Author Index: B
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B M, A.
H51B-1368Abstract Title: A detailed study on Catchment delineation for Urban areas
B, P.
A31D-0083Abstract Title: Premonsoon aerosol optical properties from AERONET retrievals and its probable source fields in Eastern India urban environment (Kolkata): evaluating spatial variability and its comparison with MODIS retrievals.
Baade, J.
PP11D-01Abstract Title: Coastal lake sediments from the southern Cape, South Africa – Implications for sea level and climate variations during the Holocene
Baar, A. W.
EP31C-1021Abstract Title: Turning the tide: estuarine bars and mutually evasive ebb- and flood-dominated channels, EP34B-04Abstract Title: Turning the Tide: Estuaries Shaped by Channel-Shoal Interactions, Eco-engineers and Inherited Landscapes
Baart, F.
H43M-05Abstract Title: Automated estimation of river bathymetry using change detection based on Landsat imagery and river morphological models, IN41D-05Abstract Title: Painting models, NH13C-1939Abstract Title: Improving global flood risk awareness through collaborative research: Id-Lab
Baas, A. C. W.
EP43A-0950Abstract Title: Variable and Conflicting Shear Stress Estimates Inside an Aeolian Boundary Layer with Active Sand Transport
Baasandorj, M.
A13F-05Abstract Title: Nighttime Chemistry and Morning Isoprene Drive Urban Ozone Downwind of a Major Deciduous Forest
Baatz, R.
B33A-0639Abstract Title: Estimation of Ecosystem Parameters of the Community Land Model with DREAM: Evaluation of the Potential for Upscaling Net Ecosystem Exchange, H21C-1392Abstract Title: Geostatistical and Fractal Analysis of Soil Moisture Patterns in a Mesoscale Catchment Using Plot to Catchment Scale Datasets
Baba, H.
DI51B-2625Abstract Title: Total Geomagnetic Survey on Suruga Bay, on the Pacific cost, Shizuoka, Japan, the second series report.
Baba, K.
GP13A-1275Abstract Title: Response Function Estimation of Marine Magnetotelluric Data Measured at Tristan de Cunha Hot Spot, GP13A-1282Abstract Title: Topographic effect in marine magnetotelluric data and implications to the electrical conductivity structure of the mantle beneath the Tristan da Cunha hotspot area in southern Atlantic
Baba, T.
NH13EAbstract Title: Advances in Tsunami Observation, Modeling, and Forecasting I, NH13E-06Abstract Title: High precision numerical simulation of the trans-pacific tsunami caused by the 2011 Tohoku earthquake, NH13E-08Abstract Title:

Tsunami waveform inversion for sea surface displacement following the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake: Importance of dispersion and variable rupture velocity, NH14AAbstract Title: Advances in Tsunami Observation, Modeling, and Forecasting II, NH23AAbstract Title: Advances in Tsunami Observation, Modeling, and Forecasting III Posters, S54A-07Abstract Title: An Efficient Method for Far-field Tsunami Forecasting

Babacan, O.
GC51H-05Abstract Title: Integrating Solar Power onto the Electric Grid – Bridging the Gap between Atmospheric Science, Engineering and Economics
Babb, J.
NH13A-1913Abstract Title: Communicating Science to Officials and People at Risk During a Slow-Motion Lava Flow Crisis
Babbin, A. R.
B14A-03Abstract Title: Incomplete Denitrification Causes Rapid Nitrous Oxide Cycling in the Oceanic Oxygen Minimum Zones
Babcock, B.
GC11J-06Abstract Title: Placing Bounds on Extreme Temperature Response of Maize to Improve Crop Model Intercomparison
Babcock, B. A.
P51A-2048Abstract Title: Ground-based Light Curves Two Pluto Days Before the New Horizons Passage
Babcock, C. R.
B43E-0607Abstract Title: A Bayesian Hierarchical Model for Spatio-Temporal Prediction and Uncertainty Assessment Using Repeat LiDAR Acquisitions for the Kenai Peninsula, AK, USA, B51I-06Abstract Title: The 2014 Tanana Inventory Pilot: A USFS­NASA partnership to leverage advanced remote sensing technologies for forest inventory
Babcock, E. C.
U14A-02Abstract Title: Designing at Scale: Lessons in Relevance, Quality, and Equity from ChangeScale, a Bay Area environmental education collaborative
Babcock, J.
IN33C-1810Abstract Title: A Robotic Communications Gateway for Ocean Observations
Babey, T.
B51C-0446Abstract Title: Modeling the Impact of Heterogeneous Spatial Distribution of Soil Microbes on Pesticide Biodegradation at the Centimeter Scale
Babeyko, A. Y.
NH43B-1876Abstract Title: Precise Positioning with Multi-GNSS and its Advantage for Seismic Parameters Inversion
Babiker, M.
C52A-07Abstract Title: SONARC: A Sea Ice Monitoring and Forecasting System to Support Safe Operations and Navigation in Arctic Seas
Babila, T. L.
PP23B-2299Abstract Title: Taking the pulse of the carbon release during the onset of the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum , PP33C-2322Abstract Title: Temperature and salinity changes associated with the Paleocene-Eocene Carbon Isotope Excursion along the mid Atlantic margin
Babis, C.
PA53B-04Abstract Title: Net Resource Assessment (NetRA): A Collaborative Effort Between USGS Science and Decisions Center, the Science Impact Laboratory for Policy and Economics (University of New Mexico) and Sandia National Laboratory
Babler, B.
SA32A-05Abstract Title: Geocoronal Balmer-alpha Emission Observed by the Wisconsin H-Alpha Mapper During the Southern Sky Survey
Bablet, A.
NH21C-1828Abstract Title: Internal Gravity Wave Induced by the Queen Charlotte Event (27 October 2012, Mw 7.8): Airglow Observation and Modeling.
Babos, H.
H31E-1458Abstract Title: Relationship of Shallow Groundwater Quality to Hydraulic Fracturing Activities in Antrim and Kalkaska Counties, MI
Babovic, V. M.
NG31A-1828Abstract Title: Streamflow Prediction based on Chaos Theory
Babst, F.
B14B-03Abstract Title: Using Novel Approaches in Process-Based Modeling for Interpreting Inter-Annual Variability in Tree Ring Widths, Wood Density Profiles, and Cellulose Isotopic Ratios, GC31G-05Abstract Title: Latitudinal Gradients in the Stable Carbon and Oxygen Isotopes of Tree-Ring Cellulose Reveal Differential Climate Influences of the North American Monsoon, PP23A-2292Abstract Title: 20th Century Northern hemisphere jet stream variability, PP43F-01Abstract Title: Multi-century Evaluation of Sierra Nevada Snowpack
Babuska, V.
DI21A-2583Abstract Title: Fossilized Dipping Fabrics in Continental Mantle Lithosphere as Possible Remnants of Stacked Oceanic Paleosubductions, DI24A-03Abstract Title: LAB - Transition between Fossil and Present-Day Flow-Related Seismic Anisotropy, T11B-2878Abstract Title: Fabrics of Mantle Lithosphere of Fennoscandia Inferred from Seismic Anisotropy
Bacchus, T.
A51E-0104Abstract Title: Large Precipitation Events in Northern Vermont Compared to Global Temperature Anomalies and Carbon Dioxide Concentrations
Baccini, A.
B11A-0417Abstract Title: Satellites Based Annual Carbon Dynamics of Africa Tropical Vegetation During the 2003-2014 Period, B51I-08Abstract Title: A new pan-tropical estimate of carbon loss in natural and managed forests in 2000-2012
Bacciu, V. M.
NH31A-1876Abstract Title: Modeling Fire Emissions across Central and Southern Italy: Implications for Land and Fire Management, NH31A-1885Abstract Title: The Ofidia Project: a Retrospective Fire Danger Forecast Analysis in Mediterranean Environment
Baccolo, G.
A23C-0312Abstract Title: Talos Dome ice Core (East Antarctica) Mieral Dust Iron Geochemistry of the Last 160 ky.
Bacconais, I.
PP31F-02Abstract Title: A Cr Isotope Proxy For Ocean Deoxygenation
Bach, L.
EP43B-0974Abstract Title: Assessing Geomorphic and Vegetative Responses to Environmental Flows in the Willamette River Basin
Bach, T.
NS51B-02Abstract Title: Smart Interpretation – Application of Machine Learning in Geological Interpretation of AEM Data
Bach, W.
OS42A-05Abstract Title: Temporal evolution of magmatic-hydrothermal systems in the Manus Basin, Papua New Guinea: Insights from vent fluid chemistry and bathymetric observations
Bachan, A.
PP22B-06Abstract Title: Understanding Oscillations of the Geological Carbon Cycle, PP31F-07Abstract Title: Delayed recovery from the end-Triassic extinction due to an increase in the extent of ocean anoxia
Bachant, P.
GC52C-04Abstract Title: Cross-flow turbines: physical and numerical model studies towards improved array simulations
Bachelery, P.
V23A-3063Abstract Title: Geochemical Characteristics of the Lavas from the “Adventive Cones” of Piton de La Fournaise Volcano (La Reunion Island), V23B-3090Abstract Title: A Melt Inclusion Study in Primitive Olivines from the Adventive Cones of the Piton de la Fournaise Volcano, La Réunion Island : Implications for the Nature of the Réunion Mantle Plume
Bachelet, C.
V33D-3127Abstract Title: Insight into He diffusion in apatite by ion beam experiments and quantum calculations: implication for the (U-Th)/He thermochronometer
Bachelet, D. M.
A51Q-0345Abstract Title: Fire in a Changing Climate: Stochastic versus Threshold-constrained Ignitions in a Dynamic Global Vegetation Model, GC13F-1213Abstract Title: From carbon numbers to ecosystem services: usable results comparing natural versus managed lands, GC13F-1221Abstract Title: Dissolved Organic Carbon Fluxes in Rivers of the Conterminous United States: Influence of Terrestrial – Aquatic Linkages, PA33B-2186Abstract Title: Is this what you need? Direct feedback help climate change information exchange
Bachelet, V.
NH41A-1790Abstract Title: Prediction of rock falls properties thanks to emitted seismic signal.
Bachmann, C. E.
S13B-2839Abstract Title: Determining the impact of induced seismicity – a fully integrated modeling approach
Bachmann, O.
H43L-02Abstract Title: Migration of buoyant non-wetting fluids in heterogeneous porous media, V33EAbstract Title: Quantifying Storage, Transport, and Volumes of Magmas in the Earth's Crust I, V34BAbstract Title: Quantifying Storage, Transport, and Volumes of Magmas in the Earth's Crust II, V42BAbstract Title: Quantifying Storage, Transport, and Volumes of Magmas in the Earth's Crust III (Half Session), V43BAbstract Title: Quantifying Storage, Transport, and Volumes of Magmas in the Earth's Crust IV Posters, V44C-06Abstract Title: Ignimbrites to Batholiths, V51G-3114Abstract Title: Zircon U-Pb Age Distributions in Cogenetic Crystal-Rich Dacitic and Crystal-Poor Rhyolitic Members of Zoned Ignimbrites in the Southern Rocky Mountains by Chemical Abrasion Inductively-Coupled-Plasma Mass Spectrometry (CA-LA-ICP-MS).
Bachmann, S.
H51E-1414Abstract Title: Rainfall Generated Debris flows on Mount Shasta: July 21, 2015, NH41C-1839Abstract Title: The Debris Flow of September 20, 2014, in Mud Creek, Mount Shasta Volcano, Northern California
Bachner, M.
A41A-0005Abstract Title: LIF instrument for airborne measurements of OH, HO2 and RO2 radicals in the upper troposphere
Bachrach, E.
ED51C-0821Abstract Title: Better retention through game-play – EcoChains: Arctic Crisis card game
Bachura, M.
S51E-05Abstract Title: Evidence for fluid-triggering underlying the year 2014 aftershock sequences in NW Bohemia
Back, A.
OS51A-1973Abstract Title: The Potential Vorticity Budget of Multi-Scale MJO Models, OS53C-05Abstract Title: Midlatitude Rossby wave forcing of equatorial Kelvin waves
Back, E.
NH23B-1874Abstract Title: Sustained Water Quality Impacts in Marine Environments Due to Mechanical Milling of Volcanic Deposits
Back, J. K.
B31A-0522Abstract Title: The Climate Mitigation Potential of Managed Boreal Forests Exceeds Their Carbon Store Effect, B31C-0558Abstract Title: HIGH LATITUDE FOREST DYNAMICS – CO2 EXCHANGE MEASUREMENTS AND FOREST GROWTH AT THE ALTITUDINAL FOREST LINE IN HIGH SUBARCTIC FINNISH LAPLAND
Back, J.
A24C-05Abstract Title: Year-round Source Contributions of Fossil Fuel and Biomass Combustion to Elemental Carbon on the North Slope Alaska Utilizing Radiocarbon Analysis
Back, L. E.
A51O-0283Abstract Title: On Diagnostic Applications of Gross Moist Stability, A54F-03Abstract Title: Estimates of geographic variability in vertical motion profile bottom-heaviness
Backeberg, N. R.
MR33C-2698Abstract Title: Multi-surface Earthquake Rupture Recorded in Pseudotachylyte Vein Geometries, Norumbega Shear Zone, southern Maine
Backlund, P.
GC53H-01Abstract Title: Global Food Security in a Changing Climate: Considerations and Projections, GC54A-01Abstract Title: Climate Change and Global Food Security: Food Access, Utilization, and the US Food System, TH12IAbstract Title: USDA Town Hall on Climate Change, Global Food Security and the U.S. Food System Report
Backman, J.
C43A-0775Abstract Title: On the existence of an East Siberian-Chukchi ice sheet: New insights from the SWERUS-C3 Expedition 2014
Backman, J.
A24C-07Abstract Title: Climatology and Characteristics of In-situ Aerosol Optical Properties in the Arctic
Backman, L. B.
A23J-07Abstract Title: Estimation of Global Methane Emissions for 2000-2012 using the CarbonTracker Europe-CH4 Data Assimilation System
Bacon, A. R.
B43I-0661Abstract Title: Implications of Using USDA-NCSS Bulk Density to Estimate Carbon Stocks in Forest Soils Across the Southeastern United States, B43I-0663Abstract Title: The response of ecosystem carbon pools to management approaches that increase the growth of loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.), B43I-0665Abstract Title: Region-Wide Soil Carbon Assessment Across "the Land of Pines", EP34A-01Abstract Title: Seeking GUTH, the Grand Unified Theory of Hillslopes: Linking Weathering, Erosion and Landscapes, H51R-07Abstract Title: Geophysical and Chemical Weathering Signatures Across the Deep Weathered-Unweathered Granite Boundary of the Calhoun Critical Zone Observatory
Bacon, C. M.
GC54A-08Abstract Title: Smallholder Food and Water Security in the Face of Climatic Stress and the Coffee Leaf Rust: Lessons from Nicaragua 
Bacon, D. H.
H51U-01Abstract Title: Applications of Reduced Order Models for Groundwater Impacts Due to Leaking Brine or Carbon Dioxide, T23B-2935Abstract Title: Three-Dimensional Modeling of the Reactive Transport of CO2 and Its Impact on Geomechanical Properties of Faulted Reservoir Rocks and Seals
Bacon, J. D.
NS21B-1923Abstract Title: Applications of Cosmic Ray Muon Radiography
Bacon, P. J.
H21P-01Abstract Title: The Influence of Logger Bias on Reported Temperature Trends: Implications for Temperature Monitoring Networks
Bacon, S.
C43D-02Abstract Title: Arctic sea surface height variability and change from satellite radar altimetry and GRACE, 2003–2014
Bacon, S. N.
EP41A-0920Abstract Title: Geomorphic Parameters for Developing a Hydrologic Model to Infer Holocene Climate Variability, Middle Snake River near Bliss, Idaho
Bacopoulos, P.
GC53A-1193Abstract Title: Modeling and Analysis of Sea-level Rise Impacts on Salinity in the Lower St. Johns River
Baczynski, A. A.
PP22B-08Abstract Title: Signals and Noise in Terrestrial Archives of Organic Carbon: examples from the PETM
Bada, J.
PP13A-2271Abstract Title: New Insights into Amino Acid Preservation in the Early Oceans using Modern Analytical Techniques
Badalini, G.
EP13A-0925Abstract Title: A contourite depositional system along the Uruguayan continental margin
Badavi, F. F.
SA51D-06Abstract Title: Albedo protons and electrons at ISS – an important contribution to astronaut dose?
Baddeley, L. J.
SH52A-02Abstract Title: THE TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE ON SVALBARD 2015, SM53B-06Abstract Title: Estimation of cold plasma outflow during geomagnetic storms
Baddock, M. C.
A21L-06Abstract Title: Spatial and Temporal Variations in Icelandic Dust Emissions: a decade of insights from MODIS, EP42A-04Abstract Title: Quantifying Grain Fall and Avalanche Dynamics Under Changing Wind Conditions on Barchan Dunes
Baden, C. W.
T42A-08Abstract Title: Oceanic Transform Fault-Zone Geomorphology in the Gulf of California from High-Resolution Bathymetric Data
Baden, C. W.
T23C-2960Abstract Title: Retrodeformation of a 3D Geologic Model of the Santa Cruz Mountains West of the San Andreas Fault
Badenhausen, P.
SM13B-2492Abstract Title: Mapping High Latitude Gravity Wave Amplitudes over Antarctica during Summer
Bader, D.
GC51B-1083Abstract Title: Hurricane Sandy: Caught in the eye of the storm and a city's adaptation response
Bader, D. C.
IN31A-1742Abstract Title: The Importance of Simulation Workflow and Data Management in the Accelerated Climate Modeling for Energy Project
Bader, J.
A11N-0267Abstract Title: Impact of Enhanced Low-level Stratus on Simulated SSTs, Precipitation and the Circulation in the Tropical Atlantic Sector, PP23A-2289Abstract Title: Impact of North Atlantic Sea Surface Temperatures on European Summer Climate on Multi-decadal Timescales in Reanalysis and Model Simulations
Bader, N.
ED31B-0902Abstract Title: Project EDDIE: Improving Big Data skills in the classroom, PP53B-2346Abstract Title: Examination of Pedogenic Weathering Indices in the Coterminous USA Using a Large Nationwide Soil Database
Badescu, K.
V51D-3068Abstract Title: Assessing the Origin of Olivines Based on Relative Age of Melt Inclusions
Badgeley, J.
C51B-0726Abstract Title: Imaging an Englacial Brine Conduit within a -17°C Polar Glacier
Badger, A.
NH52B-04Abstract Title: Assessing Causes of Hydrologic Climate Extremes in the Upper Missouri Basin
Badger, M. P. S.
PP11C-07Abstract Title: Biomarker Approaches to Greenhouse Gas Estimations Through the Cenozoic – Recent Developments and Future Directions
Badgley, G. M.
B11C-0453Abstract Title: Quantitative Nutrient Limitation Analysis of Global Forests by Remote Sensing
Badhe, R.
TH15DAbstract Title: EU-PolarNet - Connecting Science with Society, TH15EAbstract Title: EU-PolarNet – Connecting Science with Society
Badman, S.
SH43B-2453Abstract Title: Characterizing Temperatures of FOXSI-2 Microflares Using RHESSI and AIA Observations
Bado, R. A.
H21J-1526Abstract Title: Modeling the Hydrologic Effects of Large-Scale Green Infrastructure Projects with GIS
Badoux, A.
EP51D-06Abstract Title: Bedload sediment transport embedded in seismic signals generated from a mountain stream
Badrian, M.
H11E-1392Abstract Title: Hydro-Period Influence on Kettle Hole Biogeochemistry in NE Germany
Badro, J.
DI11C-2601Abstract Title: Iron Partitioning and Oxidation State in Earth’s Lower Mantle, MR13A-2689Abstract Title: 3D analytical investigation of melting at lower mantle conditions in the laser-heated diamond anvil cel, MR22A-01Abstract Title: Magnesium solubility in metallic iron during core formation, V21C-3041Abstract Title: Iron-carbonate interaction at Earth’s core-mantle boundary, V33A-3081Abstract Title: Metal-Silicate Partitioning of Various Siderophile Elements at High Pressure and High Temperatures: a Diamond Anvil Cell Study
Badyukov, D. D.
GP43A-1233Abstract Title: Rock magnetic effects induced in terrestrial basalt and diabase by >20 GPa experimental spherical shock waves
Bae, C.
A11G-0155Abstract Title: Evaluation of Particulate Matter Source Apportionment Forecasts during the MAPS-Seoul Field Campaign, A22B-08Abstract Title: Satellite-observed NO2, SO2, and HCHO Vertical Column Densities in East Asia: Recent Changes and Comparisons with Regional Model
Bae, G. O.
H23A-1563Abstract Title: An Integrated Approach on Groundwater Flow and Heat/Solute Transport for Sustainable Groundwater Source Heat Pump (GWHP) System Operation
Bae, G. N.
A11G-0147Abstract Title: Measurements of physical and chemical properties of urban aerosols and their CCN activities in Seoul during the KORUS-AQ pre-campaign
Bae, H. S.
S23C-2723Abstract Title: A Comparative Study of Inversion Methods Using Reproduced Low-Frequency Components, S23C-2746Abstract Title: Efficient 3D Acoustic Numerical modeling in the Logarithmic-grid using the Expanding Domain Method
Bae, Y.
H43K-03Abstract Title: Dissolution-precipitation reactions and permeability evolution from reactions of CO2-rich aqueous solutions with fractured basalt
Baeck, M. L.
NH51E-1943Abstract Title: Observational analyses of heavy spring rainfall during the IFloodS campaign
Baehr, J.
PP23A-2289Abstract Title: Impact of North Atlantic Sea Surface Temperatures on European Summer Climate on Multi-decadal Timescales in Reanalysis and Model Simulations
Baek, K. H.
A11G-0140Abstract Title: The Validation of Ground Based Ozone Measurements over Korea.
Baek, S. G.
G31A-1091Abstract Title: Correlation between land use changes and shoreline changes around THE Nakdong River in Korea using landsat images.
Baek, Y.
EP13A-0941Abstract Title: Sequence stratigraphic model and Evolution of the Channelized depositional systems during Miocene in Ulleung Basin southeastern margin, East Sea
Baenas, T.
G11A-0961Abstract Title: Non-rigid Contributions to the Precession Rate of a Two-layers Earth Model
Baer, D. S.
A11I-0186Abstract Title: Development of Novel Instrumentation to Measure All Nitrous Oxide Mono-Substituted Rare Isotopic Species, A41A-0022Abstract Title: Detection of new VOC compounds with iCRDS, A43F-0357Abstract Title: Mobile Measurement of Methane and Ethane for the Detection and Attribution of Natural Gas Pipeline Leaks Using Off-Axis Integrated Output Spectroscopy, B51A-0402Abstract Title: A New and Improved Carbon Dioxide Isotope Analyzer for Understanding Soil-Plant-Atmosphere Interactions
Baerenzung, J.
GP23A-1279Abstract Title: Correlation Based Geomagnetic Field Modeling, SM13E-2559Abstract Title: Correlation Based Modelling of Ionospheric Magnetic Field
Baergen, A.
A21A-0061Abstract Title: HONO Formation from Heterogeneous Photochemistry of Nitrogen Oxides on Urban Grime
Baes, M.
T22A-01Abstract Title: Plume tectonics and cratons formation in the early Earth
Baesman, S. M.
H21G-1482Abstract Title: Acetylene fuels reductive dechlorination of TCE by Dehalococcoides/Pelobacter-containing microbial consortia
Baeten, N. J.
EP23D-0996Abstract Title: Mechanical Stability of Stratified Sediments along the upper continental Slope off Vesterålen, northern Norway - Insights from in situ CPTU Tests
Baethgen, W.
GC53G-1295Abstract Title: Assessing methods for developing crop forecasting in the Iberian Peninsula, GC54A-03Abstract Title: Life Cycles of Agriculturally-Relevant ENSO Teleconnections in North and South America
Baetzel, M.
T51F-2984Abstract Title: The Davie Ridge, Northern Mozambique: The Crustal Structure from Wide-angle Seismic Data
Baez, J. C.
S11A-2766Abstract Title: Analysis of the Pre-, Co- and Post- seismic deformation associated to the April 1st, 2014 Pisagua (Mw 8.2) earthquake constrained by GPS observations., S33B-2779Abstract Title: Towards real-time integration of accelerometers and GPS, T43C-3024Abstract Title: Imaging the Seismic Cycle in the Central Andean Subduction Zone from Geodetic Observations
Baez, J. C.
T21E-2875Abstract Title: Sudden subduction channel and mantle wedge weakening leads to the vertical deformation pattern changes before and after great subduction zone earthquakes
Baez, J. C. Sr
G13A-0991Abstract Title: Analysis of large GNSS network solutions: from daily to real-time
Baez, W.
V33C-3118Abstract Title: Genesis and Eruptive Dynamics of the Garnet-Bearing Rhyolites from the Ramadas Volcanic Centre (Altiplano-Puna Plateau, Central Andes, Argentina).
Baeza, S.
T23A-2927Abstract Title: Elastic Wavespeed Images of Northern Chile Subduction Zone from the Joint Inversion of Body and Surface Waves: Structure of the Andean Forearc and the Double Seismic Zone, T23A-2929Abstract Title: Crustal Structure of the Northern Chilean Forearc from Ambient Noise Tomography
Bagard, M. L.
PP52B-04Abstract Title: The Li isotope composition of modern biogenic carbonates
Bagenal, F.
P41EAbstract Title: Exploring the Kuiper Belt: New Horizons Reaches the Pluto System I, P51AAbstract Title: Exploring the Kuiper Belt: New Horizons Reaches the Pluto System II Posters, P54AAbstract Title: Exploring the Kuiper Belt: New Horizons Reaches the Pluto System III, SM31B-2490Abstract Title: The Atmospheric Escape of Europa: The Role of Symmetrical O2 Charge Exchanges., SM31C-2513Abstract Title: Distribution of Heavy Ions in the Jovian Magnetosphere from Re-Analysis of Voyager PLS Data, SM31C-2514Abstract Title: Proton Characteristics in the Jovian Magnetosphere Based on Reanalysis of Voyager PLS Data, SM31C-2517Abstract Title: Jupiter Magnetotail Interaction with a Variable Solar Wind: A 3D MHD Simulation, SM31C-2525Abstract Title: The Relative Proportions of Water Group Ions in Saturn's Inner Magnetosphere: A Preliminary Study, SM31DAbstract Title: Mass-Loading Plasmas: Comet, Pluto, and Satellite Atmospheres I Posters, SM31D-2535Abstract Title: Pluto's atmosphere-plasma interaction: Hybrid simulations, SM31D-2537Abstract Title: Solar Wind at 33 AU: Setting Bounds on the Pluto Interaction, SM41J-08Abstract Title: Observations of the Jovian Mid-Magnetosphere by the New Horizons Solar Wind Around Pluto (SWAP) Ion Spectrometer, SM42BAbstract Title: Mass-Loading Plasmas: Comet, Pluto, and Satellite Atmospheres II, SM42B-03Abstract Title: Escape of Pluto's Atmosphere: In Situ Measurements from New Horizons and Remote Observations from Chandra, U53A-01Abstract Title: Overview of Key Results from the Exploration of the Pluto System by New Horizons, U53A-05Abstract Title: Solar wind interaction with Pluto’s escaping atmosphere
Bagge, M.
T43E-08Abstract Title: 3D-Finite-Element Modelling of Coseismic and Postseismic Coulomb Stress Changes on Intra-Continental Dip-Slip Faults
Baggenstos, D.
A23J-01Abstract Title: Ice core measurements of 14CH4 constrain the sources of atmospheric methane increase during abrupt warming events of the last deglaciation
Bagh, S.
S13B-2799Abstract Title: High Resolution Vp and Vp/Vs Local Earthquake Tomography of the Val d'Agri Region (Southern Apennines, Italy)., S13B-2800Abstract Title: Reactivation of compressional pre-existing structures in an extensional regime by wastewater re-injection induced seismicity: a Southern Appennine (Italy) oilfield case study, S13B-2803Abstract Title: Induced Seismicity from different sources in Italy: how to interpret it?
Baghdadi, N.
H53G-1737Abstract Title: Retrieval of Both Soil Moisture and Texture Using one configuration TerraSAR-X radar Images
Bagley, B. C.
OS43A-2016Abstract Title: Experimental serpentinization of dunite cores at 150-200ºC and 150 bar: Importance of open system dynamics for hydrogen generation and stabilization of ferric-rich serpentine, T51G-3006Abstract Title: Mantle Flow Implications across Easter and Southern Africa from Shear Wave Splitting Measurements
Bagley, J.
A21G-0236Abstract Title: Estimating methane and nitrous oxide emissions in California using multi-tower observations and hierarchical Bayesian inversion, H34A-01Abstract Title: Vegetation controls on surface heat flux partitioning, and land-atmosphere coupling
Bagley, J. E.
B31B-0542Abstract Title: Energy and Water Fluxes across a Heterogeneous Landscape in the Southern Great Plains
Bagnardi, M.
G32A-04Abstract Title: The 2014-2015 eruption at Fogo volcano: constraining the geometry of the intrusion and erupted volumes with space-geodesy
Bagnato, E.
V13C-3127Abstract Title: Diffuse Soil CO2 Degassing at Solfatara of Pozzuoli (Campi Flegrei, Italy): 1998-2015, Sixteen Years of Flux Measurement.
Bagot, P.
GP33A-02Abstract Title: Multi scale imaging of the Cloudy Zone in the Tazewell IIICD Meteorite
Bagtasa, G.
GC53G-1298Abstract Title: Enabling Philippine Farmers to Adapt to Climate Variability Using Seasonal Climate and Weather Forecast with a Crop Simulation Model in an SMS-based Farmer Decision Support System
Baguskas, S. A.
A33H-0279Abstract Title: Using Coastal Fog to Support Sustainable Water Use in a California Agricultural System
Bagwell, R.
IN14A-08Abstract Title: Recommendations and Ongoing Efforts within the NASA Data Quality Working Group, IN53A-1817Abstract Title: Introducing Earthdata 3.0: An All-New Way of Creating and Publishing Content, PA21D-2178Abstract Title: Who uses NASA Earth Science Data? Connecting with Users through the Earthdata website and Social Media
Bah, A.
H11I-1456Abstract Title: Using Satellite Imagery to Monitor the Major Lakes; Case Study Lake Hamun
Bahadory, T.
PP51C-2302Abstract Title: Sensitivity of Ice and Climate Evolution Patterns to Modelling Uncertainties During the Last Glacial-Interglacial Transitions
Bahamonde, J.
DI11C-2615Abstract Title: Upper Mantle Discontinuity Structure Beneath the Western Atlantic Ocean and Eastern North America from SS Precursors
Bahavar, M.
S53A-2770Abstract Title: On-Demand Synthetic Seismograms and Other Data Products at the IRIS DMC
Bahcivan, H.
EP53C-1044Abstract Title: Ionospheric Scintillation Explorer (ISX)
Bahlburg, H.
NH33A-1898Abstract Title: Test of the microtextural analysis of quartz grains of tsunami and non-tsunami deposits in Tirúa (Chile) - an unsuitable method for a valid tsunami identification, T34A-08Abstract Title: On Restoring Sedimentary Basins for Post-Depositional Deformation – Paleozoic Basins of the Central Andes
Bahn, M.
B21F-0544Abstract Title: Effects of Recurring Droughts on Extracellular Enzyme Activity in Mountain Grassland, B51KAbstract Title: Plant Traits and Biogeochemical Cycles I, B53DAbstract Title: Plant Traits and Biogeochemical Cycles II Posters
Bahniuk Rumbelsperger, A. M.
B21A-0414Abstract Title: Microbial Mg-carbonate Precipitation and Early Diagenetic Dolomite Crust Formation at Hypersaline Lagoon, Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil.
Bahreini, R.
A12A-05Abstract Title: Impacts of the Denver Cyclone on Regional Air Quality and Aerosol Formation in the Colorado Front Range during the Front Range Air Pollution and Photochemistry Éxperiment (FRAPPÉ) 2014, A21A-0001Abstract Title: Photochemistry of an Urban Region using Observations and Numerical Modeling, A21A-0011Abstract Title: Aerosol Optical Extinction during the Front Range Air Pollution and Photochemistry Experiment (FRAPPE) 2014 Summertime Field Campaign, Colorado U.S.A. , A23N-07Abstract Title: Impacts of Oil and Gas Exploration Activities on SOA formation in the Colorado Front Range
Bahroudi, A.
G23A-1057Abstract Title: A new method for extracting near-surface mass-density anomalies from land-based gravity data, based on a special case of Poisson’s PDE at the Earth’s surface: A case study of salt diapirs in the south of Iran
Bai, B.
GC23L-1272Abstract Title: The activities of low level preesure system over the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau and its links with evolution of plateau monsoon
Bai, H.
OS43A-2008Abstract Title: Coupled Porosity and Chemical Evolution of Hydrothermal Circulation: Implications for the Morphology of Vents and Recharge Zones at Mid-Ocean Ridges
Bai, K.
NG14A-03Abstract Title: A Low-Dimensional Stochastic Model for Large-Scale Coherent Structures
Bai, L. S.
A12D-05Abstract Title: Arctic System Reanalysis better depicts topographically-forced winds near Greenland
Bai, L.
A13C-0343Abstract Title: Pushing the Regional Arctic System Reanalysis to Higher Resolution: A comparison with the global ERA-Interim Reanalysis for the Arctic and Beyond
Bai, L.
NS51B-04Abstract Title: Predicting and tracking spatiotemporal moments in electrical resistivity tomography
Bai, L.
MR11A-07Abstract Title: Apparatus and Techniques for Time-resolved Synchrotron X-ray Diffraction using Diamond Anvil Cells
Bai, L.
S43D-2835Abstract Title: Shallow Structure of the Main Himalayan Thrust from Relocated 2015 MW7.8 Gorkha, Nepal Aftershocks, T11F-08Abstract Title: Focal Depths and Mechanisms of Earthquakes in the Himalayan-Tibetan Region
Bai, L.
H23D-1616Abstract Title: Wetting and Interfacial Tension Dynamics of Oil-Nanofluids-Surface Minerals System
Bai, Q.
GP31A-1370Abstract Title: Paleomagnetic Results of Permo-Carboniferous Volcanic-sedimentary Strata in Mid-eastern Inner Mongolia, China: Implications for Tectonic Evolution of the Eastern CAOB
Bai, T.
H33A-1570Abstract Title: Long Series Multi-objectives Optimal Operation of Water And Sediment Regulation
Bai, X.
SA23B-2351Abstract Title: Swarm and ESR observations of the ionospheric response to a field-aligned current system in the high-latitude midnight sector
Bai, X. N.
GP33A-01Abstract Title: Timing of Solar Nebula Dispersal Constrained by Early Solar System Paleomagnetism
Bai, Y.
T21B-2821Abstract Title: Altitude effect of leaf wax n-alkane δD in surface soils along the Longmen Shan, eastern Tibetan Plateau
Bai, Y.
GC22B-01Abstract Title: Mitigating JPSS J1 VIIRS DNB Performance Shortfalls with Expanded Cal/Val
Bai, Y.
NH51A-1855Abstract Title: Meteorological Influence on the 2009 Influenza A (H1N1) Pandemic in Mainland China.
Bai, Z.
T21C-2837Abstract Title: Weakly Coupled Lithospheric Extension in Southern Tibet
Baibakov, K.
A31D-0094Abstract Title: GEOS-Chem AOD (Aerosol Optical Depth) predictions compared with starphotometry and CALIOP estimates during the polar winter
Baidar, S.
A12A-08Abstract Title: Mobile Column Measurements of HCHO, NO2, NH3, and C2H6 in Colorado during FRAPPE, A13E-0394Abstract Title: Formaldehyde in the Tropical Western Pacific: Evaluation of model chemistry and emissions with in situ observations, A41A-0049Abstract Title: Evaluation of a Remote Sensing Instrument Suite to Measure Gas Columns from a Mobile Laboratory
Baidya, A. S.
V23B-3161Abstract Title: Origin of alternate amphibole and quartz rich bands in amphibole bearing quartzite from North Khetri Copper Belt, Rajasthan, India
Baier, B. C.
A41A-0007Abstract Title: In-situ Measurements of Ozone Production Rates and Comparisons to Model-derived Production Rates During the Houston, TX and Denver, CO DISCOVER-AQ Campaigns
Baig, A. M.
MR53A-03Abstract Title: En-Echelon Fracture Growth in Shales During Hydraulic Stimulation, NG13A-1869Abstract Title: Characteristic ruptures of micro-seismic hydraulic fractures, T43D-3049Abstract Title: Source Characterization and Seismic Hazard Considerations for Hydraulic Fracture Induced Seismicity
Baigorria, G. A.
A23E-0386Abstract Title: Evaluation of crop yield simulations in the SE USA using the NARCCAP regional climate models
Baik, H.
OS21A-1972Abstract Title: The characterization of ferromanganese crust and its redox change, Western Pacific Magellan seamounts
Baik, H.
P53D-2158Abstract Title: The investigation of moving dunes over Mars using very high resolution topography and sub pixel co-registration method.
Baik, M. H.
H43F-1581Abstract Title: Modeling a tracer test at the Grimsel Test Site (GTS) using a lattice Boltzmann method and transmissivity field
Bailey, A.
A33G-0256Abstract Title: Evaluating cloud precipitation efficiency with satellite retrievals of water isotopologues
Bailey, B. E.
ED11E-0872Abstract Title: SSERVI Opportunities for the Next Generation of Planetary Researchers, P44AAbstract Title: The Science of Exploration as Enabled by the Moon, Near Earth Asteroids, and the Moons of Mars I, P53CAbstract Title: The Science of Exploration as Enabled by the Moon, Near Earth Asteroids, and the Moons of Mars II Posters
Bailey, B.
B33E-0765Abstract Title: Validation of a Fast-Response Urban Micrometeorological Model to Assess the Performance of Urban Heat Island Mitigation Strategies
Bailey, C.
PP12A-07Abstract Title: Fish Lake, Utah – shallow seismic investigation of a lake-filled high-altitude graben, PP12A-08Abstract Title: Fish Lake, Utah – a promising long core site straddling the Great Basin to Colorado Plateau transition zone
Bailey, D. A.
C31A-04Abstract Title: Representation of Sea Ice Processes in State of the Art Earth System Models., GC31A-1159Abstract Title: Impact of Decreasing Perennial Arctic Sea Ice Extent on Local and Remote Water Masses as Depicted by a 60-Year Forced Global Coupled 0.1° Ocean/Sea Ice Simulation
Bailey, D. M.
A41A-0026Abstract Title: An Open-Path Tunable Diode Laser Sensor for Measurement of Greenhouse Gases at the Bonanza Creek Long Term Ecological Research Site near Fairbanks, Alaska
Bailey, D. M.
B31D-0578Abstract Title: Characterizing Thawing Permafrost Carbon Emissions: An Integrated Pilot Study in Support of Satellite Evaluation/Design and Earth System Modeling Capabilities
Bailey, E.
MR21B-2622Abstract Title: Micromechanics of ice friction
Bailey, E.
P31G-03Abstract Title: Modeling Ice Giant Interiors Using Constraints on the H2-H2O Critical Curve
Bailey, E.
PP51C-2305Abstract Title: Retreat of the Coalescent Greenland and Innuitian Ice Sheets from Nares Strait
Bailey, H. L.
PP11B-2225Abstract Title: Source and Seasonality Effects on Precipitation Isotope Values in the Gulf of Alaska
Bailey, I.
PP23E-07Abstract Title: New insights into the relationship between mid latitude North Atlantic hydrography and productivity during the intensification of northern hemisphere glaciation
Bailey, J. J.
SA32A-01Abstract Title: The impact of exospheric neutral dynamics on ring current decay, SA43A-2357Abstract Title: Exospheric hydrogen density estimates from absorption dips in GOES solar irradiance measurements
Bailey, K. G.
H21F-1448Abstract Title: Laboratory for Radiokrypton Dating
Bailey, M.
GC34D-01Abstract Title: Planning and the Energy-Water Nexus
Bailey, M.
IN53A-1828Abstract Title: Simulating Granular Materials Using a 3D Voronoi Subdivision Tree
Bailey, R.
B21D-0506Abstract Title: Correlation among Stabilities and their Causes in Modeled Ecological Communities
Bailey, R.
A43G-0399Abstract Title: Ozone Depletion by Hydrofluorocarbons
Bailey, S. M.
A53A-0370Abstract Title: Solar Occultation Constellation for Retrieving Aerosols and Trace Element Species (SOCRATES): Proposed Mission Concept, SA13A-2316Abstract Title: Effect of Gravity Waves Generated in the Monsoon Region on Polar Mesospheric Clouds
Bailey, S. W.
EP12B-04Abstract Title: Application of Ca stable isotopes to long-term changes in the Ca cycle of a Northern Hardwood forest, H13L-1750Abstract Title: Acidic Deposition along the Appalachian Trail Corridor and its Effects on Acid-Sensitive Terrestrial and Aquatic Resources, H33F-1678Abstract Title: Thresholds in Soil Mineral Weathering and Relation to Streamwater Chemistry in Glaciated Catchments of the Northeastern USA, H42B-04Abstract Title: Moving the Watershed Ecosystem Approach Beyond the Black Box with Sensor Technologies and New Conceptual Models, H51J-1522Abstract Title: Modeling Hydrologic Transport through the Critical Zone: Lessons from Catchment-Scale and Lysimeter Studies
Bailey, T. L.
EP21C-0924Abstract Title: An investigation of upland erosion and sources of fine-sediment using aerial and terrestrial LiDAR, mineralogy, geochemistry, and particle-size, Humbug Creek and Malakoff Diggings State Historic Park, California, EP51B-0913Abstract Title: Sediment Mobilization and Storage Dynamics of a Debris Flow Impacted Stream Channel using Multi-Temporal Structure from Motion Photogrammetry
Bailey, V. L.
B13D-0642Abstract Title: Methane Transmission and Oxidation throughout the Soil Column from Three Central Florida Sites, B21D-0493Abstract Title: Effects of Soil Texture and Heterogeneity on Optimal Water Content for Carbon Decomposition, B23EAbstract Title: Pore-Scale Science to Unlock the Mechanisms Underlying Ecosystem Processes in Soils and Sediments Posters, B23E-0635Abstract Title: Pore-scale insights to the rate of organic carbon degradation and biofilm formation under variable hydro-biogeochemical conditions in soils and sediments, B23E-0636Abstract Title: The Destabilization of Protected Soil Organic Carbon Following Experimental Drought at the Pore and Core scale , B44C-04Abstract Title: Unlocking the Physiochemical Controls on Organic Carbon Dynamics from the Soil Pore- to Core-Scale, B51A-0413Abstract Title: Improved sample preparation and counting techniques for enhanced tritium measurement sensitivity, GC12B-07Abstract Title: The Contribution of Soils to North America’s Current and Future Climate
Bailio, J.
B54C-04Abstract Title: Nitrate loading and CH4 and N2O Flux from headwater streams
Baillard, C.
OS41B-03Abstract Title: Variations in seismicity within Lucky Strike volcano (37°17’N MAR) from 2007-2015, from a seafloor seismometer network
Baillie, J.
A11J-0203Abstract Title: Timeseries Signal Processing for Enhancing Mobile Surveys: Learning from Field Studies, A11J-0204Abstract Title: Mobile Detection of Fugitive Emissions using Computationally Optimized Geochemical Methods, A11M-0245Abstract Title: Fugitive Emissions from Conventional and Hydraulically Fractured Natural Gas Developments in Western Canada, A11M-0246Abstract Title: Mapping Fugitive Gas Emission Sources and Severity Across Southeastern Saskatchewan
Bain, D.
GC21F-05Abstract Title: A 3000 year lake sediment record of local and synoptic Indian summer monsoon variability from the southeastern Tibetan Plateau, GC51F-1143Abstract Title: Reconstructing Early Industrial Contributions to Legacy Trace Metal Contamination in Southwestern Pennsylvania, H21JAbstract Title: Water, Energy, and Society in Urban Systems I Posters, H21J-1532Abstract Title: The Transductive Nature of Intra-Urban Networks and Implications for Urban Hydrology, H23MAbstract Title: Water, Energy, and Society in Urban Systems II, H24FAbstract Title: Water, Energy, and Society in Urban Systems III, H33K-06Abstract Title: Assessing mining impacts utilizing a Landsat derived vegetation moisture index to characterize impacts of longwall subsidence on forest ecosystems
Bain, H. M.
SH24A-03Abstract Title: Modeling SEPs and Their Variability in the Inner Heliosphere, SH32B-05Abstract Title: SEP modeling based on the ENLIL global heliospheric model
Bain, H.
T13A-2979Abstract Title: Geological Evidence That Resolves the Baja-BC Controversy: Detrital Zircons Indicate That Vancouver Island Was Adjacent to Southern California in the Late Cretaceous, V52C-08Abstract Title: High-Resolution Chronostratigraphic Correlation and Sedimentation Rate Calculations With Maximum Depositional Ages Derived From Large-n Detrital Zircon Datasets
Bain, R. L.
EP31C-1020Abstract Title: Hydrodynamic Properties of a Large Tidal Channel on the Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta, Bangladesh, with Implications for Channel Morphology and Sediment Transport, EP34B-02Abstract Title: River discharge controlling a tidal delta: the interplay between monsoon input and tidal reworking in SW Bangladesh
Baines, K. H.
P12B-04Abstract Title: Tidal Currents between Titan’s Seas Detected by Solar Glints, P13B-2132Abstract Title: Computing Global Mosaics of Titan With the VIMS Imaging Spectrometer, P41B-2056Abstract Title: Photochemistry in Saturn’s Ring-Shadowed Atmosphere: Modulation of Hydrocarbons and Observations of Dust Content, P41B-2067Abstract Title: Properties of Discrete and Axisymmetric Features in Jupiter’s Atmosphere from Observations of Thermal Emission: Recent Updates on the Eve of the Juno Mission Arrival at Jupiter
Bair, L.
H11L-04Abstract Title: Integrated Economic Modeling of Water Supply-Quality Tradeoffs: An Application to the Central Valley, California
Bair, N.
C24A-03Abstract Title: Distinguishing snow and glacier ice melt in High Asia using MODIS, C33C-0832Abstract Title: Validating SWE reconstruction using Airborne Snow Observatory measurements in the Sierra Nevada, H51T-05Abstract Title: Combining Passive Microwave and Optical Data to Estimate Snow Water Equivalent in Afghanistan’s Hindu Kush
Bair, R.
EP43B-0972Abstract Title: Modeling the Effect of Geomorphic Change Triggered by Large Wood Addition on Salmon Habitat in a Forested Coastal Watershed
Baird, A. F.
C13D-04Abstract Title: Sounds of the deep: Passive microseismic monitoring of the base of ice streams.
Baird, A. J.
B21H-0580Abstract Title: Greenhouse Gas Fluxes from Peatland Pools
Bais, H.
B43H-0634Abstract Title: Phenoseasonal variability of subcanopy PAR and the effects of photointensity and photoperiod on the physiological ecology of Lindera benzoin
Baisden, W. T.
A23P-04Abstract Title: Atmospheric Verification of Point Source Fossil Fuel CO2 Emissions
Bajat, B.
H13H-1656Abstract Title: Spatial Pattern of North Atlantic Oscillation Impact on Rainfall in Serbia
Bajgain, R.
GC13B-1142Abstract Title: Mapping Woody Plant Encroachment in Grassland Using Multiple Source Remote Sensing images: Case Study in Oklahoma, GC41C-1103Abstract Title: Spatial-temporal dynamics of agricultural drought in the tallgrass prairie region of the Southern Great Plains during 2000-2013, H13I-1668Abstract Title: Assessing Summer Drought over Oklahoma Mesonet Sites with the MODIS Land Surface Water Index
Bajgain, S. K.
MR13CAbstract Title: Matter in Planetary Interiors: Insights from High-Pressure Experiments, Computational Advances, and Extreme Petrology I Posters, MR13C-2719Abstract Title: Melting of CaO and CaSiO3 at Deep Mantle Condition Using First Principles Simulations
Bajo, J. V.
PA41D-05Abstract Title: Incorporating Community Knowledge to Lahar Hazard Maps: Canton Buenos Aires Case Study, at Santa Ana (Ilamatepec) Volcano
Bajo, P.
PP31A-2202Abstract Title: Hydrological Influence on the Dead Carbon Fraction in a Tropical Speleothem During the Younger Dryas and the Last Millennium
Bajracharya, B.
H53G-1732Abstract Title: Characterizing hydrological hazards and trends with the NASA South Asia Land Data Assimilation System
Bajracharya, U.
B11D-0475Abstract Title: Control of Mercury Accumulation And Mobility in a Forest Soil as Indicated by δ13C
Baker, A. H.
A52A-07Abstract Title: Applying Causal Discovery to the Output of Climate Models - What Can We Learn from the Causal Signatures?, GC41H-01Abstract Title: A new Ensemble Consistency Test for the Community Earth System Model
Baker, A. M.
PA24A-05Abstract Title: Don’t Explain so Much at Once, and Other Lessons From the Young Reviewers of Frontiers for Young Minds
Baker, A.
PP21DAbstract Title: The Karst Record in Water-Limited Environments I, PP21D-02Abstract Title: Flow Classification and Cave Discharge Characteristics in Unsaturated Karst Formation, PP21D-04Abstract Title: Mass balance approaches to understanding evolution of dripwater chemistry, PP23CAbstract Title: The Karst Record in Water-Limited Environments II Posters, PP23C-2308Abstract Title: Hundreds of automatic drip counters reveal infiltration water discharge characteristics in Australian caves, PP23C-2318Abstract Title: Igniting the Secret Wildfires of the Past: Searching for Wildfire Records in Caves to Unravel Hidden Paleo-fire Records
Baker, A. K.
A33K-0338Abstract Title: Investigating Convection and Cross-Tropopause Transport Using Long-Term Observations of NMHCs in the UT/LS from the IAGOS-CARIBIC Observatory
Baker, B.
GC11I-05Abstract Title: Analysis of Historical and CMIP5 Projections of Multi-decadal Climatic Variation and Implications for Ecosystem Management on the Colorado Plateau, PA13A-2183Abstract Title: Taming Data to Make Decisions: Using a Spatial Fuzzy Logic Decision Support Framework to Inform Conservation and Land Use Planning
Baker, B.
S23D-2778Abstract Title: Estimation of Earthquake Source Properties Along the East African Rift Using Full Waveforms, S33C-2801Abstract Title: U.S. Tsunami Information technology (TIM) Modernization:Developing a Maintainable and Extensible Open Source Earthquake and Tsunami Warning System, S53B-2831Abstract Title: Constraining shallow seismic event depth via synthetic modeling for Expert Technical Analysis at the IDC
Baker, B.
G13B-08Abstract Title: Measurement of Creep on the Calaveras Fault at Coyote Dam using Terrestrial Radar Interferometry (TRI).
Baker, B.
B11JAbstract Title: Understanding Microbial Processes, Dependencies, and Impacts through 'omics I Posters, B11J-0566Abstract Title: Genomic reconstruction of novel sediment phyla enlightens roles in sedimentary biogeochemical cycling, B13KAbstract Title: Understanding Microbial Processes, Dependencies, and Impacts through 'omics II
Baker, B.
B41H-08Abstract Title: Observing the Arctic Carbon Feedback: Regional scale methane flux measurements over the Alaskan North Slope using airplane flux observations and in situ measurements of δ13CH4.
Baker, C.
B21D-0503Abstract Title: Biome Context and Lotic Ecosystem Rates, B51F-0488Abstract Title: Temperature sensitivity of stream gross primary production and respiration from the tropics to the arctic
Baker, D. N.
P21A-2081Abstract Title: Structure of plasma boundaries with a large density gradient observed by MAVEN and its effects on the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability, P53A-2088Abstract Title: MESSENGER Observations of Suprathermal Electrons in Mercury’s Magnetosphere, P53A-2089Abstract Title: Energization and Precipitation of Electrons in Mercury’s Magnetosphere, SA51B-2399Abstract Title: Correlated Pc4-5 ULF waves, whistler-mode chorus and pulsating aurora observed by the Van Allen Probes and ground-based systems, SH32B-05Abstract Title: SEP modeling based on the ENLIL global heliospheric model, SH42A-05Abstract Title: Terrestrial Planet Space Weather Information: An Update , SM11A-01Abstract Title: The Role of Solar and Solar Wind Forcing of Magnetospheric Particle Enhancements, SM14C-05Abstract Title: The Impenetrable Barrier Revisited – Anthroprogenic Effects on Earth’s Radiation Belts, SM21A-2474Abstract Title: Penetration of magnetosonic waves into the plasmasphere observed by the Van Allen Probes, SM21A-2475Abstract Title: Excitation and Propagation of Electromagnetic Waves: RBSP Observation and Modeling, SM21A-2509Abstract Title: The statistics of relativistic electron pitch angle distribution in the Earth’s radiation belt based on the Van Allen Probes measurements, SM21A-2512Abstract Title: Evolution of relativistic electron phase space density related to in-situ acceleration observed by Van Allen Probes, SM21B-2522Abstract Title: Butterfly distribution of outer zone relativistic electrons and their potential connection to the solar wind dynamic pressure, SM21B-2529Abstract Title: Effects of Interplanetary Structures on the Earth’s Outer Radiation Belt Dynamics Observed During September 12-26, 2014: I) Coronal Mass Ejection, SM23D-07Abstract Title: Investigations of the origin and evolution of inner magnetospheric temperature anisotropies, and implications for radiation belt dynamics, SM24B-01Abstract Title: Enhancements and Losses of Radiation Belt Particles: Van Allen Probes Observations, SM24B-06Abstract Title: Energy ranges and pitch angles of outer radiation belt electrons depleted by an intense dayside hydrogen band EMIC wave event on February 23, 2014, SM24B-08Abstract Title: Formation of Inner Magnetospheric Energetic Electron Butterfly Distributions by Equatorial Magnetosonic Waves, SM32A-05Abstract Title: Extreme enhancements and depletions of relativistic electrons in Earth’s radiation belts, SM41C-2498Abstract Title: Investigating storm-time magnetospheric electrodynamics: Multi-spacecraft observations of the June 22, 2015 magnetic storm, SM41D-2505Abstract Title: Butterfly Pitch Angle Distributions Generated at Low L Values During March 2015 Storm: Van Allen Probe ECT Observations, SM41D-2509Abstract Title: Variability of the Inner Proton Radiation Belt Observed by Van Allen Probes, SM41E-2519Abstract Title: Effects of Complex Interplanetary Structures on the Dynamics of the Earth’s Outer Radiation Belt During the 16-30 September 2014 Period: II) Corotating Solar Wind Stream, SM41E-2525Abstract Title: The Evolution of Ring Current Energy Density and Energy Content during Geomagnetic Storms Based on Van Allen Probes Measurements, SM41E-2533Abstract Title: Source and seed populations for relativistic electrons: their roles in radiation belt changes, SM41I-01Abstract Title: Exploring Magnetopause Reconnection with MMS, SM44B-01Abstract Title: The Relative Deep Penetrations of Energetic Electrons and Ions into the Slot Region and Inner Belt, SM44B-02Abstract Title: Investigating geomagnetic activity dependent sources of 100s of keV electrons in Earth’s inner radiation belt using Van Allen Probes observations, SM44B-03Abstract Title: Energy dependent dynamics of keV to MeV electrons in the inner zone, outer zone, and slot regions, SM44B-09Abstract Title: Near Instantaneous Energization of Electrons to Ultra-relativistic Energies in the Earth’s Radiation Belts during the Strong Shock event of 17 March 2015, SM51A-2523Abstract Title: Multi-point, multi-scale observation of the near-Earth current sheet reconfiguration during storm-time multi-onset substorms, SM51F-01Abstract Title: MagEIS and REPT Observations Related to Low Frequency Waves, SM53A-03Abstract Title: Prompt Recovery and Enhancement of the Earth's Outer Radiation Belt due to Relativistic Electron Injections
Baker, D. F.
A33F-0242Abstract Title: An Inversion Analysis of Recent Variability in Natural CO2 Fluxes Using GOSAT and In Situ Observations, A41I-0200Abstract Title: Surface CO2 fluxes implied by a full year of OCO-2 column CO2 measurements
Baker, D. V.
IN23B-1733Abstract Title: NETL’s Energy Data Exchange (EDX) - a coordination, collaboration, and data resource discovery platform for energy science, IN43B-1731Abstract Title: Big Data Geo-Analytical Tool Development for Spatial Analysis Uncertainty Visualization and Quantification Needs
Baker, D. R.
V54A-01Abstract Title: Why Are Andesitic Eruptions Often More Violent Than Basaltic Ones? -- Insights from 4D X-ray Tomographic Microscopy
Baker, E. T.
OS43A-1995Abstract Title: The NOAA/PMEL Vents Program - 1983 to 2013: A History of Deep-Sea Volcanic and Hydrothermal Exploration and Research
Baker, E. A.
H13E-1601Abstract Title: Constraining Subsurface Structure and Composition Using Seismic Refraction Surveys of Proglacial Valleys in the Cordillera Blanca, Peru, H23H-1670Abstract Title: Infrared Imaging and Modeling of Proglacial Stream Temperature in the Cordillera Blanca, Peru
Baker, G. E.
S51F-01Abstract Title: Nuclear Explosion Monitoring Advances and Challenges
Baker, I.
MR21B-2620Abstract Title: The Effects of Sulfuric Acid on the Flow and Fabric of Polycrystalline Ice
Baker, I. T.
A33F-0244Abstract Title: A Lagrangian Assimilation System for North American Carbon Flux Estimates, B21KAbstract Title: Photosynthesis and Respiration at Leaf, Ecosystem, Regional, or Global Scales: Constraints, Measurements, and Modeling I, B21K-08Abstract Title: What Controls the Net Forest-Atmosphere Exchange of Carbonyl Sulfide? Results from 2 Years of Eddy Flux Measurements and SiB Model Simulations, B22EAbstract Title: Photosynthesis and Respiration at Leaf, Ecosystem, Regional, or Global Scales: Constraints, Measurements, and Modeling II, B43D-0597Abstract Title: Spatial and Interannual Variability of Drought Stress in U.S. Grasslands, B43HAbstract Title: Photosynthesis and Respiration at Leaf, Ecosystem, Regional, or Global Scales: Constraints, Measurements, and Modeling III Posters, B51D-0456Abstract Title: Understanding Tropical Forest Response to Seasonal and Interannual Variability: The Goldilocks Problem
Baker, J.
S22A-02Abstract Title: Correlation between Changes in Seismicity Rates and Well Injection Volumes in Oklahoma
Baker, J.
GC41D-1118Abstract Title: Unravelling the Drivers of the Recent Drought over Sao Paulo (Brazil) using HadCM3
Baker, J. M.
H53B-1661Abstract Title: Alternatives to Crop Insurance for Mitigating Hydrologic Risk in the Upper Mississippi River Basin
Baker, J. B. H.
SA23E-03Abstract Title: Dynamics of Subauroral Polarization Stream (SAPS) Structures, SM12B-06Abstract Title: The Dynamics of Plasma Convection in the Polar Cap Ionosphere under Northward IMF Conditions, SM13D-2555Abstract Title: Plasmasphere pulsations observed simultaneously by midlatitude SuperDARN radars, ground magnetometers and THEMIS spacecraft during an auroral substorm, SM23A-2534Abstract Title: The dynamics of region 1 field-aligned currents during periods of dayside and nightside reconnection
Baker, J. B.
SA31B-2347Abstract Title: Statistical Characterization of Storm-Time GPS Total Electron Content Variations in the North American Sector, SA42A-01Abstract Title: Sources and Characteristics of Medium Scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances Observed by SuperDARN Radars in the North American Sector
Baker, K. S.
IN22A-05Abstract Title: Data Curation: The Evolution of Data Products for Value and Reach
Baker, K. R.
A11K-0216Abstract Title: Predicting SOA from organic nitrates in the southeastern United States, A41K-0233Abstract Title: Evaluation of the Community Multiscale Air Quality Model for Simulating Winter Ozone Formation in the Uinta Basin with Intensive Oil and Gas Production
Baker, L. M.
S43B-2801Abstract Title: Empirical relationships between instrumental ground motions and observed intensities for two great Chilean subduction zone earthquakes
Baker, L.
P23C-08Abstract Title: Nontronite Mineralization in Columbia River Basalts
Baker, M. G.
S52AAbstract Title: General Contributions in Seismology II, S52A-06Abstract Title: Teleseismic Earthquake Signals Observed on an Ice Shelf
Baker, N. R.
B21J-03Abstract Title: Constraints Placed by Community Diversity on the Enzymatic Response of Microbial Decomposer Communities to Climate Change in Southern California
Baker, N. L.
NG24A-01Abstract Title: Capturing Nonlinearities with the Naval Research Laboratory's Global and Mesoscale 4DVar Data Assimilation Systems
Baker, N.
V23B-3129Abstract Title: Zircon trace element geochemistry and growth of the Pleistocene to Holocene Mono Craters rhyolite magma system, California (USA)
Baker, N. C.
A51M-0249Abstract Title: Evaluating Interannual Variability of the TOA Energy Budget in CMIP5, A51N-0268Abstract Title: COMPOSITION AND ORIGIN OF THE ASIAN TROPOPAUSE AEROSOL LAYER (ATAL)
Baker, R. J.
H23B-1573Abstract Title: Rapid Reconnaissance Mapping of Volatile Organic Compounds by Photoionization Detection at the USGS Amargosa Desert Research Site
Baker, S.
G21B-1041Abstract Title: A Community-Contributed InSAR Product Archive at UNAVCO, G51A-1072Abstract Title: Geodetic Infrastructure, Data, Education and Community Engagement in Response to Earthquakes and Other Geophysical Events: An Overview of UNAVCO Support Resources Plus Highlights from Recent Event Response
Baker, S.
C41A-0682Abstract Title: CryoSat Mission over Polar Region: Data quality status and product evolutions, C41A-0685Abstract Title: CryoSat-2 swath interferometric altimetry for mapping polar land ice terrain and elevation change
Baker, S.
B31A-0533Abstract Title: Soil respiration patterns in root gaps 27 years after small scale experimental disturbance in Pinus contorta forests, H41I-06Abstract Title: Dynamic Hydraulic Conductivity, Streambed Sediment, and Biogeochemistry Following Stream Restoration
Baker, T. R.
B53D-0586Abstract Title: Linking Tropical Forest Function to Hydraulic Traits in a Size-Structured and Trait-Based Model
Baker, V. R.
EP53A-0975Abstract Title: Tsunami waves extensively resurfaced the shorelines of a receding, early Martian ocean, P31A-2047Abstract Title: Earth's Colorado Plateau and Loess Plateau (Ordos Basin) Comparing with Mars' Thaumasia Plateau: Evidence of Ancient Martian Lithospheric Mobility
Bakhtin, B. N.
P51D-07Abstract Title: How LEND sees the water on the Moon: the recent findings
Bakkar Hindeleh, H.
V13C-3151Abstract Title: Comparison of diffuse CO2 degassing at Miravalles and Rincón de la Vieja volcanoes (Guanacaste Province, Costa Rica)
Bakke, J.
PP31D-08Abstract Title: Regime shifts in the northern North Atlantic during the past 6,000 years: A record of seabird population size and precipitation isotopes on Bjørnøya, Svalbard, PP33A-2289Abstract Title: Leaf Wax Hydrogen Isotopes Provide Insight into Hydrologic Changes During the Little Ice Age on Svalbard
Bakker, M.
H12A-07Abstract Title: When Does the Loading Efficiency Effect the Groundwater Response to Stage Variations in Shallow Streams?, H43F-1587Abstract Title: Nationwide Assessment of Potential for Subsurface Arsenic Removal Technology in Bangladesh
Bakker, P.
PP42B-08Abstract Title: AMOCMIP: Probabilistic projections of future AMOC evolution driven by global warming and Greenland Ice Sheet melt.
Bakker, V. B.
PP21B-2242Abstract Title: Global Sea Surface Temperature and Ecosystem Change Across the Mid-Miocene Climatic Optimum
Baklouti, D.
P31E-2089Abstract Title: COSIMA at Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko After Perihelion
Bakucz Canario, D.
SH31B-2415Abstract Title: Visibility of Hinode/XRT X-Ray Jets at AIA/EUV Wavelengths, a Temperature Indicator
Bal, G.
A42A-05Abstract Title: Reconstruction of 3D Shapes of Opaque Cumulus Clouds from Airborne Multiangle Imaging: A Proof-of-Concept
Bal, O.
G11B-0971Abstract Title: Installation of EarthScope Borehole Strainmeters in Turkey to complement GONAF.
Bala, G.
A44A-04Abstract Title: Characterizing the Transient Climate Change to Solar and CO2 Forcing Using the Framework of Rapid Adjustment and Slow Feedback, B23G-0664Abstract Title: A Model based Investigation of the Relative Importance of CO2-fertilization, Climate Warming, Nitrogen deposition and Land Use Change on the Global Terrestrial Carbon Cycle in the Historical Period, B33F-08Abstract Title: Effects of large scale deforestation on precipitation in the monsoon regions: Remote versus local effects, B43E-0605Abstract Title: MULTI-MODEL ASSESSMENT OF TRENDS AND VARIABILITY IN TERRESTRIAL CARBON UPTAKE IN INDIA, C13B-0810Abstract Title: Estimation of glacier mass balance: An approach based on satellite-derived transient snowlines and a temperature index driven by meteorological observations
Bala, R.
SM41C-2498Abstract Title: Investigating storm-time magnetospheric electrodynamics: Multi-spacecraft observations of the June 22, 2015 magnetic storm
Balamuta, J. J.
GC11B-1036Abstract Title: Quantification of uncertainty in aboveground biomass estimates derived from small-footprint LiDAR data, GC11B-1043Abstract Title: Developing a generalized allometric equation for aboveground biomass estimation
Baland, R. M.
P41C-2086Abstract Title: Librations of Enceladus and Titan
Balascio, N. L.
PP31DAbstract Title: Arctic Climate Change: Paleoclimate and Paleohydrologic Perspectives I, PP33AAbstract Title: Arctic Climate Change: Paleoclimate and Paleohydrologic Perspectives II Posters, PP33A-2289Abstract Title: Leaf Wax Hydrogen Isotopes Provide Insight into Hydrologic Changes During the Little Ice Age on Svalbard
Balashova, A.
V23B-3111Abstract Title: Petrology of the Oldoinyo Lengai volcano and the origin of the Lake Natron Footprint Tuff (northern Tanzania)
Balasis, G.
GP43C-1267Abstract Title: An earthquake from space: detection of precursory magnetic anomalies from Swarm satellites before the 2015 M8 Nepal Earthquake
Balasubramaniam, K. S.
SH23C-2454Abstract Title: Solar Flare, CME, and Proton Event Rates Correlated with Sunspot Number, SM41A-2462Abstract Title: In-progress X-ray Flare Forecasting
Balazs, M. S.
ED22B-07Abstract Title: Using Place-Based Independent Class Projects as a Means to Hone Research Skills and Prepare a Future Geospatial Workforce
Balbas, A.
V53H-05Abstract Title: New Radiometric Age Constraints for the Matuyama-Bruhnes Reversal and Santa Rosa Excursion
Balch, C. C.
IN31D-02Abstract Title: Real-Time and Near Real-Time Data for Space Weather Applications and Services, NH11B-1907Abstract Title: A Climatological Analysis of Geoelectric Field Variations
Balch, R. S.
S21A-2670Abstract Title: Fluid Substitution Modeling to Determine Sensitivity of 3D Vertical Seismic Profile Data to Injected CO­ at an active Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage Project, Farnsworth field, TX., S21A-2676Abstract Title: Downhole Microseismic Monitoring at a Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage Site, Farnsworth Unit, Ochiltree County, Texas, S24A-06Abstract Title: Subsurface Characterization and Seismic Monitoring for the Southwest Partnerships Phase III Demonstration Project at Farnsworth Field, TX
Balco, G.
PP11A-2204Abstract Title: The CREp program, a fully parameterizable program to compute exposure ages (3He, 10Be), PP11A-2213Abstract Title: Applications of Cosmogenic He-3 and Ne-21 Dating to Glacial Moraines in Antarctica and California, PP11A-2214Abstract Title: A Method for Constraining Glacial Boulder Exposure Ages with Bedrock Erosion Rates Utilizing Cosmogenic Ne-21 from the Central Transantarctic Mountains, T13C-3027Abstract Title: A Model for Interpreting 10Be Basin-Wide Erosion Rates in Post-Glacial Environments, Northwest Scotland, T24B-01Abstract Title: Rate of fluvial incision in the Central Alps constrained through joint inversion of detrital 10Be and thermochronometric data
Balcom, P. H.
GC53I-08Abstract Title: Recent Advances in Understanding the Sources of Methylmercury to Coastal Waters
Balcone Boissard, H.
V13B-3104Abstract Title: Dominica Pumiceous Eruptions: Reconstruction of Dynamics and Timescales of Magma Chamber Processes from Crystal Record and Diffusion Modelling.
Baldauf, J.
PP24A-02Abstract Title: Paradoxical High Productivity in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific Ocean During the Miocene “El Padre”, ODP Site 849, and IODP Sites U1337 and U1338
Balderama, O. F.
GC53G-1298Abstract Title: Enabling Philippine Farmers to Adapt to Climate Variability Using Seasonal Climate and Weather Forecast with a Crop Simulation Model in an SMS-based Farmer Decision Support System
Baldi, G. G.
B31E-05Abstract Title: Greenhouse Gas (CH4, CO2 and N2O) Emission Levels by Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) Ponds in Brazil
Baldocchi, D. D.
A33H-0288Abstract Title: Impact of Air Pollution on California Central Valley Fog Frequency, B21H-0573Abstract Title: Beyond the Methanogenic Black-Box: Greenhouse Gas Fluxes (CO2, CH4, N2O) as Evidence for Wetlands as Dynamic Redox Systems, B21I-06Abstract Title: Using eddy covariance of CO2, 13CO2 and CH4, continuous soil respiration measurements, and PhenoCams to constrain a process-based biogeochemical model for carbon market-funded wetland restoration, B24B-02Abstract Title: Flux everywhere, all of the time?, B32A-01Abstract Title: Subcanopy Flux Measurements in Forest Ecosystems, B33C-0702Abstract Title: Greenhouse gas emissions and carbon sequestration potential in restored freshwater marshes in the Sacramento San-Joaquin Delta, California, B34A-01Abstract Title: Multifaceted Roles of Management on Land-Atmosphere Interactions, B42A-04Abstract Title: Detection of Extreme Climate Event Impacts to Terrestrial Productivity From Airborne Hyperspectral Imagery, B42A-08Abstract Title: The NASA Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) Mission Level 4 Carbon Product calibration and validation using eddy covariance observations across North America, Australia and Finland, B51A-0402Abstract Title: A New and Improved Carbon Dioxide Isotope Analyzer for Understanding Soil-Plant-Atmosphere Interactions, B54D-02Abstract Title: the Role of Species, Structure, and Biochemical Traits in the Spatial Distribution of a Woodland Community, TH42IAbstract Title: The AmeriFlux Network: Celebrating Its 20th Anniversary
Baldock, J.
B41F-0500Abstract Title: Is demineralization with dilute hydrofluoric acid a viable method for isolating mineral stabilized soil organic matter?, B43L-07Abstract Title: Grassland Degradation Alters Soil Carbon Turnover through Depth
Baldos, U. L. C.
GC32B-02Abstract Title: Trade in water and commodities as adaptations to global change
Baldridge, A. M.
DI11C-2615Abstract Title: Upper Mantle Discontinuity Structure Beneath the Western Atlantic Ocean and Eastern North America from SS Precursors, P23C-02Abstract Title: Australian Acid Playa Lake as a Mars Analog: Results from Sediment Lipid Analysis
Baldwin, D.
C52A-04Abstract Title: Application of Airborne Sea Ice Observations Towards Improving Satellite-based Products
Baldwin, D. C.
H12B-04Abstract Title: Predicting root zone soil moisture with satellite near-surface moisture data in semiarid environments, H43H-1635Abstract Title: Downscaling Satellite Data for Predicting Catchment-scale Root Zone Soil Moisture with Ground-based Sensors and an Ensemble Kalman Filter
Baldwin, J. N.
T42A-01Abstract Title: Paleoseismic assessment of the Hat Creek fault using cosmogenic He-3 surface exposure dating in basalt, northeastern California: A proof of concept study
Baldwin, K.
GC53C-1218Abstract Title: Tidal Energy Conversion Installation at an Estuarine Bridge Site: Resource Evaluation and Energy Production Estimate
Baldwin, K.
EP13A-0926Abstract Title: Sediment Waves Beneath the West Pacific Warm Pool on Eauripik Rise: A Direct Indicator of Long-Term Bottom Current Flow, OS21A-1961Abstract Title: Sea level history in 3D: Data acquisition and processing for an ultra-high resolution MCS survey across IODP Expedition 313 drillsite, OS21A-1962Abstract Title: Sea Level History in 3D: Early results of an ultra-high resolution MCS survey across IODP Expedition 313 drillsites
Baldwin, M. P.
A33K-0346Abstract Title: A New Way to Measure Stratosphere-Troposphere Coupling in Observations and IPCC Models
Baldwin, S.
GC51F-1163Abstract Title: Mercury Speciation in Saltmarsh Porewater, Groundwater, and Surface Water: Cape Cod, MA
Baldwin, S.
V31G-01Abstract Title: It's About Time: How Accurate Can Geochronology Become?
Bale, S. D.
SH11D-2400Abstract Title: Quiet-time Solar Wind Superhalo Electrons, SH11D-2401Abstract Title: Investigating WIND quasi-thermal noise spectra between the ion and the electron plasma frequency, SH21A-2385Abstract Title: The Energy Spectrum of Solar Energetic Electrons, SH31A-2388Abstract Title: The Spectrum of Solar Wind Superhalo Electrons, SH31C-2432Abstract Title: Developing Techniques for Spacecraft Noise Removal in Preparation for Solar Probe Plus, SH53B-2510Abstract Title: Non-linear analysis of PESA-Lo electrostatic analyzer data and solar wind temperature anisotropies, SM42A-07Abstract Title: Study of Multiple Scale Physics of Magnetic Reconnection on the FLARE (Facility for Laboratory Reconnection Experiments)
Bales, J. D.
H51AAbstract Title: Advances in Global Water Resources and Drought Management through UNESCO’s International Hydrological Programme Posters, TH25EAbstract Title: Earth Observations and Global Water Security
Bales, R. C.
H11C-1361Abstract Title: Forest Fuel Reduction and Wildfire Effects on Runoff and Evapotranspiration in Sierra Nevada Mixed-Conifer Forest, H33M-06Abstract Title: Drought effects on evapotransiration and subsurface water storage in the southern Sierra Nevada, H42B-03Abstract Title: Optimization methods for multi-scale sampling of soil moisture and snow in the Southern Sierra Nevada, NH53A-06Abstract Title: In-situ monitoring of California’s drought: Impacts on key hydrologic variables in the Southern Sierra Nevada
Balestrini, R.
C33A-0800Abstract Title: Water and Soil Chemistry Interactions in the Khumbu Valley, Nepal
Balgopal, M.
ED53G-06Abstract Title: Exploring the Sky: An Exploratory Study on the Effectiveness of Discourse in an Atmospheric Science Outreach Program
Balhoff, M.
B43B-0545Abstract Title: Benchmark Study of 3D Pore-scale Flow and Solute Transport Simulation Methods , H23D-1611Abstract Title: A Forward Analysis on the Applicability of Tracer Breakthrough in Revealing the Pore Structure of Tight Gas Sandstone and Carbonate Rocks
Bali, M.
GC32C-06Abstract Title: GSICS Satellite Intercalibration Products
Balikhin, M. A.
SA51A-2390Abstract Title: Prediction of the Nighttime VLF Subionospheric Signal Amplitude by Using Nonlinear Autoregressive with Exogenous Input Neural Network Model, SH51B-2448Abstract Title: Comparison of Dst Index Coupling Functions, SM13C-2512Abstract Title: Ion Dynamics and Field Structure of Quasi-perpendicular Collisionless Shocks near the Critical Mach Number, SM13C-2514Abstract Title: CLUSTER CLOSE SEPARATION AT THE BOW SHOCK CAMPAIGN: INITIAL RESULTS., SM41A-2466Abstract Title: Electron Flux Models at GEO: 30 keV - 600 keV, SM41H-2578Abstract Title: Cluster Observations of Non Time Continuous Magnetosonic Waves, SM52B-01Abstract Title: THE CLUSTER INNER MAGNETOSPHERE CAMPAIGN - RESULTS OF EMW WAVES STUDY.
Balk, D.
B34C-02Abstract Title: Urban Change: Understanding how expansion and densification relate to demographic change and their implications for climate change.
Balkanski, Y.
A11C-0070Abstract Title: Arctic Deposition of Black Carbon from Fires in Northern Eurasia from 2002 to 2013 , A23C-0314Abstract Title: DUST FROM PATAGONIA TO SOUTHERN INDIAN OCEAN, B53K-02Abstract Title: A Large Contribution of Combustion-related Emissions to the Atmospheric Budget of Phosphorus
Balkovic, J.
NH13B-1927Abstract Title: Quantifying the weather-signal in national crop-yield variability
Ball, A.
PP11A-2214Abstract Title: A Method for Constraining Glacial Boulder Exposure Ages with Bedrock Erosion Rates Utilizing Cosmogenic Ne-21 from the Central Transantarctic Mountains
Ball, B.
OS33A-2008Abstract Title: SeepC: Preliminary Characterization of Atlantic Margin Seep Ecosystems from Norfolk Canyon to New England Seep Sites.
Ball, D.
C41A-0683Abstract Title: The Impact of Snow and Ice Morphology on Radar Altimetric Determination of Sea Ice Thickness, C52A-08Abstract Title: Integrated Airborne and In-Situ Measurements Over Land-Fast Ice Near Barrow, AK., C53B-0782Abstract Title: Airborne Grid Sea-Ice Surveys for Comparison with Cryosat-2
Ball, J. L.
ED54B-11Abstract Title: Water making hot rocks soft: How hydrothermal alteration affects volcano stability, V31FAbstract Title: Eruptive Processes and Watery Hazards of "Wet" Volcanoes on Land, in the Sea, or under Ice I, V31F-03Abstract Title: Pore Pressure Distribution and Flank Instability in Hydrothermally Altered Stratovolcanoes, V32AAbstract Title: Eruptive Processes and Watery Hazards of "Wet" Volcanoes on Land, in the Sea, or under Ice II, V33BAbstract Title: Eruptive Processes and Watery Hazards of "Wet" Volcanoes on Land, in the Sea, or under Ice III Posters
Ball, J. S.
S33E-06Abstract Title: Seafloor Geodetic and Ocean Bottom Seismometer Investigation of Shallow Slow Slip Events at the Hikurangi Subduction Margin, New Zealand, T41D-2929Abstract Title: Lithospheric Shear Velocity Structure of South Island, New Zealand from Rayleigh Wave Tomography of Amphibious Array Data
Ball, P.
GP13B-1287Abstract Title: Reconstruction of the East Africa and Antarctica continental margins
Ball, W. P.
H32D-06Abstract Title: Non-stationary Concentration-Discharge Relationships for Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Sediment for Nine Major Tributaries of the Chesapeake Bay, H32D-07Abstract Title: Effects of Reservoir Filling on Sediment and Nutrient Removal in the Lower Susquehanna River Reservoir: An Input-Output Analysis Based on Long-Term Monitoring
Ballantyne, A.
B11N-02Abstract Title: Detecting Disturbance and its Impact on Ecosystem Carbon Balance from Global to Regional Scales
Ballantyne, F.
B13G-0715Abstract Title: How the Impacts of N Loading on Resource Limitation, Functional Composition of Plankton, and Net Primary Production Influence Nitrate Uptake and Trophic Transfer in Lake Ecosystems, B21D-0503Abstract Title: Biome Context and Lotic Ecosystem Rates, B51F-0488Abstract Title: Temperature sensitivity of stream gross primary production and respiration from the tropics to the arctic
Ballard, H.
NH41B-1813Abstract Title: Landslide Hazard Mapping in Rwanda Using Logistic Regression
Ballard, S.
S21B-2693Abstract Title: Path-Dependent Travel Time Prediction Variance and Covariance for a Global Tomographic P- and S-Velocity Model, S51F-02Abstract Title: Developing Path-Dependent Uncertainty Estimates for use with the Regional Seismic Travel Time (RSTT) Model, S51F-08Abstract Title: Detecting and Locating Seismic Events Without Phase Picks or Velocity Models, S53B-2830Abstract Title: SALSA3D: A Global 3D Velocity Model for Improved Seismic Event Location in Nuclear Explosion Monitoring, S53B-2833Abstract Title: Improved Bulletin Generation Using an Iterative Processing Framework
Ballare, C. L.
B53D-0596Abstract Title: Solar radiation uncorks the lignin bottleneck on plant litter decomposition in terrestrial ecosystems
Ballarini, E.
T23B-2941Abstract Title: Thermal - Hydraulic Behavior of Unsaturated Bentonite and Sand-Bentonite Material as Seal for Nuclear Waste Repository: Numerical Simulation of Column Experiments
Ballato, P.
T21B-2824Abstract Title: Uplift and growth of the northwest Pamir, T33A-2934Abstract Title: The growth of a mountain belt forced by base-level fall: Tectonics and surface processes during the evolution of the Alborz Mountains, N Iran
Ballentine, C. J.
H21EAbstract Title: Energy Development and Storage in the Subsurface: Modeling and Monitoring Challenges and Solution Strategies I Posters, H21E-1426Abstract Title: Noble gas partitioning behavior in the Sleipner Vest hydrocarbon field, H21E-1429Abstract Title: The Noble Gas Record of Gas-Water Phase Interaction in the Tight-Gas-Sand Reservoirs of the Rocky Mountains , H23KAbstract Title: Energy Development and Storage in the Subsurface: Modeling and Monitoring Challenges and Solution Strategies II, H24CAbstract Title: Energy Development and Storage in the Subsurface: Modeling and Monitoring Challenges and Solution Strategies III, H41I-05Abstract Title: Seasonal Influences on Ground-Surface Water Interactions in an Arsenic-Affected Aquifer in Cambodia, PP33B-2298Abstract Title: The Role of Noble Gases in Defining the Mean Residence Times of Fluids within Precambrian Crustal Systems
Ballester, V.
H41H-04Abstract Title: The Pulse of the Amazon River System: How pCO2 Evolves, from Small Streams to the Atlantic Ocean
Ballmer, M. D.
DI14A-06Abstract Title: Compositional layering within the large low shear-wave velocity provinces (LLSVPs) in the lower mantle, DI41A-2585Abstract Title: Intraplate volcanism due to convective instability of stagnant slabs in the mantle transition zone, DI53A-03Abstract Title: Compositional mantle layering revealed by slab stagnation at ~1,000 km depth
Ballot, Y.
SA51C-2410Abstract Title: Front-end and high-voltage electronics developments for compact, dual ion-electron thermal measurements
Ballsun-Stanton, B.
IN13B-1831Abstract Title: A Mobile App for Geochemical Field Data Acquisition
Ballu, V.
G13A-1009Abstract Title: Horizontal and vertical deformation field in New Caledonia, South West Pacific, derived from more than 20 years of GNSS measurements, OS43A-2017Abstract Title: Hydrothermal activity along the slow-spreading Lucky Strike ridge segment (Mid-Atlantic Ridge): Distribution, heatflux, and geological controls
Balmaceda, L. A.
SH21B-2409Abstract Title: A STEREO/SECCHI COR2 Catalog of CME Properties Built via a ‘Hybrid’ (manual-automatic) Event Detection and Measurement Technique, SH53B-2493Abstract Title: Morphology and Evolution of a Polar Coronal Mass Ejection
Balmer, S.
PP43B-2269Abstract Title: Radiocarbon Anomalies of Surface Waters in the Glacial-to-Deglacial Low-to-Mid-Latitude Atlantic
Balsam, W.
A33L-0366Abstract Title: Hf-Nd-Sr isotopic fingerprinting of mineral dust from Asian and North African deserts
Balser, A.
B43M-03Abstract Title: Drivers and Estimates of Terrain Suitability for Active Layer Detachment Slides and Retrogressive Thaw Slumps in the Brooks Range and Foothills of Northwest Alaska, USA
Balsiger, H. R.
P31E-2091Abstract Title: Rosetta/ROSINA observations of the volatiles in the coma of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko during the nominal mission, P31E-2102Abstract Title: Study of the coma of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko based on the ROSINA/RTOF instrument onboard Rosetta, P31E-2103Abstract Title: Isotopes and Minor Volatiles in the Coma of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko Observed by the Rosetta/ROSINA Instrument: Planetary Implications, P33E-01Abstract Title: Evolution of H2O related species in the neutral coma of 67P
Balster-Gee, A. F.
NH23B-1882Abstract Title: High-Resolution Geophysical Constraints on Late Pleistocene–Present Deformation History, Seabed Morphology, and Slip-Rate along the Queen Charlotte-Fairweather Fault, Offshore Southeastern Alaska
Baltay, A.
S22A-07Abstract Title: Stress Drop and Depth Controls on Ground Motion From Induced Earthquakes
Baltensperger, U.
A33G-0255Abstract Title: Synthesis of the ACTRIS Network Cloud Condensation Nuclei Measurements
Balushkina, N.
MR41A-2612Abstract Title: Carbonate Reservoirs Within Abalak Сlay Rocks and Bazhenov Shales in the Central West Siberia
Baluyut, E.
T13E-02Abstract Title: Time-Dependent Deformation at Brady Hot Springs Geothermal Field (Nevada) Measured With Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar and Modeled with Multiple Working Hypotheses of Coupled Behavior
Balwada, D.
OS11A-1996Abstract Title: Circumpolar Estimates of Isopycnal Mixing in the ACC from Argo Floats
Balzano, L.
IN33C-1812Abstract Title: Adaptive, real-time hypoxia measurements using an autonomous boat
Balzotti, C.
B51L-04Abstract Title: Topographic Distributions of Emergent Trees in Tropical Forests of the Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica
Balzter, H.
A43G-0386Abstract Title: Climatic Zones, Soil Moisture Seasonality and Biomass Burning and Their Influence On Ozone Precursor Concentrations Over West Africa as Retrieved from Satellites, B43C-0552Abstract Title: Estimating forest biomass from LiDAR data: A comparison of the raster-based and point-cloud data approach
Bambacus, M.
IN31C-1781Abstract Title: Develop an Architecture to Enable Effective Information Process in Mitigating Asteroid’s Threat
Bamber, J. L.
C11A-0740Abstract Title: A novel approach to improving the reconstruction of bed elevation with special consideration of bathymetry at the ice/ocean interface of the Greenland ice sheet, C11C-0767Abstract Title: Radar-Inference of the Basal Properties and Englacial Temperature of the Greenland Ice Sheet, C21A-0719Abstract Title: Freshwater fluxes into the subpolar North Atlantic from secular trends in Arctic land ice mass balance, C24A-07Abstract Title: A Decade of Elevation and Mass Changes of the North Atlantic Glaciers and Ice Caps, G33B-1150Abstract Title: Assessment of Glacial Isostatic Adjustment in Greenland using GPS , G42A-04Abstract Title: Antarctic ice sheet mass loss, glacio-isostatic adjustment and surface processes from a Bayesian combination of gravimetry, altimetry and GPS data
Bambha, R.
A14F-02Abstract Title: Comparing observations of fossil fuel-derived CO2 in California with predictions from bottom-up inventories, A21G-0236Abstract Title: Estimating methane and nitrous oxide emissions in California using multi-tower observations and hierarchical Bayesian inversion, A33DAbstract Title: Black- and Brown-Carbon Light-Absorbing Aerosols: Attribution, Quantification, and Impact I Posters, A33D-0179Abstract Title: Effects of Aggregate Morphology and Size on SP2 Measurements of Black Carbon, A41MAbstract Title: Black- and Brown-Carbon Light-Absorbing Aerosols: Attribution, Quantification, and Impact II, A42BAbstract Title: Black- and Brown-Carbon Light-Absorbing Aerosols: Attribution, Quantification, and Impact III
Bamzai, A.
ED11D-0868Abstract Title: Early-Career Professional Development Training for Stakeholder-Relevant, Interdisciplinary Research, ED23D-0872Abstract Title: Retaining Underrepresented Minority Undergraduates in STEM through Hands-on Internship Experiences, PA13B-04Abstract Title: Collaborations for Building Tribal Resiliency to Climate Change
Ban, C.
SA31B-2349Abstract Title: China-U.S. joint ground-based Fabry-Perot interferometer observations of thermospheric winds during a strong magnetic storm
Ban, N.
A32G-01Abstract Title: A Review on Regional Convection-Permitting Climate Modeling: Demonstrations, Prospects, and Challenges, A32G-02Abstract Title: Analysis of precipitation extremes using generalized extreme value theory in convection-resolving climate simulations
Ban, R. J.
A43K-08Abstract Title: Developing a U.S. Research Agenda to Advance Subseasonal to Seasonal Forecasting
Ban-Weiss, G. A.
B33E-0761Abstract Title: Revisiting the Climate Impacts of Cool Roofs around the Globe Using an Earth System Model, B33E-0762Abstract Title: Investigating the Effects of "Cool" Solar Reflective Pavements on California Climate, B33E-0764Abstract Title: Satellite-Supported Modeling of the Relationships between Urban Heat Island and Land Use/Cover Changes
Banach, D. M.
GC31B-1173Abstract Title: Uncertainty analysis of moderate- versus coarse-scale satellite fire products for quantifying agricultural burning: Implications for Air Quality in European Russia, Belarus, and Lithuania
Banaszkiewicz, M.
P11B-2078Abstract Title: The Colour and Stereo Surface Imaging System (CaSSIS) on ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO): Building on orbital imaging from MRO and Mars Express
Bancelin, D.
NH11A-1881Abstract Title: V-type NEAs: Impacts and close encounters with terrestrial planets
Bancheri, M.
H11K-03Abstract Title: Implementing a Travel Time Model for the Entire River Adige: the Case on JGrass-NewAGE
Band, L. E.
B53H-01Abstract Title: Scaling Denitrification Fluxes from Cores to Catchments: Spatial and Temporal Controls, H12D-01Abstract Title: Ecosystem Processes at the Watershed Scale: Stability and Resilience of Catchment Spatial Structure and Function to Disturbance, H42A-04Abstract Title: Advancing Collaboration through Hydrologic Data and Model Sharing, H43C-1522Abstract Title: Channel Geometry and Flood Flows: Quantifying over-bank flow dynamics during high-flow events in North Carolina’s floodplains, IN51C-04Abstract Title: Clearing your Desk! Software and Data Services for Collaborative Web Based GIS Analysis
Banda, N.
A33C-0170Abstract Title: Constraining the Methane Budget Variations after the Pinatubo Eruption using a Combined Forward and Inverse Modeling Approach
Bandai, T.
H21A-1350Abstract Title: Experimental study on the validation of thermal equilibrium assumption between solid and liquid phases in convective heat flow in porous media
Bandaragoda, C.
C33E-0871Abstract Title: Impacts of Forecasted Climate Change on Snowpack, Glacier Recession, and Streamflow in the Nooksack River Basin
Bandfield, J.
P23B-2138Abstract Title: Limb Retrievals of the martian atmosphere: Mapping with optical observations from MGS/TES and MRO/MCS., P51C-2072Abstract Title: Mapping the Near-Subsurface Structure of Lunar Pyroclastic Deposits, P51E-04Abstract Title: The Composition and Physical Properties of Chloride Salt-bearing Deposits on Mars
Bandfield, J. L.
P43F-02Abstract Title: Regolith Formation Rates and Evolution from the Diviner Lunar Radiometer, P53B-2120Abstract Title: New Constraints on the Rock Size Distribution on the Moon from Diviner Infrared Measurements
Bandikova, T.
G31B-1111Abstract Title: Analysis of GRACE Range-rate Residuals with Emphasis on Reprocessed Star-Camera Datasets
Bandilla, K.
H51LAbstract Title: Multiphase Flow and Hydrodynamic Instabilities in Fractured and/or Deformable Porous Media: From Soil Wetting and Drying to Geologic Carbon Sequestration, Shale Gas, and Unconventional Resources I Posters, H51L-1552Abstract Title: Investigating the Fate of Hydraulic Fracturing Fluid in Shale Gas Formations Through Two-Phase Numerical Modelling of Fluid Injection, H52B-08Abstract Title: Vertically-integrated Approaches for Carbon Sequestration Modeling, H54FAbstract Title: Multiphase Flow and Hydrodynamic Instabilities in Fractured and/or Deformable Porous Media: From Soil Wetting and Drying to Geologic Carbon Sequestration, Shale Gas, and Unconventional Resources II
Bandler, A.
H51R-06Abstract Title: Aspect Controls on Bedrock Fracturing and Seismic Velocity within the Boulder Creek Critical Zone Observatory
Bandong, B. B.
V51A-3026Abstract Title: Modern Measurements of Uranium Decay Rates
Bandopadhyay, S.
GC13H-1260Abstract Title: Soil Physical Characteristics and Biological Indicators of Soil Quality Under Different Biodegradable Mulches
Bandoro, J.
A43G-0375Abstract Title: Impact of Upper versus Lower Stratospheric Ozone Loss on Long-term Circulation Changes
Bandy, B.
A11T-04Abstract Title: Direct Measurements of the Local Ozone Production Rate in the Pollution Outflow from a Megacity
Bandy, W. L.
EP23B-0947Abstract Title: Multibeam Bathymetric Survey of the Ipala Submarine Canyon, Jalisco. Mexico (20°N): The Southern Boundary of the Banderas Forearc Block?
Banerdt, W. B.
DI43A-2606Abstract Title: Simultaneous Determination of Structure and Event Location Using Body and Surface Wave Measurements at a Single Station: Preparation for Mars Data from the InSight Mission
Banerdt, W. B.
DI52B-06Abstract Title: Getting Under Mars' Skin: The InSight Mission to the Deep Interior of Mars, ED34A-07Abstract Title: InSight Mission Education and Communication: Powerhouse partners leverage global networks to put authentic planetary science into the hands and minds of students of all ages
Banerjee, A.
A52A-06Abstract Title: Structured Predictive Models for Climate Informatics
Banerjee, P.
S31A-2738Abstract Title: Hunt for Slow Slip Events Along the Sumatran Subduction Zone in a Decade of Continuous GPS Data, T31A-2842Abstract Title: Surface Break and Coseismic Slip of the Great 1950 Assam Earthquake and Previous Events along the Eastern Himalayan Syntaxis, T41B-2885Abstract Title: Active faulting in Raghunandan Anticline, NE Bengal Basin, implications for future earthquake hazards
Banerjee, T.
A33B-0151Abstract Title: Connecting the failure of K- theory inside vegetation canopies and ejection-sweep cycles by a Large Eddy Simulation (LES).
Banerjee, Y.
DI31A-2558Abstract Title: Hot N Sour Mantle Soup on Indian Plate During Cretaceous- Evidence from Clumped Isotope and Geochemical Studies of Sung Valley Carbonatite, India
Baney, O. N.
GC33C-1293Abstract Title: Remote Sensing of Water Quality in the Niger River Basin
Banezhad, B.
NH33C-1934Abstract Title: Monitoring and Predicting Wildfire Using Fire Indices and CIMP5 Data (Case study: Golestan National Park)
Banfield, D. J.
P23B-2145Abstract Title: The InSight Mission's Martian Atmospheric Science Goals, Capabilities and Instrumentation
Banfield, J. F.
B11J-0568Abstract Title: Metatranscriptome Analysis of Aquifer Samples Reveals Unexpected Metabolic Lifestyles Relevant to Active Biogeochemical Cycling, B11J-0578Abstract Title: ANME-2D Archaea Catalyze Methane Oxidation in Deep Subsurface Sediments Independent of Nitrate Reduction, B23I-02Abstract Title: High CO2 subsurface environment enriches for novel microbial lineages capable of autotrophic carbon fixation, B23I-03Abstract Title: Genome-Enabled Modeling of Biogeochemical Processes Predicts Metabolic Dependencies that Connect the Relative Fitness of Microbial Functional Guilds, B24C-05Abstract Title: CORRELATIVE CRYO-TEM, CRYO-STXM AND CRYO-SHXM INVESTIGATION OF SELENIUM BIOREDUCTION IN A CONTAMINATED AQUIFER
Bang, E.
NH13B-1921Abstract Title: Development of IoT-based Urban Sinkhole and Road Collapse Monitoring System
Bang, J. H.
B23G-0685Abstract Title: Preparation of pure calcium carbonate by mineral carbonation using industrial byproduct FGD gypsum
Bang, S. D.
AE12A-07Abstract Title: Regional and Seasonal Differences in the Size and Maturity Spectra of Precipitation Systems with Lightning
Bangalore, M.
A14G-04Abstract Title: Socio-Economic Resilience to Floods in 90 Countries
Bangerth, W.
T33E-2984Abstract Title: Recent Developments in the Community Code ASPECT, T44C-08Abstract Title: Kinematics and Dynamics of Observed Along-Rift Surface Motions in the East African Rift System
Banghua Yan, B.
IN43C-1743Abstract Title: ATMS Snowfall Rate Product and Its Applications
Bangotra, P.
A41A-0052Abstract Title: Seasonal Variation of Unattached fraction and Equilibrium factor of 222Rn and 220Rn using DRPS/DTPS and Pin –hole cup dosimeters.
Bangs, N. L.
T31B-2866Abstract Title: Normal fault populations across the Costa Rica margin, NW of the Osa Penninsula, and implications for upper plate stress, T41B-2890Abstract Title: Seafloor Changes Offshore Northern Sumatra from 1997-2009 Bathymetric Data
Banham, S.
P53F-02Abstract Title: Sedimentary structures and stratal geometries at the foothills of Mount Sharp: their role in paleoenvironmental interpretation, P53F-06Abstract Title: Chemistry of the Materials Above and Below an Unconformity Between the Murray and Stimson Formations in Gale Crater, Mars
Bani, P.
S53D-02Abstract Title: A Precursory Phase to a Sudden Enhanced Activity at Yasur volcano (Vanuatu) : Insights from Simultaneous Infrasonic and Seismic Records, V13C-3138Abstract Title: High Spatio-Temporal Resolution Observations of Crater-Lake Surface Temperatures at Kawah Ijen Volcano, East Java, Indonesia
Banik de Padua, M.
SH21B-2414Abstract Title: Services available at the Brazilian Study and Monitoring of Space Weather (Embrace) Program
Bank, C.
ED13D-0906Abstract Title: A Mentee and his Mentor Speak their Minds, NS51B-07Abstract Title: Hydrostratigraphy of a Sand Aquifer from Combined ERT and GPR
Bank, M. S.
B11DAbstract Title: Mercury Biogeochemistry, Genomics, and Environmental Change I Posters, B11D-0468Abstract Title: Mercury Speciation and Bioaccumulation In Riparian and Upland Food Webs of the White Mountains Region, New Hampshire, USA, B13IAbstract Title: Mercury Biogeochemistry, Genomics, and Environmental Change II, B14CAbstract Title: Mercury Biogeochemistry, Genomics, and Environmental Change III
Banks, M. E.
P41F-06Abstract Title: Amount, Timing, and Rate of Global Contraction on Mercury, P53A-2100Abstract Title: Widespread Plains Volcanism on Mercury Ended by 3.6 Ga
Banks, R. F.
A33B-0141Abstract Title: Spatiotemporal Variability in Observations of Urban Mixed-Layer Heights from Surface-based Lidar Systems during DISCOVER-AQ 2011
Bannan, T.
A13E-0394Abstract Title: Formaldehyde in the Tropical Western Pacific: Evaluation of model chemistry and emissions with in situ observations, A41A-0019Abstract Title: Application of Lithium Attachment Mass Spectrometry for Knudsen Evaporation and Chemical Ionisation Mass Spectrometry (KEMS, CIMS)
Bannayan, M.
GC13D-1180Abstract Title: Applicability of AgMERRA Forcing Dataset to Fill Gaps in Historical in-situ Meteorological Data, NH33C-1934Abstract Title: Monitoring and Predicting Wildfire Using Fire Indices and CIMP5 Data (Case study: Golestan National Park)
Banner, J.
PP21DAbstract Title: The Karst Record in Water-Limited Environments I, PP21D-06Abstract Title: Quantification of modern moisture source variability to southwest US, PP22A-05Abstract Title: Reconstructing climate processes driving variability in precipitation sources from mid to late Holocene speleothem δ18O records from the Southwest US, PP23CAbstract Title: The Karst Record in Water-Limited Environments II Posters, PP23C-2309Abstract Title: Clumped-Isotope Thermometry and Oxygen Isotope Systematics in Speleothem Calcite From a Near Cave-Entrance Environment
Bannerjee, P.
T41D-2944Abstract Title: Geodetic Estimate of Water in the Wharton Basin Upper Mantle
Banning, A.
H43D-1536Abstract Title: Multiple Tracer Tests in Porous Media During Clogging
Bannister, S. C.
S33E-06Abstract Title: Seafloor Geodetic and Ocean Bottom Seismometer Investigation of Shallow Slow Slip Events at the Hikurangi Subduction Margin, New Zealand, S43E-03Abstract Title: Improving Earthquake Stress Drop Measurements – What can we Really Resolve?, T11G-01Abstract Title: Crustal Structure and Seismicity along the Central Alpine Fault: Results from the WIZARD Array, T23D-2983Abstract Title: Advanced Seismic Imaging Techniques Characterize the Alpine Fault at Whataroa (New Zealand)
Bansemer, A.
A42C-02Abstract Title: Toward Improving Ice Water Content and Snow Rate Retrievals from Spaceborne Radars, Emphasizing Ku and Ka-Bands, A42C-03Abstract Title: Errors Associated With Measurements from Imaging Probes
Banta, R. M.
A32D-08Abstract Title: Lidar-derived Correlations Between Lower-tropospheric Column and Surface Ozone: Implications for Satellite Observations, GC43F-04Abstract Title: WFIP2 – The Second Wind Forecast Improvement Project: Observing Systems And Case Studies , GC53E-1251Abstract Title: Representativeness of Lidar Wind Measurements over Moderately Complex Terrain, GC53E-1254Abstract Title: Measurements of the Spatial Variability of Mean Wind Profiles Using Multiple Doppler Lidars over Distances less than 1 Km
Banwart, S. A.
EP31AAbstract Title: International Critical Zone Research: Status, Networking, and Challenges Posters, TH25CAbstract Title: A Townhall for the Network of Critical Zone Observatories
Banwell, A.
PP54A-03Abstract Title: Modelled Growth and Decay of the Cordilleran Ice Sheet Through the Last Glacial Cycle
Banyasz, I.
B34B-01Abstract Title: Controls of Methane Dynamics and Emissions in an Arctic Warming Experiment, B41J-04Abstract Title: Legacy Effects of Warming on Permafrost Carbon Release
Banzon, P. V. F.
GC31D-1221Abstract Title: Climate applications for NOAA 1/4° Daily Optimum Interpolation Sea Surface Temperature
Bao, C.
H53E-1700Abstract Title: Understanding the Concentration-Discharge Relationship of Chloride and Magnesium in Shale Hills Using RT-Flux-PIHM
Bao, F.
S11B-07Abstract Title: Joint tomography with local body wave traveltime data and ambient noise surface wave dispersion: Application in the eastern margin of Tibetan plateau
Bao, H.
NH41A-1802Abstract Title: Analyzing failure modes of rock mass based on statistical mechanics of rock mass
Bao, H.
B21A-0408Abstract Title: Sulfate-driven anaerobic oxidation of methane as the origin of extremely 13C-depleted calcite in the Doushantuo cap carbonates in South China, B21A-0413Abstract Title: Evidence for a lack of biological P-cycling in a Cambrian soil, V23B-3133Abstract Title: Temperature dependency of the triple isotope fractionation relationship for equilibrium processes, V23B-3135Abstract Title: The three-isotope method for equilibrium isotope fractionation factor determination: Unfounded optimism
Bao, H.
C23A-0768Abstract Title: Development of An Enthalpy-based Frozen Soil Model and Its Validation in A Cold Region in China
Bao, J.
GC43C-1208Abstract Title: Parameter Sensitivity and Transferability Study Across Major US Watersheds, NS34A-07Abstract Title: A Scalable Multi-chain Markov Chain Monte Carlo Method for Inverting Subsurface Hydraulic and Geological Properties
Bao, J.
NG13B-05Abstract Title: Challenges for high-resolution simulations of atmospheric flow over complex terrain
Bao, Q.
A34A-07Abstract Title: The Effects of Aerosols on the Summer Precipitation Over the Tibet Plateau, A41D-0098Abstract Title: Finite-volume Atmospheric Model of the IAP/LASG (FAMIL)
Bao, X.
S23C-2724Abstract Title: Assessing waveform predictions of recent three-dimensional velocity models of Tibet, S43A-2770Abstract Title: Sn Attenuation in the Middle-East
Baptista, A. M.
B14D-08Abstract Title: Estuarine Biogeochemical Dynamics of Nutrients and Organic Carbon in the Columbia River: Observing Transformations Using a Biogeochemical Sensor Network
Baptista, M. A.
EP23D-0994Abstract Title: Deep-water seamounts in the NE Atlantic, sources of landslides-induced tsunamis: Slope stability analysis and tsunami numerical modelling, NH13E-07Abstract Title: Influence of the Numerical Scheme on the Solution Quality of the SWE for Tsunami Numerical Codes: The Tohoku-Oki, 2011Example., NH23C-1902Abstract Title: On The Source Of The 25 November 1941 - Atlantic Tsunami, NH24A-06Abstract Title: The tsunami effects of a volcanic island flank collapse on a semi-enclosed basin: The Pico-São Jorge channel in the Azores archipelago
Baptiste, D. II
SH11B-2386Abstract Title: The Characterization of Magnetic Structures in the Solar Wind Based On Turbulence
Baptiste, M.
H23H-1665Abstract Title: Evaluation of Stream Temperature Response in the Connecticut River to Climate Change, Riparian Logging and Reservoir-induced Hydrologic Alteration, H24B-02Abstract Title: Simulating the Stream Temperature Response to Hydrologic and Land Use Alterations
Bar-Nun, A.
P33E-01Abstract Title: Evolution of H2O related species in the neutral coma of 67P
Bar-Sever, Y. E.
G52A-01Abstract Title: The Influence of the Terrestrial Reference Frame on Studies of Sea Level Change, NH51G-06Abstract Title: New Positioning Products and Pilot Service for Natural Hazard Monitorin
Barabash, S. V.
SM31A-2479Abstract Title: The Interaction Between the Magnetosphere of Mars and that of Comet Siding Spring
Barabash, S.
P21C-04Abstract Title: Fortuitous Plasma Observations During the Mars Atmospheric "Plume" Event of March-April 2012, P31E-2101Abstract Title: The Evolution of Comet 67P as Seen by a Mass-Resolving Ion Spectrometer, SM51C-2570Abstract Title: Effects of the crustal magnetic fields on the Martian atmospheric ion escape rate
Baraer, M.
C33E-0878Abstract Title: Hydrological changes prints in subarctic watersheds discharge records: a case study in the Duke River watershed, Yukon, Canada., C43B-0799Abstract Title: Estimating Heat Transfer at Glacier Margins using Ground-Based Infrared Imagery, H23E-1623Abstract Title: Comparing snow models under current and future climates over three Nordic catchments: uncertainties and implications for hydrological impact studies, H31K-07Abstract Title: Quantifying groundwater-surface water interactions using a stream energy balance model and dye tracing in a proglacial valley of the Cordillera Blanca, Peru, H51N-1595Abstract Title: Spatiotemporal variability and differentiation between anthropogenic and natural contamination of heavy metals of surface water: a case study in the Cordillera Blanca, Peru, U42A-01Abstract Title: Glacier loss and emerging hydrologic vulnerabilities in the Peruvian Andes
Barahona, D.
A31D-0092Abstract Title: Implementation and evaluation of the Modal Aerosol Model (MAM7) in GEOS-5, A52D-07Abstract Title: Aerosol Indirect Effects on Cirrus Clouds in Global Aerosol-Climate Models
Barajas-Solano, D. A.
H23F-1640Abstract Title: Hybrid Multiscale Finite Volume method for advection-diffusion equations subject to heterogeneous reactive boundary conditions
Barak, S.
T12A-02Abstract Title: Geometry of the southern San Andreas fault and its implications for seismic hazard
Baraka, S. M.
SM23B-2552Abstract Title: Magnetospheric Dynamical and Morphological Response to Multi-species Plasma Supply From the Ionosphere:New Comprehensive 3D PIC Simulation.
Barakat, A. R.
SM51C-2578Abstract Title: Comparing the O+ and H+ Escape Fluxes from Fluid and Particle-in-Cell Solutions of the Polar Wind, SM51C-2579Abstract Title: Comparison Between the Integrated Ion Outflow Fluxes from the North and South Hemispheres Under Sustained Geomagnetically Active Conditions, SM53B-04Abstract Title: Stormtime Ionospheric Outflow Effects in Global Multi-Fluid MHD, SM53B-06Abstract Title: Estimation of cold plasma outflow during geomagnetic storms
Baral, U.
V33D-3124Abstract Title: A Geochronological Study of Paleogene –Neogene Foreland Basin Sediments Western Nepal Himalaya: Implication of Provenance Analysis
Baram, S.
H11F-1418Abstract Title: Spatial and Temporal Variability in Nitrate Concentration below the Root Zone in an Almond Orchard and its Implications for Potential Groundwater Contamination, H42C-01Abstract Title: Groundwater Under Vertisols
Baranes, H. E.
NH24A-03Abstract Title: Using present-day patterns of interseismic coupling to model the C.E. 1707 Hōei earthquake and simulate tsunami inundation of Lake Ryuuoo in the Bungo Channel, southwestern Japan
Baranov, V. A.
H43C-1505Abstract Title: Bioirrigation impacts on sediment respiration and microbial metabolic activity
Baranowski, D.
OS51A-1976Abstract Title: Multiscale Interactions over the Maritime Continent: Feedbacks between Atmospheric Convectively Coupled Kelvin Waves and Diurnal Cycle
Baranski, M.
GC12B-05Abstract Title: Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks: an overview of planned improvements to the methodologies and activity data used to develop the carbon estimates in the Land Use, Land-use Change, and Forestry (LULUCF) sector
Barantsrva, O.
T41E-2957Abstract Title: Gravity model for the North Atlantic ocean mantle: results, uncertainties and links to regional geodynamics
Barari, S.
IN51A-1781Abstract Title: Machine Learning in Ionospheric Phenomena Detection Using Passive Radar
Baratin, L. M.
S31A-2715Abstract Title: A Spatially and Temporally Continuous LFE Catalogue for the Southern Alps, New Zealand, S31A-2716Abstract Title: Application of Phase-Weighted Stacking to Low-Frequency Earthquakes near the Alpine Fault, Central Southern Alps, New Zealand, T11G-03Abstract Title: Extreme Hydrothermal Conditions Near an Active Geological Fault, DFDP-2B Borehole, Alpine Fault, New Zealand
Baratoux, D.
P11AAbstract Title: Accretion, Differentiation, and Early Planetary Evolution I Posters, P13CAbstract Title: Accretion, Differentiation, and Early Planetary Evolution II, P31A-2046Abstract Title: Crustal differentiation on Earth and Mars from Potassium and Thorium multi-scale distributions
Baratoux, L.
P31A-2046Abstract Title: Crustal differentiation on Earth and Mars from Potassium and Thorium multi-scale distributions
Baray, S.
A11M-0244Abstract Title: Quantifying Sources of Methane in the Alberta Oil Sands
Barazangi, M.
G13A-0993Abstract Title: Present-Day Kinematics of the Dead Sea Transform and Internal Deformation within the Sinai and Arabian Plates
Barba, D. C. Sr
T51D-2915Abstract Title: Crustal Structure across Rivera Plate and Jalisco Block (MEXICO): TsuJal Project, T51D-2916Abstract Title: Crustal Structure across Southern Islas Marías (Nayarit, Mexico) from Wide-Angle Data (TSUJAL Project)
Barba, M.
G21A-1014Abstract Title: Post-seismic Deformation of Mojave Earthquakes using Full-Resolution InSAR Time-Series Analysis
Barba, S.
MR33A-2634Abstract Title: Correlation between pore fluid pressures and DInSAR post-seismic deformation of the May 20, 2012 Emilia-Romagna (Italy) earthquake
Barbarand, J.
V33D-3148Abstract Title: (U-Th-Sm)/He thermochronological age distribution in a slowly cooled plutonic complex (Ploumanac’h intrusion, France): insights into helium diffusion processes.
Barbarisi, I.
IN33E-02Abstract Title: Enabling Virtual Observatory Access to Planetary Resources through PDS4, IN33E-04Abstract Title: The New ESA Planetary Science Archive, IN41A-1678Abstract Title: A Common Model to Handle PDS3 and PDS4 Data in the New Planetary Science Archive (PSA), IN41A-1687Abstract Title: New Interface for Accessing Archived European Space Agency Planetary Science Data, Such as the New Venus Express Atmospheric Drag Experiment Data Set, IN41A-1688Abstract Title: Interoperability In The New Planetary Science Archive (PSA), IN41A-1689Abstract Title: GIS Technologies For The New Planetary Science Archive (PSA)
Barbeau, K.
GC53I-02Abstract Title: Copper, iron and the organic ligands that bind them - updates from San Francisco Bay and beyond
Barbee, B.
NH11AAbstract Title: Characterization of Asteroids, Risk Assessment, and Planetary Defense I Posters, NH11A-1899Abstract Title: Optimization of the Leading Penetrator for the HAIV/NIAC Mission Concept, NH14BAbstract Title: Characterization of Asteroids, Risk Assessment, and Planetary Defense II
Barber, R. T.
B13I-08Abstract Title: Mercury Bioaccumulation Response to Recent Hg Pollution Abatement in an Oceanic Predatory Fish, Blue Marlin, Versus the Response in a Coastal Predatory Species, Bluefish, in the Western North Atlantic Ocean
Barber, T.
MR41C-2660Abstract Title: Nanopore Connectivity, Wettability and Fluid Migration in Mudrocks
Barber, T. J.
MR21C-2624Abstract Title: Dynamics of Fragmentation: Developing a non-Equilibrium Mechanism for Impact-loading tests on Rock Materials , MR23C-06Abstract Title: New perspectives on the transition between discrete fracture, fragmentation, and pulverization during brittle failure of rocks , T51A-2838Abstract Title: Controls on the formation of pulverized off-fault rocks: Laboratory investigations using Arkansas Novaculite
Barberena-Arias, M.
ED13D-0907Abstract Title: Mentoring Undergraduate Students in Estuarine Research Experiences: Different Strokes for Different Folks
Barberie, S. R.
IN33D-1826Abstract Title: A Stochastic Sprint in the Vague Direction of Data Science: Perspectives from a Graduate Student and Aspiring Data Scientist. 
Barbero, F.
A43A-0255Abstract Title: A far-infrared radiometer to study optically thin ice clouds in the Arctic
Barberopoulou, A.
NH21BAbstract Title: Operational Applications for Earthquake Hazard Mitigation: Toward a Global Standardized Chain of Activities and Strategies Posters, NH23C-1899Abstract Title: The Use of Intensity Scales In Exploiting Tsunami Historical Databases
Barbery, A. M.
T43B-2989Abstract Title: Examining the Effect of Water on the Strength of Quartz Using Polycrystalline Quartz Aggregates
Barbery, M. R.
MR33A-2639Abstract Title: Investigation of transient friction in rock at low to high slip-rates using a new biaxial machine
Barbier, B.
GC43B-1193Abstract Title: Greenhouse Gas Emission Mitigation And Agriculture, Trade-off Or Win-win Situation: Bioeconomic Farm Modelling In The Sudanian Area of Burkina Faso
Barbier, J.
GC43A-1159Abstract Title: Phenomenology and Thermodynamical Characteristics of West African Heat Waves
Barbier, L. M.
EP52BAbstract Title: Taking Smallsats to the Next Level, Enabling New Science I, EP53CAbstract Title: Taking Smallsats to the Next Level, Enabling New Science II Posters, IN13C-1849Abstract Title: Public Access to Scientific Data and Publications
Barbieri, C.
P33E-02Abstract Title: The Activity of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko as Seen by Rosetta/OSIRIS, P43C-2135Abstract Title: Size-Frequency Distribution of Boulders ≥ 10 m on Comet 103P/Hartley 2
Barbieri, L.
IN53B-1841Abstract Title: The View from a Few Hundred Feet : A New Transparent and Integrated Workflow for UAV-collected Data, NH43C-1904Abstract Title: Utilizing In-Situ Static Chamber Measurements and UAV Imagery for Integrated Greenhouse Gas Emissions Estimations: Assessing Environmental and Management Impacts on Agricultural Emissions for Two Paired-Watershed Sites in Vermont, NH43C-1906Abstract Title: Standardised Embedded Data framework for Drones [SEDD]
Barboni, M.
T31F-2910Abstract Title: U-Pb Geochronology: Taking or Creating the Pulse of Magmatic Systems?, V41D-05Abstract Title: Evaluating the construction and evolution of upper crustal reservoirs with coupled U/Pb zircon geochronology and thermal modeling: A case study from the Mt. Capanne pluton (Elba, Italy)
Barbosa, H. M.
A23H-03Abstract Title: The Influence of Urban Emissions on Background Aerosols and Trace Gases in Amazonia as Seen in the GoAmazon2014/2015 Experiment., A23H-04Abstract Title: Aerosol Hygroscopicity Measured in Pristine and Polluted Conditions During the First Year of the GoAmazon 2014/15 Experiment, A24B-08Abstract Title: Microphysical And Macrophysical Characteristics Of Non-Precipitating Morning Shallow Clouds In Central Amazonia Using One-Year Of Data From GOAMAZON 2014/15 Experiment, A31AAbstract Title: Aerosols, Clouds, Precipitation, Trace Gas Chemistry, Meteorology, and Their Complex Interactions in Amazonia III Posters, A31A-0001Abstract Title: CCN numerical simulations for the GoAmazon with the OLAM model, A31A-0003Abstract Title: Spectral Light Absorption and Scattering by Aerosol Particles in Central Amazonia, A31A-0004Abstract Title: The impact of anthropogenic emissions on the otherwise pristine Amazonian rainforest: Insights on aerosol dynamics as observed during GoAmazon2014/5, A31A-0012Abstract Title: Surface Ozone Enrichment Downwind of Manaus City, in Central Amazonia, A33G-0255Abstract Title: Synthesis of the ACTRIS Network Cloud Condensation Nuclei Measurements, B41I-01Abstract Title: Long term observations of land-atmosphere interactions in Amazonia: The role of land use change on the functioning of the Amazonian ecosystem
Barbosa, M. C.
H43H-1634Abstract Title: Use of a Rainfall Runoff Model and Satellite Data Sets for Hydrological Studies of the Upper Contas Watershed, Brazil
Barbosa, M. J.
SH13D-2462Abstract Title: Design review of the Brazilian Experimental Solar Telescope
Barbosa, P.
B54C-01Abstract Title: Inundation and Gas Fluxes from Amazon Lakes and Wetlands, B54C-05Abstract Title: INTERNAL WAVES, UPWELLING, CONVECTION: WHICH FACILITATES GREENHOUSE GAS EVASION?
Barbot, S.
G13B-07Abstract Title: Interseismic Strain Accumulation in Metropolitan Los Angeles Distinguished from Oil and Water management using InSAR and GPS, G23C-07Abstract Title: Geodesy-based estimates of loading rates on faults beneath the Los Angeles basin with a new, computationally efficient method to model dislocations in 3D heterogeneous media, S43D-2836Abstract Title: Fault morphology controls rupture size: Evidence from the 2015 Gorkha earthquake sequence in Nepal, S44A-03Abstract Title: Depth Dependence of Source Characteristics of Slow-Slip Events and Earthquakes on Thrust Faults, T22C-04Abstract Title: The Physics of Low-Frequency Earthquakes with Doubling Recurrence Intervals near Parkfield, T41D-2944Abstract Title: Geodetic Estimate of Water in the Wharton Basin Upper Mantle, T44A-06Abstract Title: Explaining the current geodetic field with geological models: A case study of the Haiyuan fault system
Barbour, A. J.
G11BAbstract Title: Unique Uses of Geodetic Data: From High Rate to High Precision I Posters, G21CAbstract Title: Unique Uses of Geodetic Data: From High Rate to High Precision II, S22B-05Abstract Title: Application of Dynamic Strains to Earthquake Source Characterization and Earthquake Early Warning
Barbour, E.
GC43G-02Abstract Title: Climate Variability over India and Bangladesh from the Perturbed UK Met Office Hadley Model: Impacts on Flow and Nutrient Fluxes in the Ganges Delta System
Barcellos, D.
B41F-0503Abstract Title: Iron reduction and carbon dynamics during redox fluctuations in soil slurries from Luquillo CZO (Puerto Rico)
Barcheck, C. G.
C11A-0734Abstract Title: Micro-seismicity of the Whillans Ice Plain stick-slip cycle nucleation areas
Barckhausen, U.
GP23A-1276Abstract Title: Global Secular Variation and Excursions Within the Brunhes – is it Real?
Barckicke, J.
A53B-0378Abstract Title: Classification of Rainbows
Barclay, D. J.
PP51A-2241Abstract Title: Reconstructed streamflow in the eastern United States: validity, drivers, and challenges
Barclay, J.
V51F-3084Abstract Title: Unravelling the magmatic processes behind zoned fall units on Ascension Island, South Atlantic
Barco, R. A.
B13C-0635Abstract Title: In-Situ Incubation of Iron-Sulfide Mineral in Seawater Reveals Colonization by Iron-Oxidizing Gammaproteobacteria and Zetaproteobacteria.
Bardar, E. W.
ED13C-0896Abstract Title: Ocean Tracks: Investigating Marine Migrations in a Changing Ocean, ED14B-04Abstract Title: Ocean Tracks: College Edition – Promoting Data Literacy in Science Education at the Undergraduate Level
Bardeen, C.
A31D-0090Abstract Title: Rim Fire and its Radiative impact Simulated in CESM/CARMA, NH14B-04Abstract Title: Climatic Effects of Medium-Sized Asteroid Impacts on Land, PP41A-2209Abstract Title: Abrupt Climate Change Caused by Global Fires from a Large Meteor Impact
Bardelli, L.
V33C-3118Abstract Title: Genesis and Eruptive Dynamics of the Garnet-Bearing Rhyolites from the Ramadas Volcanic Centre (Altiplano-Puna Plateau, Central Andes, Argentina).
Bardossy, A.
H13K-1727Abstract Title: Copula-based conditional merging of information on different spatial and temporal scales, H21I-1500Abstract Title: Investigation of asymmetrical spatial dependence of the regional climate model precipitation using empirical bivariate copulas, H21I-1502Abstract Title: Space-time simulation and disaggregation of observed precipitation using a copula based stochastic model, H33G-1688Abstract Title: Simultaneous and complemantary flood events and their explanation using large scale atmospheric circulation patterns, H43D-1534Abstract Title: Parameterization, Spatial Simulation, and Quantified Effects of Non-linear Spatial Dependence
Bardyn, A.
P31E-2089Abstract Title: COSIMA at Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko After Perihelion
Barefoot, J. D.
V13C-3142Abstract Title: A Photogrammetric Approach to Measuring Temporal Change in Tree Kill Areas at Mammoth Mountain and Long Valley Caldera, California
Bares, R.
A11J-0197Abstract Title: Mobile Platforms for Continuous Spatial Measurements of Urban Trace Gases and Criteria Pollutants, A21H-0247Abstract Title: Spatiotemporal comparison of highly-resolved emissions and concentrations of carbon dioxide and criteria pollutants in Salt Lake City, Utah for health and policy applications, B33H-07Abstract Title: The University of Utah Urban Undertaking (U4)
Barfod, D. N.
DI41A-2591Abstract Title: The East Australian, Tasmantid, and Lord Howe Volcanic Chains: Possible mechanisms behind a trio of hotspot trails, T11B-2875Abstract Title: Archaean Crustal Growth, Proterozoic Terrane Amalgamation and the Pan-African Orogeny, as Recorded in the NE African Sedimentary Record., V24B-02Abstract Title: The lifecycle of caldera-forming volcanoes in the Main Ethiopian Rift: insights from Aluto volcano
Barg, B.
IN21D-1717Abstract Title: Development of RESTful services and map-based user interface tools for access to the Global Multi-Resolution Topography (GMRT) Synthesis
Bargar, J.
H31E-1451Abstract Title: Kerogen-Hydraulic Fracture Fluid Interactions: Reactivity and Contaminant Release, H31IAbstract Title: Uranium Mobility in the Environment I Posters, H31I-1544Abstract Title: Combining U speciation and U isotope fractionation to evaluate the importance of naturally reduced sediments in controlling the mobility of uranium in the upper Colorado River Basin, H31I-1549Abstract Title: CLAY MINERALOGY OF AN ALLUVIAL AQUIFER IN A MOUNTAINOUS, SEMIARID TERRAIN, AN EXAMPLE FROM RIFLE, COLORADO , H31I-1550Abstract Title: A Multifaceted Sampling Approach to Better Understanding Biogeochemical and Hydrogeological Controls on Uranium Mobility at a Former Uranium Mill Tailings Site in Riverton, Wyoming, H31I-1552Abstract Title: Inhibition Mechanism of Uranyl Reduction Induced by Calcium-Carbonato Complexes, H33NAbstract Title: Uranium Mobility in the Environment II, H33N-05Abstract Title: Carbon Characteristics and Biogeochemical Processes of Uranium Accumulating Organic Matter Rich Sediments in the Upper Colorado River Basin, MR41C-2646Abstract Title: A Geochemical Framework for Evaluating Shale-Hydraulic Fracture Fluid Interactions, MR41C-2647Abstract Title: Coupled Mineral Dissolution and Precipitation Reactions in Shale-Hydraulic Fracturing Fluid Systems
Bargatze, L. F.
IN41A-1685Abstract Title: ADAPT
Barger, N. N.
GC31G-04Abstract Title: Variation in piñon pine growth responses to climate across gradients of environmental stress using an individual-based approach
Barham, M.
PP43C-2291Abstract Title: Fossil Shorelines Record Multiple Sea Level Highstands and Surface Deformation on Million Year Timescales at Cape Range National Park, Northwestern Australia
Bari, Z.
V23B-3114Abstract Title: Petrological and Geochemical Characteristics of the Charnockitic and Associated A-Type Granitoid Rocks from the Basement Complex of Bangladesh
Barichivich, J.
B51D-0455Abstract Title: Sunlight Mediated Seasonality in Canopy Structure and Photosynthetic Activity of Amazonian Rainforests
Barichivich, J.
B53B-0557Abstract Title: Reducing uncertainty for estimating forest carbon stocks and dynamics using integrated remote sensing, forest inventory and process-based modeling
Barifcani, A.
H41C-1327Abstract Title: Residual Supercritical CO2 Saturation in an Oil-wet Sandstone: a Pore-scale Analysis
Barik, M. G.
H13I-1704Abstract Title: Is Snowpack Drought an Increasing Threat in the Pacific Northwest?
Barik, P.
GC23C-1151Abstract Title: Impact of Climate change in the Mangrove Distribution across the Indian Coast
Baringer, M. O.
OS43B-06Abstract Title: Inter-Ocean Exchanges and Regional Sinks of Heat during the Warming Hiatus
Barjatya, A.
NG32A-02Abstract Title: Connecting small-scale turbulence to large-scale dynamics in the mesosphere using the Mesosphere-Lower Thermosphere Turbulence Experiment (MTeX), SA51C-2415Abstract Title: Multi-surface Langmuir probe observations from the MTeX and WADIS rocket campaigns
Barjatya, A.
SA41B-2352Abstract Title: MTeX: The Mesosphere-Lower Thermosphere Turbulence Experiment
Barkay, T.
B14C-01Abstract Title: Mercury Methylation in Alaskan Peatlands Spanning a Large Range of Trophic Structure, GC51F-1162Abstract Title: Trophic Status Controls Mercury Methylation Pathways in Northern Peats
Barker, A. D.
EP53B-1034Abstract Title: Examining rates of glacial erosion, exhumation, and debris evacuation over a wide range of time scales at Khumbu Basin, Mt. Everest, Nepal
Barker, B.
SM12B-02Abstract Title: Winds and Ion Drifts Measured in the Thermospheric Footprint of Earth's Northern Magnetic Cusp During the C-REX Sounding Rocket Mission
Barker, C.
GC13L-06Abstract Title: Modeling the Spread and Control of the Asian Tiger Mosquito in Los Angeles
Barker, L.
S24B-05Abstract Title: Spatial Gradients, Wave Gradiometry, and Large N Arrays
Barker, M.
PA33B-2189Abstract Title: Applying Various Methods of Communicating Science for Community Decision-Making and Public Awareness: A NASA DEVELOP National Program Case Study
Barker, M. K.
P41C-2079Abstract Title: Calibration of Mercury Laser Altimeter Data Using Digital Elevation Models Derived from Stereo Image Pairs, P41C-2080Abstract Title: Planetary dynamics from laser altimetry: Spin and tidal deformation of the Moon and Mercury
Barker, S. J.
V13B-3119Abstract Title: Mafic-Felsic Interactions in the 25.4 ka Oruanui Supereruption (Taupo Volcano): Insights From Quenched Juvenile Mafic Clasts and Their Groundmass Textures, V31B-3034Abstract Title: Processes Influencing the Timing and Volume of Eruptions From the Youngest Supervolcano on Earth, V31B-3037Abstract Title: Timescales of Human Interest in the Geological Records of Rhyolite Eruptions
Barker, S.
V24A-03Abstract Title: Enhanced Volcanic Degassing Decoupled Atmospheric CO2 and Temperature During the Last Interglacial-Glacial Transition
Barker, Z. A.
GC31E-1238Abstract Title: Characterizing Synergistic Water and Energy Efficiency at the Residential Scale Using a Cost Abatement Curve Approach
Barkhurst, A.
IN42A-04Abstract Title: The Variable Grid Method, an Approach for the Simultaneous Visualization and Assessment of Spatial Trends and Uncertainty
Barklage, M.
DI13A-2636Abstract Title: Sources of Melt beneath the Lau Back Spreading Center and Tonga Arc as Indicated by Local and Teleseismic Bodywave Tomography, S41A-2703Abstract Title: Sweetwater, Texas Large N Experiment
Barkley, Z.
A11J-0199Abstract Title: Constraining Methane Emissions from Natural Gas Production in Northeastern Pennsylvania Using Aircraft Observations and Mesoscale Modeling, A11M-0239Abstract Title: Fusion Geographic Information System Data with State-of-the-art Atmospheric Systems: Application to Methane Source Mapping over the Marcellus Shale formation
Barlage, M. J.
A13C-0343Abstract Title: Pushing the Regional Arctic System Reanalysis to Higher Resolution: A comparison with the global ERA-Interim Reanalysis for the Arctic and Beyond, A32G-06Abstract Title: Sensitivity of WRF model to landuse, with applications to Chicago metropolitan Urban Heat Island and lake breeze, GC13D-1184Abstract Title: Noah-MP-Crop: Enhancing cropland representation in the community land surface modeling system, H34B-01Abstract Title: Realtime Prediction in Disturbed Landscapes: Identifying Highest Priority Disturbance Characteristics Impacting Streamflow Response in a CONUS-Scale Operational Model
Barlaz, M.
B11H-0536Abstract Title: Production of Excess CO2 relative to methane in peatlands: a new H2 sink, B44B-01Abstract Title: The Stability of Peatland Carbon Stores to Global Change: Evidence for Enhanced Methane and Carbon Dioxide Production 
Barletta, B.
A21A-0017Abstract Title: Atmospheric Organic Gases from Fossil Fuel Extraction Activities: Analysis and Modeling, A41Q-05Abstract Title: Hydrogen stable isotopic constraints on methane emissions from oil and gas extraction in the Colorado Front Range, USA
Barletta, V. R.
G42A-05Abstract Title: Gravitational signature and apparent mass changes in Amundsen Embayment caused by low viscosity GIA model constrained by rapid bedrock displacement
Barley, R.
ED31B-0893Abstract Title: Increasing Diversity in Global Climate Change, Space Weather and Space Technology Research and Education
Barlow, J.
A31B-0031Abstract Title: Volcanic SO2 Flux Estimates Inferred from Satellite Observations: Sensitivity to Assumptions about Atmospheric Transport and Instrument Sensitivity
Barlow, M. A.
GC44A-05Abstract Title: A Physical Model for Extreme Drought over Southwest Asia
Barlow, P. M.
H51A-1343Abstract Title: UNESCO’s HOPE Initiative—Providing Free and Open-Source Hydrologic Software for Effective and Sustainable Management of Africa’s Water Resources Temporary Title, IN11B-1784Abstract Title: Potatoes and Trout: Maintaining Robust Agriculture and a Healthy Trout Fishery in the Central Sands of Wisconsin
Barnard, A.
OS33A-1997Abstract Title: Subsea Gas Emissions from the Barbados Accretionary Complex
Barnard, D. M.
H21C-1390Abstract Title: Variation in Montane Forest Transpiration Dormancy and Seasonality Along an Elevation Gradient., H31H-1525Abstract Title: Early snowmelt decreases ablation period carbon uptake in a high elevation, subalpine forest, Niwot Ridge, Colorado, USA
Barnard, H. R.
H21C-1382Abstract Title: Topographic Control of Aboveground Carbon Pools Across an Environmental Gradient, Eastern Slope of the Rocky Mountains, Colorado., H21C-1390Abstract Title: Variation in Montane Forest Transpiration Dormancy and Seasonality Along an Elevation Gradient., H21DAbstract Title: Ecohydrology of Disturbed Environments I Posters, H23J-05Abstract Title: Scale-dependent interactions between vegetation, landscape, and climate: How critical zone structure influences ecohydrological reslience in a rapidly changing world, H24BAbstract Title: Ecohydrology of Disturbed Environments II
Barnard, J.
A11H-0165Abstract Title: Aerosol Deposition and Solar Panel Performance, A23A-0279Abstract Title: Evaluation of MODIS aerosol optical depth for semi­-arid environments in complex terrain, A23FAbstract Title: The Underappreciated Aerosol Coarse Mode I Posters, A23F-0395Abstract Title: What Can AMF Observations Tell Us about Super-micron Particles? , A23K-04Abstract Title: Evidence of Clear-Sky Daylight Whitening: Are we already conducting geoengineering?, A51WAbstract Title: The Underappreciated Aerosol Coarse Mode II
Barnard, L. A.
SH33D-01Abstract Title: The Evolution of the Heliosphere Over Decades, Centuries and Millennia
Barnard, P.
EP23B-0977Abstract Title: California Sea Cliff Metrics: Mapping and Validation, NH51C-1907Abstract Title: Assessing Coastal Aquifer Response to Projected Sea Level Rise in California
Barnes, A.
ED33D-0959Abstract Title: Bioaerosol DNA Extraction Technique from Air Filters Collected from Marine and Freshwater Locations
Barnes, C. G.
V33E-01Abstract Title: Magma volumes and storage in the middle crust, V41D-03Abstract Title: Zoning in hornblende as a key to petrologic evolution of sub-volcanic granitic plutons
Barnes, C. C.
GC33A-1257Abstract Title: Modelling the Impacts of Changing Land Cover/Land Use and Climate on Flooding in the Elk River Watershed, British Columbia
Barnes, D.
G34A-03Abstract Title: Earth Gravitational Model 2020
Barnes, D.
SH21B-2410Abstract Title: HELCATS – Heliospheric Cataloguing, Analysis and Techniques Service, SH53A-2466Abstract Title: First Results on Visualization and Verification of the STEREO Heliospheric Imager CME Catalogue with In Situ Data from the Heliophysics System Observatory
Barnes, D. A.
V23B-3167Abstract Title: K-Ar dates of Authigenic Illite from the Mississippian Marshall Sandstone, Michigan Basin, USA
Barnes, E. A.
A31JAbstract Title: Large-Scale Atmospheric Transport and Mixing: Observations, Modeling, and Theory I, A32FAbstract Title: Large-Scale Atmospheric Transport and Mixing: Observations, Modeling, and Theory II, A33I-0293Abstract Title: The Climatology and Impacts of Atmospheric Rivers near the Coast of Southern Alaska, A33I-0295Abstract Title: Climate Variability in Atmospheric River Frequencies over the North Pacific, A33KAbstract Title: Large-Scale Atmospheric Transport and Mixing: Observations, Modeling, and Theory III Posters, A33K-0335Abstract Title: Atmospheric Transport and Mixing linked to Rossby Wave Breaking in GFDL Dynamical Core, A42F-04Abstract Title: Detection of trends in surface ozone in the presence of climate variability, A51V-03Abstract Title: Extreme moisture transport into the Arctic, GC51A-1076Abstract Title: Seeing through the Smoke: A collaborative, multidisciplinary effort to address the interplay between wildfire, climate, air quality, and health
Barnes, H.
V53E-3154Abstract Title: A 3-D view of field-scale fault-zone cementation from geologically ground-truthed electrical resistivity
Barnes, I.
TH32JAbstract Title: The Future of Laboratory Studies in Atmospheric Chemistry
Barnes, J.
V51IAbstract Title: Volatile Distribution and Cycling in the Mantle I, V53FAbstract Title: Volatile Distribution and Cycling in the Mantle II Posters
Barnes, J. B.
T13G-05Abstract Title: Late Cenozoic Himalayan Erosion Rates Revealed by Cosmogenic Isotopes in Foreland Sediments, Northern India
Barnes, J. W.
P12B-01Abstract Title: Alluvial Fans on Titan Reveal Atmosphere and Surface Interactions and Material Transport, P12B-04Abstract Title: Tidal Currents between Titan’s Seas Detected by Solar Glints, P13B-2132Abstract Title: Computing Global Mosaics of Titan With the VIMS Imaging Spectrometer, P13B-2133Abstract Title: Geomorphology of Titan's polar terrains: Using the landscape’s topographic form to constrain surface processes
Barnes, J. E.
A41G-0131Abstract Title: Mauna Loa Observatory, Hawaii Boundary Layer Observations
Barnes, M.
B42AAbstract Title: Integrating Remote Sensing Observations and Eddy Covariance Observations I, B43DAbstract Title: Integrating Remote Sensing Observations and Eddy Covariance Observations II Posters, H13B-1512Abstract Title: Detecting soil moisture pulses and associated vegetation response in a southern Arizona watershed using SMAP and MODIS
Barnes, M. E.
B22D-01Abstract Title: The Median Isn’t the Message: Elucidating Nutrient Hot spots and Hot Moments in a Sierra Nevada Forest Soil
Barnes, N. P.
SM31D-2535Abstract Title: Pluto's atmosphere-plasma interaction: Hybrid simulations
Barnes, P.
EP13A-0942Abstract Title: Marine Geomorphology and Gravity Flow Modelling in Transient Pull-Apart Basins of the Offshore Alpine Fault, New Zealand
Barnes, R.
B13J-01Abstract Title: Heterogeneity of soil organic matter composition and its fate across ecosystem boundaries, or does it all come out in the wash?
Barnes, R. T.
B13F-0685Abstract Title: After the Burn: Forest Carbon Stocks and Fluxes across fire disturbed landscapes in Colorado, U.S.A., ED11C-0862Abstract Title: Exploring deliberate mentoring approaches aimed at improving the recruitment and persistence of undergraduate women in the geosciences, H41I-04Abstract Title: Nitrogen removal and production within transient storage zones in a freshwater tidal environment, Delaware, U.S.A., H42B-06Abstract Title: A tale of two interfaces: Dynamic nitrate removal in the hyporheic zone of a tidal fresh river
Barnes, R.
P53D-2151Abstract Title: PRo3D®: A Tool for High Resolution Rendering and Geological Analysis of Martian Rover-Derived Digital Outcrop Models.
Barnes, R. J.
IN33E-07Abstract Title: High-Level Location Based Search Services That Improve Discoverability of Geophysical Data in the Virtual ITM Observatory, SA23E-02Abstract Title: Storm-time Large-Scale Birkeland Currents: Salient Dynamics in Grand Challenge Events, SM41E-2515Abstract Title: Van Allen Probes Science Gateway: A Centralized Data Access Point
Barnes, S. J.
DI31A-2555Abstract Title: First Row Transition Metals in Olivine – Petrogenetic Tracers for the Evolution of Mantle-Derived Magmas
Barnet, C.
A51L-0233Abstract Title: Atmospheric River impacts in British Columbia and the Pacific Northwest on 22-24 January 2015 during the CalWater 2015 field campaign
Barnett, C. J.
V53B-3132Abstract Title: 187Os/188Os in Spinel Peridotites from Borée, Massif Central, France: Seeing through the Effects of Melt Infiltration in the Sub-continental Lithospheric Mantle
Barnett, E.
B11G-0517Abstract Title: The Influence of Regional Groundwater on the Dissolved Organic Matter in Costa Rican Streams
Barnett, L.
B21G-0549Abstract Title: Implementation of Quality Assurance and Quality Control Measures in the National Phenology Database
Barnhart, B. L.
IN11BAbstract Title: Integrated Modeling and Optimization for Multicriteria Decision Making Posters, IN11B-1780Abstract Title: Integrated Modeling to Assess the Ecological and Air Quality Trade-offs of Agricultural Burning in the Flint Hills of Eastern Kansas
Barnhart, C. J.
ED41B-06Abstract Title: Podcasting as an Effective Medium for Direct Science Communication and Outreach to the General Public, PA24A-04Abstract Title: The Success of Podcasting as a Success for Science Outreach
Barnhart, E. P.
GC51F-1149Abstract Title: Source and Cycling of Trace Metals and Nutrients in a Microbial Coalbed Methane System, H31N-06Abstract Title: Investigation of Hyporheic Microbial Biofilms as Indicators of Heavy Metal Toxicity in the Clark Fork Basin, Montana
Barnhart, K. R.
EP32B-08Abstract Title: Surface Process Control on Stratigraphic Completeness in Simple Experimental Deltas, EP41CAbstract Title: Mechanistic Underpinnings of Damage, Disruption, and Downslope Transport of Rock and Regolith Posters
Barnhart, T. B.
C41F-02Abstract Title: Rapid Snowmelt Leads to Greater Streamflow Across the Western United States, EP54B-05Abstract Title: The high resolution topographic evolution of an active retrogressive thaw slump compiled from a decade of photography, ground surveys, laser scans and satellite imagery
Barnhart, W. D.
G13B-06Abstract Title: InSAR Analysis of Induced Seismicity: Examples From Southern Colorado, S43D-2819Abstract Title: Source Modeling of the 2015 Mw 7.8 Nepal (Gorkha) Earthquake Sequence and Geodynamic Implications, T42A-04Abstract Title: Misbheaving Faults: The Expanding Role of Geodetic Imaging in Unraveling Unexpected Fault Slip Behavior, U33A-03Abstract Title: The Advanced Rapid Imaging and Analysis (ARIA) Project’s Response to the April 25, 2015 M7.8 Nepal Earthquake: Rapid Measurements and Models for Science and Situational Awareness 
Barnhoorn, A.
GP51C-05Abstract Title: Micromagnetic Tomography in Practice
Barnikel, F.
ED31D-0923Abstract Title: Geoscience Information for Teachers (GIFT) Workshops at the European Geoscience Union General Assembly
Barnosky, A. D.
IN21E-06Abstract Title: The Neotoma Paleoecology Database
Barnouin, O. S.
P11B-2087Abstract Title: The Main-belt Asteroid and NEO Tour with Imaging and Spectroscopy (MANTIS), P44B-08Abstract Title: The Chasmata and Montes of Charon
Baron, A. Q. R.
DI52A-06Abstract Title: Sound velocity of liquid Fe alloys at high pressure by inelastic X-ray scattering
Baron, I.
MR33B-2657Abstract Title: Microstructure and frictional properties of sheared calcite speleothems: natural vs. experimental investigation
Baron, J.
B43H-0654Abstract Title: The Effects of Long Term Nitrogen Fertilization on Soil Respiration in Rocky Mountain National Park
Baronas, J. J.
EP23C-0989Abstract Title: Floodplain Modulation of Solute Fluxes from Mountainous Regions: the Amazonian Madre de Dios River Case Study, PP43A-2245Abstract Title: Biogeochemical Insights into B-Vitamins in the Coastal Marine Sediments of San Pedro Basin, CA
Baroni, G.
H51I-1500Abstract Title: Assimilation of Spatio-Temporal Cosmic-Ray Neutron Data to Improve Hydrological Model Performance
Barou, F.
MR21B-2611Abstract Title: Nucleation processes occurring during dynamic recrystallization in ice, MR21B-2613Abstract Title: Microstructure and texture analyses of polycrystalline ice during hot torsion, T51I-04Abstract Title: Microstructural of analysis by EBSD during deformation and annealing of ice Ih
Barr, A.
GC33B-1282Abstract Title: Modeling the Ecohydrologic Response of the Forest-Grassland Ecotone in Western Canada to Changes in Annual Precipitation, GC33B-1283Abstract Title: Influence of Forest-Cover Types on Spring Thaw Timing in the Southern Boreal Forest
Barr, A.
P13E-03Abstract Title: The Europa Imaging System (EIS): High-Resolution, 3-D Insight into Europa’s Geology, Ice Shell, and Potential for Current Activity
Barr, A. C.
MR21B-2617Abstract Title: The Fatigue of Water Ice: Insight into the Tectonic Resurfacing of Tidally Deformed Icy Satellites, P51A-2045Abstract Title: Melting and Tectonics from Coupled Orbital and Thermal Evolution of the Pluto-Charon System
Barr, J.
NH51B-1880Abstract Title: Visionmaker NYC: A bottom-up approach to finding shared socioeconomic pathways in New York City
Barr, J. G.
A21A-0095Abstract Title: Environmental Controls on New Particle Formation Over a Forested Region in the Southeastern U.S.A. During One Year
Barr-Dallas, M.
IN51B-1813Abstract Title: A Restricted Boltzman Neural Net to Infer Carbon Uptake from OCO-2 Satellite Data
Barra, F.
V52B-02Abstract Title: A Holistic Model That Physicochemically Links Iron Oxide - Apatite and Iron Oxide – Copper – Gold Deposits to Magmas
Barrado-Izagirre, N.
P41B-2059Abstract Title: An Enduring Rapidly Moving Storm as a Guide to Saturn’s Equatorial Jet Complex Structure, P41B-2068Abstract Title: A Long-lived and Color Changing Oval on Jupiter’s NTrZ (at 19ºN)
Barral, H.
B33A-0641Abstract Title: Derivation of a footprint function designed for scintillometers over complex terrain.
Barrand, N. E.
C23C-0799Abstract Title: The Surface Mass Balance of the Antarctic Peninsula at 5.5 km horizontal resolution, as simulated by a regional atmospheric climate model
Barrash, W.
H11J-06Abstract Title: A Hydraulic Tomography Experiment in Fractured Sedimentary Rocks, Newark Basin, New Jersey, USA
Barre, J.
A31B-0029Abstract Title: Carbon Monoxide Data Assimilation for Atmospheric Composition and Climate Science: Evaluating Performance with Current and Future Observations
Barré, J.
A21J-04Abstract Title: Inferring the unobserved chemical state of the atmosphere: idealized data assimilation experiments, A31B-0035Abstract Title: Chemical Response of CESM/CAM-Chem to MOPITT CO Ensemble-based Chemical Data Assimilation
Barré, P.
B41F-0493Abstract Title: Spatially resolved nanoscale observations of soil carbon multidecadal persistence, GC13C-1176Abstract Title: Effect of elevated CO2 and temperature on abiotic and biologically-driven basalt weathering and C sequestration
Barreira, S.
C11D-02Abstract Title: Antarctic Sea Ice Patterns and Its Relationship with Climate
Barrera, Y.
A21H-0250Abstract Title: Assessment of planetary boundary layer and residual layer heights in the Northeastern U.S. using Lidar, a network of surface observations, and the WRF-STILT model, GC11B-1031Abstract Title: Initial Results from an Atmospheric Validation of Urban Greenhouse Gas Budget Estimates for the US Northeast Corridor
Barrere, F.
V14A-02Abstract Title: Structure and Dynamics of the Southeast Indian Ridge and Off-axis Volcanism, 129°E to 140°E: Preliminary Results of the STORM Cruise
Barreto, C. J.
T33F-2995Abstract Title: Geochemical and Sr–Nd–Pb Isotopic Insights of the Low-Ti basalts from Paraná–Etendeka Igneous Province, Southern Brazil: Constraints on Petrogenesis and the Role of Crustal Contamination
Barreto, M.
EP31C-1025Abstract Title: Spectral and Geological Characterization of Beach Components in Northern Puerto Rico, OS31A-1978Abstract Title: Human Impacts to Coastal Ecosystems in Puerto Rico (HICE-PR): Actual Condition of Coral Reefs Associated with the Guanica and Manati Watersheds in Puerto Rico
Barreto-munoz, A.
H31J-01Abstract Title: Estimating wide-area evapotranspiration at multiple scales using optical vegetation index methods
Barrett, A. P.
C32C-08Abstract Title: Taking a balanced approach to estimating snow and ice melt contributions to High Asia runoff
Barrett, A. P.
C24A-03Abstract Title: Distinguishing snow and glacier ice melt in High Asia using MODIS
Barrett, B.
A41F-0127Abstract Title: Links Between the Madden-Julian Oscillation and Severe Convective Storms in the U.S.
Barrett, C. B.
GC53H-01Abstract Title: Global Food Security in a Changing Climate: Considerations and Projections, GC54A-01Abstract Title: Climate Change and Global Food Security: Food Access, Utilization, and the US Food System
Barrett, J. E.
GC11G-1107Abstract Title: The Past as a Window to the Future - What Does Long Term Research in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica Tell Us About the Trajectory of Polar Ecosystems?
Barrett, K.
PP31A-2208Abstract Title: A Record of Moisture History in Hawaii since the Arrival of Humans Inferred from Testate Amoebae and Cladocera Fossils Preserved in Bog Sediments
Barrett, P. J.
C13D-01Abstract Title: Constraining the Antarctic contribution to interglacial sea-level rise
Barrett, S. A.
T13H-01Abstract Title: Strong Scaling and a Scarcity of Small Earthquakes Point to an Important Role for Thermal Runaway in Intermediate-Depth Earthquake Mechanics
Barrett, S. R. H.
A13D-0376Abstract Title: The Air Quality and Economic Impact of Atmospheric Lead from General Aviation Aircraft in the United States
Barrett, T. E.
A11C-0053Abstract Title: Comparison of Bulk Carbon Concentrations and Optical Properties of Carbonaceous Aerosols in the North Slope Alaska from Summer 2012 and Summer 2015, A11C-0068Abstract Title: Size-Resolved Chemical Analysis of Individual Atmospheric Aerosols near Barrow, Alaska, A24C-05Abstract Title: Year-round Source Contributions of Fossil Fuel and Biomass Combustion to Elemental Carbon on the North Slope Alaska Utilizing Radiocarbon Analysis
Barrett, T. C.
B53I-06Abstract Title: Large Scale Mapping of Vegetation Structure and Terrain Surface using Single Photon Lidar (SPL)
Barreyre, T.
OS41BAbstract Title: Follow the Fluids: Integrating Multidisciplinary Observations of Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Systems I, OS42AAbstract Title: Follow the Fluids: Integrating Multidisciplinary Observations of Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Systems II, OS42A-07Abstract Title: Deep-Sea Observatory EMSO-Azores (Lucky Strike, 37º17’N MAR): Impact of Fluid Circulation Pathway on Chemical Hydrothermal Fluxes, OS43AAbstract Title: Follow the Fluids: Integrating Multidisciplinary Observations of Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Systems III Posters, OS43A-2017Abstract Title: Hydrothermal activity along the slow-spreading Lucky Strike ridge segment (Mid-Atlantic Ridge): Distribution, heatflux, and geological controls, OS43A-2020Abstract Title: A non-invasive method for estimating heat flux out of a hydrothermal crack derived from fluid dynamics analog modeling, OS43A-2021Abstract Title: Depth-dependent permeability of hydrothermal discharge zones: measurements through tidal modulation and implications for mid-ocean ridge heat budgets, V51D-3060Abstract Title: A Rare Window Into Magmatic Conduit Processes: Time Series Observations From Active Lava Lakes 
Barrick, J. D. W.
A23B-0291Abstract Title: Airborne Measurements in Support of the NASA Atmospheric Carbon and Transport - America (ACT-America) Mission
Barrick, J. D. W.
A21A-0027Abstract Title: The Influence of Aerosol Composition on Photolysis Rates Based on Airborne Observations
Barrie, A.
SM42A-06Abstract Title: MMS observations of kinetic-scale structure in a magnetic depression, SM51A-2520Abstract Title: In Flight Calibration of the Magnetospheric Multisale Mission Fast Plasma Investigation: Initial Flight Result
Barrie, A. C.
SA51C-2428Abstract Title: Background Rates of Gain Amplifying Detectors in Space, SM41I-06Abstract Title: The kinetic scale structure of the Plasma Sheet Boundary Layer: Implications of collisionless magnetic reconnection and first MMS observations, SM42A-08Abstract Title: 3D Ion and Electron Distribution Function Measurements from the Fast Plasma Investigation on the Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission, SM43A-08Abstract Title: MMS Observations of Velocity-dispersed Ion Populations in Earth’s Magnetotail., SM51A-2519Abstract Title: Concepts and Results of New Method for Accurate Ground and In-Flight Calibration of the Particle Spectrometers of the Fast Plasma Investigation on NASA’s Magnetospheric MultiScale Mission
Barrie, L. A.
A11C-0054Abstract Title: Connecting Aerosol Size Distributions at Three Arctic Stations, A23C-0324Abstract Title: Integrated Study of Dust-air Pollution Interaction over the Eastern Mediterranean
Barrientos, L. A.
NH23B-1880Abstract Title: Submarine Neotectonic Investigations of the Bahia Soledad Fault, off Northern Baja California Near the US – Mexico Border
Barrientos, N.
C34A-03Abstract Title: Sediment record of Deglacial Sea-Level from the SWERUS-C3 Expedition 2014, western Arctic Ocean, C34A-05Abstract Title: Late Holocene Bottom Water Temperature Variations from the Herald Canyon, western Chukchi Sea, C43A-0775Abstract Title: On the existence of an East Siberian-Chukchi ice sheet: New insights from the SWERUS-C3 Expedition 2014, C43A-0776Abstract Title: High resolution Holocene sea ice records from Herald Canyon, East Siberian Sea, C43A-0777Abstract Title: Holocene Ostracoda from the Herald Canyon, Eastern Siberian Sea from the SWERUS-C3 Expedition 2014
Barrientos, S. E.
G44A-04Abstract Title: Rapid Characterization of Large Earthquakes in Chile
Barrientos, S. E.
G13A-0991Abstract Title: Analysis of large GNSS network solutions: from daily to real-time, S33B-2779Abstract Title: Towards real-time integration of accelerometers and GPS, TH12BAbstract Title: Exploring a Subduction Zone Observatory
Barrier, L.
EP21B-0904Abstract Title: Experimental Study of Alluvial Fan Formation
Barrière, J.
EP31D-03Abstract Title: New insights into the potential of seismic measurements as bedload monitoring technique for a wide range of gravel-bed rivers
Barrineau, C. P.
EP51B-0915Abstract Title: Deconstructing a Polygenetic Landscape Using LiDAR and Multi-Resolution Analysis
Barrington, C.
S51D-2724Abstract Title: Very Long Period Seismicity Accompanying Increasing Shallower Activity at Cotopaxi Volcano
Barrionuevo, M.
T34A-01Abstract Title: Upper-crustal Stress Field Variations During the Building of the Central Andes: Constrains on the Activation/deactivation of Megadetachments
Barriot, J. P.
P31E-2109Abstract Title: The Gravity field of Comet 67 P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko Expressed in Bispherical Harmonics
Barron, J. A.
OS22C-05Abstract Title: Evolution of Surface Water Conditions in the Gulf of California During the Past 2000 years: Implications for the North American Monsoon, OS23C-2022Abstract Title: Late Holocene record of sedimentologic and paleooceanographic events in western Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California, PP23A-2271Abstract Title: The Role of Middle and Late Holocene North Pacific Sea Surface Temperatures on Precipitation Patterns in the Western United States, PP23A-2278Abstract Title: Holocene primary productivity and the atmosphere/ocean linkage in the Gulf of Alaska
Barron-Gafford, G.
B22A-06Abstract Title: Bayesian multimodel inference of soil microbial respiration models: Theory, application and future prospective, B24B-04Abstract Title: The Carbon Balance Pivot Point of Southwestern U.S. Semiarid Ecosystems: Insights From the 21st Century Drought, B33C-0693Abstract Title: Improving soil CO2 efflux estimates from in-situ soil CO2 sensors with gas transport measurements, GC13C-1176Abstract Title: Effect of elevated CO2 and temperature on abiotic and biologically-driven basalt weathering and C sequestration, H23J-01Abstract Title: Complex terrain in the Critical Zone: How topography drives ecohydrological patterns of soil and plant carbon exchange in a semiarid mountainous system, H31F-1484Abstract Title: Effects of isoprene production on the photosynthetic performance of Poplars (Populus sp.) under thermal and moisture stress, H53E-1701Abstract Title: Determining the Role of Hydraulic Redistribution Regimes in the Critical Zone
Barros, A.
A33H-0286Abstract Title: Investigating the Seasonal and Diurnal Evolution of Fog and its Effect on the Hydrometeorological Regime in the Southern Appalachian Mountains Using a Mobile Observing Platform, A41G-0143Abstract Title: An Investigation of Topography Modulated Low Level Moisture Convergence Patterns in the Southern Appalachians Using WRF, A44B-02Abstract Title: Multiscale Precipitation Processes Over Mountain Terrain – Landform and Vegetation Controls of Microphysics and Convection in Complex Terrain, B31E-07Abstract Title: How tropical cyclone inter-annual timing and trajectory control gross primary productivity in the SE US at seasonal and annual timescales and impacts on mountain forest eco-hydrology, H53M-06Abstract Title: Science-Grade Observing Systems as Process Observatories: Mapping and Understanding Nonlinearity and Multiscale Memory with Models and Observations
Barros, C.
ED23B-0859Abstract Title: Place in Pacific Islands Climate Education, ED34B-07Abstract Title: A Model for Local Experiential Learning: Workshop on Mangroves, Oceans & Climate in Kosrae
Barros, F. V.
B51D-0448Abstract Title: Isotopes and soil physic analysis as a tool to meet answers related to soil-plant-atmosphere behavior of Amazon forest during droughts
Barrows, C. W.
ED11D-0866Abstract Title: More than a Museum: Natural History is Relevant in 21st Century Environmental Science
Barrows, J.
S33C-2801Abstract Title: U.S. Tsunami Information technology (TIM) Modernization:Developing a Maintainable and Extensible Open Source Earthquake and Tsunami Warning System
Barry, B. K.
B32C-07Abstract Title: Ectomycorrhizal fungi increase soil carbon storage: molecular signatures of mycorrhizal competition driving soil C storage at global scale
Barry, D. A.
B51F-0498Abstract Title: Seasonal Spatial Patterns of Surface Water Temperature, Surface Heat Fluxes and Meteorological Forcing Over Lake Geneva, EP53B-1011Abstract Title: Scaling Characteristics of Rill Networks, GC53F-1282Abstract Title: A Multiscale Surface Water Temperature Data Acquisition Platform: Tests on Lake Geneva, Switzerland
Barry, J. P.
OS33A-2017Abstract Title: AUV Mapping and ROV Exploration of Los Frailes Submarine Canyon, Cabo Pulmo National Marine Park, Baja California Sur, Mexico
Barry, P. H.
H21E-1426Abstract Title: Noble gas partitioning behavior in the Sleipner Vest hydrocarbon field
Barry, P. H.
V21C-3048Abstract Title: Controls on the fore-arc CO2 flux along the Central America margin
Barry, S.
GC13E-1207Abstract Title: Maintaining ecosystem services through continued livestock production on California rangelands
Barsanti, K.
A14A-03Abstract Title: Incorporating Detailed Chemical Characterization of Biomass Burning Emissions into Air Quality Models
Barsch, R.
S33C-2787Abstract Title: ObsPy: A Python toolbox for seismology - Current state, applications, and ecosystem around it
Barseghyan, A.
GC53D-1229Abstract Title: Water Desalination Systems Powered by Solar Energy 
Barshi, N.
MR33C-2698Abstract Title: Multi-surface Earthquake Rupture Recorded in Pseudotachylyte Vein Geometries, Norumbega Shear Zone, southern Maine, V34A-06Abstract Title: Linking Deformation and Diffusion to Develop a Strain Speedometer in Plagioclase
Barskov, K.
GC31B-1180Abstract Title: The Tturbulent Structure of the Atmospheric Boundary Layer over Small Northern Lakes
Barsotti, S.
T51G-2998Abstract Title: Deformation derived from GPS geodesy associated with Bárðabunga 2014 rifting event in Iceland
Barstow, N.
S33D-2802Abstract Title: Posthole Broadband Sensor Emplacement vs. Surface Vaults: Observations of Comparative Noise Performance and Trade-offs
Barsugli, J. J.
C21D-05Abstract Title: Hydrologic impacts of land cover disturbances in the Upper Colorado River Basin., ED13H-05Abstract Title: Building the Capacity for Climate Services: Thoughts on Training Next Generation Climate Science Integrators, H31F-1489Abstract Title: Evaluating Evaporative Demand in CMIP5 Models and its Role in Characterizing Drought over the U.S. Northern Great Plains
Bart, P. J.
C11A-0738Abstract Title: Ross Sea Till Properties: Implications for Ice Sheet Bed Interaction
Bart, R. R.
GC33E-1353Abstract Title: An Integrated Model for Identifying Linkages Between the Management of Fuel Treatments, Fire and Ecosystem Services
Bartel, B. A.
ED34A-08Abstract Title: Outreach on a National Scale: The Critical Role of Facilities, G51A-1072Abstract Title: Geodetic Infrastructure, Data, Education and Community Engagement in Response to Earthquakes and Other Geophysical Events: An Overview of UNAVCO Support Resources Plus Highlights from Recent Event Response, PA21BAbstract Title: Natural Hazards Research and the Real "Broader Impacts" Posters, PA23C-05Abstract Title: Geodesy Brings the Geoscience Community Together as Geophysicists, PA41DAbstract Title: Volcanic Hazards: Translating Research and Monitoring into Improved Communication, Preparedness, and Response I, PA43CAbstract Title: Volcanic Hazards: Translating Research and Monitoring into Improved Communication, Preparedness, and Response II Posters
Bartel, L. C.
NS31A-1952Abstract Title: Electromagnetic Measurements in an Active Oilfield Environment, NS31A-1953Abstract Title: Measuring Changes in Electrical Conductivity of Fractures from DC Resistivity Data in an Active Oilfield Environment: A Model Study for Surface-Based Data.
Bartels-Rausch, T.
A41K-0235Abstract Title: Radical production from photosensitization of imidazoles
Bartelt-Hunt, S.
H21G-1457Abstract Title: Analyzing the Deposition of Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles at Model Rough Mineral Surfaces Using a Quartz Crystal Microbalance with Dissipation Monitoring, H23B-1572Abstract Title: Three Dimensional Modeling of Agricultural Contamination of Groundwater: a Case Study in the Nebraska Management Systems Evaluation Area (MSEA) Site
Barth, A. M.
PP23B-2297Abstract Title: Carbon Isotopic Excursions Associated with the Mid-Pleistocene Transition and the Mid-Brunhes Transition, PP51C-2295Abstract Title: Preliminary Cosmogenic Surface Exposure Ages on Laurentide Ice-sheet Retreat and Opening of the Eastern Lake Agassiz Outlets
Barth, A.
V51D-3054Abstract Title: Instability of Gas Flow Through a Crystal Mush and the Cyclic Explosions at Stromboli Volcano
Barth, E. L.
P13B-2140Abstract Title: Long-Lived Storms and Squall Lines on Titan
Barth, G. A.
OS22B-02Abstract Title: New Constraints on Gas and Gas Hydrate Estimates in the Bering Sea using an Automated Sediment Physics Modeling Approach
Barth, M. C.
A11O-01Abstract Title: High Resolution Projection of Future Air Quality in South Asia, A21A-0056Abstract Title: Roles of Chemistry, Microphysics and Transport in Wet Removal of Soluble Species in the DC3 Oklahoma May 29, 2012 Severe Storm, A54E-08Abstract Title: Injection of Lightning-Produced NOx, Water Vapor, Wildfire Emissions, and Stratospheric Air to the UT/LS as Observed from DC3 Measurements
Barth, M.
T41A-2869Abstract Title: Understanding strain transfer and basin evolution complexities in the Salton pull-apart basin near the Southern San Andreas Fault
Barth, N. A.
NH51E-1941Abstract Title: Mixed populations and annual flood frequency estimates in the western United States: The role of atmospheric rivers
Barth, N. C.
T11G-02Abstract Title: Quaternary geology of the DFDP-2 drill holes, Alpine Fault, New Zealand, T11G-03Abstract Title: Extreme Hydrothermal Conditions Near an Active Geological Fault, DFDP-2B Borehole, Alpine Fault, New Zealand
Barth, S. J.
B32B-03Abstract Title: Insights into Hydrocarbon-rich Environments from Studies of Protein Dynamics, Thermodynamics, and Spectroscopy
Barthelemy, M.
P41D-2087Abstract Title: A New Spectropolarimeter to Study the Polarization of Earth’s Auroral Emission Lines
Barthelemy, M.
IN33E-04Abstract Title: The New ESA Planetary Science Archive, IN41A-1678Abstract Title: A Common Model to Handle PDS3 and PDS4 Data in the New Planetary Science Archive (PSA), IN41A-1688Abstract Title: Interoperability In The New Planetary Science Archive (PSA), IN41A-1689Abstract Title: GIS Technologies For The New Planetary Science Archive (PSA)
Barthold, F. K.
H32D-01Abstract Title: Looking Beyond the Old Water Paradox: Does New Water Dominate Quick Hydrographs where Surface Flowpaths Prevail? – A Meta-Analysis of Field Evidence from Small, Forested Catchments
Bartholomaus, T.
C13E-07Abstract Title: Observed Spatial and Temporal Variability of Subglacial Discharge-Driven Plumes in Greenland’s Outlet Glacial Fjords, C13E-08Abstract Title: Modeling Subglacial Meltwater Plumes across Greenland's Outlet Glaciers: Implications for Ice-Ocean Coupling in a Warming Climate, C21B-0744Abstract Title: Observations of Dynamic Changes at an Advancing Tidewater Glacier: Hubbard Glacier, Southeast Alaska, C43E-07Abstract Title: Patterns of Rapid Deceleration Observed at Two Tidewater Outlet Glaciers in West Greenland, C51B-0716Abstract Title: Controls on interannual and seasonal terminus velocity and position of Yahtse Glacier in SE Alaska
Bartholomaus, T. C.
C11C-0781Abstract Title: Recurring, year-round, icequakes at a Greenland tidewater glacier, C43B-0805Abstract Title: High-resolution, terrestrial radar velocity observations and model results reveal a strong bed at stable, tidewater Rink Isbræ, West Greenland
Bartholow, S.
C53B-0783Abstract Title: NASA IceBridge and PolarTREC - Education and Outreach Partnership, ED13B-0894Abstract Title: #ClimateEdCommunity : Field Workshops Bring Together Teachers and Researchers to Make Meaning of Science and Classroom Integration, ED43C-0882Abstract Title: IceBridge: Bringing a Field Campaign Home
Bartle, A.
IN23C-1742Abstract Title: Server-side Filtering and Aggregation within a Distributed Environment
Bartlein, P. J.
EP34A-08Abstract Title: Critical Zone Architecture and the Last Glacial Legacy in Unglaciated North America, GC24A-07Abstract Title: Past and Future Climate Change Impacts on Mountain Forests on the Olympic Peninsula (Washington, USA), PP31D-03Abstract Title: Middle Holocene thermal maximum in eastern Beringia, PP42A-08Abstract Title: Diagnosing Mismatches between Simulations and Observations in Data-Model Comparisons using the CMIP5/PMIP3 Simulations, PP43B-2271Abstract Title: Evaluating North America Paleoclimate Simulations for 6 ka and 21 ka Using a Combination of Observed Paleovegetation Data and Process-Based Vegetation Model Simulations
Bartlett, C. L.
P31A-2029Abstract Title: Interactions Between Snow-Adapted Organisms, Minerals and Snow in a Mars-Analog Environment, and Implications for the Possible Formation of Mineral Biosignatures
Bartlett, M. S. Jr
H13C-1551Abstract Title: Beyond the SCS curve number: A new stochastic spatial runoff approach
Bartlett, M.
B51D-0459Abstract Title: Revisiting mechanisms underlying tree mortality induced by drought in the Amazon: from observation to modeling
Bartlett, P. A.
B43H-0639Abstract Title: An Analysis of Nitrogen Controls on Terrestrial Carbon and Energy Dynamics Using the Carbon-Nitrogen Coupled CLASS-CTEMN+ Model, C33D-0848Abstract Title: Simulated Albedo in Needleleaf Forests is Highly Sensitive to the Treatment of Intercepted Snow: An Examination of Canopy Snow Parameterizations in the Canadian Land Surface Scheme , GC21B-1085Abstract Title: Investigating the spread of surface albedo in snow covered forests in CMIP5 models
Bartlett, R. E.
A43D-0313Abstract Title: Non-local Impact of South and East Asian Aerosols on Monsoon Onset and Withdrawal
Bartlett, S.
B21D-0499Abstract Title: Salting our Freshwater: A Macrosystems Study of Global Chloride Patterns and Trends in Lakes
Bartley, J. K.
PP31B-2241Abstract Title: Chromium Isotopes in Carbonate Rocks: New Insights into Proterozoic Atmospheric Oxygenation
Bartlow, N. M.
G31A-1092Abstract Title: Comparing models of seasonal deformation to horizontal and vertical PBO GPS data, S31AAbstract Title: Advances in Understanding Slow Slip and Transitional Regions I Posters, S33EAbstract Title: Advances in Understanding Slow Slip and Transitional Regions II, S34AAbstract Title: Advances in Understanding Slow Slip and Transitional Regions III
Bartok, B.
A31C-0058Abstract Title: Decadal changes in all and clear-sky shortwave radiation from high spatial resolution satellite-derived and ground-based observations over Europe
Bartol, J.
T13B-2985Abstract Title: Late Cretaceous – recent lithosphere scale evolution of Turkey: linking the crustal surface evolution to the structure of the mantle
Barton, B.
B43A-0536Abstract Title: Mapping Crop Patterns in Central US Agricultural Systems from 2000 to 2014 Based on Landsat Data: To What Degree Does Fusing MODIS Data Improve Classification Accuracies?
Barton, C. C.
NG12AAbstract Title: Fracking/Hydraulic Fracturing: Scaling, Applications, Processes, Models, and Natural Examples---Statistical Geodynamics I, NG13AAbstract Title: Fracking/Hydraulic Fracturing: Scaling, Applications, Processes, Models, and Natural Examples---Statistical Geodynamics II Poster
Barton, C.
V51H-05Abstract Title: Structural analysis characterization of permeability pathways across reservoir-seal interface – South-Eastern Utah; Results from integrated sedimentological, structural, and geochemical studies.
Barton, C.
OS53C-07Abstract Title: Spatio-Temporal Evolutions of Non-Orthogonal Equatorial Wave Modes Derived from Observations
Barton, M.
EP31C-1019Abstract Title: Quantitative characterization of shales and their effects on permeability: Examples from tidally-influenced Ferron Sandstone, Utah
Barton, M.
V21A-3008Abstract Title: Magma evolution along the East Pacific Rise between 11⁰N and 15⁰N, V33B-3093Abstract Title: The "pressures" of being a ridge
Barton, N. P.
C51A-0673Abstract Title: Atmosphere – Sea Ice Coupling in the Navy’s Global Coupled Modeling System: Diagnosing Polar Prediction using the sea ice models, CICE4 and CICE5, coupled with the NAVGEM Atmospheric Model.
Barton-Grimley, R. A.
A11A-0027Abstract Title: Multiple Linear Polarization Lidar with Improved Polarization Retrievals for Enhanced Atmospheric Observation in the Arctic, C33G-08Abstract Title: Novel Polarization Techniques and Instrumentation for Glacial Melt Pond Laser Bathymetry, H41E-1372Abstract Title: Innovative High-Accuracy Lidar Bathymetric Technique for the Frequent Measurement of River Systems
Bartos, M. D.
GC33C-1311Abstract Title: Impacts of Climate Change on Electric Transmission Capacity and Peak Electricity Load in the United States
Bartram, H.
T21E-2885Abstract Title: Lithologic Controls on Structure Highlight the Role of Fluids in Failure of a Franciscan Complex Accretionary Prism Thrust Fault
Bartsch, A.
C21C-0753Abstract Title: How to Assess Trajectories of Arctic Ponds and Lakes: a Circum-Arctic Perspective
Bartschi, N.
V53D-3152Abstract Title: Discriminating Sediment Supply Versus Accommodation Controls on Late Cretaceous Foreland Basin Stratigraphic Architecture in the Book Cliffs, Central Utah Using Double Dating
Bartsotas, N. S.
NH52A-02Abstract Title: Advancing Satellite-Based Flood Prediction in Complex Terrain Using High-Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction
Bartyzel, J.
B33C-0707Abstract Title: Nitrous oxide emissions in southern Poland from agricultural soils under various tillage conditions and from urban soils under strong anthropopression
Bartz, K. K.
B51G-0504Abstract Title: Patterns and Potential Drivers of a Seasonal Glacial Sediment Plume derived from Landsat CDR Data, Lake Clark, Alaska
Baruah, A.
DI11B-2589Abstract Title: Phase Change Related Mechanical Instabilities During Two-Phase Flow in the Mantle.
Baruah, S.
T31A-2842Abstract Title: Surface Break and Coseismic Slip of the Great 1950 Assam Earthquake and Previous Events along the Eastern Himalayan Syntaxis
Bary, A.
GC13H-1260Abstract Title: Soil Physical Characteristics and Biological Indicators of Soil Quality Under Different Biodegradable Mulches
Basak, A.
H33A-1567Abstract Title: Forecasting wetting and drying of post-wildfire soils in response to precipitation: A time series optimization approach, IN23C-1741Abstract Title: Optimizing the decomposition of soil moisture time-series data using genetic algorithms
Basak, T.
SA51A-2391Abstract Title: Determination of Spatio-Temporal Characteristics of D-region Electron Density during Annular Solar Eclipse from VLF Network Observations
Basant, S.
H21D-1400Abstract Title: Quantifying Potential Groundwater Recharge In South Texas
Basara, J. B.
B43D-0588Abstract Title: A Simple Statistical Model for Estimating Evapotranspiration of Tallgrass Prairies in the Central United States Using MODIS Data, GC41C-1103Abstract Title: Spatial-temporal dynamics of agricultural drought in the tallgrass prairie region of the Southern Great Plains during 2000-2013, H13I-1668Abstract Title: Assessing Summer Drought over Oklahoma Mesonet Sites with the MODIS Land Surface Water Index
Basaran, D.
IN52A-05Abstract Title: Improved Hammond’s Landform Classification and Method for Global 250m Elevation Data
Basche, A.
GC51D-1113Abstract Title: Soil Water Improvements with the Long Term Use of a Winter Rye Cover Crop
Bascou, P.
V12B-07Abstract Title: Electrical Resistivity Monitoring of an Active Hydrothermal Degassing Area at Solfatara, Phlegrean Fields.
Bascunan, S. A.
T23A-2907Abstract Title: Tectonic Evolution of the Central Andes during Mesozoic-Cenozoic times: Insights from the Salar de Atacama Basin, T23A-2921Abstract Title: Gravitational deformation and inherited structural control on slope morphology, north-central Chile (~29-33°S)
Bash, J. O.
A11K-0216Abstract Title: Predicting SOA from organic nitrates in the southeastern United States
Basha, H. A.
H43D-1524Abstract Title: Process-Based Flow Model for a Karst Aquifer System
Bashir, M. F.
SH31A-2400Abstract Title: Obliquely propagating electrostatic waves in a magnetized plasma for different types of anisotropic kappa distribution
Bashirova, L. D.
EP13A-0936Abstract Title: Grain Size of the North-Atlantic Drifts Sediments: is the Gloria Drift a Contourite Drift?
Bashmachnikov, I.
NG23A-1765Abstract Title: The Merger of Subsurface Isolated Eddies: An Application to Oceanic Lens-like Anticyclones
Bašić, T.
G23B-1075Abstract Title: The Empirical Comparison of Coordinate Transformation Models and Distortion Modeling Methods Based on a Case Study of Croatia
Basile, S.
B21E-0514Abstract Title: Tropical precipitation-carbon cycle links in CMIP5 Earth System Models 
Basiliko, N.
B21B-0425Abstract Title: Seedling Growth and Phosphorus Cycling in Northern Forest Soils Amended With Biochar and Wood Ash
Baskin, N. J. K.
P31DAbstract Title: The Physical Conditions Controlling Life's Origin, Evolution, and End I Posters, P31D-2087Abstract Title: The Influence of Eccentricity Cycles on Exoplanet Habitability, P34CAbstract Title: The Physical Conditions Controlling Life's Origin, Evolution, and End II
Baskin, R. L.
T41A-2869Abstract Title: Understanding strain transfer and basin evolution complexities in the Salton pull-apart basin near the Southern San Andreas Fault
Baskin, W. E.
IN23C-1745Abstract Title: Spatial-Temporal Data Mining Tools and Techniques for Improving Earth Science Metadata, IN41DAbstract Title: Data Visualization 1: Data Visualization for Information Exploration and Knowledge Discovery I, IN42AAbstract Title: Data Visualization 2: Evolving Web Technologies and Applications for Science Data Visualization, IN53AAbstract Title: Data Visualization 1: Data Visualization for Information Exploration and Knowledge Discovery II Posters
Basler-Reeder, K.
NS51A-1966Abstract Title:

Joint Optimization of Vertical Component Gravity and Seismic P-wave First Arrivals by Simulated Annealing

Basolo, V.
GC53A-1180Abstract Title: Coproduction of flood hazard assessment with public participation geographic information system, NH11C-04Abstract Title: Communicating Flood Risk with Street-Level Data
Basovnik, M.
SM31C-2534Abstract Title: Fine Spectral Properties of Langmuir Waves Observed Upstream of the Saturn's Bowshock by the Cassini Wideband Receiver
Bass, B.
NH51C-1909Abstract Title: Guiding Surge Reduction Strategies via Characterization of Coastal Surge Propagation and Internal Surge Generation within a Complex Bay/Estuary System, Galveston Bay, TX
Bass, D.
P11B-2098Abstract Title: Science Objectives and Site Selection Criteria for a Human Mission to Mars
Bassam, S.
H13C-1522Abstract Title: Simulating Daily and Sub-daily Water Flow in Large, Semi-arid Watershed Using SWAT: A Case Study of Nueces River Basin, Texas
Basset, A.
G33A-1121Abstract Title: EarthScope Plate Boundary Observatory, Southwest Region – Communications, Challenges, and Cooperation, G51A-1073Abstract Title: Plate Boundary Observatory GPS Network Status in California
Bassett, C.
PP53B-2341Abstract Title: Sclerochronological analysis of Saxidomus gigantea: Implications for reconstructing past seasonality and sea ice extent in the Northern Pacific Ocean
Bassett, D.
T21D-2860Abstract Title: Residual topography and gravity anomalies reveal structural controls on co-seismic slip in the 2011 Mw 9.0 Tohoku-oki earthquake, T21EAbstract Title: Subduction across Scales VI Posters, T31D-08Abstract Title: Trench Outer Rise Flexure Models with Laterally Variable Plate Rigidity Derived from Oceanic Lithosphere Strength Profiles
Bassett, S.
PP12A-04Abstract Title: Combining 14C/U-Th Series Geochronology and Stable/Clumped Isotope Geochemistry of MIS 2 Lake Tufas of Lake Chewaucan, Oregon, USA to Reconstruct Deglacial Climate in the Pacific Northwest, PP43F-07Abstract Title: Little Ice Age Wetting of Interior Asian Deserts and the Rise of the Mongol Empire, PP51A-2255Abstract Title: A Medieval Perspective of Historical California and Nevada Droughts
Bassetti, M. A.
EP13A-0935Abstract Title: Relationships between contourite deposition, climate and slope instability: new insights from the Demerara Plateau (French Guyana)
Bassinot, F. C.
GP11A-07Abstract Title: New Insights on Long Term Geomagnetic Moment Variation from Cosmogenic Nuclide and Paleointensity Signatures along Ocean Sediment Cores.
Bassiouni, M.
A33H-0276Abstract Title: A Local Index of Cloud Immersion in Tropical Forests Using Time-Lapse Photography, A33H-0278Abstract Title: Quantifying Amount and Variability of Cloud Water Inputs Using Active-Strand Collector, Ceilometer, Dewpoint, and Photographic Measurements
Bassis, J. N.
C13E-01Abstract Title: Ocean forcing drives glacier retreat sometimes, C21B-0743Abstract Title: Rifting and Calving Event in 2015 at Pine Island Glacier, West Antarctica, Associated with Frontal and Basal processes, C23C-0798Abstract Title: How much can Greenland melt? An upper bound on mass loss from the Greenland Ice Sheet through surface melting, C51C-0747Abstract Title: Perfect plastic approximation revisited: a flowline network model for calving glaciers, C54B-06Abstract Title: Upper and Lower Bounds on the Stability of Calving Glaciers, PP51C-2301Abstract Title: Heinrich events driven by feedback between ocean forcing and glacial isostatic adjustment
Basso, B.
GC11JAbstract Title: Improving the Simulation of Climate Impacts on Agriculture: AgMIP and Related Research I, GC13DAbstract Title: Improving the Simulation of Climate Impacts on Agriculture: AgMIP and Related Research II Posters, GC51J-02Abstract Title: A systems approach to identify adaptation strategies for Midwest US cropping systems under increased climate variability and change., H21B-1375Abstract Title: Effects of the Conservation Reserve Program on Hydrologic Processes in the Southern High Plains, H21B-1376Abstract Title: Climate Change Impacts of Irrigation on the Central High Plains, H31F-1483Abstract Title: Evapotranspiration and water use efficiency in maize-soybean crops in the US Midwest
Basso, D. M.
GP23A-1291Abstract Title: High-quality intensity data from Argentina: archeomagnetic study of pottery fragments from the Guayatayoc-Miraflores basin (Puna de Jujuy, Northwest Argentina)
Basso, S.
EP31D-01Abstract Title: River Flow Regimes and Effective Discharge
Bassrei, A.
S23C-2759Abstract Title: Seismic Traveltime Tomography Applied to Data from Miranga Field, Reconcavo Basin, Brazil
Bastani, M.
H51F-1435Abstract Title: Large-Scale Experiments in Microbially Induced Calcite Precipitation (MICP): Reactive Transport Model Development and Application
Bastian, P.
H31C-1420Abstract Title: Implementing Quality Assurance for the Numerical Research Software Dune / PDELab / DuMux
Bastian, T.
SH11F-05Abstract Title: Observations and Simulations of a Termination Shock in an Eruptive Solar Flare as a Possible Particle Accelerator
Bastianon, E.
EP41D-07Abstract Title: The Role of Slope in the Fill and Spill Process of Linked Submarine Minibasins. Model Validation and Numerical Runs at Laboratory Scale.
Bastola, S.
EP23C-0987Abstract Title: Influence of Soil Erosion and Landslide Occurrence on Soil Organic Carbon Storage and Loss in the Luquillo Critical Zone Observatory, Puerto Rico, H13C-1541Abstract Title: Integration of a Physically based Distributed Hydrological Model with a Model of Carbon and Nitrogen Cycling: A Case Study at the Luquillo Critical Zone Observatory, Puerto Rico
Bastola, S.
H51B-1365Abstract Title: Integration of fuzzy logic and image analysis for the detection of gullies in the Calhoun critical zone observatory using airborne LiDAR data
Bastow, I. D.
DI21A-2585Abstract Title: Seismic Anisotropy and Mantle Flow from Ridge to Trench Below the Gorda-Juan de Fuca Plate System, S23D-2765Abstract Title: Tomography & Geochemistry: Precision, Repeatability, Accuracy and Joint Interpretations, T11B-2884Abstract Title: The story of a craton from heart to margins: illuminating cratonic lithosphere with Rayleigh wave phase velocities in Eastern Canada, T11CAbstract Title: Formation and Evolution of the North American Continental Lithosphere I Posters, T11C-2901Abstract Title: Craton Development and Stabilization: Insights from SE Canada using P and S Wave Tomography, T24AAbstract Title: Formation and Evolution of the North American Continental Lithosphere II, T24A-01Abstract Title: Seismological Structure of the 1.8Ga Trans-Hudson Orogen of North America and its affinity to present-day Tibet, T41FAbstract Title: Rifts and Passive Margins: Tectonics, Dynamics, Processes I, T41F-01Abstract Title: Along-rift Variations in Deformation and Magmatism in the Ethiopian and Afar Rift Systems, T43HAbstract Title: Tectonic, Magmatic, and Geodynamic Studies of Extensional Processes: Applications in Iceland and the Nubia-Somalia-Arabia Plate System I, T44CAbstract Title: Tectonic, Magmatic, and Geodynamic Studies of Extensional Processes: Applications in Iceland and the Nubia-Somalia-Arabia Plate System II, T51E-2946Abstract Title: Lateral magma flow in sill-complexes: towards a paradigm shift in volcanology, T51GAbstract Title: Tectonic, Magmatic, and Geodynamic Studies of Extensional Processes: Applications in Iceland and the Nubia-Somalia-Arabia Plate System III Posters
Bastrakova, I.
IN33A-1786Abstract Title: IGSN at Work in the Land Down Under: Exploiting an International Sample Identifier System to Enhance Reproducibility of Australian Geochemcial and Geochronological Data.
Bastviken, D.
B33A-0629Abstract Title: Automatic Web-Based, Radio-Network System To Monitor And Control Equipment For Investigating Gas Flux At Water – Air Interfaces
Basu, A.
H31I-1540Abstract Title: Field Testing of Downgradient Uranium Mobility at an In-Situ Recovery Uranium Mine, H31I-1541Abstract Title: Characterization of U ore from a roll-front U deposit: Implications of dominant U-Ti mineral for ore genesis and post solution-mining U immobilization
Basu, A. R.
PP31B-2249Abstract Title: Trace Metals, Rare Earths, Carbon and Pb Isotopes as Proxies of Environmental Catastrophe at the Permian – Triassic Boundary in Spiti Himalayas, India, V41C-3088Abstract Title: Pb – Isotopes and Pulses of the Deccan Plume
Basu, B.
NG41A-1763Abstract Title: A Recursive Multi-Scaling Approach to Regional Flood Frequency Analysis
Basu, N. B.
B53G-0657Abstract Title: Nitrogen Legacies in Agricultural Landscapes: A 150-year Longitudinal Study of the Susquehanna and Mississippi River Basins, B53H-04Abstract Title: Biogeochemical Regimes in Intensively Managed Catchments: Confounding Complexity or Emerging Simplicity?, H54E-06Abstract Title: Rainwater Harvesting in South India: Understanding Water Storage and Release Dynamics at Tank and Catchment Scales
Basu, S.
GC11B-1038Abstract Title: A High Performance Computing Approach to Tree Cover Delineation in 1-m NAIP Imagery using a Probabilistic Learning Framework
Basu, S.
PP13A-2252Abstract Title: Inverse relation between summer and winter monsoon strength during late Holocene: continental molecular isotopic record from the Indian subcontinent
Basu, S.
A41C-0078Abstract Title: Response of Northern Hemisphere Mid- and High- Latitude Storm Activities to Arctic Sea Ice Forcing: A Modeling Investigation
Basu, S.
B51D-0447Abstract Title: Response of the Amazon Carbon Balance to the 2010 Drought Derived with CarbonTracker South America
Basu, S.
B43H-0656Abstract Title: Improved Understanding of the Photosynthetic Response of Seven Rice Genotypes with Different Drought Sensitivity using Light and CO2 Response Curves
Basualto, D.
G41A-1018Abstract Title: The dynamics of a tectonically-controlled active silicic intrusion at Cordón Caulle volcano (Southern Andes) imaged by InSAR: building to the next eruption?
Bataille, K. D.
T43C-3024Abstract Title: Imaging the Seismic Cycle in the Central Andean Subduction Zone from Geodetic Observations
Batdorj, D.
A23C-0322Abstract Title: Transport of Dust from the Atmospheric Boundary Layer to the Free Troposphere by a Cold Front: Dust Event in the Gobi Desert on 22-23 May 2013
Bate, C.
MR33C-2698Abstract Title: Multi-surface Earthquake Rupture Recorded in Pseudotachylyte Vein Geometries, Norumbega Shear Zone, southern Maine
Bate, C.
MR33A-2650Abstract Title: P-and S-wave velocities of exhumed metasediments from the Aleutian subduction megathrust: Implications for the interpretation of low velocity zones and fault reflectivity
Bateman, A. P.
A31A-0006Abstract Title: Factors Controlling Liquid Particulate Matter in Amazonia
Bateman, J.
S42C-02Abstract Title: Coseismic landslides associated with the 2015 Gorkha earthquake sequence in Nepal
Bateman, M. G.
AE31C-0461Abstract Title: New Mission to Measure Global Lightning from the International Space Station (ISS), GC33D-1328Abstract Title: Comparison of Two Algorithms for the Reduction of Noise Events in Orbital Optical Lightning Data
Bateman, S. P.
EP21A-0886Abstract Title: Statistical Characterization of the Intermittency of Bedload Transport in Conditions Near the Threshold of Motion
Bateni, S. M.
H51G-1455Abstract Title: Comparison of Crop Evapotranspiration Estimates from Reference Evapotranspiration Equations and a Variational Data Assimilation Approach, H51G-1456Abstract Title: Estimating Water and Heat Fluxes with a Four-dimensional Weak-constraint Variational Data Assimilation Approach, H51G-1460Abstract Title: Prediction of Turbulent Heat Fluxes by Assimilation of Remotely Sensed Land Surface Temperature and Soil Moisture Data into an Ensemble-Based Data Assimilation Framework, H54D-01Abstract Title: Improving Variational Estimation of Surface Turbulent Fluxes Through Characterizing the Effect of Vegetation Dynamics on the Bulk Heat Transfer
Bates, D.
P53A-2097Abstract Title: Initial Results from a Global Database of Mercurian Craters
Bates, J. J.
GC34C-01Abstract Title: Sustained production of multi-decadal climate records - Lessons from the NOAA Climate Data Record Program, IN33D-1823Abstract Title: The AGU Data Management Maturity Model Initiative
Bates, J.
A21A-0097Abstract Title: Deconvoluting Mixtures of Emissions Sources to Investigate PM2.5’s Ability to Generate Reactive Oxygen Species and its Associations with Cardiorespiratory Effects
Bates, K. H.
A43C-0285Abstract Title: AMS Observations over Coastal California from the Biological and Oceanic Atmospheric Study (BOAS)
Bates, P. D.
C41C-0705Abstract Title: Assessing the value of the ATL13 inland water level product for the Global Flood Partnership, H41E-1377Abstract Title: The Effects of Spatial Resolution and Dimensionality on Modeling Braided River Hydraulics, H51E-1407Abstract Title: A method to calibrate channel friction and bathymetry parameters of a Sub-Grid hydraulic model using SAR flood images, H52D-07Abstract Title: Estimation of surface water storage in the Congo Basin, H53A-1643Abstract Title: The Impact of Rainfall Uncertainty on Flood Simulations, H53J-06Abstract Title: Progress towards regional flash flood modelling, NH11C-05Abstract Title: What can’(t) we do with global flood risk models?, NH41D-08Abstract Title: A global vegetation corrected SRTM DEM for use in hazard modelling
Bates, T. S.
A11D-0088Abstract Title: Comparing Organic Aerosol Composition from Marine Biogenic Sources to Seawater and to Physical Sea Spray Models, A34F-06Abstract Title: Nitrous acid (HONO) observations during the Uintah Basin Wintertime Ozone Studies (UBWOS) and the Wintertime Investigation of Transport, Emission, and Reactivity (WINTER) study: sources, measurements interferences, and implications beyond., A42D-01Abstract Title: Do primary marine aerosol organics play a role in the biological regulation of climate?, A43A-0252Abstract Title: A study of aerosol optical properties using a lightweight optical particle spectrometer and sun photometer from an unmanned aerial system, A53A-0353Abstract Title: Measurements of Atmospheric Aerosol Vertical Distributions above Svalbard, Norway using Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS)
Båth, A.
B24B-07Abstract Title: Continuous multi-plot measurements of CO2, CH4, N2O and H2O in a managed boreal forest – The importance of accounting for all greenhouse gases
Bathiany, S.
B33F-06Abstract Title: Cooling biogeophysical effect of large-scale tropical deforestation in three Earth System models
Bathke, H.
S53C-08Abstract Title: The 1995 Mw 7.2 Gulf of Aqaba Earthquake revisited: Identifying active fault segments by joint inversion of geodetic and teleseismic data
Batista, I. S.
SA23A-2330Abstract Title: Variability of Total Electron Content at Low Latitude Region During Solar Minimum 2008: Impact of High Speed Streams, HSSs
Batke, S.
B53D-0584Abstract Title: Changing Stomatal Conductance in Response to Anthropogenic Climate Change: a Model-Data Comparison
Batlle-Aguilar, J.
H23C-1602Abstract Title: How Direct Flux Measurements Can Improve Infiltration Estimates in Ephemeral Streams
Baton, F.
GP51A-1302Abstract Title: Magnetic Properties through the Archean/Paleoproterozoic Transition from the Pilbara Craton, Western Australia: Bio-environmental Implications
Batta Lona, P. G.
OS13A-2018Abstract Title: Population-Level Transcriptomic Responses of the Southern Ocean Salp Salpa thompsoni to Environment Variability of the Western Antarctic Peninsula Region
Battaglia, J.
S53D-02Abstract Title: A Precursory Phase to a Sudden Enhanced Activity at Yasur volcano (Vanuatu) : Insights from Simultaneous Infrasonic and Seismic Records
Battaglia, J.
S51D-2743Abstract Title: Location and Waveform Classification of Seismicity at Tungurahua Volcano (Ecuador) During the February and April 2014 Eruptive Phases
Battaglia, M.
G21B-1036Abstract Title: The combined use of InSAR and GPS Time-Series to Infer the Deformation Signals at the Yellowstone Caldera, G41A-1012Abstract Title: Mass Intrusion at Mount St. Helens (WA) From Temporal Gravity Variations
Battaglia, M.
NH31A-1881Abstract Title: Mega-fire Recovery in Dry Conifer Forests of the Interior West
Battarbee, M. C.
SM13D-2534Abstract Title: Role of dayside transients in a substorm process: Results from the global kinetic simulation Vlasiator, SM13E-2563Abstract Title: The Collisionless Shock in Hybrid-Vlasov Simulations
Battershill, C.
GP23C-01Abstract Title: Sediment distribution and dynamics inferred by integrated electromagnetic, optical and acoustic benthic profiling in the western Bay of Plenty (New Zealand)
Battiato, I.
H21A-1344Abstract Title: A General Implicit Boundary Reconstruction for Flow and Transport in Porous Media , H23F-1639Abstract Title: Two-level numerical and analytical homogenization of reactive transport in bi-disperse chemically heterogeneous porous media, H23F-1641Abstract Title: A General Multiscale Hybrid Method for Transport through Complex Porous Media, H51F-1434Abstract Title: Spatio-temporal Upscaling of Reactive Transport in Porous Media for Ultra-long Time Predictions: Theory and Numerical Experiments
Battin, T. J.
H43G-1600Abstract Title: Benthic biofilm structure controls the deposition-resuspension dynamics of fine clay particles
Battistella, C.
H51O-1631Abstract Title: Using Oil and Gas Well Log Records to Understand Possible Connections Between Wastewater Injection Zones and Usable Groundwater Aquifers in California
Battistelli, A.
T13E-08Abstract Title: Long-Term Modeling of Coupled Processes in a Generic Salt Repository for Heat-Generating Nuclear Waste: Analysis of the Impacts of Halite Solubility Constraints
Battisti, D. S.
A31E-0115Abstract Title: Impacts of high-latitude volcanic eruptions on ENSO and AMOC, C51A-0676Abstract Title: Testing the Link between Tropical Pacific Variability and Antarctic Climate Change, GC43D-05Abstract Title: A Mechanism Linking Tropical-Arctic Teleconnection to Northern Hemisphere Mid-Latitude Weather Events , PP41A-2222Abstract Title: Changes in Tropical Precipitation at the Mid-Holocene: Role of the Oceanic Heat Transport
Battogtokh, D.
T31A-2845Abstract Title: Late Pleistocene to Historical Activity of the Hovd Fault (Mongolian Altay) from Tectonic Geomorphology and Paleoseismology
Batts, V. A.
EP51C-0932Abstract Title: The Role of Fine Sediment in the Morphologic Evolution of Vegetated, Braided Channel Networks: Results from Flume Experiments
Batuhtin, I.
Bätz, N.
EP51A-0897Abstract Title: Groundwater, biogeomorphic succession and controls on river channel pattern
Batzle, M. L.
B13B-0602Abstract Title: Micro X-ray Computed Tomography Imaging and Ultrasonic Velocity Measurements of Hydrate-Bearing Porous Media
Bau, D.
H21EAbstract Title: Energy Development and Storage in the Subsurface: Modeling and Monitoring Challenges and Solution Strategies I Posters, H23KAbstract Title: Energy Development and Storage in the Subsurface: Modeling and Monitoring Challenges and Solution Strategies II, H24CAbstract Title: Energy Development and Storage in the Subsurface: Modeling and Monitoring Challenges and Solution Strategies III, H24C-07Abstract Title: Spatially Variable Compressibility Estimation Using the Ensemble Smoother with Bathymetry Observations: Application to the Maja Gas Reservoir
Bau, M.
PP33E-01Abstract Title: Oxidative Weathering of Earth’s Surface 3.7 Billion Years ago? - A Chromium Isotope Perspective , PP52B-07Abstract Title: Shells of Mytilus edulis as Bioarchives of the Rare Earth Element and Yttrium Distribution in Seawater and the Potential Impact of pH and Temperature Variations
Bauch, H. A.
PP41A-2219Abstract Title: Regional differences in interglacial climate expression: A revisit to MIS 5e 
Baud, P.
H21L-01Abstract Title: Time-dependent permeability anisotropy at the Soultz-sous-Forêts geothermal site, France, MR43A-05Abstract Title: The time-dependence of compaction localization in a porous sandstone, MR44A-01Abstract Title: Time-dependent Deformation in Porous Rocks Driven by Chemo-mechanical Coupling
Baudin, T.
T13A-2963Abstract Title: Paleogeographic Evolution of the Late Neoproterozoic and Early Phanerozoic with New Paleomagnetic Constraints from West African Craton
Bauduin, S.
A41O-07Abstract Title: The impacts of the 2014 eruption of Holuhraun in Iceland: the tropospheric equivalent of Mount Pinatubo
Bauer, A.
V43D-05Abstract Title: The Rock Record Has It About Right—No Significant Continental Crust Formation Prior to 3.8 Ga, V43D-07Abstract Title: The Role of Accessory Phases in the Sm-Nd Isotope Systematics of the Acasta Gneiss Complex
Bauer, D.
TH12GAbstract Title: The Energy-Water Nexus - Ongoing Science Activities and Future Opportunities with the Department of Energy
Bauer, J. E.
B51A-0399Abstract Title: Variability of Root Exudate δ13C and Fluxes in Relation to Environmental Conditions and Plant Characteristics in a Bottomland Temperate Forest, H21D-1397Abstract Title: The Impact of Land Use Change on Primary Stream Organic and Inorganic Carbon Export
Bauer, J. R.
IN42A-04Abstract Title: The Variable Grid Method, an Approach for the Simultaneous Visualization and Assessment of Spatial Trends and Uncertainty, IN43B-1731Abstract Title: Big Data Geo-Analytical Tool Development for Spatial Analysis Uncertainty Visualization and Quantification Needs
Bauer, K.
T41A-2859Abstract Title: Constraints on Shallow Crustal Structure across the San Andreas Fault Zone, Coachella Valley, Southern California: Results from the Salton Seismic Imaging Project (SSIP), T41A-2866Abstract Title: Seismic Reflectivity of the Crust in the Northern Salton Trough
Bauer, M.
NH43B-1884Abstract Title: Intensity Maps Production Using Real-Time Joint Streaming Data Processing From Social and Physical Sensors
Bauer, R. S.
P41C-2079Abstract Title: Calibration of Mercury Laser Altimeter Data Using Digital Elevation Models Derived from Stereo Image Pairs
Bauer, S.
H21E-1420Abstract Title: Simulation of Porous Medium Hydrogen Storage – Estimation of Storage Capacity and Deliverability for a North German anticlinal Structure, H21E-1422Abstract Title: A Feasibility Study on Operating Large Scale Compressed Air Energy Storage in Porous Formations, T23B-2941Abstract Title: Thermal - Hydraulic Behavior of Unsaturated Bentonite and Sand-Bentonite Material as Seal for Nuclear Waste Repository: Numerical Simulation of Column Experiments
Bauer, S. J.
MR21B-2619Abstract Title: Microscopic evidence of grain boundary moisture during granular salt reconsolidation, MR41C-2644Abstract Title: Water-Free Shale Stimulation: Experimental Studies of Electrofracturing , NG13A-1873Abstract Title: Laboratory Scale Hydraulic Fracture and Proppant Injection
Bauer, S.
A43G-0371Abstract Title: Condensing Organic Aerosols in a Microphysical Model , A51NAbstract Title: Toward Understanding the Three-Dimensional Distribution of Gases, Aerosols, and Clouds via Synergistic Use of Models and Satellite, Aircraft, and Ground-Based Observations I Posters, A51N-0269Abstract Title: Connections between Pollution and the Asian Monsoon Circulation, A51N-0277Abstract Title: Evaluating Ammonium, Nitrate and Sulfate Aerosols in 3-Dimensions, A54EAbstract Title: Toward Understanding the Three-Dimensional Distribution of Gases, Aerosols, and Clouds via Synergistic Use of Models and Satellite, Aircraft, and Ground-Based Observations II
Bauge, T.
C13E-03Abstract Title: Reverse glacier motion during iceberg calving and the cause of glacial earthquakes
Baugh, K.
A23N-05Abstract Title: Characterization of Gas Flaring in North Dakota using the Satellite Data Product, VIIRS Nightfire, GC22B-03Abstract Title: Mapping Nighttime Lights using the VIIRS Day/Night Band
Baughman, C. A.
B51G-0504Abstract Title: Patterns and Potential Drivers of a Seasonal Glacial Sediment Plume derived from Landsat CDR Data, Lake Clark, Alaska
Bauguitte, S.
A11C-0051Abstract Title: The importance of Asia as a source of black carbon to the European Arctic during springtime 2013, A41A-0030Abstract Title: The development and evaluation of airborne in situ N2O and CH4 sampling using a Quantum Cascade Laser Absorption Spectrometer (QCLAS)
Baulch, H. M.
H13C-1560Abstract Title: Nutrient Models Developments Using Runoff-Nutrient Relationships in an Agricultural Prairie Basin, Manitoba.
Baum, B. A.
A21C-0135Abstract Title: Towards Continuity in Cloud Properties from MODIS and Suomi-NPP Polar-Orbiting Sensors, A41N-02Abstract Title: A brief history of ice cloud optical property models of applications to remote sensing, A42A-06Abstract Title: Inference of Ice Cloud Particle Roughness in Optically Thin Clouds using Satellite Polarimetric Observations
Baum, M.
C22A-07Abstract Title: Denali Ice Core record of Alaska Summertime Temperature over the past Millennium
Baum, R.
H41G-1442Abstract Title: The Value of Risk Pooling for Mitigating Water Utility Financial Risks Arising From Water Scarcity
Baum, R. L.
NH33DAbstract Title: Landslide Mechanisms, Modeling, and Prediction I, NH34A-07Abstract Title: Forensic Analysis of the May 2014 West Salt Creek Rock Avalanche in Western Colorado, NH41CAbstract Title: Landslide Mechanisms, Modeling, and Prediction II Posters, NH41C-1833Abstract Title: Effects of variable regolith depth, hydraulic properties, and rainfall on debris-flow initiation during the September 2013 northern Colorado Front Range rainstorm, NH41C-1842Abstract Title: Integrating Near-Real Time Hydrologic-Response Monitoring and Modeling for Improved Assessments of Slope Stability Along the Coastal Bluffs of the Puget Sound Rail Corridor, Washington State
Baumanis, C.
EP41B-0924Abstract Title: Migration Reversals in Grain-size Transitions to Shoreline
Baumann, E.
A32A-06Abstract Title: Long-path Atmospheric Measurements Using Dual Frequency Comb Spectroscopy
Baumann, K.
A11K-0216Abstract Title: Predicting SOA from organic nitrates in the southeastern United States, A11T-01Abstract Title: Higher than expected OH and OH reactivity in the forested regions – Can those be reconciled?, A13E-0388Abstract Title: Sources and Fate of Reactive Carbon in an Isoprene-Dominated Forest, A31D-0086Abstract Title: Formation of Epoxide Derived SOA and Gas-Phase Acids through Aqueous Aerosol Processing in the Southeastern United States during SOAS
Baumann, P.
IN11G-03Abstract Title: EarthServer: an Intercontinental Collaboration on Petascale Datacubes, IN43B-1732Abstract Title: Array Databases: Agile Analytics (not just) for the Earth Sciences, PA33B-2183Abstract Title: Big Earth Data: the Film, the Experience, and some Thoughts
Baumann, R.
A54A-01Abstract Title: Distribution and Sources of Trace Gases and Aerosols in the Asian Summer Monsoon Anticyclone – Aircraft Observations and Model Simulations
Baumann, T.
T21A-2795Abstract Title: A High-resolution 3D Geodynamical Model of the Present-day India-Asia Collision System, T41D-2938Abstract Title: Geodynamic Inversion to Constrain the Nonlinear Rheology of the Lithosphere
Baumback, D.
ED31A-0884Abstract Title: EarthScope National Office (ESNO) Education and Outreach Program and its Broader Impacts: 2015 Update and Handoff to the Next ESNO
Baumgardner, D.
A23C-0329Abstract Title: The Role of African Dust Particles on Cloud Chemistry and Microphysics in a Tropical Montane Cloud Forest in the Caribbean, A33G-0261Abstract Title: Cloud and Aerosol Characterization During CAEsAR 2014
Baumgardner, J. L.
SM31B-2491Abstract Title: High Resolution Integral Field Spectroscopy of Europa's Sodium Clouds: Evidence for a Component with Origins in Iogenic Plasma., SM41E-2521Abstract Title: SAR Arcs We Have Seen: Variability of Ring Current – Ionosphere Interactions
Baumgardner, S. E.
EP34B-05Abstract Title: Quantifying the Effects of Combined Waves and Tides on Deltas: An Experimental Study, GC41F-1146Abstract Title: Developing a Truly Global Delta Database to Assess Delta Morphology and Morphodynamics
Baumgarten, H.
PP13B-2285Abstract Title: The Lake Ohrid Drilling Project: initial interpretations of stable isotope data over the last 640 ka
Baumgartner, J.
A21A-0076Abstract Title: The Impact of Residential Combustion Emissions on Air Quality and Human Health in China
Baumgartner, J.
B41E-0484Abstract Title: What role does plant physiology play in limiting species distribution?
Baumgartner, L. P.
DI13A-2633Abstract Title: Evolution of the mantle source in an evolving arc–backarc system (Torres del Paine, Patagonia): Evidence from Hf isotopes in zircon, V34B-01Abstract Title: Estimating the Duration of Short Igneous Events using Diffusion Chronometry and Contact Metamorphism
Baumgartner, R. J.
V31C-3047Abstract Title: Erosion and assimilation of substrate by Martian low-viscosity lava flows: implications for sulphur degassing and the genesis of orthomagmatic Ni-Cu±(PGE) sulphide mineralisation
Baumjohann, W.
SM12A-08Abstract Title: Fine Scale Structure of the Afternoon Equatorial Magnetopause as Seen on the Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission, SM12A-09Abstract Title: Low-Frequency Wave Activity Detected by MMS during Dusk Magnetopause Crossings and its Relation to Heating and Acceleration of Particles, SM41H-2571Abstract Title: Magnetospheric Multiscale Observations of Ultra Low Frequency Waves in the Inner Magnetosphere, SM41I-02Abstract Title: First MMS Observations of High Time Resolution 3D Electric and Magnetic fields at the Dayside Magnetopause., SM41I-06Abstract Title: The kinetic scale structure of the Plasma Sheet Boundary Layer: Implications of collisionless magnetic reconnection and first MMS observations, SM51A-2536Abstract Title: MMS observations of small magnetic flux ropes in the near‐tail (X > ‐11 Re)
Baumjohann, W.
SH43A-2413Abstract Title: Ion Bernstein waves in a magnetic reconnection region, SM13C-2519Abstract Title: Steepening of Waves at the Dusk Side Magnetopause, SM22A-03Abstract Title: Two states of magnetotail dipolarization fronts: A statistical study, SM43A-02Abstract Title: Effect of electron ambient plasmas in reconnection jets and dipolarization fronts : MMS initial results, SM51A-2516Abstract Title: An MMS multicase study of magnetotail dipolarization fronts, SM51A-2523Abstract Title: Multi-point, multi-scale observation of the near-Earth current sheet reconfiguration during storm-time multi-onset substorms, SM51A-2555Abstract Title: In-Flight Calibration Processes for the MMS Fluxgate Magnetometers, SM51D-2591Abstract Title: An Updated Model of the Substorm Current Wedge., SM51E-2595Abstract Title: All-sky imager observations near footprints of plasma sheet waves with kinetic ballooning-interchange signatures
Baun, C.
B43C-0574Abstract Title: Improved Radiometric Capabilities of Landsat 8, Coupled With Lidar, Estimate Semi-arid Rangeland Biomass and Cover
Bausell, J.
GC23K-1246Abstract Title: Finding Blackbody Temperature and Emissivity on a Sub-Pixel Scale, OS23A-1989Abstract Title: The Impact of Climatological Variables on Kelp Canopy Area in the Santa Barbara Channel, OS53B-2020Abstract Title: The Effects of Changing Climatological Variables on Upwelling along the Southern California Coast
Bauser, H.
H13E-1592Abstract Title: Accounting for Non-Represented Heterogeneity in Soil Water Flow by Estimating Miller Scaling Fields with Ensemble Kalman Filter, NG33A-1863Abstract Title: Particle Filter with Nudging in Soil Hydrology
Bauska, T. K.
A23J-01Abstract Title: Ice core measurements of 14CH4 constrain the sources of atmospheric methane increase during abrupt warming events of the last deglaciation
Bauska, T. K.
PP33D-01Abstract Title: Links between abrupt change in tropical hydroclimate, high-latitude climate change, and atmospheric greenhouse gases during the last ice age
Bautista, B.
S33A-2742Abstract Title: Earthquake Performance of Structures in the Philippines: A Post-event Assessment of the M7.2 October 2013 Bohol Earthquake, S33A-2746Abstract Title: From Source to Damage: A Case study of the M7.2 October 2013 Bohol Earthquake, T53A-02Abstract Title: Seismotectonics and Crustal Thickness of Northwest Mindoro, Philippines
Bauwens, M.
A31B-0025Abstract Title: Global Isoprene Fluxes inferred from OMI Formaldehyde Columns over 2005-2013, A53D-03Abstract Title: Substantial Underestimation of Post-harvest Burning Emissions in East China as Seen by Multi-species Space Observations
Bauwens, W.
H23E-1625Abstract Title: Improving evapotranspiration processes in distrubing hydrological models using Remote Sensing derived ET products., H23L-03Abstract Title: Value of bias-corrected satellite rainfall products in SWAT simulations and comparison with other models in the Mara basin
Bawain, A. M. Sr.
H13Q-01Abstract Title: Hydrometeorology of the Dhofar cloud forest and its implications for groundwater recharge
Bawden, G. W.
IN31DAbstract Title: Near Real Time Data for Earth Science and Space Weather Applications I, IN32AAbstract Title: Near Real Time Data for Earth Science and Space Weather Applications II, IN41BAbstract Title: Near Real Time Data for Earth Science and Space Weather Applications III Posters, U22A-02Abstract Title: Development of a GNSS-Enhanced Tsunami Early Warning System
Baxter, C. D. P.
NH21E-01Abstract Title: Morphology and Age of the Southern New England Landslide Zone
Baya, P. A.
B11D-0459Abstract Title: A new approach to understand methylmercury (CH3Hg) sources and transformation pathways: Compound-specific carbon stable isotope analysis by GC-C-IRMS
Bayaki, M.
NH23B-1888Abstract Title: Providing the Framework for Earthquake and Tsunami Early Warning in British Columbia, Canada: WARN, the Web-enabled Awareness Research Network
Bayala, R.
H43G-1607Abstract Title:  Drinking From the Same Straw: Crop Growth and Evidence of Water Transfer from Native Shrubs to Millet in a Sahelian Agro-Ecosystem, H43G-1608Abstract Title: Role of native shrubs of the Sahel in mitigating water and nutrient stresses of agricultural crops
Bayat, E.
EP51A-0888Abstract Title: Local Three-dimensional Flow and Sediment Patterns as an Evidence of Pool-riffle Self-maintenance
Bayer, A.
B32A-08Abstract Title: “Detecting people”
Bayer, N.
A41A-0005Abstract Title: LIF instrument for airborne measurements of OH, HO2 and RO2 radicals in the upper troposphere
Bayer, P.
H13A-1491Abstract Title: A New Concept for Thermal Tracer Tomography to Identify Heterogeneous Aquifer Structures, H51C-1375Abstract Title: From Stochastic toward Deterministic Characterization of Discrete Fracture Network via Thermal Tracer Tests, H51O-1625Abstract Title: Ground Energy Balance For Shallow Geothermal Systems
Bayer, P.
B32D-07Abstract Title: Analytical simulation and inversion of dynamic urban land surface effects, H23A-1553Abstract Title: Comparison of Fracture Surface Properties in Natural and Artificially Generated Fractures in Crystalline Rock, H24F-02Abstract Title: Remote Sensing of Urban Groundwater Temperatures
Bayler, E. J.
IN43C-1745Abstract Title: Biological Heating in a Global Operational Ocean Forecast System: Using VIIRS Products and a Two-band Scheme, IN43C-1755Abstract Title: Neural Network Technique For: (a) Gap-Filling Of Satellite Ocean Color Observations, And (b) Bridging Multiple Satellite Ocean Color Missions
Bayles, M.
H43A-1476Abstract Title: Enabling Web-Based Analysis of CUAHSI HIS Hydrologic Data Using R and Web Processing Services
Baylon, P.
A11B-0048Abstract Title: Effect of Wildfire Aerosols on NO2 Photolysis and Ozone Production at the Mt. Bachelor Observatory
Baynes, K.
IN21B-1693Abstract Title: Integrating thematic web portal capabilities into the NASA Earthdata Web Infrastructure, IN23D-1754Abstract Title: Doing One Thing Well: Leveraging Microservices for NASA Earth Science Discovery and Access Across Heterogenous Data Sources, IN33B-1804Abstract Title: New Solutions for Enabling Discovery of User-Centric Virtual Data Products in NASA's Common Metadata Repository, IN42A-02Abstract Title: Data Visualization Challenges and Opportunities in User-Oriented Application Development
Bayon, G.
EP13A-0935Abstract Title: Relationships between contourite deposition, climate and slope instability: new insights from the Demerara Plateau (French Guyana)
Bayon, G.
GC41B-1081Abstract Title: Past Hydrological Variability in the Congo Basin inferred from Neodymium Isotopes
Bazell, D.
IN41A-1683Abstract Title: Accessing Heliophysics Timeseries Data Through a Single Interface
Bazile, E.
A14D-08Abstract Title: GABLS4, an Intercomparison of Models in Extremely Stable Conditions over Antarctica: LES preliminary results F Couvreux, E Bazile, P LeMoigne, and the participants to the LES intercomparison
Bazile, E.
A52B-07Abstract Title: The GABLS4 Inter-comparison: Preliminary Results
Bazilevskaya, G.
SH43C-05Abstract Title: Magnetospheric Effects on High Energy Solar Particles: PAMELA Measurements
Bazin, S.
T33C-2946Abstract Title: Long-term deformation of the Lesser Antilles arc recorded by Late Pleistocene carbonate platforms: questioning our present knowledge of the megathrust seismic behavior. 
Bazureau, A.
A11C-0069Abstract Title: Evaluation of modelled aerosol distributions in the Artic using CALIOP
Beach, A. L. III
IN11F-1802Abstract Title: A Summary of Proposed Changes to the Current ICARTT Format Standards and their Implications to Future Airborne Studies, IN11F-1805Abstract Title: Toolsets for Airborne Data (TAD): Improving Machine Readability for ICARTT Data Files, IN23A-1722Abstract Title: An Overview of the Challenges with and Proposed Solutions for the Ingest and Distribution Processes For Airborne Data Management
Beach, E.
GC33H-05Abstract Title: NOAA SBUV(/2) Ozone Merged Cohesive Climate Data Record
Beach, R. H.
GC13D-1193Abstract Title: Assessing the Benefits of Global Climate Stabilization Within an Integrated Modeling Framework
Beach, T. L.
SA51C-2422Abstract Title: Distributed Acquisition for Geomagnetic Research (DAGR) for SmallSats
Beach, T.
Beacroft, L.
T11G-03Abstract Title: Extreme Hydrothermal Conditions Near an Active Geological Fault, DFDP-2B Borehole, Alpine Fault, New Zealand
Beadling, R. L.
PP42B-08Abstract Title: AMOCMIP: Probabilistic projections of future AMOC evolution driven by global warming and Greenland Ice Sheet melt., PP43D-2305Abstract Title: Impact of Greenland Ice Sheet Melt on the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation in GFDL ESM2Mb
Beagley, S. R.
A11C-0080Abstract Title: Regional Modelling of Air Quality in the Canadian Arctic: Impact of marine shipping and North American wild fire emissions
Beal, B.
H53A-1633Abstract Title: Utilizing Multi-Ensemble of Downscaled CMIP5 GCMs to Investigate Trends and Spatial and Temporal Extent of Drought in Willamette Basin
Beale, J.
S41C-06Abstract Title: DCShake: Measuring Variations in Earthquake Ground Motions in Washington, DC
Beale, J.
G34A-03Abstract Title: Earth Gravitational Model 2020 , T43F-02Abstract Title: Gridded Data in the Arctic; Benefits and Perils of Publicly Available Grids
Beale, R.
A42D-06Abstract Title: Oceanic Emissions and Atmospheric Depositions of Volatile Organic Compounds
Beall, C.
A43C-0292Abstract Title: Emissions and Characteristics of Ice Nucleating Particles Associated with Laboratory Generated Nascent Sea Spray Aerosol, A43C-0303Abstract Title: Organic Composition and Morphology of Sea Spray Aerosols as a Function of Biological Life during IMPACTS
Beaman, R. J.
V21A-3034Abstract Title:

The Tasmantid Seamounts: A window into the structural inheritance of ocean floor fabric

Beamer, J.
H41F-1386Abstract Title: High Resolution Modeling of the Water Cycle to Refine GRACE Signal Analysis in the Gulf of Alaska Drainage
Beamish, A. L.
B31C-0563Abstract Title: The Contribution of Moss to Plot-Based Spectral Signals in Moist Acidic Low Arctic Tundra
Beamud, E.
GP51B-1331Abstract Title: Magnetostratigraphic Dating of Paleogene Sediments in the Seymour Island (Antarctic Peninsula): A Preliminary Chronostratigraphy
Bean, C. J.
S41B-2750Abstract Title: Tracking velocity changes from ambient noise and repeating airgun shots in Tenerife, S43F-01Abstract Title: Shallow Long Period (LP) Seismicity Controlled by Deformation of the Volcano Edifice, S51D-2723Abstract Title: Broadband source inversion of Long-Period (LP) events on Turrialba volcano, Costa Rica, V33B-3096Abstract Title: Breaking the Seal: Tracking Eruptive and Flood Tremor in Iceland with Seismic Arrays
Bean, J.
H14B-05Abstract Title: California Groundwater Management During Drought: Existing and Future Regulatory Approaches
Bean, J. R.
ED42A-05Abstract Title: Providing Context for Complexity: Using Infographics and Conceptual Models to Teach Global Change Processes
Beane, R. J.
ED23A-0855Abstract Title: Workshop for Early Career Geoscience Faculty: Providing resources and support for new faculty to succeed, ED43D-0893Abstract Title: On the Cutting Edge Professional Development Program – An effective model built from years of experience
Beard, B. L.
B21A-0417Abstract Title: Importance of Tetrahedral Iron during Microbial Reduction of Clay Mineral NAu-2, B21A-0418Abstract Title: Iron Isotope Fractionation Reveals Structural Change upon Microbial and Chemical Reduction of Nontronite NAu-1, V43D-06Abstract Title: 87Sr/86Sr Ratios in Carbonate From the Red Lake and Steep Rock Groups in Canada Suggest Rb-enriched Continental Crust was Influencing Seawater Chemistry Prior to 3.0 Ga, V44A-06Abstract Title: Identification of biologically recycled continental materials in banded iron formations
Beard, C. B.
GC13L-07Abstract Title: Climate change influences on the annual onset of Lyme disease in the United States
Beard, K. H.
B34B-02Abstract Title: Sub-arctic Wetland Greenhouse Gases (CO2, CH4 & N2O) Emissions are Driven by Interactions of Environmental Controls and Herbivore Grazers, B34B-03Abstract Title: Earlier growing seasons and changes in migration timing influence carbon uptake and plant production in Arctic coastal wetlands, B53G-0654Abstract Title: The Ecohydrology of Kruger National Park: What 220,000 Tracer Injections Can Tell Us
Bearup, L. A.
H24B-06Abstract Title: Hydrologic Response to Widespread Land Cover Change Simulated from the Hillslope through the Regional Scale, H33M-04Abstract Title: Energy Budget Changes Impact Arid Mountain Hydrology More Than Rain-Snow Transitions, H34B-02Abstract Title: Slope Stability Analysis of Mountain Pine Beetle Impacted Areas, H44A-02Abstract Title: Exploring the Interactions among Beetle-induced Changes in Catchment-scale Ecohydrology, Land Surface Fluxes and the Lower Atmosphere with a Coupled Hydrology-Atmospheric Model.
Beasley, B.
NH31A-1879Abstract Title: Texas Disasters: Mapping and Analyzing Fuel Loads and Phenology in the Texas Grasslands
Beaton, A.
C13D-06Abstract Title: Novel in situ chemical sensing technologies for deep sub-ice exploration
Beatty, L.
ED51D-0837Abstract Title: The Martian Goes To College: Open Inquiry with Science Fiction in the Classroom.
Beaty, D. W.
P11B-2098Abstract Title: Science Objectives and Site Selection Criteria for a Human Mission to Mars
Beaty, K.
B33A-0620Abstract Title: FluxSuite: a New Scientific Tool for Advanced Network Management and Cross-Sharing of Next-Generation Flux Stations
Beaty, T.
IN13A-1829Abstract Title: Agile based "Semi-"Automated Data ingest process : ORNL DAAC example
Beaud, F.
EP52A-06Abstract Title: Excavation of Tunnel Valleys and Inner Gorges by Subglacial Meltwater Erosion
Beaudoin, B. C.
S33D-2802Abstract Title: Posthole Broadband Sensor Emplacement vs. Surface Vaults: Observations of Comparative Noise Performance and Trade-offs, S33D-2815Abstract Title: Field Testing GEOICE: A Next-Generation Polar Seismometer
Beaudoing, H. K.
H42D-03Abstract Title: The Potential for Forecasting Water Cycle Extremes with GRACE, H44F-03Abstract Title: Monitoring groundwater drought with GRACE data assimilation, H51G-1454Abstract Title: 65 Years of Reprocessed GLDAS Version 2.0 Data and Their Exploration Using the NASA GES DISC Giovanni
Beaudry, J.
ED21A-0815Abstract Title: Digital Earth Watch: Investigating the World with Digital Cameras
Beauducel, F.
T33C-2946Abstract Title: Long-term deformation of the Lesser Antilles arc recorded by Late Pleistocene carbonate platforms: questioning our present knowledge of the megathrust seismic behavior. 
Beaufort, A.
Beaufort, L.
GP11A-07Abstract Title: New Insights on Long Term Geomagnetic Moment Variation from Cosmogenic Nuclide and Paleointensity Signatures along Ocean Sediment Cores., PP31B-2246Abstract Title: Changes in productivity and redox conditions during the Last Glacial Maximum as recorded in high-resolution geochemical records from Alfonso Basin, Gulf of California
Beaujean, R.
SH53A-2480Abstract Title: Forbush Effects on the Martian Surface and Earth’s Poles
Beaulieu, S. E.
OS43A-2029Abstract Title: Looking for Larvae Above an Erupting Submarine Volcano, NW Rota-1, Mariana Arc
Beaumont, C.
T54C-04Abstract Title: Rifted Continental Margins: The Case for Depth-Dependent Extension
Beaumont, L.
B41E-0484Abstract Title: What role does plant physiology play in limiting species distribution?
Beaupre, S. R.
B11G-0532Abstract Title: Constraining The Radiocarbon Distribution Within Major Components of Marine Dissolved Organic Carbon
Beauvais, A.
EP33B-1073Abstract Title: Sediment budget of cratons: insights from West Africa over the Cenozoic
Beaven, S.
NH13A-1910Abstract Title: The Role of Communication in Post-disaster Research Coordination: Communicating the research moratorium after the 22 February 2011 Mw 6 Christchurch Earthquake in New Zealand.
Beaver, C. L.
B33B-0659Abstract Title: Field Evidence for Magnetite Formation by a Methanogenic Microbial Community, B51C-0440Abstract Title: Use of the Complex Conductivity Method to Monitor Hydrocarbon Degradation in Brackish Environments
Beaver, J.
GC33D-1333Abstract Title: Field Measurement of Sand Dune Bidirectional Reflectance Characteristics for Absolute Radiometric Calibration of Optical Remote Sensing Data.
Beavers, C. C. G.
MR13A-2677Abstract Title: High pressure phase transitions in lawsonite at simultaneous high pressure and temperature: A single crystal study
Bebbington, M. S.
V33D-3145Abstract Title: Estimating the Likelihood of Volcanic Eruptions with Incomplete Eruption Records
Bebout, B.
B33B-0660Abstract Title: Use of 13C-Labeled Substrates to Determine Relative Methane Production Rates in Hypersaline Microbial Communities
Bebout, G. E.
V14C-06Abstract Title: Carbonation of Subduction Interface Ultramafic Rocks and Implications for Deep Carbon Cycling: Evidence from Hybrid Serpentinite-Marble in the Voltri Massif, Italy
Bebout, L. E.
B24C-02Abstract Title: Structural Roles of Carbonates in Cyanobacterial Ecosystems
Beccar-Varela, M. P.
S53A-2759Abstract Title: Investigation of Large Earthquakes as Critical Phase Transitions
Becchetti, T.
GC13E-1210Abstract Title: Matching Livestock Production Systems and Environment
Becchio, R.
V33C-3118Abstract Title: Genesis and Eruptive Dynamics of the Garnet-Bearing Rhyolites from the Ramadas Volcanic Centre (Altiplano-Puna Plateau, Central Andes, Argentina).
Becel, A.
MR33A-2650Abstract Title: P-and S-wave velocities of exhumed metasediments from the Aleutian subduction megathrust: Implications for the interpretation of low velocity zones and fault reflectivity, V12A-05Abstract Title: Seismic structure of the ~50 Myr fast and intermediate North Pacific oceanic crust off Alaska
Becerra, J.
T23A-2907Abstract Title: Tectonic Evolution of the Central Andes during Mesozoic-Cenozoic times: Insights from the Salar de Atacama Basin, T23A-2921Abstract Title: Gravitational deformation and inherited structural control on slope morphology, north-central Chile (~29-33°S)
Becerra, R.
V13B-3123Abstract Title: Eruption styles of Quaternary basalt in the southern Sierra Nevada Kern Plateau recorded in outcrop and mineral-scale stratigraphies
Becerra-Carreño, V. C.
S11A-2766Abstract Title: Analysis of the Pre-, Co- and Post- seismic deformation associated to the April 1st, 2014 Pisagua (Mw 8.2) earthquake constrained by GPS observations., T43C-3024Abstract Title: Imaging the Seismic Cycle in the Central Andean Subduction Zone from Geodetic Observations
Bechor, N.
H21E-1411Abstract Title: Reservoir Characterization in an Underground Gas Storage Field Using Joint Inversion of Flow and Geodetic Data
Bechor-Ben Dov, N.
G21A-1020Abstract Title: How do Data Processing Choices Affect Multiple Aperture InSAR (MAI) Precision?
Bechtold, M.
B33C-0703Abstract Title: Small-scale spatial heterogeneity as a source for uncertainty of methane fluxes in an extensive near-natural bog-ecosystem
Beck, C. C.
PP31A-2212Abstract Title: A ~600 kyr duration Early Pleistocene record from the West Turkana (Kenya) HSPDP drill site: elemental XRF variability to reconstruct climate change in Turkana Boy’s backyard
Beck, C.
SH21C-06Abstract Title: Chromospheric Spectropolarimetry: Past Results and Future Prospects
Beck, C.
SH33C-01Abstract Title: Superstatistics: Theory and Applications
Beck, C.
H53M-03Abstract Title: The TERENO-preAlpine Observatory: A Research Infrastructure for Hydrometeorological Observation and -Modeling across Compartments and Scales
Beck, H.
GC31H-03Abstract Title: Water dependency and water exploitation at global scale as indicators of water security, H23E-1621Abstract Title: Global Evaluation of Streamflow from Ten State-of-the-Art Hydrologic Models
Beck, J. L.
S22B-06Abstract Title: Combining Multiple Rupture Models in Real-Time for Earthquake Early Warning
Beck, J.
C53B-0783Abstract Title: NASA IceBridge and PolarTREC - Education and Outreach Partnership, ED43C-0882Abstract Title: IceBridge: Bringing a Field Campaign Home
Beck, J.
Beck, M.
ED11C-0865Abstract Title: Expanding the Use of Online Remote Electron Microscopy in the Classroom to Transform Undergraduate Geoscience Education: Successes and Strategies for Increasing Student and Faculty Engagement
Beck, P. S. A.
B33G-06Abstract Title: Variations in the Sensitivity of Shrub Growth to Climate Change along Arctic Environmental and Biotic Gradients
Beck, S. L.
T13BAbstract Title: Mantle, Crust, and Surface Dynamics in the Mediterranean System I Posters, T22BAbstract Title: Mantle, Crust, and Surface Dynamics in the Mediterranean System II, T22B-04Abstract Title: Investigation of lithospheric deformation and mantle anisotropy beneath Central Anatolia from Shear Wave Splitting Analysis , T22B-05Abstract Title: Crustal and upper mantle structure of the Eastern Anatolian Plateau using a new approach to the joint inversion of surface waves and receiver functions, T23FAbstract Title: Mantle, Crust, and Surface Dynamics in the Mediterranean System III, T33B-07Abstract Title: Modification of Thickened Orogenic Crust by a Subducting Ridge: Disruption of the Andean Lower Crust of Southern Peru by the Subducting Aseismic Nazca Ridge , T33G-02Abstract Title: Seismic imaging of the upper mantle beneath the northern Central Andean Plateau: Implications for surface topography, T33G-05Abstract Title: Melt production constrained by the topographic signature of the Altiplano-Puna Magma Body, T33G-06Abstract Title: High resolution crustal structure for the region between the Chilenia and Cuyania terrane above the Pampean flat slab of Argentina from local receiver function and petrological analyses, T41G-02Abstract Title: Subduction Zone Science – Examples of Seismic Images of the Central Andes and Subducting Nazca Slab, T51A-2850Abstract Title: Geometry of the Deep Andean Subduction Zone Beneath Chile and Argentina from New Finite-Frequency Teleseismic P-wave Tomography
Beck, W.
GP42A-02Abstract Title: Loess 10Be evidence for an asynchronous Brunhes-Matuyama magnetic polarity reversal
Becker, A.
A13C-0345Abstract Title: Assessment of Precipitation Trends over Europe by Comparing ERA-20C with a New Homogenized Observational GPCC Dataset
Becker, B.
H21EAbstract Title: Energy Development and Storage in the Subsurface: Modeling and Monitoring Challenges and Solution Strategies I Posters, H21E-1428Abstract Title: Evaluation of the Coupling of a Full-Dimensional Multiphase Model with a Vertical Equilibrium Model for the Simulation of Underground Gas Storage, H23KAbstract Title: Energy Development and Storage in the Subsurface: Modeling and Monitoring Challenges and Solution Strategies II, H24CAbstract Title: Energy Development and Storage in the Subsurface: Modeling and Monitoring Challenges and Solution Strategies III
Becker, D.
G34A-02Abstract Title: Calibration Matters: Advances in Strapdown Airborne Gravimetry
Becker, E.
SA11A-02Abstract Title: The Multi-Scale Dynamics of Gravity Waves in Parameterizations: Central Issues and Solution Strategies, SA12A-03Abstract Title: The thermal and dynamical state of the Antarctic mesopause region during winter/summer transition and the role of stratosphere/mesosphere coupling, SA12A-05Abstract Title: Something Cool about Middle Atmospheric Interhemispheric Coupling due to Gravity Waves, SA13A-2329Abstract Title: Interhemispheric coupling caused by the Holton-Tan effect – a dependence on the solar cycle, SA41B-2324Abstract Title: Energy deposition of thermal tides
Becker, H.
V23D-01Abstract Title: Substantial Variations of Refractory Siderophile Element Ratios in Components of Unequilibrated Chondrites - Implications for Terrestrial Planet Compositions
Becker, J.
B33D-0743Abstract Title: Effects of vegetation structure on soil carbon, nutrients and greenhouse gas exchange in a savannah ecosystem of Mount Kilimanjaro Region
Becker, J.
NH13A-1909Abstract Title: Strategic crisis and risk communication during a prolonged natural hazard event: lessons learned from the Canterbury earthquake sequence
Becker, K. E.
B13D-0642Abstract Title: Methane Transmission and Oxidation throughout the Soil Column from Three Central Florida Sites
Becker, L. W. M.
PP51C-2299Abstract Title: Ocean - ice sheet interaction along the NW European margin during the last glacial phases
Becker, M.
H51C-1378Abstract Title: Periodic Hydraulic Testing for Discerning Fracture Network Connections
Becker, M. K.
C21A-0705Abstract Title: Tracing West Antarctic Iceberg Origins through Scour Depth Analyses
Becker, M.
GC41B-1088Abstract Title: Using remote sensing to monitor surface freshwater storage in the Congo basin, G43A-1025Abstract Title: Relative sea-level rise hazards: The case of Bangladesh Delta, G43B-1049Abstract Title: How Reliable are Climate Models in Term of Regional Sea Level ?
Becker, N. C.
NH23C-1909Abstract Title: Compilation and Analysis of a Database of Local Tsunami Bulletins issued by the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center (PTWC) to the Hawaii Emergency Management Agency (HI-EMA) between September 2003 and July, 2015
Becker, R.
G21B-1031Abstract Title: Use of Persistent Scatterer Interferometry to Assess Land Deformation in the Nile Delta and its Controlling Factors, H13R-02Abstract Title: Using MODIS and GRACE to assess water storage in regional Wetlands: Iraqi and Sudd Marsh systems, NH31DAbstract Title: Natural Hazards and Climate Change: Relation, Vulnerability, Risk, and Adaptability I, NH33CAbstract Title: Natural Hazards and Climate Change: Relation, Vulnerability, Risk, and Adaptability II Posters, NH51DAbstract Title: Modeling of Natural Hazards: Advances and Applications Posters, NH51D-1929Abstract Title: Applications of Radar Interferometric Techniques to Assess Natural Hazards and their Controlling Factors
Becker, R. H.
P23B-2141Abstract Title: Update on the Atmospheric Composition Measurements by Curiosity: Three (Earth) Years on Mars
Becker, R.
H51D-1404Abstract Title: Spatiotemporal Variability of Soil Hydraulic Properties from Field Data and Remote Sensing in the Walnut Gulch Experimental Watershed
Becker, S. J.
B43C-0569Abstract Title: Developing a Method to Mask Trees in Commercial Multispectral Imagery
Becker, T.
V33D-3138Abstract Title: Laser Ablation in situ (U-Th-Sm)/He and U-Pb Double-Dating of Apatite and Zircon: Techniques and Applications
Becker, T. W.
DI13C-01Abstract Title: Implications of a comprehensive, spreading-aligned plate motion reference frame in light of seismic anisotropy and global trench migration, T22B-01Abstract Title: Mantle dynamics in the Mediterranean, T23AAbstract Title: Building the Andes: From Mantle Geodynamics to Surface Processes I Posters, T24C-02Abstract Title: Temperature- and stress-dependent rheologic structure beneath Japan inferred from postseismic displacements following the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake, T24C-06Abstract Title: The Interdependence of Plate Coupling Processes, Subduction Rate, and Asthenospheric Pressure Drop across Subducting Slabs, T24C-07Abstract Title: The dynamics of double slab subduction from numerical and semi-analytic models, T31BAbstract Title: Cumulative Deformation in the Overlying Plate due to Subduction and Related Feedbacks I Posters, T33BAbstract Title: Cumulative Deformation in the Overlying Plate due to Subduction and Related Feedbacks II, T33GAbstract Title: Building the Andes: From Mantle Geodynamics to Surface Processes II, T34AAbstract Title: Building the Andes: From Mantle Geodynamics to Surface Processes III, T34BAbstract Title: Cumulative Deformation in the Overlying Plate due to Subduction and Related Feedbacks III, U24AAbstract Title: FRONTIERS IN GEOSYSTEMS: Deep Earth-Surface Interactions
Becker, T. M.
P51B-2054Abstract Title: Transient F Ring Dust Features in Cassini UVIS Solar Occultations
Becker-Guedes, F.
SA23A-2330Abstract Title: Variability of Total Electron Content at Low Latitude Region During Solar Minimum 2008: Impact of High Speed Streams, HSSs, SA23A-2331Abstract Title: Equatorial and Low-Latitudes Ionospheric Reaction to Solar Flares, SH21B-2414Abstract Title: Services available at the Brazilian Study and Monitoring of Space Weather (Embrace) Program
Becker-Reshef, I.
B43A-0529Abstract Title: Winter wheat production forecast in United States of America using AVHRR historical data and NCAR Growing Degree Day, B44A-01Abstract Title: AgriSense-STARS: Advancing Methods of Agricultural Monitoring for Food Security in Smallholder Regions - the Case for Tanzania
Beckie, R. D.
H53K-02Abstract Title: Mixing-controlled uncertainty in long-term predictions of acid rock drainage from heterogeneous waste-rock piles
Beckingham, L. E.
H41CAbstract Title: New Perspectives on CO2 Flow, Transport, and Long-Term Storage in Subsurface Reservoirs I Posters, H43KAbstract Title: New Perspectives on CO2 Flow, Transport, and Long-Term Storage in Subsurface Reservoirs II, H43K-08Abstract Title: Evaluation of Advanced Reactive Surface Area Estimates for Improved Prediction of Mineral Reaction Rates in Porous Media, H44DAbstract Title: New Perspectives on CO2 Flow, Transport, and Long-Term Storage in Subsurface Reservoirs III
Beckles, D. M.
T11E-2937Abstract Title: A Collaborative Approach to Monitoring Ambient Volcanogenic Pollution at Sulphur Springs, Saint Lucia.
Beckley, M.
C41A-0688Abstract Title: Arctic and Antarctic Topography Measurements Using LVIS
Beckman, P.
B33A-0629Abstract Title: Automatic Web-Based, Radio-Network System To Monitor And Control Equipment For Investigating Gas Flux At Water – Air Interfaces
Beckmann, B.
PP13A-2249Abstract Title: Stable Hydrogen Isotopic Composition of Sedimentary Plant Waxes as Quantitative Proxy for Rainfall in the West African Sahel
Beckmann, J.
C51B-0688Abstract Title: Assessing the impact of ocean temperature on the contribution of the Greenland ice sheet to future sea-level rise with a heuristic statistical approach
Becknell, J. M.
B23F-0651Abstract Title: Inter-annual Variability of Aboveground Net Primary Productivity in Regenerating Tropical Dry Forests, B23F-0653Abstract Title: Hydrological niche separation explains seasonal and inter-annual variations of vegetation dynamics in seasonally dry tropical forests
Beckwith, M.
ED33D-0959Abstract Title: Bioaerosol DNA Extraction Technique from Air Filters Collected from Marine and Freshwater Locations
Beddows, P. A.
EP53A-0979Abstract Title: Hydrogeothermal Convective Circulation Model for the Formation of the Chicxulub Ring of Cenotes in the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico.
Bedford, D. P.
ED13A-0880Abstract Title: The Fate of the World is in your hands: computer gaming for multi-faceted climate change education
Bedford, J. D.
V41A-3051Abstract Title: Nucleation and Grain Growth During Dehydration of Polycrystalline Gypsum Observed in Time-series Synchrotron X-ray Micro-tomography Experiments
Bedford, J. R.
T21E-2875Abstract Title: Sudden subduction channel and mantle wedge weakening leads to the vertical deformation pattern changes before and after great subduction zone earthquakes, T51J-03Abstract Title: The 2014 Iquique Chile earthquake: Preparatory breaking processes of a locked asperity and natural constraints for fluid migration along the plate interface
Bedford, M. C.
SH41C-2392Abstract Title: Energy Separation Between Thermal and Pickup Ions in the Heliosheath, SH51D-07Abstract Title: Transition Region Near the Heliopause: Modeling Results from the Voyager Mission Perspective
Bedka, K. M.
A51O-0295Abstract Title: Observations of Lower Stratospheric Water Vapor Injected by Overshooting Convection During SEAC4RS, GC34C-04Abstract Title: A CERES-like Cloud Property Climatology Using AVHRR Data
Bedka, S. T.
A11S-03Abstract Title: Linear Contrail Coverage and Cloud Property Retrievals from 2012 MODIS Imagery over the Northern Hemisphere, A13D-0363Abstract Title: Contrail microphysical properties and radiative forcing over the Northern Hemisphere derived using MODIS infrared observations, GC34C-04Abstract Title: A CERES-like Cloud Property Climatology Using AVHRR Data
Bednar, A. J.
GC51G-1173Abstract Title: A Needed Paradigm Change for Environmental Soil Sampling at Urban Sites
Bednar, J. M.
H51N-1611Abstract Title: Characterization of Physical Controls on Stream Base-flow and the Flux of Surface Water and Groundwater Using Multivariate Analysis in the Northern Great Plains
Bedoya, M.
A44B-07Abstract Title: Mountain Tropical Rainfall: Evidence of Phase-Locking between the Diurnal, Annual and Interannual Cycles in the Andes of Colombia
Bedrosian, P.
IN31D-08Abstract Title: Geomagnetic Observatory Data for Real-Time Applications, NS42A-01Abstract Title: Geophysical Imaging of the Stillwater and Bushveld Complexes and Relation to Platinum-group Element Exploration, T12C-08Abstract Title: An Amphibious Magnetotelluric Investigation of the Cascadian Seismogenic and ETS zones., T14A-04Abstract Title: From Archean to Present – Structure and Evolution of the North American Mid-Continent through the Lens of EarthScope Magnetotelluric Data, T44B-01Abstract Title: Along-Strike Electrical Conductivity Variations in the Incoming Plate and Shallow Forearc of the Cascadia Subduction Zone, V31F-02Abstract Title: Identifying Water on Mt. Baker and Mt. St. Helens, WA with Geophysics: Implications for Volcanic Landslide Hazards, V43A-3091Abstract Title: Amphibious Magnetotelluric Investigation of the Aleutian Arc: Mantle Melt Generation and Migration beneath Okmok Caldera, V43B-3129Abstract Title: Magnetotelluric Investigation of Melt Storage Beneath Okmok Caldera, Alaska
Bedrossian, M.
P11B-2082Abstract Title: A Holographic Microscope for Detection of Microorganisms on Icy Worlds
Bedsworth, L. W.
PA13A-2168Abstract Title: Climate Change Challenges of Managing Quality of Drinking Water: Survey Results from Utilities in California
Bedworth, P.
SA51C-2417Abstract Title: Carbon/graphene foils: a critical subsystem for plasma instruments in space
Beecham, S.
H32B-02Abstract Title: Evapotranspiration estimation in heterogeneous urban vegetation
Beechie, T. J.
EP41EAbstract Title: Working with Natural Processes to Restore Rivers and Floodplains I, EP42BAbstract Title: Working with Natural Processes to Restore Rivers and Floodplains II, EP43BAbstract Title: Working with Natural Processes to Restore Rivers and Floodplains III Posters, EP43B-0975Abstract Title: Using remote sensing data to assess salmon habitat status in rivers and floodplains of Puget Sound, USA
Beeckman, H.
B51D-0465Abstract Title: Two decades of historical phenology observations of African tropical tree species: exploring the past to predict the futur
Beedle, M. J.
C21F-03Abstract Title: Early 21st Century Area and Mass Change of Alpine Glaciers in Western Northern America
Beegle, L. W.
P11B-2088Abstract Title: Development and Characterization of the SHERLOC instrument for Mars 2020, P11B-2104Abstract Title: Soil Shear Properties Assessment, Resistance, Thermal, and Triboelectric Analysis (SPARTTA) Tool: A New Multitool Instrument for Identifying the Physical Properties of In-situ Soils on Planetary Surfaces., P43D-2138Abstract Title: Measurement of the Depth of Penetration of UV Photons into Mars Relevant Rock Samples to Constrain Habitability and Limits of Detection for the SHERLOC Mars 2020 Instrument
Beeler, N. M.
MR42A-01Abstract Title: Constraining friction, dilatancy and effective stress with earthquake rates in the deep crust
Beem, J. R.
V41B-3072Abstract Title: Rheology and Morphology of a Trachybasaltic Lava Flow: a Case Study from the Cima Volcanic Field (CA)
Beer, A. R.
EP52A-05Abstract Title: Spatial bedrock erosion distribution in a natural gorge, EP52A-08Abstract Title: Flow, Sediment Transport, and Erosion in Steep Mountain Channels: an Alpine Symphony
Beer, C.
B11C-0438Abstract Title: Large-Scale Variation in Forest Carbon Turnover Rate and its Relation to Climate – Remote Sensing vs. Global Vegetation Models
Beers, A.
GC24A-04Abstract Title: Using High Resolution Remotely Sensed Data to Predict Territory Occupancy and Mircrorefugia for a Habitat Specialist, the American Pika (Ochotona princeps)
Beeson, H. W.
EP41A-0911Abstract Title: Persistent River Basin Disequilibrium in a Cratonic Landscape: Ozark Dome, USA
Beeton, T.
PA12A-03Abstract Title: Lessons Learned on Effective Co-production of Drought Science and Decision Support Tools with the Wind River Reservation Tribal Water Managers
Beevers, S.
A14A-02Abstract Title: Spatially Resolved Emissions of NOx and VOCs and Comparison to Inventories., B33A-0637Abstract Title: Methodology for Airborne Quantification of NOx fluxes over Central London and Comparison to Emission Inventories
Beezley, J. D.
IN42A-01Abstract Title: High performance geospatial and climate data visualization using GeoJS
Befort, D. J.
A13C-0329Abstract Title: Different Long-term Trends of Extra-tropical Cyclones and Windstorms in ERA-20C and NOAA-20CR Reanalyses, A21F-0202Abstract Title: What caused the Extreme Storm Season over the North Atlantic and the UK in Winter 2013-14?, A34B-07Abstract Title: The Northern Hemispheric Circumpolar Vortex under Climate Change
Befring, S.
T51E-2948Abstract Title: Interpretation of the Crustal Structure Around the Northern Viking Graben Based on Recent Seismic Data: Assessment of Previous Models
Befus, K. S.
V24C-07Abstract Title: Magma storage and evolution of the Central Plateau Member Rhyolites, Yellowstone caldera, USA
Befus, K. M.
H24D-08Abstract Title: Young and old water in global rivers and aquifers, NH42A-03Abstract Title: Devastation of aquifers from tsunami-like storm surge by Supertyphoon Haiyan
Beganskas, S.
B21C-0436Abstract Title: Applying Reactive Barrier Technology to Enhance Microbially-mediated Denitrification during Managed Aquifer Recharge, H21B-1357Abstract Title: Regional Analysis of Stormwater Runoff for the Placement of Managed Aquifer Recharge Sites in Santa Cruz and Northern Monterey Counties, California, H21B-1363Abstract Title: Using a Geographic Information System to Assess Site Suitability for Managed Aquifer Recharge using Stormwater Capture
Begashaw, I.
B33A-0620Abstract Title: FluxSuite: a New Scientific Tool for Advanced Network Management and Cross-Sharing of Next-Generation Flux Stations
Begay, D.
ED53CAbstract Title: Frontiers in Student and Public Engagement in Earth and Space Science using Scientific Practices, Cross-Cutting Concepts, and Multicultural Pedagogical Approaches Posters
Begg, S. H.
NH12A-06Abstract Title: Decision making biases in the communication of earthquake risk
Beghein, C.
DI11B-2588Abstract Title: A Bayesian Analysis of Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary Depth Constraints From Different Proxies, DI11C-2615Abstract Title: Upper Mantle Discontinuity Structure Beneath the Western Atlantic Ocean and Eastern North America from SS Precursors, S21B-2680Abstract Title: Assessing the Importance of Crustal Corrections for Global Upper Mantle Radial Anisotropy Models With a Bayesian Approach
Béghin, C.
P31E-2112Abstract Title: Mapping of the cometary plasma density around comet CG/67P at perihelion.
Begnaud, M. L.
S21B-2693Abstract Title: Path-Dependent Travel Time Prediction Variance and Covariance for a Global Tomographic P- and S-Velocity Model, S23C-2737Abstract Title: Velocity Structure of the Iran Region Using Seismic and Gravity Observations, S51F-02Abstract Title: Developing Path-Dependent Uncertainty Estimates for use with the Regional Seismic Travel Time (RSTT) Model, S53B-2830Abstract Title: SALSA3D: A Global 3D Velocity Model for Improved Seismic Event Location in Nuclear Explosion Monitoring
Begovic, S.
NS51A-1967Abstract Title: Joint Travel-time Inversion of Streamer and OBS Seismic Data for Improved Velocity Models and Interplate Boundary Geometry in Subduction Zone
Begu, E.
GC54B-04Abstract Title: Temporal and Spatial Trends of Mercury Speciation in the Mediterranean Sea - 20 years of measurements
Beguería, S.
H12G-07Abstract Title: Modelling the role of forests on water provision services: a hydro-economic valuation approach, H33M-03Abstract Title: Hydrological effects of the increasing vegetation in the headwaters of the Spanish Pyrenees, IN11B-1779Abstract Title: Carbon sequestration and water flow regulation services in mature Mediterranean Forest
Béguin, A.
GP51C-05Abstract Title: Micromagnetic Tomography in Practice
Begum, M. S.
B13E-0665Abstract Title: Anthropogenic Carbon Pump in an Urbanized Estuary
Beh, E. H. Y.
H52B-01Abstract Title: Robust, Optimal Water Infrastructure Planning Under Deep Uncertainty Using Metamodels
Behar, A.
C22B-04Abstract Title: Efficient removal of meltwater runoff through supraglacial streams and rivers on the southwestern Greenland Ice Sheet, C22B-08Abstract Title: The first long-term and continuous measurements of firn mass-balance and compaction on the Greenland Ice Sheet, C43C-0815Abstract Title: Operational System for Estimating Compaction of Arctic Glacial Firn and Surface Mass Balance
Behar, D. H.
PA11CAbstract Title: Toward Effective Decision Maker-Scientist Interactions I, PA12AAbstract Title: Toward Effective Decision Maker-Scientist Interactions II, PA12A-01Abstract Title: Co-Production of Actionable Science: Recommendations to the Secretary of Interior and a San Francisco Case Study, PA13AAbstract Title: Toward Effective Decision Maker-Scientist Interactions III Posters
Behar, E.
P31E-2101Abstract Title: The Evolution of Comet 67P as Seen by a Mass-Resolving Ion Spectrometer
Behera, S. K.
OS52AAbstract Title: Asia-Pacific Climate: Past, Present, and Future I, OS53AAbstract Title: Asia-Pacific Climate: Past, Present, and Future II Posters
Behl, M.
ED23FAbstract Title: Climate Literacy: Research and Evaluation at the Intersection of Barriers, Science Literacy, and Misconceptions I, ED33CAbstract Title: Climate Literacy: Research and Evaluation at the Intersection of Barriers, Science Literacy, and Misconceptions II Posters
Behl, R. J.
T23C-2957Abstract Title: Moderately-dipping California Strike-slip Faults With Bends in map View and Cross-section
Behling, R.
S42C-03Abstract Title: Landscape response to the Mw7.9 Gorkha earthquake
Behn, M. D.
C43E-06Abstract Title: The role of meltwater variability in modulating diurnal to inter-annual ice-sheet flow: New insights from a ~decade of high-temporal resolution GPS observations on the western Greenland margin, C53E-01Abstract Title: Seasonal Variation in Basal Shear Stress Beneath the Greenland Ice Sheet, DI11A-2570Abstract Title: Compositional controls on subducted slab dynamics in the early Earth, T23C-2952Abstract Title: Scaling Relations for the Thermal Structure of Segmented Oceanic Transform Faults, V11E-06Abstract Title: Crustal accretion along the global mid-ocean ridge system based on basaltic glass and olivine-hosted melt inclusion compositions, V12A-01Abstract Title: Seafloor bathymetry is not a paleoclimate proxy, V12A-02Abstract Title: Variations in magmatic and tectonic extension at the Chile Ridge, V31D-3048Abstract Title: Melting Systematics in Mid-ocean Ridge Basalts and Implications for Global CO2 Fluxes, V43D-03Abstract Title: Continental Lower Crust: Wavespeeds, Composition, and Relamination, V43D-04Abstract Title: Density Sorting During the Evolution of Continental Crust
Behnke, J.
IN21C-1701Abstract Title: Depending on Partnerships to Manage NASA’s Earth Science Data, IN33D-1818Abstract Title: Developing the Next Generation of Science Data System Engineers, PA21D-2178Abstract Title: Who uses NASA Earth Science Data? Connecting with Users through the Earthdata website and Social Media
Behnke, M. I.
B11G-0519Abstract Title: Photooxidation and Microbial Processing of Ancient and Modern Dissolved Organic Carbon in the Kolyma River, Siberia.
Behnke, S. A.
S51D-2706Abstract Title: Characterizing Explosive Eruptions at Sakurajima Volcano, Japan, Using Seismic, Infrasound, Lightning and Video Data, V44BAbstract Title: Volcano-Atmosphere Interactions I, V44B-02Abstract Title: When do Volcanic Eruptions make Lightning? Observations from Sakurajima, Japan, V51EAbstract Title: Volcano-Atmosphere Interactions II Posters, V51E-3080Abstract Title: Nature and Intensity of the 22-23 April 2015 Eruptions of Volcán Calbuco, Chile, from Satellite, Lightning, and Field Observations
Behounkova, M.
P11D-06Abstract Title: Effect of Ice-Shell Thickness Variations on the Tidal Deformation of Enceladus
Behr, W. M.
T22CAbstract Title: The Mechanism of Tectonic Tremor I, T31CAbstract Title: The Mechanism of Tectonic Tremor II Posters, T33C-2951Abstract Title: Rheological Heterogeneity Along the Deep Subduction Interface: Insights from Exhumed HP Metamorphic Rocks Exposed on Syros Island, Greece, T33HAbstract Title: Creep Deformation in the Lithosphere: Fabrics, Rheology, and Derived Physical Properties I, T34C-06Abstract Title: Constraints from Xenoliths on Cenozoic Deformation and Rheology of the Western North American Mantle Lithosphere, T41AAbstract Title: Active Tectonics of the Southern San Andreas Transform Plate Boundary System in Southern California and Northern Mexico I Posters, T41A-2852Abstract Title: New geologic slip rates for the Agua Blanca Fault, northern Baja California, Mexico, T41A-2854Abstract Title: Holocene geologic slip rate for Mission Creek strand of the southern San Andreas Fault, T41CAbstract Title: Creep Deformation in the Lithosphere: Fabrics, Rheology, and Derived Physical Properties II Posters, T41C-2901Abstract Title: Longevity of strain localization associated with dynamic recrystallization of olivine in mantle rocks, T41C-2903Abstract Title: Constraints from Xenoliths on the Rheology of the Mojave Lower Crust and Lithospheric Mantle, T51HAbstract Title: Active Tectonics of the Southern San Andreas Transform Plate Boundary System in Southern California and Northern Mexico II
Behrangi, A.
A41J-0208Abstract Title: The Coupling of Convection, Large-Scale Atmospheric Dynamics, Surface Radiation, and Sea-Surface Temperature Hot Spots as Characterized by MODIS, TRMM, CERES, and ECMWF-Interim Reanalysis Data, A44BAbstract Title: Precipitation over Mountainous Terrain: Observations, Understanding, Modeling, and Future Prospects I, A44C-07Abstract Title: Atmospheric River Observations with the HAMSR Aircraft Microwave Sounder, A51KAbstract Title: Precipitation over Mountainous Terrain: Observations, Understanding, Modeling, and Future Prospects II Posters, A51K-0228Abstract Title: Evaluation of Ground Radar Snowfall Products Using SNOTEL Measurements over Mountainous Regions in Western United States, GC43E-02Abstract Title: Assessing Hydro-Ecological Vulnerability from Space, H21IAbstract Title: Utilizing Precipitation Data Sets and Quantifying Associated Uncertainties in Hydrometeorological and Climate Impact Applications I Posters, H21M-05Abstract Title: Status of High Latitude Precipitation Estimates: The Role of GPM in Advancing our Current Understanding , H23LAbstract Title: Utilizing Precipitation Data Sets and Quantifying Associated Uncertainties in Hydrometeorological and Climate Impact Applications II, H24EAbstract Title: Utilizing Precipitation Data Sets and Quantifying Associated Uncertainties in Hydrometeorological and Climate Impact Applications III
Behrendt, A.
H34A-06Abstract Title: A Novel Concept for Observing Land-Surface-Atmosphere Feedback Based on a Synergy of Scanning Lidar Systems
Behrendt, J. C.
C53C-0785Abstract Title: A Prediction of Increase in Subglacial Volcanism Beneath the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) as Future Deglaciation Caused by Ocean Circulation Proceeds
Behrendt, T.
B41G-0515Abstract Title: The Importance of CO2 Utilizing Chemolithoautotrophic Microorganisms for Carbon Sequestration and Isotope Signatures of SOM in Tropical Rainforest Soils
Behrens, H.
T33H-05Abstract Title: Water weakening in experimentally deformed milky quartz single crystals, V33F-05Abstract Title: Heat Capacity of Hydrous Silicate Melts
Behrens, J.
ED33D-0963Abstract Title: Fatty acids as biomarkers for food web structure in the eastern North Pacific Ocean
Behrens, M. K.
GC51F-1166Abstract Title: Trace Element Inputs to the Upper West Pacific from Nd Isotopes and Rare Earth Elements
Behringer, D.
IN43C-1745Abstract Title: Biological Heating in a Global Operational Ocean Forecast System: Using VIIRS Products and a Two-band Scheme, IN43C-1755Abstract Title: Neural Network Technique For: (a) Gap-Filling Of Satellite Ocean Color Observations, And (b) Bridging Multiple Satellite Ocean Color Missions
Behrmann, J. H.
T51I-06Abstract Title: Deformation Processes of Subduction and Exhumation in Alpine Eclogites with Focus on the Tauern Window
Behroozmand, A. A.
H53C-1678Abstract Title: Anthropogenic wetlands due to over-irrigation of desert areas; A challenging hydrogeological investigation with extensive geophysical input, NS43A-1956Abstract Title: Processing of Surface-NMR Data From Sites With High Noise Levels
Bei, Z.
SH53A-2471Abstract Title: Plasma and Magnetic Field Characteristics of Coronal Mass Ejections in Relation to Geomagnetic Storm Intensity and Variability
Beier, P.
PA12A-01Abstract Title: Co-Production of Actionable Science: Recommendations to the Secretary of Interior and a San Francisco Case Study
Beighley, E.
GC41BAbstract Title: Climate Variability and the African Environment, Water Resources, and Food Security I Posters, GC41D-1119Abstract Title: Projections of climate change effects on discharge and inundation in the Amazon River basin, GC43EAbstract Title: Climate Variability and the African Environment, Water Resources, and Food Security II, GC44BAbstract Title: Climate Variability and the African Environment, Water Resources, and Food Security III, GC44B-05Abstract Title: Diffusion Modeling of Water Flow in the Congo Floodplains Using Geodetic and Remote Sensing Measurements, H23F-1644Abstract Title: Investigating scaling effect on subsurface runoff in the Ohio River Basin, H33A-1568Abstract Title: Effects of future climate conditions on terrestrial export from coastal southern California, H41E-1362Abstract Title: Developing a new global network of river reaches from merged satellite-derived datasets, H44A-05Abstract Title: Assessment of climate change impacts on streamflow dynamics in the headwaters of the Amazon River basin, H52D-04Abstract Title: Characterizing regulated reservoirs dynamics in regional to global scale hydrologic models, H52D-07Abstract Title: Estimation of surface water storage in the Congo Basin
Beilin, P.
Beilman, D.
B31D-0605Abstract Title: Resilience of Arctic Permafrost Carbon in Mackenzie River Basin: An Incubation Experiment to Observe Priming Potentials and Biodegradability of Arctic Permafrost Peatlands
Beirão, M.
B21L-01Abstract Title: Biodiversity and functional regeneration during secondary succession in a tropical dry forest: from microorganisms to mammals
Beirle, S.
A23A-0258Abstract Title: MAX-DOAS observations and their application to the validation of satellite and model data in Wuxi, China
Beirle, S.
A43A-0247Abstract Title: Stratospheric Aerosol Extinction Retrieval for SCIAMACHY Measurements in Limb Geometry
Beisman, J. J. III
B43B-0548Abstract Title: ParFlow.RT: Development and Verification of a New Reactive Transport Model
Beisner, B. E.
GC13G-1229Abstract Title: An Experimental Test of How Different Community Configurations and Environmental Pressures Influence the Susceptibility of Ponds to a Critical Transition
Beisser, K.
ED11A-0848Abstract Title: Student Planetary Investigators: A Program to Engage Students in Authentic Research Using NASA Mission Data
Beita, V. H.
A21A-0081Abstract Title: Determination of the Impact to air quality by the sugar cane burning during harvesting in Costa Rica: regional and temporal analysis.
Beitch, M. J.
EP23A-0938Abstract Title: Seasonal to Decadal Change of Arctic Coastal Bluffs, Barter Island, Alaska
Bejannin, S.
GC41B-1088Abstract Title: Using remote sensing to monitor surface freshwater storage in the Congo basin
Bekaert, D. P.
G11C-04Abstract Title: Monitoring our Hazardous Planet with Sentinel-1 InSAR: Results and Prospects , G13B-02Abstract Title: InSAR Tropospheric Correction Methods: A Statistical Comparison over Different Regions, S31AAbstract Title: Advances in Understanding Slow Slip and Transitional Regions I Posters, S33EAbstract Title: Advances in Understanding Slow Slip and Transitional Regions II, S34AAbstract Title: Advances in Understanding Slow Slip and Transitional Regions III
Bekaert, D. V.
P11A-2063Abstract Title: Searching for Indigenous Noble Gases in the Moon: Vacuum Crushing of Vesicular Basalt 15016 and Stepwise Heating of Anorthosites 60025, 60215 and 65315 Aliquots
Bekins, B. A.
H41J-07Abstract Title: Indications of Coupled Carbon and Iron Cycling at a Hydrocarbon-Contaminated Site from Time-Lapse Magnetic Susceptibility (MS) Profiles
Bekker, M. F.
PP51A-2259Abstract Title: A Comparison of Three Millennial-Length Streamflow Reconstructions from Tree Rings Along a North-South Gradient Straddling the ENSO Dipole Transition Zone
Bela, J.
NH13D-1953Abstract Title: Errors in Seismic Hazard Assessment are Creating Huge Human Losses
Bela, M.
A21A-0056Abstract Title: Roles of Chemistry, Microphysics and Transport in Wet Removal of Soluble Species in the DC3 Oklahoma May 29, 2012 Severe Storm
Belair, G. M.
NH51A-1860Abstract Title: Seismic Hazard Analysis of Aizawl, India with a Focus on Water System Fragilities
Bélair, S.
H43H-1627Abstract Title: Land Surface Modeling at Hyper-Resolution in the Context of SMAP Cal/Val
Belan, B. D.
A23I-06Abstract Title: Ground and aircraft-based methane measurements in Siberia: source attribution using tracers and models
Beland, M.
B53BAbstract Title: Forest Canopy Structure: Remote Sensing Observations and Modeling of Its Influence on Radiation Regimes and Gas Exchanges Posters
Beland, S.
SH23B-2443Abstract Title: The Latest SORCE SIM Degradation Model and the Resulting SSI Measurements from 2003 to 2015
Belay, Y. G.
H11I-1454Abstract Title: GIS AND REMOTE SENSING BASEDLAND USE LAND COVER DYNAMICS AT SEMIEN MOUNTAIS NATIONAL PARK Authors name: Gebreanenya Gebru Kidane, Email. University of Gondar Phone.251 920 88 84 62
Belbadaoui, M.
T13A-2963Abstract Title: Paleogeographic Evolution of the Late Neoproterozoic and Early Phanerozoic with New Paleomagnetic Constraints from West African Craton
Belcher, J. W.
SH41A-2369Abstract Title: Voyager 2 observations of plasma in the heliosheath.
Belehaki, A.
IN23D-1752Abstract Title: Crosswalking near-Earth and space physics ontologies in SPASE and ESPAS
Belem, A. L.
PP13A-2259Abstract Title: Linking the Modern and Recent Record of Cabo Frio Upwelling with Local Climate and Biogeochemical Processes in Hypersaline Coastal Lagoons, Região dos Lagos, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Belgacem, I.
P53F-06Abstract Title: Chemistry of the Materials Above and Below an Unconformity Between the Murray and Stimson Formations in Gale Crater, Mars
Belian, R. D.
SM41H-2584Abstract Title: Comparison of Energetic Electron Distribution Functions Derived from CXDs (L~4.2), CPAs and SOPAs (L~6.6), and Model AE8 at or near the Magnetic Equator , SM52A-06Abstract Title: Superposed Epoch Analysis Comparing the Reaction of the Proton Radiation Belt and the Electron Radiation Belt during High-Speed-Stream-Driven Storms
Belica, L.
GC51E-1138Abstract Title: Investigation of the Relative Effects of Insolation, Groundwater, and Spatial Variability in Temperature Dynamics of Two Headwater Streams
Belikov, D.
A41I-0203Abstract Title: Estimation of Footprints of Observation Sites Using NIES and FLEXPART Atmospheric Transport Models, GC31B-1169Abstract Title: Developing a high-resolution CO2 flux inversion model for global and regional scale studies
Belikov, R.
P32B-02Abstract Title: Why Alpha Centauri is a Particularly Good Target for Direct Imaging of Exoplanets.
Belitz, K.
H11L-03Abstract Title: Quantifying Groundwater Quality at a Regional Scale: Establishing a Foundation for Economic and Health Assessments
Bell, A.
H11F-1421Abstract Title: Field Scale Groundwater Nitrate Loading Model for the Central Valley, California, 1945-Current
Bell, A. F.
V22B-04Abstract Title: Forecasting the failure of heterogeneous magmas
Bell, E. A.
V21C-3049Abstract Title: Investigating the Early Carbon Cycle Using Carbonaceous Inclusions and Dissolved Carbon in Detrital Zircon, V44AAbstract Title: Geochemistry of Sediments and Sediment Recycling and Implications for Crust and Mantle Evolution over Earth History I, V51BAbstract Title: Geochemistry of Sediments and Sediment Recycling and Implications for Crust and Mantle Evolution over Earth History II Posters
Bell, E.
B33B-0650Abstract Title: Factors Governing the Germination of Sulfate-Reducing Desulfotomaculum Endospores Involved in Oil Reservoir Souring., B51B-0430Abstract Title: The Distribution of Thermophilic Sulfate-reducing Bacteria Along an Estuarine Gradient Reveals Multiple Origins of Endospores in Estuarine Sediments
Bell, E.
GC53C-1218Abstract Title: Tidal Energy Conversion Installation at an Estuarine Bridge Site: Resource Evaluation and Energy Production Estimate
Bell, J. F. III
P11B-2070Abstract Title: Trojan Tour and Rendezvous (TTR): A New Frontiers Mission to Explore the Origin and Evolution of the Early Solar System, P31H-03Abstract Title: Complex Explosive Volcanic Activity on the Moon in Oppenheimer Crater, P43B-2125Abstract Title: Recent Mastcam and MAHLI Visible/Near-Infrared Spectrophotometric Observations: Pahrump Hills to Marias Pass, P43B-2126Abstract Title: Insights Into the Mineralogic Diversity of Lower Mount Sharp Units from Mars Science Laboratory Mastcam Multispectral Observations, P53D-2153Abstract Title: Surface Albedo Variations Across Opportunity’s Traverse in Meridiani Planum
Bell, J. T.
B11D-0471Abstract Title: Impacts of Activated Carbon Amendment on Hg Methylation, Demethylation and Microbial Activity in Marsh Soils, B13I-07Abstract Title: Biogeochemical and Hydrological Controls on Mercury and Methylmercury in First Order Coastal Plain Watersheds of the Chesapeake Bay
Bell, J. M.
P11E-08Abstract Title: The Interaction of Venus-like, M-dwarf Planets with the Stellar Wind of Their Host Star, P21A-2060Abstract Title: MAVEN/IUVS Apoapse Observations of the Martian FUV Dayglow, P21A-2061Abstract Title: Retrieval of Mars' Upper Atmospheric Composition using Dayglow Observations by IUVS on MAVEN, P21A-2064Abstract Title: Variability of Mars Thermospheric Neutral Structure from MAVEN Deep Dip Observations: NGIMS Comparisons with Global Models, P41B-2070Abstract Title: Global Response of the Upper Thermosphere to Large Ion Drifts in the Jovian Ovals, SM31C-2518Abstract Title: Initial Predictions of Outflow Rates from Jupiter's Ionosphere
Bell, J. R.
IN32A-04Abstract Title: Applications of Earth Remote Sensing for Identifying Tornado and Severe Weather Damage, NH43B-1891Abstract Title: Identifying Severe Weather Impacts and Damage with Google Earth Engine
Bell, L. D.
SA43B-2367Abstract Title: ARMAS and NAIRAS Comparisons of Radiation at Aviation Altitudes
Bell, M.
H43I-1660Abstract Title: The Influence of Topography and Spatial Patterns of Soil Hydraulic Conductivity on Groundwater Response Across a Forested Hillslope
Bell, M. S.
P11B-2098Abstract Title: Science Objectives and Site Selection Criteria for a Human Mission to Mars
Bell, M. D.
B12E-04Abstract Title: Linking Biological Responses of Terrestrial N Eutrophication to the Final Ecosystem Goods and Services Classification System
Bell, M. M.
A44D-07Abstract Title: Validation of Simulated Hurricane Drop Size Distributions using Polarimetric Radar
Bell, R. E.
T23C-2951Abstract Title: Fault Growth and Interactions in a Multiphase Rift Fault Network: Horda Platform, Norwegian North Sea, T31B-2862Abstract Title: Thrust fault growth within accretionary wedges: New Insights from 3D seismic reflection data, T33BAbstract Title: Cumulative Deformation in the Overlying Plate due to Subduction and Related Feedbacks II, T51E-2951Abstract Title: How Do Normal Faults Grow?, T53C-08Abstract Title: ­­Are current models for normal fault array evolution applicable to natural rifts?
Bell, R. E.
C11CAbstract Title: Deep and Dark: Geophysical Exploration of the Cryosphere I Posters, C21A-0698Abstract Title: Looking Into and Through the Ross Ice Shelf - ROSETTA-ICE, C21A-0720Abstract Title: Linking the spatial variability of glacier mass loss to fjord geometry, C21A-0722Abstract Title: Structure and form of grounding lines of modern ice sheets, C23DAbstract Title: Nye Lecture, C51B-0711Abstract Title: Extensive subglacial hydrological network and basal temperate layer in Southwest Greenland: an integrated approach of radar analysis and ice sheet modeling, PA32AAbstract Title: Looking to the Future of Antarctic and Southern Ocean Research I, PA32A-01Abstract Title: A Strategic Vision for NSF Investments in Antarctic and Southern Ocean Research: Recommendations of a New Study from the National Academes of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine., PA33CAbstract Title: Looking to the Future of Antarctic and Southern Ocean Research II Poster, T11B-2877Abstract Title: Stalled Orogen Linked to East Antarctic Craton Assembly, T21G-08Abstract Title: New Views of East Antarctica- from Columbia to Gondwana
Bell, S. W.
T51D-2836Abstract Title: Pronounced Shear Velocity Asymmetry in the Mantle Across the Juan de Fuca Ridge and Curious Lack of Features at the Gorda Ridge
Bell, T. W.
B13F-0670Abstract Title: Ecosystem carbon balance in a drier future: land-atmosphere exchanges of CO2, water and energy across semiarid southwestern North America
Bell, T.
EP23A-0945Abstract Title: Coastal Mapping for Baseline Geoscience Knowledge to Support Community Hazard Assessment and Sustainable Development, Eastern Baffin Island, Nunavut, GC31B-1183Abstract Title: Rapid Arctic Changes due to Infrastructure and Climate (RATIC) in the Russian North
Bell, W.
A31H-05Abstract Title: The Gap Analysis for Integrated Atmospheric ECV Climate Monitoring Project
Bellaire, S.
C43F-05Abstract Title: An improved snow cover scheme for high-resolution numerical weather prediction models.
Bellanova, P.
NH23D-08Abstract Title: Hurricane Sandy deposits on Fire Island, NY: Using washover deposit stratigraphy to understand sediment transport during large storms., NH33A-1898Abstract Title: Test of the microtextural analysis of quartz grains of tsunami and non-tsunami deposits in Tirúa (Chile) - an unsuitable method for a valid tsunami identification
Bellardo, J.
SA32A-06Abstract Title: ExoCube INMS with Neutral Hydrogen Mode
Bellas, A. S.
DI13B-2662Abstract Title: Evolution of a Subducted Slab with Viscosity Controlled by Damage and Healing Processes
Bellassen, V.
B34A-07Abstract Title: Potential of forest management to reduce French carbon emissions - regional modelling of the French forest carbon balance from the forest to the wood.
Belle, J. H.
A23C-0335Abstract Title: Estimation of PM2.5 Concentrations in the Conterminous U.S. Using MODIS data and a Three-Stage Model
Bellemare, M.
GC53H-01Abstract Title: Global Food Security in a Changing Climate: Considerations and Projections
Bellemare, M. F.
GC54A-01Abstract Title: Climate Change and Global Food Security: Food Access, Utilization, and the US Food System
Bellenger, J. P.
B24A-04Abstract Title: Isotopic Biomarkers of Nitrogenase Metalloenzymes: Forging Links Between the Cycles of Nitrogen and Trace Metals
Beller, E.
H13F-1608Abstract Title: Operationalizing ecological resilience at a landscape scale: A framework and case study from Silicon Valley
Beller, H. R.
B11J-0568Abstract Title: Metatranscriptome Analysis of Aquifer Samples Reveals Unexpected Metabolic Lifestyles Relevant to Active Biogeochemical Cycling, B13K-03Abstract Title: Linked metatranscriptomic and geochemical data indicate microbial succession in naturally reduced aquifer sediments dominated by H2-oxidizing Comamonadaceae, B23I-03Abstract Title: Genome-Enabled Modeling of Biogeochemical Processes Predicts Metabolic Dependencies that Connect the Relative Fitness of Microbial Functional Guilds, H34C-02Abstract Title: Groundwater monitoring of hydraulic fracturing in California: Recommendations for permit-required monitoring
Beller, S.
S11B-02Abstract Title: Increasing resolution of lithospheric images by full-waveform inversion of teleseismic data, S23C-2740Abstract Title: Multi-parameter high-resolution lithospheric imaging by source-independent full-waveform inversion of teleseismic data
Bellieni, G.
V41C-3081Abstract Title: 40Ar/39Ar ages and Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic compositions of alkaline and tholeiitic rocks from the northern Deccan Traps
Bellin, A.
H21A-1334Abstract Title: Analyzing the role of the permeability heterogeneous structure in developing vorticity in porous media, H23F-1642Abstract Title: HYDROSCAPE: A SCAlable and ParallelizablE Rainfall Runoff Model for Hydrological Applications, H53K-03Abstract Title: Occurence of Helical Flow in Cross-Bedded Sediments and Consequences for Transverse Mixing
Bellingham, P.
T51F-2993Abstract Title: Are Deep Seismic Reflections at Volcanic Margins from the Petrological Moho or from within the Mantle?
Bellino, G.
P21B-04Abstract Title: Role of volatile compounds on the thermal evolution of Pluto and Charon
Belliveau, L. C.
T53A-07Abstract Title: Exploring Controls on Sinuousity, Terraces and River Capture in the Upper Dajia River, Taiwan
Bellmore, J. R.
EP43B-0971Abstract Title: Challenges to natural process restoration: common dam removal management concerns
Bellmore, R. A.
H12C-05Abstract Title: Effects of Nitrogen Inputs and Watershed Characteristics on Summer Stream Nitrogen Concentrations: A National-Scale Analysis
Bellomo, S.
V13C-3156Abstract Title: Dissolved inert gases (He, Ne, N2) as marker of groundwater flow-lines and degassing sources in Etnean area, V21D-02Abstract Title: Long-term monitoring on active volcanoes. Time relationship between surface variations of temperature and changes of energy release from magmatic sources, verified by multi-parameter and interdisciplinary comparisons
Bellon, G.
A33R-04Abstract Title: Influence of Convective Entrainment on Climate Variability
Bellouin, N.
A41O-07Abstract Title: The impacts of the 2014 eruption of Holuhraun in Iceland: the tropospheric equivalent of Mount Pinatubo, A41P-02Abstract Title: Easy Aerosol - a model intercomparison project to study aerosol-radiative interactions and their impact on regional climate
Bellucci, A.
A33M-0399Abstract Title: A Multi-System View of Wintertime NAO Seasonal Predictions., A53E-01Abstract Title: Projected Changes in Intense Precipitation over Europe at the Daily and Sub-Daily Time Scales
Bellucci, A.
IN33E-05Abstract Title: CDPP activities: Promoting research and education in space physics
Bellucco, V.
B33E-0755Abstract Title: Monitoring Energy and Carbon Fluxes in a Mediterranean City
Bellucco, V.
B33A-0636Abstract Title: Influence of Different Environmental Variables on Energy and Carbon Fluxes in a Mediterranean Maquis Site
Bellugi, D. G.
NH31D-04Abstract Title: Shallow Landslides Hazards in a Changing Climate, NH43D-04Abstract Title: Local slope, hillslope length and upslope unstable area as 1st order controls on co-seismic landslide hazard.
Bellvert, J.
GC41F-1139Abstract Title: Dynamic changes in an estuary over the past eleven years
Belmahdi, I.
P33A-2124Abstract Title: Highlight on the indigenous organic molecules detected on Mars by SAM and potential sources of artifacts and backgrounds generated by the sample preparation
Belmecheri, S.
B14B-03Abstract Title: Using Novel Approaches in Process-Based Modeling for Interpreting Inter-Annual Variability in Tree Ring Widths, Wood Density Profiles, and Cellulose Isotopic Ratios, GC31G-05Abstract Title: Latitudinal Gradients in the Stable Carbon and Oxygen Isotopes of Tree-Ring Cellulose Reveal Differential Climate Influences of the North American Monsoon, PP23A-2292Abstract Title: 20th Century Northern hemisphere jet stream variability, PP31C-2256Abstract Title: New Insights into the 8.2 ka Cold Event and Subsequent Climate Recovery in Central Europe Provided by a Precisely Dated Ostracod δ18O Record from Mondsee (Austria), PP43F-01Abstract Title: Multi-century Evaluation of Sierra Nevada Snowpack
Belmont, G.
SM51A-2515Abstract Title: Asymmetric kinetic equilibria: demonstration of the independence of magnetic reconnection signatures to the initial current sheet structure.
Belmont, P.
EP21C-0916Abstract Title: Sediment fingerprinting with long- and short-lived radionuclide tracers in the Root River watershed, southeastern Minnesota, EP24B-03Abstract Title: Near-Channel Sediment Sources Now Dominate in Many Agricultural Landscapes: The Emergence of River-Network Models to Guide Watershed Management, EP33D-08Abstract Title: Amplification and Damping of Environmental Signals in Intensively Managed Landscapes, H11C-1347Abstract Title: Fire and Fish: Using Radiocarbon And Stratigraphy To Discern The Impact Of Wildfire On Fish Metapopulations, H11D-1376Abstract Title: Hydrograph structure informed calibration in the frequency domain with time localization, H11KAbstract Title: Advances in Watershed Modeling of Hydrology, Sediment, and Nutrients I, H12CAbstract Title: Advances in Watershed Modeling of Hydrology, Sediment, and Nutrients II, H13CAbstract Title: Advances in Watershed Modeling of Hydrology, Sediment, and Nutrients III Posters, H13C-1528Abstract Title: Modeling channel-floodplain hydrologic connectivity under non-stationary conditions, H21KAbstract Title: Advances in Watershed Modeling of Hydrology, Sediment, and Nutrients IV, H33O-02Abstract Title: Climate and Humans as Amplifiers of Hydro-Ecologic Change: Science and Policy Implications for Intensively Managed Landscapes
Belmonte, D.
V14C-06Abstract Title: Carbonation of Subduction Interface Ultramafic Rocks and Implications for Deep Carbon Cycling: Evidence from Hybrid Serpentinite-Marble in the Voltri Massif, Italy
Belmonte, M. A.
ED33D-0964Abstract Title: Comparison of microbial communities in Lake Tahoe surface sample with Tonga Trench water column samples using High Pressure Liquid Chromatography - Electrospray Ionization - Mass Spectroscopy (HPLC - ESI - MS) and Global Natural Products Social Molecular Network (GNPS) 
Belnap, J.
B24D-03Abstract Title: Dryland feedbacks to climatic change: Results from a climate manipulation experiment on the Colorado Plateau, B52C-01Abstract Title: Drought-induced Changes in Dryland Soil Biogeochemical Cycles, H42B-01Abstract Title: Biological Soil Crusts are Ecohydrological Hotspots in Dryland and Subhumid Regions
Belochitski, A.
A51D-0079Abstract Title: Applying an economical scale-aware PDF-based turbulence closure model in NOAA NCEP GCMs.
Belonenko, T. V.
G43B-1054Abstract Title: On the response of the Black Sea elevation to the Mediterranean Sea level
Belonoshko, A. B.
DI42A-07Abstract Title: The LPO Iron Pattern beneath the Earth’s Inner Core Boundary
Belousov, A.
V23A-3066Abstract Title: The 2005 and 2010 dome collapse driven block and ash flows on Shiveluch volcano, Kamchatka: Morphological analysis using satellite- and field-based data
Belousova, E. A.
T13C-3029Abstract Title: A Sm-Nd eclogite and U-Pb detrital zircon study of a probable Baltic HP-UHP metamorphic terrane in the Greenland Caledonides
Belousova, M.
V23A-3066Abstract Title: The 2005 and 2010 dome collapse driven block and ash flows on Shiveluch volcano, Kamchatka: Morphological analysis using satellite- and field-based data
Beltrami, H.
A21E-0178Abstract Title: Estimating Continental Energy Storage from CMIP5 Simulations, GC23I-1210Abstract Title: Thermal Coupling Between Air and Ground Temperatures in the CMIP5 Historical and Future Simulations, PP51A-2248Abstract Title: North American Ground Surface Temperature Histories: A Contribution to the PAGES2k North American Project, PP51A-2272Abstract Title: Coupling Between Air and Ground Temperatures in PMIP3/CMIP5 Last Millennium Simulations and the Implications for Climate Reconstructions from Borehole Temperature Profiles
Beltran, F. M.
A21E-0198Abstract Title: Quantifying the Effects of Volcanic Aerosols on Lower Tropospheric Temperature
Beltran, I.
C13A-0797Abstract Title: Dust-on-snow and the Timing of Peak Streamflow in the Upper Rio Grande
Beltran, Y.
B21C-0434Abstract Title: Elemental composition of extant microbialites: mineral and microbial carbon, B21C-0435Abstract Title: Lithifying Microbes Associated to Coral Rubbles
Beltrando, M.
T53C-01Abstract Title: A Crustal-Scale View at Rift Localization and Hyper-Extension Along the Fossil Adriatic Margin of the Alpine Tethys, V32B-09Abstract Title: Accessory Mineral Depth-Profiling Applied to the Corsican Lower Crust: A Continuous Thermal History of Mesozoic Continental Rifting, V34A-08Abstract Title: Constraints on the thermal evolution of the Adriatic margin during Jurassic continental break‑up from U–Pb dating of rutile (Ivrea–Verbano Zone, Italy)
Bemis, K. G.
OS43A-1993Abstract Title: COVIS Detects Interconnections Between Atmospheric, Oceanic and Geologic systems at a Deep Sea Hydrothermal Vent, OS43A-1994Abstract Title: Integrated Data from the NEPTUNE Observatory Highlight the Role of Sub-seafloor Processes in Rapid Temperature, Salinity, and Heat spiking after Seismic Activity., OS43A-1999Abstract Title: Remote characterizing diffuse hydrothermal flows using multi-beam sonar
Bemis, S. P.
PP11A-2207Abstract Title: Pliocene Cosmogenic Nuclide Burial Ages of the Nenana Gravel: Progress in Dating and Implications for Alaska Range Evolution
Ben Asher, M.
EP41C-0938Abstract Title: The Influence of Climate and Micro-climate (aspect) on Soil Creep Efficiency
Ben Ayed, N.
T13B-3008Abstract Title: Spatial variation of present-day stress field and tectonic regime in Tunisia and surroundings from formal inversion of focal mechanisms: Geodynamic implications for central Mediterranean
Ben Belfadhel, M.
H11B-1322Abstract Title: Geoscientific Site Evaluation Approach for Canada’s Deep Geological Repository for Used Nuclear Fuel
Ben-Avraham, Z.
T23C-2978Abstract Title: Correlation between calculated stress distribution and recorded seismicity in Northern Israel and its surrounding
Ben-David, M.
GC23D-1171Abstract Title: Increased Arctic Sea Ice Drift Alters Polar Bear Movements and Energetics
Ben-Horin, D.
GC51C-1097Abstract Title: The Spatial Footprint of Natural Gas-Fired Electricity
Ben-Jaffel, L.
SH41E-2409Abstract Title: The heliosphere neutrals composition: from Voyager UVS to IMAPS, SM23B-2552Abstract Title: Magnetospheric Dynamical and Morphological Response to Multi-species Plasma Supply From the Ionosphere:New Comprehensive 3D PIC Simulation.
Ben-Yosef, E.
GP12A-02Abstract Title: Northern hemisphere mid-latitude geomagnetic anomaly revealed from Levantine Archaeomagnetic Compilation (LAC).
Ben-Zion, Y.
S11A-2775Abstract Title: A Large Scale Automatic Earthquake Location Catalog in the San Jacinto Fault Zone Area Using An Improved Shear-Wave Detection Algorithm, S13B-2828Abstract Title: Discriminating Characteristics of Tectonic and Human-Induced Seismicity, S24B-01Abstract Title: Detailed Shallow Structure and Seismic Catalog Based on Data of a Spatially-Dense Array on the San Jacinto Fault Zone, S33F-06Abstract Title: A Data-based Error Analysis for Cross-Correlations of Ambient Seismic Noise in Frequency Domain, S41A-2710Abstract Title: Near-Field Imaging Based on High Resolution Focal Spot Properties, S51A-2662Abstract Title: Full source tensor inversions of San Jacinto fault zone earthquakes using 3D Green’s functions with the gCAP method, T23C-2976Abstract Title: Scaling of Maximum Observed Magnitudes with Geometrical and Stress Properties of Strike-Slip Faults, T51A-2865Abstract Title: Characterization of the San Jacinto Fault Zone Northwest of the Trifurcation Area from Earthquake Data Recorded by a Dense Linear Array, T53B-05Abstract Title: Seismic Imaging of the San Jacinto Fault Zone Area From Seismogenic Depth to the Surface
Benaabidate, L.
H43D-1527Abstract Title: Spring Responses to Storms and Seasonal Variations in Recharge in the Middle Atlas Region of Morocco
Benage, M. C.
V51F-3094Abstract Title: Air Entrainment and Thermal Evolution of Pyroclastic Density Currents at Tungurahua, Ecuador
Benaouda, M.
GC13E-1205Abstract Title: First In Vivo Measurements of Methane Emissions from Ruminant Livestock Enteric Fermentation in Mexico Using Respiration Chambers
Benavent Oltra, N.
A23A-0267Abstract Title: Can Nitrous Oxide be Measured Using Space Borne Ultraviolet Spectrometers?
Benavente, R. F.
S54A-06Abstract Title: Towards rapid uncertainty estimation in linear finite fault inversion with positivity constraints
Benck, S.
SM21B-2514Abstract Title: Investigation of Energetic Particle Precipitation using the Array for Broadband Observations of VLF/ELF Emissions (ABOVE) and the Energetic Particle Telescope (EPT)
Bendek, E.
P32B-02Abstract Title: Why Alpha Centauri is a Particularly Good Target for Direct Imaging of Exoplanets., P33B-2134Abstract Title: A Space Mission Concept to Directly Image the Habitable Zone of Alpha Centauri
Bender, F.
A24E-08Abstract Title: From Regional Cloud-Albedo to a Global Albedo Footprint - Studying Aerosol Effects on the Radiation Budget Using the Relation Between Albedo and Cloud Fraction
Bender, J.
PA43D-03Abstract Title: Increasing risk of compound flooding from storm surge and rainfall for major US coastal cities
Bender, K. S.
B14C-03Abstract Title: Investigating the Connection between hgcA and Mercury Methylation Rates in the Environment
Bender, M. A.
GC51F-1139Abstract Title: Copper Accumulation, Availability and Adsorption Capacity in Sandy Soils of Vineyards with Different Cultivation Duration
Bender, M. D.
H41G-1416Abstract Title: Evaluation of Head-of-Reservoir Conditions for Downstream Migration of Juvenile Chinook Salmon and Steelhead at Shasta Lake, California
Bender, M. L.
Bender, M. R.
PA31A-2153Abstract Title: Building Capacity to Use Earth Observations in Decision Making: A Case Study of NASA’s DEVELOP National Program Methods and Best Practices
Bender, S.
H51T-03Abstract Title: Remote Sensing-based Methodologies for Snow Model Adjustments in Operational Streamflow Prediction
Bendick, R. O.
PA21B-2161Abstract Title: Synthesizing, summarizing, and sharing natural hazard information for non-scientists, T44C-07Abstract Title: Kinematics and Dynamics of the Main Ethiopian Rift, U33A-01Abstract Title: Incomplete décollement rupture in the 25 April 2015 Gurkha earthquake; Implications for past and future Himalayan earthquakes
Bendix, J.
NH31A-1873Abstract Title: Santa Ana Winds and Fire Regimes of Southern California National Forests
Bendixen, M.
EP23A-0941Abstract Title: Shoreline changes and its impact on activities in the coastal zone in Greenland, EP23A-0942Abstract Title: Arctic coastal zone mapping: Evolution of sedimentary coasts in Greenland, NS41A-1919Abstract Title: Sea-level markers in West and South Greenland detected in fossil beach deposits using ground-penetrating radar
Bendle, J. A.
PP11C-06Abstract Title: Late Oligocene to Late Miocene Antarctic Climate Reconstructions Using Molecular and Isotopic Biomarker Proxies, PP23E-05Abstract Title: Indus-wide C4 expansion between 7-6 Ma: an IODP Expedition 355 discovery
Bendtsen, J.
C21A-0724Abstract Title: A synthesis of the ongoing seasonal work in a west Greenland tidewater outlet glacier fjord, Godthåbsfjord
Benedek, C. L.
C51B-0712Abstract Title: Over-wintering of Supraglacial Lakes on the Greenland Ice Sheet from Sentinel-1 and Landsat-8 Data
Benedict, B. A.
GC51G-1170Abstract Title: Geospatial Mapping of Pb, Cr, Cu, Zn, Cd, and Sb in Urban Soil, Cd. Juarez, Chihuahua, Mexico
Benedict, J. J.
A12B-05Abstract Title: The global hydrological cycle in a climate model hierarchy, A22E-07Abstract Title: The impact of diurnal cycle over the Maritime Continent on the Madden-Julian Oscillation, A53G-01Abstract Title: Challenges of Representing Sub-Grid Physics in an Adaptive Mesh Refinement Atmospheric Model
Benedict, K. K.
IN13AAbstract Title: Agile Curation, Data Access and Infrastructure, and Data Layers: Maximizing the Value of Research Data I Posters, IN13A-1821Abstract Title: Linking data repositories - an illustration of agile data curation principles through robust documentation and multiple application programming interfaces, IN22AAbstract Title: Agile Curation, Data Access and Infrastructure, and Data Layers: Maximizing the Value of Research Data III, PA51D-02Abstract Title: Staying in the Light: Evaluating Sustainability Models for Brokering Software
Benedict, K. B.
A12A-04Abstract Title: Ozone and Volatile Organic Compound Distributions in Rocky Mountain National Park During FRAPPÉ: Impacts of Oil and Natural Gas Operations and Urban Emissions on Park Air Quality, A21A-0051Abstract Title: Source Apportionment of Volatile Organic Compounds and PM2.5 Using Positive Matrix Factorization in Two National Parks Impacted by Oil and Natural Gas Drilling Operations
Benedict-Philipp, A.
GP51B-1341Abstract Title: Borehole Magnetostratigraphy of Sediments in a U.S. Geological Survey Multiple-Completion Well, San Diego County, California
Benediktsson, Í. Ö.
C14A-07Abstract Title: Physical characteristics of drumlins, with implications for their formation, at an active drumlin field, Múlajökull, Iceland, C54B-01Abstract Title: A Model of Drumlin Growth at Múlajökull, Iceland
Benes, K.
PA33B-2190Abstract Title: The value of superpower-submitted INDCs in cooperative and non-cooperative action scenarios: economic impact, dynamic risk, and temperature rise
Benetti, M.
B54A-06Abstract Title: D/H isotope ratios in the global hydrologic cycle constrain the partitioning of global terrestrial water fluxes.
Benettin, P.
H21F-1438Abstract Title: What Is the Age of Transpiring Fluxes? Exploring the Impact of Vegetation on Water and Solute Mass Balance, H51J-1522Abstract Title: Modeling Hydrologic Transport through the Critical Zone: Lessons from Catchment-Scale and Lysimeter Studies
Bengtson, M.
SM21A-2480Abstract Title: Observations and Simulations of Whistler Waves in Earth's Radiation Belts, SM21A-2491Abstract Title: Observations and Simulations of Whistler-mode Waves Detected by the Van Allen Probes, SM21A-2496Abstract Title: Whistler-Mode Waves inside Density Ducts Observed by the Van Allen Probes
Beninati, M. L.
GC52CAbstract Title: Renewable Energy: Marine, Wave, Hydrokinetic, and Open Topics I, GC53CAbstract Title: Renewable Energy: Marine, Wave, Hydrokinetic, and Open Topics II Posters, GC53C-1215Abstract Title: Marine Hydrokinetic Turbines operating in a streamwise tandem arrangement
Beniston, M.
U42A-05Abstract Title: Water Resources by 2100 in Mountains with Declining Glaciers
Benitez, E.
P31C-2081Abstract Title: Isotopic Fractionation of Water-Ice from Sublimation
Benito-Ferrandez, G.
EP51A-0904Abstract Title: The evolution of an ephemeral river during the rising and receding phases of medium and low magnitude discharge events
Benjamin, L.
GC43F-04Abstract Title: WFIP2 – The Second Wind Forecast Improvement Project: Observing Systems And Case Studies
Benjamin, S.
ED14A-02Abstract Title: CATE: A Case Study of an Interdisciplinary Student-Led Microgravity Experiment
Benjamin, S.
A23O-01Abstract Title: Toward reducing systematic errors in NWP – cross-evaluation of common physics from 6h-regional to 6d-global to 6mon-coupled applications, GC43F-04Abstract Title: WFIP2 – The Second Wind Forecast Improvement Project: Observing Systems And Case Studies , IN34B-02Abstract Title: Progress toward hourly global data assimilation using direct readout satellite data
Benjankar, R. M.
C33B-0807Abstract Title: Importance of temporal resolution of meteorological forcings for physics-based snow modeling, EP43B-0979Abstract Title: Is hyporheic flow an indicator for salmonid spawning site selection?
Benjaram, S. S.
EP31B-0993Abstract Title: Soil chemical weathering under morphologic and climatic controls in the Northern Rockies, Montana
Benjelloun, Y. N.
T31A-2852Abstract Title: The North Anatolian Fault in the Region of Iznik (Turkey) : Geomorphological Evolution and Archeoseismicity
Benjumea, H.
A51K-0225Abstract Title: Rainfall Forecasting Skill over the Tropical Andes
Benkert, B.
GC23J-1218Abstract Title: Assessing hazard risk, cost of adaptation and traditional land use activities in the context of permafrost thaw in communities in Yukon and the Northwest Territories, Canada
Benkhoff, J.
P53A-2108Abstract Title: Studying the surface of Mercury with BepiColombo, P53A-2109Abstract Title: BepiColombo MPO – Scientific goals revisited?
Benmergui, J. S.
A33F-0245Abstract Title: Integrating diverse observations of North American CH4 into flux inversions in CarbonTrackerLagrange-CH4, A52C-04Abstract Title: Empirically constrained estimates of Alaskan regional Net Ecosystem Exchange of CO2, 2012-2014, B43J-02Abstract Title: The Ability of Atmospheric Data to Reduce Disagreements in Wetland Methane Flux Estimates over North America
Benn, D.
C21A-0725Abstract Title: Glacier Hydrology at Two Svalbard Tidewater Glaciers: An Integrated Remote-Sensing and Field Study, C51C-0736Abstract Title: Simulating Ice-Flow and Calving on Store Glacier, West Greenland, with a 3D Full Stokes Model
Benna, M.
P12A-03Abstract Title: Evidence of Ion Heating at Low Altitudes in the Dayside Ionosphere at Mars, P13D-01Abstract Title: Observations of the Martian ionosphere by the Neutral Gas and Ion Mass Spectrometer During the First Year of the MAVEN Mission, P13D-02Abstract Title: Water and Water Ions in the Martian Thermosphere/Ionosphere, P13D-03Abstract Title: Photochemical escape of oxygen from the Martian atmosphere: new insights from MAVEN, P13D-05Abstract Title: Day-To-Night Ionosphere Transport by Neutral Winds, P13D-06Abstract Title: MHD Model Results of Solar Wind Interaction with Mars and Comparison with MAVEN Plasma Observations, P21A-2039Abstract Title: MAVEN IUVS-NGIMS-model ionospheric comparisons and insights, P21A-2040Abstract Title: MAVEN Observations of Ionopause-like Density Gradients in the Martian Ionosphere, P21A-2044Abstract Title: Comparison of Mars Initial Reference Ionosphere (MIRI) Model with Initial Data Sets from MAVEN, P21A-2049Abstract Title: Precipitating Solar Wind Hydrogen at Mars, P21A-2057Abstract Title: He Bulge Detection by MAVEN Neutral Gas and Ion Mass Spectrometer (NGIMS) in the Upper Atmosphere of Mars, P21A-2061Abstract Title: Retrieval of Mars' Upper Atmospheric Composition using Dayglow Observations by IUVS on MAVEN, P21A-2063Abstract Title: Retrieval and Distribution of Neutral and Ionic Species in the Martian Upper Atmosphere as Measured by MAVEN NGIMS, P21A-2064Abstract Title: Variability of Mars Thermospheric Neutral Structure from MAVEN Deep Dip Observations: NGIMS Comparisons with Global Models, P21A-2067Abstract Title: MAVEN observations of atmospheric waves in the Martian upper atmosphere, P21A-2083Abstract Title: Multi-fluid MHD Study of the Solar Wind Interaction with Mars' Upper Atmosphere during the 2015 March 8th ICME Event, P21A-2093Abstract Title: Enhanced Loss of O2+ and O+ at Mars from Electron and Ion Heating, P43F-06Abstract Title: Hydrogen Bearing Material in the Lunar Exosphere
Bennartz, R.
A31E-0111Abstract Title: Increased Occurrence of Central-Pacific El Niño in ERSST Version 4
Bennartz, R.
B41C-0457Abstract Title: Methane Emissions from Bangladesh: Bridging the Gap Between Ground-based and Space-borne Estimates
Benner, L.
P53G-07Abstract Title: High-Resolution Bistatic Radar Imaging of Near-Earth Asteroids in 2015 using New Capabilities of Goldstone and Green Bank Telescopes
Benner, S. G.
A41G-0144Abstract Title: Payette River Basin Project: Improving Operational Forecasting in Complex Terrain through Chemistry, B23E-0639Abstract Title: Impacts of Seasonal Flooding on Arsenic Release in Tropical River Deltas, C33C-0828Abstract Title: Evaluation of Glaciogenic Cloud Seeding using Trace Chemistry
Benner, S. G.
B21C-0458Abstract Title: Statistical Modeling to Predict N2O Production Within the Hyporheic Zone by Coupling Denitrifying Microbial Community Abundance to Geochemical and Hydrological Parameters, B33D-0728Abstract Title: Differences in the Temperature Sensitivity of Soil Organic Carbon Decomposition in a Semi-Arid Ecosystem across an Elevational Gradient, B51C-0436Abstract Title: Characterizing biogeochemical processes in the hyporheic zone using flume experiments and reactive transport modeling, B53C-0571Abstract Title: Spatial patterns of vegetation biomass and soil organic carbon acquired from airborne lidar and hyperspectral imagery at Reynolds Creek Critical Zone Observatory, H11C-1363Abstract Title: Systematic Mapping and Statistical Analyses of Valley Landform and Vegetation Asymmetries Across Hydroclimatic Gradients, H21C-1380Abstract Title: Soil Inorganic Carbon Thresholds and Formation: What are the Controls in a Transitional, Semi-Arid Watershed?
Bennethum, L. S.
H51F-1432Abstract Title: Numerical experiments with the Lamellae Upscaling Concept with Approximate Handling of Coalescence of the Reaction Front 
Bennett, A.
GC13K-03Abstract Title: Getting to the root of the matter: Landscape implications of plant-fungal interactions for tree migration in Alaska
Bennett, A. C.
B33F-02Abstract Title: Interactions of forest disturbance-recovery dynamics with a changing climate, B52C-08Abstract Title: Pulse driven productivity in semi-arid lands
Bennett, C.
P53C-2130Abstract Title: Quantifying Sources, Sinks and Gas-surface Interactions on the Moon from LADEE Measurements of Exospheric Na and K, P53C-2139Abstract Title: Space Weathering of airless bodies in the Solar System – Combining hypervelocity dust impacts with energetic irradiation experiments
Bennett, E.
GC13G-1237Abstract Title: Regime Shifts in Shallow Lakes: Responses of Cyanobacterial Blooms to Watershed Agricultural Phosphorus Loading Over the Last ~100 Years.
Bennett, G. N.
B21D-0492Abstract Title: Dynamic monitoring of horizontal gene transfer in soil
Bennett, J.
SA31D-2373Abstract Title: The impacts of the St. Patrick's Day superstorm on selected technologies
Bennett, J. P.
H53K-03Abstract Title: Occurence of Helical Flow in Cross-Bedded Sediments and Consequences for Transverse Mixing
Bennett, K. C.
MR41D-2686Abstract Title: Ductile damage Cam-Clay plasticity and fracture modeling of shale based on nano-characterization experiment
Bennett, K. E.
H24B-05Abstract Title: Influence of Forest Disturbance on Hydrologic Extremes in the Colorado River Basin
Bennett, K. A.
P31H-03Abstract Title: Complex Explosive Volcanic Activity on the Moon in Oppenheimer Crater
Bennett, L. T.
B32A-04Abstract Title: Effect of non-homogeneity in flux footprint on the interpretation of seasonal, annual, and interannual ecosystem carbon exchange, B43C-0566Abstract Title: VEGNET - a novel terrestrial laser scanner for daily monitoring of forest canopy dynamics
Bennett, L.
A12C-06Abstract Title: Dual-Polarised Doppler X-band Radar Observations of Mixed Phased Clouds from the UK’s Ice in Clouds Experiment-Dust (ICE-D)
Bennett, M.
GC23E-1181Abstract Title: Nighttime Lights, Socioeconomic Development, and Revitalization Policies in Northeast Asia
Bennett, N.
V33A-3074Abstract Title: The Metal-Silicate Partitioning of Tungsten at Magma Ocean Conditions Using a Laser-Heated Diamond Anvil Cell, V33A-3075Abstract Title: Redistribution of Argon by Lower Mantle Phases During Magma Ocean Crystallization, V53B-3133Abstract Title: The Role of Oxygen Fugacity in Fractionating Parent-Daughter Pairs between Basaltic and Sulfidic Liquids
Bennett, P. C.
B11J-0569Abstract Title: Solid and Aqueous Geochemical Controls on Phylogenetic Diversity and Abundance of Microbial Biofilms, NH42A-03Abstract Title: Devastation of aquifers from tsunami-like storm surge by Supertyphoon Haiyan
Bennett, R. A.
G54A-02Abstract Title: CGPS as a Tool to Measure Short-Term Mass Balance Variations of Icelandic Ice Caps, T31B-2885Abstract Title: GPS CONSTRAINTS ON CRUSTAL SHORTENING IN AN ACTIVE FOLD-THRUST BELT, NORTHWEST ARGENTINA, T51G-2998Abstract Title: Deformation derived from GPS geodesy associated with Bárðabunga 2014 rifting event in Iceland
Bennett, S. D.
IN33B-1802Abstract Title: LP DAAC MEaSUREs Project Artifact Tracking Via the NASA Earthdata Collaboration Environment
Bennett, S. E. K.
T31B-2892Abstract Title: Holocene to Neogene tectonics in central Washington: assessing seismic hazards from the geomorphic, geologic, and paleoseismic record of the Yakima Folds
Bennett, V. L.
IN31A-1752Abstract Title: Providing an Analysis Environment with Access to High-Volume Simulation and Observational Data for Climate Science
Benneyworth, L. M.
ED31B-0904Abstract Title: Getting the Most Out of Dual-Listed Courses: Involving Undergraduate Students in Discussion Through Active Learning Techniques
Bennike, O.
PP33A-2278Abstract Title: Holocene Climate Change in Arctic Canada and Greenland, PP33A-2281Abstract Title: Records of Local Glacier Variability in Western Greenland During the Holocene From Lake Sediments, Ice-cap-killed Vegetation, and 10Be Dating
Benninger, L. K.
EP31A-0990Abstract Title: Trends in Soil Moisture Reflect More Than Slope Position: Soils on San Cristóbal Island, Galápagos as a Case Study
Bennington, N. L.
S51D-2713Abstract Title: Preliminary Ambient Noise and Seismic Interferometry Analysis of the Laguna del Maule Volcanic Field, Chile, V43A-3091Abstract Title: Amphibious Magnetotelluric Investigation of the Aleutian Arc: Mantle Melt Generation and Migration beneath Okmok Caldera, V43B-3129Abstract Title: Magnetotelluric Investigation of Melt Storage Beneath Okmok Caldera, Alaska
Benoist, C.
G23B-1065Abstract Title: Error Analysis of the IGS repro2 Station Position Time Series
Benoit, L.
C11C-0777Abstract Title: Tide-induced Flexure of an Antarctic Ice-Shelf as seen by a Coupled Seismic-GPS Instrument, H24E-03Abstract Title: A Geostatistical Framework for Estimating Rain Intensity Fields Using Dense Rain Gauge Networks
Benoit, M. H.
DI21A-2594Abstract Title: SKS splitting beneath the MAGIC FlexArray experiment, T11D-2931Abstract Title: Crustal structure of the Mid-Atlantic Margin from the MAGIC seismic array, T11D-2932Abstract Title: Sn to Sg Conversion at the U.S. Atlantic Continental Margin, T11D-2934Abstract Title: Mantle Flow Pattern and Dynamic Topography beneath the Eastern US, T21F-01Abstract Title: Deformation of the Continental Lithosphere at the Margins of the North American Craton: Constraints from Seismic Anisotropy
Benowitz, J.
T42B-02Abstract Title: Neogene exhumation in the eastern Alaska Range and its relationship to splay fault activity in the Denali fault system
Bens, O.
GC41B-1087Abstract Title: Slopes, Fans, Terraces and their Soils - A three Systems Approach for Estimating Future Climate and Land-Use Change
Benson, A.
T11G-03Abstract Title: Extreme Hydrothermal Conditions Near an Active Geological Fault, DFDP-2B Borehole, Alpine Fault, New Zealand
Benson, D. A.
H31BAbstract Title: Anomalous Transport across the Land Surface and in Rivers, Soil, or Aquifers Posters, H31B-1414Abstract Title: The Impact of Early Time Behavior of Solute Transport at High Peclet Number on Upscaled Markovian Transport Models , H31E-1461Abstract Title: Evaluating the Risks of Surface Spills Associated with Hydraulic Fracturing Activities to Groundwater Resources: a Modeling Study in the South Platte Alluvial Aquifer, H53K-05Abstract Title: Exact Analytic Solution of the Non-Markovian Chemical Reaction Process Via Time-Subordination
Benson, K.
IN33E-03Abstract Title: VESPA: Developing the Planetary Science Virtual Observatory in H2020, IN41A-1690Abstract Title: Taverna Workflows in the Virtual Observatory
Benson, L. V.
GP51B-1338Abstract Title: Temporal correlation of U. S. Great Basin lake sediments below the Mono Lake Excursion using paleomagnetic secular variation
Benson, R. F.
IN23D-1752Abstract Title: Crosswalking near-Earth and space physics ontologies in SPASE and ESPAS, IN41A-1682Abstract Title: Registering parameters and granules of wave observations: IMAGE RPI success story
Benson, S. M.
H11B-1331Abstract Title: Pressure monitoring data assimilation to locate and quantify leaks in carbon storage projects., H13M-05Abstract Title: Identifying and Managing Gas Leakage from Subsurface Sources, H21N-05Abstract Title: Quantification of Single- and Multi-Phase Hydrodynamic Dispersion in Rocks Using Dynamic 3D PET Imaging, H41C-1303Abstract Title: Estimating Interfacial Curvature To Assess The Impact Of Ostwald Ripening On The Stability Of Residually Trapped CO2, H41C-1305Abstract Title: Hydrologic Responses to CO2 Injection in Basalts Based on Flow-through Experiments, H43K-06Abstract Title: Multi-scale X-ray Microtomography Imaging of Immiscible Fluids After Imbibition
Benson, T. R.
V24C-04Abstract Title: The Oldest Known Caldera Associated with the Yellowstone Hotspot: New Geologic Mapping, Geochemistry, and 40Ar/39Ar Geochronology for the Northern McDermitt Volcanic Field, Northern Nevada and Southeastern Oregon
Bentel, K.
G31A-1101Abstract Title: GRACE satellite gravimetry to monitor AMOC variability and coherence in the Atlantic Ocean, G42A-03Abstract Title: North Atlantic meridional overturning circulation variations from GRACE ocean bottom pressure anomalie
Benthem, A.
EP21C-0919Abstract Title: A Stochastic Model For Extracting Sediment Delivery Timescales From Sediment Budgets, EP21C-0921Abstract Title: Accounting for Long Term Sediment Storage in a Watershed Scale Numerical Model for Suspended Sediment Routing, EP23E-06Abstract Title: Short-term Fallout Radionuclide Ratios and Mass Balance Identify New Suspended Sediments of Channel Origin, EP23E-07Abstract Title: Age Dating Fluvial Sediment Storage Reservoirs to Construct Sediment Waiting Time Distributions, EP33A-1061Abstract Title: The Origin and Age of Scallop Floodplain Benches from Difficult Run, Fairfax County, Virginia.
Benthem, A. J.
H31I-1539Abstract Title: Quantifying uranium transport rates and storage of fluvially eroded mine tailings from a historic mine site in the Grand Canyon Region
Bentley, A. P.
ED23D-0873Abstract Title: Geo-Needs: Investigating Models for Improved Access to Geosciences at Two-Year and Minority-Serving Colleges
Bentley, C.
ED21BAbstract Title: Digital Devices for Fieldwork, Data Analysis, and Geospatial Visualization: Innovative Applications to Undergraduate Education and Authentic Undergraduate Research Experiences across Geoscience Disciplines Posters, ED21B-0827Abstract Title: Reaching the Next Generation of College Students via Their Digital Devices., ED21B-0828Abstract Title: Gigapixel imaging as a resource for geoscience teaching, research, and outreach
Bentley, L. R.
C43F-03Abstract Title: Groundwater Storage and Flow Pathways in a Rock Glacier Complex in the Canadian Rockies, H11J-03Abstract Title: Conditioning geostatistical simulations of a bedrock fluvial aquifer using single well pumping tests
Bentley, L. P.
PP13A-2258Abstract Title: Leaf Wax δ13C Varies with Elevation in the Peruvian Andes and Western Amazonia
Bentley, M.
C11C-0763Abstract Title: Clean hot water drilling for exploration of the Antarctic deep subglacial environment
Benton, C.
NS21B-1925Abstract Title: Muon Tomography for Geological Repositories.
Benton, N. W.
DI21A-2590Abstract Title: Seismic Anisotropy Beneath the Eastern Flank of the Rio Grande Rift
Benveniste, J.
G11CAbstract Title: Scientific Exploration of the Earth with Multimodal Remote Sensing: InSAR and the New Sentinel-3 Mission I, G11C-02Abstract Title: Global coastal altimetry data enable an improved look at coastal dynamics and sea level, G21BAbstract Title: Scientific Exploration of the Earth with Multimodal Remote Sensing: InSAR and the New Sentinel-3 Mission II Posters, G21B-1022Abstract Title: Sentinel-3 for Science, G21B-1024Abstract Title: SAR Altimetry Processing On Demand Service for CryoSat-2 and Sentinel-3 at ESA G-POD, G23A-1056Abstract Title: The GOCE User Toolbox (GUT) and Tutorial, H52DAbstract Title: Regional to Global Surface Water Storage and Runoff: Remote Sensing, In Situ Data, and Modeling I, H53FAbstract Title: Regional to Global Surface Water Storage and Runoff: Remote Sensing, In Situ Data, and Modeling II Posters
Benway, H. M.
GC13F-1219Abstract Title: Closing the North American Carbon Budget: Continental Margin Fluxes Matter!
Benyassine, E. M.
NS43B-1979Abstract Title: Electrical resistivity and Seismic Refraction Tomography to Detect Heavy Metals Pathways in the Tailings of the Abandoned Mine of Zeïda, Morocco
Benyon, R. G.
H21C-1393Abstract Title: Using high resolution aridity and drainage position data to better predict rainfall-runoff relationships in complex upland topography
Benz, H.
S21B-2687Abstract Title: GLASS 2.0: An Operational, Multimodal, Bayesian Earthquake Data Association Engine, S43D-2819Abstract Title: Source Modeling of the 2015 Mw 7.8 Nepal (Gorkha) Earthquake Sequence and Geodynamic Implications, S51E-01Abstract Title: Calibrated Multiple Event Relocations of the Central and Eastern United States, S51E-02Abstract Title: Application of Subspace Detection to the 6 November 2011 M5.6 Prague, Oklahoma Aftershock Sequence, T41G-01Abstract Title: Foreshock (and slow slip?) triggering of the 1 April 2014 Mw 8.2 Iquique, Chile earthquake
Benz, S.
H24F-02Abstract Title: Remote Sensing of Urban Groundwater Temperatures
Benzen, S.
H53G-1745Abstract Title: Testing an Irrigation Decision Support Tool for California Specialty Crops
Benzik, E.
B32B-03Abstract Title: Insights into Hydrocarbon-rich Environments from Studies of Protein Dynamics, Thermodynamics, and Spectroscopy
Beovich, A. V.
B21B-0428Abstract Title: Biochar soil amendments as a tool for climate change adaptation in PNW agriculture
Bera, P. P.
P23A-2116Abstract Title: Pure and N-substituted Small Cyclic Hydrocarbon Cations and Anions Synthesis in The Ionosphere of Titan: An Ab-Initio Quantum Chemical Perspective
Beranek, J.
A23F-0395Abstract Title: What Can AMF Observations Tell Us about Super-micron Particles?
Beranek, L. P.
T43F-04Abstract Title: Laser Ablation Split Stream (LASS) U-Pb & Lu-Hf Isotope Analysis of Detrital Zircons from the Old Red Sandstone, NW Svalbard: Implications for Northern Caledonian Paleogeography
Berbara, R.
B21L-01Abstract Title: Biodiversity and functional regeneration during secondary succession in a tropical dry forest: from microorganisms to mammals
Berbeco, M.
ED13BAbstract Title: Climate Literacy: Building Bridges between Scientists and Educators Posters, ED23FAbstract Title: Climate Literacy: Research and Evaluation at the Intersection of Barriers, Science Literacy, and Misconceptions I, ED33CAbstract Title: Climate Literacy: Research and Evaluation at the Intersection of Barriers, Science Literacy, and Misconceptions II Posters
Berbellini, A.
S23C-2757Abstract Title: Rayleigh-wave ellipticity and shallow structure in sedimentary basins: the Po Plain (northern Italy)
Berberich, K.
SH12A-06Abstract Title: Presenting DSCOVR: The First NOAA Mission to Leave Earth Orbit
Berbery, E. H.
H43E-1547Abstract Title: Consistency analysis of the water cycle from recently derived satellite products
Berchem, J.
SM13C-2520Abstract Title: Multiscale Simulations of the Dayside Magnetopause, SM51D-2585Abstract Title: Distinct sources of particles near the cusp and the dusk flank of the magnetosphere
Berchet, A.
A11C-0086Abstract Title: What atmospheric measurements tell us about methane emissions in the East Siberian Arctic Shelf, A23I-06Abstract Title: Ground and aircraft-based methane measurements in Siberia: source attribution using tracers and models
Bercovici, D.
DI13B-2662Abstract Title: Evolution of a Subducted Slab with Viscosity Controlled by Damage and Healing Processes, DI31B-2580Abstract Title: A mechanism for mode selection in melt band instabilities , P13C-01Abstract Title: Size and Temperature Distribution of Planetesimals, T41D-2937Abstract Title: Characteristic Size of Tectonic Plates: Insights from Boundary Layer Theory with Grain-damage, U41A-03Abstract Title: Origin of plate tectonics: Grain-damage, inheritance and hysteresis, V23A-3071Abstract Title: Seismic Tremors and Three-Dimensional Magma Wagging
Bercovici, H.
V31D-3054Abstract Title: Evidence for a Dying Magma Chamber at Rábida Island, Galápagos
Berdahl, M.
C53A-0763Abstract Title: Linkages between Icelandic Low position and SE Greenland winter precipitation
Berdanier, A. B.
GC41C-1104Abstract Title: How Much Water Trees Access and How It Determines Forest Response to Drought
Berdichevsky, D. B.
SH31A-2402Abstract Title: On the self-organization of magnetic field and highly diluted matter in astrophysics, SH51AAbstract Title: Characteristics, Consequences, and Predictabilities of Large Solar Storms II Posters
Berdichevsky, D. B.
SH23A-2430Abstract Title: On the Structure of a Long Interval of Extremely Low Speed Solar Wind Observed by STEREO, and Comparison to Similar Events in the Same Solar Cycle, SH51A-2432Abstract Title: RELATIONSHIPs among Geomagnetic storms, interplanetary shocks, magnetic clouds, and SUNSPOT NUMBER during 1995-2012
Berdyugin, A.
SH41D-2402Abstract Title: Charting the Interstellar Magnetic Field behind the Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX) Ribbon
Berelson, W.
B21C-0445Abstract Title: Vertical Microbial Community Variability of Carbonate-based Cones may Provide Insight into Formation in the Rock Record, B21C-0450Abstract Title: Manganese Influences Carbonate Precipitation in a Laminated Microbial Mat, B32B-05Abstract Title: Microbial cycling, oxidative weathering, and the triple oxygen isotope consequences for marine sulfate, PP23B-2294Abstract Title: Standardizing Organic Carbon Measurements for Modern and Geologic Timescales, PP23B-2305Abstract Title: Timing of Carbon isotope excursions during the late Triassic and early Jurassic, PP31F-06Abstract Title: Recovery of Carbonate Ecosystems Following the End-Triassic Mass Extinction: Insights from Mercury Anomalies and Their Relationship to the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province, PP43A-2245Abstract Title: Biogeochemical Insights into B-Vitamins in the Coastal Marine Sediments of San Pedro Basin, CA
Berendrecht, W.
H43C-1517Abstract Title: Insights in nutrient sources and transport from high-frequency monitoring at the outlet pumping station of an agricultural lowland polder catchment
Berenguer, J. L.
ED31D-0923Abstract Title: Geoscience Information for Teachers (GIFT) Workshops at the European Geoscience Union General Assembly
Beres, N. D.
C13A-0796Abstract Title: Aerosol Characterization and New Instrumentation for Better Understanding Snow Radiative Properties
Bereznyakov, D.
B43H-0656Abstract Title: Improved Understanding of the Photosynthetic Response of Seven Rice Genotypes with Different Drought Sensitivity using Light and CO2 Response Curves
Berg, A. A.
H14F-02Abstract Title: Validating SMAP L2/3 Products, H43H-1626Abstract Title: SMAP L2/L3 Soil Moisture Product Validation using In Situ Based Core Validation Sites
Berg, A. M.
H31F-1497Abstract Title: Role of land surface processes in increased aridity over land from global warming
Berg, D.
NG33A-1863Abstract Title: Particle Filter with Nudging in Soil Hydrology
Berg, L. K.
A11H-0162Abstract Title: Improving Forecasts of Cumulus: An Intersection of the Renewable Energy and Climate Science Communities, A21A-0077Abstract Title: Seasonal Differences in Aerosol Chemical Properties at a Site Along the Eastern Seaboard: Observations from the Two-Column Aerosol Project (TCAP), A23F-0395Abstract Title: What Can AMF Observations Tell Us about Super-micron Particles? , A24C-08Abstract Title: Current and future contributions of local emissions from shipping and hydrocarbon extraction flaring to short lived pollutants in the Arctic, A31A-0015Abstract Title: Impact of Shallow Clouds on Cloud-Permitting WRF Simulations of the Diurnal Cycle of Convection over the Amazon, A42B-04Abstract Title: Source Attribution of Observed Absorption Profiles During the Two Column Aerosol Project (TCAP) Using a Regional Model, A43C-0301Abstract Title: Summer and winter time heterogeneity in aerosol single scattering albedo over the northwestern Atlantic Ocean during the TCAP field campaign: Relationship to chemical composition and mixing state , GC43F-04Abstract Title: WFIP2 – The Second Wind Forecast Improvement Project: Observing Systems And Case Studies , GC53E-1252Abstract Title: Comparison of Measured and WRF-LES Turbulence Statistics in a Real Convective Boundary Layer over Complex Terrain, H31AAbstract Title: Advances in Understanding Land-Atmosphere Interactions I Posters, H33JAbstract Title: Advances in Understanding Land-Atmosphere Interactions II, H33J-05Abstract Title: Using Observations to Models to Understand the Effects of Irrigation, Groundwater Dynamics, Land Surface/Subsurface Heterogeneity on Land-Atmosphere-Cloud-Interactions: Evidence from the Southern Great Plains, H34AAbstract Title: Advances in Understanding Land-Atmosphere Interactions III
Berg, M.
A51W-06Abstract Title: Coarse-Mode Particle Characterization With Digital Holograph
Berg, N.
A23E-0362Abstract Title: Inevitable end-of-21st-century trends toward earlier surface runoff timing in California’s Sierra Nevada Mountains, A31K-01Abstract Title: Inevitable changes in snowpack and water resources over California’s Sierra Nevada, A34C-06Abstract Title: High-Resolution Climate Change Projections Capture the Elevation Dependence of Warming and Snow Cover Loss in California’s Sierra Nevada
Berg, P.
A41D-0085Abstract Title: Climate Change in the Next 30 Years: What Can a Convection-Permitting Model Tell Us that We Did Not Already Know?, GC53B-1200Abstract Title: Robust Impacts of Climate Change in Europe and Why Study Scale is Important for Adaptation
Berg, R. D.
OS23B-2015Abstract Title: Evaluating Active Methane Hydrate Dissociation Along the Washington Margin in Response to Bottom Water Warming
Berg, S.
PP13A-2254Abstract Title: Tracing the Holocene environmental evolution on the island of South Georgia by lipid biomarkers and compound-specific radiocarbon analysis
Berg, W. K.
H11O-03Abstract Title: Intercalibration of the GPM Constellation Using GMI as a Reference
Bergamaschi, B. A.
B11G-0513Abstract Title: Degradation State, Sources, and Reactivity of Dissolved Organic Matter from an Amino Acid Time Series in an Agricultural Watershed, B13EAbstract Title: Quantifying Biogeochemical Sources and Transformations in Estuaries and Deltas Posters, B21H-0569Abstract Title: Annual net ecosystem exchanges of carbon dioxide and methane from a temperate brackish marsh: should the focus of marsh restoration be on brackish environments? , GC11B-1047Abstract Title: A Carbon Monitoring System Approach to US Coastal Wetland Carbon Fluxes: Progress Towards a Tier II Accounting Method with Uncertainty Quantification 
Bergamasco, A.
EP13A-0919Abstract Title: The Hillary Canyon and the Iselin Bank (Eastern Ross Sea, Antarctica): Alongslope and Downslope Route For Ross Sea Bottom Water
Bergame, F.
MR11A-04Abstract Title: Shear modulus and attenuation Qs of olivine from forced-oscillation measurements under mantle conditions and seismic frequencies
Bergamo, P.
H14A-06Abstract Title: Experimental illustrations of seismic-wave properties of interest for hydrogeological studies
Bergantz, G. W.
V34B-06Abstract Title: Multiphase Simulations Constraining the Characteristic Volumes and Efficiency of Mixing within Magmatic Mushes, V41D-01Abstract Title: Decoupling of the Assimilation and Fractionation Signatures in a MASH Zone: Evidence from the Sierra Valle Fértil Mafic Zone, Argentina
Bergen, K.
S13B-2850Abstract Title: Searching for Unknown Earthquakes in the Guy-Greenbrier, Arkansas, Earthquake Sequence using Efficient Waveform Similarity Search, S53A-2777Abstract Title: Unsupervised Approaches for Post-Processing in Computationally Efficient Waveform-Similarity-Based Earthquake Detection
Bergen, K.
GC33F-06Abstract Title: Synthesis of Decades of Change in Northern Eurasian Ecosystems: Current Assessment and Future Projections
Berger, J. F.
EP33A-1043Abstract Title: Human Land Use and Land Abandonment Greatly Impacted Sedimentation Rates and Fluvial Styles Since the Iron Age in the Valdaine (Southern France)
Berger, J. A.
P43B-2120Abstract Title: Chemical Composition of lower Mount Sharp at Gale Crater, Mars, as measured by the APXS, P43B-2121Abstract Title: Chemical Composition of Diagenetic Features at Lower Aeolis Mons, Mars as Measured by Curiosity’s APXS
Berger, J.
IN33C-1810Abstract Title: A Robotic Communications Gateway for Ocean Observations
Berger, L.
SH41D-2399Abstract Title: On the Anisotropy of the He+, C+, O+, and Ne+ Pickup Ion Velocity Distribution Function: STEREO PLASTIC Observations, SH41D-2401Abstract Title: Systematic Variability of the He+ Pickup Ion Velocity Distribution Function Observed with SOHO/CELIAS/CTOF, SH53A-2480Abstract Title: Forbush Effects on the Martian Surface and Earth’s Poles
Berger, S.
EP53C-1038Abstract Title: The Electron Losses and Fields Investigation
Berger, T. E.
SH12A-03Abstract Title: The Future of Operational Space Weather Observations, SH14AAbstract Title: Space Weather Forecasting: Science and Operations II, SH21B-2394Abstract Title: Transitioning GONG data processing to NOAA SWPC operations, SM13F-01Abstract Title: Fifty Years of Space Weather Forecasting from Boulder
Bergeron, Y.
GC11F-1080Abstract Title: Modeling forest development after fire disturbance: Climate, soil organic layer, and nitrogen jointly affect forest canopy species and long-term ecosystem carbon accumulation in the North American boreal forest
Bergfeld, D.
NH43A-1863Abstract Title: Comparison of airborne and spaceborne TIR data for studying volcanic geothermal areas, V11G-04Abstract Title: Drought Impact on Fumarole Gas Composition at Lassen Volcanic National Park, CA., V11G-05Abstract Title: Lessons from geothermal gases at Yellowstone
Berghmans, D.
SH21B-2415Abstract Title: PROBA2: a Micro-Satellite Observing the Sun
Berghuijs, W.
NG31A-1838Abstract Title: How water storage controls hydrologic extremes among catchments with diverse physiography and climate
Bergin, M. H.
A24C-07Abstract Title: Climatology and Characteristics of In-situ Aerosol Optical Properties in the Arctic, C32B-01Abstract Title: Neither Dust Nor Black Carbon Causing Apparent Albedo Decline in Greenland’s Dry Snow Zone; Uncorrected Sensor Degradation Impacting MODIS C5 Results, GC33E-1348Abstract Title: Modeling Greenland's Climate Response to the Presence of Biomass Burning Aerosols in the Atmosphere and Snow
Berglar, K.
T51B-2872Abstract Title: Sediment stratigraphy of the Nansen Basin, Arctic Ocean and characterization of the ultraslow-spreading oceanic crust
Berglund, E. Z.
H41G-1420Abstract Title: Exploring Tradeoffs in Demand-side and Supply-side Management of Urban Water Resources using Agent-based Modeling and Evolutionary Computation
Berglund, H. T.
G33A-1121Abstract Title: EarthScope Plate Boundary Observatory, Southwest Region – Communications, Challenges, and Cooperation, G51A-1059Abstract Title: Testing the Susceptibility of GNSS Receivers to Radio Frequency Interference, G51A-1064Abstract Title: Operational Data Quality Assessment of the Combined PBO, TLALOCNet and COCONet Real-Time GNSS Networks
Bergman, E.
S51E-01Abstract Title: Calibrated Multiple Event Relocations of the Central and Eastern United States
Bergman, E.
S23C-2737Abstract Title: Velocity Structure of the Iran Region Using Seismic and Gravity Observations
Bergman, J. W.
A32F-04Abstract Title: UTLS Transport by Asian Summer Monsoon: A Model Investigation and Hypotheses for In Situ Observations
Bergman, M. I.
DI31B-2602Abstract Title: Structure of a mushy layer at the inner core boundary
Bergmann, D. J.
A33K-0333Abstract Title: Measurements and Modeling of Radiocarbon (14CO2) from the Lower Troposphere to the Middle Stratosphere and Implications for Use as a Tracer of Large-scale Atmospheric Transport and Stratospheric Residence Times
Bergmann, K.
B24A-07Abstract Title: High-resolution (SIMS) versus bulk sulfur isotope patterns of pyrite in Proterozoic microbialites with diverse mat textures
Bergmann-Wolf, I.
G31A-1090Abstract Title: Improving the Long-term Stability of Geophysical Model Products by Mitigating the Effects of Orography Updates in Operational Weather Forecast Models, G31A-1097Abstract Title: Estimating geocenter motion and barystatic sea-level variability from GRACE observations with explicit consideration of self-attraction and loading effects, G41B-06Abstract Title: Modeling of Present-Day Atmosphere and Ocean Non-Tidal De-Aliasing Errors for Future Gravity Mission Simulations
Bergquist, B. A.
PP31F-06Abstract Title: Recovery of Carbonate Ecosystems Following the End-Triassic Mass Extinction: Insights from Mercury Anomalies and Their Relationship to the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province
Bergsma, E. W. J.
EP23B-0949Abstract Title: High Spatio-Temporal Resolution Bathymetry Estimation and Morphology
Bergström, A. K.
B51F-0500Abstract Title: Metabolism estimates in small boreal lakes: the importance of accounting for vertical fluxes of oxygen
Berhane, F.
A22E-04Abstract Title: An MJO-Mediated Mechanism to Explain ENSO and IOD Impacts on East African Short Rains, IN13B-1835Abstract Title: An Interactive Tool For Semi-automated Statistical Prediction Using Earth Observations and Models
Berhe, A. A.
B11G-0508Abstract Title: Erosional distribution of metal oxides and its implication for soil carbon dynamics, B13J-01Abstract Title: Heterogeneity of soil organic matter composition and its fate across ecosystem boundaries, or does it all come out in the wash?, B33D-0746Abstract Title: Can δ2H of Organic Matter in Soils be Used for Understanding Organic Matter Sources and Cycling? , B43I-0674Abstract Title: Soil organic carbon dynamics as affected by topography in southern California hillslopes systems
Beria, H.
H51H-1485Abstract Title: Bias correction of satellite precipitation products for flood forecasting application at the Upper Mahanadi River Basin in Eastern India
Bering, E. A. III
ED11AAbstract Title: Educator Professional Development and Student Programs Promoting Authentic Scientific Research I Posters, ED11A-0841Abstract Title: An Undergraduate Student Instrumentation Project (USIP) to Develop New Instrument Technology to Study the Auroral Ionosphere and Stratospheric Ozone Layer Using Ultralight Balloon Payloads, ED11A-0846Abstract Title: Impact Assessment on Teachers of Student-led, Inquiry-based Planetary Science Instruction in Grades 3-8, ED11E-0877Abstract Title: Graduate Education in a Small Business Environment, ED14AAbstract Title: Educator Professional Development and Student Programs Promoting Authentic Scientific Research II, EP53C-1041Abstract Title: MarsCAT: Mars Array of ionospheric Research Satellites using the CubeSat Ambipolar Thruster
Beringer, J.
B12D-01Abstract Title: Fire in Australian Savannas: from leaf to landscape , B31B-0544Abstract Title: Land Use Change In Australia’s Tropical Savanna Woodlands: Greenhouse Gas Emissions From Deforestation And Conversion To Agriculture, B42A-08Abstract Title: The NASA Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) Mission Level 4 Carbon Product calibration and validation using eddy covariance observations across North America, Australia and Finland, B52B-02Abstract Title: Validation and attribution of solar induced fluorescence (SIF) from OCO-2: first results
Berisford, D. F.
IN13B-1842Abstract Title: NASA Airborne Snow Observatory: Measuring Spatial Distribution of Snow Water Equivalent and Snow Albedo
Berke, M. A.
PP31DAbstract Title: Arctic Climate Change: Paleoclimate and Paleohydrologic Perspectives I, PP33AAbstract Title: Arctic Climate Change: Paleoclimate and Paleohydrologic Perspectives II Posters, PP33A-2282Abstract Title: Environmental and Physiological Controls on Plant Leaf Wax δD from Western Greenland, PP34A-08Abstract Title: A Progressively Wetter Climate in Southern East Africa Over the Past 1.3 Million Years
Berkelhammer, M. B.
B22E-05Abstract Title: Continuous In-situ Measurements of Carbonyl Sulfide (OCS) and Carbon Dioxide Isotopes to Constrain Ecosystem Carbon and Water Exchanges, B22E-07Abstract Title: Overcoming uncertainty with carbonyl sulfide-based GPP estimates: observing and modeling soil COS fluxes in terrestrial ecosystems, PP11BAbstract Title: Water Isotope Systematics: Improving Modern and Paleoclimate Interpretations I Posters, PP11B-2223Abstract Title: Isotopes in Rocky Mountain Snowpack 1993-2014, PP13EAbstract Title: Water Isotope Systematics: Improving Modern and Paleoclimate Interpretations II, PP14AAbstract Title: Water Isotope Systematics: Improving Modern and Paleoclimate Interpretations III, PP14A-06Abstract Title: Refining Isotopic Parameterization Choices Using Stable Water Isotope Profiles In Surface Layer And Soil To Improve Modeling Of Mid-Latitude Continental Moisture Cycling
Berkemeier, T.
A11B-0039Abstract Title: Competing effects of viscosity and surface-tension depression on the hygroscopicity and CCN activity of laboratory surrogates for oligomers in atmospheric aerosol, A13E-0384Abstract Title: Competition between functionalization and fragmentation pathways in the OH-initiated oxidation of aqueous tartaric acid droplets: Reaction products and model simulations
Berkoff, T.
A21I-05Abstract Title: Airborne High Spectral Resolution Lidar Measurements of Aerosol Distributions and Properties during the NASA DISCOVER-AQ Missions, A32D-05Abstract Title: Spatial Distribution of Aerosols in Four U.S. Regions: Impacts on Satellite Measurements, A33B-0141Abstract Title: Spatiotemporal Variability in Observations of Urban Mixed-Layer Heights from Surface-based Lidar Systems during DISCOVER-AQ 2011
Berkowitz, B.
H51S-03Abstract Title: Characterization of Anomalous Contaminant Transport via Push-Pull Tracer Tests, H51S-08Abstract Title: Transport and Reactivity of Engineered Nanoparticles in Partially Saturated Porous Media, H54C-05Abstract Title: Visualization and Modeling of Nanoparticle Transport in Porous Media
Berkseth, S.
AE12A-02Abstract Title: Observations of the spatial and temporal distribution of lightning flash sizes, AE31C-0451Abstract Title: Investigating the relationship between turbulence and lightning
Berli, M.
H33B-1587Abstract Title: Liquid Water and Vapor Flow in Arid Soil: Comparison of Weighing Lysimeter Data with Simulations from a Process-Based Model, H43G-1617Abstract Title: Mechanisms of soil aggregate failure by rapid increase in internal gas pressure during low-intensity burns
Berman, E. S.
B51A-0402Abstract Title: A New and Improved Carbon Dioxide Isotope Analyzer for Understanding Soil-Plant-Atmosphere Interactions, H43I-1648Abstract Title: A Portable, Field-Deployable Analyzer for Isotopic Water Measurements, PP11B-2218Abstract Title: Triple Isotope Water Measurements of Lake Untersee Ice using Off-Axis ICOS
Bermingham, K. R.
P11A-2065Abstract Title: Cosmic Ray Exposure Modification of the Molybdenum Isotopic Composition of Iron Meteorites
Bermudez, A.
OS23C-2024Abstract Title: Numerical Modeling of the Effects of Nutrient-rich Coastal-water Input on the Phytoplankton in the Gulf of California
Bermudez, M. A.
T23A-2913Abstract Title: Timing of Accretion and Mountain-Building in The Northern Andes of Colombia through Low-Temperature Thermochonology
Bernabe, Y.
MR41A-2616Abstract Title: Fluid Compressibility Effects during Hydraulic Fracture: an Opportunity for Gas Fracture Revival
Bernabeu, E.
SM41C-2494Abstract Title: Characteristics of Extreme Geoelectric Fields and Their Possible Causes: Localized Peak Enhancements
Bernacchi, C.
B21F-0533Abstract Title: Climate change increases soil C losses from a corn-soy ecosystem, B31B-0548Abstract Title: Carbon and Water Fluxes of Crops Exposed to the Sequence of Naturally Occurring Heat Stress, Drought and Freezing, B33C-0680Abstract Title: A Multi-Year Comparison of No-Till Versus Conventional-Till Effects on the Carbon Balance in a Corn/Soybean Agro-Ecosystem Using Eddy Covariance, B43H-0657Abstract Title: Warming does not stimulate mitochondrial respiration and it responds to leaf carbohydrates availability in soybean plants grown under elevated CO2 concentrations, GC13A-1133Abstract Title: Candidate perennial bioenergy grasses have a higher albedo than annual row crops, GC13E-1198Abstract Title: Grazing alters net ecosystem C fluxes and the net global warming potential of a subtropical pasture, H53B-1668Abstract Title: The Subtropical Grasslands LTAR: balancing agricultural production and conservation goals
Bernacchi, L.
ED11D-0871Abstract Title: Building Interdisciplinary Research and Communication Skills in the Agricultural and Climate Sciences, PA13A-2170Abstract Title: Serving California’s Science and Governance Needs through Crisis-driven Collaborations
Bernal, I.
SA22A-02Abstract Title: Simultaneous Observations of Electric Fields, Current Density, Plasma Density, and Neutral Winds During Two Sounding Rocket Experiments Launched from Wallops Island into Strong Daytime Dynamo Currents
Bernal, J. P.
PP44B-07Abstract Title: Atlantic and Pacific Ocean synergistic forcing of the Mesomerican monsoon over the last two millennia
Bernal, O.
SA51C-2410Abstract Title: Front-end and high-voltage electronics developments for compact, dual ion-electron thermal measurements
Bernal, S.
B51C-0435Abstract Title: Contribution of Soil Nitrogen Mineralization and Nitrification Pulses to Soil Nitrogen Availability and Nitrate Exports in a Mediterranean Catchment, H42B-08Abstract Title: Green light: gross primary production influences seasonal stream N export by controlling fine-scale temporal N dynamics , H43C-1511Abstract Title: Epilithic biofilms as hotspots of in-stream nitrification in a high N loaded urban stream
Bernales, J.
PP43C-2289Abstract Title: Climate Model Dependency in Understanding the Antarctic Ice Sheet during the Warm Late Pliocene
Bernard, B.
V31B-3022Abstract Title: Preliminary Results on the 2015 Eruption of Wolf Volcano, Isabela Island, Galápagos: Chronology, Dispersion of the Volcanic Products, and Insight into the Eruptive Dynamics
Bernard, B.
GC31H-03Abstract Title: Water dependency and water exploitation at global scale as indicators of water security
Bernard, B.
H51T-03Abstract Title: Remote Sensing-based Methodologies for Snow Model Adjustments in Operational Streamflow Prediction
Bernard, E. N.
NH51G-07Abstract Title: Dual Use Global Tsunami Monitoring Network and Underwater GNSS
Bernard, É.
C21F-02Abstract Title: Terrestrial Laser Scanning as a Tool to Evaluate the Quality of Interpolated Ablation Stakes Data and the Uncertainty of an Arctic Glacier Mass Balance
Bernard, E.
G23B-1072Abstract Title: Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Variance Components: New Theoretical Developments
Bernard, F.
A21B-0127Abstract Title: Detected CFCs: UV Absorption Spectra, Atmospheric Lifetimes, Global Warming and Ozone Depletion Potentials for CFC-112, CFC-112a, CFC-113a and CFC-114a
Bernard, P.
S51B-2675Abstract Title: Exploring the Origin of High-frequency Coherent Radiation Imaged from Back Projection, Using Stochastic Finite-fault Earthquake Rupture Models, T31C-2900Abstract Title: Time-frequency scale decomposition of tectonic tremor signals for space-time reconstruction of tectonic tremor sources, T51D-2920Abstract Title: Analysis of the Seismic Activity During the Preparatory Phase of the Mw 8.2 Iquique Earthquake, Chile 2014
Bernard, R. E.
T34C-06Abstract Title: Constraints from Xenoliths on Cenozoic Deformation and Rheology of the Western North American Mantle Lithosphere, T41C-2903Abstract Title: Constraints from Xenoliths on the Rheology of the Mojave Lower Crust and Lithospheric Mantle
Bernard, S.
B41F-0493Abstract Title: Spatially resolved nanoscale observations of soil carbon multidecadal persistence
Bernardara, P.
PA43C-2201Abstract Title: Volcanic hazards at distant critical infrastructure: A method for bespoke, multi-disciplinary assessment 
Bernardes, S.
B13F-0695Abstract Title: Vegetation Responses to Future Climates: Global Variability in Water Use Efficiency and Primary Productivity in a CMIP5 Multimodel Ensemble
Bernardino, M. J.
S23C-2712Abstract Title: S-wave tomographic model of the Sierra Nevada, California: Constraining thermal and compositional effects through Vp/Vs, anisotropy, and attenuation
Bernatchez, P.
OS23E-03Abstract Title: Sedimentary Records of Hyperpycnal Flows and the Influence of River Damming on Sediment Dynamics of Estuaries: Examples from the Nelson, Churchill, Moisie and Sainte-Marguerite Rivers (Canada)
Bernath, P. F.
A23A-0271Abstract Title: Global Pattern of Hydrocarbons in the Upper Troposphere and Stratosphere from ACE-FTS measurements Compared to GEOS-Chem Simulations, A43E-0336Abstract Title: Current Validation and New Developments for the Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment Fourier Transform Spectrometer (ACE-FTS) Data Set
Bernaudin, M.
T41D-2942Abstract Title: Strain localization in the ductile crust triggers by microfracturing and high pore-fluid pressure
Bernauer, M.
S53C-06Abstract Title: Can earthquake source inversion benefit from rotational ground motion observations?
Berndt, C.
OS22BAbstract Title: Fluid Migration and Gas Hydrate Systems in Continental Margins I, OS23BAbstract Title: Fluid Migration and Gas Hydrate Systems in Continental Margins III Posters, OS23B-2009Abstract Title: Distribution and Origin of Multiple Bottom Simulating Reflectors in the Danube Deep-Sea Fan, Black Sea, OS23B-2019Abstract Title: Tectonic Controls on Gas Hydrate Distribution off SW Taiwan, OS23DAbstract Title: Fluid Migration and Gas Hydrate Systems in Continental Margins II
Berndt, C.
H21I-1513Abstract Title: Estimation of Design Rainfall from Weather Radar Data – a Case Study for the Hannover Area
Berndt, E.
IN43C-1751Abstract Title: JPSS Proving Ground Activities with NASA’s Short-term Prediction Research and Transition (SPoRT) Center
Berndtsson, R.
H41A-1275Abstract Title: Impacts of Climate Change on Surface Hydrology in the Source Region of the Yellow River
Berne, A.
H53J-05Abstract Title: A High Space-Time Resolution Dataset Linking Meteorological Forcing and Hydro-Sedimentary Response in a Mesoscale Mediterranean Catchment (Auzon) of the Ardèche Region, France
Berner, J.
A51F-0129Abstract Title: Impact of Stochastic Parameterization Schemes on Coupled and Uncoupled Climate Simulations with the Community Earth System Model
Berner, L. T.
B11N-03Abstract Title: Drought, Fire and Insects in Western US Forests: Observations to Improve Regional Land System Modeling, B31D-0592Abstract Title: Analysis of Terrestrial Carbon Stocks in a Small Catchment of Northeastern Siberia, B34A-08Abstract Title: Forest Management Shifts in the Western US and Potential Impacts on the Carbon Balance, B53D-0595Abstract Title: The TERRA-PNW Dataset: A New Source for Standardized Plant Trait, Forest Carbon Cycling, and Soil Properties Measurements from the Pacific Northwest US, 2000-2014.
Bernet, D. B.
H51E-1410Abstract Title: Flood damage claims reveal insights about surface runoff in Switzerland
Bernet, M.
T23A-2913Abstract Title: Timing of Accretion and Mountain-Building in The Northern Andes of Colombia through Low-Temperature Thermochonology, T23A-2914Abstract Title: Slab flattening, dynamic topography and normal faulting in the Cordillera Blanca region (northern Peru)
Bernhard, J. M.
PP52B-01Abstract Title: Culturing Fundamentals Used To Design And Execute A Long-Term Multi-stressor Experiment To Assess Impact Of Deoxygenation, Ocean Acidification, And Warming On Benthic Foraminiferal Community Composition, Growth, And Carbonate Yield: Design And Results
Bernhardt, C. E.
B31A-0527Abstract Title: Characterizing Land-cover Changes Since 1650 in the Southeastern United States for Application to Regional Climate Modeling, B31A-0528Abstract Title: Modeling Regional Climate Responses to 17th-20th Century Land Use Change over the Southeastern United States, PP22AAbstract Title: Hydroclimate and Atmospheric Circulation Patterns on Multidecadal to Millennial Timescales I, PP23AAbstract Title: Hydroclimate and Atmospheric Circulation Patterns on Multidecadal to Millennial Timescales II Posters, PP51C-2298Abstract Title: Reconstructing Late Holocene Relative Sea-level Changes on the Gulf Coast of Florida
Bernhardt, E. S.
B51C-0445Abstract Title: Deciphering the Interconnections between Nutrient Supply, Demand, and Limitation, B51F-0489Abstract Title: Synchrony and Divergence in Stream Metabolism across the Continental United States, H33K-05Abstract Title: When Everything Changes: Mountaintop Mining Effects on Watershed Hydrology
Bernhardt, M.
C43F-04Abstract Title: On the significance of future trends in flood frequencies
Bernhardt, P. A.
AE33B-0496Abstract Title: Ionospheric Turbulence and the Evolution of Artificial Irregularities Excited by RF Interactions at HAARP
Bernhardt, P. A.
AE22A-06Abstract Title: The Charged Aerosol Release Experiment (Care II) to Study Artificial Dusty Plasmas in the Upper Atmosphere , AE33B-0500Abstract Title: A Coupled Ionosphere-Raytrace Model for Artificial HF Heating, SA51B-2403Abstract Title: The CARINA Satellite Mission to Study the Lower Thermosphere
Bernier, P. Y.
GC31G-06Abstract Title: Negative impacts of high temperatures on growth of black spruce forests intensify with the anticipated climate warming
Bernier, T.
PP11B-2241Abstract Title: An evaluation of water isotope collection for determining evapotranspiration in seasonal wetlands.
Berninger, F.
B31A-0522Abstract Title: The Climate Mitigation Potential of Managed Boreal Forests Exceeds Their Carbon Store Effect
Bernknopf, R.
PA51CAbstract Title: Valuing Tradeoffs in Natural Resources Using Geospatial Information II Posters, PA51C-2218Abstract Title: Exploring Methodologies and Indicators for Cross-disciplinary Applications, PA53BAbstract Title: Valuing Tradeoffs in Natural Resources Using Geospatial Information I, PA53B-01Abstract Title: The Value of Information from a GRACE-Enhanced Drought Severity Index, PA53B-04Abstract Title: Net Resource Assessment (NetRA): A Collaborative Effort Between USGS Science and Decisions Center, the Science Impact Laboratory for Policy and Economics (University of New Mexico) and Sandia National Laboratory
Bernoux, M.
B41E-0475Abstract Title: A specific PFT and sub-canopy structure for simulating oil palm in the Community Land Model
Berns, E.
H43G-1598Abstract Title: Reduction Kinetics of Manganese Dioxide by Geobacter Sulfurreducens and Associated Biofilm Morphology in a Flow-Through Reactor
Bernstein, D. J.
GC23K-1246Abstract Title: Finding Blackbody Temperature and Emissivity on a Sub-Pixel Scale
Bernstein, D. N.
A53I-01Abstract Title: Tropical convective onset statistics and establishing causality in the water vapor-precipitation relation, GC41G-01Abstract Title: Implications of dynamics underlying temperature and precipitation distributions for changes in extremes
Bernstein, E. R.
C53B-0774Abstract Title: Impact of Spatial Aliasing on Sea-ice Thickness Measurements
Bernstein, M.
IN13C-1849Abstract Title: Public Access to Scientific Data and Publications
Bernstein, S.
DI31A-2545Abstract Title: Origins of Large Peridotite Bodies within Mesoarchean Orthogneisses in SW Greenland
Berntsen, T.
A24C-04Abstract Title: Response of Arctic Temperature to Changes in Emissions of Short-Lived Climate Forcers, GC22A-04Abstract Title: Land-Atmosphere Interactions in Cold Environments (LATICE): The role of Atmosphere - Biosphere – Cryosphere – Hydrosphere interactions in a changing climate
Berod, D.
H43E-1555Abstract Title: Water Cycle Extremes: from Observations to Decisions
Beroff, S.
H43F-1590Abstract Title: Sequential Leaching of Chromium Contaminated Sediments - A Study Characterizing Natural Attenuation
Beroza, G. C.
S11C-02Abstract Title: Stress Drops for Potentially Induced Earthquake Sequences, S13B-2850Abstract Title: Searching for Unknown Earthquakes in the Guy-Greenbrier, Arkansas, Earthquake Sequence using Efficient Waveform Similarity Search, S14A-07Abstract Title: Body-wave retrieval and imaging from ambient seismic fields with very dense arrays, S23EAbstract Title: Gutenberg Lecture, S24B-08Abstract Title: Beyond Resonance: Characterizing Complex Basin Effects Using a Dense Seismic Array, S41A-2697Abstract Title: M7+ Virtual Earthquakes near Kanto Sedimentary Basin, S43B-2787Abstract Title: A Framework for the Validation of Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis Maps Using Strong Ground Motion Data, T13H-01Abstract Title: Strong Scaling and a Scarcity of Small Earthquakes Point to an Important Role for Thermal Runaway in Intermediate-Depth Earthquake Mechanics, T31C-2897Abstract Title: Imaging Low-Frequency Earthquakes with Geometric-Mean Reverse Time Migration
Berquo, T. S.
GP43A-1238Abstract Title: The mysterious malleability of titanomagnetite Curie temperatures: An update
Berrezueta, E.
H41D-1351Abstract Title: Optical Image Analysis Applied to Pore Network Quantification of Sandstones Under Experimental CO2 Injection
Berrick, S. W.
IN53A-1817Abstract Title: Introducing Earthdata 3.0: An All-New Way of Creating and Publishing Content
Berry, A.
MR23A-2644Abstract Title: The Influence of Water on Seismic Wave Speeds and Attenuation in the Upper Mantle: an update from the Laboratory, MR32A-09Abstract Title: The Identity of Hydrous Defects Controlling the Rheology of Olivine
Berry, B. J.
A33G-0268Abstract Title: Using A-Train Observations to Evaluate Ice Water Path and Ice Cloud Radiative Effects in the Community Atmosphere Model
Berry, D.
A51U-05Abstract Title: Naturally Occurring Asbestos in the Southern Nevada Region: Potential for Human Exposure
Berry, J. A.
B21K-05Abstract Title: Modeling regional cropland GPP by empirically incorporating sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence into a coupled photosynthesis-fluorescence model, B21K-07Abstract Title: Solar-induced Fluorescence as a Proxy for Canopy Photosynthesis in a Temperate Deciduous Forest: Comparisons between Observations and Model Results, B22E-03Abstract Title: Microbial, Physical and Chemical Drivers of COS and 18O-CO2 Exchange in Soils, B43H-0633Abstract Title: The Global Drivers of Photosynthesis and Light Use Efficiency Seasonality: A Granger Frequency Causality Analysis, B43H-0653Abstract Title: A Graphical User Interface for Parameterizing Biochemical Models of Photosynthesis and Chlorophyll Fluorescence, B54D-04Abstract Title: The Chlorophyll Fluorescence Imaging Spectrometer (CFIS): A New Airborne Instrument for Quantifying Solar-Induced Fluorescence
Berry, J. A.
A52E-07Abstract Title: Understanding fog-plant interactions at the ecosystem scale using atmospheric carbonyl sulfide, B21K-01Abstract Title: CAN WE BRING DISCIPLINE TO CARBON CYCLE MODELING USING OBSERVATIONS OF SOLAR INDUCED FLUORESCENCE AND CARBONYL SULFIDE?, B22E-07Abstract Title: Overcoming uncertainty with carbonyl sulfide-based GPP estimates: observing and modeling soil COS fluxes in terrestrial ecosystems, B33C-0710Abstract Title: (Uncertain) Carbonyl Sulfide Plant Fluxes Spatially Constrain (Even More Uncertain) CO2 GPP, B51J-07Abstract Title: The Modern Era of Research in Biosphere Atmosphere Interactions, B54A-01Abstract Title: CARBONYL SULFIDE: IS IT AN ISOTOPE OF CO2 ON STEROIDS?
Berry, K.
NH33C-1923Abstract Title: Utilizing NASA Earth Observations to Monitor Sinkhole Development and Identify Risk Areas in Dougherty County, Georgia
Berry, M. A.
T11C-2910Abstract Title: Cold and wet at the roots of U.S. Cordilleran high elevation, T24A-08Abstract Title: Water Tectonics: Evidence That Hydration Plays a Role in Tectonism
Berry, R.
V41D-03Abstract Title: Zoning in hornblende as a key to petrologic evolution of sub-volcanic granitic plutons
Berry, Z. C.
H43B-1493Abstract Title: Building a Global Network of Hydro-climatology Sites in Cloud-affected Tropical Montane Forests
Berryman, E.
B43I-0672Abstract Title: Landscape Soil Respiration Fluxes are Related to Leaf Area Index, Stand Height and Density, and Soil Nitrogen in Rocky Mountain Subalpine Forests
Berryman, K. R.
NH21D-01Abstract Title: Reflections on Communicating Science during the Canterbury Earthquake Sequence of 2010-2011, New Zealand
Bershaw, J. T.
PP11B-2244Abstract Title: The Elusive Origin of Continental Moisture in Asia
Bert, F.
GC54A-05Abstract Title: Crop Production Risk in the Pampas: A Bayesian Weather Generator for Climate Change and Land Use Impact Studies
Bertani, G.
B13F-0688Abstract Title: Effects of Fire on Net Radiation and Evapotranspiration in a Mature Forest Plot in Para State, Eastern Brazilian Amazon
Bertassoli, D. J. Jr
A43F-0344Abstract Title: Biogenic Gas Generation from Organic Rich Shales of Southeastern Brazil: A Potential Contributor to Greenhouse Gas Emissions?
Bertello, L.
SH43B-2459Abstract Title: H-alpha Off-limb Carrington Synoptic Charts
Bertero, M.
P23D-08Abstract Title: High angular resolution at LBT
Berthelier, J. J.
P31E-2091Abstract Title: Rosetta/ROSINA observations of the volatiles in the coma of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko during the nominal mission, P31E-2105Abstract Title: Modeling of the Inner Coma of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko Constrained by VIRTIS and ROSINA Observations, P31E-2106Abstract Title: Halogens at Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko seen with ROSINA-DFMS, P33E-01Abstract Title: Evolution of H2O related species in the neutral coma of 67P, SA23C-2357Abstract Title: CLIMATOLOGY OF MID-LATITUDE MSTID EVENTS OBSERVED BY THE DEMETER SATELLITE IN THE PERIOD 2005-2010.
Berthet, S.
A21E-0197Abstract Title: Modeling efforts to improve the Asian Summer Monsoon representation in a coupled ocean-atmosphere tropical-channel model, A43J-02Abstract Title: Control of Shortwave Radiation Parameterization on Tropical Climate Simulation, A53G-05Abstract Title: Air-sea Energy Transfer at Mesoscale in a Coupled High-resolution Model: Impact of Resolution and Current Feedback
Berthet, T.
T21C-2828Abstract Title: Lateral variations of terrestrial and satellite gravimetry along the Himalayan arc, T21C-2834Abstract Title: Segmentation And Earthquake Magnitudes Along The Himalayan Arc: Effect Of The Yadong Cross Structure
Berthet, T.
T13C-3028Abstract Title: The Collisional Orogeny in the Scandinavian Caledonides (COSC) Project: Investigating Exposed Middle Crust Through Geological Mapping, Drilling and Geophysics
Berthier, E.
C11D-04Abstract Title: Pine Island Glacier melt rates, grounding zone evolution, and dynamic response from 2008-2015, C21A-0707Abstract Title: Measuring Changes in the Vicinity of the Seal Nunataks Ice Shelf Remnant from Imagery and Altimetry
Berthomier, M.
SM12A-09Abstract Title: Low-Frequency Wave Activity Detected by MMS during Dusk Magnetopause Crossings and its Relation to Heating and Acceleration of Particles
Bertin, D.
EP33A-1033Abstract Title: Exceptional Bedload Flux Following the 2008 Eruption of Chaitén Volcano, Chile, V51E-3080Abstract Title: Nature and Intensity of the 22-23 April 2015 Eruptions of Volcán Calbuco, Chile, from Satellite, Lightning, and Field Observations
Bertinelli, A.
PP21C-2268Abstract Title: Paleoceanographic Changes in the Lagonegro Basin (Southern Italy) during the Late Triassic Linked to Oceanic Rifting in the Western Tethyan Region
Bertini, I.
P43C-2135Abstract Title: Size-Frequency Distribution of Boulders ≥ 10 m on Comet 103P/Hartley 2
Bertino, L.
GC34A-06Abstract Title: Modelling Sea Ice and Surface Wave Interactions in Polar Regions
Bertman, S. B.
A13E-0388Abstract Title: Sources and Fate of Reactive Carbon in an Isoprene-Dominated Forest
Bertoldi, G.
H31J-05Abstract Title: Mapping Evapotranspiration in the Alps through Two-Source Energy-Balance Models and Multi-Satellite Data Fusion: Scale Effects in Heterogeneous Landscapes, H33M-01Abstract Title: Feedbacks between vegetation and soil moisture in mountain grasslands
Bertolett, E. M.
V11F-01Abstract Title: The Influence of Crystal Mush on Magmatism Under Arc Volcanoes Recorded in Zircon from the Lassen Volcanic Center, California and Mount Hood, Oregon
Bertolin, C.
SM23C-2575Abstract Title: A low latitude Auroras catalogue from 1766 to 1797 (Padua, Italy)
Bertone, S.
P41C-2083Abstract Title: Advances in GRAIL Gravity Field Determination Using the Celestial Mechanics Approach
Bertram, A. K.
A12C-02Abstract Title: Size-resolved measurements of ice nucleating particles at North American and European sites
Bertram, M.
GC23K-1233Abstract Title: Field-Based and Airborne Hyperspectral Imaging for Applied Research in the State of Alaska
Bertram, T. H.
A41A-0013Abstract Title: Direct Measurement of Atmospheric Ammonia from an Airborne Miniature Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometer (miniCIMS), A42DAbstract Title: Marine Aerosols and Trace Gases I, A43CAbstract Title: Marine Aerosols and Trace Gases II Posters, A43C-0295Abstract Title: Development and Application of a Hygroscopicity Basis Set for the Analysis of the Mixing State of Nascent Sea Spray Aerosols, A51N-0282Abstract Title: Vertical Transport of Aerosol Particles across Mountain Topography near the Los Angeles Basin
Bertran, E.
P31A-2024Abstract Title: Preservation Potential of Life in Little Hot Creek, California: Implications for the use of Hot Spring Systems as Astrobiological Targets
Bertrand, E. A.
G41A-1010Abstract Title: A multi-disciplinary investigation into the distribution of melt along the Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand
Bertrand, F.
GP43C-1255Abstract Title: The Absolute Vector Magnetometers on Board Swarm, Lessons Learned From Two Years in Space., GP43C-1262Abstract Title: Analysis of Plasma Irregularities and Electromagnetic Signals Based on Swarm Absolute Scalar Magnetometer Burst Mode Sessions
Bertrand, G.
H13J-1718Abstract Title: Groundwater Quality and Quantity in a Coastal Aquifer Under High Human Pressure: Understand the Aquifer Functioning and the Social Perception of Water Use for a Better Water Management. Example of Recife (PE, Brazil), H34E-05Abstract Title: Tracing the Origins and Processes of Groundwater Salinization in Coastal Aquifers with a Multi-isotopes Approach. Example of Recife, Northeast of Brazil
Bertucci, C.
SM42B-06Abstract Title: Comparison of Mass-loading around Active Comets and Planetary Induced Magnetospheres
Bervid, H.
EP43B-0974Abstract Title: Assessing Geomorphic and Vegetative Responses to Environmental Flows in the Willamette River Basin
Bès de Berc, M.
S33D-2804Abstract Title: Designing a new post-hole seismological station on Antarctica inlandsis (Concordia station), S33D-2814Abstract Title: Designing a low-cost effective network for monitoring large scale regional seismicity in a soft-soil region (Alsace, France)
Bessat, A.
T34C-04Abstract Title: What Petit-Spot Volcanoes Tell us about the Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary?
Besse, J.
DI41A-2590Abstract Title:

The consequences of hotspots on continental lithosphere : a thermal case study on the Arabian Plate., T13A-2963Abstract Title: Paleogeographic Evolution of the Late Neoproterozoic and Early Phanerozoic with New Paleomagnetic Constraints from West African Craton

Besse, S.
IN33E-04Abstract Title: The New ESA Planetary Science Archive, IN41A-1678Abstract Title: A Common Model to Handle PDS3 and PDS4 Data in the New Planetary Science Archive (PSA), IN41A-1687Abstract Title: New Interface for Accessing Archived European Space Agency Planetary Science Data, Such as the New Venus Express Atmospheric Drag Experiment Data Set, IN41A-1688Abstract Title: Interoperability In The New Planetary Science Archive (PSA), IN41A-1689Abstract Title: GIS Technologies For The New Planetary Science Archive (PSA)
Besser, N.
PA21A-2158Abstract Title: Playing with Science: Using Interactive Games to Improve Public Engagement
Bessho, A.
PA53B-05Abstract Title: Visualizing and Understanding Socio-Environmental Dynamics in Baltimore
Bessho, N.
SH43A-2432Abstract Title: Shear-Driven Reconnection in Kinetic Models, SH43A-2435Abstract Title: Nongyrotropic electrons in guide field reconnection., SM43A-06Abstract Title: Mapping Out the Diffusion Region in Magnetopause Reconnection: from CLUSTER to Magnetospheric Multiscale, SM51A-2542Abstract Title: Electron and ion distribution functions in magnetopause reconnection, SM51A-2550Abstract Title: Electron motion and distribution functions in the diffusion region of asymmetric reconnection
Bessières, L.
OS11A-1989Abstract Title: A large ensemble of 1/4° ocean/sea-ice hindcasts to characterize the stochastic character of the ocean variability at interannual-to-decadal timescales.
Bessudnov, A. N.
EP31B-0999Abstract Title: The Role of Neotectonics in Landscape Formation in What Is Now the Divnogorie Nature Park (Southern East European Plain)
Best, J.
EP21B-0894Abstract Title: Exploring the Relationship Between Hydrograph Characteristics and the Time Evolution of Sand Bed Morphology , EP21B-0901Abstract Title: Whole-field velocity measurements of flow around colliding barchan dunes, EP21C-0935Abstract Title: Predicting bedforms and primary current stratification in cohesive mixtures of mud and sand, EP31CAbstract Title: Morphodynamics and Sedimentology of the Fluvial-Tidal Zone I Posters, EP31C-1020Abstract Title: Hydrodynamic Properties of a Large Tidal Channel on the Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta, Bangladesh, with Implications for Channel Morphology and Sediment Transport, EP31C-1022Abstract Title: Sedimentology of a Tidally-Influenced Fluvial Zone (TIFZ): Columbia River, USA, EP32B-02Abstract Title: Quaternary Morphodynamics of Fluvial Dispersal Systems Revealed: The Fly River, PNG, and the Sunda Shelf, SE Asia, simulated with the Massively Parallel GPU-based Model 'GULLEM', EP33B-1068Abstract Title: Flood variability recorded by crevasse-splay sedimentation of large river floodplains, EP34BAbstract Title: Morphodynamics and Sedimentology of the Fluvial-Tidal Zone II, EP34B-02Abstract Title: River discharge controlling a tidal delta: the interplay between monsoon input and tidal reworking in SW Bangladesh, EP34B-03Abstract Title: The mid-Holocene to present large-scale morphodynamic and coupled fluvial-tidal sedimentologic evolution of the Lower Columbia River, WA/OR, USA, EP51A-0903Abstract Title: The Morphology and Sedimentology of Fluvial Megascours, EP54A-01Abstract Title: Morphological Evolution and Sediment Partitioning Through a Large Confluence-Diffluence Unit, EP54B-02Abstract Title: Sounding out erosion on the Mekong river banks: insights from combined terrestrial laser scanning, multibeam echo sounding and acoustic Doppler profiling, GC41F-1140Abstract Title: Is a Decline in Tropical Storms Leading to the Demise of the Mekong Delta?, H41E-1374Abstract Title: The influence of three dimensional dunes on river flows and fluxes, H41K-07Abstract Title: Biofilm-flow interactions in aquatic environments, NH52A-04Abstract Title: Combining UAV and high-resolution image-based particle image velocimetry to monitor flow in lakes and rivers
Best, M.
PA51D-02Abstract Title: Staying in the Light: Evaluating Sustainability Models for Brokering Software
Best, M. G.
V13B-3125Abstract Title: Cooling Before Super-Eruption: No Evidence of Rejuvenation in a Crystal-Rich Dacite Magma Body, Southern Great Basin Ignimbrite Province, Utah and Nevada
Bestelmeyer, S.
ED33A-0935Abstract Title: Climate Change and the Water Cycle: A New Southwest Regional Climate Hub Curriculum Unit for 6th-12th Grade Students
Betancourt, J. L.
B21GAbstract Title: Understanding Phenology across Scales and Improving Linkages to Ecosystem Functions I Posters, B23KAbstract Title: Understanding Phenology across Scales and Improving Linkages to Ecosystem Functions II, B24EAbstract Title: Understanding Phenology across Scales and Improving Linkages to Ecosystem Functions III, B31GAbstract Title: Understanding Phenology across Scales and Improving Linkages to Ecosystem Functions IV, IN21E-06Abstract Title: The Neotoma Paleoecology Database, IN23B-1731Abstract Title: Community-Supported Data Repositories in Paleobiology: A ‘Middle Tail’ Between the Geoscientific and Informatics Communities, PP11B-2233Abstract Title: Do Interspecific Differences in the Stable Hydrogen Isotopic Composition of n-Alkanes Reflect Variation in Plant Water Sources or in Biosynthetic Fractionation?, PP23A-2292Abstract Title: 20th Century Northern hemisphere jet stream variability
Betancourt, P.
OS31A-1989Abstract Title: Effect of Two Oil Dispersants on Larval Grass Shrimp (Palaemonetes pugio) Development.
Beth, A.
P21A-2042Abstract Title: Altitude Dependence of Nightside Martian Suprathermal Electron Depletions as Revealed by MAVEN Observations, SA43A-2356Abstract Title: Effect Of The Radiation Pressure On Planetary Exospheres: Analytical Approach And Application To Earth, Mars and Hot Jupiters
Betha, R.
A33D-0186Abstract Title: Optical Properties and Mixing State of Aerosols from Residential Wood Burning and Vehicle Emissions in Central and Southern California
Bethune, K. M.
T13A-2980Abstract Title: The Rae craton of Laurentia/Nuna: a tectonically unique entity providing critical insights into the concept of Precambrian supercontinental cyclicity
Betka, P. M.
T31B-2870Abstract Title: A Case for Plane-Strain during the Development of the Indo-Burma Fold-Thrust Belt in Tripura and Mizoram, Northeast India (23-24°N; 91-93°E)
Bettadpur, S. V.
G31BAbstract Title: Space-Based Measurements of Gravity: Algorithms, Techniques, and Technology for the Next Generation I Posters, G31B-1110Abstract Title: Scoping Requirements for a Drag-free System for Next Generation Gravity Field Missions, G31B-1116Abstract Title: Extending the GRACE Data Record with Gravity Field Solutions Based on a Single GRACE Satellite, G41BAbstract Title: Space-Based Measurements of Gravity: Algorithms, Techniques, and Technology for the Next Generation II, G41B-02Abstract Title: The Status and Future Directions for the GRACE Mission, G41B-03Abstract Title: Progress towards daily "swath" solutions from GRACE, H42D-03Abstract Title: The Potential for Forecasting Water Cycle Extremes with GRACE, H53L-01Abstract Title: Establishing the Framework for Land Data Assimilation of GRACE Terrestrial Water Storage Information
Betten, D.
A54E-08Abstract Title: Injection of Lightning-Produced NOx, Water Vapor, Wildfire Emissions, and Stratospheric Air to the UT/LS as Observed from DC3 Measurements
Bettenhausen, C.
A21C-0131Abstract Title: New Global Deep Blue Aerosol Product over Land and Ocean from VIIRS, and Its comparisons with MODIS, A23L-01Abstract Title: NASA's New 'Deep Blue' Aerosol Products From The NPP-VIIRS Sensor, A31D-0074Abstract Title: Spatial and Temporal Characteristics of Aerosols from Collection 6 Aqua and Terra MODIS e-Deep Blue Products, A33L-0371Abstract Title: Validation of the New VIIRS Deep Blue Algorithm with AERONET in Dust Source and Sink Regions
Bettenhausen, M. H.
A51A-0012Abstract Title: Reflectivity and Emissivity of Sea Foam at L-band
Beucler, E.
DI43A-2606Abstract Title: Simultaneous Determination of Structure and Event Location Using Body and Surface Wave Measurements at a Single Station: Preparation for Mars Data from the InSight Mission, S21B-2686Abstract Title: Probabilistic Hypocenter-Velocity Determination for Moderate Local Earthquakes Using a Sparse Network, S31C-06Abstract Title: Discrimination of Secondary Microseism Origins Using Ocean Tide Modulation, S41B-2724Abstract Title: Non-linear Inversion of Noise Cross-correlations Using Probability Density Functions of Surface Waves Dispersion
Beukers, J.
SA51C-2414Abstract Title: A Low Noise, High QE, Large Format CCD Camera System for the NASA MIGHTI Instrument
Beutel, E. K.
OS21A-1959Abstract Title: Geomorphology of the Southwest Coast of County Cork, Ireland: A Look into the Rocks, Folds, and Glacial Scours
Bevan, S. L.
C21A-0708Abstract Title: Firn structure of Larsen C Ice Shelf, Antarctic Peninsula, from in-situ geophysical surveys, C53A-0759Abstract Title: Massive Ice Layer Formed by Refreezing of Ice-shelf Surface Melt Ponds: Larsen C Ice Shelf, Antarctica
Beven, J. L.
IN34B-04Abstract Title: Use of JPSS ATMS, CrIS, and VIIRS data to Improve Tropical Cyclone Track and Intensity Forecasting
Beven, K.
H21F-1452Abstract Title: Velocity and Celerity Characteristics in the MIPs model, H31M-08Abstract Title: Information, Predictability and Fitness for Purpose, H33E-1663Abstract Title: How do rainfall multipliers affect the accuracy and precision of hydrological models?, H42F-06Abstract Title: Searching for the Dominant Subsurface Flowpath at the Hillslope Scale, TH22IAbstract Title: The Hydrologic Model Synthesis Project
Bevens, D.
PA43C-2207Abstract Title: A Broadly-Based Training Program in Volcano Hazards Monitoring at the Center for the Study of Active Volcanoes
Beverly, D.
B21D-0487Abstract Title: Three Different Methods of Estimating LAI in a Small Watershed, B43H-0655Abstract Title: Influence of Drought on Mesophyll Resistance to CO2 Diffusion and its Impact on Water-Use Efficiency in Trees, H21D-1403Abstract Title: Snow distribution throughout small subalpine catchment post-insect infestation of spruce and pine beetle., H21D-1405Abstract Title: Primary drivers of dust deposition within a small subalpine watershed
Bevington, K.
B21G-0547Abstract Title: Scaling Plant Phenology in Citizen Science Programs
Bevis, M. G.
C53A-0764Abstract Title: Zenith Delay Data as a Constraint on the State of the Atmosphere above the Greenland Ice Sheet, G33B-1147Abstract Title: Investigating the possibility of East Antarctic ice mass loss as an explanation for GPS-derived observations of horizontal motion, G33B-1150Abstract Title: Assessment of Glacial Isostatic Adjustment in Greenland using GPS , G54A-06Abstract Title: Annual Variations in GPS-measured Loading Deformation near Upernavik Isstrøms, Greenland, G54A-08Abstract Title: Using GPS and Absolute Gravity Observations to Separate the Effects of Present-day and Pleistocene Ice-mass Changes in South East Greenland, NH21C-1833Abstract Title: Virtual array beamforming of GPS TEC observations of co-seismic ionospheric disturbances near the Geomagnetic South Pole triggered by teleseismic megathrusts, T44B-07Abstract Title: Interseismic, coseismic, postseismic, and slow slip event deformation above a shallow subduction thrust in the western Solomon Islands
Bewley, T.
NH43C-1914Abstract Title: Atmospheric Balloon Swarms for Persistent In-Situ Measurements in Hurricanes
Beyane, B.
GC11H-1115Abstract Title: Integrating Remote Sensing and Disease Surveillance to Forecast Malaria Epidemics
Beydoun, H.
A11Q-06Abstract Title: Alteration of Heterogeneous Ice Nucleation Properties Induced by Particle Aging, A13B-0312Abstract Title: Insights Into the Effects of Internal Variability, External Variability, and Active Sites on Heterogeneous Ice Nucleation
Beyene, F.
SM13A-2481Abstract Title: Applying Machine Learning Tools to the Identification of Foreshock Transient Events
Beyene, S.
Beyer, R. A.
P41E-04Abstract Title: Processes Modifying Cratered Terrains on Pluto, P41E-05Abstract Title: Geomorphic Evolution of Sputnik Planum and Surrounding Terrain, P41E-07Abstract Title: Craters on Pluto and Charon: The Influence of Low Gravities, Low Impact Speeds, and Unique Ices, P41E-08Abstract Title: Radii and Shape of Pluto and Charon: Preliminary Results from New Horizons, P44BAbstract Title: Using Topography to Investigate the Evolution of Solar System Bodies I, P44B-08Abstract Title: The Chasmata and Montes of Charon, P53DAbstract Title: Using Topography to Investigate the Evolution of Solar System Bodies II Posters
Beyer, S.
C51C-0748Abstract Title: Subglacial water flux routing for the 79°N Glacier, Greenland
Beyersdorf, A. J.
A13D-0375Abstract Title: Influence of Jet Fuel Composition on Aircraft Engine Emissions: A Synthesis of Aerosol Emissions Data from the NASA APEX, AAFEX, and ACCESS Missions, A13F-07Abstract Title: Analysis of Hydroxyl Radical Reactivity in the Sierra Nevada Mountains, A21A-0027Abstract Title: The Influence of Aerosol Composition on Photolysis Rates Based on Airborne Observations, A21A-0035Abstract Title: Quantifying Molecular Hydrogen Emissions and an Industrial Leakage Rate for the South Coast Air Basin of California, A21I-05Abstract Title: Airborne High Spectral Resolution Lidar Measurements of Aerosol Distributions and Properties during the NASA DISCOVER-AQ Missions, A23L-06Abstract Title: Aerosol Types using Passive Remote Sensing: Global Distribution, Consistency Check, Total-Column Investigation and Translation into Composition Derived from Climate and Chemical Transport Model, A32D-05Abstract Title: Spatial Distribution of Aerosols in Four U.S. Regions: Impacts on Satellite Measurements
Beyon, J.
IN52A-08Abstract Title: High-Speed On-Board Data Processing Platform for LIDAR Projects at NASA Langley Research Center
Beyreuther, M.
S33C-2787Abstract Title: ObsPy: A Python toolbox for seismology - Current state, applications, and ecosystem around it
Beyssac, O.
EP23C-0980Abstract Title: Provenance Analysis using Raman Spectroscopy of Carbonaceaous Material: a case study in the Southern Alps of New Zealand, P51E-05Abstract Title: The SuperCam Remote-Sensing Instrument Suite for the Mars 2020 Rover Mission
Bezada, M.
T11C-2908Abstract Title: Local Re-Cratonization of the Wyoming Province and the Uplift of the Black Hills
Bezada, M. J.
S11A-2757Abstract Title: Earthquake Relocation in the Middle Atlas: Apparently-Deep Events Resolved to be Shallow, T11B-2891Abstract Title: Apparent Attenuation Beneath the United States and its Correlation with Lithospheric Provinces, T13F-07Abstract Title: The Two Subduction Zones of the Southern Caribbean: Lithosphere Tearing and Continental Margin Recycling in the East, Flat Slab Subduction and Laramide-Style Uplifts in the West
Bezaeva, N. S.
GP43A-1233Abstract Title: Rock magnetic effects induced in terrestrial basalt and diabase by >20 GPa experimental spherical shock waves
Bezawada, N.
A53A-0361Abstract Title: GreenHouse gas Observations of the Stratosphere and Troposphere (GHOST): Deployment of a Novel Shortwave Infrared Spectrometer On Board the NASA Global Hawk Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
Bezdek, A.
G42A-01Abstract Title: First monthly gravity field solutions derived from GPS orbits of Swarm
Bhadha, J. H.
B21BAbstract Title: Biochar Research: Advances in Production and Application Posters, B21B-0420Abstract Title: Biochar and Mill Ash Use as Soil Amendments to Grow Sugarcane in Sandy Soils of South Florida , B33C-0692Abstract Title: Soil Management Effects on Gas Fluxes from an Organic Soil Agricultural System, GC51D-1108Abstract Title: Influence of particulates on phosphorus loading exported from farm drainage during a storm event in the Everglades Agricultural Area
Bhadra, T.
GC41F-1150Abstract Title: Water for Agriculture in a Vulnerable Delta: A Case Study of Indian Sundarban
Bhaduri, B. L.
GC13A-1127Abstract Title: UNCERTAINTY IN ESTIMATION OF BIOENERGY INDUCED LULC CHANGE: DEVELOPMENT OF A NEW CHANGE DETECTION TECHNIQUE., IN43A-1719Abstract Title: Scalable Algorithms for Global Scale Remote Sensing Applications, IN54A-08Abstract Title: Towards a New Assessment of Urban Areas from Local to Global Scales, PA42AAbstract Title: Climate Adaptation, Mitigation, and Resiliency Toolkits for Cities I, PA42A-05Abstract Title: Toolbox for Urban Mobility Simulation: High Resolution Population Dynamics for Global Cities, PA43AAbstract Title: Climate Adaptation, Mitigation, and Resiliency Toolkits for Cities II Posters
Bhagat, H.
EP23C-0991Abstract Title: Silicate or Carbonate Weathering: Fingerprinting Sources of Dissolved Inorganic Carbon Using δ13C in a Tropical River, Southern India
Bhakta, K. D.
ED33D-0966Abstract Title: Review of Lead-Zinc Mining Impact on Landscape in the Tri-State Mining District using Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicles.
Bhalla, R. S.
B53H-05Abstract Title: Importance of High-frequency Chemistry for Resolving Hot Moments in Headwaters: A Combined Optical Sensor and Time-series Modelling Approach, H31D-1445Abstract Title: Estimating Evapotranspiration Demands of Different Land Cover Using Diurnal Signals in Dry Season Stream Discharge
Bhalsod, G.
H14D-05Abstract Title: Uptake and Accumulation of Pharmaceuticals in Lettuce Under Surface and Overhead Irrigations , H21G-1473Abstract Title: Sorption, Uptake, and Translocation of Pharmaceuticals across Multiple Interfaces in Soil Environment
Bhandari, S.
PP51A-2252Abstract Title: Past Climatic Variations in Nepal Himalaya as Reconstructed using Ring-width Chronologies
Bhandary, N. P.
NH41B-1811Abstract Title: Landslides, ground subsidence, icefall-debris avalanches triggered by the April 2015 Nepal-Gorkha Earthquake
Bhanja, S. N.
GC33C-1292Abstract Title: Present-day groundwater recharge estimation in parts of the Indian Sub-Continent
Bharadwaj, N.
A51L-0242Abstract Title: AAF G1 and Millimeter Wavelength ARM Radar Observations and Analysis from the ACAPEX Field Campaign
Bhardwaj, A. K.
H31F-1483Abstract Title: Evapotranspiration and water use efficiency in maize-soybean crops in the US Midwest
Bhargava, O. N.
PP31B-2249Abstract Title: Trace Metals, Rare Earths, Carbon and Pb Isotopes as Proxies of Environmental Catastrophe at the Permian – Triassic Boundary in Spiti Himalayas, India
Bhartia, P. K.
A14C-07Abstract Title: Continuation of SAGE and MLS High-Resolution Ozone Profiles with the Suomi NPP OMPS Limb Profiler, A21B-0126Abstract Title: A Reevaluation of the Contribution of Very Short Lived Bromocarbons to Stratospheric Bromine Loading, A21C-0137Abstract Title: Cloud Height Detection Using OMPS Limb Profiler Measurements , A43E-0329Abstract Title: Validation of 10 years of SAO OMI Ozone Profiles with Ozonesonde and MLS Observations, IN21A-1684Abstract Title: Re-processing TOMS UV Measurements to Retrieve SO2 Emissions From Volcanic Eruptions, U34A-06Abstract Title: Volcanic Aerosols from Satellites: Current and Emerging Capabilities
Bhartia, R.
P31A-2033Abstract Title: Outcrop-Scale Hyperspectral Studies of a Lacustrine-Volcanic Mars Analog: Examination with a Mars 2020-like Instrument Suite, P43D-2138Abstract Title: Measurement of the Depth of Penetration of UV Photons into Mars Relevant Rock Samples to Constrain Habitability and Limits of Detection for the SHERLOC Mars 2020 Instrument, P43D-2146Abstract Title: X-ray photochemical alteration of planetary samples during in situ micro-XRF analysis
Bhartia, R.
B33B-0648Abstract Title: Towards Environmental Microbial Analysis with Deep UV fluorescence and Raman Spectroscopy
Bhasin, N.
ED14A-03Abstract Title: Flyover Modeling of Planetary Pits – Undergraduate Student Instrument Project
Bhaskar, A.
H21JAbstract Title: Water, Energy, and Society in Urban Systems I Posters, H21J-1522Abstract Title: How does Low Impact Development affect Urban Base Flow?, H23MAbstract Title: Water, Energy, and Society in Urban Systems II, H24FAbstract Title: Water, Energy, and Society in Urban Systems III
Bhat, C.
GC21E-06Abstract Title: States at Risk: America’s Preparedness Report Card
Bhat, G. S.
A51O-0291Abstract Title: Propagation of Mesoscale Convective Systems over India in the Boreal Summer Monsoon Season
Bhat, H. S.
S43E-06Abstract Title: Rupture processes inferred from laboratory earthquakes
Bhat Suresh, H.
MR33A-2637Abstract Title: Towards Developing Constitutive Models for Hydro-Mechanical Behaviour of Faults
Bhati, S.
B33E-0775Abstract Title: WRF Model Evaluation for the Urban Heat Island Assessment under Varying Land Use/Land Cover and Reference Site Conditions
Bhatia, K. T.
A51P-0308Abstract Title: Evaluation and Applications of the Prediction of Intensity Model Error (PRIME) Model
Bhatia, U.
NH13D-1978Abstract Title: Robustness and Recovery of Lifeline Infrastructure and Ecosystem Networks
Bhatnagar, T.
OS21A-1961Abstract Title: Sea level history in 3D: Data acquisition and processing for an ultra-high resolution MCS survey across IODP Expedition 313 drillsite, OS21A-1962Abstract Title: Sea Level History in 3D: Early results of an ultra-high resolution MCS survey across IODP Expedition 313 drillsites, OS23E-05Abstract Title: Morphology, origin and evolution of Pleistocene submarine canyons, New Jersey continental slope
Bhatt, A.
AE22A-06Abstract Title: The Charged Aerosol Release Experiment (Care II) to Study Artificial Dusty Plasmas in the Upper Atmosphere , SA31B-2344Abstract Title: Auroral LSTIDs and SAR Arc Occurrences in Northern California During Geomagnetic Storms, SA51BAbstract Title: Enabling Scientific Discovery through Integrated Space- and Ground-Based Observations Posters, SA51B-2406Abstract Title: Observations of thunderstorm-related 630 nm airglow depletions
Bhatt Gupta, I.
ED53CAbstract Title: Frontiers in Student and Public Engagement in Earth and Space Science using Scientific Practices, Cross-Cutting Concepts, and Multicultural Pedagogical Approaches Posters
Bhatt, U. S.
B53C-0577Abstract Title: A hierarchic approach to examining panArctic vegetation with a focus on the linkages between remote sensing and plot-based studies., GC11F-1083Abstract Title: Climate Variations and Alaska Tundra Vegetation Productivity Declines in Spring, GC13K-04Abstract Title: Circumpolar Dynamics of Arctic Tundra Vegetation in Relation to Temperature Trends, GC23B-1138Abstract Title: Diagnosing the drivers of rain on snow events in Alaska using dynamical downscaling
Bhattachan, A.
B21D-0473Abstract Title: An index for assessing salt-water vulnerability in coastal regions, EP42AAbstract Title: Aeolian Research at the Interface of Biophysical, Sedimentary, and Atmospheric Processes I, EP43AAbstract Title: Aeolian Research at the Interface of Biophysical, Sedimentary, and Atmospheric Processes II Posters, GC11I-08Abstract Title: Variations of soil δ13C and δ15N across a precipitation gradient in a savanna ecosystem: Implications of climate change on the carbon cycle
Bhattacharjee, A.
SM42A-07Abstract Title: Study of Multiple Scale Physics of Magnetic Reconnection on the FLARE (Facility for Laboratory Reconnection Experiments), SM54A-04Abstract Title: Multi-Fluid Moment Simulations of Ganymede using the Next-Generation OpenGGCM
Bhattacharjee, A.
SH11BAbstract Title: The Physics of Small-Scale Magnetic Flux Ropes throughout the Heliosphere I Posters, SH14BAbstract Title: The Physics of Small-Scale Magnetic Flux Ropes throughout the Heliosphere II, SH14B-05Abstract Title: Flux Rope Formation and Self-Generated Turbulent Reconnection Driven by the Plasmoid Instability in the Heliosphere, SM51BAbstract Title: Integrating Kinetic and Extended MHD Effects in Global Simulations I Posters, SM51B-2563Abstract Title: A Twenty-moment Model for Collisionless Guide-field Reconnection, SM54AAbstract Title: Integrating Kinetic and Extended MHD Effects in Global Simulations II, SM54A-06Abstract Title: The importance of kinetic ion physics in the interaction of magnetic islands
Bhattacharjee, A.
GC53G-1301Abstract Title: A future Demand Side Management (DSM) opportunity for utility as variable renewable penetrate scale up using agriculture.
Bhattacharya, A.
GC23A-1121Abstract Title: Influence of atmospheric forcing parameters on land surface simulation
Bhattacharya, A.
PP12AAbstract Title: Recent Advances in Lakes Studies: Lacustrine Materials as Archives of Regional Climate Variability and Associated Environmental Response I, PP13CAbstract Title: Recent Advances in Lakes Studies: Lacustrine Materials as Archives of Regional Climate Variability and Associated Environmental Response II Posters
Bhattacharya, J.
EP31C-1019Abstract Title: Quantitative characterization of shales and their effects on permeability: Examples from tidally-influenced Ferron Sandstone, Utah, NS41B-1947Abstract Title: Imaging Sand Bars using 3D GPR in an Outcrop Reservoir Analog: Cretaceous Ferron Sandstone, South-East Utah, V53E-3157Abstract Title: Relative Quantification of Diagenetic Processes Using Close-Range Hyperspectral Data in Deltaic Deposits of Frontier Formation, Wyoming.
Bhattacharya, P.
MR33C-2694Abstract Title: Is frictional healing slip-dependent?
Bhattacharya, S.
T41E-2950Abstract Title: Geochemistry of Andaman Ophiolite: Evidence for a Mid-Oceanic Ridge origin
Bhattacharya, T.
PP34A-01Abstract Title: Role of Seasonal Transitions and Westerly Jets in East Asian Paleoclimate, PP43F-05Abstract Title: Mechanisms Underlying Early Medieval Droughts in Mesoamerica
Bhattacharyya, D.
P21A-2056Abstract Title: Early Results from the MAVEN IUVS Echelle Channel
Bhattarai, D. R.
H51E-1409Abstract Title: Hazard Assessment of Glacial Lake Outburst Flood and Potential of ICTs for Coping: A Case of Eastern Himalaya of Nepal
Bhattarai, M. D.
GC34B-07Abstract Title: An Analysis of the Climate Change Mitigation Potential through Soil Organic Carbon Sequestration in a Corn Belt Watershed
Bhattarai, N.
H33B-1577Abstract Title: Automation of Endmember Pixel Selection in SEBAL/METRIC Model
Bhend, J.
PP41D-02Abstract Title: Monthly Changes of the 3-Dimensional State of the Atmosphere - A Paleo-Reanalysis for the Period 1600 to 2000
Bhiry, N.
NH11B-1906Abstract Title: AUTUMNX: a real-time dense magnetometer array for northern Quebec
Bhuiyan, M. A. E.
NH13D-1971Abstract Title: Development of a Convection Risk Index to forecast severe weather, and application to predict maximum wind speeds
Bhuju, D. R.
PP51A-2252Abstract Title: Past Climatic Variations in Nepal Himalaya as Reconstructed using Ring-width Chronologies
Bhushan, R.
H13G-1621Abstract Title: Increasing Crop Yields in Water Stressed Countries by Combining Operations of Freshwater Reservoir and Wastewater Reclamation Plant
Bi, D.
PP42B-08Abstract Title: AMOCMIP: Probabilistic projections of future AMOC evolution driven by global warming and Greenland Ice Sheet melt.
Bi, J.
B51D-0455Abstract Title: Sunlight Mediated Seasonality in Canopy Structure and Photosynthetic Activity of Amazonian Rainforests, B51G-0505Abstract Title: Contribution of Phenological and physiological Variations on Northern Vegetation Productivity Changes over last three decades
Bi, J.
A24A-07Abstract Title: Vertical profiles of atmospheric fluorescent aerosols observed by a mutil-channel lidar spectrometer system
Bi, L.
V51B-3035Abstract Title: Detrital Zircon U-Pb Ages of River Sands from Taiwan: Implications for Sedimentary Provenance and Its Source Link with the East Chinese Mainland
Bi, R.
B11E-0481Abstract Title: Effects of Temperature and Nutrients on Sterol Concentration in Marine Diatoms and Implications for Productivity Reconstructions
Bi, W.
MR23B-2649Abstract Title: High-pressure behavior of fcc phase FeHx
Biagi, C. J.
AE31B-0443Abstract Title: A Modeling Study of the Spatial Structure of Electric Fields Generated by Electrified Clouds with Screening Layers
Biagi, C. J.
AE14A-07Abstract Title: Return Stroke Current Reflections in Rocket-Triggered Lightning
Bialas, J.
OS23B-2009Abstract Title: Distribution and Origin of Multiple Bottom Simulating Reflectors in the Danube Deep-Sea Fan, Black Sea
Bialecki, M.
PP51A-2262Abstract Title: Tree ring anatomical variability as an indicator for large-magnitude spring flooding in the Lower Mississippi Basin
Bialek, J.
A33G-0255Abstract Title: Synthesis of the ACTRIS Network Cloud Condensation Nuclei Measurements
Bian, H.
A31D-0092Abstract Title: Implementation and evaluation of the Modal Aerosol Model (MAM7) in GEOS-5, A33L-0361Abstract Title: The Influence of African Dust on Air Quality in the Caribbean Basin: An Integrated Analysis of Satellite Retrievals, Ground Observations, and Model Simulations, A54E-07Abstract Title: Evaluation of Modeled SO2 in the UTLS Region with Both Satellite and Aircraft Data, EP42A-05Abstract Title: Saharan Dust Fertilizing Atlantic Ocean and Amazon Rainforest via Long-range Transport and Deposition: A Perspective from Multiyear Satellite Measurements
Bian, J.
A32F-04Abstract Title: UTLS Transport by Asian Summer Monsoon: A Model Investigation and Hypotheses for In Situ Observations
Bian, N. H.
SH33C-07Abstract Title: The Formation of Kappa-Distribution Accelerated Electron Populations in Solar Flares
Bian, X.
A44E-01Abstract Title: Assessments of Regional Climate Change and Land-Cover Change Impacts on Fire Weather in the United States
Bian, Y.
PP31A-2226Abstract Title: Genera variation of tropical mid-upper montane rainforest inferred from a marine pollen record in southern Philippines during the glacial-interglacial cycle
Biancale, R.
G23B-1060Abstract Title: GRGS Numerical Simulations for GRASP Mission, G33C-02Abstract Title: Multi-technique Combination of Space Geodesy Observations
Biancamaria, S.
H13R-07Abstract Title: Anticipating the Role of SWOT in Hydrologic and Hydrodynamic Modeling, H53F-1719Abstract Title: Assesment of water elevation measurement quality from multi nadir altimetry missions over a 'small' river: the Garonne River case
Bianchi, G.
EP53B-1031Abstract Title: Can Wet Rocky Granular Flows Become Debris Flows Due to Fine Sediment Production by Abrasion?
Bianchi, I.
T41D-2927Abstract Title: The depth of the Lithosphere-Asthenophere boundary beneath the world oldest ocean: the Ionian plate case-study
Bianchi, M.
T11A-2871Abstract Title: Vp/Vs crustal map of Brazil : Data compilation
Bianchi, M. C.
T41D-2923Abstract Title: Rapid Plate Motion Variations and Continental Uplift as Surface Expressions of Asthenospheric Flow
Bianchi, T. S.
B11EAbstract Title: Microbial Carbon Cycling and Organic Proxies in the Continental Margin: Linkages with Global Change Posters, B11G-0512Abstract Title: The Response of Sediments and Dissolved Organic Matter to Rapid Rainfall in the Santa Maria da Vitoria Watershed, Espírito Santo, BR, B31D-0607Abstract Title: Biomarkers as Indicators of Respiration During Laboratory Incubations of Alaskan Arctic Tundra Permafrost Soils, EP34A-07Abstract Title: An Ecological Drill: Biogeomorphic Pattern Evolution in a Low-Relief Carbonate Landscape
Bianco, G.
G33C-08Abstract Title: ITRF2014 Evaluation with ILRS Data and Products
Bianco, L.
A21G-0236Abstract Title: Estimating methane and nitrous oxide emissions in California using multi-tower observations and hierarchical Bayesian inversion, A51R-07Abstract Title: Measurements of Turbulence Dissipation Rates in the Planetary Boundary Layer from Wind Profiling Radars, GC43F-04Abstract Title: WFIP2 – The Second Wind Forecast Improvement Project: Observing Systems And Case Studies
Bias, C.
ED11A-0841Abstract Title: An Undergraduate Student Instrumentation Project (USIP) to Develop New Instrument Technology to Study the Auroral Ionosphere and Stratospheric Ozone Layer Using Ultralight Balloon Payloads, ED11A-0842Abstract Title: An Attempt to Sample Upper Atmospheric Bacteria.
Biasi, G. P.
S21DAbstract Title: Paleoseismic and Numerical Estimates of Earthquake Recurrence Patterns: Exploring the Coefficient of Variability of Ground-Rupturing Earthquakes I, S21D-02Abstract Title: UCERF3 and Rupture Behavior of the San Jacinto Fault in Southern California, S23AAbstract Title: Paleoseismic and Numerical Estimates of Earthquake Recurrence Patterns: Exploring the Coefficient of Variability of Ground-Rupturing Earthquakes II Posters, S23A-2696Abstract Title: Coefficient of Variation Estimates for the Plate Boundary Fault System of California
Biasutti, M.
GC13D-1185Abstract Title: Assessing climate adaptation options and uncertainties for cereal systems in West Africa
Bibby, K. J.
H31E-1452Abstract Title: A Biofilm Treatment Approach for Produced Water from Hydraulic Fracturing Using Engineered Microbial Mats
Bibby, R. K.
H21F-1439Abstract Title: Variability of Residence Time tracer Concentrations at the Southern Sierra Critical Zone Observatory during the California Drought
Bibby, T.
PP11A-2214Abstract Title: A Method for Constraining Glacial Boulder Exposure Ages with Bedrock Erosion Rates Utilizing Cosmogenic Ne-21 from the Central Transantarctic Mountains
Biber, K.
EP31C-1019Abstract Title: Quantitative characterization of shales and their effects on permeability: Examples from tidally-influenced Ferron Sandstone, Utah, V53E-3163Abstract Title: Study of Diagenetic Features in Rudist Buildups of Cretaceous Edwards Formation Using Ground Based Hyperspectral Scanning and Terrestrial LiDAR
Bickford, J.
GC43F-04Abstract Title: WFIP2 – The Second Wind Forecast Improvement Project: Observing Systems And Case Studies
Bickle, M. J.
H21E-1419Abstract Title: Effects of a Regional Aquifer on the Evolution of a Dense CO2-Charged Brine, H21E-1421Abstract Title: DISSOLUTION OF CO2 IN BRINES AND MINERAL REACTIONS DURING GEOLOGICAL CARBON STORAGE: AN EOR EXPERIMENT
Bida, T. A.
P41F-01Abstract Title: Observations of the minor species Al, Fe and Ca+ in Mercury’s exosphere
Biddle, J.
B11I-0555Abstract Title: Microbial Community Analysis of the Costa Rica Margin from a Metagenomic Perspective, B11J-0577Abstract Title: Particle-Associated Archaea Across a Salinity Gradient in the Tidally Influenced Broadkill River, DE, B14E-01Abstract Title: Microbes of deep marine sediments as viewed by metagenomics
Bieber, J. W.
SH44A-05Abstract Title: A Half Century of Magnetic Helicity in the Solar Wind
Biebow, N.
PA32A-04Abstract Title: EU-PolarNet: Connecting Science with Society, TH15DAbstract Title: EU-PolarNet - Connecting Science with Society, TH15EAbstract Title: EU-PolarNet – Connecting Science with Society
Biedenharn, D. S.
EP24B-01Abstract Title: Historical Sediment Sources and Delivery on the Lower Mississippi River 
Biederman, J.
B24B-04Abstract Title: The Carbon Balance Pivot Point of Southwestern U.S. Semiarid Ecosystems: Insights From the 21st Century Drought
Biederman, J. A.
B13F-0670Abstract Title: Ecosystem carbon balance in a drier future: land-atmosphere exchanges of CO2, water and energy across semiarid southwestern North America
Biedermann, A. R.
GP31A-1374Abstract Title: Magnetic Fabric and Natural Remanent Magnetization in the MCU IVe’ Unit of the Bjerkreim Sokndal Layered Intrusion
Biegun, A.
IN33E-05Abstract Title: CDPP activities: Promoting research and education in space physics
Biehl, L. L.
IN51C-03Abstract Title: Geospatial-enabled Data Exploration and Computation through Data Infrastructure Building Blocks
Biek, R. F.
NH34A-08Abstract Title: Earth’s Largest Terrestrial Landslide (The Markagunt Gravity Slide of Southwest Utah): Insights from the Catastrophic Collapse of a Volcanic Field
Bieler, A. M.
ED54B-04Abstract Title: Old flying ice-rock body in space allows a glance at its inner working., P31E-2090Abstract Title: Implications for the Ice Phase of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko from ROSINA/DFMS, P31E-2102Abstract Title: Study of the coma of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko based on the ROSINA/RTOF instrument onboard Rosetta, P31E-2103Abstract Title: Isotopes and Minor Volatiles in the Coma of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko Observed by the Rosetta/ROSINA Instrument: Planetary Implications, P31E-2105Abstract Title: Modeling of the Inner Coma of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko Constrained by VIRTIS and ROSINA Observations, P31E-2114Abstract Title: A study of the variation of physical conditions in the cometary coma based on a 3D multi-fluid model, P31E-2116Abstract Title: Four-fluid MHD Simulations of the Plasma and Neutral Gas Environment of Comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko Near Perihelio, P33E-01Abstract Title: Evolution of H2O related species in the neutral coma of 67P
Bielewicz, A.
PA31B-2158Abstract Title: Between Science Blog and Mythbuster.
Bielicki, J. M.
GC51C-1102Abstract Title: Extracting the Weather Response from Long-Term Hourly Electricity Load Data in an Eastern Region of the United States , GC53C-1222Abstract Title: The Efficacy and Potential of Renewable Energy from Carbon Dioxide that is Sequestered in Sedimentary Basin Geothermal Resources, GC53C-1225Abstract Title: Optimal Management of Geothermal Heat Extraction
Biello, J. A.
OS51A-1973Abstract Title: The Potential Vorticity Budget of Multi-Scale MJO Models, OS53C-05Abstract Title: Midlatitude Rossby wave forcing of equatorial Kelvin waves
Biemiller, J.
T51E-2947Abstract Title: Preliminary Results on the Mechanics of the Active Mai’iu Low Angle Normal Fault (Dayman Dome), Woodlark Rift, SE Papua New Guinea
Bienhold, C.
C33F-07Abstract Title: Decadal changes in carbon fluxes at the East Siberian continental margin: interactions of ice cover, ocean productivity, particle sedimentation and benthic life
Bieniek, P.
GC11F-1083Abstract Title: Climate Variations and Alaska Tundra Vegetation Productivity Declines in Spring, GC23B-1138Abstract Title: Diagnosing the drivers of rain on snow events in Alaska using dynamical downscaling
Bierkens, M. F.
G52A-08Abstract Title: A century-long simulation of terrestrial water storage change and its contribution to global sea-level, H13R-01Abstract Title: Development of human impact modeling in global hydrology, H13R-06Abstract Title: eWaterCycle: Recent progress in a global operational hydrological forecasting model, H13R-08Abstract Title: Limits to Global Groundwater Consumption , H23E-1622Abstract Title: The HyperHydro (H^2) experiment for comparing different large-scale models at various resolutions, H43E-1545Abstract Title: Simulating the impact of past and future land cover and climate change on the global hydrological system using PCR-GLOBWB, H43J-04Abstract Title: Improved Large-Scale Inundation Modelling by 1D-2D Coupling and Consideration of Hydrologic and Hydrodynamic Processes – a Case Study in the Amazon, H53L-04Abstract Title: Improved Large-Scale Hydrological Modelling Through The Assimilation Of Streamflow And Downscaled Satellite Soil Moisture Observations
Bierma, R. M.
T51C-2893Abstract Title: EarthScope’s Transportable Array in Alaska and Western Canada
Bierman, P. R.
C11A-0745Abstract Title: Inferring glacial history and subglacial process through analysis of cosmogenic nuclides in icebound cobbles, EP21C-0923Abstract Title: Effects of Chinese Deforestation and Reforestation Policies on Sediment Sourcing in Yunnan, China, PP11E-03Abstract Title: Eight Million Years of Land-Based Antarctic Ice Sheet Stability Recorded By In Situ 10Be from the ANDRILL-1B Core, T24B-02Abstract Title: Incision of the Yangtze River at the First Bend Determined by Three-Nuclide Burial Dating, T32B-02Abstract Title: Extreme landscape disequilibrium and slow erosion during rapid mountain building
Bieroza, M.
B11F-0494Abstract Title: Unravelling organic matter and nutrient biogeochemistry in groundwater-fed rivers under baseflow conditions: controls on in situ analysis
Bierson, C. J.
P41E-08Abstract Title: Radii and Shape of Pluto and Charon: Preliminary Results from New Horizons, P43A-2101Abstract Title: Modeling the Tidal Response of Io: Coupled Viscoelastic Dissipation and Melt Distribution, P53B-2116Abstract Title: The Effect of Pre-Impact Porosity and Vertical Density Gradients on the Gravity Signature of Lunar Craters as Seen by GRAIL
Biesecker, D. A.
IN31D-02Abstract Title: Real-Time and Near Real-Time Data for Space Weather Applications and Services, SH12A-06Abstract Title: Presenting DSCOVR: The First NOAA Mission to Leave Earth Orbit, SH13E-04Abstract Title: Solar wind ion distribution broadening by waves and transients, SH14A-06Abstract Title: Predicting the Interplanetary Magnetic Field using Approaches Based on Data Mining and Physical Models, SH21BAbstract Title: Space Weather Forecasting: Science and Operations III Posters, SH22B-05Abstract Title: Interplanetary Shocks Observed by the DSCOVR Spacecraft, SH43A-2419Abstract Title: DSCOVR Observations of Magnetic Reconnection, SH53A-2468Abstract Title: Ensemble Modeling within the WSA-Enlil Solar Wind Model, SH53A-2475Abstract Title: Multi-spacecraft Characterization of Current Sheet Crossings in the Dynamic Solar Wind, SM31E-03Abstract Title: DSCOVR: Real-Time Solar Wind Data and Operational Products
Bigalke, N.
B12B-03Abstract Title: Hydro-geomechanical behaviour of gas-hydrate bearing soils during gas production through depressurization and CO2 injection
Biggerstaff, M. I.
A54E-08Abstract Title: Injection of Lightning-Produced NOx, Water Vapor, Wildfire Emissions, and Stratospheric Air to the UT/LS as Observed from DC3 Measurements
Biggin, A. J.
GP21A-04Abstract Title: Geomagnetic field behaviour preceding a Superchron: new evidence for a weak Devonian geomagnetic field, GP23B-1303Abstract Title: Palaeomagnetic field strength variations suggest a Mesoproterozoic age of inner core nucleation
Biggs, E. M.
GC11A-1021Abstract Title: Changing climate and the value of the tea landscape in Assam, GC31H-05Abstract Title: An integrated water-energy-food-livelihoods approach for assessing environmental livelihood security, H41G-1427Abstract Title: Climate-Smart Landscapes for Managing Water Resources in the Tea Growing Regions of Northeast India
Biggs, J.
G31C-06Abstract Title: Stress controlled magma-earthquake interaction during unrest at Chiles-Cerro Negro Volcanoes (Ecuador-Colombian border), G32A-07Abstract Title: Satellite Measurements of Lava Extrusion Rate at Volcán Reventador, Ecuador, V24B-02Abstract Title: The lifecycle of caldera-forming volcanoes in the Main Ethiopian Rift: insights from Aluto volcano
Biggs, J.
PA41B-2169Abstract Title: Linking space observations to volcano observatories in Latin America: Results from the CEOS DRM Volcano Pilot
Biggs, T. W.
GC23L-1262Abstract Title: Deuterium excess in the water cycle of Cona Lake, central Tibetan Plateau
Bigio, E.
Bigler, M.
PP21C-2257Abstract Title: Greenland ice core reconstruction of millennial changes in North American wildfire and soil activity over the last glacial cycle
Bignami, C.
MR33A-2634Abstract Title: Correlation between pore fluid pressures and DInSAR post-seismic deformation of the May 20, 2012 Emilia-Romagna (Italy) earthquake, S43D-2823Abstract Title: Coseismic Slip Model of the M 7.8 2015 Nepal Earthquake and its M 7.2 Aftershock from Joint Inversion of InSAR and GPS Data
Bihani, A. D.
OS23B-1999Abstract Title: Pore Size Distribution and Methane Equilibrium Conditions at Walker Ridge Block 313, Northern Gulf of Mexico
Bijaksana, S.
PP11D-06Abstract Title: The Lake Towuti Drilling Project: A New, 1-Million Year Record of Indo-Pacific Hydroclimate, T33C-2949Abstract Title: Insights on the Quaternary Tectonic Evolution of the SE Indonesia Arc-Continent Collision from the Study of Uplifted Coral Terraces on Sumba Island.
Bijani, R.
NS53A-04Abstract Title: Joint Geophysical Inversion With Multi-Objective Global Optimization Methods
Bijeljic, B.
H21NAbstract Title: Hydrocarbon Multiphase, Multiscale Flow, and Transport Characterization in Porous Media: Theoretical, Numerical, and Experimental Advances I, H21N-04Abstract Title: Disentangling the Complex Pore-Scale Dispersion Process in Natural Porous Media by Means of DNS, H23DAbstract Title: Hydrocarbon Multiphase, Multiscale Flow, and Transport Characterization in Porous Media: Theoretical, Numerical, and Experimental Advances II Posters, H23D-1615Abstract Title: The Impact of the Flow Field Heterogeneity and of the Injection Rate on the Effective Reaction Rates in Carbonates: a Study at the Pore Scale , H41D-1340Abstract Title: Reservoir-Condition Pore-Scale Imaging of Reaction in Carbonates using Synchrotron Fast Tomography, H51F-1429Abstract Title: A Full Empirical Description of Mixing and Dilution - The Fingerprint of Non-Fickian Mixing, H54C-07Abstract Title: 3D Observations of Dispersion, Mixing and Reaction in Heterogeneous Rocks
Bijl, P.
PP24A-07Abstract Title: Evidence from Ice-Rafted Debris and Sediment Provenance for a Dynamic East Antarctic Ice Sheet During the Mid-Miocene Climate Transition
Bijma, J.
PP51D-08Abstract Title: Biomineralization in foraminifera
Bijoy Baruah, P.
IN41B-1704Abstract Title: Development of a Coordinated National Soil Moisture Network: A Pilot Study
Bijukchhen, S.
S43D-2837Abstract Title: Aftershock Records in the Kathmandu Valley of the 2015 Gorkha, Nepal, Earthquake
Bikoba, J. Z.
DI21B-05Abstract Title: Deformation of the Tonga Slab: Evidence for Interaction with a Small-scale Secondary Plume in the Transition Zone
Bikos, D.
IN34B-03Abstract Title: Using JPSS Retrievals to Implement a Multisensor, Synoptic, Layered Water Vapor Product for Forecasters
Bila, M. D.
GC41B-1093Abstract Title: Efforts to Unravel the Cause of Shrinkage of Lake Chad: Development of Hydrologic Real-time Observatory Network in the Lake Chad Basin
Bilbrey, C.
NH43B-1886Abstract Title: Using Confidence Intervals and Recurrence Intervals to Determine Precipitation Delivery Mechanisms Responsible for Mass Wasting Events.
Bilde, M.
A11C-0085Abstract Title: Chemical characterization and physico-chemical properties of aerosols at Villum Research Station, Greenland during spring 2015
Bilderback, E.
EP53A-0954Abstract Title: Upland Processes and Controls on September 2013 Debris Flows, Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado
Bilek, S.
T13E-03Abstract Title: Pore pressure evolution and induced seismicity within the Permian Basin, Southeast New Mexico USA
Bilek, S. L.
S33D-2815Abstract Title: Field Testing GEOICE: A Next-Generation Polar Seismometer, S41A-2702Abstract Title: Signal Detection and Earthquake Catalogue Development Using a Short-term, Over 800-station, Mixed-mode Seismic Array Deployed Above the Socorro Magma Body, NM, S44A-01Abstract Title: Source Parameters for Repeating Earthquakes along the Middle America Trench, T11D-2920Abstract Title: Crustal Velocity Structure of the Rio Grande Rift and Rocky Mountains from Local Earthquakes and Blasts Recorded by USArray and CREST, T51D-2902Abstract Title: Event Detection and Location of Earthquakes Using the Cascadia Initiative Dataset, T51D-2921Abstract Title: Detection and location of earthquakes along the west coast of Chile: Examining seismicity in the 2010 M 8.8 Maule and 2014 M 8.1 Iquique earthquake rupture zones.
Bilenker, L.
V52B-02Abstract Title: A Holistic Model That Physicochemically Links Iron Oxide - Apatite and Iron Oxide – Copper – Gold Deposits to Magmas
Bilgen, S. I.
B33E-0769Abstract Title: Urban Heat Island Characteristics Of Istanbul, GC43A-1176Abstract Title: Temporal Changes in Extreme High Temerature, Heat Waves in Istanbul Between 1960-2014
Bilgi, S.
NH51B-1888Abstract Title: Deformation Monitoring Studies and GPR Application on Dams
Bilham, R. G.
S42C-01Abstract Title: Ground Motions during the 2015 Gorkha, Nepal, Earthquake: An Expected Event that Defied Expectations, U33A-01Abstract Title: Incomplete décollement rupture in the 25 April 2015 Gurkha earthquake; Implications for past and future Himalayan earthquakes
Bilheux, H.
H21N-07Abstract Title: Using Neutrons to Study Fluid-Rock Interactions in Shales
Bililign, S.
A34F-03Abstract Title: Sources, Chemistry, and Transport of Pollutants over the Eastern United States During the WINTER 2015 Aircraft Campaign, A41K-0217Abstract Title: Sources and Distributions of Secondary Aerosols over the Northeastern United States during the WINTER Aircraft Campaign., A41K-0223Abstract Title: Ammonia Partitioning into the Condensed Phase in Winter Time Conditions, A41K-0226Abstract Title: Nighttime NOx Chemistry in Coal-Fired Power Plant Plumes, A41K-0231Abstract Title: Utilizing SO2/CO2 Mixing Ratios to Determine SO2 Uptake by a Regional Cloud Layer, A41K-0232Abstract Title: Validation of Point Source Emissions of SO2 Using Aircraft Data, ED11B-0854Abstract Title: Undergraduate Research Experiences in Geosciences for Physical Science and Engineering Students
Bilitza, D.
SA13B-2373Abstract Title: Performance of the IRI-2012 Model in the Low- and Mid-Latitudes: Variations with Longitude and Solar Activity, SA31E-2376Abstract Title: Quantitative Evaluation of Ionosphere Models for Reproducing Regional TEC During Geomagnetic Storms, SM41B-2486Abstract Title: The International Reference Ionosphere – 45 Years of International Space Weather Collaboration, SM51A-2528Abstract Title: SPDF Ancillary Services and Technologies Supporting Open Access, Use and Archiving of MMS Data
Bill, M.
B13K-03Abstract Title: Linked metatranscriptomic and geochemical data indicate microbial succession in naturally reduced aquifer sediments dominated by H2-oxidizing Comamonadaceae, B21C-0460Abstract Title: Nitrogen cycling within an alluvial aquifer during groundwater fluctuations, B21D-0496Abstract Title: Fate and Transport of Methane Formed in the Active Layer of Alaskan Permafrost, B53H-08Abstract Title: CO2 production rate maxima in the deeper unsaturated zone of a semi-arid floodplain at Rifle, Colorado, H11B-1328Abstract Title: Determining and quantifying specific sources of light alkane
Bill, N. S.
PP23B-2297Abstract Title: Carbon Isotopic Excursions Associated with the Mid-Pleistocene Transition and the Mid-Brunhes Transition, PP51CAbstract Title: Feedbacks on Ice-Sheet Growth and Decay during the Last Glacial Cycle I Posters, T51C-2896Abstract Title: Surface uplift history of southern Alaska: Insight from stable isotopes
Billen, G.
B11O-08Abstract Title: Tracking historical increases in nitrogen-driven crop production possibilities
Billen, M. I.
DI13B-2661Abstract Title: Numerical Models of Subduction Beneath Non-Uniform Overriding Plates. Implications for Subduction Velocity and Seismic Anisotropy, DI13B-2667Abstract Title: 2D Dynamic Models of Subduction: Links between Surface Plate Motion and Deformation in the Transition Zone from Observations of Deep Slab Seismicity, DI21A-2581Abstract Title: Ryukyu Subduction Zone: 3D Geodynamic Simulations of the Effects of Slab Shape and Depth on Lattice-Preferred Orientation (LPO) and Seismic Anisotropy, DI21B-05Abstract Title: Deformation of the Tonga Slab: Evidence for Interaction with a Small-scale Secondary Plume in the Transition Zone, T11B-2874Abstract Title: Flat Slab Formation and Evolution below Cratonic Lithosphere: Insights from 3D Time-Dependent Modeling, T14B-01Abstract Title: Plate interface strength and the flexural rigidity of subducting oceanic plates, T31E-07Abstract Title: Local Discontinuous Galerkin (LDG) Method for Advection of Active Compositional Fields with Discontinuous Boundaries: Demonstration and Comparison with Other Methods in the Mantle Convection Code ASPECT
Biller, D.
GC53I-02Abstract Title: Copper, iron and the organic ligands that bind them - updates from San Francisco Bay and beyond
Biller, N.
PP33A-2276Abstract Title: Pleistocene Permafrost Thawing History of Alaska, the Yukon, and the Northwest Territories from U-Th Dating of Cave Speleothems
Billesbach, D. P.
B43M-02Abstract Title: Multi-scale Evidence of Large CO2 and CH4 Emissions from Permafrost During Spring Thaw in Northern Alaska
Billett, M. F.
B21H-0580Abstract Title: Greenhouse Gas Fluxes from Peatland Pools, B51B-0427Abstract Title: Sources and Age of Aquatic DOC, CO2 And CH4 Exported From a Swedish Peatland
Billings, S. A.
B21D-0490Abstract Title: Long- and short-term temperature responses of microbially-mediated boreal soil organic matter transformations, B23C-0614Abstract Title: Effects of temperature on microbial transformation of organic matter – comparing stories told by purified enzyme assays, chemostat experiments and soils, H52C-04Abstract Title: The Dependence on Topography of the Influence of Soil Erosion and Deposition on the Carbon Cycle at the Calhoun Critical Zone Observatory
Billingsley, L. R.
ED23C-0870Abstract Title: Investigating Indoor Air Quality Using a Community-based Participatory Research Model
Bills, B.
IN21E-06Abstract Title: The Neotoma Paleoecology Database, IN23B-1731Abstract Title: Community-Supported Data Repositories in Paleobiology: A ‘Middle Tail’ Between the Geoscientific and Informatics Communities
Bills, B. G.
P13B-2136Abstract Title: Kinematic model of Titan’s rotation from Cassini radar data, P51A-2044Abstract Title: Tidal Heating at Pluto and Charon as a Result of Non-Zero Obliquity, P53G-03Abstract Title: Europa Tide Inversion from REASON Altimetry
Billson, R.
G11B-0975Abstract Title: Down Conversion of Ambient Seismic Noise As A Tool To Detect Non-Linearity And Estimate Instrument Noise Levels In A Gravity Meter
Bilskie, M. V.
GC52A-01Abstract Title: As the sea level rises the Earth does not stand still, GC52A-05Abstract Title: Tidal Hydrodynamics under Future Sea Level Rise Scenarios with Coastal Morphology along the Northern Gulf of Mexico, GC52A-06Abstract Title: A Dynamic Flood Inundation Model Framework to Assess Coastal Flood Risk in a Changing Climate, GC53A-1186Abstract Title: Comparing and Contrasting the Benefits of Land Mass vs. Land Cover on Storm Surge Attenuation, GC53A-1188Abstract Title: Coastal marsh response to rising sea levels in the Grand Bay, MS estuary, GC53A-1189Abstract Title: Assessing the Effects of Sea Level Rise on Plum Island Estuary Marshes Using a Hydrodynamic-marsh Modeling Tool, NH44A-05Abstract Title: The importance of vegetation change in the prediction of future tropical cyclone flood statistics
Bilsley, N. A.
ED53E-0879Abstract Title: Development of a Memory Game to Improve Knowledge Retention in Preparation for Broad Scope Exams in an Introductory Earth Science Course
Bina, C. R.
DI21B-04Abstract Title: Slab Stagnation and Buckling in the Mantle Transition Zone: Petrology, Rheology, and the Geodynamics of Trench Migration, MR33D-06Abstract Title: hydrogen partitioning between postperovskite and bridgmanite
Bindeman, I. N.
DI31A-2572Abstract Title: D/H and Water Concentrations of Submarine MORB Glass Around the World: Analytical Aspects, Standardization, and (re)defining Mantle D/H Ranges , PP11B-2221Abstract Title: Analysis of Hydrogen Isotopic Exchange: Lava Creek Tuff Ash and Isotopically Labeled Water, PP33B-2297Abstract Title: Stable Isotope Geochemistry of Extremely Well-Preserved 2.45-Billion-Year-Old Hydrothermal Systems in the Vetreny Belt, Baltic Shield: Insights into Paleohydrosphere, V24CAbstract Title: Yellowstone Volcanism from Its Current Expression to Early Vestiges of Hotspot Activity via Geophysical and Petrologic Studies I, V24C-06Abstract Title: Isotopic and physical evidence for persistently high eruption temperatures for Yellowstone-Snake River Plain rhyolites, V31EAbstract Title: Yellowstone Volcanism from Its Current Expression to Early Vestiges of Hotspot Activity via Geophysical and Petrologic Studies II Posters, V31E-3066Abstract Title: Investigating spatial and volumetric trends in silicic volcanism along the Yellowstone hotspot track using high-resolution thermomechanical numerical models, V43A-3105Abstract Title: Southward Ejection of Subcontinental Lithosphere and large-scale Asthenospheric Enrichment beneath central Chile resulting from Flat Subduction, V44C-08Abstract Title: On the longevity of silicic magma based on multi-isotope investigation of zircons and modeling their survivals destinies, V51F-3103Abstract Title: Water in Volcanic Glass: From Volcanic Degassing to Secondary Hydration, V52B-02Abstract Title: A Holistic Model That Physicochemically Links Iron Oxide - Apatite and Iron Oxide – Copper – Gold Deposits to Magmas
Binder, H.
A53F-02Abstract Title: On the Relationship between Tropical Moisture Exports and Extratropical Cyclones
Binder, M.
B21C-0454Abstract Title: Linking Sediment Microbial Communities to Carbon Cycling in High-Latitude Lakes
Binder, T.
C32B-04Abstract Title: Ultra-Wideband Radars for Measurements over Land and Sea Ice
Bindi, D.
S51A-2641Abstract Title: On the Relation of Earthquake Stress Drop and Ground Motion Variability
Bindlish, R.
H13K-1728Abstract Title: Validation of the Soil Moisture Active Passive mission using USDA-ARS experimental watersheds, H14F-02Abstract Title: Validating SMAP L2/3 Products, H14F-03Abstract Title: Development and Initial Assessment of the SMAP Passive Soil Moisture Product, H14F-06Abstract Title: Intercomparison of SMAP L2/L3 Soil Moisture with Synergistic Satellite Products, H41L-05Abstract Title: Passive/Active Microwave Soil Moisture Disaggregation Using SMAPVEX12 Data, H43H-1626Abstract Title: SMAP L2/L3 Soil Moisture Product Validation using In Situ Based Core Validation Sites
Binford, M. W.
GC33B-1278Abstract Title: ­­Estimating Forest Management Units from Road Network Maps in the Southeastern U.S.
Bingemer, H. G.
A13B-0311Abstract Title: Ice Nucleation from Ship Emissions 
Bingham, B. L.
ED13G-04Abstract Title: Mentoring For Success: REU Program That Help Every Student Succeed
Bingham, N.
B11L-06Abstract Title: Water Balance Defines a Threshold in Soil Chemistry at a Global Scale, B21D-0477Abstract Title: Strontium isotopes provide clues for a process shift in base cation dynamics in young volcanic soils, B41G-0508Abstract Title: Topographically-determined soil thickening explained spatial variability of soil carbon and nitrogen in Southern California grasslands
Bingham, P. R.
H21N-07Abstract Title: Using Neutrons to Study Fluid-Rock Interactions in Shales
Bingham, R. G.
C41D-0723Abstract Title: Characterising glacier-wide ice-surface roughness using a combined Structure-from-Motion and Terrestrial Laser Scanning approach
Bingham, R. J.
G23A-1056Abstract Title: The GOCE User Toolbox (GUT) and Tutorial
Bingham, S.
SM41E-2538Abstract Title: Ring Current Response to Different Storm Drivers. Van Allen Probes and Cluster Observations., SM41E-2545Abstract Title: The plasmasheet H+ and O+ contribution on the storm time ring current
Bingham, S.
SH21B-2412Abstract Title: Verification of Space Weather Forecasts using Terrestrial Weather Approaches
Bingley, L.
EP53C-1038Abstract Title: The Electron Losses and Fields Investigation
Binks, O.
B53D-0586Abstract Title: Linking Tropical Forest Function to Hydraulic Traits in a Size-Structured and Trait-Based Model
Binley, A. M.
H11M-04Abstract Title: Getting to the Root of the Problem - Assessing Crop Water Uptake Using Geophysics, H51R-02Abstract Title: Micro 3D ERT tomography for data assimilation modelling of active root zone
Binnie, S. A.
T12B-03Abstract Title: Landscape response to late Pleistocene climate change along the Puna Plateau margin: Sediment flux and cosmogenic landslide signatures modulated by basin geometry
Bintanja, R.
PP42A-03Abstract Title: The MMCO-EOT conundrum: same benthic δ18O, diff erent CO2
Binzel, R. P.
P51A-2031Abstract Title: Shapes and Rotations of the Small Satellites of Pluto, P54A-01Abstract Title: Color and Composition of Pluto and Its Moons from the New Horizons Mission, P54A-02Abstract Title: Pluto’s Global Color Variability as Seen by the New Horizons Multispectral Visible Imaging Camera, P54A-04Abstract Title: Photometric Properties of Pluto and Charon: Comparison to Other Bodies, U53A-07Abstract Title: The interacting surface and atmosphere of Pluto
Biondi, F.
B11N-08Abstract Title:  Global Patterns of Drought Recovery, GC31GAbstract Title: Climate Impacts on Forest Ecosystems: Ecohydrologic Scaling from Cells to Landscapes I, GC33BAbstract Title: Climate Impacts on Forest Ecosystems: Ecohydrologic Scaling from Cells to Landscapes II Posters, GC33B-1276Abstract Title: Wood Cellular Dendroclimatology: A Pilot Study on Bristlecone Pine in the Southwest US, GC41C-1102Abstract Title: Pervasive Drought Legacy Effects in Forest Ecosystems and their Carbon Cycle Implications, H23E-1619Abstract Title: Examination of different water balance models for use with tree-ring proxy records to extend hydroclimatic records
Biondi, R.
G43C-03Abstract Title: Propagation delays induced in GNSS signals during extreme conditions of the neutral atmosphere
Biraud, S.
A11C-0065Abstract Title: Vertical and Spatial Profiling of Arctic Black Carbon on the North Slope of Alaska 2015: Comparison of Model and Observation, A11J-0192Abstract Title: Airborne observations of greenhouse gases in the North Slope of Alaska during summer 2015, A24D-08Abstract Title: Measuring the Impact of Rising CO2 and CH4 on the Surface Energy Balance, A31B-0042Abstract Title: Carbon Tetrachloride Emissions from the US during 2008 – 2012 Derived from Atmospheric Data Using Bayesian and Geostatistical Inversions, A41I-0197Abstract Title: Lower-Tropospheric CO2 from ACOS-GOSAT, B32AAbstract Title: Advances in Observing, Analyzing, and Scaling Surface-Atmosphere Exchange for Enhancing Long-Term Networks I, B33AAbstract Title: Advances in Observing, Analyzing, and Scaling Surface-Atmosphere Exchange for Enhancing Long-Term Networks II Posters, B41DAbstract Title: New Paradigms in Terrestrial Sensing Using Small Unmanned Aerial Systems Posters, TH42IAbstract Title: The AmeriFlux Network: Celebrating Its 20th Anniversary
Birch, C.
A33L-0360Abstract Title: Differences in surface wind speed between observations, reanalyses and climate models: why do they matter for dust emission simulations in the Sahel?
Birch, J. M.
OS51C-02Abstract Title: Harmful Algal Bloom Hotspots Really Are Hot: A Case Study from Monterey Bay, California
Birch, S.
P12B-01Abstract Title: Alluvial Fans on Titan Reveal Atmosphere and Surface Interactions and Material Transport, P13B-2136Abstract Title: Kinematic model of Titan’s rotation from Cassini radar data
Birch, S. P.
P12B-02Abstract Title: Liquid-Filled Channels On Titan, P13B-2125Abstract Title: Nature, Distribution, and Origin of Titan’s Undifferentiated Plains (“Blandlands”) , P13B-2133Abstract Title: Geomorphology of Titan's polar terrains: Using the landscape’s topographic form to constrain surface processes
EP43A-0956Abstract Title: Characterization of detrital zircon U-Pb age patterns of the sandy and Gobi desert and implication for Chinese loess source
Bird, B. W.
GC21F-05Abstract Title: A 3000 year lake sediment record of local and synoptic Indian summer monsoon variability from the southeastern Tibetan Plateau, PP23A-2273Abstract Title: Sedimentology, geochronology, oxygen isotope and grain size stratigraphy of a core from Pretty Lake, Indiana: Exploring Midwestern hydroclimate during the last 2000 years, PP31A-2224Abstract Title: Assessing the deep drilling potential of Lago de Tota, Colombia, with a seismic survey
Bird, D. E.
GP13B-1287Abstract Title: Reconstruction of the East Africa and Antarctica continental margins
Bird, J.
GC33E-1359Abstract Title: The stability of Pyrogenic Organic Matter is dependent upon its wood source and charring temperature
Bird, J. A.
B41FAbstract Title: Soil Organic Matter Dynamics on Mineral Surfaces: Nano- to Global-Scale Processes I Posters, B44CAbstract Title: Soil Organic Matter Dynamics on Mineral Surfaces: Nano- to Global-Scale Processes II, GC33E-1358Abstract Title: Wood source and pyrolysis temperature interact to control PyOM degradation rates
Bird, K.
ED21A-0824Abstract Title: Amazing Magnetism - Demos of Invisible Forces
Bird, M. I.
PP43C-2298Abstract Title: The Stability of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet During the Last Interglacial (127-110 ka): A New Record From the Patriot Hills
Bird, M. K.
P54A-05Abstract Title: The New Horizons Radio Science Experiment: Performance and Measurements of Pluto's Atmospheric Structure, Surface Pressure, and Surface Temperature , P54A-06Abstract Title: Radio Occultation Measurements of Pluto’s Atmosphere with New Horizons
Birdsell, D.
MR41A-2627Abstract Title: Capillary Imbibition of Hydraulic Fracturing Fluids into Partially Saturated Shale, MR53A-06Abstract Title: Modeling Studies to Constrain Fluid and Gas Migration Associated with Hydraulic Fracturing Operations
Birdsell, D.
ED13B-0888Abstract Title: The AirWaterGas Teacher Professional Development Program: Lessons Learned by Pairing Scientists and Teachers to Develop Curriculum on Global Climate Change and Regional Unconventional Oil and Gas Development
Birdsey, R.
B31A-0515Abstract Title: Global Greening Is Firm, Drivers Are Mixed, B43I-0672Abstract Title: Landscape Soil Respiration Fluxes are Related to Leaf Area Index, Stand Height and Density, and Soil Nitrogen in Rocky Mountain Subalpine Forests, GC13I-03Abstract Title: Applications of Advanced Technology for Monitoring Forest Carbon to Support Climate Change Mitigation, GC13I-04Abstract Title: Magnitude and Uncertainty of Carbon Pools and Fluxes in the US Forests
Birgand, F.
B13E-0656Abstract Title: Seasonal Variation in the Quality of Dissolved and Particulate Organic Matter Exchanged Between a Salt Marsh and Its Adjacent Estuary
Birgel, D.
PP33A-2293Abstract Title: Sea ice cover variability and river run-off in the western Laptev Sea (Arctic Ocean) since the last 18 ka
Birk, S.
H13I-1671Abstract Title: Identifying Groundwater Droughts using standardized Water Levels
Birkel, C.
H21F-1441Abstract Title: Tracer-aided modelling using long-term and high resolution data to assess non-stationarity in stream water age, H33K-03Abstract Title: New Approaches to Assessing and Predicting the Hydrologic Impacts of Urban Disturbance Using Isotopes and Transit Time Analysis, H41M-05Abstract Title: Storage Dynamics and Non-Linear Connectivity between Landscape Units Control Runoff Generation and Stream Water Age Distributions
Birkel, S. D.
A12D-06Abstract Title: Ocean-Atmosphere Environments of Antarctic-Region Cold-Air Mesocyclones: Evaluation of Reanalyses for Contrasting Adjacent 10-Day Periods (“Macro-Weather”) in Winter., C11A-0752Abstract Title: Implications Of Fault Damaged Bedrock To Tectonic and Landscape Evolution In Coastal Alaska, PP31D-04Abstract Title: Denali Ice Core Record of North Pacific Hydroclimate, Temperature and Atmospheric Circulation over the Past Millennium, PP33A-2272Abstract Title: Using Reanalysis to Provide Circulation Context for Ice Cores Recovered from Mt. Hunter Plateau in Denali National Park, PP33A-2273Abstract Title: Developing a Validated Long-Term Satellite-Based Albedo Record in the Central Alaska Range to Improve Regional Hydroclimate Reconstructions, PP43F-07Abstract Title: Little Ice Age Wetting of Interior Asian Deserts and the Rise of the Mongol Empire
Birkholzer, J. T.
B12A-03Abstract Title: An Integrated Hydrologic Modeling Approach to Cesium-137 Transport in Forested Fukushima Watersheds, H11BAbstract Title: Deep Boreholes and Wellbores: Monitoring, Modeling, and Mitigation I Posters, H13MAbstract Title: Deep Boreholes and Wellbores: Monitoring, Modeling, and Mitigation II, H13M-03Abstract Title: A new approach to hydrologic testing during drilling of a deep borehole and its application to the Swedish scientific deep drilling COSC project, H31E-1462Abstract Title: IMPACTS OF HYDRAULIC FRACTURING IN CALIFORNIA – AN OVERVIEW OF A COMPREHENSIVE SCIENCE ASSESSMENT, H31E-1464Abstract Title: Characteristics and management of flowback/produced water from hydraulically fractured wells in California - findings from the California SB 4 assessment, H31I-1548Abstract Title: Uranium(VI) Diffusion in Sodium-Montmorillonite at Alkaline pH Conditions, H51U-04Abstract Title: Determining the Area of Review (AoR) in Carbon Capture and Storage: A tiered, probabilistic methodology to generate risk map, H54F-07Abstract Title: A Hybrid Continuum-Discrete Scheme for Simulating CO2 Migration and Trapping in Fractured Sandstone Reservoirs, MR41A-2626Abstract Title: Discrete modeling of hydraulic fracturing processes in a complex pre-existing fracture network, T13E-06Abstract Title: Coupled THMC models for bentonite in clay repository for nuclear waste, T13E-08Abstract Title: Long-Term Modeling of Coupled Processes in a Generic Salt Repository for Heat-Generating Nuclear Waste: Analysis of the Impacts of Halite Solubility Constraints
Birman, L.
A21G-0245Abstract Title: Space-borne detection of small scale CO2 emission structures with OCO-2
Birmili, W.
A33G-0255Abstract Title: Synthesis of the ACTRIS Network Cloud Condensation Nuclei Measurements
Birn, J.
SM13DAbstract Title: The Role of Magnetotail Transients in Magnetospheric Dynamics: Recent Progress in Observations and Simulations I Posters, SM13D-2545Abstract Title: Ion Beams in the Plasma Sheet Boundary Layer, SM22AAbstract Title: The Role of Magnetotail Transients in Magnetospheric Dynamics: Recent Progress in Observations and Simulations II, SM31E-04Abstract Title: Overview of the SHIELDS Project at LANL, SM41I-07Abstract Title: The Structure of the Electron Diffusion Region in Asymmetric Magnetic Reconnection, SM51D-2591Abstract Title: An Updated Model of the Substorm Current Wedge.
Birner, B.
PP41A-2217Abstract Title: Similar Millennial Climate Variability on the Iberian Margin Before and After the Middle Pleistocene Transition
Birner, S.
V11D-3086Abstract Title: Heterogeneous Oxidation in Supra-Subduction Settings: Evidence from Forearc Peridotites, V21A-3006Abstract Title: Oxygen Fugacity of Abyssal Peridotites Along the Gakkel Ridge
Birner, T.
ED53G-06Abstract Title: Exploring the Sky: An Exploratory Study on the Effectiveness of Discourse in an Atmospheric Science Outreach Program
Birney, L.
ED53G-07Abstract Title: Restoration Science in New York Harbor: It takes a (large, diverse and engaged) village
Biron, P.
EP41E-02Abstract Title: Towards the Application of a River Management Approach Encompassing most Natural Process Drivers : Lessons Learned from Freedom Space for Rivers in Quebec (Canada)
Biron, R.
B33A-0641Abstract Title: Derivation of a footprint function designed for scintillometers over complex terrain.
Biscaro, T.
A24B-03Abstract Title: On the role of thermodynamics and cloud-aerosol-precipitation interactions over thunderstorm activity during GoAmazon and ACRIDICON-CHUVA field experiments, A24B-05Abstract Title: Cloud and Precipitation During GoAmazon: The Influence of Aerosol and Thermodynamics.
Biscaye, P.
A23C-0308Abstract Title: Abrupt Late Holocene Shift in Atmospheric Circulation Recorded by Mineral Dust in the Siple Dome Ice Core, Antarctica
Bischoff, S. H.
T21A-2793Abstract Title: 3-D geodynamic models of the India-Eurasia collision zone: Guiding numerical models with seismic and MT observations
Bischoff, T.
A12BAbstract Title: Atmospheric Circulations and Their Role in the Hydrological Cycle: Monsoons, Storm Tracks, and the ITCZ II, A13A-0285Abstract Title: The equatorial energy balance, ITCZ position, and double ITCZ bifurcations
Bischoff-Gauss, I.
A23C-0304Abstract Title: Modelling Convective Dust Storms in Large-Scale Weather and Climate Models
Bish, D. L.
PP43A-2249Abstract Title: Sedimentary Catalysis of Radiolytic H2 Production, and Implications for Subseafloor Life, P43B-2115Abstract Title: Revisiting the Sheepbed Mudstone of Gale Crater, Mars – A comprehensive reappraisal of its depositional, diagenetic, and burial history, P53F-04Abstract Title: Evidence for Acid-Sulfate Alteration in the Pahrump Hills Region, Gale Crater, Mars
Bishaw, K.
EP53A-0963Abstract Title: Impacts of Wildfire on Hawaii Island’s Pre-Contact Landscape
Bishop, B.
T33B-07Abstract Title: Modification of Thickened Orogenic Crust by a Subducting Ridge: Disruption of the Andean Lower Crust of Southern Peru by the Subducting Aseismic Nazca Ridge , T41G-02Abstract Title: Subduction Zone Science – Examples of Seismic Images of the Central Andes and Subducting Nazca Slab
Bishop, C. M.
GC41H-08Abstract Title: Exposing variation to aid climate change risk assessment
Bishop, C. H.
NG24A-08Abstract Title: The Differences between Ensemble and Variational Methods and Implications for their Fusion
Bishop, J. K. B.
H21C-1394Abstract Title: Comparative Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Particle Composition through the Critical Zone in the Investigation of Groundwater and Stream Chemistry
Bishop, J. M.
NH23D-07Abstract Title: Hurricane Sandy Washover Deposits on Southern Long Beach Island, NJ
Bishop, J. L.
P23CAbstract Title: Earth Analogues as Case Studies for Martian Geological Materials and Processes I, P23C-03Abstract Title: Clay minerals on Mars: Riotinto mining district (Huelva, Spain) as Earth analogue for acidic alteration pathways, P23C-05Abstract Title: Solfataric Alteration at Hawaii as a Potential Analog for Martian Surface Processes, P24AAbstract Title: Earth Analogues as Case Studies for Martian Geological Materials and Processes II, P24A-03Abstract Title: Wright Valley Sediments as Potential Analogs for Martian Surface Processes, P31AAbstract Title: Earth Analogues as Case Studies for Martian Geological Materials and Processes III Posters, P31A-2038Abstract Title: Early Earth rock analogues for Martian subsurface processes, P31A-2039Abstract Title: A Hydrothermally Altered, Mn-incrusted Marine Sediment as an Analogue for Martian Deposits?, P31A-2040Abstract Title: Combined VNIR and Raman spectroscopy of the Atacama salt flats as a potential Mars analog, P51E-03Abstract Title: Mars Surface Mineralogic Diversity and Mineral Mixtures Mapping Using CRISM Data and the Tetracorder Spectral Mapping System
Bishop, J.
S53A-2778Abstract Title: Applying a New Event Detection Algorithm to an Ocean Bottom Seismometer Dataset Recorded Offshore Southern California
Bishop, K. H.
B51B-0427Abstract Title: Sources and Age of Aquatic DOC, CO2 And CH4 Exported From a Swedish Peatland, B51F-0487Abstract Title: SOURCES AND FATE OF DIC IN SWEDISH STREAMS, GC51E-1133Abstract Title: Catchment Sensitivity to Changing Climate Conditions: Does the Landscape Control Hydrological Responses?
Bishop, M.
A14B-08Abstract Title: Uncertainties in Biogenic Sources and Sinks and Their Relevance for the Global Acetone Budget
Bishop, M.
GC33E-1355Abstract Title: Effects of Surface Fires and Below Ground Heating on the Biogeochemical Structures of Endomycorrhizal Fungal Spores
Bishop, M. P.
C21B-0733Abstract Title: Geomorphometric Characterization of Debris-covered Glaciers in the Karakoram Himalaya, C21B-0734Abstract Title: Topography and Radiative Forcing Patterns on Glaciers in the Karakoram Himalaya, ED31B-0903Abstract Title: Transforming Undergraduate Education Through the use of Analytical Reasoning (TUETAR), EP23B-0954Abstract Title: Using Wavelet Decomposition to Assess the Development of Padre Island National Seashore, Texas, USA
Bishop, R. L.
SA21A-05Abstract Title: Unique Views of Scintillation and Density Structures from the CORISS GPS Sensor, SA22A-02Abstract Title: Simultaneous Observations of Electric Fields, Current Density, Plasma Density, and Neutral Winds During Two Sounding Rocket Experiments Launched from Wallops Island into Strong Daytime Dynamo Currents, SA22A-04Abstract Title: Measurements from the Daytime Dynamo Sounding Rocket missions: Altitude Profiles of Neutral Temperature, Density, Winds, and Con Composition, SA22A-06Abstract Title: Estimate of Low/Mid-Latitude Conductances, Electric Potential and Neutral Winds using IDA4D and EMPIRE, SA31D-2373Abstract Title: The impacts of the St. Patrick's Day superstorm on selected technologies, SA43C-04Abstract Title: The Scintillation Prediction Observations Research Task (SPORT) Mission
Bishop, T.
GC41B-1086Abstract Title: Impacts of Climate Change/Variability and Human Activities on Contemporary Vegetation Productivity across Africa, H43H-1636Abstract Title: Three dimensional prediction of soil moisture at any support using multiple datasets with different spatial supports
Bisht, G.
B41A-0408Abstract Title: Effects of Spatial N nutrient mobility relevant to plants, soils and microtopograhy on plant growth and soil organic matter accumulation by using coupled CLM-PFLOTRAN biogeochemical model in an Area in NGEE-Arctic Intensive Study Sites, Barrow, AK., B41A-0409Abstract Title: The Role of Groundwater and River water Interactions in Modulating Land Surface and Subsurface States and Fluxes: A Local-Scale Case Study along the Columbia River Shoreline, B53H-03Abstract Title: The Role of Hyporheic Zones in Cycling of Carbon and Nitrogen, H13E-1596Abstract Title: Coupled Monitoring and Inverse Modeling to Investigate Surface – Subsurface Hydrological and Thermal Dynamics in the Arctic Tundra, H43G-1606Abstract Title: Compensatory Root Water Uptake of Overlapping Root Systems, H43G-1621Abstract Title: Development of a 3D Soil-Plant-Atmosphere Continuum (SPAC) coupled to a Land Surface Model
Bisi, M. M.
SH12AAbstract Title: Space Weather Forecasting: Science and Operations I, SH14AAbstract Title: Space Weather Forecasting: Science and Operations II, SH14A-02Abstract Title: Requirements for an Operational Coronagraph, SH21BAbstract Title: Space Weather Forecasting: Science and Operations III Posters, SH21B-2396Abstract Title: 3D Analysis of Remote-Sensed Heliospheric Data for Space Weather Forecasting, SH21B-2398Abstract Title: Space Weather – the Economic Case, SH21B-2399Abstract Title: Observations of Heliospheric Faraday Rotation (FR) and Interplanetary Scintillation (IPS) with the LOw Frequency ARray (LOFAR): Steps Towards Improving Space-Weather Forecasting Capabilities, SH21B-2400Abstract Title: SOL-TERRA – AN OPERATIONAL SPACE WEATHER FORECASTING MODEL FRAMEWORK, SH43C-03Abstract Title: Determination of the North-South Heliospheric Magnetic-Field Component from Inner-Corona Closed-Loop Propagation, SH53B-2501Abstract Title: Measurements and an Empirical Model of the Zodiacal Brightness as Observed by the Solar Mass Ejection Imager (SMEI)
Bista, S.
V41B-3077Abstract Title: Network cation coordination in aluminoborosilicate and Mg- aluminosilicate glasses: pressure effects in recovered structural changes and densification
Biswal, B.
H21K-02Abstract Title: Incorporating channel network information in hydrologic response modelling: model development and validation using ecologically relevant indicators
Biswal, S.
Biswal, T. K.
EP53A-0986Abstract Title: Terminal fans and the Ganga plain tectonism of the Indo-Gangetic foreland basin, India
Biswas, A.
H33F-1674Abstract Title: Influences of Main Large-Scale Climate Indices on Canada’s Streamflow Trends over the Past Several Decades
Biswas, S.
H12E-08Abstract Title: Level One Validation Concept for GPM over Dallas - Fort Worth Urban Network
Bitew, M. M.
H32D-02Abstract Title: Headwater Streams in Porous Landscapes – What’s the contributing area?
Bittencourt, P.
B53C-0559Abstract Title: Indicators for Tropical Forests Degradation Assessment: A Multitemporal Perspective Using Lidar Data
Bittencourt, P.
B51D-0448Abstract Title: Isotopes and soil physic analysis as a tool to meet answers related to soil-plant-atmosphere behavior of Amazon forest during droughts
Bitz, C. M.
A23E-0360Abstract Title: Model For Prediction Across Scales (MPAS) applied to regional climate of the Northwestern U.S. , A31J-08Abstract Title: Aerial Moisture Transport in the Earth Climate System: A Study of the Mean State and Perturbations Due to CO2-Doubling using Numerical Water Tracers and a Novel Linear Algebra Analysis Framework, A43J-05Abstract Title: Global climate impacts of fixing the Southern Ocean shortwave radiation bias in the Community Earth System Model (CESM), A43K-08Abstract Title: Developing a U.S. Research Agenda to Advance Subseasonal to Seasonal Forecasting, C51A-0668Abstract Title: The Effect of Ice Shelf Meltwater on Antarctic Sea Ice and the Southern Ocean in an Earth System Model, C51A-0676Abstract Title: Testing the Link between Tropical Pacific Variability and Antarctic Climate Change, C54A-02Abstract Title: Southern Hemisphere Sea Ice and the Atmospheric Boundary Layer in a High-Resolution Simulation of the Community Earth System Model, PP53D-07Abstract Title: Atmospheric teleconnections between the tropics and the Southern Hemisphere westerly winds during abrupt climate change
Bitzer, P. M.
AE31A-0411Abstract Title: Constraining lightning channel growth dynamics by comparison of time domain electromagnetic simulations to Huntsville Alabama Marx Meter Array observations
Bixby, R.
Bizimis, M.
DI13A-2625Abstract Title: Geochemistry of Volcanic Rocks from International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) Site 1438, Amami Sankaku Basin: Implications for Izu-Bonin-Mariana (IBM) Arc Initiation, DI41A-2592Abstract Title: Record of the Pacific Large Low Shear Velocity Province Upwellings Preserved in the Cretaceous Large Igneous Provinces, PP33C-2321Abstract Title: A History of Warming Sea Surface Temperature and Ocean Acidification Recorded by Planktonic Foraminifera Geochemistry from the Santa Barbara Basin, California, PP41A-2226Abstract Title: Bulk Sediment Hf-Nd Isotopic Composition Across the EOT, Northern Hemisphere Glaciation?, V11E-03Abstract Title: Serpentinization Changes Nd, but not Hf Isotopes of Abyssal Peridotites, V53B-3136Abstract Title: Platinum group and chalcophile element systematics of serpentinized peridotites from the St. Elena ophiolite in Costa Rica
Bizjack, M.
GC31E-1245Abstract Title: Modeling the vulnerability of hydroelectricity generation under drought scenarios, H31I-1553Abstract Title: Investigating Uranium Mobility Using Stable Isotope Partitioning of 238U/235U and a Reactive Transport Model
Bizouard, C.
G11A-0964Abstract Title: Elliptical polarisation of the Earth polar motion excitation, G11A-0965Abstract Title: Avoiding negative value with three cornered hat method, with application to Polar Motion data
Bizouard, C.
G11A-0964Abstract Title: Elliptical polarisation of the Earth polar motion excitation
Bizzi, S.
EP31D-07Abstract Title: Linking sediment connectivity to remotely sensed, reach-scale morphology identifies correlations between network-scale sediment regimes and local river forms and processes, H43M-08Abstract Title: Fostering a regional vision on river systems by remote sensing
Bjella, K.
S41A-2707Abstract Title: Ambient Noise Surface Wave Tomography for Geotechnical Monitoring Using “Large N” Distributed Acoustic Sensing
Bjoraker, G. L.
P23A-2098Abstract Title: The depths of clouds on Jupiter: Observational constraints on the O/H ratio, P31G-06Abstract Title: Variation in Ammonia Abundances in Hot Spots on Jupiter, P41B-2056Abstract Title: Photochemistry in Saturn’s Ring-Shadowed Atmosphere: Modulation of Hydrocarbons and Observations of Dust Content, P41B-2073Abstract Title: Long-term Observations of Jovian Mid-Infrared Aurora, Hydrocarbon Abundances, and Temperature: Ground-based and Space-based Comparison and Preparation for Juno
Bjorck, S.
PP51B-2291Abstract Title: The Last Termination in the Central South Atlantic
Bjork, A. A.
C12A-02Abstract Title: The Photographic History of Greenland’s Glaciers – and how the historical data plays an important role in today’s glacier research, C13B-0815Abstract Title: Surface elevation change of outlet glaciers in northwestern Greenland for 1985–2010, C51B-0690Abstract Title: New constraints on the deglaciation chronology of the southeastern margin of the Greenland Ice Sheet, C51B-0717Abstract Title: Drainage of the ice-dammed Lake Tinninilik, West Greenland; implication on bedrock uplift, EP23A-0943Abstract Title: Multibeam Mapping of Remote Fjords in Southeast-Greenland
Bjork, G.
EP33C-1080Abstract Title: Magnitude and Duration of the Baltic Ice Lake Drainage Based on Modeling and Sediment Characteristics
Björk, G. M.
C34A-02Abstract Title: The dynamics of the Amerasian Basin ice shelf: ocean circulation in an immense ice cavity.
Bjorkstedt, E.
OS51C-01Abstract Title: Anomalous Ocean Warming off the U.S. West Coast in 2014 and its Impacts on Marine Ecosystem and Seabird
Bjørnarå, T. I.
H41C-1329Abstract Title: Investigation of caprock integrity during high-volume injection into the Utsira formation
Black, B. A.
V21C-3057Abstract Title: Quantifying global melt flux and degassing rate from global mantle convection models with plate motion history, V41C-3087Abstract Title: Deep degassing and the eruptibility of flood basalt magmas
Black, B.
T31A-2853Abstract Title: Marine and Lacustrine Turbidite Records: Testing Linkages and Estimating Ground Motions, Central Cascadia Margin, USA, T31A-2855Abstract Title: The Submarine Paleoseismic Recording Threshold of Shallow Cascadia Earthquakes Under a Wide Variety of Site Conditions
Black, C.
SH43A-2432Abstract Title: Shear-Driven Reconnection in Kinetic Models
Black, C. K.
B21F-0533Abstract Title: Climate change increases soil C losses from a corn-soy ecosystem
Black, C.
H21C-1380Abstract Title: Soil Inorganic Carbon Thresholds and Formation: What are the Controls in a Transitional, Semi-Arid Watershed?
Black, C.
PA13A-2175Abstract Title: Identifying Decision Support Tools to Bridge Climate and Agricultural Needs in the Midwest
Black, D.
P32BAbstract Title: Direct Imaging of Habitable Exoplanets: Progress and Future I, P33BAbstract Title: Direct Imaging of Habitable Exoplanets: Progress and Future II Posters
Black, E.
H23L-06Abstract Title: Managing the risk of agricultural drought in Africa
Black, F.
B11D-0464Abstract Title: Total- and Methyl-mercury Response to Causeway Closure in the Great Salt Lake, Utah, GC51FAbstract Title: Trace Metal Cycling in the Environment: Forty Years of Advancements I Posters, GC53IAbstract Title: Trace Metal Cycling in the Environment: Forty Years of Advancements II, GC53I-05Abstract Title: Bioadvection of mercury from the Great Salt Lake to surrounding terrestrial ecosystems, GC54BAbstract Title: Trace Metal Cycling in the Environment: Forty Years of Advancements III
Black, J. R.
H41C-1333Abstract Title: The impact of CO2 impurities (SO2, NOx, O2) on mineral dissolution/precipitation processes in a CO2 storage reservoir – Field-based results from the CO2CRC Otway Project site, H41C-1334Abstract Title: Geochemical tracers for monitoring fluid mixing during a CO2-water injection field test
Black, J.
EP13A-0919Abstract Title: The Hillary Canyon and the Iselin Bank (Eastern Ross Sea, Antarctica): Alongslope and Downslope Route For Ross Sea Bottom Water
Black, L.
DI11B-2593Abstract Title: Evolution of the LAB in Old Oceanic Lithosphere Using Shear Wave Velocities Inverted from Rayleigh Wave Data Recorded By the Marine Seismic PLATE Project for 150 Ma Seafloor
Black, M.
C41D-0748Abstract Title: Extracting Outcrop Extents in Antarctica: Current problems, new solutions and a complete dataset for the Antarctic continent, PA33C-2198Abstract Title: Mapping Geology and Vegetation using Hyperspectral Data in Antarctica: Current Challenges, New Solutions and Looking to the Future
Black, M.
A53A-0361Abstract Title: GreenHouse gas Observations of the Stratosphere and Troposphere (GHOST): Deployment of a Novel Shortwave Infrared Spectrometer On Board the NASA Global Hawk Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
Black, M.
G11B-0984Abstract Title: An Autonomous High-rate GNSS Receiver with Iridium Messaging, Real-time Signal Processing, and Power System: Test Results from a “Black-box” High Precision Subsidence/Deformation/Position Monitoring System.
Black, M. L.
A53A-0362Abstract Title: Sensing Hazards with Operational Unmanned Technology: NOAA's Application of the Global Hawk Aircraft for High Impact Weather Forecasting
Black, M. T.
A21F-0206Abstract Title: Distinguishing natural and anthropogenic influences on extreme fire danger in Australia
Black, R.
IN23B-1728Abstract Title: EarthCubed: Community Convergence and Communication
Black, R. X.
GC43D-08Abstract Title: The Self-Regulated Induction of United States Cold Air Outbreaks by the North Atlantic Oscillation
Black, R. A.
C11C-0768Abstract Title: Seismic Imaging of Sub-Glacial Sediments at Jakobshavn Isbræ and NEEM Greenland
Black, S.
P43D-2155Abstract Title: Hydrothermal Alteration Mineralogy Characterized Through Multiple Analytical Methods: Implications for Mars
Black, T.
V44B-06Abstract Title: The Effects of Pulsating Flow on Eruption Column Dynamics
Black, T. A.
B13F-0696Abstract Title: Comparing Temporal Variations in LUE and GPP across Evergreen and Deciduous Forest Types, B24B-03Abstract Title: Do We Need Larger Eddy Covariance Site Networks? Sites Spatial Distribution and Network Size Effect on Carbon and Water Fluxes Upscaling Using Empirical Models, B33C-0675Abstract Title: Eddy covariance measurements of greenhouse gases from a restored and rewetted raised bog ecosystem., GC33B-1282Abstract Title: Modeling the Ecohydrologic Response of the Forest-Grassland Ecotone in Western Canada to Changes in Annual Precipitation, GC33B-1283Abstract Title: Influence of Forest-Cover Types on Spring Thaw Timing in the Southern Boreal Forest
Blackburn, T.
V31GAbstract Title: Resolving Process through Geochronology: New Techniques, Applications, and Interpretations I, V32BAbstract Title: Resolving Process through Geochronology: New Techniques, Applications, and Interpretations II, V33DAbstract Title: Resolving Process through Geochronology: New Techniques, Applications, and Interpretations III Posters
Blackman, C. L.
ED43A-0870Abstract Title: Full STEAM Ahead: From Earth to Ploonoids
Blackman, E.
GP23A-1290Abstract Title: An Archeomagnetic Record From Southern Africa and its Bearing on the History of the South Atlantic Anomaly
Blackmon, K.
V21C-3048Abstract Title: Controls on the fore-arc CO2 flux along the Central America margin
Blacksberg, J.
P11B-2069Abstract Title: Advances in Raman spectroscopy for In Situ Identification of Minerals and Organics on Diverse Planetary Surfaces: from Mars to Titan
Blackwell, D. D.
SM21A-2487Abstract Title: Investigation of Nonlinear Whistler Wave Processes in the Laboratory
Blackwell, M.
B11J-0572Abstract Title: A Multi-omics Approach to Understand the Microbial Transformation of Lignocellulosic Materials in the Digestive System of the Wood-Feeding Beetle Odontotaenius disjunctus
Blackwell, T. B.
NS21B-1925Abstract Title: Muon Tomography for Geological Repositories.
Blackwell, W. J.
A51SAbstract Title: Atmospheric Sensing with UAVs and Nanosatellites: Next-Generation Platforms for Next-Generation Science I, A51S-06Abstract Title: New Small Satellite Capabilities for Microwave Atmospheric Remote Sensing: The Earth Observing Nanosatellite-Microwave (EON-MW), A53AAbstract Title: Atmospheric Sensing with UAVs and Nanosatellites: Next-Generation Platforms for Next-Generation Science II Posters
Bladon, A.
T51F-2967Abstract Title: Rifting to India-Asia Reactivation: Multi-phase Structural Evolution of the Barmer Basin, Rajasthan, northwest India
Bladon, K. D.
H23H-1669Abstract Title: Spatial and Temporal Stream Temperature Response to Contemporary Forest Harvesting in the Oregon Coast Range, H31D-1429Abstract Title: Forest Harvesting of a Rocky Mountain Headwater Catchment: Assessing the Impacts on Runoff and Sediment Transport Into and Through Riparian Buffers, H34B-06Abstract Title: Rainfall-Runoff Dynamics Following Wildfire in Mountainous Headwater Catchments, Alberta, Canada.
Bladon, K. D.
H31D-1439Abstract Title: Longer-term Stream Nitrogen Dynamics after Wildfire and Salvage Harvesting: Implications for Management Concepts based on Trajectories of Post-disturbance Watershed Recovery.
Blaen, P.
H31K-04Abstract Title: Solute tracer transport does not vary systematically with stream discharge or geomorphology, H42B-07Abstract Title: Challenges in Ecohydrological Monitoring at Soil-Vegetation Interfaces: Exploiting the Potential for Fibre Optic Technologies
Blaes, P.
AE24A-04Abstract Title: Global occurrence of Elves and lightning-induced heating of the ionosphere from ground-based observations
Blagev, D. P.
A23P-08Abstract Title: Interaction between Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and other important health conditions and measurable air pollution
Blagojevic, D.
H13H-1656Abstract Title: Spatial Pattern of North Atlantic Oscillation Impact on Rainfall in Serbia
Blagoveshchenskaya, N. F.
AE33B-0497Abstract Title: X-mode HF Pump-induced Phenomena at High Heater Frequencies in the High Latitude Ionosphere F-region
Blair, C.
PP12A-01Abstract Title: Holocene Climate and Catchment-Specific Responses to Climate Change, Recorded in a Transect of Icelandic Lakes
Blair, D. M.
IN43A-1722Abstract Title: Parallel Density-Based Clustering for Discovery of Ionospheric Phenomena, IN44A-06Abstract Title: The Rise of Computer-Aided Discovery in Geoscience, IN53C-07Abstract Title: The Application of Computer-Aided Discovery to Spacecraft Site Selection, P53B-2116Abstract Title: The Effect of Pre-Impact Porosity and Vertical Density Gradients on the Gravity Signature of Lunar Craters as Seen by GRAIL
Blair, J. L.
V23C-02Abstract Title: Helium as a Tracer for Fluids Released from Juan de Fuca Lithosphere Beneath the Cascadia Forearc
Blair, J. B.
C41A-0688Abstract Title: Arctic and Antarctic Topography Measurements Using LVIS, G11B-0985Abstract Title: Geodetic Imaging Lidar: Applications for high-accuracy, large area mapping with NASA’s upcoming high-altitude waveform-based airborne laser altimetry Facility
Blair, J.
H51Q-04Abstract Title: Forecasting Regional Agroecosystems Responses to Drought and Wet Periods using Long Term Data from LTAR and LTER sites
Blake, D. F.
IN41D-03Abstract Title: The Astrobiology Habitable Environments Database (AHED), P43B-2119Abstract Title: ChemCam First Discovery of High Silica Sediments in Gale Crater, P53F-04Abstract Title: Evidence for Acid-Sulfate Alteration in the Pahrump Hills Region, Gale Crater, Mars
Blake, D. R.
A11C-0074Abstract Title: Limitations of Global models in Representing Arctic Tropospheric Ozone and its Precursors, A11M-0252Abstract Title: Estimating emissions of toxic hydrocarbons from natural gas production sites in the Barnett Shale region, A11O-08Abstract Title: Impact of Hong Kong’s Voluntary Catalytic Converter Replacement Programme on Roadside Air Quality, A12A-02Abstract Title: The Impact of Oil and Natural Gas Activity on Ozone Formation in the Colorado Front Range, A13F-07Abstract Title: Analysis of Hydroxyl Radical Reactivity in the Sierra Nevada Mountains, A21A-0001Abstract Title: Photochemistry of an Urban Region using Observations and Numerical Modeling, A21A-0017Abstract Title: Atmospheric Organic Gases from Fossil Fuel Extraction Activities: Analysis and Modeling, A21A-0025Abstract Title: Analysis of Variability in Formaldehyde and Ozone Column Densities, A21A-0035Abstract Title: Quantifying Molecular Hydrogen Emissions and an Industrial Leakage Rate for the South Coast Air Basin of California, A21A-0069Abstract Title: Using Positive Matrix Factorization to Investigate Sources of VOCs in Bakersfield, A31B-0042Abstract Title: Carbon Tetrachloride Emissions from the US during 2008 – 2012 Derived from Atmospheric Data Using Bayesian and Geostatistical Inversions, A33K-0333Abstract Title: Measurements and Modeling of Radiocarbon (14CO2) from the Lower Troposphere to the Middle Stratosphere and Implications for Use as a Tracer of Large-scale Atmospheric Transport and Stratospheric Residence Times, A34F-05Abstract Title: Observations of Nitryl Chloride and Modeling its Source and Effect on Ozone in the Planetary Boundary Layer of Southern China, A41Q-05Abstract Title: Hydrogen stable isotopic constraints on methane emissions from oil and gas extraction in the Colorado Front Range, USA
Blake, J. B.
P43F-05Abstract Title: Possible Albedo Proton Signature of Hydrated Lunar Surface Layer, SA51B-2399Abstract Title: Correlated Pc4-5 ULF waves, whistler-mode chorus and pulsating aurora observed by the Van Allen Probes and ground-based systems, SM21A-2474Abstract Title: Penetration of magnetosonic waves into the plasmasphere observed by the Van Allen Probes, SM21A-2475Abstract Title: Excitation and Propagation of Electromagnetic Waves: RBSP Observation and Modeling, SM21A-2512Abstract Title: Evolution of relativistic electron phase space density related to in-situ acceleration observed by Van Allen Probes, SM21B-2519Abstract Title: Relativistic electron microbursts and flux variations of trapped MeV electrons: SAMPEX and Van Allen Probes observations, SM31E-02Abstract Title: Study of Space Weather and Environment Effects on the Next-Generation Solar Cell Technology Flying on the AeroCube-6 Twin CubeSat Mission, SM32A-05Abstract Title: Extreme enhancements and depletions of relativistic electrons in Earth’s radiation belts, SM41D-2513Abstract Title: Ultrarelativistic electrons in the Van Allen belts: RPS observations and Geant4 simulations, SM41E-2525Abstract Title: The Evolution of Ring Current Energy Density and Energy Content during Geomagnetic Storms Based on Van Allen Probes Measurements, SM44B-01Abstract Title: The Relative Deep Penetrations of Energetic Electrons and Ions into the Slot Region and Inner Belt, SM44B-02Abstract Title: Investigating geomagnetic activity dependent sources of 100s of keV electrons in Earth’s inner radiation belt using Van Allen Probes observations, SM44B-03Abstract Title: Energy dependent dynamics of keV to MeV electrons in the inner zone, outer zone, and slot regions, SM44B-07Abstract Title: Inner zone electron radial diffusion coefficients - An update with Van Allen Probes MagEIS data, SM44B-08Abstract Title: Observational Search for >10 MeV Electrons in the Inner Magnetosphere Using the Van Allen Probes Relativistic Proton Spectrometer
Blake, J. B.
SM14C-07Abstract Title: Quantifying Energy-Time Dispersion of Relativistic Electron Microbursts to Constrain Their Generation Mechanism: Coordinated Studies Using FIREBIRD, Van Allen Probes, and BARREL, SM23D-06Abstract Title: Low and High Energy Electron Velocity Distributions During Wave-Particle Interaction Events , SM41D-2503Abstract Title: Dynamics of the low energy proton inner belt, SM41D-2505Abstract Title: Butterfly Pitch Angle Distributions Generated at Low L Values During March 2015 Storm: Van Allen Probe ECT Observations, SM41D-2514Abstract Title: A third radiation zone at relativistic energies observed by SAMPEX HILT during the Bastille Day event, SM44B-09Abstract Title: Near Instantaneous Energization of Electrons to Ultra-relativistic Energies in the Earth’s Radiation Belts during the Strong Shock event of 17 March 2015, SM51F-01Abstract Title: MagEIS and REPT Observations Related to Low Frequency Waves, SM53A-03Abstract Title: Prompt Recovery and Enhancement of the Earth's Outer Radiation Belt due to Relativistic Electron Injections
Blake, J.
GC51F-1148Abstract Title: Trace Element Mobility in Water and Sediments in a Hyporheic Zone Adjacent to an Abandoned Uranium Mine, H31I-1536Abstract Title: CHEMICAL INTERACTIONS OF URANIUM IN WATER, SEDIMENTS, AND PLANTS ALONG A WATERSHED ADJACENT TO THE ABANDONED JACKPILE MINE, NH31A-1883Abstract Title: EFFECTS OF METALS ASSOCIATED WITH WILDFIRE ASH ON WATER QUALITY
Blake, N. J.
A11C-0074Abstract Title: Limitations of Global models in Representing Arctic Tropospheric Ozone and its Precursors, A12A-02Abstract Title: The Impact of Oil and Natural Gas Activity on Ozone Formation in the Colorado Front Range, A13E-0394Abstract Title: Formaldehyde in the Tropical Western Pacific: Evaluation of model chemistry and emissions with in situ observations, A21A-0001Abstract Title: Photochemistry of an Urban Region using Observations and Numerical Modeling, A21A-0017Abstract Title: Atmospheric Organic Gases from Fossil Fuel Extraction Activities: Analysis and Modeling, A34F-03Abstract Title: Sources, Chemistry, and Transport of Pollutants over the Eastern United States During the WINTER 2015 Aircraft Campaign, A34F-04Abstract Title: An overview of reactive chlorine measurements during the WINTER C-130 aircraft campaign, A41K-0215Abstract Title: Insights into Submicron Aerosol Composition and Sources from the WINTER Aircraft Campaign Over the Eastern US., A41Q-05Abstract Title: Hydrogen stable isotopic constraints on methane emissions from oil and gas extraction in the Colorado Front Range, USA, B11D-0457Abstract Title: Airborne Observations of Mercury Emissions from the Chicago/Gary Urban/Industrial Area during the 2013 NOMADSS Campaign
Blake, N. J.
A23I-07Abstract Title: Insights into Chemical Transport and Oxidative Processing in the Arctic Springtime, A23N-07Abstract Title: Impacts of Oil and Gas Exploration Activities on SOA formation in the Colorado Front Range
Blake, R.
C21E-07Abstract Title: The Feasibility Study of Using Microwave Emissivity in Detecting Freeze and Thaw States, H13I-1708Abstract Title: The Feasibility Study of Using Microwave Emission in Detecting Drought and Land-Cover/Land-Use Change Studies
Blakely, B.
GC11E-1071Abstract Title: Declining Snow Cover Reduces Radiative Cooling from Historic Land Use Change in the Western Great Lakes Region
Blakely, R. J.
GP13BAbstract Title: Illuminating Crustal Structure, Hazards, and Resources:  New Developments in Potential-Field and Electromagnetic Methods I Posters, GP13B-1296Abstract Title: The Spokane fault, Washington, Imaged with High-Resolution Airborne Magnetic Data—Implications for the 2001 Spokane Earthquake Sequence, GP31BAbstract Title: Illuminating Crustal Structure, Hazards, and Resources:  New Developments in Potential-Field and Electromagnetic Methods II, GP31B-03Abstract Title: Basement and Basin Structures of the Northwest Paraná Basin, Brazil: Illuminated by Matched-Filter Analysis and 2D Modeling of Gravity and Magnetic Data, GP31B-06Abstract Title: New determination of the shape of the Seattle basin, Washington from gravity and magnetic data: Implications for seismic ground motion and crustal faults, NS43A-1952Abstract Title: Basin-fill Aquifer Modeling with Terrestrial Gravity: Assessing Static Offsets in Bulk Datasets using MATLAB; Case Study of Bridgeport, CA, T12C-07Abstract Title: Cascadia Tremor Muted Beneath Forearc Faults, T31A-2826Abstract Title: LIDAR HELPS IDENTIFY SOURCE OF 1872 EARTHQUAKE NEAR CHELAN, WASHINGTON
Blakeslee, R. J.
AE12A-05Abstract Title: Where are the lightning hotspots on Earth?, AE31C-0458Abstract Title: Conduction Currents in Oceanic and Continental electrified Clouds, AE31C-0461Abstract Title: New Mission to Measure Global Lightning from the International Space Station (ISS)
Blalock, J.
P41B-2061Abstract Title: Method for Calculating Uncertainty in Automated Cloud-tracking Wind Measurements
Blamart, D.
B23A-0583Abstract Title: Using Cold-water Coral Mini-mounds as Analogue for Giant Mound Growth: Assessment of Environmental Drivers and Anthropogenic Impact
Blanc, E.
AE33C-0512Abstract Title: MicroCameras and Photometers (MCP) instrument on board TARANIS satellite: scientific objectives, design, characterization results and products, PA43C-2200Abstract Title: Acoustic Surveillance of Hazardous Eruptions (ASHE) in Asia, S54B-05Abstract Title: Dynamics of the middle atmosphere as observed by the ARISE project
Blanc-Betes, E.
B43M-06Abstract Title: Deeper winter snow reduces ecosystem C losses but increases the global warming potential of Arctic tussock tundra over the growing season.
Blanc-Valleron, M. M.
OS23D-01Abstract Title: Mud volcanism and authigenic carbonates related to methane-rich fluids migration in the late Neogene marls of S.E. Spain
Blanchard, I.
V33A-3081Abstract Title: Metal-Silicate Partitioning of Various Siderophile Elements at High Pressure and High Temperatures: a Diamond Anvil Cell Study
Blanchard-Wrigglesworth, E.
A51V-05Abstract Title: Recent Seasonal Forecast Skill in a Sea-Ice Prediction System. Have We Entered a Period of Inherently Low Predictability?, GC34A-01Abstract Title: The Impact of Model Uncertainty on Seasonal Sea Ice Forecasts
Blanchet, J. P.
A43A-0255Abstract Title: A far-infrared radiometer to study optically thin ice clouds in the Arctic
Blanchette, A. R.
T51G-3023Abstract Title: CCP Receiver-Function Imaging of the Moho beneath Volcanic Fields in Western Saudi Arabia
Blanchette-Guertin, J. F.
DI43A-2605Abstract Title: Investigation of 3-D lateral variations on seismic waveform modeling, in preparation for the InSight mission to Mars, DI43A-2606Abstract Title: Simultaneous Determination of Structure and Event Location Using Body and Surface Wave Measurements at a Single Station: Preparation for Mars Data from the InSight Mission, DI52B-08Abstract Title: Lunar Seismic Velocity and Crustal Thickness Inversions Using Constraints from Apollo and GRAIL Data
Blanchouin, A.
Blanco, B.
V43B-3136Abstract Title: Magnetotelluric Studies of the Laguna del Maule Volcanic Field, Central Chile
Blanco, E. L.
B33C-0677Abstract Title: The Inter-Annual Variability Analysis of Carbon Exchange in Low Artic Fen Uncovers The Climate Sensitivity And The Uncertainties Around Net Ecosystem Exchange Partitioning
Blanco, J. M.
Blanco Martin, L.
T13E-08Abstract Title: Long-Term Modeling of Coupled Processes in a Generic Salt Repository for Heat-Generating Nuclear Waste: Analysis of the Impacts of Halite Solubility Constraints
Blanco, N.
NH11A-1882Abstract Title: Paleomagnetism and Mineralogy of Unusual Silicate Glasses and Baked Soils on the Surface of the Atacama Desert of Northern Chile: A Major Airburst Impact ~12ka ago?.
Blanco-Cano, X.
SH33B-2470Abstract Title: The effects of Interplanetary Shocks on Energetic Storm Particle Events, SH53A-2473Abstract Title: Multispacecraft study of interplanetary shocks at 1 AU. , SM31D-2543Abstract Title: Ion Cyclotron Waves Observed in the Comet Halley: A New Look to Giotto Observations
Bland, G.
ED51C-0830Abstract Title: AEROKATS and ROVER, NH41E-01Abstract Title: New Tools for New Missions - Unmanned Aircraft Systems Offer Exciting Capabilities, NH41E-02Abstract Title: Unmanned Airborne System Deployment at Turrialba Volcano for Real Time Eruptive Cloud Measurements , NH43C-1903Abstract Title: Volcanic sulfur dioxide and carbon dioxide measurements using small unmanned aerial systems
Bland, M. T.
P21B-08Abstract Title: Oceans Abound? Tectonic Tests of Global Ocean Models for Enceladus and Mimas, P31B-2069Abstract Title: Thrust Faults, Folds, Both, or Neither? Accommodating Lithospheric Shortening on Icy Worlds., P53E-2187Abstract Title: Geomorphological Evidence for Pervasive Ground Ice on Ceres from Dawn Observations of Craters and Flows.
Blaney, D. L.
P13E-04Abstract Title: The Mapping Imaging Spectrometer for Europa (MISE) Investigation, P43B-2122Abstract Title: Garden City Vein Complex, Gale Crater, Mars: Implications for Late Diagenetic Fluid Flow, P43B-2123Abstract Title: Overview of the diagenetic features analyzed by ChemCam onboard Curiosity, P53F-03Abstract Title: Chemo-stratigraphy in the Murray Formation Using ChemCam
Blaney, D. L.
P13E-01Abstract Title: Scientific Synergies from the Europa Multiple-Flyby Mission, P31A-2033Abstract Title: Outcrop-Scale Hyperspectral Studies of a Lacustrine-Volcanic Mars Analog: Examination with a Mars 2020-like Instrument Suite, P43B-2124Abstract Title: Major-Element Compositional Diversity Observed by ChemCam Along the MSL Traverse: The First Three Years, P53F-06Abstract Title: Chemistry of the Materials Above and Below an Unconformity Between the Murray and Stimson Formations in Gale Crater, Mars
Blank, J. G.
ED54B-02Abstract Title: Studies of Places on Our Home Ground Where We Find Life That Might Be Like Places Life Could Be On Other Worlds, V11A-3049Abstract Title: Ca-Mg Carbonate Cements in Ophiolite-Hosted Creek Waters of the Del Puerto Ophiolite, CA, and their Potential Significance as a Planetary Biosignature, V13C-3153Abstract Title: Paleo-Environmental Conditions Revealed by Fossil and Geochemical Features at Pampa-Lirima, a High-Altitude Geothermal System in the Andes
Blanken, P.
B13F-0673Abstract Title: Increasing Carbon Loss from Snow-Scoured Alpine Tundra in the Colorado Rocky Mountains: An Indicator of Climate Change?, B31E-03Abstract Title: Short-Term Weather Variability is an Important Control of Interannual Variability in Carbon and Water Fluxes in Temperate Forests, B33A-0621Abstract Title: Sampling Line Heating Improves Frequency Response of Enclosed Eddy Covariance Gas Analyzers, B51F-0499Abstract Title: The Dynamics of Laurentian Great Lakes Surface Energy Budgets, B54A-04Abstract Title: Carbon Dioxide and its Stable Isotopes at Niwot Ridge, Colorado
Blankenship, D. D.
C41D-0766Abstract Title: The use of airborne radar reflectometry to characterize near-surface snow/firn stratigraphy on Devon Ice Cap, Canadian Arctic: A path to identifying refrozen melt layers, C51B-0724Abstract Title: Heterogeneous Heat Flow and Groundwater Effects on East Antarctic Ice Sheet Dynamics, PP43C-2292Abstract Title: Seismic Stratigraphy Of The Sabrina Coast Shelf, East Antarctica: History Of Late Paleogene To Early Neogene Glacial Evolution, P11C-2110Abstract Title: Surface Reflectometry and Ionosphere Sounding from the Radar for Europa Assessment and Sounding: Ocean to Near-surface (REASON), T21G-08Abstract Title: New Views of East Antarctica- from Columbia to Gondwana
Blankenship, D. D.
C11D-07Abstract Title: Increased Ocean Access to Totten Glacier, East Antarctica, P13E-01Abstract Title: Scientific Synergies from the Europa Multiple-Flyby Mission, P53G-02Abstract Title: UNDERSTANDING EUROPA’S ICE SHELL AND SUBSURFACE WATER THROUGH TERESTRIAL ANALOGS FOR FLYBY RADAR SOUNDING
Blankenship, D.
H51MAbstract Title: Subsurface Control of Fractures and Flow for Responsible Energy Production and Storage Posters, H51M-1561Abstract Title: The DOE Subsurface (SubTER) Initiative: Revolutionizing Responsible use of the Subsurface for Energy Production and Storage
Blankenship, R. E.
P32B-05Abstract Title: Global Surface Photosynthetic Biosignatures Prior to the Rise of Oxygen, P34B-07Abstract Title: SPECTROPOLARIMETRY OF PHOTOSYNTHETIC PIGMENTS AS GLOBAL SURFACE BIOSIGNATURES
Blankinship, J. C.
B33D-0739Abstract Title: Mechanisms Controlling CO2 Pulses upon Rewetting Dry Soils: Effects of Vegetation on Soil C Dynamics
Blanpied, M. L.
S42C-04Abstract Title: International Aftershock Forecasting: Lessons from the Gorkha Earthquake
Blard, P. H.
PP11A-2204Abstract Title: The CREp program, a fully parameterizable program to compute exposure ages (3He, 10Be), PP31C-2262Abstract Title: Lateglacial temperature reconstruction in the Eastern Tropical Andes (Bolivia) inferred from paleoglaciers and paleolakes
Blasch, E.
IN53B-1843Abstract Title: A Difference Criterion for Dimensionality Reduction
Blatter, D. L.
V31A-3005Abstract Title: Experimental constraints on the genesis of hydrous arc dacites
Blättler, C. L.
PP31E-03Abstract Title: New Constraints on Archean–Paleoproterozoic Carbonate Chemistry and pCO2
Blattnig, S.
SA51D-06Abstract Title: Albedo protons and electrons at ISS – an important contribution to astronaut dose?
Blavascunas, E.
Blay, C.
EP53B-1027Abstract Title: Erosion of Fluted Cliffs on the Na Pali Coast, Kauai, Hawaiian Islands
Blazewicz, S.
B41J-07Abstract Title: Microbial communities and greenhouse gas production from a thermokarst bog chronosequence: Mechanisms of rapid carbon loss
Bleacher, J. E.
ED34B-02Abstract Title: Engaging Students and Teachers in Immersive Learning Experiences Alongside NASA Scientists and With Support from Institutional Partnerships, PA43C-2194Abstract Title: Optical Properties of Volcanic Ash: Improving Remote Sensing Observations, P11B-2098Abstract Title: Science Objectives and Site Selection Criteria for a Human Mission to Mars, P24A-08Abstract Title: The Kilauea 1974 Flow: Quantitative Morphometry of Lava Flows using Low Altitude Aerial Image Data using a Kite-based Platform in the Field, P31A-2034Abstract Title: MSL SAM-like Analyses of Hawaiian Altered Basaltic Materials: Implications for Analyses by the Mars Science Laboratory, P31A-2036Abstract Title: Vent 7504 of the San Francisco Volcanic Field (SFVF), Arizona: Sample Geochemistry and Implications for Cone Formation, P31A-2049Abstract Title: RIS4E at Kilauea’s December 1974 (D1974) Flow: Establishing the D1974 Flow as an Ideal Mars Analog, P31A-2050Abstract Title: RIS4E at Kilauea’s December 1974 Flow: Lava Flow Texture LiDAR Signatures, P31A-2051Abstract Title: RIS4E at Kilauea’s December 1974 Flow: Chemical, mineralogical and spectral characteristics of Hawaiian basaltic alteration products measured with portable instruments, P31A-2052Abstract Title: RIS4E at Kilauea’s December 1974 (D1974) Flow: In Situ Geochemical Analysis and Laboratory Spectral Characterization of Fumarolic Alteration., P31F-03Abstract Title: The Volcanic History of Mars and Influences on Carbon Outgassing , P33AAbstract Title: Carbon on Mars II Posters, P44A-06Abstract Title: Exploring the Integration of Field Portable Instrumentation into Real-Time Surface Science Operations with the RIS4E SSERVI Team, P53C-2146Abstract Title: RIS4E at Kilauea’s December 1974 Flow: Assessing the Integration of Portable Infrared Multispectral Imaging into Planetary Surface Exploration, V31C-3041Abstract Title: Near-Vent, Fissure-Fed Lava Channel Network Morphologies in the Kīlauea December 1974 Flow: Implications for Differentiating Lava Construction From Fluvial Erosion on Planets
Bleacher, L.
ED34B-02Abstract Title: Engaging Students and Teachers in Immersive Learning Experiences Alongside NASA Scientists and With Support from Institutional Partnerships, ED42AAbstract Title: Tools, Resources, and Lessons Learned for Scientists and Engineers Engaging in Education and Public Outreach I, ED42A-03Abstract Title: Student Journalists in the Field: Bridging the Gap Between Science and Communication, ED43DAbstract Title: Tools, Resources, and Lessons Learned for Scientists and Engineers Engaging in Education and Public Outreach II Posters, ED53G-04Abstract Title: A Model for Effective Professional Development of Formal Science Educators
Blechschmidt, I.
H43F-1581Abstract Title: Modeling a tracer test at the Grimsel Test Site (GTS) using a lattice Boltzmann method and transmissivity field
Bledsoe, B. P.
H11C-1362Abstract Title: From Gaged to Ungaged- Predicting Long-term Environmental Flows, and Ecosystems Responses., H13S-04Abstract Title: The Effect of Urbanization on Flow Duration Curves: A Case Study from Selected Streams in the Puget Sound Basin, Western Washington, H21K-08Abstract Title: Ecologically-focused Calibration of Hydrological Models for Environmental Flow Applications
Bleeker, W.
V33A-3082Abstract Title: Origin of Hadean 146Sm-142Nd signatures in supracrustal enclaves of the Innuksuac complex (Quebec)
Blees, J.
B51A-0400Abstract Title: A new derivatization method for δ18O analysis of individual carbohydrates with GC-Pyrolysis-IRMS
Bleier, T.
NH21A-1804Abstract Title: Use of “Crowd-Sourcing” and other collaborations to solve the short-term, earthquake forecasting problem, NH32B-03Abstract Title: Electromagnetic Precursors Leading to Triangulation of Future Earthquakes and Imaging of the Subduction Zone
Blein, O.
T13A-2963Abstract Title: Paleogeographic Evolution of the Late Neoproterozoic and Early Phanerozoic with New Paleomagnetic Constraints from West African Craton
Bleiweiss, M. P.
A33L-0376Abstract Title: Synoptic Scale Meteorological Conditions of Dust Events over the Southwestern Border Region of the US
Blelly, P. L.
AE33A-0468Abstract Title: Modelling The TARANIS XGRE Insturment For Terrestrial Gamma Ray Flashes and Associated Electron Beams, SA23B-2351Abstract Title: Swarm and ESR observations of the ionospheric response to a field-aligned current system in the high-latitude midnight sector
Blenkinsop, S.
H53A-1643Abstract Title: The Impact of Rainfall Uncertainty on Flood Simulations
Blestrud, D.
A34E-04Abstract Title: Case Studies of Mixed-phase Winter Orographic Clouds with High Liquid Water Content over Idaho, A41G-0144Abstract Title: Payette River Basin Project: Improving Operational Forecasting in Complex Terrain through Chemistry, C33C-0828Abstract Title: Evaluation of Glaciogenic Cloud Seeding using Trace Chemistry
Bletery, Q.
S51B-2668Abstract Title: Revisiting the 2004 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake in a Bayesian framework
Blett, T.
B12E-04Abstract Title: Linking Biological Responses of Terrestrial N Eutrophication to the Final Ecosystem Goods and Services Classification System, B13G-0719Abstract Title: Spatial Variation of Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition and Estimated Critical Loads for Aquatic Ecosystems in the Greater Yellowstone Area
Blevins, B.
PA31A-2154Abstract Title: Best Practices for Improving Capacity Building Outcomes through Professional Training: Insights from NASA’s Applied Remote Sensing Training (ARSET) Program
Blewett, D. T.
P43F-03Abstract Title: The Distribution and Extent of Lunar Swirls, P53A-2096Abstract Title: Mercury’s Hollows: Depths, Estimation of Formation Rates, and the Nature of the Bright Haloes
Blewitt, D.
A43F-0353Abstract Title: Impact of routine episodic emissions on the expected frequency distribution of emissions from oil and gas production sources.
Blewitt, G.
G11B-0983Abstract Title: Plug and Play GPS for Earth Scientists: Providing Immediate Access to Low-Latency Geodetic Products for Rapid Modeling and Analysis of Natural Hazards, G21C-06Abstract Title: GPS Imaging of Sierra Nevada Uplift, G24BAbstract Title: Bowie Lecture, G33C-07Abstract Title: Independent Assessment of ITRF Site Velocities using GPS Imaging, G53A-04Abstract Title: GPS Imaging of Global Vertical Land Motion for Sea Level Studies, T13A-2960Abstract Title: Plate Tectonics 2.0: Using GPS to Refine Global Crustal Kinematics and Rewrite Textbooks, U22A-01Abstract Title: GPS Imaging of Solid Earth's Flex and Flow: A New Paradigm
Blicher-Mathiesen, G.
H12G-05Abstract Title: Combining Natural Attenuation Capacity and use of Targeted Technological Mitigation Measures for Reducing Diffuse Nutrient Emissions to Surface Waters: The Danish Way
Blichert-Toft, J.
T22B-02Abstract Title: Shallow-mantle Recycling and Anomalous, Voluminous Volcanism along the Northern and Northwestern African Continental Margin, U24AAbstract Title: FRONTIERS IN GEOSYSTEMS: Deep Earth-Surface Interactions, V33C-3115Abstract Title: Ubiquitous radiogenic Os in Miocene to recent basalts from diverse mantle domains beneath the Colorado Plateau, USA, V33C-3116Abstract Title: Isotopic Constraints on Magmatic Sources at Nyiragongo and Nyamulagira Volcanoes, Virunga Volcanic Province, DR Congo
Bliefernicht, J.
GC43B-1180Abstract Title: The WASCAL regional climate simulations for West Africa – how to add value to existing climate projections, H34A-04Abstract Title: Role of Runoff-Infiltration Partitioning and Resolved Overland Flow on Land-Atmosphere Feedbacks: A Case-Study with the WRF-Hydro Coupled Modeling System for West Africa
Blier, W.
A33HAbstract Title: Fog: Atmosphere, Biosphere, Land, and Ocean Interactions I Posters, A52EAbstract Title: Fog: Atmosphere, Biosphere, Land, and Ocean Interactions II
Blinman, E.
GP23A-1298Abstract Title: High quality absolute paleointensity data from Santa Fe, New Mexico
Blisniuk, K.
EP53B-1016Abstract Title: Millennial-scale Denudation Rates of the Santa Lucia Mountains, CA: Implications for Landscape Thresholds from a Steep, High Relief, Coastal Mountain Range, PP11A-2212Abstract Title: Evaluating the reliability of Late Quaternary landform ages: Integrating 10Be cosmogenic surface exposure dating with U-series dating of pedogenic carbonate on alluvial and fluvial deposits, Sonoran desert, California, T31A-2821Abstract Title: Northern San Andreas Fault slip rates on the Santa Cruz Mountain section: 10Be dating of an offset alluvial fan complex, Sanborn County Park, Saratoga, CA, T51H-07Abstract Title: Slip Transfer and the Growth of the Indio and Edom Hills, Southern San Andreas Fault
Bliss, A.
C22B-02Abstract Title: GlacierMIP – A Model Intercomparison of Global-scale Glacier Mass-balance Models and Projections
Bliss, A. K.
C32C-06Abstract Title: Changes to Glacier Runoff and Downstream Effects on the Susitna Basin, Alaska Over the Twenty-First Century
Bliss, N.
A23E-0373Abstract Title: The hydrological cycle of the Niger River basin simulated by the CORDEX-Africa regional climate models
Bliss, N. B.
B31F-08Abstract Title: Using Multiple Soil Carbon Maps Facilitates Better Comparisons with Large Scale Modeled Outputs
Blitz, M. A.
A21B-0115Abstract Title: Investigation of Organic Peroxy Radical Photolysis as a Source of OH
Blitzkow, D.
G23A-1055Abstract Title: GRAVTool, a Package to Compute Geoid Model by Remove-Compute-Restore Technique
Bloch, L.
ED31F-07Abstract Title: How Five Master Teachers Teach about Climate Chang
Bloch-Johnson, J.
A51C-0059Abstract Title: Temperature-Dependent Feedbacks and Large Increases in Climate Sensitivity
Block, D.
EP41A-0916Abstract Title: Quantitative reconstruction of paleo-Colorado-River profiles to test river integration and uplift models
Block, J.
IN33D-1821Abstract Title: Creation a Geo Big Data Outreach and Training Collaboratory for Wildfire Community, NH43B-1887Abstract Title: geoKepler Workflow Module for Computationally Scalable and Reproducible Geoprocessing and Modeling
Block, K. A.
B41FAbstract Title: Soil Organic Matter Dynamics on Mineral Surfaces: Nano- to Global-Scale Processes I Posters, B41F-0498Abstract Title: Formation of stable nanocomposite clays from small peptides reacted with montmorillonite and illite-smectite mixed layer clays, B41F-0501Abstract Title: Aggregation Rates of Sediments (Montmorillonite, Kaolinite, Illite and Goethite) with the Enveloped Φ6 Bacteriophage, B44CAbstract Title: Soil Organic Matter Dynamics on Mineral Surfaces: Nano- to Global-Scale Processes II, ED31A-0886Abstract Title: The IEDA-CCNY Data Internship Program: Undergraduate Workforce Training Through Immersion in Geoinformatics
Block, P.
A33M-0396Abstract Title: Comparison of Season-ahead Prediction Techniques on Regionalized Grid-level Precipitation: Application to Western Ethiopia, GC41B-1097Abstract Title: Opportunities for Enhancing Seasonal Prediction in Ethiopia and Challenges in Addressing Sectoral Needs
Block, P. J.
A33M-0400Abstract Title: Utilizing the State of ENSO as a Means for Season-Ahead Predictor Selection, H31LAbstract Title: More Effective Use of Hydroclimatic Forecasts for Decision Making in Water Resources Planning and Management I, H33DAbstract Title: More Effective Use of Hydroclimatic Forecasts for Decision Making in Water Resources Planning and Management II Posters, NH51B-1870Abstract Title: A Preliminary Evaluation of Season-ahead Flood Risks Globally
Blockstein, D.
ED33E-03Abstract Title: Teaching Coastal Hazard, Risk, and Environmental Justice
Blocquet, M.
A31F-01Abstract Title: Development and first applications of an OH reactivity instrument based on the Comparative Reactivity Method
Blodau, C.
B34B-07Abstract Title: Peatland carbon cycling and the implications of permafrost thaw; a chronosequence study.
Blodgett, D. L.
IN12A-07Abstract Title: Interoperable data resources for landscape-scale hydrology and ecology a brief history and vision for the future., IN31A-1747Abstract Title: Brokering access to massive climate and landscape data via web services: observations and lessons learned after five years of the Geo Data Portal project., PA11AAbstract Title: Linking Climate Resources for Community Resilience I Posters, PA13BAbstract Title: Linking Climate Resources for Community Resilience II
Bloecker, A.
SM24A-05Abstract Title: Modelling Europa's interaction with Jupiter's magnetosphere: Influence of plumes in Europa's atmosphere on the plasma environment
Bloemen, P.
H34F-01Abstract Title: Lessons and challenges from adaptation pathways planning applications
Bloeschl, G.
H23F-1635Abstract Title: Multiscale Modeling of Human-Water Interactions: The Role of Time-Scales, H43I-1670Abstract Title: Assessment of Saturation Patterns on Agricultural Land Using Time-lapse Photography, NH11C-06Abstract Title: Risk dynamics: unraveling the role of socio-techno-nature interactions, NH51B-1884Abstract Title: Comparing methods for modeling and detecting flood nonstationarity: an Austrian case study, NH52B-01Abstract Title: Flood regimes in a changing world: What do we know?
Blohm, A.
GC31C-1201Abstract Title: Sea level rise and coastal installations: impacts from the changing frequency of nuisance flooding
Blois, G.
H41C-1331Abstract Title: Micro-PIV measurements of multiphase flow of water and supercritical CO2 in 2D heterogeneous porous micromodels, H41D-1352Abstract Title: Supercritical CO2-Water Flow in Two-dimensional Porous Micromodels: Micro-PIV Experiments, H41K-07Abstract Title: Biofilm-flow interactions in aquatic environments, NH52A-04Abstract Title: Combining UAV and high-resolution image-based particle image velocimetry to monitor flow in lakes and rivers
Blois, G.
EP21B-0901Abstract Title: Whole-field velocity measurements of flow around colliding barchan dunes
Blois, J.
IN21E-06Abstract Title: The Neotoma Paleoecology Database, IN23B-1731Abstract Title: Community-Supported Data Repositories in Paleobiology: A ‘Middle Tail’ Between the Geoscientific and Informatics Communities
Blok, D.
B41J-04Abstract Title: Legacy Effects of Warming on Permafrost Carbon Release
Blom, A.
EP13C-03Abstract Title: Gravel Wedge Progradation in Sand-Gravel Laboratory Experiments: New Insights on the Gravel-Sand Transition, EP54A-05Abstract Title: Modeling the transition between upper plane bed regime and sheet flow without an active layer formulation. Preliminary results.
Blom, L.
GP13B-1298Abstract Title: Coupling Magnetotellurics and Hydrothermal Modeling to Further Understand Geothermal Resources
Blom, N.
DI33A-2607Abstract Title: Inner Core Structure Behind the PKP Core Phase Triplication, S23C-2741Abstract Title: Synthetic inversions for density in the Earth’s interior from seismic waveform and geodetic data
Blom, P. S.
S51C-2691Abstract Title: On the development and testing of a database-centric pipeline for the analysis of a regional infrasound network, S53B-2805Abstract Title: Analysis of a Multi‐Stage Sounding Rocket via Ground-­Based Infrasonic Observations
Blom, R. G.
G21B-1028Abstract Title: InSAR Remote Sensing of Localized Surface Layer Subsidence in New Orleans, LA 
Blomquist, B.
A42D-06Abstract Title: Oceanic Emissions and Atmospheric Depositions of Volatile Organic Compounds, A44C-08Abstract Title: Computation of Air-sea fluxes in Atmospheric Rivers over the Northeast Pacific using Dropsonde Observations, A51L-0234Abstract Title: Ship-based Surface Flux Observations Under Atmospheric Rivers During the CALWATER 2015 Field Campaign
Bloodhart, B.
ED11C-0862Abstract Title: Exploring deliberate mentoring approaches aimed at improving the recruitment and persistence of undergraduate women in the geosciences
Bloom, A. A.
A33F-0238Abstract Title: Impact of drought on the CO2 atmospheric growth rate 2010-2012 from the NASA Carbon Monitoring System Flux (CMS-Flux) Project, A53H-05Abstract Title: OCO-2 observations of Africa fire CO2 emissions
Bloom, A. A.
A33C-0167Abstract Title: Contribution of Fire Emissions to the Global Methane Budget, A44E-06Abstract Title: Trend analysis of carbon monoxide distributions for changes in fire vs. anthropogenic sources in diverse African regions, GC13I-08Abstract Title: A gridded version of the US EPA inventory of methane emissions for use as a priori and reference in methane source inversions, P33A-2121Abstract Title: Hypotheses for a Near-Surface Reservoir of Methane and Its Release on Mars
Bloomfield, K. J.
B22E-01Abstract Title: Global Patterns in Leaf Respiration and its Temperature Response, B43G-0629Abstract Title: Plant functional types are more efficient than climate in predicting spectrums of trait variation in evergreen angiosperm trees of tropical Australia and China
Bloss, B. R.
NS42A-01Abstract Title: Geophysical Imaging of the Stillwater and Bushveld Complexes and Relation to Platinum-group Element Exploration
Bloss, W.
A11T-04Abstract Title: Direct Measurements of the Local Ozone Production Rate in the Pollution Outflow from a Megacity, A21A-0083Abstract Title: 60 years of visibility data in the UK – how does visibility vary with meteorological and pollutant parameters?, A21A-0111Abstract Title: Posttranslational modification of Birch and Ragweed allergen proteins by common gas phase pollutants, NO2 and O3, NH51A-1851Abstract Title: Superior Ambulance Call Out Rate Forecasting Using Meteorological Data
Blossey, P. N.
A51E-0109Abstract Title: Subtropical cloud response to increased carbon dioxide in single-column models, PP11B-2224Abstract Title: Isotopic Fractionation in Snow (IFRACS) at Storm Peak Laboratory
Blossfeld, M.
G33C-05Abstract Title: Contribution of DGFI to ITRF2014
Blotevogel, J.
H31E-1461Abstract Title: Evaluating the Risks of Surface Spills Associated with Hydraulic Fracturing Activities to Groundwater Resources: a Modeling Study in the South Platte Alluvial Aquifer
Blöthe, J. H.
EP23C-0981Abstract Title: Late Pleistocene valley fills source sediment flux of Tibetan Plateau margin rivers, Zanskar, India
Blouzon, F.
A11C-0056Abstract Title: Arctic aerosol and cloud measurements in the frame of the Ice-Atmosphere-Ocean Observing System (IAOOS) project, C22A-03Abstract Title: The IAOOS arctic network project, status and prospect
Blue, C.
PP51D-07Abstract Title: Deciphering the Chemical and Physical Basis for the CaCO3 Polymorphs that Form by an Amorphous Pathway
Bluestein, H. B.
A34D-05Abstract Title: On the Environment of Supercells That Produce Anticyclonic-Cyclonic Tornado Pairs, A41F-0120Abstract Title: A Climatology of Nocturnal-Convection Initiation Over the Central Great Plains
Blukis, R.
GP33A-02Abstract Title: Multi scale imaging of the Cloudy Zone in the Tazewell IIICD Meteorite
Blum, A.
H51N-1588Abstract Title: The Probability Distribution of Daily Streamflow
Blum, C.
GP13A-1286Abstract Title: XML Storage for Magnetotelluric Transfer Functions: Towards a Comprehensive Online Reference Database
Blum, J. D.
B13I-02Abstract Title: Identification of Atmospheric Mercury Input to Ecosystems From Precipitation Using Coupled Δ200Hg and Δ204Hg Fractionation
Blum, L. W.
ED14A-04Abstract Title: The Colorado Student Space Weather Experiment: A successful student-run scientific spacecraft mission, SM13G-08Abstract Title: Van Allen Probes Multipoint Measurements of the Spatial and Coherence Scales of EMIC Waves, SM21B-2527Abstract Title: On the connection between large-amplitude whistlers, microbursts and nonlinear kinetic structures in the Earth's Radiation Belt, SM23D-08Abstract Title: A Neural Network Reconstruction of the Coupled Inner Magnetospheric Environment
Blum, M. D.
EP53D-02Abstract Title: Can we predict the response of large sand bed rivers to changes in flow and sediment supply? The case of the Missouri River., V53D-3152Abstract Title: Discriminating Sediment Supply Versus Accommodation Controls on Late Cretaceous Foreland Basin Stratigraphic Architecture in the Book Cliffs, Central Utah Using Double Dating
Blum, P.
B32D-07Abstract Title: Analytical simulation and inversion of dynamic urban land surface effects, H24F-02Abstract Title: Remote Sensing of Urban Groundwater Temperatures
Blumberg, A. F.
GC51B-1083Abstract Title: Hurricane Sandy: Caught in the eye of the storm and a city's adaptation response, PA43D-06Abstract Title: Demonstrating the impact of flood adaptation using an online dynamic flood mapper
Blume, F.
G51A-1059Abstract Title: Testing the Susceptibility of GNSS Receivers to Radio Frequency Interference, G51A-1064Abstract Title: Operational Data Quality Assessment of the Combined PBO, TLALOCNet and COCONet Real-Time GNSS Networks, G51A-1072Abstract Title: Geodetic Infrastructure, Data, Education and Community Engagement in Response to Earthquakes and Other Geophysical Events: An Overview of UNAVCO Support Resources Plus Highlights from Recent Event Response
Blume, T.
H21C-1391Abstract Title: Seasonal dynamics of tree species specific soil moisture patterns, H23J-07Abstract Title: Root Water Uptake and Soil Moisture Pattern Dynamics – Capturing Connections, Controls and Causalities, H31K-04Abstract Title: Solute tracer transport does not vary systematically with stream discharge or geomorphology, H33L-06Abstract Title: How Landscape Characteristics Influence Spatial Patterns of Transpiration
Blumenstock, T.
A11A-0020Abstract Title: Comparison of MIR (NDACC) and NIR (TCCON) column-averaged CO from ground-based solar Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) measurements
Blumenthal, D. M.
B21F-0537Abstract Title: Effects of warming and elevated CO2 in a semiarid grassland are temporally dynamic due to interactions among water, nitrogen, and plant community composition, B53D-0602Abstract Title: What is the Fate of Belowground Carbon? Grass Crown and Root Traits, and Soil Organic Matter Priming Following Seven Years of Prairie Heating and CO2 Enrichment (PHACE), WY, USA
Blumentritt, H.
S33D-2814Abstract Title: Designing a low-cost effective network for monitoring large scale regional seismicity in a soft-soil region (Alsace, France)
Blumstein, D.
H53F-1719Abstract Title: Assesment of water elevation measurement quality from multi nadir altimetry missions over a 'small' river: the Garonne River case
Blumstock, M. E.
H43I-1655Abstract Title: Spatial Organisation of Groundwater Dynamics and Runoff Responses in Montane Catchments: Integrating Field Data in a Modelling Framework
Blunck, D.
NH41E-06Abstract Title: UAS and Distributed Temperature Sensing Reveal Previously Unseen Atmospheric Processes
Blundy, J. D.
T23A-2928Abstract Title: Slow and Steady Drop of the Atacama Water Table from ~15 Ma Constrained by (U-Th)/He Dating of Hematite
Blundy, J. D.
V54A-02Abstract Title: Gas-driven filter pressing in magmas: insights into in-situ melt segregation from crystal mushes
Blunier, T.
PP43E-01Abstract Title: Abrupt Atmospheric Methane Increases Associated With Hudson Strait Heinrich Events
Blunt, M. J.
H23D-1615Abstract Title: The Impact of the Flow Field Heterogeneity and of the Injection Rate on the Effective Reaction Rates in Carbonates: a Study at the Pore Scale , H41D-1340Abstract Title: Reservoir-Condition Pore-Scale Imaging of Reaction in Carbonates using Synchrotron Fast Tomography, H43L-03Abstract Title: Observations of the Dynamic Connectivity of the Non-Wetting Phase During Steady State Flow at the Pore Scale Using 3D X-ray Microtomography
Blusztajn, J.
DI22A-08Abstract Title: Tracking along-arc sediment inputs to the Aleutian arc using thallium isotopes, EP53A-0974Abstract Title: The End of Monterey Submarine Canyon Incision and Potential River Source Areas-Os, Nd, and Pb Isotope Constraints from Hydrogenetic Fe-Mn Crusts, PP31B-2233Abstract Title: Development of analytical techniques of vanadium isotope in seawater
Bluth, G.
ED31C-0910Abstract Title: Bringing Earth Magnetism Research into the High School Physics Classroom
Blyth, A. M.
A12C-06Abstract Title: Dual-Polarised Doppler X-band Radar Observations of Mixed Phased Clouds from the UK’s Ice in Clouds Experiment-Dust (ICE-D), A12C-08Abstract Title: Observations Suggestive of Ice Production through Secondary Processes in Convective Clouds in Southwest England, A41H-0157Abstract Title: Cloud microphysical properties of convective clouds sampled during the Convective Precipitation Experiment (COPE) experiment.
Blyth, A.
MR52A-05Abstract Title: Investigating permeability and carbonation behavior of sustainable cements
Blyth, E.
B41IAbstract Title: New Perspectives in Land Ecosystem Atmosphere Processes Research I, B43FAbstract Title: New Perspectives in Land Ecosystem Atmosphere Processes Research II Posters, H33L-04Abstract Title: Using Flux Data at a Range of Time-scales to Characterise the Role of the Land Surface in Evapotranspiration, H51I-1498Abstract Title: On the Value of Effective Parameters Obtained Under Reduced Spatial Scale Mismatch to Represent Soil Moisture - Evapotranspiration Interactions in Land Surface Models.
Blythe, A. E.
PP11A-2202Abstract Title: Evaluating methods used for fission track dating of tephras: examples from the Afar Depression, Ethiopia, and the Denali fault zone, Alaska
Boaga, J.
H51R-02Abstract Title: Micro 3D ERT tomography for data assimilation modelling of active root zone
Boakes, P. D.
SH21B-2406Abstract Title: A new observation-based fitting method assuming an elliptical CME frontal shape and a variable speed, SH21B-2408Abstract Title: Prediction of Geomagnetic Storm Strength from Inner Heliospheric In Situ Observations, SH53A-2466Abstract Title: First Results on Visualization and Verification of the STEREO Heliospheric Imager CME Catalogue with In Situ Data from the Heliophysics System Observatory
Boamah, K.
P31A-2046Abstract Title: Crustal differentiation on Earth and Mars from Potassium and Thorium multi-scale distributions
Boano, F.
H43G-1600Abstract Title: Benthic biofilm structure controls the deposition-resuspension dynamics of fine clay particles
Board, W. S.
MR33C-2701Abstract Title: Relationship between amorphous silica and precious metal in quartz veins
Boardsen, S. A.
P41F-03Abstract Title: Mapping Mercury’s magnetic topology with solar energetic electrons, SM41H-2577Abstract Title: Statistical analysis of plasmaspheric magnetosonic mode waves from Van Allen Probes observations, SM41H-2578Abstract Title: Cluster Observations of Non Time Continuous Magnetosonic Waves, SM51F-06Abstract Title: Survey of the high resolution frequency structure of the fast magnetosonic mode and proton energy diffusion associated with these waves
Boatwright, J.
S43B-2804Abstract Title: Inter- and Intra-method Variability of VS Profiles and VS30 at ARRA-funded Sites
Bobadilla, M. P.
H41A-1278Abstract Title: Analysis of RCP8.5 Projections of Precipitation and Temperatures in Chilean Basins
Bobb, C.
H21G-1471Abstract Title: Computational and Experimental Simulations of Cr(VI) Remediation via In Situ Reduction in an Alluvial Aquifer at Hinkley, California
Boberg, F.
GC43C-1217Abstract Title: Robustness of Regional Patterns of Change in Multi-model Studies; Beyond Model Spread
Boblitt, J.
ED21A-0821Abstract Title: Discover Space Weather and Sun’s Superpowers: Using CCMC’s innovative tools and applications
Bobra, M.
SM41A-2461Abstract Title: CME Prediction Using SDO, SoHO, and STEREO data with a Machine Learning Algorithm
Bobrov, A.
MR13C-2706Abstract Title: High-pressure behavior of Fe-bearing silicate garnets up to 100 GPa
Bobrov, D.
S51D-2744Abstract Title: Revealing the Eruptive History of Volcanoes from Massive Cross-Correlation of Seismic Signal at Global Scale, S53B-2824Abstract Title: Automatic Event Bulletin Built by Waveform Cross Correlation Using the Global Grid of Master Events with Adjustable Templates, S53B-2831Abstract Title: Constraining shallow seismic event depth via synthetic modeling for Expert Technical Analysis at the IDC
Bobrovskiy, V.
AE31A-0407Abstract Title: Kamchatka's Subterranean Electric Bursts Preceding Lightning Strikes in the Avacha Bay Territory: Case Study during Night of July 21(22), 2015, ED53B-0851Abstract Title: The network of Subterranean Electric Observations: Exploiting Crowd-Sourced Low-Cost Multielectrode System Improving Views of Tectonic Hazards on a Global Scale
Bobyarchick, A. R.
EP53A-0950Abstract Title: The Lilesville Gravels: A Neogene Strath Terrace Deposit from the Piedmont/Coastal Plain Boundary of North Carolina, USA, NS41B-1945Abstract Title: GPR Imaging of Fault Related Folds in a Gold-Bearing Metasedimentary Sequence, Carolina Terrane, Southern Appalachian Mountains
Bobylev, L.
C52A-07Abstract Title: SONARC: A Sea Ice Monitoring and Forecasting System to Support Safe Operations and Navigation in Arctic Seas
Boccacci, P.
P23D-08Abstract Title: High angular resolution at LBT
Bocher, M.
T33E-2989Abstract Title: Reconstructing Mantle Circulation and Surface Tectonics Using Ensemble Data Assimilation
Bochet, O.
B53H-06Abstract Title: Biofilm development in a hotspot of mixing between shallow and deep groundwater in a fractured aquifer: field evidence from joint flow, chemical and microbiological measurements
Bochsler, P. A.
P33E-01Abstract Title: Evolution of H2O related species in the neutral coma of 67P
Bock, A.
IN42A-03Abstract Title: OpenSpace: An Open-Source Framework for Data Visualization and Contextualization
Bock, E. M.
B33C-0697Abstract Title: Greenhouse Gas Analysis by GC/MS
Bock, L.
A13D-0357Abstract Title: Contrail Cirrus Radiative Forcing for Future Scenarios
Bock, M.
PP43E-02Abstract Title: Glacial-Interglacial and Holocene N2O Stable Isotope Changes Constrain Terrestrial N Cycling
Bock, Y.
G21A-1018Abstract Title: Using Regional GPS Network Atmospheric Models for Mitigating Errors in Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) Images, G43CAbstract Title: GNSS Remote Sensing of the Earth System: Earthquakes, Sea Levels, and the Atmosphere I, G44AAbstract Title: GNSS Remote Sensing of the Earth System: Earthquakes, Sea Levels, and the Atmosphere II, G44A-05Abstract Title: The Capabilities of Seismogeodesy with Low-Cost MEMS Accelerometers and Very-High-Rate GNSS Data and Implications for Earthquake and Near-Shore Tsunami Early Warning, G44A-06Abstract Title: GLONASS Precise Point Positioning with Ambiguity Resolution (PPP-AR) and its Integration with GPS for Earthquake Early Warning, G51AAbstract Title: GNSS Remote Sensing of the Earth System: Earthquakes, Sea Levels, and the Atmosphere III Posters, NH23C-1908Abstract Title: The Role of Real-Time GNSS in Tsunami Early Warning and Hazard Mitigation, S31A-2719Abstract Title: Investigate the Spatiotemporal Relationship Between Slow Slip Transients and Tremor in Cascadia Subduction Zone, S33B-2765Abstract Title: Prototype Earthquake Early Warning System for Areas of Highest Seismic Risk in the Western U.S., S41D-02Abstract Title: Slip pulse characteristics, Kathmandu basin resonance and high-frequency waves radiation during unzipping of locked MHT by the 2015, Mw 7.8 Gorkha earthquake, Nepal., S41D-03Abstract Title: Slip kinematics and ground motions of the 2015 Mw7.8 Gorkha, Nepal earthquake imaged with 5Hz GPS data and ALOS-2 InSAR constraints, U22A-02Abstract Title: Development of a GNSS-Enhanced Tsunami Early Warning System
Bockelée-Morvan, D.
P31E-2105Abstract Title: Modeling of the Inner Coma of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko Constrained by VIRTIS and ROSINA Observations
Bockholt, B.
S24B-05Abstract Title: Spatial Gradients, Wave Gradiometry, and Large N Arrays
Bockisch, C.
V21D-07Abstract Title: Mineral-catalyzed dehydrogenation of C6 cyclic hydrocarbons: results from experimental studies under hydrothermal conditions
Bocquet, M.
A21J-06Abstract Title: A Low-order Coupled Chemistry Meteorology Model for Testing Online and Offline Advanced Data Assimilation Schemes, A33F-0239Abstract Title: Quantification of Transport Errors in Regional CO2 Inversions with a Calibrated WRF-Chem Physics-based Ensemble, NG24A-06Abstract Title: Four-dimensional Localization and the Iterative Ensemble Kalman Smoother
Bodas-Salcedo, A.
A41E-0106Abstract Title: Evaluation of a GCM with the CERES Flux-by-Cloud Type Simulator
Bode, F.
IN11B-1774Abstract Title: Never Use the Complete Search Space: a Concept to Enhance the Optimization Procedure for Monitoring Networks
Bodegom, P. V.
B24D-04Abstract Title: Terrestrial Feedbacks Incorporated in Global Vegetation Models through Observed Trait-Environment Responses, B43K-06Abstract Title: Challenges and implications of global modeling approaches that are alternatives to using constant plant functional types
Bodeker, G. E.
A13C-0331Abstract Title: Google [x] Project Loon Measurements of Stratospheric Temperature, Pressure and Wind as a Data Source for Reanalyses over Southern High Latitudes, A43E-0340Abstract Title: A Site Atmospheric State Best Estimate of Temperature for Lauder, New Zealand
Boden, S.
SH31C-2427Abstract Title: Distinguishing 3He and 4He with the Electron Proton Telescope (EPT) on Solar Orbiter
Boden, T.
B21M-04Abstract Title: A New Data Product: Gridded Uncertainty Maps of Fossil Fuel Carbon Dioxide Emissions, TH32GAbstract Title: NGEE Arctic Data Management Town Hall 2015, TH42IAbstract Title: The AmeriFlux Network: Celebrating Its 20th Anniversary
Bodenheimer, P.
P11A-2057Abstract Title: Mean Molecular Weight Gradients in Proto-Jupiter
Bodet, L.
H14A-06Abstract Title: Experimental illustrations of seismic-wave properties of interest for hydrogeological studies, H53C-1683Abstract Title: Encouraging the use of seismic methods for the hydrogeophysical characterization of the critical zone
Bodin, P.
S33B-2764Abstract Title: The G-FAST Geodetic Earthquake Early Warning System: Operational Performance and Synthetic Testing, T51DAbstract Title: Scientific Advances from Subduction Zone Observatories IV Posters, T51D-2898Abstract Title: A real-time cabled observatory on the Cascadia subduction zone, T51D-2906Abstract Title: An International Coastline Collaboratory to Broaden Scientific Impacts of a Subduction Zone Observatory
Bodin, T.
DI21A-2600Abstract Title: Imaging Anisotropic Layering with Bayesian Inversion of Multiple Data Types, DI24A-07Abstract Title: Layered Structure Of The North American Upper Mantle Inferred By The Combination Of Long And Short Period Seismic Constraints, S21BAbstract Title: Quantifying Uncertainty in Geophysical Methods: From Source to Structure I Posters, S23C-2722Abstract Title: Including Short Period Constraints In the Construction of Full Waveform Tomographic Models, S23C-2732Abstract Title: Direct-seismogram inversion for receiver-side structure with unknown source-time functions, S31BAbstract Title: Quantifying Uncertainty in Geophysical Methods: From Source to Structure II, T12C-06Abstract Title: Seismic evidence for deep fluid circulation in the overriding plate of subduction zones, T24B-01Abstract Title: Rate of fluvial incision in the Central Alps constrained through joint inversion of detrital 10Be and thermochronometric data
Bodine, D. J.
A34D-06Abstract Title: Mobile Disdrometer Observations of Nocturnal Mesoscale Convective Systems During PECAN, A41F-0124Abstract Title: Comparison of Ground- and Space-based Radar Observations with Disdrometer Measurements During the PECAN Field Campaign, A41F-0125Abstract Title: Structural Characteristics of Nocturnal Mesoscale Convective Systems in the U.S. Great Plains as Observed During the PECAN Field Campaign
Bodini, N.
GC43F-02Abstract Title: How Long is Long Enough? The Effect of Interannual Correlation on Wind Resource Assessment
Bodisch, K. M.
SM31C-2513Abstract Title: Distribution of Heavy Ions in the Jovian Magnetosphere from Re-Analysis of Voyager PLS Data, SM31C-2514Abstract Title: Proton Characteristics in the Jovian Magnetosphere Based on Reanalysis of Voyager PLS Data
Bodnarik, J.
P51D-07Abstract Title: How LEND sees the water on the Moon: the recent findings, P53B-2123Abstract Title: Regional and Latitude Variability in Diurnally Modulated Neutron Flux Measured by LRO/LEND
Bodur, O. F.
T13B-2998Abstract Title: Geodynamic models for the post-orogenic exhumation of the lower crust
Boe, J.
H33G-1691Abstract Title: Multi-decadal water resource variations in France : connexion with the Altantic Multidecadal Variability
Boegh, E.
H31A-1405Abstract Title: Stomatal and Aerodynamic Controls of Transpiration and Evaporation over Amazonian Landscapes
Boehlert, B.
GC11G-1101Abstract Title: Quantification of physical and economic impacts of climate change on public infrastructure in Alaska and benefits of global greenhouse gas mitigation
Boehm, C.
S12B-03Abstract Title: Using Effective Media Theory to Better Constrain Seismic Full Waveform Inversion, S23C-2714Abstract Title: Lossy Wavefield Compression for Full-Waveform Inversion, S23C-2720Abstract Title: Towards a Full Waveform Ambient Noise Inversion, S23C-2741Abstract Title: Synthetic inversions for density in the Earth’s interior from seismic waveform and geodetic data
Boehm, E.
SA43B-2366Abstract Title: Charged Particle Environment on Mars – One Mars Year of MSL/RAD Measurements, SH31C-2427Abstract Title: Distinguishing 3He and 4He with the Electron Proton Telescope (EPT) on Solar Orbiter
Boehm, J.
G23B-1062Abstract Title: Observation Level Combination of GNSS and VLBI with VieVS: a Simulation Based on CONT11, G31AAbstract Title: Mass Transport and Mass Distribution in the Earth System: Models, Observations, and Error Sources I Posters, G42AAbstract Title: Mass Transport and Mass Distribution in the Earth System: Models, Observations, and Error Sources II
Boehmer, R.
DI51C-05Abstract Title: Polyamorphism in Water: Amorphous Ices and their Glassy States
Boehnke, P.
V31G-06Abstract Title: Whole-Rock 40Ar/39Ar Step-heating Analyses, Problems and Potential
Boehnke, P.
V21C-3049Abstract Title: Investigating the Early Carbon Cycle Using Carbonaceous Inclusions and Dissolved Carbon in Detrital Zircon
Boeke, R.
A52D-05Abstract Title: Evaluation of the Arctic Surface Radiation Budget in CMIP5 Models
Boelman, N.
B51J-05Abstract Title: The Arctic Boreal Vulnerability Experiment: Observing, Understanding, and Predicting Social-Ecological Change in the Far North
Boening, C.
G31A-1101Abstract Title: GRACE satellite gravimetry to monitor AMOC variability and coherence in the Atlantic Ocean, G31A-1104Abstract Title: Variability in deep ocean circulation from GRACE, G42A-03Abstract Title: North Atlantic meridional overturning circulation variations from GRACE ocean bottom pressure anomalie, G52A-02Abstract Title: A New Advanced GRACE Analyis Product - JPLRL05M: Improving Terrestrial Water Storage Estimates, IN23D-1755Abstract Title: A Case for Data and Service Fusions, TH42FAbstract Title: NASA Sea Level Change Team Town Hall
Boenisch, H.
A43E-0338Abstract Title: Evaluation of new stratospheric age tracers and SF6
Boennemann, C.
S13B-2845Abstract Title: Tracking Down the Causes of Recent Induced and Natural Intraplate Earthquakes with 3D Seismological Analyses in Northwest Germany
Boering, K. A.
A11IAbstract Title: Measurements and Modeling of Stable Isotopes to Advance Understanding of Non-CO2 Greenhouse Gas Cycling and Budgets Posters, A33K-0330Abstract Title: Isotopic (Re)ordering Signatures of Stratospheric and Tropospheric O2, A33K-0333Abstract Title: Measurements and Modeling of Radiocarbon (14CO2) from the Lower Troposphere to the Middle Stratosphere and Implications for Use as a Tracer of Large-scale Atmospheric Transport and Stratospheric Residence Times
Boersma, K. F.
A11G-0114Abstract Title: Aura OMI observations of changes in SO2 and NO2 emissions at local, regional and global scales, A21I-07Abstract Title: POMINO: An improved satellite NO2 product and impacts on emission inversio
Boersma, K. F.
A21J-03Abstract Title: Representativeness Errors in Comparing Chemistry Transport Models with Satellite UV/Vis Tropospheric Column Retrievals, A54A-03Abstract Title: Rapid increases in tropospheric ozone production and export from China: A view from AURA and TM5
Boes, E.
EP23D-0992Abstract Title: Sublacustrine Landslides in Several Alaskan Lakes Reveal a Long History of Strong Earthquake Shaking, NH33A-1904Abstract Title: New Geological Evidence of Past Earthquakes and Tsunami Along the Nankai Trough, Japan
Boesch, H.
A41I-0176Abstract Title: GOSAT CO2 retrieval results using TANSO-CAI aerosol information over East Asia, A41I-0177Abstract Title: Improvement of CO2 retrieval algorithm with modified aerosol parameters using GOSAT measurements over East-Asia, A51SAbstract Title: Atmospheric Sensing with UAVs and Nanosatellites: Next-Generation Platforms for Next-Generation Science I, A52C-02Abstract Title: Constraining methane emissions from the Indo-Gangetic Plains and South Asia using combined surface and satellite data, A53AAbstract Title: Atmospheric Sensing with UAVs and Nanosatellites: Next-Generation Platforms for Next-Generation Science II Posters, A53A-0361Abstract Title: GreenHouse gas Observations of the Stratosphere and Troposphere (GHOST): Deployment of a Novel Shortwave Infrared Spectrometer On Board the NASA Global Hawk Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, A54D-07Abstract Title: Remote sensing of atmospheric greenhouse gases: bridging spatial scales
Boese, C. M.
H23A-1564Abstract Title: Hydraulic Parameters from Microseismicity in the Karapiti Geothermal Reinjection Field, New Zealand, T11G-03Abstract Title: Extreme Hydrothermal Conditions Near an Active Geological Fault, DFDP-2B Borehole, Alpine Fault, New Zealand, T23D-2979Abstract Title: Characterising the Alpine Fault Damage Zone using Fault Zone Guided Waves, South Westland, New Zealand, T23D-2980Abstract Title: Anisotropic Velocity Structure near the Alpine Fault, New Zealand, from Shear Wave Splitting of Local Earthquakes, T23D-2982Abstract Title: Seismic Monitoring Prior to and During DFDP-2 Drilling, Alpine Fault, New Zealand: Matched-Filter Detection Testing and the Real-Time Monitoring System
Boese, M.
DI43A-2606Abstract Title: Simultaneous Determination of Structure and Event Location Using Body and Surface Wave Measurements at a Single Station: Preparation for Mars Data from the InSight Mission, S33B-2757Abstract Title: Recent Improvements to the Finite-Fault Rupture Detector Algorithm: FinDer II, S33B-2758Abstract Title: Implementing a C++ Version of the Joint Seismic-Geodetic Algorithm for Finite-Fault Detection and Slip Inversion for Earthquake Early Warning
Boetius, A.
C33F-07Abstract Title: Decadal changes in carbon fluxes at the East Siberian continental margin: interactions of ice cover, ocean productivity, particle sedimentation and benthic life, OS11CAbstract Title: The Asahiko Taira International Scientific Ocean Drilling Research Prize (The Taira Prize)
Boetius, A.
C23B-0785Abstract Title: Influence of ice thickness and surface properties on light transmission through Arctic sea ice
Boettcher, M. S.
G13B-08Abstract Title: Measurement of Creep on the Calaveras Fault at Coyote Dam using Terrestrial Radar Interferometry (TRI)., MR21CAbstract Title: Physical Properties of Earth Materials (PPEM): Deformation Mechanisms from Crystals to Plates I Posters, MR23CAbstract Title: Physical Properties of Earth Materials (PPEM): Deformation Mechanisms from Crystals to Plates II, S51A-2635Abstract Title: Constraining Earthquake Source Parameters in Rupture Patches and Rupture Barriers on Gofar Transform Fault, East Pacific Rise from Ocean Bottom Seismic Data, T23C-2952Abstract Title: Scaling Relations for the Thermal Structure of Segmented Oceanic Transform Faults
Boettcher, M. E.
V13C-3128Abstract Title: Hydrogeochemistry and stable isotope geochemistry of geothermal fluids discharged from volcanoes in São Miguel (Azores, Portugal)
Boettinger, J. L.
EP42A-08Abstract Title: Wind Erosion Potential of Lacustrine and Alluvial Soils Before and After Disturbance in the Eastern Great Basin, USA: Estimating Threshold Friction Velocity Using Easier-to-Measure Soil Properties
Boezio, M.
SH43C-05Abstract Title: Magnetospheric Effects on High Energy Solar Particles: PAMELA Measurements
Bogdanoff, A.
A11A-0028Abstract Title: Optically-Thin Cirrus Cloud Radiance Bias in Satellite Radiometric Sea Surface Temperature Retrieval
Bogdanova, S. V.
T13A-2966Abstract Title: Were Amazonia and Baltica Connected in Nuna and Rodinia?
Bogdanova, Y.
SM13C-2532Abstract Title: Quasi-continuous reconnection accompanied by FTEs observed by Double Star TC-1 during IMF Bz≈0 nT at dawn flank magnetopause
Bogena, H. R.
H13K-1731Abstract Title: Emerging methods for noninvasive sensing of soil moisture dynamics from field to catchment scale, H13K-1732Abstract Title: Determination of site specific calibration functions for the estimation of soil moisture from measurements of cosmic-ray neutron intensity, H21C-1392Abstract Title: Geostatistical and Fractal Analysis of Soil Moisture Patterns in a Mesoscale Catchment Using Plot to Catchment Scale Datasets, H23F-1636Abstract Title: Upscaling Hydraulic Conductivity of a Forested Headwater Catchment Based on Information Loss in Terrain Curvature, H23G-1648Abstract Title: On wireless sensing networks in hydrology: from observation to prediction
Bogenschuetz, N. M.
H34B-02Abstract Title: Slope Stability Analysis of Mountain Pine Beetle Impacted Areas
Bogenschutz, P.
A22A-01Abstract Title: On the assumed PDF method for climate simulations
Boger, R. A.
ED21F-07Abstract Title: CROWDSOURCING SCIENCE TO PROMOTE HUMAN HEALTH: NEW TOOLS TO PROMOTE SAMPLING OF MOSQUITO POPULATIONS BY CITIZEN SCIENTISTS, PA23B-2197Abstract Title: An Examination of Long-Term Environmental-Social Dynamics in the Balkans, PP31C-2259Abstract Title: The Little Ice Age and its Spatial Variability across the Balkans
Boggs, L.
AE33C-0509Abstract Title: An Analysis of Two Thunderstorms Producing Five Negative Sprites on 12 September 2014
Boghosian, A.
C21A-0720Abstract Title: Linking the spatial variability of glacier mass loss to fjord geometry, C21A-0722Abstract Title: Structure and form of grounding lines of modern ice sheets
Bogiatzis, P.
S13C-01Abstract Title: Revisiting Seismic Tomography Through Direct Methods and High Performance Computing, S33C-2791Abstract Title: DigitSeis: A New Digitization Software and its Application to the Harvard-Adam Dziewoński Observatory Collection
Bogie, N. A.
H43G-1607Abstract Title:  Drinking From the Same Straw: Crop Growth and Evidence of Water Transfer from Native Shrubs to Millet in a Sahelian Agro-Ecosystem, H43G-1608Abstract Title: Role of native shrubs of the Sahel in mitigating water and nutrient stresses of agricultural crops
Bogle, R.
B51G-0515Abstract Title: Using high-dynamic-range digital repeat photography to measure plant phenology in a subarctic mire.
Bogner, C.
H21A-1336Abstract Title: How to unravel relationships between soil structure and preferential flow in structured soils with fast tomography at the continuum scale?
Bogoev, I.
B33A-0622Abstract Title: Advances in Fast-response Acoustically Derived Air-temperature Measurements
Bogomaz, O.
Bogren, W.
A31C-0062Abstract Title: Influence of Topographic Shading on Multi-decadal Average Solar Irradiance: Implications for Fine Scale Eco-physiological and Climate Research, C41B-0698Abstract Title: Tilt Error in Cryospheric Surface Radiation Measurements at High Latitudes: A Model Study
Bogucki, D.
OS51BAbstract Title: Measurement and Modeling of the Ocean Surface Boundary Layer I Posters, OS54AAbstract Title: Measurement and Modeling of the Ocean Surface Boundary Layer II
Bogus, K.
DI13A-2625Abstract Title: Geochemistry of Volcanic Rocks from International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) Site 1438, Amami Sankaku Basin: Implications for Izu-Bonin-Mariana (IBM) Arc Initiation, PP43A-2256Abstract Title: When Overturning Circulation Became Global: Insight into Timing of This Change
Bogyeong, C.
H53A-1637Abstract Title: Future PMP Estimation in Korea under AR5 RCP 8.5 climate change scenarios and its Changes Cause Analysis
Bohac, R. E.
A51P-0316Abstract Title: Determining High-Wind Enthalpy Fluxes from Dropsonde Profiles in Tropical Cyclones
Bohannan, B. J. M.
B43J-05Abstract Title: Understanding Methane Cycling Dynamics across Tropical African Wetland and Upland Ecosystems
Bohaty, S. M.
GP51B-1337Abstract Title: Refining the Early and Middle Eocene Geomagnetic Polarity Time Scale: new results from ODP Leg 208 (Walvis Ridge), PP33C-2329Abstract Title: Dynamic, Large-Magnitude CCD Changes in the Atlantic During the Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum
Bohlander, J. A.
C22B-01Abstract Title: Surface Roughness and Snow Accumulation in East Antarctica
Bohlke, J. K.
B13G-0703Abstract Title: Methane and Nitrous Oxide Temporal and Spatial Variability in Midwestern Streams Containing High Nitrate Concentrations , H21F-1444Abstract Title: REGIONAL EVALUATION OF GROUNDWATER AGE DISTRIBUTIONS USING LUMPED PARAMETER MODELS WITH LARGE, SPARSE DATASETS: EXAMPLE FROM THE CENTRAL VALLEY, CALIFORNIA, USA, H33N-03Abstract Title: Oxidation of naturally reduced uranium in aquifer sediments by dissolved oxygen and its potential significance to uranium plume persistence
Bohlman, S.
B22C-02Abstract Title: Increased Frequency of Large Blowdown Formation in Years With Hotter Dry Seasons in the Northwestern Amazon, B53I-07Abstract Title: Understanding species composition from NEON high resolution hyperspectral-LIDAR data across a heterogeneous landscape: Effects of land use, fire regime and topography
Bohm, G.
EP13A-0919Abstract Title: The Hillary Canyon and the Iselin Bank (Eastern Ross Sea, Antarctica): Alongslope and Downslope Route For Ross Sea Bottom Water
Bohn, B.
A13G-01Abstract Title: Influence of Radical Recyling on Spatial Distributions of HOx in the Planetary Boundary Layer - Zeppelin-Based Observations, A13G-05Abstract Title: OH Oxidation of α-Pinene in the Atmosphere Simulation Chamber SAPHIR: Investigation of the Role of Pinonaldehyde Photolysis as an HO2 Source
Bohn, T. J.
B42C-08Abstract Title: A simplified, data-constrained approach to estimate the permafrost carbon-climate feedback: The PCN Incubation-Panarctic Thermal (PInc-PanTher) Scaling Approach, C21E-04Abstract Title: Exploring the impacts of climate change and permafrost thaw on microlandscapes, plant species, and carbon cycling of West Siberian peatlands, GC22A-07Abstract Title: Enhancing the Variable Infiltration Capacity Model to Account for Natural and Anthropogenic Impacts on Evapotranspiration in the North American Monsoon Region, H51K-1526Abstract Title: Infrastructure Upgrades to Support Model Longevity and New Applications: The Variable Infiltration Capacity Model Version 5.0 (VIC 5.0), PA11CAbstract Title: Toward Effective Decision Maker-Scientist Interactions I, PA12AAbstract Title: Toward Effective Decision Maker-Scientist Interactions II, PA13AAbstract Title: Toward Effective Decision Maker-Scientist Interactions III Posters
Bohnenstiehl, D. R.
S44B-07Abstract Title: A Comparative Study of the 2011 and 2015 Eruptions of Axial Volcano, Juan de Fuca Ridge, From Seafloor Hydrophones, S51D-2712Abstract Title: Tidal Triggering and Statistical Patterns of Microseismicity at Axial Volcano on the Juan de Fuca Ridge
Bohnhoff, M.
G11B-0971Abstract Title: Installation of EarthScope Borehole Strainmeters in Turkey to complement GONAF., H23A-1557Abstract Title: Effects of Long-Term Fluid Injection on Maximum Magnitude and Induced Seismicity Parameters at Northwestern The Geysers Geothermal Field, S11A-2751Abstract Title: Kinematics and Fault Interaction of the Marmara Segment of the North Anatolian Fault Zone from Fault-Plane Solutions Based on a Refined High Precision Hypocenter Catalogue, T23C-2976Abstract Title: Scaling of Maximum Observed Magnitudes with Geometrical and Stress Properties of Strike-Slip Faults
Bohon, W.
ED31A-0884Abstract Title: EarthScope National Office (ESNO) Education and Outreach Program and its Broader Impacts: 2015 Update and Handoff to the Next ESNO, T41A-2858Abstract Title: Re-measuring the Slip Rate of the San Andreas Fault at Wallace Creek in the Carrizo Plain, CA
Bohrer, G.
A33B-0137Abstract Title: Large-eddy simulations of surface-induced turbulence and its implications to the interpretation of eddy-covariance measurements in heterogeneous landscapes, B31E-03Abstract Title: Short-Term Weather Variability is an Important Control of Interannual Variability in Carbon and Water Fluxes in Temperate Forests, B41C-0453Abstract Title: Combining eddy-covariance and chamber measurements to determine the methane budget from a small, heterogeneous urban wetland park, B41E-0476Abstract Title: Proposed Hydrodynamic Model Improves Resolution of Species-Specific Responses to Drought and Disturbance, B43J-08Abstract Title: Greenhouse Gas Balance in a Restored and Natural Wetland, B53F-0625Abstract Title: Crop modeling: Studying the effect of water stress on the driving forces governing plant water potential, H12B-07Abstract Title: Vapor pressure deficit is as important as soil moisture in determining limitations to evapotranspiration during drought, H13B-1499Abstract Title: Application of a tree-level hydrodynamic model to simulate plot-level transpiration in the upland oak/pine forest in New Jersey, H43G-1606Abstract Title: Compensatory Root Water Uptake of Overlapping Root Systems, PP11B-2220Abstract Title: Constraints on water cycling in a deep mountain valley from stable water isotope and sap flux measurements
Bohrmann, G.
T13B-3005Abstract Title: New multi-beam bathymetric map of the Ionian Sea (Central Mediterranean): Evidence for active sedimentary and morpho-tectonic processes along the Africa-Eurasia plate boundary
Bohrson, W. A.
V31E-3063Abstract Title: Giant Plagioclase “Mosaicrysts” and Other Textures in the Steens Basalt, Columbia River Flood Basalt Province, V41C-3090Abstract Title: New Petrologic and Geochemical Insights into Differentiation Processes Required to Produce the Lower Steens Basalt, Columbia River Basalt Province, SE Oregon
Boicourt, W. C.
B41C-0439Abstract Title: Methane Concentrations Increase in Bottom Waters During Summertime Anoxia in the Highly Eutrophic Estuary, Chesapeake Bay, USA
Boidi, F. J.
B21C-0433Abstract Title: Looking for Biosignatures in Carbonate Microbialites from the Laguna Negra, Argentinian Andes
Boike, J.
A24D-03Abstract Title: Multi-annual Turbulent Energy Fluxes in the Lena River Delta: Eddy Covariance and Remote Sensing in Siberian Arctic Tundra, B51G-0507Abstract Title: Mapping the thermal state of permafrost through modeling and remote sensing, C21C-0749Abstract Title: Ice wedge degradation: Why Arctic lowlands are becoming wetter and drier, C21C-0753Abstract Title: How to Assess Trajectories of Arctic Ponds and Lakes: a Circum-Arctic Perspective, GC53F-1274Abstract Title: In-situ validation of remotely sensed land surface temperatures in high-arctic land regions – implications for gap filling and trend analyses
Boillat, S. P.
PA23A-2188Abstract Title: The Role of Research Coordination in Enhancing Integrative Research: the Co-production of Knowledge Agenda of the Global Land Programme
Boioli, F.
MR23A-2637Abstract Title: In Situ Deformation of Olivine in the Transmission Electron Microscope: from Dislocation Velocity Measurements to Stress-Strain Curves
Boiron, M. C.
V13C-3158Abstract Title: Fluid inclusion and stable isotopes studies of epithermal gold-bearing veins in the SE Afar Rift (Djibouti)
Boisier, J. P.
H43E-1549Abstract Title: Anthropogenic Contribution to the Southeast Pacific Precipitation Decline and Recent (2010-2015) Mega-Drought in Chile
Boisrame, G. F. S.
GC33E-1337Abstract Title: Resilience Through Disturbance: Effects of Wildfire on Vegetation and Water Balance in the Sierra Nevadas
Boisvert, L.
C51D-08Abstract Title: The Arctic is becoming warmer and wetter as revealed by the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder, C52A-01Abstract Title: Using IceBridge data to study changes on multi- and first-year sea ice in the western Arctic between 2009-2015
Boiteau, R.
B32B-07Abstract Title: Investigating marine microbe/metal interactions with LC-ICPMS-ESIMS
Boitt, G.
EP31A-0988Abstract Title: New insights into the geochemistry of the Critical Zone in rapidly uplifting mountains (Southern Alps, New Zealand)
Bojanowski, C.
B21C-0445Abstract Title: Vertical Microbial Community Variability of Carbonate-based Cones may Provide Insight into Formation in the Rock Record
Bojinski, S.
PA43C-2192Abstract Title: Evaluation of quantitative satellite-based retrievals of volcanic ash clouds
Bojkov, B.
OS11A-1983Abstract Title: CryoSat Mission over the Ocean: A Review of Product Validations, Evolutions and Scientific Exploitation
Bojórquez-Tapia, L. A.
Bokelmann, G.
DI13B-2656Abstract Title: Deep Deformation Pattern for the Carpathian-Pannonian Region
Bol'shakov, A.
C43C-0813Abstract Title: Application of Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy under Polar Conditions
Boland, M. A.
PA13A-2185Abstract Title: Navigating the boundary of science for decision making at the state and local level, PA23CAbstract Title: What It Means to be a Geoscientist: Defining a Common Identity for the Public and Profession, PA23C-01Abstract Title: Communicating Geosciences with Policy-makers: a Grand Challenge for Academia , PA23C-08Abstract Title: Connecting Geoscience and Decision Makers Through a Common Interface, PA41CAbstract Title: Innovation in the Geosciences: When Basic Research Leads to Commercial Payoffs I, PA43BAbstract Title: Innovation in the Geosciences: When Basic Research Leads to Commercial Payoffs II Poster
Boland, S. W.
U52A-04Abstract Title: The Space Science Decadal Surveys:Lessons Learned and Best Practices
Boland-Brien, S.
H14B-05Abstract Title: California Groundwater Management During Drought: Existing and Future Regulatory Approaches
Bolaños-Rosero, B.
A23C-0333Abstract Title: Fungal Spore Concentrations and Ergosterol Content in Aerosol Samples in the Caribbean During African Dust Events
Bolch, T.
C21B-0736Abstract Title: A new glacier inventory for the Karakoram-Pamir region
Boldrini, E.
PA53A-2226Abstract Title: The Italian Cloud-based brokering Infrastructure to sustain Interoperability for Operative Hydrology
Boldt, J.
A51G-0150Abstract Title: C3Winds: A Novel 3D Wind Observing System to Characterize Severe Weather Events, B43H-0650Abstract Title: Measurements of Solar Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence at 685 nm by Airborne Plant Fluorescence Sensor (APFS), SA51C-2429Abstract Title: Terahertz Limb Sounder for Lower Thermosphere Wind, Temperature, and Atomic Oxygen Density Measurements
Bolduc, G. M.
H33H-1710Abstract Title: Bronx River Breathing: An analysis of the effect of pollution on productivity in the Bronx River
Boler, F. M.
G11B-0983Abstract Title: Plug and Play GPS for Earth Scientists: Providing Immediate Access to Low-Latency Geodetic Products for Rapid Modeling and Analysis of Natural Hazards, G51A-1072Abstract Title: Geodetic Infrastructure, Data, Education and Community Engagement in Response to Earthquakes and Other Geophysical Events: An Overview of UNAVCO Support Resources Plus Highlights from Recent Event Response, IN23B-1734Abstract Title: Dataworks for GNSS: Software for Supporting Data Sharing and Federation of Geodetic Networks, IN23B-1735Abstract Title: Enlisting User Community Perspectives to Inform Development of a Semantic Web Application for Discovery of Cross-Institutional Research Information and Data, IN23D-1753Abstract Title: Progress connecting multi-disciplinary geoscience communities through the VIVO semantic web application
Boles, A.
T11G-03Abstract Title: Extreme Hydrothermal Conditions Near an Active Geological Fault, DFDP-2B Borehole, Alpine Fault, New Zealand
Boleti, E.
A53F-02Abstract Title: On the Relationship between Tropical Moisture Exports and Extratropical Cyclones
Bolfan-Casanova, N.
DI31B-2599Abstract Title: On the cooling of a deep terrestrial magma ocean: Experimental perspectives, V11C-3077Abstract Title: H2O content of nominally anhydrous mineral inclusions in diamonds from the Udachnaya kimberlite, V51I-08Abstract Title: Diffusion of Hydrogen in Iron-Bearing Olivine at 3 GPa
Bolfan-Casanova, N.
V51I-01Abstract Title: Storage and recycling of water in the Earth’s mantle
Bolge, L.
V53A-3129Abstract Title: Exploring Links Between Global Climate and Explosive Arc Volcanism in Tephra-Rich Quaternary Sediments: A Pilot Study from IODP Expedition 350 Site 1437B, Izu Bonin Rear-Arc Region
Bolintineanu, D.
NG13A-1873Abstract Title: Laboratory Scale Hydraulic Fracture and Proppant Injection
Bolkhovsky, I.
C53B-0777Abstract Title: Web application Syntool as a tool to perform sea surface monitoring in the Arctic region
Boll, J.
H21D-1401Abstract Title: Cross-Scale Structural and Functional Connectivity as a Driver of Hillslope Erosion on Disturbed Landscapes
Bolla Pittaluga, M.
EP12A-02Abstract Title: Vertical and Lateral Changes in Facies, Bed Thickness, and Grain Size in Submarine Channels from an Ultra-High Resolution Dataset, Western Niger Delta Slope: Implications for Turbidity Current Stratification
Bollasina, M. A.
A41PAbstract Title: Mechanisms of Anthropogenic Aerosol Forcing on Regional Climate Variability and Change I, A43DAbstract Title: Mechanisms of Anthropogenic Aerosol Forcing on Regional Climate Variability and Change II Posters, A43D-0308Abstract Title: Spatial Patterns of Climate Impact from Anthropogenic Aerosols in the Early Instrumental Period, A43D-0309Abstract Title: Contrasting impacts of local and non-local anthropogenic aerosols detected on 20th century monsoon precipitation over West Africa and South Asia, A43D-0311Abstract Title: Imprint of Historical Anthropogenic Emissions on the Subseasonal Variability of the Indian Summer Monsoon, A43D-0313Abstract Title: Non-local Impact of South and East Asian Aerosols on Monsoon Onset and Withdrawal
Bollengier, O.
P43A-2098Abstract Title: Speed of Sound in Aqueous Solutions at sub-GPa Pressures: a New Experiment to Unveil the Properties of Extra-Terrestrial Oceans
Boller, R. A.
IN23D-1757Abstract Title: Facilitating Centralized Access to Earth Science Imagery & Metadata with NASA GIBS, IN41B-1697Abstract Title: “Newer, bigger, older” with NASA GIBS, IN41B-1698Abstract Title: NASA’s Land, Atmosphere Near real-time Capability for EOS (LANCE): Changing patterns in the use of NRT satellite imagery, IN42AAbstract Title: Data Visualization 2: Evolving Web Technologies and Applications for Science Data Visualization, IN53AAbstract Title: Data Visualization 1: Data Visualization for Information Exploration and Knowledge Discovery II Posters, IN53A-1824Abstract Title: GIBS Server-side Software for Visualizing Diverse Geospatial Data Products
Bollinger, C.
MR23A-2637Abstract Title: In Situ Deformation of Olivine in the Transmission Electron Microscope: from Dislocation Velocity Measurements to Stress-Strain Curves
Bollinger, L.
S43D-2820Abstract Title: Regional and Teleseismic Source Inversion of the M7.8 Nepal Earthquake Sequence, T41B-2874Abstract Title: High-resolution surface-rupture map and slip distribution for the 1905 M8 Tsetserleg-Bulnay, Mongolia, earthquake sequence , T44A-07Abstract Title: High Resolution Topography and Multiple Seismic Uplift on the Main Frontal Thrust near the Ratu River, Eastern Nepal
Bollinger, T.
ED53C-0865Abstract Title: Teaching Freshmen About Water, Energy, Food, the Environment, and Public Policy in an Interactive Classroom
Bollmann, T. A.
T11C-2904Abstract Title: Rayleigh Wave Tomography of Mid-Continent Rift (MCR) using Earthquake and Ambient Noise Data, T11C-2906Abstract Title: Crustal Structure in the area of the North American Mid-Continent Rift System from P-wave Receiver Functions, T24A-06Abstract Title: NORTH AMERICA’S MIDCONTINENT RIFT: WHEN RIFT MET LIP
Bolly, P. Y.
H13E-1599Abstract Title: Evaluating the Performance of Short-Term Heat Storage in Alluvial Aquifer with 4D Electrical Resistivity Tomography and Hydrological Monitoring
Bolman, J.
ED21E-06Abstract Title: Inter-Tribal Student Services (I.S.S.): Collaborative Action Education in Building and Guiding the Future Under-represented Geosciences Workforce Through Tribal Foundations, Mentorship and Professional Development.
Bolmer, T.
S23C-2747Abstract Title: Three-dimensional numerical modeling of bottom-diffracted surface-reflected arrivals in the North Pacific
Bolster, D.
EP21A-0886Abstract Title: Statistical Characterization of the Intermittency of Bedload Transport in Conditions Near the Threshold of Motion, H31B-1413Abstract Title: Fitting Emptying Rates of Conservative Contaminants in a Two-Storage Model of a Lateral Cavity in a Stream, H31B-1414Abstract Title: The Impact of Early Time Behavior of Solute Transport at High Peclet Number on Upscaled Markovian Transport Models , H32C-06Abstract Title: Coupled Effects of Hyporheic Flow Structure and Metabolic Pattern on Reach-scale Nutrient Uptake, H51F-1431Abstract Title: Modelling Reactive Transport in an Upscaled Lagrangian Framework
Bolster, D.
H33C-1598Abstract Title: Fractal patterns in riverbed morphology produce fractal scaling of water storage times., H51F-1430Abstract Title: Effects of interface orientation on deformation, mixing, and reaction rates in steady-state and transient shear flows, H51OAbstract Title: The Land-Water-Energy Nexus: Hydrologic and Carbon Implications of Conventional, Unconventional, and Biofuel-Based Energy Development I Posters, H53K-07Abstract Title: Peak Scaling of Breakthrough Curves in Reactive Flows, H53NAbstract Title: The Land-Water-Energy Nexus: Hydrologic and Carbon Implications of Conventional, Unconventional, and Biofuel-Based Energy Development II
Bolten, J. D.
GC41B-1093Abstract Title: Efforts to Unravel the Cause of Shrinkage of Lake Chad: Development of Hydrologic Real-time Observatory Network in the Lake Chad Basin, GC44B-08Abstract Title: Regional Land Surface Hydrology Impacts from Fire-Induced Surface Albedo Darkening in Northern Sub-Saharan Africa, H41L-04Abstract Title: Enhancing The USDA Global Crop Assessment Decision Support System Using Satellite-Based Soil Moisture Estimates Obtained From The Soil Moisture Active Passive Mission, H51TAbstract Title: Remote Sensing Applications for Water Resources Management I, H52EAbstract Title: Remote Sensing Applications for Water Resources Management II, H53GAbstract Title: Remote Sensing Applications for Water Resources Management III Posters, H53G-1732Abstract Title: Characterizing hydrological hazards and trends with the NASA South Asia Land Data Assimilation System, H53G-1756Abstract Title: Synergistic Utilization of Microwave Satellite Data and GRACE-Total Water Storage Anomaly for Improving Available Water Capacity Prediction in Lower Mekong Basin, NH51E-1949Abstract Title: User-Driven Workflow for Modeling, Monitoring, Product Development, and Flood Map Delivery Using Satellites for Daily Coverage Over Texas May-June 2015
Bolton, A.
PP53C-2354Abstract Title: 206/207Pb and Radiocarbon: An Unlikely Pair for Identifying the Source and Delivery Time of Ocean Advection in the South China Sea
Bolton, C. T.
PP23E-07Abstract Title: New insights into the relationship between mid latitude North Atlantic hydrography and productivity during the intensification of northern hemisphere glaciation
Bolton, S. J.
P13E-06Abstract Title: MASPEX EUROPA, P41B-2075Abstract Title: Forecasting Juno Microwave Radiometer Observations of Jupiter's Synchrotron Emission from Data Reconstruction Methods and Theoretical Model, SM41J-06Abstract Title: The Juno Mission
Bolton, W. R.
B51G-0510Abstract Title: Thermokarst Rates Intensify Due to Climate Change and Forest Fragmentation in an Alaskan Boreal Forest Lowland, GC23J-1219Abstract Title: Initial Conceptualization and Application of the Alaska Thermokarst Model, H23B-1581Abstract Title: Sensitivity of Residual Soil Moisture Content in VIC Model Soil Property Parameterizations for Sub-arctic Discontinuous Permafrost Watersheds
Boluwade, A.
H53G-1725Abstract Title: Assimilating the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) Estimates in the Canadian Precipitation Analysis (CaPA) Over North America.
Bolvin, D. T.
H11O-04Abstract Title: The First Year of Day-1 IMERG Data and Future Directions, IN33B-1799Abstract Title: Approaches and Data Quality for Global Precipitation Estimation
Bolzam, M. J. A.
SM13E-2560Abstract Title: Determination of Main Periodicities in Solar Wind and Magnetosphere Data During HILDCAAs Events Using Wavelet Analysis
Bombardelli, F. A.
EP21A-0884Abstract Title: Three-dimensional simulation of the motion of a single particle under a simulated turbulent velocity field, H41B-1302Abstract Title: VAVUQ, Python and Matlab freeware for Verification and Validation, Uncertainty Quantification
Bomblies, A.
NH31CAbstract Title: Climate, Hydro-Epidemiology and Health I, NH31C-07Abstract Title: Simulating malaria transmission in the current and future climate of West Africa, NH51AAbstract Title: Climate, Hydro-Epidemiology and Health II Posters
Bombrun, M.
V43E-02Abstract Title: Precursors and transitions in explosive activity at Stromboli (Aeolian Islands) and implications for shallow vent processes
Bommier, V.
SH52A-06Abstract Title: Energetic electrons and photospheric electric currents during solar flares
Bomou, B.
PP43B-2279Abstract Title: Did high Neo-Tethys subduction rates contribute to early Cenozoic warming?
Bon, D.
A21A-0007Abstract Title: Colorado State Emissions Inventory Trends 2000-2011 and relevance to the FRAPPE/Discover-AQ Studies, A41Q-05Abstract Title: Hydrogen stable isotopic constraints on methane emissions from oil and gas extraction in the Colorado Front Range, USA
Bona, A.
MR33A-2644Abstract Title: Effect of Stress and Saturation on Shear Wave Anisotropy: Laboratory Observations Using Laser Doppler Interferometry
Bonaccorsi, R.
P43B-2118Abstract Title: Hollow Nodules Gas Escape Sedimentary Structures in Lacustrine Deposits on Earth and Gale Crater
Bonaccorso, A.
G41A-0998Abstract Title: New Perspectives on Long-term Volcanic Phases at Mt. Etna from 25 Years Continuous Borehole Tilt and Vertical GPS Displacements Data
Bonadonna, C.
S53D-04Abstract Title: Towards a Numerical Description of Volcano Aeroacoustic Source Processes using Lattice Boltzmann Strategies, V51F-3099Abstract Title: Relationships Between Eruption Rate and Total Grain Size Distribution at Hekla and Askja Volcanoes, Iceland: Enhancing the Source Term for Tephra Modeling
Bonaime, S.
S33D-2803Abstract Title: Quantifying the Benefits of Shallow Posthole Installation for the Future French Permanent Broadband Stations
Bonal, D.
B33C-0671Abstract Title: The effect of drought on carbon storage capacity in a tropical rainforest in French Guiana
Bonal, L.
P51E-05Abstract Title: The SuperCam Remote-Sensing Instrument Suite for the Mars 2020 Rover Mission
Bonal, N.
NS21B-1924Abstract Title: Imaging a vertical shaft from a tunnel using muons
Bonalsky, T. M.
SA51C-2422Abstract Title: Distributed Acquisition for Geomagnetic Research (DAGR) for SmallSats
Bonan, G. B.
B22A-05Abstract Title: Improving the representation of photosynthesis in Earth system models, B23G-0662Abstract Title: Nonlinear Interactions between Climate and Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Drivers of Terrestrial and Marine Carbon Cycle Changes from 1850 to 2300, B23J-07Abstract Title: Chasing Perfection: Should We Reduce Model Uncertainty in Carbon Cycle-Climate Feedbacks, B34A-04Abstract Title: Using Eddy Covariance Tower Clusters To Evaluate Biogeophysical Impacts Of Land Cover In The Community Land Model (CLM), B34A-05Abstract Title: Land Management for Climate Change Mitigation and Geoengineering - Are Earth System Models up to the Challenge?
Bonano, M.
S13D-03Abstract Title: Coseismic and Early Post-Seismic Slip Distributions of the 2012 Emilia (Northern Italy) Seismic Sequence: New Insights in the Faults Activation and Resulting Stress Changes on Adjacent Faults
Bonasia, R.
NH51B-1876Abstract Title: Numerical Simulation of Downstream Flooding due to a Flexible-Dam Collapse. The case of “La Esperanza” dam, Hidalgo-México: Implication on Hazard Assessment.
Bonatti, E.
T41F-07Abstract Title: Oceanization starts from below during continental rupturing in the northern Red Sea
Bond, A. E.
OS23B-2020Abstract Title: Interactions Between Methane Gas and Hydrate Beneath Methane Plumes Offshore Svalbard, T13E-05Abstract Title: Coupled THMC modelling of single fractures in novaculite and granite for DECOVALEX-2015
Bond, C.
C41C-0709Abstract Title: ICESat-2 Data Management Services and Processes
Bond, J. D.
PP51C-2294Abstract Title: Timing and Rate of Deglaciation of the MIS 2 Cordilleran Ice Sheet in Yukon Territory
Bond, T. C.
A11M-0229Abstract Title: Emissions from Residential Combustion considering End-Uses and Spatial Constraints, A21A-0034Abstract Title: Use of Historical Measurements to Constrain a Black Carbon Emission Inventory of the United States from 1960s to 2000s, A31G-01Abstract Title: Those Pesky Humans: Emissions and the Future of AnthroGeoscience, GC11A-1020Abstract Title: Comparing Long-Term and Short-Term Emission Impacts from Infrastructure Using a Simple Model
Bond, T.
B22E-06Abstract Title: Progress Toward Measuring CO2 Isotopologue Fluxes in situ with the LLNL Miniature, Laser-based CO2 Sensor
Bond-Lamberty, B. P.
B13D-0642Abstract Title: Methane Transmission and Oxidation throughout the Soil Column from Three Central Florida Sites, B14B-05Abstract Title: Using Tree Rings, CO2 Fluxes, and Long-Term Measurements to Understand Carbon Dynamics in an Alaskan Boreal Forest, B14B-06Abstract Title: Forest carbon uptake in North America’s aging temperate deciduous forests: A data-theory-model mismatch?, B23E-0636Abstract Title: The Destabilization of Protected Soil Organic Carbon Following Experimental Drought at the Pore and Core scale , B44C-04Abstract Title: Unlocking the Physiochemical Controls on Organic Carbon Dynamics from the Soil Pore- to Core-Scale
Bond-Lamberty, B. P.
B22D-03Abstract Title: Coupling soil Carbon Fluxes, Soil Microbes, and High-Resolution Carbon Profiling in Permafrost Transitions
Bondank, E.
NH33C-1928Abstract Title: Vulnerability of Urban Water Systems to Climate Change and Mitigating the Potential for Cascading Failures
Bonde, J.
SM13E-2566Abstract Title: Experimental Demonstration of Collisionless Particle Acceleration Mechanisms and Entrainment of Ambient Plasma Ions by a Rapidly Expanding Diamagnetic Cavity.
Bondoux, F.
S31A-2735Abstract Title: A Slow Slip and Seismic Swarm Sequence in a Weakly Coupled Subduction Zone in Northern Peru
Bondre, N. R.
PA23AAbstract Title: More Bang for Your Buck: How Does Coordination Add Value to Sustainability Science? Posters, U12AAbstract Title: What's the Big Deal about the Anthropocene?
Bondurant, A.
C11C-0787Abstract Title: Using Surface NMR Nuclear Magnetic Resonance to Determine Sediment Structure and Properties Beneath Thermokarst Lakes, C21C-0754Abstract Title: Ice Regime and Melt-out Timing Cause Divergent Hydrologic Responses among Arctic Lakes, NS21A-1913Abstract Title: Bedfast and floating ice lake talik properties measured using surface nuclear magnetic resonance on the North Slope, Alaska
Bondy, A. L.
A11C-0058Abstract Title: Single-Particle Chemical Composition in the Arctic during the Winter-Spring Transition
Bondzio, J. H.
C12A-06Abstract Title: Modeling ice front Dynamics of Greenland outlet glaciers using ISSM, C13D-02Abstract Title: Basal Conditions in Marie Byrd Land in the Presence of a Deep Mantle Plume
Bone, E.
ED53G-07Abstract Title: Restoration Science in New York Harbor: It takes a (large, diverse and engaged) village
Bone, S.
H31I-1544Abstract Title: Combining U speciation and U isotope fractionation to evaluate the importance of naturally reduced sediments in controlling the mobility of uranium in the upper Colorado River Basin, H33N-06Abstract Title: Spectrosmicroscopic and spectroscopic investigation of U(IV) speciation in model mineral-organic matter assemblages
Bone, S. E.
H31I-1550Abstract Title: A Multifaceted Sampling Approach to Better Understanding Biogeochemical and Hydrogeological Controls on Uranium Mobility at a Former Uranium Mill Tailings Site in Riverton, Wyoming
Boneh, Y.
DI13C-04Abstract Title: The effect of deformation history on the interpretation of seismic anisotropy in the upper mantle: experiments and numerical modeling
Boness, A.
GP43C-1262Abstract Title: Analysis of Plasma Irregularities and Electromagnetic Signals Based on Swarm Absolute Scalar Magnetometer Burst Mode Sessions
Bonev, B.
P23B-2127Abstract Title: Albedo of Carbon Dioxide Ice in Mars' Residual South Polar Cap
Bonfanti, M.
H13J-1722Abstract Title: Aquifer recharge from infiltration basins in a highly urbanized area: the river Po Plain (Italy)
Bonfils, C.
GC41H-03Abstract Title: Can large scale sea ice cover changes affect precipitation patterns over California?, H21O-02Abstract Title: Competitive influences on droughts: present and future
Bonforte, A.
G41A-0998Abstract Title: New Perspectives on Long-term Volcanic Phases at Mt. Etna from 25 Years Continuous Borehole Tilt and Vertical GPS Displacements Data
Bongard, J.
H51T-05Abstract Title: Combining Passive Microwave and Optical Data to Estimate Snow Water Equivalent in Afghanistan’s Hindu Kush, IN51A-1799Abstract Title: Regression based modeling of vegetation and climate variables for the Amazon rainforests
Bongiovanni, T. E.
G44A-08Abstract Title: Satellite-based GNSS-R observations from TDS-1 for soil moisture studies in agricultural vegetation landscapes
Boniface, K.
G43C-04Abstract Title: GPS Diffractive Reflectometry and Further Developments in SNR- and Phase-based GPS Multipath Reflectometry
Bonifacie, M.
Bonilla, C. A.
GC51G-1177Abstract Title: Decoding Metal Associations in an Arid Urban Environment with Active and Legacy Mining: the Case of Copiapó, Chile, H21J-1531Abstract Title: Advantages of a Vertical High-Resolution Distributed-Temperature-Sensing System Used to Evaluate the Thermal Behavior of Green Roofs, H21J-1534Abstract Title: Development and Application of an Integrated Model for Representing Hydrologic Processes and Irrigation at Residential Scale in Semiarid and Mediterranean Regions
Bonilla, J. P.
H23C-1597Abstract Title: Identification of groundwater potential zones in the Machuca River in the Central Pacific of Costa Rica using a GIS-Multi-criteria analysis
Bonin, J. A.
C53C-0799Abstract Title: Validation of Modelled Ice Dynamics of the Greenland Ice Sheet using Historical Forcing
Bonine, K. E.
ED13D-0908Abstract Title: Multilevel approach to mentoring in the Research Experiences for Undergraduates programs
Bonini, L.
T23C-2968Abstract Title: Interaction between compressional and transcurrent structures: insights from the Sicilian Channel and SW Sicily
Bonn, B.
B33E-0777Abstract Title: Effect of heat waves on VOC emissions from vegetation and urban air quality
Bonnell, J. W.
SA31E-2380Abstract Title: Mass Transport and Dynamics at Subauroral Latitudes During The March 17, 2013 Storm, SM13G-08Abstract Title: Van Allen Probes Multipoint Measurements of the Spatial and Coherence Scales of EMIC Waves, SM23A-2536Abstract Title: Evolution of auroral acceleration region field-aligned current systems, plasma, and potentials observed by Cluster during substorms, SM41C-2492Abstract Title: The role of the large scale convection electric field in erosion of the plasmasphere during moderate and strong storms, SM41E-2522Abstract Title: Storm-time occurrence and Spatial distribution of Pc4 poloidal ULF waves in the inner magnetosphere: A Van Allen Probes Statistical study, SM51F-08Abstract Title: Analysis and statistics of whistler mode waves observed from the Van Allen Probes
Bonnelye, A.
MR41D-2682Abstract Title: Mechanical and petrophysical study of fractured shale materials
Bonnema, M.
H53F-1711Abstract Title: Understanding Satellite-based Monthly-to-Seasonal Reservoir Outflow Estimation as a function of Hydrologic Controls
Bonnemains, D.
T41E-2946Abstract Title: Petrology and Rock Magnetism of the peridotites of Pindos Ophiolite (Greece), insights into the serpentinization process, T43B-3000Abstract Title: Dissecting Oceanic Detachment Faults: Fault Zone Geometry, Deformation Mechanisms, and Nature of Fluid-Rock Interactions
Bonner, B. P.
H51M-1570Abstract Title: Low-frequency shear measurements on fractured samples to determine detectability of fractures at various stress conditions
Bonneville, A.
H51MAbstract Title: Subsurface Control of Fractures and Flow for Responsible Energy Production and Storage Posters, H51M-1561Abstract Title: The DOE Subsurface (SubTER) Initiative: Revolutionizing Responsible use of the Subsurface for Energy Production and Storage, NS21BAbstract Title: Cosmic-Ray Muons in Combination with Other Geophysical Data to Improve Resolution of Subsurface Imaging: Sensors, Analysis, Inversion, and Applications from Tunnel to Mountain Scale Posters, NS21B-1922Abstract Title: Simulation of Underground Muon Flux with Application to Muon Tomography, NS21B-1926Abstract Title: Borehole Muon Detector Development
Bonnieux, S.
S13C-07Abstract Title: Mermaid Seismometry in the Oceans: What Can We Resolve and How Far Will We Go?, S33D-2809Abstract Title: Mermaids - Mobile Earthquake Recording in Marine Areas by Independent Divers - to Mariscope.
Bonniksen, C. K.
EP52B-06Abstract Title: NASA SMD/STMD Joint Study on Science Measurements and Technology Capability Potential of SmallSats, TH25GAbstract Title: NASA Mission Applications and the Early Adopter Program
Bonny, E.
V24B-04Abstract Title: Predicting the End of Lava-Flow-Forming Eruptions from Space
Bono, R. K.
ED33E-02Abstract Title: Evaluating Experience-Based Geologic Field Instruction: Lessons Learned from A Large-Scale Eye-Tracking Experiment, GP23B-1302Abstract Title: Micro-conglomerate tests and the Hadean to Paleoarchean geodynamo as recorded in zircons of the Jack Hills, GP23B-1304Abstract Title: Multi-scale analyses of magnetic carriers in the Jack Hills metaconglomerates, Western Australia: Further evidence for a primary magnetization, GP23B-1306Abstract Title: Ediacaran paleomagnetic field records from Laurentia: Insights into the evolution of the diversity of life and Earth’s deep interior, P34C-02Abstract Title: Evidence for a Hadean to Paleoarchean geodynamo: Implications for the survivability of planetary hydrospheres
Bonsal, B. R.
H13I-1705Abstract Title: Past and future hydro-climatic change and the 2015 drought in the interior of western Canada
Bonsang, B.
A13E-0399Abstract Title: Role of Criegee Intermediates in Formation of Sulfuric Acid at BVOCs-rich Cape Corsica Site
Bonté, P.
B13A-0595Abstract Title: Examining Sediment-bound Radiocesium Dynamics in Two Fukushima Coastal Catchments with Sediment Fingerprinting Techniques
Bontempi, P. S.
A14CAbstract Title: Earth System Change from Space: Early Results on EOS to Suomi NPP Data Continuity Products I, A21CAbstract Title: Earth System Change from Space: Early Results on EOS to Suomi NPP Data Continuity Products II Posters, TH12HAbstract Title: The NASA Ocean Biology and Biogeochemistry Program's Advanced Plan & the pre-Decadal Survey Community Feedback
Bonvalot, S.
G34A-05Abstract Title: Quantitative analysis of a transportable matter-wave gravimeter
Bony, S.
A33R-03Abstract Title: Do convective schemes substantially alter simulated global climate and cloud feedback?, A41P-02Abstract Title: Easy Aerosol - a model intercomparison project to study aerosol-radiative interactions and their impact on regional climate, GC11A-1022Abstract Title: Spatial stabilization and intensification of moistening and drying rate patterns under future climate change, IN31A-1743Abstract Title: WDAC Task Team on Observations for Model Evaluation: Facilitating the use of observations for CMIP
Bonzanigo, L.
PA11B-2156Abstract Title: Lessons Learned from Applications of a Climate Change Decision Tree toWater System Projects in Kenya and Nepal
Boockmeyer, A.
H23A-1554Abstract Title: Efficient numerical simulation of heat storage in subsurface georeservoirs
Booker, J. R.
GP23C-07Abstract Title: Sensitivity of an MT Array to 3D Structure Outside the Array Footprint
Booker, L.
H21H-1492Abstract Title: Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) Data and Services at the NASA NSIDC DAAC
Bookhagen, B.
B21D-0477Abstract Title: Strontium isotopes provide clues for a process shift in base cation dynamics in young volcanic soils, C41D-0730Abstract Title: Tracking Snowmelt Events in Remote High Asia Using Passive Microwave Data, EP33E-06Abstract Title: Source-to-Sink Sediment-Budget Variability in Southern California, GC41A-1059Abstract Title: Climatic Evaluation of Spatiotemporal Trends in Suspended Sediment Flux in the Upper Euphrates River Basin, Eastern Anatolia , PP11A-2211Abstract Title: OSL and Cosmogenic 10Be Dating of Fluvial Terraces on the Northeast Pamir Margin, Northwest China, PP11B-2234Abstract Title: Seasonal and spatial variability of modeled leaf water δD values in the Himalaya, T12B-03Abstract Title: Landscape response to late Pleistocene climate change along the Puna Plateau margin: Sediment flux and cosmogenic landslide signatures modulated by basin geometry, T13G-04Abstract Title: Tectonic deformation zones across the Himalaya of northwest India, T24B-04Abstract Title: Impact of Drainage Basin Geology and Geomorphology on Detrital Thermochronometric Data from Modern River Sands: A Case Study in the Bhutan Himalaya
Boon, M.
H54C-07Abstract Title: 3D Observations of Dispersion, Mixing and Reaction in Heterogeneous Rocks
Boone, A. A.
A13A-0271Abstract Title: The annual cycle of the West African Monsoon in a two-dimensional model:Mechanisms of the rainband migration, GC21BAbstract Title: Land Surface, Snow, and Soil moisture in Land-Climate Feedback and Model Diagnosis I Posters, GC21B-1090Abstract Title: The Importance of Representing Certain Key Vegetation Canopy Processes Explicitly in a Land Surface Model, GC24BAbstract Title: Land Surface, Snow, and Soil moisture in Land-Climate Feedback and Model Diagnosis II
Boone, C. D.
A23A-0271Abstract Title: Global Pattern of Hydrocarbons in the Upper Troposphere and Stratosphere from ACE-FTS measurements Compared to GEOS-Chem Simulations, A43E-0336Abstract Title: Current Validation and New Developments for the Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment Fourier Transform Spectrometer (ACE-FTS) Data Set, A43E-0337Abstract Title: Atmospheric pseudo-retrievals for averaging kernel and total uncertainty characterization for ACE-FTS level 2 (PRAKTICAL) data
Boone, J.
B33A-0638Abstract Title: Evapotranspiration of a pine-switchgrass intercropping bioenergy system measured by combined surface renewal and energy balance method
Boone, K.
GC33C-1309Abstract Title: Unconventional oil and gas development and its stresses on water resources in the context of Water-Energy-Food Nexus: The case of Weld County, Colorado
Boone, S.
T44C-05Abstract Title: Miocene Onset of Extension in the Turkana Depression, Kenya: Implications for the Geodynamic Evolution of the East African Rift System
Boonkhot, P.
ED23A-0857Abstract Title: Cultivating a Global Pool of Future Geoscientists and Mentors
Boos, W. R.
A11P-02Abstract Title: Zonally Asymmetric Circulations and Subtropical Hydrologic Change in a Warming Climate, GC21C-1106Abstract Title: Tropical cyclogenesis under the hypohydrostatic rescaling in climates with different equator-to-pole temperature gradients.
Boose, Y.
A11Q-03Abstract Title: Ice Nucleating Particle Properties in the Saharan Air Layer Close to the Dust Source, A44C-04Abstract Title: Aerosol and Cloud-Nucleating Particle Observations during an Atmospheric River Event
Boot, K. E.
ED31A-0884Abstract Title: EarthScope National Office (ESNO) Education and Outreach Program and its Broader Impacts: 2015 Update and Handoff to the Next ESNO
Booth, A.
C11CAbstract Title: Deep and Dark: Geophysical Exploration of the Cryosphere I Posters, C13DAbstract Title: Deep and Dark: Geophysical Exploration of the Cryosphere II
Booth, B.
A41P-08Abstract Title: The Spatial and Temporal Heterogeneity of Precipitation and Aerosol-Cloud Radiative Forcing Uncertainty in Climatically Important Regions, A43D-0313Abstract Title: Non-local Impact of South and East Asian Aerosols on Monsoon Onset and Withdrawal
Booth, D. B.
EP33A-1041Abstract Title: Braided River Response to Eight Decades of Human Disturbance, Toklat River, Denali National Park and Preserve, AK
Booth, E.
H33I-1726Abstract Title: From provocative narrative scenarios to quantitative biophysical model results: Simulating plausible futures to 2070 in an urbanizing agricultural watershed in Wisconsin, USA
Booth, E.
H13C-1532Abstract Title: Simulating Water and Nutrient Transport in an Urbanizing Agricultural Watershed with Lake-Level Regulation Using a Coupled Modeling Approach, H13F-1606Abstract Title: Impacts of Shallow Groundwater and Soil Texture on Agricultural Drought Resistance
Booth, J.
A33B-0159Abstract Title: Observing the Vertical Extent of the Urban Boundary Layer Over Jersey City, NJ: A Diurnal and Seasonal Analysis
Booth, J. F.
A43IAbstract Title: Dynamics and Predictability of Midlatitude Storms in a Changing Climate I, A43I-07Abstract Title: A Multivariate Analysis of Extratropical Cyclone Environmental Sensitivity, A43J-03Abstract Title: A-Train Based Observational Metrics for Model Evaluation in Extratropical Cyclones, A51GAbstract Title: Dynamics and Predictability of Midlatitude Storms in a Changing Climate II Posters, A51G-0143Abstract Title: Statistical Analysis of the Links between Blocking and Nor’easters, A51G-0144Abstract Title: The Surface Storm Tracks in the Three CMIP5 Global Climate Models, C51D-06Abstract Title: Investigating The Relationship Between Atmospheric Moisture Flux And The Surface Mass Balance On The Greenland Ice Sheet, NH51F-1958Abstract Title: Classifying Intensity and Area of Extreme Rainfall Events in Greater New York Area Using Weather Radar Data
Booth, R.
IN21E-06Abstract Title: The Neotoma Paleoecology Database
Booth, R.
IN23B-1731Abstract Title: Community-Supported Data Repositories in Paleobiology: A ‘Middle Tail’ Between the Geoscientific and Informatics Communities, PP13D-06Abstract Title: Multi-scale hydroclimate reconstruction using co-located lake and bog records from Maine and comparison with other records from the Northeast US
Boothe, A.
A33K-0336Abstract Title: Global Stratosphere-Troposphere Exchange in Modern Reanalyses
Boothe, M.
IN51B-1811Abstract Title: The Hurricane Problem – The Three Faces of the Big Data Challenges
Boothroyd, R.
EP51C-0924Abstract Title: Flow around an individual morphologically complex plant: investigating the role of plant aspect in the numerical prediction of complex river flow
Bootsma, M.
AE33A-0469Abstract Title: Gamma Ray and Very Low Frequency Radio Observations from a Balloon-Borne Platform
Boparai, H. K.
H42E-01Abstract Title: Combined remediation technologies: results from field trials at chlorinated solvent impacted sites
Bopp, R.
GC51G-1176Abstract Title: Over a century of PAH contamination history to New York City, GC51G-1178Abstract Title: Revisiting Atmospheric Lead in NYC - Comparison of Archived Air Filters to Urban Park Sediments and Soils
Bora, M.
B22E-06Abstract Title: Progress Toward Measuring CO2 Isotopologue Fluxes in situ with the LLNL Miniature, Laser-based CO2 Sensor
Borbas, E. E.
GC53F-1261Abstract Title: A Unified and Coherent Land Surface Temperature and Emissivity (LST&E) Earth System Data Record (ESDR) for Earth Science Research
Borbas, E. E.
A21C-0134Abstract Title: VIIRS plus CrIMSS TPW – continuing the record of high spatial resolution moisture determinations
Borch, T.
B33D-0726Abstract Title: Impact of Temperature and Hydrological Residence Time on the Fate and Transport of Iron and Organic Carbon in Subalpine Wetlands, H31E-1461Abstract Title: Evaluating the Risks of Surface Spills Associated with Hydraulic Fracturing Activities to Groundwater Resources: a Modeling Study in the South Platte Alluvial Aquifer
Borchers, M. R.
B11I-0565Abstract Title: Sediment Interfaces: Ecotones on a Microbial Scale
Borden, R. C.
H43F-1560Abstract Title: Cost and Performance Assessment of In-situ Chemical Oxidation for Intermittent and Continuous Oxidant Injection
Borders, M.
H33I-1730Abstract Title: Developing an Agent-based Model for the Depot-based Water Allocation System in the Bakken Field in Western North Dakota, H34C-03Abstract Title: Assessment of the Impacts of Hydraulic Fracturing at Bakken on Regional Water Resources
Bordini, F.
PA53A-2226Abstract Title: The Italian Cloud-based brokering Infrastructure to sustain Interoperability for Operative Hydrology
Bordoni, S.
A11P-01Abstract Title: Response of the East Asian Summer Monsoon to Atmospheric CO2 Forcing and Subsequent Sea Surface Warming, A11P-05Abstract Title: Dynamical Constraints on the Seasonal Migration of the ITCZ Using a Moist GCM, A13A-0275Abstract Title: Tropical and extratropical controls on the sub-seasonal variability of the summertime precipitation over the southwestern U.S.A.
Bordovaos, P. A.
T33A-2919Abstract Title: Towards a Millennial Time-scale Vertical Deformation Field in Taiwan
Bore, E. K.
B33D-0724Abstract Title: Carbon Metabolism of Soil microorganisms at Low Temperatures: Position-Specific 13C Labeled Glucose Reveals the Story
Boreddy, S. K. R.
A11D-0090Abstract Title: Identification of keto- and hydroxy-dicarboxylic acids in remote marine aerosols from the western North Pacific: GC and GC/TOF-MS measurements, A51I-0176Abstract Title: A 12-year observation of chemical and hygroscopic properties of marine aerosols over the western North Pacific
Boreddy, S. K. R.
A51B-0048Abstract Title: Size Distributions and Formation Pathways of Organic and Inorganic Constituents in Spring Aerosols from Okinawa Island in the Western North Pacific Rim: An Outflow Region of Asian Dusts
Boren, E. J.
H33B-1586Abstract Title: Characterizing the Uncertainty of Vegetation Moisture Content Retrieval through Radiative Transfer Model Inversion with Landsat 8 OLI Data
Borg, C.
V51D-3065Abstract Title: Overlapping Ballistic Ejecta Fields: Separating Distinct Blasts at Kings Bowl, Idaho
Borg, S. G.
TH22FAbstract Title: NSF Division of Polar Programs Town Hall
Borga, M. Sr.
A44B-06Abstract Title: Investigating satellite precipitation uncertainties over a mountainous area in the eastern Italian Alps
Borgeaud, A. F. E.
S14A-08Abstract Title: Full-waveform Inversion for Localized 3-D S-velocity Structure in D" Beneath the Caribbean using US-Array Data
Borges, J.
S23C-2744Abstract Title: Synthetic PGV and PGA values for the 1969 St. Vincent Cape earthquake Ms=8.1.
Borges, M.
B21L-01Abstract Title: Biodiversity and functional regeneration during secondary succession in a tropical dry forest: from microorganisms to mammals
Borgeson, S.
GC53D-1231Abstract Title: Using high frequency consumption data to identify demand response potential for solar energy integration
Borgfeldt, T.
B13B-0605Abstract Title: Experimental Dissociation of Methane Hydrates Through Depressurization, B13B-0611Abstract Title: Methane Hydrate Formation in a Saturated, Coarse-Grained Sample through the Induction of a Propagating Gas Front
Borglin, S. E.
MR41A-2615Abstract Title: Laboratory Visualization of Hydraulic Fracture Propagation and Interaction with a Network of Preexisting Fractures
Borgomeo, E.
H32F-03Abstract Title: Stochastic Assessment of Water Resource System Vulnerability to Multi-year Drought
Borgonie, G.
P31F-04Abstract Title: Biogenic Carbon on Mars: A Subsurface Chauvinistic Viewpoint
Borhani, S.
EP23B-0970Abstract Title: The Role of Sea Level Rise and in Situ Carbonate Accumulation on the Morphodynamic Evolution of a Carbonate Tidal Channel. The Case of the Bahamas Islands.
Borisov, D.
NS33A-03Abstract Title: Three-dimensional elastic full waveform inversion of land data using an envelope-based misfit function
Borisova, T. D.
AE33B-0497Abstract Title: X-mode HF Pump-induced Phenomena at High Heater Frequencies in the High Latitude Ionosphere F-region
Borja, R. I.
MR41D-2686Abstract Title: Ductile damage Cam-Clay plasticity and fracture modeling of shale based on nano-characterization experiment, NH41C-1848Abstract Title: Impact of double porosity flow on hydrologically driven failure of a hillside slope
Borjas, C.
MR23C-06Abstract Title: New perspectives on the transition between discrete fracture, fragmentation, and pulverization during brittle failure of rocks , T41G-08Abstract Title: Slab2 – Providing updated subduction zone geometries and modeling tools to the community
Bork, E. W.
B23C-0624Abstract Title: Investigating the Effect of Livestock Grazing and Associated Plant Community Shifts on Carbon and Nutrient Cycling in Alberta, Canada
Borkowski, L.
ED43D-0888Abstract Title: Exposing earth surface process model simulations to a large audience
Borkowski, L.
NH11A-1889Abstract Title: Scale-Dependent Measurements of Meteorite Strength and Fragmentation: Tamdakht (H5) and Allende (CV3).
Borlina, C.
P23B-2142Abstract Title: Analysis of likely Frost Events and day-to-night Variability in near-surface Water Vapor at Gale
Borma, L. D. S.
B51D-0448Abstract Title: Isotopes and soil physic analysis as a tool to meet answers related to soil-plant-atmosphere behavior of Amazon forest during droughts
Bormann, J. M.
T23C-2971Abstract Title: Segmentation Along the Newport-Inglewood Rose Canyon Fault Zone: Implications for Rupture Propagation, T51A-2860Abstract Title: New High-Resolution 3D Imagery of Fault Deformation and Segmentation of the San Onofre and San Mateo Trends in the Inner California Borderlands, T51H-06Abstract Title: Strike-slip faulting in the Inner California Borderlands, offshore Southern California.
Bormann, K.
C31B-01Abstract Title: Converting Snow Depth to SWE: The Fusion of Simulated Data with Remote Sensing Retrievals and the Airborne Snow Observatory, C41F-04Abstract Title: Operational Snow Modeling: A Look at the Current State and Future Challenges, C41F-06Abstract Title: Constraining Annual Water Balance Estimates with Basin-Scale Observations from the Airborne Snow Observatory during the Current Californian Drought
Bormann, K. J.
C41F-08Abstract Title: Evaluating winter snowfall event distribution in a mountain watershed using differential airborne laser scanning, C44B-07Abstract Title: Coupling iSnobal and ASO: Towards an Integrated Water Supply Toolbox for Water Resource Managers, IN13B-1837Abstract Title: The Snow Data System at NASA JPL, IN13B-1842Abstract Title: NASA Airborne Snow Observatory: Measuring Spatial Distribution of Snow Water Equivalent and Snow Albedo
Bormann, M.
PP13B-2288Abstract Title: Climate variability and volcanic history of the Eastern Romanian Carpathians since early MIS 3 recorded in sediments from Mohoş crater
Bormann, N.
NG23B-1790Abstract Title: Diagnosis of Stochastic Physics with Ensemble Data Assimilation
Born, A.
A53A-0361Abstract Title: GreenHouse gas Observations of the Stratosphere and Troposphere (GHOST): Deployment of a Novel Shortwave Infrared Spectrometer On Board the NASA Global Hawk Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
Borneman, N.
V32B-03Abstract Title: New chronometers for the metamorphism of ophiolitic rocks: 40Ar/39Ar neptunite and 232Th/208Pb joaquinite
Bornemann, A.
PP53C-2379Abstract Title: Planktic Foraminiferal Response to the “Latest Danian Event” (62.15 Ma) on an almost Global Scale – results from Shatsky Rise, Walvis Ridge and Newfoundland
Boroughs, S.
V23A-3065Abstract Title: Physical Volcanology and Geochemistry of the Brown’s Creek Rhyolite Lava in the Western Snake River Plain, Idaho.
Borovikov, D.
P11C-2112Abstract Title: Kinetic Modeling of the Neutral Gas, Ions, and Charged Dust in Europa's Exosphere, SH11A-2382Abstract Title: Field-aligned Transport and Acceleration of Solar Energetic Particles, SM54A-07Abstract Title: Magnetospheric Simulations With the Three-Dimensional Magnetohydrodynamics With Embedded Particle-in-Cell Model
Borovikov, S.
SH41C-2387Abstract Title: The Heliotail, SH41C-2389Abstract Title: Bow Shock in the Local Interstellar Medium Ahead of the Heliopause: A Quantitative Analysis, SH51D-07Abstract Title: Transition Region Near the Heliopause: Modeling Results from the Voyager Mission Perspective
Borovsky, J.
SM31E-04Abstract Title: Overview of the SHIELDS Project at LANL, SM32A-04Abstract Title: Long-lived plasmaspheric plumes: What is the source of the plasma?, SM41A-2467Abstract Title: Flux predictions at geosynchronous orbit (1 eV to 40 keV) based on solar wind conditions at 1 AU., SM52A-06Abstract Title: Superposed Epoch Analysis Comparing the Reaction of the Proton Radiation Belt and the Electron Radiation Belt during High-Speed-Stream-Driven Storms
Borovsky, J.
SM41H-2584Abstract Title: Comparison of Energetic Electron Distribution Functions Derived from CXDs (L~4.2), CPAs and SOPAs (L~6.6), and Model AE8 at or near the Magnetic Equator
Borowski, E.
MR41B-2629Abstract Title: Numerical Investigation of Fracture Propagation in Geomaterials
Borrego, D.
T51G-3003Abstract Title: Crustal Structure in Northern Malawi and Southern Tanzania surrounding Lake Malawi and the Rungwe Volcanic Province
Borrelli, K.
ED11D-0871Abstract Title: Building Interdisciplinary Research and Communication Skills in the Agricultural and Climate Sciences
Borrelli, M.
PA41A-2166Abstract Title: A New Method of Providing Communities With High-Resolution Maps of Present and Future Inundation Pathways: Two Examples From Massachusetts
Borrero, J. C.
NH13EAbstract Title: Advances in Tsunami Observation, Modeling, and Forecasting I, NH14AAbstract Title: Advances in Tsunami Observation, Modeling, and Forecasting II, NH23AAbstract Title: Advances in Tsunami Observation, Modeling, and Forecasting III Posters
Borrero, S.
IN31D-05Abstract Title: On the value of satellite-based river discharge and river flood data
Borrmann, S.
A11C-0071Abstract Title: Transport Regimes of Air Masses Affecting the Tropospheric Composition of the Canadian and European Arctic During RACEPAC 2014 and NETCARE 2014/2015, A24B-01Abstract Title: Aerosol Enhancements in the Upper Troposphere Over The Amazon Forest: Do Amazonian Clouds Produce Aerosols?
Borrok, D. M.
OS43A-2012Abstract Title: Fe and Cu isotope fractionation between chalcopyrite and dissolved metal species during hydrothermal recrystallization: An experimental study at 350°C and 500 bars
Borromeo, L.
V53D-3148Abstract Title: A Multi-technique Approach for Provenance Studies of Mesozoic Clastic Rocks in the Barents Sea
Borsa, A. A.
G13A-1011Abstract Title: Tectonic Seasonal Loading Inferred from cGPS Measurements as a Potential Trigger for the M6.0 South Napa Earthquake, G21C-07Abstract Title: Continental-scale water fluxes from continuous GPS observations of Earth surface loading, G43A-1027Abstract Title: Slepian Basis Approach for GRACE Measurements Reveals Mass Loss in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago, H41F-1403Abstract Title: Resolution and Accuracy of GPS-Based Terrestrial Water Storage Anomalies During Hydrologic Extremes: Linking Hydrologic Process, Solid-Earth Response, and Monitoring Networks, NH42A-06Abstract Title: Continuous GPS observations of crustal loading from hydrometeorological events on the scale of storms to drought, S12A-03Abstract Title: Long-term Evolution of Seismicity Rates in California Geothermal Fields, U22AAbstract Title: Nowhere to Hide: The Explosion of Geodesy and Its Ongoing Transformation of the Earth Sciences
Borselli, L.
NH33B-1912Abstract Title: Land use and Hydrological Characteristics of Volcanic Urban Soils for Flood Susceptibility Modeling, Ciudad de Colima (Mexico)
Borsi, I.
IN13B-1832Abstract Title: FREEWAT: an HORIZON 2020 project to build open source tools for water management.
Borstad, C. P.
C12A-05Abstract Title: High temporal and spatial resolution inverse modeling of mélange rheology at Helheim Glacier, southeast Greenland, C54B-07Abstract Title: Implications of marginal weakening for grounding line migration and marine ice sheet (in)stability
Bortnik, J.
NG33CAbstract Title: Nonlinear Phenomena: Scaling, Waves, and Turbulence II (Half Session), SM13G-04Abstract Title: Excitation of Chirping Whistler Waves in a Laboratory Plasma, SM13G-08Abstract Title: Van Allen Probes Multipoint Measurements of the Spatial and Coherence Scales of EMIC Waves, SM14CAbstract Title: Understanding the Dynamic Loss of Earth's Radiation Belts I, SM14C-01Abstract Title: Quantifying the Role of Different Magnetospheric Plasma Waves in Diffuse Auroral Precipitation, SM21A-2470Abstract Title: Dynamic Modeling of EMIC Wave Activity in a Realistic Magnetosphere, SM21A-2486Abstract Title: Identifying the Structure of Whistler Wave Excitation in a Laboratory Plasma, SM21A-2508Abstract Title: The Effect of Different Solar Wind Parameters upon Significant Relativistic Electron Flux Dropouts in the Magnetosphere, SM21BAbstract Title: Understanding the Dynamic Loss of Earth's Radiation Belts II Posters, SM21B-2518Abstract Title: The Cause of the Hardest Electron Precipitation Events Seen by SAMPEX: a Statistical Survey of Circumstantial Evidence, SM21B-2522Abstract Title: Butterfly distribution of outer zone relativistic electrons and their potential connection to the solar wind dynamic pressure, SM21B-2526Abstract Title: Hiss induced radiation belt electron loss timescales in the plasmasphere based on ray tracings of wave propagation angle, SM23D-08Abstract Title: A Neural Network Reconstruction of the Coupled Inner Magnetospheric Environment, SM24B-04Abstract Title: Understanding Earth’s Radiation Belt Electron Acceleration and Its Solar Wind Drivers, SM24B-08Abstract Title: Formation of Inner Magnetospheric Energetic Electron Butterfly Distributions by Equatorial Magnetosonic Waves, SM41E-2529Abstract Title: RBSPICE Measurements of heavy Ion loss during the 2015 March storm, SM41F-2556Abstract Title: State-of-Art Empirical Modeling of Ring Current Plasma Pressure
Bortoli, D.
A21A-0068Abstract Title: Nocturnal surface ozone enhancement over Portugal: Influence of different atmospheric conditions
Boruff, B.
GC31H-05Abstract Title: An integrated water-energy-food-livelihoods approach for assessing environmental livelihood security
Borunda, A.
A23C-0313Abstract Title: Glacial-Age Dust Provenance in West Antarctica
Borus, N.
ED53B-0858Abstract Title: Advancing the Potential of Citizen Science for Urban Water Quality Monitoring: Exploring Research Design and Methodology in New York City
Bory, A. J. M.
A23C-0308Abstract Title: Abrupt Late Holocene Shift in Atmospheric Circulation Recorded by Mineral Dust in the Siple Dome Ice Core, Antarctica
Boryta, M. D.
ED11A-0852Abstract Title: Developing a Long-term Monitoring Program with Undergraduate Students in Marine Sciences, P11C-2108Abstract Title: Explanation of Europa’s Unusual Polarization Properties: The Regolith is Sub-micron, Fine-Grained, High Porosity Material
Bos, M. S.
G13A-0990Abstract Title: Investigation of Random Walk Noise in GNSS Time-series
Bosak, T.
B21C-0452Abstract Title: Molecular evidence for a microbial role in ooid formation and preservation of molecular biosignatures in ancient oolite
Bosart, L. F.
A43K-06Abstract Title: Large-Scale Antecedent Conditions Associated with 2014–2015 Winter Onset over North America and mid-Winter Storminess Along the North Atlantic Coast
Bosc, A.
B22E-04Abstract Title: The impact of Carbonic Anhydrase on the partitioning of leaf and soil CO18O and COS gas exchange across scales
Bosch, D. D.
H13K-1728Abstract Title: Validation of the Soil Moisture Active Passive mission using USDA-ARS experimental watersheds
Bosch, D.
GP12A-06Abstract Title: Potentials and Limitations of calcite Speleothems to chart the Secular Variation of the Earth’s magnetic field during the Holocene.
Bosch, J.
GC51H-05Abstract Title: Integrating Solar Power onto the Electric Grid – Bridging the Gap between Atmospheric Science, Engineering and Economics
Bosch, M. E.
NS53A-02Abstract Title: Inverse Problems in Complex Models and Applications to Earth Sciences
Bosch, W.
G11A-0963Abstract Title: Preliminary results of the newly developed model for short period ocean tidal variation of Earth rotation (SPOT)
Bosch-Lluis, X.
A53A-0369Abstract Title: Development of the Tropospheric Water Vapor and Cloud ICE (TWICE) Millimeter- and Sub-millimeter Wave Radiometer Instrument for 6U-Class Nanosatellites
Boschetti, L.
GC11B-1035Abstract Title: Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Industrial Forest Clearcuts in the Conterminous United States, GC31D-1217Abstract Title: Validating long-term satellite-derived disturbance products: the case of burned areas, GC33E-1339Abstract Title: Global analysis of the persistence of the spectral signal associated with burned areas, GC33E-1340Abstract Title: Disentangling Modern Fire-Climate-Vegetation Relationships across the Boreal Forest Biome, H33B-1586Abstract Title: Characterizing the Uncertainty of Vegetation Moisture Content Retrieval through Radiative Transfer Model Inversion with Landsat 8 OLI Data
Boschi, L.
S22C-02Abstract Title: S-to-P Heterogeneity Ratio in the Lower Mantle and Thermo-Chemical Implications
Boschi, V.
C13C-0834Abstract Title: Analysis and Characterization of Dissolved Organic Matter in Ice Cores as Indicators of Past Environmental Conditions Using High Resolution FTICR-MS, GC51F-1144Abstract Title: Beryllium Desorption from Sediments
Boscolo-Galazzo, F.
B22B-06Abstract Title: Benthic Foraminifera, Food in the Deep Sea, and Limits to Bentho-Pelagic Coupling
Bose, M.
V31B-3030Abstract Title: Development of Clinopyroxene as an Igneous Geospeedometer Using NanoSIMS
Bosh, A. S.
P51A-2048Abstract Title: Ground-based Light Curves Two Pluto Days Before the New Horizons Passage, P54A-07Abstract Title: Occultation Evidence for Haze in Pluto’s Atmosphere in 2015 at the New Horizons Encounter
Bosher, L.
NH11C-07Abstract Title: Beyond ‘flood hotspots’: co-production of knowledge between academia and stakeholders for improved resilience of emergency response to flood disasters
Bosia, C.
H51J-1516Abstract Title: In-situ measurements of U-series nuclides by electron microprobe on zircons and monazites from Gandak river sediments
Bosilovich, M. G.
A12D-02Abstract Title: Towards improving the representation of polar regions in global reanalyses at the NASA GMAO, A13C-0339Abstract Title: Making Reanalysis Intercomparison Easy: Using the New Collaborative REAnalysis Technical Environment (CREATE) to Wrangle Reanalysis Data, A51H-0162Abstract Title: Large Scale Influences on Drought and Extreme Precipitation Events in the United States, IN31A-1743Abstract Title: WDAC Task Team on Observations for Model Evaluation: Facilitating the use of observations for CMIP
Bosler, P. A.
IN31A-1756Abstract Title: Stride Search: A General Algorithm for Storm Detection in High Resolution Climate Data
Boslough, M.
NH11AAbstract Title: Characterization of Asteroids, Risk Assessment, and Planetary Defense I Posters, NH11A-1884Abstract Title: Can Plume-Forming Asteroid Airbursts Generate Meteotsunami in Deep Water?, NH14BAbstract Title: Characterization of Asteroids, Risk Assessment, and Planetary Defense II, PA42B-05Abstract Title: Asteroid Airbursts: Risk Assessment and Reduction
Bosma, B.
GC53C-1220Abstract Title: Phase 1 Validation Testing and Simulation for the WEC-Sim Open Source Code
Bosma, C.
PP11B-2238Abstract Title: Water Isotope Variability Across Individual Precipitation Events in Borneo, PP14A-02Abstract Title: Precipitation and Seawater Isotopic Variability from Hawaii to the equator: the 2014-2015 ENSO cycle
Bosman, K.
T43D-3049Abstract Title: Source Characterization and Seismic Hazard Considerations for Hydraulic Fracture Induced Seismicity
Bosmans, J.
G52A-08Abstract Title: A century-long simulation of terrestrial water storage change and its contribution to global sea-level, H23E-1622Abstract Title: The HyperHydro (H^2) experiment for comparing different large-scale models at various resolutions, H43E-1545Abstract Title: Simulating the impact of past and future land cover and climate change on the global hydrological system using PCR-GLOBWB
Boso, F.
H44B-06Abstract Title: Prediction of Solute Concentration in the Presence of Uncertainty: beyond Moments
Boss, E.
A41L-06Abstract Title: Advances in Atmospheric Correction for NASA’s PACE mission
Bossa, A. Y.
GC42A-08Abstract Title: Amount, determining factors and spatial distribution of soil organic carbon storage in the Dano catchment (Southwest Burkina-Faso)
Bossert, K.
SA11A-06Abstract Title: Wave Propagation from Tropospheric Sources up to the Lower Thermosphere Observed by the DEEPWAVE Airborne Lidars and Correlative Instrumentation over the New Zealand Mountains and the Southern Ocean, SA11A-07Abstract Title: Mesospheric Response to Strong and Weak Orographic Forcing During the DEEPWAVE Project, SA13A-2323Abstract Title: Mesospheric Mountain Wave Breaking and Oceanic Wave Signatures During DEEPWAVE, SA13A-2324Abstract Title: Critical Layers, Breaking, and Secondary Gravity Wave Generation in the Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere Observed During the DEEPWAVE Campaign
Bosshard, T.
GC53B-1200Abstract Title: Robust Impacts of Climate Change in Europe and Why Study Scale is Important for Adaptation
Bossu, R.
ED51E-03Abstract Title: LastQuake: a comprehensive strategy for rapid engagement of earthquake eyewitnesses, massive crowdsourcing and risk reduction, S43D-2818Abstract Title: Real-Time Science on Social Media: The Example of Twitter in the Minutes, Hours, Days after the 2015 M7.8 Nepal Earthquake, T13D-3040Abstract Title: LastQuake app: a tool for risk reduction that focuses on earthquakes that really matter to the public!
Bostelmann, J. E.
T34A-06Abstract Title: Detrital provenance constraints from the Austral (Magallanes) Basin on dynamic changes in orogenic paleogeography during Cenozoic growth and denudation of the Patagonian Andes
Bostian, M.
IN11BAbstract Title: Integrated Modeling and Optimization for Multicriteria Decision Making Posters
Bostick, B. C.
ED23B-0862Abstract Title: Immersion in a Hudson Valley Tidal Marsh and Climate Research Community - Lamont-Doherty’s Secondary School Field Research Program, ED53C-0863Abstract Title: Lamont-Doherty’s Secondary School Field Research Program: Using Goal-Oriented Applied Research as a Means of Building Comprehensive and Integrated Scientific Understanding, H51F-1444Abstract Title: Long-term Fate of Arsenic under the Oxidation of Ferrous Iron by Nitrate.
Bostock, H. C.
EP13A-0942Abstract Title: Marine Geomorphology and Gravity Flow Modelling in Transient Pull-Apart Basins of the Offshore Alpine Fault, New Zealand, PP21B-2236Abstract Title: Trends in Plio-Pleistocene southwest Pacific stable isotope stratigraphy: Implications for orbital forcing of ice sheets and mid-Pliocene sea level estimates
Bostock, M. G.
S31A-2724Abstract Title: A Study of Low-Frequency Earthquake Magnitudes in Northern Vancouver Island, S33E-05Abstract Title: Aseismic moment release associated with rapid tremor reversals in Cascadia, T11H-02Abstract Title: Constraints on Subduction Zone Processes from Low Frequency Earthquakes, T12CAbstract Title: Subduction across Scales II, T22C-06Abstract Title: Magnitudes and Moment-Duration Scaling of Low-Frequency Earthquakes Beneath Southern Vancouver Island, T22C-07Abstract Title: Apparent LFE Magnitude-Frequency Distributions and the Tremor Source, T31C-2893Abstract Title: Imaging the Subduction Plate Interface Using Low-Frequency Earthquakes, T51C-2889Abstract Title: Repeating Earthquakes on the Queen Charlotte Plate Boundary
Boston, B.
ED21A-0820Abstract Title: A miniature research vessel: A small-scale ocean-exploration demonstration of geophysical methods, OS22B-06Abstract Title: Gas in Place Resource Assessment for Concentrated Hydrate Deposits in the Kumano Forearc Basin, Offshore Japan, from NanTroSEIZE and 3D Seismic Data
Bostrom, A.
NH13AAbstract Title: Developing and Implementing a Science Communication Strategy for a Disaster I Posters, NH21DAbstract Title: Developing and Implementing a Science Communication Strategy for a Disaster II (Half Session)
Boswell, S.
A23C-0309Abstract Title: K/Ar geochronology as a tool for tracing dust provenance in the Southern Hemisphere, V51A-3025Abstract Title: Ar/Ar Dating Independent of Monitor Standard Ages
Bosworth, A.
Bosworth, R.
B41C-0460Abstract Title: Sources of Below-Ground Respired Carbon in a Northern Minnesota Ombrotrophic Spruce Bog and the Influence of Heating Manipulations.
Bosworth, W.
T41F-07Abstract Title: Oceanization starts from below during continental rupturing in the northern Red Sea
Bosy, J.
G51A-1069Abstract Title: Tropospheric Profiles of Total Refractivity Based on Numerical Weather Prediction Model and GNSS Data Using the Collocation Software COMEDIE
Botambekov, D.
GC31D-1208Abstract Title: Assessment of Long-Term Stability in the PATMOS-x Cloud Climate Data Record
Botero, M.
T23A-2913Abstract Title: Timing of Accretion and Mountain-Building in The Northern Andes of Colombia through Low-Temperature Thermochonology
Botero, P. A.
T11A-2873Abstract Title: Origin and Development of El Bajío Basin in the Central Sector of Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt
Botero-Fernández, V. C.
Both, M.
PA21C-2170Abstract Title: Working towards the SDGs: measuring resilience from a practitioner’s perspective
Bothe, T.
H23B-1580Abstract Title: Spatial Variability of Soil Properties and its Impact on Simulated Surface Soil Moisture Patterns
Bothmer, V.
SH21B-2410Abstract Title: HELCATS – Heliospheric Cataloguing, Analysis and Techniques Service, SH53A-2466Abstract Title: First Results on Visualization and Verification of the STEREO Heliospheric Imager CME Catalogue with In Situ Data from the Heliophysics System Observatory
Botner, E. C.
A41Q-05Abstract Title: Hydrogen stable isotopic constraints on methane emissions from oil and gas extraction in the Colorado Front Range, USA
Botos, C.
A22C-02Abstract Title: Impact of O2–Based Surface Pressure Uncertainties on Laser Absorption Spectrometer Retrievals of Column CO2 Mixing Ratios (XCO2)
Bottazzi, F.
H21E-1411Abstract Title: Reservoir Characterization in an Underground Gas Storage Field Using Joint Inversion of Flow and Geodetic Data
Böttcher, N.
H21E-1430Abstract Title: Thermo-mechanical modelling of salt caverns due to fluctuating loading conditions.
Böttcher, S. I.
SA43B-2366Abstract Title: Charged Particle Environment on Mars – One Mars Year of MSL/RAD Measurements, SH31C-2427Abstract Title: Distinguishing 3He and 4He with the Electron Proton Telescope (EPT) on Solar Orbiter, SH53A-2480Abstract Title: Forbush Effects on the Martian Surface and Earth’s Poles
Botter, G.
EP31B-1011Abstract Title: The Influence of Ecohydrologic Dynamics on Landscape Evolution: a Stochastic Approach, H21F-1438Abstract Title: What Is the Age of Transpiring Fluxes? Exploring the Impact of Vegetation on Water and Solute Mass Balance, H51J-1522Abstract Title: Modeling Hydrologic Transport through the Critical Zone: Lessons from Catchment-Scale and Lysimeter Studies
Bottjer, D. J.
PP23B-2305Abstract Title: Timing of Carbon isotope excursions during the late Triassic and early Jurassic, PP31F-06Abstract Title: Recovery of Carbonate Ecosystems Following the End-Triassic Mass Extinction: Insights from Mercury Anomalies and Their Relationship to the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province, PP31F-08Abstract Title: Early Triassic alternative ecological states driven by anoxia, hyperthermals, and erosional pulses following the end-Permian mass extinction
Bottke, W. F. Jr
P14A-01Abstract Title: The Calm Before the Storm: Exploring the Post Accretionary Doldrums Prior to the Late Heavy Bombardment
Botto, J.
H41C-1317Abstract Title: CO2 Wettability of the Mt. Simon Sandstone and Implications for Predicting Pore Scale Transport
Bottorff, B.
A13E-0382Abstract Title: OH radical reactivity in an Indiana Forest: Measurements and model comparisons, A13G-02Abstract Title: HOx Radical Chemistry in an Indiana Forest Environment: Measurement and Model Comparison, A21B-0116Abstract Title: Measurements of Nitrous Acid (HONO) in an Indiana Forest by Laser Photofragmentation/Laser-induced Flourescence (LP/LIF), A31F-04Abstract Title: Development and field deployment of an instrument to measure ozone production rates in the troposphere
Bottos, E.
B11J-0581Abstract Title: Microbial Community Responses to Glycine Addition in Kansas Prairie Soils
Bou-Zeid, E.
A43F-0350Abstract Title: Assessment and mitigation of errors associated with a large-scale field investigation of methane emissions from the Marcellus Shale, A52B-01Abstract Title: Beyond the “Textbook ABL”: Numerical Simulations and Experimental Implications of Baroclinicity and Unsteadiness, H13B-1510Abstract Title: Importance of Soil Moisture and Vegetation Cover for Energy Balance partition in Burkina Faso, H23M-03Abstract Title: The hydrometeorological implications of zoning laws: Can land use regulations of urban density and sprawl improve a city’s resilience?, NH51E-1943Abstract Title: Observational analyses of heavy spring rainfall during the IFloodS campaign
Bouali, E. H. Y.
NH54A-04Abstract Title: A multi-sensor approach to monitor slope displacement
Bouarar, I.
A21A-0028Abstract Title: Changes in Emissions in Megacities during the Past Decades: Impact on the Distribution of Atmospheric Compounds
Boubacar, I.
GC43B-1187Abstract Title: Assessing Land Management Changes and Population Dynamics in Central Burkina Faso in Response to Climate Change.
Bouchaala, F.
NS42A-06Abstract Title: Detailed Study of Seismic Wave Attenuation in Carbonate Rocks: Application on Abu Dhabi Oil Fields
Bouchard, R. H.
NH23A-1849Abstract Title: The Long-term Performance of NOAA’s Operational Open Ocean Tsunameter Array
Bouchemit, M.
IN33E-05Abstract Title: CDPP activities: Promoting research and education in space physics
Boucher, A.
C11A-0752Abstract Title: Implications Of Fault Damaged Bedrock To Tectonic and Landscape Evolution In Coastal Alaska
Boucher, M. A.
H52A-03Abstract Title: Examining the Role Played by Meteorological Ensemble Forecasts, Ensemble Kalman Filter Streamflow Assimilation, and Multiple Hydrological Models within a Prediction System Accounting for Three Sources of Uncertainty
Boucher, O.
A41O-07Abstract Title: The impacts of the 2014 eruption of Holuhraun in Iceland: the tropospheric equivalent of Mount Pinatubo, A41P-02Abstract Title: Easy Aerosol - a model intercomparison project to study aerosol-radiative interactions and their impact on regional climate, B53K-02Abstract Title: A Large Contribution of Combustion-related Emissions to the Atmospheric Budget of Phosphorus
Bouchet, F.
NG14A-05Abstract Title: Direct Statistical Simulation of Stochastically-Driven Jets
Bouchette, F. A.
PP13B-2273Abstract Title: Wind-driven Water Bodies : a new paradigm for lake geology
Bouchez, J.
B42C-02Abstract Title: Erosion of Organic Carbon from Permafrost Zones in the Arctic as a Geological Carbon Dioxide Sink
Boudevillain, B.
H53J-05Abstract Title: A High Space-Time Resolution Dataset Linking Meteorological Forcing and Hydro-Sedimentary Response in a Mesoscale Mediterranean Catchment (Auzon) of the Ardèche Region, France
Boudhar, A.
C43F-02Abstract Title: Different sensitivity of snowpack to climate warming in Mediterranean mountain areas
Boudinot, G.
Boudon, G.
EP14B-02Abstract Title: Composition, Geometry and Emplacement Dynamics of a Large Volcanic Island Landslide Offshore Martinique, Lesser Antilles: New Insights from IODP Expedition 340, NH23B-1875Abstract Title: Deformation microstructures and timing of a large submarine landslide drilled offshore Martinique (IODP Exp. 340), T33C-2946Abstract Title: Long-term deformation of the Lesser Antilles arc recorded by Late Pleistocene carbonate platforms: questioning our present knowledge of the megathrust seismic behavior. , V13B-3104Abstract Title: Dominica Pumiceous Eruptions: Reconstruction of Dynamics and Timescales of Magma Chamber Processes from Crystal Record and Diffusion Modelling.
Boudouridis, A.
SM41G-2562Abstract Title: A Physics-based Automated Technique for the Detection of Field Line Resonance Frequency in Ground Magnetometer Data
Boudreau, B. P.
PP43B-2278Abstract Title: Restricted Inter-ocean Exchange and Attenuated Biological Export Caused Enhanced Carbonate Preservation in the PETM Ocean
Boudrias, M. A.
ED12A-03Abstract Title: Integrating Climate Change Science and Sustainability in Environmental Science, Sociology, Philosophy and Business Courses.
Boué, P.
S14A-07Abstract Title: Body-wave retrieval and imaging from ambient seismic fields with very dense arrays, S24BAbstract Title: Progress in Ambient Seismic Field Studies Driven by Complete Wavefields Initiatives I, S24B-02Abstract Title: Towards 4-D Noise-based Seismic Probing of Volcanoes: Perspectives from a Large-N Nodal Experiment on Piton de la Fournaise Volcano, S24B-08Abstract Title: Beyond Resonance: Characterizing Complex Basin Effects Using a Dense Seismic Array, S41AAbstract Title: Progress in Ambient Seismic Field Studies Driven by Complete Wavefields Initiatives II Posters, S41A-2697Abstract Title: M7+ Virtual Earthquakes near Kanto Sedimentary Basin
Bouezmarni, T.
H53A-1645Abstract Title: Non-Stationary Hydrologic Frequency Analysis using B-Splines Quantile Regression
Bouffard, D.
B51F-0498Abstract Title: Seasonal Spatial Patterns of Surface Water Temperature, Surface Heat Fluxes and Meteorological Forcing Over Lake Geneva
Bouffard, J.
C41A-0682Abstract Title: CryoSat Mission over Polar Region: Data quality status and product evolutions, OS11A-1983Abstract Title: CryoSat Mission over the Ocean: A Review of Product Validations, Evolutions and Scientific Exploitation
Bouffard, T. J.
GC11G-1105Abstract Title: The changing Arctic and its effects on the development of Norway and Russia’s offshore oil-spill prevention policies
Bougamont, M. H.
C51C-0729Abstract Title: Siple Coast ice streams reorganization following the reactivation of Kamb Ice Stream tributaries, West Antarctica
Bougher, S. W.
P13D-03Abstract Title: Photochemical escape of oxygen from the Martian atmosphere: new insights from MAVEN, P13D-05Abstract Title: Day-To-Night Ionosphere Transport by Neutral Winds, P13D-08Abstract Title: The Loss Rate of Ions from the Martian Atmosphere, P21A-2045Abstract Title: Electron Energetics in the Martian Ionosphere: Model Comparisons with MAVEN Data, P21A-2052Abstract Title: Day-side ionospheric photoelectrons observed by MAVEN-SWEA at low altitudes and high solar zenith angles on the Martian night-side, P21A-2054Abstract Title: A First Comparison between 3D Model Predictions of Mars’ Oxygen Corona and Early MAVEN IUVS Observations, P21A-2060Abstract Title: MAVEN/IUVS Apoapse Observations of the Martian FUV Dayglow, P21A-2061Abstract Title: Retrieval of Mars' Upper Atmospheric Composition using Dayglow Observations by IUVS on MAVEN, P21A-2064Abstract Title: Variability of Mars Thermospheric Neutral Structure from MAVEN Deep Dip Observations: NGIMS Comparisons with Global Models, P21A-2066Abstract Title: Probing the Martian Atmosphere with MAVEN/IUVS Stellar Occultations, P21A-2083Abstract Title: Multi-fluid MHD Study of the Solar Wind Interaction with Mars' Upper Atmosphere during the 2015 March 8th ICME Event, P21A-2086Abstract Title: Simulating the Effects of Solar Flares at Mars During MAVEN, P41B-2070Abstract Title: Global Response of the Upper Thermosphere to Large Ion Drifts in the Jovian Ovals
Boughton, D. A.
EP42B-01Abstract Title: Gaining insight into river ecosystem processes from a large-scale flow experiment
Boughton, E.
B53G-0643Abstract Title: Influence of water table fluctuations on subsurface methane dynamics and surface fluxes in seasonally flooded subtropical pastures., GC13E-1198Abstract Title: Grazing alters net ecosystem C fluxes and the net global warming potential of a subtropical pasture, H53B-1668Abstract Title: The Subtropical Grasslands LTAR: balancing agricultural production and conservation goals
Boughton, R. K.
H53B-1668Abstract Title: The Subtropical Grasslands LTAR: balancing agricultural production and conservation goals
Bouilhol, P.
DI13A-2637Abstract Title: The Delamination and Underplating of the Subducting Crust, and Slow Subduction, DI22A-04Abstract Title: Constraining Slab Breakoff Induced Magmatism through Numerical Modelling, T21A-2792Abstract Title: Numerical Models of Indian Plate Underthrusting After Slab Break-off: Controls on Himalayan-Tibetan Tectonics
Bouillon, S.
GC41B-1082Abstract Title: Reconstructing Hydrological Seasonality in the Oubangui River (Congo basin, Africa) Through Stable Isotope Data in Freshwater Bivalve Shells, GC44B-02Abstract Title: The Freshwater Oyster Etheria elliptica as a Tool to Reconstruct Climate Variability across the African Continent
Boujamaoui, M.
NS43B-1979Abstract Title: Electrical resistivity and Seismic Refraction Tomography to Detect Heavy Metals Pathways in the Tailings of the Abandoned Mine of Zeïda, Morocco
Boukabara, S. A.
A33E-0216Abstract Title: The NOAA Microwave Integrated Retrieval System (MiRS): Recent Science Improvements and Validation Results, A51S-08Abstract Title: Temporal Experiment for Storms and Tropical Systems Technology Demonstration (TEMPEST-D): Risk Reduction for 6U-Class Nanosatellite Constellations, H51G-1462Abstract Title: An Active Forward Model for Simulating Satellite Radar Observations
Boukare, C. E.
DI31B-2603Abstract Title: Multiphase Dynamics of the Very Young Earth's Mantle
Boukari, M.
Boulahanis, B.
V24A-01Abstract Title: SeaVOICE: Sea-going Experiments to Test Potential Linkages among Sea Level Change, Ocean Ridge Volcanism, and Hydrothermal Activity., V53A-3126Abstract Title: Mid-Ocean Ridge Magma Supply and Glacial Cycles: Long Time Series Studies of Crustal Thickness and Seafloor Topography, V53A-3127Abstract Title: Sea level Variability and Juan de Fuca Bathymetry
Boulangeat, I.
B22C-05Abstract Title: Local Colonization-Extinction Dynamics Generate Lags in the Response to Climate Change in Eastern North American Forests
Boulanger, D.
G31B-1107Abstract Title: Tests Results of the Electrostatic Accelerometer Flight Models for Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment Follow-On Mission (GRACE FO)
Boulart, C.
OS42A-07Abstract Title: Deep-Sea Observatory EMSO-Azores (Lucky Strike, 37º17’N MAR): Impact of Fluid Circulation Pathway on Chemical Hydrothermal Fluxes, OS43A-2004Abstract Title: Newly Discovered Hydrothermal Plumes Along the Furious Fifties, South East Indian Ridge (SEIR; 128°E-140°E), OS43A-2031Abstract Title: Microbial Response to High Temperature Hydrothermal Forcing: AISICS Vent (Lucky Strike, 37°N, MAR) and Prokaryote Community as Example., V14A-02Abstract Title: Structure and Dynamics of the Southeast Indian Ridge and Off-axis Volcanism, 129°E to 140°E: Preliminary Results of the STORM Cruise
Boulenouar, A.
MR41A-2616Abstract Title: Fluid Compressibility Effects during Hydraulic Fracture: an Opportunity for Gas Fracture Revival
Bouligand, C.
GP13B-1295Abstract Title: Employing 2D Forward Modeling of Gravity and Magnetic Data to Further Constrain the Magnitude of Extension Recorded by the Caetano Caldera, Nevada
Boulter, S.
PA42A-07Abstract Title: Translating Knowledge into Action: Supporting Adaptation in Australia’s Coastal Zone through Information Provision and Decision Support
Boulton, C. J.
T11G-03Abstract Title: Extreme Hydrothermal Conditions Near an Active Geological Fault, DFDP-2B Borehole, Alpine Fault, New Zealand, T11G-07Abstract Title: Low Frictional Strength of Alpine Fault Rocks of DFDP-1 at Elevated Temperature and Low Slip Rate, T11G-08Abstract Title: Geochemical Characterisation of the Alpine Fault Zone from the DFDP Boreholes, T23D-2994Abstract Title: Laboratory Permeability and Seismic velocity anisotropy measurements across the Alpine Fault, New Zealand, T23D-2996Abstract Title: Observations and Implications of Cyclical Slip in DFDP-1 Principal Slip Zone Gouges, Alpine Fault, New Zealand, T23D-3002Abstract Title: Thermoluminesence Properties and Ages along the Stony Creek, Hanging Wall of Alpine Fault, New Zealand , T34C-07Abstract Title: How can geological datasets help us to choose between rheological behaviours suggested by experimental measurements? Examples from the Alpine Fault and the Japan Trench., T51E-2947Abstract Title: Preliminary Results on the Mechanics of the Active Mai’iu Low Angle Normal Fault (Dayman Dome), Woodlark Rift, SE Papua New Guinea
Bounceur, N.
PP53A-2315Abstract Title: Projecting the Response of Climate to Orbital Variations in the Pliocene Using an Emulator
Bounds, S. R.
SM41C-2492Abstract Title: The role of the large scale convection electric field in erosion of the plasmasphere during moderate and strong storms, SM41H-2581Abstract Title: Statistics of Plasmaspheric Hiss Poynting Flux, SM41I-02Abstract Title: First MMS Observations of High Time Resolution 3D Electric and Magnetic fields at the Dayside Magnetopause., SM43A-02Abstract Title: Effect of electron ambient plasmas in reconnection jets and dipolarization fronts : MMS initial results, SM51F-08Abstract Title: Analysis and statistics of whistler mode waves observed from the Van Allen Probes
Bouniol, D.
A33L-0360Abstract Title: Differences in surface wind speed between observations, reanalyses and climate models: why do they matter for dust emission simulations in the Sahel?, GC43A-1159Abstract Title: Phenomenology and Thermodynamical Characteristics of West African Heat Waves
Bountry, J.
EP32A-05Abstract Title: Geomorphic response to large-dam removal: Impacts of a massive sediment release to the Elwha River, Washington, EP33A-1027Abstract Title: Synthesizing Fluvial Sedimentary and Geomorphic Response to Dam Removal—A Two-Decade Perspective, EP43B-0971Abstract Title: Challenges to natural process restoration: common dam removal management concerns
Bouquerel, H.
GP51A-1302Abstract Title: Magnetic Properties through the Archean/Paleoproterozoic Transition from the Pilbara Craton, Western Australia: Bio-environmental Implications, T31B-2868Abstract Title: Crustal structure of the lesser Antilles Island arc south of Guadeloupe : new insights from the ANTITHESIS cruise, T31B-2869Abstract Title: Imaging the structure of the Northern Lesser Antilles (Guadeloupe – Virgin Island) to assess the tectonic and thermo-mechanical behavior of an arcuate subduction zone that undergoes increasing convergence obliquity
Bouquet, A.
P11D-02Abstract Title: Enceladus Flyby 21: The Final Cassini INMS Flyby
Bour, O.
H11M-02Abstract Title: Inference of Fractured Rock Transport Properties by Joint Inversion of Push-Pull and Single-Hole Ground Penetrating Radar Data, H13A-1466Abstract Title: The Use of Shear-Thinning Fluids as “Smart” Tracers to Infer Fracture Network Properties, H31B-1412Abstract Title: Field signatures of non-Fickian transport processes: transit time distributions, spatial correlations, reversibility and hydrogeophysical imaging, H51C-1378Abstract Title: Periodic Hydraulic Testing for Discerning Fracture Network Connections
Bourassa, A. E.
A11A-0030Abstract Title: The Canadian SHOW Instrument: Spatial Heterodyne Observations of Water in the UTLS and stratosphere., A43E-0335Abstract Title: Merging OSIRIS, SAGE II and MLS Vertical Ozone Profiles for the Determination of Long Term Trends
Bourassa, M. A.
A13A-0282Abstract Title: Contribution of Monthly and Regional Rainfall to the Strength of Indian Summer Monsoon, OS51B-1995Abstract Title: Investigating the Effect of Ocean Currents on the Surface Stress and Heat Fluxes over the Gulf of Mexico Using a Two-way Coupled Modeling System
Bourbonniere, R.
A43F-0342Abstract Title: Relative Contributions of Hypoxia and Natural Gas Production and Transport to Methane Emissions from Lake Erie
Bourdin, P. A.
SH43A-2438Abstract Title: Effects from switching on PIC simulations: Geospace Environmental Modeling (GEM) reconnection setup revisited
Bourg, I. C.
MR51A-03Abstract Title: Sealing shales versus brittle shales: A threshold in the properties and uses of fine-grained sedimentary rocks
Bourgeault, J.
ED23A-0857Abstract Title: Cultivating a Global Pool of Future Geoscientists and Mentors
Bourgeois, I.
B13G-0720Abstract Title: Characterization of Atmospheric Nitrate Dynamics in a Sub-Alpine Watershed Using Δ17O and δ15N
Bourgeois, J.
NH33A-1900Abstract Title: Paleotsunami Recurrence And Inundation Estimates From Shoreline Reconstructions In The Central Kuril Islands
Bourgeois, O.
EP53A-1001Abstract Title: Formation of Authigenic Sulfates in Cold Dry Glaciers: Terrestrial and Planetary Implications of Sublimites, P13B-2139Abstract Title: Dissolution on Titan and on Earth: Towards the Age of Titan's Karstic-like Landscapes
Bourgogne, S.
G41B-08Abstract Title: European Gravity Service for Improved Emergency Management - Project Overview and First Results
Bourillet, J. F.
B23A-0583Abstract Title: Using Cold-water Coral Mini-mounds as Analogue for Giant Mound Growth: Assessment of Environmental Drivers and Anthropogenic Impact
Bourke, J.
T43H-04Abstract Title: Crustal Strain Patterns in Magmatic and Amagmatic Early Stage Rifts: Border Faults, Magma Intrusion, and Volatiles
Bourles, D. L.
GP11A-07Abstract Title: New Insights on Long Term Geomagnetic Moment Variation from Cosmogenic Nuclide and Paleointensity Signatures along Ocean Sediment Cores., GP23A-1286Abstract Title: Authigenic 10Be/9Be Ratio Signatures of the Cosmogenic Nuclide Production Linked to Geomagnetic Dipole Moment Variation During and Since the Brunhes/Matuyama Boundary, PP31C-2262Abstract Title: Lateglacial temperature reconstruction in the Eastern Tropical Andes (Bolivia) inferred from paleoglaciers and paleolakes
Bourne, A. J.
PP11A-2200Abstract Title: TRACEing Last Glacial Period (25-80 ka b2k) tephra horizons within North Atlantic marine cores and exploring links to the Greenland ice-cores
Bourne, H.
H21C-1394Abstract Title: Comparative Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Particle Composition through the Critical Zone in the Investigation of Groundwater and Stream Chemistry
Bourne, M. D.
GP12A-08Abstract Title: Geomagnetic Secular Variation in Texas over the Last 17,000 Years: High-Intensity Geomagnetic Field ‘Spike’ Observed at ca. 3000 cal BP
Bourrain, X.
EP12B-01Abstract Title: Cu-Zn-Pb multi isotopic characterization of a small watershed (Loire river basin, France)
Bourrianne, T.
A13E-0399Abstract Title: Role of Criegee Intermediates in Formation of Sulfuric Acid at BVOCs-rich Cape Corsica Site
Bourscheidt, V.
Bouskill, N.
B21C-0460Abstract Title: Nitrogen cycling within an alluvial aquifer during groundwater fluctuations, B21C-0468Abstract Title: A trait based dynamic energy budget approach to explore emergent microalgal community structure, B51BAbstract Title: Biogeochemical Hotspots across Terrestrial-Aquatic Ecotones I Posters, B54BAbstract Title: Biogeochemical Hotspots across Terrestrial-Aquatic Ecotones II, H31N-06Abstract Title: Investigation of Hyporheic Microbial Biofilms as Indicators of Heavy Metal Toxicity in the Clark Fork Basin, Montana
Bousquet, P.
A11C-0086Abstract Title: What atmospheric measurements tell us about methane emissions in the East Siberian Arctic Shelf, A22C-05Abstract Title: MERLIN : a Franco-German active space mission dedicated to atmospheric methane, A23JAbstract Title: Atmospheric Methane’s Global Budget I, A23P-03Abstract Title: Quantification of methane fluxes from industrial sites using a combination of a tracer release method and a Gaussian model, A33CAbstract Title: Atmospheric Methane’s Global Budget II Posters, B21M-02Abstract Title: Changes in the global methane budget since 2000, B21M-03Abstract Title: The full budget of greenhouse gases in the terrestrial biosphere: From global C project to global GHG project
Bousserez, N.
A21J-08Abstract Title: Toward Optimal and Scalable Dimension Reduction Methods for large-scale Bayesian Inversions, A31B-0040Abstract Title: Evaluating Observational Constraints on N2O Emissions via Information Content Analysis Using GEOS-Chem and its Adjoint, A31B-0043Abstract Title: Inverse Estimation of California Methane Emissions and Their Uncertainties using FLEXPART-WRF
Boustani, M.
IN13B-1836Abstract Title: Extract and visualize geolocation from any text file
Boutt, D. F.
H31K-06Abstract Title: A comparison of thermal infrared to fiber-optic distributed temperature sensing for evaluation of groundwater discharge to surface water, T23A-2930Abstract Title: The intersection of climate, tectonic uplift, and regional groundwater flow in the central Andean Plateau: Insight from the accumulation of the massive evaporite deposit in the Salar de Atacama, Chile
Bouvet de Maisonneuve, C.
V23B-3105Abstract Title: Incorporation of cooling-induced crystallisation into a 2-dimensional axisymmetric conduit heat flow model , V43B-3124Abstract Title: Magma Storage, Recharge and the Caldera Cycle at Rabaul, Papua New Guinea
Bouvier, A.
V23DAbstract Title: Chemical and Dynamical Constraints on the Formation and Evolution of the Terrestrial Planets I, V33AAbstract Title: Chemical and Dynamical Constraints on the Formation and Evolution of the Terrestrial Planets II Posters
Bouwer, L.
H51A-1356Abstract Title: System robustness analysis for drought risk management in South Florida
Bouyer, P.
NS42A-03Abstract Title: The matter-wave laser interferometer gravitation antenna : a new tool for underground geophysical studies
Bouzou Moussa, I.
GC42A-01Abstract Title: AMMA-CATCH a Hydrological, Meteorological and Ecological Long Term Observatory on West Africa : Some Recent Results
Bova, S. C.
PP43B-2268Abstract Title: Holocene Deep Ocean Variability Detected with Individual Benthic Foraminifera
Bove, L. E.
MR21D-04Abstract Title: Exploring New Phenomena in Salty Water Under Planetary Conditions
Bovensmann, H.
A33F-0241Abstract Title: Towards Top-down Constraints on Regional Sources and Sinks of CO2 Imposed by Column Observations: a High-resolution Inverse Modeling Approach
Boving, T. B.
H11F-1402Abstract Title: Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Heavy Metals in Stormwater Detention Basin Sediments, H33I-1737Abstract Title: Diminished Wastewater Treatment: Evaluation of Septic System Performance Under a Climate Change Scenario
Bowden, D. C.
S24B-06Abstract Title: Ambient Noise Observables from USArray: Site Amplification, Scattering and Attenuation, S41B-2727Abstract Title: A 3D Seismic Velocity Model Offshore Southern California from Ambient Noise Tomography of the ALBACORE OBS Array
Bowden, S.
GC11G-1104Abstract Title: Look Who’s Talking – The Role of the IARPC Collaborations Website in Supporting Mutli-Institution Dialog on Arctic Research Imperatives, PA23A-2182Abstract Title: Networking 2.0: Expanding your collaboration circles through the Interagency Arctic Research Policy Committee (IARPC), TH25FAbstract Title: Interagency Arctic Research Policy Committee (IARPC): Accelerating the Pace of Arctic Research
Bowden, S.
OS21A-1959Abstract Title: Geomorphology of the Southwest Coast of County Cork, Ireland: A Look into the Rocks, Folds, and Glacial Scours
Bowden, W. B.
B11F-0497Abstract Title: Regional in-situ optical water quality sensor network quantifies influence of land use and seasonality on storm event nitrate and dissolved organic carbon loading, B14D-04Abstract Title: “Hot moments” of carbon and nitrogen in streams: Key insights from in-situ, high-frequency optical sensors from the North East Water Resources Network (NEWRnet), B21D-0503Abstract Title: Biome Context and Lotic Ecosystem Rates, B51F-0488Abstract Title: Temperature sensitivity of stream gross primary production and respiration from the tropics to the arctic
Bowen, B.
NH43A-1859Abstract Title: Mineralogical Composition and Potential Dust Source of Playas in the Western U.S. and Australia as Remotely Identified Through Imaging Spectroscopy., V51HAbstract Title: Secondary Mineralization in Bedrock: Diagenesis, Cementation, Hydrothermal Precipitation, and the Interpretation of Paleofluid Flow I, V53EAbstract Title: Secondary Mineralization in Bedrock: Diagenesis, Cementation, Hydrothermal Precipitation, and the Interpretation of Paleofluid Flow II Posters, V53E-3162Abstract Title: Impacts of pore to regional scale variations in authigenic composition and texture on anthropogenically influenced fluid-rock interactions
Bowen, G. J.
B11O-04Abstract Title: Controls on Soil and Stream Nitrogen Cycling in a Mountain-to-Urban Watershed, B54A-06Abstract Title: D/H isotope ratios in the global hydrologic cycle constrain the partitioning of global terrestrial water fluxes., ED11D-0869Abstract Title: SPATIAL Short Courses Build Expertise and Community in Isotope Geochemistry, H23M-05Abstract Title: Spatio-temporal variation in the tap water isotope ratios of Salt Lake City: a novel indicator of urban water system structure and dynamics., PP22B-03Abstract Title: Environmental forcing of terrestrial carbon isotope excursion amplification across five Eocene hyperthermals
Bowen, M. K.
IN31C-1772Abstract Title: The Convergence of High Performance Computing and Large Scale Data Analytics, IN43B-1735Abstract Title: A Columnar Storage Strategy with Spatiotemporal Index for Big Climate Data
Bowen, T. A.
SH31C-2432Abstract Title: Developing Techniques for Spacecraft Noise Removal in Preparation for Solar Probe Plus
Bower, D. J.
T21G-01Abstract Title: Origin of Plumes in Paleogeographically Constrained Global Convection Models
Bower, J.
EP21C-0923Abstract Title: Effects of Chinese Deforestation and Reforestation Policies on Sediment Sourcing in Yunnan, China
Bower, J. P.
A21G-0235Abstract Title: Evaluating Ambient Concentrations and Local Emissions of Greenhouse Gases (GHGs) in the San Francisco Bay Area of California Using a Comprehensive Fixed-site and Mobile Monitoring Network
Bower, K.
A11C-0051Abstract Title: The importance of Asia as a source of black carbon to the European Arctic during springtime 2013
Bower, P.
ED51B-0811Abstract Title: Interactive Higher Education Instruction to Advance STEM Instruction in the Environmental Sciences – the Brownfield Action Model
Bowering, K.
B33D-0725Abstract Title: Warmer Boreal Forest Organic Soil Horizons are Associated with Larger Fluxes of Dissolved Organic Carbon than their Cooler Climate Counterparts.
Bowers, C.
P21A-2090Abstract Title: Charaterizing the O+ ion plume from Hybrid simulations: comparison to MAVEN observations
Bowers, F.
Bowers, G. S.
SM21B-2516Abstract Title: Characterizing radiation belt electron precipitation losses using BARREL (Balloon Array for RBSP Relativistic Electron Losses) data., SM21B-2518Abstract Title: The Cause of the Hardest Electron Precipitation Events Seen by SAMPEX: a Statistical Survey of Circumstantial Evidence
Bowers, H.
OS51C-02Abstract Title: Harmful Algal Bloom Hotspots Really Are Hot: A Case Study from Monterey Bay, California
Bowery, A.
GC21D-05Abstract Title: Attributing Human Mortality During Extreme Heat Waves to Anthropogenic Climate Change
Bowker, C.
ED11C-0862Abstract Title: Exploring deliberate mentoring approaches aimed at improving the recruitment and persistence of undergraduate women in the geosciences, ED13G-07Abstract Title: Long-term Academic and Career Impacts of Undergraduate Research: Diverse Pathways to Geoscience Careers Following a Summer Atmospheric Science Research Internship
Bowles, J. H.
H43H-1631Abstract Title: Enhancement of Passive Microwave Soil Moisture Retrievals using Visible/Infrared Imager
Bowles, J.
GP24BAbstract Title: Bullard Lecture, GP31AAbstract Title: Geomagnetism and Paleomagnetism General Contributions Posters, GP43A-1237Abstract Title: XMCD and XAS examination of cation ordering in synthetic Mg- and Al-substituted titanomagnetites, GP43A-1238Abstract Title: The mysterious malleability of titanomagnetite Curie temperatures: An update, GP43BAbstract Title: Planetary Magnetism and Paleomagnetism II Posters, OS22C-07Abstract Title: AUV mapping and targeted ROV sampling on the Alarcon Rise
Bowles-martinez, E.
T11D-2922Abstract Title: Midcontinent Rift and Remnants of Initiating Mantle Plume Imaged With Magnetotellurics
Bowling, D. R.
A11J-0197Abstract Title: Mobile Platforms for Continuous Spatial Measurements of Urban Trace Gases and Criteria Pollutants, A23P-06Abstract Title: Spatiotemporal Patterns of Urban Trace Gases and Pollutants Observed with a Light Rail Vehicle Platform in Salt Lake City, UT, B13F-0672Abstract Title: Assessing Ecosystem Drought Response in CLM 4.5 Using Site-Level Flux and Carbon-Isotope Measurements: Results From a Pacific Northwest Coniferous Forest, B13F-0679Abstract Title: Simulating Photosynthetic 13C Fractionation at a Western Subalpine Forest for Seasonal and Multi-Decadal Time Periods with the Community Land Model (CLM 4.5), B33H-07Abstract Title: The University of Utah Urban Undertaking (U4), B54A-04Abstract Title: Carbon Dioxide and its Stable Isotopes at Niwot Ridge, Colorado
Bowling, L. C.
EP43B-0980Abstract Title: Evaluation of the two-stage ditch as a best management practice, GC51D-1121Abstract Title: Projecting the impact of climate change on the effectiveness of Controlled Drainage in the U.S. Corn Belt, H11F-1405Abstract Title: Estimating phosphorus removal by steel slag in a flume experiment: effects of P concentrations and subsurface hydrological conditions, H24F-04Abstract Title: Combining the Power of Statistical Analyses and Community Interviews to Identify Adoption Barriers for Stormwater Best-Management Practices
Bowman, A. L.
H51K-1528Abstract Title: Does model structure limit the use of satellite data as hydrologic forcing for distributed operational models? , H51NAbstract Title: Surface Hydrology Posters
Bowman, D. C.
S51CAbstract Title: Infrasound from Ground to Space I Posters, S54BAbstract Title: Infrasound from Ground to Space II, S54B-06Abstract Title: High Altitude Infrasound Measurements using Balloon-Borne Arrays, V44C-01Abstract Title: Scoria Fallout Modeling and the 3 March 2015 VEI-2 Eruption of Villarica Volcano, Chile
Bowman, J. S.
ED22B-03Abstract Title: “Responding to Climate Change” Course: Research Integration
Bowman, K. P.
A33K-0339Abstract Title: Convective Transport of Trace Species Observed During the Stratosphere-Troposphere Analyses of Regional Transport 2008 Experiment (START08), A43L-02Abstract Title: The Diurnal Cycle of Precipitation in Tropical Cyclones, A53B-0384Abstract Title: Comparison Between RRTM and LBLRTM-DISORT for Radiative Transfer in Scattering Atmospheres
Bowman, K. W.
A11O-03Abstract Title: Pollution over Megacity Regions from the Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer (TES), A14B-03Abstract Title: Attributing Methane and Ozone Radiative Forcing to Changes in Precursor Emissions: Constraints on Atmospheric Oxidation from Multiple Satellite Instruments and Adjoint Sensitivity Analysis, A22B-03Abstract Title: Impact of local and non-local sources of pollution on background US Ozone: synergy of a low-earth orbiting and geostationary sounder constellation, A23A-0268Abstract Title: Satellite observations of ethylene, A33C-0167Abstract Title: Contribution of Fire Emissions to the Global Methane Budget, A33F-0238Abstract Title: Impact of drought on the CO2 atmospheric growth rate 2010-2012 from the NASA Carbon Monitoring System Flux (CMS-Flux) Project, A41I-0201Abstract Title: A Mesoscale Modeling Framework for Assessing Inversion Uncertainty Due to Atmospheric Transport in XCO2 Atmospheric Inversions, A43G-0376Abstract Title: Benchmarking Climate Model Top-of-atmosphere Radiance in the 9.6 Micron Ozone Band Using TES and IASI Observations, A44E-06Abstract Title: Trend analysis of carbon monoxide distributions for changes in fire vs. anthropogenic sources in diverse African regions, A53H-05Abstract Title: OCO-2 observations of Africa fire CO2 emissions, A54A-03Abstract Title: Rapid increases in tropospheric ozone production and export from China: A view from AURA and TM5, B21K-02Abstract Title: Applications of Solar Induced Fluorescence (SIF) to Constrain Global Photosynthesis, GC13I-08Abstract Title: A gridded version of the US EPA inventory of methane emissions for use as a priori and reference in methane source inversions, IN34B-08Abstract Title: Improved Ozone and Carbon Monoxide Profile Retrievals Using Multispectral Measurements from NASA “A Train”, NPP, and TROPOMI Satellites
Bowman, L. J.
PA21BAbstract Title: Natural Hazards Research and the Real "Broader Impacts" Posters, PA41DAbstract Title: Volcanic Hazards: Translating Research and Monitoring into Improved Communication, Preparedness, and Response I, PA43CAbstract Title: Volcanic Hazards: Translating Research and Monitoring into Improved Communication, Preparedness, and Response II Posters
Bowman, M. J.
PA41A-2156Abstract Title: Challenges in Downscaling Surge and Flooding Predictions Associated with Major Coastal Storm Events
Bown, P. R.
PP11C-07Abstract Title: Biomarker Approaches to Greenhouse Gas Estimations Through the Cenozoic – Recent Developments and Future Directions
Bowring, J. F.
IN23E-03Abstract Title: Advanced Cyberinfrastructure for Geochronology as a Collaborative Endeavor: A Decade of Progress, A Decade of Plans
Bowring, S. A.
GP23B-1308Abstract Title: Do Jack Hills Detrital Zircons Contain Records of the Early Geodynamo?, GP31A-1364Abstract Title: When Did Midcontinent Rift Volcanism End and Where Was Laurentia at that Time?, GP51B-1334Abstract Title: Testing Astronomical and 40Ar/39Ar Timescales for the K/Pg Boundary Interval Using High-Resolution Magnetostratigraphy and U-Pb Geochronology in the Denver Basin of Colorado, H13O-01Abstract Title: Earth System Stability Through Geologic Time, IN23E-03Abstract Title: Advanced Cyberinfrastructure for Geochronology as a Collaborative Endeavor: A Decade of Progress, A Decade of Plans, IN23E-04Abstract Title: Community-based Approaches to Improving Accuracy, Precision, and Reproducibility in U-Pb and U-Th Geochronology, V32B-06Abstract Title: Constraining the Timescales of Magmatic Differentiation with U-Pb Zircon Geochronology, V34B-04Abstract Title: Extremely High Magma Emplacement Rates Recorded in the Golden Horn Batholith, WA, V43D-07Abstract Title: The Role of Accessory Phases in the Sm-Nd Isotope Systematics of the Acasta Gneiss Complex, V51AAbstract Title: EARTHTIME: Progress and Updates II Posters, V53HAbstract Title: EARTHTIME: Progress and Updates II, V53H-01Abstract Title: Calibration of a Carboniferous U-Pb and Ar-Ar Standard
Box, J. E.
C21A-0715Abstract Title: Basin-Wide Mass Balance of Jakobshavn Isbræ (West Greenland) during 1880-2100, C41B-0695Abstract Title: Greenland ice sheet albedo variability and feedback: 2000-2015, C43D-06Abstract Title: Taking the Firn into Account: Elevation Change of the Greenland Ice Sheet due to Surface Mass Balance and Firn Processes, 1960-2014, C51B-0727Abstract Title: Albedo and its relationship with seasonal surface roughness using repeat UAV survey across the Kangerlussuaq sector of the Greenland Ice Sheet, C53E-08Abstract Title: On Deriving Requirements for the Surface Mass Balance forcing of a Greenland Ice Sheet Model using Uncertainty Analyses, GC32A-01Abstract Title: The Dark Snow Project: a hybrid research communication program
Box, S. E.
T51B-2881Abstract Title: Age, Distribution, and Style of Deformation in Alaska North of 60°N: Implications for Assembly of Alaska
Boxe, C.
C22A-02Abstract Title: A mechanism for biologically-induced iodine emissions from sea-ice, ED31B-0893Abstract Title: Increasing Diversity in Global Climate Change, Space Weather and Space Technology Research and Education
Boy, J. P.
G31AAbstract Title: Mass Transport and Mass Distribution in the Earth System: Models, Observations, and Error Sources I Posters, G31A-1087Abstract Title: Surface loading effects for precise geodetic observations: models and error estimates, G42A-07Abstract Title: Loading effects in GPS vertical displacement time series
Boy, M.
B31A-0522Abstract Title: The Climate Mitigation Potential of Managed Boreal Forests Exceeds Their Carbon Store Effect
Boyanov, M.
B21C-0444Abstract Title: Biogeochemistry of Antimony(V) in Microcosms under Sulfidogenic Conditions
Boyce, A.
H41I-05Abstract Title: Seasonal Influences on Ground-Surface Water Interactions in an Arsenic-Affected Aquifer in Cambodia, PP33B-2299Abstract Title: Primary Iron- and Manganese-Carbonate Deposition in the Palaeoproterozoic Hotazel Formation, South Africa, and Implications for the Great Oxidation Event
Boyce, A.
T11C-2901Abstract Title: Craton Development and Stabilization: Insights from SE Canada using P and S Wave Tomography
Boyce, B. C.
PA41C-05Abstract Title: Road Weather and Connected Vehicles
Boyce, E. S.
G33A-1122Abstract Title: PBO Operations in Alaska and Cascadia, Combining Regions and Collaborating with our Regional Partners
Boyce, J. W.
V31G-03Abstract Title: Setting A Stopwatch for Post-Caldera Effusive Rhyolite Eruptions at Yellowstone caldera, Wyoming, V51D-3068Abstract Title: Assessing the Origin of Olivines Based on Relative Age of Melt Inclusions
Boyce, S. E.
H21E-1414Abstract Title: The Next Generation in Subsidence and Aquifer-System Compaction Modeling within the MODFLOW Software Family: A New Package for MODFLOW-2005 and MODFLOW-OWHM, H31C-1421Abstract Title: The One-Water Hydrologic Flow Model - The next generation in fully integrated hydrologic simulation software, H41G-1449Abstract Title: Evaluating the Effects of Climate Change on Water Supplies and Operations: How Important are Feedbacks between Groundwater and Surface Water Use and Management?, H53D-1687Abstract Title: A Combined Approach to Model Reduction for Nonlinear Groundwater Flow and Solute Transport Simulations Using POD and DEIM.
Boyd, A. K.
P43F-03Abstract Title: The Distribution and Extent of Lunar Swirls
Boyd, A. J.
SM41E-2543Abstract Title: Planting the Seed: Quantifying the Role of the Radiation Belt Source and Seed Populations, SM53A-04Abstract Title: Effect of Precipitating Electrons on Stormtime Inner Magnetospheric Electric Fields during the 17 March 2013 Storm
Boyd, C.
A11K-0216Abstract Title: Predicting SOA from organic nitrates in the southeastern United States, A11K-0217Abstract Title: Photochemical Aging of α-pinene and β-pinene Secondary Organic Aerosol formed from Nitrate Radical Oxidation: New Insights into the Formation and Fates of Highly Oxygenated Gas- and Particle-phase Organic Nitrates
Boyd, E. C.
SA41A-2315Abstract Title: Thermospheric Wind Effects on the Evolution of Dayside Ionospheric Total Electron Content (TEC)
Boyd, E. S.
PP41C-04Abstract Title: Preliminary Insights Into the Interplay Among Oxygen, Organic Carbon, and Microbial Metabolism in North Atlantic Subseafloor Sediment Communities, V21D-04Abstract Title: Radiogenic Isotope Constraints on Fluid Sources in the Yellowstone Hydrothermal System
Boyd, J. A.
B21C-0454Abstract Title: Linking Sediment Microbial Communities to Carbon Cycling in High-Latitude Lakes
Boyd, K.
ED13G-07Abstract Title: Long-term Academic and Career Impacts of Undergraduate Research: Diverse Pathways to Geoscience Careers Following a Summer Atmospheric Science Research Internship, ED53G-06Abstract Title: Exploring the Sky: An Exploratory Study on the Effectiveness of Discourse in an Atmospheric Science Outreach Program
Boyd, N.
P43B-2120Abstract Title: Chemical Composition of lower Mount Sharp at Gale Crater, Mars, as measured by the APXS, P43B-2121Abstract Title: Chemical Composition of Diagenetic Features at Lower Aeolis Mons, Mars as Measured by Curiosity’s APXS
Boyd, O. S.
S13B-2805Abstract Title: Analysis of Seismic Moment Tensor and Finite-Source Scaling During EGS Resource Development at The Geysers, CA
Boyd, O. S.
S51EAbstract Title: General Contributions in Seismology I, S51E-03Abstract Title: Investigating the Radiation Pattern of Earthquakes in the Central and Eastern United States and Comments on Seismic Hazard, T14A-06Abstract Title: Mapping the Influence of Prior Tectonism on Seismicity in the Central and Eastern US
Boyd, S. A.
H21G-1473Abstract Title: Sorption, Uptake, and Translocation of Pharmaceuticals across Multiple Interfaces in Soil Environment
Boyd, T. J.
OS23D-03Abstract Title: Vertical Methane Migration on the Hikurangi Margin off the Mahia Peninsula, New Zealand
Boye, K.
B22E-03Abstract Title: Microbial, Physical and Chemical Drivers of COS and 18O-CO2 Exchange in Soils, H31I-1544Abstract Title: Combining U speciation and U isotope fractionation to evaluate the importance of naturally reduced sediments in controlling the mobility of uranium in the upper Colorado River Basin, H33N-05Abstract Title: Carbon Characteristics and Biogeochemical Processes of Uranium Accumulating Organic Matter Rich Sediments in the Upper Colorado River Basin
Boyer, A.
IN23A-1723Abstract Title: Data Management Challenges for Airborne NASA Earth Venture Sub-Orbital Investigations
Boyer, C.
P31C-2081Abstract Title: Isotopic Fractionation of Water-Ice from Sublimation
Boyer, D. M.
ED14B-07Abstract Title: Enabling Field Experiences in Introductory Geoscience Classes through the Use of Immersive Virtual Reality
Boyer, E. W.
GC13F-1219Abstract Title: Closing the North American Carbon Budget: Continental Margin Fluxes Matter!
Boyer, M.
A43C-0284Abstract Title: The Hygroscopicity Parameter of Marine Organics in Sea Spray Aerosols
Boyer, T.
GC33H-08Abstract Title: Subsurface Ocean Climate Data Records: Global Ocean Heat and Freshwater Content, OS41AAbstract Title: US CLIVAR Session on the Global Energy Balance, Ocean Heat Content, and the Warming Hiatus I Posters, OS43BAbstract Title: US CLIVAR Session on the Global Energy Balance, Ocean Heat Content, and the Warming Hiatus II, OS44AAbstract Title: US CLIVAR Session on the Global Energy Balance, Ocean Heat Content, and the Warming Hiatus III Panel Discussion
Boyer-Villemaire, U.
OS23E-03Abstract Title: Sedimentary Records of Hyperpycnal Flows and the Influence of River Damming on Sediment Dynamics of Estuaries: Examples from the Nelson, Churchill, Moisie and Sainte-Marguerite Rivers (Canada)
Boyet, M.
DI43B-04Abstract Title: Causes of 142Nd Variation in Earth, V23DAbstract Title: Chemical and Dynamical Constraints on the Formation and Evolution of the Terrestrial Planets I, V33AAbstract Title: Chemical and Dynamical Constraints on the Formation and Evolution of the Terrestrial Planets II Posters, V33C-3111Abstract Title: Application of the 138La-138Ce systematics as tracer of recycled sediment in the mantle
Boyle, D. P.
PP12A-04Abstract Title: Combining 14C/U-Th Series Geochronology and Stable/Clumped Isotope Geochemistry of MIS 2 Lake Tufas of Lake Chewaucan, Oregon, USA to Reconstruct Deglacial Climate in the Pacific Northwest, PP43F-07Abstract Title: Little Ice Age Wetting of Interior Asian Deserts and the Rise of the Mongol Empire, PP51A-2255Abstract Title: A Medieval Perspective of Historical California and Nevada Droughts
Boyle, E. A.
GC51FAbstract Title: Trace Metal Cycling in the Environment: Forty Years of Advancements I Posters, GC53IAbstract Title: Trace Metal Cycling in the Environment: Forty Years of Advancements II, GC54BAbstract Title: Trace Metal Cycling in the Environment: Forty Years of Advancements III, GC54B-07Abstract Title: Getting the Lead Out of Bermuda; The Legacy of a Forty Year Record in the North Atlantic Using a Transient Experiment in the Atmosphere and Water, GC54B-08Abstract Title: Isotope exchange between natural and anthropogenic Pb in the coastal waters of Singapore: exchange experiment, Kd model, and implications for the interpretation of coastal 210Pb data, PP53C-2354Abstract Title: 206/207Pb and Radiocarbon: An Unlikely Pair for Identifying the Source and Delivery Time of Ocean Advection in the South China Sea, PP53C-2363Abstract Title: Historical Records of Combustion Practices Using Molecular and Isotopic Markers in Sediment Profiles Around Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Boyle, E. J.
H51M-1571Abstract Title: Minimizing the Fluid Used to Induce Fracturing
Boyles, R.
GC53G-1283Abstract Title: How much does downscaling contribute to uncertainty in downscaled climate projections? A case study in Eastern North Carolina.
Boynton, R.
SH51B-2448Abstract Title: Comparison of Dst Index Coupling Functions, SM41A-2466Abstract Title: Electron Flux Models at GEO: 30 keV - 600 keV
Boynton, W. V.
P51D-07Abstract Title: How LEND sees the water on the Moon: the recent findings, P51D-08Abstract Title: Monitoring of anomalous water distribution by DAN/MSL during first U-turn observational campaign at Marias Pass area in Gale Crater, P53B-2123Abstract Title: Regional and Latitude Variability in Diurnally Modulated Neutron Flux Measured by LRO/LEND
Boys, J.
B33D-0749Abstract Title: Hill slope and erosional controls on soil organic geochemistry in intensely managed landscapes, B53G-0658Abstract Title: Enrichment Ratio and Aggregate Stability Dynamics in Intensely Managed Landscapes
Boysen, L.
GC13C-1154Abstract Title: The Climate Potentials and Side-Effects of Large-Scale terrestrial CO2 Removal – Insights from Quantitative Model Assessments
Bozarth, A.
AE21A-04Abstract Title: An Intense Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flash Observed at Ground Level, AE33A-0476Abstract Title: Ground Level Observations of a Possible Downward-Beamed TGF during a Rocket-Triggered Lightning Flash at Camp Blanding, Florida in August 2014
Bozdag, E.
S12B-04Abstract Title: Towards Exascale Seismic Imaging and Inversion, S13CAbstract Title: Seismic Modeling and Inversion: Theory and Methodological Developments I, S13C-06Abstract Title: Plumes, Hotspot & Slabs Imaged by Global Adjoint Tomography, S14AAbstract Title: Seismic Modeling and Inversion: Theory and Methodological Developments II, S23CAbstract Title: Seismic Modeling and Inversion: Theory and Methodological Developments III Posters, S23C-2713Abstract Title: Advances in Global Adjoint Tomography -- Massive Data Assimilation, S51A-2661Abstract Title: CMT Source Inversions for Massive Data Assimilation in Global Adjoint Tomography
Boze, L. G.
OS33A-1992Abstract Title: Sediment and water column geochemistry related to methane seepage along the northern US Atlantic margin
Bozem, H.
A11C-0052Abstract Title: An aircraft-based case study of new particle formation and growth in the summertime Arctic, A11C-0071Abstract Title: Transport Regimes of Air Masses Affecting the Tropospheric Composition of the Canadian and European Arctic During RACEPAC 2014 and NETCARE 2014/2015
Bozkurt, D.
GC41A-1071Abstract Title: Modeling an Extreme Precipitation Event over the Atacama Desert: The Impact of Warmer SST Anomalies in the Eastern Tropical Pacific
Bozoglu, B.
NH51B-1865Abstract Title: Upstream Structural Management Measures for an Urban Area Flooding in Turkey and their Consequences on Flood Risk Management
Bozuwa, J.
ED32A-05Abstract Title: Collaborating for Climate Education - A Look at Strategic Partnerships
Bozzo, A.
A51TAbstract Title: Frontiers of the Radiation Parameterizations in the Climate and Weather Models I, A51T-04Abstract Title: Aerosol Radiative Forcing and Weather Forecasts in the ECMWF Model, A53BAbstract Title: Frontiers of the Radiation Parameterizations in the Climate and Weather Models II Posters
Bozzolo, A.
NH51E-1950Abstract Title: Integrating Field Spectra and Worldview-2 Data for Grapevine Productivity in Different Irrigation Treatments
Braat, L.
EP31C-1021Abstract Title: Turning the tide: estuarine bars and mutually evasive ebb- and flood-dominated channels, EP34B-04Abstract Title: Turning the Tide: Estuaries Shaped by Channel-Shoal Interactions, Eco-engineers and Inherited Landscapes
Braaten, D. A.
C32B-04Abstract Title: Ultra-Wideband Radars for Measurements over Land and Sea Ice
Bracegirdle, T.
A34B-04Abstract Title: Projected Future Changes in Westerly Winds Associated the South Pacific Winter Split Jet, A53C-0396Abstract Title: The importance of sea-ice area biases in 21st century multi-model projections of Antarctic net precipitation and temperature and their relative change
Bracho, R. G.
B31D-0598Abstract Title: Priming-induced Changes in Permafrost Soil Organic Matter Decomposition, B31D-0607Abstract Title: Biomarkers as Indicators of Respiration During Laboratory Incubations of Alaskan Arctic Tundra Permafrost Soils, B33C-0672Abstract Title: Long term carbon fluxes in south eastern U.S. pine ecosystems., B43I-0663Abstract Title: The response of ecosystem carbon pools to management approaches that increase the growth of loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.), B43I-0665Abstract Title: Region-Wide Soil Carbon Assessment Across "the Land of Pines"
Bracken, C.
NH42A-07Abstract Title: Coupled Bayesian hierarchical modeling of streamflow and precipitation extremes
Brackenridge, R.
EP11A-07Abstract Title: Evolution of the Gulf of Cadiz and west Portugal contourite depositional system: tectonic, sedimentary and paleoceanographic implications from IODP Expedition 339
Brackley, H. L.
NH21D-01Abstract Title: Reflections on Communicating Science during the Canterbury Earthquake Sequence of 2010-2011, New Zealand
Braconnot, P.
A23M-06Abstract Title: Holocene constraints on simulated tropical Pacific climate , GC11A-1022Abstract Title: Spatial stabilization and intensification of moistening and drying rate patterns under future climate change, GC14A-06Abstract Title: Investigating the pace of temperature change and its implications over the twenty-first century
Bradbury, K. R.
IN11B-1784Abstract Title: Potatoes and Trout: Maintaining Robust Agriculture and a Healthy Trout Fishery in the Central Sands of Wisconsin
Braden, Z.
T13C-3020Abstract Title: Hinterland-to-foreland structural evolution of the base of the Himalayan metamorphic core, west Nepal
Bradford, J.
H51R-05Abstract Title: Integrating hydrogeophysics and hydrological tracers to characterise the spatial structure of groundwater storage in the critical zone of montane environments
Bradford, J. B.
B43I-0672Abstract Title: Landscape Soil Respiration Fluxes are Related to Leaf Area Index, Stand Height and Density, and Soil Nitrogen in Rocky Mountain Subalpine Forests, H11C-1352Abstract Title: Validation of the SOILWAT Hydrological Model for Ecosystems in the Central and Western United States
Bradford, J. H.
EP31B-1006Abstract Title: Geophysical investigation of differences in weathering depths between the north and south facing slopes of a small catchment in the Reynolds Creek Critical Zone Observatory., NS41A-1916Abstract Title: Ground penetrating radar and active seismic investigation of stratigraphically verified pyroclastic deposits, NS44A-03Abstract Title: High-Resolution Time-Lapse Monitoring of Unsaturated Flow using Automated GPR Data Collection
Bradford, K.
PA21B-2160Abstract Title: A Heat Vulnerability Index and Adaptation Solutions for Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Bradford, M.
B43G-0629Abstract Title: Plant functional types are more efficient than climate in predicting spectrums of trait variation in evergreen angiosperm trees of tropical Australia and China
Bradley, A. S.
B21A-0412Abstract Title: Electron-bifurcating transhydrogenase is central to hydrogen isotope fractionation during lipid biosynthesis in sulfate reducing bacteria, B21C-0433Abstract Title: Looking for Biosignatures in Carbonate Microbialites from the Laguna Negra, Argentinian Andes, B32BAbstract Title: Analytical and Experimental Innovations in Geobiology I, B33BAbstract Title: Analytical and Experimental Innovations in Geobiology II Posters
Bradley, A. C.
C53D-05Abstract Title: Trapped Heat and Cooling Processes in the Arctic Ocean Surface Mixed Layer
Bradley, A.
H21I-1516Abstract Title: Identifying Precipitation Types Using Dual-Polarization-Based Radar and Numerical Weather Prediction Model Data, H53A-1652Abstract Title: Diagnosis of North American Multi-Model Ensemble (NMME) skill for predicting floods and droughts over the continental USA
Bradley, B. L.
V41C-3080Abstract Title: Diary of a flood basalt: A stratigraphic tour of two sections within the Oligocene Ethiopian Traps
Bradley, C.
C33E-0872Abstract Title: Hydrology of paraglacial catchments: preferential flow sustaining biodiversity hotspots in a changing climate, H33G-1695Abstract Title: Groundwater Variability in a Sandstone Catchment and Linkages with Large-scale Climatic Circulatio
Bradley, C. L.
A43A-0260Abstract Title: Progress in Photoelastic Modulator-Based Spectropolarimetric Imaging of Aerosols and Clouds, P34B-05Abstract Title: Estimating Surface Orientation in Imaging Polarimetry of Solar Illuminated Outdoor Scenes, P41D-2091Abstract Title: Polarization Ray Tracing Calculation of Polarized Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function (pBRDF) of Microfaceted Surfaces to Investigate Multiple Reflection Effects
Bradley, C. R.
S53B-2799Abstract Title: Coupling hydrodynamic and wave propagation modeling for waveform modeling of SPE.
Bradley, C.
EP51A-0889Abstract Title: The Origin of River Meanders
Bradley, E.
PP11A-2203Abstract Title: CSciBox: An Intelligent Assistant for Dating Ice and Sediment Cores
Bradley, E. T.
P51B-2063Abstract Title: Studies of Saturn’s Main Rings at Multiple Wavelengths, P51B-2065Abstract Title: Light Scattering and Compositional Analysis of Saturn’s Rings Using Cassini UVIS Spectral Observations
Bradley, J.
B21C-0445Abstract Title: Vertical Microbial Community Variability of Carbonate-based Cones may Provide Insight into Formation in the Rock Record
Bradley, K. E.
G13A-1002Abstract Title: Kinematics of Slip Partitioning in Sumatra, T44A-05Abstract Title: Using an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) to capture ancient seismic offsets along the Altyn Tagh fault
Bradley, R. S.
PP31DAbstract Title: Arctic Climate Change: Paleoclimate and Paleohydrologic Perspectives I, PP33AAbstract Title: Arctic Climate Change: Paleoclimate and Paleohydrologic Perspectives II Posters, PP33A-2278Abstract Title: Holocene Climate Change in Arctic Canada and Greenland, PP33A-2289Abstract Title: Leaf Wax Hydrogen Isotopes Provide Insight into Hydrologic Changes During the Little Ice Age on Svalbard, U42AAbstract Title: Mountains without Permanent Snow and Ice: Current Impacts and Implications for the Future of Mountain Environments and Areas Downstream
Bradley, S.
PP43C-2299Abstract Title: Evolution of a Greenland Ice sheet Including Shelves and Regional Sea Level Variations
Bradley, S. L.
PP54A-08Abstract Title: A Multi-Peaked Mid-Holocene Relative Sea-Level Highstand on the Sunda Shelf, Indonesia
Bradley-Cook, J. I.
ED11DAbstract Title: Frontiers of Graduate Education and Training: Interdisciplinary and Innovative Transformations, Experiences, and Challenges I Posters, ED13HAbstract Title: Frontiers of Graduate Education and Training: Interdisciplinary and Innovative Transformations, Experiences, and Challenges II
Bradshaw, K.
B11A-0411Abstract Title: Assessing ecosystem response to multiple disturbances and climate change in South Africa using ground- and satellite-based measurements and model
Bradshaw, R. W.
V34B-05Abstract Title: Thermal history of caldera-forming magmatic systems
Bradshaw, S. J.
SH13B-2440Abstract Title: Hard X-ray Detectability of Small Impulsive Heating Events in the Solar Corona
Brady, D. C.
EP21C-0927Abstract Title: Downeast Drainage – Examining and Communicating the Dynamics of Bacteria Pollution Events in the Gulf of Maine
Brady, E. C.
PP44A-04Abstract Title: ‘Pliocene Climates: The Nature of the Problem’ Revisited
Brady, K.
PP13B-2282Abstract Title: Controls on the Composition and Distribution of Holocene Sediment in Lake Junín, Peru
Brady, M.
GC13D-1181Abstract Title: When should irrigators invest in more water-efficient technologies as an adaptation to climate change?
Brady, M.
EP23A-0937Abstract Title: Collaborative community hazard exposure mapping: Distant Early Warning radar sites in Alaska's North Slope
Brady, P. V.
H13M-01Abstract Title: Site Characterization for a Deep Borehole Field Test
Brady, R.
OS22A-08Abstract Title: The Influence of Natural Variability on Future California Current Upwelling
Brady, S. R.
S42C-04Abstract Title: International Aftershock Forecasting: Lessons from the Gorkha Earthquake
Braesicke, P.
A31E-0119Abstract Title: The Effect of Composition-Climate Feedbacks on Future ENSO Variability, A42F-03Abstract Title: Troposphere-Stratosphere Coupled Chemistry-Climate Interactions: From Global Warming Projections to Air Quality, A51N-0265Abstract Title: Extending ICON-ART - Comparison of Simulations with Aircraft Data in the Tropical and Extra-Tropical UTLS
Braeuer, B.
S53A-2750Abstract Title: Stress tensor and focal mechanisms in the Dead Sea basin
Braga, C. R.
SH21B-2414Abstract Title: Services available at the Brazilian Study and Monitoring of Space Weather (Embrace) Program
Braga, R. C.
A24B-02Abstract Title: Satellite mapping the CCN and cloud vertical microphysical and precipitation profiles in and outside the Manaus plume by using clouds as CCN chambers
Braga, R. C.
A24B-03Abstract Title: On the role of thermodynamics and cloud-aerosol-precipitation interactions over thunderstorm activity during GoAmazon and ACRIDICON-CHUVA field experiments
Braga, R.
V52A-08Abstract Title: PGE and Re-Os Isotope Behaviour in a Subduction-Modified Mantle Wedge: A Fresh Look into the Peridotites from the Ulten Zone, Eastern Alps
Braganza, S.
S43B-2806Abstract Title: Modeling Site Amplification in Eastern North America
Bragazza, L.
GC11F-1086Abstract Title: Divergent environmental filters drive functional segregation of European peatlands
Braha, J.
ED41B-01Abstract Title: AAAS Communicating Science Program: Reflections on Evaluation
Brahm, R.
V43B-3122Abstract Title: Pre-eruptive rejuvenations of crystalline mush by reservoir heating: the case of trachy-dacitic lavas of Quetrupillán Volcanic Complex, Chile (39º30’ lat. S)
Braile, L. W.
T51E-2962Abstract Title: Gravity and Seismic Investigations of the Northern Rio Grande Rift, New Mexico
Brailsford, G. W.
A23P-04Abstract Title: Atmospheric Verification of Point Source Fossil Fuel CO2 Emissions
Brain, D. A.
P11EAbstract Title: Planetary Atmospheres and Their Evolution I, P12A-07Abstract Title: Solar Energetic Particle Events Observed by MAVEN, P13DAbstract Title: Results from the MAVEN Mission to Mars II, P13D-07Abstract Title: A Substantial Plume of Escaping Planetary Ions in the MSE Northern Hemisphere Observed by MAVEN, P13D-08Abstract Title: The Loss Rate of Ions from the Martian Atmosphere, P21A-2069Abstract Title: Two Types of Aurora on Mars as Observed by MAVEN's Imaging UltraViolet Spectrograph, P21A-2070Abstract Title: First Results of the MAVEN Magnetic Field Investigation, P21A-2071Abstract Title: Comparison of Martian magnetic pileup boundary with ion composition boundary observed by MAVEN, P21A-2072Abstract Title: MAVEN MAG Observations of Magnetic Field Enhancements and Decreases in the Induced Magnetosphere of Mars, P21A-2073Abstract Title: Implications of MAVEN Mars Near-Wake Measurements and Models, P21A-2074Abstract Title: MAVEN observations of magnetic reconnection in the Martian magnetotail, P21A-2076Abstract Title: Characterization of low frequency plasma waves and their energy deposition in the Martian magnetosphere with MAVEN, P21A-2079Abstract Title: MAVEN observations of high-altitude magnetic flux ropes around Mars, P21A-2081Abstract Title: Structure of plasma boundaries with a large density gradient observed by MAVEN and its effects on the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability, P21A-2083Abstract Title: Multi-fluid MHD Study of the Solar Wind Interaction with Mars' Upper Atmosphere during the 2015 March 8th ICME Event, P21A-2087Abstract Title: The Dependence of Mars Atmospheric Loss on Crustal Field Location: MAVEN Observation and Comparison with a MHD Model, P21A-2089Abstract Title: Consequences of simulated ion precipitation and sputtering during extreme conditions at Mars: comparison to MAVEN observations, P21A-2090Abstract Title: Charaterizing the O+ ion plume from Hybrid simulations: comparison to MAVEN observations, P21A-2091Abstract Title: Sunward O+ ion jets reflected below the Martian bow shock: MAVEN observations, P21A-2092Abstract Title: Energization of Oxygen Ions at Mars: Comparison of a Global Hybrid Model to In Situ Observations, P21A-2095Abstract Title: MAVEN Observations of Ionosphere Magnetization at Mars: Implications for Atmospheric Escape, P23AAbstract Title: Planetary Atmospheres and Their Evolution II Posters
Brain, D.
P12AAbstract Title: Results from the MAVEN Mission to Mars I, P21AAbstract Title: Results from the MAVEN Mission to Mars III Posters
Brain, M.
EP23B-0978Abstract Title: The Influence of Ephemeral Beaches on Alongshore Variability of Hard-rock Cliff Erosion, NH33D-04Abstract Title: Deformation of slopes damaged during the 2015 Nepal earthquake sequence, NH41C-1831Abstract Title: The Effects of Differing Sequences of Earthquake Ground-Shaking on Coseismic Slope Stability
Brainard, R. E.
PP53B-2336Abstract Title: Field Calibration of the δ11B-pH Proxy in Corals and Calcified Algae at a Shallow Hydrothermal Vent and Adjacent Coral Reef
Braitenberg, C. F.
DI44B-03Abstract Title: Control of high velocity lithosphere roots on crustal scale density variations seen in Gondwana reconstructions, G53A-03Abstract Title: Uplift mechanism of orogens inferred from GRACE temporal gravity changes - example of Qinghai-Tibet
Braithwaite, D.
GC31D-1216Abstract Title: Introduction to CHRS CONNECT - a global extreme precipitation event database using object-oriented approach, H11O-04Abstract Title: The First Year of Day-1 IMERG Data and Future Directions, H13H-1667Abstract Title: Merging PERSIANN-CCS Satellite-based Rainfall Data and Pointwise Gauge Measurements over Chile
Braithwaite, J. W. H.
DI11C-2604Abstract Title: Iron Partitioning in Ferropericlase
Brakefield, L. K.
H13N-08Abstract Title: Relating Streamflow Depletion to Groundwater Pumpage in the Context of Uncertainty
Brakenridge, G. R.
NH51E-1944Abstract Title: Characterizing 13 Years of Surface Water Variability from MODIS-based Near Real-Time Flood Mapping Products in the Indus River, Tonle Sap Lake, and Lake Chad.
Brakenridge, R.
C32B-08Abstract Title: Satellite-based Observation of Arctic River Dynamics, IN31D-05Abstract Title: On the value of satellite-based river discharge and river flood data, NH13D-1968Abstract Title: Flood Risk and Climate Change: The Contributions of Remote Sensing, NH51E-1935Abstract Title: On the reliable use of satellite-derived surface water products for global flood monitoring, NH51E-1949Abstract Title: User-Driven Workflow for Modeling, Monitoring, Product Development, and Flood Map Delivery Using Satellites for Daily Coverage Over Texas May-June 2015
Bralower, T. J.
PP23B-2299Abstract Title: Taking the pulse of the carbon release during the onset of the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum , PP33C-2319Abstract Title: Nannoplankton Deformation from the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum: Evidence for Deep Photic Zone Undersaturation, PP33C-2320Abstract Title: Combining local lithofacies and global geochemical signals to test the acidification hypothesis for the onset of Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 in the U.S. Western Interior Basin, PP42A-04Abstract Title: Sudden intrusion of corrosive bottom water into the South Atlantic during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
Bramall, N. E.
Bramante, J. F.
EP23B-0964Abstract Title: ENSO-Related Variability in Wave Climate Drives Greater Erosion Potential on Central Pacific Atolls
Bramberger, M.
SA13A-2322Abstract Title: Influence of a stratospheric turbulence layer on the penetration of mountain waves into the middle atmosphere
Brame, C.
ED53A-0848Abstract Title: Developing and Incorporating Instructional Videos and Quizzes as a Blended and Online Learning Component in an Undergraduate Optical Microscopy Curriculum.
Brame, S.
ED14B-07Abstract Title: Enabling Field Experiences in Introductory Geoscience Classes through the Use of Immersive Virtual Reality
Branco, R.
SH13D-2462Abstract Title: Design review of the Brazilian Experimental Solar Telescope
Branco, S.
B23F-0647Abstract Title: Understanding spatial heterogeneity in soil carbon and nitrogen cycling in regenerating tropical dry forests
Brand, B. D.
NS41A-1916Abstract Title: Ground penetrating radar and active seismic investigation of stratigraphically verified pyroclastic deposits, PA43C-2205Abstract Title: Preparing for Volcanic Hazards: An Examination of Lahar Knowledge, Risk Perception, and Preparedness around Mount Baker and Glacier Peak, WA, V44C-01Abstract Title: Scoria Fallout Modeling and the 3 March 2015 VEI-2 Eruption of Villarica Volcano, Chile
Brand, E.
GC51C-1100Abstract Title: Integrating Land Conservation and Renewable Energy Goals in California: Assessing Land Use and Economic Cost Impacts Using the Optimal Renewable Energy Build-Out (ORB) Model.
Brand, H.
PP13C-2308Abstract Title: An unrecognised Holocene palaeo-lake at the terminus of the Murray-Darling Basin: a palaeo-discharge record and implications for current climate reconstructions
Brandenberger, J. M.
B51AAbstract Title: Advances in Isotope Analysis and Other Tracers for Biosphere-Atmosphere Exchange and Environmental Monitoring I Posters, B51A-0411Abstract Title: Demonstration of a Groundwater Age Determination Using 39Ar in Support of a Multi-Tracer Groundwater Analysis of Wells in Fresno, CA, B51A-0412Abstract Title: Purification and Detection of 39Ar in Groundwater Samples via Low-Level Counting, B54AAbstract Title: Advances in Isotope Analysis and Other Tracers for Biosphere-Atmosphere Exchange and Environmental Monitoring II
Brander, R.
EP23B-0948Abstract Title: Mapping bathymetry in an active surf zone with the WorldView2 multispectral satellite
Brandes, C.
S13B-2845Abstract Title: Tracking Down the Causes of Recent Induced and Natural Intraplate Earthquakes with 3D Seismological Analyses in Northwest Germany, T51B-2874Abstract Title: Basin Modelling of the Laptev Sea Rift, NE Russia
Brandimarte, L.
NH11C-06Abstract Title: Risk dynamics: unraveling the role of socio-techno-nature interactions
Brandmayr, E.
T11D-2928Abstract Title: The Crustal Structure of the Eastern Tennessee Seismic Zone Imaged by means of Seismic Noise Tomography and Potential Fields Inversion Methods
Brando, P. M.
B51D-0452Abstract Title: Leaf ontogeny and demography explain photosynthetic seasonality in Amazon evergreen forests, H41H-02Abstract Title: The fate of nitrogen fertilizer added to soy-maize agriculture in the Amazon basin: Quantifying N2O flux and losses to groundwater
Brandon, A. D.
V53B-3136Abstract Title: Platinum group and chalcophile element systematics of serpentinized peridotites from the St. Elena ophiolite in Costa Rica, V53F-3166Abstract Title: Mantle water contents beneath the Rio Grande Rift (NM, USA): FTIR analysis of Rio Puerco and Kilbourne Hole peridotite xenoliths, V53F-3167Abstract Title: Water in the lithospheric mantle beneath a Phanerozoic continental belt: FTIR analyses of Alligator Lake Xenoliths (Yukon, Canada)
Brandon, M. T.
EP43C-04Abstract Title: Combining information preserved in fluvial topography and strath terraces to extract rock uplift rates in the Apennines, T21B-2820Abstract Title: High Tibetan Plateau: a Nature Reserve of C3 Flora
Brandsdottir, B.
T43H-03Abstract Title: Episodic Rifting Events Within the Tjörnes Fracture Zone, an Onshore-Offshore Ridge-Transform in N-Iceland, T44C-01Abstract Title: Why is Extension in the Northern Rift Zone of Iceland Accompanied Predominantly by Strike-slip Seismicity?, V13C-3154Abstract Title: Seismic Study of the Velocity Structure and Earthquake FocalMechanisms beneath the Krafla Central Volcano, NE Iceland, V43B-3144Abstract Title: Detailed Segmentation and Episodic Propagation of the 2014 Bárðarbunga Dike Intrusion and Seismicity Accompanying the Sustained Holuhraun Eruption, Central Icleand, V43B-3145Abstract Title: Dike Propagation Mechanisms from Seismicity Accompanying the 2014 Bárðarbunga-Holuhraun Fissure Eruption, Iceland
Brandstätter, J.
OS42A-08Abstract Title: Fluid inclusion petrography and microthermometry of the Cocos Ridge hydrothermal system, IODP Expedition 344 (CRISP 2), Site U1414
Brandt, A. R.
A11M-0241Abstract Title: Monitoring Oilfield Operations and GHG Emissions Sources Using Object-based Image Analysis of High Resolution Spatial Imagery, A11M-0260Abstract Title: Quantitative airborne assessment of gas flaring combustion efficiency in the Bakken Shale
Brandt, C. C.
B14C-03Abstract Title: Investigating the Connection between hgcA and Mercury Methylation Rates in the Environment, B14C-05Abstract Title: A Study of Mercury Methylation Genetics: Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of hgcAB in Pure Culture
Brandt, L. D.
B11I-0562Abstract Title: Marine Subsurface Microbial Communities Across a Hydrothermal Gradient in Okinawa Trough Sediments
Brandt, L.
B23D-0632Abstract Title: Turbulent alterations to net settling rate of non-spherical particles
Brandt, M.
GC12A-05Abstract Title: Trend in land degradation has been the most contended issue in the Sahel. Trends documented have not been consistent across authors and science disciplines, hence little agreement has been gained on the magnitude and direction of land degradation in the Sahel. Differentiated science outputs are related to methods and data used at various scales., GC13B-1143Abstract Title: Woody Plant Cover Dynamics in Sahelian Drylands from Earth Observation Based Seasonal Metrics
Brandt, P. C.
Brandt, T.
H33C-1613Abstract Title: A New Optical Oxygen Sensor Reveals Spatial and Temporal Variations of Dissolved Oxygen at Ecohydrological Interfaces
Brandt, T. G.
SM13A-2468Abstract Title: A Study of the Different classes of Poleward-Moving Auroral Forms
Branduardi-Raymont, G.
SM31C-2504Abstract Title: Jovian Auroral X-ray Emission Coinciding with an Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejection
Branecky, C.
C11C-0774Abstract Title: Environment at the Grounding Zone of the Whillans Ice Stream-Ross Ice Shelf, West Antarctica
Branecky, C.
V53A-3128Abstract Title: Feedback between deglaciation and volcanism in arc settings: the example of the Mount Mazama volcanic system, Crater Lake, Oregon
Branellec, M.
MR44A-08Abstract Title: Thermal evolution, fluid flow, and fracture development related to the structuration of the South Pyrenean Foreland Basin
Branger, F.
H51B-1364Abstract Title: Geo-PUMMA: Urban and Peri-urban Landscape Representation Toolbox for Hydrological Distributed Modeling, H53J-05Abstract Title: A High Space-Time Resolution Dataset Linking Meteorological Forcing and Hydro-Sedimentary Response in a Mesoscale Mediterranean Catchment (Auzon) of the Ardèche Region, France
Brankart, J. M.
OS11A-1989Abstract Title: A large ensemble of 1/4° ocean/sea-ice hindcasts to characterize the stochastic character of the ocean variability at interannual-to-decadal timescales.
Brankovits, D.
B51B-0433Abstract Title: High-resolution chemical and hydrologic records identify environmental factors that control coastal anchialine cave ecosystem function, OS33A-1992Abstract Title: Sediment and water column geochemistry related to methane seepage along the northern US Atlantic margin
Brännström, Å.
B42B-07Abstract Title: Modeling Dynamic Height and Crown Growth in Trees
Branquet, Y.
V53C-3142Abstract Title: Contribution of the RSCM geothermometry to understanding the thermal history of the Hajjar deposit (Guemassa massif, Morocco).
Branson, M.
A22A-02Abstract Title: Chaotic Convection in CAM, A53E-02Abstract Title: Present-Day Evaluation and Climate Change Response of Daily Rainfall Distributions in Three Versions of the Conventional vs. Super-Parameterized Community Atmosphere Model
Branson, O.
B24A-03Abstract Title: Testing fundamentals: The chemical state of geochemical tracers in biominerals., PP51DAbstract Title: Decoding Paleoenvironmental Proxies: Developments, Challenges, Refinements, and Mechanisms I, PP52BAbstract Title: Decoding Paleoenvironmental Proxies: Developments, Challenges, Refinements, and Mechanisms II, PP53BAbstract Title: Decoding Paleoenvironmental Proxies: Developments, Challenges, Refinements, and Mechanisms III Posters, PP53B-2334Abstract Title: Atom-scale insights into carbonate organic-mineral interfaces
Branstator, G.
A12B-06Abstract Title: Indirect Effects of Climate Change on Heat Waves in the Great Plains, A43K-02Abstract Title: Long-lasting Midlatitude Response to Short-lived Tropical Heating Events
Branstetter, M. L.
GC21E-08Abstract Title: Modeling Urban Energy Savings Scenarios using Earth System Microclimate and Urban Morphology
Brant, R.
OS33A-1995Abstract Title: Tracking Dissolved Methane Concentrations near Active Seeps and Gas Hydrates: Sea of Japan.
Brantley, S.
NH13A-1913Abstract Title: Communicating Science to Officials and People at Risk During a Slow-Motion Lava Flow Crisis
Brantley, S. T.
H31F-1487Abstract Title: Climate and Vegetation Effects on Temperate Mountain Forest Evapotranspiration
Brantley, S.
ED43D-0885Abstract Title: Making Knowledge from Numbers : The Shale Network as an Honest Broker for Evaluating and Educating about the Impacts of Hydraulic Fracturing in the Marcellus Shale Region
Brantley, S. L.
A33L-0383Abstract Title: Impacts of Dust on Tropical Volcanic Soil Formation: Insights from Strontium and Uranium-Series Isotopes in Soils from Basse-Terre Island, French Guadeloupe, B41G-0510Abstract Title: The importance of hydrologic and lithologic controls on pCO2 and pO2 dynamics in the soil atmosphere in a temperate forest at meters depth , EP12B-03Abstract Title: Boron isotopes at the Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory, EP34A-01Abstract Title: Seeking GUTH, the Grand Unified Theory of Hillslopes: Linking Weathering, Erosion and Landscapes, H21C-1383Abstract Title: The Activity of Deep Roots in Bedrock Fractures at the Susquehanna Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory, USA, H51J-1520Abstract Title: Measuring U-series Disequilibrium in Weathering Rinds to Study the Influence of Environmental Factors to Weathering Rates in Tropical Basse-Terre Island (French Guadeloupe), H51R-07Abstract Title: Geophysical and Chemical Weathering Signatures Across the Deep Weathered-Unweathered Granite Boundary of the Calhoun Critical Zone Observatory, H51R-08Abstract Title: Understanding the architecture of the deep critical zone in the Rio Icacos watershed (Luquillo Critical Zone Observatory, Puerto Rico) using a combination of hydrogeophysical methods., H52C-06Abstract Title: Using WITCH to determine the factors that govern shale weathering and solute fluxes in the Critical Zone, H53E-1700Abstract Title: Understanding the Concentration-Discharge Relationship of Chloride and Magnesium in Shale Hills Using RT-Flux-PIHM, H53K-08Abstract Title: Understanding How Nested Reaction Fronts under Watersheds Impact Flow, Transport, and Geomorphological Evolution: the Shale Hills Example, H53N-01Abstract Title: The Pennsylvania Experience with Hydraulic Fracturing for Shale Gas Development: Relatively Infrequent Water Quality Incidents with Lots of Public Attention, NS41A-1922Abstract Title: Spatially continuous characterization of the bedrock – regolith interface at the Rio Icacos Watershed (Luquillo Critical Zone Observatory) Puerto Rico, TH25CAbstract Title: A Townhall for the Network of Critical Zone Observatories
Brantut, N.
MR21B-2615Abstract Title: Anisotropic Fabrics and Elastic Properties of Polycrystalline Ice; In-situ Ultrasonic Velocity Measurements and Resonant Ultrasound, MR42A-03Abstract Title: The role of water in the recovery of microcrack damage, permeability and seismic wave speeds in limestone, MR43A-05Abstract Title: The time-dependence of compaction localization in a porous sandstone, MR44A-01Abstract Title: Time-dependent Deformation in Porous Rocks Driven by Chemo-mechanical Coupling
Brardinoni, F.
EP33A-1047Abstract Title: Drainage Basin Sensitivity to Climate Change in the Eastern Italian Alps
Bras, R. L.
A33J-0312Abstract Title: Modelling the hydrometeorological response to changing lengthscales of deforestation in the Amazon, EP23C-0987Abstract Title: Influence of Soil Erosion and Landslide Occurrence on Soil Organic Carbon Storage and Loss in the Luquillo Critical Zone Observatory, Puerto Rico, H11O-07Abstract Title: Rainfall Microwave Spectral Atoms: A New Class of Bayesian Algorithms for Passive Retrieval, H13C-1541Abstract Title: Integration of a Physically based Distributed Hydrological Model with a Model of Carbon and Nitrogen Cycling: A Case Study at the Luquillo Critical Zone Observatory, Puerto Rico, H51B-1365Abstract Title: Integration of fuzzy logic and image analysis for the detection of gullies in the Calhoun critical zone observatory using airborne LiDAR data, H52C-04Abstract Title: The Dependence on Topography of the Influence of Soil Erosion and Deposition on the Carbon Cycle at the Calhoun Critical Zone Observatory, NH33D-01Abstract Title: A Physically-Based and Distributed Tool for Modeling the Hydrological and Mechanical Processes of Shallow Landslides
Brasil, P. I.
P52A-02Abstract Title: Dispersing V-type asteroids during the planetary instability in the jumping Jupiter model
Brasington, J.
EP51A-0907Abstract Title: An Efficient and Imperfect Model for Gravel-Bed Braided River Morphodynamics: Numerical Simulations as Exploratory Tools, EP51B-0914Abstract Title: TopCAT and PySESA: Open-source software tools for point cloud decimation, roughness analyses, and quantitative description of terrestrial surfaces, EP54B-07Abstract Title: Catchment-Scale Terrain Modelling with Structure-from-Motion Photogrammetry: a replacement for airborne lidar?
Brasser, R.
DI41B-01Abstract Title: Age and Formation Mechanism for an Innermost Inner Core
Bratcher, J.
MR41A-2619Abstract Title: Acid Fluid-Rock Interactions with Shales Comprising Unconventional Hydrocarbon Reservoirs and with Shale Capping Carbon Storage Reservoirs: Experimental Insights
Brathwaite, K.
ED31B-0893Abstract Title: Increasing Diversity in Global Climate Change, Space Weather and Space Technology Research and Education
Bratsolis, E.
P13B-2124Abstract Title: Changes on Titan’s surface
Braucher, R.
T31A-2845Abstract Title: Late Pleistocene to Historical Activity of the Hovd Fault (Mongolian Altay) from Tectonic Geomorphology and Paleoseismology
Brauchler, R.
H13A-1491Abstract Title: A New Concept for Thermal Tracer Tomography to Identify Heterogeneous Aquifer Structures
Brauchli, T.
C44B-05Abstract Title: Spatio-temporal Snowmelt Dynamics and Hydrological Response in an Alpine Catchment
Braud, D.
GC53A-1186Abstract Title: Comparing and Contrasting the Benefits of Land Mass vs. Land Cover on Storm Surge Attenuation
Braud, I.
H51B-1364Abstract Title: Geo-PUMMA: Urban and Peri-urban Landscape Representation Toolbox for Hydrological Distributed Modeling, H53J-05Abstract Title: A High Space-Time Resolution Dataset Linking Meteorological Forcing and Hydro-Sedimentary Response in a Mesoscale Mediterranean Catchment (Auzon) of the Ardèche Region, France
Braudrick, C. A.
EP14A-01Abstract Title: Bar Morphology in a sinuous bedrock flume
Brauer, A.
PP31C-2256Abstract Title: New Insights into the 8.2 ka Cold Event and Subsequent Climate Recovery in Central Europe Provided by a Precisely Dated Ostracod δ18O Record from Mondsee (Austria)
Brauer, M.
A21A-0076Abstract Title: The Impact of Residential Combustion Emissions on Air Quality and Human Health in China
Brauman, K. A.
H41G-1407Abstract Title: Identifying high-value regions for hydrologic ecosystem services around the globe, H51O-1629Abstract Title: Determining Regional Sensitivity to Energy-Related Water Withdrawals in Minnesota
Braun, A.
G53A-01Abstract Title: Asia High Mountain Glacier Mass Balance, NH41EAbstract Title: Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) for Earth Systems Monitoring, Natural Hazard Assessment, and Emergency Response I, NH43CAbstract Title: Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) for Earth Systems Monitoring, Natural Hazard Assessment, and Emergency Response II Posters, NH43C-1896Abstract Title: UAV magnetometry in mineral exploration and infrastructure detection, NS41A-1918Abstract Title: Time-Lapse Monitoring of SAGD Reservoirs, with Superconducting Gravimetry
Braun, D.
MR13C-2723Abstract Title: Searching for the Hydrogen Plasma Phase Transition on the National Ignition Facility
Braun, J.
EP31B-1011Abstract Title: The Influence of Ecohydrologic Dynamics on Landscape Evolution: a Stochastic Approach, EP53A-0988Abstract Title: Combining FastScape χ Values and 10Be Erosion Rates to Evaluate Topographic Equilibrium in Evolving Landscapes: Examples from Namibia and the Central Himalaya, T13G-01Abstract Title: Tectonic Controls on Along-Strike Topographic and Structural Variations in the Himalaya: a Numerical Modeling Study.
Braun, J. J.
EP31A-0987Abstract Title: CZO perspective in Central Africa : The Lopé watershed, Lopé National Park, Ogooué River basin, Gabon.
Braun, S.
H23J-08Abstract Title: Fine-Scale Spatial Variability of Precipitation, Soil, and Plant Water Isotopes
Braun, S. A.
A43LAbstract Title: Tropical Cyclones: Observations, Modeling, and Predictability I, A44DAbstract Title: Tropical Cyclones: Observations, Modeling, and Predictability II, A44D-08Abstract Title: Results from Recent Observations and Modeling of Saharan Dust interaction with Hurricane Nadine (2012), A51PAbstract Title: Tropical Cyclones: Observations, Modeling, and Predictability II Posters
Braun, S.
PP43A-2244Abstract Title: Size and Carbon Content of Sub-seafloor Microbial Cells
Braunmiller, J.
S11A-2755Abstract Title: Arizona Regional Moment Tensor Catalog 1990-2015
Brautigam, N.
C51B-0701Abstract Title: Investigating the Spatial and Temporal Variability of Water Saturation Within the Greenland Firn Aquifer Using Ground Penetrating Radar
Bravar, U.
SH43C-05Abstract Title: Magnetospheric Effects on High Energy Solar Particles: PAMELA Measurements
Braverman, A. J.
A41I-0192Abstract Title: Uncertainty Quantification for the OCO-2 Mission: A Monte Carlo Framework Using a Surrogate Model, A54D-08Abstract Title: A Monte Carlo Investigation of the Impact of Aerosol and Albedo Uncertainty on XCO2 Retrieval Errors, IN43A-1718Abstract Title: Spatial Statistical Estimation for Massive Sea Surface Temperature Data
Bravo, F. J.
S11A-2774Abstract Title: Slip Distribution of the Chilean Earthquake of March 3, 1985 on the Central Chile Seismic Gap
Bravo, J. M.
GC41D-1119Abstract Title: Projections of climate change effects on discharge and inundation in the Amazon River basin
Bravo, T. K.
ED34A-06Abstract Title: Promoting seismology education and research via the IRIS Education and Public Outreach Program
Braxton, L.
ED22A-07Abstract Title: MS PHD’S: A Successful Model Promoting Inclusion, Preparation and Engagement of Underrepresented Minorities within the Geosciences Workforce
Bray, B. S.
H11P-08Abstract Title: Use of Sequent Peak Algorithm Drought Severity Index and Hydroclimatic Reconstructions from Tree-Rings to Inform Water Supply Reliability Planning
Bray, E. N.
EP31D-04Abstract Title: What Happens During a Minor Flood: Observations of Bedload Transport in a Gravel Bed River using New Methods
Bray, S. N.
H41I-04Abstract Title: Nitrogen removal and production within transient storage zones in a freshwater tidal environment, Delaware, U.S.A., H42B-06Abstract Title: A tale of two interfaces: Dynamic nitrate removal in the hyporheic zone of a tidal fresh river
Bray, V. J.
P41E-07Abstract Title: Craters on Pluto and Charon: The Influence of Low Gravities, Low Impact Speeds, and Unique Ices
Brazhenko, A. I.
SM31C-2506Abstract Title: Beaming Structures of Jupiter's Decametric Radiation from LWA1, NDA, and URAN2 Simultaneous Observations
Brazil, E. V.
H13A-1483Abstract Title: Sketch-based geologic modeling
Brazil, L. I.
ED43D-0885Abstract Title: Making Knowledge from Numbers : The Shale Network as an Honest Broker for Evaluating and Educating about the Impacts of Hydraulic Fracturing in the Marcellus Shale Region
Breard, E.
V44C-04Abstract Title: How pyroclastic flows attain high velocities– new insights from large-scale experiments
Breashears, D.
ED31C-0912Abstract Title: Citizen Science in the Himalaya: The Sherpa-Scientist Initiative
Breaux, A.
B13E-0668Abstract Title: Cycling of Redox-Sensitive Trace Elements in the Lower Mississippi River Delta as a Function of River Stage and Sediment Heterogeneity
Brecheisen, Z. S.
EP31B-1005Abstract Title: Ordering Interfluves: a Simple Proposal for Understanding Critical Zone Evolution and Function
Brecht, S. H.
P23B-2124Abstract Title: Hybrid Particle Code Simulations of Mars: The Energy Budget., SM31B-2485Abstract Title: Titan's Variable Plasma Interaction
Breckenridge, A. J.
PP51C-2295Abstract Title: Preliminary Cosmogenic Surface Exposure Ages on Laurentide Ice-sheet Retreat and Opening of the Eastern Lake Agassiz Outlets
Bredberg, C.
OS21A-1975Abstract Title: A Lake Sediment Record from Southern Thailand: Monsoon Variability and Ecosystem Changes Since 18 ka
Bredow, E.
DI41A-2597Abstract Title: Models and Observations of Plume-Ridge Interaction in the South Atlantic and their Implications for Crustal Thickness Variations
Breecker, D.
B13D-0649Abstract Title: Soil CO2 constrain and distinction of root respiration and microbial activity by soil CO2 and CH4 profile, PP22B-02Abstract Title: A global deglacial negative carbon isotope excursion in speleothem calcite, PP23C-2309Abstract Title: Clumped-Isotope Thermometry and Oxygen Isotope Systematics in Speleothem Calcite From a Near Cave-Entrance Environment, PP53A-2318Abstract Title: Obliquity-paced SE Asian monsoon variability during the Middle Miocene, V52C-05Abstract Title: The Paleogene Evolution of the Cordilleran Hinterland
Breen, A. L.
B31C-0567Abstract Title: Succession Stages of Tundra Plant Communities Following Wildfire Disturbance in Arctic Alaska, B51G-0510Abstract Title: Thermokarst Rates Intensify Due to Climate Change and Forest Fragmentation in an Alaskan Boreal Forest Lowland, B53C-0577Abstract Title: A hierarchic approach to examining panArctic vegetation with a focus on the linkages between remote sensing and plot-based studies., GC13K-03Abstract Title: Getting to the root of the matter: Landscape implications of plant-fungal interactions for tree migration in Alaska
Breen, P.
PP11B-2247Abstract Title: A terrestrial record of water isotopes reveals the Eocene-Oligoene transition in southern Argentina
Breen, S. J.
H41D-1349Abstract Title: The Role of Critical Nonwetting Fluid Saturation in Darcy-Based Models of Two-Phase Primary Drainage, NG14A-08Abstract Title: Evenly-spaced columns in the Bishop Tuff as relicts of hydrothermal convection
Brehm, S.
V51F-3104Abstract Title: Fingerprinting young ignimbrites in Dominica (Lesser Antilles): Constraints from bulk REEs, apatite chemistry, and U-Th zircon chronology
Breider, T. J.
A11C-0064Abstract Title: Processes Controlling the Seasonal Cycle of Arctic Aerosol Number and Size Distributions
Breitenfeld, L.
P31A-2041Abstract Title: Automatic Whole-Spectrum Matching Techniques for Identification of Pure and Mixed Minerals using Raman Spectroscopy
Breithaupt, J. L.
B51B-0419Abstract Title: Organic Carbon, Nitrogen and Phosphorus Accumulation Rates in the Soils of the Everglades Mangrove Ecotone
Breitner, D.
H41D-1351Abstract Title: Optical Image Analysis Applied to Pore Network Quantification of Sandstones Under Experimental CO2 Injection
Breivik, A. J.
V21A-3021Abstract Title: Constraining formation of the Eggvin Bank (West of Jan Mayen, N. Atlantic) from OBS data
Breivik, O.
NH12A-03Abstract Title: Oil Slick Characterization Using Synthetic Aperture Radar
Brekke, C.
NH12A-03Abstract Title: Oil Slick Characterization Using Synthetic Aperture Radar
Brekke, L. D.
ED33B-0937Abstract Title: A Training Partnership Focused on Climate Change Impact on Water Resources and Coastal Vulnerabilities, H11D-1370Abstract Title: Conceptual and computational challenges in continental-domain hydrologic model parameter estimation: VIC applications over the contiguous USA, H31L-03Abstract Title: Understanding institutional constraints and preferences influencing the development and use of seasonal water supply forecasts, H32F-01Abstract Title: Revealing Risks in Adaptation Planning: expanding Uncertainty Treatment and dealing with Large Projection Ensembles during Planning Scenario development, H52A-06Abstract Title: How can we best use climate information and hydrologic initial conditions to improve seasonal streamflow forecasts?, H53A-1655Abstract Title: Exploring the Potential of Snow Data Assimilation to Improve Seasonal Streamflow Prediction Across the Western United States
Brekke, P.
Bremer, J.
SH23B-2447Abstract Title: Free-Standing Zone Plate Optimized for He II 30.4 nm Solar Irradiance Measurements Having High Accuracy and Stability in Space, SH23B-2449Abstract Title: Miniature Extreme Ultraviolet Solar Radiometers
Bremner, P. M.
DI43A-2610Abstract Title: Origin and Constraints on Ilmenite-rich Partial Melt in the Lunar Lower Mantle, S41B-2744Abstract Title: Anisotropic 3-D Crustal Velocity Structure of Idaho/ Oregon from a Joint Inversion of Group and Phase Velocities of Love and Rayleigh Waves from Ambient Seismic Noise: Results from the IDOR Project, T11C-2911Abstract Title: Upper-Mantle Seismic Structure Beneath the Western Cordillera in Oregon and Idaho: Preliminary Results from EarthScope IDOR Teleseismic Travel Time Tomography
Brena-Naranjo, J. A.
H13C-1563Abstract Title: Doing hydrology backwards in tropical humid catchments
Brenan, J. M.
V52AAbstract Title: Highly Siderophile and Strongly Chalcophile Elements in High-Temperature Geochemistry and Cosmochemistry I, V53BAbstract Title: Highly Siderophile and Strongly Chalcophile Elements in High-Temperature Geochemistry and Cosmochemistry II Posters
Brendryen, J.
EP23D-0996Abstract Title: Mechanical Stability of Stratified Sediments along the upper continental Slope off Vesterålen, northern Norway - Insights from in situ CPTU Tests
Breneman, A. W.
SM13A-2486Abstract Title: Observations of global-scale coherence of radiation-belt electron loss caused by ULF wave modulation of the magnetosphere, SM41C-2492Abstract Title: The role of the large scale convection electric field in erosion of the plasmasphere during moderate and strong storms, SM41E-2522Abstract Title: Storm-time occurrence and Spatial distribution of Pc4 poloidal ULF waves in the inner magnetosphere: A Van Allen Probes Statistical study
Brenguier, F.
S13B-2830Abstract Title: Remote Triggering of Microearthquakes in the Piton de la Fournaise and Changbaishan Volcanoes, S24B-02Abstract Title: Towards 4-D Noise-based Seismic Probing of Volcanoes: Perspectives from a Large-N Nodal Experiment on Piton de la Fournaise Volcano, S41B-2747Abstract Title: Noise-based seismic velocity changes by using 9-component cross-correlation tensors with an application to Mt. Fuji, Japan, S41B-2753Abstract Title: Temporal Variability in Seismic Velocity at the Salton Sea Geothermal Field, T43D-3046Abstract Title: Insights into induced earthquakes and aftershock activity with in-situ measurements of seismic velocity variations in an active underground mine
Brenkman, S.
EP41E-01Abstract Title: Ecosystem Response During the Removal of the Elwha River Dams
Brennan, J.
PA21D-2178Abstract Title: Who uses NASA Earth Science Data? Connecting with Users through the Earthdata website and Social Media
Brennan, M. J.
IN32A-08Abstract Title: Impact of Scatterometer Ocean Wind Vector Data on NOAA Operations
Brennan, P. R.
Brennan, P. V.
C21A-0692Abstract Title: Using radar to determine the mechanical and thermodynamic effect of tides on an ice shelf
Brennan, S. T.
IN33A-1789Abstract Title: The U.S. Geological Survey National Helium Resource Assessment
Brenner, A. C.
C41C-0712Abstract Title: Geolocating Individual Photons: Laying the Foundation for ICESat-2 Science Data Products
Brenner, D. C.
PP23D-04Abstract Title: Effects of Water on Carbonate Clumped Isotope Bond Reordering Kinetics
Brenner, K.
ED11A-0851Abstract Title: Integrating Discovery-Based Research Experiences into the Undergraduate STEM Curriculum: A Convocation Report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine, TH32FAbstract Title: National Academy of Sciences Convocation Report: Integrating Discovery-Based Research Experiences into the Undergraduate STEM Curriculum
Brenner, M.
PP12A-05Abstract Title: Carbon and hydrogen isotope composition of plant biomarkers from lake sediments as proxies for precipitation changes across Heinrich Events in the subtropics
Brenner, M.
PP52B-07Abstract Title: Shells of Mytilus edulis as Bioarchives of the Rare Earth Element and Yttrium Distribution in Seawater and the Potential Impact of pH and Temperature Variations
Brenning, N.
SM12A-04Abstract Title: On the Origin of Magnetosheath Plasmoids, and Their Relation to Magnetosheath Jets
Brenninkmeijer, C. A. M.
A21B-0121Abstract Title: A Comprehensive Data Composite of NO and NOy in the Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere from CARIBIC Airborne Measurements, A41M-07Abstract Title: Long-term Airborne Black Carbon Measurements on a Lufthansa Passenger Aircraft
Brennwald, M. S.
A11I-0174Abstract Title: Real-time analysis of δ13C- and δD-CH4 in ambient air with laser spectroscopy: Method development and intercomparison
Brenot, H. H.
A32D-01Abstract Title: Imaging of SO2 emissions from anthropogenic sources as part of AROMAT campaign, G43C-03Abstract Title: Propagation delays induced in GNSS signals during extreme conditions of the neutral atmosphere
Brens, R. Jr
V43C-3172Abstract Title: Insights into mantle heterogeneities: mid-ocean ridge basalt tapping an ocean island magma source in the North Fiji Basin
Brereton, R. L.
B51C-0434Abstract Title: Stream Ammonium Uptake Across Scales in Headwater Catchments of a Tropical Rainforest, Luquillo Mountains, Puerto Rico
Breshears, D. D.
B11L-07Abstract Title: Large-Scale Forest Die-off in Temperate versus Tropical Regions: Comparison of Local and Global Climate Effects
Bresson, É.
A41D-0091Abstract Title: Freezing Rain Diagnostic Study Over Eastern Canada Using the 5th Generation Canadian Regional Climate Model
Bret, A.
SH11C-2393Abstract Title: Collisional Behaviors of Astrophysical Collisionless Plasmas
Bret-Harte, M. S.
B31CAbstract Title: Terrestrial and Aquatic Responses to Changing Climate and Disturbance Regimes in Arctic and Sub-Arctic Regions I Posters, B33GAbstract Title: Terrestrial and Aquatic Responses to Changing Climate and Disturbance Regimes in Arctic and Sub-Arctic Regions II, B34BAbstract Title: Terrestrial and Aquatic Responses to Changing Climate and Disturbance Regimes in Arctic and Sub-Arctic Regions III, B43H-0641Abstract Title: Ecophysiological parameters for a coupled photosynthesis and stomatal conductance model derived from eddy covariance measurements in Asia, ED22B-04Abstract Title: NSF-supported education/outreach program takes young researchers to the Arctic, GC13K-07Abstract Title: Changes in tundra vascular plant biomass over thirty years at Imnavait Creek, Alaska, and current ecosystem C and N dynamics., GC21A-1079Abstract Title: Interspecific Competition and Trade-offs in Resource Allocation are the Key to Successful Growth of Seedlings of White Spruce (Picea glauca (Moench) Voss) at Subarctic Treelines in Warming Alaska.
Bretagnon, M.
OS23A-1987Abstract Title: Oxygen Minimum Zone (OMZ) Dynamics Off Peru: Preliminary Insights From a Mooring and an Integrated Modelling Platform - The AMOP Project
Bretfeld, M.
H43B-1494Abstract Title: Sap flow based transpiration estimates in species-rich secondary forests of different ages in central Panama during a wet-season drought
Bretherton, C. S.
A21E-0188Abstract Title: Diagnosing Cloud Biases in Climate Models by Comparing Forecast-Mode Simulations With Satellite Observations, A33R-03Abstract Title: Do convective schemes substantially alter simulated global climate and cloud feedback?, A41OAbstract Title: Marine Boundary Layer Clouds and Aerosols: Observations and Process Modeling II, A41O-02Abstract Title: Cloud System Evolution in the Trades—CSET, A51E-0109Abstract Title: Subtropical cloud response to increased carbon dioxide in single-column models, A51IAbstract Title: Marine Boundary Layer Clouds and Aerosols: Observations and Process Modeling I Posters, A51I-0187Abstract Title: Reproducing cloud and boundary layer structure observed in MAGIC campaign using ship-following large-eddy simulations, A51I-0188Abstract Title: A novel approach to Lagrangian sampling of marine boundary layer cloud and aerosol in the northeast Pacific: case studies from CSET, A53E-07Abstract Title: Humidity, Radiative and Surface-Flux Feedbacks on the Multiscale Organization of CRM-Simulated Tropical Convection, A53G-03Abstract Title: Explicit representation of low clouds in a global atmospheric model: initial results from Ultra-Parameterized CAM5
Bretos, F.
PP53C-2357Abstract Title: Sea Surface Temperature Records Using Sr/Ca Ratios in a Siderastrea siderea Coral from SE Cuba
Brett, M.
PP11B-2237Abstract Title: A Two-year Record of Daily Rainfall Isotopes from Fiji: Implications for Reconstructing Precipitation from Speleothem δ18O
Breuer, E. R.
OS43A-2029Abstract Title: Looking for Larvae Above an Erupting Submarine Volcano, NW Rota-1, Mariana Arc
Breuer, K.
GC53C-1216Abstract Title: Oscillating Hydrofoils for Tidal Energy Extraction: Experiments, Simulations and Salt Water Field Tests
Breuer, S.
MR13B-2694Abstract Title: An Approach to Calculate Minerals´ Bulk Moduli KS from Chemical Composition and Density ρ, MR41D-2691Abstract Title: An Approach to Model Neutron Diffraction Pattern of Uniaxial Deformed Sandstone Using Elastic Properties of Quartz
Breuillard, H.
SM21A-2476Abstract Title: Poynting flux analysis of whistler-mode chorus using THEMIS data
Breuillard, H.
SM13D-2552Abstract Title: Energy Dissipation and Transport Associated with Whistler-wave Generation during Plasma Jet Events using MMS Data
Breuillin-Sessoms, F.
H43G-1611Abstract Title: Ammonium sorption and ammonia inhibition of nitrite-oxidizing bacteria explain contrasting soil N2O production
Brevik, C.
ED23C-0865Abstract Title: Using a Family Science Day Event to Engage Youth in Climate Change Issues, ED53E-0881Abstract Title: A New Approach to Teaching Science to Elementary Education Majors in Response to the NGSS
Brevik, E. C.
ED23C-0865Abstract Title: Using a Family Science Day Event to Engage Youth in Climate Change Issues
Brewer, A.
A14F-06Abstract Title: High-accuracy, high-precision, high-resolution, continuous monitoring of urban greenhouse gas emissions? Results to date from INFLUX, A32D-08Abstract Title: Lidar-derived Correlations Between Lower-tropospheric Column and Surface Ozone: Implications for Satellite Observations, GC43F-04Abstract Title: WFIP2 – The Second Wind Forecast Improvement Project: Observing Systems And Case Studies , GC53E-1251Abstract Title: Representativeness of Lidar Wind Measurements over Moderately Complex Terrain
Brewer, J.
A14B-08Abstract Title: Uncertainties in Biogenic Sources and Sinks and Their Relevance for the Global Acetone Budget, A21A-0043Abstract Title: The Impact of Emissions on Tropospheric Ozone over the Indian Subcontinent, A21B-0123Abstract Title: Evaluating the Potential Importance of Monoterpene Degradation for Global Acetone Production
Brewer, M.
IN32A-05Abstract Title: Can Real-Time Data Also Be Climate Quality?
Brewer, M.
GC41A-1062Abstract Title: Future Trends in Extreme Temperatures over the Western U.S.: The Influence of Terrain and Coastlines
Brewer, M.
IN21D-1718Abstract Title: Fostering Engagement Activities To Advance Adaptation And Resiliency
Brewer, P. E.
B13D-0646Abstract Title: Field measures show methanotroph sensitivity to soil moisture follows precipitation regime of the grassland sites across the US Great Plains
Brewer, P. G.
OS33A-2003Abstract Title: In situ Determination of Pore-water pH in Reducing Sediments near Methane Seeps and Vents by Laser Raman Spectroscopy
Brewer, S.
H11G-1431Abstract Title: Spatial variability of thorughfall under three sage brush (Artemesia tridentata)
Brewer, S.
A31E-0105Abstract Title: Spatial Correlation Analysis of Niño3.4 SST with Western North America Hydroclimate
Brewer, S.
B13G-0711Abstract Title: Seasonally dependent iron limitation of nitrogen fixation in tropical forests of karst landscapes
Brewington, L.
H13J-1720Abstract Title: Participatory Scenario Planning for Climate Change Adaptation: the Maui Groundwater Project
Brey, J. A.
ED11FAbstract Title: Climate Literacy in Multidisciplinary Higher Education I, ED11F-08Abstract Title: Exploring the Multifaceted Topic of Climate Change in Our Changing Climate and Living With Our Changing Climate, ED12AAbstract Title: Climate Literacy in Multidisciplinary Higher Education II, ED12A-08Abstract Title: Teaching Climate Change Science to Undergradutes with Diverse & Digital Pedagogical Techniquees, ED13AAbstract Title: Climate Literacy in Multidisciplinary Higher Education III Posters, ED33B-0938Abstract Title: DataStreme Earth’s Climate System: Building a Climate Literate Society through Effective Partnerships
Brey, S. J.
GC33E-1347Abstract Title: Smoke in the City: How Often and Where Does Smoke Impact Summertime Ozone in the United States?, GC51A-1076Abstract Title: Seeing through the Smoke: A collaborative, multidisciplinary effort to address the interplay between wildfire, climate, air quality, and health
Briais, A.
OS43A-2004Abstract Title: Newly Discovered Hydrothermal Plumes Along the Furious Fifties, South East Indian Ridge (SEIR; 128°E-140°E), V14A-02Abstract Title: Structure and Dynamics of the Southeast Indian Ridge and Off-axis Volcanism, 129°E to 140°E: Preliminary Results of the STORM Cruise, V14A-04Abstract Title: Mantle uplift and exhumation caused by long-lived transpression at a major transform fault
Briand, C.
IN33E-05Abstract Title: CDPP activities: Promoting research and education in space physics
Brice, D. J.
B11H-0540Abstract Title: Holocene Carbon Accumulation Rates in the SPRUCE Bog Prior to Warming and Elevated CO2 Treatment
Briceño, F. J. Sr
EP43A-0959Abstract Title: Aeolian deposition change in the Peruvian central continental shelf during the last millennium and its relationship with atmospheric conditions
Briceno, J. S.
A21A-0081Abstract Title: Determination of the Impact to air quality by the sugar cane burning during harvesting in Costa Rica: regional and temporal analysis.
Bricheno, L.
GC43G-03Abstract Title: An integrated framework to assess plausible future livelihood and poverty changes in deltas: an application to coastal Bangladesh
Briczinski, S. J. Jr
AE22A-06Abstract Title: The Charged Aerosol Release Experiment (Care II) to Study Artificial Dusty Plasmas in the Upper Atmosphere
Bridges, J.
DI43A-2608Abstract Title: Formation Conditions of Basalts at Gale Crater, Mars from ChemCam Analyses, P11B-2078Abstract Title: The Colour and Stereo Surface Imaging System (CaSSIS) on ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO): Building on orbital imaging from MRO and Mars Express, P43B-2119Abstract Title: ChemCam First Discovery of High Silica Sediments in Gale Crater, P43B-2124Abstract Title: Major-Element Compositional Diversity Observed by ChemCam Along the MSL Traverse: The First Three Years, P51E-06Abstract Title: Feldspars Detected by ChemCam in Gale Crater with Implications for Future Martian Exploration, P53F-03Abstract Title: Chemo-stratigraphy in the Murray Formation Using ChemCam
Bridges, N.
P11B-2097Abstract Title: The Mars Environmental Dynamics Analyzer (MEDA): A Suite of Environmental Sensors for the Mars 2020 Rover, P12B-05Abstract Title: New Titan Saltation Threshold Experiments: Investigating Current and Past Climates, P23B-2142Abstract Title: Analysis of likely Frost Events and day-to-night Variability in near-surface Water Vapor at Gale, P43B-2124Abstract Title: Major-Element Compositional Diversity Observed by ChemCam Along the MSL Traverse: The First Three Years, P53F-03Abstract Title: Chemo-stratigraphy in the Murray Formation Using ChemCam, P53F-06Abstract Title: Chemistry of the Materials Above and Below an Unconformity Between the Murray and Stimson Formations in Gale Crater, Mars
Bridgham, S. D.
B11H-0536Abstract Title: Production of Excess CO2 relative to methane in peatlands: a new H2 sink, B43J-01Abstract Title: Challenges and Conundrums in Modeling Global Methane Emissions from Wetlands: An Empiricist's Viewpoint, B43J-05Abstract Title: Understanding Methane Cycling Dynamics across Tropical African Wetland and Upland Ecosystems, B44B-01Abstract Title: The Stability of Peatland Carbon Stores to Global Change: Evidence for Enhanced Methane and Carbon Dioxide Production 
Bridou, R.
B14C-06Abstract Title: Metabolic Interfaces of Mercury Methylation Proteins in Desulfovibrio sp. ND132
Brien, D. L.
NH44B-04Abstract Title: Assessing Landslide Mobility Using GIS: Application to Kosrae, Micronesia
Brienen, R.
GC41D-1118Abstract Title: Unravelling the Drivers of the Recent Drought over Sao Paulo (Brazil) using HadCM3
Brierley, C. M.
PP52A-01Abstract Title: The Role of Orbital Forcing in the Early-Middle Pleistocene Transition: Continuing the Precession Verses Obliquity Debate
Briggs, E.
OS11B-02Abstract Title: Observing Physical and Biological Drivers of pH and O2 in a Seasonal Ice Zone in the Ross Sea Using Profiling Float Data
Briggs, K.
C32B-02Abstract Title: Assessing the Sensitivity of Satellite-Derived Estimates of Ice Sheet Mass Balance to Regional Climate Model Simulations of Snow Accumulation and Firn Compaction
Briggs, K. R.
A21A-0007Abstract Title: Colorado State Emissions Inventory Trends 2000-2011 and relevance to the FRAPPE/Discover-AQ Studies
Briggs, M. A.
GC22C-07Abstract Title: Evolving hydrologic connectivity in discontinuous permafrost lowlands: what it means for lake systems, H31K-06Abstract Title: A comparison of thermal infrared to fiber-optic distributed temperature sensing for evaluation of groundwater discharge to surface water, H32C-04Abstract Title: A Physical Explanation for the Development of Redox Microzones at Stream-Groundwater Interfaces, H32C-05Abstract Title: A field method to quantify exchange with less-mobile porosity in streambeds using electrical hysteresis, H33N-01Abstract Title: Utilizing hydrologic, statistical, and geochemical tools to assess uranium mobility in surface and near-surface environments, NS21AAbstract Title: Applications of Near Surface Geophysics in Periglacial Regions Posters
Briggs, M. S.
AE21AAbstract Title: Energetic Radiation from Lightning and Thunderstorms I, AE33AAbstract Title: Energetic Radiation from Lightning and Thunderstorms II Posters, AE33A-0467Abstract Title: Reassessing the BATSE Catalogue of Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes, AE33A-0480Abstract Title: Lightning-Based Search for Terrestrial Gamma-Ray Flashes in Fermi Gamma-Ray Burst Monitor Data, AE33A-0481Abstract Title: TRYAD: a Pair of CubeSats to Measure Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flash Beams
Briggs, M. S.
AE21A-06Abstract Title: On the Energy Spectra of Individual Terrestrial Gamma ray Flashes, AE33A-0472Abstract Title: Relativistic Runaway Electron Avalanches in the Presence of an External Magnetic Field
Briggs, P.
GC33E-1350Abstract Title: BLAZE, a novel Fire-Model for the CABLE Land-Surface Model applied to a Re-Assessment of the Australian Continental Carbon Budget
Briggs, R.
S43D-2819Abstract Title: Source Modeling of the 2015 Mw 7.8 Nepal (Gorkha) Earthquake Sequence and Geodynamic Implications, T14A-06Abstract Title: Mapping the Influence of Prior Tectonism on Seismicity in the Central and Eastern US, T42A-04Abstract Title: Misbheaving Faults: The Expanding Role of Geodetic Imaging in Unraveling Unexpected Fault Slip Behavior, T53B-01Abstract Title: Surface Deformation Associated with the 1983 Borah Peak Earthquake Measured from Digital Surface Model Differencing
Briggs, S. A.
MR41C-2650Abstract Title: Diffusive Transport of Sulphide through an Engineering Barrier System in a Deep Geological Repository
Briggs, S. I.
V41A-3061Abstract Title: The P-T-t History of the Alpine Schist, New Zealand: Constraining Tectonic Processes During the Late Stages of Gondwana Breakup
Brigham, L.
GC33B-1281Abstract Title: Response of Stem Respiration of Two Tropical Species to an Imposed Drought
Brigham-Grette, J.
GC23N-01Abstract Title: Thin Ice -- Bipolar Super Interglacials and our Possible Future, PP21B-2232Abstract Title: Organic Geochemical Reconstructions from Lake El'gygytgyn, Northeast Arctic Siberia, Constrain Arctic Temperature and Hydrologic Change Across the Pliocene-Pleistocene Transition, PP33A-2294Abstract Title: Examining the Mid- Brunhes Event in the Terrestrial Arctic: an Organic Geochemical Record from Lake El’gygytgyn, Russia
Bright, B. C.
GC33E-1351Abstract Title: Linking Wildfire and Climate as Drivers of Plant Species and Community-level Change
Bright, E.
IN54A-08Abstract Title: Towards a New Assessment of Urban Areas from Local to Global Scales
Bright, J. E.
PP22A-08Abstract Title: A 13,500 Year Record of Holocene Climate, Fire and Vegetation from Swan Lake, Idaho, USA
Bright, R. M.
A31C-0062Abstract Title: Influence of Topographic Shading on Multi-decadal Average Solar Irradiance: Implications for Fine Scale Eco-physiological and Climate Research, B31AAbstract Title: Biogeophysical Impacts of Land Use/Land Cover Change (LULCC) and Vegetation Disturbance from Micro- to Global Scales I Posters, B31A-0534Abstract Title: Evaluation of Radiative Kernels for Albedo Radiative Forcing Calculations Using CERES Satellite Observations: Applications for the LULCC Community, B33FAbstract Title: Biogeophysical Impacts of Land Use/Land Cover Change (LULCC) and Vegetation Disturbance from Micro- to Global Scales II, GC13A-1129Abstract Title: A review of biogeophysical impacts of bioenergy-induced LULCC and associated climate metrics
Brightwell, K.
P44A-05Abstract Title: Ejecta Production in Microgravity from Low Velocity Impacts in Regolith
Brigode, P.
H33G-1694Abstract Title: Teleconnections between reconstructed long Canadian streamflow series and climate modes of variability over the 1851-2011 period
Brikowski, T. H.
H43E-1548Abstract Title: Anthropogenic warming has decreased water supply in North Central Texas
Bril, A.
A41I-0173Abstract Title: Validation of GOSAT SWIR XCO2 and XCH4 retrieved by PPDF-S method
Brill, K. A.
PA21BAbstract Title: Natural Hazards Research and the Real "Broader Impacts" Posters, PA43CAbstract Title: Volcanic Hazards: Translating Research and Monitoring into Improved Communication, Preparedness, and Response II Posters, S23C-2745Abstract Title: VLP Source Inversion and Evaluation of Error Analysis Techniques at Fuego Volcano, Guatemala, S51D-2721Abstract Title: Monte Carlo Volcano Seismic Moment Tensors
Brilli, F.
B41I-04Abstract Title: Interaction between isoprene and ozone fluxes at ecosystem level in a poplar plantation and its impact at European level
Brimelow, J.
H13I-1705Abstract Title: Past and future hydro-climatic change and the 2015 drought in the interior of western Canada
Brinckerhoff, W. B.
P11B-2092Abstract Title: Mars Organic Molecule Analyzer (MOMA) Mass Spectrometer Flight Model and Future Ion Trap-Based Planetary Instruments, P52A-03Abstract Title: Compositional Analysis of Primitive and Icy Planetary Surfaces with In Situ Two-Step Laser Mass Spectrometry
Briner, J. P.
C14A-08Abstract Title: Quantifying Sub-Glacial Abrasion at Jakobshavn Isbræ: A Novel Approach Using In Situ 10Be Measurements, C42A-07Abstract Title: Toward a Master Chronology for Western Greenland’s Fjord Stade Moraines: New 10Be Ages from the Søndre Isortoq Region, PP33A-2278Abstract Title: Holocene Climate Change in Arctic Canada and Greenland, PP33A-2281Abstract Title: Records of Local Glacier Variability in Western Greenland During the Holocene From Lake Sediments, Ice-cap-killed Vegetation, and 10Be Dating, PP33A-2285Abstract Title: Decadal-resolution early Holocene temperature and precipitation reconstruction near Disko Bugt, western Greenland, PP33A-2290Abstract Title: Ice Sheet Evolution and Deglaciation Chronology of Southwestern Spitsbergen Illuminated by Three-Nuclide Surface-Exposure Dating (26Al, 10Be, and 14C)., PP33A-2291Abstract Title: Improved Timing of Deglaciation of the Southwestern Scandinavian Ice Sheet Using 10Be Dating, PP33A-2292Abstract Title: The Holocene Moraine Record of Scottbreen, Spitsbergen, Svalbard, PP41D-05Abstract Title: Paleo-reconstruction of the Jakobshavn Glacier during the late Holocene using ISSM and Paleo-data of Margin Migration
Bringemeier, D.
H23I-04Abstract Title: Scaling behavior of microbubbles rising in water-saturated porous media
Bringer, A.
C41D-0734Abstract Title: A Bayesian Retrieval of Greenland Ice Sheet Internal Temperature from Ultra-wideband Software-defined Microwave Radiometer (UWBRAD) Measurements , C41D-0758Abstract Title: Ultra-wideband Radiometry for Internal Ice Sheet Temperature Measurements: Modeling and Experiments
Brinker, R.
ED13B-0891Abstract Title: From the field to the classroom: Connecting climate research to classroom lessons
Brinker, R.
ED41A-0821Abstract Title: The Use of Phytochemicals to Effectively Produce Biofuel from Rhizophora mangle
Brinkman, D. G.
SA23B-2338Abstract Title: Feedbacks of Composition and Neutral Density Changes on the Structure of the Cusp Density Anomaly
Brinkmann, J.
A33E-0222Abstract Title: Assessing Landsat 8 TIRS Calibration Stability Using MODIS
Brinkworth, C.
ED34A-04Abstract Title: Front-end Evaluation as Part of a Comprehensive Approach to Inform the Development of a New Climate Exhibit at NCAR
Brintnell, M.
A12C-02Abstract Title: Size-resolved measurements of ice nucleating particles at North American and European sites
Brinton, K. L.
PP13A-2271Abstract Title: New Insights into Amino Acid Preservation in the Early Oceans using Modern Analytical Techniques
Brinza, D. E.
SA43B-2366Abstract Title: Charged Particle Environment on Mars – One Mars Year of MSL/RAD Measurements, SH53A-2480Abstract Title: Forbush Effects on the Martian Surface and Earth’s Poles
Briois, C.
P31E-2089Abstract Title: COSIMA at Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko After Perihelion, P31E-2106Abstract Title: Halogens at Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko seen with ROSINA-DFMS, P33E-01Abstract Title: Evolution of H2O related species in the neutral coma of 67P
Briole, P.
S23D-2779Abstract Title: Mount Etna: 3-D and 4-D structure using seismic tomography
Brioude, J. F.
A31B-0043Abstract Title: Inverse Estimation of California Methane Emissions and Their Uncertainties using FLEXPART-WRF
Brisbourne, A.
C13D-04Abstract Title: Sounds of the deep: Passive microseismic monitoring of the base of ice streams., C21A-0708Abstract Title: Firn structure of Larsen C Ice Shelf, Antarctic Peninsula, from in-situ geophysical surveys
Brisco, B.
H53G-1752Abstract Title: Object-Based Classification of Wetlands Using Optical and SAR Data with a Compound Kernel in Support Vector Machine (SVM)
Briscoe, M. G.
U52A-01Abstract Title: Best Practices and Processes for Choosing Research Priorities
Brissaud, Q.
P23B-2148Abstract Title: Finite Difference Simulations of Acoustic and Gravity Wave Propagation in Mars Atmosphere: Applications to INSIGHT NASA Mission and Mars Microphone Experiments, S51C-2694Abstract Title: Finite Difference Numerical Modeling of Gravito-Acoustic Wave Propagation in a Windy and Attenuating Atmosphere
Brisset, J.
P44A-05Abstract Title: Ejecta Production in Microgravity from Low Velocity Impacts in Regolith, P51B-2059Abstract Title: NanoRocks: A Long-Term Microgravity Experiment to Stydy Planet Formation and Planetary Ring Particles
Brissette, F.
H23E-1623Abstract Title: Comparing snow models under current and future climates over three Nordic catchments: uncertainties and implications for hydrological impact studies, H33G-1694Abstract Title: Teleconnections between reconstructed long Canadian streamflow series and climate modes of variability over the 1851-2011 period
Brisson, E.
A32G-01Abstract Title: A Review on Regional Convection-Permitting Climate Modeling: Demonstrations, Prospects, and Challenges
Bristol, S.
IN12A-01Abstract Title: USGEO Common Framework For Earth Observation Data, IN13A-1817Abstract Title: Using the Digital Crust to Understand Geochemical Reactions in the Critical Zone - a Conceptual Overview, IN13A-1819Abstract Title: Building continental-scale 3D subsurface layers in the Digital Crust project: constrained interpolation and uncertainty estimation.
Bristow, C. S.
EP22A-02Abstract Title: Memory in coastal systems: Post-tsunami beach recovery within a decade on the Thai coast.
Bristow, C.
EP23B-0974Abstract Title: Coastal evolution between two giant rivers: The Chan May embayment in central Vietnam, P13B-2133Abstract Title: Geomorphology of Titan's polar terrains: Using the landscape’s topographic form to constrain surface processes
Bristow, K. L.
H54B-05Abstract Title: Numerical Modeling of Coupled Water, Vapor and Energy in Soils and at the Soil-Atmosphere Interface
Bristow, M.
B31B-0544Abstract Title: Land Use Change In Australia’s Tropical Savanna Woodlands: Greenhouse Gas Emissions From Deforestation And Conversion To Agriculture
Bristow, N.
EP21B-0901Abstract Title: Whole-field velocity measurements of flow around colliding barchan dunes
Bristow, T.
IN41D-03Abstract Title: The Astrobiology Habitable Environments Database (AHED), PP21A-2218Abstract Title: CLUMPED ISOTOPE VALUES FROM THE DOUSHANTUO FORMATION OF SOUTH CHINA: EVALUATION OF HYDROTHERMAL INFLUENCE, DISEQUILIBRIA AND DIAGENETIC EFFECTS, P53F-04Abstract Title: Evidence for Acid-Sulfate Alteration in the Pahrump Hills Region, Gale Crater, Mars
Bristow, W. A.
AE33B-0496Abstract Title: Ionospheric Turbulence and the Evolution of Artificial Irregularities Excited by RF Interactions at HAARP, SM23C-2571Abstract Title: High-resolution observations of convection structure related to Poleward Boundary Intensifications and Auroral Streamers using SuperDARN and Allsky Imagers., SM31F-01Abstract Title: The Four-Part Field-Aligned Current System in the Ionosphere at Substorm Onset
Brito, J.
A23H-03Abstract Title: The Influence of Urban Emissions on Background Aerosols and Trace Gases in Amazonia as Seen in the GoAmazon2014/2015 Experiment., A23H-05Abstract Title: Measurements of in-situ SOA Formation Using an Oxidation Flow Reactor at GoAmazon2014/5, A23H-07Abstract Title: Influence of anthropogenic emissions on the production of organic particulate matter during GoAmazon2014/5, A31A-0012Abstract Title: Surface Ozone Enrichment Downwind of Manaus City, in Central Amazonia, A31A-0018Abstract Title: Aerosol Chemical and Physical Characterization in Central Amazonia during the 2013 Dry Season , A31A-0019Abstract Title: Long-term Chemical Characterization of Submicron Aerosol Particles in the Amazon Forest – ATTO Station, A31A-0020Abstract Title: Emission and Chemistry of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) as Observed at T3: Contrast of the Dry and Wet Seasons, A33G-0255Abstract Title: Synthesis of the ACTRIS Network Cloud Condensation Nuclei Measurements, B41I-01Abstract Title: Long term observations of land-atmosphere interactions in Amazonia: The role of land use change on the functioning of the Amazonian ecosystem
Brito, J. S.
GC13E-1195Abstract Title: Orbital monitoring of the Brazilian pasturelands: patterns, trends and potential ecosystem services
Brito, T. V.
SM23D-07Abstract Title: Investigations of the origin and evolution of inner magnetospheric temperature anisotropies, and implications for radiation belt dynamics, SM51C-2582Abstract Title: Modeling the O+ Transit from Ionosphere to Plasmasheet
Britt, D. T.
P44A-08Abstract Title: Asteroid Regolith Simulants: Development, Characteristics, and Testing
Britton, T. B.
T41C-2904Abstract Title: Determining olivine dislocation densities and deformation mechanisms by high angular resolution electron backscatter diffraction
Brizius, A.
A52A-09Abstract Title: Examining the Linear Regimes of the Community Earth System Model (CESM)
Broadbent, C. D.
PA53B-04Abstract Title: Net Resource Assessment (NetRA): A Collaborative Effort Between USGS Science and Decisions Center, the Science Impact Laboratory for Policy and Economics (University of New Mexico) and Sandia National Laboratory
Broadhead, R.
T13E-03Abstract Title: Pore pressure evolution and induced seismicity within the Permian Basin, Southeast New Mexico USA
Brocard, G. Y.
EP33D-07Abstract Title: How Saharan Dust Slows River Knickpoints: Coupling Vegetation Canopy, Soils and the Foundation of the Critical Zone, T23F-02Abstract Title: DRAINAGE EVOLUTION DURING THE UPLIFT OF THE CENTRAL ANATOLIA PLATEAU, T23F-03Abstract Title: Messinian Onset of Central Anatolian Plateau and Tauride Mountain Uplift as Evidenced by the Formation of an Orographic Barrier
Brocco, L.
GP43C-1255Abstract Title: The Absolute Vector Magnetometers on Board Swarm, Lessons Learned From Two Years in Space., GP43C-1262Abstract Title: Analysis of Plasma Irregularities and Electromagnetic Signals Based on Swarm Absolute Scalar Magnetometer Burst Mode Sessions
Broccoli, A. J.
A51G-0138Abstract Title: Using a High-Resolution Global Climate Model to Simulate Extreme Extratropical Cyclones, A54C-05Abstract Title: Large-Scale Atmospheric Circulation Patterns Associated with Temperature Extremes as a Basis for Model Evaluation: Methodological Overview and Results, PP41D-07Abstract Title: Regional Sensitivity to CO2 forcing: Detection and Attribution Approach to Analyzing CO2 Component of Late Quaternary Climate Variability, PP53A-2311Abstract Title: Simulating the Response to Astronomical Forcing with a Coupled Atmosphere-Ocean Model, PP53A-2313Abstract Title: Obliquity and Precession in the Quaternary: Analyzing Climate Responses Using Single-Forcing GCM Simulations and Bayesian Model-Proxy Comparison
Broch, S.
A13E-0378Abstract Title: Total OH reactivity measurements aboard the Zeppelin NT during the PEGASOS campaigns 2012 and 2013: Spatial and vertical distribution and contribution of substance classes, A13G-01Abstract Title: Influence of Radical Recyling on Spatial Distributions of HOx in the Planetary Boundary Layer - Zeppelin-Based Observations, A31F-02Abstract Title: Investigation of Potential Interferences in the Detection of OH Radicals by Laser-Induced Fluorescence under Dark Conditions , A41A-0005Abstract Title: LIF instrument for airborne measurements of OH, HO2 and RO2 radicals in the upper troposphere
Brocher, T. M.
T31B-2891Abstract Title: Crustal Strike-Slip Faulting along Small Circle Paths in the Northwestern United States, T34BAbstract Title: Cumulative Deformation in the Overlying Plate due to Subduction and Related Feedbacks III
Brochsztain, S.
A43F-0344Abstract Title: Biogenic Gas Generation from Organic Rich Shales of Southeastern Brazil: A Potential Contributor to Greenhouse Gas Emissions?
Brock, C. A.
A12A-07Abstract Title: Quantifying atmospheric nitrogen outflow from the Front Range of Colorado, A41A-0040Abstract Title: Characterization of a Photoacoustic Aerosol Absorption Spectrometer for Aircraft-based Measurements, A41L-05Abstract Title: Optical Extinction and Aerosol Hygroscopicity in the Southeastern United States
Brock, J. C.
EP23B-0977Abstract Title: California Sea Cliff Metrics: Mapping and Validation
Brocklehurst, S. H.
EP53A-0998Abstract Title: The Significance of High, Isolated, Low-relief Surfaces in Glaciated Mountain Ranges, PP43C-2282Abstract Title: A Sluggish Ocean Conveyer in the Norwegian-Greenland Sea During the Stage 12 Deglaciation: Geomorphological Evidence from Buried Iceberg Scours on the mid-Norwegian Shelf
Brockley, D.
C41A-0682Abstract Title: CryoSat Mission over Polar Region: Data quality status and product evolutions
Brocks, J. J.
PP21A-2221Abstract Title: Constraining the Thermal History of the Midcontinent Rift System with Clumped Isotopes and Organic Thermal Maturity Indices
Brockway, B.
EP11A-03Abstract Title: Sediment movement and dispersal patterns on the Grand Banks continental shelf and slope were tied to the dynamics of the Laurentide ice-sheet margin
Brockwell, T.
P13E-06Abstract Title: MASPEX EUROPA
Brodaric, B.
IN13A-1816Abstract Title: Canada in 3D – Toward a Sustainable 3D Model for Canadian Geology from Diverse Data Sources, IN33F-04Abstract Title: An Ontology Representation for Water Bodies
Bröder, L.
C33F-03Abstract Title: Methane distribution in porewaters of the Eastern Siberian Shelf Sea – chemical, acoustic, and video observations, C33F-06Abstract Title: Fate of permafrost-released organic matter in the Laptev Sea: What is its lateral transport time along the transect from the Lena delta area to the deep sea of the Arctic interior?, C43A-0790Abstract Title: Extreme natural acidification in the East Siberian Arctic Shelf: Effects of permafrost thawing and seawater freshening
Broderick, N.
T11G-03Abstract Title: Extreme Hydrothermal Conditions Near an Active Geological Fault, DFDP-2B Borehole, Alpine Fault, New Zealand
Brodie, E.
B11J-0568Abstract Title: Metatranscriptome Analysis of Aquifer Samples Reveals Unexpected Metabolic Lifestyles Relevant to Active Biogeochemical Cycling, B11J-0572Abstract Title: A Multi-omics Approach to Understand the Microbial Transformation of Lignocellulosic Materials in the Digestive System of the Wood-Feeding Beetle Odontotaenius disjunctus , B11J-0580Abstract Title: Plant-Microbial Interactions Define Potential Mechanisms of Organic Matter Priming in the Rhizosphere, B13HAbstract Title: Macrosystems Ecology: Thresholds in Ecological Processes and Response across Temporal and Spatial Scales III, B13K-03Abstract Title: Linked metatranscriptomic and geochemical data indicate microbial succession in naturally reduced aquifer sediments dominated by H2-oxidizing Comamonadaceae, B21C-0460Abstract Title: Nitrogen cycling within an alluvial aquifer during groundwater fluctuations, B21C-0468Abstract Title: A trait based dynamic energy budget approach to explore emergent microalgal community structure, B23C-0621Abstract Title: Modeling the effect of substrate stoichiometry on microbial carbon use efficiency and soil C cycling, B23I-03Abstract Title: Genome-Enabled Modeling of Biogeochemical Processes Predicts Metabolic Dependencies that Connect the Relative Fitness of Microbial Functional Guilds, H21A-1331Abstract Title: Complexity in Soil Systems: What Does It Mean and How Should We Proceed?
Brodie, K. L.
NH43C-1915Abstract Title: sUAS for Rapid Pre-Storm Coastal Characterization and Vulnerability Assessment
Brodrick, P. G.
A11M-0241Abstract Title: Monitoring Oilfield Operations and GHG Emissions Sources Using Object-based Image Analysis of High Resolution Spatial Imagery
Brodsky, E. E.
EP13C-04Abstract Title: Relative Effects of Angularity, Grain Size, and Sorting on Auto-Acoustic Compaction in Granular Flow, EP51D-06Abstract Title: Bedload sediment transport embedded in seismic signals generated from a mountain stream, EP54A-04Abstract Title: Hydrograph Asymmetry Drives Bedload Transport Hysteresis: Evidence from Fluvial Seismology, MR41E-07Abstract Title: Hydrogeologic Architecture of the San Andreas Fault near the Logan Quarry, MR41E-08Abstract Title: Fault zone hydrogeologic properties and processes revealed by borehole temperature monitoring, T43C-3009Abstract Title: The minimum scale of grooving on faults, T43G-02Abstract Title: JFAST Constraints on the Tohoku Earthquake Fault, T53B-08Abstract Title: Constraints from Fault Roughness on the Scale-Dependent Strength of Rocks, T54B-05Abstract Title: Nanoscale Characterization of Fault Roughness by Atomic Force Microscopy
Brody, C.
PA13B-03Abstract Title: Climate-related Indicators and Data Provenance: Evaluating Coupled Boundary Objects for Science, Innovation, and Decision-Making
Brodzik, M. J.
C24A-03Abstract Title: Distinguishing snow and glacier ice melt in High Asia using MODIS, C32BAbstract Title: Remote Sensing of the Cryosphere II, C33GAbstract Title: Remote Sensing of the Cryosphere III, C41DAbstract Title: Remote Sensing of the Cryosphere IV Posters, GC31D-1218Abstract Title: Reprocessing the Historical Satellite Passive Microwave Record at Enhanced Spatial Resolutions using Image Reconstruction, IN13B-1837Abstract Title: The Snow Data System at NASA JPL, IN21A-1677Abstract Title: Using GDAL to Convert NetCDF 4 CF 1.6 to GeoTIFF: Interoperability Problems and Solutions for Data Providers and Distributors
Brodzik, S. R.
A54F-01Abstract Title: The Variable Nature of Convection in the Tropics and Subtropics: A Legacy of 16 Years of the TRMM Satellite
Broecker, W. S.
H41C-1315Abstract Title: CarbFix I: Rapid CO2 mineralization in basalt for permanent carbon storage, PP43F-07Abstract Title: Little Ice Age Wetting of Interior Asian Deserts and the Rise of the Mongol Empire, V24A-08Abstract Title: Glacial CO2 Cycles: A Composite Scenario
Broers, H. P.
H24D-03Abstract Title: Paleoclimate Signals and Age Distributions from 41 Public Water Works in the Netherlands , H41I-07Abstract Title: Groundwater Impacts on Urban Surface Water Quality in the Lowland Polder Catchments of the Amsterdam City Area, H43C-1517Abstract Title: Insights in nutrient sources and transport from high-frequency monitoring at the outlet pumping station of an agricultural lowland polder catchment
Broerse, T.
G51B-04Abstract Title: Estimating decadal variability in sea level from tide gauge records: an application to the North Sea.
Brogan, D. J.
EP51B-0911Abstract Title: Quantifying erosion and deposition patterns using airborne LiDAR following the 2012 High Park Fire and 2013 Colorado Flood
Brogan, R.
S53B-2833Abstract Title: Improved Bulletin Generation Using an Iterative Processing Framework
Broggini, F.
S14A-01Abstract Title: Beyond seismic interferometry: imaging the earth's interior with virtual sources and receivers inside the earth
Brogi, F.
S53D-04Abstract Title: Towards a Numerical Description of Volcano Aeroacoustic Source Processes using Lattice Boltzmann Strategies
Brogioni, M.
C41D-0758Abstract Title: Ultra-wideband Radiometry for Internal Ice Sheet Temperature Measurements: Modeling and Experiments
Brogt, E.
ED43C-0881Abstract Title: Scientists' Perceptions of Communicating During Crises
Broich, M.
B53F-0627Abstract Title: Response of Riparian Vegetation in Australia’s Largest River Basin to Inter and Intra-Annual Climate Variability and Flooding as Quantified with Landsat and MODIS, H53G-1729Abstract Title: Modelling Surface Water Dynamics (SWD) on Large River Basin Scale from Space: A Case Study for the Murray-Darling Basin (MDB) of Australia, H53G-1735Abstract Title: Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Surface Water Extent from Three Decades of Seasonally Continuous Landsat Time Series at Subcontinental Scale
Broiles, T. W.
P31E-2093Abstract Title: The Magnetic Response to Sudden Mass-loading of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko’s Induced Magnetosphere, P31E-2094Abstract Title: RPC-IES observations of the development and variability of plasma interaction regions near 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, P31E-2095Abstract Title: Evidence of Inhomogeneous Coma Composition at 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, P31E-2096Abstract Title: High-energy pickup ions measured at Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko by the Rosetta Ion and Electron Sensor (IES), P31E-2100Abstract Title: Evolution of the Plasma Environment of Comet 67P, P31E-2112Abstract Title: Mapping of the cometary plasma density around comet CG/67P at perihelion., SH31A-2393Abstract Title: Characterizing Observations of Cometary Electrons with Kappa Distributions, SH53A-2479Abstract Title: Abundance and Source Population of Suprathermal Heavy Ions in Corotating Interaction Regions, SH53B-2511Abstract Title: Ion-Driven Instabilities in the Solar Wind: Wind Observations of 19 March 2005, SM31DAbstract Title: Mass-Loading Plasmas: Comet, Pluto, and Satellite Atmospheres I Posters, SM42BAbstract Title: Mass-Loading Plasmas: Comet, Pluto, and Satellite Atmospheres II
Broll, J. M.
SM51A-2530Abstract Title: Velocity Space Evolution of Dayside Reconnection Outflow
Broman, C.
NH21A-1806Abstract Title: Coupling Between Mineral Reactions and Chemical Changes in Groundwater Before and After Earthquakes in Iceland
Broman, D.
GC41B-1099Abstract Title: Scenario-neutral Food Security Risk Assessment: A livestock Heat Stress Case Study, H41G-1438Abstract Title: Linking Assessment to Decision Making in Water Resources Planning - Decision Making Frameworks and Case Study Evaluations
Brome, A.
NH22A-02Abstract Title: Tsunami Ready Recognition Program for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions Launched in 2015
Bromhal, G. S.
H51C-1374Abstract Title: Improved Modeling of Naturally Fractured Reservoirs by Quantitatively Handling Flow Convergence into the Wellbore, H51M-1561Abstract Title: The DOE Subsurface (SubTER) Initiative: Revolutionizing Responsible use of the Subsurface for Energy Production and Storage, H51UAbstract Title: Risk Assessment and Monitoring Techniques for Geological CO2 Sequestration I, H52FAbstract Title: Risk Assessment and Monitoring Techniques for Geological CO2 Sequestration II, H53HAbstract Title: Risk Assessment and Monitoring Techniques for Geological CO2 Sequestration III Posters, MR51A-04Abstract Title: Direct Measurement of Changes to a Sheared Shale Fracture
Bromiley, G.
V33A-3077Abstract Title: Core formation in the early solar system through percolation: 4-D in-situ visualization of melt migration
Bromirski, P. D.
C11C-0775Abstract Title: Seismic Excitation of the Ross Ice Shelf by Whillans Ice Stream Stick-Slip Events, C11C-0776Abstract Title: Ice shelf structure from dispersion curve analysis of passive-source seismic data, Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica, S41B-2761Abstract Title: Microseism Directivity from Noise Cross-correlation, S52A-06Abstract Title: Teleseismic Earthquake Signals Observed on an Ice Shelf
Bromley, G. T.
B33A-0628Abstract Title: Optimizing Collocation of Instrument Measurements and Field Sampling Activities
Bromley, G. R.
C51B-0693Abstract Title: Late glacial and Holocene history of the Greenland Ice Sheet margin, Nunatarssuaq, Northwestern Greenland
Bromley, T.
A23P-04Abstract Title: Atmospheric Verification of Point Source Fossil Fuel CO2 Emissions
Bromund, K. R.
SM11A-06Abstract Title: Swarm Observations of Field Aligned Currents during Geomagnetic Storms, SM12A-08Abstract Title: Fine Scale Structure of the Afternoon Equatorial Magnetopause as Seen on the Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission, SM12A-09Abstract Title: Low-Frequency Wave Activity Detected by MMS during Dusk Magnetopause Crossings and its Relation to Heating and Acceleration of Particles, SM13C-2519Abstract Title: Steepening of Waves at the Dusk Side Magnetopause, SM41H-2571Abstract Title: Magnetospheric Multiscale Observations of Ultra Low Frequency Waves in the Inner Magnetosphere, SM41I-02Abstract Title: First MMS Observations of High Time Resolution 3D Electric and Magnetic fields at the Dayside Magnetopause., SM43A-02Abstract Title: Effect of electron ambient plasmas in reconnection jets and dipolarization fronts : MMS initial results, SM51A-2516Abstract Title: An MMS multicase study of magnetotail dipolarization fronts, SM51A-2523Abstract Title: Multi-point, multi-scale observation of the near-Earth current sheet reconfiguration during storm-time multi-onset substorms, SM51A-2536Abstract Title: MMS observations of small magnetic flux ropes in the near‐tail (X > ‐11 Re), SM51A-2548Abstract Title: Parallel Electric Fields and Wave Phenomena Associated with Magnetic Reconnection: The Merged Magnetic Field Product from MMS, SM51A-2555Abstract Title: In-Flight Calibration Processes for the MMS Fluxgate Magnetometers
Bromwich, D. H.
A11RAbstract Title: Evaluating Reanalysis: What Can We Learn about Past Weather and Climate? I, A12DAbstract Title: Evaluating Reanalysis: What Can We Learn about Past Weather and Climate? II, A12D-05Abstract Title: Arctic System Reanalysis better depicts topographically-forced winds near Greenland, A13CAbstract Title: Evaluating Reanalysis: What Can We Learn about Past Weather and Climate? III Posters, A13C-0343Abstract Title: Pushing the Regional Arctic System Reanalysis to Higher Resolution: A comparison with the global ERA-Interim Reanalysis for the Arctic and Beyond, A33B-0131Abstract Title: A Self-Organizing Map Based Evaluation of the Antarctic Mesoscale Prediction System Using Observations from a 30-m Instrumented Tower on the Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica, A34B-03Abstract Title: Modeling the Tropical Teleconnections to Antarctica: Interactions between Flavors of El Niño and the SAM, A34B-05Abstract Title: Direct Contribution of the Stratosphere to Recent West Antarctic Warming in Austral Spring, C53A-0760Abstract Title: Several firn core records suggest relatively stable accumulation rates during the past two centuries over the Amundsen Sea sector of West Antarctica, C53D-08Abstract Title: Simulating Arctic clouds during Arctic Radiation- IceBridge Sea and Ice Experiment (ARISE)
Brondi, P.
S33B-2774Abstract Title: Rapid Estimation of Macroseismic Intensity for On-site Earthquake Early Warning in Italy from Early Radiated Energ, S33B-2783Abstract Title: A Feasibility Study for Earthquake Early Warning in a School in Southern Italy
Brondizio, E.
GC41F-1154Abstract Title: Linking River Basin Modifications and Rural Soil and Water Management Practices in Tropical Deltas to Sea Level Rise Vulnerability, GC44C-04Abstract Title: A Conceptual Framework for Analyzing Deltas as Coupled Social-Ecological Systems: An example from the Amazon Delta, U12AAbstract Title: What's the Big Deal about the Anthropocene?
Bronnimann, S.
PP41D-02Abstract Title: Monthly Changes of the 3-Dimensional State of the Atmosphere - A Paleo-Reanalysis for the Period 1600 to 2000
Bronson, K. F.
GC51I-08Abstract Title: Quantifying Surface Energy Flux Estimation Uncertainty Using Land Surface Temperature Observations
Bronz, M.
A53A-0364Abstract Title: Towards Bottom-up and Top-down Closures of Aerosol-cloud Interactions: multi-dimensional Cloud-aERosol Exploratory Study using RPAS, A53A-0365Abstract Title: Aerosol-cloud closure study using RPAS measurements
Bronzan, J.
GC21E-06Abstract Title: States at Risk: America’s Preparedness Report Card
Brook, E.
A23J-01Abstract Title: Ice core measurements of 14CH4 constrain the sources of atmospheric methane increase during abrupt warming events of the last deglaciation, PP33D-01Abstract Title: Links between abrupt change in tropical hydroclimate, high-latitude climate change, and atmospheric greenhouse gases during the last ice age, PP41BAbstract Title: Biogeochemical Cycles in the Past: Long-Term Commitments in the Future I Posters, PP41B-2228Abstract Title: Atmospheric CO2 and carbon cycle during the late Holocene, PP41B-2233Abstract Title: Changes in CO2 concentration and carbon cycle during the last glacial termination, PP43EAbstract Title: Biogeochemical Cycles in the Past: Long-Term Commitments in the Future II, PP43E-02Abstract Title: Glacial-Interglacial and Holocene N2O Stable Isotope Changes Constrain Terrestrial N Cycling
Brook, E.
A33C-0165Abstract Title: Determining the imprint of Heinrich Stadial 4 on the latitudinal distribution of methane sources using the inter-polar methane difference from the WAIS Divide and GISP2 ice-cores, PP41BAbstract Title: Biogeochemical Cycles in the Past: Long-Term Commitments in the Future I Posters, PP43E-01Abstract Title: Abrupt Atmospheric Methane Increases Associated With Hudson Strait Heinrich Events
Brook, G. A.
PP51A-2249Abstract Title: Late Holocene (ca. AD 370-1210) ecosystem changes inferred from a stalagmite from northwestern Madagascar: the role of the ITCZ and human activity
Brooker, R. A.
OS43A-2006Abstract Title: The distribution of trace elements in a range of deep-sea sulphide ore deposits and their impact on seafloor mining 
Brooks, B. J.
A41O-08Abstract Title: Observations of the Arctic boundary layer clouds during ACSE 2014, C13C-0827Abstract Title: In Situ Measurement of the Drag Coefficient Over Arctic Sea Ice
Brooks, B. A.
G21C-04Abstract Title: Uncorking Shallow Slip and the Slip History of the 2014 South Napa Earthquake, NH51G-02Abstract Title: USGS Imagery Applications During Disaster Response After Recent Earthquakes, T31B-2872Abstract Title: Modeling the Evolution of Localized Strain in Orogenic Wedges: From Short-term Deformation to Long-term Tectonic States, T42A-02Abstract Title: Near Field Deformation of the Mw 6.0 24 August, 2014 South Napa Earthquake Estimated by Airborne Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) Change Detection Techniques
Brooks, B. G.
A11J-0204Abstract Title: Mobile Detection of Fugitive Emissions using Computationally Optimized Geochemical Methods
Brooks, C.
C41A-0688Abstract Title: Arctic and Antarctic Topography Measurements Using LVIS
Brooks, D.
SH54B-06Abstract Title: Full Sun Observations for Identifying the Source of the Slow Solar Wind.
Brooks, E. M.
ED53E-0883Abstract Title: Should Fermi Have Secured his Water Heater Against Earthquakes?, S21B-2682Abstract Title: Comparing the Performance of Japan’s Earthquake Hazard Maps to Uniform and Randomized Maps, S31B-06Abstract Title: Metrics, Bayes, and BOGSAT: Recognizing and Assessing Uncertainties in Earthquake Hazard Maps
Brooks, E.
B14B-07Abstract Title: Predicting future productivity of Southeastern U.S. pine ecosystems in a changing climate using data assimilation with diverse data sources, B21I-07Abstract Title: Relative role of parameter vs. climate uncertainty for predictions of future Southeastern U.S. pine carbon cycling
Brooks, F.
H41A-1287Abstract Title: Temporal and Climatic Analysis of the Rio Peñasco in New Mexico
Brooks, H. P.
H23G-1658Abstract Title: A New Arduino Datalogger Board for Simple, Low Cost Environmental Monitoring and the EnviroDIY Web Community
Brooks, I. M.
A23I-05Abstract Title: Arctic Sea Salt Aerosol from Blowing Snow and Sea Ice Surfaces – a Missing Natural Source in Winter, A24C-01Abstract Title: Understanding the Processes Controlling Aerosol-Cloud Interactions in the Arctic Marine Boundary Layer, A41O-08Abstract Title: Observations of the Arctic boundary layer clouds during ACSE 2014, A42D-04Abstract Title: Eddy Covariance Measurements of the Sea-Spray Aerosol Flu, C13C-0827Abstract Title: In Situ Measurement of the Drag Coefficient Over Arctic Sea Ice
Brooks, J. R.
H12C-05Abstract Title: Effects of Nitrogen Inputs and Watershed Characteristics on Summer Stream Nitrogen Concentrations: A National-Scale Analysis, H33I-1720Abstract Title: A five year view on the contribution of snowmelt to flow in the Willamette River using water stable isotopes, H43I-1647Abstract Title: Temporal and Spatial Variation of Surface Water Stable Isotopes in the Marys River Basin, Oregon
Brooks, M.
GC33E-1338Abstract Title: Relative Influence of Top-Down ond Bottom-Up Controls on Mixed Severity Burn Patterns in Yosemite National Park, California, USA
Brooks, M. C.
H43F-1575Abstract Title: Numerical Modeling to Investigate the Uncertainty of Mass Discharge Measurements from Point and Pumping Based Methods under Heterogeneous Conditions
Brooks, P. D.
H21C-1382Abstract Title: Topographic Control of Aboveground Carbon Pools Across an Environmental Gradient, Eastern Slope of the Rocky Mountains, Colorado., H23J-05Abstract Title: Scale-dependent interactions between vegetation, landscape, and climate: How critical zone structure influences ecohydrological reslience in a rapidly changing world
Brooks, R. A.
B33C-0700Abstract Title: Greenhouse gas emissions from septic systems in New York State
Brooks, S. D.
A11DAbstract Title: Biogeochemistry of Organic Aerosols and the Ocean-Atmosphere Connection Posters, A11D-0091Abstract Title: Exopolymer Particles in the Sea Surface Microlayer (SML) of the Coastal Pacific Ocean
Brooks, S. D.
A21A-0065Abstract Title: Air Quality at a Ranch Site in the Western Part of the Eagle Ford shale
Brooks, S. M.
P51B-2063Abstract Title: Studies of Saturn’s Main Rings at Multiple Wavelengths, P51B-2067Abstract Title: Towards an Understanding of Thermal Throughput across Saturn's Rings with Cassini CIRS
Brooks, T. W.
GC51F-1163Abstract Title: Mercury Speciation in Saltmarsh Porewater, Groundwater, and Surface Water: Cape Cod, MA
Brookshire, D.
PA53B-01Abstract Title: The Value of Information from a GRACE-Enhanced Drought Severity Index, PA53B-04Abstract Title: Net Resource Assessment (NetRA): A Collaborative Effort Between USGS Science and Decisions Center, the Science Impact Laboratory for Policy and Economics (University of New Mexico) and Sandia National Laboratory
Broome, S.
MR41D-2681Abstract Title: Mechanical Characterization of Mancos Shale
Broome, S. T.
MR41C-2644Abstract Title: Water-Free Shale Stimulation: Experimental Studies of Electrofracturing
Brophy, B.
NH43B-1879Abstract Title: Seismic characterization of the Wasatch fault system beneath Salt Lake City using a land streamer system
Brophy, J. G.
V23B-3149Abstract Title: Numerical Modeling of REE-SiO2 Systematics During Island Arc Lower Crustal Amphibolite Melting: the Role of Partial Disequilibrium Melting Conditions.
Brophy, K.
A14F-02Abstract Title: Comparing observations of fossil fuel-derived CO2 in California with predictions from bottom-up inventories
Brophy, P.
A13E-0400Abstract Title: Anthropogenic Sulfur Perturbations on Biogenic Oxidation: Impacts of Sulfur Dioxide Additions on Bulk Gas Phase OH Oxidation Products of Alpha and Beta Pinene., A13E-0402Abstract Title: Investigations of Acetate Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometry (NIPT-CIMS): Underlying Chemistry, Calibrations, and Operational Considerations for the Detection of Carboxylic Acids and Other Species, A23N-08Abstract Title: Tracing Gas and Particle Phase Oxidation From Engine Sources as a Function of Fuel Type, Load, and Photochemical Age
Broquet, G.
A23P-03Abstract Title: Quantification of methane fluxes from industrial sites using a combination of a tracer release method and a Gaussian model, A31B-0038Abstract Title: Decadal Trends in Global CO Emissions as Inferred from Atmospheric Inversion
Brosius, A. L.
A41A-0003Abstract Title: Quantification of Several Hydroxyl and Hydroperoxyl Measurement Interferences for GTHOS/ATHOS
Brosius, J. W.
SH31D-01Abstract Title: Evidence for Nanoflare Heating of the Solar Corona from the EUNIS Sounding Rocket
Broska, J.
PA13A-2173Abstract Title: An Innovative Approach to Effective Climate Science Application through Stakeholder Participation in Great Plains Grasslands
Brosnahan, S.
EP23B-0971Abstract Title: Balanced Sediment Fluxes in Southern California’s Mediterranean-climate Zone Salt Marshes
Brosnan, D. M.
PA41B-2168Abstract Title: Science in a Post-Sendai World, PA42BAbstract Title: Scientific Risk and Scientific Expertise in Hazard Events: Navigating among Diverging Scientific Data and Opinions, PA42B-01Abstract Title: In the heat of the moment: Effectively engaging scientists and diverging science in hazard events.
Brossier, J. F.
P13B-2126Abstract Title: Dark Areas on Equatorial Regions of Titan: Implication in Particles Size of Water-Ice and Combination with Tholins.
Brosy, C.
H53M-03Abstract Title: The TERENO-preAlpine Observatory: A Research Infrastructure for Hydrometeorological Observation and -Modeling across Compartments and Scales
Brothers, D. S.
EP12A-04Abstract Title: Linking Slope Sedimentation, Gradient, Morphology, and Active Faulting: An Integrated Example from the Palos Verdes Slope, Southern California Borderland, EP14B-01Abstract Title: The Role of Antecedent Geology in Submarine Slope Failure: Insights from the Currituck Slide Complex along the Central U.S. Atlantic Margin, NH21EAbstract Title: Marine Geohazards I, NH21E-01Abstract Title: Morphology and Age of the Southern New England Landslide Zone, NH21E-05Abstract Title: A Synthesis of Characteristics of Submarine Landslides Generated by the 1964 Great Alaska Earthquake in Six Fjords, NH23BAbstract Title: Marine Geohazards II Posters, NH23B-1882Abstract Title: High-Resolution Geophysical Constraints on Late Pleistocene–Present Deformation History, Seabed Morphology, and Slip-Rate along the Queen Charlotte-Fairweather Fault, Offshore Southeastern Alaska, NH23B-1884Abstract Title: 3D Structural and Stratigraphic Architecture of the Northwest Santa Barbara Channel and Implications for Submarine Landslide Generation, OS31B-08Abstract Title: High-resolution seismic attribute analysis for the detection of methane hydrate and substrate fluid migration pathways along the central U.S. Atlantic Margin , T23C-2956Abstract Title: 3D insight into fault geometries, deformation, and fluid-migration within the Hosgri Fault Zone offshore central California: Results from high-resolution 3D seismic data
Brothers, S. C.
EP41D-03Abstract Title: Stratigraphic Architecture of Aeolian Dune Interactions
Brotopuspito, K. S.
V43B-3132Abstract Title: Storage of fluids and melts at subduction zones detectable by seismic tomography
Brouder, S. M.
H53N-06Abstract Title: Biofuel Induced Land Use Change effects on Watershed Hydrology and Water Quality
Brouet, Y.
P34B-02Abstract Title: Spectro-polarimetry of Ice-dust Mixtures measured in the Laboratory with Application to the Solar System and Beyond, P43A-2096Abstract Title: Laboratory permittivity measurements of icy planetary analogs in the millimeter and submillimeter domains, in relation with JUICE mission.
Brough, N.
C13C-0832Abstract Title: Viable Particles from Iodine Compounds in the Antarctic Sea Ice Zone, C13C-0837Abstract Title: The Seasonal Variability of Atmospheric Nitrogen Oxide (NO and NO2) Concentrations and Snow Emission Flux in Coastal Antarctica
Brough, S.
EP53A-0999Abstract Title: Reconstructing Glaciers on Mars
Brouillard, B.
H13L-1747Abstract Title: Effects of Extensive Beetle-Induced Forest Mortality on Aromatic Organic Carbon Loading and Disinfection Byproduct Formation Potential
Brounce, M. N.
DI13AAbstract Title: Geochemical and Geophysical Links between Subduction Zone Dynamics and Arc Systems I Posters, DI22AAbstract Title: Geochemical and Geophysical Links between Subduction Zone Dynamics and Arc Systems II, DI44A-08Abstract Title: Changes in magmatic oxidation state induced by degassing
Broutman, D.
NH21C-1832Abstract Title: Three-Dimensional Propagation of Tsunami-Generated Internal Waves in the Atmosphere
Brouwer, F. M.
T41E-2952Abstract Title: Dynamics of intra-oceanic subduction initiation, part 2: supra-subduction zone ophiolite formation and metamorphic sole exhumation in context of absolute plate motions
Brouyère, S.
Brovkin, V.
B31D-0599Abstract Title: Modelling carbon in permafrost soils from preindustrial to the future, B33F-06Abstract Title: Cooling biogeophysical effect of large-scale tropical deforestation in three Earth System models
Browell, E. V.
A22CAbstract Title: Greenhouse Gas Measurements Using Active Optical Remote Sensing I, A22C-02Abstract Title: Impact of O2–Based Surface Pressure Uncertainties on Laser Absorption Spectrometer Retrievals of Column CO2 Mixing Ratios (XCO2), A23BAbstract Title: Greenhouse Gas Measurements Using Active Optical Remote Sensing II Posters, A23B-0291Abstract Title: Airborne Measurements in Support of the NASA Atmospheric Carbon and Transport - America (ACT-America) Mission
Browell, E. V.
A23B-0287Abstract Title: Atmospheric CO2 Variability Observed during ASCENDS Flight Campaigns, A23B-0288Abstract Title: Technology Advancements for Active Remote Sensing of Carbon Dioxide from Space using the ASCENDS CarbonHawk Experiment Simulator, A23B-0292Abstract Title: Impact of Using Assimilated Data for Evaluating Performance of Active CO2 Optical Depth Measurements, A23B-0293Abstract Title: Spatial and Temporal Variability of Carbon Dioxide using Structure Functions in Urban Areas: Insights for Future Active Remote CO2 Sensors
Brown, A.
C53A-0764Abstract Title: Zenith Delay Data as a Constraint on the State of the Atmosphere above the Greenland Ice Sheet
Brown, A.
IN23E-02Abstract Title: A Laboratory-Based System for Managing and Distributing Publically Funded Geochemical Data in a Collaborative Environment
Brown, A. J.
P43D-2145Abstract Title: Decrypting the Formation Conditions of the Basement Carbonate-Bearing Rocks at Nili Fossae
Brown, A.
EP34A-07Abstract Title: An Ecological Drill: Biogeomorphic Pattern Evolution in a Low-Relief Carbonate Landscape
Brown, A.
H23B-1587Abstract Title: Modeling Large Water Infiltration Events in Small Plots Using the 1-D Finite Water-content Method and Numerical Solutions to the Richards' Equation.
Brown, A.
A43K-08Abstract Title: Developing a U.S. Research Agenda to Advance Subseasonal to Seasonal Forecasting
Brown, B.
GC23HAbstract Title: Improving Societal Relevance of Climate and Earth System Models through Use-Oriented Performance Metrics and Benchmarks for Developers Posters
Brown, B. P.
P41A-2036Abstract Title: Internal Wave Generation by Turbulent Convection
Brown, B. R.
A44D-07Abstract Title: Validation of Simulated Hurricane Drop Size Distributions using Polarimetric Radar
Brown, C.
H32FAbstract Title: Water Resources, Climate Change, and Sustainability: Breakthroughs in Process Understanding, Data Availability, and Impact Assessment II, H33IAbstract Title: Water Resources, Climate Change, and Sustainability: Breakthroughs in Process Understanding, Data Availability, and Impact Assessment III Posters, H33I-1718Abstract Title: Evaluating Options for Improving California’s Drought Resilience, H51K-1539Abstract Title: Modular modeling system for building distributed hydrologic models with a user-friendly software package
Brown, C. M.
C51C-0751Abstract Title: The development of a glacio-hydrologic model in the river basin context: Applicability for climate change risk assessment, H31OAbstract Title: Water Resources, Climate Change, and Sustainability: Breakthroughs in Process Understanding, Data Availability, and Impact Assessment I, H32FAbstract Title: Water Resources, Climate Change, and Sustainability: Breakthroughs in Process Understanding, Data Availability, and Impact Assessment II, H33IAbstract Title: Water Resources, Climate Change, and Sustainability: Breakthroughs in Process Understanding, Data Availability, and Impact Assessment III Posters, H33OAbstract Title: Water Resources Management and Policy in a Changing World I, H34FAbstract Title: Water Resources Management and Policy in a Changing World II, H41GAbstract Title: Water Resources Management and Policy in a Changing World III Posters, H41G-1457Abstract Title: Robustness-based evaluation of long-term river basin planning under climate change, H43NAbstract Title: Water Resources Management and Policy in a Changing World IV
Brown, C. M.
SA43C-07Abstract Title: The Michelson Interferometer for Global High-resolution Thermospheric Imaging (MIGHTI): Final Instrument Design and Update on Integration and Test of the Thermsopheric Wind and Temperature Instrument on the Ionospheric Connection Explorer (ICON), SA51C-2414Abstract Title: A Low Noise, High QE, Large Format CCD Camera System for the NASA MIGHTI Instrument
Brown, C.
OS14A-06Abstract Title: Galapagos Penguins in a Warming World: An Exemplar of Biological Loopholes in the Anthropocene
Brown, C. T.
B23I-02Abstract Title: High CO2 subsurface environment enriches for novel microbial lineages capable of autotrophic carbon fixation
Brown, C.
OS21A-1957Abstract Title: Multibeam Sonar Backscatter Data Acquisition and Processing: Guidelines and Recommendations from the GEOHAB Backscatter Working Group
Brown, D. N.
B31D-0595Abstract Title: Towards a better understanding of the sensitivity of permafrost and soil carbon to climate and disturbance-induced change in Alaska, B51G-0503Abstract Title: Geophysical evidence for non-uniform permafrost degradation after fire across boreal landscapes, B51G-0510Abstract Title: Thermokarst Rates Intensify Due to Climate Change and Forest Fragmentation in an Alaskan Boreal Forest Lowland
Brown, D. I.
IN11C-1787Abstract Title: Light-weight Parallel Python Tools for Earth System Modeling Workflows
Brown de Colstoun, E. C.
B33E-0790Abstract Title: A new map of circa 2010 global urban extent from Landsat data
Brown, E.
T21F-05Abstract Title: Linking petrology and seismology of the southwest Greenland lithosphere, T24A-06Abstract Title: NORTH AMERICA’S MIDCONTINENT RIFT: WHEN RIFT MET LIP, V31DAbstract Title: The Origin of Basaltic Magmatism Posters, V33C-3114Abstract Title: Origin and Role of Recycled Crust in Flood Basalt Magmatism: Case Study of the Central East Greenland Rifted Margin
Brown, E.
NG14A-03Abstract Title: A Low-Dimensional Stochastic Model for Large-Scale Coherent Structures
Brown, E. T.
PP13C-2306Abstract Title: A Long Pleistocene Paleoclimate Record from Stoneman Lake, Arizona, PP23A-2276Abstract Title: Reconstructing Quaternary precipitation periodicities with Santa Barbara Basin sediment cores: application of the siliciclastic detrital element proxy at annual resolution, PP23A-2277Abstract Title: Identifying the Holocene evolution of interannual climate variability in Southern California river runoff records., PP31A-2212Abstract Title: A ~600 kyr duration Early Pleistocene record from the West Turkana (Kenya) HSPDP drill site: elemental XRF variability to reconstruct climate change in Turkana Boy’s backyard , PP34A-08Abstract Title: A Progressively Wetter Climate in Southern East Africa Over the Past 1.3 Million Years
Brown, G. E.
H31E-1451Abstract Title: Kerogen-Hydraulic Fracture Fluid Interactions: Reactivity and Contaminant Release, MR41C-2646Abstract Title: A Geochemical Framework for Evaluating Shale-Hydraulic Fracture Fluid Interactions, MR41C-2647Abstract Title: Coupled Mineral Dissolution and Precipitation Reactions in Shale-Hydraulic Fracturing Fluid Systems
Brown, I. F.
GC41DAbstract Title: Extreme Climatic Events and Natural Disasters in Amazonia: How to Adapt and Mitigate? Posters, GC41D-1112Abstract Title: Strengthening Adaptation to Extreme Climate Events in Southwestern Amazonia: an Example from the Trinational Acre River Basin in the Madre de Dios/Peru – Acre/Brazil – Pando/Bolivia (MAP) Region.
Brown, J. M.
P43A-2098Abstract Title: Speed of Sound in Aqueous Solutions at sub-GPa Pressures: a New Experiment to Unveil the Properties of Extra-Terrestrial Oceans, V21C-3052Abstract Title: Phase Relations in the Carbon Dioxide/Water System at Pressures and Temperatures Relevant to Subducting Slabs
Brown, J.
T31EAbstract Title: State of the Art in Computational Geoscience I, T33EAbstract Title: State of the Art in Computational Geoscience II Posters, T33E-2972Abstract Title: On Scaling Modes and Balancing Stochastic, Discretization, and Modeling Error
Brown, J.
GC33H-07Abstract Title: A Climate Data Record of Near-Surface Over-Ocean Parameters and Air-Sea Fluxes
Brown, J. F.
B53F-0623Abstract Title: The Influence of Drought on Spring Vegetation Green-up , GC12CAbstract Title: Sustainable Global Agricultural Production Monitoring Practices and Methods I, GC13HAbstract Title: Sustainable Global Agricultural Production Monitoring Practices and Methods II Posters, GC13H-1257Abstract Title: Monitoring Agricultural Drought in Canada using the Vegetation Drought Response Index (VegDRI)
Brown, K. I.
H41D-1343Abstract Title: Three-Phase Capillary Pressure, Hysteresis and Trapping in a Porous Glass-Bead Column
Brown, K.
H44C-01Abstract Title: Estimation of Flood Frequencies under Changing Climate Conditions During 21st Century by means of a Numerical Coupled Atmospheric-Hydrologic Modeling Approach
Brown, K. M.
T53B-06Abstract Title: What controls the onset of stable fault creep at the bottom of the seismogenic zone?
Brown, K.
ED13B-0888Abstract Title: The AirWaterGas Teacher Professional Development Program: Lessons Learned by Pairing Scientists and Teachers to Develop Curriculum on Global Climate Change and Regional Unconventional Oil and Gas Development
Brown, L. D.
S41B-2734Abstract Title: Interpreting Artifacts of Body Wave Interferometry, T11FAbstract Title: Deep structure of Tibetan Plateau and Surrounding Regions and Its Geodynamic Implications I, T11F-01Abstract Title: The Himalaya-Tibet System: A Natural laboratory for continental collision and seismogenesis, T21AAbstract Title: Deep structure of Tibetan Plateau and Surrounding Regions and Its Geodynamic Implications II Posters, T23E-06Abstract Title: Reflection Character of the Continental Lithosphere and Crustal Evolution, T43A-2977Abstract Title: The crustal structures from Wuyi-Yunkai orogen to Taiwan orogen: the onshore-offshore wide-angle seismic experiment of TAIGER and ATSEE projects
Brown, L. N.
A51Q-0342Abstract Title: Impact and Recovery Pattern of a Spring Fire on a Pacific Coast Marsh – Observations and Implications for Endangered Species, PA11C-08Abstract Title: Problems, Prescriptions and Potential in Actionable Climate Change Science – A Case Study from California Coastal Marsh Research
Brown, L. L.
GP24BAbstract Title: Bullard Lecture, GP31AAbstract Title: Geomagnetism and Paleomagnetism General Contributions Posters, GP51A-1330Abstract Title: A New Instrument for Magnetic Imaging of Rock Slabs at the Hand-Sample Scale
Brown, L. E.
IN41A-1683Abstract Title: Accessing Heliophysics Timeseries Data Through a Single Interface, SM42B-03Abstract Title: Escape of Pluto's Atmosphere: In Situ Measurements from New Horizons and Remote Observations from Chandra, SM51A-2535Abstract Title: Data Access and Tools for the Magnetospheric Multiscale Energetic Ion Spectrometer (and Others)
Brown, L. M.
ED34B-06Abstract Title: Integrating Field-Centered, Project Based Activities with Academic Year Coursework: A Curriculum Wide Approach
Brown, L. N.
T21D-2848Abstract Title: Fragility of Forearc Stresses as a Consequence of Extreme Weakness of Megathrust Faults
Brown, M. B.
GC33A-1256Abstract Title: Climate Action and Activism: Scientists as Citizens and Communicators
Brown, M. C.
GP12A-01Abstract Title: Version 3 of the GEOMAGIA50 Paleomagnetic Database, GP23B-1312Abstract Title: Paleomagnetic interpretations of reversals and excursions in numerical dynamo simulations
Brown, M.
PA33B-2186Abstract Title: Is this what you need? Direct feedback help climate change information exchange
Brown, M.
U41A-02Abstract Title: When Did Plate Tectonics Begin
Brown, M. G.
C51B-0725Abstract Title: Intra- and Inter-Seasonal Supra-glacial Water Variability over the West Greenland Ice Sheet as Estimated from Combining High Resolution Satellite Optical Data and a Digital Elevation Model
Brown, M. E.
C41C-0715Abstract Title: Advancing a framework for fostering innovative use of ICESat-2 data to inform actionable decisions of value to society, GC53H-01Abstract Title: Global Food Security in a Changing Climate: Considerations and Projections, GC54A-01Abstract Title: Climate Change and Global Food Security: Food Access, Utilization, and the US Food System, PA53B-03Abstract Title: The Value of High Resolution Forest Canopy Maps for Implementing Carbon Sequestration Programs in Maryland, TH12DAbstract Title: NASA's Ice, Cloud and Land Elevation Satellite-2 (ICESat-2) Mission Town Hall, TH12IAbstract Title: USDA Town Hall on Climate Change, Global Food Security and the U.S. Food System Report
Brown, N.
EP33B-1075Abstract Title: Sediment from the Last Two Glacial Periods Amalgamated and Re-Entrained in the Alluvial Piedmont of the North Tian Shan, T31A-2857Abstract Title: Coseismic Faulting and Folding in an Active Thrust Sheet over Multiple Rupture Cycles Resolved by Integrating Surface and Subsurface Records of Earthquake Deformation, V33D-3141Abstract Title: Thermally-controlled luminescence signals from bedrock K-feldspars
Brown, N.
T51B-2879Abstract Title: Laurentian and Baltican components of Terranes in NW Washington: Implications for Displacement of Paleozoic Terranes
Brown, N.
P51B-2059Abstract Title: NanoRocks: A Long-Term Microgravity Experiment to Stydy Planet Formation and Planetary Ring Particles
Brown, P. T.
A31C-0054Abstract Title: Unforced surface air temperature anomalies and their opposite relationship with the TOA energy imbalance at local and global scales
Brown, P. G.
IN54A-06Abstract Title: Scientific Data Management and Analysis for Earth Science at Scale
Brown, P.
S54B-01Abstract Title: Using large meteoroids as global infrasound reference events
Brown, R. F.
B53G-0653Abstract Title: The Effects of Rainfall Pulses on Soil Nitrogen Availability in a Chihuahuan Desert Grassland During the Summer Monsoon
Brown, R. J.
V51F-3084Abstract Title: Unravelling the magmatic processes behind zoned fall units on Ascension Island, South Atlantic
Brown, R. H.
P12B-04Abstract Title: Tidal Currents between Titan’s Seas Detected by Solar Glints, P13B-2124Abstract Title: Changes on Titan’s surface, P13B-2128Abstract Title: Simultaneous Cartography of Aerosol Opacity and Surface Albedo of Titan by the Massive Inversion of the Cassini/VIMS Dataset, P13B-2132Abstract Title: Computing Global Mosaics of Titan With the VIMS Imaging Spectrometer
Brown, R. A.
EP42B-04Abstract Title: The topographic design of river channels for form-process linkages, EP42B-05Abstract Title: Morphodynamic and Biotic Responses to Sediment Sluicing and Natural Floods in a Regulated Mountain River
Brown, R.
GC21B-1085Abstract Title: Investigating the spread of surface albedo in snow covered forests in CMIP5 models
Brown, S.
GC13I-04Abstract Title: Magnitude and Uncertainty of Carbon Pools and Fluxes in the US Forests
Brown, S.
PA43C-2191Abstract Title: International Database of Volcanic Ash Impacts
Brown, S. R.
DI13A-2627Abstract Title: Geochronology and Geochemistry of Zircons from the IODP Site U1437 in the Rear of the Izu-Bonin Volcanic Arc
Brown, S. E.
B11B-0426Abstract Title: Comparison of N2O fluxes measured using flux-gradient, eddy-covariance, and chamber methods from an agricultural site
Brown, S. E.
B31B-0547Abstract Title: Comparing the Net Ecosystem Exchange of Two Cropping Systems for Dairy Feed Production
Brown, S. T.
A44C-07Abstract Title: Atmospheric River Observations with the HAMSR Aircraft Microwave Sounder, A51L-0238Abstract Title: Observations of Convective Development from Repeat Pass Radiometry during CalWaters 2015: Outlook for the TEMPEST Mission, A51S-08Abstract Title: Temporal Experiment for Storms and Tropical Systems Technology Demonstration (TEMPEST-D): Risk Reduction for 6U-Class Nanosatellite Constellations, A53A-0355Abstract Title: Airborne Deployment and Calibration of Microwave Atmospheric Sounder on 6U CubeSat, A53A-0369Abstract Title: Development of the Tropospheric Water Vapor and Cloud ICE (TWICE) Millimeter- and Sub-millimeter Wave Radiometer Instrument for 6U-Class Nanosatellites
Brown, S. T.
H31I-1540Abstract Title: Field Testing of Downgradient Uranium Mobility at an In-Situ Recovery Uranium Mine, H31I-1541Abstract Title: Characterization of U ore from a roll-front U deposit: Implications of dominant U-Ti mineral for ore genesis and post solution-mining U immobilization, H31I-1542Abstract Title: A Metal Stable Isotope Approach to Understanding Uranium Mobility Across Roll Front Redox Boundaries
Brown, S. M.
P41F-08Abstract Title: Thermochemical Evolution of Mercury’s Lower Mantle Linked to Early Volcanism, V31D-3048Abstract Title: Melting Systematics in Mid-ocean Ridge Basalts and Implications for Global CO2 Fluxes
Brown, S.
H54C-03Abstract Title: Emergence of Anomalous Transport in Stressed Rough Fractures
Brown, S. D.
B11D-0472Abstract Title: Microbial Community Response to Carbon Substrate Amendment in Mercury Impacted Sediments: Implications on Microbial Methylation of Mercury., B14C-03Abstract Title: Investigating the Connection between hgcA and Mercury Methylation Rates in the Environment, B14C-05Abstract Title: A Study of Mercury Methylation Genetics: Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of hgcAB in Pure Culture
Brown, S. G.
A23P-07Abstract Title: Mitigating and Tracking Black Carbon Exposure at Schools in the Mountain View Corridor of Salt Lake City
Brown, S. S.
A11M-0250Abstract Title: Emissions and Chemistry of Volatile Organic Compounds in Early Spring of Western U.S.: Interactions between Oil/Gas Emissions and Biogenic Emissions, A11T-06Abstract Title: Investigating Differences in Isoprene Oxidation Chemistry Between Gas-Phase Mechanisms Using a Constrained Chemical Box Model, A12A-06Abstract Title: Summertime Acyl peroxy nitrates (PANs) in the Colorado Front Range, A12A-07Abstract Title: Quantifying atmospheric nitrogen outflow from the Front Range of Colorado, A13E-0388Abstract Title: Sources and Fate of Reactive Carbon in an Isoprene-Dominated Forest, A13E-0395Abstract Title: Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation and Aging in a Flow Reactor in the Forested Southeast US during SOAS, A13G-08Abstract Title: Enhanced Removal of Biogenic Hydrocarbons in Power Plant Plumes Constrains the Dependence of Atmospheric Hydroxyl Concentrations on Nitrogen Oxides, A14B-06Abstract Title: Observational Constraints on Glyoxal Production from Isoprene Oxidation and Its Contribution to Organic Aerosol Over the Southeast United States, A14F-04Abstract Title: Fluxes of Greenhouse Gases from the Baltimore-Washington Area: Results from WINTER 2015 Aircraft Observations, A21A-0002Abstract Title: Toward a Quantitative Assessment of the Influence of Regional Emission Sources on Ozone Production in the Colorado Front Range, A24F-04Abstract Title: Partitioning of NOy and Implications for Ozone Formation in Western US Shale Plays, A31D-0086Abstract Title: Formation of Epoxide Derived SOA and Gas-Phase Acids through Aqueous Aerosol Processing in the Southeastern United States during SOAS, A34FAbstract Title: Wintertime Atmospheric Chemistry: Emissions, Dispersion, Aerosols, Halogens, and Unusual Oxidants I, A34F-03Abstract Title: Sources, Chemistry, and Transport of Pollutants over the Eastern United States During the WINTER 2015 Aircraft Campaign, A34F-04Abstract Title: An overview of reactive chlorine measurements during the WINTER C-130 aircraft campaign, A34F-05Abstract Title: Observations of Nitryl Chloride and Modeling its Source and Effect on Ozone in the Planetary Boundary Layer of Southern China, A34F-06Abstract Title: Nitrous acid (HONO) observations during the Uintah Basin Wintertime Ozone Studies (UBWOS) and the Wintertime Investigation of Transport, Emission, and Reactivity (WINTER) study: sources, measurements interferences, and implications beyond., A34F-07Abstract Title: Water Soluble Ions in Bulk Aerosol During the WINTER 2015 Campaign., A41A-0011Abstract Title: Airborne Measurements of NOx, NOy, and O3 Using Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy, A41KAbstract Title: Wintertime Atmospheric Chemistry: Emissions, Dispersion, Aerosols, Halogens, and Unusual Oxidants II Posters, A41K-0215Abstract Title: Insights into Submicron Aerosol Composition and Sources from the WINTER Aircraft Campaign Over the Eastern US., A41K-0223Abstract Title: Ammonia Partitioning into the Condensed Phase in Winter Time Conditions, A41K-0226Abstract Title: Nighttime NOx Chemistry in Coal-Fired Power Plant Plumes, A41K-0227Abstract Title: Examining the Role of N2O5 Hydrolysis and ClNO2 Production Over the Northeast United States: Results from WINTER 2015 Aircraft Campaign, A41K-0228Abstract Title: The impact of ClNO2 production on tropospheric nitrogen oxides and oxidants in a global model, A41K-0231Abstract Title: Utilizing SO2/CO2 Mixing Ratios to Determine SO2 Uptake by a Regional Cloud Layer, A41K-0232Abstract Title: Validation of Point Source Emissions of SO2 Using Aircraft Data, TH42GAbstract Title: Nitrate Radicals and Biogenic Volatile Organic Compounds
Brown, T. J.
GC51B-1086Abstract Title: The Making of National Seasonal Wildfire Outlooks
Brown, T. G.
GC14B-05Abstract Title: The Geomorphology of The Anthropocene: Emergence, Status and Implications
Brown, W. O. J.
H51I-1495Abstract Title: LOTOS: A Proposed Lower Tropospheric Observing System from the Land Surface through the Atmospheric Boundary Layer
Brown, Z. E.
PP43D-2311Abstract Title: A High-Resolution Labrador Sea Surface and Subsurface Water Foraminiferal δ18O Record and its Relation to Heinrich Events.
Browne, B. L.
V11FAbstract Title: The Secret Life of Minerals: Reconstructing Pre-eruptive Magma Storage and Ascent Dynamics I, V13BAbstract Title: The Secret Life of Minerals: Reconstructing Pre-eruptive Magma Storage and Ascent Dynamics II Posters, V13B-3123Abstract Title: Eruption styles of Quaternary basalt in the southern Sierra Nevada Kern Plateau recorded in outcrop and mineral-scale stratigraphies
Browne, I. M.
PP51B-2288Abstract Title: Postglacial Records of Southern Hemisphere Westerly Wind Variability From the New Zealand Subantarctic Auckland Islands
Browning, D. M.
B24E-02Abstract Title: Bridging Multiple Lines Of Evidence To Quantify Plant Phenology And Assess Links To Dryland Ecosystem Function
Browning, J. V.
PP11E-01Abstract Title: Sea-level Change during Hothouse, Cool Greenhouse, and Icehouse Worlds
Browning, J.
V42B-02Abstract Title: Utilising Geological Field Measurements and Historic Eruption Volumes to Estimate the Volume of Santorini’s Magma Chamber 
Browning, N.
B44C-06Abstract Title: Exploring soil organic matter-mineral interactions: mechanistic insights at the nanometer and molecular length scales
Browning, S. A.
PP41D-03Abstract Title: The Paleoclimate Reanalysis Project
Brownlee, S. J.
T23E-07Abstract Title: Magnitude and symmetry of seismic anisotropy as a constraint on crustal composition and structure
Brownlow, R.
A33C-0163Abstract Title: Isotope and methane dynamics above and below the Trade Wind Inversion at Ascension Island using UAVs, A33C-0164Abstract Title: Isotopic constraints on the rise in atmospheric methane., A51S-02Abstract Title: Scheduling whole-air samples above the Trade Wind Inversion from SUAS using real-time sensors
Brownsey, D. K.
A43C-0282Abstract Title: Nocturnal Ozone Depletion Events at the Amphitrite Point Observatory on West Vancouver Island
Browse, J.
A24C-01Abstract Title: Understanding the Processes Controlling Aerosol-Cloud Interactions in the Arctic Marine Boundary Layer, A41P-08Abstract Title: The Spatial and Temporal Heterogeneity of Precipitation and Aerosol-Cloud Radiative Forcing Uncertainty in Climatically Important Regions
Broxton, P. D.
GC21B-1093Abstract Title: An Evaluation of Snow Initializations for NCEP Global and Regional Forecasting Models, GC22A-06Abstract Title: Development of a hybrid 3-D hydrological model to simulate hillslopes and the regional unconfined aquifer system in Earth system models, H21K-07Abstract Title: Testing the hybrid-3D Hillslope Hydrological Model in a Real-World Controlled Environment
Brozena, J. M.
C41A-0683Abstract Title: The Impact of Snow and Ice Morphology on Radar Altimetric Determination of Sea Ice Thickness, C52A-08Abstract Title: Integrated Airborne and In-Situ Measurements Over Land-Fast Ice Near Barrow, AK., C53B-0782Abstract Title: Airborne Grid Sea-Ice Surveys for Comparison with Cryosat-2
Brozovic, M.
P51B-2062Abstract Title: Saturn Ring Mass and Zonal Gravitational Harmonics Estimate at the End of the Cassini “Grand Finale”, P53G-07Abstract Title: High-Resolution Bistatic Radar Imaging of Near-Earth Asteroids in 2015 using New Capabilities of Goldstone and Green Bank Telescopes
Brozovic, N.
H33O-07Abstract Title: Windows of Opportunity for Groundwater Management
Bruand, E.
C11A-0744Abstract Title: Testing Models of Modern Glacial Erosion of the St. Elias Mountains, Alaska Using Marine Sediment Provenance
Brubaker, K. M.
H21C-1387Abstract Title: The tree water isoscape of a central Pennsylvania catchment: ecohydrologic patterns and processes
Bruccoleri, A.
SH43B-2458Abstract Title: The Marshall Grazing Incidence X-ray Spectrometer (MaGIXS)
Bruce, E.
GC31H-05Abstract Title: An integrated water-energy-food-livelihoods approach for assessing environmental livelihood security
Bruchert, V.
C33F-03Abstract Title: Methane distribution in porewaters of the Eastern Siberian Shelf Sea – chemical, acoustic, and video observations, C43A-0783Abstract Title: Triple-Isotope-Based Source Apportionment of Methane in Waters of the Outer Laptev Sea
Bruck, B.
H21C-1380Abstract Title: Soil Inorganic Carbon Thresholds and Formation: What are the Controls in a Transitional, Semi-Arid Watershed?
Bruck Syal, M.
NH14B-07Abstract Title: Deflection by Kinetic Impact or Nuclear Ablation: Sensitivity to Asteroid Properties
Brucker, L.
C32B-07Abstract Title: Comparison of Three Models for Snow Microwave Brightness Temperature Simulation, C41D-0720Abstract Title: Detection of Rain-on-Snow (ROS) Events Using the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer-Earth Observing System (AMSR-E) and Weather Station Observations, C41D-0758Abstract Title: Ultra-wideband Radiometry for Internal Ice Sheet Temperature Measurements: Modeling and Experiments, C43E-01Abstract Title: Investigating the Greenland firn aquifer near Helheim Glacier based on geophysical noninvasive methods and in situ measurements
Bruckner, A.
OS13A-2030Abstract Title: Galápagos coral reef persistence after ENSO warming across an acidification gradient
Brückner, H.
NH33A-1904Abstract Title: New Geological Evidence of Past Earthquakes and Tsunami Along the Nankai Trough, Japan
Bruckner, M.
H51O-1624Abstract Title: Bridging Science and Public Understanding of Water-Energy Nexus: Opportunities for broader impact connections with InTeGrate
Bruckner, M. Z.
ED43D-0893Abstract Title: On the Cutting Edge Professional Development Program – An effective model built from years of experience, H33F-1680Abstract Title: Bridging Science and Public Understanding of Long-term Soil, Water, and Vegetation Monitoring: Opportunities for broader impact connections with InTeGrate
Brudzinski, M.
S13B-2836Abstract Title: Leveraging EarthScope USArray with the Central and Eastern United States Seismic Network, S13B-2846Abstract Title: Improving Correlation Algorithms to Detect and Characterize Smaller Magnitude Induced Seismicity Swarms , S23D-2767Abstract Title: Local Earthquake Velocity and Attenuation Tomography of the Jalisco, Mexico Region, T21D-2864Abstract Title: New Perspective on the Transition from Flat to Steeper Subduction in Oaxaca, Mexico Based on Seismicity, Nonvolcanic Tremor, and Slow Slip
Brudzinski, M. R.
S11C-03Abstract Title: Observations of a hydrofracture induced earthquake sequence in Harrison County Ohio in 2014, S44A-01Abstract Title: Source Parameters for Repeating Earthquakes along the Middle America Trench, T43D-3047Abstract Title: Multistation template matching to characterize frequency-magnitude distributions of induced seismicity in the Central and Eastern US
Bruecher, T.
H11I-1453Abstract Title: Implications of Land Use Change in tropical Northern Africa on Climate Extremes
Brueck, C. L.
H21G-1465Abstract Title: Colloid Transport in Unsaturated Porous Media: 3D Visualization Using Synchrotron X-Ray Microtomography, H41D-1342Abstract Title: 3D quantification of dynamic fluid-fluid interfaces in porous media with fast x-ray microtomography: A comparison with quasi-equilibrium methods
Brueckner, H. K.
T13C-3029Abstract Title: A Sm-Nd eclogite and U-Pb detrital zircon study of a probable Baltic HP-UHP metamorphic terrane in the Greenland Caledonides
Bruegge, C. J.
A41I-0159Abstract Title: GOSAT-OCO-2 synergetic CO2 observations over calibration & validation sites and large emission sources, A41I-0162Abstract Title: GOSAT CO2 and CH4 validation activity with a portable FTS at Pasadena, Chino, and Railroad Valley, A52E-04Abstract Title: Fog Induced Aerosol Modification Observed by AERONET, Including Occurrences During Major Air Pollution Events
Bruening, J. M.
GC11C-1051Abstract Title: Cluster analyses of 20th century growth patterns in high elevation Great Basin bristlecone pine in the Snake Mountain Range, Nevada, USA, GC11C-1052Abstract Title: Modeling Potential Climatic Treeline of Great Basin Bristlecone Pine in the Snake Mountain Range, Nevada, USA
Brugger, J.
ED13H-05Abstract Title: Building the Capacity for Climate Services: Thoughts on Training Next Generation Climate Science Integrators
Brugger, P.
A33Q-09Abstract Title: Large-eddy transport in the surface layer over heterogeneous terrain
Brugman, K. K.
V31B-3030Abstract Title: Development of Clinopyroxene as an Igneous Geospeedometer Using NanoSIMS
Bruhat, L.
S31AAbstract Title: Advances in Understanding Slow Slip and Transitional Regions I Posters, S33EAbstract Title: Advances in Understanding Slow Slip and Transitional Regions II, S33E-03Abstract Title: Mechanical and Geodetic Constraints on the Gap between the Locked Zone and the ETS Region in Northern Cascadia, S34AAbstract Title: Advances in Understanding Slow Slip and Transitional Regions III
Bruhwiler, L.
A33C-0162Abstract Title: The Dominant Role of Tropical Wetlands in Dedacal-Scale Changes in the Global Methane Budget, A33C-0173Abstract Title: Arctic Methane: Can We Detect a Change in Emissions?, A33F-0245Abstract Title: Integrating diverse observations of North American CH4 into flux inversions in CarbonTrackerLagrange-CH4, B21M-03Abstract Title: The full budget of greenhouse gases in the terrestrial biosphere: From global C project to global GHG project
Bruijnzeel, S. Sr.
H13Q-06Abstract Title: Typhoon Haiyan’s Effects on Interception Loss from a Secondary Tropical Forest near Tacloban, Leyte, the Philippines, H43B-1493Abstract Title: Building a Global Network of Hydro-climatology Sites in Cloud-affected Tropical Montane Forests
Bruinsma, S.
G41B-08Abstract Title: European Gravity Service for Improved Emergency Management - Project Overview and First Results, P34A-05Abstract Title: First Analysis of Densities Inferred from Accelerometer Data on ESA’s Venus Express, SA41B-2328Abstract Title: Wave coupling between the lower and middle thermosphere as viewed from TIMED and GOCE, SM13F-04Abstract Title: Forecasting Thermosphere Density: an Overview
Bruland, K. W.
GC53I-02Abstract Title: Copper, iron and the organic ligands that bind them - updates from San Francisco Bay and beyond
Brum, C. G. M.
SA13B-2349Abstract Title: Latitudinal Responses of F2 Peak Parameters to High-intensity Long-duration Continuous AE Activity (HILDCAA) Events, SA51A-2384Abstract Title: A Comprehensive Assessment of Radio Occultation Ionospheric Measurements at Mid-Latitudes
Brumbaugh, E. J.
PA33B-2189Abstract Title: Applying Various Methods of Communicating Science for Community Decision-Making and Public Awareness: A NASA DEVELOP National Program Case Study
Brumble, K. C.
GC52BAbstract Title: Quantifying Model Uncertainties and Robustness in Climate Projections for Hydrological Applications: Perspectives from Climate and Hydrologic Scientists I, GC53BAbstract Title: Quantifying Model Uncertainties and Robustness in Climate Projections for Hydrological Applications: Perspectives from Climate and Hydrologic Scientists II Posters, GC53B-1211Abstract Title: Articulating and Locating Uncertainty for the Users of Hydrological Models: some considerations from climate informatics
Brümmer, C.
B11A-0411Abstract Title: Assessing ecosystem response to multiple disturbances and climate change in South Africa using ground- and satellite-based measurements and model, B31B-0546Abstract Title: Net carbon balance of three full crop rotations at an agricultural site near Gebesee, Germany
Brummer, G. J. A.
A33L-0356Abstract Title: Lateral and Seasonal Trends of Saharan Dust Deposition along a Transect over the Atlantic Ocean, A51U-08Abstract Title: DUSTTRAFFIC: Transatlantic Transport and Deposition of Saharan Dust and its Effects on the Marine Environment , OS31A-1962Abstract Title: One year sediment trap fluxes from a mooring in the western tropical North Atlantic
Brumsack, H. J.
GC51F-1166Abstract Title: Trace Element Inputs to the Upper West Pacific from Nd Isotopes and Rare Earth Elements
Brun, F.
V54A-01Abstract Title: Why Are Andesitic Eruptions Often More Violent Than Basaltic Ones? -- Insights from 4D X-ray Tomographic Microscopy
Brun, J. P.
T23F-04Abstract Title: The interaction between Aegean back-arc extension and Anatolia escape since Late Miocene, T23F-07Abstract Title: Miocene tectonics of the Western Alboran domain: from mantle extensional exhumation to westward thrusting
Brunacini, J.
ED23C-0871Abstract Title: Integrating World Views, Knowledge and Venues in Climate Science Education, ED51AAbstract Title: Amazing Games and Superb Simulations for Science Education I Posters, ED53FAbstract Title: Amazing Games and Superb Simulations for Science Education II
Brunamonti, S.
A33D-0194Abstract Title: Redistribution of black and brown carbon in aerosol particles undergoing liquid-liquid phase separation
Brunck, H.
PP13B-2286Abstract Title: A Flood Layer Reconstruction from the Laminated Sediments of Eifel Maar Structures (Germany) during the Last 60 000 Years
Brundell, J. B.
AE12A-06Abstract Title: Variation in Regional and Global Lightning, SM14C-09Abstract Title: Experimental observations of electron precipitation driven by EMIC waves
Brune, S.
T13A-2975Abstract Title: Rift strength controls rapid plate accelerations: A global analysis of Pangea fragmentation, T41D-2943Abstract Title: Strain localisation in two-phase materials: Insights from centimetre-scale numerical models and laboratory experiments with ice mixtures , T41FAbstract Title: Rifts and Passive Margins: Tectonics, Dynamics, Processes I, T42CAbstract Title: Rifts and Passive Margins: Tectonics, Dynamics, Processes II, T42C-07Abstract Title: Climate modulated erosion and sediment flux control offshore crustal structure at South China Sea continental margin, T51EAbstract Title: Rifts and Passive Margins: Tectonics, Dynamics, Processes III Posters, T51FAbstract Title: Rifts and Passive Margins: Tectonics, Dynamics, Processes IV Posters, T53CAbstract Title: Rifts and Passive Margins: Tectonics, Dynamics, Processes V, T54CAbstract Title: Rifts and Passive Margins: Tectonics, Dynamics, Processes VI
Brune, W. H.
A11C-0077Abstract Title: Global sensitivity analysis of ozone, HO2, and OH during ARCTAS campaign, A11T-01Abstract Title: Higher than expected OH and OH reactivity in the forested regions – Can those be reconciled?, A11T-02Abstract Title: Hydroxyl, hydroperoxyl, and OH reactivity during the FIXCIT study in the CalTech environmental chamber in January 2014, A13E-0388Abstract Title: Sources and Fate of Reactive Carbon in an Isoprene-Dominated Forest, A13E-0400Abstract Title: Anthropogenic Sulfur Perturbations on Biogenic Oxidation: Impacts of Sulfur Dioxide Additions on Bulk Gas Phase OH Oxidation Products of Alpha and Beta Pinene., A13G-06Abstract Title: Comprehensive Modeling Study of Chemistry in Oxidation Flow Reactors, A23H-05Abstract Title: Measurements of in-situ SOA Formation Using an Oxidation Flow Reactor at GoAmazon2014/5, A31D-0086Abstract Title: Formation of Epoxide Derived SOA and Gas-Phase Acids through Aqueous Aerosol Processing in the Southeastern United States during SOAS, A41A-0007Abstract Title: In-situ Measurements of Ozone Production Rates and Comparisons to Model-derived Production Rates During the Houston, TX and Denver, CO DISCOVER-AQ Campaigns
Brunelle, A.
A31E-0105Abstract Title: Spatial Correlation Analysis of Niño3.4 SST with Western North America Hydroclimate, PP12A-07Abstract Title: Fish Lake, Utah – shallow seismic investigation of a lake-filled high-altitude graben, PP12A-08Abstract Title: Fish Lake, Utah – a promising long core site straddling the Great Basin to Colorado Plateau transition zone, PP31C-2266Abstract Title: Reconstruction of the Páramo Paleoclimate Record in Tres Lagunas, Ecuador
Brunelli, D.
V11B-3063Abstract Title: Sodium Inverse Relationships During Melting in Ultraslow Spreading Regions: Insights from SWIR-Smoothseafloor Peridotites, V11EAbstract Title: Generation and Evolution of the Oceanic Lithosphere I, V12AAbstract Title: Generation and Evolution of the Oceanic Lithosphere II, V14AAbstract Title: Generation and Evolution of the Oceanic Lithosphere III, V14A-04Abstract Title: Mantle uplift and exhumation caused by long-lived transpression at a major transform fault, V21AAbstract Title: Generation and Evolution of the Oceanic Lithosphere IV Posters
Brunet, M.
EP14B-02Abstract Title: Composition, Geometry and Emplacement Dynamics of a Large Volcanic Island Landslide Offshore Martinique, Lesser Antilles: New Insights from IODP Expedition 340
Brunet, M.
NH23B-1875Abstract Title: Deformation microstructures and timing of a large submarine landslide drilled offshore Martinique (IODP Exp. 340)
Brunet, N.
H33I-1727Abstract Title: The Vulnerability of Saskatchewan Water Resource System to Multi-Year Hydrologic Droughts at North and South Saskatchewan Rivers: Fusing Paleo Tree Ring Data with Stochastic Reconstruction
Brungard, C. W.
EP42A-08Abstract Title: Wind Erosion Potential of Lacustrine and Alluvial Soils Before and After Disturbance in the Eastern Great Basin, USA: Estimating Threshold Friction Velocity Using Easier-to-Measure Soil Properties
Bruni, S.
G23B-1061Abstract Title: Combining GNSS and SLR Measurements Using the Space Tie: Effects on Terrestrial Reference Frame Origin and Scale, G43B-1035Abstract Title: Sea Level Variability in the Mediterranean
Bruning, E. C.
AE12A-02Abstract Title: Observations of the spatial and temporal distribution of lightning flash sizes, AE31C-0447Abstract Title: Geometrical Dependence of Electrical Energy dissipated for Intra-Cloud Flashes using LMA Data, AE31C-0448Abstract Title: Simulated Source and Flash Detection Efficiency during the Deep Convective Clouds and Chemistry Field Campaign Using a New Interactive Tool., AE31C-0451Abstract Title: Investigating the relationship between turbulence and lightning, AE31C-0452Abstract Title: Characteristics of Lightning within Electrified Snowfall Events using Total Lightning Measurements
Brunke, M.
A13C-0332Abstract Title: The realization of polar specific humidity inversions and surface processes in reanalyses, A52E-01Abstract Title: Recent Findings Based on Airborne Measurements at the Interface of Coastal California Clouds and Clear Air, GC22A-06Abstract Title: Development of a hybrid 3-D hydrological model to simulate hillslopes and the regional unconfined aquifer system in Earth system models, GC31A-1165Abstract Title: Regional Arctic System Model (RASM): A Tool to Address the U.S. Priorities and Advance Capabilities for Arctic Climate Modeling and Prediction, GC31A-1167Abstract Title: Evaluating Land-Atmosphere-Ocean-Sea Ice Interface Processes in the Regional Arctic System Model (RASM1.0), GC34A-02Abstract Title: Simulation of Arctic climate with the Regional Arctic System Model (RASM): Sensitivity to atmospheric processes, H13R-03Abstract Title: Advances in Simulating Large-scale Water Cycle Processes in the Community Land Model Version 5.0
Bruno, A.
SH43C-05Abstract Title: Magnetospheric Effects on High Energy Solar Particles: PAMELA Measurements
Bruno, B. C.
ED11E-0876Abstract Title: On-the-job, real-time professional development for graduate students and early career scientists at the University of Hawaii
Bruno, J.
NH51D-1928Abstract Title: Experimental and Numerical Modelling of CO2 Atmospheric Dispersion in Hazardous Gas Emission Sites.
Bruno, P. P.
S51D-2714Abstract Title: RICEN : Repeated InduCed Earthquakes and Noise at Solfatara, Campi Flegrei, Italy.
Bruno, R.
SH11F-07Abstract Title: Solar Wind Variability: from Macro to Micro Scales, SH33A-2445Abstract Title: The Transport of Low-Frequency Turbulence in Astrophysical Flows. II. Solutions for the Super-Alfvenic Solar Wind
Bruno, V.
G41A-0991Abstract Title: Using the GPS SNR Technique to Detect Volcanic Plumes
Bruno, V.
PP43B-2279Abstract Title: Did high Neo-Tethys subduction rates contribute to early Cenozoic warming?
Brunsell, N. A.
A31I-06Abstract Title: Impacts of drought, woody encroachment, and gap-filling technique on estimated land-atmosphere coupling strength and scale, B13F-0688Abstract Title: Effects of Fire on Net Radiation and Evapotranspiration in a Mature Forest Plot in Para State, Eastern Brazilian Amazon, GC11I-06Abstract Title: Non-Linear Dynamics Approach to Assessing Woody-Encroachment in Grasslands, H11E-1396Abstract Title: Stability measures in arid ecosystems, H51IAbstract Title: Integrated Large-Scale Observations and Experiments: From Bedrock to Boundary Layer I Posters, H53MAbstract Title: Integrated Large-Scale Observations and Experiments: From Bedrock to Boundary Layer II
Brunstad, H.
OS23B-1998Abstract Title: Cold seep carbonates along the Norwegian margin, insights into U-Th geochronology and S geochemistry
Brunstein, D.
PP31C-2262Abstract Title: Lateglacial temperature reconstruction in the Eastern Tropical Andes (Bolivia) inferred from paleoglaciers and paleolakes
Brunt, K. M.
C41C-0710Abstract Title: ICESat2 subsurface-scattering biases estimated based on the 2015 SIMPL/AVRIS campaign, C44A-02Abstract Title: NASA SIMPL and AVIRIS-NG Coordinated Campaign in Support of ICESat-2; July-August, 2015, Thule, Greenland, C51E-03Abstract Title: Ice shelf snow accumulation rates from the Amundsen-Bellingshausen Sea sector of West Antarctica derived from airborne radar, C53C-0787Abstract Title: Development of a multi-sensor elevation time series pole-ward of 86°S in support of altimetry validation and ice sheet mass balance studies
Brunt, R.
EP33E-08Abstract Title: Quantification and implications of the grain-size segregation and similar volumes between submarine slope and basin-floor deposits
Bruntz, R. J.
SA13A-2337Abstract Title: Investigating Gravity Wave-Ionosphere Interactions Using The Transfer Function Model And An Ionosphere Model, SM13A-2470Abstract Title: Effect of Brief Northward Turning in IMF Bz in an MHD Simulation
Brunwin, N.
ED41A-0837Abstract Title: Foraminifera Species Richness, Abundance, and Diversity Research in Bolinas, California
Brusca, L.
V13C-3156Abstract Title: Dissolved inert gases (He, Ne, N2) as marker of groundwater flow-lines and degassing sources in Etnean area
Bruscantini, C. A.
H21H-1490Abstract Title: New Combined L-band Active/Passive Soil Moisture Retrieval Algorithm Optimized for Argentine Plains
Brusky, I.
T13E-05Abstract Title: Coupled THMC modelling of single fractures in novaculite and granite for DECOVALEX-2015
Brusnikin, E. S.
P53A-2099Abstract Title: Morphometry of Small Flat Floored Craters on Mercury: Implications for Regolith Thickness
Brusseau, M. L.
H12A-01Abstract Title: Chemical Hydrogeology: Fifty Years of Advances, Breakthroughs, and Innovation, H13D-1576Abstract Title: Influence of the Nogales International Wastewater Treatment Plant on surface water in the Santa Cruz River and local aquifers, H31IAbstract Title: Uranium Mobility in the Environment I Posters, H33NAbstract Title: Uranium Mobility in the Environment II, H43F-1559Abstract Title: Tetrachloroethene degradation by reducing-agent enhanced Fe(II)/Fe(III) catalyzed percarbonate, H43F-1574Abstract Title: The Impact of Well-Field Configuration and Permeability Heterogeneity on Contaminant Mass Removal and Plume Persistence
Brusseau, M. L.
GC33A-1248Abstract Title: Building a Co-Created Citizen Science Program with Community Members Neighboring a Hazardous Waste Site, H31I-1543Abstract Title: Attenuation and Transport Mechanisms of Depleted Uranium in Groundwater at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Site 300, H31I-1557Abstract Title: Impact of Electron Donor selection on In-situ Biosequestration of Uranium, H33N-07Abstract Title: Pilot-Scale In-situ Biosequestration of Uranium in Groundwater at the Monument Valley UMTRA Site, H41D-1357Abstract Title: Comparison of Interfacial Partitioning Tracer Test and X-ray Microtomography Measurements of Immiscible Fluid-Fluid Interfacial Areas within the Identical System, H41D-1358Abstract Title: Identification of Novel Fluid-Fluid Interfacial Area in Geologic Media, H43F-1556Abstract Title: The Natural Activation Ability of Subsurface Media During In-Situ Chemical Oxidation of 1,4-Dioxane, H43F-1561Abstract Title: Measuring NAPL-Water Interfacial Areas to Evaluate the Effectiveness of In-Situ Chemical Oxidation for DNAPL-Contaminated Source Zones: A Two-Dimensional Flow Cell Study, H43F-1572Abstract Title: Using Vapor Phase Tomography to Measure the Spatial Distribution of Vapor Concentrations and Flux for Vadose-Zone VOC Sources, PA21D-2176Abstract Title: Environmental Research Translation: Enhancing Interactions with Communities at Contaminated Sites
Brust, J.
IN41B-1696Abstract Title: Central Satellite Data Repository Supporting Research and Development
Brute, F. N.
A23C-0326Abstract Title: Correlation between AERONET AOT and VIIRS EDR AOT: A new EDR cell
Bruyere, C. L.
A51P-0318Abstract Title: A Regional View of Easterly Waves over Pacific and Atlantic Ocean: Tropical Cyclogenesis Thresholds and Rainfall, GC33G-02Abstract Title: High-Resolution Regional Climate Downscaling for Engineering and Planning for Extremes, NH12A-02Abstract Title: What Can The Engineering for Climate Extremes Partnership Do For Global Resilience?, PA42A-04Abstract Title: Graceful Failure, Engineering, and Planning for Extremes: The Engineering for Climate Extremes Partnership (ECEP)
Bruzzone, L.
P53G-01Abstract Title: The Radar for Icy Moon Exploration (RIME) on the JUICE Mission
Bryan, A. M.
GC51B-1085Abstract Title: Informing climate change adaptation in the Northeast and Midwest United States: The role of Climate Science Centers, PA13A-2184Abstract Title: Quantifying the Value of Downscaled Climate Model Information for Adaptation Decisions: When is Downscaling a Smart Decision?
Bryan, C. G.
P34A-02Abstract Title: Navigating the MESSENGER Spacecraft through End of Mission
Bryan, G. H.
A51P-0306Abstract Title: A Simple Method for Simulating Tropical-Cyclone Boundary Layers
Bryan, K. R.
EP21D-02Abstract Title: Finescale turbulence and seabed scouring around pneumatophores in a wave-exposed mangrove forest, GP23C-01Abstract Title: Sediment distribution and dynamics inferred by integrated electromagnetic, optical and acoustic benthic profiling in the western Bay of Plenty (New Zealand)
Bryan, S.
PP23A-2279Abstract Title: 250 years of SW Indian Monsoon Variability from Red Sea Corals
Bryant, C.
B42C-02Abstract Title: Erosion of Organic Carbon from Permafrost Zones in the Arctic as a Geological Carbon Dioxide Sink, H41I-05Abstract Title: Seasonal Influences on Ground-Surface Water Interactions in an Arsenic-Affected Aquifer in Cambodia
Bryant, K.
IN13A-1815Abstract Title: UUI: Unified User Interface to Support Effective and Intuitive Data Discovery, Dissemination, and Analysis at NASA GES DISC
Bryant, R. G.
EP54B-04Abstract Title: TLS in Aeolian Environments: Elucidating Process-Form Feedbacks in Dusty Deserts
Bryant, S. L.
H24A-03Abstract Title: Visualizing plumes of heavy metals and radionuclides, H41C-1320Abstract Title: Field-Scale Modeling of Local Capillary Trapping During CO2 Injection into a Saline Aquifer
Bryce, J. G.
T22B-02Abstract Title: Shallow-mantle Recycling and Anomalous, Voluminous Volcanism along the Northern and Northwestern African Continental Margin, V53F-3168Abstract Title: Volatiles and subduction-recycled lithologies in the petrogenesis of Cenozoic alkaline magmatism in the West Antarctic Rift System
Bryce, T. G.
NH43C-1913Abstract Title: Quantifying streambank erosion: a comparative study using an unmanned aerial system (UAS) and a terrestrial laser scanner
Brygoo, S.
MR13C-2723Abstract Title: Searching for the Hydrogen Plasma Phase Transition on the National Ignition Facility
Bryn, A.
GC22A-04Abstract Title: Land-Atmosphere Interactions in Cold Environments (LATICE): The role of Atmosphere - Biosphere – Cryosphere – Hydrosphere interactions in a changing climate
Bryson, J. F. J.
GP33A-06Abstract Title: Intense magnetic field generation by solidification and crustal delamination, GP43B-1249Abstract Title: Secular variation of a metallic asteroid dynamo
Bryson, K.
NH11A-1887Abstract Title: Meteorite fractures and the behavior of meteoroids in the atmosphere, NH11A-1890Abstract Title: Planetary Defense and the High Temperture Physical Properties of Meteorites.
Brzezinski, A.
G11AAbstract Title: Earth and Planetary Rotation: Improving Theories, Models, and Observations I Posters, G24AAbstract Title: Earth and Planetary Rotation: Improving Theories, Models, and Observations II
Buali, S.
ED23A-0857Abstract Title: Cultivating a Global Pool of Future Geoscientists and Mentors
Buan, S.
H51T-01Abstract Title: Remote Sensing Observations of Snow and Soil Moisture for Snowmelt Flood Predictions in the Red River of the North Basin
Bubbico, R.
T13C-3029Abstract Title: A Sm-Nd eclogite and U-Pb detrital zircon study of a probable Baltic HP-UHP metamorphic terrane in the Greenland Caledonides
Bubier, J. L.
B11H-0537Abstract Title: Nutrient Addition Leads to a Weaker CO2 Sink and Higher CH4 Emissions through Vegetation-Microclimate Feedbacks at Mer Bleue Bog, Canada
Bublitz, A.
C23B-0784Abstract Title: Electromagnetic Mapping of the Thickness of the Sub-Ice Platelet Layer Under Landfast Sea Sce in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica
Bucci, L.
A33P-02Abstract Title: Observing System Simulation Experiments for Hurricanes, A41E-0110Abstract Title: OSSE Evaluation of Prospective Aircraft Reconnaissance Flight Patterns and their Impact on Hurricane Forecasts, A41E-0115Abstract Title: IMPACT OF CYGNSS DATA ON HURRICANE ANALYSES AND FORECASTS IN A REGIONAL OSSE FRAMEWORK
Buccino, D.
P34A-01Abstract Title: Enabling Planetary Geodesy With the Deep Space Network
Buch, A.
P33A-2124Abstract Title: Highlight on the indigenous organic molecules detected on Mars by SAM and potential sources of artifacts and backgrounds generated by the sample preparation
Buchaca, T.
PP13B-2287Abstract Title: Modern Limnology and Varve Formation Processes in Lake Montcortès (Southern Pyrenees, Spain)
Buchanan, M. K.
PA41A-2157Abstract Title: Allowances for evolving coastal flood risk under uncertain local sea-level rise
Buchanan, R.
ED53B-0858Abstract Title: Advancing the Potential of Citizen Science for Urban Water Quality Monitoring: Exploring Research Design and Methodology in New York City
Buchard, V.
A33D-0202Abstract Title: Interpreting the Ultraviolet Aerosol Index Observed with the OMI Satellite Instrument to Understand Absorption by Organic Carbon Aerosols and Implications for Atmospheric Oxidation , A41E-0114Abstract Title: An instrument simulator for geostationary satellites
Buchert, M.
A23P-01Abstract Title: Using the Hestia bottom-up FFCO2 emissions estimation to identify drivers and hotspots in urban areas, B33H-07Abstract Title: The University of Utah Urban Undertaking (U4)
Buchert, S. C.
SA23B-2351Abstract Title: Swarm and ESR observations of the ionospheric response to a field-aligned current system in the high-latitude midnight sector, SM14A-09Abstract Title: Swarm observations of kilometer-scale low-altitude cusp/cleft ion upflow and downflow, SM23A-2540Abstract Title: Poynting Flux in the Region 1/2 Current Systems and Magnetic Cusp
Buchholz, J.
EP53B-1006Abstract Title: Turbulent Flow Around Fully and Partially Submerged Boulders and Implications to Sediment Movement
Buchholz, R. R.
A21A-0041Abstract Title: Separating Transported and Local Atmospheric Carbon Monoxide in Australasia with Satellite and Ground-based Remote Sensing, A31B-0035Abstract Title: Chemical Response of CESM/CAM-Chem to MOPITT CO Ensemble-based Chemical Data Assimilation
Buchhorn, M.
B53C-0577Abstract Title: A hierarchic approach to examining panArctic vegetation with a focus on the linkages between remote sensing and plot-based studies., GC23J-1215Abstract Title: Effects of 45 Years of Heavy Road Traffic and Infrastructure on Permafrost and Tundra at Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, GC23K-1231Abstract Title: Characterizing Geology and Mineralization at High Latitudes in Alaska Using Airborne and Field-Based Imaging Spectrometer Data, GC23K-1233Abstract Title: Field-Based and Airborne Hyperspectral Imaging for Applied Research in the State of Alaska, GC31B-1183Abstract Title: Rapid Arctic Changes due to Infrastructure and Climate (RATIC) in the Russian North
Buchmann, N. C.
B23H-03Abstract Title: Contributions of Understory and Overstory to Ecosystem CO2 Fluxes in a Temperate Mixed Forest in Switzerland
Bucholtz, A.
A31D-0090Abstract Title: Rim Fire and its Radiative impact Simulated in CESM/CARMA, C41D-0753Abstract Title: Validating CERES Radiative Fluxes in the Arctic with Airborne Radiative Flux Measurements from the ARISE Campaign
Bucholz, C. E.
V32B-06Abstract Title: Constraining the Timescales of Magmatic Differentiation with U-Pb Zircon Geochronology, V43DAbstract Title: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Continental Crust Evolution I, V51CAbstract Title: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Continental Crust Evolution II Posters
Buchroithner, M. F.
C13B-0813Abstract Title: Time Lapse Camera Images for Observation and Visualization of Snow Lines on two Benchmark Glaciers in High Asia – Zhadang and Halji
Buchwald, C.
PP11C-08Abstract Title: Environmental and Physiological Influences on the TEX86 Proxy: Results from Continuous Culture Studies and Stable Carbon Isotope Analyses
Buchwitz, M.
A33F-0241Abstract Title: Towards Top-down Constraints on Regional Sources and Sinks of CO2 Imposed by Column Observations: a High-resolution Inverse Modeling Approach
Buck, B. J.
A51U-05Abstract Title: Naturally Occurring Asbestos in the Southern Nevada Region: Potential for Human Exposure
Buck, J. J. H.
IN21D-1715Abstract Title: Operational Marine Data Acquisition and Delivery Powered by Web and Geospatial Standards, IN33F-05Abstract Title: Practical solutions to implementing "Born Semantic" data systems
Buck, K. N.
GC53I-02Abstract Title: Copper, iron and the organic ligands that bind them - updates from San Francisco Bay and beyond
Buck, W. R.
T12C-01Abstract Title: Extensional Failure of “Pre-Stressed” Lithosphere Above a Subduction Zone May Have Contributed to the Size of the Tohoku-Oki Earthquake and Tsunami, T51E-2945Abstract Title: 3D Numerical Models of the Effect of Diking on the Faulting Pattern at Incipient Continental Rifts and Steady-State Spreading Centers, V12A-01Abstract Title: Seafloor bathymetry is not a paleoclimate proxy
Buckeridge, K. M.
B21D-0490Abstract Title: Long- and short-term temperature responses of microbially-mediated boreal soil organic matter transformations
Buckland, K. N.
A11J-0191Abstract Title: Airborne Trace Gas Mapping During the GOSAT-COMEX Experiment
Buckland, P.
IN21E-06Abstract Title: The Neotoma Paleoecology Database, IN23B-1731Abstract Title: Community-Supported Data Repositories in Paleobiology: A ‘Middle Tail’ Between the Geoscientific and Informatics Communities
Buckle, N.
PP51A-2253Abstract Title: Megadrought Risk and ENSO Over the Last Millennium
Buckley, A.
OS22C-02Abstract Title: Biogeochemical and Microbial Survey of Gravity Cores from the Guaymas Basin and Sonora Margin
Buckley, D. H.
B13K-04Abstract Title: Targeting Unknowns Just Underfoot: Microbial Ecology and Community Genomics of C Cycling in Soil Informed and Enabled with DNA-SIP, B23C-0620Abstract Title: High Resolution DNA Stable Isotope Probing Reveals that Root Exudate Addition to Soil Changes the Identity of the Microbes that Degrade Cellulose but not the Rate of Degradation
Buckley, H.
P11B-2089Abstract Title: Subsurface Feature Mapping of Mars using a High Resolution Ground Penetrating Radar System
Buckley, M.
ED43A-0869Abstract Title: Earth, Meet Pluto: The New Horizons Education and Communications Partnership
Buckley, S.
IN21A-1678Abstract Title: NASADEM Overview and First Results: Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) Reprocessing and Improvements
Buckley, W. P. Jr
PP33C-2321Abstract Title: A History of Warming Sea Surface Temperature and Ocean Acidification Recorded by Planktonic Foraminifera Geochemistry from the Santa Barbara Basin, California, PP41A-2226Abstract Title: Bulk Sediment Hf-Nd Isotopic Composition Across the EOT, Northern Hemisphere Glaciation?
Bucklin, A. C.
OS13A-2018Abstract Title: Population-Level Transcriptomic Responses of the Southern Ocean Salp Salpa thompsoni to Environment Variability of the Western Antarctic Peninsula Region
Buckman, L.
NH13C-1939Abstract Title: Improving global flood risk awareness through collaborative research: Id-Lab
Bucsela, E. J.
A11G-0114Abstract Title: Aura OMI observations of changes in SO2 and NO2 emissions at local, regional and global scales, A42F-02Abstract Title: Mid-Latitude Lightning NOx Production from OMI and WWLLN Data, A43G-0384Abstract Title: Estimates of Lightning NOx Production Based on OMI NO2 Observations over the Gulf of Mexico
Buczkowski, B.
OS33A-1992Abstract Title: Sediment and water column geochemistry related to methane seepage along the northern US Atlantic margin
Buczkowski, D.
P11B-2083Abstract Title: Mars-Moons Exploration, Reconnaissance and Landed Investigation (MERLIN), P31HAbstract Title: Volcanism and Tectonism across the Solar System I, P31H-06Abstract Title: Exploring Formation Models for Ceres Tholi and Montes, P33CAbstract Title: Volcanism and Tectonism across the Solar System II Posters, P42A-02Abstract Title: Vesta and Ceres as Seen by Dawn, P42A-05Abstract Title: The Geology of Ceres: an Overview, P44B-05Abstract Title: The topography of Ceres and implications for the formation of linear surface structures, P53E-2168Abstract Title: Preliminary Geological Map of the Ac-H-2 Coniraya Quadrangle of Ceres: An Integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data, P53E-2170Abstract Title: Preliminary Geological Map of the Ac-H-3 Dantu Quadrangle of Ceres: An Integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data, P53E-2171Abstract Title: Preliminary Geological Map of the Ac-H-4 Ezinu Quadrangle of Ceres: An Integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data, P53E-2172Abstract Title: Preliminary Geological Map of the Ac-H-5 Fejokoo Quadrangle of Ceres: An Integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data, P53E-2173Abstract Title: Preliminary Geological Map of the Ac-H-6 Haulani Quadrangle of Ceres: An Integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data, P53E-2174Abstract Title: Preliminary Geological Map of the Ac-H-7 Kerwan Quadrangle of Ceres: An Integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data, P53E-2175Abstract Title: Preliminary Geological Map of the Ac-H-8 Nawish Quadrangle of Ceres: An Integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data, P53E-2176Abstract Title: Preliminary Geological Map of the Ac-H-9 Occator Quadrangle of Ceres: An Integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data, P53E-2177Abstract Title: Preliminary Geological Maps of the Ac-H-10 Rongo and Ac-H-15 Zadeni Quadrangles: An integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data, P53E-2178Abstract Title: Preliminary Geological Map of the Ac-H-11 Sintana Quadrangle of Ceres: An Integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data, P53E-2179Abstract Title: Preliminary Geological Map of the Ac-H-12 Toharu Quadrangle of Ceres: An Integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data, P53E-2180Abstract Title: Preliminary Geological Map of the Ac-H-13 Urvara Quadrangle of Ceres: An Integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data, P53E-2181Abstract Title: Preliminary Geological Map of the Ac-H-14 Yalode Quadrangle of Ceres: An Integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data, P53E-2182Abstract Title: Comparative tectonic features on Ceres and other planetary bodies
Buda, A. R.
B51E-0478Abstract Title: Factors Influencing Phosphorous Cycling in Biogeochemical ‘Hot Spots’
Budai, A. E.
B21B-0429Abstract Title: Aromatic structural components but not their degree of condensation are responsible for the persistence of biochars produced above 370 ˚C
Budd, D. A.
OS13A-2030Abstract Title: Galápagos coral reef persistence after ENSO warming across an acidification gradient
Budde, M. E.
B43A-0524Abstract Title: Monitoring Food Security Indicators from Remote Sensing and Predicting Cereal Production in Afghanistan, B44A-02Abstract Title: Efforts Toward an Early Warning Crop Monitor for Countries at Risk, H51H-1476Abstract Title: Africa-Wide Monitoring of Small Surface Water Bodies Using Multisource Satellite Data: A Monitoring System for FEWS NET
Buddendorf, B.
EP42B-06Abstract Title: Identifying Impacts of Hydropower Regulation on Salmonid Habitats to Guide River Restoration for Existing Schemes and Mitigate Adverse Effects of Future Developments, EP51C-0920Abstract Title: MODELLING THE INFLUENCE OF LONG-TERM HYDRAULIC CONDITIONS ON JUVENILE SALMON HABITATS IN AN UPLAND SCOTISH RIVER
Büdenbender, C.
A22C-04Abstract Title: First Airborne IPDA Lidar Measurements of Methane and Carbon Dioxide Applying the DLR Greenhouse Gas Sounder CHARM-F
Budhathoki, M.
NS43B-1971Abstract Title: Detecting Subsurface Agricultural Tile Drainage using GIS and Remote Sensing Technique
Budiasa, I. W.
GC51D-1123Abstract Title: Rice Production Vulnerability to Climate Change in Indonesia: An Overview on Community-based Adaptation
Budillon, F.
EP13A-0932Abstract Title: Influence of explosive volcanic events on the activation versus de-activation of a modern turbidite system: the example of the Dohrn canyon-fan in the continental slope of the Campania volcanic district (Naples Bay, Italy - Western Mediterranean)
Budnik, E.
IN33E-05Abstract Title: CDPP activities: Promoting research and education in space physics
Budy, P.
H11C-1347Abstract Title: Fire and Fish: Using Radiocarbon And Stratigraphy To Discern The Impact Of Wildfire On Fish Metapopulations
Budzien, S. A.
NH21CAbstract Title: Seismology without Seismometers: Ionospheric Monitoring of Natural Hazards of Earth, Ocean, and Atmosphere I Posters, NH32CAbstract Title: Seismology without Seismometers: Ionospheric Monitoring of Natural Hazards of Earth, Ocean, and Atmosphere II, SA51C-2418Abstract Title: Advanced Ionospheric Sensing using GROUP-C and LITES aboard the ISS, SA52A-05Abstract Title: Global-scale Observations of the Limb and Disk (GOLD): From Simulations to Observations
Bue, B. D.
A24F-05Abstract Title: Directly attributing methane emissions to point source locations using the next generation Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS-NG)
Buechler, D. E.
AE12A-05Abstract Title: Where are the lightning hotspots on Earth?, AE31C-0461Abstract Title: New Mission to Measure Global Lightning from the International Space Station (ISS)
Buehl, J.
A13B-0316Abstract Title: Simultaneous Remote Sensing of Ice Nuclei, Ice Crystals, Liquid Water and Atmospheric Dynamics in and Around Mixed-Phase Layered Clouds, A34E-05Abstract Title: Exploiting Cloud Radar Doppler Spectra of Mixed-Phase Clouds during ACCEPT Field Experiment to Identify Microphysical Processes, A53A-0364Abstract Title: Towards Bottom-up and Top-down Closures of Aerosol-cloud Interactions: multi-dimensional Cloud-aERosol Exploratory Study using RPAS
Buehler, J. S.
S52AAbstract Title: General Contributions in Seismology II, S52A-05Abstract Title:

T-Phase Observations in Global Seismogram Stacks, S53AAbstract Title: General Contributions in Seismology III Posters, T24A-08Abstract Title: Water Tectonics: Evidence That Hydration Plays a Role in Tectonism

Buenning, N. H.
A33I-0296Abstract Title: Assessing Precipitation Isotope Variations during Atmospheric River Events to Reveal Dominant Atmospheric/Hydrologic Processes, H11P-04Abstract Title: The role of internal variability in prolonging the California drought
Buesch, D.
V23B-3109Abstract Title: Volcanic stratigraphy and geochemical variations in Miocene-age rocks in western and southeastern Fort Irwin, California
Buesseler, K. O.
B11K-05Abstract Title: Fukushima- Ocean Impacts and Public Concerns, OS31A-1972Abstract Title: Observed Eastward Progression of the Fukushima 134Cs Signal Across the North Pacific
Bufe, A.
PP11A-2211Abstract Title: OSL and Cosmogenic 10Be Dating of Fluvial Terraces on the Northeast Pamir Margin, Northwest China
Buffam, I. D.
Buffett, B. A.
DI33A-2617Abstract Title: Evidence for MAC waves in the core and implications for the thermal state, OS23B-1995Abstract Title: Is Submarine Groundwater Discharge a Gas Hydrate Formation Mechanism on the Circum-Arctic Shelf?, T33E-2980Abstract Title: Free surface calculations in mantle convection
Buffett, G. G.
T23F-08Abstract Title: New Evidences for Preserved Segmentation of the Alpine-Tethyan Domain in the Iberia-Africa Plate Boundary Region
Buffin-Belanger, T. K.
EP41E-02Abstract Title: Towards the Application of a River Management Approach Encompassing most Natural Process Drivers : Lessons Learned from Freedom Space for Rivers in Quebec (Canada)
Buffington, A.
SH21B-2396Abstract Title: 3D Analysis of Remote-Sensed Heliospheric Data for Space Weather Forecasting, SH43C-03Abstract Title: Determination of the North-South Heliospheric Magnetic-Field Component from Inner-Corona Closed-Loop Propagation, SH53B-2501Abstract Title: Measurements and an Empirical Model of the Zodiacal Brightness as Observed by the Solar Mass Ejection Imager (SMEI)
Buffington, J. M.
EP13C-02Abstract Title: What is Hidden in Hiding Functions? The Influence of Packing on Size-Selective Transport, EP41EAbstract Title: Working with Natural Processes to Restore Rivers and Floodplains I, EP42BAbstract Title: Working with Natural Processes to Restore Rivers and Floodplains II, EP43BAbstract Title: Working with Natural Processes to Restore Rivers and Floodplains III Posters, TH32DAbstract Title: How to author a scientific manuscript in geomorphology and related sciences
Buffo, J.
C21A-0700Abstract Title: Into the Deep Black Sea: The Icefin Modular AUV for Ice-Covered Ocean Exploration, P31B-2063Abstract Title: Astronomical Ice: The Effects of Treating Ice as a Porous Media on the Dynamics and Evolution of Extraterrestrial Ice-Ocean Environments
Buforn, E.
DI42A-07Abstract Title: The LPO Iron Pattern beneath the Earth’s Inner Core Boundary, S23C-2744Abstract Title: Synthetic PGV and PGA values for the 1969 St. Vincent Cape earthquake Ms=8.1., S51D-2720Abstract Title: Focal mechanism of the seismic series prior to the 2011 El Hierro eruption
Buga, M.
T51A-2858Abstract Title: Shallow Structure and Location of the Piedmont Thrust Splay of the Hayward Fault, Oakland, California
Bugbee, K.
IN33BAbstract Title: Geocuration: Issues, Challenges, and Opportunities Posters, IN33B-1801Abstract Title: Geocuration Lessons Learned from the Climate Data Initiative Project, IN33B-1805Abstract Title: An Analysis of the Climate Data Initiative's Data Collection, PA11AAbstract Title: Linking Climate Resources for Community Resilience I Posters, PA11A-2144Abstract Title: Capturing Data Connections within the Climate Data Initiative to Support Resiliency, PA13BAbstract Title: Linking Climate Resources for Community Resilience II
Bui, B.
P44A-07Abstract Title: Extending the Lunar Mapping and Modeling Portal – New Capabilities and New Worlds
Bui, J. V. H.
A13E-0401Abstract Title: Aldol Condensation Products and Polyacetals in Organic Films Formed from Reactions of Propanal in Sulfuric Acid at Upper Troposphere/Lower Stratosphere (UT/LS) Aerosol Acidities
Bui, T. V.
A13C-0354Abstract Title: A comparison of ATTREX H2O observations in the TTL with values derived from reanalysis-based back trajectories, A32F-05Abstract Title: Effects of Local and Non-Local Processes on the Aging of the Tropopause Layer and the Lower Stratosphere, A51O-0295Abstract Title: Observations of Lower Stratospheric Water Vapor Injected by Overshooting Convection During SEAC4RS, GC33E-1336Abstract Title: An inversion analysis of carbon dioxide emission from airborne sampling of the 2013 Yosemite Rim Fire and its relationship with combustion phase
Bui, T. H.
OS23B-1998Abstract Title: Cold seep carbonates along the Norwegian margin, insights into U-Th geochronology and S geochemistry
Bui, T. Q.
A41I-0184Abstract Title: High Resolution Photoacoustic Spectroscopy of the Oxygen A-Band to Support the OCO Missions
Bui-Quang, P.
S51D-2744Abstract Title: Revealing the Eruptive History of Volcanoes from Massive Cross-Correlation of Seismic Signal at Global Scale
Buie, M. W.
P41E-03Abstract Title: Comparisons Between New Horizons Results and Long-Term Monitoring of Pluto, P41E-08Abstract Title: Radii and Shape of Pluto and Charon: Preliminary Results from New Horizons, P41E-09Abstract Title: New Insights into the Structure, Origin, and Evolution of Pluto and Charon, P51A-2039Abstract Title: New Horizons approach photometry of Pluto and Charon: light curves and Solar phase curves, P54A-01Abstract Title: Color and Composition of Pluto and Its Moons from the New Horizons Mission
Builes-Jaramillo, L. A.
A33J-0314Abstract Title: Two-way Feedbacks Between Tropical North Atlantic SST and Amazon River Basin Hydroclimatology at Seasonal and Interannual Timescales
Buisman, I.
V13B-3111Abstract Title: Magma storage depths in the Eastern Volcanic Zone of Iceland: disentangling disequilibrium and tuning thermobarometers
Buiter, S. J.
T33B-03Abstract Title: Causes for the Onset and Stability of Flat Slabs and Associated Overriding Plate Deformation Inferred from Numerical Thermo-Mechanical Models, T51E-2940Abstract Title: A 4D Analogue Modeling Study Assessing the Effects of Transtension and Inherited Structures on Rift Interaction, T53C-05Abstract Title: How Mountains Become Rifts, T54C-01Abstract Title: The effects of extensional inheritance on transtensional deformation patterns
Buitink, S.
AE21A-02Abstract Title: Cosmic rays as probes of atmospheric electric fields
Buitrago Casas, J. C.
SH13A-2427Abstract Title: Evolution of solar magnetic fields in a seismically active region with recurrent flaring activity, SH13A-2428Abstract Title: A Polytropic Model of the Solar Interior, SH43B-2453Abstract Title: Characterizing Temperatures of FOXSI-2 Microflares Using RHESSI and AIA Observations, SH43B-2455Abstract Title: Hard X-ray Detector Calibrations for the FOXSI Sounding Rocket
Buitrago-Casas, J. C.
SH13A-2425Abstract Title: White-light observations of coronal loop systems, SH43B-2454Abstract Title: Second flight of the Focusing Optics X-ray Solar Imager sounding rocket [FOXSI-2]
Buitrón Sánchez, B. E.
PP21C-2262Abstract Title: Magnetic Susceptibility and Geochemistry Records in the Yax-1 Borehole in the Chicxulub Impact Crater: A paleoclimatic approach in the K/Pg and P/E Boundaries.
Buizert, C.
A23J-01Abstract Title: Ice core measurements of 14CH4 constrain the sources of atmospheric methane increase during abrupt warming events of the last deglaciation, A33C-0165Abstract Title: Determining the imprint of Heinrich Stadial 4 on the latitudinal distribution of methane sources using the inter-polar methane difference from the WAIS Divide and GISP2 ice-cores, C51D-04Abstract Title: Complex Relationship between Accumulation and Temperature in West Antarctica for the Past 31,000 Years, PP53D-07Abstract Title: Atmospheric teleconnections between the tropics and the Southern Hemisphere westerly winds during abrupt climate change
Buja, L.
GC51DAbstract Title: Observed and Projected Climate Change Impacts on Water Resources and Agriculture I Posters, GC53HAbstract Title: Observed and Projected Climate Change Impacts on Water Resources and Agriculture II, GC54AAbstract Title: Observed and Projected Climate Change Impacts on Water Resources and Agriculture III, TH12IAbstract Title: USDA Town Hall on Climate Change, Global Food Security and the U.S. Food System Report
Bukhary, S. S.
H51N-1582Abstract Title: Using SST, PDO and SOI for Streamflow Reconstruction
Bukovsky, M. S.
GC44A-08Abstract Title: Trend of climate extremes in North America: A comparison between dynamically downscaled CMIP3 and CMIP5 simulations
Bukowiecki, N.
A33G-0255Abstract Title: Synthesis of the ACTRIS Network Cloud Condensation Nuclei Measurements
Bukry, D.
OS22C-05Abstract Title: Evolution of Surface Water Conditions in the Gulf of California During the Past 2000 years: Implications for the North American Monsoon, V24C-01Abstract Title: Origin of Siletzia, a Large Igneous Province in the Cascadia Forearc, and the Early History of the Yellowstone Hotspot
Bulaevskaya, V.
GC43C-1226Abstract Title: CAM5 Climate Model Calibration Across Multiple Spatial Resolutions, GC43F-05Abstract Title: The Role of Atmospheric Measurements in Wind Power Statistical Models
Bulanova, G.
V11C-3079Abstract Title: Neoproterozic Re-Os age of a sulfide inclusion in a superdeep diamond: Implications for mantle convection beneath Juina, Brazil
Bulbul, M. A. U.
T41B-2884Abstract Title: Neotectonics of the Surma Basin, Bangladesh from GPS analysis
Bulgarelli, A.
AE33A-0482Abstract Title: Enhanced detection of Terrestrial Gamma-Ray Flashes by AGILE
Bull, A. L.
DI11C-2615Abstract Title: Upper Mantle Discontinuity Structure Beneath the Western Atlantic Ocean and Eastern North America from SS Precursors, DI34A-02Abstract Title: Past Plate Motions and The Evolution of Earth’s Lower Mantle: Relating LLSVPs and Plume Distribution
Bull, J. M.
EP51A-0903Abstract Title: The Morphology and Sedimentology of Fluvial Megascours, T32EAbstract Title: Marine Sedimentary Records of Climate-Tectonic Interactions I (Half Session), T33DAbstract Title: Marine Sedimentary Records of Climate-Tectonic Interactions II Posters, T33D-2966Abstract Title: Pervasive Deformation of Sediments and Basement Within the Wharton Basin, Indian Ocean, and Relationship to Large > Mw 8 Intraplate Earthquakes, T33D-2967Abstract Title: Sediment and Crustal Structure along 85oE and Ninetyeast Ridges in the Bay of Bengal: Geodynamic Implications, T51G-3004Abstract Title: Seismicity of southern Lake Tanganyika, T51G-3017Abstract Title: Magmatic Plumbing at an Incipient Oceanic Spreading Centre: Evidence From Local Earthquake Data in Northern Afar
Bull, M. A.
A41L-02Abstract Title: Resolution and Content Improvements to MISR Aerosol and Land Surface Products, A43A-0260Abstract Title: Progress in Photoelastic Modulator-Based Spectropolarimetric Imaging of Aerosols and Clouds, A43A-0261Abstract Title: On-board Polarimetric Calibration of Airborne Multiangle SpectroPolarimetric Imager (AirMSPI) Measurements
Bullard, J. E.
A21L-06Abstract Title: Spatial and Temporal Variations in Icelandic Dust Emissions: a decade of insights from MODIS, A23C-0311Abstract Title: From Source to City: Particulate Matter Concentration and Size Distribution Data from an Icelandic Dust Storm
Bullard, T. F.
EP41A-0920Abstract Title: Geomorphic Parameters for Developing a Hydrologic Model to Infer Holocene Climate Variability, Middle Snake River near Bliss, Idaho
Bullen, T. D.
EP12B-04Abstract Title: Application of Ca stable isotopes to long-term changes in the Ca cycle of a Northern Hardwood forest, H41K-05Abstract Title: Upland Reticulate Mottling Reveals Soil Biophysical Processes across Scales: Development of Structured Heterogeneity in a Marine Terrace Chronosequence
Bullett, T. W.
SA12A-08Abstract Title: Ocean is a Major Source of Waves in the Thermosphere, SA22A-02Abstract Title: Simultaneous Observations of Electric Fields, Current Density, Plasma Density, and Neutral Winds During Two Sounding Rocket Experiments Launched from Wallops Island into Strong Daytime Dynamo Currents
Bullock, E. S.
V43C-3172Abstract Title: Insights into mantle heterogeneities: mid-ocean ridge basalt tapping an ocean island magma source in the North Fiji Basin
Bullock, M.
SH53A-2480Abstract Title: Forbush Effects on the Martian Surface and Earth’s Poles
Bullock, R. J.
MR31B-04Abstract Title: Beyond Brittle Deformation: Insights into Seismogenic Slip Processes from Natural and Experimental Faults, MR33C-2697Abstract Title: The frictional properties and deformation mechanisms of faults in near-surface, poorly lithified sediments: implications for rupture propagation in the shallow crust
Bulou, A.
MR11A-03Abstract Title: Probing of Elastic Properties and Texture of Transparent Solids with sub-μm and μm-Resolution at Mbar Pressures Using Picosecond Laser Ultrasonic Interferometry: H2O Ice, MR13A-2682Abstract Title: Evaluation of Homogeneity and Elastic Properties of Solid Argon at High Pressures Using Picosecond Laser Ultrasonic Interferometry
Bültmann, H.
B53C-0577Abstract Title: A hierarchic approach to examining panArctic vegetation with a focus on the linkages between remote sensing and plot-based studies.
Bulut, B.
H51I-1509Abstract Title: Quality control of station-based soil moisture observations in Turkey
Bulut, F.
G11B-0971Abstract Title: Installation of EarthScope Borehole Strainmeters in Turkey to complement GONAF.
Bulygina, O.
GC31B-1176Abstract Title: Cold/Shoulder Season Precipitation Near 0°C Over Northern Eurasia, H42D-02Abstract Title: Requirements to Observational Systems for a Better Quantification and Understanding of Hydroclimate Extremes
Buma, B.
B13F-0685Abstract Title: After the Burn: Forest Carbon Stocks and Fluxes across fire disturbed landscapes in Colorado, U.S.A., C21D-05Abstract Title: Hydrologic impacts of land cover disturbances in the Upper Colorado River Basin.
Buma, B.
H13S-03Abstract Title: Quantifying the Sensitivity of Water Yield to Forest Disturbances Across a Diverse Set of Unmanaged Watersheds throughout the Continential United States
Bunds, M. P.
T42A-03Abstract Title: Insights into Surface Manifestation of Aseismic vs. Coseismic Strike-Slip Faulting from UAV Imagery of Creep-Induced Surface Fracturing Along the Central San Andreas Fault
Bundy, R.
GC53I-02Abstract Title: Copper, iron and the organic ligands that bind them - updates from San Francisco Bay and beyond
Bunge, H. P.
T33E-2976Abstract Title: Mantle Convection on Modern Supercomputers
Bunge, H. P.
T41D-2923Abstract Title: Rapid Plate Motion Variations and Continental Uplift as Surface Expressions of Asthenospheric Flow
Bunger, A.
H11B-1326Abstract Title: Experimental Investigation of Near-Borehole Crack Plugging with Bentonite
Bunn, A. G.
B31D-0592Abstract Title: Analysis of Terrestrial Carbon Stocks in a Small Catchment of Northeastern Siberia, B51G-0513Abstract Title: Variability in Albedo Associated with Fire-Mediated Controls on Stand Density in Siberian Larch Forests, GC11C-1051Abstract Title: Cluster analyses of 20th century growth patterns in high elevation Great Basin bristlecone pine in the Snake Mountain Range, Nevada, USA, GC11C-1052Abstract Title: Modeling Potential Climatic Treeline of Great Basin Bristlecone Pine in the Snake Mountain Range, Nevada, USA
Bunn, J.
S33B-2755Abstract Title: Community Seismic Network (CSN), S52B-02Abstract Title: Using Building Seismic Strong-Motion Data to Quantify Urban Blast Pressure Fields, S53A-2778Abstract Title: Applying a New Event Detection Algorithm to an Ocean Bottom Seismometer Dataset Recorded Offshore Southern California
Bunte, K.
EP51C-0931Abstract Title: Transport and Export of Coarse Particulate Organic Matter (CPOM) in Steep Streams
Bunting-Howarth, K. E.
NH51B-1880Abstract Title: Visionmaker NYC: A bottom-up approach to finding shared socioeconomic pathways in New York City
Buntoung, S.
A23A-0284Abstract Title: Vertical Distribution and Columnar Optical Properties of Springtime Biomass-Burning Aerosols over Northern Indochina during the 7-SEAS/BASELInE field campaign
Bunyavejchewin, S.
B21L-07Abstract Title: Reproductive Phenology of a Seasonally-Dry Dipterocarp Forest in Southern Thailand
Bunz, S.
OS23B-2006Abstract Title: Origins and Driving Mechanisms for Shallow Methane Accumulations on the Svyatogor Ridge, Fram Strait, OS31B-01Abstract Title: Simultaneous quantification of methane and carbon dioxide fluxes reveals that a shallow arctic methane seep is a net sink for greenhouse gases
Buoncristiani, J. F.
GP51A-1302Abstract Title: Magnetic Properties through the Archean/Paleoproterozoic Transition from the Pilbara Craton, Western Australia: Bio-environmental Implications
Buongiorno, J.
B11I-0553Abstract Title: In situ DNA hybridized chain reaction (FISH-HCR) as a better method for quantification of bacteria and archaea within marine sediment, PP12A-06Abstract Title: Paleoenvironmental reconstruction of ~40ka stromatolites from the ancient Lake Lahontan, Nevada, USA
Buongiorno, M. F.
GC53F-1262Abstract Title: Comparison of ASTER Global Emissivity Database (ASTER-GED) With In-Situ Measurement In Italian Vulcanic Areas, NH43C-1903Abstract Title: Volcanic sulfur dioxide and carbon dioxide measurements using small unmanned aerial systems
Buonpane, J. M.
H13L-1761Abstract Title: What factors control the percentage of nitrogen that gets exported downstream from man-made reservoirs?
Buotte, P.
B11N-03Abstract Title: Drought, Fire and Insects in Western US Forests: Observations to Improve Regional Land System Modeling
Burakowski, E. A.
B34A-04Abstract Title: Using Eddy Covariance Tower Clusters To Evaluate Biogeophysical Impacts Of Land Cover In The Community Land Model (CLM), PP33A-2273Abstract Title: Developing a Validated Long-Term Satellite-Based Albedo Record in the Central Alaska Range to Improve Regional Hydroclimate Reconstructions
Buratti, B. J.
P12B-04Abstract Title: Tidal Currents between Titan’s Seas Detected by Solar Glints, P13B-2132Abstract Title: Computing Global Mosaics of Titan With the VIMS Imaging Spectrometer, P51A-2039Abstract Title: New Horizons approach photometry of Pluto and Charon: light curves and Solar phase curves, P54A-04Abstract Title: Photometric Properties of Pluto and Charon: Comparison to Other Bodies
Burba, G. G.
B32A-04Abstract Title: Effect of non-homogeneity in flux footprint on the interpretation of seasonal, annual, and interannual ecosystem carbon exchange, B33A-0620Abstract Title: FluxSuite: a New Scientific Tool for Advanced Network Management and Cross-Sharing of Next-Generation Flux Stations, B33A-0621Abstract Title: Sampling Line Heating Improves Frequency Response of Enclosed Eddy Covariance Gas Analyzers, B33C-0667Abstract Title: High-speed Air Temperature Measurements in a Closed-path Cell and Quality of CO2 and H2O Fluxes from a Short-tube Gas Analyzer. , B41C-0452Abstract Title: Impact of different eddy covariance sensors and set-up on the annual balance of CO2 and fluxes of CH4 and latent heat in the Arctic
Burban, B.
B33C-0671Abstract Title: The effect of drought on carbon storage capacity in a tropical rainforest in French Guiana
Burbank, D.
T21C-2836Abstract Title: Active Deformation in the Greater Himalayan Zone in Western Nepal from Inversion of New (U-Th)/He Cooling Ages
Burbank, D. W.
PP11A-2211Abstract Title: OSL and Cosmogenic 10Be Dating of Fluvial Terraces on the Northeast Pamir Margin, Northwest China, T13C-3009Abstract Title: Tectonic and Climatic Implications of Late Miocene to Pleistocene (5.8-1.8 Ma) Paleo-Erosion Rates from the Rio Iruya Canyon, Northwest Argentina (23°S)
Burbey, T. J.
H51O-1628Abstract Title: Using electrical resistivity imaging to understand surface coal mine hydrogeology
Burch, J. L.
P31E-2093Abstract Title: The Magnetic Response to Sudden Mass-loading of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko’s Induced Magnetosphere, P31E-2094Abstract Title: RPC-IES observations of the development and variability of plasma interaction regions near 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, P31E-2095Abstract Title: Evidence of Inhomogeneous Coma Composition at 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, P31E-2096Abstract Title: High-energy pickup ions measured at Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko by the Rosetta Ion and Electron Sensor (IES), P31E-2097Abstract Title: Solar Wind Interaction with Comet 67P/C-G: Impact of Corotating Interaction Regions, P31E-2101Abstract Title: The Evolution of Comet 67P as Seen by a Mass-Resolving Ion Spectrometer, P31E-2112Abstract Title: Mapping of the cometary plasma density around comet CG/67P at perihelion., P33E-03Abstract Title: First Detection of a Diamagnetic Cavity at 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, SA51C-2420Abstract Title: A double-cusp type electrostatic analyzer for high-cadence ring current ion measurements, SH31A-2393Abstract Title: Characterizing Observations of Cometary Electrons with Kappa Distributions, SH43A-2418Abstract Title: Energized Heavy Ions and Magnetic Reconnection, SM12A-08Abstract Title: Fine Scale Structure of the Afternoon Equatorial Magnetopause as Seen on the Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission, SM12A-09Abstract Title: Low-Frequency Wave Activity Detected by MMS during Dusk Magnetopause Crossings and its Relation to Heating and Acceleration of Particles, SM13C-2519Abstract Title: Steepening of Waves at the Dusk Side Magnetopause, SM32A-08Abstract Title: Global, Energy-Dependent Ring Current Response During Two Large Storms, SM41H-2571Abstract Title: Magnetospheric Multiscale Observations of Ultra Low Frequency Waves in the Inner Magnetosphere, SM41IAbstract Title: Electron to Ion Scale Observations of Magnetic Reconnection I, SM41I-01Abstract Title: Exploring Magnetopause Reconnection with MMS, SM41I-02Abstract Title: First MMS Observations of High Time Resolution 3D Electric and Magnetic fields at the Dayside Magnetopause., SM41I-03Abstract Title: MMS Observations of Parallel Electric Fields, SM41I-06Abstract Title: The kinetic scale structure of the Plasma Sheet Boundary Layer: Implications of collisionless magnetic reconnection and first MMS observations, SM41I-07Abstract Title: The Structure of the Electron Diffusion Region in Asymmetric Magnetic Reconnection, SM41I-08Abstract Title: Observations of 3-D Electric Fields and Waves Associated With Reconnection at the Dayside Magnetopause, SM41I-09Abstract Title: Comparison of Magnetospheric Multiscale Magnetopause Crossing Signatures With Predicted Reconnection Line Locations, SM42AAbstract Title: Electron to Ion Scale Observations of Magnetic Reconnection II, SM42A-03Abstract Title: Features of the Active Evening Plasma Sheet from MMS, SM42A-04Abstract Title: MMS High-Resolution Observations of the Magnetopause Reconnection Layer, SM42A-08Abstract Title: 3D Ion and Electron Distribution Function Measurements from the Fast Plasma Investigation on the Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission, SM42B-05Abstract Title: Pickup Ions in the Plasma Environments of Mars, Comets, and Enceladus, SM43AAbstract Title: Electron to Ion Scale Observations of Magnetic Reconnection III, SM43A-01Abstract Title: Ion Species-Dependent Effects in Magnetic Reconnection: MMS Hot Plasma Composition Analyzer (HPCA) Initial Results, SM43A-02Abstract Title: Effect of electron ambient plasmas in reconnection jets and dipolarization fronts : MMS initial results, SM43A-05Abstract Title: MMS Observations of Dipolarization Fronts, SM43A-06Abstract Title: Mapping Out the Diffusion Region in Magnetopause Reconnection: from CLUSTER to Magnetospheric Multiscale, SM44A-08Abstract Title: MMS Observations of Kinetic Features in the Earth’s Bursty Bulk Flow Braking Region, SM51AAbstract Title: Electron to Ion Scale Observations of Magnetic Reconnection IV Posters, SM51A-2514Abstract Title: An Investigation of Perpendicular Gradients of Parallel Electric Field in Separatrix Regions in Using the Magnetosphere Multiscale Mission, SM51A-2523Abstract Title: Multi-point, multi-scale observation of the near-Earth current sheet reconfiguration during storm-time multi-onset substorms, SM51A-2524Abstract Title: Bursty Bulk Flow Turbulence as Observed by the Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission, SM51A-2529Abstract Title: Plasma Distributions and Composition at the Magnetopause: MMS HPCA observations
Burch, K.
T13B-2991Abstract Title: Regional Phase Attenuation across the Turkish-Iranian Plateau
Burchell, M. R.
B13E-0656Abstract Title: Seasonal Variation in the Quality of Dissolved and Particulate Organic Matter Exchanged Between a Salt Marsh and Its Adjacent Estuary
Burchfield, J.
AE31A-0411Abstract Title: Constraining lightning channel growth dynamics by comparison of time domain electromagnetic simulations to Huntsville Alabama Marx Meter Array observations
Burchill, J. K.
SM14A-09Abstract Title: Swarm observations of kilometer-scale low-altitude cusp/cleft ion upflow and downflow, SM23A-2533Abstract Title: Swarm Observations of Field-aligned Currents Associated with Pulsating Auroral Patches, SM23A-2540Abstract Title: Poynting Flux in the Region 1/2 Current Systems and Magnetic Cusp, SM51C-2576Abstract Title: Cusp Ion Fountain Observations from the e-POP Suprathermal Electron Imager (SEI) with DMSP and RISR-N conjunctions
Burchsted, D.
EP43B-0970Abstract Title: Ecosystem State as Assessed by Water Temperature: A Guide to Restoring River Patchiness, H43C-1516Abstract Title: The Vernal Window Flow Path: a Cascade of Ecological Transitions Delineated at Scales from Points to Pixels
Burchwell, A.
B13B-0627Abstract Title: Nuclear Well Log Properties of Natural Gas Hydrate Reservoirs
Burd, A. I.
GP23C-07Abstract Title: Sensitivity of an MT Array to 3D Structure Outside the Array Footprint
Burd, J.
A11C-0083Abstract Title: Environmental Factors Influencing Arctic Halogen Chemistry During Late Spring, A41K-0230Abstract Title: Vertical Structure and Vertical Evolution of Halogen Activation Events Observed by Autonomous Buoys
Burd, M.
Burden, S.
H34C-01Abstract Title: A National Assessment of the Potential Impacts of Hydraulic Fracturing Activities on Drinking Water Resources
Burdick, S.
S21BAbstract Title: Quantifying Uncertainty in Geophysical Methods: From Source to Structure I Posters, S21B-2692Abstract Title: Characterizing waveform uncertainty due to ambient noise for the Global Seismic Network, S31BAbstract Title: Quantifying Uncertainty in Geophysical Methods: From Source to Structure II, S31B-04Abstract Title: Quantifying Uncertainty Across an Array of Seismic Applications, T11D-2914Abstract Title: Seismic Tomography of the Continental United States from a Joint Inversion of Surface Waves and Body Waves, T24A-04Abstract Title: Investigating the Farallon Slab with Probabilistic Traveltime Tomography
Burdige, D.
OS43A-2030Abstract Title: Carbon and Nutrient Dynamics in Cool Ridge-Flank Hydrothermal Springs: The Dorado Outcrop of the Eastern Pacific.
Burek, M.
SH12A-06Abstract Title: Presenting DSCOVR: The First NOAA Mission to Leave Earth Orbit
Burek, P.
GC31H-03Abstract Title: Water dependency and water exploitation at global scale as indicators of water security, H51G-1468Abstract Title: Data Assimilation of Satellite-Derived Surface Water Extent into a Global Rainfall-Runoff Model
Burek, T.
A43L-08Abstract Title: Development of an Adaptable Display and Diagnostic System for the Evaluation of Tropical Cyclone Forecasts
Buret, Y.
V32B-01Abstract Title: High-precision ID-TIMS zircon U-Pb geochronology using new 1013 Ohm resistors
Burgener, L. K.
PP21A-2213Abstract Title: Clumped Isotope Thermometry Reveals Variations in Soil Carbonate Seasonal Biases Over >4 km of Relief in the Semi-Arid Andes of Central Chile
Burger, E. F.
IN11C-1790Abstract Title: Get More from Your Data with PyFerret
Burger, M. H.
P53A-2091Abstract Title: A Seasonal Feature in Mercury’s Exosphere Caused by Meteoroids from Comet Encke
Burgers, T.
GC11G-1096Abstract Title: Implications of a Changing Arctic on Summertime Surface Seawater pCO2 Variations in the Eastern Canadian Arctic
Burgess, A. B.
IN13B-1837Abstract Title: The Snow Data System at NASA JPL, IN52A-02Abstract Title: Independant Technology Assessment within the Federation of Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP) Testbed
Burgess, C.
PP23D-06Abstract Title: Miocene-Pleistocene Paleoclimate and Paleoenvironment in the Meade Basin, Kansas
Burgess, D.
SH44A-06Abstract Title: Three-Dimensional Reconnection and Turbulence in the Outer Heliosphere
Burgess, E. W.
C33E-0863Abstract Title: Hypsometric control on glacier mass balance sensitivity in Alaska
Burgess, R.
PP33B-2303Abstract Title: Geochemistry of the Halogens (I, Br, Cl) and Evolution of the Seawater During the Archean
Burgess, S. D.
PP51E-07Abstract Title: Coupled Uranium-Series and (U-Th)/He Zircon Geochronology of the Emmons Lake Volcanic Center (ELVC): Dating the Record of Voluminous Tephra Production in Quaternary Eastern-Beringia.
Burgette, R. J.
G43B-1052Abstract Title: Relative and Geocentric Sea Level Rise Along the U.S. West Coast, T41A-2857Abstract Title: Late Quaternary Offset of Alluvial Fan Surfaces along the Central Sierra Madre Fault, Southern California
Burgher, J.
ED11DAbstract Title: Frontiers of Graduate Education and Training: Interdisciplinary and Innovative Transformations, Experiences, and Challenges I Posters, ED13HAbstract Title: Frontiers of Graduate Education and Training: Interdisciplinary and Innovative Transformations, Experiences, and Challenges II
Burgi, P.
S42C-06Abstract Title: Did Structural Segmentation of the Main Himalayan Thrust Control the 2015 Mw 7.8 Gorkha Earthquake Rupture in Nepal?, T41B-2888Abstract Title: Regional structural analysis and velocity model (Vp) of the Chittagong-Myanmar Fold and Thrust Belt, Bangladesh
Burgin, A. J.
B41A-0411Abstract Title: Modeling Soil Pore Oxygen in Restored Wetlands, B41A-0414Abstract Title: The Biogeochemical Paradox of Redox: Rethinking our Understanding of the Redox Ladder across Aquatic and Terrestrial Ecosystems, B51B-0432Abstract Title: Using soil oxygen sensors to inform understanding of soil greenhouse gas dynamics
Burgin, M. S.
H14F-02Abstract Title: Validating SMAP L2/3 Products, H14F-06Abstract Title: Intercomparison of SMAP L2/L3 Soil Moisture with Synergistic Satellite Products
Burgisser, A.
V31B-3019Abstract Title: Complexities within the shallow conduit during Vulcanian explosions: Insights from Episode IV of the 1912 eruption of Novarupta, Alaska
Burgmann, R.
G13BAbstract Title: Recent Advances in the Application of InSAR and High-Resolution Geodetic Data for Crustal Deformation Research I, G21AAbstract Title: Recent Advances in the Application of InSAR and High-Resolution Geodetic Data for Crustal Deformation Research II Posters, G23C-06Abstract Title: Differentiation of Secular and Postseismic Deformation in the Mojave Shear Zone in Southern California and Inference of Lithospheric Rheology, G54A-05Abstract Title: Seasonal Water Storage, the Resulting Deformation and Stress, and Occurrence of Earthquakes in California, MR42A-01Abstract Title: Constraining friction, dilatancy and effective stress with earthquake rates in the deep crust, S13B-2806Abstract Title: Time-dependent Induced Seismicity Rates Described with an Epidemic Type Aftershock Sequence Model at The Geysers Geothermal Field, California , S31A-2704Abstract Title: TremorScope: A Tool to Image the Deep Workings of the San Andreas Fault near Cholame, CA, T31A-2821Abstract Title: Northern San Andreas Fault slip rates on the Santa Cruz Mountain section: 10Be dating of an offset alluvial fan complex, Sanborn County Park, Saratoga, CA, T31D-03Abstract Title: Long-term and Short-term Vertical Deformation Rates across the Forearc in the Central Mexican Subduction Zone, T32B-04Abstract Title: Linking Interseismic Crustal Deformation to Long-Term Rock Denudation and Surface Processing in Taiwan, T41A-2845Abstract Title: Heterogeneous Earth Structure, Deformation, and Slip During the 2010 Mw 7.2 El Mayor-Cucapah Earthquake from Geodetic Data, T41A-2849Abstract Title: Inferred Rheology and Petrology of Southern California and Northwest Mexico Mantle from Postseismic Deformation following the 2010 El Mayor-Cucapah Earthquake, T42B-04Abstract Title: Viscoelastic Postseismic Deformation Following the 2002 Mw7.9 Denali Fault Earthquake, T43C-3014Abstract Title: Geodetic Measurements of Slow Slip and Tremor in Parkfield, CA, T43C-3016Abstract Title: Interseismic coupling on the Hayward-Calaveras fault zone from InSAR, T43E-04Abstract Title: Steady, modest slip over multiple earthquake cycles on the Owens Valley and Little Lake fault zones, T51J-01Abstract Title: Periodic slow slip and megathrust zone earthquakes in northeastern Japan, T53B-03Abstract Title: Geodetic Investigation of Compliant Fault Zones on the San Francisco Peninsula segment of the San Andreas Fault
Burgon, R. P. Jr
B33C-0669Abstract Title: Field Performance Verification of Carbon Dioxide, Water, and Nitrous Oxide Closed-Path Eddy Covariance Systems with Vortex Intakes
Burgos, G.
DI11B-2585Abstract Title: Imaging Lithospheric Structure beneath the Indian continent
Buri, P.
C43F-08Abstract Title: After the Earthquake: Impacts of Seismic Snow and Ice Redistribution in Langtang Valley, Nepal, on Glacier Mass Balances and Hydrological Regimes
Burkart, J.
A11C-0052Abstract Title: An aircraft-based case study of new particle formation and growth in the summertime Arctic, A11C-0071Abstract Title: Transport Regimes of Air Masses Affecting the Tropospheric Composition of the Canadian and European Arctic During RACEPAC 2014 and NETCARE 2014/2015
Burke, E.
B42C-07Abstract Title: The Temporal Evolution of Changes in Carbon Storage in the Northern Permafrost Region Simulated by Carbon Cycle Models between 2010 and 2300: Implications for Atmospheric Carbon Dynamics, B42C-08Abstract Title: A simplified, data-constrained approach to estimate the permafrost carbon-climate feedback: The PCN Incubation-Panarctic Thermal (PInc-PanTher) Scaling Approach
Burke, J. D.
NH11A-1901Abstract Title: Roadmap for an EArth Defense Initiative (READI)
Burke, K. D.
GC11E-1073Abstract Title: Effects of heterogeneous wind fields and vegetation composition on modeled estimates of pollen source area
Burke, M.
GC53G-1292Abstract Title: Estimating the Importance of Private Adaptation to Climate Change in Agriculture: A Review of Empirical Methods, PA51B-2214Abstract Title: New Evidence on the Relationship Between Climate and Conflict
Burke, M. P.
H13C-1529Abstract Title: Conversion of HSPF Legacy Model to a Platform-Independent, Open-Source Language, H51NAbstract Title: Surface Hydrology Posters
Burke, M.
EP33A-1060Abstract Title: Identifying and Quantifying Sources of Fall Chinook Salmon Spawning Gravel to the Snake River in Hells Canyon
Burke, S.
B21D-0499Abstract Title: Salting our Freshwater: A Macrosystems Study of Global Chloride Patterns and Trends in Lakes
Burke, S. A.
B33G-04Abstract Title: Using remote sensing and field based measurements to understand short term changes in a permafrost landscape
Burke, T. L.
H11B-1334Abstract Title: Modeling Methane Leakage from Faulty Wellbores in the Denver-Julesburg Basin, Colorado
Burke, V. J.
B31D-0618Abstract Title: Bioavailable Carbon and the Relative Degradation State of Organic Matter in Active Layer and Permafrost Soils
Burkett, A. M.
PP53B-2330Abstract Title: Trace Elemental Geochemistry of Pacific Margin Seep and Non-seep Benthic Foraminifera
Burkett, E. R.
S33B-2761Abstract Title: Sounding the Alert: Designing an Effective Voice for Earthquake Early Warning
Burkhard, L. M.
P31B-2064Abstract Title: Strike-Slip Faulting Processes on Ganymede: Global Morphological Mapping and Structural Interpretation of Grooved and Transitional Terrains, P31B-2067Abstract Title: What causes an icy fault to slip? Investigating strike-slip failure conditions on Ganymede at Dardanus and Tiamat Sulcus.
Burkhardt, B. L.
ED31B-0904Abstract Title: Getting the Most Out of Dual-Listed Courses: Involving Undergraduate Students in Discussion Through Active Learning Techniques
Burkhardt, U.
A13D-0357Abstract Title: Contrail Cirrus Radiative Forcing for Future Scenarios
Burkhart, H.
B43I-0665Abstract Title: Region-Wide Soil Carbon Assessment Across "the Land of Pines"
Burkhart, J. F.
A21A-0030Abstract Title: Comprehensive Black Carbon Emission Inventory of India: Uncertainty Analyses, A53A-0353Abstract Title: Measurements of Atmospheric Aerosol Vertical Distributions above Svalbard, Norway using Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS), C13AAbstract Title: Dust, Black Carbon, and Other Aerosols in the Cryosphere I Posters, C21DAbstract Title: Dust, Black Carbon, and Other Aerosols in the Cryosphere II, C21D-04Abstract Title: Hydrological response to Black Carbon deposition in seasonally snow covered catchments in Norway using two different atmospheric transport models, C41B-0698Abstract Title: Tilt Error in Cryospheric Surface Radiation Measurements at High Latitudes: A Model Study, GC22A-04Abstract Title: Land-Atmosphere Interactions in Cold Environments (LATICE): The role of Atmosphere - Biosphere – Cryosphere – Hydrosphere interactions in a changing climate
Burkhart, M.
H13H-1637Abstract Title: Ground Snow Measurements: Comparisons of the Hotplate, Weighing and Manual Methods
Burkholder, J. B.
A11K-0220Abstract Title: Heterogeneous Nitration of Tyrosine by NO­3 and N2O5: Rates, Mechanisms and Product Yields, A14B-02Abstract Title: Can we use ground-based measurements of HCFCs and HFCs to derive their emissions, lifetimes, and the global OH abundance?, A21B-0122Abstract Title: The Impact of Current CH4 and N2O Loss Process Uncertainties on Model Calculated Ozone and Global Lifetimes, A21B-0127Abstract Title: Detected CFCs: UV Absorption Spectra, Atmospheric Lifetimes, Global Warming and Ozone Depletion Potentials for CFC-112, CFC-112a, CFC-113a and CFC-114a, A21B-0130Abstract Title: NASA Data Evaluation (2015): Chemical Kinetics and Photochemical Data for Use in Atmospheric Studies, A43G-0398Abstract Title: (CF3)2CFCH=CHF (HFO-1438ezy): OH Radical Rate Coefficient, Infrared Spectrum Measurements and Estimated Global Warming Potentials and Photochemical Ozone Creation Potential, TH32JAbstract Title: The Future of Laboratory Studies in Atmospheric Chemistry
Burkins, M. B.
PA31D-03Abstract Title: Arctic Science Diplomacy: Opportunities for International Collaboration and Policy-Engaged Scholarship
Burks, J. E.
IN32A-04Abstract Title: Applications of Earth Remote Sensing for Identifying Tornado and Severe Weather Damage, IN33B-1798Abstract Title: Challenges and Opportunities in Geocuration for Disaster Response, NH43B-1891Abstract Title: Identifying Severe Weather Impacts and Damage with Google Earth Engine
Burky, A.
S21B-2690Abstract Title: Source Mechanisms of Earthquakes at the Geysers Geothermal Region Using a Hierarchical Bayesian Approach
Burlacu, R.
S41B-2757Abstract Title: Location of Body Wave Microseism Sources Using Three-Component Data From a Large Aperture Seismic Array in China, S52B-03Abstract Title: Dense Seismic Recordings of Two Surface-Detonated Chemical Explosions
Burlaga, L. F.
SH41C-2388Abstract Title: Propagation of transient shocks from 1 AU to the Voyagers during 2012-2015, SH51D-01Abstract Title: Precursors to Interstellar Shocks of Solar Origin , SH51D-02Abstract Title: Voyager 1 and 2 Observations of the Local Interstellar Magnetic Field and Heliosheath
Burlando, P.
H33H-1715Abstract Title: Investigating the Sources of Nitrogen Contamination in the Shallow Aquifer of Jakarta using a Newly Developed Distributed River-Aquifer Flow and Transport Model, H43N-07Abstract Title: Exploring current and projected tradeoffs between hydropower profitability and reliability of supply in the Alps
Burleigh, M.
SM51C-2573Abstract Title: Low Altitude Initiation of Ionospheric Upflow and Outflow
Burley, J. M.
V24A-02Abstract Title: Variations in mid-ocean ridge magmatism and carbon emissions driven by glacial cycles, V53A-3124Abstract Title: A Climactic Feedback? Variations in Mid-Ocean Ridge CO2 Emissions Driven by Glacial Cycles
Burleyson, C. D.
A31A-0015Abstract Title: Impact of Shallow Clouds on Cloud-Permitting WRF Simulations of the Diurnal Cycle of Convection over the Amazon
Burls, N.
A11N-0261Abstract Title: Extra-tropical origin of equatorial Pacific cold bias in climate models, PP23E-02Abstract Title: Tightly linked oceanic meridional and zonal temperature gradients - a fundamental climate constraint for the Miocene, Pliocene and other epochs
Burmeister, S.
SA43B-2366Abstract Title: Charged Particle Environment on Mars – One Mars Year of MSL/RAD Measurements, SH53A-2480Abstract Title: Forbush Effects on the Martian Surface and Earth’s Poles
Burmester, R. F.
T41A-2863Abstract Title: Paleomagnetic Determination of Vertical-Axis Block Rotation and Magnetostratigraphy in the Coachella Valley, California
Burnard, P.
MR32A-07Abstract Title: Volatiles (H, He, Ar) in olivine grain boundaries
Burnett, L. W.
SH53B-2495Abstract Title: Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of the Electron Density in the Solar Corona
Burney, J. A.
A24E-06Abstract Title: Surface and Column Aerosol Impacts of the United States' Natural Gas Transition, GC53D-1232Abstract Title: Environmental Co-Benefit Opportunities of Solar Energy
Burnham, A. K.
MR41C-2661Abstract Title: Multiscale Characterization of Geological Properties of Oil Shale
Burnley, P. C.
MR13B-2702Abstract Title: Phase Equilibria and Compressibility of bastnaesite-(La)
Burns, A.
IN33C-1815Abstract Title: Ground-Based Robotic Sensing of an Agricultural Sub-Canopy Environment
Burns, A. G.
SA23B-2344Abstract Title: Energy Flow in the Polar F-region Ionosphere-Thermosphere System through an Indirect Momentum-Energy Coupling Mechanism, SA24A-07Abstract Title: Profiles of Ionospheric Storm-enhanced Density during the 17 March 2015 Great Storm, SA31AAbstract Title: Composition and Temperature of the Thermosphere I Posters, SA31B-2348Abstract Title: Thermospheric Wind Changes During and After the March 17, 2013 Geomagnetic Storm, SA31D-2368Abstract Title: Large Scale Ionospheric Response During March 17, 2013 Geomagnetic Storm: Reanalysis Based on Multiple Satellites Observations and TIEGCM Simulations, SA31D-2369Abstract Title: Long Duration Enhancement And Depletion Observed In The Topside Ionospheric Electron Content During The March 2015 Strong Storm, SA32A-02Abstract Title: Response of Thermospheric Hydrogen to Solar Variability and Greenhouse Gases, SA32A-04Abstract Title: Variations of Hydrogen in the Thermosphere: Nature and Causes, SA44A-04Abstract Title: Formation of Polar Ionospheric Tongue of Ionization during Minor Geomagnetic Disturbed Conditions, SA52AAbstract Title: Composition and Temperature of the Thermosphere II, SA52A-05Abstract Title: Global-scale Observations of the Limb and Disk (GOLD): From Simulations to Observations, SA52A-06Abstract Title: Latitudinal and Solar Cycle Variability of Thermosphere Composition at the Solstices
Burns, D. H.
V31D-3056Abstract Title: Mafic Volcanism and the Deep Crust in the Central Andes: In Situ Geochemistry and Isotopic Composition of Young, Small-Volume Mafic Eruptions.
Burns, D. A.
B11F-0489Abstract Title: Patterns of Diel Variation in Nitrate Concentrations in the Potomac River, H13L-1750Abstract Title: Acidic Deposition along the Appalachian Trail Corridor and its Effects on Acid-Sensitive Terrestrial and Aquatic Resources, H32DAbstract Title: Suggesting New Hypotheses and Informing Models: What Are We Learning from Long-Term Catchment Monitoring Data and Catchment Experiments? I, H33FAbstract Title: Suggesting New Hypotheses and Informing Models: What Are We Learning from Long-Term Catchment Monitoring Data and Catchment Experiments? II Posters, H41MAbstract Title: Runoff Generation Processes in Changing Environments: Integrating Observations and Processes I, H42B-05Abstract Title: Interpreting high-frequency sensor data to quantify spatial and temporal variability in the source and transport of water and solutes at the catchment scale, H42FAbstract Title: Runoff Generation Processes in Changing Environments: Integrating Observations and Processes II, H43IAbstract Title: Runoff Generation Processes in Changing Environments: Integrating Observations and Processes III Posters
Burns, E. R.
H12A-05Abstract Title: Geothermal and Hydrogeologic Controls on Regional Groundwater Temperatures
Burns, J. A.
P11D-05Abstract Title: Enceladus’s subsurface sea is part of a global ocean as shown by measured physical libration, P21B-06Abstract Title: Topographic evidence of True Polar Wander on Enceladus
Burns, K. J.
P41A-2036Abstract Title: Internal Wave Generation by Turbulent Convection
Burns, M.
NH43C-1896Abstract Title: UAV magnetometry in mineral exploration and infrastructure detection
Burns, P. C.
B13A-0597Abstract Title: Structural evolution of a uranyl peroxide nano-cage fullerene: U60, at elevated pressures
Burns, R.
NG32A-04Abstract Title: Remote visualization and scale analysis of large turbulence datatsets
Burns, S. F.
NH33D-07Abstract Title: A model for predicting embankment slope failures in clay-rich soils; A Louisiana example
Burns, S. P.
B33A-0621Abstract Title: Sampling Line Heating Improves Frequency Response of Enclosed Eddy Covariance Gas Analyzers, B54A-04Abstract Title: Carbon Dioxide and its Stable Isotopes at Niwot Ridge, Colorado
Burns, S. J.
GC11E-1069Abstract Title: Speleothem isotopic evidence for rapid human-induced expansion of grasslands in Madagascar at 890 CE, PP31A-2207Abstract Title: Historical droughts in northern Vietnam captured by variability in speleothem δ18O
Burov, E. B.
T34CAbstract Title: Multidisciplinary Constraints on the Rheology and Dynamics of the Lithosphere and Asthenosphere I, T41DAbstract Title: Multidisciplinary Constraints on the Rheology and Dynamics of the Lithosphere and Asthenosphere II Posters, T41D-2936Abstract Title: Impact of far-field stress distributions and thermo-rheological structure of continental lithosphere on mantle-lithosphere interactions., T41F-04Abstract Title: Transition from a localized to wide deformation along Eastern branch of Central East African Rift: Insights from 3D numerical models
Burr, D. M.
P12B-05Abstract Title: New Titan Saltation Threshold Experiments: Investigating Current and Past Climates
Burr, G.
PP31A-2221Abstract Title: Combined obliquity and precession pacing of western Pacific Intertropical Convergence Zone over the past 282,000 years
Burrage, D. M.
A51A-0012Abstract Title: Reflectivity and Emissivity of Sea Foam at L-band
Burrell, A. G.
SA13B-2373Abstract Title: Performance of the IRI-2012 Model in the Low- and Mid-Latitudes: Variations with Longitude and Solar Activity, SA13C-08Abstract Title: Solar and Magnetospheric Influence on High-Frequency Radar Signal Propagation
Burrows, D. A.
A12B-07Abstract Title: Local Finite-Amplitude Wave Activity as an Objective Diagnostic of Midlatitude Extreme Weather
Burrows, J. P.
A31D-0080Abstract Title: The Retrieval of Aerosol Optical Thickness Using the MERIS Instrument, A33F-0241Abstract Title: Towards Top-down Constraints on Regional Sources and Sinks of CO2 Imposed by Column Observations: a High-resolution Inverse Modeling Approach, B43H-0646Abstract Title: Solar Induced Vegetation Fluorescence Retrieval Using SCIAMACHY and GOME-2 Measurements And Its Correlation To GPP And FAPAR, C13C-0832Abstract Title: Viable Particles from Iodine Compounds in the Antarctic Sea Ice Zone
Burrows, S. M.
A11D-0088Abstract Title: Comparing Organic Aerosol Composition from Marine Biogenic Sources to Seawater and to Physical Sea Spray Models, A13B-0315Abstract Title: The Global Distribution of Atmospheric Ice Nucleating Particles, A42DAbstract Title: Marine Aerosols and Trace Gases I, A43CAbstract Title: Marine Aerosols and Trace Gases II Posters, A43C-0287Abstract Title: The Simulated Impact of Dimethyl Sulfide Emissions on the Earth System, A43C-0298Abstract Title: How much does sea spray aerosol organic matter impact clouds and radiation? Sensitivity studies in the Community Atmosphere Model, A43C-0300Abstract Title: Marine biogenic aerosol sources simulated from below the global ocean-atmosphere interface
Burruss, N. D.
H51Q-04Abstract Title: Forecasting Regional Agroecosystems Responses to Drought and Wet Periods using Long Term Data from LTAR and LTER sites
Bursik, M. I.
EP53A-0958Abstract Title: An overview of a GIS method for mapping landslides and assessing landslide susceptibility in the Río La Carbonera watershed, on the SE flank of Pico de Orizaba Volcano, Mexico., U51A-01Abstract Title: Sustaining an Online, Shared Community Resource for Models, Robust Open source Software Tools and Data for Volcanology – the Vhub Experience, V23C-05Abstract Title: Tectonic Geomorphology and Volcano-Tectonic Interaction in the Eastern Boundary of the Southern Cascades (Hat Creek Graben), California, USA, V33B-3103Abstract Title: Deformation of a Volcanic Edifice by Pore Pressurization: An Analog Approach, V44B-04Abstract Title: The Evolving Structure of Young Volcanic Eruption Clouds, V51F-3108Abstract Title: Best-practice checklists for tephra collection, analysis and reporting – a draft consensus from the Tephra 2014 workshop
Bursztyn, N.
ED11C-0860Abstract Title: Bringing Grand Canyon to the College Campus: Assessment of Student Learning in the Geosciences Through Virtual Field Trip Games for Mobile Smart-Devices
Burt, M. A.
A33G-0250Abstract Title: Simulations of two Arctic winter cloud regimes, A53E-02Abstract Title: Present-Day Evaluation and Climate Change Response of Daily Rainfall Distributions in Three Versions of the Conventional vs. Super-Parameterized Community Atmosphere Model, ED11C-0862Abstract Title: Exploring deliberate mentoring approaches aimed at improving the recruitment and persistence of undergraduate women in the geosciences, ED51CAbstract Title: Best Practices in Meaningful and Authentic Science Outreach to Formal and Informal Audiences I Posters, ED53GAbstract Title: Best Practices in Meaningful and Authentic Science Outreach to Formal and Informal Audiences II
Burt, T. P.
H33H-1700Abstract Title: How Population Growth and Land-Use Change Increased Fluvial Dissolved Organic Carbon Fluxes over 130 Years in the Thames Basin (UK)
Burtch, D.
A23E-0364Abstract Title: Dynamical Downscaling of Global Circulation Models With the Weather Research and Forecast Model in the Northern Great Plains
Burtin, A.
NH34A-04Abstract Title: Automated Detection and Classification of Rockfall Induced Seismic Signals with Hidden-Markov-Models, NH41A-1793Abstract Title: Towards a more Complete Survey of Rockfall Activity: Seismic and LiDAR Detection, Location and Volume Estimate
Burton, A. S.
PP13A-2271Abstract Title: New Insights into Amino Acid Preservation in the Early Oceans using Modern Analytical Techniques
Burton, J. C.
C13E-03Abstract Title: Reverse glacier motion during iceberg calving and the cause of glacial earthquakes, C21A-0723Abstract Title: Numerical modeling of glacial earthquakes induced by iceberg capsize, C43B-0803Abstract Title: Laboratory investigations of seismicity caused by iceberg calving and capsize
Burton, K. W.
DI31A-2561Abstract Title: Sulfide in the core and the composition of the silicate Earth, EP21E-02Abstract Title: Enhanced oxidative weathering in glaciated mountain catchments: A stabilising feedback on atmospheric carbon dioxide?, V33A-3073Abstract Title: A Partial Late Veneer for the Source of 3.8 Ga Isua Rocks: Evidence from Highly Siderophile Elements and 182W, V53B-3137Abstract Title: The behaviour of copper isotopes during igneous processes
Burton, M. E.
SM31C-2527Abstract Title: An Updated Model Of Saturn's Internal Planetary Magnetic Field Based on All Available Data
Burton, M. R.
V14C-02Abstract Title: Uncertainties and Key Open Questions in the Geological Carbon Cycle, V23B-3098Abstract Title: On the use of hyperpectral infrared imagers for studying volcano plumes: IMAGETNA campaign Hyperpectral infrared imaging of volcanic plume at Mt Etna: IMAGETNA campaign, V43E-07Abstract Title: Modelling the Composition of Outgassing Bubbles at Basaltic Open Vent Volcanoes
Burton, S. P.
A21I-05Abstract Title: Airborne High Spectral Resolution Lidar Measurements of Aerosol Distributions and Properties during the NASA DISCOVER-AQ Missions, A23L-06Abstract Title: Aerosol Types using Passive Remote Sensing: Global Distribution, Consistency Check, Total-Column Investigation and Translation into Composition Derived from Climate and Chemical Transport Model, A23L-08Abstract Title: Aerosol Classification from High Spectral Resolution Lidar Measurements, A32D-05Abstract Title: Spatial Distribution of Aerosols in Four U.S. Regions: Impacts on Satellite Measurements, A42A-02Abstract Title: Information Content and Sensitivity of the 3β+2α Lidar Measurement System for Microphysical Retrievals, A42A-03Abstract Title: Optimal Estimation Retrievals of Aerosol Microphysical Properties from High Spectral Resolution Lidar (HSRL) and Polarimeter Data, A43A-0258Abstract Title: Application of Fuzzy K-mean Method to the CALIOP/CALIPSO Layer Feature Classifications, A52E-04Abstract Title: Fog Induced Aerosol Modification Observed by AERONET, Including Occurrences During Major Air Pollution Events
Burton-Johnson, A.
C41D-0748Abstract Title: Extracting Outcrop Extents in Antarctica: Current problems, new solutions and a complete dataset for the Antarctic continent
Burtseva, O.
SH43B-2450Abstract Title: Cylindrical Symmetry of Sunspots as a Proxy for Flare-Related Changes in Pseudo-Vector Magnetic Field Derived from Line-of-Sight Magnetograms
Burtt, D. G.
EP53B-1019Abstract Title: Tectonic Uplift and Fan Delta Incision along the Conway Coast, NZ
Bury, J.
U42A-01Abstract Title: Glacier loss and emerging hydrologic vulnerabilities in the Peruvian Andes
Busato, L.
H51R-02Abstract Title: Micro 3D ERT tomography for data assimilation modelling of active root zone
Busby, C. J.
DI13A-2627Abstract Title: Geochronology and Geochemistry of Zircons from the IODP Site U1437 in the Rear of the Izu-Bonin Volcanic Arc, V51G-3112Abstract Title: Geochemical Relationships between Volcanic and Plutonic Upper to Mid Crustal Exposures of the Rosario Segment, Alisitos Arc (Baja California, Mexico): An Outstanding Field Analog to the Izu-Bonin-Mariana Arc
Busby, R.
ED31A-0883Abstract Title: EarthScope Transportable Array Siting Outreach Activities in Alaska and Western Canada, PA41C-08Abstract Title: Thirty Years of Innovation in Seismology with the IRIS Consortium, S13B-2836Abstract Title: Leveraging EarthScope USArray with the Central and Eastern United States Seismic Network, S33D-2819Abstract Title: Technology and Engineering Advances Supporting EarthScope’s Alaska Transportable Array, T51C-2893Abstract Title: EarthScope’s Transportable Array in Alaska and Western Canada
Buscail, R.
EP13A-0935Abstract Title: Relationships between contourite deposition, climate and slope instability: new insights from the Demerara Plateau (French Guyana)
Buscaino, G.
C43B-0802Abstract Title: Towards Quantification of Glacier Dynamic Ice Loss through Passive Seismic Monitoring
Buscema, M.
H13A-1489Abstract Title: Application of Data Fusion and Knowledge Extraction in Hydrogeology
Busch, M.
NH11A-1900Abstract Title: Mission Designs for Demonstrating Gravity Tractor Asteroid Deflection, P53G-07Abstract Title: High-Resolution Bistatic Radar Imaging of Near-Earth Asteroids in 2015 using New Capabilities of Goldstone and Green Bank Telescopes
Busch, S.
H11M-03Abstract Title: GPR waveguide and full-waveform inversion for the hydrogeophysical characterization of soils and aquifers
Busch, S.
OS13A-2034Abstract Title: Metabolic Response of Dungeness Crab Larvae Exposed to Elevated CO2 and Hypoxia
Buscheck, T. A.
GC53C-1222Abstract Title: The Efficacy and Potential of Renewable Energy from Carbon Dioxide that is Sequestered in Sedimentary Basin Geothermal Resources, GC53C-1225Abstract Title: Optimal Management of Geothermal Heat Extraction
Buscmobe, D.
EP54B-03Abstract Title: Observations of Sand Dune Migration on the Colorado River in Grand Canyon using High-Resolution Multibeam Bathymetry
Buscombe, D.
EP33A-1035Abstract Title: Patterns of Channel and Sandbar Morphologic Response to Sediment Evacuation on the Colorado River in Marble Canyon, Arizona, EP41D-01Abstract Title: Interpreting Hydraulic Conditions from Morphology, Sedimentology, and Grain Size of Sand Bars in the Colorado River in Grand Canyon, EP51B-0912Abstract Title: From Hype to an Operational Tool: Efforts to Establish a Long-Term Monitoring Protocol of Alluvial Sandbars using ‘Structure-from-Motion’ Photogrammetry, EP51B-0914Abstract Title: TopCAT and PySESA: Open-source software tools for point cloud decimation, roughness analyses, and quantitative description of terrestrial surfaces, EP53A-0933Abstract Title: Examining the Relationship Between Suspended Sand Load and Bedload on the Colorado River Using Concurrent Measurements of Suspended Sand and Observations of Sand Dune Migration., H41E-1365Abstract Title: Addressing scale dependence in roughness and morphometric statistics derived from point cloud data.
Busetti, M.
T51F-2965Abstract Title: Neogene Development of the Terror Rift, western Ross Sea, Antarctica
Busey, R.
C43C-0814Abstract Title: Spatio-temporally continuous monitoring of surface and ground temperature in Interior Alaska forest by optical Fiber DTS
Bush, C. E.
H21D-1409Abstract Title: Assessing spatial and temporal snowpack evolution and melt with time-lapse photography
Bush, K.
GC31D-1211Abstract Title: ERBE Wide-Field-of-View Nonscanner Data Reprocessing and revisiting its Radiation dataset from 1985 to 199
Bush, M. B.
GC14B-04Abstract Title: A Paleoecological View of the Anthropocene in Tropical South America
Bush, M. A.
V53D-3145Abstract Title: Provenance record of Paleogene exhumation and Laramide basin evolution along the southern Rocky Mountain front
Bush, R. I.
SH52A-01Abstract Title: On solar oblateness measurements during the current solar cycle 24
Bush, R. T.
PP33A-2282Abstract Title: Environmental and Physiological Controls on Plant Leaf Wax δD from Western Greenland
Bush, S. E.
A11J-0197Abstract Title: Mobile Platforms for Continuous Spatial Measurements of Urban Trace Gases and Criteria Pollutants, A21A-0096Abstract Title: Spatial and Temporal Variations of EC and OC Aerosol Combustion Sources in a Polluted Metropolitan Area
Bushaw-Newton, K. L.
ED34B-01Abstract Title: Engaging students in the sciences--the community college experience
Bushra, N.
H13I-1696Abstract Title: Validity of Drought Indices as Drought Predictors in the South-Central United States
Bushuk, M.
C11D-05Abstract Title: External forcing modulates Pine Island Glacier flow, C51A-0675Abstract Title: Arctic Sea Ice Reemergence Mechanisms in a Model Hierarchy
Businger, S.
AE13A-01Abstract Title: Performance Improvements in Long-Range Lightning Detection Networks and their Application in Weather Forecasting, A51L-0235Abstract Title: Investigating Atmospheric Rivers using GPS TPW during CalWater 2015
Buske, S.
H11B-1327Abstract Title: The derivation of an anisotropic velocity model from a combined surface and borehole seismic survey at the COSC-1 borehole, central Sweden, S23C-2758Abstract Title: Velocity Structure in the West Bohemia Seismic Zone: Velocity Models Retrieved from different Earthquake Swarms , T23D-2983Abstract Title: Advanced Seismic Imaging Techniques Characterize the Alpine Fault at Whataroa (New Zealand)
Buss, H. L.
A33L-0383Abstract Title: Impacts of Dust on Tropical Volcanic Soil Formation: Insights from Strontium and Uranium-Series Isotopes in Soils from Basse-Terre Island, French Guadeloupe, EP34A-01Abstract Title: Seeking GUTH, the Grand Unified Theory of Hillslopes: Linking Weathering, Erosion and Landscapes, H51R-08Abstract Title: Understanding the architecture of the deep critical zone in the Rio Icacos watershed (Luquillo Critical Zone Observatory, Puerto Rico) using a combination of hydrogeophysical methods.
Bussettini, M.
PA53A-2226Abstract Title: The Italian Cloud-based brokering Infrastructure to sustain Interoperability for Operative Hydrology
Bussey, B.
P53G-06Abstract Title: Mini-RF and Arecibo Observatory Bistatic Observations of the Moon
Bussi, G.
H13L-1762Abstract Title: A national-scale analysis of the impacts of drought on water quality in UK rivers
Bussoletti, E.
P33E-05Abstract Title: Coma dust environment observed by GIADA during the Perihelion of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko.
Bussy-Virat, C.
SA13B-2347Abstract Title: Ensemble Simulations of the Thermosphere to Quantify the Relationship between Uncertainties in the Space Environment Drivers and the Orbital Position of LEO Satellites.
Bust, G.
SA31FAbstract Title: Medium- and Fine-Scale Ionospheric Structure I Posters, SA42AAbstract Title: Medium- and Fine-Scale Ionospheric Structure II, SH51B-2450Abstract Title: LEO Plasma Modeling Augmented with in-situ measurements
Bust, G. S.
SA13A-2337Abstract Title: Investigating Gravity Wave-Ionosphere Interactions Using The Transfer Function Model And An Ionosphere Model, SA22A-06Abstract Title: Estimate of Low/Mid-Latitude Conductances, Electric Potential and Neutral Winds using IDA4D and EMPIRE, SA23A-2323Abstract Title: Transequatorial HF Radio Observations of Bottomside Structure, SA24A-03Abstract Title: GUVI and SSUSI Observations of the St. Patrick's Day Storms, SA31E-2381Abstract Title: Assimilating Storm-time Neutral Winds in Ionospheric-Thermospheric State Estimation, SA31FAbstract Title: Medium- and Fine-Scale Ionospheric Structure I Posters, SA42AAbstract Title: Medium- and Fine-Scale Ionospheric Structure II
Bustamante, M.
B12E-07Abstract Title: Nitrogen Cycling In Latin America and : Drivers, Impacts And Vulnerabilities
Bustamante, W.
H21J-1531Abstract Title: Advantages of a Vertical High-Resolution Distributed-Temperature-Sensing System Used to Evaluate the Thermal Behavior of Green Roofs
Bustarret, G.
T43D-3035Abstract Title: A Tool to Assist Pressure Management by Detecting and Localizing Low Permeability Faults
Bustillos, J. O. V.
A23H-05Abstract Title: Measurements of in-situ SOA Formation Using an Oxidation Flow Reactor at GoAmazon2014/5, A31A-0010Abstract Title: OH observations in a tropical rain forest environment using a chemical ionization mass spectrometry technique during GOAmazon intensive campaigns, B43F-0612Abstract Title: Improved tropical forest biogenic VOC emission factors based on GoAmazon2014/5 airborne observations
Busto, J.
A51K-0217Abstract Title: Values of Deploying a Compact Polarimetric Radar to Monitor Extreme Precipitation in a Mountainous Area: Mineral County, Colorado, H53M-04Abstract Title: Fusing enhanced radar precipitation, in-situ hydrometeorological measurements and airborne LIDAR snowpack estimates in a hyper-resolution hydrologic model to improve seasonal water supply forecasts
Bustos, D.
PP11B-2240Abstract Title: Can isotopic variations in structural water of gypsum reveal paleoclimatic changes?
Bustos-Serrano, H.
OS22C-08Abstract Title: Variability on the Hypoxic Conditions in the Northwestern Region of the Baja California Peninsula
Buta-Neto, A.
T42C-02Abstract Title: Rapid long-wavelength uplift of the Angolan continental margin
Butala, M. D.
SM13F-08Abstract Title: Modeling the Ionosphere-Thermosphere-Electrodynamics System for Space Weather Specifications, Forecasts and Applications
Butcher, A.
S53B-2815Abstract Title: Towards an Improved Understanding of the Signal Generated by an Underground Explosion:Case Study – Wookey Hole Caves, Somerset, UK
Butcher, C. E.
ED22B-07Abstract Title: Using Place-Based Independent Class Projects as a Means to Hone Research Skills and Prepare a Future Geospatial Workforce, ED51C-0819Abstract Title: The use of Global Positioning System units and ArcGIS Online to engage K-12 Students in Research Being Done in their Local Communities
Butcher, J.
H21J-1535Abstract Title: Simulated Benefits of Green Infrastructure for Urban Stormwater Management under Climate Change in Different Hydroclimatic and Archetypal Urban Settings
Butenhoff, C. L.
A21H-0246Abstract Title: A novel approach to produce road-level inventories of on-road greenhouse gas and air pollutant emissions, A33C-0174Abstract Title: Recent trends in global methane emissions inferred from 30-years of surface CH4 and δ13C-CH4 measurements
Butera, D.
B11D-0471Abstract Title: Impacts of Activated Carbon Amendment on Hg Methylation, Demethylation and Microbial Activity in Marsh Soils, B13I-07Abstract Title: Biogeochemical and Hydrological Controls on Mercury and Methylmercury in First Order Coastal Plain Watersheds of the Chesapeake Bay
Butjosa, L.
V11D-3088Abstract Title: Variably Depleted Peridotites from Loma Caribe (Dominican Republic): A Possible Record of Subduction Initiation beneath the Greater Antilles Paleo-Arc
Butka, E.
PP13C-2301Abstract Title: An 8000 Year History of Fire and Productivity in a Nutrient-Poor Boreal Landscape Reconstructed from Two Lakes in Central Labrador.
Butkiewicz, L.
ED53B-0858Abstract Title: Advancing the Potential of Citizen Science for Urban Water Quality Monitoring: Exploring Research Design and Methodology in New York City
Butler, A. P.
H13D-1580Abstract Title: Monitoring and Modelling of Salinity Behaviour in Drinking Water Ponds in Southern Bangladesh, H31G-1511Abstract Title: Self-potential monitoring of seawater intrusion in a fractured coastal aquifer., H33C-1620Abstract Title: Controls on aquatic carbon cycling in a carbonate dominated groundwater catchment using dissolved oxygen dynamics, H33O-07Abstract Title: Windows of Opportunity for Groundwater Management
Butler, A. H.
A32F-03Abstract Title: Stratospheric Water Vapor, Tropical Tropopause Temperatures and Tropical Upwelling, A51H-0175Abstract Title: The Sudden Stratospheric Warming Atlas
Butler, B.
A41G-0141Abstract Title: Evaluation of a CFD-based Wind Model Optimized for ABL Flows: Comparisons with Observations from a Tall Isolated Mountain
Butler, B. J.
P31G-05Abstract Title: Longitude-resolved VLA Radio Maps of Jupiter
Butler, C. F.
A11A-0001Abstract Title: An Assessment of a Technique for Modeling Lidar Background Measurements, A23L-06Abstract Title: Aerosol Types using Passive Remote Sensing: Global Distribution, Consistency Check, Total-Column Investigation and Translation into Composition Derived from Climate and Chemical Transport Model, A41F-0122Abstract Title: LASE measurements of water vapor and aerosol profiles during the Plains Elevated Convection at Night (PECAN) field experiment, A54E-08Abstract Title: Injection of Lightning-Produced NOx, Water Vapor, Wildfire Emissions, and Stratospheric Air to the UT/LS as Observed from DC3 Measurements
Butler, E. E.
B51K-01Abstract Title: Global land model development: time to shift from a plant functional type to a plant functional trait approach, GC12C-04Abstract Title: Extreme temperature trends in major cropping systems and their relation to agricultural land use change
Butler, H.
C42B-05Abstract Title: Calculating LiDAR Point Cloud Uncertainty and Propagating Uncertainty to Snow-Water Equivalent Data Products
Butler, I. B.
T23B-2942Abstract Title: Monitoring fluid evolution in an Engineered Barrier System using NEO-magnets
Butler, J. H.
A14FAbstract Title: Understanding and Attributing Greenhouse Gas Fluxes from Urban Systems and Major Hotspots: 1. Linking Bottom-Up Data Products and Top-Down Observations I, A21GAbstract Title: Understanding and Attributing Greenhouse Gas Fluxes from Urban Systems and Major Hotspots: 1. Linking Bottom-Up Data Products and Top-Down Observations II Posters, A51N-0267Abstract Title: Using box models to quantify zonal distributions and emissions of halocarbons in the background atmosphere., B23G-0661Abstract Title: Progress in Developing an Integrated Global Greenhouse Gas Information System (IG3IS)
Butler, J. J.
A31H-03Abstract Title: An Overview of JPSS-1 VIIRS Pre-Launch Testing and Performanc
Butler, J. J. Jr
H14B-04Abstract Title: Prediction of Water-level Changes and Water Use in the High Plains Aquifer from Radar Precipitation, H21B-1366Abstract Title: A New Approach for Assessing Aquifer Sustainability and the Impact of Proposed Management Actions, NS52A-02Abstract Title: Groundwater flux characterization using distributed temperature sensing: Separating advection from thermal conduction
Butler, K. D.
B11G-0504Abstract Title: Dissolved Organic Carbon Dynamics Along Terrestrial-aquatic Flowpaths in a Catchment Dominated by Sandy Soils, B11G-0509Abstract Title: Organic Characteristics of High Sierra Nevada Snowfall during the Winter of 2014, B11G-0522Abstract Title: Dissolved Organic Matter Composition of Arctic Rivers: Linking Permafrost, Parent Material, and Groundwater to Riverine Carbon, B13J-08Abstract Title: Removal of terrestrial dissolved organic carbon in aquatic ecosystems of a temperate river network.
Butler, M. P.
A41I-0201Abstract Title: A Mesoscale Modeling Framework for Assessing Inversion Uncertainty Due to Atmospheric Transport in XCO2 Atmospheric Inversions, GC12B-04Abstract Title: If the North American carbon cycle was changing, would we notice?
Butler, M.
EP33A-1060Abstract Title: Identifying and Quantifying Sources of Fall Chinook Salmon Spawning Gravel to the Snake River in Hells Canyon
Butler, Q.
NS41B-1948Abstract Title: Using Ground Penetration Radar for Imaging and Mapping of Thin, Shallow Tsunami Deposits in Washington, Pacific Northwest United States , NS43B-1982Abstract Title: Locating Desired Source Rocks by Using Shallow Ground Penetrating Radar and Seismic Survey Methods in western Washington, Pacific Northwest of the U.S
Butler, S. L.
DI31B-2579Abstract Title: Partial Melt Systems in Plate-Driven Corner Flow: Evaluating the Formation of Porosity Bands as a Mechanism for Magma Focusing at Mid-Ocean Ridges, NS31A-1956Abstract Title: Forward Modeling of Electromagnetic Methods Using General Purpose Finite Element Software
Butler, T. M.
A21A-0054Abstract Title: The Influence of Atmospheric Conditions on the Production of Ozone during VOC Oxidation, A21A-0055Abstract Title: Source attribution of tropospheric ozone, B32DAbstract Title: Urban Areas and Global Change I, B33EAbstract Title: Urban Areas and Global Change III Posters, B33E-0776Abstract Title: Modeling Urban Air Quality in the Berlin-Brandenburg Region: Evaluation of a WRF-Chem Setup, B33E-0777Abstract Title: Effect of heat waves on VOC emissions from vegetation and urban air quality, B33HAbstract Title: Urban Areas and Global Change II, B34CAbstract Title: Urban Areas and Global Change IV
Butman, D. E.
B11GAbstract Title: Organic Matter as an Integrated Signal of Climate and Land Use Change from Source to Sea I Posters, B13JAbstract Title: Organic Matter as an Integrated Signal of Climate and Land Use Change from Source to Sea II, GC12B-10Abstract Title: Aquatic carbon fluxes from the conterminous US and Alaska, GC13F-1221Abstract Title: Dissolved Organic Carbon Fluxes in Rivers of the Conterminous United States: Influence of Terrestrial – Aquatic Linkages
Butnor, J. R.
B43I-0664Abstract Title: Characterizing Soil Organic Carbon Recalcitrance in Longleaf Pine (Pinus palustris Mill) Stands
Buto, S.
H42B-05Abstract Title: Interpreting high-frequency sensor data to quantify spatial and temporal variability in the source and transport of water and solutes at the catchment scale
Butscher, C.
H42C-07Abstract Title: Dynamic Vulnerability of Karst Systems: a Concept to understand qualitative and quantitative Aspects of Karst springs due to Changes in Groundwater Recharge
Butt, E. W.
A11M-0230Abstract Title: The impact of residential combustion emissions on atmospheric aerosol, human health and climate, GC42B-05Abstract Title: Air quality and human health improvements from reduced deforestation in Brazil
Butt, N.
ED53A-0850Abstract Title: Geo-Sandbox: An Interactive Geoscience Training Tool with Analytics to Better Understand Student Problem Solving Approaches
Buttafuoco, G.
B43A-0522Abstract Title: Validation of Landsat 8 satellite-derived LAI from field measurements in a durum-wheat cropped area in south-eastern Italy
Butterbach-Bahl, K.
B11A-0407Abstract Title: Quantifying GHG Emissions From Terrestrial Ecosystems In Africa – The Crucial Role Of Livestock Systems
Butterbach-Bahl, K.
B11A-0412Abstract Title: Field Studies Show That In Situ Greenhouse Gas Emission Factors for East African Agriculture Are Less Than IPCC Values
Butterfield, D. A.
OS43A-1994Abstract Title: Integrated Data from the NEPTUNE Observatory Highlight the Role of Sub-seafloor Processes in Rapid Temperature, Salinity, and Heat spiking after Seismic Activity.
Butterfield, D. A.
PP53B-2336Abstract Title: Field Calibration of the δ11B-pH Proxy in Corals and Calcified Algae at a Shallow Hydrothermal Vent and Adjacent Coral Reef
Butterfield, Z.
A41I-0196Abstract Title: Using Chlorophyll Fluorescence to Assess the Impact of Agriculture on Northern Hemisphere CO2 Seasonality
Butterworth, A.
P11D-04Abstract Title: Lab-on-a-Chip Instrumentation and Method for Detecting Trace Organic and Bioorganic Molecules in Planetary Exploration: The Enceladus Organic Analyzer (EOA)
Butterworth, N. P.
DI13B-2663Abstract Title: Subduction trench migration since the Cretaceous, T13A-2975Abstract Title: Rift strength controls rapid plate accelerations: A global analysis of Pangea fragmentation
Butterworth, P.
T11B-2875Abstract Title: Archaean Crustal Growth, Proterozoic Terrane Amalgamation and the Pan-African Orogeny, as Recorded in the NE African Sedimentary Record.
Buttinelli, M.
S13B-2799Abstract Title: High Resolution Vp and Vp/Vs Local Earthquake Tomography of the Val d'Agri Region (Southern Apennines, Italy)., S13B-2800Abstract Title: Reactivation of compressional pre-existing structures in an extensional regime by wastewater re-injection induced seismicity: a Southern Appennine (Italy) oilfield case study, S13B-2801Abstract Title: A detailed analysis of micro-seismicity induced by a high-rate wastewater disposal well in the Val d’Agri oilfield (Italy)
Buttle, J. M.
H11C-1344Abstract Title: Relationships between vegetation dynamics and hydroclimatic drivers in the northern high-latitude uplands, H11F-1411Abstract Title: Land cover controls on depression-focused recharge: an example from southern Ontario, H33M-08Abstract Title: VeWa: Assessing Vegetation Effects on Water Flows and Mixing in Northern Mountain Environments using Stable Isotopes and Conceptual Runoff Models
Buttler, A.
GC11F-1086Abstract Title: Divergent environmental filters drive functional segregation of European peatlands
Buttler, A.
B53D-0599Abstract Title: Interactive effects of altitude and management on resistance and resilience of permanent grasslands to drought: combining agronomic, functional and ecophysiological approaches Buttler, A., Deleglise, C., Signarbieux, C., Meisser, M., Mosimann, E., Mills, R.
Buttles, J. L.
EP24B-08Abstract Title: Mud-laden Gravity Flows – The fun of mixing clays…
Button, N.
V51D-3065Abstract Title: Overlapping Ballistic Ejecta Fields: Separating Distinct Blasts at Kings Bowl, Idaho
Butz, A.
A41I-0175Abstract Title: Quick, light and tunable data processing for GOSAT target observations using RemoTeC retrieval algorithm
Buur, H.
IN11D-1794Abstract Title: The NEON Science Commissioning Plan: Strategies for Confirming System Operation
Buurman, H.
V14B-03Abstract Title: Eruption Forecasting in Alaska: A Retrospective and Test of the Distal VT Model, V31B-3016Abstract Title: Temporal Changes of Seismic Properties During Inter-Eruption Periods of Redoubt Volcano
Buxbaum, T. M.
B31D-0600Abstract Title: Achieving the NOAA Arctic Action Plan: The Missing Permafrost Element – Permafrost Forecasting Listening Session Results, GC11DAbstract Title: Communication as a Driver of Landscape Change Posters
Buxner, S.
ED11AAbstract Title: Educator Professional Development and Student Programs Promoting Authentic Scientific Research I Posters, ED11EAbstract Title: Professional Development for Graduate Students in the Geosciences Posters, ED14AAbstract Title: Educator Professional Development and Student Programs Promoting Authentic Scientific Research II, ED42AAbstract Title: Tools, Resources, and Lessons Learned for Scientists and Engineers Engaging in Education and Public Outreach I, ED42A-07Abstract Title: The Year of the Solar System Undergraduate Research Conference: Bringing Student Researchers and Scientists Together in a Professional Conference Setting, ED42A-08Abstract Title: Lessons Learned at LPI for Scientists in Education and Public Outreach, ED43AAbstract Title: Public STEM Events Posters, ED43A-0868Abstract Title: Evaluation of International Observe the Moon Night: Outcomes, Challenges, and Lessons Learned from Six Years of Data Collection, ED43DAbstract Title: Tools, Resources, and Lessons Learned for Scientists and Engineers Engaging in Education and Public Outreach II Posters, ED43D-0895Abstract Title: NASA Science Mission Directorate Forum Support of Scientists and Engineers to Engage in Education and Outreach, ED53AAbstract Title: Assessment and Research in Online and Virtual Science Learning Environments Posters, ED53A-0842Abstract Title: Astronomy for Astronomical Numbers - Education and Public Outreach with Massive Open Online Classes, ED53A-0844Abstract Title: Data-Driven Design: Learning from Student Experiences and Behaviors, ED53DAbstract Title: Sharing Best Practices and Effective Models for Program Evaluation and Demonstrating the Impact of Your Education and Public Outreach Programs Posters
Buxton, C.
A23E-0361Abstract Title: Evaluating the effects of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation on winter precipitation in the Cascades using a mixed-physics WRF ensemble
Buxton, T. H.
EP13C-02Abstract Title: What is Hidden in Hiding Functions? The Influence of Packing on Size-Selective Transport, EP51C-0615Abstract Title: Flume Experiments on the Influence of Salmon Spawning Density on Grain Stability and Bedload Transport in Gravel-bed Streams
Buylaert, J. P.
EP41A-0905Abstract Title: Fluvial fan evolution during Late Quaternary climate changes: field and chronological constraints from the Indo–Gangetic basin
Buzan, J. R.
GC23H-1204Abstract Title: Influence of Solar and Thermal Radiation on Future Heat Stress Using CMIP5 Archive Driving the Community Land Model Version 4.5, GC31C-1187Abstract Title: Future Projections from the Effects of Heat Stress on Livestock: for the US and New England Region
Buzanowicz, M. E.
SA13A-2332Abstract Title: Simultaneous Antarctic Gravity Wave Observations in PMCs from the AIM Satellite and PMSE Observations from PANSY Radar
Buzulukova, N.
SM32AAbstract Title: Origins of Extreme Events in the Geospace I, SM32A-06Abstract Title: Global differences between moderate and large storms, SM41CAbstract Title: Origins of Extreme Events in the Geospace II Posters, SM41C-2496Abstract Title: Modeling Earth's Ring Current Using The CIMI Model, SM41C-2497Abstract Title: Modeling the Severe Storm on St. Patrick’s Day 2015, SM41C-2500Abstract Title: Global Magnetosphere Evolution During 22 June 2015 Geomagnetic Storm as Seen From Multipoint Observations and Comparison With MHD–Ring Rurrent Model, SM52A-04Abstract Title: New Insights on Ring Current-Radiation Belt Dynamics from Observation and Simulation Studies
Buzzard, S. C.
C41E-05Abstract Title: Mathematical Modelling of Melt Lake Formation On An Ice Shelf
Byambasuren, O.
PP43F-08Abstract Title: 2000 Years of Drought Variability in Inner Asia from Tree Rings
Bybee, G. M.
T31F-2904Abstract Title: Slowly ascending magmas in long-lived accretionary orogens: unraveling temporal variations in the Cordilleran-style Sveconorwegian Orogeny
Bychkov, A.
MR41A-2612Abstract Title: Carbonate Reservoirs Within Abalak Сlay Rocks and Bazhenov Shales in the Central West Siberia
Bydlon, S. A.
S43B-2787Abstract Title: A Framework for the Validation of Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis Maps Using Strong Ground Motion Data
Bydlowski, D.
ED51C-0830Abstract Title: AEROKATS and ROVER
Bye, B. L.
PA31A-2148Abstract Title: A Multipurpose Method for Global Capacity Building in Using Earth Observations for Wetlands and Biodiversity
Byerly, G. R.
V44A-07Abstract Title: Detrital Zircon Geochronology and Petrology of Sediments from the Barberton greenstone belt: Implications for Provenance and Tectonic Reconstructions
Byers, C.
T11E-2952Abstract Title: Tectonic geomorphology of large normal faults bounding the Cuzco rift basin within the southern Peruvian Andes
Byers, L. C.
C43B-0800Abstract Title: Variability of subglacial discharge recorded with thermal infrared timelapse of a tidewater glacier, West Greenland, C43E-07Abstract Title: Patterns of Rapid Deceleration Observed at Two Tidewater Outlet Glaciers in West Greenland
Bykayev, R.
AE31B-0430Abstract Title: Scientific Lightning Detection Network for Kazakhstan
Bykerk-Kauffman, A.
EP33E-07Abstract Title: Early Pliocene Hiatus in Sand Output by the Colorado River: Evidence From Marine Deposits in the Salton Trough, Southern California
Bykov, M.
MR13C-2706Abstract Title: High-pressure behavior of Fe-bearing silicate garnets up to 100 GPa
Bykova, E.
MR13C-2706Abstract Title: High-pressure behavior of Fe-bearing silicate garnets up to 100 GPa, MR23B-2648Abstract Title: Discovery of New Iron Oxide Fe7O9 and its Solid Solution, (Mg,Fe2+)3Fe3+4O9, V14C-04Abstract Title: Iron carbonates in the Earth’s lower mantle: reality or imagination?
Bym, T.
H53I-02Abstract Title: The Stochastic-Deterministic Transition in Discrete Fracture Network Models and its Implementation in a Safety Assessment Application by Means of Conditional Simulation
Byna, S.
A33A-0122Abstract Title: Enabling Efficient Climate Science Workflows in High Performance Computing Environments
Byon, J. Y.
OS53B-2017Abstract Title: Annual and seasonal variation of sea surface salinity retrieved from NASA Aquarius satellite in the northwestern Pacific Ocean
Byoung Choel, C.
A51K-0216Abstract Title: Characteristics of Heavy Snowfall and Snow Crystal Habits in the ESSAY (Experiment on Snow Storms At Yeongdong) Campaign in Korea
Byrd, K. B.
GC11B-1045Abstract Title: What is the value of biomass remote sensing data for blue carbon inventories?, GC11B-1047Abstract Title: A Carbon Monitoring System Approach to US Coastal Wetland Carbon Fluxes: Progress Towards a Tier II Accounting Method with Uncertainty Quantification 
Byrdina, S.
V12B-07Abstract Title: Electrical Resistivity Monitoring of an Active Hydrothermal Degassing Area at Solfatara, Phlegrean Fields., V13C-3157Abstract Title: The Anatomy of a Fumarole inferred from a 3-D High-Resolution Electrical Resistivity Image of Solfatara Hydrothermal System (Phlegrean Fields, Italy)
Byrne, C.
EP41E-08Abstract Title: A numerical investigation of the impacts of river and floodplain restoration on the process of floodwave attenuation
Byrne, D. J.
H21E-1426Abstract Title: Noble gas partitioning behavior in the Sleipner Vest hydrocarbon field
Byrne, J. M.
GC31FAbstract Title: Climate Change Solutions I, GC32AAbstract Title: Climate Change Solutions II, GC33AAbstract Title: Climate Change Solutions III Posters, GC33A-1253Abstract Title: Integrating climate change mitigation, adaptation, communication and education strategies in Matanzas Province, Cuba: A Citizen Science Approach, GC33A-1254Abstract Title: Climate Change Science, Impacts, Solutions – A Senior Science Course for Post-Secondary Students, GC51D-1111Abstract Title: High Resolution Modelling of Climate Change Impacts on Water Supply and Demand, Crop Nutrient Usage and GHG emissions, Similkameen Watershed, British Columbia, Canada, U13AAbstract Title: Reticent Researchers! Are We Failing Humanity?
Byrne, J.
SH21B-2410Abstract Title: HELCATS – Heliospheric Cataloguing, Analysis and Techniques Service, SH53A-2466Abstract Title: First Results on Visualization and Verification of the STEREO Heliospheric Imager CME Catalogue with In Situ Data from the Heliophysics System Observatory
Byrne, P. K.
DI11C-2615Abstract Title: Upper Mantle Discontinuity Structure Beneath the Western Atlantic Ocean and Eastern North America from SS Precursors, GP33A-03Abstract Title: Mercury’s Crustal Magnetic Field from Low-Altitude Measurements by MESSENGER., MR41D-2679Abstract Title: Bimodality of Pure Compaction Bands, Buckskin Gulch, Utah, P31HAbstract Title: Volcanism and Tectonism across the Solar System I, P33CAbstract Title: Volcanism and Tectonism across the Solar System II Posters, P41FAbstract Title: Mercury after MESSENGER I, P41F-06Abstract Title: Amount, Timing, and Rate of Global Contraction on Mercury, P51D-02Abstract Title: Understanding the Interior Evolution of Mercury from Its Tectonic History, P53AAbstract Title: Mercury after MESSENGER II Posters, P53A-2100Abstract Title: Widespread Plains Volcanism on Mercury Ended by 3.6 Ga, P53A-2105Abstract Title: Mercury’s global evolution: New views from MESSENGER, P53A-2106Abstract Title: THE FIRST GLOBAL GEOLOGICAL MAP OF MERCURY
Byrne, R.
GP51A-1320Abstract Title: The Record of Geomagnetic Excursions from a ~150 m Sediment Core: Clear Lake, Northern California
Byrne, S.
P11B-2078Abstract Title: The Colour and Stereo Surface Imaging System (CaSSIS) on ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO): Building on orbital imaging from MRO and Mars Express, P53E-2187Abstract Title: Geomorphological Evidence for Pervasive Ground Ice on Ceres from Dawn Observations of Craters and Flows., P53E-2188Abstract Title: Behavior and Stability of Ground Ice on Ceres: Initial Clues from Dawn
Byrne, T. B.
S31A-2702Abstract Title: Continental subduction induced tremor activity?, T32B-02Abstract Title: Extreme landscape disequilibrium and slow erosion during rapid mountain building, T33A-2913Abstract Title: Pleistocene onset of Simultaneous and Rapid Exhumation in the Eastern Central Range of the Taiwan Orogenic Belt, T33A-2914Abstract Title: Linking Anomalously Low Topographic Relief in the Taiwan Arc-Continent Collision to a Submarine Plateau South of the Collision., T41BAbstract Title: Active Tectonics, Earthquake Geology, and Surface Processes in South and East Asia I Posters, T43AAbstract Title: Active Tectonics, Earthquake Geology, and Surface Processes in South and East Asia II Posters, T52AAbstract Title: Active Tectonics, Earthquake Geology, and Surface Processes in South and East Asia III, T53AAbstract Title: Active Tectonics, Earthquake Geology, and Surface Processes in South and East Asia IV, T53A-05Abstract Title: Geomorphic Indices and Differential Uplift Patterns in the Southern Central Range, Taiwan, T53A-07Abstract Title: Exploring Controls on Sinuousity, Terraces and River Capture in the Upper Dajia River, Taiwan, T54AAbstract Title: Active Tectonics, Earthquake Geology, and Surface Processes in South and East Asia V
Byrnes, J. S.
T41D-2924Abstract Title: How simple is the oceanic asthenosphere? Seismological insights for the Juan de Fuca and Gorda plates from Cascadia Initiative and Blanco Experiment data
Bytheway, J. L.
A21E-0193Abstract Title: An object-based assessment of the High Resolution Rapid Refresh Model over the western US
Byun, J.
GP13A-1272Abstract Title: Finite Element Based Anisotropic 3D Inversion of Marine CSEM Data, NS31A-1947Abstract Title: Controlled Source Magnetics: A Method for Imaging High-resolution Near-surface Magnetic Heterogeneity, NS51A-1964Abstract Title: Effective CO2 sequestration monitoring using joint inversion result of seismic and electromagnetic data, NS53A-05Abstract Title: 3D joint inversion using seismic data and marine controlled-source electromagnetic data for evaluating gas hydrate concentrations, S23B-2700Abstract Title: Converted-waves Imaging Condition for Elastic Reverse-Time Migration with Decomposed Wavefields
Bywater-Reyes, S.
EP53E-03Abstract Title: Sensitivity analysis of channel-bend hydraulics influenced by vegetation 
Bzeznik, B.
S53A-2767Abstract Title: RESIF Seismology Datacentre : Recently Released Data and New Services. Computing with Dense Seisimic Networks Data.
Bzowski, M.
SH41E-2403Abstract Title: Observing the Interstellar Neutral He Gas Flow with a Variable IBEX Pointing Strategy, SH41E-2405Abstract Title: IBEX-Lo Observations of Secondary Interstellar Helium and Oxygen Distributions, SH41E-2407Abstract Title: Hypothetical signals beyond the primary ISN He flow as perspective targets for IMAP, SH41E-2412Abstract Title: Modeling of the solar cycle modulated interstellar He, Ne, and O pick-up ion flux along the Earth orbit, SH52B-04Abstract Title: Interstellar neutral flow characteristics, composition, and interaction with the heliosphere – neutral gas and pickup ion analysis from ongoing observations and perspectives for IMAP, SH53C-03Abstract Title: Probing the Boundaries of the Heliosphere by Analyzing the Temporal Variation of the Polar ENA Flux, SH53C-05Abstract Title: Helium Energetic Neutral Atoms - a New Perspective for Heliospheric and Extraheliospheric Observations with IMAP, SH53C-09Abstract Title: The local interstellar medium based on ISN He observations with Ulysses and IBEX and future IMAP measurements