAbstract Title: Recent Advances in Understanding the Magnetospheric Waves and Their Effects on Energetic Particles IV, SM24B-04Abstract Title: Understanding Earth’s Radiation Belt Electron Acceleration and Its Solar Wind Drivers, SM24B-08Abstract Title: Formation of Inner Magnetospheric Energetic Electron Butterfly Distributions by Equatorial Magnetosonic Waves, SM41E-2533Abstract Title: Source and seed populations for relativistic electrons: their roles in radiation belt changes
Li, W.
GP13A-1262Abstract Title: 3D frequency airborne electromagnetic modeling including topography with direct solution
Li, W.
A11P-04Abstract Title: Amplified subtropical stationary waves in boreal summer and their implications for regional water extremes, A31C-0054Abstract Title: Unforced surface air temperature anomalies and their opposite relationship with the TOA energy imbalance at local and global scales, A41C-0077Abstract Title: Mass Footprints of the North Pacific Atmospheric Blocking Highs, PP51A-2241Abstract Title: Reconstructed streamflow in the eastern United States: validity, drivers, and challenges
Li, W.
T21A-2801Abstract Title: Northeastward growth of the Tibetan Plateau along the Tibet-Ordos transition zone-revealed from Liupanshan deep seismic reflection profile
Li, W.
H21J-1525Abstract Title: Life-cycle Energy Consumption of Urban Water System in Shenzhen, China
Li, W.
A33J-0326Abstract Title: Validating the Sensitivity of a Regional Climate Model to Land Surface Parameterization Schemes for East Asian Summer Monsoon, B43C-0557Abstract Title: Fine Resolution Tree Height Estimation from Lidar Data and Its Application in SRTM DEM Correction across Forests of Sierra Nevada, California, USA
Li, W.
IN41DAbstract Title: Data Visualization 1: Data Visualization for Information Exploration and Knowledge Discovery I, IN53AAbstract Title: Data Visualization 1: Data Visualization for Information Exploration and Knowledge Discovery II Posters
Li, W. X.
T13A-2962Abstract Title: South China connected to north India in Gondwana: sedimentary basin and detrital provenance analyses
Li, X.
GC31E-1237Abstract Title: Energy for Water Utilization in China and Policy Implications for Integrated Planning
Li, X.
EP11A-06Abstract Title: Sedimentary dynamic processes of a contourite drift formation in the South China Sea: from long-term in situ observations to geological records
Li, X. H.
T13A-2962Abstract Title: South China connected to north India in Gondwana: sedimentary basin and detrital provenance analyses, V13C-3146Abstract Title: Integrated in situ U-Pb Age and Hf-O Analyses of Zircon from the Northern Yangtze Block: New Insights into the Neoproterozoic Low-δ18O Magmas in the South China Block
Li, X.
P11B-2092Abstract Title: Mars Organic Molecule Analyzer (MOMA) Mass Spectrometer Flight Model and Future Ion Trap-Based Planetary Instruments, P52A-03Abstract Title: Compositional Analysis of Primitive and Icy Planetary Surfaces with In Situ Two-Step Laser Mass Spectrometry
Li, X.
A11M-0251Abstract Title: Volatile Organic Compound Emissions from Natural Gas Facilities in the Denver-Julesburg Basin, the Uintah Basin and the Marcellus Shale, A43F-0352Abstract Title: Comparison of facility-level methane emission rates from natural gas production well pads in the Marcellus, Denver-Julesburg, and Uintah Basins
Li, X.
B23G-0686Abstract Title: Potential of Carbon Sequestration as Soil Carbonate in Arid and Semi-arid Region of North China: Impacts of Land Use Change, GC13B-1144Abstract Title: The spatial patterns of soil respiration regulated by biological and environmental variables along a precipitation gradient
Li, X.
T23B-2950Abstract Title: Estimation of subsurface formation temperature in the Yangtze area, South China: implications for shale gas generation and preservation
Li, X.
B53E-0616Abstract Title: Mapping tropical forests and rubber plantations on Hainan Island using PALSAR and multi-temporal Landsat data
Li, X.
H33B-1571Abstract Title: Cooling Effect of Evapotranspiration (ET) and ET Measurement by Thermal Remote Sensing in Urban
Li, X.
S13B-2843Abstract Title: Study on Seismogenesis of 2013 Ms5.1 Badong Earthquake in the Three Gorges Reservoir Region
Li, X.
B33E-0759Abstract Title: Comparison of different UHI mitigation strategies: the street- versus roof-level implementation
Li, X.
SH43A-2427Abstract Title: Energy Conversion and Particle Acceleration during Magnetic Reconnection in Solar Flare Plasma
Li, X.
B33D-0735Abstract Title: Dynamics of soil organic carbon and its fractions after revegetation on sand dunes in the Tengger Desert, Northern China
Li, X.
H53E-1707Abstract Title: Modelling water table drawdown and recovery during tunnel excavation in fractured rock: estimating environmental impacts and characterizing uncertainties in a heterogeneous domain, NS22A-06Abstract Title: Geostatistical methods for rock mass quality prediction using borehole and geophysical survey data
Li, X.
B21G-0545Abstract Title: Spring onset variations and long-term trends from new hemispheric-scale products and remote sensing
Li, X.
PA31C-2169Abstract Title: Detecting neighborhood vacancy level in Detroit city using remote sensing
Li, X.
G23A-1052Abstract Title: Surface Gravity Data Contribution to the Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands Geoid Model, G23A-1054Abstract Title: The Use of GOCE/GRACE Information in the Latest NGS xGeoid15 Model for the USA, G34A-07Abstract Title: Dynamic Heights in the Great Lakes using OPUS Projects
Li, X.
A13A-0293Abstract Title: Understanding future regional hydroclimate change: the relative roles of direct radiative forcing and SST warming, A41P-05Abstract Title: Asian Monsoon Changes and the Role of Aerosol and Greenhouse Gas Forcing
LI, X.
PA31C-2167Abstract Title: Remote Sensing of the Surface Urban Heat Island and Land Architecture in Phoenix, Arizona: Combined Effects of Land Composition and Configuration and Cadastral-Demographic-Economic Factors
Li, X.
A11B-0037Abstract Title: Chemical Characterization and Formation of Reactive Oxygen Species by PM2.5 during Summer in North China Plain of China
Li, X.
NH21A-1805Abstract Title: A Special Type of Georesistivity Variation before Some Larger Earthquakes, S11A-2745Abstract Title: Study on the Tidal Reponse of Underground Water Level below 800m
Li, X.
A51B-0034Abstract Title: Effects of trans-Eurasian transport of anthropogenic pollutants on surface ozone concentrations over China, GC51H-08Abstract Title: Impacts of Air Pollution on Solar Photovoltaic Electricity Generation in China
Li, X.
OS51A-1975Abstract Title: Tropical Atlantic Impacts on the Decadal Climate Variability of the Tropical Ocean and Atmosphere.
Li, X.
B51H-0528Abstract Title: Spatial Representativeness and Uncertainty of Eddy Covariance Carbon Flux Measurement for Upscaling Net Ecosystem Productivity to Field Scale, C43F-01Abstract Title: Monitoring and modeling of cold region hydrological processes in a high mountain river basin in the upstream area of the Heihe River Basin of China, H32A-08Abstract Title: Simulating California Reservoir Operation Using the Classification and Regression Tree Algorithm Combined with a Shuffled Cross-Validation Scheme, H43C-1512Abstract Title: An integrated multiscale river basin observing system in the Heihe River Basin, northwest China, H51G-1465Abstract Title: Comparison of State and Parameter Estimation Methods for Soil Moisture Data Assimilation, IN43B-1724Abstract Title: Towards Jointly Validation of Land Remote Sensing Products In China
Li, X.
A21A-0088Abstract Title: Source Contributions of Urban PM2.5 in the Beijing–Tianjin–Hebei Region: Changes between 2006 and 2013 and Relative Impacts of Emissions and Meteorology
Li, X.
A13G-01Abstract Title: Influence of Radical Recyling on Spatial Distributions of HOx in the Planetary Boundary Layer - Zeppelin-Based Observations, A13G-05Abstract Title: OH Oxidation of α-Pinene in the Atmosphere Simulation Chamber SAPHIR: Investigation of the Role of Pinonaldehyde Photolysis as an HO2 Source
Li, X.
C51E-06Abstract Title: Changes in ice dynamics of Totten Glacier, East Antarctica in the past two decades, G11C-05Abstract Title: Ice Sheet Monitoring Using Latest Generation SAR Satellites
Li, X.
NG31A-1828Abstract Title: Streamflow Prediction based on Chaos Theory
Li, X.
T11F-02Abstract Title: Crustal and upper mantle structure beneath the NE Tibetan Plateau and its tectonic implication
Li, X.
G43C-06Abstract Title: The assimilation of multi-GNSS Zenith Total Delays and Horizontal Delay Gradients, NH43B-1876Abstract Title: Precise Positioning with Multi-GNSS and its Advantage for Seismic Parameters Inversion
Li, X.
SM21B-2521Abstract Title: Study the Precipitation of Radiation Belt Electrons during the Rapid Dropout Events, SM41DAbstract Title: Radiation Belt Dynamics in the Earth's Inner Zone and Slot Region I Posters, SM41D-2501Abstract Title: Electric Fields Associated with Deep Injections of 10s to 100s keV Electrons in the Inner Magnetosphere, SM41D-2508Abstract Title: Recent Advances in Understanding Radiation Belt Dynamics in the Earth’s Inner Zone and Slot Region, SM41E-2533Abstract Title: Source and seed populations for relativistic electrons: their roles in radiation belt changes, SM44BAbstract Title: Radiation Belt Dynamics in the Earth's Inner Zone and Slot Region II, SM44B-09Abstract Title: Near Instantaneous Energization of Electrons to Ultra-relativistic Energies in the Earth’s Radiation Belts during the Strong Shock event of 17 March 2015
Li, X.
ED14A-04Abstract Title: The Colorado Student Space Weather Experiment: A successful student-run scientific spacecraft mission, SM14C-05Abstract Title: The Impenetrable Barrier Revisited – Anthroprogenic Effects on Earth’s Radiation Belts, SM21A-2460Abstract Title: Local Time and Geomagnetic Activity Dependence of the Distribution of ULF Wave Power on Azimuthal Mode Numbers: Observations and Test Particle Simulations, SM21A-2506Abstract Title: Event specific simultaneous estimates of loss, diffusion, and acceleration for MeV electrons, SM21B-2522Abstract Title: Butterfly distribution of outer zone relativistic electrons and their potential connection to the solar wind dynamic pressure, SM41D-2509Abstract Title: Variability of the Inner Proton Radiation Belt Observed by Van Allen Probes, SM41E-2525Abstract Title: The Evolution of Ring Current Energy Density and Energy Content during Geomagnetic Storms Based on Van Allen Probes Measurements, SM44B-01Abstract Title: The Relative Deep Penetrations of Energetic Electrons and Ions into the Slot Region and Inner Belt
Li, X.
T41B-2877Abstract Title: Kinematics of Late Quaternary Slip along the Yabrai Range-front Fault: Implications for Cenozoic Tectonics across the Gobi Alashan Block, China
Li, X.
B33D-0735Abstract Title: Dynamics of soil organic carbon and its fractions after revegetation on sand dunes in the Tengger Desert, Northern China
Li, X.
B11E-0483Abstract Title: Compositional Dynamics of Organic Carbon in Surface Sediments from the Lower Pearl River to the Coastal South China Sea
Li, X.
SM21A-2472Abstract Title: Calculation of Diffusion Coefficients from Bounce Resonance with Magnetosonic Waves
Li, X.
H31G-1505Abstract Title: Numerical Study on Tide-Driven Submarine Groundwater Discharge and Seawater Recirculation in Heterogeneous Aquifer
Li, X.
A51M-0245Abstract Title: Multi-criteria Evaluation of Discharge Simulation in Dynamic Global Vegetation Models
Li, X.
A53B-0374Abstract Title: A comparison to schemes of ocean surface albedo parameterization and their impact on shortwave radiatation estimation, SA51B-2401Abstract Title: A Modified Kriging Method to Interpolate the Soil Moisture Measured by Wireless Sensor Network with the Aid of Remote Sensing Images
Li, X.
PP23C-2312Abstract Title: Intra- and Inter-annual Fluorescence Intensity Variations in Drip Water, Heshang Cave, Central China: Implications for Speleothem Palaeoclimatology
Li, X.
GC23L-1250Abstract Title: Validation of the Global Land Data Assimilation System with the measurements of soil temperature profiles over grassland regions 
Li, X.
H11N-04Abstract Title: Characterizing tradeoffs between water and food under different climate regimes across the United States, NH51B-1879Abstract Title: The Characteristic Precipitation and Land Surface Conditions that Lead to Flooding over Different Basin Sizes
Li, X.
H23B-1572Abstract Title: Three Dimensional Modeling of Agricultural Contamination of Groundwater: a Case Study in the Nebraska Management Systems Evaluation Area (MSEA) Site
Li, X.
PP31A-2201Abstract Title: Understanding of δ13C behavior and its significance in the Furong Cave system through a 10-year cave monitoring study
Li, X.
H14D-01Abstract Title: Microbial Indicators, Pathogens, and Antibiotic Resistance in Groundwater Impacted by Animal Farming: Field Scale to Basin Scale
Li, Y.
SH32B-05Abstract Title: SEP modeling based on the ENLIL global heliospheric model, SH42A-05Abstract Title: Terrestrial Planet Space Weather Information: An Update , SH53A-2459Abstract Title: On Streamer-Blowout CMEs That Aren’t Really CMEs: How the Corona Makes Slow Flux Rope-Like ICMEs Without an Explosive Release of Free Magnetic Energy
Li, Y.
B33F-03Abstract Title: The role of spatial scale and background climate in the latitudinal temperature response to deforestation
Li, Y.
OS43B-03Abstract Title: Decadal Ocean Heat Content Westward Shift in the Indian Ocean during the Global Surface Warming and Hiatus
Li, Y.
H53E-1707Abstract Title: Modelling water table drawdown and recovery during tunnel excavation in fractured rock: estimating environmental impacts and characterizing uncertainties in a heterogeneous domain
Li, Y.
A23F-0398Abstract Title: Transport and radiative impacts of atmospheric pollen using online, observation-based emissions 
Li, Y.
C21D-02Abstract Title: Dust, Elemental Carbon and Other Impurities on Central Asian Glaciers: Origin and Radiative Forcing
Li, Y.
DI11A-2573Abstract Title: Effects of post-perovskite phase transition properties on the stability and structure of primordial reservoirs in the lower mantle of the Earth
Li, Y.
C13A-0798Abstract Title: Impacts of black carbon and mineral dust on glacier melting in the Qilian Mts., northeastern Tibetan Plateau
Li, Y.
A13A-0295Abstract Title: Critical Role of the Meridional Background Flow in the Rossby Wave Propagation across the Tropical Easterly
Li, Y.
T13E-06Abstract Title: Coupled THMC models for bentonite in clay repository for nuclear waste
Li, Y.
C33D-0852Abstract Title: The incorporation of an organic soil layer in the Noah-MP Land Surface Model and its evaluation over a Boreal Aspen Forest
Li, Y.
PP21C-2252Abstract Title: Sr-Nd isotopes constrain on the deposit history of the basins in the Gulf of Mexico
Li, Y.
B43H-0638Abstract Title: Vegetation Red-edge Spectral Modeling for Solar-induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence Retrieval at O2-B Band
Li, Y.
H41C-1331Abstract Title: Micro-PIV measurements of multiphase flow of water and supercritical CO2 in 2D heterogeneous porous micromodels
Li, Y.
A21A-0051Abstract Title: Source Apportionment of Volatile Organic Compounds and PM2.5 Using Positive Matrix Factorization in Two National Parks Impacted by Oil and Natural Gas Drilling Operations
Li, Y.
B53G-0660Abstract Title: The range of β in the distributed-order infiltration into swelling soils and ponding time texted in the field experiments
Li, Y.
V44A-08Abstract Title: Petrogenesis and Tectonic Implications of Paleoproterozoic Metapelitic Rocks in the Archean Kongling Complex from the Northern Yangtze Craton, South China
Li, Y.
GC53G-1288Abstract Title: The Growth Periods Responses of Double-season Paddy Rice to Climate Change in Hunan Province, China over the Past Two Decades
Li, Y.
H23G-1657Abstract Title: Wireless Sensor Networks for Environmental Monitoring
Li, Y. Sr
A43A-0254Abstract Title: Molecular Corridor Based Approach for Description of Evolution of Secondary Organic Aerosols
Li, Y.
A11A-0019Abstract Title: Accuracy Remote-Sensing of Aerosol Spatial Distribution in the Lower Troposphere by Twin Scanning Lidars
Li, Y.
G21A-1017Abstract Title: Spatial-temporal heterogeneity of land subsidence evolution in Beijing based on InSAR and cluster analysis
Li, Y.
PP11A-2210Abstract Title: Late Quaternary Glacial Chronology in the Cordillera de Talamanca, Costa Rica, Investigated Using Cosmogenic Cl-36 Surface Exposure Dating
Li, Y.
B13G-0728Abstract Title: Effects of nitrogen deposition on carbon and nitrogen dynamics: a model-data comparison at an alpine meadow on the Qinghai Tibetan Plateau, H31F-1479Abstract Title: Evapotranspiration and Surface Water balance in China
Li, Y.
T21A-2808Abstract Title: Structural geometry, kinematics and deformation mechanism of southwestern Sichuan Basin, China: Implications for the eastward-growth of the southeast margin of the Tibetan Plateau
Li, Y.
V24A-01Abstract Title: SeaVOICE: Sea-going Experiments to Test Potential Linkages among Sea Level Change, Ocean Ridge Volcanism, and Hydrothermal Activity., V53A-3131Abstract Title: A long-term record of magma compositions at the Juan de Fuca ridge from analysis of sediment hosted volcanic glass: tests of the effects of sea level on melt production 
Li, Y.
C21D-03Abstract Title: Factors Controlling Black Carbon Deposition in Snow in the Arctic
Li, Y.
T11F-04Abstract Title: Density and Magnetization Intensity of crust and uppermost mantle across Northern Margin of Tibetan Plateau
Li, Y.
H53E-1695Abstract Title: CNMM: a Catchment Environmental Model for Managing Water Quality and Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Li, Y. G.
T51A-2866Abstract Title: Observations and Implications of Fault-Zone Trapped Waves From the 2014 M6 South Napa Earthquake, California
Li, Y.
T41D-2931Abstract Title: Controls of Lithospheric Mechanical Strength on the Deformation Pattern of Tien Shan
Li, Y.
A11K-0210Abstract Title: Reactive Uptake of Ammonia and Formation of Organic Nitrogen Species for Non-Liquid/Liquid Secondary Organic Material
Li, Y.
GP43D-02Abstract Title: Deciphering the evolution of Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 (OAE2), GP43D-05Abstract Title: Rock Magnetic Cyclostratigraphy of the Edicaran Doushantuo Formation, South China: Determining the Duration of the Shuram Carbon Isotope Excursion
Li, Y.
NS51B-05Abstract Title: Spatial features of hydraulic conductivity in alluvial fans
Li, Y.
T31A-2841Abstract Title: Slip rate and paleoseismicity of the Minle-Damaying Fault, middle of the Hexi Corridor, Northwest China
Li, Y.
H33D-1643Abstract Title: Reservoir operation with combined natural inflow and controlled inflow through inter-basin transfer – A case study of Biliu Reservoir in northeastern China
Li, Y. H.
B53E-0613Abstract Title: Non-destructive testing for combined stresses using high-resolution thermal infrared remote sensing and ‘‘three-temperature model’’: A case study on mangrove plant Kandelia obovata, H11E-1389Abstract Title: Distribution, fraction, and ecological risk assesment of heavy metals in sediment-plant system in mangrove forest, South China Sea
Li, Y.
V33A-3085Abstract Title: Solubility and Partitioning of Carbon and Sulfur in Fe-rich Alloy and Silicate Melt Systems at High Pressures and Temperatures: Implications for Earth’s Heterogeneous Accretion
Li, Y.
A43B-0267Abstract Title: A Study of Global Cirrus Optical and Microphysical Properties Based on an Efficient Infrared Retrieval Method
Li, Y.
A41P-06Abstract Title: Anthropogenic Aerosol Forcing as Indicated by the Reversion of Warming-elevation Relationship, A51M-0245Abstract Title: Multi-criteria Evaluation of Discharge Simulation in Dynamic Global Vegetation Models, GC21B-1087Abstract Title: Evaluating Biases in Simulated Land Surface Albedo from CMIP5 Earth System Models
Li, Y.
A22A-04Abstract Title: Relationships of Entrainment Rate with Dynamical and Thermodynamic Properties in Shallow Convection
Li, Y.
A21A-0056Abstract Title: Roles of Chemistry, Microphysics and Transport in Wet Removal of Soluble Species in the DC3 Oklahoma May 29, 2012 Severe Storm
Li, Y.
H33D-1641Abstract Title: Spatial Rainfall Prediction Based on PGD-MRF Hybrid Model
Li, Y.
H21G-1457Abstract Title: Analyzing the Deposition of Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles at Model Rough Mineral Surfaces Using a Quartz Crystal Microbalance with Dissipation Monitoring, H23BAbstract Title: Environmental Vadose Zone Hydrology Posters, H23B-1572Abstract Title: Three Dimensional Modeling of Agricultural Contamination of Groundwater: a Case Study in the Nebraska Management Systems Evaluation Area (MSEA) Site
Li, Y.
GP51C-03Abstract Title: Unmixing Multi-Component Magnetic Mixtures in Geologic Materials Using First Order Reversal Curve Diagrams
Li, Z.
MR23B-2647Abstract Title: Magnetic phase diagrams and thermal equations of state of Fe7C3 and Fe3C up to the pressure-temperature conditions of Earth’s core
Li, Z.
B21D-0485Abstract Title: Improving Canopy Vertical Structure Measurements with Dual-Wavelength Laser Scanning
Li, Z.
NS31A-1957Abstract Title: Three Dimensional TEM Forward Modeling Using FDTD Accelerated by GPU
Li, Z.
A33D-0201Abstract Title: Inferring brown carbon content from UV aerosol absorption measurements during biomass burning season, A34A-02Abstract Title: Discernible signals of aerosol effects on the diurnal, weekly and decadal variations in thunderstorm activities, A34A-05Abstract Title: Biomass-burning aerosol effects on convective cloud properties and in the detrained UTLS environment: a pyroCb case study, A53D-01Abstract Title: Anthropogenic and Natural Changes in the Climate of China: Can we Separate Them ?, IN43C-1757Abstract Title: Retrieving the Convective Thermals and Updraft Speeds at Cloud Base from VIIRS
Li, Z.
SM11A-04Abstract Title: Modeling the 17 March 2015 CME‐shock driven storm using MHD‐test particle simulations, SM41E-2528Abstract Title: 3D Test-particle Simulation and Global ULF Mode Structure Analysis of the 17 March, 2015 CME-shock Driven Storm
Li, Z.
H13H-1657Abstract Title: Multi-scale hydrologic applications of the latest satellite precipitation products in the Yangtze River basin using a distributed hydrological model
Li, Z.
H41D-1354Abstract Title: Pore-scale discretisation limits of multiphase lattice-Boltzmann methods
Li, Z.
H31A-1401Abstract Title: Observational study of surface spectral radiation and corresponding albedo over Gobi, desert, and bare loess surfaces in northwestern China
Li, Z. X.
T13AAbstract Title: How Earth Works 100 Years after Wegener's Continental Drift Theory: Supercontinent Cycles, Plate Tectonics, and Global Geodynamics I Posters, T13A-2962Abstract Title: South China connected to north India in Gondwana: sedimentary basin and detrital provenance analyses, T21GAbstract Title: How Earth Works 100 Years after Wegener's Continental Drift Theory: Supercontinent Cycles, Plate Tectonics, and Global Geodynamics II, T21G-03Abstract Title: How Earth works 100 years after Wegener's continental drift theory and IGCP 648, T21G-05Abstract Title: Supercontinent Cyclicity: Relevant Data, Constraints, Limitations and Aspects Requiring Particular Attention
Li, Z.
A21C-0134Abstract Title: VIIRS plus CrIMSS TPW – continuing the record of high spatial resolution moisture determinations , A33P-08Abstract Title: Value-added Impact from Future Geostationary Hyperspectral Infrared Sounder Observations on Hurricane Forecasts
Li, Z.
A41A-0051Abstract Title: A New Method for Common Calibration of Sun-Sky-Lunar Photometer, A51B-0013Abstract Title: Aerosol Properties under Air Quality Control Measures of APEC 2014 in Beijing, A51B-0044Abstract Title: Observation of a Dust Storm during 2015 Spring over Beijing, China, A51B-0047Abstract Title: Retrieval of aerosol composition using ground-based remote sensing measurements, A52E-04Abstract Title: Fog Induced Aerosol Modification Observed by AERONET, Including Occurrences During Major Air Pollution Events
Li, Z.
A51H-0167Abstract Title: Persistent Cold Weather Events in the Central-Eastern North America
Li, Z.
H53N-01Abstract Title: The Pennsylvania Experience with Hydraulic Fracturing for Shale Gas Development: Relatively Infrequent Water Quality Incidents with Lots of Public Attention
Li, Z.
IN43B-1735Abstract Title: A Columnar Storage Strategy with Spatiotemporal Index for Big Climate Data
LI, Z.
H33C-1589Abstract Title: Isotopic evidence for the composition of runoff in a watershed on the Loess Plateau of China
Li, Z.
PP51D-01Abstract Title: Diagenetic uptake of rare earth elements by conodont apatite
Li, Z.
A21D-0161Abstract Title: Modeling Workflow for the DOE Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program’s LES ARM Symbiotic Simulation and Observation (LASSO) Workflow, A21D-0162Abstract Title: The DOE Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program’s LES ARM Symbiotic Simulation and Observation (LASSO) Workflow: Initialization, Forcing and Multiscale Data Assimilation, A21D-0163Abstract Title: Model-Observation “Data Cubes” for the DOE Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program’s LES ARM Symbiotic Simulation and Observation (LASSO) Workflow
Li, Z.
T33A-2916Abstract Title: Extrusional Tectonics at Plate Corner: an Example in Northern Taiwan, T43A-2966Abstract Title: Oblique Convergence Tectonics in Northern Taiwan-Ryukyu Area:Insights from Sandbox Modeling
Li, Z.
T11A-2869Abstract Title: Moho Depth and Poisson's Ratio beneath Eastern-Central China and Its Tectonic Implications
LI, Z.
S11A-2763Abstract Title: Historic and Instrumental Records of Repeating Seismicity in the Gyeongju Area, Southeastern Korea, S11B-07Abstract Title: Joint tomography with local body wave traveltime data and ambient noise surface wave dispersion: Application in the eastern margin of Tibetan plateau, S41A-2706Abstract Title: Application of Microtremor Survey Methods to Determine the Shallow Crustal S-wave Velocity Structure beneath the Wudalianchi Weishan Volcano Area
Li, Z.
H43A-1473Abstract Title: Web-Based Data Visualization and Analysis using HydroShare and the Open Source Tethys Platform
Li, Z. H.
T21E-2904Abstract Title: Lithosphere delamination and topography evolution in collisional orogens
Li, Z.
C32C-07Abstract Title: Response of Glaciers to Climate Change in Northwest China
Li, Z.
A33D-0206Abstract Title: Inference of Spatiotemporal Distribution of Black Carbon Aerosols over Northern Pacific from Satellite Observations (2005-2012)
Li, Z.
A41H-0152Abstract Title: The Response of Simulated Arctic Low Clouds to Sea Ice Cover Variation under Constant Large-Scale Forcing
Li, Z.
A33L-0373Abstract Title: Reproducing Field Measurements of Deposition Velocity: Large Eddy Simulation of Dry Deposition over Rough Surfaces
Li, Z. Y.
PP13A-2253Abstract Title: AMS 14 C dating controlled records of monsoon and Indonesian throughflow variability from the eastern Indian Ocean of the past 32,000 years
Li, Z.
OS53A-1999Abstract Title: Impacts from Tropical Variability on Indian and Australian Rainfall: Inter-decadal Variations
Li, Z.
GC31B-1182Abstract Title: Impacts of urban and industrial development on Arctic land surface temperature in Lower Yenisei River Region.
Li, Z.
S43B-2778Abstract Title: Numerical simulation analysis on Wenchuan seismic strong motion in Hanyuan region
Liakka, J.
PP54A-02Abstract Title: The North American Cordillera – an Impediment to Growing the Continent-wide Laurentide Ice Sheet
Lian, X.
GC21B-1087Abstract Title: Evaluating Biases in Simulated Land Surface Albedo from CMIP5 Earth System Models
Liang, B.
B41F-0492Abstract Title: Short-Range-Order Mineral Physical Protection On Black Carbon Stabilization
Liang, B.
H44D-02Abstract Title: Wettability shifts caused by CO2 aging on mineral surfaces
Liang, C.
S51D-2728Abstract Title: A Linearized Model for Wave Propagation through Coupled Volcanic Conduit-crack Systems Filled with Multiphase Magma
Liang, C.
B31D-0597Abstract Title: Characterizing organic matter lability in Alaskan tundra soils using mid-infrared spectroscopy
Liang, C. C.
T43A-2972Abstract Title: Research of Earthquake Potential from Active Fault Observation in Taiwan
Liang, C. P.
H21B-1367Abstract Title: Drinking Water Quality Criterion - Based site Selection of Aquifer Storage and Recovery Scheme in Chou-Shui River Alluvial Fan, H43F-1577Abstract Title: A Parsimonious Analytical Model for Simulating Multispecies Plume Migration
Liang, C.
PP41B-2241Abstract Title: Neon Isotope Fractionation in Ice Cores at Close-Off Depth
Liang, C.
T43C-3031Abstract Title: Preliminary results from the WLGap (seismic gap between the Wenchuan and Lushan earthquakes) Project
Liang, C.
A21A-0104Abstract Title: Multimodel estimates of premature human mortality due to intercontinental transport of air pollution
Liang, C.
NH54A-05Abstract Title: Rapid Damage Mapping for the 2015 M7.8 Gorkha Earthquake using Synthetic Aperture Radar Data from COSMO-SkyMed and ALOS-2 Satellites, S43D-2824Abstract Title: Geodetic Imaging of the Coseismic and Postseismic deformation from the 2015 Mw 7.8 Gorkha Earthquake and Mw 7.3 Aftershock in Nepal with SAR and GPS, U33A-03Abstract Title: The Advanced Rapid Imaging and Analysis (ARIA) Project’s Response to the April 25, 2015 M7.8 Nepal Earthquake: Rapid Measurements and Models for Science and Situational Awareness 
Liang, D.
C21B-0734Abstract Title: Topography and Radiative Forcing Patterns on Glaciers in the Karakoram Himalaya
Liang, F.
PP51A-2249Abstract Title: Late Holocene (ca. AD 370-1210) ecosystem changes inferred from a stalagmite from northwestern Madagascar: the role of the ITCZ and human activity
Liang, H.
SM41I-04Abstract Title: Three Dimensional Structure of the Electron and Ion Scales of Reconnection, SM51A-2540Abstract Title: Impact of Heavy Ions on Reconnection Rate and Dipolarization Fronts during Magnetotail Reconnection
Liang, H.
T21A-2801Abstract Title: Northeastward growth of the Tibetan Plateau along the Tibet-Ordos transition zone-revealed from Liupanshan deep seismic reflection profile
Liang, H.
OS11A-2003Abstract Title: Observational Study on the Internal Tides in the Northern South China Sea
Liang, J.
A33G-0263Abstract Title: Impact of Saharan Dust on Tropical Convection
Liang, J.
GC22E-02Abstract Title: Penetration of the Westerlies into the Northern Tibetan Plateau since the Late Pleistocene
Liang, J.
SM23C-2572Abstract Title: Red-Line (630nm) Pulsating Auroras And Their Possible Magnetospheric Driver, SM23C-2576Abstract Title: Remote Sensing Radial Profiles of Magnetospheric Convection using the Motion of Patchy Pulsating Aurora
Liang, L.
A23F-0402Abstract Title: Seasonal Variation of Fungal Spores in Size-fractionated Ambient Particulate Matter in Beijing, China, Based on Molecular Tracer Measurements
Liang, L.
H13B-1500Abstract Title: Partitioning of Evapotranspiration Using a Stable Water Isotope Technique in a High Temperature Agricultural Production System, H21J-1542Abstract Title: Estimation of water flux in urban area using eddy covariance measurements in Riverside, Southern California
Liang, L.
B41J-03Abstract Title: Susceptibility of Permafrost Soil Organic Carbon under Warming Climate
Liang, L.
A21C-0156Abstract Title: Consistency of CERES radiances and fluxes from Aqua and Suomi-NPP
Liang, M.
EP32BAbstract Title: Connecting Landscape Processes and the Sedimentary Record I, EP32B-08Abstract Title: Surface Process Control on Stratigraphic Completeness in Simple Experimental Deltas, EP33BAbstract Title: Connecting Landscape Processes and the Sedimentary Record II Posters, EP41B-0922Abstract Title: Effects of Active Subsidence Vs. Existing Basin Geometry on Fluviodeltaic Channels and Stratal Architecture
Liang, M. C.
A33K-0329Abstract Title: Oxygen Anomaly in Near Surface Carbon Dioxide Reveals Deep Stratospheric Intrusion, P23A-2102Abstract Title: A cyclostrophic transformed Eulerian zonal mean model for the middle atmosphere of slowly rotating planets
Liang, Q.
A14B-02Abstract Title: Can we use ground-based measurements of HCFCs and HFCs to derive their emissions, lifetimes, and the global OH abundance?, A32F-05Abstract Title: Effects of Local and Non-Local Processes on the Aging of the Tropopause Layer and the Lower Stratosphere, B31D-0578Abstract Title: Characterizing Thawing Permafrost Carbon Emissions: An Integrated Pilot Study in Support of Satellite Evaluation/Design and Earth System Modeling Capabilities
Liang, Q.
DI44B-08Abstract Title: Apparent Susceptibility Contrast Distribution of Continental Lithosphere in China and Its Surroundings: Implications to Regional Tectonics , DI51B-2632Abstract Title: Forward Modeling Method of Gravity and Magnetic Fields and Their Gradient Tensors Based on 3-D Delaunay Discretization in Cartesian and Spherical Coordinate Systems
Liang, R.
C41A-0683Abstract Title: The Impact of Snow and Ice Morphology on Radar Altimetric Determination of Sea Ice Thickness, C52A-08Abstract Title: Integrated Airborne and In-Situ Measurements Over Land-Fast Ice Near Barrow, AK., C53B-0782Abstract Title: Airborne Grid Sea-Ice Surveys for Comparison with Cryosat-2
Liang, S.
A31C-0060Abstract Title: Local Adaptive Calibration of the GLASS Surface Incident Shortwave Radiation Product Using Smoothing Spline, A43G-0394Abstract Title: IMPACTS OF THE THREE GORGES PROJECT ON LOCAL CLIMATE, GC22D-08Abstract Title: Mapping land surface energy budget from the AVIRIS and MASTER data, GC34C-07Abstract Title: The long-term Global LAnd Surface Satellite (GLASS) product suite and applications
Liang, W. N.
H33A-1565Abstract Title: Isomap based supporting vector machine
Liang, W. T.
S13B-2829Abstract Title: Dynamic Triggering of Earthquakes and Tremors in Taiwan, T43A-2977Abstract Title: The crustal structures from Wuyi-Yunkai orogen to Taiwan orogen: the onshore-offshore wide-angle seismic experiment of TAIGER and ATSEE projects
Liang, X.
T11F-06Abstract Title: Three-dimensional imaging of the subducting Indian continental lithosphere beneath the southern and central Tibetan Plateau using body-wave finite frequency tomography, T21C-2837Abstract Title: Weakly Coupled Lithospheric Extension in Southern Tibet
Liang, X.
SM21B-2516Abstract Title: Characterizing radiation belt electron precipitation losses using BARREL (Balloon Array for RBSP Relativistic Electron Losses) data., SM21B-2517Abstract Title: Microburst precipitation observed during the BARREL balloon campaigns, SM21B-2518Abstract Title: The Cause of the Hardest Electron Precipitation Events Seen by SAMPEX: a Statistical Survey of Circumstantial Evidence
Liang, X.
H13A-1469Abstract Title: The Uncertainties and Temporal Scaling of Groundwater Level Fluctuations in a bounded aquifer., H51L-1554Abstract Title: Hydromechanical Modeling of Tectonically Driven Groundwater Flow
Liang, X.
H13N-04Abstract Title: A Multi-Objective Data Assimilation Filtering Method for Distributed High-Resolution Hydrologic Modeling, H23G-1657Abstract Title: Wireless Sensor Networks for Environmental Monitoring, H33C-1623Abstract Title: Acid Mine Drainage Passive Remediation: Potential Use of Alkaline Clay, Optimal Mixing Ratio and Long Term Impacts, NG31A-1829Abstract Title: Identify Precipitation Pattern Using Multi-scale Sample Entropy
Liang, Y.
MR21C-2627Abstract Title: Rheology of Ilmenite-bearing dunite and its Implications for Lunar Cumulate Mantle Overturn, V11B-3059Abstract Title: Can LREE Enriched Patterns in Clinopyroxenes in Abyssal Peridotites be Produced by Melting of a Depleted Mantle Source?, V11B-3065Abstract Title: Application of Markov Chain Monte Carlo Method to Mantle Melting: An Example from REE Abundances in Abyssal Peridotites , V11E-02Abstract Title: A Gradient in Cooling Rate Beneath the Moho at the Oman Ophiolite: Fresh Insights into Cooling Processes at Mid-Ocean Ridges from REE-Based Thermometry, V13A-3091Abstract Title: Parameterized Lattice Strain Models for REE Partitioning between Amphibole and Silicate Melt, V13A-3093Abstract Title: Some Remarks on the Interpretation of the REE-in-two-Mineral Thermobarometers
Liang, Y.
H23G-1657Abstract Title: Wireless Sensor Networks for Environmental Monitoring
Liang, Y.
V21C-3051Abstract Title: Experiment and Simulation Study of Hydrodynamic Dispersion and Finger Dynamics for Convective Dissolution of Carbon Dioxide
Liang, Y. C.
A31E-0103Abstract Title: Mapping the Locations of Asymmetric and Symmetric Discharge Responses in Global Rivers to the Two Types of El Niño
Liang, Z.
H33E-1669Abstract Title: Uncertainty Assessment of Rainfall-Runoff Modelling Using Quantile Regression Method in Huangchuan Basin
Liao, H.
H41G-1434Abstract Title: The Effect of Ambient Water Quality on Lakefront Property Values: Evidence from Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
Liao, H.
A41R-05Abstract Title: Impacts of historical climate and land cover changes on tropospheric ozone and particulate matter in East Asia, A43G-0366Abstract Title: The Impact of Monthly Variation of the Pacific-North America (PNA) Teleconnection Pattern on Wintertime Surface-layer Aerosol Concentrations in the United States, A43G-0369Abstract Title: Impacts of Meteorological Parameters and Emissions on Decadal and Interannual Variations of Black Carbon in China for 1980–2010, A51I-0186Abstract Title: Aerosol-stratocumulus Interactions over the Southeast Pacific: A Process Study Using WRF-Chem
Liao, H. S.
H33I-1731Abstract Title: Groundwater Sustainability in the Michigan Lowlands – Understanding the Complex Interplay of Natural Brine Upwelling, Human Activity, and Climate Change
Liao, J.
A41L-05Abstract Title: Optical Extinction and Aerosol Hygroscopicity in the Southeastern United States
Liao, J.
OS23B-2017Abstract Title: Why Gas Hydrate Occurrenced Over Topographic Highs in Shenhu Area ,Northern South China Sea?
Liao, L.
Liao, Q.
H41B-1296Abstract Title: Stochastic collocation using Kronrod-Patterson-Hermite quadrature with moderate delay for subsurface flow and transport
Liao, X.
MR33A-2632Abstract Title: Disruption of Groundwater System by Earthquakes
Liao, Y.
OS43A-2008Abstract Title: Coupled Porosity and Chemical Evolution of Hydrothermal Circulation: Implications for the Morphology of Vents and Recharge Zones at Mid-Ocean Ridges, V23A-3071Abstract Title: Seismic Tremors and Three-Dimensional Magma Wagging
Liao, Y. C.
T43A-2975Abstract Title: Tectonic implication of local seismic tomography and focal mechanism study in Northeast Taiwan
Liao, Z.
A33B-0150Abstract Title: Observation study on the structure of wind and temperature in the boundary layer and its impact on air quality over the Pearl River Delta,China
Liao, Z.
A11E-0094Abstract Title: A new approach for estimating groundwater table fluctuation response to rainfall events in North China Plain
Libardoni, A. G.
GC41H-05Abstract Title: Towards Quantifying Robust Uncertainty Information for Climate Change Decision-making
Libarkin, J. C.
ED21D-0849Abstract Title: Psychometric Principles in Measurement for Geoscience Education Research: A Climate Change Example
Libera, A.
H41B-1291Abstract Title: Impact of Temporally Variable and Uniform Pumping Regimes on Contaminant Transport in Heterogeneous Aquifers
Libera, D.
H33H-1713Abstract Title: Multivariate Bias Correction Procedures for Improving Water Quality Predictions using Mechanistic Models
Liberati, D.
B21F-0536Abstract Title: Contrasting Responses of Ecosystem Carbon Gain (Input) and Soil Carbon Efflux (Output) to Warming and Drought Across a European Aridity Gradient
Libertino, A.
NH51E-1952Abstract Title: Combined Approach to the Analysis of Rainfall Super-Extremes in Locations with Limited Observational Records.
Liberty, L. M.
NH21E-05Abstract Title: A Synthesis of Characteristics of Submarine Landslides Generated by the 1964 Great Alaska Earthquake in Six Fjords, NH43B-1879Abstract Title: Seismic characterization of the Wasatch fault system beneath Salt Lake City using a land streamer system, NS41B-1938Abstract Title: A Polar Coordinate Approach to Identify and Remove Higher Mode Rayleigh Waves
Libois, Q.
A43A-0255Abstract Title: A far-infrared radiometer to study optically thin ice clouds in the Arctic, C13C-0816Abstract Title: Observation and modeling of the seasonal evolution of the snow specific surface area at Dome C in Antarctica, C13C-0820Abstract Title: On the benefit of using spectral albedo and light penetration depth in detailed snowpack simulations, C33C-0842Abstract Title: Modeling the Impact of Snow Drift on the Decameter-Scale Variability of Snow Properties on the Antarctic Plateau, H51G-1461Abstract Title: Towards the assimilation of MODIS reflectance into the detailed snowpack model SURFEX/ISBA-Crocus.
Liburdy, J.
H23I-02Abstract Title: Particle image velocimetry measurement of steady, transitional, and turbulent flow in a randomly packed porous media
Licata, S. J.
IN41B-1693Abstract Title: Applications Using AIRS Data
Licciardi, A.
S23C-2734Abstract Title: Exploring Sedimentary Basins with High Frequency Receiver Function: the Dublin Basin Case Study
Licciardi, J. M.
G31C-04Abstract Title: Linking Modern, Rapid, Surface Uplift at the Laguna del Maule Volcanic Field, Chilean Andes, to Rhyolitic Magma-Driven Uplift Spanning the Holocene, PP31C-2264Abstract Title: Identifying signals of Late Pleistocene climate change from cosmogenic 10Be chronologies of moraines in the western U.S., PP51E-02Abstract Title: Cosmogenic 10Be Chronologies of Moraines and Glacially Scoured Bedrock in the Teton Range, with Implications for Paleoclimatic Events and Tectonic Activity
Liccioli, C.
V13C-3131Abstract Title: Insights from gas and water chemistry on the geothermal system of the Domuyo volcanic complex (Patagonia, Argentina)
Lichstein, J. W.
B51K-06Abstract Title: Competition for light and water increases tree carbon allocation to fine roots and leaves in a next-generation dynamic vegetation model
Lichtenberg, G.
A41I-0163Abstract Title: The new MERLIN Instrument for Atmospheric CH4: Quality and Performance Monitoring
Lichtenegger, H.
P23A-2117Abstract Title: Hot Oxygen and Carbon Escape from the Early Atmosphere of Mars
Lichtenstern, M.
A54E-08Abstract Title: Injection of Lightning-Produced NOx, Water Vapor, Wildfire Emissions, and Stratospheric Air to the UT/LS as Observed from DC3 Measurements
Lichtin, S.
PP13A-2265Abstract Title: Geochemical Approach to Archaeal Ecology: δ13C of GDGTs
Liddell, M. J.
B43G-0629Abstract Title: Plant functional types are more efficient than climate in predicting spectrums of trait variation in evergreen angiosperm trees of tropical Australia and China, EP31A-0982Abstract Title: Critical Zone science in Australia: expanding the range of environmental gradients represented in the international CZO network
Liddell, M. V.
T11C-2900Abstract Title: Precambrian Processes, the Trans-Hudson Orogen, and Cratonic Keels: Insights From Teleseismic Tomography in Northern Hudson Bay, Canada
Liddicoat, J. C.
ED51B-0811Abstract Title: Interactive Higher Education Instruction to Advance STEM Instruction in the Environmental Sciences – the Brownfield Action Model, GP51B-1338Abstract Title: Temporal correlation of U. S. Great Basin lake sediments below the Mono Lake Excursion using paleomagnetic secular variation
Liddicoat, S. K.
B23G-0672Abstract Title: Twenty-first Century Climate Simulated by HadGEM2-ES under RCP8.5 Modified to Account for the Effects of Thawing Permafrost, Wetlands and Nitrogen Limited Vegetation on CO2 and Methane Concentrations
Liddy, H.
PP23E-05Abstract Title: Indus-wide C4 expansion between 7-6 Ma: an IODP Expedition 355 discovery
Lidzbarski, M. I.
V23B-3129Abstract Title: Zircon trace element geochemistry and growth of the Pleistocene to Holocene Mono Craters rhyolite magma system, California (USA), V42B-01Abstract Title: Rejuvenation of shallow-crustal silicic magma bodies at Augustine and Hayes volcanoes, Alaska
Lieb, A. M.
H21J-1536Abstract Title: Dealing with uncertainty in modeling intermittent water supply
Lieb-Lappen, R.
C22A-01Abstract Title: Mapping the Microstructural Location of Salts and Metals in Sea Ice with X-Ray Micro-Fluorescence Spectroscopy, MR31A-05Abstract Title: A Krill’s Eye View: Sea Ice Microstructure and Microchemistry
Liebault, F.
H13C-1521Abstract Title: Modeling sediment delivery from a highly erodible mountain catchment
Lieberman, J. E.
IN41C-1716Abstract Title: Application of Alignment Methodologies to Spatial Ontologies in the Hydro Domain
Lieberman, R. S.
SA34AAbstract Title: Vertical Coupling of the Lower Atmosphere to the Thermosphere-Ionosphere System I, SA41BAbstract Title: Vertical Coupling of the Lower Atmosphere to the Thermosphere-Ionosphere System II Posters, SA41B-2336Abstract Title: Addressing the Question of Large-Scale Nonlinear Wave Coupling in the Space-Atmosphere Interaction Region, SA41B-2338Abstract Title: Observations of Secondary Waves Generated from Interaction Between the 2-Day Wave and the Migrating Diurnal Tide., SA52A-05Abstract Title: Global-scale Observations of the Limb and Disk (GOLD): From Simulations to Observations
Lieberman-Cribbin, W.
B51H-0524Abstract Title: Building relationships between plant traits and leaf spectra to reduce uncertainty in terrestrial ecosystem models
Liebermann, R. C.
MR12A-04Abstract Title: Mantle Composition and Temperature of Western North America Revealed from Direct P and S Wave Velocities of KLB-1 Peridotite to the Condition of Transition Zone
Liebert, E.
SM14A-02Abstract Title: A Statistical Study of Plasmaspheric Plumes and Ionospheric Outflows Observed at the Dayside Magnetopause
Liebig, M. A.
H53B-1660Abstract Title: Long-term Agroecosystem Research in the Northern Great Plains.
Liebner, S.
C43A-0769Abstract Title: Near-shore submarine permafrost of the central Laptev Sea, East Siberia
Liebsch, G.
B21C-0455Abstract Title: 2D-Visualization of metabolic activity with planar optical chemical sensors (optodes)
Liegler, A.
V13C-3151Abstract Title: Comparison of diffuse CO2 degassing at Miravalles and Rincón de la Vieja volcanoes (Guanacaste Province, Costa Rica)
Liemohn, M. W.
P21A-2050Abstract Title: New Sub-nanometer Spectral Estimates of the 0-5 nm Solar Soft X-Ray Irradiance at Mars Using the Extreme UltraViolet Monitor (EUVM) Onboard MAVEN, P21A-2051Abstract Title: Solar Ionizing Radiation at Mars: Predictions vs. MAVEN Observations, P21A-2052Abstract Title: Day-side ionospheric photoelectrons observed by MAVEN-SWEA at low altitudes and high solar zenith angles on the Martian night-side, P21CAbstract Title: Processes in the Present-Day Atmosphere of Mars I, P22AAbstract Title: Processes in the Present-Day Atmosphere of Mars II, P23BAbstract Title: Processes in the Present-Day Atmosphere of Mars III Posters, P23B-2123Abstract Title: Mars Nightside Electrons Over Strong Crustal Fields, SA32A-01Abstract Title: The impact of exospheric neutral dynamics on ring current decay, SM41E-2540Abstract Title: Assessment of inductive electric fields contribution to the overall particle energization in the inner magnetosphere, SM41FAbstract Title: Inner Magnetosphere Cross-Population Interactions I Posters, SM51C-2571Abstract Title: Controlling Factors of the Fate of Ionospheric Outflow at Earth and Mars, SM53AAbstract Title: Inner Magnetosphere Cross-Population Interactions II, SM54A-05Abstract Title: Extended MHD approach to dayside reconnection
Lien, W. Y.
PP51A-2240Abstract Title: High Resolution δ18O and δ13C Records of AMS 14C Dated Stalagmites From Jinlun and Yilingyan Caves in Guangxi, China: Climate Variability and Controlling Factors in the Monsoonal Region During the Past 2300 Years
Lien, W. Y.
GC13C-1164Abstract Title: Impacts of land use change and climate change on hydrological services- a case study in Taiwan
Lien, W. H.
A23A-0281Abstract Title: Discrimination Biomass Burning Particles from Anthropogenic Pollutants in Spectral Property of Satellite and Ground-based Observations
Lienert, B. R.
GP13A-1281Abstract Title: Three-dimensional Magnetotelluric Modeling of the Pohukuloa Training Area, Hawaii Island
Lienkaemper, J. J.
T31A-2820Abstract Title: Preliminary Paleoseismic Results from Excavations across the Surface Rupture Associated with the 2014 South Napa Earthquake, T43C-3013Abstract Title: Afterslip Behavior Following the M6.0, 2014 South Napa Earthquake with Implications for Afterslip Forecasting on Other Seismogenic Faults.
Liepert, B. G.
GC51H-03Abstract Title: The Character and Variability of Solar Irradiance across the U.S. Pacific Northwest
Liermann, H. P.
DI31B-2590Abstract Title: Structure of carbonate melts at high pressure
Liermann, H. P.
DI13B-2671Abstract Title: Equation of state and elasticity of the 3.65 Å phase- constraining mantle hydration from the seismic X-discontinuity
Liermann, M. C.
EP41E-01Abstract Title: Ecosystem Response During the Removal of the Elwha River Dams, EP43B-0975Abstract Title: Using remote sensing data to assess salmon habitat status in rivers and floodplains of Puget Sound, USA
Liersch, S.
H12F-05Abstract Title: Propagation of model and forcing uncertainty into hydrological drought characteristics in a multi-model century-long experiment in continental river basins
Lieu, W. K.
DI13A-2638Abstract Title: The Relationship Between Oceanic and Continental Arc Magmas: A Signal-Processing Treatment on Geochemical Data of the Alaska-Aleutian Arc, ED14B-05Abstract Title: A NEW ANIMATION OF SUBDUCTION PROCESSES FOR UNDERGRADUATES
Lievens, H.
H31J-02Abstract Title: GLEAM version 3: Global Land Evaporation Datasets and Model
Liew, C. W.
ED21B-0834Abstract Title: Integration Of Digital Methodologies (Field, Processing, and Presentation) In A Combined Sedimentology/Stratigraphy and Structure Course
Liew, S. C.
NH43A-1860Abstract Title: Tracing the spatio-temporal evolution of the Merapi 2010 erupted deposits based on object-oriented classification and object-based image analysis of multi-temporal VHR optical and ALOS radar imagery
Liewer, P. C.
SH31C-2426Abstract Title: Synthetic White-light Imagery for the Wide-field Imager for Solar Probe Plus (WISPR), SH33B-2467Abstract Title: Deriving Kinematic Properties of Non-Radial, Asymmetric and Deflecting CMEs: Methods and Implications
Liffers, M.
IN23E-02Abstract Title: A Laboratory-Based System for Managing and Distributing Publically Funded Geochemical Data in a Collaborative Environment
Lifton, N. A.
C42A-07Abstract Title: Toward a Master Chronology for Western Greenland’s Fjord Stade Moraines: New 10Be Ages from the Søndre Isortoq Region
Liggio, J.
A21A-0059Abstract Title: Understanding ozone formation and the radical budget during oil sands plume transport in the Athabasca region of Alberta, A23I-03Abstract Title: Sources of Dimethyl Sulfide in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago and Baffin Bay, A34F-06Abstract Title: Nitrous acid (HONO) observations during the Uintah Basin Wintertime Ozone Studies (UBWOS) and the Wintertime Investigation of Transport, Emission, and Reactivity (WINTER) study: sources, measurements interferences, and implications beyond.
Liggio, J.
A24F-09Abstract Title: Oil Sands Operations in Alberta, Canada: A large source of secondary organic aerosol
Light, B.
C23B-0786Abstract Title: Modeled Effects of Encapsulated Crude Oil on Light Transmission Through Sea Ice, C23B-0795Abstract Title: Physical Characteristics and Geobiology of ‘Rotten’ Arctic Sea Ice
Light, J. T.
H23H-1669Abstract Title: Spatial and Temporal Stream Temperature Response to Contemporary Forest Harvesting in the Oregon Coast Range
Light, M. E.
SA31F-2382Abstract Title: Determining Ionospheric Irregularity Spectral Density Function from Japan GEONET, SA31F-2386Abstract Title: Ionospheric Coherence Bandwidth Measurements in the Lower VHF Frequency Range
Lightbody, A.
B11F-0493Abstract Title: Fluvial Wetland Nitrogen Removal in Shallow Sloped, Coastal New England Watersheds, EP51C-0929Abstract Title: Interactions between fluvial forces and vegetation size, density and morphology influence plant mortality during experimental floods
Ligi, M.
T41F-07Abstract Title: Oceanization starts from below during continental rupturing in the northern Red Sea, V14A-04Abstract Title: Mantle uplift and exhumation caused by long-lived transpression at a major transform fault
Ligier, N.
P31E-2089Abstract Title: COSIMA at Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko After Perihelion
Lignell, H.
A13E-0383Abstract Title: Gas-Phase OH Oxidation of Cresol to Yield Highly Oxygenated Products
Ligocki, T. J.
B23I-03Abstract Title: Genome-Enabled Modeling of Biogeochemical Processes Predicts Metabolic Dependencies that Connect the Relative Fitness of Microbial Functional Guilds
Ligtenberg, S.
C21A-0709Abstract Title: Is the Wilkins Ice Shelf a Firn Aquifer? Spaceborne Observation of Subsurface Winter Season Liquid Meltwater Storage on the Antarctic Peninsula using Multi-Frequency Active and Passive Microwave Remote Sensing, C23C-0799Abstract Title: The Surface Mass Balance of the Antarctic Peninsula at 5.5 km horizontal resolution, as simulated by a regional atmospheric climate model, C23C-0809Abstract Title: Snow and firn density variability on the Greenland and Antarctic Ice Sheets from observations, the MAR regional climate model, and the RACMO firn model, C24A-07Abstract Title: A Decade of Elevation and Mass Changes of the North Atlantic Glaciers and Ice Caps, C43D-06Abstract Title: Taking the Firn into Account: Elevation Change of the Greenland Ice Sheet due to Surface Mass Balance and Firn Processes, 1960-2014, C43EAbstract Title: Hydrology of Glaciers, Ice Caps, and Ice Sheets in Past, Present, and Future Climates III, C51B-0719Abstract Title: Insights into supraglacial lake evolution on the Larsen-B ice shelf
Ligtenberg, S.
C51B-0697Abstract Title: Modelling heterogeneous meltwater percolation on the Greenland Ice Sheet
Lihavainen, H.
A41R-01Abstract Title: Direct radiative feedback due to biogenic secondary organic aerosol estimated from boreal forest site observations
Liibusk, A.
G43A-1026Abstract Title: Monitoring Coastal Embankment Subsidence and Relative Sea Level Rise in Coastal Bangladesh Using Satellite Geodetic Data
Likhanskii, A.
AE31A-0413Abstract Title: Model of the Streamer Zone of a Leader
Lilensten, J.
P41D-2087Abstract Title: A New Spectropolarimeter to Study the Polarization of Earth’s Auroral Emission Lines
Liles, G. C.
B41G-0512Abstract Title: Deep Carbon Stocks in a California Delta Floodplain: Evidence for Long Term Sequestration Potential of Seasonally Inundated Soils.
Liles, G.
ED22A-04Abstract Title: The Woods Hole Partnership Education Program (PEP): Broadening Participation in the Geosciences
Liles, W. C.
SH51C-2452Abstract Title: Crowdsourcing a Spatial Temporal Study of Low Frequency (LF) Propagation Effects Due to a Total Solar Eclipse: Engaging Students and Citizens in STEM
Lili-Chabaane, Z.
H53G-1737Abstract Title: Retrieval of Both Soil Moisture and Texture Using one configuration TerraSAR-X radar Images
Lilien, D.
C51C-0730Abstract Title: Quantifying Uncertainty in Inferred Viscosity and Basal Shear Stress Over Ice Streams
Lilienthal, F.
SA13A-2336Abstract Title: Model Study of IGW Hotspot Implications for the Middle Atmospheric Dynamics and Transport
Liljeblad, E. I.
SM12A-04Abstract Title: On the Origin of Magnetosheath Plasmoids, and Their Relation to Magnetosheath Jets , SM14B-02Abstract Title: MESSENGER Observations of the Dayside Low-Latitude Boundary Layer in Mercury's Magnetosphere
Liljedahl, A. K.
C21C-0749Abstract Title: Ice wedge degradation: Why Arctic lowlands are becoming wetter and drier, C21C-0750Abstract Title: Regional Patterns of Ice-Wedge Degradation Across Northern Alaska: What Does Asynchronous Timing of Onset Tell Us Regarding Triggering Mechanisms, Thresholds, and Impacts?, C21C-0754Abstract Title: Ice Regime and Melt-out Timing Cause Divergent Hydrologic Responses among Arctic Lakes, C21C-0755Abstract Title: Impact of shallow water bodies on the permafrost temperature and estimation of risk of thermokarst development at the Barrow Environmental Observatory area., C32C-02Abstract Title: Long-term linkages between glaciers, permafrost and hydrology at two glacierized watersheds in Alaska, C33C-0825Abstract Title: Multiscale Observational Platforms and Bayesian Data Integration to Estimate Snow Depth and Snow-water-equivalent over the Ice-wedge Polygonal Tundra, C33E-0876Abstract Title: Hydrograph separation of a sub-arctic glacial watershed, Interior Alaska
Lilley, M. D.
OS43A-1994Abstract Title: Integrated Data from the NEPTUNE Observatory Highlight the Role of Sub-seafloor Processes in Rapid Temperature, Salinity, and Heat spiking after Seismic Activity.
Lillis, R. J.
P12AAbstract Title: Results from the MAVEN Mission to Mars I, P12A-04Abstract Title: STRUCTURE OF THE MARTIAN IONOSPHERE: OBSERVATIONS OF SUPRATHERMAL ELECTRONS BY MAVEN SWEA, P12A-06Abstract Title: Oxygen Pickup Ions Measured by MAVEN Outside the Martian Bow Shock, P12A-07Abstract Title: Solar Energetic Particle Events Observed by MAVEN, P13D-03Abstract Title: Photochemical escape of oxygen from the Martian atmosphere: new insights from MAVEN, P13D-08Abstract Title: The Loss Rate of Ions from the Martian Atmosphere, P21A-2042Abstract Title: Altitude Dependence of Nightside Martian Suprathermal Electron Depletions as Revealed by MAVEN Observations, P21A-2047Abstract Title: Electron Precipitation at Mars: Advancing Our Understanding with MAVEN, P21A-2049Abstract Title: Precipitating Solar Wind Hydrogen at Mars, P21A-2069Abstract Title: Two Types of Aurora on Mars as Observed by MAVEN's Imaging UltraViolet Spectrograph, P21A-2083Abstract Title: Multi-fluid MHD Study of the Solar Wind Interaction with Mars' Upper Atmosphere during the 2015 March 8th ICME Event, P21A-2087Abstract Title: The Dependence of Mars Atmospheric Loss on Crustal Field Location: MAVEN Observation and Comparison with a MHD Model, P21A-2094Abstract Title: Initial Determinations of Ionospheric Electric Fields and Joule Heating from MAVEN Observations, SM42B-05Abstract Title: Pickup Ions in the Plasma Environments of Mars, Comets, and Enceladus
Lilly, K.
MR21B-2615Abstract Title: Anisotropic Fabrics and Elastic Properties of Polycrystalline Ice; In-situ Ultrasonic Velocity Measurements and Resonant Ultrasound
Lilova, K.
B13B-0603Abstract Title: Characterization of Gas Hydrates Formation and Dissociation Using Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry , V23B-3163Abstract Title: Characterization and Thermodynamics Studies of Feldspar and Feldspathoid Minerals
Lim, A.
A33P-08Abstract Title: Value-added Impact from Future Geostationary Hyperspectral Infrared Sounder Observations on Hurricane Forecasts
Lim, B.
A51S-08Abstract Title: Temporal Experiment for Storms and Tropical Systems Technology Demonstration (TEMPEST-D): Risk Reduction for 6U-Class Nanosatellite Constellations, A53AAbstract Title: Atmospheric Sensing with UAVs and Nanosatellites: Next-Generation Platforms for Next-Generation Science II Posters, A53A-0355Abstract Title: Airborne Deployment and Calibration of Microwave Atmospheric Sounder on 6U CubeSat, A53A-0366Abstract Title: The Radiometer Atmospheric Cubesat Experiment Post-Launch Results
Lim, C. H.
G31A-1091Abstract Title: Correlation between land use changes and shoreline changes around THE Nakdong River in Korea using landsat images.
Lim, C. Y.
A12E-07Abstract Title: Understanding the Lifecycle of Organic Carbon Through Multiple Generations of Aging
Lim, C. H.
GC13D-1187Abstract Title: Assessments of Maize Yield Potential in the Korean Peninsula Using Multiple Crop Models, GC51D-1115Abstract Title: Assessment of Cropland Water and Nitrogen Balance from Climate Change in Korea Peninsular , NH31A-1880Abstract Title: Estimation of Wild Fire Risk Area based on Climate and Maximum Entropy in Korean Peninsular, NH43A-1869Abstract Title: Remote Sensing Based Vulnerability Assessment of Desertification in Mongolia and Myanmar, PA21C-2174Abstract Title: Spatial Assessment of Forest Ecosystem Functions and Services using Human Relating Factors for SDG
Lim, D. S. S.
ED34B-02Abstract Title: Engaging Students and Teachers in Immersive Learning Experiences Alongside NASA Scientists and With Support from Institutional Partnerships, P31A-2031Abstract Title: BASALT: BIOLOGIC ANALOG SCIENCE ASSOCIATED WITH LAVA TERRAINS, P53C-2145Abstract Title: Overview of NASA FINESSE (Field Investigations to Enable Solar System Science and Exploration) Science and Exploration Results, V51D-3065Abstract Title: Overlapping Ballistic Ejecta Fields: Separating Distinct Blasts at Kings Bowl, Idaho
Lim, D.
A31B-0049Abstract Title: Oscillatory Hydraulic Tomography at the Field Scale: Boise Hydrogeophysical Research Site, H31I-1549Abstract Title: CLAY MINERALOGY OF AN ALLUVIAL AQUIFER IN A MOUNTAINOUS, SEMIARID TERRAIN, AN EXAMPLE FROM RIFLE, COLORADO
Lim, D. H.
A51B-0038Abstract Title: Analysis of distribution of CO2 concentration in Korea summer using Carbon tracker.
Lim, H. J.
A21A-0086Abstract Title: Long-term trend of the mass and chemical species’ concentrations in PM2.5 at Seoul, A41A-0035Abstract Title: Elemental Composition Analysis to Investigate NOx Effects on Secondary Organic Aerosol from α-Pinene Using Ultrahigh Resolution Mass Spectrometry
Lim, H.
T51D-2918Abstract Title: Seismicity and structure of Nazca Plate subduction zone in southern Peru
Lim, H. S.
B13C-0637Abstract Title: Structural and chemical modification of Fe-rich smectite associated with microbial Fe-respiration by psychrophilic bacteria in King George Island, West Antarctica , MR21C-2634Abstract Title: Shocked cobbles in Lower Cretaceous Duwon Formation, South Korea: A first report in Asia and their possible mechanisms, V23B-3170Abstract Title: A preliminary study of the calcite beef found in the Cretaceous Jinju Formation, Gyeongsang Basin, South Korea
Lim, I. S.
S33B-2772Abstract Title: Initial application of the maximum likelihood earthquake location method to early warning system in South Korea, S33B-2775Abstract Title: The discrimination filters to increase the reliability of EEW association on the location using geometric distribution of triggered stations with upgrading a travel time model.
Lim, J.
A11G-0148Abstract Title: Analysis of Aerosol Distribution over North East Asia Using a Geostationary Satellite Measurement during Filed Campaigns of DRAGON-Asia 2012 and MAPS-Seoul 2015, A21K-02Abstract Title: A New Era of Air Quality Monitoring from Space in East Asia: Korea’s Geostationary Environmental Monitoring Spectrometer (GEMS) and an Integrated Korea-US Air Quality (KORUS–AQ) Study, A32D-02Abstract Title: A Multiplatform Observations of Air Quality in Korea as the Pre-campaign of Korea and US Air Quality (KORUS-AQ) Study.
Lim, J.
PP43C-2285Abstract Title: Clay minerals and gravels of late Pleistocene interstadial coastal sediments above the current sea level, south coast of Korea
Lim, J.
NH43A-1852Abstract Title: Delineating Floodplain in North Korea using Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System
Lim, K. S. S.
A43B-0264Abstract Title: Long-term Validation of Cloud-droplet Number Concentration Value Added Product (NDROP VAP) Retrieved from Surface Measurements, A44C-02Abstract Title: Modeling Aerosol Effects on Clouds and Precipitation: Insights from CalWater 2015
Lim, L. F.
P44A-09Abstract Title: Using Neutron Spectroscopy to Constrain the Composition and Provenance of Phobos and Deimos
Lim, M.
EP23A-0944Abstract Title: High Arctic Coasts At Risk - The Impact of Coastal Hazards on Scientific and Community Infrastructure in Svalbard
A11G-0142Abstract Title: OC and EC Observed at Gosan Climate Observatory (GCO) and Their Seasonal Characteristics During Haze Events, A11G-0151Abstract Title: Carbon and nitrogen isotopic composition of PM2.5 at a periurban Mt. Taehwa near Seoul and over the Yellow Sea
Lim, S.
H33I-1730Abstract Title: Developing an Agent-based Model for the Depot-based Water Allocation System in the Bakken Field in Western North Dakota, H34C-03Abstract Title: Assessment of the Impacts of Hydraulic Fracturing at Bakken on Regional Water Resources
Lim, S.
A51P-0339Abstract Title: Verification of tropical cyclone using the KIAPS Integration Model (KIM)
Lim, T.
IN33E-04Abstract Title: The New ESA Planetary Science Archive, IN41A-1678Abstract Title: A Common Model to Handle PDS3 and PDS4 Data in the New Planetary Science Archive (PSA), IN41A-1688Abstract Title: Interoperability In The New Planetary Science Archive (PSA), IN41A-1689Abstract Title: GIS Technologies For The New Planetary Science Archive (PSA)
Lim, Y.
EP21B-0909Abstract Title: Understanding Single-Thread Meandering Rivers with High Sinuosity on Mars through Chemical Precipitation Experiments, EP21B-0910Abstract Title: Ancient Martian Deltas: Evidence for Shallow and Deep Standing Bodies of Water
Lim, Y. B.
A13E-0397Abstract Title: Photochemistry of Glyoxal in Wet Aerosols: Smog Chamber Study
Lim, Y. J.
GC53E-1248Abstract Title: A Study of Spatio-Temporal Variability in Future Wind Energy over the Korean Peninsula Using Regional Climate Model Ensemble Projections
Lim, Y. K.
A13C-0352Abstract Title: Summer Climate Responses to Atmospheric Teleconnections and Greenland Ice Mass Variations in the Last Four Decades from the MERRA-2 Reanalysis, A22B-08Abstract Title: Satellite-observed NO2, SO2, and HCHO Vertical Column Densities in East Asia: Recent Changes and Comparisons with Regional Model
Lima, A. R.
PA43C-2194Abstract Title: Optical Properties of Volcanic Ash: Improving Remote Sensing Observations
Lima, A. J.
SA13B-2362Abstract Title: An updated study of the O+ - O collision frequency using corresponding FPI and ISR thermospheric wind experiments at Millstone Hill.
Lima, E. A.
DI52A-04Abstract Title: Probing Core Processes in the Earth and Small Bodies Using Paleomagnetism, GP33A-01Abstract Title: Timing of Solar Nebula Dispersal Constrained by Early Solar System Paleomagnetism, GP43A-1236Abstract Title: Evaluating the Paleomagnetic Potential of Zircons
Lima, E. F. D.
T32D-07Abstract Title: Silicic magmatism in the Paraná-Etendeka Province in Brazil: a progress report on stratigraphy, petrogenesis and eruptive styles, T33F-2993Abstract Title: Chaotic flow and fragmentation paths in acidic conduits from the Paraná-Etendeka Magmatic Province (PEMP), T33F-2994Abstract Title: Structure Of Conduits Of The Acidic Volcanism And Related Deposits In The Paraná-Etendeka Magmatic Province, São Marcos Region, South Brazil
Lima, F. J. L.
PA43A-2181Abstract Title: Forecasting solar irradiation using WRF model and refining statistics for Northeastern Brazil
Lima, J. R. D. S.
H43B-1489Abstract Title: Modeling Soil Water in the Caatinga Tropical Dry Forest of Northeastern Brazil
Lima, R. D.
T43B-3004Abstract Title: Extension of the Mid- to Lower Crust with Orogenic Inheritance: Examples from the Death Valley Region (Western US), and the Mauleon Basin (Southwestern France).
Lima, V.
S14B-03Abstract Title: Imaging active faults in a region of distributed deformation from joint focal mechanism and hypocenter clustering: Application to western Iberia
Lima, W.
A24B-03Abstract Title: On the role of thermodynamics and cloud-aerosol-precipitation interactions over thunderstorm activity during GoAmazon and ACRIDICON-CHUVA field experiments, A24B-05Abstract Title: Cloud and Precipitation During GoAmazon: The Influence of Aerosol and Thermodynamics.
Limantol, A. M.
GC43B-1201Abstract Title: Impact of climate change on Vea Catchment and irrigation scheme in Upper East Region of Ghana
Limardo, A. J.
B11J-0574Abstract Title: Delineating ecotypes of marine photosynthetic picoeukaryotes in the wild
Limare, A.
DI23A-01Abstract Title: Mantle Convection in a Microwave Oven: New Perspectives for the Internally Heated Convection
Limare, A.
DI34A-03Abstract Title: Fluid dynamics of active heterogeneities in a mantle plume conduit
Limaye, A. B. S.
EP43C-06Abstract Title: Numerical Model Predictions for Autogenic Fluvial Terrace Formation and Comparison to Natural River Valleys, EP51A-0884Abstract Title: Dynamics of Braided Channels, Bars, and Associated Deposits Under Experimental Density Currents
Limaye, A. S.
H21M-02Abstract Title: Use of GPM Data Products in SERVIR Hydrological Applications, H53G-1732Abstract Title: Characterizing hydrological hazards and trends with the NASA South Asia Land Data Assimilation System
Limaye, S. S.
P11E-01Abstract Title: Venus: Long Term Observations from Venus Monitoring Camera on Venus Express Orbiter
Limbacher, J.
GC33D-1326Abstract Title: Empirical Corrections for MISR Calibration Temporal Trends, Point-Spread Function, Flat-Fielding, and Ghosting
Limonta, L.
SA13B-2365Abstract Title: Automated detection and characterization of meteoroid from simultaneous optical and radar observations
Lin, A.
T44A-08Abstract Title: Millennium recurrence interval of morphogenic earthquakes on the Qingchuan fault, northeastern segment of the Longmen Shan Thrust Belt, China
Lin, A. T.
OS23B-2019Abstract Title: Tectonic Controls on Gas Hydrate Distribution off SW Taiwan, OS33A-2011Abstract Title: Carbon isotopes of benthic foraminifera associated with methane seeps in Four-Way Closure Ridge, offshore southwestern Taiwan, T33A-2914Abstract Title: Linking Anomalously Low Topographic Relief in the Taiwan Arc-Continent Collision to a Submarine Plateau South of the Collision., T43A-2961Abstract Title: Splay Faults and Associated Mass Transport Deposits in the Manila Accretionary Wedge near Taiwan: Implications for Geohazards
Lin, B.
A23B-0287Abstract Title: Atmospheric CO2 Variability Observed during ASCENDS Flight Campaigns, A23B-0288Abstract Title: Technology Advancements for Active Remote Sensing of Carbon Dioxide from Space using the ASCENDS CarbonHawk Experiment Simulator, A23B-0291Abstract Title: Airborne Measurements in Support of the NASA Atmospheric Carbon and Transport - America (ACT-America) Mission, A23B-0292Abstract Title: Impact of Using Assimilated Data for Evaluating Performance of Active CO2 Optical Depth Measurements, IN52A-08Abstract Title: High-Speed On-Board Data Processing Platform for LIDAR Projects at NASA Langley Research Center
Lin, C.
PP21B-2246Abstract Title: Clay mineralogy indicates the living environment of the terminal Miocene hominoid of the Zhaotong Basin, Yunnan, China
Lin, C.
B53G-0661Abstract Title: Daily underlying water use efficiency for AmeriFlux sites, H31F-1467Abstract Title: The complementary relationship and generation of the Budyko functions, H53G-1740Abstract Title: Estimation of soil moisture status based on TVDI and ATI in Heihe River basin
Lin, C. M.
S33B-2781Abstract Title: Station Correction of EEW System in Ilan, Taiwan, S53A-2760Abstract Title: Ground Motion Prediction for the Vicinity by Using the Microtremor Site-effect Correction
Lin, C. K.
T43A-2979Abstract Title: Mechanical Study on the Exploitation of Groundwater Resources in Crystalline Rocks – Examples of Hoping and Kinmen areas, Taiwan
Lin, C. H.
DI51B-2621Abstract Title: Constraint of magnetic models using seismic tomography in Taiwan, NH21A-1813Abstract Title: Radon and gamma rays anomalies observed in northern Taiwan: a possible connection with the seismicity near the subduction zone, S51D-2736Abstract Title: Detecting Volcano-Tectonic Earthquakes at the Tatun Volcano Group in Taiwan with Dense Arrays
Lin, C. Y.
NH21C-1834Abstract Title: Ionospheric F2 region perturbed by the 25 April 2015 Nepal earthquake
Lin, C. H.
S51B-2671Abstract Title: Source inversion and strong ground motion simulation for 1951 Longitudinal Valley earthquake sequence in eastern Taiwan
Lin, C. Y.
H33A-1562Abstract Title: Explore the Impacts of River Flow and Water Quality on Fish Communities
Lin, C. S.
SA23B-2342Abstract Title: Field-Line Tracing from Locations of Polar Cap Neutral Density Anomalies to the Magnetosphere , SA31D-2373Abstract Title: The impacts of the St. Patrick's Day superstorm on selected technologies
Lin, C. H.
SM51D-2589Abstract Title: Pitch-Angle Distribution for Electrons at Dipolarization Sites: Field Aligned Anisotropy and Isotropization
Lin, C.
MR11A-07Abstract Title: Apparatus and Techniques for Time-resolved Synchrotron X-ray Diffraction using Diamond Anvil Cells
Lin, C. J.
DI13B-2666Abstract Title: Generating Single-sided Subduction with Parameterized Mantle Wedge
Lin, C. W.
NH51C-1902Abstract Title: 3D Numerical Simulation of the Wave and Current Loads on a Truss Foundation of the Offshore Wind Turbine During the Extreme Typhoon Event
Lin, C. Y. T.
SA41B-2349Abstract Title: A study of the non-linear response of the upper atmosphere to episodic and stochastic acoustic-gravity wave forcing
Lin, D. G.
GC53E-1245Abstract Title: Mechanical and deformation analyses of pile foundation for supporting structure of off-shore wind turbine at Changhua coast in Taiwan, NH41C-1843Abstract Title: Evaluation on the Efficiency of Subsurface Drainage in Chiu-Fen Landslide at Northern Taiwan
Lin, D.
T11F-08Abstract Title: Focal Depths and Mechanisms of Earthquakes in the Himalayan-Tibetan Region, T12B-06Abstract Title: ~55Ma Aged High Topography of the Lhasa Block From Stable and Clumped Isotope Paleoaltimetry: Implications for ~50±25% Crustal Mass Deficit in the India-Asia Collisional System, V33D-3124Abstract Title: A Geochronological Study of Paleogene –Neogene Foreland Basin Sediments Western Nepal Himalaya: Implication of Provenance Analysis
Lin, D.
SM13C-2497Abstract Title: Heavy Ion Effects on Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability: Hybrid Study
Lin, F. C.
DI42A-02Abstract Title: Probing high-resolution inner core structure using earthquake coda interferometry with USArray, S24B-03Abstract Title: Investigating microseismicity and crustal structure beneath Mount St. Helens with a 900-geophone array, S24B-06Abstract Title: Ambient Noise Observables from USArray: Site Amplification, Scattering and Attenuation, S41A-2705Abstract Title: Rayleigh wave tomography of Mount St. Helens, Washington from ambient seismic noise, T14A-02Abstract Title: Constructing a 3D Crustal Model Across the Entire Contiguous US Using Broadband Rayleigh Wave Phase Velocity and Ellipticity Measurements, T14A-05Abstract Title: Seismically imaging the structural legacy of rifting and collision events in the central and eastern U.S. crust, T23E-01Abstract Title: Resolving High-Resolution Continental Scale 3D Crustal Structure Using Rayleigh Wave Phase Velocity and Ellipticity, V24C-08Abstract Title: The Yellowstone magmatic system from the mantle plume to the upper crust, V31E-3071Abstract Title: Imaging the Yellowstone Magmatic System Using Multi-Component Ambient Noise Cross-Correlation and Tomography
Lin, G.
G21A-1015Abstract Title: FEM Modeling of Lithospheric Rheology of Taiwan from GPS and PSInSAR Observations of Postseismic Deformation of the 1999 Chi-Chi Earthquake
Lin, G. W.
Lin, G. Sr.
B11C-0443Abstract Title: The intrinsic periodic fluctuation of forest: a theoretical model based on diffusion equation, B53E-0612Abstract Title: Estimation and Mapping of Coastal Mangrove Biomass Using Both Passive and Active Remote Sensing Method
Lin, G.
A13B-0322Abstract Title: What Controls the Low Ice Number Concentration in the Upper Tropical Troposphere?, A42F-08Abstract Title: How Will Secondary Organic Aerosols Change in the Future?, GC43C-1224Abstract Title: Using nudged simulations to investigate parameter sensitivities in CAM5
Lin, G.
S11A-2759Abstract Title: Earthquake Relocations on the Island of Hawaii Using Both Real and Synthetic Data Sets, S43F-05Abstract Title: A Large Refined Catalog of Earthquake Relocations and Focal Mechanisms for the Entire Island of Hawaii and Their Seismotectonic Implications
Lin, H.
A43K-08Abstract Title: Developing a U.S. Research Agenda to Advance Subseasonal to Seasonal Forecasting
Lin, H.
EP31A-0980Abstract Title: Towards an International Network of Critical Zone Observatories, H51RAbstract Title: Hydrogeophysical Characterization of the Critical Zone I, H53CAbstract Title: Hydrogeophysical Characterization of the Critical Zone II Posters
Lin, H.
SH43B-2460Abstract Title: The Coronal Solar Magnetism Observatory
Lin, H. R.
H13E-1588Abstract Title: An Verification of Reciprocity Principle of Groundwater Pumping Tests with Field Case Studies, H31G-1517Abstract Title: Existence of Heterogeneity Aquifer by Groundwater Response to Tidal Fluctuation in Artificial Islands
Lin, H. T.
B14E-05Abstract Title: Archaeal Viruses Contribute to the Novel Viral Assemblage Inhabiting Oceanic, Basalt-Hosted Deep Subsurface Crustal Fluids
Lin, H.
B11D-0474Abstract Title: Facilitated cell export and desorption of methylmercury by anaerobic bacteria
Lin, H. C.
A13C-0343Abstract Title: Pushing the Regional Arctic System Reanalysis to Higher Resolution: A comparison with the global ERA-Interim Reanalysis for the Arctic and Beyond
Lin, I. I.
GC21CAbstract Title: Tropical Cyclones and Climate on All Timescales I Posters, GC21C-1100Abstract Title: Recent Decrease in Typhoon Destructive Potential and Global Warming Implications, GC24CAbstract Title: Tropical Cyclones and Climate on All Timescales II
Lin, J. J.
A32D-05Abstract Title: Spatial Distribution of Aerosols in Four U.S. Regions: Impacts on Satellite Measurements, A42A-08Abstract Title: Implications of using transmitted vs. reflected light for determining cloud properties, cloud radiative effects and aerosol-cloud-interactions
Lin, J. S.
B12BAbstract Title: Hydrate-Bearing Sediments: Characterization, Modeling, and Implications on Geohazard and Gas Production I, B13BAbstract Title: Hydrate-Bearing Sediments: Characterization, Modeling, and Implications on Geohazard and Gas Production II Posters, B13B-0606Abstract Title: Modeling dissociation of hydrate bearing sediments under shear, NG31A-1829Abstract Title: Identify Precipitation Pattern Using Multi-scale Sample Entropy
Lin, J. C.
T41A-2853Abstract Title: The stress shadow effect: a mechanical analysis of the evenly-spaced parallel strike-slip faults in the San Andreas fault system, T41D-2939Abstract Title: Quantifying the Relationship between Strike-slip Fault Spacing and Brittle Crust Thickness in Continental Settings based on Sandbox Experiments
Lin, J.
DI31A-2559Abstract Title: Does a Superswell Exist Between Antarctica and Australia?, DI51B-2628Abstract Title: Geophysical Investigation of Australian-Antarctic Ridge Using High-Resolution Gravity and Bathymetry, OS43A-2011Abstract Title: Investigation of turbulent flows and near-bottom hydrothermal plumes at mid-ocean ridges, T21D-2867Abstract Title: Co-seismic and post-seismic viscoelastic Coulomb stress transfer after the 2004 M9.2 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake: Effects on the 2012 M8.6 Sumatran strike-slip earthquake, T51D-2910Abstract Title: Variations in normal faulting and plate deformation along the Mariana trench, V14A-03Abstract Title: Hydroacoustic seismicity along oceanic transform faults: Contrasts between the East Pacific Rise and Mid-Atlantic Ridge, V14A-05Abstract Title: Systematic variations in morphological characteristics of global transform faults, V14A-07Abstract Title: Global variations in gravity-derived oceanic crustal thickness and implications on oceanic crustal accretion processes, V21A-3018Abstract Title: Temporal and spatial variations in seismicity of fast-slipping oceanic transform faults at the East Pacific Rise, V21A-3028Abstract Title: Asymmetric crustal structure of the slow-spreading Mohns Ridge
Lin, J.
IN44A-03Abstract Title: Bayesian Inference of High-Dimensional Dynamical Ocean Models
Lin, J. Y.
T43A-2977Abstract Title: The crustal structures from Wuyi-Yunkai orogen to Taiwan orogen: the onshore-offshore wide-angle seismic experiment of TAIGER and ATSEE projects
Lin, J. Y.
B13B-0604Abstract Title: Characterization of H/V Spectral Ratios for the Assessment of Slope Stability in the Gas Hydrate-rich Area: an Example from Offshore SW Taiwan
Lin, J.
A21B-0125Abstract Title: Tropospheric ozone simulated by a global-multi-regional two-way coupling model system, A21I-07Abstract Title: POMINO: An improved satellite NO2 product and impacts on emission inversio, A43G-0383Abstract Title: Distinctive timing of U.S. historical ozone change determined by climate and anthropogenic emissions, A51BAbstract Title: Air Pollution, Greenhouse Gases, and Emissions in East Asia and Its Interactions with the World I Posters, A51B-0015Abstract Title: Spatio-temporal Variations of Nitrogen Dioxide over Western China from Satellite Observations during 2005-2013, A51B-0020Abstract Title: Revealing the Hidden Health Costs Embodied in Chinese Exports, A53DAbstract Title: Air Pollution, Greenhouse Gases, and Emissions in East Asia and Its Interactions with the World II, A54AAbstract Title: Air Pollution, Greenhouse Gases, and Emissions in East Asia and Its Interactions with the World III, A54A-04Abstract Title: China’s international trade and air pollution: 2000 - 2009
Lin, J. C.
A11J-0197Abstract Title: Mobile Platforms for Continuous Spatial Measurements of Urban Trace Gases and Criteria Pollutants, A14FAbstract Title: Understanding and Attributing Greenhouse Gas Fluxes from Urban Systems and Major Hotspots: 1. Linking Bottom-Up Data Products and Top-Down Observations I, A14F-08Abstract Title: Anthropogenic Methane Emissions in California’s San Joaquin Valley: Characterizing Large Point Source Emitters, A21GAbstract Title: Understanding and Attributing Greenhouse Gas Fluxes from Urban Systems and Major Hotspots: 1. Linking Bottom-Up Data Products and Top-Down Observations II Posters, A21H-0247Abstract Title: Spatiotemporal comparison of highly-resolved emissions and concentrations of carbon dioxide and criteria pollutants in Salt Lake City, Utah for health and policy applications, A23P-01Abstract Title: Using the Hestia bottom-up FFCO2 emissions estimation to identify drivers and hotspots in urban areas, A23P-06Abstract Title: Spatiotemporal Patterns of Urban Trace Gases and Pollutants Observed with a Light Rail Vehicle Platform in Salt Lake City, UT, A52C-04Abstract Title: Empirically constrained estimates of Alaskan regional Net Ecosystem Exchange of CO2, 2012-2014, B12D-06Abstract Title: Toward Reducing Uncertainties in Biospheric Carbon Uptake in the American West: An Atmospheric Perspective, B13F-0672Abstract Title: Assessing Ecosystem Drought Response in CLM 4.5 Using Site-Level Flux and Carbon-Isotope Measurements: Results From a Pacific Northwest Coniferous Forest, B13F-0679Abstract Title: Simulating Photosynthetic 13C Fractionation at a Western Subalpine Forest for Seasonal and Multi-Decadal Time Periods with the Community Land Model (CLM 4.5), B33H-07Abstract Title: The University of Utah Urban Undertaking (U4), B43M-07Abstract Title: Seasonal and interannual variations in boreal Alaskan methane and carbon dioxide fluxes using atmospheric measurements from the CARVE tower, GC12B-13Abstract Title: Urbanization and the Carbon Cycle: Synthesis of Ongoing Research, H21B-1370Abstract Title: Integrated Hydrosystem Modeling of the California Basin
Lin, J. W. B.
IN11C-1792Abstract Title: A Python Implementation of an Intermediate-Level Tropical Circulation Model and Implications for How Modeling Science is Done
Lin, J. F.
DI31A-2564Abstract Title: Iron Isotope Fractionation in the Lower Mantle, MR11A-10Abstract Title: Probing iron spin state by optical absorption in laser-heated diamond anvil cell
Lin, K.
H33D-1636Abstract Title: Improving Seasonal Precipitation Predictions over the East River Basin, South China by Using Bias-corrected CFSv2 Forecasts
Lin, L. Y.
A21F-0213Abstract Title: The Climatology of Taiwan extreme rainfall events and the attributions
Lin, L. H.
NH24A-08Abstract Title: Paleotsunamis in Taiwan
Lin, L.
B32C-08Abstract Title: Long-term variation in above and belowground plant inputs alters soil organic matter biogeochemistry at the molecular-level
Lin, M.
GC22E-06Abstract Title: Measurements of radioactive and stable sulfur isotopes at Mt. Everest and its geochemical implications
Lin, M.
OS41A-1987Abstract Title: Are recent global mean temperature trends anomalous relative to the CMIP5 ensemble?
Lin, M.
A43E-0331Abstract Title: First look at the NOAA Aircraft-based Tropospheric Ozone Climatology, A51B-0036Abstract Title: Potential benefits of long-distance electricity transmission in China for air quality and climate
Lin, N.
SM13C-2510Abstract Title: Nonlinear Development of ULF waves in the Upstream of Earth’s Bow Shock, SM13C-2513Abstract Title: Kinetic properties of ions at the low-beta, quasi-perpendicular bow shock observed by the Cluster spacecraft
Lin, N.
GC53E-1243Abstract Title:

Analysis of weather regime dependent wind biases over the east coast of China using 3 year WRF simulations

Lin, N. H.
A23A-0281Abstract Title: Discrimination Biomass Burning Particles from Anthropogenic Pollutants in Spectral Property of Satellite and Ground-based Observations, A23A-0284Abstract Title: Vertical Distribution and Columnar Optical Properties of Springtime Biomass-Burning Aerosols over Northern Indochina during the 7-SEAS/BASELInE field campaign
Lin, N.
A51P-0322Abstract Title: A Physically-based Tropical Cyclone Rainfall Model, NH31D-03Abstract Title: Past, Present, and Future Threat of Tropical Cyclones and Coastal Flooding in New York City, NH44AAbstract Title: Hydrological, Geomorphological, and Climate-Related Hazards in Coastal Regions: Risk, Impact, and Adaptation I, NH51CAbstract Title: Hydrological, Geomorphological, and Climate-Related Hazards in Coastal Regions: Risk, Impact, and Adaptation II Posters
Lin, P.
V23B-3094Abstract Title: Origin and Quantification of Diffuse CO2 and H2S emission at Crater Hills, Yellowstone National Park
Lin, P.
A31I-03Abstract Title: The impact of land initialization on seasonal forecasts of surface air temperature: role of snow data assimilation in the Northern Hemisphere, H53L-08Abstract Title: An Extensible Global Land Data Assimilation System Based on NCAR's Community Land Model (CLM) and Data Assimilation Research Testbed
Lin, P.
DI51B-2631Abstract Title: A Research on Deducing the East China Sea Shelf Basin by Jointing Gravity-magnetic and Seismic Data
Lin, P. N.
GC21F-01Abstract Title: High-amplitude, centennial-scale climate oscillations during the last glacial in the western Third Pole as recorded in the Guliya ice cap
Lin, S.
EP13A-0934Abstract Title: Fast Deposition of Small River Particles on the NE South China Sea Slope Basin Since the Last Glacial Maximum, OS23B-2019Abstract Title: Tectonic Controls on Gas Hydrate Distribution off SW Taiwan
Lin, S. J.
A11F-0100Abstract Title: GFDL's unified regional-global weather-climate modeling system with variable resolution capability for severe weather predictions and regional climate simulations, A33K-0349Abstract Title: An Idealized Sudden Straotspheric Warming Test Case, B34C-05Abstract Title: Impacts and feedbacks of urbanization on regional hydroclimate: a case study with a high-resolution GFDL AGCM, GC24C-01Abstract Title: Toward a unified system for understanding, predicting and projecting regional hurricane activity
Lin, S. T.
MR33B-2664Abstract Title: Study of Magnetic Fabrics and Paleomagnetism Across Northern Transect of Taiwan Mountain Belt and Thier Implications
Lin, S. Y.
C53C-0802Abstract Title: Migration model establishment over Greenland Russell glacier with Remote Sensing observations and hydrodynamic simulations
Lin, S. H.
B41E-0480Abstract Title: A study on the vegetation succession of pioneer trees in landslide control areas
Lin, S.
T31B-2883Abstract Title: Tectonic and Sedimentary Response of the Huangshan Basin to Paleo-Pacific Subduction undernearth Southeast China
Lin, S.
IN23C-1745Abstract Title: Spatial-Temporal Data Mining Tools and Techniques for Improving Earth Science Metadata
Lin, T. H.
A23A-0281Abstract Title: Discrimination Biomass Burning Particles from Anthropogenic Pollutants in Spectral Property of Satellite and Ground-based Observations, A23A-0284Abstract Title: Vertical Distribution and Columnar Optical Properties of Springtime Biomass-Burning Aerosols over Northern Indochina during the 7-SEAS/BASELInE field campaign, G43C-05Abstract Title: Retrieval of Atmospheric Thermodynamic State from Synergistic Use of Radio Occultation and Hyperspectral Infrared Radiances Observations
Lin, T.
NH11C-02Abstract Title: Multi-Hazard Sustainability: Towards Infrastructure Resilience
Lin, T. L.
S33B-2778Abstract Title: Application of Taiwan borehole seismometers in earthquake early warning
Lin, T.
H33I-1730Abstract Title: Developing an Agent-based Model for the Depot-based Water Allocation System in the Bakken Field in Western North Dakota, H34C-03Abstract Title: Assessment of the Impacts of Hydraulic Fracturing at Bakken on Regional Water Resources
Lin, W.
T43A-2964Abstract Title: Implications for the tectonic transition zone of active orogeny in Hoping drainage basin, by landscape evolution at the multi-temporal timescale, T43A-2979Abstract Title: Mechanical Study on the Exploitation of Groundwater Resources in Crystalline Rocks – Examples of Hoping and Kinmen areas, Taiwan
Lin, W.
GP51A-1307Abstract Title: Genomic Insights into the Biomineralization and Environmental Function of Magnetotactic Bacteria
Lin, W.
T13C-3015Abstract Title: Detrital zircon U-Pb ages and Hf isotopic constraints on the terrigenous flexural basins of the Western Alps and their paleogeographic implications, T13C-3016Abstract Title: Early Cretaceous extensional reworking of the Triassic HP–UHP metamorphic orogen in Eastern China
Lin, W. C.
GC13C-1164Abstract Title: Impacts of land use change and climate change on hydrological services- a case study in Taiwan
Lin, W.
MR33B-2663Abstract Title: Estimation of sediment friction coefficient from heating upon APC penetration during the IODP NanTroSEIZE , T11G-03Abstract Title: Extreme Hydrothermal Conditions Near an Active Geological Fault, DFDP-2B Borehole, Alpine Fault, New Zealand, T14B-07Abstract Title: Frictional Heat Generation and Slip Duration Estimated From Micro-fault in an Exhumed Accretionary Complex and Their Relations to the Scaling Law for Slow Earthquakes, T23D-2987Abstract Title: Preliminary results of thermal conductivity and elastic wave velocity measurements of various rock samples collected from outcrops in hanging wall of the Alpine Fault
Lin, W.
GC33B-1287Abstract Title: Change of Tree-ring δ13C, δ18O and Water Use Efficiency of Loblolly Pine in Southeastern US in Response to Drought
Lin, W.
A21D-0164Abstract Title: RACORO Continental Boundary Layer Cloud Investigations: Large-Eddy Simulations of Cumulus Clouds and Evaluation with In-Situ and Ground-Based Observations, A21D-0165Abstract Title: Modifications to WRF’s dynamical core to improve the treatment of moisture for large-­eddy simulations
Lin, X.
H13G-1617Abstract Title: A Theoretical Model of Water and Trade, H33O-04Abstract Title:

Crop Insurance Increases Water Withdrawals for Irrigation in Agriculture

Lin, X.
H13G-1620Abstract Title: Scaling Effect In Trade Network
Lin, X.
T21A-2791Abstract Title: The effect of paleo-uplift on deformation mechanism in the Wupoer fold-and-thrust belt, NE Pamir: constraints from analogue modeling
Lin, X.
H33C-1589Abstract Title: Isotopic evidence for the composition of runoff in a watershed on the Loess Plateau of China
Lin, Y.
B11L-06Abstract Title: Water Balance Defines a Threshold in Soil Chemistry at a Global Scale, B41G-0508Abstract Title: Topographically-determined soil thickening explained spatial variability of soil carbon and nitrogen in Southern California grasslands, B53G-0656Abstract Title: Short-term facilitation of microbial litter decomposition by ultraviolet radiation
Lin, Y.
A51D-0084Abstract Title: Development of a unified turbulence scheme with a statistical cloud fraction scheme in Community Atmosphere Model, A51D-0093Abstract Title: Investigation on Different Parameterizations of Cloud Droplet Spectral Dispersion on Simulated Precipitation and Radiation in NCAR CAM5, GC53E-1243Abstract Title:

Analysis of weather regime dependent wind biases over the east coast of China using 3 year WRF simulations

Lin, Y.
S23B-2709Abstract Title: Imaging Fracking Zones by Microseismic Reverse Time Migration for Downhole Microseismic Monitoring
Lin, Y. C.
SA23A-2328Abstract Title: Model Simulation of Ionosphere Electron Density with Dynamic Transportation and Mechanism of Sporadic E Layers in Lower Part of Ionosphere
Lin, Y. Y.
T43A-2976Abstract Title: Pn-waves Travel-time Anomaly beneath Taiwan from Dense Seismic Array Observations and its Possible Tectonic Implications
Lin, Y.
PP11B-2239Abstract Title: Experimental Study on Isotope Fractionation of Soil water in Arid Environments
Lin, Y.
H41B-1299Abstract Title: A Computationally Efficient Parallel Levenberg-Marquardt Algorithm for Large-Scale Big-Data Inversion, S21A-2672Abstract Title: Improving Velocity Models for Microseismic Imaging, S24A-03Abstract Title: Improving estimation of microseismic focal mechanisms using a high-resolution velocity model
Lin, Y.
SH11E-2422Abstract Title: Laboratory Study of Non-linear Decay of a Kinetic Shear Alfvén Wave, SH43A-2425Abstract Title: Simulation of 3-D Magnetic Reconnection by Gyrokinetic Electron and Fully Kinetic Ion Particle Model, SM13D-2539Abstract Title: Dipolarization fronts as earthward propagating flux ropes: A three-dimensional global hybrid simulation, SM22A-04Abstract Title: Fast Flows and Entropy Evolution in Global Hybrid Simulation
Lin, Y.
B13A-0597Abstract Title: Structural evolution of a uranyl peroxide nano-cage fullerene: U60, at elevated pressures
Lin, Y. F. F.
H53E-1702Abstract Title: Integrating distributed temperature sensing and geological characterization to quantify spatiotemporal variability in subsurface heat transport within the Critical Zone
Lin, Y. K.
NH41B-1808Abstract Title: A Catalog: Centroid Location of Large-scale Landslide during Typhoon Season in Taiwan from 2005-2012
Lin, Y. P.
S53A-2748Abstract Title: Multiscale 2D Inversions of Active-source First-arrival Times in Taiwan
Lin, Y. P.
GC13C-1164Abstract Title: Impacts of land use change and climate change on hydrological services- a case study in Taiwan
Lin, Y. S.
OS33A-1998Abstract Title: Using a video-corer to evaluate hydrocarbon fluxes in the northern South China Sea, OS33A-2011Abstract Title: Carbon isotopes of benthic foraminifera associated with methane seeps in Four-Way Closure Ridge, offshore southwestern Taiwan
Lin, Y.
B21C-0442Abstract Title: Microbial Carbonate Precipitation by Synechococcus PCC8806, LS0519 and Synechocystis PCC6803 on Concrete Surfaces and in Low Saturation Solution
Lin, Y.
P33D-06Abstract Title: Precessionaly driven instability in the Lunar core.
Lin, Y. L.
ED11B-0854Abstract Title: Undergraduate Research Experiences in Geosciences for Physical Science and Engineering Students
Lin, Y.
A21D-0168Abstract Title: A Cloud-Resolving Modeling Intercomparison Study on Properties of Cloud Microphysics, Convection, and Precipitation for a Squall Line Cas, A33G-0249Abstract Title: Global Climate Models Intercomparison of Anthropogenic Aerosols Effects on Regional Climate over North Pacific, A51E-0099Abstract Title: Distinct Impacts of Aerosols on an Evolving Continental Cloud System during the RACORO Field Campaign
Lin, Z. J.
G43C-02Abstract Title: Introduction of FORMOSAT-7/COSMIC-2 Mission
Lin, Z.
NG41A-1777Abstract Title: Role of Zonal Fields in Nonlinear Interaction of Kinetic Alfvén Waves
Lin, Z. Y.
P31E-2089Abstract Title: COSIMA at Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko After Perihelion
Lin, Z.
T33A-2939Abstract Title: Geomorphic evolution processes of the relict landscape and deep-incised valleys along the Red River fault zone, Yunnan Province, China
Lin, Z.
H33I-1730Abstract Title: Developing an Agent-based Model for the Depot-based Water Allocation System in the Bakken Field in Western North Dakota, H34C-03Abstract Title: Assessment of the Impacts of Hydraulic Fracturing at Bakken on Regional Water Resources, H53N-07Abstract Title: Impacts of Biofuel-Induced Agricultural Land Use Changes on Watershed Hydrology and Water Quality
Linares, R.
EP53A-0975Abstract Title: Tsunami waves extensively resurfaced the shorelines of a receding, early Martian ocean
Lincoln, D. L.
NS21B-1925Abstract Title: Muon Tomography for Geological Repositories.
Lincoln, S. A.
B32BAbstract Title: Analytical and Experimental Innovations in Geobiology I, B33BAbstract Title: Analytical and Experimental Innovations in Geobiology II Posters, B33B-0652Abstract Title: Snow on the Seafloor? Methods to Detect Carbohydrates in Deep-sea Sediments Impacted by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
Lincot, A.
DI33A-2620Abstract Title: A Multi-scale Self-consistent Model of Earth’s Inner Core Anisotropy
Lind, F. D.
IN44A-06Abstract Title: The Rise of Computer-Aided Discovery in Geoscience, IN51A-1781Abstract Title: Machine Learning in Ionospheric Phenomena Detection Using Passive Radar
Lind, P.
EP53B-1008Abstract Title: Bedload Transport Rates and Flux Patterns in a Steep Montane Tropical River – Rio Pacuare, Costa Rica
Lindaas, J.
A33C-0172Abstract Title: Multi-year Estimates of Methane Fluxes in Alaska from an Atmospheric Inverse Model, A33F-0246Abstract Title: Constraining the 2012-2014 growing season Alaskan methane budget using CARVE aircraft measurements, A52C-04Abstract Title: Empirically constrained estimates of Alaskan regional Net Ecosystem Exchange of CO2, 2012-2014, A52C-05Abstract Title: The influence of synoptic-scale climate variability on boreal forest fire emissions and trace gas variability in Alaska, B31D-0613Abstract Title: Detecting Patterns of Changing Carbon Uptake in Alaska Using Sustained In Situ and Remote Sensing CO2 Observations, B43M-07Abstract Title: Seasonal and interannual variations in boreal Alaskan methane and carbon dioxide fluxes using atmospheric measurements from the CARVE tower
Lindborg, R.
GC44B-07Abstract Title: Ensuring Disaster Risk Reduction via Sustainable Wetland Development
Linde, A. T.
G11B-0974Abstract Title: Borehole Volumetric Strainmeters Detect Very Long-period Ocean Level Changes in Tokai Area
Linde, J. K.
V41A-3063Abstract Title: Vein Controlled Index Mineral Crystal Size Distribution in Barrow’s Metamorphic Zones, Glen Esk, Scotland
Linde, N.
H11M-02Abstract Title: Inference of Fractured Rock Transport Properties by Joint Inversion of Push-Pull and Single-Hole Ground Penetrating Radar Data, H31B-1412Abstract Title: Field signatures of non-Fickian transport processes: transit time distributions, spatial correlations, reversibility and hydrogeophysical imaging, H44E-04Abstract Title: Impact of Saline Tracer Mixing on Upscaled Electrical Resistivity Under Partially Saturated Conditions: Insights From a Pore-scale Fluorimetry Study, H51R-03Abstract Title: The role of multiple-point statistics and model selection in quantitative hydrogeophysical studies of the critical zone, NS51AAbstract Title: Joint Inversion Methods and Other Interpretation Strategies to Integrate Multidisciplinary Geophysical Data I Posters, NS53AAbstract Title: Joint Inversion Methods and Other Interpretation Strategies to Integrate Multidisciplinary Geophysical Data II
Lindell, M. K.
NH13A-1915Abstract Title: Perceptions and Expected Immediate Reactions to Tornado Warning Polygons
Lindemann, W.
MR13B-2695Abstract Title: The VLab repository of thermodynamics and thermoelastic properties of minerals
Lindenschmidt, K. E.
H13C-1519Abstract Title: Impacts of climate and land use changes on regional nutrient export in the South Saskatchewan River catchment, H13C-1560Abstract Title: Nutrient Models Developments Using Runoff-Nutrient Relationships in an Agricultural Prairie Basin, Manitoba., H31N-02Abstract Title: Trend analysis of nutrient loadings in the South Saskatchewan River catchment, H41A-1271Abstract Title: Assessing the Impacts of Reservoir Regulations and Climate Variability on the Peace River Runoff and Peace-Athabasca-Delta Using a Distributed Hydrological Model
Lindensmith, C. A.
P11B-2082Abstract Title: A Holographic Microscope for Detection of Microorganisms on Icy Worlds
Linderholm, H. W.
PP23A-2287Abstract Title: The influence of Arctic sea ice variability on the summer North Atlantic Oscillation (SNAO)
Lindeskog, M.
B32A-08Abstract Title: “Detecting people”
Lindholm, D. M.
GC31D-1212Abstract Title: Development, Production and Validation of the NOAA Solar Irradiance Climate Data Record, IN13A-1814Abstract Title: Interoperable Solar Data and Metadata via LISIRD 3, SH23B-2444Abstract Title: Accessing Solar Irradiance Data via LISIRD, the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics Interactive Solar Irradiance Datacenter, SH32A-03Abstract Title: A New Climate Data Record of Solar Spectral Irradiance from 1610 to Present
Lindoo, A. N.
V33F-07Abstract Title: The Affect of Pre and Syn-Ascent Crystallization on Vesiculation Kinetics and Permeability Development in Low Viscosity Magmas
Lindquist, E.
NH11A-1894Abstract Title: Characterization of NEOs from the Policy Perspective: Implications from Problem and Solution Definitions, PA41B-2170Abstract Title: Challenges and Opportunities for DRR Science after Sendai: the View from the Bottom
Lindquist, K.
Lindqvist, P. A.
SM12A-09Abstract Title: Low-Frequency Wave Activity Detected by MMS during Dusk Magnetopause Crossings and its Relation to Heating and Acceleration of Particles, SM22A-06Abstract Title: Conversion of electromagnetic energy at plasma jet fronts, SM41I-02Abstract Title: First MMS Observations of High Time Resolution 3D Electric and Magnetic fields at the Dayside Magnetopause., SM41I-03Abstract Title: MMS Observations of Parallel Electric Fields, SM41I-08Abstract Title: Observations of 3-D Electric Fields and Waves Associated With Reconnection at the Dayside Magnetopause, SM43A-02Abstract Title: Effect of electron ambient plasmas in reconnection jets and dipolarization fronts : MMS initial results, SM44A-08Abstract Title: MMS Observations of Kinetic Features in the Earth’s Bursty Bulk Flow Braking Region, SM51A-2513Abstract Title: DC and AC Electric Field Measurements by Spin-Plane Double Probes Onboard MMS, SM51A-2514Abstract Title: An Investigation of Perpendicular Gradients of Parallel Electric Field in Separatrix Regions in Using the Magnetosphere Multiscale Mission, SM51A-2518Abstract Title: Calibrating MMS Electron Drift Instrument (EDI) Ambient Electron Flux Measurements and Characterizing 3D Electric Field Signatures of Magnetic Reconnection, SM51A-2523Abstract Title: Multi-point, multi-scale observation of the near-Earth current sheet reconfiguration during storm-time multi-onset substorms, SM51A-2524Abstract Title: Bursty Bulk Flow Turbulence as Observed by the Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission, SM51A-2548Abstract Title: Parallel Electric Fields and Wave Phenomena Associated with Magnetic Reconnection: The Merged Magnetic Field Product from MMS, SM51A-2556Abstract Title: MMS observations of waves and instabilities in the separatrices and diffusion region of magnetopause reconnection
Lindroth, A.
B24B-07Abstract Title: Continuous multi-plot measurements of CO2, CH4, N2O and H2O in a managed boreal forest – The importance of accounting for all greenhouse gases, B33C-0673Abstract Title: Carbon Exchange Processes In A Old-Growth Undisturbed Boreal Forest In Northern Sweden
Lindsay, C. M.
PP11A-2203Abstract Title: CSciBox: An Intelligent Assistant for Dating Ice and Sediment Cores
Lindsay, J. M.
NH13A-1918Abstract Title: Working towards a clearer and more helpful hazard map: investigating the influence of hazard map design on hazard communication, T11E-2936Abstract Title: Building Better Volcanic Hazard Maps Through Scientific and Stakeholder Collaboration
Lindsay, K. T.
A41R-03Abstract Title: Impact of land use and land cover change on climate and air quality in the CESM, B23G-0662Abstract Title: Nonlinear Interactions between Climate and Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Drivers of Terrestrial and Marine Carbon Cycle Changes from 1850 to 2300, B23J-05Abstract Title: Changing ocean biogeochemistry in the CESM Large Ensemble
Lindsey, C.
V12B-01Abstract Title: Imaging Near-Surface Controls on Hot Spring Expression Using Shallow Seismic Refraction in Yellowstone National Park, V13C-3143Abstract Title: Characterizing Hot Spring Connectivity Using Aqueous Geochemistry in the River Group Springs, Yellowstone NP, Wyoming, V13C-3145Abstract Title: Calculating Hot Spring/Atmospheric Coupling Using the Coefficient of Convective Heat Transfer
Lindsey, C. A.
SH13AAbstract Title: Flare/CME Coupling from the Corona to the Deep Solar Interior I Posters, SH22AAbstract Title: Flare/CME Coupling from the Corona to the Deep Solar Interior II, SH22A-02Abstract Title: Solar chromosphere: a portal for sunquakes
Lindsey, E. O.
G13B-04Abstract Title: Line of Sight Displacement from ALOS-2 ScanSAR Interferometry: Burst Alignment and the Mw 7.8 Gorkha, Nepal Earthquake, S41D-03Abstract Title: Slip kinematics and ground motions of the 2015 Mw7.8 Gorkha, Nepal earthquake imaged with 5Hz GPS data and ALOS-2 InSAR constraints, S43D-2836Abstract Title: Fault morphology controls rupture size: Evidence from the 2015 Gorkha earthquake sequence in Nepal, T43CAbstract Title: Diversity of Fault Slip Modes and the Interplay between Seismic and Aseismic Behavior of Faults: Insights from Geodesy, Geology, and Rock Mechanics I Posters, T51H-05Abstract Title: Geodetic constraints on frictional properties of the Imperial fault, Southern California, T51JAbstract Title: Diversity of Fault Slip Modes and the Interplay between Seismic and Aseismic Behavior of Faults: Insights from Geodesy, Geology, and Rock Mechanics II
Lindsey, L. A.
A33J-0313Abstract Title: Amazon Deforestation Impacts on Pacific Climate
Lindsey, N.
S41A-2707Abstract Title: Ambient Noise Surface Wave Tomography for Geotechnical Monitoring Using “Large N” Distributed Acoustic Sensing, S41B-2718Abstract Title: Repeatability of Surface Wave Velocity Estimates from Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) Data
Lindsey, S.
Lindsley, C.
IN23A-1723Abstract Title: Data Management Challenges for Airborne NASA Earth Venture Sub-Orbital Investigations
Lindsley, D. H.
P43A-2097Abstract Title: Degassing pathways of Cl-, F-, H-, and S-bearing magmas near the lunar surface: Implications for the composition and Cl isotopic values of lunar apatite
Lindstrom, G.
H44C-03Abstract Title: Climatic and land-use driven change of runoff throughout Sweden
Lindström, S.
PP22B-07Abstract Title: Late Triassic tropical climate of Pangea: Carbon isotopic and other insights into the rise of dinosaurs
Lindstrot, R.
A31H-07Abstract Title: The GOME-2 Level 1 Instrument Degradation Model Version 1 and its Application for Atmospheric Composition Retrievals
Lineberger, R.
H43A-1473Abstract Title: Web-Based Data Visualization and Analysis using HydroShare and the Open Source Tethys Platform
Linfei, W.
S41B-2714Abstract Title: Seismic While Drilling Case Study in Shengli Oilfield, Eastern China
Ling, B.
PP21B-2246Abstract Title: Clay mineralogy indicates the living environment of the terminal Miocene hominoid of the Zhaotong Basin, Yunnan, China
Ling, B.
H51F-1437Abstract Title: Multiscale Dynamics in Micro-porous Fractured Systems: Theory and Experiments
Ling, J.
A23D-0347Abstract Title: Different evolution of Madden-Julian Oscillation in two types of El Niño
Ling, P. Y.
PA23B-2190Abstract Title: Quantifying Forest Ecosystem Services Tradeoff—Coupled Ecological and Economic Models
Ling, Y.
T11A-2869Abstract Title: Moho Depth and Poisson's Ratio beneath Eastern-Central China and Its Tectonic Implications
Ling, Z.
P43D-2149Abstract Title: Pathway Study of Cl-cycle on Mars, Step-I & II: Oxychlorine Salts and Electrostatic Discharge Phenomenon in a Mars Chamber
Lingerfelt, E.
IN31A-1751Abstract Title: Just-in-time Time Data Analytics and Visualization of Climate Simulations using the Bellerophon Framework
Linhoss, A.
H11G-1432Abstract Title: Using Sensitivity Analysis and Fine-Scale Field Measurements to Understand How Canopy Interception Models Function
Linick, J.
NH43C-1903Abstract Title: Volcanic sulfur dioxide and carbon dioxide measurements using small unmanned aerial systems
Linick, J. P.
A21G-0245Abstract Title: Space-borne detection of small scale CO2 emission structures with OCO-2
Lininger, K.
H11E-1398Abstract Title: Conditions that maximize floodplain downed wood volumes: a comparison across three biomes
Link, M.
A23N-08Abstract Title: Tracing Gas and Particle Phase Oxidation From Engine Sources as a Function of Fuel Type, Load, and Photochemical Age, A41K-0222Abstract Title: Background Southeast United States Aerosol Optical Properties and Their Dependence Upon Meteorology
Link, T. E.
C33BAbstract Title: Modeling Snow and Streamflow for Water Supply Forecasts from Mountain Basins in a Rapidly Changing Climate I Posters, C33D-0845Abstract Title: A hydrometeorological dataset across the rain-to-snow transition at Reynolds Creek Critical Zone Observatory, Idaho., C41FAbstract Title: Modeling Snow and Streamflow for Water Supply Forecasts from Mountain Basins in a Rapidly Changing Climate II, GC23BAbstract Title: Changes from Snow to Rain: Observation, Prediction, and Consequences Posters, H11C-1355Abstract Title: Does woodland encroachment impact water?: An ecohydrology study of western juniper (Juniperus occidentalis) and other semi-arid conifers in the western U.S.
Linke, A. M.
PA51B-2208Abstract Title: Mountainous terrain and violent conflict in the post-Soviet Caucasus.
Linke, S.
H43M-07Abstract Title: Derivation of Global River Network Attributes Including Downscaled Runoff and Discharge Estimates at High Spatial Resolution
Linker, J.
SH11AAbstract Title: Geospace Coupling: Solar Interior, Coronal Mass Ejections, Energetic Particles, Solar Wind, Magnetosphere, and Ionosphere---Modeling and Data Assimilation Posters, SH11A-2376Abstract Title: Coupling MHD Simulations of CMEs to SEP Models, SH11F-02Abstract Title: Thermodynamic MHD Simulations of Jets in the Solar Corona and Inner Heliosphere, SH12A-01Abstract Title: A ROADMAP TO ADVANCE UNDERSTANDING OF THE SCIENCE OF SPACE WEATHER, SH14A-06Abstract Title: Predicting the Interplanetary Magnetic Field using Approaches Based on Data Mining and Physical Models, SH22A-06Abstract Title: Fast Wave Trains Associated with Solar Eruptions: Insights from 3D Thermodynamic MHD Simulations, SH42A-04Abstract Title: Time-dependent global modeling of the inner heliosphere, SH43A-2421Abstract Title: Slip versus Field-Line Mapping in Describing 3D Reconnection of Coronal Magnetic Fields, SH52A-03Abstract Title: Full-sun synchronic EUV and coronal hole mapping using multi-instrument images: Data and software made available, SH52A-08Abstract Title: How Much Energy Can Be Stored in Solar Active Region Magnetic Fields?
Linkswiler, M. A.
C41A-0681Abstract Title: Minimizing Intra-Campaign Biases in Airborne Laser Altimetry By Thorough Calibration of Lidar System Parameters, C53C-0787Abstract Title: Development of a multi-sensor elevation time series pole-ward of 86°S in support of altimetry validation and ice sheet mass balance studies
Linn, R.
A33Q-07Abstract Title: Winds, Mountains, and Wildland Fire: Improved Understanding of Coupled Atmosphere-Topography-Fire Interactions Through Large-Eddy Simulation
Linnemann, U.
GP43D-07Abstract Title: The Emsian – Eifelian (Lower – Middle Devonian) boundary occurs in a 100-kyr eccentricity maximum: A potentially useful secondary marker for the GSSP section (Wetteldorf Richtschnitt, Germany).
Linquist, B.
B33C-0690Abstract Title: Simulating CH4 and N2O emissions from direct-seeded rice systems using the DeNitrification DeComposition (DNDC) model
Linscott, I.
AE24A-01Abstract Title: An Overview of Three-year JEM-GLIMS Nadir Observations of Lightning and TLEs, NH11A-1888Abstract Title: Time Resolved Temperature Measurement of Hypervelocity Impact Generated Plasma Using a Global Optimization Method, P54A-01Abstract Title: Color and Composition of Pluto and Its Moons from the New Horizons Mission, P54A-05Abstract Title: The New Horizons Radio Science Experiment: Performance and Measurements of Pluto's Atmospheric Structure, Surface Pressure, and Surface Temperature , P54A-06Abstract Title: Radio Occultation Measurements of Pluto’s Atmosphere with New Horizons, P54A-09Abstract Title: Pluto’s Far Ultraviolet Spectrum and Airglow Emissions
Lintereur, A.
NS21B-1922Abstract Title: Simulation of Underground Muon Flux with Application to Muon Tomography, NS21B-1926Abstract Title: Borehole Muon Detector Development
Lintner, B. R.
A21E-0179Abstract Title: Systematic characterization of CMIP5 model spread in simulated tropical Pacific rainfall, A54C-05Abstract Title: Large-Scale Atmospheric Circulation Patterns Associated with Temperature Extremes as a Basis for Model Evaluation: Methodological Overview and Results, B53JAbstract Title: Climatic Controls on Vegetation Dynamics in Tropical Forests II, H33J-03Abstract Title: Data Length Requirements for Observational Estimates of Land-Atmosphere Coupling Strength
Linton, M.
SH11B-2388Abstract Title: Modeling Magnetic Flux-Ropes Structures, SH11F-02Abstract Title: Thermodynamic MHD Simulations of Jets in the Solar Corona and Inner Heliosphere, SH42A-02Abstract Title: Tracking Prominence Eruptions to 1 AU with STEREO Heliospheric Imaging
Linty, N.
SA31D-2372Abstract Title: The ionospheric response to the Saint Patrick storm over South East Asia
Lintz, L.
GC33E-1357Abstract Title:  Response of Clay Chemistry to Extreme Heating During Fire Events: Applications to Archaeology.
Linville, L. M.
S52B-03Abstract Title: Dense Seismic Recordings of Two Surface-Detonated Chemical Explosions
Linzmeier, B.
PP52B-03Abstract Title: Enhancing the Accuracy of Carbonate δ18O and δ13C Measurements by SIMS
Lion, C.
H41E-1362Abstract Title: Developing a new global network of river reaches from merged satellite-derived datasets
Lion, S.
SH44A-07Abstract Title: Solar Wind Turbulence and Phase Coherence at Ion Kinetic Scales
Lionello, P.
A11R-03Abstract Title: Comparing the Evolution of the Hadley Circulation in the ECMWF ERA-20C Centennial Reanalysis and in the Atmospheric Model Ensemble ERA-20CM , PA41A-2160Abstract Title: Management of the Mediterranean Coast in Climate Change Scenarios
Lionello, R.
SH11F-02Abstract Title: Thermodynamic MHD Simulations of Jets in the Solar Corona and Inner Heliosphere, SH42A-04Abstract Title: Time-dependent global modeling of the inner heliosphere, SH43A-2421Abstract Title: Slip versus Field-Line Mapping in Describing 3D Reconnection of Coronal Magnetic Fields, SH52A-08Abstract Title: How Much Energy Can Be Stored in Solar Active Region Magnetic Fields?
Liong, S. Y.
H33H-1715Abstract Title: Investigating the Sources of Nitrogen Contamination in the Shallow Aquifer of Jakarta using a Newly Developed Distributed River-Aquifer Flow and Transport Model
Liorzou, F.
G23B-1059Abstract Title: Interest of the MICROSTAR Accelerometer to improve the GRASP Mission., G31B-1107Abstract Title: Tests Results of the Electrostatic Accelerometer Flight Models for Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment Follow-On Mission (GRACE FO)
Liou, K.
SH41FAbstract Title: Characteristics, Consequences, and Predictabilities of Large Solar Storms I, SH41F-03Abstract Title: Capabilities of a Global 3D MHD Model for Monitoring Extremely Fast CMEs, SH41F-05Abstract Title: Interpretation of the 12 May 2012 ground level enhancement event, SH51AAbstract Title: Characteristics, Consequences, and Predictabilities of Large Solar Storms II Posters, SH51A-2433Abstract Title: The first super geomagnetic storm of solar cycle 24: “The St. Patrick day (17 March 2015)” event, SH51A-2439Abstract Title: Comparative Analyses of Two Extremely Fast CMEs Induced Shocks using A H3DMHD Model , SH51A-2440Abstract Title: A Comparative Study of Shock Structures for the Halloween 2003 and the 23 July 2012 CME Events
Liou, K. N.
A32E-02Abstract Title: A GCM Investigation of Dust Aerosol Impact on the Regional Climate of North Africa and South/East Asia , A33D-0180Abstract Title: A Microphysics-Based Black Carbon Aging Scheme in a Global Chemical Transport Model: Constraints from HIPPO Observations, A41N-02Abstract Title: A brief history of ice cloud optical property models of applications to remote sensing, A43G-0370Abstract Title: Impact of anthropogenic aerosols on regional climate change in Beijing, China, A51T-06Abstract Title: Impact of 3-D Radiation-Topography Interaction on Indian Summer Monsoon and Hydrology in Himalayas
Liou, Y. S.
MR21A-2601Abstract Title: Mineralogical and chemical analyses of ancient glass beads from Taiwan and their implications
Liousse, C.
A21A-0031Abstract Title: African anthropogenic combustion emission inventory: specificities and uncertainties
Lipat, B. Jr
A51E-0113Abstract Title: Radiative Response to Poleward Storm Cloud Anomalies from ISCCP Retrievals
Lipatov, A. S.
SM13A-2476Abstract Title: Global Effects of the Interplanetary Shock Propagation through the Earth's Inner Magnetosphere: 3D Hybrid Kinetic ModelingA.S. Lipatov {1}, D.G. Sibeck {2}{1} GPHI UMBC/NASA GSFC, Greenbelt, MD 20771, USA {2} NASA GSFC, Greenbelt, MD 20771, USA
Liping, Y.
SH31B-2406Abstract Title: Origin of the High-speed Jets Fom Magnetic Flux Emergence in the Solar Transition Region as well as Their Mass and Energy Contribuctions to the Solar Wind
Lipman, P. W.
V44C-06Abstract Title: Ignimbrites to Batholiths, V51G-3114Abstract Title: Zircon U-Pb Age Distributions in Cogenetic Crystal-Rich Dacitic and Crystal-Poor Rhyolitic Members of Zoned Ignimbrites in the Southern Rocky Mountains by Chemical Abrasion Inductively-Coupled-Plasma Mass Spectrometry (CA-LA-ICP-MS).
Lipor, J.
IN33C-1812Abstract Title: Adaptive, real-time hypoxia measurements using an autonomous boat
Lipovsky, B.
C14A-01Abstract Title: Whillans Ice Plain Stick Slip, C22B-05Abstract Title: Monitoring South-West Greenland’s ice sheet melt with ambient seismic noise
Lippert, P. C.
T51AAbstract Title: Characterizing Fault Zones in Space, Time, Temperature, and Texture I Posters, T53BAbstract Title: Characterizing Fault Zones in Space, Time, Temperature, and Texture II, T54BAbstract Title: Characterizing Fault Zones in Space, Time, Temperature, and Texture III
Lippert, S.
NS41B-1923Abstract Title: Analysis of Wave Fields induced by Offshore Pile Driving
Lippert, T.
NS41B-1923Abstract Title: Analysis of Wave Fields induced by Offshore Pile Driving
Lippold, J.
A21L-01Abstract Title: Reconstructing Dust Input to the Global Ocean using Thorium Isotope Measurements in Marine Sediments: A High Latitude Perspective, PP43E-06Abstract Title: Synergetic impact of Southern Ocean ventilation and -export production on atmospheric CO2 during the last deglacial and glacial periods
Lippoldt, R. C.
S31A-2703Abstract Title: Relating Transient Seismicity to Episodes of Deep Creep at Parkfield CA
Lipscomb, W. H.
C22B-07Abstract Title: First synchronous realistic simulations of Antarctic and Greenland SMB in a fully coupled climate model, C51C-0734Abstract Title: Simulating Marine Ice Sheets with the Community Ice Sheet Model, C53C-0799Abstract Title: Validation of Modelled Ice Dynamics of the Greenland Ice Sheet using Historical Forcing
Lipson, M.
OS13A-2012Abstract Title: Increased Climate Variability in the Southern Ocean During the Late Twentieth Century
Liptak, J.
B23G-0669Abstract Title: Drivers of the Increasing Mean Annual CO2 Cycle in the CESM
Lipton, M. S.
B11J-0572Abstract Title: A Multi-omics Approach to Understand the Microbial Transformation of Lignocellulosic Materials in the Digestive System of the Wood-Feeding Beetle Odontotaenius disjunctus , B11J-0580Abstract Title: Plant-Microbial Interactions Define Potential Mechanisms of Organic Matter Priming in the Rhizosphere, B33B-0663Abstract Title: Multi-Analytic Based Determination of Substrate Fate From in situ Stable Isotope Labeled Exposures of Natural Microbial Mats
Liptzin, D.
A21A-0023Abstract Title: Spatial and temporal patterns of ozone in the high elevation ecosystems of the Colorado Rocky Mountains
Liqin, W.
GC54B-01Abstract Title: An odyssey of environmental pollution: the rise, fall and remobilization of industrial lead in Australia
Liqing, H.
A51I-0184Abstract Title: A Novel Tool for Simulating Aerosol-cloud Interactions with a Sectional Model Implemented to a Large-Eddy Simulator
Lisabeth, H. P.
MR23C-05Abstract Title: Shrinkage Cracking: A mechanism for self-sustaining carbon mineralization reactions in olivine rocks, V11A-3052Abstract Title: Pattern Formation and Reaction Textures during Dunite Carbonation
Lisboa, F. B.
NH23C-1902Abstract Title: On The Source Of The 25 November 1941 - Atlantic Tsunami
Lishman, B.
MR21B-2621Abstract Title: Sea Ice Friction: The Effect of Ice Rubble, MR21B-2622Abstract Title: Micromechanics of ice friction
Lisi, M.
NH32B-08Abstract Title: Improving the RST Approach for Earthquake Prone Areas Monitoring: Results of Correlation Analysis among Significant Sequences of TIR Anomalies and Earthquakes (M>4) occurred in Italy during 2004-2014
Lisiecki, L. E.
ED22B-06Abstract Title: 3D movies for teaching seafloor bathymetry, plate tectonics, and ocean circulation in large undergraduate classes, PP13D-07Abstract Title: Probabilistic Stack of 180 Plio-Pleistocene Benthic δ18O Records Constructed Using Profile Hidden Markov Models, PP41B-2232Abstract Title: Deglacial regional and global benthic δ13C stacks, PP52A-02Abstract Title: An 800-kyr Record of Global Surface Ocean δ18O and Implications for Ice Volume-Temperature Coupling, PP53B-2325Abstract Title: An Ocean Sediment Core-Top Calibration of Foraminiferal (Cibicides) Stable Carbon Isotope Ratios, PP53C-2365Abstract Title: On the Timing of Glacial Terminations in the Equatorial Pacific
Lisk, I.
PA41D-08Abstract Title: Advances in Monitoring, Modelling and Forecasting Volcanic Ash Plumes over the Past 5 Years and the Impact on Preparedness from the London VAAC Perspective
Lisov, D.
P51D-08Abstract Title: Monitoring of anomalous water distribution by DAN/MSL during first U-turn observational campaign at Marias Pass area in Gale Crater
Lisowski, M.
NH51G-04Abstract Title: USGS GNSS Applications to Volcano Disaster Response and Hazard Mitigation, V31B-3018Abstract Title: Cessation of the 2004–2008 Dome-Building Eruption at Mount St. Helens, Washington
Lisowski, M.
G41A-1012Abstract Title: Mass Intrusion at Mount St. Helens (WA) From Temporal Gravity Variations
Lisowski, S.
S33C-2801Abstract Title: U.S. Tsunami Information technology (TIM) Modernization:Developing a Maintainable and Extensible Open Source Earthquake and Tsunami Warning System
Liss, P. S.
A11C-0079Abstract Title: Iodocarbons and Bromocarbons Associated with Arctic Sea Ice, A42D-06Abstract Title: Oceanic Emissions and Atmospheric Depositions of Volatile Organic Compounds
Lissauer, J. J.
P32B-03Abstract Title: Mapping the Region in the Nearest Star System to Search for Habitable Planets
Lisse, C. M.
P41E-08Abstract Title: Radii and Shape of Pluto and Charon: Preliminary Results from New Horizons, P41E-09Abstract Title: New Insights into the Structure, Origin, and Evolution of Pluto and Charon, P51A-2049Abstract Title: New Horizons LORRI Pluto Haze Spatial Analysis, SM31D-2537Abstract Title: Solar Wind at 33 AU: Setting Bounds on the Pluto Interaction, SM31D-2542Abstract Title: Dynamics of High-Velocity Evanescent Clumps (HVECs) Emitted from Comet C/2011 L4 (Pan-STARRS) as Observed by STEREO, SM42B-03Abstract Title: Escape of Pluto's Atmosphere: In Situ Measurements from New Horizons and Remote Observations from Chandra
Lissenberg, J. C. J.
V11BAbstract Title: Peridotite Records of Mantle Dynamics Posters, V21A-3013Abstract Title: The axial melt lens as a processor of evolved melts at fast-spreading mid-ocean ridges
Lissy, A. S.
H21A-1336Abstract Title: How to unravel relationships between soil structure and preferential flow in structured soils with fast tomography at the continuum scale?
Liston, G. E.
C23B-0771Abstract Title: The Importance of Snow Distribution on Sea Ice, H41F-1386Abstract Title: High Resolution Modeling of the Water Cycle to Refine GRACE Signal Analysis in the Gulf of Alaska Drainage
Lit, J. M. C.
H41E-1383Abstract Title: Preliminary Water Quality Assessment of Calumpang River in Batangas City, Philippines, Using Surface Water Analysis and UAV-Based Remote Sensing
Litasov, K. D.
V21C-3044Abstract Title: Carbonate–Iron Interaction: Kinetic Approach for Carbonate Subduction Down to the Mantle Transition Zone
Litherland, M.
T11D-2918Abstract Title: Passive Seismic Imaging of the Ruby Mountains Core Complex, Nevada
Lithgow-Bertelloni, C. R.
DI11A-2581Abstract Title: Towards dynamically constraining subduction zone parameters from surface-topography characteristics, DI11C-2606Abstract Title: New Inferences of Earth’s Mantle Viscosity Structure and Implications for Long-wavelength Structure in the Lower Mantle, DI21B-02Abstract Title: Toward a comprehensive understanding of transition zone seismic discontinuities: A new constraint near the stagnant slab region beneath China, DI51A-2615Abstract Title: Investigating the effect of lateral viscosity variations in the Earth's mantle
Litt, G.
H43B-1492Abstract Title: COMPARING EVENT-BASED STORAGE ACROSS TROPICAL LAND-COVER GRADIENTS IN THE PANAMA CANAL WATERSHED, H43B-1500Abstract Title: Effect of Forest Age on Rainwater Infiltration in the Lowland Humid Tropics
Litt, S. K.
SA42A-06Abstract Title: Multiscale equatorial electrojet turbulence for GNSS disruption physics
Littell, J. S.
GC31GAbstract Title: Climate Impacts on Forest Ecosystems: Ecohydrologic Scaling from Cells to Landscapes I, GC33BAbstract Title: Climate Impacts on Forest Ecosystems: Ecohydrologic Scaling from Cells to Landscapes II Posters, GC51B-1090Abstract Title: Climate program "stone soup": Assessing climate change vulnerabilities in the Aleutian and Bering Sea Islands of Alaska, PA13A-2184Abstract Title: Quantifying the Value of Downscaled Climate Model Information for Adaptation Decisions: When is Downscaling a Smart Decision?
Little, C. M.
GC31A-1158Abstract Title: Uncertainty in Arctic Surface Fluxes and Their Influence on the Global Ocean, GC34B-04Abstract Title: Joint Hazard Assessment for Urban Decision-Makers in the Northeastern United States
Little, L. J.
GC31FAbstract Title: Climate Change Solutions I, GC32AAbstract Title: Climate Change Solutions II, GC33AAbstract Title: Climate Change Solutions III Posters, U13AAbstract Title: Reticent Researchers! Are We Failing Humanity?
Little, M. M.
IN31C-1773Abstract Title: NASA's Advanced Information Systems Technology (AIST) Program support to Cyberinfrastructure from on-orbit to data exploitation, IN43B-1734Abstract Title: The Synthetic Aperture Radar Science Data Processing Foundry Concept for Earth Science
Little, M. M.
IN43BAbstract Title: Exploiting Big Earth Data: Computation, Testing, and CyberGIS I Posters, IN51AAbstract Title: Big Data Analytics for Science Data I Posters, IN51BAbstract Title: Big Data in Earth Science: From Hype to Reality I Posters, IN51CAbstract Title: Exploiting Big Earth Data: Computation, Testing, and CyberGIS II, IN52AAbstract Title: Exploiting Big Earth Data: Computation, Testing, and CyberGIS III, IN53CAbstract Title: Big Data Analytics for Science Data II, IN54AAbstract Title: Big Data in Earth Science: From Hype to Reality II
Little, T.
T11G-03Abstract Title: Extreme Hydrothermal Conditions Near an Active Geological Fault, DFDP-2B Borehole, Alpine Fault, New Zealand, T43C-3022Abstract Title: The Active Mai’iu Low Angle Normal Fault, Woodlark Rift: Spatial and Temporal Slip Distributions, and Rider Block Abandonment Chronology.
Little, T. A.
T23D-2990Abstract Title: The Alpine Fault Hanging Wall Viewed from Within: Structural and Lithological Analysis of Acoustic Televiewer Logs in the DFDP-2B Borehole, New Zealand, T23D-3000Abstract Title: Relationship of quartz LPO fabrics in mylonites near the Alpine Fault, New Zealand to the attitude of the shear zone boundary, T23D-3001Abstract Title: The changing microstructural arrangement of graphite during deformation and hydrothermal alteration of amphibolite-facies mylonite, Alpine Fault, New Zealand., T23D-3002Abstract Title: Thermoluminesence Properties and Ages along the Stony Creek, Hanging Wall of Alpine Fault, New Zealand , T51E-2947Abstract Title: Preliminary Results on the Mechanics of the Active Mai’iu Low Angle Normal Fault (Dayman Dome), Woodlark Rift, SE Papua New Guinea
Littleton, E. W.
B23B-0603Abstract Title: Quantitative Assessment of the Potential of Afforestation for Carbon Dioxide Removal: Evaluating carbon sequestration and biogeophysical impacts in a dynamic global vegetation model
Littrell, K. C.
H21N-07Abstract Title: Using Neutrons to Study Fluid-Rock Interactions in Shales
Litvak, E.
H23M-07Abstract Title: Evapotranspiration of the urban forest at the municipal scale in Los Angeles, CA
Litvak, M. E.
B11N-01Abstract Title: Quantifying the resilience of carbon dynamics in semi-arid biomes in the Southwestern U.S. to drought, B11N-08Abstract Title:  Global Patterns of Drought Recovery, B13F-0670Abstract Title: Ecosystem carbon balance in a drier future: land-atmosphere exchanges of CO2, water and energy across semiarid southwestern North America, B42A-02Abstract Title: Detection of extreme climate events in semi-arid biomes using a combination of near-field and satellite based remote sensing across the New Mexico Elevation Gradient network of flux towers, B52C-08Abstract Title: Pulse driven productivity in semi-arid lands, GC41C-1102Abstract Title: Pervasive Drought Legacy Effects in Forest Ecosystems and their Carbon Cycle Implications
Litvak, M. L.
P43B-2113Abstract Title: Observation of Very High Passive Mode Thermal Neutron Counts by the MSL DAN Instrument at Marias Pass in Gale Crater, P51D-07Abstract Title: How LEND sees the water on the Moon: the recent findings, P51D-08Abstract Title: Monitoring of anomalous water distribution by DAN/MSL during first U-turn observational campaign at Marias Pass area in Gale Crater, P53B-2123Abstract Title: Regional and Latitude Variability in Diurnally Modulated Neutron Flux Measured by LRO/LEND, SH22B-07Abstract Title: Simultaneous Measurements of Neutron Environment at Mars from Orbit (Mars Odyssey HEND) and from the Surface (MSL DAN)
Litvin, S. Y.
OS31A-1979Abstract Title: Quantifying Temporal and Spatial Variability of Nearshore Processes Around a Nearshore Kelp Forest Rocky Reef with the Kelp Forest Array Cabled Observatory
Litvinov, P.
A41L-03Abstract Title: Detailed Characterization of aerosol properties from satellite Observations using GRASP algorithm, A51W-02Abstract Title: Characterization of Desert Dust from Ground-Based and Satellite Remote Sensing Observations
Liu, A. Z.
SA13B-2353Abstract Title: Mesospheric responses to Madden–Julian Oscillation, SA23D-2361Abstract Title: Na Lidar measurement of neutral wind and temperature in the lower thermosphere, SA41B-2350Abstract Title: LIDAR AND AIRGLOW OBSERVATIONS OF GRAVITY WAVE COUPLING WITH TIDES IN THE MESOPAUSE REGION
Liu, B.
P11B-2076Abstract Title: Ground Verification Test of Lunar Mineralogical Spectrometer on the Chang’e 5 Lunar Sample Return Lander
Liu, B.
H33D-1636Abstract Title: Improving Seasonal Precipitation Predictions over the East River Basin, South China by Using Bias-corrected CFSv2 Forecasts
V11B-3059Abstract Title: Can LREE Enriched Patterns in Clinopyroxenes in Abyssal Peridotites be Produced by Melting of a Depleted Mantle Source?, V11B-3065Abstract Title: Application of Markov Chain Monte Carlo Method to Mantle Melting: An Example from REE Abundances in Abyssal Peridotites
Liu, B.
A31E-0099Abstract Title: A Comparative Study on the Dominant Factors Responsible for the Weaker-than-expected El Niño Event in 2014
Liu, C.
SH13D-2460Abstract Title: How Can a Erupting Sigmoid Trigger Solar Flare with Parallel and Large–Scale Quasi–Circular Ribbons?, SH21C-05Abstract Title: Coronal Magnetic Structures for Homologous Eruptions
Liu, C.
A34C-02Abstract Title: Continental-Scale Convection-Permitting Regional Climate Modeling, A41D-0093Abstract Title: High-resolution regional climate simulations of precipitation and snowpack over the US northern Rockies in a changing climate, A51F-0120Abstract Title: Simulation of Organized Convection and Tropical-wave Coupling in a YOTC MJO
Liu, C.
H21E-1427Abstract Title: Position-Specific Hydrogen and Carbon Isotope Fractionations of Light Hydrocarbons by Quantitative NMR
Liu, C.
GC23A-1124Abstract Title: Water Storage in Reservoirs Built from 1975 to 2012 Significantly Altered the Observed Runoff and Calculated Evapotranspiration Trends over China
Liu, C. H.
SA21A-08Abstract Title: Reexamining the Longitudinal Distributions of Post-sunset Quiettime Equatorial Ionospheric Irregularity Occurrences During Solstices with Respect to the Vertical Drift and Density Variations
Liu, C. S.
OS23B-2010Abstract Title: 3D Chirp Sonar Images on Fluid Migration Pathways and Their Implications on Seafloor Stability East of the Fangliao Submarine Canyon Offshore SW Taiwan, OS23B-2018Abstract Title: Simulation of fluid migration in a mud volcano offshore SW Taiwan, OS23B-2019Abstract Title: Tectonic Controls on Gas Hydrate Distribution off SW Taiwan, T31B-2864Abstract Title: Development of arc-continent collision mélanges: Linking onshore geological and offshore geophysical observations of the Pliocene Lichi Mélange, southern Taiwan and northern Luzon arc, western Pacific, T33A-2914Abstract Title: Linking Anomalously Low Topographic Relief in the Taiwan Arc-Continent Collision to a Submarine Plateau South of the Collision., T51F-2978Abstract Title: Seismic Stratigraphy around Continent-Ocean Boundary in the NW Sub-basin, Northern South China Sea
Liu, C.
AE31B-0433Abstract Title: Preliminary Results form the Japanese Total Lightning Network
Liu, C. W.
H43F-1577Abstract Title: A Parsimonious Analytical Model for Simulating Multispecies Plume Migration
Liu, C.
A11G-0127Abstract Title: Trace Gas Retrievals from the GeoTASO Aircraft Instrument
Liu, C.
PA42A-05Abstract Title: Toolbox for Urban Mobility Simulation: High Resolution Population Dynamics for Global Cities
Liu, C. H.
H21G-1473Abstract Title: Sorption, Uptake, and Translocation of Pharmaceuticals across Multiple Interfaces in Soil Environment
Liu, C.
A31JAbstract Title: Large-Scale Atmospheric Transport and Mixing: Observations, Modeling, and Theory I, A32FAbstract Title: Large-Scale Atmospheric Transport and Mixing: Observations, Modeling, and Theory II, A33KAbstract Title: Large-Scale Atmospheric Transport and Mixing: Observations, Modeling, and Theory III Posters, A33K-0335Abstract Title: Atmospheric Transport and Mixing linked to Rossby Wave Breaking in GFDL Dynamical Core, A43G-0382Abstract Title: How might Climate Change Influence Surface Ozone in the United States?, A51V-03Abstract Title: Extreme moisture transport into the Arctic
S43D-2827Abstract Title: Rupture process of the 2015 Mw 7.9 Nepal earthquake and its implications on the seismic risk
Liu, C.
S41B-2760Abstract Title: The footprints of typhoons on seismic records and their implications on small-scale coupling mechanisms in South China Sea , T51F-2974Abstract Title: The Anisotropic Structure of South China Sea: Using OBS Data to Constrain Mantle Flow
Liu, C.
A34B-01Abstract Title: An atmospheric origin of the multi-decadal bipolar seesaw
Liu, C. C.
T43A-2972Abstract Title: Research of Earthquake Potential from Active Fault Observation in Taiwan
Liu, C. Y.
A23A-0281Abstract Title: Discrimination Biomass Burning Particles from Anthropogenic Pollutants in Spectral Property of Satellite and Ground-based Observations, G43C-05Abstract Title: Retrieval of Atmospheric Thermodynamic State from Synergistic Use of Radio Occultation and Hyperspectral Infrared Radiances Observations
Liu, C. Y.
P51A-2050Abstract Title: An exploration of the trans-Neptunian region through stellar occultations and MIOSOTYS.
Liu, C.
B21D-0491Abstract Title: Dynamic Linkages between Denitrification Functional Genes/Enzymes and Biogeochemical Reaction Rates of Nitrate and Its Reduction Products, B21D-0493Abstract Title: Effects of Soil Texture and Heterogeneity on Optimal Water Content for Carbon Decomposition, B23E-0635Abstract Title: Pore-scale insights to the rate of organic carbon degradation and biofilm formation under variable hydro-biogeochemical conditions in soils and sediments, H33C-1615Abstract Title: Dynamic Kinetics of Nitrogen Cycle in Groundwater-Surface Water Interaction Zone at Hanford Site
Liu, C.
EP13B-0958Abstract Title: Investigation of Mg isotope fractionation during low temperature precipitation of dolomite analogue minerals BaMg(CO3)2 and PbMg(CO3)2 PbMg(CO3)2
Liu, C.
MR13A-2678Abstract Title: A Raman Spectroscopy and High-Speed Video Experimental Study: The Effect of Pressure on the Solid-Liquid Transformation Kinetics of N-octane
Liu, C.
T43B-2993Abstract Title: Water content and rheology of continental lower crust
Liu, C.
NH54A-02Abstract Title: Establishment of Stereo Multi-sensor Network for Giant Landslide Monitoring and its Deploy in Xishan landslide, Sichuan, China.
Liu, C. H.
B33E-0766Abstract Title: On the Single-Layer Hydraulics Model for Flows and Ventilation over Unban Areas in Stable Stratification
Liu, C. C.
G43C-05Abstract Title: Retrieval of Atmospheric Thermodynamic State from Synergistic Use of Radio Occultation and Hyperspectral Infrared Radiances Observations
Liu, C.
EP33A-1053Abstract Title: Grain velocity of bedload movement in an armored non-uniform mobile bed
Liu, C.
NH11B-1903Abstract Title: GIC due to Storm Sudden Commencement in Low Latitude High-Voltage Power Network in China: Observation and Simulation
Liu, C.
AE12A-08Abstract Title: Total Storm Conduction Currents Derived Using a Global Climate Model, AE31C-0458Abstract Title: Conduction Currents in Oceanic and Continental electrified Clouds, AE31C-0460Abstract Title: On the Variations of Electricity, Lightning and Storm Properties, A41E-0108Abstract Title: Impact of deep convection to water vapor vertical transport in the lower stratosphere at high latitudes, A51F-0117Abstract Title: Organized precipitating systems in tropics and their environmental characteristics, H13H-1653Abstract Title: Weak Linkage between the Heaviest Rainfall and Tallest Storms
Liu, D.
GC13B-1144Abstract Title: The spatial patterns of soil respiration regulated by biological and environmental variables along a precipitation gradient
Liu, D.
A24A-04Abstract Title: Analysis of Characteristics of Dust Aerosols in Northwest China based on Satellite Remote-sensing Data
Liu, D.
SM13B-2496Abstract Title: The Possible Responses Of Polar Ozone Depletion To Solar Proton Events In 2012 By FY-3 Satellite Observations
Liu, D.
A11C-0051Abstract Title: The importance of Asia as a source of black carbon to the European Arctic during springtime 2013, A24B-07Abstract Title: Characterising Biomass Burning Aerosol in WRF-Chem using the Volatility Basis Set, with Evaluation against SAMBBA Flight Data, A24C-01Abstract Title: Understanding the Processes Controlling Aerosol-Cloud Interactions in the Arctic Marine Boundary Layer, A41R-06Abstract Title: Decadal changes in aerosol absorption across Brazil resulting from changes in biomass burning practices
Liu, D.
H13C-1538Abstract Title: A modified Green-Ampt model for water infiltration and preferential flow
Liu, D.
EP53A-0941Abstract Title: Revelation of the interactions between bedload and turbulent flow in open channels using a LES-DEM coupled model
Liu, D.
H33D-1634Abstract Title: Diagnosing the Land-Atmosphere Interactions of Tibetan Plateau and Their Impact on the Subsequent Climate Changes over Asia
Liu, D.
V21C-3042Abstract Title: Identifying Mantle Carbonatite Metasomatism through Os-Sr-Mg Isotopes in Tibetan Ultrapotassic Rocks, V23B-3116Abstract Title: The Geochronology and Geochemistry of Highly Fractionated I-type Granite within Gangdese batholith in Sangri Area, South Tibet, V23B-3142Abstract Title: Early Jurassic Volcanism in the South Lhasa Terrane, Southern Tibet: Record of Back-arc Extension in the Active Continental Margin
Liu, D.
A24A-05Abstract Title: Profile of heating rate due to aerosols using lidar and skyradiometer in SKYNET Hefei site
Liu, D.
V33B-3086Abstract Title: Volcanic Debris Flows of the Latest Paleozoic Arbasay Formation: Geomorphological Characters and Paleoenvironment Reconstruction of Northern Tian Shan, NW China
Liu, D.
MR31B-07Abstract Title: Structure, Frictional Melting and Fault Weakening during the 2008 Mw 7.9 Wenchuan Earthquake Slip: Observation from the WFSD Drilling Core Samples, MR33B-2658Abstract Title: Fault-rock Magnetism from Wenchuan earthquake Fault Scientific Drilling project (WFSD) Implies the Different Slip Dynamics
Liu, D.
AE31C-0456Abstract Title: Lightning characteristics related to radar morphology in linear convective systems over North China plain
Liu, E. J.
V44C-03Abstract Title: What Controls the Sizes and Shapes of Volcanic Ash? Integrating Morphological, Textural and Geochemical Ash Properties to Decipher Eruptive Processes
Liu, F.
DI31A-2567Abstract Title: Magnesium and calcium isotopic characteristics of Tengchong volcanics: Recycling of marine carbonates into the SE Tibetan mantle
Liu, F.
GC13C-1168Abstract Title: Spatial pattern of land use intensity in China
Liu, F.
H31D-1447Abstract Title: Source Water Flow Pathways In Forested, Mountain, Headwater Streams: A Link Between Sediment Movement Patterns And Stream Water Chemistry., H33C-1625Abstract Title: The Importance of Groundwater in Regulating Stream Water Quantity and Quality in a Claypan Watershed in Missouri
Liu, F.
ED41A-0833Abstract Title: Assessing the Groundwater Concentrations and Geographical Distribution of Arsenic in Nepal
Liu, F.
H43A-1466Abstract Title: River geometry challenges for large-scale dynamic river modeling 
Liu, F.
OS51A-1979Abstract Title: Understanding the El Niño-like Oceanic Response in the Tropical Pacific to Global Warming
Liu, G.
NS52A-02Abstract Title: Groundwater flux characterization using distributed temperature sensing: Separating advection from thermal conduction
Liu, G.
GC31D-1221Abstract Title: Climate applications for NOAA 1/4° Daily Optimum Interpolation Sea Surface Temperature
H41E-1378Abstract Title: On the Development of an Integrated Hydrologic, Hydraulic, and Inverse Modeling Approach for Estimating Discharges and Water Depths for Ungauged Rivers from Space
Liu, G. R. Sr
A23A-0281Abstract Title: Discrimination Biomass Burning Particles from Anthropogenic Pollutants in Spectral Property of Satellite and Ground-based Observations, G43C-05Abstract Title: Retrieval of Atmospheric Thermodynamic State from Synergistic Use of Radio Occultation and Hyperspectral Infrared Radiances Observations
Liu, G. T.
G33B-1137Abstract Title: Detectability of Water Level along Yaluzangbu River Demonstrated by Envisat, Jason-2, and SARAL/AltiKa, G33B-1138Abstract Title: Integrated Optical and SAR Imagery with DEM to Quantify Glacier Water Storage Change in Upper Mekong River Basin
Liu, G.
NH43A-1864Abstract Title: Spatial and temporal variations of the Longxi river channel in Sichuan province after the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake, China
Liu, G.
P21A-2067Abstract Title: MAVEN observations of atmospheric waves in the Martian upper atmosphere, SA41B-2331Abstract Title: Tidal Variability during the Current Peak in the El-Nino Southern Oscillation
Liu, G.
S13B-2830Abstract Title: Remote Triggering of Microearthquakes in the Piton de la Fournaise and Changbaishan Volcanoes
Liu, G.
T21A-2785Abstract Title: Crust and upper mantle electrical structure of Haiyuan-Liupanshan Thrust Belt and its vicinity revealed by magnetotelluric(MT) detection
Liu, H.
H34D-07Abstract Title: Models and Techniques That Project an Arid Greenhouse Future Also Project a Wet Last Glacial Maximum, Contrary to Pollen and Dust Evidence
Liu, H.
SA31C-2354Abstract Title: Global Budget of Gravity Wave Momentum and Energy Fluxes, SA41B-2325Abstract Title: Evaluation of Tides and Their Impacts on Ionosphere Electrodynamics in WACCM-X
Liu, H.
DI42A-08Abstract Title: Synthesis of Xenon and Iron/Nickel Intermetallic Compounds Under the Thermodynamic Conditions of the Earth's Core.
Liu, H.
A33I-0299Abstract Title: Introducing a 16-years (2000-2015) Atmospheric River Database using SSM/I and GOES Satellite Information, GC31D-1216Abstract Title: Introduction to CHRS CONNECT - a global extreme precipitation event database using object-oriented approach
Liu, H.
B21G-0555Abstract Title: Simulating spatiotemporal variation in full-flowering dates for tree peonies (1955-2011) in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River, China: using a panel data model
Liu, H.
A51P-0305Abstract Title: A Dynamical Initialization Scheme for Binary Tropical Cyclones
Liu, H.
MR11AAbstract Title: Advanced Experimental and Analytical Techniques for Mineralogy and Mineral Physics I, MR13AAbstract Title: Advanced Experimental and Analytical Techniques for Mineralogy and Mineral Physics II Posters, MR13A-2680Abstract Title: Pressure mapping for sphere and half-sphere enhanced diamond anvil cells using synchrotron x-ray diffraction and fluorescence techniques
Liu, H.
H21J-1525Abstract Title: Life-cycle Energy Consumption of Urban Water System in Shenzhen, China
Liu, H.
B51F-0495Abstract Title: Carbon dioxide fluxes associated with synoptic weather events over a southern inland water, ED33D-0956Abstract Title: Surface Energy Budget Components Over an Arid Scrubland Site in Idaho
Liu, H.
S23C-2750Abstract Title: Scattering resonance of elastic wave and low-frequency equivalent slow wave
Liu, H.
S43D-2835Abstract Title: Shallow Structure of the Main Himalayan Thrust from Relocated 2015 MW7.8 Gorkha, Nepal Aftershocks, T11F-04Abstract Title: Density and Magnetization Intensity of crust and uppermost mantle across Northern Margin of Tibetan Plateau
Liu, H.
A31C-0059Abstract Title: Monitoring Satellite-derived Surface Solar Radiation with Near Real Time Reference Data
Liu, H.
C11C-0784Abstract Title: Final Results From the Circumarctic Lakes Observation Network (CALON) Project, C53C-0790Abstract Title: Examination of upstream flow dynamics in response to the front retreat of ice shelves with different geometric configurations
Liu, H.
A21B-0124Abstract Title: Are Cloud Processes Key Drivers of UTLS Chemistry and Constituent Variability?, A43C-0293Abstract Title: Variability and Sources of Tropospheric Aerosols Over the North Atlantic in Fall: A Model Analysis in Support of the NASA NAAMES Earth-Venture Suborbital-2 Mission
Liu, H.
NS23A-1950Abstract Title: Effect Analysis of Gradient Air-gun Source for Exploration, S41B-2714Abstract Title: Seismic While Drilling Case Study in Shengli Oilfield, Eastern China, S42B-05Abstract Title: Monitoring 2015 Nepal aftershocks with the deployment of a TEXAN array in southern Tibet, China, T41B-2875Abstract Title: Fault Patterns in the South Yellow Sea Revealed by Integrated Geophysical Observations
Liu, H.
MR11A-09Abstract Title: Study of pressure induced polyamorphic transition in Ce-based ternary BMG using in situ x-ray scattering and electrical conductivity measurement
Liu, H.
H43F-1585Abstract Title: Preparation and Characterization of the Activated Carbon-Nylon Beads: Novel Material for In Situ Microbe Sampler and Microcosm Experiment in Groundwater Environment
Liu, H.
SH21B-2402Abstract Title: Improvements of the shock arrival times at the Earth model STOA
Liu, H.
SA41B-2332Abstract Title: Interannual variability in the thermosphere
Liu, J. Y.
NH21AAbstract Title: Interdisciplinary Study of Pre-earthquake Processes: Observation, Modeling, and Forecasting I Posters, NH21A-1809Abstract Title: Seismo-Ionospheric Precursor in the GIM TEC of the 24 August 2014 M6 Napa Earthquake, NH21A-1810Abstract Title: A statistical investigation of z test and ROC curve on seismo-ionospheric anomalies in TEC associated earthquakes in Taiwan during 1999-2014, NH21C-1829Abstract Title: Seismo-traveling ionospheric disturbances of earthquake and tsunami waves observed by space- and ground-based GPS receivers, NH21C-1834Abstract Title: Ionospheric F2 region perturbed by the 25 April 2015 Nepal earthquake, NH32BAbstract Title: Interdisciplinary Study of Pre-earthquake Processes: Observation, Modeling, and Forecasting II
Liu, J.
H13H-1645Abstract Title: The Connection Between Hurricanes and Precipitation in Maryland
Liu, J. T.
NH23B-1885Abstract Title: Impact of Submarine Geohazards on Organic Carbon Burial Offshore Southwestern Taiwan
Liu, J.
A43G-0381Abstract Title: Baseline Carbon Monoxide and Ozone in the Northeast U.S. Over 2001 – 2010
Liu, J.
H51K-1543Abstract Title: Quantitative contribution of climate change and human activities on flood-season streamflow in the middle of Loess Plateau, China
Liu, J.
MR23B-2647Abstract Title: Magnetic phase diagrams and thermal equations of state of Fe7C3 and Fe3C up to the pressure-temperature conditions of Earth’s core, V23E-08Abstract Title: Alternative hypothese for the origin of the ultra-low velocity zones
Liu, J.
SH31B-2405Abstract Title: On the Observation and Simulation of Solar Coronal Twin Jets
Liu, J.
PP23A-2286Abstract Title: Different Influences on Tropical Pacific SST Gradient from Natural Forcing and Anthropogenic Forcing
Liu, J.
NH43B-1883Abstract Title: a model based on crowsourcing for detecting natural hazards
Liu, J.
H43F-1585Abstract Title: Preparation and Characterization of the Activated Carbon-Nylon Beads: Novel Material for In Situ Microbe Sampler and Microcosm Experiment in Groundwater Environment
Liu, J.
SM13C-2502Abstract Title: Ion acceleration and reflection on magnetotail antidipolarization fronts, SM13DAbstract Title: The Role of Magnetotail Transients in Magnetospheric Dynamics: Recent Progress in Observations and Simulations I Posters, SM13D-2541Abstract Title: Magnetotail flux accumulation leading to auroral expansion and a substorm current wedge: case study, SM13D-2544Abstract Title: On the generation of magnetic dips ahead of advancing dipolarization fronts, SM13D-2555Abstract Title: Plasmasphere pulsations observed simultaneously by midlatitude SuperDARN radars, ground magnetometers and THEMIS spacecraft during an auroral substorm, SM22AAbstract Title: The Role of Magnetotail Transients in Magnetospheric Dynamics: Recent Progress in Observations and Simulations II, SM41F-2557Abstract Title: Acceleration of ions by electric field pulses in the inner magnetosphere, SM41F-2558Abstract Title: Dipolarizing flux bundles in the cis-geosynchronous magnetosphere: relationship between electric fields and energetic particle injections, SM51D-2588Abstract Title: Multipoint Satellite and Ground Observations of the Injection Region
Liu, J.
NS23A-1944Abstract Title: Microseismic response characteristics modeling and locating of underground water supply pipe leak, NS31A-1954Abstract Title: A feasible research of rock porosity and water saturation impact on audio-magnetotelluric propagation in porous media
Liu, J.
P11B-2076Abstract Title: Ground Verification Test of Lunar Mineralogical Spectrometer on the Chang’e 5 Lunar Sample Return Lander
Liu, J.
SM13B-2493Abstract Title: Observations of ULF Waves at the Cusp Latitude in the two Hemispheres
Liu, J.
H31D-1443Abstract Title: Hydrological Responses of Climate and Land Use/Cover Changes in Tao’er River Basin Based on the SWAT Model
Liu, J.
T23B-2946Abstract Title: The Process and Reason of the Change of Oil-Water Contact of Shahejie Formation in BZ25-1 Oilfield
Liu, J.
H43E-1547Abstract Title: Consistency analysis of the water cycle from recently derived satellite products
Liu, J.
GC31E-1237Abstract Title: Energy for Water Utilization in China and Policy Implications for Integrated Planning
Liu, J.
MR41B-2632Abstract Title: Identification and characterization of individual fractures in 3D networks of microtomography – a first step towards multi-scale analysis of reservoir fractures
Liu, J.
V21C-3060Abstract Title: Structural Stability and Mobility of Carbonate Minerals and Melts in the Earth’s Mantle
Liu, J.
EP53B-1015Abstract Title: Millennial-scale hard rock erosion rates deduced from luminescence-depth profiles
Liu, J.
T12B-07Abstract Title: Biomarker isotope and soil tetraether records of the paleotopographic and paleoenvironmental history of the SE margin of Tibet, T44A-04Abstract Title: Fault segmentation and earthquake history of the Kunlun fault, China, T54A-05Abstract Title: Slip rates across the sinistral slip fault system of the Shan Plateau, northern SE Asia
Liu, J.
SA24A-07Abstract Title: Profiles of Ionospheric Storm-enhanced Density during the 17 March 2015 Great Storm, SA31D-2368Abstract Title: Large Scale Ionospheric Response During March 17, 2013 Geomagnetic Storm: Reanalysis Based on Multiple Satellites Observations and TIEGCM Simulations, SA44A-04Abstract Title: Formation of Polar Ionospheric Tongue of Ionization during Minor Geomagnetic Disturbed Conditions
Liu, J.
GC32B-02Abstract Title: Trade in water and commodities as adaptations to global change
Liu, J.
P11A-2064Abstract Title: Tungsten residence in silicate rocks: implications for interpreting W isotopic compositions
Liu, J.
GC13F-1212Abstract Title: Estimating Ecosystem Carbon Stock Change in the Conterminous United States from 1971 to 2010
C51A-0662Abstract Title: Revisiting the potential of melt pond fraction as a predictor for the seasonal Arctic sea ice extent minimum, C51A-0667Abstract Title: Stratospheric Ozone-induced Indirect Radiative Effects on Antarctic Sea Ice
Liu, J.
A21A-0091Abstract Title: Online Measurements and Modeling of Isoprene Photo-oxidation Products: Insights from the Laboratory and SOAS Field Campaign, A41M-01Abstract Title: Brown Carbon: Results From Ground and Airborne Studies
Liu, J. C.
ED53A-0845Abstract Title: Design and Assessment of a General Science STEM Course with a Blended Learning Approach
Liu, J.
PP11A-2214Abstract Title: A Method for Constraining Glacial Boulder Exposure Ages with Bedrock Erosion Rates Utilizing Cosmogenic Ne-21 from the Central Transantarctic Mountains, V23B-3118Abstract Title: Zircon Geochemistry of Granitic Rocks from Ong Valley and Moraine Canyon in the Central Transantarctic Mountains, Antarctica
Liu, J.
C41A-0687Abstract Title: Elevation Changes of LAS, East Antarctica, Derived From ICESat and CryoSat-2 Altimetric Data
Liu, J.
A33D-0186Abstract Title: Optical Properties and Mixing State of Aerosols from Residential Wood Burning and Vehicle Emissions in Central and Southern California
Liu, J.
B53G-0640Abstract Title: Soil NO315N compositions of plant-soil ecosystems on the Chinese Loess Plateau
Liu, J.
A33D-0206Abstract Title: Inference of Spatiotemporal Distribution of Black Carbon Aerosols over Northern Pacific from Satellite Observations (2005-2012), A51B-0034Abstract Title: Effects of trans-Eurasian transport of anthropogenic pollutants on surface ozone concentrations over China
Liu, J.
A32F-06Abstract Title: Source attribution of interannual variability of tropospheric ozone over the southern hemisphere
Liu, J.
A14B-03Abstract Title: Attributing Methane and Ozone Radiative Forcing to Changes in Precursor Emissions: Constraints on Atmospheric Oxidation from Multiple Satellite Instruments and Adjoint Sensitivity Analysis, A31B-0041Abstract Title: A Method to Validate Posterior CO2 Fluxes from Atmospheric Inversion, A33F-0238Abstract Title: Impact of drought on the CO2 atmospheric growth rate 2010-2012 from the NASA Carbon Monitoring System Flux (CMS-Flux) Project, A41I-0201Abstract Title: A Mesoscale Modeling Framework for Assessing Inversion Uncertainty Due to Atmospheric Transport in XCO2 Atmospheric Inversions, A53H-05Abstract Title: OCO-2 observations of Africa fire CO2 emissions
Liu, J.
P23A-2118Abstract Title: Contrasting Responses to Orbital Precession on Titan and Earth
Liu, J.
SM13B-2493Abstract Title: Observations of ULF Waves at the Cusp Latitude in the two Hemispheres
Liu, J. C.
C21B-0734Abstract Title: Topography and Radiative Forcing Patterns on Glaciers in the Karakoram Himalaya
Liu, K.
IN43B-1726Abstract Title: Rasdaman for Big Spatial Raster Data
Liu, K.
B21A-0417Abstract Title: Importance of Tetrahedral Iron during Microbial Reduction of Clay Mineral NAu-2, B21A-0418Abstract Title: Iron Isotope Fractionation Reveals Structural Change upon Microbial and Chemical Reduction of Nontronite NAu-1
Liu, K.
H33B-1579Abstract Title: Evaluation of vegetative fraction coverage (VFC) parameter for modeling urban heat fluxes using two remote sensing-based surface energy balance models of Landsat TM data
Liu, K.
SM51F-07Abstract Title: Linear growth and nonlinear saturation of proton ring-driven instabilities in the inner magnetosphere: Linear theory and PIC simulations
Liu, K. H.
DI11C-2616Abstract Title: Preliminary Observations of the Mantle Transition Zone Beneath South America from Non-Plane Wave Stacking of P-to-S Receiver Functions, DI13B-2652Abstract Title: Mantle Transition Zone Discontinuities Beneath Alaska, DI21A-2586Abstract Title: Crustal and mantle seismic anisotropy beneath the ‘Great Lakes Mantle Divot’ and adjacent areas: Constraints from shear-wave splitting measurements, DI21A-2598Abstract Title: Applicability of the Multiple-event Stacking Technique for Shear-wave Splitting Analysis, S53A-2788Abstract Title: Seismic anisotropy and mantle dynamics beneath the southeastern United States inferred from shear-wave splitting analysis, T11D-2923Abstract Title: Determining Crustal Structure beneath the New Madrid Seismic Zone and Adjacent Areas: Application of a Reverberation-removal Filter, T13B-3007Abstract Title: Seismological Investigations of Crustal and Mantle Structure and Dynamics beneath North-central Africa, T21D-2856Abstract Title: Seismic Anisotropy Beneath Northeast China Revealed by Shear-wave Splitting Analyses, T43H-01Abstract Title: Teleseismic Investigations of the Malawi and Luangwa Rift Zones: Ongoing Observations From the SAFARI Experiment, T51G-3007Abstract Title: CRUSTAL STRUCTURE BENEATH THE LUANGWA RIFT, ZAMBIA: CONSTRAINTS FROM POTENTIAL FIELD DATA, T51G-3008Abstract Title: Seismological Investigations of Crustal and Mantle Structures Beneath the Incipient Okavango Rift
Liu, K.
MR41B-2632Abstract Title: Identification and characterization of individual fractures in 3D networks of microtomography – a first step towards multi-scale analysis of reservoir fractures
Liu, K. S.
S33A-2741Abstract Title: Microzonation of Seismic Hazards and Estimation of Human Fatality for Scenario Earthquakes in Chianan Area, Taiwan
Liu, L.
A21A-0034Abstract Title: Use of Historical Measurements to Constrain a Black Carbon Emission Inventory of the United States from 1960s to 2000s
Liu, L.
B51L-08Abstract Title: Mapping afforestation and its carbon stock using time-series Landsat stacks
Liu, L.
SM12A-07Abstract Title: Statistics on the plasma properties in the magnetosheath and the efficiency of magnetopause reconnection, SM13C-2523Abstract Title: Controls of Earth's dipole tilt angle and background magnetosheath flow to the locations of reconnection sites on the magnetopasue
Liu, L.
SH13D-2456Abstract Title: CME Productivity of Active Regions.
Liu, L.
DI13B-2669Abstract Title: A Systematic Study on the Formation of South American Flat-Slab Subduction, S13DAbstract Title: Seismology Contributions: Earthquakes II, S13D-06Abstract Title: Differential Contraction of Subducted Lithosphere Layers Generates Deep Earthquakes, T34B-08Abstract Title: Dynamic Subsidence across the Late Cretaceous Western Interior Basin in Response to Farallon Slab Subduction, V23C-04Abstract Title: Post-Eocene Subduction Dynamics and Mantle Flow beneath Western U.S., V31E-3069Abstract Title: Investigating Late Cenozoic Mantle Dynamics beneath Yellowstone
Liu, L.
C51C-0735Abstract Title: Investigating the Controlling Factors of Transient Speed Variations in Upernavik Isstrøm Outlet Glaciers Through the Community Ice Sheet Model, GC22C-08Abstract Title: USING PSINSAR TO DETECT THERMOKARST-INDUCED SURFACE SUBSIDENCE IN EBOLING MOUNTAIN ON THE QINGHAI-TIBET PLATEAU OF CHINA, GC23J-1221Abstract Title: Post-fire Thermokarst Development Along a Planned Road Corridor in Arctic Alaska, G11CAbstract Title: Scientific Exploration of the Earth with Multimodal Remote Sensing: InSAR and the New Sentinel-3 Mission I, G21BAbstract Title: Scientific Exploration of the Earth with Multimodal Remote Sensing: InSAR and the New Sentinel-3 Mission II Posters, G54A-06Abstract Title: Annual Variations in GPS-measured Loading Deformation near Upernavik Isstrøms, Greenland
Liu, L.
T11D-2923Abstract Title: Determining Crustal Structure beneath the New Madrid Seismic Zone and Adjacent Areas: Application of a Reverberation-removal Filter
Liu, L.
IN34B-06Abstract Title: A System for Monitoring and Forecasting Land Surface Phenology Using Time Series of JPSS VIIRS Observations and Its Applications
Liu, L.
GC23L-1248Abstract Title: The state and their implication of Himalayan glacial lake changes from satellite observations
Liu, L. L.
MR13A-2681Abstract Title: Synchrotron x-ray high energy PDF and tomography studies for gallium melts under high-pressure conditions
Liu, L.
P43B-2112Abstract Title: Potential Persistence of Ground Ice at Gale Crater, Mars Constrained Using Curiosity Rover REMS Data
Liu, L.
GC31E-1227Abstract Title: Climate change impacts on thermoelectric-power generation in the United States, GC31E-1234Abstract Title: An Integrated Assessment of Water Scarcity Effects on Energy and Land Use Decisions and Mitigation Policies, H13G-1618Abstract Title: Trends and Implications of Stream Temperature for Energy and Fish Production
Liu, L.
H13C-1549Abstract Title: Hydrodynamics of Nutrients and E. coli Deposit and Resuspension in Surface Water
Liu, M.
A51P-0338Abstract Title: Climatology of extratropical transition for North Atlantic tropical cyclones in the high-resolution GFDL climate model
Liu, M.
A21I-07Abstract Title: POMINO: An improved satellite NO2 product and impacts on emission inversio, A51B-0014Abstract Title: A Novel Method to Analyze NO2 Spatiotemporal Variability Over Eastern China
Liu, M.
T21E-2904Abstract Title: Lithosphere delamination and topography evolution in collisional orogens
Liu, M. H.
SM51A-2528Abstract Title: SPDF Ancillary Services and Technologies Supporting Open Access, Use and Archiving of MMS Data
Liu, M.
GC23G-1200Abstract Title: Where should fine-resolution spatial heterogeneity be captured within Earth System Models?, H13I-1704Abstract Title: Is Snowpack Drought an Increasing Threat in the Pacific Northwest?
Liu, M.
AE13A-02Abstract Title: Beijing Lightning Network (BLNET): Configuration, Function and Preliminary Results
Liu, N.
SH21A-2378Abstract Title: Research of fast Magnetoacoustic Wave in Solar Atmosphere
Liu, N.
AE14A-01Abstract Title: Dynamics of a Relative Long Positive Streamer from an Isolated Hydrometeor, AE24A-03Abstract Title: A numerical study of negative sprites observed over two Florida storms, AE33A-0472Abstract Title: Relativistic Runaway Electron Avalanches in the Presence of an External Magnetic Field, AE33C-0509Abstract Title: An Analysis of Two Thunderstorms Producing Five Negative Sprites on 12 September 2014
Liu, P. W.
G44A-08Abstract Title: Satellite-based GNSS-R observations from TDS-1 for soil moisture studies in agricultural vegetation landscapes
Liu, P.
H13C-1536Abstract Title: Sediment Transport Processes under Extreme Rainfall Events Using Dynamic Downscaling Climate Change Projections
Liu, P.
A11K-0219Abstract Title: How Glassy States Affect Brown Carbon Production?
Liu, P.
A21A-0059Abstract Title: Understanding ozone formation and the radical budget during oil sands plume transport in the Athabasca region of Alberta
PP21A-2203Abstract Title: Theoretical estimation of 13C-D clumped isotope effects in methyl of several organic compound
Liu, Q.
IN52A-07Abstract Title: Condensing Massive Satellite Datasets For Rapid Interactive Analysis
Liu, Q.
T43B-3001Abstract Title: Tectonics and geochronology of the northern margin of the Zhongba terrane, Southern Tibet: implications for the closing processes of the western Neo-Tethys
Liu, Q.
A33E-0231Abstract Title: Satellite Albedo products Validation by Upscaling Multi-nodes in situ Data into a Satellite Pixel Scale over Heterogeneous Land Surface , A53B-0374Abstract Title: A comparison to schemes of ocean surface albedo parameterization and their impact on shortwave radiatation estimation, IN43B-1725Abstract Title: Optimized sampling strategy of Wireless sensor network for validation of remote sensing products over heterogeneous coarse-resolution pixel, SA51B-2401Abstract Title: A Modified Kriging Method to Interpolate the Soil Moisture Measured by Wireless Sensor Network with the Aid of Remote Sensing Images
A41K-0225Abstract Title: Evaluating the Impacts of N2O5 Heterogeneous Reaction and ClNO2 Production on Reactive Nitrogen and Tropospheric Ozone in Southern China
Liu, Q.
GC23L-1248Abstract Title: The state and their implication of Himalayan glacial lake changes from satellite observations
Liu, Q.
S41B-2757Abstract Title: Location of Body Wave Microseism Sources Using Three-Component Data From a Large Aperture Seismic Array in China
Liu, Q.
A13C-0330Abstract Title: Land Surface Water and Energy Estimates in the Global MERRA-2 Reanalysis
Liu, Q.
GP51A-1305Abstract Title: The biomineralization and fossilization of magnetotactic bacteria: Insights from experimental and field studies
Liu, Q.
DI53A-04Abstract Title: The heterogeneity spectrum of Earth’s upper mantle constrained by global observations of scattered P-waves, S11B-01Abstract Title: The influence of the Moho in local and teleseismic wavefield simulations, S23D-2768Abstract Title: EARA2014 (East Asia Radially Anisotropic Model Based on Adjoint Tomography) and its Interpretations: Insights to the Formation of the Hangai Dome and the Tibetan Plateau, S51A-2661Abstract Title: CMT Source Inversions for Massive Data Assimilation in Global Adjoint Tomography, T51D-2907Abstract Title: Multiscale Finite-frequency Seismic Imaging of the Southern Alaska Subduction Zone
Liu, Q.
A43D-0306Abstract Title: Distinct Patterns of Climate Response to Anthropogenic Aerosol Versus Greenhouse Gas Forcing
Liu, Q.
A21A-0009Abstract Title: Verification of CMAQ modeling with Discover-AQ campaigns against measurements and efficacy of emission inversion modeling, A24A-03Abstract Title: Community Radiative Transfer Model Applications - A Study of the Retrieval of Trace Gases in the Atmosphere from Cross-track Infrared Sounder (CrIS) Data of a Full-spectral Resolution, A33E-0226Abstract Title: Satellite EDR Evaluation with First Suomi NPP Cal/Val Campaign, H51H-1478Abstract Title: NOAA Unique CrIS/ATMS Processing System (NUCAPS) Environmental Data Record and Validation
Liu, R.
B43C-0573Abstract Title: GLOBMAP LAI: A long-term global Leaf Area Index (1982-2014) With Seperation of forest overstory and understory
Liu, R.
SH13A-2424Abstract Title: Downward catastrophe of solar magnetic flux ropes: another cause of flares?, SH13D-2457Abstract Title: Structure, Stability and Evolution of a Magnetic Flux Rope
Liu, R.
IN31C-1775Abstract Title: A Smart Modeling Framework for Integrating BMI-enabled Models as Web Services
Liu, R. S. S.
S41B-2726Abstract Title: Using Ocean-Bottom Seismometer (OBS) Data to Analyze Ambient Noise in the Huatung Basin Offshore Eastern Taiwan
Liu, S.
T11D-2934Abstract Title: Mantle Flow Pattern and Dynamic Topography beneath the Eastern US
Liu, S.
T34B-08Abstract Title: Dynamic Subsidence across the Late Cretaceous Western Interior Basin in Response to Farallon Slab Subduction
Liu, S.
C43F-01Abstract Title: Monitoring and modeling of cold region hydrological processes in a high mountain river basin in the upstream area of the Heihe River Basin of China, GC53F-1266Abstract Title: A Realistic Three-dimensional Scene Model (RTDS) for simulating the Surface Temperature over Sparsely Vegetated Surface from a Remote Sensor and First Results, H43C-1512Abstract Title: An integrated multiscale river basin observing system in the Heihe River Basin, northwest China, H51D-1403Abstract Title: Influence of Scale Effect and Model Performance in Downscaling ASTER Land Surface Temperatures to a Very High Spatial Resolution in an Agricultural Area, H51G-1460Abstract Title: Prediction of Turbulent Heat Fluxes by Assimilation of Remotely Sensed Land Surface Temperature and Soil Moisture Data into an Ensemble-Based Data Assimilation Framework
Liu, S.
T23B-2950Abstract Title: Estimation of subsurface formation temperature in the Yangtze area, South China: implications for shale gas generation and preservation
Liu, S.
G23C-06Abstract Title: Differentiation of Secular and Postseismic Deformation in the Mojave Shear Zone in Southern California and Inference of Lithospheric Rheology
Liu, S. C.
GC53B-1197Abstract Title: Trends of regional precipitation and their control mechanisms during the 1979–2013 global warming
Liu, S.
PP21C-2261Abstract Title: Records of the paleoclimate during the fast transgression period (13 ka BP-8 ka BP) from the mud area on the inner shelf of the East China Sea
Liu, S.
NH43B-1883Abstract Title: a model based on crowsourcing for detecting natural hazards
Liu, S.
C41A-0687Abstract Title: Elevation Changes of LAS, East Antarctica, Derived From ICESat and CryoSat-2 Altimetric Data
Liu, S.
GC23L-1248Abstract Title: The state and their implication of Himalayan glacial lake changes from satellite observations
Liu, S.
H43JAbstract Title: Modeling Hydrological Processes and Changes I, H43J-07Abstract Title: Basin Management under the Global Climate Change (Take North-East Asia Heilongjiang -Amur Basin and Taihu Basin For Example), H44CAbstract Title: Modeling Hydrological Processes and Changes II, H51KAbstract Title: Modeling Hydrological Processes and Changes III Posters, H51K-1536Abstract Title: Model Study on Potential Contributions of the Proposed Huangpu Gate to Flood Control in Taihu Lake Basin, H51K-1537Abstract Title: Method Study of Flood Hazard Analysis for Plain River Network Area, Taihu Basin, China
Liu, S.
SM21A-2474Abstract Title: Penetration of magnetosonic waves into the plasmasphere observed by the Van Allen Probes, SM21A-2475Abstract Title: Excitation and Propagation of Electromagnetic Waves: RBSP Observation and Modeling, SM21A-2512Abstract Title: Evolution of relativistic electron phase space density related to in-situ acceleration observed by Van Allen Probes
Liu, S.
NS31A-1949Abstract Title: Research on the Log Interpretation Method of Tuffaceous Sandstone Reservoirs of X Depression in Hailar-Tamtsag Basin
Liu, S. H.
SM31E-02Abstract Title: Study of Space Weather and Environment Effects on the Next-Generation Solar Cell Technology Flying on the AeroCube-6 Twin CubeSat Mission
Liu, S.
Liu, S.
H31J-08Abstract Title: Estimating land surface heat flux using radiometric surface temperature without the need for an extra resistance
Liu, T.
DI53A-08Abstract Title: High-pressure, temperature elasticity of Fe- and Al-bearing MgSiO3: implications for the Earth’s lower mantle, MR23B-2663Abstract Title: First-principles study of the elastic properties of aluminous phases and silica at high temperature and pressure, MR33D-05Abstract Title: First-principles calculation of the lattice thermal conductivity of the lower mantle
Liu, T.
T11B-2893Abstract Title: Lateral Variation of Crustal Structure Beneath a Stable Craton: Seismic Evidence from Ordos, China, T13G-03Abstract Title: Does the "mantle" helium signature provide useful information about lithospheric architecture of Tibet/Himalaya?
Liu, T.
H13L-1757Abstract Title: Assessment of Spatial and Temporal Variation of Surface Water Quality in Streams Affected by Coalbed Methane Development
Liu, T.
EP53A-0943Abstract Title: A New Method for Measuring River Sinuosity across Varying Length Scales
Liu, T. J. Y.
NH21A-1809Abstract Title: Seismo-Ionospheric Precursor in the GIM TEC of the 24 August 2014 M6 Napa Earthquake
Liu, T.
S33B-2756Abstract Title: Testing and Development of the Onsite Earthquake Early Warning Algorithm to Reduce Event Uncertainties
Liu, T.
H24A-03Abstract Title: Visualizing plumes of heavy metals and radionuclides
Liu, T. Y.
G13A-1005Abstract Title: Integration of GPS and InSAR Measurements for Kinematic Analysis of Crustal Deformation in Taiwan
Liu, T.
C23C-0800Abstract Title: Generation of the relationship between glacier area and volume for a tropical glacier in Bolivian Andes
Liu, T. K.
NH21A-1813Abstract Title: Radon and gamma rays anomalies observed in northern Taiwan: a possible connection with the seismicity near the subduction zone
Liu, T. C.
GC22B-02Abstract Title: Radiometric Quantification of Aurora Activities during Severe Geomagnetic Storms from SNPP VIIRS Day-Night Band Observations, SA31D-2360Abstract Title: Aurora Activities Observed by SNPP VIIRS Day-Night Band during St. Patrick’s Day, 2015 G4 Level Geomagnetic Storm
Liu, T. M.
H33I-1735Abstract Title: Assessing Impact of Climate Change on the Runoffs of Gilgel Abbay Watershed, the upper Blue Nile Basin, Ethiopia
Liu, W. T.
A43L-04Abstract Title: Measuring Stress in Tropical Cyclones, OS13A-2027Abstract Title: Salinity Effect on Ocean Surface Carbon Dioxide Fugacity
Liu, W.
A13A-0294Abstract Title: Model uncertainty in tropical rainfall projection: The crucial role of ocean warming pattern and atmospheric circulation coupling, OS51A-1974Abstract Title: Exploring the tropical Response to Global Warming via an Overriding Technique, SH54B-02Abstract Title: Flare-associated Fast-mode Coronal Wave Trains Discovered by SDO/AIA: Physical Properties and Implications
Liu, W.
SH22A-06Abstract Title: Fast Wave Trains Associated with Solar Eruptions: Insights from 3D Thermodynamic MHD Simulations, SH31B-2419Abstract Title: A self-consistent combined radiative transfer hydrodynamic and particle acceleration model for the X1.0 class flare on March 29, 2014
Liu, W.
GC13B-1144Abstract Title: The spatial patterns of soil respiration regulated by biological and environmental variables along a precipitation gradient
Liu, W.
NS23A-1940Abstract Title: Hydrocarbon Reservoir Prediction Using Bi-Gaussian S Transform Based Time-Frequency Analysis Approach
Liu, W.
B53G-0640Abstract Title: Soil NO315N compositions of plant-soil ecosystems on the Chinese Loess Plateau
Liu, W.
B33C-0712Abstract Title: Global warming alters carbon sink and source situation of the Tibetan lakes
Liu, W. L.
SM13C-2523Abstract Title: Controls of Earth's dipole tilt angle and background magnetosheath flow to the locations of reconnection sites on the magnetopasue
Liu, W.
T21A-2811Abstract Title: U-Pb zircon geochronology from the basement of the Central Qilian Shan: Implications for tectonic evolution of northeastern Tibetan Plateau
Liu, W.
H51J-1519Abstract Title: Li isotope geochemical study on weathering of granite in Longnan, Jiangxi Province, South China
Liu, W.
SM41G-2565Abstract Title: Dynamic plasmapause model based on THEMIS measurements
Liu, W.
H31F-1468Abstract Title: A Modified Formula of the First-order Approximation for Assessing the Contribution of Climate Change to Runoff Based on the Budyko Hypothesis , H31F-1469Abstract Title: The Inter-annual Variability of Controlling Parameter of Catchment Water Balance and Its Semi-empirical Formula Based on the Budyko Hypotheses, H33B-1583Abstract Title: Spatiotemporal Variability in Water-carbon Flux and Water Use Efficiency Over an Agro-Ecosystem in the Changwu Tableland of the Loess Plateau, China
Liu, X. J. A.
B33D-0731Abstract Title: Amounts of substrate carbon and nitrogen control the decomposition of soil organic matter
Liu, X.
DI53A-01Abstract Title: Reconcile Mantle Dynamic Models with Compositionally Distinct and Stable LLSVPs with the Observations of the Geoid and Dynamic Topography
Liu, X.
DI51B-2626Abstract Title: Delineation of Urban Active Faults Using Multi-scale Gravity Analysis in Shenzhen, South China
Liu, X.
B44B-03Abstract Title: Relationship between Trophic Status and Methanogenic Pathways in Alaskan Peatlands, GC51F-1162Abstract Title: Trophic Status Controls Mercury Methylation Pathways in Northern Peats
Liu, X.
SA13A-2309Abstract Title: Concentric Gravity Waves over Northern China Observed by a No-Gap OH Airglow Imager Network and Satellites, SA13A-2311Abstract Title: Five-day Waves in Polar Stratosphere and Mesosphere Temperature and Mesospheric Ice Water Measured by SOFIE/AIM
Liu, X.
H44F-02Abstract Title: Evaluating Water Sustainability across the High Plains Aquifer using Remote Sensing and Process-Based Hydrology Models
Liu, X. C.
SM13E-2558Abstract Title: Characteristics of inner and external geomagnetic Sq current system in China
Liu, X. D.
PP31B-2231Abstract Title: A Delayed Noeproterozoic Oceanic Oxygenation: Evidence from the Mo Isotope of the Cryogenian Datangpo Formation
Liu, X. M.
EP12B-06Abstract Title: Tracing the secular evolution of the UCC using the iron isotope composition of ancient glacial diamictites, PP31BAbstract Title: New Insights on Geochemical Cycles toward Redox Proxy Development and Application to the Ancient Ocean and Atmosphere I Posters, PP31B-2253Abstract Title: Evaluating the integrity of the Ce anomaly as a paleoredox tracer using modern marine carbonates, PP33EAbstract Title: New Insights on Geochemical Cycles toward Redox Proxy Development and Application to the Ancient Ocean and Atmosphere II, PP34BAbstract Title: New Insights on Geochemical Cycles toward Redox Proxy Development and Application to the Ancient Ocean and Atmosphere III, V44AAbstract Title: Geochemistry of Sediments and Sediment Recycling and Implications for Crust and Mantle Evolution over Earth History I
Liu, X. M.
V44AAbstract Title: Geochemistry of Sediments and Sediment Recycling and Implications for Crust and Mantle Evolution over Earth History I, V51BAbstract Title: Geochemistry of Sediments and Sediment Recycling and Implications for Crust and Mantle Evolution over Earth History II Posters
Liu, X.
EP53A-0941Abstract Title: Revelation of the interactions between bedload and turbulent flow in open channels using a LES-DEM coupled model
Liu, X.
A13B-0320Abstract Title: Direct Comparisons of Ice Cloud Macro- and Microphysical Properties Simulated by the Community Atmosphere Model CAM5 with HIPPO Aircraft Observations, A13B-0322Abstract Title: What Controls the Low Ice Number Concentration in the Upper Tropical Troposphere?, A31D-0092Abstract Title: Implementation and evaluation of the Modal Aerosol Model (MAM7) in GEOS-5, A33D-0204Abstract Title: Light absorption of black and brown carbon aerosols: comparison of an inventory-based model estimate and observations, A43C-0298Abstract Title: How much does sea spray aerosol organic matter impact clouds and radiation? Sensitivity studies in the Community Atmosphere Model, A44EAbstract Title: Wildfire in a Changing World: Interactions with Climate and Ecosystems I, A44E-03Abstract Title: Assessing the Impacts of Wildfire Aerosols on the Diurnal Cycles of Stratocumulus Clouds over Southeast Atlantic Using WRF-Chem, A51QAbstract Title: Wildfire in a Changing World: Interactions with Climate and Ecosystems II Posters, A51Q-0347Abstract Title: Contributions of wildfire to climate variability, A52D-07Abstract Title: Aerosol Indirect Effects on Cirrus Clouds in Global Aerosol-Climate Models
Liu, X.
C23C-0798Abstract Title: How much can Greenland melt? An upper bound on mass loss from the Greenland Ice Sheet through surface melting
Liu, X.
PP41A-2222Abstract Title: Changes in Tropical Precipitation at the Mid-Holocene: Role of the Oceanic Heat Transport
Liu, X.
P31A-2026Abstract Title: Preservation of Lipid Biomarkers Under Prolonged and Extreme Hyperaridity in Atacama Desert Soils
Liu, X.
GC23A-1124Abstract Title: Water Storage in Reservoirs Built from 1975 to 2012 Significantly Altered the Observed Runoff and Calculated Evapotranspiration Trends over China
Liu, X.
EP43A-0956Abstract Title: Characterization of detrital zircon U-Pb age patterns of the sandy and Gobi desert and implication for Chinese loess source
Liu, X.
A11T-06Abstract Title: Investigating Differences in Isoprene Oxidation Chemistry Between Gas-Phase Mechanisms Using a Constrained Chemical Box Model, A21A-0056Abstract Title: Roles of Chemistry, Microphysics and Transport in Wet Removal of Soluble Species in the DC3 Oklahoma May 29, 2012 Severe Storm
Liu, X.
T21D-2862Abstract Title: Seismic Velocity and Attenuation Images of the Nankai Subduction Zone: New Insight into Megathrust Earthquakes
Liu, X.
S33F-06Abstract Title: A Data-based Error Analysis for Cross-Correlations of Ambient Seismic Noise in Frequency Domain
Liu, X.
H21J-1521Abstract Title: Assessing Cost-effectiveness of Green Infrastructures in response to Large Storm Events at Household Scale
Liu, X.
GC13D-1184Abstract Title: Noah-MP-Crop: Enhancing cropland representation in the community land surface modeling system
Liu, X.
A21F-0216Abstract Title: Assessment of uncertainty in river flow extreme simulations for China using multiple forcings and hydrological models
Liu, X.
H11F-1403Abstract Title: Spatio-temporal variability of shallow groundwater quality in a typical agricultural catchment in subtropical central China
Liu, X.
A11G-0124Abstract Title: Characterizing bidirectional reflectance and spectral albedo of various land cover types in Midwest using GeoTASO Summer-2014 campaign, A11G-0127Abstract Title: Trace Gas Retrievals from the GeoTASO Aircraft Instrument, A11G-0128Abstract Title: A Sensitivity Study for the Wavelength Calibration of GeoTASO for KORUS-AQ Campaign, A14B-04Abstract Title: Factors controlling global tropospheric ozone: roles of isoprene chemistry, tropospheric halogen chemistry, convection, and lightning NOx sources, A21IAbstract Title: Advances in Remote Sensing of Fires, Aerosols, and Air Quality Trace Gases I, A21K-05Abstract Title: Status of Tropospheric Emissions: Monitoring of Pollution (TEMPO), A23AAbstract Title: Advances in Remote Sensing of Fires, Aerosols, and Air Quality Trace Gases II Posters, A23A-0260Abstract Title: Ozone Enhancement in the Lower Troposphere over Central and Eastern China as Observed from the space, A23A-0263Abstract Title: Satellite observations of NOx and VOC emissions from fires, A23A-0266Abstract Title: Improvement of GOME-2 Tropospheric Ozone Profile Retrievals from Joint UV/Visible Measurements, A23A-0269Abstract Title: Enhance Retrieval Sensitivity to Lower Tropospheric Ozone from OMI Measurements, A23A-0270Abstract Title: Ozone Profile Retrievals from the OMPS Nadir Mapper Satellite data, A23A-0272Abstract Title: Expected trace gas and aerosol retrieval accuracy of the Geostationary Environment Monitoring Spectrometer, A33E-0218Abstract Title: Validation of Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory's OMI Water Vapor Product, A41K-0229Abstract Title: OMI observations of bromine monoxide emissions from salt lakes, A43E-0329Abstract Title: Validation of 10 years of SAO OMI Ozone Profiles with Ozonesonde and MLS Observations, IN34B-08Abstract Title: Improved Ozone and Carbon Monoxide Profile Retrievals Using Multispectral Measurements from NASA “A Train”, NPP, and TROPOMI Satellites
Liu, X.
A33E-0224Abstract Title: Training and Validation of the Fast PCRTM_Solar Model, A33E-0226Abstract Title: Satellite EDR Evaluation with First Suomi NPP Cal/Val Campaign, A42A-02Abstract Title: Information Content and Sensitivity of the 3β+2α Lidar Measurement System for Microphysical Retrievals, A42A-03Abstract Title: Optimal Estimation Retrievals of Aerosol Microphysical Properties from High Spectral Resolution Lidar (HSRL) and Polarimeter Data, A51T-10Abstract Title: An Observationally Based Global Band-by-Band Surface Emissivity Dataset for Climate and Weather Modeling Effort
Liu, X.
SM41G-2565Abstract Title: Dynamic plasmapause model based on THEMIS measurements
Liu, X.
A31B-0047Abstract Title: Constraints on Anthropogenic NOx Emissions from Geostationary Satellite Observations in a Regional Chemical Data Assimilation System: Evaluation Using Observing System Simulation Experiments
B53F-0633Abstract Title: Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Global NDVI Trends: Correlations with Climate and Human Factors
Liu, Y.
S11A-2753Abstract Title: Earthquake relocation near the Leech River Fault, southern Vancouver Island, S11C-06Abstract Title: Remote Dynamic Triggering of Earthquakes in Three Canadian Shale Gas Basins Based on a Multi-station Matched-filter Approach with Dense Station Coverage, S11C-07Abstract Title: The Relationship Between Seismicity and the Oil and Gas Industry in Western Alberta and Eastern B.C., S13B-2818Abstract Title: Analysis of Seismicity Risk Increase Triggered by Longtan Reservoir, China, Using a Fully Coupled Poroelastic Model, S31A-2717Abstract Title: Episodic slow slip process in a non-planar fault model constrained by non-volcanic tremor locations along Cascadia subduction zone, T11A-2868Abstract Title: Seismicity of the St. Lawrence paleorift faults overprinted by a meteorite impact crater: Implications for crustal strength based on new earthquake relocations in the Charlevoix Seismic Zone, Eastern Canada, T43A-2959Abstract Title: Numerical simulation of earthquake rupture sequences on the Manila thrust fault: Effects of seamount subduction, T52B-08Abstract Title: Modeling Aseismic and Seismic Slip Induced by Fluid Injection on Pre-existing Faults Governed by Rate-and-state Friction
Liu, Y.
GC31B-1174Abstract Title: Regulations of evapotranspiration and ecosystem productivity from biophysical and human drivers in drylands Northern Eurasia, GC31EAbstract Title: The Water-Energy Nexus: Data, Impacts, and Opportunities I Posters, GC31E-1226Abstract Title: Global energy consumption for direct water use, GC31E-1234Abstract Title: An Integrated Assessment of Water Scarcity Effects on Energy and Land Use Decisions and Mitigation Policies, GC34DAbstract Title: The Water-Energy Nexus: Data, Impacts, and Opportunities II
Liu, Y.
B21G-0546Abstract Title: Phenological monitoring of Acadia National Park using Landsat, MODIS and VIIRS observations and fused data
Liu, Y.
T21A-2802Abstract Title: Increasing Seismicity in Yunnan, China after Wenchuan Earthquake Resulted from Stronger Push of Tibetan Plateau from Evidences of Seismic Velocity, GPS and Gravity
Liu, Y.
B43C-0573Abstract Title: GLOBMAP LAI: A long-term global Leaf Area Index (1982-2014) With Seperation of forest overstory and understory
Liu, Y.
A21A-0076Abstract Title: The Impact of Residential Combustion Emissions on Air Quality and Human Health in China, A23C-0335Abstract Title: Estimation of PM2.5 Concentrations in the Conterminous U.S. Using MODIS data and a Three-Stage Model, A51B-0019Abstract Title: WRF-Chem Simulation of Air Quality Over China in 2013, GC31C-1191Abstract Title: Differentiating Climate Change and Emissions Influence on Future Ozone and Health
Liu, Y.
Liu, Y.
GC33D-1327Abstract Title: Sampling Error Impacts on Climate Applications of Infrared Sea-Surface Temperature Fields
Liu, Y.
SH14A-06Abstract Title: Predicting the Interplanetary Magnetic Field using Approaches Based on Data Mining and Physical Models, SH23A-2429Abstract Title: SDO/HMI Vector Magnetic Field Observations of the Solar Polar Region, SH23A-2433Abstract Title: On the Hemispheric Rule of Magnetic Helicity in the Sun: Test with the Active Regions in Solar Cycle 24
Liu, Y.
A11H-0168Abstract Title: A Theoretical Framework for Utilizing Long-Term Measurements of Radiation and Clouds for Solar Energy Research, A21D-0164Abstract Title: RACORO Continental Boundary Layer Cloud Investigations: Large-Eddy Simulations of Cumulus Clouds and Evaluation with In-Situ and Ground-Based Observations, A21D-0165Abstract Title: Modifications to WRF’s dynamical core to improve the treatment of moisture for large-­eddy simulations, A22AAbstract Title: Cloud-Scale Processes: Modeling, Observation, and Parameterization for Larger Scale Models I, A22A-04Abstract Title: Relationships of Entrainment Rate with Dynamical and Thermodynamic Properties in Shallow Convection, A51DAbstract Title: Cloud-Scale Processes: Modeling, Observation, and Parameterization for Larger Scale Models II Posters, A51D-0083Abstract Title: Investigation of the Influences of Entrainment-mixing Processes on Cloud Microphysics Using a New Cloud Parcel Model and Observations, A51D-0090Abstract Title: Cloud microphysical relationships in continental stratocumulus clouds measured during the RACORO campaign, A51D-0093Abstract Title: Investigation on Different Parameterizations of Cloud Droplet Spectral Dispersion on Simulated Precipitation and Radiation in NCAR CAM5
Liu, Y.
H53D-1693Abstract Title: Efficient Bayesian parameter estimation with implicit sampling and surrogate modeling for a vadose zone hydrological problem
Liu, Y.
S13A-2790Abstract Title: Adjoint Tomography of 3-D Crustal Structure Beneath Northeast China Using Ambient Noise Derived Empirical Green’s Functions
Liu, Y.
H41A-1281Abstract Title: Role of Meteorological Controls on the Inter-annual Groundwater Dynamics of Wetlands in a Southeastern US Watershed
Liu, Y.
G51A-1071Abstract Title: Determination of the Ocean Tide Constituents Loading Based on GPS Measurements in the Chinese Offshore Islands
Liu, Y.
OS43B-06Abstract Title: Inter-Ocean Exchanges and Regional Sinks of Heat during the Warming Hiatus
Liu, Y.
B11C-0447Abstract Title: Ecosystem composition changes over the past millennium: model simulations and comparison with paleoecological observations, B14B-08Abstract Title: Millennial-scale drivers of carbon storage and flux in terrestrial ecosystem models
Liu, Y.
H13G-1616Abstract Title: Unintended consequence of managing the coupled humans and water: the irrigation efficiency paradox
Liu, Y.
A33J-0327Abstract Title: Impact of Land Surface Parameters on the Evaluation of East Asia Monsoon Precipitation
Liu, Y.
B53J-06Abstract Title: Satellite observations of the role and impacts of dry season climate limitations on tropical forest fates, H43H-1625Abstract Title: Comparing and Combining Surface Soil Moisture Products from AMSR2, H43H-1637Abstract Title: The Evaluation of an Integrated Land Surface – Groundwater Model Through Remote Sensing
Liu, Y.
GC11H-1114Abstract Title: Dynamic linear models using the Kalman filter for early detection and early warning of malaria outbreaks, GC11H-1115Abstract Title: Integrating Remote Sensing and Disease Surveillance to Forecast Malaria Epidemics
Liu, Y.
A41I-0172Abstract Title: A Study of CO2 Variation in China with Multi-Algorithm GOSAT Products
Liu, Y. C.
MR21A-2601Abstract Title: Mineralogical and chemical analyses of ancient glass beads from Taiwan and their implications
Liu, Y. H.
SM41I-07Abstract Title: The Structure of the Electron Diffusion Region in Asymmetric Magnetic Reconnection, SM51A-2522Abstract Title: Orientation of x-lines in asymmetric magnetic reconnection -- application to Earth's magnetopause
Liu, Y.
B13F-0677Abstract Title: Water Use Efficiency of China’s Terrestrial Ecosystems and Responses to Drought, B21E-0521Abstract Title: Impacts of Changes in Solar Radiation on Terrestrial Gross Primary Productivity of China
Liu, Y.
T21C-2841Abstract Title: Himalayan Strain Accumulation 100 ka Timescales, T51E-2964Abstract Title: Slip re-orientation in the oblique Abiquiu embayment, northern Rio Grande rift
Liu, Y.
S12B-01Abstract Title: Reverse Time migration Based on Internal Multiples
Liu, Y.
GC21F-06Abstract Title: Location and variation of the summertime upper‑troposphere temperature maximum and South Asian High over South Asia
Liu, Y.
A21A-0087Abstract Title: Accessing the Impact of Sea-Salt Emissions on Aerosol Chemical Formation and Deposition Over Pearl River Delta, China
Liu, Y.
G51A-1058Abstract Title: Improved method to detect and repair cycle slip for GNSS medium–-long baseline in real time marine surveys
Liu, Y.
A11T-07Abstract Title: FORCAsTing the Influence of a Forest Canopy on the Bi-Directional Exchange of Gases and Aerosols
Liu, Y.
B22D-03Abstract Title: Coupling soil Carbon Fluxes, Soil Microbes, and High-Resolution Carbon Profiling in Permafrost Transitions, B41A-0409Abstract Title: The Role of Groundwater and River water Interactions in Modulating Land Surface and Subsurface States and Fluxes: A Local-Scale Case Study along the Columbia River Shoreline, B43F-0612Abstract Title: Improved tropical forest biogenic VOC emission factors based on GoAmazon2014/5 airborne observations, H33J-05Abstract Title: Using Observations to Models to Understand the Effects of Irrigation, Groundwater Dynamics, Land Surface/Subsurface Heterogeneity on Land-Atmosphere-Cloud-Interactions: Evidence from the Southern Great Plains
Liu, Y.
SH14A-04Abstract Title: INSTANT: a Small Mission Concept to the Sun-Earth Lagrangian L5 Point for Innovative Solar, Heliospheric and Space Weather Sciences, SH42A-07Abstract Title: Transients in the outer heliosphere and interstellar medium., SH53A-2482Abstract Title: Impact of pickup ions on the shock front nonstationarity andenergy dissipation of the heliospheric termination shock:Two-dimensional full particle simulations and comparison withVoyager 2 observations, SM13C-2508Abstract Title: Transport of Solar Wind Across Earth’s Bow Shock
Liu, Y.
NS23A-1940Abstract Title: Hydrocarbon Reservoir Prediction Using Bi-Gaussian S Transform Based Time-Frequency Analysis Approach
Liu, Y. D.
SH42AAbstract Title: Evolution of Solar Wind Transients through the Heliosphere and Associated Space Weather Effects I, SH53AAbstract Title: Evolution of Solar Wind Transients through the Heliosphere and Associated Space Weather Effects II Posters, SH53A-2457Abstract Title: The role of active region coronal magnetic fi eld in determining coronal mass ejection propagation direction, SH53A-2471Abstract Title: Plasma and Magnetic Field Characteristics of Coronal Mass Ejections in Relation to Geomagnetic Storm Intensity and Variability
Liu, Y.
B31F-06Abstract Title: Soil organic carbon stock and change of forests in China 1980s-2010s
Liu, Y.
Liu, Y.
C41D-0745Abstract Title: Calibration and validation of the Suomi NPP ice surface temperature environmental data record, C52A-04Abstract Title: Application of Airborne Sea Ice Observations Towards Improving Satellite-based Products
Liu, Y.
A23H-07Abstract Title: Influence of anthropogenic emissions on the production of organic particulate matter during GoAmazon2014/5, A31A-0004Abstract Title: The impact of anthropogenic emissions on the otherwise pristine Amazonian rainforest: Insights on aerosol dynamics as observed during GoAmazon2014/5, A31A-0010Abstract Title: OH observations in a tropical rain forest environment using a chemical ionization mass spectrometry technique during GOAmazon intensive campaigns, A31A-0011Abstract Title: Characterizing the Chemical Complexity of Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds from Biomass Burning in Amazonia, A31A-0020Abstract Title: Emission and Chemistry of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) as Observed at T3: Contrast of the Dry and Wet Seasons
Liu, Y.
SH53A-2460Abstract Title: Coincidence of Heliospheric Current Sheet and Stream Interface: Implications for the Origin and Evolution of the Solar Wind, SM23B-2559Abstract Title: MIT: A Future Mission to Investigate Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere Coupling with Multipoint Observations
Liu, Y.
A44E-08Abstract Title: Experiments on the Multiphase Chemistry of Isocyanic Acid, HNCO.
Liu, Y.
A51B-0016Abstract Title: Driving forces in energy-related CO2 emissions in south and east coastal China: commonality and variations
Liu, Y.
SM13B-2493Abstract Title: Observations of ULF Waves at the Cusp Latitude in the two Hemispheres
Liu, Y.
GP13A-1266Abstract Title: Three-dimensional forward modelling and inversion of complex resistivity based on the improved quasi-linear approximation
Liu, Y.
A44EAbstract Title: Wildfire in a Changing World: Interactions with Climate and Ecosystems I, A44E-02Abstract Title: Climate Responses to Changes in Land-surface Properties due to Wildfires , A44E-07Abstract Title: Drought and Wildfire Impacts on Carbon and Water Cycles in Terrestrial Ecosystems, A51QAbstract Title: Wildfire in a Changing World: Interactions with Climate and Ecosystems II Posters, A51Q-0340Abstract Title: Empirical analysis and hydrological modeling of wildfire impacts on flow regimes in forest watersheds: Eastern vs. western United States, A51Q-0347Abstract Title: Contributions of wildfire to climate variability
Liu, Y.
V11B-3066Abstract Title: Paleo-Asian oceanic subduction-related modification of the lithospheric mantle under the North China Craton: evidence from peridotite xenoliths in the Datong basalts , V23B-3115Abstract Title: Spatial geochemistry variations of 130-135Ma A-type granites from the northern Zhejiang Province, South China: implication for crust-mantle interaction
Liu, Y.
A51D-0093Abstract Title: Investigation on Different Parameterizations of Cloud Droplet Spectral Dispersion on Simulated Precipitation and Radiation in NCAR CAM5
Liu, Y.
S21E-04Abstract Title: Wave Gradiometry and Helmholtz Equation Solutions Applied to USArray across the Contiguous U.S.
Liu, Y.
B21D-0491Abstract Title: Dynamic Linkages between Denitrification Functional Genes/Enzymes and Biogeochemical Reaction Rates of Nitrate and Its Reduction Products, B23E-0635Abstract Title: Pore-scale insights to the rate of organic carbon degradation and biofilm formation under variable hydro-biogeochemical conditions in soils and sediments, H33C-1615Abstract Title: Dynamic Kinetics of Nitrogen Cycle in Groundwater-Surface Water Interaction Zone at Hanford Site
Liu, Y.
A21E-0182Abstract Title: A Novel, Physics-Based Data Analytics Framework for Reducing Systematic Model Errors
Liu, Y.
B33D-0735Abstract Title: Dynamics of soil organic carbon and its fractions after revegetation on sand dunes in the Tengger Desert, Northern China
Liu, Y.
T11D-2924Abstract Title: Preliminary Results of Crustal Structure beneath the Wabash Valley Seismic Zone Using Teleseismic Receiver Functions and Ambient Noise Tomography
Liu, Y.
DI31A-2567Abstract Title: Magnesium and calcium isotopic characteristics of Tengchong volcanics: Recycling of marine carbonates into the SE Tibetan mantle
Liu, Y.
EP12B-07Abstract Title: Silicon isotope fractionation during the precipitation of quartz and the adsorption of H4SiO4(aq) on Fe(Ⅲ)-oxyhydroxide surfaces, EP13B-0950Abstract Title: Equilibrium and kinetic Si isotope fractionation factors and their implications on Si isotope distributions in the Earth’s surface environments, PP21A-2203Abstract Title: Theoretical estimation of 13C-D clumped isotope effects in methyl of several organic compound, V13A-3100Abstract Title: A theoretical model of isotopic fractionation by thermal diffusion and its implementation on silicate melts
Liu, Y.
H33C-1615Abstract Title: Dynamic Kinetics of Nitrogen Cycle in Groundwater-Surface Water Interaction Zone at Hanford Site
Liu, Y.
S53A-2788Abstract Title: Seismic anisotropy and mantle dynamics beneath the southeastern United States inferred from shear-wave splitting analysis
Liu, Y.
A33A-0122Abstract Title: Enabling Efficient Climate Science Workflows in High Performance Computing Environments, A51P-0334Abstract Title: Systematic Characterization of Cyclogenesis in High Resolution Climate Model Simulations, NH51F-1959Abstract Title: Deep Learning for Climate Pattern Detection
Liu, Y.
A52C-03Abstract Title: Evaluation of Diagnostic CO2 Flux and Transport Modeling in NU-WRF and GEOS-5
Liu, Y.
B11D-0474Abstract Title: Facilitated cell export and desorption of methylmercury by anaerobic bacteria
Liu, Y.
PP34A-01Abstract Title: Role of Seasonal Transitions and Westerly Jets in East Asian Paleoclimate
Liu, Z. Y. C.
P12B-01Abstract Title: Alluvial Fans on Titan Reveal Atmosphere and Surface Interactions and Material Transport, P23A-2114Abstract Title: Constraining planetary atmospheric density: application of heuristic search algorithms to aerodynamic modeling of impact ejecta trajectories
Liu, Z. IV
A43A-0236Abstract Title: Characterization of Atmospheric Aerosol Particles from a Mining City in Southwest China Using Electron Probe microanalysis
Liu, Z.
PP23C-2321Abstract Title: Tracing source, mixing and uptaking processes of carbon in an epikarst spring-pond system in southeastern Guizhou of China by carbon isotopes (13C-14C)
Liu, Z.
DI51B-2631Abstract Title: A Research on Deducing the East China Sea Shelf Basin by Jointing Gravity-magnetic and Seismic Data
Liu, Z.
A51B-0044Abstract Title: Observation of a Dust Storm during 2015 Spring over Beijing, China
Liu, Z.
A23B-0287Abstract Title: Atmospheric CO2 Variability Observed during ASCENDS Flight Campaigns, A23B-0288Abstract Title: Technology Advancements for Active Remote Sensing of Carbon Dioxide from Space using the ASCENDS CarbonHawk Experiment Simulator, A42B-07Abstract Title: Shortwave Direct Radiative Effects of Above Cloud Aerosols Over Global Oceans Derived From Eight Years of CALIOP and MODIS Observations, A43A-0258Abstract Title: Application of Fuzzy K-mean Method to the CALIOP/CALIPSO Layer Feature Classifications, A52F-08Abstract Title: Nearly a Decade of CALIPSO Observations of Asian and Saharan Dust Properties near Source and Transport Regions
Liu, Z.
T21C-2837Abstract Title: Weakly Coupled Lithospheric Extension in Southern Tibet
Liu, Z.
DI11C-2618Abstract Title: Seismological detection of “730-km” discontinuity beneath Japan subduction zone
Liu, Z.
A31B-0043Abstract Title: Inverse Estimation of California Methane Emissions and Their Uncertainties using FLEXPART-WRF
Liu, Z.
G54A-01Abstract Title: Sustained Water Changes in California during Drought and Heavy Precipitation Inferred from GPS, InSAR, and GRACE, S31A-2719Abstract Title: Investigate the Spatiotemporal Relationship Between Slow Slip Transients and Tremor in Cascadia Subduction Zone, S33E-08Abstract Title: Time-Dependent characteristics of Slow Slip Events beneath the Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica, U33A-03Abstract Title: The Advanced Rapid Imaging and Analysis (ARIA) Project’s Response to the April 25, 2015 M7.8 Nepal Earthquake: Rapid Measurements and Models for Science and Situational Awareness 
Liu, Z.
B34C-02Abstract Title: Urban Change: Understanding how expansion and densification relate to demographic change and their implications for climate change.
Liu, Z.
A13C-0340Abstract Title: The role of atmospheric synoptic conditions in the Beaufort and Chukchi seasonal ice zone
Liu, Z.
A31E-0100Abstract Title: Evolution and Forcing Mechanisms of El Niño over the Last 21,000 Years, PP43E-02Abstract Title: Glacial-Interglacial and Holocene N2O Stable Isotope Changes Constrain Terrestrial N Cycling
Liu, Z.
MR23B-2660Abstract Title: Stability of Pure Hydrous Silica at Geotherm Temperatures up to 70 GPa
Liu, Z.
A33J-0328Abstract Title: Numerical study of urbanization effect on a heavy storm event in Beijing
Liu, Z.
SM13C-2532Abstract Title: Quasi-continuous reconnection accompanied by FTEs observed by Double Star TC-1 during IMF Bz≈0 nT at dawn flank magnetopause, SM51A-2526Abstract Title: First Investigation on the Magnetic Curvature Distribution in the Magnetic Diffusion Region
PP43B-2261Abstract Title: Characteristics of variations of climate change and atmospheric CO2 concentration at different time scales over the past 500 Ma, T51F-2975Abstract Title: Tectonic Subsidence Analysis of the Pearl River Mouth Basin, Northern South China Sea
Liu, Z.
EP11A-06Abstract Title: Sedimentary dynamic processes of a contourite drift formation in the South China Sea: from long-term in situ observations to geological records, PP21C-2259Abstract Title: Downslope strengthening millennial-scale climatic change signals deduced from high-resolution clay mineralogy during the last glaciation in the northern South China Sea, PP33D-04Abstract Title: News insights of the hydrology of the Northwestern subtropical Pacific Ocean from εNd investigations of the South China Sea sediments, PP43A-2259Abstract Title: Influence of sea level change on sediment provenance variations since the last glaciation in the southern South China Sea
Liu, Z. Sr
B51D-0458Abstract Title: Climatic and Human Influence on Tropical Forest Degradation in West Africa
Liu, Z.
NH41C-1838Abstract Title: Dynamic Evolution of Multiple-generation Structures within Failed Granular Slopes: Analogue Models and Natural Landslides
Liu, Z.
A13C-0343Abstract Title: Pushing the Regional Arctic System Reanalysis to Higher Resolution: A comparison with the global ERA-Interim Reanalysis for the Arctic and Beyond
Liu, Z.
H13H-1645Abstract Title: The Connection Between Hurricanes and Precipitation in Maryland, H13H-1646Abstract Title: Explore GPM IMERG and Other Global Precipitation Products with GES DISC GIOVANNI, IN14A-07Abstract Title: Online tools for uncovering data quality issues in satellite-based global precipitation products, IN33B-1800Abstract Title: Curating Virtual Data Collections
Liu, Z.
A53D-06Abstract Title: Revising China’s energy consumption and carbon emissions
Liu, Z.
H51E-1421Abstract Title: Evaluation of multiple hydraulic models in generating design/near-real time flood inundation extents under various geophysical settings
Liu, Z.
C13C-0823Abstract Title: A Trace Gas Method of Evaluating Wind-enhancement of Interstitial Air Movement in Snow, NH41E-06Abstract Title: UAS and Distributed Temperature Sensing Reveal Previously Unseen Atmospheric Processes
Liu, Z.
SM13A-2479Abstract Title: THEMIS Observations of Tangential Discontinuity-Driven Foreshock Bubbles
Liu, Z.
B21B-0427Abstract Title: Effect of Freeze-Thaw Cycles on Grain Size of Biochar
Liukis, M.
S53A-2773Abstract Title: Recent Achievements of the Collaboratory for the Study of Earthquake Predictability
Liuzzo, L.
SM31B-2493Abstract Title: Modeling Callisto's Interaction with the Jovian Magnetospheric Environment
Liuzzo, M.
V11G-01Abstract Title: Multi-day, real-time measurements of CO2 concentration, CO2/SO2 ratios, and d13C of CO2 in volcanic plume
Livadiotis, G.
P43F-05Abstract Title: Possible Albedo Proton Signature of Hydrated Lunar Surface Layer, SH31AAbstract Title: Approaching Kappa Distributions: Statistical Background, Theoretical Developments, and Applications in Space Plasma Physics I Posters, SH31A-2387Abstract Title: Rankine–Hugoniot jump conditions incorporating kappa distributions, SH31A-2390Abstract Title: Misestimation of plasma temperature when applying a Maxwellian distribution to space plasmas described by kappa distributions, SH31A-2393Abstract Title: Characterizing Observations of Cometary Electrons with Kappa Distributions, SH33CAbstract Title: Approaching Kappa Distributions: Statistical Background, Theoretical Developments, and Applications in Space Plasma Physics II, SH41E-2411Abstract Title: The Local Interstellar Magnetic Field Determined from the IBEX Ribbon
Livelybrooks, D.
ED14A-07Abstract Title: Telepresence teacher professional development for physics and math constructs focused on US and Thai classrooms' TC-1 slinky seismometer networks, T12C-08Abstract Title: An Amphibious Magnetotelluric Investigation of the Cascadian Seismogenic and ETS zones., T44B-01Abstract Title: Along-Strike Electrical Conductivity Variations in the Incoming Plate and Shallow Forearc of the Cascadia Subduction Zone
Livengood, T. A.
ED54B-09Abstract Title: Morning Water on the Big Round Rock in the Sky, P41B-2073Abstract Title: Long-term Observations of Jovian Mid-Infrared Aurora, Hydrocarbon Abundances, and Temperature: Ground-based and Space-based Comparison and Preparation for Juno, P51D-07Abstract Title: How LEND sees the water on the Moon: the recent findings, P53B-2123Abstract Title: Regional and Latitude Variability in Diurnally Modulated Neutron Flux Measured by LRO/LEND
Livensperger, C.
B21G-0558Abstract Title: Multiple climate drivers accelerate Arctic plant community senescence
Liverman, D.
PA21C-2167Abstract Title: Social Science, Equity and the Sustainable Development Goals
Livers, A.
NS41A-1921Abstract Title: Advantages and Disadvantages of Passive Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves (MASW) for Observing Subsurface Discontinuities
Livers, B.
H11E-1399Abstract Title: Instream wood recruitment, channel complexity, and their relationship to stream ecology in forested headwater streams under alternative stable states
Livescu, D.
NG32A-04Abstract Title: Remote visualization and scale analysis of large turbulence datatsets
Livesey, N. J.
IN34B-08Abstract Title: Improved Ozone and Carbon Monoxide Profile Retrievals Using Multispectral Measurements from NASA “A Train”, NPP, and TROPOMI Satellites, SH32A-07Abstract Title: First Evidence of Middle Atmospheric HO2 Response to UV variability during 27-day Solar Cycles From Satellite Observations
Livesley, S. L.
B31B-0544Abstract Title: Land Use Change In Australia’s Tropical Savanna Woodlands: Greenhouse Gas Emissions From Deforestation And Conversion To Agriculture
Livi, R.
P13D-08Abstract Title: The Loss Rate of Ions from the Martian Atmosphere, P21A-2074Abstract Title: MAVEN observations of magnetic reconnection in the Martian magnetotail, P21A-2084Abstract Title: OBSERVATION OF ICME INTERACTION WITH THE MARTIAN IONOSPHERE
Livi, R.
P21A-2076Abstract Title: Characterization of low frequency plasma waves and their energy deposition in the Martian magnetosphere with MAVEN
Livi, S. A.
EP53C-1035Abstract Title: The Cubesat mission to study Solar Particles (CuSP), an interplanetary cubesat, SA51C-2420Abstract Title: A double-cusp type electrostatic analyzer for high-cadence ring current ion measurements, SM41E-2524Abstract Title: An empirical model of oxygen charge state distributions in the Earth’s magnetosphere
Livingston, J. M.
A23F-0394Abstract Title: Highlights from 4STAR Sky-Scanning Retrievals of Aerosol Intensive Optical Properties from Multiple Field Campaigns with Detailed Comparisons of SSA Reported During SEAC4RS
Livingston, S.
H11F-1407Abstract Title: Steel Slag and Shredded Tires as Media for Blind Inlets to Improve Water Quality, H13K-1728Abstract Title: Validation of the Soil Moisture Active Passive mission using USDA-ARS experimental watersheds, H14E-02Abstract Title: Blind Inlet as a Possible Technology for the Remediation of Phosphorus from Surface Runoff
Livingstone, S. J.
C51B-0706Abstract Title: Seasonal Greenland Ice Sheet ice flow variations in regions of differing bed and surface topography
Livneh, B.
C21D-05Abstract Title: Hydrologic impacts of land cover disturbances in the Upper Colorado River Basin., C41F-02Abstract Title: Rapid Snowmelt Leads to Greater Streamflow Across the Western United States, H11IAbstract Title: Understanding the Extent and Impacts of Land Use/Land Cover Change on Hydrology I Posters, H11P-05Abstract Title: How Has Human-induced Climate Change Affected California Drought Risk?, H12F-01Abstract Title: The Physics of Great Plains Drought, Its Predictability, and Its Changed Risk in a Warming World, H13SAbstract Title: Understanding the Extent and Impacts of Land Use/Land Cover Change on Hydrology II, H13S-03Abstract Title: Quantifying the Sensitivity of Water Yield to Forest Disturbances Across a Diverse Set of Unmanaged Watersheds throughout the Continential United States, H21I-1505Abstract Title: Effect of Rainfall Spatial Distribution on Flood Forecasting in Complex Terrain, H51H-1480Abstract Title: Hydrologic Modeling and Parameter Estimation under Data Scarcity for Java Island, Indonesia, NH52B-04Abstract Title: Assessing Causes of Hydrologic Climate Extremes in the Upper Missouri Basin
Livny, M.
IN44A-04Abstract Title: GeoDeepDive: Towards a Machine Reading-Ready Digital Library and Information Integration Resource
Livo, K. E.
IN11E-1799Abstract Title: Evaluating Field Spectrometer Performance with Transmission Standards: Examples from the USGS Spectral Library and Research Databases
Livshitz, Y.
H23B-1593Abstract Title: Distribution of Groundwater Recharge in Fractured/Karst Aquifers
Liz, B.
C13D-06Abstract Title: Novel in situ chemical sensing technologies for deep sub-ice exploration
Lizarralde, D.
DI24A-06Abstract Title: The Electrical Structure of the 70Ma Pacific LAB Constrained by the NoMelt Experiment, OS22C-01Abstract Title: The Sills of Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California: Their Distribution and Seismic Estimates of Their Thickness and Alteration of Intruded Sediments, T14A-07Abstract Title: Extension and magmatism across the Suwanee Suture and South Georgia Basin from the SUGAR seismic refraction experiment, T43H-08Abstract Title: Crustal Structure Across the Okavango Rift Zone, Botswana: Initial Results From the PRIDE-SEISORZ Active-Source Seismic Profile, T51D-2911Abstract Title: Crustal and Uppermost Mantle Shear Velocity Structure across the Mariana Trench, V21A-3016Abstract Title: Extent and impact of Cretaceous magmatism on the formation and evolution of Jurassic oceanic crust in the western Pacific
Lizotte, M.
A23I-03Abstract Title: Sources of Dimethyl Sulfide in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago and Baffin Bay, OS13A-2020Abstract Title: Dust in an acidified ocean: iron bioavailability, phytoplankton growth and DMS
Lizzadro-McPherson, D. J.
T13B-2999Abstract Title: Alternations in burial and exhumation along the Selimiye (Kayabükü) shear zone in the Menderes Massif from detailed garnet pressure-temperature paths
Ljung, K.
PP51B-2291Abstract Title: The Last Termination in the Central South Atlantic
Ljungqvist, F. C.
PP51A-2283Abstract Title: A Multi-proxy Reconstruction of Spatial and Temporal Variations in Asian Summer Temperatures Over the Last Millennium
Llavata, M.
GC13C-1176Abstract Title: Effect of elevated CO2 and temperature on abiotic and biologically-driven basalt weathering and C sequestration
Llave, E.
B23A-0583Abstract Title: Using Cold-water Coral Mini-mounds as Analogue for Giant Mound Growth: Assessment of Environmental Drivers and Anthropogenic Impact, EP11A-07Abstract Title: Evolution of the Gulf of Cadiz and west Portugal contourite depositional system: tectonic, sedimentary and paleoceanographic implications from IODP Expedition 339
Llebaria, A.
P31E-2113Abstract Title: Morphology of the nucleus of Comet 67P/Churyumov--Gerasimenko from stereo and high spatial resolution OSIRIS-NAC images
Llenos, A. L.
S21C-03Abstract Title: Earthquake Rate Models for Evolving Induced Seismicity Hazard in the Central and Eastern US
LLera, K.
SM32A-08Abstract Title: Global, Energy-Dependent Ring Current Response During Two Large Storms, SM41C-2490Abstract Title: Reconstructing Ion Spectra from Low-Altitude ENAs: Moderate to Large Storms.
Llewellin, E. W.
V13D-02Abstract Title: Difficulties in Forecasting Flow Paths During the 2014-2015 Lava Flow Crisis at Kīlauea Volcano (Hawaiʻi), V43E-01Abstract Title: Slugs and Plugs: the Role of Conduit Boundary Conditions in Shaping Strombolian Explosive Activity, V51D-3055Abstract Title: Formation and Maintenance of a Viscous Plug in a Strombolian Volcanic Conduit, V54A-04Abstract Title: Reconstructing Final H2O Contents of Hydrated Rhyolitic Glasses: Insights into H2O Degassing and Eruptive Style of Silicic Submarine Volcanoes
Llewellyn, D.
H41G-1449Abstract Title: Evaluating the Effects of Climate Change on Water Supplies and Operations: How Important are Feedbacks between Groundwater and Surface Water Use and Management?
Llewellyn Smith, S. G.
NH21C-1832Abstract Title: Three-Dimensional Propagation of Tsunami-Generated Internal Waves in the Atmosphere
Llopart, J.
EP13A-0922Abstract Title: Evolution of a high-latitude sediment drift inside a glacially-carved trough based on high-resolution seismic stratigraphy (Kveithola, NW Barents Sea)
Llovel, W.
OS43B-08Abstract Title: Observed decadal ocean warming (2005-2014) and its contribution to the top of atmosphere energy budget
Llovel, W.
G43A-1029Abstract Title: Sea Level Rise: Analysis Results, and Variability within the Water Column
Lloveras, D. G.
SH21A-2370Abstract Title: Solar Minima Comparative Analysis Using EUV Tomography
Lloyd, A.
GC11D-1062Abstract Title: A Prototype Indicators System for U.S. Climate Changes, Impacts, Vulnerabilities, and Responses
Lloyd, A. J.
C11C-0782Abstract Title: Prolific Sources of Icequakes: The Mulock and Skelton Glaciers, Antarctica
Lloyd, E. A.
GC41HAbstract Title: Quantifying Uncertainty in Climate, Earth System, Integrated Assessment, and Impact Models and Observations I, GC43CAbstract Title: Quantifying Uncertainty in Climate, Earth System, Integrated Assessment, and Impact Models and Observations II Posters
Lloyd, G. E.
MR33C-2692Abstract Title: Frictional melting experiments investigate coseismic behaviour of pseudotachylyte-bearing faults in the Outer Hebrides Fault Zone, UK.
Lloyd, J. M.
C21A-0704Abstract Title: First High-Resolution Record of Late Quaternary Environmental Changes in the Amundsen Sea, West Antarctica, Revealed by Multi-proxy Analysis of Drift Sediments, PP21B-2233Abstract Title: Climate-Ice Sheet Interactions through the Plio-Pleistocene: Preliminary Results from IODP 341 Expedition (Gulf of Alaska).
Lloyd, J.
B43H-0648Abstract Title: Weak leaf photosynthesis and nutrient content relationships from tropical vegetation
Lloyd, K. G.
B11I-0553Abstract Title: In situ DNA hybridized chain reaction (FISH-HCR) as a better method for quantification of bacteria and archaea within marine sediment
Lloyd, N. D.
A11A-0030Abstract Title: The Canadian SHOW Instrument: Spatial Heterodyne Observations of Water in the UTLS and stratosphere.
Lloyd, N.
A43E-0335Abstract Title: Merging OSIRIS, SAGE II and MLS Vertical Ozone Profiles for the Determination of Long Term Trends
Lloyd, S. A.
IN21A-1683Abstract Title: An Analysis of the Temporal and Spatial Progression of the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) OMTO3 Daily Row Anomaly, 2007-2015
Lloyd, W. J.
H51D-1395Abstract Title: Simulation of semi-arid hydrological processes at different spatial resolutions using the AgroEcoSystem-Watershed (AgES-W) model
Lo, D.
P21A-2058Abstract Title: Mars’ ultraviolet dayglow observations by IUVS/MAVEN: Structure and variability of Martian upper atmosphere, P21A-2060Abstract Title: MAVEN/IUVS Apoapse Observations of the Martian FUV Dayglow, P21A-2061Abstract Title: Retrieval of Mars' Upper Atmospheric Composition using Dayglow Observations by IUVS on MAVEN, P21A-2065Abstract Title: Mars Ozone Mapping with MAVEN IUVS, P21A-2068Abstract Title: Tides in the Martian Atmosphere as Observed by MAVEN IUVS, P21A-2069Abstract Title: Two Types of Aurora on Mars as Observed by MAVEN's Imaging UltraViolet Spectrograph
Lo, D.
ED41A-0852Abstract Title: A Study Into the Effects of Various Compost-Potting Soil Mixes in An Effort to Heighten Bio-Productivity and Lower Farm Expenses
Lo Iacono, C.
EP14B-05Abstract Title: Was the 1531 Lisbon tsunami generated by a landslide along the Cascais Canyon? Geologic inferences and tsunami simulation
Lo, L.
PP31A-2221Abstract Title: Combined obliquity and precession pacing of western Pacific Intertropical Convergence Zone over the past 282,000 years
Lo, M. H.
A31E-0103Abstract Title: Mapping the Locations of Asymmetric and Symmetric Discharge Responses in Global Rivers to the Two Types of El Niño, A33RAbstract Title: Toward a Better Understanding of Moist Processes and Their Role in the Climate System I, A41JAbstract Title: Toward a Better Understanding of Moist Processes and Their Role in the Climate System II Posters, B31A-0538Abstract Title: Identifying Hotspots of Tropical Deforestation to Induce Teleconnection Patterns, GC24B-06Abstract Title: Temporal Changes in Land-Surface Coupling Strength: an Example in a Semi-Arid Region of Australia, GC41AAbstract Title: Climate Extremes: Trends, Mechanisms, and Prediction I Posters, GC41A-1056Abstract Title: Impact of Extreme Climate Events on Terrestrial Water Storage from GRACE over China, GC43DAbstract Title: Climate Extremes: Trends, Mechanisms, and Prediction II, GC44AAbstract Title: Climate Extremes: Trends, Mechanisms, and Prediction III, H11H-1439Abstract Title: Impacts of Climate Changes on the Future Groundwater Storage in the High Plains Aquifer, H31A-1396Abstract Title: Spatial Variability of Soil Moisture after Rainfall Events and Its Role in Triggering Convection in Semi-arid Regions, H41F-1390Abstract Title: A GRACE-Streamflow Land Surface Model Calibration Approach for Improved Baseflow and Water Table Simulations over the Highly Managed Upper-Nile Basin of East Africa
Lo Sardo, L.
Lo Seen, D.
B33E-0789Abstract Title: Study on the Characteristics and Impacts of the Spatial-temporal Urban Sprawl in Chinese Coastal Cities using Ocelet
Lo, W. C.
H21A-1318Abstract Title: Effect of Body Force on Consolidation in Unsaturated Soils, H51K-1534Abstract Title: Assessment of the Efficiency of Sediment Deposition Reduction in the Zengwen River Watershed in Taiwan
Lobanov, S.
MR11A-10Abstract Title: Probing iron spin state by optical absorption in laser-heated diamond anvil cell
Lobanov, S.
DI42A-08Abstract Title: Synthesis of Xenon and Iron/Nickel Intermetallic Compounds Under the Thermodynamic Conditions of the Earth's Core.
Lobb, D. A.
EP21C-0911Abstract Title: Fingerprinting Sources of Suspended Sediment in a Canadian Agricultural Watershed Using the MixSIAR Bayesian Unmixing Model, EP21C-0913Abstract Title: Challenges of Using Compound-Specific Stable Isotope Techniques in a Temperate Agricultural Watershed in Manitoba, Canada, EP21C-0914Abstract Title: The preferential transport of sediment and its implications for sediment fingerprinting: A flume simulation
Lobell, D. B.
B43AAbstract Title: Advances in Earth Observations for Regional to Global Agricultural Monitoring: GEOGLAM and Other Activities I Posters, B44AAbstract Title: Advances in Earth Observations for Regional to Global Agricultural Monitoring: GEOGLAM and Other Activities II, GC12C-07Abstract Title: Combining satellite remote sensing and surveys to understand persistent yield variation--- a case study in North China Plain, GC13D-1185Abstract Title: Assessing climate adaptation options and uncertainties for cereal systems in West Africa, GC13H-1249Abstract Title: Satellite Estimates of Crop Area and Maize Yield in Zambia’s Agricultural Districts, GC13H-1255Abstract Title: A scalable satellite-based crop yield mapper: Integrating satellites and crop models for field-scale estimation in India, GC53H-04Abstract Title: Historical patterns and drivers of global crop water demand., GC53H-07Abstract Title: Estimated Impacts of Emissions Reductions on Wheat and Maize Crops
Löberich, E.
S23C-2758Abstract Title: Velocity Structure in the West Bohemia Seismic Zone: Velocity Models Retrieved from different Earthquake Swarms
Lobkovsky, L. I.
C43A-0775Abstract Title: On the existence of an East Siberian-Chukchi ice sheet: New insights from the SWERUS-C3 Expedition 2014
Lobo, A.
A24F-08Abstract Title: Measurements of HONO in a Forested Region of Alberta Impacted by Oil Sands Processing Facilities
Lobo, F. D. A.
B33C-0670Abstract Title: Large net CO2 loss from a grass-dominated tropical savanna in south-central Brazil in response to seasonal and interannual drought
Lobo, F. D. A.
B13F-0698Abstract Title: Ecosystem-scale CH4 and CO2 fluxes in a seasonally flooded scrub forest of the Brazilian Pantanal
Lobo, P.
A13D-0374Abstract Title: Performance of a Line Loss Correction Method for Gas Turbine Emission Measurements
Loboda, T. V.
GC33F-05Abstract Title: Doubling of the Russian Fire Return Interval: Implications for Forest Biomass and Composition, GC33F-06Abstract Title: Synthesis of Decades of Change in Northern Eurasian Ecosystems: Current Assessment and Future Projections
Locarnini, R. A.
GC33H-08Abstract Title: Subsurface Ocean Climate Data Records: Global Ocean Heat and Freshwater Content
Locatelli, R.
A11C-0086Abstract Title: What atmospheric measurements tell us about methane emissions in the East Siberian Arctic Shelf
Lochridge, W. K. Jr
V31E-3067Abstract Title: Preliminary paragenetic interpretation of the Quaternary topaz rhyolite lava domes of the Blackfoot volcanic field, southeastern Idaho
Lock, A.
A33R-03Abstract Title: Do convective schemes substantially alter simulated global climate and cloud feedback?
Lock, S. J.
DI43A-2610Abstract Title: Origin and Constraints on Ilmenite-rich Partial Melt in the Lunar Lower Mantle, MR21D-02Abstract Title: The Thermal States of Accreting Planets: From Mars-like Embryos to a MAD Earth, V23D-07Abstract Title: Condensing the Moon from a MAD Earth
Locke, D.
P33A-2126Abstract Title: Carbon and Oxygen Isotope Measurements of Ordinary Chondrite (OC) Meteorites from Antarctica Indicate Distinct Terrestrial Carbonate Species using a Stepped Acid Extraction Procedure Impacting Mars Carbonate Research
Locke, K. A.
H11N-08Abstract Title: Integrated Food-Energy Systems: Challenges and Opportunities
Locke, W. L.
OS23B-2011Abstract Title: Bivalve Shell Horizons in Seafloor Pockmarks of the Last Glacial-interglacial Transition Suggest a Thousand Years of Methane Emissions in the Arctic Ocean
Lockhart, T.
H53G-1745Abstract Title: Testing an Irrigation Decision Support Tool for California Specialty Crops
Lockington, D. A.
H31G-1508Abstract Title: Tide-induced Long-term Oscillations in a Subterranean Estuary, H31G-1510Abstract Title: Dynamics of pore-water and salt in estuarine marshes subjected to tide and evaporation
Lockner, D. A.
MR21C-2628Abstract Title: Correlation of Chlorite Frictional Strength with Composition, MR33B-2660Abstract Title: Strength of Wet and Dry Montmorillonite, MR33C-2686Abstract Title: Loading Rate-Dependent Elastoviscoplasticity in San Andreas Fault Observatory at Depth (SAFOD) Fault Gouge: Implications for Repeating Earthquakes and Fault Zone-Guided Waves, V11A-3053Abstract Title: An experimental study on evolution of fracture permeability and rate of water-rock reactions in ultramafic rocks at hydrothermal conditions
Lockot, G.
PP11D-04Abstract Title: Late Quaternary Lake‐System Dynamics on the northern Tibetan Plateau
Lockwood, J.
ED31F-01Abstract Title: Education for a Green and Resilient Economy: An Educator Framework for Teaching Climate and Energy Literacy for K-12 Teachers Across the Curriculum
Lockwood, M. M.
SH33D-01Abstract Title: The Evolution of the Heliosphere Over Decades, Centuries and Millennia
Locmelis, M.
DI31A-2555Abstract Title: First Row Transition Metals in Olivine – Petrogenetic Tracers for the Evolution of Mantle-Derived Magmas
Locoge, N.
A11T-03Abstract Title: Implementation of an original approach on the Mines-Douai Comparative Reactivity Method (MD-CRM) instrument to identify part of the missing OH reactivity at an urban site, A13E-0382Abstract Title: OH radical reactivity in an Indiana Forest: Measurements and model comparisons, A13G-02Abstract Title: HOx Radical Chemistry in an Indiana Forest Environment: Measurement and Model Comparison, A31F-01Abstract Title: Development and first applications of an OH reactivity instrument based on the Comparative Reactivity Method, A31F-04Abstract Title: Development and field deployment of an instrument to measure ozone production rates in the troposphere
Lodge, A.
GP12A-01Abstract Title: Version 3 of the GEOMAGIA50 Paleomagnetic Database
LoDolce, G.
B41D-0462Abstract Title: Development and Deployment of Unmanned Aircraft Instrumentation for Measuring Quantities Related to Land Surface-Atmosphere Interactions
Lodolo, E.
T23C-2968Abstract Title: Interaction between compressional and transcurrent structures: insights from the Sicilian Channel and SW Sicily
Loeb, N.
A31E-0116Abstract Title: The Relationship Between ENSO Phases and Southern Hemisphere Jet Structure
Loeb, N. G.
A11P-08Abstract Title: Observational Constraints on Atmospheric and Oceanic Cross-Equatorial Heat Transports: Revisiting the Precipitation Asymmetry Problem in Climate Models, A21C-0156Abstract Title: Consistency of CERES radiances and fluxes from Aqua and Suomi-NPP, A41E-0106Abstract Title: Evaluation of a GCM with the CERES Flux-by-Cloud Type Simulator, C23B-0780Abstract Title: Are sea-ice driven increases of absorbed solar radiation in the Arctic offset by increasing sea ice extent in the Antarctic?: A bipolar comparison of satellite-derived estimates of absorbed solar radiation and sea ice area, GC34C-02Abstract Title: Towards a Seamless Global Long-Term Earth Radiation Budget Climate Data Record
Loecke, T.
B41A-0411Abstract Title: Modeling Soil Pore Oxygen in Restored Wetlands, B51B-0432Abstract Title: Using soil oxygen sensors to inform understanding of soil greenhouse gas dynamics
Loeffler, F. E.
H41J-02Abstract Title: Examining the Secondary Impacts of Biostimulation on Water Quality and Sustained Bioremediation, H42E-04Abstract Title: A data mining approach to predict in situ chlorinated ethene detoxification potential
Loeffler, S.
ED54A-07Abstract Title: Flyover Country: A Plane Ride Could Be to Geoscience Outreach what a Planetarium is to Astronomy Outreach - the Perfect Venue for Sharing Big, Awe Inspiring Ideas, with a View to Match
Loehnert, U.
A11E-0096Abstract Title: Understanding the Spatiotemporal Structures in Atmosphere-Land Surface Exchange at the Jülich Observatory for Cloud Evolution, A23G-05Abstract Title: Improving The Retrieval Of Atmospheric Stability Indices By Combining Ground-based And Satellite Remote Sensing
Loehring, J.
A22C-04Abstract Title: First Airborne IPDA Lidar Measurements of Methane and Carbon Dioxide Applying the DLR Greenhouse Gas Sounder CHARM-F
Loera Loera, C.
GC53C-1216Abstract Title: Oscillating Hydrofoils for Tidal Energy Extraction: Experiments, Simulations and Salt Water Field Tests
Loerting, T.
DI51C-05Abstract Title: Polyamorphism in Water: Amorphous Ices and their Glassy States
Loescher, H. W.
GC13F-1226Abstract Title: National Ecological Observatory Network’s (NEON) future role in US carbon cycling and budgets, IN31BAbstract Title: New Frontiers in Cross-Disciplinary Research Utilizing Environmental Infrastructures Posters, TH12AAbstract Title: Building Global Ecological Understanding (BGEU) Town Hall
Loew, S.
H12A-03Abstract Title: Fluid Flow and Fault Zone Damage in Crystalline Basement Rocks (Ore Mountains Saxony)
Loewe, H.
C31B-06Abstract Title: Are existing snow microwave emission models so different ?
Loewen, M.
V24CAbstract Title: Yellowstone Volcanism from Its Current Expression to Early Vestiges of Hotspot Activity via Geophysical and Petrologic Studies I, V24C-06Abstract Title: Isotopic and physical evidence for persistently high eruption temperatures for Yellowstone-Snake River Plain rhyolites, V31EAbstract Title: Yellowstone Volcanism from Its Current Expression to Early Vestiges of Hotspot Activity via Geophysical and Petrologic Studies II Posters
Loewer, A.
NS34A-06Abstract Title: Influence of 3D anisotropic structures on bipole-quadrupole DC resistivity (BQ-DC) measurements
Lofi, J.
EP11A-07Abstract Title: Evolution of the Gulf of Cadiz and west Portugal contourite depositional system: tectonic, sedimentary and paleoceanographic implications from IODP Expedition 339, S21A-2678Abstract Title: Single hole multi-parameter downhole monitoring of shallow CO2 injection at Maguelone experimental site (Languedoc, France)
Loftus, K.
SM31C-2524Abstract Title: Investigating Fresh Hot Plasma Injections in Saturn's Inner-Magnetosphere
Löfverström, M.
PP54A-02Abstract Title: The North American Cordillera – an Impediment to Growing the Continent-wide Laurentide Ice Sheet
Löfverström, M.
C22B-07Abstract Title: First synchronous realistic simulations of Antarctic and Greenland SMB in a fully coupled climate model
Logan, J. A.
A32F-06Abstract Title: Source attribution of interannual variability of tropospheric ozone over the southern hemisphere
Logan, J. B.
EP23B-0977Abstract Title: California Sea Cliff Metrics: Mapping and Validation
Logan, K. E.
A31I-06Abstract Title: Impacts of drought, woody encroachment, and gap-filling technique on estimated land-atmosphere coupling strength and scale
Logan, M.
EP21B-0903Abstract Title: Controls on the Breach Geometry and Flood Hydrograph During Overtopping of Non-cohesive Earthen Dams
Logan, R. J.
H31D-1437Abstract Title: Modeling wildfire impact on hydrologic processes using the Precipitation Runoff Modeling System
Logan, T.
A33G-0266Abstract Title: Biomass Smoke Influences on Deep Convection during the 2011 Midlatitude Continental Convective Clouds Experiment (MC3E)
Logan, T. M.
PA53B-05Abstract Title: Visualizing and Understanding Socio-Environmental Dynamics in Baltimore
Logan, W. S.
H51A-1347Abstract Title: The International Center for Integrated Water Resources Management (ICIWaRM): The United States’ Contribution to UNESCO IHP’s Global Network of Water Centers
Logie, G.
GC33D-1333Abstract Title: Field Measurement of Sand Dune Bidirectional Reflectance Characteristics for Absolute Radiometric Calibration of Optical Remote Sensing Data.
Lognonne, P. H.
DI43A-2605Abstract Title: Investigation of 3-D lateral variations on seismic waveform modeling, in preparation for the InSight mission to Mars, DI43A-2606Abstract Title: Simultaneous Determination of Structure and Event Location Using Body and Surface Wave Measurements at a Single Station: Preparation for Mars Data from the InSight Mission, DI43A-2610Abstract Title: Origin and Constraints on Ilmenite-rich Partial Melt in the Lunar Lower Mantle, DI52B-08Abstract Title: Lunar Seismic Velocity and Crustal Thickness Inversions Using Constraints from Apollo and GRAIL Data, ED31A-0885Abstract Title: InSight/SEIS@Mars Educational program : Sharing the InSight NASA mission and the Seismic Discovery of Mars with a International Network of classes, NH21C-1839Abstract Title: Invesion of tsunami height using GPS TEC data. The case of the 2012 Haida Gwaii tsunami and Earthquake., NH32C-01Abstract Title: Ionospheric seismology: The last step before true contributions to seismology?, P11B-2081Abstract Title: Inversion of the Chelyabinsk seismic surface waves and comparative constraints on the generation of seismic waves by atmospheric Impacts on Earth and Mars, SA23C-2356Abstract Title: Conjugate ionospheric signatures of tsunami-generated gravity waves, S54B-08Abstract Title: Seismic generated infrasounds on Telluric Planets: Modeling and comparisons between Earth, Venus and Mars
Lohani, B.
H51B-1368Abstract Title: A detailed study on Catchment delineation for Urban areas, H51E-1406Abstract Title: An Investigation on the Sensitivity of the Parameters of Urban Flood Model
Lohf, H.
SA43B-2366Abstract Title: Charged Particle Environment on Mars – One Mars Year of MSL/RAD Measurements, SH53A-2480Abstract Title: Forbush Effects on the Martian Surface and Earth’s Poles
Lohman, R. B.
G11C-08Abstract Title: Seasonal Changes in Soil Moisture Content in Northern Chile and Southern California Inferred from SAR data, G21C-02Abstract Title: Towards a high resolution inventory of anthropogenic deformation in North America using InSAR, T44B-02Abstract Title: Cascades of InSAR in the Cascades - outlook for the use of InSAR and space-based imaging catalogues in a Subduction Zone Observatory, U22A-03Abstract Title: Vegitation, smegitation: How InSAR research on tectonics and land surface change has expanded from the deserts to the rain forests and beyond.
Lohmann, G.
PP13E-03Abstract Title: Signatures of climate variability in water stable isotopes across the globe modeled for the past millennium, V24A-03Abstract Title: Enhanced Volcanic Degassing Decoupled Atmospheric CO2 and Temperature During the Last Interglacial-Glacial Transition
Lohmann, K.
PP51A-2242Abstract Title: Decadal Supbolar Gyre Variability Linked to MWA-LIA Climate Regime Shift in the North Atlantic
Lohmann, K. C.
H21E-1425Abstract Title: Assessing Compositional Variability and Migration of Natural Gas in the Antrim Shale in the Michigan Basin Using Noble Gas Geochemistry, PP42A-07Abstract Title: Equator To Pole in the Cretaceous: A Comparison of Clumped Isotope Data and CESM Model Runs
Lohmann, U.
A43J-01Abstract Title: Constraining Processes Involved with Aerosol Effects on Cloud Radiative Forcing, A52D-07Abstract Title: Aerosol Indirect Effects on Cirrus Clouds in Global Aerosol-Climate Models
Lohmeier, J.
ED21F-02Abstract Title: Using 'Ozzie the Ostrich' to Build Local Partnerships around Climate Change Learning, ED23C-0869Abstract Title: Cool Science: K-12 Climate Change Art Displayed on Buses
Lohrenz, S. E.
GC13F-1219Abstract Title: Closing the North American Carbon Budget: Continental Margin Fluxes Matter!
Lohse, I.
A13G-01Abstract Title: Influence of Radical Recyling on Spatial Distributions of HOx in the Planetary Boundary Layer - Zeppelin-Based Observations
Lohse, K. A.
B13F-0671Abstract Title: HOW DO LONG-TERM CHANGES IN PRECIPITATION SEASONALITY AFFECT DRYLAND CARBON DYNAMICS? EVIDENCE FROM A 21-YEAR MANIPULATIVE CLIMATE-CHANGE EXPERIMENT, C33C-0826Abstract Title: LiDAR illuminates the influence of elevation, aspect, and vegetation on seasonal snowpack: case studies from four western Critical Zone Observatories, H21CAbstract Title: Ecohydrology in the Critical Zone I Posters, H21C-1380Abstract Title: Soil Inorganic Carbon Thresholds and Formation: What are the Controls in a Transitional, Semi-Arid Watershed?, H21C-1381Abstract Title: Determining Total Soil Carbon Storage in the Critical Zone Using Topography and Lithology, H21C-1389Abstract Title: Diurnal and Seasonal Variation in Sap Flow Among Different Sagebrush Species and Subspecies Along an Elevation Gradient in a Semi-Arid Ecosystem, H21J-1533Abstract Title: Complex Controls on Groundwater Quality in Growing Mid-sized Cities: A Case Study Focused on Nitrate and Emerging Contaminants, H23JAbstract Title: Ecohydrology in the Critical Zone II, H43N-05Abstract Title: Integration of social perceptions, behaviors, and economic valuations of groundwater quality as an ecosystem service following exurban development, H51Q-07Abstract Title: Managing the critical zone to obtain and sustain multiple benefits from working landscapes: The value of partnerships between LTAR and NSF CZO networks
Loicq, P.
Loik, M. E.
A33H-0279Abstract Title: Using Coastal Fog to Support Sustainable Water Use in a California Agricultural System, B21F-0532Abstract Title: Responses of Plant Community Composition to Long-term Changes in Snow Depth at the Great Basin Desert – Sierra Nevada ecotone., B53G-0637Abstract Title: Approaches and Recommendations for Simulating Extreme Precipitation Years in Multi-site Experiments
Loikith, P. C.
A11F-0107Abstract Title: Evaluation of Northeast United States Winter Storm Impacts in a Suite of High Resolution Downscaled Climate Model Hindcasts, A54C-05Abstract Title: Large-Scale Atmospheric Circulation Patterns Associated with Temperature Extremes as a Basis for Model Evaluation: Methodological Overview and Results, GC41GAbstract Title: Characterizing and Interpreting Changes in Temperature and Precipitation Extremes I, GC41G-01Abstract Title: Implications of dynamics underlying temperature and precipitation distributions for changes in extremes, GC43AAbstract Title: Characterizing and Interpreting Changes in Temperature and Precipitation Extremes II Posters, GC43C-1215Abstract Title: Do CMIP5 Climate Models Reproduce Observed Historical Trends in Temperature and Precipitation over the Continental United States?
Loiseau, M.
H13A-1466Abstract Title: The Use of Shear-Thinning Fluids as “Smart” Tracers to Infer Fracture Network Properties
Loisel, H.
NG33C-03Abstract Title: Scaling Analysis of Ocean Surface Turbulent Heterogeneities from Satellite Remote Sensing: Use of 2D Structure Functions, methodology and applications
Loisel, J.
B31F-07Abstract Title: Consolidating and updating estimates of northern peatland extents and carbon stocks, B43J-03Abstract Title: A New Appraisal of Northern Peatlands and Global Atmospheric Methane Over the Holocene
Loiselle, S. A.
ED53B-0858Abstract Title: Advancing the Potential of Citizen Science for Urban Water Quality Monitoring: Exploring Research Design and Methodology in New York City
Lojasiewicz, I.
T31F-2906Abstract Title: THE FLUID EVOLUTION OF A DUCTILE-TO-BRITTLE DEXTRAL SHEAR ZONE IN THE CENTRAL SIERRA NEVADA, CALIFORNIA, T31F-2909Abstract Title: A Stable Isotope Study of Fluid-Rock Interactions in the Saddlebag Lake Roof Pendant, Sierra Nevada, California
Lok, L. B.
C21A-0692Abstract Title: Using radar to determine the mechanical and thermodynamic effect of tides on an ice shelf
Lokavarapu, H. V.
GP43B-1253Abstract Title: Optimization of Parallel Legendre Transform using Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) for a Geodynamo Code
Loken, L. C.
B44B-08Abstract Title: Continuous Ship-borne Methane Measurements on the Upper Mississippi River and Selected Tributaries
Lokmer, I.
S41B-2750Abstract Title: Tracking velocity changes from ambient noise and repeating airgun shots in Tenerife, S51D-2723Abstract Title: Broadband source inversion of Long-Period (LP) events on Turrialba volcano, Costa Rica
Loladze, I.
B51E-0481Abstract Title: Down-regulation of tissue N:P ratios in terrestrial plants by elevated CO2
Lolita, M.
EP23D-0999Abstract Title: Recurrent Mass-wasting in Sørvestsnaget Basin, SW Barents Sea: A test of multiple hypotheses
Lolla, S. V. T.
IN44A-03Abstract Title: Bayesian Inference of High-Dimensional Dynamical Ocean Models
Lolli, S.
A41N-08Abstract Title: Evaluation of rainfall evaporation retrieved by lidar means and its intercomparison with an analytical solution model during a virga episode.
Lomas, M.
A51M-0245Abstract Title: Multi-criteria Evaluation of Discharge Simulation in Dynamic Global Vegetation Models
Lomax, A.
NH23A-1868Abstract Title: U.S. Tsunami Information technology (TIM) Modernization: Performance Assessment of Tsunamigenic Earthquake Discrimination System, S33C-2801Abstract Title: U.S. Tsunami Information technology (TIM) Modernization:Developing a Maintainable and Extensible Open Source Earthquake and Tsunami Warning System, S43D-2818Abstract Title: Real-Time Science on Social Media: The Example of Twitter in the Minutes, Hours, Days after the 2015 M7.8 Nepal Earthquake
Lombard, P. N.
Lombard-Poirot, N.
P11B-2089Abstract Title: Subsurface Feature Mapping of Mars using a High Resolution Ground Penetrating Radar System
Lombardi, D.
C11C-0777Abstract Title: Tide-induced Flexure of an Antarctic Ice-Shelf as seen by a Coupled Seismic-GPS Instrument
Lombardi, D.
ED23F-06Abstract Title: Measuring Engagement with the Potential Consequences of Climate Change
Lombardi, E. M.
EP41C-0936Abstract Title: Exploring the landscape evolution of the subalpine meadow-forest system driven by the geomorphic work performed by the Northern Pocket Gopher
Lombardo, K.
A41F-0118Abstract Title: Idealized Quasi-Linear Convective Storms Crossing Over Coastlines
Lombardo, V.
NH54A-07Abstract Title: Observing Volcanic Thermal Anomalies from Space: How Accurate is the Estimation of the Hotspot's Size and Temperature?
Lombardozzi, D.
A41R-03Abstract Title: Impact of land use and land cover change on climate and air quality in the CESM, A43G-0387Abstract Title: Impacts of Ozone-vegetation Interactions and Biogeochemical Feedbacks on Atmospheric Composition and Air Quality Under Climate Change, B41I-03Abstract Title: Ozone-vegetation interaction in the Earth system: implications for air quality, ecosystems and agriculture, GC13D-1182Abstract Title: Stratospheric sulfate geoengineering impacts on global agriculture
Lombeyda, S.
IN53C-05Abstract Title: Visualization of High-Dimensionality Data Using Virtual Reality
Lomheim, L.
H42E-01Abstract Title: Combined remediation technologies: results from field trials at chlorinated solvent impacted sites
Lomidze, L.
SA13B-2367Abstract Title: Monthly Climatology of Thermospheric Zonal and Meridional Winds Obtained from a Kalman Filter Model
Lomonaco, P.
GC53C-1220Abstract Title: Phase 1 Validation Testing and Simulation for the WEC-Sim Open Source Code
Lomonaco, S.
IN31A-1758Abstract Title:

An overview of the quantum wavelet transform, focused on earth science applications

Lomstein, B. A.
Loncke, L.
EP13A-0935Abstract Title: Relationships between contourite deposition, climate and slope instability: new insights from the Demerara Plateau (French Guyana)
Londono, J. M.
V13C-3140Abstract Title: Vapor Discharges On Nevado Del Ruiz During The Recent Activity: Clues On The Composition Of The Deep Hydrothermal System And Its Effects On Thermal Springs
Londoño, L. Sr.
T23A-2913Abstract Title: Timing of Accretion and Mountain-Building in The Northern Andes of Colombia through Low-Temperature Thermochonology
Lone, S. K.
B32B-03Abstract Title: Insights into Hydrocarbon-rich Environments from Studies of Protein Dynamics, Thermodynamics, and Spectroscopy
Lonergan, L.
EP13A-0931Abstract Title: Constraining the erosional response of deep-water channel systems to growing folds and thrusts, Niger Delta.
Lonero, A.
V23B-3134Abstract Title: Mica Mountain Muscovite: A New Silicate Hydrogen Isotope Standard Reference Material
Long, A.
GC11B-1031Abstract Title: Initial Results from an Atmospheric Validation of Urban Greenhouse Gas Budget Estimates for the US Northeast Corridor
Long, A. J.
H42C-06Abstract Title: Climate, karst, and critters—A multidisciplinary evaluation of karst species vulnerability to climate change, H51N-1611Abstract Title: Characterization of Physical Controls on Stream Base-flow and the Flux of Surface Water and Groundwater Using Multivariate Analysis in the Northern Great Plains
Long, A. J.
EP23A-0944Abstract Title: High Arctic Coasts At Risk - The Impact of Coastal Hazards on Scientific and Community Infrastructure in Svalbard, PP54A-07Abstract Title: Drivers of sea-level change – using relative sea level records from the North and South Atlantic to fingerprint sources of mid-Holocene ice melt
Long, C. N.
A11H-0162Abstract Title: Improving Forecasts of Cumulus: An Intersection of the Renewable Energy and Climate Science Communities, A23KAbstract Title: Improved Understanding of the Surface Energy Balance and the Spatiotemporal Variation of Its Components I, A23K-03Abstract Title: The global mean energy balance under cloud-free conditions: an assessment based on direct observations and CMIP5 models, A23K-04Abstract Title: Evidence of Clear-Sky Daylight Whitening: Are we already conducting geoengineering?, A24DAbstract Title: Improved Understanding of the Surface Energy Balance and the Spatiotemporal Variation of Its Components II, A24D-02Abstract Title: Surface radiation budget and cloud radiative forcing from pan-Arctic Baseline Surface Radiation Network (BSRN) stations, A24D-04Abstract Title: Cloud Effects on Atmospheric Solar Absorption in Light of Most Recent Surface, Satellite, and GCM Datasets, A31A-0015Abstract Title: Impact of Shallow Clouds on Cloud-Permitting WRF Simulations of the Diurnal Cycle of Convection over the Amazon, A31CAbstract Title: Improved Understanding of the Surface Energy Balance and the Spatiotemporal Variation of Its Components III Posters, B41D-0462Abstract Title: Development and Deployment of Unmanned Aircraft Instrumentation for Measuring Quantities Related to Land Surface-Atmosphere Interactions, GC43F-04Abstract Title: WFIP2 – The Second Wind Forecast Improvement Project: Observing Systems And Case Studies
Long, C. S.
A11R-05Abstract Title: Intercomparison of Reanalyses Temperatures in the Stratosphere with Non-Assimilated Rocketsonde, Lidar and Satellite Observations, GC33H-05Abstract Title: NOAA SBUV(/2) Ozone Merged Cohesive Climate Data Record
Long, D.
A32A-03Abstract Title: A low cost optical radiocarbon (14C) sensor for greenhouse gas source attribution
Long, D. G.
C21A-0709Abstract Title: Is the Wilkins Ice Shelf a Firn Aquifer? Spaceborne Observation of Subsurface Winter Season Liquid Meltwater Storage on the Antarctic Peninsula using Multi-Frequency Active and Passive Microwave Remote Sensing, GC31D-1218Abstract Title: Reprocessing the Historical Satellite Passive Microwave Record at Enhanced Spatial Resolutions using Image Reconstruction
Long, D.
A51K-0214Abstract Title: First Evaluation of Day-1 IMERG products using the best-available hourly rain gauge network over the Tibetan Plateau, H13H-1635Abstract Title: First-Year Evaluation of GPM Day-1 IMERG and TMPA Version-7 Legacy Products over Mainland China at Multiple Spatiotemporal Scales, H44F-06Abstract Title: Global analysis of approaches for deriving total water storage changes from GRACE satellites and implications for groundwater storage change estimation
Long, J. C. S.
H31E-1462Abstract Title: IMPACTS OF HYDRAULIC FRACTURING IN CALIFORNIA – AN OVERVIEW OF A COMPREHENSIVE SCIENCE ASSESSMENT, H31E-1464Abstract Title: Characteristics and management of flowback/produced water from hydraulically fractured wells in California - findings from the California SB 4 assessment
Long, K.
Long, L. N.
A51P-0303Abstract Title: Intraseasonal Tropical Storm Activity Prediction with the NCEP CFSv2 45-day Forecasts
Long, M. C.
B23J-05Abstract Title: Changing ocean biogeochemistry in the CESM Large Ensemble
Long, M. D.
DI13BAbstract Title: Slabs in Earth's Mantle: Where Do They Go and How Do They Interact with the Mantle? I Posters, DI13B-2664Abstract Title: Probing sub-slab anisotropy beneath Central America and Tonga from geodynamic models, DI13C-08Abstract Title: Interrogating Seismic Anisotropy using Receiver Functions – An Improved Understanding of Past Deformational Processes in Cratonic North America, DI21A-2594Abstract Title: SKS splitting beneath the MAGIC FlexArray experiment, DI21A-2595Abstract Title: Constraining Lowermost Mantle Dynamics with Seismic Anisotropy Observations Beneath Australia, DI21A-2597Abstract Title: Seismic Anisotropy in the Lower Mantle Beneath North America from SKS-SKKS and PKS-SKKS Splitting Discrepancie, DI21BAbstract Title: Slabs in Earth's Mantle: Where Do They Go and How Do They Interact with the Mantle? II, DI23A-07Abstract Title: Testing geodynamic models of lowermost mantle flow with a regional shear wave splitting data set, DI24A-01Abstract Title: Characterizing azimuthal anisotropy at the mid-lithospheric discontinuity in the Superior and Wyoming Cratons, ED11A-0849Abstract Title: Engaging High School Science Teachers in Field-Based Seismology Research: Opportunities and Challenges, T11B-2892Abstract Title: Continental deformation and the mid-lithospheric discontinuity along the Grenville Front, T11D-2932Abstract Title: Sn to Sg Conversion at the U.S. Atlantic Continental Margin, T11D-2934Abstract Title: Mantle Flow Pattern and Dynamic Topography beneath the Eastern US, T21F-01Abstract Title: Deformation of the Continental Lithosphere at the Margins of the North American Craton: Constraints from Seismic Anisotropy, T33B-07Abstract Title: Modification of Thickened Orogenic Crust by a Subducting Ridge: Disruption of the Andean Lower Crust of Southern Peru by the Subducting Aseismic Nazca Ridge , T34B-04Abstract Title: The Cascadia Paradox: Understanding Mantle Flow in the Cascadia Subduction System, T41G-02Abstract Title: Subduction Zone Science – Examples of Seismic Images of the Central Andes and Subducting Nazca Slab
Long, M. R.
H21J-1546Abstract Title: Spatiotemporal Variability in Potential Evapotranspiration across an Urban Monitoring Network
Long, P. E.
B51C-0442Abstract Title: Statistical Analysis of Meteorological Data to Assess Evapotranspiration and Infiltration at the Rifle Site, CO, USA, B53H-08Abstract Title: CO2 production rate maxima in the deeper unsaturated zone of a semi-arid floodplain at Rifle, Colorado, H31I-1549Abstract Title: CLAY MINERALOGY OF AN ALLUVIAL AQUIFER IN A MOUNTAINOUS, SEMIARID TERRAIN, AN EXAMPLE FROM RIFLE, COLORADO , H31I-1558Abstract Title: Genome-Scale Metabolic Modeling in the Simulation of Field-Scale Uranium Bioremediation
Long, P.
OS22B-05Abstract Title: Preferential accumulation of gas hydrate in the Andaman accretionary wedge and relationship to anomalous porosity preservation
Long, R.
A11G-0131Abstract Title: Deriving Surface NO2 Mixing Ratios from DISCOVER-AQ ACAM Observations: A Method to Assess Surface NO2 Spatial Variability
Long, S. P.
T21B-2812Abstract Title: The Role of Upper-crustal Thickening in Spatially-focusing Synorogenic Extension: A Case Study from the Late Cretaceous-Paleocene Nevadaplano, T23A-2923Abstract Title: Crustal shortening and structural architecture of the Interandean and Subandean zones of southern Bolivia (21°S): Constraints from a new balanced cross section, T23A-2924Abstract Title: Late Cretaceous-Cenozoic Evolution of the Central Andean Foreland Basin System in the Eastern Cordillera to Subandean Zone, Southern Bolivia, V41A-3058Abstract Title: Monazite Growth from the Eocene to the Miocene: New Interpretations of the Metamorphic History of Greater Himalayan Rocks in the Eastern Himalaya
Long, S. M.
A13A-0294Abstract Title: Model uncertainty in tropical rainfall projection: The crucial role of ocean warming pattern and atmospheric circulation coupling
Long, S.
GC13A-1124Abstract Title: Greenhouse gas implications of a 32 billion gallon bioenergy landscape in the US
Long, Y. Sr.
Longcope, D. W.
SH33D-06Abstract Title: Contextualizing Solar Cycle 24: Report on the Development of a Homogenous Database of Bipolar Active Regions Spanning Four Cycles
Longdoz, B.
B13D-0644Abstract Title: Responses of methane effluxes and soil methane concentrations to compaction., B33C-0678Abstract Title: Seasonal evolution of Biomass Production Efficiency (BPE) of a French beech forest., B43C-0572Abstract Title: Characterization, Validation and Intercomparison of Clumping Index Maps from POLDER, MODIS, and MISR Satellite Data Over Reference Sites, B54A-03Abstract Title: Variability of the CO2 vertical soil profile production and its isotopic composition in a beech forest
Longin, T.
A41A-0037Abstract Title: Extractive Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry of Heterogeneous Particles: Implications for Applications to Complex Atmospheric Aerosol
Longjas, A.
EP21A-0890Abstract Title: Bed Stability and Debris Flow Erosion: A Dynamic “Shields Criterion” Associated with Bed Structure, GC44C-03Abstract Title: Moving beyond the Galloway diagrams for delta classification: Connecting morphodynamic and sediment-mechanistic properties with metrics of delta channel network topology and dynamics
Longmier, B.
ED11E-0877Abstract Title: Graduate Education in a Small Business Environment
Longo, F.
AE33A-0482Abstract Title: Enhanced detection of Terrestrial Gamma-Ray Flashes by AGILE
Longo, K.
A24B-06Abstract Title: Aircraft measurements of aerosol properties during GoAmazon – G1 and HALO inter-comparison, A41R-06Abstract Title: Decadal changes in aerosol absorption across Brazil resulting from changes in biomass burning practices, B43F-0612Abstract Title: Improved tropical forest biogenic VOC emission factors based on GoAmazon2014/5 airborne observations
Longo, M.
V13C-3156Abstract Title: Dissolved inert gases (He, Ne, N2) as marker of groundwater flow-lines and degassing sources in Etnean area, V21D-02Abstract Title: Long-term monitoring on active volcanoes. Time relationship between surface variations of temperature and changes of energy release from magmatic sources, verified by multi-parameter and interdisciplinary comparisons
Longo, M.
B53C-0559Abstract Title: Indicators for Tropical Forests Degradation Assessment: A Multitemporal Perspective Using Lidar Data, H41H-08Abstract Title: Land Use and climate change interactions in tropical South America
Longo, R. M.
NH31B-1886Abstract Title: Soil quality indicators in Urban watersheds., NH51C-1914Abstract Title: Use of morphometric soil aggregates parameters to evaluate the reclamation process in mined areas located at amazon forest – Brazil
Longo, S.
H24A-01Abstract Title: Gravity-Driven Flow of non-Newtonian Fluids in Heterogeneous Porous Media: a Theoretical and Experimental Analysis
Longo, W. M.
PP33A-2274Abstract Title: Seasonally Distinct Reconstructions of Northern Alaskan Temperature Variability Since the Last Glacial Maximum, PP33A-2277Abstract Title: A multi-proxy reconstruction of temperature and aridity from lake sediments north of the Brooks Range, Alaska for the past 30,000 years
Longobardo, A.
B51A-0414Abstract Title: Spectral Diversity of Ceres' Surface as Measured by VIR, P42A-06Abstract Title: Homogeneous spectral units on Ceres as inferred from Dawn/VIR, P52A-06Abstract Title: Ammonia Bearing Species on Ceres: Implication on Origin and Evolution, P53E-2184Abstract Title: Regional and Local Temperature Maps of Dwarf Planet Ceres from Dawn/VIR
Longshore, K.
B21G-0564Abstract Title: Ecosystem Responses To Plant Phenology Across Scales And Trophic Levels
Longuevergne, L.
G31A-1093Abstract Title: Investigating GRACE Range-Rate Observations over West Africa with respect to Small-Scale Hydrological Signals, H44F-06Abstract Title: Global analysis of approaches for deriving total water storage changes from GRACE satellites and implications for groundwater storage change estimation, H53C-1683Abstract Title: Encouraging the use of seismic methods for the hydrogeophysical characterization of the critical zone
Longva, O.
EP23D-0996Abstract Title: Mechanical Stability of Stratified Sediments along the upper continental Slope off Vesterålen, northern Norway - Insights from in situ CPTU Tests
Loocke, M. P.
V21A-3013Abstract Title: The axial melt lens as a processor of evolved melts at fast-spreading mid-ocean ridges
Loofbourrow, C.
NH33A-1906Abstract Title: Earthquakes, Tsunamis, and Storms Recorded at Crescent City, California, USA
Looker, N. T.
GC33B-1275Abstract Title: Linking Tree Growth Response to Measured Microclimate – A Field Based Approach
Loomis, B.
C23C-0806Abstract Title: Ice sheet surface mass balance from models and GRACE, G41B-05Abstract Title: Measuring and Modeling Solid Earth – Cryosphere Gravimetric Signals in GRACE and Future Satellite Missions, H44F-07Abstract Title: GRACE Mass Flux Measurements of Inland and Marginal Seas from Mascons: Analysis and Validation, P34A-06Abstract Title: High-resolution gravity field modeling using GRAIL mission data
Loomis, G.
H33I-1737Abstract Title: Diminished Wastewater Treatment: Evaluation of Septic System Performance Under a Climate Change Scenario
Loomis, S. E.
U24A-03Abstract Title: The role of continental arc magmatism in driving long-term climate change
Looms, M. C.
H13E-1594Abstract Title: Imaging saline tracer infiltration into unsaturated sandy soil using full-waveform inversion of cross-borehole ground penetrating radar, H13KAbstract Title: Understanding Hydrogeophysical States and Fluxes: Connecting Point Scale Information with Remote Sensing Posters, H13K-1732Abstract Title: Determination of site specific calibration functions for the estimation of soil moisture from measurements of cosmic-ray neutron intensity
Loope, D.
V51H-02Abstract Title: Siderite (FeCO3)—the Hidden (but Primary) Player in Iron Diagenesis of Non-Marine Sandstones, V53E-3156Abstract Title: Petrographic and Isotopic Evidence for Siderite Precursors to Iron Oxide Cements
Loope, G. R.
PP43B-2264Abstract Title: The Spectrum of the Indian Summer Monsoon: a Proxy System Modeling Approach, PP51A-2253Abstract Title: Megadrought Risk and ENSO Over the Last Millennium
Looper, J.
H43J-01Abstract Title: “As-If” the Climate Has Changed; What We Can Expect in Hydrologic Response
Looper, M. D.
P43F-05Abstract Title: Possible Albedo Proton Signature of Hydrated Lunar Surface Layer, SM41D-2513Abstract Title: Ultrarelativistic electrons in the Van Allen belts: RPS observations and Geant4 simulations, SM44B-08Abstract Title: Observational Search for >10 MeV Electrons in the Inner Magnetosphere Using the Van Allen Probes Relativistic Proton Spectrometer
Looy, C. V.
GP51A-1320Abstract Title: The Record of Geomagnetic Excursions from a ~150 m Sediment Core: Clear Lake, Northern California
Lopatin, A.
A41L-03Abstract Title: Detailed Characterization of aerosol properties from satellite Observations using GRASP algorithm, A51W-02Abstract Title: Characterization of Desert Dust from Ground-Based and Satellite Remote Sensing Observations
Lopeman, J.
T13E-02Abstract Title: Time-Dependent Deformation at Brady Hot Springs Geothermal Field (Nevada) Measured With Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar and Modeled with Multiple Working Hypotheses of Coupled Behavior
Lopes, A. V.
H41H-07Abstract Title: The Quantification and Identification of Land Use Change Impacts to Hydrology in Brazil from Headwater to Large Basin Scales
Lopes, A. P.
B51D-0452Abstract Title: Leaf ontogeny and demography explain photosynthetic seasonality in Amazon evergreen forests, B51D-0468Abstract Title: Central Amazon Forest Enhanced Vegetation Index Seasonality Driven by Strongly Seasonal Leaf Flush
Lopes de Gerenyu, V.
GC33F-02Abstract Title: Carbon implications of Virgin Lands Campaign cropland expansion and post-Soviet agricultural land abandonment in Russia and Kazakhstan
Lopes, P. G.
PP53A-2312Abstract Title: The Nonlinear Response of the Equatorial Pacific Ocean-Atmosphere System to Periodic Variations in Insolation and its Association with the Abrupt Climate Transitions during the Quaternary.
Lopes, R.
V32B-08Abstract Title: High-Resolution Zircon U-Pb CA-TIMS Dating of the Carboniferous—Permian Successions, Paraná Basin, Brazil
Lopes, R.
NH22A-02Abstract Title: Tsunami Ready Recognition Program for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions Launched in 2015
Lopes, R. M. C.
P12BAbstract Title: Titan: Understanding Saturn's Mysterious Moon I, P12B-01Abstract Title: Alluvial Fans on Titan Reveal Atmosphere and Surface Interactions and Material Transport, P13BAbstract Title: Titan: Understanding Saturn's Mysterious Moon II Posters, P13B-2124Abstract Title: Changes on Titan’s surface, P13B-2125Abstract Title: Nature, Distribution, and Origin of Titan’s Undifferentiated Plains (“Blandlands”) , P31B-2058Abstract Title: Connecting Io's volcanic activity to the Io plasma torus: comparison of Galileo/NIMS volcanic and ground-based torus observations, P31H-07Abstract Title: Insights Into the Dynamics of Planetary Interiors Obtained Through the Study of Global Distribution of Volcanoes III: Lessons From Io., P51D-05Abstract Title: The case for water ice in Titan’s near subsurface
Lopez, A. M.
B11C-0453Abstract Title: Quantitative Nutrient Limitation Analysis of Global Forests by Remote Sensing
Lopez, A. M.
NH22A-01Abstract Title: The Puerto Rico Component of the National Tsunami Hazard and Mitigation Program (PR-NTHMP) , S51A-2660Abstract Title: Applying the Time-Domain Moment Tensor Inversion technique to Regional Earthquake Data in the Puerto Rico-Virgin Island Region, T11EAbstract Title: New Insights into the Active Deformation, Tectonic Evolution, and Hazard Mitigation of the Caribbean Plate and South America I Posters, T11E-2942Abstract Title: Tsunamis from Tectonic Sources along Caribbean Plate Boundaries, T11E-2945Abstract Title: New GPS Constrains on Crustal Deformation within the Puerto Rico-Virgin Islands Microplate, T13FAbstract Title: New Insights into the Active Deformation, Tectonic Evolution, and Hazard Mitigation of the Caribbean Plate and South America II, T13F-04Abstract Title: Imaging the Crustal and Subducted Slab Structure Beneath Puerto Rico Using Receiver Function Analysis
Lopez, A.
SH43B-2453Abstract Title: Characterizing Temperatures of FOXSI-2 Microflares Using RHESSI and AIA Observations, SH43B-2455Abstract Title: Hard X-ray Detector Calibrations for the FOXSI Sounding Rocket
Lopez Coronel, M. C.
V33B-3087Abstract Title: Stratigraphic And Lithofacies Study Of Distal Rain-Triggered Lahars: The Case Of West Coast Of Ecuador
López, C. M.
G41A-1016Abstract Title: Deep source model for Nevado del Ruiz Volcano, Colombia, constrained by interferometric synthetic aperture radar observations
Lopez, D.
A21L-05Abstract Title: Case Study Examination of Dust and Smoke Using Observational Data and Models in the Western United States and Middle East
Lopez Garcia, E.
P11C-2110Abstract Title: Surface Reflectometry and Ionosphere Sounding from the Radar for Europa Assessment and Sounding: Ocean to Near-surface (REASON)
Lopez, H.
OS41A-1989Abstract Title: Interhemispheric Changes in Atlantic Ocean Heat Content and Their Link to Global Monsoons
López, J. I.
C43F-02Abstract Title: Different sensitivity of snowpack to climate warming in Mediterranean mountain areas, H13JAbstract Title: Sustainable Use and Protection of Water Resources in Times of Population Growth and Climate Change II Posters, H33M-03Abstract Title: Hydrological effects of the increasing vegetation in the headwaters of the Spanish Pyrenees
Lopez Loera, H.
EP53A-0994Abstract Title: The Northern Boundary of the Michoacan Block: As Inferred From Aeromagnetic Data
Lopez Lopez, P.
H53L-04Abstract Title: Improved Large-Scale Hydrological Modelling Through The Assimilation Of Streamflow And Downscaled Satellite Soil Moisture Observations
Lopez, L. A.
IN21E-05Abstract Title: Evaluating the Data and Service Ecosystem: Implications for Successfully Building EarthCube and Beyond, IN23E-08Abstract Title: Scientific Datasets: Discovery and Aggregation for Semantic Interpretation.
López Martínez, M.
T11A-2873Abstract Title: Origin and Development of El Bajío Basin in the Central Sector of Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt
López, P.
PP13B-2287Abstract Title: Modern Limnology and Varve Formation Processes in Lake Montcortès (Southern Pyrenees, Spain)
Lopez, R. E.
SM13A-2470Abstract Title: Effect of Brief Northward Turning in IMF Bz in an MHD Simulation, SM13A-2473Abstract Title: Simulation of the geospace response to a sudden change in IMF orientation.
Lopez, R. D.
C11C-0788Abstract Title: Lab-Scale Investigation of Multi-dimensional Relationships between Soil Intrinsic Properties to Improve Estimation of Soil Organic and Ice Content using Novel Core Imaging and Geophysical Techniques in Arctic Tundra
Lopez Sanchez-Vizcaino, V.
T13H-04Abstract Title: Textural Variations during Antigorite Dehydration as Markers for Fluid Release Mechanisms in Subduction Zones: Constrains from the Cerro del Almirez Ultramafic Massif (Betic Cordillera, SE Spain)
Lopez, S. R.
H51N-1601Abstract Title: Improving Long-term Post-wildfire hydrologic simulations using ParFlow
Lopez, T. M.
NH43C-1902Abstract Title: Integration and Testing of Miniaturized Volcanic Gas-Sensing Instruments on UAS Platforms, PA41D-02Abstract Title: Putting Research to Work for Monitoring Volcanic Hazards and Enhancing Public Safety, S53D-03Abstract Title: Infrasound Waveform Inversion and Mass Flux Validation from Sakurajima Volcano, Japan, V11G-02Abstract Title: Combining High Temporal Resolution Gas Composition and Seismic Data to Identify Subsurface Fluid Movement within the Katmai Volcanic Complex, Alaska, V11G-07Abstract Title: The bulk isotopic composition of hydrocarbons in subaerial volcanic-hydrothermal emissions from different tectonic settings, V14CAbstract Title: The Earth's Geodynamic Carbon Cycle: Subduction, Storage, Migration, and Outgassing I, V21CAbstract Title: The Earth's Geodynamic Carbon Cycle: Subduction, Storage, Migration, and Outgassing II Posters
Lopez-baeza, E.
H43H-1626Abstract Title: SMAP L2/L3 Soil Moisture Product Validation using In Situ Based Core Validation Sites
Lopez-Brody, N.
GC13D-1186Abstract Title: Impacts of projected mid-century temperatures on thermal regimes for select specialty and fieldcrops common to the southwestern U.S.
Lopez-Castrillo, I.
H23M-06Abstract Title: Evaluating Water and Energy Fluxes across Three Land Cover Types in a Desert Urban Environment through a Mobile Eddy Covariance Platform
Lopez-Comino, J. A.
S51B-2683Abstract Title: Extended fault inversion through Popperian falsification: rupture directivity resolution and spatial comparison tests
Lopez-Coto, I.
A14F-06Abstract Title: High-accuracy, high-precision, high-resolution, continuous monitoring of urban greenhouse gas emissions? Results to date from INFLUX, A21G-0224Abstract Title: Covariance specification and estimation to improve top-down Green House Gas emission estimates, A21G-0228Abstract Title: Sensitivity of Flux Accuracy to Setup of Fossil Fuel and Biogenic CO2 Inverse System in an Urban Environment, A21G-0242Abstract Title: Building-Resolved CFD Simulations for Greenhouse Gas Transport and Dispersion over Washington DC / Baltimore
Lopez-Coto, I.
A21G-0243Abstract Title: CO2 Network Design for Washington DC/Baltimore
Lopez-Fuentes, M.
SH21A-2369Abstract Title: Energy Balance in Magnetic Loops of the Quiet Sun
López-Gómez, L. M.
B21C-0434Abstract Title: Elemental composition of extant microbialites: mineral and microbial carbon
Lopez-Hetland, B.
G41A-1015Abstract Title: Elastic modeling of the Pacaya volcanic complex: a 2009-2015 campaign-GPS deformation history
Lopez-Hilfiker, F.
A11T-05Abstract Title: The Chemical Link between Isoprene and Formaldehyde, A11T-06Abstract Title: Investigating Differences in Isoprene Oxidation Chemistry Between Gas-Phase Mechanisms Using a Constrained Chemical Box Model, A21A-0091Abstract Title: Online Measurements and Modeling of Isoprene Photo-oxidation Products: Insights from the Laboratory and SOAS Field Campaign, A33N-01Abstract Title: Applications of online high resolution time of flight chemical ionization mass spectrometry (HRToF-CIMS): opportunities and challenges for aircraft measurements, atmosphere-ecosystem exchange, and organic aerosol composition, A34F-03Abstract Title: Sources, Chemistry, and Transport of Pollutants over the Eastern United States During the WINTER 2015 Aircraft Campaign, A34F-04Abstract Title: An overview of reactive chlorine measurements during the WINTER C-130 aircraft campaign, A34F-06Abstract Title: Nitrous acid (HONO) observations during the Uintah Basin Wintertime Ozone Studies (UBWOS) and the Wintertime Investigation of Transport, Emission, and Reactivity (WINTER) study: sources, measurements interferences, and implications beyond., A34F-07Abstract Title: Water Soluble Ions in Bulk Aerosol During the WINTER 2015 Campaign., A41K-0216Abstract Title: Particle pH Inferred from Aircraft Data: Validation and Geographical, Vertical and Seasonal Characteristics with Case Studies from the WINTER Campaign, A41K-0217Abstract Title: Sources and Distributions of Secondary Aerosols over the Northeastern United States during the WINTER Aircraft Campaign., A41K-0226Abstract Title: Nighttime NOx Chemistry in Coal-Fired Power Plant Plumes, A41K-0227Abstract Title: Examining the Role of N2O5 Hydrolysis and ClNO2 Production Over the Northeast United States: Results from WINTER 2015 Aircraft Campaign, A41K-0228Abstract Title: The impact of ClNO2 production on tropospheric nitrogen oxides and oxidants in a global model, A41K-0231Abstract Title: Utilizing SO2/CO2 Mixing Ratios to Determine SO2 Uptake by a Regional Cloud Layer, A41K-0232Abstract Title: Validation of Point Source Emissions of SO2 Using Aircraft Data
Lopez-Jimenez, A.
P33E-05Abstract Title: Coma dust environment observed by GIADA during the Perihelion of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko.
Lopez-Moreno, J. J.
P33E-05Abstract Title: Coma dust environment observed by GIADA during the Perihelion of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko.
Lopez-Puertas, M.
SA52A-02Abstract Title: Increasing carbon dioxide concentration in the upper atmosphere observed by SABER
Loppi, S.
GP42A-03Abstract Title: Biomonitoring of Air Pollution by Magnetic Measurements of Native and Transplanted Lichens; Two Case Studies Around Cement Plants
LoPresti, A.
GC14A-07Abstract Title: Rate and Velocity of Climate Change Caused by Cumulative Carbon Emissions
Lora, F.
SH53B-2494Abstract Title: Newtonian CAFE: a new ideal MHD code to study the solar atmosphere
Lora, J. M.
PP21A-2212Abstract Title: Using Clumped Isotopes to Investigate the Causes of Pluvial Conditions in the Southeastern Basin and Range during the Last Deglaciation, PP43B-2272Abstract Title: Atmospheric Rivers Enhanced Water Delivery to Southwestern North America at the Last Glacial Maximum
Lora, M.
H21F-1436Abstract Title: Relative controls of external and internal variability on time-variable transit time distributions, and the importance of StorAge Selection function approaches
Lorance, E. D.
V21D-07Abstract Title: Mineral-catalyzed dehydrogenation of C6 cyclic hydrocarbons: results from experimental studies under hydrothermal conditions
Lorand, J. P.
DI31A-2575Abstract Title: Early Mantle Evolution and the Late Veneer – New Perspectives from Highly Siderophile Elements, NH11A-1882Abstract Title: Paleomagnetism and Mineralogy of Unusual Silicate Glasses and Baked Soils on the Surface of the Atacama Desert of Northern Chile: A Major Airburst Impact ~12ka ago?., V52A-03Abstract Title: Combined Whole-Rock to Nano-Scale Investigations Reveal Contrasting Response of Pt-Os and Re-Os Isotope Systematics During Magmatic and Post-Magmatic Processes
Loranty, M. M.
B31C-0570Abstract Title: Post-fire stand structure impacts carbon storage within Siberian larch forests, B31D-0592Abstract Title: Analysis of Terrestrial Carbon Stocks in a Small Catchment of Northeastern Siberia, B42C-03Abstract Title: Long-term Impacts of Fire on Permafrost Vulnerability and C loss in Siberian Larch Forests, B43I-0660Abstract Title: Live and Dead Root Biomass in Alaskan Tundra and Boreal Forest Ecosystems., B51G-0513Abstract Title: Variability in Albedo Associated with Fire-Mediated Controls on Stand Density in Siberian Larch Forests, GC23J-1224Abstract Title: Correlations between the Heterogeneity of Permafrost Thaw Depth and Vegetation in Boreal Forests and Arctic Tundra in Alaska.
Lord, A.
EP51B-0918Abstract Title: Geodetic Imaging of Marsh Surface Elevation with Terrestrial Laser Scanning
Lord, M.
H31D-1433Abstract Title: Experimentally Isolating the Contributions of a Disturbed Ephemeral Drainage to a Headwater Stream in the Southern Appalachians
Lord, N. S.
PP53A-2315Abstract Title: Projecting the Response of Climate to Orbital Variations in the Pliocene Using an Emulator
Lord, N. E.
NS41B-1933Abstract Title: Active Travel-Time Tomography using a Distributed Acoustic Sensing Array, NS41B-1937Abstract Title: Garner Valley Vibroseis Data Processing Using Time-Frequency Filtering Techniques to Remove Unwanted Harmonics and External Noise
Loredo, T. J.
P11D-05Abstract Title: Enceladus’s subsurface sea is part of a global ocean as shown by measured physical libration
Lorenson, T. D.
EP41B-0929Abstract Title: Sediment Dating With Short-Lived Radioisotopes In Monterey Canyon, California Imply Episodes Of Rapid Deposition And Erosion
Lorente-Plazas, R.
NG33A-1856Abstract Title: Parameter Estimation for Observation Bias with an Ensemble Kalman Filter
Lorentzen, D. A.
SA23B-2351Abstract Title: Swarm and ESR observations of the ionospheric response to a field-aligned current system in the high-latitude midnight sector, SH52A-02Abstract Title: THE TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE ON SVALBARD 2015, SM12B-02Abstract Title: Winds and Ion Drifts Measured in the Thermospheric Footprint of Earth's Northern Magnetic Cusp During the C-REX Sounding Rocket Mission, SM13A-2468Abstract Title: A Study of the Different classes of Poleward-Moving Auroral Forms
Lorenz, C.
H21H-1484Abstract Title: Investigating Baseline, Alternative and Copula-based Algorithm for combining Airborne Active and Passive Microwave Observations in the SMAP Context
Lorenz, D. L.
B51F-0489Abstract Title: Synchrony and Divergence in Stream Metabolism across the Continental United States
Lorenz, H.
T13C-3028Abstract Title: The Collisional Orogeny in the Scandinavian Caledonides (COSC) Project: Investigating Exposed Middle Crust Through Geological Mapping, Drilling and Geophysics
Lorenz, K.
B31F-02Abstract Title: Soil Carbon Cycling – More than Changes in Soil Organic Carbon Stocks
Lorenz, R. D.
A51U-01Abstract Title: Dust Devils : How many, how big, and how deadly ?, P12B-01Abstract Title: Alluvial Fans on Titan Reveal Atmosphere and Surface Interactions and Material Transport, P12B-02Abstract Title: Liquid-Filled Channels On Titan, P12B-03Abstract Title: Composition, seasonal change and bathymetry of Ligeia Mare, Titan, derived from its 2.2-cm thermal emission, P13B-2141Abstract Title: An Overview of the Bathymetry and Composition of Titan’s Hydrocarbon Seas from the Cassini RADAR Altimeter , P51D-05Abstract Title: The case for water ice in Titan’s near subsurface
Lorenzetti, D.
H43G-1621Abstract Title: Development of a 3D Soil-Plant-Atmosphere Continuum (SPAC) coupled to a Land Surface Model
Lorenzo, J. M.
NG12AAbstract Title: Fracking/Hydraulic Fracturing: Scaling, Applications, Processes, Models, and Natural Examples---Statistical Geodynamics I, NG13AAbstract Title: Fracking/Hydraulic Fracturing: Scaling, Applications, Processes, Models, and Natural Examples---Statistical Geodynamics II Poster, NS51A-1968Abstract Title: Combined Resistivity and Shear Wave Velocity Soil-type Estimation Beneath a Coastal Protection Levee.
Lorenzo Trueba, J.
EP22A-03Abstract Title: Chasing boundaries and cascade effects in a coupled barrier – marshes – lagoon system
Loria Salazar, S. M.
A23A-0279Abstract Title: Evaluation of MODIS aerosol optical depth for semi­-arid environments in complex terrain, A31D-0089Abstract Title: Spatial Surface PM2.5 Concentration Estimates for Wildfire Smoke Plumes in the Western U.S. Using Satellite Retrievals and Data Assimilation Techniques
Lorick, R.
GC53C-1216Abstract Title: Oscillating Hydrofoils for Tidal Energy Extraction: Experiments, Simulations and Salt Water Field Tests
Loring, B.
A33A-0122Abstract Title: Enabling Efficient Climate Science Workflows in High Performance Computing Environments
Loring, J.
MR52A-02Abstract Title: Investigation of Wyoming Bentonite Hydration in Dry to Water-Saturated Supercritical CH4 and CH4/CO2 Mixtures: Implications for CO2-Enhanced Gas Production
Lorito, S.
NH23C-1912Abstract Title: Using the GPU based Model Tsunami-HySEA for the Italian CTSP, S51B-2680Abstract Title: Towards inclusion of dynamic slip features in stochastic models for probabilistic (tsunami) hazard analysis., S54A-01Abstract Title: Global search inversion of multiple data to image the rupture process of M6 to M9+ earthquakes
Lorrey, A.
PP43F-06Abstract Title: Hydroclimate variability and regional atmospheric circulation over the past 1,350 years reconstructed from Lake Ohau, New Zealand, PP53B-2348Abstract Title: Stratigraphic Architecture of a Former Lowland Kauri Swamp in Ruakaka, North Island, New Zealand.
Lorscheid, T.
PP43C-2283Abstract Title: Sea-level highstands during the Last interglacial (MIS 5e) in Mallorca
Löscher, C. R.
OS23A-1986Abstract Title: Nitrogen fixation in sediments along a depth transect through the Eastern Boundary Upwelling Systems off Peru and Mauritania
Loskutov, E. M.
NG23B-1798Abstract Title: Nonlinear Empirical Decomposition of Space-Time Distributed Data, NG23B-1803Abstract Title: Extraction of Nonlinear Dynamical Modes Underlying Climate Variability
Losno, R.
A22D-04Abstract Title: Dependence of simulations of long range transport on meteorology, model and dust size, A23C-0314Abstract Title: DUST FROM PATAGONIA TO SOUTHERN INDIAN OCEAN
Loss, D. P.
C11A-0744Abstract Title: Testing Models of Modern Glacial Erosion of the St. Elias Mountains, Alaska Using Marine Sediment Provenance
Lossada, A. C.
T23A-2931Abstract Title: Uplift Sequence of the Main Morphoestructural Units of the South Central Andes at 30°S: Insights from a Multidisciplinary Approach, T34A-01Abstract Title: Upper-crustal Stress Field Variations During the Building of the Central Andes: Constrains on the Activation/deactivation of Megadetachments
Lotko, W.
SM14AAbstract Title: Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling Processes I, SM14A-07Abstract Title: Impacts of ionospheric outflow on storm-time F-region thermospheric mass density modeling, SM23BAbstract Title: Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling Processes II Posters, SM31F-08Abstract Title: Origins and Closure of the Region 1 Currents of Iijima and Potemra, SM51C-2580Abstract Title: Influence of Causally Regulated Ion Outflow on Coupled Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Dynamics
Loto'aniu, P. T. M.
SA43A-2357Abstract Title: Exospheric hydrogen density estimates from absorption dips in GOES solar irradiance measurements, SH21B-2411Abstract Title: DSCOVR Retrospective Science Products and Access, SM13D-2550Abstract Title: Possible current sheet flapping motion and periodic particle flux enhancements observed during the Galaxy 15 spacecraft anomaly, SM41C-2499Abstract Title: Recent Geoeffective Space Weather Events and Technological System Impacts, SM41E-2533Abstract Title: Source and seed populations for relativistic electrons: their roles in radiation belt changes
Lotsari, E. S.
EP51A-0904Abstract Title: The evolution of an ephemeral river during the rising and receding phases of medium and low magnitude discharge events
Lott, C.
PP53C-2363Abstract Title: Historical Records of Combustion Practices Using Molecular and Isotopic Markers in Sediment Profiles Around Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Lotto, G. C.
T14B-02Abstract Title: The Effect of a Compliant Accretionary Wedge on Earthquake Rupture and Tsunamigenesis
Lotz, W.
A31D-0080Abstract Title: The Retrieval of Aerosol Optical Thickness Using the MERIS Instrument
Lou, S.
A41B-0056Abstract Title: Impacts of ENSO events on cloud radiative effects in preindustrial conditions: Changes in cloud fraction and aerosol emissions, wet scavenging and transport
Lou, Y.
SA13A-2313Abstract Title: Improvement of stratospheric balloon positioning and the impact on Antarctic gravity wave parameter estimation
Lou, Y.
B53A-0537Abstract Title: Airborne Microwave Observatory of Subcanopy and Subsurface (AirMOSS) Earth Venture Suborbital Mission Overview
Louarn, P.
SM31C-2516Abstract Title: On the Jovian Machinery: from Magnetodisk Perturbations to the Generation of Radio Emissions., SM41J-08Abstract Title: Observations of the Jovian Mid-Magnetosphere by the New Horizons Solar Wind Around Pluto (SWAP) Ion Spectrometer, SM51E-2594Abstract Title: Electrostatic drift waves in a 2D magnetic current sheet - a new kinetic theory
Loubeyre, P.
MR13C-2723Abstract Title: Searching for the Hydrogen Plasma Phase Transition on the National Ignition Facility
Loubrieu, B.
T13B-3005Abstract Title: New multi-beam bathymetric map of the Ionian Sea (Central Mediterranean): Evidence for active sedimentary and morpho-tectonic processes along the Africa-Eurasia plate boundary
Louchouarn, P.
B11G-0523Abstract Title: High-resolution analysis of the terrestrial influence on DOC and POC export in a Siberian Arctic River during the spring freshet, B11H-0544Abstract Title: From Ecosystem-Scale to Litter Biochemistry: Controls on Carbon Sequestration in Coastal Wetlands of the Western Gulf of Mexico, B11H-0552Abstract Title: Degradation State and Sequestration Potential of Carbon in Coastal Wetlands of Texas: Mangrove Vs. Saltmarsh Ecosystems
Loucks, D. P.
H41G-1445Abstract Title: Identifying and Evaluating Options for Improving Sediment Management and Fish Passage at Hydropower Dams in the Lower Mekong River Basin
Loucks, R.
EP13A-0937Abstract Title: Sedimentology and Sedimentary Dynamics of the Desmoinesian Cherokee Group, Deep Anadarko Basin, Texas Panhandle
Louden, K. E.
V21A-3027Abstract Title: Seismic structure of an amagmatic section of the ultra-slow spreading South West Indian Ridge: the 2014 Sismosmooth cruise
Lough, A. C.
C11C-0782Abstract Title: Prolific Sources of Icequakes: The Mulock and Skelton Glaciers, Antarctica, S43F-07Abstract Title: Deep Long-period Seismicity Beneath the Executive Committee Range, Marie Byrd Land, Antarctica, Studied Using Subspace Detection, S51D-2718Abstract Title: Locations and focal mechanisms of deep long period events beneath Aleutian Arc volcanoes using back projection methods
Lough, G. C.
GC12B-01Abstract Title: Special Assessment Reports: A Critical Part of the Sustained National Climate Assessment Process, IN12A-06Abstract Title: Traceable Data and a Transparent Process: Experiences from the Sustained National Climate Assessment, PA13A-2186Abstract Title: Making Information Useful: Engagement in the Sustained National Climate Assessment Process, TH25DAbstract Title: Building Science Knowledge and Meeting Climate Change Challenges: US Global Change Research Program and the National Climate Assessment
Lougheed, V.
B54B-08Abstract Title: Carbon Sources and Sinks in Freshwater and Estuarine Environments of the Arctic Coastal Plain.
Loughman, R. P.
U34A-06Abstract Title: Volcanic Aerosols from Satellites: Current and Emerging Capabilities
Loughner, C.
A11G-0127Abstract Title: Trace Gas Retrievals from the GeoTASO Aircraft Instrument, A11G-0134Abstract Title: Effects of PBL Mixing on Simulated NO2 Profile Shapes in the Coupled WRF/CMAQ Model and Comparison to Observations during DISCOVER-AQ July 2011, A11O-04Abstract Title: The role of refinery flaring events and bay breezes on a high surface ozone episode during the Houston, Texas DISCOVER-AQ field campaign
Louie, J. N.
DI11B-2594Abstract Title: CONSTRAINTS ON THE NATURE OF THE G-BOUNDARY IN SUBDUCTING OCEANIC LITHOSPHERE, BASED ON HIGH FREQUENCY (14 HZ) SEISMIC REFLECTION DATA, DI11B-2595Abstract Title: Seismic Probing of the Base of a Tectonic Plate from Subduction Zone to Trench Outer Rise: Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand, NS43A-1952Abstract Title: Basin-fill Aquifer Modeling with Terrestrial Gravity: Assessing Static Offsets in Bulk Datasets using MATLAB; Case Study of Bridgeport, CA, NS51A-1966Abstract Title:

Joint Optimization of Vertical Component Gravity and Seismic P-wave First Arrivals by Simulated Annealing, T43E-05Abstract Title: Neotectonics and Structural Development of the Northern Walker Lane

Louie, J.
ED13C-0896Abstract Title: Ocean Tracks: Investigating Marine Migrations in a Changing Ocean, ED14B-04Abstract Title: Ocean Tracks: College Edition – Promoting Data Literacy in Science Education at the Undergraduate Level
Louie, P. K. K.
A11O-08Abstract Title: Impact of Hong Kong’s Voluntary Catalytic Converter Replacement Programme on Roadside Air Quality, A34F-05Abstract Title: Observations of Nitryl Chloride and Modeling its Source and Effect on Ozone in the Planetary Boundary Layer of Southern China, A51W-08Abstract Title: Investigating Chemical and Thermodynamic Conditions that Determine the Aerosol Inorganic Nitrate Size Distribution: Insights from Speciated PM2.5 and PM10 Hourly Datasets from an Urban Site
Louis-Xavier, T.
S33D-2803Abstract Title: Quantifying the Benefits of Shallow Posthole Installation for the Future French Permanent Broadband Stations
Loupasakis, K.
G21B-1027Abstract Title: Land Deformation at the Thessaloniki - Giannitsa Plain (Greece) Deduced from 20- years Radar Observations using Persistent Scatterers Techniques
Loureiro, F. O.
NS34A-03Abstract Title: Identification of kimberlite bodies in Brazil from a 3D audio-magnetotelluric survey
Loureiro, P.
T51F-2989Abstract Title: Controls of asymmetrical opening on rift and sag basins of South Atlantic conjugate margins: Insights from gravity transects and mapping using grids of seismic reflection data
Lourenço‐Amorim, C.
B51B-0431Abstract Title: Up-scaling Stream Ecosystem Processes to Predict the Effects of Land Cover Change at a Watershed Scale in the Atlantic Tropical Rainforest.
Lourens, L. J.
G43B-1043Abstract Title: Glacial-Interglacial sea level reconstruction of the last 570 kyr: Inferences from a new benthic δ18O record of IODP Site U1386 (Gulf of Cadiz), PP42A-03Abstract Title: The MMCO-EOT conundrum: same benthic δ18O, diff erent CO2, PP52A-03Abstract Title: On the Timing and Forcing Mechanisms of Late Pleistocene Glacial Terminations: Insights from a New High-Resolution Benthic Stable Oxygen Isotope Record of the Eastern Mediterranean
Loures, L.
SA43C-04Abstract Title: The Scintillation Prediction Observations Research Task (SPORT) Mission
Loutey, D.
B33B-0651Abstract Title: Molecular Characterization of Organic Indicators of Petroleum Biosouring
Louvat, P.
EP12B-03Abstract Title: Boron isotopes at the Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory
Louvel, M.
Love, C. A.
NH51E-1936Abstract Title: California Drought Recovery Assessment Using GRACE Satellite Gravimetry Information
Love, D.
GP13B-1298Abstract Title: Coupling Magnetotellurics and Hydrothermal Modeling to Further Understand Geothermal Resources
Love, G. D.
PP33E-07Abstract Title: Tracking Eukaryotic Production and Burial Through Time with Zinc Isotopes
Love, J. J.
ED51D-0841Abstract Title: Aurora Borealis, A Painting by Frederic Edwin Church, IN31D-08Abstract Title: Geomagnetic Observatory Data for Real-Time Applications, SM32A-02Abstract Title: On the Log-Normality of Historical Magnetic-Storm Intensity Statistics: Implications for Extreme-Event Probabilities
Love, P. T.
SA12A-02Abstract Title: Antarctic MLT Gravity Wave Momentum Flux Observed by the Davis MST Radar
Lovejoy, S.
H13H-1661Abstract Title: Space-time Precipitation Variability of Global Scale Precipitation: Empirical Analysis, Stochastic Modeling, Anthropogenic Effects, NG23B-1792Abstract Title: The ScaLIng Macroweather Model (SLIMM) and monthly and inter annual regional forecasting., NG32AAbstract Title: Nonlinear Phenomena: Scaling, Waves, and Turbulence I, NG33B-01Abstract Title: Why the warming can’t be natural: the nonlinear geophysics of climate closure, NG33CAbstract Title: Nonlinear Phenomena: Scaling, Waves, and Turbulence II (Half Session), NG41AAbstract Title: Nonlinear Phenomena: Scaling, Waves, and Turbulence III Posters, NG41A-1762Abstract Title: The Joint Space-Time Statistics Of Macroweather Precipitation, Space-Time Statistical Factorization And Macroweather Models
Loveland, T. R.
B31A-0527Abstract Title: Characterizing Land-cover Changes Since 1650 in the Southeastern United States for Application to Regional Climate Modeling, B31A-0528Abstract Title: Modeling Regional Climate Responses to 17th-20th Century Land Use Change over the Southeastern United States
Loveless, J. P.
G13A-0986Abstract Title: Towards the First Global Block Model, NH24A-03Abstract Title: Using present-day patterns of interseismic coupling to model the C.E. 1707 Hōei earthquake and simulate tsunami inundation of Lake Ryuuoo in the Bungo Channel, southwestern Japan, T33C-2944Abstract Title: Fluvial Record of Active Deformation Along the Canyon River Fault in the Wynoochee River Valley, WA, T43C-3028Abstract Title: Two decades of spatiotemporal variations in subduction zone coupling offshore Japan
Lovenduski, N. S.
B23J-05Abstract Title: Changing ocean biogeochemistry in the CESM Large Ensemble
Lovera, O. M.
T13B-2999Abstract Title: Alternations in burial and exhumation along the Selimiye (Kayabükü) shear zone in the Menderes Massif from detailed garnet pressure-temperature paths, V31G-06Abstract Title: Whole-Rock 40Ar/39Ar Step-heating Analyses, Problems and Potential, V33E-03Abstract Title: Late Pleistocene pluton formation during the waning stages of the Altiplano-Puna ignimbrite flare-up, V43B-3156Abstract Title: Numerical Simulation of Magma Reservoirs to Interpret Chrono-Chemical Signal
Lovett, G. M.
B33D-0748Abstract Title: Do Forest Age and Soil Depth Affect Carbon and Nitrogen Adsorption in Mineral Horizons?
Lovette, J. P.
H43C-1522Abstract Title: Channel Geometry and Flood Flows: Quantifying over-bank flow dynamics during high-flow events in North Carolina’s floodplains
Løvholt, F.
NH14A-03Abstract Title: Modeling tsunamis induced by retrogressive submarine landslides, T11E-2942Abstract Title: Tsunamis from Tectonic Sources along Caribbean Plate Boundaries
Lovill, S.
H23J-03Abstract Title: Drainage from the critical zone: lithologic, aspect, and vegetation controls on the spatial extent of wetted channels during the summer dry seasons.
Lovoll, G.
H21A-1333Abstract Title: Saffman-Taylor fingering: why it is not a proper upscaled model of viscous fingering in a (even two-dimensional) random porous medium
Low, M.
ED34B-07Abstract Title: A Model for Local Experiential Learning: Workshop on Mangroves, Oceans & Climate in Kosrae
Low, R.
Lowe, D.
IN23D-1750Abstract Title: From WaterML to TimeseriesML: Evolution and implications for cross-domain data interoperability
Lowe, D. R.
V44A-07Abstract Title: Detrital Zircon Geochronology and Petrology of Sediments from the Barberton greenstone belt: Implications for Provenance and Tectonic Reconstructions
Lowe, D.
A24B-07Abstract Title: Characterising Biomass Burning Aerosol in WRF-Chem using the Volatility Basis Set, with Evaluation against SAMBBA Flight Data
Lowe, K.
S42C-02Abstract Title: Coseismic landslides associated with the 2015 Gorkha earthquake sequence in Nepal
Lowe, S. E.
H12C-04Abstract Title: Predicting future, post-fire erosion and sedimentation with watershed models in the western USA
Lowe, W.
B11D-0468Abstract Title: Mercury Speciation and Bioaccumulation In Riparian and Upland Food Webs of the White Mountains Region, New Hampshire, USA
Lowell, A. W.
AE21A-03Abstract Title: Positron density enhancements recorded within a thunderstorm by ADELE
Lowell, N. S.
B51B-0433Abstract Title: High-resolution chemical and hydrologic records identify environmental factors that control coastal anchialine cave ecosystem function
Lowell, R. P.
OS43A-2008Abstract Title: Coupled Porosity and Chemical Evolution of Hydrothermal Circulation: Implications for the Morphology of Vents and Recharge Zones at Mid-Ocean Ridges, OS43A-2022Abstract Title: Initial Modeling of Hydrothermal Circulation at the Mid-Cayman Spreading Center, OS43A-2028Abstract Title: Numerical Modeling of the Hydrothermal System at East Pacific Rise 9°50’N Including Anhydrite Precipitation, T41F-06Abstract Title: The effects of thick sediment upon continental breakup: seismic imaging and thermal modeling of the Salton Trough, southern California, V11AAbstract Title: Geology, Geophysics, Geochemistry, and Biology of Serpentinization Processes on Earth and Other Planets Posters, V11A-3053Abstract Title: An experimental study on evolution of fracture permeability and rate of water-rock reactions in ultramafic rocks at hydrothermal conditions, V11A-3057Abstract Title: Numerical Modeling of Brine Formation and Serpentinization at the Rainbow Hydrothermal System
Lowell, T. V.
PP11C-04Abstract Title: The Influence of Source Biases on Sedimentary Leaf Waxes and Their Stable Isotope Compositions, PP23A-2273Abstract Title: Sedimentology, geochronology, oxygen isotope and grain size stratigraphy of a core from Pretty Lake, Indiana: Exploring Midwestern hydroclimate during the last 2000 years
Lowenstern, J. B.
V11G-05Abstract Title: Lessons from geothermal gases at Yellowstone, V13C-3139Abstract Title: Delineating Spatial Patterns in the Yellowstone Hydrothermal System using Geothermometry, V43B-3114Abstract Title: New Constraints on the Geochemistry of the Millennium Eruption of Mount Paektu (Changbaishan), Democratic People’s Republic of Korea/China
Lowery, C.
PP51DAbstract Title: Decoding Paleoenvironmental Proxies: Developments, Challenges, Refinements, and Mechanisms I, PP52BAbstract Title: Decoding Paleoenvironmental Proxies: Developments, Challenges, Refinements, and Mechanisms II, PP53BAbstract Title: Decoding Paleoenvironmental Proxies: Developments, Challenges, Refinements, and Mechanisms III Posters, PP53B-2328Abstract Title: (Sample) Size Matters: Defining Error in Planktic Foraminiferal Isotope Measurement
Löwhagen, L.
NH33A-1895Abstract Title: Geochemical and Mineralogical Proxies for characterizing Tsunami and Paleotsunami Deposits
Lowick, S.
EP41A-0904Abstract Title: The Tista Megafan, a ~50 kyr Record of Drainage Development, Erosion and Weathering in the Sikkim Himalayas (Eastern India)
Lowman, J. P.
DI51A-2614Abstract Title: The Interaction Between Supercontinent Cycles and Compositional Variations in the Deep Mantle
Lowman, L.
B31E-07Abstract Title: How tropical cyclone inter-annual timing and trajectory control gross primary productivity in the SE US at seasonal and annual timescales and impacts on mountain forest eco-hydrology
Lownsbery, D. S.
ED41B-02Abstract Title: Flash Mob Science – Increasing Seismic Hazard Awareness and Preparedness in Oregon
Lowrie, C. J.
H31F-1496Abstract Title: Watershed-scale Evapotranspiration Changed Little over 50 years of Agricultural Land Abandonment in Southern Michigan
Lowry, A. R.
T11C-2907Abstract Title: New Insights into the Tectonics of the Midcontintent of U.S.A. from EarthScope USArray Seismic, Gravity, Magnetic and Heat Flow Datasets, T11C-2910Abstract Title: Cold and wet at the roots of U.S. Cordilleran high elevation, T11D-2916Abstract Title: Two-layer Crustal Structure of the Contiguous United States from Joint Inversion of USArray Receiver Functions and Gravity, T24A-08Abstract Title: Water Tectonics: Evidence That Hydration Plays a Role in Tectonism, T33B-03Abstract Title: Causes for the Onset and Stability of Flat Slabs and Associated Overriding Plate Deformation Inferred from Numerical Thermo-Mechanical Models, T41D-2932Abstract Title: Exploring new refinements to estimation of Te and mass loading
Lowry, B. W.
G21C-03Abstract Title: High Resolution Displacement Monitoring for Urban Environments in Seattle, Washington using Terrestrial Radar Interferometry
Lowry, B.
H11B-1324Abstract Title: Ceramic Borehole Seals for Nuclear Waste Disposal Applications
Lowry, C.
C33A-0798Abstract Title: Identifying Components of Groundwater Flow, Flux, and Storage in Tuolumne Meadows, Yosemite, California
Lowry, D.
A11C-0086Abstract Title: What atmospheric measurements tell us about methane emissions in the East Siberian Arctic Shelf, A11I-0174Abstract Title: Real-time analysis of δ13C- and δD-CH4 in ambient air with laser spectroscopy: Method development and intercomparison, A11JAbstract Title: New Methodologies for Mobile Greenhouse Gas Emissions Measurement at Local and Regional Scales Posters, A11J-0202Abstract Title: Mobile measurement of methane: plumes, isotopes and inventory verification, A33C-0163Abstract Title: Isotope and methane dynamics above and below the Trade Wind Inversion at Ascension Island using UAVs, A33C-0164Abstract Title: Isotopic constraints on the rise in atmospheric methane., A51S-02Abstract Title: Scheduling whole-air samples above the Trade Wind Inversion from SUAS using real-time sensors
Lowry, G. V.
H31E-1449Abstract Title: Reactivity of Dazomet, a Hydraulic Fracturing Additive: Hydrolysis and Interaction with Pyrite
Lowry, J.
EP31B-1010Abstract Title: Long-term predictions – can we make predictions about landscape form and function?
Lowry, R. K.
IN21D-1714Abstract Title: Moving Controlled Vocabularies into the Semantic Web
Loyd, S. J.
PP12A-06Abstract Title: Paleoenvironmental reconstruction of ~40ka stromatolites from the ancient Lake Lahontan, Nevada, USA, PP31B-2230Abstract Title: Depleted δ13C Values in Salt Dome Cap Rock Organic Matter and Implications for Microbial Metabolism and Fixation, PP31B-2244Abstract Title: Sulfate-dependent Anaerobic Oxidation of Methane as a Generation Mechanism for Calcite Cap Rock in Gulf Coast Salt Domes, PP31B-2254Abstract Title: Assessing potential diagenetic alteration of primary iodine-to-calcium ratios in carbonate rocks, P31A-2024Abstract Title: Preservation Potential of Life in Little Hot Creek, California: Implications for the use of Hot Spring Systems as Astrobiological Targets
Loyer, S.
G23B-1060Abstract Title: GRGS Numerical Simulations for GRASP Mission
Lozano, S.
H21B-1363Abstract Title: Using a Geographic Information System to Assess Site Suitability for Managed Aquifer Recharge using Stormwater Capture
Lozano-SantaCruz, R.
PP31A-2227Abstract Title: Orbital scale paleohydrological changes in the subtropical Mexico since MIS 5 and possible forcings
Lozbin, A.
AE31B-0430Abstract Title: Scientific Lightning Detection Network for Kazakhstan
Lozos, J.
T12A-03Abstract Title: A Case for Historic Joint Rupture of the San Andreas and San Jacinto Faults
Lozovskiy, A.
H51N-1613Abstract Title: Model Reduction for Free-Surface Flows
Lu, B.
H31B-1415Abstract Title: Quantifying Arsenic Leaching from Soils Using a Fractional-Derivative Model
LU, B.
H31B-1415Abstract Title: Quantifying Arsenic Leaching from Soils Using a Fractional-Derivative Model
Lu, C.
DI41A-2589Abstract Title: Geodynamic constraints on deep-mantle buoyancy: Implications for thermochemical structure of LLSVP and large-scale upwellings under the Pacific Ocean., S21E-08Abstract Title: Effect of Subducting Slabs in Global Shear Wave Tomography
Lu, C.
B11BAbstract Title: Closing the Global Nitrous Oxide Budget: Magnitude, Spatiotemporal Patterns, and Responses I Posters, B11B-0421Abstract Title: Estimation of Pre-industrial Nitrous Oxide Emission from the Terrestrial Biosphere, B14AAbstract Title: Closing the Global Nitrous Oxide Budget: Magnitude, Spatiotemporal Patterns, and Responses II, B14A-06Abstract Title: Historical Pattern and Future Trajectories of Terrestrial N2O Emission driven by Multi-factor Global Changes, B21M-03Abstract Title: The full budget of greenhouse gases in the terrestrial biosphere: From global C project to global GHG project, B21M-07Abstract Title: Nitrogen Dynamics are a Key Factor in Explaining Global Land Carbon Sink, GC33C-1313Abstract Title: Optimizing water management practices for enhancing rice production and mitigating greenhouse gas emissions in Asia: The food-water-climate nexus approach, H33L-08Abstract Title: Disentangling climatic and anthropogenic controls on global terrestrial evapotranspiration trends
Lu, C. H.
A21A-0018Abstract Title: Multiple Sensitivity Testing for Regional Air Quality Model in summer 2014
Lu, C. Y.
T33A-2916Abstract Title: Extrusional Tectonics at Plate Corner: an Example in Northern Taiwan
Lu, C. Y.
T43A-2966Abstract Title: Oblique Convergence Tectonics in Northern Taiwan-Ryukyu Area:Insights from Sandbox Modeling, T43A-2967Abstract Title: East vergent structure of Backbone Range: Insights from A-Lan-Yi area and sandbox modeling
Lu, C.
OS53A-2001Abstract Title: Interdecadal linkages between Pacific decadal oscillation and interhemispheric air mass oscillation and their possible connections with East Asian Monsoon
Lu, C. T.
B33C-0685Abstract Title: The Canopy Conductance of a Humid Grassland
Lu, C.
A53C-0385Abstract Title: Analysis of isentropic potential vorticities for the relationship between stratospheric polar vortex and the cooling process in China, H31GAbstract Title: Groundwater Flow and Transport in Coastal Aquifers I Posters, H31G-1512Abstract Title: Comparing the performance of injection and infiltration in controlling seawater intrusion , H34EAbstract Title: Groundwater Flow and Transport in Coastal Aquifers II
Lu, C.
A22A-04Abstract Title: Relationships of Entrainment Rate with Dynamical and Thermodynamic Properties in Shallow Convection, A51D-0090Abstract Title: Cloud microphysical relationships in continental stratocumulus clouds measured during the RACORO campaign
Lu, F.
NG33A-1865Abstract Title: A discrete approach to stochastic parametrization and dimension reduction in nonlinear dynamics 
Lu, G.
SA13CAbstract Title: Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere Coupling in the Polar Cap:  Drivers and Impacts I, SA23BAbstract Title: Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere Coupling in the Polar Cap:  Drivers and Impacts II Posters, SA44A-09Abstract Title: Global and Meso-scale Thermospheric Neutral Wind Response to Geomagnetic Storm
Lu, G.
AE13A-02Abstract Title: Beijing Lightning Network (BLNET): Configuration, Function and Preliminary Results, AE21AAbstract Title: Energetic Radiation from Lightning and Thunderstorms I, AE21A-07Abstract Title: The sequence of events in a lightning stroke: terrestrial gamma ray flash, radio signal and optical lightning., AE31A-0417Abstract Title: Reconstruction of initial continuous current waveform in rocket-triggered lightning from close magnetic measurement, AE31C-0457Abstract Title: A preliminary study of thunderstorm tracking based on single-station observations of NBEs, AE33AAbstract Title: Energetic Radiation from Lightning and Thunderstorms II Posters, AE33C-0513Abstract Title: Long-delayed bright dancing sprite with large horizontal displacement from its parent flash
Lu, G. S.
B11J-0571Abstract Title: Insight from Genomics on Biogeochemical Cycles in a Shallow-Sea Hydrothermal System
Lu, G.
S43D-2841Abstract Title: Long Range Effect of The M7.8 April 2015 Nepal Earth Quake on the Deep Groudwater Outflow in a Thousand-Mile-Away Geothermal Field in Southern China's Guangdong
Lu, H.
T12B-08Abstract Title: The Jianchuan Basin, Yunnan: Implications on the Evolution of SE Tibet During the Eocene
Lu, H.
B12B-08Abstract Title: P-Wave and S-Wave Velocity Structure of Submarine Landslide Associated With Gas Hydrate Layer on Frontal Ridge of Northern Cascadia Margin
Lü, H.
H33D-1631Abstract Title: Effect of climate change on the irrigation and discharge scheme for winter wheat in Huaibei Plain, China
Lu, H.
S13B-2827Abstract Title: Dynamic Triggering of Microseismic Events
Lu, H.
A33K-0347Abstract Title: Dynamical Response to the QBO in the Northern Winter Stratosphere: Signatures in Wave Forcing and Eddy Fluxes of Potential Vorticity
Lu, H.
A51O-0289Abstract Title: Cloud Radiative Heating Profiles in the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool Region Affected by the MJO and Kelvin Wave
Lu, H.
EP43A-0956Abstract Title: Characterization of detrital zircon U-Pb age patterns of the sandy and Gobi desert and implication for Chinese loess source
Lu, H.
GC21B-1096Abstract Title: Assessment of the water and energy budget simulation of three land surface models: CLM4.5, CoLM2014, and CoLM2005, H13H-1648Abstract Title: Evaluation and application of newest GPM product with a distributed hydrological model at Mekong River basin
Lu, H. III
A43A-0236Abstract Title: Characterization of Atmospheric Aerosol Particles from a Mining City in Southwest China Using Electron Probe microanalysis
Lu, J.
A41Q-07Abstract Title: Examining the Prevalence of Natural Gas “Super-emitters” in the Marcellus Shale Region, A43F-0350Abstract Title: Assessment and mitigation of errors associated with a large-scale field investigation of methane emissions from the Marcellus Shale, A43F-0351Abstract Title: Correlating Well-Pad Characteristics and Methane Emissions in the Marcellus Shale
Lu, J.
A11PAbstract Title: Atmospheric Circulations and Their Role in the Hydrological Cycle: Monsoons, Storm Tracks, and the ITCZ I, A12BAbstract Title: Atmospheric Circulations and Their Role in the Hydrological Cycle: Monsoons, Storm Tracks, and the ITCZ II, A12B-07Abstract Title: Local Finite-Amplitude Wave Activity as an Objective Diagnostic of Midlatitude Extreme Weather, A13A-0291Abstract Title: The dynamical signature on the change of hydrological extremes under global warming, A33I-0291Abstract Title: Dynamical and thermodynamical modulations of future atmospheric river changes in the west coast of North America, A34C-03Abstract Title: Atmospheric Rivers and Heavy Precipitation From a Hierarchy of Climate Simulations, A51J-0204Abstract Title: Impacts of resolution-dependent physics in aquaplanet simulations, OS51A-1974Abstract Title: Exploring the tropical Response to Global Warming via an Overriding Technique, OS51A-1979Abstract Title: Understanding the El Niño-like Oceanic Response in the Tropical Pacific to Global Warming
Lu, J.
V11B-3064Abstract Title: H2O contents and geochemistry of peridotite xenoliths from the Anyuan: Nature and evolution of lithospheric mantle beneath the west Cathaysia block,SE China
Lu, J.
H12A-04Abstract Title: Hydrogeology from 10,000 ft below: lessons learned in applying pulse testing for leakage detection in a carbon sequestration formation, H31E-1450Abstract Title: Geochemical Interaction of Middle Bakken Reservoir Rock and CO2 during CO2-Based Fracturing
Lu, K.
A13E-0378Abstract Title: Total OH reactivity measurements aboard the Zeppelin NT during the PEGASOS campaigns 2012 and 2013: Spatial and vertical distribution and contribution of substance classes
Lu, K.
A13G-01Abstract Title: Influence of Radical Recyling on Spatial Distributions of HOx in the Planetary Boundary Layer - Zeppelin-Based Observations
Lu, L.
GC23E-1183Abstract Title: Spatiotemporal dynamics of human settlement patterns in the Southeast U.S. from DMSP/OLS nightlight time series, 1992-2013
Lu, L.
PP31B-2230Abstract Title: Depleted δ13C Values in Salt Dome Cap Rock Organic Matter and Implications for Microbial Metabolism and Fixation
Lu, M.
Lu, N.
NH33DAbstract Title: Landslide Mechanisms, Modeling, and Prediction I, NH41CAbstract Title: Landslide Mechanisms, Modeling, and Prediction II Posters
Lu, P.
A51P-0322Abstract Title: A Physically-based Tropical Cyclone Rainfall Model
Lu, Q.
G33A-1127Abstract Title: Deglaciation-induced uplift along the Greenland ice margin observed with InSAR
Lu, Q.
SH53A-2482Abstract Title: Impact of pickup ions on the shock front nonstationarity andenergy dissipation of the heliospheric termination shock:Two-dimensional full particle simulations and comparison withVoyager 2 observations, SM13D-2539Abstract Title: Dipolarization fronts as earthward propagating flux ropes: A three-dimensional global hybrid simulation, SM21A-2472Abstract Title: Calculation of Diffusion Coefficients from Bounce Resonance with Magnetosonic Waves, SM21A-2508Abstract Title: The Effect of Different Solar Wind Parameters upon Significant Relativistic Electron Flux Dropouts in the Magnetosphere, SM31A-2478Abstract Title: Study of energetic particle dynamics in Harbin Dipole eXperiment (HDX) on Space Plasma Environment Research Facility (SPERF), SM51A-2538Abstract Title: In Situ Detection of Coalescence of Magnetic Flux Rope during Magnetic Reconnection, SM51A-2545Abstract Title: Magnetic islands formed due to the Kelvin-Helmholz instability in the outflow region of collisionless magnetic reconnection, SM51A-2554Abstract Title: Laboratory Study of Magnetic Reconnection in 3D Geometry Relevant to Magnetopause and Magnetotail
Lu, R.
H23B-1575Abstract Title: Heat transfer Effect by soil temperature changes under shallow groundwater in the Mu Us desert, Northern China
Lu, R.
T13E-05Abstract Title: Coupled THMC modelling of single fractures in novaculite and granite for DECOVALEX-2015, T23B-2948Abstract Title: Modeling the Evolution of the Fracture Permeability in Granite due to Free-face Dissolution and Pressure Solution
Lu, R.
T21A-2808Abstract Title: Structural geometry, kinematics and deformation mechanism of southwestern Sichuan Basin, China: Implications for the eastward-growth of the southeast margin of the Tibetan Plateau
Lu, S.
SM13D-2539Abstract Title: Dipolarization fronts as earthward propagating flux ropes: A three-dimensional global hybrid simulation, SM51A-2538Abstract Title: In Situ Detection of Coalescence of Magnetic Flux Rope during Magnetic Reconnection
Lu, S.
H43F-1559Abstract Title: Tetrachloroethene degradation by reducing-agent enhanced Fe(II)/Fe(III) catalyzed percarbonate
Lu, S.
A11H-0164Abstract Title: A Two-Dimensional Gridded Solar Forecasting System using Situation-Dependent Blending of Multiple Weather Models
Lu, S.
T22A-06Abstract Title: Thermotectonic Evolution of the Archean Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia: Insights into Gondwana Amalgmation and Breakup
Lu, W.
B53E-0612Abstract Title: Estimation and Mapping of Coastal Mangrove Biomass Using Both Passive and Active Remote Sensing Method
Lu, W. Sr
H52B-02Abstract Title: Ensemble of Surrogates-based Optimization for Identifying an Optimal Surfactant-enhanced Aquifer Remediation Strategy at Heterogeneous DNAPL-contaminated Sites
Lu, W.
PA42A-05Abstract Title: Toolbox for Urban Mobility Simulation: High Resolution Population Dynamics for Global Cities
Lu, X.
B11D-0474Abstract Title: Facilitated cell export and desorption of methylmercury by anaerobic bacteria
Lu, X.
SA13B-2363Abstract Title: The vertical fluxes of heat and constituent induced by the semidiurnal tide in the region of 80-105 km at Boulder (40.1°N, 105.2°W), Colorado
Lu, X.
A53D-02Abstract Title: Sources and Processes Affecting Particulate Matter Pollution over North China
Lu, X.
GC31B-1171Abstract Title: Importance of Nitrogen Availability on Land Carbon Sequestration in Northern Eurasia during the 21st Century
Lu, X.
H13B-1500Abstract Title: Partitioning of Evapotranspiration Using a Stable Water Isotope Technique in a High Temperature Agricultural Production System
Lu, X.
B23B-0596Abstract Title: Recent variations in NDVI-based plant growth and their relationship with climate in boreal intact forest landscapes
Lu, Y.
PP31A-2215Abstract Title: Central Tropical Pacific Corals Reveal Reduced ENSO Variability 3-5kyBP
Lu, Y.
SA41A-2317Abstract Title: Inter-hemispheric asymmetry of Pedersen conductance
Lu, Y.
A52E-07Abstract Title: Understanding fog-plant interactions at the ecosystem scale using atmospheric carbonyl sulfide, B31B-0539Abstract Title: Fallow land effects on land-atmosphere interactions in California drought, H34A-01Abstract Title: Vegetation controls on surface heat flux partitioning, and land-atmosphere coupling
Lu, Y.
A43D-0323Abstract Title: Impact of Increased Environmental Aerosols on the Development of Extratropical Baroclinic Disturbances
Lu, Y. C.
PP21A-2217Abstract Title: Magmatic Fluid Source of the Chingshui Geothermal Field: Evidence of Carbonate Isotope data
Lu, Y. W.
OS23B-2010Abstract Title: 3D Chirp Sonar Images on Fluid Migration Pathways and Their Implications on Seafloor Stability East of the Fangliao Submarine Canyon Offshore SW Taiwan
Lu, Y.
NG33A-1843Abstract Title: A Numerical Study on the Characteristics of High-frequency Oscillations in the Eyewall of Tropical Cyclones
Lu, Y.
B11GAbstract Title: Organic Matter as an Integrated Signal of Climate and Land Use Change from Source to Sea I Posters, B11G-0514Abstract Title: Variation in Quantity, Source and Bioreactivity of Dissolved Organic Matter in Streams Draining Watersheds along a Gradient of Agricultural Land Use, B11G-0526Abstract Title: Dissolved Organic Matter in Impacted Streams and Rivers: Challenges and Future Research Directions, B13JAbstract Title: Organic Matter as an Integrated Signal of Climate and Land Use Change from Source to Sea II, B53G-0649Abstract Title: Spatial Variation in the Sources of Dissolved Inorganic Carbon in a Large Arid River Basin, Northwestern China
Lu, Z.
A44E-03Abstract Title: Assessing the Impacts of Wildfire Aerosols on the Diurnal Cycles of Stratocumulus Clouds over Southeast Atlantic Using WRF-Chem
Lu, Z. T.
H21F-1448Abstract Title: Laboratory for Radiokrypton Dating
Lu, Z.
A33A-0128Abstract Title: Percolation Features on Climate Network under Attacks of El Niño Events
Lu, Z.
G21A-1010Abstract Title: InSAR Analysis of the 2011 Hawthorne (Nevada) Earthquake Swarm: Implications of Earthquake Migration and Stress Transfer, G41A-1014Abstract Title: InSAR observations of ground surface deformation and lava flow emplacement at Pacaya volcano, Guatemala, H43H-1643Abstract Title: Characterizing hydrologic changes of Great Dismal Swamp using SAR/InSAR technology, IN11A-1768Abstract Title: Studies of Aleutian volcanoes based on two decades of SAR imagery, NH43A-1857Abstract Title: Mapping Slumgullion Landslide in Colorado, USA Using Airborne Repeat-Pass InSAR, S33A-2740Abstract Title: Coulomb Stress Change and Seismic Hazard of Rift Zones in Southern Tibet after the 2015 Mw7.8 Nepal Earthquake and Its Mw7.3 Aftershock
Lu, Z.
EP53A-0977Abstract Title: Ultralow Viscosity of Earth’s Near Surface Material Inferred from PBO Borehole Strainmeter Data, G33A-1126Abstract Title: Global Stress Variation over Time
Lu, Z.
A11G-0114Abstract Title: Aura OMI observations of changes in SO2 and NO2 emissions at local, regional and global scales, A11O-02Abstract Title: Megacity trends in OMI NO2 columns: weekday, seasonal, recession and long-term patterns, A23N-04Abstract Title: A Space-Based, High-Resolution View of Notable Changes in Urban and Regional NOx Pollution around the World (2005-2014)
Lu, Z.
H51O-1627Abstract Title: Natural methane occurrence in domestic wells is common in sodium-rich shallow groundwater in valley settings overlying the Marcellus Shale, PP31B-2254Abstract Title: Assessing potential diagenetic alteration of primary iodine-to-calcium ratios in carbonate rocks, PP33E-02Abstract Title: A Phanerozoic I/Ca compilation: potential links to ocean oxygenation, carbon cycle and bio-diversification
Luan, X.
SM32B-05Abstract Title: Solar Activity Dependence of Night Side Aurora in Winter/Dark Conditions
Luan, X.
NS33A-05Abstract Title: Multiple Suppression and Imaging of Marine Seismic Data from The Shallow Water Area in Southern East China Sea Shelf Basin
Luan, Y.
GC13H-1251Abstract Title: The food production and consumption balance in sub-Saharan Africa under different SSPs, from 2010 to 2050
Lubbe, J. V. D.
PP13B-2290Abstract Title: Sr isotope stratigraphy and lithogenic grain-size distributions of the Pleistocene Turkana Basin, Kenya, PP13B-2291Abstract Title: Sr Isotope Analysis of Lacustrine Fossils Reveals Paleohydrological Reorganisation in the Turkana Basin Through the Holocene., PP13C-2297Abstract Title: Using Isotopes to Reconstruct Mammalian Diet, Migration and Paleoenvironment for Hominin Sites in Indonesia
Lubell, M.
GC51J-06Abstract Title: Farmer Decision-Making for Climate Adaptation
Lubis, A. M.
G13A-0998Abstract Title: Re-investigation of slip rate along the southern part of the Sumatran Fault Zone using SuMo GPS network
Lubkin, S. H.
H41E-1382Abstract Title: Virginia Water Resources: Utilizing NASA Earth Observations to Monitor the Extent of Harmful Algal Blooms in Virginia Rivers
Lucarini, V.
NG23B-1801Abstract Title: Chaotic Attractor Crisis and Climate Sensitivity: a Transfer Operator Approach
Lucas, A.
H23A-1564Abstract Title: Hydraulic Parameters from Microseismicity in the Karapiti Geothermal Reinjection Field, New Zealand, S23D-2763Abstract Title: Shear Wave Splitting Inversion in a Complex Crust
Lucas, A.
EP43A-0948Abstract Title: Morphodynamics of pure elongating dunes: Implications for sediment flux in the Ténéré desert, P13B-2130Abstract Title: Backscatter modelling and inversion from Cassini/SAR data: Implications for Titan’s sand seas properties and climatic conditions
Lucas, C.
V44B-07Abstract Title: Towards probabilistic forecasts of volcanic ash transport in the atmosphere
Lucas, D. D.
A43C-0287Abstract Title: The Simulated Impact of Dimethyl Sulfide Emissions on the Earth System, GC41HAbstract Title: Quantifying Uncertainty in Climate, Earth System, Integrated Assessment, and Impact Models and Observations I, GC41H-03Abstract Title: Can large scale sea ice cover changes affect precipitation patterns over California?, GC43CAbstract Title: Quantifying Uncertainty in Climate, Earth System, Integrated Assessment, and Impact Models and Observations II Posters, GC43C-1225Abstract Title: UQ-Guided Selection of Physical Parameterizations in Climate Models, GC43C-1226Abstract Title: CAM5 Climate Model Calibration Across Multiple Spatial Resolutions
Lucas, K. L.
EP23B-0958Abstract Title: Vegetation cover and relationships of habitat-type with elevation on the Mississippi-Alabama Barrier Islands in the initial six years after Hurricane Katrina
Lucas, R.
B21D-0483Abstract Title: Continental Scale Vegetation Structure Mapping Using Field Calibrated Landsat, ALOS Palsar And GLAS ICESat
Lucas, R. G.
H11E-1393Abstract Title: Montane meadow evapotranspiration: implications for restoration and impacts on downstream flow.
Lucas, S. E.
A11N-0269Abstract Title: The Climate Variability & Predictability (CVP) Program at NOAA - Recent Program Advancements
Lucas-Picher, P.
A34C-07Abstract Title: Considerations on domain location according to the jump of resolution between the driving data and the nested regional climate model within the Big-Brother experiment.
Lucatero, D.
H53A-1653Abstract Title: Seasonal Hydrometeorological Ensemble Prediction System; Forecast of Irrigation Potentials in Denmark
Lucazeau, F.
T31B-2868Abstract Title: Crustal structure of the lesser Antilles Island arc south of Guadeloupe : new insights from the ANTITHESIS cruise, T31B-2869Abstract Title: Imaging the structure of the Northern Lesser Antilles (Guadeloupe – Virgin Island) to assess the tectonic and thermo-mechanical behavior of an arcuate subduction zone that undergoes increasing convergence obliquity
Lucchetti, A.
P43C-2135Abstract Title: Size-Frequency Distribution of Boulders ≥ 10 m on Comet 103P/Hartley 2
Lucchetti, A.
Lucchetti, G.
B21C-0441Abstract Title: Studying microfungi-mineral interactions in sulphide-bearing waste-rock dumps: a 7 years survey in the Libiola mine, North-Eastern Italy, B21C-0464Abstract Title: Colloidal precipitates related to Acid Mine Drainage: bacterial diversity and micro fungi-heavy metal interactions
Lucchi, R.
EP13A-0922Abstract Title: Evolution of a high-latitude sediment drift inside a glacially-carved trough based on high-resolution seismic stratigraphy (Kveithola, NW Barents Sea)
Lucci, F.
V33C-3118Abstract Title: Genesis and Eruptive Dynamics of the Garnet-Bearing Rhyolites from the Ramadas Volcanic Centre (Altiplano-Puna Plateau, Central Andes, Argentina).
Luce, C.
ED53B-0857Abstract Title: The NorWeST project: Crowd-sourcing a big data stream temperature database and high-resolution climate scenarios for western rivers and streams, GC13J-06Abstract Title: Slow Climate Velocities in Mountain Streams Impart Thermal Resistance to Cold-Water Refugia Across the West, GC41C-1105Abstract Title: Ecohydrological Implications of Drought for U.S. Forests, GC51E-1136Abstract Title: Differential Temperature Sensitivity of Mountain Streams: Cool Streams Keep Their Cool
Luce, P.
TH32EAbstract Title: NASA Earth Science Division Town Hall
Luceri, V.
G33C-08Abstract Title: ITRF2014 Evaluation with ILRS Data and Products
Lucero, D. A.
C43C-0809Abstract Title: Tethered Balloon Operations at ARM AMF3 Site at Oliktok Point, AK, C43C-0810Abstract Title: Scientific Infrastructure To Support Manned And Unmanned Aircraft, Tethered Balloons, And Related Aerial Activities At Doe Arm Facilities On The North Slope Of Alaska, C43C-0811Abstract Title: AMF3 ARM’s Research Facility at Oliktok Point Alaska, C43C-0812Abstract Title: Scientific Infrastructure to Support Atmospheric Science and Aerosol Science for the Department of Energy’s Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Programs at Barrow, Alaska.
Lucey, P. G.
H34E-06Abstract Title: Integration of In Situ Radon Modeling with High Resolution Aerial Remote Sensing for Mapping and Quantifying Local to Regional Flow and Transport of Submarine Groundwater Discharge from Coastal Aquifers, NH53A-03Abstract Title: TIRCIS: Hyperspectral Thermal Infrared Imaging Using a Small-Satellite Compliant Fourier-Transform Imaging Spectrometer, for Natural Hazard Applications, P11A-2061Abstract Title: The Composition of the Lunar Crust as Revealed by the Study of Impact Basin Rings using the Kaguya Multiband Imager, P41F-05Abstract Title: Radiative Transfer Modeling of MESSENGER VIR Spectra of Mercury: Detection and Mapping of Submicroscopic Carbon, P43F-02Abstract Title: Regolith Formation Rates and Evolution from the Diviner Lunar Radiometer, P43F-04Abstract Title: The Changing Polar Moon, P44A-03Abstract Title: Quantifying the VNIR Effects of Nanophase Iron Generated through the Space Weathering of Silicates: Reconciling Modeled Data with Laboratory Observations, V23B-3096Abstract Title: Characterization and initial field test of a long wave thermal infrared hyperspectral imager for measuring SO2 in volcanic plumes
Luchetti, A. C. F.
T32D-08Abstract Title: Zooming into the Paraná-Etendeka silicic volcanics, southern Brasil: a physical volcanological approach
Luchetti, N.
GC31D-1206Abstract Title: Mapping ENSO: Precipitation for the U.S. Affiliated Pacific Islands
Lucht, W.
GC13C-1154Abstract Title: The Climate Potentials and Side-Effects of Large-Scale terrestrial CO2 Removal – Insights from Quantitative Model Assessments
Lucido, J. M.
IN41B-1704Abstract Title: Development of a Coordinated National Soil Moisture Network: A Pilot Study
Lucieer, V.
OS21A-1953Abstract Title: The World’s Largest Submarine Canyon—Kroenke Canyon in the Western Equatorial Pacific, OS21A-1957Abstract Title: Multibeam Sonar Backscatter Data Acquisition and Processing: Guidelines and Recommendations from the GEOHAB Backscatter Working Group
Lück, W.
B11A-0411Abstract Title: Assessing ecosystem response to multiple disturbances and climate change in South Africa using ground- and satellite-based measurements and model
Lucker, P.
A43A-0258Abstract Title: Application of Fuzzy K-mean Method to the CALIOP/CALIPSO Layer Feature Classifications, A51I-0192Abstract Title: Characterizing Marine Boundary Layer Clouds Using CALIPSO Observations
Luckman, A. J.
C21A-0708Abstract Title: Firn structure of Larsen C Ice Shelf, Antarctic Peninsula, from in-situ geophysical surveys, C51C-0736Abstract Title: Simulating Ice-Flow and Calving on Store Glacier, West Greenland, with a 3D Full Stokes Model, C53A-0759Abstract Title: Massive Ice Layer Formed by Refreezing of Ice-shelf Surface Melt Ponds: Larsen C Ice Shelf, Antarctica
Luckman, B. H.
H33I-1741Abstract Title: Long-term reliability of the Athabasca River (Alberta, Canada) as the water source for oil sands mining
Ludäscher, B.
IN43D-07Abstract Title: Lowering the Barrier to Reproducible Research by Publishing Provenance from Common Analytical Tools, IN53B-1833Abstract Title: Realizing the Living Paper using the ProvONE Model for Reproducible Research
Ludlam, M.
P11D-04Abstract Title: Lab-on-a-Chip Instrumentation and Method for Detecting Trace Organic and Bioorganic Molecules in Planetary Exploration: The Enceladus Organic Analyzer (EOA)
Ludsin, S.
H33I-1719Abstract Title: Future Climate Impacts on Harmful Algal Blooms in an Agriculturally Dominated Ecosystem
Ludwig, K. A.
GC51A-1078Abstract Title: Using Rapid-Response Scenario-Building Methodology for Climate Change Adaptation Planning, PA42BAbstract Title: Scientific Risk and Scientific Expertise in Hazard Events: Navigating among Diverging Scientific Data and Opinions
Lueb, R.
A33K-0330Abstract Title: Isotopic (Re)ordering Signatures of Stratospheric and Tropospheric O2
Luebken, F. J.
NG32A-02Abstract Title: Connecting small-scale turbulence to large-scale dynamics in the mesosphere using the Mesosphere-Lower Thermosphere Turbulence Experiment (MTeX), SA11A-02Abstract Title: The Multi-Scale Dynamics of Gravity Waves in Parameterizations: Central Issues and Solution Strategies, SA11A-05Abstract Title: High-resolution turbulence observations in the stratosphere with LITOS, SA12A-03Abstract Title: The thermal and dynamical state of the Antarctic mesopause region during winter/summer transition and the role of stratosphere/mesosphere coupling, SA13B-2341Abstract Title: Four Years of Simultaneous Observations of Noctilucent Clouds and Mesospheric Summer Echoes at a Mid-Latitude Site (Kühlungsborn/Germany, 54°N), SA41B-2352Abstract Title: MTeX: The Mesosphere-Lower Thermosphere Turbulence Experiment
Lueck, A. J.
MR21C-2632Abstract Title: Characterizing a Mississippian Carbonate Reservoir for CO2-EOR and Carbon Geosequestration: Applicability of Existing Rock Physics Models and Implications to Feasibility of a Time Lapse Monitoring Program in the Wellington Oil Field, Sumner County, Kansas.
Luecken, D.
A11K-0216Abstract Title: Predicting SOA from organic nitrates in the southeastern United States, A41K-0233Abstract Title: Evaluation of the Community Multiscale Air Quality Model for Simulating Winter Ozone Formation in the Uinta Basin with Intensive Oil and Gas Production
Luef, B.
Luehr, B. G.
V43B-3132Abstract Title: Storage of fluids and melts at subduction zones detectable by seismic tomography
Lueker, T.
A14F-02Abstract Title: Comparing observations of fossil fuel-derived CO2 in California with predictions from bottom-up inventories
Luengen, A. C.
GC53I-06Abstract Title: Museum Preserved Bivalves as Indicators of Long-term Trends in Methylmercury Concentrations
Luetgert, J. H.
S42C-01Abstract Title: Ground Motions during the 2015 Gorkha, Nepal, Earthquake: An Expected Event that Defied Expectations
Lueth, S.
S24A-02Abstract Title: Impact of Petrophysical Experiments on Quantitative Interpretation of 4D Seismic Data at Ketzin, Germany
Luetkemeyer, P. B.
PP21A-2215Abstract Title: Concurrent Evolution of Structural Deformation and Carbonate Diagenesis within the Moab Fault, UT
Lugaz, N.
SH14A-06Abstract Title: Predicting the Interplanetary Magnetic Field using Approaches Based on Data Mining and Physical Models, SH42AAbstract Title: Evolution of Solar Wind Transients through the Heliosphere and Associated Space Weather Effects I, SH53AAbstract Title: Evolution of Solar Wind Transients through the Heliosphere and Associated Space Weather Effects II Posters, SH53A-2469Abstract Title: Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections from MESSENGER Orbital Observations at Mercury , SH53A-2474Abstract Title: STEREO Observations of Small Transients in the Solar Wind at 1 AU (2007-2014) and Comparison with Near – Earth Results from Wind (1995 - 2014), SM13A-2485Abstract Title: Electron Dropout Events Caused by Low-Density Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) and Shocks Within CMEs
Lugo, A. E.
B21L-10Abstract Title: A Novel Tropical Dry Forests: A Response to Environmental Change.
Luguet, A.
DI31A-2575Abstract Title: Early Mantle Evolution and the Late Veneer – New Perspectives from Highly Siderophile Elements, V52A-03Abstract Title: Combined Whole-Rock to Nano-Scale Investigations Reveal Contrasting Response of Pt-Os and Re-Os Isotope Systematics During Magmatic and Post-Magmatic Processes
Luhmann, A. J.
OS43A-2012Abstract Title: Fe and Cu isotope fractionation between chalcopyrite and dissolved metal species during hydrothermal recrystallization: An experimental study at 350°C and 500 bars, OS43A-2016Abstract Title: Experimental serpentinization of dunite cores at 150-200ºC and 150 bar: Importance of open system dynamics for hydrogen generation and stabilization of ferric-rich serpentine, PP23D-07Abstract Title: Insights into Methane Formation Temperatures, Biogenic Methanogenesis, and Natural Methane Emissions from Clumped Isotopes, V11A-3054Abstract Title: Silica metasomatism of peridotite: Insights from the "other half" of forsterite serpentinization
Luhmann, J. G.
P12AAbstract Title: Results from the MAVEN Mission to Mars I, P12A-04Abstract Title: STRUCTURE OF THE MARTIAN IONOSPHERE: OBSERVATIONS OF SUPRATHERMAL ELECTRONS BY MAVEN SWEA, P12A-07Abstract Title: Solar Energetic Particle Events Observed by MAVEN, P13DAbstract Title: Results from the MAVEN Mission to Mars II, P13D-07Abstract Title: A Substantial Plume of Escaping Planetary Ions in the MSE Northern Hemisphere Observed by MAVEN, P13D-08Abstract Title: The Loss Rate of Ions from the Martian Atmosphere, P21AAbstract Title: Results from the MAVEN Mission to Mars III Posters, P21A-2042Abstract Title: Altitude Dependence of Nightside Martian Suprathermal Electron Depletions as Revealed by MAVEN Observations, P21A-2049Abstract Title: Precipitating Solar Wind Hydrogen at Mars, P21A-2073Abstract Title: Implications of MAVEN Mars Near-Wake Measurements and Models, P21A-2083Abstract Title: Multi-fluid MHD Study of the Solar Wind Interaction with Mars' Upper Atmosphere during the 2015 March 8th ICME Event, P21A-2089Abstract Title: Consequences of simulated ion precipitation and sputtering during extreme conditions at Mars: comparison to MAVEN observations, P21A-2090Abstract Title: Charaterizing the O+ ion plume from Hybrid simulations: comparison to MAVEN observations, SH24A-03Abstract Title: Modeling SEPs and Their Variability in the Inner Heliosphere, SH32B-05Abstract Title: SEP modeling based on the ENLIL global heliospheric model, SH42A-05Abstract Title: Terrestrial Planet Space Weather Information: An Update , SH53A-2459Abstract Title: On Streamer-Blowout CMEs That Aren’t Really CMEs: How the Corona Makes Slow Flux Rope-Like ICMEs Without an Explosive Release of Free Magnetic Energy, SH53A-2471Abstract Title: Plasma and Magnetic Field Characteristics of Coronal Mass Ejections in Relation to Geomagnetic Storm Intensity and Variability, SH53A-2474Abstract Title: STEREO Observations of Small Transients in the Solar Wind at 1 AU (2007-2014) and Comparison with Near – Earth Results from Wind (1995 - 2014)
Luhr, H.
GP34A-04Abstract Title: Time scale of FAC variations estimated by SWARM and a comparison with ground based geomagnetic and micro-barometric observations, SA13C-03Abstract Title: Intense field-aligned currents in the polar cap as evidenced from the Swarm satellite constellation, SA23C-2355Abstract Title: Magnetic field fluctuations observed by the Swarm constellation in the nighttime mid-latitude topside ionosphere, SA31B-2350Abstract Title: Investigating the response of the electron temperature to field-aligned currents using SWARM observations, SM11A-06Abstract Title: Swarm Observations of Field Aligned Currents during Geomagnetic Storms, SM23A-2539Abstract Title: Mapping Field-Aligned Currents as a Function of the Interplanetary Electric Field, SM31F-02Abstract Title: Field-aligned currents distribution as derived from the Swarm satellite constellation, SM51C-2572Abstract Title: Climatology of Vertical Ion Velocity and its Relationship with Large-scale FAC Based on DMSP and CHAMP Observations: Seasonal and IMF By Dependence
Lui, A.
SM32B-02Abstract Title: First Satellite Imaging of Auroral Pulsations by the Fast Auroral Imager on e-POP
Lui, H. K.
NH51C-1904Abstract Title: Coastal hypoxia diminished by intrusion of open ocean water after long El Nino Events: Case study of Hong Kong waters
Lui, S. K. Y.
S11A-2758Abstract Title: Modeling large stress drops and irregular interaction of LA and SF repeaters at Parkfield
Luijendijk, E.
H24D-08Abstract Title: Young and old water in global rivers and aquifers
Luis, A. J.
C41D-0727Abstract Title: Geographic Object-based Image Analysis for Developing Cryospheric Surface Mapping Application using Remotely Sensed High-Resolution Satellite Imagery
Luitel, B. N.
H13H-1630Abstract Title: A Climatological Perspective on U.S. Rainfall and North Atlantic Tropical Cyclones
Luiz Prado, R.
S53A-2786Abstract Title: Estimation of Shear Wave Velocity from MASW and H/V Joint Inversion in a Noisy Area of Sao Paulo City, Brazil
Luiz Rocha Ribeiro, B.
GC53C-1216Abstract Title: Oscillating Hydrofoils for Tidal Energy Extraction: Experiments, Simulations and Salt Water Field Tests
Luize, B. G.
B52B-08Abstract Title: Ecosystem Function in Amazon Floodplain Wetlands: Climate Variability, Landscape Dynamics and Carbon Biogeochemistry.
Luk, C.
A11O-08Abstract Title: Impact of Hong Kong’s Voluntary Catalytic Converter Replacement Programme on Roadside Air Quality, A34F-05Abstract Title: Observations of Nitryl Chloride and Modeling its Source and Effect on Ozone in the Planetary Boundary Layer of Southern China
Luk, O. O.
NG41A-1777Abstract Title: Role of Zonal Fields in Nonlinear Interaction of Kinetic Alfvén Waves
Lukáčová-Medvid’ová, M.
T33E-2986Abstract Title: Coupling Stokes and Darcy Flow in Melt Migration Modelling
Lukács, A.
T11G-03Abstract Title: Extreme Hydrothermal Conditions Near an Active Geological Fault, DFDP-2B Borehole, Alpine Fault, New Zealand, T23D-2983Abstract Title: Advanced Seismic Imaging Techniques Characterize the Alpine Fault at Whataroa (New Zealand)
Lukaczyk, T.
NH43C-1908Abstract Title: Advancing Unmanned Aircraft Sensor Collection and Communication Capabilities with Optical Communications
Luke, A.
GC53A-1179Abstract Title: Making Coastal Flood Hazard Maps to Support Decision-Making - What End Users Want, GC53A-1180Abstract Title: Coproduction of flood hazard assessment with public participation geographic information system, GC53A-1181Abstract Title: Sea-level Rise Increases the Frequency of Nuisance Flooding in Coastal Regions, NH11C-04Abstract Title: Communicating Flood Risk with Street-Level Data, NH51B-1885Abstract Title: Flood Risk Analysis Using Non-Stationary Models: Application to 1500 Records and Assessment of Predictive Ability
Luke, E. P.
A14D-03Abstract Title: Observational constraint of drizzle properties and processes in large-eddy simulations from two models with size-resolved microphysics, A41O-04Abstract Title: Drizzle and Turbulence Variability in Stratocumulus-topped Boundary Layers
Luke, W. T.
A41A-0024Abstract Title: Assessment of Measurement Uncertainties in a Commercial Atmospheric Mercury Speciation System
Lukenbach, M.
H31F-1480Abstract Title: Water repellency diminishes peatland evaporation after wildfire
Lukens, C. E.
EP41C-0946Abstract Title: If Rocks Could Talk: Origin Stories of Stream Sediment Told by Apatite Helium Ages and Cosmogenic Nuclides
Lukens, W. E.
PP23D-06Abstract Title: Miocene-Pleistocene Paleoclimate and Paleoenvironment in the Meade Basin, Kansas
Lukes, L.
SH51C-2452Abstract Title: Crowdsourcing a Spatial Temporal Study of Low Frequency (LF) Propagation Effects Due to a Total Solar Eclipse: Engaging Students and Citizens in STEM
Lukin, V.
SH54A-03Abstract Title: Prospects for Fermi Particle Acceleration at Coronal Magnetic Reconnection Sites
Lukovic, J.
H13H-1656Abstract Title: Spatial Pattern of North Atlantic Oscillation Impact on Rainfall in Serbia
Lumley, D. E.
S23C-2752Abstract Title: Estimating time-lapse velocity changes in the earth by full waveform inversion of repeating seismic events
Lumor, M.
GC43B-1200Abstract Title: Estimation of Streamflow and Fluvial Sediment Loads in the White Volta Basin under Future Climate Change
Lumpe, J. D. Jr
P21A-2061Abstract Title: Retrieval of Mars' Upper Atmospheric Composition using Dayglow Observations by IUVS on MAVEN, SA52A-05Abstract Title: Global-scale Observations of the Limb and Disk (GOLD): From Simulations to Observations
Lumsden, N.
SH51C-2452Abstract Title: Crowdsourcing a Spatial Temporal Study of Low Frequency (LF) Propagation Effects Due to a Total Solar Eclipse: Engaging Students and Citizens in STEM
Lun, O.
B32C-08Abstract Title: Long-term variation in above and belowground plant inputs alters soil organic matter biogeochemistry at the molecular-level
Luna, B.
S31A-2705Abstract Title: Toward Expanding Tremor Observations in the Northern San Andreas Fault System in the 1990s
Luna, L. V.
T13C-3009Abstract Title: Tectonic and Climatic Implications of Late Miocene to Pleistocene (5.8-1.8 Ma) Paleo-Erosion Rates from the Rio Iruya Canyon, Northwest Argentina (23°S)
Luna, M.
OS33A-2003Abstract Title: In situ Determination of Pore-water pH in Reducing Sediments near Methane Seeps and Vents by Laser Raman Spectroscopy
Luna, N. R.
B31G-07Abstract Title: Variability and Controls of Plant Phenology in Drylands: A Novel Case Study from the Northern Chihuahuan Desert
Lunati, I.
H44B-01Abstract Title: An automated construction of error models for uncertainty quantification and model calibration
Lunati, I.
H23F-1643Abstract Title: A Multiphysics Framework to Learn and Predict in Presence of Multiple Scales
Lund, A.
B33B-0659Abstract Title: Field Evidence for Magnetite Formation by a Methanogenic Microbial Community, H41J-07Abstract Title: Indications of Coupled Carbon and Iron Cycling at a Hydrocarbon-Contaminated Site from Time-Lapse Magnetic Susceptibility (MS) Profiles
Lund, B.
T51A-2848Abstract Title: Geomorphology of intraplate postglacial faults in Sweden, T51B-2868Abstract Title: Development of a GIA (Glacial Isostatic Adjustment) - Fault Model of Greenland
Lund, D. C.
PP34A-07Abstract Title: Western tropical Pacific hydrology as inferred from northern Borneo speleothems: interannual to orbital-scale variability, V24A-04Abstract Title: Enhanced hydrothermal activity along the East Pacific Rise during the last two glacial terminations
Lund, E. J.
SM23B-2544Abstract Title: Observations of the Evolution of Ion Outflow During a Sawtooth Event
Lund, J. R.
GC31E-1235Abstract Title: Modeling Water Resource Systems Accounting for Water-Related Energy Use, GHG Emissions and Water-Dependent Energy Generation in California, H33D-1633Abstract Title: Optimal Hedging Rule for Reservoir Refill Operation, H33O-05Abstract Title: Scientific Insights for Managing Droughts in California, H41G-1455Abstract Title: Tying California’s Water System Together
Lund, M.
B33C-0677Abstract Title: The Inter-Annual Variability Analysis of Carbon Exchange in Low Artic Fen Uncovers The Climate Sensitivity And The Uncertainties Around Net Ecosystem Exchange Partitioning, B33G-02Abstract Title: Spatial variation in energy exchange across coastal environments in Greenland, B42A-03Abstract Title: Estimating Pan Arctic Net Ecosystem Exchange using Functional Relationships with Air temperature, Leaf Area Index and Photosynthetic Active Radiation
Lund, M. T.
A13D-0360Abstract Title: Sensitivity of Regional Radiative Forcing and Temperature Response to Aviation-induced Ozone
Lund myhre, C.
A33C-0169Abstract Title: Estimation of methane fluxes in the high northern latitudes from a Bayesian atmospheric inversion
Lund Snee, J. E.
S21C-04Abstract Title: Initial Results from the New Stress Map of Texas Project
Lund, S.
GP51B-1338Abstract Title: Temporal correlation of U. S. Great Basin lake sediments below the Mono Lake Excursion using paleomagnetic secular variation
Lund, W. R.
T44A-03Abstract Title: Late Holocene Paleoseismic History and Segmentation of the Central Wasatch Fault Zone, Utah, USA
Lundberg, P.
C43D-03Abstract Title: On the Flow of Atlantic Water Towards the Arctic Ocean; a Synergy Between Altimetry and Hydrography. 
Lundgren, D. J.
B41C-0447Abstract Title: Examining the Role of Aquatic Vegetation in Methane Production: Examples From a Shallow High Latitude Lake in Abisko, Sweden., B41C-0448Abstract Title: Variability of Methane in Stordalen Mire Stream Sediments, Abisko, Sweden
Lundgren, P.
G31C-06Abstract Title: Stress controlled magma-earthquake interaction during unrest at Chiles-Cerro Negro Volcanoes (Ecuador-Colombian border), G31C-07Abstract Title: Analytical volcano deformation modelling: A new and fast generalized point-source approach with application to the 2015 Calbuco eruption, G41A-1016Abstract Title: Deep source model for Nevado del Ruiz Volcano, Colombia, constrained by interferometric synthetic aperture radar observations
Lundin, R. N. A.
P31E-2101Abstract Title: The Evolution of Comet 67P as Seen by a Mass-Resolving Ion Spectrometer
Lundquist, J. D.
A31C-0063Abstract Title: Evaluating patterns of solar irradiance errors over an area of complex topography, A44B-04Abstract Title: Precipitation trends in the High Sierra of California inferred from streamflow and snowpack observations, C33D-0846Abstract Title: Using snowboards and lysimeters to constrain snow model choices in a rain-snow transitional environment
Lundquist, J. K.
A51P-0306Abstract Title: A Simple Method for Simulating Tropical-Cyclone Boundary Layers, A52B-04Abstract Title: Heterogeneous Boundary Layers through the Diurnal Cycle: Evaluation of the WRF Wind Farm Parameterization using Scanning Lidar Observations and Wind Turbine Power Measurements during a Range of Stability Conditions, GC43F-02Abstract Title: How Long is Long Enough? The Effect of Interannual Correlation on Wind Resource Assessment, GC43F-04Abstract Title: WFIP2 – The Second Wind Forecast Improvement Project: Observing Systems And Case Studies , GC53E-1251Abstract Title: Representativeness of Lidar Wind Measurements over Moderately Complex Terrain
Lundquist, K. A.
NG13B-05Abstract Title: Challenges for high-resolution simulations of atmospheric flow over complex terrain
Lundqvist, L.
V21C-3043Abstract Title: From Carbonatite to Ikaite: How high-T carbonates are transformed into low-T carbonate minerals in SW Greenland
Lundstedt, H.
SH41F-01Abstract Title: Forecasts and Warnings of Extreme Solar Storms at the Sun
Lundsten, E. M.
NH23B-1880Abstract Title: Submarine Neotectonic Investigations of the Bahia Soledad Fault, off Northern Baja California Near the US – Mexico Border, OS22B-07Abstract Title: Slope Edge Deformation and Permafrost Dynamics Along the Arctic Shelf Edge, Beaufort Sea, Canada, OS23C-2022Abstract Title: Late Holocene record of sedimentologic and paleooceanographic events in western Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California, OS31B-04Abstract Title: Mud Volcanoes from the Beaufort Sea to the South China Sea, OS43A-2003Abstract Title: Extensive barite deposits on a seepage site along the offshore San Clemente Fault, Mexican Borderland
Lundsten, L.
OS22C-03Abstract Title: Seafloor Hydrothermal Activity in the Southern Gulf of California, OS22C-07Abstract Title: AUV mapping and targeted ROV sampling on the Alarcon Rise
Lundstrom, C.
EP13B-0952Abstract Title: Uranium isotope composition of a laterite profile during extreme weathering of basalt in Guangdong, South China, T32C-06Abstract Title: High-silica Rocks from Oceans, Arcs and Ophiolites: What Can They Tell Us About Ophiolite Origins?, V52B-02Abstract Title: A Holistic Model That Physicochemically Links Iron Oxide - Apatite and Iron Oxide – Copper – Gold Deposits to Magmas
Lunghino, B.
NH23C-1904Abstract Title: Quantifying the role of mitigation hills in reducing tsunami runup, NH23D-07Abstract Title: Hurricane Sandy Washover Deposits on Southern Long Beach Island, NJ, NH23D-08Abstract Title: Hurricane Sandy deposits on Fire Island, NY: Using washover deposit stratigraphy to understand sediment transport during large storms.
Lunine, J. I.
P11D-09Abstract Title: Enceladus Life Finder: Search for Life in a Habitable Moon., P12B-01Abstract Title: Alluvial Fans on Titan Reveal Atmosphere and Surface Interactions and Material Transport, P12B-03Abstract Title: Composition, seasonal change and bathymetry of Ligeia Mare, Titan, derived from its 2.2-cm thermal emission, P13B-2141Abstract Title: An Overview of the Bathymetry and Composition of Titan’s Hydrocarbon Seas from the Cassini RADAR Altimeter , P13E-01Abstract Title: Scientific Synergies from the Europa Multiple-Flyby Mission, P13E-04Abstract Title: The Mapping Imaging Spectrometer for Europa (MISE) Investigation
Lunkeit, F.
NG23B-1801Abstract Title: Chaotic Attractor Crisis and Climate Sensitivity: a Transfer Operator Approach
Lunn, R. J.
H51F-1436Abstract Title: Microbially Induced Carbonate Precipitation For Engineered Sealing Of Fractured Rock
Lunny, E. M.
A41I-0184Abstract Title: High Resolution Photoacoustic Spectroscopy of the Oxygen A-Band to Support the OCO Missions
Lunsford, A.
P54A-01Abstract Title: Color and Composition of Pluto and Its Moons from the New Horizons Mission
Lunsford, S.
Lunt, D. J.
OS23E-08Abstract Title: Environmental Changes in the pre-Messinian Mediterranean Region, PP21B-2224Abstract Title: Understanding the Miocene-Pliocene – The Mediterranean Point of View, PP42A-06Abstract Title: Changes in the Occurrence and Distribution of Extreme Precipitation Events at the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM), PP53A-2315Abstract Title: Projecting the Response of Climate to Orbital Variations in the Pliocene Using an Emulator
Lunt, M. F.
A11I-0178Abstract Title: Inferring global and regional methane sources and sinks using isotopic observations and atmospheric chemical transport models, A14F-01Abstract Title: By land, sea and air (and space): Verifying UK methane emissions at a range of scales by integrating multiple measurement platforms, A31B-0048Abstract Title: A Transdimensional, Hierarchical Bayesian Inversion Framework for Estimating Regional Trace Gas Emissions, A52C-02Abstract Title: Constraining methane emissions from the Indo-Gangetic Plains and South Asia using combined surface and satellite data
Luo, B.
S51B-2684Abstract Title: Dynamic Simulation of the 2011 M9.0 Tohoku Earthquake with Geometric Complexity on a Rate- and State-dependent Subduction Plane
Luo, G.
T23B-2944Abstract Title: Deformation, Stress, and Pore Fluid Pressure in an Evolving Supra-salt Basin: A Finite-element Modeling
Luo, G.
B33E-0791Abstract Title: Uncertainties of legend conversion and inconsistency analysis of global land cover products---A case study in Heihe River Basin
Luo, H.
A41G-0139Abstract Title: Alignment of Surface-Atmosphere Exchange Sensors at Sloped Sites: An Integrated Strategy, B33A-0621Abstract Title: Sampling Line Heating Improves Frequency Response of Enclosed Eddy Covariance Gas Analyzers, B33A-0627Abstract Title: Optimizing the Physical Implementation of an Eddy-covariance System to Minimize Flow Distortion
Luo, J.
H31GAbstract Title: Groundwater Flow and Transport in Coastal Aquifers I Posters, H34EAbstract Title: Groundwater Flow and Transport in Coastal Aquifers II
Luo, J.
H52B-02Abstract Title: Ensemble of Surrogates-based Optimization for Identifying an Optimal Surfactant-enhanced Aquifer Remediation Strategy at Heterogeneous DNAPL-contaminated Sites
Luo, J. J.
C23A-0766Abstract Title: Soil temperature change on the Tibetan Plateau
Luo, J.
S23B-2701Abstract Title: Nonlinear scale separation and a renormalization interpretation in seismic envelope inversion
Luo, L. S.
B43B-0545Abstract Title: Benchmark Study of 3D Pore-scale Flow and Solute Transport Simulation Methods
Luo, L.
A44E-01Abstract Title: Assessments of Regional Climate Change and Land-Cover Change Impacts on Fire Weather in the United States, H11PAbstract Title: Hydroclimatic Extremes: Drought I, H11P-06Abstract Title: Contribution of Temperature and Precipitation Anomalies to the Ongoing California Drought, H12FAbstract Title: Hydroclimatic Extremes: Drought II, H13IAbstract Title: Hydroclimatic Extremes: Drought III Posters, H21OAbstract Title: Hydroclimatic Extremes: Drought IV
Luo, L.
Luo, M.
A11O-03Abstract Title: Pollution over Megacity Regions from the Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer (TES), A54E-01Abstract Title: Simulating the Black Saturday 2009 UTLS Smoke Plume with an Interactive Composition-Climate Model, IN34B-08Abstract Title: Improved Ozone and Carbon Monoxide Profile Retrievals Using Multispectral Measurements from NASA “A Train”, NPP, and TROPOMI Satellites
Luo, Q.
A33G-0272Abstract Title: The Cloud-Radiative Forcing of North American landfalling Atmospheric Rivers
Luo, S. Sr
C21E-08Abstract Title: Effects of the soil freeze−thaw process on the regional climate of the Tibet Plateau
Luo, S.
S13A-2787Abstract Title: Crustal structure beneath the western Hubei Province of China from joint inversion of ambient noise and receiver functions
Luo, W.
EP53A-0952Abstract Title: Volume of Valley Networks on Mars and Its Hydrologic Implications
Luo, W.
PA31CAbstract Title: Urban Metabolism, Morphology, and Microclimate under Global Change Posters
Luo, W.
S53A-2784Abstract Title: Relocation of earthquakes at southwestern Indian Ocean Ridge and its tectonic significance
Luo, W. P.
V23B-3165Abstract Title: Compositional effects of organic material in HC potential assessment
Luo, W.
H23B-1573Abstract Title: Rapid Reconnaissance Mapping of Volatile Organic Compounds by Photoionization Detection at the USGS Amargosa Desert Research Site
Luo, X.
SH51D-04Abstract Title: Transport of cosmic rays across the heliopause
Luo, X.
GC23A-1125Abstract Title: Large-scale Modeling of Inundation in the Amazon Basin
Luo, X.
G51A-1050Abstract Title: Application of Phase Smoothing Pseudo Range PPP/INS Tightly Coupled Technique in Improving the Results of Low Precision MEMS
Luo, Y.
P11A-2064Abstract Title: Tungsten residence in silicate rocks: implications for interpreting W isotopic compositions
Luo, Y.
A21E-0183Abstract Title: Investigating Statistical Downscaling Methods and Applications for the NCEP/GEFS Ensemble Precipitation Forecasts
Luo, Y.
H53E-1702Abstract Title: Integrating distributed temperature sensing and geological characterization to quantify spatiotemporal variability in subsurface heat transport within the Critical Zone
Luo, Y.
PP43B-2278Abstract Title: Restricted Inter-ocean Exchange and Attenuated Biological Export Caused Enhanced Carbonate Preservation in the PETM Ocean
Luo, Y.
S13A-2787Abstract Title: Crustal structure beneath the western Hubei Province of China from joint inversion of ambient noise and receiver functions, S13A-2788Abstract Title: Research on ambient noise tomography in Fenwei Fault array, China, S42B-01Abstract Title: Unraveling overtone interferences in Love-wave phase velocity measurements by array-based radon transform
Luo, Y.
B12C-07Abstract Title: The big data-big model (BDBM) challenges in ecological research, B21E-0520Abstract Title: OCO-2 Column Carbon Dioxide and Biometric Data Jointly Constrain Parameterization and Projection of a Global Land Model, B23H-05Abstract Title: Vegetation canopy and physiological control of GPP decline during drought and heat wave, B23J-03Abstract Title: Terrestrial carbon storage dynamics: Chasing a moving target, B51E-0481Abstract Title: Down-regulation of tissue N:P ratios in terrestrial plants by elevated CO2
Luo, Y.
OS51A-1979Abstract Title: Understanding the El Niño-like Oceanic Response in the Tropical Pacific to Global Warming
Luo, Z.
V23B-3156Abstract Title: Magmatic conduit melt-fluid metallogenic system- A new Genetic Model for Xishimen Iron Deposit, Wuan area, Hebei province, China
Luo, Z. J.
A21A-0056Abstract Title: Roles of Chemistry, Microphysics and Transport in Wet Removal of Soluble Species in the DC3 Oklahoma May 29, 2012 Severe Storm, A51OAbstract Title: Tropical and Midlatitude Convective Storm Systems and Their Roles in Weather and Climate I Posters, A51O-0293Abstract Title: Tropical cloud and precipitation regimes and vertical structures as seen by simultaneous TRMM, CloudSat, and CALIPSO observations, A51S-08Abstract Title: Temporal Experiment for Storms and Tropical Systems Technology Demonstration (TEMPEST-D): Risk Reduction for 6U-Class Nanosatellite Constellations, A53IAbstract Title: Tropical and Midlatitude Convective Storm Systems and Their Roles in Weather and Climate II, A54FAbstract Title: Tropical and Midlatitude Convective Storm Systems and Their Roles in Weather and Climate III, A54F-02Abstract Title: Large-scale and Convective-scale Updraft Profiles from Satellite Observations
Luo, Z.
GC41A-1056Abstract Title: Impact of Extreme Climate Events on Terrestrial Water Storage from GRACE over China
Luoto, M.
B51G-0511Abstract Title: Non-Parametric Responses of Aboveground Biomass and NDVI to Land Surface Parameters in Arctic-Alpine Environments
Lupi, M.
V12B-02Abstract Title: Earthquake-triggered fluid release at Campi Flegrei Caldera, Italy.
Lupi, M.
H53E-1708Abstract Title: Combined 2-D Electrical Resistivity and Self Potential Survey to Investigate the Pattern of the Watukosek Fault System Around the Lusi Eruption Site, Indonesia., S51D-2731Abstract Title: Bridging Surface and Subsurface Observations of the Pulsating Behavior of Lusi: a New-born Sedimentary Hosted Hydrothermal System in East Java.
Lupingna, A.
PP23C-2313Abstract Title: Fire, Water and the Earth Below: Quantifying the Geochemical Signature of Fire in Infiltration Water and their Impacts on Underlying Karst Systems
Lüpke, M.
B51A-0405Abstract Title: Biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs) emission of Scots pine under drought stress - a 13CO2 labeling study to determine de novo and pool emissions under different treatments
Lupker, M.
PP31C-2262Abstract Title: Lateglacial temperature reconstruction in the Eastern Tropical Andes (Bolivia) inferred from paleoglaciers and paleolakes, S42C-03Abstract Title: Landscape response to the Mw7.9 Gorkha earthquake
Lupon, A.
B51C-0435Abstract Title: Contribution of Soil Nitrogen Mineralization and Nitrification Pulses to Soil Nitrogen Availability and Nitrate Exports in a Mediterranean Catchment, H42B-08Abstract Title: Green light: gross primary production influences seasonal stream N export by controlling fine-scale temporal N dynamics
Lupton, J. E.
OS23C-2028Abstract Title: Noble Gas geochemistry of the newly discovered hydrothermal fields in the Gulf of California: preliminary He-isotope ratios from the Alarcon Rise and Pescadero basin vent sites, OS43A-2001Abstract Title: Evolution of the Southern East Pacific Rise Helium Plume over the Past 3 Decades
Lupton, R.
GC31E-1223Abstract Title: Assessment of Land and Water Resource Implications of the UK 2050 Carbon Plan, GC51C-1095Abstract Title: Land use impacts of low-carbon energy system transition – the case of UK bioenergy deployment under the Carbon Plan
Luptowitz, R.
A33G-0271Abstract Title: Large Uncertainty in Future Projections of Southwestern United States Precipitation through the 21st Century
Lupu, R.
P33B-2132Abstract Title: Constraining Methane Abundance and Cloud Properties from the Reflected Light Spectra of Directly Imaged Exoplanets
Luquot, L.
H41D-1338Abstract Title: Laboratory experiments and numerical modelling of CO2-rich brine injection through sandstone samples: Role of flow rate, brine composition, mixing and spreading effects, H41D-1351Abstract Title: Optical Image Analysis Applied to Pore Network Quantification of Sandstones Under Experimental CO2 Injection
Lura, J.
ED23F-07Abstract Title: Student Leadership and Climate Literacy
Lurcock, P. C.
GP23A-1275Abstract Title: A High-Resolution Upper Pleistocene Palaeomagnetic Record from the Fronte Section at Taranto, Italy
Lurton, X.
OS21A-1957Abstract Title: Multibeam Sonar Backscatter Data Acquisition and Processing: Guidelines and Recommendations from the GEOHAB Backscatter Working Group
Lusk, A. D.
T41C-2919Abstract Title: Variation in Magnitude of Differential Stress Across an Exhumed Continental-scale Thrust Zone
Luspay-Kuti, A.
P12B-06Abstract Title: Titan’s Modeled Thermospheric Composition Sensitivity to Solar Cycle and Cross Section Resolution, P31E-2090Abstract Title: Implications for the Ice Phase of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko from ROSINA/DFMS
Lustick, D. S.
ED21FAbstract Title: Climate Literacy: Improving Climate Literacy through Informal Learning and Citizen Science I, ED21F-02Abstract Title: Using 'Ozzie the Ostrich' to Build Local Partnerships around Climate Change Learning, ED23CAbstract Title: Climate Literacy: Improving Climate Literacy through Informal Learning and Citizen Science II Posters, ED23C-0869Abstract Title: Cool Science: K-12 Climate Change Art Displayed on Buses
Lustrino, M.
S23D-2765Abstract Title: Tomography & Geochemistry: Precision, Repeatability, Accuracy and Joint Interpretations
Lutfalla, S.
B41F-0493Abstract Title: Spatially resolved nanoscale observations of soil carbon multidecadal persistence
Luthcke, S. B.
C23C-0806Abstract Title: Ice sheet surface mass balance from models and GRACE, C41C-0712Abstract Title: Geolocating Individual Photons: Laying the Foundation for ICESat-2 Science Data Products, G41B-05Abstract Title: Measuring and Modeling Solid Earth – Cryosphere Gravimetric Signals in GRACE and Future Satellite Missions, G42A-04Abstract Title: Antarctic ice sheet mass loss, glacio-isostatic adjustment and surface processes from a Bayesian combination of gravimetry, altimetry and GPS data, H41F-1386Abstract Title: High Resolution Modeling of the Water Cycle to Refine GRACE Signal Analysis in the Gulf of Alaska Drainage
Luther, G. W. III
GC53I-03Abstract Title: The Complexation of Mn(III) in the Sediments and Water Column of two Coastal Estuaries, GC53I-04Abstract Title: Nanoparticulate, sub-micron and micron sized particles emanating from hydrothermal vents 
Luther, M.
PA43D-03Abstract Title: Increasing risk of compound flooding from storm surge and rainfall for major US coastal cities
Lüthi, B.
H54E-08Abstract Title: Using a Smart-phone for Collecting Discharge Data in Irrigation Furrows in Tanzania., NH13C-1948Abstract Title: Use of a Smartphone for Collecting Data on River Discharge and Communication of Flood Risk.
Lüthi, M. P.
C43E-05Abstract Title: Effects of isolated drainage on the seasonal evolution of the Greenland subglacial hydrologic system, C44B-08Abstract Title: The Electrical Self-Potential Method as a Non-Intrusive Snow-Hydrological Sensor
Lutsch, E.
A11C-0076Abstract Title: Investigation of Seasonal Cycles of CO, CH4, N2O, and O3 in the High Arctic at Eureka, Canada and Barrow, Alaska using Infrared Emission Spectroscopy
Luttrell, K. M.
T41A-2860Abstract Title: Crustal Stress Rotation Along the San Andreas and San Jacinto Faults: A Modeling Study With Constraints From Seismology, Geodesy, Topography, and Gravity
Lutz, A.
A21A-0091Abstract Title: Online Measurements and Modeling of Isoprene Photo-oxidation Products: Insights from the Laboratory and SOAS Field Campaign
Lutz, D. A.
B33F-05Abstract Title: Assigning a Price to Radiative Forcing: Methods, Results, and Implications
Lutz, R.
T51B-2872Abstract Title: Sediment stratigraphy of the Nansen Basin, Arctic Ocean and characterization of the ultraslow-spreading oceanic crust
Luus, K. A.
A52C-04Abstract Title: Empirically constrained estimates of Alaskan regional Net Ecosystem Exchange of CO2, 2012-2014, B11C-0431Abstract Title: Assumption Centred Modelling of Ecosystem Responses to CO2 at Six US Atmospheric CO2 Enrichment Experiments., B43M-07Abstract Title: Seasonal and interannual variations in boreal Alaskan methane and carbon dioxide fluxes using atmospheric measurements from the CARVE tower
Luyendyk, B. P.
T51F-2965Abstract Title: Neogene Development of the Terror Rift, western Ross Sea, Antarctica
Luyssaert, S.
B53B-0557Abstract Title: Reducing uncertainty for estimating forest carbon stocks and dynamics using integrated remote sensing, forest inventory and process-based modeling
Luyssaert, S.
B31A-0525Abstract Title: Forest Management in Earth System Modelling: a Vertically Discretised Canopy Description for ORCHIDEE and Effects on European Climate Since 1750, B34A-07Abstract Title: Potential of forest management to reduce French carbon emissions - regional modelling of the French forest carbon balance from the forest to the wood.
Luzum, B. J.
G33C-03Abstract Title: What does the “mean pole” mean
Luzzadder-Beach, S.
LV, E.
H51B-1366Abstract Title: Discharge estimation with disaggregation method and hydropower resources evaluation for mountain river basins lack of observed hydrologic information, H53G-1740Abstract Title: Estimation of soil moisture status based on TVDI and ATI in Heihe River basin
Lv, Q.
IN52A-07Abstract Title: Condensing Massive Satellite Datasets For Rapid Interactive Analysis
Lv, Y.
A51B-0013Abstract Title: Aerosol Properties under Air Quality Control Measures of APEC 2014 in Beijing, A51B-0044Abstract Title: Observation of a Dust Storm during 2015 Spring over Beijing, China, A51B-0047Abstract Title: Retrieval of aerosol composition using ground-based remote sensing measurements
Ly, V.
H53G-1726Abstract Title: A Drought Monitoring Tool for Customized Calculation of a Standardized Precipitation Index Value in the Navajo Nation, PA33B-2189Abstract Title: Applying Various Methods of Communicating Science for Community Decision-Making and Public Awareness: A NASA DEVELOP National Program Case Study
Ly, V. T.
NH53A-02Abstract Title: Next Generation UAV Based Spectral Systems for Environmental Monitoring: project developments, preliminary outcome and findings
Lyakhovsky, V.
T23C-2978Abstract Title: Correlation between calculated stress distribution and recorded seismicity in Northern Israel and its surrounding
Lyamani, H.
GC22B-08Abstract Title: Star Photometry for the Characterization of Columnar Aerosol Properties
Lyapustin, A.
A23L-04Abstract Title: Joint AOT-Single Scattering Albedo Retrieval in Algorithm MAIAC, A31D-0082Abstract Title: Analysis of the Interaction and Transport of Aerosols with Cloud or Fog in East Asia from AERONET and Satellite Remote Sensing: 2012 DRAGON Campaigns and Climatological Data, B43C-0570Abstract Title: Generating and Evaluation Leaf Area Index (LAI) from MODIS MultiAngle Implementation of Atmospheric Correction (MAIAC) Surface Reflectance Dataset, B51D-0455Abstract Title: Sunlight Mediated Seasonality in Canopy Structure and Photosynthetic Activity of Amazonian Rainforests
Lyard, F.
G43B-1041Abstract Title: Sea Level Variability in the Coastal Ocean Induced by Atmospheric Forcing for the Period 1871-2012
Lybecker, D.
H43N-05Abstract Title: Integration of social perceptions, behaviors, and economic valuations of groundwater quality as an ecosystem service following exurban development
Lybekk, B.
SA33A-01Abstract Title: North-south asymmetries in magnetospheric and ionospheric plasma circulation, SM53B-06Abstract Title: Estimation of cold plasma outflow during geomagnetic storms
Lybrand, R. A.
B21J-04Abstract Title: Disturbance-driven Changes in Soil Exoenzyme Activity and Biogeochemistry of Colorado Forests
Lyda, A. W.
T42A-02Abstract Title: Near Field Deformation of the Mw 6.0 24 August, 2014 South Napa Earthquake Estimated by Airborne Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) Change Detection Techniques
Lydon, S. E.
PP13B-2278Abstract Title: Southern California climate, hydrology and vegetation over the past ~96 ka from Baldwin Lake, San Bernardino Mountains, California
Lykke, K.
GC32C-03Abstract Title: Prospects for the Moon as an SI-Traceable Absolute Spectroradiometric Standard for Satellite Remote Sensing
Lyle, M. W.
PP21B-2237Abstract Title: Towards an Accurate Orbital Calibration of Late Miocene Climate Events: Insights From a High-Resolution Chemo- and Magnetostratigraphy (8-6 Ma) from Equatorial Pacific IODP Sites U1337 and U1338, PP24A-02Abstract Title: Paradoxical High Productivity in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific Ocean During the Miocene “El Padre”, ODP Site 849, and IODP Sites U1337 and U1338
Lyles, F.
PP11A-2214Abstract Title: A Method for Constraining Glacial Boulder Exposure Ages with Bedrock Erosion Rates Utilizing Cosmogenic Ne-21 from the Central Transantarctic Mountains
Lyman, S. N.
A11M-0247Abstract Title: Emissions from Produced Water Treatment Ponds, Uintah Basin, Utah, USA, A11M-0255Abstract Title: Carbonyl Emissions From Oil and Gas Production Facilities, A21A-0032Abstract Title: Estimation of VOC emissions from produced-water treatment ponds in Uintah Basin oil and gas field using modeling techniques, H31A-1408Abstract Title: Hydrocarbons Emissions Due to Wellbore and other Subsurface Leakage in the Uintah Basin, Utah
Lynch, A. H.
A53C-0387Abstract Title: Variability, Predictability, and Risk in the Alaskan Arctic Waters
Lynch, B. J.
SH23D-08Abstract Title: Data Set of Flare-Ribbon Reconnected Magnetic Fluxes: A Critical Tool for Understanding Solar Flares and Eruptions, SH53A-2459Abstract Title: On Streamer-Blowout CMEs That Aren’t Really CMEs: How the Corona Makes Slow Flux Rope-Like ICMEs Without an Explosive Release of Free Magnetic Energy
Lynch, E. M.
IN41B-1703Abstract Title: Predicting Ground Based Magnetometer Measurements Using the Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter
Lynch, K. A.
SM51D-2592Abstract Title: Ionospheric Cubeswarm Concept Study: using low-resource instrumentation for truly multipoint in situ ionospheric observations
Lynch, L.
NH33B-1918Abstract Title: Vulnerability of Eastern Caribbean Islands Economies to Large Earthquakes: The Trinidad and Tobago Case Study, S44B-08Abstract Title: Insights on volcanic behaviour from the 2015 July 23-24 T-phase signals generated by eruptions at Kick-’em-Jenny Submarine Volcano, Grenada, Lesser Antilles
Lynch, P.
A24E-02Abstract Title: Experiences using the latest generation of satellite aerosol products in a global aerosol data assimilation system, A31D-0082Abstract Title: Analysis of the Interaction and Transport of Aerosols with Cloud or Fog in East Asia from AERONET and Satellite Remote Sensing: 2012 DRAGON Campaigns and Climatological Data
Lynch, R.
T43D-3046Abstract Title: Insights into induced earthquakes and aftershock activity with in-situ measurements of seismic velocity variations in an active underground mine
Lynch, W. G.
NH21E-06Abstract Title: Exploring Submarine Mass Failures with Physical Experiments and Numerical Models
Lynch-Stieglitz, J.
PP34A-07Abstract Title: Western tropical Pacific hydrology as inferred from northern Borneo speleothems: interannual to orbital-scale variability, PP44A-01Abstract Title: Deep Ocean Circulation, Heat Transport and the Timing of Climate Change, PP52B-02Abstract Title: Accurate and Precise Bottom Water Paleotemperatures from Aragonitic Benthic Foraminiferal Li/Mg: Calibration, Theory, and Application, PP53C-2364Abstract Title: Thermocline Structure and ENSO Variability in the eastern equatorial Pacific during the Last Glacial Maximum
Lynett, P. J.
NH22A-04Abstract Title: Community Benchmarking of Tsunami-Induced Nearshore Current Models, NH23A-1869Abstract Title: Quantifying Numerical Model Accuracy and Variability, NH23C-1898Abstract Title: New Tsunami Response, Mitigation, and Recovery Planning “Playbooks” for California (USA) Maritime Communities
Lynn, E.
PA13A-2167Abstract Title: Producing Scientific and Strategic Guidance for California’s Department of Water Resources: The Climate Change Technical Advisory Group
Lynn, K. J.
V13B-3103Abstract Title: Is Eruption Style Linked to Magma Residence Time at Kilauea Volcano? Results from Chemical Zoning in Olivine, V13B-3121Abstract Title: The skeleton in the closet: New views of major and minor element zoning in olivine and implications for magma crystallization and storage.
Lynn, P.
IN13A-1827Abstract Title: Curating and Preserving the Big Canopy Database System: an Active Curation Approach using SEAD
Lynn, T.
H11I-1452Abstract Title: Utilizing NASA Earth Observations to Assess Estuary Health and Enhance Management of Water Resources in Coastal Texas through Land Cover and Precipitation Mapping
Lynner, C.
DI13B-2664Abstract Title: Probing sub-slab anisotropy beneath Central America and Tonga from geodynamic models
Lynnes, C.
PA53A-2235Abstract Title: Automated Atmospheric Composition Dataset Level Metadata Discovery. Difficulties and Surprises
Lynnes, C.
IN33BAbstract Title: Geocuration: Issues, Challenges, and Opportunities Posters, IN33B-1800Abstract Title: Curating Virtual Data Collections
Lynnes, C.
IN33BAbstract Title: Geocuration: Issues, Challenges, and Opportunities Posters
Lynnyk, A.
SM13C-2533Abstract Title: Orientation and Motion of Flux Transfer Events under Different Upstream Conditions.
Lyon, B.
H11P-01Abstract Title: Causes of the 2011-15 California drought
Lyon, D. R.
A11M-0252Abstract Title: Estimating emissions of toxic hydrocarbons from natural gas production sites in the Barnett Shale region, A41QAbstract Title: Quantifying Methane Emissions from the Natural Gas Supply Chain I, A41Q-01Abstract Title: Estimates of Methane and Ethane Emissions from the Barnett Shale Using Atmospheric Measurements, A41Q-02Abstract Title: Integrating Oil and Gas Measurement Data to Estimate Spatially-Gridded Methane Emissions in the Barnett Shale, A43FAbstract Title: Quantifying Methane Emissions from the Natural Gas Supply Chain II Posters, A43F-0349Abstract Title: The Nature of Temporally Variable Methane Emissions at Oil and Natural Gas Operations in the Eagle Ford Basin
Lyon, J.
SH42A-04Abstract Title: Time-dependent global modeling of the inner heliosphere, SM14A-01Abstract Title: Global MHD simulations of plasmaspheric plumes, SM14A-07Abstract Title: Impacts of ionospheric outflow on storm-time F-region thermospheric mass density modeling, SM21C-05Abstract Title: Effects of solar wind and IMF on BBFs in high-resolution LFM simulations of the magnetotail, SM51C-2580Abstract Title: Influence of Causally Regulated Ion Outflow on Coupled Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Dynamics, SM54A-01Abstract Title: Adding Drift Kinetics to a Global MHD Code
Lyon, S. W.
GC44B-07Abstract Title: Ensuring Disaster Risk Reduction via Sustainable Wetland Development, GC51E-1125Abstract Title: Variable Trends in High Peak Flow Generation Across the Swedish Sub-Arctic, H21F-1435Abstract Title: Storage Mixing Variability Across Seasons and Scales in Tanzania, H43M-04Abstract Title: Coupling airborne laser scanning and acoustic Doppler current profiler data to model stream rating curves
Lyon-Caen, H.
T51D-2919Abstract Title: Characterization of seismic clusters in the 2014 Iquique seismic sequence
Lyons, E.
IN43B-1730Abstract Title: Scaling Critical Zone analysis tasks from desktop to the cloud utilizing contemporary distributed computing and data management approaches: A case study for project based learning of Cyberinfrastructure concepts
Lyons, E. A.
GC11F-1078Abstract Title: Mapping Heterogeneity in the Boreal Forest of North America, H53F-1723Abstract Title: Automated Quality Assurance and Quality Control (QA/QC) in Developing Decadal Global Lake Dynamics Products using Landsat-7 and 8
Lyons, G. W.
A51R-06Abstract Title: An Experimental Study of the Statistical Scaling of Turbulent Surface Pressure in the Atmospheric Boundary Layer
Lyons, J. R.
P43B-2111Abstract Title: Oxygen isotope fractionation during spin-forbidden photolysis of CO2: Relevance to the atmosphere of Mars
Lyons, J. J.
G41A-1000Abstract Title: Broadband Seismometer to Tilt Conversion for Monitoring Kīlauea Volcano, S43FAbstract Title: Quantifying Volcanic Processes Using Seismic and Acoustic Wavefields I, S44BAbstract Title: Quantifying Volcanic Processes Using Seismic and Acoustic Wavefields II, S51DAbstract Title: Quantifying Volcanic Processes Using Seismic and Acoustic Wavefields III Posters, S51D-2726Abstract Title: The radiation of surface wave energy: Implications for volcanic tremor, S53DAbstract Title: Quantifying Volcanic Processes Using Seismic and Acoustic Wavefields IV, S53D-01Abstract Title: Long-Period Seismicity and Very-Long-Period Infrasound Driven by Shallow Magmatic Degassing at Mount Pagan, Mariana Islands, V43B-3148Abstract Title: Intense Seismic Activity at Chiles and Cerro Negro Volcanoes on the Colombia-Ecuador Border
Lyons, L. R.
SA23E-04Abstract Title: 2013 March 17 Storm: Synergy of Observations Related to Mid-Latitude Electric Field Drivers and their Ionospheric and Magnetospheric Effects, SA31E-2374Abstract Title: Influence of auroral streamers on rapid evolution of SAPS flows, SM12B-03Abstract Title: Substorm Bulge/Surge Controlled by Polar Cap Flow Channels, SM13C-2501Abstract Title: Dawn-Dusk Asymmetry in Bursty Hot Electron Enhancements in the Mid-Tail Magnetosheath, SM23C-2570Abstract Title: Polar Cap Precursor of Nightside Auroral Oval Intensifications Using Polar Cap Arcs, SM44A-02Abstract Title: Coupling between pre-onset flows and substorm onset waves, SM53A-02Abstract Title: Relativistic Electron Enhancements at GEO: Magnetic Storms vs. Substorms
Lyons, R. A.
B51E-0473Abstract Title: Relative Contributions of Phosphorus in High Elevation Sierra Nevada Lakes
Lyons, T.
PP31BAbstract Title: New Insights on Geochemical Cycles toward Redox Proxy Development and Application to the Ancient Ocean and Atmosphere I Posters, PP33EAbstract Title: New Insights on Geochemical Cycles toward Redox Proxy Development and Application to the Ancient Ocean and Atmosphere II, PP33E-02Abstract Title: A Phanerozoic I/Ca compilation: potential links to ocean oxygenation, carbon cycle and bio-diversification, PP33E-07Abstract Title: Tracking Eukaryotic Production and Burial Through Time with Zinc Isotopes, PP34BAbstract Title: New Insights on Geochemical Cycles toward Redox Proxy Development and Application to the Ancient Ocean and Atmosphere III
Lyons, T. W.
PP31BAbstract Title: New Insights on Geochemical Cycles toward Redox Proxy Development and Application to the Ancient Ocean and Atmosphere I Posters, PP31B-2244Abstract Title: Sulfate-dependent Anaerobic Oxidation of Methane as a Generation Mechanism for Calcite Cap Rock in Gulf Coast Salt Domes, PP31B-2246Abstract Title: Changes in productivity and redox conditions during the Last Glacial Maximum as recorded in high-resolution geochemical records from Alfonso Basin, Gulf of California, PP31B-2251Abstract Title: Oxidative Weathering of Archean Sulfides: Implications for the Great Oxidation Event, PP31B-2253Abstract Title: Evaluating the integrity of the Ce anomaly as a paleoredox tracer using modern marine carbonates, PP31B-2254Abstract Title: Assessing potential diagenetic alteration of primary iodine-to-calcium ratios in carbonate rocks, PP33B-2299Abstract Title: Primary Iron- and Manganese-Carbonate Deposition in the Palaeoproterozoic Hotazel Formation, South Africa, and Implications for the Great Oxidation Event, PP33EAbstract Title: New Insights on Geochemical Cycles toward Redox Proxy Development and Application to the Ancient Ocean and Atmosphere II, PP34BAbstract Title: New Insights on Geochemical Cycles toward Redox Proxy Development and Application to the Ancient Ocean and Atmosphere III, P11B-2098Abstract Title: Science Objectives and Site Selection Criteria for a Human Mission to Mars, U24A-01Abstract Title: Alternative Earths: The Diverse Chapters of Sustained Habitability on a Dynamic Early Earth and Their Astrobiological Significance
Lyons, W. B.
B23I-08Abstract Title: Investigating the hydrological origins of Blood Falls – geomicrobiological insights into a briny subglacial Antarctic aquifer, GC11G-1107Abstract Title: The Past as a Window to the Future - What Does Long Term Research in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica Tell Us About the Trajectory of Polar Ecosystems?, H43B-1492Abstract Title: COMPARING EVENT-BASED STORAGE ACROSS TROPICAL LAND-COVER GRADIENTS IN THE PANAMA CANAL WATERSHED
Lysak, R. L.
SM23B-2555Abstract Title: Dynamical Generation of Quasi-Stationary Alfvenic Double Layers and Charge Holes and Unified Theory of Quasi-Static and Alfvenic Auroral Arc Formation, SM31F-06Abstract Title: Evolution of Field-Aligned Currents by Alfvén Wave Propagation, SM41E-2522Abstract Title: Storm-time occurrence and Spatial distribution of Pc4 poloidal ULF waves in the inner magnetosphere: A Van Allen Probes Statistical study
Lysenstoen, K.
SM13A-2468Abstract Title: A Study of the Different classes of Poleward-Moving Auroral Forms
Lyster, K.
A41A-0037Abstract Title: Extractive Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry of Heterogeneous Particles: Implications for Applications to Complex Atmospheric Aerosol
Lythgoe, K.
DI42A-03Abstract Title: Structure and dynamics of the Earth's inner core
Lytle, B. A.
H53C-1674Abstract Title: Time-lapse Monitoring of Two-dimensional Non-uniform Unsaturated Flow Processes Using Ground Penetrating Radar, NS44A-03Abstract Title: High-Resolution Time-Lapse Monitoring of Unsaturated Flow using Automated GPR Data Collection
Lytle, K.
V41C-3090Abstract Title: New Petrologic and Geochemical Insights into Differentiation Processes Required to Produce the Lower Steens Basalt, Columbia River Basalt Province, SE Oregon
Lytle, M. L.
H21C-1380Abstract Title: Soil Inorganic Carbon Thresholds and Formation: What are the Controls in a Transitional, Semi-Arid Watershed?, V21A-3010Abstract Title: Volatile, Major and Trace Element Chemistry of Olivine-Hosted Melt Inclusions and Host Glasses in Cleft and Coaxial Segments of the Juan de Fuca Ridge, V33D-3126Abstract Title: Development of a Laser Ablation ICPMS Rutile Standard
Lyu, F.
AE13A-06Abstract Title: Insights into High Peak Current In-cloud Lightning Events during Thunderstorms
Lyu, L. H.
SM13C-2498Abstract Title: A New Analysis of the Vortex-Size-Dependent Growth Rate of Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability, SM41H-2583Abstract Title: A Study of Wave Expansion in the ion-Electron two-Fluid Plasma and the Formation of Frequency gap at Half the Electron Cyclotron Frequency, SM51A-2544Abstract Title: Component Reconnection Versus Component Magnetic Reconfiguration
Lyu, X.
A11O-08Abstract Title: Impact of Hong Kong’s Voluntary Catalytic Converter Replacement Programme on Roadside Air Quality
Lyu, Y.
A11G-0143Abstract Title: Observation of fine particle concentration and its chemical characteristics in central region of Korea during KORUS-AQ pre-campaign
Lyu, Z.
PP21C-2264Abstract Title: Uppermost Permian to Lower Triassic Conodont Zonation from Enshi area, western Hubei Province, South China
Lyutsarev, V.
GC41H-08Abstract Title: Exposing variation to aid climate change risk assessment
Lyzenga, G. A.
NH43B-1893Abstract Title: Disaster Response Tools for Decision Support and Data Discovery – E-DECIDER and GeoGateway